150 values
8 values
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 7 3 939c3,9a3a9a3,e39 O0 7 3 9e3,,93a9a39 I1 5 6 3,,39b3,,3, O1 5 6 3,,,9c3,,3 I2 9 6 9b39c3,f393,3,9g3,3, O2 9 6 9g3,3,,9g3,,b39d3 I3 4 7 3,,a3a9,a393,39a3,3939,a393 O3 4 7 3,,,a393,a9a3,9a39,9393 I4T 3 7 3,a39,3,a39,,393,9a3 O4T None
3 7 3,,,9a3,a39,a93,9a3
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O5T, predict image
I0 8 10 9c86a8,8186c8,8,,,,,,, O0 8 10 9f8,8,1f8,8,6f8,,8,,, I1 7 8 4e8,863c8,a85c8,8,,,, O1 7 8 4e8,8,6e8,3e8,5e8,8,, I2 8 6 85e8,8,,b86a828,f81,e818 O2 8 6 8,5f8,8,,f81,86a82818 I3 10 9 c87d8,f80a8,h82,8,f82a8,8,,,f85a8 O3 10 9 8,,,,7h8,8,,c82d8,0a82b85a8 I4T 3 5 4a8,838,8,, O4T None I5T 6 3 a81618,8, O5T None
6 3 8,,161b8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 3 10 4,,,,,434,,4,, O0 3 10 4,,,,a43,,4,,, I1 9 8 3g4,3d43a4,4,,,,a43e4,43f4 O1 9 8 a3d4a3,f434,4,,,,, I2 8 8 d4a34,a43d4,e434,4,,,, O2 8 8 b434a34,f43,4,,,,, I3T 5 3 4,a3434,a3b4 O3T None I4T 7 9 a43c4,4,c43a4,4,,,,,43a43a4 O4T None
5 3 4c3,43b4,4
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 8 8,,,,c82b8,,a82d8, O0 8 8 8,,,,,,a8a2c8,8a2d8 I1 8 8 d82a8,8,,b82c8,8,f82,,8 O1 8 8 8,,,,,2f8,,d8a28 I2 6 7 82c8,2d8,8,,,c828,8 O2 6 7 82c8,2d8,8,,,,b82a8 I3T 7 5 e82,b82b8,8,,82c82 O3T None
7 5 8,,,,b2b82
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 6 2,f25,a25a25a2,,2,d25a2 O0 8 6 52a5a252,a5e2,2,,, I1 3 6 2,a25,252,2,, O1 3 6 252,5a2,2,,, I2 8 5 d25a2,5f2,2,25e2,2 O2 8 5 d25a2,5f2,,2, I3 7 5 2,252a5a2,25d2,2, O3 7 5 52a5b2,5e2,2,, I4T 5 6 2,25b2,2,b252,2,b252 O4T None I5T 6 6 d25,2,,,5d2,a25b2 O5T None
5 6 5c2,25b2,5c2,2,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O3T
I0 8 3 b02c0,0,2b02b0 O0 8 3 0,,2b0a2a0 I1 3 5 a20,2a0,,0,0a2 O1 3 5 0,a02,,0a2, I2 4 10 0,,,2b0,0,02a0,0,,, O2 4 10 0,,,,,,b02,,0, I3T 3 9 0,,2a0,0,,,,a02,0 O3T None I4T 8 9 02e0,a02d0,02e0,0,,d02a0,0,, O4T None
3 9 0,,,,a02,0,,a02,0
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 5 10 2,,,,6c2,2,,23b2,c25,2 O0 5 10 2,,,,,,,b262,c25,b232 I1 10 7 2,f28a2,a20f2,2,0b28d2,d28c2,2 O1 10 7 2,,,h28,c20d2,d28c2,a20b28b2 I2 8 5 f23,2,d2323,2,27e2 O2 8 5 f23,2,f23,2,27d23 I3 8 7 2,,e242,2,e262,c24b2,d29a2 O3 8 7 2,,,f24,2,c24a26,d29a2 I4T 3 9 2,,,0a2,a25,2,,, O4T None
3 9 2,,,,a25,a20,2,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 5 8 6,,b620,6,c69,6,, O0 5 8 920a6,6,,,,,, I1 6 7 1d6,6,,,69c6,d69,6 O1 6 7 1d6,69c6,6,9d6,6,, I2 5 6 6,65b6,b686,b636,68b6,b6a5 O2 5 6 58b6,53b6,5c6,8c6,6, I3 3 8 616,a69,6,696,6,5a6,0a6,3a6 O3 3 8 616,a69,9a6,6,,5a6,0a6,3a6 I4T 7 8 6,2e6,6,,,,b67a64,c63a6 O4T None I5T 10 10 a659e6,c61a63a6,6,,c63d6,g696,6,,, O5T None
7 8 4e6,2e6,6,7e6,63d6,6,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O5T, predict image
I0 8 8 b50c5,5,,e535,5,c53a57,5, O0 8 8 5,,,0f5,5,,b53c5,a53a57a5 I1 3 10 1a5,565,5,,,585,a58,4a5,a52,5 O1 3 10 1a5,5,6a5,5,,,8a5,4a5,8a5,525 I2 6 8 5,1d5,5,,53a575,5,, O2 6 8 5,1d5,5,,,3d5,5,57c5 I3 4 10 5,53a5,3b5,57a5,7b5,6b5,50a5,5,, O3 4 10 5,53a5,3b5,57a5,7b5,6b5,5,0b5,5, I4T 4 4 58a5,5,,59a5 O4T None I5T 9 5 e58a5,5,c5857a5,a52c565,4g5 O5T None
9 5 5,,,b58d5,4285756a5
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O3T
I0 3 5 5,7a5,,5, O0 3 5 5a7,5,,, I1 9 7 5,c57c5,a57e5,g57,5,57f5,5 O1 9 7 c5b7a5,5,,g57,5,, I2 5 6 5,,a57a5,57b5,5,b575 O2 5 6 c57,b575,5,,c57,5 I3T 5 9 a57a5,a5757,5,b575,57b5,5,b575,5,c57 O3T None I4T 5 4 c57,5,,5a7a5 O4T None
5 9 a5a75,c57,b5a7,5,,c57,5,,c57
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict image
I0 7 10 3e0,0,,,c03a0,03d0,0,,,d030 O0 7 10 3e0,03d0,0,,3e0,03d0,0,,, I1 8 4 03e0,0,c03a03,b03c0 O1 8 4 b3a03a0,0,, I2 6 9 0,,,,a03b0,d03,0,,b03a0 O2 6 9 3d0,0,3d0,0,,3d0,0,, I3T 4 9 0,,a030,0,,,,, O3T None I4T 4 7 0,,03a0,0,,,a030 O4T None
4 7 0,3b0,0,,3b0,0,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 9 4 9g4,9a49d4,49f4,a49b49a4 O0 9 4 a94b9b4,g49,4, I1 10 5 4,,,49c49b4,9e49a4 O1 10 5 c49c49,b49e4,h49,4, I2 4 4 94a9,49a4,4,a9a4 O2 4 4 94a9,4b9,4, I3T 7 5 4,9a4a9a4,4,b4a9a4,e49 O3T None
7 5 49a4b9,e49,4,,e49
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O5T
I0 9 5 e0520,b02d0,0,,a05d08 O0 9 5 c020520,d05b0,0,,g08 I1 8 8 0,,f07,b02c0,6e01,0,f08, O1 8 8 c06020,0,f07,0,f01,0,f08, I2 3 8 0,,,2a0,5a0,0,, O2 3 8 0,a02,a05,0,,,, I3 6 9 0,a05b0,3d0,0,,,,a02b0,0 O3 6 9 a035a0,0,,,d02,0,,, I4T 6 3 8c05,0,3d0 O4T None I5T 9 4 052e0,02a5c06,0,5g0 O5T None
9 4 052a5c0,025d06,0,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 8 7 6f2,2,b25c2,2,,,2123c2 O0 8 7 65e2,2,,3f2,2,1f2,2 I1 9 9 a29a23b2,2,,,,,28d292,2,b28d2 O1 9 9 2a9a23b2,2,,,,8g2,28f2,2, I2 9 7 d243a2,b28d2,f212,2,8g2,2, O2 9 7 a28a243a2,e21a2,2,,8g2,2, I3 3 5 202,0a5,2,,8a2 O3 3 5 502,025,2,,8a2 I4T 8 10 25e2,2,,f26,2,b28c2,c26b2,2,, O4T None I5T 7 7 a25c2,1e2,2,2a73b2,a23c2,23d2,2 O5T None
8 10 25a26b2,2,8f2,26e2,2,,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 3 6 646,6,,286,8a6,a63 O0 3 6 6,a64,6,,628,683 I1 9 5 61f6,1a67d6,b69d6,6,b62d6 O1 9 5 6,,,a6161c6,b62697a6 I2 10 3 5e64a6,0h6,69c60b6 O2 10 3 6,0h6,695b60a64 I3T 10 6 6,,2d62b6,a686360b6,6, O3T None I4T 6 9 6,,,,68c6,8d6,6,c606,6 O4T None
6 9 6,,,,,,,c686,b6860
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 3 5 9,3a9,a95,9, O0 3 5 5a9,3a9,9,, I1 9 6 8g9,c98c9,b98d9,9,b91d9,e94a9 O1 9 6 a898d9,194e9,9,,, I2 10 6 c98d9,9,91g9,98d90a9,9,098b96b9 O2 10 6 96a98d9,1c90c9,8h9,,9,0h9 I3 6 10 b90a9,c959,9,c949,b94a9,9,,,18c9,8d9 O3 6 10 9490a9,4b959,9,,,,,8d9,1d9,8d9 I4T 9 9 9,,d94b9,g98,f984,9,,,931d97 O4T None I5T 5 6 98a95,9,4c9,9,5b92,9 O5T None
9 9 7a9a48b9,c98c9,9,,,,1g9,3g9,9
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O3T
I0 8 4 6464a646,64e6,,6 O0 8 4 6b4a646,a64d6,6, I1 7 7 a4d6,6,c64a6,6,,c64a6,6 O1 7 7 a4c64,6,,e64,6,, I2 6 6 6a4b6,4d6,a64b6,6,b64a6, O2 6 6 6a4646,4d6,d64,,6, I3T 6 7 6,,464646,4d6,d64,6,b64a6 O3T None I4T 6 3 6a4b6,464a64,d64 O4T None
6 7 a6b46,d64,6,,d64,c646,6
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 10 5 8,c82b828,e82a82,a82f8,2h8 O0 10 5 c8a2a8a2,c82d8,h82,8, I1 9 10 2g8,8,f828,8,,82f8,8,2g8,a82e8,8 O1 9 10 2d8a28,g82,,8,,,,,, I2 4 3 8,,a8a2 O2 4 3 8,b82, I3 7 10 2b82a8,c82a8,8,,,,,,c82a8,8 O3 7 10 2b8a28,8,,,,,e82,8,, I4T 4 5 a828,8,2b8,82a8,b82 O4T None I5T 8 5 2f8,8,d8a28,82e8,8 O5T None
4 5 a828,8282,8,,b82
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 3 b43a4,4,3c43 O0 6 3 a4a3a4,4,d43 I1 9 8 4,a4343c4,3f43,3g4,4,,,3g4 O1 9 8 a4a343434,a43e4,g43,4,,,, I2 7 5 4,d434,4,3e4,c4343 O2 7 5 b43a43,4,e43,4,e43 I3 9 7 a3f4,c43c4,4,43f4,a43e4,e43a4,4 O3 9 7 a3a4b3a4,4,,g43,4,, I4T 8 3 43e4,a43a43a4,a43d4 O4T None I5T 10 6 4,,,f43a4,d4343a4,43e434 O5T None
8 3 434a3434,4,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 7 6 4c5a4,e54,4e5,5,,a54c5 O0 7 6 4c5a4,e54,4e5,,5, I1 7 7 c54a5,,5,a54c5,5,,a54c5 O1 7 7 b5a4a5,4e5,5,,4e5,5, I2 10 8 5,,,a54f5,,5,c54b545,c54d5 O2 10 8 a54f5,4h5,,a4g5,5,,, I3 6 4 c5a4,a54b5,54c5,b5a45 O3 6 4 a4a5a4,454b5,5, I4T 6 8 5,5a4b5,d54,b5a45,5,54c5,5, O4T None
6 8 a454a5,5a4b5,5,,4d5,5,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 5 a74e7,7b4d7,7,f747,7 O0 9 5 b474c7,b74d7,7,, I1 6 10 4d7,7,,,,,74c7,7,,c747 O1 6 10 4d7,7,,,,4d7,74c7,7,, I2 3 9 7,,,,,747,,7, O2 3 9 7,,,,4a7,,7,, I3 7 5 d747,7,a74c7,7,a7a4b7 O3 7 5 4c747,4e7,,7, I4T 8 6 b74c7,b747474,7,d74a7,7,b74b74 O4T None I5T 7 3 7,4a7b47,c74a7 O5T None
8 6 a7b4747,b74c7,4b74b7,7,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 10 3 a7g3,d30a393,c3032b3 O0 10 3 a7030a39a3,d32c3,3 I1 8 6 e303,3,a31d3,31e3,3,0f3 O1 8 6 1d303,3,1f3,3,,0f3 I2 7 4 3,7a31b3,4b34a3,4e3 O2 7 4 a31c3,7a34b3,4e3, I3 10 10 3,,c38d3,0h3,39g3,3,b39e3,e37b3,3,d30c3 O3 10 10 a38f3,7h3,3,0h3,09g3,a39f3,3,,, I4T 4 10 31a3,3,,b35,3,,,,, O4T None I5T 6 6 3,31c3,3,,1d3,d32 O5T None
4 10 51a3,3,,,,,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 10 8 e54a58,5,c54d5,5,f53a5,5,56g5,f5953 O0 10 8 5,,,,,54g5,4h5,65853a5953 I1 5 6 1c5,57b5,5,,, O1 5 6 1c5,5,7c5,5,, I2 6 10 5,a523a5,5,23c5,5,d52,5,b52a5,5,a53b5 O2 6 10 5,,52c5,23c5,3d5,5,,,a52b5,523b5 I3 4 7 6b5,50a5,a505,5,a574,a545,a505 O3 4 7 6b5,5,0b5,5,0b5,a545,7405 I4T 8 10 5,,d5850,5,9f5,b53c5,5,,, O4T None I5T 10 8 5,,d59c5,b59539b5,5,g575,5, O5T None
10 8 5,,,,,,9h5,939b57b5
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 9 7 a38d38,3,,,38d383,8g3,f383 O0 9 7 g38,3,,,,g38,3838b3a8 I1 4 3 38a3,,3 O1 4 3 3,,a3a8 I2 10 10 3,a38f3,3,,,,a38d383,b38d38,3,b3838c3 O2 10 10 3,,,,,,g383,b38d38,c38c38,b3838c3 I3T 4 4 38a3,,3,83a8 O3T None
4 4 3,,a3a8,83a8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 9 4 g25,a295d2,b21c21,25e27 O0 9 4 b2951a25,b25d2,g21,g27 I1 7 10 2,d232,0b23a2,2,e21,2,,,, O1 7 10 a20b23,d232,2,,e21,2,,,, I2 5 8 2,,b232,a23a2,2,c25,2, O2 5 8 2,c23,b232,2,,c25,2, I3T 7 6 d232,2,424c2,7e2,2, O3T None I4T 3 6 2,,6a2,2,,a29 O4T None
3 6 a26,2,,,,a29
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 5 10 1,,,1a0a1,1,,,,,a10a1 O0 5 10 c10,,1,,,,,c10,1, I1 10 5 1,0d10b1,h10,g101,c10d1 O1 10 5 10d1a01,1,h10,g101,1 I2 10 5 e10b1,b101a0b1,b10e1,0h1,c10d1 O2 10 5 b1e01,d10c1,1,, I3 10 4 g101,a10c10a1,1,d10b10 O3 10 4 b10c101,f10a1,e10b1,h10 I4T 4 6 1,0b1,1,,,b10 O4T None I5T 9 3 a1010c1,b10a10a1,e10a1 O5T None
4 6 10a1,1,,,,b10
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 4 96d9,9,940c9,d919 O0 7 4 061c9,4e9,9, I1 6 3 c919,9,92b94 O1 6 3 b9419,2d9,9 I2 8 4 f96,9,97e9,96d96 O2 8 4 c96a96,7f9,6f9,9 I3 4 3 9,90a9,9 O3 4 3 0b9,9, I4T 9 10 b98d9,9,,96f9,g96,c90c9,f959,9,, O4T None
9 10 95986c9,0g9,6g9,9,,,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 8 4 a59d5,a59c54,f50,53b54a5 O0 8 4 5a9a5045,b54c5,3f5,5 I1 3 5 a52,525,5,357,a54 O1 3 5 252,7a5,4a5,3a5,5 I2 10 3 5,e56b5,52b5657a5 O2 10 3 b5656c5,2d57b5,5 I3 10 9 5,,d52c5,5,,,g575,b516d5,c57d5 O3 10 9 a572e5,5,,6h5,1h5,57g5,5,, I4T 9 8 e52a5,d52b5,5,e54a5,g57,5,, O4T None I5T 10 4 a596e5,5,d52c5,b53d57 O5T None
10 4 3596a57b5,c52d5,5,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 3 3 a24,849,294 O0 3 3 494,842,292 I1 6 6 2,,5d2,2,,2028a2 O1 6 6 2,,5d2,28c2,0d2,2 I2 10 9 4h2,2,e24b2,c21d2,9h2,2,d24c2,2, O2 10 9 41a24d2,4h2,2,,9h2,2,,, I3T 10 4 g272,2,4h2,6e2532 O3T None I4T 7 7 2,,d212,a21c2,2,a21c2,b23b2 O4T None
10 4 c253a272,2,4h2,6h2
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 8 8,,a85c8,8,b85b8,c85a8,b85b8,8 O0 7 8 8,,,,,,d8a5,c8585 I1 3 6 8,,,5a8,a85,8 O1 3 6 8,,,,a85, I2 9 5 8,,e85a8,8,b5a85b8 O2 9 5 8,,,,b5a85a85 I3 4 8 8,85a8,8,,,,,b85 O3 4 8 8,,,b85,8,,,b85 I4T 10 5 d858585,8,,h85,e85b8 O4T None
10 5 h85,8,h85,,e85a85
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 9 5 9g6,6,a69e6,e69a6,9g6 O0 9 5 9g6,6,,69f6,9c69b6 I1 3 3 6,6a9,6 O1 3 3 6,,a96 I2 6 9 6,9d6,6,,9d6,c696,6,, O2 6 9 6,9d6,6,,9d6,6,,,69c6 I3 9 8 6,f696,d69a69,6,b69d6,6,g69,b69d6 O3 9 8 6,,,,,,69a69c6,a969b696 I4T 8 9 c69696,6,9f6,6,,9f6,6,c69b6,d69a6 O4T None I5T 5 5 6,69b6,a6a96,a69a6,69b6 O5T None
5 5 6,,9a696,a69a6,a9b6
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 5 8 6,c61,b616,6,0c6,6,, O0 5 8 c60,c61,b616,6,,,, I1 4 3 6,64a6,68a6 O1 4 3 a648,6, I2 8 7 b620b6,6,1f6,f62,6,,c62b6 O2 8 7 a6120b6,6,,f62,e626,6, I3T 9 7 6,e67a6,7g6,c6762a6,g68,b60d6,b62d6 O3T None
9 7 a67c670,e6762,f626,6,g68,6,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 5 a42e4,a4042c4,402e4,4, O0 9 5 4,,20f4,0g4,a2f4 I1 5 7 4,3a454,a45a4,4,c40,a4104,1c4 O1 5 7 4,3c4,4,45b4,5c4,b404,a10a4 I2 10 5 c45c40,4,43a40d4,e40b4,4 O2 10 5 4,,,3d40b4,540a40c4 I3 6 4 d40,42c4,b40a4,7a4a64 O3 6 4 4,,2a40a4,740a64 I4T 8 6 9f4,4,,9d434,4,b42c4 O4T None I5T 6 9 4,,,c434,4,,,,0b474 O5T None
8 6 9f4,4,,9f4,4,b423b4
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 10 9 2,,,,24g2,e21b2,c23d2,2,23c29b2 O0 10 9 d24b23,h23,h21,2,,h29,2,, I1 3 9 2,292,2,,,,242,2, O1 3 9 a29,2,,,,a24,2,, I2 4 8 2,20a2,2,,,5b2,2, O2 4 8 a202,2,b25,2,,,, I3T 3 8 2,a23,2,,272,2,, O3T None
3 8 2,a23,2,a27,2,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O4T, predict image
I0 10 10 a307e3,1h3,3,,,,d30c3,h35,3, O0 10 10 3,1h3,0h3,7h3,3,,,,,a30c35a3 I1 6 5 3,a39b3,3,9c32,3 O1 6 5 3,,39c3,9d3,c323 I2 9 5 a37e3,3,e39a3,3,b36a37a3 O2 9 5 3,,7g3,3,b36937a3 I3 9 7 a371d3,3,31f3,e32a3,a39a32b3,3,c35c3 O3 9 7 3,,71f3,1g3,3,c32c3,9a325c3 I4T 6 10 c373,3,,c393,3,,,c393,3, O4T None I5T 3 9 0a3,2a3,3,,361,3,,303,383 O5T None
6 10 3,,,,7d3,3,,9d3,3,a39b3
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 8 7,,,,79a71b7,9f7,7,f72 O0 8 8 7,,,,,,e717,a7979a72 I1 4 7 7,,,,72a7,7,b71 O1 4 7 7,,,,,a727,b71 I2 6 7 b70a7,74c7,7,,,b70a7,7 O2 6 7 7,,d70,7,,d74,c707 I3T 5 10 7,,,a7a67,7,,,b707,7, O3T None I4T 6 8 7,,d76,7,b76a7,7,,d70 O4T None
5 10 7,,,,c76,,7,,c70,7
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 4 4 90a9,9,b90,9 O0 4 4 9,0b9,9,a909 I1 6 3 d90,b90a9,a0b90 O1 6 3 9,,c090 I2 7 3 d909,90b9a0,b90b9 O2 7 3 9,c90a9,0a9b09 I3T 7 7 9090909,9,,,,d909,9 O3T None
7 7 9,0e9,9,0e9,9,0e9,c90a9
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 4 2a0b2,a25216,05c2,2 O0 6 4 2,a0c2,05c2,5216a2 I1 3 4 2,092,929,a21 O1 3 4 2,092,9a2,291 I2 3 6 289,8a2,982,2,,a29 O2 3 6 282,892,9a2,8a2,2,a29 I3 9 4 2,c21a292,g26,a21d21 O3 9 4 2,,b21d2,a21a29261 I4T 6 10 2,,,,d24,2,,824b2,2, O4T None I5T 5 6 2,12b9,2,c24,29242,2 O5T None
6 10 2,,,,,,,8d2,24c2,4d2
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 6 5 27c2,c232,2,,c212 O0 6 5 27b23,2,,d21,2 I1 9 3 2427b232,b23d2,e20a2 O1 9 3 24273a230,2, I2 10 10 2,c26d2,c21d2,2,,,,24a29d2,h25,2 O2 10 10 d261242,2,h29,2,,,,,h25,2 I3T 8 7 c27b2,b27c2,2,,,25e2,a29d2 O3T None
8 7 c27252,b27b29,2,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 9 4 e97a9,b92d9,b91b939,g90 O0 9 4 9,,,9217a9390 I1 4 6 9,,8b9,b98,9, O1 4 6 9,,8b9,9,,98a9 I2 5 5 a98a9,c98,9,, O2 5 5 9,,8c9,9,98b9 I3T 6 4 9,c919,a97b9,97c9 O3T None
6 4 9,,a97b9,971b9
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 4 6 1313,13a1,b31,3,,a313 O0 4 6 a313,a3a1,b31,,,a313 I1 4 8 3,a313,3,,31a3,3,, O1 4 8 3,,b31,3,,,b31,3 I2 7 7 b31b3,3,a31c3,c31a3,d313,b3a1a3,e31 O2 7 7 3,,,e31,d313,d3a1,c3b1 I3 3 10 3,131,3,,a31,1a3,3,,131,3 O3 3 10 3,a31,3,a31,,3,,a31,,313 I4T 5 9 3,,1c3,3,3b13,3,31b3,1c3, O4T None
5 9 3,,,,,b3a1,c31,,a1313
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 4 81c8,8,,81c8 O0 6 4 81c8,8,1d8,8 I1 3 3 a80,808,8 O1 3 3 080,8, I2 7 8 a83c8,8,,a83c8,8,82385a8,83a82a8,8 O2 7 8 a83c8,3e8,25d8,3e8,2e8,3e8,8, I3T 5 7 876a8,8,85a89,c84,8,3a818,8 O3T None I4T 7 9 c84a8,8,,,e87,8,1e8,8, O4T None
7 9 a8784a8,8,,,,,1e8,8,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 3 4 a13,1,,131 O0 3 4 1,,3a1,131 I1 6 3 a3c1,1, O1 6 3 3d1,,1 I2 3 9 1,,a13,1,3a1,1,,, O2 3 9 1,,,131,3a1,1,,, I3T 10 6 f13a1,13c13b1,13e131,1,, O3T None I4T 10 7 1,,3h1,13d13a1,1,13b13c1,1 O4T None
10 6 1,,3h1,,b13e1,a13a13c1
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 7 a0a3,3,,,,a3a0,30a3 O0 4 7 a0a3,3,,,b30,a3a0,3 I1 10 9 3,,,0a30e3,3,b30e3,3,,b30d30 O1 10 9 b30a30303,3,h30,3,,,,,h30 I2 5 6 30b3,3,b3a0,30b3,030a3,3 O2 5 6 30a30,b3a0,c30,b303,3, I3 5 10 3,,a30a3,3,b303,0c3,3,,, O3 5 10 c30,,3,c30,3,,,,, I4T 6 8 3,c303,3,d30,3,,30c3,3 O4T None I5T 8 5 3,a30b303,0b30b3,30b3a03,3 O5T None
6 8 d30,3,d30,,3,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 3 4 105,505,595,975 O0 3 4 1a5,0a5,095,975 I1 10 6 d51a545,53g5,e54a59,g595,5, O1 10 6 5,,3h5,5,c54a59a5,1a54a59b5 I2 7 3 8e5,5359b5,57d5 O2 7 3 8e5,5,379c5 I3T 6 5 d59,5,,c515,d53 O3T None I4T 7 8 5,a5457a5,e54,5,,7e5,5, O4T None
6 5 5,,,,595153
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 4 95f9,95b95b9,e95a9,b95d9 O0 9 4 9a5b9595,d95b9,9, I1 4 10 9,,,,,,5959,9,, O1 4 10 9,,,b95,9,b95,9,,, I2 10 4 9a5a95c9,b9a5d9,f95a9,h95 O2 10 4 9a59a5b95,c95d9,9,h95 I3 6 5 9,,d95,a9a5a9,9 O3 6 5 d95,,,9, I4T 10 5 5h9,,c95d9,f95a9, O4T None I5T 4 8 5959,9,a959,9,,a5a9,9, O5T None
10 5 a5c95b9,h95,,9,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 9 4 f787,0f72,7,d74b7 O0 9 4 7,0g7,7,c7842a7 I1 8 7 7,,,c72b7,70a78b7,7,e727 O1 8 7 7,,,,,0f7,728b727 I2 7 7 7,,0a72797,4a70b7,7,,c78a7 O2 7 7 7,,0e7,4e7,7,2e7,09a78a7 I3T 3 9 7a9,7,9a7,7,,,527,a78,7 O3T None
3 9 7,a97,9a7,7,,,5a7,2a7,787
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O3T, predict image
I0 9 3 71b71b7,1c71b7,g71 O0 9 3 71b7a1a7,1g7,g71 I1 9 8 1g7,b71d7,7,,,a7171a717,7, O1 9 8 1b71a717,g71,7,,g71,7,, I2 9 5 1a71d7,71f7,,1f71,1g7 O2 9 5 17b1c7,a71e7,71f7,g71,7 I3T 4 8 a717,71a7,7,71a7,7,,a717,a7a1 O3T None
4 8 a717,7171,7,,,b71,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 4 d46,c464,4, O0 6 4 d46,4,d46,4 I1 10 8 b46a46b4,4,d4a6b4,e46b4,4,,, O1 10 8 4,,,h46,f46a4,g4a6,h46,4 I2 8 4 6b46b4,6f4,46a46b4,a46d4 O2 8 4 4,6f4,46e4,a4a64646 I3 10 7 46f46,c46d4,4,e46b4,b46e4,4,b46e4 O3 10 7 h46,4,,,,g464,b46464646 I4T 6 10 a46b4,4,,6d4,a46b4,4,,,, O4T None
6 10 4,,,d46,4,,,d46,,4
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 8 3,b37c3,3,,c37b3,c38b3,3,37a31a30 O0 8 8 c37b3,f37,e378,3,f31,3,,f30 I1 8 4 3730c3,3,0f3,c35b3 O1 8 4 37a0b35,3,, I2 3 6 383,3,,,4a3,3 O2 3 6 383,3,a34,3,, I3T 8 9 3,,,b38a343,3,,,f30,c32b3 O3T None I4T 8 8 d34a3,34e3,3,,,34a36b3,3, O4T None
8 9 e383,3,f34,3,,f32,3,f30,3
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 3 8 9a2,2,,,a29,2,, O0 3 8 9a2,2,9a2,2,,,, I1 10 9 2,a29f2,29f29,2,h29,2,a29f2,2, O1 10 9 29b2929a2,9h2,2,,9h2,2,,, I2 4 6 29a2,9292,a292,2,2a92,a292 O2 4 6 a9a2,9292,9b2,,29a2,2 I3T 9 8 e29a2,2,29e29,2,a29e2,b29d2,2, O3T None I4T 7 9 2,29a29a2,2,,c29a2,29d2,2,9e2,d292 O4T None
7 9 9a29b2,29d2,2,9e2,,2,,9e2,2
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 4 5 a909,90a9,9797,9,0b9 O0 4 5 9,b90,b97,b90,0a97 I1 10 6 c98b929,9,h97,b9692c9,9, O1 10 6 9,h92,h97,9,,d969298 I2 9 4 f959,a97a945a9,97b95b9,9 O2 9 4 9,g95,9,a97979545 I3T 3 7 9,,609,9,,, O3T None
3 7 9,,,a90,a96,9,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 9 9 4,,,,a45e4,g45,4,b45d4,e4a54 O0 9 9 e45a4,4,g45,4,,g45,,,4 I1 8 5 4,5f4,b45c4,5f4,b45c4 O1 8 5 45454545,4,,, I2 7 9 e45,4,,,,,c45a4,4,45a45a4 O2 7 9 e45,4,,e45,,4,e45,4, I3T 8 8 d45a4,b45c4,4,,,,,a5e4 O3T None I4T 6 8 d45,4,,,,,,b4545 O4T None
8 8 c4a545,f45,4,,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict image
I0 6 6 6,,a60b6,6,b6326,6 O0 6 6 6,,,,c606,c632 I1 7 5 6,d696,6,c6260,4a62b6 O1 7 5 6,,e69,e60,4a62626 I2 7 5 6,a696086,6,,0e6 O2 7 5 6,,e68,e60,0c696 I3T 6 10 6,,a69a69,6,,d60,6,,, O3T None
6 10 6,,d69,6,c696,d60,6,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 8 7 f01,01e0,a0a1c0,c01b0,1f0,0, O0 8 7 0,,1f0,01e0,1f0,101d0,01e0 I1 7 4 e01,a0a1b0,a01c0,c01a0 O1 7 4 0,,a01c0,a10a1a0 I2 10 9 0,,,1h0,0,d01c0,01g0,1h0,h01 O2 10 9 0,,,1h0,0,,01g0,1h0,a01e01 I3T 9 10 0,01f0,0,g01,0,,01d010,c01c0,f010,0 O3T None I4T 9 8 1g0,e01a0,0,d01b0,0,c01b01,0, O4T None
9 10 0,,1g0,0,,,,1g0,b01d0,a010101a0
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 4 8 5b8,8,,,,,b83,8 O0 4 8 5b8,8,,3b8,8,,, I1 3 5 8,,,3a8,a82 O1 3 5 8,,2a8,3a8,8 I2 9 9 8,,,b87d8,8,,a84b89a8,7g8,e82a8 O2 9 9 7g8,89f8,2g8,8,4g8,8,,7g8,8 I3 7 5 b81a89,8,8189b8,8, O3 7 5 8981a89,1e8,8,, I4T 4 9 a828,b80,8,,83a8,a808,b81,8,5b8 O4T None I5T 9 7 87f8,8,a86e8,8,g85,d82858,8 O5T None
9 7 67585c8,82f8,8,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 5 e1919,9d19a1,a19c191,1, O0 9 5 1,9g1,1,,91c9b1 I1 9 5 a19e1,c191919,1,9g1,1 O1 9 5 1,,9g1,,191919b1 I2 4 7 9b1,b19,1,a191,,1,1a91 O2 4 7 9b1,1,,,9b1,,b91 I3T 5 10 9c1,1,a19a1,1,19b1,1,b1a9,9c1,1, O3T None I4T 7 8 b19b1,1,d191,1,,1a9c1,1, O4T None
7 8 1,,,9e1,1,,a9d1,9e1
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O5T
I0 9 10 b75d7,7,,g76,b72d7,c7476a7,7,,, O0 9 10 767576b7,2g7,74f7,7,,,,,, I1 5 5 7,06b7,c76,7, O1 5 5 676a7,0c7,7,, I2 9 9 d78b7,7,g74,7,a73e7,8g7,g75,7, O2 9 9 a75a784a7,7,3g7,7,,8g7,7,, I3 6 7 8d7,7,,,d78,7,a76b7 O3 6 7 a8c7,7,,,6d7,7, I4T 5 8 b727,7,,2c7,7,,,c73 O4T None I5T 8 8 f72,a78d7,7,d76a7,b72c7,5f7,7,76e7 O5T None
8 8 786c72,2f7,7,,,5f7,6f7,7
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 3 9 5,5a4,5,4a5,454,4a5,5,, O0 3 9 a45,5,4a5,,,,5,, I1 6 7 5a4b5,5,,,c545,5, O1 6 7 b4b5,5,,,,, I2 9 8 5,d54b5,c54c5,5,d5a4a5,5,,54a54b54 O2 9 8 5a454c5,a5a4d5,5,4g5,5,,4g5,5 I3 9 6 5,54f5,4g5,b54a54a5,f545,5 O3 9 6 4a54d5,54a54c5,4g5,5,, I4T 10 7 5,f5a45,f54a5,b54e5,4h5,5, O4T None I5T 8 5 5,4f5,5,b54c5,e545 O5T None
8 5 454d5,4f5,5,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 8 5 e454,b43c4,4,,3a48c4 O0 8 5 c43458,b43c4,4,, I1 10 5 e48b4,d48c4,4,d4326a4,4 O1 10 5 e48432,d48b46,4,, I2 9 5 4,,b48a41a4,42e46,a45e4 O2 9 5 c428541,4,,g46,4 I3T 9 4 43f4,g41,4,b41b435 O3T None
9 4 43c41a4,g41,g43,g45
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 5 9 1,,,b191,a19a1,19b1,1,, O0 5 9 9c1,1,9c1,1,9c1,1,,, I1 6 5 c1a9,1,,d19,1 O1 6 5 a191a9,1,,, I2 3 7 1,,,,919,1, O2 3 7 1,,9a1,1,9a1,1, I3 8 4 c19b1,9f1,919d1, O3 8 4 9b19b1,9f1,a9e1,9f1 I4T 7 9 1,,9e1,1,a9d1,1,b19b1,1, O4T None I5T 6 4 a1a9a1,c191,a19191,1 O5T None
6 4 91a9a1,b1a91,1,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 9 10 5,594e5,5,53f5,g58,5,,a52e5,5, O0 9 10 5,,,,g58,5,,g54,g59,c52a535 I1 7 4 d525,e53,b52b5,5952575 O1 7 4 d525,e53,5,595a275 I2 4 4 5,a585,3b5,5 O2 4 4 5,,b58,53a5 I3T 8 5 e565,5,,6f5,50d52 O3T None
8 5 5,f56,5,6f5,50d52
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 10 10 6,g626,6,,a60f6,6,b62e6,6,d61c6,6 O0 10 10 6,,,,,,0h6,6,62g6,2b61d6 I1 7 9 6,d616,05d6,6,,b60b6,6,, O1 7 9 6,,0e6,5e6,6,,1e6,6,0e6 I2 3 6 6,a67,6,a65,6, O2 3 6 6,,,7a6,6,5a6 I3 9 10 c64c6,6,,,,,g60,c64c6,63f6,e64a6 O3 9 10 6,,,,4g6,6,,,,364a604a6 I4T 3 8 6,a68,6,,,,,3a6 O4T None I5T 3 3 a69,5a6,6 O5T None
3 3 6,5a6,9a6
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 7 10 2,c26a2,26d2,,d262,c26a2,26d2,2,b26b2,2 O0 7 10 b2b62,e26,2,e26,d262,e26,2,,, I1 6 10 a26b2,2,26c2,6d2,b26a2,2,c262,2,, O1 6 10 a2a6a2,a26b2,d26,2,,d26,2,,, I2 9 7 2,f262,a2a6d2,a6b26b2,6g2,2, O2 9 7 b2b6a26,b26b262,a26e2,2,,, I3 10 6 2,b2626c2,b26c262,2,26g2,2 O3 10 6 c2b6b2,c26c26,2,,, I4T 9 5 a26a2a6a2,6g2,b26d2,2, O4T None
9 5 2a6a2a6a2,c26c2,2,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 10 7 0,,4h0,h04,0,b0404c0,e0a404 O0 10 7 a04d040,h04,0,h04,g0a4,0,h04 I1 3 7 0,,,,,4a0,040 O1 3 7 0,,,a04,0,a04,0 I2 6 9 0,d04,0,04c0,0,4d0,04c0,404b0,0 O2 6 9 c0a4,d04,,c040,d04,0,,, I3T 5 3 04a04,0,04b0 O3T None I4T 5 6 a04a0,b040,0,a04a0,,04a04 O4T None
5 6 a0404,c04,,b040,0,c04
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 5 5 b252,a25a2,2,a23a2,2 O0 5 5 25252,3c2,2,, I1 7 10 c29a2,2,,9c212,2,d262,2,,, O1 7 10 62129a2,2,,9e2,2,,,,, I2 3 10 2,a20,2,a26,2,620,2,021,2, O2 3 10 202,6a2,2,0a2,2,6a2,212,0a2,2, I3T 9 6 2,25f2,a29e2,3g2,2,a2a7d2 O3T None I4T 7 10 2,,4e2,2,e26,2,1e2,2,,a25c2 O4T None
7 10 a26c2,2,4e2,2,,,1e2,5e2,2,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 7 b04c0,0,b045b0,0,,, O0 8 7 0,,,,f04,f05,f04 I1 10 9 0,,h07,b0a2d0,0,f04a0,a01f0,0, O1 10 9 0,,h07,0,,,,h04,c01b0a2 I2 5 6 9c0,06a01,0,,, O2 5 6 0,c01,0,b090,c06,0 I3T 7 9 0,a07c0,0,,a01a040,0,,b07b0,0 O3T None
7 9 0,,,,d070,e04,0,,c0701
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O3T
I0 10 8 3h0,d03c0,,0,,,, O0 10 8 3d0a3a0,0,,,,,, I1 5 4 b030,3c0,c03,0 O1 5 4 03030,0,c03,0 I2 3 10 a03,3a0,0,,,,,,, O2 3 10 0a3,0,,,,,,,, I3T 10 4 03c03b0,d03c0,e03b0,a03f0 O3T None
10 4 03b0a3030,d03c0,0,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 8 7 1,,,a1818b1,1,c18b1,b18c1 O0 8 7 18e1,8f1,18e1,8f1,1,, I1 10 6 8h1,1,,,18g1,18b18b18 O1 10 6 8b18d1,18g1,1,8h1,,1 I2 9 4 18e18,b18d1,f181,c18c1 O2 9 4 1a8a18a18,a18e1,1, I3 10 10 g181,1,18g1,a18f1,1,g181,1,,18g1,1 O3 10 10 b18c181,8h1,18g1,1,,,,8h1,1, I4T 4 7 8a18,8b1,b18,1,,,1a81 O4T None I5T 7 6 c18a1,8e1,1,e18,a18c1,1 O5T None
7 6 b1a8a1,8e1,,1,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O5T, predict image
I0 10 9 8,,,e80b8,f85a8,87f86,89g8,86g8,8 O0 10 9 8,,,,,,7h8,9h8,6085a86b8 I1 9 8 g85,8,a85831b8,8,c85c8,8,,85f8 O1 9 8 8,,,,5g8,b85d8,385e8,15f8 I2 4 5 8,,,b84,8 O2 4 5 8,,,,a848 I3 5 6 86b8,b819,8,1c8,8,c87 O3 5 6 8,6c8,8,1c8,,9b87 I4T 6 10 8,,89c8,8,b87a8,8,,,,a87b8 O4T None I5T 10 7 d85c8,e89b8,8,87g8,8,e80b8,8 O5T None
10 7 8,,,,7h8,5h8,89b80c8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 7 d06b0,c06c0,0,,d0a6a0,0,f060 O0 9 7 0b606b0,a06e0,0,,,, I1 5 4 a06a0,6c0,b606,a06a0 O1 5 4 606a0,6a060,a6b0,a06a0 I2 9 9 d06b0,g06,0,6g0,c06c0,0,,, O2 9 9 6c06060,0,,6g0,0,,,, I3 10 7 0,f06a0,06g0,d06b06,0,606f0,a06f0 O3 10 7 a06b06b0,6e06a0,0,6h0,,,0 I4T 10 7 6h0,b06e0,0,f06a0,0,,e0a6a0 O4T None
10 7 b606d0,06g0,0,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 7 10 1,d161,16d1,1,d161,,1,,,a6d1 O0 7 10 a6a16a1,6e1,1,,,,,,6e1, I1 4 9 1,,,6a16,1,,,, O1 4 9 6b1,1,,6b1,1,,,, I2 7 9 e16,1,,b16b1,1,d161,6e1,1, O2 7 9 6d16,16d1,1,,,,6e1,1, I3T 7 8 6c161,16d1,b1a616,1,,,,d161 O3T None I4T 9 4 616e1,d16b1,c16c1,6a16d1 O4T None
7 8 b61a61,16d1,6e1,1,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 7 3 43d4,a4249a4,42497a4 O0 7 3 43d4,a42c4,4249794 I1 3 7 4,,434,4,,, O1 3 7 4,,,a43,4,, I2 7 6 6e4,4,6c434,8e4,9b42a4,4 O2 7 6 4,,,e43,c46a4,4986424 I3T 9 10 4,f434,4,49f4,d47b4,4,6g4,g43,4, O3T None I4T 9 10 e45a4,4,,,0g4,4,,,d49b4,a409c45 O4T None
9 10 4,,g45,4,,,,,,a40940945
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 9 7 b69b616,d69b6,69f6,68b65b6,6,, O0 9 7 6,g61,6,,g69,,c689a65 I1 4 8 64a6,6,,,,,, O1 4 8 6,,b64,6,,,, I2 4 8 6,,a8a6,6,,a685,6, O2 4 8 6,,,,a6a8,b65,b68,6 I3T 10 9 6,,h60,6,a64f6,h60,6,f60a6,60c60b6 O3T None I4T 9 4 b685c6,608b63a6,a65e6,6 O4T None
10 9 6,,h60,6,,h60,6,d64c6,60c60606
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 6 9 9,d94,94c9,9,94c9,,9,4a94a9,9 O0 6 9 9,d94,9,,,,d94,b94a9,94a9a4 I1 8 6 f94,a94d9,9,f94,e949,f94 O1 8 6 f94,9,,f94,e949,e9a4 I2 8 8 a94c94,9,,,,f94,9494c9,94e9 O2 8 8 f94,9,,,e949,f94,9,9a494b9 I3T 6 3 9494a9,9,d94 O3T None I4T 10 8 b9a4d9,4h9,9,,,,h94,d94c9 O4T None
6 3 9,c949,b9494
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 3 4 1,,3a1,171 O0 3 4 a13,1,a17,1 I1 4 9 1,,,5b1,15a1,1,a101,a149,1 O1 4 9 b15,1,b15,1,,b10,b14,b19,1 I2 5 10 1,c17,b171,1,4c1,1,,,, O2 5 10 c14,c17,b171,1,,,,,, I3T 9 10 1,,b125c1,1,d18b1,1,,f151,a14e1,d15b1 O3T None
9 10 d125a1,g18,g14,1,,,g15,f151,1,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 8 4 a81d8,b81c8,1c8a18,d81a8 O0 8 4 a8181a81,81d81,e818,8 I1 8 8 8,,c81818,a8181a81,a8181b8,8,, O1 8 8 d8b1,d8181,e818,f81,8,,, I2 8 9 8,a81d8,1f8,,8,a81d8,8,, O2 8 9 a8a1b81,a81d8,8,,,,,, I3T 4 8 8,8a18,1818,8,,81a8,8,a818 O3T None I4T 8 5 a81d8,8,,e8a1,1f8 O4T None
4 8 a8a1,8181,8,b81,8,,b81,8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 9 10 8,a847d8,a87a81b8,d85a89,b81d8,8,,,, O0 9 10 b847a815,b87a81a8,8,g89,8,,,,, I1 9 8 8,d87b8,d81a85,a81d84,8,87f8,8, O1 9 8 d81718,d87b8,g85,g84,8,,, I2 7 8 8,,,,,85d8,5c828,a81c8 O2 7 8 e85,d858,8,e81,8,e82,8, I3T 10 4 8,0e8658,80g8,h87 O3T None I4T 7 8 8,,,,,85d8,5c828,a81c8 O4T None
10 4 8080c865,8,,h87
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 6 7a47,7b4,7,,,74a7 O0 4 6 7,a4a7,4b7,,,74a7 I1 10 7 7,g7a4,7,c74a74a7,7,a74f7,7 O1 10 7 7,,,,,a74a74c7,747a4d7 I2 8 4 d74a7,4f7,7,c74747 O2 8 4 7,4f7,7,a7474747 I3 5 5 474a7,74b7,7,, O3 5 5 4c7,74b7,4c7,7, I4T 5 4 a74a7,4b74,4c7,74a74 O4T None I5T 9 9 7,4g7,7,c74c7,7,e74a7,c7a4b7,7, O5T None
5 4 7,a4b7,4c7,7a474
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 3 7 313,3,,,,,313 O0 3 7 313,3,,,,1a3,3 I1 4 6 3,,,1b3,3,31a3 O1 4 6 3,,,1b3,,3 I2 4 7 a313,3,a313,3,,, O2 4 7 1313,3,,,,, I3 3 5 131,3a1,3,a31,1a3 O3 3 5 1,a13,3,,1a3 I4T 8 4 3,3a131b3,f31,1f3 O4T None I5T 4 7 3,b31,3,b31,a313,1b3,b31 O5T None
4 7 1313,3,1b3,,3,1b3,3
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 7 4 a40c4,4,42a4834,2d40 O0 7 4 4,,02d4,2a48340 I1 9 9 4549d4,4,,c46c4,4,,e4794,4,a47e4 O1 9 9 4,5g4,4,9g4,4,,,6g4,a47479b4 I2 5 8 4,,,1c4,4,b424,a42a4,a4675 O2 5 8 4,,,1c4,4,,a42a4,42675 I3 7 7 46d4,48d4,e47,a4246a4,4,,46d4 O3 7 7 4,6e4,8e4,4,,246c4,467c4 I4T 9 5 45f4,48f4,d47a48,4,42f4 O4T None I5T 4 3 4704,4, O5T None
4 3 4,7b4,0b4
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O4T
I0 6 7 9,,,,,2a93a9,b97a9 O0 6 7 9,,,,,2d9,a937a9 I1 4 8 9,,,93a9,9,,a929,9 O1 4 8 9,,,,3b9,9,,92a9 I2 9 3 6a94b969,a94e9,d96b9 O2 9 3 6g9,a94b96a9,94b96b9 I3T 3 3 a94,a91,497 O3T None I4T 3 10 a95,9,,949,9,970,9,,4a9, O4T None
3 10 9,,5a9,9,4a9,9,7a9,0a9,4a9,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O5T
I0 6 10 0,,a06b0,0,,,,06b06,0, O0 6 10 0,,,,6d0,0,,,6d0,b06a0 I1 8 7 f06,0,,06b0606,f06,06e0,0 O1 8 7 0,,,,6f0,0,b60a6a0 I2 9 4 0,a0a6d0,d060a6,0 O2 9 4 0,,,a6a060a60 I3 6 7 b06a0,0a6b0,0,c060,0,a06a06,6d0 O3 6 7 0,,a6c0,6d0,0,a06b0,a6a060 I4T 6 6 6d0,a06a06,0,6a06a0,b06a0,0 O4T None I5T 5 5 0,,c06,06b0,b060 O5T None
5 5 0,,,,60a60
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 8 7,,e75,7,a70c7,7,,b76b7 O0 7 8 e70,7,e75,7,e76,7,, I1 8 3 f75,f73,5f7 O1 8 3 a75c75,f73,7 I2 9 8 7,78f7,7,,9g7,b71d7,7,a75a70b7 O2 9 8 a7879b71,g75,7,,g70,7,, I3T 10 9 7,,79g7,d73c7,7,2h7,7,f79a7,d749b7 O3T None
10 9 b7972a737,7,,,h74,h79,g797,7,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O4T, predict image
I0 3 9 8,,9a8,8,,848,8,, O0 3 9 8,,9a8,8,,,4a8,8, I1 3 10 8,a86,8,,,,a81,8,, O1 3 10 8,,,6a8,8,,,,1a8,8 I2 10 4 f84a8,8,b80a821a8,h83 O2 10 4 8,,,a808421a83 I3T 8 7 8,c87b8,8,a87d8,87e8,8,a85d8 O3T None I4T 6 6 2d8,86c8,b8358,8,a85b8,8 O4T None
6 6 2d8,8,6d8,8,a85b8,35c8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 10 b12,1,,,2b1,1,,,, O0 4 10 b12,,1,,,,,,, I1 5 7 a12a1,1,,2c1,1,,2c1 O1 5 7 a1a21,1,c12,1,,, I2 7 10 1,,,a12c1,d121,1,b12b1,12d1,1, O2 7 10 d121,1,e12,,d121,1,,,, I3T 7 6 1,b12b1,212c1,c12a1,a1212a1,d121 O3T None I4T 4 6 1,,,,a121,2b1 O4T None
7 6 a121212,b12a12,e12,1,e12,1
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 6 7 38c3,3,,c343,c313,3, O0 6 7 3,,,c383,d34,d31,3 I1 9 3 35d323,5b32a303,f353 O1 9 3 3,g32,353532350 I2 10 6 a35e39,3,c36d3,3,a364e3,b39e3 O2 10 6 h39,3,,,a36b35b3,b394a36a3 I3T 9 7 30f3,,f395,3,,c395b3,b39d3 O3T None I4T 5 6 0c3,3,0c3,734a3,a3731,4c3 O4T None
5 6 3,,,b303,a3031,43a74
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 4 8 3,,,,,3a43,3, O0 4 8 3,,,,,,b34, I1 6 10 b34a3,3,4d3,3,,,,,d34,3 O1 6 10 3,,d34,3,,,,d34,,3 I2 8 4 c34343,3,c34a34,3 O2 8 4 3,f34,,d3434 I3T 4 3 34a3,3,b34 O3T None I4T 3 3 343,3,343 O4T None
4 3 3,a343,b34
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 7 6 a40c4,4,,e40,040c4,a4040a4 O0 7 6 a404040,e40,4,e40,d404,4 I1 5 10 4,,,,c40,4,c40,4,,40b4 O1 5 10 4,,,,c40,4,c40,b404,4, I2 10 7 c40d4,4,,,c4040b4,4a0f4,4 O2 10 7 c404b04,h40,4,,,, I3 9 10 4,c40c4,4,,,a40d40,4,a40e4,c40c4,4 O3 9 10 d40404,g40,4,,g40,,4,,, I4T 6 8 4,4a0b4,4,,,d40,4, O4T None
6 8 a4a0a4,4,,,,d40,4,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 5 9 b202,2,,a20a2,2,a2a02,2,,020a2 O0 5 9 b202,0c2,,,2,,0c2,2,0c2 I1 8 3 20c202,2,20d20 O1 8 3 20b2a02,0f2,2 I2 10 9 c2020b2,g2a0,g202,2,,,,, O2 10 9 c202b02,f20a2,2,,,,,, I3 9 7 2,,2a0e2,f202,0g2,c20c2,2 O3 9 7 0b20c2,0g2,20f2,2,0g2,2, I4T 6 3 2,202a02,2 O4T None
6 3 02a0a2,2,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict image
I0 5 8 3,7c3,3,,,b363,4c3,3 O0 5 8 3,7c3,6c3,3,,,4c3,3 I1 4 3 a393,a345,3434 O1 4 3 3493,4345,3 I2 5 5 3,,c34,3,39363 O2 5 5 a34a3,6c3,3,9c3,3 I3T 10 7 3,d34a308,d39c3,0h3,3,,b30d35 O3T None I4T 10 7 b36e3,3,c39a31a3,3,c30d3,3,h31 O4T None
10 7 039631c3,c31d3,3,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 3 5 a45,4,,454,4 O0 3 5 a45,4,5a4,4, I1 9 10 4,,a45e4,b45c45,e45a4,45f4,e45a4,4,, O1 9 10 545a45b4,45f4,a45e4,4,5g4,4,,,, I2 10 3 45c45b4,a45a45c4,5h4 O2 10 3 45a4545b4,a45f4,5h4 I3T 7 8 e45,,4,,,b45b4,4,b45b4 O3T None I4T 7 6 4,a45c4,e45,4,d454,4 O4T None
7 6 45a45a4,a45c4,4,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict image
I0 7 9 d636,c63a6,e63,63d6,6,,67d6,6,38d6 O0 7 9 6,,,,a3d6,3e6,6,73d6,38d6 I1 10 6 8g67,6,b65c676,b65e6,6, O1 10 6 8h6,6,,,,a5a6a7c6 I2 4 3 6568,6, O2 4 3 6,5b6,68a6 I3T 8 3 0a64c6,d67a6,64c651 O3T None
8 3 0f6,a64d6,64a67651
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 7 8 e27,2,e27,d272,2,d272,2, O0 7 8 2,,,,,,727c2,2727b2 I1 10 3 7d27b2,27b27c2,a27c2727 O1 10 3 7h2,d27c2,72727a2727 I2 4 6 a272,2,,,b27,2 O2 4 6 2,,7b2,2,,a272 I3T 10 9 2,c27d2,,27g2,2,,,b2727c2,2 O3T None I4T 9 5 a2727c2,2,b27a2727,2,7g2 O4T None
9 5 2,,7g2,27f2,a7a2727a2
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 3 4 a69,9a6,a69,9 O0 3 4 969,9a6,a96,9a6 I1 10 5 h96,b96e9,h96,a96f9,6h9 O1 10 5 h96,9,h96,9,6a96a96b9 I2 10 3 h96,d96c9,a9b6d9 O2 10 3 h96,9,a9b696b9 I3 7 10 9,e96,9,,,,a96c9,e96,9,e96 O3 7 10 9,e96,9,,,,,e96,9,d9a6 I4T 7 7 a96c9,9,,b96b9,,9,b96b9 O4T None I5T 10 4 f9696,c9696a96,e96b9,9 O5T None
10 4 h96,,,e9b69
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topleft_to_bottomright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 8 7 56e5,5,,,a5656b5,5,c56b5 O0 8 7 a6e5,5,6f5,56e5,5,, I1 6 3 b5b6,56c5,c565 O1 6 3 65c6,5, I2 7 6 5,56b565,5,56d5,5,c56a5 O2 7 6 6b56a5,6e5,,5,, I3T 8 10 f56,5,e565,5,,c56b5,d56a5,5,, O3T None I4T 7 9 5,b56a56,5,,56c56,a56c5,5,e56,5 O4T None
8 10 c56a56,6f5,56e5,5,,,,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 5 8 639a3,7c3,3,,35373,3,, O0 5 8 679a3,c35,3,c37,3,,, I1 10 3 e34353,b30e3,130e34 O1 10 3 a313034353,b30e3,h34 I2 6 3 a305a3,c353,3 O2 6 3 a30535,3, I3 9 5 1a39b313,5e323,b30c35,3, O3 9 5 153930312,3,g35,3, I4T 5 5 3,34b3,a32a3,3,30b3 O4T None I5T 8 3 538d3,2f3,3 O5T None
5 5 a3432,c30,3,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 9 7 8,c89c8,b89c89,8,89f8,b89d8,8 O0 9 7 8,,,a89e8,89f8,9g8,a8989c8 I1 8 3 a9e8,8,8a9d8 O1 8 3 9f8,,8a9d8 I2 5 6 8,,,,c89,9b89 O2 5 6 8,,,,,9a8a9 I3 9 3 89c89a8,9e898,9g8 O3 9 3 89f8,9g8,9b8989a8 I4T 7 5 a989b8,8,,c8a98,89d8 O4T None I5T 4 9 a898,8,,,,,,a898,8 O5T None
4 9 8,,9b8,8,,,,,89a8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_topright_to_bottomleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 10 f81,b86a818,8,b80c8,8,f81,8,,,e828 O0 8 10 c86801,e818,8,,,f81,8,,f82,8 I1 7 4 a89c8,b81a83,e82,c8328 O1 7 4 a8981a8,e83,d832,d828 I2 4 8 a832,8,a828,a818,b85,81a8,8, O2 4 8 a832,b82,b81,,b85,8,, I3T 8 3 f89,d84a8,1c89a8 O3T None
8 3 a81b849,e898,8
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomleft_to_topright predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 3 6 7,5a7,7,a74,7, O0 3 6 7,5a7,747,7,, I1 6 3 a78b7,7,d78 O1 6 3 a7a8a7,7, I2 9 3 d70b7,76a70c7,d70b7 O2 9 3 6a7070b7,c70c7,7 I3 10 5 7,,h72,76c75972,c73d7 O3 10 5 3a7597a2a7,7,6h7,7, I4T 10 10 6h7,c73d7,7,,h76,7,c74d7,h76,7, O4T None I5T 6 5 7,d70,7,d74,d79 O5T None
6 5 794707,7,,,
dataset=solve_gravity group=gravity_move_bottomright_to_topleft predict=image image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a

Version 1

ARC-AGI Tasks where the job is to apply gravity in the directions up/down/left/right.

example count: 2-4.

test count: 1-2.

image size: 3-10.

number of pixels to apply gravity to: 2-5.

Exercises image_gravity_move().

Version 2

Exercises image_gravity_draw().

Version 3

Exercises image_gravity_move() and image_gravity_draw().

Increased max_number_of_positions from 5 to 8.

Version 4

image size: 3-30.

max number of positions: 5.

Version 5

image size: 3-30.

max number of positions: 7.

Version 6

Added diagonal movement with image_gravity_move().

image size: 3-10.

max number of positions: 7.

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