13 values
--- - name: install/update vim homebrew: name=vim state=latest - name: install/update ctags homebrew: name=ctags state=latest - name: ensure spf13 is installed shell: curl -L -o - | sh args: creates: ~/.spf13-vim-3/.vimrc notify: vim bundle install - name: update spf13 git: args: repo: dest: ~/.spf13-vim-3 notify: vim bundle install - name: add .fork shims for stack.d support copy: src={{ item }} dest=~/.{{ item }} with_items: - vimrc.bundles.fork - vimrc.before.fork - vimrc.fork - name: add configuration to stack.d copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ stack_d }} with_items: - vim.bundle - vim.vimrc.before - vim.vimrc - vim.zsh notify: vim bundle install
--- - name: install/update vim homebrew: name=vim state=latest install_options=with-lua - name: install/update ctags homebrew: name=ctags state=latest - name: ensure spf13 is installed shell: curl -L -o - | sh args: creates: ~/.spf13-vim-3/.vimrc notify: vim bundle install - name: update spf13 git: args: repo: dest: ~/.spf13-vim-3 notify: vim bundle install - name: add .fork shims for stack.d support copy: src={{ item }} dest=~/.{{ item }} with_items: - vimrc.bundles.fork - vimrc.before.fork - vimrc.fork - name: add configuration to stack.d copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ stack_d }} with_items: - vim.bundle - vim.vimrc.before - vim.vimrc - vim.zsh notify: vim bundle install
Add lua support to vim to get rid of lua warnings.
Add lua support to vim to get rid of lua warnings.
## Code Before: --- - name: install/update vim homebrew: name=vim state=latest - name: install/update ctags homebrew: name=ctags state=latest - name: ensure spf13 is installed shell: curl -L -o - | sh args: creates: ~/.spf13-vim-3/.vimrc notify: vim bundle install - name: update spf13 git: args: repo: dest: ~/.spf13-vim-3 notify: vim bundle install - name: add .fork shims for stack.d support copy: src={{ item }} dest=~/.{{ item }} with_items: - vimrc.bundles.fork - vimrc.before.fork - vimrc.fork - name: add configuration to stack.d copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ stack_d }} with_items: - vim.bundle - vim.vimrc.before - vim.vimrc - vim.zsh notify: vim bundle install ## Instruction: Add lua support to vim to get rid of lua warnings. ## Code After: --- - name: install/update vim homebrew: name=vim state=latest install_options=with-lua - name: install/update ctags homebrew: name=ctags state=latest - name: ensure spf13 is installed shell: curl -L -o - | sh args: creates: ~/.spf13-vim-3/.vimrc notify: vim bundle install - name: update spf13 git: args: repo: dest: ~/.spf13-vim-3 notify: vim bundle install - name: add .fork shims for stack.d support copy: src={{ item }} dest=~/.{{ item }} with_items: - vimrc.bundles.fork - vimrc.before.fork - vimrc.fork - name: add configuration to stack.d copy: src={{ item }} dest={{ stack_d }} with_items: - vim.bundle - vim.vimrc.before - vim.vimrc - vim.zsh notify: vim bundle install
(require 'evil) (evil-mode 1) ;; Use undo-tree so don't have to figure out the full undo/redo system atm. ;; Evil will detect this. (require 'undo-tree) ;; Remap ";" to ":" and "," to ";", like vimrc (define-key evil-motion-state-map ";" 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-motion-state-map "," 'evil-repeat-find-char) ;; Make <esc> cancel everything (define-key evil-normal-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key evil-visual-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) ;; Closest thing to easymotion (require 'ace-jump-mode) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") 'ace-jump-char-mode)
(require 'evil) (evil-mode 1) ;; Use undo-tree so don't have to figure out the full undo/redo system atm. ;; Evil will detect this. (require 'undo-tree) ;; Remap ";" to ":" and "," to ";", like vimrc (define-key evil-motion-state-map ";" 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-motion-state-map "," 'evil-repeat-find-char) ;; Make <esc> cancel everything (define-key evil-normal-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key evil-visual-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) ;; Closest thing to easymotion (require 'ace-jump-mode) (setq ace-jump-mode-scope 'window) ;; it's quicker this way (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") 'ace-jump-line-mode)
Tidy emacs jump mode setup
Tidy emacs jump mode setup
Emacs Lisp
## Code Before: (require 'evil) (evil-mode 1) ;; Use undo-tree so don't have to figure out the full undo/redo system atm. ;; Evil will detect this. (require 'undo-tree) ;; Remap ";" to ":" and "," to ";", like vimrc (define-key evil-motion-state-map ";" 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-motion-state-map "," 'evil-repeat-find-char) ;; Make <esc> cancel everything (define-key evil-normal-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key evil-visual-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) ;; Closest thing to easymotion (require 'ace-jump-mode) (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") 'ace-jump-char-mode) ## Instruction: Tidy emacs jump mode setup ## Code After: (require 'evil) (evil-mode 1) ;; Use undo-tree so don't have to figure out the full undo/redo system atm. ;; Evil will detect this. (require 'undo-tree) ;; Remap ";" to ":" and "," to ";", like vimrc (define-key evil-motion-state-map ";" 'evil-ex) (define-key evil-motion-state-map "," 'evil-repeat-find-char) ;; Make <esc> cancel everything (define-key evil-normal-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key evil-visual-state-map [escape] 'keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-ns-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-completion-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-must-match-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) (define-key minibuffer-local-isearch-map [escape] 'minibuffer-keyboard-quit) ;; Closest thing to easymotion (require 'ace-jump-mode) (setq ace-jump-mode-scope 'window) ;; it's quicker this way (define-key evil-normal-state-map (kbd "SPC") 'ace-jump-line-mode)
language: haskell install: # - cabal install hsc2hs cabal-dev # - cd engine && cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests - true script: # - cabal configure && cabal build && ./dist/build/shakefile/shakefile test - ./stir update && ./stir test env: CC=clang TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=clang
language: haskell install: # - cabal install hsc2hs cabal-dev # - cd engine && cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests - true script: # - cabal configure && cabal build && ./dist/build/shakefile/shakefile test - cd engine && ./stir update && ./stir test env: CC=clang TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=clang
Change to engine directory before building
Travis: Change to engine directory before building
## Code Before: language: haskell install: # - cabal install hsc2hs cabal-dev # - cd engine && cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests - true script: # - cabal configure && cabal build && ./dist/build/shakefile/shakefile test - ./stir update && ./stir test env: CC=clang TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=clang ## Instruction: Travis: Change to engine directory before building ## Code After: language: haskell install: # - cabal install hsc2hs cabal-dev # - cd engine && cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests - true script: # - cabal configure && cabal build && ./dist/build/shakefile/shakefile test - cd engine && ./stir update && ./stir test env: CC=clang TOOLCHAIN_VARIANT=clang
.row.wrapper{"ng-controller" => "dialogUserReconfigureController as vm"} .spinner{'ng-show' => "!vm.dialogLoaded"} .col-md-12.col-lg-12{'ng-if' => 'vm.dialog'} %dialog-user{"dialog" =>"vm.dialog", "refresh-field" => "vm.refreshField(field)", "on-update" => "vm.setDialogData(data)"} .clearfix .pull-right.button-group{'ng-show' => "vm.dialogLoaded"} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Submit"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'vm.saveable()', 'on-click' => "vm.submitButtonClicked()", :primary => 'true'} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Cancel"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'true', 'on-click' => "vm.cancelClicked($event)"} :javascript'resourceActionId', '#{resource_action_id}');'targetId', '#{target_id}'); miq_bootstrap('.wrapper');
.row.wrapper{"ng-controller" => "dialogUserReconfigureController as vm"} .spinner{'ng-show' => "!vm.dialogLoaded"} .col-md-12.col-lg-12{'ng-if' => 'vm.dialog'} %dialog-user{"dialog" => "vm.dialog", "refresh-field" => "vm.refreshField(field)", "on-update" => "vm.setDialogData(data)", "reconfigure-mode" => true} .clearfix .pull-right.button-group{'ng-show' => "vm.dialogLoaded"} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Submit"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'vm.saveable()', 'on-click' => "vm.submitButtonClicked()", :primary => 'true'} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Cancel"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'true', 'on-click' => "vm.cancelClicked($event)"} :javascript'resourceActionId', '#{resource_action_id}');'targetId', '#{target_id}'); miq_bootstrap('.wrapper');
Add reconfigureMode parameter to dialog-user
Add reconfigureMode parameter to dialog-user
## Code Before: .row.wrapper{"ng-controller" => "dialogUserReconfigureController as vm"} .spinner{'ng-show' => "!vm.dialogLoaded"} .col-md-12.col-lg-12{'ng-if' => 'vm.dialog'} %dialog-user{"dialog" =>"vm.dialog", "refresh-field" => "vm.refreshField(field)", "on-update" => "vm.setDialogData(data)"} .clearfix .pull-right.button-group{'ng-show' => "vm.dialogLoaded"} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Submit"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'vm.saveable()', 'on-click' => "vm.submitButtonClicked()", :primary => 'true'} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Cancel"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'true', 'on-click' => "vm.cancelClicked($event)"} :javascript'resourceActionId', '#{resource_action_id}');'targetId', '#{target_id}'); miq_bootstrap('.wrapper'); ## Instruction: Add reconfigureMode parameter to dialog-user ## Code After: .row.wrapper{"ng-controller" => "dialogUserReconfigureController as vm"} .spinner{'ng-show' => "!vm.dialogLoaded"} .col-md-12.col-lg-12{'ng-if' => 'vm.dialog'} %dialog-user{"dialog" => "vm.dialog", "refresh-field" => "vm.refreshField(field)", "on-update" => "vm.setDialogData(data)", "reconfigure-mode" => true} .clearfix .pull-right.button-group{'ng-show' => "vm.dialogLoaded"} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Submit"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'vm.saveable()', 'on-click' => "vm.submitButtonClicked()", :primary => 'true'} %miq-button{:name => t = _("Cancel"), :title => t, :alt => t, :enabled => 'true', 'on-click' => "vm.cancelClicked($event)"} :javascript'resourceActionId', '#{resource_action_id}');'targetId', '#{target_id}'); miq_bootstrap('.wrapper');
function set_environment() { env_name=${1:-other} CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION=$env_name export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function set_default_environment() { unset CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function get_env_name () { local forced_env=${CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION:-xxx} if [ "$forced_env" != "xxx" ]; then echo $forced_env return fi hostname=${1:-`hostname`} case $hostname in void* | null*) loc='home.personal' ;; | chris-rose.local) loc='work.personal' ;; d-* | loc='work.test' ;; qa-* loc='' ;; * loc='work.production' ;; *) loc='other' ;; esac echo $loc }
function set_environment() { env_name=${1:-other} CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION=$env_name export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function set_default_environment() { unset CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function get_env_name () { local forced_env=${CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION:-xxx} if [ "$forced_env" != "xxx" ]; then echo $forced_env return fi if [ -f $HOME/.zsh-env-name ]; then forced_env=$(cat $HOME/.zsh-env-name) echo $forced_env return fi hostname=${1:-`hostname`} case $hostname in void* | null*) loc='home.personal' ;; | chris-rose.local) loc='work.personal' ;; d-* | loc='work.test' ;; qa-* loc='' ;; * loc='work.production' ;; *) loc='other' ;; esac echo $loc }
Add an environment override hook
Add an environment override hook
## Code Before: function set_environment() { env_name=${1:-other} CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION=$env_name export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function set_default_environment() { unset CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function get_env_name () { local forced_env=${CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION:-xxx} if [ "$forced_env" != "xxx" ]; then echo $forced_env return fi hostname=${1:-`hostname`} case $hostname in void* | null*) loc='home.personal' ;; | chris-rose.local) loc='work.personal' ;; d-* | loc='work.test' ;; qa-* loc='' ;; * loc='work.production' ;; *) loc='other' ;; esac echo $loc } ## Instruction: Add an environment override hook ## Code After: function set_environment() { env_name=${1:-other} CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION=$env_name export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function set_default_environment() { unset CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION export CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION reload } function get_env_name () { local forced_env=${CR_ENVIRONMENT_SELECTION:-xxx} if [ "$forced_env" != "xxx" ]; then echo $forced_env return fi if [ -f $HOME/.zsh-env-name ]; then forced_env=$(cat $HOME/.zsh-env-name) echo $forced_env return fi hostname=${1:-`hostname`} case $hostname in void* | null*) loc='home.personal' ;; | chris-rose.local) loc='work.personal' ;; d-* | loc='work.test' ;; qa-* loc='' ;; * loc='work.production' ;; *) loc='other' ;; esac echo $loc }
============= dicom2nifti ============= Python library for converting dicom files to nifti :Author: Arne Brys :Organization: `icometrix <>`_ :Repository: .. include:: ./documentation/README.rst
============= dicom2nifti ============= Python library for converting dicom files to nifti :Author: Arne Brys :Organization: `icometrix <>`_ :Repository: :API documentation: .. include:: ./documentation/rst/README.rst
Restructure readme so the readthedocs info is clearer
DCMTONII-31: Restructure readme so the readthedocs info is clearer
## Code Before: ============= dicom2nifti ============= Python library for converting dicom files to nifti :Author: Arne Brys :Organization: `icometrix <>`_ :Repository: .. include:: ./documentation/README.rst ## Instruction: DCMTONII-31: Restructure readme so the readthedocs info is clearer ## Code After: ============= dicom2nifti ============= Python library for converting dicom files to nifti :Author: Arne Brys :Organization: `icometrix <>`_ :Repository: :API documentation: .. include:: ./documentation/rst/README.rst
package org.cyclops.cyclopscore.client.gui.component.button; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; /** * An button with text. * @author rubensworks * */ public class GuiButtonText extends GuiButtonExtended { /** * Make a new instance. * @param id The ID. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param width Width * @param height Height * @param string The string to print. * @param background If the button background should be rendered. */ public GuiButtonText(int id, int x, int y, int width, int height, String string, boolean background) { super(id, x, y, width, height, string, background); } protected void drawButtonInner(Minecraft minecraft, int i, int j, boolean mouseOver) { FontRenderer fontrenderer = minecraft.fontRendererObj; int color = 0xe0e0e0; if(!enabled) { color = 0xffa0a0a0; } else if (mouseOver) { color = 0xffffa0; } drawCenteredString(fontrenderer, displayString, xPosition + width / 2, yPosition + (height - 8) / 2, color); } }
package org.cyclops.cyclopscore.client.gui.component.button; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; /** * An button with text. * @author rubensworks * */ public class GuiButtonText extends GuiButtonExtended { /** * Make a new instance. * @param id The ID. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param string The string to print. */ public GuiButtonText(int id, int x, int y, String string) { this(id, x, y, Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(string) + 6, 16, string, true); } /** * Make a new instance. * @param id The ID. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param width Width * @param height Height * @param string The string to print. * @param background If the button background should be rendered. */ public GuiButtonText(int id, int x, int y, int width, int height, String string, boolean background) { super(id, x, y, width, height, string, background); } protected void drawButtonInner(Minecraft minecraft, int i, int j, boolean mouseOver) { FontRenderer fontrenderer = minecraft.fontRendererObj; int color = 0xe0e0e0; if(!enabled) { color = 0xffa0a0a0; } else if (mouseOver) { color = 0xffffa0; } drawCenteredString(fontrenderer, displayString, xPosition + width / 2, yPosition + (height - 8) / 2, color); } }
Add simplified text button constructor
Add simplified text button constructor
## Code Before: package org.cyclops.cyclopscore.client.gui.component.button; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; /** * An button with text. * @author rubensworks * */ public class GuiButtonText extends GuiButtonExtended { /** * Make a new instance. * @param id The ID. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param width Width * @param height Height * @param string The string to print. * @param background If the button background should be rendered. */ public GuiButtonText(int id, int x, int y, int width, int height, String string, boolean background) { super(id, x, y, width, height, string, background); } protected void drawButtonInner(Minecraft minecraft, int i, int j, boolean mouseOver) { FontRenderer fontrenderer = minecraft.fontRendererObj; int color = 0xe0e0e0; if(!enabled) { color = 0xffa0a0a0; } else if (mouseOver) { color = 0xffffa0; } drawCenteredString(fontrenderer, displayString, xPosition + width / 2, yPosition + (height - 8) / 2, color); } } ## Instruction: Add simplified text button constructor ## Code After: package org.cyclops.cyclopscore.client.gui.component.button; import net.minecraft.client.Minecraft; import net.minecraft.client.gui.FontRenderer; /** * An button with text. * @author rubensworks * */ public class GuiButtonText extends GuiButtonExtended { /** * Make a new instance. * @param id The ID. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param string The string to print. */ public GuiButtonText(int id, int x, int y, String string) { this(id, x, y, Minecraft.getMinecraft().fontRendererObj.getStringWidth(string) + 6, 16, string, true); } /** * Make a new instance. * @param id The ID. * @param x X * @param y Y * @param width Width * @param height Height * @param string The string to print. * @param background If the button background should be rendered. */ public GuiButtonText(int id, int x, int y, int width, int height, String string, boolean background) { super(id, x, y, width, height, string, background); } protected void drawButtonInner(Minecraft minecraft, int i, int j, boolean mouseOver) { FontRenderer fontrenderer = minecraft.fontRendererObj; int color = 0xe0e0e0; if(!enabled) { color = 0xffa0a0a0; } else if (mouseOver) { color = 0xffffa0; } drawCenteredString(fontrenderer, displayString, xPosition + width / 2, yPosition + (height - 8) / 2, color); } }
The relicense task is described at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a list of files that we need to ensure do *not* get a new license accidently inserted. If you notice any more in your travels then please add them here. src/core/context/resources/schema/docbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/open-office/* src/core/context/resources/schema/sdocbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/w3c-dtd/* src/core/context/skins/common/xslt/html/split.xsl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
The relicense task is described at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is one technique ... * Do the whole tree, a section at a time, using script. * cd to a directory as high as you dare, e.g. src/documentation/ * In another window, do a practice run: -p /path/to/svn/forrest/src/documentation 2002-2004 > relicense.log * Review the summary output and grep the relicence.log file. * Investigate the files that are listed as having problems. * When happy do a production run: /path/to/svn/forrest/src/documentation 2002-2004 > relicense.log * Again review the summary output and grep the relicence.log file. * Note any files that need fixing by hand (see etc/relicense.log). * Do a 'svn diff' and make sure it is what you expected, then 'svn commit'. * At some stage, use the Java or Python "relicense" script. This only deals with the *.java files. * Tweak the script to address new issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a list of files that we need to ensure do *not* get a new license accidently inserted. If you notice any more in your travels then please add them here. src/core/context/resources/schema/docbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/open-office/* src/core/context/resources/schema/sdocbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/w3c-dtd/* src/core/context/skins/common/xslt/html/split.xsl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
Add some notes about how to do it.
Add some notes about how to do it. git-svn-id: fea306228a0c821168c534b698c8fa2a33280b3b@9355 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68
## Code Before: The relicense task is described at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a list of files that we need to ensure do *not* get a new license accidently inserted. If you notice any more in your travels then please add them here. src/core/context/resources/schema/docbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/open-office/* src/core/context/resources/schema/sdocbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/w3c-dtd/* src/core/context/skins/common/xslt/html/split.xsl ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ## Instruction: Add some notes about how to do it. git-svn-id: fea306228a0c821168c534b698c8fa2a33280b3b@9355 13f79535-47bb-0310-9956-ffa450edef68 ## Code After: The relicense task is described at ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Here is one technique ... * Do the whole tree, a section at a time, using script. * cd to a directory as high as you dare, e.g. src/documentation/ * In another window, do a practice run: -p /path/to/svn/forrest/src/documentation 2002-2004 > relicense.log * Review the summary output and grep the relicence.log file. * Investigate the files that are listed as having problems. * When happy do a production run: /path/to/svn/forrest/src/documentation 2002-2004 > relicense.log * Again review the summary output and grep the relicence.log file. * Note any files that need fixing by hand (see etc/relicense.log). * Do a 'svn diff' and make sure it is what you expected, then 'svn commit'. * At some stage, use the Java or Python "relicense" script. This only deals with the *.java files. * Tweak the script to address new issues. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ This is a list of files that we need to ensure do *not* get a new license accidently inserted. If you notice any more in your travels then please add them here. src/core/context/resources/schema/docbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/open-office/* src/core/context/resources/schema/sdocbook/* src/core/context/resources/schema/w3c-dtd/* src/core/context/skins/common/xslt/html/split.xsl ------------------------------------------------------------------------
%tr[day] %td= %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.card_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.gross_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.net_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.client_count) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.expenses) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.credit_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.action-links = link_to image_tag('16x16/edit.png', :title => 'Edit'), edit_day_path(day), :method => :get = link_to image_tag('16x16/remove.png', :title => 'Destroy'), day_path(day), :remote => true, :method => :delete, :confirm => t_confirm_delete(day)
%tr[day] %td= %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.card_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.gross_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.net_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.client_count) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.expenses) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.credit_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.action-links = link_to image_tag('16x16/edit.png', :title => 'Edit'), edit_day_path(day), :method => :get = link_to image_tag('16x16/remove.png', :title => 'Destroy'), day_path(day), :title => 'Destroy', :remote => true, :method => :delete, :confirm => t_confirm_delete(day)
Add title attribute to delete link in day list.
Add title attribute to delete link in day list.
## Code Before: %tr[day] %td= %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.card_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.gross_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.net_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.client_count) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.expenses) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.credit_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.action-links = link_to image_tag('16x16/edit.png', :title => 'Edit'), edit_day_path(day), :method => :get = link_to image_tag('16x16/remove.png', :title => 'Destroy'), day_path(day), :remote => true, :method => :delete, :confirm => t_confirm_delete(day) ## Instruction: Add title attribute to delete link in day list. ## Code After: %tr[day] %td= %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.card_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.gross_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.net_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.client_count) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.expenses) %td.currency= currency_fmt(day.credit_turnover) %td.currency= currency_fmt( %td.action-links = link_to image_tag('16x16/edit.png', :title => 'Edit'), edit_day_path(day), :method => :get = link_to image_tag('16x16/remove.png', :title => 'Destroy'), day_path(day), :title => 'Destroy', :remote => true, :method => :delete, :confirm => t_confirm_delete(day)
- hosts: all roles: - legacy-copy-project-config-scripts - add-sshkey - add-launchpad-credentials
- hosts: all pre_tasks: # This is tempoarary until v2 is gone and we can rework things - name: Add origin remote to enable notes fetching command: "git remote add origin https://{{ item.canonical_name }}" args: chdir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/{{ item.canonical_name }}" with_items: "{{ zuul.projects }}" roles: - legacy-copy-project-config-scripts - add-sshkey - add-launchpad-credentials
Add an origin remote for tag-releases for notes
Add an origin remote for tag-releases for notes tag-releases needs to fetch notes. To avoid touching the jenkins script too much while v2 and v3 co-exist, just add the origin remote for all projects in the pre-playbook. Once v3 is rolled out fully and there is breathing room, this should be reworked along with the contents of the script to meet all of the use cases in a more native manner. Change-Id: I8224ec098756874d5422fdb119d72ea1509b72a3
## Code Before: - hosts: all roles: - legacy-copy-project-config-scripts - add-sshkey - add-launchpad-credentials ## Instruction: Add an origin remote for tag-releases for notes tag-releases needs to fetch notes. To avoid touching the jenkins script too much while v2 and v3 co-exist, just add the origin remote for all projects in the pre-playbook. Once v3 is rolled out fully and there is breathing room, this should be reworked along with the contents of the script to meet all of the use cases in a more native manner. Change-Id: I8224ec098756874d5422fdb119d72ea1509b72a3 ## Code After: - hosts: all pre_tasks: # This is tempoarary until v2 is gone and we can rework things - name: Add origin remote to enable notes fetching command: "git remote add origin https://{{ item.canonical_name }}" args: chdir: "{{ ansible_user_dir }}/src/{{ item.canonical_name }}" with_items: "{{ zuul.projects }}" roles: - legacy-copy-project-config-scripts - add-sshkey - add-launchpad-credentials
'use strict' var express = require('express') const querystring = require('querystring') const config = require('../config/environment') var router = express.Router() router.get('/github', (req, res) => { var params = querystring.stringify({ client_id:, redirect_uri: config.github.application.redirectURI, state: '1234' }) res.redirect('' + params) }) router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.json({ github: config.session.cookie.signed ? req.signedCookies.github : req.cookies.github }) }) router.delete('/', (req, res) => { res.clearCookie('github') res.json({ github: true }) }) module.exports = router
'use strict' var express = require('express') const querystring = require('querystring') const config = require('../config/environment') var router = express.Router() router.get('/github', (req, res) => { var params = querystring.stringify({ client_id:, redirect_uri: config.github.application.redirectURI, state: '1234', scopes: 'repo' }) res.redirect('' + params) }) router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.json({ github: config.session.cookie.signed ? req.signedCookies.github : req.cookies.github }) }) router.delete('/', (req, res) => { res.clearCookie('github') res.json({ github: true }) }) module.exports = router
Add repo scope in GitHub OAuth request
Add repo scope in GitHub OAuth request
## Code Before: 'use strict' var express = require('express') const querystring = require('querystring') const config = require('../config/environment') var router = express.Router() router.get('/github', (req, res) => { var params = querystring.stringify({ client_id:, redirect_uri: config.github.application.redirectURI, state: '1234' }) res.redirect('' + params) }) router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.json({ github: config.session.cookie.signed ? req.signedCookies.github : req.cookies.github }) }) router.delete('/', (req, res) => { res.clearCookie('github') res.json({ github: true }) }) module.exports = router ## Instruction: Add repo scope in GitHub OAuth request ## Code After: 'use strict' var express = require('express') const querystring = require('querystring') const config = require('../config/environment') var router = express.Router() router.get('/github', (req, res) => { var params = querystring.stringify({ client_id:, redirect_uri: config.github.application.redirectURI, state: '1234', scopes: 'repo' }) res.redirect('' + params) }) router.get('/', (req, res) => { res.json({ github: config.session.cookie.signed ? req.signedCookies.github : req.cookies.github }) }) router.delete('/', (req, res) => { res.clearCookie('github') res.json({ github: true }) }) module.exports = router
import os import os.path import configparser import shutil import subprocess # Setup print("Setting up...") if os.path.isfile("../halite.ini"): shutil.copyfile("../halite.ini", "temp.ini") shutil.copyfile("tests.ini", "../halite.ini") parser = configparser.ConfigParser()"../halite.ini") # Website tests print("Beginning website backend tests") os.system("mysql -u "+parser["database"]["username"]+" -p"+parser["database"]["password"]+" < ../website/sql/Database.sql")["phpunit", "--stderr", "website/"]) # Environment tests. print(subprocess.Popen('cd environment; python3', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)'utf-8')) # Tear down print("Almost done...") if os.path.isfile("../temp.ini"): shutil.copyfile("temp.ini", "../halite.ini")
import os import os.path import configparser import shutil import subprocess # Setup print("Setting up...") if os.path.isfile("../halite.ini"): shutil.copyfile("../halite.ini", "temp.ini") shutil.copyfile("tests.ini", "../halite.ini") parser = configparser.ConfigParser()"../halite.ini") # Website tests print("Beginning website backend tests") passwordField = "" if parser["database"]["password"] == "" else "-p"+parser["database"]["password"] os.system("mysql -u "+parser["database"]["username"]+" "+passwordField+" < ../website/sql/Database.sql")["phpunit", "--stderr", "website/"]) # Environment tests. print(subprocess.Popen('cd environment; python3', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)'utf-8')) # Tear down print("Almost done...") if os.path.isfile("../temp.ini"): shutil.copyfile("temp.ini", "../halite.ini")
Make test runner work with blank mysql password
Make test runner work with blank mysql password
## Code Before: import os import os.path import configparser import shutil import subprocess # Setup print("Setting up...") if os.path.isfile("../halite.ini"): shutil.copyfile("../halite.ini", "temp.ini") shutil.copyfile("tests.ini", "../halite.ini") parser = configparser.ConfigParser()"../halite.ini") # Website tests print("Beginning website backend tests") os.system("mysql -u "+parser["database"]["username"]+" -p"+parser["database"]["password"]+" < ../website/sql/Database.sql")["phpunit", "--stderr", "website/"]) # Environment tests. print(subprocess.Popen('cd environment; python3', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)'utf-8')) # Tear down print("Almost done...") if os.path.isfile("../temp.ini"): shutil.copyfile("temp.ini", "../halite.ini") ## Instruction: Make test runner work with blank mysql password ## Code After: import os import os.path import configparser import shutil import subprocess # Setup print("Setting up...") if os.path.isfile("../halite.ini"): shutil.copyfile("../halite.ini", "temp.ini") shutil.copyfile("tests.ini", "../halite.ini") parser = configparser.ConfigParser()"../halite.ini") # Website tests print("Beginning website backend tests") passwordField = "" if parser["database"]["password"] == "" else "-p"+parser["database"]["password"] os.system("mysql -u "+parser["database"]["username"]+" "+passwordField+" < ../website/sql/Database.sql")["phpunit", "--stderr", "website/"]) # Environment tests. print(subprocess.Popen('cd environment; python3', stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell = True)'utf-8')) # Tear down print("Almost done...") if os.path.isfile("../temp.ini"): shutil.copyfile("temp.ini", "../halite.ini")
var Game = (function () { var Game = function (canvasRenderer,svgRenderer ) { }; return Game; }());
var canvasDrawer = new CanvasDrawer(); var player = new Player('Pesho', 20, 180, 15); var disc = new Disc(canvasDrawer.canvasWidth / 2, canvasDrawer.canvasHeight / 2, 12); function startGame() { canvasDrawer.clear(); canvasDrawer.drawPlayer(player); canvasDrawer.drawDisc(disc); player.move(); disc.move(); detectCollisionWithDisc(player, disc); function detectCollisionWithDisc(player, disc) { var dx = player.x - disc.x, dy = player.y - disc.y, distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (distance < player.radius + disc.radius) { if (distance === 0) { distance = 0.1; } var unitX = dx / distance, unitY = dy / distance, force = -2, forceX = unitX * force, forceY = unitY * force; disc.velocity.x += forceX + player.speed / 2; disc.velocity.y += forceY + player.speed / 2; return true; } else { return false; } } // bounce off the floor if (disc.y > canvasDrawer.canvasHeight - disc.radius) { disc.y = canvasDrawer.canvasHeight - disc.radius; disc.velocity.y = -Math.abs(disc.velocity.y); } // bounce off ceiling if (disc.y < disc.radius + 0) { disc.y = disc.radius + 0; disc.velocity.y = Math.abs(disc.velocity.y); } // bounce off right wall if (disc.x > canvasDrawer.canvasWidth - disc.radius) { disc.x = canvasDrawer.canvasWidth - disc.radius; disc.velocity.x = -Math.abs(disc.velocity.x); } // bounce off left wall if (disc.x < disc.radius) { disc.x = disc.radius; disc.velocity.x = Math.abs(disc.velocity.x); } requestAnimationFrame(function () { startGame(); }); } startGame();
Implement logic for player and disc movements and collision between them
Implement logic for player and disc movements and collision between them
## Code Before: var Game = (function () { var Game = function (canvasRenderer,svgRenderer ) { }; return Game; }()); ## Instruction: Implement logic for player and disc movements and collision between them ## Code After: var canvasDrawer = new CanvasDrawer(); var player = new Player('Pesho', 20, 180, 15); var disc = new Disc(canvasDrawer.canvasWidth / 2, canvasDrawer.canvasHeight / 2, 12); function startGame() { canvasDrawer.clear(); canvasDrawer.drawPlayer(player); canvasDrawer.drawDisc(disc); player.move(); disc.move(); detectCollisionWithDisc(player, disc); function detectCollisionWithDisc(player, disc) { var dx = player.x - disc.x, dy = player.y - disc.y, distance = Math.sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); if (distance < player.radius + disc.radius) { if (distance === 0) { distance = 0.1; } var unitX = dx / distance, unitY = dy / distance, force = -2, forceX = unitX * force, forceY = unitY * force; disc.velocity.x += forceX + player.speed / 2; disc.velocity.y += forceY + player.speed / 2; return true; } else { return false; } } // bounce off the floor if (disc.y > canvasDrawer.canvasHeight - disc.radius) { disc.y = canvasDrawer.canvasHeight - disc.radius; disc.velocity.y = -Math.abs(disc.velocity.y); } // bounce off ceiling if (disc.y < disc.radius + 0) { disc.y = disc.radius + 0; disc.velocity.y = Math.abs(disc.velocity.y); } // bounce off right wall if (disc.x > canvasDrawer.canvasWidth - disc.radius) { disc.x = canvasDrawer.canvasWidth - disc.radius; disc.velocity.x = -Math.abs(disc.velocity.x); } // bounce off left wall if (disc.x < disc.radius) { disc.x = disc.radius; disc.velocity.x = Math.abs(disc.velocity.x); } requestAnimationFrame(function () { startGame(); }); } startGame();
<div class="center tc"> <form ng-submit="join(event)" class="pbs"> <input ng-model="event" class="ptm pbm prm plm f2 tc br3 bal tracked" placeholder="Enter room name" /> <div class="pts"> <button type="submit" class="btn br3 pbm ptm pr-special pl-special bg-darkest-blue white f2 b--blue tracked">Join</button> </div> </form> <h2 class="f1 dark-blue ttu tracked pbs">or</h2> <button ng-click="create()" class="btn br3 pbm ptm pr-other pl-other white bg-blue b--dark-blue f2 tracked">Create</button> </div>
<div class="center tc"> <form ng-submit="join(event)" class="pbs"> <input ng-model="event" class="ptm pbm prm plm f2 tc br3 bal tracked" placeholder="Enter room name" /> <div class="pts"> <button type="submit" class="btn br3 pbm ptm pr-special pl-special bg-darkest-blue white f2 b--blue tracked">Join</button> </div> </form> <h2 class="f1 dark-blue ttu tracked pbs">or</h2> <button ng-click="create()" class="create-button btn br3 pbm ptm pr-other pl-other white bg-blue b--dark-blue f2 tracked">Create</button> </div>
Add class 'create-button' to create button so it can be grabbed for testing
Add class 'create-button' to create button so it can be grabbed for testing
## Code Before: <div class="center tc"> <form ng-submit="join(event)" class="pbs"> <input ng-model="event" class="ptm pbm prm plm f2 tc br3 bal tracked" placeholder="Enter room name" /> <div class="pts"> <button type="submit" class="btn br3 pbm ptm pr-special pl-special bg-darkest-blue white f2 b--blue tracked">Join</button> </div> </form> <h2 class="f1 dark-blue ttu tracked pbs">or</h2> <button ng-click="create()" class="btn br3 pbm ptm pr-other pl-other white bg-blue b--dark-blue f2 tracked">Create</button> </div> ## Instruction: Add class 'create-button' to create button so it can be grabbed for testing ## Code After: <div class="center tc"> <form ng-submit="join(event)" class="pbs"> <input ng-model="event" class="ptm pbm prm plm f2 tc br3 bal tracked" placeholder="Enter room name" /> <div class="pts"> <button type="submit" class="btn br3 pbm ptm pr-special pl-special bg-darkest-blue white f2 b--blue tracked">Join</button> </div> </form> <h2 class="f1 dark-blue ttu tracked pbs">or</h2> <button ng-click="create()" class="create-button btn br3 pbm ptm pr-other pl-other white bg-blue b--dark-blue f2 tracked">Create</button> </div>
/* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } }
/* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } }
Use List instead of ArrayList as type
Use List instead of ArrayList as type
## Code Before: /* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(ArrayList<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } } ## Instruction: Use List instead of ArrayList as type ## Code After: /* * This file is part of Bisq. * * Bisq is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at * your option) any later version. * * Bisq is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public * License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License * along with Bisq. If not, see <>. */ package bisq.core.btc.model; import java.util.List; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import static; public class InputsAndChangeOutput { public final List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs; // Is set to 0L in case we don't have an output public final long changeOutputValue; @Nullable public final String changeOutputAddress; public InputsAndChangeOutput(List<RawTransactionInput> rawTransactionInputs, long changeOutputValue, @Nullable String changeOutputAddress) { checkArgument(!rawTransactionInputs.isEmpty(), "rawInputs.isEmpty()"); this.rawTransactionInputs = rawTransactionInputs; this.changeOutputValue = changeOutputValue; this.changeOutputAddress = changeOutputAddress; } }
a, a:visited { text-decoration: underline !important; } a[href]:after { content: ""; } a[class~="icons-holder-text"], a[class~="icons-holder-text"]:visited, a[class~="accordion-toggle"], a[class~="accordion-toggle"]:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } .actions-container, .widget-actions-container { white-space: nowrap; } table.grid {,, th.action-column, td.action-cell { display: none; } } .filter-box { padding-left: 20px; .filter-list { display: none; } .filter-item { a, a:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } } } .grid-toolbar { .pagination { li:first-child, li:last-child { display: none; } input[type="number"] { border: 0; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } }
a, a:visited { text-decoration: underline !important; } a[href]:after { content: ""; } a[class~="icons-holder-text"], a[class~="icons-holder-text"]:visited, a[class~="accordion-toggle"], a[class~="accordion-toggle"]:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } .actions-container, .widget-actions-container { white-space: nowrap; } table.grid {,, th.action-column, td.action-cell { display: none; } } .filter-box { padding-left: 20px; .filter-list { display: none; } .filter-item { a, a:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } } } .grid-toolbar { .pagination { li:first-child, li:last-child { display: none; } input[type="number"] { border: 0; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } } .scrollable-container { height: auto !important; }
Fix .scrollable-container in print version
Fix .scrollable-container in print version In printable version .scrollable-container has fixed height and it crops part of the content
## Code Before: a, a:visited { text-decoration: underline !important; } a[href]:after { content: ""; } a[class~="icons-holder-text"], a[class~="icons-holder-text"]:visited, a[class~="accordion-toggle"], a[class~="accordion-toggle"]:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } .actions-container, .widget-actions-container { white-space: nowrap; } table.grid {,, th.action-column, td.action-cell { display: none; } } .filter-box { padding-left: 20px; .filter-list { display: none; } .filter-item { a, a:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } } } .grid-toolbar { .pagination { li:first-child, li:last-child { display: none; } input[type="number"] { border: 0; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } } ## Instruction: Fix .scrollable-container in print version In printable version .scrollable-container has fixed height and it crops part of the content ## Code After: a, a:visited { text-decoration: underline !important; } a[href]:after { content: ""; } a[class~="icons-holder-text"], a[class~="icons-holder-text"]:visited, a[class~="accordion-toggle"], a[class~="accordion-toggle"]:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } .actions-container, .widget-actions-container { white-space: nowrap; } table.grid {,, th.action-column, td.action-cell { display: none; } } .filter-box { padding-left: 20px; .filter-list { display: none; } .filter-item { a, a:visited { text-decoration: none !important; } } } .grid-toolbar { .pagination { li:first-child, li:last-child { display: none; } input[type="number"] { border: 0; padding-top: 5px; padding-left: 0; padding-right: 0; } } } .scrollable-container { height: auto !important; }
var numericString = function (number) { var string = ('' + number).split('.'), length = string[0].length, places = 0; while (--length) { places += 1; // At every third position we want to insert a comma if (places % 3 === 0) { string[0] = string[0].substr(0, length) + ',' + string[0].substr(length); } } return string.join('.'); };
var numericString = function (number) { var parts = ('' + number).split('.'), length = parts[0].length, places = 0; while (--length) { places += 1; // At every third position we want to insert a comma if (places % 3 === 0) { parts[0] = parts[0].substr(0, length) + ',' + parts[0].substr(length); } } return parts.join('.'); }; // Example using regular expression - let me know if I can skip the split step // some how var numericString = function (number) { var parts = ('' + number).split('.'); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,'); return parts.join('.'); };
Implement regex numeric string solution.
Implement regex numeric string solution.
## Code Before: var numericString = function (number) { var string = ('' + number).split('.'), length = string[0].length, places = 0; while (--length) { places += 1; // At every third position we want to insert a comma if (places % 3 === 0) { string[0] = string[0].substr(0, length) + ',' + string[0].substr(length); } } return string.join('.'); }; ## Instruction: Implement regex numeric string solution. ## Code After: var numericString = function (number) { var parts = ('' + number).split('.'), length = parts[0].length, places = 0; while (--length) { places += 1; // At every third position we want to insert a comma if (places % 3 === 0) { parts[0] = parts[0].substr(0, length) + ',' + parts[0].substr(length); } } return parts.join('.'); }; // Example using regular expression - let me know if I can skip the split step // some how var numericString = function (number) { var parts = ('' + number).split('.'); parts[0] = parts[0].replace(/(\d)(?=(?:\d{3})+$)/g, '$1,'); return parts.join('.'); };
version: "2" services: ackee: restart: always build: . ports: - "3000:3000" environment: - MONGODB=mongodb://mongo:27017/ackee - WAIT_HOSTS=mongo:27017 links: - mongo depends_on: - mongo mongo: image: "mongo" volumes: - ./data:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017"
version: "2" services: ackee: restart: always build: . ports: - "3000:3000" environment: - MONGODB=mongodb://mongo:27017/ackee - USERNAME=username - PASSWORD=password - WAIT_HOSTS=mongo:27017 links: - mongo depends_on: - mongo mongo: image: "mongo" volumes: - ./data:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017"
Include default username and password
Include default username and password
## Code Before: version: "2" services: ackee: restart: always build: . ports: - "3000:3000" environment: - MONGODB=mongodb://mongo:27017/ackee - WAIT_HOSTS=mongo:27017 links: - mongo depends_on: - mongo mongo: image: "mongo" volumes: - ./data:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017" ## Instruction: Include default username and password ## Code After: version: "2" services: ackee: restart: always build: . ports: - "3000:3000" environment: - MONGODB=mongodb://mongo:27017/ackee - USERNAME=username - PASSWORD=password - WAIT_HOSTS=mongo:27017 links: - mongo depends_on: - mongo mongo: image: "mongo" volumes: - ./data:/data/db ports: - "27017:27017"
sudo eopkg upgrade sudo eopkg install -y -c system.devel sudo eopkg install -y \ cloc emacs fuse git keybase linux-lts llvm llvm-clang openssh \ sdl2-devel sdl2-image-devel sdl2-mixer-devel sdl2-ttf-devel sudo usermod -aG fuse $(whoami) snap refresh snap install sublime-text --classic snap install sublime-merge --classic wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash ~/ if [ "`which plasmashell`" ]; then wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash fi
sudo eopkg upgrade sudo eopkg install -y -c system.devel sudo eopkg install -y \ cloc emacs fuse git keybase linux-lts llvm llvm-clang openssh \ sdl2-devel sdl2-image-devel sdl2-mixer-devel sdl2-ttf-devel sudo usermod -aG fuse $(whoami) sudo snap refresh sudo snap install sublime-text --classic sudo snap install sublime-merge --classic wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash ~/ if [ "`which plasmashell`" ]; then wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash fi
Use sudo for the snap commands.
Use sudo for the snap commands.
## Code Before: sudo eopkg upgrade sudo eopkg install -y -c system.devel sudo eopkg install -y \ cloc emacs fuse git keybase linux-lts llvm llvm-clang openssh \ sdl2-devel sdl2-image-devel sdl2-mixer-devel sdl2-ttf-devel sudo usermod -aG fuse $(whoami) snap refresh snap install sublime-text --classic snap install sublime-merge --classic wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash ~/ if [ "`which plasmashell`" ]; then wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash fi ## Instruction: Use sudo for the snap commands. ## Code After: sudo eopkg upgrade sudo eopkg install -y -c system.devel sudo eopkg install -y \ cloc emacs fuse git keybase linux-lts llvm llvm-clang openssh \ sdl2-devel sdl2-image-devel sdl2-mixer-devel sdl2-ttf-devel sudo usermod -aG fuse $(whoami) sudo snap refresh sudo snap install sublime-text --classic sudo snap install sublime-merge --classic wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash ~/ if [ "`which plasmashell`" ]; then wget -N -P ~/ && \ bash fi
<script type="text/ng-template" id="components/htmlSelect"> <div class="oppia-html-select"> <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle oppia-html-select-selection" type="button" id="menu1" aria-expanded="false" data-toggle="dropdown"> <div class="oppia-html-select-selection-element" angular-html-bind="options[selection].val"></div> <span class="caret oppia-html-select-selection-caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" style="width: inherit;"> <li ng-repeat="choice in options"> <a class="oppia-html-select-option" angular-html-bind="choice.val" ng-click="select("> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </script>
<script type="text/ng-template" id="components/htmlSelect"> <div class="oppia-html-select"> <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle oppia-html-select-selection" type="button" aria-expanded="false" data-toggle="dropdown"> <div class="oppia-html-select-selection-element" angular-html-bind="options[selection].val"></div> <span class="caret oppia-html-select-selection-caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" style="width: inherit;"> <li ng-repeat="choice in options"> <a class="oppia-html-select-option" angular-html-bind="choice.val" ng-click="select("> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </script>
Remove id from button HTML tag
Remove id from button HTML tag
## Code Before: <script type="text/ng-template" id="components/htmlSelect"> <div class="oppia-html-select"> <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle oppia-html-select-selection" type="button" id="menu1" aria-expanded="false" data-toggle="dropdown"> <div class="oppia-html-select-selection-element" angular-html-bind="options[selection].val"></div> <span class="caret oppia-html-select-selection-caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" style="width: inherit;"> <li ng-repeat="choice in options"> <a class="oppia-html-select-option" angular-html-bind="choice.val" ng-click="select("> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </script> ## Instruction: Remove id from button HTML tag ## Code After: <script type="text/ng-template" id="components/htmlSelect"> <div class="oppia-html-select"> <button class="btn btn-default dropdown-toggle oppia-html-select-selection" type="button" aria-expanded="false" data-toggle="dropdown"> <div class="oppia-html-select-selection-element" angular-html-bind="options[selection].val"></div> <span class="caret oppia-html-select-selection-caret"></span> </button> <ul class="dropdown-menu" style="width: inherit;"> <li ng-repeat="choice in options"> <a class="oppia-html-select-option" angular-html-bind="choice.val" ng-click="select("> </a> </li> </ul> </div> </script>
from __future__ import unicode_literals import django.forms from django.conf import settings from django.apps import apps from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.admin.forms import AdminAuthenticationForm from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField class CaptchaForm(django.forms.Form): captcha = ReCaptchaField() username = django.forms.CharField() def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data.get('username') User = apps.get_model(getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL')) if not User.objects.filter(email=username).exists(): raise django.forms.ValidationError("Username does not belong to a registered user") return username class EmailBasedAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return self.cleaned_data['username'].lower() class EmailBasedAdminAuthenticationForm(AdminAuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return self.cleaned_data['username'].lower()
from __future__ import unicode_literals import django.forms from django.conf import settings from django.apps import apps from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.admin.forms import AdminAuthenticationForm from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField class CaptchaForm(django.forms.Form): captcha = ReCaptchaField() username = django.forms.CharField() def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data.get('username') User = apps.get_model(getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL')) if not User.objects.filter(email=username).exists(): raise django.forms.ValidationError("Username does not belong to a registered user") return username class EmailBasedAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return['username'].lower() class EmailBasedAdminAuthenticationForm(AdminAuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return['username'].lower()
Fix how we are reading user name
Fix how we are reading user name
## Code Before: from __future__ import unicode_literals import django.forms from django.conf import settings from django.apps import apps from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.admin.forms import AdminAuthenticationForm from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField class CaptchaForm(django.forms.Form): captcha = ReCaptchaField() username = django.forms.CharField() def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data.get('username') User = apps.get_model(getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL')) if not User.objects.filter(email=username).exists(): raise django.forms.ValidationError("Username does not belong to a registered user") return username class EmailBasedAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return self.cleaned_data['username'].lower() class EmailBasedAdminAuthenticationForm(AdminAuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return self.cleaned_data['username'].lower() ## Instruction: Fix how we are reading user name ## Code After: from __future__ import unicode_literals import django.forms from django.conf import settings from django.apps import apps from django.contrib.auth.forms import AuthenticationForm from django.contrib.admin.forms import AdminAuthenticationForm from captcha.fields import ReCaptchaField class CaptchaForm(django.forms.Form): captcha = ReCaptchaField() username = django.forms.CharField() def clean_username(self): username = self.cleaned_data.get('username') User = apps.get_model(getattr(settings, 'AUTH_USER_MODEL')) if not User.objects.filter(email=username).exists(): raise django.forms.ValidationError("Username does not belong to a registered user") return username class EmailBasedAuthenticationForm(AuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return['username'].lower() class EmailBasedAdminAuthenticationForm(AdminAuthenticationForm): def clean_username(self): return['username'].lower()
require_relative "./generisches_element" class Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::Zählung < Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::GenerischesElement end
require_relative "./generisches_element" class Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::Zählung < Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::GenerischesElement SUBFIELDS = { a: { "Zusammenfassung" => :NW }, # Non-RDA b: { "Band" => :NW }, # RDA h: { "Heft" => :NW }, # RDA j: { "Jahr" => :NW }, # RDA s: { "Seiten" => :NW } # RDA } def get(property = nil, options = {}) zusammenfassung = @properties["Zusammenfassung"] if zusammenfassung.present? zusammenfassung else # Beispiel: Heft 19 (1964), Seite 39-45 : Illustrationen result = join("", @properties["Band"], prepend_always: "Band ") result = join(result, @properties["Heft"], separator: ", ", prepend_always: "Heft ") result = join(result, @properties["Jahr"], separator: " ", wrap: "(@)") result = join(result, @properties["Seiten"], separator: ", ", prepend_always: "Seite ") result end end private def join(memo, string, separator: "", wrap: "", prepend_always: "") if string.blank? memo else string = prepend_always + string if memo.present? string = wrap.gsub("@", string) if wrap.present? memo + separator + string else string end end end end
Add RDA Support for field 596
Add RDA Support for field 596
## Code Before: require_relative "./generisches_element" class Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::Zählung < Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::GenerischesElement end ## Instruction: Add RDA Support for field 596 ## Code After: require_relative "./generisches_element" class Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::Zählung < Metacrunch::UBPB::Record::GenerischesElement SUBFIELDS = { a: { "Zusammenfassung" => :NW }, # Non-RDA b: { "Band" => :NW }, # RDA h: { "Heft" => :NW }, # RDA j: { "Jahr" => :NW }, # RDA s: { "Seiten" => :NW } # RDA } def get(property = nil, options = {}) zusammenfassung = @properties["Zusammenfassung"] if zusammenfassung.present? zusammenfassung else # Beispiel: Heft 19 (1964), Seite 39-45 : Illustrationen result = join("", @properties["Band"], prepend_always: "Band ") result = join(result, @properties["Heft"], separator: ", ", prepend_always: "Heft ") result = join(result, @properties["Jahr"], separator: " ", wrap: "(@)") result = join(result, @properties["Seiten"], separator: ", ", prepend_always: "Seite ") result end end private def join(memo, string, separator: "", wrap: "", prepend_always: "") if string.blank? memo else string = prepend_always + string if memo.present? string = wrap.gsub("@", string) if wrap.present? memo + separator + string else string end end end end
TogglCalc --------- Easily calculate the number of days worked on the Toggl Report page. [Download from]( [Time]( designed by [Richard de Vos]( from The Noun Project
TogglCalc --------- Easily calculate the number of days worked on the Toggl Report page. [Download from]( Icon is [Time]( designed by [Richard de Vos]( from The Noun Project
Update readme a bit more
Update readme a bit more
## Code Before: TogglCalc --------- Easily calculate the number of days worked on the Toggl Report page. [Download from]( [Time]( designed by [Richard de Vos]( from The Noun Project ## Instruction: Update readme a bit more ## Code After: TogglCalc --------- Easily calculate the number of days worked on the Toggl Report page. [Download from]( Icon is [Time]( designed by [Richard de Vos]( from The Noun Project
(cl:in-package #:sicl-extrinsic-environment) ;;; Add every global environment function into the environment. (defun import-from-sicl-global-environment (environment) (loop for symbol being each external-symbol in '#:sicl-global-environment when (fboundp symbol) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition symbol environment) (fdefinition symbol)) when (fboundp `(setf ,symbol)) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition `(setf ,symbol) environment) (fdefinition `(setf ,symbol)))))
(cl:in-package #:sicl-extrinsic-environment) ;;; Add every global environment function into the environment. (defun import-from-sicl-global-environment (environment) (loop for symbol being each external-symbol in '#:sicl-global-environment when (fboundp symbol) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition symbol environment) (fdefinition symbol)) when (fboundp `(setf ,symbol)) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition `(setf ,symbol) environment) (fdefinition `(setf ,symbol)))) (setf (sicl-env:special-variable 'sicl-env:*global-environment* environment t) environment))
Define variable *GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT* in the exitrinsic environment.
Define variable *GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT* in the exitrinsic environment.
Common Lisp
## Code Before: (cl:in-package #:sicl-extrinsic-environment) ;;; Add every global environment function into the environment. (defun import-from-sicl-global-environment (environment) (loop for symbol being each external-symbol in '#:sicl-global-environment when (fboundp symbol) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition symbol environment) (fdefinition symbol)) when (fboundp `(setf ,symbol)) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition `(setf ,symbol) environment) (fdefinition `(setf ,symbol))))) ## Instruction: Define variable *GLOBAL-ENVIRONMENT* in the exitrinsic environment. ## Code After: (cl:in-package #:sicl-extrinsic-environment) ;;; Add every global environment function into the environment. (defun import-from-sicl-global-environment (environment) (loop for symbol being each external-symbol in '#:sicl-global-environment when (fboundp symbol) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition symbol environment) (fdefinition symbol)) when (fboundp `(setf ,symbol)) do (setf (sicl-env:fdefinition `(setf ,symbol) environment) (fdefinition `(setf ,symbol)))) (setf (sicl-env:special-variable 'sicl-env:*global-environment* environment t) environment))
require('./env'); var http = require('http'); var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); app.use(require('koa-bodyparser')()); app.use(function *(next) { if (typeof this.request.body === 'undefined' || this.request.body === null) { this.request.body = {}; } yield next; }); app.use(require('koa-views')('views', { default: 'jade' })); app.use(function *(next) { this.api = API; var token = this.cookies.get('session-token'); if (token) { this.api.$header('x-session-token', token); } yield next; }); app.use(function *(next) { try { yield next; } catch (err) { if (err.body) { if (err.body.status === 401) { this.redirect('/account/signin'); } else { this.body = err.body; } } console.error(err.stack); } }); require('koa-mount-directory')(app, require('path').join(__dirname, 'routes')); app.use(require('koa-mount')('/api', require('./api'))); if (require.main === module) { app.listen($config.port); } else { module.exports = app; }
require('./env'); var mount = require('koa-mount'); var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); app.use(require('koa-bodyparser')()); app.use(function *(next) { if (typeof this.request.body === 'undefined' || this.request.body === null) { this.request.body = {}; } yield next; }); app.use(mount('/build', require('koa-static')('build', { defer: true }))); app.use(require('koa-views')('views', { default: 'jade' })); app.use(function *(next) { this.api = API; var token = this.cookies.get('session-token'); if (token) { this.api.$header('x-session-token', token); } yield next; }); app.use(function *(next) { try { yield next; } catch (err) { if (err.body) { if (err.body.status === 401) { this.redirect('/account/signin'); } else { this.body = err.body; } } console.error(err.stack || err); } }); require('koa-mount-directory')(app, require('path').join(__dirname, 'routes')); app.use(require('koa-mount')('/api', require('./api'))); if (require.main === module) { app.listen($config.port); } else { module.exports = app; }
Use koa-static to serve static files
Use koa-static to serve static files
## Code Before: require('./env'); var http = require('http'); var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); app.use(require('koa-bodyparser')()); app.use(function *(next) { if (typeof this.request.body === 'undefined' || this.request.body === null) { this.request.body = {}; } yield next; }); app.use(require('koa-views')('views', { default: 'jade' })); app.use(function *(next) { this.api = API; var token = this.cookies.get('session-token'); if (token) { this.api.$header('x-session-token', token); } yield next; }); app.use(function *(next) { try { yield next; } catch (err) { if (err.body) { if (err.body.status === 401) { this.redirect('/account/signin'); } else { this.body = err.body; } } console.error(err.stack); } }); require('koa-mount-directory')(app, require('path').join(__dirname, 'routes')); app.use(require('koa-mount')('/api', require('./api'))); if (require.main === module) { app.listen($config.port); } else { module.exports = app; } ## Instruction: Use koa-static to serve static files ## Code After: require('./env'); var mount = require('koa-mount'); var koa = require('koa'); var app = koa(); app.use(require('koa-bodyparser')()); app.use(function *(next) { if (typeof this.request.body === 'undefined' || this.request.body === null) { this.request.body = {}; } yield next; }); app.use(mount('/build', require('koa-static')('build', { defer: true }))); app.use(require('koa-views')('views', { default: 'jade' })); app.use(function *(next) { this.api = API; var token = this.cookies.get('session-token'); if (token) { this.api.$header('x-session-token', token); } yield next; }); app.use(function *(next) { try { yield next; } catch (err) { if (err.body) { if (err.body.status === 401) { this.redirect('/account/signin'); } else { this.body = err.body; } } console.error(err.stack || err); } }); require('koa-mount-directory')(app, require('path').join(__dirname, 'routes')); app.use(require('koa-mount')('/api', require('./api'))); if (require.main === module) { app.listen($config.port); } else { module.exports = app; }
// This code is based on Sabberstone project. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 SabberStone Team, darkfriend77 & rnilva // Hearthstone++ is hearthstone simulator using C++ with reinforcement learning. // Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Ohk, Youngjoong Kim, SeungHyun Jeon #include <Rosetta/Actions/Targeting.hpp> #include <Rosetta/Games/Game.hpp> namespace RosettaStone::Generic { bool IsValidTarget(Entity* source, Entity* target) { for (auto& requirement : source->card.playRequirements) { switch (requirement.first) { case +PlayReq::REQ_MINION_TARGET: { if (dynamic_cast<Minion*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } } case +PlayReq::REQ_ENEMY_TARGET: { if (&target->GetOwner() == &source->GetOwner()) { return false; } } case +PlayReq::REQ_TARGET_TO_PLAY: { if (dynamic_cast<Character*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } } default: break; } } return true; } } // namespace RosettaStone::Generic
// This code is based on Sabberstone project. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 SabberStone Team, darkfriend77 & rnilva // Hearthstone++ is hearthstone simulator using C++ with reinforcement learning. // Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Ohk, Youngjoong Kim, SeungHyun Jeon #include <Rosetta/Actions/Targeting.hpp> #include <Rosetta/Games/Game.hpp> namespace RosettaStone::Generic { bool IsValidTarget(Entity* source, Entity* target) { for (auto& requirement : source->card.playRequirements) { switch (requirement.first) { case +PlayReq::REQ_MINION_TARGET: { if (dynamic_cast<Minion*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } break; } case +PlayReq::REQ_ENEMY_TARGET: { if (&target->GetOwner() == &source->GetOwner()) { return false; } break; } case +PlayReq::REQ_TARGET_TO_PLAY: { if (dynamic_cast<Character*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } break; } default: break; } } return true; } } // namespace RosettaStone::Generic
Add 'break' in switch-case statement
fix: Add 'break' in switch-case statement
## Code Before: // This code is based on Sabberstone project. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 SabberStone Team, darkfriend77 & rnilva // Hearthstone++ is hearthstone simulator using C++ with reinforcement learning. // Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Ohk, Youngjoong Kim, SeungHyun Jeon #include <Rosetta/Actions/Targeting.hpp> #include <Rosetta/Games/Game.hpp> namespace RosettaStone::Generic { bool IsValidTarget(Entity* source, Entity* target) { for (auto& requirement : source->card.playRequirements) { switch (requirement.first) { case +PlayReq::REQ_MINION_TARGET: { if (dynamic_cast<Minion*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } } case +PlayReq::REQ_ENEMY_TARGET: { if (&target->GetOwner() == &source->GetOwner()) { return false; } } case +PlayReq::REQ_TARGET_TO_PLAY: { if (dynamic_cast<Character*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } } default: break; } } return true; } } // namespace RosettaStone::Generic ## Instruction: fix: Add 'break' in switch-case statement ## Code After: // This code is based on Sabberstone project. // Copyright (c) 2017-2019 SabberStone Team, darkfriend77 & rnilva // Hearthstone++ is hearthstone simulator using C++ with reinforcement learning. // Copyright (c) 2019 Chris Ohk, Youngjoong Kim, SeungHyun Jeon #include <Rosetta/Actions/Targeting.hpp> #include <Rosetta/Games/Game.hpp> namespace RosettaStone::Generic { bool IsValidTarget(Entity* source, Entity* target) { for (auto& requirement : source->card.playRequirements) { switch (requirement.first) { case +PlayReq::REQ_MINION_TARGET: { if (dynamic_cast<Minion*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } break; } case +PlayReq::REQ_ENEMY_TARGET: { if (&target->GetOwner() == &source->GetOwner()) { return false; } break; } case +PlayReq::REQ_TARGET_TO_PLAY: { if (dynamic_cast<Character*>(target) == nullptr) { return false; } break; } default: break; } } return true; } } // namespace RosettaStone::Generic
--- layout: post title: Infrastructure Status & Official Builds category: blog excerpt: Build slaves, mirrors, and builds author: zifnab --- We're working on getting everything operational and would like to thank everyone who's reached out offering assistance. If you haven't heard back from us, you should in the next week or so. Current needs: * Build Slaves * Must be able to finish (and upload) `make clean && make dist` within an hour, and be capable of running docker. * Build Mirrors * Minimum 100mbit network connectivity, 1gbit preferred. * Minimum 500GB storage space. * As a note, we'd prefer non-capped connections with static IPs, and they must be in some sort of professional hosting company (ie, datacenter, colocation facility, ISP, university, etc). While we appreciate the offers from people with gigabit at home, it's slightly too hard to manage. As a reminder: we have not started doing official builds yet. One of the benefits of this being an open source project is that anyone can build it, but please be careful flashing builds you've downloaded from other sources. We will have some more information on when weeklies (or possibly nightlies) will be starting soon. Thanks! LineageOS Team
--- layout: post title: Infrastructure Status & Official Builds category: blog excerpt: Build slaves, mirrors, and builds author: zifnab --- We're working on getting everything operational and would like to thank everyone who's reached out offering assistance. If you haven't heard back from us, you should in the next week or so. Current needs: * Build Slaves * Must be able to finish (and upload) `make clean && make dist` within an hour, and be capable of running docker. * Build Mirrors * Minimum 100mbit network connectivity, 1gbit preferred. * Minimum 500GB storage space. * As a note, we'd prefer non-capped connections with static IPs, and they must be in some sort of professional hosting company (ie, datacenter, colocation facility, ISP, university, etc). While we appreciate the offers from people with gigabit at home, it's slightly too hard to manage. Please contact []( if you are willing to provide either build slaves or build mirrors. As a reminder: we have not started doing official builds yet. One of the benefits of this being an open source project is that anyone can build it, but please be careful flashing builds you've downloaded from other sources. We will have some more information on when weeklies (or possibly nightlies) will be starting soon. Thanks! LineageOS Team
Add email to infra post
Add email to infra post Change-Id: Ib41b003eaddaf01586cbcf8326466164ed0ed903
## Code Before: --- layout: post title: Infrastructure Status & Official Builds category: blog excerpt: Build slaves, mirrors, and builds author: zifnab --- We're working on getting everything operational and would like to thank everyone who's reached out offering assistance. If you haven't heard back from us, you should in the next week or so. Current needs: * Build Slaves * Must be able to finish (and upload) `make clean && make dist` within an hour, and be capable of running docker. * Build Mirrors * Minimum 100mbit network connectivity, 1gbit preferred. * Minimum 500GB storage space. * As a note, we'd prefer non-capped connections with static IPs, and they must be in some sort of professional hosting company (ie, datacenter, colocation facility, ISP, university, etc). While we appreciate the offers from people with gigabit at home, it's slightly too hard to manage. As a reminder: we have not started doing official builds yet. One of the benefits of this being an open source project is that anyone can build it, but please be careful flashing builds you've downloaded from other sources. We will have some more information on when weeklies (or possibly nightlies) will be starting soon. Thanks! LineageOS Team ## Instruction: Add email to infra post Change-Id: Ib41b003eaddaf01586cbcf8326466164ed0ed903 ## Code After: --- layout: post title: Infrastructure Status & Official Builds category: blog excerpt: Build slaves, mirrors, and builds author: zifnab --- We're working on getting everything operational and would like to thank everyone who's reached out offering assistance. If you haven't heard back from us, you should in the next week or so. Current needs: * Build Slaves * Must be able to finish (and upload) `make clean && make dist` within an hour, and be capable of running docker. * Build Mirrors * Minimum 100mbit network connectivity, 1gbit preferred. * Minimum 500GB storage space. * As a note, we'd prefer non-capped connections with static IPs, and they must be in some sort of professional hosting company (ie, datacenter, colocation facility, ISP, university, etc). While we appreciate the offers from people with gigabit at home, it's slightly too hard to manage. Please contact []( if you are willing to provide either build slaves or build mirrors. As a reminder: we have not started doing official builds yet. One of the benefits of this being an open source project is that anyone can build it, but please be careful flashing builds you've downloaded from other sources. We will have some more information on when weeklies (or possibly nightlies) will be starting soon. Thanks! LineageOS Team
We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the contribution [code of conduct]( ## Workflow Fork, then clone the repo: $ git clone Set up your machine: $ bundle Make sure the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake To propose a change/feature/patch, create your feature branch: $ git checkout -b my-new-feature Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake Commit your changes: $ git commit -am 'Add some feature' Push to your fork and [submit a pull request]( ## Tests To increase the chance that your pull request is accepted please **make sure to write tests**. Changes without corresponding tests will likely not be included as they will produce fragile code that can easily break whenever the registry changes the response format.
We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the contribution [code of conduct]( ## Workflow Fork, then clone the repo: $ git clone Set up your machine: $ bundle Make sure the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake To propose a change/feature/patch, create your feature branch: $ git checkout -b my-new-feature Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake Commit your changes: $ git commit -am 'Add some feature' Push to your fork and [submit a pull request]( ## Tests To increase the chance that your pull request is accepted please **make sure to write tests**. Changes without corresponding tests will likely not be included as they will produce fragile code that can easily break whenever the registry changes the response format. Some examples: [84dbdde320f31c20184bcfe5e544e8fd3cd32862](, [3b6688b95e6fadcf720cc777ef4bbd2cd644e62b](
Add examples of commits with specs
Add examples of commits with specs
## Code Before: We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the contribution [code of conduct]( ## Workflow Fork, then clone the repo: $ git clone Set up your machine: $ bundle Make sure the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake To propose a change/feature/patch, create your feature branch: $ git checkout -b my-new-feature Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake Commit your changes: $ git commit -am 'Add some feature' Push to your fork and [submit a pull request]( ## Tests To increase the chance that your pull request is accepted please **make sure to write tests**. Changes without corresponding tests will likely not be included as they will produce fragile code that can easily break whenever the registry changes the response format. ## Instruction: Add examples of commits with specs ## Code After: We love pull requests from everyone. By participating in this project, you agree to abide by the contribution [code of conduct]( ## Workflow Fork, then clone the repo: $ git clone Set up your machine: $ bundle Make sure the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake To propose a change/feature/patch, create your feature branch: $ git checkout -b my-new-feature Make your change. Add tests for your change. Make the tests pass: $ bundle exec rake Commit your changes: $ git commit -am 'Add some feature' Push to your fork and [submit a pull request]( ## Tests To increase the chance that your pull request is accepted please **make sure to write tests**. Changes without corresponding tests will likely not be included as they will produce fragile code that can easily break whenever the registry changes the response format. Some examples: [84dbdde320f31c20184bcfe5e544e8fd3cd32862](, [3b6688b95e6fadcf720cc777ef4bbd2cd644e62b](
module ROM class Session # @api public class Environment < ROM::Environment include Proxy attr_reader :environment private :environment attr_reader :tracker private :tracker attr_reader :memory private :memory def initialize(environment, tracker) @environment = environment @tracker = tracker initialize_memory end # @api public def [](name) memory[name] end # @api private def commit tracker.commit end private # @api private def initialize_memory @memory = { |memory, name| memory[name] = build_relation(name) } end # @api private def build_relation(name)[name], tracker, tracker.identity_map(name)) end end # Registry end # Session end # ROM
module ROM class Session # Session-specific environment wrapping ROM's environment # # It works exactly the same as ROM::Environment except it returns # session relations # # @api public class Environment < ROM::Environment include Proxy attr_reader :environment, :tracker, :memory private :environment, :tracker, :memory # @api private def initialize(environment, tracker) @environment = environment @tracker = tracker initialize_memory end # Return a relation identified by name # # @param [Symbol] name of a relation # # @return [Session::Relation] rom's relation wrapped by session # # @api public def [](name) memory[name] end # @api private def commit tracker.commit end private # @api private def initialize_memory @memory = { |memory, name| memory[name] = build_relation(name) } end # @api private def build_relation(name)[name], tracker, tracker.identity_map(name)) end end # Environment end # Session end # ROM
Simplify Session::Environment a little and add docs
Simplify Session::Environment a little and add docs
## Code Before: module ROM class Session # @api public class Environment < ROM::Environment include Proxy attr_reader :environment private :environment attr_reader :tracker private :tracker attr_reader :memory private :memory def initialize(environment, tracker) @environment = environment @tracker = tracker initialize_memory end # @api public def [](name) memory[name] end # @api private def commit tracker.commit end private # @api private def initialize_memory @memory = { |memory, name| memory[name] = build_relation(name) } end # @api private def build_relation(name)[name], tracker, tracker.identity_map(name)) end end # Registry end # Session end # ROM ## Instruction: Simplify Session::Environment a little and add docs ## Code After: module ROM class Session # Session-specific environment wrapping ROM's environment # # It works exactly the same as ROM::Environment except it returns # session relations # # @api public class Environment < ROM::Environment include Proxy attr_reader :environment, :tracker, :memory private :environment, :tracker, :memory # @api private def initialize(environment, tracker) @environment = environment @tracker = tracker initialize_memory end # Return a relation identified by name # # @param [Symbol] name of a relation # # @return [Session::Relation] rom's relation wrapped by session # # @api public def [](name) memory[name] end # @api private def commit tracker.commit end private # @api private def initialize_memory @memory = { |memory, name| memory[name] = build_relation(name) } end # @api private def build_relation(name)[name], tracker, tracker.identity_map(name)) end end # Environment end # Session end # ROM
Symfony Polyfill / Ctype ======================== This component provides `ctype_*` to users who run php versions without the ctype extension. More information can be found in the [main Polyfill README]( License ======= This library is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).
Symfony Polyfill / Ctype ======================== This component provides `ctype_*` functions to users who run php versions without the ctype extension. More information can be found in the [main Polyfill README]( License ======= This library is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).
Add a forgotten word in the readme
Add a forgotten word in the readme
## Code Before: Symfony Polyfill / Ctype ======================== This component provides `ctype_*` to users who run php versions without the ctype extension. More information can be found in the [main Polyfill README]( License ======= This library is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE). ## Instruction: Add a forgotten word in the readme ## Code After: Symfony Polyfill / Ctype ======================== This component provides `ctype_*` functions to users who run php versions without the ctype extension. More information can be found in the [main Polyfill README]( License ======= This library is released under the [MIT license](LICENSE).
cosmopolite =========== Client/server publish/subscribe and key/value storage for AppEngine. Components: * A server API built on the AppEngine Python framework. * A browser client library written in JavaScript. Feature overview: * Near-realtime notification to subscribers of messages published to a "subject" * Server-side storage of past messages for replay later to clients * Support for associating a key with a message and for lookup of the most recent message for a given key * Client identification persistence via localStorage tokens or in combination with Google account signin * Complex messages supported via transparent JSON serialization * Server-side strict ordering of messages * Client-side message queueing in localStorage and resumption on restart * Message duplication detection and elimination * Promise support for notification of client -> server operation completion
cosmopolite =========== See for tutorial, reference, etc. Client/server publish/subscribe and key/value storage for AppEngine. Components: * A server API built on the AppEngine Python framework. * A browser client library written in JavaScript. Feature overview: * Near-realtime notification to subscribers of messages published to a "subject" * Server-side storage of past messages for replay later to clients * Support for associating a key with a message and for lookup of the most recent message for a given key * Client identification persistence via localStorage tokens or in combination with Google account signin * Complex messages supported via transparent JSON serialization * Server-side strict ordering of messages * Client-side message queueing in localStorage and resumption on restart * Message duplication detection and elimination * Promise support for notification of client -> server operation completion
Add website link in readme
Add website link in readme
## Code Before: cosmopolite =========== Client/server publish/subscribe and key/value storage for AppEngine. Components: * A server API built on the AppEngine Python framework. * A browser client library written in JavaScript. Feature overview: * Near-realtime notification to subscribers of messages published to a "subject" * Server-side storage of past messages for replay later to clients * Support for associating a key with a message and for lookup of the most recent message for a given key * Client identification persistence via localStorage tokens or in combination with Google account signin * Complex messages supported via transparent JSON serialization * Server-side strict ordering of messages * Client-side message queueing in localStorage and resumption on restart * Message duplication detection and elimination * Promise support for notification of client -> server operation completion ## Instruction: Add website link in readme ## Code After: cosmopolite =========== See for tutorial, reference, etc. Client/server publish/subscribe and key/value storage for AppEngine. Components: * A server API built on the AppEngine Python framework. * A browser client library written in JavaScript. Feature overview: * Near-realtime notification to subscribers of messages published to a "subject" * Server-side storage of past messages for replay later to clients * Support for associating a key with a message and for lookup of the most recent message for a given key * Client identification persistence via localStorage tokens or in combination with Google account signin * Complex messages supported via transparent JSON serialization * Server-side strict ordering of messages * Client-side message queueing in localStorage and resumption on restart * Message duplication detection and elimination * Promise support for notification of client -> server operation completion
import sbt._ import Keys._ import play.Play.autoImport._ import PlayKeys._ object ApplicationBuild extends Build { val appName = "play2-crud" val appVersion = "0.7.4-SNAPSHOT" val appScalaVersion = "2.11.1" val appDependencies = Seq( javaCore, javaJdbc, javaEbean, cache, "org.webjars" % "jasny-bootstrap" % "2.3.0-j5", "org.webjars" % "json2" % "20110223", "" % "guice" % "3.0" ) val root = Project(appName, file(".")).enablePlugins(play.PlayScala).settings( version := appVersion, scalaVersion := appScalaVersion, libraryDependencies ++= appDependencies, publishArtifact in(Compile, packageDoc) := false, packagedArtifacts += ((artifact in playPackageAssets).value -> playPackageAssets.value), publishMavenStyle := true, publishTo <<= version { (v: String) => if (v.trim.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/snapshots" )) ) else Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/releases" )) ) } ) }
import sbt._ import Keys._ import play.Play.autoImport._ import PlayKeys._ object ApplicationBuild extends Build { val appName = "play2-crud" val appVersion = "0.7.4-SNAPSHOT" val appScalaVersion = "2.11.1" val appDependencies = Seq( javaCore, javaJdbc, javaEbean, cache, "org.webjars" % "jasny-bootstrap" % "2.3.0-j5", "org.webjars" % "json2" % "20110223", "" % "guice" % "3.0" ) val root = Project(appName, file(".")).enablePlugins(play.PlayScala).settings( version := appVersion, scalaVersion := appScalaVersion, libraryDependencies ++= appDependencies, publishArtifact in(Compile, packageDoc) := false, packagedArtifacts += ((artifact in playPackageAssets).value -> playPackageAssets.value), publishMavenStyle := true, publishTo <<= version { (v: String) => if (v.trim.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/snapshots" )) ) else Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/releases" )) ) } ) }
Use spaces instead of tabs
Use spaces instead of tabs
## Code Before: import sbt._ import Keys._ import play.Play.autoImport._ import PlayKeys._ object ApplicationBuild extends Build { val appName = "play2-crud" val appVersion = "0.7.4-SNAPSHOT" val appScalaVersion = "2.11.1" val appDependencies = Seq( javaCore, javaJdbc, javaEbean, cache, "org.webjars" % "jasny-bootstrap" % "2.3.0-j5", "org.webjars" % "json2" % "20110223", "" % "guice" % "3.0" ) val root = Project(appName, file(".")).enablePlugins(play.PlayScala).settings( version := appVersion, scalaVersion := appScalaVersion, libraryDependencies ++= appDependencies, publishArtifact in(Compile, packageDoc) := false, packagedArtifacts += ((artifact in playPackageAssets).value -> playPackageAssets.value), publishMavenStyle := true, publishTo <<= version { (v: String) => if (v.trim.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/snapshots" )) ) else Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/releases" )) ) } ) } ## Instruction: Use spaces instead of tabs ## Code After: import sbt._ import Keys._ import play.Play.autoImport._ import PlayKeys._ object ApplicationBuild extends Build { val appName = "play2-crud" val appVersion = "0.7.4-SNAPSHOT" val appScalaVersion = "2.11.1" val appDependencies = Seq( javaCore, javaJdbc, javaEbean, cache, "org.webjars" % "jasny-bootstrap" % "2.3.0-j5", "org.webjars" % "json2" % "20110223", "" % "guice" % "3.0" ) val root = Project(appName, file(".")).enablePlugins(play.PlayScala).settings( version := appVersion, scalaVersion := appScalaVersion, libraryDependencies ++= appDependencies, publishArtifact in(Compile, packageDoc) := false, packagedArtifacts += ((artifact in playPackageAssets).value -> playPackageAssets.value), publishMavenStyle := true, publishTo <<= version { (v: String) => if (v.trim.endsWith("SNAPSHOT")) Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/snapshots" )) ) else Some(Resolver.file("file", new File( "../../maven-repo/releases" )) ) } ) }
StaticFiles =========== This repo contains middleware for handling requests for file system resources including files and directories. This project is part of ASP.NET 5. You can find samples, documentation and getting started instructions for ASP.NET 5 at the [Home]( repo.
StaticFiles =========== AppVeyor: [![AppVeyor](]( Travis: [![Travis](]( This repo contains middleware for handling requests for file system resources including files and directories. This project is part of ASP.NET 5. You can find samples, documentation and getting started instructions for ASP.NET 5 at the [Home]( repo.
Add AppVeyor, Travis build status
Add AppVeyor, Travis build status
## Code Before: StaticFiles =========== This repo contains middleware for handling requests for file system resources including files and directories. This project is part of ASP.NET 5. You can find samples, documentation and getting started instructions for ASP.NET 5 at the [Home]( repo. ## Instruction: Add AppVeyor, Travis build status ## Code After: StaticFiles =========== AppVeyor: [![AppVeyor](]( Travis: [![Travis](]( This repo contains middleware for handling requests for file system resources including files and directories. This project is part of ASP.NET 5. You can find samples, documentation and getting started instructions for ASP.NET 5 at the [Home]( repo.
require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze.each(&:freeze) end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif values.include?(input) input elsif mapping.key?(input) mapping[input] elsif mapping.values.include?(input) mapping.key(input) else input end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end
require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @return [Hash] attr_reader :inverted_mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze @inverted_mapping = @mapping.invert.freeze freeze end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif mapping.key?(input) input else inverted_mapping.fetch(input, input) end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end
Replace array search with hash lookup
Replace array search with hash lookup
## Code Before: require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze.each(&:freeze) end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif values.include?(input) input elsif mapping.key?(input) mapping[input] elsif mapping.values.include?(input) mapping.key(input) else input end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end ## Instruction: Replace array search with hash lookup ## Code After: require 'dry/types/decorator' module Dry module Types class Enum include Type include Dry::Equalizer(:type, :options, :mapping) include Decorator # @return [Array] attr_reader :values # @return [Hash] attr_reader :mapping # @return [Hash] attr_reader :inverted_mapping # @param [Type] type # @param [Hash] options # @option options [Array] :values def initialize(type, options) super @mapping = options.fetch(:mapping).freeze @values = @mapping.keys.freeze @inverted_mapping = @mapping.invert.freeze freeze end # @param [Object] input # @return [Object] def call(input = Undefined) value = if input.equal?(Undefined) elsif mapping.key?(input) input else inverted_mapping.fetch(input, input) end type[value] end alias_method :[], :call def default(*) raise '.enum(*values).default(value) is not supported. Call '\ '.default(value).enum(*values) instead' end # Check whether a value is in the enum # @param [Object] value # @return [Boolean] alias_method :include?, :valid? # @api public # # @see Definition#to_ast def to_ast(meta: true) [:enum, [type.to_ast(meta: meta), mapping, meta ? self.meta : EMPTY_HASH]] end end end end
require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Regexps with interpolation" do it "allows interpolation of strings" do str = "foo|bar" /#{str}/.should == /foo|bar/ end end
require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Regexps with interpolation" do it "allows interpolation of strings" do str = "foo|bar" /#{str}/.should == /foo|bar/ end it "allows interpolation to interact with other Regexp constructs" do str = "foo)|(bar" /(#{str})/.should == /(foo)|(bar)/ str = "a" /[#{str}-z]/.should == /[a-z]/ end end
Add some more Regexp interpolation specs
Add some more Regexp interpolation specs
## Code Before: require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Regexps with interpolation" do it "allows interpolation of strings" do str = "foo|bar" /#{str}/.should == /foo|bar/ end end ## Instruction: Add some more Regexp interpolation specs ## Code After: require File.expand_path('../../../spec_helper', __FILE__) describe "Regexps with interpolation" do it "allows interpolation of strings" do str = "foo|bar" /#{str}/.should == /foo|bar/ end it "allows interpolation to interact with other Regexp constructs" do str = "foo)|(bar" /(#{str})/.should == /(foo)|(bar)/ str = "a" /[#{str}-z]/.should == /[a-z]/ end end
[package] name = "futures" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "" keywords = ["futures", "async", "future"] repository = "" homepage = "" documentation = "" description = """ An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces. """ [workspace] members = [ "futures-tls", "futures-io", "futures-mio", "futures-iobuf", "futures-cpupool", "futures-minihttp", "futures-minihttp/tls-example", "futures-socks5", "ferry", ] [dependencies] log = "0.3"
[package] name = "futures" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "" keywords = ["futures", "async", "future"] repository = "" homepage = "" documentation = "" description = """ An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces. """ [workspace] members = [ "futures-tls", "futures-io", "futures-mio", "futures-iobuf", "futures-cpupool", "futures-minihttp", "futures-minihttp/tls-example", "futures-socks5", ] [dependencies] log = "0.3"
Remove "ferry" from the workspace
Remove "ferry" from the workspace
## Code Before: [package] name = "futures" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "" keywords = ["futures", "async", "future"] repository = "" homepage = "" documentation = "" description = """ An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces. """ [workspace] members = [ "futures-tls", "futures-io", "futures-mio", "futures-iobuf", "futures-cpupool", "futures-minihttp", "futures-minihttp/tls-example", "futures-socks5", "ferry", ] [dependencies] log = "0.3" ## Instruction: Remove "ferry" from the workspace ## Code After: [package] name = "futures" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["Alex Crichton <>"] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "" keywords = ["futures", "async", "future"] repository = "" homepage = "" documentation = "" description = """ An implementation of futures and streams featuring zero allocations, composability, and iterator-like interfaces. """ [workspace] members = [ "futures-tls", "futures-io", "futures-mio", "futures-iobuf", "futures-cpupool", "futures-minihttp", "futures-minihttp/tls-example", "futures-socks5", ] [dependencies] log = "0.3"
if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then echo "Docker already installed."; else echo "Installing docker ..." sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9 sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list sudo apt-get update --quiet sudo apt-get install --quiet --assume-yes lxc-docker echo "Docker installed." fi
if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then echo "Docker already installed."; else echo "Installing docker ..." sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9 sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list sudo apt-get update --quiet sudo apt-get install --quiet --assume-yes linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) lxc-docker sudo echo 'DOCKER_OPTS="--storage-driver=aufs"' >> /etc/default/docker sudo service docker restart echo "Docker installed." fi
Switch docker from devicemapper to aufs.
Switch docker from devicemapper to aufs. In order to switch you need to do ==> redef-devbox: Forcing shutdown of VM... ==> redef-devbox: Destroying VM and associated drives... ==> redef-devbox: Running cleanup tasks for 'shell' provisioner... ==> redef-devbox: Running cleanup tasks for 'shell' provisioner... ==> redef-devbox: Running cleanup tasks for 'shell' provisioner... first.
## Code Before: if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then echo "Docker already installed."; else echo "Installing docker ..." sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9 sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list sudo apt-get update --quiet sudo apt-get install --quiet --assume-yes lxc-docker echo "Docker installed." fi ## Instruction: Switch docker from devicemapper to aufs. In order to switch you need to do ==> redef-devbox: Forcing shutdown of VM... ==> redef-devbox: Destroying VM and associated drives... ==> redef-devbox: Running cleanup tasks for 'shell' provisioner... ==> redef-devbox: Running cleanup tasks for 'shell' provisioner... ==> redef-devbox: Running cleanup tasks for 'shell' provisioner... first. ## Code After: if hash docker 2>/dev/null; then echo "Docker already installed."; else echo "Installing docker ..." sudo apt-key adv --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 36A1D7869245C8950F966E92D8576A8BA88D21E9 sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list sudo apt-get update --quiet sudo apt-get install --quiet --assume-yes linux-image-extra-$(uname -r) lxc-docker sudo echo 'DOCKER_OPTS="--storage-driver=aufs"' >> /etc/default/docker sudo service docker restart echo "Docker installed." fi
speaker: andraz-hribernik title: Natural Language Processing in 10 Lines of Code --- Do you know that there are over 150 personal names mentioned in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice? Did you ever want to remove common words such as 'we', 'what', and 'for' from text? Or extract interesting keywords from it? Did you know all of this could be done in 10 lines of Python code? In this workshop we will answer these and similar questions using the open source library spaCy. One hour spent with us will be useful for anybody who is interested in text processing, text information extraction or text related data science. You do not need to have prior experiences with NLP or data science. However, some Python programming skills are needed. We would also encourage you to install spaCy in advance (link to Github repo with installation instructions).
speaker: andraz-hribernik title: Natural Language Processing in 10 Lines of Code --- Do you know that there are over 150 personal names mentioned in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice? Did you ever want to remove common words such as 'we', 'what', and 'for' from text? Or how to extract interesting keywords from a document? Did you know all of this could be done in 10 lines of Python code? In this workshop we will answer these and similar questions using the open source library [spaCy]( One hour spent with us will be useful for anybody who is interested in text processing, text information extraction or text related data science. You will leave with the tools and knowledge to start developing your own natural language processing projects in Python. No prior experience with NLP or data science is required for this workshop, however some Python experience is needed to get the most out of the event. We would like to encourage you to install spaCy in advance, installation instructions can be found at [our workshop repo on GitHub](
Update NLP in 10 lines of Code workshop description.
Update NLP in 10 lines of Code workshop description.
## Code Before: speaker: andraz-hribernik title: Natural Language Processing in 10 Lines of Code --- Do you know that there are over 150 personal names mentioned in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice? Did you ever want to remove common words such as 'we', 'what', and 'for' from text? Or extract interesting keywords from it? Did you know all of this could be done in 10 lines of Python code? In this workshop we will answer these and similar questions using the open source library spaCy. One hour spent with us will be useful for anybody who is interested in text processing, text information extraction or text related data science. You do not need to have prior experiences with NLP or data science. However, some Python programming skills are needed. We would also encourage you to install spaCy in advance (link to Github repo with installation instructions). ## Instruction: Update NLP in 10 lines of Code workshop description. ## Code After: speaker: andraz-hribernik title: Natural Language Processing in 10 Lines of Code --- Do you know that there are over 150 personal names mentioned in Jane Austen's Pride & Prejudice? Did you ever want to remove common words such as 'we', 'what', and 'for' from text? Or how to extract interesting keywords from a document? Did you know all of this could be done in 10 lines of Python code? In this workshop we will answer these and similar questions using the open source library [spaCy]( One hour spent with us will be useful for anybody who is interested in text processing, text information extraction or text related data science. You will leave with the tools and knowledge to start developing your own natural language processing projects in Python. No prior experience with NLP or data science is required for this workshop, however some Python experience is needed to get the most out of the event. We would like to encourage you to install spaCy in advance, installation instructions can be found at [our workshop repo on GitHub](
su - -c "rq worker" ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rq_worker.log 86400 & su - -c rqscheduler ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rqscheduler.log 86400 &
su - -c "rq worker" ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rq_worker.log 86400 & su - -c rqscheduler ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rqscheduler.log 86400 & export PYTHONPATH=/home/ox_user/ox_server/ox_herd echo "PYTHONPATH is $PYTHONPATH" python3 /home/ox_user/ox_server/ox_herd/ox_herd/scripts/
Set and show PYTHONPATH before starting server
Set and show PYTHONPATH before starting server
## Code Before: su - -c "rq worker" ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rq_worker.log 86400 & su - -c rqscheduler ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rqscheduler.log 86400 & ## Instruction: Set and show PYTHONPATH before starting server ## Code After: su - -c "rq worker" ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rq_worker.log 86400 & su - -c rqscheduler ox_user 2>&1 | \ rotatelogs /home/ox_user/ox_server/logs/rqscheduler.log 86400 & export PYTHONPATH=/home/ox_user/ox_server/ox_herd echo "PYTHONPATH is $PYTHONPATH" python3 /home/ox_user/ox_server/ox_herd/ox_herd/scripts/
language: php php: - 7.3 - 7.4 - nightly before_script: - composer install --dev --no-interaction - composer dump-autoload matrix: allow_failures: - php: nightly script: - mkdir -p build/logs - phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit
language: php php: - 7.3 - 7.4 - nightly before_script: - composer validate --strict - composer install --dev --no-interaction - composer dump-autoload matrix: allow_failures: - php: nightly script: - mkdir -p build/logs - phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit
Check Composer configs before using them
Check Composer configs before using them
## Code Before: language: php php: - 7.3 - 7.4 - nightly before_script: - composer install --dev --no-interaction - composer dump-autoload matrix: allow_failures: - php: nightly script: - mkdir -p build/logs - phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit ## Instruction: Check Composer configs before using them ## Code After: language: php php: - 7.3 - 7.4 - nightly before_script: - composer validate --strict - composer install --dev --no-interaction - composer dump-autoload matrix: allow_failures: - php: nightly script: - mkdir -p build/logs - phpdbg -qrr ./vendor/bin/phpunit
language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 env: global: - ES_VER=0.20.5 - ES_MAPPER_ATTACHMENTS_VER=1.6.0 - ES_TRANSPORT_THRIFT_VER=1.4.0 before_script: - composer self-update - composer --dev install - ./test/bin/ - ./test/bin/ script: phpunit -c test/
language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 env: global: - ES_VER=0.20.5 - ES_MAPPER_ATTACHMENTS_VER=1.6.0 - ES_TRANSPORT_THRIFT_VER=1.4.0 before_script: - composer self-update - composer --dev --prefer-source install - ./test/bin/ - ./test/bin/ script: phpunit -c test/
Use --prefer-source for composer install
Use --prefer-source for composer install Makes builds more stable on Travis CI
## Code Before: language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 env: global: - ES_VER=0.20.5 - ES_MAPPER_ATTACHMENTS_VER=1.6.0 - ES_TRANSPORT_THRIFT_VER=1.4.0 before_script: - composer self-update - composer --dev install - ./test/bin/ - ./test/bin/ script: phpunit -c test/ ## Instruction: Use --prefer-source for composer install Makes builds more stable on Travis CI ## Code After: language: php php: - 5.3 - 5.4 env: global: - ES_VER=0.20.5 - ES_MAPPER_ATTACHMENTS_VER=1.6.0 - ES_TRANSPORT_THRIFT_VER=1.4.0 before_script: - composer self-update - composer --dev --prefer-source install - ./test/bin/ - ./test/bin/ script: phpunit -c test/
/** * Copyright 2008 Matthew Hillsdon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.hillsdon.reviki.webtests; public class TestMisc extends WebTestSupport { public void testWikiRootRedirectsToFrontPage() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test/").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); } public void testNoBackLinkToSelf() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage") .getByXPath("id('backlinks')//a[@href = 'FrontPage']").isEmpty()); } public void testSidebar() throws Exception { String expect = "T" + System.currentTimeMillis(); editWikiPage("ConfigSideBar", expect, "Some new content", null); assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage").asText().contains(expect)); } }
/** * Copyright 2008 Matthew Hillsdon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.hillsdon.reviki.webtests; import; import net.hillsdon.reviki.web.vcintegration.SpecialPagePopulatingPageStore; public class TestMisc extends WebTestSupport { public void testWikiRootRedirectsToFrontPage() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test/").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); } public void testNoBackLinkToSelf() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage") .getByXPath("id('backlinks')//a[@href = 'FrontPage']").isEmpty()); } public void testSidebarEtc() throws Exception { for (PageReference page : SpecialPagePopulatingPageStore.COMPLIMENTARY_CONTENT_PAGES) { final String expect = "T" + System.currentTimeMillis() + page.getPath().toLowerCase(); editWikiPage(page.getPath(), expect, "Some new content", null); assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage").asText().contains(expect)); } } }
Make test cover header/footer too.
Make test cover header/footer too.
## Code Before: /** * Copyright 2008 Matthew Hillsdon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.hillsdon.reviki.webtests; public class TestMisc extends WebTestSupport { public void testWikiRootRedirectsToFrontPage() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test/").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); } public void testNoBackLinkToSelf() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage") .getByXPath("id('backlinks')//a[@href = 'FrontPage']").isEmpty()); } public void testSidebar() throws Exception { String expect = "T" + System.currentTimeMillis(); editWikiPage("ConfigSideBar", expect, "Some new content", null); assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage").asText().contains(expect)); } } ## Instruction: Make test cover header/footer too. ## Code After: /** * Copyright 2008 Matthew Hillsdon * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package net.hillsdon.reviki.webtests; import; import net.hillsdon.reviki.web.vcintegration.SpecialPagePopulatingPageStore; public class TestMisc extends WebTestSupport { public void testWikiRootRedirectsToFrontPage() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test/").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); assertTrue(getWebPage("pages/test").getTitleText().contains("Front Page")); } public void testNoBackLinkToSelf() throws Exception { assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage") .getByXPath("id('backlinks')//a[@href = 'FrontPage']").isEmpty()); } public void testSidebarEtc() throws Exception { for (PageReference page : SpecialPagePopulatingPageStore.COMPLIMENTARY_CONTENT_PAGES) { final String expect = "T" + System.currentTimeMillis() + page.getPath().toLowerCase(); editWikiPage(page.getPath(), expect, "Some new content", null); assertTrue(getWikiPage("FrontPage").asText().contains(expect)); } } }
homepage: changelog-type: '' hash: d652c80be8aa6a05ab1cbe74feb91ed27dd34413272501a734c82cb486c41452 test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: Piotr Borek <> synopsis: Simple account manager changelog: '' basic-deps: bytestring: -any base: ! '>=4.8 && <5.0' time: -any persistent: -any text: -any glib: -any persistent-template: -any monad-control: -any gtk3: -any filepath: -any containers: -any lens: -any binary: -any mtl: -any monad-logger: -any transformers: -any resourcet: -any persistent-sqlite: -any aeson: -any directory: -any all-versions: - '1.0' - '1.1' - '1.1.1' - '1.2' author: Piotr Borek <> latest: '1.2' description-type: haddock description: Simple account manager license-name: GPL
homepage: changelog-type: '' hash: 8ead4d4b34ce6ff4fb72f03799086ad9fe90aec97f4e913609c9cb0fd5e316da test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: Piotr Borek <> synopsis: Simple account manager changelog: '' basic-deps: bytestring: -any base: ! '>=4.8 && <5.0' time: -any persistent: -any text: -any glib: -any persistent-template: -any monad-control: -any gtk3: -any filepath: -any containers: -any lens: -any binary: -any mtl: -any monad-logger: -any transformers: -any resourcet: -any persistent-sqlite: -any aeson: -any directory: -any all-versions: - '1.0' - '1.1' - '1.1.1' - '1.2' - '1.2.1' author: Piotr Borek <> latest: '1.2.1' description-type: haddock description: Simple account manager license-name: GPL
Update from Hackage at 2017-06-13T14:31:58Z
Update from Hackage at 2017-06-13T14:31:58Z
## Code Before: homepage: changelog-type: '' hash: d652c80be8aa6a05ab1cbe74feb91ed27dd34413272501a734c82cb486c41452 test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: Piotr Borek <> synopsis: Simple account manager changelog: '' basic-deps: bytestring: -any base: ! '>=4.8 && <5.0' time: -any persistent: -any text: -any glib: -any persistent-template: -any monad-control: -any gtk3: -any filepath: -any containers: -any lens: -any binary: -any mtl: -any monad-logger: -any transformers: -any resourcet: -any persistent-sqlite: -any aeson: -any directory: -any all-versions: - '1.0' - '1.1' - '1.1.1' - '1.2' author: Piotr Borek <> latest: '1.2' description-type: haddock description: Simple account manager license-name: GPL ## Instruction: Update from Hackage at 2017-06-13T14:31:58Z ## Code After: homepage: changelog-type: '' hash: 8ead4d4b34ce6ff4fb72f03799086ad9fe90aec97f4e913609c9cb0fd5e316da test-bench-deps: {} maintainer: Piotr Borek <> synopsis: Simple account manager changelog: '' basic-deps: bytestring: -any base: ! '>=4.8 && <5.0' time: -any persistent: -any text: -any glib: -any persistent-template: -any monad-control: -any gtk3: -any filepath: -any containers: -any lens: -any binary: -any mtl: -any monad-logger: -any transformers: -any resourcet: -any persistent-sqlite: -any aeson: -any directory: -any all-versions: - '1.0' - '1.1' - '1.1.1' - '1.2' - '1.2.1' author: Piotr Borek <> latest: '1.2.1' description-type: haddock description: Simple account manager license-name: GPL
"""class to convert datetime values""" import datetime class DatetimeConverter(object): """stuff""" _EPOCH_0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) def __init__(self): """stuff""" pass @staticmethod def get_tomorrow(): """stuff""" return + datetime.timedelta(days=1) @classmethod def get_timestamp(cls, datetime_obj): """helper method to return timestamp fo datetime object""" return (datetime_obj - cls._EPOCH_0).total_seconds() @classmethod def get_tomorrow_timestamp(cls): """stuff""" return cls.get_timestamp(cls.get_tomorrow())
"""class to convert datetime values""" import datetime class DatetimeConverter(object): """stuff""" _EPOCH_0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) def __init__(self): """stuff""" pass @staticmethod def get_tomorrow(): """stuff""" return + datetime.timedelta(days=1) @staticmethod def get_yesterday(): return - datetime.timedelta(days=1) @classmethod def get_timestamp(cls, datetime_obj): """helper method to return timestamp fo datetime object""" return (datetime_obj - cls._EPOCH_0).total_seconds() @classmethod def get_tomorrow_timestamp(cls): """stuff""" return cls.get_timestamp(cls.get_tomorrow()) @classmethod def get_yesterday_timestamp(cls): return cls.get_timestamp(cls.get_yesterday())
Add utility methods for yesterday's date
Add utility methods for yesterday's date
## Code Before: """class to convert datetime values""" import datetime class DatetimeConverter(object): """stuff""" _EPOCH_0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) def __init__(self): """stuff""" pass @staticmethod def get_tomorrow(): """stuff""" return + datetime.timedelta(days=1) @classmethod def get_timestamp(cls, datetime_obj): """helper method to return timestamp fo datetime object""" return (datetime_obj - cls._EPOCH_0).total_seconds() @classmethod def get_tomorrow_timestamp(cls): """stuff""" return cls.get_timestamp(cls.get_tomorrow()) ## Instruction: Add utility methods for yesterday's date ## Code After: """class to convert datetime values""" import datetime class DatetimeConverter(object): """stuff""" _EPOCH_0 = datetime.datetime(1970, 1, 1) def __init__(self): """stuff""" pass @staticmethod def get_tomorrow(): """stuff""" return + datetime.timedelta(days=1) @staticmethod def get_yesterday(): return - datetime.timedelta(days=1) @classmethod def get_timestamp(cls, datetime_obj): """helper method to return timestamp fo datetime object""" return (datetime_obj - cls._EPOCH_0).total_seconds() @classmethod def get_tomorrow_timestamp(cls): """stuff""" return cls.get_timestamp(cls.get_tomorrow()) @classmethod def get_yesterday_timestamp(cls): return cls.get_timestamp(cls.get_yesterday())
class Async { private var _done: (() -> ())? class func map<U, T>(u: [U], f: U -> T) -> Async { var proc = Async() let queue = AsyncQueue(name: "PoppinsSyncQueue", maxOperations: 10) { x in queue.addOperationWithBlock { _ = f(x) } } queue.finally { _ = proc._done?() } return proc } func done(f: () -> ()) { _done = f } }
private let queue = AsyncQueue(name: "PoppinsSyncQueue", maxOperations: 10) class Async { private var _done: (() -> ())? class func map<U, T>(u: [U], f: U -> T) -> Async { var proc = Async() { x in queue.addOperationWithBlock { _ = f(x) } } queue.finally { _ = proc._done?() } return proc } func done(f: () -> ()) { _done = f } }
Move queue to global constant
Move queue to global constant This needs to be a global constant so that it isn't affected by memory management.
## Code Before: class Async { private var _done: (() -> ())? class func map<U, T>(u: [U], f: U -> T) -> Async { var proc = Async() let queue = AsyncQueue(name: "PoppinsSyncQueue", maxOperations: 10) { x in queue.addOperationWithBlock { _ = f(x) } } queue.finally { _ = proc._done?() } return proc } func done(f: () -> ()) { _done = f } } ## Instruction: Move queue to global constant This needs to be a global constant so that it isn't affected by memory management. ## Code After: private let queue = AsyncQueue(name: "PoppinsSyncQueue", maxOperations: 10) class Async { private var _done: (() -> ())? class func map<U, T>(u: [U], f: U -> T) -> Async { var proc = Async() { x in queue.addOperationWithBlock { _ = f(x) } } queue.finally { _ = proc._done?() } return proc } func done(f: () -> ()) { _done = f } }
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 5; use Test::Exception; use Mongo; my $conn = Mongo::Connection->new; isa_ok($conn, 'Mongo::Connection'); my $db = $conn->get_database('test_database'); isa_ok($db, 'Mongo::Database'); $db->drop; my $coll = $db->get_collection('test'); $coll->insert({ just => 'another', perl => 'hacker' }); ok((grep { $_ eq 'test' } $db->collection_names), 'collection_names'); is($coll->count, 1, 'count'); is($coll->find_one->{perl}, 'hacker', 'find_one'); END { $db->drop; }
use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 6; use Test::Exception; use Mongo; my $conn = Mongo::Connection->new; isa_ok($conn, 'Mongo::Connection'); my $db = $conn->get_database('test_database'); isa_ok($db, 'Mongo::Database'); $db->drop; my $coll = $db->get_collection('test'); my $id = $coll->insert({ just => 'another', perl => 'hacker' }); ok((grep { $_ eq 'test' } $db->collection_names), 'collection_names'); is($coll->count, 1, 'count'); is($coll->find_one->{perl}, 'hacker', 'find_one'); is($coll->find_one->{_id}->value, $id->value, 'insert id'); END { $db->drop; }
Test that insert() is returning the right id.
Test that insert() is returning the right id.
## Code Before: use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 5; use Test::Exception; use Mongo; my $conn = Mongo::Connection->new; isa_ok($conn, 'Mongo::Connection'); my $db = $conn->get_database('test_database'); isa_ok($db, 'Mongo::Database'); $db->drop; my $coll = $db->get_collection('test'); $coll->insert({ just => 'another', perl => 'hacker' }); ok((grep { $_ eq 'test' } $db->collection_names), 'collection_names'); is($coll->count, 1, 'count'); is($coll->find_one->{perl}, 'hacker', 'find_one'); END { $db->drop; } ## Instruction: Test that insert() is returning the right id. ## Code After: use strict; use warnings; use Test::More tests => 6; use Test::Exception; use Mongo; my $conn = Mongo::Connection->new; isa_ok($conn, 'Mongo::Connection'); my $db = $conn->get_database('test_database'); isa_ok($db, 'Mongo::Database'); $db->drop; my $coll = $db->get_collection('test'); my $id = $coll->insert({ just => 'another', perl => 'hacker' }); ok((grep { $_ eq 'test' } $db->collection_names), 'collection_names'); is($coll->count, 1, 'count'); is($coll->find_one->{perl}, 'hacker', 'find_one'); is($coll->find_one->{_id}->value, $id->value, 'insert id'); END { $db->drop; }
define ['lodash'], (L) -> Array '$scope', '$log', '$modal', (scope, log, modalFactory) -> InputEditCtrl = Array '$scope', '$modalInstance', 'history', 'step', (scope, modal, history, step, index) -> = L.clone delete # Not editable scope.ok = -> modal.close, index, scope.cancel = -> modal.dismiss 'cancel' scope.openEditDialogue = -> dialogue = templateUrl: '/partials/edit-step-data.html' controller: InputEditCtrl size: 'lg' resolve: index: -> scope.$index history: -> scope.history step: -> scope.s
define ['lodash'], (L) -> Array '$scope', '$log', '$modal', (scope, log, modalFactory) -> InputEditCtrl = Array '$scope', '$modalInstance', 'history', 'step', (scope, modal, history, step, index) -> = L.clone, true delete # Not editable scope.ok = -> modal.close, index, scope.cancel = -> modal.dismiss 'cancel' = L.clone, true scope.openEditDialogue = -> dialogue = templateUrl: '/partials/edit-step-data.html' controller: InputEditCtrl size: 'lg' resolve: index: -> scope.$index history: -> scope.history step: -> scope.s
Rollback any data changes on cancel.
Rollback any data changes on cancel.
## Code Before: define ['lodash'], (L) -> Array '$scope', '$log', '$modal', (scope, log, modalFactory) -> InputEditCtrl = Array '$scope', '$modalInstance', 'history', 'step', (scope, modal, history, step, index) -> = L.clone delete # Not editable scope.ok = -> modal.close, index, scope.cancel = -> modal.dismiss 'cancel' scope.openEditDialogue = -> dialogue = templateUrl: '/partials/edit-step-data.html' controller: InputEditCtrl size: 'lg' resolve: index: -> scope.$index history: -> scope.history step: -> scope.s ## Instruction: Rollback any data changes on cancel. ## Code After: define ['lodash'], (L) -> Array '$scope', '$log', '$modal', (scope, log, modalFactory) -> InputEditCtrl = Array '$scope', '$modalInstance', 'history', 'step', (scope, modal, history, step, index) -> = L.clone, true delete # Not editable scope.ok = -> modal.close, index, scope.cancel = -> modal.dismiss 'cancel' = L.clone, true scope.openEditDialogue = -> dialogue = templateUrl: '/partials/edit-step-data.html' controller: InputEditCtrl size: 'lg' resolve: index: -> scope.$index history: -> scope.history step: -> scope.s
``` sudo dd bs=4M if=./deepin-desktop-community-1002-amd64.iso of=/dev/sde status=progress oflag=sync ``` ### Enable root account useful when home partition got corrupted ``` sudo passwd root ``` ### Swap Caps Lock and Esc 1. To change mapping of Caps Lock, do this fist: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey capslock '[]' ``` 2. Then, you can re-map capslock with prefered layout-options. Swap Caps Lock and Esc: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keyboard layout-options '["caps:swapescape"]' ```
``` sudo dd bs=4M if=./deepin-desktop-community-1002-amd64.iso of=/dev/sde status=progress oflag=sync ``` ### Enable root account useful when home partition got corrupted ``` sudo passwd root ``` ### Swap Caps Lock and Esc 1. To change mapping of Caps Lock, do this fist: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey capslock '[]' ``` 2. Then, you can re-map capslock with prefered layout-options. Swap Caps Lock and Esc: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keyboard layout-options '["caps:swapescape"]' ``` ### Can not find boot device Enable Compatibility Support Module in BIOS: ``` F12 --> Startup --> CSM mode --> Choose 'Enable' ```
Enable Compatibility Support Module in BIOS
Enable Compatibility Support Module in BIOS
## Code Before: ``` sudo dd bs=4M if=./deepin-desktop-community-1002-amd64.iso of=/dev/sde status=progress oflag=sync ``` ### Enable root account useful when home partition got corrupted ``` sudo passwd root ``` ### Swap Caps Lock and Esc 1. To change mapping of Caps Lock, do this fist: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey capslock '[]' ``` 2. Then, you can re-map capslock with prefered layout-options. Swap Caps Lock and Esc: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keyboard layout-options '["caps:swapescape"]' ``` ## Instruction: Enable Compatibility Support Module in BIOS ## Code After: ``` sudo dd bs=4M if=./deepin-desktop-community-1002-amd64.iso of=/dev/sde status=progress oflag=sync ``` ### Enable root account useful when home partition got corrupted ``` sudo passwd root ``` ### Swap Caps Lock and Esc 1. To change mapping of Caps Lock, do this fist: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keybinding.mediakey capslock '[]' ``` 2. Then, you can re-map capslock with prefered layout-options. Swap Caps Lock and Esc: ``` gsettings set com.deepin.dde.keyboard layout-options '["caps:swapescape"]' ``` ### Can not find boot device Enable Compatibility Support Module in BIOS: ``` F12 --> Startup --> CSM mode --> Choose 'Enable' ```
substitutions: _REGION: us-central1 steps: - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | # Build and push images skaffold build --file-output=/workspace/artifacts.json \ --default-repo$PROJECT_ID \ --push=true # Test images skaffold test --build-artifacts=/workspace/artifacts.json - name: 'google/cloud-sdk:latest' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/pipeline.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/staging.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/canary.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/prod.yaml gcloud alpha deploy releases create $SHORT_SHA-$(date +%s) \ --delivery-pipeline sample-app \ --description "$(git log -1 --pretty='%s')" \ --region ${_REGION} \ --build-artifacts /workspace/artifacts.json artifacts: objects: location: 'gs://$PROJECT_ID-gceme-artifacts/' paths: - '/workspace/artifacts.json' options: machineType: E2_HIGHCPU_8 timeout: 3600s
substitutions: _REGION: us-central1 steps: - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | # Build and push images skaffold build --file-output=/workspace/artifacts.json \ --default-repo$PROJECT_ID \ --push=true # Test images skaffold test --build-artifacts=/workspace/artifacts.json - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/pipeline.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/staging.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/canary.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/prod.yaml gcloud alpha deploy releases create $SHORT_SHA-$(date +%s) \ --delivery-pipeline sample-app \ --description "$(git log -1 --pretty='%s')" \ --region ${_REGION} \ --build-artifacts /workspace/artifacts.json artifacts: objects: location: 'gs://$PROJECT_ID-gceme-artifacts/' paths: - '/workspace/artifacts.json' options: machineType: E2_HIGHCPU_8 timeout: 3600s
Use skaffold image for creating releases
Use skaffold image for creating releases
## Code Before: substitutions: _REGION: us-central1 steps: - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | # Build and push images skaffold build --file-output=/workspace/artifacts.json \ --default-repo$PROJECT_ID \ --push=true # Test images skaffold test --build-artifacts=/workspace/artifacts.json - name: 'google/cloud-sdk:latest' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/pipeline.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/staging.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/canary.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/prod.yaml gcloud alpha deploy releases create $SHORT_SHA-$(date +%s) \ --delivery-pipeline sample-app \ --description "$(git log -1 --pretty='%s')" \ --region ${_REGION} \ --build-artifacts /workspace/artifacts.json artifacts: objects: location: 'gs://$PROJECT_ID-gceme-artifacts/' paths: - '/workspace/artifacts.json' options: machineType: E2_HIGHCPU_8 timeout: 3600s ## Instruction: Use skaffold image for creating releases ## Code After: substitutions: _REGION: us-central1 steps: - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | # Build and push images skaffold build --file-output=/workspace/artifacts.json \ --default-repo$PROJECT_ID \ --push=true # Test images skaffold test --build-artifacts=/workspace/artifacts.json - name: '' entrypoint: 'sh' args: - -xe - -c - | gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/pipeline.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/staging.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/canary.yaml gcloud alpha deploy apply --region ${_REGION} --file deploy/prod.yaml gcloud alpha deploy releases create $SHORT_SHA-$(date +%s) \ --delivery-pipeline sample-app \ --description "$(git log -1 --pretty='%s')" \ --region ${_REGION} \ --build-artifacts /workspace/artifacts.json artifacts: objects: location: 'gs://$PROJECT_ID-gceme-artifacts/' paths: - '/workspace/artifacts.json' options: machineType: E2_HIGHCPU_8 timeout: 3600s
import React from 'react'; var Button = React.createClass({ render() { const { children, kind = 'default' } = this.props; const cls = `btn btn-${kind}`; return ( <button className={cls} role="button"> {children} </button> ); } }); export default Button;
import React from 'react'; var Button = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return {}; }, render() { const { children, kind = 'default' } = this.props; const cls = `btn btn-${kind}`; return ( <button className={cls} role="button" onClick={() => this.setState(s => ({ toggle: !s.toggle }))} style={{ fontSize: this.state.toggle ? '20px' : '10px'}} > {children} </button> ); } }); export default Button;
Make the button example a bit more dynamic
Make the button example a bit more dynamic
## Code Before: import React from 'react'; var Button = React.createClass({ render() { const { children, kind = 'default' } = this.props; const cls = `btn btn-${kind}`; return ( <button className={cls} role="button"> {children} </button> ); } }); export default Button; ## Instruction: Make the button example a bit more dynamic ## Code After: import React from 'react'; var Button = React.createClass({ getInitialState() { return {}; }, render() { const { children, kind = 'default' } = this.props; const cls = `btn btn-${kind}`; return ( <button className={cls} role="button" onClick={() => this.setState(s => ({ toggle: !s.toggle }))} style={{ fontSize: this.state.toggle ? '20px' : '10px'}} > {children} </button> ); } }); export default Button;
/** * Image.js * * @description :: This represents a product image with file paths for different variations (original, thumb, ...). * @docs :: */ module.exports = { attributes: { width: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, height: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, thumb: { type: 'string' }, medium: { type: 'string' }, large: { type: 'string' }, original: { type: 'string', required: true }, toJSON: function() { var obj = this.toObject() , baseUrl =; if (obj.thumb) { obj.thumb = baseUrl + obj.thumb; } if (obj.medium) { obj.medium = baseUrl + obj.medium; } if (obj.large) { obj.large = baseUrl + obj.large; } obj.original = baseUrl + obj.original; return obj; } }, beforeUpdate: function (values, next) { // Prevent user from overriding these attributes delete values.thumb; delete values.medium; delete values.large; delete values.original; delete values.createdAt; delete values.updatedAt; next(); } };
/** * Image.js * * @description :: This represents a product image with file paths for different variations (original, thumb, ...). * @docs :: */ module.exports = { attributes: { width: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, height: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, thumb: { type: 'string' }, medium: { type: 'string' }, large: { type: 'string' }, original: { type: 'string', required: true }, toJSON: function() { var obj = this.toObject() , baseUrl =; if (obj.thumb) { obj.thumb = baseUrl + obj.thumb; } if (obj.medium) { obj.medium = baseUrl + obj.medium; } if (obj.large) { obj.large = baseUrl + obj.large; } obj.original = baseUrl + obj.original; return obj; } }, beforeUpdate: function (values, next) { if (obj.thumb && obj.thumb.indexOf('http') === 0) { delete obj.thumb; } if (obj.medium && obj.medium.indexOf('http') === 0) { delete obj.medium; } if (obj.large && obj.large.indexOf('http') === 0) { delete obj.large; } // Prevent user from overriding these attributes delete values.original; delete values.createdAt; delete values.updatedAt; next(); } };
Fix bug where images could not be created
Fix bug where images could not be created
## Code Before: /** * Image.js * * @description :: This represents a product image with file paths for different variations (original, thumb, ...). * @docs :: */ module.exports = { attributes: { width: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, height: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, thumb: { type: 'string' }, medium: { type: 'string' }, large: { type: 'string' }, original: { type: 'string', required: true }, toJSON: function() { var obj = this.toObject() , baseUrl =; if (obj.thumb) { obj.thumb = baseUrl + obj.thumb; } if (obj.medium) { obj.medium = baseUrl + obj.medium; } if (obj.large) { obj.large = baseUrl + obj.large; } obj.original = baseUrl + obj.original; return obj; } }, beforeUpdate: function (values, next) { // Prevent user from overriding these attributes delete values.thumb; delete values.medium; delete values.large; delete values.original; delete values.createdAt; delete values.updatedAt; next(); } }; ## Instruction: Fix bug where images could not be created ## Code After: /** * Image.js * * @description :: This represents a product image with file paths for different variations (original, thumb, ...). * @docs :: */ module.exports = { attributes: { width: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, height: { type: 'integer', min: 0 }, thumb: { type: 'string' }, medium: { type: 'string' }, large: { type: 'string' }, original: { type: 'string', required: true }, toJSON: function() { var obj = this.toObject() , baseUrl =; if (obj.thumb) { obj.thumb = baseUrl + obj.thumb; } if (obj.medium) { obj.medium = baseUrl + obj.medium; } if (obj.large) { obj.large = baseUrl + obj.large; } obj.original = baseUrl + obj.original; return obj; } }, beforeUpdate: function (values, next) { if (obj.thumb && obj.thumb.indexOf('http') === 0) { delete obj.thumb; } if (obj.medium && obj.medium.indexOf('http') === 0) { delete obj.medium; } if (obj.large && obj.large.indexOf('http') === 0) { delete obj.large; } // Prevent user from overriding these attributes delete values.original; delete values.createdAt; delete values.updatedAt; next(); } };
require_relative '../../test_helper' class ClientInterfaceHistoryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def client @client ||='history-test') end def test_history_uses_default_json_dstu2 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_dstu2 temp.default_json reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON_DSTU2, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end end
require_relative '../../test_helper' class ClientInterfaceHistoryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def client @client ||='history-test') end def test_history_uses_default_json_dstu2 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_dstu2 temp.default_json reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON_DSTU2, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end def test_history_uses_default_xml_dstu2 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_dstu2 temp.default_xml reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML_DSTU2, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end def test_history_uses_default_json_stu3 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_stu3 temp.default_json reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end def test_history_uses_default_xml_stu3 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_stu3 temp.default_xml reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end end
Add history tests for other resource formats
Add history tests for other resource formats
## Code Before: require_relative '../../test_helper' class ClientInterfaceHistoryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def client @client ||='history-test') end def test_history_uses_default_json_dstu2 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_dstu2 temp.default_json reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON_DSTU2, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end end ## Instruction: Add history tests for other resource formats ## Code After: require_relative '../../test_helper' class ClientInterfaceHistoryTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def client @client ||='history-test') end def test_history_uses_default_json_dstu2 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_dstu2 temp.default_json reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON_DSTU2, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end def test_history_uses_default_xml_dstu2 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_dstu2 temp.default_xml reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML_DSTU2, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end def test_history_uses_default_json_stu3 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_stu3 temp.default_json reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_JSON, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end def test_history_uses_default_xml_stu3 stub_request(:get, /history-test/).to_return(body: '{"resourceType":"Bundle"}') temp = client temp.use_stu3 temp.default_xml reply = temp.all_history assert_equal FHIR::Formats::ResourceFormat::RESOURCE_XML, reply.request[:headers]['format'] end end
AntiFeatures: - NonFreeNet Categories: - Money License: MIT AuthorName: Horizontal Systems AuthorEmail: WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Translation: Changelog: AutoName: Unstoppable Wallet RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 0.21.3 versionCode: 48 commit: 0.21.3 subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 0.21.3 CurrentVersionCode: 48
AntiFeatures: - NonFreeNet Categories: - Money License: MIT AuthorName: Horizontal Systems AuthorEmail: WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Translation: Changelog: AutoName: Unstoppable RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 0.21.3 versionCode: 48 commit: 0.21.3 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 0.22.1 versionCode: 52 commit: e6baef3c8530608ad7ed33a8b104382c7a54d55e subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 0.22.1 CurrentVersionCode: 52
Update Unstoppable to 0.22.1 (52)
Update Unstoppable to 0.22.1 (52)
## Code Before: AntiFeatures: - NonFreeNet Categories: - Money License: MIT AuthorName: Horizontal Systems AuthorEmail: WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Translation: Changelog: AutoName: Unstoppable Wallet RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 0.21.3 versionCode: 48 commit: 0.21.3 subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 0.21.3 CurrentVersionCode: 48 ## Instruction: Update Unstoppable to 0.22.1 (52) ## Code After: AntiFeatures: - NonFreeNet Categories: - Money License: MIT AuthorName: Horizontal Systems AuthorEmail: WebSite: SourceCode: IssueTracker: Translation: Changelog: AutoName: Unstoppable RepoType: git Repo: Builds: - versionName: 0.21.3 versionCode: 48 commit: 0.21.3 subdir: app gradle: - yes - versionName: 0.22.1 versionCode: 52 commit: e6baef3c8530608ad7ed33a8b104382c7a54d55e subdir: app gradle: - yes AutoUpdateMode: Version UpdateCheckMode: Tags CurrentVersion: 0.22.1 CurrentVersionCode: 52
language: ruby addons: postgresql: "9.3" rvm: - '2.1.2' before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq phantomjs before_script: - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare notifications: email: false
language: ruby addons: postgresql: "9.3" rvm: - '2.1.2' before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq phantomjs before_script: - cp .env.sample .env - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare notifications: email: false
Use sample .env to build on Travis CI
Use sample .env to build on Travis CI
## Code Before: language: ruby addons: postgresql: "9.3" rvm: - '2.1.2' before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq phantomjs before_script: - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare notifications: email: false ## Instruction: Use sample .env to build on Travis CI ## Code After: language: ruby addons: postgresql: "9.3" rvm: - '2.1.2' before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq phantomjs before_script: - cp .env.sample .env - bundle exec rake db:test:prepare notifications: email: false
package io.github.saidie.plantuml_api; import; import; @RepositoryRestResource public interface AccountRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Account, Long> { }
package io.github.saidie.plantuml_api; import; import; @RepositoryRestResource public interface AccountRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Account, Long> { public Account findByUsername(String username); }
Add method to find account by username to the repository
Add method to find account by username to the repository
## Code Before: package io.github.saidie.plantuml_api; import; import; @RepositoryRestResource public interface AccountRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Account, Long> { } ## Instruction: Add method to find account by username to the repository ## Code After: package io.github.saidie.plantuml_api; import; import; @RepositoryRestResource public interface AccountRepository extends PagingAndSortingRepository<Account, Long> { public Account findByUsername(String username); }
<?php namespace Downsider\Clay\Model; use Downsider\Clay\Exception\ModelException; /** * handles specific data types so we can intelligently apply */ trait DataTypeHandlingTrait { protected $dateFormat = "Y-m-d"; /** * @param mixed $date * @return \DateTime * @throws ModelException */ protected function handleSetDate($date) { if (is_string($date)) { return new \DateTime($date); } elseif ($date instanceof \DateTime) { return $date; } $type = gettype($date); if ($type == "object") { $type = get_class($date); } throw new ModelException("Could not set a date. The value was invalid ($type)"); } protected function handleGetDate(\DateTime $date, $asString = true) { if ($asString) { return $date->format($this->dateFormat); } return $date; } }
<?php namespace Downsider\Clay\Model; use Downsider\Clay\Exception\ModelException; /** * handles specific data types so we can intelligently apply */ trait DataTypeHandlingTrait { protected $dateFormat = "Y-m-d"; /** * @param mixed $date * @return \DateTime * @throws ModelException */ protected function handleSetDate($date) { if (is_string($date)) { return new \DateTime($date); } elseif (is_int($date)) { $date = new \DateTime(); $date->setTimestamp($date); return $date; } elseif ($date instanceof \DateTime) { return $date; } $type = gettype($date); if ($type == "object") { $type = get_class($date); } throw new ModelException("Could not set a date. The value was invalid ($type)"); } protected function handleGetDate(\DateTime $date, $asString = true) { if ($asString) { return $date->format($this->dateFormat); } return $date; } }
Allow creating a date by unix timestamp
Allow creating a date by unix timestamp
## Code Before: <?php namespace Downsider\Clay\Model; use Downsider\Clay\Exception\ModelException; /** * handles specific data types so we can intelligently apply */ trait DataTypeHandlingTrait { protected $dateFormat = "Y-m-d"; /** * @param mixed $date * @return \DateTime * @throws ModelException */ protected function handleSetDate($date) { if (is_string($date)) { return new \DateTime($date); } elseif ($date instanceof \DateTime) { return $date; } $type = gettype($date); if ($type == "object") { $type = get_class($date); } throw new ModelException("Could not set a date. The value was invalid ($type)"); } protected function handleGetDate(\DateTime $date, $asString = true) { if ($asString) { return $date->format($this->dateFormat); } return $date; } } ## Instruction: Allow creating a date by unix timestamp ## Code After: <?php namespace Downsider\Clay\Model; use Downsider\Clay\Exception\ModelException; /** * handles specific data types so we can intelligently apply */ trait DataTypeHandlingTrait { protected $dateFormat = "Y-m-d"; /** * @param mixed $date * @return \DateTime * @throws ModelException */ protected function handleSetDate($date) { if (is_string($date)) { return new \DateTime($date); } elseif (is_int($date)) { $date = new \DateTime(); $date->setTimestamp($date); return $date; } elseif ($date instanceof \DateTime) { return $date; } $type = gettype($date); if ($type == "object") { $type = get_class($date); } throw new ModelException("Could not set a date. The value was invalid ($type)"); } protected function handleGetDate(\DateTime $date, $asString = true) { if ($asString) { return $date->format($this->dateFormat); } return $date; } }
<p class="invoice-date"> {{ stripe_event_data['invoice'].date|date("j F Y") }} - {% if stripe_event_data['invoice'] == true %}paid <i class="icon icon-ok"></i>{% endif %} </p> <table class="table"> <tbody> {% for line in stripe_event_data['invoice'] %} <tr> <td> {% if line.type == 'subscription' %} Subscription to {{|lower }} plan {% if line.amount == 0 %}(free trial){% endif %} <br><span>{{ line.period.start|date("j F Y") }} to {{ line.period.end|date("j F Y") }}</span> {% endif %} </td> <td>&pound;{{ line.amount|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} <tr> <td>Total</td> <td>&pound;{{ stripe_event_data['invoice'].total|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
<p class="invoice-date"> {{ stripe_event_data['invoice'].date|date("j F Y") }} - {% if stripe_event_data['invoice'].paid == true %} paid <i class="icon icon-ok"></i> {% else %} unpaid {% endif %} </p> <table class="table"> <tbody> {% for line in stripe_event_data['invoice'] %} <tr> <td> {% if line.type == 'subscription' %} Subscription to {{|lower }} plan {% if line.amount == 0 %}(free trial){% endif %} <br><span>{{ line.period.start|date("j F Y") }} to {{ line.period.end|date("j F Y") }}</span> {% endif %} </td> <td>&pound;{{ (line.amount / 100)|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} <tr> <td>Total</td> <td>&pound;{{ (stripe_event_data['invoice'].total/100)|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Mark latest invoice as paid/unpaid correctly
Mark latest invoice as paid/unpaid correctly
## Code Before: <p class="invoice-date"> {{ stripe_event_data['invoice'].date|date("j F Y") }} - {% if stripe_event_data['invoice'] == true %}paid <i class="icon icon-ok"></i>{% endif %} </p> <table class="table"> <tbody> {% for line in stripe_event_data['invoice'] %} <tr> <td> {% if line.type == 'subscription' %} Subscription to {{|lower }} plan {% if line.amount == 0 %}(free trial){% endif %} <br><span>{{ line.period.start|date("j F Y") }} to {{ line.period.end|date("j F Y") }}</span> {% endif %} </td> <td>&pound;{{ line.amount|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} <tr> <td>Total</td> <td>&pound;{{ stripe_event_data['invoice'].total|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table> ## Instruction: Mark latest invoice as paid/unpaid correctly ## Code After: <p class="invoice-date"> {{ stripe_event_data['invoice'].date|date("j F Y") }} - {% if stripe_event_data['invoice'].paid == true %} paid <i class="icon icon-ok"></i> {% else %} unpaid {% endif %} </p> <table class="table"> <tbody> {% for line in stripe_event_data['invoice'] %} <tr> <td> {% if line.type == 'subscription' %} Subscription to {{|lower }} plan {% if line.amount == 0 %}(free trial){% endif %} <br><span>{{ line.period.start|date("j F Y") }} to {{ line.period.end|date("j F Y") }}</span> {% endif %} </td> <td>&pound;{{ (line.amount / 100)|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> {% endfor %} <tr> <td>Total</td> <td>&pound;{{ (stripe_event_data['invoice'].total/100)|number_format(2) }}</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
package com.github.aleksandermielczarek.napkin; import android.content.Context; import; /** * Created by Aleksander Mielczarek on 14.05.2016. */ public class Napkin { private Napkin() { } public static <T> T provideComponent(Object object) { ComponentProvider<T> componentProvider = (ComponentProvider<T>) object; return componentProvider.provideComponent(); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Context context) { Context application = context.getApplicationContext(); return provideComponent(application); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context application = fragment.getContext().getApplicationContext(); return provideComponent(application); } public static <T> T provideActivityComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context activity = fragment.getActivity(); return provideComponent(activity); } }
package com.github.aleksandermielczarek.napkin; import android.content.Context; import; import android.view.View; /** * Created by Aleksander Mielczarek on 14.05.2016. */ public class Napkin { private Napkin() { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T provideComponent(Object object) { ComponentProvider<T> componentProvider = (ComponentProvider<T>) object; return componentProvider.provideComponent(); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Context context) { Context application = context.getApplicationContext(); return provideComponent(application); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context context = fragment.getContext(); return provideAppComponent(context); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(View view) { Context context = view.getContext(); return provideAppComponent(context); } public static <T> T provideActivityComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context activity = fragment.getActivity(); return provideComponent(activity); } public static <T> T provideActivityComponent(View view) { Context activity = view.getContext(); return provideComponent(activity); } }
Allow to retrieve component from View
Allow to retrieve component from View
## Code Before: package com.github.aleksandermielczarek.napkin; import android.content.Context; import; /** * Created by Aleksander Mielczarek on 14.05.2016. */ public class Napkin { private Napkin() { } public static <T> T provideComponent(Object object) { ComponentProvider<T> componentProvider = (ComponentProvider<T>) object; return componentProvider.provideComponent(); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Context context) { Context application = context.getApplicationContext(); return provideComponent(application); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context application = fragment.getContext().getApplicationContext(); return provideComponent(application); } public static <T> T provideActivityComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context activity = fragment.getActivity(); return provideComponent(activity); } } ## Instruction: Allow to retrieve component from View ## Code After: package com.github.aleksandermielczarek.napkin; import android.content.Context; import; import android.view.View; /** * Created by Aleksander Mielczarek on 14.05.2016. */ public class Napkin { private Napkin() { } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public static <T> T provideComponent(Object object) { ComponentProvider<T> componentProvider = (ComponentProvider<T>) object; return componentProvider.provideComponent(); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Context context) { Context application = context.getApplicationContext(); return provideComponent(application); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context context = fragment.getContext(); return provideAppComponent(context); } public static <T> T provideAppComponent(View view) { Context context = view.getContext(); return provideAppComponent(context); } public static <T> T provideActivityComponent(Fragment fragment) { Context activity = fragment.getActivity(); return provideComponent(activity); } public static <T> T provideActivityComponent(View view) { Context activity = view.getContext(); return provideComponent(activity); } }
--- title: Lil Twitter subtitle: If a tweet gets smaller, is it a twit? layout: default modal-id: 3 date: 2015-01-16 img: liltwitter.jpg thumbnail: liltwitter-thumb.png alt: image-alt project-date: January 2015 source_1: source_1_name: source_2: source_2_name: category: Web Development description: Our first ever web app! Our team of 4 developed a twitter clone using Ruby with Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and Bootstrap. Users can tweet and see the tweets of who they are following. Setting up the associations for this one was definitely a rewarding challenge. ---
--- title: Lil Twitter subtitle: If a tweet gets smaller, is it a twit? layout: default modal-id: 3 date: 2015-01-16 img: liltwitter.jpg thumbnail: liltwitter-thumb.png alt: image-alt project-date: January 2015 source_1: source_1_name: Github source_2: source_2_name: category: Web Development description: Our first ever web app! Our team of 4 developed a twitter clone using Ruby with Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and Bootstrap. Users can tweet and see the tweets of who they are following. Setting up the associations for this one was definitely a rewarding challenge. Team members - Charles Kim, Paul Yu, Amir Beheshtaein, Joseph Won ---
Add liltwitter source link to github
Add liltwitter source link to github
## Code Before: --- title: Lil Twitter subtitle: If a tweet gets smaller, is it a twit? layout: default modal-id: 3 date: 2015-01-16 img: liltwitter.jpg thumbnail: liltwitter-thumb.png alt: image-alt project-date: January 2015 source_1: source_1_name: source_2: source_2_name: category: Web Development description: Our first ever web app! Our team of 4 developed a twitter clone using Ruby with Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and Bootstrap. Users can tweet and see the tweets of who they are following. Setting up the associations for this one was definitely a rewarding challenge. --- ## Instruction: Add liltwitter source link to github ## Code After: --- title: Lil Twitter subtitle: If a tweet gets smaller, is it a twit? layout: default modal-id: 3 date: 2015-01-16 img: liltwitter.jpg thumbnail: liltwitter-thumb.png alt: image-alt project-date: January 2015 source_1: source_1_name: Github source_2: source_2_name: category: Web Development description: Our first ever web app! Our team of 4 developed a twitter clone using Ruby with Sinatra, ActiveRecord, and Bootstrap. Users can tweet and see the tweets of who they are following. Setting up the associations for this one was definitely a rewarding challenge. Team members - Charles Kim, Paul Yu, Amir Beheshtaein, Joseph Won ---
name: build-pr on: pull_request: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: 1.16 - name: Install golangci-lint uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v2 with: version: v1.36.0 - name: Test style run: make test-style - name: Run unit tests run: make test-coverage
name: build-pr on: pull_request: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: '1.16' - name: Install golangci-lint run: | curl -sSLO$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION/golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz shasum -a 256 golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz | grep "^$GOLANGCI_LINT_SHA256 " > /dev/null tar -xf golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo mv golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64/golangci-lint /usr/local/bin/golangci-lint rm -rf golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64* env: GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION: '1.36.0' GOLANGCI_LINT_SHA256: '9b8856b3a1c9bfbcf3a06b78e94611763b79abd9751c245246787cd3bf0e78a5' - name: Test style run: make test-style - name: Run unit tests run: make test-coverage
Revert "Use official golangci-lint action"
Revert "Use official golangci-lint action" Signed-off-by: Josh Dolitsky <>
## Code Before: name: build-pr on: pull_request: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: 1.16 - name: Install golangci-lint uses: golangci/golangci-lint-action@v2 with: version: v1.36.0 - name: Test style run: make test-style - name: Run unit tests run: make test-coverage ## Instruction: Revert "Use official golangci-lint action" Signed-off-by: Josh Dolitsky <> ## Code After: name: build-pr on: pull_request: branches: - main jobs: build: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Checkout source code uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Setup Go uses: actions/setup-go@v2 with: go-version: '1.16' - name: Install golangci-lint run: | curl -sSLO$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION/golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz shasum -a 256 golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz | grep "^$GOLANGCI_LINT_SHA256 " > /dev/null tar -xf golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64.tar.gz sudo mv golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64/golangci-lint /usr/local/bin/golangci-lint rm -rf golangci-lint-$GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION-linux-amd64* env: GOLANGCI_LINT_VERSION: '1.36.0' GOLANGCI_LINT_SHA256: '9b8856b3a1c9bfbcf3a06b78e94611763b79abd9751c245246787cd3bf0e78a5' - name: Test style run: make test-style - name: Run unit tests run: make test-coverage
lib = File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'git-up/version' do |s| = "git-up" s.version = GitUp::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Aanand Prasad", "Elliot Crosby-McCullough"] = ["", ""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "git command to fetch and rebase all branches" s.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda" s.add_dependency "colored", ">= 1.2" s.add_dependency "grit" s.files = Dir.glob("{bin,lib,vendor}/**/*") + %w(LICENSE s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = Dir.glob("bin/*").map(&File.method(:basename)) end
lib = File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'git-up/version' do |s| = "git-up" s.version = GitUp::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Aanand Prasad", "Elliot Crosby-McCullough", "Adrian Irving-Beer", "Joshua Wehner"] = ["", ""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "git command to fetch and rebase all branches" s.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda" s.add_dependency "colored", ">= 1.2" s.add_dependency "grit" s.files = Dir.glob("{bin,lib,vendor}/**/*") + %w(LICENSE s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = Dir.glob("bin/*").map(&File.method(:basename)) end
Add Josh and Adrian to gemspec authors
Add Josh and Adrian to gemspec authors
## Code Before: lib = File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'git-up/version' do |s| = "git-up" s.version = GitUp::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Aanand Prasad", "Elliot Crosby-McCullough"] = ["", ""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "git command to fetch and rebase all branches" s.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda" s.add_dependency "colored", ">= 1.2" s.add_dependency "grit" s.files = Dir.glob("{bin,lib,vendor}/**/*") + %w(LICENSE s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = Dir.glob("bin/*").map(&File.method(:basename)) end ## Instruction: Add Josh and Adrian to gemspec authors ## Code After: lib = File.expand_path('../lib/', __FILE__) $:.unshift lib unless $:.include?(lib) require 'git-up/version' do |s| = "git-up" s.version = GitUp::VERSION s.platform = Gem::Platform::RUBY s.authors = ["Aanand Prasad", "Elliot Crosby-McCullough", "Adrian Irving-Beer", "Joshua Wehner"] = ["", ""] s.homepage = "" s.summary = "git command to fetch and rebase all branches" s.add_development_dependency "thoughtbot-shoulda" s.add_dependency "colored", ">= 1.2" s.add_dependency "grit" s.files = Dir.glob("{bin,lib,vendor}/**/*") + %w(LICENSE s.require_path = 'lib' s.executables = Dir.glob("bin/*").map(&File.method(:basename)) end
"""Null object for the assemblers.""" from os.path import join import lib.db as db from lib.assemblers.base import BaseAssembler class NoneAssembler(BaseAssembler): """Null object for the assemblers.""" def __init__(self, args, db_conn): """Build the assembler.""" super().__init__(args, db_conn) self.steps = [] self.blast_only = True # Used to short-circuit the assembler def write_final_output(self, blast_db, query): """Output this file if we are not assembling the contigs.""" prefix = self.final_output_prefix(blast_db, query) file_name = join(prefix, 'blast_only.fasta') with open(file_name, 'w') as output_file: for row in db.get_sra_blast_hits(self.state['db_conn'], 1): output_file.write('>{}{}\n'.format( row['seq_name'], row['seq_end'])) output_file.write('{}\n'.format(row['seq']))
"""Null object for the assemblers.""" from os.path import join import lib.db as db from lib.assemblers.base import BaseAssembler class NoneAssembler(BaseAssembler): """Null object for the assemblers.""" def __init__(self, args, db_conn): """Build the assembler.""" super().__init__(args, db_conn) self.steps = [] self.blast_only = True # Used to short-circuit the assembler def write_final_output(self, blast_db, query): """Output this file if we are not assembling the contigs.""" prefix = self.final_output_prefix(blast_db, query) file_name = '{}.fasta'.format(prefix) with open(file_name, 'w') as output_file: for row in db.get_sra_blast_hits(self.state['db_conn'], 1): output_file.write('>{}{}\n'.format( row['seq_name'], row['seq_end'])) output_file.write('{}\n'.format(row['seq']))
Change file name for output for no assembler given
Change file name for output for no assembler given
## Code Before: """Null object for the assemblers.""" from os.path import join import lib.db as db from lib.assemblers.base import BaseAssembler class NoneAssembler(BaseAssembler): """Null object for the assemblers.""" def __init__(self, args, db_conn): """Build the assembler.""" super().__init__(args, db_conn) self.steps = [] self.blast_only = True # Used to short-circuit the assembler def write_final_output(self, blast_db, query): """Output this file if we are not assembling the contigs.""" prefix = self.final_output_prefix(blast_db, query) file_name = join(prefix, 'blast_only.fasta') with open(file_name, 'w') as output_file: for row in db.get_sra_blast_hits(self.state['db_conn'], 1): output_file.write('>{}{}\n'.format( row['seq_name'], row['seq_end'])) output_file.write('{}\n'.format(row['seq'])) ## Instruction: Change file name for output for no assembler given ## Code After: """Null object for the assemblers.""" from os.path import join import lib.db as db from lib.assemblers.base import BaseAssembler class NoneAssembler(BaseAssembler): """Null object for the assemblers.""" def __init__(self, args, db_conn): """Build the assembler.""" super().__init__(args, db_conn) self.steps = [] self.blast_only = True # Used to short-circuit the assembler def write_final_output(self, blast_db, query): """Output this file if we are not assembling the contigs.""" prefix = self.final_output_prefix(blast_db, query) file_name = '{}.fasta'.format(prefix) with open(file_name, 'w') as output_file: for row in db.get_sra_blast_hits(self.state['db_conn'], 1): output_file.write('>{}{}\n'.format( row['seq_name'], row['seq_end'])) output_file.write('{}\n'.format(row['seq']))
{% extends "account_base.html" %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ account }}</h1> <ul> {% for account_user in account_users %} <li><a href="{{ account_user.get_absolute_url }}">{{ account_user }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </u> {% endblock %}
{% extends "account_base.html" %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ account }}</h1> <ul> <li><a href="{% url account_edit %}">Edit</a></li> <li><a href="{% url account_delete %}">Delete</a></li> <li><a href="{% url account_user_add %}">Add a member</a></li> </ul> <ul> {% for account_user in account_users %} <li><a href="{{ account_user.get_absolute_url }}">{{ account_user }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endblock %}
Add edit links back to account detail
Add edit links back to account detail
## Code Before: {% extends "account_base.html" %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ account }}</h1> <ul> {% for account_user in account_users %} <li><a href="{{ account_user.get_absolute_url }}">{{ account_user }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </u> {% endblock %} ## Instruction: Add edit links back to account detail ## Code After: {% extends "account_base.html" %} {% block content %} <h1>{{ account }}</h1> <ul> <li><a href="{% url account_edit %}">Edit</a></li> <li><a href="{% url account_delete %}">Delete</a></li> <li><a href="{% url account_user_add %}">Add a member</a></li> </ul> <ul> {% for account_user in account_users %} <li><a href="{{ account_user.get_absolute_url }}">{{ account_user }}</a></li> {% endfor %} </ul> {% endblock %}
<table class="well"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:ingreso) %>: <%= pase.ingreso %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:descripcion) %>: <%= pase.descripcion %> </td> </tr> <% #TODO: agregar Area, con link al area en cuestion" %> </tbody> </table>
<table class="well"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:ingreso) %>: <%= pase.ingreso %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:descripcion) %>: <%= pase.descripcion %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:area) %>: <%= link_to, backend_area_path(pase.area) %> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
Add link in the Nota-> pases section to the corresponding Area it was trasnfered
Add link in the Nota-> pases section to the corresponding Area it was trasnfered
## Code Before: <table class="well"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:ingreso) %>: <%= pase.ingreso %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:descripcion) %>: <%= pase.descripcion %> </td> </tr> <% #TODO: agregar Area, con link al area en cuestion" %> </tbody> </table> ## Instruction: Add link in the Nota-> pases section to the corresponding Area it was trasnfered ## Code After: <table class="well"> <tbody> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:ingreso) %>: <%= pase.ingreso %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:descripcion) %>: <%= pase.descripcion %> </td> </tr> <tr> <td class="field_name"> <%= resource_class.human_attribute_name(:area) %>: <%= link_to, backend_area_path(pase.area) %> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>
{% import 'variables-webapi.jinja' as vars with context %} {% for definition_name, definition in swagger.definitions.iteritems() %} {{ (vars.api_name + '/Models/' + definition_name)|start_of_file -}} using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace {{|replace(' ', '') }}.Models { [DataContract] public class {{ definition_name }} { {% for property_name, property in %} [DataMember(Name = "{{ property_name }}")] public {{ property|property_type }} {{ property_name|camel_to_pascal }} { get; set; } {% endfor %} } } {%- endfor %}
{% import 'variables-webapi.jinja' as vars with context %} {% for definition_name, definition in swagger.definitions.iteritems() %} {{ (vars.api_name + '/Models/' + definition_name)|start_of_file -}} using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System; namespace {{|replace(' ', '') }}.Models { [DataContract] public class {{ definition_name }} { {% for property_name, property in %} [DataMember(Name = "{{ property_name }}")] public {{ property|property_type }} {{ property_name|camel_to_pascal }} { get; set; } {% endfor %} } } {%- endfor %}
Fix WebApi models containing date times.
Fix WebApi models containing date times.
## Code Before: {% import 'variables-webapi.jinja' as vars with context %} {% for definition_name, definition in swagger.definitions.iteritems() %} {{ (vars.api_name + '/Models/' + definition_name)|start_of_file -}} using System.Runtime.Serialization; namespace {{|replace(' ', '') }}.Models { [DataContract] public class {{ definition_name }} { {% for property_name, property in %} [DataMember(Name = "{{ property_name }}")] public {{ property|property_type }} {{ property_name|camel_to_pascal }} { get; set; } {% endfor %} } } {%- endfor %} ## Instruction: Fix WebApi models containing date times. ## Code After: {% import 'variables-webapi.jinja' as vars with context %} {% for definition_name, definition in swagger.definitions.iteritems() %} {{ (vars.api_name + '/Models/' + definition_name)|start_of_file -}} using System.Runtime.Serialization; using System; namespace {{|replace(' ', '') }}.Models { [DataContract] public class {{ definition_name }} { {% for property_name, property in %} [DataMember(Name = "{{ property_name }}")] public {{ property|property_type }} {{ property_name|camel_to_pascal }} { get; set; } {% endfor %} } } {%- endfor %}
[package] name = "wstr_impl" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["LEE Wondong <>"] description = "Private macro implementations for compile-time UTF-16 (wide) string literals." license = "MIT" [dependencies] proc-macro-hack = "0.3" syn = "0.11" [lib] proc-macro = true
[package] name = "wstr_impl" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["LEE Wondong <>"] description = "Private macro implementations for compile-time UTF-16 (wide) string literals." license = "MIT" workspace = ".." [dependencies] proc-macro-hack = "0.3" syn = "0.11" [lib] proc-macro = true
Add workspace line in wstr_impl
Add workspace line in wstr_impl
## Code Before: [package] name = "wstr_impl" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["LEE Wondong <>"] description = "Private macro implementations for compile-time UTF-16 (wide) string literals." license = "MIT" [dependencies] proc-macro-hack = "0.3" syn = "0.11" [lib] proc-macro = true ## Instruction: Add workspace line in wstr_impl ## Code After: [package] name = "wstr_impl" version = "0.1.0" authors = ["LEE Wondong <>"] description = "Private macro implementations for compile-time UTF-16 (wide) string literals." license = "MIT" workspace = ".." [dependencies] proc-macro-hack = "0.3" syn = "0.11" [lib] proc-macro = true
bin.includes = plugin.xml,\,\ about.mappings,\ about.ini,\ about.html,\ META-INF/,\ eclipse32.png,\ src.includes =
bin.includes = plugin.xml,\,\ about.mappings,\ about.ini,\ about.html,\ META-INF/,\ eclipse32.png,\ src.includes = about.html
Include about.html in source package.
Include about.html in source package. Signed-off-by: Carl Thronson <>
## Code Before: bin.includes = plugin.xml,\,\ about.mappings,\ about.ini,\ about.html,\ META-INF/,\ eclipse32.png,\ src.includes = ## Instruction: Include about.html in source package. Signed-off-by: Carl Thronson <> ## Code After: bin.includes = plugin.xml,\,\ about.mappings,\ about.ini,\ about.html,\ META-INF/,\ eclipse32.png,\ src.includes = about.html
export const omit = (obj, arr) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((res, key) => { if (arr.indexOf(key) === -1) { res[key] = obj[key] } return res }, {})
const omit = (obj, arr) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((res, key) => { if (arr.indexOf(key) === -1) { res[key] = obj[key] } return res }, {}) export { omit }
Fix side effect warning when building
Fix side effect warning when building
## Code Before: export const omit = (obj, arr) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((res, key) => { if (arr.indexOf(key) === -1) { res[key] = obj[key] } return res }, {}) ## Instruction: Fix side effect warning when building ## Code After: const omit = (obj, arr) => Object.keys(obj).reduce((res, key) => { if (arr.indexOf(key) === -1) { res[key] = obj[key] } return res }, {}) export { omit }
.cc { &-window { background-color: black; bottom: 0; color: white; display: flex; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; height: $topbar-height; left: 0; padding: 8px; position: fixed; right: 0; z-index: 9999; } &-btn { background-color: $brand-primary; color: white !important; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none !important; padding: 5px 6px 4px; } &-invisible { display: none; } }
.cc { &-window { align-items: center; background-color: black; bottom: 0; color: white; display: flex; min-height: $topbar-height; justify-content: space-around; left: 0; line-height: 1.2; padding: 8px; position: fixed; right: 0; z-index: 9999; } &-btn { background-color: $brand-primary; color: white !important; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none !important; padding: 5px 6px 4px; } &-invisible { display: none; } }
Fix better cookie notice styling on mobile
Fix better cookie notice styling on mobile
## Code Before: .cc { &-window { background-color: black; bottom: 0; color: white; display: flex; justify-content: space-around; align-items: center; height: $topbar-height; left: 0; padding: 8px; position: fixed; right: 0; z-index: 9999; } &-btn { background-color: $brand-primary; color: white !important; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none !important; padding: 5px 6px 4px; } &-invisible { display: none; } } ## Instruction: Fix better cookie notice styling on mobile ## Code After: .cc { &-window { align-items: center; background-color: black; bottom: 0; color: white; display: flex; min-height: $topbar-height; justify-content: space-around; left: 0; line-height: 1.2; padding: 8px; position: fixed; right: 0; z-index: 9999; } &-btn { background-color: $brand-primary; color: white !important; border-radius: 3px; text-decoration: none !important; padding: 5px 6px 4px; } &-invisible { display: none; } }
doctype html html head meta(charset='UTF-8') title Redux DevTools Options style. body { padding: 2px; } .input { margin-bottom: 10px; } .caption { margin-right: 5px; width: 105px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 3px; } .comment { color: #999; margin-left: 5px; } input[type="text"] { width: 25px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } input[type="checkbox"] { width: 24px; height: 20px; } textarea { width: 250px; height: 50px; } select { width: 250px; } body #root script(src='/js/options.bundle.js')
doctype html html head meta(charset='UTF-8') title Redux DevTools Options style. body { padding: 2px; min-width: 360px; } .input { margin-bottom: 10px; } .caption { margin-right: 5px; width: 105px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 3px; } .comment { color: #999; margin-left: 5px; } input[type="text"] { width: 25px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } input[type="checkbox"] { width: 24px; height: 20px; } textarea { width: 250px; height: 50px; } select { width: 250px; } body #root script(src='/js/options.bundle.js')
Fix the option page layout on Windows
Fix the option page layout on Windows Related to #54
## Code Before: doctype html html head meta(charset='UTF-8') title Redux DevTools Options style. body { padding: 2px; } .input { margin-bottom: 10px; } .caption { margin-right: 5px; width: 105px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 3px; } .comment { color: #999; margin-left: 5px; } input[type="text"] { width: 25px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } input[type="checkbox"] { width: 24px; height: 20px; } textarea { width: 250px; height: 50px; } select { width: 250px; } body #root script(src='/js/options.bundle.js') ## Instruction: Fix the option page layout on Windows Related to #54 ## Code After: doctype html html head meta(charset='UTF-8') title Redux DevTools Options style. body { padding: 2px; min-width: 360px; } .input { margin-bottom: 10px; } .caption { margin-right: 5px; width: 105px; display: inline-block; vertical-align: top; padding-top: 3px; } .comment { color: #999; margin-left: 5px; } input[type="text"] { width: 25px; font-weight: bold; text-align: center; } input[type="checkbox"] { width: 24px; height: 20px; } textarea { width: 250px; height: 50px; } select { width: 250px; } body #root script(src='/js/options.bundle.js')
Developer Tools Image === See design decisions and discussion in [Common developer-tools container with credentials handling (DevEx 2.0)][design] Environment Variables === The following environment variables are inputs to the running container. Enviornment variables also implement feature flags to enable or disable behavior. These variables are considered a public API and interface into the running container instance. | Environment Variable | Description | | --- | --- | | SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON | The JSON string content used to initialize credentials inside the container | | CFT_DISABLE_INIT_CREDENTIALS | Disables automatic initialization of credentials via ~root/.bashrc if the value has length ' [design]:
See design decisions and discussion in [Common developer-tools container with credentials handling (DevEx 2.0)][design] ## Building and Releasing To build a local Docker image from the `Dockerfile`, run `build-image-developer-tools`. To release a local Docker image to the registry, update the value of `DOCKER_TAG_VERSION_DEVELOPER_TOOLS` in the `Makefile` following Semantic Versioning and run `release-image-developer-tools`. Review the `Makefile` to identify other variable inputs to the build and release workflow. ## Environment Variables The following environment variables are inputs to the running container. Enviornment variables also implement feature flags to enable or disable behavior. These variables are considered a public API and interface into the running container instance. | Environment Variable | Description | | --- | --- | | SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON | The JSON string content used to initialize credentials inside the container | | CFT_DISABLE_INIT_CREDENTIALS | Disables automatic initialization of credentials via ~root/.bashrc if the value has length ' [design]:
Add build, release instructions; fix header size
Add build, release instructions; fix header size
## Code Before: Developer Tools Image === See design decisions and discussion in [Common developer-tools container with credentials handling (DevEx 2.0)][design] Environment Variables === The following environment variables are inputs to the running container. Enviornment variables also implement feature flags to enable or disable behavior. These variables are considered a public API and interface into the running container instance. | Environment Variable | Description | | --- | --- | | SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON | The JSON string content used to initialize credentials inside the container | | CFT_DISABLE_INIT_CREDENTIALS | Disables automatic initialization of credentials via ~root/.bashrc if the value has length ' [design]: ## Instruction: Add build, release instructions; fix header size ## Code After: See design decisions and discussion in [Common developer-tools container with credentials handling (DevEx 2.0)][design] ## Building and Releasing To build a local Docker image from the `Dockerfile`, run `build-image-developer-tools`. To release a local Docker image to the registry, update the value of `DOCKER_TAG_VERSION_DEVELOPER_TOOLS` in the `Makefile` following Semantic Versioning and run `release-image-developer-tools`. Review the `Makefile` to identify other variable inputs to the build and release workflow. ## Environment Variables The following environment variables are inputs to the running container. Enviornment variables also implement feature flags to enable or disable behavior. These variables are considered a public API and interface into the running container instance. | Environment Variable | Description | | --- | --- | | SERVICE_ACCOUNT_JSON | The JSON string content used to initialize credentials inside the container | | CFT_DISABLE_INIT_CREDENTIALS | Disables automatic initialization of credentials via ~root/.bashrc if the value has length ' [design]:
Hostname::Hostname() { } Hostname::Hostname(const ci_string& hostname) { create(hostname); } bool Hostname::isValid() { return !data.empty(); } void Hostname::create(const ci_string & hostname) { if (isValid()) { throw std::runtime_error("Hostname is defined!"); } data = hostname; std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(), std::tolower); } void Hostname::destroy() { data.clear(); } bool Hostname::operator==(const Hostname & other) const { return data ==; } bool Hostname::operator!=(const Hostname & other) const { return !(*this == other); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Hostname & hostname) { output <<; return output; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Hostname & hostname) { ci_string str; std::copy( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::back_inserter(str)); if (hostname.isValid()) { hostname.destroy(); } hostname.create(str); return input; }
Hostname::Hostname() { } Hostname::Hostname(const ci_string& hostname) { create(hostname); } bool Hostname::isValid() { return !data.empty(); } void Hostname::create(const ci_string & hostname) { if (isValid()) { throw std::runtime_error("Hostname is defined!"); } data = hostname; std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(), [](char& c) { c = std::tolower(c); }); } void Hostname::destroy() { data.clear(); } bool Hostname::operator==(const Hostname & other) const { return data ==; } bool Hostname::operator!=(const Hostname & other) const { return !(*this == other); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Hostname & hostname) { output <<; return output; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Hostname & hostname) { ci_string str; std::copy( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::back_inserter(str)); if (hostname.isValid()) { hostname.destroy(); } hostname.create(str); return input; }
Convert std::transform to std::for_each (not supported by GCC 4.6)
Convert std::transform to std::for_each (not supported by GCC 4.6)
## Code Before: Hostname::Hostname() { } Hostname::Hostname(const ci_string& hostname) { create(hostname); } bool Hostname::isValid() { return !data.empty(); } void Hostname::create(const ci_string & hostname) { if (isValid()) { throw std::runtime_error("Hostname is defined!"); } data = hostname; std::transform(data.begin(), data.end(), data.begin(), std::tolower); } void Hostname::destroy() { data.clear(); } bool Hostname::operator==(const Hostname & other) const { return data ==; } bool Hostname::operator!=(const Hostname & other) const { return !(*this == other); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Hostname & hostname) { output <<; return output; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Hostname & hostname) { ci_string str; std::copy( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::back_inserter(str)); if (hostname.isValid()) { hostname.destroy(); } hostname.create(str); return input; } ## Instruction: Convert std::transform to std::for_each (not supported by GCC 4.6) ## Code After: Hostname::Hostname() { } Hostname::Hostname(const ci_string& hostname) { create(hostname); } bool Hostname::isValid() { return !data.empty(); } void Hostname::create(const ci_string & hostname) { if (isValid()) { throw std::runtime_error("Hostname is defined!"); } data = hostname; std::for_each(data.begin(), data.end(), [](char& c) { c = std::tolower(c); }); } void Hostname::destroy() { data.clear(); } bool Hostname::operator==(const Hostname & other) const { return data ==; } bool Hostname::operator!=(const Hostname & other) const { return !(*this == other); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Hostname & hostname) { output <<; return output; } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Hostname & hostname) { ci_string str; std::copy( std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(input), std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(), std::back_inserter(str)); if (hostname.isValid()) { hostname.destroy(); } hostname.create(str); return input; }
import json try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen from mdtraj import version if not version.release: print("This is not a release.") exit(0) URL = '' versions = json.load(urlopen(URL + '/versions.json')) # new release so all the others are now old for i in range(len(versions)): versions[i]['latest'] = False versions.append({ 'version': version.short_version, 'url': "{base}/{version}".format(base=URL, version=version.short_version), 'latest': True}) with open("doc/_deploy/versions.json", 'w') as versionf: json.dump(versions, versionf)
import json try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen from mdtraj import version if not version.release: print("This is not a release.") exit(0) URL = '' versions = json.load(urlopen(URL + '/versions.json')) # new release so all the others are now old for i in range(len(versions)): versions[i]['latest'] = False versions.append({ 'version': version.short_version, 'display': version.short_version, 'url': "{base}/{version}".format(base=URL, version=version.short_version), 'latest': True}) with open("doc/_deploy/versions.json", 'w') as versionf: json.dump(versions, versionf)
Add 'display' key to versions.json
Add 'display' key to versions.json
## Code Before: import json try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen from mdtraj import version if not version.release: print("This is not a release.") exit(0) URL = '' versions = json.load(urlopen(URL + '/versions.json')) # new release so all the others are now old for i in range(len(versions)): versions[i]['latest'] = False versions.append({ 'version': version.short_version, 'url': "{base}/{version}".format(base=URL, version=version.short_version), 'latest': True}) with open("doc/_deploy/versions.json", 'w') as versionf: json.dump(versions, versionf) ## Instruction: Add 'display' key to versions.json ## Code After: import json try: from urllib.request import urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import urlopen from mdtraj import version if not version.release: print("This is not a release.") exit(0) URL = '' versions = json.load(urlopen(URL + '/versions.json')) # new release so all the others are now old for i in range(len(versions)): versions[i]['latest'] = False versions.append({ 'version': version.short_version, 'display': version.short_version, 'url': "{base}/{version}".format(base=URL, version=version.short_version), 'latest': True}) with open("doc/_deploy/versions.json", 'w') as versionf: json.dump(versions, versionf)
version: '3' services: task-master: image: timgreen/task-master hostname: task-master-hello-world volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - ./config.hello-world.yaml:/config.yaml:ro - /dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world:/dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world environment: - WORKDIR=/dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world
version: '3.2' services: task-master: image: timgreen/task-master hostname: task-master-hello-world environment: WORKDIR: &WORKDIR /dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - ./config.hello-world.yaml:/config.yaml:ro - type: bind source: *WORKDIR target: *WORKDIR
Define WORKDIR as anchor and reuse it in volume.
Define WORKDIR as anchor and reuse it in volume.
## Code Before: version: '3' services: task-master: image: timgreen/task-master hostname: task-master-hello-world volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - ./config.hello-world.yaml:/config.yaml:ro - /dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world:/dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world environment: - WORKDIR=/dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world ## Instruction: Define WORKDIR as anchor and reuse it in volume. ## Code After: version: '3.2' services: task-master: image: timgreen/task-master hostname: task-master-hello-world environment: WORKDIR: &WORKDIR /dev/shm/.task-master-hello-world volumes: - /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock - ./config.hello-world.yaml:/config.yaml:ro - type: bind source: *WORKDIR target: *WORKDIR
hostname=$1 shift notify=$@ ext=`date +%b%d.%H` cd /srv/encoded out=/srv/cron.logs/edw_sync/compare.${ext} bin/read-edw-fileinfo -C -q >${out}.tsv 2> ${out}.log diff=`grep -c APP_DIFF ${out}.tsv` edw=`grep -c EDW_ONLY ${out}.tsv` app=`grep -c APP_ONLY ${out}.tsv` (cat ${out}.log; echo "Comparison file: ${out}.tsv") | mail -s "CRON: EDW file compare to ${hostname}. Diffs: ${diff}, EDW only: ${edw}, App only: ${app}" ${notify} $notify hostname=$1 shift notify=$@ ext=`date +%b%d.%H` cd /srv/encoded out=/srv/cron.logs/edw_sync/import.${ext}.log bin/read-edw-fileinfo -v -I > ${out} 2>&1 success=`grep -c Success ${out}` fail=`grep -c Fail ${out}` mail -s "CRON: EDW file sync to ${hostname}. Succeeded: ${success}, Failed: ${fail}" ${notify} < ${out}
hostname=$1 shift notify=$@ ext=`date +%b%d.%H` cd /srv/encoded out=/srv/cron.logs/edw_sync/import.${ext}.log bin/read-edw-fileinfo -v -I > ${out} 2>&1 success=`grep -c Success ${out}` fail=`grep -c Fail ${out}` mail -s "CRON: EDW file sync to ${hostname}. Succeeded: ${success}, Failed: ${fail}" ${notify} < ${out}
Trim to actual script (had leading cruft from related script)
Trim to actual script (had leading cruft from related script)
## Code Before: hostname=$1 shift notify=$@ ext=`date +%b%d.%H` cd /srv/encoded out=/srv/cron.logs/edw_sync/compare.${ext} bin/read-edw-fileinfo -C -q >${out}.tsv 2> ${out}.log diff=`grep -c APP_DIFF ${out}.tsv` edw=`grep -c EDW_ONLY ${out}.tsv` app=`grep -c APP_ONLY ${out}.tsv` (cat ${out}.log; echo "Comparison file: ${out}.tsv") | mail -s "CRON: EDW file compare to ${hostname}. Diffs: ${diff}, EDW only: ${edw}, App only: ${app}" ${notify} $notify hostname=$1 shift notify=$@ ext=`date +%b%d.%H` cd /srv/encoded out=/srv/cron.logs/edw_sync/import.${ext}.log bin/read-edw-fileinfo -v -I > ${out} 2>&1 success=`grep -c Success ${out}` fail=`grep -c Fail ${out}` mail -s "CRON: EDW file sync to ${hostname}. Succeeded: ${success}, Failed: ${fail}" ${notify} < ${out} ## Instruction: Trim to actual script (had leading cruft from related script) ## Code After: hostname=$1 shift notify=$@ ext=`date +%b%d.%H` cd /srv/encoded out=/srv/cron.logs/edw_sync/import.${ext}.log bin/read-edw-fileinfo -v -I > ${out} 2>&1 success=`grep -c Success ${out}` fail=`grep -c Fail ${out}` mail -s "CRON: EDW file sync to ${hostname}. Succeeded: ${success}, Failed: ${fail}" ${notify} < ${out}
/** * Currently not used */ div#ccm-modal-overlay { position: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: transparent; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: @index-level-modal-overlay; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); .transition(all 1.0s linear); &.ccm-modal-overlay-active { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } #ccm-loader { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); .opacity(0); position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; .border-radius(10px); top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -50px; margin-left: -50px; z-index: @index-level-modal-loader; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); &.ccm-loader-active { .opacity(1); .transition(opacity 0.3s linear); } } }
/** * Currently not used */ div#ccm-modal-overlay { position: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: transparent; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: @index-level-modal-overlay; .translate3d(0, 0, 0); .transition(all 1.0s linear); &.ccm-modal-overlay-active { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } #ccm-loader { .translate3d(0, 0, 0); .opacity(0); position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; .border-radius(10px); top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -50px; margin-left: -50px; z-index: @index-level-modal-loader; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); &.ccm-loader-active { .opacity(1); .transition(opacity 0.3s linear); } } }
Add Bootstrap Mixins vendor prefixes
Add Bootstrap Mixins vendor prefixes Former-commit-id: 87e5019077acae24f1203f4e5676b0bebd4298d2
## Code Before: /** * Currently not used */ div#ccm-modal-overlay { position: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: transparent; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: @index-level-modal-overlay; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); .transition(all 1.0s linear); &.ccm-modal-overlay-active { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } #ccm-loader { -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); .opacity(0); position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; .border-radius(10px); top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -50px; margin-left: -50px; z-index: @index-level-modal-loader; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); &.ccm-loader-active { .opacity(1); .transition(opacity 0.3s linear); } } } ## Instruction: Add Bootstrap Mixins vendor prefixes Former-commit-id: 87e5019077acae24f1203f4e5676b0bebd4298d2 ## Code After: /** * Currently not used */ div#ccm-modal-overlay { position: fixed; width: 100%; background-color: transparent; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; z-index: @index-level-modal-overlay; .translate3d(0, 0, 0); .transition(all 1.0s linear); &.ccm-modal-overlay-active { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4); } #ccm-loader { .translate3d(0, 0, 0); .opacity(0); position: absolute; width: 100px; height: 100px; .border-radius(10px); top: 50%; left: 50%; margin-top: -50px; margin-left: -50px; z-index: @index-level-modal-loader; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0.8); &.ccm-loader-active { .opacity(1); .transition(opacity 0.3s linear); } } }
language: rust sudo: false os: - linux - osx rust: - stable - nightly matrix: fast_finish: true branches: only: - master script: - cargo build --verbose - cargo test --verbose after_script: | if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux -a "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = nightly ]; then bash <(curl cargo tarpaulin --out Xml bash <(curl -s fi
language: rust sudo: false os: - linux - osx rust: - stable - nightly matrix: fast_finish: true branches: only: - master cache: cargo before_cache: | if [[ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = nightly ]]; then RUSTFLAGS="--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt" cargo install cargo-tarpaulin -f fi script: - cargo build --verbose - cargo test --verbose after_script: | if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux && "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = nightly ]]; then cargo tarpaulin --out Xml bash <(curl -s fi
Stop using the shell script as it's no longer recommended
Stop using the shell script as it's no longer recommended
## Code Before: language: rust sudo: false os: - linux - osx rust: - stable - nightly matrix: fast_finish: true branches: only: - master script: - cargo build --verbose - cargo test --verbose after_script: | if [ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux -a "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = nightly ]; then bash <(curl cargo tarpaulin --out Xml bash <(curl -s fi ## Instruction: Stop using the shell script as it's no longer recommended ## Code After: language: rust sudo: false os: - linux - osx rust: - stable - nightly matrix: fast_finish: true branches: only: - master cache: cargo before_cache: | if [[ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = nightly ]]; then RUSTFLAGS="--cfg procmacro2_semver_exempt" cargo install cargo-tarpaulin -f fi script: - cargo build --verbose - cargo test --verbose after_script: | if [[ "$TRAVIS_OS_NAME" = linux && "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = nightly ]]; then cargo tarpaulin --out Xml bash <(curl -s fi
'use strict'; var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; var Command = require('../../cli/command'); var services = require('../../services'); module.exports = new Command( 'services', 'list services for your org', function(ctx) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }); } );
'use strict'; var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; var Command = require('../../cli/command'); module.exports = new Command( 'services', 'list services for your org', function(/*ctx*/) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }); } );
Fix lint errors in 'ag services' base
Fix lint errors in 'ag services' base
## Code Before: 'use strict'; var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; var Command = require('../../cli/command'); var services = require('../../services'); module.exports = new Command( 'services', 'list services for your org', function(ctx) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }); } ); ## Instruction: Fix lint errors in 'ag services' base ## Code After: 'use strict'; var Promise = require('es6-promise').Promise; var Command = require('../../cli/command'); module.exports = new Command( 'services', 'list services for your org', function(/*ctx*/) { return new Promise(function(resolve) { resolve(); }); } );
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint from twisted.internet import reactor import editorFactory if __name__ == "__main__": server = editorFactory.EditorFactory() TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 4567).listen(server)
from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint from twisted.internet import reactor import editorFactory if __name__ == "__main__": server = editorFactory.EditorFactory() TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 4567).listen(server) print('Starting up...')
Print something at the start
Print something at the start
## Code Before: from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint from twisted.internet import reactor import editorFactory if __name__ == "__main__": server = editorFactory.EditorFactory() TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 4567).listen(server) ## Instruction: Print something at the start ## Code After: from twisted.internet.endpoints import TCP4ServerEndpoint from twisted.internet import reactor import editorFactory if __name__ == "__main__": server = editorFactory.EditorFactory() TCP4ServerEndpoint(reactor, 4567).listen(server) print('Starting up...')
foobot: apikey : email : password :
foobot: # index - with multiple foobots in one account, you can specify which foobot in the list this refers to index : 0 # apikey - 300 digit foobot apikey (request from ) apikey : # email - email address of your account email : # password - password on your account (in the app) password : # domain - location where you have installed yous indoor air quality dashboard website domain : http://localhost
Add more comments to the example yaml file
Add more comments to the example yaml file
## Code Before: foobot: apikey : email : password : ## Instruction: Add more comments to the example yaml file ## Code After: foobot: # index - with multiple foobots in one account, you can specify which foobot in the list this refers to index : 0 # apikey - 300 digit foobot apikey (request from ) apikey : # email - email address of your account email : # password - password on your account (in the app) password : # domain - location where you have installed yous indoor air quality dashboard website domain : http://localhost
ActiveAdmin.register Drug do menu priority: 7 permit_params :pubchem_id, :name, :ncit_id filter :name filter :pubchem_id filter :ncit_id form do |f| f.semantic_errors(*f.object.errors.keys) f.inputs do f.input :name f.input :pubchem_id f.input :ncit_id, input_html: { rows: 1 } end f.actions end index do selectable_column column :name column :pubchem_id column :ncit_id column :created_at column :updated_at actions end show do |f| attributes_table do row :name row :pubchem_id row :ncit_id row :evidence_item_count do |d| d.evidence_items.count end end end end
ActiveAdmin.register Drug do menu priority: 7 permit_params :pubchem_id, :name, :ncit_id filter :name filter :pubchem_id filter :ncit_id form do |f| f.semantic_errors(*f.object.errors.keys) f.inputs do f.input :name f.input :pubchem_id f.input :ncit_id, input_html: { rows: 1 } end f.actions end index do selectable_column column :name column :pubchem_id column :ncit_id column :created_at column :updated_at actions end show do |f| attributes_table do row :name row :pubchem_id row :ncit_id row :evidence_item_count do |d| d.evidence_items.count end row :assertion_count do |d| d.assertions.count end end end end
Add assertion count to drug admin view
Add assertion count to drug admin view
## Code Before: ActiveAdmin.register Drug do menu priority: 7 permit_params :pubchem_id, :name, :ncit_id filter :name filter :pubchem_id filter :ncit_id form do |f| f.semantic_errors(*f.object.errors.keys) f.inputs do f.input :name f.input :pubchem_id f.input :ncit_id, input_html: { rows: 1 } end f.actions end index do selectable_column column :name column :pubchem_id column :ncit_id column :created_at column :updated_at actions end show do |f| attributes_table do row :name row :pubchem_id row :ncit_id row :evidence_item_count do |d| d.evidence_items.count end end end end ## Instruction: Add assertion count to drug admin view ## Code After: ActiveAdmin.register Drug do menu priority: 7 permit_params :pubchem_id, :name, :ncit_id filter :name filter :pubchem_id filter :ncit_id form do |f| f.semantic_errors(*f.object.errors.keys) f.inputs do f.input :name f.input :pubchem_id f.input :ncit_id, input_html: { rows: 1 } end f.actions end index do selectable_column column :name column :pubchem_id column :ncit_id column :created_at column :updated_at actions end show do |f| attributes_table do row :name row :pubchem_id row :ncit_id row :evidence_item_count do |d| d.evidence_items.count end row :assertion_count do |d| d.assertions.count end end end end
To get you comfortable with submitting a "PR" (stands for pull request), test it out by submitting a PR to this page, adding your name to the list of people who have loops in progress. This way we know how many people are in the development phase, too. New to Github, and PRs? Check out how to submit your first PR. List of people who are working on closed loops: - Dana Lewis - Ben West - Chris Hannemann - Sarah Howard - Mike Stebbins - Scott Hanselman
To get you comfortable with submitting a "PR" (stands for pull request), test it out by submitting a PR to this page, adding your name to the list of people who have loops in progress. This way we know how many people are in the development phase, too. New to Github, and PRs? Check out how to submit your first PR. List of people who are working on closed loops: - Dana Lewis - Ben West - Chris Hannemann - Sarah Howard - Mike Stebbins - Scott Hanselman - Greg Scull
Add Name to the loops in progress
Add Name to the loops in progress
## Code Before: To get you comfortable with submitting a "PR" (stands for pull request), test it out by submitting a PR to this page, adding your name to the list of people who have loops in progress. This way we know how many people are in the development phase, too. New to Github, and PRs? Check out how to submit your first PR. List of people who are working on closed loops: - Dana Lewis - Ben West - Chris Hannemann - Sarah Howard - Mike Stebbins - Scott Hanselman ## Instruction: Add Name to the loops in progress ## Code After: To get you comfortable with submitting a "PR" (stands for pull request), test it out by submitting a PR to this page, adding your name to the list of people who have loops in progress. This way we know how many people are in the development phase, too. New to Github, and PRs? Check out how to submit your first PR. List of people who are working on closed loops: - Dana Lewis - Ben West - Chris Hannemann - Sarah Howard - Mike Stebbins - Scott Hanselman - Greg Scull
<% if mapping.taggings.any? %> <span class="rm">Tagged with:</span> <ul class="tag-list remove-bottom-margin pull-right"> <% mapping.taggings.each do |tagging| %> <% tag = tagging.tag.to_s %> <li> <% if @filter.tags.include?(tag) %> <span class="tag tag-active"><%= tag %></span> <% else %> <%= link_to tag, @filter.query.with_tag(tag), class: 'tag' %> <% end %> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %>
<% if mapping.taggings.any? %> <span class="rm">Tagged with:</span> <ul class="tag-list remove-bottom-margin pull-right"> <% mapping.taggings.each do |tagging| %> <% tag = tagging.tag.to_s %> <li> <% if @filter %> <% if @filter.tags.include?(tag) %> <span class="tag tag-active"><%= tag %></span> <% else %> <%= link_to tag, @filter.query.with_tag(tag), class: 'tag' %> <% end %> <% else %> <span class="tag"><%= tag %></span> <% end %> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %>
Kill two bugs with one bird
Kill two bugs with one bird * Stop @filter blowing up in the saved mappings modal because _tags assumes it's only ever being used from MappingsController#index * Don't make the tags links when we're not on MappingsController#index
## Code Before: <% if mapping.taggings.any? %> <span class="rm">Tagged with:</span> <ul class="tag-list remove-bottom-margin pull-right"> <% mapping.taggings.each do |tagging| %> <% tag = tagging.tag.to_s %> <li> <% if @filter.tags.include?(tag) %> <span class="tag tag-active"><%= tag %></span> <% else %> <%= link_to tag, @filter.query.with_tag(tag), class: 'tag' %> <% end %> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %> ## Instruction: Kill two bugs with one bird * Stop @filter blowing up in the saved mappings modal because _tags assumes it's only ever being used from MappingsController#index * Don't make the tags links when we're not on MappingsController#index ## Code After: <% if mapping.taggings.any? %> <span class="rm">Tagged with:</span> <ul class="tag-list remove-bottom-margin pull-right"> <% mapping.taggings.each do |tagging| %> <% tag = tagging.tag.to_s %> <li> <% if @filter %> <% if @filter.tags.include?(tag) %> <span class="tag tag-active"><%= tag %></span> <% else %> <%= link_to tag, @filter.query.with_tag(tag), class: 'tag' %> <% end %> <% else %> <span class="tag"><%= tag %></span> <% end %> </li> <% end %> </ul> <% end %>
{ "name": "bootstrap-social", "main": "bootstrap-social.css", "license": "MIT", "ignore": [ "assets", "index.html", "LICENCE" ], "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "~3", "font-awesome": "~4.5" } }
{ "name": "bootstrap-social", "main": [ "bootstrap-social.css", "bootstrap-social.less", "bootstrap-social.scss" ], "license": "MIT", "ignore": [ "assets", "index.html", "LICENCE" ], "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "~3", "font-awesome": "~4.5" } }
Add SASS and LESS support for `wiredep`
Add SASS and LESS support for `wiredep`
## Code Before: { "name": "bootstrap-social", "main": "bootstrap-social.css", "license": "MIT", "ignore": [ "assets", "index.html", "LICENCE" ], "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "~3", "font-awesome": "~4.5" } } ## Instruction: Add SASS and LESS support for `wiredep` ## Code After: { "name": "bootstrap-social", "main": [ "bootstrap-social.css", "bootstrap-social.less", "bootstrap-social.scss" ], "license": "MIT", "ignore": [ "assets", "index.html", "LICENCE" ], "dependencies": { "bootstrap": "~3", "font-awesome": "~4.5" } }
An entire vagrant VM for portably compiling RMarkdown files. Useful for when you need to collaborate over a manuscript and you want to make sure everyone has a dependency-managed way to compile the manuscript. # Installation Copy and paste this into your terminal, then hit Enter ```bash curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O vagrant up ```
An entire vagrant VM for portably compiling RMarkdown files. Useful for when you need to collaborate over a manuscript and you want to make sure everyone has a dependency-managed way to compile the manuscript. # Installation Copy and paste this into your terminal, then hit Enter ```bash curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O vagrant up ```
Stop using cached versions of files from
Stop using cached versions of files from
## Code Before: An entire vagrant VM for portably compiling RMarkdown files. Useful for when you need to collaborate over a manuscript and you want to make sure everyone has a dependency-managed way to compile the manuscript. # Installation Copy and paste this into your terminal, then hit Enter ```bash curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O vagrant up ``` ## Instruction: Stop using cached versions of files from ## Code After: An entire vagrant VM for portably compiling RMarkdown files. Useful for when you need to collaborate over a manuscript and you want to make sure everyone has a dependency-managed way to compile the manuscript. # Installation Copy and paste this into your terminal, then hit Enter ```bash curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O curl -O vagrant up ```
distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\://
distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=http\://
Return wrapper version to gsk custom distro
Return wrapper version to gsk custom distro
## Code Before: distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=https\:// ## Instruction: Return wrapper version to gsk custom distro ## Code After: distributionBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME distributionPath=wrapper/dists zipStoreBase=GRADLE_USER_HOME zipStorePath=wrapper/dists distributionUrl=http\://
// libs @require 'nib' @require 'normalize.styl' // global @import 'stylus/vars' @import 'stylus/mixins' @import 'stylus/styles' // templates @import 'stylus/common/*' @import 'directive/*' @import 'site/*' @import 'party/*' @import 'volume/*' @import 'slot/*' @import 'asset/*' // shame @import 'stylus/shame'
// libs @require 'nib' @require 'normalize.styl' // global @import 'stylus/vars' @import 'stylus/mixins' @import 'stylus/styles' // templates @import 'stylus/common/*' @import 'directive/*' @import 'site/*' @import 'party/*' @import 'volume/*' @import 'asset/*' // shame @import 'stylus/shame'
Remove now-expired slot styl import
Remove now-expired slot styl import
## Code Before: // libs @require 'nib' @require 'normalize.styl' // global @import 'stylus/vars' @import 'stylus/mixins' @import 'stylus/styles' // templates @import 'stylus/common/*' @import 'directive/*' @import 'site/*' @import 'party/*' @import 'volume/*' @import 'slot/*' @import 'asset/*' // shame @import 'stylus/shame' ## Instruction: Remove now-expired slot styl import ## Code After: // libs @require 'nib' @require 'normalize.styl' // global @import 'stylus/vars' @import 'stylus/mixins' @import 'stylus/styles' // templates @import 'stylus/common/*' @import 'directive/*' @import 'site/*' @import 'party/*' @import 'volume/*' @import 'asset/*' // shame @import 'stylus/shame'
Makes it easy to translate your resource fields. ## Context The original gem is not maintened anymore, so I forked it to be compatible for Rails 4.2 and globalize 5 . ## Installation ```ruby gem "activeadmin-globalize", github: 'anthony-robin/activeadmin-globalize' ``` ## Your model ```ruby active_admin_translates :title, :description do validates_presence_of :title end ``` ## Editor configuration ```ruby # if you are using Rails 4 or Strong Parameters: permit_params translations_attributes: [:locale, :title, :content] index do # ... translation_status # ... default_actions end form do |f| # ... f.translated_inputs "Translated fields", switch_locale: false do |t| t.input :title t.input :content end # ... end ``` If `switch_locale` is set, each tab will be rendered switching locale.
Makes it easy to translate your resource fields. ## Context The original gem is not maintened anymore, so I forked it to be compatible for Rails 4.2 and globalize 5 . ## Installation ```ruby gem "activeadmin-globalize", github: 'anthony-robin/activeadmin-globalize' ``` ## Your model ```ruby active_admin_translates :title, :content do validates_presence_of :title end ``` ## Editor configuration ```ruby # if you are using Rails 4 or Strong Parameters: permit_params translations_attributes: [ :id, :locale, :title, :content ] index do # ... translation_status actions end form do |f| # ... f.translated_inputs "Translated fields", switch_locale: false do |t| t.input :title t.input :content end # ... end ``` If `switch_locale` is set, each tab will be rendered switching locale.
Improve Readme to be coherent
Improve Readme to be coherent
## Code Before: Makes it easy to translate your resource fields. ## Context The original gem is not maintened anymore, so I forked it to be compatible for Rails 4.2 and globalize 5 . ## Installation ```ruby gem "activeadmin-globalize", github: 'anthony-robin/activeadmin-globalize' ``` ## Your model ```ruby active_admin_translates :title, :description do validates_presence_of :title end ``` ## Editor configuration ```ruby # if you are using Rails 4 or Strong Parameters: permit_params translations_attributes: [:locale, :title, :content] index do # ... translation_status # ... default_actions end form do |f| # ... f.translated_inputs "Translated fields", switch_locale: false do |t| t.input :title t.input :content end # ... end ``` If `switch_locale` is set, each tab will be rendered switching locale. ## Instruction: Improve Readme to be coherent ## Code After: Makes it easy to translate your resource fields. ## Context The original gem is not maintened anymore, so I forked it to be compatible for Rails 4.2 and globalize 5 . ## Installation ```ruby gem "activeadmin-globalize", github: 'anthony-robin/activeadmin-globalize' ``` ## Your model ```ruby active_admin_translates :title, :content do validates_presence_of :title end ``` ## Editor configuration ```ruby # if you are using Rails 4 or Strong Parameters: permit_params translations_attributes: [ :id, :locale, :title, :content ] index do # ... translation_status actions end form do |f| # ... f.translated_inputs "Translated fields", switch_locale: false do |t| t.input :title t.input :content end # ... end ``` If `switch_locale` is set, each tab will be rendered switching locale.
package pro.cucumber; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import pro.cucumber.gitcli.GitCliRevisionProvider; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public abstract class RevisionProviderContract { private Path rootPath; @Before public void createScm() throws IOException { rootPath = Files.createTempDirectory("GitWC"); Path subfolder = rootPath.resolve("subfolder"); Files.createDirectory(subfolder); Files.createFile(subfolder.resolve("file")); Exec.cmd("git init", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git add -A", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git commit -am \"files\"", rootPath); } @Test public void findsRev() { String sha1Pattern = "^[a-f0-9]{40}$"; RevisionProvider revisionProvider = makeRevisionProvider(rootPath); String rev = revisionProvider.getRev(); assertTrue("Expected a sha1, got: "+rev, Pattern.matches(sha1Pattern, rev)); } protected abstract RevisionProvider makeRevisionProvider(Path rootPath); }
package pro.cucumber; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public abstract class RevisionProviderContract { private Path rootPath; @Before public void createScm() throws IOException { rootPath = Files.createTempDirectory("GitWC"); Path subfolder = rootPath.resolve("subfolder"); Files.createDirectory(subfolder); Files.createFile(subfolder.resolve("file")); Exec.cmd("git init", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git add -A", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git commit -am \"files\"", rootPath); List<String> status = Exec.cmd("git status --porcelain", rootPath); assertEquals(new ArrayList<String>(), status); } @Test public void findsRev() { String sha1Pattern = "^[a-f0-9]{40}$"; RevisionProvider revisionProvider = makeRevisionProvider(rootPath); String rev = revisionProvider.getRev(); assertTrue("Expected a sha1, got: " + rev, Pattern.matches(sha1Pattern, rev)); } protected abstract RevisionProvider makeRevisionProvider(Path rootPath); }
Check the test repo is created correctly
Check the test repo is created correctly
## Code Before: package pro.cucumber; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import pro.cucumber.gitcli.GitCliRevisionProvider; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public abstract class RevisionProviderContract { private Path rootPath; @Before public void createScm() throws IOException { rootPath = Files.createTempDirectory("GitWC"); Path subfolder = rootPath.resolve("subfolder"); Files.createDirectory(subfolder); Files.createFile(subfolder.resolve("file")); Exec.cmd("git init", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git add -A", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git commit -am \"files\"", rootPath); } @Test public void findsRev() { String sha1Pattern = "^[a-f0-9]{40}$"; RevisionProvider revisionProvider = makeRevisionProvider(rootPath); String rev = revisionProvider.getRev(); assertTrue("Expected a sha1, got: "+rev, Pattern.matches(sha1Pattern, rev)); } protected abstract RevisionProvider makeRevisionProvider(Path rootPath); } ## Instruction: Check the test repo is created correctly ## Code After: package pro.cucumber; import org.junit.Before; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Path; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; public abstract class RevisionProviderContract { private Path rootPath; @Before public void createScm() throws IOException { rootPath = Files.createTempDirectory("GitWC"); Path subfolder = rootPath.resolve("subfolder"); Files.createDirectory(subfolder); Files.createFile(subfolder.resolve("file")); Exec.cmd("git init", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git add -A", rootPath); Exec.cmd("git commit -am \"files\"", rootPath); List<String> status = Exec.cmd("git status --porcelain", rootPath); assertEquals(new ArrayList<String>(), status); } @Test public void findsRev() { String sha1Pattern = "^[a-f0-9]{40}$"; RevisionProvider revisionProvider = makeRevisionProvider(rootPath); String rev = revisionProvider.getRev(); assertTrue("Expected a sha1, got: " + rev, Pattern.matches(sha1Pattern, rev)); } protected abstract RevisionProvider makeRevisionProvider(Path rootPath); }
language: node_js node_js: - '0.12' - 'iojs' env: - npm_config_target=0.28.1 npm_config_arch=x64 npm_config_disturl= before_install: - sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev - npm install -g node-gyp electron electron-prebuilt install: - HOME=~/.electron-gyp npm install
language: node_js node_js: - '0.12' - 'iojs' env: - npm_config_target=0.28.1 npm_config_arch=x64 npm_config_disturl= before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq libzmq3-dev pkg-config - npm install -g node-gyp electron electron-prebuilt install: - HOME=~/.electron-gyp npm install
Install pkg-config while we're at it.
Install pkg-config while we're at it.
## Code Before: language: node_js node_js: - '0.12' - 'iojs' env: - npm_config_target=0.28.1 npm_config_arch=x64 npm_config_disturl= before_install: - sudo apt-get install libzmq3-dev - npm install -g node-gyp electron electron-prebuilt install: - HOME=~/.electron-gyp npm install ## Instruction: Install pkg-config while we're at it. ## Code After: language: node_js node_js: - '0.12' - 'iojs' env: - npm_config_target=0.28.1 npm_config_arch=x64 npm_config_disturl= before_install: - sudo apt-get install -qq libzmq3-dev pkg-config - npm install -g node-gyp electron electron-prebuilt install: - HOME=~/.electron-gyp npm install
[![Travis CI]( "Travis CI")] ( # DragonNode.js Documentation see [dragonnodejs/skeleton](
[![Travis CI]( "Travis CI")] ( # DragonNode.js Documentation see [dragonnodejs/skeleton]( ## Changelog ### 2.1.0 Minor: - Feature: Add "dragonnodejs" function itself to the services. Specially need it for the bundles Trivial: - Change: Remove unneeded default configuration "." for the "directory" in the environmentconfig ### 2.0.0 Major: - Feature: Add define libraries included in Node.js. The change need to split the library configuration to "nodejs" and "npm". Also need to define the library configuration as empty object if no library is needed instead of not define the complete library configuration ### 1.0.1 Trivial: - Change: Remove unneeded default configuration "." for the "directory" in the environmentconfig
Add changelog to the documentation
Add changelog to the documentation
## Code Before: [![Travis CI]( "Travis CI")] ( # DragonNode.js Documentation see [dragonnodejs/skeleton]( ## Instruction: Add changelog to the documentation ## Code After: [![Travis CI]( "Travis CI")] ( # DragonNode.js Documentation see [dragonnodejs/skeleton]( ## Changelog ### 2.1.0 Minor: - Feature: Add "dragonnodejs" function itself to the services. Specially need it for the bundles Trivial: - Change: Remove unneeded default configuration "." for the "directory" in the environmentconfig ### 2.0.0 Major: - Feature: Add define libraries included in Node.js. The change need to split the library configuration to "nodejs" and "npm". Also need to define the library configuration as empty object if no library is needed instead of not define the complete library configuration ### 1.0.1 Trivial: - Change: Remove unneeded default configuration "." for the "directory" in the environmentconfig
;(function() { "use strict"; var BaseController = require("BaseController"); new BaseController({ siteName: "Spotify", playPause: "[title='Pause'],[title='Play']", playNext: "[title='Next']", playPrev: "[title='Previous']", playState: "[title='Pause']", song: ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/album/']", artist: ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/artist/']" }); })();
;(function() { "use strict"; var BaseController = require("BaseController"), _ = require("lodash"); var multiSelectors = { playPause: ["#play-pause", "#play", "[title='Pause'],[title='Play']"], playNext: ["#next", "#next", "[title='Next']"], playPrev: ["#previous", "#previous", "[title='Previous']"], playState: ["#play-pause.playing", "#play.playing", "[title='Pause']"], iframe: ["#app-player", "#main", null], like: [".thumb.up", ".thumb.up", null], dislike: [".thumb.down", ".thumb.down", null], song: ["#track-name", ".caption .track", ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/album/']"], artist: ["#track-artist", ".caption .artist", ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/artist/']"] }; var controller = new BaseController({ siteName: "Spotify" }); controller.checkPlayer = function() { var that = this; var selectorIndex; if (window.location.hostname === "") { selectorIndex = 2; } else { if (document.querySelector(multiSelectors.iframe[0])) { selectorIndex = 0; } if (document.querySelector(multiSelectors.iframe[1])) { selectorIndex = 1; } } _.each(multiSelectors, function(value, key) { that.selectors[key] = value[selectorIndex]; }); }; })();
Fix spotify for older player versions.
Fix spotify for older player versions.
## Code Before: ;(function() { "use strict"; var BaseController = require("BaseController"); new BaseController({ siteName: "Spotify", playPause: "[title='Pause'],[title='Play']", playNext: "[title='Next']", playPrev: "[title='Previous']", playState: "[title='Pause']", song: ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/album/']", artist: ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/artist/']" }); })(); ## Instruction: Fix spotify for older player versions. ## Code After: ;(function() { "use strict"; var BaseController = require("BaseController"), _ = require("lodash"); var multiSelectors = { playPause: ["#play-pause", "#play", "[title='Pause'],[title='Play']"], playNext: ["#next", "#next", "[title='Next']"], playPrev: ["#previous", "#previous", "[title='Previous']"], playState: ["#play-pause.playing", "#play.playing", "[title='Pause']"], iframe: ["#app-player", "#main", null], like: [".thumb.up", ".thumb.up", null], dislike: [".thumb.down", ".thumb.down", null], song: ["#track-name", ".caption .track", ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/album/']"], artist: ["#track-artist", ".caption .artist", ".now-playing-bar div div [href*='/artist/']"] }; var controller = new BaseController({ siteName: "Spotify" }); controller.checkPlayer = function() { var that = this; var selectorIndex; if (window.location.hostname === "") { selectorIndex = 2; } else { if (document.querySelector(multiSelectors.iframe[0])) { selectorIndex = 0; } if (document.querySelector(multiSelectors.iframe[1])) { selectorIndex = 1; } } _.each(multiSelectors, function(value, key) { that.selectors[key] = value[selectorIndex]; }); }; })();
- sub_header('Edit Page', = resource_form(@page, :url => path(:page, :id => params[:id]), :method => :put) do |f| = content do - @page.each do |slug, type, name, val| %div.field = label(name, slug) = contents_field(slug, type, val) = footer do = cancel_button(@page, path(:pages)) = save_button
- sub_header('Content', path(:pages)) - prefixed_sub_header('Edit Page', = resource_form(@page, :url => path(:page, :id => params[:id]), :method => :put) do |f| = content do - @page.each do |slug, type, name, val| %div.field = label(name, slug) = contents_field(slug, type, val) = footer do = cancel_button(@page, path(:pages)) = save_button
Fix header for page content edit form.
Fix header for page content edit form.
## Code Before: - sub_header('Edit Page', = resource_form(@page, :url => path(:page, :id => params[:id]), :method => :put) do |f| = content do - @page.each do |slug, type, name, val| %div.field = label(name, slug) = contents_field(slug, type, val) = footer do = cancel_button(@page, path(:pages)) = save_button ## Instruction: Fix header for page content edit form. ## Code After: - sub_header('Content', path(:pages)) - prefixed_sub_header('Edit Page', = resource_form(@page, :url => path(:page, :id => params[:id]), :method => :put) do |f| = content do - @page.each do |slug, type, name, val| %div.field = label(name, slug) = contents_field(slug, type, val) = footer do = cancel_button(@page, path(:pages)) = save_button
import DS from 'ember-data'; import OsfModel from 'ember-osf/models/osf-model'; export default OsfModel.extend({ name: DS.attr('fixstring'), logoPath: DS.attr('string'), bannerPath: DS.attr('string'), description: DS.attr('fixstring'), example: DS.attr('fixstring'), advisoryBoard: DS.attr('string'), emailContact: DS.attr('fixstring'), emailSupport: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialTwitter: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialFacebook: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialInstagram: DS.attr('fixstring'), headerText: DS.attr('fixstring'), subjectsAcceptable: DS.attr(), // Relationships taxonomies: DS.hasMany('taxonomy'), preprints: DS.hasMany('preprint', { inverse: 'provider', async: true }), licensesAcceptable: DS.hasMany('license', { inverse: null }), });
import DS from 'ember-data'; import OsfModel from 'ember-osf/models/osf-model'; export default OsfModel.extend({ name: DS.attr('fixstring'), logoPath: DS.attr('string'), bannerPath: DS.attr('string'), description: DS.attr('fixstring'), example: DS.attr('fixstring'), advisoryBoard: DS.attr('string'), emailContact: DS.attr('fixstring'), emailSupport: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialTwitter: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialFacebook: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialInstagram: DS.attr('fixstring'), aboutLink: DS.attr('fixstring'), headerText: DS.attr('fixstring'), subjectsAcceptable: DS.attr(), // Relationships taxonomies: DS.hasMany('taxonomy'), preprints: DS.hasMany('preprint', { inverse: 'provider', async: true }), licensesAcceptable: DS.hasMany('license', { inverse: null }), });
Add new field for about link
Add new field for about link
## Code Before: import DS from 'ember-data'; import OsfModel from 'ember-osf/models/osf-model'; export default OsfModel.extend({ name: DS.attr('fixstring'), logoPath: DS.attr('string'), bannerPath: DS.attr('string'), description: DS.attr('fixstring'), example: DS.attr('fixstring'), advisoryBoard: DS.attr('string'), emailContact: DS.attr('fixstring'), emailSupport: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialTwitter: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialFacebook: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialInstagram: DS.attr('fixstring'), headerText: DS.attr('fixstring'), subjectsAcceptable: DS.attr(), // Relationships taxonomies: DS.hasMany('taxonomy'), preprints: DS.hasMany('preprint', { inverse: 'provider', async: true }), licensesAcceptable: DS.hasMany('license', { inverse: null }), }); ## Instruction: Add new field for about link ## Code After: import DS from 'ember-data'; import OsfModel from 'ember-osf/models/osf-model'; export default OsfModel.extend({ name: DS.attr('fixstring'), logoPath: DS.attr('string'), bannerPath: DS.attr('string'), description: DS.attr('fixstring'), example: DS.attr('fixstring'), advisoryBoard: DS.attr('string'), emailContact: DS.attr('fixstring'), emailSupport: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialTwitter: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialFacebook: DS.attr('fixstring'), socialInstagram: DS.attr('fixstring'), aboutLink: DS.attr('fixstring'), headerText: DS.attr('fixstring'), subjectsAcceptable: DS.attr(), // Relationships taxonomies: DS.hasMany('taxonomy'), preprints: DS.hasMany('preprint', { inverse: 'provider', async: true }), licensesAcceptable: DS.hasMany('license', { inverse: null }), });
.contact-form { text-align: left; } .contact-form .fields label{ text-align: left; margin-right: 0.5em; display: block; } .contact-form .fields input{ display: block; height:15pt; width:230px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } .contact-form .fields textarea{ top:50px; left:30px; width:230px; height:15pt; -webkit-transition: all 0.7s ease; transition: all 0.7s ease; } .contact-form .fields textarea:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; /*background-color:#000001; */ top:0; left:0; height:200px; width:300px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } .contact-form .fields input:hover, .contact-form .fields textarea:hover, .contact-form .fields input:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; } .contact-form .fields .errorlist{ color: #F00; }
.contact-form { text-align: left; } .contact-form .fields label{ text-align: left; margin-right: 0.5em; display: block; } .contact-form .fields input{ display: block; height:15pt; width:230px; max-width:80%; max-height:80%; } .contact-form .fields textarea{ top:50px; left:30px; width:230px; height:15pt; max-width:80%; max-height:80%; -webkit-transition: all 0.7s ease; transition: all 0.7s ease; } .contact-form .fields textarea:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; /*background-color:#000001; */ top:0; left:0; height:200px; width:300px; max-width:80%; max-height:80%; } .contact-form .fields input:hover, .contact-form .fields textarea:hover, .contact-form .fields input:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; } .contact-form .fields .errorlist{ color: #F00; }
Fix rendering of form on mobiles.
Fix rendering of form on mobiles. Makes max width of fields 80%
## Code Before: .contact-form { text-align: left; } .contact-form .fields label{ text-align: left; margin-right: 0.5em; display: block; } .contact-form .fields input{ display: block; height:15pt; width:230px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } .contact-form .fields textarea{ top:50px; left:30px; width:230px; height:15pt; -webkit-transition: all 0.7s ease; transition: all 0.7s ease; } .contact-form .fields textarea:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; /*background-color:#000001; */ top:0; left:0; height:200px; width:300px; max-width:100%; max-height:100%; } .contact-form .fields input:hover, .contact-form .fields textarea:hover, .contact-form .fields input:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; } .contact-form .fields .errorlist{ color: #F00; } ## Instruction: Fix rendering of form on mobiles. Makes max width of fields 80% ## Code After: .contact-form { text-align: left; } .contact-form .fields label{ text-align: left; margin-right: 0.5em; display: block; } .contact-form .fields input{ display: block; height:15pt; width:230px; max-width:80%; max-height:80%; } .contact-form .fields textarea{ top:50px; left:30px; width:230px; height:15pt; max-width:80%; max-height:80%; -webkit-transition: all 0.7s ease; transition: all 0.7s ease; } .contact-form .fields textarea:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; /*background-color:#000001; */ top:0; left:0; height:200px; width:300px; max-width:80%; max-height:80%; } .contact-form .fields input:hover, .contact-form .fields textarea:hover, .contact-form .fields input:focus { border: 2px solid #333; border-radius:5px; } .contact-form .fields .errorlist{ color: #F00; }
from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..ssn import Provider as SsnProvider class Provider(SsnProvider): ssn_formats = ("### ### ###",) @classmethod def ssn(cls): return cls.bothify(cls.random_element(cls.ssn_formats))
from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..ssn import Provider as SsnProvider import random class Provider(SsnProvider): #in order to create a valid SIN we need to provide a number that passes a simple modified Luhn Algorithmn checksum #this function essentially reverses the checksum steps to create a random valid SIN (Social Insurance Number) @classmethod def ssn(cls): #create an array of 8 elements initialized randomly digits = random.sample(range(10), 8) # All of the digits must sum to a multiple of 10. # sum the first 8 and set 9th to the value to get to a multiple of 10 digits.append(10 - (sum(digits) % 10)) #digits is now the digital root of the number we want multiplied by the magic number 121 212 121 #reverse the multiplication which occurred on every other element for i in range(1, len(digits), 2): if digits[i] % 2 == 0: digits[i] = (digits[i] / 2) else: digits[i] = (digits[i] + 9) / 2 #build the resulting SIN string sin = "" for i in range(0, len(digits), 1): sin += str(digits[i]) #add a space to make it conform to normal standards in Canada if i % 3 == 2: sin += " " #finally return our random but valid SIN return sin
Update Canada SSN/SIN provider to create a valid number
Update Canada SSN/SIN provider to create a valid number The first revision generated a random number in the correct format. This commit creates a SIN number that passes the checksum as described here http://
## Code Before: from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..ssn import Provider as SsnProvider class Provider(SsnProvider): ssn_formats = ("### ### ###",) @classmethod def ssn(cls): return cls.bothify(cls.random_element(cls.ssn_formats)) ## Instruction: Update Canada SSN/SIN provider to create a valid number The first revision generated a random number in the correct format. This commit creates a SIN number that passes the checksum as described here http:// ## Code After: from __future__ import unicode_literals from ..ssn import Provider as SsnProvider import random class Provider(SsnProvider): #in order to create a valid SIN we need to provide a number that passes a simple modified Luhn Algorithmn checksum #this function essentially reverses the checksum steps to create a random valid SIN (Social Insurance Number) @classmethod def ssn(cls): #create an array of 8 elements initialized randomly digits = random.sample(range(10), 8) # All of the digits must sum to a multiple of 10. # sum the first 8 and set 9th to the value to get to a multiple of 10 digits.append(10 - (sum(digits) % 10)) #digits is now the digital root of the number we want multiplied by the magic number 121 212 121 #reverse the multiplication which occurred on every other element for i in range(1, len(digits), 2): if digits[i] % 2 == 0: digits[i] = (digits[i] / 2) else: digits[i] = (digits[i] + 9) / 2 #build the resulting SIN string sin = "" for i in range(0, len(digits), 1): sin += str(digits[i]) #add a space to make it conform to normal standards in Canada if i % 3 == 2: sin += " " #finally return our random but valid SIN return sin
'use strict'; var assign = require('object-assign'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var ProgressBar = require('progress'); /** * Progress bar download plugin * * @param {Object} res * @api public */ module.exports = function (opts) { return function (res, file) { opts = opts || { info: 'cyan' }; var msg = chalk[](' downloading') + ' : ' + file.url; var info = chalk[](' progress') + ' : [:bar] :percent :etas'; var len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10); var bar = new ProgressBar(info, assign({ complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: len }, opts)); console.log(msg); res.on('data', function (data) { bar.tick(data.length); }); res.on('end', function () { console.log('\n'); }); }; };
'use strict'; var assign = require('object-assign'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var ProgressBar = require('progress'); /** * Progress bar download plugin * * @param {Object} res * @api public */ module.exports = function (opts) { return function (res, file, cb) { opts = opts || { info: 'cyan' }; var msg = chalk[](' downloading') + ' : ' + file.url; var info = chalk[](' progress') + ' : [:bar] :percent :etas'; var len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10); var bar = new ProgressBar(info, assign({ complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: len }, opts)); console.log(msg); res.on('data', function (data) { bar.tick(data.length); }); res.on('end', function () { console.log('\n'); cb(); }); }; };
Allow other middleware by calling `cb()`
Allow other middleware by calling `cb()`
## Code Before: 'use strict'; var assign = require('object-assign'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var ProgressBar = require('progress'); /** * Progress bar download plugin * * @param {Object} res * @api public */ module.exports = function (opts) { return function (res, file) { opts = opts || { info: 'cyan' }; var msg = chalk[](' downloading') + ' : ' + file.url; var info = chalk[](' progress') + ' : [:bar] :percent :etas'; var len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10); var bar = new ProgressBar(info, assign({ complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: len }, opts)); console.log(msg); res.on('data', function (data) { bar.tick(data.length); }); res.on('end', function () { console.log('\n'); }); }; }; ## Instruction: Allow other middleware by calling `cb()` ## Code After: 'use strict'; var assign = require('object-assign'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var ProgressBar = require('progress'); /** * Progress bar download plugin * * @param {Object} res * @api public */ module.exports = function (opts) { return function (res, file, cb) { opts = opts || { info: 'cyan' }; var msg = chalk[](' downloading') + ' : ' + file.url; var info = chalk[](' progress') + ' : [:bar] :percent :etas'; var len = parseInt(res.headers['content-length'], 10); var bar = new ProgressBar(info, assign({ complete: '=', incomplete: ' ', width: 20, total: len }, opts)); console.log(msg); res.on('data', function (data) { bar.tick(data.length); }); res.on('end', function () { console.log('\n'); cb(); }); }; };
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from cms.toolbar_pool import toolbar_pool from cms.toolbar_base import CMSToolbar from aldryn_blog import request_post_identifier from aldryn_faq import request_faq_category_identifier @toolbar_pool.register class FaqToolbar(CMSToolbar): def populate(self): def can(action, model): perm = 'aldryn_faq.%(action)s_%(model)s' % {'action': action, 'model': model} return self.request.user.has_perm(perm) if self.is_current_app and (can('add', 'category') or can('change', 'category')): menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu('faq-app', _('FAQ')) if can('add', 'category'): menu.add_modal_item(_('Add category'), reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_add') + '?_popup') category = getattr(self.request, request_faq_category_identifier, None) if category and can('change', 'category'): url = reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_change', args=(,)) + '?_popup' menu.add_modal_item(_('Edit category'), url, active=True)
from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, get_language from cms.toolbar_pool import toolbar_pool from cms.toolbar_base import CMSToolbar from aldryn_faq import request_faq_category_identifier @toolbar_pool.register class FaqToolbar(CMSToolbar): def populate(self): def can(action, model): perm = 'aldryn_faq.%(action)s_%(model)s' % {'action': action, 'model': model} return self.request.user.has_perm(perm) if self.is_current_app and (can('add', 'category') or can('change', 'category')): menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu('faq-app', _('FAQ')) if can('add', 'category'): menu.add_modal_item(_('Add category'), reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_add') + '?_popup') category = getattr(self.request, request_faq_category_identifier, None) if category and can('add', 'question'): params = ('?_popup&category=%s&language=%s' % (, self.request.LANGUAGE_CODE)) menu.add_modal_item(_('Add question'), reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_question_add') + params) if category and can('change', 'category'): url = reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_change', args=(,)) + '?_popup' menu.add_modal_item(_('Edit category'), url, active=True)
Add ability to create question from toolbar
Add ability to create question from toolbar
## Code Before: from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _ from cms.toolbar_pool import toolbar_pool from cms.toolbar_base import CMSToolbar from aldryn_blog import request_post_identifier from aldryn_faq import request_faq_category_identifier @toolbar_pool.register class FaqToolbar(CMSToolbar): def populate(self): def can(action, model): perm = 'aldryn_faq.%(action)s_%(model)s' % {'action': action, 'model': model} return self.request.user.has_perm(perm) if self.is_current_app and (can('add', 'category') or can('change', 'category')): menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu('faq-app', _('FAQ')) if can('add', 'category'): menu.add_modal_item(_('Add category'), reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_add') + '?_popup') category = getattr(self.request, request_faq_category_identifier, None) if category and can('change', 'category'): url = reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_change', args=(,)) + '?_popup' menu.add_modal_item(_('Edit category'), url, active=True) ## Instruction: Add ability to create question from toolbar ## Code After: from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.utils.translation import ugettext_lazy as _, get_language from cms.toolbar_pool import toolbar_pool from cms.toolbar_base import CMSToolbar from aldryn_faq import request_faq_category_identifier @toolbar_pool.register class FaqToolbar(CMSToolbar): def populate(self): def can(action, model): perm = 'aldryn_faq.%(action)s_%(model)s' % {'action': action, 'model': model} return self.request.user.has_perm(perm) if self.is_current_app and (can('add', 'category') or can('change', 'category')): menu = self.toolbar.get_or_create_menu('faq-app', _('FAQ')) if can('add', 'category'): menu.add_modal_item(_('Add category'), reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_add') + '?_popup') category = getattr(self.request, request_faq_category_identifier, None) if category and can('add', 'question'): params = ('?_popup&category=%s&language=%s' % (, self.request.LANGUAGE_CODE)) menu.add_modal_item(_('Add question'), reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_question_add') + params) if category and can('change', 'category'): url = reverse('admin:aldryn_faq_category_change', args=(,)) + '?_popup' menu.add_modal_item(_('Edit category'), url, active=True)
@import "twitter/bootstrap/bootstrap"; body { padding-top: 60px; } @import "twitter/bootstrap/responsive"; // Set the correct sprite paths @iconSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings.png'); @iconWhiteSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-white.png'); @gridColumns: 9; // Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here // // Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which // you may use and inherit here // // If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well // See for their names and documentation // // Example: // @linkColor: #ff0000;
@import "twitter/bootstrap/bootstrap"; body { padding-top: 60px; } @import "twitter/bootstrap/responsive"; // Set the correct sprite paths @iconSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings.png'); @iconWhiteSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-white.png'); @gridColumns: 9; // Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here // // Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which // you may use and inherit here // // If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well // See for their names and documentation // // Example: // @linkColor: #ff0000; @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { #grid > .core(42px, 25px); }
Fix sidebar running into form in tablet view
Fix sidebar running into form in tablet view
## Code Before: @import "twitter/bootstrap/bootstrap"; body { padding-top: 60px; } @import "twitter/bootstrap/responsive"; // Set the correct sprite paths @iconSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings.png'); @iconWhiteSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-white.png'); @gridColumns: 9; // Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here // // Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which // you may use and inherit here // // If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well // See for their names and documentation // // Example: // @linkColor: #ff0000; ## Instruction: Fix sidebar running into form in tablet view ## Code After: @import "twitter/bootstrap/bootstrap"; body { padding-top: 60px; } @import "twitter/bootstrap/responsive"; // Set the correct sprite paths @iconSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings.png'); @iconWhiteSpritePath: asset-path('twitter/bootstrap/glyphicons-halflings-white.png'); @gridColumns: 9; // Your custom LESS stylesheets goes here // // Since bootstrap was imported above you have access to its mixins which // you may use and inherit here // // If you'd like to override bootstrap's own variables, you can do so here as well // See for their names and documentation // // Example: // @linkColor: #ff0000; @media (min-width: 768px) and (max-width: 979px) { #grid > .core(42px, 25px); }
describe "database" do describe "foreign keys" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT constraint_name, table_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' SQL end it "should not exist" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |fk| message << "Foreign Key #{fk["constraint_name"]} on table #{fk["table_name"]} should be removed\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end describe "_id column types" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name LIKE '%\\_id' AND table_schema = 'public' AND data_type != 'bigint' SQL end it "should be bigint" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |col| message << "Column #{col["column_name"]} in table #{col["table_name"]} is either named improperly (_id is reserved for actual id columns) or needs to be of type bigint\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end end
describe "Database" do describe "foreign key constraints" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT constraint_name, table_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' SQL end it "should not exist" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |fk| message << "Foreign key constraint #{fk["constraint_name"]} on table #{fk["table_name"]} should be removed\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end describe "_id columns" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name LIKE '%\\_id' AND table_schema = 'public' AND data_type != 'bigint' SQL end it "should be of type bigint" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |col| message << "Column #{col["column_name"]} in table #{col["table_name"]} is either named improperly (_id is reserved for actual id columns) or needs to be of type bigint\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end end
Update the spec wording to be a bit more clear
Update the spec wording to be a bit more clear
## Code Before: describe "database" do describe "foreign keys" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT constraint_name, table_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' SQL end it "should not exist" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |fk| message << "Foreign Key #{fk["constraint_name"]} on table #{fk["table_name"]} should be removed\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end describe "_id column types" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name LIKE '%\\_id' AND table_schema = 'public' AND data_type != 'bigint' SQL end it "should be bigint" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |col| message << "Column #{col["column_name"]} in table #{col["table_name"]} is either named improperly (_id is reserved for actual id columns) or needs to be of type bigint\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end end ## Instruction: Update the spec wording to be a bit more clear ## Code After: describe "Database" do describe "foreign key constraints" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT constraint_name, table_name FROM information_schema.table_constraints WHERE constraint_type = 'FOREIGN KEY' SQL end it "should not exist" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |fk| message << "Foreign key constraint #{fk["constraint_name"]} on table #{fk["table_name"]} should be removed\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end describe "_id columns" do let(:query) do <<-SQL SELECT table_name, column_name, data_type FROM information_schema.columns WHERE column_name LIKE '%\\_id' AND table_schema = 'public' AND data_type != 'bigint' SQL end it "should be of type bigint" do message = "" ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_all(query).each do |col| message << "Column #{col["column_name"]} in table #{col["table_name"]} is either named improperly (_id is reserved for actual id columns) or needs to be of type bigint\n" end raise message unless message.empty? end end end