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four cats walking
Image 1: two hamsters carrying something. Image 2: two hamsters walking. Image 3: four cats carrying something
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from carrying something to walking. Subject type remains constant hamsters.
two hamsters driving a car
Image 1: four bears eating food. Image 2: four bears driving a car. Image 3: two hamsters eating food
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from eating food to driving a car. Subject type remains constant bears.
two male children driving a car
Image 1: three rabbits eating food. Image 2: three rabbits driving a car. Image 3: two male children eating food
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from eating food to driving a car. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
three hamsters writing
Image 1: two men ice-skating. Image 2: two men writing. Image 3: three hamsters ice-skating
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from ice-skating to writing. Subject type remains constant men.
four male children eating food
Image 1: one senior man reading. Image 2: one senior man eating food. Image 3: four male children reading
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from reading to eating food. Subject type remains constant senior man.
four senior women walking
Image 1: one woman reading. Image 2: one woman walking. Image 3: four senior women reading
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from reading to walking. Subject type remains constant woman.
four foxes writing
Image 1: two senior women ice-skating. Image 2: two senior women writing. Image 3: four foxes ice-skating
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from ice-skating to writing. Subject type remains constant senior women.
four rabbits writing
Image 1: three monkeys reading. Image 2: three monkeys writing. Image 3: four rabbits reading
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from reading to writing. Subject type remains constant monkeys.
one fox running
Image 1: four cats walking. Image 2: four cats running. Image 3: one fox walking
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from walking to running. Subject type remains constant cats.
three senior women eating food
Image 1: one cat writing. Image 2: one cat eating food. Image 3: three senior women writing
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from writing to eating food. Subject type remains constant cat.
four rabbits jumping
Image 1: one senior woman playing soccer. Image 2: one senior woman jumping. Image 3: four rabbits playing soccer
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from playing soccer to jumping. Subject type remains constant senior woman.
one man digging a hole
Image 1: three senior men eating food. Image 2: three senior men digging a hole. Image 3: one man eating food
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from eating food to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant senior men.
four foxes reading
Image 1: three senior women eating food. Image 2: three senior women reading. Image 3: four foxes eating food
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from eating food to reading. Subject type remains constant senior women.
three female children eating food
Image 1: one bear ice-skating. Image 2: one bear eating food. Image 3: three female children ice-skating
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from ice-skating to eating food. Subject type remains constant bear.
four rabbits writing
Image 1: one cat carrying something. Image 2: one cat writing. Image 3: four rabbits carrying something
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from carrying something to writing. Subject type remains constant cat.
four senior women typing
Image 1: two female children jumping. Image 2: two female children typing. Image 3: four senior women jumping
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from jumping to typing. Subject type remains constant female children.
four men swimming
Image 1: two bears playing soccer. Image 2: two bears swimming. Image 3: four men playing soccer
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from playing soccer to swimming. Subject type remains constant bears.
two dogs carrying something
Image 1: four foxes jumping. Image 2: four foxes carrying something. Image 3: two dogs jumping
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from jumping to carrying something. Subject type remains constant foxes.
three dogs carrying something
Image 1: two senior men swimming. Image 2: two senior men carrying something. Image 3: three dogs swimming
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from swimming to carrying something. Subject type remains constant senior men.
three foxes walking
Image 1: two women running. Image 2: two women walking. Image 3: three foxes running
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from running to walking. Subject type remains constant women.
four male children typing
Image 1: three rabbits driving a car. Image 2: three rabbits typing. Image 3: four male children driving a car
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from driving a car to typing. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
four rabbits reading
Image 1: two senior women playing soccer. Image 2: two senior women reading. Image 3: four rabbits playing soccer
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from playing soccer to reading. Subject type remains constant senior women.
one wolf ice-skating
Image 1: four senior men reading. Image 2: four senior men ice-skating. Image 3: one wolf reading
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from reading to ice-skating. Subject type remains constant senior men.
one rabbit jumping
Image 1: three wolves running. Image 2: three wolves jumping. Image 3: one rabbit running
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from running to jumping. Subject type remains constant wolves.
one hamster jumping
Image 1: four senior men ice-skating. Image 2: four senior men jumping. Image 3: one hamster ice-skating
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from ice-skating to jumping. Subject type remains constant senior men.
one bear writing
Image 1: two rabbits swimming. Image 2: two rabbits writing. Image 3: one bear swimming
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from swimming to writing. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
one fox typing
Image 1: three dogs running. Image 2: three dogs typing. Image 3: one fox running
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from running to typing. Subject type remains constant dogs.
three dogs eating food
Image 1: two women writing. Image 2: two women eating food. Image 3: three dogs writing
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from writing to eating food. Subject type remains constant women.
two men carrying something
Image 1: one senior man walking. Image 2: one senior man carrying something. Image 3: two men walking
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from walking to carrying something. Subject type remains constant senior man.
three senior women digging a hole
Image 1: one monkey typing. Image 2: one monkey digging a hole. Image 3: three senior women typing
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from typing to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant monkey.
one senior woman digging a hole
Image 1: three men playing soccer. Image 2: three men digging a hole. Image 3: one senior woman playing soccer
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from playing soccer to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant men.
two dogs walking
Image 1: three cats writing. Image 2: three cats walking. Image 3: two dogs writing
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from writing to walking. Subject type remains constant cats.
two foxes running
Image 1: four men digging a hole. Image 2: four men running. Image 3: two foxes digging a hole
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from digging a hole to running. Subject type remains constant men.
three foxes running
Image 1: two bears digging a hole. Image 2: two bears running. Image 3: three foxes digging a hole
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from digging a hole to running. Subject type remains constant bears.
two bears ice-skating
Image 1: three women reading. Image 2: three women ice-skating. Image 3: two bears reading
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from reading to ice-skating. Subject type remains constant women.
four cats driving a car
Image 1: one dog ice-skating. Image 2: one dog driving a car. Image 3: four cats ice-skating
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from ice-skating to driving a car. Subject type remains constant dog.
two wolves swimming
Image 1: one woman running. Image 2: one woman swimming. Image 3: two wolves running
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from running to swimming. Subject type remains constant woman.
three cats jumping
Image 1: four hamsters carrying something. Image 2: four hamsters jumping. Image 3: three cats carrying something
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from carrying something to jumping. Subject type remains constant hamsters.
one dog jumping
Image 1: two women typing. Image 2: two women jumping. Image 3: one dog typing
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from typing to jumping. Subject type remains constant women.
four bears running
Image 1: three rabbits reading. Image 2: three rabbits running. Image 3: four bears reading
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from reading to running. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
three female children walking
Image 1: one wolf typing. Image 2: one wolf walking. Image 3: three female children typing
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from typing to walking. Subject type remains constant wolf.
four dogs digging a hole
Image 1: one senior man jumping. Image 2: one senior man digging a hole. Image 3: four dogs jumping
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from jumping to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant senior man.
two wolves jumping
Image 1: four female children digging a hole. Image 2: four female children jumping. Image 3: two wolves digging a hole
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from digging a hole to jumping. Subject type remains constant female children.
one bear ice-skating
Image 1: three rabbits walking. Image 2: three rabbits ice-skating. Image 3: one bear walking
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from walking to ice-skating. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
three bears eating food
Image 1: two senior men typing. Image 2: two senior men eating food. Image 3: three bears typing
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from typing to eating food. Subject type remains constant senior men.
four hamsters digging a hole
Image 1: two male children jumping. Image 2: two male children digging a hole. Image 3: four hamsters jumping
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from jumping to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant male children.
three women walking
Image 1: two bears playing soccer. Image 2: two bears walking. Image 3: three women playing soccer
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from playing soccer to walking. Subject type remains constant bears.
three senior women digging a hole
Image 1: four dogs typing. Image 2: four dogs digging a hole. Image 3: three senior women typing
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from typing to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant dogs.
two female children writing
Image 1: four men typing. Image 2: four men writing. Image 3: two female children typing
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from typing to writing. Subject type remains constant men.
four wolves jumping
Image 1: three women reading. Image 2: three women jumping. Image 3: four wolves reading
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from reading to jumping. Subject type remains constant women.
four monkeys driving a car
Image 1: two male children digging a hole. Image 2: two male children driving a car. Image 3: four monkeys digging a hole
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from digging a hole to driving a car. Subject type remains constant male children.
three hamsters jumping
Image 1: four senior men playing soccer. Image 2: four senior men jumping. Image 3: three hamsters playing soccer
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from playing soccer to jumping. Subject type remains constant senior men.
two bears ice-skating
Image 1: three rabbits swimming. Image 2: three rabbits ice-skating. Image 3: two bears swimming
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from swimming to ice-skating. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
one rabbit reading
Image 1: three foxes digging a hole. Image 2: three foxes reading. Image 3: one rabbit digging a hole
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from digging a hole to reading. Subject type remains constant foxes.
three bears typing
Image 1: four female children walking. Image 2: four female children typing. Image 3: three bears walking
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from walking to typing. Subject type remains constant female children.
one senior woman typing
Image 1: two female children ice-skating. Image 2: two female children typing. Image 3: one senior woman ice-skating
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from ice-skating to typing. Subject type remains constant female children.
three female children carrying something
Image 1: two men writing. Image 2: two men carrying something. Image 3: three female children writing
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from writing to carrying something. Subject type remains constant men.
three men running
Image 1: one female child writing. Image 2: one female child running. Image 3: three men writing
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from writing to running. Subject type remains constant female child.
three rabbits typing
Image 1: one fox eating food. Image 2: one fox typing. Image 3: three rabbits eating food
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from eating food to typing. Subject type remains constant fox.
two monkeys typing
Image 1: four rabbits ice-skating. Image 2: four rabbits typing. Image 3: two monkeys ice-skating
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from ice-skating to typing. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
three senior women jumping
Image 1: two monkeys running. Image 2: two monkeys jumping. Image 3: three senior women running
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from running to jumping. Subject type remains constant monkeys.
two wolves driving a car
Image 1: one rabbit running. Image 2: one rabbit driving a car. Image 3: two wolves running
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from running to driving a car. Subject type remains constant rabbit.
three senior men digging a hole
Image 1: one dog running. Image 2: one dog digging a hole. Image 3: three senior men running
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from running to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant dog.
two women typing
Image 1: one senior woman reading. Image 2: one senior woman typing. Image 3: two women reading
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from reading to typing. Subject type remains constant senior woman.
four wolves reading
Image 1: three senior women walking. Image 2: three senior women reading. Image 3: four wolves walking
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from walking to reading. Subject type remains constant senior women.
three men swimming
Image 1: four monkeys jumping. Image 2: four monkeys swimming. Image 3: three men jumping
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from jumping to swimming. Subject type remains constant monkeys.
one monkey swimming
Image 1: three foxes reading. Image 2: three foxes swimming. Image 3: one monkey reading
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from reading to swimming. Subject type remains constant foxes.
one senior woman digging a hole
Image 1: four monkeys typing. Image 2: four monkeys digging a hole. Image 3: one senior woman typing
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from typing to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant monkeys.
two senior men driving a car
Image 1: four male children carrying something. Image 2: four male children driving a car. Image 3: two senior men carrying something
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from carrying something to driving a car. Subject type remains constant male children.
one man writing
Image 1: four female children eating food. Image 2: four female children writing. Image 3: one man eating food
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from eating food to writing. Subject type remains constant female children.
three hamsters digging a hole
Image 1: two bears swimming. Image 2: two bears digging a hole. Image 3: three hamsters swimming
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from swimming to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant bears.
four foxes running
Image 1: one cat carrying something. Image 2: one cat running. Image 3: four foxes carrying something
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from carrying something to running. Subject type remains constant cat.
two rabbits walking
Image 1: four foxes reading. Image 2: four foxes walking. Image 3: two rabbits reading
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from reading to walking. Subject type remains constant foxes.
four rabbits typing
Image 1: one fox swimming. Image 2: one fox typing. Image 3: four rabbits swimming
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from swimming to typing. Subject type remains constant fox.
one cat driving a car
Image 1: three male children running. Image 2: three male children driving a car. Image 3: one cat running
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from running to driving a car. Subject type remains constant male children.
two rabbits swimming
Image 1: one monkey jumping. Image 2: one monkey swimming. Image 3: two rabbits jumping
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from jumping to swimming. Subject type remains constant monkey.
two female children typing
Image 1: one male child driving a car. Image 2: one male child typing. Image 3: two female children driving a car
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from driving a car to typing. Subject type remains constant male child.
four monkeys swimming
Image 1: three women running. Image 2: three women swimming. Image 3: four monkeys running
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from running to swimming. Subject type remains constant women.
two foxes playing soccer
Image 1: three hamsters swimming. Image 2: three hamsters playing soccer. Image 3: two foxes swimming
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from swimming to playing soccer. Subject type remains constant hamsters.
two male children eating food
Image 1: four senior women writing. Image 2: four senior women eating food. Image 3: two male children writing
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from writing to eating food. Subject type remains constant senior women.
one male child reading
Image 1: four wolves swimming. Image 2: four wolves reading. Image 3: one male child swimming
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from swimming to reading. Subject type remains constant wolves.
one woman jumping
Image 1: four cats eating food. Image 2: four cats jumping. Image 3: one woman eating food
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from eating food to jumping. Subject type remains constant cats.
four monkeys digging a hole
Image 1: two senior men reading. Image 2: two senior men digging a hole. Image 3: four monkeys reading
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from reading to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant senior men.
one monkey reading
Image 1: three female children running. Image 2: three female children reading. Image 3: one monkey running
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from running to reading. Subject type remains constant female children.
two hamsters digging a hole
Image 1: four rabbits jumping. Image 2: four rabbits digging a hole. Image 3: two hamsters jumping
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from jumping to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant rabbits.
one dog running
Image 1: two hamsters eating food. Image 2: two hamsters running. Image 3: one dog eating food
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from eating food to running. Subject type remains constant hamsters.
four senior women playing soccer
Image 1: one female child walking. Image 2: one female child playing soccer. Image 3: four senior women walking
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from walking to playing soccer. Subject type remains constant female child.
three men reading
Image 1: four women writing. Image 2: four women reading. Image 3: three men writing
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from writing to reading. Subject type remains constant women.
one male child reading
Image 1: four bears walking. Image 2: four bears reading. Image 3: one male child walking
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from walking to reading. Subject type remains constant bears.
one bear ice-skating
Image 1: four senior women jumping. Image 2: four senior women ice-skating. Image 3: one bear jumping
Number remains constant four. Action is changed from jumping to ice-skating. Subject type remains constant senior women.
two monkeys running
Image 1: one senior man swimming. Image 2: one senior man running. Image 3: two monkeys swimming
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from swimming to running. Subject type remains constant senior man.
two foxes digging a hole
Image 1: one senior woman reading. Image 2: one senior woman digging a hole. Image 3: two foxes reading
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from reading to digging a hole. Subject type remains constant senior woman.
two dogs carrying something
Image 1: one monkey driving a car. Image 2: one monkey carrying something. Image 3: two dogs driving a car
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from driving a car to carrying something. Subject type remains constant monkey.
two rabbits driving a car
Image 1: one female child reading. Image 2: one female child driving a car. Image 3: two rabbits reading
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from reading to driving a car. Subject type remains constant female child.
two women writing
Image 1: three hamsters running. Image 2: three hamsters writing. Image 3: two women running
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from running to writing. Subject type remains constant hamsters.
four wolves ice-skating
Image 1: three men driving a car. Image 2: three men ice-skating. Image 3: four wolves driving a car
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from driving a car to ice-skating. Subject type remains constant men.
two rabbits playing soccer
Image 1: one fox writing. Image 2: one fox playing soccer. Image 3: two rabbits writing
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from writing to playing soccer. Subject type remains constant fox.
three men carrying something
Image 1: two cats eating food. Image 2: two cats carrying something. Image 3: three men eating food
Number remains constant two. Action is changed from eating food to carrying something. Subject type remains constant cats.
four rabbits eating food
Image 1: one hamster writing. Image 2: one hamster eating food. Image 3: four rabbits writing
Number remains constant one. Action is changed from writing to eating food. Subject type remains constant hamster.
one monkey playing soccer
Image 1: three senior men jumping. Image 2: three senior men playing soccer. Image 3: one monkey jumping
Number remains constant three. Action is changed from jumping to playing soccer. Subject type remains constant senior men.
End of preview. Expand in Data Studio

Dataset Card for VOILA

This dataset card aims to be a base template for new datasets. It has been generated using this raw template.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

VOILA is an open-ended, large-scale and dynamic dataset which evaluates the visual understanding and relational reasoning capability of the MLLMs. It consists of distinct visual analogy questions designed to derive an answer by following the relation rules among a given triplet of images (A : A’ :: B : B’). Unlike previous visual analogy dataset, VOILA presents more complex rule-based structure incorporating various property relations and distraction rules and manipulation of up to three properties at a time across 14 subject types, 13 actions, and 4 numeric values. VOILA comprises two sub-tasks: the more complex VOILA-WD and the simpler VOILA-ND Our experiment results show state-of-the-art models not only struggle to apply the relationship to a new set of images but also to reveal the relationship between images. LLaMa 3.2 achieves the highest performance, attaining 13% accuracy in implementing the relationship stage on VOILA-WD. Interestingly, GPT-4o outperforms other models on VOILA-ND, achieving an accuracy of 29% in applying relationships. However, human performance significantly surpasses these results, achieving 71% and 69% accuracy on VOILA-WD and VOILA-ND, respectively.

  • Curated by: [More Information Needed]
  • Language(s) (NLP): English
  • License: cc
  • Contact:

Dataset Sources [optional]


Direct Use

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Dataset Structure

{‘img1': 'two_hamsters_carrying something_1111.png',
‘img2': 'two_hamsters_walking_9111.png’,
‘img3': ‘four_cats_carrying something_11111.png’,
‘img4’: ‘four cats walking’,
‘desc_img1’: 'two hamsters carrying something’,
‘desc_img2': ‘two hamsters walking’,
‘desc_img3':’four cats carrying something’,
‘desc_im4’: ‘four cats walking’,
‘combined_description’: ‘Image 1: two hamsters carrying something. Image 2: two hamsters walking. Image 3: four cats carrying something’,
‘question’:  ‘image_questions_1.png’,
‘rule’ : ‘1’,
‘Real_relations’ : ‘Number remains constant two. Action is changed from carrying something to walking. Subject type remains constant hamsters.’}

Data Fields

  • id:
  • img1: the file name of the first input image
  • img2: the file name of the second input image
  • img3: the file name of the third input image
  • img4: the content of the fourth image – analogy solution
  • desc_img1: description of the first image
  • desc_img2: description of the second image
  • desc_img3: description of the third image
  • desc_im4: description of the solution image
  • combined_description: The combined content description of first three images. question: the file name of the image collage which combine the first three images for analogy question.
  • rule: the number of the rule configuration.
  • Real_relations : the changed and unchanged properties between first and second images.

Data Splits

  • VOILA_WD : There are approximately 10K image analogy questions for TEST case which includes Distraction rule.
  • VOILA_ND : There are approximately 3.6K image analogy questions for TEST case, excluding Distraction rule.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Data Collection and Processing

[More Information Needed]

Who are the source data producers?

[More Information Needed]

Bias, Risks, and Limitations

Because the images are generated by Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL). They might reveal biases that the model possesses.



title={Voila: Evaluation of {MLLM}s For Perceptual Understanding and Analogical Reasoning},
author={Nilay Yilmaz and Maitreya Patel and Yiran Lawrence Luo and Tejas Gokhale and Chitta Baral and Suren Jayasuriya and Yezhou Yang},
booktitle={The Thirteenth International Conference on Learning Representations},
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