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6 values
| Category | X | Y | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0470696 | 0.0029189 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0232601 | 0.00177565 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.00913134 | 0.00092166 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.00431711 | 0.000742596 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.000706436 | 0.000329373 | | [unnamed data series #0] | -7.84929e-05 | 0.000108988 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.000130822 | 0.000198519 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.00018315 | 0.000294938 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0470696 | 0.00299466 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0230508 | 0.00192717 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.00892203 | 0.00113516 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.00431711 | 0.000666839 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.000811094 | 0.00026739 | | [unnamed data series #1] | -7.84929e-05 | 0.00021918 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 7.84929e-05 | 9.52135e-05 |
| title | Young | | What | 1.75862 | | Who | 1.94671 | | Where | 1.88401 | | When | 0.84953 | | Why | 1.3511 | | Overall | 7.24451 | | What | 1.60188 | | Who | 1.85266 | | Where | 2.0094 | | When | 1.2884 | | Why | 1.03762 | | Overall | 7.4953 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0100114 | 0.0429062 | 0.0219108 | 0 | 0.0323799 | HTG-intergenic | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.00451945 | 0.0394737 | 0.016762 | -0.000114416 | 0.0235698 | Core-intergenic | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.000743707 | 0.02746 | 0.0120709 | -0.000114416 | 0.0171625 | HTG-intergenic | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.000286041 | 0.0324943 | 0.00474828 | -0.000114416 | 0.01373 | Core-intergenic |
| title | 14 years of age | | Vocational subjects | 30.9761 | | Specialization in general studies | 41.4651 | | Sport subjects | 78.6838 | | Vocational subjects | 41.8034 | | Specialization in general studies | 41.4651 | | Sport subjects | 93.233 | | Vocational subjects | 34.3597 | | Specialization in general studies | 36.0514 | | Sport subjects | 92.8946 |
| title | Major Allele | | alph | 0.995941 | | bru-2 | 1.12582 | | cdi | 1.10108 | | CG1273 | 1.20622 | | CG4440 | 1.17994 | | CG7196 | 1.27889 | | CG9650 | 1.28044 | | CG10864 | 1.30209 | | CG15365 | 1.29745 | | CG33970 | 1.45825 | | dpr6 | 1.10417 | | Eip75B | 1.12582 | | grp | 0.907808 | | jing | 1.16448 | | lola | 0.949556 | | MESR3 | 1.12737 | | Oaz | 1.30982 | | pk | 1.35466 | | Ptp61F | 1.21241 | | Ubx | 1.32373 | | alph | 1.00831 | | bru-2 | 1.12891 | | cdi | 1.07944 | | CG1273 | 1.3191 | | CG4440 | 1.08871 | | CG7196 | 1.30363 | | CG9650 | 1.26498 | | CG10864 | 1.36548 | | CG15365 | 1.22632 | | CG33970 | 1.39177 | | dpr6 | 1.13355 | | Eip75B | 1.16448 | | grp | 0.929455 | | jing | 1.16911 | | lola | 0.965017 | | MESR3 | 1.13664 | | Oaz | 1.41805 | | pk | 1.3562 | | Ptp61F | 1.12737 | | Ubx | 1.35311 |
| Category | X | Y | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1960 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1961.07 | 0.433333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1962.03 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1962.97 | 0.85 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1964.12 | 1.68333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1964.95 | 0.85 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1966.02 | -0.15 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1967.06 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1968.05 | -0.233333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1969.02 | -0.525 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1969.97 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1971.13 | -0.316667 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1972.12 | 0.683333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1973.05 | 1.51667 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1974.01 | -0.15 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1975.05 | 2.51667 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1975.99 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1976.98 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1978.05 | -0.15 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1979.12 | 0.85 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1980.07 | 1.475 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1981.06 | 1.475 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1982.09 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1983.05 | 2.43333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1984.02 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1985.05 | 0.725 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1986 | 3.6 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1987.03 | 2.35 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1988.1 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1989.12 | 0.6 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1990.14 | -0.4 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1991.13 | 7.68333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1992.06 | 5.51667 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1993.08 | 13.35 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1994.09 | 6.68333 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1995.08 | 7.51667 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1996.07 | 13.5167 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1997.03 | 14.6833 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1998.08 | 22.5485 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 1999.09 | 33.6034 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2000.05 | 34.7848 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2001.04 | 30.6498 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2002.03 | 52.8439 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2003.05 | 55.1224 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2004.01 | 63.1 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2006.04 | 70.1 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2010.08 | 81.7449 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2005.08 | 87.8354 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2007.03 | 96.642 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2008.05 | 100.85 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2011.06 | 110.85 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 2009.04 | 122.6 |
| Category | X | Y | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0139004 | 1.09189 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0178372 | 0.687107 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0238153 | 1.27469 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0379587 | 1.80133 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0238153 | 1.88403 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0277521 | 2.02766 | | [unnamed data series #2] | 0.0378129 | 2.07554 | | [unnamed data series #2] | 0.0257108 | 2.26705 | | [unnamed data series #2] | 0.0278979 | 2.39327 | | [unnamed data series #3] | 0.145419 | 0.761099 | | [unnamed data series #3] | 0.0997813 | 0.808976 | | [unnamed data series #3] | 0.0736817 | 1.92756 | | [unnamed data series #3] | 0.0497691 | 2.54996 | | [unnamed data series #4] | 0.0777643 | 0.734984 | | [unnamed data series #4] | 0.103572 | 0.338911 | | [unnamed data series #4] | 0.115674 | 0.517361 |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | Others | 7.3 | | Negative beliefs | 16.4 | | Evidence | 23.6 | | Knowledge | 21.8 | | Technology | 41.8 | | Commercial | 47.3 |
| title | Male | | 18-24 | 7.58 | | 25-34 | 14.75 | | 35-44 | 18.97 | | 45-54 | 25 | | 55-64 | 23.1 | | 65&above | 20 | | Total | 17.57 | | 18-24 | 4.07 | | 25-34 | 7.2 | | 35-44 | 16.06 | | 45-54 | 18.61 | | 55-64 | 13 | | 65&above | 14.67 | | Total | 11.92 |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | 0-3 months | 0.493868 | | 4-6 months | 0.124002 | | 7-9 months | -0.000583998 | | 10-12 months | 0.00720265 | | 13-60 months | 0.423788 | | 61-120 months | 0.700214 | | >120 months | 0.875414 |
| title | Not likely | | Fruit | 0.22 | | Vegetable | 0.402 | | French fries | 0.072 | | Fruit | 0.78 | | Vegetable | 0.598 | | French fries | 0.928 |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | System development | 4.93e-12 | | RNA splicing | 9.09e-11 | | Anatomical structure morphogenesis | 6.14e-06 | | Nervous system development | 1.15e-07 | | Neurogenesis | 4.85e-06 | | Generation of neurons | 2.16e-05 | | Neuron development | 3.12e-05 |
| title | LA | | Green exercise | 0.508149 | | Exercise in the gym | 0.130637 | | Organized sports | 0.0874282 | | Active transport | 0.205685 | | Walking the dog | 0.107896 | | Occupational PA | 0.157927 | | Other | 0.057864 | | Green exercise | 0.693872 | | Exercise in the gym | 0.32849 | | Organized sports | 0.201136 | | Active transport | 0.248894 | | Walking the dog | 0.142008 | | Occupational PA | 0.157927 | | Other | 0.0760573 | | Green exercise | 0.687808 | | Exercise in the gym | 0.370941 | | Organized sports | 0.189008 | | Active transport | 0.269361 | | Walking the dog | 0.237523 | | Occupational PA | 0.267087 | | Other | 0.129879 |
| title | pH 4-7-10-7-4 | | Ar/O2=10/0 | 36.9364 | | Ar/O2=9/1 | 21.0856 | | Ar/O2=8/2 | 3.10356 | | Ar/O2=7/3 | 5.10157 | | Ar/O2=10/0 | 29.0776 | | Ar/O2=9/1 | 6.16717 | | Ar/O2=8/2 | 4.16916 | | Ar/O2=7/3 | 6.16717 || Ar/O2=10/0 | 6.16717 | | Ar/O2=9/1 | 4.16916 | | Ar/O2=8/2 | 0.17316 | | Ar/O2=7/3 | 6.16717 |
| Category | X | Y | | 90% o- uts | 379924 | 0.900658 | | 90% o- uts | 209633 | 0.899597 | | 85% o- uts | 995908 | 0.850094 | | 85% o- uts | 987773 | 0.848679 | | 80% o- uts | 991832 | 0.799883 | | 80% o- uts | 995908 | 0.799176 | | 70% o- uts | 995908 | 0.700877 | | 70% o- uts | 995908 | 0.70017 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 70.4954 | 303.254 | 123.079 | 3.69822 | 184.103 | 2-3 years | | [unnamed data series #0] | 170.974 | 673.077 | 247.589 | 11.0947 | 381.965 | 4-8 years | | [unnamed data series #0] | 247.781 | 880.178 | 379.068 | 36.9822 | 562.13 | 9-13 years | | [unnamed data series #0] | 316.198 | 1050.3 | 382.766 | 51.7751 | 615.754 | 14-16 years |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | 0 | 101.327 | | 6.25 | 116.138 | | 12.5 | 127.678 | | 25 | 141.912 | | 50 | 152.299 | | 100 | 166.147 |
| title | South | | Sidewalks | 77.5034 | | Other walkability | 71.4678 | | Mixed use* | 65.7064 | | Bike-pedestrian trails/paths | 58.5734 | | Street connectivity*** | 44.5816 | | Bike-pedestrian connectivity*** | 44.5816 | | Bike parking** | 35.5281 | | Crosswalks*** | 29.7668 | | Code Reform Zoning*** | 22.3594 | | Bike lanes*** | 17.4211 | | Sidewalks | 77.5034 | | Other walkability | 72.5652 | | Mixed use* | 68.9986 | | Bike-pedestrian trails/paths | 55.5556 | | Street connectivity*** | 30.0412 | | Bike-pedestrian connectivity*** | 33.882 | | Bike parking** | 30.8642 | | Crosswalks*** | 19.3416 | | Code Reform Zoning*** | 11.1111 | | Bike lanes*** | 7.54458 |
| Category | X | Y | | Actual test set classification | 35.0852 | -0.00431499 | | Actual test set classification | 26.0341 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 20 | 0.990291 | | Actual test set classification | 16.983 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 6.95864 | 0.994606 | | Actual test set classification | 1.94647 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 0.924574 | 0.994606 | | Actual test set classification | 3.01703 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 3.99027 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 5.06083 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 5.93674 | 0.990291 | | Actual test set classification | 8.0292 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 9.00243 | 0.990291 | | Actual test set classification | 10.0243 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 10.9489 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 12.0195 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 12.8954 | 0.994606 | | Actual test set classification | 13.9659 | 0.990291 | | Actual test set classification | 15.0365 | 0.990291 | | Actual test set classification | 15.9611 | 0.990291 | | Actual test set classification | 18.0535 | 0.996764 | | Actual test set classification | 18.9781 | 0.992449 | | Actual test set classification | 21.0706 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 22.0438 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 23.017 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 24.0876 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 24.9635 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 27.056 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 27.9805 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 28.9051 | -0.00647249 | | Actual test set classification | 30.0243 | -0.00431499 | | Actual test set classification | 30.9976 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 32.0195 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 32.9927 | -0.00431499 | | Actual test set classification | 34.0146 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 35.9611 | -0.00431499 | | Actual test set classification | 36.837 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 38.1022 | -0.0021575 | | Actual test set classification | 38.9781 | 0 | | Actual test set classification | 39.9027 | 0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 40.0973 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 38.9781 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 38.0535 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 37.0316 | -0.00647249 | | Predicted test set classification | 36.0584 | -0.00431499 | | Predicted test set classification | 34.0146 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 33.0414 | -0.00647249 | | Predicted test set classification | 32.0681 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 30.9976 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 30.0243 | -0.00647249 | | Predicted test set classification | 29.0998 | -0.00647249 | | Predicted test set classification | 28.0779 | -0.00431499 | | Predicted test set classification | 26.9586 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 24.9635 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 24.0876 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 23.0657 | -0.00431499 | | Predicted test set classification | 21.9465 | 0 | | Predicted test set classification | 20.9732 | -0.00647249 | | Predicted test set classification | 1.99513 | -0.00431499 | | Predicted test set classification | 7.0073 | -0.00647249 | | Predicted test set classification | 16.9343 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 19.9513 | -0.0021575 | | Predicted test set classification | 35.0365 | 0.994606 | | Predicted test set classification | 26.1314 | 0.988134 | | Predicted test set classification | 19.1241 | 0.992449 | | Predicted test set classification | 18.0535 | 0.992449 | | Predicted test set classification | 16.0097 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 15.0365 | 0.992449 | | Predicted test set classification | 14.0633 | 0.992449 | | Predicted test set classification | 13.0414 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 12.0681 | 0.994606 | | Predicted test set classification | 11.1436 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 9.92701 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 8.90511 | 0.992449 | | Predicted test set classification | 8.0292 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 5.83942 | 0.996764 | | Predicted test set classification | 4.91484 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 3.94161 | 0.988134 | | Predicted test set classification | 2.91971 | 0.990291 | | Predicted test set classification | 0.924574 | 0.992449 |
| Category | X | Y | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 27.9489 | 581.176 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 23.9498 | 473.736 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 19.9458 | 350.945 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 15.9443 | 313.36 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 11.9451 | 213.212 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | -0.0501882 | -1.001 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 3.96487 | 51.8519 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 7.97992 | 107.908 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 15.9476 | 170.975 | | 0.2 wt%-Pt/Gd2FeSbO7 | 15.9476 | 170.975 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | -0.230866 | 2.73607 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 3.86449 | 45.4454 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 7.85947 | 90.8242 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 11.8512 | 170.135 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 15.8578 | 238.852 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 19.8515 | 274.583 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 23.861 | 391.417 | | 1.0 wt%-NiO/Gd2FeSbO7 | 27.8478 | 451.879 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | -0.0301129 | 0.600601 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 3.98494 | 33.1665 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 7.97992 | 71.6049 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 11.9474 | 138.154 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 11.9474 | 138.154 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 15.9476 | 170.975 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 15.9476 | 170.975 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 27.9481 | 338.305 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 23.9498 | 279.409 | | 1.0 wt%-RuO2/Gd2FeSbO7 | 19.9437 | 217.935 |
| Category | X | Y | | 0% | 4.98988 | 15.0714 | | 0% | 3.99798 | 14.5372 | | 0% | 2.99595 | 14.0853 | | 0% | 2.48988 | 13.5511 | | 0% | 1.99393 | 13.058 | | 0% | 1.49798 | 12.0308 | | 0% | 0.90081 | 11.2912 | | 0% | 0.647773 | 9.64766 | | 0% | 0.607287 | 8.57935 | | 0% | 0.495951 | 7.59322 | | 0% | 0.404858 | 6.03184 | | 0% | 0.313765 | 4.05958 | | 0% | 0.242915 | 3.03236 | | 2% | 4.97976 | 12.0308 | | 2% | 3.99798 | 11.4967 | | 2% | 2.99595 | 10.4694 | | 2% | 1.99393 | 10.0175 | | 2% | 1.49798 | 9.44222 | | 2% | 1.00202 | 8.53826 | | 2% | 0.607287 | 7.34669 | | 2% | 0.506073 | 5.53878 | | 2% | 0.192308 | 2.04622 | | 5% | 4.97976 | 10.0175 | | 5% | 3.98785 | 10.0586 | | 5% | 2.99595 | 9.5244 | | 5% | 1.98381 | 8.57935 | | 5% | 1.58907 | 8.0452 | | 5% | 1.39676 | 7.51104 | | 5% | 1.20445 | 7.05907 | | 5% | 0.991903 | 6.566 | | 5% | 0.809717 | 6.03184 | | 5% | 0.597166 | 5.29224 | | 5% | 0.202429 | 2.58038 | | 5% | 0.101215 | 1.14227 | | 5% | 0.323887 | 3.6076 | | 5% | 0.404858 | 4.51156 | | 7% | 4.98988 | 9.03133 | | 7% | 3.99798 | 7.55213 | | 7% | 2.99595 | 7.05907 | | 7% | 1.98381 | 6.566 | | 7% | 1.48785 | 6.03184 | | 7% | 1.00202 | 5.29224 | | 7% | 0.698381 | 4.59373 | | 7% | 0.495951 | 4.10067 | | 7% | 0.404858 | 3.52542 | | 7% | 0.313765 | 2.62147 | | 7% | 0.192308 | 1.59425 | | 7% | 0.111336 | 1.10118 |
| title | Normal weight (BMI <25) | | Iraqi men and women N=96 | 0.158016 | | Swedish men and women N=79 | 0.328033 | | Iraqi men and women N=96 | 0.392039 | | Swedish men and women N=79 | 0.40204 | | Iraqi men and women N=96 | 0.448045 | | Swedish men and women N=79 | 0.268027 |
| title | Very qualified | | Dietitian (n=384) | 75.7786 | | Weight consultant (n=346) | 56.1397 | | Lifestyle coach (n=315) | 29.1609 | | General practitioner (n=385) | 16.0682 | | Practice nurse (n=363) | 16.8617 | | Nurse (n=337) | 7.53819 | | Psychologist (n=329) | 5.75283 | | Dietitian (n=384) | 17.4569 | | Weight consultant (n=346) | 29.3593 | | Lifestyle coach (n=315) | 39.6747 | | General practitioner (n=385) | 33.7235 | | Practice nurse (n=363) | 32.5332 | | Nurse (n=337) | 33.9218 | | Psychologist (n=329) | 21.6227 | | Dietitian (n=384) | 4.16584 | | Weight consultant (n=346) | 10.3154 | | Lifestyle coach (n=315) | 21.8211 | | General practitioner (n=385) | 39.2779 | | Practice nurse (n=363) | 37.0958 | | Nurse (n=337) | 42.4519 | | Psychologist (n=329) | 42.2535 | | Dietitian (n=384) | 2.77723 | | Weight consultant (n=346) | 4.56259 | | Lifestyle coach (n=315) | 9.52192 | | General practitioner (n=385) | 10.9105 | | Practice nurse (n=363) | 13.4894 | | Nurse (n=337) | 16.2666 | | Psychologist (n=329) | 30.5495 |
| title | Weekend sitting | | 2300 to 2400 | 0.842954 | | 2200 to 2300 | 0.786116 | | 2100 to 2200 | 0.770722 | | 2000 to 2100 | 0.699674 | | 1900 to 2000 | 0.653493 | | 1800 to 1900 | 0.640468 | | 1700 to 1800 | 0.625074 | | 1600 to 1700 | 0.58955 | | 1500 to 1600 | 0.568236 | | 1400 to 1500 | 0.578893 | | 1300 to 1400 | 0.568236 | | 1200 to 1300 | 0.556394 | | 1100 to 1200 | 0.55521 | | 1000 to 1100 | 0.600207 | | 0900 to 1000 | 0.683097 | | 0800 to 0900 | 0.803878 | | 0700 to 0800 | 0.915187 | | 0600 to 0700 | 0.968472 | | 0500 to 0600 | 0.982682 | | 0400 to 0500 | 0.981498 | | 0300 to 0400 | 0.977946 | | 0200 to 0300 | 0.956631 | | 0100 to 0200 | 0.934133 | | 2400 to 0100 | 0.879663 | | 2300 to 2400 | 0.116045 | | 2200 to 2300 | 0.162226 | | 2100 to 2200 | 0.17762 | | 2000 to 2100 | 0.219065 | | 1900 to 2000 | 0.258141 | | 1800 to 1900 | 0.251036 | | 1700 to 1800 | 0.243931 | | 1600 to 1700 | 0.264062 | | 1500 to 1600 | 0.278271 | | 1400 to 1500 | 0.280639 | | 1300 to 1400 | 0.272351 | | 1200 to 1300 | 0.294849 | | 1100 to 1200 | 0.290112 | | 1000 to 1100 | 0.26643 | | 0900 to 1000 | 0.21788 | | 0800 to 0900 | 0.138544 | | 0700 to 0800 | 0.0603908 | | 0600 to 0700 | 0.0189461 | | 0500 to 0600 | 0.0071048 | | 0400 to 0500 | 0.00828893 | | 0300 to 0400 | 0.00947306 | | 0200 to 0300 | 0.0260509 | | 0100 to 0200 | 0.0426288 | | 2400 to 0100 | 0.0864417 | | 2300 to 2400 | 0.0355451 | | 2200 to 2300 | 0.0454411 | | 2100 to 2200 | 0.0446799 | | 2000 to 2100 | 0.0750444 | | 1900 to 2000 | 0.0852575 | | 1800 to 1900 | 0.104204 | | 1700 to 1800 | 0.127886 | | 1600 to 1700 | 0.14328 | | 1500 to 1600 | 0.150385 | | 1400 to 1500 | 0.136175 | | 1300 to 1400 | 0.153937 | | 1200 to 1300 | 0.14328 | | 1100 to 1200 | 0.149201 | | 1000 to 1100 | 0.130255 | | 0900 to 1000 | 0.0959147 | | 0800 to 0900 | 0.0509177 | | 0700 to 0800 | 0.0189461 | | 0600 to 0700 | 0.00592066 | | 0500 to 0600 | 0.0071048 | | 0400 to 0500 | 0.00592066 | | 0300 to 0400 | 0.00947306 | | 0200 to 0300 | 0.0130255 | | 0100 to 0200 | 0.0165779 | | 2400 to 0100 | 0.0272351 |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | Baseline | 4.20244 | | HW Infrastructure | 18.2106 | | Nudges: footpaths only | 57.9756 | | Nudges: footpaths & painting | 67.9169 | | Nudges: footpaths & painting + 2 weeks | 73.7912 | | Nudges: footpaths & painting + 6 weeks | 73.7912 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.445714 | 0.697143 | 0.528571 | 0.3 | 0.585714 | 1 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.52 | 0.837143 | 0.577143 | 0.345714 | 0.654286 | 2 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.537143 | 0.731429 | 0.58 | 0.471429 | 0.631429 | 1 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.56 | 0.76 | 0.62 | 0.465714 | 0.671429 | 2 |
| Category | X | Y | | No coating with polyester resin and sand | 0.994452 | 1.77498 | | No coating with polyester resin and sand | 2.01138 | 1.78109 | | No coating with polyester resin and sand | 3.00583 | 1.74444 | | coating with polyester resin and sand | 1.00569 | 1.53066 | | coating with polyester resin and sand | 2.0095 | 1.68947 | | coating with polyester resin and sand | 3.00583 | 1.54288 |
| title | % availability | | Anesthesia Machine | 94.7066 | | Nerve Stimulator | 12.9464 | | EKG | 74.8087 | | Automated Blood Pressure Cuff | 88.074 | | Capnography | 60.1403 | | Pulse oximetry | 94.8342 | | Fibertropic Bronchoscope | 13.074 | | Any videoscope | 4.27296 | | Bougie | 72.8954 | | LMA | 88.7117 | | Laryngoscope | 99.9362 |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | 1= Ethical standards | 5.97592 | | 2 = Interaction with interrelated systems | 4.4555 | | 3= create oppurtunities | 4.92042 | | 4= Collaborate for development | 5.34764 | | 5 = minimize barriers | 5.4733 | | 6 = ensure availability of oppurtunities | 5.48586 | | 7 = Ensure use of oppurtunities | 4.25445 | | 8 = ensure management | 5.88796 | | 9 = ensure continuous improvement | 7.35812 | | 10 = advocate for role of public health | 5.73717 |
| title | Before | | B | 11.61 | | a | 19.76 | | 0 | 106.82 | | S | 21.09 | | Y | 19.02 | | B | 24.55 | | a | 28.37 | | 0 | 79.42 | | S | 28.94 | | Y | 18.24 |
| title | Least Effective | | Fliers/posters/Ads/Mailouts | 5.10204 | | Newsletters/ Newspapers | 0 | | Internet | 0 | | TV/radio | 2.091 | | Promotion via mail to doctor's surgeries | 1.92372 | | Media campaign | 0 | | Financial incentives | 0 | | Free gifts e.g. Pedometers, water bottles | 0 | | Diaries | 0 | | Phoneline | 0 | | Email | 0 | | Word of mouth (usually one to one) | 0 | | Info sessions to groups/ health professionals | 0 | | Phone calls | 0.08364 | | Referrals | 0 | | Community stalls | 0 | | Referral home visits | 0.92004 | | Walk promotion through partnerships | 0 | | [unnamed category #18] | 0.08364 | | Fliers/posters/Ads/Mailouts | 3.93108 | | Newsletters/ Newspapers | 6.02208 | | Internet | 2.00736 | | TV/radio | 2.9274 | | Promotion via mail to doctor's surgeries | 0.08364 | | Media campaign | 1.00368 | | Financial incentives | 1.00368 | | Free gifts e.g. Pedometers, water bottles | 1.00368 | | Diaries | 1.00368 | | Phoneline | 0 | | Email | 0 | | Word of mouth (usually one to one) | 0 | | Info sessions to groups/ health professionals | 21.0773 | | Phone calls | 2.9274 | | Referrals | 0 | | Community stalls | 1.08732 | | Referral home visits | 0.08364 | | Walk promotion through partnerships | 0 | | [unnamed category #18] | 2.9274 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0380808 | 0.0852525 | 0.046471 | 0.030101 | 0.0577778 | 2-5 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0329293 | 0.0458586 | 0.0363926 | 0.0321212 | 0.0410101 | 5-10 | | [unnamed data series #0] | 0.0305051 | 0.0416162 | 0.0350748 | 0.030101 | 0.0409091 | 10-20 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0363636 | 0.0616162 | 0.0428458 | 0.0293939 | 0.0488889 | 2-5 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.0328283 | 0.0494949 | 0.0391408 | 0.0258586 | 0.0415152 | 5-10 | | [unnamed data series #1] | 0.03 | 0.0407071 | 0.0332727 | 0.0238384 | 0.0350505 | 10-20 |
| title | Heroin | | 2008 | 214 | | 2009 | 252 | | 2010 | 213 | | 2011 | 311 | | 2012 | 474 | | 2013 | 650 | | 2014 | 1131 | | 2015 | 1371 | | 2008 | 396 | | 2009 | 379 | | 2010 | 363 | | 2011 | 315 | | 2012 | 268 | | 2013 | 245 | | 2014 | 183 | | 2015 | 159 | | 2008 | 2061 | | 2009 | 2073 | | 2010 | 2264 | | 2011 | 2390 | | 2012 | 2423 | | 2013 | 2282 | | 2014 | 2297 | | 2015 | 2306 |
| title | PDMS capillary column | | Simazine | 3.25733 | | Atrazine | 9.12052 | | Terbutylazine | 11.2378 | | Simazine | 30.1303 | | Atrazine | 50.3257 | | Terbutylazine | 45.2769 | | Simazine | 58.3062 | | Atrazine | 87.4593 | | Terbutylazine | 63.1922 |
| title | MAF =0 | | OIF | 1996.17 | | CHL | 1579.06 | | RAVA | 1102.36 | | CHM | 2234.52 | | BCF | 3873.16 | | LIM | 1489.68 | | TEX | 2085.55 | | SUF | 2234.52 | | MERA | 834.22 | | PAS | 744.839 | | NDV | 1042.78 | | BMC | 744.839 | | CDL | 1787.61 | | BB | 1489.68 | | ROMV | 3038.94 | | GRI | 1430.09 | | VDN | 1787.61 | | RO | 1340.71 | | TAR | 923.601 | | COR | 864.014 | | MOUR | 744.839 | | MTN | 1340.71 | | MTR | 1191.74 | | ROUS | 1936.58 | | ROME | 1519.47 | | MBB | 2234.52 | | AC-CONF | 1340.71 | | LAC-OL | 1638.65 | | LAC-GID | 1638.65 | | LAC-OM | 893.807 | | OIF | 4915.94 | | CHL | 4915.94 | | RAVA | 3724.2 | | CHM | 5064.91 | | BCF | 5213.88 | | LIM | 4171.1 | | TEX | 5064.91 | | SUF | 4915.94 | | MERA | 3575.23 | | PAS | 4022.13 | | NDV | 4320.07 | | BMC | 4171.1 | | CDL | 4618 | | BB | 4320.07 | | ROMV | 4766.97 | | GRI | 4469.04 | | VDN | 5064.91 | | RO | 4618 | | TAR | 3426.26 | | COR | 3724.2 | | MOUR | 3426.26 | | MTN | 4766.97 | | MTR | 4766.97 | | ROUS | 4766.97 | | ROME | 3724.2 | | MBB | 4320.07 | | AC-CONF | 4171.1 | | LAC-OL | 4320.07 | | LAC-GID | 3426.26 | | LAC-OM | 3575.23 | | OIF | 5303.26 | | CHL | 5243.67 | | RAVA | 5601.19 | | CHM | 5779.95 | | BCF | 5362.84 | | LIM | 5660.78 | | TEX | 5601.19 | | SUF | 6197.06 | | MERA | 6018.3 | | PAS | 5839.54 | | NDV | 5601.19 | | BMC | 5541.6 | | CDL | 6018.3 | | BB | 5839.54 | | ROMV | 4945.73 | | GRI | 5482.02 | | VDN | 6197.06 | | RO | 6077.89 | | TAR | 5482.02 | | COR | 6077.89 | | MOUR | 5899.13 | | MTN | 6077.89 | | MTR | 5720.37 | | ROUS | 6018.3 | | ROME | 5779.95 | | MBB | 6435.41 | | AC-CONF | 6197.06 | | LAC-OL | 5124.49 | | LAC-GID | 5779.95 | | LAC-OM | 6316.24 | | OIF | 6971.7 | | CHL | 7299.43 | | RAVA | 6673.76 | | CHM | 6226.86 | | BCF | 5750.16 | | LIM | 6673.76 | | TEX | 6137.48 | | SUF | 5541.6 | | MERA | 6971.7 | | PAS | 6405.62 | | NDV | 6495 | | BMC | 6524.79 | | CDL | 6733.35 | | BB | 6465.21 | | ROMV | 7329.22 | | GRI | 6465.21 | | VDN | 6286.44 | | RO | 6554.59 | | TAR | 7031.28 | | COR | 7031.28 | | MOUR | 7180.25 | | MTN | 6584.38 | | MTR | 6316.24 | | ROUS | 6286.44 | | ROME | 6882.32 | | MBB | 5601.19 | | AC-CONF | 5928.92 | | LAC-OL | 7865.5 | | LAC-GID | 6405.62 | | LAC-OM | 6822.73 | | OIF | 13407.1 | | CHL | 13556.1 | | RAVA | 15492.7 | | CHM | 13258.1 | | BCF | 12364.3 | | LIM | 14598.9 | | TEX | 13705 | | SUF | 13705 | | MERA | 15194.7 | | PAS | 15641.6 | | NDV | 15194.7 | | BMC | 15641.6 | | CDL | 13407.1 | | BB | 14449.9 | | ROMV | 12513.3 | | GRI | 14747.8 | | VDN | 13258.1 | | RO | 14003 | | TAR | 15790.6 | | COR | 14896.8 | | MOUR | 15343.7 | | MTN | 13854 | | MTR | 14598.9 | | ROUS | 13556.1 | | ROME | 14747.8 | | MBB | 14003 | | AC-CONF | 15045.8 | | LAC-OL | 13705 | | LAC-GID | 15343.7 | | LAC-OM | 15045.8 |
| title | Response rate- High Layoff plants | | 2006 | 71.3353 | | 2008 | 76.1107 | | 2009 | 83.2207 | | 2010 | 88.2083 | | 2011 | 86.4043 | | 2012 | 83.5391 | | 2006 | 68.7885 | | 2008 | 68.364 | | 2009 | 81.3106 | | 2010 | 90.8613 | | 2011 | 88.792 | | 2012 | 85.8737 | | 2006 | 72.0782 | | 2008 | 80.3555 | | 2009 | 84.388 | | 2010 | 86.7227 | | 2011 | 85.5554 | | 2012 | 85.1309 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | Absent | 1.01508 | 1.01508 | 1.01508 | 1.01508 | 1.01508 | Strawberry | | Absent | 1.00359 | 1.00359 | 1.00359 | 1.00359 | 1.00359 | Leafy greens | | Absent | 0.0100503 | 3.61091 | 0.0559943 | 0.0100503 | 1.52046 | Water | | Absent | 1.00933 | 3.30653 | 1.00933 | 0.704953 | 1.96267 | Soil | | Absent | 1.02082 | 5.99426 | 2.00287 | 0.992103 | 3.23762 | Fertilizer | | Present | 1.17588 | 1.50897 | 1.3654 | 1.16439 | 1.50897 | Strawberry | | Present | 2.0201 | 2.38191 | 2.1809 | 2.0201 | 2.36468 | Leafy greens | | Present | 1.43431 | 3.62814 | 2.35894 | 0.0272793 | 2.99067 | Water | | Present | 2.26705 | 4.36324 | 3.0883 | 2.01436 | 3.30079 | Soil | | Present | 2.02584 | 5.64968 | 3.84063 | 2.02584 | 5.64968 | Fertilizer |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | 0 | 0.0707773 | | 2 | 0.187277 | | 4 | 0.458877 | | 6 | 1.02102 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 34.2012 | 41.4201 | 34.9112 | 32.3669 | 38.0473 | Clam farm | | [unnamed data series #0] | 53.3728 | 92.426 | 69.9408 | 45.7396 | 73.5503 | Mangrove forest | | [unnamed data series #0] | 48.7574 | 65.6805 | 52.1893 | 41.3609 | 57.4556 | Paddy field | | [unnamed data series #0] | 51.9527 | 82.7219 | 61.1834 | 42.6627 | 77.8107 | River sed | | [unnamed data series #0] | 48.284 | 54.7337 | 51.5976 | 38.8757 | 54.7337 | Shrimp farm |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 13.031 | 16.1318 | 13.6885 | 11.849 | 14.934 | Pretraining | | [unnamed data series #0] | 13.164 | 16.2351 | 14.5188 | 12.5324 | 15.2379 | Training | | [unnamed data series #0] | 13.6765 | 17.3395 | 14.5347 | 13.3667 | 16.2112 | Posttraining | | [unnamed data series #0] | 13.468 | 16.7754 | 14.5228 | 12.9694 | 16.0305 | Detraining |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | Don't have time to get tested | 0.064 | | Don't know where to get tested | 0.069 | | Afraid of positive results | 0.073 | | Afraid of testing | 0.122 | | Ashamed of testing | 0.217 | | Presume to be HIV negative | 0.253 |
| title | [unnamed data series #0] | | Bam | 0.301918 | | Jiroft | 0.301918 | | Kahnooj | 0.169912 | | Kerman | 0.137803 | | Baft | 0.062881 | | Rafsanjan | 0.0438532 | | Bardsir | 0.0272039 | | Sirjan | 0.0200685 | | Shahrbabak | 0.00341916 | | Zarand | 0.00341916 | | Ravar | 0.00341916 |
| title | AB (high SES) | | Indian | 86.6615 | | Pakistani | 97.5783 | | Bangladeshi | 83.1251 | | Caribbean Ethnicity | 83.4326 | | African | 85.8928 | | Chinese | 92.6581 | | white-British | 56.3713 | | Indian | 66.3656 | | Pakistani | 64.0592 | | Bangladeshi | 62.906 | | Caribbean Ethnicity | 74.4378 | | African | 60.984 | | Chinese | 60.2153 | | white-British | 62.1372 | | Indian | 69.4407 | | Pakistani | 81.3569 | | Bangladeshi | 55.6025 | | Caribbean Ethnicity | 71.3627 | | African | 59.139 | | Chinese | 71.7471 | | white-British | 64.0592 | | Indian | 55.6025 | | Pakistani | 53.6037 | | Bangladeshi | 69.4407 | | Caribbean Ethnicity | 40.2268 | | African | 76.3598 | | Chinese | 99.8078 | | white-British | 64.828 | | Indian | 55.6025 | | Pakistani | 58.6777 | | Bangladeshi | 61.7528 | | Caribbean Ethnicity | 40.2268 | | African | 37.536 | | Chinese | -0.057659 | | white-British | 50.221 |
| title | WT Double Negative | | D0 | 1.51394 | | D12 | 4.7012 | | D12+FAC | 540.08 | | D0 | 1.51394 | | D12 | 36.9278 | | D12+FAC | 874.21 | | D0 | 1.33687 | | D12 | 5.2324 | | D12+FAC | 1.51394 | | D0 | 1.15981 | | D12 | 43.6565 | | D12+FAC | 1.51394 | | D0 | 3.63878 | | D12 | 7.88845 | | D12+FAC | 9.48207 | | D0 | 2.75343 | | D12 | 2.57636 | | D12+FAC | 1.51394 | | D0 | 795.591 | | D12 | 363.187 | | D12+FAC | 1.51394 | | D0 | 874.21 | | D12 | 14.6171 | | D12+FAC | 0.0973882 |
| Category | first quartile | max | median | min | third quartile | x | | [unnamed data series #0] | 111.818 | 123.215 | 114.512 | 102.079 | 118.657 | [unnamed category #0] | | [unnamed data series #0] | 48.6168 | 85.2944 | 64.987 | 36.1837 | 71.4108 | [unnamed category #1] | | [unnamed data series #1] | 91.511 | 116.17 | 97.5203 | 79.2851 | 108.296 | [unnamed category #0] | | [unnamed data series #1] | 66.2304 | 107.26 | 84.4655 | 51.3107 | 90.4749 | [unnamed category #1] |