2 values
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My husband went out of town for a few days. Every sound I hear makes my hair stand up on end!" }, { "assistant": "Oh no. How long will he be away for?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "A few days, he will be back Saturday. But I may not survive this trip, I cannot sleep at all I'm so freaked out." }, { "assistant": "Maybe you can get him on Skype or something?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was scared and worried when it came to going to a new high school my sophomore year. I was not sure how it would go" }, { "assistant": "Yeah, I think most people feel that way, but it's still a valid feeling. How did it end up?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was okay eventually" }, { "assistant": "that's great to hear! Did you have any cool teachers or make any new friends?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "At first no, but it did get better" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I walked into the wrong class on the first day of college" }, { "assistant": "I bet that was a little scary", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It wasn't as much scary as it was embarrassing and silly. I was too nervous to get up and leave, so I just stayed in the wrong class the whole time..." }, { "assistant": "Oh well, I am sure most people forgot about it quickly", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Oh yeah, I never saw them again. I basically just missed the first class of my actual class, no big deal." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I lost my wedding ring, I am so sad." }, { "assistant": "Oh no! Did you look in the places you've been all day?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I have looked everywhere." }, { "assistant": "That's so sad. I hope your spouse won't be too upset with you.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Sometimes I look down and my fly is open" }, { "assistant": "Do you pull it up?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Ahaha, yes, when I notice it, but I could be walking around for hours with my fly down!" }, { "assistant": "That wouldn't be good.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I borrowed money from my friend." }, { "assistant": "Were you in a tight spot? How much did you borrow?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, Medical emergency. I borrowed $5000. Hope I'll repay this month." }, { "assistant": "What a good friend to lend you money in your time of need. You should thank him and take him to dinner after everything is sorted.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am worried about my test scores coming back" }, { "assistant": "Did you perform well?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm not sure yet, I wasn't fully prepared so I'm worried" }, { "assistant": "Don't worry. You'll get good score.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "After I performed at school, so many girls are hitting me up, but I've got a girlfriend." }, { "assistant": "OH man! I bet you were overwhelmed! did you stay faithful to her?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Of course, these girls don't know me like my girlfriend does." }, { "assistant": "Thats good! I would of been anxious to get out of that place if that happend. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have my biology exam tomorrow. I am so nervous about it." }, { "assistant": "Oh no! Why are you nervous?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I felt like I have studied hard for it, but it is some very difficult material. I hope I do well." }, { "assistant": "What topics will the exam be covering?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope to get engaged soon, I have been with my boyfriend for 6 years" }, { "assistant": "I hope so too! Do you know if he is planning on proposing anytime soon?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We have talked a lot about getting married, but I don't think we're ready for kids, so we're taking our time to get married too" }, { "assistant": "Bah, he should just do it already! In the wise words of the late Rhiana: \"If you like it you should put a ring on it\".", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to be so scared to go to sleep as a kid." }, { "assistant": "How come? Were you scared of the dark?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That, and I always thought there were very creepy monsters in my closet. I had a hard time falling asleep." }, { "assistant": "Oh no! Did your parents check your closet before tucking you into bed?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my car is the worst" }, { "assistant": "Oh no! I know car problems can be frusterating. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "My friends all have nice new cars. I need a new car and new friends" }, { "assistant": "I hear ya. Stay hopefull. It will come soon with dertermination. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "i hope so. I dont like walking in this weather" }, { "assistant": "I agree. Im sure you will find something. I get anxious for new things as well. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "There were 7 kittens on my doortstep this morning." }, { "assistant": "Awesome! Cute kitties! Did you feed them", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I sure did! I just don't know if I can care for 7 kitties!" }, { "assistant": "Yeah. you can always take them to the shelter or post on FB if someone wants to adopt them!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We're celebrating our 10th anniversary this weekend" }, { "assistant": "Wow. That's pretty amazing. So many people break up so easily.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah especially these days. I've never cheated on her once!" }, { "assistant": "She's a lucky gal!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I think I'm luckier! I don't know how I landed her!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so mad at what Andrew Cuomo said." }, { "assistant": "These people are becoming so pathetic and out of touch with reality that logic and reasoning are becoming an aliens to them", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Who are these people you refer to?" }, { "assistant": "People at CNN and the whole liberal media who ignore the reality of the people's lives and try to project their own moral wonderland onto them", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "This Monday, for our team's weekly meeting, i am expected to make a big presentation about my progress on the project in front of the CEO of the company I work for. I am very nervous and full of anxiety" }, { "assistant": "You will do fine, just relax.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "These are just words. Everyone is saying them to me and I constantly hear them. But it just doesn't help. I can't just simply relax" }, { "assistant": "Then be as prepared as you can.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I yelled at my dog to come inside. I feel so bad." }, { "assistant": "Why do you feel bad?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "She didn't do anything wrong. I was venting out my impatience on her." }, { "assistant": "Oh. I'm sure she didn't mind it. Dogs seem to be a lot less sensitive than people. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I've been studying for my final math test this whole week. Never felt so ready for it!" }, { "assistant": "Very good! I bet your anticipating a good turn out!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am! This is the biggest one of the semester, so I really have to knock it out of the park!" }, { "assistant": "Well you prepared really well. I feel you will do well on this test!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "After having to retake the class twice, my son finally passed his swimming test and can move on to the next level!" }, { "assistant": "Thats awesome! Im glad you persisted because that is so important these days, not being able to swim is a real danger!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It is and he had some struggles at first but I'm glad he stuck to it as well! He could have easily given up and put up a fight about continuing to attend class!" }, { "assistant": "Yes, sounds like your doing a great job with the little guy!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog was running around in my yard the other day, and she came inside and was being really mean to everyone. Upon closer look she had a splinter in her paw from wood that my other dog chewed up on the porch that I had not cleaned up yet. I felt bad." }, { "assistant": "Oh no, did it take you a long time to figure out what the issue was?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well not really she kept putting her paw up and not wanting to walk on it, I think it took longer to get her to let me see it." }, { "assistant": "Dogs can be a little squeamish when it comes to that sort of thing. I wouldn't feel bad, it could happen to anyone!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really am embarrassed I lied about my weight." }, { "assistant": "Where did you lie? I'm on a new diet that I'm really happy with", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I lied cause I weight too much." }, { "assistant": "Yeah I know, it's time for us to get healthy!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really miss living in Montreal, it was a fun city" }, { "assistant": "I love Canada, do you speak French?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Just a little, I didn't grow up in Quebec unfortunately" }, { "assistant": "Where did you grow up?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog had been missing for two days. Then she suddenly was at the front door when I got home! I thought she was gone for good." }, { "assistant": "That is a miracle.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I know! I could not believe it. I was so happy." }, { "assistant": "I hope you make sure the dog is on a leash from now on.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I so so ready for the first UGA football game." }, { "assistant": "It will be here before you know it. Are you a big Georgia fan?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, I have season tickets." }, { "assistant": "Wow, that is exciting. The first game of the season is always the best one. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was happy to see my friend got engaged" }, { "assistant": "oh congratulations to your friend!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah! They've been dating for a couple years so it's a happy time for them now" }, { "assistant": "I wish them the best! Have fun at the wedding!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friend got a full ride scholarship for overseas" }, { "assistant": "Ooh, where are they going?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "She's going to Britain!" }, { "assistant": "Wow, I have a friend that went there for school too!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm starting an internship in the next couple weeks, I'm exciting but also kind of nervous" }, { "assistant": "Being nervous is totally understandable. They chose you, so they definitely think you can do it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "That's a good point, thanks! It's just weird, being at kind of the bottom of the ladder " }, { "assistant": "Hey, you'll be going up that ladder and will be looking back at how much you've accomplished one day.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It's been raining everyday, and I'm starting to hear water dripping in my attic" }, { "assistant": "Oh no! Have you gone up to check if there's a leak? ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I tried, but I'm afraid of following. The floor is spaced." }, { "assistant": "Oh gosh yeah be careful...I hope it stops raining soon :( ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm scared of the hooligans in my neighbourhood, they like to break into garages" }, { "assistant": "That sounds scary! Has your place been broken into?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "yeah, our garage got broken into once, now we double check to lock it" }, { "assistant": "What did they take from you?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I lost my dog, I feel so bad." }, { "assistant": "Oh no, I hope you find him.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I don't think I will, its been over a month." }, { "assistant": "He's probably just gone on holiday, I'm sure he will come back with gifts.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I won a prize at the fair, it was ok I guess." }, { "assistant": "What was the prize?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "A pen" }, { "assistant": "Did you keep the pen or sell it?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I missed my lucky pencil two weeks ago." }, { "assistant": "Oh no, Did you lose it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "No, I got it back yesterday. I'm glad to receive it back." }, { "assistant": "That's good. Glad ya got it back!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I think my dog will win the beauty pageant this year" }, { "assistant": "It's good. Do you prepare him that ?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I sure did. She's the prettiest dog on this block." }, { "assistant": "It's lovely. What's her name?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I couldn't pay my rent. I am homeless." }, { "assistant": "I am so sorry to hear that. Do you have a job? Where do you work that you could not make even a rent payment?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I don't anymore. I lost it last week." }, { "assistant": "So where are you spending your nights? Are there any homeless shelters provided by the social services?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Past month, i consistently visited gym and followed diligently on my exercising plans. As a result, I gained 4 pounds of muscle mass. I feel very capable of my abilities" }, { "assistant": "Nice, you must look like The Hulk.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Not yet. I still need to go for 2-3 more months and get myself one bag of pure protein powder. What about you? Do you exercise?" }, { "assistant": "I run every day.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I would like to try ice skating even though my balance is horrible" }, { "assistant": "It'll take some getting used to. Keep at it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks, I like the feeling of going fast on the ice. and i love watching hockey" }, { "assistant": "Are you a hockey fan?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, my favorite team is the Oilers" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm really happy in life right now. I have my cat, books and can eat all the good foods" }, { "assistant": "That's great! I also have a cat, she's so precious", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "How long have you had her?" }, { "assistant": "A couple years, she's a persian mix", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I lost my sister's pen. It's her lucky one. She didn't scold me. But I feel bad about it." }, { "assistant": "Oh no you should buy her a new one!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, I gave it. But that was her lucky one." }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry :( I bet she got upset", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "So excited for this weekend!" }, { "assistant": "Then why are you excite about it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We're going to the beach this weekend!!! WOOOOT!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a baby last month, so happy." }, { "assistant": "I know you are over the moon. What did you have?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It was a boy, I named him after me." }, { "assistant": "Enjoy every minute with him. Time goes fast when they are little.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was reading the news and came across a story about children being killed in a fire. It hurt my heart to think about it" }, { "assistant": "That is horrible, so sad.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "This kind of tragedy is even worse when it could have been avoided." }, { "assistant": "Yes, fire prevention shouldn't be that hard.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Truly this will be the greatest day of our lives" }, { "assistant": "Why do you say that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We're going to build the wall, and Mexico is going to pay for it" }, { "assistant": "Oh I didn't know that was really happening.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I haven't seen this girl I went to school with in Elementary school for years. She was really chubby but now is a stunner" }, { "assistant": "So does that mean she isn't chubby now? Or still chubby but grew into it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Nope. She's definitely not chubby anymore." }, { "assistant": "That's good to hear. So did you match with her on tindr or something?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I took my bosses car for a drive last night." }, { "assistant": "Nice! Is it a fancy One?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, it is a BMW." }, { "assistant": "Very nice! Were you excited to drive it?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend broke up with me yesterday. This place is so quiet without her" }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry to hear that. You should have some friends over. Throw a party and catch up on old times.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "You know, that's a good idea. " }, { "assistant": "Yeah, it's always good to hang out with friends. That cheers me up when I'm down.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I saw a coyote in the neighbourhood the other day!" }, { "assistant": "That is awesome, was he scared of you?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thankfully I was in a car, but no, I don't think it was phased by me in anyway" }, { "assistant": "That is awesome, was he scared of you?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I need to see the dentist but I hate that trip." }, { "assistant": "me too, I'm long overdue to go to the dentist", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "When your teeth start hurting you know you are going to spend a lot of money." }, { "assistant": "ugh, I know, I just keep putting it off, nasty root canal", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Same here and need a few crowns." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Have you seen equalizer 2?" }, { "assistant": "No. What is it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "its a denzel ovie. I havent either but I cant wait to. i heard its really good" }, { "assistant": "What is it about", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "a hitman" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I divorced my wife, I have no one to be with now." }, { "assistant": "Why did you guys get divorced?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I just couldn't stand her stealing all my money." }, { "assistant": "Well, then it seems like it was a good choice. Next time around you will know more what to look for before getting married. I hope you find someone that matches up better with you.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My mom and dad divorced when I was 9 and I went to live with my dad at age 10," }, { "assistant": "Did you like living with your Dad?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I did, but my mother wasn't around. My grandmother filled in for her though. I'm so thankful for her willingness to help me grow up." }, { "assistant": "That was very kind of her.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My hamster died yesterday. I am so distraught!" }, { "assistant": "oh no! I bet your so sad right now. im sorry for your loss", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am! I was crying all day. I think I am going to go to the pet store to get another one once I feel better." }, { "assistant": "I know it can be upsetting and sad, but take your time. It will be ok. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend didn't want to go to dinner with me. She went with another guy instead." }, { "assistant": "That's awful, I'm sorry. Does she want to be with the other guy instead of you?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm not sure. I was so angry though. I really hope she explains it to me once she gets home." }, { "assistant": "I hope it all works out with you and your girlfriend.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really enjoyed the next film Mile 22." }, { "assistant": "Nice movie! I bet you had a fun and joyful time watching it. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes, there was a ton of action in it." }, { "assistant": "Nice! How exciting. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope I'll get the funding for my experiments" }, { "assistant": "Hey me too! What are you working on?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Need time on the fMRI, and you?" }, { "assistant": "No, I meant I hope you get the funding. Sounds interesting!!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We got this new printer at work and let me tell you what" }, { "assistant": "What?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It is sooo annoying!! It doesnt even work!" }, { "assistant": "Yikes! Y'all need another new printer ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I know right!!! At least spend the money on a good one!!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I bought a dream house and i'm so happy" }, { "assistant": "Wow! I'm so envious! How long ago did you buy it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Just 2 months ago! I worked so hard to save up for this house. i didn't wanna settle for the second best" }, { "assistant": "Makes sense. when you know what you want, you should go for it. Well, I'm happy for you. I'm far away from being able to do that.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Seeing pictures from my summer vacation a month ago with my long distance girlfriend, makes me feel both happy and sad" }, { "assistant": "I bet you had a wonderful time together", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We really did. We did a lot of physical activity, hiking, and we did have one or two fights, but I miss that time" }, { "assistant": "how fun! Where did you guys go?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We went to Colorado and hiked the base of the rocky mountains" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm waiting on some test results from the dr and it's taking forever!" }, { "assistant": "That can be tough. I hope everything is okay.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I wish they would realize that all of this waiting is worse than the actual test and results! I'm sure it will be ok." }, { "assistant": "Good luck with it all.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My cat has to be put down next week." }, { "assistant": "Oh no! I'm so sorry, we just went through that with our pup. It's a hard choice to have to make.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "She has been sick for a month and is not improving." }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry you are having to make that choice, but I feel it's our duty to them to help them pass on when they are not going to get better and help them not suffer any longer.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was so scared to go to sleep when I was a kid. I was afraid of the dark." }, { "assistant": "Me too. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Did you have a night light like me?" }, { "assistant": "Once, but it burned the wall so my mom got rid of it", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The doctor recommended hospice for my grandad today" }, { "assistant": "That's so sad. What do you think about that?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I don't want him to go but he is really ill" }, { "assistant": "It might be best to send him then. On the bright side, you will still be able to visit him and I am sure he'll be taken care of very well.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "that is true" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Some people are so slow at answering text messages, it's like they read it and never reply" }, { "assistant": "I agree. Its frusterating, especially when it was an important conversation. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, my friends are flakey I guess. I hate that" }, { "assistant": "How annoying. Dont pay them now mind! do your own thing", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I ate some Korean food the other day. I really liked it" }, { "assistant": "Yum! I have never had it. I bet you enjoyed it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah it was a bit spicy but really tasty." }, { "assistant": "Maybe I should try it out! It will be exciting to do so. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have my final math test tomorrow. I've never been so nervous!" }, { "assistant": "Oh yeah, I can relate. I always get uneasy before a big test. And I always end up cramming and studying the last minute.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yup, that is me right now. I am really not sure if I am going to pass or not." }, { "assistant": "Well as long as you know the basic concepts and material and have it fresh in your mind for tomorrow, you should do fine. I find I always worry and end up doing better than i expected.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I hate it when the waitress bring another table food when I got there first" }, { "assistant": "I cannot stand that! Did this happen to you recently?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, I'm so hungry usually and I'll get hangry when this happens" }, { "assistant": "Did you say anything to the waitress? I've always wanted to but never have. My husband tells me not to say anything because then they will spit on my food.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Our youngest daughter is in a local ballet company. They are dancing at Scottish Rite Children's hospital next month." }, { "assistant": "Beautiful! You must be so proud!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm so very glad that they are focused on giving back. A few months ago they worked with a local community in a trailer park, bringing dance to kids that don't have any exposure to it." }, { "assistant": "That's such a great idea! Dance is a great exercise for kids.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We played with the neice and nephew outside all day today!" }, { "assistant": "That's sounds like a lot of fun! What did you guys do?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We tossed the ball around and just had a good time! I loved it!" }, { "assistant": "I am glad ya'll had a blast. It's always good to spend some quality time with the fam.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah thanks! It was so much fun to get out and play!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went to the bowling alley all by myself because my friends ditched me. It was pretty darn awful." }, { "assistant": "Did you have fun there by yourself at least?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I tried too, but I felt bad seeing everyone else in large groups having a blast. That should've have been me yesterday!" }, { "assistant": "You should have joined one of the other groupls and pretended to belong. See who would've said something first.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm happy I'm not lactose intolerant, I love cheese so much" }, { "assistant": "Me too! Gouda is my all time fav. What's yours?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I love good mozza or parm" }, { "assistant": "Oh yeah, a good mozzarella sounds pretty primo right now. Perhaps I'll get some mozz sticks from Little Caesars.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog performed his first trick today!" }, { "assistant": "Whoo! What trick was it? How old is he?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "He rolled over! He's 2 years old and he is such a smart little pup. I was so proud when he finally did after weeks of training." }, { "assistant": "So cute! You must be so proud! You should teach him more tricks!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am! Hopefully he'll learn how to shake here pretty soon." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm upset that my husband is lazy" }, { "assistant": "Could there be a reason that he is?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I don't know it. But I want to change him and his behaviours" }, { "assistant": "It must be frustrating! How are you gonna go about doing it?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to fix cars with my dad, when I was little" }, { "assistant": "Fun! You guys got to spend a lot of time together?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yep. We definitely did. I really miss him." }, { "assistant": "Did he pass? At least you got to appreciate him and show him your love", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I don't like it when mosquitoes attack me while I'm having a good time at the beach" }, { "assistant": "I agree! How annoying that is!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I just want to tan and relax and they get in my face and sting my arms and legs, infuriating" }, { "assistant": "I was of been furious as well. How could they ruin a nice day!!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was excited when I was accepted into graduate school" }, { "assistant": "I bet", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "it was a weight off my back more so" }, { "assistant": "That is good to hear, less weight the better", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I failed a test early on in high school. I was real ashamed at how I did" }, { "assistant": "why would you do that", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Wow, I am sorry to hear that, that must have not been fun..." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I've been married to my wife for over 20 years now" }, { "assistant": "Wow that is a long time. How did you keep it together that long?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "We knew we'd have to always work at our relationship." }, { "assistant": "I was hoping for an easier way, but I guess like all worthwhile things hard work is key", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I can't believe they canceled it after only six episodes" }, { "assistant": "Oh what show?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "They said we got too political, said we crossed too many lines. There was nothing political about it, they just projected their own insecurities on us" }, { "assistant": "hm must've been a really controversial show.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Christmas is my favorite time of the year. I could not love it more!" }, { "assistant": "Oh, me too! What do you love about it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Just everything, the whole shebang, the family, the cold, the snuggling up by the fire with cocoa. And I start shopping now, so I'm already in the mood!" }, { "assistant": "If only it was Christmas all year long, hu?", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I think I'm ready to start my own restaurant now" }, { "assistant": "How exciting! What kind of restaurant to you want to open?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "It's going to be a Korean! " }, { "assistant": "That sounds amazing! We need a Korean restaurant in our town, I would love for one to open here!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My grandma died 15 years ago this week. I really miss her." }, { "assistant": "That's so sad. Did she live a happy and fulfilled life?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah she lived to be about 55. We always used to love going to her house for Christmas!" }, { "assistant": "That's so nice! Perhaps you should dwell on good memories like that of her to rid yourself of your sadness. We have to remember the good times with our loved ones!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Hey that's good advice! Thank you so much! :D" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog peed on the rug for the near hundredth time today. I was so mad! " }, { "assistant": "Oh I bet! Did you take him outside?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I do, but he always waits until we get inside to go. I just can't seem to get him to go inside. I might have to hire a professional..." }, { "assistant": "I use puppy pads in my house in case my dog needs to use the bathroom in the house. Those seem to work pretty good!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My friend's mom decided to go back to school at 50." }, { "assistant": "oh wow nice! its never too late.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Definitely. I really admire her for taking the step!" }, { "assistant": "makes me think, what am i doing to reach my goals today?!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "a while back my manager had told me i would most likely get a promotion within the next few weeks." }, { "assistant": "That's great news! You must be excited!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "well i was, hahaha its been at least a month now, and it seems like she has been avoiding me!" }, { "assistant": "Oh gosh. Wonder why she won't be upfront about it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My son won his first little league game today! I was so stoked!" }, { "assistant": "You must be so proud and happy! What a young athelete in the making", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I know! He hit 2 homeruns and carried his team to victory. I couldn't do that even if I gave it my all." }, { "assistant": "Wow! Sounds like he was the MVP of the team!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm scared a tornado will come in and destroy my city" }, { "assistant": "Tornadoes can be so terrifying. My house was swept up by one when I was a little kid. But I guess it was okay, since I ended up meeting a talking scarecrow, a tin man, and a big ole lion.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Hahaha, that's definitely the same town as that Oz guy right?" }, { "assistant": "It is indeed! It was all swell and dandy until the darn flying monkeys swooped in. That really put a damper on things.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so mad at my sister in law. You just wait until I tell you what she's done!" }, { "assistant": "Oh my! What did she do?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, my ex brother in law, her ex husband, gave her money to buy their son a car. He's 17. She took the money and went and got a chest enhancement instead!" }, { "assistant": "Wow, she sounds like an awful person. I feel bad for her son for not being able to get his car.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am going to eat at my favorite restaurant tomorrow. I am really looking forward to going" }, { "assistant": "I bet your excited about it!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I am. I can already taste all of my favorites. I've been so busy that it has been awhile since I've been so this is going to be a real treat." }, { "assistant": "I bet you anticipate it to be good like usual!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My favorite restaurant closed down. I'd go so often after work" }, { "assistant": "I'm sorry to hear that. Maybe you can find a similar place around you!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm waiting for this new place to open up. Feels like I've been waiting forever hahaha." }, { "assistant": "How long have you been waiting for? Hang in there.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm starting my sophomore year of college in a few days and I can't wait to begin." }, { "assistant": "That's awesome. 1 year down. Keep at it, buddy.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thanks! Time goes by when you're having a good time. " }, { "assistant": "hahaha I have not heard that from many people.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was recently watching professional bowling and I was struck by how good the players are. They make getting strikes look so easy!" }, { "assistant": "I know! Then you get to the bowling alley, try to do what they do, end up getting 3 gutter balls in a row, and fall flat on your butt to boot!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Sounds like me on a good day, lol. I guess I will never reach that level of play." }, { "assistant": "Me and you both, friend. We can always try and have a blast though! I'm sure if we keep at it we'll get a turkey in a century or two.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have to give a big speech in class tomorrow." }, { "assistant": "Ugh, are you nervous about it?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Nope! I have been practicing it in front of a mirror for about a week now. I think I am going to knock that thing out of the park!" }, { "assistant": "That's great to hear. Your confidence will no doubt help you tomorrow.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i was studing for a test yesterday and really trying to concentrate" }, { "assistant": "How did that go? Studying is very important in order to do good. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "yea , but my girlfriend was beside be and she was flicking her fingers and nails up and down over and over against the wooden table we were at. can you imagine this when I need perfect silence for studying" }, { "assistant": "How annoying that could be. She could have alittle more respect for you. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Exactly but i acrd the test ant way . but i can still hear those finger nails click, click, click , click" }, { "assistant": "How frustrating! I hope you were able to study just a little though. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I was and i passed the test and I'm looking for a new girlfriend" }, { "assistant": "Im sorry man! stay optimistic! dont be sad about it. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so super scared of big storms." }, { "assistant": "The loud roars also make my dog shake and run to the basement", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well the basement is the safest place. I freak out over thunder, too." }, { "assistant": "My dog never used to do that, it was only just recently that he started doing that.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The lady accused me of being at fault for not honking my horn!" }, { "assistant": "Oh no, was anoyone hurt?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thankfully no " }, { "assistant": "That is good news, I hope your car is ok.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I have to get an estimate soon but it is still driveable." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My roommate hasn't washed his dishes in weeks. I am so horrified of the smell when I go into the dang kitchen." }, { "assistant": "You should definitely change roommates. I had been through such experience and know how more difficulty he can bring. Stay away from irresponsible people", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yeah, I've been thinking about it for awhile now. The dude is just so disrespectful and I think I can't take much longer if I get one more whiff of that rotten RAMEN!" }, { "assistant": "Don't get emotional with him and don't let anger to ruin your relationship with him. Just distance yourself from him. That is it", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My close friend whom I know for years and with whom i hang out a lot for fun is moving away to a different state. I feel lonely and don't know with whom to spend time if he is gone" }, { "assistant": "That really stinks. Is there any way you'll be able to keep up with him to ease the sadness?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Well, we will definitely chat through social media or call each other. But physical distance is hard to overcome. Additionally, I am single and do not have a partner to be with" }, { "assistant": "That's really rough, my friend. I am sure there must be other folks that you can befriend! There's plenty of nice and kind people in the world.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My prized, Argentinian goldfish died yesterday. I've never been so heartbroken." }, { "assistant": "Oh no I am so sorry to hear that! ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thank you for the condolences, friend. He used to sing me such sweet lullabies when I was trying to fall asleep. I don't know how I will ever get any sleep at night now. " }, { "assistant": "I can't imagine how much that much hurt. I hope you can at least cherish the memories you had together.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel ready to cook tonight!" }, { "assistant": "Nice! What so happens to be on the Master Chef's menu?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Tonight it is gonna be a gourmet pizza I think!" }, { "assistant": "That's sounds delicious. I am sure it'll be much better than whatever Pizza Hut can make!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was totally freaking out when I heard this crazy noise from the dumpster!" }, { "assistant": "I would have been running away. What did you do?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I threw my trash into it as fast as I could and ran back to my car! I don't have any clue what was in there." }, { "assistant": "LOL....that trash would have been on the ground.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went to a new store to check it out. I was really pleased with what I saw." }, { "assistant": "Oh nice. What type of stuff does the store sell?", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "A variety of items. Everything was so neat and clean. They sold me on it, I will go back." }, { "assistant": "That's cool. I like when stores are organized and not a chaotic mess!", "user": null } ]