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Dataset Card for MultiPL-E

Dataset Summary

MultiPL-E is a dataset for evaluating large language models for code generation that supports 18 programming languages. It takes the OpenAI "HumanEval" and the MBPP Python benchmarks and uses little compilers to translate them to other languages. It is easy to add support for new languages and benchmarks.


For most purposes, you should use the variations called SRCDATA-LANG, where SRCDATA is either "humaneval" or "mbpp" and LANG is one of the supported languages. We use the canonical file extension for each language to identify the language, e.g., "py" for Python, "cpp" for C++, "lua" for Lua, and so on.

We also provide a few other variations:

  • SRCDATA-LANG-keep is the same as SRCDATA-LANG, but the text of the prompt is totally unchanged. If the original prompt had Python doctests, they remain as Python instead of being translated to LANG. If the original prompt had Python-specific terminology, e.g., "list", it remains "list", instead of being translated, e.g., to "vector" for C++.

  • SRCDATA-LANG-transform transforms the doctests to LANG but leaves the natural language text of the prompt unchanged.

  • SRCDATA-LANG-removed removes the doctests from the prompt.

Note that MBPP does not have any doctests, so the "removed" and "transform" variations are not available for MBPP.


The following script uses the Salesforce/codegen model to generate Lua and MultiPL-E to produce a script with unit tests for luaunit.

import datasets
from transformers import AutoTokenizer, AutoModelForCausalLM

LANG = "lua"
MODEL_NAME = "Salesforce/codegen-350M-multi"
tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME)
model = AutoModelForCausalLM.from_pretrained(MODEL_NAME).half().cuda()
problems = datasets.load_dataset("nuprl/MultiPL-E", f"humaneval-{LANG}")

def stop_at_stop_token(decoded_string, problem):
    Truncates the output at stop tokens, taking care to skip the prompt
    which may have stop tokens.
    min_stop_index = len(decoded_string)
    for stop_token in problem["stop_tokens"]:
        stop_index = decoded_string.find(stop_token)
        if stop_index != -1 and stop_index > len(problem["prompt"]) and stop_index < min_stop_index:
            min_stop_index = stop_index
    return decoded_string[:min_stop_index]

for problem in problems["test"]:
    input_ids = tokenizer(
    generated_ids = model.generate(
        input_ids, max_length=512, pad_token_id=tokenizer.eos_token_id + 2
    truncated_string = stop_at_stop_token(tokenizer.decode(generated_ids[0]), problem)
    filename = problem["name"] + "." + LANG
    with open(filename, "w") as f:
        print(f"Created {filename}")
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