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UT-MM Dataset

To access our dataset, visit Hugging Face. To see videos of the content, please visit our [Project Page].

A script to convert the UT-MM rosbag data to usable .txt files is included in scripts/ at this repository. Note that ROS is required to read the camera-to-imu transformation.

python scripts/ --path <rosbag dir path> --scene <scene name>

However, the transformation is constant between our datasets, which we have provided.

Command Line Arguments for scripts/


Path to the directory containing rosbags


Name of the scene to read

Rosbag topics

Combined, the datasets contain 8387 images, 2796 LiDAR scans, and 27971 IMU measurements. The following is a quick overview of the topics that can be found within each bag file:

/vrpn_client_node/Jackal_Latest/pose   : geometry_msgs/PoseStamped (Pose Coordinates, 100hz)
/realsense/color/image_raw/compressed  : sensor_msgs/CompressedImage (RGB Image, 30hz)
/realsense/depth/image_rect_raw        : sensor_msgs/Image (Depth Image, 30hz)
/microstrain/imu/data                  : sensor_msgs/Imu (Imu Measurements, 100hz)
/ouster/points                         : sensor_msgs/PointCloud2 (LiDAR Point Clouds, 10hz)

To visualize the dataset, ROS is needed. Some scripts are provided in the UT_MM_Scripts directory.


rosrun rviz rviz -d UT_MM_Scripts/configs/jackal.rviz

rqt --clear-config --perspective-file UT_MM_Scripts/configs/rqt_plots.perspective

rosbag play --clock *.bag --pause



If you find our paper useful or interesting, please consider giving a star ⭐ and citing the following paper 📝.

      title={MM3DGS SLAM: Multi-modal 3D Gaussian Splatting for SLAM Using Vision, Depth, and Inertial Measurements},
      author={Lisong C. Sun and Neel P. Bhatt and Jonathan C. Liu and Zhiwen Fan and Zhangyang Wang and Todd E. Humphreys and Ufuk Topcu},

license: cc

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