
from typing import Any, AnyStr, Iterable, Dict, Tuple, Callable, Mapping, Optional import requests import json import sys import inspect import logging import re import urllib from functools import reduce from requests import Response from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile, get_user_profile_by_id, get_client, \ GENERIC_INTERFACE, Service, SLACK_INTERFACE, email_to_domain, get_service_profile from zerver.lib.actions import check_send_message from zerver.lib.queue import retry_event from zerver.lib.topic import get_topic_from_message_info from zerver.lib.url_encoding import near_message_url from zerver.lib.validator import check_dict, check_string from zerver.decorator import JsonableError class OutgoingWebhookServiceInterface: def __init__(self, token: str, user_profile: UserProfile, service_name: str) -> None: self.token = token # type: str self.user_profile = user_profile # type: UserProfile self.service_name = service_name # type: str class GenericOutgoingWebhookService(OutgoingWebhookServiceInterface): def build_bot_request(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Any]: request_data = {"data": event['command'], "message": event['message'], "bot_email":, "token": self.token, "trigger": event['trigger']} return json.dumps(request_data) def send_data_to_server(self, base_url: str, request_data: Any) -> Response: headers = {'content-type': 'application/json'} response = requests.request('POST', base_url, data=request_data, headers=headers) return response def process_success(self, response_json: Dict[str, Any], event: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if "response_not_required" in response_json and response_json['response_not_required']: return None if "response_string" in response_json: # We are deprecating response_string. content = str(response_json['response_string']) success_data = dict(content=content) return success_data if "content" in response_json: content = str(response_json['content']) success_data = dict(content=content) if 'widget_content' in response_json: success_data['widget_content'] = response_json['widget_content'] return success_data return None class SlackOutgoingWebhookService(OutgoingWebhookServiceInterface): def build_bot_request(self, event: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Any]: if event['message']['type'] == 'private': failure_message = "Slack outgoing webhooks don't support private messages." fail_with_message(event, failure_message) return None request_data = [("token", self.token), ("team_id", event['message']['sender_realm_str']), ("team_domain", email_to_domain(event['message']['sender_email'])), ("channel_id", event['message']['stream_id']), ("channel_name", event['message']['display_recipient']), ("timestamp", event['message']['timestamp']), ("user_id", event['message']['sender_id']), ("user_name", event['message']['sender_full_name']), ("text", event['command']), ("trigger_word", event['trigger']), ("service_id", event['user_profile_id']), ] return request_data def send_data_to_server(self, base_url: str, request_data: Any) -> Response: response = requests.request('POST', base_url, data=request_data) return response def process_success(self, response_json: Dict[str, Any], event: Dict[str, Any]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if "text" in response_json: content = response_json['text'] success_data = dict(content=content) return success_data return None AVAILABLE_OUTGOING_WEBHOOK_INTERFACES = { GENERIC_INTERFACE: GenericOutgoingWebhookService, SLACK_INTERFACE: SlackOutgoingWebhookService, } # type: Dict[str, Any] def get_service_interface_class(interface: str) -> Any: if interface is None or interface not in AVAILABLE_OUTGOING_WEBHOOK_INTERFACES: return AVAILABLE_OUTGOING_WEBHOOK_INTERFACES[GENERIC_INTERFACE] else: return AVAILABLE_OUTGOING_WEBHOOK_INTERFACES[interface] def get_outgoing_webhook_service_handler(service: Service) -> Any: service_interface_class = get_service_interface_class(service.interface_name()) service_interface = service_interface_class(token=service.token, user_profile=service.user_profile, return service_interface def send_response_message(bot_id: str, message_info: Dict[str, Any], response_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ bot_id is the user_id of the bot sending the response message_info is used to address the message and should have these fields: type - "stream" or "private" display_recipient - like we have in other message events topic - see get_topic_from_message_info response_data is what the bot wants to send back and has these fields: content - raw markdown content for Zulip to render """ message_type = message_info['type'] display_recipient = message_info['display_recipient'] try: topic_name = get_topic_from_message_info(message_info) except KeyError: topic_name = None bot_user = get_user_profile_by_id(bot_id) realm = bot_user.realm client = get_client('OutgoingWebhookResponse') content = response_data.get('content') if not content: raise JsonableError(_("Missing content")) widget_content = response_data.get('widget_content') if message_type == 'stream': message_to = [display_recipient] elif message_type == 'private': message_to = [recipient['email'] for recipient in display_recipient] else: raise JsonableError(_("Invalid message type")) check_send_message( sender=bot_user, client=client, message_type_name=message_type, message_to=message_to, topic_name=topic_name, message_content=content, widget_content=widget_content, realm=realm, ) def fail_with_message(event: Dict[str, Any], failure_message: str) -> None: bot_id = event['user_profile_id'] message_info = event['message'] content = "Failure! " + failure_message response_data = dict(content=content) send_response_message(bot_id=bot_id, message_info=message_info, response_data=response_data) def get_message_url(event: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: bot_user = get_user_profile_by_id(event['user_profile_id']) message = event['message'] realm = bot_user.realm return near_message_url( realm=realm, message=message, ) def notify_bot_owner(event: Dict[str, Any], request_data: Dict[str, Any], status_code: Optional[int]=None, response_content: Optional[AnyStr]=None, failure_message: Optional[str]=None, exception: Optional[Exception]=None) -> None: message_url = get_message_url(event) bot_id = event['user_profile_id'] bot_owner = get_user_profile_by_id(bot_id).bot_owner notification_message = "[A message](%s) triggered an outgoing webhook." % (message_url,) if failure_message: notification_message += "\n" + failure_message if status_code: notification_message += "\nThe webhook got a response with status code *%s*." % (status_code,) if response_content: notification_message += "\nThe response contains the following payload:\n" \ "```\n%s\n```" % (response_content,) if exception: notification_message += "\nWhen trying to send a request to the webhook service, an exception " \ "of type %s occurred:\n```\n%s\n```" % ( type(exception).__name__, str(exception)) message_info = dict( type='private', display_recipient=[dict(], ) response_data = dict(content=notification_message) send_response_message(bot_id=bot_id, message_info=message_info, response_data=response_data) def request_retry(event: Dict[str, Any], request_data: Dict[str, Any], failure_message: Optional[str]=None) -> None: def failure_processor(event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ The name of the argument is 'event' on purpose. This argument will hide the 'event' argument of the request_retry function. Keeping the same name results in a smaller diff. """ bot_user = get_user_profile_by_id(event['user_profile_id']) fail_with_message(event, "Bot is unavailable") notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, failure_message=failure_message) logging.warning("Maximum retries exceeded for trigger:%s event:%s" % (, event['command'])) retry_event('outgoing_webhooks', event, failure_processor) def process_success_response(event: Dict[str, Any], service_handler: Any, response: Response) -> None: try: response_json = json.loads(response.text) except ValueError: fail_with_message(event, "Invalid JSON in response") return success_data = service_handler.process_success(response_json, event) if success_data is None: return content = success_data.get('content') if content is None: return widget_content = success_data.get('widget_content') bot_id = event['user_profile_id'] message_info = event['message'] response_data = dict(content=content, widget_content=widget_content) send_response_message(bot_id=bot_id, message_info=message_info, response_data=response_data) def do_rest_call(base_url: str, request_data: Any, event: Dict[str, Any], service_handler: Any) -> None: try: response = service_handler.send_data_to_server( base_url=base_url, request_data=request_data, ) if str(response.status_code).startswith('2'): process_success_response(event, service_handler, response) else: logging.warning("Message %(message_url)s triggered an outgoing webhook, returning status " "code %(status_code)s.\n Content of response (in quotes): \"" "%(response)s\"" % {'message_url': get_message_url(event), 'status_code': response.status_code, 'response': response.content}) failure_message = "Third party responded with %d" % (response.status_code) fail_with_message(event, failure_message) notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, response.status_code, response.content) except requests.exceptions.Timeout:"Trigger event %s on %s timed out. Retrying" % ( event["command"], event['service_name'])) failure_message = "A timeout occurred." request_retry(event, request_data, failure_message=failure_message) except requests.exceptions.ConnectionError:"Trigger event %s on %s resulted in a connection error. Retrying" % (event["command"], event['service_name'])) failure_message = "A connection error occurred. Is my bot server down?" request_retry(event, request_data, failure_message=failure_message) except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: response_message = ("An exception of type *%s* occurred for message `%s`! " "See the Zulip server logs for more information." % ( type(e).__name__, event["command"],)) logging.exception("Outhook trigger failed:\n %s" % (e,)) fail_with_message(event, response_message) notify_bot_owner(event, request_data, exception=e)
[ "str", "UserProfile", "str", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "Any", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "Any", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "Service", "str", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "Any", "Response", "str", "Any", "Dict[str, Any]", "Any" ]
[ 832, 851, 878, 1159, 1569, 1616, 1849, 1896, 2734, 3872, 3919, 4080, 4127, 4572, 4866, 5259, 5278, 5309, 6844, 6877, 7176, 7433, 7484, 8918, 8966, 9079, 9754, 9816, 9860, 10568, 10604, 10633, 10683 ]
[ 835, 862, 881, 1173, 1572, 1619, 1863, 1910, 2748, 3875, 3922, 4094, 4141, 4575, 4873, 5262, 5292, 5323, 6858, 6880, 7190, 7447, 7498, 8932, 8980, 9093, 9768, 9819, 9868, 10571, 10607, 10647, 10686 ]
from typing import Dict, Iterable, Tuple, Callable, TypeVar, Iterator import os import pty import sys import errno JobData = TypeVar('JobData') def run_parallel(job: Callable[[JobData], int], data: Iterable[JobData], threads: int=6) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, JobData]]: pids = {} # type: Dict[int, JobData] def wait_for_one() -> Tuple[int, JobData]: while True: try: (pid, status) = os.wait() return status, pids.pop(pid) except KeyError: pass for item in data: pid = os.fork() if pid == 0: sys.stdin.close() try: os.close(pty.STDIN_FILENO) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EBADF: raise sys.stdin = open("/dev/null", "r") os._exit(job(item)) pids[pid] = item threads = threads - 1 if threads == 0: (status, item) = wait_for_one() threads += 1 yield (status, item) if status != 0: # Stop if any error occurred break while True: try: (status, item) = wait_for_one() yield (status, item) except OSError as e: if e.errno == errno.ECHILD: break else: raise if __name__ == "__main__": # run some unit tests import time jobs = [10, 19, 18, 6, 14, 12, 8, 2, 1, 13, 3, 17, 9, 11, 5, 16, 7, 15, 4] expected_output = [6, 10, 12, 2, 1, 14, 8, 3, 18, 19, 5, 9, 13, 11, 4, 7, 17, 16, 15] def wait_and_print(x: int) -> int: time.sleep(x * 0.1) return 0 output = [] for (status, job) in run_parallel(wait_and_print, jobs): output.append(job) if output == expected_output: print("Successfully passed test!") else: print("Failed test!") print(jobs) print(expected_output) print(output)
[ "Callable[[JobData], int]", "Iterable[JobData]", "int" ]
[ 169, 218, 1690 ]
[ 193, 235, 1693 ]
import cProfile from functools import wraps from typing import Any, TypeVar, Callable ReturnT = TypeVar('ReturnT') def profiled(func: Callable[..., ReturnT]) -> Callable[..., ReturnT]: """ This decorator should obviously be used only in a dev environment. It works best when surrounding a function that you expect to be called once. One strategy is to write a backend test and wrap the test case with the profiled decorator. You can run a single test case like this: # edit zerver/tests/ and place @profiled above the test case below ./tools/test-backend zerver.tests.test_external.RateLimitTests.test_ratelimit_decrease Then view the results like this: ./tools/show-profile-results test_ratelimit_decrease.profile """ @wraps(func) def wrapped_func(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> ReturnT: fn = func.__name__ + ".profile" prof = cProfile.Profile() retval = prof.runcall(func, *args, **kwargs) # type: ReturnT prof.dump_stats(fn) return retval return wrapped_func
[ "Callable[..., ReturnT]", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 138, 846, 861 ]
[ 160, 849, 864 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import base64 import binascii from functools import partial import logging import lxml.html as LH import os import re import time import random from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, SupportsInt, Tuple, Type, Union, cast from django.conf import settings from django.db import IntegrityError, transaction from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from gcm import GCM import requests import urllib import ujson from zerver.decorator import statsd_increment from zerver.lib.avatar import absolute_avatar_url from zerver.lib.exceptions import ErrorCode, JsonableError from zerver.lib.message import access_message, huddle_users from zerver.lib.queue import retry_event from zerver.lib.timestamp import datetime_to_timestamp, timestamp_to_datetime from zerver.lib.utils import generate_random_token from zerver.models import PushDeviceToken, Message, Recipient, UserProfile, \ UserMessage, get_display_recipient, receives_offline_push_notifications, \ receives_online_notifications, receives_stream_notifications, get_user_profile_by_id from version import ZULIP_VERSION if settings.ZILENCER_ENABLED: from zilencer.models import RemotePushDeviceToken else: # nocoverage -- Not convenient to add test for this. from mock import Mock RemotePushDeviceToken = Mock() # type: ignore # DeviceToken = Union[PushDeviceToken, RemotePushDeviceToken] # We store the token as b64, but apns-client wants hex strings def b64_to_hex(data: bytes) -> str: return binascii.hexlify(base64.b64decode(data)).decode('utf-8') def hex_to_b64(data: str) -> bytes: return base64.b64encode(binascii.unhexlify(data.encode('utf-8'))) # # Sending to APNs, for iOS # _apns_client = None # type: Optional[Any] _apns_client_initialized = False def get_apns_client() -> Any: # We lazily do this import as part of optimizing Zulip's base # import time. from apns2.client import APNsClient global _apns_client, _apns_client_initialized if not _apns_client_initialized: # NB if called concurrently, this will make excess connections. # That's a little sloppy, but harmless unless a server gets # hammered with a ton of these all at once after startup. if settings.APNS_CERT_FILE is not None: _apns_client = APNsClient(credentials=settings.APNS_CERT_FILE, use_sandbox=settings.APNS_SANDBOX) _apns_client_initialized = True return _apns_client def apns_enabled() -> bool: client = get_apns_client() return client is not None def modernize_apns_payload(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]: '''Take a payload in an unknown Zulip version's format, and return in current format.''' # TODO this isn't super robust as is -- if a buggy remote server # sends a malformed payload, we are likely to raise an exception. if 'message_ids' in data: # The format sent by 1.6.0, from the earliest pre-1.6.0 # version with bouncer support up until 613d093d7 pre-1.7.0: # 'alert': str, # just sender, and text about PM/group-PM/mention # 'message_ids': List[int], # always just one return { 'alert': data['alert'], 'badge': 0, 'custom': { 'zulip': { 'message_ids': data['message_ids'], }, }, } else: # Something already compatible with the current format. # `alert` may be a string, or a dict with `title` and `body`. # In 1.7.0 and 1.7.1, before 0912b5ba8 pre-1.8.0, the only # item in `custom.zulip` is `message_ids`. return data APNS_MAX_RETRIES = 3 @statsd_increment("apple_push_notification") def send_apple_push_notification(user_id: int, devices: List[DeviceToken], payload_data: Dict[str, Any], remote: bool=False) -> None: # We lazily do the APNS imports as part of optimizing Zulip's base # import time; since these are only needed in the push # notification queue worker, it's best to only import them in the # code that needs them. from apns2.payload import Payload as APNsPayload from apns2.client import APNsClient from hyper.http20.exceptions import HTTP20Error client = get_apns_client() # type: APNsClient if client is None: logging.warning("APNs: Dropping a notification because nothing configured. " "Set PUSH_NOTIFICATION_BOUNCER_URL (or APNS_CERT_FILE).") return if remote: DeviceTokenClass = RemotePushDeviceToken else: DeviceTokenClass = PushDeviceToken"APNs: Sending notification for user %d to %d devices", user_id, len(devices)) payload = APNsPayload(**modernize_apns_payload(payload_data)) expiration = int(time.time() + 24 * 3600) retries_left = APNS_MAX_RETRIES for device in devices: # TODO obviously this should be made to actually use the async def attempt_send() -> Optional[str]: stream_id = client.send_notification_async( device.token, payload, topic='org.zulip.Zulip', expiration=expiration) try: return client.get_notification_result(stream_id) except HTTP20Error as e: logging.warning("APNs: HTTP error sending for user %d to device %s: %s", user_id, device.token, e.__class__.__name__) return None result = attempt_send() while result is None and retries_left > 0: retries_left -= 1 result = attempt_send() if result is None: result = "HTTP error, retries exhausted" if result[0] == "Unregistered": # For some reason, "Unregistered" result values have a # different format, as a tuple of the pair ("Unregistered", 12345132131). result = result[0] # type: ignore # APNS API is inconsistent if result == 'Success':"APNs: Success sending for user %d to device %s", user_id, device.token) elif result in ["Unregistered", "BadDeviceToken", "DeviceTokenNotForTopic"]:"APNs: Removing invalid/expired token %s (%s)" % (device.token, result)) # We remove all entries for this token (There # could be multiple for different Zulip servers). DeviceTokenClass.objects.filter(token=device.token, kind=DeviceTokenClass.APNS).delete() else: logging.warning("APNs: Failed to send for user %d to device %s: %s", user_id, device.token, result) # # Sending to GCM, for Android # if settings.ANDROID_GCM_API_KEY: # nocoverage gcm = GCM(settings.ANDROID_GCM_API_KEY) else: gcm = None def gcm_enabled() -> bool: # nocoverage return gcm is not None def send_android_push_notification_to_user(user_profile: UserProfile, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: devices = list(PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(user=user_profile, kind=PushDeviceToken.GCM)) send_android_push_notification(devices, data) @statsd_increment("android_push_notification") def send_android_push_notification(devices: List[DeviceToken], data: Dict[str, Any], remote: bool=False) -> None: if not gcm: logging.warning("Skipping sending a GCM push notification since " "PUSH_NOTIFICATION_BOUNCER_URL and ANDROID_GCM_API_KEY are both unset") return reg_ids = [device.token for device in devices] if remote: DeviceTokenClass = RemotePushDeviceToken else: DeviceTokenClass = PushDeviceToken try: res = gcm.json_request(registration_ids=reg_ids, data=data, retries=10) except IOError as e: logging.warning(str(e)) return if res and 'success' in res: for reg_id, msg_id in res['success'].items():"GCM: Sent %s as %s" % (reg_id, msg_id)) # res.canonical will contain results when there are duplicate registrations for the same # device. The "canonical" registration is the latest registration made by the device. # Ref: if 'canonical' in res: for reg_id, new_reg_id in res['canonical'].items(): if reg_id == new_reg_id: # I'm not sure if this should happen. In any case, not really actionable. logging.warning("GCM: Got canonical ref but it already matches our ID %s!" % (reg_id,)) elif not DeviceTokenClass.objects.filter(token=new_reg_id, kind=DeviceTokenClass.GCM).count(): # This case shouldn't happen; any time we get a canonical ref it should have been # previously registered in our system. # # That said, recovery is easy: just update the current PDT object to use the new ID. logging.warning( "GCM: Got canonical ref %s replacing %s but new ID not registered! Updating." % (new_reg_id, reg_id)) DeviceTokenClass.objects.filter( token=reg_id, kind=DeviceTokenClass.GCM).update(token=new_reg_id) else: # Since we know the new ID is registered in our system we can just drop the old one."GCM: Got canonical ref %s, dropping %s" % (new_reg_id, reg_id)) DeviceTokenClass.objects.filter(token=reg_id, kind=DeviceTokenClass.GCM).delete() if 'errors' in res: for error, reg_ids in res['errors'].items(): if error in ['NotRegistered', 'InvalidRegistration']: for reg_id in reg_ids:"GCM: Removing %s" % (reg_id,)) # We remove all entries for this token (There # could be multiple for different Zulip servers). DeviceTokenClass.objects.filter(token=reg_id, kind=DeviceTokenClass.GCM).delete() else: for reg_id in reg_ids: logging.warning("GCM: Delivery to %s failed: %s" % (reg_id, error)) # python-gcm handles retrying of the unsent messages. # Ref: # # Sending to a bouncer # def uses_notification_bouncer() -> bool: return settings.PUSH_NOTIFICATION_BOUNCER_URL is not None def send_notifications_to_bouncer(user_profile_id: int, apns_payload: Dict[str, Any], gcm_payload: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: post_data = { 'user_id': user_profile_id, 'apns_payload': apns_payload, 'gcm_payload': gcm_payload, } # Calls zilencer.views.remote_server_notify_push send_json_to_push_bouncer('POST', 'notify', post_data) def send_json_to_push_bouncer(method: str, endpoint: str, post_data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: send_to_push_bouncer( method, endpoint, ujson.dumps(post_data), extra_headers={"Content-type": "application/json"}, ) class PushNotificationBouncerException(Exception): pass def send_to_push_bouncer(method: str, endpoint: str, post_data: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], extra_headers: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> None: """While it does actually send the notice, this function has a lot of code and comments around error handling for the push notifications bouncer. There are several classes of failures, each with its own potential solution: * Network errors with requests.request. We let those happen normally. * 500 errors from the push bouncer or other unexpected responses; we don't try to parse the response, but do make clear the cause. * 400 errors from the push bouncer. Here there are 2 categories: Our server failed to connect to the push bouncer (should throw) vs. client-side errors like and invalid token. """ url = urllib.parse.urljoin(settings.PUSH_NOTIFICATION_BOUNCER_URL, '/api/v1/remotes/push/' + endpoint) api_auth = requests.auth.HTTPBasicAuth(settings.ZULIP_ORG_ID, settings.ZULIP_ORG_KEY) headers = {"User-agent": "ZulipServer/%s" % (ZULIP_VERSION,)} if extra_headers is not None: headers.update(extra_headers) res = requests.request(method, url, data=post_data, auth=api_auth, timeout=30, verify=True, headers=headers) if res.status_code >= 500: # 500s should be resolved by the people who run the push # notification bouncer service, since they'll get an email # too. For now we email the server admin, but we'll likely # want to do some sort of retry logic eventually. raise PushNotificationBouncerException( _("Received 500 from push notification bouncer")) elif res.status_code >= 400: # If JSON parsing errors, just let that exception happen result_dict = ujson.loads(res.content) msg = result_dict['msg'] if 'code' in result_dict and result_dict['code'] == 'INVALID_ZULIP_SERVER': # Invalid Zulip server credentials should email this server's admins raise PushNotificationBouncerException( _("Push notifications bouncer error: %s") % (msg,)) else: # But most other errors coming from the push bouncer # server are client errors (e.g. never-registered token) # and should be handled as such. raise JsonableError(msg) elif res.status_code != 200: # Anything else is unexpected and likely suggests a bug in # this version of Zulip, so we throw an exception that will # email the server admins. raise PushNotificationBouncerException( "Push notification bouncer returned unexpected status code %s" % (res.status_code,)) # If we don't throw an exception, it's a successful bounce! # # Managing device tokens # def num_push_devices_for_user(user_profile: UserProfile, kind: Optional[int]=None) -> PushDeviceToken: if kind is None: return PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(user=user_profile).count() else: return PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(user=user_profile, kind=kind).count() def add_push_device_token(user_profile: UserProfile, token_str: bytes, kind: int, ios_app_id: Optional[str]=None) -> None:"Registering push device: %d %r %d %r",, token_str, kind, ios_app_id) # If we're sending things to the push notification bouncer # register this user with them here if uses_notification_bouncer(): post_data = { 'server_uuid': settings.ZULIP_ORG_ID, 'user_id':, 'token': token_str, 'token_kind': kind, } if kind == PushDeviceToken.APNS: post_data['ios_app_id'] = ios_app_id"Sending new push device to bouncer: %r", post_data) # Calls zilencer.views.register_remote_push_device send_to_push_bouncer('POST', 'register', post_data) return try: with transaction.atomic(): PushDeviceToken.objects.create(, kind=kind, token=token_str, ios_app_id=ios_app_id, # last_updated is to be renamed to date_created. last_updated=timezone_now()) except IntegrityError: pass def remove_push_device_token(user_profile: UserProfile, token_str: bytes, kind: int) -> None: # If we're sending things to the push notification bouncer # unregister this user with them here if uses_notification_bouncer(): # TODO: Make this a remove item post_data = { 'server_uuid': settings.ZULIP_ORG_ID, 'user_id':, 'token': token_str, 'token_kind': kind, } # Calls zilencer.views.unregister_remote_push_device send_to_push_bouncer("POST", "unregister", post_data) return try: token = PushDeviceToken.objects.get(token=token_str, kind=kind, user=user_profile) token.delete() except PushDeviceToken.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_("Token does not exist")) # # Push notifications in general # def push_notifications_enabled() -> bool: '''True just if this server has configured a way to send push notifications.''' if (uses_notification_bouncer() and settings.ZULIP_ORG_KEY is not None and settings.ZULIP_ORG_ID is not None): # nocoverage # We have the needed configuration to send push notifications through # the bouncer. Better yet would be to confirm that this config actually # works -- e.g., that we have ever successfully sent to the bouncer -- # but this is a good start. return True if apns_enabled() and gcm_enabled(): # nocoverage # We have the needed configuration to send through APNs and GCM directly # (i.e., we are the bouncer, presumably.) Again, assume it actually works. return True return False def get_gcm_alert(message: Message) -> str: """ Determine what alert string to display based on the missed messages. """ sender_str = message.sender.full_name if message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE and message.trigger == 'private_message': return "New private group message from %s" % (sender_str,) elif message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL and message.trigger == 'private_message': return "New private message from %s" % (sender_str,) elif message.is_stream_message() and message.trigger == 'mentioned': return "New mention from %s" % (sender_str,) else: # message.is_stream_message() and message.trigger == 'stream_push_notify' return "New stream message from %s in %s" % (sender_str, get_display_recipient(message.recipient),) def get_mobile_push_content(rendered_content: str) -> str: def get_text(elem: LH.HtmlElement) -> str: # Convert default emojis to their unicode equivalent. classes = elem.get("class", "") if "emoji" in classes: match ="emoji-(?P<emoji_code>\S+)", classes) if match: emoji_code ='emoji_code') char_repr = "" for codepoint in emoji_code.split('-'): char_repr += chr(int(codepoint, 16)) return char_repr # Handles realm emojis, avatars etc. if elem.tag == "img": return elem.get("alt", "") if elem.tag == 'blockquote': return '' # To avoid empty line before quote text return elem.text or '' def format_as_quote(quote_text: str) -> str: quote_text_list = filter(None, quote_text.split('\n')) # Remove empty lines quote_text = '\n'.join(map(lambda x: "> "+x, quote_text_list)) quote_text += '\n' return quote_text def process(elem: LH.HtmlElement) -> str: plain_text = get_text(elem) sub_text = '' for child in elem: sub_text += process(child) if elem.tag == 'blockquote': sub_text = format_as_quote(sub_text) plain_text += sub_text plain_text += elem.tail or "" return plain_text if settings.PUSH_NOTIFICATION_REDACT_CONTENT: return "***REDACTED***" else: elem = LH.fromstring(rendered_content) plain_text = process(elem) return plain_text def truncate_content(content: str) -> Tuple[str, bool]: # We use unicode character 'HORIZONTAL ELLIPSIS' (U+2026) instead # of three dots as this saves two extra characters for textual # content. This function will need to be updated to handle unicode # combining characters and tags when we start supporting themself. if len(content) <= 200: return content, False return content[:200] + "…", True def get_common_payload(message: Message) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] # These will let the app support logging into multiple realms and servers. data['server'] = settings.EXTERNAL_HOST data['realm_id'] = data['realm_uri'] = message.sender.realm.uri # `sender_id` is preferred, but some existing versions use `sender_email`. data['sender_id'] = data['sender_email'] = if message.recipient.type == Recipient.STREAM: data['recipient_type'] = "stream" data['stream'] = get_display_recipient(message.recipient) data['topic'] = message.topic_name() elif message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE: data['recipient_type'] = "private" data['pm_users'] = huddle_users( else: # Recipient.PERSONAL data['recipient_type'] = "private" return data def get_apns_alert_title(message: Message) -> str: """ On an iOS notification, this is the first bolded line. """ if message.recipient.type == Recipient.HUDDLE: recipients = cast(List[Dict[str, Any]], get_display_recipient(message.recipient)) return ', '.join(sorted(r['full_name'] for r in recipients)) elif message.is_stream_message(): return "#%s > %s" % (get_display_recipient(message.recipient), message.topic_name(),) # For personal PMs, we just show the sender name. return message.sender.full_name def get_apns_alert_subtitle(message: Message) -> str: """ On an iOS notification, this is the second bolded line. """ if message.trigger == "mentioned": return message.sender.full_name + " mentioned you:" elif message.recipient.type == Recipient.PERSONAL: return "" # For group PMs, or regular messages to a stream, just use a colon to indicate this is the sender. return message.sender.full_name + ":" def get_apns_payload(user_profile: UserProfile, message: Message) -> Dict[str, Any]: zulip_data = get_common_payload(message) zulip_data.update({ 'message_ids': [], }) content, _ = truncate_content(get_mobile_push_content(message.rendered_content)) apns_data = { 'alert': { 'title': get_apns_alert_title(message), 'subtitle': get_apns_alert_subtitle(message), 'body': content, }, 'sound': 'default', 'badge': 0, # TODO: set badge count in a better way 'custom': {'zulip': zulip_data}, } return apns_data def get_gcm_payload(user_profile: UserProfile, message: Message) -> Dict[str, Any]: data = get_common_payload(message) content, truncated = truncate_content(get_mobile_push_content(message.rendered_content)) data.update({ 'user':, 'event': 'message', 'alert': get_gcm_alert(message), 'zulip_message_id':, # message_id is reserved for CCS 'time': datetime_to_timestamp(message.pub_date), 'content': content, 'content_truncated': truncated, 'sender_full_name': message.sender.full_name, 'sender_avatar_url': absolute_avatar_url(message.sender), }) return data def handle_remove_push_notification(user_profile_id: int, message_id: int) -> None: """This should be called when a message that had previously had a mobile push executed is read. This triggers a mobile push notifica mobile app when the message is read on the server, to remove the message from the notification. """ user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id) message, user_message = access_message(user_profile, message_id) if not settings.SEND_REMOVE_PUSH_NOTIFICATIONS: # It's a little annoying that we duplicate this flag-clearing # code (also present below), but this block is scheduled to be # removed in a few weeks, once the app has supported the # feature for long enough. user_message.flags.active_mobile_push_notification = False["flags"]) return gcm_payload = get_common_payload(message) gcm_payload.update({ 'event': 'remove', 'zulip_message_id': message_id, # message_id is reserved for CCS }) if uses_notification_bouncer(): try: send_notifications_to_bouncer(user_profile_id, {}, gcm_payload) except requests.ConnectionError: # nocoverage def failure_processor(event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: logging.warning( "Maximum retries exceeded for trigger:%s event:push_notification" % ( event['user_profile_id'])) return android_devices = list(PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(user=user_profile, kind=PushDeviceToken.GCM)) if android_devices: send_android_push_notification(android_devices, gcm_payload) user_message.flags.active_mobile_push_notification = False["flags"]) @statsd_increment("push_notifications") def handle_push_notification(user_profile_id: int, missed_message: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: """ missed_message is the event received by the zerver.worker.queue_processors.PushNotificationWorker.consume function. """ user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id) if not (receives_offline_push_notifications(user_profile) or receives_online_notifications(user_profile)): return user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id) (message, user_message) = access_message(user_profile, missed_message['message_id']) if user_message is not None: # If ther user has read the message already, don't push-notify. # # TODO: It feels like this is already handled when things are # put in the queue; maybe we should centralize this logic with # the `zerver/tornado/` logic? if return # Otherwise, we mark the message as having an active mobile # push notification, so that we can send revocation messages # later. user_message.flags.active_mobile_push_notification = True["flags"]) else: # Users should only be getting push notifications into this # queue for messages they haven't received if they're # long-term idle; anything else is likely a bug. if not user_profile.long_term_idle: logging.error("Could not find UserMessage with message_id %s and user_id %s" % ( missed_message['message_id'], user_profile_id)) return message.trigger = missed_message['trigger'] apns_payload = get_apns_payload(user_profile, message) gcm_payload = get_gcm_payload(user_profile, message)"Sending push notification to user %s" % (user_profile_id,)) if uses_notification_bouncer(): try: send_notifications_to_bouncer(user_profile_id, apns_payload, gcm_payload) except requests.ConnectionError: def failure_processor(event: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: logging.warning( "Maximum retries exceeded for trigger:%s event:push_notification" % ( event['user_profile_id'])) retry_event('missedmessage_mobile_notifications', missed_message, failure_processor) return android_devices = list(PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(user=user_profile, kind=PushDeviceToken.GCM)) apple_devices = list(PushDeviceToken.objects.filter(user=user_profile, kind=PushDeviceToken.APNS)) if apple_devices: send_apple_push_notification(, apple_devices, apns_payload) if android_devices: send_android_push_notification(android_devices, gcm_payload)
[ "bytes", "str", "Dict[str, Any]", "int", "List[DeviceToken]", "Dict[str, Any]", "UserProfile", "Dict[str, Any]", "List[DeviceToken]", "Dict[str, Any]", "int", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "str", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "str", "Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "bytes", "int", "UserProfile", "bytes", "int", "Message", "str", "LH.HtmlElement", "str", "LH.HtmlElement", "str", "Message", "Message", "Message", "UserProfile", "Message", "UserProfile", "Message", "int", "int", "Dict[str, Any]", "int", "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]" ]
[ 1586, 1691, 2718, 3914, 3928, 3994, 7152, 7171, 7484, 7509, 10852, 10905, 10968, 11278, 11293, 11309, 11587, 11627, 11668, 14704, 14992, 15042, 15081, 16322, 16346, 16359, 17995, 18825, 18861, 19623, 19868, 20429, 20864, 21810, 22372, 22818, 22840, 23446, 23468, 24147, 24164, 25474, 26143, 26164, 28274 ]
[ 1591, 1694, 2732, 3917, 3945, 4008, 7163, 7185, 7501, 7523, 10855, 10919, 10982, 11281, 11296, 11323, 11590, 11630, 11694, 14715, 15003, 15047, 15084, 16333, 16351, 16362, 18002, 18828, 18875, 19626, 19882, 20432, 20871, 21817, 22379, 22829, 22847, 23457, 23475, 24150, 24167, 25488, 26146, 26178, 28288 ]
from collections import defaultdict import logging import random import threading import time from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Union from django.conf import settings import pika from pika.adapters.blocking_connection import BlockingChannel from pika.spec import Basic from tornado import ioloop import ujson from zerver.lib.utils import statsd MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES = 3 Consumer = Callable[[BlockingChannel, Basic.Deliver, pika.BasicProperties, str], None] # This simple queuing library doesn't expose much of the power of # rabbitmq/pika's queuing system; its purpose is to just provide an # interface for external files to put things into queues and take them # out from bots without having to import pika code all over our codebase. class SimpleQueueClient: def __init__(self, # Disable RabbitMQ heartbeats by default because BlockingConnection can't process them rabbitmq_heartbeat: Optional[int] = 0, ) -> None: self.log = logging.getLogger('zulip.queue') self.queues = set() # type: Set[str] = None # type: Optional[BlockingChannel] self.consumers = defaultdict(set) # type: Dict[str, Set[Consumer]] self.rabbitmq_heartbeat = rabbitmq_heartbeat self._connect() def _connect(self) -> None: start = time.time() self.connection = pika.BlockingConnection(self._get_parameters()) ='SimpleQueueClient connected (connecting took %.3fs)' % (time.time() - start,)) def _reconnect(self) -> None: self.connection = None = None self.queues = set() self._connect() def _get_parameters(self) -> pika.ConnectionParameters: # We explicitly disable the RabbitMQ heartbeat feature, since # it doesn't make sense with BlockingConnection credentials = pika.PlainCredentials(settings.RABBITMQ_USERNAME, settings.RABBITMQ_PASSWORD) return pika.ConnectionParameters(settings.RABBITMQ_HOST, heartbeat_interval=self.rabbitmq_heartbeat, credentials=credentials) def _generate_ctag(self, queue_name: str) -> str: return "%s_%s" % (queue_name, str(random.getrandbits(16))) def _reconnect_consumer_callback(self, queue: str, consumer: Consumer) -> None:"Queue reconnecting saved consumer %s to queue %s" % (consumer, queue)) self.ensure_queue(queue, lambda:, queue=queue, consumer_tag=self._generate_ctag(queue))) def _reconnect_consumer_callbacks(self) -> None: for queue, consumers in self.consumers.items(): for consumer in consumers: self._reconnect_consumer_callback(queue, consumer) def close(self) -> None: if self.connection: self.connection.close() def ready(self) -> bool: return is not None def ensure_queue(self, queue_name: str, callback: Callable[[], None]) -> None: '''Ensure that a given queue has been declared, and then call the callback with no arguments.''' if self.connection is None or not self.connection.is_open: self._connect() if queue_name not in self.queues:, durable=True) self.queues.add(queue_name) callback() def publish(self, queue_name: str, body: str) -> None: def do_publish() -> None: exchange='', routing_key=queue_name, properties=pika.BasicProperties(delivery_mode=2), body=body) statsd.incr("rabbitmq.publish.%s" % (queue_name,)) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, do_publish) def json_publish(self, queue_name: str, body: Union[Mapping[str, Any], str]) -> None: # Union because of zerver.middleware.write_log_line uses a str try: self.publish(queue_name, ujson.dumps(body)) return except pika.exceptions.AMQPConnectionError: self.log.warning("Failed to send to rabbitmq, trying to reconnect and send again") self._reconnect() self.publish(queue_name, ujson.dumps(body)) def register_consumer(self, queue_name: str, consumer: Consumer) -> None: def wrapped_consumer(ch: BlockingChannel, method: Basic.Deliver, properties: pika.BasicProperties, body: str) -> None: try: consumer(ch, method, properties, body) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) except Exception as e: ch.basic_nack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) raise e self.consumers[queue_name].add(wrapped_consumer) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, lambda:, queue=queue_name, consumer_tag=self._generate_ctag(queue_name))) def register_json_consumer(self, queue_name: str, callback: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]) -> None: def wrapped_callback(ch: BlockingChannel, method: Basic.Deliver, properties: pika.BasicProperties, body: str) -> None: callback(ujson.loads(body)) self.register_consumer(queue_name, wrapped_callback) def drain_queue(self, queue_name: str, json: bool=False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: "Returns all messages in the desired queue" messages = [] def opened() -> None: while True: (meta, _, message) = if not message: break if json: message = ujson.loads(message) messages.append(message) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, opened) return messages def start_consuming(self) -> None: def stop_consuming(self) -> None: # Patch pika.adapters.TornadoConnection so that a socket error doesn't # throw an exception and disconnect the tornado process from the rabbitmq # queue. Instead, just re-connect as usual class ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection(pika.adapters.TornadoConnection): def _adapter_disconnect(self) -> None: try: super()._adapter_disconnect() except (pika.exceptions.ProbableAuthenticationError, pika.exceptions.ProbableAccessDeniedError, pika.exceptions.IncompatibleProtocolError) as e: logging.warning("Caught exception '%r' in ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection when \ calling _adapter_disconnect, ignoring" % (e,)) class TornadoQueueClient(SimpleQueueClient): # Based on: # def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__( # TornadoConnection can process heartbeats, so enable them. rabbitmq_heartbeat=None) self._on_open_cbs = [] # type: List[Callable[[], None]] self._connection_failure_count = 0 def _connect(self) -> None:"Beginning TornadoQueueClient connection") self.connection = ExceptionFreeTornadoConnection( self._get_parameters(), on_open_callback = self._on_open, on_open_error_callback = self._on_connection_open_error, on_close_callback = self._on_connection_closed, ) def _reconnect(self) -> None: self.connection = None = None self.queues = set() self.log.warning("TornadoQueueClient attempting to reconnect to RabbitMQ") self._connect() CONNECTION_RETRY_SECS = 2 # When the RabbitMQ server is restarted, it's normal for it to # take a few seconds to come back; we'll retry a few times and all # will be well. So for the first few failures, we report only at # "warning" level, avoiding an email to the server admin. # # A loss of an existing connection starts a retry loop just like a # failed connection attempt, so it counts as the first failure. # # On an unloaded test system, a RabbitMQ restart takes about 6s, # potentially causing 4 failures. We add some headroom above that. CONNECTION_FAILURES_BEFORE_NOTIFY = 10 def _on_connection_open_error(self, connection: pika.connection.Connection, message: Optional[str]=None) -> None: self._connection_failure_count += 1 retry_secs = self.CONNECTION_RETRY_SECS message = ("TornadoQueueClient couldn't connect to RabbitMQ, retrying in %d secs..." % (retry_secs,)) if self._connection_failure_count > self.CONNECTION_FAILURES_BEFORE_NOTIFY: self.log.critical(message) else: self.log.warning(message) ioloop.IOLoop.instance().call_later(retry_secs, self._reconnect) def _on_connection_closed(self, connection: pika.connection.Connection, reply_code: int, reply_text: str) -> None: self._connection_failure_count = 1 retry_secs = self.CONNECTION_RETRY_SECS self.log.warning("TornadoQueueClient lost connection to RabbitMQ, reconnecting in %d secs..." % (retry_secs,)) ioloop.IOLoop.instance().call_later(retry_secs, self._reconnect) def _on_open(self, connection: pika.connection.Connection) -> None: self._connection_failure_count = 0 try: on_open_callback = self._on_channel_open) except pika.exceptions.ConnectionClosed: # The connection didn't stay open long enough for this code to get to it. # Let _on_connection_closed deal with trying again. self.log.warning("TornadoQueueClient couldn't open channel: connection already closed") def _on_channel_open(self, channel: BlockingChannel) -> None: = channel for callback in self._on_open_cbs: callback() self._reconnect_consumer_callbacks()'TornadoQueueClient connected') def ensure_queue(self, queue_name: str, callback: Callable[[], None]) -> None: def finish(frame: Any) -> None: self.queues.add(queue_name) callback() if queue_name not in self.queues: # If we're not connected yet, send this message # once we have created the channel if not self.ready(): self._on_open_cbs.append(lambda: self.ensure_queue(queue_name, callback)) return, durable=True, callback=finish) else: callback() def register_consumer(self, queue_name: str, consumer: Consumer) -> None: def wrapped_consumer(ch: BlockingChannel, method: Basic.Deliver, properties: pika.BasicProperties, body: str) -> None: consumer(ch, method, properties, body) ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag) if not self.ready(): self.consumers[queue_name].add(wrapped_consumer) return self.consumers[queue_name].add(wrapped_consumer) self.ensure_queue(queue_name, lambda:, queue=queue_name, consumer_tag=self._generate_ctag(queue_name))) queue_client = None # type: Optional[SimpleQueueClient] def get_queue_client() -> SimpleQueueClient: global queue_client if queue_client is None: if settings.RUNNING_INSIDE_TORNADO and settings.USING_RABBITMQ: queue_client = TornadoQueueClient() elif settings.USING_RABBITMQ: queue_client = SimpleQueueClient() return queue_client # We using a simple lock to prevent multiple RabbitMQ messages being # sent to the SimpleQueueClient at the same time; this is a workaround # for an issue with the pika BlockingConnection where using # BlockingConnection for multiple queues causes the channel to # randomly close. queue_lock = threading.RLock() def queue_json_publish(queue_name: str, event: Union[Dict[str, Any], str], processor: Callable[[Any], None]=None) -> None: # most events are dicts, but zerver.middleware.write_log_line uses a str with queue_lock: if settings.USING_RABBITMQ: get_queue_client().json_publish(queue_name, event) elif processor: processor(event) else: # Must be imported here: A top section import leads to obscure not-defined-ish errors. from zerver.worker.queue_processors import get_worker get_worker(queue_name).consume_wrapper(event) def retry_event(queue_name: str, event: Dict[str, Any], failure_processor: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]) -> None: if 'failed_tries' not in event: event['failed_tries'] = 0 event['failed_tries'] += 1 if event['failed_tries'] > MAX_REQUEST_RETRIES: failure_processor(event) else: queue_json_publish(queue_name, event, lambda x: None)
[ "str", "str", "Consumer", "str", "Callable[[], None]", "str", "str", "str", "Union[Mapping[str, Any], str]", "str", "Consumer", "BlockingChannel", "Basic.Deliver", "pika.BasicProperties", "str", "str", "Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]", "BlockingChannel", "Basic.Deliver", "pika.BasicProperties", "str", "str", "pika.connection.Connection", "pika.connection.Connection", "int", "str", "pika.connection.Connection", "BlockingChannel", "str", "Callable[[], None]", "Any", "str", "Consumer", "BlockingChannel", "Basic.Deliver", "pika.BasicProperties", "str", "str", "Union[Dict[str, Any], str]", "str", "Dict[str, Any]", "Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]" ]
[ 2350, 2481, 2496, 3298, 3313, 3761, 3772, 4177, 4188, 4658, 4673, 4725, 4779, 4835, 4892, 5515, 5561, 5637, 5691, 5747, 5804, 5958, 9072, 9690, 9760, 9777, 10135, 10663, 10925, 10940, 10995, 11539, 11554, 11606, 11660, 11716, 11773, 13043, 13078, 13693, 13721, 13772 ]
[ 2353, 2484, 2504, 3301, 3331, 3764, 3775, 4180, 4217, 4661, 4681, 4740, 4792, 4855, 4895, 5518, 5593, 5652, 5704, 5767, 5807, 5961, 9098, 9716, 9763, 9780, 10161, 10678, 10928, 10958, 10998, 11542, 11562, 11621, 11673, 11736, 11776, 13046, 13104, 13696, 13735, 13804 ]
import os from typing import Any, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple from django.conf import settings from zerver.lib.redis_utils import get_redis_client from zerver.models import UserProfile import redis import time import logging # Implement a rate-limiting scheme inspired by the one described here, but heavily modified # client = get_redis_client() rules = settings.RATE_LIMITING_RULES # type: List[Tuple[int, int]] KEY_PREFIX = '' class RateLimitedObject: def get_keys(self) -> List[str]: key_fragment = self.key_fragment() return ["{}ratelimit:{}:{}".format(KEY_PREFIX, key_fragment, keytype) for keytype in ['list', 'zset', 'block']] def key_fragment(self) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() def rules(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: raise NotImplementedError() class RateLimitedUser(RateLimitedObject): def __init__(self, user: UserProfile, domain: str='all') -> None: self.user = user self.domain = domain def key_fragment(self) -> str: return "{}:{}:{}".format(type(self.user),, self.domain) def rules(self) -> List[Tuple[int, int]]: if self.user.rate_limits != "": result = [] # type: List[Tuple[int, int]] for limit in self.user.rate_limits.split(','): (seconds, requests) = limit.split(':', 2) result.append((int(seconds), int(requests))) return result return rules def bounce_redis_key_prefix_for_testing(test_name: str) -> None: global KEY_PREFIX KEY_PREFIX = test_name + ':' + str(os.getpid()) + ':' def max_api_calls(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> int: "Returns the API rate limit for the highest limit" return entity.rules()[-1][1] def max_api_window(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> int: "Returns the API time window for the highest limit" return entity.rules()[-1][0] def add_ratelimit_rule(range_seconds: int, num_requests: int) -> None: "Add a rate-limiting rule to the ratelimiter" global rules rules.append((range_seconds, num_requests)) rules.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) def remove_ratelimit_rule(range_seconds: int, num_requests: int) -> None: global rules rules = [x for x in rules if x[0] != range_seconds and x[1] != num_requests] def block_access(entity: RateLimitedObject, seconds: int) -> None: "Manually blocks an entity for the desired number of seconds" _, _, blocking_key = entity.get_keys() with client.pipeline() as pipe: pipe.set(blocking_key, 1) pipe.expire(blocking_key, seconds) pipe.execute() def unblock_access(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> None: _, _, blocking_key = entity.get_keys() client.delete(blocking_key) def clear_history(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> None: ''' This is only used by test code now, where it's very helpful in allowing us to run tests quickly, by giving a user a clean slate. ''' for key in entity.get_keys(): client.delete(key) def _get_api_calls_left(entity: RateLimitedObject, range_seconds: int, max_calls: int) -> Tuple[int, float]: list_key, set_key, _ = entity.get_keys() # Count the number of values in our sorted set # that are between now and the cutoff now = time.time() boundary = now - range_seconds with client.pipeline() as pipe: # Count how many API calls in our range have already been made pipe.zcount(set_key, boundary, now) # Get the newest call so we can calculate when the ratelimit # will reset to 0 pipe.lindex(list_key, 0) results = pipe.execute() count = results[0] # type: int newest_call = results[1] # type: Optional[bytes] calls_left = max_calls - count if newest_call is not None: time_reset = now + (range_seconds - (now - float(newest_call))) else: time_reset = now return calls_left, time_reset def api_calls_left(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> Tuple[int, float]: """Returns how many API calls in this range this client has, as well as when the rate-limit will be reset to 0""" max_window = max_api_window(entity) max_calls = max_api_calls(entity) return _get_api_calls_left(entity, max_window, max_calls) def is_ratelimited(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> Tuple[bool, float]: "Returns a tuple of (rate_limited, time_till_free)" list_key, set_key, blocking_key = entity.get_keys() rules = entity.rules() if len(rules) == 0: return False, 0.0 # Go through the rules from shortest to longest, # seeing if this user has violated any of them. First # get the timestamps for each nth items with client.pipeline() as pipe: for _, request_count in rules: pipe.lindex(list_key, request_count - 1) # 0-indexed list # Get blocking info pipe.get(blocking_key) pipe.ttl(blocking_key) rule_timestamps = pipe.execute() # type: List[Optional[bytes]] # Check if there is a manual block on this API key blocking_ttl_b = rule_timestamps.pop() key_blocked = rule_timestamps.pop() if key_blocked is not None: # We are manually blocked. Report for how much longer we will be if blocking_ttl_b is None: blocking_ttl = 0.5 else: blocking_ttl = int(blocking_ttl_b) return True, blocking_ttl now = time.time() for timestamp, (range_seconds, num_requests) in zip(rule_timestamps, rules): # Check if the nth timestamp is newer than the associated rule. If so, # it means we've hit our limit for this rule if timestamp is None: continue boundary = float(timestamp) + range_seconds if boundary > now: free = boundary - now return True, free # No api calls recorded yet return False, 0.0 def incr_ratelimit(entity: RateLimitedObject) -> None: """Increases the rate-limit for the specified entity""" list_key, set_key, _ = entity.get_keys() now = time.time() # If we have no rules, we don't store anything if len(rules) == 0: return # Start redis transaction with client.pipeline() as pipe: count = 0 while True: try: # To avoid a race condition between getting the element we might trim from our list # and removing it from our associated set, we abort this whole transaction if # another agent manages to change our list out from under us # When watching a value, the pipeline is set to Immediate mode # Get the last elem that we'll trim (so we can remove it from our sorted set) last_val = pipe.lindex(list_key, max_api_calls(entity) - 1) # Restart buffered execution pipe.multi() # Add this timestamp to our list pipe.lpush(list_key, now) # Trim our list to the oldest rule we have pipe.ltrim(list_key, 0, max_api_calls(entity) - 1) # Add our new value to the sorted set that we keep # We need to put the score and val both as timestamp, # as we sort by score but remove by value pipe.zadd(set_key, now, now) # Remove the trimmed value from our sorted set, if there was one if last_val is not None: pipe.zrem(set_key, last_val) # Set the TTL for our keys as well api_window = max_api_window(entity) pipe.expire(list_key, api_window) pipe.expire(set_key, api_window) pipe.execute() # If no exception was raised in the execution, there were no transaction conflicts break except redis.WatchError: if count > 10: logging.error("Failed to complete incr_ratelimit transaction without " "interference 10 times in a row! Aborting rate-limit increment") break count += 1 continue
[ "UserProfile", "str", "RateLimitedObject", "RateLimitedObject", "int", "int", "int", "int", "RateLimitedObject", "int", "RateLimitedObject", "RateLimitedObject", "RateLimitedObject", "int", "int", "RateLimitedObject", "RateLimitedObject", "RateLimitedObject" ]
[ 974, 1601, 1722, 1865, 2020, 2039, 2246, 2265, 2403, 2431, 2718, 2848, 3123, 3157, 3173, 4038, 4372, 5991 ]
[ 985, 1604, 1739, 1882, 2023, 2042, 2249, 2268, 2420, 2434, 2735, 2865, 3140, 3160, 3176, 4055, 4389, 6008 ]
from django.conf import settings from zerver.lib.avatar_hash import gravatar_hash, user_avatar_hash from zerver.lib.upload import upload_backend from zerver.models import Realm def realm_icon_url(realm: Realm) -> str: return get_realm_icon_url(realm) def get_realm_icon_url(realm: Realm) -> str: if realm.icon_source == 'U': return upload_backend.get_realm_icon_url(, realm.icon_version) elif settings.ENABLE_GRAVATAR: hash_key = gravatar_hash(realm.string_id) return "" % (hash_key,) else: return settings.DEFAULT_AVATAR_URI+'?version=0'
[ "Realm", "Realm" ]
[ 205, 288 ]
[ 210, 293 ]
from django.conf import settings import redis def get_redis_client() -> redis.StrictRedis: return redis.StrictRedis(host=settings.REDIS_HOST, port=settings.REDIS_PORT, password=settings.REDIS_PASSWORD, db=0)
# When adding new functions/classes to this file, you need to also add # their types to request.pyi in this directory (a mypy stubs file that # we use to ensure mypy does correct type inference with REQ, which it # can't do by default due to the dynamic nature of REQ). # # Because request.pyi exists, the type annotations in this file are # mostly not processed by mypy. from functools import wraps import ujson from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError, ErrorCode, \ InvalidJSONError from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Type class RequestConfusingParmsError(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.REQUEST_CONFUSING_VAR data_fields = ['var_name1', 'var_name2'] def __init__(self, var_name1: str, var_name2: str) -> None: self.var_name1 = var_name1 # type: str self.var_name2 = var_name2 # type: str @staticmethod def msg_format() -> str: return _("Can't decide between '{var_name1}' and '{var_name2}' arguments") class RequestVariableMissingError(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.REQUEST_VARIABLE_MISSING data_fields = ['var_name'] def __init__(self, var_name: str) -> None: self.var_name = var_name # type: str @staticmethod def msg_format() -> str: return _("Missing '{var_name}' argument") class RequestVariableConversionError(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.REQUEST_VARIABLE_INVALID data_fields = ['var_name', 'bad_value'] def __init__(self, var_name: str, bad_value: Any) -> None: self.var_name = var_name # type: str self.bad_value = bad_value @staticmethod def msg_format() -> str: return _("Bad value for '{var_name}': {bad_value}") # Used in conjunction with @has_request_variables, below class REQ: # NotSpecified is a sentinel value for determining whether a # default value was specified for a request variable. We can't # use None because that could be a valid, user-specified default class _NotSpecified: pass NotSpecified = _NotSpecified() def __init__(self, whence: str=None, *, converter: Callable[[Any], Any]=None, default: Any=NotSpecified, validator: Callable[[Any], Any]=None, str_validator: Callable[[Any], Any]=None, argument_type: str=None, type: Type=None, aliases: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> None: """whence: the name of the request variable that should be used for this parameter. Defaults to a request variable of the same name as the parameter. converter: a function that takes a string and returns a new value. If specified, this will be called on the request variable value before passing to the function default: a value to be used for the argument if the parameter is missing in the request validator: similar to converter, but takes an already parsed JSON data structure. If specified, we will parse the JSON request variable value before passing to the function str_validator: Like validator, but doesn't parse JSON first. argument_type: pass 'body' to extract the parsed JSON corresponding to the request body type: a hint to typing (using mypy) what the type of this parameter is. Currently only typically necessary if default=None and the type cannot be inferred in another way (eg. via converter). aliases: alternate names for the POST var """ self.post_var_name = whence self.func_var_name = None # type: str self.converter = converter self.validator = validator self.str_validator = str_validator self.default = default self.argument_type = argument_type self.aliases = aliases if converter and (validator or str_validator): # Not user-facing, so shouldn't be tagged for translation raise AssertionError('converter and validator are mutually exclusive') if validator and str_validator: # Not user-facing, so shouldn't be tagged for translation raise AssertionError('validator and str_validator are mutually exclusive') # Extracts variables from the request object and passes them as # named function arguments. The request object must be the first # argument to the function. # # To use, assign a function parameter a default value that is an # instance of the REQ class. That parameter will then be automatically # populated from the HTTP request. The request object must be the # first argument to the decorated function. # # This should generally be the innermost (syntactically bottommost) # decorator applied to a view, since other decorators won't preserve # the default parameter values used by has_request_variables. # # Note that this can't be used in helper functions which are not # expected to call json_error or json_success, as it uses json_error # internally when it encounters an error def has_request_variables(view_func): # type: (Callable[[HttpRequest, Any, Any], HttpResponse]) -> Callable[[HttpRequest, *Any, **Any], HttpResponse] num_params = view_func.__code__.co_argcount if view_func.__defaults__ is None: num_default_params = 0 else: num_default_params = len(view_func.__defaults__) default_param_names = view_func.__code__.co_varnames[num_params - num_default_params:] default_param_values = view_func.__defaults__ if default_param_values is None: default_param_values = [] post_params = [] for (name, value) in zip(default_param_names, default_param_values): if isinstance(value, REQ): value.func_var_name = name if value.post_var_name is None: value.post_var_name = name post_params.append(value) @wraps(view_func) def _wrapped_view_func(request: HttpRequest, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: for param in post_params: if param.func_var_name in kwargs: continue if param.argument_type == 'body': try: val = ujson.loads(request.body) except ValueError: raise InvalidJSONError(_("Malformed JSON")) kwargs[param.func_var_name] = val continue elif param.argument_type is not None: # This is a view bug, not a user error, and thus should throw a 500. raise Exception(_("Invalid argument type")) post_var_names = [param.post_var_name] if param.aliases: post_var_names += param.aliases default_assigned = False post_var_name = None # type: Optional[str] query_params = request.GET.copy() query_params.update(request.POST) for req_var in post_var_names: try: val = query_params[req_var] except KeyError: continue if post_var_name is not None: raise RequestConfusingParmsError(post_var_name, req_var) post_var_name = req_var if post_var_name is None: post_var_name = param.post_var_name if param.default is REQ.NotSpecified: raise RequestVariableMissingError(post_var_name) val = param.default default_assigned = True if param.converter is not None and not default_assigned: try: val = param.converter(val) except JsonableError: raise except Exception: raise RequestVariableConversionError(post_var_name, val) # Validators are like converters, but they don't handle JSON parsing; we do. if param.validator is not None and not default_assigned: try: val = ujson.loads(val) except Exception: raise JsonableError(_('Argument "%s" is not valid JSON.') % (post_var_name,)) error = param.validator(post_var_name, val) if error: raise JsonableError(error) # str_validators is like validator, but for direct strings (no JSON parsing). if param.str_validator is not None and not default_assigned: error = param.str_validator(post_var_name, val) if error: raise JsonableError(error) kwargs[param.func_var_name] = val return view_func(request, *args, **kwargs) return _wrapped_view_func
[ "str", "str", "str", "str", "Any", "HttpRequest", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 829, 845, 1248, 1584, 1600, 6012, 6032, 6047 ]
[ 832, 848, 1251, 1587, 1603, 6023, 6035, 6050 ]
from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseNotAllowed import ujson from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, List from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError class HttpResponseUnauthorized(HttpResponse): status_code = 401 def __init__(self, realm: str, www_authenticate: Optional[str]=None) -> None: HttpResponse.__init__(self) if www_authenticate is None: self["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Basic realm="%s"' % (realm,) elif www_authenticate == "session": self["WWW-Authenticate"] = 'Session realm="%s"' % (realm,) else: raise AssertionError("Invalid www_authenticate value!") def json_unauthorized(message: str, www_authenticate: Optional[str]=None) -> HttpResponse: resp = HttpResponseUnauthorized("zulip", www_authenticate=www_authenticate) resp.content = (ujson.dumps({"result": "error", "msg": message}) + "\n").encode() return resp def json_method_not_allowed(methods: List[str]) -> HttpResponseNotAllowed: resp = HttpResponseNotAllowed(methods) resp.content = ujson.dumps({"result": "error", "msg": "Method Not Allowed", "allowed_methods": methods}).encode() return resp def json_response(res_type: str="success", msg: str="", data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, status: int=200) -> HttpResponse: content = {"result": res_type, "msg": msg} if data is not None: content.update(data) return HttpResponse(content=ujson.dumps(content) + "\n", content_type='application/json', status=status) def json_success(data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> HttpResponse: return json_response(data=data) def json_response_from_error(exception: JsonableError) -> HttpResponse: ''' This should only be needed in middleware; in app code, just raise. When app code raises a JsonableError, the JsonErrorHandler middleware takes care of transforming it into a response by calling this function. ''' return json_response('error', msg=exception.msg,, status=exception.http_status_code) def json_error(msg: str, data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None, status: int=400) -> HttpResponse: return json_response(res_type="error", msg=msg, data=data, status=status)
[ "str", "str", "List[str]", "JsonableError", "str" ]
[ 269, 692, 1005, 1849, 2328 ]
[ 272, 695, 1014, 1862, 2331 ]
from typing import Any, Dict from django.utils.module_loading import import_string from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt, csrf_protect from zerver.decorator import authenticated_json_view, authenticated_rest_api_view, \ process_as_post, authenticated_uploads_api_view from zerver.lib.response import json_method_not_allowed, json_unauthorized from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.conf import settings METHODS = ('GET', 'HEAD', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE', 'PATCH') FLAGS = ('override_api_url_scheme') @csrf_exempt def rest_dispatch(request: HttpRequest, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: """Dispatch to a REST API endpoint. Unauthenticated endpoints should not use this, as authentication is verified in the following ways: * for paths beginning with /api, HTTP Basic auth * for paths beginning with /json (used by the web client), the session token This calls the function named in kwargs[request.method], if that request method is supported, and after wrapping that function to: * protect against CSRF (if the user is already authenticated through a Django session) * authenticate via an API key (otherwise) * coerce PUT/PATCH/DELETE into having POST-like semantics for retrieving variables Any keyword args that are *not* HTTP methods are passed through to the target function. Never make a pattern put user input into a variable called GET, POST, etc, as that is where we route HTTP verbs to target functions. """ supported_methods = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] # duplicate kwargs so we can mutate the original as we go for arg in list(kwargs): if arg in METHODS: supported_methods[arg] = kwargs[arg] del kwargs[arg] if request.method == 'OPTIONS': response = HttpResponse(status=204) # No content response['Allow'] = ', '.join(sorted(supported_methods.keys())) response['Content-Length'] = "0" return response # Override requested method if magic method=??? parameter exists method_to_use = request.method if request.POST and 'method' in request.POST: method_to_use = request.POST['method'] if method_to_use == "SOCKET" and "zulip.emulated_method" in request.META: method_to_use = request.META["zulip.emulated_method"] if method_to_use in supported_methods: entry = supported_methods[method_to_use] if isinstance(entry, tuple): target_function, view_flags = entry target_function = import_string(target_function) else: target_function = import_string(supported_methods[method_to_use]) view_flags = set() # Set request._query for update_activity_user(), which is called # by some of the later wrappers. request._query = target_function.__name__ # We want to support authentication by both cookies (web client) # and API keys (API clients). In the former case, we want to # do a check to ensure that CSRF etc is honored, but in the latter # we can skip all of that. # # Security implications of this portion of the code are minimal, # as we should worst-case fail closed if we miscategorise a request. # for some special views (e.g. serving a file that has been # uploaded), we support using the same url for web and API clients. if ('override_api_url_scheme' in view_flags and request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', None) is not None): # This request uses standard API based authentication. target_function = authenticated_rest_api_view()(target_function) elif ('override_api_url_scheme' in view_flags and request.GET.get('api_key') is not None): # This request uses legacy API authentication. We # unfortunately need that in the React Native mobile # apps, because there's no way to set # HTTP_AUTHORIZATION in React Native. target_function = authenticated_uploads_api_view()(target_function) # /json views (web client) validate with a session token (cookie) elif not request.path.startswith("/api") and request.user.is_authenticated: # Authenticated via sessions framework, only CSRF check needed target_function = csrf_protect(authenticated_json_view(target_function)) # most clients (mobile, bots, etc) use HTTP Basic Auth and REST calls, where instead of # username:password, we use email:apiKey elif request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', None): # Wrap function with decorator to authenticate the user before # proceeding view_kwargs = {} if 'allow_incoming_webhooks' in view_flags: view_kwargs['is_webhook'] = True target_function = authenticated_rest_api_view(**view_kwargs)(target_function) # type: ignore # likely mypy bug # Pick a way to tell user they're not authed based on how the request was made else: # If this looks like a request from a top-level page in a # browser, send the user to the login page if 'text/html' in request.META.get('HTTP_ACCEPT', ''): # TODO: It seems like the `?next=` part is unlikely to be helpful return HttpResponseRedirect('%s/?next=%s' % (settings.HOME_NOT_LOGGED_IN, request.path)) # Ask for basic auth (email:apiKey) elif request.path.startswith("/api"): return json_unauthorized(_("Not logged in: API authentication or user session required")) # Session cookie expired, notify the client else: return json_unauthorized(_("Not logged in: API authentication or user session required"), www_authenticate='session') if request.method not in ["GET", "POST"]: # process_as_post needs to be the outer decorator, because # otherwise we might access and thus cache a value for # request.REQUEST. target_function = process_as_post(target_function) return target_function(request, **kwargs) return json_method_not_allowed(list(supported_methods.keys()))
[ "HttpRequest", "Any" ]
[ 659, 682 ]
[ 670, 685 ]
from datetime import timedelta from django.db import connection, transaction from django.forms.models import model_to_dict from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from zerver.models import Realm, Message, UserMessage, ArchivedMessage, ArchivedUserMessage, \ Attachment, ArchivedAttachment from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Generator, List def get_realm_expired_messages(realm: Any) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: expired_date = timezone_now() - timedelta(days=realm.message_retention_days) expired_messages = Message.objects.order_by('id').filter(sender__realm=realm, pub_date__lt=expired_date) if not expired_messages.exists(): return None return {'realm_id':, 'expired_messages': expired_messages} def get_expired_messages() -> Generator[Any, None, None]: # Get all expired messages by Realm. realms = Realm.objects.order_by('string_id').filter( deactivated=False, message_retention_days__isnull=False) for realm in realms: realm_expired_messages = get_realm_expired_messages(realm) if realm_expired_messages: yield realm_expired_messages def move_attachment_message_to_archive_by_message(message_ids: List[int]) -> None: # Move attachments messages relation table data to archive. id_list = ', '.join(str(message_id) for message_id in message_ids) query = """ INSERT INTO zerver_archivedattachment_messages (id, archivedattachment_id, archivedmessage_id) SELECT, zerver_attachment_messages.attachment_id, zerver_attachment_messages.message_id FROM zerver_attachment_messages LEFT JOIN zerver_archivedattachment_messages ON = WHERE zerver_attachment_messages.message_id in ({message_ids}) AND IS NULL """ with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute(query.format(message_ids=id_list)) @transaction.atomic def move_messages_to_archive(message_ids: List[int]) -> None: messages = list(Message.objects.filter(id__in=message_ids).values()) if not messages: raise Message.DoesNotExist arc_messages = [] for message in messages: arc_message = ArchivedMessage(**message) arc_messages.append(arc_message) ArchivedMessage.objects.bulk_create(arc_messages) # Move user_messages to the archive. user_messages = UserMessage.objects.filter( message_id__in=message_ids).exclude(id__in=ArchivedUserMessage.objects.all()) archiving_messages = [] for user_message in user_messages.values(): archiving_messages.append(ArchivedUserMessage(**user_message)) ArchivedUserMessage.objects.bulk_create(archiving_messages) # Move attachments to archive attachments = Attachment.objects.filter(messages__id__in=message_ids).exclude( id__in=ArchivedAttachment.objects.all()).distinct() archiving_attachments = [] for attachment in attachments.values(): archiving_attachments.append(ArchivedAttachment(**attachment)) ArchivedAttachment.objects.bulk_create(archiving_attachments) move_attachment_message_to_archive_by_message(message_ids) # Remove data from main tables Message.objects.filter(id__in=message_ids).delete() user_messages.filter(id__in=ArchivedUserMessage.objects.all(), message_id__isnull=True).delete() archived_attachments = ArchivedAttachment.objects.filter(messages__id__in=message_ids).distinct() Attachment.objects.filter(messages__isnull=True, id__in=archived_attachments).delete()
[ "Any", "List[int]", "List[int]" ]
[ 406, 1277, 2184 ]
[ 409, 1286, 2193 ]
from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import EmailMultiAlternatives from django.template import loader from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from django.template.exceptions import TemplateDoesNotExist from zerver.models import UserProfile, ScheduledEmail, get_user_profile_by_id, \ EMAIL_TYPES, Realm import datetime from email.utils import parseaddr, formataddr import logging import ujson import os from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional from zerver.lib.logging_util import log_to_file from confirmation.models import generate_key ## Logging setup ## logger = logging.getLogger('zulip.send_email') log_to_file(logger, settings.EMAIL_LOG_PATH) class FromAddress: SUPPORT = parseaddr(settings.ZULIP_ADMINISTRATOR)[1] NOREPLY = parseaddr(settings.NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS)[1] # Generates an unpredictable noreply address. @staticmethod def tokenized_no_reply_address() -> str: if settings.ADD_TOKENS_TO_NOREPLY_ADDRESS: return parseaddr(settings.TOKENIZED_NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS)[1].format(token=generate_key()) return FromAddress.NOREPLY def build_email(template_prefix: str, to_user_id: Optional[int]=None, to_email: Optional[str]=None, from_name: Optional[str]=None, from_address: Optional[str]=None, reply_to_email: Optional[str]=None, context: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]=None) -> EmailMultiAlternatives: # Callers should pass exactly one of to_user_id and to_email. assert (to_user_id is None) ^ (to_email is None) if to_user_id is not None: to_user = get_user_profile_by_id(to_user_id) # Change to formataddr((to_user.full_name, once # is resolved to_email = to_user.delivery_email if context is None: context = {} context.update({ 'support_email': FromAddress.SUPPORT, 'email_images_base_uri': settings.ROOT_DOMAIN_URI + '/static/images/emails', 'physical_address': settings.PHYSICAL_ADDRESS, }) subject = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + '.subject', context=context, using='Jinja2_plaintext').strip().replace('\n', '') message = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + '.txt', context=context, using='Jinja2_plaintext') try: html_message = loader.render_to_string(template_prefix + '.html', context) except TemplateDoesNotExist: emails_dir = os.path.dirname(template_prefix) template = os.path.basename(template_prefix) compiled_template_prefix = os.path.join(emails_dir, "compiled", template) html_message = loader.render_to_string(compiled_template_prefix + '.html', context) if from_name is None: from_name = "Zulip" if from_address is None: from_address = FromAddress.NOREPLY from_email = formataddr((from_name, from_address)) reply_to = None if reply_to_email is not None: reply_to = [reply_to_email] # Remove the from_name in the reply-to for noreply emails, so that users # see "noreply@..." rather than "Zulip" or whatever the from_name is # when they reply in their email client. elif from_address == FromAddress.NOREPLY: reply_to = [FromAddress.NOREPLY] mail = EmailMultiAlternatives(subject, message, from_email, [to_email], reply_to=reply_to) if html_message is not None: mail.attach_alternative(html_message, 'text/html') return mail class EmailNotDeliveredException(Exception): pass # When changing the arguments to this function, you may need to write a # migration to change or remove any emails in ScheduledEmail. def send_email(template_prefix: str, to_user_id: Optional[int]=None, to_email: Optional[str]=None, from_name: Optional[str]=None, from_address: Optional[str]=None, reply_to_email: Optional[str]=None, context: Dict[str, Any]={}) -> None: mail = build_email(template_prefix, to_user_id=to_user_id, to_email=to_email, from_name=from_name, from_address=from_address, reply_to_email=reply_to_email, context=context) template = template_prefix.split("/")[-1]"Sending %s email to %s" % (template, if mail.send() == 0: logger.error("Error sending %s email to %s" % (template, raise EmailNotDeliveredException def send_email_from_dict(email_dict: Mapping[str, Any]) -> None: send_email(**dict(email_dict)) def send_future_email(template_prefix: str, realm: Realm, to_user_id: Optional[int]=None, to_email: Optional[str]=None, from_name: Optional[str]=None, from_address: Optional[str]=None, context: Dict[str, Any]={}, delay: datetime.timedelta=datetime.timedelta(0)) -> None: template_name = template_prefix.split('/')[-1] email_fields = {'template_prefix': template_prefix, 'to_user_id': to_user_id, 'to_email': to_email, 'from_name': from_name, 'from_address': from_address, 'context': context} if settings.DEVELOPMENT and not settings.TEST_SUITE: send_email(template_prefix, to_user_id=to_user_id, to_email=to_email, from_name=from_name, from_address=from_address, context=context) # For logging the email assert (to_user_id is None) ^ (to_email is None) if to_user_id is not None: # The realm is redundant if we have a to_user_id; this assert just # expresses that fact assert(UserProfile.objects.filter(id=to_user_id, realm=realm).exists()) to_field = {'user_id': to_user_id} # type: Dict[str, Any] else: to_field = {'address': parseaddr(to_email)[1]} ScheduledEmail.objects.create( type=EMAIL_TYPES[template_name], scheduled_timestamp=timezone_now() + delay, realm=realm, data=ujson.dumps(email_fields), **to_field)
[ "str", "str", "Mapping[str, Any]", "str", "Realm" ]
[ 1185, 3857, 4583, 4686, 4698 ]
[ 1188, 3860, 4600, 4689, 4703 ]
import logging from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth import SESSION_KEY, get_user_model from django.contrib.sessions.models import Session from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from importlib import import_module from typing import List, Mapping, Optional from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile, get_user_profile_by_id session_engine = import_module(settings.SESSION_ENGINE) def get_session_dict_user(session_dict: Mapping[str, int]) -> Optional[int]: # Compare django.contrib.auth._get_user_session_key try: return get_user_model()[SESSION_KEY]) except KeyError: return None def get_session_user(session: Session) -> Optional[int]: return get_session_dict_user(session.get_decoded()) def user_sessions(user_profile: UserProfile) -> List[Session]: return [s for s in Session.objects.all() if get_session_user(s) ==] def delete_session(session: Session) -> None: session_engine.SessionStore(session.session_key).delete() # type: ignore # import_module def delete_user_sessions(user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: for session in Session.objects.all(): if get_session_user(session) == delete_session(session) def delete_realm_user_sessions(realm: Realm) -> None: realm_user_ids = [ for user_profile in UserProfile.objects.filter(realm=realm)] for session in Session.objects.filter(expire_date__gte=timezone_now()): if get_session_user(session) in realm_user_ids: delete_session(session) def delete_all_user_sessions() -> None: for session in Session.objects.all(): delete_session(session) def delete_all_deactivated_user_sessions() -> None: for session in Session.objects.all(): user_profile_id = get_session_user(session) if user_profile_id is None: continue # nocoverage # to debug user_profile = get_user_profile_by_id(user_profile_id) if not user_profile.is_active or user_profile.realm.deactivated:"Deactivating session for deactivated user %s" % (,)) delete_session(session)
[ "Mapping[str, int]", "Session", "UserProfile", "Session", "UserProfile", "Realm" ]
[ 462, 714, 830, 990, 1142, 1338 ]
[ 479, 721, 841, 997, 1153, 1343 ]
from zerver.lib.logging_util import log_to_file from collections import defaultdict import logging from django.db import transaction from django.db.models import Max from django.conf import settings from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from typing import DefaultDict, List, Union, Any from zerver.models import UserProfile, UserMessage, RealmAuditLog, \ Subscription, Message, Recipient, UserActivity, Realm logger = logging.getLogger("zulip.soft_deactivation") log_to_file(logger, settings.SOFT_DEACTIVATION_LOG_PATH) def filter_by_subscription_history(user_profile: UserProfile, all_stream_messages: DefaultDict[int, List[Message]], all_stream_subscription_logs: DefaultDict[int, List[RealmAuditLog]], ) -> List[UserMessage]: user_messages_to_insert = [] # type: List[UserMessage] def store_user_message_to_insert(message: Message) -> None: message = UserMessage(user_profile=user_profile, message_id=message['id'], flags=0) user_messages_to_insert.append(message) for (stream_id, stream_messages) in all_stream_messages.items(): stream_subscription_logs = all_stream_subscription_logs[stream_id] for log_entry in stream_subscription_logs: if len(stream_messages) == 0: continue if log_entry.event_type == RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_DEACTIVATED: for stream_message in stream_messages: if stream_message['id'] <= log_entry.event_last_message_id: store_user_message_to_insert(stream_message) else: break elif log_entry.event_type in (RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATED, RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_CREATED): initial_msg_count = len(stream_messages) for i, stream_message in enumerate(stream_messages): if stream_message['id'] > log_entry.event_last_message_id: stream_messages = stream_messages[i:] break final_msg_count = len(stream_messages) if initial_msg_count == final_msg_count: if stream_messages[-1]['id'] <= log_entry.event_last_message_id: stream_messages = [] else: raise AssertionError('%s is not a Subscription Event.' % (log_entry.event_type)) if len(stream_messages) > 0: # We do this check for last event since if the last subscription # event was a subscription_deactivated then we don't want to create # UserMessage rows for any of the remaining messages. if stream_subscription_logs[-1].event_type in ( RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATED, RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_CREATED): for stream_message in stream_messages: store_user_message_to_insert(stream_message) return user_messages_to_insert def add_missing_messages(user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: """This function takes a soft-deactivated user, and computes and adds to the database any UserMessage rows that were not created while the user was soft-deactivated. The end result is that from the perspective of the message database, it should be impossible to tell that the user was soft-deactivated at all. At a high level, the algorithm is as follows: * Find all the streams that the user was at any time a subscriber of when or after they were soft-deactivated (`recipient_ids` below). * Find all the messages sent to those streams since the user was soft-deactivated. This will be a superset of the target UserMessages we need to create in two ways: (1) some UserMessage rows will have already been created in do_send_messages because the user had a nonzero set of flags (the fact that we do so in do_send_messages simplifies things considerably, since it means we don't need to inspect message content to look for things like mentions here), and (2) the user might not have been subscribed to all of the streams in recipient_ids for the entire time window. * Correct the list from the previous state by excluding those with existing UserMessage rows. * Correct the list from the previous state by excluding those where the user wasn't subscribed at the time, using the RealmAuditLog data to determine exactly when the user was subscribed/unsubscribed. * Create the UserMessage rows. """ assert user_profile.last_active_message_id is not None all_stream_subs = list(Subscription.objects.select_related('recipient').filter( user_profile=user_profile, recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM).values('recipient', 'recipient__type_id')) # For Stream messages we need to check messages against data from # RealmAuditLog for visibility to user. So we fetch the subscription logs. stream_ids = [sub['recipient__type_id'] for sub in all_stream_subs] events = [RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_CREATED, RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_DEACTIVATED, RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_ACTIVATED] subscription_logs = list(RealmAuditLog.objects.select_related( 'modified_stream').filter( modified_user=user_profile, modified_stream__id__in=stream_ids, event_type__in=events).order_by('event_last_message_id')) all_stream_subscription_logs = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, List[RealmAuditLog]] for log in subscription_logs: all_stream_subscription_logs[].append(log) recipient_ids = [] for sub in all_stream_subs: stream_subscription_logs = all_stream_subscription_logs[sub['recipient__type_id']] if stream_subscription_logs[-1].event_type == RealmAuditLog.SUBSCRIPTION_DEACTIVATED: assert stream_subscription_logs[-1].event_last_message_id is not None if stream_subscription_logs[-1].event_last_message_id <= user_profile.last_active_message_id: # We are going to short circuit this iteration as its no use # iterating since user unsubscribed before soft-deactivation continue recipient_ids.append(sub['recipient']) all_stream_msgs = list(Message.objects.select_related( 'recipient').filter( recipient__id__in=recipient_ids, id__gt=user_profile.last_active_message_id).order_by('id').values( 'id', 'recipient__type_id')) already_created_um_objs = list(UserMessage.objects.select_related( 'message').filter( user_profile=user_profile, message__recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, message__id__gt=user_profile.last_active_message_id).values( 'message__id')) already_created_ums = set([obj['message__id'] for obj in already_created_um_objs]) # Filter those messages for which UserMessage rows have been already created all_stream_msgs = [msg for msg in all_stream_msgs if msg['id'] not in already_created_ums] stream_messages = defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[int, List[Message]] for msg in all_stream_msgs: stream_messages[msg['recipient__type_id']].append(msg) # Calling this function to filter out stream messages based upon # subscription logs and then store all UserMessage objects for bulk insert # This function does not perform any SQL related task and gets all the data # required for its operation in its params. user_messages_to_insert = filter_by_subscription_history( user_profile, stream_messages, all_stream_subscription_logs) # Doing a bulk create for all the UserMessage objects stored for creation. if len(user_messages_to_insert) > 0: UserMessage.objects.bulk_create(user_messages_to_insert) def do_soft_deactivate_user(user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: user_profile.last_active_message_id = UserMessage.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile).order_by( '-message__id')[0].message_id user_profile.long_term_idle = True[ 'long_term_idle', 'last_active_message_id'])'Soft Deactivated user %s (%s)' % (, def do_soft_deactivate_users(users: List[UserProfile]) -> List[UserProfile]: users_soft_deactivated = [] with transaction.atomic(): realm_logs = [] for user in users: do_soft_deactivate_user(user) event_time = timezone_now() log = RealmAuditLog( realm=user.realm, modified_user=user, event_type=RealmAuditLog.USER_SOFT_DEACTIVATED, event_time=event_time ) realm_logs.append(log) users_soft_deactivated.append(user) RealmAuditLog.objects.bulk_create(realm_logs) return users_soft_deactivated def maybe_catch_up_soft_deactivated_user(user_profile: UserProfile) -> Union[UserProfile, None]: if user_profile.long_term_idle: add_missing_messages(user_profile) user_profile.long_term_idle = False['long_term_idle']) RealmAuditLog.objects.create( realm=user_profile.realm, modified_user=user_profile, event_type=RealmAuditLog.USER_SOFT_ACTIVATED, event_time=timezone_now() )'Soft Reactivated user %s (%s)' % (, return user_profile return None def get_users_for_soft_deactivation(inactive_for_days: int, filter_kwargs: Any) -> List[UserProfile]: users_activity = list(UserActivity.objects.filter( user_profile__is_active=True, user_profile__is_bot=False, user_profile__long_term_idle=False, **filter_kwargs).values('user_profile_id').annotate( last_visit=Max('last_visit'))) user_ids_to_deactivate = [] today = timezone_now() for user_activity in users_activity: if (today - user_activity['last_visit']).days > inactive_for_days: user_ids_to_deactivate.append(user_activity['user_profile_id']) users_to_deactivate = list(UserProfile.objects.filter( id__in=user_ids_to_deactivate)) return users_to_deactivate def do_soft_activate_users(users: List[UserProfile]) -> List[UserProfile]: users_soft_activated = [] for user_profile in users: user_activated = maybe_catch_up_soft_deactivated_user(user_profile) if user_activated: users_soft_activated.append(user_activated) return users_soft_activated
[ "UserProfile", "DefaultDict[int, List[Message]]", "DefaultDict[int, List[RealmAuditLog]]", "Message", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "List[UserProfile]", "UserProfile", "int", "Any", "List[UserProfile]" ]
[ 593, 662, 760, 965, 3200, 8121, 8576, 9259, 9919, 9939, 10655 ]
[ 604, 693, 797, 972, 3211, 8132, 8593, 9270, 9922, 9942, 10672 ]
from typing import Optional, Any from django.db import connection from zerver.lib.db import TimeTrackingConnection import sqlalchemy # This is a Pool that doesn't close connections. Therefore it can be used with # existing Django database connections. class NonClosingPool(sqlalchemy.pool.NullPool): def status(self) -> str: return "NonClosingPool" def _do_return_conn(self, conn: sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection) -> None: pass def recreate(self) -> 'NonClosingPool': return self.__class__(creator=self._creator, recycle=self._recycle, use_threadlocal=self._use_threadlocal, reset_on_return=self._reset_on_return, echo=self.echo, logging_name=self._orig_logging_name, _dispatch=self.dispatch) sqlalchemy_engine = None # type: Optional[Any] def get_sqlalchemy_connection() -> sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection: global sqlalchemy_engine if sqlalchemy_engine is None: def get_dj_conn() -> TimeTrackingConnection: connection.ensure_connection() return connection.connection sqlalchemy_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('postgresql://', creator=get_dj_conn, poolclass=NonClosingPool, pool_reset_on_return=False) sa_connection = sqlalchemy_engine.connect() sa_connection.execution_options(autocommit=False) return sa_connection
[ "sqlalchemy.engine.base.Connection" ]
[ 402 ]
[ 435 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from zerver.models import UserProfile, UserActivity, UserActivityInterval, Message from django.utils.timezone import utc from typing import Any, Dict, List, Sequence, Set from datetime import datetime, timedelta # Return the amount of Zulip usage for this user between the two # given dates def seconds_usage_between(user_profile: UserProfile, begin: datetime, end: datetime) -> timedelta: intervals = UserActivityInterval.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile, end__gte=begin, start__lte=end) duration = timedelta(0) for interval in intervals: start = max(begin, interval.start) finish = min(end, interval.end) duration += finish-start return duration
[ "UserProfile", "datetime", "datetime" ]
[ 359, 379, 394 ]
[ 370, 387, 402 ]
# Useful reading is import os import shutil from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple from django.conf import settings from import ManifestStaticFilesStorage from import PipelineMixin from zerver.lib.str_utils import force_str class AddHeaderMixin: def post_process(self, paths: Dict[str, Tuple['ZulipStorage', str]], dry_run: bool=False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Tuple[str, str, bool]]: if dry_run: return [] with open(settings.STATIC_HEADER_FILE, 'rb') as header_file: header = # A dictionary of path to tuples of (old_path, new_path, # processed). The return value of this method is the values # of this dictionary ret_dict = {} for name in paths: storage, path = paths[name] if not path.startswith('min/') or not path.endswith('.css'): ret_dict[path] = (path, path, False) continue # Prepend the header with, 'rb') as orig_file: orig_contents = storage.delete(path) with, 'w') as new_file: new_file.write(force_str(header + orig_contents, encoding=settings.FILE_CHARSET)) ret_dict[path] = (path, path, True) super_class = super() if hasattr(super_class, 'post_process'): super_ret = super_class.post_process(paths, dry_run, **kwargs) # type: ignore # else: super_ret = [] # Merge super class's return value with ours for val in super_ret: old_path, new_path, processed = val if processed: ret_dict[old_path] = val return list(ret_dict.values()) class RemoveUnminifiedFilesMixin: def post_process(self, paths: Dict[str, Tuple['ZulipStorage', str]], dry_run: bool=False, **kwargs: Any) -> List[Tuple[str, str, bool]]: if dry_run: return [] root = settings.STATIC_ROOT to_remove = ['js'] for tree in to_remove: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(root, tree)) is_valid = lambda p: all([not p.startswith(k) for k in to_remove]) paths = {k: v for k, v in paths.items() if is_valid(k)} super_class = super() if hasattr(super_class, 'post_process'): return super_class.post_process(paths, dry_run, **kwargs) # type: ignore # return [] class IgnoreBundlesManifestStaticFilesStorage(ManifestStaticFilesStorage): def hashed_name(self, name: str, content: Optional[str]=None, filename: Optional[str]=None) -> str: ext = os.path.splitext(name)[1] if (name.startswith("webpack-bundles") and ext in ['.js', '.css', '.map']): # Hack to avoid renaming already-hashnamed webpack bundles # when minifying; this was causing every bundle to have # two hashes appended to its name, one by webpack and one # here. We can't just skip processing of these bundles, # since we do need the Django storage to add these to the # manifest for django_webpack_loader to work. So, we just # use a no-op hash function for these already-hashed # assets. return name if ext in ['.png', '.gif', '.jpg', '.svg']: # Similarly, don't hash-rename image files; we only serve # the original file paths (not the hashed file paths), and # so the only effect of hash-renaming these is to increase # the size of release tarballs with duplicate copies of thesex. # # One could imagine a future world in which we instead # used the hashed paths for these; in that case, though, # we should instead be removing the non-hashed paths. return name if ext in ['json', 'po', 'mo', 'mp3', 'ogg', 'html']: # And same story for translation files, sound files, etc. return name return super().hashed_name(name, content, filename) if settings.PRODUCTION: # This is a hack to use staticfiles.json from within the # deployment, rather than a directory under STATIC_ROOT. By doing # so, we can use a different copy of staticfiles.json for each # deployment, which ensures that we always use the correct static # assets for each deployment. ManifestStaticFilesStorage.manifest_name = os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, "staticfiles.json") orig_path = ManifestStaticFilesStorage.path def path(self: ManifestStaticFilesStorage, name: str) -> str: if name == ManifestStaticFilesStorage.manifest_name: return name return orig_path(self, name) ManifestStaticFilesStorage.path = path class ZulipStorage(PipelineMixin, AddHeaderMixin, RemoveUnminifiedFilesMixin, IgnoreBundlesManifestStaticFilesStorage): pass
[ "Dict[str, Tuple['ZulipStorage', str]]", "Any", "Dict[str, Tuple['ZulipStorage', str]]", "Any", "str", "ManifestStaticFilesStorage", "str" ]
[ 428, 519, 2115, 2206, 2911, 5007, 5041 ]
[ 465, 522, 2152, 2209, 2914, 5033, 5044 ]
""" String Utilities: This module helps in converting strings from one type to another. Currently we have strings of 3 semantic types: 1. text strings: These strings are used to represent all textual data, like people's names, stream names, content of messages, etc. These strings can contain non-ASCII characters, so its type should be typing.str (which is `str` in python 3 and `unicode` in python 2). 2. binary strings: These strings are used to represent binary data. This should be of type `bytes` 3. native strings: These strings are for internal use only. Strings of this type are not meant to be stored in database, displayed to end users, etc. Things like exception names, parameter names, attribute names, etc should be native strings. These strings should only contain ASCII characters and they should have type `str`. There are 3 utility functions provided for converting strings from one type to another - force_text, force_bytes, force_str Interconversion between text strings and binary strings can be done by using encode and decode appropriately or by using the utility functions force_text and force_bytes. It is recommended to use the utility functions for other string conversions. """ from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Union, TypeVar NonBinaryStr = TypeVar('NonBinaryStr', str, str) # This is used to represent text or native strings def force_text(s: Union[str, bytes], encoding: str='utf-8') -> str: """converts a string to a text string""" if isinstance(s, str): return s elif isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode(encoding) else: raise TypeError("force_text expects a string type") def force_str(s: Union[str, bytes], encoding: str='utf-8') -> str: """converts a string to a native string""" if isinstance(s, str): return s elif isinstance(s, str): return s.encode(encoding) elif isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode(encoding) else: raise TypeError("force_str expects a string type")
[ "Union[str, bytes]", "Union[str, bytes]" ]
[ 1427, 1719 ]
[ 1444, 1736 ]
from typing import (Dict, List) from django.db import connection from zerver.models import Recipient class StreamRecipientMap: ''' This class maps stream_id -> recipient_id and vice versa. It is useful for bulk operations. Call the populate_* methods to initialize the data structures. You should try to avoid excessive queries by finding ids up front, but you can call this repeatedly, and it will only look up new ids. You should ONLY use this class for READ operations. Note that this class uses raw SQL, because we want to highly optimize page loads. ''' def __init__(self) -> None: self.recip_to_stream = dict() # type: Dict[int, int] self.stream_to_recip = dict() # type: Dict[int, int] def populate_for_stream_ids(self, stream_ids: List[int]) -> None: stream_ids = sorted([ stream_id for stream_id in stream_ids if stream_id not in self.stream_to_recip ]) if not stream_ids: return # see comment at the top of the class id_list = ', '.join(str(stream_id) for stream_id in stream_ids) query = ''' SELECT as recipient_id, as stream_id FROM zerver_stream INNER JOIN zerver_recipient ON = zerver_recipient.type_id WHERE zerver_recipient.type = %d AND in (%s) ''' % (Recipient.STREAM, id_list) self._process_query(query) def populate_for_recipient_ids(self, recipient_ids: List[int]) -> None: recipient_ids = sorted([ recip_id for recip_id in recipient_ids if recip_id not in self.recip_to_stream ]) if not recipient_ids: return # see comment at the top of the class id_list = ', '.join(str(recip_id) for recip_id in recipient_ids) query = ''' SELECT as recipient_id, as stream_id FROM zerver_recipient INNER JOIN zerver_stream ON = zerver_recipient.type_id WHERE zerver_recipient.type = %d AND in (%s) ''' % (Recipient.STREAM, id_list) self._process_query(query) def _process_query(self, query: str) -> None: cursor = connection.cursor() cursor.execute(query) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() for recip_id, stream_id in rows: self.recip_to_stream[recip_id] = stream_id self.stream_to_recip[stream_id] = recip_id def recipient_id_for(self, stream_id: int) -> int: return self.stream_to_recip[stream_id] def stream_id_for(self, recip_id: int) -> int: return self.recip_to_stream[recip_id] def recipient_to_stream_id_dict(self) -> Dict[int, int]: return self.recip_to_stream
[ "List[int]", "List[int]", "str", "int", "int" ]
[ 813, 1687, 2552, 2883, 2982 ]
[ 822, 1696, 2555, 2886, 2985 ]
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple from mypy_extensions import TypedDict from django.db.models.query import QuerySet from zerver.models import ( Recipient, Stream, Subscription, UserProfile, ) def get_active_subscriptions_for_stream_id(stream_id: int) -> QuerySet: # TODO: Change return type to QuerySet[Subscription] return Subscription.objects.filter( recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, recipient__type_id=stream_id, active=True, ) def get_active_subscriptions_for_stream_ids(stream_ids: List[int]) -> QuerySet: # TODO: Change return type to QuerySet[Subscription] return Subscription.objects.filter( recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, recipient__type_id__in=stream_ids, active=True ) def get_stream_subscriptions_for_user(user_profile: UserProfile) -> QuerySet: # TODO: Change return type to QuerySet[Subscription] return Subscription.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, ) def get_stream_subscriptions_for_users(user_profiles: List[UserProfile]) -> QuerySet: # TODO: Change return type to QuerySet[Subscription] return Subscription.objects.filter( user_profile__in=user_profiles, recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, ) SubInfo = TypedDict('SubInfo', { 'sub': Subscription, 'stream': Stream, }) def get_bulk_stream_subscriber_info( user_profiles: List[UserProfile], stream_dict: Dict[int, Stream]) -> Dict[int, List[Tuple[Subscription, Stream]]]: stream_ids = stream_dict.keys() result = { [] for user_profile in user_profiles } # type: Dict[int, List[Tuple[Subscription, Stream]]] subs = Subscription.objects.filter( user_profile__in=user_profiles, recipient__type=Recipient.STREAM, recipient__type_id__in=stream_ids, active=True, ).select_related('user_profile', 'recipient') for sub in subs: user_profile_id = sub.user_profile_id stream_id = sub.recipient.type_id stream = stream_dict[stream_id] result[user_profile_id].append((sub, stream)) return result def num_subscribers_for_stream_id(stream_id: int) -> int: return get_active_subscriptions_for_stream_id(stream_id).filter( user_profile__is_active=True, ).count()
[ "int", "List[int]", "UserProfile", "List[UserProfile]", "List[UserProfile]", "Dict[int, Stream]", "int" ]
[ 267, 546, 831, 1092, 1454, 1494, 2251 ]
[ 270, 555, 842, 1109, 1471, 1511, 2254 ]
from typing import (Dict, List, Set) from django.db.models.query import QuerySet from zerver.lib.stream_subscription import ( get_active_subscriptions_for_stream_id, ) from zerver.models import ( MutedTopic, ) class StreamTopicTarget: ''' This class is designed to help us move to a StreamTopic table or something similar. It isolates places where we are are still using `subject` or `topic_name` as a key into tables. ''' def __init__(self, stream_id: int, topic_name: str) -> None: self.stream_id = stream_id self.topic_name = topic_name def user_ids_muting_topic(self) -> Set[int]: query = MutedTopic.objects.filter( stream_id=self.stream_id, topic_name__iexact=self.topic_name, ).values( 'user_profile_id', ) return { row['user_profile_id'] for row in query } def get_active_subscriptions(self) -> QuerySet: return get_active_subscriptions_for_stream_id(self.stream_id)
[ "int", "str" ]
[ 493, 510 ]
[ 496, 513 ]
from typing import Any, Iterable, List, Mapping, Set, Tuple, Optional from django.http import HttpRequest, HttpResponse from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from zerver.lib.actions import check_stream_name, create_streams_if_needed from zerver.lib.request import JsonableError from zerver.models import UserProfile, Stream, Subscription, \ Realm, Recipient, bulk_get_recipients, get_stream_recipient, get_stream, \ bulk_get_streams, get_realm_stream, DefaultStreamGroup def access_stream_for_delete_or_update(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_id: int) -> Stream: # We should only ever use this for realm admins, who are allowed # to delete or update all streams on their realm, even private streams # to which they are not subscribed. We do an assert here, because # all callers should have the require_realm_admin decorator. assert(user_profile.is_realm_admin) error = _("Invalid stream id") try: stream = Stream.objects.get(id=stream_id) except Stream.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(error) if stream.realm_id != user_profile.realm_id: raise JsonableError(error) return stream # Only set allow_realm_admin flag to True when you want to allow realm admin to # access unsubscribed private stream content. def access_stream_common(user_profile: UserProfile, stream: Stream, error: str, require_active: bool=True, allow_realm_admin: bool=False) -> Tuple[Recipient, Optional[Subscription]]: """Common function for backend code where the target use attempts to access the target stream, returning all the data fetched along the way. If that user does not have permission to access that stream, we throw an exception. A design goal is that the error message is the same for streams you can't access and streams that don't exist.""" # First, we don't allow any access to streams in other realms. if stream.realm_id != user_profile.realm_id: raise JsonableError(error) recipient = get_stream_recipient( try: sub = Subscription.objects.get(user_profile=user_profile, recipient=recipient, active=require_active) except Subscription.DoesNotExist: sub = None # If the stream is in your realm and public, you can access it. if stream.is_public() and not user_profile.is_guest: return (recipient, sub) # Or if you are subscribed to the stream, you can access it. if sub is not None: return (recipient, sub) # For some specific callers (e.g. getting list of subscribers, # removing other users from a stream, and updating stream name and # description), we allow realm admins to access stream even if # they are not subscribed to a private stream. if user_profile.is_realm_admin and allow_realm_admin: return (recipient, sub) # Otherwise it is a private stream and you're not on it, so throw # an error. raise JsonableError(error) def access_stream_by_id(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_id: int, require_active: bool=True, allow_realm_admin: bool=False) -> Tuple[Stream, Recipient, Optional[Subscription]]: stream = get_stream_by_id(stream_id) error = _("Invalid stream id") (recipient, sub) = access_stream_common(user_profile, stream, error, require_active=require_active, allow_realm_admin=allow_realm_admin) return (stream, recipient, sub) def get_stream_by_id(stream_id: int) -> Stream: error = _("Invalid stream id") try: stream = Stream.objects.get(id=stream_id) except Stream.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(error) return stream def check_stream_name_available(realm: Realm, name: str) -> None: check_stream_name(name) try: get_stream(name, realm) raise JsonableError(_("Stream name '%s' is already taken.") % (name,)) except Stream.DoesNotExist: pass def access_stream_by_name(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_name: str, allow_realm_admin: bool=False) -> Tuple[Stream, Recipient, Optional[Subscription]]: error = _("Invalid stream name '%s'" % (stream_name,)) try: stream = get_realm_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm_id) except Stream.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(error) (recipient, sub) = access_stream_common(user_profile, stream, error, allow_realm_admin=allow_realm_admin) return (stream, recipient, sub) def access_stream_for_unmute_topic(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_name: str, error: str) -> Stream: """ It may seem a little silly to have this helper function for unmuting topics, but it gets around a linter warning, and it helps to be able to review all security-related stuff in one place. Our policy for accessing streams when you unmute a topic is that you don't necessarily need to have an active subscription or even "legal" access to the stream. Instead, we just verify the stream_id has been muted in the past (not here, but in the caller). Long term, we'll probably have folks just pass us in the id of the MutedTopic row to unmute topics. """ try: stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm) except Stream.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(error) return stream def can_access_stream_history_by_name(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_name: str) -> bool: """Determine whether the provided user is allowed to access the history of the target stream. The stream is specified by name. This is used by the caller to determine whether this user can get historical messages before they joined for a narrowing search. Because of the way our search is currently structured, we may be passed an invalid stream here. We return False in that situation, and subsequent code will do validation and raise the appropriate JsonableError. Note that this function should only be used in contexts where access_stream is being called elsewhere to confirm that the user can actually see this stream. """ try: stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm) except Stream.DoesNotExist: return False if stream.is_history_realm_public() and not user_profile.is_guest: return True if stream.is_history_public_to_subscribers(): # In this case, we check if the user is subscribed. error = _("Invalid stream name '%s'" % (stream_name,)) try: (recipient, sub) = access_stream_common(user_profile, stream, error) except JsonableError: return False return True return False def filter_stream_authorization(user_profile: UserProfile, streams: Iterable[Stream]) -> Tuple[List[Stream], List[Stream]]: streams_subscribed = set() # type: Set[int] recipients_map = bulk_get_recipients(Recipient.STREAM, [ for stream in streams]) subs = Subscription.objects.filter(user_profile=user_profile, recipient__in=list(recipients_map.values()), active=True) for sub in subs: streams_subscribed.add(sub.recipient.type_id) unauthorized_streams = [] # type: List[Stream] for stream in streams: # The user is authorized for their own streams if in streams_subscribed: continue # Users are not authorized for invite_only streams, and guest # users are not authorized for any streams if stream.invite_only or user_profile.is_guest: unauthorized_streams.append(stream) authorized_streams = [stream for stream in streams if not in set( for stream in unauthorized_streams)] return authorized_streams, unauthorized_streams def list_to_streams(streams_raw: Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]], user_profile: UserProfile, autocreate: bool=False) -> Tuple[List[Stream], List[Stream]]: """Converts list of dicts to a list of Streams, validating input in the process For each stream name, we validate it to ensure it meets our requirements for a proper stream name using check_stream_name. This function in autocreate mode should be atomic: either an exception will be raised during a precheck, or all the streams specified will have been created if applicable. @param streams_raw The list of stream dictionaries to process; names should already be stripped of whitespace by the caller. @param user_profile The user for whom we are retreiving the streams @param autocreate Whether we should create streams if they don't already exist """ # Validate all streams, getting extant ones, then get-or-creating the rest. stream_set = set(stream_dict["name"] for stream_dict in streams_raw) for stream_name in stream_set: # Stream names should already have been stripped by the # caller, but it makes sense to verify anyway. assert stream_name == stream_name.strip() check_stream_name(stream_name) existing_streams = [] # type: List[Stream] missing_stream_dicts = [] # type: List[Mapping[str, Any]] existing_stream_map = bulk_get_streams(user_profile.realm, stream_set) for stream_dict in streams_raw: stream_name = stream_dict["name"] stream = existing_stream_map.get(stream_name.lower()) if stream is None: missing_stream_dicts.append(stream_dict) else: existing_streams.append(stream) if len(missing_stream_dicts) == 0: # This is the happy path for callers who expected all of these # streams to exist already. created_streams = [] # type: List[Stream] else: # autocreate=True path starts here if not user_profile.can_create_streams(): raise JsonableError(_('User cannot create streams.')) elif not autocreate: raise JsonableError(_("Stream(s) (%s) do not exist") % ", ".join( stream_dict["name"] for stream_dict in missing_stream_dicts)) # We already filtered out existing streams, so dup_streams # will normally be an empty list below, but we protect against somebody # else racing to create the same stream. (This is not an entirely # paranoid approach, since often on Zulip two people will discuss # creating a new stream, and both people eagerly do it.) created_streams, dup_streams = create_streams_if_needed(realm=user_profile.realm, stream_dicts=missing_stream_dicts) existing_streams += dup_streams return existing_streams, created_streams def access_default_stream_group_by_id(realm: Realm, group_id: int) -> DefaultStreamGroup: try: return DefaultStreamGroup.objects.get(realm=realm, id=group_id) except DefaultStreamGroup.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_("Default stream group with id '%s' does not exist." % (group_id,)))
[ "UserProfile", "int", "UserProfile", "Stream", "str", "UserProfile", "int", "int", "Realm", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "UserProfile", "Iterable[Stream]", "Iterable[Mapping[str, Any]]", "UserProfile", "Realm", "int" ]
[ 549, 573, 1342, 1363, 1403, 3162, 3210, 3749, 3984, 3997, 4245, 4297, 4858, 4884, 4896, 5721, 5747, 7064, 7118, 8260, 8323, 11213, 11230 ]
[ 560, 576, 1353, 1369, 1406, 3173, 3213, 3752, 3989, 4000, 4256, 4300, 4869, 4887, 4899, 5732, 5750, 7075, 7134, 8287, 8334, 11218, 11233 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpRequest import re from typing import Optional from zerver.models import get_realm, Realm, UserProfile def get_subdomain(request: HttpRequest) -> str: # The HTTP spec allows, but doesn't require, a client to omit the # port in the `Host` header if it's "the default port for the # service requested", i.e. typically either 443 or 80; and # whatever Django gets there, or from proxies reporting that via # X-Forwarded-Host, it passes right through the same way. So our # logic is a bit complicated to allow for that variation. # # For both EXTERNAL_HOST and REALM_HOSTS, we take a missing port # to mean that any port should be accepted in Host. It's not # totally clear that's the right behavior, but it keeps # compatibility with older versions of Zulip, so that's a start. host = request.get_host().lower() m ='\.%s(:\d+)?$' % (settings.EXTERNAL_HOST,), host) if m: subdomain = host[:m.start()] if subdomain in settings.ROOT_SUBDOMAIN_ALIASES: return Realm.SUBDOMAIN_FOR_ROOT_DOMAIN return subdomain for subdomain, realm_host in settings.REALM_HOSTS.items(): if'^%s(:\d+)?$' % (realm_host,), host): return subdomain return Realm.SUBDOMAIN_FOR_ROOT_DOMAIN def is_subdomain_root_or_alias(request: HttpRequest) -> bool: return get_subdomain(request) == Realm.SUBDOMAIN_FOR_ROOT_DOMAIN def user_matches_subdomain(realm_subdomain: Optional[str], user_profile: UserProfile) -> bool: if realm_subdomain is None: return True # nocoverage # This state may no longer be possible. return user_profile.realm.subdomain == realm_subdomain def is_root_domain_available() -> bool: if settings.ROOT_DOMAIN_LANDING_PAGE: return False return get_realm(Realm.SUBDOMAIN_FOR_ROOT_DOMAIN) is None
[ "HttpRequest", "HttpRequest", "Optional[str]", "UserProfile" ]
[ 217, 1475, 1611, 1640 ]
[ 228, 1486, 1624, 1651 ]
from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import (cast, Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Sized, Tuple, Union) from django.apps import apps from django.db.migrations.state import StateApps from django.urls import resolve from django.conf import settings from django.test import TestCase from django.test.client import ( BOUNDARY, MULTIPART_CONTENT, encode_multipart, ) from django.test.testcases import SerializeMixin from django.http import HttpResponse from django.db.migrations.executor import MigrationExecutor from django.db import connection from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from django.http import HttpRequest from two_factor.models import PhoneDevice from zerver.lib.initial_password import initial_password from zerver.lib.utils import is_remote_server from zerver.lib.users import get_api_key from zerver.lib.actions import ( check_send_message, create_stream_if_needed, bulk_add_subscriptions, get_display_recipient, bulk_remove_subscriptions, do_create_user, check_send_stream_message, gather_subscriptions, get_default_value_for_history_public_to_subscribers, ) from zerver.lib.stream_subscription import ( get_stream_subscriptions_for_user, ) from zerver.lib.test_helpers import ( instrument_url, find_key_by_email, ) from zerver.models import ( get_stream, get_client, get_user, get_realm, Client, Message, Realm, Recipient, Service, Stream, Subscription, UserProfile, ) from zilencer.models import get_remote_server_by_uuid from zerver.decorator import do_two_factor_login from zerver.tornado.event_queue import clear_client_event_queues_for_testing import base64 import mock import os import re import ujson import urllib API_KEYS = {} # type: Dict[str, str] def flush_caches_for_testing() -> None: global API_KEYS API_KEYS = {} class UploadSerializeMixin(SerializeMixin): """ We cannot use override_settings to change upload directory because because settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR is used in url pattern and urls are compiled only once. Otherwise using a different upload directory for conflicting test cases would have provided better performance while providing the required isolation. """ lockfile = 'var/upload_lock' @classmethod def setUpClass(cls: Any, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not os.path.exists(cls.lockfile): with open(cls.lockfile, 'w'): # nocoverage - rare locking case pass super(UploadSerializeMixin, cls).setUpClass(*args, **kwargs) class ZulipTestCase(TestCase): # Ensure that the test system just shows us diffs maxDiff = None # type: Optional[int] def tearDown(self) -> None: super().tearDown() # Important: we need to clear event queues to avoid leaking data to future tests. clear_client_event_queues_for_testing() ''' WRAPPER_COMMENT: We wrap calls to self.client.{patch,put,get,post,delete} for various reasons. Some of this has to do with fixing encodings before calling into the Django code. Some of this has to do with providing a future path for instrumentation. Some of it's just consistency. The linter will prevent direct calls to, so the wrapper functions have to fake out the linter by using a local variable called django_client to fool the regext. ''' DEFAULT_SUBDOMAIN = "zulip" DEFAULT_REALM = Realm.objects.get(string_id='zulip') TOKENIZED_NOREPLY_REGEX = settings.TOKENIZED_NOREPLY_EMAIL_ADDRESS.format(token="[a-z0-9_]{24}") def set_http_host(self, kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: if 'subdomain' in kwargs: kwargs['HTTP_HOST'] = Realm.host_for_subdomain(kwargs['subdomain']) del kwargs['subdomain'] elif 'HTTP_HOST' not in kwargs: kwargs['HTTP_HOST'] = Realm.host_for_subdomain(self.DEFAULT_SUBDOMAIN) @instrument_url def client_patch(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: """ We need to urlencode, since Django's function won't do it for us. """ encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(info) django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.patch(url, encoded, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_patch_multipart(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: """ Use this for patch requests that have file uploads or that need some sort of multi-part content. In the future Django's test client may become a bit more flexible, so we can hopefully eliminate this. (When you post with the Django test client, it deals with MULTIPART_CONTENT automatically, but not patch.) """ encoded = encode_multipart(BOUNDARY, info) django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.patch( url, encoded, content_type=MULTIPART_CONTENT, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_put(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(info) django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.put(url, encoded, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_delete(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(info) django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.delete(url, encoded, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_options(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(info) django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.options(url, encoded, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_head(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: encoded = urllib.parse.urlencode(info) django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.head(url, encoded, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_post(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return, info, **kwargs) @instrument_url def client_post_request(self, url: str, req: Any) -> HttpResponse: """ We simulate hitting an endpoint here, although we actually resolve the URL manually and hit the view directly. We have this helper method to allow our instrumentation to work for /notify_tornado and future similar methods that require doing funny things to a request object. """ match = resolve(url) return match.func(req) @instrument_url def client_get(self, url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: django_client = self.client # see WRAPPER_COMMENT self.set_http_host(kwargs) return django_client.get(url, info, **kwargs) example_user_map = dict( hamlet='', cordelia='', iago='', prospero='', othello='', AARON='', aaron='', ZOE='', polonius='', webhook_bot='', welcome_bot='', outgoing_webhook_bot='' ) mit_user_map = dict( sipbtest="", starnine="", espuser="", ) lear_user_map = dict( cordelia="", king="" ) # Non-registered test users nonreg_user_map = dict( test='', test1='', alice='', newuser='', bob='', cordelia='', newguy='', me='', ) def nonreg_user(self, name: str) -> UserProfile: email = self.nonreg_user_map[name] return get_user(email, get_realm("zulip")) def example_user(self, name: str) -> UserProfile: email = self.example_user_map[name] return get_user(email, get_realm('zulip')) def mit_user(self, name: str) -> UserProfile: email = self.mit_user_map[name] return get_user(email, get_realm('zephyr')) def lear_user(self, name: str) -> UserProfile: email = self.lear_user_map[name] return get_user(email, get_realm('lear')) def nonreg_email(self, name: str) -> str: return self.nonreg_user_map[name] def example_email(self, name: str) -> str: return self.example_user_map[name] def mit_email(self, name: str) -> str: return self.mit_user_map[name] def notification_bot(self) -> UserProfile: return get_user('', get_realm('zulip')) def create_test_bot(self, short_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile, assert_json_error_msg: str=None, **extras: Any) -> Optional[UserProfile]: self.login( bot_info = { 'short_name': short_name, 'full_name': 'Foo Bot', } bot_info.update(extras) result = self.client_post("/json/bots", bot_info) if assert_json_error_msg is not None: self.assert_json_error(result, assert_json_error_msg) return None else: self.assert_json_success(result) bot_email = '{}-bot@zulip.testserver'.format(short_name) bot_profile = get_user(bot_email, user_profile.realm) return bot_profile def login_with_return(self, email: str, password: Optional[str]=None, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: if password is None: password = initial_password(email) return self.client_post('/accounts/login/', {'username': email, 'password': password}, **kwargs) def login(self, email: str, password: Optional[str]=None, fails: bool=False, realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> HttpResponse: if realm is None: realm = get_realm("zulip") if password is None: password = initial_password(email) if not fails: self.assertTrue(self.client.login(username=email, password=password, realm=realm)) else: self.assertFalse(self.client.login(username=email, password=password, realm=realm)) def login_2fa(self, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: """ We need this function to call do_two_factor_login doesn't save session; in normal request-response cycle this doesn't matter because middleware will save the session when it finds it dirty; however,in tests we will have to do that explicitly. """ request = HttpRequest() request.session = self.client.session request.user = user_profile do_two_factor_login(request, user_profile) def logout(self) -> None: self.client.logout() def register(self, email: str, password: str, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: self.client_post('/accounts/home/', {'email': email}, **kwargs) return self.submit_reg_form_for_user(email, password, **kwargs) def submit_reg_form_for_user( self, email: str, password: str, realm_name: Optional[str]="Zulip Test", realm_subdomain: Optional[str]="zuliptest", from_confirmation: Optional[str]='', full_name: Optional[str]=None, timezone: Optional[str]='', realm_in_root_domain: Optional[str]=None, default_stream_groups: Optional[List[str]]=[], source_realm: Optional[str]='', **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: """ Stage two of the two-step registration process. If things are working correctly the account should be fully registered after this call. You can pass the HTTP_HOST variable for subdomains via kwargs. """ if full_name is None: full_name = email.replace("@", "_") payload = { 'full_name': full_name, 'password': password, 'realm_name': realm_name, 'realm_subdomain': realm_subdomain, 'key': find_key_by_email(email), 'timezone': timezone, 'terms': True, 'from_confirmation': from_confirmation, 'default_stream_group': default_stream_groups, 'source_realm': source_realm, } if realm_in_root_domain is not None: payload['realm_in_root_domain'] = realm_in_root_domain return self.client_post('/accounts/register/', payload, **kwargs) def get_confirmation_url_from_outbox(self, email_address: str, *, url_pattern: str=None) -> str: from django.core.mail import outbox if url_pattern is None: # This is a bit of a crude heuristic, but good enough for most tests. url_pattern = settings.EXTERNAL_HOST + r"(\S+)>" for message in reversed(outbox): if email_address in return, message.body).groups()[0] else: raise AssertionError("Couldn't find a confirmation email.") def encode_credentials(self, identifier: str, realm: str="zulip") -> str: """ identifier: Can be an email or a remote server uuid. """ if identifier in API_KEYS: api_key = API_KEYS[identifier] else: if is_remote_server(identifier): api_key = get_remote_server_by_uuid(identifier).api_key else: user = get_user(identifier, get_realm(realm)) api_key = get_api_key(user) API_KEYS[identifier] = api_key credentials = "%s:%s" % (identifier, api_key) return 'Basic ' + base64.b64encode(credentials.encode('utf-8')).decode('utf-8') def api_get(self, email: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(email) return self.client_get(*args, **kwargs) def api_post(self, identifier: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(identifier, kwargs.get('realm', 'zulip')) return self.client_post(*args, **kwargs) def api_patch(self, email: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(email) return self.client_patch(*args, **kwargs) def api_put(self, email: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(email) return self.client_put(*args, **kwargs) def api_delete(self, email: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(email) return self.client_delete(*args, **kwargs) def get_streams(self, email: str, realm: Realm) -> List[str]: """ Helper function to get the stream names for a user """ user_profile = get_user(email, realm) subs = get_stream_subscriptions_for_user(user_profile).filter( active=True, ) return [cast(str, get_display_recipient(sub.recipient)) for sub in subs] def send_personal_message(self, from_email: str, to_email: str, content: str="test content", sender_realm: str="zulip") -> int: sender = get_user(from_email, get_realm(sender_realm)) recipient_list = [to_email] (sending_client, _) = Client.objects.get_or_create(name="test suite") return check_send_message( sender, sending_client, 'private', recipient_list, None, content ) def send_huddle_message(self, from_email: str, to_emails: List[str], content: str="test content", sender_realm: str="zulip") -> int: sender = get_user(from_email, get_realm(sender_realm)) assert(len(to_emails) >= 2) (sending_client, _) = Client.objects.get_or_create(name="test suite") return check_send_message( sender, sending_client, 'private', to_emails, None, content ) def send_stream_message(self, sender_email: str, stream_name: str, content: str="test content", topic_name: str="test", sender_realm: str="zulip") -> int: sender = get_user(sender_email, get_realm(sender_realm)) (sending_client, _) = Client.objects.get_or_create(name="test suite") return check_send_stream_message( sender=sender, client=sending_client, stream_name=stream_name, topic=topic_name, body=content, ) def get_messages_response(self, anchor: int=1, num_before: int=100, num_after: int=100, use_first_unread_anchor: bool=False) -> Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]]: post_params = {"anchor": anchor, "num_before": num_before, "num_after": num_after, "use_first_unread_anchor": ujson.dumps(use_first_unread_anchor)} result = self.client_get("/json/messages", dict(post_params)) data = result.json() return data def get_messages(self, anchor: int=1, num_before: int=100, num_after: int=100, use_first_unread_anchor: bool=False) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: data = self.get_messages_response(anchor, num_before, num_after, use_first_unread_anchor) return data['messages'] def users_subscribed_to_stream(self, stream_name: str, realm: Realm) -> List[UserProfile]: stream = Stream.objects.get(name=stream_name, realm=realm) recipient = Recipient.objects.get(, type=Recipient.STREAM) subscriptions = Subscription.objects.filter(recipient=recipient, active=True) return [subscription.user_profile for subscription in subscriptions] def assert_url_serves_contents_of_file(self, url: str, result: bytes) -> None: response = self.client_get(url) data = b"".join(response.streaming_content) self.assertEqual(result, data) def assert_json_success(self, result: HttpResponse) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Successful POSTs return a 200 and JSON of the form {"result": "success", "msg": ""}. """ try: json = ujson.loads(result.content) except Exception: # nocoverage json = {'msg': "Error parsing JSON in response!"} self.assertEqual(result.status_code, 200, json['msg']) self.assertEqual(json.get("result"), "success") # We have a msg key for consistency with errors, but it typically has an # empty value. self.assertIn("msg", json) self.assertNotEqual(json["msg"], "Error parsing JSON in response!") return json def get_json_error(self, result: HttpResponse, status_code: int=400) -> Dict[str, Any]: try: json = ujson.loads(result.content) except Exception: # nocoverage json = {'msg': "Error parsing JSON in response!"} self.assertEqual(result.status_code, status_code, msg=json.get('msg')) self.assertEqual(json.get("result"), "error") return json['msg'] def assert_json_error(self, result: HttpResponse, msg: str, status_code: int=400) -> None: """ Invalid POSTs return an error status code and JSON of the form {"result": "error", "msg": "reason"}. """ self.assertEqual(self.get_json_error(result, status_code=status_code), msg) def assert_length(self, items: List[Any], count: int) -> None: actual_count = len(items) if actual_count != count: # nocoverage print('ITEMS:\n') for item in items: print(item) print("\nexpected length: %s\nactual length: %s" % (count, actual_count)) raise AssertionError('List is unexpected size!') def assert_json_error_contains(self, result: HttpResponse, msg_substring: str, status_code: int=400) -> None: self.assertIn(msg_substring, self.get_json_error(result, status_code=status_code)) def assert_in_response(self, substring: str, response: HttpResponse) -> None: self.assertIn(substring, response.content.decode('utf-8')) def assert_in_success_response(self, substrings: List[str], response: HttpResponse) -> None: self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) decoded = response.content.decode('utf-8') for substring in substrings: self.assertIn(substring, decoded) def assert_not_in_success_response(self, substrings: List[str], response: HttpResponse) -> None: self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) decoded = response.content.decode('utf-8') for substring in substrings: self.assertNotIn(substring, decoded) def webhook_fixture_data(self, type: str, action: str, file_type: str='json') -> str: fn = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "../webhooks/%s/fixtures/%s.%s" % (type, action, file_type) ) return open(fn).read() def fixture_data(self, file_name: str, type: str='') -> str: fn = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "../tests/fixtures/%s/%s" % (type, file_name) ) return open(fn).read() def make_stream(self, stream_name: str, realm: Optional[Realm]=None, invite_only: Optional[bool]=False, history_public_to_subscribers: Optional[bool]=None) -> Stream: if realm is None: realm = self.DEFAULT_REALM history_public_to_subscribers = get_default_value_for_history_public_to_subscribers( realm, invite_only, history_public_to_subscribers) try: stream = Stream.objects.create( realm=realm, name=stream_name, invite_only=invite_only, history_public_to_subscribers=history_public_to_subscribers, ) except IntegrityError: # nocoverage -- this is for bugs in the tests raise Exception(''' %s already exists Please call make_stream with a stream name that is not already in use.''' % (stream_name,)) Recipient.objects.create(, type=Recipient.STREAM) return stream # Subscribe to a stream directly def subscribe(self, user_profile: UserProfile, stream_name: str) -> Stream: try: stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm) from_stream_creation = False except Stream.DoesNotExist: stream, from_stream_creation = create_stream_if_needed(user_profile.realm, stream_name) bulk_add_subscriptions([stream], [user_profile], from_stream_creation=from_stream_creation) return stream def unsubscribe(self, user_profile: UserProfile, stream_name: str) -> None: client = get_client("website") stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm) bulk_remove_subscriptions([user_profile], [stream], client) # Subscribe to a stream by making an API request def common_subscribe_to_streams(self, email: str, streams: Iterable[str], extra_post_data: Dict[str, Any]={}, invite_only: bool=False, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: post_data = {'subscriptions': ujson.dumps([{"name": stream} for stream in streams]), 'invite_only': ujson.dumps(invite_only)} post_data.update(extra_post_data) kwargs['realm'] = kwargs.get('subdomain', 'zulip') result = self.api_post(email, "/api/v1/users/me/subscriptions", post_data, **kwargs) return result def check_user_subscribed_only_to_streams(self, user_name: str, streams: List[Stream]) -> None: streams = sorted(streams, key=lambda x: subscribed_streams = gather_subscriptions(self.nonreg_user(user_name))[0] self.assertEqual(len(subscribed_streams), len(streams)) for x, y in zip(subscribed_streams, streams): self.assertEqual(x["name"], def send_json_payload(self, user_profile: UserProfile, url: str, payload: Union[str, Dict[str, Any]], stream_name: Optional[str]=None, **post_params: Any) -> Message: if stream_name is not None: self.subscribe(user_profile, stream_name) result = self.client_post(url, payload, **post_params) self.assert_json_success(result) # Check the correct message was sent msg = self.get_last_message() self.assertEqual(, if stream_name is not None: self.assertEqual(get_display_recipient(msg.recipient), stream_name) # TODO: should also validate recipient for private messages return msg def get_last_message(self) -> Message: return Message.objects.latest('id') def get_second_to_last_message(self) -> Message: return Message.objects.all().order_by('-id')[1] @contextmanager def simulated_markdown_failure(self) -> Iterator[None]: ''' This raises a failure inside of the try/except block of bugdown.__init__.do_convert. ''' with \ self.settings(ERROR_BOT=None), \ mock.patch('zerver.lib.bugdown.timeout', side_effect=KeyError('foo')), \ mock.patch('zerver.lib.bugdown.bugdown_logger'): yield def create_default_device(self, user_profile: UserProfile, number: str="+12223334444") -> None: phone_device = PhoneDevice(user=user_profile, name='default', confirmed=True, number=number, key='abcd', method='sms') class WebhookTestCase(ZulipTestCase): """ Common for all webhooks tests Override below class attributes and run send_and_test_message If you create your url in uncommon way you can override build_webhook_url method In case that you need modify body or create it without using fixture you can also override get_body method """ STREAM_NAME = None # type: Optional[str] TEST_USER_EMAIL = '' URL_TEMPLATE = None # type: Optional[str] FIXTURE_DIR_NAME = None # type: Optional[str] @property def test_user(self) -> UserProfile: return get_user(self.TEST_USER_EMAIL, get_realm("zulip")) def setUp(self) -> None: self.url = self.build_webhook_url() def api_stream_message(self, email: str, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: kwargs['HTTP_AUTHORIZATION'] = self.encode_credentials(email) return self.send_and_test_stream_message(*args, **kwargs) def send_and_test_stream_message(self, fixture_name: str, expected_topic: Optional[str]=None, expected_message: Optional[str]=None, content_type: Optional[str]="application/json", **kwargs: Any) -> Message: payload = self.get_body(fixture_name) if content_type is not None: kwargs['content_type'] = content_type msg = self.send_json_payload(self.test_user, self.url, payload, self.STREAM_NAME, **kwargs) self.do_test_topic(msg, expected_topic) self.do_test_message(msg, expected_message) return msg def send_and_test_private_message(self, fixture_name: str, expected_topic: str=None, expected_message: str=None, content_type: str="application/json", **kwargs: Any)-> Message: payload = self.get_body(fixture_name) if content_type is not None: kwargs['content_type'] = content_type sender = kwargs.get('sender', self.test_user) msg = self.send_json_payload(sender, self.url, payload, stream_name=None, **kwargs) self.do_test_message(msg, expected_message) return msg def build_webhook_url(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> str: url = self.URL_TEMPLATE if url.find("api_key") >= 0: api_key = get_api_key(self.test_user) url = self.URL_TEMPLATE.format(api_key=api_key, stream=self.STREAM_NAME) else: url = self.URL_TEMPLATE.format(stream=self.STREAM_NAME) has_arguments = kwargs or args if has_arguments and url.find('?') == -1: url = "{}?".format(url) # nocoverage else: url = "{}&".format(url) for key, value in kwargs.items(): url = "{}{}={}&".format(url, key, value) for arg in args: url = "{}{}&".format(url, arg) return url[:-1] if has_arguments else url def get_body(self, fixture_name: str) -> Union[str, Dict[str, str]]: """Can be implemented either as returning a dictionary containing the post parameters or as string containing the body of the request.""" return ujson.dumps(ujson.loads(self.webhook_fixture_data(self.FIXTURE_DIR_NAME, fixture_name))) def do_test_topic(self, msg: Message, expected_topic: Optional[str]) -> None: if expected_topic is not None: self.assertEqual(msg.topic_name(), expected_topic) def do_test_message(self, msg: Message, expected_message: Optional[str]) -> None: if expected_message is not None: self.assertEqual(msg.content, expected_message) class MigrationsTestCase(ZulipTestCase): """ Test class for database migrations inspired by this blog post: Documented at """ @property def app(self) -> str: return apps.get_containing_app_config(type(self).__module__).name migrate_from = None # type: Optional[str] migrate_to = None # type: Optional[str] def setUp(self) -> None: assert self.migrate_from and self.migrate_to, \ "TestCase '{}' must define migrate_from and migrate_to properties".format(type(self).__name__) migrate_from = [(, self.migrate_from)] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]] migrate_to = [(, self.migrate_to)] # type: List[Tuple[str, str]] executor = MigrationExecutor(connection) old_apps = executor.loader.project_state(migrate_from).apps # Reverse to the original migration executor.migrate(migrate_from) self.setUpBeforeMigration(old_apps) # Run the migration to test executor = MigrationExecutor(connection) executor.loader.build_graph() # reload. executor.migrate(migrate_to) self.apps = executor.loader.project_state(migrate_to).apps def setUpBeforeMigration(self, apps: StateApps) -> None: pass # nocoverage
[ "Any", "Any", "Any", "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "Any", "str", "str", "Any", "str", "str", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "Realm", "str", "str", "str", "List[str]", "str", "str", "str", "Realm", "str", "bytes", "HttpResponse", "HttpResponse", "HttpResponse", "str", "List[Any]", "int", "HttpResponse", "str", "str", "HttpResponse", "List[str]", "HttpResponse", "List[str]", "HttpResponse", "str", "str", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "Iterable[str]", "Any", "str", "List[Stream]", "UserProfile", "str", "Union[str, Dict[str, Any]]", "Any", "UserProfile", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "Any", "str", "Any", "Any", "Any", "str", "Message", "Optional[str]", "Message", "Optional[str]", "StateApps" ]
[ 2375, 2387, 2402, 3693, 4044, 4084, 4467, 4507, 5246, 5286, 5560, 5600, 5878, 5918, 6194, 6234, 6507, 6547, 6778, 6788, 7270, 7310, 8585, 8734, 8880, 9024, 9170, 9260, 9347, 9564, 9583, 9663, 10329, 10400, 10695, 11309, 11949, 11964, 11979, 12230, 12245, 12633, 13684, 14272, 14939, 14951, 14966, 15142, 15154, 15169, 15377, 15389, 15404, 15576, 15588, 15603, 15776, 15788, 15803, 15980, 15992, 16378, 16393, 16852, 16868, 17329, 17347, 18689, 18701, 19100, 19113, 19303, 20015, 20433, 20452, 20749, 20767, 21149, 21178, 21385, 21400, 21544, 21600, 21867, 21927, 22181, 22194, 22448, 22680, 23770, 23796, 24230, 24256, 24541, 24555, 24713, 25170, 25230, 25606, 25624, 25664, 25766, 27020, 28103, 28115, 28130, 28346, 28557, 29023, 29206, 29651, 29666, 30452, 30780, 30805, 30967, 30994, 32520 ]
[ 2378, 2390, 2405, 3707, 4047, 4087, 4470, 4510, 5249, 5289, 5563, 5603, 5881, 5921, 6197, 6237, 6510, 6550, 6781, 6791, 7273, 7313, 8588, 8737, 8883, 9027, 9173, 9263, 9350, 9567, 9594, 9666, 10332, 10403, 10698, 11320, 11952, 11967, 11982, 12233, 12248, 12636, 13687, 14275, 14942, 14954, 14969, 15145, 15157, 15172, 15380, 15392, 15407, 15579, 15591, 15606, 15779, 15791, 15806, 15983, 15997, 16381, 16396, 16855, 16877, 17332, 17350, 18692, 18706, 19103, 19118, 19315, 20027, 20445, 20455, 20758, 20770, 21161, 21181, 21388, 21412, 21553, 21612, 21876, 21939, 22184, 22197, 22451, 22683, 23781, 23799, 24241, 24259, 24544, 24568, 24716, 25173, 25242, 25617, 25627, 25690, 25769, 27031, 28106, 28118, 28133, 28349, 28560, 29026, 29209, 29654, 29669, 30455, 30787, 30818, 30974, 31007, 32529 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import json import os import re import hashlib import subprocess import sys from typing import Any, List, Optional from importlib import import_module from io import StringIO from django.db import connections, DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS from django.db.utils import OperationalError from django.apps import apps from django.conf import settings from import call_command from django.utils.module_loading import module_has_submodule sys.path.append(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)))) from scripts.lib.zulip_tools import get_dev_uuid_var_path, run UUID_VAR_DIR = get_dev_uuid_var_path() FILENAME_SPLITTER = re.compile(r'[\W\-_]') def run_db_migrations(platform: str) -> None: if platform == 'dev': migration_status_file = 'migration_status_dev' settings = 'zproject.settings' db_name = 'ZULIP_DB_NAME=zulip' elif platform == 'test': migration_status_file = 'migration_status_test' settings = 'zproject.test_settings' db_name = 'ZULIP_DB_NAME=zulip_test_template' # We shell out to `` and pass `DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE` on # the command line rather than just calling the migration # functions, because Django doesn't support changing settings like # what the database is as runtime. # Also we export DB_NAME which is ignored by dev platform but # recognised by test platform and used to migrate correct db. run(['env', ('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=%s' % settings), db_name, './', 'migrate', '--no-input']) run(['env', ('DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE=%s' % settings), db_name, './', 'get_migration_status', '--output=%s' % (migration_status_file)]) def run_generate_fixtures_if_required(use_force: bool=False) -> None: generate_fixtures_command = ['tools/setup/generate-fixtures'] test_template_db_status = template_database_status() if use_force or test_template_db_status == 'needs_rebuild': generate_fixtures_command.append('--force') elif test_template_db_status == 'run_migrations': run_db_migrations('test') subprocess.check_call(generate_fixtures_command) def database_exists(database_name: str, **options: Any) -> bool: db = options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) try: connection = connections[db] with connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("SELECT 1 from pg_database WHERE datname='{}';".format(database_name)) return_value = bool(cursor.fetchone()) connections.close_all() return return_value except OperationalError: return False def get_migration_status(**options: Any) -> str: verbosity = options.get('verbosity', 1) for app_config in apps.get_app_configs(): if module_has_submodule(app_config.module, "management"): import_module('.management', app_label = options['app_label'] if options.get('app_label') else None db = options.get('database', DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS) out = StringIO() call_command( 'showmigrations', '--list', app_label=app_label, database=db, no_color=options.get('no_color', False), settings=options.get('settings', os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE']), stdout=out, traceback=options.get('traceback', True), verbosity=verbosity, ) connections.close_all() output = return re.sub(r'\x1b\[(1|0)m', '', output) def extract_migrations_as_list(migration_status: str) -> List[str]: MIGRATIONS_RE = re.compile(r'\[[X| ]\] (\d+_.+)\n') return MIGRATIONS_RE.findall(migration_status) def what_to_do_with_migrations(migration_file: str, **options: Any) -> str: if not os.path.exists(migration_file): return 'scrap' with open(migration_file) as f: previous_migration_status = current_migration_status = get_migration_status(**options) all_curr_migrations = extract_migrations_as_list(current_migration_status) all_prev_migrations = extract_migrations_as_list(previous_migration_status) if len(all_curr_migrations) < len(all_prev_migrations): return 'scrap' for migration in all_prev_migrations: if migration not in all_curr_migrations: return 'scrap' if len(all_curr_migrations) == len(all_prev_migrations): return 'migrations_are_latest' return 'migrate' def _get_hash_file_path(source_file_path: str, status_dir: str) -> str: basename = os.path.basename(source_file_path) filename = '_'.join(FILENAME_SPLITTER.split(basename)).lower() return os.path.join(status_dir, filename) def _check_hash(source_hash_file: str, target_content: str) -> bool: """ This function has a side effect of creating a new hash file or updating the old hash file. """ target_hash_content = hashlib.sha1(target_content.encode('utf8')).hexdigest() if not os.path.exists(source_hash_file): source_hash_content = None else: with open(source_hash_file) as f: source_hash_content = with open(source_hash_file, 'w') as f: f.write(target_hash_content) return source_hash_content == target_hash_content def check_file_hash(target_file_path: str, status_dir: str) -> bool: source_hash_file = _get_hash_file_path(target_file_path, status_dir) with open(target_file_path) as f: target_content = return _check_hash(source_hash_file, target_content) def check_setting_hash(setting_name: str, status_dir: str) -> bool: hash_filename = '_'.join(['settings', setting_name]) source_hash_file = os.path.join(status_dir, hash_filename) target_content = json.dumps(getattr(settings, setting_name), sort_keys=True) return _check_hash(source_hash_file, target_content) def template_database_status( database_name: str='zulip_test_template', migration_status: Optional[str]=None, settings: str='zproject.test_settings', status_dir: Optional[str]=None, check_files: Optional[List[str]]=None, check_settings: Optional[List[str]]=None) -> str: # This function returns a status string specifying the type of # state the template db is in and thus the kind of action required. if check_files is None: check_files = [ 'zilencer/management/commands/', 'zerver/lib/', 'zerver/lib/', 'tools/setup/postgres-init-test-db', 'tools/setup/postgres-init-dev-db', ] if check_settings is None: check_settings = [ 'REALM_INTERNAL_BOTS', ] if status_dir is None: status_dir = os.path.join(UUID_VAR_DIR, 'test_db_status') if migration_status is None: migration_status = os.path.join(UUID_VAR_DIR, 'migration_status_test') if not os.path.exists(status_dir): os.mkdir(status_dir) if database_exists(database_name): # To ensure Python evaluates all the hash tests (and thus creates the # hash files about the current state), we evaluate them in a # list and then process the result files_hash_status = all([check_file_hash(fn, status_dir) for fn in check_files]) settings_hash_status = all([check_setting_hash(setting_name, status_dir) for setting_name in check_settings]) hash_status = files_hash_status and settings_hash_status if not hash_status: return 'needs_rebuild' migration_op = what_to_do_with_migrations(migration_status, settings=settings) if migration_op == 'scrap': return 'needs_rebuild' if migration_op == 'migrate': return 'run_migrations' return 'current' return 'needs_rebuild'
[ "str", "str", "Any", "Any", "str", "str", "Any", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str" ]
[ 725, 2228, 2244, 2696, 3583, 3757, 3773, 4525, 4542, 4753, 4774, 5344, 5361, 5617, 5634 ]
[ 728, 2231, 2247, 2699, 3586, 3760, 3776, 4528, 4545, 4756, 4777, 5347, 5364, 5620, 5637 ]
from contextlib import contextmanager from typing import ( cast, Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, List, Mapping, Optional, Set, Sized, Tuple, Union, IO, TypeVar ) from django.core import signing from django.urls.resolvers import LocaleRegexURLResolver from django.conf import settings from django.test import TestCase, override_settings from django.test.client import ( BOUNDARY, MULTIPART_CONTENT, encode_multipart, ) from django.template import loader from django.http import HttpResponse, HttpResponseRedirect from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from django.db.migrations.state import StateApps import zerver.lib.upload from zerver.lib.upload import S3UploadBackend, LocalUploadBackend from zerver.lib.avatar import avatar_url from zerver.lib.cache import get_cache_backend from zerver.lib.initial_password import initial_password from zerver.lib.db import TimeTrackingCursor from zerver.lib import cache from zerver.tornado import event_queue from zerver.tornado.handlers import allocate_handler_id from zerver.worker import queue_processors from zerver.lib.actions import ( check_send_message, create_stream_if_needed, bulk_add_subscriptions, get_display_recipient, get_stream_recipient, ) from zerver.models import ( get_recipient, get_stream, get_user, Client, Message, Realm, Recipient, Stream, Subscription, UserMessage, UserProfile, ) from zerver.lib.request import JsonableError if False: from zerver.lib.test_classes import ZulipTestCase, MigrationsTestCase import collections import base64 import mock import os import re import sys import time import ujson import unittest import urllib from zerver.lib.str_utils import NonBinaryStr from moto import mock_s3_deprecated import fakeldap import ldap class MockLDAP(fakeldap.MockLDAP): class LDAPError(ldap.LDAPError): pass class INVALID_CREDENTIALS(ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS): pass class NO_SUCH_OBJECT(ldap.NO_SUCH_OBJECT): pass class ALREADY_EXISTS(ldap.ALREADY_EXISTS): pass @contextmanager def stub_event_queue_user_events(event_queue_return: Any, user_events_return: Any) -> Iterator[None]: with mock.patch('', return_value=event_queue_return): with mock.patch('', return_value=user_events_return): yield @contextmanager def simulated_queue_client(client: Callable[..., Any]) -> Iterator[None]: real_SimpleQueueClient = queue_processors.SimpleQueueClient queue_processors.SimpleQueueClient = client # type: ignore # yield queue_processors.SimpleQueueClient = real_SimpleQueueClient # type: ignore # @contextmanager def tornado_redirected_to_list(lst: List[Mapping[str, Any]]) -> Iterator[None]: real_event_queue_process_notification = event_queue.process_notification event_queue.process_notification = lambda notice: lst.append(notice) # process_notification takes a single parameter called 'notice'. # lst.append takes a single argument called 'object'. # Some code might call process_notification using keyword arguments, # so mypy doesn't allow assigning lst.append to process_notification # So explicitly change parameter name to 'notice' to work around this problem yield event_queue.process_notification = real_event_queue_process_notification @contextmanager def simulated_empty_cache() -> Generator[ List[Tuple[str, Union[str, List[str]], str]], None, None]: cache_queries = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, List[str]], str]] def my_cache_get(key: str, cache_name: Optional[str]=None) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: cache_queries.append(('get', key, cache_name)) return None def my_cache_get_many(keys: List[str], cache_name: Optional[str]=None) -> Dict[str, Any]: # nocoverage -- simulated code doesn't use this cache_queries.append(('getmany', keys, cache_name)) return {} old_get = cache.cache_get old_get_many = cache.cache_get_many cache.cache_get = my_cache_get cache.cache_get_many = my_cache_get_many yield cache_queries cache.cache_get = old_get cache.cache_get_many = old_get_many @contextmanager def queries_captured(include_savepoints: Optional[bool]=False) -> Generator[ List[Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]]], None, None]: ''' Allow a user to capture just the queries executed during the with statement. ''' queries = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Union[str, bytes]]] def wrapper_execute(self: TimeTrackingCursor, action: Callable[[NonBinaryStr, Iterable[Any]], None], sql: NonBinaryStr, params: Iterable[Any]=()) -> None: cache = get_cache_backend(None) cache.clear() start = time.time() try: return action(sql, params) finally: stop = time.time() duration = stop - start if include_savepoints or ('SAVEPOINT' not in sql): queries.append({ 'sql': self.mogrify(sql, params).decode('utf-8'), 'time': "%.3f" % duration, }) old_execute = TimeTrackingCursor.execute old_executemany = TimeTrackingCursor.executemany def cursor_execute(self: TimeTrackingCursor, sql: NonBinaryStr, params: Iterable[Any]=()) -> None: return wrapper_execute(self, super(TimeTrackingCursor, self).execute, sql, params) # type: ignore # TimeTrackingCursor.execute = cursor_execute # type: ignore # def cursor_executemany(self: TimeTrackingCursor, sql: NonBinaryStr, params: Iterable[Any]=()) -> None: return wrapper_execute(self, super(TimeTrackingCursor, self).executemany, sql, params) # type: ignore # # nocoverage -- doesn't actually get used in tests TimeTrackingCursor.executemany = cursor_executemany # type: ignore # yield queries TimeTrackingCursor.execute = old_execute # type: ignore # TimeTrackingCursor.executemany = old_executemany # type: ignore # @contextmanager def stdout_suppressed() -> Iterator[IO[str]]: """Redirect stdout to /dev/null.""" with open(os.devnull, 'a') as devnull: stdout, sys.stdout = sys.stdout, devnull yield stdout sys.stdout = stdout def get_test_image_file(filename: str) -> IO[Any]: test_avatar_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../tests/images')) return open(os.path.join(test_avatar_dir, filename), 'rb') def avatar_disk_path(user_profile: UserProfile, medium: bool=False, original: bool=False) -> str: avatar_url_path = avatar_url(user_profile, medium) avatar_disk_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", avatar_url_path.split("/")[-2], avatar_url_path.split("/")[-1].split("?")[0]) if original: avatar_disk_path.replace(".png", ".original") return avatar_disk_path def make_client(name: str) -> Client: client, _ = Client.objects.get_or_create(name=name) return client def find_key_by_email(address: str) -> Optional[str]: from django.core.mail import outbox key_regex = re.compile("accounts/do_confirm/([a-z0-9]{24})>") for message in reversed(outbox): if address in return[0] return None # nocoverage -- in theory a test might want this case, but none do def message_stream_count(user_profile: UserProfile) -> int: return UserMessage.objects. \ select_related("message"). \ filter(user_profile=user_profile). \ count() def most_recent_usermessage(user_profile: UserProfile) -> UserMessage: query = UserMessage.objects. \ select_related("message"). \ filter(user_profile=user_profile). \ order_by('-message') return query[0] # Django does LIMIT here def most_recent_message(user_profile: UserProfile) -> Message: usermessage = most_recent_usermessage(user_profile) return usermessage.message def get_subscription(stream_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile) -> Subscription: stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm) recipient = get_stream_recipient( return Subscription.objects.get(user_profile=user_profile, recipient=recipient, active=True) def get_user_messages(user_profile: UserProfile) -> List[Message]: query = UserMessage.objects. \ select_related("message"). \ filter(user_profile=user_profile). \ order_by('message') return [um.message for um in query] class DummyHandler: def __init__(self) -> None: allocate_handler_id(self) # type: ignore # this is a testing mock class POSTRequestMock: method = "POST" def __init__(self, post_data: Dict[str, Any], user_profile: Optional[UserProfile]) -> None: self.GET = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self.POST = post_data self.user = user_profile self._tornado_handler = DummyHandler() self._log_data = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self.META = {'PATH_INFO': 'test'} self.path = '' class HostRequestMock: """A mock request object where get_host() works. Useful for testing routes that use Zulip's subdomains feature""" def __init__(self, user_profile: UserProfile=None, host: str=settings.EXTERNAL_HOST) -> None: = host self.GET = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self.POST = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self.META = {'PATH_INFO': 'test'} self.path = '' self.user = user_profile self.method = '' self.body = '' self.content_type = '' self._email = '' def get_host(self) -> str: return class MockPythonResponse: def __init__(self, text: str, status_code: int) -> None: self.text = text self.status_code = status_code @property def ok(self) -> bool: return self.status_code == 200 INSTRUMENTING = os.environ.get('TEST_INSTRUMENT_URL_COVERAGE', '') == 'TRUE' INSTRUMENTED_CALLS = [] # type: List[Dict[str, Any]] UrlFuncT = Callable[..., HttpResponse] # TODO: make more specific def append_instrumentation_data(data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: INSTRUMENTED_CALLS.append(data) def instrument_url(f: UrlFuncT) -> UrlFuncT: if not INSTRUMENTING: # nocoverage -- option is always enabled; should we remove? return f else: def wrapper(self: 'ZulipTestCase', url: str, info: Dict[str, Any]={}, **kwargs: Any) -> HttpResponse: start = time.time() result = f(self, url, info, **kwargs) delay = time.time() - start test_name = if '?' in url: url, extra_info = url.split('?', 1) else: extra_info = '' append_instrumentation_data(dict( url=url, status_code=result.status_code, method=f.__name__, delay=delay, extra_info=extra_info, info=info, test_name=test_name, kwargs=kwargs)) return result return wrapper def write_instrumentation_reports(full_suite: bool) -> None: if INSTRUMENTING: calls = INSTRUMENTED_CALLS from zproject.urls import urlpatterns, v1_api_and_json_patterns # Find our untested urls. pattern_cnt = collections.defaultdict(int) # type: Dict[str, int] def re_strip(r: Any) -> str: return str(r).lstrip('^').rstrip('$') def find_patterns(patterns: List[Any], prefixes: List[str]) -> None: for pattern in patterns: find_pattern(pattern, prefixes) def cleanup_url(url: str) -> str: if url.startswith('/'): url = url[1:] if url.startswith('http://testserver/'): url = url[len('http://testserver/'):] if url.startswith('http://zulip.testserver/'): url = url[len('http://zulip.testserver/'):] if url.startswith('http://testserver:9080/'): url = url[len('http://testserver:9080/'):] return url def find_pattern(pattern: Any, prefixes: List[str]) -> None: if isinstance(pattern, type(LocaleRegexURLResolver)): return # nocoverage -- shouldn't actually happen if hasattr(pattern, 'url_patterns'): return canon_pattern = prefixes[0] + re_strip(pattern.regex.pattern) cnt = 0 for call in calls: if 'pattern' in call: continue url = cleanup_url(call['url']) for prefix in prefixes: if url.startswith(prefix): match_url = url[len(prefix):] if pattern.regex.match(match_url): if call['status_code'] in [200, 204, 301, 302]: cnt += 1 call['pattern'] = canon_pattern pattern_cnt[canon_pattern] += cnt find_patterns(urlpatterns, ['', 'en/', 'de/']) find_patterns(v1_api_and_json_patterns, ['api/v1/', 'json/']) assert len(pattern_cnt) > 100 untested_patterns = set([p for p in pattern_cnt if pattern_cnt[p] == 0]) exempt_patterns = set([ # We exempt some patterns that are called via Tornado. 'api/v1/events', 'api/v1/events/internal', 'api/v1/register', # We also exempt some development environment debugging # static content URLs, since the content they point to may # or may not exist. 'coverage/(?P<path>.*)', 'node-coverage/(?P<path>.*)', 'docs/(?P<path>.*)', 'casper/(?P<path>.*)', ]) untested_patterns -= exempt_patterns var_dir = 'var' # TODO make sure path is robust here fn = os.path.join(var_dir, 'url_coverage.txt') with open(fn, 'w') as f: for call in calls: try: line = ujson.dumps(call) f.write(line + '\n') except OverflowError: # nocoverage -- test suite error handling print(''' A JSON overflow error was encountered while producing the URL coverage report. Sometimes this indicates that a test is passing objects into methods like client_post(), which is unnecessary and leads to false positives. ''') print(call) if full_suite: print('INFO: URL coverage report is in %s' % (fn,)) print('INFO: Try running: ./tools/create-test-api-docs') if full_suite and len(untested_patterns): # nocoverage -- test suite error handling print("\nERROR: Some URLs are untested! Here's the list of untested URLs:") for untested_pattern in sorted(untested_patterns): print(" %s" % (untested_pattern,)) sys.exit(1) def get_all_templates() -> List[str]: templates = [] relpath = os.path.relpath isfile = os.path.isfile path_exists = os.path.exists def is_valid_template(p: str, n: str) -> bool: return 'webhooks' not in p \ and not n.startswith('.') \ and not n.startswith('__init__') \ and not n.endswith('.md') \ and not n.endswith('.source.html') \ and isfile(p) def process(template_dir: str, dirname: str, fnames: Iterable[str]) -> None: for name in fnames: path = os.path.join(dirname, name) if is_valid_template(path, name): templates.append(relpath(path, template_dir)) for engine in loader.engines.all(): template_dirs = [d for d in engine.template_dirs if path_exists(d)] for template_dir in template_dirs: template_dir = os.path.normpath(template_dir) for dirpath, dirnames, fnames in os.walk(template_dir): process(template_dir, dirpath, fnames) return templates def load_subdomain_token(response: HttpResponse) -> Dict[str, Any]: assert isinstance(response, HttpResponseRedirect) token = response.url.rsplit('/', 1)[1] return signing.loads(token, salt='zerver.views.auth.log_into_subdomain') FuncT = TypeVar('FuncT', bound=Callable[..., None]) def use_s3_backend(method: FuncT) -> FuncT: @mock_s3_deprecated @override_settings(LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR=None) def new_method(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: zerver.lib.upload.upload_backend = S3UploadBackend() try: return method(*args, **kwargs) finally: zerver.lib.upload.upload_backend = LocalUploadBackend() return new_method def use_db_models(method: Callable[..., None]) -> Callable[..., None]: def method_patched_with_mock(self: 'MigrationsTestCase', apps: StateApps) -> None: ArchivedAttachment = apps.get_model('zerver', 'ArchivedAttachment') ArchivedMessage = apps.get_model('zerver', 'ArchivedMessage') ArchivedUserMessage = apps.get_model('zerver', 'ArchivedUserMessage') Attachment = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Attachment') BotConfigData = apps.get_model('zerver', 'BotConfigData') BotStorageData = apps.get_model('zerver', 'BotStorageData') Client = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Client') CustomProfileField = apps.get_model('zerver', 'CustomProfileField') CustomProfileFieldValue = apps.get_model('zerver', 'CustomProfileFieldValue') DefaultStream = apps.get_model('zerver', 'DefaultStream') DefaultStreamGroup = apps.get_model('zerver', 'DefaultStreamGroup') EmailChangeStatus = apps.get_model('zerver', 'EmailChangeStatus') Huddle = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Huddle') Message = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Message') MultiuseInvite = apps.get_model('zerver', 'MultiuseInvite') MutedTopic = apps.get_model('zerver', 'MutedTopic') PreregistrationUser = apps.get_model('zerver', 'PreregistrationUser') PushDeviceToken = apps.get_model('zerver', 'PushDeviceToken') Reaction = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Reaction') Realm = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Realm') RealmAuditLog = apps.get_model('zerver', 'RealmAuditLog') RealmDomain = apps.get_model('zerver', 'RealmDomain') RealmEmoji = apps.get_model('zerver', 'RealmEmoji') RealmFilter = apps.get_model('zerver', 'RealmFilter') Recipient = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Recipient') ScheduledEmail = apps.get_model('zerver', 'ScheduledEmail') ScheduledMessage = apps.get_model('zerver', 'ScheduledMessage') Service = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Service') Stream = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Stream') Subscription = apps.get_model('zerver', 'Subscription') UserActivity = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserActivity') UserActivityInterval = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserActivityInterval') UserGroup = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserGroup') UserGroupMembership = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserGroupMembership') UserHotspot = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserHotspot') UserMessage = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserMessage') UserPresence = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserPresence') UserProfile = apps.get_model('zerver', 'UserProfile') zerver_models_patch = mock.patch.multiple( 'zerver.models', ArchivedAttachment=ArchivedAttachment, ArchivedMessage=ArchivedMessage, ArchivedUserMessage=ArchivedUserMessage, Attachment=Attachment, BotConfigData=BotConfigData, BotStorageData=BotStorageData, Client=Client, CustomProfileField=CustomProfileField, CustomProfileFieldValue=CustomProfileFieldValue, DefaultStream=DefaultStream, DefaultStreamGroup=DefaultStreamGroup, EmailChangeStatus=EmailChangeStatus, Huddle=Huddle, Message=Message, MultiuseInvite=MultiuseInvite, MutedTopic=MutedTopic, PreregistrationUser=PreregistrationUser, PushDeviceToken=PushDeviceToken, Reaction=Reaction, Realm=Realm, RealmAuditLog=RealmAuditLog, RealmDomain=RealmDomain, RealmEmoji=RealmEmoji, RealmFilter=RealmFilter, Recipient=Recipient, ScheduledEmail=ScheduledEmail, ScheduledMessage=ScheduledMessage, Service=Service, Stream=Stream, Subscription=Subscription, UserActivity=UserActivity, UserActivityInterval=UserActivityInterval, UserGroup=UserGroup, UserGroupMembership=UserGroupMembership, UserHotspot=UserHotspot, UserMessage=UserMessage, UserPresence=UserPresence, UserProfile=UserProfile ) zerver_test_helpers_patch = mock.patch.multiple( 'zerver.lib.test_helpers', Client=Client, Message=Message, Realm=Realm, Recipient=Recipient, Stream=Stream, Subscription=Subscription, UserMessage=UserMessage, UserProfile=UserProfile, ) zerver_test_classes_patch = mock.patch.multiple( 'zerver.lib.test_classes', Client=Client, Message=Message, Realm=Realm, Recipient=Recipient, Service=Service, Stream=Stream, Subscription=Subscription, UserProfile=UserProfile, ) with zerver_models_patch,\ zerver_test_helpers_patch,\ zerver_test_classes_patch: method(self, apps) return method_patched_with_mock
[ "Any", "Any", "Callable[..., Any]", "List[Mapping[str, Any]]", "str", "List[str]", "TimeTrackingCursor", "Callable[[NonBinaryStr, Iterable[Any]], None]", "NonBinaryStr", "TimeTrackingCursor", "NonBinaryStr", "TimeTrackingCursor", "NonBinaryStr", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "Dict[str, Any]", "Optional[UserProfile]", "str", "int", "Dict[str, Any]", "UrlFuncT", "'ZulipTestCase'", "str", "Any", "bool", "Any", "List[Any]", "List[str]", "str", "Any", "List[str]", "str", "str", "str", "str", "Iterable[str]", "HttpResponse", "FuncT", "Any", "Any", "Callable[..., None]", "'MigrationsTestCase'", "StateApps" ]
[ 2162, 2187, 2515, 2915, 3781, 3955, 4734, 4786, 4862, 5522, 5547, 5914, 5939, 6859, 7073, 7538, 7660, 8046, 8242, 8502, 8649, 8668, 8973, 9396, 9426, 10410, 10428, 10825, 10909, 11072, 11094, 11154, 11876, 12156, 12256, 12277, 12412, 12892, 12907, 16078, 16086, 16385, 16399, 16412, 17018, 17306, 17420, 17435, 17699, 17783, 17811 ]
[ 2165, 2190, 2533, 2938, 3784, 3964, 4752, 4831, 4874, 5540, 5559, 5932, 5951, 6862, 7084, 7541, 7663, 8057, 8253, 8513, 8652, 8679, 8984, 9410, 9447, 10413, 10431, 10839, 10917, 11087, 11097, 11157, 11880, 12159, 12265, 12286, 12415, 12895, 12916, 16081, 16089, 16388, 16402, 16425, 17030, 17311, 17423, 17438, 17718, 17803, 17820 ]
from functools import partial import random from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Set, Tuple, \ Type, cast, Union, TypeVar from unittest import loader, runner # type: ignore # Mypy cannot pick these up. from unittest.result import TestResult from django.conf import settings from django.db import connections, ProgrammingError from django.urls.resolvers import RegexURLPattern from django.test import TestCase from django.test import runner as django_runner from django.test.runner import DiscoverRunner from django.test.signals import template_rendered from zerver.lib import test_classes, test_helpers from zerver.lib.cache import bounce_key_prefix_for_testing from zerver.lib.rate_limiter import bounce_redis_key_prefix_for_testing from zerver.lib.test_classes import flush_caches_for_testing from zerver.lib.sqlalchemy_utils import get_sqlalchemy_connection from zerver.lib.test_helpers import ( get_all_templates, write_instrumentation_reports, append_instrumentation_data ) import os import subprocess import sys import time import traceback import unittest from multiprocessing.sharedctypes import Synchronized _worker_id = 0 # Used to identify the worker process. ReturnT = TypeVar('ReturnT') # Constrain return type to match def slow(slowness_reason: str) -> Callable[[Callable[..., ReturnT]], Callable[..., ReturnT]]: ''' This is a decorate that annotates a test as being "known to be slow." The decorator will set expected_run_time and slowness_reason as attributes of the function. Other code can use this annotation as needed, e.g. to exclude these tests in "fast" mode. ''' def decorator(f: Any) -> ReturnT: f.slowness_reason = slowness_reason return f return decorator def is_known_slow_test(test_method: Any) -> bool: return hasattr(test_method, 'slowness_reason') def full_test_name(test: TestCase) -> str: test_module = test.__module__ test_class = test.__class__.__name__ test_method = test._testMethodName return '%s.%s.%s' % (test_module, test_class, test_method) def get_test_method(test: TestCase) -> Callable[[], None]: return getattr(test, test._testMethodName) # Each tuple is delay, test_name, slowness_reason TEST_TIMINGS = [] # type: List[Tuple[float, str, str]] def report_slow_tests() -> None: timings = sorted(TEST_TIMINGS, reverse=True) print('SLOWNESS REPORT') print(' delay test') print(' ---- ----') for delay, test_name, slowness_reason in timings[:15]: if not slowness_reason: slowness_reason = 'UNKNOWN WHY SLOW, please investigate' print(' %0.3f %s\n %s\n' % (delay, test_name, slowness_reason)) print('...') for delay, test_name, slowness_reason in timings[100:]: if slowness_reason: print(' %.3f %s is not that slow' % (delay, test_name)) print(' consider removing @slow decorator') print(' This may no longer be true: %s' % (slowness_reason,)) def enforce_timely_test_completion(test_method: Any, test_name: str, delay: float, result: TestResult) -> None: if hasattr(test_method, 'slowness_reason'): max_delay = 2.0 # seconds else: max_delay = 0.4 # seconds if delay > max_delay: msg = '** Test is TOO slow: %s (%.3f s)\n' % (test_name, delay) result.addInfo(test_method, msg) def fast_tests_only() -> bool: return "FAST_TESTS_ONLY" in os.environ def run_test(test: TestCase, result: TestResult) -> bool: failed = False test_method = get_test_method(test) if fast_tests_only() and is_known_slow_test(test_method): return failed test_name = full_test_name(test) bounce_key_prefix_for_testing(test_name) bounce_redis_key_prefix_for_testing(test_name) flush_caches_for_testing() if not hasattr(test, "_pre_setup"): msg = "Test doesn't have _pre_setup; something is wrong." error_pre_setup = (Exception, Exception(msg), None) # type: Tuple[Any, Any, Any] result.addError(test, error_pre_setup) return True test._pre_setup() start_time = time.time() test(result) # unittest will handle skipping, error, failure and success. delay = time.time() - start_time enforce_timely_test_completion(test_method, test_name, delay, result) slowness_reason = getattr(test_method, 'slowness_reason', '') TEST_TIMINGS.append((delay, test_name, slowness_reason)) test._post_teardown() return failed class TextTestResult(runner.TextTestResult): """ This class has unpythonic function names because base class follows this style. """ def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.failed_tests = [] # type: List[str] def addInfo(self, test: TestCase, msg: str) -> None: def addInstrumentation(self, test: TestCase, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: append_instrumentation_data(data) def startTest(self, test: TestCase) -> None: TestResult.startTest(self, test)"Running {}".format(full_test_name(test))) def addSuccess(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: TestResult.addSuccess(self, *args, **kwargs) def addError(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: TestResult.addError(self, *args, **kwargs) test_name = full_test_name(args[0]) self.failed_tests.append(test_name) def addFailure(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: TestResult.addFailure(self, *args, **kwargs) test_name = full_test_name(args[0]) self.failed_tests.append(test_name) def addSkip(self, test: TestCase, reason: str) -> None: TestResult.addSkip(self, test, reason)"** Skipping {}: {}".format(full_test_name(test), reason)) class RemoteTestResult(django_runner.RemoteTestResult): """ The class follows the unpythonic style of function names of the base class. """ def addInfo(self, test: TestCase, msg: str) -> None:'addInfo', self.test_index, msg)) def addInstrumentation(self, test: TestCase, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: # Some elements of data['info'] cannot be serialized. if 'info' in data: del data['info']'addInstrumentation', self.test_index, data)) def process_instrumented_calls(func: Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]) -> None: for call in test_helpers.INSTRUMENTED_CALLS: func(call) SerializedSubsuite = Tuple[Type['TestSuite'], List[str]] SubsuiteArgs = Tuple[Type['RemoteTestRunner'], int, SerializedSubsuite, bool] def run_subsuite(args: SubsuiteArgs) -> Tuple[int, Any]: # Reset the accumulated INSTRUMENTED_CALLS before running this subsuite. test_helpers.INSTRUMENTED_CALLS = [] # The first argument is the test runner class but we don't need it # because we run our own version of the runner class. _, subsuite_index, subsuite, failfast = args runner = RemoteTestRunner(failfast=failfast) result = # Now we send instrumentation related events. This data will be # appended to the data structure in the main thread. For Mypy, # type of Partial is different from Callable. All the methods of # TestResult are passed TestCase as the first argument but # addInstrumentation does not need it. process_instrumented_calls(partial(result.addInstrumentation, None)) return subsuite_index, # Monkey-patch database creation to fix unnecessary sleep(1) from django.db.backends.postgresql.creation import DatabaseCreation def _replacement_destroy_test_db(self: DatabaseCreation, test_database_name: str, verbosity: Any) -> None: """Replacement for Django's _destroy_test_db that removes the unnecessary sleep(1).""" with self.connection._nodb_connection.cursor() as cursor: cursor.execute("DROP DATABASE %s" % self.connection.ops.quote_name(test_database_name)) DatabaseCreation._destroy_test_db = _replacement_destroy_test_db def destroy_test_databases(database_id: Optional[int]=None) -> None: """ When database_id is None, the name of the databases is picked up by the database settings. """ for alias in connections: connection = connections[alias] try: connection.creation.destroy_test_db(number=database_id) except ProgrammingError: # DB doesn't exist. No need to do anything. pass def create_test_databases(database_id: int) -> None: for alias in connections: connection = connections[alias] connection.creation.clone_test_db( number=database_id, keepdb=True, ) settings_dict = connection.creation.get_test_db_clone_settings(database_id) # connection.settings_dict must be updated in place for changes to be # reflected in django.db.connections. If the following line assigned # connection.settings_dict = settings_dict, new threads would connect # to the default database instead of the appropriate clone. connection.settings_dict.update(settings_dict) connection.close() def init_worker(counter: Synchronized) -> None: """ This function runs only under parallel mode. It initializes the individual processes which are also called workers. """ global _worker_id with counter.get_lock(): counter.value += 1 _worker_id = counter.value """ You can now use _worker_id. """ test_classes.API_KEYS = {} # Clear the cache from zerver.lib.cache import get_cache_backend cache = get_cache_backend(None) cache.clear() # Close all connections connections.close_all() destroy_test_databases(_worker_id) create_test_databases(_worker_id) # Every process should upload to a separate directory so that # race conditions can be avoided. settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR = '{}_{}'.format(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, _worker_id) def is_upload_avatar_url(url: RegexURLPattern) -> bool: if url.regex.pattern == r'^user_avatars/(?P<path>.*)$': return True return False # We manually update the upload directory path in the url regex. from zproject import dev_urls found = False for url in dev_urls.urls: if is_upload_avatar_url(url): found = True new_root = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars") url.default_args['document_root'] = new_root if not found: print("*** Upload directory not found.") class TestSuite(unittest.TestSuite): def run(self, result: TestResult, debug: Optional[bool]=False) -> TestResult: """ This function mostly contains the code from The need to override this function occurred because we use run_test to run the testcase. """ topLevel = False if getattr(result, '_testRunEntered', False) is False: result._testRunEntered = topLevel = True for test in self: # but this is correct. Taken from unittest. if result.shouldStop: break if isinstance(test, TestSuite):, debug=debug) else: self._tearDownPreviousClass(test, result) # type: ignore self._handleModuleFixture(test, result) # type: ignore self._handleClassSetUp(test, result) # type: ignore result._previousTestClass = test.__class__ if (getattr(test.__class__, '_classSetupFailed', False) or getattr(result, '_moduleSetUpFailed', False)): continue failed = run_test(test, result) if failed or result.shouldStop: result.shouldStop = True break if topLevel: self._tearDownPreviousClass(None, result) # type: ignore self._handleModuleTearDown(result) # type: ignore result._testRunEntered = False return result class TestLoader(loader.TestLoader): suiteClass = TestSuite class ParallelTestSuite(django_runner.ParallelTestSuite): run_subsuite = run_subsuite init_worker = init_worker def __init__(self, suite: TestSuite, processes: int, failfast: bool) -> None: super().__init__(suite, processes, failfast) # We can't specify a consistent type for self.subsuites, since # the whole idea here is to monkey-patch that so we can use # most of django_runner.ParallelTestSuite with our own suite # definitions. self.subsuites = SubSuiteList(self.subsuites) # type: ignore # Type of self.subsuites changes. def check_import_error(test_name: str) -> None: try: # Directly using __import__ is not recommeded, but here it gives # clearer traceback as compared to importlib.import_module. __import__(test_name) except ImportError as exc: raise exc from exc # Disable exception chaining in Python 3. class Runner(DiscoverRunner): test_suite = TestSuite test_loader = TestLoader() parallel_test_suite = ParallelTestSuite def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: DiscoverRunner.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) # `templates_rendered` holds templates which were rendered # in proper logical tests. self.templates_rendered = set() # type: Set[str] # `shallow_tested_templates` holds templates which were rendered # in `zerver.tests.test_templates`. self.shallow_tested_templates = set() # type: Set[str] template_rendered.connect(self.on_template_rendered) self.database_id = random.randint(1, 10000) def get_resultclass(self) -> Type[TestResult]: return TextTestResult def on_template_rendered(self, sender: Any, context: Dict[str, Any], **kwargs: Any) -> None: if hasattr(sender, 'template'): template_name = if template_name not in self.templates_rendered: if context.get('shallow_tested') and template_name not in self.templates_rendered: self.shallow_tested_templates.add(template_name) else: self.templates_rendered.add(template_name) self.shallow_tested_templates.discard(template_name) def get_shallow_tested_templates(self) -> Set[str]: return self.shallow_tested_templates def setup_test_environment(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = settings.BACKEND_DATABASE_TEMPLATE # We create/destroy the test databases in run_tests to avoid # duplicate work when running in parallel mode. return super().setup_test_environment(*args, **kwargs) def teardown_test_environment(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: # No need to pass the database id now. It will be picked up # automatically through settings. if self.parallel == 1: # In parallel mode (parallel > 1), destroy_test_databases will # destroy settings.BACKEND_DATABASE_TEMPLATE; we don't want that. # So run this only in serial mode. destroy_test_databases() return super().teardown_test_environment(*args, **kwargs) def test_imports(self, test_labels: List[str], suite: unittest.TestSuite) -> None: prefix_old = 'unittest.loader.ModuleImportFailure.' # Python <= 3.4 prefix_new = 'unittest.loader._FailedTest.' # Python > 3.4 error_prefixes = [prefix_old, prefix_new] for test_name in get_test_names(suite): for prefix in error_prefixes: if test_name.startswith(prefix): test_name = test_name[len(prefix):] for label in test_labels: # This code block is for Python 3.5 when test label is # directly provided, for example: # ./tools/test-backend # # In this case, the test name is of this form: # 'unittest.loader._FailedTest.test_alert_words' # # Whereas check_import_error requires test names of # this form: # 'unittest.loader._FailedTest.zerver.tests.test_alert_words'. if test_name in label: test_name = label break check_import_error(test_name) def run_tests(self, test_labels: List[str], extra_tests: Optional[List[TestCase]]=None, full_suite: bool=False, **kwargs: Any) -> Tuple[bool, List[str]]: self.setup_test_environment() try: suite = self.build_suite(test_labels, extra_tests) except AttributeError: # We are likely to get here only when running tests in serial # mode on Python 3.4 or lower. # test_labels are always normalized to include the correct prefix. # If we run the command with ./tools/test-backend test_alert_words, # test_labels will be equal to ['zerver.tests.test_alert_words']. for test_label in test_labels: check_import_error(test_label) # I think we won't reach this line under normal circumstances, but # for some unforeseen scenario in which the AttributeError was not # caused by an import error, let's re-raise the exception for # debugging purposes. raise self.test_imports(test_labels, suite) if self.parallel == 1: # We are running in serial mode so create the databases here. # For parallel mode, the databases are created in init_worker. # We don't want to create and destroy DB in setup_test_environment # because it will be called for both serial and parallel modes. # However, at this point we know in which mode we would be running # since that decision has already been made in build_suite(). destroy_test_databases(self.database_id) create_test_databases(self.database_id) # We have to do the next line to avoid flaky scenarios where we # run a single test and getting an SA connection causes data from # a Django connection to be rolled back mid-test. get_sqlalchemy_connection() result = self.run_suite(suite) self.teardown_test_environment() failed = self.suite_result(suite, result) if not failed: write_instrumentation_reports(full_suite=full_suite) return failed, result.failed_tests def get_test_names(suite: unittest.TestSuite) -> List[str]: if isinstance(suite, ParallelTestSuite): # suite is ParallelTestSuite. It will have a subsuites parameter of # type SubSuiteList. Each element of a SubsuiteList is a tuple whose # first element is the type of TestSuite and the second element is a # list of test names in that test suite. See serialize_suite() for the # implementation details. return [name for subsuite in suite.subsuites for name in subsuite[1]] else: suite = cast(TestSuite, suite) return [full_test_name(t) for t in get_tests_from_suite(suite)] def get_tests_from_suite(suite: TestSuite) -> TestCase: for test in suite: if isinstance(test, TestSuite): for child in get_tests_from_suite(test): yield child else: yield test def serialize_suite(suite: TestSuite) -> Tuple[Type[TestSuite], List[str]]: return type(suite), get_test_names(suite) def deserialize_suite(args: Tuple[Type[TestSuite], List[str]]) -> TestSuite: suite_class, test_names = args suite = suite_class() tests = TestLoader().loadTestsFromNames(test_names) for test in get_tests_from_suite(tests): suite.addTest(test) return suite class RemoteTestRunner(django_runner.RemoteTestRunner): resultclass = RemoteTestResult class SubSuiteList(List[Tuple[Type[TestSuite], List[str]]]): """ This class allows us to avoid changing the main logic of ParallelTestSuite and still make it serializable. """ def __init__(self, suites: List[TestSuite]) -> None: serialized_suites = [serialize_suite(s) for s in suites] super().__init__(serialized_suites) def __getitem__(self, index: Any) -> Any: suite = super().__getitem__(index) return deserialize_suite(suite)
[ "str", "Any", "Any", "TestCase", "TestCase", "Any", "str", "float", "TestResult", "TestCase", "TestResult", "Any", "Any", "TestCase", "str", "TestCase", "Dict[str, Any]", "TestCase", "Any", "Any", "Any", "Any", "Any", "Any", "TestCase", "str", "TestCase", "str", "TestCase", "Dict[str, Any]", "Callable[[Dict[str, Any]], None]", "SubsuiteArgs", "DatabaseCreation", "str", "Any", "int", "Synchronized", "RegexURLPattern", "TestResult", "TestSuite", "int", "bool", "str", "Any", "Any", "Any", "Dict[str, Any]", "Any", "Any", "Any", "Any", "Any", "List[str]", "unittest.TestSuite", "List[str]", "Any", "unittest.TestSuite", "TestSuite", "TestSuite", "Tuple[Type[TestSuite], List[str]]", "List[TestSuite]", "Any" ]
[ 1313, 1688, 1825, 1916, 2138, 3089, 3105, 3152, 3167, 3551, 3569, 4761, 4776, 4911, 4926, 5039, 5055, 5153, 5345, 5360, 5458, 5473, 5659, 5674, 5858, 5876, 6293, 6308, 6424, 6440, 6696, 6967, 7992, 8063, 8112, 8949, 9637, 10534, 11148, 12852, 12874, 12889, 13327, 13786, 13801, 14451, 14465, 14491, 15128, 15143, 15475, 15490, 15988, 16006, 17299, 17442, 19517, 20171, 20404, 20528, 21100, 21269 ]
[ 1316, 1691, 1828, 1924, 2146, 3092, 3108, 3157, 3177, 3559, 3579, 4764, 4779, 4919, 4929, 5047, 5069, 5161, 5348, 5363, 5461, 5476, 5662, 5677, 5866, 5879, 6301, 6311, 6432, 6454, 6728, 6979, 8008, 8066, 8115, 8952, 9649, 10549, 11158, 12861, 12877, 12893, 13330, 13789, 13804, 14454, 14479, 14494, 15131, 15146, 15478, 15493, 15997, 16024, 17308, 17445, 19535, 20180, 20413, 20561, 21115, 21272 ]
import logging import os import subprocess from django.conf import settings from typing import Optional def render_tex(tex: str, is_inline: bool=True) -> Optional[str]: r"""Render a TeX string into HTML using KaTeX Returns the HTML string, or None if there was some error in the TeX syntax Keyword arguments: tex -- Text string with the TeX to render Don't include delimiters ('$$', '\[ \]', etc.) is_inline -- Boolean setting that indicates whether the render should be inline (i.e. for embedding it in text) or not. The latter will show the content centered, and in the "expanded" form (default True) """ katex_path = os.path.join(settings.STATIC_ROOT, 'third/katex/cli.js') if not os.path.isfile(katex_path): logging.error("Cannot find KaTeX for latex rendering!") return None command = ['node', katex_path] if not is_inline: command.extend(['--', '--display-mode']) katex = subprocess.Popen(command, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) stdout = katex.communicate(input=tex.encode())[0] if katex.returncode == 0: # stdout contains a newline at the end assert stdout is not None return stdout.decode('utf-8').strip() else: return None
[ "str" ]
[ 126 ]
[ 129 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # See import base64 import os import sys import urllib from django.conf import settings from libthumbor import CryptoURL ZULIP_PATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath('__file__')))) sys.path.append(ZULIP_PATH) from zthumbor.loaders.helpers import ( THUMBOR_S3_TYPE, THUMBOR_LOCAL_FILE_TYPE, THUMBOR_EXTERNAL_TYPE ) from zerver.lib.camo import get_camo_url def is_thumbor_enabled() -> bool: return settings.THUMBOR_URL != '' def user_uploads_or_external(url: str) -> bool: return url.startswith('http') or url.lstrip('/').startswith('user_uploads/') def get_source_type(url: str) -> str: if not url.startswith('/user_uploads/'): return THUMBOR_EXTERNAL_TYPE local_uploads_dir = settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR if local_uploads_dir: return THUMBOR_LOCAL_FILE_TYPE return THUMBOR_S3_TYPE def generate_thumbnail_url(path: str, size: str='0x0') -> str: if not (path.startswith('https://') or path.startswith('http://')): path = '/' + path if not is_thumbor_enabled(): if path.startswith('http://'): return get_camo_url(path) return path if not user_uploads_or_external(path): return path source_type = get_source_type(path) safe_url = base64.urlsafe_b64encode(path.encode()).decode('utf-8') image_url = '%s/source_type/%s' % (safe_url, source_type) width, height = map(int, size.split('x')) crypto = CryptoURL(key=settings.THUMBOR_KEY) encrypted_url = crypto.generate( width=width, height=height, smart=True, filters=['no_upscale()', 'sharpen(0.5,0.2,true)'], image_url=image_url ) if settings.THUMBOR_URL == '': # If THUMBOR_URL is the default then thumbor is hosted on same machine # as the Zulip server and we should serve a relative URL. # We add a /thumbor in front of the relative url because we make # use of a proxy pass to redirect request internally in Nginx to 9995 # port where thumbor is running. thumbnail_url = '/thumbor' + encrypted_url else: thumbnail_url = urllib.parse.urljoin(settings.THUMBOR_URL, encrypted_url) return thumbnail_url
[ "str", "str", "str" ]
[ 593, 714, 987 ]
[ 596, 717, 990 ]
from types import TracebackType from typing import Any, Callable, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar import six import sys import time import ctypes import threading # Based on class TimeoutExpired(Exception): '''Exception raised when a function times out.''' def __str__(self) -> str: return 'Function call timed out.' ResultT = TypeVar('ResultT') def timeout(timeout: float, func: Callable[..., ResultT], *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> ResultT: '''Call the function in a separate thread. Return its return value, or raise an exception, within approximately 'timeout' seconds. The function may receive a TimeoutExpired exception anywhere in its code, which could have arbitrary unsafe effects (resources not released, etc.). It might also fail to receive the exception and keep running in the background even though timeout() has returned. This may also fail to interrupt functions which are stuck in a long-running primitive interpreter operation.''' class TimeoutThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self) -> None: threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.result = None # type: Optional[ResultT] self.exc_info = None # type: Optional[Tuple[Optional[Type[BaseException]], Optional[BaseException], Optional[TracebackType]]] # Don't block the whole program from exiting # if this is the only thread left. self.daemon = True def run(self) -> None: try: self.result = func(*args, **kwargs) except BaseException: self.exc_info = sys.exc_info() def raise_async_timeout(self) -> None: # Called from another thread. # Attempt to raise a TimeoutExpired in the thread represented by 'self'. assert self.ident is not None # Thread should be running; c_long expects int tid = ctypes.c_long(self.ident) result = ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc( tid, ctypes.py_object(TimeoutExpired)) if result > 1: # "if it returns a number greater than one, you're in trouble, # and you should call it again with exc=NULL to revert the effect" # # I was unable to find the actual source of this quote, but it # appears in the many projects across the Internet that have # copy-pasted this recipe. ctypes.pythonapi.PyThreadState_SetAsyncExc(tid, None) thread = TimeoutThread() thread.start() thread.join(timeout) if thread.is_alive(): # Gamely try to kill the thread, following the dodgy approach from # # # We need to retry, because an async exception received while the # thread is in a system call is simply ignored. for i in range(10): thread.raise_async_timeout() time.sleep(0.1) if not thread.is_alive(): break raise TimeoutExpired if thread.exc_info: # Raise the original stack trace so our error messages are more useful. # from six.reraise(thread.exc_info[0], thread.exc_info[1], thread.exc_info[2]) assert thread.result is not None # assured if above did not reraise return thread.result
[ "float", "Callable[..., ResultT]", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 432, 445, 476, 491 ]
[ 437, 467, 479, 494 ]
import datetime import calendar from django.utils.timezone import utc as timezone_utc class TimezoneNotUTCException(Exception): pass def verify_UTC(dt: datetime.datetime) -> None: if dt.tzinfo is None or dt.tzinfo.utcoffset(dt) != timezone_utc.utcoffset(dt): raise TimezoneNotUTCException("Datetime %s does not have a UTC timezone." % (dt,)) def convert_to_UTC(dt: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: if dt.tzinfo is None: return dt.replace(tzinfo=timezone_utc) return dt.astimezone(timezone_utc) def floor_to_hour(dt: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: verify_UTC(dt) return datetime.datetime(*dt.timetuple()[:4]) \ .replace(tzinfo=timezone_utc) def floor_to_day(dt: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: verify_UTC(dt) return datetime.datetime(*dt.timetuple()[:3]) \ .replace(tzinfo=timezone_utc) def ceiling_to_hour(dt: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: floor = floor_to_hour(dt) if floor == dt: return floor return floor + datetime.timedelta(hours=1) def ceiling_to_day(dt: datetime.datetime) -> datetime.datetime: floor = floor_to_day(dt) if floor == dt: return floor return floor + datetime.timedelta(days=1) def timestamp_to_datetime(timestamp: float) -> datetime.datetime: return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(float(timestamp), tz=timezone_utc) def datetime_to_timestamp(dt: datetime.datetime) -> int: verify_UTC(dt) return calendar.timegm(dt.timetuple())
[ "datetime.datetime", "datetime.datetime", "datetime.datetime", "datetime.datetime", "datetime.datetime", "datetime.datetime", "float", "datetime.datetime" ]
[ 158, 384, 560, 743, 929, 1112, 1307, 1445 ]
[ 175, 401, 577, 760, 946, 1129, 1312, 1462 ]
from typing import List import pytz def get_all_timezones() -> List[str]: return sorted(pytz.all_timezones) def get_timezone(tz: str) -> pytz.datetime.tzinfo: return pytz.timezone(tz)
[ "str" ]
[ 137 ]
[ 140 ]
import datetime from django.db import connection from django.db.models.query import QuerySet, Q from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from sqlalchemy.sql import ( column, literal, func, ) from zerver.lib.request import REQ from zerver.models import ( Message, Recipient, UserMessage, UserProfile, ) from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple # Only use these constants for events. ORIG_TOPIC = "orig_subject" TOPIC_NAME = "subject" TOPIC_LINKS = "subject_links" MATCH_TOPIC = "match_subject" # This constant is actually embedded into # the JSON data for message edit history, # so we'll always need to handle legacy data # unless we do a pretty tricky migration. LEGACY_PREV_TOPIC = "prev_subject" # This constant is pretty closely coupled to the # database, but it's the JSON field. EXPORT_TOPIC_NAME = "subject" ''' The following functions are for user-facing APIs where we'll want to support "subject" for a while. ''' def get_topic_from_message_info(message_info: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: ''' Use this where you are getting dicts that are based off of messages that may come from the outside world, especially from third party APIs and bots. We prefer 'topic' to 'subject' here. We expect at least one field to be present (or the caller must know how to handle KeyError). ''' if 'topic' in message_info: return message_info['topic'] return message_info['subject'] def REQ_topic() -> Optional[str]: # REQ handlers really return a REQ, but we # lie to make the rest of the type matching work. return REQ( whence='topic', aliases=['subject'], converter=lambda x: x.strip(), default=None, ) # type: ignore # see comment above ''' TRY TO KEEP THIS DIVIDING LINE. Below this line we want to make it so that functions are only using "subject" in the DB sense, and nothing customer facing. ''' # This is used in low-level message functions in # zerver/lib/, and it's not user facing. DB_TOPIC_NAME = "subject" MESSAGE__TOPIC = 'message__subject' def topic_match_sa(topic_name: str) -> Any: # _sa is short for Sql Alchemy, which we use mostly for # queries that search messages topic_cond = func.upper(column("subject")) == func.upper(literal(topic_name)) return topic_cond def topic_column_sa() -> Any: return column("subject") def filter_by_exact_message_topic(query: QuerySet, message: Message) -> QuerySet: topic_name = message.topic_name() return query.filter(subject=topic_name) def filter_by_topic_name_via_message(query: QuerySet, topic_name: str) -> QuerySet: return query.filter(message__subject__iexact=topic_name) def messages_for_topic(stream_id: int, topic_name: str) -> QuerySet: # It might be the case that we really want subject__contains # here. This code is used for the archive. return Message.objects.filter( recipient__type_id=stream_id, subject=topic_name, ) def save_message_for_edit_use_case(message: Message) -> None:["subject", "content", "rendered_content", "rendered_content_version", "last_edit_time", "edit_history"]) def user_message_exists_for_topic(user_profile: UserProfile, recipient: Recipient, topic_name: str) -> bool: return UserMessage.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, message__recipient=recipient, message__subject__iexact=topic_name, ).exists() def update_messages_for_topic_edit(message: Message, propagate_mode: str, orig_topic_name: str, topic_name: str) -> List[Message]: propagate_query = Q(recipient = message.recipient, subject = orig_topic_name) # We only change messages up to 2 days in the past, to avoid hammering our # DB by changing an unbounded amount of messages if propagate_mode == 'change_all': before_bound = timezone_now() - datetime.timedelta(days=2) propagate_query = (propagate_query & ~Q(id = & Q(pub_date__range=(before_bound, timezone_now()))) if propagate_mode == 'change_later': propagate_query = propagate_query & Q(id__gt = messages = Message.objects.filter(propagate_query).select_related() # Evaluate the query before running the update messages_list = list(messages) messages.update(subject=topic_name) for m in messages_list: # The cached ORM object is not changed by messages.update() # and the remote cache update requires the new value m.set_topic_name(topic_name) return messages_list def generate_topic_history_from_db_rows(rows: List[Tuple[str, int]]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: canonical_topic_names = {} # type: Dict[str, Tuple[int, str]] # Sort rows by max_message_id so that if a topic # has many different casings, we use the most # recent row. rows = sorted(rows, key=lambda tup: tup[1]) for (topic_name, max_message_id) in rows: canonical_name = topic_name.lower() canonical_topic_names[canonical_name] = (max_message_id, topic_name) history = [] for canonical_topic, (max_message_id, topic_name) in canonical_topic_names.items(): history.append(dict( name=topic_name, max_id=max_message_id) ) return sorted(history, key=lambda x: -x['max_id']) def get_topic_history_for_stream(user_profile: UserProfile, recipient: Recipient, public_history: bool) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: cursor = connection.cursor() if public_history: query = ''' SELECT "zerver_message"."subject" as topic, max("zerver_message".id) as max_message_id FROM "zerver_message" WHERE ( "zerver_message"."recipient_id" = %s ) GROUP BY ( "zerver_message"."subject" ) ORDER BY max("zerver_message".id) DESC ''' cursor.execute(query, []) else: query = ''' SELECT "zerver_message"."subject" as topic, max("zerver_message".id) as max_message_id FROM "zerver_message" INNER JOIN "zerver_usermessage" ON ( "zerver_usermessage"."message_id" = "zerver_message"."id" ) WHERE ( "zerver_usermessage"."user_profile_id" = %s AND "zerver_message"."recipient_id" = %s ) GROUP BY ( "zerver_message"."subject" ) ORDER BY max("zerver_message".id) DESC ''' cursor.execute(query, [,]) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return generate_topic_history_from_db_rows(rows) def get_topic_history_for_web_public_stream(recipient: Recipient) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: cursor = connection.cursor() query = ''' SELECT "zerver_message"."subject" as topic, max("zerver_message".id) as max_message_id FROM "zerver_message" WHERE ( "zerver_message"."recipient_id" = %s ) GROUP BY ( "zerver_message"."subject" ) ORDER BY max("zerver_message".id) DESC ''' cursor.execute(query, []) rows = cursor.fetchall() cursor.close() return generate_topic_history_from_db_rows(rows) def get_turtle_message(message_ids: List[int]) -> Message: # This is used for onboarding, and it's only extracted # here to make subject -> topic sweeping easier. turtle_message = Message.objects.get( # nolint id__in=message_ids, subject='topic demonstration', content__icontains='cute/turtle.png') return turtle_message
[ "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "QuerySet", "Message", "QuerySet", "str", "int", "str", "Message", "UserProfile", "Recipient", "str", "Message", "str", "str", "str", "List[Tuple[str, int]]", "UserProfile", "Recipient", "bool", "Recipient", "List[int]" ]
[ 1030, 2146, 2460, 2479, 2628, 2650, 2764, 2781, 3064, 3332, 3390, 3447, 3678, 3738, 3795, 3847, 4912, 5677, 5734, 5794, 7085, 7654 ]
[ 1044, 2149, 2468, 2486, 2636, 2653, 2767, 2784, 3071, 3343, 3399, 3450, 3685, 3741, 3798, 3850, 4933, 5688, 5743, 5798, 7094, 7663 ]
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional from zerver.lib.topic import ( topic_match_sa, ) from zerver.models import ( get_stream_recipient, get_stream, MutedTopic, UserProfile ) from sqlalchemy.sql import ( and_, column, not_, or_, Selectable ) def get_topic_mutes(user_profile: UserProfile) -> List[List[str]]: rows = MutedTopic.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, ).values( 'stream__name', 'topic_name' ) return [ [row['stream__name'], row['topic_name']] for row in rows ] def set_topic_mutes(user_profile: UserProfile, muted_topics: List[List[str]]) -> None: ''' This is only used in tests. ''' MutedTopic.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, ).delete() for stream_name, topic_name in muted_topics: stream = get_stream(stream_name, user_profile.realm) recipient = get_stream_recipient( add_topic_mute( user_profile=user_profile,,, topic_name=topic_name, ) def add_topic_mute(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_id: int, recipient_id: int, topic_name: str) -> None: MutedTopic.objects.create( user_profile=user_profile, stream_id=stream_id, recipient_id=recipient_id, topic_name=topic_name, ) def remove_topic_mute(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_id: int, topic_name: str) -> None: row = MutedTopic.objects.get( user_profile=user_profile, stream_id=stream_id, topic_name__iexact=topic_name ) row.delete() def topic_is_muted(user_profile: UserProfile, stream_id: int, topic_name: str) -> bool: is_muted = MutedTopic.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, stream_id=stream_id, topic_name__iexact=topic_name, ).exists() return is_muted def exclude_topic_mutes(conditions: List[Selectable], user_profile: UserProfile, stream_id: Optional[int]) -> List[Selectable]: query = MutedTopic.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, ) if stream_id is not None: # If we are narrowed to a stream, we can optimize the query # by not considering topic mutes outside the stream. query = query.filter(stream_id=stream_id) query = query.values( 'recipient_id', 'topic_name' ) rows = list(query) if not rows: return conditions def mute_cond(row: Dict[str, Any]) -> Selectable: recipient_id = row['recipient_id'] topic_name = row['topic_name'] stream_cond = column("recipient_id") == recipient_id topic_cond = topic_match_sa(topic_name) return and_(stream_cond, topic_cond) condition = not_(or_(*list(map(mute_cond, rows)))) return conditions + [condition] def build_topic_mute_checker(user_profile: UserProfile) -> Callable[[int, str], bool]: rows = MutedTopic.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, ).values( 'recipient_id', 'topic_name' ) rows = list(rows) tups = set() for row in rows: recipient_id = row['recipient_id'] topic_name = row['topic_name'] tups.add((recipient_id, topic_name.lower())) def is_muted(recipient_id: int, topic: str) -> bool: return (recipient_id, topic.lower()) in tups return is_muted
[ "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "List[List[str]]", "UserProfile", "int", "int", "str", "UserProfile", "int", "str", "UserProfile", "int", "str", "List[Selectable]", "UserProfile", "Optional[int]", "Dict[str, Any]", "UserProfile", "int", "str" ]
[ 335, 633, 660, 1195, 1219, 1238, 1255, 1473, 1497, 1514, 1721, 1745, 1762, 1993, 2049, 2097, 2592, 2995, 3405, 3417 ]
[ 346, 644, 675, 1206, 1222, 1241, 1258, 1484, 1500, 1517, 1732, 1748, 1765, 2009, 2060, 2110, 2606, 3006, 3408, 3420 ]
import sys import functools from typing import Any, Callable, IO, Mapping, Sequence, TypeVar def get_mapping_type_str(x: Mapping[Any, Any]) -> str: container_type = type(x).__name__ if not x: if container_type == 'dict': return '{}' else: return container_type + '([])' key = next(iter(x)) key_type = get_type_str(key) value_type = get_type_str(x[key]) if container_type == 'dict': if len(x) == 1: return '{%s: %s}' % (key_type, value_type) else: return '{%s: %s, ...}' % (key_type, value_type) else: if len(x) == 1: return '%s([(%s, %s)])' % (container_type, key_type, value_type) else: return '%s([(%s, %s), ...])' % (container_type, key_type, value_type) def get_sequence_type_str(x: Sequence[Any]) -> str: container_type = type(x).__name__ if not x: if container_type == 'list': return '[]' else: return container_type + '([])' elem_type = get_type_str(x[0]) if container_type == 'list': if len(x) == 1: return '[' + elem_type + ']' else: return '[' + elem_type + ', ...]' else: if len(x) == 1: return '%s([%s])' % (container_type, elem_type) else: return '%s([%s, ...])' % (container_type, elem_type) expansion_blacklist = [str, bytes] def get_type_str(x: Any) -> str: if x is None: return 'None' elif isinstance(x, tuple): types = [] for v in x: types.append(get_type_str(v)) if len(x) == 1: return '(' + types[0] + ',)' else: return '(' + ', '.join(types) + ')' elif isinstance(x, Mapping): return get_mapping_type_str(x) elif isinstance(x, Sequence) and not any(isinstance(x, t) for t in expansion_blacklist): return get_sequence_type_str(x) else: return type(x).__name__ FuncT = TypeVar('FuncT', bound=Callable[..., Any]) def print_types_to(file_obj: IO[str]) -> Callable[[FuncT], FuncT]: def decorator(func: FuncT) -> FuncT: @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: arg_types = [get_type_str(arg) for arg in args] kwarg_types = [key + "=" + get_type_str(value) for key, value in kwargs.items()] ret_val = func(*args, **kwargs) output = "%s(%s) -> %s" % (func.__name__, ", ".join(arg_types + kwarg_types), get_type_str(ret_val)) print(output, file=file_obj) return ret_val return wrapper # type: ignore # return decorator def print_types(func: FuncT) -> FuncT: return print_types_to(sys.stdout)(func)
[ "Mapping[Any, Any]", "Sequence[Any]", "Any", "IO[str]", "FuncT", "Any", "Any", "FuncT" ]
[ 124, 839, 1455, 2076, 2138, 2213, 2228, 2825 ]
[ 141, 852, 1458, 2083, 2143, 2216, 2231, 2830 ]
from typing import TypeVar, Callable, Optional, List, Dict, Union, Tuple, Any from django.http import HttpResponse ViewFuncT = TypeVar('ViewFuncT', bound=Callable[..., HttpResponse]) # See zerver/lib/ for more details of Validators, # including many examples Validator = Callable[[str, object], Optional[str]] ExtendedValidator = Callable[[str, str, object], Optional[str]] RealmUserValidator = Callable[[int, List[int], bool], Optional[str]] ProfileDataElement = Dict[str, Union[int, float, Optional[str]]] ProfileData = List[ProfileDataElement] FieldElement = Tuple[int, str, Validator, Callable[[Any], Any], str] ExtendedFieldElement = Tuple[int, str, ExtendedValidator, Callable[[Any], Any], str] UserFieldElement = Tuple[int, str, RealmUserValidator, Callable[[Any], Any], str] FieldTypeData = List[Union[FieldElement, ExtendedFieldElement, UserFieldElement]] ProfileFieldData = Dict[str, Dict[str, str]]
import re import os import sourcemap from typing import Dict, List class SourceMap: '''Map (line, column) pairs from generated to source file.''' def __init__(self, sourcemap_dirs: List[str]) -> None: self._dirs = sourcemap_dirs self._indices = {} # type: Dict[str, sourcemap.SourceMapDecoder] def _index_for(self, minified_src: str) -> sourcemap.SourceMapDecoder: '''Return the source map index for minified_src, loading it if not already loaded.''' if minified_src not in self._indices: for source_dir in self._dirs: filename = os.path.join(source_dir, minified_src + '.map') if os.path.isfile(filename): with open(filename) as fp: self._indices[minified_src] = sourcemap.load(fp) break return self._indices[minified_src] def annotate_stacktrace(self, stacktrace: str) -> str: out = '' # type: str for ln in stacktrace.splitlines(): out += ln + '\n' match ='/static/(?:webpack-bundles|min)/(.+)(\.[\.0-9a-f]+\.js):(\d+):(\d+)', ln) if match: # Get the appropriate source map for the minified file. minified_src = match.groups()[0] + match.groups()[1] index = self._index_for(minified_src) gen_line, gen_col = list(map(int, match.groups()[2:4])) # The sourcemap lib is 0-based, so subtract 1 from line and col. try: result = index.lookup(line=gen_line-1, column=gen_col-1) display_src = result.src webpack_prefix = "webpack:///" if display_src.startswith(webpack_prefix): display_src = display_src[len(webpack_prefix):] out += (' = %s line %d column %d\n' % (display_src, result.src_line+1, result.src_col+1)) except IndexError: out += ' [Unable to look up in source map]\n' if ln.startswith(' at'): out += '\n' return out
[ "List[str]", "str", "str" ]
[ 194, 364, 954 ]
[ 203, 367, 957 ]
from typing import Any, Dict, Mapping, Optional, Tuple from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.conf import settings from django.template.defaultfilters import slugify from django.core.files import File from django.http import HttpRequest from django.db.models import Sum from jinja2 import Markup as mark_safe import unicodedata from zerver.lib.avatar_hash import user_avatar_path from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError, ErrorCode from zerver.lib.str_utils import NonBinaryStr from boto.s3.bucket import Bucket from boto.s3.key import Key from boto.s3.connection import S3Connection from mimetypes import guess_type, guess_extension from zerver.models import get_user_profile_by_id, RealmEmoji from zerver.models import Attachment from zerver.models import Realm, RealmEmoji, UserProfile, Message import urllib import base64 import os import re from PIL import Image, ImageOps, ExifTags from PIL.GifImagePlugin import GifImageFile import io import random import logging DEFAULT_AVATAR_SIZE = 100 MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE = 500 DEFAULT_EMOJI_SIZE = 64 # Performance Note: # # For writing files to S3, the file could either be stored in RAM # (if it is less than 2.5MiB or so) or an actual temporary file on disk. # # Because we set FILE_UPLOAD_MAX_MEMORY_SIZE to 0, only the latter case # should occur in practice. # # This is great, because passing the pseudofile object that Django gives # you to boto would be a pain. # To come up with a s3 key we randomly generate a "directory". The # "file name" is the original filename provided by the user run # through a sanitization function. class RealmUploadQuotaError(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.REALM_UPLOAD_QUOTA attachment_url_re = re.compile(r'[/\-]user[\-_]uploads[/\.-].*?(?=[ )]|\Z)') def attachment_url_to_path_id(attachment_url: str) -> str: path_id_raw = re.sub(r'[/\-]user[\-_]uploads[/\.-]', '', attachment_url) # Remove any extra '.' after file extension. These are probably added by the user return re.sub('[.]+$', '', path_id_raw, re.M) def sanitize_name(value: NonBinaryStr) -> str: """ Sanitizes a value to be safe to store in a Linux filesystem, in S3, and in a URL. So unicode is allowed, but not special characters other than ".", "-", and "_". This implementation is based on django.utils.text.slugify; it is modified by: * adding '.' and '_' to the list of allowed characters. * preserving the case of the value. """ value = unicodedata.normalize('NFKC', value) value = re.sub(r'[^\w\s._-]', '', value, flags=re.U).strip() return mark_safe(re.sub(r'[-\s]+', '-', value, flags=re.U)) def random_name(bytes: int=60) -> str: return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(os.urandom(bytes)).decode('utf-8') class BadImageError(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.BAD_IMAGE name_to_tag_num = dict((name, num) for num, name in ExifTags.TAGS.items()) # def exif_rotate(image: Image) -> Image: if not hasattr(image, '_getexif'): return image exif_data = image._getexif() if exif_data is None: return image exif_dict = dict(exif_data.items()) orientation = exif_dict.get(name_to_tag_num['Orientation']) if orientation == 3: return image.rotate(180, expand=True) elif orientation == 6: return image.rotate(270, expand=True) elif orientation == 8: return image.rotate(90, expand=True) return image def resize_avatar(image_data: bytes, size: int=DEFAULT_AVATAR_SIZE) -> bytes: try: im = im = exif_rotate(im) im =, (size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS) except IOError: raise BadImageError("Could not decode image; did you upload an image file?") out = io.BytesIO() if im.mode == 'CMYK': im = im.convert('RGB'), format='png') return out.getvalue() def resize_gif(im: GifImageFile, size: int=DEFAULT_EMOJI_SIZE) -> bytes: frames = [] duration_info = [] # If 'loop' info is not set then loop for infinite number of times. loop ="loop", 0) for frame_num in range(0, im.n_frames): new_frame ="RGBA", im.size) new_frame.paste(im, (0, 0), im.convert("RGBA")) new_frame =, (size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS) frames.append(new_frame) duration_info.append(['duration']) out = io.BytesIO() frames[0].save(out, save_all=True, optimize=True, format="GIF", append_images=frames[1:], duration=duration_info, loop=loop) return out.getvalue() def resize_emoji(image_data: bytes, size: int=DEFAULT_EMOJI_SIZE) -> bytes: try: im = image_format = im.format if image_format == "GIF": return resize_gif(im, size) else: im = exif_rotate(im) im =, (size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS) out = io.BytesIO(), format=image_format) return out.getvalue() except IOError: raise BadImageError("Could not decode image; did you upload an image file?") ### Common class ZulipUploadBackend: def upload_message_file(self, uploaded_file_name: str, uploaded_file_size: int, content_type: Optional[str], file_data: bytes, user_profile: UserProfile, target_realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() def upload_avatar_image(self, user_file: File, acting_user_profile: UserProfile, target_user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def delete_avatar_image(self, user: UserProfile) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def delete_message_image(self, path_id: str) -> bool: raise NotImplementedError() def get_avatar_url(self, hash_key: str, medium: bool=False) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() def copy_avatar(self, source_profile: UserProfile, target_profile: UserProfile) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def ensure_medium_avatar_image(self, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def upload_realm_icon_image(self, icon_file: File, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def get_realm_icon_url(self, realm_id: int, version: int) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() def upload_emoji_image(self, emoji_file: File, emoji_file_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: raise NotImplementedError() def get_emoji_url(self, emoji_file_name: str, realm_id: int) -> str: raise NotImplementedError() ### S3 def get_bucket(conn: S3Connection, bucket_name: str) -> Bucket: # Calling get_bucket() with validate=True can apparently lead # to expensive S3 bills: # # The benefits of validation aren't completely clear to us, and # we want to save on our bills, so we set the validate flag to False. # (We think setting validate to True would cause us to fail faster # in situations where buckets don't exist, but that shouldn't be # an issue for us.) bucket = conn.get_bucket(bucket_name, validate=False) return bucket def upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name: NonBinaryStr, file_name: str, content_type: Optional[str], user_profile: UserProfile, contents: bytes) -> None: conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) bucket = get_bucket(conn, bucket_name) key = Key(bucket) key.key = file_name key.set_metadata("user_profile_id", str( key.set_metadata("realm_id", str(user_profile.realm_id)) if content_type is not None: headers = {'Content-Type': content_type} # type: Optional[Dict[str, str]] else: headers = None key.set_contents_from_string(contents, headers=headers) # type: ignore # def currently_used_upload_space(realm: Realm) -> int: used_space = Attachment.objects.filter(realm=realm).aggregate(Sum('size'))['size__sum'] if used_space is None: return 0 return used_space def check_upload_within_quota(realm: Realm, uploaded_file_size: int) -> None: upload_quota = realm.upload_quota_bytes() if upload_quota is None: return used_space = currently_used_upload_space(realm) if (used_space + uploaded_file_size) > upload_quota: raise RealmUploadQuotaError(_("Upload would exceed your organization's upload quota.")) def get_file_info(request: HttpRequest, user_file: File) -> Tuple[str, int, Optional[str]]: uploaded_file_name = assert isinstance(uploaded_file_name, str) content_type = request.GET.get('mimetype') if content_type is None: guessed_type = guess_type(uploaded_file_name)[0] if guessed_type is not None: content_type = guessed_type else: extension = guess_extension(content_type) if extension is not None: uploaded_file_name = uploaded_file_name + extension uploaded_file_name = urllib.parse.unquote(uploaded_file_name) uploaded_file_size = user_file.size return uploaded_file_name, uploaded_file_size, content_type def get_signed_upload_url(path: str) -> str: conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) return conn.generate_url(15, 'GET', bucket=settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET, key=path) def get_realm_for_filename(path: str) -> Optional[int]: conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) key = get_bucket(conn, settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET).get_key(path) if key is None: # This happens if the key does not exist. return None return get_user_profile_by_id(key.metadata["user_profile_id"]).realm_id class S3UploadBackend(ZulipUploadBackend): def delete_file_from_s3(self, path_id: str, bucket_name: str) -> bool: conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) bucket = get_bucket(conn, bucket_name) # check if file exists key = bucket.get_key(path_id) if key is not None: bucket.delete_key(key) return True file_name = path_id.split("/")[-1] logging.warning("%s does not exist. Its entry in the database will be removed." % (file_name,)) return False def upload_message_file(self, uploaded_file_name: str, uploaded_file_size: int, content_type: Optional[str], file_data: bytes, user_profile: UserProfile, target_realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> str: bucket_name = settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET if target_realm is None: target_realm = user_profile.realm s3_file_name = "/".join([ str(, random_name(18), sanitize_name(uploaded_file_name) ]) url = "/user_uploads/%s" % (s3_file_name,) upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name, content_type, user_profile, file_data ) create_attachment(uploaded_file_name, s3_file_name, user_profile, uploaded_file_size) return url def delete_message_image(self, path_id: str) -> bool: return self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id, settings.S3_AUTH_UPLOADS_BUCKET) def write_avatar_images(self, s3_file_name: str, target_user_profile: UserProfile, image_data: bytes, content_type: Optional[str]) -> None: bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name + ".original", content_type, target_user_profile, image_data, ) # custom 500px wide version resized_medium = resize_avatar(image_data, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE) upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name + "-medium.png", "image/png", target_user_profile, resized_medium ) resized_data = resize_avatar(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name, 'image/png', target_user_profile, resized_data, ) # See avatar_url in for URL. (That code also handles the case # that users use gravatar.) def upload_avatar_image(self, user_file: File, acting_user_profile: UserProfile, target_user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: content_type = guess_type([0] s3_file_name = user_avatar_path(target_user_profile) image_data = self.write_avatar_images(s3_file_name, target_user_profile, image_data, content_type) def delete_avatar_image(self, user: UserProfile) -> None: path_id = user_avatar_path(user) bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id + ".original", bucket_name) self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id + "-medium.png", bucket_name) self.delete_file_from_s3(path_id, bucket_name) def get_avatar_key(self, file_name: str) -> Key: conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET bucket = get_bucket(conn, bucket_name) key = bucket.get_key(file_name) return key def copy_avatar(self, source_profile: UserProfile, target_profile: UserProfile) -> None: s3_source_file_name = user_avatar_path(source_profile) s3_target_file_name = user_avatar_path(target_profile) key = self.get_avatar_key(s3_source_file_name + ".original") image_data = key.get_contents_as_string() # type: ignore # content_type = key.content_type self.write_avatar_images(s3_target_file_name, target_profile, image_data, content_type) # type: ignore # image_data is `bytes`, boto subs are wrong def get_avatar_url(self, hash_key: str, medium: bool=False) -> str: bucket = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET medium_suffix = "-medium.png" if medium else "" # ?x=x allows templates to append additional parameters with &s return "" % (bucket, hash_key, medium_suffix) def upload_realm_icon_image(self, icon_file: File, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: content_type = guess_type([0] bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET s3_file_name = os.path.join(str(, 'realm', 'icon') image_data = upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name + ".original", content_type, user_profile, image_data, ) resized_data = resize_avatar(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name + ".png", 'image/png', user_profile, resized_data, ) # See avatar_url in for URL. (That code also handles the case # that users use gravatar.) def get_realm_icon_url(self, realm_id: int, version: int) -> str: bucket = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET # ?x=x allows templates to append additional parameters with &s return "" % (bucket, realm_id, version) def ensure_medium_avatar_image(self, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: file_path = user_avatar_path(user_profile) s3_file_name = file_path bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET conn = S3Connection(settings.S3_KEY, settings.S3_SECRET_KEY) bucket = get_bucket(conn, bucket_name) key = bucket.get_key(file_path) image_data = key.get_contents_as_string() resized_medium = resize_avatar(image_data, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE) # type: ignore # image_data is `bytes`, boto subs are wrong upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, s3_file_name + "-medium.png", "image/png", user_profile, resized_medium ) def upload_emoji_image(self, emoji_file: File, emoji_file_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: content_type = guess_type([0] bucket_name = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id=user_profile.realm_id, emoji_file_name=emoji_file_name ) image_data = resized_image_data = resize_emoji(image_data) upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, ".".join((emoji_path, "original")), content_type, user_profile, image_data, ) upload_image_to_s3( bucket_name, emoji_path, content_type, user_profile, resized_image_data, ) def get_emoji_url(self, emoji_file_name: str, realm_id: int) -> str: bucket = settings.S3_AVATAR_BUCKET emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format(realm_id=realm_id, emoji_file_name=emoji_file_name) return "" % (bucket, emoji_path) ### Local def write_local_file(type: str, path: str, file_data: bytes) -> None: file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, type, path) os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(file_path), exist_ok=True) with open(file_path, 'wb') as f: f.write(file_data) def read_local_file(type: str, path: str) -> bytes: file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, type, path) with open(file_path, 'rb') as f: return def delete_local_file(type: str, path: str) -> bool: file_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, type, path) if os.path.isfile(file_path): # This removes the file but the empty folders still remain. os.remove(file_path) return True file_name = path.split("/")[-1] logging.warning("%s does not exist. Its entry in the database will be removed." % (file_name,)) return False def get_local_file_path(path_id: str) -> Optional[str]: local_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, 'files', path_id) if os.path.isfile(local_path): return local_path else: return None class LocalUploadBackend(ZulipUploadBackend): def upload_message_file(self, uploaded_file_name: str, uploaded_file_size: int, content_type: Optional[str], file_data: bytes, user_profile: UserProfile, target_realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> str: # Split into 256 subdirectories to prevent directories from getting too big path = "/".join([ str(user_profile.realm_id), format(random.randint(0, 255), 'x'), random_name(18), sanitize_name(uploaded_file_name) ]) write_local_file('files', path, file_data) create_attachment(uploaded_file_name, path, user_profile, uploaded_file_size) return '/user_uploads/' + path def delete_message_image(self, path_id: str) -> bool: return delete_local_file('files', path_id) def write_avatar_images(self, file_path: str, image_data: bytes) -> None: write_local_file('avatars', file_path + '.original', image_data) resized_data = resize_avatar(image_data) write_local_file('avatars', file_path + '.png', resized_data) resized_medium = resize_avatar(image_data, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE) write_local_file('avatars', file_path + '-medium.png', resized_medium) def upload_avatar_image(self, user_file: File, acting_user_profile: UserProfile, target_user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: file_path = user_avatar_path(target_user_profile) image_data = self.write_avatar_images(file_path, image_data) def delete_avatar_image(self, user: UserProfile) -> None: path_id = user_avatar_path(user) delete_local_file("avatars", path_id + ".original") delete_local_file("avatars", path_id + ".png") delete_local_file("avatars", path_id + "-medium.png") def get_avatar_url(self, hash_key: str, medium: bool=False) -> str: # ?x=x allows templates to append additional parameters with &s medium_suffix = "-medium" if medium else "" return "/user_avatars/%s%s.png?x=x" % (hash_key, medium_suffix) def copy_avatar(self, source_profile: UserProfile, target_profile: UserProfile) -> None: source_file_path = user_avatar_path(source_profile) target_file_path = user_avatar_path(target_profile) image_data = read_local_file('avatars', source_file_path + '.original') self.write_avatar_images(target_file_path, image_data) def upload_realm_icon_image(self, icon_file: File, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: upload_path = os.path.join('avatars', str(, 'realm') image_data = write_local_file( upload_path, 'icon.original', image_data) resized_data = resize_avatar(image_data) write_local_file(upload_path, 'icon.png', resized_data) def get_realm_icon_url(self, realm_id: int, version: int) -> str: # ?x=x allows templates to append additional parameters with &s return "/user_avatars/%s/realm/icon.png?version=%s" % (realm_id, version) def ensure_medium_avatar_image(self, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: file_path = user_avatar_path(user_profile) output_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", file_path + "-medium.png") if os.path.isfile(output_path): return image_path = os.path.join(settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR, "avatars", file_path + ".original") image_data = open(image_path, "rb").read() resized_medium = resize_avatar(image_data, MEDIUM_AVATAR_SIZE) write_local_file('avatars', file_path + '-medium.png', resized_medium) def upload_emoji_image(self, emoji_file: File, emoji_file_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: emoji_path = RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format( realm_id= user_profile.realm_id, emoji_file_name=emoji_file_name ) image_data = resized_image_data = resize_emoji(image_data) write_local_file( 'avatars', ".".join((emoji_path, "original")), image_data) write_local_file( 'avatars', emoji_path, resized_image_data) def get_emoji_url(self, emoji_file_name: str, realm_id: int) -> str: return os.path.join( "/user_avatars", RealmEmoji.PATH_ID_TEMPLATE.format(realm_id=realm_id, emoji_file_name=emoji_file_name)) # Common and wrappers if settings.LOCAL_UPLOADS_DIR is not None: upload_backend = LocalUploadBackend() # type: ZulipUploadBackend else: upload_backend = S3UploadBackend() # nocoverage def delete_message_image(path_id: str) -> bool: return upload_backend.delete_message_image(path_id) def upload_avatar_image(user_file: File, acting_user_profile: UserProfile, target_user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: upload_backend.upload_avatar_image(user_file, acting_user_profile, target_user_profile) def delete_avatar_image(user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: upload_backend.delete_avatar_image(user_profile) def copy_avatar(source_profile: UserProfile, target_profile: UserProfile) -> None: upload_backend.copy_avatar(source_profile, target_profile) def upload_icon_image(user_file: File, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: upload_backend.upload_realm_icon_image(user_file, user_profile) def upload_emoji_image(emoji_file: File, emoji_file_name: str, user_profile: UserProfile) -> None: upload_backend.upload_emoji_image(emoji_file, emoji_file_name, user_profile) def upload_message_file(uploaded_file_name: str, uploaded_file_size: int, content_type: Optional[str], file_data: bytes, user_profile: UserProfile, target_realm: Optional[Realm]=None) -> str: return upload_backend.upload_message_file(uploaded_file_name, uploaded_file_size, content_type, file_data, user_profile, target_realm=target_realm) def claim_attachment(user_profile: UserProfile, path_id: str, message: Message, is_message_realm_public: bool) -> Attachment: attachment = Attachment.objects.get(path_id=path_id) attachment.messages.add(message) attachment.is_realm_public = attachment.is_realm_public or is_message_realm_public return attachment def create_attachment(file_name: str, path_id: str, user_profile: UserProfile, file_size: int) -> bool: attachment = Attachment.objects.create(file_name=file_name, path_id=path_id, owner=user_profile, realm=user_profile.realm, size=file_size) from zerver.lib.actions import notify_attachment_update notify_attachment_update(user_profile, 'add', attachment.to_dict()) return True def upload_message_image_from_request(request: HttpRequest, user_file: File, user_profile: UserProfile) -> str: uploaded_file_name, uploaded_file_size, content_type = get_file_info(request, user_file) return upload_message_file(uploaded_file_name, uploaded_file_size, content_type,, user_profile)
[ "str", "NonBinaryStr", "Image", "bytes", "GifImageFile", "bytes", "str", "int", "Optional[str]", "bytes", "UserProfile", "File", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "File", "UserProfile", "int", "int", "File", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "int", "S3Connection", "str", "NonBinaryStr", "str", "Optional[str]", "UserProfile", "bytes", "Realm", "Realm", "int", "HttpRequest", "File", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "int", "Optional[str]", "bytes", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "bytes", "Optional[str]", "File", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "str", "File", "UserProfile", "int", "int", "UserProfile", "File", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "int", "str", "str", "bytes", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "int", "Optional[str]", "bytes", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "bytes", "File", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "File", "UserProfile", "int", "int", "UserProfile", "File", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "int", "str", "File", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "File", "UserProfile", "File", "str", "UserProfile", "str", "int", "Optional[str]", "bytes", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "str", "Message", "bool", "str", "str", "UserProfile", "int", "HttpRequest", "File", "UserProfile" ]
[ 1830, 2082, 2977, 3505, 3963, 4759, 5392, 5417, 5464, 5490, 5539, 5706, 5761, 5823, 5922, 6025, 6115, 6227, 6256, 6370, 6478, 6498, 6600, 6614, 6709, 6732, 6751, 6855, 6870, 6950, 6977, 7583, 7616, 7643, 7680, 7711, 8321, 8532, 8559, 8896, 8920, 9624, 9826, 10241, 10259, 10770, 10795, 10842, 10868, 10917, 11635, 11780, 11806, 11859, 11880, 12823, 12878, 12940, 13283, 13631, 13911, 13940, 14511, 14855, 14875, 15683, 15697, 15985, 16708, 16731, 16777, 17554, 17569, 17900, 17911, 17927, 18162, 18173, 18347, 18358, 18779, 19070, 19095, 19142, 19168, 19217, 19781, 19892, 19909, 20315, 20370, 20432, 20648, 20929, 21201, 21230, 21566, 21586, 21992, 22006, 22229, 22809, 22832, 22878, 23422, 23437, 23838, 23944, 23971, 24029, 24182, 24290, 24319, 24438, 24458, 24584, 24607, 24626, 24774, 24799, 24842, 24868, 24913, 25250, 25293, 25328, 25383, 25663, 25677, 25696, 25742, 26138, 26162, 26220 ]
[ 1833, 2094, 2982, 3510, 3975, 4764, 5395, 5420, 5477, 5495, 5550, 5710, 5772, 5834, 5933, 6028, 6118, 6238, 6267, 6381, 6482, 6509, 6603, 6617, 6713, 6735, 6762, 6858, 6873, 6962, 6980, 7595, 7619, 7656, 7691, 7716, 8326, 8537, 8562, 8907, 8924, 9627, 9829, 10244, 10262, 10773, 10798, 10855, 10873, 10928, 11638, 11783, 11817, 11864, 11893, 12827, 12889, 12951, 13294, 13634, 13922, 13951, 14514, 14859, 14886, 15686, 15700, 15996, 16712, 16734, 16788, 17557, 17572, 17903, 17914, 17932, 18165, 18176, 18350, 18361, 18782, 19073, 19098, 19155, 19173, 19228, 19784, 19895, 19914, 20319, 20381, 20443, 20659, 20932, 21212, 21241, 21570, 21597, 21995, 22009, 22240, 22813, 22835, 22889, 23425, 23440, 23841, 23948, 23982, 24040, 24193, 24301, 24330, 24442, 24469, 24588, 24610, 24637, 24777, 24802, 24855, 24873, 24924, 25261, 25296, 25335, 25387, 25666, 25680, 25707, 25745, 26149, 26166, 26231 ]
import urllib from typing import Any, Dict, List from zerver.lib.topic import get_topic_from_message_info from zerver.models import Realm, Stream, UserProfile def hash_util_encode(string: str) -> str: # Do the same encoding operation as hash_util.encodeHashComponent on the # frontend. # `safe` has a default value of "/", but we want those encoded, too. return urllib.parse.quote( string.encode("utf-8"), safe=b"").replace(".", "%2E").replace("%", ".") def encode_stream(stream_id: int, stream_name: str) -> str: # We encode streams for urls as something like 99-Verona. stream_name = stream_name.replace(' ', '-') return str(stream_id) + '-' + hash_util_encode(stream_name) def personal_narrow_url(realm: Realm, sender: UserProfile) -> str: base_url = "%s/#narrow/pm-with/" % (realm.uri,) email_user ='@')[0].lower() pm_slug = str( + '-' + hash_util_encode(email_user) return base_url + pm_slug def huddle_narrow_url(realm: Realm, other_user_ids: List[int]) -> str: pm_slug = ','.join(str(user_id) for user_id in sorted(other_user_ids)) + '-group' base_url = "%s/#narrow/pm-with/" % (realm.uri,) return base_url + pm_slug def stream_narrow_url(realm: Realm, stream: Stream) -> str: base_url = "%s/#narrow/stream/" % (realm.uri,) return base_url + encode_stream(, def topic_narrow_url(realm: Realm, stream: Stream, topic: str) -> str: base_url = "%s/#narrow/stream/" % (realm.uri,) return "%s%s/topic/%s" % (base_url, encode_stream(,, hash_util_encode(topic)) def near_message_url(realm: Realm, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: if message['type'] == 'stream': url = near_stream_message_url( realm=realm, message=message, ) return url url = near_pm_message_url( realm=realm, message=message, ) return url def near_stream_message_url(realm: Realm, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: message_id = str(message['id']) stream_id = message['stream_id'] stream_name = message['display_recipient'] topic_name = get_topic_from_message_info(message) encoded_topic = hash_util_encode(topic_name) encoded_stream = encode_stream(stream_id=stream_id, stream_name=stream_name) parts = [ realm.uri, '#narrow', 'stream', encoded_stream, 'topic', encoded_topic, 'near', message_id, ] full_url = '/'.join(parts) return full_url def near_pm_message_url(realm: Realm, message: Dict[str, Any]) -> str: message_id = str(message['id']) str_user_ids = [ str(recipient['id']) for recipient in message['display_recipient'] ] # Use the "perma-link" format here that includes the sender's # user_id, so they're easier to share between people. pm_str = ','.join(str_user_ids) + '-pm' parts = [ realm.uri, '#narrow', 'pm-with', pm_str, 'near', message_id, ] full_url = '/'.join(parts) return full_url
[ "str", "int", "str", "Realm", "UserProfile", "Realm", "List[int]", "Realm", "Stream", "Realm", "Stream", "str", "Realm", "Dict[str, Any]", "Realm", "Dict[str, Any]", "Realm", "Dict[str, Any]" ]
[ 190, 510, 528, 747, 762, 1013, 1036, 1253, 1268, 1424, 1439, 1454, 1711, 1748, 2066, 2110, 2698, 2738 ]
[ 193, 513, 531, 752, 773, 1018, 1045, 1258, 1274, 1429, 1445, 1457, 1716, 1762, 2071, 2124, 2703, 2752 ]
from typing import Optional, Dict, Any from pyoembed import oEmbed, PyOembedException def get_oembed_data(url: str, maxwidth: Optional[int]=640, maxheight: Optional[int]=480) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: try: data = oEmbed(url, maxwidth=maxwidth, maxheight=maxheight) except PyOembedException: return None data['image'] = data.get('thumbnail_url') return data
[ "str" ]
[ 113 ]
[ 116 ]
from zerver.lib.url_preview.parsers.open_graph import OpenGraphParser from zerver.lib.url_preview.parsers.generic import GenericParser __all__ = ['OpenGraphParser', 'GenericParser']
from typing import Any class BaseParser: def __init__(self, html_source: str) -> None: # We import BeautifulSoup here, because it's not used by most # processes in production, and bs4 is big enough that # importing it adds 10s of milliseconds to startup. from bs4 import BeautifulSoup self._soup = BeautifulSoup(html_source, "lxml") def extract_data(self) -> Any: raise NotImplementedError()
[ "str" ]
[ 78 ]
[ 81 ]
from typing import Dict, Optional from zerver.lib.url_preview.parsers.base import BaseParser class GenericParser(BaseParser): def extract_data(self) -> Dict[str, Optional[str]]: return { 'title': self._get_title(), 'description': self._get_description(), 'image': self._get_image()} def _get_title(self) -> Optional[str]: soup = self._soup if (soup.title and soup.title.text != ''): return soup.title.text if (soup.h1 and soup.h1.text != ''): return soup.h1.text return None def _get_description(self) -> Optional[str]: soup = self._soup meta_description = soup.find('meta', attrs={'name': 'description'}) if (meta_description and meta_description.get('content', '') != ''): return meta_description['content'] first_h1 = soup.find('h1') if first_h1: first_p = first_h1.find_next('p') if (first_p and first_p.string != ''): return first_p.text first_p = soup.find('p') if (first_p and first_p.string != ''): return first_p.string return None def _get_image(self) -> Optional[str]: """ Finding a first image after the h1 header. Presumably it will be the main image. """ soup = self._soup first_h1 = soup.find('h1') if first_h1: first_image = first_h1.find_next_sibling('img') if first_image and first_image['src'] != '': return first_image['src'] return None
import re from typing import Dict from .base import BaseParser class OpenGraphParser(BaseParser): def extract_data(self) -> Dict[str, str]: meta = self._soup.findAll('meta') content = {} for tag in meta: if tag.has_attr('property') and 'og:' in tag['property']: content[re.sub('og:', '', tag['property'])] = tag['content'] return content
import re import logging import traceback from typing import Any, Optional, Dict from import Match import requests from zerver.lib.cache import cache_with_key, get_cache_with_key, preview_url_cache_key from zerver.lib.url_preview.oembed import get_oembed_data from zerver.lib.url_preview.parsers import OpenGraphParser, GenericParser from django.utils.encoding import smart_text CACHE_NAME = "database" # Based on django.core.validators.URLValidator, with ftp support removed. link_regex = re.compile( r'^(?:http)s?://' # http:// or https:// r'(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?)|' # domain... r'\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})' # ...or ip r'(?::\d+)?' # optional port r'(?:/?|[/?]\S+)$', re.IGNORECASE) def is_link(url: str) -> Match[str]: return link_regex.match(smart_text(url)) @cache_with_key(preview_url_cache_key, cache_name=CACHE_NAME, with_statsd_key="urlpreview_data") def get_link_embed_data(url: str, maxwidth: Optional[int]=640, maxheight: Optional[int]=480) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: if not is_link(url): return None # Fetch information from URL. # We are using three sources in next order: # 1. OEmbed # 2. Open Graph # 3. Meta tags try: data = get_oembed_data(url, maxwidth=maxwidth, maxheight=maxheight) except requests.exceptions.RequestException: msg = 'Unable to fetch information from url {0}, traceback: {1}' logging.error(msg.format(url, traceback.format_exc())) return None data = data or {} response = requests.get(url) if response.ok: og_data = OpenGraphParser(response.text).extract_data() if og_data: data.update(og_data) generic_data = GenericParser(response.text).extract_data() or {} for key in ['title', 'description', 'image']: if not data.get(key) and generic_data.get(key): data[key] = generic_data[key] return data @get_cache_with_key(preview_url_cache_key, cache_name=CACHE_NAME) def link_embed_data_from_cache(url: str, maxwidth: Optional[int]=640, maxheight: Optional[int]=480) -> Any: return
[ "str", "str", "str" ]
[ 808, 1001, 2159 ]
[ 811, 1004, 2162 ]
import re from typing import Dict # Warning: If you change this parsing, please test using # zerver/tests/ # And extend zerver/tests/fixtures/user_agents_unique with any new test cases def parse_user_agent(user_agent: str) -> Dict[str, str]: match = re.match("^(?P<name>[^/ ]*[^0-9/(]*)(/(?P<version>[^/ ]*))?([ /].*)?$", user_agent) assert match is not None return match.groupdict()
[ "str" ]
[ 239 ]
[ 242 ]
from __future__ import absolute_import from collections import defaultdict from django.db import transaction from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError from zerver.models import UserProfile, Realm, UserGroupMembership, UserGroup from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Tuple, Any def access_user_group_by_id(user_group_id: int, user_profile: UserProfile) -> UserGroup: try: user_group = UserGroup.objects.get(id=user_group_id, realm=user_profile.realm) group_member_ids = get_user_group_members(user_group) msg = _("Only group members and organization administrators can administer this group.") if (not user_profile.is_realm_admin and not in group_member_ids): raise JsonableError(msg) except UserGroup.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_("Invalid user group")) return user_group def user_groups_in_realm(realm: Realm) -> List[UserGroup]: user_groups = UserGroup.objects.filter(realm=realm) return list(user_groups) def user_groups_in_realm_serialized(realm: Realm) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]: """This function is used in do_events_register code path so this code should be performant. We need to do 2 database queries because Django's ORM doesn't properly support the left join between UserGroup and UserGroupMembership that we need. """ realm_groups = UserGroup.objects.filter(realm=realm) group_dicts = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] for user_group in realm_groups: group_dicts[] = dict(,, description=user_group.description, members=[], ) membership = UserGroupMembership.objects.filter(user_group__realm=realm).values_list( 'user_group_id', 'user_profile_id') for (user_group_id, user_profile_id) in membership: group_dicts[user_group_id]['members'].append(user_profile_id) for group_dict in group_dicts.values(): group_dict['members'] = sorted(group_dict['members']) return sorted(group_dicts.values(), key=lambda group_dict: group_dict['id']) def get_user_groups(user_profile: UserProfile) -> List[UserGroup]: return list(user_profile.usergroup_set.all()) def check_add_user_to_user_group(user_profile: UserProfile, user_group: UserGroup) -> bool: member_obj, created = UserGroupMembership.objects.get_or_create( user_group=user_group, user_profile=user_profile) return created def remove_user_from_user_group(user_profile: UserProfile, user_group: UserGroup) -> int: num_deleted, _ = UserGroupMembership.objects.filter( user_profile=user_profile, user_group=user_group).delete() return num_deleted def check_remove_user_from_user_group(user_profile: UserProfile, user_group: UserGroup) -> bool: try: num_deleted = remove_user_from_user_group(user_profile, user_group) return bool(num_deleted) except Exception: return False def create_user_group(name: str, members: List[UserProfile], realm: Realm, description: str='') -> UserGroup: with transaction.atomic(): user_group = UserGroup.objects.create(name=name, realm=realm, description=description) UserGroupMembership.objects.bulk_create([ UserGroupMembership(user_profile=member, user_group=user_group) for member in members ]) return user_group def get_user_group_members(user_group: UserGroup) -> List[UserProfile]: members = UserGroupMembership.objects.filter(user_group=user_group) return [ for member in members] def get_memberships_of_users(user_group: UserGroup, members: List[UserProfile]) -> List[int]: return list(UserGroupMembership.objects.filter( user_group=user_group, user_profile__in=members).values_list('user_profile_id', flat=True))
[ "int", "UserProfile", "Realm", "Realm", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "UserGroup", "UserProfile", "UserGroup", "UserProfile", "UserGroup", "str", "List[UserProfile]", "Realm", "UserGroup", "UserGroup", "List[UserProfile]" ]
[ 382, 401, 953, 1109, 2218, 2349, 2374, 2587, 2612, 2831, 2856, 3066, 3080, 3106, 3579, 3784, 3804 ]
[ 385, 412, 958, 1114, 2229, 2360, 2383, 2598, 2621, 2842, 2865, 3069, 3097, 3111, 3588, 3793, 3821 ]
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union, cast from django.db.models.query import QuerySet from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.conf import settings from zerver.lib.cache import generic_bulk_cached_fetch, user_profile_cache_key_id, \ user_profile_by_id_cache_key from zerver.lib.request import JsonableError from zerver.lib.avatar import avatar_url from zerver.models import UserProfile, Service, Realm, \ get_user_profile_by_id, query_for_ids, get_user_profile_by_id_in_realm, \ CustomProfileField from zulip_bots.custom_exceptions import ConfigValidationError def check_full_name(full_name_raw: str) -> str: full_name = full_name_raw.strip() if len(full_name) > UserProfile.MAX_NAME_LENGTH: raise JsonableError(_("Name too long!")) if len(full_name) < UserProfile.MIN_NAME_LENGTH: raise JsonableError(_("Name too short!")) if list(set(full_name).intersection(UserProfile.NAME_INVALID_CHARS)): raise JsonableError(_("Invalid characters in name!")) return full_name # NOTE: We don't try to absolutely prevent 2 bots from having the same # name (e.g. you can get there by reactivating a deactivated bot after # making a new bot with the same name). This is just a check designed # to make it unlikely to happen by accident. def check_bot_name_available(realm_id: int, full_name: str) -> None: dup_exists = UserProfile.objects.filter( realm_id=realm_id, full_name=full_name.strip(), is_active=True, ).exists() if dup_exists: raise JsonableError(_("Name is already in use!")) def check_short_name(short_name_raw: str) -> str: short_name = short_name_raw.strip() if len(short_name) == 0: raise JsonableError(_("Bad name or username")) return short_name def check_valid_bot_config(service_name: str, config_data: Dict[str, str]) -> None: try: from zerver.lib.bot_lib import get_bot_handler bot_handler = get_bot_handler(service_name) if hasattr(bot_handler, 'validate_config'): bot_handler.validate_config(config_data) except ConfigValidationError: # The exception provides a specific error message, but that # message is not tagged translatable, because it is # triggered in the external zulip_bots package. # TODO: Think of some clever way to provide a more specific # error message. raise JsonableError(_("Invalid configuration data!")) # Adds an outgoing webhook or embedded bot service. def add_service(name: str, user_profile: UserProfile, base_url: Optional[str]=None, interface: Optional[int]=None, token: Optional[str]=None) -> None: Service.objects.create(name=name, user_profile=user_profile, base_url=base_url, interface=interface, token=token) def check_bot_creation_policy(user_profile: UserProfile, bot_type: int) -> None: # Realm administrators can always add bot if user_profile.is_realm_admin: return if user_profile.realm.bot_creation_policy == Realm.BOT_CREATION_EVERYONE: return if user_profile.realm.bot_creation_policy == Realm.BOT_CREATION_ADMINS_ONLY: raise JsonableError(_("Must be an organization administrator")) if user_profile.realm.bot_creation_policy == Realm.BOT_CREATION_LIMIT_GENERIC_BOTS and \ bot_type == UserProfile.DEFAULT_BOT: raise JsonableError(_("Must be an organization administrator")) def check_valid_bot_type(user_profile: UserProfile, bot_type: int) -> None: if bot_type not in user_profile.allowed_bot_types: raise JsonableError(_('Invalid bot type')) def check_valid_interface_type(interface_type: Optional[int]) -> None: if interface_type not in Service.ALLOWED_INTERFACE_TYPES: raise JsonableError(_('Invalid interface type')) def bulk_get_users(emails: List[str], realm: Optional[Realm], base_query: 'QuerySet[UserProfile]'=None) -> Dict[str, UserProfile]: if base_query is None: assert realm is not None query = UserProfile.objects.filter(realm=realm, is_active=True) realm_id = else: # WARNING: Currently, this code path only really supports one # version of `base_query` being used (because otherwise, # they'll share the cache, which can screw up the filtering). # If you're using this flow, you'll need to re-do any filters # in base_query in the code itself; base_query is just a perf # optimization. query = base_query realm_id = 0 def fetch_users_by_email(emails: List[str]) -> List[UserProfile]: # This should be just # # UserProfile.objects.select_related("realm").filter(email__iexact__in=emails, # realm=realm) # # But chaining __in and __iexact doesn't work with Django's # ORM, so we have the following hack to construct the relevant where clause if len(emails) == 0: return [] upper_list = ", ".join(["UPPER(%s)"] * len(emails)) where_clause = "UPPER( IN (%s)" % (upper_list,) return query.select_related("realm").extra( where=[where_clause], params=emails) return generic_bulk_cached_fetch( # Use a separate cache key to protect us from conflicts with # the get_user cache. lambda email: 'bulk_get_users:' + user_profile_cache_key_id(email, realm_id), fetch_users_by_email, [email.lower() for email in emails], id_fetcher=lambda user_profile: ) def user_ids_to_users(user_ids: List[int], realm: Realm) -> List[UserProfile]: # TODO: Consider adding a flag to control whether deactivated # users should be included. def fetch_users_by_id(user_ids: List[int]) -> List[UserProfile]: if len(user_ids) == 0: return [] return list(UserProfile.objects.filter(id__in=user_ids).select_related()) user_profiles_by_id = generic_bulk_cached_fetch( cache_key_function=user_profile_by_id_cache_key, query_function=fetch_users_by_id, object_ids=user_ids ) # type: Dict[int, UserProfile] found_user_ids = user_profiles_by_id.keys() missed_user_ids = [user_id for user_id in user_ids if user_id not in found_user_ids] if missed_user_ids: raise JsonableError(_("Invalid user ID: %s" % (missed_user_ids[0]))) user_profiles = list(user_profiles_by_id.values()) for user_profile in user_profiles: if user_profile.realm != realm: raise JsonableError(_("Invalid user ID: %s" % (,))) return user_profiles def access_bot_by_id(user_profile: UserProfile, user_id: int) -> UserProfile: try: target = get_user_profile_by_id_in_realm(user_id, user_profile.realm) except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_("No such bot")) if not target.is_bot: raise JsonableError(_("No such bot")) if not user_profile.can_admin_user(target): raise JsonableError(_("Insufficient permission")) return target def access_user_by_id(user_profile: UserProfile, user_id: int, allow_deactivated: bool=False, allow_bots: bool=False) -> UserProfile: try: target = get_user_profile_by_id_in_realm(user_id, user_profile.realm) except UserProfile.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_("No such user")) if target.is_bot and not allow_bots: raise JsonableError(_("No such user")) if not target.is_active and not allow_deactivated: raise JsonableError(_("User is deactivated")) if not user_profile.can_admin_user(target): raise JsonableError(_("Insufficient permission")) return target def get_accounts_for_email(email: str) -> List[Dict[str, Optional[str]]]: if settings.PRODUCTION: # nocoverage return [] profiles = UserProfile.objects.select_related('realm').filter(email__iexact=email.strip(), is_active=True, is_bot=False, realm__deactivated=False) return [{"realm_name":, "string_id": profile.realm.string_id, "full_name": profile.full_name, "avatar": avatar_url(profile)} for profile in profiles] def get_api_key(user_profile: UserProfile) -> str: return user_profile.api_key def get_all_api_keys(user_profile: UserProfile) -> List[str]: # Users can only have one API key for now return [user_profile.api_key] def validate_user_custom_profile_data(realm_id: int, profile_data: List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, List[int]]]]) -> None: # This function validate all custom field values according to their field type. for item in profile_data: field_id = item['id'] try: field = CustomProfileField.objects.get(id=field_id) except CustomProfileField.DoesNotExist: raise JsonableError(_('Field id {id} not found.').format(id=field_id)) validators = CustomProfileField.FIELD_VALIDATORS field_type = field.field_type var_name = '{}'.format( value = item['value'] if field_type in validators: validator = validators[field_type] result = validator(var_name, value) elif field_type == CustomProfileField.CHOICE: choice_field_validator = CustomProfileField.CHOICE_FIELD_VALIDATORS[field_type] field_data = field.field_data result = choice_field_validator(var_name, field_data, value) elif field_type == CustomProfileField.USER: user_field_validator = CustomProfileField.USER_FIELD_VALIDATORS[field_type] result = user_field_validator(realm_id, cast(List[int], value), False) else: raise AssertionError("Invalid field type") if result is not None: raise JsonableError(result)
[ "str", "int", "str", "str", "str", "Dict[str, str]", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "int", "UserProfile", "int", "Optional[int]", "List[str]", "Optional[Realm]", "List[str]", "List[int]", "Realm", "List[int]", "UserProfile", "int", "UserProfile", "int", "str", "UserProfile", "UserProfile", "int", "List[Dict[str, Union[int, str, List[int]]]]" ]
[ 645, 1356, 1372, 1650, 1851, 1869, 2563, 2582, 2979, 3002, 3614, 3637, 3805, 3976, 3994, 4724, 5837, 5855, 6019, 6921, 6943, 7367, 7389, 8014, 8718, 8807, 8963, 9020 ]
[ 648, 1359, 1375, 1653, 1854, 1883, 2566, 2593, 2990, 3005, 3625, 3640, 3818, 3985, 4009, 4733, 5846, 5860, 6028, 6932, 6946, 7378, 7392, 8017, 8729, 8818, 8966, 9063 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Sequence, TypeVar, Iterable, Set, Tuple import base64 import errno import hashlib import heapq import itertools import os import string import sys from time import sleep from itertools import zip_longest from django.conf import settings T = TypeVar('T') def statsd_key(val: Any, clean_periods: bool=False) -> str: if not isinstance(val, str): val = str(val) if ':' in val: val = val.split(':')[0] val = val.replace('-', "_") if clean_periods: val = val.replace('.', '_') return val class StatsDWrapper: """Transparently either submit metrics to statsd or do nothing without erroring out""" # Backported support for gauge deltas # as our statsd server supports them but supporting # pystatsd is not released yet def _our_gauge(self, stat: str, value: float, rate: float=1, delta: bool=False) -> None: """Set a gauge value.""" from django_statsd.clients import statsd if delta: value_str = '%+g|g' % (value,) else: value_str = '%g|g' % (value,) statsd._send(stat, value_str, rate) def __getattr__(self, name: str) -> Any: # Hand off to statsd if we have it enabled # otherwise do nothing if name in ['timer', 'timing', 'incr', 'decr', 'gauge']: if settings.STATSD_HOST != '': from django_statsd.clients import statsd if name == 'gauge': return self._our_gauge else: return getattr(statsd, name) else: return lambda *args, **kwargs: None raise AttributeError statsd = StatsDWrapper() # Runs the callback with slices of all_list of a given batch_size def run_in_batches(all_list: Sequence[T], batch_size: int, callback: Callable[[Sequence[T]], None], sleep_time: int=0, logger: Optional[Callable[[str], None]]=None) -> None: if len(all_list) == 0: return limit = (len(all_list) // batch_size) + 1 for i in range(limit): start = i*batch_size end = (i+1) * batch_size if end >= len(all_list): end = len(all_list) batch = all_list[start:end] if logger: logger("Executing %s in batch %s of %s" % (end-start, i+1, limit)) callback(batch) if i != limit - 1: sleep(sleep_time) def make_safe_digest(string: str, hash_func: Callable[[bytes], Any]=hashlib.sha1) -> str: """ return a hex digest of `string`. """ # hashlib.sha1, md5, etc. expect bytes, so non-ASCII strings must # be encoded. return hash_func(string.encode('utf-8')).hexdigest() def log_statsd_event(name: str) -> None: """ Sends a single event to statsd with the desired name and the current timestamp This can be used to provide vertical lines in generated graphs, for example when doing a prod deploy, bankruptcy request, or other one-off events Note that to draw this event as a vertical line in graphite you can use the drawAsInfinite() command """ event_name = "events.%s" % (name,) statsd.incr(event_name) def generate_random_token(length: int) -> str: return str(base64.b16encode(os.urandom(length // 2)).decode('utf-8').lower()) def generate_api_key() -> str: choices = string.ascii_letters + string.digits altchars = ''.join([choices[ord(os.urandom(1)) % 62] for _ in range(2)]).encode("utf-8") api_key = base64.b64encode(os.urandom(24), altchars=altchars).decode("utf-8") return api_key def query_chunker(queries: List[Any], id_collector: Optional[Set[int]]=None, chunk_size: int=1000, db_chunk_size: Optional[int]=None) -> Iterable[Any]: ''' This merges one or more Django ascending-id queries into a generator that returns chunks of chunk_size row objects during each yield, preserving id order across all results.. Queries should satisfy these conditions: - They should be Django filters. - They should return Django objects with "id" attributes. - They should be disjoint. The generator also populates id_collector, which we use internally to enforce unique ids, but which the caller can pass in to us if they want the side effect of collecting all ids. ''' if db_chunk_size is None: db_chunk_size = chunk_size // len(queries) assert db_chunk_size >= 2 assert chunk_size >= 2 if id_collector is not None: assert(len(id_collector) == 0) else: id_collector = set() def chunkify(q: Any, i: int) -> Iterable[Tuple[int, int, Any]]: q = q.order_by('id') min_id = -1 while True: assert db_chunk_size is not None # Hint for mypy, but also workaround for mypy bug #3442. rows = list(q.filter(id__gt=min_id)[0:db_chunk_size]) if len(rows) == 0: break for row in rows: yield (, i, row) min_id = rows[-1].id iterators = [chunkify(q, i) for i, q in enumerate(queries)] merged_query = heapq.merge(*iterators) while True: tup_chunk = list(itertools.islice(merged_query, 0, chunk_size)) if len(tup_chunk) == 0: break # Do duplicate-id management here. tup_ids = set([tup[0] for tup in tup_chunk]) assert len(tup_ids) == len(tup_chunk) assert len(tup_ids.intersection(id_collector)) == 0 id_collector.update(tup_ids) yield [row for row_id, i, row in tup_chunk] def process_list_in_batches(lst: List[Any], chunk_size: int, process_batch: Callable[[List[Any]], None]) -> None: offset = 0 while True: items = lst[offset:offset+chunk_size] if not items: break process_batch(items) offset += chunk_size def split_by(array: List[Any], group_size: int, filler: Any) -> List[List[Any]]: """ Group elements into list of size `group_size` and fill empty cells with `filler`. Recipe from """ args = [iter(array)] * group_size return list(map(list, zip_longest(*args, fillvalue=filler))) def is_remote_server(identifier: str) -> bool: """ This function can be used to identify the source of API auth request. We can have two types of sources, Remote Zulip Servers and UserProfiles. """ return "@" not in identifier
[ "Any", "str", "float", "str", "Sequence[T]", "int", "Callable[[Sequence[T]], None]", "str", "str", "int", "List[Any]", "Any", "int", "List[Any]", "int", "Callable[[List[Any]], None]", "List[Any]", "int", "Any", "str" ]
[ 352, 888, 900, 1254, 1886, 1930, 1964, 2598, 2907, 3391, 3791, 4831, 4839, 5845, 5896, 5944, 6179, 6202, 6215, 6544 ]
[ 355, 891, 905, 1257, 1897, 1933, 1993, 2601, 2910, 3394, 3800, 4834, 4842, 5854, 5899, 5971, 6188, 6205, 6218, 6547 ]
''' This module sets up a scheme for validating that arbitrary Python objects are correctly typed. It is totally decoupled from Django, composable, easily wrapped, and easily extended. A validator takes two parameters--var_name and val--and returns an error if val is not the correct type. The var_name parameter is used to format error messages. Validators return None when there are no errors. Example primitive validators are check_string, check_int, and check_bool. Compound validators are created by check_list and check_dict. Note that those functions aren't directly called for validation; instead, those functions are called to return other functions that adhere to the validator contract. This is similar to how Python decorators are often parameterized. The contract for check_list and check_dict is that they get passed in other validators to apply to their items. This allows you to build up validators for arbitrarily complex validators. See ValidatorTestCase for example usage. A simple example of composition is this: check_list(check_string)('my_list', ['a', 'b', 'c']) is None To extend this concept, it's simply a matter of writing your own validator for any particular type of object. ''' import ujson from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from django.core.validators import validate_email, URLValidator from typing import Callable, Iterable, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar, cast, \ Dict from datetime import datetime from zerver.lib.request import JsonableError from zerver.lib.types import Validator, ProfileFieldData def check_string(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, str): return _('%s is not a string') % (var_name,) return None def check_required_string(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: error = check_string(var_name, val) if error: return error val = cast(str, val) if not val.strip(): return _("{item} cannot be blank.").format(item=var_name) return None def check_short_string(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: return check_capped_string(50)(var_name, val) def check_capped_string(max_length: int) -> Validator: def validator(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, str): return _('%s is not a string') % (var_name,) if len(val) > max_length: return _("{var_name} is too long (limit: {max_length} characters)".format( var_name=var_name, max_length=max_length)) return None return validator def check_string_fixed_length(length: int) -> Validator: def validator(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, str): return _('%s is not a string') % (var_name,) if len(val) != length: return _("{var_name} has incorrect length {length}; should be {target_length}".format( var_name=var_name, target_length=length, length=len(val))) return None return validator def check_long_string(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: return check_capped_string(500)(var_name, val) def check_date(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, str): return _('%s is not a string') % (var_name,) try: datetime.strptime(val, '%Y-%m-%d') except ValueError: return _('%s is not a date') % (var_name,) return None def check_int(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, int): return _('%s is not an integer') % (var_name,) return None def check_float(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, float): return _('%s is not a float') % (var_name,) return None def check_bool(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, bool): return _('%s is not a boolean') % (var_name,) return None def check_none_or(sub_validator: Validator) -> Validator: def f(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if val is None: return None else: return sub_validator(var_name, val) return f def check_list(sub_validator: Optional[Validator], length: Optional[int]=None) -> Validator: def f(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, list): return _('%s is not a list') % (var_name,) if length is not None and length != len(val): return (_('%(container)s should have exactly %(length)s items') % {'container': var_name, 'length': length}) if sub_validator: for i, item in enumerate(val): vname = '%s[%d]' % (var_name, i) error = sub_validator(vname, item) if error: return error return None return f def check_dict(required_keys: Iterable[Tuple[str, Validator]]=[], value_validator: Optional[Validator]=None, _allow_only_listed_keys: bool=False) -> Validator: def f(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(val, dict): return _('%s is not a dict') % (var_name,) for k, sub_validator in required_keys: if k not in val: return (_('%(key_name)s key is missing from %(var_name)s') % {'key_name': k, 'var_name': var_name}) vname = '%s["%s"]' % (var_name, k) error = sub_validator(vname, val[k]) if error: return error if value_validator: for key in val: vname = '%s contains a value that' % (var_name,) error = value_validator(vname, val[key]) if error: return error if _allow_only_listed_keys: delta_keys = set(val.keys()) - set(x[0] for x in required_keys) if len(delta_keys) != 0: return _("Unexpected arguments: %s" % (", ".join(list(delta_keys)))) return None return f def check_dict_only(required_keys: Iterable[Tuple[str, Validator]]) -> Validator: return check_dict(required_keys, _allow_only_listed_keys=True) def check_variable_type(allowed_type_funcs: Iterable[Validator]) -> Validator: """ Use this validator if an argument is of a variable type (e.g. processing properties that might be strings or booleans). `allowed_type_funcs`: the check_* validator functions for the possible data types for this variable. """ def enumerated_type_check(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: for func in allowed_type_funcs: if not func(var_name, val): return None return _('%s is not an allowed_type') % (var_name,) return enumerated_type_check def equals(expected_val: object) -> Validator: def f(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: if val != expected_val: return (_('%(variable)s != %(expected_value)s (%(value)s is wrong)') % {'variable': var_name, 'expected_value': expected_val, 'value': val}) return None return f def validate_login_email(email: str) -> None: try: validate_email(email) except ValidationError as err: raise JsonableError(str(err.message)) def check_url(var_name: str, val: object) -> Optional[str]: # First, ensure val is a string string_msg = check_string(var_name, val) if string_msg is not None: return string_msg # Now, validate as URL validate = URLValidator() try: validate(val) return None except ValidationError: return _('%s is not a URL') % (var_name,) def validate_field_data(field_data: ProfileFieldData) -> Optional[str]: """ This function is used to validate the data sent to the server while creating/editing choices of the choice field in Organization settings. """ validator = check_dict_only([ ('text', check_required_string), ('order', check_required_string), ]) for key, value in field_data.items(): if not key.strip(): return _("'{item}' cannot be blank.").format(item='value') error = validator('field_data', value) if error: return error return None def validate_choice_field(var_name: str, field_data: str, value: object) -> None: """ This function is used to validate the value selected by the user against a choice field. This is not used to validate admin data. """ field_data_dict = ujson.loads(field_data) if value not in field_data_dict: msg = _("'{value}' is not a valid choice for '{field_name}'.") return msg.format(value=value, field_name=var_name) def check_widget_content(widget_content: object) -> Optional[str]: if not isinstance(widget_content, dict): return 'widget_content is not a dict' if 'widget_type' not in widget_content: return 'widget_type is not in widget_content' if 'extra_data' not in widget_content: return 'extra_data is not in widget_content' widget_type = widget_content['widget_type'] extra_data = widget_content['extra_data'] if not isinstance(extra_data, dict): return 'extra_data is not a dict' if widget_type == 'zform': if 'type' not in extra_data: return 'zform is missing type field' if extra_data['type'] == 'choices': check_choices = check_list( check_dict([ ('short_name', check_string), ('long_name', check_string), ('reply', check_string), ]), ) checker = check_dict([ ('heading', check_string), ('choices', check_choices), ]) msg = checker('extra_data', extra_data) if msg: return msg return None return 'unknown zform type: ' + extra_data['type'] return 'unknown widget type: ' + widget_type
[ "str", "object", "str", "object", "str", "object", "int", "str", "object", "int", "str", "object", "str", "object", "str", "object", "str", "object", "str", "object", "str", "object", "Validator", "str", "object", "Optional[Validator]", "str", "object", "str", "object", "Iterable[Tuple[str, Validator]]", "Iterable[Validator]", "str", "object", "object", "str", "object", "str", "str", "object", "ProfileFieldData", "str", "str", "object", "object" ]
[ 1647, 1657, 1822, 1832, 2100, 2110, 2223, 2270, 2280, 2660, 2707, 2717, 3116, 3126, 3229, 3239, 3518, 3528, 3685, 3695, 3850, 3860, 4024, 4069, 4079, 4259, 4342, 4352, 5141, 5151, 6178, 6337, 6666, 6676, 6929, 6971, 6981, 7320, 7479, 7489, 7876, 8486, 8503, 8515, 8942 ]
[ 1650, 1663, 1825, 1838, 2103, 2116, 2226, 2273, 2286, 2663, 2710, 2723, 3119, 3132, 3232, 3245, 3521, 3534, 3688, 3701, 3853, 3866, 4033, 4072, 4085, 4278, 4345, 4358, 5144, 5157, 6209, 6356, 6669, 6682, 6935, 6974, 6987, 7323, 7482, 7495, 7892, 8489, 8506, 8521, 8948 ]
from urllib.parse import unquote from django.conf import settings from django.http import HttpRequest from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from typing import Optional from zerver.lib.actions import check_send_stream_message, \ check_send_private_message, send_rate_limited_pm_notification_to_bot_owner from zerver.lib.exceptions import StreamDoesNotExistError, JsonableError, \ ErrorCode from zerver.lib.request import REQ, has_request_variables from zerver.lib.send_email import FromAddress from zerver.models import UserProfile, get_system_bot MISSING_EVENT_HEADER_MESSAGE = """ Hi there! Your bot {bot_name} just sent an HTTP request to {request_path} that is missing the HTTP {header_name} header. Because this header is how {integration_name} indicates the event type, this usually indicates a configuration issue, where you either entered the URL for a different integration, or are running an older version of the third-party service that doesn't provide that header. Contact {support_email} if you need help debugging! """ INVALID_JSON_MESSAGE = """ Hi there! It looks like you tried to setup the Zulip {webhook_name} integration, but didn't correctly configure the webhook to send data in the JSON format that this integration expects! """ # Django prefixes all custom HTTP headers with `HTTP_` DJANGO_HTTP_PREFIX = "HTTP_" def notify_bot_owner_about_invalid_json(user_profile: UserProfile, webhook_client_name: str) -> None: send_rate_limited_pm_notification_to_bot_owner( user_profile, user_profile.realm, INVALID_JSON_MESSAGE.format(webhook_name=webhook_client_name).strip() ) class UnexpectedWebhookEventType(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.UNEXPECTED_WEBHOOK_EVENT_TYPE data_fields = ['webhook_name', 'event_type'] def __init__(self, webhook_name: str, event_type: Optional[str]) -> None: self.webhook_name = webhook_name self.event_type = event_type @staticmethod def msg_format() -> str: return _("The '{event_type}' event isn't currently supported by the {webhook_name} webhook") class MissingHTTPEventHeader(JsonableError): code = ErrorCode.MISSING_HTTP_EVENT_HEADER data_fields = ['header'] def __init__(self, header: str) -> None: self.header = header @staticmethod def msg_format() -> str: return _("Missing the HTTP event header '{header}'") @has_request_variables def check_send_webhook_message( request: HttpRequest, user_profile: UserProfile, topic: str, body: str, stream: Optional[str]=REQ(default=None), user_specified_topic: Optional[str]=REQ("topic", default=None), unquote_stream: Optional[bool]=False ) -> None: if stream is None: assert user_profile.bot_owner is not None check_send_private_message(user_profile, request.client, user_profile.bot_owner, body) else: # Some third-party websites (such as Atlassian's JIRA), tend to # double escape their URLs in a manner that escaped space characters # (%20) are never properly decoded. We work around that by making sure # that the stream name is decoded on our end. if unquote_stream: stream = unquote(stream) if user_specified_topic is not None: topic = user_specified_topic try: check_send_stream_message(user_profile, request.client, stream, topic, body) except StreamDoesNotExistError: # A PM will be sent to the bot_owner by check_message, notifying # that the webhook bot just tried to send a message to a non-existent # stream, so we don't need to re-raise it since it clutters up # webhook-errors.log pass def validate_extract_webhook_http_header(request: HttpRequest, header: str, integration_name: str) -> str: extracted_header = request.META.get(DJANGO_HTTP_PREFIX + header) if extracted_header is None: message_body = MISSING_EVENT_HEADER_MESSAGE.format( bot_name=request.user.full_name, request_path=request.path, header_name=header, integration_name=integration_name, support_email=FromAddress.SUPPORT, ) send_rate_limited_pm_notification_to_bot_owner( request.user, request.user.realm, message_body) raise MissingHTTPEventHeader(header) return extracted_header
[ "UserProfile", "str", "str", "Optional[str]", "str", "HttpRequest", "UserProfile", "str", "str", "HttpRequest", "str", "str" ]
[ 1418, 1492, 1872, 1889, 2294, 2519, 2546, 2574, 2585, 3922, 3943, 4007 ]
[ 1429, 1495, 1875, 1902, 2297, 2530, 2557, 2577, 2588, 3933, 3946, 4010 ]
from typing import Optional, Any, Dict, List, Tuple from collections import defaultdict TOPIC_WITH_BRANCH_TEMPLATE = '{repo} / {branch}' TOPIC_WITH_PR_OR_ISSUE_INFO_TEMPLATE = '{repo} / {type} #{id} {title}' EMPTY_SHA = '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000' COMMITS_LIMIT = 20 COMMIT_ROW_TEMPLATE = '* {commit_msg} ([{commit_short_sha}]({commit_url}))\n' COMMITS_MORE_THAN_LIMIT_TEMPLATE = "[and {commits_number} more commit(s)]" COMMIT_OR_COMMITS = "commit{}" PUSH_PUSHED_TEXT_WITH_URL = "[pushed]({compare_url}) {number_of_commits} {commit_or_commits}" PUSH_PUSHED_TEXT_WITHOUT_URL = "pushed {number_of_commits} {commit_or_commits}" PUSH_COMMITS_BASE = '{user_name} {pushed_text} to branch {branch_name}.' PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITH_COMMITTERS = PUSH_COMMITS_BASE + """ {committers_details}. {commits_data} """ PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_COMMITTERS = PUSH_COMMITS_BASE + """ {commits_data} """ PUSH_DELETE_BRANCH_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{user_name} [deleted]({compare_url}) the branch {branch_name}." PUSH_LOCAL_BRANCH_WITHOUT_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = ("{user_name} [pushed]({compare_url}) " "the branch {branch_name}.") PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_EXTENSION = "Commits by {}" PUSH_COMMITTERS_LIMIT_INFO = 3 FORCE_PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = ("{user_name} [force pushed]({url}) " "to branch {branch_name}. Head is now {head}") CREATE_BRANCH_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{user_name} created [{branch_name}]({url}) branch" REMOVE_BRANCH_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{user_name} deleted branch {branch_name}" PULL_REQUEST_OR_ISSUE_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{user_name} {action} [{type}{id}]({url})" PULL_REQUEST_OR_ISSUE_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITH_TITLE = "{user_name} {action} [{type}{id} {title}]({url})" PULL_REQUEST_OR_ISSUE_ASSIGNEE_INFO_TEMPLATE = "(assigned to {assignee})" PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH_INFO_TEMPLATE = "\nfrom `{target}` to `{base}`" SETUP_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{integration} webhook has been successfully configured" SETUP_MESSAGE_USER_PART = " by {user_name}" CONTENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "\n~~~ quote\n{message}\n~~~" COMMITS_COMMENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = "{user_name} {action} on [{sha}]({url})" PUSH_TAGS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE = """{user_name} {action} tag {tag}""" TAG_WITH_URL_TEMPLATE = "[{tag_name}]({tag_url})" TAG_WITHOUT_URL_TEMPLATE = "{tag_name}" def get_push_commits_event_message(user_name: str, compare_url: Optional[str], branch_name: str, commits_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], is_truncated: Optional[bool]=False, deleted: Optional[bool]=False) -> str: if not commits_data and deleted: return PUSH_DELETE_BRANCH_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, compare_url=compare_url, branch_name=branch_name ) if not commits_data and not deleted: return PUSH_LOCAL_BRANCH_WITHOUT_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, compare_url=compare_url, branch_name=branch_name ) pushed_message_template = PUSH_PUSHED_TEXT_WITH_URL if compare_url else PUSH_PUSHED_TEXT_WITHOUT_URL pushed_text_message = pushed_message_template.format( compare_url=compare_url, number_of_commits=len(commits_data), commit_or_commits=COMMIT_OR_COMMITS.format('s' if len(commits_data) > 1 else '')) committers_items = get_all_committers(commits_data) # type: List[Tuple[str, int]] if len(committers_items) == 1 and user_name == committers_items[0][0]: return PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITHOUT_COMMITTERS.format( user_name=user_name, pushed_text=pushed_text_message, branch_name=branch_name, commits_data=get_commits_content(commits_data, is_truncated), ).rstrip() else: committers_details = "{} ({})".format(*committers_items[0]) for name, number_of_commits in committers_items[1:-1]: committers_details = "{}, {} ({})".format(committers_details, name, number_of_commits) if len(committers_items) > 1: committers_details = "{} and {} ({})".format(committers_details, *committers_items[-1]) return PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITH_COMMITTERS.format( user_name=user_name, pushed_text=pushed_text_message, branch_name=branch_name, committers_details=PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_EXTENSION.format(committers_details), commits_data=get_commits_content(commits_data, is_truncated), ).rstrip() def get_force_push_commits_event_message(user_name: str, url: str, branch_name: str, head: str) -> str: return FORCE_PUSH_COMMITS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, url=url, branch_name=branch_name, head=head ) def get_create_branch_event_message(user_name: str, url: str, branch_name: str) -> str: return CREATE_BRANCH_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, url=url, branch_name=branch_name, ) def get_remove_branch_event_message(user_name: str, branch_name: str) -> str: return REMOVE_BRANCH_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, branch_name=branch_name, ) def get_pull_request_event_message(user_name: str, action: str, url: str, number: Optional[int]=None, target_branch: Optional[str]=None, base_branch: Optional[str]=None, message: Optional[str]=None, assignee: Optional[str]=None, type: Optional[str]='PR', title: Optional[str]=None) -> str: kwargs = { 'user_name': user_name, 'action': action, 'type': type, 'url': url, 'id': ' #{}'.format(number) if number is not None else '', 'title': title, } if title is not None: main_message = PULL_REQUEST_OR_ISSUE_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE_WITH_TITLE.format(**kwargs) else: main_message = PULL_REQUEST_OR_ISSUE_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(**kwargs) if assignee: main_message += PULL_REQUEST_OR_ISSUE_ASSIGNEE_INFO_TEMPLATE.format(assignee=assignee) if target_branch and base_branch: main_message += PULL_REQUEST_BRANCH_INFO_TEMPLATE.format( target=target_branch, base=base_branch ) if message: main_message += '\n' + CONTENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(message=message) return main_message.rstrip() def get_setup_webhook_message(integration: str, user_name: Optional[str]=None) -> str: content = SETUP_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format(integration=integration) if user_name: content += SETUP_MESSAGE_USER_PART.format(user_name=user_name) return content def get_issue_event_message(user_name: str, action: str, url: str, number: Optional[int]=None, message: Optional[str]=None, assignee: Optional[str]=None, title: Optional[str]=None) -> str: return get_pull_request_event_message( user_name, action, url, number, message=message, assignee=assignee, type='Issue', title=title, ) def get_push_tag_event_message(user_name: str, tag_name: str, tag_url: Optional[str]=None, action: Optional[str]='pushed') -> str: if tag_url: tag_part = TAG_WITH_URL_TEMPLATE.format(tag_name=tag_name, tag_url=tag_url) else: tag_part = TAG_WITHOUT_URL_TEMPLATE.format(tag_name=tag_name) return PUSH_TAGS_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, action=action, tag=tag_part ) def get_commits_comment_action_message(user_name: str, action: str, commit_url: str, sha: str, message: Optional[str]=None) -> str: content = COMMITS_COMMENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( user_name=user_name, action=action, sha=get_short_sha(sha), url=commit_url ) if message is not None: content += CONTENT_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE.format( message=message ) return content def get_commits_content(commits_data: List[Dict[str, Any]], is_truncated: Optional[bool]=False) -> str: commits_content = '' for commit in commits_data[:COMMITS_LIMIT]: commits_content += COMMIT_ROW_TEMPLATE.format( commit_short_sha=get_short_sha(commit['sha']), commit_url=commit.get('url'), commit_msg=commit['message'].partition('\n')[0] ) if len(commits_data) > COMMITS_LIMIT: commits_content += COMMITS_MORE_THAN_LIMIT_TEMPLATE.format( commits_number=len(commits_data) - COMMITS_LIMIT ) elif is_truncated: commits_content += COMMITS_MORE_THAN_LIMIT_TEMPLATE.format( commits_number='' ).replace(' ', ' ') return commits_content.rstrip() def get_short_sha(sha: str) -> str: return sha[:7] def get_all_committers(commits_data: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Tuple[str, int]]: committers = defaultdict(int) # type: Dict[str, int] for commit in commits_data: committers[commit['name']] += 1 # Sort by commit count, breaking ties alphabetically. committers_items = sorted(list(committers.items()), key=lambda item: (-item[1], item[0])) # type: List[Tuple[str, int]] committers_values = [c_i[1] for c_i in committers_items] # type: List[int] if len(committers) > PUSH_COMMITTERS_LIMIT_INFO: others_number_of_commits = sum(committers_values[PUSH_COMMITTERS_LIMIT_INFO:]) committers_items = committers_items[:PUSH_COMMITTERS_LIMIT_INFO] committers_items.append(('others', others_number_of_commits)) return committers_items
[ "str", "Optional[str]", "str", "List[Dict[str, Any]]", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "List[Dict[str, Any]]", "str", "List[Dict[str, Any]]" ]
[ 2406, 2424, 2487, 2506, 4694, 4704, 4722, 4733, 4952, 4962, 4980, 5176, 5194, 5372, 5385, 5395, 6603, 6864, 6905, 6943, 7433, 7479, 7971, 8023, 8079, 8128, 8553, 9310, 9380 ]
[ 2409, 2437, 2490, 2526, 4697, 4707, 4725, 4736, 4955, 4965, 4983, 5179, 5197, 5375, 5388, 5398, 6606, 6867, 6908, 6946, 7436, 7482, 7974, 8026, 8082, 8131, 8573, 9313, 9400 ]
from typing import MutableMapping, Any, Optional, List, Tuple from django.conf import settings import re import json from zerver.models import SubMessage def get_widget_data(content: str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], Optional[str]]: valid_widget_types = ['tictactoe', 'poll', 'todo'] tokens = content.split(' ') # tokens[0] will always exist if tokens[0].startswith('/'): widget_type = tokens[0][1:] if widget_type in valid_widget_types: extra_data = get_extra_data_from_widget_type(tokens, widget_type) return widget_type, extra_data return None, None def get_extra_data_from_widget_type(tokens: List[str], widget_type: Optional[str]) -> Any: if widget_type == 'poll': # This is used to extract the question from the poll command. # The command '/poll question' will pre-set the question in the poll question = ' '.join(tokens[1:]) if not question: question = '' extra_data = {'question': question} return extra_data return None def do_widget_post_save_actions(message: MutableMapping[str, Any]) -> None: ''' This is experimental code that only works with the webapp for now. ''' if not settings.ALLOW_SUB_MESSAGES: return content = message['message'].content sender_id = message['message'].sender_id message_id = message['message'].id widget_type = None extra_data = None widget_type, extra_data = get_widget_data(content) widget_content = message.get('widget_content') if widget_content is not None: # Note that we validate this data in check_message, # so we can trust it here. widget_type = widget_content['widget_type'] extra_data = widget_content['extra_data'] if widget_type: content = dict( widget_type=widget_type, extra_data=extra_data ) submessage = SubMessage( sender_id=sender_id, message_id=message_id, msg_type='widget', content=json.dumps(content), ) message['submessages'] = SubMessage.get_raw_db_rows([message_id])
[ "str", "List[str]", "Optional[str]", "MutableMapping[str, Any]" ]
[ 187, 659, 719, 1138 ]
[ 190, 668, 732, 1162 ]
from typing import Any, Dict from django.utils.translation import ugettext as _ from zerver.models import UserProfile from zerver.lib.actions import do_set_user_display_setting from zerver.lib.exceptions import JsonableError def process_zcommands(content: str, user_profile: UserProfile) -> Dict[str, Any]: if not content.startswith('/'): raise JsonableError(_('There should be a leading slash in the zcommand.')) command = content[1:] if command == 'ping': ret = dict() # type: Dict[str, Any] return ret night_commands = ['night', 'dark'] day_commands = ['day', 'light'] if command in night_commands: if user_profile.night_mode: msg = 'You are still in night mode.' else: switch_command = day_commands[night_commands.index(command)] msg = 'Changed to night mode! To revert night mode, type `/%s`.' % (switch_command,) do_set_user_display_setting(user_profile, 'night_mode', True) ret = dict(msg=msg) return ret if command in day_commands: if user_profile.night_mode: switch_command = night_commands[day_commands.index(command)] msg = 'Changed to day mode! To revert day mode, type `/%s`.' % (switch_command,) do_set_user_display_setting(user_profile, 'night_mode', False) else: msg = 'You are still in day mode.' ret = dict(msg=msg) return ret raise JsonableError(_('No such command: %s') % (command,))
[ "str", "UserProfile" ]
[ 258, 277 ]
[ 261, 288 ]
import re import traceback import DNS from zerver.lib.str_utils import NonBinaryStr, force_str def compute_mit_user_fullname(email: NonBinaryStr) -> NonBinaryStr: try: # Input is either e.g. or user| match_user = re.match(r'^([a-zA-Z0-9_.-]+)(\|.+)?@mit\.edu$', email.lower()) if match_user and is None: answer = DNS.dnslookup( "" % (,), DNS.Type.TXT) hesiod_name = force_str(answer[0][0]).split(':')[4].split(',')[0].strip() if hesiod_name != "": return hesiod_name elif match_user: return + "@" +[1:] except DNS.Base.ServerError: pass except Exception: print("Error getting fullname for %s:" % (email,)) traceback.print_exc() return email.lower()
[ "NonBinaryStr" ]
[ 134 ]
[ 146 ]
# System documented in import logging import platform import os import subprocess import traceback from typing import Any, Dict, Optional from django.conf import settings from django.core import mail from django.http import HttpRequest from django.utils.log import AdminEmailHandler from django.views.debug import ExceptionReporter, get_exception_reporter_filter from zerver.lib.logging_util import find_log_caller_module from zerver.lib.queue import queue_json_publish from version import ZULIP_VERSION def try_git_describe() -> Optional[str]: try: # nocoverage return subprocess.check_output( ['git', '--git-dir', os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../.git'), 'describe', '--tags', '--always', '--dirty', '--long'], stderr=subprocess.PIPE, ).strip().decode('utf-8') except Exception: # nocoverage return None def add_deployment_metadata(report: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: report['git_described'] = try_git_describe() report['zulip_version_const'] = ZULIP_VERSION version_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../version') if os.path.exists(version_path): report['zulip_version_file'] = open(version_path).read().strip() # nocoverage def add_request_metadata(report: Dict[str, Any], request: HttpRequest) -> None: report['has_request'] = True report['path'] = request.path report['method'] = request.method report['remote_addr'] = request.META.get('REMOTE_ADDR', None), report['query_string'] = request.META.get('QUERY_STRING', None), report['server_name'] = request.META.get('SERVER_NAME', None), try: from django.contrib.auth.models import AnonymousUser user_profile = request.user if isinstance(user_profile, AnonymousUser): user_full_name = None user_email = None else: user_full_name = user_profile.full_name user_email = except Exception: # Unexpected exceptions here should be handled gracefully traceback.print_exc() user_full_name = None user_email = None report['user_email'] = user_email report['user_full_name'] = user_full_name exception_filter = get_exception_reporter_filter(request) try: report['data'] = request.GET if request.method == 'GET' else \ exception_filter.get_post_parameters(request) except Exception: # exception_filter.get_post_parameters will throw # RequestDataTooBig if there's a really big file uploaded report['data'] = {} try: report['host'] = request.get_host().split(':')[0] except Exception: # request.get_host() will throw a DisallowedHost # exception if the host is invalid report['host'] = platform.node() class AdminNotifyHandler(logging.Handler): """An logging handler that sends the log/exception to the queue to be turned into an email and/or a Zulip message for the server admins. """ # adapted in part from django/utils/ def __init__(self) -> None: logging.Handler.__init__(self) def emit(self, record: logging.LogRecord) -> None: report = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] # This parameter determines whether Zulip should attempt to # send Zulip messages containing the error report. If there's # syntax that makes the markdown processor throw an exception, # we really don't want to send that syntax into a new Zulip # message in exception handler (that's the stuff of which # recursive exception loops are made). # # We initialize is_bugdown_rendering_exception to `True` to # prevent the infinite loop of zulip messages by ERROR_BOT if # the outer try block here throws an exception before we have # a chance to check the exception for whether it comes from # bugdown. is_bugdown_rendering_exception = True try: report['node'] = platform.node() report['host'] = platform.node() add_deployment_metadata(report) if record.exc_info: stack_trace = ''.join(traceback.format_exception(*record.exc_info)) message = str(record.exc_info[1]) from zerver.lib.exceptions import BugdownRenderingException is_bugdown_rendering_exception = record.msg.startswith('Exception in Markdown parser') else: stack_trace = 'No stack trace available' message = record.getMessage() if '\n' in message: # Some exception code paths in queue processors # seem to result in super-long messages stack_trace = message message = message.split('\n')[0] is_bugdown_rendering_exception = False report['stack_trace'] = stack_trace report['message'] = message report['logger_name'] = report['log_module'] = find_log_caller_module(record) report['log_lineno'] = record.lineno if hasattr(record, "request"): add_request_metadata(report, record.request) # type: ignore # record.request is added dynamically except Exception: report['message'] = "Exception in preparing exception report!" logging.warning(report['message'], exc_info=True) report['stack_trace'] = "See /var/log/zulip/errors.log" if settings.DEBUG_ERROR_REPORTING: # nocoverage logging.warning("Reporting an error to admins...") logging.warning("Reporting an error to admins: {} {} {} {} {}" .format( record.levelname, report['logger_name'], report['log_module'], report['message'], report['stack_trace'])) try: if settings.STAGING_ERROR_NOTIFICATIONS: # On staging, process the report directly so it can happen inside this # try/except to prevent looping from zerver.lib.error_notify import notify_server_error notify_server_error(report, is_bugdown_rendering_exception) else: queue_json_publish('error_reports', dict( type = "server", report = report, )) except Exception: # If this breaks, complain loudly but don't pass the traceback up the stream # However, we *don't* want to use logging.exception since that could trigger a loop. logging.warning("Reporting an exception triggered an exception!", exc_info=True)
[ "Dict[str, Any]", "Dict[str, Any]", "HttpRequest", "logging.LogRecord" ]
[ 1005, 1361, 1386, 3261 ]
[ 1019, 1375, 1397, 3278 ]
import argparse from datetime import datetime from typing import Any import requests import ujson from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from zerver.models import UserProfile class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Add users to a MailChimp mailing list.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--api-key', dest='api_key', type=str, help='MailChimp API key.') parser.add_argument('--list-id', dest='list_id', type=str, help='List ID of the MailChimp mailing list.') parser.add_argument('--optin-time', dest='optin_time', type=str, default=datetime.isoformat(timezone_now().replace(microsecond=0)), help='Opt-in time of the users.') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: if options['api_key'] is None: try: if settings.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY is None: print('MAILCHIMP_API_KEY is None. Check your server settings file.') exit(1) options['api_key'] = settings.MAILCHIMP_API_KEY except AttributeError: print('Please supply a MailChimp API key to --api-key, or add a ' 'MAILCHIMP_API_KEY to your server settings file.') exit(1) if options['list_id'] is None: try: if settings.ZULIP_FRIENDS_LIST_ID is None: print('ZULIP_FRIENDS_LIST_ID is None. Check your server settings file.') exit(1) options['list_id'] = settings.ZULIP_FRIENDS_LIST_ID except AttributeError: print('Please supply a MailChimp List ID to --list-id, or add a ' 'ZULIP_FRIENDS_LIST_ID to your server settings file.') exit(1) endpoint = "" % \ (options['api_key'].split('-')[1], options['list_id']) for user in UserProfile.objects.filter(is_bot=False, is_active=True) \ .values('email', 'full_name', 'realm_id'): data = { 'email_address': user['email'], 'list_id': options['list_id'], 'status': 'subscribed', 'merge_fields': { 'NAME': user['full_name'], 'REALM_ID': user['realm_id'], 'OPTIN_TIME': options['optin_time'], }, } r =, auth=('apikey', options['api_key']), json=data, timeout=10) if r.status_code == 400 and ujson.loads(r.text)['title'] == 'Member Exists': print("%s is already a part of the list." % (data['email_address'],)) elif r.status_code >= 400: print(r.text)
[ "argparse.ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 400, 1125, 1141 ]
[ 423, 1128, 1144 ]
from typing import Any from import CommandParser from zerver.lib.actions import bulk_add_subscriptions, ensure_stream from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Add some or all users in a realm to a set of streams.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: self.add_realm_args(parser, True) self.add_user_list_args(parser, all_users_help="Add all users in realm to these streams.") parser.add_argument( '-s', '--streams', dest='streams', type=str, required=True, help='A comma-separated list of stream names.') def handle(self, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser user_profiles = self.get_users(options, realm) stream_names = set([stream.strip() for stream in options["streams"].split(",")]) for stream_name in set(stream_names): for user_profile in user_profiles: stream = ensure_stream(realm, stream_name) _ignore, already_subscribed = bulk_add_subscriptions([stream], [user_profile]) was_there_already = in {tup[0].id for tup in already_subscribed} print("%s %s to %s" % ( "Already subscribed" if was_there_already else "Subscribed",, stream_name))
[ "CommandParser", "Any" ]
[ 342, 738 ]
[ 355, 741 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import CommandError from zerver.lib.actions import do_mark_all_as_read from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import Message class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Bankrupt one or many users.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('emails', metavar='<email>', type=str, nargs='+', help='email address to bankrupt') self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) for email in options['emails']: try: user_profile = self.get_user(email, realm) except CommandError: print("e-mail %s doesn't exist in the realm %s, skipping" % (email, realm)) continue do_mark_all_as_read(user_profile, self.get_client()) messages = Message.objects.filter( usermessage__user_profile=user_profile).order_by('-id')[:1] if messages: old_pointer = user_profile.pointer new_pointer = messages[0].id user_profile.pointer = new_pointer["pointer"]) print("%s: %d => %d" % (email, old_pointer, new_pointer)) else: print("%s has no messages, can't bankrupt!" % (email,))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 367, 603, 619 ]
[ 381, 606, 622 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import CommandError from zerver.lib.actions import do_change_full_name from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Change the names for many users.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('data_file', metavar='<data file>', type=str, help="file containing rows of the form <email>,<desired name>") self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: data_file = options['data_file'] realm = self.get_realm(options) with open(data_file, "r") as f: for line in f: email, new_name = line.strip().split(",", 1) try: user_profile = self.get_user(email, realm) old_name = user_profile.full_name print("%s: %s -> %s" % (email, old_name, new_name)) do_change_full_name(user_profile, new_name, None) except CommandError: print("e-mail %s doesn't exist in the realm %s, skipping" % (email, realm))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 338, 600, 616 ]
[ 352, 603, 619 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from zerver.lib.actions import do_change_user_email from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Change the email address for a user.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: self.add_realm_args(parser) parser.add_argument('old_email', metavar='<old email>', type=str, help='email address to change') parser.add_argument('new_email', metavar='<new email>', type=str, help='new email address') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: old_email = options['old_email'] new_email = options['new_email'] realm = self.get_realm(options) user_profile = self.get_user(old_email, realm) do_change_user_email(user_profile, new_email)
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 289, 641, 657 ]
[ 303, 644, 660 ]
import logging import time from typing import Any, Callable, Optional from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand, CommandParser from zerver.lib.rate_limiter import RateLimitedUser, \ client, max_api_calls, max_api_window from zerver.models import get_user_profile_by_id class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Checks redis to make sure our rate limiting system hasn't grown a bug and left redis with a bunch of data Usage: ./ [--trim] check_redis""" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('-t', '--trim', dest='trim', default=False, action='store_true', help="Actually trim excess") def _check_within_range(self, key: str, count_func: Callable[[], int], trim_func: Optional[Callable[[str, int], None]]=None) -> None: user_id = int(key.split(':')[1]) user = get_user_profile_by_id(user_id) entity = RateLimitedUser(user) max_calls = max_api_calls(entity) age = int(client.ttl(key)) if age < 0: logging.error("Found key with age of %s, will never expire: %s" % (age, key,)) count = count_func() if count > max_calls: logging.error("Redis health check found key with more elements \ than max_api_calls! (trying to trim) %s %s" % (key, count)) if trim_func is not None: client.expire(key, max_api_window(entity)) trim_func(key, max_calls) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: if not settings.RATE_LIMITING: print("This machine is not using redis or rate limiting, aborting") exit(1) # Find all keys, and make sure they're all within size constraints wildcard_list = "ratelimit:*:*:list" wildcard_zset = "ratelimit:*:*:zset" trim_func = lambda key, max_calls: client.ltrim(key, 0, max_calls - 1) # type: Optional[Callable[[str, int], None]] if not options['trim']: trim_func = None lists = client.keys(wildcard_list) for list_name in lists: self._check_within_range(list_name, lambda: client.llen(list_name), trim_func) zsets = client.keys(wildcard_zset) for zset in zsets: now = time.time() # We can warn on our zset being too large, but we don't know what # elements to trim. We'd have to go through every list item and take # the intersection. The best we can do is expire it self._check_within_range(zset, lambda: client.zcount(zset, 0, now), lambda key, max_calls: None)
[ "CommandParser", "str", "Callable[[], int]", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 557, 855, 872, 1663, 1679 ]
[ 570, 858, 889, 1666, 1682 ]
import sys from typing import Any from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from import check_config class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Checks your Zulip Voyager Django configuration for issues.""" def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: check_config()
[ "Any", "Any" ]
[ 303, 319 ]
[ 306, 322 ]
import json import os import polib import re import ujson from subprocess import CalledProcessError, check_output from typing import Any, Dict, List from django.conf import settings from django.conf.locale import LANG_INFO from import CommandParser from import compilemessages from django.utils.translation.trans_real import to_language from zerver.lib.i18n import with_language class Command(compilemessages.Command): def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: super().add_arguments(parser) parser.add_argument( '--strict', '-s', action='store_true', default=False, help='Stop execution in case of errors.') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: if settings.PRODUCTION: # HACK: When using upgrade-zulip-from-git, we're in a # production environment where STATIC_ROOT will include # past versions; this ensures we only process the current # version settings.STATIC_ROOT = os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, "static") settings.LOCALE_PATHS = (os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, 'static/locale'),) super().handle(*args, **options) self.strict = options['strict'] self.extract_language_options() self.create_language_name_map() def create_language_name_map(self) -> None: join = os.path.join static_root = settings.STATIC_ROOT path = join(static_root, 'locale', 'language_options.json') output_path = join(static_root, 'locale', 'language_name_map.json') with open(path, 'r') as reader: languages = ujson.load(reader) lang_list = [] for lang_info in languages['languages']: lang_info['name'] = lang_info['name_local'] del lang_info['name_local'] lang_list.append(lang_info) lang_list.sort(key=lambda lang: lang['name']) with open(output_path, 'w') as output_file: ujson.dump({'name_map': lang_list}, output_file, indent=4, sort_keys=True) output_file.write('\n') def get_po_filename(self, locale_path: str, locale: str) -> str: po_template = '{}/{}/LC_MESSAGES/django.po' return po_template.format(locale_path, locale) def get_json_filename(self, locale_path: str, locale: str) -> str: return "{}/{}/translations.json".format(locale_path, locale) def get_name_from_po_file(self, po_filename: str, locale: str) -> str: lang_name_re = re.compile(r'"Language-Team: (.*?) \(') with open(po_filename, 'r') as reader: result = if result: try: return except Exception: print("Problem in parsing {}".format(po_filename)) raise else: raise Exception("Unknown language %s" % (locale,)) def get_locales(self) -> List[str]: tracked_files = check_output(['git', 'ls-files', 'static/locale']) tracked_files = tracked_files.decode().split() regex = re.compile(r'static/locale/(\w+)/LC_MESSAGES/django.po') locales = ['en'] for tracked_file in tracked_files: matched = if matched: locales.append( return locales def extract_language_options(self) -> None: locale_path = "{}/locale".format(settings.STATIC_ROOT) output_path = "{}/language_options.json".format(locale_path) data = {'languages': []} # type: Dict[str, List[Dict[str, Any]]] try: locales = self.get_locales() except CalledProcessError: # In case we are not under a Git repo, fallback to getting the # locales using listdir(). locales = os.listdir(locale_path) locales.append('en') locales = list(set(locales)) for locale in locales: if locale == 'en': data['languages'].append({ 'name': 'English', 'name_local': 'English', 'code': 'en', 'locale': 'en', }) continue lc_messages_path = os.path.join(locale_path, locale, 'LC_MESSAGES') if not os.path.exists(lc_messages_path): # Not a locale. continue info = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] code = to_language(locale) percentage = self.get_translation_percentage(locale_path, locale) try: name = LANG_INFO[code]['name'] name_local = LANG_INFO[code]['name_local'] except KeyError: # Fallback to getting the name from PO file. filename = self.get_po_filename(locale_path, locale) name = self.get_name_from_po_file(filename, locale) name_local = with_language(name, code) info['name'] = name info['name_local'] = name_local info['code'] = code info['locale'] = locale info['percent_translated'] = percentage data['languages'].append(info) with open(output_path, 'w') as writer: json.dump(data, writer, indent=2, sort_keys=True) writer.write('\n') def get_translation_percentage(self, locale_path: str, locale: str) -> int: # backend stats po = polib.pofile(self.get_po_filename(locale_path, locale)) not_translated = len(po.untranslated_entries()) total = len(po.translated_entries()) + not_translated # frontend stats with open(self.get_json_filename(locale_path, locale)) as reader: for key, value in ujson.load(reader).items(): total += 1 if value == '': not_translated += 1 # mobile stats with open(os.path.join(locale_path, 'mobile_info.json')) as mob: mobile_info = ujson.load(mob) try: info = mobile_info[locale] except KeyError: if self.strict: raise info = {'total': 0, 'not_translated': 0} total += info['total'] not_translated += info['not_translated'] return (total - not_translated) * 100 // total
[ "CommandParser", "Any", "Any", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str", "str" ]
[ 520, 785, 801, 2260, 2273, 2439, 2452, 2584, 2597, 5617, 5630 ]
[ 533, 788, 804, 2263, 2276, 2442, 2455, 2587, 2600, 5620, 5633 ]
import argparse import os import subprocess import tempfile import shutil from typing import Any from import BaseCommand, CommandParser, CommandError from zerver.data_import.gitter import do_convert_data class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Convert the Gitter data into Zulip data format.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('gitter_data', nargs='+', metavar='<gitter data>', help="Gitter data in json format") parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output_dir', action="store", default=None, help='Directory to write exported data to.') parser.add_argument('--threads', dest='threads', action="store", default=6, help='Threads to download avatars and attachments faster') parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: output_dir = options["output_dir"] if output_dir is None: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="/tmp/converted-gitter-data-") else: output_dir = os.path.realpath(output_dir) num_threads = int(options['threads']) if num_threads < 1: raise CommandError('You must have at least one thread.') for path in options['gitter_data']: if not os.path.exists(path): print("Gitter data file not found: '%s'" % (path,)) exit(1) # TODO add json check print("Converting Data ...") do_convert_data(path, output_dir, num_threads)
[ "CommandParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 366, 1100, 1116 ]
[ 379, 1103, 1119 ]
import argparse import os import subprocess import tempfile import shutil from typing import Any ''' Example usage for testing purposes: Move the data: rm -Rf /tmp/hipchat* mkdir /tmp/hipchat ./ convert_hipchat_data ~/hipchat-31028-2018-08-08_23-23-22.tar --output /tmp/hipchat ./ import --destroy-rebuild-database hipchat /tmp/hipchat Test out the realm: ./tools/ go to browser and use your dev url spec: exporting-from-hipchat-server-or-data-center-for-data-portability-950821555.html ''' from import BaseCommand, CommandParser, CommandError from zerver.data_import.hipchat import do_convert_data class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Convert the Hipchat data into Zulip data format.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('hipchat_tar', nargs='+', metavar='<hipchat data tarfile>', help="tar of Hipchat data") parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output_dir', action="store", help='Directory to write exported data to.') parser.add_argument('--mask', dest='masking_content', action="store_true", help='Mask the content for privacy during QA.') parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: output_dir = options["output_dir"] if output_dir is None: print("You need to specify --output <output directory>") exit(1) if os.path.exists(output_dir) and not os.path.isdir(output_dir): print(output_dir + " is not a directory") exit(1) os.makedirs(output_dir, exist_ok=True) if os.listdir(output_dir): print('Output directory should be empty!') exit(1) output_dir = os.path.realpath(output_dir) for path in options['hipchat_tar']: if not os.path.exists(path): print("Tar file not found: '%s'" % (path,)) exit(1) print("Converting Data ...") do_convert_data( input_tar_file=path, output_dir=output_dir, masking_content=options.get('masking_content', False), )
[ "CommandParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 870, 1524, 1540 ]
[ 883, 1527, 1543 ]
import argparse import os import subprocess import tempfile import shutil from typing import Any from import BaseCommand, CommandParser, CommandError from zerver.data_import.slack import do_convert_data class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Convert the Slack data into Zulip data format.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('slack_data_zip', nargs='+', metavar='<slack data zip>', help="Zipped slack data") parser.add_argument('--token', metavar='<slack_token>', type=str, help='Slack legacy token of the organsation') parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output_dir', action="store", default=None, help='Directory to write exported data to.') parser.add_argument('--threads', dest='threads', action="store", default=6, help='Threads to use in exporting UserMessage objects in parallel') parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: output_dir = options["output_dir"] if output_dir is None: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="/tmp/converted-slack-data-") else: output_dir = os.path.realpath(output_dir) token = options['token'] if token is None: print("Enter slack legacy token!") exit(1) num_threads = int(options['threads']) if num_threads < 1: raise CommandError('You must have at least one thread.') for path in options['slack_data_zip']: if not os.path.exists(path): print("Slack data directory not found: '%s'" % (path,)) exit(1) print("Converting Data ...") do_convert_data(path, output_dir, token, threads=num_threads)
[ "CommandParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 364, 1253, 1269 ]
[ 377, 1256, 1272 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from zerver.lib.actions import ensure_stream from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import DefaultStreamGroup class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """ Create default stream groups which the users can choose during sign up. ./ create_default_stream_groups -s gsoc-1,gsoc-2,gsoc-3 -d "Google summer of code" -r zulip """ def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: self.add_realm_args(parser, True) parser.add_argument( '-n', '--name', dest='name', type=str, required=True, help='Name of the group you want to create.' ) parser.add_argument( '-d', '--description', dest='description', type=str, required=True, help='Description of the group.' ) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--streams', dest='streams', type=str, required=True, help='A comma-separated list of stream names.') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser streams = [] stream_names = set([stream.strip() for stream in options["streams"].split(",")]) for stream_name in set(stream_names): stream = ensure_stream(realm, stream_name) streams.append(stream) try: default_stream_group = DefaultStreamGroup.objects.get( name=options["name"], realm=realm, description=options["description"]) except DefaultStreamGroup.DoesNotExist: default_stream_group = DefaultStreamGroup.objects.create( name=options["name"], realm=realm, description=options["description"]) default_stream_group.streams.set(streams) default_stream_groups = DefaultStreamGroup.objects.all() for default_stream_group in default_stream_groups: print( print(default_stream_group.description) for stream in default_stream_group.streams.all(): print( print("")
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 467, 1161, 1177 ]
[ 481, 1164, 1180 ]
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Set from django.db import connection from import ZulipBaseCommand def create_index_if_not_exist(index_name: str, table_name: str, column_string: str, where_clause: str) -> None: # # This function is somewhat similar to # zerver.lib.migrate.create_index_if_not_exist. # # The other function gets used as part of Django migrations; this function # uses SQL that is not supported by Django migrations. # # Creating concurrent indexes is kind of a pain with current versions # of Django/postgres, because you will get this error with seemingly # reasonable code: # # CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY cannot be executed from a function or multi-command string # # For a lot more detail on this process, refer to the commit message # that added this file to the repo. with connection.cursor() as cursor: sql = ''' SELECT 1 FROM pg_class where relname = %s ''' cursor.execute(sql, [index_name]) rows = cursor.fetchall() if len(rows) > 0: print('Index %s already exists.' % (index_name,)) return print("Creating index %s." % (index_name,)) sql = ''' CREATE INDEX CONCURRENTLY %s ON %s (%s) %s; ''' % (index_name, table_name, column_string, where_clause) cursor.execute(sql) print('Finished creating %s.' % (index_name,)) def create_indexes() -> None: # copied from 0082 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_starred_message_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 2) != 0', ) # copied from 0083 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_mentioned_message_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 8) != 0', ) # copied from 0095 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_unread_message_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 1) = 0', ) # copied from 0098 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_has_alert_word_message_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 512) != 0', ) # copied from 0099 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_wildcard_mentioned_message_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 8) != 0 OR (flags & 16) != 0', ) # copied from 0177 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_is_private_message_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 2048) != 0', ) # copied from 0180 create_index_if_not_exist( index_name='zerver_usermessage_active_mobile_push_notification_id', table_name='zerver_usermessage', column_string='user_profile_id, message_id', where_clause='WHERE (flags & 4096) != 0', ) class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Create concurrent indexes for large tables.""" def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: create_indexes()
[ "str", "str", "str", "str", "Any", "str" ]
[ 180, 197, 247, 266, 3636, 3652 ]
[ 183, 200, 250, 269, 3639, 3655 ]
from typing import Any, Iterable, Tuple from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.db.models import Count from zerver.lib.onboarding import create_if_missing_realm_internal_bots from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile class Command(BaseCommand): help = """\ Create realm internal bots if absent, in all realms. These are normally created when the realm is, so this should be a no-op except when upgrading to a version that adds a new realm internal bot. """ def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: create_if_missing_realm_internal_bots() # create_users is idempotent -- it's a no-op when a given email # already has a user in a given realm.
[ "Any", "Any" ]
[ 555, 571 ]
[ 558, 574 ]
import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from zerver.lib.actions import create_stream_if_needed from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.lib.str_utils import force_text class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Create a stream, and subscribe all active users (excluding bots). This should be used for TESTING only, unless you understand the limitations of the command.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: self.add_realm_args(parser, True, "realm in which to create the stream") parser.add_argument('stream_name', metavar='<stream name>', type=str, help='name of stream to create') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser encoding = sys.getfilesystemencoding() stream_name = options['stream_name'] create_stream_if_needed(realm, force_text(stream_name, encoding))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 469, 743, 759 ]
[ 483, 746, 762 ]
import argparse import sys from typing import Any from django.core import validators from django.core.exceptions import ValidationError from import CommandError from django.db.utils import IntegrityError from zerver.lib.actions import do_create_user, notify_new_user from zerver.lib.initial_password import initial_password from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import email_to_username class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Create the specified user with a default initial password. A user MUST have ALREADY accepted the Terms of Service before creating their account this way. Omit both <email> and <full name> for interactive user creation. """ def add_arguments(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--this-user-has-accepted-the-tos', dest='tos', action="store_true", default=False, help='Acknowledgement that the user has already accepted the ToS.') parser.add_argument('--password', dest='password', type=str, default='', help='password of new user. For development only.' 'Note that we recommend against setting ' 'passwords this way, since they can be snooped by any user account ' 'on the server via `ps -ef` or by any superuser with' 'read access to the user\'s bash history.') parser.add_argument('--password-file', dest='password_file', type=str, default='', help='The file containing the password of the new user.') parser.add_argument('email', metavar='<email>', type=str, nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='email address of new user') parser.add_argument('full_name', metavar='<full name>', type=str, nargs='?', default=argparse.SUPPRESS, help='full name of new user') self.add_realm_args(parser, True, "The name of the existing realm to which to add the user.") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: if not options["tos"]: raise CommandError("""You must confirm that this user has accepted the Terms of Service by passing --this-user-has-accepted-the-tos.""") realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser try: email = options['email'] full_name = options['full_name'] try: validators.validate_email(email) except ValidationError: raise CommandError("Invalid email address.") except KeyError: if 'email' in options or 'full_name' in options: raise CommandError("""Either specify an email and full name as two parameters, or specify no parameters for interactive user creation.""") else: while True: email = input("Email: ") try: validators.validate_email(email) break except ValidationError: print("Invalid email address.", file=sys.stderr) full_name = input("Full name: ") try: if 'password' in options: pw = options['password'] if 'password_file' in options: pw = open(options['password_file'], 'r').read() else: user_initial_password = initial_password(email) if user_initial_password is None: raise CommandError("Password is unusable.") pw = user_initial_password.encode() notify_new_user(do_create_user(email, pw, realm, full_name, email_to_username(email)), internal=True) except IntegrityError: raise CommandError("User already exists.")
[ "argparse.ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 760, 2427, 2443 ]
[ 783, 2430, 2446 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from zerver.lib.actions import do_deactivate_realm from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Script to deactivate a realm.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser if realm.deactivated: print("The realm", options["realm_id"], "is already deactivated.") exit(0) print("Deactivating", options["realm_id"]) do_deactivate_realm(realm) print("Done!")
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 281, 377, 393 ]
[ 295, 380, 396 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from zerver.lib.actions import do_deactivate_user from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.lib.sessions import user_sessions from zerver.models import UserProfile class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = "Deactivate a user, including forcibly logging them out." def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('-f', '--for-real', dest='for_real', action='store_true', default=False, help="Actually deactivate the user. Default is a dry run.") parser.add_argument('email', metavar='<email>', type=str, help='email of user to deactivate') self.add_realm_args(parser) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) user_profile = self.get_user(options['email'], realm) print("Deactivating %s (%s) - %s" % (user_profile.full_name,, user_profile.realm.string_id)) print("%s has the following active sessions:" % (,)) for session in user_sessions(user_profile): print(session.expire_date, session.get_decoded()) print("") print("%s has %s active bots that will also be deactivated." % (, UserProfile.objects.filter( is_bot=True, is_active=True, bot_owner=user_profile ).count() )) if not options["for_real"]: print("This was a dry run. Pass -f to actually deactivate.") exit(1) do_deactivate_user(user_profile) print("Sessions deleted, user deactivated.")
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 386, 879, 895 ]
[ 400, 882, 898 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.actions import do_delete_old_unclaimed_attachments from zerver.models import get_old_unclaimed_attachments class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Remove unclaimed attachments from storage older than a supplied numerical value indicating the limit of how old the attachment can be. One week is taken as the default value.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('-w', '--weeks', dest='delta_weeks', default=1, help="Limiting value of how old the file can be.") parser.add_argument('-f', '--for-real', dest='for_real', action='store_true', default=False, help="Actually remove the files from the storage.") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: delta_weeks = options['delta_weeks'] print("Deleting unclaimed attached files older than %s" % (delta_weeks,)) print("") # print the list of files that are going to be removed old_attachments = get_old_unclaimed_attachments(delta_weeks) for old_attachment in old_attachments: print("%s created at %s" % (old_attachment.file_name, old_attachment.create_time)) print("") if not options["for_real"]: print("This was a dry run. Pass -f to actually delete.") exit(1) do_delete_old_unclaimed_attachments(delta_weeks) print("") print("Unclaimed Files deleted.")
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 523, 1054, 1070 ]
[ 537, 1057, 1073 ]
"""\ Deliver email messages that have been queued by various things (at this time invitation reminders and day1/day2 followup emails). This management command is run via supervisor. Do not run on multiple machines, as you may encounter multiple sends in a specific race condition. (Alternatively, you can set `EMAIL_DELIVERER_DISABLED=True` on all but one machine to make the command have no effect.) """ import logging import time from typing import Any from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from ujson import loads from zerver.lib.context_managers import lockfile from zerver.lib.logging_util import log_to_file from import sleep_forever from zerver.lib.send_email import EmailNotDeliveredException, send_email from zerver.models import ScheduledEmail ## Setup ## logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_to_file(logger, settings.EMAIL_DELIVERER_LOG_PATH) class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Deliver emails queued by various parts of Zulip (either for immediate sending or sending at a specified time). Run this command under supervisor. This is for SMTP email delivery. Usage: ./ deliver_email """ def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: if settings.EMAIL_DELIVERER_DISABLED: sleep_forever() with lockfile("/tmp/zulip_email_deliver.lockfile"): while True: email_jobs_to_deliver = ScheduledEmail.objects.filter( scheduled_timestamp__lte=timezone_now()) if email_jobs_to_deliver: for job in email_jobs_to_deliver: try: send_email(**loads( job.delete() except EmailNotDeliveredException: logger.warning("%r not delivered" % (job,)) time.sleep(10) else: # Less load on the db during times of activity, # and more responsiveness when the load is low time.sleep(2)
[ "Any", "Any" ]
[ 1279, 1295 ]
[ 1282, 1298 ]
import logging import time from typing import Any, Dict from datetime import timedelta from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.db import transaction from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from zerver.lib.context_managers import lockfile from zerver.lib.logging_util import log_to_file from import sleep_forever from zerver.models import ScheduledMessage, Message, get_user from zerver.lib.actions import do_send_messages from zerver.lib.addressee import Addressee ## Setup ## logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_to_file(logger, settings.SCHEDULED_MESSAGE_DELIVERER_LOG_PATH) class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Deliver scheduled messages from the ScheduledMessage table. Run this command under supervisor. This management command is run via supervisor. Do not run on multiple machines, as you may encounter multiple sends in a specific race condition. (Alternatively, you can set `EMAIL_DELIVERER_DISABLED=True` on all but one machine to make the command have no effect.) Usage: ./ deliver_scheduled_messages """ def construct_message(self, scheduled_message: ScheduledMessage) -> Dict[str, Any]: message = Message() original_sender = scheduled_message.sender message.content = scheduled_message.content message.recipient = scheduled_message.recipient message.subject = scheduled_message.subject message.pub_date = timezone_now() message.sending_client = scheduled_message.sending_client delivery_type = scheduled_message.delivery_type if delivery_type == ScheduledMessage.SEND_LATER: message.sender = original_sender elif delivery_type == ScheduledMessage.REMIND: message.sender = get_user(settings.REMINDER_BOT, original_sender.realm) return {'message': message, 'stream':, 'realm': scheduled_message.realm} def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: if settings.EMAIL_DELIVERER_DISABLED: # Here doing a check and sleeping indefinitely on this setting might # not sound right. Actually we do this check to avoid running this # process on every server that might be in service to a realm. See # the comment in zproject/ file about renaming this setting. sleep_forever() with lockfile("/tmp/zulip_scheduled_message_deliverer.lockfile"): while True: messages_to_deliver = ScheduledMessage.objects.filter( scheduled_timestamp__lte=timezone_now(), delivered=False) if messages_to_deliver: for message in messages_to_deliver: with transaction.atomic(): do_send_messages([self.construct_message(message)]) message.delivered = True['delivered']) cur_time = timezone_now() time_next_min = (cur_time + timedelta(minutes=1)).replace(second=0, microsecond=0) sleep_time = (time_next_min - cur_time).total_seconds() time.sleep(sleep_time)
[ "ScheduledMessage", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 1187, 2021, 2037 ]
[ 1203, 2024, 2040 ]
import datetime import time from typing import Any from import CommandParser from django.utils.timezone import utc as timezone_utc from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import Message, Recipient, Stream class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = "Dump messages from public streams of a realm" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: default_cutoff = time.time() - 60 * 60 * 24 * 30 # 30 days. self.add_realm_args(parser, True) parser.add_argument('--since', dest='since', type=int, default=default_cutoff, help='The time in epoch since from which to start the dump.') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) streams = Stream.objects.filter(realm=realm, invite_only=False) recipients = Recipient.objects.filter( type=Recipient.STREAM, type_id__in=[ for stream in streams]) cutoff = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(options["since"], tz=timezone_utc) messages = Message.objects.filter(pub_date__gt=cutoff, recipient__in=recipients) for message in messages: print(message.to_dict(False))
[ "CommandParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 395, 820, 836 ]
[ 408, 823, 839 ]
""" Forward messages sent to the configured email gateway to Zulip. For, messages to that address go to the Inbox of Zulip voyager configurations will differ. Messages meant for Zulip have a special recipient form of <stream name>+<regenerable stream token> This pattern is configurable via the EMAIL_GATEWAY_PATTERN variable. Run this in a cronjob every N minutes if you have configured Zulip to poll an external IMAP mailbox for messages. The script will then connect to your IMAP server and batch-process all messages. We extract and validate the target stream from information in the recipient address and retrieve, forward, and archive the message. """ import email import logging from email.message import Message from imaplib import IMAP4_SSL from typing import Any, Generator, List from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.email_mirror import logger, process_message ## Setup ## log_format = "%(asctime)s: %(message)s" logging.basicConfig(format=log_format) formatter = logging.Formatter(log_format) file_handler = logging.FileHandler(settings.EMAIL_MIRROR_LOG_PATH) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(file_handler) def get_imap_messages() -> Generator[Message, None, None]: mbox = IMAP4_SSL(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_SERVER, settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_PORT) mbox.login(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN, settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PASSWORD) try: try: status, num_ids_data =, 'ALL') # type: ignore # for msgid in num_ids_data[0].split(): status, msg_data = mbox.fetch(msgid, '(RFC822)') msg_as_bytes = msg_data[0][1] message = email.message_from_bytes(msg_as_bytes) yield message, '+FLAGS', '\\Deleted') mbox.expunge() finally: mbox.close() finally: mbox.logout() class Command(BaseCommand): help = __doc__ def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: # We're probably running from cron, try to batch-process mail if (not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_LOGIN or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_PASSWORD or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_SERVER or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_PORT or not settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_IMAP_FOLDER): print("Please configure the Email Mirror Gateway in /etc/zulip/, " "or specify $ORIGINAL_RECIPIENT if piping a single mail.") exit(1) for message in get_imap_messages(): process_message(message)
[ "Any", "str" ]
[ 2244, 2260 ]
[ 2247, 2263 ]
import datetime import logging from typing import Any, List from django.conf import settings from import BaseCommand from django.utils.timezone import now as timezone_now from zerver.lib.digest import DIGEST_CUTOFF, enqueue_emails from zerver.lib.logging_util import log_to_file ## Logging setup ## logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) log_to_file(logger, settings.DIGEST_LOG_PATH) class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Enqueue digest emails for users that haven't checked the app in a while. """ def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: cutoff = timezone_now() - datetime.timedelta(days=DIGEST_CUTOFF) enqueue_emails(cutoff)
[ "Any", "Any" ]
[ 562, 578 ]
[ 565, 581 ]
import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import IO, Any import ujson from import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.queue import queue_json_publish def error(*args: Any) -> None: raise Exception('We cannot enqueue because settings.USING_RABBITMQ is False.') class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Read JSON lines from a file and enqueue them to a worker queue. Each line in the file should either be a JSON payload or two tab-separated fields, the second of which is a JSON payload. (The latter is to accommodate the format of error files written by queue workers that catch exceptions--their first field is a timestamp that we ignore.) You can use "-" to represent stdin. """ def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('queue_name', metavar='<queue>', type=str, help="name of worker queue to enqueue to") parser.add_argument('file_name', metavar='<file>', type=str, help="name of file containing JSON lines") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: queue_name = options['queue_name'] file_name = options['file_name'] if file_name == '-': f = sys.stdin # type: IO[str] else: f = open(file_name) while True: line = f.readline() if not line: break line = line.strip() try: payload = line.split('\t')[1] except IndexError: payload = line print('Queueing to queue %s: %s' % (queue_name, payload)) # Verify that payload is valid json. data = ujson.loads(payload) # This is designed to use the `error` method rather than # the call_consume_in_tests flow. queue_json_publish(queue_name, data, error)
[ "Any", "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 208, 768, 1104, 1120 ]
[ 211, 782, 1107, 1123 ]
import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter from typing import Any from import CommandError from zerver.lib.export import do_export_realm, \ do_write_stats_file_for_realm_export from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Exports all data from a Zulip realm This command exports all significant data from a Zulip realm. The result can be imported using the `./ import` command. Things that are exported: * All user-accessible data in the Zulip database (Messages, Streams, UserMessages, RealmEmoji, etc.) * Copies of all uploaded files and avatar images along with metadata needed to restore them even in the ab Things that are not exported: * Confirmation and PreregistrationUser (transient tables) * Sessions (everyone will need to login again post-export) * Users' passwords and API keys (users will need to use SSO or reset password) * Mobile tokens for APNS/GCM (users will need to reconnect their mobile devices) * ScheduledEmail (Not relevant on a new server) * RemoteZulipServer (Unlikely to be migrated) * third_party_api_results cache (this means rerending all old messages could be expensive) Things that will break as a result of the export: * Passwords will not be transferred. They will all need to go through the password reset flow to obtain a new password (unless they intend to only use e.g. Google Auth). * Users will need to logout and re-login to the Zulip desktop and mobile apps. The apps now all have an option on the login page where you can specify which Zulip server to use; your users should enter <domain name>. * All bots will stop working since they will be pointing to the wrong server URL, and all users' API keys have been rotated as part of the migration. So to re-enable your integrations, you will need to direct your integrations at the new server. Usually this means updating the URL and the bots' API keys. You can see a list of all the bots that have been configured for your realm on the `/#organization` page, and use that list to make sure you migrate them all. The proper procedure for using this to export a realm is as follows: * Use `./ deactivate_realm` to deactivate the realm, so nothing happens in the realm being exported during the export process. * Use `./ export` to export the realm, producing a data tarball. * Transfer the tarball to the new server and unpack it. * Use `./ import` to import the realm * Use `./ reactivate_realm` to reactivate the realm, so users can login again. * Inform the users about the things broken above. We recommend testing by exporting without having deactivated the realm first, to make sure you have the procedure right and minimize downtime. Performance: In one test, the tool exported a realm with hundreds of users and ~1M messages of history with --threads=1 in about 3 hours of serial runtime (goes down to ~50m with --threads=6 on a machine with 8 CPUs). Importing that same data set took about 30 minutes. But this will vary a lot depending on the average number of recipients of messages in the realm, hardware, etc.""" # Fix support for multi-line usage def create_parser(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> ArgumentParser: parser = super().create_parser(*args, **kwargs) parser.formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter return parser def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output_dir', action="store", default=None, help='Directory to write exported data to.') parser.add_argument('--threads', dest='threads', action="store", default=6, help='Threads to use in exporting UserMessage objects in parallel') self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser output_dir = options["output_dir"] if output_dir is None: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="/tmp/zulip-export-") else: output_dir = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(output_dir)) if os.path.exists(output_dir): shutil.rmtree(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) print("Exporting realm %s" % (realm.string_id,)) num_threads = int(options['threads']) if num_threads < 1: raise CommandError('You must have at least one thread.') do_export_realm(realm, output_dir, threads=num_threads) print("Finished exporting to %s; tarring" % (output_dir,)) do_write_stats_file_for_realm_export(output_dir) tarball_path = output_dir.rstrip('/') + '.tar.gz' os.chdir(os.path.dirname(output_dir)) subprocess.check_call(["tar", "-czf", tarball_path, os.path.basename(output_dir)]) print("Tarball written to %s" % (tarball_path,))
[ "Any", "Any", "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 3566, 3581, 3774, 4380, 4396 ]
[ 3569, 3584, 3788, 4383, 4399 ]
import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from zerver.lib.export import do_export_user from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Exports message data from a Zulip user This command exports the message history for a single Zulip user. Note that this only exports the user's message history and realm-public metadata needed to understand it; it does nothing with (for example) any bots owned by the user.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('email', metavar='<email>', type=str, help="email of user to export") parser.add_argument('--output', dest='output_dir', action="store", default=None, help='Directory to write exported data to.') self.add_realm_args(parser) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) user_profile = self.get_user(options["email"], realm) output_dir = options["output_dir"] if output_dir is None: output_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="/tmp/zulip-export-") if os.path.exists(output_dir): shutil.rmtree(output_dir) os.makedirs(output_dir) print("Exporting user %s" % (,)) do_export_user(user_profile, output_dir) print("Finished exporting to %s; tarring" % (output_dir,)) tarball_path = output_dir.rstrip('/') + '.tar.gz' subprocess.check_call(["tar", "--strip-components=1", "-czf", tarball_path, output_dir]) print("Tarball written to %s" % (tarball_path,))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 595, 1057, 1073 ]
[ 609, 1060, 1076 ]
import glob import logging import os import shutil from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.export import export_usermessages_batch class Command(BaseCommand): help = """UserMessage fetching helper for""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--path', dest='path', action="store", default=None, help='Path to find messages.json archives') parser.add_argument('--thread', dest='thread', action="store", default=None, help='Thread ID') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None:"Starting UserMessage batch thread %s" % (options['thread'],)) files = set(glob.glob(os.path.join(options['path'], 'messages-*.json.partial'))) for partial_path in files: locked_path = partial_path.replace(".json.partial", ".json.locked") output_path = partial_path.replace(".json.partial", ".json") try: shutil.move(partial_path, locked_path) except Exception: # Already claimed by another process continue"Thread %s processing %s" % (options['thread'], output_path)) try: export_usermessages_batch(locked_path, output_path) except Exception: # Put the item back in the free pool when we fail shutil.move(locked_path, partial_path) raise
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 346, 852, 868 ]
[ 360, 855, 871 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.cache_helpers import cache_fillers, fill_remote_cache class Command(BaseCommand): def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--cache', dest="cache", default=None, help="Populate the memcached cache of messages.") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: str) -> None: if options["cache"] is not None: fill_remote_cache(options["cache"]) return for cache in cache_fillers.keys(): fill_remote_cache(cache)
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "str" ]
[ 249, 448, 464 ]
[ 263, 451, 467 ]
import logging import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any, List, Optional from import CommandError from django.db import connection from zerver.lib.fix_unreads import fix from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile logging.getLogger('zulip.fix_unreads').setLevel(logging.INFO) class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Fix problems related to unread counts.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('emails', metavar='<emails>', type=str, nargs='*', help='email address to spelunk') parser.add_argument('--all', action='store_true', dest='all', default=False, help='fix all users in specified realm') self.add_realm_args(parser) def fix_all_users(self, realm: Realm) -> None: user_profiles = list(UserProfile.objects.filter( realm=realm, is_bot=False )) for user_profile in user_profiles: fix(user_profile) connection.commit() def fix_emails(self, realm: Optional[Realm], emails: List[str]) -> None: for email in emails: try: user_profile = self.get_user(email, realm) except CommandError: print("e-mail %s doesn't exist in the realm %s, skipping" % (email, realm)) return fix(user_profile) connection.commit() def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) if options['all']: if realm is None: print('You must specify a realm if you choose the --all option.') sys.exit(1) self.fix_all_users(realm) return self.fix_emails(realm, options['emails'])
[ "ArgumentParser", "Realm", "Optional[Realm]", "List[str]", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 515, 1074, 1346, 1371, 1737, 1753 ]
[ 529, 1079, 1361, 1380, 1740, 1756 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import CommandError from confirmation.models import Confirmation, create_confirmation_link from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import PreregistrationUser, email_allowed_for_realm, \ email_allowed_for_realm, DomainNotAllowedForRealmError class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = "Generate activation links for users and print them to stdout." def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--force', dest='force', action="store_true", default=False, help='Override that the domain is restricted to external users.') parser.add_argument('emails', metavar='<email>', type=str, nargs='*', help='email of users to generate an activation link for') self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: duplicates = False realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser if not options['emails']: self.print_help("./", "generate_invite_links") exit(1) for email in options['emails']: try: self.get_user(email, realm) print(email + ": There is already a user registered with that address.") duplicates = True continue except CommandError: pass if duplicates: return for email in options['emails']: try: email_allowed_for_realm(email, realm) except DomainNotAllowedForRealmError: if not options["force"]: print("You've asked to add an external user '%s' to a closed realm '%s'." % ( email, realm.string_id)) print("Are you sure? To do this, pass --force.") exit(1) prereg_user = PreregistrationUser(email=email, realm=realm) print(email + ": " + create_confirmation_link(prereg_user,, Confirmation.INVITATION))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 516, 1043, 1059 ]
[ 530, 1046, 1062 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any, List from confirmation.models import Confirmation, create_confirmation_link from zerver.lib.actions import ensure_stream, do_create_multiuse_invite_link from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import Stream class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = "Generates invite link that can be used for inviting multiple users" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: self.add_realm_args(parser, True) parser.add_argument( '-s', '--streams', dest='streams', type=str, help='A comma-separated list of stream names.') parser.add_argument( '--referred-by', dest='referred_by', type=str, help='Email of referrer', required=True, ) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) assert realm is not None # Should be ensured by parser streams = [] # type: List[Stream] if options["streams"]: stream_names = set([stream.strip() for stream in options["streams"].split(",")]) for stream_name in set(stream_names): stream = ensure_stream(realm, stream_name) streams.append(stream) referred_by = self.get_user(options['referred_by'], realm) invite_link = do_create_multiuse_invite_link(referred_by, streams) print("You can use %s to invite as many number of people to the organization." % (invite_link,))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 450, 905, 921 ]
[ 464, 908, 924 ]
import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser, RawTextHelpFormatter from typing import Any from import BaseCommand from django.db import ProgrammingError from confirmation.models import generate_realm_creation_url from zerver.models import Realm class Command(BaseCommand): help = """ Outputs a randomly generated, 1-time-use link for Organization creation. Whoever visits the link can create a new organization on this server, regardless of whether settings.OPEN_REALM_CREATION is enabled. The link would expire automatically after settings.REALM_CREATION_LINK_VALIDITY_DAYS. Usage: ./ generate_realm_creation_link """ # Fix support for multi-line usage def create_parser(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> ArgumentParser: parser = super().create_parser(*args, **kwargs) parser.formatter_class = RawTextHelpFormatter return parser def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: try: # first check if the db has been initalized Realm.objects.first() except ProgrammingError: print("The Zulip database does not appear to exist. Have you run initialize-database?") sys.exit(1) url = generate_realm_creation_url(by_admin=True) self.stdout.write("Please visit the following " "secure single-use link to register your ")) self.stdout.write("new Zulip organization:\033[0m")) self.stdout.write("") self.stdout.write(" \033[1;92m%s\033[0m" % (url,))) self.stdout.write("")
[ "Any", "Any", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 762, 777, 962, 978 ]
[ 765, 780, 965, 981 ]
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import argparse import os from typing import Any from import BaseCommand from django.db import DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS from scripts.lib.zulip_tools import get_dev_uuid_var_path from zerver.lib.test_fixtures import get_migration_status class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Get status of migrations." def add_arguments(self, parser: argparse.ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('app_label', nargs='?', help='App label of an application to synchronize the state.') parser.add_argument('--database', action='store', dest='database', default=DEFAULT_DB_ALIAS, help='Nominates a database to synchronize. ' 'Defaults to the "default" database.') parser.add_argument('--output', action='store', help='Path to store the status to (default to stdout).') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: result = get_migration_status(**options) if options['output'] is not None: uuid_var_path = get_dev_uuid_var_path() path = os.path.join(uuid_var_path, options['output']) with open(path, 'w') as f: f.write(result) else: self.stdout.write(result)
[ "argparse.ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 387, 976, 992 ]
[ 410, 979, 995 ]
import argparse import os import subprocess import tarfile from typing import Any from django.conf import settings from import call_command from import BaseCommand, CommandParser from zerver.lib.import_realm import do_import_realm, do_import_system_bots from zerver.forms import check_subdomain_available class Command(BaseCommand): help = """Import extracted Zulip database dump directories into a fresh Zulip instance. This command should be used only on a newly created, empty Zulip instance to import a database dump from one or more JSON files.""" def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--destroy-rebuild-database', dest='destroy_rebuild_database', default=False, action="store_true", help='Destroys and rebuilds the databases prior to import.') parser.add_argument('--import-into-nonempty', dest='import_into_nonempty', default=False, action="store_true", help='Import into an existing nonempty database.') parser.add_argument('subdomain', metavar='<subdomain>', type=str, help="Subdomain") parser.add_argument('export_paths', nargs='+', metavar='<export path>', help="list of export directories to import") parser.formatter_class = argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter def do_destroy_and_rebuild_database(self, db_name: str) -> None: call_command('flush', verbosity=0, interactive=False) subprocess.check_call([os.path.join(settings.DEPLOY_ROOT, "scripts/setup/flush-memcached")]) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: subdomain = options['subdomain'] if options["destroy_rebuild_database"]: print("Rebuilding the database!") db_name = settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] self.do_destroy_and_rebuild_database(db_name) elif options["import_into_nonempty"]: print("NOTE: The argument 'import_into_nonempty' is now the default behavior.") check_subdomain_available(subdomain, from_management_command=True) paths = [] for path in options['export_paths']: path = os.path.realpath(os.path.expanduser(path)) if not os.path.exists(path): print("Directory not found: '%s'" % (path,)) exit(1) if not os.path.isdir(path): print("Export file should be folder; if it's a tarball, please unpack it first.") exit(1) paths.append(path) for path in paths: print("Processing dump: %s ..." % (path,)) realm = do_import_realm(path, subdomain) print("Checking the system bots.") do_import_system_bots(realm)
[ "CommandParser", "str", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 650, 1679, 1885, 1901 ]
[ 663, 1682, 1888, 1904 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any, Iterable, Tuple, Optional from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.sites.models import Site from import BaseCommand from zerver.lib.bulk_create import bulk_create_users from zerver.models import Realm, UserProfile, \ email_to_username, get_client, get_system_bot settings.TORNADO_SERVER = None def create_users(realm: Realm, name_list: Iterable[Tuple[str, str]], bot_type: Optional[int]=None) -> None: user_set = set() for full_name, email in name_list: short_name = email_to_username(email) user_set.add((email, full_name, short_name, True)) bulk_create_users(realm, user_set, bot_type) class Command(BaseCommand): help = "Populate an initial database for Zulip Voyager" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--extra-users', dest='extra_users', type=int, default=0, help='The number of extra users to create') def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: if Realm.objects.count() > 0: print("Database already initialized; doing nothing.") return realm = Realm.objects.create(string_id=settings.INTERNAL_BOT_DOMAIN.split('.')[0]) names = [(settings.FEEDBACK_BOT_NAME, settings.FEEDBACK_BOT)] create_users(realm, names, bot_type=UserProfile.DEFAULT_BOT) get_client("website") get_client("API") internal_bots = [(bot['name'], bot['email_template'] % (settings.INTERNAL_BOT_DOMAIN,)) for bot in settings.INTERNAL_BOTS] create_users(realm, internal_bots, bot_type=UserProfile.DEFAULT_BOT) # Set the owners for these bots to the bots themselves bots = UserProfile.objects.filter(email__in=[bot_info[1] for bot_info in internal_bots]) for bot in bots: bot.bot_owner = bot # Initialize the email gateway bot as an API Super User email_gateway_bot = get_system_bot(settings.EMAIL_GATEWAY_BOT) email_gateway_bot.is_api_super_user = True self.stdout.write("Successfully populated database with initial data.\n") self.stdout.write("Please run ./ generate_realm_creation_link " "to generate link for creating organization") site = Site.objects.get_current() site.domain = settings.EXTERNAL_HOST
[ "Realm", "Iterable[Tuple[str, str]]", "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 427, 445, 851, 1147, 1163 ]
[ 432, 470, 865, 1150, 1166 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import CommandError from zerver.lib.actions import do_change_is_admin from import ZulipBaseCommand class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """Give an existing user administrative permissions over their (own) Realm. ONLY perform this on customer request from an authorized person. """ def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('-f', '--for-real', dest='ack', action="store_true", default=False, help='Acknowledgement that this is done according to policy.') parser.add_argument('--revoke', dest='grant', action="store_false", default=True, help='Remove an administrator\'s rights.') parser.add_argument('--permission', dest='permission', action="store", default='administer', choices=['administer', 'api_super_user', ], help='Permission to grant/remove.') parser.add_argument('email', metavar='<email>', type=str, help="email of user to knight") self.add_realm_args(parser, True) def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: email = options['email'] realm = self.get_realm(options) profile = self.get_user(email, realm) if options['grant']: if profile.has_perm(options['permission'], profile.realm): raise CommandError("User already has permission for this realm.") else: if options['ack']: do_change_is_admin(profile, True, permission=options['permission']) print("Done!") else: print("Would have granted %s %s rights for %s" % ( email, options['permission'], profile.realm.string_id)) else: if profile.has_perm(options['permission'], profile.realm): if options['ack']: do_change_is_admin(profile, False, permission=options['permission']) print("Done!") else: print("Would have removed %s's %s rights on %s" % (email, options['permission'], profile.realm.string_id)) else: raise CommandError("User did not have permission for this realm!")
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 444, 1503, 1519 ]
[ 458, 1506, 1522 ]
import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.models import Realm class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = """List realms in the server and it's configuration settings(optional). Usage examples: ./ list_realms ./ list_realms --all""" def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument("--all", dest="all", action="store_true", default=False, help="Print all the configuration settings of the realms.") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realms = Realm.objects.all() outer_format = "%-5s %-40s %-40s" inner_format = "%-40s %s" deactivated = False if not options["all"]: print(outer_format % ("id", "string_id", "name")) print(outer_format % ("--", "---------", "----")) for realm in realms: if realm.deactivated: print( % (, realm.string_id, deactivated = True else: print(outer_format % (, realm.string_id, if deactivated: print("\nRed rows represent deactivated realms.")) sys.exit(0) # The remaining code path is the --all case. identifier_attributes = ["id", "name", "string_id"] for realm in realms: # Start with just all the fields on the object, which is # hacky but doesn't require any work to maintain. realm_dict = realm.__dict__ # Remove a field that is confusingly useless del realm_dict['_state'] # Fix the one bitfield to display useful data realm_dict['authentication_methods'] = str(realm.authentication_methods_dict()) for key in identifier_attributes: if realm.deactivated: print( % (key, realm_dict[key]))) deactivated = True else: print(inner_format % (key, realm_dict[key])) for key, value in sorted(realm_dict.iteritems()): if key not in identifier_attributes: if realm.deactivated: print( % (key, value))) else: print(inner_format % (key, value)) print("-" * 80) if deactivated: print("\nRed is used to highlight deactivated realms."))
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 384, 695, 711 ]
[ 398, 698, 714 ]
from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import Any from import ZulipBaseCommand from zerver.lib.sessions import delete_all_deactivated_user_sessions, \ delete_all_user_sessions, delete_realm_user_sessions class Command(ZulipBaseCommand): help = "Log out all users." def add_arguments(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: parser.add_argument('--deactivated-only', action='store_true', default=False, help="Only logout all users who are deactivated") self.add_realm_args(parser, help="Only logout all users in a particular realm") def handle(self, *args: Any, **options: Any) -> None: realm = self.get_realm(options) if realm: delete_realm_user_sessions(realm) elif options["deactivated_only"]: delete_all_deactivated_user_sessions() else: delete_all_user_sessions()
[ "ArgumentParser", "Any", "Any" ]
[ 344, 706, 722 ]
[ 358, 709, 725 ]