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0.423254 | 8c7e980760654e38a4a1c660ef9bcd3a | Parameter space associated to suitable approaches for the dynamics of Rydberg-ion collisions. The upper part of the diagram (orange in the online version) it is shown the region where a classical treatment based on Coulomb interaction is appropriate in-/excluding core-interaction (dashed/sold line). In white is shown the region where the classical treatment is adequate, but in this case assuming the expected induced dipole-charged interaction through the celebrated Langevin capture model. The region below the white one (blue in the online version) represents the parameter space in which a quantum treatment is required. The results are for Li(nS) + Li^+ collision regarding the applicability of different approaches for the dynamics. Note, the crossover from Classical exchange to Langevin is independent of the ion species. | 2012.15536 | combined_ing_acc.jpg |
0.477994 | 9f56b38fc5144775b00670256ecd3538 | Charge exchange cross section for Li^*_n=90-Li^+ collisions. Numerical trajectory simulation (squares and blue in the online version) with Coulomb Rydberg core-ion interaction 𝒜=1.0, and (diamonds and orange in the online version) without core-ion interaction 𝒜=0.0. Dashed lines are fits with σ/n^4=a(E_col)^b+c(E_col)^d, with fit parameters a,b,c and d. Inset: energy-dependent ratio ℛ between the cross section neglecting core-ion interaction and the results including it. Dashed line (green online version) is a fit with ℛ=a (E_col)^b for region E_col≤ 100K, with free parameters a and b. Errors originate from Eq. <ref>. | 2012.15536 | cross_section_inset_acc.jpg |
0.524435 | 76336e0e04414cd0aa185deaca4dd8fb | Principal quantum number n' distribution for charge exchange collisions in Li^*-Li^+, initially in n=90 and collision energies E_col= 2-10000K as indicated in the legend. | 2012.15536 | histogram_acc_2.jpg |
0.433942 | 3f099c5ceff34d27bc41b54454e8cbfb | Angular momentum number l-mixing cross section as a function of (a) collision energy. The dashed (blue in the online version) line indicates the characteristic electron velocity v_e = 1/n. Effect of the initial principal quantum number on the l-mixing cross section. Dashed (red in the online version) line shows a power law σ_l-mix∝ n^5. | 2012.15536 | l-mixing_acc.jpg |
0.42854 | 4ca1a01033cc4caea8cf02f15fa4b55a | Charge exchange cross section for Li^*-Li^+ and Li^*-Cs^+ (90D) collisions using (green and red, respectively in the online version) Coulomb or (blue and orange, respectively in the online version) pseudo potential to model the electron-ion interaction. Errors originate from Eq. <ref> | 2012.15536 | mass_effect_acc_2.jpg |
0.455867 | 7783f8fd8ee34237bded26c0acd0b2ef | Charge exchange cross section for Li^*-Li^+ collision as a function of principal quantum number n for (squares and blue in the online version) E_col=20K and (diamonds and orange in the online version) E_col=10^4K. Dashed lines are fits with Eq. <ref> and solid the line is a fit with c_2=4 fixed. The Inset shows the deviation of c_2 as a function of the collision energy, where c_2=0 corresponds to geometric scaling. Colors as in main plot. Errors originate from Eq. <ref>. | 2012.15536 | n_plot_acc.jpg |
0.44998 | 030425d4eef246a3b2307a66f797de81 | Trajectories for Li^+-Li^* (90D) collisions from QCT simulations. Fast collision a) at E_col= 25000K with (orange in the online version) Rydberg core-ion, (blue in the online version) Rydberg core-electron and (green in the online version) ion-electron distance d. Cold collision b) and c) at E_col=50K. b) zoom in (t∈[18,27] ns) with same coloring as a). c) Trajectories in z-y direction for t ∈ [0, 26]ns. Rydberg core (orange) initially at origin and ion (green in the online version) propagating in -z direction. Electron trajectory starting at (circle) t=0, (red in the online version) initial orbits, (purple in the online version) electron motion in far-field of the ion, (blue in the online version) continued propagation and (brown in the online version) final motion before capture at t≈ 26ns. | 2012.15536 | trajectory_acc.jpg |
0.42026 | 17495d9f450e49c68a4f39ac0bc5e80b | 2012.15537 | ICEWS14_hits10_num_ent.jpg |
0.468071 | d1951bba72654c9aabde7bbcc52a04f5 | 2012.15537 | ICEWS14_hits1_num_ent.jpg |
0.402274 | c1336a360b3b400aafa631995dae1e3e | 2012.15537 | L_performance.jpg |
0.367272 | 5d7132a618da4c6abf2e198e36f1433a | 2012.15537 | L_test_time.jpg |
0.403553 | ab063b331b65459abb7b2b5f99a08e77 | Model Architecture. We take the second inference step (l = 2) as an example. Each directed edge points from a source node to its prior neighbor. denotes nodes that have not been sampled. a^l_i means the attention score of node v_i at the l^th inference step. α_i,j^l is the attention score of the edge between node i and its prior neighbor j at the l^th inference step. Note that all scores are query-dependent. For simplicity, we do not show edge labels (predicates) in the figure. | 2012.15537 | ModelFlowChart_horizontal.jpg |
0.393075 | 67a4103cac3a443a922ecd3b4d9cbbf2 | 2012.15537 | NodeScoreAggregation2.jpg |
0.366162 | 41bc948211844a4b9c7f2333e2469140 | 2012.15537 | Time3.jpg |
0.396148 | 7fcd3dbe8a654f778729de26f42945bb | Initialization. | 2012.15537 | workflow-1.jpg |
0.427977 | 3f7fdedd93224080818ea134c0ecb904 | Expansion. | 2012.15537 | workflow-2.jpg |
0.438528 | 0bacfa2600d64a52b1f996552975ec04 | Pruning. | 2012.15537 | workflow-3.jpg |
0.456067 | 0e0db175ea5743568049b35b70f6756c | New Expansion. | 2012.15537 | workflow-4.jpg |
0.443682 | 659c304a37984dc3ac13c24447a095b9 | Profiles of the RW components (<ref>) (panels a, c, d) and (<ref>) (panels b, e, f) for the cases: (a) (n, ℓ)=(2,1); (b) (n, ℓ)=(2,2) with α_0=12.5; (c) and (d) (n, ℓ)=(3,1); (e) and (f) (n, ℓ)=(3,2) with α_0=12.5. | 2012.15538 | fig1.jpg |
0.427262 | f2678154de514d59a0be05bbdaa5042b | (a, b) Profiles | q(x,t)|/| a| of RW (<ref>) for c=(1, i/√(n), …, i/√(n))^T and (a) n=15 or (b) n∈ [1, 500]. (c, d) The profiles of RW (<ref>) for c=(1, 0,⋯,0, i,0,⋯,0)^T with odd n and c=(1,0,⋯,0, i/√(2), i/√(2),0,⋯,0)^T with even n: (c) |q_8(x,t)|/a_8 with the ultrahigh peak amplitude max(|q_8|/a_8)=17 for n=15; (d) The curves of max(|q_j(x,t)|/a_j)=|q_j(0,0)|/a_j for j=(n+1)/2 with odd n and j=n/2 with even n as n∈ [1,30]. | 2012.15538 | fig2new.jpg |
0.433535 | 893db419678c466796d513ff4afe9dfd | Numerical simulations of non-integrable 3-NLS equation (<ref>) with δ=0.05. Upper panes show evolution of |q_j|/a_j (j=1,2) two non-equal components (recall that due to the -symmetry |q_3|=|q_1|). Bottom panels show comparison of numerical solutions at t=0.41 (blue solid curves) and exact RWs (red dashed curves) corresponding to δ=0, i.e., given by Eq. (<ref>) [cf. with Figs. <ref>(c) and (d)]. | 2012.15538 | fig3.jpg |
0.478582 | 4817ca4c1a45419c84791263adc41e8d | Illustration of the prediction capability of our CP model when applied to cyclic deformations (in blue). As the number of cycle increases, hysteresis curves loose their roundness, until reaching saturation when no hardening is observed. The saturation stress τ_s exhibits a complicated dependence upon imposed strain per cycle with the existence of three stages perfectly predicted by the model. The hysteresis curve at saturation is also well reproduced (see insets). Experimental data (squares) correspond to the noteworthy work from <cit.> on Cu single crystals deformed in single glide conditions. | 2012.15540 | Figure_4.jpg |
0.505129 | f2eb3ff604764de4900d86d2ac34abef | 100 000 simulations (∼ 1 d 1 h 40 min) | 2012.15541 | 100000sim_1d1h40min.jpg |
0.471644 | b0f998153ef24350ae20849df8e14302 | Multiples of 10 000 simulations | 2012.15541 | 10multiplesof10000.jpg |
0.386743 | ddc53abb19e549efbde5c99492c0fd38 | Reserve surface, ρ=20% | 2012.15541 | EndowmentSurface1.jpg |
0.450821 | f44d41b5a20f46c9a4bbaca129bca576 | Surface of the difference | 2012.15541 | EndowmentSurfaceDiff.jpg |
0.428144 | 12e98ad679784677b9a14aaea0e0bfc3 | On top: Reserves for an endowment of $ 100 000 in × 1 000 units with no reduction (in blue) and with a reduction of 20% on premiums for interest rate above K=4% (in red). In the middle: difference between reserves. On the bottom: the corresponding interest rate (random) outcomes. The premiums obtained are π^0= $ 8 770.28 and π^ρ = $ 9 092.40 when r_0=3%. | 2012.15541 | Endows2sims_3_thisone.jpg |
0.491501 | eae2361f043e40318933dcd8311bb21e | On top: Reserves for a pension insurance of $ 20 000 yearly in × 1 000 units with no bonus (in blue) and with a bonus of 20% on pensions for interest rate regimes above K=4% (in red). In the middle: difference between reserves. On the bottom: the corresponding interest rate (random) outcomes. The premiums obtained are π^0= $ 8 611.31 and π^ρ = $ 8 910.87 | 2012.15541 | Rplot.jpg |
0.501613 | ef879689b71f4f58997432b0c39b92ca | On top: Reserves for a binary endowment of E_1=$ 150 000 in × 1 000 units if average rate is above K=4% and E_2=$ 100 000 otherwise. On the bottom: the corresponding interest rate (random) outcomes (dashed line) and the running average during the contract (solid line). The premium obtained was π= $ 9 516.71 when r_0=3%. Vasicek parameters: a=0.1, b=0.2, σ=0.01. | 2012.15541 | asian_bin_2.jpg |
0.43003 | d985c51e277f4357bce4bfdd27998a36 | Reserve surface for a caplet | 2012.15541 | call.jpg |
0.465758 | 73bfd2ec81a74e8aae01958d33eb96d1 | Reserve surface for a cap | 2012.15541 | cap.jpg |
0.397534 | 67efa34e314b4d95a63eb1a108ca43be | Reserve surface for a floor | 2012.15541 | floor.jpg |
0.445117 | 9a9b09358d8d49d1bb72691a208fc2ca | 10 000 simulations (∼ 2 h 36 min) | 2012.15541 | meandiff10000sim_2h36min.jpg |
0.51395 | c8549999a7944ee6b21071670a16a419 | 1 000 simulations (∼ 16 min) | 2012.15541 | meandiff1000sim_16min.jpg |
0.422209 | 2166ac556cc442b685c079b746bbe4d3 | 500 simulations (∼ 9h 31 minutes) | 2012.15541 | pension9h31min.jpg |
0.464411 | 87123bcfb0ad4ae9bb6c07b87d5bd559 | Multiples of 100 simulations. Dotted line corresponds to 10 and thick line to 500. | 2012.15541 | pension_mult_100_to_500.jpg |
0.418384 | 381acf536dc049bebdd29d64d7351193 | Surface of the difference | 2012.15541 | pensiondiffsurf.jpg |
0.401294 | 80b70b06078e43a0856313d41ffe3138 | Reserve surface, ρ=20% | 2012.15541 | pensionsurf35min.jpg |
0.405355 | 44e2fb8871bb4611a36e58691261d9e9 | Reserve surface for a floorlet | 2012.15541 | put.jpg |
0.444859 | cedbe255413e4c9992424a233823a7ad | A sample dialog between our dialog system GCS and a human, whereâBotâ is our system and âUserâ is the human. This dialog contains three dialog goals. We translate the original Chinese texts into English language. | 2012.15543 | case1.jpg |
0.4089 | 90c09be60606486a826325741723b46a | The procedure of dialog structure discovery. Figure (d) shows the discovered unified dialog structure graph. | 2012.15543 | fig2-5.jpg |
0.496695 | 7d347bee53f04ca098c90a19e5318e75 | Overview of DVAE-GNN. FFN denotes feed-forword neural networks and Emb refers to embedding layers | 2012.15543 | fig2-7.jpg |
0.402878 | 2636ea8d08b94b8e891e3611e8f02709 | Dialog structure grounded response generation. | 2012.15543 | fig3-2.jpg |
0.366409 | 7c6abeb106d54be68f478d262b4f11bc | A part of the unified dialog structure graph that extracted from Weibo corpus. Here, we interpret session-level semantics based on their child utterance-level semantic vertices. We translate the original Chinese texts into English language. | 2012.15543 | graph1-2.jpg |
0.409779 | d70fe6b3e8214d68a398490b38c151e2 | A part of the unified dialog structure graph that extracted from Douban corpus. Here, we interpret session-level semantics based on their child utterance-level semantic vertices. We translate the original Chinese texts into English language. | 2012.15543 | graph2-2.jpg |
0.427378 | 9ec5b5aa8d9345508cba0fc25a455017 | An overview of the edge generation procedure in <cit.> (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | BiGG.jpg |
0.488116 | a9764da808ce410c87f92f9046e3fe17 | Architecture Overview of <cit.> (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | Disentangle.jpg |
0.41817 | 1ccd0ae93ef442fabbfba72f119fce84 | An overview of GCPN <cit.> (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | GCPN.jpg |
0.450704 | 338874a5943049d2a4b78eb1ff644a87 | Flowchart of GraphGen <cit.>. | 2012.15544 | GraphGen.jpg |
0.428594 | db599474310c4d9d9c8b59337cc754d9 | The framework of GraphVRNN <cit.> (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | GraphVRNN.jpg |
0.476619 | dde89f4080a04ba49a881ce93f10a159 | An overview of MolGAN <cit.> (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | MolGAN.jpg |
0.408208 | 1224235a690e447eb15bc7bb3b0fa99c | An overview of MoleculeChef <cit.> (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | MoleculeChef.jpg |
0.464132 | 10a4e85d56b94842aac917aba05c9a42 | The architecture of NED-VAE <cit.> consisting of three sub-encoders, as well as two sub-decoders (reprinted with permission). | 2012.15544 | NED-VAE.jpg |
0.467062 | 3faaf0a7298e46c499a1b59b581f1aea | The framework of RGVAE <cit.> (reprinted with permission). The top flow corresponds to the standard VAE, while the bottom flow denotes the regularization, where a synthetic z^(l) is decoded to compute the constraints g_i(θ, z^(l))_+. | 2012.15544 | RGVAE.jpg |
0.499844 | 901b63958bf04851b837dd15a76b3e8f | An overview of the framework proposed by Shi et al. <cit.>. In the supervised learning phase, only the part in the gray box is trained. On the other hand, the whole architecture is involved in the reinforcement learning stage. | 2012.15544 | Shi.jpg |
0.487677 | 0ffa366bac6548bda417405b268531b6 | (a)The ground state phase diagram. (b) Finite-size clusters we treat in this study. J and J_D are inter and intra dimer interactions. The site labels, i, i_L, and i_R are used in the local mirror order parameter of eq. (<ref>) to detect the empty plaquette state. | 2012.15546 | PhaseDia-crop.jpg |
0.437729 | 5ebf6cf72f6a42eaa055dbbda7522bcc | The temperature dependencies of the specific heat per dimer and the nearest-neighbor two-point correlation function in the N=32 cluster. The upper (lower) panels show the results in J/J_D=0.50 (0.69) as the typical example in the dimer (empty plaquette) regions. The orange arrows point to the temperatures we treated for the real-space correlation functions. The color in each nearest-neighbor bond in (b-d) and (f-i) represents the intensity plot of the corresponding two-point correlation function S_i · S_j. The results in (b-d) and also in (f-h) are obtained through a random initial vector, respectively. The result in (i) is obtained from a different initial vector from that used in (f-h). | 2012.15546 | RealCorr2-crop.jpg |
0.378159 | ae226445ad0c4c9bbd19fe0065f92cae | The N=32 temperature dependence of the specific heat per dimer in J/J_D=0.5, 0.66, 0.69 and 0.74 for (a) T/J_D≤ 1 and (b) T/J_D≤0.2. | 2012.15546 | SpecificHeat-crop.jpg |
0.459831 | b6177936eac94666ac87b8a83e099c2e | (a) Energy spectrum in N=32 and J/J_D=0.69 obtained by the thick-restarted Lanczos method. The empty (filled) symbols show the results of total S=0 (1). The inset shows the momentum sector. (b-c) The real-space nearest-neighbor correlation function obtained in the lowest two states in the X sector. (d-e) The temperature dependencies of the total energy, the specific heat per dimer, and the local mirror order parameter in N=32 and J/J_D=0.69 obtained by our typicality method. | 2012.15546 | Spectrum2-crop.jpg |
0.475708 | 15b505c2f0294c65b5f95fa2ad7c065c | The temperature dependencies of the local mirror order parameters for empty plaquette and full plaquette in N=32 and J/J_D=0.69. The inset graphs show the empty (left) and full (right) plaquette pictures and the the labels in these pictures show the site information used for the corresponding local mirror order parameters. | 2012.15546 | Sup01-crop.jpg |
0.420848 | 5512f85fcdf444e0a34df24ce8693d42 | The size and temperature dependencies of (a) the specific heat and (b) the local mirror order parameter in J/J_D=0.69. The inset of (b) show the results of the real-space nearest-neighbor correlation function in the ground state of N=20 (left) and 32 (right) in J/J_D=0.69. | 2012.15546 | size-dep-heat-local-crop.jpg |
0.473161 | 09c2774634414c3b895e260c490d3d05 | Framework of . We use off-the-shelf pretrained cross-lingual encoders (such as XLM-R) to initialize both the encoder and decoder of the multilingual NMT model. Then we fine-tune the model on multilingual parallel data. | 2012.15547 | model.jpg |
0.466604 | 13e29959f461472ab02dd65283cea731 | Intermittent Network Faults | 2012.15548 | Intermittent_network_faults_average_reward_vs_episode.jpg |
0.50233 | 138892e9bc8a4259b641c07a4697dac6 | All Faults are Intermittent | 2012.15548 | Intermittent_sensor_and_network_faults_average_reward_vs_episode.jpg |
0.480241 | a2ac262b884c4480a9c0a6715b39d279 | Permanent Faults | 2012.15548 | Permanent_faults_average_reward_vs_episode.jpg |
0.416254 | b30e8b7660284a2abb57c34eefb856fe | Basic IoT setup. | 2012.15548 | systemFigure.jpg |
0.429943 | bb885b2c7fb44b3189cda67ffa38515d | True positive rate for M-bϵg-DQN agents tested in scenarios with Permanent Faults (PF), Intermittent Network Fautls (INF), Intermittent Sensor Faults (ISF) and Intermittent Network and Sensor Faults (ISNF). | 2012.15548 | true_positive_rate.jpg |
0.42765 | c5fb72bdd1324d25b7ec61c1ff6b6c2e | (a) Magnetization loop measured for a continuous EuS film at 5 K, with the field applied in the in-plane direction. (b) Contour plot showing the resistance of Al wire adjacent to the EuS layer as a function of the external field and the temperature. The arrow indicates the sweep direction of the magnetic field. These measurements and the measurements shown in the next two panels were performed on the sample S3. (c) The hysteresis of the resistance of the Al wire adjacent to the EuS layer at T=30 mK. (d) The B-field dependence of the resistance of the Al wire adjacent to the EuS layer at different temperatures. | 2012.15549 | AppendixFig6.jpg |
0.426138 | 4b46ca1cf04048b8a35f996f80b8c618 | (a) Experimental setup and schematic view of the FI/S bilayer. The S layer in contact with the FI has a thickness d. See Sec. <ref> for additional details on the experiment. (b) DoS of a homogeneous spin-split superconductor. | 2012.15549 | figure1.jpg |
0.474517 | 2a523c0aa008436090d7e2793a4f5e32 | DoS for (a) a superconductor of intermediate thickness (d=0.5ξ_0) and (b) thick superconductor (d=3ξ_0) at different distances from the FI/S interface: x=0 (green), x=d/2 (red) and x=d (blue). Note that the energy is normalized by the order parameter. The value of the exchange field is ha/ξ_0=0.3Δ, and we assume no magnetic impurities ( τ_ sf^-1=0). | 2012.15549 | figure2.jpg |
0.494877 | 7b7edb4a141b4d9f811ece1574f1d4ae | (a) DoS at x=d for different values of the spin-flip relaxation rate. The samples have a thickness d=ξ_s, and the value of the exchange field is ha/ξ_s=0.5T_c0. (b) Phase boundary for the second order phase transition. The solid part of the lines represent the critical exchange field for the second order transition, while the dashed lines correspond to the temperature range where the first order phase transition occurs. | 2012.15549 | figure3.jpg |
0.4206 | 4dce6ff73d104ed0af57574b3647488e | (a) Critical exchange field for different thicknesses of the superconductor and (b) temperature dependence of the critical thickness for different exchange fields in the magnetic impurity-free limit (τ_sf^-1=0). The inset in panel (a) corresponds to the critical exchange field in the thin limit (homogeneous case). The dashed part corresponds to the temperature region for which the transition is of first order. | 2012.15549 | figure4.jpg |
0.442456 | 567bb1ca4a5d485e9b151503fd11c06f | (a) The differential conductance of the S3 sample measured at 30 mK as a function of the external magnetic field and the voltage drop across the junction. The arrow indicates the direction of the magnetic field sweep. At B=10 mT most of the bottom Al film undergoes a transition into the superconducting state. (b) dI/dV-curves at three different values of B (B=4, B=12 and B=20 mT), indicated by dashed lines in (a). The solid lines correspond to the experimental data, whereas the dashed lines to the theoretical fitting. The values of the fitting parameters used in the theoretical model at B=0 are h̅=146 μeV, Δ_2=219 μeV and τ_sf^-1=38.5 μeV. (c) Effective exchange field, h̅, and self-consistent order parameter, Δ_2 of the bottom Al layer divided by √(2). The horizontal dashed lines represent the Chandrasekhar-Clogston critical field Δ_2,0/√(2) in the absence of magnetic impurities. (d) Magnetoresistance of the bottom Al film adjacent to the EuS layer measured at T=30 mK. | 2012.15549 | figure5.jpg |
0.434314 | 61d697c49db347bd99806281f10f6b68 | (Color online) The elastic modulus E (in units of εσ^-3) versus the applied stress (in units of εσ^-3) used during the cooling process for the tabulated values of the initial temperature. The elastic modulus was measured during tension along the ẑ direction with the rate 10^-5 τ^-1 at T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B and zero pressure. | 2012.15552 | E_Pzz_T001_15samples.jpg |
0.493258 | 5d535dd8bc9146698cd033fb772c2bba | (Color online) The system size along the ẑ direction during cooling from the indicated initial temperatures to T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B with the rate 10^-4ε/k_Bτ. The values of the applied stress (in units of εσ^-3) are listed in the legends. The vertical dashed lines denote times when the system temperature is 0.35 ε/k_B. The scales along the vertical axes are different on the upper and lower panels. | 2012.15552 | Lz_cool_Tst_036_038_040_042.jpg |
0.380202 | 5beed311b98243a3a0a1ef6095dc69d8 | (Color online) The radial distribution function, g_BB(r), after cooling to T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B from the initial temperatures (a) 0.36 ε/k_B, (b) 0.38 ε/k_B, (c) 0.40 ε/k_B, and (d) 0.42 ε/k_B. The values of the applied stress (in units of εσ^-3) along the ẑ direction are listed in the legends. | 2012.15552 | grBB_Tst_036_038_040_042_rb.jpg |
0.573467 | bcc1ed8b053e4566b8f131dff837d776 | (Color online) The potential energy per atom as a function of the applied stress (in units of εσ^-3) during cooling to the temperature T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B with the rate 10^-4ε/k_Bτ. The values of the initial temperature (in units of ε/k_B) are listed in the legend. The potential energy is computed at T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B and zero pressure. The data were averaged over 15 independent samples. | 2012.15552 | poten_Pzz_Tst_T001_15samples.jpg |
0.420839 | 1fa33f2173164db8ae3c2ccb2752ad33 | (Color online) The peak value of the stress overshoot σ_Y (in units of εσ^-3) as a function the applied stress (in units of εσ^-3) used during cooling to T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B for the indicated values of the initial temperature. The same samples and loading conditions as in Fig. <ref>. | 2012.15552 | sigY_Pzz_T001_15samples.jpg |
0.494897 | 3d7e17a44a5a4a94ba7d59898ee2cf75 | (Color online) The snapshot of the binary glass after cooling from T_LJ=0.36 ε/k_B to 0.01 ε/k_B with the rate 10^-4ε/k_Bτ and at the same time applying the constant stress 0.6 εσ^-3 along the ẑ direction. The stress components along the x̂ and ŷ directions are set to zero. The total number of atoms is 60 000. The atoms of types A and B are denoted by large blue and small red spheres. The atoms are not drawn to scale. | 2012.15552 | snapshot_system_60000.jpg |
0.471501 | 006d204039d64466877a12de2a8e9f54 | (Color online) The rate of strain along the ẑ direction (in units of τ^-1) during cooling from the initial temperatures to T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B with the rate 10^-4ε/k_Bτ. The same data as in Fig. <ref>. The initial temperatures are (a) 0.36 ε/k_B, (b) 0.38 ε/k_B, (c) 0.40 ε/k_B, and (d) 0.42 ε/k_B. The applied stress (in units of εσ^-3) along the ẑ direction is indicated in the legends. The vertical dashed lines denote the temperature of 0.35 ε/k_B. Note that the vertical scales are different on the upper and lower panels. | 2012.15552 | strain_zz_rate_smooth_cool_Tst_036_038_040_042.jpg |
0.427799 | 83ed20b8ab3d4b9fa0428a97da6e0d1a | (Color online) The variation of the normal stress (in units of εσ^-3) as a function of strain along the ẑ direction during steady loading with the rate 10^-5 τ^-1 at T_LJ=0.01 ε/k_B and zero pressure. The samples were prepared by cooling from the initial temperatures (a) 0.36 ε/k_B, (b) 0.38 ε/k_B, (c) 0.40 ε/k_B, and (d) 0.42 ε/k_B. The values of the applied stress during the cooling process are listed in the insets. See text for details. | 2012.15552 | stress_strain_Tst_036_038_040_042.jpg |
0.550633 | c497f01b408d4372bf0d9492bda32059 | The distributions of M_max[π^±ψ(2S)] from Y(4360) decays <cit.>. | 2012.15554 | pic1.jpg |
0.544421 | af2b6e65a4934ca491587a643db14052 | The distributions of M[π^±ψ(2S)] at √(s) =4.416 GeV (two entries per event) from BESIII <cit.>. | 2012.15554 | pic2.jpg |
0.406787 | fadb6fb4351c428fb4af639bc3f0a7a7 | Invariant mass spectra of weighted di-J/ψ candidates. This was adapted from figure S3 in <cit.>. | 2012.15554 | pic3.jpg |
0.412947 | 118ce80b6a8c41a98c86131c22a98ecf | Time–latitude diagrams: (a) monthly averaged B_z; (b) the deviation, (U_x)_d, of the 45-day running zonal-velocity average, U_x, from its mean over the whole interval considered, ⟨ U_x⟩, at d=0.50 Mm. The red curve shows the variation of the monthly sunspot number. | 2012.15555 | fig1.jpg |
0.406132 | 54b9b44328034f4d93e3600809c50eac | Time–latitude diagrams of (U_x)_d computed for the 365-day running average, U_x, at levels d=0.5, 4.0, 8.5, 15.0 Mm. Contours of monthly-averaged B_z (solid for positive and dotted for negative values) are superposed in panel (a). The red curve in each diagram shows the variation of the monthly sunspot number. | 2012.15555 | fig2.jpg |
0.405811 | baff5e73c2504a2883da46f0bf50d65a | Time–latitude diagrams of the (U_x)_d components: symmetric (a–b), and antisymmetric (c–d) with respect to the equator, (U_x)_d^s and (U_x)_d^a, at levels d=0.5 and 15.0 Mm. The red curve in each diagram shows the variation of the monthly sunspot number. Time variations in the rms (U_x)_d symmetric (e) and antisymmetric (f) components at levels d=0.5 and 15.0 Mm. | 2012.15555 | fig3.jpg |
0.393597 | 899b9e2d82bc4504a12e51cd61611763 | Left: time–latitude diagrams representing the 365-day running average of the meridional velocity, U_y, at levels d=0.5, 4.0, 8.5, 15.0 Mm; right: the deviation, (U_x)_d, of U_y from its mean over the whole interval considered, ⟨ U_y⟩, at the same levels. | 2012.15555 | fig4.jpg |
0.404435 | 294d5ee81823455ea61276d88266364a | Time–latitude diagrams of the (U_y)_d components: antisymmetric (a–b) and symmetric (c–d) with respect to the equator at levels d=0.5 and 15.0 Mm computed for the 365-day running average, U_x. The red curve in each diagram shows the variation of the monthly sunspot number. Time variations in the rms U_y (e–f) and rms (U_y)_d (g–h) of the symmetric (solid curves) and antisymmetric (dashed curves) components at levels d=0.5 and 15.0 Mm. | 2012.15555 | fig5.jpg |
0.41857 | 4de2a373ca9646e286577ee9b8ae3226 | The width of the wings in temperature(T_w) as a function of K for the repulsive BEG model. The main plot shows that as K decreases, the width in temperature goes to zero. The inset is the semi-log plot for the same. | 2012.15557 | K-dT.jpg |
0.423029 | 4cec2e7ba7384c01b2916d26e92f131c | The value of crystal field(Δ) and temperature(T) along the λ_+ line at K=-0.4 in the microcanonical ensemble. The main plot shows the λ_+ line in the Δ-H plane, where the value of Δ increases almost linearly with H. From our numerical data, the variation of this line comes out to be Δ≃ (K+1)/2 + H. Bottom Inset: The λ_+ line in the ϵ -H plane. The value of ϵ decreases and finally saturates at ϵ_sat, which is numerically predicted to be (K + 1)/8. Top Inset: The λ_+ line in the T-H plane, showing similar qualitative behaviour as in the ϵ-H plot. The value of T saturates for large H at (K + 1)/4. | 2012.15557 | MC_wings_k_minus_pt_4.jpg |
0.489676 | 3328968814624849acea25aee3e632e8 | Plot of f_1, f_2 and f_3 in β-Δ plane. (a) K=-0.4 at H=0. The intersection of the three derivative lines give the critical point at a non-zero value of m, which gives the locus of the BEP at which the λ_± lines meet in the H=0 plane. (b) K=-2 at H=0. The three lines never intersect simultaneously for any value of m, which shows that there are no critical points. | 2012.15557 | beta-deltafortwok.jpg |
0.51309 | 1791f0db590e499fbffcd23e10849067 | Ensemble inequivalence in the Blume-Emery-Griffiths model (K ≠ 0). (a) The product of βΔ at the BEP, as a function of K. We note that the difference in the β _BEPΔ_BEP decreases to zero as K → -1. (b) The locus of λ_+ line (product of βΔ) for K=-0.3, for the two ensembles. These lines are different in the two ensembles in the small H regime, however, the lines tend to become closer as H increases. In the inset, we plot the difference in the value of βΔ as a function of H, for the two ensembles. The difference decreases with increasing H. | 2012.15557 | ensemble_inequivalence_BEM.jpg |
0.471514 | 868499d8cd3146aa827115bf4a8f2a0e | Ensemble inequivalence in the Blume-Capel model (K=0). We show the locus of the λ_+ line (product of βΔ) as a function of H, which is different for the two ensembles. In the inset, we plot the difference in the value of βΔ for the two ensembles, as a function of H. This value decreases to zero almost exponentially. | 2012.15557 | inequivalence_k_0.jpg |
0.460056 | 00d351d0246a4ad7bee4f6e352275a97 | Schematic phase diagram of the repulsive BEG model in the (T-Δ-H) space for both canonical and microcanonical ensembles. Solid lines represent the critical lines(λ, λ_±) and the dashed lines represent the lines of first order transition. The λ line is the line of continuous transition between the ferromagnetic phase(m ≠ 0) and the paramagnetic phase(m=0) in the H=0 plane, whereas the λ _± lines are the line of continuous transition in the ± H planes respectively. The solid circle represents the tricritical point(TCP), where the λ and λ_± lines meet. The star symbol represents the bicritical end point(BEP), where the λ_± lines meet inside the ordered region. The square symbol represents the critical end point(CEP), where the λ line terminates on the first order line. (a) Shows the phase topology in the Canonical ensemble, for the range: -0.1838 ≤ K ≤ 0 and in the, Microcanonical ensemble for: -0.0828 ≤ K ≤ 0. In this regime the critical lines(λ _±) meet the λ line at the TCP. (b) Is the phase topology in the Canonical ensemble for the range: -1 < K < -0.1838 and, in the Microcanonical ensemble for the range: -1 < K < -0.0828. Here the λ _± lines move inside the ordered region and meet at the BEP. The λ line terminates on the first order line at a CEP. (c) Shows the phase topology for both Canonical and, Microcanonical ensembles at K=-1. In both the ensemble the wings as well as the BEP and CEP reaches T=Δ=0. (d) Topology of the phase diagram for K < -1 for both the Canonical and, Microcanonical ensembles. Only the λ transition remains. The only transition is from the ferromagnetic state to the paramagnetic state in the H=0 plane. | 2012.15557 | k0.jpg |
0.419892 | ae1e1c9413424517b1693a853ae3f587 | Variation of BEP and the width of the wings (ϵ_w and T_w) with K. (a) ϵ_BEP decreases as K tends to -1, and appears to meet at ϵ=0 at K=-1. Inset show the variation of the width of wings in ϵ. We note that the width decreases exponentially as K tends to -1. (b) T_BEP with K showing similar qualitative behaviour as ϵ_BEP. Inset show the width of the wings in temperature T_w, which also decreases exponentially as K tends to -1. | 2012.15557 | k_vs_BEP_width.jpg |
0.443635 | d4d4b3456f3e4ab490c0eb6527ba2897 | Non-monotonic variation of the ϵ as a function of H along the λ_+ line for positive K. (a) The variation of ϵ along the λ_+ line for various K. For small K, the curve is monotonic; ϵ decreases with H and then saturates. For large K, ϵ varies non-monotonically with H. (b) Variation of ϵ_1 and ϵ_2 for K=0.20 and K=2.0. The variation of ϵ_1 is similar for small and large K values, however, the qualitative nature in the variation of ϵ_2 is different for small and large K. This is the cause of the non-monotonic variation in ϵ. | 2012.15557 | non_monotonicity_positive_k.jpg |
0.392721 | 041174e262da4e7d84c87a5590166ca4 | The value of temperature(T) and the crystal field(Δ) as a function of H along the λ_+ line in canonical ensemble for K=-0.6. The main plot shows that the temperature decreases exponentially with H and it saturates towards a certain temperature(T_sat) for high magnetic field. The inset shows how Δ increases linearly with H. | 2012.15557 | wings06.jpg |
0.500837 | 7e9c692c063a47d090f6c4a0237e941f | Plot for the non-monotonic behaviour of temperature(T) as a function of magnetic field(H) along the λ_+ line for K=2.89. The inset shows that for lower H, T decreases with H like before, but for higher H it increases and saturates to a higher value(T_sat) shown in the main plot. | 2012.15557 | wings289.jpg |
0.452982 | ad6418f8d4a34775bb7084527def6403 | Left: the front projection of the zero section j^10 ⊂ J^1(/)=J^1S^1 and a standard Legendrian unknot Λ_0. Middle: The result of a Legendrian RI-move on each component, Λ_- denotes the union of the two components. Right: The Legendrian Λ_+ which is the result after a cusp-connected sum along the dotted arc shown in the middle picture. Λ_+ is Legendrian isotopic to the zero section (Λ_+ is obtained by performing two RI-moves on the zero-section). | 2012.15559 | c.jpg |
Subsets and Splits