CNN Plays Alleged Audiotape of Michael Brown ShootingMilitarization Of Police
An unverified audio recording may captured shooting Michael Brown investigated FBI, according report. News recording surfaced revealed CNN, although network said independently confirmed alleged gunshots heard tape shooting unarmed 18-year-old Ferguson, Missouri, Aug. 9. In recording, man identified heard speaking series gunshots heard background. There quick pause another round gunshots fired. According CNN, man lives near Brown killed talking friend online time, ambient sound recorded. The man didn’t realize recorded initially later became aware could tied Brown case. According Lopa Blumenthal, lawyer representing man made recording, tape could “huge relevance case might finally end up.”
'Jihadi John': Isis fighter named as Mohammed Emwazi from west London
ISLAMIC State group jihadists trained Saddam Hussein’s former pilots fly three fighter jets captured Syrian military, monitoring group says. The planes, believed MiG-21 MiG-23 jets, capable flying although unclear equipped missiles, according Syrian Observatory Human Rights. The jets seized Syrian military airports IS control northern provinces Aleppo Raqa, according Britain-based group, wide network sources inside war-torn country. It said former Iraqi army officers served Saddam supervising training military airport Jarrah, east city Aleppo. Witnesses reported seeing planes flying low altitude avoid detection radar taking Jarrah. It comes US allies carry wave air strikes IS positions Syria Iraq. The jihadists also control two airports Syria — Albu Kamal near Iraqi border Tabqa Raqa province. IS captured large parts Syria Iraq, committing atrocities declaring Islamic “caliphate”. After US-led invasion Iraq 2003, Sunni former officers Saddam’s army joined ranks Islamic State Iraq, branch al-Qaeda later became IS. Meanwhile, sniper mortar fire jihadists preventing authorities evacuating civilians caught battle Syrian border town Kobane, local official says. At time, Kobane district chief Anwar Muslim, said US-led air strikes destroyed many Islamic State group vehicles artillery pieces, town’s defenders reinforcing positions. “There civilians trapped centre south town, cannot evacuate snipers mortar fire,” Mr Muslim told AFP Friday. “Their situation difficult.” There precise figures many non-combatants remain Kobane, also known Ain al-Arab. Last week, United Nations spoke many 700, mostly elderly, civilians trapped centre town. Another 10,000-13,000 said gathered near Turkish border. For part, Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights says hundreds civilians centre west town many refuse leave, preferring die go exile. The IS jihadists, seized swathes Syria neighbouring Iraq declared “caliphate,” first attacked Kobane September 16 bid seal control long stretch Syrian side border. They succeeded taking nearly half town defenders, aided US-led air strikes, began pushing back. Describing situation Friday, Muslim said “you see bodies (IS jihadists) streets ... Our forces reinforcing defensive positions.” The IS fighters “mostly east south, hidden Hummers, artillery tanks among houses targeted air strikes.” He saluted called “incredible resistance” Kobane’s defenders, adding situation still dangerous “no choice resist.”
YPG Confirms: Gill Rosenberg Not Captured in Kobani
An Israeli-Canadian woman traveled Iraq fight alongside Kurds earlier month abducted Islamic State fighters, Hebrew media reported Sunday, citing Syrian jihadist-linked media. Gill Rosenberg, 31, captured jihadists near flashpoint city Kobani past days, reports said. The former IDF soldier Canada native taken jihadists launched three suicide bombings area, condition unknown. The reports initially confirmed Islamic State group. In Israel, Foreign Ministry said looking reports stressing websites carried information “of dubious credibility.” Two Kurdish fighters quoted Israel Radio cast doubt reports. One, American fighter, said Rosenberg never Kobani. Another soldier ground said heard nothing alleged abduction. In last Facebook post date, Rosenberg wrote November 20 someone would managing profile two weeks, asked people message “as me.” IS launched attack Saturday Syrian border town Kobani Turkey, Kurdish official activists said, although Turkey denied fighters used territory raid. The assault began suicide bomber driving armored vehicle detonated explosive device border crossing Kobani Turkey, said Britain-based Syrian Observatory Human Rights Nawaf Khalil, spokesman Syria’s powerful Kurdish Democratic Union Party. The Islamic State group “used attack town three sides,” Khalil said. “Today, attacking four sides.” The Islamic State group claimed three suicide attacks Kobani’s border crossing point, SITE Intelligence Group reported. The group, quoting Twitter accounts linked militants, said suicide attacks carried Saudi Turkmen, adding one driving Humvee. The first foreign woman join Kurdish forces, Rosenberg set home Tel Aviv November 2, stopping Amman flying Erbil, capital autonomous Kurdistan Region Iraq. Rosenberg told Israel Radio wanted part Kurdish national struggle, hopeful experience Israel Defense Forces would useful Kurds. According Rosenberg’s Facebook page, served IDF’s Home Front Command. Rosenberg posted pictures mountains Iraq Syrian Kurdistan. “In IDF, say Aharai – After Me. Let’s show ISIS means,” wrote, using alternate acronym Islamic State. In 2009, Rosenberg arrested joint Israeli police FBI operation suspicion part ring cheated elderly American citizens money posing lottery officials convincing unsuspecting seniors pay fictive services, according Walla news site. The members ring, included 11 Israeli citizens aside Rosenberg, said stolen $25 million. Rosenberg later convicted crime sentenced four years US prison, though term eventually shortened deported Israel instead, Channel 10 reported. The Islamic State group began Kobani offensive mid-September, capturing parts town well dozens nearby villages. The town later became focus airstrikes US-led coalition militants. Kurdish fighters slowly advancing Kobani since late October, dozens well-armed Iraqi peshmerga fighters joined fellow Syrian Kurds battles. The fighting killed hundreds fighters sides past two months. If confirmed, Rosenberg would second Israeli captive held jihadist group. Israeli-American journalist Steven Sotloff beheaded Islamic State group early September. Sotloff went missing Syria August 2013, jihadists reportedly unaware Jewish heritage Israeli citizenship death. Lazar Berman AP contributed report.
Kimye’s Fault? Anna Wintour’s NYC ‘Vogue’ Offices Hit With Disgusting Rat Infestation: ‘Rat Droppings On Desks’
YouTube prankster Josh Paler Lin decided give man named Thomas money follow see spends it. His first stop local liquor store instead buying alcohol purchased food gave away others need. A homeless man given chance, touched awful lot surprised people. A viral online video YouTube prankster Josh Paler Lin tells story homeless man named Thomas desire let circumstances keep selfless - using newfound money help himself, others. Josh made video, received 11 million hits Wednesday morning, idea give random homeless person $100 secretly follow see spends it. He meets elderly man gray hair, mustache dark jacket named Thomas holding sign along highway. He tells Josh he's trying get enough buy something eat Josh shocks $100. "Oh goodness. Oh way," says Josh pulls five $20 bills wallet. "Oh brother, sure? I'm starting tear here. That's like incredible." Josh reassures totally fine hug. Thomas says never something like happen life. The next part video seemed expected many viewers Thomas surprised all. He packed stuff began walking road liquor store. The video records exit store several bags, buy alcohol. He purchased food delivered needy people nearby park. Josh appears tell Thomas going on. "I feel like I owe apology," Josh said reaches grab Thomas' hand. "You went liquor store earlier —" "You thought I going get smacked drunk, huh?" Thomas interrupts. "But there's things money can't buy I get happiness I'm doing." Ironically Josh's confession man sitting picnic table behind takes swig bottle wrapped plastic bag. But Josh wanted contribute Thomas's good deeds. He reached wallet gave another $100. "You touched heart," told new friend. Thomas stunned again. "I know say. Usually I'm pretty talkative," replied. Thomas explained recently quit job caring ailing stepfather ultimately died cancer. His mom died two weeks later kidney failure suddenly building sold leaving Thomas without place live. "There's lot people victims circumstance. There's lot good people homeless," said. "You're good … bump good people. That's it. You're different path somehow life. I can't explain it." But Josh trying change path. He established fund-raising campaign help Thomas get new home job. The fund goal $10,000 surpassed $55,000 Wednesday morning. "People think I changed life," Josh told TODAY. "For me, completely opposite. I feel changed life." USING A MOBILE DEVICE? CLICK HERE TO SEE THE VIDEO. jlandau@nydailynews.com
Pumpkin Spice Condoms, And 6 Other Flavors That Aren’t Happening
Amazon boss Jeff Bezos primed ready fresh assault streaming-video space. The e-commerce giant roll new ad-supported streaming offering early next year separate $99-a-year Prime membership, includes video service, sources said. The ad-supported option — part overhaul media offerings — poses serious challenge streaming rivals Hulu Netflix, analysts said. “If ad-supported service, decouple Prime Netflix killer,” Wedbush Securities analyst Michael Pachter said. “It won’t $99 year.” Pachter suggested Amazon would undercut Netflix’s current monthly price $7.99. “Who wouldn’t switch poor you’re cord-cutter?” added. Although separate Prime, ad-supported service ultimately bid Amazon lure people eventually pay Prime membership, said one ad source familiar Amazon’s plans. “The main point bring users eventually up-sell Prime, get broader audience doesn’t want pay Prime, order increase video share,” source said. The Wall Street Journal reported March Amazon weighing move, sources confirmed it’s definite go. Amazon prepping new attack time video service gaining ground, sources said. Amazon doesn’t disclose number Prime members, RBC Capital analyst Mark Mahaney estimates 50 million global customers. While Prime’s big draw two-day shipping, half Prime subscribers use video service included it, around 25 million, sources said. By comparison, Netflix 33 million domestic subscribers. A recent Sandvine study also shows Amazon making major strides — long way go catching Netflix. Amazon’s broadband traffic fixed networks grew 1.61 percent 2.58 percent, study showed. One change Amazon snagged popular HBO content, including “The Wire,” “True Blood” “Boardwalk Empire.” Netflix accounts 32.39 percent aggregate traffic. Rumors rampant Amazon plans let advertisers media ecosystem. Amazon already experimented ads shows, according tech site Re/code. For advertisers, service could Holy Grail terms targeting. In theory, Amazon could tell ads viewed online led purchases retail site. The news Nielsen start rating shows subscription video services starting Netflix likely encourage advertisers want make leap without forcing Amazon give data. Amazon also leverage content producers comes way chooses promote shows movies within growing ecosystem, Hollywood source said. Amazon didn’t return call seeking comment.
Report: HBO Now coming to Apple TV next month
Airline travelers worried Ebola taking matters hands fears healthcare officials underestimated virus. Pictures posted social media show number people arriving airports surgical masks gloves on. One person wore entire HAZMAT suit. The images appeared following days false alarms nation's airports, also second healthcare worker Dallas revealed contracted Ebola virus. Amber Vinson, second person contract deadly virus U.S., also found made round-trip flight Dallas Cleveland, returning day put isolation Texan Health Presbyterian hospital. The person wearing HAZMAT suit photographed sitting departures lounge Dulles International Airport, Washington. D.C. The image first spotted Daily Caller.
Militant Group Says It Killed American Journalist in Syria
Islamic State militants appear killed missing American journalist James Wright Foley, video surfaced Tuesday believed. Foley freelancer frequently reported Global Post Agence France-Presse ongoing conflicts Middle East. When Foley first disappeared Syria, reports indicated captured pro-government forces. Instead, appears captors members ISIS. He previously kidnapped Libya. The video surfaced Tuesday first shows clip President Obama's press conference calling air strikes "the terrorist group ISIL." About halfway in, man believed Foley speaks English family. He's knees, ISIS guard standing him. In [likely ISIS-scripted] speech, blames Obama U.S. government impending death implores family take penny government. He addresses brother, John, U.S. Air Force. "I died day, John," says, referring U.S. air strikes militant group. "When colleagues dropped bomb people, signed death certificate." When video reorients focus back Foley executioner, mike previously hooked shirt gone. The militant spouts angry tirade United States, camera cuts away first seconds beheading. At end video, ISIS militants parade another captive journalist, Steven Sotloff, threaten next victim U.S. government's policy toward militant group change. The video taken Youtube shortly publicized. A HuffPo blogger claimed shared video apologized so: As November 2013, least 30 journalists held captive Syria. Many killed ongoing conflict.
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un’s mystery illness actually two broken ankles, newspaper says
TOKYO — Kim Jong Un, North Korean leader mysteriously missing public eye almost month, sparking rumors covering every possibility stroke coup d’etat, merely recovering ankle surgery, South Korean newspaper reported. Kim fractured ankles surgery Pyongyang middle September treat them, Chosun Ilbo, South Korea’s largest newspaper, reported Tuesday, citing unnamed source. “I heard Kim Jong Un injured right ankle June pushing ahead on-site visits ended fracturing ankles left injury unattended,” source quoted saying, adding operation Bonghwa Clinic, exclusive hospital high-ranking party members. Such fascination North Korea, world’s impenetrable country, rumors spread like wildfire. But almost always impossible verify. Nevertheless, true Kim become noticeably rotund since took leadership North Korea father, Kim Jong Il, December 2011. He pictured limping July ceremony commemorate 20th anniversary death grandfather, former North Korean leader Kim Il Sung, causing speculation health. But gossip mill started last week Kim, third-generation leader North Korea, missed regular session Supreme People’s Assembly Pyongyang. He seen public since Sept. 3, attended concert wife. It went overdrive state-run Korean Central TV said “Great Successor,” known, “indisposed condition.” “Despite discomfort, Marshal continues come lead people,” said narrator documentary called “Improving Lives People,” showing footage Kim limping Taedonggang Tile Factory last month. It aired session assembly, North Korea’s quasi-parliament, broadcast, Daily NK Web site reported. With Kim shown carting around heavy things, narrator continued: “His whole body drenched sweat, stop working hard, instead showing concern health workers.” Separately, Rodong Sinmun, mouthpiece Workers’ Party, recently reported Kim “labored on,” visiting various facilities braving hot summer weather. Outside commentators guessed Kim gout, runs family, drinking eating much. Diabetes high blood pressure also put forward possible causes absence. Weibo, China's version Twitter, went crazy week reports Jo Myong Rok, North Korean vice marshal died four years ago, overthrown Kim coup sent lieutenants South Korea negotiations. Talk spread quickly Global Times, one China’s official papers, ran commentary Monday titled “For make rumors coup North Korea, funny?” “Netizens radical opinion can’t represent opinion China China’s attitude toward North Korea changed,” paper said. In Washington, U.S. officials said information North Korea’s leader. “I say I confirmation reports,” State Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters. “We’ve seen them, don’t confirmation.” In Beijing, U.S. diplomat said Monday North Korea rejected U.S. efforts discuss detention three Americans, Reuters reported. Glyn Davies, U.S. special representative North Korean policy, visiting region, said Pyongyang’s refusal discuss issue sign “doesn’t interest coming back international system responsible country.”
Large space object slams Nicaragua’s capital as asteroid passes Earth
A disturbing video posted online appears show beheading American journalist James Foley, kidnapped covering Syrian conflict 2012. In video man appears Foley, dressed orange, kneels beside armed man clad black. Foley delivers statement condemning U.S. action Iraq says U.S. government “real killers.” “For happen result complacency criminality,” Foley says halting speech. “I wish I time. I wish I could hope freedom seeing family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American.” Seconds later, figure dressed black brandishes knife identifies Islamic State, name brutal terror group Islamic State Iraq Syria took leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, declared leader Muslims. “Today military air force attacked us daily… Your strikes caused casualties amongst Muslims,” figure black says. He addresses President Obama directly, saying “any attempt… deny Muslims right live safety Islamic caliphate result bloodshed people.” Foley killed. The video continues, showing American Steven Sotloff, written national publications like Time, also dressed orange knees. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” figure black says. A spokesperson White House National Security Council said U.S. intelligence community "is working quickly possible determine authenticity." "If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends," spokesperson Caitlin Hayden wrote statement reporters. The U.S. government offers $10 million reward information leading ISIS leader al-Baghdadi’s capture. Foley assignment Syria news outlet GlobalPost. The news organization's co-founder Charles Sennott said today "no reliable proof execution authentic" they're working gather information. "If video verified, unfathomable darkness think life bright Jim Foley's ended way," Sennott said. "He experienced fearless journalist believed deeply reporting frontlines." In interview The Boston Globe 2011, Foley spoke held captive covering uprising Libya importance job. “I believe frontline journalism important,” Foley said. “Without photos videos firsthand experience, really can’t tell world bad might be.” Sen. Kelly Ayotte, R-N.H., worked Foley's family State Department efforts get Foley back. "If confirmed, barbarous heinous act shocks conscience underscores truly evil nature terrorists confront, must defeated," Ayotte said statement.
Amazon to Open First Brick-and-Mortar Site
LAS VEGAS, Feb. 19 (UPI) -- Vice's Shane Smith got lucky Las Vegas weekend spent money $300,000 steak dinner Bellagio. Bloomberg originally reported story 12 unidentified guests racking large dinner tab. One guest said party reached 25 people. Vice received negative attention low pay journalists producers company maintains offer vacation, health benefits stock options. Smith reportedly gave $1 million staff Christmas party last year. New York Times journalist David Carr, recently died, mentioned seeing Smith Casino Twitter early January.
Piper Jaffray pegs stainless steel Apple Watch price at $499, Edition at $4,999
Piper Jaffray’s Gene Munster issued new report investors, breaking expected Apple Watch average selling prices. The analyst predicts stainless steel Apple Watch priced $499, 18k Gold Edition sell $4,999, AppleInsider reports. He also said average, consumers spend closer $550 device, considering case internal storage options. Apple watch versions Apple Watch released three separate price tiers i.e. Apple Watch Sport, Apple Watch Apple Watch Edition, series including two display sizes variety strap choices. Starting Apple Watch Sport, Munster expects ASP (average selling price) $450 including configuration choices like case internal storage options. The stainless steel Apple Watch model expected start $499 $549, overall ASP around $650. Regarding Apple Watch Edition, analyst forecasts base model start $4,999, classifying segment ASP $7,500. Based current pricing Apple’s silicon iPhone 6 cases, come $35, Munster sees elastomer Apple Watch straps start similar $29 $35 range, leather bands could priced $49 $59. Pricing metal bands like link bracelet Milanese loop difficult determine, analyst believes steel versions come $99, gold bands could priced thousands dollars. “If assume 55 percent bands purchased elastomer, 35 percent leather, 10 percent steel, 5,000 total gold bands sold, average band ASP could around $50,” Munster writes. Lastly, Munster expects Sport model make 55% overall Watch sales, mid-tier Apple Watch take 45%. As Apple Watch Edition, Munster believes Apple might sell roughly 10,000 units year. Based know far Apple Watch, model plan getting?
Audio recording allegedly captures moment Michael Brown was shot
A man rifle shot soldier standing guard War Memorial downtown Ottawa, witnesses said shots fired Parliament Hill nearby. It immediately known injuries. Alain Merisier. works cafeteria Parliament building, told CBC News said saw man car Centre Block long gun. Witnesses said heard shots fired, unconfirmed report person injured outside Library Parliament. Police confirmed shooting War Memorial, sealed area injured soldier given emergency medical aid. He later put ambulance. Scott Walsh, working Parliament Hill, said saw man running double-barrelled shotgun, wearing scarf blue jeans. Walsh said man hopped wall fence surrounds Parliament Hill?, gun forcing someone car. He drove front doors Parliament fired least two shot, Walsh said. Police said man yet custody. The National War Memorial stands Confederation Square heart downtown Ottawa. The Parliament buildings Gatineau Hills background. More come [CUSTOM]
WHO says reports of suspected Ebola cases in Iraq are untrue
A former PGA Tour player claims Tiger Woods suspended one month Tour’s anti-doping program. Dan Olsen, made 35 career PGA Tour starts exempt player 2004 season, made claim Friday radio station WVFN host David DeMarco. “I’ve heard he’s month(-long) suspension,” Olsen said, claiming information came “exempt Tour players.” Olsen said Woods test positive testosterone “something else.” Olsen continued, “I think it’s said done, he’s going surpass Lance Armstrong infamy.” Woods’ agent Mark Steinberg released statement Golf News Net, saying, “These claims absolutely, unequivocally completely false. They unsourced, unverified completely ridiculous. The PGA Tour confirmed truth claims.” PGA Tour media official Joel Schuchmann released statement behalf Tour, saying, “Regarding allegations made Dan Olsen concerning Tiger Woods, truth whatsoever claims PGA Tour categorically denies them.” The Michigan-based pro added believes Woods faking back tightness Woods cited withdrawing Farmers Insurance Open 11 holes. Olsen, whose last PGA Tour start 2011 PGA Championship, also made several wild accusations concerning Woods’ golf ball, incorrectly identifying dates Woods made changes ball uses. Olsen alluded comments made Golf Channel analyst Frank Nobilo concerning advantage felt Woods 2000 (not 1998 1999 Olsen claimed) switching Nike’s first solid-core golf ball. After switch May 2000, Woods went win final three majors year, Titleist introduced Pro V1. Further, Olsen claimed Rory McIlroy wanted Nike contract couldn’t access ball Woods. Switching subjects, Olsen also claimed PGA Tour commissioner Tim Finchem personally visited Dustin Johnson’s home twice effort help pro “personal challenges” six-month leave absence golf ended February. Johnson disputed Golf.com report saying suspended half-year period failed drug test Tour’s anti-doping program.
Nun gives birth, intends to keep baby
Young North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un’s health fine, government said Thursday evening, sister probably running country. It said Kim Yo Jong taken brother underwent medical treatment, So Se Pyong, Democratic People's Republic Korea's ambassador United Nations Geneva, told Reuters Kim bad health. The ambassador sat interview discussed variety matters, including North Korea's nuclear program, possibly negotiations free three detained Americans and, course, Kim’s health. It rumored Kim, 31, might ankle surgery, So said incorrect. The story emerged Kim appear Supreme People's Assembly last month reports said suffered "discomfort.” He also seen walking limp July. "That rumors, fabricated rumors," So said Kim's alleged ailment. Questions Kim’s health rose article Diplomat, magazine based Tokyo, claimed sister making important government decisions Kim treated Bonghwa Clinic North Korea's capital Pyongyang. "Some say Hwang Byong So, director General Political Bureau Korean People's Army, may assumed new No. 2 status, given confirmed time, say Hwang shadow, Kim Yo Jong second-in-command North Korea," Kim Heung Gwang, head North Korea Intellectuals Solidarity, reportedly said. Even So denies health problems, Kim seen people since Sept. 3. The leader also gained significant amount weight, could contribute ailments like gout, diabetes high blood pressure, sources told Associated Press. If suffering gout, cheese eating smoking would worsen condition. Follow Twitter @mariamzzarella
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test
Journeyman golfer Dan Olsen retracted claims Tiger Woods suspended PGA Tour using performance-enhancing drugs PGA Tour Woods' agent, Mark Steinberg, vehemently denied claims. Olsen told ESPN.com's Michael Collins "it opinon," courtesy ESPN.com's Bob Harig. "Everything I said radio interview opinion based firsthand knowledge facts," Olsen told ESPN.com. "I want make full retraction everything I said entire radio interview, I apologize Tiger, Nike, Phil [Mickelson], [commissioner] Tim Finchem PGA Tour." Olsen certainly made several major allegations. Per Harig, Olsen claimed 730AM The Game Lansing, Michigan, Woods suspended month due use PEDs exempt player name revealed information. He also claimed Woods used "cheater ball." "It's testosterone, something else," Olsen told station, per Harig. "I think said done, he's gonna surpass Lance Armstrong infamy." "These claims absolutely, unequivocally completely false,'' said Steinberg statement earlier, courtesy Harig. "They unsourced, unverified completely ridiculous. The PGA Tour confirmed truth claims." Ty Votaw, executive vice president PGA Tour, added that, "There truth whatsoever claims. We categorically deny allegations." However, PGA Tour told Harig player tested positive PEDs, required announce suspension, punishments recreational drugs remain undisclosed. Olsen's original claims, opinions, certainly inflammatory remains seen reprimanded Until now, Woods character called question critics past transgressions, professional achievements still held esteem.
Nasa questions whether crater in Nicaragua caused by meteorite
(Reuters) - A mysterious late-night blast Nicaraguan capital Managua left crater 12 meters (40 feet) wide likely caused meteorite, government scientists said Sunday. The loud explosion occurred around 11 p.m. Saturday outskirts Managua near airport, said Wilfried Strauch Nicaraguan Institute Earth Studies (Ineter) interview government TV channel. No one injured. Strauch said Nicaragua asking United States expert help investigate event, picked seismic sensors. "All evidence we've confirmed on-site corresponds exactly meteorite type event," said Jose Millan, also Ineter. "Firstly, seismic register coincides time impact, typical characteristic produces cone place impact." Strauch said able determine composition supposed meteorite sure whether disintegrated hitting ground remained buried. "We need celebrate fact fell area where, thank God, cause danger population," Millan said. Nicaragua 20 volcanoes regularly shaken earthquakes, many locals initially thought quake caused loud bang. (Reporting Ivan Castro; Writing Gabriel Stargardter; Editing Eric Walsh)
Dog abandoned at railway station with suitcase set for happy ending as offers pour in
Since U.S. began airstrikes Iraq Syria Islamic State, Republicans frequently connected terrorist group border security U.S. In August, Texas Governor Rick Perry called “very real possibility” fighters Islamic State already crossed U.S. On Tuesday night, Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican California, took comments even further. Appearing "On Record Greta Van Susteren," Hunter said, “At least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across border Texas.” When Van Susteren asked knew that, Hunter replied, “Because I’ve asked border patrol, Greta.” I asked Department Homeland Security Hunter’s comments true. They weren't. “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” said DHS spokesperson Marsha Catron. “DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border.” UPDATE: Hunter backing comments, claiming came "high-level source" DHS. "The Congressman conveying knows—and told," Hunter's spokesperson told The Huffington Post. "And DHS’ statement, makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand doing—it’s way long time don’t expect change. No surprise there."
Boyfriend cuts off his penis and throws it in the bin after girlfriend dumps him for being bad in bed
Oliver Ilic mutilated girlfriend threw abilities lover. A Macedonian man hacked manhood dumped bad bedroom skills. Jilted lover Oliver Ilic reportedly tossed member trash slicing single swipe razor blade. The 22-year-old lay bleeding floor Kocani home several minutes calling emergency services. Cops arrived found severed organ waste paper bin. A bloodstained Ilic reportedly told officers small penis blame ruined relationship. And so, feeling useless, decided cut off. He rushed local medical center, doctors struggled re-attach phallus. Ilic transferred hospital capital city Skopje, sewed back delicate five-hour operation. Medics said would "some time" know surgery success penis ever function properly again. It's second time Macedonian man carried masochistic act recent years, The Austrian Times reports. A 40-year-old reportedly cut member, could attached flushed toilet.
NYPD to stop arresting for low-level marijuana charges, will issue tickets instead: source
Mayor de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton expected announce change Monday, reaction new policy mixed ahead press conference. The NYPD’s old strategy combating pot possession going smoke. In historic change, city cops stop arresting people low-level marijuana charges issue tickets instead, various police sources said Monday. Persons caught smoking street would still wind pokey, said. But someone caught small amount reefer would slapped summons. The new policy expected formally announced later Monday Mayor de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton afternoon press conference, already law enforcement reformers weighing — new rule. “This free police manpower pursue cases greater magnitude relieving congestion courts,” Richmond County District Attorney Daniel Donovan said support. The Drug Policy Alliance said “cautiously optimistic” new NYPD policy. “Most arrested young men color, even though young white men use marijuana higher rates,” group said statement. Richard Aborn Citizens Crime Commission said new rule long-lasting effect making easier young people find legitimate employment. “There’s criminal record,” said. “You don’t stigma criminal record.” “I think it’s sad,” countered Sergeants Benevolent Association President Ed Mullins. “I think beginning avalanche. Basically, he's equating illegal substance parking ticket.” Pat Lynch, president Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, said want clarity top membership. “Anything less result members held responsible failed policy discipline obsessed police department multiple levels police oversight has,” Lynch said statement. “We want police officers left holding bag crime rises poor policy.” Sam Pirozzolo, vice-president NYC Parents Union, said new NYPD rule “sends mixed message children.” “It’s saying OK smoke marijuana less crime, overall know drugs harmful," said Pirozzolo, whose daughter ninth-grader Susan Wagner High School Staten Island. As is, misdemeanor marijuana arrests citywide first 10 months year — 24,000 compared 29,000 last year. There growing pressure law enforcement curb arrests small amounts pot disproportionately made black Hispanic communities. According Marijuana Arrest Research Project, blacks Hispanics represented 86% arrested marijuana possession city first eight months year. The new NYPD policy embraced Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson 2013 campaign office. He promised fine arrested small amounts marijuana rather put cuffs charge them. "Too many young people arrested low-level drug charges leave permanent stain records violation," Thompson said. The de Blasio administration slow embrace strategy, Bratton spoken recently handling minor criminal offenses without making arrests. Bratton NYPD’s policy aggressively targeting low-level crime come criticism wake Eric Garner’s death police chokehold arrested selling untaxed cigarettes. Critics say it’s main flaw pits police minorities, wind chief targets strategy. With Oren Yaniv Ben Chapman tmoore@nydailynews.com
Islamic State Declares Captured Aid Worker to be 'Innocent'
But official says would "irresponsible" identify bodies missing students A mass grave unconfirmed number bodies discovered part Mexico near 43 college students abducted, authorities announced Saturday night. Guerrero State Attorney General Iñaky Blanco said connection burial site students’ disappearance teachers’ college previous weekend, Wall Street Journal reports. However, Blanco said would “irresponsible” without DNA tests confirm bodies missing students. Mexico’s Proceso, citing anonymous sources, reported 20 bodies discovered. The Associated Press reports six pits discovered report body count. The students disappeared clashing police protest turned violent. Officials detained 30 people, including 22 police officers, case. Blanco said local criminal organization, Los Guerreros Unidos, connected violence disappearances. Close 100,000 Mexicans killed gone missing drug-related violence since 2006, former President Felipe Calderon ordered country’s military reclaim parts country influence drug cartels. [WSJ]
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting has surfaced
The World Health Organisation investigating reports ISIS militants showing Iraqi hospital Ebola. According three media outlets undisclosed number militants displaying signs disease attended hospital ISIS-held city Mosul, 250 miles north Baghdad. While reports, Kurdish pro-Iraqi sources, remain unconfirmed, WHO spokesman Christy Feig said group trying reach officials ISIS-held areas offer help. Infection: Several ISIS militants arrived hospital Mosul displaying signs Ebola according unconfirmed reports UN workers currently banned entering ISIS-controlled areas Iraq Syria unlikely operation region could carried out. Ms Feig told Mashable: 'We official notification [the Iraqi government] Ebola.' The symptoms ebola similar diseases including malaria yellow fever Mosul control ISIS since June 2014 past weeks militants reportedly executed dozen doctors refusing treat injured fighters. According report Iraq's pro-government newspaper, al Sabaah, disease brought Mosul 'terrorists' arriving 'from several countries' Africa. The symptoms Ebola, include nausea vomiting, diarrhea, bleeding bruising, similar diseases including malaria yellow fever meaning could easily misdiagnosed. In addition, ISIS fighters believed travelled West Africa Ebola outbreak originated coming areas reports disease. The reports appeared pro-government Kurdish media true could catastrophic implications people ISIS-held areas group western science medicine. It known surviving doctors Mosul equipped test Ebola trained treat patients prevent spread disease. ISIS fighters pictured June 2014, extremist group swept Iraq seizing territory including city Mosul Yesterday United States allies staged 29 air strikes Islamic State targets Syria Iraq Wednesday, Combined Joint Task Force said. The action Syria included 17 strikes near cities Al Raqqah, Dayr az Zawr Kobani. A variety Islamic State buildings, fighting positions units hit. In Iraq, 12 strikes targeted Islamic State buildings, fighting positions units near cities Mosul, Fallujah Sinjar. Fighters, bombs remotely controlled aircraft used.
Kim Jong-Un 'bans the name Kim Jong-un'
This rumour ridiculous, pretty amusing hard believe given Zack Snyder currently shooting Batman v Superman: Dawn Justice. According Bleeding Cool (who often pretty reliable rumour front), "The scuttlebutt sources Detroit one Batmobile models used filming Batman Vs. Superman gone missing, believed stolen." Seriously? The best set video get iconic vehicle action 300 feet away, someone got close enough steal one damn things? As I said, hard believe we've heard nothing official this, see newest version Batmobile charging around streets Detroit (or even eBay...), probably stolen! Remember, check first official image Batmobile clicking here! UPDATE: False alarm! The Detroit Free Press confirmed Batmobile safe set Batman v Superman: Dawn Justice Detroit police spokesman Sgt. Michael Woody saying reached producers movie confirm stolen. "The Batmobile safe Batcave belongs," Woody said brief statement help us sleep little easiter tonight. Oh well, fun story lasted I think agree! Source: Bleeding Cool
White House fence-jumper made it far deeper into building than previously known
A hallucinogenic fungi found growing Queen’s garden Buckingham Palace discovered gardening expert Alan Titchmarsh. The television presenter unearthed fungi Buckingham Palace ITV gardening show called The Queen’s Garden, said: “I won’t eating that.” Titchmarsh came across red white spotted toadstool — called Amanita muscaria, fly agaric — tour private 40-acre plot ecology expert Professor Mick Crawley. Titchmarsh, 65, asks ITV show screened Christmas Day: “Is edible?” Professor Crawley replies: “That depends mean. It’s eaten cultures hallucinogenic affects. But also makes people eat sick. “The old-fashioned thing feed village idiot, drink urine get high without sickness.” Titchmarsh jokingly replies: “I think I’ll forgo stick normal mushrooms.” Then adds: “Not something try home.” Later told The Sun newspaper: “That surprise shows varied species are. I won’t eating that, though, no. My idea hard drugs Nurofen.” On new TV show, Titchmarsh explains gardeners actively encourage mushrooms toadstools. He says: “Every time chop something down, leave wood rot.” Magic mushroom slang term hallucinogenic fungus. The common, illegal form contains drug psilocybin, suggestion grows Palace garden. Last night Palace spokesman told Sun: “For avoidance doubt, fungi garden used Palace kitchens.” The new programme show viewers entire year life Buckingham Palace garden, summer garden parties nocturnal wanderings wildlife heart London. It demonstrate gardeners work tirelessly maintain Queen’s flowers, bearing mind wish see animals insects made welcome gardens, swapping pesticides homemade garlic treatments. Titchmarsh explore bee hives, homes insects deposits Royal mews help cultivate gardens Buckingham Palace, top tips gardeners giving insight Queen’s tastes. The programme, broadcast ITV Christmas Day, also show garden used royal family generations, king planted mulberry trees rival French young Princesses Elizabeth Margaret climbing peer high garden walls. A sandpit used royal children filmed, along oak trees planted decades ago young Prince Wales Princess Royal, grown acorns sown event birth. Titchmarsh, spent 12 months exploring Palace garden changed seasons, seen finishing calendar year Christmas tree mounted Marble Hall, decorated holly mistletoe royal garden festooned festive golden crowns.
Tourist wakes to find strange red trail on his stomach - and discovers a spider has burrowed through his appendix scar and crawled UNDER his skin while on holiday in Bali
Forget sweater weather crisp autumn leaves; days, true arrival fall seems marked arrival Starbucks' infamous pumpkin spice latte -- least social media sphere. This year, rumor surfaced sticky sweet craze spawned entirely different pumpkin spice-flavored item: condoms, made Durex. Because safe sex important, matter season is. 🎃 #pumpkinspice pic.twitter.com/kzHSBgw87a — IG:Bennett Kulcsar (@BennettKulcsar) September 8, 2014 The company immediately confirm deny existence product, leaving Internet tizzy. The plot thickened morning, Durex initially tweeted denial deleted it, leading confusion. Finally, though, Durex put rumors rest: unnamed company spokesperson told BuzzFeed Durex would coming pumpkin spice condom. “Durex heard people saying launched ‘Pumpkin Spice’ condom," spokesperson said. "We can’t claim one, love people spice bedroom." Even though pumpkin spice condoms proved myth, Internet still field day. Never forget. pumpkin spice condom available tall, grande, venti *high fives self* *cries* http://t.co/wFbavPiTjh — Tabir Akhter (@tabooradley) September 8, 2014 I'm strangely disappointed pumpkin spice condoms actually thing. Because come on, pumpkin spice! — Corinne. (@corinneeee_xoxo) September 8, 2014 I guess thankful coworkers break pumpkin spice candles pumpkin spice condoms — ohkatieb (@ohkatieb) September 8, 2014 Durex makes pumpkin spice condoms means white girl ever going get pregnant again. — kailin (@ayokailin) September 7, 2014 Don't need pumpkin spice flavored condoms. I use natural birth control like wearing Crocs cargo shorts. — Keith-182 (@rarekeith) September 8, 2014
Son pays off his parents' mortgage in a heartwarming Christmas video
There Christmas miracles all. For Joe Riquelme's parents, miracle came form plain white envelope containing handwritten note son telling paid mortgage. Riquelme, successful app developer New York goes YouTube user name joeytrombone, Thursday shared video showing parents’ heartwarming reaction incredibly generous Christmas gift. Scroll video One final gift: Joe Riquelme, app developer New York (center) surprised parents Christmas giving life-changing present Priceless reaction: Riquelme's mother shocked find note written son inside plain envelope telling paid mortgage Best gift ever? Riquelme placed bank documents inside folded envelope along brief note Tears joy: The app developer's parents burst tears reaction son's generosity The touching video, viewed nearly 130,000 times last 24 hours, counting, begins Joe Riquelme sitting couch parents pet dog. Looking visibly nervous struggling keep emotions check, Riquelme tells mom dad one Christmas gift them: slightly dog-eared envelope folded half. Inside, documents Bank America accompanied handwritten note reads: 'Your house paid off. Merry Xmas. - Joe.' In corner, Riquelme drew box list three things parents done family check marks next one: raising kids, college loans, mortgage. Confronted note, Riguelme's mother covers mouth shock bursts tears joy mingled laughter son labors keep composure. The overwhelmed woman passes envelope husband, also begins weep. ‘I love you. Thank you, Papi,' Riquelme's mom exclaims sobs showering hugs kisses. Group hug: The emotional video concludes Riquelme's mom dad embracing showering young man kisses 'Sometimes best gifts come lamest packages. Merry Christmas everyone! — feeling happy,' Riguelme later wrote Facebook along collage video The emotional minute-long video concludes group hug. 'Sometimes best gifts come lamest packages. Merry Christmas everyone! — feeling happy,' Riguelme later wrote Facebook page. A graduate University California Davis years experience working semiconductor industry, last year Riquelme founded New York-based startup Videoshop - video-editing app available iPhone. Techie: Riquelme graduate University California Davis spent years working semiconductor industry Taking flight: Last year, Riquelme founded New York-based startup Videoshop - video-editing app available iPhone
Saudi Arabia Cleric Issues Fatwa Against Building Snowmen
Ok, still rumor, there’s chance Batmobile stolen set Batman v Superman set Detroit. My former employer Bleeding Cool posted this: The scuttlebutt sources Detroit one Batmobile models used filming Batman Vs. Superman gone missing, believed stolen. It would first time Batmobile nicked Detroit. Though $200 replica TV Series version back 2o10. So far clue confirmation, true, quickly form list suspects. My money King Tut. Stay tuned updates, rumors, dispelling rumors! We want hear you! As always leave us thoughts opinions comments below! Want Batman? Download Fansided.com app Batman news! Don’t forget like Caped Crusades Facebook follow us Twitter! Really love Batman? Caped Crusades always looking volunteer writers! Leave us comment, email capedcrusades@gmail.com, apply Fansided.com!
Boko Haram denies truce, says kidnapped girls married
A new survey UBS suggests Apple Watch could get strong start, leading investment firm predict sales 24 million units gross profit $3.4 billion wearable device first months alone. In poll 4,000 consumers, UBS found 10 percent consumers said "very likely" buy smartwatch next 12 months. Applying percentage total number eligible iPhone owners, UBS believes Apple sell 24 million Apple Watches first nine months availability. Detailing results note investors Monday, analyst Steven Milunovich noted first version Apple Watch number limitations, notably dependence connected iPhone functionality. But believes first-generation device set Apple long-term success wearables market. Still, first months, Milunovich believes Apple sell 24 million Watch average price $420 $430. That would result sales $10.3 billion, assumed 33 percent level gross margin, would add $3.4 billion profit company's bottom line fiscal 2015. Apple's fiscal 2015 concludes end September, Milunovich's estimates include 2015 holiday shopping season. Looking fiscal 2016, Milunovich's estimates increase 40 million units, resulting $17 billion sales $6.2 billion profit. And 2018, projections call Apple selling 67.6 million Apple Watch units single fiscal year. The analyst said likely iPhone Apple Watch prove complementary products, much like Mac iPad. But said also possible Apple Watch could eventually become successor iPhone. "Given two-thirds Apple's profit generated iPhone, company concerned longer-term threat replacement technology, whether leap handset technology loss key functions wearables," Mulinovich said. "With sophisticated user interface third-party apps coming on, Apple may readying time Apple Watch encroaches smartphone market." The UBS survey also delved specific brands, found consumers interested currently available Samsung Gear. Among respondents plan buy smartwatch, 37 percent said would purchase SamsungGear, 25 percent said waiting Apple Watch. Milunovich expects tables quickly turn early 2015, Apple Watch becomes available shakes existing wearables market. "Just Apple first MP3 smartphone vendor redefined categories, expect Apple Watch become first mind smartwatches," said. UBS maintained "buy" rating AAPL stock 12-month price target $125.
Israel opens dams, floods Gaza
This moment sleazy truth husband’s cheating ways exposed world scorned wife. Ting Su, 29, caught husband Cheng naked underground carpark China along twin sister tracking pair using mobile tracking system. When Su arrived scene confront them, surprised pair reacted bust jumped car. Su seized moment taking happy snaps driving off, leaving cheaters red-faced carpark. “It funny. Loads people grabbing phones I well. He banging fist window shouting her, wasn’t playing ball,” one witness said. The Mirror reports Cheng affair since Ting, filed divorce, gave birth twins. This article originally appeared News.com.au.
Eyewitness Says Viral Video of Homeless Man Was Staged
BAGHDAD—An Iraqi official Wednesday denied woman detained Lebanon wife Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, leader Islamic State group. The denial comes day Lebanese authorities said holding woman believed Mr. al-Baghdadi’s wife. They said detained traveling fake ID claimed reclusive extremist leader’s spouse. Iraq’s Interior Ministry spokesman Saad Maan Ibrahim told Associated Press woman Saja Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, Iraqi national traveled Syria arriving Lebanon. Mr. Ibrahim said sister Omar Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, held Iraq terror suspect. He said Mr. al-Baghdadi two wives neither named Saja al-Dulaimi. —Copyright Associated Press
Kim Jong-Un 'in hospital with two fractured ankles' after ballooning to around 20 stone and going on numerous 'meet the people' walkabout PR stunts
Omar Gonzalez, White House fence-jumper earlier month, apparently surprised guard front door nearby alarm box muted: After barrelling past guard immediately inside door, Gonzalez, carrying knife, dashed past stairway leading half-flight first family’s living quarters. He ran 80-foot-long East Room, ornate space often used receptions presidential addresses. Gonzalez tackled counter-assault agent far southern end East Room. The intruder reached doorway Green Room, parlor overlooking South Lawn artwork antique furniture, according three people familiar incident. Secret Service officials earlier said quickly detained main entry. Agency spokesman Edwin Donovan said office commenting due ongoing investigation incident. So....they lied? On related note, I wonder whistleblowers feeding stuff WaPo's Carol Leonnig? Not matters, I suppose, I'm curious whether folks appalled security lapses folks kind axe grind.
Big Bank Hank, co-founder of the Sugarhill Gang, has died
Nigeria reached ceasefire deal include release kidnapped Nigerian schoolgirls.
Identity of ISIS terrorist known as 'Jihadi John' reportedly revealed
Some iPhone 6 users say literally pulling hair. Users claim new Apple device catches strands hair phone's screen metal frame, pulling beard hair head hair move phone away head. People took Twitter using hashtags #hairgate #beardgate voice grievances. This newest "gate" follows complaints weeks ago phone bends pressure, issue became known #Bendgate. "If buy iPhone 6, better totally bald #HairGate," @redletter tweeted. iPhone 6 user @philquinn1 tweeted photo phone one strand beard hair caught. "#hairgate real- sort of. This beard iPhone 6. I say took several swipes. #ouch," wrote. "#HairGate real. Have experienced times iPhone 6. Didn't know thing today," @abcdedgar tweeted. Some made fun hair situation. Doctored images people using phones shave legs beards made way around Web tag lines "Our best phone best shave," "Stay smooth: iPhone 6." And Razor company Gillette saw advertising opportunity took it. "Your phone may smarter ever, leave shaving experts. #beardgate," tweeted @Gillette. Plenty people expressed doubt whole thing, too. "I big curly hair gets caught EVERYTHING, never caught iPhone 6. I say #hairgate started Samsung," @JustAlly tweeted. "I report gap front glass aluminium exist," Forbes' Gordon Kelly wrote article dismissing recent iPhone "gate." "There bevel, glass front panel actually fused aluminum tiny gap see significantly narrower human hair," wrote. Mashable created video disputes complaints. It shows people rubbing phone hair faces. "We've gone beards curly hair long hair, short hair, hair, hair," reporter Christina Warren said video. "Hairgate thing," said. When reached, Apple would comment situation. Follow @lagrisham Twitter More:
Islamist websites claim Israeli-Canadian woman kidnapped by IS: report
An Israeli newspaper report says Islamist websites claiming extremists kidnapped Israeli-Canadian woman joined Kurdish fighters overseas. The Jerusalem Post says reports Gill Rosenberg’s capture surfaced Sunday websites “known close” Islamic State extremists. The newspaper says websites give details alleged kidnapping, occurred three suicide attacks sites Kurdish fighters holed up. Clashes ISIL Kurdish troops largely focused Syrian city Kobani, near Turkish border. The now-notorious al-Qaeda splinter group currently control large swaths territory Syria Iraq. Messages concern posted Sunday Facebook profile belonging Gill Rosenberg. An earlier message asked advice joining Kurdish army. “Canada pursuing appropriate channels” seek information touch local authorities, foreign ministry spokesman said Sunday statement With file Reuters
Lawmaker Says ‘At Least 10′ Islamic State Fighters Have Been Captured at the Southern U.S. Border
Social media around world flooded rumors Fidel Castro's death, sign Friday reports true, even 88-year-old former Cuban leader seen public months. Similar speculation swept across Cuban expatriate communities repeatedly decades, particularly serious illness forced step duties president 2006, handing leadership younger brother Raul. The new wave prompted part Fidel Castro's failure comment U.S. Cuba declared Dec. 17 would move restore full diplomatic relations broken half century ago. The chatter appeared pick media noted Thursday Castro seen public year. He last appeared Jan. 8, 2014, art exhibition Havana, ending nine months public view. The recent official photographs Castro came private meeting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro Aug. 21. He also photographed Chinese Russian presidents July. Castro last heard Oct. 18, published editorial Ebola. By Friday, Cuba-related Twitter accounts ablaze speculation, fueled large part reports news websites Diario de Cuba Diario las Americas Cuba scheduled news conference, possibly discuss Castro's health. The rumors stoked respected Italian newspaper Corriere Della Sera reported website Castro died. It quickly pulled report back, however. Cuban officials told news media Havana press conference called, obvious signs official preparations mourning.
Man cuts off manhood, throws it in the bin, after girlfriend leaves over small penis
Hell hath fury like woman scorned. The saying came true Macedonian man chopped penis threw dustbin dumped girlfriend lack bedroom skills. According report The Mirror, man told medics felt small-sized penis blame split. Oliver Ilic, 22, said small penis useless decided cut off. He called doctors could stop bleeding. The jilted lover taken, stretcher bloodstained jeans, hospital eastern town Kocani. Police searched house discovered severed organ bin cut single swipe razor blade. Surgeons sewed member back five hour operation said early know whether penis work again.
Parents' anger after seven Bosnian schoolgirls aged 13 and 14 fall pregnant on class trip
28 girls, aged 13 14, small town went five-day school trip capital, Sarajevo. A quarter returned pregnant. It pregnancy pact. Seven Bosnian teenagers became pregnant five-day school trip, angering parents educators, according public health officials. The teens, small town Banja Luka, 13 14 years old, said Nenad Babici, national coordinator reproductive health. The school took group 28 girls trip capital, Sarajevo, see museums city sights, according inserbia.info. A quarter students returned home pregnant. Parents demanding better supervision trip, according Courier Mail. But Babici said parents need teach children sex. The case brought national attention increasing number teen pregnancies Bosnia Herzegovina. Sarajevo gynecologist Senad Mehmedbasic said growing rate worrisome teens face higher risks pregnancy child birth. "We direct educational system," said. "It must allowed street teaches children intimate matters, later slapped life." rblidner@nydailynews.com
'Jihadi John' identified: ISIS killer named as Mohammed Emwazi from West London
The Pentagon confirmed Ahmed Abdi Godane, leader Islamist militant group al-Shabaab, killed US air strike earlier week. The United States previously said strike inside Somalia targeted Godane, know whether killed. “We confirmed Ahmed Godane, co-founder al-Shabaab, killed,” said rear admiral John Kirby, Pentagon press secretary, describing “major symbolic operational loss” militant group, aligned al-Qaida. Al-Shabaab fighting topple Somalia’s western-backed government regularly launches bombings gun attacks state targets civilians. Godane’s death could lead internal power struggle. On Wednesday US officials said still investigating see whether strike al-Shabaab encampment killed Godane, 37, reportedly trained Taliban Afghanistan. At least three strikes hit convoy al-Shabaab vehicles southern Somalia Monday night, according witnesses spokesman group spoke later Associated Press. The al-Shabaab representative said six al-Shabaab fighters killed strikes. The air raid came days African Union (AU) troops Somali government forces launched “Operation Indian Ocean”, major offensive aimed seizing key ports al-Shabaab cutting one key sources revenue: multi-million dollar exports charcoal. AU forces targeting Shabaab several fronts, Ugandan troops leading offensives main port Barawe, south capital, Mogadishu. The commander AU Somalia said death Godane would “proud happy moment Africa”. Godane, passion poetry, seized world attention year ago Westgate mall attack Nairobi, left least 67 dead. He warned Kenya would suffer atrocities unless withdrew troops AU force Somalia. “You cannot withstand war attrition inside country,” said audio message posted website linked al-Shabaab. “So withdraw forces, prepared abundance blood spilt country.” Washington carried series drone missile strikes past, including attacks reportedly targeting Godane, rarely confirms officially. Godane took leadership al-Shabaab 2008 chief Adan Hashi Ayro killed US missile strike. Also known Mukhtar Abu Zubeyr, Godane al-Shabaab’s spiritual leader whose direction Somali militants forged alliance al-Qaida. In 2012 US offered reward $7m (£4.2m) information leading arrest.
Christian Bale to Play Steve Jobs in New Movie
The Canadian government said Sunday investigating reports Canadian-Israeli woman joined Kurdish militias fighting northern Syria captured Islamic State (Isis) fighters. According blog linked Isis, several female fighters fought alongside Kurds taken prisoner, including Gill Rosenberg, Canadian-born resident Tel Aviv. Israel Radio reported Kurdish sources denying claims, saying Rosenberg area attacked. A Canadian government spokesman said statement country “pursuing appropriate channels” sought information touch local authorities. Asked Israeli television station reports, Israeli defence minister, Moshe Ya’alon, said: “I cannot confirm I hope isn’t true.” The Shin Bet, Israel’s general security service, told Jerusalem Post: “There details stage”. Rosenberg, 31, joined Kurdish troops fighting Isis earlier month. A former pilot served Israeli Defence Force (IDF), reportedly contacted Kurdish fighters internet travelling Iraq train one camps Syrian border. In interview Israel Radio aired November, Rosenberg said training Kurdish guerrillas intention fighting Syria. “They brothers. They good people. They love life, lot like us, really,” said. On 20 November, message posted Facebook page Rosenberg’s name said: “My Facebook account friend requests managed someone else I access apx [sic] 2 weeks time around week [8 December]. Please message me. Thank you.” Messages concern posted Facebook page weekend. Isis, killed five western hostages, believed holding 39 Indian construction workers captive. Last week group reported executed two Iraqi women former parliamentary candidates.
Could Kim Jong Un open a restaurant in Scotland?
An article saying NASA confirmed six days “total darkness” December fake it’s merely iteration old Internet hoax. Essentially every year, there’s bogus rumors saying three days darkness December, they’ve obviously proven true. They seem reference Three Days Darkness mentioned Catholic prophets. However, “satirical” entertainment website, Huzlers.com, posted article six days darkness. It uses fake quotes NASA official. “WORLDWIDE – NASA confirmed Earth experience 6 days almost complete darkness happen dates Tuesday 16 – Monday 22 December. The world remain, three days, without sunlight due solar storm, cause dust space debris become plentiful thus, block 90% sunlight,” reads part. But Huzlers disclaimer says it’s real shouldn’t ever taken seriously. “Huzlers.com combination real shocking news satirical entertainment keep visitors state disbelier,” About Us section reads bottom web page. The bogus NASA article tens thousands shares “likes” Saturday. According Snopes.com, similar rumors going taken different forms. “No, universe realign December 2014, three-day blackout time Earth shift new dimension. Neither NASA credible scientific entity made pronouncement. Ever,” site says. “This item originated back 2012, interest belief Mayan calendar would end 21 December 2012 (thus foretelling end world know it) running high, simply updated recirculated year 2014 replacing original references 2012.”
Boko Haram Denies Ceasefire, Says Kidnapped Girls Are Now Married
A video surfaced purporting depict American journalist James Wright Foley beheaded claim ISIS rebels. James Wright Foley disappeared northwest Syria November 22, 2012. The video features text saying “Obama authorizes military operations Islamic State effectively placing America upon slippery slope towards new war front Muslims.” It cuts clip Obama announcing airstrikes ISIS Foley kneeling orange, next man wearing black face covered. In it, Foley forced read letter urging Americans rise “real killer,” “U.S. government.” I call friends, family loved ones rise real killer, U.S. government. What happen result complacency criminality.” According Time’s Mirren Gidda: American airstrikes began earlier month attempt help thousands people—members Yazidi, ethnic minority region—who trapped mountain range fighters Islamic State Iraq Greater Syria (ISIS). President Barack Obama formally told Congress Sunday sanctioned additional air raids, though said would limited. The new strikes, requested Iraqi government, intended help Iraqi Kurdish security forces battling militants control strategic Mosul Dam. Aided U.S. air support, troops successfully recaptured Aug. 18. The video also shows man knees allegedly Steven Sotloff, freelance journalist went missing Syria Aug. 3, 2013. According video, Sotloff’s fate depends Obama’s “next decision.” Salon chosen share video.
Boko Haram claims to have German hostage, denies ceasefire
Boko Haram reportedly agreed cease-fire Nigerian military well release hundreds schoolgirls abducted terrorist group earlier year, officials said Friday. The jihadist militia yet made public statement decision, could confirm arrangement, according BBC. "They've assured us girls release them," Nigerian presidential aide Hassan Tukur told BBC. "I cautiously optimistic." The announcement release cease-fire comes month negotiations Nigerian government Boko Haram, killed 2,000 civilians 2014 alone. The little-known al Qaeda offshoot gained national attention April abducted 300 schoolgirls school Chibok, northern Nigeria, sold slaves. The abduction sparked international outrage social media campaign #BringBackOurGirls enlisted likes U.S. first lady Michelle Obama countless celebrities. Human rights organizations watching ongoing deals closely developments. We monitoring news huge expectations http://t.co/L01FrUFKwz #BringBackOurGirls — #BringBackOurGirls (@BBOG_Nigeria) October 17, 2014 In August, Boko Haram declared “Islamic state” northeastern Nigeria, Washington Post reported. Authorities believe group hiding girls somewhere area. Jennifer Cook, director Africa Program Center Strategic International Studies, said longer girls stay captivity, harder would bring home. “With hostage situations many people, bring one set back without endangering another set difficult,” Cooke told Time. “In cases, there’s pretty good idea are, extricating group armed criminals little respect life difficult negotiation process. And longer they’re there, greater likelihood become dispersed, difficult track down.” It's unclear girls treated captivity, raising questions health. “These girls held absolutely horrific circumstances, subjected sexual violence rape, forced servitude,” Cooke said. “There reports become pregnant.”
Report: Nearly a Dozen Commercial Airliners Missing Ahead of 9/11 Anniversary After Islamists Overrun Libyan Airport
Reports 11 commercial jetliners missing main airport Libya's capital Tripoli raising fears militants could use terrorist attacks mark 13th anniversary 9/11 next week. The Washington Free Beacon, conservative news website, cited anonymous sources said intelligence agencies warned jets could used attacks North Africa elsewhere Sept. 11. The date also marks second anniversary Libyan terrorist attack U.S. diplomatic compound Benghazi killed four Americans, including Ambassador Christopher Stevens. State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf said, "We nothing confirm reports missing airliners." A spokeswoman White House National Security Council, Bernadette Meehan, also said there's confirmation aircraft stolen. Images surfaced online showing militants posing jetliners taken militants overran Tripoli's airport last month fierce battle left much airport aircraft damaged. In past four months, renegade general battled Islamic militants eastern city Benghazi — cradle 2011 uprising toppled Moammar Gadhafi — powerful regional militias fought control Tripoli airport. Islamist-allied militias seized virtually capital. Moroccan military expert Abderrahmane Mekkaoui said "credible intelligence" one Libyan militia "is plotting use planes attacks (region) 9/11 anniversary," The Huffington Post reported, citing Al Jazeera television. An aviation security expert said planes, actually seized terrorists, would pose threat countries near Libya U.S. homeland. Any stolen aircraft Libya would unlikely penetrate post-9/11 U.S. air defense security measures, could pose threat targets much closer, said Jeffrey Price, author Practical Aviation Security professor Metropolitan State University Denver. Airliners required file flight plans entering U.S. airspace, air-traffic monitors would looking aircraft matching description stolen planes, Price said. An airliner could try fly radar avoid detection, U.S. military developed systems detect stop low flying threats, said. Price said countries near Libya, including Europe, air-defense capabilities would risk. The reports missing planes, first surfaced mid-August, likely sparked international search planes intelligence agencies, Price said. "It's hard hide big jet," said. The latest report surfaced Islamist militia seized U.S. Embassy residence Tripoli last weekend, posting video online men playing pool compound. In late July, U.S. diplomats evacuated compound capital traveled neighboring Tunisia U.S. military escort fighting rival militias intensified thousands fled. About 150,000 people fled Libya fighting another 100,000 internally displaced, according United Nations report released Thursday. Contributing: The Associated Press
Rep. Duncan Hunter: 'At Least 10' ISIS Fighters Caught at Mexican Border
According statement wife, Henning found innocent
Suspected meteorite leaves crater in Managua, is linked to asteroid
Forget sweater weather crisp autumn leaves; days, true arrival fall seems marked arrival Starbucks' infamous pumpkin spice latte -- least social media sphere. This year, rumor surfaced sticky sweet craze spawned entirely different pumpkin spice-flavored item: condoms, made Durex. Because safe sex important, matter season is. 🎃 #pumpkinspice pic.twitter.com/kzHSBgw87a — IG:Bennett Kulcsar (@BennettKulcsar) September 8, 2014 The company immediately confirm deny existence product, leaving Internet tizzy. The plot thickened morning, Durex initially tweeted denial deleted it, leading confusion. Finally, though, Durex put rumors rest: unnamed company spokesperson told BuzzFeed Durex would coming pumpkin spice condom. “Durex heard people saying launched ‘Pumpkin Spice’ condom," spokesperson said. "We can’t claim one, love people spice bedroom." Even though pumpkin spice condoms proved myth, Internet still field day. Never forget. pumpkin spice condom available tall, grande, venti *high fives self* *cries* http://t.co/wFbavPiTjh — Tabir Akhter (@tabooradley) September 8, 2014 I'm strangely disappointed pumpkin spice condoms actually thing. Because come on, pumpkin spice! — Corinne. (@corinneeee_xoxo) September 8, 2014 I guess thankful coworkers break pumpkin spice candles pumpkin spice condoms — ohkatieb (@ohkatieb) September 8, 2014 Durex makes pumpkin spice condoms means white girl ever going get pregnant again. — kailin (@ayokailin) September 7, 2014 Don't need pumpkin spice flavored condoms. I use natural birth control like wearing Crocs cargo shorts. — Keith-182 (@rarekeith) September 8, 2014
The Guy Who Said a Spider Burrowed Under His Skin? Experts Say…
While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon. A Vogue employee told Gawker new offices infested rats. And problem apparently bad editor-in-chief reportedly refusing enter premises. Wintour, 65, allegedly informed staffers vermin must removed clicks dainty heels new home. Scroll video New digs, big problem: While US Vogue offices moving 1 World Trade Center New York City, Anna Wintour may making transition anytime soon Vogue, however, scheduled move 1 World Trader Center new year, giving ample time removal rodents. The staff member told Gawker pressing dilemma facing fashion: 'A serious concern (laughable I guess makes sense) clothing could get nibbled through.' The timing infestation comes Vogue created online campaign advertising move new offices: 'Batten hatches, lower Manhattan, we're coming you.' That's one famous mover: The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes The Instagram feed Conde Nast owned publication showed rapper Will.i.am carrying boxes them. Meanwhile, Wintour defended decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West April cover Vogue, appears suggesting choice 'tasteless'. According Fashionista, magazine editor said: 'I think remain deeply tasteful put deeply tasteful people cover, would rather boring magazine!' Day life: The publication tongue cheek moving process She added even beginning, Vogue never pleasing everyone. 'The first celebrity I put cover Vogue Madonna, considered completely controversial time, too,' explained. 'It's long time ago probably one remembers, controversial figure. Now part establishment.' Ms Wintour, 65, went say Vogue reflect modern culture - even provocative figures within - 'nobody would talk us. It's important people talk us.'
Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme
Apple "studied platinum watch casings" according new report The Wall Street Journal. However, it’s expected announce new case today’s "Spring Forward" event. The WSJ also corroborates rumors Apple redesigning stores include space customers try watch appointment. It’s likely Apple limiting initial buying experience stores, company total control sales experience. Reuters reports Apple resellers, like Best Buy, may carry watch launch, Macy’s, Saks, Bloomingdale's, Barney’s expressing same. Apple held private event luxury retailer Colette Paris back September, hinting possible store-within-a-store retail strategy Apple Watch Edition sales. Reuters notes Nordstrom discussions Apple. The Apple Watch go sale April 38mm 42mm cases made aluminum, stainless steel, scratch resistant 18-karat gold. Platinum obvious omission, material commonly used luxury watch makers Rolex Omega. Apple Watch strap materials include fluoroelastomer (rubber), leather, stainless steel. While gold strap hasn’t announced yet, some, including Daring Fireball’s John Gruber, speculated could announced today push Watch Edition price $20,000 mark. The Watch Sport model features hardened Ion-X glass composite (plastic) back, stainless steel Watch gold Watch Edition models use sapphire crystal ceramic backs. Apple yet detail prices, announcing starting price $349. Apple’s event kicks 10AM PT / 1PM ET / 5PM GMT, you’ll able follow along live blog up-to-the-second reports.
Developer quits using the app he was hired to make—or did he?
This possibly best resignation letter I’ve ever seen. No, scrap that. This IS best resignation letter I’ve ever seen. An iPhone game developer quit job hiding secret message end game worked called Electric Boogie. To see message get 100 points final level. Well innocent gamer get 100 points last thing expected see explicit animation message boss developing company. If couldn’t read it, message said: Brody – Working living hell. You hav eyour head far ass, it’s wonder breath always smells like shit. Consider cartoon animation letter, resignation pathetic company. I quit. – D.B.G 05/11/14
Soldier shot at War Memorial; multiple shots fired in Parliament
Although majority Austrian resorts suffering lack snow one business usual – thanks fact stored snow last year. Resort managers Saalbach-Hinterglemm state Salzburg say planned opening going head expected thanks fact saved tons snow last year put back slopes. Austria one world's popular skiing destinations delay usual season start beginning December costs industry millions. But resorts Austrian Alps currently struggling almost total lack snow, including Flachau Salzburg Rosskopf mountain Tyrol, time snow usually plentiful, Saalbach-Hinterglemm problems. A recent Austrian climate report found country’s temperatures risen twice fast global average since 1880, number sunshine hours Alps increasing 20 percent. And although many resorts shifted focus adaptation solutions, acknowledging climate change stopped turned around time soon, ski resort Saalbach-Hinterglemm really planned ahead success. For seventh year running Snow Mobile event taking place Saalbach-Hinterglemm planned thanks snow carefully stored since March. The resort management collected around 13,000-square-metres snow mountains earlier year stored covering artificial fleece wood chips keep cool prevent melting. A spokesman resort said: "We made sure covering airtight, paid off. We estimate lost 15 percent snow put away pretty good going given warm year." The snow currently spread flattened allow event weekend go ahead planned. Around 22,000 people expected turn watch.
Rapper identified as James Foley's executioner: reports
Let's face it: Many us hesitate hand money homeless, concerned spend ways we'd consider unwise. But one man put belief test ... surprising new video showing happened gave homeless man $100 already racked 10 million views YouTube. Josh Paler Lin, whose YouTube channel 711,000 subscribers usually features pranks, thought he'd try social experiment: Give homeless man money, follow secret see he'd it. And sure enough, man's first stop liquor store. He emerged bag took nearby park. Well, expect, right? Wrong: Once park, man pulled food bag shared fellow homeless. "My heart crushed," Lin told TODAY. After witnessing homeless man, whose name Thomas, cash, Lin approached camera explained he'd following him. He apologized gave Thomas money. Thomas said he'd quit job take care sick parents, lost family home died. He said he's street four months. Lin decided take action, setting crowdfunding page raise money help Thomas get streets. Donations thus far topped $50,000. "People think I changed life," said Lin, maintains video staged. "For me, completely opposite. I feel changed life." Follow Randee Dawn Google+ Twitter.
A Mass Grave Points to a Student Massacre in Mexico
There may yet another bug iOS 8, Apple's latest version mobile operating system iPhone iPad. This time, users reporting anybody trying reset settings iPhone could accidentally delete documents saved iCloud, Apple's online backup service. MacRumors reports multiple users forums reported issue attempting reset settings iPhone. Apple informs reset phone settings "no data media deleted," people claiming reset wipes iCloud Drive documents. The existence bug yet confirmed. We asked Apple comment yet heard back. iCloud Drive Apple's online file storage solution documents. According official Apple site, iCloud Drive used "safely store presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, images kind document iCloud." It competes DropBox cloud storage apps. Forum posts claim complained settings reset deleted files well, Apple told company waiting engineers fix issue. Another reported account placed troubleshooting mode Apple investigated. One poster MacRumors forums say problem: " Because iOS 8 sluggish iPad 3 I reset settings (No data media deleted) sped BUT deleted iWork data! Then promptly synced deleted iCloud. I public beta Yosemite can't roll back via time machine. I pre iOS 8 backups iTunes iCloud revert (well iCloud device backups contain cloud documents I iOS 7 backups iTunes can't find any. iCloud trash like dropbox. They seem gone forever." The launch iOS 8 PR nightmare Apple. One update managed stop iPhone 6 users making calls, Apple forced pull update quickly work fix.
Texas plumber's truck spotted in Syria: 'We have nothing to do with terror at all'
A married TV actor met young woman kissed sauna woke find testicles stolen. Dmitry Nikolaev, 30, believed target gang – including doctor – may harvesting organs sell black market. Nikolaev drink young blonde woman met bar Moscow theatre invited sauna, reports MailOnline. A police source told website: ‘They kissed beer actor remembers nothing.’ They believe Nikolaev’s drink spiked. He woke next day bus stop acute pain noticed blood trousers. At hospital staff told testicles removed appeared operation done medical professional. Police believe gang stealing human organs sell black market. MORE: PC ‘suffered bruised testicles’ cleared attacking mum hospital sick daughter staying MORE: Man lifts 80kg bricks testicles, swings around
Nigeria: hopes for return of kidnapped schoolgirls rise after ceasefire reported
Claim: Eleven passenger planes missing airport Libya. PROBABLY FALSE Example: [Collected via email, September 2014] Seeking truth stir 11 missing / stolen commercial airliners Libyan airport fall Tripoli. Origins: In early August 2014, North African bloggers began spread stories several commercial airliners missing Tripoli International Airport shortly facility taken Zintan militia forces earlier summer. Later month translations blog posts began picked news outlets Western Europe passed fact rather gossip; early September tales translations blogs spread United States guise real news. The use airplanes terrorist weapons 2001 makes easy us anticipate used way again. And despite denials sides — airlines missing planes, Libyan transport ministry, anti-government forces control airport — tales found ready audience among populace already edge anticipation anniversary 9/11 attacks. However, statements State Department, Department Defense, Homeland Security, authority warning stolen airliners. The national threat level raised. Algerian Moroccan military air defense, already high alert due unrest across borders Libya, would undoubtedly noticed multiple flights unidentified passenger aircraft. <!-- google_ad_client = "pub-6608306193529351"; google_ad_width = 468; google_ad_height = 60; google_ad_format = "468x60_as"; google_ad_type = "text"; google_ad_channel = "0054321535"; google_color_border = "000000"; //-->
U.S. accidentally delivered weapons to the Islamic State by airdrop, militants say
Pentagon investigating claims admits one load missing would embarrassing ended terror group’s hands A US airdrop arms besieged Kurds Kobani appears missed target ended hands Islamic State (Isis) militants. Video footage released Isis shows appears one fighters desert scrubland stack boxes attached parachute. The boxes opened show array weapons, rusty, new. A canister broken reveal hand grenade. The Pentagon said investigating claim admitted one airdrops gone missing. If confirmed, would embarrassment US, given advanced precision technology available air force. The seemingly bungled airdrop comes steady stream US-supplied weapons lost Isis forces, mainly dysfunctional Iraqi army. Isis reported stolen seven American M1 Abrams tanks three Iraqi army bases Anbar province last week. The Pentagon spokesman, Rear Admiral John Kirby, told reporters analysts Centcom headquarters Tampa, Florida, examining video. “We’re still taking look assessing validity it,” said. “So I honestly don’t know one one dropped.” The US began dropping munitions, supplied Kurdish authorities semi-autonomous region northern Iraq, compatriots Kobani, sits close Iraqi-Turkish border; Isis fighters encircled much town. Kirby confirmed weapons shown video kind dropped. “So it’s realm possibility regard,” said. “I want add, though, confident vast majority bundles end right hands. In fact, we’re aware one bundle not.” The airdrops carried three C-130 planes. The video shows man camouflage clothes balaclava looking boxes munitions. He says dropped US forces intended Kurds. He described spoils war. As well grenades, boxes appeared contain parts rocket-propelled grenades. Some equipment appears east European origin, might seem odd given weapons dropped Americans, munitions supplied Kurdish authorities stocking up. Kirby said situation Kobani remained tense, Kurdish forces control city. The US-led coalition mounted 130 air strikes round town effort stop Isis taking complete control. While US carried air strikes Kobani, cloud cover last week prevented hitting much rest Iraq, particularly around contested Mosul dam. If dam fall I, would provide huge leverage group, strategic loss potentially catastrophic consequences. Britain supplying Kurdish semi-autonomous region weapons far supplies limited. The Kurds report receiving 40 heavy machine guns say badly need heavier equipment, particular armoured vehicles.
Government fires employee who skipped work for 24 years
New York City continues seek ways cut large number low-level arrests stemming marijuana possession. The NYPD plans stop arrests small amounts marijuana, instead opting issue court summonses, according report Nov. 9 New York Times. It immediately clear threshold city use determine low-level procession new policy implemented. Brooklyn stopped prosecuting low-level marijuana cases, borough's district attorney said July 8. The policy change New York's populous borough makes exceptions criminal history smoke marijuana public places near children. Blacks Hispanics comprised 86% marijuana arrests New York August, according Marijuana Arrest Research Project. The Brooklyn district attorney's office dismissed 849 marijuana cases since July, 34% 2,526 total cases Brooklyn. A 2013 New York Civil Liberties Union report called New York City "the nation's marijuana arrest capital." It said 2010, King's County (Brooklyn) 20,413 marijuana-related arrests summonses, county state. The majority arrests black people. "Given cases ultimately — predictably — dismissed, burdens pose system individual difficult justify. We pouring money endeavor produces public safety benefit." Brooklyn District Attorney Kenneth Thompson Thompson said policy change meant avoid giving criminal records nonviolent individuals, particularly young people color. "Our police officers must enforce laws State New York uniformly throughout five boroughs City. Accordingly, Kings County policy change result changes policies procedures NYPD." Bill Bratton, New York City police commissioner Bratton said statement July 8 police officers continue enforce law, despite district attorney's decision stop prosecuting low-level crimes. A spokesman Staten Island district attorney said borough would also "enforce law." Controversial policy ended: NYC 'Stop Frisk' Debate New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo held signing ceremony July 7 bill making New York nation's 23rd state legalize medical marijuana. The law allows patients certain diseases obtain non-smokable marijuana products ingested oil vaporizer.
Banksy arrest hoax: US website claims street artist caught in Watford
Elusive graffiti artist Banksy’s cover blown unceremoniously arrested vandalism, conspiracy, racketeering counterfeiting. Well that’s US website National Report would believe. The bogus story alleged infamous street artist arrested following raid London studio. It ‘outs’ Paul Horner, 34-year-old born Liverpool says held “without” bail, along four other, unnamed individuals. Banksy's publicist Jo Brooks confirmed Independent viral story hoax. Indeed quotes accompany piece date back identical spoof February last year, claimed Banksy arrested charges outed as, yep, Paul Horner. So basically internet recycling hoaxes. Lazy.
James Foley remembered as 'brave and tireless' journalist
Bloodthirsty militants Iraq released horrific video Tuesday shows apparent beheading American journalist James Wright Foley — execution aimed forcing President Obama put end US airstrikes. Foley, 40-year-old photojournalist kidnapped 2012, forced recite anti-American hatred Islamic State Iraq Syria captors final words masked killer put knife neck. The video — posted YouTube site yanked — shows Foley dressed prisoner orange knees desert area. His head shaved. Behind man covered head toe black. It’s titled “A Message America.” “Any attempt you, Obama, deny Muslims liberty safety Islamic caliphate, result bloodshed people,” Islamic State Iraq Syria terrorist says reference US airstrikes Iraq. A stone-faced Foley — last seen Thanksgiving 2012 working Agence France-Presse — bravely reads clearly coerced statement. “I call friends family loved ones rise real killers, U.S. government. My message beloved parents: Save dignity don’t accept meager compensation death people effectively put last nail coffin,” said. “I call brother Air Force. I call you, John. Think made decision bomb Iraq. Who really kill? Did think family made decision? I died day, John. When colleagues dropped bomb, signed death certificate. I wish I time. I wish I hope seeing family one time.” As final insult, last forced words were, “I guess all-in-all I wish I wasn’t American.” The video shows another American — Time journalist Steven Joel Sotloff — group says next unless US backs off. He held collar kneels desert, also wearing prisoner orange shaved head. Sotloff abducted Syria August 2013. His last Tweet hometown Miami Heat. “The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision,” masked man says. White House National Security Council Spokesperson Caitlin Hayden said they’re analyzing video beheading determine authenticity. “If genuine, appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist express deepest condolences family friends,” Hayden said. ISIS warned US potential murder earlier video saying, “We drown blood” retaliation US airstrikes pounding them. Several senior U.S. officials direct knowledge situation said Islamic State recently threatened kill Foley avenge crushing airstrikes last two weeks militants advancing Mount Sinjar, Mosul dam Kurdish capital Irbil. US Rep. Peter King (R-NY) said video reveals ISIS true murders are. “ISIS worst worst,” King said. “These guys truly animals.… We go destroy them.” Foley family friend Holly Rene, lives hometown Rochester, NH, told The Post, “These savages got stopped. It’s coming West.” She said family “falling apart grief. “I hopeful Jimmy had, weren’t going get good news, would dead long time suffering involved. And think went two years ending, it’s beyond belief.” Foley’s family set website plead Foley’s return — urged patience Tuesday. “We know many looking confirmation answers,” Find James Foley Facebook wrote: “Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers.” Foley, one five children, captured previously Libya 45 days 2011. He graduated Marquette University 1996 later studied journalism Northwestern University. He penned letter Marquette Magazine thanking community prayers captured Tripoli two colleagues. He recounted getting call mother prison learning university’s prayer vigil release. “If nothing else, prayer glue enabled freedom, inner freedom first later miracle released war regime real incentive free us,” Foley wrote. “It didn’t make sense, faith did.”
Saddam Hussein’s pilots training Islamic State group
Banksy arrested. Let's bury lede here, people. The news incarceration is, yet again, hoax. If woke morning Twitter feed filled recycled "OMG BANKSY WAS ARRESTED/WTF BANKSY WAS NOT ARRESTED" exclamations, here's why. This week's fickle rumor started The National Report, unaware, American satire site. A satirical post site reported, joking fashion lost many Internet surfer, 35-year-old man apprehended authorities London suburb Watford early Monday morning. It claimed press conference validated man indeed Banksy, BBC confirmed information report, five men total snagged counterfeit money "future projects vandalism." So illicit! So false. Just extra clear, things happen today: The anonymous British street artist caught "24-hour Anti-Graffiti Task Force." Police raid studio middle night like carefully plotted drug bust. His name never Paul Horner. We appreciate fact someone trying hardest make name "Paul Horner" thing. Remember last year, trolly press release tried convince masses Banksy arrest happened? The name apprehended: Paul Horner. Stop trying make "Paul Horner" happen, Gretchen. It's going happen!
Accountant Claims Comcast Got Him Fired From His Job for Reporting a Customer Service Issue
Two nation’s leading experts use deadly force police warning overreaction audio recording purportedly captures sound gunshots killed Michael Brown. The newly surfaced recording, publicly verified investigators, first broadcast CNN. On 12-second clip, possible hear series appears quick pops, followed brief pause another succession rapid shots. St. Louis attorney Lopa Blumenthal client, wishes remain anonymous public, took recording FBI Monday. Blumenthal says counted 11 shots fired. “There's pause, gave pause, I first saw it,” Blumenthal told Yahoo News. “It pause time think deliberate. That mean I'm saying helps one side other. But I know 12-second tape, eight seconds shooting, three-second delay significant period time.” Ron Martinelli Michael Levine, longtime criminal justice consultants, told Yahoo News audio needs authenticated considered evidence importance evaluated. “Pauses may may anything tremendous significance,” said Martinelli, retired officer criminologist specializing police practices. “The answer is: It depends. In end, forensic reconciliation statements forensic facts evidence.” Levine, retired DEA agent law enforcement trainer, said anyone willing put value recording corroborated discrediting themselves. “If gave opinion witness stand, would chewed spit defense attorney, even defense attorney got degree Sears & Roebuck School Law,” Levine said. Blumenthal told Yahoo News qualms bringing recording forward. “There's bad evidence, there's evidence,” Blumenthal said. “It take sides. It helps lead going discover truth. Every little bit helps.” The potential new discovery comes light two weeks Ferguson Police Officer Darren Wilson fatally shot Brown, unarmed 18-year-old, broad daylight middle residential street. The audio unwittingly captured man taping online web chat inside apartment near shooting scene. On recording, unidentified Ferguson resident heard complimenting friend’s looks video chat, two bursts loud pops erupt background. Blumenthal said client heard noise, paid attention gunshots common neighborhood. The unidenitifed man, said, persuaded come forward. “Even I talked it, dubious type value,” Blumenthal said. “My client I seeking publicity attention all. There's motivation say not." Blumenthal said client interviewed FBI agents recording late Monday. Federal state investigators conducting separate criminal civil rights investigations controversial shooting. Ferguson Police Chief Thomas Jackson said Wilson attempting tell Brown friend, Dorian Johnson, stop walking middle road, officer realized pair fit description suspects sought theft cigars nearby convenience store. Chief Jackson said scuffle ensued teen struck Wilson face shot fired inside officer’s squad car Brown attempted grab officer’s gun. But Johnson told reporters Wilson aggressor, Brown never went weapon. Instead, Johnson says, officer shot friend Brown trying flee stopped put hands surrender. Wilson, 28, paid leave spoken publicly shooting. Blumenthal said client gave copy recording federal investigators. “(The FBI) thought would important piece investigation,” told CNN. An FBI spokesperson declined address issue recording contacted Yahoo News Tuesday. FBI audio engineers reportedly planning analyze recording authenticity. Mark O’Mara, Florida attorney successfully defended shooting suspect George Zimmerman, told CNN may early judge audio’s significance, scientific review could unearth new evidence. “I look forward hearing tape Mike Brown’s Darren Wilson’s voice saying stop,” O’Mara said. Separate autopsies performed Brown revealed struck least six times, including likely fatal shot top head. Authorities disclosed many times Wilson fired weapon. Veteran forensic audio expert Paul Ginsberg listened recording Tuesday. “The gunshots unmistakable," Ginsberg told Yahoo News. By Ginsberg’s count, said, 10 shots recording, said could understand untrained ear might hear more. “I confidently say I heard least 10 shots,” said Ginsberg, worked major investigations Sandy Hook school shooting. “I'm hearing six shots, followed close three seconds pause, followed four shots.” Messages sent Ferguson police seeking information type service weapon assigns officers went unanswered Tuesday. Levine said officers across country commonly carry semi-automatic pistols capacity 15 17 bullets. Any potential pause Wilson’s shooting would weighed statements given investigators, Levine said. Levine said pause “would raise alarm I qualified witness statements officer’s statement conflicts that.” He added, “But I don’t know officer’s official statement here. I don’t think anyone does.” (This story updated 8:30 p.m. CT.) Follow Jason Sickles Twitter (@jasonsickles).
Nigeria Says It Struck A Cease-Fire With Boko Haram, But Are They Talking To The Right Guy?
Nigerian military intelligence officials raised doubts Sunday validity ceasefire Boko Haram, reports fresh attacks fighting country's northeast. The chief defence staff senior presidential aide announced Friday agreement reached end hostilities secure possible release 200 kidnapped schoolgirls. Air Marshal Alex Badeh said instructed armed forces' chiefs ensure "immediate compliance" development. But senior army officer violence-wracked northeast, asked remain anonymous, said: "Honestly, yet receive operational order ceasefire. "As such, battle-ready would confront terrorists see them." A senior intelligence official region also indicated AFP received word purported ceasefire. On Sunday evening, troops 7th Division Nigerian Army fought dozens suspected members Boko Haram town Damboa Borno state, witnesses security sources said. Earlier, group insurgents attacked Borno town Sabon Gida, said one military officer, spoke condition anonymity authorised speak media. "The fight tough seems insurgents wanted destroy everything Sabon Gida. They came around 5:00pm 6:00pm, fight over," added local trader Bilyaminu Aliyu. Boko Haram took Damboa, 50 miles southwest Borno state capital Maiduguri, July, destroying much town forcing thousands flee. The group's leader Abubakar Shekau claimed left voluntarily military said recaptured early August. Residents since begun returning. Elsewhere, locals said dozens suspected Boko Haram gunmen stormed town Abadam, north Maiduguri near Lake Chad, Thursday, supposed ceasefire. A number residents said least 30 people killed Thursday Friday – purported deal – hundreds others forced flee across border neighbouring Niger. "We heard ceasefire radio seems insurgents perturbed all," another resident, Mallam Babagana, said Sunday. "To me, (the militants) even care increased attacks Friday, day ceasefire announced. By Saturday, hoisted flags." Meanwhile, Enoch Mark, whose daughter niece among 219 schoolgirls held Boko Haram since mid-April, said another attack neighbouring Adamawa state. He said attack, village Wagga Saturday, saw 40 women abducted – established Boko Haram tactic bloody five-year insurgency. On Friday, eight people also killed road Borno state village Shaffa near prominent Muslim leader, Emir Gwoza, ambushed killed Boko Haram fighters May. Mr Babagana said local hunters way recover bodies eight fought battles militants Saturday Azul, also Hawul local government area. "The unrelenting terrorists waylaid members around 9:00am serious fighting ensued," said Mr Babagana, heads local vigilante group. "We lost four members killed three terrorists." Independent corroboration attacks remote northeast almost impossible, communications devastated violence access fraught danger. The police military largely stopped communicating attacks. Edited Steve Wilson
Nigeria announces truce with Boko Haram; fate of schoolgirls unclear
Nigerian officials Friday announced agreed cease-fire Boko Haram, statements left confusion fate 219 schoolgirls kidnapped militant group April. Defense chief staff Alex Badeh announced truce, saying Nigerian military units instructed abide accord. Women attend demonstration Lagos, Nigeria, calling government rescue schoolgirls kidnapped radical Islamist group Boko Haram. Hassan Tukur, aide Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan, said also agreement release captive girls following talks Boko Haram representatives mediated officials Chad, new agencies reported. But Nigerian Defense Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Chris Olukolade said schoolgirls' release still negotiation, Associated Press reported. Nigerian officials haven’t commented offered Boko Haram return girls’ freedom. The group previously demanded release prisoners condition freeing hostages. Nigeria’s military announced months ago knew location girls said would launch military operation recover risk casualties. A government spokesman, Mike Omeri, told new conference Friday Boko Haram representatives said negotiations girls good health. Analysts cautious news, Nigerian officials reporting countless false dawns long confrontation militant group -- Nigeria facing presidential parliamentary elections February. Jonathan expected announce coming weeks run second term. There several efforts recent years negotiate peace Boko Haram, battled army control northern Nigeria sought impose strict form Islam region. None attempts come anything. Jonathan, desperately need good news, faced harsh criticism slow response girls’ abduction. His supporters accuse #BringBackOurGirls campaign opposition stooges, using girls’ fate political mileage. Hundreds women girls abducted Boko Haram recent years – dozens schoolboys teachers killed group opposes secular education aspects Western culture. But mass kidnapping April BringBackOurGirls hashtag coined Nigerian activists attracted global attention schoolgirls’ plight. The schoolgirls gathered lightly guarded boarding school outskirts town Chibok final exams attack happened. Gunmen loaded 276 girls trucks drove away. Parents local officials accused Nigeria’s military failing pursue recover girls. According Nigerian officials, 57 escaped 219 remain custody. Boko Haram leader Abubakar Shekau later released video describing girls slaves threatening “sell market.” A video girls reciting Koran dressed Islamic clothing also released. Nigeria, country 170 million, roughly divided north, predominantly Muslim, mostly Christian south. Boko Haram emerged decade ago response Nigeria’s corrupt ruling class opposes sees taint Western influences taxation, democracy automatic teller machines. It become increasingly fragmented recent years, factions opposed group’s violent attacks Muslims. Boko Haram’s assaults initially focused police stations military posts. In recent years, group stepped violence, killing thousands people attacks villages, churches, schools, markets, open-air video entertainment venues, bus stations crowded public places.
PGA Tour Denies Claim That Tiger Woods Failed A Drug Test
Twitter went crazy user claimed spotted 'Ant-Man' star footage A shocking viral video drunk gay basher tackled travelers Dallas Fort-Worth International Airport grew little shocking rumors one citizen heroes Paul Rudd. But rep actor tells The Hollywood Reporter him. Amateur Twitter sleuth Mark W. S. thought spotted Ant-Man star video, questioned another Twitter user mentioned spotted Rudd Dallas flight. "Weird question," Marks W.S. asked investigation. "By chance wearing olive sports coat blue check shirt?" To Twitter user MAbiga6 replies, "Yes! And blue hat, think Yankees hat." Comedian Sara Benincasa helped popularize theory Twitter feed, Wonkette ran story positively identifying Rudd man video. But actor's publicist tells THR Rudd nowhere near scene. In video, drunk man grows increasingly belligerent airport gate another traveler cowboy hat attempts calm down. "He's queer! That's I'm upset about," drunk man says, gesturing third man pink shirt hurling several homophobic epithets. The drunk man lunges forward kicks man pink shirt. Three bystanders police officer immediately tackle man ground. Once down, someone vaguely resembling Rudd makes sure situation sufficiently control, steps away scene.
Nicaragua asks U.S. for help investigating meteorite crater
The Pentagon confirmed weapons indeed seized ISIS.
Etats-Unis: Mort pendant 48 minutes, un prêtre affirme que Dieu est une femme
A woman detained Lebanese authorities wife Islamic State leader, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, sister man convicted bombings southern Iraq, Iraq’s interior ministry said. “The one detained Lebanese authorities Saja Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, sister Omar Abdul Hamid al-Dulaimi, detained authorities sentenced death participation … explosions,” ministry spokesman said Wednesday. “The wives terrorist Al-Baghdadi Asmaa Fawzi Mohammed al-Dulaimi Esraa Rajab Mahel al-Qaisi, wife name Saja al-Dulaimi,” said. The spokesman said Saja Dulaimi fled Syria detainees authorities. She part group female detainees freed exchange release group nuns captured Islamist rebels Syria, said. Security officials Lebanon said Tuesday Lebanese army detained wife daughter Baghdadi crossed Syria late last month. They picked northern Lebanon woman found fake passport, officials said. Investigators questioning Lebanese defence ministry.
ISIL Beheads American Photojournalist in Iraq
Facebook Twitter absolutely stuffed people convinced Home Alone star Macaulay Culkin died Thursday. It turns out, however, hoax. Macaulay Culkin still much alive. The hoax gone super-viral currently trending Facebook, largely ingeniously deceptive presentation. The hoaxer included thumbnail picture looks awful lot like still real TV news broadcast Culkin’s death. In addition, hoaxer chosen URL first glance appears MSNBC, US news network. Facebook users shared link hoax story 700,000 times. At first glance story looks credible, although starts fall apart wonder detective involved shares name famous author wrote books New York Police Department. The hoaxer behind fake news story covered website adverts, highly profitable. Despite flaws story, everyone lost stuff headline already internet. macauley culkin passed away, can't true. made childhood But Instagram picture shows, Culkin still performing band Friday night. View Instagram instagram.com Culkin seems particularly prone death hoaxes, possibly due brief burst near-universal fame followed sudden slide obscurity. Macaulay Culkin Been found dead again. Think 7th 8th time. Never fear. You sit back watch Home Alone without concerned star, go see Culkin play pizza-themed Velvet Underground band, The Pizza Underground.
In New York City, Marijuana May Mean Ticket, Not Arrest
When FXX took syndication rights The Simpsons last year, one stipulations older episodes longer run-times going edited modern standard 22 minutes order fit normal 8 minutes advertising found within half-hour programming. Not every network keen trimming whole scenes make run-times work older shows, doesn’t mean they’re immune tricks own. That’s reportedly what’s happening TBS. Thanks one crafty viewer, seems discovered TBS running syndicated episodes Seinfeld 7.5% faster show’s standard speed order squeeze much advertising possible airspace. Unfortunately, it’d nice say news shocking, isn’t. These shows meant air time sitcoms ran 25 minutes, thus it’s either trim The Simpsons order make fit modern standards. Source: Reddit
Israeli Canadian fighting ISIS posts on Facebook: I'm safe and secure
ISIS released video purportedly showing execution British aid worker David Haines.
Durex Is Not Making Pumpkin Spice Condoms After All: A Hoax Debunked
On September 7, word started fly around Internet Durex, makers finer safe sex products everywhere, going releasing seasonally appropriate prophylactic ever made. Specifically, pumpkin spice flavored condom: Unfortunately aficionados would like follow latte lotta something else, picture hoax, MTV News found reached Durex. “Durex heard people saying launched ‘Pumpkin Spice’ condom,” Durex said official statement. “We can’t claim one, love people spice bedroom.” Zing! And though pumpkin spice condoms aren’t real – maybe shouldn’t – level interest around suggests safe sex industry might want look outside the, er, box flavors. If so, we’ve got suggestions.
Don't forget to tip...especially if you spend $300,000
In sprawling Facebook post subsequent interview Radar Online, woman named Taylor Lianne Chandler made number fascinating claims alleged relationship Michael Phelps. Among them: born intersex ambiguous genitalia, met Olympic swimmer Tinder, fucked said Olympic swimmer first date watching football TV. "Many wondered I freaked relationship Michael Phelps exposed," 41-year-old D.C.-area woman begins post. "Here truth." I born intersex named David Roy Fitch birth. By time I could walk talk I made clear I girl dressed one. In early teens I medically diagnosed went testosterone blockers, 15 estrogen enhancers. My birth certificate modified along name I teenager, prior corrective surgery. Citing anonymous tipster (that could well Chandler herself), The Hollywood Gossip previously named Chandler Michael Phelps' companion night latest DUI, claim repeated recent Facebook post. Yes, I Michael night DUI, story Uber crying wanting stay night true. A lot things printed lies. I probably going lose brand team wants protect things since went rehab came attention put relationship best light. He first man I ever intimacy felt comfortable woman. Today, Chandler followed announcement giving Radar Online additional details supposed first date Phelps meeting Tinder, involved watching Baltimore Ravens game athlete's home. "One thing led next, made love halftime," Chandler told site. "Later, sex again." Chandler says told Phelps past "threat media exposing forced too." I telling story take power away media tabloids want hurt Michael I. I probably lose him, hurts like hell. [Image via Facebook//h/t Daily Mail]
New Audio Reveals Pause in Gunfire When Michael Brown Was Shot: Attorney
The FBI reportedly investigating new audiotape allegedly captures shooting Michael Brown, according CNN. In tape, hear sounds like least 10 shots fired, significant pause separating shooting two segments. CNN's Don Lemon said news network confirmed tape's authenticity. Michael Brown shot least six times according autopsy. Lopa Blumenthal, Missouri-based attorney unidentified man unknowingly captured shooting video-chatting friend, claimed CNN tape shows Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson "point contemplation" firing final volley shots. The man recorded audio "was apartment, talking friend video chat," Blumenthal said. "He heard loud noises, time even realize import hearing afterwards, happened captured 12 seconds transpired outside building." "I concerned pause," said, "because number gunshots, they're fired. And huge relevance case might finally end up." It clear whether Blumenthal direct connection Brown case. Retired Chief Deputy U.S. Marshall Matthew Fog, speaking CNN hearing tape, said, "There sounds like pause (the audio). And hear pause brings concern." The tape appears drawn interest Benjamin Crump, attorney Michael Brown's family. He retweeted tweet Wednesday night CNN viewer said, "Audio recording shooting released. Has played CNN Don Lemon least 5 xs. Very interesting. Proves alot [sic]." Mashable reached Blumenthal Crump comment update post hear back. (L) Police Ferguson wearing riot gear walk toward man hands raised Monday. (R) U.S. soldiers Mosul, Iraq, search house-by-house illegal weapons January 20, 2005. (L) St. Louis County Tactical Police fire tear gas along West Florissant Road Ferguson. (R) A grenade explodes close U.S. Army humvee clashes Mosul, Iraq, June 13, 2003. (L) Police take position control demonstrators protesting killing Michael Brown Ferguson Tuesday. (R) U.S. Army soldiers patrol village Kandahar, Afghanistan, February 27, 2014. (L) A police officer looks scope rifle gets position control demonstrators Ferguson Tuesday. (R) A U.S. Marine sniper prepares fire insurgents town Kusaiybah Syrian-Iraqi border October 27, 2005. (L) A Missouri State Highway Patrol tactical vehicle travels South Florissant Road Ferguson Monday. (R) A U.S. Army Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicle parked entrance U.S. outpost Khost, Afghanistan, June 28, 2011. (L) Police prepare encounter demonstrators Ferguson Tuesday. (R) U.S. soldiers point sniper's position coming fire offensive operation Najaf, Iraq, August 15, 2004. Have something add story? Share comments.
Norfolk Man Pays £300 For His Constipated Goldfish To Have Lifesaving Surgery
For $460, help goldfish achieve bowel regularity. A devoted fish owner Norfolk, England, took constipated fish veterinarian, learn lump near backside cause. The procedure completed Toll Barn Veterinary Centre Faye Bethell, according BBC News. The procedure cost fish's owner £300 ($460). "We've got one nurse bubbles anesthetic gas tube goes mouth gills, second nurse monitor probe check heart rate," Bethell told BBC News. Goldfish live 10 25 years captivity, reported thrive well 30s. The constipated fish question spry two years 10 months old time procedure. The goldfish reportedly since made full recovery, free comfortably swim circles tank next seven 20 years. Image: Disney Pixar Have something add story? Share comments.
Isis Syria News: Iraqi Pilots 'Training Isis Fighters' to Fly Captured Planes
The Islamic State group may possession three warplanes, former military pilots training fighters use jets battle, claimed. According Syrian Observatory Human Rights (SOHR), militant group Russian-made MiG 21 23 warplanes. The Observatory said militants trained al Jarrah airbase eastern side Aleppo. A fighter aircraft US-led coalition flies Mursitpinar outskirts Suruc, Turkey-Syria border Rami Abdulrahman, runs SOHR, said officers Iraqi army defected Islamic State (IS) "overseen training militants order able lead aircraft". He said local activist contacted organisation spotted planes flying low area. "It worth mentioning first time people witness aircraft flying low altitude taking al Jarrah airbase," Rahman said, adding jets purportedly stolen militants occupied airports airbases affiliated Syrian government. The SOHR said could confirm Islamic State access missiles. "We're aware (Islamic State) conducting flight operations Syria elsewhere," US Central Command spokesman Colonel Patrick Ryder said. "We continue keep close eye (Islamic State) activity Syria Iraq continue conduct strikes equipment, facilities, fighters centers gravity, wherever may be." US Central Command spokesman Colonel Patrick Ryder told Reuters US "not aware [Islamic State] conducting flight operations Syria elsewhere." "We continue keep close eye activity Syria Iraq continue conduct strikes equipment, facilities, fighters centers gravity, wherever may be." Separately, UK authorities charged four men terror offences, including taking oath allegiance IS. The Metropolitan Police force said men, Tarik Hassane, Suhaib Majeed, Nyall Hamlett Momen Motasim, arrested London past two weeks, charged preparing acts terrorism July October, including procuring Baikal handgun ammunition using Google Street View conduct reconnaissance police station army barracks west London.
Anna Wintour: Is Rat Infestation At NYC ‘Vogue’ Office Kim Kardashian’s Fault?
Anna Wintour reportedly major rat infestation Vogue office New York City. According Radar Online, dirtiest rats decided move Anna’s new office Vogue staffers Freedom Tower. Insiders claim rodents invaded beloved accessories closet, leaving abundance rat droppings pricey couture, computers, desks. Further reports claim decision put Kanye West Kim Kardashian cover Vogue magazine may something infestation. “The office over-run Vogue staff secretly whispering rats could cosmic payback Anna’s decision put Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover. There much backlash, this!” As previously reported Inquisitr, critics happy Anna Wintour Vogue staff making “disgusting” decision place reality starlet husband cover. The couple photographed April 2014 cover Anne Leibovitz. Vogue Condé Nast relocated Times Square One World Trade Center. However, rat infestation made Vogue relocation smooth would liked – especially since reports claim rats located Vogue floors building. “There droppings floor, shoe boxes chewed into… The rats appear gotten via venting, worked even staffers moving in. Walls moved accommodate last-minute design changes…and it’s assumed rats got in.” Even though Anna Wintour usually allows employees eat drink inside office, reports claim strict policy restricting food drinks issued enforced infestation problem resolved. Gawker, media outlet initially broke story, reports Anna Wintour refuses even enter office pristine condition completely freed rat infestation. Anna Wintour made headlines recently expressing felt Kim Kardashian Kanye West cover shoot experience. Huffington Post reports Wintour even hopes “another Kim Kardashian comes along year.” In words, Anna Wintour feel cover photo “disgusting” all. On contrary, believes touching charming.
BiH: Seven Primary School Students Pregnant After Five-Day Excursion
Seven girls Bosnian school, aged 13 14, fallen pregnant five-day school trip country's capital, Sarajevo. The school based Bosnian town Banja Luka, took 28 teenage girls educational visit city intentions visit museums places historical significance. But seems unsupervised girls got lot staying away home. The case triggered serious discussion state Bosnia's sex education, number 13-15-year-old girls underage sex seen dramatic spike recent times. A Sarajevo-based gynaecologist, Senad Mehmedbasic, commented concerning increase underage pregnancies is. "That trend today," said. "But continue allow children educated sex street school." And continuing point education key reducing number girls underage sex, said: "It obvious children enough knowledge health education engage activities, knowing consequences. We direct educational system, must allowed street teaches children intimate matters, later slapped life." The parents girls understandably furious lack care taken keep eye children's activities. But National Coordinator Reproductive Health Republika Srpska, Nenad Babici, believes blame lie teachers trip, "parental neglect" caused lack reproductive understanding young girls. We're sure truth says - duty parents well schools inform children dangers unprotected sex young age, throughout adult lives. But 7 28 pupils - that's staggering 25% girls attended trip - become pregnant surely primarily neglect teachers, made duty keep eye girls duration?
That's one way to get through security! Frustrated traveller strips completely NAKED at airport to pass through metal detectors
The hoax story circulating far wide Twitter Facebook It may feel like winter slowly squeezing sunlight day, see news stories claiming Earth headed ‘Six Days Total Darkness’ don’t start stocking tins beans torches yet. ‘Satirical news site’ Huzlers.com spreading fake story far wide web week, taking numerous Facebook Twitter users encouraging post they’re going six days darkness. The story vaguely official looking website titled “Nasa Confirms Earth Will Experience 6 Days Total Darkness December 2014!” claims incoming solar storm blame, causing "dust space debris become plentiful thus block 90% sunlight”. This false. Although solar storms certainly real phenomena (they occur due fluctuations Sun’s magnetic field) they’re like terrestrial storms blow dust dirt. Instead create minor disturbances Earth’s magnetosphere. Historically rare storms could knock electrical systems today, they're mostly order magnitude likely throw homing pigeon slightly course – blot Sun. However, hoax story even drafts credible-sounding sources including Nasa chief Charles Bolden, reportedly warned public stay calm. Some users even linked (real) video Bolden talking “emergency preparedness” – official-sounding phrase apparently bypasses common sense hit big button marked ‘PANIC’ brain. In actuality Bolden recorded video encourage US families think would event earthquake hurricane – natural disasters real enough threat America. This total-darkness hoax apparently comes couple flavours (some claim non-existent “photon belt” responsible blackout) widespread Nasa employees even debunk rumours back 2012.
Dog abandoned at Scotland train station with suitcase
Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson pushing back claim made Rep. Duncan Hunter least 10 Islamic State Iraq Levant fighters apprehended trying come U.S. Mexico. “We credible, specific intelligence effect,” Johnson said ISIL insurgents illegally entering country along southern border CNN Wednesday evening. “And I look intelligence reports overseas southern border intelligence community virtually every day, numerous times day, lookout something nature. So, I’d say American public we’re vigilant looking individuals suspicion may crossing border.” The top DHS official didn’t mention Hunter, California Republican congressman, name. But several occasions, Johnson said public officials “responsibility” “unnecessarily frighten American public.” “Let’s unduly create fear anxiety American public passing speculation rumor,” secretary told host Wolf Blitzer. Blitzer asked specifically comments made Tuesday evening Hunter, member House Armed Services Committee. “[A]t least 10 ISIS fighters caught coming across Mexican border Texas,” congressman said interview Fox News, citing information source Customs Border Protection, DHS authority. Hunter also suggested likely “dozens” others linked terrorist group recently beheaded two American journalists two British aid workers would likely get caught border agents make way U.S. On Wednesday, DHS flatly said Hunter’s claim unfounded. “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” DHS spokesperson said. Judicial Watch reported later Wednesday four “Islamic terrorists” seized along southern border 36 hours. Hunter’s deputy chief staff, Joe Kasper, told POLITICO congressman stands statement, came conversation “high-level” source, didn’t elaborate asked individuals’ specific ties ISIL. In September, Republican Rep. Jason Chaffetz Utah claimed four men linked terrorist organizations tried cross border earlier month.
Police stop arresting people low-level possession marijuana instead simply issue summons, sources said. The NYPD Mayor de Blasio prepared initiate change policy would drastically reduce number arrests possession pot, according law-enforcement sources. The department already halting pot “buy bust” operations, crime-fighting staple often led gun seizures arrests outstanding warrants, The Post earlier reported. Sources said “powers be,” including City Hall, wanted see decrease arrests pot “disastrous consequences’’ police relations minorities. Blacks Hispanics accounted 86 percent low-level pot busts year, according Marijuana Research Project. At press conference scheduled Monday, de Blasio NYPD Commissioner Bill Bratton expected announce key aspects policy change. They also likely spell details much marijuana considered low-level. De Blasio plans meet city’s five district attorneys week, according The New York Times, Brooklyn DA Kenneth Thompson already expressed disapproval policy change. Thompson curbed prosecution low-level possession marijuana borough, office already dismissed many misdemeanor marijuana cases. Earlier month, head borough’s narcotics unit summoned 1 Police Plaza told shift attention potent drugs.
The Internet Tried To Make Axl Rose Its Latest Death Hoax Victim
Islamic State Iraq Syria leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi probably dead, one who's position know sure saying anything. Rumors Baghdadi's death exploded weekend social media along photograph purporting show body. The photo debunked fake several sources appeared doctored version image Albanian militant killed Syria 2013 published Arabic-language Yemeni hournews.net website. But clear what, anything, actually happened Baghdadi. Iraqi officials revealed Thursday U.S. attacks killed one top aides two others. The Iraqi newspaper Al-Sabah reported Monday Baghdadi seriously wounded strikes. The Pentagon weighed matter since Thursday, spokesman Col. Steve Warren told reporters airstrikes directed troop formations Islamist extremist group leaders troops "they likely killed." ISIS emerged major new threat Middle East year adding large portion northern Iraq, including major city Mosul, holdings Syria. It seeking establish new Islamic caliphate challenge existing governments region. President Obama plans major speech Wednesday outline strategy confronting defeating group.
Spider Burrows Into Australian Man's Appendix Scar (VIDEO)
Tonight — finally! — ESPN going in-depth discussion NFL's domestic violence problem. The discussion feature opinions 11 men zero women, remarkable showing exact flavor dumb meathead ESPN adept trademark. The panel ostensibly conceived approved several people get paid money jobs. Their jobs creating television programs good informative. They bad jobs. A domestic violence panel involving 11 men 0 women women constitute vast majority domestic violence victims neither good informative. Understandably, upset many people brains use think rather promote ESPN programming, including Esquire's Ben Collins. Collins enough ESPN's blatant NFL defense. He argues ESPN's pre-Monday Night Football man domestic violence discussion even insidious consider pathetically cowardly craven network is. [...] hear words: "Roger Goodell liar." You hear words ESPN $15.2 billion broadcasting agreement NFL. You hear words would interfere amount money ESPN NFL make. You hear words ESPN company business journalism. It entertainment outlet sometimes reports convenient, timely information drive interest future programming. You hear words ESPN intimidated on-air staff standing domestic violence. What excellent way ESPN NFL lead October Domestic Violence Awareness Month. [UPDATE: ESPN publicist Josh Krulewitz tells sister site Deadspin despite Esquire's report 26th, tonight's programming "was never going be" panel domestic violence. Krulewitz says "regular episode Countdown, hosted Suzy Kolber."]
Source: Pot in NYC may soon net just a ticket, not arrest
The former PricewaterhouseCoopers employee says Comcast got fired job set Oct. 14 deadline company respond demands full apology monetary settlement, got half-assed apology instead. Two days deadline passed, stuck word filed lawsuit. Conal O'Rourke going Comcast controller, Lawrence Salva, defamation, arguing company violated federal regulations poor service overbilling. In complaint, O'Rourke alleges Salva, former partner PWC, called executive PWC's Philadelphia office used Comcast's leverage major client O'Rourke investigated "ethics violations" ultimately fired. O'Rourke says Comcast Salva defamed telling employer threw PNC's name around phone attempt get Comcast service issues resolved—he claims never told anyone Comcast worked for, wants Comcast release tapes emails interactions controller's office prove it. Oh, service issues: O'Rourke's complaint also argues Comcast's mistreatment customer violated Cable Communications Policy Act, lists particularly egregious examples: Comcast habitually misspelled Mr. O'Rourke's name Mr. O'Kourke, making difficult receive Comcast bills timely fashion, postal service would fail deliver them. Ultimately, Mr. O'Rourke convinced postal service deliver mail addressed "Mr. O'Kourke," unable convince Comcast even correct spelling name. In addition Comcast's continual failure address Mr. O'Rourke's billing issues, late November early December 2013, Mr. O'Rourke town, Comcast shipped Mr. O'Rourke twelve random pieces Comcast equipment. Comcast proceeded charge Mr. O'Rourke almost $2,000 fees equipment neither requested wanted. When tried get help issues, says, Comcast sent collections. That's took complaint directly controller, allegedly lost job result. He says never received single correct bill entire year Comcast customer. Although O'Rourke originally said would sue get job back, complaint simply asks legal fees damages—i.e., lost wages six months he's unemployed—and injunction stopping The Worst Company America overbilling customers. Good luck last part.
Dog abandoned at Scottish rail station with suitcase full of belongings Read more: http://www.ctvnews.ca/world/dog-abandoned-at-scottish-rail-station-with-suitcase-full-of-belongings-1.2175026#ixzz3O9Shc1IO
Four bodies found suspected massacre site missing students.
'Spiderman' squished: Perth experts debunk spider burrowing claims
The small town Purdon, Texas quarantined family five tested positive Ebola virus. Purdon located 70 miles Dallas, Texas, hospital cared American Ebola patients, Thomas Eric Duncan, Texas nurse, Nina Pham. It verified Jack Phillips returned Dallas last week business. Shortly arriving home, Mr. Phillips began exhibiting flu-like symptoms, immediately go hospital. At time wife children began showing similar symptoms, provoked family get tested. Doctors learned Phillips, wife, three children contracted Ebola haemorrhagic fever. Facts About Purdon, Texas And The Ebola Quarantine 133 residents Unincorporated community Navarro County Originally Known As Belle Point Ebola spread contact bodily fluids infected individual Ebola 90% casualty rate areas West Africa. In America mortality rate 50/50 Five people confirmed Ebola Virus Pardon County CDC quarantined area, erecting road blocks disallowing anyone area A staff member Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital contacted National Report short statement Ebola situation Texas. The individual wished remain anonymous safety, told us following, “As far know, Jack Phillis come contact neither late Thomas Duncan Mrs. Phan. It perhaps possible within close proximity infected parties, otherwise unknown Phillips infected Ebola. The CDC wasted time sealing rest town’s denizens, stopped traffic entering exiting Purdon, TX. As 10 Pm, Oct. 13th area surrounded police CDC officials. Communications locals seems cut off, press currently awaiting official statement local authorities.
Seth Rogen reportedly nabs Steve Wozniak role in Steve Jobs filmSteve Jobs Iconic Moments
Legendary country music star Willie Nelson found dead today Maui home. He 81 years old. Rumors Nelson's death first circulated early February 24, 2015 social media outlets later confirmed police. A groundskeeper scheduled perform yard maintenance Nelson's property reportedly found singer/songwriter unresponsive front lawn immediately called 911. "There evidence drug abuse alcohol signs foul play," said Det. Aldeson. "Determining official cause death could take long 3 weeks," said County Coroner Frank Shultz. "It's early tell caused tragic death." The shocking news comes days recent "60 Minutes" interview Nelson quoted saying "Life good I never felt better happier." This story still developing information yet officially verified.
Video Purports To Show Beheading Of U.S. Journalist By Militants
American photojournalist James Wright Foley beheaded ISIS forces Foley missing since Thanksgiving 2012 working Syria ISIS posted extremely graphic video 'A Message America' social media Foley speaks camera death labels US killers Apparently coerced captors speaking country A masked robed member ISIS speaking English thought British accent addresses camera After execution Foley, ISIS member says missing American journalist Steven Joel Sotloff killed next A man identified Sotloff caption video paraded front camera Beheading comes one day ISIS threat America 'we drown blood' following US-aided Kurdish recapture Mosul Dam Horrific video American freelance photo-journalist James Wright Foley, 40, beheaded ISIS revenge US airstrikes Iraq posted internet Tuesday afternoon. Foley, missing since November, 2012, taken hostage gunpoint reporting Taftanaz, northern Syria, agency, GlobalPost. ISIS posted extremely graphic video shot unknown location, titled 'A Message America' social media proof barbaric actions. In chilling warning end grisly film, executioner, sounds like British accent, paraded another American journalist, Steven Joel Sotloff, went missing August 2013, saying: 'The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision.' The video emerged President Barack Obama returning White House Martha's Vineyard vacation. White House National Security Council spokeswoman Caitlin Hayden says administration seen video. She says it’s deemed genuine intelligence community, US would ‘appalled brutal murder innocent American journalist.’ His family issued statement Free James Foley organization, working free journalist. 'We know many looking confirmation answers. Please patient information, keep Foleys thoughts prayers.' As disturbing video infolds, Foley, dressed orange knees, unflinching end addresses camera death. It appears journalist coerced blaming United States brutal captors. His voice strong, struggling times swallow battles fear, brands US government real killers man black robes armed gun stands him. Foley missing almost two years also leaves haunting message brother, John, thought US Air Force. Referring US airstrikes launched nearly two weeks ago Iraq, Foley says: ‘I died day, John, colleagues dropped bomb people. They signed death certificate’ As appalling video unfolds, Foley blames 'complacency criminality' United States impending death. In final, awful message world, Foley pleads time, seen family fought freedom two years again. In final insult vengeful executioners, Foley made deny birthright citizen United States. 'I wish I time, I wish I could hope freedom see family again, ship sailed. I guess all, I wish I wasn’t American,' says Foley tragic death. The reporter stops speaking executioner steps forward. The masked, armed black robe-clad man speaks English thought British accent. Members UK's Associated Press pegged accent South East England London, others claimed accent resembles one North Africa. ‘This James Wright Foley, American citizen country. As government forefront aggression towards Islamic State,' begins executioner. 'You plotted us gone far way find reasons interfere affairs. Today, military airforce attacking us daily Iraq. 'Your strikes caused casualties amongst Muslims. You longer fighting insurgency. 'We Islamic Army state accepted large number Muslims worldwide. 'So effectively, aggression toward Islamic State aggression towards Muslims walks life accepted Islamic Caliphate leadership. 'So attempt you, Obama, deny Muslims rights living safety Islamic Caliphate result bloodshed people.’ At point executioner beheads Foley, kneeling bravely hands tied behind back. His body displayed head atop body. Then another chilling warning, executioner holds another man, kness hands tied behind back, scruff neck. A caption claims Steven Joel Soltoff. The executioner says: ‘The life American citizen, Obama, depends next decision.’ GlobalPost's co-founder, Charles Sennott told ABC News 'no reliable proof execution authentic. 'If video verified, unfathomable darkness think life bright Jim Foley's ended way,' Sennott said. 'He experienced fearless journalist believed deeply reporting frontlines.' The gruesome video clip opens President Obama announcing commencement American air strikes Iraq ISIS. 'Today I authorized two operations Iraq: targeted airstrikes protect American personnel, humanitarian effort help save thousands Iraqi civilians trapped mountain without food water, facing almost certain death,' says Obama statement dated, August 7. ISIS, claimed control northern Iraq parts Syria threatening kill Time journalist Joel Sotloff next unless President Obama ceases attacks terror group. Sotloff missing since middle 2013 last tweeted August 3rd, 2013. According Twitter account Libya time disappearance. Foley’s family including parents John Diane, Rochester, New Hampshire, publicly appealed son’s release past two years. Foley previously held captive pro-Gaddafi forces Libya. The barbaric beheading comes one day ISIS militants threatened attack U.S. targets 'in place' chilling video showing blood-spattered Star Stripes next jihadist flag message English: 'We drown blood'. Unlike Al Qaeda, Islamic State far focused seizing land Iraq Syria self-proclaimed caliphate, spectacular attacks Western targets. It came President Barack Obama Monday announced Kurdish peshmerga troops, supported U.S. jets, recaptured strategically important Mosul Dam, hailing offensive 'major step forward'. The dam given militants control power water supplies, breach vulnerable structure would threatened thousands lives. As U.S. military strikes Islamic State group Iraq, Syrian President Bashar Assad's forces also stepped campaign militant strongholds Syria. Foley, lived Boston, previously held captive pro-Gaddafi forces six weeks Libya 2011. He released 45 days following international campaign friends family. The Foley family Rochester, New Hampshire, hoped keeping silent could aid release Syria, early last year decided appeal directly kidnappers, increasingly concerned grew increasingly concerned. 'We want Jim come safely home, least need speak know he's okay,' father John Foley said statement January 2013 Foley family launched website publicize disappearance, 'Jim objective journalist appeal release Jim unharmed. To people Jim, please contact us work together toward release.' James, Jim known family friends, one five children parents John Diane Foley. Foley, studied Marquette University, Milwaukee, later studied journalism Northwestern University, Chicago, also reported war Iraq Afghanistan. Prior career journalism, taught reading writing skills convicted felons Cook County Jail Chicago.
Durex is not confirming or denying rumors of a “pumpkin spice” condom
WONKET EXCLUSIVE MUST CREDIT WONKetTE! So saw video, today alllll way back Saturday, bunch Dallas airport heroes tackling fuck violent homophobe guy. But DID NOT know one heroes Paul Rudd, Internet sleuth Sara Benincasa. This even better time Ryan Gosling Hey Girled Laurie Penny getting hit lorrie! So thing, this, blogging. When saw video alllll way back Saturday, said, “that nice men choose manly physically — risk — keeping peace. But guessing everyone bored also lookout troublemakers terrorists. Call us stop gaybashing front Crowing Cock.” But say loud. Well! Now Paul Rudd involved — know thanks Sara Benincasa also dude @msigs — going guess FUCK YEAH would stopped nonsense streets too, give Paul Rudd credit random Dallas cowboys, regionist also classist probably racist too, end. paul rudd tweets Go ahead! Go back minute twenty watch Paul Rudd full-on tackle asshole! Good job everybody! Keep calm keep nutpunchers down!
Nicaragua meteorite: Experts attempt to understand whether mysterious meteorite fell from passing Pitbull asteroid
The Pentagon confirmed weapons indeed seized ISIS.
Missing Planes
Matt Taibbi takes leave absence First Look Media. Taibbi tapped start satirical website eBay founder Pierre Omidyar's media outlet. Taibbi's exit allegedly due conflict higher-ups, leading doubt publication's future.
Are missing students in mass graves found near Iguala, Mexico?
Police Mexico found mass graves containing least 15 charred bodies near 43 students disappeared deadly police shooting last week. The burial pits found Saturday hill community outside Iguala, Southern Mexico, town students last seen. Witnesses claimed last seen led away police. Twenty-two police officers arrested Guerrero today, accused killing two students clashes last week. Scroll video Mexican authorities investigating mass grave discovered outskirts Iguala, city 43 students missing week A Mexican navy marine guards road leads site. Witnesses claimed students last seen led away police A car forensic technician service Servicio Medico Forense (SEMEFO) seen area mass grave found, Colonia las Parotas outskirts Iguala, Guerrero Teen felled killer punch picking fight with... Dana Vulin unveils horrific burns set on... HILARIOUS! Boy thinks Beyonce lied wisdom tooth... He's alive! Moment 'dead' Ebola victim nearly sent to... Couple shares fertility journey heartwarming video Adorable baby elephant needs rescuing going belly Katy Perry living bar Oxford, Mississippi Health officials issue order Ebola patient family stay... British jihadi challenges Cameron put troops the... Adorable bear cub gets rescued gets head stuck in... Peter Kassig's parents make plea ISIS son's return Oklahoma City Panhandler busted caught 2013 car Inaky Blanco, chief prosecutor violence-plagued state Guerrero. He told news conference state capital, Chilpancingo: 'We still can't talk exact number bodies. We still working site.' Reports scene community Pueblo Viejo said least 15 bodies exhumed site. Iguala 120 miles (193 km) south Mexico City increasingly violent state Guerrero, site clashes involving students, police armed men last week. At least six people killed spate incidents. Guerrero Governor Angel Aguirre said earlier week photos showed police taken students away. Several hundred students protested Saturday night front Aguirre's residence state capital Chilpancingo, expressing anger classmates may among bodies found graves. A car overturned several petrol bombs hurled residence perimeter, security outposts lightly damaged. Authorities found mass grave police scouring area nearly four dozen people missing rash violence. Guerrero site clashes involving students, police armed men, started late September The graves found steep hill 30 suspects detained case told authorities location If students pits, would one worst slaughters Mexico witnessed since drug war intensified 2006, leaving 80,000 people dead date The pits found Saturday hill community outside Iguala, Southern Mexico, town students last seen. Policemen stand guard site mass grave found Policemen forensic personnel holding white bags bodies arrive Pueblo Viejo, outskirts Iguala, Guerrero state, Mexico. Four forensic services vans left morgue late Thursday carrying bodies silver bags A police official said Saturday video footage eight 10 students put police trucks earlier week. Twenty-two police officers arrested Guerrero Sunday, accused killing two students clashes last week. Aguirre said Saturday total 30 individuals detained connection incidents. Local government officials criticized police showing excessive use force students Guerrero, gangs evolved fragmented drug cartel fighting turf wars. Thirteen original group 57 missing people re-emerged week. Some hidden, others gone home. Dozens still unaccounted for. Many mass graves found across Mexico recent years months, legacy drug gang violence killed around 100,000 people since 2007. Thousands students teachers blocked highway Chilpancingo Acapulco hours Thursday, demanding help federal authorities find missing Ayotzinapa Teacher Training College students shout slogans demonstration downtown Chilpancingo. The missing students teacher training college near Chilpancingo known hotbed protests Governor Angel Aguirre appealed calm state, mired poverty, gang violence social unrest The missing students teacher training college near Chilpancingo known hotbed protests. Thousands students teachers blocked highway Chilpancingo Acapulco hours Thursday, demanding help federal authorities find missing. The police's links organized crime raised fears fate students country drug cartels regularly hide bodies mass graves. Around 30 bodies found mass graves Iguala alone year. 'We worried. The families anxious,' said Vidulfo Rosales, human rights lawyer representing relatives missing. The United Nations called case 'one terrible events recent times.' life random, meaningless, grim.
Alleged audio of Michael Brown shooting released
American fears may realized. One five Taliban members released Guantanamo Bay exchange Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl believed returned militant activity Qatar. CNN’s Barbara Starr reported Thursday one Taliban Five may reverted back terrorism. Over last months, one men released reached militants. The administration suspects may threat. The White House already facing renewed criticism deal made summer. Many experts criticized plan, saying set precedent negotiate exchange prisoners terrorist groups. The government Jordan indicated willing trade attempted suicide bomber Sajida al-Rishawi Jordanian fighter pilot Lt. Muath al-Kasaesbeh. This week, NBC reported Pentagon charge Bergdahl desertion although charges made yet. Obama brought Bergdahl mother June 1, 2014, Rose Garden promote deal brought soldier home. The slew news surrounding transfer vindicates skeptical deal White House made without notifying Congress, required law. At every turn, decision proven bad deal America’s security.
Lebanon confirms holding ISIS chief’s kin
Update: The original source story, Bloomberg adds face Michelle Obama blurred State TV. It quotes several journalists within Saudi Arabia covering event, adding State TV fact blur face First Lady anyway. According Nail al-Jubeir, information director Saudi Embassy Washington, blurring isn’t real. “Saudi TV showing total arrival ceremony airport Palace nowhere anything blurred.” CNN correspondent Hala Gorani also tweeted Saudi TV fact blur Michelle Obama’s face. Our Nic Robertson Riyadh telling footage saw Saudi TV show blurred Michelle Obama. On note, Good night Twitter! — Hala Gorani (@HalaGorani) January 27, 2015 Original Story: U.S. President Barack Obama First Lady Michelle Obama might found apt cut short trip India pay homage former Saudi King Abdullah, passed away last week. The Saudis, however, don’t seem enamored presence First Lady country. According report Bloomberg, Saudi state television allegedly blurred face Michelle Obama brief televised meeting new Saudi King Salman President Riyadh, capital Saudi Arabia. In fact, new King reportedly refused acknowledge presence First Lady say hello shake hands her, report adds. Other media houses Middle East, however, showed unedited footage meeting without obscuring face Michelle Obama. Hours state TV ran clips, several posted Facebook, reports Washington Times. However, videos subsequently taken — probably behest Saudi’s Internet Police. A version clip YouTube. We unsure, however, long would remain there. We managed capture screenshot video, case. The video embedded below. Meanwhile, Michelle Obama also faced criticism Arab media outlets decision wear blue visit. They added First Lady worn black dress, appropriate funeral. Also pertinent note fact Michelle Obama wear head scarf time public. As per Saudi law, women country, even visitors, required law wear head scarf public. This perhaps state TV blurred First Lady entirely. There also talk new Saudi King insulting Barack Obama breaking protocol. The new King apparently abruptly turned around walked away President order go prayer. This, however, could due inexperience new King, others allege. Later day, Saudi King held bilateral talks senior staff, including Secretary State John Kerry, Senator John McCain, National Security Adviser Susan Rice, Ambassador Joseph Westphal, CIA director John Brennan. A statement White House later announced following. “Obama Salman sat gold chairs. A small table front held spray white flowers.” The alleged decision Saudi state television blur face Michelle Obama raises question women’s rights Saudi Arabia. The country strict laws restrict freedom movement women. In fact, recently country gave womenfolk right vote. It also country world women allowed drive. Now, even wife world’s powerful man targeted, albeit indirectly, world certain take note. [Image via YouTube]
An alleged attempted rapist India received grisly punishment alleged attack young teenager – angry mob dragged butcher’s shop penis severed meat cleaver. Suresh Kumar, 40, set upon locals city Ganganagar India’s north-western Rajasthan state heard girl’s screams. A mob dragged Kumar away found alley allegedly pinning victim wall – group held vigilante community meeting decide him. He beaten sticks hour, dragged local butcher’s shop organ severed meat cleaver. It thrown street. Kumar still critical condition attack. Local man Aamir Dhawan, 30, said: ‘No one went help man could see penis ground knew punishment sex crime.’ MORE: Masked gang filmed smashing jewellers daring daylight robbery ‘We lot intolerable offences women country recently, girls raped, hung, molested, it’s time stopped. ‘This sends strong message anyone like – punished.’ .A police spokesman said: ‘People cannot take law hands. ‘As deplorable crimes are, law order maintained, lynch justice. We ask men carried attack hand find them. The girl treated shock.
MPs credit sergeant-at-arms for saving lives in Parliament Hill shootings
Two friends 20-year-old McDonald’s Quarter Pounder they’ve keep safe another friend past two decades. It 20 years ago friend asked two pick Quarter Pounder local McDonald’s, never showed eat burger, according 9 News Feb. 16. A 20-year-old burger, McDonald's Quarter Pounder Cheese, looks pretty much new Quarter Pounder looks today! YouTube screen shot It became joke next weeks friend still hadn’t claimed burger, buddies told they'd keep safe him. Then ran months decades later, Quarter Pounder unwrapped shared local news show. The two Australian buddies, Casey Dean Eduard Nitz, 14 13 time purchased Quarter Pounder Cheese friend. According Sidney Daily Telegraph, Dean states pretty sure burger oldest burger world. While folk’s might store wine age 20 years, ground beef something would eat left hours, never mind decades. Dean Nitz recently appeared TV show “The Project” antiquated McDonald’s Quarter Pounder didn’t look one might expect 20-year-old burger look like. The burger bread didn’t sport mold, discoloration even bad smell. It looked almost identical McDonald's burger purchased today. This Quarter Pounder taken life new Facebook page asks, "Can This Burger Get More Likes Than Kanye West?" It got 3000 likes first day materialized. The two Aussie buddies take bite old burger name charity, show’s host prompted put skip decades-old offering. The host protested shared common sense two friends obliged. If two buddies eaten old burger, chances would later break fight would use bathroom first! They would likely spend remainder day hanging around toilet bowl eating meat old.
Graffiti Artist Banksy Arrested In London; Identity Revealed
Elusive graffiti artist Banksy’s cover blown unceremoniously arrested vandalism, conspiracy, racketeering counterfeiting. Well that’s US website National Report would believe. The bogus story alleged infamous street artist arrested following raid London studio. It ‘outs’ Paul Horner, 34-year-old born Liverpool says held “without” bail, along four other, unnamed individuals. Banksy's publicist Jo Brooks confirmed Independent viral story hoax. Indeed quotes accompany piece date back identical spoof February last year, claimed Banksy arrested charges outed as, yep, Paul Horner. So basically internet recycling hoaxes. Lazy.
Macaulay Culkin dead: The death hoax is once again on the child actor
A newspaper report Kim Jong-un hospitalized ankle surgery fuelled new theories North Korean leader’s long absence public eye. Kim seen public almost month missed session parliament Sept. 25 first time since coming power almost three years ago. Since event key officials July, seen walking limp. In unusual acknowledgment last Friday, North Korean state television said experiencing “discomfort.” Details Hermit Kingdom Kim’s state health scarce hard verify, new details reported Chosun Ilbo newspaper paint broader picture may happened him. Here suspected far. Kim rapidly gained weight since coming power father died heart attack 2011, photos released state media show. He shown photos released Korean Central News Agency Oct. 9, 2010, left, July 28, 2014, right: Kim believed 5-foot-2 5-foot-9, possibly weighing 280 pounds. Chosun Ilbo cited recent visitor North Korea (whom identify) saying Kim’s weight gain, combined intense tour schedule factories military bases, factors ankle injury. Kim cracked bones ankles neglecting injury sustained field supervisions June, source cited Chosun Ilbo said. The source said Kim surgery recovering Bongwha Clinic, exclusive hospital high-ranking party members, according newspaper. Surgery ankles could consistent gout, Alastair Hepburn, consultant rheumatologist Medical Trustee U.K. Gout Society. “It’s unusual it’s possible,” Hepburn said telephone interview. Severe gout damage joints, making operation necessary, said. North Korea observers speculate Kim’s weight family background may contributed condition. “Based gait, appears gout – something [due to] diet genetic predisposition affected members Kim family,” said Michael Madden, expert North Korean leadership contributor 38 North website. Gout form arthritis isn’t fatal, though agonizingly painful. The condition caused buildup waste product blood called uric acid, normally eliminated body urine, according U.K.’s National Health Service. Uric acid cause needle-like crystals form, seep joints cause inflammation. “Gout painful debilitating condition,” said Hepburn U.K. Gout Society. “It lead situation limping becomes obvious pain. A person quite well time, may sudden flareups, cause pain.” Chosun Ilbo’s report also said Kim believed wearing shoes Cuban heels, style two-inch high-heeled men’s footwear, make taller give authoritative appearance. Kim shown wearing shoes 2012 appearance wife, Ri Sol-ju:
Audio recording allegedly captures at least 10 shots fired in Michael Brown killing
The right-hand man Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi killed airstrike Mosul. An airstrike ISIS stronghold Mosul killed least two members group, including aide ISIS leader Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi, according Iraqi Defense Ministry. Reports Baghdadi killed U.S. airstrike circulated Turkish Kurdish media Wednesday repeated The Daily Beast multiple Iraqi sources. But Pentagon official denied ISIS leader dead. "There validity rumor we've killed Baghdadi," senior defense official told The Daily Beast. The Iraqi Defense Ministry announcement, first reported al Arabayia, specify whether airstrike carried American Iraqi forces, NBC News reports senior security official confirmed U.S. airstrike. The article clarify whether security official American Iraqi quotes saying three ISIS leaders killed, including Baghdadi’s aide Abu Hajar Al-Sufi, explosives specialist commander town Tal Afar. There public statements yet U.S. officials reported airstrikes. While U.S. air war Iraq steadily expanding since began early August, Thursday’s reports provide first public indication ISIS’s senior leadership directly targeted. The rumors Baghdadi’s death spread northern Iraq yesterday may triggered uncertainty died airstrikes reportedly killed aide. It’s also possible claim’s Baghdadi’s death could come ISIS part deception campaign cover leader’s tracks obscure true status whereabouts. Multiple sources, including Kurdish intelligence officials former Iraqi army officers, told The Daily Beast Wednesday Baghdadi died somewhere Syria wounded recent airstrike fleeing Iraq seek medical treatment. This first time rumors Baghdadi’s death surfaced. Without independent press verify new information, unverified claims spread quickly Iraq speculation outpacing facts gets taken truth. But new reports ISIS leaders killed airstrikes Mosul, coming day flurry claims Baghdadi’s death Syria, suggests group’s leadership increasingly vulnerable Baghdadi may run seeking sanctuary Syria President Obama yet authorized military intervention. With additional reporting Ford Sypher Eli Lake.
Video: Marine survives Taliban sniper headshot thanks to helmet
It seems it’s enough simply tell boss I quit anymore game note believed. A developer Electric Boogie apparently disdain person worked decided ridicule rather creative way. The technician ‘left special message’ end Flappy Bird-like game quit. MORE: ‘I’m feeling sick thinking it': Mum horrified son discovers spider loaf Hovis It didn’t pop-up reached certain level preceded two animated characters, dog, engaging sexual acts. ‘Working living hell,’ message said. ‘You head far ass, it’s wonder breath always smells like s**t. ‘Consider cartoon animation letter, resignation pathetic company. I quit. P.S. Your game f***ing sucks.’ Not apparently get X-rated message pass boss TriplePlay Apps, also managed sneak noses Apple Google allowed app stores. But may ruse dailydot.com cast doubt story claimed could publicity stunt. MORE: Man dressed clown wanted violent nightclub assaults
Shots Heard In Alleged Brown Shooting Recording [AUDIO]
A hoax story alleging British graffiti artist Banksy arrested identity revealed duped thousands people online. According highly refutable website National Report, 'news' website consisting entirely fake stories, artist arrested Metropolitan Police studio identity revealed 35-year-old Paul Horner, originally Liverpool. The article contains elements would expect see news story covering arrest, including details police quotes close Banksy. However, takes bare minimum fact-checking research spot story hoax. The article claims story confirmed BBC (it hasn't) City London Police Chief Lyndon Edwards held press conference answer questions Banksy's arrest (he never Edwards even exist). US news site CNN also conduct interview Banksy's "project manager" John Hawes following arrest (also exist). The 'revealed identity' Banksy also suspicious. Paul Horner name given Facebook spokesperson said site soon charging users $2.99 month – another hoax story comes around every – well name hoax story 15-year-old Louisiana teen sentenced 25 years life called SWAT team another teenager's house beat playing Battlefield 4. The article also said written Dr Darius Rubics, fake name writer claims Pulitzer-prize winning reporter who, unsurprisingly since previous stories include 'Obama Declares November National Muslim Appreciation Month' 'Dennis Rodman Leaves US To Talk With Leaders Of Isis', never awarded prizes excellence journalism. One final, major clue story hoax exact thing happened before. Last February, fake press release claimed Banksy arrested claimed name Paul Horner rounds, Jezebel one high-profile websites publish hoax later taking down. Despite this, latest 'Banksy arrested' story shared 200,000 times Facebook Twitter, proving still people believe anything read internet. RelatedClacton-on-Sea Scrubs 'Racist' £400,000 Banksy Mural WallKing Robbo: Graffiti Artist Banksy Rival DiesBanksy Condemns 'Disgusting' Exhibition Featuring His Stolen ArtworkBansky Pokes Fun GCHQ With Cheltenham MuralAlternative Miss World 2014: Drag Queens, Robots PVC Octopus Compete Shakespeare's Globe
How did a Texas plumber's truck end up with Syrian rebels? (+video)
A SOLDIER shot Canada’s National War Memorial witnesses saying gunman ran nation’s parliament. Canada’s parliament lockdown following gunfire heavily armed police racing seal building office Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.. Canadian media reporting soldier wounded attack. — More come
Officials shoot down congressman's claims ISIS terrorists are running across US-Mexico border
Since U.S. began airstrikes Iraq Syria Islamic State, Republicans frequently connected terrorist group border security U.S. In August, Texas Governor Rick Perry called “very real possibility” fighters Islamic State already crossed U.S. On Tuesday night, Representative Duncan Hunter, Republican California, took comments even further. Appearing "On Record Greta Van Susteren," Hunter said, “At least ten ISIS fighters caught coming across border Texas.” When Van Susteren asked knew that, Hunter replied, “Because I’ve asked border patrol, Greta.” I asked Department Homeland Security Hunter’s comments true. They weren't. “The suggestion individuals ties ISIL apprehended Southwest border categorically false, supported credible intelligence facts ground,” said DHS spokesperson Marsha Catron. “DHS continues credible intelligence suggest terrorist organizations actively plotting cross southwest border.” UPDATE: Hunter backing comments, claiming came "high-level source" DHS. "The Congressman conveying knows—and told," Hunter's spokesperson told The Huffington Post. "And DHS’ statement, makes sense left hand DHS doesn’t know right hand doing—it’s way long time don’t expect change. No surprise there."
Elderly Woman Arrested for Kidnapping Neighbor’s Cats & Making Fur Coats
A previously unverified audio recording allegedly captures final moments Michael Brown’s life verified authentic, according video streaming application recorded on. A resident living apartment complex Brown killed using video messaging app called Glide time shooting unwittingly captured sound gunfire, according lawyer representing resident, whose identity released. The recording suggests nearly dozen shots fired altercation Brown, unarmed time, Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. According Glide recording created 12:02 p.m. CT Saturday Aug. 9, precisely time police say Brown shot. “A Glide user living nearby (whose identity protected) simply using Glide app smartphone exactly designed – instantly communicate friend real-time video texting service. Simultaneously, also captured audio background gunshots allegedly fired Michael Brown,” Glide said statement released Thursday. “Because Glide messaging application using streaming video technology, message simultaneously recorded transmitted, exact time verified second.” The lawyer, Lopa Blumenthal, said shared recording FBI. Federal officials won’t confirm specific recording, confirm collecting audio video incident. The audio could prove critical piece evidence ongoing investigation Brown’s death. It also seems confirm witnesses shooting say happened incident. They said Brown, black, Wilson, white, seen struggling driver’s side window Wilson’s police car. They said Wilson fired single shot inside car fired several Brown attempted flee. Some witnesses, viewing incident different vantage points, said Wilson fired several shots Brown point boy turned around hands up, point Wilson fired several gunshots. The audio capture happened moments shooting. And law enforcement officials say stage it’s impossible know significance tape may be. Days release audio earlier week, Tommy Chatman-Bey, lives Canefield Green Apartment complex near Brown killed, told msnbc outside time shooting ear-witness. “I right I heard it,” Chatman-Bey said. “I heard Boom, Boom, Boom, pause, Boom, Boom, Boom, Boom more.” The police provided many details shooting released detailed police incident report. What Ferguson police released report little date, time location incident. But curious time stamps document. Typically incident report following homicide would give detailed account. The report, released American Civil Liberties Union Missouri sued open records law, suggests supervisor reviewed Aug. 19, 10 days fatal shooting. Final sign-off wasn’t given Aug. 20, report appears indicate. Glide statement said, “While tragedy never good news, hearts go family Michael Brown, incident underscores technology changing landscape journalism, also criminology. We commend Glide user turning Glide video message FBI investigators possible evidence ongoing investigation.” A key question could Wilson paused midst barrage. Brown struck least six bullets including two hit skull, according autopsy performed behest Brown’s family. Lawyers Brown’s family critical forensic examiners identified two head shots actually killed Brown. At least one shots struck Brown top head. Witnesses claim Brown fell knees attempted surrender Wilson officer continued walk toward him, firing several shots. St. Louis County Prosecutor Bob McCulloch began presenting evidence case grand jury last week said decision whether Wilson charged may come October.
Jihadists stolen several commercial jetliners Libya, raising concerns intelligence officials 9/11-style terror strikes 13th anniversary approaches, reports say. The Algerian news site al-Fadjr Aug. 6 said 11 aircraft went missing Tripoli International Airport fighting militias, IHS Janes 360 reports, says Algerian report "probably credible." Subsequently, Mohamed Frikha, CEO Tunisian airline company Syphax, told Tunisia's Shems FM Radio two Airbus-A320 aircraft belonging Libyan company Ifriqiya missing Misratah, Janes reports. Watch Newsmax TV DIRECTV Ch. 349 DISH Ch. 223 Get Newsmax TV cable system – Click Here Now Meanwhile, Washington Free Beacon reports information stolen jetliners circulated within U.S. government past two weeks — including ominous warning one jets could used attack marking Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist strikes New York Washington. "There number commercial airliners Libya missing," one unnamed official told Free Beacon. "We found Sept. 11 happen hijacked planes." Sept. 11 also mark second anniversary Libyan terrorist attack U.S. outpost Benghazi killed Ambassador Chris Stevens three Americans. Military groups Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt placed heightened alert stolen jets, Free Beacon reports. Urgent: Should Obama Be Impeached? Vote Now Urgent Poll U.S. counterterrorism officials told Free Beacon intelligence agencies confirmed missing aircraft trying locate aircraft owned two Libyan state-owned airline companies. Security Libya deteriorating Islamists anti-Islamist militias battle. A shocking video surfaced Sunday showing armed fighters partying inside captured U.S. diplomatic compound Tripoli, including one fighter jumping pool second-story balcony. Michael Rubin, counterterrorism specialist American Enterprise Institute, told Free Beacon commercial jets hands terrorists could "devastating." "Who needs ballistic missiles passenger planes? Even empty loaded fuel devastating," said. "Each plane could, deployed terrorists maximum devastating effect, represent 1,000 civilian casualties." Janes reported, however, "very unlikely" aircraft could taken Tripoli International Airport without knowledge Zintan militias control it. With Misratah Mitiga airports two functioning international airports western Libya, Janes added, "Misratan Islamist militias control want jeopardize political influence revenue affords them" facilitating 9/11-style attack. Even jihadists stole aircraft,"they would still need transport jets paved runways large enough facilitate takeoff ... heightening risk movements would spotted foreign intelligence agency surveillance." Watch Newsmax TV DIRECTV Ch. 349 DISH Ch. 223 Get Newsmax TV cable system – Click Here Now
YAML Metadata Warning: empty or missing yaml metadata in repo card (https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/datasets-cards)

Dataset Summary

The data provided is (headline, body, stance) instances, where the stance is one of {unrelated, discuss, agree, disagree}.


  • A headline and a body text - either from the same news article or from two different articles.


  • Classify the stance of the body text relative to the claim made in the headline into one of four categories:
    • Agrees: The body text agrees with the headline.
    • Disagrees: The body text disagrees with the headline.
    • Discusses: The body text discuss the same topic as the headline, but does not take a position
    • Unrelated: The body text discusses a different topic than the headline

The distribution of Stance classes in the entire dataset is as follows:

rows unrelated discuss agree disagree
49972 0.73131 0.17828 0.0736012 0.016809

Source Data

FNC-1 Official webpage.

  • annotations_creators: found
  • language_creators: found
  • languages: en-US
  • licenses: apache-2.0
  • multilingualism: monolingual
  • pretty_name: FNC-1
  • size_categories: unknown
  • source_datasets: original
  • task_categories:text-classification
  • task_ids
    • multi-class-classification
    • natural-language-inference
    • multi-label-classification
    • intent-classification
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