simonsolveversion1, O5T, predict image
I0 2 9 95,5,4,95,5,4,95,5,4 O0 2 3 95,5,4 I1 3 9 3,5,,3,5,,3,5, O1 3 3 3,5, I2 3 9 189,a84,4,189,a84,4,189,a84,4 O2 3 3 189,a84,4 I3 3 6 9,0a9,9,0a9,9,0a9 O3 3 2 9,0a9 I4T 2 12 83,67,07,,83,67,07,,83,67,07, O4T None I5T 4 6 b19,1b9,b19,1b9,b19,1b9 O5T 4 2 b19,2b9
4 2 b19,1b9
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig orig orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 3 8 858,a58,858,a58,858,8a5,a58,858 O0 3 2 a58,858 I1 2 12 96,18,3,96,18,3,69,81,3,,18,96 O1 2 3 3,18,96 I2 3 12 2a1,326,a32,2a1,326,a32,a12,623,2a3,a32,326,2a1 O2 3 3 a32,326,2a1 I3T 3 8 a21,252,a21,252,1a2,252,,a21 O3T 3 2 252,a21 I4T 2 16 68,,80,,68,,80,,86,,08,,80,,68, O4T None
3 2 252,a21
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig 180 flipy flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 20 7 i8a3g8,,,,i8a3a8a0c8,i8a3a80d8,i8a3a801c8 O0 20 7 i8a3g8,,,,e8a0a8a3a8a0c8,e80b8a3a80d8,e801a8a3a801c8 I1 8 14 8,,,,,,b810b8,b8010a8,8,3,8,,, O1 8 14 8,,,,,,b810b8,b8010a8,8,3,8,b810b8,b8010a8,8 I2 26 6 f8a0d83j8,f8b0c83j8,f8010c83j8,m83j8,, O2 26 6 f8a0d83c8a0d8,f8b0c83c8b0c8,f8010c83c8010c8,m83j8,, I3 8 26 8,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,8,,81a0c8,8010c8,8080c8,8,,,, O3 8 26 8,,,,,,,,81a0c8,8010c8,8080c8,8,,3,,,8,,81a0c8,8010c8,8080c8,8,,,, I4T 21 9 f8a3k8,,810c8a3k8,8a0c8a3k8,,f8a3k8,,, O4T 21 9 f8383j8,f8a3k8,8a0c8a3c810e8,801c8383b8080d8,8a0c8a3c8a0e8,f8a3k8,,,
21 9 f8a3k8,,810c8a3c810e8,8a0c8a3c8a0e8,,f8a3k8,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=0 flip=False swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=large image_height=large task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 9 14 0,,,,a0a64c0,a0b4c0,0,,,,,,, O0 6 4 a64a64,4,a6c4,c4a6 I1 5 19 0,,,,,,,,a0390,,a0350,a0390,0,,,,,, O1 4 8 3939,,3535,3939,3a93,3953,3593,3a93 I2 13 14 0,,,b07a12e0,b0b15e0,b0c3e0,0,,,,,,, O2 8 6 7a127a12,b15b15,3,7a12c3,b1a5b1,c32a17 I3T 7 11 0,,,,,,a0b7a0,a0a67a0,a0b7a0,,0 O3T None I4T 13 13 0,,,,,,e03605b0,e07143b0,e04a52b0,0,,, O4T 8 6 36053065,71437142,4a524a54,76032a53,31453471,4a525063
8 6 36053605,71437143,4a524a52,36052a54,714a3417,4a525063
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect 2x2(orig orig orig 180) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 2 20 81,01,10,,,,01,81,18,10,01,,18,10,01,,81,01,10, O0 2 4 81,01,10, I1 4 15 a0a3,b89,a069,,b89,a0a3,a3a0,9b8,96a0,a3a0,9b8,96a0,a0a3,b89,a069 O1 4 3 a0a3,b89,a069 I2 3 15 4a0,0a4,4,,0a4,4a0,a04,a40,4,a04,a40,4,4a0,0a4,4 O2 3 3 4a0,0a4,4 I3 3 20 828,802,208,808,,208,802,828,,208,802,808,828,208,802,808,828,802,208,808 O3 3 4 828,802,208,808 I4T 4 10 0931,a096,,0931,1390,69a0,1390,69a0,0931,a096 O4T None
4 2 0931,a096
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig flipx flipx flipy orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, O5T, predict image
I0 4 4 a747,7,a7a2,72a7 O0 8 4 72c747,a7a2c7,e7a2,a74a72a7 I1 2 2 0,53 O1 4 2 53a0,a053 I2 2 2 06,68 O2 4 2 6806,0a68 I3 3 3 7a4,497,798 O3 6 3 7987a4,497497,7a4798 I4 3 3 2a0,204,6 O4 6 3 b62a0,204204,2a0b6 I5T 4 4 2b3,2171,2a17,3a17 O5T 8 4 3a172b3,2172a171,21a32a17,23713a17
8 4 3a172b3,2a172171,21712a17,2c3a17
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(flipy orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 13 12 7,,,g7a9b7,g7a4b7,7,,,,,, O0 2 4 9,4,,9 I1 12 8 7,c7a292c7,c73970c7,c72969c7,c79362c7,7,, O1 4 8 a292,3970,2969,9362,,2969,3970,a292 I2 18 6 7,,,g789g7,g783g7,7 O2 2 4 89,83,,89 I3 17 16 7,,,,g7b20d7,g782a4d7,g7a2a4d7,g72424d7,7,,,,,,, O3 4 8 b20,82a4,a2a4,2424,,a2a4,82a4,b20 I4T 14 8 7,g7a0c7,g708c7,7,,,, O4T None I5T 11 10 7,,,f7a3a7,f735a7,7,,,, O5T None
2 4 0,08,,0
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 16 14 9,,,g95f9,h91e9,g9a7e9,9,,,,,,, O0 10 3 c795c7,1a9a191a91,9a59a79a59 I1 7 17 9,,,,,,,a9851a9,a9568a9,a98a4a9,9,,,,,, O1 15 3 a4a8a4158a4a8a4,86a56a86586a568,15a851a4815a851 I2T 5 12 9,,,,920a9,92829,9a729,97a29,9,,, O2T None
15 4 a2a7a290b2a7a2,2c7a28a2c72,28a28a2a728a282,90a209a2790a209
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(180 flipy flipx 180 flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 predict image for O4T
I0 12 24 8,,,,,a852g8,,a892g8,a852g8,,a892g8,a829g8,a825g8,,a852g8,,a892g8,a852g8,,a892g8,8,,, O0 2 3 52,,92 I1 11 22 8,,,,,,,g8308,g8658,g8308,g8658,g8568,g8038,g8308,g8658,g8308,g8658,8,,,, O1 2 2 30,65 I2 12 16 8,,,,a8a9g8,a871g8,a8a9g8,a871g8,817h8,8a9h8,a8a9g8,a871g8,a8a9g8,a871g8,8, O2 3 2 8a9,871 I3T 5 27 8,,,,83528,81868,82168,83528,81868,82168,86128,86818,82538,83528,81868,82168,83528,81868,82168,8,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 16 25 8,,,,,,g81619c8,g81916c8,g8a191c8,g81619c8,g81916c8,g8a191c8,g819a1c8,g86191c8,g89161c8,g81619c8,g81916c8,g8a191c8,g81619c8,g81916c8,g8a191c8,8,,, O4T 4 3 1619,1916,a191
4 3 1619,1916,a191
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig orig 180 orig orig) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
simonsolveversion1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 15 15 1,e1a97e1,e1987e1,8,,1,,,,,,,,, O0 15 15 8,e8a79e8,e8719e8,1,,e8a79e8,e8719e8,8,,,,,,, I1 7 31 1,,,,,,,d187,d1a7,d1a9,1,,,,,8,,1,,,,,,,,,,,,, O1 7 31 8,,,,,,,d819,d8a9,d8a7,8,,,,,1,,8,,,,,d819,d8a9,d8a7,8,,,,, I2 13 10 f18a7b1,f1979b1,1,8,,,1,,, O2 13 10 f81a9b8,f8797b8,8,1,,,8,f81a9b8,f8797b8,8 I3T 18 17 1,,,,,g1b9f1,h197f1,g1b7f1,1,8,,1,,,,, O3T 18 17 8,,,,,g8b7f8,h879f8,g8b9f8,d81k8,b1818k1,g18g18,b81b871g81,g8789f8,h8a7f8,g8b9f8,8,
18 17 8,,,,,g8b7f8,h879f8,g8b9f8,8,1,,8,g8b7f8,h879f8,g8b9f8,8,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=6 flip=False swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=other task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 2 6 83,,08,83,,08 O0 2 3 83,,08 I1 4 4 3b5,5a75,3b5,5a75 O1 4 2 3b5,5a75 I2 4 8 7,1a97,a797,7a90,7,1a97,a797,7a90 O2 4 4 7,1a97,a797,7a90 I3T 4 8 8,1a28,14a8,2b0,8,1a28,14a8,2b0 O3T None
4 4 8,1a28,14a8,2b0
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 2 3 32,61,16 O0 2 9 23,16,61,32,61,16,61,16,23 I1 3 2 9,6a3 O1 3 6 9,a36,9,6a3,a36,9 I2 2 4 46,4,9,6 O2 2 12 64,4,9,6,46,4,9,6,,9,4,64 I3 4 4 8b5,8a15,a4a5,2b5 O3 4 12 b58,5a18,a5a4,b52,8b5,8a15,a4a5,2b5,b52,a5a4,5a18,b58 I4T 4 4 1a90,1910,a4a1,a139 O4T 4 12 0a91,1091,a1a4,9131,1910,4a90,14a1,b19,9a34,a141,0191,0a91 I5T 4 2 3a63, O5T None
4 12 0a91,0191,a1a4,93a1,1a90,1910,a4a1,a139,93a1,a1a4,0191,0a91
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(flipx orig 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 4 4 08a6,08a9,9494,a949 O0 12 4 a94b94b949,949494949494,08a908a908a9,08a608a608a6 I1 4 3 4,8a24,4242 O1 12 3 424242424242,8a248a248a24,4 I2 3 3 7a6,6a3,813 O2 9 3 813813813,6a36a36a3,7a67a67a6 I3 3 3 6a0,641,6a1 O3 9 3 6a16a16a1,641641641,6a06a06a0 I4T 3 3 536,5a3,539 O4T 3 3 536,5a3,539 I5T 3 2 7a1,219 O5T None
9 3 539539539,5a35a35a3,536536536
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipy flipy flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, 'O2T', predict the image
I0 2 3 23,25,3 O0 4 3 3,5252,3232 I1 3 2 2a0, O1 6 2 a02a02, I2T 2 3 18,48,68 O2T None
4 3 8686,8484,8181
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(180 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O3T
I0 13 21 7,,d749e7,,d740e7,d738e7,d783e7,d704e7,d794e7,,,,d704e7,d783e7,,d704e7,d794e7,,7,, O0 2 4 83,04,94, I1 12 15 7,,,,,,d789d7,d7a8d7,c7a8e7,c798e7,,c7a8e7,,c798e7,7 O1 3 2 a87,987 I2 7 21 7,,,,,,,782a1a7,7c2a7,78389a7,79838a7,7c2a7,7a128a7,,7c2a7,79838a7,,7c2a7,7a128a7,7, O2 4 3 9838,2,a128 I3T 13 26 7,,,,,,,,e7490c7,e7594c7,,e7b4c7,,e7495c7,,e7094c7,,e7495c7,,e7b4c7,,e7495c7,,e7094c7,7, O3T 3 4 4,495,,097 I4T 6 22 7,,7432a7,a751a7,7454a7,,715b7,7234a7,,715b7,7454a7,,715b7,7234a7,7,,,,,,, O4T None
3 4 4,495,,094
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig flipx orig 180) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 9 13 7,,,,,a753d7,a754d7,7,,,,, O0 4 2 3a54,4a53 I1 10 12 7,e705a7,e710a7,e709a7,7,,,,,,, O1 4 3 5a09,0a10,9a05 I2 9 16 7,,,,,,c74a9a7,c73a4a7,c7484a7,7,,,,,, O2 6 3 a9a484,a4a3a4,48a4a9 I3T 12 16 7,,,,,g7a587,g75a87,g73817,7,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 13 10 7,,f70a3b7,f71a0b7,f7308b7,7,,,, O4T 6 3 a30108,a013a0,8030a3
6 3 a30308,a0a1a0,8030a3
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipx flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 12 7 5,,539010101b5,53a939393b5,510939393b5,5, O0 2 3 01,93, I1 16 13 5,,,,,,,5c69a69a696b5,569i6b5,5,,, O1 3 2 696,6 I2 20 7 5,a592i3e5,a59c19a19a19e5,a5c329329329e5,5,, O2 3 3 3,a19,329 I3T 21 11 5,,,,,,,b58a48a48a48a4e5,b5a8a2a82a82a8e5,b5a48a48a48a48e5,5 O3T None I4T 18 5 5,b592080808f5,b59a494949f5,b580292929f5,5 O4T 18 5 c59l5,b52508a08g5,b59a4949498e5,b5802929259e5,5
2 3 08,49,29
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig orig orig 180) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 predict image for O4T
I0 3 3 185,758,727 O0 9 3 a7a18a581,25875a857,78572a727 I1 2 2 64,04 O1 6 2 0a6a46,a40a40 I2 4 4 4a20,2540,2902,4504 O2 12 4 4a2a4a2a0a24,595a254a0452,a04a290a2092,42a0450a4054 I3 4 4 a407,a573,4a53,7824 O3 12 4 745b40a70a4,8a54a57a37a5,25704a5a3a54,4a3a782a4287 I4T 4 4 2821,,a291,a891 O4T 4 4 2821,,8291,2891 I5T 2 2 45,51 O5T None
12 4 8c282a1282,82a8282a1282,a9c29a19a2,c1a89a19a8
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(cw orig flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 predict image for O4T
I0 3 2 a10,8a3 O0 9 2 0c10a38,a3a8a30a1 I1 2 4 68,82,84,4 O1 6 4 8a68a4,2a8248,4a8428,c486 I2 4 3 a253,a595,4a83 O2 12 3 35c25a3a84,59c59a59a5,3a8a4a8a35a2 I3 3 2 139,424 O3 9 2 93a139424,42a424931 I4T 2 3 43,53,43 O4T 2 3 43,53,43
6 3 3a4a34,3a5a35,3a4a34
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipx orig 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 4 2 b60,a060 O0 2 2 60, I1 4 2 4a34,6a46 O1 2 2 34,46 I2 4 2 4a92,a242 O2 2 2 92,42 I3 4 2 4b8,48a4 O3 2 2 8,4 I4T 6 3 c4a1,b14a1, O4T None I5T 6 3 38a2a0,2a0802,a203a2 O5T 3 3 2a0,802,3a2
3 3 2a0,802,3a2
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig cw) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 12 4 a02c02b02,2d0a4a0a4,a0a42b02b0,b02a02b020 O0 4 4 a020,2b0,a0a4,b02 I1 9 4 912184184,9a3a92a92,a929a39a3,184912912 O1 3 4 912,9a3,a92,184 I2 9 3 789a79a79,a79a79a79,a79789789 O2 3 3 789,a79, I3 12 3 7a31a7a1a7a1,a17b17b171,a7a17a317a31 O3 4 3 7a31,a171,a7a1 I4T 6 4 12c4,a12121,2d1,a41212 O4T None I5T 12 2 a191a690a690,a690a19b191 O5T 4 2 1791,a690
4 2 a191,a690
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig flipx flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 26 10 k04l0,,,,,,,,e02d04l0,e082c04l0 O0 26 10 k04l0,,,,,,,,e08d04d02f0,e028c04c028f0 I1 30 17 m0b4l0,,,,,,,,g08a2b0b4l0,g0824b0b4l0,g02a8b0b4l0,m0b4l0,,,,, O1 30 17 m0b4l0,,,,,,,,g02a8b0b4b0a28f0,g0284b0b4b0428f0,g08a2b0b4b0a82f0,m0b4l0,,,,, I2 16 23 0,,,,,,,4,,0,,,,e0a2g0,e048g0,e082g0,0,,,,,, O2 16 23 e082g0,e048g0,e0a2g0,0,,,,4,,0,,,,e0a8g0,e042g0,e028g0,0,,,,,, I3T 15 26 0,,,,,,,,e0b2e0,e0842e0,0,,,,4,0,,,,,,,,,, O3T 15 26 0,,,,,,,,e0b8e0,e0248e0,0,,i07c0,0,4,0,,,,e0842e0,e0b2e0,0,,,, I4T 25 12 h04n0,,,,,,h04d0a82f0,h04d0284f0,h04d0b2f0,h04n0,, O4T None
15 26 0,,,,,,,,e0b8e0,e0248e0,0,,,,4,0,,,,e0842e0,e0b2e0,0,,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=2 flip=True swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=large image_height=large task_pixels=d
simon-solve-version1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 3 4 942,7,912,a91 O0 3 12 a91,912,7,942,249,7,219,1a9,942,7,912,a91 I1 4 3 36a3,3613,5313 O1 4 9 5313,3613,36a3,a363,3163,3135,36a3,3613,5313 I2 3 2 1a2,3 O2 3 6 3,1a2,a21,3,1a2,3 I3T 2 4 3,49,45,14 O3T None
2 12 14,45,49,3,,94,54,41,3,49,45,14
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(flipy flipx orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, 'O2T', predict the image
I0 2 6 96,6,16,,6,96 O0 2 3 96,6,16 I1 3 4 686,698,,686 O1 3 2 686,698 I2T 2 8 7,35,75,78,,75,35,7 O2T None I3T 4 6 15a6,a637,1a57,,a637,15a6 O3T None
2 4 7,35,75,78
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 4 4 4213,4a59,1471,a649 O0 4 12 94a6,1741,9a54,3124,a416,2546,1574,3919,a649,1471,4a59,4213 I1 4 4 3a40,1504,5394,1a69 O1 4 12 9a61,4935,4051,0a43,3151,4536,4096,0a49,1a69,5394,1504,3a40 I2 3 3 4a0,a07,740 O2 3 9 047,7a0,a04,407,a04,070,740,a07,4a0 I3 4 4 8036,8976,7,a731 O3 4 12 13a7,7,6798,6308,a8a7,09a7,3a73,a671,a731,7,8976,8036 I4 3 3 a60,090,049 O4 3 9 940,090,0a6,6a0,694,a09,049,090,a60 I5T 2 2 08,2 O5T None I6T 4 4 9a28,9208,20a7,a7a2 O6T None
2 6 2,80,02,82,2,08
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(180 flipa flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 14 14 4,,438a675f4,4b7873f4,4a35373f4,457a683f4,4378b7f4,43735a3f4,4,,,,, O0 3 3 683,7,5a3 I1 13 19 4,,,,,41b3a1e4,4951359e4,419a191e4,4a1b31e4,4953159e4,419a191e4,4,,,,,,, O1 3 3 a31,159,191 I2 14 16 4,,,,,,,d48a79d4,e498e4,d49a78d4,e489e4,4,,,, O2 2 2 78,94 I3T 10 19 4,,,,,,,,b470a4164,b4a310374,b42767324,b461a4074,b47301a34,b42376724,4,,,, O3T 3 3 407,1a3,676 I4T 13 9 4,,,,b4a37f4,b47h4,a47a3g4,c47g4,4 O4T None
3 3 407,1a3,672
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(orig cw flipa flipx) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-v1, O3T, predict image
I0 2 4 0,21,20,0 O0 2 8 0,12,02,0,,12,02,0 I1 4 3 79a3,3957,75a7 O1 4 6 a397,7593,a757,a397,7593,a757 I2 3 2 136,939 O2 3 4 631,939,631,939 I3T 2 3 04,01,52 O3T 2 6 40,10,25,80,10,25
2 6 40,10,25,40,10,25
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(flipx flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O3T
I0 3 2 471,8 O0 12 2 174b847a174,b8471e8 I1 2 4 92,,28,07 O1 8 4 29079a29,29289a29,829a2a82,70920a70 I2 4 3 7a37,3073,a743 O2 16 3 7a3b7437a3a7a37,370a307a307a3703,34b7a3b74a34a7 I3T 3 4 7a0,0a7,070,079 O3T 12 4 a070797c07,a7a07a0c70,07a0a707a070,0707b07a970 I4T 4 2 85a7,b35 O4T None
12 4 a070797c07,a7a07a0c70,07a0a707a070,9707b07a970
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipx flipy orig flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 5 16 5,57265,5a325,,57265,56275,52a35,5a325,57265,5,,,,,, O0 3 2 726,a32 I1 5 28 5,,,,,,,,5a4a5,548a5,534a5,5a4a5,,534a5,548a5,5a4a5,,584a5,543a5,5a4a5,,534a5,548a5,5a4a5,5,,, O1 2 4 4,48,34,4 I2 10 15 5,d58c5,c5a2a8a5,e527a5,,c5a2a8a5,d58c5,e58b5,c5a8a2a5,c572c5,e527a5,c5a2a8a5,d58c5,5, O2 4 3 58a5,a2a8,a527 I3 14 25 5,,,,,c56a0f5,c5610f5,c5301f5,c5a03f5,,c5301f5,c5610f5,c56a0f5,c5a06f5,c5016f5,c5103f5,c53a0f5,c5a03f5,c5301f5,c5610f5,c56a0f5,5,,, O3 3 4 6a0,610,301,a03 I4T 10 23 5,,,,,e53b5,d53c5,c51d5,,d53c5,e53b5,c53d5,d53c5,e51b5,c51d5,d53c5,e53b5,5,,,,, O4T None I5T 13 24 5,,,,539a3g5,549a1g5,52498g5,5a943g5,,52498g5,549a1g5,539a3g5,5a393g5,5a194g5,58942g5,534a9g5,5a943g5,52498g5,549a1g5,539a3g5,5,,, O5T 4 4 39a3,a4a1,2a98,9493
4 4 39a3,49a1,2498,a943
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig flipy flipx flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 7 12 2,,,,,,,a20a3a2,,a2a34a2,2, O0 12 3 a34a34a30a34,0a30c3a0a3,0a30a34a30a3 I1 11 13 2,,e26a462,e248042,h202,2,,,,,,, O1 16 3 b20b206a46b20,480a480a408a4804,6a4a6a460b26a46 I2 12 12 2,,,,,,,,b2329e2,b2307e2,b2073e2,2 O2 12 3 073073923073,30730a70a307,329329370329 I3T 13 11 2,,,,c2c9d2,c203a9d2,c296a9d2,2,,, O3T None I4T 12 11 2,,,,,b25a1e2,b2a9f2,2,,, O4T 12 2 a92912a19592,5a15912a95a1
12 2 a92a92a15a92,5a15a12a95a1
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipy flipy flipx flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 2 4 73,54,34,75 O0 2 2 73,54 I1 2 4 35,20,50,32 O1 2 2 35,20 I2 2 4 9,28,98,92 O2 2 2 9,28 I3 2 4 3,69,39,36 O3 2 2 3,69 I4T 3 6 a72,2,741,a21,724,727 O4T 3 3 a72,2,741 I5T 2 4 8,06,86,80 O5T None
3 3 a72,2,741
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig ccw) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O4T, predict image
I0 4 8 5725,58a5,a520,52a5,a525,02a5,a585,5275 O0 4 4 5725,58a5,a520,52a5 I1 3 8 842,028,098,0a2,a20,890,820,248 O1 3 4 842,028,098,0a2 I2 4 6 9494,94a9,4b9,b94,a949,4949 O2 4 3 9494,94a9,4b9 I3T 2 8 5,03,13,0,,31,30,5 O3T None I4T 2 4 31,19,91,13 O4T None
2 2 31,19
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 2 4 8,84,,8 O0 4 4 8,4848,,8 I1 4 2 a3a7,a868 O1 8 2 a7a386a8,86a8a7a3 I2T 2 2 83,32 O2T None
4 2 3823,2a38
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipx 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 14 12 5,c5237f5,c583g5,c5354f5,5,,,,,,, O0 9 3 354354382,83583a5a3,237237457 I1 12 12 5,,,,,,,d5a9a8b5,d5b79b5,d525a9b5,d59797b5,5 O1 12 4 979797979279,25a925a97579,b79b7b978,a9a8a9a87a98 I2 19 10 5,,,,g5b24f5,g5b21f5,g56a02f5,g5a2a0f5,5, O2 12 4 a2a0a2a026a2,6a026a0a20a2,b21b21a0a2,b24b240214 I3 13 14 5,,g5c65,g501765,g507625,g567615,5,,,,,,, O3 12 4 676167616a06,07620762a716,0176017b676,g612a6 I4 18 8 5,,,g5169f5,g51a0f5,g5016f5,5, O4 9 3 0160160a1,1a01a0106,169169609 I5T 15 13 5,,,,,,,,g5b4c5,g5243c5,g5b4c5,5, O5T None
9 3 f424,243243b4,f434
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(flipy flipy cw) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 9 17 0,,,,,,,,d0a710,d07a10,d0b70,d0a710,d07a10,d0b70,0,, O0 3 3 a71,7a1,7 I1 10 12 0,,c0704b0,c07a1b0,c047c0,c0704b0,c07a1b0,c047c0,0,,, O1 3 3 704,7a1,470 I2 13 15 0,,,,,,d029e0,e09e0,d029e0,e09e0,0,,,, O2 2 2 29,09 I3T 13 11 0,,,,,e083d0,e0a6d0,e083d0,e0a6d0,0, O3T 2 2 83,6 I4T 11 13 0,,,a0a65e0,,a0656e0,a0a65e0,,a0656e0,0,,, O4T None
2 2 83,6
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig orig) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 4 4 08a6,08a9,9494,a949 O0 12 4 a94b94b949,949494949494,08a908a908a9,08a608a608a6 I1 4 3 4,8a24,4242 O1 12 3 424242424242,8a248a248a24,4 I2 3 3 7a6,6a3,813 O2 9 3 813813813,6a36a36a3,7a67a67a6 I3 3 3 6a0,641,6a1 O3 9 3 6a16a16a1,641641641,6a06a06a0 I4T 3 3 536,5a3,539 O4T None I5T 3 2 7a1,219 O5T 3 2 7a1,219
9 2 219219219,7a17a17a1
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(flipy flipy flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict image
I0 2 9 95,5,4,95,5,4,95,5,4 O0 2 3 95,5,4 I1 3 9 3,5,,3,5,,3,5, O1 3 3 3,5, I2 3 9 189,a84,4,189,a84,4,189,a84,4 O2 3 3 189,a84,4 I3 3 6 9,0a9,9,0a9,9,0a9 O3 3 2 9,0a9 I4T 2 12 83,67,07,,83,67,07,,83,67,07, O4T 2 4 83,67,97,07 I5T 4 6 b19,1b9,b19,1b9,b19,1b9 O5T None
2 4 83,67,07,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig orig orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O4T
I0 21 10 0,,,h052820b825a0,g02528a525a2520,g0c8a2052b80,0,,, O0 3 3 250,252,8 I1 25 10 0,,,,,,d090895a925809g0,d05a02a05c05g0,d092a508908529g0,0 O1 3 3 809,a05,529 I2 16 10 0,,0568e5865b0,050850650a805b0,0c5a8568b5b0,0,,,, O2 3 3 865,805,5 I3 16 9 0,,,,,,f0920909290,g0a92929a0,0 O3 2 2 29,90 I4T 21 11 0,,,,b0154a21a21451e0,b0a24a25a2a4a2e0,b0a2a1a41541a2e0,0,,, O4T 3 3 451,4a2,1a2
3 3 451,4a2,1a2
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig 180 flipb flipx) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 6 2 a48989,9898a4 O0 3 2 a48,989 I1 4 3 4961,1,1694 O1 2 3 49,1,16 I2 6 3 a20a41,28a982,1a40a2 O2 3 3 a20,289,1a4 I3T 6 4 68b62,6543a9,a93456,2b686 O3T 6 4 68b62,659439,a93486,2b656
3 4 686,654,a93,2a6
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 8 3 919a1b9,1e91,b9a1919 O0 4 3 1b9,b91,1919 I1 8 4 03b0801,86b06a0,a06b068,108b030 O1 4 4 0801,06a0,a068,a030 I2 8 4 5,a31d5,d51a3,5 O2 4 4 5,,51a3,5 I3 6 4 9a3a03,a32413,3142a3,3a0a39 O3 3 4 a03,413,2a3,a39 I4T 4 3 7626,8a68,6267 O4T None I5T 6 2 489218,812984 O5T 6 2 489128,812984
3 2 218,984
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMON-SOLVE-VERSION1, 'O5T', predict the image
I0 11 18 7,,,,,,,,b7238d7,b7215d7,b7125d7,b7a58d7,b7213d7,b71a2d7,7,,, O0 3 3 238,215,125 I1 8 22 7,,,,,,,,a7b6b7,a7a6c7,b769b7,a7976b7,a7b6b7,b7a6b7,7,,,,,,, O1 3 3 6,a67,769 I2 11 18 7,,,,c76a0c7,c7a64c7,c7a06c7,c7640c7,c7060c7,c70a6c7,7,,,,,,, O2 3 3 6a0,a64,a06 I3 13 14 7,g79c7,e7a09c7,e7a69c7,e7b9c7,e760d7,,7,,,,,, O3 3 3 a79,a09,a69 I4T 10 19 7,,,,,,7a2f7,7570e7,a750e7,7a0f7,7572e7,a752e7,7,,,,,, O4T None I5T 11 17 7,,,,,,,,g75a7,g7567,g76a7,g7a57,7,,,, O5T None
2 2 57,56
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig flipa) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 3 3 1a6,142,921 O0 15 3 1291a6a191b621,24a142642142642,a6192162192b19 I1 3 3 962,920,a59 O1 15 3 9a5962a9596a209,02a920625920625,269a59209a5b95 I2 2 2 15,58 O2 10 2 8515151a58,5158585815 I3T 4 4 8a64,3a84,a0a4,9843 O3T 20 4 34898a6483098a6c43,a403a0848603b8468a4,486308a468a408046a80,46a89483b439a438309 I4T 2 2 1,6 O4T None
20 4 34898a6483098a6c43,a4a03a8468083a8468a4,4a83a0a468a4a0a46808,4a689843b4398438309
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(180 orig flipa orig ccw) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 4 4 2727,,2a72, O0 2 2 72, I1 6 6 76a704,a42a42,704767,767407,a4a2a4,704767 O1 3 3 407,2a4,767 I2 4 4 5696,9656,5a69,9a65 O2 2 2 69,65 I3T 6 6 16a791,a18a18,79a167,167197,a1a8a1,791761 O3T 6 6 178791,a16a18,79a167,161797,a187a1,719861 I4T 4 4 9515,1595,9a51,1a59 O4T None
3 3 197,8a1,761
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(orig 180 flipx 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 14 14 0,,,,8,,b0737g0,b0b7g0,b0a7h0,0,,,, O0 14 14 8,b8a7h8,b8b7g8,b8737g8,0,,b8373g8,b8b3g8,b8a3h8,8,,,, I1 8 25 0,c03870,c07a30,0,,,,,,,8,,,0,,,,,,,,,,, O1 8 25 8,c87038,c83a78,8,,,,,,,0,,,8,,,,,,,c87a38,c83078,8,, I2 21 16 k0a8f0,,,,,,,d0a7d0a8f0,d078d0a8f0,d073d0a8f0,k0a8f0,,,,, O2 21 16 k8a0f8,,,,,,,d8a3d8a0d8a7,d830d8a0d807,d837d8a0d837,k8a0f8,,,,, I3 19 10 g0a8h0,g0a8c037b0,g0a8c0a7b0,,g0a8h0,,,,, O3 19 10 g8a0h8,a873c8a0c873b8,a8a7c8a0c8a3b8,,g8a0h8,,,,, I4T 10 19 0,,,,,,,8,,,0,,d0a3b0,d087b0,d0a7b0,0,,, O4T 10 19 0,,,,,,f08a0,f80a8,8,c80d8,c08d0,d03c0,e03b0,d087b0,d0a7b0,0,,, I5T 32 7 l08q0,b0a37f08q0,b0737f08q0,b03a7f08q0,l08q0,, O5T None
10 19 8,,d8a7b8,d807b8,d8a3b8,8,,0,,,8,,d8a7b8,d803b8,d8a3b8,8,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=2 flip=True swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=other image_height=large task_pixels=d
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 predict image for O3T
I0 15 3 a3a8a38a3a8b38,8c38a3a8a38a3,a8a3a83a8a3b83 O0 3 3 a38,8a3,a83 I1 15 3 98a589a50a30985,a0a5a0803a05a05,a3a0a3903985a30 O1 3 3 985,a05,a30 I2 10 2 9a39313193,3a13939a31 O2 2 2 93,31 I3T 15 3 a6a5a6b5a45a65,a6a5c64a65a65,a4a5a4a64a65a45 O3T None
3 3 a65,,a45
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig flipx ccw flipy orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O2T'
I0 4 9 4a29,4972,9b7,b79,2794,9a24,9b7,4972,4a29 O0 4 3 4a29,4972,9b7 I1 3 12 290,270,a79,795,597,9a7,072,092,795,a79,270,290 O1 3 4 290,270,a79,795 I2T 3 9 9a8,896,089,980,698,a89,089,896,9a8 O2T 3 3 9a8,896,089 I3T 3 9 929,919,a39,9a3,919,929,a39,919,929 O3T None
3 3 9a8,896,089
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig 180 flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 7 18 2,a2b5a2,a21a4a2,a2414a2,,a2a41a2,a2b5a2,a2a45a2,a2145a2,a2415a2,a25a4a2,a2541a2,a2514a2,a2a45a2,a2145a2,a2415a2,2, O0 3 3 5,1a4,414 I1 14 20 2,,,,,,c284g2,c250g2,c205g2,c248g2,c204g2,c258g2,c240g2,c285g2,c204g2,c258g2,2,,, O1 2 2 84,50 I2 5 20 2,,,,,2a7a2,290a2,209a2,2a7a2,207a2,297a2,270a2,279a2,207a2,297a2,2,,,, O2 2 2 7,90 I3 9 19 2,b2a84b2,b2a46b2,b2686b2,,b26a4b2,b24a8b2,b2a64b2,b2848b2,b2648b2,b24a6b2,b2848b2,b2846b2,b2a64b2,b2848b2,b2648b2,2,, O3 3 3 a84,a46,686 I4T 6 16 2,,,,,a271a2,a238a2,a283a2,a217a2,a281a2,a237a2,a218a2,a273a2,a281a2,a237a2,2 O4T None I5T 8 24 2,b2a45a2,b24a5a2,b2185a2,b2581a2,b2a54a2,b25a4a2,b2b5a2,b2854a2,b21a4a2,b2b5a2,b2458a2,b2a41a2,b2b5a2,b2854a2,b21a4a2,2,,,,,,, O5T 3 3 545,4a5,185
3 3 a45,4a5,185
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig 180 flipa ccw flipa) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 'O6T' predict the image
I0 2 2 64, O0 2 8 6,4,64,,46,,, I1 4 4 4,59a4,46a5,b45 O1 4 16 45a4,4964,a454,a4a5,4,59a4,46a5,b45,4,a495,a564,5b4,,a564,a495,4 I2 3 3 7a5,352,125 O2 3 12 731,a52,525,7a5,352,125,a57,253,521,,253,a57 I3 4 4 43a4,36a4,4324,4 O3 4 16 43a4,3634,a424,4,43a4,36a4,4324,4,a434,a463,4234,4,,4234,a463,a434 I4 3 3 713,a73,2a7 O4 3 12 a72,1a7,a37,713,a73,2a7,317,3a7,a72,,3a7,317 I5T 4 4 a292,2,2892,a282 O5T None I6T 4 4 52a8,a8a5,59a8,8598 O6T 4 4 5285,a858,95a8,8598
4 16 5858,2895,8589,85a8,52a8,a8a5,59a8,8598,a825,a5a8,a895,8958,,a895,a5a8,a825
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(flipa orig flipx 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 16 4 8,58085808580a8085,85868586858a6858,b89b89b8a9b8 O0 4 4 8,5808,8586,b89 I1 16 2 87518751875a1578,781a781a781a7187 O1 4 2 8751,7817 I2 8 2 9,97979a79 O2 2 2 9,97 I3 8 3 67676a76,0,06060a60 O3 2 3 67,0,06 I4T 12 4 a36a36a3a6a3,a13a13a1a3a1,35a35a35a353,3a53a53c53 O4T 12 4 a36316a3a6a3,a131a315a3a1,35a35a313a53,3a53a53b5a3
3 4 a36,a13,353,3a5
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig orig orig flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 14 10 2,,,d2a0f2,d20g2,2,,,, O0 6 2 b0a20,02c0 I1 14 10 2,,,,e2313d2,e2613d2,e2631d2,2,, O1 9 3 3a6a3a1a3,a13a1a3a1,a313c63 I2 7 9 2,,,,,2793b2,2178b2,2137b2,2 O2 9 3 7a138a783,97397a379,38a7c17 I3 11 11 2,,,,,,,,d2a0c2,d238c2,2 O3 6 2 030a80,080a30 I4 15 13 2,,e25383d2,e2c4d2,e2c8d2,e2a839d2,2,,,,,, O4 12 4 54a8348a9843,34b848a3848,848a34c843,348954c845 I5T 8 10 2,,,,,,,27e2,267d2,2 O5T 8 10 2,,,,,,,27e2,627d2,2
6 2 762a72,2a7a67
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(flipa ccw flipb) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 20 13 8,,,,g81515g8,g80101g8,g81a51g8,g80a10g8,8,,,, O0 2 2 15,01 I1 11 14 8,,,,,e815158,e891918,e81a518,e89a198,8,,,, O1 2 2 15,91 I2 19 12 8,,d8a05a05g8,d8a70a70g8,d8706706g8,d8a0a5a0g8,d8a7a0a7g8,d870a607g8,8,,, O2 3 3 a05,a70,706 I3 13 10 8,,c8c6d8,c8c3d8,c8c6d8,c8c3d8,8,,, O3 2 2 6,3 I4T 12 8 8,b85757d8,b87575d8,b85a75d8,b87a57d8,8,, O4T 2 2 57,75 I5T 9 11 8,,,,a8484c8,a84545b8,a84a84b8,a84a54b8,8,, O5T None
2 2 57,75
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(orig orig flipy orig) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O4T
I0 2 2 57,71 O0 2 8 57,71,,57,17,75,71,57 I1 4 4 a385,a351,a153,a1a3 O1 4 16 a385,a351,a153,a1a3,,a153,a351,a385,a3a1,35a1,15a3,58a3,a1a3,a153,a351,a385 I2 2 2 31,38 O2 2 8 31,38,,31,83,13,38,31 I3T 4 4 83a8,9867,6786,6b9 O3T None I4T 2 2 14,1 O4T 2 2 14,1
2 8 14,1,,14,1,41,1,14
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig flipy 180 flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 6 6 40a494,956054,c464,49a494,450450,46a464 O0 3 3 494,450,464 I1 4 4 5959,9292,9595,2929 O1 2 2 95,29 I2 4 4 6363,3131,3636,1313 O2 2 2 36,13 I3 4 4 4949,9797,9494,7979 O3 2 2 94,79 I4T 4 4 9696,6161,6969,1616 O4T None I5T 6 6 4a5403,051b5,354514,304304,5,415415 O5T 6 6 4a5403,b51a5,304514,303504,b54a5,415415
3 3 304,5,415
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(orig orig flipx ccw) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 22 10 l59g5,l59d5865,,l59d5685,l59g5,,,,, O0 22 10 l95g9,e986d95d9869,,e968d95d9689,l95g9,,,,, I1 29 10 l59n5,,l59c58a6g5,l59c5896g5,l59n5,,,,, O1 29 10 l95n9,,e9a86c95c98a6g9,e9856c95c9856g9,l95n9,,,,, I2 21 13 j59h5,,,,,,,j59e5686,j59e5a68,j59h5,,, O2 21 13 j95h9,,,,,,,a9868e95e9686,a96a8e95e9a68,j95h9,,, I3T 17 14 c59k5,,,,,,,c595686g5,c595696g5,c595a86g5,c59k5,,, O3T 17 14 c59k5,,,,,,d596i5,c59a586g5,d59696g5,c598586g5,c59k5,,, I4T 17 10 g5a9f5,,,g5a9a5b6a5,g5a9a5a68a5,g5a9f5,,,, O4T None
17 14 c95k9,,,,,,,868959686g9,858959656g9,8a6959a86g9,c95k9,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=4 flip=True swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 9 13 8,,,,,,c87a4a8,c8782a8,c8392a8,8,,, O0 6 6 a47a47,287287,293293,7a4392,782782,3927a4 I1 8 15 8,,,,,,,,c83168,c81818,8,,,, O1 6 4 613613,18a181,316181,181316 I2 14 13 8,,,,,,,f845d8,f8a7d8,8,,, O2 4 4 5454,7,45a7,a745 I3 13 11 8,,,,,,,,b8a0g8,b824g8,8 O3 4 4 0,4242,a024,24a0 I4T 8 16 8,,,,,,,,c845a8,c815a8,c856a8,c840a8,8,,, O4T None
4 8 5454,5151,6565,0404,4540,1a56,5615,4045
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect 2x2(flipx flipx orig flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O6T' predict the image
I0 8 8 8,b8a3b8,b894b8,8,,,, O0 4 4 3493,3943,4b3,9394 I1 7 17 8,,,,,,,87a53a8,85a97a8,8a97b8,8a7a9a8,8,,,,, O1 8 8 37897957,59797a95,5a979795,75979873,98737a53,979a5a97,7a95a978,795b7a9 I2 9 7 8,,,860e8,8a6e8,8, O2 4 4 0b6,b60,6060,6 I3 9 11 8,,,,,,,,b8a5c8,b8a7c8,8 O3 4 4 5a75,,7b5,75a7 I4 8 15 8,,,,,,a870c8,a8085b8,a8580b8,8,,,,, O4 6 6 850507,0c80,705058,058708,a8a085,507580 I5T 8 18 8,,,,,,,,87a35b8,8475c8,85784b8,8547c8,8,,,,, O5T None I6T 10 10 8,e852a8,e815a8,8,,,,,, O6T 4 4 2515,5152,5252,1015
4 4 2515,5152,5252,1515
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(ccw cw flipb orig) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for O5T
I0 3 3 484,048,484 O0 6 6 40a484,84a840,48a484,,84a848,40a404 I1 3 3 2,481,281 O1 6 6 24c2,a82184,a12182,2a12a1,2a82a8,24a242 I2 3 3 031,153,131 O2 6 6 a10130,35a351,13a131,,35a353,0a10a1 I3 3 3 717,707,497 O3 6 6 4b717,901707,c794,7,109109,a74a74 I4T 2 2 61,4 O4T None I5T 2 2 40,03 O5T 2 2 40,03
4 4 0404,3030,0303,4040
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(cw flipx ccw ccw) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 14 28 6,,g6a0a2a6,g6a2a9a6,g6c2a6,,g6a2a0a6,g6a9a2a6,g6c2a6,,,,g6a2a9a6,g6a0a2a6,,g6a2a9a6,g6c2a6,,g6a0a2a6,g6a2a9a6,g6c2a6,,6,,,,, O0 4 4 a0a2,a2a9,2, I1 13 23 6,,,,,,c60974d6,c690a9d6,c64945d6,c64790d6,c6a909d6,c65494d6,c64945d6,c690a9d6,c60974d6,,c690a9d6,c64945d6,c60974d6,c690a9d6,c64945d6,6, O1 4 3 0974,90a9,4945 I2T 18 20 6,,,,g6468f6,g6808f6,g6864f6,g6808f6,,g6468f6,,g6808f6,g6468f6,g6808f6,6,,,,, O2T 3 2 468,808
3 2 468,808
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig orig flipy flipx orig) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 2 8 93,01,,93,09,13,90,31 O0 2 2 90,31 I1 3 12 5,526,5,,526,5,,525,565,5,525,565 O1 3 3 5,525,565 I2 3 12 2a4,419,492,,419,2a4,a42,914,294,2a4,419,492 O2 3 3 2a4,419,492 I3T 2 8 80,01,,80,08,10,80,01 O3T None I4T 2 8 58,8,,58,85,8,58,8 O4T 2 2 58,8
2 2 58,8
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig flipx ccw flipa) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 15 2 b8082082b8280,082e8082b8 O0 3 2 280,8 I1 10 4 2707072a70,2520202502,2025252052,0727270a72 O1 2 4 70,02,52,72 I2 20 4 17b1a6a1a6a17b1a61,175617b17b1756a171,17b1756175617a16571,1a6a17b17b1a6b171 O2 4 4 1a61,a171,6571,a171 I3T 20 3 327350a350b327b305,357635763576357a6753,50b327a327350b3723 O3T 4 3 a305,6753,3823 I4T 15 4 12a9a19b129a19,0a20270270a2720,0270a20a2027a20,9b12912a9a1921 O4T None
4 3 a305,6753,3723
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig 180 flipx flipx 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict image
I0 4 4 8278,7b2,8a27,7a28 O0 2 2 82,72 I1 6 6 a4a674,769864,68a196,a46186,76a967,6816a4 O1 3 3 a46,769,681 I2 6 6 293b2,238739,27a383,29a372,23a832,27a392 O2 3 3 293,238,273 I3T 6 6 a0a480,846940,49a464,a0a494,84a648,49a4a0 O3T 6 6 a0a480,8a4640,4a9a46,a04649,846a48,49a4a0 I4T 6 6 a3b83,8d3,83a238,a38238,8c38,8328a3 O4T None
3 3 a04,846,494
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(orig cw orig 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 11 26 4,,,,,,,,,,,3,,,4,,e4365a4,e4b6a4,4,,,,,,, O0 11 26 4,,,,,,,e4b6a4,e4365a4,4,,3,,,4,,e4365a4,e4b6a4,4,,,,,,, I1 9 30 4,,,,,,,,,,3,,,4,,,,,,d4b54,d46534,d4b64,4,,,,,,, O1 9 30 4,d4b64,d46534,d4b54,4,,,,,,3,,,4,,,,,,d4b54,d46534,d4b64,4,,,,,,, I2 13 24 4,,,,,,,,3,,4,,,b4a6g4,b456g4,b463g4,4,,,,,,, O2 13 24 4,,b463g4,b456g4,b4a6g4,4,,,3,,4,,,b4a6g4,b456g4,b463g4,4,,,,,,, I3 14 30 4,,,,,,,,,,,,,,3,,4,,,,,,,,g43a6b4,g4656b4,g4b6b4,4,, O3 14 30 4,,,g4b6b4,g4656b4,g43a6b4,4,,,,,,,,3,,4,,,,,,,,g43a6b4,g4656b4,g4b6b4,4,, I4T 6 23 4,,,,,,,,,,,3,,4,,,,,,,a56b4,565b4,b6b4 O4T 6 23 4,b6b4,565b4,a56b4,4,,,,,,,3,,4,,,,,,c454,a56b4,565b4,b6b4 I5T 4 26 4,,,,,,,,,3,,,4,,,,46a5,43a6,4,,,,,,, O5T None
6 23 4,b6b4,565b4,a56b4,4,,,,,,,3,,4,,,,,,,a56b4,565b4,b6b4
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=7 flip=True swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 13 20 5,,,,,,,,b5a1g5,b541g5,b518g5,5,,8,5,,,,, O0 13 20 5,,,,,,,,b5a1g5,b541g5,b518g5,5,,8,5,,b518g5,b541g5,b5a1g5,5 I1 31 13 q58k5,,,,,,,f51a4g58k5,f5181g58k5,q58k5,,, O1 31 13 q58k5,,,,,,,f51a4g58g5a415,f5181g58g51815,q58k5,,, I2 22 12 f5b8k5,,,,,,,,f5b8b514f5,f5b8b51g5,f5b8k5, O2 22 12 f5b8k5,,,,,,,,a541b5b8b514f5,b51b5b8b51g5,f5b8k5, I3T 24 10 l5a8h5,,,,,,,d514e5a8h5,d5b1d5a8h5,l5a8h5 O3T None I4T 5 20 5,,,,,,8,,,5,a5141,a58a1,5,,,,,,, O4T None
24 10 l5a8h5,,,,,,,d514e5a8e5415,d5b1d5a8d5b15,l5a8h5
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=7 flip=True swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=other image_height=medium task_pixels=d
simonsolveversion1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 11 6 7,f7b07,f71a07,f7b07,7, O0 15 3 f01f0,1c01e01a0,i01c0 I1 8 6 7,7510c7,7260c7,76a2c7,7, O1 15 3 6a2015625a026a2,26a06a26a16a260,510a262a0526510 I2 16 16 7,,,,,,f704f7,f786f7,7,,,,,,, O2 10 2 8640804686,0468640804 I3 15 14 7,,,,,,,,f7351d7,g75e7,f7513d7,7,, O3 15 3 513153573173513,75a7571c51757,351315371375351 I4 15 11 7,f7a801c7,f757a8c7,g750d7,f7a570c7,7,,,,, O4 20 4 a57010a857581870a570,7507a87b578080a7507,57a8705a708087b57a8,a80107a507818575a801 I5T 16 15 7,,,,,,c7b20g7,,c72a02g7,c7c2g7,7,,,, O5T None I6T 12 15 7,,,,,,,,a70b1e7,a706a1e7,a71a91e7,a793a1e7,7,, O6T None
20 4 c20f2a0e2,2a020c20c20a2a02,b202a0a20c20c20,b20e2a0f20
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(flipy flipx cw ccw flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 4 20 4,,,,,,,4024,4034,4234,4a04,,4324,4234,4a04,4,,,, O0 2 2 23,0 I1 14 19 4,,,,,,,f4a7d4,f4a2d4,f472d4,,f427d4,,f472d4,,4,,, O1 2 2 72, I2 13 15 4,,g4a5b4,g475b4,g4a5b4,g457b4,g475b4,g4a5b4,,g457b4,4,,,, O2 2 2 5,57 I3T 10 20 4,,,,,41a6e4,4b0e4,46g4,460f4,,4106e4,4601e4,a406e4,,460f4,,4106e4,4,, O3T 10 20 4,,,,,41a6e4,4b0e4,46g4,4,46040d4,6160e4,a401e4,46406d4,a460e4,460f4,a40f4,4606e4,4,41g4,4
3 3 604,,106
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig 180 orig cw) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolvev1, O3T, predict image
I0 16 3 8416a483841a6148,8a6a1a6a8a6a1a68,38a4614838c483 O0 4 3 8416,8a61,38a4 I1 12 3 a123a6a1a2a1,73a13a73a137,a632a1a6a3a6 O1 3 3 a12,731,a63 I2T 12 4 a24125a2a4a2,97517597a579,57157957a175,5214a252a125 O2T None I3T 16 3 a2a6a3c2c6a2,726a362a726a3627,a2a3a6c2c3a2 O3T 4 3 92a6,7263,a2a3
4 3 a2a6,7263,a2a3
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig 180 orig flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 2 69464646,b494949 O0 2 2 69,4 I1 8 2 8a686868,6 O1 2 2 86,6 I2 8 2 51050505,0f1 O2 2 2 51,01 I3 8 2 a6767676,b767676 O3 2 2 6,7 I4T 12 3 52b75a75a75,72a7a27a27a2,7 O4T 3 3 527,729,7
3 3 527,727,7
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig cw cw cw) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1 predict image for O4T
I0 30 9 n7b4k7,,,,n7b4e7a8c7,n7b4e75d7,n7b4e7a5c7,n7b4k7, O0 30 9 n4b7k4,,,,f4a8e4b7e4a8c4,g45e4b7e45d4,f4a5e4b7e4a5c4,n4b7k4, I1 29 15 m7a4l7,,,,,,m7a4g745b7,m7a4g785b7,m7a4l7,,,,,, O1 29 15 m4a7l4,,,,,,c457g4a7g475b4,c458g4a7g485b4,m4a7l4,,,,,, I2 27 16 m7a4j7,,,,,,,,m7a4e7a58a7,m7a4e7b5a7,m7a4j7,,,,, O2 27 16 m4a7j4,,,,,,,,d48a5e4a7e4a58a4,d4b5e4a7e4b5a4,m4a7j4,,,,, I3 22 10 k74h7,,,,,,k74a7a5d7,k74a75e7,k74a785d7,k74h7 O3 22 10 k47h4,,,,,,g4a5a47a4a5d4,h45a47a45e4,g458a47a485d4,k47h4 I4T 12 13 d74e7,,,,,,,,d747a54a7,d747b5a7,d747b8a7,d74e7, O4T 12 13 d47e4,,,,,,,,47a5474a57a4,4b5474b5a4,4b8474b8a4,d47e4,d47a47b4 I5T 36 9 o74g78a5g7,o74g7548g7,o74r7,,,,,, O5T None
12 13 d47e4,,,,,,,,47a5474a57a4,4b5474b5a4,4b8474b8a4,d47e4,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=7 flip=True swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=other image_height=medium task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 11 31 3,,,,,,,e3b623,e396263,e362a63,e32b63,,e362a63,e396263,e3b623,,e3a6263,e362693,e32b63,e3b623,e3a6263,e362693,e32b63,3,,,,,,, O0 4 4 b62,a626,6269,2b6 I1 15 28 3,,,,,,,,g346d3,,g364d3,,,,g346d3,,,,g364d3,,g346d3,,g364d3,,3,,, O1 2 4 46,,64, I2T 10 17 3,,,,,,,3a979d3,30a72d3,,3a979d3,32a70d3,397a9d3,32a70d3,397a9d3,3, O2T None I3T 10 24 3,,,,,d3019a3,d30a9a3,d3a29a3,,d30a9a3,d3019a3,d39a2a3,d3a90a3,d3910a3,d39a2a3,d3a90a3,d3910a3,3,,,,,, O3T 3 3 9a2,190,910
3 3 9a2,a90,910
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig orig flipy 180) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=other task_pixels=c
simon-solve-version1, O3T, predict image
I0 26 12 m8a3i8,,m8a3f8618,m8a3f8a18,,m8a3i8,,,,,, O0 26 12 m3a8i3,,d361f3a8f3613,d3a6f3a8f3a13,,m3a8i3,,,,,, I1 26 12 l8b3i8,,,,,,,l8b3c86d8,l8b3c8a1c8,l8b3i8,, O1 26 12 l3b8i3,,,,,,,g31c3b8c36d3,f3a6c3b8c3a1c3,l3b8i3,, I2 29 8 k83o8,,k83g8a13d8,k83g86a1d8,k83g8b1d8,k83o8,, O2 29 8 k38o3,,38a6g38g3a18d3,3a61g38g36a1d3,3b6g38g3b1d3,k38o3,, I3T 11 6 a83g8,,,a83a1e8,a83a6e8,a836f8 O3T None I4T 22 13 g8a3k8,,,,,,,,g8a383a1g8,g8a38b1g8,g8a38a16g8,g8a3k8, O4T None
11 6 a38g3,,,a68a1e3,a18a6e3,3186f3
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=3 flip=True swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for O3T
I0 9 18 1,,,,,,,a17e1,a1a3d1,b17d1,a1a3d1,b13d1,a173d1,1,,,, O0 2 2 13,73 I1 11 21 1,,,,,,,a1405e1,a14a0e1,a1a82e1,a1504e1,a1a04e1,a12a8e1,a1502e1,a1a08e1,a1a48e1,1,,,, O1 3 3 502,a08,a48 I2 11 23 1,,,,,,,,1470f1,b10f1,1610f1,1074f1,10h1,1016f1,1b0f1,17h1,1416f1,1,,,,, O2 3 3 0,7a1,416 I3T 16 11 1,f1970e1,f1650e1,f1b6e1,f1079e1,f1056e1,f1b6e1,f1a06e1,f1756e1,f19a6e1,1 O3T 3 3 206,756,9a6
3 3 a06,756,9a6
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig flipa cw) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=b
SIMON-SOLVE-V1, O4T, predict image
I0 9 24 6,,,,,,e6236,e6216,,e6236,e6216,,e6236,e6216,,,,e6236,6,,,,, O0 2 3 21,,23 I1 11 23 6,,,,,,,,c6578c6,c6787c6,6,c6578c6,c6787c6,6,c6578c6,c6787c6,6,,c6787c6,c6578c6,6,, O1 3 3 6,787,578 I2 10 17 6,,,,,,,,b6a7d6,b65a9c6,b6a7d6,b65a9c6,b6a7d6,b65a9c6,,b6a7d6,6 O2 3 2 5a9,a76 I3 12 25 6,,,,,c619e6,,c6a9e6,c619e6,,c6a9e6,c619e6,,c6a9e6,,c619e6,,6,,,,,,, O3 2 3 9,19, I4T 9 29 6,,,,,,,,a6a40c6,a6084c6,a6b4c6,a6404c6,a6a40c6,a6084c6,a6b4c6,a6404c6,a6a40c6,a6084c6,a6b4c6,a6404c6,,a6b4c6,a6084c6,a6a40c6,6,,,, O4T 3 4 404,424,084,a40
3 4 404,4,084,a40
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig flipy flipy flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1, O5T, predict image
I0 10 10 2,,,,d2a9b2,d203b2,d250b2,2,, O0 2 6 9,30,05,,30,9 I1 15 9 2,,,,,,f2709d2,f2a97d2,2 O1 3 4 907,7a9,,907 I2 8 12 2,,,,b294b2,b248b2,b2a4b2,2,,,, O2 2 6 49,84,4,,84,49 I3 7 12 2,,,,,,,2727b2,b23b2,25a3b2,2, O3 3 6 727,3a2,a35,,3a2,727 I4T 6 9 2,27a5a2,23a5a2,2a57a2,2575a2,2,,, O4T None I5T 8 8 2,,,b2327a2,a20239a2,2,, O5T 4 4 7b2,3930,9320,7232
4 4 7232,9320,,7232
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(flipx 180) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O2T' predict the image
I0 2 8 94,98,49,89,,49,89,49 O0 2 2 94,98 I1 2 12 37,17,27,73,71,72,,71,73,72,71,73 O1 2 3 37,17,27 I2T 3 8 515,a51,515,1a5,,515,1a5,515 O2T None
3 2 515,a51
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig flipx 180 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
simon-solve-v1 predict image for 'O4T'
I0 22 10 l59g5,l59d5865,,l59d5685,l59g5,,,,, O0 22 10 l95g9,e986d95d9869,,e968d95d9689,l95g9,,,,, I1 29 10 l59n5,,l59c58a6g5,l59c5896g5,l59n5,,,,, O1 29 10 l95n9,,e9a86c95c98a6g9,e9856c95c9856g9,l95n9,,,,, I2 21 13 j59h5,,,,,,,j59e5686,j59e5a68,j59h5,,, O2 21 13 j95h9,,,,,,,a9868e95e9686,a96a8e95e9a68,j95h9,,, I3T 17 14 c59k5,,,,,,,c595686g5,c595696g5,c595a86g5,c59k5,,, O3T None I4T 17 10 g5a9f5,,,g5a9a5b6a5,g5a9a5a68a5,g5a9f5,,,, O4T 17 10 f5959f5,g5a9f5,,g5a9a5b6a5,g5a9b56b5,g5a956a58a5,g5a9f5,,,g5959e5
17 10 g9a5f9,,,b9b8a9a5a9b6a9,b96a8a9a5a9a68a9,g9a5f9,,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=4 flip=True swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=d
Simon-Solve-Version1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 8 2 5a34a535,a53a5a34 O0 4 2 a535,5a34 I1 4 4 21a7,7b2,a272,a721 O1 2 4 7,2,72,21 I2 8 4 19a3c9,b919191,9191b91,c919a3 O2 4 4 9,9191,b91,19a3 I3 8 2 5b12595,259a5b1 O3 4 2 2595,5b1 I4T 4 4 b98,a898,9b8,98a9 O4T 2 4 98,,8,9
2 4 98,,8,9
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig flipy) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict image
I0 4 2 b60,a060 O0 2 2 60, I1 4 2 4a34,6a46 O1 2 2 34,46 I2 4 2 4a92,a242 O2 2 2 92,42 I3 4 2 4b8,48a4 O3 2 2 8,4 I4T 6 3 c4a1,b14a1, O4T 3 3 4a1,, I5T 6 3 38a2a0,2a0802,a203a2 O5T None
3 3 4a1,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig cw) predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
Simon-Solve-Version1 predict image for O4T
I0 27 4 m0a3b0b1d0,m0a3b041e0,m0a3j0, O0 27 4 g3b1b3a0b3b1d3,g341c3a0b341e3,m3a0j3, I1 11 12 c0a3d0,,,,,0140a3d0,0430a3d0,c0a3d0,,,, O1 11 12 c3a0d3,,,,,3143a0314a3,3403a0340a3,c3a0d3,,,, I2 14 17 0,,,,3,,,0,e0a1e0,e01f0,e041e0,0,,,,, O2 14 17 e3a1e3,e31f3,e341e3,3,0,,,3,e3a1e3,e31f3,e341e3,3,,,,, I3T 2 25 0,1,14,0,,,,,,,,3,,,0,,,,,,,,,, O3T None I4T 38 10 p0b3q0,,,f0b1f0b3q0,g0a1f0b3q0,f0a14f0b3q0,p0b3q0,,, O4T 38 10 p3b0q3,,e31h303a0q3,g3a1f3b0f3b1g3,g3a1f3a0a30d3131g3,g314f3b0f3a14g3,f31h3b0q3,p3b0q3,,
38 10 p3b0q3,,,f3b1f3b0f3b1g3,g3a1f3b0g3a1g3,f3a14f3b0f3a14g3,p3b0q3,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=0 flip=False swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=other image_height=large task_pixels=c
Simon-Solve-V1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 17 8 7,,,,,f7646a474b7,f747476464a7,7 O0 2 2 64,47 I1 10 9 7,,,,,,7838a34347,7343483837,7 O1 2 2 83,34 I2 23 6 7,b7a50a5a030930g7,b737a37357a373g7,b7930930539a50g7,7, O2 3 3 a50,373,930 I3T 21 18 7,,,,,,,,a732132a175495f7,b73a73723973g7,a7495495374321f7,7,,,,,, O3T 3 3 321,737,495 I4T 13 10 7,a7d2808b7,a7080820a2b7,7,,,,,, O4T None
3 3 321,737,495
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig orig ccw flipx) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simon-solve-v1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 18 11 7,,f78383f7,f78282f7,f72828f7,7,,,,, O0 2 3 83,82,28 I1 12 15 7,,,,,,,,e76868a7,e73636a7,7,,,, O1 2 2 68,36 I2 15 15 7,,,,,,,c72626f7,c71212f7,7,,,,, O2 2 2 26,12 I3 9 9 7,,,,c7c27,c7878a7,7,, O3 2 2 2,87 I4T 21 15 7,,,,,,e7a1a5a1a5f7,e7a5a3a5a3f7,7,,,,,, O4T None I5T 13 12 7,,b792939293a7,b762326232a7,b76a206a20a7,b7a927a92b7,7,,,,, O5T 4 4 9293,6232,6a20,9727
4 4 9293,6232,6a20,a927
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(orig orig) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 8 4 b80b80,3,c3b80,0b8c3 O0 4 2 b80,3 I1 4 8 5353,3030,3,,a353,b30,0b3,35a3 O1 2 4 53,30,3, I2 8 4 64396439,49694969,96946439,93464969 O2 4 2 6439,4969 I3 4 4 5,6,a6a5,a5a6 O3 2 2 5,6 I4T 4 8 2,8383,8,,a8a2,b83,3b8,a2a8 O4T None I5T 8 6 6b06b0,698a6986,6,d6b0,689a6986,b0d6 O5T None
4 3 6b0,6986,6
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect 2x2(orig orig 180 orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1, O4T, predict image
I0 12 14 9,,,,,,,,e950c9,e952c9,9,,, O0 2 6 20,5,05,25,5,02 I1 13 18 9,,,,,,,,f9a61b9,,f9b6b9,9,,,,,, O1 3 9 6a1,6,,1a6,,6,,,a16 I2 12 13 9,,,,,,,c97b8c9,c9196d9,c915e9,c965e9,9, O2 4 12 b98,a968,a598,6a17,b87,9691,a951,a956,7a16,89a5,86a9,8b9 I3 12 15 9,,,,,,,,d9b1c9,c9298d9,c923e9,c983e9,9,, O3 4 12 b91,a981,a391,8a29,b19,9892,a932,a938,9a28,19a3,18a9,1b9 I4T 10 12 9,,,,,b92b3b9,b96282b9,b928a2b9,b98b2b9,9,, O4T 4 12 b23,a283,2832,a862,3232,2326,28a2,2628,b28,3282,38a2,3b2 I5T 12 9 9,,,,,96a0g9,9a17g9,94a1g9,9 O5T None
4 12 b23,a283,2823,8262,b32,2826,a282,b28,2628,3282,38a2,3b2
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(flipb flipx flipa) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 8 17 4,,,,,,,c45924,c49524,c46524,4,,,,,, O0 3 12 295,259,256,2,a59,695,652,952,592,652,952,592 I1 15 13 4,,,,,,f47b5c4,f407a5c4,f40275c4,f45457c4,4,, O1 4 16 b57,a570,5720,7545,7b5,57a5,4275,5a07,5457,0275,07a5,7b5,5457,0275,07a5,7b5 I2 12 13 4,,,,a451g4,a453g4,4,,,,,, O2 2 8 15,35,31,5,53,51,53,51 I3T 15 17 4,,,,,,,c481a8f4,c4b80f4,c48a08f4,c41b8f4,4,,,,, O3T 4 16 a818,0b8,80a8,a801,a808,80a8,8081,1b8,80a8,81a8,a8a0,81a8,1b8,8a08,8,8180
4 16 a818,0b8,8a08,b81,a808,80a8,8081,1b8,,8a08,b80,81a8,1b8,8a08,b80,81a8
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(flipx flipb flipy flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1, O3T, predict image
I0 8 29 5,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,5,,,,,,,e5a2,f52,e542,5,,,, O0 8 29 7,e742,f72,e7a2,7,,,,,,,5,,,7,,,,,,,e7a2,f72,e742,7,,,, I1 11 9 c5b7c5,,b25b7c5,7245b7c5,c5b7c5,,,, O1 11 9 c7b5c7,,b27b57b2,5247b57425,c7b5c7,,,, I2 36 4 p5a7g542f5,p5a7g524f5,p5a7g52g5,p5a7p5 O2 36 4 f724g7a5g742f7,f742g7a5g724f7,g72g7a5g72g7,p7a5p7 I3T 15 20 5,,d5242f5,d5b2f5,,5,,,7,,5,,,,,,,,, O3T 15 20 7,,d7242f7,d7b2f7,,7,,,5,m50,7,,,d7b2f7,,d7242f7,7,,,
15 20 7,,d7242f7,d7b2f7,,7,,,5,,7,,,d7b2f7,,d7242f7,7,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=0 flip=True swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=other image_height=large task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 16 27 5,,,,,,e568g5,,f56g5,5,,,1,5,,,,,,,,,,,,, O0 16 27 5,,,,,,e586g5,,f58g5,5,,,1,5,,,e586g5,,f58g5,5,,,,,,, I1 22 6 j5b1g5,,,f5a6a5b1g5,e5a68a5b1g5,e5b6a5b1g5 O1 22 6 j5b1g5,,,f5a8a5b1b5a8b5,e5a86a5b1a5a86b5,e5b8a5b1a5b8b5 I2 18 11 k51d5,,,,,k51a5b6,k51a5a68,k51a5686,k51d5,, O2 18 11 k51d5,,,,,f5b8a51a5b8,f5a86a51a5a86,f5868a51a5868,k51d5,, I3T 37 8 q5a1p5,,,,f5656g5a1p5,f5a68g5a1p5,q5a1p5, O3T None I4T 8 23 5,,,,,,,,1,,5,,,d5a65,c56865,c5b65,5,,,,,, O4T 8 23 5,,d5a85,c58685,c5b85,5,,,1,,5,,,d5a85,c58685,c5b85,5,,,,,c52b5,5
8 23 5,,d5a85,c58685,c5b85,5,,,1,,5,,,d5a85,c58685,c5b85,5,,,,,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=1 flip=False swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=other image_height=large task_pixels=d
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 13 19 7,,,,,,,e72a6c7,e7623c7,e7a28c7,e7678c7,7,,,,,,, O0 9 4 2b678a62,623a28326,a286238a2,6782a6876 I1 13 14 7,,,,,,,,f72a96a7,f7471b7,7,,, O1 12 2 2a9647176a92,47172a967174 I2 16 11 7,e748g7,e7a8g7,7,,,,,,, O2 6 2 4c84,a84b8 I3 17 11 7,f714g7,f734g7,f7a1g7,7,,,,,, O3 6 3 14a141,343a43,b14a1 I4T 14 19 7,,,,,,,,d701f7,c7072f7,c7070f7,7,,,,,,, O4T 9 3 0717a01a7,07207a2a0,070701070 I5T 11 15 7,,,,,,,b72f7,7052f7,7652f7,75a6f7,7,,, O5T None
9 3 701070107,07207a270,070701070
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig flipy flipx) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O3T'
I0 31 13 k08q0,,,,k08g0484f0,k08g0a54f0,k08q0,,,,,, O0 31 13 k80q8,,,,8505g80g8404f8,8a45g80g8a54f8,k80q8,,,,,, I1 22 12 f0b8k0,,,,,,,,f0b8b045f0,f0b8b04g0,f0b8k0, O1 22 12 f8b0k8,,,,,,,,a854b8b0b845f8,a85c8b0b84g8,f8b0k8, I2 24 10 h0a8l0,h0a8d0b4d0,h0a8e054d0,h0a8l0,,,,,, O2 24 10 h8a0l8,8b5d8a0d8b4d8,a845d8a0e854d8,h8a0l8,,,,,, I3T 20 5 e0b80a4g0,e0b8054g0,e0b8048g0,e0b8j0, O3T None
20 5 b8a58b08a4g8,b8458b0854g8,b8508b0840g8,e8b0j8,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=3 flip=False swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=other image_height=medium task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O2T, predict image
I0 16 2 6a9305393a9a6a93,05396a93935a0539 O0 4 2 6a93,0539 I1 8 2 0c1a01,a10d1 O1 2 2 01,1 I2T 8 2 a17d1,7c1a71 O2T None
2 2 1,71
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect hstack(orig flipx flipy orig) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 predict image for O4T
I0 26 13 k4a2k4,,,,,k4a2b4a7f4,k4a2a4070f4,k4a2k4,,,,, O0 26 13 k4a2k4,,,,,f4a0b4a2b4a0f4,f4707a4a2a4707f4,k4a2k4,,,,, I1 13 20 4,,,,,,,,b4a7g4,b407g4,b472g4,4,,2,4,,,,, O1 13 20 4,,,,,,,,b4a0g4,b470g4,b402g4,4,,2,4,,b402g4,b470g4,b4a0g4,4 I2 31 13 q42k4,,,,,,,f47a0g42k4,f4727g42k4,q42k4,,, O2 31 13 q42k4,,,,,,,f40a7g42g4a704,f4020g42g40204,q42k4,,, I3 12 22 4,,,,,,,2,,,4,,,a4a7g4,b40g4,4,,,,,, O3 12 22 4,,b47g4,a4a0g4,4,,,2,,,4,,,a4a0g4,b47g4,4,,,,,, I4T 24 10 l4a2h4,,,,,,,d470e4a2h4,d4b7d4a2h4,l4a2h4 O4T None I5T 5 20 4,,,,,,2,,,4,a4707,a42a7,4,,,,,,, O5T None
24 10 l4a2h4,,,,,,,d407e4a2e4704,d4b0d4a2d4b04,l4a2h4
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=1 flip=True swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=other image_height=large task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, 'O4T', predict the image
I0 10 14 0,,,,d07a1a0,d0891a0,e017a0,d078b0,d0191a0,d0a17a0,0,,, O0 3 3 780,191,a17 I1 12 18 0,,,,g06a70,g07070,g0b70,g06a70,g07070,g0b70,0,,,,,,, O1 3 3 6a7,707,7 I2 16 17 0,,,e04a5f0,e0204f0,e02a4f0,e04a2f0,e0504f0,e05a4f0,0,,,,,,, O2 3 3 4a2,504,5a4 I3 13 10 0,,,,,c084f0,c04g0,c084f0,c04g0,0 O3 2 2 84,40 I4T 12 17 0,,,,,,,a094g0,a096g0,a0a9g0,a046g0,0,,,,, O4T None I5T 12 18 0,,,,,f07a1a0,g071a0,f0601a0,f0706a0,f017b0,f0b1a0,0,,,,,, O5T None
2 2 9,46
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(orig flipb) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
SIMON-SOLVE-V1 'O5T' predict the image
I0 14 5 f121737a1,f121b7a1,f121a73a1,f12e1, O0 14 5 b1373121737a1,b1b3121b7a1,b1a37121a73a1,f12e1, I1 19 8 i1a2f1,,,,,f13a7a2f1,,f1727a2f1 O1 19 8 i1a2f1,,,,,f13a7a27a3c1,,f1727a2323c1 I2 10 8 3731a2c1,3a71a2c1,c1a2c1,,,,, O2 10 8 3731a21737,3a71a217a3,c1a2c1,,,,, I3 3 22 1,,,,,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,7,a73,1, O3 3 22 1,3,a37,1,,,,,,,2,1,,,,,,,7,a73,1, I4T 19 16 1,g1a73g1,g13a7g1,2,,,1,,,,,,,,, O4T None I5T 13 13 1,,,,,2,,,g137b1,g173b1,1,, O5T 13 13 1,,g17c1,h13b1,g137b1,2,,21j2,12e137b1,g173b1,1,,
13 13 1,,,g173b1,g137b1,2,,,g137b1,g173b1,1,,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=4 flip=False swapwallbackground=False predict=image earlier_prediction=output_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=large task_pixels=c
SIMONSOLVEVERSION1, O3T, predict image
I0 2 6 1,0,1,0,,1 O0 2 2 0,1 I1 3 9 a76,6a9,626,a76,6a9,626,,a96,6a7 O1 3 3 626,a96,6a7 I2 2 6 46,47,46,47,74,64 O2 2 2 74,64 I3T 2 6 3,15,3,15,51,3 O3T 2 6 3,15,3,5,1,3
2 2 51,3
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig 180 180) predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simonsolvev1 'O4T' predict the image
I0 2 3 90,04,29 O0 2 15 09,40,92,29,04,90,,04,29,09,40,92,09,40,92 I1 3 3 808,980,9 O1 3 15 808,089,9,,980,808,,980,9,808,089,9,808,089,9 I2 3 3 370,a07,0 O2 3 15 073,7a0,0,,a07,370,,a07,0,073,7a0,0,073,7a0,0 I3T 3 4 a75,3a7,8a3,357 O3T None I4T 4 4 1217,8251,1,a157 O4T None
4 20 7121,1528,1,75a1,a157,1,8251,1217,,8251,1,a157,7121,1528,1,75a1,7121,1528,1,75a1
dataset=solve_symmetry group=rect vstack(flipx flipy orig flipx flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a
SIMONSOLVEV1, 'O3T', predict the image
I0 11 13 0,,,,,,,,a075f0,a058f0,0,, O0 2 6 75,58,85,57,58,75 I1 19 8 0,,,f05a07g0,f05496g0,f04b6g0,f06161g0,0 O1 4 12 5a07,5496,4b6,6161,1616,b64,6945,7a05,6161,4b6,5496,5a07 I2 13 8 0,e0817c0,e0971c0,e07e0,0,,, O2 3 9 817,971,7a0,a07,179,718,7a0,971,817 I3T 7 19 0,,,,,,,,05b3a0,07694a0,0b74a0,07675a0,0,,,,,, O3T 4 12 5b3,7694,b74,7675,5767,4b7,4967,b35,7075,b74,7694,5b3
4 12 5b3,7694,b74,7675,5767,4b7,4967,b35,7675,b74,7694,5b3
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig 180 flipy) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O5T
I0 14 10 7,e71b8c7,e70a18c7,e78b0c7,e7a0a8c7,7,,,, O0 12 4 a0c8a0a8a0,8e08b08,0a1a8a108a10,1e81b81 I1 15 16 7,,,,,,e759f7,e715f7,7,,,,,,, O1 6 2 1a5151,5a9595 I2 8 7 7,,a7c9a7,a790a9a7,a79891a7,a7a9a6a7,7 O2 12 4 a9c6a9a6a9,989a19891989,90c90b909,9 I3 16 10 7,g73835c7,g73735c7,g7a374c7,g7389d7,7,,,, O3 12 4 389a79837983,a37a47a347a3,373a53735373,383a53835383 I4T 9 18 7,,,,,,,,d715a7,d75767,d75757,7,,,,,, O4T None I5T 16 12 7,,,,,,,g701e7,g758e7,7,, O5T None
6 2 5a8585,0a1010
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square hstack(flipy 180 180) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=c
simonsolvev1 predict image for 'O5T'
I0 2 6 69,54,96,45,65,94 O0 2 2 69,54 I1 3 9 316,a36,319,613,6a3,913,3,131,a69 O1 3 3 316,a36,319 I2 2 6 37,6,73,6,36,76 O2 2 2 37,6 I3 2 6 69,10,96,01,61,90 O3 2 2 69,10 I4T 3 9 327,537,358,723,735,853,353,235,a78 O4T None I5T 3 9 1,1a6,1a5,1,a61,a51,1,165, O5T 3 3 1,1a6,195
3 3 1,1a6,1a5
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig flipx flipa) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=small image_height=small task_pixels=a
simon-solve-version1, O4T, predict image
I0 35 6 n1b7p1,,d1a4g1b7p1,d134g1b7p1,e14g1b7p1,n1b7p1 O0 35 6 n7b1p7,,d7a3g7b1g7a4f7,d743g7b1g734f7,e73g7b1h74f7,n7b1p7 I1 15 17 j17b1,,,,,,,j1a7a4,j173a4,j17b1,,,,,,, O1 15 17 j71b7,,,,,,,g71a4a1a3,g73a414a3,j71b7,,,,,,, I2 17 33 1,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,7,,,1,,,,,,,,f1a43f1,f1a34f1,f1434f1,1 O2 17 33 7,,,,,,,f7a43f7,f7a34f7,f7434f7,7,,,,,,,,1,,,7,,,,,,,,f7a34f7,f7a43f7,f7343f7,7 I3 3 19 371,a41,,1,,,7,,,1,,,,,,,,, O3 3 19 417,a37,,7,,,1,,,7,,,317,a47,,7,,, I4T 23 6 k1a7h1,,g17341a7h1,g13431a7h1,k1a7h1, O4T 23 6 k7a1h7,f76c7a1h7,g71437a17134d7,g74347a17343d7,k7a1h7, I5T 10 21 1,,,,,,,7,1,,,d1734a1,d1b4a1,1,,,,,,, O5T None
23 6 k7a1h7,,g71437a17134d7,g74347a17343d7,k7a1h7,
dataset=solve_symmetry group=symmetry_line invert=5 flip=False swapwallbackground=True predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=other image_height=other task_pixels=d
SIMONSOLVEV1 'O3T' predict the image
I0 9 10 5,d510a5,d501a5,5,,,,,, O0 4 4 0101,1010,1a01,0a10 I1 16 14 5,,,,,,,,e5a64f5,e56h5,f5a6f5,5,, O1 6 6 4565a6,65a656,a65654,a654a6,656a56,45b65 I2 12 11 5,,,,,,d50313b5,d56013b5,d56031b5,d50a31b5,5 O2 8 8 a3a10a60,a1b3a03,3a0b3a1,0a60a1a3,0a603130,3a0a3106,a1a31306,a3b1a30 I3T 11 9 5,,,,c5a39c5,c53a8c5,c58a3c5,5, O3T 11 9 5,,,,c5a39c5,c53a8c5,c58a3c5,5, I4T 14 9 5,,c537g5,c543g5,5,,,, O4T None
6 6 9838a3,38a383,a38389,a389a3,383a83,98b38
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square 2x2(ccw cw flipa flipx) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=input_distort_1steps_10percent image_width=medium image_height=medium task_pixels=b
simonsolveversion1, O3T, predict image
I0 12 11 1,,,,,b1282b8281,b12828b281,1,,, O0 2 2 28, I1 15 7 1,,b1247b474c1,b174247a24c1,1,, O1 2 2 74,24 I2 21 17 1,,,,,,d1b5a7a575a75c1,d1g75b7c1,d1a7c5a7c5c1,1,,,,,,, O2 3 3 a75,7,5 I3T 14 7 1,,,a18a5a8a58c1,a15a8a5a85c1,1, O3T None
2 2 58,85
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(orig ccw orig flipx) padded predict=image earlier_prediction=none image_width=large image_height=medium task_pixels=b
SIMONSOLVEV1 predict image for O4T
I0 4 4 a363,,b36,a373 O0 4 20 a363,a637,3,,36a3,73a6,3,,37a3,6b3,36a3,,3,,a637,a363,36a3,,6b3,37a3 I1 4 4 9818,8918,a891,8 O1 4 20 a818,a198,89a8,9b8,81a8,89a1,a898,b89,8,19a8,8198,8189,9b8,89a8,a198,a818,8189,8198,19a8,8 I2 3 3 843,783,7a8 O2 3 15 a38,4a8,8a7,8a3,a84,a78,a87,387,348,8a7,4a8,a38,348,387,a87 I3 4 4 3a86,1386,2a12,6b1 O3 4 20 a621,a8a1,83a1,3126,12a6,a1a8,a138,6213,b16,2a12,6831,6a83,3126,83a1,a8a1,a621,6a83,6831,2a12,b16 I4T 3 3 a59,697,796 O4T 3 15 976,5a9,507,679,a95,765,697,796,9a5,567,5a9,976,9a5,796,697 I5T 4 4 1a48,3184,4a34,4b3 O5T None
3 15 976,5a9,567,679,a95,765,697,796,9a5,567,5a9,976,9a5,796,697
dataset=solve_symmetry group=square vstack(ccw flipb 180 flipa flipx) predict=image earlier_prediction=repair_1_bad_pixel image_width=small image_height=medium task_pixels=a