I have a very strange topic to talk about.
Ok so I want to know what all of your views on aliens are. Like do you believe in them why and why not? Have you ever seen a spaceship/alien oriented object (as in strange lights in the sky)? I just want to know what your views are. Truthfully I believe in them because one day when I was driving home at night with my mom. I was focusing on the road when something caught my eye up in the sky. When I looked up I saw this really bright (what I had thought was a star) thing in the sky. All of a sudden it began to move forward I was like is that an airplane but it had been floating there not moving. So i kept watching it until it finally shot right then forward at really fast speeds. I had always thought of aliens as a possible thing until that day when I really began to believe in them. But again I want to know your views on this topic.
[ { "body": "firstly, I do believe that the chances of life outside of earth is a guarenteed \"yes\".\n\nnow, about your UFO experience. consider this anecdote:\n\nI once was driving home from work and saw a plane nosedive faster than I thought possible. I thought for sure I was witnessing a disaster headline in the making. but when I drove closer it became apparent that I was really watching a RC plane do tricks.", "score": 21 }, { "body": "Aliens as in life (any kind) on planets other than ours, yes. \n\nAliens as in highly evolved intelligent lifeforms 'equivalent' to ours, maybe but I doubt we will ever find out. \n \nHere is why, humans are tremendously tremendously tremendously evolved. One could argue that human life is the pinnacle of earth's species' evolution. But it took millions, billions, trillions, fuckmealongtime-illions of years for humans to evolve; meaning Earth has been hospitable for a very long time. \n\nBased off of the planets we can observe (planets in the \"hospitable zone,\" Mars seems to be a burnt out Earth...) I think it is statistically unlikely that there are other highly evolved intelligent beings within traveling distance of Earth. \n\nMaybe, if Earth doesn't die, humans will be able to travel further and survive off of the Earth long enough that we can discover other highly evolved intelligent life. But I doubt the Earth will survive us long enough. ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "IMO: Yes, there is life on other planets. It would make no sense if there wasn't. I'm sure there's even well developed civilizations out there with similar problems as ours. Have they visited us? I really doubt it. So many people in this world have cameras on them at all times. Someone would take a decent picture eventually.\n\nI'm thinking that decent proof would be coming to the surface by now if extraterrestrials were visiting.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Life outside Earth is pretty much guaranteed. No way are we the only ones in the universe.\n\nI don't believe Earth has encountered any alien life however. Our current perception on aliens are generally green, big head, flying around in saucers etc. etc. When a strange encounter (such as OP's) happens, because it relates to alien life portrayed by movies and comics etc. we think it's alien life. In reality, there is probably a rational explanation for it. \n\nIf there is life outside this world, it would mostly be in the form of bacteria and micro-organisms, as they that's how our life once started, billions of years passed to generate us. I think the probability coming across life similar to us would be incredibly small and something, I believe, the human race will never be capable of doing. Not unless technology increases to a point which seems impossible, e.g. travelling at the speed of light and easily landing on planets from far away galaxies.\n\n\nTL;DR alien life is certain, alien life similar to the human race will never encounter with us.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I 100% believe there is life, in some form, on other planets. I'm not yet convinced that there are other developed civilizations, and even if there are, I think people often underestimate how insanely different those civilizations would be from our own.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "1. I believe there's an extremely high probability that there's some form of life in another place of the universe.\n\n2. I believe there's a high probability that some of it is intelligent.\n\n3. I don't know.\n\n4. What made you think that what you saw had anything to do with aliens? Couldn't you come up with other likelier explanations?", "score": 3 } ]
Giving away 5 copies of Sleeping Dogs on PC.
Alright you lot. I have 5 copies of Sleeping Dogs to give away for PC. Contest ends at midnight EDT, that's 8 hours 20 minutes from the time of this post. In order to be in with a chance of winning, I need you to come up with a Sleeping Dogs related limerick and post it here. If you don't know what a limerick is, look it up. It's gotta have at least SOMETHING to do with Sleeping Dogs in a vague way. I'll pick the 5 best ones at the end of the evening and hand out the codes via Reddit PM. Needless to say, I'm not going based on on up/downvotes so don't bother downvoting other people to be in with a better chance of winning. GOOOO!!! ------------------ Contest is over. The winners are That_dumb_guy, Noodle155, linkingday, Carda39 and Rezudox. Here are their entries. That_dumb_guy A game cancelled by Activision Probably by their budget division Square Enix said hey Send that game our way So expect more cinematics than missions ---------------- Noodle155 There once was a guy called TB, Who fought with his friend called Jesse, 'You say this game sucks but here is the crux: You can go to the toilet and pee'. ------------------ linkingday There once were some games called True Crime And I thought they were quite sublime Third was cancelled too soon By some corporate goon Now to Activision I won't give a dime -------------------- Carda39 There once was a guy named TB / Who gave Sleeping Dogs out for free / But no one could win / 'Twas a horrible sin / Because no one had bothered to read --------------------- Rezudox The man is a biscuit quite total, His reviews are not anecdotal, This game he flogs, Its called sleeping dogs, His face is quite handsome not scrotal.
[ { "body": "A game cancelled by Activision\n\nProbably by their budget division\n\nSquare Enix said hey\n\nSend that game our way\n\nSo expect more cinematics than missions", "score": 151 }, { "body": "Watching 'wtf is sleeping dogs' was quite a shock/\n\n76 minutes on the clock/\n\na conclusion he gave twice/\n\nbut the game was really nice/\n\nTB loves the cock.\n\n(Not sure if that qualifies as a limerick, English isn't my native language, but hey, it's something!)", "score": 41 }, { "body": "There once was a Brit who was cynical\n\nBut only because he was quite critical\n\nPC ports were the worst\n\nSleeping Dogs was the first\n\nGame port that he thought was quite atypical", "score": 8 }, { "body": "there once was a man named Wei Shen,\n\nhe carried a gun not a pen,\n\nbut with all said and done,\n\nhe fired his gun,\n\nand ink blasted out from the end.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "There once were some games called True Crime\n\nAnd I thought they were quite sublime\n\nThird was cancelled too soon\n\nBy some corporate goon\n\nNow to Activision I won't give a dime\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "There once was a guy called TB,\nWho fought with his friend called Jesse,\n'You say this game sucks\nbut here is the crux:\nYou can go to the toilet and pee'.", "score": 3 } ]
Is unconsciously mimicking your SO's little phrases or mannerisms common? I started doing so with my girlfriend before she broke up with me a month ago. I still do them and it makes me sad every time because of the reminder!
I started copying the unique way she says hello or answers yes/no to people. Is this something people do or just me?
[ { "body": "Yes, extremely common. People will often mimic the mannerisms of those around them, not just significant others.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Definitely, I've caught myself starting to use small mannerisms even friends of mine use after we've hung out a lot for a month or two, and have noticed them doing the same, without being totally aware of it.\nI'm actually very glad I saw this because I've never heard anyone else being aware of it, so I've always wondered if maybe I was only aware of it because I did it way more than other people, and that somehow that meant I had less of a self-identity and just ended up becoming little things adding on top of each other of all the people I know.", "score": 3 } ]
Considering buying an AK-74M. Anyone have experience with it?
Just trying to get a better Idea of the rifle from anyone that's owned/fired one. If anyone could give a basic review that would be perfect. I assume the durability is great and it doesn't misfire/jam too often. How strong is the recoil on it? Compared to say an AR15 or an SKS?
[ { "body": "For me, the problem would likely be the price. I do not really want to drop 15 to 25 grand right now on something I can't use in my state at this time.\n\n", "score": 10 }, { "body": "A 5.45x39mm round would be comparable to the 5.56x45 in terms of recoil. The recoil is very mild. Surplus ammo is mildly corrosive. New-production ammo isn't.\n\nJust don't get a POS bottom-of-the-barrel AK-74. Buy once, buy right. Get an Arsenal.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Do you mean AK-74M or AK-pattern rifle in 5.45x39mm? Because if you can afford the former, who gives a shit about recoil. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The real selective-fire AK-74M is pretty rare and expensive in the US, so you are probably referring to Saiga or similar semi-auto rifle chambered in 5.45. I shot both and there is not much difference, so you can ignore the nitpicking. \n\nDurability is good, MRBS (mean rounds between stoppages) is at least 200 - 500, often more. This is on par with AR-15 and slightly better than SKS. Recoil is slightly less than with AR-15, a lot less than with SKS.\n\nThe only problem with AK pattern rifles is limited options to mount optics.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Arsenal SGL 31-94 is an AK-74M clone. Atlantic Firearms stocks them, but I'm unaware if they are currently in stock.", "score": 3 } ]
Blind leading the blind (tips for newbros from a newbro)
Thought I'd compile a list of tips for new guys while the lessons I've learned are still fresh in my mind. Sometimes as people progress, they forget the little things when making tutorials. Please add your own tips here and maybe we can compile a decent list for people. This will primarily be for solo players, so if you have any group tips for new players, please post them. Survival Skills for Your First Few Lives: The first and only rule of DayZ: Your gear is already gone. Accept this, and the game is that much more fun. *EDIT: There are actually two rules: Rule two: DayZ is an alpha. An alpha mod of an existing game, with a lot of limitations. Included in this are security features that you'd expect from an mmo. Cheaters exist, and they ruin the fun for a time, and you will get killed by them. Just accept rule #1, and it won't be that bad. Crawl, Walk, Run: Crawling is your friend. Learn how close you can get to zeds with crawling. Learn how different terrains affect your visibility and noise generation, and get a feel for it. Do the same with crouching, both slow and fast (L Shift toggles slow / fast movement). Line of Sight: Learn how to lose zombies by crouch running or all out sprinting by breaking their line of sight. This will be your main method of dealing with zombies for the foreseeable future, even with weapons (especially now that ammo is counted properly). *EDIT: Also, "Don't spazz the fuck out when you aggro a zombie." - captaincannibal. They're seriously easy to lose, and as long as you're moving, they generally can't hit you. Hack Attack: Learn the range of the hatchet, and how to use it effectively without getting hit. The hatchet's range is longer than a zed's range. Take advantage of this if you find yourself cornered in a building. Guns: They're loud. You're going to die a lot at the beginning, so have fun testing some guns out to see just how many zeds you're going to pull. Getting a feel for this will be helpful in your future playthroughs, and allow you to practice your evasion techniques. Stealth vs Evasion: Zombies are easy to evade when you pull aggro, but sometimes (all the time in populated areas) you'll want to avoid them. Zed activity alerts other survivors that you're near. /youve_died.jpg Loot: For starters, ignore nearly everything that's not immediately usable. You don't need that rotor assembly, and that mp5sd mag isn't going to do you any good right now. We're not hoarding supplies just yet, we're trying to survive. Toolbelt: For me, this is really the only annoying part of dying. Recovering toolbelt items is a pain in the ass. Learn where these are (www.dayzdb.com) so you can get back up fast when you die. Electro and Cherno: Learn how to get around these two cities. You're going to die doing this. Don't worry about it. Knowing your way around Electro and Cherno will make you much more effective, and will increase your Zed and Bandit evasion skills. ***EDIT: YOU'RE GOING TO DIE DOING THIS! Maybe not this time, maybe not next time, but you will die. However, there is good value in dying. Every point on this list was made because I died. Learning how to survive even 30% in E&C will increase your survival chances elsewhere dramatically. If you value your gear, you'll stay out of E&C unless you're looking for a firefight, but remember the one and only rule: that gear is gone anyway :) Bait: If you see a three dead bodies next to a bicycle, make darwin proud, and grab that bicycle. /youve_died.jpg Surviving Bandits Trust No One: This may be controversial, so I'll explain in detail. "Trust No One" does not mean shoot on sight. It just means that until you've made contact of some sort and it seems that someone will help you or leave you alone, assume they're going to kill you. Hide, evade, attempt to make contact, but do not just approach another survivor. You will likely be murdered for it. Who You Can Possibly Trust: If you're solo and looking for friends, the best place to look is the beach. The unarmed are less likely to kill you, and more likely to want a friend to survive with. However, the Trust No One section still applies. There's still a chance these people will kill you once you some gear they want. But don't worry, that gear was gone anyway. Evasion: Try not to aggro zeds. Bandits look for Zed activity to find other survivors. Don't shoot when you don't have to, either. Gunshots not only point out your existence, but make you a more tempting target, as you now have more loot than just a can of pasta. Patience: A bandit shot at you, and you've hidden in a house. It's never safe to leave. You saw him disconnect? No, you didn't, it was a graphical glitch. You saw him run away? No, you didn't, that was his friend. It's been 4 hours since you've hidden, you've logged out, and are playing single player? He's still there. You're not stuck, you can always leave and run and shoot or whatever, just know it's never safe. Danger Zones: Investigating areas with a lot of gunfire can be a great way to get geared up quickly. It's also a great way to die. Go for it, but be cautious. You're not as sneaky as you think you are. Also, learn the favorite locations of snipers, and what areas they can cover. Sniper Hill in Electro is the most known, but overwatches exist in a lot of locations. Your first camp: Once you get a reasonable amount of gear, and have tracked down a tent, set up your first camp. Find some woods a few kilometers away from Electro and Cherno (for the love of god, don't set up camp on sniper hill). Walk for 5-10 minutes north, and hide your tent in some pine trees if you can. Consider dumping all of your gear in your tent. Even your toolbelt. SAVE YOUR TENT. To do this, once you place your tent, use the context menu to the save the tent. Head back in to town and get geared up again. Now, if you die, you have a full set of gear ready to go if you want to get right back in the action. EDIT: Placing tents can be glitchy, and require some trial and error. Better Loot: Consider checking out Stary or NW Airfield and get some good weapons. These places are just as dangerous (if not more) than Cherno and Electro, so consider dumping your gear in a tent before you go. You'll save a little frustration for when you die. Don't Get Cocky: Now that you've got NVGs, an AS50, an M4 CCO SD and a ghillie, never forget that a zed can still knock your ass out cold. Choose your destiny: You've made it this far. Go be a hero, a loner, a hoarder, a killer, whatever. Just remember, you're already dead, so try to enjoy it while it lasts. Server Saving: Remember to save your tents and vehicles when you're done loading them up. Also, don't pull something out of a tent, and then log off. Chances are you'll lose it. I'm not exactly sure how the server saves (someone help me out here), but it's like every 2 minutes I think. So if you grab gear and log off, you might not have it when you log back in. This goes for any new gear. If you loot something shiny, don't log off in a hurry hoping to protect it. *EDIT1: Updated Electro and Cherno Section *EDIT2: For those who play in small groups, if you have beginner tips for groups, please post them, as I only play solo /foreveraloneonpurpose.jpg *EDIT3: Added a server saving section *EDIT4: Added some more information on evasion, tents, and l33t h4xx0rz *EDIT5: Added a friend finding section.
[ { "body": "I would put a few test items in your tent and see if they save across server restarts before i trust it with anything important. I usually put lots of wood piles in as only the most committed of trolls will remove them to grief you.\n\nOtherwise, great advice!", "score": 3 } ]
First Ironman coming up in two weeks, what should I know, expect, and be prepared for?
All the build up training is done, tapering down until race day. Is there anything that is the hardest part? Common problems or misconceptions? Best nutrition plans for eating the morning of the race/night before and after? EDIT: Thanks for all the great help. It's daunting that its coming up so soon and this helps to keep me calm at least a bit longer.
[ { "body": "You're a 70.3 finisher so no need to say something like \"nothing new on race day\"\n\nNot sure what ironman you're doing\n\nif it's ironman canada, you absolutely need to checkout this link.\nhttp://www.imcguide.com/ironman-canada-athlete-guide/\n\nHeck, its probably useful for any ironman.\n\nhave a great race.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Minimize the number of decisions you need to make on race day, especially in transition. Also, I always change my socks in T2 (assuming you wear them on the bike, I do, keeps my feet happier), it feels so good.\n\nFor the day before, I prefer to eat a good breakfast, good lunch, and light and VERY SAFE dinner no later than 5-6pm (last time it was mac n'cheese and some baked brie). After that, I pretty much lie in bed and try to sleep no later than 8-9pm. For the 2 days before, decrease fiber intake as a % of overall diet, and remove super spicy food or anything that upsets your GI tract. Stay hydrated, you can drink sports drink to boost electrolytes, too.\n\nThe morning of, you should do what you always do, eat food that you find safe for a long day. I use safe stuff like bagels & peanut butter, oatmeal, bananas. I try to have all food in me at least 90 minutes before, some people prefer even more time. \n\nStay focused. The hardest parts are mile 1.5-2.0 of the swim, mile 60-80 of the bike, and mile 16-22 of the run - the same point in all 3 where you're so close yet so far away. Divide and conquer, it helps. Stick with your nutrition plan, don't get too swept up in the day. Spin down on the bike the last mile or so, increase your cadence (if you're not normally a 90rpm kind of guy) and prepare to run.\n\nThought of another: when you're coming through the chute, if it's you and someone nearby, it's cool of you to want to go through by yourself. Pass them with enough room, or give them space. Everyone wants that moment, to hear their name called. Sometimes it's not possible and they will probably have no idea you're doing it if it is possible, but it makes your heart feel good. Also, it's fun to whip up the crowd in the chute and high five people like you just won the race, celebrate that moment. ;)\n\nEnjoy the day. Remember to have fun!", "score": 5 }, { "body": "All this stuff is pretty individual although you should carboload (eat pasta with something) for the last 3 days of your taper and stay well hydrated.\n\nYour breakfast should be whatever settles your stomach, you want to know what you're going to eat and try it before, not for the first time on race day.\n\n**Enjoy the race**, remind yourself on the bike and run especially of what you're doing right there and then.\n\nHave a good one and let us know how you get on!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "On race day, just remember to trust your training, have fun, and enjoy the moment of crossing that finish line!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Best nutrition plan is something familiar that has worked well for you in training.\n\nHardest part is keeping your effort level LOW as the day begins. It's a LONG day out there - if you feel like you're biking too hard, you are. \n\nCommon problems: bike mechanical, GI distress, bonking. Know your bike, know how to change a flat quickly (practice!), stick with the nutrition you practice with, race within your level of fitness...\n\nHave fun!\n\nLouisville or Canada?", "score": 3 } ]
I'm having some Cogito Ergo Sum problems.
I've grasped what it means, and it made sense to me. However, I've been having some conversations with a friend about how it seems to invalidate the truth claim toward most 'facts'. Example: This table exists. Neither of us can prove the table isn't an illusion, but can't its concept still have factual claims? Example: My hallucinated table is blue! Even if the table wasn't real, wasn't my experiencing it real? Can the idea that the false table was blue be a fact? We have been bickering about this for AGES and need help. edited for spelling errors
[ { "body": "This is probably a post more proper to /r/AskPhilosophy, but we can deal with it here. \n\nThe cogito's major claim is that thought and the existence of a thinking being are coextensive. It is important not to confuse the \"I\" in this case with what Freud would call the ego, or your \"self.\" Rather, \"I am\" merely refers to the existence of the being that thinks; in fact, Descartes does not think that the cogito stipulates the existence of the body at all, since the body is experienced through the senses, and thus its existence is not logically predicated in the same way that the thinking being's existence is. \n\nSo, your experiences only confirm the existence of the thinking being insofar as the being is itself the condition of possibility for thought, which is what experience ultimately is. At this level of abstraction, the idea that a table is \"hallucinated\" doesn't make much since, because hallucination presupposes the existence of actual objects, which cannot be determined logically in the same was as the cogito. Therefore, one cannot speak with any certainty that those objects exist in the world at all, since cognition is not a material phenomenon.\n\nThe only \"fact\" that can be derived from the cogito is the existence of a thinking being. That being does not experience thought in the same way that they experience the existence of a table: thought is an immediate relation to the thinking being, sight is a mediated relationship to an external object that is routed through the immediate relationship of the mind. This is beyond what Descartes would likely have said, but I think that should answer the question. \n\nTL;DR: Your experiencing the table is not \"real\" since sensory perceptions are not validated through the cogito. Experience is not factual since the only fact is the cogito.", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Could be yes, could be no.\n\nYou need to establish coherent definitions with meaningful boundaries. What is a fact? It would be a statement of truth. What is truth, what makes a statement true? We'll defer to the definition that truth is what corresponds to 'the ways things are' or perhaps 'the ways things REALLY are'. To know a fact is to ascertain knowledge. Knowledge is true, justified belief. What makes a statement justified, how can we KNOW it is true? In other words, to REALLY know the answer to this question, you need to have a working model of both epistemology and ontology.\n\nIn this case, we're discussion whether something can be true when it is 'about a concept'. It would seem we need to now define a concept. Is a concept an abstraction of physical objects, is it a meaningless illusion generated by the consciousness, a tautological rearrangement of other 'facts', a 'real' 'object' that is pointed to by the consciousness.. there's lots of difficulties to work out here. I'll try and go with the one that I think you're most likely to adhere to, which is: a concept is an abstraction of thought that is derived from physical things. I'll just assume, despite that you're working with Descartes here, that you're some sort of empiricist or physicalist who values evidence and reason as epistemic prereqs for truth.\n\nEdited to continue: \n\nSo, if your concept of a table is blue, it would seem that it would be true to say that your conceptual table is blue.. but, from a physicalist point of view, what is it about a table that makes it blue? They have trouble accounting for the qualia and intent of thoughts themselves, and nothing about the concept of blue on the concept of the table would really be blue except the quale. So, until the knowledge problem is resolved, I don't think you can have such facts about a concept.\n\nYou also said something curious, you called the concept of the table a 'false' table. In other words, something is real if it corresponds to the 'natural' universe, maybe. So, if concepts aren't real, then the table isn't real. But, mathematical concepts wouldn't be real either.. so this question leads to interesting conclusions about math for you. Is math all false even though much of math is simply conceptual and not found in any physical form in the natural universe?\n\nI think, ultimately, this comes down to a question of 'what is a concept' and 'what is a thing'. So, once you have an established ontological view and metaphysics, you should be able to answer this question. My guess is you'll find the answer to be yes.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Cogito ergo sum does not invalidate any truth claims. It translates [roughly] to 'I think therefore I am' and thus *is* a truth claims of its own, namely, that I think and that therefore I can be certain that I exist. It doesn't preclude the existence of other things in any way.\n\nDescartes merely wanted to show that my thinking is evidence for my existing, no matter what I am thinking.\n\nRegarding the existence of external objects - a lot depends on how far you take the Cogito claim (e.g. some argue that the Cogito does merely prove the existence of something, not that I as a singular being exist; some argue it doesn't even do that).\n\nWhat does your hallucination show you? It depends. You can certainly apply the cogito (I experience therefore I am), but does it prove the existence of any object? No, the hallucination could be merely be 'in you', which raises the question what exactly is the 'I' and what does it mean for an experience to be in it.\n\nWell, and for your 'experience being real' - that depends on what *real* means. Unless you define the term you can't get far in your discussion. Real = physical? Real = connected to a physical world? Real = unavoidable? Real = undetermined by your own existence?\n\nPS it is my clearly and distinctly perceived belief that 98% of arguments in the field of philosophy are due to unclear language. The rest is due to preconceived and unreconcilable basic beliefs.", "score": 3 } ]
Coming back to low level zones. What happens with my equipment?
So I am lets say level 75. And I decide to do some low level zones, because I have started a human and now I want to do the Asura zones. I get back to level 3, do my items also scale down? Or do I get the full attribute bonus of a total of about 900+ for my attributes? I can't remember if my items scaled down as well in the stress-tests.
[ { "body": "Your gear would be scale down.\n\nA lvl 3 armor might have some armor rating, and one stat. Some thing like A velvet glove: 13 armor, 3 might. (a typical blue item)\n\nBut you're wearing lvl 70 armor called Super Awesome Armor of Ultra Cool with 400 armor, with + 30 to all stats\n\nSo scaling might work like this: You go to a lvl 3 zone, and you items might be come 20 armor, + 6 to all stats. Which is awesome for lvl 3 gear.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "You scale down, gear and all. You'd be better off since at level 3 you didn't have many stats at all but you wont be over powered.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Your armor scales down, but you've still go the benefit of having unlocked all your skill slots and all your traits, so you've still got quite an advantage of a newly created level 3 playing along side you.\n", "score": 3 } ]
A guy's expectations? Questions from a virgin.
Hey all. I'm a 21-year-old female virgin with questions. I've mostly not had sex due to ambivalence/obliviousness and somehow missed out on the typical sexual exploration period in middle and high school. So now I'm in a rather sticky situation. I have lots of questions and really don't want to accidentally turn off or scare a guy just because I'm inexperienced. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated. * Do I need to tell a guy I'm a virgin before I have sex with him? What if it's just a one night stand? * I know body hair is a matter of personal preference between partners, but if it's just a guy I pick up at a bar with no intention of pursuing a relationship is body hair a huge turn off? How much is too much? Or not enough? * How much foreplay? What types? Is anything super off limits without asking a guy? * Should I give him a blow job? Is it expected? Should I tell him it's my first time and ask for guidance or is that totally against decorum? * Anything else sexually guys enjoy that I may not know about? I realize that a lot of these answers may change if I was in a committed relationship, but I don't want this to be a huge hurdle in getting to know a guy. I want to have sex. I just want to be informed.
[ { "body": "* I would highly recommend telling him. He may have a thing where he's simply not comfortable with being someone's \"first\" and you owe him the honesty in that. It can also take the pressure off you feeling like you need to pretend to know what you're doing.\n\n* I would do what makes *you* comfortable. Everyone has different tastes. The trend nowadays tends to be more towards trimmed or totally bare, but you honestly have to be comfortable and happy with yourself. Doing things to your body just to make other people happy isn't the best thing.\n\n* Yes, it's pretty standard to have oral. Only do it if you're comfortable with it (and make sure it's reciprocated!). Again, let them know it's your first time and that you need a bit more guidance from them.\n\n* Why are you just worried about what guys enjoy sexually? Where do you come into play with all this? A partnered sexual encounter is between *both* of you, not just him. You need to make sure you're being pleasured and doing the things *you* want to do as well. In terms of what to do with/to them, there are no universal rules. \n\nWhat sexual experience do you have? Are you able to be fingered comfortably with at least 2-3 fingers? Do you masturbate? You may want to read the [FAQ](http://www.reddit.com/r/sex/comments/xyq4t/rsex_faqs_first_time_having_sex/) on the topic of first time having \"sex\".", "score": 6 }, { "body": "-It's up to you if you want to tell a guy, if it were a relationship I would probably advise you do. One night stand you might scare a guy with that if you tell him, but I don't think you need to share it in that scenario either. \n\n- Are you talking about your body hair? I would go with shaved, most guys are gonna prefer that, or a landing strip at most. \n\n- One night stands can go either way, I usually don't do much foreplay with one nighters, but each is different. Can't go wrong with some oral into sex. I would stay away from dry handies unless specified otherwise. \n\n- Blowjobs are nice, not expected but if you feel the desire I don't think they'll turn you down. Just be active, lots of stroking. Pay attention to keep the tongue firm against the underside, where the head meets the shaft. Don't be afraid to ask what feels good. \n\n- Don't neglect the balls during blowjobs and sex. Confidence is the key to good sex, be comfortable with your body and with what you are doing and don't be discouraged if they ask you to do something differently, you do it with a smile and all is perfect.", "score": 3 } ]
[UPDATE] Hired, had first day, then never got the promised call regarding my schedule. Not sure where to go from here. Details inside.
Hey guys! I posted [this](http://www.reddit.com/r/jobs/comments/xum90/hired_had_first_day_then_never_got_the_promised/) awhile ago, worried that they had dropped me and that I wasn't going to get my money. Well, apparently he'd had the wrong number saved in his phone - I'm going in tomorrow to get my first check and my schedule! I thought I'd let you all know that it's not always malicious when you don't hear back from them. Hugs to you all and good luck on your respective searches! =) EDIT: Picked up my check! $40 FTW!
[ { "body": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon's_razor\n\n>Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.", "score": 22 } ]
What's wrong with this setup?
Access fund asks us to do something we all love (no, not climbing): They're asking what's wrong with this picture. I can count about 10 things. (contest ends today) [link](http://www.accessfund.org/atf/cf/{1F5726D5-6646-4050-AA6E-C275DF6CA8E3}/Seek%20and%20Find.jpg)
[ { "body": "1) whisky is not purple \n2) That guy pissing is wearing very warm clothing for a desert \n3) musical notes are not visible \n4) climber missed a bolt and belayer is standing too far back (if he falls, he'll straddle that rope) \n5) The people are clearly clip-art. \n6) There are no good boulders in sight - no climber would lug a crash pad even 30 feet just for a place to lie down. \n7) That endangered falcon is not defending it's young at all. Pussy. \n8) No one is bleeding. \n9) I can't tell if that is a flower or a banana peel. \n10) dog on left is going to smack right into that cactus. Fuck! ", "score": 19 } ]
Looking for resources for players trapped in the precarious world between Beginner and Intermediate.
I ran into a recommendation here for a fantastic practice book titled, Chord Studies for Electric Bass. The book is phenomenal! But here's the thing: I can read sheet music, but am not fast. Too slow in fact to practice this book proficiently. I am interested in improving my reading, and learning more than just the basic chords, but I am not ready for this level of complexity yet. Any recommendations? Thanks a tonne!
[ { "body": "If you want to get better at something (anything) you must practice. So practice reading. It's not easy and there is no shortcut.", "score": 4 } ]
Laurelai's at it again!
Yesterday a user made this post on /r/gonewild http://www.reddit.com/r/gonewild/comments/y645b/this_is_a_long_shot_but_someone_might_like/ Then they posted celebrating it on /r/transgender http://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/y6dp4/today_i_got_to_3_on_rgonewild/ Laurelai deleted all the comments, deleted the post, and banned the OP for "vote manipulation". For getting 9 upvotes. Her reply to the post? "Nobody cares ಠ\_ಠ" http://www.reddit.com/r/transgender/comments/y6dp4/today_i_got_to_3_on_rgonewild/c5sqfyd
[ { "body": "... I actually feel bad for that girl (I'm assuming she identifies as female) - get some nice support for how sexy your female body is and how all that hard work was worth it... \n\nand then when you try to share the story of your success with your peers you get banned and silenced.", "score": 268 }, { "body": "\"No one on this site could possibly think this transgendered person is attractive, she must be manipulating votes!\"\n\nThat. Is. *Awesome.*", "score": 211 }, { "body": "OP: *\"I started today crying, and ended up feeling like someone cares about me <3\"*\n\nLaurelai: *\"Nobody cares ಠ_ಠ\"*\n\nWow. Just ... wow.", "score": 169 }, { "body": "Okay, so isn't r/transgender supposed to be a supportive place for transgendered folks and allies to go? A trans* woman goes on there and is excited about an accomplishment and Laurelai cuts her down...because she's a soulless twit. Why hasn't she just been permabanned from Reddit yet? She's the worst kind of troll.", "score": 24 }, { "body": "From the first thread:\n>nope. she's a woman. she just doesn't have a vagina, and you've been conditioned to believe that all women have vaginas.\n\nWut?\n\n>you're being facetious here, though, and trying just to make a point. technically, yes. gender is socially constructed.\n\nSo nothing to do with biology I guess.\n\nEdit: I stand somewhat corrected. I might have misunderstood the differences between sex and gender.", "score": 23 }, { "body": "Her /r/transgender flair is \"pick up that can.\" I can only give 50/50 odds that this is intentional self-parody.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "Don't know who Laurelai is by now? This will help: \n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/SubredditDrama/comments/q85ud/laurela_revives_own_subreddit_drama_by_viciously/c3vljn9\n\nhttp://www.reddit.com/r/redditrequest/comments/oqdit/requesting_control_of_rtransgender/c3jwf1a?context=3\n", "score": 22 }, { "body": "Well that's nice, I had almost forgotten what a horrible human being she was. Thanks for the reminder!", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Laurelai is a freakin' nut. She really needs to see a psychiatrist. Who invests so much emotional energy in a stupid website?", "score": 12 }, { "body": "ELI5: Why would a mod of /r/transgender not be supportive of a transgender person's acceptance in gw?", "score": 6 } ]
r/movies, today is three years since District 9 came out...
...And three years is exactly how long Christopher said he'd be gone. I, despite my suspicion of sequels, would really like to see another. District 9 is probably one of my favourite films. Thoughts? (It's been three years, so I assume spoiler warnings have expired?)
[ { "body": "Blomkamp has [Elysium](http://www.imdb.com/title/tt1535108/) coming out in 2013 and there is no indication of what his next film may be. But be patient, I heard that he hasn't abandoned Wikus Van De Merwe.", "score": 11 } ]
[Hiring] Football (Soccer) Writer
Wanted: A football expert to manage day-to-day running of a prominent football blog. Generous compensation. More details available via PM. The responsibilities / expectations may seem tough, so serious applicants only please.
[ { "body": "Too vague. Where should our expertise lie? Amateur or professional football? specific countries and leagues? General tactical theory like formations and varying play styles or more fact based knowledge? What does management of the blog entail? How computer literate must the person be. Word processing? able to code?", "score": 6 } ]
List of Easily obtainable Bags
F2P player returning after years. I'm a level 46 monk, I've got little to no plat (less than 500pp, really) and 2 bags to my name. What are some easily obtainable bags I can get so I can carry more than just my food and a couple potions?
[ { "body": "Go kill hill giants in rathe mountains for some plat to buy bags.\n\n/Claim you should have a 16 slot bag that will come up.\n\nhttp://www.monkly-business.net/forums/showthread.php?t=11768\n\nWhat server ya on anyway?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "How about a free 20 slot bag for an easy quest that involves no combat? http://everquest.allakhazam.com/db/quest.html?quest=5522", "score": 3 } ]
LPT: Take steadier iPhone photos by holding then releasing the shutter button. (x-post from r/lifeprotips)
To get a steadier IPhone photo in low light, press and hold the shutter button then release when your hand is steady. Note: This does not work when using the volume up button.
[ { "body": "Even better is to use the volume + button on the headphones. It seems like it takes pics faster too. ", "score": 19 }, { "body": "You can also set the iPhone down and use many Bluetooth devices that have volume controls to do the Volume + trick. Hands free photos with your iPhone!", "score": 12 } ]
Has anyone tried NYX's The Curve liner?
I was just browsing their website and saw [this](http://www.nyxcosmetics.com/p-179-the-curve-tc01.aspx) interesting piece of equipment. I'm eyeliner-challenged and need all the help I can get in that department. Any thoughts/reviews about it? Does it really make it any easier to apply liner?
[ { "body": "i haven't tried that one specifically, but i'm an eyeliner-guru and i feel comfortable doling out advice on the topic.\n\nit will take some getting used to whatever routine/utensil you use to do eyeliner - whether it's this contraption, a gel in a pot with a short angled brush, something that comes in a stick, you get the idea.\n\nmy personal preference is a buxom or tarte pot (they stay.. ohhh they stay.. tarte goes on easily, but dries quickly and can start to flake if you keep running over the same spot over and over again) with a short, angled brush. i first mastered the almay liquid liner - it will take practice. don't work on it when you're doing your makeup for something big - take an afternoon, soak up a towel in makeup remover and just do it a few times to get comfortable. sitting helps, stabilizing your elbow *really* helps, and i do my dominant eye (i'm left-handed, so my left eye) first almost every time to get into the groove and then i knock out my other eye. not literally. start by just blotting the liner on the spot between where your lashes start and your eyelid ends. don't stroke the liner yet, just smoosh. smoosh. smoosh. it helps you to not reflexively wiggle if it tickles when you blot it in. then go back over the spots you just did, using a stroke. sometimes i start at the end (the cat eye) and draw that angle first, but usually i start pretty much in the middle of my lid, work out to the cat eye, then come back in and move from the inside of my eye back to the middle. this helps me make sure the line is relatively cohesive from beginning to end, but you'll find what works for you.\n\nin addition to sitting down and propping your elbow up on something (generally being comfy and relaxed), working with the mirror at different angles (below you, drawing the liner on looking through your lashes - this helps not to get clumps [if you're using non-liquid liner] on your lashes at the ends) but also having a surprised, judgmental (oh you know what i am talking about) high-eyebrows look plastered on your face to pull your eyelids their tautest without actually using her hands to pull your eyelids taut. didn't need that one so much ten years ago when i started, but hitting 30 now.. yeah.. i need the tautness. :) otherwise, the pencil or brush or whatever can kind of stagger or hiccup over your skin. extra true if you use (and you should use!) eyelid primers.\n\nfor mistakes: if it's relatively minor, go with the flow. go back over again in a stroke and blend it in, make your liner line higher. for bigger stuff, blotting with the end of a q-tip soaked in makeup remover works best.\n\nholy crap, i just wrote a novel about eyeliner.\n\nthings i've used/currently use/tried:\n* regular pencil liner (countless brands... maybelline all the way up to christian dior)\n* liner that you twist up, but is still basically pencilly (again, a million brands' worth)\n* almay liquid liner (this is what i first got comfortable with. it's cheap, it's easy to master and will give you a decent look - think you're using the angled tip -sideways-, not dead-on like you're writing on your eye)\n* tokidoki liquid liner (actually really like this one for on-the-go touch-ups)\n* sephora liquid liner\n* mac's gel pot (didn't like.. the black went on translucent, required a lot of coats and never got full black)\n* buxom's gel pot (approve - only drawback is it can transfer to your bottom lash line with blinking, especially in the inner corner)\n* tarte's gel pot (also approve - see the thing about flaking)\n* smashbox's gel pot (didn't dig. it was one of their first versions, so maybe they've improved it since then, but it was disappointing for a smashbox product.)\ni'm sure countless others, but those stick out to me.\n\nbrushes!\ni'm sorry these aren't numbered, but i'll dig that info up if you're super interested in going that route.\nmy default liner brush is a mac one. relatively short pencil gives me easy grip, small and angled gives me control.\nULTA has/had (haven't picked one up in awhile, dunno for sure if they still have it) a great angled brush for eyeliner that's just a smidge longer than the MAC one.\n\nflat brushes are great if you're doing a powder liner and don't want a hardline, you just want some lash definition. very difficult to use a flat brush with anything else, though, in my opinion. also, you can prime before powder liner, but don't do your foundation (on your cheeks and such!) until after! you'll get a lot of powder fallout from smooshing it into your lashline.\n\nokay, the end. seriously.\n\nedit: not the end. added pictures and a few more tips i thought of. [daily gel pot example](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash4/215317_10150144999787624_1407796_n.jpg),[smooshy powder liner example](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/60491_429089382623_3534814_n.jpg),[more intense gel pot example with falsies[gel pot on top, pencil liner on bottom example](https://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn1/34793_469723062623_6957677_n.jpg)](https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc6/196137_5149052623_9940_n.jpg)", "score": 3 } ]
r/Jokes Do you know any jokes told in the first person?
I always enjoy a good joke told as if it actually happened to the person telling it. Know any good ones?
[ { "body": "I was travelling through Thailand and whilst on a bus a gorgeous girl gets on and sits next to me.\n\nI sit there next to her, all the while praying to myself \"Don't get a boner. Please God, don't get a boner.\"\n\nBut she did.", "score": 27 }, { "body": "So I'm on this airplane flying Seattle to Chicago.\n\nWe're about to take off when the captain gets on the mic to give his spiel; we'll be flying at 30,000 feet, thanks for choosing our airline, etc.\n\nHe finishes and the engines start roaring, but he forgets to shut off his microphone.\n\nTurns to his copilot like \"Man, fuck flying. I just want a cup of coffee and a blowjob.\"\n\nFlight attendant starts bolting to the front of the plane to let him know and I'm like \"Sweetheart, you forgot the coffee!\"\n", "score": 12 }, { "body": "I was sitting at a stoplight yesterday minding my own business, waiting on it to turn green. A carload of young, loud Muslims shouting anti-American slogans stopped next to me. \n\nThe light changed, the Muslims shook their fists, hit the gas and darted off ahead of me. Suddenly an 18-wheeler came speeding through and ran directly over their car, crushing it completely.\n\n For several minutes I sat in my car thinking to myself, “Man, that could have been me!”\n\n So today, bright and early, I went out and got me a job as a truck driver.\n", "score": 9 }, { "body": "The other day I was in the yard and a new-to-the neighborhood couple and their daughter came by. We made small talk and I asked the daughter \"What are you gonna be when you grow up?\" she said she wanted to be president do she could give every home person a house. I told her that I would help her do that by giving her $20 to give to the homeless man on the corner if she would pull my weeds. She said \" Why can't he do the work himself?\". I said \" Welcome to the republican party.\"", "score": 6 }, { "body": "So on one of my walks I saw a cave going into hell, being the man I am I go down. When I get to the final floor I see all these clocks, some tick more than others and faster. Well I ask Satan, what do these clocks do; Satan says that they tick everytime a person sins, so I go around looking. I found my friends, my rivals and, random people's clocks. But I couldn't find the Pope's clock, so I ask Satan where is the Pope's clock?\nHe says we keep it in the cafe as a fan.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I was headed to work the other day and I ran into the back of the car in front of me (don't text and drive). Next thing you know, a little person gets out of his car and stares at the damage. Before I have a chance to gather my thoughts, he runs up to my car and starts pounding on the window. I roll it down and the man yells at me \"I AM NOT HAPPY!!\" so I replied \"Well, which one are you?!\"", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Just take a joke and pretend it happened to you.\n\n\nSo me and my friend John are walking home from the bar. We get mugged by this guy in a ski mask with a gun. He says give me all your cash and we both pull out our wallets. John gives me a $20 and says 'hey zyxwvutsr, here's that twenty I owe you.'\n\n \n\n\nI used to work in a calendar factory, I got fired for taking a day off.\n\n\n \n\n\nWorks with lots of jokes, this one was is popular on r/jokes right now.\n\n\n\nSo I work in a restaurant, and I'm trying to cook up some sirloin and I accidentally cooked up a bunch of moose meat. I made a huge moosesteak.", "score": 3 } ]
Reddit, do you have any tried-and-true methods to take care of acne? I am nineteen and getting tired of this.
I don't have bad enough acne to be on Accutane, but I have enough for it to be noticeable and detrimental to my self-esteem. What can I do to reduce breakouts?
[ { "body": "You could try getting a prescription for benzoyl peroxide from a dermatologist or GP. It's a topical gel that I've found helps a lot with flare ups, and it doesn't have any scary side effects like Accutane.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Have you ever used Lush's skincare? My acne was gross and cystic, and I'm 20, and finally got my face under control and clear after a good 5 months of using their stuff. I've had shitty acne since I was 15. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I saw something odd on r/lifeprotips but I decided to give it a whirl...\r\rStop washing your face. Take a shower and just wipe it without soap. Your body is made to make the right amount of oil for your skin, and when you constantly wash it away it compensates by going into overdrive. The excess oil results in acne. It may help to wash it once a week or two, but besides that do this.\r\rI KNOW it sounds weird, but I've been trying it a few weeks and i have had almost no acne in time.", "score": 3 } ]
First model - Space marine (Angels of Absolution) C&C welcome
All done by hand. http://imgur.com/geXGq http://imgur.com/yZ20I http://imgur.com/ywsXs http://imgur.com/WHQ41
[ { "body": "Why did you take 4 pictures in the dark of the exact same angle of the space marine? We want to see the damn thing!", "score": 13 } ]
Ex Gf want to just be friends
Gf of 4 years, looking in retrospect it was 3 years too many, we broke up, and I mean really broke up after 1 year, then after 1 more year and then again a few months ago. Each time we were apart a few months, each time she was the one re-initiating contacts. I was always the one wanting to break up. Needless to say, I loved her more than she loved me. So now after a few month of breaking up, she contacts me again, she tells me that she misses having sex with me, I gave in and we got together a couple of times, and both times I feel as if I was her booty call, and actually jokingly she told me so. I guess I am fine with it, she says that she just want to be friends, and that once in a while she wants to have sex, because she likes having sex with me (we have a long history of experimentation, and the sex is really good). Should I be OK with it? Should I feel "used"? Should I just go with the flow until someone better comes along? Any good advice from a woman's point of view? **EDIT:** gf and I had sex, lunch, more sex, watched a movie. We left with no plans. Life's good.
[ { "body": "There's no wrong way to feel about this on your side, but I think it would probably be easier for you to move on if she were out of your life entirely for a bit.", "score": 21 }, { "body": ">I guess I am fine with it\n\nIf you have to guess, you are not fine with it. \n\n>she tells me that she misses having sex with me, I gave in and we got together a couple of times, and both times I feel as if I was her booty call, and actually jokingly she told me so.\n\nIf that isn't a \"booty call\" than I don't know what is. She clearly said that she misses having sex with you, not that she misses you specifically.\n\n>Should I be OK with it? Should I feel \"used\"? Should I just go with the flow until someone better comes along?\n\nIf you are asking yourself any of these questions, then I think you should seriously reevaluate the situation more. I get the impression you are not at all comfortable with the situation and if that is the case you need to break the connection. The real question isn't \"SHOULD\" you feel OK with this, it is \"DO\" you feel ok with this?\n\n", "score": 10 }, { "body": "the only way that you're going to feel used, is if you look at it that way yourself. If you enjoy the casual hook up with her, then just look at it like you're both using each other for the occasional sex with no strings attached and don't worry about it. However, if you feel like you or her have the chance of getting feelings for the other again or that either of you will eventually be hurt by the other, it's best to just not do it and be done with her all together. Otherwise there's a high chance of your reoccurring history with one another to keep occurring and that will get you no where.", "score": 3 } ]
I have a first date in a few hours and already have sweaty palms...
Anything I can do or is there something I can buy right now to ease my mind? I tried a Arm&Hammer deodorant/anti-persperant but it really didn't do much.
[ { "body": "Here is some honest-to-god advice that has worked exceptionally well for me in the past:\n\n1. Go read the first few pages of /r/todayilearned and /r/worldnews. It will give you tons to talk about, and you won't have to be nervous about running out of interesting things to say.\n\n2. Have a relaxing shower and wear a shirt that doesn't show perspiration (i.e. a nice plaid shirt or something).\n\n3. Masturbate. Trust me, it works.\n\n4. Have a small glass of scotch, whiskey or have a single cold beer. Don't get drunk. God, do not get drunk. Just have enough alcohol to take a bit of the edge off and relax your brain.\n\n5. Remember that she is also nervous. My current girlfriend was pretty awkward on our first date, because she was very nervous. We still joke about it today.\n\n6. Finally, if you are really worried about the whole perspiration thing, have your date at an indoor venue with air conditioning. \n\nGood luck man! All the best!", "score": 12 } ]
What's wrong with my pizza dough?
I made my dough similar to this recipe: http://www.foodnetwork.com/recipes/alton-brown/pizza-pizzas-recipe4/index.html The only difference is that I didn't have a mixer, so I made it by hand. After the 24hr period I took it out of the fridge and I noticed it didn't rise like it should've. Also whenever I try to spread the dough it just reverts back to the way it was, I can't spread it out at all.
[ { "body": "1. Did it rise at all? If it didn't AT ALL then you had a problem with your yeast. If you happened to mix the salt and yeast by themselves without anything else in there it would have killed at least some of the yeast, but you would only need a longer fermentation to counteract that.\n\n2. Like Semantic asked, did you only knead for 15 minutes by hand? When kneading by hand, the general rule of thumb is to double whatever the time is on a mixer. However, dough is a variable thing and what you're looking for more so is for a smooth, silky surface on the dough, and a successful window pane test (as described by AB in the link). \n\n3. An elastic dough is not necessarily a problem. After working a dough it is normal to let it rest 15-30 minutes before working it again. In your case, the dough is chilled and if it springs back then let it warm up on the counter for about an hour. See if it will stretch. If not, let sit another 15 minutes and try again. Don't try to force the dough as that will only lead to ripping. \n\n4. Your fridge may be colder than the one used by AB. This is not necessarily a problem! Just let it sit on your counter (covered to prevent a skin from developing) until it has swelled to about twice in size from it's original shape and then proceed as described in the recipe. I have never made a dough that was not salvageable with a little bit of patience.\n\nHopefully this will help! ", "score": 13 }, { "body": "i dont know about this specific recipe but at my shop we let the dough warm up to room temp for about 45 minutes before we do anything. no idea why i do this. its what the head chef before me told me to do. but my dough comes out nice and fluffy on the inside with a bit of a crispy outer crust.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I usually put half the sugar too the hot water and then add the yeast. Then I can visibly see the yeast activate in 5 minutes or so. If the dough didn't double visibly, then you definitely had bad yeast or killed them by using too hot of water to start with. It should be just past warm and you should be able to stick your finger in it comfortably.\nYou don't need a mixer, hand kneading is just fine. Just use the heal of your hand until it starts to get a plasticky/skilly puddy texture.", "score": 3 } ]
Anyone going to Manchester Pride?
I've got next week booked off but my travel buddies have all cancelled! I'd be coming down from Glasgow, planning to stay Thursday evening - Sunday afternoon. Any raptors going & fancy a wee meetup?
[ { "body": "Hey, I am but am currently on holiday, won't be back until middayish on the 25th if that works for you?", "score": 3 } ]
Best Android API/Engine?
Hi, I'm extremely new to game programming, and have some questions for you all. I apologise if this is the wrong subreddit. First, some background. Me and my roommate (both CS majors) are looking into writing some games for Android. We have a couple of (we think) very good concepts. We have some background code written, and are starting to look at graphics and I/O. For now we are doing 2d sidescrollers and/or tower defense style games. This is the part where we get a bit lost. A quick google search showed up several different options (AndEngine, LibGdx, Angle). Rather than muck around trying to figure out which one offers the most, I figured it would be best to ask people who know alot more than me. So, the question is "Which Android focused API/Engine is best for simplistic game development?" EDIT: After reading everyones comments, I'm gonna give LibGDX a shot. Thanks for all the help!
[ { "body": "First you are missing one, ReplicaIsland.. its base don the sample spritemethodtest code extending it massively.\n\nSecond LibGDx is not a game engine its game framework. Meaning you still have to add your Engine API on top. However, there is an alpha 2d Engine API that someone did to support LibGDX..search Google for libgdx 2d api and you will find it.\n\nThe problem you will run into is that when moving to advance you may be force to learn a new one. I think you should as the LibGDX developers and users this question as you will get some more pointers than I have and a better understanding.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "One not mentioned in OPs post is PlayN (http://code.google.com/p/playn/), which I've been curious about. Anyone have any experience?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "If you want to read a book, this one is alright: https://play.google.com/store/books/details/Mario_Zechner_Beginning_Android_Games?id=NetBrvVEe3cC", "score": 3 } ]
Why is America so religious?
It has always seemed to bug me as to why america is so religious compared to most of the industrialized world, add to that why do we feel the need to be so pushy about it, why cant people seem to just live and let live? maybe Im just hearing the vocal minority I dont really know, any insights? also wow this is soo much better than r/atheism
[ { "body": "Well, historically at least there are a lot of factors that play into it:\n \n 1) We haven't ever actually had a society-destroying war. The closest thing the US has come is the Civil War, which is still the war with the highest number of US Casualties. \n That being said, the first and second world wars killed vast numbers of people, (estimated by some, who're probably high-balling it, at over 100 million) France actually lost about 1/3 of all men of fighting age during the first world war. This catastrophic loss of life is considered to be one of the major changes in european society that ended up with the decreasing importance of religion and the rise of athiesm (especially because everyone on every side claimed god was with them, and as many of them could read one another's propaganda, they quickly figured out it was bullshit)\n \n 2) Americans are poorly educated. When compared with other industrialized economies, the US has a god-awful (pun intended) education system. We sit around arguing whether or not we should allow rampant unfalisfiable bullshit into our school systems whilst we've been slashing education spending for the past 30 years. Couple that with ridiculous lawmaking practices regarding education, as well as the archaic way the US university system works, and we've got a ton of people running around who pay for a sub-standard education. \n \n 3) We were founded by coalitions of religious zealots. This is not to go to the whole \"founding fathers\" BS debate. I'm talking about the first colonies to settle the US, namely a bunch of newly-formed British protestant extremist groups, the christian-themed divine monarchists of France, and the hyper-catholic Spaniards who'de just finished the Reconquista in which they murdered anyone not a catholic with extreme efficiency. America's people (the general populace) have always been pretty religious, and we just haven't changed much. ", "score": 152 }, { "body": "Sociologist of religion Gregory Paul thinks he has the answer to this question. A popular article about it is [Why the Gods Are Not Winning](http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/paul07/paul07_index.html), the more scholarly treatment is in [The Chronic Dependence of Popular Religiosity upon Dysfunctional Psychosociological Conditions](http://www.epjournal.net/wp-content/uploads/EP07398441_c.pdf).\n\nTo shorten it up: Among the prosperous Western countries, the US is a surprisingly bad place to live in. Stats for homicide, infant mortality, STD infection, incarceration, poverty and other bad stuff compare with some \"third world\" countries.\n\nEconomic disparity (the 1% vs. the 99%) is really bad in the US, and there's a very real danger of going bankrupt after losing one's job or health. So the \"little\" people live in a fearful rat race and look to God as a trustworthy helper.\n\nThe rich people love God too, because they credit him with their prosperity. Ironically, deservedly so, because God-belief makes poor people think it's their own damn fault, and they continue to buckle under to the rich folk.\n\n(You may want to read from the horse's mouth rather than my brutally amateurish summary)\n\nThere's a silver lining: Paul says that atheism is more or less inevitable in countries gaining democracy and capitalism. Interestingly, capitalism including rampant consumerism does damage to religions. It's just lagging behind a bit in the US.", "score": 38 }, { "body": "Ironically, I think that one reason we have more religion is that we *don't* have state sponsored religion. If you look at the history of the west, it was characterized by state-church unities which eventually became non-religious--because, where the state committed undesirable acts, there was a single, clear religious entity that also got blamed, leading ultimately to a more secular population. \n\nIn the US, the separation of church and state means that any pernicious religous activity is usually only attributable to a relatively confined group. So the public turning against some group in particular doesn't affect the whole. It's more like whack-a-mole here. \n\nThat said, the process of secularization in Europe took hundreds of years, so don't think I'm keen on letting any religious entity get power just so the public can eventually figure it out. ", "score": 17 }, { "body": "There are many reasons, A couple of others I'd add would be ideological polarization during the Cold War, whereas the Soviets were seen as atheistic, America had to embrace an opposite place as a beacon of Christian faith. \n\nAfter a rise in a counterculture movements in the 60's and 70's, the reactionary Christian Coalition resurgence came into play during the Reagan years. Which fit really well into many Baby Boomer's retreat into individualism after institutional failures. (And Christianity fits GREAT with individualism). \n\nThen 9/11. I believe religiosity is on the decline now though. ", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Left over aspect of the cold war...\n\nCommunists were viewed as atheists... therefore atheists are unAmerican.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "As a theist, I feel like I can better explain this.\n\nIt is not because Americans are more poorly educated, most of the Church members at my old church before I went off to University were very educated. (undergrad degrees, masters, and some Ph.D including my father who majored in biology) They were mostly family orientated which I would theorize is the main reason why they went to church every week. Providing children with structure and a easy place to socialize outside of school. I've seen the brainwashing arguments that go along with taking children to anywhere, and feel like if you could control a child's brain than why are there extheists in the first place? Children when they grow older will change their minds on many of subjects, why not expose them to ideas that promote good behavior and morality in society. (not saying that atheists do not do have morals)\n\nEurope did not lose their religious views until after the world wars, but before that the \"elites\" (read philosophers, age of enlightenment folks, and cultural painters authors) lost their religious values when the French Monarchy fell in 1789. The Catholic Church in France was used as a controlling device (which it has now reformed mostly and strive to become a benevolent member of society) once the elites saw that association no longer benefited them they left it and never looked back. \n\nAmerica has been more religious because it has a history of tolerance and the first Americans fled from religious oppression. Frankly Americans as a whole do not like being told what to do. We follow the Germanic tradition of only following those who we think are worth of being followed. (Germany was not unity until 1871, even in ancient times the different tribes would only unity when they were threatened and then only for a short amount of time.)\n\nIn conclusion, America is religious because family units want structure and assistance with teaching morality.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Just in case, someone's interested in actual research, here's a summery by [Tom Rees: Why some countries are more religious than others.](http://epiphenom.fieldofscience.com/2009/07/why-some-countries-are-more-religious.html)", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I don't know why, I thought this would decline not grow. \n\n\nDoes anyone feel that this is reaching a tipping point that we won't recover from for sometime. Maybe just because I live in Bible belt, but we're thinking about jumping ship (leave U.S.)\n\nMissouri just passed amendment 2 allowing students to get out of school work if it is against their beliefs.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I think that the churches of the Church of England are unpopular because of the incentives that the vicars running them have. They are paid a fixed wage, and have a secure home and job. They have no need to grow their congregations or promote the faith, as that means more work for them. What they want is for it to tick-over respectably, just above the level at which the C Of E would close the parish down or merge it. \n\nBy comparison, I think that a US pastor stands to gain respect, money and power from having a bigger and bigger flock. Some churches there recruit staff who are good at recruiting membership, and this leads to an arms-race between the churches, just as with businesses. It only takes a memetic tendency for a church to be successful and it will grow to be a megachurch in time. \n\nSo, bizarrely, the state-orientated or nationalised nature of the church in the UK is less harmful perhaps than the separation of church and state in the US.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Because in America, no one is right except you and the people who agree with you. Anyone else and you can not listen to and throw bibles at.", "score": 3 } ]
legal question about hobby photographer photographing friend's kids
hey r/photography so i am a hobbyist photographer (NOT professional...) and recently, while on a short road trip with my family and friends of family, i took some photos the my friend's family's kids, as well as landscapes, and other good stuff like that. after post processing, i uploaded the whole batch up on my smugmug, and linked the smugmug album to several different places on facebook so my friends could see. my friend, another hobbyest photographer, is telling me that even though they are friends of the family, i should get permission from the kid's parents to post the photos. i realize that professional photographers need consent to post photos of people, but im wondering, as a hobbyist, who only shoots for fun, never sells any photos, and only uses smugmug to post pictures at full resolution (i use a 5dmkii so my photos are huge), is it necessary for me to get consent of the different people that i shoot to post up my photos? *note my friends are probably not gonna sue me, but i guess just in case better be safe... *edit* - to clarify, the photographer friend who told me to get legal consent was NOT the parents of the kids in my pictures. just another friend who was worried for me. the parents of the kids (my family friends) loved the photos and appreciated that i took the time to edit them and post them up :) *edit 2* - again, just wanted to clarify that the nature of this question is completely a legal question. i agree that posting photos of people that dont want their photos up is rude and inconsiderate, and i can understand that some people just dont want any photos of themselves floating around and i definitely respect that it is their right to feel that way. in posting these photos, i definitely did not offend any of my friends or family, because they had previously asked me to post them up somewhere where they can all share the photos. and if this wasnt the case, if it were someone else's kids randomly, i would definitely get permission just because its a nice thing to do. my friend who was concerned, was just trying to be a good friend and didnt exactly know the situation, and the conversation that i had with him sparked my curiosity as to the legal background behind posting photos. thanks for all of your input!
[ { "body": "> i realize that professional photographers need consent to post photos of people\n\nNo, technically we don't (in the US). You only need a model release if you are using those images for profit. Advertising your own business or including them in your portfolio is ok, selling them to stock is not, for example. However, I personally feel it is more *ethical* to get permission. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "No, you never need people's permission to post your photos, kids or not, when not using them commercially. Don't listen to that uninformed friend (edit: or to the downvoters).", "score": 5 } ]
GURPS questions that google couldn't seem to answer...
Okay, I made a sniper in GURPS 4e, and I am hella confused. 1) What does Precision Aiming do? How do I use it? (The Character Creator thing didn't explain what it does or how to use it very well, and Google doesn't seem to know either) 2) Zen Marksmanship? What does that do? Should I get it? is it even GURPS 4e? How would I use it if I got it?
[ { "body": "Precision aiming is in GURPS Tactical Shooting. It allows much higher gains in Aiming for long periods of aiming 20+ seconds. I won't post the exact rule, but you need a spotter and your TLs best aiming/windage tools (or a perk that ROCKS).\n\nZen Marksmanship reduces penalties to make shots, including blind shots. It's a cinematic skill. \n\nNot to brag, but I have been playing GURPS since longer than some of you have been alive, and I have a near hotographic recall of it*. So if you have a gurps question, I can answer it.\n\n*It's sad but true. need the rules to taunt in combat, I can have them in 15 seconds. And apparently it's also in High Tech... *blushes* damn my hubris! ", "score": 3 } ]
Am i the only one.. (Companions Spoilers)
After being transformed in to a werewolf the first time i noticed i can go around killing people and there is no bounty due to the fact that no one saw you transform besides Aela and Skjor. Every time i transform for the first time, I specifically go kill Nazeem and Heimskr. Does anyone else do this?
[ { "body": "When i transformed, I accidentally killed Belethor, and after that my wife was the only general store in all of Whiterun", "score": 6 } ]
:spoilers inside: Am I the only one that thinks that an MMO that takes place after the inheritance series would be awesome?
In my opinion, I think an MMO that takes place in the new era of riders that still followed all of the lore from the books would be fairly awesome. What are your opinions on this? I know some of you are like me and wish they could be a rider/ even live in alagaesia, well here's the chance you can express your thoughts.
[ { "body": "It sounds great! I think it'd be really cool to be any one of the different races in Alagaësia. I can see the player choosing a race and class to begin the game, spending some time in their race's respective city, and then leaving to travel the land and maybe even become a rider. The only thing I'd be skeptical about in the game is the way magic is handled. One of the things I've found to be so cool about magic in Alagaësia is how many different actions can be performed with the same word in the Ancient Language. I feel like this would not translate very well into a game and might hinder the experience. But, to geek out a bit here, how awesome would it be if you actually got to learn the Ancient Language!? It would probably be way too much work for the developers, but I would love to be able to travel to Ellesméra and understand/talk with elves.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "I would love this, but to enjoy it there would have to be with permadeath, and with extreme RP elements.\n\n*Why?*\n\nIf I'm going to be a motherfucking dragonrider, i should fucking have to deserve it, therefore i would have to work out and train my magic and shit in the game and see my dragon grow, and with time, i could fucking rule the world. And if i was mighty as fuck, why shouldnt i kill all the dragonriders that could be a treat for me?\n\nI'm the ruler, the motherfucking meanest dragon rider out there, I should fucking rule this shit if i dont like competitors or people with even powers.\nThen, some day, there comes a dragonrider that will kill me and take my place, will he bring peace? He decides.\n\n*And if there was a possibility to become a shade, there would be nothing that could stop me from becoming one, not even if i had to play for hours learning to control spirits and stuff.*", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Ehhhhh. I don't think it'd be as fun as you think it would. The whole WOW-factor of this series was because of the rarity of dragon riding: not every joe-shmo could be a dragon rider, there was ~5. \n\nIf it becomes a MMO, then *every* person (even if you have to get to a certain level/do a certain quest) would be riding a dragon, and casting magic.\n\nIt'd be like any other MMORPG, just with dragons and magic. ", "score": 4 } ]
The best day off I've had in a year.
My wife and kid are out of town with my inlaws for the week, and I took two days off this week. Today, I took the Jeep on some local trails. Nothing technical, just a beautiful drive through forest, along a river and through some fields. Since it just rained, I got a little muddy, which is always a plus. Only [one picture](http://imgur.com/Ruapk), though. Was too busy enjoying myself.
[ { "body": "Nothing spectacular, but when my Jeep was stock i tried to take it up these rocks in my parents yard. It was all mud, tree stumps and rocks up a recently steep hill. Needless to say i got stuck. I was up there this weekend and hit it again and conquered that shit. Danced on that shit effortlessly. Not the hardest thing I've done but I'm damn proud.", "score": 3 } ]
Is it worth signing up for a lower populated realm in GW2 in order to always have a slot in WvWvW?
I haven't played beta, if you have.. what do you think? I want to be able to experience everything without worrying about a queue.
[ { "body": "No. There are 4 WvW maps so at most you'll have to suffer a min or two of queue. I played on a server where I was always in overflow (Very full server) but WvW queue was only ever 1min or less.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "In the beta where every server was high or full population, I never had to wait more than a minute to get into WvW, and they are still working on raising the cap even higher.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Dunno, honestly. You can pick a high population world but most people playing have no interest in WvW. Or maybe you pick a low population world but everyone is interested in the WvW results.\n\nUnfortunately, there is no correlation between world population and WvW participation -- or maybe there is an average percentage of people that do it, but you can never be sure about the variation.", "score": 3 } ]
The Free Market to Communism.
As per the title, What are my fellow debaters thoughts on a freed market paving the way towards communism? i have heard Free market proponents (mostly of the capitalist variety, but i would also like to know the market socialist view on this) saying that ti would fuel technological development on a massive scale. Could freeing the market lead to socialism, or communism? Also, I have heard Mutualism referenced as a transitional period of economic development, Why would that be and what are the thoughts on this? As always, Thanks.
[ { "body": "So you're saying a free market, no-government society where those at the top control all without restraint will just magically turn into communism because \"there'll be more technology\"?\n\nSorry, I don't get what you're saying. The only known way to create a powerful, democratic worker's state is through a revolution. Planting gardens in one's home may feel very \"anarchist\" and \"fuck the police\", but you're not freeing yourself from the state or capitalism, and outright removing government completely won't create a free market no matter what, considering the how pseudo-statist governments always seem to arise from AnCap societies, especially when they come from corporations themselves rather than a popular decision.\n\nThe \"free market\" only exists in two unique places, the extreme right of the political spectrum and the extreme left. You can't create anarchism in between, because you either control your what you produce and with whom, or you don't.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "There are two types of \"free\" markets. The capitalist version is (arguably) the chaotic one, where employers exist to maximize their profits while minimizing losses (including employee payment). This leads to exploitation, which would inevitably end in revolt or feudalism, in my mind. Anarcho-Capitalism, to me, would be nothing more than a 50 year transition from an exploit-ridden free market to either feudalism or revolt leading towards another government, most likely a small democracy. It's entirely possible that switches into libertarian socialism or communism in some strain of either would occur.\n\nAs a libertarian socialist, myself, Mutualist to be precise, I believe that Mutualism is the end-game. I can't see Mutualism transitioning into Communism on a regular basis, but society is ever-changing, so it is possible. What Mutualism strives to do is to take the good from Capitalism and the good from Communism, and allow this to function in perfect harmony. From Communism, we take the classless structure, the LTV (and its variants), and the ideas of equality in economics, where there aren't necessarily employers or employees, but laborers, or members. From Capitalism, we take the concept of \"currency\" in the nonpejorative sense, as it's used to compensate workers for their labor. We take the ideas of banking, however, they have the communist hints of mutuality and nonprofit. Everything people do in this system we call Mutualism is for self-interest, but we are careful not to cross the line that would be interfering with another person's self interest. For instance, we only take what the value of *our* own labor is, and not our friend's. The noninvasive individual gets to live his life as he sees fit, noninvasive meaning he won't interfere with another individual's right to live as they see fit. This *could* develop into Communism *if* we decided to abolish currency entirely. I don't see the reason to do this, though. Another reason it would seem odd that a free market could develop into Communism, is the fact that most communists are anti-market (correct me if I'm wrong), which goes against the free market. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I've become particularly partial lately to what Graeber has to say about this in Debt: The First 5000 Years. I don't have my copy handy, but he asserts that historically, markets are only created via states anyway, and that they cannot exist without them. Therefore, 'free markets' are basically a utopian dream in the first place; at best, they've never existed, and at worst, they never can.", "score": 4 }, { "body": ">I'm not saying it will, i was looking for opinons on the assertion that a free market could lead to a communist society (development of productive forces, like im marxist theory).\n\n>In a communist society, how does one control what they produce. If the means of production are in common, then you are laboring in order to recieve the fruits of societies collective labor.\n\nFor this, I would recommend that you read Marx's [Economic and Philosophic Manuscripts of 1844](http://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1844/manuscripts/preface.htm), or at the very least, the Wikipedia article on it if you haven't already done so. I think it will give you the answer you are looking for, in much greater detail than I can attempt to give here.\n\nI would add, however, that the specific question of the free market is not entirely relevant to achieving a transition to communism. That is, the free market, if it has ever truly existed, was ephemeral in nature, leading quickly to [monopoly capitalism](http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1916/imp-hsc/), as redryan has already pointed out. The only way I could think of realistically \"freeing\" the market today would be to free its biggest players from any interference, which would (and has already to a great extent) prove disastrous, not only for general public welfare, but also for technological development. Development happens, yes, and on a large scale, but it is highly specialized and monopolized under the current system, to the point that progress is closely controlled, if not stifled in many fields. (Case in point: software patents.) \n\nNo, as long as class divisions exist, we must make do with some form of state intervention. Those class divisions will cause the monopolization of capital regardless of whether the intentions of the system spring from the left or the right, and if there are no class divisions, then there is already communism. Far more important is to focus on building workplace democracy and fighting against bourgeois ideology. I do not consider myself particularly well-read for a Marxist, but my opinion most recently is that once an alternative is shown and spread enough in which the proletariat represents the population as a whole, and that alternative is suppressed, the true nature of the bourgeois state will become clear, and revolutionary talk can begin in the public discourse. We are headed that way, but I wouldn't rely on technology alone to present that alternative.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I think in a freed market scenario there would be a larger percentage of communally owned properties, this type of collective organization could evolve towards a communist society. I think that is one way to look at how it could transition into a communist-like society without state-centralization.", "score": 3 } ]
Planning to cut for a few weeks, best way to cut down without losing muscle?
Bulked up a decent amount over the last few months, and now I'm seeking to lower my BF% a few points to around 10. Obviously I'd prefer not to lose the muscle I've put on, however. :) I was planning to operate at a decent calorie deficit, and do some HIIT, and do weights once or twice a week (down from every second day). Is there anything diet wise, or exercise-wise that I should be doing in order to maintain muscle mass? Cheers!
[ { "body": "Two good reads:\n\nhttp://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/weight-training-for-fat-loss-part-1.html\n\nhttp://www.bodyrecomposition.com/training/weight-training-for-fat-loss-part-2.html", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Keep intensity high. Lift as often as you normally do at the same weights, just decrease your sets by 1/3.", "score": 3 } ]
Revelations from the Season 3 DVD Commentaries & Extras
Sort of spoiler-ish so proceed with caution, but I thought it would be fun to have a spot to discuss some of the interesting and surprising things learned from the cast & crew commentaries and the deleted scenes, etc.
[ { "body": "Learned from Horror Fiction in Seven Spooky Steps:\n\nCommunity did not have a budget cut, but they did go over budget the first few episodes from reshoots so had to cut back. \n\nChevy totally *loved* this episode. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Pillows and Blankets: all of Keith David's narration heard in the episode was the first take. If you've ever so much as tried to record a voicemail in one take, you know how amazing that is. ", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Sony loved everything about Remedial Chaos Theory **except the tag ending**.\n\nLow and behold the entire tag was worshipped by the fans (felt goatees) and basically the roots of the finale's storyline.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Sony notes to Dan on Studies in Modern Movement: Can you lose the Kiss From a Rose montage or break it up?\n\n*WTF???*", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Evidently they recorded the commentaries a week before the 3-episode finale aired and the version of Digital Estate Planning they were watching to do the commentary still had Dan Harmon's voice subbing for the extra video game characters. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "The biggest one is the rap from the Christmas Episode being off. The vocal track and music track are out of sync by about a beat. It really upset the crew and were disappointed it wasn't fixed for the DVD (or other sources)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Reddit got a shout out on Documentary Filmmaking: Redux for missing that a character's name changed throughout the season.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "In the deleted scenes, Luke Youngblood gets to show off some of his acting chops as a secret of Magnitude is revealed.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Dan Harmon was really insecure about the best episodes of the season (Remedial Chaos Theory, Pillows and Blankets, Regional Holiday Music). And a lot of the music budget was spent on \"Roxanne\", which is why \n\"Daybreak\" is basically the only other licensed song this season. Martin Starr (Prof. Cligoris) was supposed to appear in Pillows and Blankets. Danny Pudi does not mind pooping in public.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Gillian Jacobs is a huge fan of Ru Paul's Drag Race, and she knew of the singer of \"Pocket full of Hawthornes\" from that program.", "score": 3 } ]
Sound off! Sex-Positive Gender-variant Porn!
Hittin' up the GenderFuck hivemind spank-bank in case you cats have good sources for us to all enjoy together. I'm not JUST looking for quality Trans stuff, although that's delightful... Really, it's finding Sex-POSITIVE stuff. Y'know, where people are NICE to each other an' they're fuckin' because they ENJOY it and want to please each other. Finding THAT kinda stuff is hard enough, but yeah. Trying to filter your Gendersoup porn-search through that narrow a lens leads to some slim pickings, ESPECIALLY if I'm only trawlin' like, XVids an' whatnot. So what gets YOU folks off? What're some good go-to spots for positive sex between ALL of our genders?
[ { "body": "I generally find a good tumblr like [sex is not the enemy](http://sexisnottheenemy.tumblr.com/)\n\nand then pop in the [tumblr mosaic viewer](http://tmv.proto.jp/#!/sexisnottheenemy)\n\nfrom there I click through to similiar tumblrs", "score": 3 } ]
Help my family build a greenhouse.
We live in Simi Valley, CA and it is Zone 9b. I have a 3 IBC set up that I plan on expanding with at least another IBC cut in half for a total of 5 grow beds. Aside from that, I want to start working on some prototypes so in short, I need room to expand. We don't have the money to do a concrete slab but I figure we can strap the thing to the fish tanks for anchors. How big would you go? What materials would you use to keep costs down? I'm thinking wood/corrugated plastic will get the job done but I don't know how tall to make it. Would love to get a banana tree going. How much is too much/not enough ventilation? It would be in full sun for at least 10hrs a day if we placed it on the southwest part of the property. Probably around 5 hours of direct if we put it on the southeast side where the trees would block the morning sun. Are there any free plans out there for just basic rectangular green houses? We want to do chickens also so thinking about doing a coop off one side of the greenhouse. Is that a good/bad idea? can't really ask any more specific questions other than that because I don't know wtf I'm doing yet. So anywhere you could point me would be great. Thanks. **edit:** When I said doing an attached chicken coop I meant that we are interested in getting chickens and that building the coop into the structure would be cool if it were possible. Not that I wanted the chickens to have access to the inside of the greenhouse or anything like that.
[ { "body": "chicken's will destroy your crops. if you want to use your chickens to benefit your plant growth, you have a few options, bit none of them work with aquaponics. for example, you can build a chicken tractor (google it) and use them to clean the weeds/pests from the space between your rows, then alternate your rows and the space between them each year. at the same time you can use your chickens to quickly break down your compost and augment it at the same time. I throw a wagon-full of leaves from last fall into the chicken enclosure every two weeks. I also throw a bale of hay in there every now and then. the chickens pick and scratch at it all day, accelerating the process that turns this organic material into substrate. then, i rake it out and add it to my perfectly rich soil to be used to grow much bigger plants much faster than the average bear. i also have an elevated coop, so every few weeks i scoop out the manure and add that to my uber-soil. what you do NOT want to do is allow the chickens to close the distance between themselves and your crops. they will destroy them. but done correctly, they will also keep them pest and weed free.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I've seen on doomsday preppers a guy that had a chicken coop on top a converted pool. He was using chicken poop and kale as nutrients. The birds were in a cage of chicken wire, so when ever they popped, it dropped into the water", "score": 3 } ]
Successfully managing your time at Rutgers?
Incoming freshman here. Obviously, one of the most imposing challenges in the transition from high school is managing time wisely. I'm especially fearful of this at Rutgers due to the multi-campus/bus system. Could any past/present students give a little insight on how they spent their days, or how they arranged their lives around having classes at various times of the day, spread out across campuses?
[ { "body": "The bus system isn't nearly as bad as you'd believe. Leave about 30 minutes before each class (if it's on another campus) and you'll be fine. Also, make sure you use nextbus to check when the appropriate bus is coming. Other than that, I usually completed my homework in Alexander Library simply because it was easier for me to concentrate there than in Tinsley. I never really lacked the time to do homework, and spent most of my weeknights last year playing club soccer.", "score": 16 }, { "body": "Hit the gym if you have some time.\n\nWalking around campus does some good. It beats sitting in your classroom really really early and waiting for the professor.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "The buses are going to be particularly nasty for the first week or two while everyone gets settled in and figures everything out. They're generally not that bad, so long as you avoid College Hall on Cook/Douglass during rush hour. \n\nMy advice to you: if you have some free time after move in and during Syllabus Week (you will, don't worry), do yourself a favor and take a couple of bus rides around to the various campuses, noting stops and such. You might not need them for your classes this semester, but it's nice to know where you're going ahead of time.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Transportation tips!\n\nIt's definitely going to be a clusterfuck during the first one or two weeks. It is for everybody, freshman or not. You'll eventually get into the groove of your weekly schedule and develop a sense of when you need to be where.\n\nAn important observation to make is when rush hour(s) take effect and/or what bus stops are \"hot\". 3-5 and 7pm are peak hours on most campuses College Ave and Douglass buses especially. And Godspeed if you're trying to get on a bus after 11pm Thursday-Saturday. Scott Hall and the SAC tend to be \"hot spots\", so if you happen to get out of class early enough, walking to the Rutgers Student Center to get on one stop earlier can save you the trouble of fighting to board the bus. \n\nAs an incoming freshman, you probably have no idea the names of any of the bus stops, understandably, but just be conscious that you're not restricted to the stop closest to your classroom building. \n\nI would suggest riding the buses until you've become familiar with the routes, but there's alternate forms of transport. Last semester, I was *one of those [bike guys](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wmErNJdRgEM)* and rode between campuses. It's 3-5 minutes longer than a bus (College Ave to Busch), but it's a life saver during shitty hours or intercampus travel.\n\nAs for activities and such, dip your hand into as many pots as you can during the Involvement Fair. Maybe you'll be lucky enough to find one or two things you're really into. Eventually, they won't be \"things you need to make time for\", they'll just become part of your schedule.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Although there are multiple campuses, it typically doesn't take more than 20 minutes to get from one place to another (including the time spent waiting for a bus). Additionally, if you have a reasonable number of credits, you should find plenty of large gaps throughout the day to do anything you want. \n\nOne of the things that I noticed as an incoming freshman is that free time is far more abundant than it was in high school. Even if you have a packed day or two, you'll generally have days where it feels like you hardly have to do anything at all.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Don't worry, you'll have shit loads of free time. The key to time management is just using that free time to study and do your homework. Please, please, please study and do your homework. Plus, that way free time feels much more gratifying - like you earned it, and you don't have some exam in the back of your head.\nAnyway, between classes, why not stop by the campuses library and work on some of that homework? That way your \"awkward in between classes time\" is used doing something really productive.", "score": 3 } ]
On the subject of men's health
Gents, as a nurse in training I've noticed something that concerns me greatly. Whenever, men's health is discussed it's discussed from the standpoint that men are almost afraid of their health. Personally, I disagree, I think the root of the problem is that men's issues aren't given the same value. Men aren't really given the same care and concern quite frankly, I mean we have a breast cancer MONTH but not even a prostate cancer DAY or testicular cancer day. I mean honestly it's not that men are afraid of the doctors office, it's that we've gotten to a state where we don't feel valued and validated enough to care about our health, nobody's giving us TV campaigns with "I'm running for my brother/father/uncle/son". However, I care deeply about men's health (mostly because I fall into that category) and I want you all to as well. If there's any issue we should put as the shining jewel in the crown of our rights it's our health. And in all seriousness it's somewhat easy to keep it right, give your testicles a little roll around, no bumps no lumps you're in the clear. Have a good wank every now and again for prostate health. Make it fun gents, but mostly just give a fuck. You're human beings and posses an intrinsic worth, your life has value protect it, prolong it.
[ { "body": "\"I mean we have a breast cancer MONTH but not even a prostate cancer DAY or testicular cancer day.\"\n\nCheck out http://uk.movember.com/about/ At least in the UK we have a prostate cancer awareness month :)\n\nEdit: just noticed HeWasAQuietMan already mentioned this.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I suffered testicular torsion last year, and so went to the emergency room. Torsion is about as high priority as non-life threatening emergencies get, resulting in organ death in just a few hours. In the waiting room, a couple women and a child were let in before me. I do not know why they were there, but they stood on their own and walked casually in to see the doctor, so I don't imagine much was wrong.\n\nWhen I was finally seen, the doctor gave me a simple, \"well, everything seems fine now!\" I was sent to a surgical consult as I should have been; the surgeon was a woman, which I had no problem with, however the fact that she never made eye contact with me, but rather addressed the door of the room, and didn't talk so much as shout was off putting.\n\nShe told me I didn't have a hernia...\n\nI explained that I did not come in for a hernia, but for testicular torsion; she responded by, again, telling me everything was fine, that I must have been mistaken (I had seen the testicle untwist, which does not mean everything is better), and that it was probably something else.\n\nA few weeks of intermittent pain and seven doctors (all of which I had to copay for) later, with nothing having been accomplished, my ex-girlfriend was having abdominal pain. We had the same insurance provider, and I ended up driving her to the same ER (crazy traffic to the other one). She was taken in immediately for imaging, as they were worried she might have an ovarian issue - turns out it was just IBS.\n\nI care about my health, but what use is it when no one else does?\n\nI canceled my insurance with them the next day.", "score": 3 } ]
Anyone know a good spot to view Lac Leamy fireworks from?
I'm planning to go there with a person who sometimes gets anxiety attacks when there are too many people around. I've been there many times over the years, but there are usually hundreds of people there. Here is [a map](http://goo.gl/maps/t9zqm) of the area. If you don't want to publish it here, then please PM. I understand that everyone probably cherishes their spot, and doesn't want to give it away, but it's worth a shot. Even my own parents didn't want to give out the spot they found :/ Thanks!
[ { "body": "I am sorry, but they run from Aug 4th - Aug 18th. [http://www.feux.qc.ca/en/](http://www.feux.qc.ca/en/) Unless you are asking for next year?", "score": 3 } ]
Anyone ever been denied birth control because of PCOS?
I'm 31 and haven't taken hormonal birth control in almost a decade. I've always been greatly satisfied with condoms and fewer homicidal tendencies. I know that there are quite a few BC methods available now that are potentially less damaging emotionally, and damnit I want to be able to have all the sex I want with my husband. So, due to some recent financial setbacks I ended up going to the local health department (my nearest PP is over 100 miles away and would cost considerably more than the free services I got at the health department). I *know* my chances of getting pregnant are slim, but I also know it happens and we are certainly not in the position for kids at the moment. So, I've been denied BC and they cited the PCOS as the reason. Ever heard of this before?
[ { "body": "That's very odd. If anything, I've had every single kind of BC out there offered to me because of PCOS. Even things like Mirena, which some practitioners only like to do on women who have had children before. I hope you can go back and get someone different or be able to raise hell somehow to get care.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "I presume it works very differently here in the UK. At 15 I was put on birth control purely because of my PCOS to try and regulate my periods. It seems stupid to deny you them for that reason!!!", "score": 4 } ]
Pieces and Shards - What do you do with your broken pipes/bongs/whathaveyou?
I have a few broken pipes that I can't bear to part with, even though they will never again be used as portals to the high dimension. I cleaned the glass nicely, and will probably use the shards as eye candy, nestled in the dirt of my houseplants. But! I wanted to know what you guys do with your broken old pipes! Do you keep them? Throw them away? Hold a funeral for the fallen? More to the point, if you keep them, what do you with the pieces? Crafts?
[ { "body": "I throw them away. I don't really get attached to pieces. I have favorite utensils, but that's a matter of function. If it's not functional, it no longer has value. ", "score": 16 }, { "body": "I wouldnt advise putting glass shards in soil where small glass pieces can break off and remain there. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "You can break it into smaller pieces and make a mosaic art piece. It won't resemble your old pipes anymore but at least every time you look at it you'll be reminded. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "With old glass pieces I've been known to make screens out of. It's just a little piece that works like a plugnug. I enjoy making frankenstein pieces out of ductape, liquor bottles, old pieces, and other such nonsense. Never through away a glass slide because the bong broke. \n\n\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Toss them in the lake nearby my house. It's plenty deep, no worry of swimmers stepping on 'em, and I just like knowin they're there. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "stare at it for a few minutes that i just broke it, then clean up whatever broke and toss. then you get to go buy a new one! thats fun if you have the extra money.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "One time we broke the mouthpiece off of a bubbler by accident like the week we got it. We went to Home Depot and bought some plastic tubing which fit over the broken part and continued to use it. \n\nThe best part? It was 10 feet of tubing and we never cut it down to a reasonable length. You could wrap the entire thing around you be in the \"CYCLONE OF SMOKE.\" I think we named the whole apparatus \"Dr. Manhattan.\"", "score": 3 } ]
I am the real Carl Jones AMA
What's up Reddit, it's Carl Jones. I am the Executive Producer and Head Writer of Black Dynamite: The Animated Series on Adult Swim. You may also know me as the Co-Executive Producer of the Peabody Award winning animated series, The Boondocks. I'll be answering questions starting at 3:30pm EST https://twitter.com/iamcarljones
[ { "body": "Shows like The Boondocks particularly, as well as Black Dynamite, get plenty of opportunity to comment on hot social topics, and get plenty of fuel form the real world. Are there any subjects that you just won't touch on, because you're tired of them, out of reverence/respect, or for any other reason? ", "score": 25 }, { "body": "will RZA ever get a guest spot on the show as a samurai or a ninja or some shit. that would be trill", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Big fan of the character Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks. Can you share any insight on who came up with him and where they got the idea? ", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Hey, Mr. Jones! uh, I only have a few questions...\n\n* How did you get started writing/producing?\n* Which show that you have worked on do you love the most?\n* What's an average day for you?\n\nAnd thank you for doing the AMA! I've loved the shows you've worked on for a long time.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "I'm a very picky TV watcher, and Black Dynamite has definitely captured my interest, but with that said, can we ever hope to see some new episodes of The Boondocks? I've been re-watching some of those episodes, and I have to say that it is so damn sad for me that I have to go on without new episodes...", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Are any of the characters in Black Dynamite inspired from the people you've encountered or yourself? ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Hey Carl! I gotta say, I'm really impressed by how well Black Dynamite worked as an animated series, and I'd like to congratulate you on doing such an awesome job on it.\n\nAre there any other live action films you would consider turning into an animated series?", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Do you feel like the Boondocks and Black dynamite are in the same universe? (as I do mainly because of the the social satire layered between over the top animation and action sequences)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Thanks for the AMA dude. So many questions on my mind haha. First off, what's it like working with Aaron? He seems like such an intelligent yet shut in type of guy (you guys are both my heroes for the boondocks show) Whats it like producing cartoons so deeply rooted in black culture in such a white dominated field? What got you into animation? Who is your favorite hip-hop artist right now? ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "How did the idea to convert Black Dynamite into an animated show come about? Did you approach Adult Swim?", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I absolutely love your show.\n\nOne question, when getting material for writing, do you already have a good idea of all of the period stuff you want to hit on, or do you go back and watch a lot of old media from the 1970's to give you new ideas?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Oh man Carl Jones is on Reddit! Alright then! For starters, will we be seeing anymore of The Fiendish Dr. Wu in the series? And will President Nixon be a more frequent antagonist in a similar vein to the film?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Most (if not all) of the answers from [iamcarljones](/user/iamcarljones/) (updated: Aug 15, 2012 @ 05:58:32 pm EST):\n\n*****\n\n**[Question](/r/IAmA/comments/y7umq/_/c5t4ahg?context=1) (ernie1850):**\n\n> What were some of your favorite cartoons growing up?\n\n**[Answer](/r/IAmA/comments/y7umq/_/c5t4fik?context=1) (iamcarljones):**\n\n> man there are so many. Im a big chuck jones fan. also tex avery. I like alot of the voltron, thundercats stuff too.\n\n*****\n\n(continued below)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "will you do a show when \"Black Dynamite meets The Last Dragon \"Bruce LEROY GREEN\"?\" that would be hot!!! _courtland jackson was here aka youngbossape", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Hey Carl, I love Black Dynamite! \n\nOne of my favorite episodes is still, Just Beat It or Jackson Five Across Yo' Eyes. Were there any issues with getting this kind of awesome, but potentially sensitive story cleared - or is Adult Swim totally sportive of this kind of writing?\n\nEither way my friends and I love this show, and hope it keeps going the distance!\n\n", "score": 3 } ]
Boyfriend hurt me (accidentally) during sex... [triggers maybe]
So my boyfriend and I were having sex and *something* happened to where he missed (and missed hard) and I ended up with a cut between my vagina and butt about 1.5 inches long and .5 inch deep. It was super painful and bleeding a lot. I don't have insurance, so we've just been treating it at home (lots of neosporin, liquid bandage, and whatnot) and its healing up just fine, but I feel really uncomfortable because this happened to me once before... when I was raped. It might even be the same wound reopened, I'm not quite sure, but my stomach has been in knots and my mind is on the verge of a panic attack. Every time I move I feel the pain of it and it takes me back to when I was raped, and it makes me feel terrible, disgusting, angry, and a lot of other emotions I'm not quite sure how to describe. Mainly I need help with how to handle this and talk to my boyfriend about it. He knows I was raped (before he and I ever met) but I never really talk about it with him. I'm sort of scared to have sex again, half because I don't want to hurt the cut, and half because I'm afraid that it will happen again, or I'll have a flashback, or I don't know what. I don't have money for actual therapy or anything, and I know that I will probably need to see someone at some point, but what I hope to find here is some advice, understanding, or experience in the matter. Or maybe just some hugs...
[ { "body": "This is a more serious injury than can be treated by Neosporin. Can you take it to an emergency room or a clinic? Planned Parenthood, even? ", "score": 63 }, { "body": "this really makes me fucking angry that you can't go to the doctor for your cut or for therapy because of lack of insurance. i live in Canada and I think that access to basic, adequate medical care is a RIGHT, and if your country doesn't have socialized medical care, then your country has failed you. \n\nBTW I would not have sex untill the thing has healed completely. ", "score": 27 }, { "body": "Aw shit :((( **HUG**\n\nI'm not sure if this is helpful, but it sounds like you want to tell him but maybe don't want to \"burden\" him with awful detail. But... from his perspective it might help to hear about this, so that he knows that part of the reason you're having a really hard time with this (apart from the obvious, which is holy shit, you got torn up while having sex, owowowowowow/yikes) is because of it also having happened when you were raped.... so it's not all just because he was a clumsy partner who injured you. Also this gives him the opportunity to step up and be comforting, sympathetic, and understanding - AKA taking care of his girl.", "score": 25 }, { "body": "That wound may require stitches, as someone who hates going to a doctor and avoids it at all costs, I'd say go and get it checked out. \n\nOn a side note, I once accidentally elbowed my girlfriend in the eye during sex and gave her a big black eye :/\n\n", "score": 23 }, { "body": "Was actually reading up on tears the other day. Apparently having a tear there previously can cause it to happen again more easily.\n\nHugs. Feel better.", "score": 15 }, { "body": "You really need to go to an ER if you don't have insurance (they will bill you later and let you make payments, and so long as you pay them at all, even a tiny amount at once, they can't send you to collections). Due to the location it is very, very prone to infection. I don't know if I can impart on you enough how important it is to get some stitches and likely antibiotics to help keeping it from getting infected. You should also definitely avoid penetrative sex until it heals. \n\nAs for talking to your boyfriend, that can be tricky. I only recently told my husband the details of my assault and it was such a difficult conversation. If possible, maybe you could write a letter to him about it? I do think it's very important for him to know about this so he can better understand what you are going through right now.\n\nAnd for therapy, I don't know about where you live, but sometimes women's shelters will offer rape crisis counseling. I was uninsured after my assault and I did just this. The counselor was an awesome lady, and it was quite helpful. You might be able to get in touch with RAINN (if you're in the US) and they could probably give you some local resources.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "Aaack! You poor thing. I'm so sorry this has been painful for you in more ways than one. I hope you can talk to your BF about why this is hard for you (re. trigger) and I'm sure he'll be much more careful and gentle in the future. And it'll make you feel a lot better to have him understand your feelings. I'd just be calm and clear: \"I'm upset because it hurts physically, but also because it's brought back really bad memories that I don't want to associate with you. Next time, can we just be more gentle and slow? That way us having sex won't remind me of being raped in any way.\" \n\nAfter I was sexually assaulted I couldn't stand any sort of sexual activity that seemed animalistic/rough...it just brought back too many memories. For years I only wanted slow, loving, sensual sex. Hopefully with time you'll understand that your boyfriend wants to have sex with you out of love and adoration, not out of the need for power. And I'd recommend therapy if you can find a place that does it for free/cheap...might help you release some of those feelings.\n\nOn a final note, I think guys sometimes just don't realize how careful they should be when inserting...I've had plenty of them just jam it around before it goes in. I bet he'd appreciate a gentle lesson on this :)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Tell him about what happened. He cares about you, he wants to know. It's not a burden, it's a relationship. He wants to support you, emotionally, so let him.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Hey, most of what people are saying here is good, especially the seeking medical help thing. I work as a social worker, so whenever people are struggling with this type of stuff I always want to suggest counseling. It's something to think about, especially if this hypervigilence and re-experiencing your trauma continue to occur. \n\nOn a practical level with sex, if you are worried about another \"accident\" you can always guide him in and ask him to let you do all the thrusting as it makes you more comfortable.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Oh God, here we go- I'm an Emergency room resident. Without having seen the injury (and I am not soliciting pictures) we always recommend going in to have perineal tears repaired. The problem is the perineum is loaded with bacteria which if it does get infected or if you get an abscess, they may be unlikely to treat in the ER , but rather require drainage and cleaning in surgery (read $$$) Abscesses \"down there\" can become a huge problem.\n\nHowever, I understand not having $3k just sitting around for a doctors visit. So here is my recommendation: try to find some sterile packing (long thing strips for packing abscesses). Rinse the motherfucking daylight out of that wound at least twice a day with a shower head on a hose. In between cleaning, pack with a few inches packing to held keep the wound OPEN an allow drainage of any fluid. Cover it with gauze and paper tape. You'll probably want to wear a pad if there is any drainage. At the first sign of any growing redness or tenderness, get yourself to an urgent clinic/PP or somewhere were they can prescribe you some antibiotics. \n\nThis should be enough to prevent anything serious until you get to your PP visit. \n\nOh and it might hurt the first time or two you rinse it out, but you need to make sure you clean the deepest parts of the cut most of all- where bacteria can be hiding and get walled off. \n\nEdit- please no sexy time until after it heals. ", "score": 3 } ]
[TOMT] One of those kid's books with a cassette tape from the 80's
I was young so details are kind of scarce. It was spider-man at the circus. The only thing I could come up with on Google was a comic book. But the one I'm looking for was a kid's book with an audio cassette. The kind that had that ding sound to tell you when to turn the page. I think Peter went to the circus but an animal got loose and Spider-man had to save the day.
[ { "body": "Does [this](http://www.etsy.com/listing/67593980/spiderman-book-n-cassette-tape-kids-read) look familiar?", "score": 3 } ]
SO[19F] for 2 years broke up with me two months ago. We remained very good friends, and today she informed me she's fallen for a new guy. I feel like shit right now.
Edit: I'm a 19 year old male. Forgot to add it in title. I don't even know why I'm writing this. Maybe I just need to vent a bit. Anyways, as I said my SO broke up with me about two months ago. It wasn't a dramatic ending as some part of me had suspected it would not last very long. Though I hoped with all my heart that it would. If I've ever loved someone, it was that gal. When it happened I was a complete mess for a while, but it kind of helped that we remained best friends. And at the same time I've probably had a harder time getting over it since I wasn't separated from her. We even went to France together (which we had planned to do since before we broke up). Last night I went to a party and then slept at a friends house (I live in another town) and my ex and I had planned to see the last two episodes of Doctor Who (which we hadn't watched together yet). As I left my friends house early in the morning I was in a really good mood. It really felt like I finally was over my ex. A couple of hours later she informed me that she had fallen for another guy, which currently lives in Japan, and will be there until the start of next summer. And now I'm back on square one of the shit-train again. She really ripped open a wound I thought I had finally managed to close. It might just be something that will pass in a week but it feels really really shitty right now. If I'm going to have to do this for another two months I don't know how long I can cope with it. And at the same time I'm really happy for her that she's found someone to be with. Even though I still wish it was me. I don't really know what I'm asking here. It felt good to vent anyways. Anyone with similar stories I can listen to?
[ { "body": "That's the reason why staying friends does not work in 95% of all break-ups. You end up getting hurt by her presence or if not that, by her dating another guy. \n\nMy story is kind of different, short version: she left me for her best friends ex-boyfriend (destroying both her friendship and our relationship) which caught me completely by surprise (even though the more I reflect about it, the more I think I should've seen the signs), so I had the shitty \"She's in love with someone else\" feeling right after the break-up. \n\nShe wanted to stay in contact with me, didn't want to \"lose me, because I'm such a wonderful person\" but I figured out, it would hurt too much meeting her, knowing she's thinking of him or reading their flirting on Facebook all of the time (which happened 2 days (!!!) after she told me. So much about \"I don't want to hurt you, since you're so important to me).\n\nI decided to cut off any contact and avoid any chance of seeing her and I think that's the only thing that saved me from completly falling apart on this. I still feel like shit and I'm still in the recovery process, but I figured out it's easier to let go with her out of sight. Yesterday a friend of both of us posted a photo with her and that showed me how much it hurts only seeing a freaking photo of her. One of those moments where I think I've done the right thing.\n\n\nMaybe it's the best for you to do the same. No seeing each other, texting or anything for a long time! If she cares about you, she'll understand, if you tell her why. Maybe someday you can get in touch with her again, but right now you should stay away from her.\n\nI wish you all the best, nobody should ever need to feel such things!\n", "score": 6 }, { "body": "You never really separated from her so you never healed. It's a stupid mistake most of us make at some point. Time to go no contact and actually heal and move on.", "score": 3 } ]
Interest check: Reddit Freemasonry Book Club
What's the interest level for a group that picks one book every month or two, reads it, and discusses it (here or in a separate subreddit)? The two major challenges I see would be: a) finding a book that interested brothers can easily get their hands on (maybe it should be something available in both paper and ebook, possibly even public domain), and b) discussing the craft outside of a tiled lodge, although we all pretty much know the boundaries.
[ { "body": "This would be great actually. There are a ton of Masonic texts and literature that are available for free online. I for one am a supporter of this idea.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I think this is a FANTASTIC idea. Many of the classics of freemasonry are available free either through Google books or Project Gutenburg. We could easily get this going.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I like this idea. There are always questions about good, and what masonic texts to read. Now brothers could just join the book club and learn a lot during discussion. \n\nSent from my mobile phone. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I love this idea. Perhaps we should start with something easy like Born in Blood or The Lost Symbol. \n\nIf this picks up steam, might we consider a private (tyled) subreddit? We can post updates in the main sub to maintain interest.\n\nEither way I'm very interested, let me know.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I think this would be a great idea! Would be pretty good for Brothers like myself who can't get to lodge as often as they would like.", "score": 3 } ]
Reality Checks Question
For reality checks, I have a simple question- when doing the hand pressing against another hand to check, how important is it to associate it with a clock (hourly basis?). Can I just do it at random times as often as I remember to? What other reality checks can I do?
[ { "body": "Just RC as often as you think about it. Some other ones include counting your fingers, and trying to breathe through a pinched-close nose.", "score": 4 } ]
All of my coworkers and I keep getting sick at work. When we complained about it to my boss he nonchalantly told us that there was mold in the building... Is there anything we can do?
Can we demand it to be fixed? I'm so flustered right now. To make things worse, it's a small food shop so we cook food too... What can we do??? EDIT: Definitely don't have the money for a lawyer. And I'd better get another job lined up before I call the health department.
[ { "body": "Call Osha. We had the same problem where I worked. Nobody had the guts to call for the longest time until finally one guy did. A few days later an inspector showed up and checked the air in our basement hovel of an IT dungeon.\n\nSure enough the air quality was \"borderline.\" It wasnt exactly toxic but it wasn't not-toxic either. Which means people with sensitivities or lowered immune systems from stress or overwork are going to fall ill more often in that environment. Once one person gets sick they will likely infect everyone else.\n\nAnyway once the Osha inspection happened all of a sudden they redid our whole basement, new tiles, new cubicles, new furniture, a whole new venting system was installed with extra air purifier units available in a closet if we needed them.\n\nAlso of note there were no reprisals. Management was helpless and the only way they could control the situation was by going proactive on cleaning it up instead of trying to cover it up. They bought us all Aeron chairs...!!\n\nBasically once OSHA shows up and says, \"this air is no good.\" Your bosses have only a short time to bring your workarea up to code or you can sue them. And don't worry about the lawyer costs because you will have them dead to rights and will annihilate them in court. Believe me lawyers will jump at the chance to sue over an OSHA violation. \n\nAlso btw, the only way we found out who made the call to OSHA was because the guy finally fessed up. We all knew who it was and were very grateful but eventually he admitted it. Carlos bro.. whereever you are you are still my hero!", "score": 36 }, { "body": "It's a food place..report them, and get a lawyer. OSHA has strict guidlines, also call the health department and get the place inspected once you have a lawyer lined up. Don't let your boss catch wind of you trying to sue him, or he may try to fire you. Speak only with your lawyer about this, I can't stress that enough.", "score": 24 }, { "body": "OSHA most definitely do something. If you file an OSHA complaint and you get fired you are entitled to sue under the whistle-blower law. Lawyers line up to do these for free because there is ton of money to be had. OSHA complaint is free and does not require a lawyer. I am no attorney but I work at a law firm. ", "score": 14 }, { "body": "Hate to say it but if you can find another job I probably would. A big crackdown is highly likely to get everyone fired. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "My wife had to deal with this, it is a health hazard and illegal for him to do nothing about it. Also, what everyone else said here.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Yes. That's illegal. They have you working in unsafe standards. Mold, especially black mold, can cause serious health problems. Contact your health and safety board and tell them.", "score": 3 } ]
Where does the cum go?
I'm interested in letting my bf cum in me (front and back) but I'm anxious to know, what happens to the cum afterwards?! does it stay up there or leak out?
[ { "body": "Most of it \"leaks\" out. Many people keep either towels or baby wipes next to the bed so after their partner cums in them, they can wipe most of it off/out before they head to the bathroom where gravity can help and they wipe a bit more thoroughly. ", "score": 21 }, { "body": "What goes up must come down. Gravity and all that.\n\nIt'll leak out after - have a shirt or a towel or run to the bathroom afterwards. Be sure you're on birth control unless you want to form babby.", "score": 14 }, { "body": "In the cases of emission into vaginal and/or anal orifice(s) the majority of the seminal fluid will leave the body naturally by way of gravity. That is to say that a small amount remains in the body and absorbed (by the vaginal walls and everything up and past the canal which is why birth control is important if you wish to prevent pregnancy, and by the walls of the colon) Typically the body will rid itself of it by way of absorption after the majority has fallen out. In the case of oral ingestion (meaning you swallowed) the semen is digested normally just as anything else would be, but because of the high protein content, will take longer. Unless you are severely unaccustomed to seminal ingestion, you shouldn't feel any nausea or anything like that. If it is your first time swallowing, you should be prepared for a foul experience IF the male typically does not stay well hydrated and/or eats and drinks a lot of junk food and/or smokes. Most males who stay well hydrated, eat well and don't smoke have a healthier output that is more pleasurable (both in taste and consistency) to women with experience (with the same man or different men). Basically, you have nothing to worry about as long far as where the sperm goes unless you're off birth control. Contrary to popular belief (typically scare tactics used to scare teens) its actually not that easy to get pregnant. Its just easiER for teens because of puberty and high levels of fertility via hormonal development. \n\nFully matured adults and well developed young adults should not be afraid of ingesting semen or allowing it to be released into the body as long as responsible and safe practices are present. \n\nEnjoy!", "score": 6 } ]
May be staying in Edinburgh for a few days next month. Could use some advice.
I want to spend a few days with my girlfriend in Edinburgh. I found a guest house which seems to be quite decent[1]. Any advice on accommodations, some sightseeing, local bars, etc? We are both German, by the way. I read the guide [2], but I still have some questions: What are prices for drinks/eating out/public transportation? Any must sees? Where can I get a cheap and edible breakfast? [1] http://www.tripadvisor.co.uk/Hotel_Review-g186525-d1036217-Reviews-The_Mayville_Guest_House-Edinburgh_Scotland.html [2] http://www.reddit.com/r/Edinburgh/comments/pptc1/the_redditors_guide_to_edinburgh/
[ { "body": "The most convenient public transportation is the bus service run by Lothian Buses, which covers the whole city. A single journey on the bus costs £1.40 each, and a day pass costs £3.50 and that allows you to takes as many bus journeys as you want to in a day. Make sure you have the correct fare though as these buses don't give out change. Their website is www.lothianbuses.com and you can see timetables and fares etc on there.\nI can't say I've visited the local bars and restaurants in the area to recommend any, but I know that there are plenty places close to the guest house you linked and I'm sure someone else can recommend the best places. \nHope this helps!", "score": 4 }, { "body": "To avoid silly prices avoid eating on the Royal mile.\n\nBuses are cheap. Taxis aren't bad either but in all honesty if you're a tourist wanting to see mostly central Edinburgh you can pretty much walk everywhere if you're not in a hurry.", "score": 3 } ]
What loot is worth keeping?
In your opinion, what loots is definitely worth keeping? How much food and drinks do you keep on you at all times? How many bandages? Which medical supplies do you make sure you always have? Which guns do you love? Basically, what stuff do you HAVE to have to survive and prosper?
[ { "body": "depending on your bag size, assuming Alice Pack, 2-3 canned food, 2 water bottles, 2-4 morphine, 4-6 bandages, 5+ cooked meat, 2-4 pain killers. Add in some extra ammo, especially for your pistol if you have a loud primary, and you are pretty much good to go. If you play with friends, you can drop some of the cooked meat for blood bags. You dont really need that many bandages, I just have seen my friends get killed by a single zombie due to lack of bandages before, so its my policy to keep at least 4 on me at all times. ", "score": 3 } ]
What are the best jobs on campus?
I want to get a job on campus this fall. Part time, and it would only be in the fall since I will hopefully co-op in the spring.
[ { "body": "You can always try jobsatuc.com. Just create an account, upload your resume/cover letter/whatever they require you to have onto different postings on there. I just got a job in the computer labs on campus this fall through that website. It's pretty helpful. ", "score": 3 } ]
r/manga, which character death affected you the most and from which manga was it?
I have a couple of rememorable character deaths; [Death Note Spoilers](/s "The death of Ryuuzaki (L) and the death of Yagami Light. They were both splendid. L's death was perfect in the way that it all hung together with Light's plans and allowed the story to continue without feeling too milked. Also how the panels were drawn and L + Light's expressions were golden. It's the same with Light's death, when his plans are crushed, so is he. He truly shows his true colors with his last breath, the god complex fully developed in a character who, atleast I thought, were relatively sane and in full control. And the way Ryuk once again takes his role as what he truly is, a terrifying, coldblodded killer. ") Also, [Code Geass Spoilers](/s "Lelouch's death in Code Geass. Using his own death in order to create peace, not just randomly giving up his life but actually having planned it all from the start (presumably). ") EDIT: I'm a jackass, sorry for all the spoilers!
[ { "body": "Damn Zabuza. His death scene prompted me to start following anime and reading manga. It also didn't help when that scene was used so much in AMVs back in the day. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Cage of Eden\nIf you aren't very far in it then stop here.\nKazuma Zaji\nIf you haven't read the series I seriously advise it.", "score": 3 } ]
Simple question - Do you nickname your dwarves? If so how do you name them?
Personally the last time I went through the states of Mexico, this time it's after colours (I'm up to Cerulean and resorting to wikipedia)
[ { "body": "I name them after their bios. I look at what they like, what they look like, any attribute they have that makes them special. For example, my miner liked sea monsters so I named him Sea Monster. I had this one dwarf that I assigned to animal training so I named him Rexxar and I had a dwarf that was a doctor with no relatives or friends so I named him Zoidberg.", "score": 10 }, { "body": "I like to give dwarves of notable skill, ability, or accomplishment names that suit them. Put another way, I only name the dwarves that do something interesting.\n\nFor example, I once had a fort where one particular animal trainer (that liked ravens) ended up catching lots of ravens and eventually taming them. She had nothing but masterfully trained ravens as pets, and her efforts allowed me to feed the fort with an enormous supply of raven eggs. Thus I named her \"Nevermore the Raven Lady\". She eventually even became mayor of the fortress before the circus came to visit.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "**Everyone** gets a nickname. This makes it so much easier to tell dwarf from non-dwarf on things like lists of names to engrave or body parts. \n\nThe Nickname is based on what they do. I'll adjust the nickname based on skill and exact role, so 'Smith' makes items out of metal, 'Smithlord' is legendary at making things, and 'Smithling' works the furnace. This also makes dfhack's sort command organise the dwarves the way they want.\n\nDwarves with no jobs but hauling are nicknamed 'Slave' which gives me a way to quickly find an unassigned dwarfs if I need someone to give a dedicated role to.\n\nMilitary dwarves get a nickname spcific to each squad: 'Soldier', 'Defender' 'Ranger', 'Fodder', 'Minion', etc. \nMy hero dwarves get better nicknames like 'Deathlord', 'Knight', 'Sir Urist' etc.\n\nI use custom professions to give names like 'Titanslayer' for someone who kills a titan, 'Axebearer' for the bearer of a legendary axe and so on. It makes the logs much more enjoyable to read.\n\n\nFun quirk: if you set nicknames in Dwarf Therapist, restart your game and then apply the nicknames they end up in all sorts of odd places, which is how I have an artifact pick named 'Smith' Sularist and an dwarven diplomat named 'Newbie' Urist. Playing with dfusion eventually led to me being able to assign nicknames to artifacts, so I now do that for any artifact weapons.\n\n\n\n\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I tend to give them nicknames based on relevant attributes (dwarves with the \"enjoys helping others\" or \"gets satisfaction from helping others\" traits, for instance, get nicknamed 'NurseX' so they're easier to find when someone is injured.)\n\nI also sometimes give them nicknames based on their jobs or positions- my mayor gets nicknamed 'Mayor' to make him easier to find in the burrow assignment list when it's time to meet with the liason, so I can restrict him to his office and not have him wandering around like a fucktard doing useless things like pasturing animals or harvesting crops.\n\nA dwarf who has pissed me off in one manner or other will sometimes get a bad nickname (e.g. 'Shitbag.')", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I nickname the first 7 \"OD.\" Beyond that, the only thing I use nicknames for is after finding a dwarf I want to use for a particular job in Dwarf Therapist, I'll add a temporary nickname to make the dwarf easier to find in-game.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I name legendaries, nobles and military - if a dorf pulls off something extra noteworthy (like one who popped out what seemed like 36475876 children and earned the name 'breeder') then I'll also give them a name.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I nick name all useful dwarves so I can more easily tell if I need to be worried if one of them is caught outside the drawbridge once it's raised.\n\nIn addition to being nick named, all legendary crafters each get their own workshop.\n\nAll nobles get a proper nickname.\n\nMy Dwarf is always nicknamed \"Mech\", and is always one of the starting 7. I make myself the Mason.\n\nAny dwarf without a nickname is a fulltime dedicated hauler/mason constructor/trap mechanic setter upper/fish dissector.\n\nAssuming I have the proper defenses and time, I will assign many dwarves a training nickname and assign them all as miners for a couple of years so they can build up some strength and agility, before allowing them to pick up armor and weapons to defend the Fortress.\n\nMilitary dwarves get squad based nick names followed by their first names. The Squad Commander gets a special title so I can easily pick them out like \"Axe11 Litod\". 1 being the first Axe Squad, and 11 letting me know that this guy is the SC. The others in the squad will be \"Axe1 %NAME%\" This make is much easier to assign guys to the specific squads I want.", "score": 3 } ]
TIFU by getting my dick caught in my zipper.
Pretty much as it sounds. Headed to the bathroom on break, whipped it out, did my business, and as I was zipping my pants back up the skin got caught in the zipper. Of course, it hurt like hell, I panicked and thought it'd be a great idea to pull the two apart. Pain makes you do some unintelligent things. And in this case, it caused more pain. So, I've now got a nice gouge in my dick, it hurts like hell, and I've got 5 more hours sweating it out at work.
[ { "body": "I have learned, from the same mistake, to always shove Junior back up in my pants/underwear and secure him before zipping up.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "God damn. Every time I hear about this, I just grimace and shift my legs awkwardly. Sympathy pains, bro.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I did this at an L.A. Dodgers game... There was a wave going around, and My pants came unzipped. I zipped him up, and shrieked infront of EVERYONE", "score": 3 } ]
Best jazz music to enjoy with some green?
I've never really, and I mean really, listened properly to jazz. I love music varietals and this is a vertical that I'm quite unfamiliar with. I'd appreciate some suggestions of good people/groups.
[ { "body": "Thelonious Monk. There's a live CD where he's playing with John Coltrane, I love that in particular.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "Charles Mingus' The Black Saint and the Sinner Lady is awesome, as is Wes Montgomery for some jazzy guitar, and Charlie Parker is always great.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "[Grant Green - Idle Moments](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JMiLAxMnoqE) Some fantastic jazz guitar work. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Most of these responses reference combos/solo acts, which are cheeel when shmoking mellow. But when you're feeling cray-see upbeat, try some big bands: Count Basie, Duke Ellington, or, for some straight-70's, Buddy Rich. ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Ted Greene - album Solo Guitar. I am a guitarist myself and Greene is just badass.\nAlso: Django! Django Reinhard plays superb gipsy jazz. If you like gypsy jazz you also should check out Bireli Lagrene. He's like todays god of gipsy jazz and undoubtedly one of the finest guitar players ever.\n\nAnd - brotip: If you're about to have a sexytime, Chet Baker \"almost blue\". It's like **the** music to have sex to.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Ornette Coleman is pretty cool jazz and Charlie Hunter is incredible just watch this video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-B7btsk6ASE", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Duke Ellington. My favorite collection is called \"Live from the Blue Note\" tracks to look for specifically, \"mr. Gentle and mr. Cool\" (has a violin solo that will blow you away) and \"tenderly\"\n\nSmoke it up.", "score": 3 } ]
Is North Korea isolated enough for speciation to occur in humans?
If so, how long might it take until they are a different species? A few million years? A few thousand? Are there any other regions in the world that would be as isolated as North Korea is? Even if they are fully isolated, is there enough selective pressure for speciation to occur? I'd imagine that there is no longer geographical isolation in the world, as we have air travel and other forms of transportation, but political isolation seems more capable to result in a branch off of the main human population. I guess the only other group of humans I could think of that are isolated enough from the rest of human populations would be isolated tribes in certain parts of South America or Africa, but I'm not sure if they are even that isolated, or if they reproduce with outsiders.
[ { "body": "In all likelihood, North Korea will become \"unisolated\" with the rest of the world through some political means before speciation ever occurs. \n\n[This](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sentinelese_people) might be more along the lines of what you'd expect. It's a very interesting read about the Sentinelese people, arguably the most isolated population on the planet. ", "score": 66 }, { "body": "It would take a few thousand years for any sort of genetic change to become fixed in the population, much less one that could have a major impact that would lead to speciation.\n\nOf much greater concern is the observation that North Koreans are on average [three inches](http://digitaljournal.com/article/323549) shorter than their South Korean counterparts, despite being genetically identical for all intents and purposes.", "score": 26 }, { "body": "The estimates are that neandertals and modern humans split ~370 000 years ago, and there is recent evidence that we interbred which means it's not a true species (in the animal sense, since the hybrid was fertile). So to answer your question, the isolation of North Korea is not on the same scale to be a speciation event.\n\nThe factors influencing speciation (in a human species) are\n- mutation rate\n- migration rate\n- population size\n\nIf mutation rate is high, and migration and population are low then speciation can occur very quickly (still on the order of tens or hundreds of thousands of years). Given the current make-up of humans and the estimates for mutation rate, we are a large population with a low mutation rate and highly migrating. If you were to isolate a few million people you still would expect milloins of years to pass before the isolated population of millions and the rest of the population would undergo a speciation event (a million is a large population).\n\nTLDR; North Korea is not isolated for long enough and is too large a population to under speciation.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Australian_Aborigines#Origins\n\nThey would be another group that was isolated for a pretty good amount of time.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Interesting question, but maybe [North Sentinel Island](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/North_Sentinel) would be a better example. They reject contact with outsiders and are too small and uninteresting to have any political pressure to open up.", "score": 3 } ]
Top 10 Myths About Black America
Top 10 Myths About Black America – A Must Read. source: http://www.africanglobe.net/headlines/top-10-myths-black-america-read/ (thanks, undiplomatik) If you haven’t read the works of Chancellor Williams of George James, you may still be amongst the thinking Blacks who realize that misinformation about the standing of Africans and African Americans has been the order of the day for centuries. But if you are a dead brained ignoramus who passes on the latest piece of mythology about your own people, you should do the race a service and either educate yourself or solder your ignorant lips shut. Black mythology is one of our greatest challenges, because when a people believe they are in a specific state, or doing specific things, those beliefs and thoughts dictate their actions. One of the most glaring problems facing African Americans is the media’s love affair with Black America, especially Black men. They love having us on the news, but the coverage is largely relegated to perpetual poverty, crime and other “bad” behavior. While we are neither the dominant nor the majority population, the negative media coverage is disproportionately high when it comes to us. Many of our other difficulties stem directly from the misinformation that we pass on to each other, presenting lies and half-truths as “known facts.” But if one of us presents factual information to challenge the lies, the ignorant are likely to challenge right back with: “where’s your data?” That question will be launched even if data has been presented and even though no challenge was ever issued when the lie was accepted and passed around. It is no secret that African Americans have an image problem. It is also no secret that the media misrepresents African Americans. What is ostensibly a secret is that many of the most egregious things being said about Black people are being perpetuated by Black people. In another Black Top Ten list, I’d like to dispel some of those myths. Accordingly, these are the top ten things that Black people should stop saying about Black people: The Top Ten Black Myths 1 There are more Black men in prison than in college. False. The misleading “evidence” comes from studies such as the one conducted periodically by the Justice Policy Institute (JPI), a Washington-based research group. JPI found that there were 791,600 Black men in jail or prison and “only” 603,032 of them in colleges or universities. They presented the findings as “evidence” of more Black men in prison than in college. As late as 2004, the US Census reported that there were 864,000 Black men in college. The numbers that people (including the JPI) quote are ALL of the Black men in prison, versus ONLY the free young Black men of college age, which spans the late teens to the early twenties. And yet, the myth is still a myth. Any of us can do the math: Out of the 40 million-plus African Americans that the 2008 Census found, less than one million are in jail or prison. The reality is that while there are too many of us in prison and more of us in there than others, there are NOT more of us on the inside than on the outside. 2 Black people, particularly Black men are lazy. False. How can a people who built this nation and did it for free suddenly become the laziest people in the nation? According to the US Census Bureau, 68.1% of all Black men and 62.3% of Black women over the age of 16 are in the civilian labor force, compared to 73% of White men and 59.9% of White women. With racial discrimination and other challenges, more of us are still working than sitting at home. While the Blacks have a higher percentage of poverty that Whites in America, the majority of Black people are NOT poor. Of the 40 million-plus Blacks in this nation, 8.1 million have incomes below the poverty line. Now, what we do with our money is another story… 3 Black people abuse the Welfare system and are swelling it beyond capacity. False. First, the actual number of Black families on Welfare has been decreasing since the early 1970’s, when 46% of the recipients were Black. By the end of the 20th century, that number was down to 39%, as compared to 38% Whites who were non-Hispanic. If the comparison were strictly based on race without ethnic identification, Whites clearly outnumber Blacks on the Welfare rolls. In addition, 40% of the families on Welfare have only one child, while the number having five or more is only 4%. And, by the last decade of the 20th century, Welfare accounted for just over 2% of the Federal Budget, while defense accounted for 24%. Benefit programs for predominantly White farmers and big businesses far outweigh the Welfare program. Who is abusing welfare? 4. Most Black men are married to White women. False. According to the most recent Census statistics, more than 90% of all Black men who are married are married to Black women. Please stop lying about what you see (which isn’t data—you could be looking at co-workers) and stop using celebrities to cast an indictment on an entire group. 5. Affirmative Action unfairly provides opportunities for Blacks. False. First, Affirmative Action is inappropriately used to define Black preferential treatment and “quotas” but it was actually designed to benefit a number of groups who have been discriminated against, creating parity in the workplace. Since the 1970’s, Affirmative Action has benefited White women more than any other group. Secondly, no one who perpetuates this myth ever talks about other types of Affirmative Action, which benefit other races. For example, the Japanese descendants in America, who were each rewarded $20,000 in 1988 as reparations for internment during WWII, or the legacy programs which benefit people such as the dimwit son of a Bush who screwed up the world economy while in the white house. 6 Let’s kill two ignorant rumors with the pursuit of truth: Poor Blacks would be better off if they stopped using drugs and took better care of their communities; and, Blacks need to stop pushing drugs to their own people. False. This one always confuses me, because Blacks can’t even distribute their own movies or music, yet still get blamed for importing and distributing ILLEGAL drugs. If a Black man can’t drive down the street without being racially profiled and stopped, what makes anyone think that he could fly a planeload of drugs into the nation and distribute them from state to state and city to city? The drug dealers in the ‘hood make a lot of money, but nowhere near the cash generated by the true drug lords who import it and distribute it to inner cities across the nation. But for the record, according to a study by the Sentencing Project, the number of Blacks in prison for drug-related crimes fell by 21.6 % from 1999 to 2005, while the number of Whites in prison for drug-related crimes increased by 42 % during the same time period. 7 Blacks suffer from Black on Black crime. True, but misleading. Whites also suffer from White on White crime. Many crimes, including murder, rape and robbery, are crimes of location, not color. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics, 85% of African Americans report another Black person as the perpetrator of the crime and 80% of White murders were committed by other Whites. However, when race does play a role in crime, the victims of violent crimes are more likely to be Black, while the perpetrators, are more likely to be White. 8 Blacks commit more crimes than Whites. False. Neo-Conservative Whites and self-hating Blacks notwithstanding, the reality of racism in the justice system has to be understood in order to get into the reasons for the high number of Blacks in prison. In an assessment of the impact of crime on minority communities, the National Minority Advisory Council on Criminal Justice concluded that “America is a classic example of heavy-handed use of state and private power to control minorities and suppress their continuing opposition to the hegemony of White racist ideology.” Further, according to “The Real War on Crime,” a report by the National Criminal Justice Commission, “African-American arrest rates for drugs during the height of the ‘drug war’ in 1989 were five times higher than arrest rates for Whites even though Whites and African-Americans were using drugs at the same rate.” Finally, according to the Federal Judicial Center, the average sentences for African Americans for weapons and drug charges have been 49% longer than for Whites who had been convicted of the same crimes. The simple truth is, more of “us” may be in court, but more of “them” are actually committing crimes. 9 Women outnumbering men in college is a Black phenomenon. False. According to the US Department of Education, male undergraduates account for 44 percent of student population, while female undergraduates account for 56 percent. This is not race specific. 10 Black people are incapable of sustaining businesses in their own communities. False. We had great success before integration. In fact, by 1900, the number of African-American businesses nationally, totaled 40,000, including the Greenfield Bus Body Company, which manufactured automobiles, and a hotel in New York City valued at $75,000. By 1908, we had 55 privately owned banks. By 1912, there were two millionaires, Madam C.J. Walker (hair care) and R. R. Church (real estate). By 1923, Tulsa, Oklahoma was home to The Black Wall Street, an African American community of 11,000. Which featured nine hotels, nineteen restaurants and thirty-one grocery stores and meat markets, ten medical doctors, six lawyers, and five real estate and loan insurance agencies, complete with five private planes. The next time someone passes around one of these tired myths, if you can resist smacking them in the mouth, pass on some real data to them, or at least encourage them to do some research themselves before passing lies as truth. By Darryl James
[ { "body": "I don't believe in (most) of these myths, but it offends me when I see people \"prove\" something with shit arguments, like the author has here. \n\nTake point number 3. The author doesn't account for the relative sizes of the black and non-hispanic whites in his analysis. According to [Wikipedia](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographics_of_the_United_States#Race_and_ethnicity) the black population in the United States is approximately 1/6 of the white-non hispanic. \n\nNot cool! \n\nSorry for ruining the feel good party. I'm Canadian and we only have a few black people here. Everybody likes them. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "It would be more persuasive if you figured out how to number with a bold font or use a '.' or ')' after the number.", "score": 3 } ]
Nation building: How have countries and empires gone about building a country almost from scratch and which methods have turned out the best?
This can relate to countries acting independantly, such as [singapores](http://www.imf.org/external/pubs/cat/longres.cfm?sk=450.0) rapid growth since independance or countries that have been invaded and the colonizing power trying to develop the country (usually for it's own means), such as Britain building railways in India, and China building roads in mining areas in Africa. Is there a way to go from an agriculture/subsidence based economy, to a technologically advanced country in little time? Is there a step by step approach to infrastructure development? Such as: first transport systems, then schools, then hospitals, then banks and universities? Is central planning necessary for this? Or is it better to happen organically based only on a few regulations? What examples are there of building up countries throughout history? Any resources you have are appreciated. Thanks.
[ { "body": "There is no clear path towards modernization. Singapore is a special case because it is a vital port with a relatively small homogenous population. With the right policies and leadership they were destined to succeed (and they have).\n\nColonization, for the most part, tends to lead to poor development because it saps countries of their resources and concentrates wealth among a small class of incredibly wealthy individuals, either foreign or domestic and very often the leadership. In fact, any country where wealth is stratified will have a hard time improving because there is a very strong desire on behalf of the leadership to maintain the status quo. Note, for instance, that India is only now realizing its full potential some 50 years after independence. This is in large part because historically the British suppressed the growth of industry and concentrated resources among a small group of colonial elite. \n\nGenerally the best type of development arises organically from a vibrant middle class. Great Britain’s gradual rise and extensive innovation during the industrial era was largely the product of centuries of gradual empowerment of the average person. When people have the power to better their situation they will inevitably engage in all sorts of innovation.\n\nNow as to what is the best way to cultivate such a class of individuals, that is an entirely different question. In general things like education, freedom and security are a good place to start. Basic infrastructure doesn’t hurt either. \n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "A good example I think is South Korea during the Park Chung-hee regime (1962-79). At the beginning of his presidency/dictatorship, South Korea was very poor and behind even their Northern cousins (though that was mainly due to aid from the communist bloc). \n\nPark's economic reforms were effectively two fold. He had a soft spot for Japan (even using a Japanese name at times) and so normalized relations with them in 1965, which was cautiously accepted by the Korean people, having only been free of Japanese occupation for 20 years. From this, he arranged for loans and Japanese investment into Korea in order to boost-start the economy. \n\nSecondly, Park established several ministries and boards to control the direction of economic growth towards an export-based industry. This type of cooperation is what allowed Korean companies like Samsung and Hyundai to become so large, influential, and successful. \n\nThe end result was that the Korean economy expanded dramatically in a very short period of time. Interestingly, while Park did expand the economy successfully during his tenure, it was at the expense of many of the political and civil liberties of South Korea, towards the end of his rule, large protests were organized against him (that he attempted to put down by force in some cases) and he was only forced to leave office via assassination. ", "score": 3 } ]
Question: What is "a lot" when referring to in game currency?
Like I am lvl 26, and I have about 250k. I plan on taking this character to 50 and getting into end game content. Like what does a typical lvl 50 have? How much do you need in a week to support progression. Thhanx in advance. :) *Edit: Awesome! Exactly what I was looking for! Thanx guys!*
[ { "body": "You're doing fine if you have 250k. You'll want to be doing dailies at 50 to get your daily commendations, and those missions will give you a ton of cash. There are a ton of credit sinks (primarily from augmenting gear) if you want to min-max, but actual repair costs should not be too high with a half-way competent group.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "* Average: 1-10 million credits\n* The 1%: 100 million credits (I've seen a few people with this much)\n* Me: ~100k lol (min-max a lot, pve, pvp, craft)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "You can make ~300k doing just your dailies at 50. If you're not addicted to crafting, like I am, the credits will add up very quickly.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Well... the look I have on my sentinel.... I've easily sunk over 3-5million credits into it.\n\nBut once you start getting good armor, you can expect two deaths to cost you upwards of 20k in repair bills.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Depends what you are doing, and what you what to spend money on. 'A lot of credits' could be seen as being able to purchase the more lucrative legacy perks. Eg rocket boots and ship GTN. The most expensive items at the moment are level 61 armorings or hilt/barrels which can be up to 4mill each. \n\nPersonally I have 12.5mill and not much to spend it on. I'm waiting to invest in the next big thing.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I don't think I've ever had more than 40k, and I am usually struggling under 10k, and I'm level 30. I must be doing something wrong.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I am currently at about 25 million credits at the moment this is spread across 6 toons. I made a lot of money back when selling augmented empty main hands made literally millions over night. If you make augments or augment kits money is easy to come by these days", "score": 3 } ]
I am looking for a parking space near St Laurent Metro, want to rent for long term
Hi Montreal redditor, I shall be working in downtown area in the late September. My job require me to work till 1am and I live in Brossard, which make it impossible to take a bus. Does anyone have parking space for rent in that area? I am willing to pay 140-170 dollars a month depend on the location.
[ { "body": "Il y a le stationnement intérieur de la Grande Bibliotheque qui coûte 116 par mois entre 15h et 8h du matin.\n\nhttp://www.banq.qc.ca/a_propos_banq/informations_pratiques/grande_bibliotheque/stationnement/", "score": 3 } ]
Cold weather is quickly approaching...any tips for heating tents in the fall?
Okay...I realize the best answer is to get a better sleeping bag (my current bag is rated for -5C/23F). But hear me out. I went and pulled the stupid move of getting a mesh tent, thinking it'd make for some romantic, starry nights with the wife...we've never had the fly off. So as I save up to get a new one with half-walls...do you have any tips for heating/insulating a tent in the fall?
[ { "body": "The design of the fly is more important than the material of the inner, you want a fly that comes right to the ground so that wind is blocked. It should have high vents to let moisture out, and you pitch the tent so that those are open downwind. Smaller tents are warmer than big ones. You'll need sleeping bags rated at least ten degrees C below the coldest you expect. And warm dedicated sleep layers.\nFor cold weather camping I sometimes carry a candle lantern, the three candle model. Use beeswax candles, not paraffin. I've warmed the interior of a tent up by more than ten degrees celsius in fifteen minutes. Be extremely careful, obviously. It's a heavy object, but a great comfort when you're deeply chilled. \nBut if you don't foresee true winter camping, save the money and weight and just fill hot water bottles to tuck into your sleeping bags. And the rating of those bags is much more important than the design of the tent. Don't forget the hot chocolate!\n", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Are we talking car camping? I own a [Coleman Blackcat](http://www.walmart.com/ip/13228605?adid=22222222227000298166&wmlspartner=wlpa&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=&wl3=13686908230&wl4=&wl5=pla&veh=sem) catalytic heater. I love ultralight camping/backpacking, but if you're car camping, nothing beats suspending one of these from the center of the tent. Raises the tent temperature at least 20 degrees, and novice campers will love you for it. It says \"safe for indoors\", but I always feel more comfortable if the tent has a tiny bit of air moving through. Having the fly off would mean losing a ton of that heat, though.", "score": 3 } ]
Source for MotoGP news and info
So I am becoming interested in MotoGp racing. I recently watched the Documentaries "Faster", "Fastest", and "The Doctor, The Tornado, and the Kentucky Kid" and have been over most of the Motogp.com website. My question is what are some other good blogs / sources to keep abreast of the latest MotoGP news? Also, are there any good sources writing on what the current rivalries are not just at the GP level but at the Moto 2 and Moto 3 levels? Thanks *edit: spelling
[ { "body": "I think [Motomatters](http://www.motomatters.com/) is one of the best.\nI also check [SuperBikePlanet](http://www.superbikeplanet.com/) daily for news, pics, and interesting stories. \n\nAlso, subscribe to riders/teams on Twitter & Facebook for quick updates.", "score": 8 } ]
IAM Luis von Ahn, co-founder of Duolingo. I did a Reddit AMA before, but I wanted to do a private one for the Duolingo subreddit to discuss the service in more detail. So, AMA :)
I will try to answer all questions! EDIT (8pm ET): Wow, lots of good questions. Thank you guys! I'm going to go eat some dinner now, but I'll check in later to answer more questions.
[ { "body": "Are there any plans to integrate Skype or some other video chat service so that users can talk to native speakers? ", "score": 29 }, { "body": "I notice that in my German course the farther down I go the more \"bugs\"/translation issues I seem to encounter. Has there been an issue resolving the courses that are more advanced because users dont generally go far enough? If that's a recurring theme, how will they ever be solved?", "score": 17 }, { "body": "My mother is 50 years old and on her second week on Duolingo learning English and she loves it, thank you! It has been so hard for her to stick to a learning system but now we found it. Thanks again!\n\nAlso, how many hours a day would you suggest she put in learning?", "score": 17 }, { "body": "With Duolingo would you recommend going through everything and then going back and 'mastering' each skill? Or to master each skill before continuing on? Or is it more a personal preference? ", "score": 14 }, { "body": "What's your average workday like? What was your day like today?\n\nAny language not yet added to Duolingo that you are looking forward to adding, personally?", "score": 12 }, { "body": "Sorry if this has been asked before, but is there any plans for either a mobile version or a mobile app of duolingo? \n\nIt would be great for my free time at work, or if I'm stuck somewhere without my laptop to keep learning.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "First just let me say: THANK YOU!\n\nThis is an amazing service. \n\nI took three years of Spanish in high school and never really followed up on it in college. Now that I plan on joining the Peace Corps, I've really started looking for ways to refine my Spanish and DuoLingo really helped with that. \n\nMy questions: \n\nWhat features are you looking forward to adding in the future?\n\nWill you be working with teachers in the future to get this into the classroom?\n\n\n", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Hey subreddit's still a bit small but thanks for doing this! Question: besides continuing doing Duolingo what else should I do in order to work towards fluency?", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Awesomeee! \n\nI recall you mentioning that in the future you'd let the users crowdsource the lessons for the other upcoming languages. Is that plan still on the table?\n\nIf so, I'm suspecting the lessons would faster become more intricate if you crowdsource them - I often see complaints of them having repetitive vocabulary and sentences.\n\nSomething I thought about (I was planning on making a separate thread but you're here now so I might as well ask you!) is what other stuff crowdsourcing could accomplish - pre-made conversations. Kind of what Cleverbot is currently doing. It would probably be easiest with text but it might work with audio too? It's probably easy to understand what I mean by it but I'll type it down anyways. :P\n\nFirst you choose a category - let's say Food. The user gets a key question (or statement?):\n\n\"qué es tu comida favorita?\" (Which is your favourite food)\n\nAnd through crowdsourcing, tons of different and correct answers are already made (and ofc your answer gets corrected on grammar and spelling):\n\n\"Me gusta la pizza\"\n\nor\n\n\"Me gusta la pasta\"\n\nDuolingo then asks a follow-up question based on the answer they typed in. Like if they answered with pizza, perhaps the follow-up crowdsourced question would then be:\n\n\"qué es tu favorite relleno?\" (Which is your favourite topping?)\n\nor whatever else pizza-related question there is. \n\nSo it will evolve like a network. And the bigger the crowdsource on that particular subject is, the more likely your answer will be correct. I think. D: \n\nOk I'm done, feel free to slaughter this!", "score": 10 }, { "body": "Thanks for this man. Me, my friends, and family all think duolingo is fantastic. Anyways, I've got two questions.\n\nHow often do you plan on adding support for different languages, and which languages do you plan on adding first?", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Since grammar is fundamental to be able to study another language, have you thought of adding basic grammar lessons (English grammar for English users, Spanish grammar for Spanish users, etc), since I'm sure there's more than a couple of people who don't have a basic understanding of, at least written, grammar? \n\nGrammar, grammar, grammar.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "I know you have more popular languages but *can you PLEASE make esperanto lessons (in the future)?*\n\nSecond question; How does duolingo plan on staying operational financially? Mentioned in a comment that it's not profitable (and I'd love to see this stick around for a long time).", "score": 9 }, { "body": "Thanks for developing Duolingo! I've tried several times to learn Spanish as a child (both in school and with Rosetta Stone), to no success. This is the first time I really feel like I'm learning (and find myself happily using Spanish in day-to-day life to describe things around me).\n\nI was wondering how far you guys plan on developing individual languages. I'm doing Spanish now, and have read that the language tree stops when most users are able to hold a very basic conversation in Spanish. Are there plans to develop the language trees more, so users can have a more fluent grasp of the languages?\n\nThanks for all your help and hard work!", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Have you considered alternatives to the heart system?\n\nCurrently, getting the last three questions incorrect is much more costly (time-wise) than the first three questions. Although the extra practice is good, it can sometimes be frustrating :)\n\nThanks for Duolingo!", "score": 6 }, { "body": " 1. Thanks for doing this! (the AMA and Duolingo). I find the entire concept really intriguing I think its a great way to learn languages.\n 2. What are you planning for future languages (beyond the ones already listed), such as hebrew, arabic, or latin? (ones being taught in my school)\n 3. thanks again :)\n\n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Hi! I've been enjoying Duolingo for the past month and try to use it as often as possible. One question though: How are the translation documents selected? It seems like many of them are not so relevant to language-learning, and some sentences consist of single words or numbers. I don't know if I'm making myself very clear, but thanks for the service! ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I know that Portuguese comes next month, and Mandarin/Japanese eventually, but are Russian/Swedish on the roadmap?", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Have you ever thought of releasing an API or partnering with sites like Memrise?\n\nAlso, when can we expect the mobile version, be it a website or an app?", "score": 3 }, { "body": "thanks so much for the service man! helping me so much with my spanish for my language class in school, my only question/suggestion is maybe some vocab lists avaliable, sometimes when i finish a section ill get one or two wrong, and click away to fast to make sure i know the definition etc", "score": 3 }, { "body": "* When/how did you learn your first foreign language? Was it hard?\n\n* Is there a language you want to learn?\n\nAlso, I newly discovered Duolingo.\n\nI'm from Turkey and I know 3 languages so far. I want to learn French and I'm really considering to use Doulingo as my main source of learning. \n\nThank you for this :)\n\n**PS:** reCAPTCHA is a great idea! ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "When will we have non-western languages available (for learning)?\n\nWhy is that when I know I have a correct alternate solution/translation and submit it as feedback, am I still penalized a heart? I've rage quit several times from a study session, having lost the last heart on the last question due to duolingo not knowing an alternate colloquial translation.\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I just wanted to thank you so much for creating this site. I took spanish for a few years in middle school/high school and then again in college (but just did a 6 week summer class to get the credits out of the way). Now that I'm looking to start a career in international education I realize how important it is to know a second (or third, fourth, fifth) language. I'm working on Spanish again, in conjunction with Memrise and my old textbook if I can ever find it again and I've noticed a lot of things coming back easily, plus also a lot of things suddenly 'clicking' that never did before! I can't say it's working for me yet, as I'm only on level 5, but it seems to be a great start! I agree with some of the other comments about incorporating grammar into the lessons more. I still remember some from my past classes, so that's helped, but I think it'd definitely help for it. My question is one that others may be able to help me with too: I went back to \"master\" a skill (basic vocab 2 in Spanish) and when I did the test, it had vocab I hadn't learned before (leer and newspaper being some examples). Does the vocab learned rotate during the lessons, meaning I should do them multiple times? Or was it just a fluke? I passed it anyway, but I was just wondering :) ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I'd like to ask how are the phrases chosen and if there's an official native speaker reviewing the lessons, or is it all just peer reviewed?\n\nFor example in German:\n\n\"Bist du nicht der Gute?\" \n\nAccording to Duolingo it translates to: \"Aren't you the good?\"\n\nSo I often find myself asking if the German phrase sound as weird as the suggested translation, or if the English translation is bad.\n\nThis makes me lose confidence in the accuracy of those lessons, I keep wondering if I'm learning a correct German.\n\nSo my suggestion is that phrases that are hard to translate to also have a \"tip box\" explaining the context instead of a literal word by word translation like we have right now.\n\nThank you!", "score": 3 } ]
Attention fellow Orks
I'm sure I'm not the only Mek out there to have run into the biggest problem of 6th edition, *I've got all these slugga and choppa boyz but shoota boyz are now the squigs pyjamas*. At first you think to just elongate the sluggas barrel or even chop off the slugga hand and glue on a shoota hand but then someone brings up the issue, the Ork Boyz codex entry states they swap both slugga and choppa for a shoota, despair not. Page 51 of the new 6th edition rulebook in the Close Combat Weapons section under No Specified Melee Weapon heading, *" If a model is not specifically stated as having a weapon with the Melee type, it is treated as being armed with a single close combat weapon."* Since a shoota is not classed as a melee weapon like a pistol, technically an Ork boy with shoota is also armed with a close combat weapon ( that could be oh so similar to a choppa ). And for those of you who don't have access to any or enough shootas, here is a handy tip with some sprue and tape :D [(http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/297536.page)]
[ { "body": "Roight, I'z gotta get in 'ere an club you'z onna' head.\n\nShoota'z still ain'z better den's Sluggaz. Dun care wot youz say. Only a bad ork finkz Dakka iz more importan' den Krumpin.\n\nIf you'z really so wimpy dat Overwatch makes yer not wanna run inta' a scrap. Send da' grotz in first. Dey get shot up, den you charge in all strong like.\n\nShoota'z are gud. But dun' you ever fink' of not takin' Slugga's. We Orkz iz da' best at scrappin. You try an' dakka everythin' you'ze gunna be runnin' away alotz..\n\nGrimgutz be needin' to teach you bosses propa fightin'.", "score": 16 } ]
Seems like all pro tf2'ers have one word names, why?
I don't pay much attention to the pro/competitive side of TF2 but it seems whenever I watch something related I notice everyone has a one word name. Anyone else notice this?
[ { "body": "Firstly you need to consider what a name actually is. For example my real name is Adam. i AM adam. However it's not something i've assigned myself, it's something given. Anyone I speak to will refer to me by that name.\n\nIf one day, you woke up, and everyone I ever knew started calling me John, it would be weird at first. But eventually that would become my identity. i AM john. Sure I'd probably still respond to someone shouting Adam in a crowded room, but I'd start referring to myself as John without even thinking about it.\n\nOnline nicknames are a great example of this concept. Everyone in gaming will at some point have come up with a name for themselves online, if only for the convenience of a username. After you've been on forums and games and had people actually refer to you by that name, it becomes part of your identity just like your RL name.\n\nOnce you get into speaking on team comms with other people, not even necessarily in a competitive setting, they'll start to call you by that name. If you have a particularly long (greater than 3 syllable) name, they'll probably just shorten it without even thinking about it. Then the other guys start to call you that too, and again that shorter nickname slips into part of your identity. Eventually you'll start using that shorter name to refer to yourself without even thinking about it.\n\nA good example would be a called djc in comp tf2. Technically it's an acronym for \"dearjohncarter\" which is what he went by for a long time, but enough people simply called him djc because it rolled off the tongue more easily/was quicker to type, that it became his name.\n\n**tl;dr: a name is something you are given, not something you come up with.**", "score": 9 } ]
I just got my first package from xpmedical and I am floored!
I ordered on saturday. It arrived today! I didn't expect it os fast at all. But then again I am apparently in the same state as where everything comes from! :P I got an Abena sample pack (My first time buying real, REAL diapers, not depends or stuff from a thrift store. They're...HUGE! They feel so big and thick and I can't wait to wear them. I almost don't want to wear them because then I'll never run out... I also got "waterproof pants". They feel different than I expected and they're kind of huge (they fit right, but the extra space is really spacious!), but I cannot wait to finally wear and flood a diaper without worrying about it. :) Ahhhh! I'm so excited! :) I have the house to myself this weekend too! :3 My only complaint would be that the discreet packaging includes "Gary Evans" and "XP" on it. Googling Gary Evans doesnt give anything away, and googling XP doesnt, but googling both at the same time leads you straight to XP medical. They should operate under a psuedonym :P
[ { "body": "If people are Googling your packages for clues to who's sending them, you've got bigger problems. ;)", "score": 3 } ]
Why do they make you turn off electronic devices whenever you are on a plane?
If the devices actually did any damage, they should confiscate them before entering the plane and give them back to you when you leave. I've seen many people use their devices with their wireless signal throughout many flights and nothing has happened. So what's the real reason for this?
[ { "body": "[The real reason](http://www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/advisory_circulars/index.cfm/go/document.information/documentID/22448):\n\n> The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) subsequently determined that other PEDs could be potentially hazardous to aircraft communication and navigation equipment, if operated aboard aircraft...\n\n> The determination of an interfering effect caused by a particular device on the navigation and \ncommunication system of the aircraft on which it is to be used or operated must, in case of an aircraft \noperated by the holder of an air carrier certificate or other operating certificate, be made by that \noperator (i.e., certificate holder). In all other cases, a determination must be made by the operator \nand/or by the pilot-in-command (PIC). In some cases, the determination may be based on operational \ntests conducted by the operator without the need for sophisticated testing equipment.\n\nThis basically means that there is a potential for interference, and no safety certification was conducted - and in fact most consumer phones still don't undergo air safety certification. So it remains a _potential_ risk of interference. The second paragraph here basically says \"hey, the official recommendation is no devices allowed, but if you want to do the tests and demonstrate that it's safe for the aircrafts you're operating, it's up to you.\"\n\nMore importantly - and rarely mentioned - the [FCC](http://www.fcc.gov/guides/wireless-devices-airplanes) also prohibits transmitting devices. A cell phone on a low-flying plane is still in range of ground cell towers, and the plane's velocity means there is potential for a lot of unnecessary traffic (as cell phones attempt to connect to a new tower as the old one goes out of range). This I think is the more pragmatic concern.", "score": 8 } ]
Do non-JWs research JWs in their spiritual/faith search?
I told my mother that educated people know how to research, how to find information and if JWs were the truth it would be the most expansive religion on earth.
[ { "body": "By your logic most people in the world would be atheists or agnostic.\n\nThis isn't the case, because most people obviously are uneducated, or don't know how to find or use information.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Most people do zero research on any faith, even their own. Polls have shown over and over that most people are mind-numbingly, jaw-droppingly ignorant about the basic, generic tenets of whatever their religion is. JWs are different in the sense that they actually can explain what they believe, and they have lots and lots of incorrect knowledge to back it up. Other Christians, for example, have never touched a Bible in their life and would have no idea what's in it.", "score": 5 } ]
What are the noticable differences between players in different Elo brackets? (For example 1200 Elo players vs 1400 Elo players; 1400 Elo players vs 1600 Elo players; 1600 Elo players vs 1800 Elo players)
Other than being technically better (last hitting better, hitting skillshots better, better focus in teamfights, better warding, better dragon control etc.) and more knowledgeable (knowing what different champions are capable of, how to counter them, etc.) what are the noticable differences between players of different skill brackets? In my experience 1200 Elo players are much poorer at guarding their jungle at the very start of the game than 1400 Elo players and rarely invade, even with an advantage (Players often just go to their lane and stand under their tower pointlessly until creeps show up, with the exception of mid who'll give the jungler a simple leash). They are also far less likely to switch lanes around if they're losing (If a lane is losing badly, teammates will just rage and threaten to report the player, rather than offering to switch or ganking that lane). Finally, they will often waste an advantage rather than making something out of it, such as going back to farming after a kill or two, despite having a chance to take dragon uncontested, or taking baron after a late game ace instead of just pushing for a win. Knowing these differences can help you become a better player by understanding your own weaknesses and exploiting the weaknesses of other players! I'm particularly interested in how 1600ish players critique 1400 play (Because that's where i'm at at the moment) and how very high Elo players 2000+ critique high Elo play (1800ish), but I'm also interested in how lower Elo players critique even lower level play. Thankyou!! :)
[ { "body": "Hi there. I'm currently a 1200 elo nooblord scrubmaster who spent a lot of time 1300-1400. I've played on several accounts from 600 to 1900 Elo. I'd be glad to share with you some of the insights I've acquired.\n\n**600 - 800**: This Elo consists of two types of people: smurfs who want to stomp low level games, and people who genuinely do not understand core mechanics of the game. Below 800 Elo, supports are found in maybe one in ten teams, and those rare times where supports are played, they're often built and played very incorrectly (RoA rush, doran's rings, taking cs etc). While people do jungle at that Elo, some people deem it useless and instead just run 2v1/2v2 top. Baron is seen as an unstoppable killing machine and is thus not even warded until late, late game (30+ minutes). Dragon is often not even looked at, junglers (if they exist) will take their buffs and never offer them to others, and faceroll champs such as Tryndamere and Master Yi often decimate enemy teams. Counterpicking and building is near non-existent.\n\n**800 - 1000**: Often called \"the bottom of Elo hell\", at this Elo most people refuse to accept their fates and blame \"noobs and afkers\" for their lack of rank. Core mechanics such as last hitting are present but they are seldom seen. There is a large portion of players in this bracket that are actually far better than their Elo dictates, however find it genuinely hard to carry those on their team. Junglers are almost always present and more often than not both teams have a support. Dragon is still seen as useless and baron is still seen as far more difficult to defeat than it is, but they are actually picked up early at this elo.\n\n**1000 - 1200**: Very much the same as 800 - 1000. Most people are either newbies to ranked who are losing 50+ per loss, or veterans of ranked who are struggling to bring their Elo above the 1200 mark.\n\n**1200 - 1400**: The \"mid range of Elo hell\". At this Elo, 99% of players believe they are 2.4k Elo material and they would win every single game if it wasn't for noob teams wtf omg. Champions other than supports actually buy wards in this bracket, however they are usually poorly placed, especially by mid and top players. Junglers who see a slightly pushed lane will quickly adapt to the \"lane pushed cant gank i farm jungle\" mindset, however, on the opposite side of the spectrum, junglers who see lanes slightly out of position will constantly gank, even if their lane is at a disadvantage, making their laners lose lane and falling behind. Counterpicks are few and far between, most people just adopting the \"ill play what im best at\" attitude, even if it means picking Vladimir and Swain into Fizz and Miss Fortune (yes, I've seen it happen). A lot of players at this Elo watch streamers such as TheOddOne and Dyrus in order to absorb their knowledge and expertise, instead they get extremely overconfident with their newly found strategies and end up losing their lane, if not the game. Trading is done very poorly, often a player at 75% will go in to harass a player with 50% and they will both end up the same at 25%.\n\n**1400 - 1600**: Arguably the darkest depths of \"Elo hell\", players are convinced that their Silver/Gold badge determines that they're the next HotShotGG or Dyrus, often becoming extremely overconfident and blaming every little mistake on everyone else (though this is present at all Elos, it's prominent in this bracket, where you will often see people spend 5+ minutes complaining about a support accidentally taking a kill, or an Ashe arrow being missed or whatnot. It is more frequent at this Elo than any other, and more frequent 1600+ than <1400. Counterpicking is seem more often than in the previous bracket but not nearly as much as it is 1800+, however players often overestimate their champion's abilities simply because they counter their enemies. Junglers are more persistent than in lower Elos, understanding the basic concepts of lane- and counter-ganking, and are also far less reluctant to give away their buffs (such as jungle Amumu giving bot lane Graves the second/third red buff). Baron is often contested around the 35 minute mark, Dragon usually taken if enemy mid or bot dies. Trading in lane is done just as poorly as it is in the previous bracket, with some players risking turret shots early game just to get that little bit of harass in. One of the most recurring issues at this Elo is that players know how to win the game but don't know how to end it. What this means is that a 15-3 game that could've ended at 20 minutes ends up being stretched to 40 minutes, allowing the other team to catch up. This is often the result of \"throws\", which basically means that a player(s) will make a poor decision (such as an unwarded baron call, or pushing top with 5 MIA) that will allow the enemy team to pick up an objective or gain a lead that they did not have before.\n\n**1600 - 1800**: Similar to the previous bracket, however players are generally far more skilled at this point. Many players will attempt to counterpick or choose \"neutral\" champions (such as Ahri, Irelia, Graves) in order to avoid being countered and win their lane. Warding is VASTLY better in this bracket, with supports and laners usually having a better understand of where to ward and where not to ward, especially if the enemy jungle/support has an Oracle's Elixir. Summoners are still quick to blame others for their bad plays but you will often see \"fuck, that was my fault, I'm sorry guys\" or similar apologies. At this Elo, many people play ranked games constantly/often, meaning that they do not really care if they lose a game or two - this phenomena continues to occur in higher Elos, where people realise that 25 Elo is not the end of the world, though it can be disappointing. Players are far better at acquiring/securing objectives at this Elo.\n\n**1800+**: Let it be known that I played a little over thirty games at this Elo, being, by far, my lowest played bracket. At this Elo I generally played top, mid, and jungle, so my views on the bot lane are lacking, unfortunately. What I noticed from 1800 to 1900 is that players are far more chilled out than any others. There are less streamers/hardcore players at this Elo, meaning that players aren't as stressed to make plays and look good, and a decent chunk of the people here are players that understand they could be 2k+ if they really wanted to be but don't have the motivation to do so. Counterpicks are more prevalent here than in 2.2k+ from what I've seen (from my playing in this bracket and from watching streams), since many players at top Elo just want to play what they feel like playing (such as Cruzerthebruzer, Hashinshan and TheRainMan, who often spam Yorick games just for the fuck of it). All chat is more of a place for \"LOL FUCK I'M SO BAD, good work dude\" and less of a place for \"OMG DIS BLIZ NOOOOOOOOOB\". In my opinion, 1800-2.2k is where Elo heaven lies.\n\n[](http://www.reddit.com/help/reddiquette) \n\nBit of a long read but I hope I answered your questions.", "score": 59 }, { "body": "In currently 1600s. There's a few differences between 1400 and 1600 from what I've seen.\n\n-1400 players tend to have no map awareness at all. They won't do anything unless you ping something.\n\n-lower Elo players often have this idea that baron is impossible to do unless your entire team is 18 and full health\n\n-and finally, 1400 players have no idea how to end a game. A game that should be finished in 20 mins is probably going to 40+ minutes at 1400.", "score": 22 }, { "body": "I'm around 2k and it seems like everybody here knows how to trade. Frequently in gold/silver people do really dumb trades that they lose out on or take free damage by not trading well.\n\nAlso junglers are alot better at 2k, they know how to lane gank and counter gank. A lower elo player would just say \"lane's pushed, can't gank\" while a better jungler would predict which lane will be ganked or wait in lane for it to push back. ", "score": 15 }, { "body": "I'm around 1830 at the moment and i'll let you know my opinions...\n\n**1000-1500** - Main difference between players at this level is really mechanics, mayyybee make that 1500 into a 1400, but generally speaking just having better mechanics can bring you to around 1500 elo. If you can just hit buttons in teamfights but have good mechanics in lane, you could be about as good as any 1500 i've played with.\n\n\n**1400 or 1500 - 1600s** - This is when players learn there is something outside of their lane that can matter. Its still mechanically better than players lower than them, but they start watching objectives a little, and say \"hey our lane is pushed to turret, lets go kill mid lane whos pushed to OUR turret rather than just wait here dangerously out of position.\"\n\nSo usually in the 1600s they are alright mechanically and they start to focus important objectives more than the 1500 players who just focus on mechanics and will blame other lanes who fail.\n\n**1700s-1800s:** Mechanics should generally hit close to what you'll see pros getting, 70 cs at 10 minutes should be expected, 50-60 if its a really tough lane but most good players in this range should be hitting more than 70. So better mechanics but more importantly than that, 1700-1800 players have better objective focus than the 1600s. 1600s start learning and playing like those objectives are important, you'll see a top lane push hard then go down for a dragon maybe. They time objectives, they just generally can know which objectives may be really important to take, deny or secure for their own team. More agressive warding and clearing throughout the game on objectives. Also I feel this range tends to play a bit more passive in lane until they are sure they can secure a kill.\n\n**1800s+** This is the range where I feel generally speaking, mechanics are pretty solid, focus on objectives and lane works, but everyone your playing also knows \"hes going to go for an objective I need to shove lane to hopefully deny then counter on the objective.\" So its the range when I think most players have a good grasp on what needs to be done, and at this point its really just individual skill differences in teamfights and lane that determines who is better.\n\nIts also why I believe that literally ANY player can make it to 1800 regardless of skill level. 1800-1900+ is where the playstyles start changing less and less and its more just like \"is the other guy in lane better than you?\" And \"is the other team more skilled in team-fights than you are?\"\n\nBasically I feel like in earlier ranks you can win without making any clutch plays or anything like that. Like when I was moving up from 1200-1600 range, I could get hard counterpicked in top lane and i'd still technically win lane on CS by a decent amount because of poor mechanics. Same goes for 1500-1800 on objective focus and basic easy decisions and responses to invades. People get smart about that stuff, then 1800+ its just all about skilled execution of mechanics and broader game decisions.", "score": 13 }, { "body": "Up to 1600-1700 people always get insanely mad when Morgana isnt banned. (As in \"OMG morg not banned\" \"they get morg GG\") \n\n", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I've played about 2500 ranked games S1 + S2 and this is how I interpret the differences between elo ranges from a mindset/logical point of view, not necessarily the common general characteristics of each elo. Currently, I am in low gold elo but I have played games between 1k - 2k elo over the years. Other information is what I've gathered from streams/videos etc. \n\n\n**0-800:** This elo is mainly filled with people intentionally smurfing for fun, or the game's younger audience (under 13) and those who don't speak English as their main language (or at all) which causes them to have poor communication skills and very poor attitudes/mechanical skills. Essentially, the winners of these are are more determined by which ever team has the better smurf or luck in lane trading. This picks typically make no sense logically or meta wise. If any skill is displayed in this elo it would be a \"favorite champ\" mechanic expertise and basic stream gained knowledge. I feel it is safe to say that anyone with any drive to be better at this game strategically via practice/outside research will ever actually be trapped in this bracket unintentionally. \n\n\n**800 -1100:** At this portion of elo you will encounter the vast majority of trolls in the game. For the most part, you will see a large amount of players who don't understand core builds or use cookie cutter guides to the last detail due to lack of item understanding. Generally you will find younger players who are mediocre mechanically yet still have a solid basic foundation of lane skills, yet lacking in strategy, objectives, farming, timing, and map awareness/prediction (game sense). Ultimately, mastering basic mechanical skills, damage trading, warding, and tower awareness will get you out of this elo with out much strategy or objective mastery or team coordination. With that said, being able to lead a team is important, but certainly not critical in this elo range.\n\n\n**1100-1300: (Top 1m+ to 180,000)** At this elo is where the rating system starts to separate the wheat from the chaff. The biggest issue with the players in this elo is that they are far too stuck on how good they are mechanically that they completely forget about the core concept of the game, teamwork. Typically, most players in this elo range try very hard but are often missing critical core game concepts such as enemy counters, item counters, objective control, and consistent map awareness as well as an ability to lead consistently with pings or verbally (or if they do they make poor calls). This elo is also considered the main \"elo hell\" as most players who are new to the ranking system or who are stuck in this range but like to try new champions in ranked out usually reside. Not to mention, statistically this elo holds the most players in the player base. \n\n**1300-1500: (Top 180,000 to 40,000)** From my experience this elo is the easiest to carry out of. The trolling is minimal for the majority of the games vs unrated games and most players have a solid grasp on all basic core concepts/mechanics of the game and are mediocre at advanced skills which allows them to stay in the elo and not drop to unrated. Here you will see people starting to follow their lane enemies, ward consistently, a good grasp on dragon control and map awareness/game sense. I would say the biggest draw back for the players in this elo is that you still have plenty of room for error as most players do not know how to efficiently use their lead to rally the team in objective play to the point of being at a gold elo level and poor attitudes usually contribute to this. \n\n**1500-1700: (Top 40,000 to 10,000)** At this elo most players have mastered all core concepts and are skilled at all advanced concepts. You will start to see players communicate better, make few mistakes and generally play with a skillful demeanor. Unfortunately, this is the elo where ego starts as the players know they are considerably good and refuse to let people get away with mistakes with out chastising them or berating them until redemption or a game loss. While there is still room for mistakes in this elo it is considerably smaller then bronze/silver elo. Thus, the frustration for these mistakes goes up considerably as a result. Assuming the game isn't a complete shut out early on, these games revolve around which team gets the baron first or wins the first few major team fights. Counterpicking starts to exist more frequently as most players are familiar with every role and most champions. \n\n**1700-1900: (Top 10,000 to 3,000)** The players here are essentially the best before the pros. These players are considerably good at everything in the game from counter picks to roles, to item builds etc. You name it and these players excel. Generally, at this elo the attitudes are pretty serious with occasional trolling. Most players know how to keep the game going communication wise as if they were playing a 5's game. The draw back for this elo is if you aren't at your best you will end up costing the game for your team. In addition, team fight positioning, timing, and counterpicking becomes extremely critical more then any elo before. Due to this, the margin of error is basically non existent as the snowball effect is very obvious from big early game mistakes as most players know exactly how to take the lead and run to the enemy nexus with it. Another issue with this range is usually you are stuck with the same players each and every game so it is best to keep your nose clean or else you will make a bad/good name for yourself.\n\n**1900+ (Best solo queue players)** Everyone in this elo typically is on a serious 5's team, and know the game like the back of their hands. These players, have mechanical skills of their best roles down better then everyone else in the community and are the main source of theory crafting and meta crafting as well as popular guides. Ironically, non conventional gameplay exists more frequently as players try their mastery of the game to experiment with new meta's team builds etc. In addition, you play with the same players nearly every game and deal with the same trolls every game. (I have little experience of this elo first hand aside from what I've seen on streams and a few personal 1900 elo games)", "score": 6 }, { "body": "i think one of the key differences is the ability to cs, lower elo's will often miss countless cs to poke each other in lane", "score": 5 } ]
I know this is cheesy, but my friend of 8 years is moving out of state this Friday and I want to give her one of the most memorable nights ever. What should I do?
This Friday I am supposed to hang out with my friend for the last time for awhile. She has been my friend for 8 years and has been the only person to be my friend for that long consistently. She is transferring colleges and will be moving out of state. I have no feelings for her, just a best friend. The situation, though, is that I don't get off work until 10PM so I have no idea what to do at 10PM. Any ideas? Help is much appreciated.
[ { "body": "Drug her and constrain her. When she wakes up proceed with a little bit of torture and some rape. Call the cops to your location than commit suicide on top of her in a very messy fashion (I'm thinking slitting your throat and bleeding out.)\n\nIt will be memorable.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Take her our for a very nice dinner, somewhere you know she's been wanting to go for a long time. After dinner, take her to get ice cream/ frozen yogurt and have a nice walk along some location that holds good memories for the two of you. Hail a cab to take both of you home, and while she is distracted getting into the vehicle, launch your surprise buttsex attack.\n\nShe'll never forget that night as long as she lives.", "score": 3 } ]
Hallucinagen testing kit story/I think my friend was lying to me. Can you verify?
I'll tell the whole story and ask questions at the end: At the end of June my friends and I had the pleasure of attending a rather large and amazing music festival in the Midwest. We met up with a friend at the festival who was selling $5 doses to my friends and I. The doses were small enough for me to think it was acid and were a purple kaleidoscope print. When you took the dose there was an overall numbing sensation in our mouth (what I think was inline with a 25x substance.) We bought a bunch of tabs from him and had a wonderful time all weekend. Flash forward a couple of weeks and I saw the individual at a house party. We talked for a while and I asked him what he was actually selling us that weekend. He told me that he had tested the doses with a testing kit that his friend had developed. I asked him if the tabs he sold us were 25i-nbome. He replied by saying that after testing the doses they had shown to be 20% DOC, 80% LSD. I had no intentions of challenging his claims as I had no desire to make a conflict; however, what he said makes no sense to me. First off, what is the point of ruining LSD with a small portion of DOC. Second, economically this makes no sense. DOC will cost as little as .02 cents/dose while acid is at least 100-200 times more expensive even when purchased in mass (I was told they started with a ten pack.) Third, what kind of testing kit can determine the exact percentages of different drugs on a tab? If I didn't make anything clear feel free to ask. I'm not saying I didn't have a good time on cheap "Acid" I'm just curious if anyone here has had similar situations. Or if the story told to me by my friend is even plausible.
[ { "body": "Ill tell you as a scientist with a lab, id have one hell of a time determining from the amount of matter on a tab those percentages. Someone without a lab... Impossible. \n\nA marquis reagent could positively ID the presence of those substances but not the concentrations. An erlich reagent is often sold as a hallucinogen testing kit, but it IDs indoles like LSD. Again, those numbers he gave you he doesn't possibly know. Judging by the numbness its likely to be a NBOMe. ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "It was just DOC, he's trying to save face by bullshitting and save his ass in case you use a test kit.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "I will say that I've heard unconfirmed, anecdotal reports of combination LSD/DOx tabs very recently.\n\nI will also say that there is *zero* chance that your friend developed a test that can not only identify multiple substances on a tab but also the relative concentrations.\n\nAdditionally, a 1:4 ratio of DOC to LSD just doesn't make sense, given the dose levels of each. By the time you take enough DOC to get past threshold, you're already in another fucking dimension from the LSD.", "score": 3 } ]
eli5: Obama's $800B "cuts" to medicare
I'm sure these cuts aren't what they are portrayed as . Is this cutting wasteful spending or is it an actual cut in direct services to patients?
[ { "body": "Before, the government could not negotiate drug prices with drug companies, like private insurance companies can do. Obamacare made it so that the government can negotiate those costs, and, AFAIK, this is supposed to reduce drug spending by half.\n\nThey also renegotiate the prices they will pay to hospitals for Medicare and Medicaid. Hospitals agreed to these new, reduced prices knowing that, in a few years, almost all Americans will be covered by insurance, which will help their overall income. States like Florida, who are rejecting the new federal funding for expanding Medicaid, have hospitals there in a panic because they might not do very well now that they've agreed to lower payment if states do not cover *more* people. Basically, they accepted a lower income per patient under the understanding there would be more paying patients. Florida might be a very sad place in a few years.", "score": 5 } ]
Where does Atlanta go for a big dump?
No, not the toilet related dump. And not the furniture store in Buckhead in the old Home Depot building. I'm looking for a place to dump some non-electronic junk I have hanging around the house that isn't really sellable. I'd prefer a place that weighs your vehicle going in and then again going out to determine how much you dumped. I've heard some places just weigh you when you enter and look up what your car should weigh on a chart of dubious accuracy. Plus I don't want to pay extra for the weight of myself and whoever goes with me to help.
[ { "body": "half the time if you leave stuff on the side of the road someone will recycle it for you, particularly if it is metal or in some way usable although not sell-able. You'd also be surprised what will rot down in to nice compose if you make a habit of peeing on it once in a while. And if you pay attention to the dates on the bulk pick-up signs when the city puts them out, they'll take about anything but contractor waste. \n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "There is a place in Woodstock that does it. 30 bucks a truck load is what it cost me. Its at the Woodstock raceway.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The Seminole Landfill is very cheap - weigh in, weigh out, done! The bins to throw the junk are also conveniently located close to the scales. You have to be a Dekalb resident.", "score": 3 } ]
To pirate or not to pirate..
Hey guys, in need of some advice. I am looking into buying the adobe design suite (il, ps, id) and wondering if its worth it? The thing is, this is my last opportunity to buy it 80% off with the student discount. I've always got by with torrents just fine though. I know the biggest benefit to having a legit copy is being able to get the latest patches in case of any bugs, though how often does that happen? Also I would be able to upgrade the collection in the future versions of the applications at the fraction of the cost. Another future benefit would be not getting fined if they should ever track me. and then there is always the moral issue.. So do you think its worth the investment? What were they reasons why you bought or chose not to buy the software? I appreciate your help! **EDIT** : Thank you everyone for your responses. I can always count on this subreddit for great advice from experienced designers. I knew beforehand that I was more than likely going to get some heat for the ethics of pirating but regardless I appreciate all the feedback and seeing different perspectives of the matter.
[ { "body": "Options 1) I think it depends on how much your earning man, if your just starting out freelancing or working from home your not going to have to spare income to spend on something you can get easily for free. \n\nOption 2) As soon as your doing alright for sure self, get the real deal the patch protection and sound of mind of not breaking laws if it makes you sleep better at night. \n\nIf your at option 1 right now, pirate it, don't feel bad, try your best, work hard and make some amazing work. Fingers crossed the price of software won't even matter to you once you consider buying it, as your so bloody successful. \n\nall the best dude. ", "score": 45 }, { "body": "Do you want to get paid for your work, or would you like to give it away for free? If you expect to get paid for your work, give the same respect to others who work, no matter how big the company is. If you don't want to get paid for your work, I've got some work that I would love for you to do for free.", "score": 37 }, { "body": "If you torrent the software and are freelancing, do you yourself work for free? I personally bought the software and I figure the cost into the hourly rate. That's what works for me. ", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Considering educational licenses are not to be used for commercial/paid work (as far as I'm aware), you're still going to be in some sort of legal gray area.\n\nI'm not sure if you're able to use and educational license to upgrade to a \"pro\" license either, but maybe someone else is able to tell you.", "score": 11 }, { "body": "Out of the many people I know who are professional animators/designers/illustrators/what have you, I believe only one of them has a legal copy of the Adobe Suite. Whether or not you decide to pirate really comes down to how passionately you feel about the whole pirating thing to begin with, but if it's not that big of a deal to you, rest assured that you won't be the first person to download the Suite and you certainly won't be the last.\n\nMost people don't have a spare thousand or even a few hundred lying around to blow on software, especially when they're students. Do what makes the most sense financially and morally for you.", "score": 9 }, { "body": "One of the questions I would be asking yourself is are you likely to work for someone in the near future who will provide the software for you?\n\nIf not the 80% discount is more than enough reason to buy if only for the amount of time and effort put into the software by the Devs.", "score": 7 }, { "body": "If you are making money off of what you are doing with any product, you DAMN WELL BETTER HAVE PAID FOR IT. If you are not making any money off using it, then it's up to you whether you buy the license or not.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "If you buy a suite tho, and only want to upgrade only one part in the future you cannot without upgrading the entire suite. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "My rule is that if I'm just fucking around with it it's okay to pirate, but if you'll be making money with it you should pay. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Here's the basics of it, if you get caught selling works that come from illegally acquired software, not only will you be black listed, but you can be charged with copyright infringement. You also face breach of contract because there is a chance the people you sold to could be held liable for, potentially, willingly dealing with someone with pirated software.\n\nYou also wouldn't have the authority to use the software and transfer the files to someone else because legally, you haven't been granted the right to do so by the licensing terms from Adobe, which is part of paying them to use their software.\n\nSo, basically, every time you were taking money for something you did, that'd be illegal, and if they ever found out/got caught/etc, they could be liable and you would be just as, if not, more so.\n\nIs it worth risking your potential career on? Probably not. If you're going to be professionally doing anything, you have to be a professional, otherwise, you have no right to call yourself one.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Go ahead and buy it. If you can afford it, why not? This way, you can contact their support if you ever have any problems. It's worth the investment, even if your phone call is outsourced. :)", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Buy it now because you get 80% off you cheap bastard. It'll never be worth buying 500% more than you can buy it now.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "80%?! BUY IT!!!! and when you figure out that you need/want the entire creative suite.... jank that instead. They got some monies out of ya.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I wish I would've pirated it. It took me *many many* freelance jobs before my software was paid off & I started earning profit.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My personal rule (not that I think it's a good one nor a legal one) is once you start making money off of the software, you should pay for it.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "it may be a long shot but if you can find an adobe employee, they can get you some individual programs for ~$60 each, could save quite a bit if you only need a couple of the programs. but the 80% discount or getting it from your local university is usually a decent deal too. i like the idea someone had to just figure the cost into your hourly rate to make up for it. or you may just torrent it and try it out, you may not like and/or use all the programs and that way you can figure out what you want/need going forward with freelance work. im not endorsing pirating but it is an option none-the-less.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Creative Cloud, man... As a student, it's the cost of a few meals per month. Just do it, there's no reason to pirate anymore (this coming from someone who pirated adobe through all my youth...).\n\nI'm paying full price for Cloud, but it's still well worth it.\n\nThe biggest benefit of having a legit copy is that there is now absolutely nothing in the way of doing pro work when you can get it. If you are doing pro work on a pirated copy, you are exposing your clients to liability and generally being a bad pro.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Have you heard of Above Creative Cloud? You can \"rent\" the latest version of their software monthly...pretty cheap too. I think it's like 60 bucks.\n\nHere's the deal. If you experience any semblance of success, you'll most likely be put in a position where you NEED legit software (I've worked with plenty of companies in the past that made sure the software I was using was legit).\n\nSo what do you do? Wait until you get a big break and possibly pass it up because you can't afford legit software on a short notice?\n\nAdobe makes good shit, man. If you're taking the software for a test run, pirate or trial it. If you plan on making income, buy that shit.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I just found this: http://www.adobe.com/education/products/creativecloud.edu.html?showEduReq=no\n\nI didn't even know they did that. I think it's worth $30/month for access to everything and it's legal. You probably pay that much for text messaging.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "If we want adobe to continue giving us the tools of our trade, it's good practice to keep them in business as well.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Buy it!! \n\nI used to work in my University bookstore and we'd sell the Creative Suite Software at a huge discount. Granted this was many years ago, and this may have changed, but when you buy a LEGITIMATE Academic version ( meaning that you get a serial number from Adobe ) once you are no longer in the academic world, you can continue to use that software even for commercial purposes. Basically what will happen is that your academic license then turns into a commercial license. And when new version of Creative Suite come out, you're fully entitled to upgrade using your existing serial number. You could call Adobe Customer Service and verify this. But I don't think the policy has changed.\n\nGood luck!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I will say one thing on this. No one should ever advocate pirating this stuff, as it's what keeps our industry going.\n\nHowever. These companies want you to learn their software. They want you to become and operator for their product. So, when you get a job, the *companies* will be up for dropping all the money on the setups. They don't make their money from individuals, it's from the production houses. If you have to pirate to learn the software, they won't bat an eyelid. Unless you start making money from it \n\nTL:DR Pirating is somewhat fine for just learning, but don't pirate to make money. Was told this by people at Adobe and Autodesk.", "score": 3 } ]
Windows 8: "Search" only includes "pinned" programs?
I've used the release preview for a week now and haven't found a solution to this. Currently I have to pin every single program I use to the start menu (or task bar/desktop) because otherwise "searching" for it produces no results. That's really unintuitive and makes me want an easy way to pin every single program on my computer at once, since doing them one by one is a serious chore. This also leaves my Start screen cluttered as hell, even though I can move and organize programs, because _every_ program I _ever_ use is there... which means I never use Start except in conjunction with Search because I cannot find a tree in this forest. Does it perhaps only search the disk partition that (only) Windows 8 is installed on? These two features are so co-dependent that both is unusable without the other. Should they be two features, then?
[ { "body": "Nope... not seeing what you are describing you shouldn't have to pin\n\nThat said check your search index options (charms, search, \"search index\") and make sure you are including the locations where you put your applications, including the links that you launch the apps from.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "No, it looks other locations too - for instance, it'll search the old Start Menu folder that installers put links to their programs in.\n\nIf you right-click on the Start screen in a blank area and then click \"All Apps\", you can see the list of everything that app-searching can find.\n\nAlso, if something's on your %PATH%, you can search for its exact name (with or without the extension) and it'll find it. However, results for items like this won't show up as partial matches, to reduce clutter (same as on Win7). You can try it out with \"dxdiag\", for instance.\n\nIf you have a random executable you want to be found, open up File Explorer and navigate to this link: \"%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\" (no quotes). If you put shortcuts in that folder (or a subfolder), they'll show up when searching on the start screen. They'll also show up in the All Apps view.\n\nLet me know if you're having issues with this still. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "You have some non-standard setup (standard being, you just have a C: drive and all your programs are installed on the C: drive). If you tell me what your set up is, I can point you to what you need to change in your indexing for programs to show up when you search. Every computer I've set up with the standard setup have all correctly indexed the install programs so that they are searchable (and at this point, that's 12 computers total).", "score": 3 } ]
New gun break in procedures?
Picking up my new pistol this afternoon (M&P 40). First brand new gun I've purchased in a long time, got me thinking. What do you all do for breakin? Obviously, I will give it a quick clean and barrel swab before firing, in case there are manufacture leftovers anywhere, but I have heard everything from clean it first and go shoot, to clean, fire 1 round, clean, fire 1 round, 25 times. Is there any logic behind that?
[ { "body": ">clean, fire 1 round, clean, fire 1 round, 25 times\n\nThat is silly. Just lube the manufacturer recommended areas and shoot it.", "score": 5 } ]
Is college a bad time to pick up wet shaving?
I'm an incoming college freshman. I've had an interest in DE shaving for a while now, and at this point have the money to make the jump. But should I just stick to cartridge razors while at school? I'm afraid I'm going to be cutting my face a lot and taking too long in the dorm bathrooms. Any advice?
[ { "body": "To save time in a common bathroom and not having to worry about your razor being swiped cause some prick your roommates friends with thinks its cool (not saying it will happen just a worst case). I'd just practice good prep with shaving soap and a brush and the like but use a cartridge razor. Plenty of time to prefect technique when you have a more peaceful environment to work in when you move to a place of your own. ", "score": 11 }, { "body": "the sooner the better. \n\nsuccessful wet shaving isn't just about using a DE/SE/SR and non-aerosol creme or soap, it's about technique.\n\nthe sooner you learn the proper technique, the better (it's harder to break old habits, as they say).\n\nthe first few times you do it, if you're not careful, you'll likely cut yourself. a styptic pencil will help with that. alum for razor burn. after the first month, you should have your technique down (or at least refined) to the point where the whole process (including multi-pass) doesn't take any longer than 10 mins.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "I started DE shaving in college, and then switched to SR shaving, both in college. There is no better time to start. Just keep an eye on your fancy stuff, and don't let anyone else touch it.", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Best time to start. I did and would do it over again in a heart beat. You are usually not pressed to shave so you can let it grow out if you irritate your face no problem. Also, there are usually tons of sinks so you should have plenty of space. And the obvious benefit of saving money in the long run on cartridges. DO IT!!", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I say go for it. I wouldn't bring a super expensive razor to the dorms, but there are plenty of affordable ones out there. You might also want to go for a travel brush or one of the clear plastic brush holders. The typical Jersey Shore wannabe will spend more time on his wind-tunnel-hedgehog hair gel job than you will spend on your shave. And once you buy the tools and supplies, you will save money DE shaving. Saving money is always good for college kids.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I can get a decent shave in 5 minutes or less. Sure, it's nice to take a long time doing all the prep-work and stuff, but it doesn't HAVE to take 45 minutes. Especially with DE instead of SR, it really doesn't need to take much longer than normal cartridges. At least in my case, a nice hot shower will take care of a good portion of the required prep work, and then with a couple of minutes to build a lather and a couple of more to actually do the shaving, I can be done quick if I need to.", "score": 3 } ]
Moving to a new place with no garage. Want to keep my TJ with no doors. Any ideas for leaving it out at night?
The soft top is easy enough to put up, but I don't really want to leave it out all night because of rain. Do you guys have any suggestions for temporary doors or waterproofing? EDIT: the consensus is a tarp. May get a bestop cab cover eventually. Thanks everyone!
[ { "body": "You could get a thick plastic tarp to cover the jeep when it rains or when it's likely to rain overnight.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I keep a tarp and 4 bungee cords with me in case of rain. It doesn't look like much but it keeps the seats and dash dry. http://i.imgur.com/GbPtH.jpg", "score": 3 } ]
Can the Packers win with their current left tackle situation?
I am literally scared for Aaron Rodgers well being right now. And today on the Score, I heard that the last 19/22 Superbowl champs had a pro bowl left tackle. Look, I am sure the Packers can make the playoffs, probably win the division. But holy hell, look what the Giants D-line did to our O-line last year. Not to mention how pathetic they looked in game 1. Rodgers will not play all 16 with Newhouse. Bears fans are worried about J Webb. But I don't think Newhouse is much better.
[ { "body": "I think Newhouse is much improved from last season. Also, he will get more reps in practices against Matthews because of his position change. \n\nMost importantly, Rodgers said he was comfortable with Newhouse protecting him, and that is the most important aspect of the situation. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "It's one position on the offensive line, probably the hardest one to play based on anecdotal 'evidence' derived from former offensive linemen. Considering the packers have one of the best offensive lines in the NFL outside of left tackle (well, and depth), there's reason to think they're fine.\n\nThe most recent super bowl champions with a pro bowl LT I can find are the Patriots, then the Ravens, then the Rams. It's possible others were in fact Pro Bowlers but not the year they made it. In the Packers case Clifton's career was on the way out when he got his ring.\n\nSo you have to reach back pretty far to see that... sounds like a made up stat to me.\n\nI really think the value of a LT is vastly overstated. Not that you want a weakness there but most of the recent winning teams' LTs have been between above average to mediocre. Which averages out to .. average. \n\nThe top tier LTs in the league play for garbage teams. Duane Brown is the only exception I can think of. ", "score": 5 } ]
Men's wedding ring found, help me find the owner!
I found a men's wedding ring on the river walk between 1st and Campbell and I'd really like to return it to its owner. Spread the word for me. PM me with a description, and if it matches what I have (exactly with specific details that couldn't possibly be guessed) I'll meet up with you and hand it over. Thanks guys!
[ { "body": "Yay, good samaritan. Hopefully you find the owner and don't have to sort through a bunch of grifters: \"It's, uh, gold, and it says, um, 'Dear Husband'?\"\n", "score": 3 } ]
Hackers on far away mode.
I was just playing LvD on far away, and I consider myself pretty good at the game, however, when I played, I got dominated by this guy. He 3 shot me when i was an angel, and I had aries armor on. I could never seem to hit the guy either. His weapon had pretty much perfect stats. 6 star ranged, 0 star melee, standing charge shot +4, dash charge shot +4, full health boost +6, freezing +4, and overall defence -4. I played with him about 5 games, and every game he had a different weapon with almost identical stats. Sometimes he'd have petrify instead of freezing, or continuous fire bonuses or whatever, but he always had 6/0 stars, and defence -4. At first I thought maybe he just played a ton, and got some really good fusions, but I have 80 hours play time, a decent amount of which was weapon farming, and I don't have enough to make one of those weapons. I don't even have anything with a negative bonus of more that two. I'm not one to claim hacker lightly through, after all it was still technically possible to have all those weapons, but one time I had him cornered, and I could kill him 1 shot, but he used a libra sponge and then playing dead. I could see where he was because of the purple fire stuff, and I hit him several times, but he never died. It wasn't lag either, because he shot back. A teammate hit him with a smart bomb, and he just stood in the explosion shooting back. He was also invisible the whole time. This fairly definitively makes him a hacker, right? Has this happened to anyone else?
[ { "body": "It's possible... I've run into players who were a little *too* good. But how would someone even go about hacking a 3DS game? Seems like it would be difficult. Also, his weapons are good, but with those stats they're still sub-300 in value. He's probably just ridiculously good - unless he was Japanese, they're all a bunch of goddamn cheaters.", "score": 4 } ]
Whats r/running's favorite workout
After doing the first workout of the year (hill workout) with my xc team today I got to think... my favorite workout is intervals but what is everyone else's... So r/running what is your favorite workout that you have by yourself or with a team On a side note during my last off-season race of the year last saturday I pr'ed my mile by 13 seconds bringing my new pr to 5:35 :DDD
[ { "body": "Fartleks! I get the fun of a speed workout without having to glance at my watch constantly or turn around every top/bottom of the hill.", "score": 13 } ]
Any advice for a very petite girl? (4'11)
I find it SO hard to find clothing that fits. Especially pants. Shirts are not usually that hard to find in an XS, and I know what looks good on my body. I'm about 90 lbs, and 4'11. I have shape, I have curves which I love. The only problem I have is finding JEANS that fit!! When I was younger, even just a few years ago (I'm 20 now) I was able to fit into a 00 comfortably. But now my hips have gotten bigger, so I seem to need to go a size up for my hips, but then my pants are too baggy on my thighs and WAY too long. Does anyone know of any stores that are good with sizes for short people? I live in Canada, but I go shopping in the states often. Thanks!! I've never posted here before, hopefully I'll get some good tips :)
[ { "body": "You should try Delia's for jeans. I'm 5'2 and they have shorter lengths than what I need(usually \"28). They have lots of different styles too and you can order online. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "YAY another short person! You and I are in the SAME exact boat! I'm 5'00'', 110 lbs, and oh LORD do I have curves. I'm either an XS or an XXS on top and a 2 on the bottom (but a 4 at Talbots...). So yea, pear-shaped.\n\nAnyways, yes, tailoring is hell and expensive. I'm a really big fan of Express jeans, especially because they come in size short. (So, I get a Size 2 Short). While I've never had to get a pair of Short-sized jeans tailored, full disclosure: I've always hated being short, so I almost exclusively wear 3'' heels all the time.\n\nBanana Republic also sells Short sizes, but a lot of the times I've found I've had to order them online from their Web site, as they've stopped carrying smaller sizes in stores. (XXS dresses are only available on their Web site now).\n\nLastly, while I'm not a fan of petites (they always seem to fit like they were designed for old women...), Anne Taylor petites have always fit really well.\n\nHope this helps! Good luck! ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Petite girl here, my suggestions for jeans would be to shop at stores that offer petite sizing (gap and banana republic definitely do this). You'll still probably have to get them hemmed. I'm 5'2 and still find petite stuff to be a little long in length, but shopping petite will make it fit better overall and will look closer to what the designer intended.\n\nI also avoid fading and whiskering because it never seems to lay right and is generally too big, i.e. leg fading that goes from the knee all the way to the bottom of the shin when it was supposed to end much higher. \n\nThis is kind of the last thing I think about when buying jeans, but smaller pockets should also help make the pants look more proportionate. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Ughh! I had that EXACT same problem! I actually just bought a new pair of jeans from Pacsun because my best friend (5'1\") recommended them to me because that's what she wears. We're both pear shaped, although I'm 4'8\" (yay for being the shortest .__.), and I've used her jeans before. Pacsun bullhead's are an amazing fit on me but if you can no longer fit into a 00 comfortably due to your hips, try AnchorBlue. That's where I got my old jeans but they were still baggy for me in terms of the hips (which actually reach my waist so try and look for low-rise jeans). \n\nPacsun is also having a [buy one get one free](http://shop.pacsun.com/Womens/jeans/Bullhead-Black-Gryphin-Dark-Skinniest-Jeans/index.pro) sale and if you plan on buying that, I have a free shipping coupon. Make sure to check out their sizing info though! \n\nAll the best of luck and I'm going to keep watch of this thread to see if there are any better brands :P ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "If you don't already, you should start reading some fashion-oriented blogs written by petite women. Check out [ExtraPetite](http://www.extrapetite.com/), [AlterationsNeeded](http://www.alterationsneeded.com/), [Wendy's Lookbook](http://www.wendyslookbook.com/), the [AlterationsNeeded Forum](http://forum.alterationsneeded.com/), and [other petite-oriented blogs](http://www.alterationsneeded.com/blogroll).\n\nOld Navy/Gap/Banana Republic, JCrew, and Ann Taylor/LOFT all have petite offerings. ASOS and department stores like Nordstrom also carry some petite clothes. BR, AT, and LOFT are typically the only ones that have petite sizes in-store. I do a ton of ordering online and retuning to physical stores. My favorite jeans are from the Levi's CurveID line.\n\nFor jeans and pants, you may want to use a tailor. Buy pants that fit you in the thighs, hips, and rise. If the pants gape in the waist or are too long, these problems can be [fixed easily](http://www.alterationsneeded.com/2009/09/adventures-in-alterations-how-to-choose.html) and [relatively cheaply](http://www.alterationsneeded.com/2010/10/basic-denim-jean-alterations.html).", "score": 3 } ]
I'm the current Cycling Club President. Anyone interested in road cycling? $0 Dues for the Fall
We will take on ANYONE who has a bike and helmet. We do lots of group riding in the Fall and race in the Spring. You should come meet me at Fall Activities Night on Tuesday the 28th. I'll answer any questions here. Check out our website: http://sites.udel.edu/cycling/
[ { "body": "Anyone?! Even alumni with crappy schedules and little experience (but tons of enthusiasm?!)\n\nI really hope it's something I can commit to, my road bike is itching for more use!", "score": 3 } ]
What is the stupidest thing you have ever had a friend say to you after learning you have celiac or are gluten free?
I was recently diagnosed with celiac. I tried to explain to a friend of mine what it was like. I told her how I could never gain weight and was so skinny people would make fun of me saying I was anorexic. her response was to that was, " oh wow, your'e so lucky I wish I had something like that which made me lose weight and forced me to stop eating food." I honestly can not believe how stupid she sounded.
[ { "body": "You know, this is still a relatively new diagnoses for people to hear about. When someone asks me about why I went grain-free (I'm just sensitive, not fully allergic), I explain. And I laugh when they ask what I eat because it's genuine - a lot of our foods are based on grain products. If you judge or roll your eyes, you certainly aren't going to get any understanding. EDUCATE people so that they can spread that knowlege as well. ", "score": 17 }, { "body": "Both from my roommate, who is supportive, but clueless.\n\n\"I know you can't eat bread, but you can eat bread crumbs, right?\"\n\nIn response to seeing how small my Udi's bread was:\n\"Oh, it's so cute! It's like bread made for babies! Too bad it's so expensive, or I'd buy some for my kids when I get older.\"", "score": 15 }, { "body": "I have a co-worker I often go out to lunch with. She'll do the whole \"I'm getting a cookie. Are you going to get one?\" What is shocking to me is that she's surprised EVERY time when I say \"sorry, I can't have that\". It becomes a \"*gasp* why?!\" ", "score": 15 }, { "body": "Oh my, I've heard all kind of moronic things. Including the one you just described. A friend of my sister in law told me that I was lucky to have \"gotten sick and dropped 55 lbs.\" I was fat before my celiac was discovered due to being asymptomatic. I've also been told celiac disease doesn't exist, that there's no possible why I could have it because no one in my family has ever been diagnosed with it, that I should \"be thankful that it's not a worse illness\"...I could go on for days.\n\nIt also never ceases to amaze me how many people are totally oblivious to what gluten is and what has gluten in it. \"Oh come on, you can eat gravy for Christ's sake, it's not BREAD!\"\n\nO.o", "score": 11 }, { "body": "This was a little after she learned I was gluten intolerant but one night when my roommate was drunk: \n\n\"Gluten intolerance isn't a real thing. You're faking to get attention and special treatment. It's just like how people go on the paleo diet, you should just stop.\"", "score": 10 }, { "body": "\"The positive effects of the diet are placebo. A doctor has told you it will help, so you automatically feel better.\"\n\"SHES ALLERGIC TO EVERYTHING\"\n\nand a situation: The dining halls at my university have gluten free options, which is fantastic, until they serve them on those compostable plates that are made from wheat. (we don't have real plates)", "score": 8 }, { "body": "I had an annoying encounter just today, in a meeting where there was cake. My co-worker said, \"oh COME ON, you can cheat! it's a special occasion!\" and got all smirk-faced when I said I really can't \"cheat\" and have no desire to. And unfortunately there's not really a succinct way to tell co-workers you need to avoid gluten wherever humanly possible in order to, you know, not die of bowel cancer in 15 years. ", "score": 8 }, { "body": "\"That's just a fad thing.\" \n\nYeah, okay, I bleed out of both ends of my digestive system every time I accidentally am not *fashionable enough*. \n\n", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Being offered pasta salad. . .\n\nMe: \"No thank you. I'm gluten intolerant. I can't have anything with wheat in it.\"\n\nFriend: \"Oh man, that sucks, but do you want pasta salad or not?\" ", "score": 7 }, { "body": "My favorite is, \"Well just scoop out the insides that should be fine!\". Every single time I do this I have a bad time. Stupid crumbs stick to everything!\n\nRunner up: \"Well it only has a little bit of flour/soy sauce/whatever. That won't hurt you right?\"", "score": 6 }, { "body": "\"Gluten-free? So, thats like sauce, right? No sauce for you- Yeah we can just make yours without the sauce.\"", "score": 6 }, { "body": "\"YOU MEAN YOU CAN'T EAT PIZZA!??!\" I had a guy say this to me on our first date after I told him I had celiac. He felt the need to get up out of his chair to emphasize the statement...", "score": 6 }, { "body": "\"Gluten allergy... so you just can't eat bread right? Let's get chinese/pizza/pasta etc etc\" - Every time I visit my GF's dad..... \n\nHe buys me GF bread though so at least he isn't totally oblivious I guess.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Back when I didn't understand gluten intolerances, I suggested to my roommate, \"you have to try some of this cheesecake... just don't swallow.\"", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Everyone thinks I can't eat potato chips. Then I remind them that they're made of potatoes to which some people respond, \"What's the difference between wheat and potatoes?\" \n\nSigh. ", "score": 5 }, { "body": "i had a waitress say oh so you can't eat rice? i looked at her for a second, and said, yeah i can eat rice. in a slightly questioning tone. she said, even though it's wheat?! i said....well...it's a grain... \n", "score": 4 }, { "body": "My wife's family is Chinese. At a lot of family dinners, I could eat something if it weren't for the soy sauce. (Fried rice, broccoli, etc. etc. ) \n\nSo my (very sweet) mother in law and my wife are frequently asking, in chinese, \"is their soy sauce in this?\" \n\nSomehow, many of the extended family now have the idea it is soy sauce, specifically, that I can't eat. This leads to situations where I am offered cake or pizza from a, very proud of themselves for remembering, well meaning, family member who proclaims,\n\n \"Only Pizza! No Soy Sauce!\" ", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Asking a cook to make food modifications for another Celiac (he didn't know I have it as well):\n\"If they have celiac, they might as well just never fucking leave home.\"\n\nYeah, but no though.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "\"Is cocaine gluten free?\" ...whut. Gee, why don't you read the ingredient label on your next bag and let me know.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I had a friend respond that she also wasn't supposed to eat gluten so she totally understood. She was eating a regular donut at the time...", "score": 3 }, { "body": "'So you can't have [insert glutenous food #1 here] or [insert glutenous food #2 here] or [insert glutenous food #3 here]??' Me: no, no, no :/\n\nAlso, when people say 'I'm gonna go grab a slice of pizza. Oh...sorry...you can't have any...' <-This pisses me off like crazy! I am aware I can't have it and don't really want to be reminded of it every damn time. (My coworkers and some of my closest friends are like this and I'm too nice to tell them to knock it off >.< )", "score": 3 }, { "body": "When I try to make it simple and say I can't eat breads and stuff...\n\"Oh, so you can't eat bread? Well what is bread made out of?\"\nUHHH what do you mean what is bread made of. Everyone knows that. \nDummies. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "My boyfriend's grandmother is by far the worst at this. She just doesn't grasp the concept at all, no matter how hard she tries. \n\n\"Oh, you can't have pizza?! Why not? oh. Then how about a sandwich, that doesn't have wheat in it? or how about some pasta?\"\n\n\"Do you want some angel food cake?\" (person in the other room: \"She can't eat that, Nanny!) \"oh, I must have used the wrong flour. Do you want some cupcakes? Maybe they have the right flour!\"\n\nThis is particularly difficult because this woman is not happy unless you have eaten four servings of whatever she has provided for you. \n\nI also get very tired of the: \"Oh, you must be losing SO much weight! You can't eat anything that's bad!\" And then I list all the things that I can eat that are absolutely fattening. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "The best things I heard came from a friend who was well meaning but asked a million questions about everything new to him. Some of the gems he asked me...\n\n\"So you can't have pizza? Oh man how can you live without pizza?\"\n\n\"Wait so you can have wheat just not whole wheat?\"\n\n\"Is there gluten in meat?\"\n\n\"Hey man, I have some leftover pasta do you want some? Oh wait does that have wheat in it? It says it is made from semolina.\"\n\nAnd my absolute favorite...\n\n\"I got you some cake from the kosher kitchen. They said it doesn't have any wheat or gluten in it.\" (The cake totally did, it was just made without dairy in a kosher kitchen.)", "score": 3 }, { "body": "\"Dude, you should just kill yourself. You're, like, retarded in the mouth.\"\n\nNot a friend, just a guy from high school.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "One roommate was shocked that I could eat... chicken and blueberries?\nHe thought gluten free meant vegan and no sugar. No idea where that one came from.\n\nAlso have a lot of people asking if I can cheat. Right after I explained how gluten makes my body attack itself and eventually leads to cancer. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I work in a GF store and I am celiac nine years now: \"If you cut of the crust it makes normal bread gluten free, because that is where the gluten is stored.\"\n", "score": 3 }, { "body": "people tell me they wish they had what i had as well, because i struggle to gain weight and have always been thin. they could just stop eating fucking shitty food and be healthy.", "score": 3 } ]
Hey Reddit. What scene from a movie were you terrified of when you were little kid?
I was terrified of the last part of the Disney Fantasia movie. The section was called ["A Night at Bald Mountain."](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYSbxRiUgOo) It terrified me. So, what scene from a movie were you scared of when you were little?
[ { "body": "When the people came to take away E.T.\n\nThey were wearing those white suits.\n\nScared the poop out of me.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "That very fucked up scene in Pinocchio where all those children get turned into donkeys and they're hauled into those cages", "score": 3 } ]
"Like a guy with an American flag cape is walking out of a Camaro on fire... and a peg leg." - is how a coworker described Steve Vai's "Tender Surrender"
Said by my gangsta coworker when the intense shred solo came up. I had no idea how to respond, but needed to share.
[ { "body": "I love that song (one of my favorite Vai tunes) but if I had to describe it I would say it is a soft-porn background music. ", "score": 3 } ]
Some servers are shit.
I've been playing for a few days now and couldn't get over the low frame-rate and stuttering that I was experiencing. I have a nice computer and haven't had this problem with other games so it was extremely frustrating. Today I rage-quit a game because of it and was still bored so I immediately joined another server and it was smooth like butter. I'm not sure why or anything just wanted to put it out there so other new players don't end up thinking that's how the game runs normally.
[ { "body": "Performance decreases a lot if the server has not been reset in a while because of all the bodies and destroyed vehicles. Could that have been the problem?", "score": 3 } ]
To the self proclaimed "I cannot draw" portion of bronies who would like to learn, don't be afraid to ask for help!
[As promised,](/http://www.reddit.com/r/mylittlepony/comments/y0bkm/ive_been_gone_for_a_while_and_have_a_few_things/) Here are a few pages from [My Journal](/http://imgur.com/a/dDlkl). Awhile back, I would look at the fan art of this community and wonder, "Why can't I do that?" So with some friends, magic, and a surprising family visit-plus a few entries to r/mlpdrawingschool-; I was able to overcome that feeling and pursue this artistic awesome that is MLP fan art! And all you have to do, is ask! Your friend, SPITFIYAH
[ { "body": "I'm going to college for Graphic Design, but I've never drawn anything MLP related. Where's a good place to start?", "score": 3 } ]
So how would you actually dissolve the state?
Dear fellow ancaps, Having read A new Liberty, I now have some serious questions about the closing message about working towards change. While Rothbard outlines the end game of a anarcho-capitalist society very clearly, he isn't clear about the methods, means, and transitionary states required to move towards the end goal of a non-statist system. Is there any sort of literature covering a sort of long term transitionary plan towards ancap society?
[ { "body": "Check out /r/agorism for one method.\n\nThe tl;dr of it is: Conduct as much of your life as you can away from the state, including most importantly, commerce. The larger the black market becomes, and the more powerful the parallel governing institutions like arbitration agencies, DROs and trust ratings agencies, the less tax revenue the state gets, and the more people realize they don't need the state to live in a functioning, productive economy. Eventually the state collapses under its own weight/debt burden and the parallel (or \"counter\") economy rises to replace it with already-made voluntary institutions.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "Educate people to the point that they understand why no state > state, then watch as the state dissolves naturally as people begin providing services voluntarily.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Stefan Molyneux talks about this a lot.\n\nFor most of us, a peaceful/voluntary/free society will come from a gradual multi-generational transition by applying the non-aggression principle(NAP) at home first. It is important for us to raise rational, cooperative children, thru peaceful parenting, that understand the nature of state violence and reject it. \n\nChildren raised in a peaceful household result in rational adults, later on, who can discern illegitimate uses of force and \"perceived\" authority.\n______________________________________\nthe non-aggression principle starts at home.\n_________________________________\n\n[Corporal Punishment, the Nonagression Principle](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zyNQFG7C8JM)\n\n[Parenting Without Punishment - Dr Elizabeth Gershoff](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XjxXuDYdBzY)\n\n[The Facts About Spanking (Lower IQ, Substance Abuse, Aggression issues etc...)](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONNRfflggBg)", "score": 5 }, { "body": "I believe David Friedman goes into this a bit in Machinery of Freedom. His personal strategy is to incrementally sell off/privatize current state services and property. ", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I think the easiest way would be to fully itemise tax bills and allow people to opt out of individual items. I think the rest will solve itself.", "score": 3 } ]
Reddit, Who is the "one who got away"?
Mine is the girl who has been my best friend for a long time and has now started dating an abusive jackass. It hurts to watch and I think its time for me to take a step back, for my own sake.
[ { "body": "Fell in love with a married lady who was very unhappy with her marriage and about to split. After 4 months of us getting really close and planning life after her divorce she said she couldn't leave him even though she doesn't love him because \"she made a promise in front of god\". Yeah we still work together she's literally sitting behind me ", "score": 3 } ]
Need some awesome Kingdom Hearts Desktop Wallpapers!
Been looking for some good ones, but i know reddit has the best. 1920x1080 please. Thanks in advance
[ { "body": "[Here's one](http://i.imgur.com/Z75sx.jpg) I made using [this](http://i.imgur.com/ZrWKZ.jpg) and the pattern from [this one](http://kh13.com/zenphoto/wallpapers/disney-japan/wallpaper_1210084_1024x768.jpg.php).", "score": 3 } ]
I need help figuring out what to play that isn't Pathfinder/D&D but is fantasy.
The current campaign that my weekly group is playing in is about to end (3-5 sessions). We have a sort of Round Robin type of GMing as we're all GMs from different groups. I've been out dealing with family issues and sickness the last three games and at that time talk began about what to play. People hit on a fantasy campaign and one of the players who hasn't GMed yet suggested Pathfinder as she's run that a lot. Problem: I have no fun playing Pathfinder/D&D style level based games. Too slow, too slogging, etc.. But I don't want to ruin everyone's fun, and everyone else suggested that instead of Pathfinder we use a different system. I've hit on Savage Worlds as a possible alternate, but I'd like to come up with more than one alternate system. Can you offer me suggestions that would allow an Oracle of a magical Goddess, her Paladin, a Psychic style character, a Drunken Boxing Monk, and it not be GURPS (the Paladin hates GURPS)? I know, terribly constraining, but if you have any ideas that would be totally awesome. :) THANK YOU.
[ { "body": "[Warrior Rogue and Mage](http://www.stargazergames.eu/games/warrior-rogue-mage/) Not - DnD, fantasy easy to pick up and easy to play, No classes no levels but a ton of variations and free. ", "score": 6 }, { "body": "Try Dungeon World. \n\nThey had a kickstarter where you could get PDFs, but they're not out yet. I put a not-so-old copy of the rules up here:\n\nhttp://mattie.net/dungeon\n\n", "score": 5 }, { "body": "Technically, Savage Worlds does have levels, but they represent much less drastic advancement than in D&D. What it doesn't have is CLASSES, which I find to be a more important distinction. Classes are just a step above playing pre-gens, in my opinion, and I chafe at having to choose from a small list of \"types.\" I don't care about levels, *per se*, as long as I have the chance to make the kind of character I want.\n\nDragon Age, by Green Ronin, is also a pretty good fantasy game. It's D&D for people who don't want D&D but still want D&D, if you get my meaning. It has classes and levels, but it's easy to remove the classes (there are guides out there for doing this). It probably won't meet your needs, but it's worth a look-see.", "score": 5 }, { "body": "[OpenD6](http://opend6.wikidot.com/) is free, quick and easy to play. There is a D6 Fantasy supplement which I haven't looked at, but the game itself has no levels, and really easy to get into.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "For one shots, In a Wicked Age allows for a variety of characters. One game I ran had a bard, a his possessed sister, a 9 foot tall axeman, and a demon. All perfectly (narratively) balanced.\n\nAlso look at Lady Blackbird or Dungeon World", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Have you looked at [Talislanta](http://www.talislanta.com) - 20+ years of books, all online for free (so no buy in cost other than time). \n\nIt's fantasy, and if you use 4th/5th edition the learning curve from D&D 3.X/Pathfinder will be relatively small. ", "score": 3 } ]
I'm a broken man.. My family is suffering. I'm embarrassed, humiliated and desperate!
I want to say first off, I'm NOT asking for any donations! but your free to Do what you want at this link. What I am asking is, is if anyone can click the "like", "tweet" or "G+" tabs on my site to help me raise awareness to it! I'm poor and unpopular, I have no friends or family to help me spread the word on my campaign and its failing miserably. Can anyone PLEASE help me... I'm desperate... Please here's the link http://igg.me/p/171832?a=874546 Edit: my power was just shut off... My laptop has about 2 or 3 hours before it dies. I'm going to try and spread the word as much as I can until then. If you could be so kind as to help me keep that going it would be Huge to my family. I don't know how much more I can take... After losing my wife and kids mother to a drunk driver months ago and having my life fall completely apart since, its becoming to much to take anymore... Please "like" "tweet" and "G+" your hearts out on my campaign, plant a link to it where ever you can. It's the only way to get exposure to it and without any exposure my campaign just gets buried to the back pages there. Please....
[ { "body": "Try r/food_pantry to help with food\n\nRental asst, food asst, job asst, utility asst, clothing asst, etc:\n\nhttp://liveunitedsem.org/pages/2-1-1-online-database\nhttp://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/detroit_assistance_programs.html\nhttp://www.swsol.org/articles/HPRP_update\nhttp://www.freepublicassistance.com/ci/mi-detroit\n\n\nMore links\n\nUtility asst:\n\nhttp://liheap.ncat.org/profiles/Michigan.htm\n\nhttp://www.ehow.com/list_7312117_charities-utility-bills-detroit_-michigan.html\nhttp://theinfocenter.info/pubs/eg/5c.pdf\nhttp://www.thawfund.org/\n\nFood asst:\n\nhttp://www.theinfocenter.info/pdfs/food%20assistance%20programs.pdf\nhttp://www.homelessshelterdirectory.org/cgi-bin/id/cityfoodbanks.cgi?city=Detroit&state=MI\nhttp://www.focushope.edu/page.aspx?content_id=4&content_type=level1\n\nRental asst:\nhttp://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/detroit_rental_assistance.html\nhttp://theinfocenter.info/pubs/eg/5b.pdf\n\nSt Vincent's offers a lot of help:\nhttp://www.svdpdet.org/i-need-help\n\nMore resources incl clothing & household items:\nhttp://www.crossroadsofmichigan.org/help02.html\nhttp://www.theinfocenter.info/pdfs/information%20referral%20and%20outreach%20services.pdf\nHttp://www.umd.umich.edu/108701/\nhttp://www.drmm.org/\n\nhttp://cskdetroit.org/programs/services_center/\n\nThis may have some good resources:\nhttp://dingell.house.gov/pdf/Displaced_Workers_Guidebook.pdf\nhttp://www.swsol.org/cwf\n\nMen's professional donated clothing:\nhttp://www.nso-mi.org/files/2012-04-12-observer.pdf\nhttp://www.jacketsforjobs.org/\n\nhttp://www.careergear.org/\n\nMedical/Dental asst:\nhttp://www.needymeds.org/free_clinics.taf?_function=list&state=mi\n\nhttp://dental-help-michigan.app-sl-1.aidpage.com/dental-help-michigan/\n\n\nPossible job training that I ran across:\nhttp://www.swsol.org/detroit_greenworks_solutions\n\n\nA couple more resources:\nhttp://www.foreclosuredetroit.org/pages/Other_Community_Resources\nhttp://www.detroitmi.gov/DepartmentsandAgencies/DetroitWorkforceDevelopmentDepartment/EmploymentandTraining.aspx\nhttp://www.detroit.lib.mi.us/specialservice/career-and-employment-assistance\nhttp://www.goodvernor.org/?q=node/48\n\nHoliday assistance (it will be here before we know it! So bookmark this IMO):\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/HolidayAssistance.html\nhttp://holiday-assistance-for-those-who-live-in-michigan.friendshelpingfriends.aidpage.com/\n\nHome furnishing:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/Furniture.html\n\nMore dental:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/AdultDentalResources.html\n\nChildren dental:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/ChildDental.html\n\nChild medical:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/ChildMedicalResources.html\n\nVision:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/VisionandHearingResources.html\n\nClothing & shoes, including professional:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/ClothingResources.html\n\nJob training:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/EmployEducation.html\n\nHousing assistance:\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/EmergencyHousing.html\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/RentandMortgate.html\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/HousingResources.html\n\nAdult medical:\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/AdultmedicalCare.html\n\nPrescription programs:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/prescriptions.html\n\n\nMacomb county list of resources:\n\nhttp://macombresources.info/\nhttp://www.misd.net/connection/\n\nMichigan resources (new site I just found):\n\nhttp://www.michigan.gov/helpinghand\nhttp://www.needhelppayingbills.com/html/michigan_assistance_programs.html\n\nHealth insurance:\nhttp://www.detroitmi.gov/DepartmentsandAgencies/DepartmentofHealthWellnessPromotion/Programs/MaternalChildHealth/InsuranceOutreach.aspx\n\nhttp://www.michigan.gov/mdch/0,1607,7-132-2943_4845_4931---,00.html\n\nhttp://www.childrenshealthfund.org/child-health-care/national-programs-by-project/detroit\n\nVehicle/vehicle repair:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/LowCostCarRepairs.html\n\n\nFinancial assistance, school breakfast/lunch asst, childcare asst, etc:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/FinancialAssistance.html\n\nTon of food programs:\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/FoodResources.html\n\nSoup kitchens/meals/food banks:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/SoupKitchens.html\n\nGrief support incl for children:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/GriefResources.html\n\nFree immunizations (flu is coming up & for your lil one):\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/Immunizations.html\n\nParenting resources incl support groups for single parents:\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/Parenting.html\n\nTransportation:\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/Transportation.html\n\nFree taxes:\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/taxservices.html\n\nHomeowner programs:\n\nhttp://www.hud.gov/local/mi/homeownership/buyingprgms.cfm\n\nhttp://www.michigan.gov/mshda/0,1607,7-141-45866_45870-175332--,00.html\n\nhttp://www.detroitmi.gov/DepartmentsandAgencies/PlanningDevelopmentDepartment/HousingServices/AmericanDreamDownPaymentAssistance.aspx\n\nhttp://portal.hud.gov/hudportal/HUD?src=/topics/grants\n\nWeatherization resources:\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/WeatherizationResources.html\n\nHome repair resources:\n\nhttp://www.detroitmi.gov/DepartmentsandAgencies/PlanningDevelopmentDepartment/HousingServices/MinorHomeRepair.aspx\nhttp://www.foreclosuredetroit.org/pages/Maintaining_Your_Home_Foreclosure_Detroit\n\nhttp://julieslist.homestead.com/ChoreServices.html\n\n\n\n\n\n", "score": 19 }, { "body": "Please go here and search for assistance - both \"rental\" and utilitiy. You can also look for food pantries, school supplies etc.\n\nI am sorry I do not have any $$ to help you out but I hope you will find some help with 211 - has a massive list of all kinds of help, if you do not find it online then please call the number and talk to someone they can help.\n\nBlessing to you and yours.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I live so close to you, i feel like i should help but i don't know how, i just moved here so i don't have any money either. >.<", "score": 3 }, { "body": "Your story absolutely breaks my heart. I want to try to do what I can for you. There's a website I think you should submit your story to outside of the campaign you have posted.They take requests for help and assistance in various forms and do what they can. Obviously they are inundated with requests, but it doesn't hurt to try. They've raised so much money and help for so many people in need. Check out the pages I have listed below. It's a popular website/group so it should definitely help your campaign gain traction.\n\nhttp://www.facebook.com/pages/Momastery/178909129709\n\nhttp://momastery.com/blog/monkee-see-monkee-do/\n\nhttp://momastery.com/blog/\n\nIf you need any clothes for your 9 mo. old, you can message me your info and I can send some your way. I've got a 3 yr old and almost 2 yr old so we still have a bit in storage. I can go through my cloth diaper stash and see what I can spare too. \n\nEdited to add: I want you to know that you have absolutely no reason to be embarrassed. Needing help is not something to be ashamed of. Just the fact that you are working so hard to try to make ends meet speaks volumes of your character. Keep up the fight, and way to give your kids such an awesome example of a loving parent trying their best to give them what they need.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I wanna thank everyone for being so kind and listening. All of the information you've given me is fantastic and it really felt good to get some things off my chest. I've never talked about that outside of consoling my children. It was nice to get some things out of my head. Thank you everyone, thank you so much.", "score": 3 }, { "body": "I just wanted to say that I can't imagine the pain and hardship you are going through right now. It's hard enough to raise children with two people, but to have to raise those same children with just one parent can seem like the most impossible task in the world. \n\nIt's reading stories like these that make me wonder how our country can constantly say that we're good at stepping up to help each other in times of need....if we were, no one would ever have to worry about finding themselves in a situation like this. There would be no homelessness, no hunger, and there would always be a support network. \n\nI could tell you that you shouldn't feel embarrassed or humiliated....but the fact of the matter is that it happens. I have a job, but it's extremely part time and so my family has to rely on food stamps and welfare just so we can pay what few bills we have and buy diapers, etc. It's embarrassing to have to pull out the food stamp card to get groceries because it feels like everyone is watching you and judging what you have on the belt. It feels horrendous to have to rely on food banks every month, because you feel like a failure. We have been taught that we should be able to provide for ourselves and our families and, whether or not it was intended, that asking for help is a sign of weakness. It is not a sign of weakness....those are why those resources are there.\n\nI can't do much more than offer comfort and good vibes because we aren't much better off. However, I just want to make sure that you know that there are people out there pulling for you. You have wonderful children who obviously think the world of you and what you're trying to do for them. You are not alone. :D", "score": 3 } ]
Customer service people of reddit, let me hear your best stories about bad customers getting their comeuppance.
I was flying into another city for work yesterday, and as the plane was taxiing in, there was lightning. The airport/airlines have a policy that if lightning is sighted within "x" miles of the airport they have to shut down the tarmac. So, as a result, the planes were all sitting there for a good 45-60 minutes while this storm was going on outside, but hey, it's nature and no one's fault so you can't get too mad, right? The real downside to this was that there was a mad rush at the car rental counters. When I got there, the line was already about 60 people long. The employees were doing their best, but they can only move so fast. Most people were understanding, but of course there was some assholes who were mad at the car rental people. Since I travel a lot for work, I have a premier pass with this particular car rental company which allows me to enter a reserved line and forego most of the formalities and pretty much scan my reservation and keys are presented to me and I'm on my way. So I move into this line and there's a guy standing there arguing with the worker at the counter. He's upset because, although he made a reservation, it was made about 2 days prior and on such short notice it was a standby reservation because no car could be guaranteed for him. He demands a car right now ahead of everyone. She's also trying to get him out of the premiere line because he jumped the line and is now holding everyone up. All the while he's acting belligerent and calling the worker incompetent and making a scene. She's remaining calm and explaining to him that due to his reservation he has to wait until the guaranteed customers are handled, and if there are any cars remaining, then he will get one. He decides this is unacceptable and claims she is not serving him because he is black. She assures him race has nothing to do with it, and she is following their protocol based on the type of reservation they're dealing with. All the while, she's been addressing him as "Sir" just like they do with all customers. Then he says, "You know I keep hearing you call me that, but I know what you really mean by it." She asks what he's talking about? "I know what you mean by 'sir,' and it's not actually 'sir' that you're calling me. Admit it. When you say that you're really calling me a nigger, aren't you?" She had this completely puzzled look on her face and again assured him that there is no hidden meaning behind anything she is saying or doing, again calling him "Sir." "There you go again, calling me a nigger." That's when she looked down, worked on the keyboard for a few seconds and then looked up at him and said, "Sir, I've just canceled your reservation. You will need to find a car with some other provider." He flipped his shit and demanded to talk to a manager. The manager came over (who was also black). He simply told the customer that they would not tolerate his attitude and his treatment of employees and that he should leave immediately. They both then watched this man walk away, and as the manager turned to leave he sorta squeezed the clerk's shoulder and said, "I got your back." tl;dr: Guy tries to play the race card and it backfires and leaves him stranded. It was one of the best customer comeuppance things I've ever seen, but I know there are others just as good or better.
[ { "body": "When I was young I was working at a convenience store. It was the morning, and I was in the middle of a rush and trying to keep up with checking people out while simultaneously keeping the coffee pots full. 4 pots were about half way through the process of brewing with a 5th almost empty pot sitting on the burner when I guy came in and went for the almost empty pot. I told him that he might want to wait just a moment as that coffee was probably a little burnt and fresh coffee would be ready in a minute. He turned and looked at me, rolled his eyes, and poured the old, burnt coffee into a cup and got in line. There were several people in front of him so by the time he got to the counter, the other pots were finished and I told him I could ring him up, but it'd be fine if he wanted to pour himself a fresh cup from the new pots. He grunted at me, threw two dollars at me, and walked over and poured himself another cup. He turned to leave with both cups in his hand when I called out and said he'd need to leave the older cup behind since he'd only paid for one. He marched toward me and threw the hot, burnt coffee straight at my face. I put my arm up to block it, but still got burned pretty bad on my arm. Almost instantly, there was a blur and suddenly a cop (who I was friends with as he came in every day for coffee) delivered an NFL quality 'jacked up' hit on the guy straight in the spine. The guy was splayed out on the floor with the cop twisting his arm behind his back and telling him not to move. He cuffed him and took him out right then and there.", "score": 6 } ]
How does a 23 year old single guy save on taxes?
Some Background: I graduated from college two years ago and since then have been working in IT Product Management. I started working at a large public company and recently transitioned to a small start up in the LA area. I making 80k as a salary but I take home around 50K after taxes. I only have 20K saved (I recently bought a car at an auction for 23k) and am planning to contribute my first 5k in a Vanguard IRA today. The startup doesn't offer any 401k. I have absolutely zero debt at this point. My Question: How do I save in taxes? Is a CPA really the only way to go? From what I read on reddit, the "1%" that is able to pay 15% in taxes generally does so via capital gains, which I have not been able to make (I lost ~1000 dollars on speculation which turned me off Mr. Market) My parents have been really hammering the idea that I should purchase a house and rent out rooms to pay the mortgage. I just can't see the logic of going into hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of debt and being a slave to my job. TLDR: 23 year old. 80K salary. How to save on taxes without buying a house/getting married/making babies?
[ { "body": "A lot of people ask this question and it's a bad question. No one really wants to pay less in taxes, they want more money. This is a foolish question (not coming down on you) because in order to pay less in taxes you end up keeping less money. You don't come out ahead. \n\nHere's an example. I'll use rough, round numbers that serve as an example and aren't meant to be true necessarily for your situation. Let's say you buy that house and you're paying interest on a mortgage (oh and if you rent out rooms you'll have to report that as income, and pay taxes on it). You can deduct that interest on your taxes. Pretend you pay 1000/month in interest, for 12k per year. You're probably in a 25% tax bracket. This means you don't pay taxes on that 12k, saving you 3k in taxes. 12k-3k means you still have 9k less than if you hadn't been paying interest payments. \n\nSo yes, you could get a house and deduct the interest, give to charity and deduct those contributions, or make less money. All of that would cause you to pay less in taxes. All of that would also mean you have less money in the bank. So unless you're trying to avoid taxes on some sort of political stance that's not really what you want is it?\n\nEdit: By the way, when you do get a mortgage, or give to charity, by all means you should take the tax benefits associated with it. I think giving to charity is a good thing too. The point is doing that only for the tax break doesn't mathematically work out.", "score": 37 }, { "body": "There is no \"save on taxes\" trick. A CPA would not have any magic to work. \"The 1%\" is generally able to affect how their receive compensation from the companies they work for/run so that they're paid in stock and have complicated setups around that.\n\nThe best you can be doing is maxing out ~~a 401k and~~ a (Roth or traditional) IRA. Sorry :\\\n\nThere's some chance you could end up ahead buy a house and renting it out. But are you sure you'd be itemizing deductions so that you'd even get an advantage form the mortgage interest tax credit? At 23, I wouldn't be rushing into home ownership either.", "score": 8 }, { "body": "You're a single guy, a full time employee and you don't have a house. The only real mainstream tax savings you can get is on retirement accounts. Don't get too caught up in trying to pay a lower percent of your income in taxes. As an example my kid is in day care and my wife and I both work so we get to deduct a crapload. But at the end of the day I'd have a lot more money if I didn't have to pay for day care even though my tax % would go way up.\n\nYou've got the right idea on the house. You're just starting out. Don't tie yourself down with a mortgage.\n\nLate addition: You may be able to save some money by using pre-tax dollars for medical stuff through a flexible spending account. It's kind of a pain in the butt to manage though.", "score": 7 } ]
Daily life at A-school?
I will be going to A-school in the Great Lakes around November (assuming that everything goes smooth at basic), and I was wondering what the daily routine is or what free time you have or what everyone does on their free time. If it helps at all I'm going to be an EM.
[ { "body": "My hubby is in Groton for A-school, but I imagine the routine is similar--class, PT, inspections, etc.\n\nAs for free time, there should be some sports stuff like volleyball or softball you can join in. Lots of videogames get played. Once you have the right \"clearance\" (my brain farted, liberty passes?) you can go off base for some fun on the weekends. Since Groton is more rural than GL, my guy goes out to the ocean with his friends, or they go kayaking someplace. They go out to a lot of movies, as well.\n\ntl;dr: aside from scheduled activities, you make your own fun in your free time.", "score": 4 }, { "body": "Well congrats man and good luck at bootcamp. I an em, been in a-school for going on 4 weeks now. So my daily routine is wake up at 0445 and reveille is at 5 so I leave then for chow (free at the galley but we have a McDonald's open in the morning as well). Then head back to the ship and clean your room up for muster and inspection and march out for class at about 0630. Class for us engineer students isn't too fun, it's a lot of CBT's (computer based training) and a few hands on labs. We usually get like 1-2 hours for lunch, there's about a half dozen places to eat here but like I said earlier I stick to the galley since its free. Then go back to class and leave at like 1330, get back to your ship and usually get liberty within about an hour. Then u can go do whatever you want, even go off base if you're phase 2 or higher. There's seriously so much stuff to do here but like they'll tell you, you're a student first before anything, studying will take up some time. \n\nIf you have any further questions go ahead and ask, I'll help out all I can. Sorry for the run-on but I'm on my phone at the galley right now haha", "score": 3 } ]