2 values
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was in a rush this morning and I dressed my self in stained clothes. I feel so dirty today. :(" }, { "assistant": "Not today. I just feel insecure about it, like everyone is looking at me. It is probably just all in my head.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My cows are finally pregnant. I can't wait for my baby calves to be born!" }, { "assistant": "Oh, yes! Fresh raw milk is so wonderful and one of the best foods we can eat.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i miss my old pet dog, i feel so empty without her around" }, { "assistant": "i know that what makes it harder not having her around, no companionship", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am so envious of those that can travel the world and get paid for it." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, maybe in my next life I guess, haha.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was in high school there was a senior I had a crush on and I was a sophomore. I ended up asking her out but got rejected. Later on in college we actually became pretty good friends." }, { "assistant": "Haha, I hope current girlfriend would probably be a little upset! She's a nice person (the one from high school) but I dont think I could ever marry her", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I am learning how sew my own clothes. I am studying hard and I think I will be able to make my first outfit!" }, { "assistant": "Yes, I have so many ideas! How cool it would be to not have to buy any more expensive clothes and make my own! ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just made a huge feast and now I am excited for all my guests to arrive to my baby shower!" }, { "assistant": "Thank you! I have so many fun games planned and lots of great food.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I trust the way my body feels to know if I'm generally healthy or not" }, { "assistant": "Exactly! The human body is interesting!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went to a restaurant and after I got the bill I realized that I did not have my wallet on me! The manager was yelling at me demanding me to pay before I left." }, { "assistant": "Yes, he did want to get paid but I needed to go home and get my wallet. He got angry with me but what could I do? I had no money with me.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I just left but I came straight back and paid. All was fine in the end. But I will never go to that restaurant again." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really wanted an Oculus Rift. I saved up enough and had to wait about a week before it was in stock at the store" }, { "assistant": "I did! It is by far the coolest thing I have ever bought!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "yeah, I have it plugged into my computer. I cant tell you, or even begin to explain, how real everything feels when you use it." }, { "assistant": "It was $400, having a computer that can run it is the expensive piece", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had to help my dad move some heavy stuff around this past weekend." }, { "assistant": "Yeah. He kept up with me pretty well.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my neighbor dog is always barking, I can't stand it" }, { "assistant": "i know the worst part is my bedroom is near the fence and the dog barks all night ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I was a little girl my favorite childhood character was Strawberry Shortcake. I miss those days smelling my little figurines that smelled like strawberries." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, I also remember having my strawberry shortcake themed birthday party. There were strawberries everywhere! I bet you could guess what flavor the cake and ice cream were, lol.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my neighbor dog barks all day, I like to go over there and tell him where he can put that dog at," }, { "assistant": "that is the problem, he does nothing, except give me his little mustache smile, one of these days i'll wipe that smile off his face", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel so sad to see the world in the state that it is in but I am confident that times are changing and humanity is actually good." }, { "assistant": "Yes that is true. The ying and the yang. But I think most people are good though.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My childhood was great. I have mainly positive memories of it." }, { "assistant": "Yeah life ends up pretty dark for tons of people. It's slightly absurd when you think far into it!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I decided to try and get some projects knocked out a couple of nights ago, but needed to keep my kids occupied." }, { "assistant": "Luckily, my wife was willing to keep them busy. Even after she had a crazy day!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My wife took the kids over to her mother's one evening before I got home from work. I thought it'd be pretty nice to have a quiet house for once." }, { "assistant": "It was for a while, but it was too quiet for me! I've gotten used to the noise.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I tried for a promotion at work recently. It's been a while since I've gotten a raise, so I worked pretty hard at it." }, { "assistant": "No, they ended up giving it to someone with less experience.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went to the casino with my brother and the only thing he could do was win! The only thing I could do was lose." }, { "assistant": "Nope, I'm a little careful when I go out there. It would have been nice to join in on the winning though!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went to the Kemah boardwalk with my boyfriend. It made me think of times I went vacationing with my family." }, { "assistant": "All I thought about was being at home again and being able to relive those moments.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I interviewed for a job. I know I gave great answers to their questions and walked away feeling like the job was mine." }, { "assistant": "Probably next week sometime. I'm really excited!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I work in tech support. One issue I was given the details before and got to do research before I worked with the customer. It was great knowing what to do before it happened." }, { "assistant": "yeah! I pretty much knew all the steps that I needed to do before everything started and there werent any surprise issues which was awesome.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "my girlfriend just got promoted at her job. I am really glad for her." }, { "assistant": "i knew she could and would get the promotion, i feel like i am going to burst ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I have been working on potty training my dog and she has been doing great! Last night though she went a TON in the house right after I brought her out." }, { "assistant": "It definitely does! I have one older puppy that I got through potty training. This one is just taking a little extra time.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was packing up things to move from my girlfriends house and found her son's lite brite. It reminded me of my childhood and playing with that toy." }, { "assistant": "It really was! The toys back then seemed to have lasted a lot longer than the toys now too!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a move a couple weekends ago. I was really planning on getting everything done, or at least moved over, in one weekend." }, { "assistant": "yeah, the help was great and we did end up getting everything over. Now the fun part is unpacking the boxes!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a great weekend with my son, we did a ton of fun things. At the end of the weekend his attitude changed and he didnt want to listen at all." }, { "assistant": "I made a deal that if he went to bed he would get tablet time the next day and if he didnt then he wouldnt get any time", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My dog went number 2 in the middle of the night inside. The next morning she threw up was the worst smelling pile of stuff I've ever smelled." }, { "assistant": "Sorry about that! Yeah, it was a terrible thing to wake up to!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to have a boxer puppy that was so sweet and adorable. HOwever he had on issue that I could not stand." }, { "assistant": "Well when he was during the potty training stage he would often poop on the floor. HOwever he would then eat it!!!!! I could smell it but not find it anywhere. He would come running into the living room wanting to lick you on the face with poop breath!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "next week my vacation starts. I am really looking forward to it" }, { "assistant": "i always wanted to visit Miami, i can't wait to visit the beach and take in all the fun", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "One of my coworkers was outright belligerent today." }, { "assistant": "I don't even know! She does that sometimes, and just badgers you. I can't figure out what fires her up.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend is moving in. I was pretty calm when we first started talking about it. I'm really excited but there is so much to pack up!" }, { "assistant": "In 2 weeks. It'll come up fast, I think thats why I'm starting to get a little more nervous. Its not even her, its just the move that will not be fun", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My wife and I are trying to build a house, and keep running into delays getting the permits." }, { "assistant": "It is! The guy at the city could care less if he helps us out.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was home alone last night playing a VR game. It took a really creepy turn that I really wasnt expecting at all." }, { "assistant": "It was a duck hunting game and all of a sudden the dog from the game killed my mom and started coming after me. I dont know if you've ever tried VR but everything feels SO real. It was pretty scary", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "a job I applied and interview for a couple of months ago offered me the job. It was unexpected." }, { "assistant": "thank you, when they called, I did not know who it was at first, then it was, wow I got the job", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My husband, I think you've met him, he's been having a hard time finding a job recently. He's been in the final two candidates THREE times but no luck!" }, { "assistant": "Well, he's got another interview on Thursday. I just know he will get that one!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i needed help with choosing a subject to major and my brother helped" }, { "assistant": "I chose finance and economics", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I felt ashamed seeing the police officer yelling at the old lady" }, { "assistant": "She was trying to cross the road and accidentally had her phone fall, the officer thought she was insane", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My mother has been a caring mom since i got ill a week ago" }, { "assistant": "Yah, i feel loved so much", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had to walk home from work last night after I got off late at night, it was kind of scary." }, { "assistant": "It was a short enough walk, I just stayed aware of my surroundings and got home safe.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Today I was looking through my childhood photos and writings, it made me a little emotional and nostalgic." }, { "assistant": "I think I had a good childhood. I love that I have many photos that I ca look back on.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I slept through a really important class because I was hungover and I failed because of it. I should've behaved better." }, { "assistant": "I sure did. I am just embarrassed that I did that, I am not usually that way. It was out of character for me.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had to care for my younger brother last week while he was sick. I tried my best to make him as comfortable as possible. " }, { "assistant": "He did, he is nice and well now. I just know how horrible it is to be sick, it helps to have someone to care for you.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I once got in a really bad accident on my way home from work and it really upset me" }, { "assistant": "luckily the only problem I had was my neck was sore for a few weeks but nobody else was hurt", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Hi! I had a great day with my emotions with my child going to school!" }, { "assistant": "Yes - this is m child's first year and it was pretty difficult for me to let someone take care of him instead of me. You know how it is! Parent life.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Yes! I'm already enjoying it! How are you doing?" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I just had a weird experience at Wal-Mart today!" }, { "assistant": "Well, I was parked pretty close and a guy came up to ask me for gas money! There was a gas station a small walk away though!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I didn't have any cash on me. He got out of a vehicle that had two other guys in it...staring at me!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm going to cut to the chase here. Just blurt it on. My DRESS blew up in front of parents and children the other day when it was windy." }, { "assistant": "I wanted to run and hide. I haven't' worn a dress since. ", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Oh it did. I learned my lesson." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i felt great last year when i started going to church again" }, { "assistant": "yeah its a great feeling getting back into church !", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was using the toilet at Walmart yesterday and somebody walked in on me." }, { "assistant": "Whats worse is that I was in the wrong restroom. It was the girls restroom. I just wanted to get out of there as fast as I could.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I felt very grateful last week when an elderly women paid for my gas " }, { "assistant": "Yeah its nice when people do kind things like this it doesn't happen very often now day", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "When I lived on my own, I found it hard without having any company" }, { "assistant": "I was used to having family or friends around most of the time in my old place, but then I moved away. I had to make new friends which I found very difficult", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I eventually made friends through work, and it is really nice when my old friends come to visit too " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I love the gifts that i received last week on my birthday" }, { "assistant": "A pair of shoe", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I felt a bit sad last week when i saw an elderly man drop his wallet and a kid picked it up and didn't give it back to the man" }, { "assistant": "Yeah eventually the kid was caught i told the man and he caught him shortly after", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I saw the movie trailer about Paul Walker's life today. It made me so sad!" }, { "assistant": "It was just sad. I love Paul Walker and his movies. I still remember hearing about him passing away in the same way he became famous. In a fast car.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Oh he did! I think the one about candy cane and the truck driver was my favorite. I can't remember the name." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Speaking of babies, I got to meet my nephews yesterday!" }, { "assistant": "Yes! They are so sweet. I don't even like kids and I really felt my heart warm up to them.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "The other day something happened that made me want to run and hide." }, { "assistant": "It didn't happen to me directly, but my husband passed GAS while we were shopping. Everyone was staring.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My girlfriend and I were watching a series on Netflix. She wasnt home and I ended up watching a couple episodes ahead of where we were at." }, { "assistant": "She didnt say anything but I think she knew. I mean, I still watched the episodes that she missed with her!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I moved last weekend. I was really happy once everything was done and it went smoothly." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, unpacking and all that fun stuff now. I really like the new place though.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm not in a good mood! My husband got to go to a basketball game. I wish I could have too!" }, { "assistant": "I have to stay home with our son. It is hard for us to find a baby sitter for him.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went to a friend's wedding this weekend!" }, { "assistant": "Oh gosh yes. I wore a beautiful dress. I felt so pretty!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thank you! I feel like a slob lately." }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "it is nice to have a loving pet , My dog is always there for me" }, { "assistant": "i really do, no matter what happens, she will always be by my side", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Hello! I started my graduate classes today." }, { "assistant": "Yes. I have all my binders ready with paper and a calendar to keep track of stuff. I'm nervous but ready!", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "I hope so! It's very different from undergraduate" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really need to change doctors!" }, { "assistant": "He keeps screwing up my prescription! I've needed it for a week now but they keep sending it to the wrong place or use the wrong name", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Me too. " }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was playing a VR game home alone. It took a really creepy turn towards the end of the game." }, { "assistant": "It didnt start off scary but out of nowhere everyone around me was dying and I was home alone with a killer outside the house. It all just feels so real in VR too.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "yesterday i ate a whole big bag of M&Ms, i don't feel proud of myself" }, { "assistant": "i hope so, i was doing so well on my diet but I feel like I failed", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We recently got a new puppy. My older dog waits his turn and knows the puppy should go outside to the bathroom first." }, { "assistant": "It is pretty awesome! I'm impressed that he knows he doesnt need to be first and the puppy should have priority.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We've been really struggling with potty training my son." }, { "assistant": "Thanks, we are. He did finally go #2 in the toilet by himself last night, though!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I went out with some friends a couple weekends ago and we met a group of girls. One asked for my number but I told her I have a girlfriend and didnt give it out." }, { "assistant": "Haha, I dont think I could do that to my girlfriend. I like her too much for a random chick.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I was finally going to get to see dolphins up close." }, { "assistant": "I went to Sea World for the very first time. We got to feed the dolphins.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i have a presentation due this week, I am not looking forward to presenting it in front of others" }, { "assistant": "i feel like i know the material but i am not sure if i can pull it off in front of others", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I felt very bad when my boss did not approve of my work. It just makes me more motivated to work harder." }, { "assistant": "Yes, I feel like I worked really hard and I put in so many hours. I guess it was not good enough. :(", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Thank you for your great advice my friend!" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My roommate moved out and soon my girlfriend will move in but right now it is just me in the house. I dont remember the last time I lived without any roommates." }, { "assistant": "It does feel a little lonely. It's weird coming home and not really having someone to talk to in person.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I feel so happy when the sunsets are beautiful and I can take the time to watch and relax. It is the best time of the day for me." }, { "assistant": "Yeah, it is such a good time to reflect and meditate on life and stop to enjoy the beauty of this world.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Man the new guys at work were slandering our boss so bad." }, { "assistant": "I know right? I made sure to keep my mouth shut and not add on to what they were saying or doing.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My sister is having another baby! I can't wait to meet her! This will be her fourth child." }, { "assistant": "Only one more month to go. She is about the explode though! Glad it is her and not me, lol.", "user": null }, { "assistant": null, "user": "Totally agree! But I will be there to fan my sister for her at least. Haha" }, { "assistant": "", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "There was a random dog in my yard yesterday morning. He didn't look mean but I wasn't sure I wanted to mess with him." }, { "assistant": "It was! I didn't want to chase him off either. Thankfully he just kind of wandered away.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I bought something from the store and the lady gave me the wrong change. She gave me too much change actually. I did not realize until later after I left the store." }, { "assistant": "I have not had time to go back yet but I will for sure. I feel bad like as if I did something wrong. I better check my change from now on.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "So I was driving down the road the other day and passed that stretch of road that has all those mimosa trees. They were in bloom and man did they stir up some emotions." }, { "assistant": "My grandmother kept those trees at our old house. They super made me miss her and when we used to sit outside on her porch.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "So I lost the ring that my best friend gave me when he moved out of country. We had matching ones made and it's really breaking my heart." }, { "assistant": "It's strange sometimes how we get so attached to material things like this. I know I really shouldn't but it feels like a piece of me is gone.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We had a pretty fun family vacation about a month ago." }, { "assistant": "We went to a lake not far from here. We had a ton of fun on the boat . . . nobody else was on the water one of the days!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I work in tech support. Every once in a while a customer will want our software to do something it either cant or is not built for." }, { "assistant": "I write up feedback for development. It just gets frustrating when they start to demand that I fix it. I might be good at my job but not good enough to do a code change on the fly.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had to take my dog to the vet yesterday and I had full confidence they would take care of his problems. They are so good there." }, { "assistant": "Thank you. Other than an allergic reaction and a subsequent skin infection all is well. Just a couple weeks of meds and a change in diet needed.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "So we went out to that new BBQ place to eat the other night. " }, { "assistant": "It wasn't bad. It wasn't earth shattering good either. Everything just weirdly seemed okay. It was a bit strange. ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I really loathe meetings. They're usually so pointless." }, { "assistant": "That must be nice . . . I'm in person. However, I actually had a productive meeting this morning. How novel that was!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Oh man. I was at the store yesterday and my nose just started bleeding like crazy!" }, { "assistant": "I had to bolt out of the store! I have never been so embarrassed. Lucky for me I had a napkin in my purse so I didn't get it everywhere.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Once in Kindergarten, a pair of my underwear got stuck in my shirt and fell out in the middle of the classroom." }, { "assistant": "I was! I thought I was going to get in trouble", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "the other day I was looking at old pictures of a car i use to own. I miss that car." }, { "assistant": "i was an old Cadillac, reason I miss it, lot of memories of family and friends riding in it", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i just lost my pet dog. I do not know what to do." }, { "assistant": "i cannot find her anywhere, she is missing, it feels like I have a part of me missing ", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "It was wonderful not having to worry about my most recent exam, knowing I was prepared." }, { "assistant": "I know I did well! I studied and felt very prepared when I took it.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "Last week there was a huge tarantula on my wall. I thought it was going to jump on me." }, { "assistant": "OMG me too! I hit it with a rolled up news paper and a bunch of baby spiders came out. I had a panic attack and stomped on them.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I packed for a long road trip, and had everything I would need to hopefully avoid excessive stops. " }, { "assistant": "Definitely. Nothing worse than dragging out a drive because you didn't pack enough food and didn't plan bathroom breaks.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I had a dentist appointment yesterday. I hate going to the dentist!" }, { "assistant": "Yes I had to get a filling in my very back tooth. THe dentist said I had a very deep cavity and to raise my hand if I started to feel anything because it was very close to my nerve. I was scared the whole time.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My son wouldnt sleep last night. He kept yelling and wouldnt go into his room." }, { "assistant": "He just didnt want to sleep. I think he was overtired and trying to fight it at that point.", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "My son graduated pre-school. It isnt much but its that next step in his school career." }, { "assistant": "Haha, I hope not too soon! I was really happy, he is growing pretty fast!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm going to a beer dabbler this weekend. It has been very busy the last couple weeks so I'm really looking forward to drinking and relaxing this weekend." }, { "assistant": "I think so. I'm hoping the weather will be nice and we can all have a great time!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I'm trying to transition my dog into not sleeping in my room. I know he wants to be by me and I can hear him whining and scratching at the door some nights" }, { "assistant": "I know. It's tough to hear but he needs to be a little more independent and sleep in his own bed too!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "i do love my pet doggy, she is a treat to have" }, { "assistant": "Angie, i like to give her a warm bath, dress her in her doggy clothes and give her a doggy treat", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "We just got a new puppy. My older dog knew to let that one out first when I got home from work." }, { "assistant": "Definitely not. I was surprised that he knew to let the little one go first!", "user": null } ]
[ { "assistant": null, "user": "I used to have my dog in his crate when I left for work. Lately I have been letting him out more and more in the house when I've been gone." }, { "assistant": "It's going well! So far no accidents and he doesnt appear to have ruined anything.", "user": null } ]