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The system also chose passengers at random to receive additional security scrutiny | 1 |
We have found no indication that the idea was briefed to the new administration or that Clarke passed his paper to them although the same team of career officials spanned both administrations | 1 |
It is not clear the system can be installed before 2010 but even this timetable may be too slow given the possible security dangers | 1 |
Intelligence report interrogation of KSM July 30 2003 | 1 |
Therefore while protecting our homeland Americans should be mindful of threats to vital personal and civil liberties | 1 |
Delivering it repeatedly did not make it more effective | 1 |
The next level down the director of the al Qaeda unit in CIA at the time recalled that he did not think it was his job to direct what should or should not be done | 1 |
Ramzi Yousef and Khalid Sheikh Mohammed masterminded the 1995 Manila air plot and KSM helped fund Yousef ' s attempt to blow up the World Trade Center in 1993 | 1 |
According to both KSM and Khallad Abu Bara never applied for a US visa | 1 |
Pickard recalls the alleged statement being made at a briefing on July 12 | 1 |
He had traveled to Pakistan but became agitated when asked if he had traveled to nearby countries while in Pakistan Pakistan was the customary route to the training camps in Afghanistan | 1 |
For a brief summary of these routines and the reasons why the intercepts were not properly digested see Graham Allison and Philip Zelikow Essence of Decision 2d ed | 1 |
They make targets harder to attack successfully and they deter attacks by making capture more likely | 1 |
The Southeast Air Defense Sector was notified of the event at 9 55 28 minutes later | 1 |
We look forward to a national debate on the merits of what we have recommended and we will participate vigorously in that debate | 1 |
After Mihdhar left other students moved into the house | 1 |
According to Binalshibh had Bin Ladin and KSM learned prior to 9 / 11 that Moussaoui had been detained they might have canceled the operation | 1 |
After the airspace reopened nine chartered flights with 160 people mostly Saudi nationals departed from the United States between September 14 and 24 | 1 |
We ask every nation to join us | 1 |
It also meant that there was a link between Khallad and Mihdhar making Mihdhar seem even more suspicious | 1 |
The third party informed the police desk that the employees had previously received contrary advice from the FDNY which could only have come via 911 | 1 |
The terminal was evacuated and police found miscellaneous gun parts pistol ammunition and military paraphernalia in the man 's checked bags | 1 |
Between 6 45 and 7 40 Atta and Omari along with Satam al Suqami Wail al Shehri and Waleed al Shehri checked in and boarded American Airlines Flight 11 bound for Los Angeles | 1 |
The people of the United States hoped to enjoy a peace dividend as US spending on national security was cut following the end of the Soviet military threat | 1 |
While the test results for physical search exceeded the national average both the metal detector and Xray results were below average | 1 |
Local newspapers and the few influential satellite broadcasterslike al Jazeeraoften reinforce the jihadist theme that portrays the United States as antiMuslim | 1 |
Our border screening system should check people efficiently and welcome friends | 1 |
As a result neither the US nor the Saudi people appreciated all the dimensions of the bilateral relationship including the Saudi role in US strategies to promote the Middle East peace process | 1 |
Deputy Director of Central Intelligence John McLaughlin testified that he was told about Moussaoui several days before Tenet was briefed although he did not recall the specific date of the briefing | 1 |
It was clear that the lead response agency was the FDNY and that the other responding local federal bistate and state agencies acted in a supporting role | 1 |
There is no indication that Atta or Shehhi received any additional flight training in June | 1 |
The CTC analyst who drafted the briefing drew on reports over the previous four years | 1 |
On August 4 President Bush wrote President Musharraf to request his support in dealing with terrorism and to urge Pakistan to engage actively against al Qaeda | 1 |
Mihdhar gave his intended address as the Marriott Hotel New York City but instead spent one night at another New York hotel | 1 |
Other evidence corroborates her account | 1 |
He believed that there was sufficient probable cause for a criminal warrant at that time | 1 |
It did not suggest that there was a domestic threat | 1 |
But his time was consumed with getting new officials in place and working on the foundation documents of a new defense policy the quadrennial defense review the defense planning guidance and the existing contingency plans | 1 |
The United States was not a primary source of al Qaeda funding although some funds raised in the United States may have made their way to al Qaeda or its affiliated groups | 1 |
Current security requirements nurture overclassification and excessive compartmentation of information among agencies | 1 |
Boston A second one just hit the Trade Center | 1 |
If defense intelligence is reorganized to elevate the responsibilities of the director of the DIA then that person might be the appropriate official | 1 |
There were numerous technical problems especially with the Hellfire missiles | 1 |
Mayor Giuliani along with the Police and Fire commissioners and the OEM director moved quickly north and established an emergency operations command post at the Police Academy | 1 |
Finally one firefighterwho had earlier seen from a window that the SouthTower had collapsedurged that they all leave as this tower could fall as well | 1 |
Secure identification should begin in the United States | 1 |
Hard Put to Find Proof Bin Laden Directed Attacks | 1 |
We have uncovered no evidence that KSM was present at the guesthouse in Islamabad where Yousef ' s arrest took place as has been suggested in the press | 1 |
At about 10 15 the FDNY Chief of Department and the Chief of Safety who had returned to West Street from the parking garage confirmed that the South Tower had collapsed | 1 |
The dedicated professional staff headed by Philip Zelikow has contributed innumerable hours to the completion of this report setting aside other important endeavors to take on this allconsuming assignment | 1 |
He also ordered Secretary Rumsfeld to develop a military plan against the Taliban | 1 |
Intelligence report interrogation of detainee Dec 2 2001 | 1 |
As discussed earlier the reason Jane decided she could not share information was because the initial information on Mihdhar had been analyzed by the NSA | 1 |
Summary of Judgment and Sentencing Order by Hanseatic Regional High Court Motassadeq trial Feb 192003 pp1011 | 1 |
The FBI agent obtained from a foreign government a photo of the person believed to have directed the Cole bombing | 1 |
Some of the most controversial provisions of the Patriot Act are to sunset at the end of 2005 | 1 |
The United States defended and still defends Muslims against tyrants and criminals in Somalia Bosnia Kosovo Afghanistan and Iraq | 1 |
They discussed targets in coded language pretending to be students discussing various fields of architecture referred to the World Trade Center arts the Pentagon law the Capitol and politics the White House | 1 |
His relationship with her remained close throughout his time in the United States | 1 |
In chapter 5 we described the Southeast Asia travels of Nawaf al Hazmi Khalid al Mihdhar and others in January 2000 on the first part of the planes operation | 1 |
Hazmi 's housemate remembers him taking an unexplained trip to the San Diego airport around this time | 1 |
We will recap it briefly here | 1 |
For the rescue efforts see FDNY report Report from the Chief of Department Anthony L Fusco in Manning ed | 1 |
As a result his salary was raised and his other allowances stipend increased significantly from approximately $ 465 to $ 3925 a month remaining at that level until December 2000 | 1 |
After repeatedly demanding that Sudan stop supporting terrorist groups in 1993 the US government designated the country a state sponsor of terrorism | 1 |
NYPD recording Special Operations Division radio channel Sept 11 2001 | 1 |
His key personnel shared very little information with the National Security Council and the rest of the national security community | 1 |
When the attack was determined to be al Qaedarelated responsibility shifted to the New York Field Office | 1 |
More than 500 million people annually cross US borders at legal entry points about 330 million of them noncitizens | 1 |
For units staged at the BrooklynBattery tunnel see ibid | 1 |
This speculation is based at least in part on Thumairy 's reported leadership of an extremist faction at the mosque | 1 |
The Director still has no strategy for removing informationsharing barriers andmore than two years since 9 / 11has only appointed a working group on the subject | 1 |
A jet fuel fireball erupted upon impact and shot down at least one bank of elevators | 1 |
The operators were not given any information about the inability to conduct rooftop rescues and therefore could not advise callers that they had essentially been ruled out | 1 |
Four of the 9 / 11 attackers were pulled into secondary border inspection but then admitted | 1 |
This effort was going on before 9 / 11 and it continues on a vastly enlarged scale | 1 |
One Treasury official described CIA 's posture as benign neglect toward the Foreign Terrorist Asset Tracking Center FTATC and characterized the CIA as believing that financial tracking had limited utility | 1 |
The US government readily provides copious information about spending on its military forces including military intelligence | 1 |
The tragedy of the embassy bombings provided an opportunity for a full examination across the government of the national security threat that Bin Ladin posed | 1 |
The first NYPD ESU team entered the West Streetlevel lobby of the North Tower and prepared to begin climbing at about 9 15 AM | 1 |
For the Academy 's instructor 's reaction see FBI report of investigation interview of James Milton Apr | 1 |
Your gift is important to the celebration of our 85th season | 1 |
It takes a partnership of private support and University funding for our law school to continue to grow in stature and influence | 1 |
Most important is the fact that attending a performance at the IRT is not just a field trip | 1 |
Only with the help of our philanthropic partners have we been able to achieve so much | 1 |
Thank you for supporting the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 1999 | 1 |
My hope is you were greatly blessed and encouraged by this issue | 1 |
It 's important that we hear from you during this last fundraising drive of the season | 1 |
P S Your gift is important to our celebration of 85 years making the Indianapolis Civic Theatre the oldest continuously operating community theatre in the country | 1 |
Those participating will be provided prospects ' names addresses and telephone numbers as well as background information on the school 's needs | 1 |
dba a charitable allvolunteer nonprofit membership organization provides free selfemployment and business information and assistance to enterprising individuals with disabilities and for professionals in vocational rehabilitation career and business counseling | 1 |
Our Zoo was designed using the concept of biomes which simulate the natural habitats in which animals live | 1 |
Your support of Goodwill will provide job training and placement services to help the hardest to serve in central Indiana find meaningful employment | 1 |
From a modest beginning to its rank today as one of the best academic medical centers in the nation Indiana 's only medical school boasts a proud heritage | 1 |
However dramatic increases in the costs of law books journals and database services mean that simply maintaining our present collections exceeds our budget | 1 |
conceive design and handsew the many beautiful costumes such as Mary Todd 's period dresses in Abe Lincoln in Illinois and the ball gowns in A Christmas Carol | 1 |
We will try to contact each of you who have not participated this fiscal year in the next 45 days so that our goal can be reached by the deadline of June 30th | 1 |
As a member of the law school 's I know you are aware of our progress | 1 |
The cost of creating these homes far exceeds what our buyers cm pay so we rely on grants and individual donations to keep them affordable | 1 |
It means everything to Becky Stephanie Marcus and Emily and students like them | 1 |