stringlengths 73
| label
stringclasses 1
value |
private boolean raSupportsCCILocalTran(ManagedConnectionFactory mcf) throws ResourceException {
final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
ConnectionFactory cf;
ResourceAdapterMetaData raMetaData;
boolean cciLocalTranSupported = false;
if (isTraceOn
&& tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(this, tc, "raSupportsCCILocalTran");
if (gConfigProps.transactionSupport == TransactionSupportLevel.XATransaction
|| gConfigProps.transactionSupport == TransactionSupportLevel.LocalTransaction) {
cf = (ConnectionFactory) mcf.createConnectionFactory(this);
raMetaData = cf.getMetaData();
if (raMetaData != null)
cciLocalTranSupported = raMetaData.supportsLocalTransactionDemarcation();
if (isTraceOn
&& tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(this, tc, "raSupportsCCILocalTran " + cciLocalTranSupported);
return cciLocalTranSupported;
} | java |
private void readObject(ObjectInputStream s) throws, java.lang.ClassNotFoundException {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // not serializable
} | java |
public void purgePool() throws ResourceException {
final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
if (isTraceOn && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
Tr.entry(this, tc, "purgePool");
if (isTraceOn && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
Tr.exit(this, tc, "purgePool");
} | java |
protected int supportsBranchCoupling(int couplingType, ManagedConnectionFactory managedConnectionFactory) {
final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
int startFlag;
if (isJDBC) {
startFlag = ((WSManagedConnectionFactory) managedConnectionFactory).getXAStartFlagForBranchCoupling(couplingType);
} else {
String bcInfo = "branch-coupling=LOOSE";
if (couplingType == ResourceRefInfo.BRANCH_COUPLING_TIGHT)
bcInfo = "branch-coupling=TIGHT";
Tr.warning(tc, "IGNORE_FEATURE_J2CA0240", new Object[] { bcInfo, gConfigProps.cfName });
startFlag = XAResource.TMNOFLAGS; // take default
if (isTraceOn && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, "Branch coupling request for " + cmConfig.getCFDetailsKey() + " is " + couplingType + " startFlag is " + startFlag);
return startFlag;
} | java |
protected boolean matchBranchCoupling(int couplingType1, int couplingType2, ManagedConnectionFactory managedConnectionFactory) {
final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
boolean matched = true;
if (isJDBC && couplingType1 != couplingType2) {
if (couplingType1 == ResourceRefInfo.BRANCH_COUPLING_UNSET)
couplingType1 = ((WSManagedConnectionFactory) managedConnectionFactory).getDefaultBranchCoupling();
else if (couplingType2 == ResourceRefInfo.BRANCH_COUPLING_UNSET)
couplingType2 = ((WSManagedConnectionFactory) managedConnectionFactory).getDefaultBranchCoupling();
matched = couplingType1 == couplingType2;
if (isTraceOn && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, "Match coupling request for " + couplingType1 + " and " + couplingType2 + " match is " + matched);
return matched;
} | java |
private final Subject getFinalSubject(ConnectionRequestInfo requestInfo,
final ManagedConnectionFactory mangedConnectionFactory, Object CM) throws ResourceException {
final boolean isTraceOn = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
Subject subj = null;
if (this.containerManagedAuth) {
final Map<String, Object> loginConfigProps = (Map<String, Object>) this.cmConfig.getLoginConfigProperties().clone();
String name = this.cmConfig.getLoginConfigurationName();
final String loginConfigurationName = name == null ? connectionFactorySvc.getJaasLoginContextEntryName() : name;
String authDataID = (String) loginConfigProps.get("DefaultPrincipalMapping");
// If no authentication-alias is found in the bindings, then use the default container managed auth alias (if any)
if (authDataID == null)
authDataID = connectionFactorySvc.getContainerAuthDataID();
if (isTraceOn && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, "login configuration name", loginConfigurationName);
Tr.debug(this, tc, "container managed auth", authDataID);
if (authDataID != null || loginConfigurationName != null) {
loginConfigProps.put("", authDataID);
final AuthDataService authSvc = _pm.connectorSvc.authDataServiceRef.getServiceWithException();
try {
subj = AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Subject>() {
public Subject run() throws LoginException {
return authSvc.getSubject(mangedConnectionFactory, loginConfigurationName, loginConfigProps);
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
FFDCFilter.processException(e.getCause(), getClass().getName(), "3070", this, new Object[] { this });
ResourceException r = new ResourceException(e.getCause());
throw r;
subj = this.securityHelper.finalizeSubject(subj, requestInfo, this.cmConfig);
} else {
if (isTraceOn && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, "Subject is", subj);
return subj;
} | java |
protected void dumpJFapServerStatus(final IncidentStream is)
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "dumpJFapServerStatus", is);
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "dumpJFapServerStatus");
} | java |
private void dumpMEtoMEConversations(final IncidentStream is)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "dumpMEtoMEConversations", is);
final ServerConnectionManager scm = ServerConnectionManager.getRef();
final List obc = scm.getActiveOutboundMEtoMEConversations();
is.writeLine("", "");
is.writeLine("\n------ ME to ME Conversation Dump ------ ", ">");
if (obc != null)
//Build a map of connection -> conversation so that we can output the
//connection information once per set of conversations.
final Map<Object, LinkedList<Conversation>> connectionToConversationMap = convertToMap(is, obc);
//Go through the map and dump out a connection - followed by its conversations
for (final Iterator<Entry<Object,LinkedList<Conversation>>>i = connectionToConversationMap.entrySet().iterator(); i.hasNext();)
final Entry<Object, LinkedList<Conversation>>entry =;
is.writeLine("\nOutbound connection:", entry.getKey());
final LinkedList conversationList = entry.getValue();
final Conversation c = (Conversation)conversationList.removeFirst();
is.writeLine("\nOutbound Conversation[" + c.getId() + "]: ", c.getFullSummary());
dumpMEtoMEConversation(is, c);
catch(Throwable t)
// No FFDC Code Needed
is.writeLine("\nUnable to dump conversation", t);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "dumpMEtoMEConversations");
} | java |
private void dumpInboundConversations(final IncidentStream is)
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "dumpInboundConversations", is);
final List serverConvs = ServerTransportAcceptListener.getInstance().getActiveConversations();
is.writeLine("", "");
is.writeLine("\n------ Inbound Conversation Dump ------ ", ">");
if (serverConvs != null)
// Build a map of connection -> conversation so that we can output the
// connection information once per set of conversations.
final Map<Object, LinkedList<Conversation>> connectionToConversationMap = new HashMap<Object, LinkedList<Conversation>>();
for (final Iterator i = serverConvs.iterator(); i.hasNext();)
final Conversation c = (Conversation);
final Object connectionObject = c.getConnectionReference();
final LinkedList<Conversation> conversationList;
if (!connectionToConversationMap.containsKey(connectionObject))
conversationList = new LinkedList<Conversation>();
connectionToConversationMap.put(connectionObject, conversationList);
conversationList = connectionToConversationMap.get(connectionObject);
catch (Throwable t)
// No FFDC Code Needed
is.writeLine("\nUnable to dump conversation", t);
// Go through the map and dump out a connection - followed by its conversations
final Set<Map.Entry<Object, LinkedList<Conversation>>> entries = connectionToConversationMap.entrySet();
for(final Map.Entry<Object, LinkedList<Conversation>> entry: entries)
final Object connectionObject = entry.getKey();
is.writeLine("\nInbound connection:", connectionObject);
final LinkedList<Conversation> conversationList = entry.getValue();
final Conversation c = conversationList.removeFirst();
is.writeLine("\nInbound Conversation[" + c.getId() + "]: ", c.getFullSummary());
dumpServerConversation(is, c);
catch(Throwable t)
// No FFDC Code Needed
is.writeLine("\nUnable to dump conversation", t);
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "dumpInboundConversations");
} | java |
private void dumpServerConversation(IncidentStream is, Conversation conv)
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "dumpServerConversation", new Object[]{is, conv});
final ConversationState convState = (ConversationState) conv.getAttachment();
final List allObjs = convState.getAllObjects();
is.writeLine("Number of associated resources", allObjs.size());
for (final Iterator i2 = allObjs.iterator(); i2.hasNext();)
final Object obj =;
if (obj instanceof SICoreConnection)
final SICoreConnection conn = (SICoreConnection) obj;
is.writeLine(" ",
"SICoreConnection@" + Integer.toHexString(obj.hashCode()) + ": " +
"ME Name: " + conn.getMeName() + " [" + conn.getMeUuid() + "] " +
"Version: " + conn.getApiLevelDescription());
is.writeLine(" ", obj);
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "dumpServerConversation");
} | java |
private void dumpMEtoMEConversation(IncidentStream is, Conversation conv)
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "dumpMEtoMEConversation", new Object[]{is, conv});
//Get the conversation state and use it to find out what we can.
final ConversationState convState = (ConversationState) conv.getAttachment();
final MEConnection commsConnection = (MEConnection) convState.getCommsConnection();
is.writeLine(" Connected using: ", commsConnection);
final JsMessagingEngine me = commsConnection.getMessagingEngine();
final String meInfo = me == null ? "<null>" : me.getName()+ " [" + me.getUuid() + "]";
is.writeLine(" Local ME: ", meInfo);
is.writeLine(" Target ME: ", commsConnection.getTargetInformation());
//Introspect details of conversation state.
is.introspectAndWriteLine("Introspection of the conversation state:", convState);
if(TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "dumpMEtoMEConversation");
} | java |
public int getAccessor(JMFSchema schema) {
for (Accessor acc = accessor; acc != null; acc =
if (schema == acc.schema)
return acc.accessor;
return -1;
} | java |
public Object copyValue(Object val, int indirect)
throws JMFSchemaViolationException {
if (indirect == 0)
return copy(val, 0);
return coder.copy(val, indirect - 1);
} | java |
public void getGroupsForUserInTopGroup() throws Exception {
// This test will only be executed when using physical LDAP server
String user = topGroupUser;, "getGroupsForUserInTopGroup", "Checking with a valid user.");
List<String> list = myServlet.getGroupsForUser(user);
System.out.println("List of groups : " + list.toString());
assertTrue(list.contains(getCN() + topGroup + getSuffix()));
} | java |
public void getUniqueGroupIdsForUserInNestedGroup() throws Exception {
// This test will only be executed when using physical LDAP server
String user = getCN() + nestedUser + getSuffix();, "getUniqueGroupIdsForUserInNestedGroup", "Checking with a valid user.");
List<String> list = myServlet.getUniqueGroupIdsForUser(user);
assertTrue(list.contains(getCN() + topGroup + getSuffix()) && list.contains(getCN() + embeddedGroup + getSuffix()));
assertEquals("There should be two entries", 2, list.size());
} | java |
private MetricImpl getCommittedMetric(MetricImpl.MetricType metricType) {
return (MetricImpl)committedMetrics.get(;
} | java |
public Iterable<RemoteInstanceDetails> getLogLists() {
ArrayList<RemoteInstanceDetails> result = new ArrayList<RemoteInstanceDetails>();
for (Date startTime: resultList) {
result.add(new RemoteInstanceDetails(query, startTime, new String[0]));
return result;
} | java |
public static Expectations successfullyReachedUrl(String url) {
Expectations expectations = new Expectations();
expectations.addExpectation(new ResponseUrlExpectation(Constants.STRING_EQUALS, url, "Did not reach the expected URL."));
return expectations;
} | java |
public void destroy(String name, Object instance)
if (instance != null && isManagedBean(name))
catch (IllegalAccessException e)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not access @PreDestroy method of managed bean " + name, e);
catch (InvocationTargetException e)
log.log(Level.SEVERE, "An Exception occured while invoking " +
"@PreDestroy method of managed bean " + name, e);
} | java |
public Map<String, Object> cacheVendorConnectionProps(Connection sqlConn) throws SQLException {
try {
Class<?> c = OracleConnection.get();
if (c == null)
OracleConnection.set(c = WSManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.priv.loadClass(mcf.jdbcDriverLoader, oracle_jdbc_OracleConnection));
Map<String, Object> tempProps = new HashMap<String, Object>();
if (driverMajorVersion == NOT_CACHED) {
driverMajorVersion = sqlConn.getMetaData().getDriverMajorVersion();
// If tempProps is changed then WSRdbManagedConnectionImpl.VENDOR_PROPERTY_SETTERS must be updated
Method m = getDefaultExecuteBatch.get();
if (m == null)
getDefaultExecuteBatch.set(m = c.getMethod("getDefaultExecuteBatch"));
tempProps.put("DefaultExecuteBatch", m.invoke(sqlConn));
m = getDefaultRowPrefetch.get();
if (m == null)
getDefaultRowPrefetch.set(m = c.getMethod("getDefaultRowPrefetch"));
tempProps.put("DefaultRowPrefetch", m.invoke(sqlConn));
if (driverMajorVersion > 10) {
m = getDefaultTimeZone.get();
if (m == null)
getDefaultTimeZone.set(m = c.getMethod("getDefaultTimeZone"));
tempProps.put("DefaultTimeZone", m.invoke(sqlConn));
m = getIncludeSynonyms.get();
if (m == null)
getIncludeSynonyms.set(m = c.getMethod("getIncludeSynonyms"));
tempProps.put("IncludeSynonyms", m.invoke(sqlConn));
m = getRemarksReporting.get();
if (m == null)
getRemarksReporting.set(m = c.getMethod("getRemarksReporting"));
tempProps.put("RemarksReporting", m.invoke(sqlConn));
m = getRestrictGetTables.get();
if (m == null)
getRestrictGetTables.set(m = c.getMethod("getRestrictGetTables"));
tempProps.put("RestrictGetTables", m.invoke(sqlConn));
m = getSessionTimeZone.get();
if (m == null)
getSessionTimeZone.set(m = c.getMethod("getSessionTimeZone"));
tempProps.put("SessionTimeZone", m.invoke(sqlConn));
return tempProps;
} catch (RuntimeException x) {
throw x;
} catch (Exception x) {
throw AdapterUtil.toSQLException(x);
} | java |
public boolean doConnectionCleanup(Connection conn) throws SQLException {
final boolean trace = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
if (trace && tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(tc, "doConnectionCleanup");
boolean result = false;
try {
Class<?> c = OracleConnection.get();
if (c == null)
OracleConnection.set(c = WSManagedConnectionFactoryImpl.priv.loadClass(mcf.jdbcDriverLoader, oracle_jdbc_OracleConnection));
if (c.isInstance(conn)) {
try {
Method m = isProxySession.get();
if (m == null)
isProxySession.set(m = c.getMethod("isProxySession"));
if ((Boolean) m.invoke(conn)) {
m = close.get();
if (m == null)
close.set(m = c.getMethod("close", int.class));
m.invoke(conn, 1); // value of OracleConnection.PROXY_SESSION
result = true;
} catch (NoSuchMethodException nsme) {
// This is expected when older version of the Oracle JDBC Driver
// like are being used
} catch (RuntimeException x) {
throw x;
} catch (Exception x) {
throw AdapterUtil.toSQLException(x);
if (trace && tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(tc, "doConnectionCleanup", result);
return result;
} | java |
public void psSetString(PreparedStatement pstmtImpl, int i, String x) throws SQLException {
int length = (x == null ? 0 : x.getBytes().length);
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, "string length: " + length);
if (length > 4000) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "Oracle setString length > 4000 bytes workaround.");
* length in setCharacterStream is number of character in
* stream
pstmtImpl.setCharacterStream(i, new StringReader(x), x.length());
} else {
pstmtImpl.setString(i, x);
} | java |
private <T extends Annotation> boolean checkReusable(MetricResolver.Of<T> of) {
String name = of.metadata().getName();
// If the metric has been registered before (eg. metrics found in RequestScoped beans),
// we don't need to worry about re-usable
if (!of.isInitialDiscovery()) {
return true;
Metadata existingMetadata = registry.getMetadata().get(name);
if (existingMetadata != null && (existingMetadata.isReusable() == false || of.metadata().isReusable() == false)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot reuse metric for " + of.metricName());
return true;
} | java |
public TagAttribute[] getAll(String namespace)
int idx = 0;
if (namespace == null)
idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_namespaces, "");
idx = Arrays.binarySearch(_namespaces, namespace);
if (idx >= 0)
return _nsattrs.get(idx);
return EMPTY;
} | java |
private static void createRestorerInstance() {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(tc, "createRestorerInstance");
try {
instance = (SIMessageHandleRestorer) cls.newInstance();
catch (Exception e) {
FFDCFilter.processException(e, "", "100");
NoClassDefFoundError ncdfe = new NoClassDefFoundError(e.getMessage());
throw ncdfe;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(tc, "createRestorerInstance");
} | java |
public void queueTimerToStart(TimerNpImpl timer) { // F743-13022
if (globalTransaction) {
if (timersQueuedToStart == null) { // F743-425.CodRev
// Lazy creation of HashMap
timersQueuedToStart = new HashMap<String, TimerNpImpl>(); // F473-425.1
timersQueuedToStart.put(timer.getTaskId(), timer);
else {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "tran ctx is not global, so started timer immediately.");
} | java |
public BeanO find(BeanId beanId)
BeanO bean = null;
if (beanOs != null)
bean = beanOs.get(beanId);
// If debug is enabled, go ahead and calculate some hit rate
// metrics and print out whether found or not.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
if (bean != null)
Tr.debug(tc, "Bean found in Transaction cache (Hit Rate:" +
ivTxCacheHits + "/" + ivTxCacheSearch + ")");
Tr.debug(tc, "Bean not in Transaction cache (Hit Rate:" +
ivTxCacheHits + "/" + ivTxCacheSearch + ")");
return bean;
} | java |
protected void setIsolationLevel(int isolationLevel)
throws IsolationLevelChangeException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEventEnabled())
Tr.event(tc, "current isolation level = "
+ MethodAttribUtils.getIsolationLevelString(ivIsolationLevel)
+ ", attempting to change to = "
+ MethodAttribUtils.getIsolationLevelString(isolationLevel)); // PK31372
// Treat TRANSACTION_NONE as "don't care". The current value may be
// NONE because it hasn't been set yet, or because all the methods
// invoked so far did not have an isolation level specified by
// the customer (in the deployment descriptor). d107762
if (ivIsolationLevel == java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) {
ivIsolationLevel = isolationLevel;
} else if (ivIsolationLevel != isolationLevel &&
isolationLevel != java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_NONE) {
throw new IsolationLevelChangeException();
} | java |
public void setCompleting(boolean isCompleting)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "setCompleting= " + isCompleting);
isActivitySessionCompleting = isCompleting;
if (finderSyncList != null) // d173022.12
{ // d173022.12
int numberofCallers = finderSyncList.size();
for (int i = 0; i < numberofCallers; ++i) {
((ContainerSynchronization) finderSyncList.get(i)).setCompleting(isCompleting);
} // d173022.12
if (txListener != null)
try {
//txListener.afterCompletion(); d153430
txListener.setCompleting(isCompleting); //d153430
} catch (Throwable e) {
FFDCFilter.processException(e, CLASS_NAME + ".afterCompletion",
"1733", this);
throw new RuntimeException("txListener exception" + e.toString());
} | java |
public void enlistContainerSync(Synchronization s)
throws CPIException
if (!(s instanceof ContainerSynchronization)) {
throw new CPIException("Must implement ContainerSynchronization interface");
if (finderSyncList == null) // d173022.12
{ // d173022.12
finderSyncList = new ArrayList<Synchronization>(); // d173022.12
} // d173022.12
} | java |
protected void releaseResources()
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "releaseResources : State = " + stateStrs[state]);
// If the state is not complete, then the ContainerTx should not
// be cleared, and should not be returned to the pool. This is common
// for BMT, where a method may begin the tx, but not complete it
// until a subsequent method call. d157262
if (state != COMMITTED && state != ROLLEDBACK)
// Simply clear all instance variables that may hold a reference to
// another object. d215317
afterList = null;
beanOList = null;
beanOs = null;
cmdAccessor = null;
containerAS = null;
currentBeanOs = null;
finderSyncList = null;
homesForPMManagedBeans = null;
ivContainer = null;
ivPostProcessingException = null; // PQ90221
ivTxKey = null;
tempList = null;
txListener = null;
uowCtrl = null;
timersQueuedToStart = null; // F743-425.CodRev
timersCanceled = null; // F743-425.CodRev
} | java |
protected static String uowIdToString(Object uowId)
String tidStr = null;
if (uowId != null)
if (uowId instanceof LocalTransactionCoordinator)
tidStr = "tid=" + Integer.toHexString(uowId.hashCode()) + "(LTC)";
int idx;
tidStr = uowId.toString();
if ((idx = tidStr.lastIndexOf("#")) != -1)
tidStr = tidStr.substring(idx + 1);
return tidStr;
} | java |
protected static final String[] parseToken(String tokenStr) throws InvalidTokenException {
String[] fields = new String[3];
int tokenLen = tokenStr.length();
char c;
int signBegin = -1, expireBegin = -1;
// LTPA Token has 3 fields: userdata, expiration and sign
// SSO Token has only two : userdata, and expiration
try {
for (int i = tokenLen - 1; i > -1; i--) {
c = tokenStr.charAt(i);
if (c == TOKEN_DELIM) {
if (tokenStr.charAt(i - 1) == '\\') {
// this is not a TOKEN_DELIM but part of the string tested
// we will encounter two of these
if (signBegin == -1) {
signBegin = i + 1;
} else {
expireBegin = i + 1;
if (expireBegin == -1) {
// only one DELIM encountered
expireBegin = signBegin;
fields[0] = tokenStr.substring(0, expireBegin - 1);
fields[1] = tokenStr.substring(expireBegin, tokenLen);
} else {
fields[0] = tokenStr.substring(0, expireBegin - 1);
fields[1] = tokenStr.substring(expireBegin, signBegin - 1);
fields[2] = tokenStr.substring(signBegin, tokenLen);
} catch (Exception e) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEventEnabled()) {
Tr.event(tc, "Error parsing token; " + e);
throw new InvalidTokenException(e.getMessage(), e);
return fields;
} | java |
private static void addAttributes(String data, Map<String, ArrayList<String>> attribs) {
String key;
String value;
int keyIndex = 0;
int dataLen = data.length();
for (keyIndex = 0; keyIndex < dataLen; keyIndex++) {
if ((data.charAt(keyIndex) == USER_ATTRIB_DELIM) && (data.charAt(keyIndex - 1) != '\\')) {
key = data.substring(0, keyIndex);
value = data.substring(keyIndex + 1, dataLen);
ArrayList<String> list = convertStringToArrayList(value);
if (list != null) {
attribs.put(key, list);
} | java |
protected static final Map<String, ArrayList<String>> parseUserData(String userData) {
int tokenLen = userData.length();
int numOfAttribs = 1; // default has "user" (u) attribute
int lastDelim = 0;
int i = 0;
Map<String, ArrayList<String>> attribs = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<String>>();
for (i = 0; i < tokenLen; i++) {
if ((userData.charAt(i) == USER_DATA_DELIM) && (userData.charAt(i - 1) != '\\')) {
String data = userData.substring(lastDelim, i);
lastDelim = i + 1;
addAttributes(data, attribs);
// add the last element
String data = userData.substring(lastDelim, tokenLen);
addAttributes(data, attribs);
return attribs;
} | java |
static Library getSharedLibrary(String id) {
if (bundleContext == null) {
return null;
// Filter the SharedLibrary service references by ID.
String filter = "(" + "id=" + id + ")";
Collection<ServiceReference<Library>> refs = null;
try {
refs = bundleContext.getServiceReferences(Library.class, filter);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
if (tc.isErrorEnabled()) {
Tr.error(tc, "", id, e.toString());
return null;
if (refs.isEmpty())
return null;
return bundleContext.getService(getHighestRankedService(refs));
} | java |
private static BundleContext checkBundleContext() {
if (bundleContext == null) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "BundleContext is null and should not be");
return bundleContext;
} | java |
public static void tracePreInvokeBegins(EJSDeployedSupport s, EJSWrapperBase wrapper)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
writeDeployedSupportInfo(s, sbuf, wrapper, null);
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | java |
public static void tracePreInvokeEnds(EJSDeployedSupport s, EJSWrapperBase wrapper)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
writeDeployedSupportInfo(s, sbuf, wrapper, null);
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | java |
public static void tracePreInvokeException(EJSDeployedSupport s,
EJSWrapperBase wrapper,
Throwable t)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
writeDeployedSupportInfo(s, sbuf, wrapper, t);
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | java |
public static void tracePostInvokeBegins(EJSDeployedSupport s,
EJSWrapperBase wrapper)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
writeDeployedSupportInfo(s, sbuf, wrapper, null);
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | java |
public static void tracePostInvokeEnds(EJSDeployedSupport s, EJSWrapperBase wrapper)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
StringBuffer sbuf = new StringBuffer();
writeDeployedSupportInfo(s, sbuf, wrapper, null);
Tr.debug(tc, sbuf.toString());
} | java |
protected void assertMessageHandlerNotCorrupt() throws SIMPException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "assertMessageHandlerNotCorrupt");
if (baseDest.isCorruptOrIndoubt())
String nlsMsg = nls.getFormattedMessage(
SIMPException e = new SIMPException(nlsMsg);
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
throw e;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "assertMessageHandlerNotCorrupt");
} | java |
public void remove() {
Thread thread = Thread.currentThread();
if (thread instanceof ThreadPool.Worker) {
Object[] wsLocals = getThreadLocals((ThreadPool.Worker) thread);
wsLocals[index] = null;
} else {
} | java |
private String getManagedBeansInternalEJBName(ClassInfo classInfo, AnnotationInfo managedBeanAnn) {
String name = getStringValue(managedBeanAnn, "value");
if (name == null) {
name = '$' + classInfo.getName();
return name;
} | java |
public void mdbMethodPostInvoke() throws Throwable
// If there is a registered message endpoint collaborator, call it for postInvoke processing.
Map<String, Object> meContext = ivEJSDeployedSupport.getMessageEndpointContext();
if (meContext != null) {
MessageEndpointCollaborator meCollaborator = container.getEJBRuntime().getMessageEndpointCollaborator(this.bmd);
if (meCollaborator != null) {
try {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Invoking MECollaborator " + meCollaborator + " for postInvoke processing with the following context data: " + meContext);
} finally {
// Since checkState method in this class preceeded the call
// to this method, we know we are running in the correct
// thread and the correct Proxy instance is using this
// MessageEndpointBase. Therefore, we can safely examine
// ivState outside of a synchronization block. However,
// to change the state, we do need to make change inside a
// synchronization block. This is necessary to ensure the
// checkState method throws IllegalStateException if some other
// thread tries to use this InvocationHandler instance while
// this thread is using the instance. This should never happen, but
// JCA 1.5 requires us to throw IllegalStateException if it does happen.
// If it does happen, then resource adapter does not comply with
// JCA 1.5 specification (or there is a bug in this class).
// Option B message delivery was used. So
// change the state to afterDelivery is pending.
// postInvoke processing is deferred until the
// afterDelivery method is invoked by RA.
// Necessary since we are required to leave
// transaction active until afterDelivery occurs.
synchronized (this)
// OPTION A message delivery was used,
// so do the postInvoke processing now and
// enter the READY_STATE.
if (ivEJSDeployedSupport != null)
// Preinvoke did occur, so do post invoke processing.
container.postInvoke(this, ivMethodId, ivEJSDeployedSupport);
} catch (EJBException e)
//FFDCFilter.processException(e, CLASS_NAME + "mdbMethodPostInvoke", "589", this);
throw e;
} catch (Throwable e)
FFDCFilter.processException(e, CLASS_NAME + ".mdbMethodPostInvoke", "1106", this);
if (ivEJSDeployedSupport != null)
// if we get this far, then setUncheckedLocalException
// for some reason did not throw an exception. If that
// happens, we will throw an EJBException since that is
// what EJB spec requires for MDB.
EJBException ejbex = new EJBException();
throw e;
} finally
// Release objects no longer needed.
ivEJSDeployedSupport = null;
ivMDB = null;
// Option A message processing completed, so re-enter the ready state
// to indicate we are ready to handle the next message.
synchronized (this)
ivState = READY_STATE;
ivThread = null;
} | java |
public static void discard(MessageEndpointBase proxy)
// Ensure we are no longer holding any object references.
proxy.ivMDB = null;
proxy.ivMessageEndpointFactory = null;
proxy.ivMethod = null;
proxy.ivXAResource = null;
proxy.ivRecoverableXAResource = false;
proxy.container = null;
proxy.ivEJSDeployedSupport = null;
proxy.ivTransactionManager = null;
proxy.ivThread = null;
} | java |
protected Future<?> dispatch(final int eventType, final String factoryPid, final String pid) {
final ConfigurationEvent event = createConfigurationEvent(eventType, factoryPid, pid);
if (event == null)
return null;
final ServiceReference<ConfigurationListener>[] refs = st.getServiceReferences();
if (refs == null)
return null;
final String qPid = (factoryPid != null) ? factoryPid : pid;
return caFactory.updateQueue.add(qPid, new Runnable() {
public void run() {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEventEnabled()) {
Tr.event(tc, "dispatch: sending configuration listener event for " + qPid);
for (ServiceReference<ConfigurationListener> sr : refs) {
if (sr != null) {
ConfigurationListener cl = st.getService(sr);
if (cl != null && FrameworkState.isValid()) {
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "dispatch(): Exception thrown while trying to dispatch ConfigurationEvent.", e);
FFDCFilter.processException(e, ME,
"dispatch(): Exception thrown while trying to dispatch ConfigurationEvent.",
new Object[] { pid, factoryPid, eventType, cl });
} | java |
private static void addDefaultEqualsMethod(ClassWriter cw, String implClassName)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, INDENT + "adding method : equals (Ljava/lang/Object;)Z");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// public boolean equals(Object other)
// {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
final String desc = "(Ljava/lang/Object;)Z";
MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "equals", desc, null, null);
GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(mv, ACC_PUBLIC, "equals", desc);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// return this == other;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
Label not_equal = new Label();
mv.visitJumpInsn(IF_ACMPNE, not_equal);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
} | java |
private static void addDefaultHashCodeMethod(ClassWriter cw, String implClassName)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, INDENT + "adding method : hashCode ()I");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// public int hashCode()
// {
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
final String desc = "()I";
MethodVisitor mv = cw.visitMethod(ACC_PUBLIC, "hashCode", desc, null, null);
GeneratorAdapter mg = new GeneratorAdapter(mv, ACC_PUBLIC, "hashCode", desc);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// return System.identityHashCode(this);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
mg.visitMethodInsn(INVOKESTATIC, "java/lang/System", "identityHashCode", "(Ljava/lang/Object;)I");
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
// }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------
} | java |
private static Class<?> getInvalidBusinessExtends(Class<?> wrapperInterface)
if ((EJBLocalObject.class).isAssignableFrom(wrapperInterface))
return EJBLocalObject.class;
if ((EJBLocalHome.class).isAssignableFrom(wrapperInterface))
return EJBLocalHome.class;
if ((EJBObject.class).isAssignableFrom(wrapperInterface))
return EJBObject.class;
if ((EJBHome.class).isAssignableFrom(wrapperInterface))
return EJBHome.class;
return null;
} | java |
public PooledWsByteBufferImpl getEntry() {
PooledWsByteBufferImpl returnValue = pool.get();
if (returnValue == null) {
returnValue = create();
if (inUseTable != null) {
inUseTable.put(returnValue, returnValue);
return returnValue;
} | java |
public void release(PooledWsByteBufferImpl buffer) {
if (inUseTable != null) {
boolean pooled = pool.put(buffer);
if (isDirectPool && !pooled) {
} | java |
public Object[] getInUse() {
return inUseTable != null ? (((Hashtable<PooledWsByteBufferImpl, PooledWsByteBufferImpl>) inUseTable.clone()).keySet().toArray()) : new Object[0];
} | java |
public void removeFromInUse(Object buffer) {
if (inUseTable != null) {
if (null == buffer) {
throw new NullPointerException();
} | java |
void internalDeactivate ()
final String methodName = "internalDeactivate";
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(this, TRACE, methodName);
synchronized (_sessionsByMeUuid) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(this, TRACE, methodName);
} | java |
protected void closeConnection(final String meUuid, boolean alreadyClosed) {
final String methodName = "closeConnection";
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(this, TRACE, methodName, meUuid);
synchronized (_sessionsByMeUuid) {
super.closeConnection(meUuid, alreadyClosed);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(this, TRACE, methodName);
} | java |
static SibRaDispatchEndpointActivation getEndpointActivation(
final String j2eeName) {
final String methodName = "getEndpointActivation";
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
TRACE, methodName, new Object [] { j2eeName } );
SibRaDispatchEndpointActivation endpoint = null;
synchronized (_endpointActivations) {
SibRaEndpointArray endpointActivationArray = (SibRaEndpointArray) _endpointActivations.get(j2eeName);
if (endpointActivationArray != null) {
// Get the next endpoint
endpoint = endpointActivationArray.getNextEndpoint();
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(SibRaDispatchEndpointActivation.class, TRACE, methodName, endpoint);
return endpoint;
} | java |
public void associateLog(DistributedRecoveryLog otherLog, boolean failAssociatedLog)
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(tc, "associateLog", new Object[] { otherLog, failAssociatedLog, this });
if (otherLog instanceof RecoveryLogImpl)
_recoveryLog.associateLog(((RecoveryLogImpl) otherLog).getMultiScopeLog(), failAssociatedLog);
_recoveryLog.associateLog(otherLog, failAssociatedLog);
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(tc, "associateLog");
} | java |
public void setTMS(TransactionManagerService tms) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "setTMS " + tms);
tmsRef = tms;
} | java |
private void checkDataSourceRef() {
Object configuredDSR = _props.get("dataSourceRef");
if (configuredDSR == null) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "dataSourceRef is not specified, log to filesys");
_isSQLRecoveryLog = false;
} else {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "dataSourceRef is specified, log to RDBMS");
// We'll set the logDir to maintain tWAS code compatibility. First we need to
// check get the table suffix string if it is set in server.xml
String suffixStr = (String) _props.get("transactionLogDBTableSuffix");
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "suffixStr is " + suffixStr + ", of length " + suffixStr.length());
if (suffixStr != null && !suffixStr.trim().isEmpty()) {
suffixStr = suffixStr.trim();
logDir = "custom://" +
",tablesuffix=" + suffixStr;
} else
logDir = "custom://";
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "logDir now set to ", logDir);
_isSQLRecoveryLog = true;
} | java |
private String parseTransactionLogDirectory() {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "parseTransactionLogDirectory working with " + _props);
String configuredLogDir = (String) _props.get("transactionLogDirectory");
// don't allow null to be returned - it will result in use of a location
// that is shared
// across all local servers and thus risks log corruption
if (configuredLogDir == null) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "using default log dir as config is null");
// set default
configuredLogDir = defaultLogDir;
} else {
// ensure dir string ends with a '/'
if (!configuredLogDir.endsWith("/")) {
configuredLogDir = configuredLogDir + "/";
// resolve the configured value
WsResource logDirResource = null;
try {
// Synchronize to ensure we see a valid locationService
synchronized (this) {
logDirResource = locationService.resolveResource(configuredLogDir);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "IllegalArgumentException from location service for dir string: " + configuredLogDir);
if (!configuredLogDir.equals(defaultLogDir)) {
// try using the default
configuredLogDir = defaultLogDir;
try {
// Synchronize to ensure we see a valid locationService
synchronized (this) {
logDirResource = locationService.resolveResource(configuredLogDir);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Secondary IllegalArgumentException " + ex + " from location service for dir string: " + configuredLogDir);
// if we can't establish a tran log dir, we need a way to disable
// the transaction service
// rethrow the original exception
throw e;
} else {
throw e;
// get full path string from resource
logDir = logDirResource.toExternalURI().getPath();
return logDir;
} | java |
public List<FacesConfig> getClassloaderFacesConfig(ExternalContext ectx)
List<FacesConfig> appConfigResources = new ArrayList<FacesConfig>();
FacesConfigResourceProvider provider = FacesConfigResourceProviderFactory.
Collection<URL> facesConfigs = provider.getMetaInfConfigurationResources(ectx);
for (URL url : facesConfigs)
if (MyfacesConfig.getCurrentInstance(ectx).isValidateXML())
validateFacesConfig(ectx, url);
InputStream stream = null;
stream = openStreamWithoutCache(url);
if (log.isLoggable(Level.INFO))
{"Reading config : " + url.toExternalForm());
appConfigResources.add(getUnmarshaller(ectx).getFacesConfig(stream, url.toExternalForm()));
//getDispenser().feed(getUnmarshaller().getFacesConfig(stream, entry.getKey()));
if (stream != null)
catch (Throwable e)
throw new FacesException(e);
return appConfigResources;
} | java |
public void handleMessage(
MessageItem msg,
TransactionCommon transaction,
SIBUuid8 sourceMEUuid)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "handleMessage", new Object[]{msg, transaction, sourceMEUuid});
SIErrorException e = new SIErrorException(
new Object[] {
"1:143:" },
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
new Object[] {
"1:158:" });
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "handleMessage", e);
throw e;
} | java |
public void handleControlMessage(SIBUuid8 sourceMEUuid, ControlMessage cMsg)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "handleControlMessage", new Object[]{sourceMEUuid, cMsg});
InvalidOperationException e = new InvalidOperationException(
new Object[] {
"1:183:" },
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
new Object[] {
"1:197:" });
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "handleControlMessage", e);
throw e;
} | java |
public static void staticHandleControlMessage(ControlMessage cMsg)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "staticHandleControlMessage",
new Object[] {cMsg});
ControlMessageType type = cMsg.getControlMessageType();
if ((type == ControlMessageType.NOTFLUSHED) ||
(type == ControlMessageType.CARDINALITYINFO) ||
(type == ControlMessageType.DURABLECONFIRM))
// See if the request ID is pending and wakeup the waiter
long reqID = 0;
if (cMsg instanceof ControlNotFlushed)
reqID = ((ControlNotFlushed) cMsg).getRequestID();
else if (cMsg instanceof ControlCardinalityInfo)
reqID = ((ControlCardinalityInfo) cMsg).getRequestID();
else if (cMsg instanceof ControlDurableConfirm)
reqID = ((ControlDurableConfirm) cMsg).getRequestID();
// Now wakeup any waiters. If this is a stale reply, then it's ignored.
wakeupWaiter(reqID, cMsg);
// unknown type, log error
SIErrorException e = new SIErrorException(
new Object[] {
"1:245:" },
new Object[] {
"1:258:" });
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "staticHandleControlMessage");
} | java |
protected static void wakeupWaiter(long reqID, Object result)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "wakeupWaiter", new Object[] {new Long(reqID), result});
synchronized (_requestMap)
Long key = new Long(reqID);
Object[] waiter = _requestMap.get(key);
if (waiter != null)
// Waiting request, wake up
waiter[0] = result;
synchronized (waiter)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "wakeupWaiter");
} | java |
protected static ControlCreateStream createDurableCreateStream(
MessageProcessor MP,
ConsumerDispatcherState subState,
long reqID,
SIBUuid8 dme)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "createDurableCreateStream", new Object[] {MP, subState, new Long(reqID), dme});
ControlCreateStream msg = null;
// Create and initialize the message
msg = MessageProcessor.getControlMessageFactory().createNewControlCreateStream();
initializeControlMessage(MP.getMessagingEngineUuid(), msg, dme);
// Parameterize for CreateStream
SelectionCriteria criteria = subState.getSelectionCriteria();
//check for null values for MFP - defect 251989
//the discriminator
if(criteria==null || criteria.getDiscriminator()==null)
//the selector
if(criteria==null || criteria.getSelectorString()==null)
//the selector domain
if(criteria==null || criteria.getSelectorDomain()==null)
//defect 259036
// Set the flag that signals whether this is
// the privileged SIBServerSubject.
catch (Exception e)
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createDurableCreateStream", msg);
return msg;
} | java |
protected static ControlCreateDurable createDurableCreateDurable(
MessageProcessor MP,
ConsumerDispatcherState subState,
long reqID,
SIBUuid8 dme)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "createDurableCreateDurable", new Object[] {MP, subState, new Long(reqID), dme});
ControlCreateDurable msg = null;
// Create and initialize the message
msg = MessageProcessor.getControlMessageFactory().createNewControlCreateDurable();
initializeControlMessage(MP.getMessagingEngineUuid(), msg, dme);
// Parameterize for CreateStream
SelectionCriteria criteria = subState.getSelectionCriteria();
//check for null values for MFP - discriminator can be null
//the discriminator
if(criteria==null || criteria.getDiscriminator()==null)
//the selector
if(criteria==null || criteria.getSelectorString()==null)
//the selector domain
if(criteria==null || criteria.getSelectorDomain()==null)
// Check the selectorProperties Map to see if we need to convey any additional properties associated
// with the selector. At present (26/03/08) there is only one additional property
// which is itself a map (of name spaces). The name space map is used in the XPath10 selector domain
// to map URLs to prefixes. The use of a selectorProperties map keeps the Core SPI generic but
// when conveying information over JMF we need a simpler structure and so will need to
// break out individual properties for transportation.
// See if these criteria have any selector properties. They might if they are MPSelectionCriteria
if(criteria instanceof MPSelectionCriteria)
MPSelectionCriteria mpCriteria = (MPSelectionCriteria)criteria;
Map<String, Object> selectorProperties = mpCriteria.getSelectorProperties();
if(selectorProperties != null)
Map<String, String> selectorNamespaceMap =
(Map<String, String>)selectorProperties.get("namespacePrefixMappings");
if(selectorNamespaceMap != null)
} // eof instanceof MPSelectionCriteria
} // eof null criteria
//defect 259036
// Set the flag that signals whether this is
// the privileged SIBServerSubject.
catch (Exception e)
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createDurableCreateDurable", msg);
return msg;
} | java |
protected static ControlDeleteDurable createDurableDeleteDurable(
MessageProcessor MP,
String subName,
String userName,
long reqID,
SIBUuid8 dme)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "createDurableDeleteDurable", new Object[] {MP, subName, userName, new Long(reqID), dme});
ControlDeleteDurable msg = null;
// Create and initialize the message
msg = MessageProcessor.getControlMessageFactory().createNewControlDeleteDurable();
initializeControlMessage(MP.getMessagingEngineUuid(), msg, dme);
// Parameterize for CreateStream
catch (Exception e)
SibTr.exception(tc, e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createDurableDeleteDurable", msg);
return msg;
} | java |
public static Object issueRequest(
MessageProcessor MP,
ControlMessage msg,
SIBUuid8 remoteUuid,
long retry,
int tries,
long requestID)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "issueRequest", new Object[] {MP, msg, remoteUuid, new Long(retry), new Integer(tries), new Long(requestID)});
// Short circuit ME rechability test
if (!MP.getMPIO().isMEReachable(remoteUuid))
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(tc, "issueRequest", null);
return null;
// Prepare the request map
Object[] awaitResult = new Object[1];
synchronized (_requestMap)
_requestMap.put(new Long(requestID), awaitResult);
synchronized (awaitResult)
// Now send the request, setup the retry alarm, and wait for a result
MP.getMPIO().sendToMe(remoteUuid, SIMPConstants.CONTROL_MESSAGE_PRIORITY, msg);
ResendRecord retryRecord = new ResendRecord(MP, msg, remoteUuid, retry, tries, requestID);
MP.getAlarmManager().create(retry, _alarmHandler, retryRecord);
while (true)
catch (InterruptedException e)
// No FFDC code needed
// We shouldn't be interrupted, but if we are loop around and try again
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "issueRequest", awaitResult[0]);
return awaitResult[0];
} | java |
public static int issueCreateDurableRequest(
MessageProcessor MP,
ConsumerDispatcherState subState,
SIBUuid8 remoteMEUuid,
SIBUuid12 destinationID)
throws SIResourceException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "issueCreateDurableRequest", new Object[] { MP, subState, remoteMEUuid, destinationID});
long requestID = MP.nextTick();
ControlMessage msg = createDurableCreateDurable(MP, subState, requestID, remoteMEUuid);
// Create requires a destination ID
Object result =
issueRequest(MP, msg, remoteMEUuid,
CREATEDURABLE_RETRY_TIMEOUT, -1, // 219870: retry forever, otherwise use CREATEDURABLE_NUMTRIES,
if (result == null)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "issueCreateDurableRequest", "SIResourceException");
// Timeout, throw a general error
throw new SIResourceException(
new Object[] {
// Otherwise, reply should always be a ControlDurableConfirm with a status code
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "issueCreateDurableRequest", new Integer(((ControlDurableConfirm) result).getStatus()));
return ((ControlDurableConfirm) result).getStatus();
} | java |
public static int issueDeleteDurableRequest(
MessageProcessor MP,
String subName,
String userName,
SIBUuid8 remoteMEUuid)
throws SIResourceException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "issueDeleteDurableRequest", new Object[] {MP, subName, userName, remoteMEUuid});
long requestID = MP.nextTick();
ControlMessage msg = createDurableDeleteDurable(MP, subName, userName, requestID, remoteMEUuid);
Object result =
issueRequest(MP, msg, remoteMEUuid,
DELETEDURABLE_RETRY_TIMEOUT, -1, // 219870: retry forever, otherwise use DELETEDURABLE_NUMTRIES,
if (result == null)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "issueDeleteDurableRequest", "SIResourceException");
// Timeout, throw a general error
throw new SIResourceException(
new Object[] {
// Otherwise, reply should always be a ControlDurableConfirm with a status code
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "issueDeleteDurableRequest", new Integer(((ControlDurableConfirm) result).getStatus()));
return ((ControlDurableConfirm) result).getStatus();
} | java |
protected static void internalAlarmHandler(Object arg)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(tc, "internalAlarmHandler", arg);
ResendRecord record = (ResendRecord) arg;
synchronized (_requestMap)
Long key = new Long(record.requestID);
if (_requestMap.containsKey(key))
// Someone still waiting for the request, figure out what to do about it
if (record.triesRemaining != 0)
// We have tries remaining so resend
// Short circuit if ME unreachable
if (!record.MP.getMPIO().isMEReachable(record.targetUuid))
wakeupWaiter(record.requestID, null);
record.MP.getMPIO().sendToMe(record.targetUuid, SIMPConstants.CONTROL_MESSAGE_PRIORITY, record.msg);
// 219870: use triesRemaining < 0 to try forever
if (record.triesRemaining > 0)
record.MP.getAlarmManager().create(record.resendInterval, _alarmHandler, record);
// Wakeup the waiter with a timeout error
wakeupWaiter(record.requestID, null);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(tc, "internalAlarmHandler");
} | java |
public static void createRemoteDurableSubscription(
MessageProcessor MP,
ConsumerDispatcherState subState,
SIBUuid8 remoteMEUuid,
SIBUuid12 destinationID)
throws SIDurableSubscriptionAlreadyExistsException,
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "createRemoteDurableSubscription", new Object[] { MP, subState, remoteMEUuid, destinationID });
// Issue the request via the DurableInputHandler
int status = issueCreateDurableRequest(MP, subState, remoteMEUuid, destinationID);
switch (status)
case DurableConstants.STATUS_SUB_ALREADY_EXISTS:
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createRemoteDurableSubscription", "SIDurableSubscriptionAlreadyExistsException");
throw new SIDurableSubscriptionAlreadyExistsException(
new Object[] {subState.getSubscriberID(),
case DurableConstants.STATUS_SUB_GENERAL_ERROR:
// Problem on other side which should be logged, best we
// can do is throw an exception here.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createRemoteDurableSubscription", "SIErrorException");
new Object[] {
"1:955:" });
throw new SIErrorException(
new Object[] {
"1:962:" },
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createRemoteDurableSubscription");
} | java |
public static void deleteRemoteDurableSub(
MessageProcessor MP,
String subName,
String userName,
SIBUuid8 remoteMEUuid)
throws SIResourceException,
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub",
new Object[]{MP, subName, userName, remoteMEUuid});
// Issue the request
int status = issueDeleteDurableRequest(MP, subName, userName, remoteMEUuid);
switch (status)
case DurableConstants.STATUS_SUB_NOT_FOUND:
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub", "SIDurableSubscriptionNotFoundException");
throw new SIDurableSubscriptionNotFoundException(
new Object[] { subName,
remoteMEUuid },
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub", "SIDurableSubscriptionLockedException");
throw new SIDestinationLockedException(
new Object[] { subName,
remoteMEUuid },
case DurableConstants.STATUS_NOT_AUTH_ERROR:
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub", "SINotAuthorizedException");
throw new SINotAuthorizedException(
new Object[] { userName, subName, null},
case DurableConstants.STATUS_SIB_LOCKED_ERROR:
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub", "SIDestinationLockedException");
throw new SIDestinationLockedException(
new Object[] { subName,
remoteMEUuid },
case DurableConstants.STATUS_SUB_GENERAL_ERROR:
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub", "SIResourceException");
new Object[] {
"1:1053:" });
throw new SIResourceException(
new Object[] {
"1:1060:" },
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "deleteRemoteDurableSub");
} | java |
public Subject performLogin(String jaasEntryName, CallbackHandler callbackHandler, Subject partialSubject) throws LoginException {
LoginContext loginContext = null;
loginContext = doLoginContext(jaasEntryName, callbackHandler, partialSubject);
return (loginContext == null ? null : loginContext.getSubject());
} | java |
public void configReady() {
if (authenticationService != null) {
JAASChangeNotifier notifier = jaasChangeNotifierService.getService();
if (notifier != null) {
} | java |
protected void deactivate(ComponentContext context) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.entering(CLASS_NAME, "deactivate", context);
this.unregisterSessionManager(); // we won't restart applications in this case, so assume someone else stops them
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.exiting(CLASS_NAME, "deactivate");
} | java |
protected void setLocationService(WsLocationAdmin wsLocationAdmin) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.entering(CLASS_NAME, "setLocationService", wsLocationAdmin);
this.wsLocationAdmin = wsLocationAdmin;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.exiting(CLASS_NAME, "setLocationService");
} | java |
protected void setScheduledExecutorService(ScheduledExecutorService scheduledExecutorService) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.entering(CLASS_NAME, "setScheduledExecutorService", scheduledExecutorService);
this.scheduledExecutorService = scheduledExecutorService;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) {
LoggingUtil.SESSION_LOGGER_CORE.exiting(CLASS_NAME, "setScheduledExecutorService");
} | java |
public RaConnector getProcessedConnector() throws ResourceAdapterInternalException {
final boolean trace = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
String jcaVersion = getAdapterVersion(deploymentDescriptor);
boolean processAnno = checkProcessAnnotations(deploymentDescriptor, jcaVersion);
if (!processAnno) {
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "Skip annotation processing and return the RaConnector that was passed in");
return deploymentDescriptor;
// JCA 1.6 spec
// The implementation class name of the ResourceAdapter interface is specified in
// the resource adapter deployment descriptor or through the Connector annotation
// described in Section 18.4, “@Connector” on page 18-6.
// It is optional for a resource adapter implementation to bundle a JavaBean class
// implementing the javax.resource.spi.ResourceAdapter interface (see
// Section 5.3.1, “ResourceAdapter JavaBean and Bootstrapping a Resource Adapter
// Instance” on page 5-4). In particular, a resource adapter implementation that only
// performs outbound communication to the EIS might not provide a JavaBean that
// implements the ResourceAdapter interface or a JavaBean annotated with the
// Connector annotation.
// If the descriptor has a resource adapter descriptor that has the name of the resource adapter class
// then
// If there are one or more @Connector,
// then need to verify the class is annotated by only one of them or none of them
// If no classes are annotated with @Connector, then verify the class can be loaded
// If there isn't a resource adapter class specified in the descriptor or there isn't a ra.xml,
// then verify there is only one class annotated with @Connector
// It is not necessary to locate a JavaBean that implements the ResourceAdapter interface.
Class<?> resourceAdapterClass = null;
if (deploymentDescriptor != null) {
RaResourceAdapter rxRA = deploymentDescriptor.getResourceAdapter();
if (rxRA != null) {
String rxAdapterClassName = rxRA.getResourceAdapterClass();
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "rxAdapterClassName: ", rxAdapterClassName);
if (rxAdapterClassName != null) {
// look to see if this class name is in the list of classes annotated with @Connector
for (Class<?> connectorClass : connectorClasses) {
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "connectorClass to examine: ", connectorClass);
if (rxAdapterClassName.equals(connectorClass.getName())) {
resourceAdapterClass = connectorClass;
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "connectorClasses - resourceAdapterClass: ", resourceAdapterClass);
} // end for ClassInfo : connectorClasses
// if an annotated class was not found, check the <resourceadapter-class> is present by loading it
if (resourceAdapterClass == null) {
try {
resourceAdapterClass = raClassLoader.loadClass(rxAdapterClassName);
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "raClassLoader - resourceAdapterClass: ", resourceAdapterClass);
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
throw new ResourceAdapterInternalException(Tr.formatMessage(tc, "J2CA9904.required.raclass.missing", rxAdapterClassName, adapterName), e);
} // end adapterClass == null
} else { // rxAdapterClass == null, check for class annotated with @Connector
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "ra.xml does not contain a <resourceadapter-class> entry");
} else { // ra.xml does not have a <resourceadapter> entry
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "ra.xml does not contain a <resourceadapter> entry");
} else {
// rar does not have a ra.xml
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "rar does not contain a ra.xml", resourceAdapterClass);
// If resource adapter class was not found, do @Connector annotation validation and try to get the
// resource adapter class from there.
if (resourceAdapterClass == null) {
if (connectorClasses.size() == 0) {
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, "rar does not contain a class annotated with @Connector");
// throw new ResourceAdapterInternalException(Tr.formatMessage(tc, "J2CA9923.connector.anno.missing", adapterName));
} else if (connectorClasses.size() > 1) {
throw new ResourceAdapterInternalException(Tr.formatMessage(tc, "J2CA9922.multiple.connector.anno.found", adapterName));
} else { // there is only one annotated connectorClass
resourceAdapterClass = connectorClasses.get(0);
RaConnector connector = processConnector(resourceAdapterClass, deploymentDescriptor);
return connector;
} | java |
private List<RaConfigProperty> mergeConfigProperties(List<RaConfigProperty> rxConfigProperties, List<RaConfigProperty> annotatedConfigProperties) {
final boolean trace = TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled();
LinkedList<RaConfigProperty> configProperties = new LinkedList<RaConfigProperty>();
List<RaConfigProperty> annoConfigProperties = null;
if (annotatedConfigProperties != null)
annoConfigProperties = (List<RaConfigProperty>) ((LinkedList<RaConfigProperty>) annotatedConfigProperties).clone();
annoConfigProperties = new LinkedList<RaConfigProperty>();
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc,
"rxConfigProperties size: " + rxConfigProperties.size());
for (RaConfigProperty rxConfigProp : rxConfigProperties) {
RaConfigProperty annoConfigProp = null;
if (annoConfigProperties.isEmpty()) {
return (List<RaConfigProperty>) ((LinkedList<RaConfigProperty>) rxConfigProperties).clone();
} else {
for (RaConfigProperty configProp : annoConfigProperties)
if (isEqual(rxConfigProp.getName(), configProp.getName())) {
annoConfigProp = configProp;
if (annoConfigProp != null) {
if (trace && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(this, tc, "merging " + rxConfigProp + ", " + annoConfigProp);
// remove the config property from the list so we know at the end if there
// are any additional annotated-only config properties that we need to copy
// into the master
// merge the two config properties
if (rxConfigProp.getConfidential() == null)
if (rxConfigProp.getDescription() == null || rxConfigProp.getDescription().isEmpty())
if (rxConfigProp.getIgnore() == null)
if (rxConfigProp.getSupportsDynamicUpdates() == null)
if (rxConfigProp.getType() == null || rxConfigProp.getType().equals(""))
if (rxConfigProp.getDefault() == null || rxConfigProp.getDefault().equals(""))
} else {
if (!annoConfigProperties.isEmpty()) {
// there are annotated config properties that do not exist already in the ra.xml,
// thus add them to the master
for (RaConfigProperty configProp : annoConfigProperties)
return configProperties;
} | java |
public long getMaximumTimeInStore()
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(tc, "getMaximumTimeInStore");
long originalExpiryTime = super.getMaximumTimeInStore();
long rejectTime = aih.getRCD().getRejectTimeout();
if (originalExpiryTime == NEVER_EXPIRES)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "getMaximumTimeInStore", Long.valueOf(rejectTime));
return rejectTime;
else if (rejectTime == NEVER_EXPIRES)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "getMaximumTimeInStore", Long.valueOf(originalExpiryTime));
return originalExpiryTime;
// neither is NEVER_EXPIRES, so return the minimum of the two
long min = originalExpiryTime < rejectTime?originalExpiryTime:rejectTime;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(tc, "getMaximumTimeInStore", Long.valueOf(min));
return min;
} | java |
public void eventLocked()
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "eventLocked");
// modify prefetching info
synchronized (this)
RemoteDispatchableKey dkey = key.getRemoteDispatchableKey();
RemoteQPConsumerKey ck = null;
if (dkey instanceof RemoteQPConsumerKey)
ck = (RemoteQPConsumerKey) dkey;
if (ck != null)
informedConsumerKeyThatLocked = true;
// call superclass
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "eventLocked");
} | java |
public HttpServletRequest getChainedRequest() throws IOException, ServletException{
if (super.containsError())
throw super.getError();
ChainedRequest req = new ChainedRequest(this, _req);
//transfer any auto transfer headers
Hashtable headers = getAutoTransferringHeaders();
Enumeration names = headers.keys();
while (names.hasMoreElements())
String name = (String)names.nextElement();
String value = (String)headers.get(name);
req.setHeader(name, value);
//get headers from response and add to request
Iterable<String> headerNames = getHeaderNames();
for (String name:headerNames)
String value = (String)getHeader(name);
req.setHeader(name, value);
return req;
} | java |
public void setAutoTransferringHeader(String name, String value)
Hashtable headers = getAutoTransferringHeaders();
headers.put(name, value);
// setHeader(name, value);
} | java |
private Hashtable getAutoTransferringHeaders()
Hashtable headers = (Hashtable)_req.getAttribute(AUTO_XFER_HEADERS_ATTR);
if (headers == null)
headers = new Hashtable();
_req.setAttribute(AUTO_XFER_HEADERS_ATTR, headers);
return headers;
} | java |
protected void registerInstrumentationService(BundleContext systemContext) {
Instrumentation inst = config.getInstrumentation();
if (inst != null) {
// Register a wrapper so we can trace callers.
inst = (Instrumentation) Proxy.newProxyInstance(TraceInstrumentation.class.getClassLoader(),
new Class[] { Instrumentation.class },
new TraceInstrumentation(inst));
Hashtable<String, String> svcProps = new Hashtable<String, String>();
systemContext.registerService(Instrumentation.class.getName(), inst, svcProps);
} | java |
protected void registerPauseableComponentController(BundleContext systemContext) {
PauseableComponentControllerImpl pauseableComponentController = new PauseableComponentControllerImpl(systemContext);
if (pauseableComponentController != null) {
Hashtable<String, String> svcProps = new Hashtable<String, String>();
systemContext.registerService(PauseableComponentController.class.getName(), pauseableComponentController, svcProps);
} | java |
private void preRegisterMBeanServerPipelineService(final BundleContext systemContext) {
PlatformMBeanServerBuilder.addPlatformMBeanServerBuilderListener(new PlatformMBeanServerBuilderListener() {
public void platformMBeanServerCreated(final MBeanServerPipeline pipeline) {
if (pipeline != null) {
final Hashtable<String, String> svcProps = new Hashtable<String, String>();
try {
AccessController.doPrivileged(new PrivilegedAction<Void>() {
public Void run() {
systemContext.registerService(MBeanServerPipeline.class.getName(), pipeline, svcProps);
return null;
} catch (IllegalStateException ise) { /* This instance of the system bundle is no longer valid. Ignore it. */
} | java |
protected Framework startFramework(BootstrapConfig config) throws BundleException {
// Set the default startlevel of the framework. We want the framework to
// start at our bootstrap level (i.e. Framework bundle itself will start, and
// it will pre-load and re-start any previously known bundles in the
// bootstrap start level).
fwkClassloader = config.getFrameworkClassloader();
FrameworkFactory fwkFactory = FrameworkConfigurator.getFrameworkFactory(fwkClassloader);
// Initialize the framework to create a valid system bundle context
// Start the shutdown monitor (before we start any bundles)
// This exception will have a translated message stating that an unknown exception occurred.
// This is so bizarre a case that it should never happen.
try {
Framework fwk = fwkFactory.newFramework(config.getFrameworkProperties());
if (fwk == null)
return null;
return fwk;
} catch (BundleException ex) {
throw ex;
} catch (RuntimeException ex) {
// Try to diagnose this exception. If it's something we know about, we will log an error and
// return null here (which will result in a general "Failed to start the framework" error message
// higher up.) Otherwise, just throw the exception
if (!handleEquinoxRuntimeException(ex))
throw ex;
return null;
} | java |
private boolean handleEquinoxRuntimeException(RuntimeException ex) {
Throwable cause = ex.getCause();
if (cause != null) {
if (cause instanceof IOException) {
// Check common causes for IOExceptions
File osgiDir = config.getWorkareaFile(OSGI_DIR_NAME);
if (!osgiDir.exists() || !osgiDir.isDirectory() || !osgiDir.canWrite()) {
Tr.error(tc, "error.serverDirPermission", osgiDir.getAbsolutePath());
return true;
File managerDir = new File(osgiDir, MANAGER_DIR_NAME);
if (!managerDir.exists() || !managerDir.isDirectory() || !managerDir.canWrite()) {
Tr.error(tc, "error.serverDirPermission", managerDir.getAbsolutePath());
return true;
return false;
} | java |
public boolean waitForReady() throws InterruptedException {
// wait for the framework to be set.
if (waitForFramework() == null) {
return false;
if (!frameworkLaunchSuccess) {
return false;
// Now look for the FrameworkReady service in the service registry
Collection<ServiceReference<FrameworkReady>> readyServiceRefs;
try {
readyServiceRefs = systemBundleCtx.getServiceReferences(FrameworkReady.class, null);
} catch (InvalidSyntaxException e) {
throw new IllegalStateException(e); // unlikely.
} catch (IllegalStateException ex) {
// The framework might have been stopped before we finished starting
if (framework.getState() != Bundle.ACTIVE) {
return false;
} else {
throw ex;
// If we have any, we will wait for them...
if (readyServiceRefs != null) {
for (ServiceReference<FrameworkReady> readyServiceRef : readyServiceRefs) {
FrameworkReady ready = systemBundleCtx.getService(readyServiceRef);
if (ready != null) {
// Check if some component declared a fatal start error by initiating
// framework stop before we were fully started. If so, wait for the
// framework to finish stopping, then report an error.
if (framework.getState() != Bundle.ACTIVE) {
return false;
return true;
} | java |
private void addShutdownHook(boolean isClient) {
if (shutdownHook == null) {
shutdownHook = new ShutdownHook(isClient);
} | java |
public void introspectFramework(String timestamp, Set<JavaDumpAction> javaDumpActions) {
Tr.audit(tc, "info.introspect.request.received");
File dumpDir = config.getOutputFile(BootstrapConstants.SERVER_DUMP_FOLDER_PREFIX + timestamp + "/");
if (!dumpDir.exists()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("dump directory does not exist.");
// generate java dumps if needed, and move them to the dump directory.
if (javaDumpActions != null) {
File javaDumpLocations = new File(dumpDir, BootstrapConstants.SERVER_DUMPED_FILE_LOCATIONS);
dumpJava(javaDumpActions, javaDumpLocations);
IntrospectionContext introspectionCtx = new IntrospectionContext(systemBundleCtx, dumpDir);
// create dumped flag file
File dumpedFlag = new File(dumpDir, BootstrapConstants.SERVER_DUMPED_FLAG_FILE_NAME);
try {
} catch (IOException e) {
Tr.warning(tc, "warn.unableWriteFile", dumpedFlag, e.getMessage());
} | java |
public final static TrmFirstContactMessageType getTrmFirstContactMessageType(int aValue) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) SibTr.debug(tc,"Value = " + aValue);
return set[aValue];
} | java |
public Socket createSocket(String host, int port) throws IOException {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "SocketFactory attempting to create socket for host: " + host + " port: " + port);
// check for SSL addresses
if (Util.isEncodedHost(host, HOST_PROTOCOL)) {
String sslConfigName = Util.decodeHostInfo(host);
host = Util.decodeHost(host);
return createSSLSocket(host, (char) port, sslConfigName);
} else {
return createPlainSocket(host, port);
} | java |
public Socket createSelfConnection(InetAddress address, int port) throws IOException {
try {
SocketInfo info = null;
for (SocketInfo test : socketInfos) {
if (test.port == port && test.addr.equals(address)) {
info = test;
if (info == null) {
throw new IOException("No inbound socket matching address " + address + " and port " + port);
OptionsKey key = info.key;
// the requires information tells us whether we created a plain or SSL listener. We need to create one
// of the matching type.
if ((NoProtection.value & key.requires) == NoProtection.value) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEventEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Created plain endpoint to " + address.getHostName() + ":" + port);
return new Socket(address, port);
} else {
return createSSLSocket(address.getHostName(), port, info.sslConfigName);
} catch (IOException ex) {
Tr.error(tc, "Exception creating a client socket to " + address.getHostName() + ":" + port, ex);
throw ex;
} | java |
public ServerSocket createServerSocket(int port, int backlog, InetAddress address, String[] params) throws IOException {
try {
ServerSocket socket;
String sslConfigName = null;
boolean soReuseAddr = true;
for (int i = 0; i < params.length - 1; i++) {
String param = params[i];
if ("--sslConfigName".equals(param)) {
sslConfigName = params[++i];
if ("--soReuseAddr".equals(param)) {
soReuseAddr = Boolean.parseBoolean(params[++i]);
OptionsKey options = sslConfig.getAssociationOptions(sslConfigName);
// if no protection is required, just create a plain socket.
if ((NoProtection.value & options.requires) == NoProtection.value) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEventEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Created plain server socket for port " + port);
socket = new ServerSocket();
} else {
// SSL is required. Create one from the SSLServerFactory retrieved from the config. This will
// require additional QOS configuration after creation.
SSLServerSocketFactory serverSocketFactory = getServerSocketFactory(sslConfigName);
SSLServerSocket serverSocket = (SSLServerSocket) serverSocketFactory.createServerSocket();
configureServerSocket(serverSocket, serverSocketFactory, sslConfigName, options);
socket = serverSocket;
// there is a situation that yoko closes and opens a server socket quickly upon updating
// the configuration, and occasionally, the openSocket is invoked while closeSocket is processing.
// To avoid the issue, try binding the socket a few times. Since this is the error scenario,
// it is less impact for the performance.
IOException bindError = null;
for (int i=0; i < 3; i++) {
bindError = openSocket(port, backlog, address, socket, soReuseAddr);
if (bindError == null) {
try {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEventEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "bind error, retry binding... count : " + i);
} catch (Exception e) {
Tr.debug(tc, "An exception is caught while retrying binding. the error message is " + e.getMessage());
if (bindError == null) {
// listen port can be different than config port if configed port is '0'
int listenPort = socket.getLocalPort();
SocketInfo info = new SocketInfo(address, listenPort, options, sslConfigName);
} else {
Tr.error(tc, "SOCKET_BIND_ERROR", address.getHostName(), port, bindError.getLocalizedMessage());
throw bindError;
return socket;
} catch (SSLException e) {
throw new IOException("Could not retrieve association options from ssl configuration", e);
} | java |