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undermine the security of Nepal or on an act of sedition or on any |
act which may undermin e the harmonious relations between the |
Federal Units or on any act of incitement to caste -based or |
communal hatred or on any act which may undermine the |
harmonious relations between various castes, tribes, religions and |
communities, or on any act of acquisition of , or restriction on, |
membership of any political party on the basis solely of tribe, |
language, religion, community or sex or on any act of formation of a |
political party with discrimination between citizens or on incitement |
to violent acts o r on any act which may be contrary to public |
morality. |
(4) Nothing in sub -clause (d ) shall be deem ed to prevent the making of |
an Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may |
undermine the sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality and |
independence of Nepal, or o n any act which may constitute |
espionage against the nation or on any act of divulge nce of national |
secrecy or on any act assisting any foreign state, organization or |
15 |
representative in a manner to undermine the security of Nepal or on |
an act of sedition or on any act which may undermine the |
harmonious relations between the Federal Units or on any act of |
incitement to caste -based or communal hatred or on any act which |
may undermine the harmonious relations between various castes, |
tribes, religions and communities or on incitement to violent acts or |
on any act which m ay be contrary to public morality. |
(5) Nothing in sub -clause (e) shall be deemed to prevent the making of |
an Act to impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may |
undermine the interest of the general public or which may |
undermine the harmonious relations between the Federal Units or the |
harmonious relations between the peoples of various castes, tribes, |
religions or communities or which may constitute or incite vio lent |
acts. |
(6) Nothing in sub -clause (f) shall be deemed to prevent the making of |
an Act to prev ent any act which may undermine the harmonious |
relations between the Federal Units or any act which may be |
contrary to public health, decency or morality of the general public |
or to confer on the State the exclusive right to undertak e any specific |
industry, trade or service, or to prescribe any condition or |
qualification for carrying on any industry, trade, occupation, |
employment or business. |
18. Right to e qualit y: (1) All cit izens shall be equal before law. No person shall be |
denied the equal protection of law . |
(2) No discrimination shall be made in the application of general |
laws on grounds of origin, religion, race , caste, tribe, sex , physical condition, |
condition of health, marital status, pregnancy, economic condition, language |
or region, ideology or on similar other grounds . |
16 |
(3) The Sta te shall not discriminate citizens on grounds of origin, |
religion, race , caste, tribe, sex, economic condition, langu age, region, ideology |
or on similar other grounds. |
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of spe cial |
provisions by law for the protection, empowerment or development of the |
citizens including the socially or culturally backward women, Dalit , |
indigenous people , indigenous nationalities, Madhesi , Tharu , Muslim, |
oppressed class, Pichhada class, minorities, the marginalized, farmers, labours, |
youths, children, senior citizens, gender and sexual minorities, persons with |
disabilities, persons in pregnancy , incapacitated or helpless, backward region |
and indigent Khas Arya . |
Explanation : For the purposes of thi s Part and Part 4, " indigent" means a |
person who earns income less than that specified by the Federal law. |
(4) No discrimination shall be made on the ground of gender with |
regard to remuneration and social security for the same work. |
(5) All offspring shall have the equal right to the ancestral property |
without discrimination on the ground of gender. |
19. Right to c ommunication : (1) No publication and broadcasting or dissemination |
or printing of any news item, editorial, feature article or other reading, audio |
and audio -visual material through any means whatsoever including electronic |
publication, broadcasting and printing shall be ce nsored. |
Provided that nothing shall be deemed to prevent the making of Acts to |
impose reasonable restrictions on any act which may undermine the |
sovereignty, territorial integrity, nationality of Nepal or the harmonious |
relations between the Federal Units or the harmonious relations between |
various castes, tribes , religions or communities, or on any act of sedition, |
defamation or contempt of court or incitement to an offence, or on any act |
17 |
which may be contrary t o public decency or morality, on any act of h atred to |
labour and on any act of incitement to caste -based untouchability as well as |
gender discrimination. |
(2) No radio, television, on -line or other form of digital or electronic |
equipment, press or other means of communication publishing , broad casting or |
printing any news item, feature, edit orial, article, information or other material |
shall be closed or seized nor shall registration thereof be cancelled nor shall |
such material be seized by the reason of publication, broadcasting or printing |
of such material through any audio, audio -visual or electronic equipment. |
Provided that nothing contained in this clause shall be deemed to prevent |
the making of an Act to regu late radio, television, online or any other form of |
digital or electronic equipment, pre ss or other means of communication. |
(3) No mean s of communication including the press, electronic |
broadcasting and telephone shall be interrupted except in accordance with law. |
20. Rights r elating to justice : (1) No person shall be detained in custody with out |
informing him or her of the ground for his or her arrest. |
(2) Any person who is arrested shall have the right to consult a legal |
practitioner o f his or her choice from the time of such arrest and to be defended |
by such legal practitioner. Any consultation made by such person with , and |
advice given by, his or her legal practitioner shall be confidential . |
Provided this clause shall not apply to a citizen of an enemy state . |
Explanation : For the purpos e of this clause, "legal practitioner" mean s |
any person who is authorized by law to represent any person in any court. |
(3) Any person who is arrested shall be produced before the |
adjudicating authority within a period of twenty -four hours of such arrest , |