license: mit
models that can be installed via manager:
- ip-adapter-plus_sd15.safetensors
models that must be manually placed (included in this repo):
- ip-adapter_image_encoder_sd15.safetensors
- must be added to models\clip_vision
- motion_controlnet_checkpoint.ckpt
- must be added to models\controlnet
- AnimateLCM_sd15_t2v.ckpt
- must be added to models\animatediff_models
- 4xLexicaDAT2_otf
- must be added to models\upscale_models
- ip-adapter-plus_sd15.safetensors
- must be added to models\ipadadapter
- photonLCM_v10.safetensors
- must be added to models\checkpoints