2 values
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so mad at my cat right now. She has been urinating in the house everyday." }, { "assistant": "Oh no, I've never had a cat because my husband and brother are allergic. Is she trying to mark her terriorty?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have no idea. I just had the carpets cleaned and she did again. I have about had enough of that cat." }, { "assistant": "I bet! Maybe get her checked and see if she has a UTI or if its just behavioral. Ask on your local pet page if its normal for cats.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "People never listen to me when i talk." }, { "assistant": "why is that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wonder myself every single day." }, { "assistant": "oh, well just talk louder!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am thinking the eagles can win it all again this year!" }, { "assistant": "I'm more of a dallas fan myself.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "boo, well best of luck to you" }, { "assistant": "We will for sure win this year!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am proud of my brother for graduating high school, it is common but still an accomplishment" }, { "assistant": "It sure is. It is an important step in this road we call life.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that is true, it is not to be taken for granted" }, { "assistant": "And now he can focus on the next phase of his life. Which should be exciting", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We had a car alarm go off at work and I started getting upset that no one was turning it off. Then I discovered it was from my car. " }, { "assistant": "why did it go off?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Just a false alarm like most other times. I felt pretty stupid getting mad at the others" }, { "assistant": "oh, well you live and you learn", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Some dude..because I live in a ghetto city..thought it was okay to pull up on my property beeping until I came out..smoking his cig with ashes in my driveway" }, { "assistant": "That is a strange scenario. Do you live in chicago.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": " Makes me so angry at how UNCOUTH people are here. NOPE I live in michigan" }, { "assistant": "Oh wow, yeah that is a pretty terrible place. Your should get out.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am trying. Takes awhile to save up a down payment. So over the ghetto people here. Never experienced anything like it" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I dropped my son off at daycare for the first time this week." }, { "assistant": "Nice. What was his first day?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Monday. It was the first time I've been away from him for more than a couple hours" }, { "assistant": "How it went for hime? Did he cry?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It went better than expected! The lead up was honestly worse." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My landlord didn't want to repair the ceiling. He take the rent but he doesn't want to make any reparations." }, { "assistant": "I would be so frustrated. Do you have any way to make him do the necessary fixes?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I can sue him but it can be a very long process. I am looking to move to another appartment. This is making very mad." }, { "assistant": "I don't blame you! It might cost more to sue than to break the lease and move.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I make a lot of money at my job. " }, { "assistant": "I am happy for you.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks! It feels really good to provide for my family and give them everything they need. " }, { "assistant": "I wish you the most success.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have to make a cheesecake later." }, { "assistant": "That sounds really good! I'm kind of jealous1", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so ready to do it!" }, { "assistant": "What kind of cheesecake are you thinking of eating?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i've got a doctor's appointment tommorow that i've been worried about all week" }, { "assistant": "Oh no. Whats wrong? Why are you going?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i'm having some health issues that have me really worried" }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry I hope it nothing serious. I hope it just seems bad but is easily fixable. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i hope so too. i don't know if i can handle bad news honestly i'm at the end of my rope." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was heartbroken when my grandmother passed away" }, { "assistant": "I know exactly how you feel. Sometimes it is for the best if they are suffering though.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that is true, still hurts a lot" }, { "assistant": "Oh definitely. I can say that it does get better with time. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I forgot that I had a math exam yesterday and didnt study. I ended up making an A on it. I couldnt believe it." }, { "assistant": "wow, that is awesome, go you!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I just had to laugh because I so thought I was gonna bomb it." }, { "assistant": "well sometimes luck is in your favor!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "all of my kids will be in school this year" }, { "assistant": "That is exciting! You'll have some free mommy time or be able to go to work while they are in school. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Mommy time first. I need that so badly" }, { "assistant": "Defenitly! Plus the first few week of school can be hectic, it'll be nice to have that downtime after you drop them off.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Exactly. I am looking forward to it. Even the hectic parts" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I play video games, and I always expect to win." }, { "assistant": "I expect that too, but it is not always the case.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I just have to think ahead and make sure it's something that I achieve." }, { "assistant": "Yes, you do. You can do it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That is what I tell my self every time I try." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The chain on the necklace my boyfriend gave me broke and I lost the pendant" }, { "assistant": "Where were you when you noticed that is broke? Maybe it's possible to find it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I only noticed once I got home from work. It most have broke somewhere on my walk home from work" }, { "assistant": "I'm sure you feel terrible about it. I hope you can find a replacement for it or have it fixed!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am sad, it is my birthday and I feel really sick" }, { "assistant": "oh that sucks .. celebrate during the weekend", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i am planning on it, I am not sure what else to do" }, { "assistant": "there is always next year!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was ready for that job interview" }, { "assistant": "How did it go?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i didnt get the job, i wasnt prepared at all " }, { "assistant": "oh, I am sorry to hear that...", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so hype for the new super smash bros" }, { "assistant": "MY little cousins are too. They love that game", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "it is so fun, it is addicting" }, { "assistant": "I have watched them before but never played.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Today was the third day of school and we were late" }, { "assistant": "why is that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "MY car quit and I had to wait for a ride. I was so embarassed" }, { "assistant": "that is not in your control!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "School just started though. It was not a good look." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just saw the Statue of Liberty today. " }, { "assistant": "how was it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was actually pretty cool!" }, { "assistant": "awesome, get any pictures?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am excited for the new super smash bros, it will be so good!" }, { "assistant": "Yeah me to. It's going to be so great!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am excited for the new super smash bros, it will be so good!" }, { "assistant": "I think the new characters will be really cool to play with. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so glad to see every character coming back!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i'm so happy with the life i have i'm honestly blessed" }, { "assistant": "Thats pretty cool...what's the number one thing you're most grateful for", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "my husband and the life we've made together" }, { "assistant": "That's great, I'm thankful for my self-employed status and all the money I'm making for my future family. Wish y'all the best", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that is great. i wish we had a little more flexibility" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to be on Adderall and if the dosage was too high I would get jumpy and paranoid" }, { "assistant": "i can totally relate. i'm currently on a medication that has me feeling mentally, emotionally, and physically ill", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "So glad to be off them...I'm mentally more focused, more productive, and get better quality sleep :)" }, { "assistant": "i'm switching to my new pill tomorrow and i'm hoping that i will have better results", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had to euthanize my dog of 11 years last month, I still think about him every day." }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry to hear that, I have two dogs and know how they become part of the family.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks for realizing my pain. It saddens me that I these lovely companions can't live with us forever. " }, { "assistant": "I know, it's defenitly painful to have to go through but its part of life. Maybe get a new puppy to start loving/sharing life with, shelters have so many dogs that need homes!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was sad when i couldnt get the day off" }, { "assistant": "Oh okay, sorry about not getting off for work. I hope the new pizza place is good at least. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "im gonna burn that baby to the ground" }, { "assistant": "Uhhhhh..... you okay man? I advise against arson.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am hoping the eagles can win another superbowl this year" }, { "assistant": "Wouldnt that be something... I suppose you're a massive fan of them", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "for sure, all of my walls are covered in pictures and jerseys" }, { "assistant": "That is some dedication, will you go to watch it live in the stadium?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was caught having an affair last week when my wife unexpectedly came home early." }, { "assistant": "why did you do that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wasn't thinking straight. I am beyond ashamed of my actions right now. " }, { "assistant": "i would be too", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My new neighbors slam their doors all day and night" }, { "assistant": "That is very annoying. Did you talk to them?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "no. i don't think they are very nice" }, { "assistant": "Did you try to talk to your landlord?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i think I will if this keeps up. They haven't even been here that long" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Last week, me and my husband had an argument. He slapped me. Since then, I am very scared of him." }, { "assistant": "That's terible. Did you call the police? There has to be consequences", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I didn't. I still love him. He was very angry. It will probably not happened again." }, { "assistant": "It still could and it could be worse. I hope not for your sake", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i feel so proud of all that my husband and i have accomplished together" }, { "assistant": "Aww thats great! Sounds like you two are a power couple!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "he is the perfect balance to set off my strengths and weaknesses" }, { "assistant": "Sounds like you two are the perfect match, cherish your marriage.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i have enjoyed the ups and downs during our 6 years together" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I got a promotion last month, thank god." }, { "assistant": "That's great to hear. Did you have to wait a long time to get it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I got a promotion last month, thank god." }, { "assistant": "Oh, well I am very happy for you. I bet you were celebrating when you heard the good news!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes I was there for two years." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I applied for a job that really interested me. I found out what kind of candidate they wanted and made sure to prepare very well for the interview." }, { "assistant": "After the interview was over I though it went very well. I am so confident I will get the job any day now!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Hopefully you get it." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I always feel happy sharing lunch with somebody special" }, { "assistant": "I agree, its one of best smallest things in life that make it worth it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, that is way I always try to do it" }, { "assistant": "Yup, I make it a point to have dinner with a friend every now and then", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I wrecked havoc in my house in a drunken rage last night" }, { "assistant": "Oh that dont sound really good", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I agree, I am ashamed once I woke up in the morning and saw the aftermath of my actions. I will never drink again" }, { "assistant": "I think you make a wise decision, never drink too much again", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm really good at my job. " }, { "assistant": "you better be cause im coming for it", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Like you even compare! None of my coworkers are as good as me!" }, { "assistant": "you wanna put some cash on it or what", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was scared to walk home last night" }, { "assistant": "Oh that's too bad. Maybe you could have someone walk with you?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i should have taken my gat with me, next time i'll be strapped, fo sho." }, { "assistant": "Whatever makes you feel safe!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Watching my old sparring videos I'm kind of amazed at how fast and lethal I was, knocking around guys twice my size...I was only 140lbs and I'm 185 now, I wonder how I'll do in the ring :))" }, { "assistant": "I bet you'll have a little extra power now", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes probably...might have to get the stamina back up...but I was pounding the crap out of this 300lb Everlast bag without even loading up it felt great" }, { "assistant": "That's awesome! You should get back to work and kick some butt :)", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Man this weekend might be weird" }, { "assistant": "Why weird", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We're taking the kids to the amusement park and I'm scared of the coasters haha" }, { "assistant": "Oh haha well that'll be least the kids will feel good that they were braver than Mommy hahaha", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I guess I just need to try one. I still haven't rode on one." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was at an autograph session with Tom Brady and I was getting my picture taken." }, { "assistant": "Ah I am an eagles fan, but we finally got you this year", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah everybody got me that day. Turns out my zipper was down and he noticed. EVeryone there laughed at me." }, { "assistant": "that is funny, you gotta be aware when in the presence of greatness", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am happy with my life right now" }, { "assistant": "Good. It's important that we all feel satsified with our situations.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that is for sure, I am for now though" }, { "assistant": "Well I hope nothing changes, and you stay happy forever!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am ready for the new pokemon game, it looks like it will be amazing" }, { "assistant": "I've never been into pokemon but my brother is a big fan. When does the game come out?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "it comes out in november I believe" }, { "assistant": "Thanks! Maybe I will get it for his birthday in November. I will have to look into it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "it makes me feel so sad when i fail at something" }, { "assistant": "You should use it as fuel and keep going.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i have tried to do that but i've run out of gas on this" }, { "assistant": "Then you need something to motivate you. Try watching the Rocky II", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i am more motivated for this than i've ever wanted anything else in my life" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "OOOh boy I'm getting my bags packed and ready to go!" }, { "assistant": "Are you leaving on a jet plane? I am guessing you are going on vacation?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yup! Vacation! We're taking my 3 year old nephew to Florida in a couple weeks!" }, { "assistant": "Nice. I love Florida. What part of the state are you going to?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We're going to Panama City!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was on the other side of the country on a work trip by myself. I felt very isolated and had no one to hang out with for a 2 weeks." }, { "assistant": "You could have gone to a bar and found some friends ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That is true, but I am not the best at meeting new people." }, { "assistant": "That's what the alcohol is for lol", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I saw a hurricane coming towards my house and there was nothing I could do than to evacuate " }, { "assistant": "Oh wow I hope you are save did you have to evacuate to a shelter or to family house away?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We evacuated to my parents house many miles away. Safe to say, it was a terrifying ordeal" }, { "assistant": "Glad you and your family is safe and let's just hope the storm passes by and cause no damage to home town.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Some guy cut me off in traffic today and caused me to swerve and hit a sign board" }, { "assistant": "Did it tear up your car?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "yes, and it will cost me thousands of dollar. I am really angry right now." }, { "assistant": "The guy didnt even stop did he?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "MY oldest daughter is so sweet." }, { "assistant": "Aw, I bet she makes your life so much more happier. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "She does. She is helpful and never complains" }, { "assistant": "You must have taught her to be very well behaved", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I did my best" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was mad when i didnt get the day off" }, { "assistant": "Oh shucks that's bad! Did you call in sick?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i quit that mofo." }, { "assistant": "oh haha. Awesome! Now what are you gonna do?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Man this weekend is gonna be awesome. Can't wait!" }, { "assistant": "what are you gonna do ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We're taking the kids to the lake!" }, { "assistant": "oh that sounds nice", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "yeah we haven't been in a while. Hope we catch some big fish!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friend's went on vacation for a week and I got to watch their super adorable puppy for a week!" }, { "assistant": "That's awesome! I love dog sitting no matter the occasion!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yea, they're fun even when they're jerks lol. He's a little Jack Russell so he's got quite the energy" }, { "assistant": "That sounds like a good way to have fun and get some exercise!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had been losing pretty bad on this video game Dirt Rally. But recently, with some extra practice, I'm starting to hit the leader boards!" }, { "assistant": "Awesome! I've never been able to sit that long, so getting really good at video games is hard for me", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, no matter what you're doing, it's always great to keep practicing and get better. I feel like I can take on anyone now!" }, { "assistant": "That's neat. I wish I had your motivation for...well...everything else in life.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I lost my work ID card yesterday." }, { "assistant": "Oh no, were you able to get into you work ?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I haven't needed to enter the building since I last had it. I'm very embarrassed to admit this mistake because I recently started." }, { "assistant": "I'm sure you will not be the first or the last to lose one of those. My husband has lost his a few times as well. Hopefully it's a simple process to get a new one made.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My husband had to go out of town for work so I've been home alone this week." }, { "assistant": "Oh, I'm sure that's a bit boring have you had fun stuff to do?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, actually I've been having the worst time. I know I'm perfectly safe, but I feel like someone is going to break in or something. I cannot sleep at all at night and end up sleeping during the day." }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry to hear that. If your neighborhood is rough take precautions, otherwise maybe try to find a tea or something to help sooth.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I put on a pair of shorts I havent worn in a while and I found $20. That never happens to me." }, { "assistant": "Lucky! I love when that happens! ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I always hear about it happening to others but never me. I got myself a good lunch with that." }, { "assistant": "Yum, sounds like a good use of the money! Hopefully you find some more spare money haha", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I drank wine and ate my favorite dish after a long time since I came from my tour" }, { "assistant": "I imagine that was a pleasure that was simple at one time, but one you really appreciated when you came back. Thanks for your service!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thank you. I was really content in that moment, and realized there is so much beauty in the small things in life that we, sometimes, take for granted." }, { "assistant": "Absolutely! It can often take really significant events to happen before we realize it too. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog" }, { "assistant": "Oh no, what happened?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "my brother left the gate open and my dog got out, needless to say my brother got beatdown." }, { "assistant": "That sucks, I hope you found your dog.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Before signing the contract, the landlord made promises that he will do some reparations but he never kept his word." }, { "assistant": "What a bummer. Landlords suck for the most part. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I agree with you. I am looking to move now. I don't want to deal with him." }, { "assistant": "Do you have a lease?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "This guy \"friend\" my ex was talking to all of the time made me uncofortable" }, { "assistant": "I understand. Me too, I don't like people talking too much.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It's weird and uncomfortable. Especialy when there is a past there " }, { "assistant": "Are you still seeing him?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i knew i shouldnt have trusted my brother with my dog" }, { "assistant": "Did he give her a haircut?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "no he didnt feed him and he died" }, { "assistant": "How long did you live her with him for?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Man I forgot to tip my waitress last weekend" }, { "assistant": "Oh no. Did the waitress realize it before you left?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I don't think so. she was busy. " }, { "assistant": "I see. Well if you go there again, be sure to leave her a bigger one!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah I might see her this weekend!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I left some bread in the fridge too long and it got all moldy" }, { "assistant": "ewwww did you eat it??", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Nope! Threw it right out! Was so gross to see." }, { "assistant": "haha I bet. Did it smell too?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Smelled awful! lol" }, { "assistant": "Should have fed it to the birds!!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That's a good idea! I'll try that next (if there IS a next time haha)." }, { "assistant": "haha hopefully not :D", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have a good feeling tomorrow will be fun. We are going to a new restaurant in town" }, { "assistant": "Oh yeah? What kind of restaurant? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Its a new burrito place" }, { "assistant": "Oh cool, I hope it ends up being nice and tasty.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My car fuel gauge is not working. It left me on the side of the road without gas in the middle of nowhere !" }, { "assistant": "Oh wow that sounds scary, I hope your alright? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I played the radio, until someone I knew passed by to stop to inquire. Good thing I live in a small town where everyone knows me " }, { "assistant": "Thats great, glad someone you knew passed by. Hope its not going to be expensive to fix.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Hey, I have some good news. " }, { "assistant": "What is that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I think my house might finally be sold! ahhh" }, { "assistant": "Nice, how much did you get for it?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was at home and last minute my dad took me to the Yankees game." }, { "assistant": "That is so thoughtful of him, did you guys catch a ball? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, but it was still fun." }, { "assistant": "I am sure it was! :) ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Like Scarface said, \"There's no one I trust but ME!\"....I'm the only person who's never failed me, I'm the most trustworthy guy I know" }, { "assistant": "I'm very glad you can rely on yourself! I def trust you already.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks for your kind words. Now kindly give me your bank account info and social security number ;))" }, { "assistant": "I'll email you right away, keep a look out for that :-)", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My sister is pregnant! I can't believe I'm going to have another niece or nephew" }, { "assistant": "That is pretty exciting :) do you have kids of your own", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have a son, he's one. I also have one niece and one nephew already" }, { "assistant": "Nice looks like you're gonna be racking up some babysitting hope you're ready ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I get more stoked about my future when I get the cheat codes to life unexpectedly. " }, { "assistant": "Nicde", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes these days been feeling like Neo in the Matrix. You ever get that feeling" }, { "assistant": "No, I never had.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have a coworker sitting next to me that has very frequently his finger inside his nose." }, { "assistant": "Man that's pretty gross", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I know. I try most of time to not look in his direction." }, { "assistant": "I would switch computers...or ask him if he's found gold yet", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My brother bought me dinner tonight. It was a nice gesture" }, { "assistant": "That was really nice. I hope you had a good dinner.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was very good indeed" }, { "assistant": "Sounds like you have a really nice brother. You are very lucky!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I saw a magic show the other day and was the guy was fantastic. I could not believe some of the stuff he was doing" }, { "assistant": "That's interesting, I haven't seen a good magic show in a while.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He seemed like he should big in a much bigger stage. He was that good" }, { "assistant": "Very cool, I hope more people continue to recognize his talent and he gets the acclaim he deserves.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was much younger, my grandmother took care of me while my mom worked. I need to send her something." }, { "assistant": "Sounds like a great lady. I am glad you are appreciative of her ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Absolutely, I get busy at times but I think it's important to remember the people who got me here." }, { "assistant": "Yes it is. You should take her out to dinner or something to say thank you.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My birthday was last week. " }, { "assistant": "Happy birthday! Did you have fun?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "When I got to work, my office was decorated and full of balloons." }, { "assistant": "That sounds like a lot of fun. You have some pretty great coworkers!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel really bad because I hate my boyfriends parents. " }, { "assistant": "I know how that is. What happened?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "They are just so aweful to him, but he doesn't seem to realize how little they care about him. " }, { "assistant": "That is so sad. I have dealt with something similar. Good luck!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "She gets on to me for stupid stuff" }, { "assistant": "Ive been there. It gets old real quick.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "For sure! I work with the state so I'm trying to hang in there for the retirement." }, { "assistant": "Just try and keep a low profile and stay busy. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend got me concert tickets to see my favorite band this weekend. She told me they were sold out." }, { "assistant": "How did she get them if they were sold out?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thats only what she told me. She waited until my birthday today to say that she was actually able to get them." }, { "assistant": "Wow thats awsome man. Who are you seeing?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I woke up this morning there were TWO spiders on my bed." }, { "assistant": "That sounds horrible, and scary", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have no idea how long'd been there. I just can't get over that there was more than one." }, { "assistant": "What did you do after", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Screamed, evacuated. lol. My husband took care of the spiders." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had to cancel lunch this morning with a relative. I still feel bad about it" }, { "assistant": "Aw, I hate it when that happens, but I bet the relative understands. Sometimes things come up.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope they do" }, { "assistant": "They've probably been on the other side of this situation before.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have hope that this weekend will be fun. I am off and hope to do something fun" }, { "assistant": "Sounds fun! Where ya headed to?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope to a brewery or two" }, { "assistant": "Oh cool. Sounds like fun! Be safe!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My nephew starts 10th grade this year!" }, { "assistant": "Are you excited for them", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah! He plays football this year too!" }, { "assistant": "That sounds like a good year to me", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah I remember those days! I didn't play football though." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just got accepted to Yale!" }, { "assistant": "That's awesome! What are you going to study?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm going to study some business administration." }, { "assistant": "That's really cool! Good luck!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I found my girlfriend having sex with my best friend" }, { "assistant": "That's awful I'm sorry to hear that, what are you planning on doing?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Not talking to either of them again for a start. " }, { "assistant": "Definitely, I'd look to move on if I was you.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My sister's been going through a bit of a hard time lately, so today I baked her a big ol pumpkin pie." }, { "assistant": "I love me some pumpkin pie, whats she going through?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "She was laid off recently and her guinea pig died, which she had for a pretty long time. And yeah, I made a pumpkin pie because that's one of my favorites." }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry to hear that, I love animals. I hope she cheers up.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just sent out all my applications to school." }, { "assistant": "Are you nervous about which schools you might get accepted for, or do you feel good about it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm feeling confident because my GPA is 4.0." }, { "assistant": "Oh wow, yeah you should have no problem! I did just fine with way worse than that.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i would rather starve than eat mcdonalds" }, { "assistant": "tell me more about this", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i am a wendy's guy, i find their food much more satisfying" }, { "assistant": "but i would less satisfied", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "oh thats for sure" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "it annoys me that my wife keeps giving our son a stick even though he hurts himself every single time" }, { "assistant": "Why don't you say something?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i did, she calls me a helicopter parent and just laughs at me" }, { "assistant": "That isn't nice.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am afraid of clowns." }, { "assistant": "oh gosh, me too!! especially the clown from the movie IT", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes I saw that movie and cried." }, { "assistant": "i slept with a light on for a couple of night lol", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I lost 20 pounds, I was very happy of my achievement." }, { "assistant": "I bet, that is a great achievment! Loosing weight is hard! Keeping it off is even harder. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I know. It is very difficult for me to keep it off. I am trying very hard." }, { "assistant": "You can do it! Keep up the hard work :)", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My resilience / drive to succeed is an asset I'm never letting go of...It's gotten me this far and I'm financially independent, have great friends, and am eating well everyday" }, { "assistant": "You sound inspirational my friend.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks for the kind words. I just live everyday like it's my last because my parents brought me here to live the dream" }, { "assistant": "Where are you living your dream out at?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just got let go from my hockey team." }, { "assistant": "Sry to hear that....what happened", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wasn't good enough so they cut me. " }, { "assistant": "Hey well I bet you're talented at other things...just stack your paper and you'll have the last laugh", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My boss called me into his office the other day and told me I was getting 12 hours of leave! I had no idea I was getting it and was quite taken aback!" }, { "assistant": "Did your boss tell you why?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I guess my metrics were all better than my coworkers. It was a great little bonus!" }, { "assistant": "Oh so it was a positive thing...that's great, well I hope you enjoy your mini vacation :)", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I look forward and never back, up and never down...turn every frown upside down cuz what's life if ya can't chase the crown ;)" }, { "assistant": "Um, you seem really upbeat and happy!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "upbeat and happy I'm undefeated Mike Tyson vs larry time's slow when u crabby I just want a girl who's not flabby" }, { "assistant": "Are you really excited about somthing going on in your life?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I got cut from the soccer team over my friend." }, { "assistant": "That sucks so much. I hope there isn't any tension between you and your friend.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "There is I'm quite jealous now of him." }, { "assistant": "I hope you can both work it out, it would be awful for a friendship to end over something like that.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When one of my coworker was at the hospital, I went multiple times to visit him." }, { "assistant": "What happened to him", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He had a knee surgery. He had a torn anterior cruciate ligament. " }, { "assistant": "That sounds very painful. I am sure they were glad you came with them", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I got a bonus at work today. It was a nice shock" }, { "assistant": "That is very good news. It means that you are doing a great job.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope so. I hope to get more of them" }, { "assistant": "What are you planning to do with the money?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Very stoked that I just got my tickets for Halloween Horror Nights this year." }, { "assistant": "I love Halloween, what is horrors night?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It's a Halloween festival at Universal Studios." }, { "assistant": "That's fun, do the ghosts chase you around?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, they have people dressed up as ghosts, zombies, and lots more that chase you." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Just took a bite at this restaurant and my burger had a tomato, gross." }, { "assistant": "Ah you aren't a big fan of tomatos?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Nope they are disgusting, I'm getting my money back." }, { "assistant": "Yes, if you requested no tomato, you should get a refund!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm ecstatic like Matt Hughes slammin Newton on the mat it's a fact haters mad cuz I got dapper swag got the ladies stariin like who daaat" }, { "assistant": "What does that even mean?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Worker_2 confused bemused got juked like OJ I got the juice too fast for you I'm killing rhymes like Seuss Ok I'm the accused Jodie Foster Oh guess I lost ya" }, { "assistant": "Interesting, what caused you to do that?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really dislike chocolate cake but my mom got me some." }, { "assistant": "What's your favorite kind of cake flavor", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I love vanilla, I was quite let down in that moment." }, { "assistant": "Ice ice baby widen your horizons maybe can't identify with the girl or guy who shy's away from chocolate cake b***h u craayy", "user": null } ]