their appointment, exist in the Federal Parliament Secretariat set forth in this
(6) Where the Legislature -Parliament is in rec ess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, the President shall summon its session no
later than seven days after the date of commencement of this Constitution. The
President shall thereafter summon a session of the Legislature -Parliament from
time to tim e.
297. Provisions relating to the President and the Vice -President : (1) The President
and the Vice -President existing at the time of commencement of this
Constitution shall continue to hold their respective offices until other President
and Vice -President are elected in accordance with this Article.
(2) The Legislature -Parliament set forth in clause (1) of Article 296
shall, on the basis of political understanding, elect the President and the Vice -
President, no later than one month after th e date of the commencement of this
Constitution where the Legislature -Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution and after the date on which the session is
summoned in accordan ce with clause (6) of Article 29 6 where the Le gislature -
Parliament is in recess.
(3) In the event of failure to have an understanding under clause (2),
the President and the Vice -President must be elected by a majority of all the
then members of the Legislature -Parliament.
(4) If the office of the President or Vice -President elected in
accordance with clause (2) or (3) falls vacant for any reason, the President or
Vice -President shall be elected by the Legislature -Parliament in accordance
with this Article until the Federal Parliament is formed.
(5) The term of office of the President or Vice -President elected in
accordance with this Article shall continue to exist until another President or
Vice -President elected by an electoral college set forth in Article 62 assumes
(6) The office of the President or Vice -President elected in
accordance with this Article shall become vacant in any of the following
(a) if the President tenders r esignation in writing to the Vice -
President and the Vice -President, before the President ,
(b) if a motion of impeachment against him or her is passed in
accordance with clause (7) ,
(c) if another President or Vice -President elected by an electoral
college set forth in Article 62 assumes office,
(d) if he or she dies.
(7) At least one fourth of the total number of the then members of
the Legislature -Parliament set forth in clause (1) of Article 296 may move a
motion of impeachment against the President or Vice -President elected in
accordance with this Article on the ground of serious violation of th is
Constitution and law. If the motion is passed by at least two thirds majority of
the total number of the then members of the Legislature -Parliament, he or she
shall relive of his or her office
298. Provisions relating to formation of Council of Minister s: (1) The Council of
Ministers existing at the time of commencement of this Constitution shall
continue to exist until the Council of Ministers set forth in clause (2) is formed.
(2) The Prime Minister shall, on the basis of political understanding,
be elected no later than seven days after the date of the commencement of this
Constitution where the Legislature -Parliament is not in recess at the time of
commencement of this Constitution, and after the date on which the session of
the Legislature -Parliam ent summoned in accordance with clause (6) of Article
286 commences where the Legi slature -Parliament is in recess, and a Council of
Ministers shall be formed under his or her chairpersonship.
(3) In the event of failure to have an understanding under cl ause (2),
the Prime Minister shall be elected by a majority of all the then members of the
Legislature -Parliament.
(4) The composition and allocation of portfolios of the Council of
Ministers to be formed in accordance with this Article shall be made thr ough
mutual understanding.
(5) The Council of Ministers to be formed in accordance with this
Article shall consist of a Deputy Prime Minister and other Ministers, as
(6) The Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article
shall, in appointing Ministers in accordance with clause (5), appoint Ministers
from amongst the members of the Legislature -Parliament, on the
recommendation of the concerned party.
(7) The Prime Minister and other Ministers appointed in accordance
with this Artic le shall be collectively responsible to the Legislature -Parliament,
and the Ministers shall be individually responsible to the Prime Minister and
the Legislature - Parliament for the work of their respective Ministries.
(8) The office of the Prime Ministe r appointed in accordance with
this Article shall be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the President,
(b) if a vote of no -confidence is passed against him or her or a vote
of confidence is not passed in accordance with clause (14),
(c) if he or she ceases to be a member of the Legislature -Parliament,
(d) if he or she dies.
(9) The office of the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister, Minister of
State and Assistance Minister appointed in accordance with this Article shall
be vacant in any of the following circumstances:
(a) if he or she tenders resignation in writing to the Prime Minister,
(b) if the Prime Minister is removed from office in accordance with
clause (8),
(c) if he or she is removed from office by the Prime Minister on the
recommendation or advice of the concerned party ,
(d) if he or she dies.
(10) Even though the office of the Prime Minister falls vacant under
clause (8), the same Council of Ministers shall con tinue to act until another
Council of Ministers is constituted.
(11) If the Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article
dies, the Deputy Prime Minister or senior -most Minister shall act a s the Prime
Minister until another Prime Minister is app ointed.
(12) The Prime Minister appointed in accordance with this Article