200 values
3 values
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 5 7 0,,,b061,,a0a69,c09 O0 4 4 0,a061,0a69,b09 I1 3 6 385,a53,563,535,, O1 3 4 385,a53,563,535 I2 6 2 9b6a9,a81b9 O2 5 2 9b69,a81a9 I3T 2 3 71,26, O3T 2 3 71,26, I4T 3 6 a89,8,9a8,8,,1a8 O4T None
2 2 71,26
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 5 4 1a4a1,5a191,5b10,5a010 O0 4 4 14a1,5191,5a10,5010 I1 6 5 a32b3,52c3,5d3,3, O1 4 4 a323,52a3,5b3,3 I2 5 6 9,a91a9,91b9,,9, O2 4 4 9,a919,91a9,9 I3 6 2 6d8,6053a5 O3 5 2 6c8,60535 I4T 5 2 218a1,a05a3 O4T None I5T 2 7 3,,36,,,, O5T 2 2 3,36
2 2 3,36
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 8 2 a58b545,5a4d5 O0 6 2 a58545,5a4b5 I1 7 2 965c7,a6069a0 O1 6 2 965b7,a60690 I2 2 7 6,,,86,68,6, O2 2 4 6,86,68,6 I3 2 3 5,, O3 1 1 5 I4T 5 7 b939,a9439,b7a9,9,,, O4T None I5T 6 3 d49,48a497,4b854 O5T 5 3 c49,a4897,4a854
5 3 c49,48497,4a854
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 7 5 7,a7a3b7,75d7,7c3a9,7 O0 5 5 7,a73a7,75b7,7b39,7 I1 2 6 31,4,31,1,, O1 2 4 31,4,31,1 I2T 4 7 3,4b3,a4a3,4a31,3,,a343 O2T None I3T 7 3 5a9b59,b58585,b075a9 O3T 6 3 59b59,a5a8a5,a075a9
6 3 59b59,a58585,a075a9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 3 90e9,a9091b9,19e6 O0 6 3 90c9,a90919,19c6 I1 3 2 1a9, O1 2 1 19 I2 3 3 3,5a0,8a0 O2 2 3 3,50,80 I3 8 5 6d9a1,6b17b1,21a7c1,1d7a1,7f1 O3 6 5 6c91,6a17a1,217b1,1c71,7d1 I4T 7 7 d5a1,5,,e51,a5a1b5,15a1515,5 O4T None I5T 4 8 0,02a0,2b0,,,0,, O5T None
6 6 c5a1,5,d51,a51b5,151515,5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 7 4b2a910,4a2b120,2b1a0a1,2a12a192,2b12950,2a109202,c2a020 O0 7 7 4a2a910,42b120,2a1a0a1,212a192,2a12950,2109202,b2a020 I1 4 2 3a43,4b3 O1 3 2 343,4a3 I2 4 6 b56,6561,18a5,a585,,1a51 O2 4 5 b56,6561,18a5,a585,1a51 I3T 3 7 0,,,,,, O3T None I4T 7 7 5,,,c53a5,b5a3a5,a53c5,5 O4T 7 7 5,,,c53a5,b5a3a5,a53c5,5
5 5 5,b535,a5a35,53b5,5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O4T
I0 3 7 a30,8,,308,858,083,3a8 O0 3 6 a30,8,308,858,083,3a8 I1 4 3 a7a2,b72,a272 O1 3 3 7a2,a72,272 I2 3 3 3a7,2a3,4a2 O2 2 3 37,23,42 I3 3 7 7,,234,737,,237,217 O3 3 5 7,234,737,237,217 I4T 7 5 7e5,57d5,,a57c5, O4T 7 5 7e5,57d5,,,a57c5 I5T 5 2 b7a6,a78a0 O5T None
4 3 7b5,57a5,a575
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 8 3,f34,,3a2c34,b3b234,3a0b342,b3a0242,b3a7a03 O0 6 7 3,d34,32b34,a3a234,30a342,a30242,a37a03 I1 3 6 468,963,964,6a4,,2a4 O1 3 5 468,963,964,6a4,2a4 I2 2 6 73,9,23,83,, O2 2 4 73,9,23,83 I3 8 6 4,,,d4a26,f40,e404 O3 4 4 4,4a26,b40,a404 I4T 3 8 6a9,a67,,6,676,6,696,769 O4T 3 7 6a9,6,a67,,6,696,769
3 7 6a9,a67,6,676,6,696,769
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 4 7 5,5b1,b53,,a535,, O0 4 4 5,5b1,b53,a535 I1 7 6 04d0,0606b0,c06a0,b06b0,a06c0,0 O1 6 6 04c0,0606a0,c060,b06a0,a06b0,0 I2 2 5 4,,,04,4 O2 2 3 4,04,4 I3 7 3 72c72,d7a9,97a9727 O3 6 3 72b72,c7a9,979727 I4T 3 7 3a4,324,729,,424,624, O4T 3 7 3a4,324,729,,424,624,264
3 5 3a4,324,729,424,624
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict image
I0 6 4 7b919,c409,94a019,90a919 O0 5 4 7a919,b409,94019,90919 I1 5 2 9a7a8,189a7 O1 4 2 9a78,1897 I2 2 8 09,04,94,9,49,,0, O2 2 6 09,04,94,9,49,0 I3 8 4 a763a767,a73b6a7,79c6a0,a6c5a7 O3 7 4 a763767,a73a6a7,79b6a0,a6b5a7 I4T 4 8 3284,3a24,8a24,,7a24,2a74,2a67,8398 O4T None I5T 7 6 4e0,d8a0,0a34b0,b0a340,d0a3,0 O5T None
6 6 4d0,c8a0,034b0,a0a340,c0a3,0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 7 3,,,,3a23,3b9,3 O0 3 4 3,323,3a9,3 I1 8 4 31a31a39,a1313a19,13a1b39,a3b1a31 O1 7 4 31a3139,a131319,13a1a39,a3b131 I2 7 8 2,c29a2,c2a90,b29270,b29272,a29c2,2, O2 6 7 2,b29a2,b2a90,a29270,a29272,29c2,2 I3T 8 8 d52a5,,d5a25,e525,1d525,d29a2,b2a5652,b526b5 O3T None I4T 3 6 9a6,a65,965,856,652, O4T 3 5 9a6,a65,865,956,562
3 5 9a6,a65,965,856,652
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 5 7 2,b9a2,2b92,2,9c2,2, O0 4 6 2,a9a2,2a92,2,9b2,2 I1 6 7 a5c6,5,,,,, O1 2 2 56,5 I2 8 3 0,a0a3c0,0 O2 3 3 0,030,0 I3 6 2 2d4,2 O3 2 2 24,2 I4T 2 7 58,65,5,52,65,67, O4T None
2 6 58,65,5,52,65,67
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O3T
I0 7 8 9,,c93a9,a95a3a9,95693a9,9,, O0 6 5 9,c939,a95a39,956939,9 I1 8 2 b4d3,a2a6a7a2 O1 5 2 a4b3,2a672 I2 3 5 a17,909,a94,714, O2 3 4 a17,909,a94,714 I3T 4 2 4a65,2a15 O3T 4 2 4a65,2a15 I4T 2 6 60,92,02,52,,96 O4T None
3 2 465,215
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 2 5a0b7a5,2a568652 O0 7 2 50b7a5,2568652 I1 2 5 3,21,,12,1 O1 2 4 3,21,12,1 I2 2 4 72,7,,72 O2 2 3 72,7,72 I3T 5 4 8,c85,8,8c5 O3T 3 4 8,a85,8,8a5 I4T 2 7 96,76,,,,46,96 O4T None
3 4 8,a85,8,8a5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O3T, predict image
I0 3 5 3a2,,8a3,9a3, O0 2 3 32,83,93 I1 2 5 67,76,8,87, O1 2 4 67,76,8,87 I2 5 2 a52a5,b5a2 O2 3 2 525,a52 I3T 8 3 a50a3b6,a6b5b6,61313a61 O3T None
7 3 a50a3a6,a6b5a6,6131361
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 2 7 6,53,13,58,,56,65 O0 2 6 6,53,13,58,56,65 I1 8 5 3,,b3a5b3,3a5d3,e8a3 O1 5 4 3,a35a3,35b3,c83 I2 5 7 2,c20,,b210,5a210,25a20,a21a2 O2 5 6 2,c20,b210,5a210,25a20,a21a2 I3 4 2 a624,a947 O3 3 2 624,947 I4T 8 8 1,b19c1,b1a9b1,a1369b1,a164c1,a16d1,164d1,16e1 O4T 8 8 1,b19c1,b1a9b1,a139c1,a1646b1,1a6d1,a14d1,16e1 I5T 2 3 19,,9 O5T None
6 8 1,b19a1,b1a91,a13691,a164a1,a16b1,164b1,16c1
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 4 a151,1,, O0 3 2 151,1 I1 7 4 0,07a4a20,09d7,0 O1 5 4 0,07420,09b7,0 I2 7 2 969b60,b62b0 O2 6 2 969a60,b62a0 I3T 2 6 97,19,17,,19, O3T None I4T 8 8 58e5,583d5,a58d5,a583c5,b58c5,,5, O4T None
2 4 97,19,17,19
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O2T, predict image
I0 6 4 01c0,,a059a3,a35b0 O0 5 3 01b0,a0593,a35a0 I1 7 2 a2a3b7,a3b672 O1 5 2 23b7,3a672 I2T 2 4 51,,30,73 O2T None I3T 2 4 85,,57, O3T None
2 3 51,30,73
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 4 8 1,,,,,,, O0 1 1 1 I1 2 6 61,41,,24,, O1 2 3 61,41,24 I2T 6 2 6,67c6 O2T None I3T 4 8 5,,56a5,,5a65,,5656,b56 O3T None
4 5 5,56a5,5a65,5656,b56
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 3 8 a21,576,5a4,4a2,,,a42,a29 O0 3 6 a21,576,5a4,4a2,a42,a29 I1 8 8 0f3,3,c30b3,3,e303,d3013,d3713,0f3 O1 6 8 0d3,3,a30b3,3,c303,b3013,b3713,0d3 I2 5 8 54a02,04b0,,242a0,04b0,042a0,24a05,542a0 O2 5 7 54a02,04b0,242a0,04b0,042a0,24a05,542a0 I3T 5 3 a1b5,a5958,b585 O3T 4 3 1b5,5958,a585
4 3 1b5,5958,a585
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 8 2 0c4b0,a0a8a401 O0 7 2 0b4b0,a08a401 I1 2 6 75,65,68,87,,7 O1 2 5 75,65,68,87,7 I2 8 4 c6b36,5a8b3a5,1a5a7b6,b6567a6 O2 7 4 b6b36,58b3a5,15a7b6,a6567a6 I3T 3 2 8a6,1 O3T None I4T 8 4 a0a1c0,07b3b0,47e0,0 O4T None
5 4 a01a0,07a30,47b0,0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 2 35a35,c01 O0 4 2 3535,b01 I1 8 8 4,,,,,,, O1 1 1 4 I2 8 4 7,c7c2,7b2c7,7 O2 3 4 7,a72,727,7 I3 7 4 e64,c6a26,a6a21a6,a65c6 O3 6 4 d64,b6a26,6a21a6,65c6 I4T 7 2 e42,d424 O4T None I5T 2 6 10,15,17,71,,26 O5T None
3 2 a42,424
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict image
I0 2 4 18,68,21, O0 2 3 18,68,21 I1 8 2 3201a7a5,5210a7a2 O1 6 2 320175,521072 I2T 2 6 96,,,6,86,9 O2T None I3T 3 8 a68,658,a28,658,168,a68,,138 O3T 3 8 a68,658,a28,658,168,a68,,138
3 7 a68,658,a28,658,168,a68,138
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O2T, predict image
I0 8 4 0,d0b4,a0a175a0,c07b0 O0 5 4 0,b0a4,01750,a07a0 I1 4 5 8,,a808,a8a2,89a2 O1 4 4 8,a808,a8a2,89a2 I2T 2 7 32,20,90,09,,9,74 O2T None
2 6 32,20,90,09,9,74
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 4 5 0,,01a0,,1b0 O0 3 3 0,010,1a0 I1 4 7 60a7,3a70,3507,,50a3,5036,07a4 O1 4 6 60a7,3a70,3507,50a3,5036,07a4 I2T 5 7 3,,,,,, O2T None
1 1 3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, O2T, predict image
I0 7 6 c2727,7c272,e27,27d2,a2a7272,7b2727 O0 6 6 b2727,7b272,d27,27c2,a27272,7a2727 I1 3 8 1,8a1,1,,a14,,140,161 O1 3 6 1,8a1,1,a14,140,161 I2T 6 2 a28b9,a89b1 O2T 6 2 a28b9,898b1 I3T 3 4 3,,, O3T None
3 2 289,891
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 4 9,b91a0,a981a9,9b7a0 O0 5 4 9,b910,a9819,9b70 I1 8 6 4f0,48e0,048d0,04e0,a04d0, O1 4 5 4b0,48a0,0480,04a0,a040 I2 4 8 4b0,0646,b40,46a8,,6869,a496,4694 O2 4 7 4b0,0646,b40,46a8,6869,a496,4694 I3T 8 2 7b9c1,c1c4 O3T None I4T 2 5 18,12,,18,2 O4T None
2 4 18,12,18,2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 7 5 2,,,, O0 1 1 2 I1 2 4 67,,1,51 O1 2 3 67,1,51 I2 3 3 851,a51, O2 3 2 851,a51 I3 8 4 9,a95a6a29,b932b9,9 O3 6 4 9,95a629,a932a9,9 I4T 6 3 7,a73b7,7 O4T 3 3 7,737,7 I5T 3 5 2,,a24,214,262 O5T None
3 3 7,737,7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 7 4 a72a373,a3b732,2e3,7a3a2a7 O0 6 4 a72373,a3a732,2d3,7a32a7 I1 4 5 3,a373,3532,3, O1 4 4 3,a373,3532,3 I2T 4 4 8,,, O2T 1 1 8
1 1 8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 4 4 4,,, O0 1 1 4 I1 8 3 a139b13,c5c0,9f1 O1 6 3 a13913,c5a0,9d1 I2 3 8 a19,,729,,1,0a1,,1 O2 3 5 a19,729,1,0a1,1 I3 2 3 72,,73 O3 2 2 72,73 I4T 3 2 a78,a47 O4T 2 2 78,47
2 2 78,47
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 2 5 91,,21,91,21 O0 2 4 91,21,91,21 I1 3 3 a71,5, O1 2 2 71,5 I2 3 7 787,738,783,378,,878,a87 O2 3 6 787,738,783,378,878,a87 I3 7 3 5e1,1a5c1,b15b1 O3 4 3 5b1,15a1,a151 I4T 3 6 8a3,839,309,,0a3,0 O4T 3 6 8a3,893,309,,a03,030 I5T 6 2 5, O5T None
3 5 8a3,839,309,0a3,0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 2 8 0,,06,40,,0,98,90 O0 2 6 0,06,40,0,98,90 I1 7 3 c1a01,9,1 O1 3 3 101,9,1 I2 7 2 a1a0474,76b173 O2 6 2 a10474,76a173 I3 2 8 76,08,07,78,,67,,86 O3 2 6 76,08,07,78,67,86 I4T 2 4 1,5,56, O4T None I5T 4 7 3,,a393,39a3,39a5,3, O5T 4 7 3,,a393,39a3,39a5,3,
4 5 3,a393,39a3,39a5,3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O2T
I0 6 2 b4a10,b01a0 O0 4 2 4a10,01a0 I1 2 7 7,,,17,03,, O1 2 3 7,17,03 I2T 2 8 7,17,57,74,,41,18,7 O2T 2 8 7,17,57,74,,41,17,78
2 7 7,17,57,74,41,18,7
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 6 2 a3a9a4,19c4 O0 4 2 a394,19a4 I1 7 4 a3d6,a636b1,a860232,c63a6 O1 6 4 3d6,636b1,860232,b63a6 I2 3 5 860,a16,1,,8a1 O2 3 4 860,a16,1,8a1 I3 6 3 30b30,b2b3,a41b3 O3 5 3 30a30,b2a3,a41a3 I4T 6 2 d75,1a9a89 O4T None
4 2 b75,1989
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 5 2 1a861,7c8 O0 4 2 1861,7b8 I1 2 6 79,,,31,,52 O1 2 3 79,31,52 I2 6 4 c3a5,a35a45,a53a54,a35a35 O2 5 4 b3a5,35a45,53a54,35a35 I3T 6 5 9,6b1a6,1a6a17,c687,7a0686 O3T None I4T 6 8 0,,,,,,, O4T None
5 5 9,6a1a6,16a17,b687,70686
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 3 2,, O0 1 1 2 I1 4 6 1439,3141,9405,1093,19a1, O1 4 5 1439,3141,9405,1093,19a1 I2 8 5 c50b5,d5b0,5,, O2 3 3 505,a50,5 I3 8 5 935d3,35b3969,a0b39a3,06c0a3,363b6a0 O3 7 5 935c3,35a3969,a0a39a3,06b0a3,363a6a0 I4T 4 2 b49,b24 O4T 4 2 b49,b24
2 2 49,24
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 2 8 36,43,42,,64,,,04 O0 2 5 36,43,42,64,04 I1 5 2 a9384,a4915 O1 4 2 9384,4915 I2T 7 4 45a46a1,6451b6,c9b1,b68b6 O2T 6 4 654641,a451a6,c9a1,b68a6
6 4 45a461,6451a6,c9a1,b68a6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 2 3e91,3f1 O0 3 2 391,3a1 I1 2 7 23,63,,3,36,65,62 O1 2 6 23,63,3,36,65,62 I2 8 2 b9c07,b7c37 O2 3 2 907,737 I3 2 3 95,07, O3 2 2 95,07 I4T 8 5 61a3c6,636a2b6,a6a9b53,c61a35,a1361b6 O4T 7 5 16a32a6,6362b6,a695953,c6135,a1361a6
7 5 61a3b6,636a2a6,a6a9a53,c6135,a1361a6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 2 c51a5,a51c5 O0 5 2 b515,51b5 I1 6 2 82b38,2b7a8 O1 5 2 82a38,2a7a8 I2 3 4 7a3,8,6a8, O2 2 3 73,8,68 I3 6 2 a1c2,28b18 O3 4 2 a1a2,2818 I4T 4 6 a121,,b12,8a12,7a12,7141 O4T 4 6 a121,,b12,8a12,7a12,7141 I5T 3 4 4,6a4,, O5T None
4 5 a121,b12,8a12,7a12,7141
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 5 6 5a383,95384,395a3,,39353,c35 O0 5 5 5a383,95384,395a3,39353,c35 I1 6 2 a0a4a8,3c13 O1 5 2 a04a8,3b13 I2T 8 5 2,,2a7b5a8,a2c842,a8a24b2 O2T 8 4 2,2a7a5858,82b8242,28a248a2
8 4 2,2a7b5a8,a2c842,a8a24b2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 7 4 5,c57a5,b5a7a5,b57b5 O0 4 4 5,a575,5a75,57a5 I1 6 4 a8a5a8,8b5a8,8d4,6d8 O1 4 4 a858,8a58,8b4,6b8 I2 4 8 b04,a040,,0,,,, O2 3 3 a04,040,0 I3T 2 6 5,47,87,60,,70 O3T 2 5 5,47,87,60,70 I4T 6 3 b96a9,9a06a9,a962a9 O4T None
2 5 5,47,87,60,70
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 5 8 a3a08,b383,,a38a3,38b3,,6c3, O0 5 5 a3a08,b383,a38a3,38b3,6c3 I1 7 4 3,e32,c3a23,a5a2b3 O1 4 4 3,b32,a323,52a3 I2T 2 4 94,9,1, O2T None I3T 5 2 43b0,932a5 O3T None
4 2 43a0,9325
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 5 b25,a252,2,, O0 3 3 a25,252,2 I1 5 8 a5725,b525,a5265,,52565,526a5,25657,a06a5 O1 5 7 a5725,b525,a5265,52565,526a5,25657,a06a5 I2 8 7 7,d72a7,a7a827a3,c2a372,a723a762,7, O2 7 6 7,c72a7,7a827a3,b2a372,723a762,7 I3 6 4 a2c8,28c2,a20b2,210b2 O3 4 4 a2a8,28a2,a202,2102 I4T 5 4 c28,b2a8,,c28 O4T 3 3 a28,2a8,a28 I5T 7 3 04b6a0,a6041a0,c01a0 O5T None
3 3 a28,2a8,a28
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 8 4 37c4a3,27a2b32,37d32,27b2b3 O0 7 4 37b4a3,272b32,37c32,27a2b3 I1 4 2 b51, O1 2 1 51 I2 7 2 5a047a5,9a4a979 O2 6 2 5047a5,94a979 I3T 4 8 3,,0b3,,,30a3,, O3T None I4T 7 3 a40a3a4,43b4a0,a40a3a0 O4T None
5 3 a4034,43a40,a4030
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 3 5 9,,,a92,9 O0 2 3 9,92,9 I1 5 8 a92a9,982a9,69196,91a91,91689,,96b9,918a6 O1 5 7 a92a9,982a9,69196,91a91,91689,96b9,918a6 I2T 7 3 c2a92,a2a61a2,2 O2T None I3T 6 7 6,,,,,a62b6,62c6 O3T 6 7 6,,,,,,6262a6
4 3 6,a626,62a6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 3 2 a94,2 O0 2 2 94,2 I1 4 7 a021,a010,,b03,3b0,1a01,0 O1 4 6 a021,a010,b03,3b0,1a01,0 I2 5 8 6,,,,,,, O2 1 1 6 I3T 4 8 1,,a191,1961,4161,4136,1516, O3T 4 8 1,,a191,1961,4161,1436,1516, I4T 8 5 3a435b3,535a3b5,8435a6a5,385935a0,a393a0a3 O4T None
4 6 1,a191,1961,4161,4136,1516
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 8 6 f16,e161,d16a1,d16a3,c163a1,1 O0 5 6 c16,b161,a16a1,a16a3,163a1,1 I1 8 8 6,,c69b6,a6b9b6,b69a2a6,a6a2c6,6, O1 6 6 6,b69a6,6b9a6,a69a26,6a2b6,6 I2T 8 4 5,b50a3a5,a0a3a8a5,a50b5a0 O2T None I3T 2 5 4,72,87,17, O3T None
2 4 4,72,87,17
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 5 a42c4,c41a4,e41,4, O0 6 4 42c4,b41a4,d41,4 I1 5 7 783a7,787a3,762a7,67237,626a7,,2c7 O1 5 6 783a7,787a3,762a7,67237,626a7,2c7 I2 7 3 b86b8,b36b8,a8b3a8 O2 5 3 a86a8,a36a8,8b38 I3 7 3 0a56050,b0c5,0 O3 6 3 056050,a0c5,0 I4T 3 3 404,4, O4T 3 3 404,4,
3 2 404,4
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O2T', predict the image
I0 4 7 6b9,6929,9429,9409,,4b9, O0 4 5 6b9,6929,9429,9409,4b9 I1 8 3 5,, O1 1 1 5 I2T 3 8 4,9a4,204,5a0,016,,142, O2T None I3T 8 2 a2c9a2,b2a0b2 O3T None
3 6 4,9a4,204,5a0,016,142
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 2 7 8,80,,,08,78, O0 2 4 8,80,08,78 I1 4 2 0,b08 O1 2 2 0,08 I2 2 8 79,,72,,79,,9, O2 2 4 79,72,79,9 I3 5 2 a7a17,a0a76 O3 3 2 717,076 I4T 7 8 8,86d8,,806c8,a83a9a8,832a898,83d8,3e8 O4T None I5T 7 2 a72a5a1,b5c0 O5T None
4 2 7251,a5a0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 2 5 92,7,56,6, O0 2 4 92,7,56,6 I1 4 5 3b9,93a9,9,, O1 3 3 3a9,939,9 I2 6 7 8,,c868,a809a8,a82a98,c898, O2 5 5 8,b868,809a8,82a98,b898 I3T 7 5 c59a5,5,,a589b5,a54c5 O3T None I4T 7 2 c1b7,14a7a18 O4T None
5 4 b595,5,589a5,54b5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 3 8 7,a75,,a70,,a74,,7 O0 2 5 7,75,70,74,7 I1 6 6 b01a0,,a0a480,a4a080,b0b7,0 O1 5 5 a01a0,0a480,4a080,a0b7,0 I2T 6 3 c242,a26b2,b27a2 O2T 6 3 b24a2,a26b2,b27a2
5 3 b242,26b2,a27a2
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 7 8 7,,b7a6a7,7a6c7,7,,, O0 4 4 7,a767,76a7,7 I1 2 8 91,9,,49,,4,01,97 O1 2 6 91,9,49,4,01,97 I2T 8 4 f03,e030,,b0a13a0 O2T None I3T 6 3 a84b8,4c84,a8c0 O3T 6 3 a84b8,4c84,a8c0
5 3 a84a8,4b84,a8b0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 8 3 a25a12a9,a25a7b2,b262a92 O0 7 3 25a12a9,25a7b2,a262a92 I1 5 8 9c5,c59,5a9a5,9c5,9b59,5,,9c5 O1 4 7 9b5,b59,59a5,9b5,9a59,5,9b5 I2T 2 3 6,, O2T 1 1 6
1 1 6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 2 a9a6,a969 O0 3 2 9a6,969 I1 4 6 a606,,b60,,,b61 O1 3 3 606,a60,a61 I2 2 7 89,,,81,,8, O2 2 3 89,81,8 I3T 3 8 191,,,,914,974,3a5,376 O3T 3 8 191,,1,a91,914,974,3a5,376 I4T 2 8 53,,8,83,,68,,5 O4T None
3 5 191,914,974,3a5,376
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 5 2 2, O0 1 1 2 I1 4 8 50a5,05a0,,b50,5b0,0b5,5,0b5 O1 4 7 50a5,05a0,b50,5b0,0b5,5,0b5 I2T 4 8 4,,a404,a6a4,b41,4,41a4, O2T None I3T 2 8 70,0,,32,,70,, O3T 2 4 70,0,32,70
2 4 70,0,32,70
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 6 40d4,,0d41,a473491,0a47a30,a40a8a0 O0 7 5 40d4,0d41,a473491,0a47a30,a40a8a0 I1 6 8 4a54a5,5,b5675,5,,545485,57a945,59b54 O1 6 7 4a54a5,5,b5675,5,545485,57a945,59b54 I2 8 2 b0d9,0a67b04 O2 5 2 a0b9,06704 I3T 2 6 83,93,,39,59,95 O3T None I4T 8 2 3b45b8,73a5a373 O4T None
2 5 83,93,39,59,95
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 3 7 2,a23,a09,,209,a83,8a2 O0 3 6 2,a23,a09,209,a83,8a2 I1 3 8 3,373,,,,a37,637,3a6 O1 3 5 3,373,a37,637,3a6 I2 8 4 f34,d3a24,b324723,3b46373 O2 7 4 e34,c3a24,a324723,3a46373 I3 4 8 a618,,0681,1681,6801,68a1,8b1, O3 4 6 a618,0681,1681,6801,68a1,8b1 I4T 8 7 f05,d0b5,c05a05,0a12a358,b0b150,e010,0 O4T 8 7 d0505,e0a5,b0250a5,0a10a308,a010a150,e010,0 I5T 8 2 6,c0c4 O5T None
7 7 e05,c0b5,b05a05,012a358,a0b150,d010,0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 4 7 8,1808,8408,6908,,9508,9101 O0 4 6 8,1808,8408,6908,9508,9101 I1 4 4 8,,b80,8a50 O1 3 3 8,a80,850 I2 6 8 b06a0,,b0960,b09a0,,d07,a72a07,0 O2 5 6 a06a0,a0960,a09a0,c07,72a07,0 I3 5 2 a58a0,b5a8 O3 3 2 580,a58 I4T 4 2 25a4,40a5 O4T None I5T 8 2 b930b5,0a390469 O5T 8 2 b930b5,0a390469
7 2 a930b5,0390469
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 5 5,,,, O0 1 1 5 I1 5 7 06876,67867,63686,3a686,,0b68,a6a78 O1 5 6 06876,67867,63686,3a686,0b68,a6a78 I2 3 6 478,,4a8,7a6,674,4 O2 3 5 478,4a8,7a6,674,4 I3 2 5 28,29,49,, O3 2 3 28,29,49 I4T 7 2 c84a8,b7a848 O4T 7 2 c84a8,b784a8 I5T 6 6 b1b9,b9b1,9d1,1,, O5T None
5 2 a84a8,7a848
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 4 9,,, O0 1 1 9 I1 2 7 65,75,54,74,14,64, O1 2 6 65,75,54,74,14,64 I2 7 7 1,,b10b1,a10c1,a10a181,10c98,a0d1 O2 7 6 1,b10b1,a10c1,a10a181,10c98,a0d1 I3T 7 6 6e7,b6c7,7676b7,76d7,a76c7,a7d3 O3T None I4T 6 2 a0b79,b5653 O4T 5 2 0b79,a5653
5 2 0b79,a5653
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 7 5 1,,,, O0 1 1 1 I1 7 5 61a6a46,64d6,4e6,c6461,64b646 O1 6 5 616a46,64c6,4d6,b6461,64a646 I2T 7 7 1,,,,b14b1,,c15a1 O2T None I3T 7 4 50a7b6,94a0b7,c5a09,c5a90 O3T 5 4 057a6,945a7,a5a09,b590
5 4 507a6,940a7,b509,b590
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 5 2 a3a12,a73a1 O0 4 2 3a12,73a1 I1 2 7 90,0,90,,50,90,50 O1 2 6 90,0,90,50,90,50 I2 2 6 7,,,,, O2 1 1 7 I3T 4 3 81a8,1b3,14a3 O3T None I4T 6 2 b4714,a4a1a5 O4T 6 2 b4174,a4a1a5
5 2 a4714,4a1a5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 4 a4b3636,a3e6,8f6,62e6 O0 6 4 a43636,a3c6,8d6,62c6 I1 5 4 1,,c12,1 O1 2 3 1,12,1 I2T 3 7 a54,5a4,454,4,,1,5 O2T None I3T 4 3 9b5,5a89,2b3 O3T 4 3 9b5,5a89,2b3
3 3 9a5,589,2a3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 8 2 4,4e94 O0 3 2 4,494 I1 2 8 1,91,19,1,12,92,,31 O1 2 7 1,91,19,1,12,92,31 I2 8 7 5,,,,,c9b40,a5a1c9 O2 4 3 5,a940,51a9 I3T 7 4 e45,d495,4,d479 O3T None
3 4 a45,495,4,479
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O2T, predict image
I0 5 3 6a4a6,7c8,b206 O0 4 3 64a6,7b8,a206 I1 3 4 453,243,026, O1 3 3 453,243,026 I2T 2 5 92,50,90,69, O2T None
2 4 92,50,90,69
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O3T
I0 6 2 c676,d67 O0 3 2 676,a67 I1 5 8 a69a6,,,,,,, O1 3 1 696 I2 8 7 7,,,,,, O2 1 1 7 I3T 7 2 a75c2,b7b17 O3T None I4T 2 8 41,91,78,18,,85,84,89 O4T None
4 2 75a2,a717
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O3T
I0 6 2 a8a429,93b82 O0 5 2 a8429,93a82 I1 4 5 b46,,4136,4138,4 O1 4 4 b46,4136,4138,4 I2 7 4 d818,b8a218,c6818,a83b18 O2 6 4 c818,a8a218,b6818,83b18 I3T 4 7 6,,,,93a6,a6a9,6 O3T 4 7 6,,,63a6,9b6,a696,b69
3 4 6,936,a69,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 3 6 7,0a7,,,7, O0 2 3 7,07,7 I1 6 7 5,4d5,56c5,546b5,a56b5,a546a5,b56a5 O1 5 7 5,4c5,56b5,546a5,a56a5,a5465,b565 I2T 7 8 7,,,,,,, O2T None I3T 2 4 90,9,96, O3T 2 4 90,9,96,
2 3 90,9,96
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 6 a41c4,4,b41b4,a741b4,a41c4,4 O0 4 6 41a4,4,a414,7414,41a4,4 I1 6 3 5,5b8a5,5 O1 3 3 5,585,5 I2 3 3 9,969, O2 3 2 9,969 I3 7 2 5a2a365,a25b62 O3 6 2 5a2365,a25a62 I4T 4 5 a313,2319,32a3,,3 O4T 4 5 a313,a219,3,32a3,3
4 4 a313,2319,32a3,3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 2 d76a2,6a46c2 O0 6 2 c762,646b2 I1 2 7 1,,19,69,9,89,96 O1 2 6 1,19,69,9,89,96 I2 3 8 717,7,,791,738,723,,527 O2 3 6 717,7,791,738,723,527 I3T 5 2 b1a4,c14 O3T None I4T 5 2 1a8a2,1a5a8 O4T 5 2 1a8a2,1a5a8
3 2 182,158
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 5 2f0,0,02e0,2c0a90,f02 O0 5 5 2c0,0,02b0,2a090,c02 I1 5 7 7,,,a71a7,,, O1 3 2 7,717 I2 7 8 a39a363,,35b363,d367,e36,c3536,e36,5c353 O2 7 7 a39a363,35b363,d367,e36,c3536,e36,5c353 I3T 6 3 0,a07490,a07b0 O3T None I4T 3 8 273,275,235,823,,8a3,, O4T None
5 3 0,07490,07b0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 2 8 3,21,9,85,,23,25,53 O0 2 7 3,21,9,85,23,25,53 I1 8 3 b9a5b9,9a54c9,b94c9 O1 5 3 a9a59,954a9,a94a9 I2T 6 7 c969,,a7a969,90b79,b9875,a9a0a9,b95a9 O2T None I3T 8 2 03093b1,3c1a30 O3T None
6 6 c969,a7a969,90b79,b9875,a9a0a9,b95a9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for O3T
I0 4 8 8b1,,18a1,9841,a181,,b18, O0 4 5 8b1,18a1,9841,a181,b18 I1 6 2 c794,16b75 O1 5 2 b794,16a75 I2 7 7 1,,c15a1,d151,e15,1, O2 4 5 1,15a1,a151,b15,1 I3T 8 2 08d90,0a3d0 O3T 5 2 08a90,0a3a0 I4T 5 2 8b97,85b8 O4T None
5 2 08a90,0a3a0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 7 2 d303,40b4a3 O0 5 2 b303,404a3 I1 2 7 43,53,73,34,64,,61 O1 2 6 43,53,73,34,64,61 I2T 2 7 13,,31,1,31,3,13 O2T None I3T 3 5 a84,548,,a38,4a8 O3T 3 5 a84,458,548,a38,4a8
3 4 a84,548,a38,4a8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 7 2 315b06,b15b9 O0 6 2 315a06,b15a9 I1 2 8 0,80,81,42,,52,, O1 2 5 0,80,81,42,52 I2 3 6 a65,,057,,567,a52 O2 3 4 a65,057,567,a52 I3 6 3 94a949,94a9a4,d83 O3 5 3 94949,949a4,c83 I4T 2 7 72,,52,65,86,16,70 O4T None I5T 5 5 6,,6b46,6, O5T 5 5 6,,6a4a6,b646,6
3 3 6,646,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 3 8 2a3,a32,,,3a2,232,3a2,232 O0 3 6 2a3,a32,3a2,232,3a2,232 I1 8 7 43a5c4,43a48b4,3f4,4,e4a8,4,a48a48a4 O1 7 7 43a5b4,43a48a4,3e4,4,e48,4,a48a484 I2 7 3 6d12,5e2,2 O2 3 3 612,5a2,2 I3T 5 2 a5835,b2a8 O3T None
4 2 5835,a2a8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 7 8 2,,,e21,b24a12,b214a2,a2a04a2,2 O0 6 6 2,d21,a24a12,a214a2,2a04a2,2 I1 4 7 a747,a749,4b7,,7474,7,2b7 O1 4 6 a747,a749,4b7,7474,7,2b7 I2 7 2 a5b7a1,5a2a385 O2 6 2 a5a7a1,5a2385 I3T 7 8 c51a5,,a5c75,b7c5,5,50d5,, O3T None I4T 8 6 3,c38b3,d3a83,d3b8,3, O4T 8 6 3,c38b3,d3a83,d3b8,3,
4 5 3,38a3,a383,a3a8,3
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 4 7 a7a2,b72,a272,27a2,,a762,2a72 O0 4 6 a7a2,b72,a272,27a2,a762,2a72 I1 3 2 7, O1 1 1 7 I2 4 6 3b4,,,a343,,3403 O2 4 3 3b4,a343,3403 I3T 2 7 53,,23,20,92,95,5 O3T None I4T 7 3 d939,a9b469,a40b49 O4T 7 3 d939,a9b469,a40b49
5 3 b939,9a469,40a49
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O2T, predict image
I0 7 3 e38,a3b538,c0123 O0 5 3 c38,3a538,a0123 I1 2 8 14,43,,13,14,,, O1 2 4 14,43,13,14 I2T 7 6 b6a386,b3a8a6,a6a86a8,a8d6,e68,b68b6 O2T 6 6 a6a368,383a86,6a8a68,8d6,6,a68a68 I3T 2 8 2,89,98,,29,9,2,92 O3T None
6 6 a6a386,a3a8a6,6a86a8,8d6,d68,a68b6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, O5T, predict image
I0 2 5 5,,59,5,95 O0 2 4 5,59,5,95 I1 4 6 1,5a15,1,,, O1 3 3 1,515,1 I2 6 5 8,d83,,b8a28,8a2853 O2 5 4 8,c83,a8a28,82853 I3 5 3 2,,b260 O3 3 2 2,260 I4T 3 5 6a9,6a2,6a9,1a9, O4T None I5T 7 4 d0a8,b0a806,0a80a60,b86b0 O5T 7 4 d0a8,b0a8a0,8080b6,b86b0
6 4 c0a8,a0a806,080a60,a86b0
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O2T, predict image
I0 6 8 c327,,b3527,b3237,b3973,c373,a39373,a3a979 O0 5 7 b327,a3527,a3237,a3973,b373,39373,3a979 I1 8 2 9,e7a6 O1 2 2 9,76 I2T 6 2 c390,a4b69 O2T 6 2 c309,a4b69
4 2 a390,4a69
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 4 8 a5a6,5658,5,b58,,4b5,48a5,4a58 O0 4 7 a5a6,5658,5,b58,4b5,48a5,4a58 I1 8 2 8,f80 O1 2 2 8,80 I2 2 4 0,01,, O2 2 2 0,01 I3T 2 6 80,86,6,,58,08 O3T 2 5 80,86,6,58,08 I4T 3 2 0a5,5a3 O4T None
2 5 80,86,6,58,08
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 8 7 6,,,,,, O0 1 1 6 I1 3 4 0a2,202,, O1 3 2 0a2,202 I2T 5 2 c87,63b9 O2T 4 2 b87,63a9 I3T 8 3 f21,298a9618,a6e7 O3T None
4 2 b87,63a9
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O5T
I0 2 8 2,85,,5,,52,8, O0 2 5 2,85,5,52,8 I1 2 5 9,39,,3,5 O1 2 4 9,39,3,5 I2 7 3 a3a6b3,b61293,c31a2 O2 6 3 3a6b3,a61293,b31a2 I3 8 3 a5a063a6,4c63a0,d03a5 O3 6 3 a50636,4b630,c035 I4T 7 5 a7d5,a5a7575,a57c5,a75a757,e75 O4T None I5T 4 6 b21,,b51,8a27,8071,a272 O5T 4 6 b21,,b51,8027,8271,a272
4 5 b21,b51,8a27,8071,a272
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 3 6 1a9,9a1,919,1a9,a19, O0 3 5 1a9,9a1,919,1a9,a19 I1 6 2 40b46,94a5a4 O1 5 2 40a46,945a4 I2 2 5 3,30,10,30, O2 2 4 3,30,10,30 I3 7 4 b86b8,8a46b8,c86a8,8 O3 5 4 a86a8,846a8,b868,8 I4T 4 2 6, O4T None I5T 2 7 4,20,,,,,24 O5T None
2 3 4,20,24
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O2T, predict image
I0 4 8 2,2842,a4a2,26a2,2682,a262,2, O0 4 7 2,2842,a4a2,26a2,2682,a262,2 I1 8 5 9,951d9,a9a5a1a9,c95b9,d95a9 O1 7 5 9,951c9,a9a5a19,c95a9,d959 I2T 3 8 535,,835,5a3,a83,4a5,353,585 O2T None
3 7 535,835,5a3,a83,4a5,353,585
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O3T
I0 7 3 7,, O0 1 1 7 I1 5 2 3,a0b5 O1 2 2 3,05 I2 4 8 48a5,,8485,8484,8041,b48,70a4,7a83 O2 4 7 48a5,8485,8484,8041,b48,70a4,7a83 I3T 6 5 9,a73b9,a393a9,9a3b9,c9a3 O3T None
5 5 9,a73a9,a3939,9a3a9,c93
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O5T, predict image
I0 5 3 a2a82,25b8,a9a59 O0 4 3 a282,25a8,a959 I1 2 8 28,2,87,43,40,80,28, O1 2 7 28,2,87,43,40,80,28 I2 7 3 3,b37b3,b7c3 O2 3 3 3,373,7a3 I3 3 8 5,a57,,175,,578,675,575 O3 3 6 5,a57,175,578,675,575 I4T 6 2 1d9,9 O4T None I5T 5 5 c82,91a81,8,,91989 O5T None
5 4 c82,91a81,8,91989
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 5 2 47454, O0 5 1 47454 I1 2 7 12,1,,,,,12 O1 2 3 12,1,12 I2 4 7 4,,,,,, O2 1 1 4 I3T 8 3 4e84,8a5d4,a5a45b4 O3T None I4T 3 8 016,160,,,105,505,0,060 O4T 3 6 061,160,105,505,0,060
3 6 016,160,105,505,0,060
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 2 3 9,,97 O0 2 2 9,97 I1 6 3 a9a5a9,b3b5,9a82a9 O1 5 3 a9a59,b3a5,9a829 I2 3 5 a62,216,,212,626 O2 3 4 a62,216,212,626 I3T 5 7 b696,6a9a6,b696,9c6,9,9a696,b6a9 O3T None I4T 2 3 42,,30 O4T 2 2 42,30
2 2 42,30
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 5 8 06b0,a6708,b048,70708,,07068,67a08,07306 O0 5 7 06b0,a6708,b048,70708,07068,67a08,07306 I1 7 2 585c0,a1c84 O1 5 2 585a0,a1a84 I2 2 8 07,,57,,07,,94,09 O2 2 5 07,57,07,94,09 I3 8 8 0,a05a4b0,035a3b4,035d0,,a03d0,,a07d0 O3 5 6 0,a0540,03534,035a0,a03a0,a07a0 I4T 8 5 a63d6,b63c6,c6a3a6,e636,6e23 O4T None I5T 3 7 4a0,a04,0,,4a0,a06,060 O5T None
3 6 4a0,a04,0,4a0,a06,060
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 7 e8a7,b5b7a5,527d5,52e5,b6d5,b5a6b5,5 O0 6 7 d87,b5a75,527b5,52c5,b6b5,b56a5,5 I1 2 8 29,30,,3,68,6,63,23 O1 2 7 29,30,3,68,6,63,23 I2 7 2 a01c2,c4a15 O2 5 2 01b2,b415 I3T 8 2 5637c4,d6a74 O3T None I4T 2 6 65,,60,93,90,03 O4T None
7 2 5637b4,d674
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 5 3 a43a4,a03a8,a5934 O0 4 3 43a4,03a8,5934 I1 6 3 a09b5,c707,b7a32 O1 5 3 09b5,b707,a7a32 I2 3 8 217,257,273,473,421,,4a1,1 O2 3 7 217,257,273,473,421,4a1,1 I3 8 4 b54c5,a514c0,a546c5, O3 4 3 a545,5140,5465 I4T 6 2 b38a0,a8a9a2 O4T 6 2 b38a0,a8a9a2
4 2 a380,8a92
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 4 3 5,, O0 1 1 5 I1 6 6 a57b5,a17b5,5601a5,a820a5,b50a5,5 O1 5 6 a57a5,a17a5,56015,a8205,b505,5 I2 3 7 358,757,857,5a7,,897,807 O2 3 6 358,757,857,5a7,897,807 I3 8 5 a80a5b4,94038b4,9404b34,90e4,30e4 O3 7 5 a80a5a4,94038a4,9404a34,90d4,30d4 I4T 2 5 45,4,,51,4 O4T None I5T 5 6 6,,61346,a2536,b636,6 O5T 5 5 6,61364,a2536,6,b636
5 5 6,61346,a2536,b636,6
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 2 a0a10,9 O0 3 2 010,9 I1 6 8 7,d74,c747,7,,,, O1 3 4 7,a74,747,7 I2 6 6 3,,,,, O2 1 1 3 I3 6 2 d74,7 O3 2 2 74,7 I4T 2 4 03,04,,49 O4T 2 4 03,04,,49
2 3 03,04,49
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 3 a2a0b1,8b1a72,a8d2 O0 5 3 a20a1,8a172,a8b2 I1 4 8 62a6,a625,5a62,a565,6a56,,a656,6 O1 4 7 62a6,a625,5a62,a565,6a56,a656,6 I2 4 6 2,,,,, O2 1 1 2 I3T 2 2 3,2 O3T None I4T 2 7 98,,9,,48,83,8 O4T 2 5 98,9,48,83,8
2 5 98,9,48,83,8
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 4 a5a1518,15b0a5,d5a1,8c575 O0 6 4 a51518,15a0a5,c5a1,8b575 I1 7 2 7e5, O1 2 1 75 I2 2 8 03,2,84,,,82,, O2 2 4 03,2,84,82 I3T 7 3 2,a58c3,a296b2 O3T 4 3 2,58a3,2962
4 3 2,58a3,2962
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O4T
I0 7 2 b70765,5a70257 O0 6 2 a70765,570257 I1 3 5 7,6,7,, O1 1 3 7,6,7 I2 5 3 7,,a7a53 O2 3 2 7,753 I3 6 6 a03b0,083a79,a03a07,0a3b0,,0309a0 O3 6 5 a03b0,083a79,a03a07,0a3b0,0309a0 I4T 6 7 a52b5,b5a25,d52,53c5,,,5 O4T None I5T 8 3 7808c3,15a8b54,0a7b8a0 O5T None
5 5 a52a5,b525,c52,53b5,5
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 2 5 74,71,32,,30 O0 2 4 74,71,32,30 I1 5 2 23a65,3 O1 4 2 2365,3 I2T 2 5 40,46,17,,10 O2T None I3T 2 7 6,12,,,,,60 O3T None
2 3 6,12,60
dataset=solve_compress group=compressxy predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a