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oh hurry up so you can help grandma with that cup . |
joseph you've got my microphone . |
when did you do that my bud ? |
hm i didn't even notice it . |
when did you do that ? |
tell catherine to hurry up we're hungry . |
say we're hungry for some tea . |
aren't we . |
are you hungry ? |
i think you're getting sleepy . |
sleepy sleep . |
listen to those birds . |
lada ? |
lada ? |
do you hear them ? |
yeah . |
joseph you spit up on the microphone . |
how'd you do that ? |
why did you need to spit again ? |
you already spit and pooped on the other one . |
what did i just do ? |
yes did you like that ? |
dadar . |
drdr . |
dadrdr . |
ah . |
ah . |
yes yes yes . |
i see you . |
look at this beautiful tablecloth catherine put on . |
look at that how beautiful . |
oh my goodness . |
did she get some flowers ? |
looks like she picked some of our nice flowers . |
couldn't of picked some of those scrawny ones . |
are there flowers on the table catherine ? |
wow that looks beautiful . |
where are joseph and i sitting ? |
can you show me ? |
where is our seat ? |
oh say thank you . |
catherine has pink and we have purple . |
we're having some cookies at this tea party ? |
yes we are . |
holy smokes joseph . |
what is ? |
his highchair . |
yeah i don't know if he'll sit in it though . |
i think he'll like to sit with you so . |
i'm sitting in a big chair . |
mm . |
a big girl chair . |
those are my favorite kind of cookies catherine . |
mine too . |
yours too ? |
okay . |
let's only have a few of those . |
thank you . |
okay . |
now who's service who's serving this tea party ? |
um . |
there's two on the floor already . |
would you like grandma to serve ? |
no . |
you wanna serve ? |
oh catherine's gonna serve ? |
okay . |
okay . |
let's see what she serves us joseph . |
oh ! |
oh wow . |
we're having milk to drink at this tea party . |
mm look at that . |
wow catherine i never knew we could drink for real out of these cups . |
only for special grandma's here . |
joseph look at this . |
joseph you will not spill my milk please . |
good . |
good ? |
mm . |
there's the lid . |
wow thank you . |
yeah this is some cream . |
see grandma needs a little cream in hers . |
is grandma having real tea ? |
no . |
would you like a little cream in yours ? |
look at that joseph . |
joseph is having cheerios . |
mm . |
that looks delicious catherine . |
now would you like the cookie ? |
mm what do you say to grandma ? |
thank you . |
oh you're welcome . |
joseph said thank you for the cheerios . |
oh thank you . |
would joseph like a cookie ? |
joseph said i'd really like a cookie too ! |
how come i'm only getting cheerios ? |