Dataset Viewer
Auto-converted to Parquet
0 SECTION 2 HEADER 9 $ACADVER 1 AC1009 9 $DWGCODEPAGE 3 dos932 9 $INSBASE 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 9 $EXTMIN 10 -425.5000000000 20 -300.5000000000 9 $EXTMAX 10 425.5000000000 20 300.5000000000 9 $LIMMIN 10 -425.5000000000 20 -300.5000000000 9 $LIMMAX 10 425.5000000000 20 300.5000000000 9 $VIEWCTR 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 9 $VIEWSIZE 40 0.0000000000 9 $SNAPMODE 70 0 9 $SNAPUNIT 10 20.0 20 20.0 9 $SNAPBASE 10 5.000000 20 5.000000 9 $SNAPANG 50 0.0 9 $SNAPSTYLE 70 0 9 $SNAPISOPAIR 70 0 9 $GRIDMODE 70 1 9 $GRIDUNIT 10 5.000000 20 5.000000 9 $ORTHOMODE 70 0 9 $REGENMODE 70 0 9 $FILLMODE 70 1 9 $QTEXTMODE 70 0 9 $DRAGMODE 70 1 9 $LTSCALE 40 1.0 9 $OSMODE 70 0 9 $ATTMODE 70 1 9 $TEXTSIZE 40 5.000000 9 $TRACEWID 40 0.05 9 $TEXTSTYLE 7 STANDARD 9 $CLAYER 8 2 9 $CELTYPE 6 CONTINUOUS 9 $CECOLOR 62 7 9 $DIMSCALE 40 1.0000000000 9 $DIMASZ 40 2.0000000000 9 $DIMEXO 40 0.0000000000 9 $DIMDLI 40 0.000000 9 $DIMRND 40 0.0 9 $DIMDLE 40 0.0 9 $DIMEXE 40 1.0000000000 9 $DIMTP 40 0.0 9 $DIMTM 40 0.0 9 $DIMTXT 40 5.000000 9 $DIMCEN 40 0.09 9 $DIMTSZ 40 0.0 9 $DIMTOL 70 0 9 $DIMLIM 70 0 9 $DIMTIH 70 0 9 $DIMTOH 70 0 9 $DIMSE1 70 0 9 $DIMSE2 70 0 9 $DIMTAD 70 1 9 $DIMZIN 70 0 9 $DIMBLK 1 9 $DIMASO 70 1 9 $DIMSHO 70 0 9 $DIMPOST 1 9 $DIMAPOST 1 9 $DIMALT 70 0 9 $DIMALTD 70 0 9 $DIMCLRD 70 7 9 $DIMCLRE 70 7 9 $DIMCLRT 70 7 9 $DIMALTF 40 25.4 9 $DIMLFAC 40 1.0 9 $DIMTOFL 70 0 9 $DIMTVP 40 0.0 9 $DIMTIX 70 0 9 $DIMSOXD 70 0 9 $DIMSAH 70 0 9 $LUNITS 70 2 9 $LUPREC 70 4 9 $AXISMODE 70 0 9 $AXISUNIT 10 0.0 20 0.0 9 $SKETCHINC 40 0.1 9 $FILLETRAD 40 0.0 9 $AUNITS 70 0 9 $AUPREC 70 0 9 $MENU 1 ACAD 9 $ELEVATION 40 0.0 9 $THICKNESS 40 0.0 9 $VIEWDIR 10 0.0 20 0.0 30 1.0 9 $LIMCHECK 70 0 9 $BLIPMODE 70 1 9 $CHAMFERA 40 0.0 9 $CHAMFERB 40 0.0 9 $FASTZOOM 70 1 9 $SKPOLY 70 0 9 $TDCREATE 40 2460033.0000000051 9 $TDUPDATE 40 2460033.0000000051 9 $TDINDWG 40 0.0000000000 9 $TDUSRTIMER 40 0.0000000000 9 $USRTIMER 70 1 9 $ANGBASE 50 0.0 9 $ANGDIR 70 0 9 $PDMODE 70 65 9 $PDSIZE 40 0.2 9 $PLINEWID 40 0.0 9 $COORDS 70 2 9 $USERI1 70 0 9 $USERI2 70 0 9 $USERI3 70 0 9 $USERI4 70 0 9 $USERI5 70 0 9 $USERR1 40 0.0 9 $USERR2 40 0.0 9 $USERR3 40 0.0 9 $USERR4 40 0.0 9 $USERR5 40 0.0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 TABLES 0 TABLE 2 LTYPE 70 9 0 LTYPE 2 CONTINUOUS 70 64 3 Solid line 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 LTYPE 2 DASHED 70 64 3 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 72 65 73 2 40 3.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 HIDDEN 70 64 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 65 73 2 40 1.5 49 1.0 49 -0.5 0 LTYPE 2 CENTER 70 64 3 ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ 72 65 73 4 40 24.0 49 20.0 49 -1.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 PHANTOM 70 64 3 _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ ____ 72 65 73 6 40 27.0 49 20.0 49 -1.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 DOT 70 64 3 ............................................... 72 65 73 2 40 1.5 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 DASHDOT 70 64 3 __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ 72 65 73 4 40 8.5 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 DIVIDE 70 64 3 __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ 72 65 73 6 40 10.0 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 BORDER 70 64 3 __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ 72 65 73 6 40 15.5 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 LAYER 70 4 0 LAYER 2 0 70 64 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 2 1 70 64 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 2 2 70 64 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 2 DEFPOINTS 70 0 62 -7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 STYLE 70 1 0 STYLE 2 STANDARD 70 64 40 0.0 41 1.0 71 0 42 5.000000 3 TXT 4 EXTFONT 50 0.0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 VIEW 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 BLOCKS 0 BLOCK 8 0 2 CI 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 0 CIRCLE 8 0 62 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 40 0.1666666666 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D0 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D0 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 126.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 112.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 126.5000000000 20 201.0000000000 11 112.0000000000 21 201.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 113.0000000000 20 201.0000000000 11 113.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.4823619098 20 122.9318516526 11 113.5176380902 21 122.9318516526 12 113.0000000000 22 121.0000000000 13 113.0000000000 23 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 113.5176380902 20 199.0681483474 11 112.4823619098 21 199.0681483474 12 113.0000000000 22 201.0000000000 13 113.0000000000 23 201.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.000000 20 159.788760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 112.000000 21 162.211240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 126.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 126.5000000000 20 201.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 113.0000000000 20 201.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 LTEX0 70 0 10 138.1820000000 20 204.1820000000 3 LTEX0 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 138.2413061186 20 206.1811205027 11 139.2329208566 21 205.8836360813 12 138.1820000000 22 204.1820000000 13 138.1820000000 23 204.1820000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 141.127400 20 215.000000 40 5.000000 1 2-N8 41 0.796813 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 151.127400 21 215.000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 138.1820000000 20 204.1820000000 11 141.1274000000 21 214.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 141.1274000000 20 214.0000000000 11 151.1274000000 21 214.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D1 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D1 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 243.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 264.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 243.5000000000 20 201.0000000000 11 264.0000000000 21 201.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 263.0000000000 20 201.0000000000 11 263.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 262.4823619098 20 122.9318516526 11 263.5176380902 21 122.9318516526 12 263.0000000000 22 121.0000000000 13 263.0000000000 23 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 263.5176380902 20 199.0681483474 11 262.4823619098 21 199.0681483474 12 263.0000000000 22 201.0000000000 13 263.0000000000 23 201.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 262.000000 20 159.788760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 262.000000 21 162.211240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 243.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 243.5000000000 20 201.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 263.0000000000 20 201.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 LTEX1 70 0 10 238.1820000000 20 204.1820000000 3 LTEX1 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 239.3671567486 20 205.7930255992 11 240.0138886513 21 204.9846107208 12 238.1820000000 22 204.1820000000 13 238.1820000000 23 204.1820000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 250.000000 20 214.636400 40 5.000000 1 2-NA8 41 0.786164 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 262.500000 21 214.636400 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 238.1820000000 20 204.1820000000 11 250.0000000000 21 213.6364000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 250.0000000000 20 213.6364000000 11 262.5000000000 21 213.6364000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 LTEX2 70 0 10 244.0000000000 20 210.0000000000 3 LTEX2 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 244.5176359081 20 211.9318522373 11 245.4142119650 21 211.4142151598 12 244.0000000000 22 210.0000000000 13 244.0000000000 23 210.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 251.323900 20 223.685400 40 5.000000 1 4-C2以下 41 0.824742 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 271.323900 21 223.685400 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 244.0000000000 20 210.0000000000 11 251.3239000000 21 222.6854000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 251.3239000000 20 222.6854000000 11 271.3239000000 21 222.6854000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D2 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D2 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 135.0000000000 20 112.5000000000 11 135.0000000000 21 95.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 108.0000000000 11 125.0000000000 21 95.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 11 135.0000000000 21 96.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 133.0681483474 20 95.4823619098 11 133.0681483474 21 96.5176380902 12 135.0000000000 22 96.0000000000 13 135.0000000000 23 96.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 126.9318516526 20 96.5176380902 11 126.9318516526 21 95.4823619098 12 125.0000000000 22 96.0000000000 13 125.0000000000 23 96.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 128.750000 20 97.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 131.250000 21 97.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 135.0000000000 20 112.5000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 108.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D3 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D3 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 126.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 112.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 124.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 112.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 113.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 113.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 113.5176380902 20 119.0681483474 11 112.4823619098 21 119.0681483474 12 113.0000000000 22 121.0000000000 13 113.0000000000 23 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.4823619098 20 112.9318516526 11 113.5176380902 21 112.9318516526 12 113.0000000000 22 111.0000000000 13 113.0000000000 23 111.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.000000 20 114.788760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 112.000000 21 117.211240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 126.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 124.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 113.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D4 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D4 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 135.0000000000 20 112.5000000000 11 135.0000000000 21 95.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 235.0000000000 20 112.5000000000 11 235.0000000000 21 95.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 235.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 11 135.0000000000 21 96.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 136.9318516526 20 96.5176380902 11 136.9318516526 21 95.4823619098 12 135.0000000000 22 96.0000000000 13 135.0000000000 23 96.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 233.0681483474 20 95.4823619098 11 233.0681483474 21 96.5176380902 12 235.0000000000 22 96.0000000000 13 235.0000000000 23 96.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 183.750000 20 97.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 186.250000 21 97.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 135.0000000000 20 112.5000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 235.0000000000 20 112.5000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 235.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D5 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D5 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 243.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 264.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 246.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 264.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 263.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 263.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 263.5176380902 20 119.0681483474 11 262.4823619098 21 119.0681483474 12 263.0000000000 22 121.0000000000 13 263.0000000000 23 121.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 262.4823619098 20 112.9318516526 11 263.5176380902 21 112.9318516526 12 263.0000000000 22 111.0000000000 13 263.0000000000 23 111.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 262.000000 20 114.788760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 262.000000 21 117.211240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 243.5000000000 20 121.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 246.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 263.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D6 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D6 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 110.0000000000 11 125.0000000000 21 89.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 245.0000000000 20 110.0000000000 11 245.0000000000 21 89.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 245.0000000000 20 90.0000000000 11 125.0000000000 21 90.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 126.9318516526 20 90.5176380902 11 126.9318516526 21 89.4823619098 12 125.0000000000 22 90.0000000000 13 125.0000000000 23 90.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 243.0681483474 20 89.4823619098 11 243.0681483474 21 90.5176380902 12 245.0000000000 22 90.0000000000 13 245.0000000000 23 90.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 183.750000 20 91.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 186.250000 21 91.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 110.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 245.0000000000 20 110.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 245.0000000000 20 90.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D7 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D7 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 124.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 106.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 124.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 106.0000000000 21 211.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 107.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 107.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 106.4823619098 20 112.9318516526 11 107.5176380902 21 112.9318516526 12 107.0000000000 22 111.0000000000 13 107.0000000000 23 111.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 107.5176380902 20 209.0681483474 11 106.4823619098 21 209.0681483474 12 107.0000000000 22 211.0000000000 13 107.0000000000 23 211.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 106.000000 20 159.788760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 106.000000 21 162.211240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 124.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 124.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 107.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D8 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D8 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 108.0000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 95.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 108.0000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 95.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 96.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 299.9318516526 20 96.5176380902 11 299.9318516526 21 95.4823619098 12 298.0000000000 22 96.0000000000 13 298.0000000000 23 96.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 303.0681483474 20 95.4823619098 11 303.0681483474 21 96.5176380902 12 305.0000000000 22 96.0000000000 13 305.0000000000 23 96.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 300.250000 20 97.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 302.750000 21 97.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 108.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 108.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 415.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 415.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 415.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 415.0000000000 20 5.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 5.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 37.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 29.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 29.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 21.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 21.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.0000000000 20 5.0000000000 11 45.0000000000 21 37.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 60.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 80.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 320.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.000000 20 274.500000 40 5.000000 1 表面処理 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 25.000000 21 274.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 25.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 25.0000000000 21 254.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 285.500000 40 5.000000 1 メーカ 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 22.500000 21 285.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 281.500000 40 5.000000 1 出荷日 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 22.500000 21 281.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 254.0000000000 11 110.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 254.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 254.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 268.0000000000 11 110.0000000000 21 268.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 274.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 274.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 280.0000000000 11 204.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 130.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 130.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 160.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 160.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 204.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 204.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 286.0000000000 11 160.0000000000 21 286.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 377.500000 20 286.500000 40 5.000000 1 株式会社ミスミ 41 0.872818 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 412.500000 21 286.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 375.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 375.0000000000 21 286.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 375.0000000000 20 286.0000000000 11 415.0000000000 21 286.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 10.000000 20 268.500000 40 5.000000 1 材質 41 0.921659 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 20.000000 21 268.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.925926 20 255.500000 40 5.000000 1 受注No. 41 0.837321 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 23.425926 21 255.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 262.0000000000 11 110.0000000000 21 262.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 262.500000 40 5.000000 1 熱処理 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 22.500000 21 262.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 62.105263 20 30.500000 40 5.000000 1 商品名 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 77.105263 21 30.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 62.105263 20 6.500000 40 5.000000 1 備 考 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 77.105263 21 6.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.000000 20 22.500000 40 5.000000 1 ユーザ名 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 80.000000 21 22.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 13.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 13.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.000000 20 14.500000 40 5.000000 1 注文番号 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 80.000000 21 14.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 5.916667 40 3.500000 1 400<L≦1000 41 0.867303 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 42.500000 21 5.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 9.250000 20 11.250000 40 3.500000 1 120<L≦400 41 0.868726 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 40.750000 21 11.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 11.000000 20 16.583333 40 3.500000 1 30<L≦120 41 0.870511 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 39.000000 21 16.583333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 14.500000 20 21.916667 40 3.500000 1 6<L≦30 41 0.875912 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 35.500000 21 21.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 16.250000 20 27.250000 40 3.500000 1 3<L≦6 41 0.880282 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 33.750000 21 27.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 19.750000 20 32.583333 40 3.500000 1 L寸法 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 30.250000 21 32.583333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 5.916667 40 3.500000 1 ±0.8 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 5.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 11.250000 40 3.500000 1 ±0.5 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 11.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 16.583333 40 3.500000 1 ±0.3 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 16.583333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 21.916667 40 3.500000 1 ±0.2 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 21.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 27.250000 40 3.500000 1 ±0.1 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 27.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 47.250000 20 32.583333 40 3.500000 1 L公差 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 57.750000 21 32.583333 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 31.6666665000 11 60.0000000000 21 31.6666665000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 26.3333332000 11 5.0000000000 21 26.3333332000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 20.9999999000 11 60.0000000000 21 20.9999999000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 15.6666666000 11 5.0000000000 21 15.6666666000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 10.3333333000 11 60.0000000000 21 10.3333333000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.0000000000 20 280.0000000000 11 80.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 86.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 86.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.500000 20 286.333333 40 5.000000 1 数 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 85.500000 21 286.333333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.500000 20 280.666667 40 5.000000 1 量 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 85.500000 21 280.666667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.500000 20 286.500000 40 5.000000 1 受注日 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 127.500000 21 286.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.500000 20 280.500000 40 5.000000 1 納 期 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 127.500000 21 280.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 166.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 166.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 182.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 182.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 188.0000000000 20 280.0000000000 11 188.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 160.500000 20 286.333333 40 5.000000 1 場 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 165.500000 21 286.333333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 160.500000 20 280.666667 40 5.000000 1 所 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 165.500000 21 280.666667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 182.500000 20 286.333333 40 5.000000 1 区 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 187.500000 21 286.333333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 182.500000 20 280.666667 40 5.000000 1 分 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 187.500000 21 280.666667 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 127.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 125.0000000000 21 209.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 243.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 245.0000000000 21 209.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 127.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 243.0000000000 21 211.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 113.0000000000 11 127.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 245.0000000000 20 113.0000000000 11 243.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 127.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 243.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 125.0000000000 20 209.0000000000 11 125.0000000000 21 113.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 245.0000000000 20 209.0000000000 11 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0 INSERT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 LTEX2 10 244.0000000000 20 210.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 127.500000 20 95.880000 40 5.000000 1 10 41 0.854701 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 132.500000 21 95.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D2 10 125.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 11 130.0000000000 21 99.5000000000 70 0 13 135.0000000000 23 112.5000000000 14 125.0000000000 24 108.0000000000 50 0.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 113.120000 20 113.577519 40 5.000000 1 10 41 0.828199 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 113.120000 21 118.422481 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D3 10 113.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 109.5000000000 21 116.0000000000 70 0 13 126.5000000000 23 121.0000000000 14 124.0000000000 24 111.0000000000 50 90.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 181.250000 20 95.880000 40 5.000000 1 100 41 0.815217 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 188.750000 21 95.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D4 10 235.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 11 185.0000000000 21 99.5000000000 70 0 13 135.0000000000 23 112.5000000000 14 235.0000000000 24 112.5000000000 50 0.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 263.120000 20 113.577519 40 5.000000 1 10 41 0.828199 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 263.120000 21 118.422481 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D5 10 263.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 259.5000000000 21 116.0000000000 70 0 13 243.5000000000 23 121.0000000000 14 246.0000000000 24 111.0000000000 50 90.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 181.250000 20 89.880000 40 5.000000 1 120 41 0.815217 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 188.750000 21 89.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D6 10 245.0000000000 20 90.0000000000 11 185.0000000000 21 93.5000000000 70 0 13 125.0000000000 23 110.0000000000 14 245.0000000000 24 110.0000000000 50 0.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 107.120000 20 157.366279 40 5.000000 1 100 41 0.789939 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 107.120000 21 164.633721 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D7 10 107.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 103.5000000000 21 161.0000000000 70 0 13 124.0000000000 23 111.0000000000 14 124.0000000000 24 211.0000000000 50 90.000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 211.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 209.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 211.0000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 209.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 113.0000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 113.0000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 111.0000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 111.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 209.0000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 113.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 209.0000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 113.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 125.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 125.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 116.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 125.5000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 125.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 295.0000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 308.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 205.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 205.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 196.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 196.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 205.5000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 196.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 205.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 196.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 295.0000000000 20 201.0000000000 11 308.0000000000 21 201.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 125.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 125.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 116.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 125.5000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 125.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 295.0000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 308.0000000000 21 121.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 205.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 205.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 196.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 196.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 205.5000000000 11 298.0000000000 21 196.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 205.5000000000 11 305.0000000000 21 196.5000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 295.0000000000 20 201.0000000000 11 308.0000000000 21 201.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 300.250000 20 95.880000 40 5.000000 1 7 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 302.750000 21 95.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D8 10 305.0000000000 20 96.0000000000 11 301.5000000000 21 99.5000000000 70 0 13 298.0000000000 23 108.0000000000 14 305.0000000000 24 108.0000000000 50 0.000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 290.2058000000 21 125.5000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 298.0000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 294.1029000000 21 118.7500000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 294.1029000000 20 118.7500000000 11 294.1029000000 21 123.2500000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 292.500000 20 118.093023 40 4.000000 1 6.3 41 0.789939 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 292.500000 21 123.906977 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 312.7942000000 21 116.5000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 305.0000000000 20 121.0000000000 11 308.8971000000 21 123.2500000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 308.8971000000 20 123.2500000000 11 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font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">受注No.</text> <text x="13.3214617246451" y="79.5004372430517" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">材質</text> <text x="704.271798446744" y="45.6579717709489" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">株式会社ミスミ</text> <text x="8.62111929796413" y="55.0586566243108" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">出荷日</text> <text x="585.823169294384" y="362.286155347822" transform="rotate(-90 585.823169294384,362.286155347822)" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="7.138645" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">6.3</text> <text x="3.92077687128322" y="68.2196154190174" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">表面処理</text> <text x="601.804333545099" y="555.175090823163" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">-加工パラメータ詳細-</text> <text x="467.043448021489" y="163.758023528946" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.609857" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">4-C2以下</text> <text x="601.804333545099" y="573.976460529887" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">2-NA8 (φ9キリ穴)</text> <text x="52.3343038660969" y="105.822354832465" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.24632" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">08-408475-913132-7021</text> <text x="385.588581917776" y="46.5980402562852" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">Cナビ対象品はWeb版Cナビで図面出力可能</text> <text x="194.040227345674" y="288.447054783541" transform="rotate(-90 194.040227345674,288.447054783541)" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.246315" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">100</text> <text x="335.29491795229" y="413.450365973879" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.246315" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">120</text> <text x="317.90365097357" y="54.1185881389746" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="7.13865" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">2</text> <text x="487.341594770565" y="370.775921359441" 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font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">10</text> <text x="234.237555778649" y="402.169544149845" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.246315" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">10</text> <text x="49.0440641674203" y="54.1185881389746" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="7.13865" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">21/03/24(水)</text> <text x="487.341594770565" y="286.169757679184" transform="rotate(-90 487.341594770565,286.169757679184)" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.246315" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">80</text> <text x="205.321049169708" y="286.169757679184" transform="rotate(-90 205.321049169708,286.169757679184)" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.246315" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" 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$PLINEWID 40 0.0 9 $COORDS 70 2 9 $USERI1 70 0 9 $USERI2 70 0 9 $USERI3 70 0 9 $USERI4 70 0 9 $USERI5 70 0 9 $USERR1 40 0.0 9 $USERR2 40 0.0 9 $USERR3 40 0.0 9 $USERR4 40 0.0 9 $USERR5 40 0.0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 TABLES 0 TABLE 2 LTYPE 70 9 0 LTYPE 2 CONTINUOUS 70 64 3 Solid line 72 65 73 0 40 0.0 0 LTYPE 2 DASHED 70 64 3 __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ 72 65 73 2 40 3.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 HIDDEN 70 64 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 72 65 73 2 40 1.5 49 1.0 49 -0.5 0 LTYPE 2 CENTER 70 64 3 ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ _ ____ 72 65 73 4 40 24.0 49 20.0 49 -1.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 PHANTOM 70 64 3 _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ _____ _ _ ____ 72 65 73 6 40 27.0 49 20.0 49 -1.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 49 2.0 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 DOT 70 64 3 ............................................... 72 65 73 2 40 1.5 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 DASHDOT 70 64 3 __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ . __ 72 65 73 4 40 8.5 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 DIVIDE 70 64 3 __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ . . __ 72 65 73 6 40 10.0 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 LTYPE 2 BORDER 70 64 3 __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ . __ __ 72 65 73 6 40 15.5 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 6.0 49 -1.0 49 0.5 49 -1.0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 LAYER 70 4 0 LAYER 2 0 70 64 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 2 1 70 64 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 2 2 70 64 62 7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 LAYER 2 DEFPOINTS 70 0 62 -7 6 CONTINUOUS 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 STYLE 70 1 0 STYLE 2 STANDARD 70 64 40 0.0 41 1.0 71 0 42 5.000000 3 TXT 4 EXTFONT 50 0.0 0 ENDTAB 0 TABLE 2 VIEW 70 0 0 ENDTAB 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 BLOCKS 0 BLOCK 8 0 2 CI 70 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 0 CIRCLE 8 0 62 0 10 0.0 20 0.0 40 0.1666666666 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D0 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D0 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 169.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 145.0000000000 21 164.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 169.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 145.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 146.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 146.0000000000 21 164.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 146.5176380902 20 162.0681483474 11 145.4823619098 21 162.0681483474 12 146.0000000000 22 164.0000000000 13 146.0000000000 23 164.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 145.4823619098 20 154.9318516526 11 146.5176380902 21 154.9318516526 12 146.0000000000 22 153.0000000000 13 146.0000000000 23 153.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 145.000000 20 157.288760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 145.000000 21 159.711240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 169.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 169.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 146.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D1 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D1 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 152.0000000000 11 170.0000000000 21 131.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 230.0000000000 20 152.0000000000 11 230.0000000000 21 131.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 230.0000000000 20 132.0000000000 11 170.0000000000 21 132.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 171.9318516526 20 132.5176380902 11 171.9318516526 21 131.4823619098 12 170.0000000000 22 132.0000000000 13 170.0000000000 23 132.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 228.0681483474 20 131.4823619098 11 228.0681483474 21 132.5176380902 12 230.0000000000 22 132.0000000000 13 230.0000000000 23 132.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 198.750000 20 133.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 201.250000 21 133.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 152.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 230.0000000000 20 152.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 230.0000000000 20 132.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 LTEX0 70 0 10 192.5910000000 20 160.5910000000 3 LTEX0 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 192.3752650025 20 162.5793305587 11 193.3983332910 21 162.4208122738 12 192.5910000000 22 160.5910000000 13 192.5910000000 23 160.5910000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 194.513700 20 174.000000 40 5.000000 1 N4 41 0.854701 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 199.513700 21 174.000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 192.5910000000 20 160.5910000000 11 194.5137000000 21 173.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 194.5137000000 20 173.0000000000 11 199.5137000000 21 173.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D2 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D2 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 191.0000000000 20 152.7500000000 11 191.0000000000 21 137.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 152.0000000000 11 170.0000000000 21 137.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 11 191.0000000000 21 138.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 189.0681483474 20 137.4823619098 11 189.0681483474 21 138.5176380902 12 191.0000000000 22 138.0000000000 13 191.0000000000 23 138.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 171.9318516526 20 138.5176380902 11 171.9318516526 21 137.4823619098 12 170.0000000000 22 138.0000000000 13 170.0000000000 23 138.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 179.250000 20 139.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 181.750000 21 139.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 191.0000000000 20 152.7500000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 152.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D3 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D3 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 184.7500000000 20 159.0000000000 11 151.0000000000 21 159.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 169.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 151.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 152.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 152.0000000000 21 159.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 152.5176380902 20 157.0681483474 11 151.4823619098 21 157.0681483474 12 152.0000000000 22 159.0000000000 13 152.0000000000 23 159.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 151.4823619098 20 154.9318516526 11 152.5176380902 21 154.9318516526 12 152.0000000000 22 153.0000000000 13 152.0000000000 23 153.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 151.000000 20 154.788760 40 5.000000 1 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 151.000000 21 157.211240 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 184.7500000000 20 159.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 169.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 152.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 LTEX1 70 0 10 210.5910000000 20 160.5910000000 3 LTEX1 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 210.6503061186 20 162.5901205027 11 211.6419208566 21 162.2926360813 12 210.5910000000 22 160.5910000000 13 210.5910000000 23 160.5910000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 212.513700 20 168.000000 40 5.000000 1 NA4 41 0.815217 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 220.013700 21 168.000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 210.5910000000 20 160.5910000000 11 212.5137000000 21 167.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 212.5137000000 20 167.0000000000 11 220.0137000000 21 167.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D4 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D4 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 191.0000000000 20 152.7500000000 11 191.0000000000 21 137.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 209.0000000000 20 152.7500000000 11 209.0000000000 21 137.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 209.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 11 191.0000000000 21 138.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 192.9318516526 20 138.5176380902 11 192.9318516526 21 137.4823619098 12 191.0000000000 22 138.0000000000 13 191.0000000000 23 138.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 207.0681483474 20 137.4823619098 11 207.0681483474 21 138.5176380902 12 209.0000000000 22 138.0000000000 13 209.0000000000 23 138.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 198.750000 20 139.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 201.250000 21 139.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 191.0000000000 20 152.7500000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 209.0000000000 20 152.7500000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 209.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 LTEX2 70 0 10 171.0000000000 20 163.0000000000 3 LTEX2 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 169.1681113487 20 163.8026107208 11 169.8148432514 21 164.6110255992 12 171.0000000000 22 163.0000000000 13 171.0000000000 23 163.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 145.000000 20 168.800000 40 5.000000 1 4-C2以下 41 0.824742 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 165.000000 21 168.800000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 171.0000000000 20 163.0000000000 11 165.0000000000 21 167.8000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 165.0000000000 20 167.8000000000 11 145.0000000000 21 167.8000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 BLOCK 8 2 2 *D5 70 1 10 0.0000000000 20 0.0000000000 3 *D5 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 150.0000000000 11 259.0000000000 21 137.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 150.0000000000 11 265.0000000000 21 137.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 11 259.0000000000 21 138.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 260.9318516526 20 138.5176380902 11 260.9318516526 21 137.4823619098 12 259.0000000000 22 138.0000000000 13 259.0000000000 23 138.0000000000 0 SOLID 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 263.0681483474 20 137.4823619098 11 263.0681483474 21 138.5176380902 12 265.0000000000 22 138.0000000000 13 265.0000000000 23 138.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 260.750000 20 139.000000 40 5.000000 1 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 263.250000 21 139.000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 150.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 150.0000000000 0 POINT 8 DEFPOINTS 6 BYBLOCK 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 0 ENDBLK 8 0 0 ENDSEC 0 SECTION 2 ENTITIES 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 415.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 415.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 415.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 415.0000000000 20 5.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 5.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 37.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 29.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 29.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 21.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 21.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.0000000000 20 5.0000000000 11 45.0000000000 21 37.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 60.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 80.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 320.0000000000 20 37.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 5.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.000000 20 274.500000 40 5.000000 1 表面処理 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 25.000000 21 274.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 25.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 25.0000000000 21 254.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 285.500000 40 5.000000 1 メーカ 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 22.500000 21 285.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 281.500000 40 5.000000 1 出荷日 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 22.500000 21 281.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 254.0000000000 11 110.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 254.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 254.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 268.0000000000 11 110.0000000000 21 268.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 274.0000000000 11 5.0000000000 21 274.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 280.0000000000 11 204.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 130.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 130.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 160.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 160.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 204.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 204.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 110.0000000000 20 286.0000000000 11 160.0000000000 21 286.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 377.500000 20 286.500000 40 5.000000 1 株式会社ミスミ 41 0.872818 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 412.500000 21 286.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 375.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 375.0000000000 21 286.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 375.0000000000 20 286.0000000000 11 415.0000000000 21 286.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 10.000000 20 268.500000 40 5.000000 1 材質 41 0.921659 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 20.000000 21 268.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.925926 20 255.500000 40 5.000000 1 受注No. 41 0.837321 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 23.425926 21 255.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 262.0000000000 11 110.0000000000 21 262.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 262.500000 40 5.000000 1 熱処理 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 22.500000 21 262.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 62.105263 20 30.500000 40 5.000000 1 商品名 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 77.105263 21 30.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 62.105263 20 6.500000 40 5.000000 1 備 考 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 77.105263 21 6.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.000000 20 22.500000 40 5.000000 1 ユーザ名 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 80.000000 21 22.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 13.0000000000 11 320.0000000000 21 13.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.000000 20 14.500000 40 5.000000 1 注文番号 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 80.000000 21 14.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 7.500000 20 5.916667 40 3.500000 1 400<L≦1000 41 0.867303 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 42.500000 21 5.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 9.250000 20 11.250000 40 3.500000 1 120<L≦400 41 0.868726 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 40.750000 21 11.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 11.000000 20 16.583333 40 3.500000 1 30<L≦120 41 0.870511 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 39.000000 21 16.583333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 14.500000 20 21.916667 40 3.500000 1 6<L≦30 41 0.875912 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 35.500000 21 21.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 16.250000 20 27.250000 40 3.500000 1 3<L≦6 41 0.880282 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 33.750000 21 27.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 19.750000 20 32.583333 40 3.500000 1 L寸法 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 30.250000 21 32.583333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 5.916667 40 3.500000 1 ±0.8 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 5.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 11.250000 40 3.500000 1 ±0.5 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 11.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 16.583333 40 3.500000 1 ±0.3 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 16.583333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 21.916667 40 3.500000 1 ±0.2 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 21.916667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 45.500000 20 27.250000 40 3.500000 1 ±0.1 41 0.886918 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 59.500000 21 27.250000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 47.250000 20 32.583333 40 3.500000 1 L公差 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 57.750000 21 32.583333 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 31.6666665000 11 60.0000000000 21 31.6666665000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 26.3333332000 11 5.0000000000 21 26.3333332000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 20.9999999000 11 60.0000000000 21 20.9999999000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 60.0000000000 20 15.6666666000 11 5.0000000000 21 15.6666666000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 5.0000000000 20 10.3333333000 11 60.0000000000 21 10.3333333000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.0000000000 20 280.0000000000 11 80.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 86.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 86.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.500000 20 286.333333 40 5.000000 1 数 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 85.500000 21 286.333333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 80.500000 20 280.666667 40 5.000000 1 量 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 85.500000 21 280.666667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.500000 20 286.500000 40 5.000000 1 受注日 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 127.500000 21 286.500000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 112.500000 20 280.500000 40 5.000000 1 納 期 41 0.898204 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 127.500000 21 280.500000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 166.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 166.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 182.0000000000 20 292.0000000000 11 182.0000000000 21 280.0000000000 0 LINE 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 188.0000000000 20 280.0000000000 11 188.0000000000 21 292.0000000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 160.500000 20 286.333333 40 5.000000 1 場 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 165.500000 21 286.333333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 160.500000 20 280.666667 40 5.000000 1 所 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 165.500000 21 280.666667 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 182.500000 20 286.333333 40 5.000000 1 区 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 187.500000 21 286.333333 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 182.500000 20 280.666667 40 5.000000 1 分 41 1.000000 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 187.500000 21 280.666667 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 172.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 170.0000000000 21 162.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 228.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 230.0000000000 21 162.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 172.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 228.0000000000 21 164.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 155.0000000000 11 172.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 230.0000000000 20 155.0000000000 11 228.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 172.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 228.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 170.0000000000 20 162.0000000000 11 170.0000000000 21 155.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 230.0000000000 20 162.0000000000 11 230.0000000000 21 155.0000000000 0 CIRCLE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 191.0000000000 20 159.0000000000 40 2.2500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 196.2500000000 20 159.0000000000 11 185.7500000000 21 159.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 191.0000000000 20 164.2500000000 11 191.0000000000 21 153.7500000000 0 CIRCLE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 209.0000000000 20 159.0000000000 40 2.2500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 214.2500000000 20 159.0000000000 11 203.7500000000 21 159.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 209.0000000000 20 164.2500000000 11 209.0000000000 21 153.7500000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 146.120000 20 156.077519 40 5.000000 1 11 41 0.828199 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 146.120000 21 160.922481 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D0 10 146.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 142.5000000000 21 158.5000000000 70 0 13 169.0000000000 23 164.0000000000 14 169.0000000000 24 153.0000000000 50 90.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 197.500000 20 131.880000 40 5.000000 1 60 41 0.854701 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 202.500000 21 131.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D1 10 230.0000000000 20 132.0000000000 11 200.0000000000 21 135.5000000000 70 0 13 170.0000000000 23 152.0000000000 14 230.0000000000 24 152.0000000000 50 0.000000 0 INSERT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 LTEX0 10 192.5910000000 20 160.5910000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 178.000000 20 137.880000 40 5.000000 1 21 41 0.854701 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 183.000000 21 137.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D2 10 170.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 11 180.5000000000 21 141.5000000000 70 0 13 191.0000000000 23 152.7500000000 14 170.0000000000 24 152.0000000000 50 0.000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 152.120000 20 154.788760 40 5.000000 1 6 41 0.968992 50 90.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 152.120000 21 157.211240 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D3 10 152.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 148.5000000000 21 156.0000000000 70 0 13 184.7500000000 23 159.0000000000 14 169.0000000000 24 153.0000000000 50 90.000000 0 INSERT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 LTEX1 10 210.5910000000 20 160.5910000000 0 TEXT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 197.500000 20 137.880000 40 5.000000 1 18 41 0.854701 50 0.000000 51 0.000000 72 5 73 0 11 202.500000 21 137.880000 0 DIMENSION 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 *D4 10 209.0000000000 20 138.0000000000 11 200.0000000000 21 141.5000000000 70 0 13 191.0000000000 23 152.7500000000 14 209.0000000000 24 152.7500000000 50 0.000000 0 INSERT 8 2 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 2 LTEX2 10 171.0000000000 20 163.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 265.0000000000 21 164.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 259.0000000000 21 162.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 164.0000000000 11 265.0000000000 21 162.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 155.0000000000 11 259.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 155.0000000000 11 265.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 153.0000000000 11 265.0000000000 21 153.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 162.0000000000 11 259.0000000000 21 155.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 CONTINUOUS 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 162.0000000000 11 265.0000000000 21 155.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 161.2500000000 11 265.0000000000 21 161.2500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 156.7500000000 11 265.0000000000 21 156.7500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 161.2500000000 11 259.0000000000 21 156.7500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 265.0000000000 20 161.2500000000 11 265.0000000000 21 156.7500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 DASHDOT 62 7 10 256.0000000000 20 159.0000000000 11 268.0000000000 21 159.0000000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 161.2500000000 11 265.0000000000 21 161.2500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 156.7500000000 11 265.0000000000 21 156.7500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 259.0000000000 20 161.2500000000 11 259.0000000000 21 156.7500000000 0 LINE 8 1 6 HIDDEN 62 7 10 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font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">21/06/29</text> <text x="385.588581917776" y="46.5980402562852" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">Cナビ対象品はWeb版Cナビで図面出力可能</text> <text x="52.3343038660969" y="105.822354832465" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.24632" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">08-047316-918146-7024</text> <text x="107.328310258264" y="542.014132028456" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">ユーザ名</text> <text x="111.286493057553" y="572.096323559214" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">備 考</text> <text x="111.286493057553" y="526.973036263077" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">商品名</text> <text x="365.847143725716" y="334.484613205639" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.246315" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">60</text> <text x="704.271798446744" y="45.6579717709489" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">株式会社ミスミ</text> <text x="8.62111929796413" y="55.0586566243108" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">出荷日</text> <text x="601.804333545099" y="564.575775676525" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" 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y="266.950093219088" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.609857" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">4-C2以下</text> <text x="394.0749561623" y="268.454202795626" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="6.609857" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">NA4</text> <text x="248.338583058692" y="45.6579717709489" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">21/06/23</text> <text x="116.728995111626" y="90.7812590670859" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">-</text> <text x="337.64508916563" y="56.6254368064921" font-family="HoloLens MDL2 Assets" font-size="8.923306" fill="#00FF00" font-stretch="ultra-condensed" font-weight="100" letter-spacing="-0.05em">分</text> <text 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End of preview. Expand in Data Studio exists but content is empty.
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