200 values
3 values
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 2 8 63,,,,,,3,13 O0 2 3 63,3,13 I1 7 6 4,,c4a24,c47a4,a4a97a4,d4a2 O1 5 5 4,a4a24,a47a4,497a4,b4a2 I2 8 3 4f6,3a47b34,3a437a37 O2 6 3 4d6,347a34,343737 I3T 2 7 6,,65,85,40,76,78 O3T None I4T 8 3 6a7169a7,931b7a9,93a7c9 O4T None
2 6 6,65,85,40,76,78
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 2 8 83,,18,15,,53,,34 O0 2 5 83,18,15,53,34 I1 7 2 79d3,b32b4 O1 5 2 79b3,b324 I2T 2 8 05,89,81,85,80,83,,89 O2T 2 8 85,09,81,85,80,83,,89 I3T 3 5 101,,201,121, O3T None
2 7 05,89,81,85,80,83,89
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict image
I0 3 4 8a9,987,,a92 O0 3 3 8a9,987,a92 I1 8 3 f49,4a74a294,b42a1a4 O1 6 3 d49,474294,a421a4 I2 3 5 541,016,015,1a5, O2 3 4 541,016,015,1a5 I3T 5 2 a8b6,a8389 O3T None I4T 2 2 3, O4T None
1 1 3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for O2T
I0 5 2 a3b2,369a6 O0 4 2 a3a2,3696 I1 4 7 6a86,8b6,,a0a6,6,, O1 4 4 6a86,8b6,a0a6,6 I2T 3 5 8,818,,891,a81 O2T 3 4 8,818,891,a81 I3T 5 2 9b69,4a105 O3T None
3 4 8,818,891,a81
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 7 2 b0b24,a0a8b9 O0 5 2 a0a24,0a8a9 I1 2 5 73,63,,23, O1 2 3 73,63,23 I2 6 2 a7c3,6c53 O2 4 2 a7a3,6a53 I3 7 3 e85,b21658,8a714a8 O3 6 3 d85,a21658,8714a8 I4T 2 5 92,72,92,, O4T 2 3 92,72,92
2 3 92,72,92
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O2T', predict the image
I0 8 6 e919,c9a1a9,b963b9,b9683a9,a96293a9,c9b29 O0 7 6 d919,b9a1a9,a963b9,a9683a9,96293a9,b9b29 I1 7 8 1,,,,,,, O1 1 1 1 I2T 8 2 68d75,a8a5c8 O2T 8 2 68c757,a8a5c8
5 2 68a75,a85a8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O2T, predict image
I0 7 6 9,,,,, O0 1 1 9 I1 3 8 9a2,,,2a9,970,267,a27,2 O1 3 6 9a2,2a9,970,267,a27,2 I2T 7 7 e81,d818,c81a8,b81b8,,a81c8,81d7 O2T None
7 6 e81,d818,c81a8,b81b8,a81c8,81d7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 8 4 e535,b523058,c46502,2a546a50 O0 7 4 d535,a523058,b46502,2546a50 I1 8 8 6f0,0a6d0,703a6b0,75030a60,07a03a06,07b03a0,,e030 O1 8 7 6f0,0a6d0,703a6b0,75030a60,07a03a06,07b03a0,e030 I2 8 8 1,0f1,,,10e1,,,1 O2 3 4 1,0a1,101,1 I3 2 2 3, O3 1 1 3 I4T 2 5 52,,45,65,25 O4T None I5T 5 6 18b1,a1821,,a8421,1a281,b1a2 O5T 5 6 a18a1,1a821,b121,a8a21,12481,b1a2
5 5 18b1,a1821,a8421,1a281,b1a2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 4 f86,e861,c82a61,a8d57 O0 6 4 d86,c861,a82a61,8c57 I1 2 7 05,35,50,,38,,24 O1 2 5 05,35,50,38,24 I2 5 2 b363,c32 O2 3 2 363,a32 I3T 4 5 1,,,, O3T None I4T 4 3 3,,8 O4T None
1 1 1
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 6 5 69c6,64a9a6,64a696,64c6, O0 5 4 69b6,649a6,64696,64b6 I1 6 8 a91b9,971b9,9791a9,7a9149,791549,b5b9,9, O1 6 7 a91b9,971b9,9791a9,7a9149,791549,b5b9,9 I2T 8 5 6,,,, O2T 1 1 6
1 1 6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 3 a21276,a01715,a272a1 O0 5 3 21276,01715,272a1 I1 2 6 03,3,51,31,, O1 2 4 03,3,51,31 I2 3 8 2,243,737,927,242,4a3,2, O2 3 7 2,243,737,927,242,4a3,2 I3T 4 7 8,9b8,96a8,9686,89a8,,8986 O3T None I4T 7 8 d8a4,b824a8,8a2c8,a74a828,a86a7a8,80d6,8, O4T None
7 7 d8a4,b824a8,8a2c8,a74a828,a86a7a8,80d6,8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 3 2 3,9a7 O0 2 2 3,97 I1 2 4 8,,20,80 O1 2 3 8,20,80 I2T 4 3 9,a961,a969 O2T None I3T 3 6 2,,a23,943,245,202 O3T None
3 5 2,a23,943,245,202
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 4 4 5,,, O0 1 1 5 I1 4 7 a0a8,3410,3810,01a0,,0, O1 4 5 a0a8,3410,3810,01a0,0 I2 7 2 2b7b6,a6d7 O2 4 2 2a76,a6a7 I3 5 2 52b4,1c6 O3 3 2 524,1a6 I4T 2 6 2,1,92,,,2 O4T 2 4 2,1,92,2 I5T 8 7 8,,b81c8,a8187b8,a81a87a8,815a27a8,b28a578 O5T None
2 4 2,1,92,2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict image
I0 7 2 b6b16,6a9a297 O0 5 2 a6a16,69297 I1 3 7 a08,,0a8,1a8,,508,0 O1 3 5 a08,0a8,1a8,508,0 I2 5 5 a28a2,278a1,a28a2,28b2, O2 4 4 a282,2781,a282,28a2 I3 3 8 1,9a1,191,a10,a19,1,, O3 3 6 1,9a1,191,a10,a19,1 I4T 8 6 8485c8,e848,,86b4a84,a861c8,a81d8 O4T None I5T 6 2 46c1,2429a4 O5T None
5 2 46b1,24294
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 3 7a9b757,97a2a597,762d7 O0 7 3 7a9a757,97a2597,762c7 I1 5 5 b565,,a58a5,58b5,5 O1 5 4 b565,a58a5,58b5,5 I2 7 5 8,,,, O2 1 1 8 I3T 3 6 a60,,610,150,a60,516 O3T 3 6 a60,,a10,650,a60,516
3 5 a60,610,150,a60,516
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 4 3 2,b23,4a32 O0 3 3 2,a23,432 I1 3 8 9a2,,951,981,589,4a8,482,182 O1 3 7 9a2,951,981,589,4a8,482,182 I2 4 7 79a7,,7,a797,,7, O2 4 4 79a7,7,a797,7 I3 4 2 27a0,a0a6 O3 3 2 270,a06 I4T 4 3 0b8,a8a0,50a5 O4T None I5T 8 3 d4784,a5787824,b483524 O5T 8 3 d4784,a5487824,a4783524
7 3 c4784,5787824,a483524
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 3 7 606,a40,404,4a0,640,,746 O0 3 6 606,a40,404,4a0,640,746 I1 7 4 1,1b8b4,a184b8,1 O1 5 4 1,1b84,a1848,1 I2 8 6 27e2,27b28a2,27a24b2,2874c2,a24d2,248d2 O2 7 6 27d2,27b282,27a24a2,2874b2,a24c2,248c2 I3T 6 5 c1a0,01a010,b10a1,,a01a01 O3T None I4T 6 5 0,,b02a0,01a520,b09a0 O4T None
6 4 c1a0,01a010,b10a1,a01a01
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 6 3 b2b1,a4a0a2,7d2 O0 5 3 b2a1,a4a02,7c2 I1 3 8 4,464,a46,4,,,, O1 3 4 4,464,a46,4 I2 7 4 a8b601,c8a18,a8a1080,a1d2 O2 5 4 8a601,a8a18,81080,1c2 I3 3 2 3, O3 1 1 3 I4T 8 5 27a4c2,7b2a6a2,,2b6a2a6,a2626b2 O4T 8 5 72a4c2,7b2a6a2,,2c6262,a26c26
7 4 27a4b2,7b2a62,2b6a26,a2626a2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 5 2 a5620,a0165 O0 4 2 5620,0165 I1 5 3 97a90,97b9, O1 4 2 9790,97a9 I2T 3 6 0a6,086,606,a68,6, O2T None I3T 6 3 9a3b9,c429,9 O3T None
3 5 0a6,086,606,a68,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O5T, predict image
I0 8 4 7a2a7a91,268a3a17,794a82a7,7c28a7 O0 7 4 7a27a91,2683a17,79482a7,7b28a7 I1 2 8 51,8,,,78,79,72,71 O1 2 6 51,8,78,79,72,71 I2 7 3 7e9,4564b2,26b2a1 O2 6 3 7d9,4564a2,26b21 I3 3 8 3,137,a37,,,a39,319,a39 O3 3 6 3,137,a37,a39,319,a39 I4T 6 4 b76a7,a7a5a7,a769a5,a76a17 O4T None I5T 6 3 3c28,89a308,87a830 O5T 6 3 3c28,893808,878303
5 3 3b28,89308,87830
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O5T, predict image
I0 8 7 a9a6c9,95a9a6a9,95a9c7,c7c9,b93c9,a93d9,9 O0 6 7 a9a6a9,95a969,95a9a7,c7a9,b93a9,a93b9,9 I1 7 3 862c8,a93b28,a81c8 O1 5 3 862a8,a9328,a81a8 I2 6 2 a60a86,a06818 O2 5 2 60a86,06818 I3 4 5 3,,b36,,3 O3 2 3 3,36,3 I4T 7 2 0c2a5,5 O4T None I5T 5 8 7,,,,,,, O5T None
1 1 7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O2T', predict the image
I0 7 8 6,,,,,1,8e6,6 O0 2 4 6,1,86,6 I1 8 2 95c695,f06 O1 5 2 95695,c06 I2T 2 2 4, O2T 1 1 4 I3T 2 5 29,,2,, O3T None
1 1 4
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for O3T
I0 3 2 a03,a32 O0 2 2 03,32 I1 3 7 917,1a9,927,,278,079,092 O1 3 6 917,1a9,927,278,079,092 I2T 4 4 a606,6061,6, O2T None I3T 3 7 a19,619,693,659,675,,697 O3T None
3 6 a19,619,693,659,675,697
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O2T
I0 2 5 20,05,02,6, O0 2 4 20,05,02,6 I1 4 8 53a5,5,3b5,5,,,,3b5 O1 3 5 535,5,3a5,5,3a5 I2T 7 2 162b74,b71b3 O2T None I3T 2 8 81,,,,1,,, O3T None
6 2 162a74,b71a3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 5 3 235a7,27b8,4a7a1 O0 4 3 2357,27a8,4a71 I1 8 7 6,,,b60c6,b6c76,c7a076,a6a0c6 O1 6 5 6,a60b6,a6b76,b7076,6a0b6 I2T 3 8 6,,4a6,,646,,6, O2T 3 4 6,4a6,646,6 I3T 3 5 1,,0a1,a01,101 O3T None
3 4 6,4a6,646,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O4T
I0 4 2 39a0,a0a3 O0 3 2 390,a03 I1 8 2 a36c36,6c3b6 O1 6 2 a36a36,6b3a6 I2 2 6 61,31,,13,83,3 O2 2 5 61,31,13,83,3 I3T 8 3 4,e484,c4b84 O3T None I4T 8 8 b30a373,a340b37,c30b3,,74a310a3,3a7a30a3,a3b7103,c34a73 O4T 8 7 b30a373,a3430373,b30c3,a7a310a3,347a30a3,a3b7103,c34737
8 7 b30a373,a340b37,c30b3,74a310a3,3a7a30a3,a3b7103,c34a73
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 7 3 a6a3b6,a6b3a7,a636537 O0 6 3 6a3b6,6b3a7,636537 I1 7 3 87d2,082a3a2,2863b2 O1 6 3 87c2,082a32,2863a2 I2 4 5 8,a808,8,, O2 3 3 8,808,8 I3T 5 8 2,1c2,2,,,,, O3T 5 8 2,1c2,2,,,,, I4T 3 8 129,3a8,3a9,732,,293,,292 O4T None
2 3 2,12,2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 2 7 1,73,76,16,36,,3 O0 2 6 1,73,76,16,36,3 I1 5 5 1,,,b151,a1251 O1 4 3 1,a151,1251 I2T 3 2 a83,1 O2T 3 2 a83,1
2 2 83,1
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 4 8 5495,49a5,59a5,94a5,b54,a545,5, O0 4 7 5495,49a5,59a5,94a5,b54,a545,5 I1 8 2 2f1,c4c2 O1 3 2 2a1,a42 I2 6 6 0,0a8b0,b0a80,0,, O2 4 4 0,08a0,a080,0 I3 3 4 1a9,,912,614 O3 3 3 1a9,912,614 I4T 4 8 6,,,,,,, O4T 1 1 6
1 1 6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 3 3 0,,2 O0 1 2 0,2 I1 3 4 5,,a50, O1 2 2 5,50 I2 2 6 9,29,09,,20,9 O2 2 5 9,29,09,20,9 I3 8 2 3f0,c2b32 O3 4 2 3b0,a232 I4T 2 7 7,27,78,68,08,,0 O4T None I5T 8 4 c79707,c79708,b019b1,b70b90 O5T 6 4 a79707,a79701,019a18,7090a9
6 4 a79707,a79708,019b1,70b90
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 7 6 79d7,79b7a1,79d7,790c7,19d7,70d7 O0 5 6 79b7,79a71,79b7,790a7,19b7,70b7 I1 2 6 14,15,,1,7, O1 2 4 14,15,1,7 I2T 4 7 a2a1,27a2,b21,2,,,7a27 O2T None
4 5 a2a1,27a2,b21,2,7a27
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 2 8 83,,92,90,01,,,21 O0 2 5 83,92,90,01,21 I1 8 3 b909a09,a9b0b9,a0e9 O1 6 3 a90909,9b0a9,0d9 I2T 5 7 29896,c96,29826,c98,b929,9, O2T None I3T 7 5 2,,a26c1,c27a2, O3T 5 3 c21,26a12,b272
5 3 2,26b1,b272
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 7 2 b7a675,a95a795 O0 5 2 a7675,95795 I1 2 7 26,04,6,,,, O1 2 3 26,04,6 I2T 2 5 19,,29,,19 O2T 2 3 19,29,19 I3T 5 3 a9b8,a4918,a9168 O3T None
2 3 19,29,19
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 2 7, O0 1 1 7 I1 2 6 15,,65,,16, O1 2 3 15,65,16 I2 6 2 a046a9,949b4 O2 5 2 a0469,949a4 I3 7 2 9,e39 O3 2 2 9,39 I4T 3 8 7,757,,947,a94,7a4,747,547 O4T 3 8 7,757,,497,a94,7a4,747,547 I5T 3 5 2,023,,030,237 O5T None
3 7 7,757,947,a94,7a4,747,547
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O2T, predict image
I0 3 7 a25,205,252,a21,,202, O0 3 5 a25,205,252,a21,202 I1 7 8 8,,d898,,,c89a8,, O1 4 3 8,a898,89a8 I2T 8 2 4f2,b25c2 O2T 8 2 4f2,b25c2
4 2 4b2,a252
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 3 7 070,170,370,070,370,3a0, O0 3 6 070,170,370,070,370,3a0 I1 7 7 65d0,06a1b0,0650a10,a06c0,0,, O1 6 5 65c0,06a1a0,065010,a06b0,0 I2 2 8 24,,,4,2,4,2,42 O2 2 6 24,4,2,4,2,42 I3T 8 7 f82,,,e820,a82b828,8628b38,82a3c8 O3T None
7 5 e82,d820,a82a828,8628a38,82a3b8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 7 76d5,56d5,,6e5,,5, O0 3 4 765,565,6a5,5 I1 7 7 74d8,84d8,14d8,1e8,,8, O1 3 5 748,848,148,1a8,8 I2T 7 2 54d5,4a5a0a5 O2T None I3T 4 4 65a6,,a656, O3T None
4 2 65a6,a656
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 2 b2b6a7,5a6b2a8 O0 4 2 a267,5628 I1 2 6 14,8,,96,,1 O1 2 4 14,8,96,1 I2 2 7 26,,24,39,,9,69 O2 2 5 26,24,39,9,69 I3T 3 8 161,,536,506,013,134,341,a31 O3T 3 8 161,1a6,351,506,014,1a3,341,a31
3 7 161,536,506,013,134,341,a31
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 5 6 b787,c75,,b7a5,b150,a7a47 O0 4 5 a787,b75,a7a5,a150,7a47 I1 6 4 a53b5,b5392,,c595 O1 5 3 53b5,a5392,b595 I2T 6 2 c8a7,6a7a60 O2T None I3T 6 2 a74a24,7d0 O3T None
5 2 b8a7,67a60
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 7 2 82d6,c39a7 O0 5 2 82b6,b397 I1 6 6 2,a23b2,b2a32,2d7,2, O1 5 5 2,a23a2,b232,2c7,2 I2 6 7 3,b31a3,,3a6b1,b3913,3a0313,b3a03 O2 5 6 3,a31a3,36b1,a3913,30313,a3a03 I3T 8 4 9a353b9,9a459b3,e0a6,a9a096a9 O3T None I4T 2 8 64,6,,62,92,43,63,6 O4T 2 8 64,6,,62,42,93,63,6
2 7 64,6,62,92,43,63,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 2 8 8,94,4,,30,,40,90 O0 2 6 8,94,4,30,40,90 I1 4 6 8,,4b8,8,, O1 2 3 8,48,8 I2 2 6 42,,,36,06,09 O2 2 4 42,36,06,09 I3T 7 2 0,a07c0 O3T None I4T 3 4 320,2,052, O4T None
3 2 0,070
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 3 7 253,259,a65,,,,5 O0 3 4 253,259,a65,5 I1 7 2 8,56a56a5 O1 5 2 8,56565 I2 2 2 0, O2 1 1 0 I3 8 3 d2a02,a28a0532,28c492 O3 7 3 c2a02,a280532,28b492 I4T 5 6 83b8,823a8,2a838,2c8,8, O4T None I5T 6 2 2a9b2,b29a2 O5T 4 2 29a2,a292
4 2 29a2,a292
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 6 8 8,,8b9a8,b8796,c868,b81a8,a86818,8c21 O0 6 7 8,8b9a8,b8796,c868,b81a8,a86818,8c21 I1 6 2 8a7b5,7a5626 O1 5 2 87b5,75626 I2 2 8 3,,,,,,, O2 1 1 3 I3 7 7 9,,,93d9,a935b9,c95a9,d959 O3 7 5 9,93d9,a935b9,c95a9,d959 I4T 5 2 a97a1,b139 O4T None
4 2 97a1,a139
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 7 4 a4858a2,a5a42a5,b8a151,b58585 O0 6 4 4858a2,5a42a5,a8a151,a58585 I1 6 2 a6b26,82c6 O1 4 2 a626,82a6 I2 2 3 2,, O2 1 1 2 I3 4 5 a707,,,, O3 3 1 707 I4T 2 7 57,,27,26,65,8,7 O4T None I5T 4 2 7,3b4 O5T None
2 6 57,27,26,65,8,7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O2T, predict image
I0 8 2 b9c19,9 O0 3 2 919,9 I1 2 8 65,63,93,97,9,2,95, O1 2 7 65,63,93,97,9,2,95 I2T 5 6 c81,b831,a8638,a5768,a8b9,8 O2T 5 6 a8618,b831,b838,a5768,a8b9,8 I3T 7 2 a27a292,17b929 O3T None
4 6 b81,a831,8638,5768,8b9,8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 7 e929,,,,9,, O0 3 2 929,9 I1 2 2 1, O1 1 1 1 I2 6 2 59a8a9,2d6 O2 4 2 5989,2b6 I3T 2 7 25,28,,08,02,97,47 O3T 2 6 25,28,08,02,97,47 I4T 6 4 65a1a4,5601a5,863b5,5a8b5 O4T None
2 6 25,28,08,02,97,47
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 2 4 24,28,8, O0 2 3 24,28,8 I1 5 4 2,a2898,b298,a82a8 O1 4 4 2,2898,a298,82a8 I2 5 7 0,601a0,061a0,6a010,b010,0, O2 5 6 0,601a0,061a0,6a010,b010,0 I3 5 2 a6460,a6a04 O3 4 2 6460,6a04 I4T 2 8 2,,,,21,,,2 O4T None I5T 5 2 8a5a1,8b21 O5T 4 2 85a1,8a21
4 2 85a1,8a21
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 2 8 6,,62,72,62,64,6, O0 2 6 6,62,72,62,64,6 I1 8 6 c6a8a4,a4a8c4,a8e4,a43d4,4,e404 O1 6 6 b68a4,4a8b4,8d4,43c4,4,c404 I2 5 4 c40,a40a4,4,a4040 O2 4 4 b40,40a4,4,4040 I3T 4 2 1b7,b13 O3T 3 2 1a7,a13
3 2 1a7,a13
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 8 5b6,b26,8262,6824,6864,b64,, O0 4 6 5b6,b26,8262,6824,6864,b64 I1 8 8 341d3,a13b1a3,35a1a3a1,35432b3,a352c3,a32d3,32e3,3 O1 7 8 341c3,a13b13,35a1a31,35432a3,a352b3,a32c3,32d3,3 I2 8 2 b8a5b8,4a2a4a54 O2 5 2 a85a8,42454 I3T 2 8 51,68,61,62,56,46,,1 O3T None I4T 6 8 0,,,,b08a0,,,d08 O4T 4 3 0,08a0,b08
4 3 0,08a0,b08
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 3 a4a7a4,4, O0 3 2 474,4 I1 3 8 414,,,4,,,, O1 3 2 414,4 I2 5 4 3,1,a3a93,3 O2 3 4 3,1,393,3 I3 5 2 b1a3,2a141 O3 4 2 a1a3,2141 I4T 2 8 6,,70,,60,06,,07 O4T None
2 5 6,70,60,06,07
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 7 3 a3d5,a37a3a2,3 O0 4 3 3b5,3732,3 I1 6 8 3,d63,01a363,30a363,301a36,,a30a36,a30b3 O1 6 7 3,d63,01a363,30a363,301a36,a30a36,a30b3 I2 8 5 3f1,0138c3,a318c3,a3c8a3,b39c3 O2 6 5 3d1,0138a3,a318a3,a3b83,b39a3 I3 6 3 a36a73,73b65,a63b6 O3 5 3 a3673,73a65,a63a6 I4T 3 4 1,a12,a13, O4T 2 3 1,12,13
2 3 1,12,13
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 3 8 959,,925,a91,912,a92,192,696 O0 3 7 959,925,a91,912,a92,192,696 I1 6 2 6a1b6,b6b1 O1 3 2 616,a61 I2T 7 2 c4040,c4b9 O2T None I3T 7 2 a480a10,904b80 O3T None
6 2 a48010,904a80
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 3 7,7b9,7 O0 2 3 7,79,7 I1 6 2 7a5a35,5a3810 O1 5 2 75a35,53810 I2 4 8 0b4,0,,,,,, O2 2 2 04,0 I3 4 5 5242,58a4,5842,5282, O3 4 4 5242,58a4,5842,5282 I4T 7 3 2a9b70,7e9,929c4 O4T 5 3 2a970,72b9,b9a4 I5T 8 3 3,, O5T None
5 3 2a970,7c9,929a4
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 5 4 4,47b9,47b4,4 O0 3 4 4,479,474,4 I1 6 4 3,c353,a31a53,a1c9 O1 5 4 3,b353,31a53,1c9 I2 2 6 14,54,,98,5,05 O2 2 5 14,54,98,5,05 I3 7 3 a4d0,a0a47a0,d8a7 O3 4 3 4b0,0470,b87 I4T 3 2 a74,4 O4T 2 2 74,4
2 2 74,4
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 4 94e9,95e9,959d3,9a5d9 O0 4 4 94a9,95a9,9593,9a59 I1 6 2 b2b3,2b952 O1 5 2 a2b3,2a952 I2 6 7 5,,4d5,54c5,54a2a5,a54525,51a012 O2 6 6 5,4d5,54c5,54a2a5,a54525,51a012 I3 7 3 e42,b42487,2a42a47 O3 6 3 d42,a42487,242a47 I4T 3 8 7,,a78,,787,7a8,787,7 O4T 3 8 7,,a78,,787,7a8,787,7 I5T 6 3 d05,a02b0,b02a0 O5T None
3 6 7,a78,787,7a8,787,7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 2 4b8b34,c3a0a8 O0 5 2 48a34,a30a8 I1 2 7 5,17,61,01,,1,15 O1 2 6 5,17,61,01,1,15 I2 2 8 31,32,3,,13,,23,0 O2 2 6 31,32,3,13,23,0 I3T 6 3 6075a6,0607a5,6d0 O3T 5 3 60756,a6075,0
5 3 60756,06075,6c0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O5T
I0 7 3 d030,0, O0 3 2 030,0 I1 6 8 58a585,1853a8,1d5,01a5a8,,821b5,831b5,8b585 O1 6 7 58a585,1853a8,1d5,01a5a8,821b5,831b5,8b585 I2 2 2 95, O2 2 1 95 I3 8 3 81d81,a8d18,a81d8 O3 5 3 81a81,a8a18,a81a8 I4T 3 7 054,404,,a40,4,,a40 O4T None I5T 6 2 951b5,091b9 O5T None
4 2 9515,0919
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O3T
I0 5 4 0b30,3a0a3,b303,c30 O0 4 4 0a30,30a3,a303,b30 I1 4 6 1,,,,, O1 1 1 1 I2 2 4 70,20,92, O2 2 3 70,20,92 I3T 7 3 0,c0a30,0b3b0 O3T 7 3 0,a030a30,0303b0 I4T 2 7 34,,14,73,,, O4T None
4 3 0,a030,03a0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O5T
I0 2 5 75,71,10,20, O0 2 4 75,71,10,20 I1 6 2 7,d67 O1 2 2 7,67 I2 7 4 e85,c8a78,a8a74a8,a7d8 O2 5 4 c85,a8a78,874a8,7c8 I3 2 3 75,19, O3 2 2 75,19 I4T 7 2 4e9,b76b5 O4T None I5T 2 7 2,,,,9,28,2 O5T 2 4 2,9,28,2
2 4 2,9,28,2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 7 3 9a6c9,b9a1a9,a9c82 O0 6 3 9a6b9,b91a9,a9b82 I1 3 8 4,,,414,4,a41,,4 O1 3 5 4,414,4,a41,4 I2T 8 7 3,,,,,, O2T None
1 1 3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 2 5 81,5,18,21, O0 2 4 81,5,18,21 I1 7 2 b6c2,b0b96 O1 3 2 6a2,096 I2 2 4 06,,0,38 O2 2 3 06,0,38 I3 4 6 3b6,63a6,a636,b63,6, O3 4 5 3b6,63a6,a636,b63,6 I4T 6 7 1d3,31c3,a31b3,b39a3,3a9b3,9d3,3 O4T 6 7 3,a1c3,a31b3,b39a3,3a9b3,9d3,3 I5T 5 7 251a2,25b2,25212,25b2,,, O5T None
5 7 1c3,31b3,a31a3,b393,3a9a3,9c3,3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 7 2 b5b65,b2a670 O0 4 2 5a65,2670 I1 2 5 42,,,52,42 O1 2 3 42,52,42 I2T 6 3 d08,0b292,a4a242 O2T 6 3 d08,0d2,a4a294 I3T 3 4 3a9,9,, O3T None
5 3 c08,0a292,a4242
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 7 7 1,,,,,, O0 1 1 1 I1 3 3 a02,2, O1 2 2 02,2 I2 3 6 2a8,208,a08,a78,8, O2 3 5 2a8,208,a08,a78,8 I3 6 7 4,,9d4,69c4,49c4,469b4,4649a4 O3 5 6 4,9c4,69b4,49b4,469a4,46494 I4T 7 2 40a4b3,a3d0 O4T None I5T 5 6 0,,09b0,09a09,0, O5T 4 4 0,09a0,0909,0
4 4 0,09a0,0909,0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O4T
I0 3 5 064,,a46,a06,a40 O0 3 4 064,a46,a06,a40 I1 2 8 5,,45,5,,,, O1 2 3 5,45,5 I2 8 6 b0a5b0,e9a0,a095c0,0,, O2 6 4 a0a5a0,d90,095b0,0 I3 6 6 a7a0a7,1d7,a070a7,0d7,a71b7,7070a7 O3 5 6 a7a07,1c7,a0707,0c7,a71a7,70707 I4T 6 3 7a4b9,7a5a35,578a58 O4T None
5 3 7a4a9,7a535,57858
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 5 8 4,,a49a4,40a45,a4045,49045,47404,41404 O0 5 7 4,a49a4,40a45,a4045,49045,47404,41404 I1 8 3 a524c7,589548a5,a5a197a5 O1 7 3 a524b7,5895485,a5a1975 I2 5 2 a85a8,8 O2 3 2 858,8 I3T 7 7 a7a6b7,a3a76a7,a73b70,b76307,b72a67,c72a7,7 O3T 6 7 7a6b7,3a76a7,73b70,b7607,a73a67,a72b7,c727 I4T 6 5 a58b5,c585,b5852,b5a25,a8c5 O4T None
6 7 7a6b7,3a76a7,73b70,a76307,a72a67,b72a7,7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 5 5 a6a56,a6a54,,a6a57,b306 O0 4 4 6a56,6a54,6a57,a306 I1 5 8 5,,,,,0b53,5a053,b573 O1 4 4 5,0a53,5053,a573 I2T 3 2 6,a61 O2T None I3T 2 7 46,,06,,40,, O3T 2 7 46,,06,,40,,
2 3 46,06,40
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 4 8 09a5,3095,a359,b35,,a343,,5343 O0 4 6 09a5,3095,a359,b35,a343,5343 I1 8 2 2c4a31,7361c6 O1 7 2 2c431,7361b6 I2 2 4 09,03,06, O2 2 3 09,03,06 I3T 2 7 21,20,23,76,96,,16 O3T 2 7 21,20,26,73,96,,16
2 6 21,20,23,76,96,16
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 3 5 5,,,, O0 1 1 5 I1 5 8 47454,57b4,7b47,7c4,7b47,4,,47b4 O1 5 7 47454,57b4,7b47,7c4,7b47,4,47b4 I2 7 4 a8d5,b595a8,a585945,b8a545 O2 6 4 8d5,a595a8,585945,a8a545 I3 6 7 3,,d31,c313,a3a1a3,31c3,1d3 O3 5 6 3,c31,b313,a31a3,31b3,1c3 I4T 7 8 2,,a21c2,b21b2,b12a12,b2a141,2, O4T 6 6 2,21c2,a21b2,1a2a12,2a1241,b21a2
6 6 2,21c2,a21b2,a12a12,a2a141,2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 7 8 94d9,a94c9,,d979,a95a979,a9567a9,9a6c9,9 O0 7 7 94d9,a94c9,d979,a95a979,a9567a9,9a6c9,9 I1 5 2 a7a62,b2a8 O1 4 2 7a62,a2a8 I2T 5 5 b2a7,,82b0,29078,797a2 O2T None I3T 7 3 4e7,7a4c7,7 O3T 7 3 7,b4c7,7
3 3 4a7,747,7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 4 8 04a0,0140,0810,,3901,0951,9b0,a3a0 O0 4 7 04a0,0140,0810,3901,0951,9b0,a3a0 I1 7 6 3,b3a8a3,c3b1,3b17a3,c3473,d373 O1 6 6 3,a3a8a3,b3b1,3a17a3,b3473,c373 I2T 6 2 5b0a9,561b2 O2T 5 2 5b09,561a2 I3T 2 2 8,9 O3T None
5 2 5b09,561a2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 3 8 0,,,,,,, O0 1 1 0 I1 6 2 7a5243,9a3502 O1 5 2 75243,93502 I2 2 5 98,48,,84,82 O2 2 4 98,48,84,82 I3 6 3 5c29,5b293,d23 O3 4 3 5a29,5293,b23 I4T 3 7 5a6,,,,,1a6,6 O4T None I5T 8 3 85a84b8,d8a43,83a2b84 O5T None
6 3 8584a8,c843,832a84
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 3 6 6a8,a68,6a5,,5,252 O0 3 5 6a8,a68,6a5,5,252 I1 8 2 16e1,215452a1 O1 7 2 16d1,2154521 I2T 4 6 b38,8,,,, O2T 4 6 b38,8,,,, I3T 6 4 b8b7,b72a7,7,a72727 O3T None
2 2 38,8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 3 3 9,, O0 1 1 9 I1 3 2 4a8,9a4 O1 2 2 48,94 I2 6 8 0,,d04,c040,b0410,0,, O2 4 5 0,b04,a040,0410,0 I3T 2 5 56,,,54,59 O3T None I4T 5 2 1c7,a0a90 O4T None
2 3 56,54,59
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 6 2 0a5b4,b4b0 O0 3 2 054,a40 I1 2 2 90, O1 2 1 90 I2 3 3 428,,148 O2 3 2 428,148 I3T 3 6 a68,986,268,,629,a89 O3T 3 6 a68,986,268,,829,698
3 5 a68,986,268,629,a89
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 7 b87c8,c87b8,c87a48,d8784,c8b78,8b7a878,c8c0 O0 7 7 a87c8,b87b8,b87a48,c8784,b8b78,8a7a878,b8c0 I1 3 7 8,,8a1,8,,, O1 2 3 8,81,8 I2 7 2 d946,a8a4a94 O2 5 2 b946,84a94 I3T 2 4 49,,45, O3T None I4T 4 7 b37,,a373,,,37a3, O4T None
2 2 49,45
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 2 6 08,,78,32,7,37 O0 2 5 08,78,32,7,37 I1 7 5 8,a0d8,8,0c808,c8b0 O1 6 5 8,a0c8,8,0b808,b8b0 I2 6 3 a404a0,a4a714,a7a0a4 O2 5 3 404a0,4a714,7a0a4 I3 3 7 9a7,170,,750,730,530,571 O3 3 6 9a7,170,750,730,530,571 I4T 8 8 b17c1,b157b1,b1517a1,a15a1a61,a1b6b1,a75a10a1,a17a0b1,1 O4T None I5T 8 3 b9a3a53,3c5b3,a5e3 O5T None
6 3 b9353,3b5a3,a5c3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 4 a75d6,653d6,a65d6,b65c6 O0 5 4 a75a6,653a6,a65a6,b656 I1 4 3 7,, O1 1 1 7 I2 3 8 612,8a7,856,268,,682,686,1 O2 3 7 612,8a7,856,268,682,686,1 I3 8 2 a02c36,60a8c6 O3 6 2 a02a36,60a8a6 I4T 8 3 e272,d2b6,2a7a9b2 O4T 6 3 b27a2,272b6,a29b2
6 3 c272,b2b6,279b2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O5T, predict image
I0 2 8 7,74,75,,,15,58,7 O0 2 6 7,74,75,15,58,7 I1 6 2 098b3,3b9a3 O1 5 2 098a3,3b93 I2 2 8 98,96,69,09,,06,08,86 O2 2 7 98,96,69,09,06,08,86 I3 3 5 930,a30,,a18,a38 O3 3 4 930,a30,a18,a38 I4T 4 2 2,28a2 O4T None I5T 3 8 1,a14,101,491,191,101,,1 O5T 3 7 1,a14,101,491,191,101,1
3 7 1,a14,101,491,191,101,1
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O2T
I0 4 8 a6a8,,68a4,8698,a291,a891,8698,68a6 O0 4 7 a6a8,68a4,8698,a291,a891,8698,68a6 I1 6 3 1a26a1,1a26a7,a16b2 O1 5 3 1a261,1a267,a16a2 I2T 6 2 d08,9c18 O2T 6 2 d08,9c18
3 2 a08,918
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 2 2 2,0 O0 1 2 2,0 I1 2 7 04,,,,08,7, O1 2 3 04,08,7 I2 8 2 6a48c4,a465a464 O2 7 2 6a48b4,a465464 I3 3 3 6,603, O3 3 2 6,603 I4T 3 4 298,,2a9,a42 O4T 3 3 298,2a9,a42
3 3 298,2a9,a42
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O2T
I0 2 8 71,2,13,,,,3,13 O0 2 5 71,2,13,3,13 I1 7 5 a9a1b9,c9a39,b94a93,9,c93a9 O1 6 5 9a1b9,b9a39,a94a93,9,b93a9 I2T 5 5 a6a06,a63a6,a6396,6, O2T None
4 4 6a06,63a6,6396,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 8 2 b0d8,04a0a140 O0 7 2 b0c8,04a0140 I1 3 7 030,,131,163,167,060, O1 3 5 030,131,163,167,060 I2 3 7 181,481,415,a15,160,,7a0 O2 3 6 181,481,415,a15,160,7a0 I3 4 7 5345,a545,a495,4985,,9383, O3 4 5 5345,a545,a495,4985,9383 I4T 5 6 1,,,a10a1,b1a0,b101 O4T None I5T 7 6 9,,,a742a49,a972b9,9 O5T 7 6 9,,a92c9,979b49,7972b9,9
5 4 9,74249,972a9,9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 8 4 75c232,25e2,f82,6323c2 O0 7 4 75b232,25d2,e82,6323b2 I1 6 3 a67b6,167b6,6 O1 4 3 a676,1676,6 I2 2 2 4, O2 1 1 4 I3T 2 8 45,57,37,97,,,9,53 O3T 2 8 45,57,37,97,,,9,53
2 6 45,57,37,97,9,53
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 2 a482,a842 O0 3 2 482,842 I1 2 7 75,5,57,,91,79,59 O1 2 6 75,5,57,91,79,59 I2 7 6 5,,c53a5,54a5354,a543841,a54a540 O2 7 5 5,c53a5,54a5354,a543841,a54a540 I3T 6 8 7b171,7c17,a10417,710417,,713471,173267,7a21a7 O3T None
6 7 7b171,7c17,a10417,710417,713471,173267,7a21a7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 2 4 92,,, O0 2 1 92 I1 4 2 a162,a6a5 O1 3 2 162,6a5 I2 2 4 74,16,61, O2 2 3 74,16,61 I3T 7 2 b659a5,9d85 O3T 7 2 b6a595,9d85
6 2 a659a5,9c85
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 3 62b6576,686b506,8e56 O0 7 3 62a6576,686a506,8d56 I1 4 2 1b6,a4a7 O1 3 2 1a6,a47 I2 2 5 18,98,18,8, O2 2 4 18,98,18,8 I3T 7 2 20b5a2,a59b69 O3T None I4T 8 4 c52b5,,b5a3b5,5 O4T None
4 3 a525,5a35,5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 2 4 0,70,, O0 2 2 0,70 I1 8 2 c9a0a9,2b0c9 O1 4 2 a909,20a9 I2 4 2 40a4, O2 3 1 404 I3 8 4 3,,, O3 1 1 3 I4T 6 3 a8a484,a4a8a4,4 O4T None I5T 5 2 a03a0,74b0 O5T 5 2 a03a0,74b0
4 2 a030,74a0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 3 7 196,916,163,,161,6a1, O0 3 5 196,916,163,161,6a1 I1 7 3 c3a73,a3a1537,31b8a3 O1 6 3 b3a73,a31537,31a8a3 I2 3 8 2a3,a30,370,373,a27,237,232, O2 3 7 2a3,a30,370,373,a27,237,232 I3 8 2 5a4b2a5,5d7a5 O3 4 2 5425,5a75 I4T 2 6 72,,,71,,20 O4T 2 6 72,,,71,,20 I5T 4 2 4,4a84 O5T None
2 3 72,71,20
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 7 3 a2a9853,a9a0851,90a9a19 O0 6 3 a29853,a90851,909a19 I1 7 5 1a3c6,3a81a41,141b81,1,e10 O1 6 5 1a3b6,3a8141,141a81,1,d10 I2 5 4 4c9,4,, O2 2 2 49,4 I3T 8 3 a82a5825,85c825,2a8b0a8 O3T 8 3 a8525825,5d825,2a8b0a8 I4T 3 7 3a9,a39,945,,954,,5a9 O4T None
7 3 a825825,85b825,2a8a0a8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 8 3 c31b3,a7a61a83,36c075 O0 7 3 b31b3,a761a83,36b075 I1 3 4 2,,, O1 1 1 2 I2 7 2 8a27b8,b4b28 O2 5 2 827a8,a4a28 I3 7 4 a92a989,a98a482,b4a582,29b289 O3 6 4 a92989,a98482,b4582,29a289 I4T 2 6 9,43,49,,40,60 O4T None I5T 5 8 9a1a9,a9469,,a9643,a9649,96a94,,6c9 O5T 5 6 9a1a9,a9469,a9463,a9649,96a94,6c9
5 6 9a1a9,a9469,a9643,a9649,96a94,6c9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 2 8 3,37,3,,,,, O0 2 3 3,37,3 I1 6 3 c7a8,8a7878,8b787 O1 5 3 b7a8,87878,8a787 I2 8 2 9,a9a2c5 O2 3 2 9,925 I3T 2 8 5,50,20,,12,21,, O3T None I4T 7 2 7a80a70,b84070 O4T None
2 5 5,50,20,12,21
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 2 6 51,53,01,05,01, O0 2 5 51,53,01,05,01 I1 7 3 1863a86,386b36,61a6b8 O1 6 3 186386,386a36,61a6a8 I2T 8 3 717d2,7b25a27,21712b7 O2T 7 3 717c2,7c257,21712a7
7 3 717c2,7b2527,21712a7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O5T, predict image
I0 2 8 6,,,69,,,,6 O0 2 3 6,69,6 I1 6 3 a45a45,b54a3,b5b7 O1 5 3 45a45,a54a3,a5b7 I2 3 4 197,,837,5 O2 3 3 197,837,5 I3 2 6 08,06,,,6, O3 2 3 08,06,6 I4T 6 4 87c8,79c8,7b898,a8b92 O4T None I5T 8 3 50a8a3a0,62a306a0,f90 O5T 7 3 528a3a0,60306a0,e90
7 3 508a3a0,62306a0,e90
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O5T, predict image
I0 4 8 7878,,b87,8a78,,7587,a858,a757 O0 4 6 7878,b87,8a78,7587,a858,a757 I1 8 3 a6b27a2,2d682,e2a6 O1 6 3 a627a2,2b682,c2a6 I2 2 6 9,,97,1,73,96 O2 2 5 9,97,1,73,96 I3 8 2 e030,a0e7 O3 4 2 a030,0b7 I4T 6 2 3b532,23a053 O4T None I5T 2 7 9,,,,09,9, O5T 2 7 9,,,,09,9,
2 3 9,09,9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 3 6 a28,2a7,872,0a7,,072 O0 3 5 a28,2a7,872,0a7,072 I1 6 5 15c1,1a91a0,2a18a1,1918a1,a18b1 O1 5 5 15b1,1a910,2a181,19181,a18a1 I2 2 6 54,,,4,84,4 O2 2 4 54,4,84,4 I3 3 2 3a0,0a7 O3 2 2 30,07 I4T 8 4 c48b4,d48a4,,4 O4T 4 3 48a4,a484,4
4 3 48a4,a484,4
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 8 8 f12,,e102,d1821,c10181,b1a2681,b20a181,1 O0 6 7 d12,c102,b1821,a10181,1a2681,20a181,1 I1 2 3 98,, O1 2 1 98 I2T 4 3 a626,,a8a6 O2T None I3T 2 7 28,,8,28,,, O3T None
3 2 626,8a6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O2T
I0 4 8 05a8,8580,8280,,5290,a820,8a70,5850 O0 4 7 05a8,8580,8280,5290,a820,8a70,5850 I1 6 6 b20a2,5a20a2,2a5082,b2582,2, O1 5 5 a20a2,520a2,25082,a2582,2 I2T 8 4 f10,e101,,d10a1 O2T None I3T 7 6 6,a6b9a6,c68a6,6,, O3T None
4 3 b10,a101,10a1
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O2T, predict image
I0 6 3 a4b60,04b50,a1a654 O0 5 3 a4a60,04a50,a1654 I1 3 7 a47,,,417,a47,487,4a8 O1 3 5 a47,417,a47,487,4a8 I2T 3 8 383,784,487,783,,713,314,a38 O2T 3 7 383,784,487,873,713,314,a38
3 7 383,784,487,783,713,314,a38
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 5 87c8,a8a780,9c10,c8a0,a8b20 O0 5 5 87b8,a8780,9b10,b8a0,a8a20 I1 6 2 a194a1,a539a8 O1 4 2 1941,5398 I2 6 7 b21a2,b2124,,b21a4,b2124,a92124,c214 O2 5 6 a21a2,a2124,a21a4,a2124,92124,b214 I3 5 2 b165,3a264 O3 4 2 a165,3264 I4T 4 6 1,,1031,13a1,13a0,3a14 O4T 4 6 1,10a1,a131,13a1,a130,3014 I5T 6 3 d23,c232,2 O5T None
4 5 1,1031,13a1,13a0,3a14
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 3 8 2,,,3a2,a23,2,232,2 O0 3 6 2,3a2,a23,2,232,2 I1 8 6 4,d4704,d4047,a40740a4,b4a0b4,c40474 O1 7 6 4,c4704,c4047,40740a4,a4a0b4,b40474 I2 5 5 63b6,b3a6,a63a6,36b3,363a6 O2 4 5 63a6,b36,a636,36a3,3636 I3 8 3 5e69,7c5b9,97919a59 O3 7 3 5d69,7c5a9,9791959 I4T 4 7 a0a9,4,98a9,,9,, O4T 3 4 a09,4,989,9
3 4 a09,4,989,9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a