sequencelengths 1
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sequencelengths 1
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stringlengths 3
] | [
] | 1 | Peter Blackburn |
] | [
] | 0.517241 | The European Commission said on Thursday it disagreed with German advice to consumers to shun British lamb until scientists determine whether mad cow disease can be transmitted to sheep . |
] | [
] | 0.75 | " We do n't support any such recommendation because we do n't see any grounds for it , " the Commission 's chief spokesman Nikolaus van der Pas told a news briefing . |
] | [
] | 0.666667 | He said further scientific study was required and if it was found that action was needed it should be taken by the European Union . |
] | [
] | 0.611111 | But Fischler agreed to review his proposal after the EU 's standing veterinary committee , mational animal health officials , questioned if such action was justified as there was only a slight risk to human health . |
] | [
] | 0.538462 | Spanish Farm Minister Loyola de Palacio had earlier accused Fischler at an EU farm ministers ' meeting of causing unjustified alarm through " dangerous generalisation . " |
] | [
] | 0.516129 | Sheep have long been known to contract scrapie , a brain-wasting disease similar to BSE which is believed to have been transferred to cattle through feed containing animal waste . |
] | [
] | 0.657895 | " What we have to be extremely careful of is how other countries are going to take Germany 's lead , " Welsh National Farmers ' Union ( NFU ) chairman John Lloyd Jones said on BBC radio . |
] | [
] | 0.515152 | Bonn has led efforts to protect public health after consumer confidence collapsed in March after a British report suggested humans could contract an illness similar to mad cow disease by eating contaminated beef . |
] | [
] | 0.666667 | Rare Hendrix song draft sells for almost $ 17,000 . |
] | [
] | 0.558824 | A rare early handwritten draft of a song by U.S. guitar legend Jimi Hendrix was sold for almost $ 17,000 on Thursday at an auction of some of the late musician 's favourite possessions . |
] | [
] | 0.586957 | Speaking only hours after Chinese state media said the time was right to engage in political talks with Taiwan , Foreign Ministry spokesman Shen Guofang told Reuters : " The necessary atmosphere for the opening of the talks has been disrupted by the Taiwan authorities . " |
] | [
] | 0.642857 | " Now is the time for the two sides to engage in political talks ... |
] | [
] | 0.551724 | China , which has long opposed all Taipei efforts to gain greater international recognition , was infuriated by a visit to Ukraine this week by Taiwanese Vice President Lien . |
] | [
] | 0.7 | German July car registrations up 14.2 pct yr / yr . |
] | [
] | 0.580645 | German first-time registrations of motor vehicles jumped 14.2 percent in July this year from the year-earlier period , the Federal office for motor vehicles said on Thursday . |
] | [
] | 0.6 | Motor-bike registration rose 32.7 percent in the period . |
] | [
] | 0.517241 | The growth was partly due to an increased number of Germans buying German cars abroad , while manufacturers said that domestic demand was weak , the federal office said . |
] | [
] | 0.538462 | Almost all German car manufacturers posted gains in registration numbers in the period . |
] | [
] | 0.571429 | Volkswagen AG won 77,719 registrations , slightly more than a quarter of the total . |
] | [
] | 0.678571 | The Greek socialist party 's executive bureau gave the green light to Prime Minister Costas Simitis to call snap elections , its general secretary Costas Skandalidis told reporters . |
] | [
] | 0.571429 | Prime Minister Costas Simitis is going to make an official announcement after a cabinet meeting later on Thursday , said Skandalidis . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | -- Dimitris Kontogiannis , Athens Newsroom +301 3311812-4 |
] | [
] | 0.777778 | BayerVB sets C$ 100 million six-year bond . |
] | [
] | 0.7 | The following bond was announced by lead manager Toronto Dominion . |
] | [
] | [
] | 0.714286 | AMT C$ 100 MLN COUPON 6.625 MATURITY 24.SEP.02 |
] | [
] | 0.571429 | TYPE STRAIGHT ISS PRICE 100.92 PAY DATE 24.SEP.96 |
] | [
] | 0.857143 | FULL FEES 1.875 REOFFER 99.32 SPREAD +20 BP |
] | [
] | 0.666667 | MOODY AA1 LISTING LUX PAY FREQ = |
] | [
] | 0.647059 | S&P = DENOMS ( K ) 1-10-100 SALE LIMITS US / UK / CA |
] | [
] | 0.714286 | NEG PLG NO CRS DEFLT NO FORCE MAJ = |
] | [
] | [
] | 0.875 | MGT / UND 0.275 SELL CONC 1.60 PRAECIP = |
] | [
] | 0.666667 | UNDERLYING GOVT BOND 7.0 PCT SEPT 2001 |
] | [
] | [
] | 0.833333 | -- London Newsroom +44 171 542 7658 |
] | [
] | 0.625 | Venantius sets $ 300 million January 1999 FRN . |
] | [
] | 0.785714 | The following floating-rate issue was announced by lead manager Lehman Brothers International . |
] | [
] | [
] | 0.666667 | AMT $ 300 MLN SPREAD - 12.5 BP MATURITY 21.JAN.99 |
] | [
] | 0.888889 | LAST MOODY AA3 ISS PRICE 99.956 FULL FEES 10 BP |
] | [
] | 0.75 | LAST S&P AA+ REOFFER = |
] | [
] | [
] | 0.789474 | LISTING LONDON DENOMS ( K ) 1-10-100 SALE LIMITS US / UK / JP / FR |
] | [
] | [
] | [
] | 0.8 | MGT / UND 5 BP SELL CONC 5 BP PRAECIP = |
] | [
] | [
] | 0.75 | Port conditions update - Syria - Lloyds Shipping . |
] | [
] | 0.571429 | Port conditions from Lloyds Shipping Intelligence Service -- |
] | [
] | 1 | Colleen Siegel |
] | [
] | 0.548387 | The Syrians are confused , they are definitely tense , but the general assessment here in Washington is that this is essentially a storm in a teacup , " he said . |
] | [
] | 0.608696 | He will be replaced by Eliahu Ben-Elissar , a former Israeli envoy to Egypt and right-wing Likud party politician . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | It said its arms purchases were for defensive purposes . |
] | [
] | 0.6 | " The message that we sent to ( Syrian President Hafez al- ) Assad is that Israel is ready at any time without preconditions to enter peace negotiations , " Israeli Foreign Minister David Levy told Israel Radio in an interview . |
] | [
] | 0.551724 | Tension has mounted since Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu took office in June vowing to retain the Golan Heights Israel captured from Syria in the 1967 Middle East war . |
] | [
] | 0.565217 | Israeli-Syrian peace talks have been deadlocked over the Golan since 1991 despite the previous government 's willingness to make Golan concessions . |
] | [
] | 0.545455 | Peace talks between the two sides were last held in February . |
] | [
] | 0.684211 | this artificial atmosphere is very dangerous because those who spread it could become its prisoners , " Levy said . |
] | [
] | 0.558824 | " We expect from Syria , if its face is to peace , that it will answer Israel 's message to enter peace negotiations because that is our goal , " he said . " |
] | [
] | 0.777778 | We do not want a war , God forbid . |
] | [
] | 0.5625 | Israel 's Channel Two television said Damascus had sent a " calming signal " to Israel . |
] | [
] | 0.545455 | A Polish diplomat on Thursday denied a Polish tabloid report this week that Libya was refusing exit visas to 100 Polish nurses trying to return home after working in the North African country . |
] | [
] | 0.538462 | He said that there are an estimated 800 Polish nurses working in Libya . |
] | [
] | 0.571429 | Two Iranian opposition leaders meet in Baghdad . |
] | [
] | 1 | Hassan Hafidh |
] | [
] | 0.586207 | " Rajavi emphasised that the Iranian Resistance would continue to stand side by side with their Kurdish compatriots and the resistance movement in Iranian Kurdistan , " it said . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | PUK and Iraq 's Kurdistan Democratic Party ( KDP ) the two main Iraqi Kurdish factions , have had northern Iraq under their control since Iraqi forces were ousted from Kuwait in the 1991 Gulf War . |
] | [
] | 0.576923 | Mujahideen Khalq said Iranian troops had also been shelling KDP positions in Qasri region in Suleimaniya province near the Iranian border over the last two days . |
] | [
] | 0.538462 | It said about 100 Iraqi Kurds were killed or wounded in the attack . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | The spot Saudi riyal against the dollar and riyal interbank deposit rates were mainly steady this week in quiet summer trade , dealers in the kingdom said . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | " There were no changes in Saudi riyal rates . |
] | [
] | 0.642857 | The market was very quiet because of summer holidays , " one dealer said . |
] | [
] | 0.583333 | The spot riyal was put at 3.7504 / 06 to the dollar . |
] | [
] | 0.575758 | One-month interbank deposits were at 5-1/2 , 3/8 percent , three months were 5-5/8 , 1/2 percent and six months were 5-3/4 , 5/8 percent . |
] | [
] | 0.75 | One-year funds were at six , 5-7/8 percent . |
] | [
] | 0.612903 | Israel gave Palestinian President Yasser Arafat permission on Thursday to fly over its territory to the West Bank , ending a brief Israeli-PLO crisis , an Arafat adviser said . |
] | [
] | 0.6 | " The problem is over . |
] | [
] | 0.575758 | The president 's aircraft has received permission to pass through Israeli airspace but the president is not expected to travel to the West Bank before Monday , " Nabil Abu Rdainah told Reuters . |
] | [
] | 0.538462 | Arafat had been scheduled to meet former Israeli prime minister Shimon Peres in the West Bank town of Ramallah on Thursday but the venue was changed to Gaza after Israel denied flight clearance to the Palestinian leader 's helicopters . |
] | [
] | 0.52381 | Palestinian officials accused right-wing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of trying to stop the Ramallah meeting by keeping Arafat grounded . |
] | [
] | 0.540541 | Yasser Arafat will meet Shimon Peres in Gaza on Thursday after Palestinians said the right-wing Israeli government had barred the Palestinian leader from flying to the West Bank for talks with the former prime minister . |
] | [
] | 0.548387 | Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has accused opposition leader Peres , who he defeated in May elections , of trying to undermine his Likud government 's authority to conduct peace talks . |
] | [
] | 0.625 | Afghan UAE embassy says Taleban guards going home . |
] | [
] | 1 | Hilary Gush |
] | [
] | 0.526316 | Three Afghan guards brought to the United Arab Emirates last week by Russian hostages who escaped from the Taleban militia will return to Afghanistan in a few days , the Afghan embassy in Abu Dhabi said on Thursday . |
] | [
] | 0.545455 | " Our ambassador is in touch with the UAE foreign ministry . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | Their return to Afghanistan will take place in two or three days , " an embassy official said . |
] | [
] | 0.636364 | There is no objection to their travel , " he added . |
] | [
] | 0.55 | The UAE said on Monday it would hand over the three to the International Red Crescent , possibly last Tuesday . |
] | [
] | 0.545455 | When asked whether the three guards would travel back to Kandahar or the Afghan capital Kabul , the embassy official said : " That has not been decided , but possibly Kandahar . " |
] | [
] | 0.5625 | Kabul is controlled by President Burhanuddin Rabbani 's government , which Taleban is fighting to overthrow . |
] | [
] | 0.75 | He did not elaborate . |
] | [
] | 0.5625 | The Russians , working for the Aerostan firm in the Russian republic of Tatarstan , were taken hostage after a Taleban MiG-19 fighter forced their cargo plane to land in August 1995 . |
] | [
] | 0.625 | Numerous diplomatic attempts to free the seven failed . |
] | [
] | 0.5625 | Iraqi President Saddam Hussein has told visiting Russian ultra-nationalist Vladimir Zhirinovsky that Baghdad wanted to maintain " friendship and cooperation " with Moscow , official Iraqi newspapers said on Thursday . |
] | [
] | 0.521739 | " President Saddam Hussein stressed during the meeting Iraq 's keenness to maintain friendship and cooperation with Russia , " the papers said . |
] | [
] | 0.555556 | " Our stand is firm , namely we are calling on ( the Russian ) government to end the economic embargo on Iraq and resume trade ties between Russia and Iraq , " he told reporters . |
] | [
] | 0.571429 | PRESS DIGEST - Iraq - Aug 22 . |
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