1 value
public static int[] Concatenate(int[] array, int[] array2) { int[] all = new int[array.length + array2.length]; int idx = 0; //First array for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) all[idx++] = array[i]; //Second array for (int i = 0; i < array2.length; i++) all[idx++] = array2[i]; return all; }
public static int[] ConcatenateInt(List<int[]> arrays) { int size = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { size += arrays.get(i).length; } int[] all = new int[size]; int idx = 0; for (int i = 0; i < arrays.size(); i++) { int[] v = arrays.get(i); for (int j = 0; j < v.length; j++) { all[idx++] = v[i]; } } return all; }
public static <T extends Number> int[] asArray(final T... array) { int[] b = new int[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) { b[i] = array[i].intValue(); } return b; }
public static void Shuffle(double[] array, long seed) { Random random = new Random(); if (seed != 0) random.setSeed(seed); for (int i = array.length - 1; i > 0; i--) { int index = random.nextInt(i + 1); double temp = array[index]; array[index] = array[i]; array[i] = temp; } }
public static float[] toFloat(int[] array) { float[] n = new float[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { n[i] = (float) array[i]; } return n; }
public static float[][] toFloat(int[][] array) { float[][] n = new float[array.length][array[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < array[0].length; j++) { n[i][j] = (float) array[i][j]; } } return n; }
public static int[] toInt(double[] array) { int[] n = new int[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { n[i] = (int) array[i]; } return n; }
public static int[][] toInt(double[][] array) { int[][] n = new int[array.length][array[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < array[0].length; j++) { n[i][j] = (int) array[i][j]; } } return n; }
public static double[] toDouble(int[] array) { double[] n = new double[array.length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { n[i] = (double) array[i]; } return n; }
public static double[][] toDouble(int[][] array) { double[][] n = new double[array.length][array[0].length]; for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < array[0].length; j++) { n[i][j] = (double) array[i][j]; } } return n; }
public ApiResponse<TokenInfoSuccessResponse> tokenInfoWithHttpInfo() throws ApiException { com.squareup.okhttp.Call call = tokenInfoValidateBeforeCall(null, null); Type localVarReturnType = new TypeToken<TokenInfoSuccessResponse>(){}.getType(); return apiClient.execute(call, localVarReturnType); }
public static double HighAccuracyFunction(double x) { if (x < -8 || x > 8) return 0; double sum = x; double term = 0; double nextTerm = x; double pwr = x * x; double i = 1; // Iterate until adding next terms doesn't produce // any change within the current numerical accuracy. while (sum != term) { term = sum; // Next term nextTerm *= pwr / (i += 2); sum += nextTerm; } return 0.5 + sum * Math.exp(-0.5 * pwr - 0.5 * Constants.Log2PI); }
public static double HighAccuracyComplemented(double x) { double[] R = { 1.25331413731550025, 0.421369229288054473, 0.236652382913560671, 0.162377660896867462, 0.123131963257932296, 0.0990285964717319214, 0.0827662865013691773, 0.0710695805388521071, 0.0622586659950261958 }; int j = (int) (0.5 * (Math.abs(x) + 1)); double a = R[j]; double z = 2 * j; double b = a * z - 1; double h = Math.abs(x) - z; double q = h * h; double pwr = 1; double sum = a + h * b; double term = a; for (int i = 2; sum != term; i += 2) { term = sum; a = (a + z * b) / (i); b = (b + z * a) / (i + 1); pwr *= q; sum = term + pwr * (a + h * b); } sum *= Math.exp(-0.5 * (x * x) - 0.5 * Constants.Log2PI); return (x >= 0) ? sum : (1.0 - sum); }
public String toIPTC(SubjectReferenceSystem srs) { StringBuffer b = new StringBuffer(); b.append("IPTC:"); b.append(getNumber()); b.append(":"); if (getNumber().endsWith("000000")) { b.append(toIPTCHelper(srs.getName(this))); b.append("::"); } else if (getNumber().endsWith("000")) { b.append(toIPTCHelper(srs.getName(srs.get(getNumber().substring(0, 2) + "000000")))); b.append(":"); b.append(toIPTCHelper(srs.getName(this))); b.append(":"); } else { b.append(toIPTCHelper(srs.getName(srs.get(getNumber().substring(0, 2) + "000000")))); b.append(":"); b.append(toIPTCHelper(srs.getName(srs.get(getNumber().substring(0, 5) + "000")))); b.append(":"); b.append(toIPTCHelper(srs.getName(this))); } return b.toString(); }
public DataSetInfo create(int dataSet) throws InvalidDataSetException { DataSetInfo info = dataSets.get(createKey(dataSet)); if (info == null) { int recordNumber = (dataSet >> 8) & 0xFF; int dataSetNumber = dataSet & 0xFF; throw new UnsupportedDataSetException(recordNumber + ":" + dataSetNumber); // info = super.create(dataSet); } return info; }
public double Function1D(double x) { double frequency = initFrequency; double amplitude = initAmplitude; double sum = 0; // octaves for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) { sum += SmoothedNoise(x * frequency) * amplitude; frequency *= 2; amplitude *= persistence; } return sum; }
public double Function2D(double x, double y) { double frequency = initFrequency; double amplitude = initAmplitude; double sum = 0; // octaves for (int i = 0; i < octaves; i++) { sum += SmoothedNoise(x * frequency, y * frequency) * amplitude; frequency *= 2; amplitude *= persistence; } return sum; }
private double Noise(int x, int y) { int n = x + y * 57; n = (n << 13) ^ n; return (1.0 - ((n * (n * n * 15731 + 789221) + 1376312589) & 0x7fffffff) / 1073741824.0); }
private double CosineInterpolate(double x1, double x2, double a) { double f = (1 - Math.cos(a * Math.PI)) * 0.5; return x1 * (1 - f) + x2 * f; }
public List<FailedEventInvocation> getFailedInvocations() { synchronized (this.mutex) { if (this.failedEvents == null) { return Collections.emptyList(); } return Collections.unmodifiableList(this.failedEvents); } }
public Set<Class<?>> getPrevented() { if (this.prevent == null) { return Collections.emptySet(); } return Collections.unmodifiableSet(this.prevent); }
public static double Function1D(double x, double mean, double amplitude, double position, double width, double phase, double frequency) { double envelope = mean + amplitude * Math.exp(-Math.pow((x - position), 2) / Math.pow((2 * width), 2)); double carry = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * frequency * (x - position) + phase); return envelope * carry; }
public static ComplexNumber Function2D(int x, int y, double wavelength, double orientation, double phaseOffset, double gaussVariance, double aspectRatio) { double X = x * Math.cos(orientation) + y * Math.sin(orientation); double Y = -x * Math.sin(orientation) + y * Math.cos(orientation); double envelope = Math.exp(-((X * X + aspectRatio * aspectRatio * Y * Y) / (2 * gaussVariance * gaussVariance))); double real = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI * (X / wavelength) + phaseOffset); double imaginary = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI * (X / wavelength) + phaseOffset); return new ComplexNumber(envelope * real, envelope * imaginary); }
public Long getOldestTaskCreatedTime(){ Timer.Context ctx = getOldestTaskTimeTimer.time(); try { long oldest = Long.MAX_VALUE; /* * I am asking this question first, because if I ask it after I could * miss the oldest time if the oldest is polled and worked on */ Long oldestQueueTime = this.taskQueue.getOldestQueueTime(); if(oldestQueueTime != null) oldest = oldestQueueTime; //there is a tiny race condition here... but we just want to make our best attempt long inProgressOldestTime = tasksInProgressTracker.getOldestTime(); if(inProgressOldestTime < oldest) oldest = inProgressOldestTime; return oldest; } finally { ctx.stop(); } }
@SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" }) public List<HazeltaskTask<G>> shutdownNow() { return (List<HazeltaskTask<G>>) (List) localExecutorPool.shutdownNow(); }
public void registerCollectionSizeGauge( CollectionSizeGauge collectionSizeGauge) { String name = createMetricName(LocalTaskExecutorService.class, "queue-size"); metrics.register(name, collectionSizeGauge); }
public ExecutorLoadBalancingConfig<GROUP> useLoadBalancedEnumOrdinalPrioritizer(Class<GROUP> groupClass) { if(!groupClass.isEnum()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("The group class "+groupClass+" is not an enum"); } groupPrioritizer = new LoadBalancedPriorityPrioritizer<GROUP>(new EnumOrdinalPrioritizer<GROUP>()); return this; }
public static <GROUP extends Serializable> ExecutorConfig<GROUP> basicGroupable() { return new ExecutorConfig<GROUP>() .withTaskIdAdapter((TaskIdAdapter<Groupable<GROUP>, GROUP, ?>) new DefaultGroupableTaskIdAdapter<GROUP>()); }
public Collection<HazeltaskTask<GROUP>> call() throws Exception { try { if(isShutdownNow) return this.getDistributedExecutorService().shutdownNowWithHazeltask(); else this.getDistributedExecutorService().shutdown(); } catch(IllegalStateException e) {} return Collections.emptyList(); }
public static <T> Collection<MemberResponse<T>> executeOptimistic(IExecutorService execSvc, Set<Member> members, Callable<T> callable) { return executeOptimistic(execSvc, members, callable, 60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); }
public static <T> Collection<MemberResponse<T>> executeOptimistic(IExecutorService execSvc, Set<Member> members, Callable<T> callable, long maxWaitTime, TimeUnit unit) { Collection<MemberResponse<T>> result = new ArrayList<MemberResponse<T>>(members.size()); Map<Member, Future<T>> resultFutures = execSvc.submitToMembers(callable, members); for(Entry<Member, Future<T>> futureEntry : resultFutures.entrySet()) { Future<T> future = futureEntry.getValue(); Member member = futureEntry.getKey(); try { if(maxWaitTime > 0) { result.add(new MemberResponse<T>(member, future.get(maxWaitTime, unit))); } else { result.add(new MemberResponse<T>(member, future.get())); } //ignore exceptions... return what you can } catch (InterruptedException e) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); //restore interrupted status and return what we have return result; } catch (MemberLeftException e) { log.warn("Member {} left while trying to get a distributed callable result", member); } catch (ExecutionException e) { if(e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException) { //restore interrupted state and return Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); return result; } else { log.warn("Unable to execute callable on "+member+". There was an error.", e); } } catch (TimeoutException e) { log.error("Unable to execute task on "+member+" within 10 seconds."); } catch (RuntimeException e) { log.error("Unable to execute task on "+member+". An unexpected error occurred.", e); } } return result; }
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public <T> DistributedFuture<GROUP, T> createFuture(HazeltaskTask<GROUP> task) { DistributedFuture<GROUP, T> future = new DistributedFuture<GROUP, T>(topologyService, task.getGroup(), task.getId()); this.futures.put(task.getId(), (DistributedFuture<GROUP, Serializable>) future); return future; }
public void errorFuture(UUID taskId, Exception e) { DistributedFuture<GROUP, Serializable> future = remove(taskId); if(future != null) { future.setException(e); } }
public void schedule(BackoffTask task, long initialDelay, long fixedDelay) { synchronized (queue) { start(); queue.put(new DelayedTimerTask(task, initialDelay, fixedDelay)); } }
public Future<HazeltaskTask<GROUP>> addPendingTaskAsync(HazeltaskTask<GROUP> task) { return pendingTask.putAsync(task.getId(), task); }
public void applyXMLDSigAsFirstChild (@Nonnull final PrivateKey aPrivateKey, @Nonnull final X509Certificate aCertificate, @Nonnull final Document aDocument) throws Exception { ValueEnforcer.notNull (aPrivateKey, "privateKey"); ValueEnforcer.notNull (aCertificate, "certificate"); ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDocument, "document"); ValueEnforcer.notNull (aDocument.getDocumentElement (), "Document is missing a document element"); if (aDocument.getDocumentElement ().getChildNodes ().getLength () == 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Document element has no children!"); // Check that the document does not contain another Signature element final NodeList aNodeList = aDocument.getElementsByTagNameNS (XMLSignature.XMLNS, XMLDSigSetup.ELEMENT_SIGNATURE); if (aNodeList.getLength () > 0) throw new IllegalArgumentException ("Document already contains an XMLDSig Signature element!"); // Create the XMLSignature, but don't sign it yet. final XMLSignature aXMLSignature = createXMLSignature (aCertificate); // Create a DOMSignContext and specify the RSA PrivateKey and // location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element. // -> The signature is always the first child element of the document // element for ebInterface final DOMSignContext aDOMSignContext = new DOMSignContext (aPrivateKey, aDocument.getDocumentElement (), aDocument.getDocumentElement ().getFirstChild ()); // The namespace prefix to be used for the signed XML aDOMSignContext.setDefaultNamespacePrefix (DEFAULT_NS_PREFIX); // Marshal, generate, and sign the enveloped signature. aXMLSignature.sign (aDOMSignContext); }
public static <K> Map<K, Integer> rankMapOnIntegerValue(Map<K, Integer> inputMap) { Map<K, Integer> newMap = new TreeMap<K, Integer>(new IntegerValueComparator(inputMap)); newMap.putAll(inputMap); Map<K, Integer> linkedMap = new LinkedHashMap<K, Integer>(newMap); return linkedMap; }
private void handleIncomingMessage(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.debug("Incoming message to process"); logger.debug(incomingMessage.toString()); switch (incomingMessage.getMessageType()) { case Request: handleIncomingRequestMessage(incomingMessage); break; case Response: handleIncomingResponseMessage(incomingMessage); break; default: logger.warn("Unsupported incomingMessageType: 0x%02X", incomingMessage.getMessageType()); } }
private void handleIncomingRequestMessage(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.debug("Message type = REQUEST"); switch (incomingMessage.getMessageClass()) { case ApplicationCommandHandler: handleApplicationCommandRequest(incomingMessage); break; case SendData: handleSendDataRequest(incomingMessage); break; case ApplicationUpdate: handleApplicationUpdateRequest(incomingMessage); break; default: logger.warn(String.format("TODO: Implement processing of Request Message = %s (0x%02X)", incomingMessage.getMessageClass().getLabel(), incomingMessage.getMessageClass().getKey())); break; } }
private void handleApplicationCommandRequest(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.trace("Handle Message Application Command Request"); int nodeId = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(1); logger.debug("Application Command Request from Node " + nodeId); ZWaveNode node = getNode(nodeId); if (node == null) { logger.warn("Node {} not initialized yet, ignoring message.", nodeId); return; } node.resetResendCount(); int commandClassCode = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(3); ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass commandClass = ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.getCommandClass(commandClassCode); if (commandClass == null) { logger.error(String.format("Unsupported command class 0x%02x", commandClassCode)); return; } logger.debug(String.format("Incoming command class %s (0x%02x)", commandClass.getLabel(), commandClass.getKey())); ZWaveCommandClass zwaveCommandClass = node.getCommandClass(commandClass); // We got an unsupported command class, return. if (zwaveCommandClass == null) { logger.error(String.format("Unsupported command class %s (0x%02x)", commandClass.getLabel(), commandClassCode)); return; } logger.trace("Found Command Class {}, passing to handleApplicationCommandRequest", zwaveCommandClass.getCommandClass().getLabel()); zwaveCommandClass.handleApplicationCommandRequest(incomingMessage, 4, 1); if (incomingMessage.getMessageClass() == this.lastSentMessage.getExpectedReply() && nodeId == this.lastSentMessage.getMessageNode() && !incomingMessage.isTransActionCanceled()) { notifyEventListeners(new ZWaveEvent(ZWaveEventType.TRANSACTION_COMPLETED_EVENT, this.lastSentMessage.getMessageNode(), 1, this.lastSentMessage)); transactionCompleted.release(); logger.trace("Released. Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits()); } }
private void handleSendDataRequest(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.trace("Handle Message Send Data Request"); int callbackId = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(0); TransmissionState status = TransmissionState.getTransmissionState(incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(1)); SerialMessage originalMessage = this.lastSentMessage; if (status == null) { logger.warn("Transmission state not found, ignoring."); return; } logger.debug("CallBack ID = {}", callbackId); logger.debug(String.format("Status = %s (0x%02x)", status.getLabel(), status.getKey())); if (originalMessage == null || originalMessage.getCallbackId() != callbackId) { logger.warn("Already processed another send data request for this callback Id, ignoring."); return; } switch (status) { case COMPLETE_OK: ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(originalMessage.getMessageNode()); node.resetResendCount(); // in case we received a ping response and the node is alive, we proceed with the next node stage for this node. if (node != null && node.getNodeStage() == NodeStage.NODEBUILDINFO_PING) { node.advanceNodeStage(); } if (incomingMessage.getMessageClass() == originalMessage.getExpectedReply() && !incomingMessage.isTransActionCanceled()) { notifyEventListeners(new ZWaveEvent(ZWaveEventType.TRANSACTION_COMPLETED_EVENT, this.lastSentMessage.getMessageNode(), 1, this.lastSentMessage)); transactionCompleted.release(); logger.trace("Released. Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits()); } return; case COMPLETE_NO_ACK: case COMPLETE_FAIL: case COMPLETE_NOT_IDLE: case COMPLETE_NOROUTE: try { handleFailedSendDataRequest(originalMessage); } finally { transactionCompleted.release(); logger.trace("Released. Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits()); } default: } }
private void handleFailedSendDataRequest(SerialMessage originalMessage) { ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(originalMessage.getMessageNode()); if (node.getNodeStage() == NodeStage.NODEBUILDINFO_DEAD) return; if (!node.isListening() && originalMessage.getPriority() != SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Low) { ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass wakeUpCommandClass = (ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass)node.getCommandClass(ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.WAKE_UP); if (wakeUpCommandClass != null) { wakeUpCommandClass.setAwake(false); wakeUpCommandClass.putInWakeUpQueue(originalMessage); //it's a battery operated device, place in wake-up queue. return; } } else if (!node.isListening() && originalMessage.getPriority() == SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Low) return; node.incrementResendCount(); logger.error("Got an error while sending data to node {}. Resending message.", node.getNodeId()); this.sendData(originalMessage); }
private void handleApplicationUpdateRequest(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.trace("Handle Message Application Update Request"); int nodeId = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(1); logger.trace("Application Update Request from Node " + nodeId); UpdateState updateState = UpdateState.getUpdateState(incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(0)); switch (updateState) { case NODE_INFO_RECEIVED: logger.debug("Application update request, node information received."); int length = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(2); ZWaveNode node = getNode(nodeId); node.resetResendCount(); for (int i = 6; i < length + 3; i++) { int data = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(i); if(data == 0xef ) { // TODO: Implement control command classes break; } logger.debug(String.format("Adding command class 0x%02X to the list of supported command classes.", data)); ZWaveCommandClass commandClass = ZWaveCommandClass.getInstance(data, node, this); if (commandClass != null) node.addCommandClass(commandClass); } // advance node stage. node.advanceNodeStage(); if (incomingMessage.getMessageClass() == this.lastSentMessage.getExpectedReply() && !incomingMessage.isTransActionCanceled()) { notifyEventListeners(new ZWaveEvent(ZWaveEventType.TRANSACTION_COMPLETED_EVENT, this.lastSentMessage.getMessageNode(), 1, this.lastSentMessage)); transactionCompleted.release(); logger.trace("Released. Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits()); } break; case NODE_INFO_REQ_FAILED: logger.debug("Application update request, Node Info Request Failed, re-request node info."); SerialMessage requestInfoMessage = this.lastSentMessage; if (requestInfoMessage.getMessageClass() != SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.RequestNodeInfo) { logger.warn("Got application update request without node info request, ignoring."); return; } if (--requestInfoMessage.attempts >= 0) { logger.error("Got Node Info Request Failed while sending this serial message. Requeueing"); this.enqueue(requestInfoMessage); } else { logger.warn("Node Info Request Failed 3x. Discarding message: {}", lastSentMessage.toString()); } transactionCompleted.release(); break; default: logger.warn(String.format("TODO: Implement Application Update Request Handling of %s (0x%02X).", updateState.getLabel(), updateState.getKey())); } }
private void handleGetVersionResponse(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { this.ZWaveLibraryType = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(12); this.zWaveVersion = new String(ArrayUtils.subarray(incomingMessage.getMessagePayload(), 0, 11)); logger.debug(String.format("Got MessageGetVersion response. Version = %s, Library Type = 0x%02X", zWaveVersion, ZWaveLibraryType)); }
private void handleSerialApiGetInitDataResponse( SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.debug(String.format("Got MessageSerialApiGetInitData response.")); this.isConnected = true; int nodeBytes = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(2); if (nodeBytes != NODE_BYTES) { logger.error("Invalid number of node bytes = {}", nodeBytes); return; } int nodeId = 1; // loop bytes for (int i = 3;i < 3 + nodeBytes;i++) { int incomingByte = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(i); // loop bits in byte for (int j=0;j<8;j++) { int b1 = incomingByte & (int)Math.pow(2.0D, j); int b2 = (int)Math.pow(2.0D, j); if (b1 == b2) {"Found node id = %d", nodeId)); // Place nodes in the local ZWave Controller this.zwaveNodes.put(nodeId, new ZWaveNode(this.homeId, nodeId, this)); this.getNode(nodeId).advanceNodeStage(); } nodeId++; } }"------------Number of Nodes Found Registered to ZWave Controller------------");"# Nodes = %d", this.zwaveNodes.size()));"----------------------------------------------------------------------------"); // Advance node stage for the first node. }
private void handleMemoryGetId(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { this.homeId = ((incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(0)) << 24) | ((incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(1)) << 16) | ((incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(2)) << 8) | (incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(3)); this.ownNodeId = incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(4); logger.debug(String.format("Got MessageMemoryGetId response. Home id = 0x%08X, Controller Node id = %d", this.homeId, this.ownNodeId)); }
private void handleSerialAPIGetCapabilitiesResponse(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.trace("Handle Message Serial API Get Capabilities"); this.serialAPIVersion = String.format("%d.%d", incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(0), incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(1)); this.manufactureId = ((incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(2)) << 8) | (incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(3)); this.deviceType = ((incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(4)) << 8) | (incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(5)); this.deviceId = (((incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(6)) << 8) | (incomingMessage.getMessagePayloadByte(7))); logger.debug(String.format("API Version = %s", this.getSerialAPIVersion())); logger.debug(String.format("Manufacture ID = 0x%x", this.getManufactureId())); logger.debug(String.format("Device Type = 0x%x", this.getDeviceType())); logger.debug(String.format("Device ID = 0x%x", this.getDeviceId())); // Ready to get information on Serial API this.enqueue(new SerialMessage(SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SerialApiGetInitData, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SerialApiGetInitData, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High)); }
private void handleSendDataResponse(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.trace("Handle Message Send Data Response"); if(incomingMessage.getMessageBuffer()[2] != 0x00) logger.debug("Sent Data successfully placed on stack."); else logger.error("Sent Data was not placed on stack due to error."); }
private void handleRequestNodeInfoResponse(SerialMessage incomingMessage) { logger.trace("Handle RequestNodeInfo Response"); if(incomingMessage.getMessageBuffer()[2] != 0x00) logger.debug("Request node info successfully placed on stack."); else logger.error("Request node info not placed on stack due to error."); }
public void connect(final String serialPortName) throws SerialInterfaceException {"Connecting to serial port {}", serialPortName); try { CommPortIdentifier portIdentifier = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifier(serialPortName); CommPort commPort ="org.openhab.binding.zwave",2000); this.serialPort = (SerialPort) commPort; this.serialPort.setSerialPortParams(115200,SerialPort.DATABITS_8,SerialPort.STOPBITS_1,SerialPort.PARITY_NONE); this.serialPort.enableReceiveThreshold(1); this.serialPort.enableReceiveTimeout(ZWAVE_RECEIVE_TIMEOUT); this.receiveThread = new ZWaveReceiveThread(); this.receiveThread.start(); this.sendThread = new ZWaveSendThread(); this.sendThread.start();"Serial port is initialized"); } catch (NoSuchPortException e) { logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new SerialInterfaceException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (PortInUseException e) { logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new SerialInterfaceException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException e) { logger.error(e.getLocalizedMessage()); throw new SerialInterfaceException(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } }
public void close() { if (watchdog != null) { watchdog.cancel(); watchdog = null; } disconnect(); // clear nodes collection and send queue for (Object listener : this.zwaveEventListeners.toArray()) { if (!(listener instanceof ZWaveNode)) continue; this.zwaveEventListeners.remove(listener); } this.zwaveNodes.clear(); this.sendQueue.clear();"Stopped Z-Wave controller"); }
public void disconnect() { if (sendThread != null) { sendThread.interrupt(); try { sendThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } sendThread = null; } if (receiveThread != null) { receiveThread.interrupt(); try { receiveThread.join(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } receiveThread = null; } if(transactionCompleted.availablePermits() < 0) transactionCompleted.release(transactionCompleted.availablePermits()); transactionCompleted.drainPermits(); logger.trace("Transaction completed permit count -> {}", transactionCompleted.availablePermits()); if (this.serialPort != null) { this.serialPort.close(); this.serialPort = null; }"Disconnected from serial port"); }
public void enqueue(SerialMessage serialMessage) { this.sendQueue.add(serialMessage); logger.debug("Enqueueing message. Queue length = {}", this.sendQueue.size()); }
public void notifyEventListeners(ZWaveEvent event) { logger.debug("Notifying event listeners"); for (ZWaveEventListener listener : this.zwaveEventListeners) { logger.trace("Notifying {}", listener.toString()); listener.ZWaveIncomingEvent(event); } }
public void initialize() { this.enqueue(new SerialMessage(SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.GetVersion, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.GetVersion, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High)); this.enqueue(new SerialMessage(SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.MemoryGetId, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.MemoryGetId, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High)); this.enqueue(new SerialMessage(SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SerialApiGetCapabilities, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SerialApiGetCapabilities, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High)); }
public void identifyNode(int nodeId) throws SerialInterfaceException { SerialMessage newMessage = new SerialMessage(nodeId, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.IdentifyNode, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.IdentifyNode, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) nodeId }; newMessage.setMessagePayload(newPayload); this.enqueue(newMessage); }
public void requestNodeInfo(int nodeId) { SerialMessage newMessage = new SerialMessage(nodeId, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.RequestNodeInfo, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.ApplicationUpdate, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.High); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) nodeId }; newMessage.setMessagePayload(newPayload); this.enqueue(newMessage); }
public void sendData(SerialMessage serialMessage) { if (serialMessage.getMessageClass() != SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData) { logger.error(String.format("Invalid message class %s (0x%02X) for sendData", serialMessage.getMessageClass().getLabel(), serialMessage.getMessageClass().getKey())); return; } if (serialMessage.getMessageType() != SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request) { logger.error("Only request messages can be sent"); return; } ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(serialMessage.getMessageNode()); if (node.getNodeStage() == NodeStage.NODEBUILDINFO_DEAD) { logger.debug("Node {} is dead, not sending message.", node.getNodeId()); return; } if (!node.isListening() && serialMessage.getPriority() != SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Low) { ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass wakeUpCommandClass = (ZWaveWakeUpCommandClass)node.getCommandClass(ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.WAKE_UP); if (wakeUpCommandClass != null && !wakeUpCommandClass.isAwake()) { wakeUpCommandClass.putInWakeUpQueue(serialMessage); //it's a battery operated device, place in wake-up queue. return; } } serialMessage.setTransmitOptions(TRANSMIT_OPTION_ACK | TRANSMIT_OPTION_AUTO_ROUTE | TRANSMIT_OPTION_EXPLORE); if (++sentDataPointer > 0xFF) sentDataPointer = 1; serialMessage.setCallbackId(sentDataPointer); logger.debug("Callback ID = {}", sentDataPointer); this.enqueue(serialMessage); }
public void sendValue(int nodeId, int endpoint, int value) { ZWaveNode node = this.getNode(nodeId); ZWaveSetCommands zwaveCommandClass = null; SerialMessage serialMessage = null; for (ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass commandClass : new ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass[] { ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL, ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.SWITCH_BINARY, ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.BASIC }) { zwaveCommandClass = (ZWaveSetCommands)node.resolveCommandClass(commandClass, endpoint); if (zwaveCommandClass != null) break; } if (zwaveCommandClass == null) { logger.error("No Command Class found on node {}, instance/endpoint {} to request level.", nodeId, endpoint); return; } serialMessage = node.encapsulate(zwaveCommandClass.setValueMessage(value), (ZWaveCommandClass)zwaveCommandClass, endpoint); if (serialMessage != null) this.sendData(serialMessage); // read back level on "ON" command if (((ZWaveCommandClass)zwaveCommandClass).getCommandClass() == ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass.SWITCH_MULTILEVEL && value == 255) this.requestValue(nodeId, endpoint); }
private void processProperties() { state = true; try { importerServiceFilter = getFilter(importerServiceFilterProperty); } catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) { LOG.debug("The value of the Property " + FILTER_IMPORTERSERVICE_PROPERTY + " is invalid," + " the recuperation of the Filter has failed. The instance gonna stop.", invalidFilterException); state = false; return; } try { importDeclarationFilter = getFilter(importDeclarationFilterProperty); } catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) { LOG.debug("The value of the Property " + FILTER_IMPORTDECLARATION_PROPERTY + " is invalid," + " the recuperation of the Filter has failed. The instance gonna stop.", invalidFilterException); state = false; return; } }
@Modified(id = "importerServices") void modifiedImporterService(ServiceReference<ImporterService> serviceReference) { try { importersManager.modified(serviceReference); } catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) { LOG.error("The ServiceProperty \"" + TARGET_FILTER_PROPERTY + "\" of the ImporterService " + bundleContext.getService(serviceReference) + " doesn't provides a valid Filter." + " To be used, it must provides a correct \"" + TARGET_FILTER_PROPERTY + "\" ServiceProperty.", invalidFilterException ); importersManager.removeLinks(serviceReference); return; } if (importersManager.matched(serviceReference)) { importersManager.updateLinks(serviceReference); } else { importersManager.removeLinks(serviceReference); } }
private void unregisterAllServlets() { for (String endpoint : registeredServlets) { registeredServlets.remove(endpoint); web.unregister(endpoint);"endpoint {} unregistered", endpoint); } }
public double[] calculateDrift(ArrayList<T> tracks){ double[] result = new double[3]; double sumX =0; double sumY = 0; double sumZ = 0; int N=0; for(int i = 0; i < tracks.size(); i++){ T t = tracks.get(i); TrajectoryValidIndexTimelagIterator it = new TrajectoryValidIndexTimelagIterator(t,1); //for(int j = 1; j < t.size(); j++){ while(it.hasNext()) { int j =; sumX += t.get(j+1).x - t.get(j).x; sumY += t.get(j+1).y - t.get(j).y; sumZ += t.get(j+1).z - t.get(j).z; N++; } } result[0] = sumX/N; result[1] = sumY/N; result[2] = sumZ/N; return result; }
public void addCommandClass(ZWaveCommandClass commandClass) { ZWaveCommandClass.CommandClass key = commandClass.getCommandClass(); if (!supportedCommandClasses.containsKey(key)) { supportedCommandClasses.put(key, commandClass); } }
public boolean canBeLinked(D declaration, ServiceReference<S> declarationBinderRef) { // Evaluate the target filter of the ImporterService on the Declaration Filter filter = bindersManager.getTargetFilter(declarationBinderRef); return filter.matches(declaration.getMetadata()); }
public boolean link(D declaration, ServiceReference<S> declarationBinderRef) { S declarationBinder = bindersManager.getDeclarationBinder(declarationBinderRef); LOG.debug(declaration + " match the filter of " + declarationBinder + " : bind them together"); declaration.bind(declarationBinderRef); try { declarationBinder.addDeclaration(declaration); } catch (Exception e) { declaration.unbind(declarationBinderRef); LOG.debug(declarationBinder + " throw an exception when giving to it the Declaration " + declaration, e); return false; } return true; }
public boolean unlink(D declaration, ServiceReference<S> declarationBinderRef) { S declarationBinder = bindersManager.getDeclarationBinder(declarationBinderRef); try { declarationBinder.removeDeclaration(declaration); } catch (BinderException e) { LOG.debug(declarationBinder + " throw an exception when removing of it the Declaration " + declaration, e); declaration.unhandle(declarationBinderRef); return false; } finally { declaration.unbind(declarationBinderRef); } return true; }
private static String removeLastDot(final String pkgName) { return pkgName.charAt(pkgName.length() - 1) == Characters.DOT ? pkgName.substring(0, pkgName.length() - 1) : pkgName; }
@Nonnull private static Properties findDefaultProperties() { final InputStream in = SourceCodeFormatter.class.getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_PATH); final Properties p = new Properties(); try { p.load(in); } catch (final IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(String.format("Can not load resource %s", DEFAULT_PROPERTIES_PATH)); } return p; }
public static String format(final String code, final Properties options, final LineEnding lineEnding) { Check.notEmpty(code, "code"); Check.notEmpty(options, "options"); Check.notNull(lineEnding, "lineEnding"); final CodeFormatter formatter = ToolFactory.createCodeFormatter(options); final String lineSeparator = LineEnding.find(lineEnding, code); TextEdit te = null; try { te = formatter.format(CodeFormatter.K_COMPILATION_UNIT, code, 0, code.length(), 0, lineSeparator); } catch (final Exception formatFailed) { LOG.warn("Formatting failed", formatFailed); } String formattedCode = code; if (te == null) {"Code cannot be formatted. Possible cause is unmatched source/target/compliance version."); } else { final IDocument doc = new Document(code); try { te.apply(doc); } catch (final Exception e) { LOG.warn(e.getLocalizedMessage(), e); } formattedCode = doc.get(); } return formattedCode; }
private void processProperties() { state = true; try { exporterServiceFilter = getFilter(exporterServiceFilterProperty); } catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) { LOG.debug("The value of the Property " + FILTER_EXPORTERSERVICE_PROPERTY + " is invalid," + " the recuperation of the Filter has failed. The instance gonna stop.", invalidFilterException); state = false; return; } try { exportDeclarationFilter = getFilter(exportDeclarationFilterProperty); } catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) { LOG.debug("The value of the Property " + FILTER_EXPORTDECLARATION_PROPERTY + " is invalid," + " the recuperation of the Filter has failed. The instance gonna stop.", invalidFilterException); state = false; return; } }
@Modified(id = "exporterServices") void modifiedExporterService(ServiceReference<ExporterService> serviceReference) { try { exportersManager.modified(serviceReference); } catch (InvalidFilterException invalidFilterException) { LOG.error("The ServiceProperty \"" + TARGET_FILTER_PROPERTY + "\" of the ExporterService " + bundleContext.getService(serviceReference) + " doesn't provides a valid Filter." + " To be used, it must provides a correct \"" + TARGET_FILTER_PROPERTY + "\" ServiceProperty.", invalidFilterException ); exportersManager.removeLinks(serviceReference); return; } if (exportersManager.matched(serviceReference)) { exportersManager.updateLinks(serviceReference); } else { exportersManager.removeLinks(serviceReference); } }
private void checkGAs(List l) { for (final Iterator i = l.iterator(); i.hasNext();) if (!( instanceof GroupAddress)) throw new KNXIllegalArgumentException("not a group address list"); }
public static Trajectory addPositionNoise(Trajectory t, double sd){ CentralRandomNumberGenerator r = CentralRandomNumberGenerator.getInstance(); Trajectory newt = new Trajectory(t.getDimension()); for(int i = 0; i < t.size(); i++){ newt.add(t.get(i)); for(int j = 1; j <= t.getDimension(); j++){ switch (j) { case 1: newt.get(i).setX(newt.get(i).x + r.nextGaussian()*sd); break; case 2: newt.get(i).setY(newt.get(i).y + r.nextGaussian()*sd); break; case 3: newt.get(i).setZ(newt.get(i).z + r.nextGaussian()*sd); break; default: break; } } } return newt; }
public SerialMessage getNoMoreInformationMessage() { logger.debug("Creating new message for application command WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION for node {}", this.getNode().getNodeId()); SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessage.SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessage.SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessage.SerialMessagePriority.Low); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(), 2, (byte) getCommandClass().getKey(), (byte) WAKE_UP_NO_MORE_INFORMATION }; result.setMessagePayload(newPayload); return result; }
public void putInWakeUpQueue(SerialMessage serialMessage) { if (this.wakeUpQueue.contains(serialMessage)) { logger.debug("Message already on the wake-up queue for node {}. Discarding.", this.getNode().getNodeId()); return; } logger.debug("Putting message in wakeup queue for node {}.", this.getNode().getNodeId()); this.wakeUpQueue.add(serialMessage); }
protected Method resolveTargetMethod(Message message, FieldDescriptor payloadField) { Method targetMethod = fieldToMethod.get(payloadField); if (targetMethod == null) { // look up and cache target method; this block is called only once // per target method, so synchronized is ok synchronized (this) { targetMethod = fieldToMethod.get(payloadField); if (targetMethod == null) { String name = payloadField.getName(); for (Method method : service.getClass().getMethods()) { if (method.getName().equals(name)) { try { method.setAccessible(true); } catch (Exception ex) { log.log(Level.SEVERE,"Error accessing RPC method",ex); } targetMethod = method; fieldToMethod.put(payloadField, targetMethod); break; } } } } } if (targetMethod != null) { return targetMethod; } else { throw new RuntimeException("No matching method found by the name '" + payloadField.getName() + "'"); } }
protected FieldDescriptor resolvePayloadField(Message message) { for (FieldDescriptor field : message.getDescriptorForType().getFields()) { if (message.hasField(field)) { return field; } } throw new RuntimeException("No payload found in message " + message); }
public static Status from(Set<ServiceReference> serviceReferencesBound, Set<ServiceReference> serviceReferencesHandled) { if (serviceReferencesBound == null && serviceReferencesHandled == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a status with serviceReferencesBound == null" + "and serviceReferencesHandled == null"); } else if (serviceReferencesBound == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a status with serviceReferencesBound == null"); } else if (serviceReferencesHandled == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot create a status with serviceReferencesHandled == null"); } return new Status(serviceReferencesBound, serviceReferencesHandled); }
public SerialMessage getValueMessage() { logger.debug("Creating new message for application command BASIC_GET for node {}", this.getNode().getNodeId()); SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessageClass.ApplicationCommandHandler, SerialMessagePriority.Get); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(), 2, (byte) getCommandClass().getKey(), (byte) BASIC_GET }; result.setMessagePayload(newPayload); return result; }
public SerialMessage setValueMessage(int level) { logger.debug("Creating new message for application command BASIC_SET for node {}", this.getNode().getNodeId()); SerialMessage result = new SerialMessage(this.getNode().getNodeId(), SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessageType.Request, SerialMessageClass.SendData, SerialMessagePriority.Set); byte[] newPayload = { (byte) this.getNode().getNodeId(), 3, (byte) getCommandClass().getKey(), (byte) BASIC_SET, (byte) level }; result.setMessagePayload(newPayload); return result; }
public void subscriptionRequestReceived(SubscriptionRequest sr) throws SubscriptionException {"Subscriber -> (Hub), new subscription request received.", sr.getCallback()); try { verifySubscriberRequestedSubscription(sr); if ("subscribe".equals(sr.getMode())) {"Adding callback {} to the topic {}", sr.getCallback(), sr.getTopic()); addCallbackToTopic(sr.getCallback(), sr.getTopic()); } else if ("unsubscribe".equals(sr.getMode())) {"Removing callback {} from the topic {}", sr.getCallback(), sr.getTopic()); removeCallbackToTopic(sr.getCallback(), sr.getTopic()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new SubscriptionException(e); } }
public Boolean verifySubscriberRequestedSubscription(SubscriptionRequest sr) throws SubscriptionOriginVerificationException {"(Hub) -> Subscriber, sending notification to verify the origin of the subscription {}.", sr.getCallback()); SubscriptionConfirmationRequest sc = new SubscriptionConfirmationRequest(sr.getMode(), sr.getTopic(), "challenge", "0"); URI uri; try { uri = new URIBuilder(sr.getCallback()).setParameters(sc.toRequestParameters()).build(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new SubscriptionOriginVerificationException("URISyntaxException while sending a confirmation of subscription", e); } HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(uri); CloseableHttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.createDefault(); CloseableHttpResponse response; try { response = httpclient.execute(httpGet); } catch (IOException e) { throw new SubscriptionOriginVerificationException("IOException while sending a confirmation of subscription", e); }"Subscriber replied with the http code {}.", response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); Integer returnedCode = response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); // if code is a success code return true, else false return (199 < returnedCode) && (returnedCode < 300); }
public void notifySubscriberCallback(ContentNotification cn) { String content = fetchContentFromPublisher(cn); distributeContentToSubscribers(content, cn.getUrl()); }
public Point2D.Double minDistancePointSpline(Point2D.Double p, int nPointsPerSegment){ double minDistance = Double.MAX_VALUE; Point2D.Double minDistancePoint = null; int numberOfSplines = spline.getN(); double[] knots = spline.getKnots(); for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSplines; i++){ double x = knots[i]; double stopx = knots[i+1]; double dx = (stopx-x)/nPointsPerSegment; for(int j = 0; j < nPointsPerSegment; j++){ Point2D.Double candidate = new Point2D.Double(x, spline.value(x)); double d = p.distance(candidate); if(d<minDistance){ minDistance = d; minDistancePoint = candidate; } x += dx; } } return minDistancePoint; }
public void showTrajectoryAndSpline(){ if(t.getDimension()==2){ double[] xData = new double[rotatedTrajectory.size()]; double[] yData = new double[rotatedTrajectory.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < rotatedTrajectory.size(); i++){ xData[i] = rotatedTrajectory.get(i).x; yData[i] = rotatedTrajectory.get(i).y; } // Create Chart Chart chart = QuickChart.getChart("Spline+Track", "X", "Y", "y(x)", xData, yData); //Add spline support points double[] subxData = new double[splineSupportPoints.size()]; double[] subyData = new double[splineSupportPoints.size()]; for(int i = 0; i < splineSupportPoints.size(); i++){ subxData[i] = splineSupportPoints.get(i).x; subyData[i] = splineSupportPoints.get(i).y; } Series s = chart.addSeries("Spline Support Points", subxData, subyData); s.setLineStyle(SeriesLineStyle.NONE); s.setSeriesType(SeriesType.Line); //ADd spline points int numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment = 20; int numberOfSplines = spline.getN(); double[] sxData = new double[numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment*numberOfSplines]; double[] syData = new double[numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment*numberOfSplines]; double[] knots = spline.getKnots(); for(int i = 0; i < numberOfSplines; i++){ double x = knots[i]; double stopx = knots[i+1]; double dx = (stopx-x)/numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment; for(int j = 0; j < numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment; j++){ sxData[i*numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment+j] = x; syData[i*numberInterpolatedPointsPerSegment+j] = spline.value(x); x += dx; } } s = chart.addSeries("Spline", sxData, syData); s.setLineStyle(SeriesLineStyle.DASH_DASH); s.setMarker(SeriesMarker.NONE); s.setSeriesType(SeriesType.Line); //Show it new SwingWrapper(chart).displayChart(); } }
public static <T> Set<T> getSet(Collection<T> collection) { Set<T> set = new LinkedHashSet<T>(); set.addAll(collection); return set; }
public static <T> String join(Collection<T> col, String delim) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<T> iter = col.iterator(); if (iter.hasNext()) sb.append(; while (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(delim); sb.append(; } return sb.toString(); }
public void checkVersion(ZWaveCommandClass commandClass) { ZWaveVersionCommandClass versionCommandClass = (ZWaveVersionCommandClass)this.getNode().getCommandClass(CommandClass.VERSION); if (versionCommandClass == null) { logger.error(String.format("Version command class not supported on node %d," + "reverting to version 1 for command class %s (0x%02x)", this.getNode().getNodeId(), commandClass.getCommandClass().getLabel(), commandClass.getCommandClass().getKey())); return; } this.getController().sendData(versionCommandClass.getCommandClassVersionMessage(commandClass.getCommandClass())); }
public static String getContent(String stringUrl) throws IOException { InputStream stream = getContentStream(stringUrl); return MyStreamUtils.readContent(stream); }
public static InputStream getContentStream(String stringUrl) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { URL url = new URL(stringUrl); URLConnection urlConnection = url.openConnection(); InputStream is = urlConnection.getInputStream(); if ("gzip".equals(urlConnection.getContentEncoding())) { is = new GZIPInputStream(is); } return is; }
public static Map<String, List<String>> getResponseHeaders(String stringUrl) throws IOException { return getResponseHeaders(stringUrl, true); }
public static Map<String, List<String>> getResponseHeaders(String stringUrl, boolean followRedirects) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(stringUrl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setInstanceFollowRedirects(followRedirects); InputStream is = conn.getInputStream(); if ("gzip".equals(conn.getContentEncoding())) { is = new GZIPInputStream(is); } Map<String, List<String>> headers = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<String>>(conn.getHeaderFields()); headers.put("X-Content", Arrays.asList(MyStreamUtils.readContent(is))); headers.put("X-URL", Arrays.asList(conn.getURL().toString())); headers.put("X-Status", Arrays.asList(String.valueOf(conn.getResponseCode()))); return headers; }
public static void downloadUrl(String stringUrl, Map<String, String> parameters, File fileToSave) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(stringUrl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setFollowRedirects(true); if (parameters != null) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { conn.addRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } boolean redirect = false; // normally, 3xx is redirect int status = conn.getResponseCode(); if (status != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK) { if (status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_TEMP || status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_MOVED_PERM || status == HttpURLConnection.HTTP_SEE_OTHER) redirect = true; } if (redirect) { // get redirect url from "location" header field String newUrl = conn.getHeaderField("Location"); // get the cookie if need, for login String cookies = conn.getHeaderField("Set-Cookie"); // open the new connnection again conn = (HttpURLConnection) new URL(newUrl).openConnection(); conn.setRequestProperty("Cookie", cookies); } byte[] data = MyStreamUtils.readContentBytes(conn.getInputStream()); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileToSave); fos.write(data); fos.close(); }
public static byte[] getContentBytes(String stringUrl) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(stringUrl); byte[] data = MyStreamUtils.readContentBytes(url.openStream()); return data; }
public static String httpRequest(String stringUrl, String method, Map<String, String> parameters, String input, String charset) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(stringUrl); HttpURLConnection conn = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); conn.setDoOutput(true); conn.setRequestMethod(method); if (parameters != null) { for (Entry<String, String> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { conn.addRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } if (input != null) { OutputStream output = null; try { output = conn.getOutputStream(); output.write(input.getBytes(charset)); } finally { if (output != null) { output.close(); } } } return MyStreamUtils.readContent(conn.getInputStream()); }
public void add(ServiceReference<D> declarationSRef) { D declaration = getDeclaration(declarationSRef); boolean matchFilter = declarationFilter.matches(declaration.getMetadata()); declarations.put(declarationSRef, matchFilter); }
public void createLinks(ServiceReference<D> declarationSRef) { D declaration = getDeclaration(declarationSRef); for (ServiceReference<S> serviceReference : linkerManagement.getMatchedBinderServiceRef()) { if (linkerManagement.canBeLinked(declaration, serviceReference)) {, serviceReference); } } }
public void removeLinks(ServiceReference<D> declarationSRef) { D declaration = getDeclaration(declarationSRef); for (ServiceReference serviceReference : declaration.getStatus().getServiceReferencesBounded()) { // FIXME : In case of multiples Linker, we will remove the link of all the ServiceReference // FIXME : event the ones which dun know nothing about linkerManagement.unlink(declaration, serviceReference); } }
public Set<D> getMatchedDeclaration() { Set<D> bindedSet = new HashSet<D>(); for (Map.Entry<ServiceReference<D>, Boolean> e : declarations.entrySet()) { if (e.getValue()) { bindedSet.add(getDeclaration(e.getKey())); } } return bindedSet; }