stringlengths 73
| label
stringclasses 1
value |
private void parseLocationStep(String selector,
int start,
int stepEnd)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"selector: " + selector + ", start: " + start + ", end: " + stepEnd);
int stepStart = start;
int posOpenBracket = selector.indexOf("[", start);
if(posOpenBracket > stepEnd || posOpenBracket == -1)
// Set posOpenBracket to avoid further processing
posOpenBracket = -1;
// No brackets so process whole of the location step
String step = selector.substring(start,stepEnd);
// Set the full name into the identifier. The full name is used in position assignment when
// determining uniqueness of names. Only a full name will do.
String full = selector.substring(0,stepEnd);
// Add an IdentifierImpl for the location step to the array list
selOperands.add(createIdentifierForSubExpression(step, full, true, false));
int posCloseBracket = selector.indexOf("]", start);
boolean wrapWholeStep = false;
boolean foundPredicates = false;
ArrayList tempSelOperands = new ArrayList();
while (posOpenBracket >= 0)
foundPredicates = true;
if(posCloseBracket < posOpenBracket)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "parseLocationStep", "bracket error");
InvalidXPathSyntaxException iex = new InvalidXPathSyntaxException(selector);
throw iex;
// The full selector path up to this point
String full = selector.substring(0,posOpenBracket);
// Factor out the location step first but be careful we may have a predicate
if(start != posOpenBracket)
// Go ahead and deal with the location step
String step = selector.substring(start,posOpenBracket);
// Add an IdentifierImpl for the location step to the array list
tempSelOperands.add(createIdentifierForSubExpression(step, full, true, false));
// Now parse the predicate
String predicate = selector.substring(posOpenBracket + 1,posCloseBracket);
Selector parsedPredicate = parsePredicate(predicate, full);
// Check whether we were able to parse
if(parsedPredicate == null)
// Unable to parse the expression, so we need to wrap the entire step
// tempSelOperands.add(createIdentifierForSubExpression(predicate, false));
wrapWholeStep = true;
// we were able to parse the expression with the MatchParser
// Check that the predicate has Simple tests only
wrapWholeStep = true;
// Move to beyond the close bracket
start = posCloseBracket+1;
//Are there any more brackets?
posOpenBracket = selector.indexOf("[", start);
posCloseBracket = selector.indexOf("]", start);
// Have we found the last bracket in this location step?
if(posOpenBracket > stepEnd || posOpenBracket == -1)
// Set posOpenBracket to avoid further processing
posOpenBracket = -1;
} // eof while
// If we determined that we cannot parse this location step, then wrap it
wrapLocationStep(selector, stepStart,stepEnd);
// PostProcessing here
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "parseLocationStep");
} | java |
private IdentifierImpl createIdentifierForSubExpression(String subExpression,
String fullExpression,
boolean isLocationStep,
boolean isLastStep)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"subExpression: " + subExpression + ", isLocStep: " +
new Boolean(isLocationStep) + ", isLastStep: " +
new Boolean(isLocationStep));
IdentifierImpl stepIdentifier = new IdentifierImpl(subExpression);
// Set the full name into the identifier
// bump the locationStep if we're not dealing with a predicate
// Set the appropriate XPath parameters for this Identifier
// Set the type to child if not the last step
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "createIdentifierForSubExpression", stepIdentifier);
return stepIdentifier;
} | java |
private IdentifierImpl createIdentifierForWildExpression(String selector)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"selector: " + selector);
IdentifierImpl wildIdentifier = new IdentifierImpl(selector);
// Set the appropriate XPath parameters for this Identifier
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "createIdentifierForSubExpression", wildIdentifier);
return wildIdentifier;
} | java |
private void setXPathCharacteristics(IdentifierImpl identifier)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"identifier: " + identifier);
// Need to set the domain to XPATH1.0
// Set the locationStep also
// Call XPath to compile the XPath1.0 expression and store the
// resultant XPathExpression in the Identifier.
XPathExpression xpexp = null;
// Parse an expression up-front
Node node = null;
NodeList ns = null;
XPath xpath0 = XPathFactory.newInstance().newXPath();
// If a namespace context has been set then set it into the XPath env
if(namespaceContext != null)
xpexp = xpath0.compile(identifier.getName());
catch (Exception ex)
// No FFDC Code Needed.
// We don't FFDC because we'll catch this exception and then attempt
// to parse the entire expression. If that fails, then we FFDC.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "setXPathCharacteristics", ex);
throw new InvalidXPathSyntaxException(identifier.getName());
// Store xpexp in the Identifier
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "setXPathCharacteristics");
} | java |
private Selector parsePredicate(String predicate, String fullPath)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"predicate: " + predicate);
Selector parsed = null;
// Preprocess predicate for special characters
String parserInput = preProcessForSpecials(predicate);
// Attempt to parse predicate with "JMS" parser
predicateParser =, parserInput, true);
parsed = predicateParser.getSelector(parserInput);
if (parsed.getType() == Selector.INVALID)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
tc.debug(this,cclass, "parsePredicate", "Unable to parse predicate");
// reset the output to null
parsed = null;
postProcessSelectorTree(parsed, fullPath);
catch (Exception ex)
// No FFDC Code Needed.
// In this case we will only trace the exception that we encountered.
// It could be that the XPath parser is able to process this predicate
// and that we've encountered a discrepancy between the syntax of an
// expression supported by JMS and by XPath.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
tc.debug(this,cclass, "parsePredicate", ex);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "parsePredicate", parsed);
return parsed;
} | java |
private String preProcessForSpecials(String predicate)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"predicate: " + predicate);
String processed = predicate;
String replace = replaceSpecialsWithSub(predicate);
if (replace != null)
processed = replace;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "preProcessForSpecials", processed);
return processed;
} | java |
private void postProcessSelectorTree(Selector parsed, String fullPath)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"parsed: " + parsed + ", fullPath: " + fullPath);
// Walk the selector tree looking for Identifiers
if(parsed instanceof IdentifierImpl)
IdentifierImpl parsedIdentifier = (IdentifierImpl) parsed;
String identName = parsedIdentifier.getName();
// Reinstate any ampersands and slashes that were removed prior to
// parsing
String newIdentName = replaceSubForSpecials(identName);
if (newIdentName != null)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
"Identifier name has been reset to: " + ((IdentifierImpl) parsed).getName());
// Set the full path name into the identifier
// Set the appropriate XPath parameters for this Identifier
setXPathCharacteristics((IdentifierImpl) parsed);
else if(parsed instanceof OperatorImpl)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
parsed + " is an OperatorImpl");
// Set the extended flag in the Operator
postProcessOperands((OperatorImpl) parsed, fullPath);
else if(parsed instanceof LiteralImpl)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
parsed + " is an LiteralImpl");
LiteralImpl literal = (LiteralImpl) parsed;
if(literal.getType() == Selector.STRING)
// Reinstate any ampersands and slashes that were removed prior to
// parsing
String literalString = (String) literal.getValue();
String newLiteralString = replaceSubForSpecials(literalString);
if (newLiteralString != null)
((LiteralImpl) parsed).value = newLiteralString;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
"Literal Value has been reset to: " + ((LiteralImpl) parsed).getValue());
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
"No post processing can be done on: " + parsed);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "postProcessSelectorTree");
} | java |
private void postProcessOperands(OperatorImpl opImpl, String fullPath)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"opImpl: " + opImpl + ", fullPath: " + fullPath);
// Check for Identifiers with ampersand strings
for(int i = 0; i< opImpl.operands.length; i++)
Selector sel = opImpl.operands[i];
postProcessSelectorTree(sel, fullPath);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "postProcessOperands");
} | java |
private String replaceSpecialsWithSub(String inString)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"inString: " + inString);
String outString = null;
StringBuffer sb = null;
// First of all look for ampersands
int posAmpersand = inString.indexOf("@");
if(posAmpersand >=0)
// Need to do some work, the predicate has an attribute char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the ampersands
while(posAmpersand >=0)
// Replace the ampersand with "_$AMP$_"
sb.replace(posAmpersand, posAmpersand + 1, "_$AMP$_");
int start = posAmpersand + 1;
posAmpersand = sb.indexOf("@", start);
// Now look for slashes
int posSlash = inString.indexOf("/");
if(posSlash >=0 && sb == null)
// Need to do some work, the predicate has an attribute char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the slashes
while(posSlash >=0)
// Replace the slash with "_$SL$_"
sb.replace(posSlash, posSlash + 1, "_$SL$_");
int start = posSlash + 1;
posSlash = sb.indexOf("/", start);
// Now look for doubledots
int posDD = inString.indexOf("..");
if(posDD >=0 && sb == null)
// Need to do some work, the predicate has an attribute char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the doubledots
while(posDD >=0)
// Replace the slash with "_$DD$_"
sb.replace(posDD, posDD + 2, "_$DD$_");
int start = posDD + 1;
posDD = sb.indexOf("..", start);
// Now look for singledots
int posSD = -1;
if(sb != null)
posSD = sb.indexOf(".");
posSD = inString.indexOf(".");
if(posSD >=0)
// Need to do some work, the predicate has an attribute char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the singledots
while(posSD >=0)
// Move start position to beyond the current dot
int start = posSD + 1;
// Need to be a bit careful here, we don't want to replace
// decimal points
if( start < sb.length() && Character.isDigit(sb.charAt(posSD+1)))
// Subsequent char is a digit
posSD = -1;
// Test previous char
if(posSD > 0)
if( Character.isDigit(sb.charAt(posSD-1)))
// Prev char is a digit
posSD = -1;
// Replace the dot with "_$SD$_"
if(posSD >= 0)
sb.replace(posSD, posSD + 1, "_$SD$_");
// Any more dots?
posSD = sb.indexOf(".", start);
// We've finished
if (sb != null)
outString = sb.toString();
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "replaceSpecialsWithSub", outString);
return outString;
} | java |
private String replaceSubForSpecials(String inString)
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"inString: " + inString);
String outString = null;
StringBuffer sb = null;
// First deal with ampersands
int posAmpersand = inString.indexOf("_$AMP$_");
if(posAmpersand >=0)
// Need to do some work, the string has an attribute char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the ampersand substitute
while(posAmpersand >=0)
// Replace the "_$AMP$_" with an ampersand
sb.replace(posAmpersand, posAmpersand + 7, "@");
int start = posAmpersand + 1;
posAmpersand = sb.indexOf("_$AMP$_", start);
// Now deal with slashes
int posSlash = inString.indexOf("_$SL$_");
if(posSlash >=0 && sb == null)
// Need to do some work, the string has a slash char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the slash substitute
while(posSlash >=0)
// Replace the "_$SL$_" with a slash
sb.replace(posSlash, posSlash + 6, "/");
int start = posSlash + 1;
posSlash = sb.indexOf("_$SL$_", start);
// Now deal with doubledots
int posDD = inString.indexOf("_$DD$_");
if(posDD >=0 && sb == null)
// Need to do some work, the string has a slash char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the doubledot substitute
while(posDD >=0)
// Replace the "_$DD$_" with a doubledot
sb.replace(posDD, posDD + 6, "..");
int start = posDD + 2;
posDD = sb.indexOf("_$DD$_", start);
// Now deal with singledots
int posSD = inString.indexOf("_$SD$_");
if(posSD >=0 && sb == null)
// Need to do some work, the string has a slash char
sb = new StringBuffer(inString);
// Locate and replace the singledot substitute
while(posSD >=0)
// Replace the "_$SD$_" with a dot
sb.replace(posSD, posSD + 6, ".");
int start = posSD + 1;
posSD = sb.indexOf("_$SD$_", start);
// We're finished
if (sb != null)
outString = sb.toString();
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "replaceSubForSpecials", outString);
return outString;
} | java |
private void wrapLocationStep(String selector,
int start,
int stepEnd)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"selector: " + selector + ", start: " + start + ", stepEnd: " + stepEnd);
String step = selector.substring(start,stepEnd);
String full = selector.substring(0,stepEnd);
// Add an IdentifierImpl for the location step to the array list
selOperands.add(createIdentifierForSubExpression(step, full, true, false));
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "wrapLocationStep");
} | java |
private void wrapLastLocationStep(String selector,
int start,
boolean bumpLocationStep)
throws InvalidXPathSyntaxException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
"selector: " + selector + ", start: " + start +
", bumpLocationStep: " + new Boolean(bumpLocationStep));
int stepEnd = selector.length();
String step = selector.substring(start,stepEnd);
String full = selector.substring(0,stepEnd);
// Add an IdentifierImpl for the location step to the array list
selOperands.add(createIdentifierForSubExpression(step, full, bumpLocationStep, true));
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
tc.exit(this,cclass, "wrapLastLocationStep");
} | java |
public void addChain(ChainData newChain) throws ChainException {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
Tr.entry(tc, "addChain: " + newChain.getName());
if (containsChain(newChain.getName())) {
ChainException e = new ChainException("Chain already exists: " + newChain.getName());
FFDCFilter.processException(e, getClass().getName() + ".addChain", "116", this, new Object[] { newChain });
throw e;
// Create a chain array that is one element bigger than the current one.
int currentLength = this.chainArray.length;
ChainData[] newChains = new ChainData[currentLength + 1];
// Copy the existing elements to the new array.
System.arraycopy(getChains(), 0, newChains, 0, currentLength);
// Add the new chain to the end of the new list.
newChains[currentLength] = newChain;
// Update this group's chain list
// Add all group listeners to this chain. If some already exist,
// this doesn't break anything.
for (ChainEventListener listener : getChainEventListeners()) {
((ChainDataImpl) newChain).addChainEventListener(listener);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
Tr.exit(tc, "addChain");
} | java |
public void removeChain(ChainData inputChain) throws ChainException {
String chainname = inputChain.getName();
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
Tr.entry(tc, "removeChain: " + chainname);
if (!containsChain(chainname)) {
ChainException e = new ChainException("Unable to find chain: " + chainname);
FFDCFilter.processException(e, getClass().getName() + ".removeChain", "157", this, new Object[] { inputChain, this.framework });
throw e;
// Create a chain array that is one element smaller than the current one.
int currentLength = this.chainArray.length;
ChainData[] newChains = new ChainData[currentLength - 1];
// Copy all but the input chain into the new array.
for (int i = 0; i < currentLength; i++) {
if (!chainname.equals(this.chainArray[i].getName())) {
newChains[i] = this.chainArray[i];
// Update this group's chain list.
// Remove group associated listeners from the chain, only if not
// associated with other group.
for (ChainEventListener listener : getChainEventListeners()) {
removeListenerFromChain(listener, inputChain);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled()) {
Tr.exit(tc, "removeChain");
} | java |
public void updateChain(ChainData inputChain) {
String chainname = inputChain.getName();
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "updateChain: " + chainname);
// Find the chain in the group.
for (int i = 0; i < this.chainArray.length; i++) {
if (chainname.equals(this.chainArray[i].getName())) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Updating chain " + chainname + " in group " + getName());
// Found the chain. Update the array with the new data.
this.chainArray[i] = inputChain;
} | java |
private void removeListenerFromChain(ChainEventListener listener, ChainData chainData) {
ChainGroupData[] otherGroups = null;
boolean foundOtherGroupWithListener = false;
// Extract the groups that this chain is involved in.
try {
otherGroups = this.framework.getAllChainGroups(chainData.getName());
foundOtherGroupWithListener = false;
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < otherGroups.length; i++) {
if (((ChainGroupDataImpl) otherGroups[i]).containsChainEventListener(listener)) {
// Chain is in another group that has this listener.
foundOtherGroupWithListener = true;
if (!foundOtherGroupWithListener) {
// Chain is NOT in another group that has this listener, so listener can
// be removed.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Removing listener from chain config, " + chainData.getName());
((ChainDataImpl) chainData).removeChainEventListener(listener);
} else {
// Chain was found in another group with this listener
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Found chain " + chainData.getName() + " in another group, " + otherGroups[i].getName());
} catch (ChainException e) {
// This shouldn't ever happen, but in case it does, we know no refs were
// found.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Chain not found in config: " + chainData.getName() + ", but will remove listener.");
((ChainDataImpl) chainData).removeChainEventListener(listener);
} | java |
public final void addChainEventListener(ChainEventListener listener) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "addChainEventListener: " + listener);
if ((null != listener) && (!getChainEventListeners().contains(listener))) {
// Add the listener to the set monitored by this group.
// Add the listener to each of the chains in this group.
// Extract the chain data array from the group data object
for (ChainData chain : getChains()) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Adding listener to chain, " + chain.getName());
((ChainDataImpl) chain).addChainEventListener(listener);
} | java |
public final void removeChainEventListener(ChainEventListener listener) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "removeChainEventListener: " + listener);
if (null != listener) {
// Remove the listener from the list monitored by this group.
if (!getChainEventListeners().remove(listener)) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, "Listener " + listener + " was not found in list monitored by group " + getName());
// Remove the listener from each of the chains in this group.
for (ChainData chain : getChains()) {
removeListenerFromChain(listener, chain);
} | java |
public void addJSONObject(JSONObject obj)
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.entering(className, "addJSONObject(JSONObject)");
Vector vect = (Vector) this.jsonObjects.get(obj.objectName);
if (vect != null)
vect = new Vector();
this.jsonObjects.put(obj.objectName, vect);
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.exiting(className, "addJSONObject(JSONObject)");
} | java |
public void writeObject(Writer writer, int indentDepth, boolean contentOnly, boolean compact)
throws IOException
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.entering(className, "writeObject(Writer, int, boolean, boolean)");
if (writer != null)
if (isEmptyObject())
writeEmptyObject(writer,indentDepth,contentOnly, compact);
else if (isTextOnlyObject())
writeTextOnlyObject(writer,indentDepth,contentOnly, compact);
catch (Exception ex)
IOException iox = new IOException("Error occurred on serialization of JSON text.");
throw iox;
throw new IOException("The writer cannot be null.");
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.entering(className, "writeObject(Writer, int, boolean, boolean)");
} | java |
private void writeIndention(Writer writer, int indentDepth)
throws IOException
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.entering(className, "writeIndention(Writer, int)");
for (int i = 0; i < indentDepth; i++)
catch (Exception ex)
IOException iox = new IOException("Error occurred on serialization of JSON text.");
throw iox;
if (logger.isLoggable(Level.FINER)) logger.exiting(className, "writeIndention(Writer, int)");
} | java |
public void setAttributes(FaceletContext ctx, Object obj)
DateTimeConverter c = (DateTimeConverter) obj;
if (this.locale != null)
c.setLocale(ComponentSupport.getLocale(ctx, this.locale));
if (this.pattern != null)
if (this.type != null)
if (this.dateStyle != null)
if (this.timeStyle != null)
if (this.timeZone != null)
Object t = this.timeZone.getObject(ctx);
if (t != null)
if (t instanceof TimeZone)
c.setTimeZone((TimeZone) t);
else if (t instanceof String)
TimeZone tz = TimeZone.getTimeZone((String) t);
throw new TagAttributeException(this.tag, this.timeZone,
"Illegal TimeZone, must evaluate to either a java.util.TimeZone or String, is type: "
+ t.getClass());
} | java |
public void createShellStreamSet()
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "createShellStreamSet");
StreamSet streamSet = null;
synchronized (streamSets)
streamSet = new StreamSet(null,
isLink ? StreamSet.Type.LINK_INTERNAL_OUTPUT : StreamSet.Type.INTERNAL_OUTPUT);
streamSets.put(null, streamSet);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "createShellStreamSet", streamSet);
} | java |
public void processAckExpected(long stamp,
int priority,
Reliability reliability,
SIBUuid12 streamID)
throws SIResourceException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "processAckExpected",
new Object[] { Long.valueOf(stamp), Integer.valueOf(priority), reliability, streamID });
// NOTE: pass false here (meaning don't create a new streamSet) because we should only get
// an AckExpected (under v1 anyway) if we've already received data of some sort
// (and hence already created the stream).
StreamSet streamSet = getStreamSet(streamID, false);
if (streamSet != null)
InternalOutputStream internalOutputStream = (InternalOutputStream) streamSet.getStream(priority, reliability);
// There is no stream for BestEffort non persistent messages
if (reliability.compareTo(Reliability.BEST_EFFORT_NONPERSISTENT) > 0)
// We do need to write the message to the stream
if (internalOutputStream != null)
// We didn't expect an AckExpected for this stream so throw it away but write an entry
// to the trace log indicating that it happened
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
SibTr.debug(tc, "Unexpected AckExpected message for streamID " + streamID
+ " Reliability " + reliability + " priority " + priority);
// We didn't expect an AckExpected for this streamID so throw it away but write an entry
// to the trace log indicating that it happened
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled())
SibTr.debug(tc, "AckExpected message for unknown streamID " + streamID);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "processAckExpected");
} | java |
public void forceFlush(SIBUuid12 streamID) throws SIErrorException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "forceFlush", streamID);
StreamSet streamSet = streamSets.get(streamID);
// Send out a flushed message. If this fails, make sure we get
// to at least invoke the callback.
// The Cellule argument is null as it is ignored by our parent handler
// this flush message should be broadcast downstream.
// This will also implicitly remove the streamSet
downControl.sendFlushedMessage(null, streamID);
} catch (Exception e)
// Note that it doesn't make much sense to throw an exception here since
// this is a callback from stream array map.
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "forceFlush", e);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "forceFlush");
} | java |
public ControlNotFlushed stampNotFlushed(ControlNotFlushed msg, SIBUuid12 streamID) throws SIResourceException
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "stampNotFlushed", new Object[] { msg });
int count = 0;
//the maximum possible number of streams in a set
int max = (SIMPConstants.MSG_HIGH_PRIORITY + 1) * (Reliability.MAX_INDEX + 1);
//an array of priorities
int[] ps = new int[max];
//an array of reliabilities
int[] qs = new int[max];
//an array of prefixes
long[] cs = new long[max];
StreamSet streamSet = getStreamSet(streamID, false);
//iterate through the non-null streams
Iterator itr = streamSet.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext())
InternalOutputStream oStream = (InternalOutputStream);
// for each stream, store it's priority, reliability and completed prefix
ps[count] = oStream.getPriority();
qs[count] = oStream.getReliability().toInt();
cs[count] = oStream.getCompletedPrefix();
//create some arrays which are of the correct size
int[] realps = new int[count];
int[] realqs = new int[count];
long[] realcs = new long[count];
//copy the data in to them
System.arraycopy(ps, 0, realps, 0, count);
System.arraycopy(qs, 0, realqs, 0, count);
System.arraycopy(cs, 0, realcs, 0, count);
//set the appropriate message fields
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "stampNotFlushed", msg);
//return the message
return msg;
} | java |
public StatisticImpl getStatistic() {
if (enabled) {
if (proxy == null) {
System.out.println("[SpdStatisticExternal] null proxy");
return null;
// onReqStatistic will be updated by the component
// the reference is kept in this class
return onReqStatistic;
} else
return null;
} | java |
static String[] uniquify(String[] arr, boolean alwaysClone) {
int numUnique = uniquifyCountAndCopy(arr, null);
if (numUnique == 0)
if (numUnique == arr.length)
return alwaysClone ? arr.clone() : arr;
String[] out = new String[numUnique];
uniquifyCountAndCopy(arr, out);
return out;
} | java |
private static int uniquifyCountAndCopy(String[] in, String[] out) {
int count = 0;
outer: for (int i = 0; i < in.length; i++) {
if (in[i] != null) {
for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
if (in[i].equals(in[j]))
continue outer;
if (out != null)
out[count] = in[i];
return count;
} | java |
private Integer findMinimumSafeLevel(PackageIndex<Integer> index) {
if (index == null) {
return null;
Integer minimumLevel = index.find(name);
if (minimumLevel == null) {
// Find by groups
for (String group : groups) {
minimumLevel = index.find(group);
if (minimumLevel != null) {
return minimumLevel;
} | java |
private TranLogConfiguration createCustomTranLogConfiguration(String recoveredServerIdentity, String logDir, boolean isPeerRecoverySupported) throws URISyntaxException {
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(tc, "createCustomTranLogConfiguration", new java.lang.Object[] { recoveredServerIdentity, logDir, this });
TranLogConfiguration tlc = null;
final java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties(); logSettingURI = new;
String scheme = logSettingURI.getScheme();
String logSetting = logSettingURI.getAuthority();
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Scheme read from URI " + scheme + ", log setting" + logSetting);
// For the cloud and peer recovery scenarios, we'll automatically add a suffix that matches the recoveryIdentity
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Test to see if peer recovery is supported - ", isPeerRecoverySupported);
if (isPeerRecoverySupported) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Work with server recovery identity - " + recoveredServerIdentity + ", reset current logdir");
if (recoveredServerIdentity != null) {
logDir = "custom://" +
",tablesuffix=" + recoveredServerIdentity;
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "log dir is now - ", logDir);
props.setProperty("LOG_DIRECTORY", logDir);
tlc = new TranLogConfiguration(logSetting, props);
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(tc, "createCustomTranLogConfiguration", tlc);
return tlc;
} | java |
private TranLogConfiguration createFileTranLogConfiguration(String recoveredServerIdentity,
FailureScope fs,
String logDir,
int logSize,
boolean isPeerRecoverySupported) throws URISyntaxException {
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(tc, "createFileTranLogConfiguration", new java.lang.Object[] { recoveredServerIdentity, fs, logDir, logSize, this });
TranLogConfiguration tlc = null;
if (_isPeerRecoverySupported) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Work with server recovery identity - ", recoveredServerIdentity);
// Do we need to reset the logdir?
if (recoveredServerIdentity.equals(localRecoveryIdentity)) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Local server recovery identity so no need to reset the logDir");
} else {
// Reset the logdir
if (fs != null && fs instanceof FileFailureScope) {
FileFailureScope ffs = (FileFailureScope) fs;
if (ffs != null) {
LeaseInfo li = ffs.getLeaseInfo();
if (li != null) {
logDir = li.getLeaseDetail();
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Have reset the logDir to ", logDir);
tlc = new TranLogConfiguration(logDir, logDir, logSize);
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(tc, "createFileTranLogConfiguration", tlc);
return tlc;
} | java |
private int getPeerLeaseCheckInterval() {
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(tc, "getPeerLeaseCheckInterval");
int intToReturn;
Integer peerLeaseCheckInterval = null;
try {
peerLeaseCheckInterval = AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Integer>() {
public Integer run() {
return Integer.getInteger("", 20); // Default is 20 seconds
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Exception setting Peer Lease-Check Interval", e);
peerLeaseCheckInterval = null;
if (peerLeaseCheckInterval == null)
peerLeaseCheckInterval = new Integer(20);
intToReturn = peerLeaseCheckInterval.intValue();
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(tc, "getPeerLeaseCheckInterval", intToReturn);
return intToReturn;
} | java |
private boolean doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure() {
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.entry(tc, "doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure");
boolean doCheck = true;
Boolean doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure = null;
try {
doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure = AccessController.doPrivileged(
new PrivilegedExceptionAction<Boolean>() {
public Boolean run() {
Boolean theResult = Boolean.getBoolean("");
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Have retrieved jvm property with result, " + theResult.booleanValue());
return theResult;
} catch (PrivilegedActionException e) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Exception getting DoNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure property", e);
doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure = null;
if (doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure == null)
doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure = Boolean.TRUE;
doCheck = doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure.booleanValue();
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
Tr.exit(tc, "doNotShutdownOnRecoveryFailure", doCheck);
return doCheck;
} | java |
private static String getStringKey(String propertyKey) {
if (WCCustomProperties.FullyQualifiedPropertiesMap.containsKey(propertyKey)) {
return WCCustomProperties.FullyQualifiedPropertiesMap.get(propertyKey).toLowerCase();
} else {
return propertyKey;
} | java |
protected void createLockFile(String pid, String label) throws IOException {
if (!AccessHelper.isDirectory(repositoryLocation)) {
// Remove stale lock files if any.
for (File lock : listFiles(LOCKFILE_FILTER)) {
// Create a new lock file.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.append(getLogDirectoryName(System.currentTimeMillis(), pid, label)).append(LOCK_EXT);
AccessHelper.createFileOutputStream(new File(repositoryLocation, sb.toString()), false).close();
} | java |
protected File getLogFile(File parentLocation, long timestamp) {
if (timestamp < 0) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("timestamp cannot be negative");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
return new File(parentLocation, sb.toString());
} | java |
public long getLogFileTimestamp(File file) {
if (file == null) {
return -1L;
String name = file.getName();
// Check name for extension
if (name == null || name.length() == 0 || !name.endsWith(EXTENSION)) {
return -1L;
try {
return Long.parseLong(name.substring(0, name.indexOf(EXTENSION)));
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return -1L;
} | java |
public String getLogDirectoryName(long timestamp, String pid, String label) {
if (pid == null || pid.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("pid cannot be empty");
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
if (timestamp > 0) {
if (label != null && !label.trim().isEmpty()) {
return sb.toString();
} | java |
public static long parseTimeStamp(String fileName) {
if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) {
return -1L;
int pidIndex = fileName.indexOf(TIMESEPARATOR);
int labelIndex = fileName.indexOf(LABELSEPARATOR);
// If no time separator or it's a part of the label there's no timestamp
if (pidIndex < 0 || (labelIndex > 0 && labelIndex < pidIndex)) {
return -1L;
try {
return Long.parseLong(fileName.substring(0, pidIndex));
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return -1L;
} | java |
public static String parsePIDandLabel(String fileName) {
if (fileName == null || fileName.isEmpty()) {
return null;
int pidIndex = fileName.indexOf(TIMESEPARATOR);
int labelIndex = fileName.indexOf(LABELSEPARATOR);
// If no time separator or it's a part of the label the full name is the result
if (pidIndex < 0 || (labelIndex > 0 && labelIndex < pidIndex)) {
return fileName;
return fileName.substring(pidIndex + 1);
} | java |
public static String getFormattedMessageFromLocalizedMessage(String localizedMessage, Object[] args, boolean quiet) {
return TraceNLSResolver.getInstance().getFormattedMessage(localizedMessage, args);
} | java |
public void resolveBundles(BundleContext bContext, List<Bundle> bundlesToResolve) {
if (bundlesToResolve == null || bundlesToResolve.size() == 0) {
FrameworkWiring wiring = adaptSystemBundle(bContext, FrameworkWiring.class);
if (wiring != null) {
ResolutionReportHelper rrh = null;
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
rrh = new ResolutionReportHelper();
try {
} finally {
if (rrh != null) {
Tr.debug(this, tc, rrh.getResolutionReportString());
} | java |
public static String getBundleLocation(String urlString, String productName) {
String productNameInfo = (productName != null && !productName.isEmpty()) ? (BUNDLE_LOC_PROD_EXT_TAG + productName + ":") : "";
return BUNDLE_LOC_FEATURE_TAG + productNameInfo + urlString;
} | java |
private String getRegionName(String productName) {
if (productName == null || productName.isEmpty()) {
return kernelRegion.getName();
return REGION_EXTENSION_PREFIX + INVALID_REGION_CHARS.matcher(productName).replaceAll("-");
} | java |
public static String getESIDependencies(Enumeration e1, Enumeration e2) {
if ((e1 == null || !e1.hasMoreElements()))
if ((e2 == null || !e2.hasMoreElements()))
return null;
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("dependencies=\"");
if (e1 != null)
while (e1.hasMoreElements()) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append((String) e1.nextElement());
if (e2 != null)
while (e2.hasMoreElements()) {
sb.append(" ");
sb.append((String) e2.nextElement());
//don't append a trailing double quote, since we have to add the cache id later
return sb.toString();
} | java |
public E getBy(String attributeName, String attributeValue) {
String methodName = "get" + Character.toUpperCase(attributeName.charAt(0)) + attributeName.substring(1);
for (E element : this)
if (element != null)
try {
Object value = element.getClass().getMethod(methodName).invoke(element);
if (value == attributeValue || value != null && value.equals(attributeValue))
return element;
} catch (Exception x) {
return null;
} | java |
public E getById(String id) {
if (id == null) {
for (E element : this) {
if (element != null && element.getId() == null) {
return element;
} else {
for (E element : this) {
if (element != null && id.equals(element.getId())) {
return element;
return null;
} | java |
public E removeById(String id) {
// traverses the list twice, but reuse code
E element = this.getById(id);
if (element != null) {
this.remove(element); // this should always return true since we already found the element
return element;
} | java |
public E getOrCreateById(String id, Class<E> type) throws IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException {
E element = this.getById(id);
if (element == null) {
element = type.newInstance();
return element;
} | java |
public final static TrmMessageType getTrmMessageType(int aValue) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) SibTr.debug(tc,"Value = " + aValue);
return set[aValue];
} | java |
public V getService(K key) {
ComponentContext ctx = context;
if (ctx == null || key == null)
return null;
ConcurrentServiceReferenceElement<V> e = elementMap.get(key);
if (e == null) {
return null;
} else {
return e.getService(ctx);
} | java |
public ServiceReference<V> getReference(K key) {
if (key == null)
return null;
ConcurrentServiceReferenceElement<V> e = elementMap.get(key);
if (e == null) {
return null;
} else {
return e.getReference();
} | java |
public static List<ProductExtensionInfo> getProductExtensions(File installDir) {
ArrayList<ProductExtensionInfo> productList = new ArrayList<ProductExtensionInfo>();
Set<String> extensionsSoFar = new HashSet<String>();
// Get the embedder SPI product extensions
HashMap<String, Properties> embedderProductExtensions = getExtraProductExtensions();
if (embedderProductExtensions != null) {
ProductExtensionInfo prodInfo;
for (Entry<String, Properties> entry : embedderProductExtensions.entrySet()) {
String name = entry.getKey();
Properties featureProperties = entry.getValue();
if (ExtensionConstants.USER_EXTENSION.equalsIgnoreCase(name) == false) {
String installLocation = featureProperties.getProperty(ProductExtension.PRODUCT_EXTENSIONS_INSTALL);
String productId = featureProperties.getProperty(ProductExtension.PRODUCT_EXTENSIONS_ID);
prodInfo = new ProductExtensionInfoImpl(name, productId, installLocation);
// Apply any product extensions specified from the WLP_PRODUCT_EXT_DIR environment variable
String extensionEnv = System.getenv(PRODUCT_EXTENSIONS_ENV);
if (extensionEnv != null) {
File productExtensionEnvDir = new File(extensionEnv);
if (!!!productExtensionEnvDir.isAbsolute()) {
productExtensionEnvDir = getFileFromDirectory(installDir.getParentFile(), extensionEnv);
// Extensions added by the embedder SPI will override extensions from the WLP_PRODUCT_EXT_DIR env of the same name.
String envData = mergeExtensions(productList, extensionsSoFar, productExtensionEnvDir);
// Push Env Product Extension information found via Env to FrameworkManager for issuing a Message.
if (!!!envData.isEmpty()) {
System.setProperty(BootstrapConstants.ENV_PRODUCT_EXTENSIONS_ADDED_BY_ENV, envData);
// Get the installed etc/extensions.
File productExtensionsDir = getExtensionDir(installDir);
// Extensions added by the embedder SPI or WLP_PRODUCT_EXT_DIR
// will override extensions of the same name that exist in the install root.
mergeExtensions(productList, extensionsSoFar, productExtensionsDir);
return productList;
} | java |
public static ProductExtensionInfo getProductExtension(String extensionName) throws IOException {
ProductExtensionInfo productExtensionInfo = null;
List<ProductExtensionInfo> productExtensionList = getProductExtensions(Utils.getInstallDir());
for (ProductExtensionInfo currentProductExtension : productExtensionList) {
if (currentProductExtension.getName().equalsIgnoreCase(extensionName)) {
productExtensionInfo = currentProductExtension;
return productExtensionInfo;
} | java |
public void start(BundleContext context) {
initialContextFactories = initServiceTracker(context, InitialContextFactory.class, ServiceTrackerCustomizers.ICF_CACHE);
objectFactories = initServiceTracker(context, ObjectFactory.class, ServiceTrackerCustomizers.URL_FACTORY_CACHE);
icfBuilders = initServiceTracker(context, InitialContextFactoryBuilder.class, ServiceTrackerCustomizers.LAZY);
urlObjectFactoryFinders = initServiceTracker(context, URLObjectFactoryFinder.class, ServiceTrackerCustomizers.LAZY);
environmentAugmentors = initServiceTracker(context, EnvironmentAugmentation.class, null);
environmentUnaugmentors = initServiceTracker(context, EnvironmentUnaugmentation.class, null);
try {
OSGiInitialContextFactoryBuilder builder = new OSGiInitialContextFactoryBuilder();
setField(InitialContextFactoryBuilder.class, builder, true);
icfBuilder = builder;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// Log the problem at info level, but only log the exception at debug level, as in many cases this is not a real issue and people
// don't want to see stack traces at info level when everything it working as expected."", getClassName(InitialContextFactoryBuilder.class)));
LOGGER.debug(Utils.MESSAGES.getMessage("", getClassName(InitialContextFactoryBuilder.class)), e);
try {
OSGiObjectFactoryBuilder builder = new OSGiObjectFactoryBuilder(context);
setField(ObjectFactoryBuilder.class, builder, true);
ofBuilder = builder;
} catch (IllegalStateException e) {
// Log the problem at info level, but only log the exception at debug level, as in many cases this is not a real issue and people
// don't want to see stack traces at info level when everything it working as expected."", getClassName(ObjectFactoryBuilder.class)));
LOGGER.debug(Utils.MESSAGES.getMessage("", getClassName(ObjectFactoryBuilder.class)), e);
new ProviderAdminServiceFactory(context),
new JREInitialContextFactoryBuilder(),
new ContextManagerServiceFactory(),
//Start the bundletracker that clears out the cache. (only interested in stopping events)
// bt = new BundleTracker(context, Bundle.STOPPING, new ServiceTrackerCustomizers.CacheBundleTrackerCustomizer());
} | java |
public void initialize(Map<String, Object> configProps) throws WIMException {
try {
reposId = (String) configProps.get(KEY_ID);
setCustomProperties((List<Map<String, String>>) configProps.get(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_DO_CUSTOM_PROPERTIES));
propsMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
personAccountType = URBridgeHelper.getPersonAccountType();
groupAccountType = URBridgeHelper.getGroupAccountType();
* Properties supportedRegistries = new Properties();
* String registryImplClass = customPropertyMap.get(URBridgeConstants.CUSTOM_REGISTRY_IMPL_CLASS) == null
* ? null : (String) customPropertyMap.get(URBridgeConstants.CUSTOM_REGISTRY_IMPL_CLASS);
* if (registryImplClass == null) {
* String osType = System.getProperty("");
* if (osType.startsWith("Windows")) {
* osType = "Windows";
* }
* supportedRegistries.load(getClass().getResourceAsStream(registryPropsFile));
* registryImplClass = supportedRegistries.getProperty(osType);
* }
* if (registryImplClass == null) {
* WIMMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(registryImplClass)));
* }
* ClassLoader contextCL = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader();
* if (contextCL == null) {
* contextCL = this.getClass().getClassLoader();
* }
* Class wrapperClass = Class.forName(registryImplClass, true, contextCL);
* Object wrapperObj = wrapperClass.newInstance();
* if (wrapperObj instanceof UserRegistry) {
* userRegistry = (UserRegistry) wrapperObj;
* Properties initProperties = new Properties();
* initProperties.putAll(customPropertyMap);
* userRegistry.initialize(initProperties);
* }
* else {
* WIMMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(registryImplClass)));
* }
} catch (Throwable th) {
throw new InitializationException(WIMMessageKey.REPOSITORY_INITIALIZATION_FAILED, Tr.formatMessage(tc, WIMMessageKey.REPOSITORY_INITIALIZATION_FAILED,
WIMMessageHelper.generateMsgParms(reposId, th.toString())));
} | java |
private void setBaseEntry(Map<String, Object> configProps) throws WIMException {
* Map<String, List<Map<String, Object>>> configMap = Nester.nest(configProps, BASE_ENTRY);
* for (Map<String, Object> entry : configMap.get(BASE_ENTRY)) {
* baseEntryName = (String) entry.get(BASE_ENTRY_NAME);
* }
baseEntryName = (String) configProps.get(BASE_ENTRY);
if (baseEntryName == null) {
throw new WIMApplicationException(WIMMessageKey.MISSING_BASE_ENTRY, Tr.formatMessage(tc, WIMMessageKey.MISSING_BASE_ENTRY,
} | java |
private void setCustomProperties(List<Map<String, String>> propList) throws WIMException {
final String METHODNAME = "setCustomProperties";
customPropertyMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
if (propList == null) {
Iterator<Map<String, String>> itr = propList.iterator();
while (itr.hasNext()) {
Map<String, String> propMap =;
String propName = propMap.get(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_PROP_NAME);
// String propValue = expandVar(propMap.get(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_PROP_VALUE));
String propValue = propMap.get(ConfigConstants.CONFIG_PROP_VALUE);
customPropertyMap.put(propName, propValue);
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, METHODNAME + " custom properties " + customPropertyMap);
} | java |
private void setConfigEntityMapping(Map<String, Object> configProps) throws WIMException {
List<String> entityTypes = getSupportedEntityTypes();
String rdnProp;
String type = null;
entityConfigMap = new HashMap<String, String>();
for (int i = 0; i < entityTypes.size(); i++) {
type = entityTypes.get(i);
rdnProp = (getRDNProperties(type) == null) ? null : getRDNProperties(type)[0];
entityConfigMap.put(type, rdnProp);
if (entityConfigMap.get(Service.DO_LOGIN_ACCOUNT) == null && entityConfigMap.get(personAccountType) != null)
entityConfigMap.put(Service.DO_LOGIN_ACCOUNT, entityConfigMap.get(personAccountType));
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "setConfigEntityMapping entityConfigMap:" + entityConfigMap);
} | java |
private String validateEntity(Entity entity) throws WIMException {
String METHODNAME = "validateEntity";
String type = null;
String secName = null;
String uniqueId = null;
String uniqueName = null;
if (entity.getIdentifier().isSet(SchemaConstants.PROP_UNIQUE_NAME)) {
uniqueName = entity.getIdentifier().getUniqueName();
} else if (entity.getIdentifier().isSet(SchemaConstants.PROP_EXTERNAL_NAME)) {
uniqueName = entity.getIdentifier().getExternalName();
} else if (entity.getIdentifier().isSet(SchemaConstants.PROP_UNIQUE_ID)) {
uniqueId = entity.getIdentifier().getUniqueId();
} else if (entity.getIdentifier().isSet(SchemaConstants.PROP_EXTERNAL_ID)) {
uniqueId = entity.getIdentifier().getExternalId();
if (uniqueName != null) {
secName = uniqueName; // stripRDN(uniqueName);
if (uniqueId != null && uniqueId.trim().length() > 0) {
if (isValidUserOrGroup(uniqueId)) {
uniqueName = uniqueId;
secName = uniqueId;
} else {
secName = getSecNameFromUniqueID(uniqueId);
uniqueName = secName;
if (secName != null && secName.trim().length() > 0) {
String rdnAttr = getRDN(entity.getIdentifier().getUniqueName());
Set<String> EntityTypes = entityConfigMap.keySet();
List<String> entities = new ArrayList<String>();
Iterator<String> it = EntityTypes.iterator();
while (it.hasNext()) {
String entityType =;
if ((rdnAttr == null) || (rdnAttr.equalsIgnoreCase(entityConfigMap.get(entityType)))) {
//handle if entities.size== or >1 then respect entity.getType from input DO
//this is better than just letting the last matching type be returned.
String inputType = entity.getTypeName();
type = getEntityTypeFromUniqueName(secName, entities, inputType);
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, METHODNAME + " The entity type for " + secName + " is " + type);
if (type == null) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, Tr.formatMessage(tc, WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
return type;
} | java |
private String getSecNameFromUniqueID(String uniqueId) throws WIMException {
String METHODNAME = "getSecNameFromUniqueID";
String secName = null;
try {
secName = getUserSecurityName(uniqueId);
} catch (EntryNotFoundException e) {
try {
secName = getGroupSecurityName(uniqueId);
} catch ( renf) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, Tr.formatMessage(tc, WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
} catch (RegistryException re) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, Tr.formatMessage(tc, WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
} catch (RegistryException e) {
throw new EntityNotFoundException(WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND, Tr.formatMessage(tc, WIMMessageKey.ENTITY_NOT_FOUND,
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) {
Tr.debug(tc, METHODNAME + " The Security Name for " + uniqueId + " is " + secName);
return secName;
} | java |
private String getRDN(String name) {
if (name == null) {
return name;
int indexOfEqual = name.indexOf('=');
if (indexOfEqual < 0) {
return name;
String rdnValue = name.substring(0, indexOfEqual);
return rdnValue;
} | java |
public boolean isEntityInRealm(String uniqueName) {
if (isSafRegistry()) {
try {
return userRegistry.isValidUser(uniqueName);
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Ignore. */
try {
return userRegistry.isValidGroup(uniqueName);
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Ignore. */
} else {
try {
SearchResult result = userRegistry.getUsers(uniqueName, 1);
if (result != null && result.getList().size() > 0)
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Ignore. */
try {
SearchResult result = userRegistry.getGroups(uniqueName, 1);
if (result != null && result.getList().size() > 0)
return true;
} catch (Exception e) {
/* Ignore. */
return false;
} | java |
private void setFields(Connection connection,
JFapByteBuffer buffer,
int priority,
boolean isPooled,
boolean isExchange,
int segmentType,
int conversationId,
int requestNumber,
Conversation conversation,
SendListener sendListener,
boolean isTerminal,
int size)
this.connection = connection;
this.buffer = buffer;
this.priority = priority;
this.isPooled = isPooled;
this.isExchange = isExchange;
this.segmentType = segmentType;
this.conversationId = conversationId;
this.requestNumber = requestNumber;
this.conversation = conversation;
this.sendListener = sendListener;
this.isTerminal = isTerminal;
this.size = size;
bytesRemaining = size;
} | java |
private void reset(Connection connection,
JFapByteBuffer buffer,
int priority,
boolean isPooled,
boolean isExchange,
int segmentType,
int conversationId,
int requestNumber,
Conversation conversation,
SendListener sendListener,
boolean isTerminal,
int size)
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "reset", new Object[]{connection, buffer, ""+priority, ""+isPooled, ""+isExchange, ""+segmentType, ""+conversationId, ""+requestNumber, conversation, sendListener, ""+isTerminal, ""+size});
setFields(connection, buffer, priority, isPooled, isExchange, segmentType, conversationId, requestNumber, conversation, sendListener, isTerminal, size);
int sizeIncludingHeaders = size +
transmissionsRemaining = true;
if (sizeIncludingHeaders > connection.getMaxTransmissionSize())
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) SibTr.debug(this, tc, "segmenting");
layout = JFapChannelConstants.XMIT_SEGMENT_START;
layout = JFapChannelConstants.XMIT_CONVERSATION;
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "reset");
} | java |
public boolean hasNext()
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "hasNext");
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "hasNext", ""+transmissionsRemaining);
return transmissionsRemaining;
} | java |
protected static TransmissionDataIterator allocateFromPool(Connection connection,
JFapByteBuffer buffer,
int priority,
boolean isPooled,
boolean isExchange,
int segmentType,
int conversationId,
int requestNumber,
Conversation conversation,
SendListener sendListener,
boolean isTerminal,
int size)
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(tc, "allocateFromPool");
TransmissionDataIterator retValue = (TransmissionDataIterator)pool.remove();
if (retValue == null)
retValue = new TransmissionDataIterator();
retValue.reset(connection, buffer, priority, isPooled, isExchange, segmentType, conversationId, requestNumber, conversation, sendListener, isTerminal, size);
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(tc, "allocateFromPool", retValue);
return retValue;
} | java |
protected void release()
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "release");
if (!transmissionsRemaining)
if (tc.isDebugEnabled()) SibTr.debug(this, tc, "no more transmissions remaining - repooling");
// Ensure we release the byte buffers back into the pool
if (buffer != null)
connection = null;
conversation = null;
buffer = null;
sendListener = null;
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "release");
} | java |
protected int getPriority()
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "getPriority");
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "getPriority", ""+priority);
return priority;
} | java |
protected void setPriority(int priority)
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "setPriority", ""+priority);
this.priority = priority;
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "setPriority");
} | java |
protected int getSize()
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.entry(this, tc, "getSize");
if (tc.isEntryEnabled()) SibTr.exit(this, tc, "getSize", ""+size);
return size;
} | java |
public static boolean isDebugEnabled() {
String value = System.getProperty(DEBUG_PROPERTY);
if (value != null && "true".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) {
return true;
return false;
} | java |
private String getDefaultPackageExtension() {
// Default package format on z/OS is a pax
if ("z/OS".equalsIgnoreCase(bootProps.get(""))) {
return "pax";
if (PackageProcessor.IncludeOption.RUNNABLE.matches(includeOption)) {
return "jar";
return "zip";
} | java |
public static ASN1Set getInstance(
Object obj)
if (obj == null || obj instanceof ASN1Set)
return (ASN1Set)obj;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown object in getInstance");
} | java |
public Conduit getConduit(EndpointInfo endpointInfo, EndpointReferenceType target) throws IOException {
//create our LibertyHTTPConduit so that we can set the TCCL when run the handleResponseInternal asynchronously
LibertyHTTPConduit conduit = new LibertyHTTPConduit(bus, endpointInfo, target);
//following are copied from the super class.
//Spring configure the conduit.
String address = conduit.getAddress();
if (address != null && address.indexOf('?') != -1) {
address = address.substring(0, address.indexOf('?'));
HTTPConduitConfigurer c1 = bus.getExtension(HTTPConduitConfigurer.class);
if (c1 != null) {
c1.configure(conduit.getBeanName(), address, conduit);
configure(conduit, conduit.getBeanName(), address);
//copy end.
//open the auto redirect when load wsdl, and close auto redirect when process soap message in default.
//users can open the auto redirect for soap message with ibm-ws-bnd.xml
if (conduit != null) {
HTTPClientPolicy clientPolicy = conduit.getClient();
// Set defaultSSLConfig for this HTTP Conduit, in case it is needed when retrieve WSDL from HTTPS URL
AtomicServiceReference<JaxWsSecurityConfigurationService> secConfigSR = securityConfigSR.get();
JaxWsSecurityConfigurationService securityConfigService = secConfigSR == null ? null : secConfigSR.getService();
if (null != securityConfigService) {
// set null values for sslRef and certAlias so the default one will be used
securityConfigService.configClientSSL(conduit, null, null);
return conduit;
} | java |
protected static final void setRSAKey(byte[][] key) {
BigInteger[] k = new BigInteger[8];
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
if (key[i] != null) {
k[i] = new BigInteger(1, key[i]);
if (k[3].compareTo(k[4]) < 0) {
BigInteger tmp;
tmp = k[3];
k[3] = k[4];
k[4] = tmp;
tmp = k[5];
k[5] = k[6];
k[6] = tmp;
k[7] = null;
if (k[7] == null) {
k[7] = k[4].modInverse(k[3]);
if (k[0] == null) {
k[0] = k[3].multiply(k[4]);
if (k[1] == null) {
k[1] = k[2].modInverse(k[3].subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1)).multiply(k[4].subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1))));
if (k[5] == null) {
k[5] = k[1].remainder(k[3].subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1)));
if (k[6] == null) {
k[6] = k[1].remainder(k[4].subtract(BigInteger.valueOf(1)));
for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
key[i] = k[i].toByteArray();
} | java |
protected static final byte[] encrypt(byte[] data, byte[] key, String cipher) throws Exception {
SecretKey sKey = constructSecretKey(key, cipher);
Cipher ci = createCipher(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, key, cipher, sKey);
return ci.doFinal(data);
} | java |
protected static final byte[] decrypt(byte[] msg, byte[] key, String cipher) throws Exception {
SecretKey sKey = constructSecretKey(key, cipher);
Cipher ci = createCipher(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key, cipher, sKey);
return ci.doFinal(msg);
} | java |
public void populatePrefixTable() {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(TRACE, "populatePrefixTable");
// Create the storage.
prefixTable = new HashMap<Class,String>();
// Populate with the supported (non-null) data types.
prefixTable.put(Boolean.class, PREFIX_BOOLEAN);
prefixTable.put(Integer.class, PREFIX_INT);
prefixTable.put(Byte.class, PREFIX_BYTE);
prefixTable.put(Short.class, PREFIX_SHORT);
prefixTable.put(String.class, PREFIX_STRING);
prefixTable.put(Float.class, PREFIX_FLOAT);
prefixTable.put(Double.class, PREFIX_DOUBLE);
prefixTable.put(Long.class, PREFIX_LONG);
prefixTable.put(StringArrayWrapper.class, PREFIX_ROUTING_PATH);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(TRACE, "populatePrefixTable");
} | java |
public Map getMapFromReference(final Reference ref, final Map defaults) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(this, TRACE, "getMapFromReference", new Object[] {ref,defaults});
Map extractedProps = null;
// Extract a Map of the properties from the Reference
synchronized (ref) {
Enumeration propsList = ref.getAll();
// This will be set up to contain a map representing all the
// information that was previously stored in the Reference.
final Map<String,String> encodedMap = new HashMap<String,String>();
// Look at each property in turn.
while (propsList.hasMoreElements()) {
// Get the coded version of the name. This will start with one
// of the prefix values. The codedName must have been non-null.
StringRefAddr refAddr = (StringRefAddr) propsList.nextElement();
String codedName = refAddr.getType();
String val = (String) refAddr.getContent();
// Store the coded information in the map.
encodedMap.put(codedName, val);
// Decode the encoded map.
extractedProps = getStringDecodedMap(encodedMap, defaults);
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(this, TRACE, "getMapFromReference", extractedProps);
return extractedProps;
} | java |
public void populateReference(final Reference reference,
final Map properties, final Map defaults) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.entry(this, TRACE, "populateReference", new Object[] {
reference, properties, defaults});
// Make sure no-one can pull the rug from beneath us.
synchronized (properties) {
// Convert the map of properties into an encoded form, where the
// keys have the necessary prefix on the front, and the values are
// all Strings.
Map<String,String> encodedMap = getStringEncodedMap(properties,defaults);
for(Map.Entry<String,String> entry : encodedMap.entrySet())
reference.add(new StringRefAddr(entry.getKey(),entry.getValue()));
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && TRACE.isEntryEnabled()) {
SibTr.exit(this, TRACE, "populateReference");
} | java |
protected void setCommsConnection(CommsConnection cc) {
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(this, tc, "setCommsConnection");
// Retrieve Client Conversation State if necessary
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(this, tc, "setCommsConnection");
} | java |
public ConversationReceiveListener acceptConnection(Conversation cfConversation) {
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.entry(tc, "acceptConnection");
// Return new instance of a GenericTransportReceiveListener. This listener
// determines whether data has been received from a client or ME and routes it
// accordingly to the ServerTransportReceiveListener or MEConnectionListener
if (tc.isEntryEnabled())
SibTr.exit(tc, "acceptConnection");
return genericTransportRecieveListnerInstance; // F193735.3
} | java |
public static QueuedMessage createSIBQueuedMessage(SIMPQueuedMessageControllable qmc) {
String id = null;
int jsApproximateLength = 0;
String name = null;
String state = null;
String transactionId = null;
String type = null;
String busSystemMessageId = null;
id = qmc.getId();
name = qmc.getName();
state = null;
transactionId = null;
try {
if (qmc.getState() != null) {
state = qmc.getState().toString();
transactionId = qmc.getTransactionId();
} catch (SIMPException e) {
// No FFDC code needed
try {
JsMessage jsMessage = qmc.getJsMessage();
jsApproximateLength = jsMessage.getApproximateLength();
busSystemMessageId = jsMessage.getSystemMessageId();
type = jsMessage.getJsMessageType().toString();
} catch (SIMPControllableNotFoundException e) {
// No FFDC code needed
} catch (SIMPException e) {
// No FFDC code needed
return new QueuedMessage(id, name, jsApproximateLength, state, transactionId, type, busSystemMessageId);
} | java |
public static MessagingSubscription createSIBSubscription(SIMPLocalSubscriptionControllable ls) {
long depth = 0;
String id = null;
int maxMsgs = 0;
String name = null;
String selector = null;
String subscriberId = null;
String[] topics = null;
depth = ls.getNumberOfQueuedMessages();
id = ls.getId();
name = ls.getName();
selector = ls.getSelector();
subscriberId = ls.getSubscriberID();
topics = ls.getTopics();
return new MessagingSubscription(depth, id, maxMsgs, name, selector, subscriberId, topics);
} | java |
private static NLS getNLS(Locale l, String resourceBundle, String statsType) {
// init Locale
boolean bDefaultLocale = false;
if (l == null || l == Locale.getDefault()) {
bDefaultLocale = true;
l = Locale.getDefault();
NLS aNLS = null;
if (resourceBundle == null) {
// resourceBundle is NULL
// trial 1: try prepending the 5.0 default resourcebundle location prefix (to support commerce, portal, etc.)
// trial 2: if that fails return default 6.0 PMI resourcebundle
int trial = 1;
do {
if (trial == 1)
resourceBundle = PMI_RESOURCE_BUNDLE_PREFIX_50 + statsType;
else if (trial == 2)
resourceBundle = PMI_RESOURCE_BUNDLE;
// 234782 - JPM: Check in NLS cache
aNLS = (NLS) nlsMap.get(getNlsKey(resourceBundle, l));
if (aNLS != null)
return aNLS;
aNLS = new NLS(resourceBundle, l, true, false); // first time create
if (aNLS.isResourceLoaded())
} while (trial <= 2);
} else {
// resourcebundle != null
// Custom resource bundle
// 234782 - JPM: Check in NLS cache
aNLS = (NLS) nlsMap.get(getNlsKey(resourceBundle, l));
if (aNLS != null)
return aNLS;
aNLS = new NLS(resourceBundle, l, true, false); // first time create
// resourcebundle not loaded. so try using contextClassLoader to support
// custom pmi in applications (war/ear file)
// custom pmi resource bundle that is not found in the path
// may its an application so use context classloader
if (!aNLS.isResourceLoaded()) {
// ------ security code
final String _rbName = resourceBundle;
final Locale _locale = l;
try {
aNLS = (NLS)
new PrivilegedExceptionAction()
public Object run() throws Exception
return new NLS(_rbName, _locale, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
} catch (Exception e1) {
Tr.warning(tc, "PMI0030W", resourceBundle);
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Error loading custom resource bundle using context classloader: " + e1.getMessage());
if (aNLS == null || !aNLS.isResourceLoaded()) {
aNLS = null;
// ------ security code
// 234782 - JPM: Cache NLS object if successfully created
if (aNLS != null && aNLS.isResourceLoaded()) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, "Caching resource bundle: " + resourceBundle + " locale: " + l);
// 234782 - JPM: Cache resourcebundle for this locale
nlsMap.put(getNlsKey(resourceBundle, l), aNLS);
return aNLS;
} | java |
public static PmiModuleConfig getStatsConfig(String statsType) {
PmiModuleConfig cfg = (PmiModuleConfig) rawConfigMap.get(statsType);
if (cfg == null)
cfg = _getStatsConfig(statsType, false, null);
return cfg;
} | java |
public static PmiModuleConfig getTranslatedStatsConfig(String statsType, Locale locale) {
PmiModuleConfig aCfg = getConfig(locale, statsType);
if (aCfg == null)
aCfg = _getStatsConfig(statsType, true, locale);
return aCfg;
} | java |
public static void translateAndCache(PmiModuleConfig cfg, Locale l) {
PmiModuleConfig aCfg = getConfig(l, cfg.getUID());
if (aCfg == null) {
aCfg = cfg.copy(); // create a copy before translating
// filter sub-module entry
if (aCfg != null) {
PmiDataInfo[] data = aCfg.listData(null);
for (int k = data.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) {
if (data[k].getType() == PmiConstants.TYPE_SUBMODULE)
aCfg = translate(aCfg, l); //getNLS (l, cfg.getResourceBundle()));
getConfigMap(l).put(aCfg.getUID(), aCfg);
} | java |
public String[] getPath() {
if (path != null)
return path;
else if (instanceName == null && type == TYPE_SUBMODULE)
return new String[] { moduleID, submoduleName };
return super.getPath();
} | java |
public final static SubscriptionMessageType getSubscriptionMessageType(int aValue) {
if (TraceComponent.isAnyTracingEnabled() && tc.isDebugEnabled()) SibTr.debug(tc,"Value = " + aValue);
return set[aValue];
} | java |
private void fail(final K key) {
final String methodName = "fail(): ";
try {
Integer index = actualIndices.remove(key);
if (index == null)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown key: " + key);
elements[index] = FAILED;
// register that this key failed
(failedKeys == null ? failedKeys = new ArrayList<K>(actualIndices.size() + 1) : failedKeys).add(key);
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, methodName, "permanent fail for key " + key);
} finally {
} | java |
private void checkForCompletion() {
final String methodName = "checkForCompletion(): ";
// mark the list complete if that was the last awaited key
if (actualIndices.isEmpty()) {
if (tc.isDebugEnabled())
Tr.debug(tc, methodName + "setting state=COMPLETE");
state = failedKeys == null
: COMPLETE_WITH_FAILURES; // state change must be last action
} | java |
public int size() {
try {
switch (state) {
// This list might be empty or full or somewhere in between:
// we don't know until we look!
// The list is now either complete or timed out - recurse to find the result.
return size();
return currentSize();
return elements.length - failedKeys.size();
return elements.length;
} finally {
} | java |
private boolean ensureElement(int index) {
try {
return true;
} catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
return false;
} | java |
public Set<K> getUnmatchedKeys() {
try {
return new HashSet<K>(this.actualIndices.keySet());
} finally {
} | java |
private String getTopic(FrameworkEvent frameworkEvent) {
StringBuilder topic = new StringBuilder(FRAMEWORK_EVENT_TOPIC_PREFIX);
switch (frameworkEvent.getType()) {
case FrameworkEvent.STARTED:
case FrameworkEvent.ERROR:
case FrameworkEvent.PACKAGES_REFRESHED:
case FrameworkEvent.STARTLEVEL_CHANGED:
case FrameworkEvent.WARNING:
case FrameworkEvent.INFO:
return null;
return topic.toString();
} | java |
void resetStatistics(boolean clearHistory) {
lastTimerPop = System.currentTimeMillis();
previousCompleted = threadPool == null ? 0 : threadPool.getCompletedTaskCount();
previousThroughput = 0;
consecutiveQueueEmptyCount = 0;
consecutiveNoAdjustment = 0;
consecutiveOutlierAfterAdjustment = 0;
consecutiveIdleCount = 0;
if (clearHistory) {
threadStats = new TreeMap<Integer, ThroughputDistribution>();
lastAction = LastAction.NONE;
} | java |
void resetThreadPool() {
if (threadPool == null)
return; // if no pool (during shutdown), nothing to retune/reset
// 8/22/2012: Introduced factor - was hard coded at 2
final int availableProcessors = NUMBER_CPUS;
int factor = 2500 * availableProcessors / Math.max(1, (int) previousThroughput);
factor = Math.min(factor, 4);
factor = Math.max(factor, 2);
int newThreads = Math.min(factor * availableProcessors, maxThreads);
newThreads = Math.max(newThreads, coreThreads);
targetPoolSize = newThreads;
} | java |