
"""App to log requests."""
"""Admin for lggr app.""" from django.contrib import admin # Register your models here.
"""Lggr app definition.""" from django.apps import AppConfig class LggrConfig(AppConfig): # type: ignore # disallow_subclassing_any """Lggr app definition.""" name = "lggr" label = "lggr"
"""loggr migration scripts."""
"""Lggr model definitions.""" from django.db import models # Create your models here.
"""Urls for lggr app.""" from django.urls import path from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView from . import views from .apps import LggrConfig app_name = LggrConfig.label urlpatterns = [ # path("", views.index, name="index"), path("get", views.get, name="get"), path("post",, name="post"), path("", views.index, name="index"), ]
"""View definitions of lggr app.""" import logging import pprint from django.http import ( HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseNotFound, HttpResponseRedirect, ) from django.template import loader from django.utils import timezone from django.views.decorators.csrf import csrf_exempt from ratelimit.decorators import ratelimit logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Return page to test some requests. :param req: Request object :returns: Test page """ tpl = loader.get_template("lggr/index.html.dtl") # return HttpResponse(tpl.render({"v1": "value1", "v2": str(}, req)) def get(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Log get requests. :param req: Request object :returns: Get log """ request_id = id(req) log = f"""Id: {request_id} get/ Requested >>>>> req.META: {pprint.pformat(req.META)} req.GET: {pprint.pformat(req.GET.dict())} Id: {request_id} get/ Requested <<<<< """ # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} get/ Requested >>>>>") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} req.META:") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} {pprint.pformat(req.META)}") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} req.GET:") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} {pprint.pformat(req.GET.dict())}") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} get/ Requested <<<<<") # TODO: Any other way of logging other than warning? logger.warning(log) return HttpResponse(log, content_type="text/plain") # curl -X POST -d @a.txt localhost:7700/webtools/lggr/post # TODO: Possible to change key via config? @ratelimit( # type: ignore # disallow_untyped_decorators key="header:x-real-ip", rate="1/s", method=ratelimit.UNSAFE, block=True ) @csrf_exempt # type: ignore # disallow_untyped_decorators def post(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Log post requests. :param req: Request object :returns: Post log """ request_id = id(req) log = f"""Id: {request_id} post/ Requested >>>>> req.META: {pprint.pformat(req.META)} req.GET: {pprint.pformat(req.GET.dict())} req.body: {repr(req.body)} req.POST: {pprint.pformat(req.POST.dict())} Id: {request_id} post/ Requested <<<<< """ # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} post/ Requested >>>>>") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} req.META:") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} {pprint.pformat(req.META)}") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} req.body:") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} {repr(req.body)}") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} req.POST:") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} {pprint.pformat(req.POST.dict())}") # logger.warning(f"Id: {request_id} post/ Requested <<<<<") logger.warning(log) return HttpResponse(log, content_type="text/plain")
[ "HttpRequest", "HttpRequest", "HttpRequest" ]
[ 430, 839, 1981 ]
[ 441, 850, 1992 ]
#!/usr/bin/env python """Django's command-line utility for administrative tasks.""" import os import sys def main() -> None: """Django main entrypoint.""" os.environ["DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE"] = "webtools.settings" from import execute_from_command_line execute_from_command_line(sys.argv) return if __name__ == "__main__": main()
#!/usr/bin/env python3 """Add next release tag.""" from __future__ import annotations import enum import re import subprocess import click import semver class ReleaseTarget(enum.Enum): """Release target type.""" MAJOR = MINOR = PATCH = class Release: """Release.""" __semver: semver.VersionInfo def __init__(self, version: str): """Initialize Release. :param version: Version in format like "v1.2.3" """ self.__semver = semver.parse_version_info(re.sub("^v", "", version)) return def __str__(self) -> str: """Return string. :returns: str """ return "v" + str(self.__semver) def __repr__(self) -> str: """Repr. :returns: repr """ return f'Release(version="v{str(self.__semver)}")' def next(self, target: ReleaseTarget) -> Release: """Return next release. :param target: Target to bump :returns: Next Release object :raises Exception: Unknown target type """ next_semver: semver.VersionInfo if target == ReleaseTarget.MAJOR: next_semver = self.__semver.bump_major() elif target == ReleaseTarget.MINOR: next_semver = self.__semver.bump_minor() elif target == ReleaseTarget.PATCH: next_semver = self.__semver.bump_patch() else: raise Exception(f"Unknown target {target}") return Release("v" + str(next_semver)) def get_latest_release() -> Release: """Return latest release object. :returns: Latest Release object """ # S603 subprocess call - check for execution of untrusted input. # S607 Starting a process with a partial executable path proc = # noqa: S603,S607 ["git", "describe", "--tags", "--abbrev=0"], check=True, capture_output=True ) tag = proc.stdout.decode("ascii").strip() return Release(tag) def tag_release(release: Release) -> None: """Add release tag. Currently add tag to HEAD revision. :param release: Release object """ cmd = ["git", "tag", "--sign", str(release)] # S603 subprocess call - check for execution of untrusted input., check=True) # noqa: 603 return @click.command() @click.option("--dryrun", is_flag=True) @click.option("--major", "target", flag_value=ReleaseTarget.MAJOR) @click.option("--minor", "target", flag_value=ReleaseTarget.MINOR) @click.option("--patch", "target", flag_value=ReleaseTarget.PATCH, default=True) def main(dryrun: bool, target: ReleaseTarget) -> None: """tag_next_release entrypoint. :param dryrun: Dryrun flag :param target: Target to bump """ latest = get_latest_release() next = print(f"Latest release: {latest}") print(f"Next release: {next}") if not dryrun: tag_release(next) return main()
[ "str", "ReleaseTarget", "Release", "bool", "ReleaseTarget" ]
[ 398, 900, 2026, 2622, 2636 ]
[ 401, 913, 2033, 2626, 2649 ]
"""Redis test.""" from unittest import mock from django.test import TestCase from export_as_bookmark.redis import Redis class RedisTests(TestCase): """Redis test.""" def test_init(self): with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError): Redis() return
"""View test.""" from unittest import mock from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse from export_as_bookmark.redis import Redis class ViewTests(TestCase): """View test.""" def _request_get(self, name, reverse_args=None, *args, **kargs): return self.client.get( reverse(f"export_as_bookmark:{name}", args=reverse_args), *args, **kargs ) def _request_post(self, name, reverse_args=None, *args, **kargs): return reverse(f"export_as_bookmark:{name}", args=reverse_args), *args, **kargs ) def test_index(self): response = self._request_get("index") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return @mock.patch.object(Redis, "get_instance") def test_post(self, redis_mock): body = """ """ response = self._request_post("post", None, {"body": body}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302) redis_mock.return_value.set.assert_called_once() return @mock.patch.object(Redis, "get_instance") def test_done(self, redis_mock): redis_mock.return_value.pttl.return_value = 1 response = self._request_get("done", ("12345", "export-name")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) redis_mock.return_value.pttl.assert_called_once_with("12345") return @mock.patch.object(Redis, "get_instance") def test_download(self, redis_mock): redis_mock.return_value.get.return_value = b"hoehoe" response = self._request_get("download", ("12345", "export-name")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) redis_mock.return_value.get.assert_called_once_with("12345") return @mock.patch.object(Redis, "get_instance") def test_download_404(self, redis_mock): redis_mock.return_value.get.return_value = None # TODO: Supress WARNING:django.request:Not Found: warning response = self._request_get("download", ("12345", "export-name")) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 404) redis_mock.return_value.get.assert_called_once_with("12345") return
# import unittest import logging from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse logging.basicConfig(level=logging.ERROR) class ViewTests(TestCase): """View tests.""" def _request_get(self, name, *args, **kargs): return self.client.get(reverse(f"lggr:{name}"), *args, **kargs) def _request_post(self, name, *args, **kargs): return"lggr:{name}"), *args, **kargs) def test_index(self): response = self._request_get("index") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return def test_get(self): response = self._request_get("get", {"key1": "v1", "key2": "value2"}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return def test_post(self): response = self._request_post("post", {"key1": "v1", "key2": "value2"}) self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return
import unittest from django.test import TestCase class TestFailure(TestCase): @unittest.skip("demonstrating failing and skipping") def test_failure(self): self.assertEqual(True, False) return
"""View test.""" from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse class ViewTests(TestCase): """View test.""" def _request_get(self, name, reverse_args=None, *args, **kargs): return self.client.get( reverse(f"rootapp:{name}", args=reverse_args), *args, **kargs ) def _request_post(self, name, reverse_args=None, *args, **kargs): return reverse(f"rootapp:{name}", args=reverse_args), *args, **kargs ) def test_index(self): response = self._request_get("index") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200) return
"""View test.""" from django.test import TestCase from django.urls import reverse class ViewTests(TestCase): """View test.""" def _request_get(self, name, reverse_args=None, *args, **kargs): return self.client.get( reverse(f"export_as_bookmark:{name}", args=reverse_args), *args, **kargs ) def _request_post(self, name, reverse_args=None, *args, **kargs): return reverse(f"export_as_bookmark:{name}", args=reverse_args), *args, **kargs ) def test_index(self): response = self.client.get("") self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 302) return
"""Webtools project definition."""
"""Config object.""" # annotations cannot be used along with marshmallow_dataclass # from __future__ import annotations import dataclasses from typing import Any, ClassVar, Dict, Optional, Type, get_type_hints import marshmallow_dataclass import toml @dataclasses.dataclass(frozen=True) class Config: """Definitions for configurations that will be loaded at runtime.""" SECRET_KEY: str ALLOWED_HOST: str DATABASE_URL: str EXPORT_AS_BOOKMARK_REDIS_URL: str DEBUG: bool = False USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST: bool = False SEMANTICUI_BASE_DIR: str = ".smanticui_static/" # Static file Configurations USE_S3: bool = False # S3 AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID: Optional[str] = None AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY: Optional[str] = None AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME: Optional[str] = None AWS_DEFAULT_ACL: Optional[str] = "public-read" AWS_BUCKET_ACL: Optional[str] = "public-read" AWS_AUTO_CREATE_BUCKET: bool = True AWS_LOCATION: Optional[str] = None AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL: Optional[str] = None # Endpoint to upload files AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN: Optional[str] = None # Local Filesystem STATIC_URL: str = "/webtools/static/" STATIC_ROOT: str = "static_deploy/webtools/static/" # Non default but required to pass # check --deploy --fail-level WARINING SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS: int = 3600 # 1 hour SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS: bool = True SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD: bool = True SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF: bool = True SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER: bool = True SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT: bool = True SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE: bool = True CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE: bool = True X_FRAME_OPTIONS: str = "DENY" SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY: str = "no-referrer-when-downgrade" WEBTOOLS_REVISION_FILEPATH: Optional[str] = "HEAD.txt" @classmethod def from_dict(cls, args: Dict[str, Any]) -> "Config": """Set up config from dict object. :param args: Dict of configuration names and values :returns: Config instance """ schema = marshmallow_dataclass.class_schema(cls)() ret: "Config" = schema.load(args) return ret @classmethod def from_toml(cls, filepath: str, section: str) -> "Config": """Set up config from TOML file. :param filepath: Input TOML file path :param section: Section name in TOML file :returns: Config instance """ with open(filepath) as f: obj = toml.load(f) return cls.from_dict(obj[section])
[ "Dict[str, Any]", "str", "str" ]
[ 1860, 2210, 2224 ]
[ 1874, 2213, 2227 ]
"""App to provide root page of webtools."""
"""Admins for webtools rootapp.""" from django.contrib import admin # Register your models here.
"""App definitiion for webtools roopapp.""" from django.apps import AppConfig class RootappConfig(AppConfig): # type: ignore # disallow_subclassing_any """Webtools rootapp definition.""" name = "webtools.rootapp" label = "rootapp"
"""Webtools rootapp migration scripts."""
"""Models for webtools rootapp.""" from django.db import models # Create your models here.
"""Urls for webtools rootapp.""" from django.urls import path from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView from . import views from .apps import RootappConfig app_name = RootappConfig.label urlpatterns = [ # path("", views.index, name="index"), path("", views.index, name="index") ]
"""Views for webtools rootapp.""" from django.conf import settings from django.http import ( HttpRequest, HttpResponse, HttpResponseBadRequest, HttpResponseNotFound, HttpResponseRedirect, ) from django.template import loader from django.utils.html import format_html app_paths = ["export-as-bookmark", "lggr"] def index(req: HttpRequest) -> HttpResponse: """Return index page. :param req: Request object :returns: Root index page """ tpl = loader.get_template("rootapp/index.html.dtl") return HttpResponse( tpl.render( { "app_paths": app_paths, "repository_url": "", "revision": settings.WEBTOOLS_REVISION or "Unavailable", } ) ) # return HttpResponse( # "\n".join(f"""<p><a href="{path}">{path}</a></p>""" for path in app_paths) # + format_html( # """<p><a href="{url}">Webtools<a/> Revision: {rev}</p>""", # url="", # rev=settings.WEBTOOLS_REVISION or "Unavailable", # ) # )
[ "HttpRequest" ]
[ 349 ]
[ 360 ]
""" Django settings for webtools project. Generated by 'django-admin startproject' using Django 2.2.1. For more information on this file, see For the full list of settings and their values, see """ import os from typing import Optional import dj_database_url from .config import Config _c = Config.from_toml( os.environ.get("WEBTOOLS_SETTINGS_TOML", "settings.toml"), "webtools" ) # SECURITY WARNING: don't run with debug turned on in production! DEBUG = _c.DEBUG # Quick-start development settings - unsuitable for production # See SECRET_KEY = _c.SECRET_KEY ALLOWED_HOSTS = [_c.ALLOWED_HOST] USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST = _c.USE_X_FORWARDED_HOST # Security configurations SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS = _c.SECURE_HSTS_SECONDS SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS = _c.SECURE_HSTS_INCLUDE_SUBDOMAINS SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD = _c.SECURE_HSTS_PRELOAD SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF = _c.SECURE_CONTENT_TYPE_NOSNIFF SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER = _c.SECURE_BROWSER_XSS_FILTER SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT = _c.SECURE_SSL_REDIRECT SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE = _c.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE = _c.CSRF_COOKIE_SECURE X_FRAME_OPTIONS = _c.X_FRAME_OPTIONS SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY = _c.SECURE_REFERRER_POLICY # Application definition INSTALLED_APPS = [ # Do not forget to add app or django cannot find templates! "webtools.rootapp.apps.RootappConfig", "export_as_bookmark.apps.ExportAsBookmarkConfig", "lggr.apps.LggrConfig", "django.contrib.admindocs", "django.contrib.admin", "django.contrib.auth", "django.contrib.contenttypes", "django.contrib.sessions", "django.contrib.messages", "django.contrib.staticfiles", ] MIDDLEWARE = [ "", "django.contrib.sessions.middleware.SessionMiddleware", "django.middleware.common.CommonMiddleware", "django.middleware.csrf.CsrfViewMiddleware", "django.contrib.auth.middleware.AuthenticationMiddleware", "django.contrib.messages.middleware.MessageMiddleware", "django.middleware.clickjacking.XFrameOptionsMiddleware", ] ROOT_URLCONF = "webtools.urls" TEMPLATES = [ { "BACKEND": "django.template.backends.django.DjangoTemplates", "DIRS": [], "APP_DIRS": True, "OPTIONS": { "context_processors": [ "django.template.context_processors.debug", "django.template.context_processors.request", "django.contrib.auth.context_processors.auth", "django.contrib.messages.context_processors.messages", ] }, } ] WSGI_APPLICATION = "webtools.wsgi.application" # Database # DATABASES = {"default": dj_database_url.parse(_c.DATABASE_URL)} # Password validation # AUTH_PASSWORD_VALIDATORS = [ { "NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.UserAttributeSimilarityValidator" }, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.MinimumLengthValidator"}, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.CommonPasswordValidator"}, {"NAME": "django.contrib.auth.password_validation.NumericPasswordValidator"}, ] # Internationalization # LANGUAGE_CODE = "en-us" TIME_ZONE = "UTC" USE_I18N = True USE_L10N = True USE_TZ = True # Static files (CSS, JavaScript, Images) # STATICFILES_DIRS = [os.path.abspath(_c.SEMANTICUI_BASE_DIR)] if _c.USE_S3: STATICFILES_STORAGE = "storages.backends.s3boto3.S3Boto3Storage" AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = _c.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = _c.AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME = _c.AWS_STORAGE_BUCKET_NAME AWS_DEFAULT_ACL = _c.AWS_DEFAULT_ACL AWS_BUCKET_ACL = _c.AWS_BUCKET_ACL AWS_AUTO_CREATE_BUCKET = _c.AWS_AUTO_CREATE_BUCKET AWS_S3_OBJECT_PARAMETERS = {"CacheControl": "max-age=86400"} AWS_LOCATION = _c.AWS_LOCATION AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL = _c.AWS_S3_ENDPOINT_URL AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN = _c.AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN else: # URL for static files # When USE_S3 and AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN is set, this value seems to be ignored. # URL seems to be calculated with AWS_S3_CUSTOM_DOMAIN and AWS_LOCATION STATIC_URL = _c.STATIC_URL # Path to local file system which collectstatic copies static files into STATIC_ROOT = os.path.abspath(_c.STATIC_ROOT) # webtools specific WEBTOOLS_REVISION_FILEPATH = _c.WEBTOOLS_REVISION_FILEPATH WEBTOOLS_REVISION: Optional[str] = None try: if WEBTOOLS_REVISION_FILEPATH is not None: with open(WEBTOOLS_REVISION_FILEPATH) as f: WEBTOOLS_REVISION = except FileNotFoundError: # TODO: Remove try? pass # Use Redis.from_url EXPORT_AS_BOOKMARK_REDIS_URL = _c.EXPORT_AS_BOOKMARK_REDIS_URL
"""webtools URL Configuration. The `urlpatterns` list routes URLs to views. For more information please see: Examples: Function views 1. Add an import: from my_app import views 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', views.home, name='home') Class-based views 1. Add an import: from other_app.views import Home 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('', Home.as_view(), name='home') Including another URLconf 1. Import the include() function: from django.urls import include, path 2. Add a URL to urlpatterns: path('blog/', include('blog.urls')) """ from django.contrib import admin from django.urls import include, path from django.views.generic.base import RedirectView _path = "webtools" urlpatterns = [ path("", RedirectView.as_view(url=f"/{_path}/")), path(f"{_path}/export-as-bookmark/", include("export_as_bookmark.urls")), path(f"{_path}/lggr/", include("lggr.urls")), path(f"{_path}/admin/",, path(f"{_path}/admin/doc/", include("django.contrib.admindocs.urls")), path(f"{_path}/", include("webtools.rootapp.urls")), ]
""" WSGI config for webtools project. It exposes the WSGI callable as a module-level variable named ``application``. For more information on this file, see """ import os from django.core.wsgi import get_wsgi_application os.environ.setdefault("DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE", "webtools.settings") application = get_wsgi_application()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # pip documentation build configuration file, created by # sphinx-quickstart on Tue Apr 22 22:08:49 2008 # # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir # # Note that not all possible configuration values are present in this # autogenerated file. # # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out # serve to show the default. import glob import os import re import sys on_rtd = os.environ.get('READTHEDOCS', None) == 'True' docs_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory, # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here. sys.path.insert(0, docs_dir) # sys.path.append(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../')) # -- General configuration ---------------------------------------------------- # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be # extensions coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones. # extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc'] extensions = ['sphinx.ext.extlinks', 'pip_sphinxext', 'sphinx.ext.intersphinx'] # intersphinx intersphinx_cache_limit = 0 intersphinx_mapping = { 'pypug': ('', None), 'pypa': ('', None), } # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory. templates_path = [] # The suffix of source filenames. source_suffix = '.rst' # The encoding of source files. # source_encoding = 'utf-8' # The master toctree document. master_doc = 'index' # General information about the project. project = 'pip' copyright = '2008-2017, PyPA' # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the # built documents. # # The short X.Y version. version = release = 'dev' # Readthedocs seems to install pip as an egg (via install) which # is somehow resulting in "import pip" picking up an older copy of pip. # Rather than trying to force RTD to install pip properly, we'll simply # read the version direct from the file. (Yes, this is # fragile, but it works...) pip_init = os.path.join(docs_dir, '..', 'src', 'pip', '') with open(pip_init) as f: for line in f: m = re.match(r'__version__ = "(.*)"', line) if m: __version__ = # The short X.Y version. version = '.'.join(__version__.split('.')[:2]) # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags. release = __version__ break # We have this here because readthedocs plays tricks sometimes and there seems # to be a heisenbug, related to the version of pip discovered. This is here to # help debug that if someone decides to do that in the future. print(version) # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation # for a list of supported languages. # language = None # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: # today = '' # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call. today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y' # List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build. # unused_docs = [] # List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched # for source files. exclude_patterns = ['build/'] # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents # default_role = None # If true, '()' will be appended to :func: etc. cross-reference text. # add_function_parentheses = True # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description # unit titles (such as .. function::). # add_module_names = True # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the # output. They are ignored by default. # show_authors = False # The name of the Pygments (syntax highlighting) style to use. pygments_style = 'sphinx' # A list of ignored prefixes for module index sorting. # modindex_common_prefix = [] extlinks = { 'issue': ('', '#'), 'pull': ('', 'PR #'), 'pypi': ('', ''), } # -- Options for HTML output -------------------------------------------------- # The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages. Major themes that come with # Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'. html_theme = "pypa_theme" # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme # further. For a list of options available for each theme, see the # documentation. html_theme_options = { 'collapsiblesidebar': True, 'externalrefs': True, 'navigation_depth': 3, 'issues_url': '' } # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory. # The name for this set of Sphinx documents. If None, it defaults to # "<project> v<release> documentation". # html_title = None # A shorter title for the navigation bar. Default is the same as html_title. # html_short_title = None # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top # of the sidebar. # html_logo = '_static/piplogo.png' # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the # docs. This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32 # pixels large. # html_favicon = 'favicon.png' # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here, # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files, # so a file named "default.css" will overwrite the builtin "default.css". html_static_path = [] # If not '', a 'Last updated on:' timestamp is inserted at every page bottom, # using the given strftime format. html_last_updated_fmt = '%b %d, %Y' # If true, SmartyPants will be used to convert quotes and dashes to # typographically correct entities. smart_quotes = False # Custom sidebar templates, maps document names to template names. html_sidebars = { '**': ['localtoc.html', 'relations.html'], 'index': ['localtoc.html'] } # Additional templates that should be rendered to pages, maps page names to # template names. # html_additional_pages = {} # If false, no module index is generated. html_use_modindex = False # If false, no index is generated. html_use_index = False # If true, the index is split into individual pages for each letter. # html_split_index = False # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages. html_show_sourcelink = False # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will # contain a <link> tag referring to it. The value of this option must be the # base URL from which the finished HTML is served. # html_use_opensearch = '' # If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml"). # html_file_suffix = '' # Output file base name for HTML help builder. htmlhelp_basename = 'pipdocs' # -- Options for LaTeX output ------------------------------------------------- # The paper size ('letter' or 'a4'). # latex_paper_size = 'letter' # The font size ('10pt', '11pt' or '12pt'). # latex_font_size = '10pt' # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]) latex_documents = [ ( 'index', 'pip.tex', u'pip Documentation', u'pip developers', 'manual', ), ] # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of # the title page. # latex_logo = None # For "manual" documents, if this is true, then toplevel headings are parts, # not chapters. # latex_use_parts = False # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble. # latex_preamble = '' # Documents to append as an appendix to all manuals. # latex_appendices = [] # If false, no module index is generated. # latex_use_modindex = True # -- Options for Manual Pages ------------------------------------------------- # List of manual pages generated man_pages = [ ( 'index', 'pip', u'package manager for Python packages', u'pip developers', 1 ) ] # Here, we crawl the entire man/commands/ directory and list every file with # appropriate name and details for fname in glob.glob('man/commands/*.rst'): fname_base = fname[4:-4] outname = 'pip-' + fname_base[13:] description = u'description of {} command'.format( outname.replace('-', ' ') ) man_pages.append((fname_base, outname, description, u'pip developers', 1))
"""pip sphinx extensions""" import optparse import sys from textwrap import dedent from docutils import nodes from docutils.parsers import rst from docutils.statemachine import ViewList from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.commands import commands_dict as commands class PipCommandUsage(rst.Directive): required_arguments = 1 def run(self): cmd = commands[self.arguments[0]] usage = dedent( cmd.usage.replace('%prog', 'pip {}'.format( ).strip() node = nodes.literal_block(usage, usage) return [node] class PipCommandDescription(rst.Directive): required_arguments = 1 def run(self): node = nodes.paragraph() node.document = self.state.document desc = ViewList() description = dedent(commands[self.arguments[0]].__doc__) for line in description.split('\n'): desc.append(line, "") self.state.nested_parse(desc, 0, node) return [node] class PipOptions(rst.Directive): def _format_option(self, option, cmd_name=None): if cmd_name: bookmark_line = ".. _`%s_%s`:" % (cmd_name, option._long_opts[0]) else: bookmark_line = ".. _`%s`:" % option._long_opts[0] line = ".. option:: " if option._short_opts: line += option._short_opts[0] if option._short_opts and option._long_opts: line += ", %s" % option._long_opts[0] elif option._long_opts: line += option._long_opts[0] if option.takes_value(): metavar = option.metavar or option.dest.lower() line += " <%s>" % metavar.lower() # fix defaults opt_help ='%default', str(option.default)) # fix paths with sys.prefix opt_help = opt_help.replace(sys.prefix, "<sys.prefix>") return [bookmark_line, "", line, "", " %s" % opt_help, ""] def _format_options(self, options, cmd_name=None): for option in options: if == optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP: continue for line in self._format_option(option, cmd_name): self.view_list.append(line, "") def run(self): node = nodes.paragraph() node.document = self.state.document self.view_list = ViewList() self.process_options() self.state.nested_parse(self.view_list, 0, node) return [node] class PipGeneralOptions(PipOptions): def process_options(self): self._format_options( [o() for o in cmdoptions.general_group['options']] ) class PipIndexOptions(PipOptions): def process_options(self): self._format_options( [o() for o in cmdoptions.index_group['options']] ) class PipCommandOptions(PipOptions): required_arguments = 1 def process_options(self): cmd = commands[self.arguments[0]]() self._format_options( cmd.parser.option_groups[0].option_list,, ) def setup(app): app.add_directive('pip-command-usage', PipCommandUsage) app.add_directive('pip-command-description', PipCommandDescription) app.add_directive('pip-command-options', PipCommandOptions) app.add_directive('pip-general-options', PipGeneralOptions) app.add_directive('pip-index-options', PipIndexOptions)
import codecs import os import re import sys from setuptools import find_packages, setup here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def read(*parts): # intentionally *not* adding an encoding option to open, See: # with, *parts), 'r') as fp: return def find_version(*file_paths): version_file = read(*file_paths) version_match = r"^__version__ = ['\"]([^'\"]*)['\"]", version_file, re.M, ) if version_match: return raise RuntimeError("Unable to find version string.") long_description = read('README.rst') setup( name="pip", version=find_version("src", "pip", ""), description="The PyPA recommended tool for installing Python packages.", long_description=long_description, license='MIT', classifiers=[ "Development Status :: 5 - Production/Stable", "Intended Audience :: Developers", "License :: OSI Approved :: MIT License", "Topic :: Software Development :: Build Tools", "Programming Language :: Python", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2", "Programming Language :: Python :: 2.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6", "Programming Language :: Python :: 3.7", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: CPython", "Programming Language :: Python :: Implementation :: PyPy", ], url='', keywords='distutils easy_install egg setuptools wheel virtualenv', author='The pip developers', author_email='', package_dir={"": "src"}, packages=find_packages( where="src", exclude=["contrib", "docs", "tests*", "tasks"], ), package_data={ "pip._vendor.certifi": ["*.pem"], "pip._vendor.requests": ["*.pem"], "pip._vendor.distlib._backport": ["sysconfig.cfg"], "pip._vendor.distlib": ["t32.exe", "t64.exe", "w32.exe", "w64.exe"], }, entry_points={ "console_scripts": [ "pip=pip._internal:main", "pip%s=pip._internal:main" % sys.version_info[:1], "pip%s.%s=pip._internal:main" % sys.version_info[:2], ], }, zip_safe=False, python_requires='>=2.7,!=3.0.*,!=3.1.*,!=3.2.*,!=3.3.*', )
__version__ = "19.1.dev0"
from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys # If we are running from a wheel, add the wheel to sys.path # This allows the usage python pip-*.whl/pip install pip-*.whl if __package__ == '': # __file__ is pip-*.whl/pip/ # first dirname call strips of '/', second strips off '/pip' # Resulting path is the name of the wheel itself # Add that to sys.path so we can import pip path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__)) sys.path.insert(0, path) from pip._internal import main as _main # isort:skip # noqa if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(_main())
#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import absolute_import import locale import logging import os import warnings import sys # 2016-06-17 urllib3 1.14 added optional support for socks, # but if invoked (i.e. imported), it will issue a warning to stderr if socks # isn't available. requests unconditionally imports urllib3's socks contrib # module, triggering this warning. The warning breaks DEP-8 tests (because of # the stderr output) and is just plain annoying in normal usage. I don't want # to add socks as yet another dependency for pip, nor do I want to allow-stderr # in the DEP-8 tests, so just suppress the warning. pdb tells me this has to # be done before the import of pip.vcs. from pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions import DependencyWarning warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=DependencyWarning) # noqa # We want to inject the use of SecureTransport as early as possible so that any # references or sessions or what have you are ensured to have it, however we # only want to do this in the case that we're running on macOS and the linked # OpenSSL is too old to handle TLSv1.2 try: import ssl except ImportError: pass else: # Checks for OpenSSL 1.0.1 on MacOS if sys.platform == "darwin" and ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION_NUMBER < 0x1000100f: try: from pip._vendor.urllib3.contrib import securetransport except (ImportError, OSError): pass else: securetransport.inject_into_urllib3() from pip._internal.cli.autocompletion import autocomplete from pip._internal.cli.main_parser import parse_command from pip._internal.commands import commands_dict from pip._internal.exceptions import PipError from pip._internal.utils import deprecation from pip._internal.vcs import git, mercurial, subversion, bazaar # noqa from pip._vendor.urllib3.exceptions import InsecureRequestWarning logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Hide the InsecureRequestWarning from urllib3 warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=InsecureRequestWarning) def main(args=None): if args is None: args = sys.argv[1:] # Configure our deprecation warnings to be sent through loggers deprecation.install_warning_logger() autocomplete() try: cmd_name, cmd_args = parse_command(args) except PipError as exc: sys.stderr.write("ERROR: %s" % exc) sys.stderr.write(os.linesep) sys.exit(1) # Needed for locale.getpreferredencoding(False) to work # in pip._internal.utils.encoding.auto_decode try: locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, '') except locale.Error as e: # setlocale can apparently crash if locale are uninitialized logger.debug("Ignoring error %s when setting locale", e) command = commands_dict[cmd_name](isolated=("--isolated" in cmd_args)) return command.main(cmd_args)
"""Build Environment used for isolation during sdist building """ import logging import os import sys import textwrap from collections import OrderedDict from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib from sysconfig import get_paths from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import Requirement, VersionConflict, WorkingSet from pip import __file__ as pip_location from pip._internal.utils.misc import call_subprocess from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.utils.ui import open_spinner if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Tuple, Set, Iterable, Optional, List from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class _Prefix: def __init__(self, path): # type: (str) -> None self.path = path self.setup = False self.bin_dir = get_paths( 'nt' if == 'nt' else 'posix_prefix', vars={'base': path, 'platbase': path} )['scripts'] # Note: prefer distutils' sysconfig to get the # library paths so PyPy is correctly supported. purelib = get_python_lib(plat_specific=False, prefix=path) platlib = get_python_lib(plat_specific=True, prefix=path) if purelib == platlib: self.lib_dirs = [purelib] else: self.lib_dirs = [purelib, platlib] class BuildEnvironment(object): """Creates and manages an isolated environment to install build deps """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None self._temp_dir = TempDirectory(kind="build-env") self._temp_dir.create() self._prefixes = OrderedDict(( (name, _Prefix(os.path.join(self._temp_dir.path, name))) for name in ('normal', 'overlay') )) self._bin_dirs = [] # type: List[str] self._lib_dirs = [] # type: List[str] for prefix in reversed(list(self._prefixes.values())): self._bin_dirs.append(prefix.bin_dir) self._lib_dirs.extend(prefix.lib_dirs) # Customize site to: # - ensure .pth files are honored # - prevent access to system site packages system_sites = { os.path.normcase(site) for site in ( get_python_lib(plat_specific=False), get_python_lib(plat_specific=True), ) } self._site_dir = os.path.join(self._temp_dir.path, 'site') if not os.path.exists(self._site_dir): os.mkdir(self._site_dir) with open(os.path.join(self._site_dir, ''), 'w') as fp: fp.write(textwrap.dedent( ''' import os, site, sys # First, drop system-sites related paths. original_sys_path = sys.path[:] known_paths = set() for path in {system_sites!r}: site.addsitedir(path, known_paths=known_paths) system_paths = set( os.path.normcase(path) for path in sys.path[len(original_sys_path):] ) original_sys_path = [ path for path in original_sys_path if os.path.normcase(path) not in system_paths ] sys.path = original_sys_path # Second, add lib directories. # ensuring .pth file are processed. for path in {lib_dirs!r}: assert not path in sys.path site.addsitedir(path) ''' ).format(system_sites=system_sites, lib_dirs=self._lib_dirs)) def __enter__(self): self._save_env = { name: os.environ.get(name, None) for name in ('PATH', 'PYTHONNOUSERSITE', 'PYTHONPATH') } path = self._bin_dirs[:] old_path = self._save_env['PATH'] if old_path: path.extend(old_path.split(os.pathsep)) pythonpath = [self._site_dir] os.environ.update({ 'PATH': os.pathsep.join(path), 'PYTHONNOUSERSITE': '1', 'PYTHONPATH': os.pathsep.join(pythonpath), }) def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): for varname, old_value in self._save_env.items(): if old_value is None: os.environ.pop(varname, None) else: os.environ[varname] = old_value def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None self._temp_dir.cleanup() def check_requirements(self, reqs): # type: (Iterable[str]) -> Tuple[Set[Tuple[str, str]], Set[str]] """Return 2 sets: - conflicting requirements: set of (installed, wanted) reqs tuples - missing requirements: set of reqs """ missing = set() conflicting = set() if reqs: ws = WorkingSet(self._lib_dirs) for req in reqs: try: if ws.find(Requirement.parse(req)) is None: missing.add(req) except VersionConflict as e: conflicting.add((str(e.args[0].as_requirement()), str(e.args[1]))) return conflicting, missing def install_requirements( self, finder, # type: PackageFinder requirements, # type: Iterable[str] prefix_as_string, # type: str message # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> None prefix = self._prefixes[prefix_as_string] assert not prefix.setup prefix.setup = True if not requirements: return args = [ sys.executable, os.path.dirname(pip_location), 'install', '--ignore-installed', '--no-user', '--prefix', prefix.path, '--no-warn-script-location', ] # type: List[str] if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= logging.DEBUG: args.append('-v') for format_control in ('no_binary', 'only_binary'): formats = getattr(finder.format_control, format_control) args.extend(('--' + format_control.replace('_', '-'), ','.join(sorted(formats or {':none:'})))) if finder.index_urls: args.extend(['-i', finder.index_urls[0]]) for extra_index in finder.index_urls[1:]: args.extend(['--extra-index-url', extra_index]) else: args.append('--no-index') for link in finder.find_links: args.extend(['--find-links', link]) for _, host, _ in finder.secure_origins: args.extend(['--trusted-host', host]) if finder.allow_all_prereleases: args.append('--pre') args.append('--') args.extend(requirements) with open_spinner(message) as spinner: call_subprocess(args, spinner=spinner) class NoOpBuildEnvironment(BuildEnvironment): """A no-op drop-in replacement for BuildEnvironment """ def __init__(self): pass def __enter__(self): pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): pass def cleanup(self): pass def install_requirements(self, finder, requirements, prefix, message): raise NotImplementedError()
"""Cache Management """ import errno import hashlib import logging import os from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from import path_to_url from import Link from pip._internal.utils.compat import expanduser from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.wheel import InvalidWheelFilename, Wheel if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, Set, List, Any from pip._internal.index import FormatControl logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Cache(object): """An abstract class - provides cache directories for data from links :param cache_dir: The root of the cache. :param format_control: An object of FormatControl class to limit binaries being read from the cache. :param allowed_formats: which formats of files the cache should store. ('binary' and 'source' are the only allowed values) """ def __init__(self, cache_dir, format_control, allowed_formats): # type: (str, FormatControl, Set[str]) -> None super(Cache, self).__init__() self.cache_dir = expanduser(cache_dir) if cache_dir else None self.format_control = format_control self.allowed_formats = allowed_formats _valid_formats = {"source", "binary"} assert self.allowed_formats.union(_valid_formats) == _valid_formats def _get_cache_path_parts(self, link): # type: (Link) -> List[str] """Get parts of part that must be os.path.joined with cache_dir """ # We want to generate an url to use as our cache key, we don't want to # just re-use the URL because it might have other items in the fragment # and we don't care about those. key_parts = [link.url_without_fragment] if link.hash_name is not None and link.hash is not None: key_parts.append("=".join([link.hash_name, link.hash])) key_url = "#".join(key_parts) # Encode our key url with sha224, we'll use this because it has similar # security properties to sha256, but with a shorter total output (and # thus less secure). However the differences don't make a lot of # difference for our use case here. hashed = hashlib.sha224(key_url.encode()).hexdigest() # We want to nest the directories some to prevent having a ton of top # level directories where we might run out of sub directories on some # FS. parts = [hashed[:2], hashed[2:4], hashed[4:6], hashed[6:]] return parts def _get_candidates(self, link, package_name): # type: (Link, Optional[str]) -> List[Any] can_not_cache = ( not self.cache_dir or not package_name or not link ) if can_not_cache: return [] canonical_name = canonicalize_name(package_name) formats = self.format_control.get_allowed_formats( canonical_name ) if not self.allowed_formats.intersection(formats): return [] root = self.get_path_for_link(link) try: return os.listdir(root) except OSError as err: if err.errno in {errno.ENOENT, errno.ENOTDIR}: return [] raise def get_path_for_link(self, link): # type: (Link) -> str """Return a directory to store cached items in for link. """ raise NotImplementedError() def get(self, link, package_name): # type: (Link, Optional[str]) -> Link """Returns a link to a cached item if it exists, otherwise returns the passed link. """ raise NotImplementedError() def _link_for_candidate(self, link, candidate): # type: (Link, str) -> Link root = self.get_path_for_link(link) path = os.path.join(root, candidate) return Link(path_to_url(path)) def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None pass class SimpleWheelCache(Cache): """A cache of wheels for future installs. """ def __init__(self, cache_dir, format_control): # type: (str, FormatControl) -> None super(SimpleWheelCache, self).__init__( cache_dir, format_control, {"binary"} ) def get_path_for_link(self, link): # type: (Link) -> str """Return a directory to store cached wheels for link Because there are M wheels for any one sdist, we provide a directory to cache them in, and then consult that directory when looking up cache hits. We only insert things into the cache if they have plausible version numbers, so that we don't contaminate the cache with things that were not unique. E.g. ./package might have dozens of installs done for it and build a version of 0.0...and if we built and cached a wheel, we'd end up using the same wheel even if the source has been edited. :param link: The link of the sdist for which this will cache wheels. """ parts = self._get_cache_path_parts(link) # Store wheels within the root cache_dir return os.path.join(self.cache_dir, "wheels", *parts) def get(self, link, package_name): # type: (Link, Optional[str]) -> Link candidates = [] for wheel_name in self._get_candidates(link, package_name): try: wheel = Wheel(wheel_name) except InvalidWheelFilename: continue if not wheel.supported(): # Built for a different python/arch/etc continue candidates.append((wheel.support_index_min(), wheel_name)) if not candidates: return link return self._link_for_candidate(link, min(candidates)[1]) class EphemWheelCache(SimpleWheelCache): """A SimpleWheelCache that creates it's own temporary cache directory """ def __init__(self, format_control): # type: (FormatControl) -> None self._temp_dir = TempDirectory(kind="ephem-wheel-cache") self._temp_dir.create() super(EphemWheelCache, self).__init__( self._temp_dir.path, format_control ) def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None self._temp_dir.cleanup() class WheelCache(Cache): """Wraps EphemWheelCache and SimpleWheelCache into a single Cache This Cache allows for gracefully degradation, using the ephem wheel cache when a certain link is not found in the simple wheel cache first. """ def __init__(self, cache_dir, format_control): # type: (str, FormatControl) -> None super(WheelCache, self).__init__( cache_dir, format_control, {'binary'} ) self._wheel_cache = SimpleWheelCache(cache_dir, format_control) self._ephem_cache = EphemWheelCache(format_control) def get_path_for_link(self, link): # type: (Link) -> str return self._wheel_cache.get_path_for_link(link) def get_ephem_path_for_link(self, link): # type: (Link) -> str return self._ephem_cache.get_path_for_link(link) def get(self, link, package_name): # type: (Link, Optional[str]) -> Link retval = self._wheel_cache.get(link, package_name) if retval is link: retval = self._ephem_cache.get(link, package_name) return retval def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None self._wheel_cache.cleanup() self._ephem_cache.cleanup()
"""Subpackage containing all of pip's command line interface related code """ # This file intentionally does not import submodules
"""Logic that powers autocompletion installed by ``pip completion``. """ import optparse import os import sys from pip._internal.cli.main_parser import create_main_parser from pip._internal.commands import commands_dict, get_summaries from pip._internal.utils.misc import get_installed_distributions def autocomplete(): """Entry Point for completion of main and subcommand options. """ # Don't complete if user hasn't sourced bash_completion file. if 'PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE' not in os.environ: return cwords = os.environ['COMP_WORDS'].split()[1:] cword = int(os.environ['COMP_CWORD']) try: current = cwords[cword - 1] except IndexError: current = '' subcommands = [cmd for cmd, summary in get_summaries()] options = [] # subcommand try: subcommand_name = [w for w in cwords if w in subcommands][0] except IndexError: subcommand_name = None parser = create_main_parser() # subcommand options if subcommand_name: # special case: 'help' subcommand has no options if subcommand_name == 'help': sys.exit(1) # special case: list locally installed dists for show and uninstall should_list_installed = ( subcommand_name in ['show', 'uninstall'] and not current.startswith('-') ) if should_list_installed: installed = [] lc = current.lower() for dist in get_installed_distributions(local_only=True): if dist.key.startswith(lc) and dist.key not in cwords[1:]: installed.append(dist.key) # if there are no dists installed, fall back to option completion if installed: for dist in installed: print(dist) sys.exit(1) subcommand = commands_dict[subcommand_name]() for opt in subcommand.parser.option_list_all: if != optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP: for opt_str in opt._long_opts + opt._short_opts: options.append((opt_str, opt.nargs)) # filter out previously specified options from available options prev_opts = [x.split('=')[0] for x in cwords[1:cword - 1]] options = [(x, v) for (x, v) in options if x not in prev_opts] # filter options by current input options = [(k, v) for k, v in options if k.startswith(current)] # get completion type given cwords and available subcommand options completion_type = get_path_completion_type( cwords, cword, subcommand.parser.option_list_all, ) # get completion files and directories if ``completion_type`` is # ``<file>``, ``<dir>`` or ``<path>`` if completion_type: options = auto_complete_paths(current, completion_type) options = ((opt, 0) for opt in options) for option in options: opt_label = option[0] # append '=' to options which require args if option[1] and option[0][:2] == "--": opt_label += '=' print(opt_label) else: # show main parser options only when necessary opts = [i.option_list for i in parser.option_groups] opts.append(parser.option_list) opts = (o for it in opts for o in it) if current.startswith('-'): for opt in opts: if != optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP: subcommands += opt._long_opts + opt._short_opts else: # get completion type given cwords and all available options completion_type = get_path_completion_type(cwords, cword, opts) if completion_type: subcommands = auto_complete_paths(current, completion_type) print(' '.join([x for x in subcommands if x.startswith(current)])) sys.exit(1) def get_path_completion_type(cwords, cword, opts): """Get the type of path completion (``file``, ``dir``, ``path`` or None) :param cwords: same as the environmental variable ``COMP_WORDS`` :param cword: same as the environmental variable ``COMP_CWORD`` :param opts: The available options to check :return: path completion type (``file``, ``dir``, ``path`` or None) """ if cword < 2 or not cwords[cword - 2].startswith('-'): return for opt in opts: if == optparse.SUPPRESS_HELP: continue for o in str(opt).split('/'): if cwords[cword - 2].split('=')[0] == o: if not opt.metavar or any( x in ('path', 'file', 'dir') for x in opt.metavar.split('/')): return opt.metavar def auto_complete_paths(current, completion_type): """If ``completion_type`` is ``file`` or ``path``, list all regular files and directories starting with ``current``; otherwise only list directories starting with ``current``. :param current: The word to be completed :param completion_type: path completion type(`file`, `path` or `dir`)i :return: A generator of regular files and/or directories """ directory, filename = os.path.split(current) current_path = os.path.abspath(directory) # Don't complete paths if they can't be accessed if not os.access(current_path, os.R_OK): return filename = os.path.normcase(filename) # list all files that start with ``filename`` file_list = (x for x in os.listdir(current_path) if os.path.normcase(x).startswith(filename)) for f in file_list: opt = os.path.join(current_path, f) comp_file = os.path.normcase(os.path.join(directory, f)) # complete regular files when there is not ``<dir>`` after option # complete directories when there is ``<file>``, ``<path>`` or # ``<dir>``after option if completion_type != 'dir' and os.path.isfile(opt): yield comp_file elif os.path.isdir(opt): yield os.path.join(comp_file, '')
"""Base Command class, and related routines""" from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import logging import logging.config import optparse import os import platform import sys import traceback from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.parser import ( ConfigOptionParser, UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import ( ERROR, PREVIOUS_BUILD_DIR_ERROR, SUCCESS, UNKNOWN_ERROR, VIRTUALENV_NOT_FOUND, ) from import PipSession from pip._internal.exceptions import ( BadCommand, CommandError, InstallationError, PreviousBuildDirError, UninstallationError, ) from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from pip._internal.locations import running_under_virtualenv from pip._internal.req.constructors import ( install_req_from_editable, install_req_from_line, ) from pip._internal.req.req_file import parse_requirements from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import deprecated from pip._internal.utils.logging import BrokenStdoutLoggingError, setup_logging from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( get_prog, normalize_path, redact_password_from_url, ) from pip._internal.utils.outdated import pip_version_check from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Any from optparse import Values from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._internal.req.req_set import RequirementSet __all__ = ['Command'] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Command(object): name = None # type: Optional[str] usage = None # type: Optional[str] ignore_require_venv = False # type: bool def __init__(self, isolated=False): # type: (bool) -> None parser_kw = { 'usage': self.usage, 'prog': '%s %s' % (get_prog(),, 'formatter': UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(), 'add_help_option': False, 'name':, 'description': self.__doc__, 'isolated': isolated, } self.parser = ConfigOptionParser(**parser_kw) # Commands should add options to this option group optgroup_name = '%s Options' % self.cmd_opts = optparse.OptionGroup(self.parser, optgroup_name) # Add the general options gen_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.general_group, self.parser, ) self.parser.add_option_group(gen_opts) def run(self, options, args): # type: (Values, List[Any]) -> Any raise NotImplementedError def _build_session(self, options, retries=None, timeout=None): # type: (Values, Optional[int], Optional[int]) -> PipSession session = PipSession( cache=( normalize_path(os.path.join(options.cache_dir, "http")) if options.cache_dir else None ), retries=retries if retries is not None else options.retries, insecure_hosts=options.trusted_hosts, ) # Handle custom ca-bundles from the user if options.cert: session.verify = options.cert # Handle SSL client certificate if options.client_cert: session.cert = options.client_cert # Handle timeouts if options.timeout or timeout: session.timeout = ( timeout if timeout is not None else options.timeout ) # Handle configured proxies if options.proxy: session.proxies = { "http": options.proxy, "https": options.proxy, } # Determine if we can prompt the user for authentication or not session.auth.prompting = not options.no_input return session def parse_args(self, args): # type: (List[str]) -> Tuple # factored out for testability return self.parser.parse_args(args) def main(self, args): # type: (List[str]) -> int options, args = self.parse_args(args) # Set verbosity so that it can be used elsewhere. self.verbosity = options.verbose - options.quiet level_number = setup_logging( verbosity=self.verbosity, no_color=options.no_color, user_log_file=options.log, ) if sys.version_info[:2] == (3, 4): deprecated( "Python 3.4 support has been deprecated. pip 19.1 will be the " "last one supporting it. Please upgrade your Python as Python " "3.4 won't be maintained after March 2019 (cf PEP 429).", replacement=None, gone_in='19.2', ) elif sys.version_info[:2] == (2, 7): message = ( "A future version of pip will drop support for Python 2.7." ) if platform.python_implementation() == "CPython": message = ( "Python 2.7 will reach the end of its life on January " "1st, 2020. Please upgrade your Python as Python 2.7 " "won't be maintained after that date. " ) + message deprecated(message, replacement=None, gone_in=None) # TODO: Try to get these passing down from the command? # without resorting to os.environ to hold these. # This also affects isolated builds and it should. if options.no_input: os.environ['PIP_NO_INPUT'] = '1' if options.exists_action: os.environ['PIP_EXISTS_ACTION'] = ' '.join(options.exists_action) if options.require_venv and not self.ignore_require_venv: # If a venv is required check if it can really be found if not running_under_virtualenv(): logger.critical( 'Could not find an activated virtualenv (required).' ) sys.exit(VIRTUALENV_NOT_FOUND) try: status =, args) # FIXME: all commands should return an exit status # and when it is done, isinstance is not needed anymore if isinstance(status, int): return status except PreviousBuildDirError as exc: logger.critical(str(exc)) logger.debug('Exception information:', exc_info=True) return PREVIOUS_BUILD_DIR_ERROR except (InstallationError, UninstallationError, BadCommand) as exc: logger.critical(str(exc)) logger.debug('Exception information:', exc_info=True) return ERROR except CommandError as exc: logger.critical('%s', exc) logger.debug('Exception information:', exc_info=True) return ERROR except BrokenStdoutLoggingError: # Bypass our logger and write any remaining messages to stderr # because stdout no longer works. print('ERROR: Pipe to stdout was broken', file=sys.stderr) if level_number <= logging.DEBUG: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stderr) return ERROR except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.critical('Operation cancelled by user') logger.debug('Exception information:', exc_info=True) return ERROR except BaseException: logger.critical('Exception:', exc_info=True) return UNKNOWN_ERROR finally: allow_version_check = ( # Does this command have the index_group options? hasattr(options, "no_index") and # Is this command allowed to perform this check? not (options.disable_pip_version_check or options.no_index) ) # Check if we're using the latest version of pip available if allow_version_check: session = self._build_session( options, retries=0, timeout=min(5, options.timeout) ) with session: pip_version_check(session, options) # Shutdown the logging module logging.shutdown() return SUCCESS class RequirementCommand(Command): @staticmethod def populate_requirement_set(requirement_set, # type: RequirementSet args, # type: List[str] options, # type: Values finder, # type: PackageFinder session, # type: PipSession name, # type: str wheel_cache # type: Optional[WheelCache] ): # type: (...) -> None """ Marshal cmd line args into a requirement set. """ # NOTE: As a side-effect, options.require_hashes and # requirement_set.require_hashes may be updated for filename in options.constraints: for req_to_add in parse_requirements( filename, constraint=True, finder=finder, options=options, session=session, wheel_cache=wheel_cache): req_to_add.is_direct = True requirement_set.add_requirement(req_to_add) for req in args: req_to_add = install_req_from_line( req, None, isolated=options.isolated_mode, use_pep517=options.use_pep517, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) req_to_add.is_direct = True requirement_set.add_requirement(req_to_add) for req in options.editables: req_to_add = install_req_from_editable( req, isolated=options.isolated_mode, use_pep517=options.use_pep517, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) req_to_add.is_direct = True requirement_set.add_requirement(req_to_add) for filename in options.requirements: for req_to_add in parse_requirements( filename, finder=finder, options=options, session=session, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, use_pep517=options.use_pep517): req_to_add.is_direct = True requirement_set.add_requirement(req_to_add) # If --require-hashes was a line in a requirements file, tell # RequirementSet about it: requirement_set.require_hashes = options.require_hashes if not (args or options.editables or options.requirements): opts = {'name': name} if options.find_links: raise CommandError( 'You must give at least one requirement to %(name)s ' '(maybe you meant "pip %(name)s %(links)s"?)' % dict(opts, links=' '.join(options.find_links))) else: raise CommandError( 'You must give at least one requirement to %(name)s ' '(see "pip help %(name)s")' % opts) def _build_package_finder( self, options, # type: Values session, # type: PipSession platform=None, # type: Optional[str] python_versions=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] abi=None, # type: Optional[str] implementation=None # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> PackageFinder """ Create a package finder appropriate to this requirement command. """ index_urls = [options.index_url] + options.extra_index_urls if options.no_index: logger.debug( 'Ignoring indexes: %s', ','.join(redact_password_from_url(url) for url in index_urls), ) index_urls = [] return PackageFinder( find_links=options.find_links, format_control=options.format_control, index_urls=index_urls, trusted_hosts=options.trusted_hosts, allow_all_prereleases=options.pre, session=session, platform=platform, versions=python_versions, abi=abi, implementation=implementation, prefer_binary=options.prefer_binary, )
""" shared options and groups The principle here is to define options once, but *not* instantiate them globally. One reason being that options with action='append' can carry state between parses. pip parses general options twice internally, and shouldn't pass on state. To be consistent, all options will follow this design. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import textwrap import warnings from distutils.util import strtobool from functools import partial from optparse import SUPPRESS_HELP, Option, OptionGroup from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError from pip._internal.locations import USER_CACHE_DIR, src_prefix from pip._internal.models.format_control import FormatControl from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI from pip._internal.utils.hashes import STRONG_HASHES from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.utils.ui import BAR_TYPES if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional from optparse import OptionParser, Values from pip._internal.cli.parser import ConfigOptionParser def raise_option_error(parser, option, msg): """ Raise an option parsing error using parser.error(). Args: parser: an OptionParser instance. option: an Option instance. msg: the error text. """ msg = '{} error: {}'.format(option, msg) msg = textwrap.fill(' '.join(msg.split())) parser.error(msg) def make_option_group(group, parser): # type: (Dict[str, Any], ConfigOptionParser) -> OptionGroup """ Return an OptionGroup object group -- assumed to be dict with 'name' and 'options' keys parser -- an optparse Parser """ option_group = OptionGroup(parser, group['name']) for option in group['options']: option_group.add_option(option()) return option_group def check_install_build_global(options, check_options=None): # type: (Values, Optional[Values]) -> None """Disable wheels if call options are set. :param options: The OptionParser options to update. :param check_options: The options to check, if not supplied defaults to options. """ if check_options is None: check_options = options def getname(n): return getattr(check_options, n, None) names = ["build_options", "global_options", "install_options"] if any(map(getname, names)): control = options.format_control control.disallow_binaries() warnings.warn( 'Disabling all use of wheels due to the use of --build-options ' '/ --global-options / --install-options.', stacklevel=2, ) def check_dist_restriction(options, check_target=False): # type: (Values, bool) -> None """Function for determining if custom platform options are allowed. :param options: The OptionParser options. :param check_target: Whether or not to check if --target is being used. """ dist_restriction_set = any([ options.python_version, options.platform, options.abi, options.implementation, ]) binary_only = FormatControl(set(), {':all:'}) sdist_dependencies_allowed = ( options.format_control != binary_only and not options.ignore_dependencies ) # Installations or downloads using dist restrictions must not combine # source distributions and dist-specific wheels, as they are not # guaranteed to be locally compatible. if dist_restriction_set and sdist_dependencies_allowed: raise CommandError( "When restricting platform and interpreter constraints using " "--python-version, --platform, --abi, or --implementation, " "either --no-deps must be set, or --only-binary=:all: must be " "set and --no-binary must not be set (or must be set to " ":none:)." ) if check_target: if dist_restriction_set and not options.target_dir: raise CommandError( "Can not use any platform or abi specific options unless " "installing via '--target'" ) ########### # options # ########### help_ = partial( Option, '-h', '--help', dest='help', action='help', help='Show help.', ) # type: Callable[..., Option] isolated_mode = partial( Option, "--isolated", dest="isolated_mode", action="store_true", default=False, help=( "Run pip in an isolated mode, ignoring environment variables and user " "configuration." ), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] require_virtualenv = partial( Option, # Run only if inside a virtualenv, bail if not. '--require-virtualenv', '--require-venv', dest='require_venv', action='store_true', default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP ) # type: Callable[..., Option] verbose = partial( Option, '-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='count', default=0, help='Give more output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3 times.' ) # type: Callable[..., Option] no_color = partial( Option, '--no-color', dest='no_color', action='store_true', default=False, help="Suppress colored output", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] version = partial( Option, '-V', '--version', dest='version', action='store_true', help='Show version and exit.', ) # type: Callable[..., Option] quiet = partial( Option, '-q', '--quiet', dest='quiet', action='count', default=0, help=( 'Give less output. Option is additive, and can be used up to 3' ' times (corresponding to WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging' ' levels).' ), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] progress_bar = partial( Option, '--progress-bar', dest='progress_bar', type='choice', choices=list(BAR_TYPES.keys()), default='on', help=( 'Specify type of progress to be displayed [' + '|'.join(BAR_TYPES.keys()) + '] (default: %default)' ), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] log = partial( Option, "--log", "--log-file", "--local-log", dest="log", metavar="path", help="Path to a verbose appending log." ) # type: Callable[..., Option] no_input = partial( Option, # Don't ask for input '--no-input', dest='no_input', action='store_true', default=False, help=SUPPRESS_HELP ) # type: Callable[..., Option] proxy = partial( Option, '--proxy', dest='proxy', type='str', default='', help="Specify a proxy in the form [user:passwd@]proxy.server:port." ) # type: Callable[..., Option] retries = partial( Option, '--retries', dest='retries', type='int', default=5, help="Maximum number of retries each connection should attempt " "(default %default times).", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] timeout = partial( Option, '--timeout', '--default-timeout', metavar='sec', dest='timeout', type='float', default=15, help='Set the socket timeout (default %default seconds).', ) # type: Callable[..., Option] skip_requirements_regex = partial( Option, # A regex to be used to skip requirements '--skip-requirements-regex', dest='skip_requirements_regex', type='str', default='', help=SUPPRESS_HELP, ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def exists_action(): # type: () -> Option return Option( # Option when path already exist '--exists-action', dest='exists_action', type='choice', choices=['s', 'i', 'w', 'b', 'a'], default=[], action='append', metavar='action', help="Default action when a path already exists: " "(s)witch, (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup, (a)bort.", ) cert = partial( Option, '--cert', dest='cert', type='str', metavar='path', help="Path to alternate CA bundle.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] client_cert = partial( Option, '--client-cert', dest='client_cert', type='str', default=None, metavar='path', help="Path to SSL client certificate, a single file containing the " "private key and the certificate in PEM format.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] index_url = partial( Option, '-i', '--index-url', '--pypi-url', dest='index_url', metavar='URL', default=PyPI.simple_url, help="Base URL of Python Package Index (default %default). " "This should point to a repository compliant with PEP 503 " "(the simple repository API) or a local directory laid out " "in the same format.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def extra_index_url(): return Option( '--extra-index-url', dest='extra_index_urls', metavar='URL', action='append', default=[], help="Extra URLs of package indexes to use in addition to " "--index-url. Should follow the same rules as " "--index-url.", ) no_index = partial( Option, '--no-index', dest='no_index', action='store_true', default=False, help='Ignore package index (only looking at --find-links URLs instead).', ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def find_links(): # type: () -> Option return Option( '-f', '--find-links', dest='find_links', action='append', default=[], metavar='url', help="If a url or path to an html file, then parse for links to " "archives. If a local path or file:// url that's a directory, " "then look for archives in the directory listing.", ) def trusted_host(): # type: () -> Option return Option( "--trusted-host", dest="trusted_hosts", action="append", metavar="HOSTNAME", default=[], help="Mark this host as trusted, even though it does not have valid " "or any HTTPS.", ) def constraints(): # type: () -> Option return Option( '-c', '--constraint', dest='constraints', action='append', default=[], metavar='file', help='Constrain versions using the given constraints file. ' 'This option can be used multiple times.' ) def requirements(): # type: () -> Option return Option( '-r', '--requirement', dest='requirements', action='append', default=[], metavar='file', help='Install from the given requirements file. ' 'This option can be used multiple times.' ) def editable(): # type: () -> Option return Option( '-e', '--editable', dest='editables', action='append', default=[], metavar='path/url', help=('Install a project in editable mode (i.e. setuptools ' '"develop mode") from a local project path or a VCS url.'), ) src = partial( Option, '--src', '--source', '--source-dir', '--source-directory', dest='src_dir', metavar='dir', default=src_prefix, help='Directory to check out editable projects into. ' 'The default in a virtualenv is "<venv path>/src". ' 'The default for global installs is "<current dir>/src".' ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def _get_format_control(values, option): # type: (Values, Option) -> Any """Get a format_control object.""" return getattr(values, option.dest) def _handle_no_binary(option, opt_str, value, parser): # type: (Option, str, str, OptionParser) -> None existing = _get_format_control(parser.values, option) FormatControl.handle_mutual_excludes( value, existing.no_binary, existing.only_binary, ) def _handle_only_binary(option, opt_str, value, parser): # type: (Option, str, str, OptionParser) -> None existing = _get_format_control(parser.values, option) FormatControl.handle_mutual_excludes( value, existing.only_binary, existing.no_binary, ) def no_binary(): # type: () -> Option format_control = FormatControl(set(), set()) return Option( "--no-binary", dest="format_control", action="callback", callback=_handle_no_binary, type="str", default=format_control, help="Do not use binary packages. Can be supplied multiple times, and " "each time adds to the existing value. Accepts either :all: to " "disable all binary packages, :none: to empty the set, or one or " "more package names with commas between them. Note that some " "packages are tricky to compile and may fail to install when " "this option is used on them.", ) def only_binary(): # type: () -> Option format_control = FormatControl(set(), set()) return Option( "--only-binary", dest="format_control", action="callback", callback=_handle_only_binary, type="str", default=format_control, help="Do not use source packages. Can be supplied multiple times, and " "each time adds to the existing value. Accepts either :all: to " "disable all source packages, :none: to empty the set, or one or " "more package names with commas between them. Packages without " "binary distributions will fail to install when this option is " "used on them.", ) platform = partial( Option, '--platform', dest='platform', metavar='platform', default=None, help=("Only use wheels compatible with <platform>. " "Defaults to the platform of the running system."), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] python_version = partial( Option, '--python-version', dest='python_version', metavar='python_version', default=None, help=("Only use wheels compatible with Python " "interpreter version <version>. If not specified, then the " "current system interpreter minor version is used. A major " "version (e.g. '2') can be specified to match all " "minor revs of that major version. A minor version " "(e.g. '34') can also be specified."), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] implementation = partial( Option, '--implementation', dest='implementation', metavar='implementation', default=None, help=("Only use wheels compatible with Python " "implementation <implementation>, e.g. 'pp', 'jy', 'cp', " " or 'ip'. If not specified, then the current " "interpreter implementation is used. Use 'py' to force " "implementation-agnostic wheels."), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] abi = partial( Option, '--abi', dest='abi', metavar='abi', default=None, help=("Only use wheels compatible with Python " "abi <abi>, e.g. 'pypy_41'. If not specified, then the " "current interpreter abi tag is used. Generally " "you will need to specify --implementation, " "--platform, and --python-version when using " "this option."), ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def prefer_binary(): # type: () -> Option return Option( "--prefer-binary", dest="prefer_binary", action="store_true", default=False, help="Prefer older binary packages over newer source packages." ) cache_dir = partial( Option, "--cache-dir", dest="cache_dir", default=USER_CACHE_DIR, metavar="dir", help="Store the cache data in <dir>." ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def no_cache_dir_callback(option, opt, value, parser): """ Process a value provided for the --no-cache-dir option. This is an optparse.Option callback for the --no-cache-dir option. """ # The value argument will be None if --no-cache-dir is passed via the # command-line, since the option doesn't accept arguments. However, # the value can be non-None if the option is triggered e.g. by an # environment variable, like PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR=true. if value is not None: # Then parse the string value to get argument error-checking. try: strtobool(value) except ValueError as exc: raise_option_error(parser, option=option, msg=str(exc)) # Originally, setting PIP_NO_CACHE_DIR to a value that strtobool() # converted to 0 (like "false" or "no") caused cache_dir to be disabled # rather than enabled (logic would say the latter). Thus, we disable # the cache directory not just on values that parse to True, but (for # backwards compatibility reasons) also on values that parse to False. # In other words, always set it to False if the option is provided in # some (valid) form. parser.values.cache_dir = False no_cache = partial( Option, "--no-cache-dir", dest="cache_dir", action="callback", callback=no_cache_dir_callback, help="Disable the cache.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] no_deps = partial( Option, '--no-deps', '--no-dependencies', dest='ignore_dependencies', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't install package dependencies.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] build_dir = partial( Option, '-b', '--build', '--build-dir', '--build-directory', dest='build_dir', metavar='dir', help='Directory to unpack packages into and build in. Note that ' 'an initial build still takes place in a temporary directory. ' 'The location of temporary directories can be controlled by setting ' 'the TMPDIR environment variable (TEMP on Windows) appropriately. ' 'When passed, build directories are not cleaned in case of failures.' ) # type: Callable[..., Option] ignore_requires_python = partial( Option, '--ignore-requires-python', dest='ignore_requires_python', action='store_true', help='Ignore the Requires-Python information.' ) # type: Callable[..., Option] no_build_isolation = partial( Option, '--no-build-isolation', dest='build_isolation', action='store_false', default=True, help='Disable isolation when building a modern source distribution. ' 'Build dependencies specified by PEP 518 must be already installed ' 'if this option is used.' ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def no_use_pep517_callback(option, opt, value, parser): """ Process a value provided for the --no-use-pep517 option. This is an optparse.Option callback for the no_use_pep517 option. """ # Since --no-use-pep517 doesn't accept arguments, the value argument # will be None if --no-use-pep517 is passed via the command-line. # However, the value can be non-None if the option is triggered e.g. # by an environment variable, for example "PIP_NO_USE_PEP517=true". if value is not None: msg = """A value was passed for --no-use-pep517, probably using either the PIP_NO_USE_PEP517 environment variable or the "no-use-pep517" config file option. Use an appropriate value of the PIP_USE_PEP517 environment variable or the "use-pep517" config file option instead. """ raise_option_error(parser, option=option, msg=msg) # Otherwise, --no-use-pep517 was passed via the command-line. parser.values.use_pep517 = False use_pep517 = partial( Option, '--use-pep517', dest='use_pep517', action='store_true', default=None, help='Use PEP 517 for building source distributions ' '(use --no-use-pep517 to force legacy behaviour).' ) # type: Any no_use_pep517 = partial( Option, '--no-use-pep517', dest='use_pep517', action='callback', callback=no_use_pep517_callback, default=None, help=SUPPRESS_HELP ) # type: Any install_options = partial( Option, '--install-option', dest='install_options', action='append', metavar='options', help="Extra arguments to be supplied to the install " "command (use like --install-option=\"--install-scripts=/usr/local/" "bin\"). Use multiple --install-option options to pass multiple " "options to install. If you are using an option with a " "directory path, be sure to use absolute path.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] global_options = partial( Option, '--global-option', dest='global_options', action='append', metavar='options', help="Extra global options to be supplied to the " "call before the install command.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] no_clean = partial( Option, '--no-clean', action='store_true', default=False, help="Don't clean up build directories." ) # type: Callable[..., Option] pre = partial( Option, '--pre', action='store_true', default=False, help="Include pre-release and development versions. By default, " "pip only finds stable versions.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] disable_pip_version_check = partial( Option, "--disable-pip-version-check", dest="disable_pip_version_check", action="store_true", default=False, help="Don't periodically check PyPI to determine whether a new version " "of pip is available for download. Implied with --no-index.", ) # type: Callable[..., Option] # Deprecated, Remove later always_unzip = partial( Option, '-Z', '--always-unzip', dest='always_unzip', action='store_true', help=SUPPRESS_HELP, ) # type: Callable[..., Option] def _merge_hash(option, opt_str, value, parser): # type: (Option, str, str, OptionParser) -> None """Given a value spelled "algo:digest", append the digest to a list pointed to in a dict by the algo name.""" if not parser.values.hashes: parser.values.hashes = {} try: algo, digest = value.split(':', 1) except ValueError: parser.error('Arguments to %s must be a hash name ' 'followed by a value, like --hash=sha256:abcde...' % opt_str) if algo not in STRONG_HASHES: parser.error('Allowed hash algorithms for %s are %s.' % (opt_str, ', '.join(STRONG_HASHES))) parser.values.hashes.setdefault(algo, []).append(digest) hash = partial( Option, '--hash', # Hash values eventually end up in InstallRequirement.hashes due to # __dict__ copying in process_line(). dest='hashes', action='callback', callback=_merge_hash, type='string', help="Verify that the package's archive matches this " 'hash before installing. Example: --hash=sha256:abcdef...', ) # type: Callable[..., Option] require_hashes = partial( Option, '--require-hashes', dest='require_hashes', action='store_true', default=False, help='Require a hash to check each requirement against, for ' 'repeatable installs. This option is implied when any package in a ' 'requirements file has a --hash option.', ) # type: Callable[..., Option] ########## # groups # ########## general_group = { 'name': 'General Options', 'options': [ help_, isolated_mode, require_virtualenv, verbose, version, quiet, log, no_input, proxy, retries, timeout, skip_requirements_regex, exists_action, trusted_host, cert, client_cert, cache_dir, no_cache, disable_pip_version_check, no_color, ] } # type: Dict[str, Any] index_group = { 'name': 'Package Index Options', 'options': [ index_url, extra_index_url, no_index, find_links, ] } # type: Dict[str, Any]
"""A single place for constructing and exposing the main parser """ import os import sys from pip import __version__ from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.parser import ( ConfigOptionParser, UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter, ) from pip._internal.commands import ( commands_dict, get_similar_commands, get_summaries, ) from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError from pip._internal.utils.misc import get_prog from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Tuple, List __all__ = ["create_main_parser", "parse_command"] def create_main_parser(): # type: () -> ConfigOptionParser """Creates and returns the main parser for pip's CLI """ parser_kw = { 'usage': '\n%prog <command> [options]', 'add_help_option': False, 'formatter': UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(), 'name': 'global', 'prog': get_prog(), } parser = ConfigOptionParser(**parser_kw) parser.disable_interspersed_args() pip_pkg_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.join( os.path.dirname(__file__), "..", "..", )) parser.version = 'pip %s from %s (python %s)' % ( __version__, pip_pkg_dir, sys.version[:3], ) # add the general options gen_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group(cmdoptions.general_group, parser) parser.add_option_group(gen_opts) # so the help formatter knows parser.main = True # type: ignore # create command listing for description command_summaries = get_summaries() description = [''] + ['%-27s %s' % (i, j) for i, j in command_summaries] parser.description = '\n'.join(description) return parser def parse_command(args): # type: (List[str]) -> Tuple[str, List[str]] parser = create_main_parser() # Note: parser calls disable_interspersed_args(), so the result of this # call is to split the initial args into the general options before the # subcommand and everything else. # For example: # args: ['--timeout=5', 'install', '--user', 'INITools'] # general_options: ['--timeout==5'] # args_else: ['install', '--user', 'INITools'] general_options, args_else = parser.parse_args(args) # --version if general_options.version: sys.stdout.write(parser.version) # type: ignore sys.stdout.write(os.linesep) sys.exit() # pip || pip help -> print_help() if not args_else or (args_else[0] == 'help' and len(args_else) == 1): parser.print_help() sys.exit() # the subcommand name cmd_name = args_else[0] if cmd_name not in commands_dict: guess = get_similar_commands(cmd_name) msg = ['unknown command "%s"' % cmd_name] if guess: msg.append('maybe you meant "%s"' % guess) raise CommandError(' - '.join(msg)) # all the args without the subcommand cmd_args = args[:] cmd_args.remove(cmd_name) return cmd_name, cmd_args
"""Base option parser setup""" from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import optparse import sys import textwrap from distutils.util import strtobool from pip._vendor.six import string_types from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import UNKNOWN_ERROR from pip._internal.configuration import Configuration, ConfigurationError from pip._internal.utils.compat import get_terminal_size logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class PrettyHelpFormatter(optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter): """A prettier/less verbose help formatter for optparse.""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): # help position must be aligned with __init__.parseopts.description kwargs['max_help_position'] = 30 kwargs['indent_increment'] = 1 kwargs['width'] = get_terminal_size()[0] - 2 optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def format_option_strings(self, option): return self._format_option_strings(option, ' <%s>', ', ') def _format_option_strings(self, option, mvarfmt=' <%s>', optsep=', '): """ Return a comma-separated list of option strings and metavars. :param option: tuple of (short opt, long opt), e.g: ('-f', '--format') :param mvarfmt: metavar format string - evaluated as mvarfmt % metavar :param optsep: separator """ opts = [] if option._short_opts: opts.append(option._short_opts[0]) if option._long_opts: opts.append(option._long_opts[0]) if len(opts) > 1: opts.insert(1, optsep) if option.takes_value(): metavar = option.metavar or option.dest.lower() opts.append(mvarfmt % metavar.lower()) return ''.join(opts) def format_heading(self, heading): if heading == 'Options': return '' return heading + ':\n' def format_usage(self, usage): """ Ensure there is only one newline between usage and the first heading if there is no description. """ msg = '\nUsage: %s\n' % self.indent_lines(textwrap.dedent(usage), " ") return msg def format_description(self, description): # leave full control over description to us if description: if hasattr(self.parser, 'main'): label = 'Commands' else: label = 'Description' # some doc strings have initial newlines, some don't description = description.lstrip('\n') # some doc strings have final newlines and spaces, some don't description = description.rstrip() # dedent, then reindent description = self.indent_lines(textwrap.dedent(description), " ") description = '%s:\n%s\n' % (label, description) return description else: return '' def format_epilog(self, epilog): # leave full control over epilog to us if epilog: return epilog else: return '' def indent_lines(self, text, indent): new_lines = [indent + line for line in text.split('\n')] return "\n".join(new_lines) class UpdatingDefaultsHelpFormatter(PrettyHelpFormatter): """Custom help formatter for use in ConfigOptionParser. This is updates the defaults before expanding them, allowing them to show up correctly in the help listing. """ def expand_default(self, option): if self.parser is not None: self.parser._update_defaults(self.parser.defaults) return optparse.IndentedHelpFormatter.expand_default(self, option) class CustomOptionParser(optparse.OptionParser): def insert_option_group(self, idx, *args, **kwargs): """Insert an OptionGroup at a given position.""" group = self.add_option_group(*args, **kwargs) self.option_groups.pop() self.option_groups.insert(idx, group) return group @property def option_list_all(self): """Get a list of all options, including those in option groups.""" res = self.option_list[:] for i in self.option_groups: res.extend(i.option_list) return res class ConfigOptionParser(CustomOptionParser): """Custom option parser which updates its defaults by checking the configuration files and environmental variables""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): = kwargs.pop('name') isolated = kwargs.pop("isolated", False) self.config = Configuration(isolated) assert optparse.OptionParser.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs) def check_default(self, option, key, val): try: return option.check_value(key, val) except optparse.OptionValueError as exc: print("An error occurred during configuration: %s" % exc) sys.exit(3) def _get_ordered_configuration_items(self): # Configuration gives keys in an unordered manner. Order them. override_order = ["global",, ":env:"] # Pool the options into different groups section_items = {name: [] for name in override_order} for section_key, val in self.config.items(): # ignore empty values if not val: logger.debug( "Ignoring configuration key '%s' as it's value is empty.", section_key ) continue section, key = section_key.split(".", 1) if section in override_order: section_items[section].append((key, val)) # Yield each group in their override order for section in override_order: for key, val in section_items[section]: yield key, val def _update_defaults(self, defaults): """Updates the given defaults with values from the config files and the environ. Does a little special handling for certain types of options (lists).""" # Accumulate complex default state. self.values = optparse.Values(self.defaults) late_eval = set() # Then set the options with those values for key, val in self._get_ordered_configuration_items(): # '--' because configuration supports only long names option = self.get_option('--' + key) # Ignore options not present in this parser. E.g. non-globals put # in [global] by users that want them to apply to all applicable # commands. if option is None: continue if option.action in ('store_true', 'store_false', 'count'): try: val = strtobool(val) except ValueError: error_msg = invalid_config_error_message( option.action, key, val ) self.error(error_msg) elif option.action == 'append': val = val.split() val = [self.check_default(option, key, v) for v in val] elif option.action == 'callback': late_eval.add(option.dest) opt_str = option.get_opt_string() val = option.convert_value(opt_str, val) # From take_action args = option.callback_args or () kwargs = option.callback_kwargs or {} option.callback(option, opt_str, val, self, *args, **kwargs) else: val = self.check_default(option, key, val) defaults[option.dest] = val for key in late_eval: defaults[key] = getattr(self.values, key) self.values = None return defaults def get_default_values(self): """Overriding to make updating the defaults after instantiation of the option parser possible, _update_defaults() does the dirty work.""" if not self.process_default_values: # Old, pre-Optik 1.5 behaviour. return optparse.Values(self.defaults) # Load the configuration, or error out in case of an error try: self.config.load() except ConfigurationError as err: self.exit(UNKNOWN_ERROR, str(err)) defaults = self._update_defaults(self.defaults.copy()) # ours for option in self._get_all_options(): default = defaults.get(option.dest) if isinstance(default, string_types): opt_str = option.get_opt_string() defaults[option.dest] = option.check_value(opt_str, default) return optparse.Values(defaults) def error(self, msg): self.print_usage(sys.stderr) self.exit(UNKNOWN_ERROR, "%s\n" % msg) def invalid_config_error_message(action, key, val): """Returns a better error message when invalid configuration option is provided.""" if action in ('store_true', 'store_false'): return ("{0} is not a valid value for {1} option, " "please specify a boolean value like yes/no, " "true/false or 1/0 instead.").format(val, key) return ("{0} is not a valid value for {1} option, " "please specify a numerical value like 1/0 " "instead.").format(val, key)
from __future__ import absolute_import SUCCESS = 0 ERROR = 1 UNKNOWN_ERROR = 2 VIRTUALENV_NOT_FOUND = 3 PREVIOUS_BUILD_DIR_ERROR = 4 NO_MATCHES_FOUND = 23
""" Package containing all pip commands """ from __future__ import absolute_import from pip._internal.commands.completion import CompletionCommand from pip._internal.commands.configuration import ConfigurationCommand from import DownloadCommand from pip._internal.commands.freeze import FreezeCommand from pip._internal.commands.hash import HashCommand from import HelpCommand from pip._internal.commands.list import ListCommand from pip._internal.commands.check import CheckCommand from import SearchCommand from import ShowCommand from pip._internal.commands.install import InstallCommand from pip._internal.commands.uninstall import UninstallCommand from pip._internal.commands.wheel import WheelCommand from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import List, Type from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command commands_order = [ InstallCommand, DownloadCommand, UninstallCommand, FreezeCommand, ListCommand, ShowCommand, CheckCommand, ConfigurationCommand, SearchCommand, WheelCommand, HashCommand, CompletionCommand, HelpCommand, ] # type: List[Type[Command]] commands_dict = { c for c in commands_order} def get_summaries(ordered=True): """Yields sorted (command name, command summary) tuples.""" if ordered: cmditems = _sort_commands(commands_dict, commands_order) else: cmditems = commands_dict.items() for name, command_class in cmditems: yield (name, command_class.summary) def get_similar_commands(name): """Command name auto-correct.""" from difflib import get_close_matches name = name.lower() close_commands = get_close_matches(name, commands_dict.keys()) if close_commands: return close_commands[0] else: return False def _sort_commands(cmddict, order): def keyfn(key): try: return order.index(key[1]) except ValueError: # unordered items should come last return 0xff return sorted(cmddict.items(), key=keyfn)
import logging from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.operations.check import ( check_package_set, create_package_set_from_installed, ) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class CheckCommand(Command): """Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies.""" name = 'check' usage = """ %prog [options]""" summary = 'Verify installed packages have compatible dependencies.' def run(self, options, args): package_set, parsing_probs = create_package_set_from_installed() missing, conflicting = check_package_set(package_set) for project_name in missing: version = package_set[project_name].version for dependency in missing[project_name]: "%s %s requires %s, which is not installed.", project_name, version, dependency[0], ) for project_name in conflicting: version = package_set[project_name].version for dep_name, dep_version, req in conflicting[project_name]: "%s %s has requirement %s, but you have %s %s.", project_name, version, req, dep_name, dep_version, ) if missing or conflicting or parsing_probs: return 1 else:"No broken requirements found.")
from __future__ import absolute_import import sys import textwrap from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.utils.misc import get_prog BASE_COMPLETION = """ # pip %(shell)s completion start%(script)s# pip %(shell)s completion end """ COMPLETION_SCRIPTS = { 'bash': """ _pip_completion() { COMPREPLY=( $( COMP_WORDS="${COMP_WORDS[*]}" \\ COMP_CWORD=$COMP_CWORD \\ PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $1 ) ) } complete -o default -F _pip_completion %(prog)s """, 'zsh': """ function _pip_completion { local words cword read -Ac words read -cn cword reply=( $( COMP_WORDS="$words[*]" \\ COMP_CWORD=$(( cword-1 )) \\ PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE=1 $words[1] ) ) } compctl -K _pip_completion %(prog)s """, 'fish': """ function __fish_complete_pip set -lx COMP_WORDS (commandline -o) "" set -lx COMP_CWORD ( \\ math (contains -i -- (commandline -t) $COMP_WORDS)-1 \\ ) set -lx PIP_AUTO_COMPLETE 1 string split \\ -- (eval $COMP_WORDS[1]) end complete -fa "(__fish_complete_pip)" -c %(prog)s """, } class CompletionCommand(Command): """A helper command to be used for command completion.""" name = 'completion' summary = 'A helper command used for command completion.' ignore_require_venv = True def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(CompletionCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts cmd_opts.add_option( '--bash', '-b', action='store_const', const='bash', dest='shell', help='Emit completion code for bash') cmd_opts.add_option( '--zsh', '-z', action='store_const', const='zsh', dest='shell', help='Emit completion code for zsh') cmd_opts.add_option( '--fish', '-f', action='store_const', const='fish', dest='shell', help='Emit completion code for fish') self.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): """Prints the completion code of the given shell""" shells = COMPLETION_SCRIPTS.keys() shell_options = ['--' + shell for shell in sorted(shells)] if in shells: script = textwrap.dedent( COMPLETION_SCRIPTS.get(, '') % { 'prog': get_prog(), } ) print(BASE_COMPLETION % {'script': script, 'shell':}) else: sys.stderr.write( 'ERROR: You must pass %s\n' % ' or '.join(shell_options) )
import logging import os import subprocess from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import ERROR, SUCCESS from pip._internal.configuration import Configuration, kinds from pip._internal.exceptions import PipError from pip._internal.locations import running_under_virtualenv, site_config_file from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import deprecated from pip._internal.utils.misc import get_prog logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ConfigurationCommand(Command): """Manage local and global configuration. Subcommands: list: List the active configuration (or from the file specified) edit: Edit the configuration file in an editor get: Get the value associated with name set: Set the name=value unset: Unset the value associated with name If none of --user, --global and --site are passed, a virtual environment configuration file is used if one is active and the file exists. Otherwise, all modifications happen on the to the user file by default. """ name = 'config' usage = """ %prog [<file-option>] list %prog [<file-option>] [--editor <editor-path>] edit %prog [<file-option>] get name %prog [<file-option>] set name value %prog [<file-option>] unset name """ summary = "Manage local and global configuration." def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(ConfigurationCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.configuration = None self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--editor', dest='editor', action='store', default=None, help=( 'Editor to use to edit the file. Uses VISUAL or EDITOR ' 'environment variables if not provided.' ) ) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--global', dest='global_file', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use the system-wide configuration file only' ) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--user', dest='user_file', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use the user configuration file only' ) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--site', dest='site_file', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use the current environment configuration file only' ) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--venv', dest='venv_file', action='store_true', default=False, help=( '[Deprecated] Use the current environment configuration ' 'file in a virtual environment only' ) ) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): handlers = { "list": self.list_values, "edit": self.open_in_editor, "get": self.get_name, "set": self.set_name_value, "unset": self.unset_name } # Determine action if not args or args[0] not in handlers: logger.error("Need an action ({}) to perform.".format( ", ".join(sorted(handlers))) ) return ERROR action = args[0] # Determine which configuration files are to be loaded # Depends on whether the command is modifying. try: load_only = self._determine_file( options, need_value=(action in ["get", "set", "unset", "edit"]) ) except PipError as e: logger.error(e.args[0]) return ERROR # Load a new configuration self.configuration = Configuration( isolated=options.isolated_mode, load_only=load_only ) self.configuration.load() # Error handling happens here, not in the action-handlers. try: handlers[action](options, args[1:]) except PipError as e: logger.error(e.args[0]) return ERROR return SUCCESS def _determine_file(self, options, need_value): # Convert legacy venv_file option to site_file or error if options.venv_file and not options.site_file: if running_under_virtualenv(): options.site_file = True deprecated( "The --venv option has been deprecated.", replacement="--site", gone_in="19.3", ) else: raise PipError( "Legacy --venv option requires a virtual environment. " "Use --site instead." ) file_options = [key for key, value in ( (kinds.USER, options.user_file), (kinds.GLOBAL, options.global_file), (kinds.SITE, options.site_file), ) if value] if not file_options: if not need_value: return None # Default to user, unless there's a site file. elif os.path.exists(site_config_file): return kinds.SITE else: return kinds.USER elif len(file_options) == 1: return file_options[0] raise PipError( "Need exactly one file to operate upon " "(--user, --site, --global) to perform." ) def list_values(self, options, args): self._get_n_args(args, "list", n=0) for key, value in sorted(self.configuration.items()):"%s=%r", key, value) def get_name(self, options, args): key = self._get_n_args(args, "get [name]", n=1) value = self.configuration.get_value(key)"%s", value) def set_name_value(self, options, args): key, value = self._get_n_args(args, "set [name] [value]", n=2) self.configuration.set_value(key, value) self._save_configuration() def unset_name(self, options, args): key = self._get_n_args(args, "unset [name]", n=1) self.configuration.unset_value(key) self._save_configuration() def open_in_editor(self, options, args): editor = self._determine_editor(options) fname = self.configuration.get_file_to_edit() if fname is None: raise PipError("Could not determine appropriate file.") try: subprocess.check_call([editor, fname]) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: raise PipError( "Editor Subprocess exited with exit code {}" .format(e.returncode) ) def _get_n_args(self, args, example, n): """Helper to make sure the command got the right number of arguments """ if len(args) != n: msg = ( 'Got unexpected number of arguments, expected {}. ' '(example: "{} config {}")' ).format(n, get_prog(), example) raise PipError(msg) if n == 1: return args[0] else: return args def _save_configuration(self): # We successfully ran a modifying command. Need to save the # configuration. try: except Exception: logger.error( "Unable to save configuration. Please report this as a bug.", exc_info=1 ) raise PipError("Internal Error.") def _determine_editor(self, options): if options.editor is not None: return options.editor elif "VISUAL" in os.environ: return os.environ["VISUAL"] elif "EDITOR" in os.environ: return os.environ["EDITOR"] else: raise PipError("Could not determine editor to use.")
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.base_command import RequirementCommand from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer from pip._internal.req import RequirementSet from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import RequirementTracker from pip._internal.resolve import Resolver from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import check_path_owner from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir, normalize_path from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class DownloadCommand(RequirementCommand): """ Download packages from: - PyPI (and other indexes) using requirement specifiers. - VCS project urls. - Local project directories. - Local or remote source archives. pip also supports downloading from "requirements files", which provide an easy way to specify a whole environment to be downloaded. """ name = 'download' usage = """ %prog [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ... %prog [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ... %prog [options] <vcs project url> ... %prog [options] <local project path> ... %prog [options] <archive url/path> ...""" summary = 'Download packages.' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(DownloadCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.constraints()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.requirements()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.build_dir()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_deps()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.global_options()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.only_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.prefer_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.src()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.pre()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_clean()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.require_hashes()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.progress_bar()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_build_isolation()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.use_pep517()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_use_pep517()) cmd_opts.add_option( '-d', '--dest', '--destination-dir', '--destination-directory', dest='download_dir', metavar='dir', default=os.curdir, help=("Download packages into <dir>."), ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.platform()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.python_version()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.implementation()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.abi()) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser, ) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): options.ignore_installed = True # editable doesn't really make sense for `pip download`, but the bowels # of the RequirementSet code require that property. options.editables = [] if options.python_version: python_versions = [options.python_version] else: python_versions = None cmdoptions.check_dist_restriction(options) options.src_dir = os.path.abspath(options.src_dir) options.download_dir = normalize_path(options.download_dir) ensure_dir(options.download_dir) with self._build_session(options) as session: finder = self._build_package_finder( options=options, session=session, platform=options.platform, python_versions=python_versions, abi=options.abi, implementation=options.implementation, ) build_delete = (not (options.no_clean or options.build_dir)) if options.cache_dir and not check_path_owner(options.cache_dir): logger.warning( "The directory '%s' or its parent directory is not owned " "by the current user and caching wheels has been " "disabled. check the permissions and owner of that " "directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want " "sudo's -H flag.", options.cache_dir, ) options.cache_dir = None with RequirementTracker() as req_tracker, TempDirectory( options.build_dir, delete=build_delete, kind="download" ) as directory: requirement_set = RequirementSet( require_hashes=options.require_hashes, ) self.populate_requirement_set( requirement_set, args, options, finder, session,, None ) preparer = RequirementPreparer( build_dir=directory.path, src_dir=options.src_dir, download_dir=options.download_dir, wheel_download_dir=None, progress_bar=options.progress_bar, build_isolation=options.build_isolation, req_tracker=req_tracker, ) resolver = Resolver( preparer=preparer, finder=finder, session=session, wheel_cache=None, use_user_site=False, upgrade_strategy="to-satisfy-only", force_reinstall=False, ignore_dependencies=options.ignore_dependencies, ignore_requires_python=False, ignore_installed=True, isolated=options.isolated_mode, ) resolver.resolve(requirement_set) downloaded = ' '.join([ for req in requirement_set.successfully_downloaded ]) if downloaded:'Successfully downloaded %s', downloaded) # Clean up if not options.no_clean: requirement_set.cleanup_files() return requirement_set
from __future__ import absolute_import import sys from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.models.format_control import FormatControl from pip._internal.operations.freeze import freeze from pip._internal.utils.compat import stdlib_pkgs DEV_PKGS = {'pip', 'setuptools', 'distribute', 'wheel'} class FreezeCommand(Command): """ Output installed packages in requirements format. packages are listed in a case-insensitive sorted order. """ name = 'freeze' usage = """ %prog [options]""" summary = 'Output installed packages in requirements format.' log_streams = ("ext://sys.stderr", "ext://sys.stderr") def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(FreezeCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-r', '--requirement', dest='requirements', action='append', default=[], metavar='file', help="Use the order in the given requirements file and its " "comments when generating output. This option can be " "used multiple times.") self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-f', '--find-links', dest='find_links', action='append', default=[], metavar='URL', help='URL for finding packages, which will be added to the ' 'output.') self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-l', '--local', dest='local', action='store_true', default=False, help='If in a virtualenv that has global access, do not output ' 'globally-installed packages.') self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--user', dest='user', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only output packages installed in user-site.') self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--all', dest='freeze_all', action='store_true', help='Do not skip these packages in the output:' ' %s' % ', '.join(DEV_PKGS)) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--exclude-editable', dest='exclude_editable', action='store_true', help='Exclude editable package from output.') self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): format_control = FormatControl(set(), set()) wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir, format_control) skip = set(stdlib_pkgs) if not options.freeze_all: skip.update(DEV_PKGS) freeze_kwargs = dict( requirement=options.requirements, find_links=options.find_links, local_only=options.local, user_only=options.user, skip_regex=options.skip_requirements_regex, isolated=options.isolated_mode, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, skip=skip, exclude_editable=options.exclude_editable, ) try: for line in freeze(**freeze_kwargs): sys.stdout.write(line + '\n') finally: wheel_cache.cleanup()
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib import logging import sys from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import ERROR from pip._internal.utils.hashes import FAVORITE_HASH, STRONG_HASHES from pip._internal.utils.misc import read_chunks logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class HashCommand(Command): """ Compute a hash of a local package archive. These can be used with --hash in a requirements file to do repeatable installs. """ name = 'hash' usage = '%prog [options] <file> ...' summary = 'Compute hashes of package archives.' ignore_require_venv = True def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(HashCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-a', '--algorithm', dest='algorithm', choices=STRONG_HASHES, action='store', default=FAVORITE_HASH, help='The hash algorithm to use: one of %s' % ', '.join(STRONG_HASHES)) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): if not args: self.parser.print_usage(sys.stderr) return ERROR algorithm = options.algorithm for path in args:'%s:\n--hash=%s:%s', path, algorithm, _hash_of_file(path, algorithm)) def _hash_of_file(path, algorithm): """Return the hash digest of a file.""" with open(path, 'rb') as archive: hash = for chunk in read_chunks(archive): hash.update(chunk) return hash.hexdigest()
from __future__ import absolute_import from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import SUCCESS from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError class HelpCommand(Command): """Show help for commands""" name = 'help' usage = """ %prog <command>""" summary = 'Show help for commands.' ignore_require_venv = True def run(self, options, args): from pip._internal.commands import commands_dict, get_similar_commands try: # 'pip help' with no args is handled by pip.__init__.parseopt() cmd_name = args[0] # the command we need help for except IndexError: return SUCCESS if cmd_name not in commands_dict: guess = get_similar_commands(cmd_name) msg = ['unknown command "%s"' % cmd_name] if guess: msg.append('maybe you meant "%s"' % guess) raise CommandError(' - '.join(msg)) command = commands_dict[cmd_name]() command.parser.print_help() return SUCCESS
from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import logging import operator import os import shutil from optparse import SUPPRESS_HELP from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.base_command import RequirementCommand from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import ERROR from pip._internal.exceptions import ( CommandError, InstallationError, PreviousBuildDirError, ) from pip._internal.locations import distutils_scheme, virtualenv_no_global from pip._internal.operations.check import check_install_conflicts from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer from pip._internal.req import RequirementSet, install_given_reqs from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import RequirementTracker from pip._internal.resolve import Resolver from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import check_path_owner from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( ensure_dir, get_installed_version, protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows, ) from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.wheel import WheelBuilder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def is_wheel_installed(): """ Return whether the wheel package is installed. """ try: import wheel # noqa: F401 except ImportError: return False return True def build_wheels(builder, pep517_requirements, legacy_requirements, session): """ Build wheels for requirements, depending on whether wheel is installed. """ # We don't build wheels for legacy requirements if wheel is not installed. should_build_legacy = is_wheel_installed() # Always build PEP 517 requirements build_failures = pep517_requirements, session=session, autobuilding=True ) if should_build_legacy: # We don't care about failures building legacy # requirements, as we'll fall through to a direct # install for those. legacy_requirements, session=session, autobuilding=True ) return build_failures class InstallCommand(RequirementCommand): """ Install packages from: - PyPI (and other indexes) using requirement specifiers. - VCS project urls. - Local project directories. - Local or remote source archives. pip also supports installing from "requirements files", which provide an easy way to specify a whole environment to be installed. """ name = 'install' usage = """ %prog [options] <requirement specifier> [package-index-options] ... %prog [options] -r <requirements file> [package-index-options] ... %prog [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ... %prog [options] [-e] <local project path> ... %prog [options] <archive url/path> ...""" summary = 'Install packages.' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(InstallCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.requirements()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.constraints()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_deps()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.pre()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.editable()) cmd_opts.add_option( '-t', '--target', dest='target_dir', metavar='dir', default=None, help='Install packages into <dir>. ' 'By default this will not replace existing files/folders in ' '<dir>. Use --upgrade to replace existing packages in <dir> ' 'with new versions.' ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.platform()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.python_version()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.implementation()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.abi()) cmd_opts.add_option( '--user', dest='use_user_site', action='store_true', help="Install to the Python user install directory for your " "platform. Typically ~/.local/, or %APPDATA%\\Python on " "Windows. (See the Python documentation for site.USER_BASE " "for full details.)") cmd_opts.add_option( '--no-user', dest='use_user_site', action='store_false', help=SUPPRESS_HELP) cmd_opts.add_option( '--root', dest='root_path', metavar='dir', default=None, help="Install everything relative to this alternate root " "directory.") cmd_opts.add_option( '--prefix', dest='prefix_path', metavar='dir', default=None, help="Installation prefix where lib, bin and other top-level " "folders are placed") cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.build_dir()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.src()) cmd_opts.add_option( '-U', '--upgrade', dest='upgrade', action='store_true', help='Upgrade all specified packages to the newest available ' 'version. The handling of dependencies depends on the ' 'upgrade-strategy used.' ) cmd_opts.add_option( '--upgrade-strategy', dest='upgrade_strategy', default='only-if-needed', choices=['only-if-needed', 'eager'], help='Determines how dependency upgrading should be handled ' '[default: %default]. ' '"eager" - dependencies are upgraded regardless of ' 'whether the currently installed version satisfies the ' 'requirements of the upgraded package(s). ' '"only-if-needed" - are upgraded only when they do not ' 'satisfy the requirements of the upgraded package(s).' ) cmd_opts.add_option( '--force-reinstall', dest='force_reinstall', action='store_true', help='Reinstall all packages even if they are already ' 'up-to-date.') cmd_opts.add_option( '-I', '--ignore-installed', dest='ignore_installed', action='store_true', help='Ignore the installed packages (reinstalling instead).') cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.ignore_requires_python()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_build_isolation()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.use_pep517()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_use_pep517()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.install_options()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.global_options()) cmd_opts.add_option( "--compile", action="store_true", dest="compile", default=True, help="Compile Python source files to bytecode", ) cmd_opts.add_option( "--no-compile", action="store_false", dest="compile", help="Do not compile Python source files to bytecode", ) cmd_opts.add_option( "--no-warn-script-location", action="store_false", dest="warn_script_location", default=True, help="Do not warn when installing scripts outside PATH", ) cmd_opts.add_option( "--no-warn-conflicts", action="store_false", dest="warn_about_conflicts", default=True, help="Do not warn about broken dependencies", ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.only_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.prefer_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_clean()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.require_hashes()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.progress_bar()) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser, ) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options) upgrade_strategy = "to-satisfy-only" if options.upgrade: upgrade_strategy = options.upgrade_strategy if options.build_dir: options.build_dir = os.path.abspath(options.build_dir) cmdoptions.check_dist_restriction(options, check_target=True) if options.python_version: python_versions = [options.python_version] else: python_versions = None options.src_dir = os.path.abspath(options.src_dir) install_options = options.install_options or [] if options.use_user_site: if options.prefix_path: raise CommandError( "Can not combine '--user' and '--prefix' as they imply " "different installation locations" ) if virtualenv_no_global(): raise InstallationError( "Can not perform a '--user' install. User site-packages " "are not visible in this virtualenv." ) install_options.append('--user') install_options.append('--prefix=') target_temp_dir = TempDirectory(kind="target") if options.target_dir: options.ignore_installed = True options.target_dir = os.path.abspath(options.target_dir) if (os.path.exists(options.target_dir) and not os.path.isdir(options.target_dir)): raise CommandError( "Target path exists but is not a directory, will not " "continue." ) # Create a target directory for using with the target option target_temp_dir.create() install_options.append('--home=' + target_temp_dir.path) global_options = options.global_options or [] with self._build_session(options) as session: finder = self._build_package_finder( options=options, session=session, platform=options.platform, python_versions=python_versions, abi=options.abi, implementation=options.implementation, ) build_delete = (not (options.no_clean or options.build_dir)) wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir, options.format_control) if options.cache_dir and not check_path_owner(options.cache_dir): logger.warning( "The directory '%s' or its parent directory is not owned " "by the current user and caching wheels has been " "disabled. check the permissions and owner of that " "directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want " "sudo's -H flag.", options.cache_dir, ) options.cache_dir = None with RequirementTracker() as req_tracker, TempDirectory( options.build_dir, delete=build_delete, kind="install" ) as directory: requirement_set = RequirementSet( require_hashes=options.require_hashes, check_supported_wheels=not options.target_dir, ) try: self.populate_requirement_set( requirement_set, args, options, finder, session,, wheel_cache ) preparer = RequirementPreparer( build_dir=directory.path, src_dir=options.src_dir, download_dir=None, wheel_download_dir=None, progress_bar=options.progress_bar, build_isolation=options.build_isolation, req_tracker=req_tracker, ) resolver = Resolver( preparer=preparer, finder=finder, session=session, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, use_user_site=options.use_user_site, upgrade_strategy=upgrade_strategy, force_reinstall=options.force_reinstall, ignore_dependencies=options.ignore_dependencies, ignore_requires_python=options.ignore_requires_python, ignore_installed=options.ignore_installed, isolated=options.isolated_mode, use_pep517=options.use_pep517 ) resolver.resolve(requirement_set) protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows( modifying_pip=requirement_set.has_requirement("pip") ) # Consider legacy and PEP517-using requirements separately legacy_requirements = [] pep517_requirements = [] for req in requirement_set.requirements.values(): if req.use_pep517: pep517_requirements.append(req) else: legacy_requirements.append(req) wheel_builder = WheelBuilder( finder, preparer, wheel_cache, build_options=[], global_options=[], ) build_failures = build_wheels( builder=wheel_builder, pep517_requirements=pep517_requirements, legacy_requirements=legacy_requirements, session=session, ) # If we're using PEP 517, we cannot do a direct install # so we fail here. if build_failures: raise InstallationError( "Could not build wheels for {} which use" " PEP 517 and cannot be installed directly".format( ", ".join( for r in build_failures))) to_install = resolver.get_installation_order( requirement_set ) # Consistency Checking of the package set we're installing. should_warn_about_conflicts = ( not options.ignore_dependencies and options.warn_about_conflicts ) if should_warn_about_conflicts: self._warn_about_conflicts(to_install) # Don't warn about script install locations if # --target has been specified warn_script_location = options.warn_script_location if options.target_dir: warn_script_location = False installed = install_given_reqs( to_install, install_options, global_options, root=options.root_path, home=target_temp_dir.path, prefix=options.prefix_path, pycompile=options.compile, warn_script_location=warn_script_location, use_user_site=options.use_user_site, ) lib_locations = get_lib_location_guesses( user=options.use_user_site, home=target_temp_dir.path, root=options.root_path, prefix=options.prefix_path, isolated=options.isolated_mode, ) working_set = pkg_resources.WorkingSet(lib_locations) reqs = sorted(installed, key=operator.attrgetter('name')) items = [] for req in reqs: item = try: installed_version = get_installed_version(, working_set=working_set ) if installed_version: item += '-' + installed_version except Exception: pass items.append(item) installed = ' '.join(items) if installed:'Successfully installed %s', installed) except EnvironmentError as error: show_traceback = (self.verbosity >= 1) message = create_env_error_message( error, show_traceback, options.use_user_site, ) logger.error(message, exc_info=show_traceback) return ERROR except PreviousBuildDirError: options.no_clean = True raise finally: # Clean up if not options.no_clean: requirement_set.cleanup_files() wheel_cache.cleanup() if options.target_dir: self._handle_target_dir( options.target_dir, target_temp_dir, options.upgrade ) return requirement_set def _handle_target_dir(self, target_dir, target_temp_dir, upgrade): ensure_dir(target_dir) # Checking both purelib and platlib directories for installed # packages to be moved to target directory lib_dir_list = [] with target_temp_dir: # Checking both purelib and platlib directories for installed # packages to be moved to target directory scheme = distutils_scheme('', home=target_temp_dir.path) purelib_dir = scheme['purelib'] platlib_dir = scheme['platlib'] data_dir = scheme['data'] if os.path.exists(purelib_dir): lib_dir_list.append(purelib_dir) if os.path.exists(platlib_dir) and platlib_dir != purelib_dir: lib_dir_list.append(platlib_dir) if os.path.exists(data_dir): lib_dir_list.append(data_dir) for lib_dir in lib_dir_list: for item in os.listdir(lib_dir): if lib_dir == data_dir: ddir = os.path.join(data_dir, item) if any(s.startswith(ddir) for s in lib_dir_list[:-1]): continue target_item_dir = os.path.join(target_dir, item) if os.path.exists(target_item_dir): if not upgrade: logger.warning( 'Target directory %s already exists. Specify ' '--upgrade to force replacement.', target_item_dir ) continue if os.path.islink(target_item_dir): logger.warning( 'Target directory %s already exists and is ' 'a link. Pip will not automatically replace ' 'links, please remove if replacement is ' 'desired.', target_item_dir ) continue if os.path.isdir(target_item_dir): shutil.rmtree(target_item_dir) else: os.remove(target_item_dir) shutil.move( os.path.join(lib_dir, item), target_item_dir ) def _warn_about_conflicts(self, to_install): try: package_set, _dep_info = check_install_conflicts(to_install) except Exception: logger.error("Error checking for conflicts.", exc_info=True) return missing, conflicting = _dep_info # NOTE: There is some duplication here from pip check for project_name in missing: version = package_set[project_name][0] for dependency in missing[project_name]: logger.critical( "%s %s requires %s, which is not installed.", project_name, version, dependency[1], ) for project_name in conflicting: version = package_set[project_name][0] for dep_name, dep_version, req in conflicting[project_name]: logger.critical( "%s %s has requirement %s, but you'll have %s %s which is " "incompatible.", project_name, version, req, dep_name, dep_version, ) def get_lib_location_guesses(*args, **kwargs): scheme = distutils_scheme('', *args, **kwargs) return [scheme['purelib'], scheme['platlib']] def create_env_error_message(error, show_traceback, using_user_site): """Format an error message for an EnvironmentError It may occur anytime during the execution of the install command. """ parts = [] # Mention the error if we are not going to show a traceback parts.append("Could not install packages due to an EnvironmentError") if not show_traceback: parts.append(": ") parts.append(str(error)) else: parts.append(".") # Spilt the error indication from a helper message (if any) parts[-1] += "\n" # Suggest useful actions to the user: # (1) using user site-packages or (2) verifying the permissions if error.errno == errno.EACCES: user_option_part = "Consider using the `--user` option" permissions_part = "Check the permissions" if not using_user_site: parts.extend([ user_option_part, " or ", permissions_part.lower(), ]) else: parts.append(permissions_part) parts.append(".\n") return "".join(parts).strip() + "\n"
from __future__ import absolute_import import json import logging from pip._vendor import six from pip._vendor.six.moves import zip_longest from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( dist_is_editable, get_installed_distributions, ) from pip._internal.utils.packaging import get_installer logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ListCommand(Command): """ List installed packages, including editables. Packages are listed in a case-insensitive sorted order. """ name = 'list' usage = """ %prog [options]""" summary = 'List installed packages.' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ListCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts cmd_opts.add_option( '-o', '--outdated', action='store_true', default=False, help='List outdated packages') cmd_opts.add_option( '-u', '--uptodate', action='store_true', default=False, help='List uptodate packages') cmd_opts.add_option( '-e', '--editable', action='store_true', default=False, help='List editable projects.') cmd_opts.add_option( '-l', '--local', action='store_true', default=False, help=('If in a virtualenv that has global access, do not list ' 'globally-installed packages.'), ) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '--user', dest='user', action='store_true', default=False, help='Only output packages installed in user-site.') cmd_opts.add_option( '--pre', action='store_true', default=False, help=("Include pre-release and development versions. By default, " "pip only finds stable versions."), ) cmd_opts.add_option( '--format', action='store', dest='list_format', default="columns", choices=('columns', 'freeze', 'json'), help="Select the output format among: columns (default), freeze, " "or json", ) cmd_opts.add_option( '--not-required', action='store_true', dest='not_required', help="List packages that are not dependencies of " "installed packages.", ) cmd_opts.add_option( '--exclude-editable', action='store_false', dest='include_editable', help='Exclude editable package from output.', ) cmd_opts.add_option( '--include-editable', action='store_true', dest='include_editable', help='Include editable package from output.', default=True, ) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser ) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) def _build_package_finder(self, options, index_urls, session): """ Create a package finder appropriate to this list command. """ return PackageFinder( find_links=options.find_links, index_urls=index_urls, allow_all_prereleases=options.pre, trusted_hosts=options.trusted_hosts, session=session, ) def run(self, options, args): if options.outdated and options.uptodate: raise CommandError( "Options --outdated and --uptodate cannot be combined.") packages = get_installed_distributions( local_only=options.local, user_only=options.user, editables_only=options.editable, include_editables=options.include_editable, ) # get_not_required must be called firstly in order to find and # filter out all dependencies correctly. Otherwise a package # can't be identified as requirement because some parent packages # could be filtered out before. if options.not_required: packages = self.get_not_required(packages, options) if options.outdated: packages = self.get_outdated(packages, options) elif options.uptodate: packages = self.get_uptodate(packages, options) self.output_package_listing(packages, options) def get_outdated(self, packages, options): return [ dist for dist in self.iter_packages_latest_infos(packages, options) if dist.latest_version > dist.parsed_version ] def get_uptodate(self, packages, options): return [ dist for dist in self.iter_packages_latest_infos(packages, options) if dist.latest_version == dist.parsed_version ] def get_not_required(self, packages, options): dep_keys = set() for dist in packages: dep_keys.update(requirement.key for requirement in dist.requires()) return {pkg for pkg in packages if pkg.key not in dep_keys} def iter_packages_latest_infos(self, packages, options): index_urls = [options.index_url] + options.extra_index_urls if options.no_index: logger.debug('Ignoring indexes: %s', ','.join(index_urls)) index_urls = [] with self._build_session(options) as session: finder = self._build_package_finder(options, index_urls, session) for dist in packages: typ = 'unknown' all_candidates = finder.find_all_candidates(dist.key) if not options.pre: # Remove prereleases all_candidates = [candidate for candidate in all_candidates if not candidate.version.is_prerelease] if not all_candidates: continue best_candidate = max(all_candidates, key=finder._candidate_sort_key) remote_version = best_candidate.version if best_candidate.location.is_wheel: typ = 'wheel' else: typ = 'sdist' # This is dirty but makes the rest of the code much cleaner dist.latest_version = remote_version dist.latest_filetype = typ yield dist def output_package_listing(self, packages, options): packages = sorted( packages, key=lambda dist: dist.project_name.lower(), ) if options.list_format == 'columns' and packages: data, header = format_for_columns(packages, options) self.output_package_listing_columns(data, header) elif options.list_format == 'freeze': for dist in packages: if options.verbose >= 1:"%s==%s (%s)", dist.project_name, dist.version, dist.location) else:"%s==%s", dist.project_name, dist.version) elif options.list_format == 'json':, options)) def output_package_listing_columns(self, data, header): # insert the header first: we need to know the size of column names if len(data) > 0: data.insert(0, header) pkg_strings, sizes = tabulate(data) # Create and add a separator. if len(data) > 0: pkg_strings.insert(1, " ".join(map(lambda x: '-' * x, sizes))) for val in pkg_strings: def tabulate(vals): # From pfmoore on GitHub: # assert len(vals) > 0 sizes = [0] * max(len(x) for x in vals) for row in vals: sizes = [max(s, len(str(c))) for s, c in zip_longest(sizes, row)] result = [] for row in vals: display = " ".join([str(c).ljust(s) if c is not None else '' for s, c in zip_longest(sizes, row)]) result.append(display) return result, sizes def format_for_columns(pkgs, options): """ Convert the package data into something usable by output_package_listing_columns. """ running_outdated = options.outdated # Adjust the header for the `pip list --outdated` case. if running_outdated: header = ["Package", "Version", "Latest", "Type"] else: header = ["Package", "Version"] data = [] if options.verbose >= 1 or any(dist_is_editable(x) for x in pkgs): header.append("Location") if options.verbose >= 1: header.append("Installer") for proj in pkgs: # if we're working on the 'outdated' list, separate out the # latest_version and type row = [proj.project_name, proj.version] if running_outdated: row.append(proj.latest_version) row.append(proj.latest_filetype) if options.verbose >= 1 or dist_is_editable(proj): row.append(proj.location) if options.verbose >= 1: row.append(get_installer(proj)) data.append(row) return data, header def format_for_json(packages, options): data = [] for dist in packages: info = { 'name': dist.project_name, 'version': six.text_type(dist.version), } if options.verbose >= 1: info['location'] = dist.location info['installer'] = get_installer(dist) if options.outdated: info['latest_version'] = six.text_type(dist.latest_version) info['latest_filetype'] = dist.latest_filetype data.append(info) return json.dumps(data)
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import sys import textwrap from collections import OrderedDict from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version # NOTE: XMLRPC Client is not annotated in typeshed as on 2017-07-17, which is # why we ignore the type on this import from pip._vendor.six.moves import xmlrpc_client # type: ignore from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import NO_MATCHES_FOUND, SUCCESS from import PipXmlrpcTransport from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI from pip._internal.utils.compat import get_terminal_size from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SearchCommand(Command): """Search for PyPI packages whose name or summary contains <query>.""" name = 'search' usage = """ %prog [options] <query>""" summary = 'Search PyPI for packages.' ignore_require_venv = True def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(SearchCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-i', '--index', dest='index', metavar='URL', default=PyPI.pypi_url, help='Base URL of Python Package Index (default %default)') self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): if not args: raise CommandError('Missing required argument (search query).') query = args pypi_hits =, options) hits = transform_hits(pypi_hits) terminal_width = None if sys.stdout.isatty(): terminal_width = get_terminal_size()[0] print_results(hits, terminal_width=terminal_width) if pypi_hits: return SUCCESS return NO_MATCHES_FOUND def search(self, query, options): index_url = options.index with self._build_session(options) as session: transport = PipXmlrpcTransport(index_url, session) pypi = xmlrpc_client.ServerProxy(index_url, transport) hits ={'name': query, 'summary': query}, 'or') return hits def transform_hits(hits): """ The list from pypi is really a list of versions. We want a list of packages with the list of versions stored inline. This converts the list from pypi into one we can use. """ packages = OrderedDict() for hit in hits: name = hit['name'] summary = hit['summary'] version = hit['version'] if name not in packages.keys(): packages[name] = { 'name': name, 'summary': summary, 'versions': [version], } else: packages[name]['versions'].append(version) # if this is the highest version, replace summary and score if version == highest_version(packages[name]['versions']): packages[name]['summary'] = summary return list(packages.values()) def print_results(hits, name_column_width=None, terminal_width=None): if not hits: return if name_column_width is None: name_column_width = max([ len(hit['name']) + len(highest_version(hit.get('versions', ['-']))) for hit in hits ]) + 4 installed_packages = [p.project_name for p in pkg_resources.working_set] for hit in hits: name = hit['name'] summary = hit['summary'] or '' latest = highest_version(hit.get('versions', ['-'])) if terminal_width is not None: target_width = terminal_width - name_column_width - 5 if target_width > 10: # wrap and indent summary to fit terminal summary = textwrap.wrap(summary, target_width) summary = ('\n' + ' ' * (name_column_width + 3)).join(summary) line = '%-*s - %s' % (name_column_width, '%s (%s)' % (name, latest), summary) try: if name in installed_packages: dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(name) with indent_log(): if dist.version == latest:'INSTALLED: %s (latest)', dist.version) else:'INSTALLED: %s', dist.version)'LATEST: %s', latest) except UnicodeEncodeError: pass def highest_version(versions): return max(versions, key=parse_version)
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os from email.parser import FeedParser from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.cli.status_codes import ERROR, SUCCESS logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class ShowCommand(Command): """ Show information about one or more installed packages. The output is in RFC-compliant mail header format. """ name = 'show' usage = """ %prog [options] <package> ...""" summary = 'Show information about installed packages.' ignore_require_venv = True def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(ShowCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-f', '--files', dest='files', action='store_true', default=False, help='Show the full list of installed files for each package.') self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): if not args: logger.warning('ERROR: Please provide a package name or names.') return ERROR query = args results = search_packages_info(query) if not print_results( results, list_files=options.files, verbose=options.verbose): return ERROR return SUCCESS def search_packages_info(query): """ Gather details from installed distributions. Print distribution name, version, location, and installed files. Installed files requires a pip generated 'installed-files.txt' in the distributions '.egg-info' directory. """ installed = {} for p in pkg_resources.working_set: installed[canonicalize_name(p.project_name)] = p query_names = [canonicalize_name(name) for name in query] for dist in [installed[pkg] for pkg in query_names if pkg in installed]: package = { 'name': dist.project_name, 'version': dist.version, 'location': dist.location, 'requires': [dep.project_name for dep in dist.requires()], } file_list = None metadata = None if isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution): # RECORDs should be part of .dist-info metadatas if dist.has_metadata('RECORD'): lines = dist.get_metadata_lines('RECORD') paths = [l.split(',')[0] for l in lines] paths = [os.path.join(dist.location, p) for p in paths] file_list = [os.path.relpath(p, dist.location) for p in paths] if dist.has_metadata('METADATA'): metadata = dist.get_metadata('METADATA') else: # Otherwise use pip's log for .egg-info's if dist.has_metadata('installed-files.txt'): paths = dist.get_metadata_lines('installed-files.txt') paths = [os.path.join(dist.egg_info, p) for p in paths] file_list = [os.path.relpath(p, dist.location) for p in paths] if dist.has_metadata('PKG-INFO'): metadata = dist.get_metadata('PKG-INFO') if dist.has_metadata('entry_points.txt'): entry_points = dist.get_metadata_lines('entry_points.txt') package['entry_points'] = entry_points if dist.has_metadata('INSTALLER'): for line in dist.get_metadata_lines('INSTALLER'): if line.strip(): package['installer'] = line.strip() break # @todo: Should pkg_resources.Distribution have a # `get_pkg_info` method? feed_parser = FeedParser() feed_parser.feed(metadata) pkg_info_dict = feed_parser.close() for key in ('metadata-version', 'summary', 'home-page', 'author', 'author-email', 'license'): package[key] = pkg_info_dict.get(key) # It looks like FeedParser cannot deal with repeated headers classifiers = [] for line in metadata.splitlines(): if line.startswith('Classifier: '): classifiers.append(line[len('Classifier: '):]) package['classifiers'] = classifiers if file_list: package['files'] = sorted(file_list) yield package def print_results(distributions, list_files=False, verbose=False): """ Print the informations from installed distributions found. """ results_printed = False for i, dist in enumerate(distributions): results_printed = True if i > 0:"---") name = dist.get('name', '') required_by = [ pkg.project_name for pkg in pkg_resources.working_set if name in [ for required in pkg.requires()] ]"Name: %s", name)"Version: %s", dist.get('version', ''))"Summary: %s", dist.get('summary', ''))"Home-page: %s", dist.get('home-page', ''))"Author: %s", dist.get('author', ''))"Author-email: %s", dist.get('author-email', ''))"License: %s", dist.get('license', ''))"Location: %s", dist.get('location', ''))"Requires: %s", ', '.join(dist.get('requires', [])))"Required-by: %s", ', '.join(required_by)) if verbose:"Metadata-Version: %s", dist.get('metadata-version', ''))"Installer: %s", dist.get('installer', ''))"Classifiers:") for classifier in dist.get('classifiers', []):" %s", classifier)"Entry-points:") for entry in dist.get('entry_points', []):" %s", entry.strip()) if list_files:"Files:") for line in dist.get('files', []):" %s", line.strip()) if "files" not in dist:"Cannot locate installed-files.txt") return results_printed
from __future__ import absolute_import from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._internal.cli.base_command import Command from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.req import parse_requirements from pip._internal.req.constructors import install_req_from_line from pip._internal.utils.misc import protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows class UninstallCommand(Command): """ Uninstall packages. pip is able to uninstall most installed packages. Known exceptions are: - Pure distutils packages installed with ``python install``, which leave behind no metadata to determine what files were installed. - Script wrappers installed by ``python develop``. """ name = 'uninstall' usage = """ %prog [options] <package> ... %prog [options] -r <requirements file> ...""" summary = 'Uninstall packages.' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(UninstallCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-r', '--requirement', dest='requirements', action='append', default=[], metavar='file', help='Uninstall all the packages listed in the given requirements ' 'file. This option can be used multiple times.', ) self.cmd_opts.add_option( '-y', '--yes', dest='yes', action='store_true', help="Don't ask for confirmation of uninstall deletions.") self.parser.insert_option_group(0, self.cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): with self._build_session(options) as session: reqs_to_uninstall = {} for name in args: req = install_req_from_line( name, isolated=options.isolated_mode, ) if reqs_to_uninstall[canonicalize_name(] = req for filename in options.requirements: for req in parse_requirements( filename, options=options, session=session): if reqs_to_uninstall[canonicalize_name(] = req if not reqs_to_uninstall: raise InstallationError( 'You must give at least one requirement to %(name)s (see ' '"pip help %(name)s")' % dict( ) protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows( modifying_pip="pip" in reqs_to_uninstall ) for req in reqs_to_uninstall.values(): uninstall_pathset = req.uninstall( auto_confirm=options.yes, verbose=self.verbosity > 0, ) if uninstall_pathset: uninstall_pathset.commit()
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from pip._internal.cli.base_command import RequirementCommand from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError, PreviousBuildDirError from pip._internal.operations.prepare import RequirementPreparer from pip._internal.req import RequirementSet from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import RequirementTracker from pip._internal.resolve import Resolver from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.wheel import WheelBuilder logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class WheelCommand(RequirementCommand): """ Build Wheel archives for your requirements and dependencies. Wheel is a built-package format, and offers the advantage of not recompiling your software during every install. For more details, see the wheel docs: Requirements: setuptools>=0.8, and wheel. 'pip wheel' uses the bdist_wheel setuptools extension from the wheel package to build individual wheels. """ name = 'wheel' usage = """ %prog [options] <requirement specifier> ... %prog [options] -r <requirements file> ... %prog [options] [-e] <vcs project url> ... %prog [options] [-e] <local project path> ... %prog [options] <archive url/path> ...""" summary = 'Build wheels from your requirements.' def __init__(self, *args, **kw): super(WheelCommand, self).__init__(*args, **kw) cmd_opts = self.cmd_opts cmd_opts.add_option( '-w', '--wheel-dir', dest='wheel_dir', metavar='dir', default=os.curdir, help=("Build wheels into <dir>, where the default is the " "current working directory."), ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.only_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.prefer_binary()) cmd_opts.add_option( '--build-option', dest='build_options', metavar='options', action='append', help="Extra arguments to be supplied to ' bdist_wheel'.", ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_build_isolation()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.use_pep517()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_use_pep517()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.constraints()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.editable()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.requirements()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.src()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.ignore_requires_python()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_deps()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.build_dir()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.progress_bar()) cmd_opts.add_option( '--global-option', dest='global_options', action='append', metavar='options', help="Extra global options to be supplied to the " "call before the 'bdist_wheel' command.") cmd_opts.add_option( '--pre', action='store_true', default=False, help=("Include pre-release and development versions. By default, " "pip only finds stable versions."), ) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.no_clean()) cmd_opts.add_option(cmdoptions.require_hashes()) index_opts = cmdoptions.make_option_group( cmdoptions.index_group, self.parser, ) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, index_opts) self.parser.insert_option_group(0, cmd_opts) def run(self, options, args): cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options) index_urls = [options.index_url] + options.extra_index_urls if options.no_index: logger.debug('Ignoring indexes: %s', ','.join(index_urls)) index_urls = [] if options.build_dir: options.build_dir = os.path.abspath(options.build_dir) options.src_dir = os.path.abspath(options.src_dir) with self._build_session(options) as session: finder = self._build_package_finder(options, session) build_delete = (not (options.no_clean or options.build_dir)) wheel_cache = WheelCache(options.cache_dir, options.format_control) with RequirementTracker() as req_tracker, TempDirectory( options.build_dir, delete=build_delete, kind="wheel" ) as directory: requirement_set = RequirementSet( require_hashes=options.require_hashes, ) try: self.populate_requirement_set( requirement_set, args, options, finder, session,, wheel_cache ) preparer = RequirementPreparer( build_dir=directory.path, src_dir=options.src_dir, download_dir=None, wheel_download_dir=options.wheel_dir, progress_bar=options.progress_bar, build_isolation=options.build_isolation, req_tracker=req_tracker, ) resolver = Resolver( preparer=preparer, finder=finder, session=session, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, use_user_site=False, upgrade_strategy="to-satisfy-only", force_reinstall=False, ignore_dependencies=options.ignore_dependencies, ignore_requires_python=options.ignore_requires_python, ignore_installed=True, isolated=options.isolated_mode, use_pep517=options.use_pep517 ) resolver.resolve(requirement_set) # build wheels wb = WheelBuilder( finder, preparer, wheel_cache, build_options=options.build_options or [], global_options=options.global_options or [], no_clean=options.no_clean, ) build_failures = requirement_set.requirements.values(), session=session, ) if len(build_failures) != 0: raise CommandError( "Failed to build one or more wheels" ) except PreviousBuildDirError: options.no_clean = True raise finally: if not options.no_clean: requirement_set.cleanup_files() wheel_cache.cleanup()
"""Configuration management setup Some terminology: - name As written in config files. - value Value associated with a name - key Name combined with it's section ( - variant A single word describing where the configuration key-value pair came from """ import locale import logging import os from pip._vendor.six.moves import configparser from pip._internal.exceptions import ( ConfigurationError, ConfigurationFileCouldNotBeLoaded, ) from pip._internal.locations import ( global_config_files, legacy_config_file, new_config_file, site_config_file, ) from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir, enum from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Any, Dict, Iterable, List, NewType, Optional, Tuple ) RawConfigParser = configparser.RawConfigParser # Shorthand Kind = NewType("Kind", str) logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # NOTE: Maybe use the optionx attribute to normalize keynames. def _normalize_name(name): # type: (str) -> str """Make a name consistent regardless of source (environment or file) """ name = name.lower().replace('_', '-') if name.startswith('--'): name = name[2:] # only prefer long opts return name def _disassemble_key(name): # type: (str) -> List[str] return name.split(".", 1) # The kinds of configurations there are. kinds = enum( USER="user", # User Specific GLOBAL="global", # System Wide SITE="site", # [Virtual] Environment Specific ENV="env", # from PIP_CONFIG_FILE ENV_VAR="env-var", # from Environment Variables ) class Configuration(object): """Handles management of configuration. Provides an interface to accessing and managing configuration files. This class converts provides an API that takes "section.key-name" style keys and stores the value associated with it as "key-name" under the section "section". This allows for a clean interface wherein the both the section and the key-name are preserved in an easy to manage form in the configuration files and the data stored is also nice. """ def __init__(self, isolated, load_only=None): # type: (bool, Kind) -> None super(Configuration, self).__init__() _valid_load_only = [kinds.USER, kinds.GLOBAL, kinds.SITE, None] if load_only not in _valid_load_only: raise ConfigurationError( "Got invalid value for load_only - should be one of {}".format( ", ".join(map(repr, _valid_load_only[:-1])) ) ) self.isolated = isolated # type: bool self.load_only = load_only # type: Optional[Kind] # The order here determines the override order. self._override_order = [ kinds.GLOBAL, kinds.USER, kinds.SITE, kinds.ENV, kinds.ENV_VAR ] self._ignore_env_names = ["version", "help"] # Because we keep track of where we got the data from self._parsers = { variant: [] for variant in self._override_order } # type: Dict[Kind, List[Tuple[str, RawConfigParser]]] self._config = { variant: {} for variant in self._override_order } # type: Dict[Kind, Dict[str, Any]] self._modified_parsers = [] # type: List[Tuple[str, RawConfigParser]] def load(self): # type: () -> None """Loads configuration from configuration files and environment """ self._load_config_files() if not self.isolated: self._load_environment_vars() def get_file_to_edit(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] """Returns the file with highest priority in configuration """ assert self.load_only is not None, \ "Need to be specified a file to be editing" try: return self._get_parser_to_modify()[0] except IndexError: return None def items(self): # type: () -> Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]] """Returns key-value pairs like dict.items() representing the loaded configuration """ return self._dictionary.items() def get_value(self, key): # type: (str) -> Any """Get a value from the configuration. """ try: return self._dictionary[key] except KeyError: raise ConfigurationError("No such key - {}".format(key)) def set_value(self, key, value): # type: (str, Any) -> None """Modify a value in the configuration. """ self._ensure_have_load_only() fname, parser = self._get_parser_to_modify() if parser is not None: section, name = _disassemble_key(key) # Modify the parser and the configuration if not parser.has_section(section): parser.add_section(section) parser.set(section, name, value) self._config[self.load_only][key] = value self._mark_as_modified(fname, parser) def unset_value(self, key): # type: (str) -> None """Unset a value in the configuration. """ self._ensure_have_load_only() if key not in self._config[self.load_only]: raise ConfigurationError("No such key - {}".format(key)) fname, parser = self._get_parser_to_modify() if parser is not None: section, name = _disassemble_key(key) # Remove the key in the parser modified_something = False if parser.has_section(section): # Returns whether the option was removed or not modified_something = parser.remove_option(section, name) if modified_something: # name removed from parser, section may now be empty section_iter = iter(parser.items(section)) try: val = next(section_iter) except StopIteration: val = None if val is None: parser.remove_section(section) self._mark_as_modified(fname, parser) else: raise ConfigurationError( "Fatal Internal error [id=1]. Please report as a bug." ) del self._config[self.load_only][key] def save(self): # type: () -> None """Save the current in-memory state. """ self._ensure_have_load_only() for fname, parser in self._modified_parsers:"Writing to %s", fname) # Ensure directory exists. ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(fname)) with open(fname, "w") as f: parser.write(f) # # Private routines # def _ensure_have_load_only(self): # type: () -> None if self.load_only is None: raise ConfigurationError("Needed a specific file to be modifying.") logger.debug("Will be working with %s variant only", self.load_only) @property def _dictionary(self): # type: () -> Dict[str, Any] """A dictionary representing the loaded configuration. """ # NOTE: Dictionaries are not populated if not loaded. So, conditionals # are not needed here. retval = {} for variant in self._override_order: retval.update(self._config[variant]) return retval def _load_config_files(self): # type: () -> None """Loads configuration from configuration files """ config_files = dict(self._iter_config_files()) if config_files[kinds.ENV][0:1] == [os.devnull]: logger.debug( "Skipping loading configuration files due to " "environment's PIP_CONFIG_FILE being os.devnull" ) return for variant, files in config_files.items(): for fname in files: # If there's specific variant set in `load_only`, load only # that variant, not the others. if self.load_only is not None and variant != self.load_only: logger.debug( "Skipping file '%s' (variant: %s)", fname, variant ) continue parser = self._load_file(variant, fname) # Keeping track of the parsers used self._parsers[variant].append((fname, parser)) def _load_file(self, variant, fname): # type: (Kind, str) -> RawConfigParser logger.debug("For variant '%s', will try loading '%s'", variant, fname) parser = self._construct_parser(fname) for section in parser.sections(): items = parser.items(section) self._config[variant].update(self._normalized_keys(section, items)) return parser def _construct_parser(self, fname): # type: (str) -> RawConfigParser parser = configparser.RawConfigParser() # If there is no such file, don't bother reading it but create the # parser anyway, to hold the data. # Doing this is useful when modifying and saving files, where we don't # need to construct a parser. if os.path.exists(fname): try: except UnicodeDecodeError: # See raise ConfigurationFileCouldNotBeLoaded( reason="contains invalid {} characters".format( locale.getpreferredencoding(False) ), fname=fname, ) except configparser.Error as error: # See raise ConfigurationFileCouldNotBeLoaded(error=error) return parser def _load_environment_vars(self): # type: () -> None """Loads configuration from environment variables """ self._config[kinds.ENV_VAR].update( self._normalized_keys(":env:", self._get_environ_vars()) ) def _normalized_keys(self, section, items): # type: (str, Iterable[Tuple[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any] """Normalizes items to construct a dictionary with normalized keys. This routine is where the names become keys and are made the same regardless of source - configuration files or environment. """ normalized = {} for name, val in items: key = section + "." + _normalize_name(name) normalized[key] = val return normalized def _get_environ_vars(self): # type: () -> Iterable[Tuple[str, str]] """Returns a generator with all environmental vars with prefix PIP_""" for key, val in os.environ.items(): should_be_yielded = ( key.startswith("PIP_") and key[4:].lower() not in self._ignore_env_names ) if should_be_yielded: yield key[4:].lower(), val # XXX: This is patched in the tests. def _iter_config_files(self): # type: () -> Iterable[Tuple[Kind, List[str]]] """Yields variant and configuration files associated with it. This should be treated like items of a dictionary. """ # SMELL: Move the conditions out of this function # environment variables have the lowest priority config_file = os.environ.get('PIP_CONFIG_FILE', None) if config_file is not None: yield kinds.ENV, [config_file] else: yield kinds.ENV, [] # at the base we have any global configuration yield kinds.GLOBAL, list(global_config_files) # per-user configuration next should_load_user_config = not self.isolated and not ( config_file and os.path.exists(config_file) ) if should_load_user_config: # The legacy config file is overridden by the new config file yield kinds.USER, [legacy_config_file, new_config_file] # finally virtualenv configuration first trumping others yield kinds.SITE, [site_config_file] def _get_parser_to_modify(self): # type: () -> Tuple[str, RawConfigParser] # Determine which parser to modify parsers = self._parsers[self.load_only] if not parsers: # This should not happen if everything works correctly. raise ConfigurationError( "Fatal Internal error [id=2]. Please report as a bug." ) # Use the highest priority parser. return parsers[-1] # XXX: This is patched in the tests. def _mark_as_modified(self, fname, parser): # type: (str, RawConfigParser) -> None file_parser_tuple = (fname, parser) if file_parser_tuple not in self._modified_parsers: self._modified_parsers.append(file_parser_tuple)
from __future__ import absolute_import import cgi import email.utils import getpass import json import logging import mimetypes import os import platform import re import shutil import sys from pip._vendor import requests, six, urllib3 from pip._vendor.cachecontrol import CacheControlAdapter from pip._vendor.cachecontrol.caches import FileCache from pip._vendor.lockfile import LockError from pip._vendor.requests.adapters import BaseAdapter, HTTPAdapter from pip._vendor.requests.auth import AuthBase, HTTPBasicAuth from pip._vendor.requests.models import CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE, Response from pip._vendor.requests.structures import CaseInsensitiveDict from pip._vendor.requests.utils import get_netrc_auth # NOTE: XMLRPC Client is not annotated in typeshed as on 2017-07-17, which is # why we ignore the type on this import from pip._vendor.six.moves import xmlrpc_client # type: ignore from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import request as urllib_request from pip._vendor.urllib3.util import IS_PYOPENSSL import pip from pip._internal.exceptions import HashMismatch, InstallationError from pip._internal.locations import write_delete_marker_file from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI from pip._internal.utils.encoding import auto_decode from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import check_path_owner from pip._internal.utils.glibc import libc_ver from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS, ask_path_exists, backup_dir, consume, display_path, format_size, get_installed_version, rmtree, split_auth_from_netloc, splitext, unpack_file, ) from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.utils.ui import DownloadProgressProvider from pip._internal.vcs import vcs if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Optional, Tuple, Dict, IO, Text, Union ) from import Link from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes from pip._internal.vcs import AuthInfo try: import ssl # noqa except ImportError: ssl = None HAS_TLS = (ssl is not None) or IS_PYOPENSSL __all__ = ['get_file_content', 'is_url', 'url_to_path', 'path_to_url', 'is_archive_file', 'unpack_vcs_link', 'unpack_file_url', 'is_vcs_url', 'is_file_url', 'unpack_http_url', 'unpack_url'] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) # These are environment variables present when running under various # CI systems. For each variable, some CI systems that use the variable # are indicated. The collection was chosen so that for each of a number # of popular systems, at least one of the environment variables is used. # This list is used to provide some indication of and lower bound for # CI traffic to PyPI. Thus, it is okay if the list is not comprehensive. # For more background, see: CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES = ( # Azure Pipelines 'BUILD_BUILDID', # Jenkins 'BUILD_ID', # AppVeyor, CircleCI, Codeship, Gitlab CI, Shippable, Travis CI 'CI', ) def looks_like_ci(): # type: () -> bool """ Return whether it looks like pip is running under CI. """ # We don't use the method of checking for a tty (e.g. using isatty()) # because some CI systems mimic a tty (e.g. Travis CI). Thus that # method doesn't provide definitive information in either direction. return any(name in os.environ for name in CI_ENVIRONMENT_VARIABLES) def user_agent(): """ Return a string representing the user agent. """ data = { "installer": {"name": "pip", "version": pip.__version__}, "python": platform.python_version(), "implementation": { "name": platform.python_implementation(), }, } if data["implementation"]["name"] == 'CPython': data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version() elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'PyPy': if sys.pypy_version_info.releaselevel == 'final': pypy_version_info = sys.pypy_version_info[:3] else: pypy_version_info = sys.pypy_version_info data["implementation"]["version"] = ".".join( [str(x) for x in pypy_version_info] ) elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'Jython': # Complete Guess data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version() elif data["implementation"]["name"] == 'IronPython': # Complete Guess data["implementation"]["version"] = platform.python_version() if sys.platform.startswith("linux"): from pip._vendor import distro distro_infos = dict(filter( lambda x: x[1], zip(["name", "version", "id"], distro.linux_distribution()), )) libc = dict(filter( lambda x: x[1], zip(["lib", "version"], libc_ver()), )) if libc: distro_infos["libc"] = libc if distro_infos: data["distro"] = distro_infos if sys.platform.startswith("darwin") and platform.mac_ver()[0]: data["distro"] = {"name": "macOS", "version": platform.mac_ver()[0]} if platform.system(): data.setdefault("system", {})["name"] = platform.system() if platform.release(): data.setdefault("system", {})["release"] = platform.release() if platform.machine(): data["cpu"] = platform.machine() if HAS_TLS: data["openssl_version"] = ssl.OPENSSL_VERSION setuptools_version = get_installed_version("setuptools") if setuptools_version is not None: data["setuptools_version"] = setuptools_version # Use None rather than False so as not to give the impression that # pip knows it is not being run under CI. Rather, it is a null or # inconclusive result. Also, we include some value rather than no # value to make it easier to know that the check has been run. data["ci"] = True if looks_like_ci() else None return "{data[installer][name]}/{data[installer][version]} {json}".format( data=data, json=json.dumps(data, separators=(",", ":"), sort_keys=True), ) class MultiDomainBasicAuth(AuthBase): def __init__(self, prompting=True): # type: (bool) -> None self.prompting = prompting self.passwords = {} # type: Dict[str, AuthInfo] def __call__(self, req): parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(req.url) # Split the credentials from the netloc. netloc, url_user_password = split_auth_from_netloc(parsed.netloc) # Set the url of the request to the url without any credentials req.url = urllib_parse.urlunparse(parsed[:1] + (netloc,) + parsed[2:]) # Use any stored credentials that we have for this netloc username, password = self.passwords.get(netloc, (None, None)) # Use the credentials embedded in the url if we have none stored if username is None: username, password = url_user_password # Get creds from netrc if we still don't have them if username is None and password is None: netrc_auth = get_netrc_auth(req.url) username, password = netrc_auth if netrc_auth else (None, None) if username or password: # Store the username and password self.passwords[netloc] = (username, password) # Send the basic auth with this request req = HTTPBasicAuth(username or "", password or "")(req) # Attach a hook to handle 401 responses req.register_hook("response", self.handle_401) return req def handle_401(self, resp, **kwargs): # We only care about 401 responses, anything else we want to just # pass through the actual response if resp.status_code != 401: return resp # We are not able to prompt the user so simply return the response if not self.prompting: return resp parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(resp.url) # Prompt the user for a new username and password username = six.moves.input("User for %s: " % parsed.netloc) password = getpass.getpass("Password: ") # Store the new username and password to use for future requests if username or password: self.passwords[parsed.netloc] = (username, password) # Consume content and release the original connection to allow our new # request to reuse the same one. resp.content resp.raw.release_conn() # Add our new username and password to the request req = HTTPBasicAuth(username or "", password or "")(resp.request) req.register_hook("response", self.warn_on_401) # Send our new request new_resp = resp.connection.send(req, **kwargs) new_resp.history.append(resp) return new_resp def warn_on_401(self, resp, **kwargs): # warn user that they provided incorrect credentials if resp.status_code == 401: logger.warning('401 Error, Credentials not correct for %s', resp.request.url) class LocalFSAdapter(BaseAdapter): def send(self, request, stream=None, timeout=None, verify=None, cert=None, proxies=None): pathname = url_to_path(request.url) resp = Response() resp.status_code = 200 resp.url = request.url try: stats = os.stat(pathname) except OSError as exc: resp.status_code = 404 resp.raw = exc else: modified = email.utils.formatdate(stats.st_mtime, usegmt=True) content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(pathname)[0] or "text/plain" resp.headers = CaseInsensitiveDict({ "Content-Type": content_type, "Content-Length": stats.st_size, "Last-Modified": modified, }) resp.raw = open(pathname, "rb") resp.close = resp.raw.close return resp def close(self): pass class SafeFileCache(FileCache): """ A file based cache which is safe to use even when the target directory may not be accessible or writable. """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(SafeFileCache, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Check to ensure that the directory containing our cache directory # is owned by the user current executing pip. If it does not exist # we will check the parent directory until we find one that does exist. # If it is not owned by the user executing pip then we will disable # the cache and log a warning. if not check_path_owner( logger.warning( "The directory '%s' or its parent directory is not owned by " "the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please " "check the permissions and owner of that directory. If " "executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag.",, ) # Set our directory to None to disable the Cache = None def get(self, *args, **kwargs): # If we don't have a directory, then the cache should be a no-op. if is None: return try: return super(SafeFileCache, self).get(*args, **kwargs) except (LockError, OSError, IOError): # We intentionally silence this error, if we can't access the cache # then we can just skip caching and process the request as if # caching wasn't enabled. pass def set(self, *args, **kwargs): # If we don't have a directory, then the cache should be a no-op. if is None: return try: return super(SafeFileCache, self).set(*args, **kwargs) except (LockError, OSError, IOError): # We intentionally silence this error, if we can't access the cache # then we can just skip caching and process the request as if # caching wasn't enabled. pass def delete(self, *args, **kwargs): # If we don't have a directory, then the cache should be a no-op. if is None: return try: return super(SafeFileCache, self).delete(*args, **kwargs) except (LockError, OSError, IOError): # We intentionally silence this error, if we can't access the cache # then we can just skip caching and process the request as if # caching wasn't enabled. pass class InsecureHTTPAdapter(HTTPAdapter): def cert_verify(self, conn, url, verify, cert): conn.cert_reqs = 'CERT_NONE' conn.ca_certs = None class PipSession(requests.Session): timeout = None # type: Optional[int] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): retries = kwargs.pop("retries", 0) cache = kwargs.pop("cache", None) insecure_hosts = kwargs.pop("insecure_hosts", []) super(PipSession, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) # Attach our User Agent to the request self.headers["User-Agent"] = user_agent() # Attach our Authentication handler to the session self.auth = MultiDomainBasicAuth() # Create our urllib3.Retry instance which will allow us to customize # how we handle retries. retries = urllib3.Retry( # Set the total number of retries that a particular request can # have. total=retries, # A 503 error from PyPI typically means that the Fastly -> Origin # connection got interrupted in some way. A 503 error in general # is typically considered a transient error so we'll go ahead and # retry it. # A 500 may indicate transient error in Amazon S3 # A 520 or 527 - may indicate transient error in CloudFlare status_forcelist=[500, 503, 520, 527], # Add a small amount of back off between failed requests in # order to prevent hammering the service. backoff_factor=0.25, ) # We want to _only_ cache responses on securely fetched origins. We do # this because we can't validate the response of an insecurely fetched # origin, and we don't want someone to be able to poison the cache and # require manual eviction from the cache to fix it. if cache: secure_adapter = CacheControlAdapter( cache=SafeFileCache(cache, use_dir_lock=True), max_retries=retries, ) else: secure_adapter = HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries) # Our Insecure HTTPAdapter disables HTTPS validation. It does not # support caching (see above) so we'll use it for all http:// URLs as # well as any https:// host that we've marked as ignoring TLS errors # for. insecure_adapter = InsecureHTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries) self.mount("https://", secure_adapter) self.mount("http://", insecure_adapter) # Enable file:// urls self.mount("file://", LocalFSAdapter()) # We want to use a non-validating adapter for any requests which are # deemed insecure. for host in insecure_hosts: self.mount("https://{}/".format(host), insecure_adapter) def request(self, method, url, *args, **kwargs): # Allow setting a default timeout on a session kwargs.setdefault("timeout", self.timeout) # Dispatch the actual request return super(PipSession, self).request(method, url, *args, **kwargs) def get_file_content(url, comes_from=None, session=None): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[PipSession]) -> Tuple[str, Text] """Gets the content of a file; it may be a filename, file: URL, or http: URL. Returns (location, content). Content is unicode. :param url: File path or url. :param comes_from: Origin description of requirements. :param session: Instance of """ if session is None: raise TypeError( "get_file_content() missing 1 required keyword argument: 'session'" ) match = if match: scheme = if (scheme == 'file' and comes_from and comes_from.startswith('http')): raise InstallationError( 'Requirements file %s references URL %s, which is local' % (comes_from, url)) if scheme == 'file': path = url.split(':', 1)[1] path = path.replace('\\', '/') match = _url_slash_drive_re.match(path) if match: path = + ':' + path.split('|', 1)[1] path = urllib_parse.unquote(path) if path.startswith('/'): path = '/' + path.lstrip('/') url = path else: # FIXME: catch some errors resp = session.get(url) resp.raise_for_status() return resp.url, resp.text try: with open(url, 'rb') as f: content = auto_decode( except IOError as exc: raise InstallationError( 'Could not open requirements file: %s' % str(exc) ) return url, content _scheme_re = re.compile(r'^(http|https|file):', re.I) _url_slash_drive_re = re.compile(r'/*([a-z])\|', re.I) def is_url(name): # type: (Union[str, Text]) -> bool """Returns true if the name looks like a URL""" if ':' not in name: return False scheme = name.split(':', 1)[0].lower() return scheme in ['http', 'https', 'file', 'ftp'] + vcs.all_schemes def url_to_path(url): # type: (str) -> str """ Convert a file: URL to a path. """ assert url.startswith('file:'), ( "You can only turn file: urls into filenames (not %r)" % url) _, netloc, path, _, _ = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url) if not netloc or netloc == 'localhost': # According to RFC 8089, same as empty authority. netloc = '' elif sys.platform == 'win32': # If we have a UNC path, prepend UNC share notation. netloc = '\\\\' + netloc else: raise ValueError( 'non-local file URIs are not supported on this platform: %r' % url ) path = urllib_request.url2pathname(netloc + path) return path def path_to_url(path): # type: (Union[str, Text]) -> str """ Convert a path to a file: URL. The path will be made absolute and have quoted path parts. """ path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(path)) url = urllib_parse.urljoin('file:', urllib_request.pathname2url(path)) return url def is_archive_file(name): # type: (str) -> bool """Return True if `name` is a considered as an archive file.""" ext = splitext(name)[1].lower() if ext in ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS: return True return False def unpack_vcs_link(link, location): vcs_backend = _get_used_vcs_backend(link) vcs_backend.unpack(location) def _get_used_vcs_backend(link): for backend in vcs.backends: if link.scheme in backend.schemes: vcs_backend = backend(link.url) return vcs_backend def is_vcs_url(link): # type: (Link) -> bool return bool(_get_used_vcs_backend(link)) def is_file_url(link): # type: (Link) -> bool return link.url.lower().startswith('file:') def is_dir_url(link): # type: (Link) -> bool """Return whether a file:// Link points to a directory. ``link`` must not have any other scheme but file://. Call is_file_url() first. """ link_path = url_to_path(link.url_without_fragment) return os.path.isdir(link_path) def _progress_indicator(iterable, *args, **kwargs): return iterable def _download_url( resp, # type: Response link, # type: Link content_file, # type: IO hashes, # type: Hashes progress_bar # type: str ): # type: (...) -> None try: total_length = int(resp.headers['content-length']) except (ValueError, KeyError, TypeError): total_length = 0 cached_resp = getattr(resp, "from_cache", False) if logger.getEffectiveLevel() > logging.INFO: show_progress = False elif cached_resp: show_progress = False elif total_length > (40 * 1000): show_progress = True elif not total_length: show_progress = True else: show_progress = False show_url = link.show_url def resp_read(chunk_size): try: # Special case for urllib3. for chunk in chunk_size, # We use decode_content=False here because we don't # want urllib3 to mess with the raw bytes we get # from the server. If we decompress inside of # urllib3 then we cannot verify the checksum # because the checksum will be of the compressed # file. This breakage will only occur if the # server adds a Content-Encoding header, which # depends on how the server was configured: # - Some servers will notice that the file isn't a # compressible file and will leave the file alone # and with an empty Content-Encoding # - Some servers will notice that the file is # already compressed and will leave the file # alone and will add a Content-Encoding: gzip # header # - Some servers won't notice anything at all and # will take a file that's already been compressed # and compress it again and set the # Content-Encoding: gzip header # # By setting this not to decode automatically we # hope to eliminate problems with the second case. decode_content=False): yield chunk except AttributeError: # Standard file-like object. while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk def written_chunks(chunks): for chunk in chunks: content_file.write(chunk) yield chunk progress_indicator = _progress_indicator if link.netloc == PyPI.netloc: url = show_url else: url = link.url_without_fragment if show_progress: # We don't show progress on cached responses progress_indicator = DownloadProgressProvider(progress_bar, max=total_length) if total_length:"Downloading %s (%s)", url, format_size(total_length)) else:"Downloading %s", url) elif cached_resp:"Using cached %s", url) else:"Downloading %s", url) logger.debug('Downloading from URL %s', link) downloaded_chunks = written_chunks( progress_indicator( resp_read(CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE), CONTENT_CHUNK_SIZE ) ) if hashes: hashes.check_against_chunks(downloaded_chunks) else: consume(downloaded_chunks) def _copy_file(filename, location, link): copy = True download_location = os.path.join(location, link.filename) if os.path.exists(download_location): response = ask_path_exists( 'The file %s exists. (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup, (a)abort' % display_path(download_location), ('i', 'w', 'b', 'a')) if response == 'i': copy = False elif response == 'w': logger.warning('Deleting %s', display_path(download_location)) os.remove(download_location) elif response == 'b': dest_file = backup_dir(download_location) logger.warning( 'Backing up %s to %s', display_path(download_location), display_path(dest_file), ) shutil.move(download_location, dest_file) elif response == 'a': sys.exit(-1) if copy: shutil.copy(filename, download_location)'Saved %s', display_path(download_location)) def unpack_http_url( link, # type: Link location, # type: str download_dir=None, # type: Optional[str] session=None, # type: Optional[PipSession] hashes=None, # type: Optional[Hashes] progress_bar="on" # type: str ): # type: (...) -> None if session is None: raise TypeError( "unpack_http_url() missing 1 required keyword argument: 'session'" ) with TempDirectory(kind="unpack") as temp_dir: # If a download dir is specified, is the file already downloaded there? already_downloaded_path = None if download_dir: already_downloaded_path = _check_download_dir(link, download_dir, hashes) if already_downloaded_path: from_path = already_downloaded_path content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(from_path)[0] else: # let's download to a tmp dir from_path, content_type = _download_http_url(link, session, temp_dir.path, hashes, progress_bar) # unpack the archive to the build dir location. even when only # downloading archives, they have to be unpacked to parse dependencies unpack_file(from_path, location, content_type, link) # a download dir is specified; let's copy the archive there if download_dir and not already_downloaded_path: _copy_file(from_path, download_dir, link) if not already_downloaded_path: os.unlink(from_path) def unpack_file_url( link, # type: Link location, # type: str download_dir=None, # type: Optional[str] hashes=None # type: Optional[Hashes] ): # type: (...) -> None """Unpack link into location. If download_dir is provided and link points to a file, make a copy of the link file inside download_dir. """ link_path = url_to_path(link.url_without_fragment) # If it's a url to a local directory if is_dir_url(link): if os.path.isdir(location): rmtree(location) shutil.copytree(link_path, location, symlinks=True) if download_dir:'Link is a directory, ignoring download_dir') return # If --require-hashes is off, `hashes` is either empty, the # link's embedded hash, or MissingHashes; it is required to # match. If --require-hashes is on, we are satisfied by any # hash in `hashes` matching: a URL-based or an option-based # one; no internet-sourced hash will be in `hashes`. if hashes: hashes.check_against_path(link_path) # If a download dir is specified, is the file already there and valid? already_downloaded_path = None if download_dir: already_downloaded_path = _check_download_dir(link, download_dir, hashes) if already_downloaded_path: from_path = already_downloaded_path else: from_path = link_path content_type = mimetypes.guess_type(from_path)[0] # unpack the archive to the build dir location. even when only downloading # archives, they have to be unpacked to parse dependencies unpack_file(from_path, location, content_type, link) # a download dir is specified and not already downloaded if download_dir and not already_downloaded_path: _copy_file(from_path, download_dir, link) class PipXmlrpcTransport(xmlrpc_client.Transport): """Provide a `xmlrpclib.Transport` implementation via a `PipSession` object. """ def __init__(self, index_url, session, use_datetime=False): xmlrpc_client.Transport.__init__(self, use_datetime) index_parts = urllib_parse.urlparse(index_url) self._scheme = index_parts.scheme self._session = session def request(self, host, handler, request_body, verbose=False): parts = (self._scheme, host, handler, None, None, None) url = urllib_parse.urlunparse(parts) try: headers = {'Content-Type': 'text/xml'} response =, data=request_body, headers=headers, stream=True) response.raise_for_status() self.verbose = verbose return self.parse_response(response.raw) except requests.HTTPError as exc: logger.critical( "HTTP error %s while getting %s", exc.response.status_code, url, ) raise def unpack_url( link, # type: Optional[Link] location, # type: Optional[str] download_dir=None, # type: Optional[str] only_download=False, # type: bool session=None, # type: Optional[PipSession] hashes=None, # type: Optional[Hashes] progress_bar="on" # type: str ): # type: (...) -> None """Unpack link. If link is a VCS link: if only_download, export into download_dir and ignore location else unpack into location for other types of link: - unpack into location - if download_dir, copy the file into download_dir - if only_download, mark location for deletion :param hashes: A Hashes object, one of whose embedded hashes must match, or HashMismatch will be raised. If the Hashes is empty, no matches are required, and unhashable types of requirements (like VCS ones, which would ordinarily raise HashUnsupported) are allowed. """ # non-editable vcs urls if is_vcs_url(link): unpack_vcs_link(link, location) # file urls elif is_file_url(link): unpack_file_url(link, location, download_dir, hashes=hashes) # http urls else: if session is None: session = PipSession() unpack_http_url( link, location, download_dir, session, hashes=hashes, progress_bar=progress_bar ) if only_download: write_delete_marker_file(location) def _download_http_url( link, # type: Link session, # type: PipSession temp_dir, # type: str hashes, # type: Hashes progress_bar # type: str ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[str, str] """Download link url into temp_dir using provided session""" target_url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0] try: resp = session.get( target_url, # We use Accept-Encoding: identity here because requests # defaults to accepting compressed responses. This breaks in # a variety of ways depending on how the server is configured. # - Some servers will notice that the file isn't a compressible # file and will leave the file alone and with an empty # Content-Encoding # - Some servers will notice that the file is already # compressed and will leave the file alone and will add a # Content-Encoding: gzip header # - Some servers won't notice anything at all and will take # a file that's already been compressed and compress it again # and set the Content-Encoding: gzip header # By setting this to request only the identity encoding We're # hoping to eliminate the third case. Hopefully there does not # exist a server which when given a file will notice it is # already compressed and that you're not asking for a # compressed file and will then decompress it before sending # because if that's the case I don't think it'll ever be # possible to make this work. headers={"Accept-Encoding": "identity"}, stream=True, ) resp.raise_for_status() except requests.HTTPError as exc: logger.critical( "HTTP error %s while getting %s", exc.response.status_code, link, ) raise content_type = resp.headers.get('content-type', '') filename = link.filename # fallback # Have a look at the Content-Disposition header for a better guess content_disposition = resp.headers.get('content-disposition') if content_disposition: type, params = cgi.parse_header(content_disposition) # We use ``or`` here because we don't want to use an "empty" value # from the filename param. filename = params.get('filename') or filename ext = splitext(filename)[1] if not ext: ext = mimetypes.guess_extension(content_type) if ext: filename += ext if not ext and link.url != resp.url: ext = os.path.splitext(resp.url)[1] if ext: filename += ext file_path = os.path.join(temp_dir, filename) with open(file_path, 'wb') as content_file: _download_url(resp, link, content_file, hashes, progress_bar) return file_path, content_type def _check_download_dir(link, download_dir, hashes): # type: (Link, str, Hashes) -> Optional[str] """ Check download_dir for previously downloaded file with correct hash If a correct file is found return its path else None """ download_path = os.path.join(download_dir, link.filename) if os.path.exists(download_path): # If already downloaded, does its hash match?'File was already downloaded %s', download_path) if hashes: try: hashes.check_against_path(download_path) except HashMismatch: logger.warning( 'Previously-downloaded file %s has bad hash. ' 'Re-downloading.', download_path ) os.unlink(download_path) return None return download_path return None
"""Exceptions used throughout package""" from __future__ import absolute_import from itertools import chain, groupby, repeat from pip._vendor.six import iteritems from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement class PipError(Exception): """Base pip exception""" class ConfigurationError(PipError): """General exception in configuration""" class InstallationError(PipError): """General exception during installation""" class UninstallationError(PipError): """General exception during uninstallation""" class DistributionNotFound(InstallationError): """Raised when a distribution cannot be found to satisfy a requirement""" class RequirementsFileParseError(InstallationError): """Raised when a general error occurs parsing a requirements file line.""" class BestVersionAlreadyInstalled(PipError): """Raised when the most up-to-date version of a package is already installed.""" class BadCommand(PipError): """Raised when virtualenv or a command is not found""" class CommandError(PipError): """Raised when there is an error in command-line arguments""" class PreviousBuildDirError(PipError): """Raised when there's a previous conflicting build directory""" class InvalidWheelFilename(InstallationError): """Invalid wheel filename.""" class UnsupportedWheel(InstallationError): """Unsupported wheel.""" class HashErrors(InstallationError): """Multiple HashError instances rolled into one for reporting""" def __init__(self): self.errors = [] def append(self, error): self.errors.append(error) def __str__(self): lines = [] self.errors.sort(key=lambda e: e.order) for cls, errors_of_cls in groupby(self.errors, lambda e: e.__class__): lines.append(cls.head) lines.extend(e.body() for e in errors_of_cls) if lines: return '\n'.join(lines) def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.errors) def __bool__(self): return self.__nonzero__() class HashError(InstallationError): """ A failure to verify a package against known-good hashes :cvar order: An int sorting hash exception classes by difficulty of recovery (lower being harder), so the user doesn't bother fretting about unpinned packages when he has deeper issues, like VCS dependencies, to deal with. Also keeps error reports in a deterministic order. :cvar head: A section heading for display above potentially many exceptions of this kind :ivar req: The InstallRequirement that triggered this error. This is pasted on after the exception is instantiated, because it's not typically available earlier. """ req = None # type: Optional[InstallRequirement] head = '' def body(self): """Return a summary of me for display under the heading. This default implementation simply prints a description of the triggering requirement. :param req: The InstallRequirement that provoked this error, with populate_link() having already been called """ return ' %s' % self._requirement_name() def __str__(self): return '%s\n%s' % (self.head, self.body()) def _requirement_name(self): """Return a description of the requirement that triggered me. This default implementation returns long description of the req, with line numbers """ return str(self.req) if self.req else 'unknown package' class VcsHashUnsupported(HashError): """A hash was provided for a version-control-system-based requirement, but we don't have a method for hashing those.""" order = 0 head = ("Can't verify hashes for these requirements because we don't " "have a way to hash version control repositories:") class DirectoryUrlHashUnsupported(HashError): """A hash was provided for a version-control-system-based requirement, but we don't have a method for hashing those.""" order = 1 head = ("Can't verify hashes for these file:// requirements because they " "point to directories:") class HashMissing(HashError): """A hash was needed for a requirement but is absent.""" order = 2 head = ('Hashes are required in --require-hashes mode, but they are ' 'missing from some requirements. Here is a list of those ' 'requirements along with the hashes their downloaded archives ' 'actually had. Add lines like these to your requirements files to ' 'prevent tampering. (If you did not enable --require-hashes ' 'manually, note that it turns on automatically when any package ' 'has a hash.)') def __init__(self, gotten_hash): """ :param gotten_hash: The hash of the (possibly malicious) archive we just downloaded """ self.gotten_hash = gotten_hash def body(self): # Dodge circular import. from pip._internal.utils.hashes import FAVORITE_HASH package = None if self.req: # In the case of URL-based requirements, display the original URL # seen in the requirements file rather than the package name, # so the output can be directly copied into the requirements file. package = (self.req.original_link if self.req.original_link # In case someone feeds something downright stupid # to InstallRequirement's constructor. else getattr(self.req, 'req', None)) return ' %s --hash=%s:%s' % (package or 'unknown package', FAVORITE_HASH, self.gotten_hash) class HashUnpinned(HashError): """A requirement had a hash specified but was not pinned to a specific version.""" order = 3 head = ('In --require-hashes mode, all requirements must have their ' 'versions pinned with ==. These do not:') class HashMismatch(HashError): """ Distribution file hash values don't match. :ivar package_name: The name of the package that triggered the hash mismatch. Feel free to write to this after the exception is raise to improve its error message. """ order = 4 head = ('THESE PACKAGES DO NOT MATCH THE HASHES FROM THE REQUIREMENTS ' 'FILE. If you have updated the package versions, please update ' 'the hashes. Otherwise, examine the package contents carefully; ' 'someone may have tampered with them.') def __init__(self, allowed, gots): """ :param allowed: A dict of algorithm names pointing to lists of allowed hex digests :param gots: A dict of algorithm names pointing to hashes we actually got from the files under suspicion """ self.allowed = allowed self.gots = gots def body(self): return ' %s:\n%s' % (self._requirement_name(), self._hash_comparison()) def _hash_comparison(self): """ Return a comparison of actual and expected hash values. Example:: Expected sha256 abcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcdeabcde or 123451234512345123451234512345123451234512345 Got bcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdefbcdef """ def hash_then_or(hash_name): # For now, all the decent hashes have 6-char names, so we can get # away with hard-coding space literals. return chain([hash_name], repeat(' or')) lines = [] for hash_name, expecteds in iteritems(self.allowed): prefix = hash_then_or(hash_name) lines.extend((' Expected %s %s' % (next(prefix), e)) for e in expecteds) lines.append(' Got %s\n' % self.gots[hash_name].hexdigest()) prefix = ' or' return '\n'.join(lines) class UnsupportedPythonVersion(InstallationError): """Unsupported python version according to Requires-Python package metadata.""" class ConfigurationFileCouldNotBeLoaded(ConfigurationError): """When there are errors while loading a configuration file """ def __init__(self, reason="could not be loaded", fname=None, error=None): super(ConfigurationFileCouldNotBeLoaded, self).__init__(error) self.reason = reason self.fname = fname self.error = error def __str__(self): if self.fname is not None: message_part = " in {}.".format(self.fname) else: assert self.error is not None message_part = ".\n{}\n".format(self.error.message) return "Configuration file {}{}".format(self.reason, message_part)
"""Routines related to PyPI, indexes""" from __future__ import absolute_import import cgi import itertools import logging import mimetypes import os import posixpath import re import sys from collections import namedtuple from pip._vendor import html5lib, requests, six from pip._vendor.distlib.compat import unescape from pip._vendor.packaging import specifiers from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version from pip._vendor.requests.exceptions import RetryError, SSLError from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import request as urllib_request from import HAS_TLS, is_url, path_to_url, url_to_path from pip._internal.exceptions import ( BestVersionAlreadyInstalled, DistributionNotFound, InvalidWheelFilename, UnsupportedWheel, ) from pip._internal.models.candidate import InstallationCandidate from pip._internal.models.format_control import FormatControl from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI from import Link from pip._internal.pep425tags import get_supported from pip._internal.utils.compat import ipaddress from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS, SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS, WHEEL_EXTENSION, normalize_path, redact_password_from_url, ) from pip._internal.utils.packaging import check_requires_python from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.wheel import Wheel if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from logging import Logger from typing import ( Tuple, Optional, Any, List, Union, Callable, Set, Sequence, Iterable, MutableMapping ) from pip._vendor.packaging.version import _BaseVersion from pip._vendor.requests import Response from pip._internal.req import InstallRequirement from import PipSession SecureOrigin = Tuple[str, str, Optional[str]] BuildTag = Tuple[Any, ...] # either empty tuple or Tuple[int, str] CandidateSortingKey = Tuple[int, _BaseVersion, BuildTag, Optional[int]] __all__ = ['FormatControl', 'PackageFinder'] SECURE_ORIGINS = [ # protocol, hostname, port # Taken from Chrome's list of secure origins (See: ("https", "*", "*"), ("*", "localhost", "*"), ("*", "", "*"), ("*", "::1/128", "*"), ("file", "*", None), # ssh is always secure. ("ssh", "*", "*"), ] # type: List[SecureOrigin] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _match_vcs_scheme(url): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] """Look for VCS schemes in the URL. Returns the matched VCS scheme, or None if there's no match. """ from pip._internal.vcs import VcsSupport for scheme in VcsSupport.schemes: if url.lower().startswith(scheme) and url[len(scheme)] in '+:': return scheme return None def _is_url_like_archive(url): # type: (str) -> bool """Return whether the URL looks like an archive. """ filename = Link(url).filename for bad_ext in ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS: if filename.endswith(bad_ext): return True return False class _NotHTML(Exception): def __init__(self, content_type, request_desc): # type: (str, str) -> None super(_NotHTML, self).__init__(content_type, request_desc) self.content_type = content_type self.request_desc = request_desc def _ensure_html_header(response): # type: (Response) -> None """Check the Content-Type header to ensure the response contains HTML. Raises `_NotHTML` if the content type is not text/html. """ content_type = response.headers.get("Content-Type", "") if not content_type.lower().startswith("text/html"): raise _NotHTML(content_type, response.request.method) class _NotHTTP(Exception): pass def _ensure_html_response(url, session): # type: (str, PipSession) -> None """Send a HEAD request to the URL, and ensure the response contains HTML. Raises `_NotHTTP` if the URL is not available for a HEAD request, or `_NotHTML` if the content type is not text/html. """ scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url) if scheme not in {'http', 'https'}: raise _NotHTTP() resp = session.head(url, allow_redirects=True) resp.raise_for_status() _ensure_html_header(resp) def _get_html_response(url, session): # type: (str, PipSession) -> Response """Access an HTML page with GET, and return the response. This consists of three parts: 1. If the URL looks suspiciously like an archive, send a HEAD first to check the Content-Type is HTML, to avoid downloading a large file. Raise `_NotHTTP` if the content type cannot be determined, or `_NotHTML` if it is not HTML. 2. Actually perform the request. Raise HTTP exceptions on network failures. 3. Check the Content-Type header to make sure we got HTML, and raise `_NotHTML` otherwise. """ if _is_url_like_archive(url): _ensure_html_response(url, session=session) logger.debug('Getting page %s', redact_password_from_url(url)) resp = session.get( url, headers={ "Accept": "text/html", # We don't want to blindly returned cached data for # /simple/, because authors generally expecting that # twine upload && pip install will function, but if # they've done a pip install in the last ~10 minutes # it won't. Thus by setting this to zero we will not # blindly use any cached data, however the benefit of # using max-age=0 instead of no-cache, is that we will # still support conditional requests, so we will still # minimize traffic sent in cases where the page hasn't # changed at all, we will just always incur the round # trip for the conditional GET now instead of only # once per 10 minutes. # For more information, please see pypa/pip#5670. "Cache-Control": "max-age=0", }, ) resp.raise_for_status() # The check for archives above only works if the url ends with # something that looks like an archive. However that is not a # requirement of an url. Unless we issue a HEAD request on every # url we cannot know ahead of time for sure if something is HTML # or not. However we can check after we've downloaded it. _ensure_html_header(resp) return resp def _handle_get_page_fail( link, # type: Link reason, # type: Union[str, Exception] meth=None # type: Optional[Callable[..., None]] ): # type: (...) -> None if meth is None: meth = logger.debug meth("Could not fetch URL %s: %s - skipping", link, reason) def _get_html_page(link, session=None): # type: (Link, Optional[PipSession]) -> Optional[HTMLPage] if session is None: raise TypeError( "_get_html_page() missing 1 required keyword argument: 'session'" ) url = link.url.split('#', 1)[0] # Check for VCS schemes that do not support lookup as web pages. vcs_scheme = _match_vcs_scheme(url) if vcs_scheme: logger.debug('Cannot look at %s URL %s', vcs_scheme, link) return None # Tack index.html onto file:// URLs that point to directories scheme, _, path, _, _, _ = urllib_parse.urlparse(url) if (scheme == 'file' and os.path.isdir(urllib_request.url2pathname(path))): # add trailing slash if not present so urljoin doesn't trim # final segment if not url.endswith('/'): url += '/' url = urllib_parse.urljoin(url, 'index.html') logger.debug(' file: URL is directory, getting %s', url) try: resp = _get_html_response(url, session=session) except _NotHTTP: logger.debug( 'Skipping page %s because it looks like an archive, and cannot ' 'be checked by HEAD.', link, ) except _NotHTML as exc: logger.debug( 'Skipping page %s because the %s request got Content-Type: %s', link, exc.request_desc, exc.content_type, ) except requests.HTTPError as exc: _handle_get_page_fail(link, exc) except RetryError as exc: _handle_get_page_fail(link, exc) except SSLError as exc: reason = "There was a problem confirming the ssl certificate: " reason += str(exc) _handle_get_page_fail(link, reason, except requests.ConnectionError as exc: _handle_get_page_fail(link, "connection error: %s" % exc) except requests.Timeout: _handle_get_page_fail(link, "timed out") else: return HTMLPage(resp.content, resp.url, resp.headers) return None class PackageFinder(object): """This finds packages. This is meant to match easy_install's technique for looking for packages, by reading pages and looking for appropriate links. """ def __init__( self, find_links, # type: List[str] index_urls, # type: List[str] allow_all_prereleases=False, # type: bool trusted_hosts=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] session=None, # type: Optional[PipSession] format_control=None, # type: Optional[FormatControl] platform=None, # type: Optional[str] versions=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] abi=None, # type: Optional[str] implementation=None, # type: Optional[str] prefer_binary=False # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None """Create a PackageFinder. :param format_control: A FormatControl object or None. Used to control the selection of source packages / binary packages when consulting the index and links. :param platform: A string or None. If None, searches for packages that are supported by the current system. Otherwise, will find packages that can be built on the platform passed in. These packages will only be downloaded for distribution: they will not be built locally. :param versions: A list of strings or None. This is passed directly to in the get_supported() method. :param abi: A string or None. This is passed directly to in the get_supported() method. :param implementation: A string or None. This is passed directly to in the get_supported() method. """ if session is None: raise TypeError( "PackageFinder() missing 1 required keyword argument: " "'session'" ) # Build find_links. If an argument starts with ~, it may be # a local file relative to a home directory. So try normalizing # it and if it exists, use the normalized version. # This is deliberately conservative - it might be fine just to # blindly normalize anything starting with a ~... self.find_links = [] # type: List[str] for link in find_links: if link.startswith('~'): new_link = normalize_path(link) if os.path.exists(new_link): link = new_link self.find_links.append(link) self.index_urls = index_urls # These are boring links that have already been logged somehow: self.logged_links = set() # type: Set[Link] self.format_control = format_control or FormatControl(set(), set()) # Domains that we won't emit warnings for when not using HTTPS self.secure_origins = [ ("*", host, "*") for host in (trusted_hosts if trusted_hosts else []) ] # type: List[SecureOrigin] # Do we want to allow _all_ pre-releases? self.allow_all_prereleases = allow_all_prereleases # The Session we'll use to make requests self.session = session # The valid tags to check potential found wheel candidates against self.valid_tags = get_supported( versions=versions, platform=platform, abi=abi, impl=implementation, ) # Do we prefer old, but valid, binary dist over new source dist self.prefer_binary = prefer_binary # If we don't have TLS enabled, then WARN if anyplace we're looking # relies on TLS. if not HAS_TLS: for link in itertools.chain(self.index_urls, self.find_links): parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(link) if parsed.scheme == "https": logger.warning( "pip is configured with locations that require " "TLS/SSL, however the ssl module in Python is not " "available." ) break def get_formatted_locations(self): # type: () -> str lines = [] if self.index_urls and self.index_urls != [PyPI.simple_url]: lines.append( "Looking in indexes: {}".format(", ".join( redact_password_from_url(url) for url in self.index_urls)) ) if self.find_links: lines.append( "Looking in links: {}".format(", ".join(self.find_links)) ) return "\n".join(lines) @staticmethod def _sort_locations(locations, expand_dir=False): # type: (Sequence[str], bool) -> Tuple[List[str], List[str]] """ Sort locations into "files" (archives) and "urls", and return a pair of lists (files,urls) """ files = [] urls = [] # puts the url for the given file path into the appropriate list def sort_path(path): url = path_to_url(path) if mimetypes.guess_type(url, strict=False)[0] == 'text/html': urls.append(url) else: files.append(url) for url in locations: is_local_path = os.path.exists(url) is_file_url = url.startswith('file:') if is_local_path or is_file_url: if is_local_path: path = url else: path = url_to_path(url) if os.path.isdir(path): if expand_dir: path = os.path.realpath(path) for item in os.listdir(path): sort_path(os.path.join(path, item)) elif is_file_url: urls.append(url) else: logger.warning( "Path '{0}' is ignored: " "it is a directory.".format(path), ) elif os.path.isfile(path): sort_path(path) else: logger.warning( "Url '%s' is ignored: it is neither a file " "nor a directory.", url, ) elif is_url(url): # Only add url with clear scheme urls.append(url) else: logger.warning( "Url '%s' is ignored. It is either a non-existing " "path or lacks a specific scheme.", url, ) return files, urls def _candidate_sort_key(self, candidate): # type: (InstallationCandidate) -> CandidateSortingKey """ Function used to generate link sort key for link tuples. The greater the return value, the more preferred it is. If not finding wheels, then sorted by version only. If finding wheels, then the sort order is by version, then: 1. existing installs 2. wheels ordered via Wheel.support_index_min(self.valid_tags) 3. source archives If prefer_binary was set, then all wheels are sorted above sources. Note: it was considered to embed this logic into the Link comparison operators, but then different sdist links with the same version, would have to be considered equal """ support_num = len(self.valid_tags) build_tag = tuple() # type: BuildTag binary_preference = 0 if candidate.location.is_wheel: # can raise InvalidWheelFilename wheel = Wheel(candidate.location.filename) if not wheel.supported(self.valid_tags): raise UnsupportedWheel( "%s is not a supported wheel for this platform. It " "can't be sorted." % wheel.filename ) if self.prefer_binary: binary_preference = 1 pri = -(wheel.support_index_min(self.valid_tags)) if wheel.build_tag is not None: match = re.match(r'^(\d+)(.*)$', wheel.build_tag) build_tag_groups = match.groups() build_tag = (int(build_tag_groups[0]), build_tag_groups[1]) else: # sdist pri = -(support_num) return (binary_preference, candidate.version, build_tag, pri) def _validate_secure_origin(self, logger, location): # type: (Logger, Link) -> bool # Determine if this url used a secure transport mechanism parsed = urllib_parse.urlparse(str(location)) origin = (parsed.scheme, parsed.hostname, parsed.port) # The protocol to use to see if the protocol matches. # Don't count the repository type as part of the protocol: in # cases such as "git+ssh", only use "ssh". (I.e., Only verify against # the last scheme.) protocol = origin[0].rsplit('+', 1)[-1] # Determine if our origin is a secure origin by looking through our # hardcoded list of secure origins, as well as any additional ones # configured on this PackageFinder instance. for secure_origin in (SECURE_ORIGINS + self.secure_origins): if protocol != secure_origin[0] and secure_origin[0] != "*": continue try: # We need to do this decode dance to ensure that we have a # unicode object, even on Python 2.x. addr = ipaddress.ip_address( origin[1] if ( isinstance(origin[1], six.text_type) or origin[1] is None ) else origin[1].decode("utf8") ) network = ipaddress.ip_network( secure_origin[1] if isinstance(secure_origin[1], six.text_type) # setting secure_origin[1] to proper Union[bytes, str] # creates problems in other places else secure_origin[1].decode("utf8") # type: ignore ) except ValueError: # We don't have both a valid address or a valid network, so # we'll check this origin against hostnames. if (origin[1] and origin[1].lower() != secure_origin[1].lower() and secure_origin[1] != "*"): continue else: # We have a valid address and network, so see if the address # is contained within the network. if addr not in network: continue # Check to see if the port patches if (origin[2] != secure_origin[2] and secure_origin[2] != "*" and secure_origin[2] is not None): continue # If we've gotten here, then this origin matches the current # secure origin and we should return True return True # If we've gotten to this point, then the origin isn't secure and we # will not accept it as a valid location to search. We will however # log a warning that we are ignoring it. logger.warning( "The repository located at %s is not a trusted or secure host and " "is being ignored. If this repository is available via HTTPS we " "recommend you use HTTPS instead, otherwise you may silence " "this warning and allow it anyway with '--trusted-host %s'.", parsed.hostname, parsed.hostname, ) return False def _get_index_urls_locations(self, project_name): # type: (str) -> List[str] """Returns the locations found via self.index_urls Checks the url_name on the main (first in the list) index and use this url_name to produce all locations """ def mkurl_pypi_url(url): loc = posixpath.join( url, urllib_parse.quote(canonicalize_name(project_name))) # For maximum compatibility with easy_install, ensure the path # ends in a trailing slash. Although this isn't in the spec # (and PyPI can handle it without the slash) some other index # implementations might break if they relied on easy_install's # behavior. if not loc.endswith('/'): loc = loc + '/' return loc return [mkurl_pypi_url(url) for url in self.index_urls] def find_all_candidates(self, project_name): # type: (str) -> List[Optional[InstallationCandidate]] """Find all available InstallationCandidate for project_name This checks index_urls and find_links. All versions found are returned as an InstallationCandidate list. See _link_package_versions for details on which files are accepted """ index_locations = self._get_index_urls_locations(project_name) index_file_loc, index_url_loc = self._sort_locations(index_locations) fl_file_loc, fl_url_loc = self._sort_locations( self.find_links, expand_dir=True, ) file_locations = (Link(url) for url in itertools.chain( index_file_loc, fl_file_loc, )) # We trust every url that the user has given us whether it was given # via --index-url or --find-links. # We want to filter out any thing which does not have a secure origin. url_locations = [ link for link in itertools.chain( (Link(url) for url in index_url_loc), (Link(url) for url in fl_url_loc), ) if self._validate_secure_origin(logger, link) ] logger.debug('%d location(s) to search for versions of %s:', len(url_locations), project_name) for location in url_locations: logger.debug('* %s', location) canonical_name = canonicalize_name(project_name) formats = self.format_control.get_allowed_formats(canonical_name) search = Search(project_name, canonical_name, formats) find_links_versions = self._package_versions( # We trust every directly linked archive in find_links (Link(url, '-f') for url in self.find_links), search ) page_versions = [] for page in self._get_pages(url_locations, project_name): logger.debug('Analyzing links from page %s', page.url) with indent_log(): page_versions.extend( self._package_versions(page.iter_links(), search) ) file_versions = self._package_versions(file_locations, search) if file_versions: file_versions.sort(reverse=True) logger.debug( 'Local files found: %s', ', '.join([ url_to_path(candidate.location.url) for candidate in file_versions ]) ) # This is an intentional priority ordering return file_versions + find_links_versions + page_versions def find_requirement(self, req, upgrade): # type: (InstallRequirement, bool) -> Optional[Link] """Try to find a Link matching req Expects req, an InstallRequirement and upgrade, a boolean Returns a Link if found, Raises DistributionNotFound or BestVersionAlreadyInstalled otherwise """ all_candidates = self.find_all_candidates( # Filter out anything which doesn't match our specifier compatible_versions = set( req.specifier.filter( # We turn the version object into a str here because otherwise # when we're debundled but setuptools isn't, Python will see # packaging.version.Version and # pkg_resources._vendor.packaging.version.Version as different # types. This way we'll use a str as a common data interchange # format. If we stop using the pkg_resources provided specifier # and start using our own, we can drop the cast to str(). [str(c.version) for c in all_candidates], prereleases=( self.allow_all_prereleases if self.allow_all_prereleases else None ), ) ) applicable_candidates = [ # Again, converting to str to deal with debundling. c for c in all_candidates if str(c.version) in compatible_versions ] if applicable_candidates: best_candidate = max(applicable_candidates, key=self._candidate_sort_key) else: best_candidate = None if req.satisfied_by is not None: installed_version = parse_version(req.satisfied_by.version) else: installed_version = None if installed_version is None and best_candidate is None: logger.critical( 'Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement %s ' '(from versions: %s)', req, ', '.join( sorted( {str(c.version) for c in all_candidates}, key=parse_version, ) ) ) raise DistributionNotFound( 'No matching distribution found for %s' % req ) best_installed = False if installed_version and ( best_candidate is None or best_candidate.version <= installed_version): best_installed = True if not upgrade and installed_version is not None: if best_installed: logger.debug( 'Existing installed version (%s) is most up-to-date and ' 'satisfies requirement', installed_version, ) else: logger.debug( 'Existing installed version (%s) satisfies requirement ' '(most up-to-date version is %s)', installed_version, best_candidate.version, ) return None if best_installed: # We have an existing version, and its the best version logger.debug( 'Installed version (%s) is most up-to-date (past versions: ' '%s)', installed_version, ', '.join(sorted(compatible_versions, key=parse_version)) or "none", ) raise BestVersionAlreadyInstalled logger.debug( 'Using version %s (newest of versions: %s)', best_candidate.version, ', '.join(sorted(compatible_versions, key=parse_version)) ) return best_candidate.location def _get_pages(self, locations, project_name): # type: (Iterable[Link], str) -> Iterable[HTMLPage] """ Yields (page, page_url) from the given locations, skipping locations that have errors. """ seen = set() # type: Set[Link] for location in locations: if location in seen: continue seen.add(location) page = _get_html_page(location, session=self.session) if page is None: continue yield page _py_version_re = re.compile(r'-py([123]\.?[0-9]?)$') def _sort_links(self, links): # type: (Iterable[Link]) -> List[Link] """ Returns elements of links in order, non-egg links first, egg links second, while eliminating duplicates """ eggs, no_eggs = [], [] seen = set() # type: Set[Link] for link in links: if link not in seen: seen.add(link) if link.egg_fragment: eggs.append(link) else: no_eggs.append(link) return no_eggs + eggs def _package_versions( self, links, # type: Iterable[Link] search # type: Search ): # type: (...) -> List[Optional[InstallationCandidate]] result = [] for link in self._sort_links(links): v = self._link_package_versions(link, search) if v is not None: result.append(v) return result def _log_skipped_link(self, link, reason): # type: (Link, str) -> None if link not in self.logged_links: logger.debug('Skipping link %s; %s', link, reason) self.logged_links.add(link) def _link_package_versions(self, link, search): # type: (Link, Search) -> Optional[InstallationCandidate] """Return an InstallationCandidate or None""" version = None if link.egg_fragment: egg_info = link.egg_fragment ext = link.ext else: egg_info, ext = link.splitext() if not ext: self._log_skipped_link(link, 'not a file') return None if ext not in SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS: self._log_skipped_link( link, 'unsupported archive format: %s' % ext, ) return None if "binary" not in search.formats and ext == WHEEL_EXTENSION: self._log_skipped_link( link, 'No binaries permitted for %s' % search.supplied, ) return None if "macosx10" in link.path and ext == '.zip': self._log_skipped_link(link, 'macosx10 one') return None if ext == WHEEL_EXTENSION: try: wheel = Wheel(link.filename) except InvalidWheelFilename: self._log_skipped_link(link, 'invalid wheel filename') return None if canonicalize_name( != search.canonical: self._log_skipped_link( link, 'wrong project name (not %s)' % search.supplied) return None if not wheel.supported(self.valid_tags): self._log_skipped_link( link, 'it is not compatible with this Python') return None version = wheel.version # This should be up by the search.ok_binary check, but see issue 2700. if "source" not in search.formats and ext != WHEEL_EXTENSION: self._log_skipped_link( link, 'No sources permitted for %s' % search.supplied, ) return None if not version: version = _egg_info_matches(egg_info, search.canonical) if not version: self._log_skipped_link( link, 'Missing project version for %s' % search.supplied) return None match = if match: version = version[:match.start()] py_version = if py_version != sys.version[:3]: self._log_skipped_link( link, 'Python version is incorrect') return None try: support_this_python = check_requires_python(link.requires_python) except specifiers.InvalidSpecifier: logger.debug("Package %s has an invalid Requires-Python entry: %s", link.filename, link.requires_python) support_this_python = True if not support_this_python: logger.debug("The package %s is incompatible with the python " "version in use. Acceptable python versions are: %s", link, link.requires_python) return None logger.debug('Found link %s, version: %s', link, version) return InstallationCandidate(search.supplied, version, link) def _find_name_version_sep(egg_info, canonical_name): # type: (str, str) -> int """Find the separator's index based on the package's canonical name. `egg_info` must be an egg info string for the given package, and `canonical_name` must be the package's canonical name. This function is needed since the canonicalized name does not necessarily have the same length as the egg info's name part. An example:: >>> egg_info = 'foo__bar-1.0' >>> canonical_name = 'foo-bar' >>> _find_name_version_sep(egg_info, canonical_name) 8 """ # Project name and version must be separated by one single dash. Find all # occurrences of dashes; if the string in front of it matches the canonical # name, this is the one separating the name and version parts. for i, c in enumerate(egg_info): if c != "-": continue if canonicalize_name(egg_info[:i]) == canonical_name: return i raise ValueError("{} does not match {}".format(egg_info, canonical_name)) def _egg_info_matches(egg_info, canonical_name): # type: (str, str) -> Optional[str] """Pull the version part out of a string. :param egg_info: The string to parse. E.g. foo-2.1 :param canonical_name: The canonicalized name of the package this belongs to. """ try: version_start = _find_name_version_sep(egg_info, canonical_name) + 1 except ValueError: return None version = egg_info[version_start:] if not version: return None return version def _determine_base_url(document, page_url): """Determine the HTML document's base URL. This looks for a ``<base>`` tag in the HTML document. If present, its href attribute denotes the base URL of anchor tags in the document. If there is no such tag (or if it does not have a valid href attribute), the HTML file's URL is used as the base URL. :param document: An HTML document representation. The current implementation expects the result of ``html5lib.parse()``. :param page_url: The URL of the HTML document. """ for base in document.findall(".//base"): href = base.get("href") if href is not None: return href return page_url def _get_encoding_from_headers(headers): """Determine if we have any encoding information in our headers. """ if headers and "Content-Type" in headers: content_type, params = cgi.parse_header(headers["Content-Type"]) if "charset" in params: return params['charset'] return None _CLEAN_LINK_RE = re.compile(r'[^a-z0-9$&+,/:;=?@.#%_\\|-]', re.I) def _clean_link(url): # type: (str) -> str """Makes sure a link is fully encoded. That is, if a ' ' shows up in the link, it will be rewritten to %20 (while not over-quoting % or other characters).""" return _CLEAN_LINK_RE.sub(lambda match: '%%%2x' % ord(, url) class HTMLPage(object): """Represents one page, along with its URL""" def __init__(self, content, url, headers=None): # type: (bytes, str, MutableMapping[str, str]) -> None self.content = content self.url = url self.headers = headers def __str__(self): return redact_password_from_url(self.url) def iter_links(self): # type: () -> Iterable[Link] """Yields all links in the page""" document = html5lib.parse( self.content, transport_encoding=_get_encoding_from_headers(self.headers), namespaceHTMLElements=False, ) base_url = _determine_base_url(document, self.url) for anchor in document.findall(".//a"): if anchor.get("href"): href = anchor.get("href") url = _clean_link(urllib_parse.urljoin(base_url, href)) pyrequire = anchor.get('data-requires-python') pyrequire = unescape(pyrequire) if pyrequire else None yield Link(url, self.url, requires_python=pyrequire) Search = namedtuple('Search', 'supplied canonical formats') """Capture key aspects of a search. :attribute supplied: The user supplied package. :attribute canonical: The canonical package name. :attribute formats: The formats allowed for this package. Should be a set with 'binary' or 'source' or both in it. """
"""Locations where we look for configs, install stuff, etc""" from __future__ import absolute_import import os import os.path import platform import site import sys import sysconfig from distutils import sysconfig as distutils_sysconfig from distutils.command.install import SCHEME_KEYS # type: ignore from pip._internal.utils import appdirs from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS, expanduser from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Any, Union, Dict, List, Optional # Application Directories USER_CACHE_DIR = appdirs.user_cache_dir("pip") DELETE_MARKER_MESSAGE = '''\ This file is placed here by pip to indicate the source was put here by pip. Once this package is successfully installed this source code will be deleted (unless you remove this file). ''' PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME = 'pip-delete-this-directory.txt' def write_delete_marker_file(directory): # type: (str) -> None """ Write the pip delete marker file into this directory. """ filepath = os.path.join(directory, PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME) with open(filepath, 'w') as marker_fp: marker_fp.write(DELETE_MARKER_MESSAGE) def running_under_virtualenv(): # type: () -> bool """ Return True if we're running inside a virtualenv, False otherwise. """ if hasattr(sys, 'real_prefix'): return True elif sys.prefix != getattr(sys, "base_prefix", sys.prefix): return True return False def virtualenv_no_global(): # type: () -> bool """ Return True if in a venv and no system site packages. """ # this mirrors the logic in for locating the # no-global-site-packages.txt file site_mod_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(site.__file__)) no_global_file = os.path.join(site_mod_dir, 'no-global-site-packages.txt') if running_under_virtualenv() and os.path.isfile(no_global_file): return True else: return False if running_under_virtualenv(): src_prefix = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'src') else: # FIXME: keep src in cwd for now (it is not a temporary folder) try: src_prefix = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'src') except OSError: # In case the current working directory has been renamed or deleted sys.exit( "The folder you are executing pip from can no longer be found." ) # under macOS + virtualenv sys.prefix is not properly resolved # it is something like /path/to/python/bin/.. # Note: using realpath due to tmp dirs on OSX being symlinks src_prefix = os.path.abspath(src_prefix) # FIXME doesn't account for venv linked to global site-packages site_packages = sysconfig.get_path("purelib") # type: Optional[str] # This is because of a bug in PyPy's sysconfig module, see # # for more information. if platform.python_implementation().lower() == "pypy": site_packages = distutils_sysconfig.get_python_lib() try: # Use getusersitepackages if this is present, as it ensures that the # value is initialised properly. user_site = site.getusersitepackages() except AttributeError: user_site = site.USER_SITE user_dir = expanduser('~') if WINDOWS: bin_py = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'Scripts') bin_user = os.path.join(user_site, 'Scripts') # buildout uses 'bin' on Windows too? if not os.path.exists(bin_py): bin_py = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin') bin_user = os.path.join(user_site, 'bin') config_basename = 'pip.ini' legacy_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, 'pip') legacy_config_file = os.path.join( legacy_storage_dir, config_basename, ) else: bin_py = os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'bin') bin_user = os.path.join(user_site, 'bin') config_basename = 'pip.conf' legacy_storage_dir = os.path.join(user_dir, '.pip') legacy_config_file = os.path.join( legacy_storage_dir, config_basename, ) # Forcing to use /usr/local/bin for standard macOS framework installs # Also log to ~/Library/Logs/ for use with the log viewer if sys.platform[:6] == 'darwin' and sys.prefix[:16] == '/System/Library/': bin_py = '/usr/local/bin' global_config_files = [ os.path.join(path, config_basename) for path in appdirs.site_config_dirs('pip') ] site_config_file = os.path.join(sys.prefix, config_basename) new_config_file = os.path.join(appdirs.user_config_dir("pip"), config_basename) def distutils_scheme(dist_name, user=False, home=None, root=None, isolated=False, prefix=None): # type:(str, bool, str, str, bool, str) -> dict """ Return a distutils install scheme """ from distutils.dist import Distribution scheme = {} if isolated: extra_dist_args = {"script_args": ["--no-user-cfg"]} else: extra_dist_args = {} dist_args = {'name': dist_name} # type: Dict[str, Union[str, List[str]]] dist_args.update(extra_dist_args) d = Distribution(dist_args) # Ignoring, typeshed issue reported python/typeshed/issues/2567 d.parse_config_files() # NOTE: Ignoring type since mypy can't find attributes on 'Command' i = d.get_command_obj('install', create=True) # type: Any assert i is not None # NOTE: setting user or home has the side-effect of creating the home dir # or user base for installations during finalize_options() # ideally, we'd prefer a scheme class that has no side-effects. assert not (user and prefix), "user={} prefix={}".format(user, prefix) i.user = user or i.user if user: i.prefix = "" i.prefix = prefix or i.prefix i.home = home or i.home i.root = root or i.root i.finalize_options() for key in SCHEME_KEYS: scheme[key] = getattr(i, 'install_' + key) # install_lib specified in setup.cfg should install *everything* # into there (i.e. it takes precedence over both purelib and # platlib). Note, i.install_lib is *always* set after # finalize_options(); we only want to override here if the user # has explicitly requested it hence going back to the config # Ignoring, typeshed issue reported python/typeshed/issues/2567 if 'install_lib' in d.get_option_dict('install'): # type: ignore scheme.update(dict(purelib=i.install_lib, platlib=i.install_lib)) if running_under_virtualenv(): scheme['headers'] = os.path.join( sys.prefix, 'include', 'site', 'python' + sys.version[:3], dist_name, ) if root is not None: path_no_drive = os.path.splitdrive( os.path.abspath(scheme["headers"]))[1] scheme["headers"] = os.path.join( root, path_no_drive[1:], ) return scheme
"""A package that contains models that represent entities. """
from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version from pip._internal.utils.models import KeyBasedCompareMixin from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from pip._vendor.packaging.version import _BaseVersion from import Link from typing import Any class InstallationCandidate(KeyBasedCompareMixin): """Represents a potential "candidate" for installation. """ def __init__(self, project, version, location): # type: (Any, str, Link) -> None self.project = project self.version = parse_version(version) # type: _BaseVersion self.location = location super(InstallationCandidate, self).__init__( key=(self.project, self.version, self.location), defining_class=InstallationCandidate ) def __repr__(self): # type: () -> str return "<InstallationCandidate({!r}, {!r}, {!r})>".format( self.project, self.version, self.location, )
from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, Set, FrozenSet class FormatControl(object): """Helper for managing formats from which a package can be installed. """ def __init__(self, no_binary=None, only_binary=None): # type: (Optional[Set], Optional[Set]) -> None if no_binary is None: no_binary = set() if only_binary is None: only_binary = set() self.no_binary = no_binary self.only_binary = only_binary def __eq__(self, other): return self.__dict__ == other.__dict__ def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) def __repr__(self): return "{}({}, {})".format( self.__class__.__name__, self.no_binary, self.only_binary ) @staticmethod def handle_mutual_excludes(value, target, other): # type: (str, Optional[Set], Optional[Set]) -> None new = value.split(',') while ':all:' in new: other.clear() target.clear() target.add(':all:') del new[:new.index(':all:') + 1] # Without a none, we want to discard everything as :all: covers it if ':none:' not in new: return for name in new: if name == ':none:': target.clear() continue name = canonicalize_name(name) other.discard(name) target.add(name) def get_allowed_formats(self, canonical_name): # type: (str) -> FrozenSet result = {"binary", "source"} if canonical_name in self.only_binary: result.discard('source') elif canonical_name in self.no_binary: result.discard('binary') elif ':all:' in self.only_binary: result.discard('source') elif ':all:' in self.no_binary: result.discard('binary') return frozenset(result) def disallow_binaries(self): # type: () -> None self.handle_mutual_excludes( ':all:', self.no_binary, self.only_binary, )
from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse class PackageIndex(object): """Represents a Package Index and provides easier access to endpoints """ def __init__(self, url, file_storage_domain): # type: (str, str) -> None super(PackageIndex, self).__init__() self.url = url self.netloc = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url).netloc self.simple_url = self._url_for_path('simple') self.pypi_url = self._url_for_path('pypi') # This is part of a temporary hack used to block installs of PyPI # packages which depend on external urls only necessary until PyPI can # block such packages themselves self.file_storage_domain = file_storage_domain def _url_for_path(self, path): # type: (str) -> str return urllib_parse.urljoin(self.url, path) PyPI = PackageIndex( '', file_storage_domain='' ) TestPyPI = PackageIndex( '', file_storage_domain='' )
import posixpath import re from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from import path_to_url from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( WHEEL_EXTENSION, redact_password_from_url, splitext, ) from pip._internal.utils.models import KeyBasedCompareMixin from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union from pip._internal.index import HTMLPage class Link(KeyBasedCompareMixin): """Represents a parsed link from a Package Index's simple URL """ def __init__(self, url, comes_from=None, requires_python=None): # type: (str, Optional[Union[str, HTMLPage]], Optional[str]) -> None """ url: url of the resource pointed to (href of the link) comes_from: instance of HTMLPage where the link was found, or string. requires_python: String containing the `Requires-Python` metadata field, specified in PEP 345. This may be specified by a data-requires-python attribute in the HTML link tag, as described in PEP 503. """ # url can be a UNC windows share if url.startswith('\\\\'): url = path_to_url(url) self.url = url self.comes_from = comes_from self.requires_python = requires_python if requires_python else None super(Link, self).__init__( key=(self.url), defining_class=Link ) def __str__(self): if self.requires_python: rp = ' (requires-python:%s)' % self.requires_python else: rp = '' if self.comes_from: return '%s (from %s)%s' % (redact_password_from_url(self.url), self.comes_from, rp) else: return redact_password_from_url(str(self.url)) def __repr__(self): return '<Link %s>' % self @property def filename(self): # type: () -> str _, netloc, path, _, _ = urllib_parse.urlsplit(self.url) name = posixpath.basename(path.rstrip('/')) or netloc name = urllib_parse.unquote(name) assert name, ('URL %r produced no filename' % self.url) return name @property def scheme(self): # type: () -> str return urllib_parse.urlsplit(self.url)[0] @property def netloc(self): # type: () -> str return urllib_parse.urlsplit(self.url)[1] @property def path(self): # type: () -> str return urllib_parse.unquote(urllib_parse.urlsplit(self.url)[2]) def splitext(self): # type: () -> Tuple[str, str] return splitext(posixpath.basename(self.path.rstrip('/'))) @property def ext(self): # type: () -> str return self.splitext()[1] @property def url_without_fragment(self): # type: () -> str scheme, netloc, path, query, fragment = urllib_parse.urlsplit(self.url) return urllib_parse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query, None)) _egg_fragment_re = re.compile(r'[#&]egg=([^&]*)') @property def egg_fragment(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] match = if not match: return None return _subdirectory_fragment_re = re.compile(r'[#&]subdirectory=([^&]*)') @property def subdirectory_fragment(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] match = if not match: return None return _hash_re = re.compile( r'(sha1|sha224|sha384|sha256|sha512|md5)=([a-f0-9]+)' ) @property def hash(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] match = if match: return return None @property def hash_name(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] match = if match: return return None @property def show_url(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] return posixpath.basename(self.url.split('#', 1)[0].split('?', 1)[0]) @property def is_wheel(self): # type: () -> bool return self.ext == WHEEL_EXTENSION @property def is_artifact(self): # type: () -> bool """ Determines if this points to an actual artifact (e.g. a tarball) or if it points to an "abstract" thing like a path or a VCS location. """ from pip._internal.vcs import vcs if self.scheme in vcs.all_schemes: return False return True
"""Validation of dependencies of packages """ import logging from collections import namedtuple from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import RequirementParseError from pip._internal.operations.prepare import make_abstract_dist from pip._internal.utils.misc import get_installed_distributions from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from typing import ( Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Set, Tuple, List ) # Shorthands PackageSet = Dict[str, 'PackageDetails'] Missing = Tuple[str, Any] Conflicting = Tuple[str, str, Any] MissingDict = Dict[str, List[Missing]] ConflictingDict = Dict[str, List[Conflicting]] CheckResult = Tuple[MissingDict, ConflictingDict] PackageDetails = namedtuple('PackageDetails', ['version', 'requires']) def create_package_set_from_installed(**kwargs): # type: (**Any) -> Tuple[PackageSet, bool] """Converts a list of distributions into a PackageSet. """ # Default to using all packages installed on the system if kwargs == {}: kwargs = {"local_only": False, "skip": ()} package_set = {} problems = False for dist in get_installed_distributions(**kwargs): name = canonicalize_name(dist.project_name) try: package_set[name] = PackageDetails(dist.version, dist.requires()) except RequirementParseError as e: # Don't crash on broken metadata logging.warning("Error parsing requirements for %s: %s", name, e) problems = True return package_set, problems def check_package_set(package_set, should_ignore=None): # type: (PackageSet, Optional[Callable[[str], bool]]) -> CheckResult """Check if a package set is consistent If should_ignore is passed, it should be a callable that takes a package name and returns a boolean. """ if should_ignore is None: def should_ignore(name): return False missing = dict() conflicting = dict() for package_name in package_set: # Info about dependencies of package_name missing_deps = set() # type: Set[Missing] conflicting_deps = set() # type: Set[Conflicting] if should_ignore(package_name): continue for req in package_set[package_name].requires: name = canonicalize_name(req.project_name) # type: str # Check if it's missing if name not in package_set: missed = True if req.marker is not None: missed = req.marker.evaluate() if missed: missing_deps.add((name, req)) continue # Check if there's a conflict version = package_set[name].version # type: str if not req.specifier.contains(version, prereleases=True): conflicting_deps.add((name, version, req)) if missing_deps: missing[package_name] = sorted(missing_deps, key=str) if conflicting_deps: conflicting[package_name] = sorted(conflicting_deps, key=str) return missing, conflicting def check_install_conflicts(to_install): # type: (List[InstallRequirement]) -> Tuple[PackageSet, CheckResult] """For checking if the dependency graph would be consistent after \ installing given requirements """ # Start from the current state package_set, _ = create_package_set_from_installed() # Install packages would_be_installed = _simulate_installation_of(to_install, package_set) # Only warn about directly-dependent packages; create a whitelist of them whitelist = _create_whitelist(would_be_installed, package_set) return ( package_set, check_package_set( package_set, should_ignore=lambda name: name not in whitelist ) ) def _simulate_installation_of(to_install, package_set): # type: (List[InstallRequirement], PackageSet) -> Set[str] """Computes the version of packages after installing to_install. """ # Keep track of packages that were installed installed = set() # Modify it as installing requirement_set would (assuming no errors) for inst_req in to_install: dist = make_abstract_dist(inst_req).dist() name = canonicalize_name(dist.key) package_set[name] = PackageDetails(dist.version, dist.requires()) installed.add(name) return installed def _create_whitelist(would_be_installed, package_set): # type: (Set[str], PackageSet) -> Set[str] packages_affected = set(would_be_installed) for package_name in package_set: if package_name in packages_affected: continue for req in package_set[package_name].requires: if canonicalize_name( in packages_affected: packages_affected.add(package_name) break return packages_affected
from __future__ import absolute_import import collections import logging import os import re from pip._vendor import six from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import RequirementParseError from pip._internal.exceptions import BadCommand, InstallationError from pip._internal.req.constructors import ( install_req_from_editable, install_req_from_line, ) from pip._internal.req.req_file import COMMENT_RE from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( dist_is_editable, get_installed_distributions, ) from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Iterator, Optional, List, Container, Set, Dict, Tuple, Iterable, Union ) from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import ( Distribution, Requirement ) RequirementInfo = Tuple[Optional[Union[str, Requirement]], bool, List[str]] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def freeze( requirement=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] find_links=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] local_only=None, # type: Optional[bool] user_only=None, # type: Optional[bool] skip_regex=None, # type: Optional[str] isolated=False, # type: bool wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] exclude_editable=False, # type: bool skip=() # type: Container[str] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[str] find_links = find_links or [] skip_match = None if skip_regex: skip_match = re.compile(skip_regex).search for link in find_links: yield '-f %s' % link installations = {} # type: Dict[str, FrozenRequirement] for dist in get_installed_distributions(local_only=local_only, skip=(), user_only=user_only): try: req = FrozenRequirement.from_dist(dist) except RequirementParseError: logger.warning( "Could not parse requirement: %s", dist.project_name ) continue if exclude_editable and req.editable: continue installations[] = req if requirement: # the options that don't get turned into an InstallRequirement # should only be emitted once, even if the same option is in multiple # requirements files, so we need to keep track of what has been emitted # so that we don't emit it again if it's seen again emitted_options = set() # type: Set[str] # keep track of which files a requirement is in so that we can # give an accurate warning if a requirement appears multiple times. req_files = collections.defaultdict(list) # type: Dict[str, List[str]] for req_file_path in requirement: with open(req_file_path) as req_file: for line in req_file: if (not line.strip() or line.strip().startswith('#') or (skip_match and skip_match(line)) or line.startswith(( '-r', '--requirement', '-Z', '--always-unzip', '-f', '--find-links', '-i', '--index-url', '--pre', '--trusted-host', '--process-dependency-links', '--extra-index-url'))): line = line.rstrip() if line not in emitted_options: emitted_options.add(line) yield line continue if line.startswith('-e') or line.startswith('--editable'): if line.startswith('-e'): line = line[2:].strip() else: line = line[len('--editable'):].strip().lstrip('=') line_req = install_req_from_editable( line, isolated=isolated, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, ) else: line_req = install_req_from_line( COMMENT_RE.sub('', line).strip(), isolated=isolated, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, ) if not "Skipping line in requirement file [%s] because " "it's not clear what it would install: %s", req_file_path, line.strip(), ) " (add #egg=PackageName to the URL to avoid" " this warning)" ) elif not in installations: # either it's not installed, or it is installed # but has been processed already if not req_files[]: logger.warning( "Requirement file [%s] contains %s, but " "package %r is not installed", req_file_path, COMMENT_RE.sub('', line).strip(), ) else: req_files[].append(req_file_path) else: yield str(installations[]).rstrip() del installations[] req_files[].append(req_file_path) # Warn about requirements that were included multiple times (in a # single requirements file or in different requirements files). for name, files in six.iteritems(req_files): if len(files) > 1: logger.warning("Requirement %s included multiple times [%s]", name, ', '.join(sorted(set(files)))) yield( '## The following requirements were added by ' 'pip freeze:' ) for installation in sorted( installations.values(), key=lambda x: if canonicalize_name( not in skip: yield str(installation).rstrip() def get_requirement_info(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> RequirementInfo """ Compute and return values (req, editable, comments) for use in FrozenRequirement.from_dist(). """ if not dist_is_editable(dist): return (None, False, []) location = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(dist.location)) from pip._internal.vcs import vcs, RemoteNotFoundError vc_type = vcs.get_backend_type(location) if not vc_type: req = dist.as_requirement() logger.debug( 'No VCS found for editable requirement {!r} in: {!r}', req, location, ) comments = [ '# Editable install with no version control ({})'.format(req) ] return (location, True, comments) try: req = vc_type.get_src_requirement(location, dist.project_name) except RemoteNotFoundError: req = dist.as_requirement() comments = [ '# Editable {} install with no remote ({})'.format( vc_type.__name__, req, ) ] return (location, True, comments) except BadCommand: logger.warning( 'cannot determine version of editable source in %s ' '(%s command not found in path)', location,, ) return (None, True, []) except InstallationError as exc: logger.warning( "Error when trying to get requirement for VCS system %s, " "falling back to uneditable format", exc ) else: if req is not None: return (req, True, []) logger.warning( 'Could not determine repository location of %s', location ) comments = ['## !! Could not determine repository location'] return (None, False, comments) class FrozenRequirement(object): def __init__(self, name, req, editable, comments=()): # type: (str, Union[str, Requirement], bool, Iterable[str]) -> None = name self.req = req self.editable = editable self.comments = comments @classmethod def from_dist(cls, dist): # type: (Distribution) -> FrozenRequirement req, editable, comments = get_requirement_info(dist) if req is None: req = dist.as_requirement() return cls(dist.project_name, req, editable, comments=comments) def __str__(self): req = self.req if self.editable: req = '-e %s' % req return '\n'.join(list(self.comments) + [str(req)]) + '\n'
"""Prepares a distribution for installation """ import logging import os from pip._vendor import pkg_resources, requests from pip._internal.build_env import BuildEnvironment from import ( is_dir_url, is_file_url, is_vcs_url, unpack_url, url_to_path, ) from pip._internal.exceptions import ( DirectoryUrlHashUnsupported, HashUnpinned, InstallationError, PreviousBuildDirError, VcsHashUnsupported, ) from pip._internal.utils.compat import expanduser from pip._internal.utils.hashes import MissingHashes from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.misc import display_path, normalize_path from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Any, Optional from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from import PipSession from pip._internal.req.req_tracker import RequirementTracker logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def make_abstract_dist(req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> DistAbstraction """Factory to make an abstract dist object. Preconditions: Either an editable req with a source_dir, or satisfied_by or a wheel link, or a non-editable req with a source_dir. :return: A concrete DistAbstraction. """ if req.editable: return IsSDist(req) elif and return IsWheel(req) else: return IsSDist(req) class DistAbstraction(object): """Abstracts out the wheel vs non-wheel Resolver.resolve() logic. The requirements for anything installable are as follows: - we must be able to determine the requirement name (or we can't correctly handle the non-upgrade case). - we must be able to generate a list of run-time dependencies without installing any additional packages (or we would have to either burn time by doing temporary isolated installs or alternatively violate pips 'don't start installing unless all requirements are available' rule - neither of which are desirable). - for packages with setup requirements, we must also be able to determine their requirements without installing additional packages (for the same reason as run-time dependencies) - we must be able to create a Distribution object exposing the above metadata. """ def __init__(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> None self.req = req # type: InstallRequirement def dist(self): # type: () -> Any """Return a setuptools Dist object.""" raise NotImplementedError def prep_for_dist(self, finder, build_isolation): # type: (PackageFinder, bool) -> Any """Ensure that we can get a Dist for this requirement.""" raise NotImplementedError class IsWheel(DistAbstraction): def dist(self): # type: () -> pkg_resources.Distribution return list(pkg_resources.find_distributions( self.req.source_dir))[0] def prep_for_dist(self, finder, build_isolation): # type: (PackageFinder, bool) -> Any # FIXME: pass class IsSDist(DistAbstraction): def dist(self): return self.req.get_dist() def prep_for_dist(self, finder, build_isolation): # type: (PackageFinder, bool) -> None # Prepare for building. We need to: # 1. Load pyproject.toml (if it exists) # 2. Set up the build environment self.req.load_pyproject_toml() should_isolate = self.req.use_pep517 and build_isolation def _raise_conflicts(conflicting_with, conflicting_reqs): raise InstallationError( "Some build dependencies for %s conflict with %s: %s." % ( self.req, conflicting_with, ', '.join( '%s is incompatible with %s' % (installed, wanted) for installed, wanted in sorted(conflicting)))) if should_isolate: # Isolate in a BuildEnvironment and install the build-time # requirements. self.req.build_env = BuildEnvironment() self.req.build_env.install_requirements( finder, self.req.pyproject_requires, 'overlay', "Installing build dependencies" ) conflicting, missing = self.req.build_env.check_requirements( self.req.requirements_to_check ) if conflicting: _raise_conflicts("PEP 517/518 supported requirements", conflicting) if missing: logger.warning( "Missing build requirements in pyproject.toml for %s.", self.req, ) logger.warning( "The project does not specify a build backend, and " "pip cannot fall back to setuptools without %s.", " and ".join(map(repr, sorted(missing))) ) # Install any extra build dependencies that the backend requests. # This must be done in a second pass, as the pyproject.toml # dependencies must be installed before we can call the backend. with self.req.build_env: # We need to have the env active when calling the hook. self.req.spin_message = "Getting requirements to build wheel" reqs = self.req.pep517_backend.get_requires_for_build_wheel() conflicting, missing = self.req.build_env.check_requirements(reqs) if conflicting: _raise_conflicts("the backend dependencies", conflicting) self.req.build_env.install_requirements( finder, missing, 'normal', "Installing backend dependencies" ) self.req.prepare_metadata() self.req.assert_source_matches_version() class Installed(DistAbstraction): def dist(self): # type: () -> pkg_resources.Distribution return self.req.satisfied_by def prep_for_dist(self, finder, build_isolation): # type: (PackageFinder, bool) -> Any pass class RequirementPreparer(object): """Prepares a Requirement """ def __init__( self, build_dir, # type: str download_dir, # type: Optional[str] src_dir, # type: str wheel_download_dir, # type: Optional[str] progress_bar, # type: str build_isolation, # type: bool req_tracker # type: RequirementTracker ): # type: (...) -> None super(RequirementPreparer, self).__init__() self.src_dir = src_dir self.build_dir = build_dir self.req_tracker = req_tracker # Where still packed archives should be written to. If None, they are # not saved, and are deleted immediately after unpacking. self.download_dir = download_dir # Where still-packed .whl files should be written to. If None, they are # written to the download_dir parameter. Separate to download_dir to # permit only keeping wheel archives for pip wheel. if wheel_download_dir: wheel_download_dir = normalize_path(wheel_download_dir) self.wheel_download_dir = wheel_download_dir # NOTE # download_dir and wheel_download_dir overlap semantically and may # be combined if we're willing to have non-wheel archives present in # the wheelhouse output by 'pip wheel'. self.progress_bar = progress_bar # Is build isolation allowed? self.build_isolation = build_isolation @property def _download_should_save(self): # type: () -> bool # TODO: Modify to reduce indentation needed if self.download_dir: self.download_dir = expanduser(self.download_dir) if os.path.exists(self.download_dir): return True else: logger.critical('Could not find download directory') raise InstallationError( "Could not find or access download directory '%s'" % display_path(self.download_dir)) return False def prepare_linked_requirement( self, req, # type: InstallRequirement session, # type: PipSession finder, # type: PackageFinder upgrade_allowed, # type: bool require_hashes # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> DistAbstraction """Prepare a requirement that would be obtained from """ # TODO: Breakup into smaller functions if and == 'file': path = url_to_path('Processing %s', display_path(path)) else:'Collecting %s', req) with indent_log(): # @@ if filesystem packages are not marked # editable in a req, a non deterministic error # occurs when the script attempts to unpack the # build directory req.ensure_has_source_dir(self.build_dir) # If a checkout exists, it's unwise to keep going. version # inconsistencies are logged later, but do not fail the # installation. # FIXME: this won't upgrade when there's an existing # package unpacked in `req.source_dir` # package unpacked in `req.source_dir` if os.path.exists(os.path.join(req.source_dir, '')): raise PreviousBuildDirError( "pip can't proceed with requirements '%s' due to a" " pre-existing build directory (%s). This is " "likely due to a previous installation that failed" ". pip is being responsible and not assuming it " "can delete this. Please delete it and try again." % (req, req.source_dir) ) req.populate_link(finder, upgrade_allowed, require_hashes) # We can't hit this spot and have populate_link return None. # req.satisfied_by is None here (because we're # guarded) and upgrade has no impact except when satisfied_by # is not None. # Then inside find_requirement existing_applicable -> False # If no new versions are found, DistributionNotFound is raised, # otherwise a result is guaranteed. assert link = # Now that we have the real link, we can tell what kind of # requirements we have and raise some more informative errors # than otherwise. (For example, we can raise VcsHashUnsupported # for a VCS URL rather than HashMissing.) if require_hashes: # We could check these first 2 conditions inside # unpack_url and save repetition of conditions, but then # we would report less-useful error messages for # unhashable requirements, complaining that there's no # hash provided. if is_vcs_url(link): raise VcsHashUnsupported() elif is_file_url(link) and is_dir_url(link): raise DirectoryUrlHashUnsupported() if not req.original_link and not req.is_pinned: # Unpinned packages are asking for trouble when a new # version is uploaded. This isn't a security check, but # it saves users a surprising hash mismatch in the # future. # # file:/// URLs aren't pinnable, so don't complain # about them not being pinned. raise HashUnpinned() hashes = req.hashes(trust_internet=not require_hashes) if require_hashes and not hashes: # Known-good hashes are missing for this requirement, so # shim it with a facade object that will provoke hash # computation and then raise a HashMissing exception # showing the user what the hash should be. hashes = MissingHashes() try: download_dir = self.download_dir # We always delete unpacked sdists after pip ran. autodelete_unpacked = True if and self.wheel_download_dir: # when doing 'pip wheel` we download wheels to a # dedicated dir. download_dir = self.wheel_download_dir if if download_dir: # When downloading, we only unpack wheels to get # metadata. autodelete_unpacked = True else: # When installing a wheel, we use the unpacked # wheel. autodelete_unpacked = False unpack_url(, req.source_dir, download_dir, autodelete_unpacked, session=session, hashes=hashes, progress_bar=self.progress_bar ) except requests.HTTPError as exc: logger.critical( 'Could not install requirement %s because of error %s', req, exc, ) raise InstallationError( 'Could not install requirement %s because of HTTP ' 'error %s for URL %s' % (req, exc, ) abstract_dist = make_abstract_dist(req) with self.req_tracker.track(req): abstract_dist.prep_for_dist(finder, self.build_isolation) if self._download_should_save: # Make a .zip of the source_dir we already created. if not req.archive(self.download_dir) return abstract_dist def prepare_editable_requirement( self, req, # type: InstallRequirement require_hashes, # type: bool use_user_site, # type: bool finder # type: PackageFinder ): # type: (...) -> DistAbstraction """Prepare an editable requirement """ assert req.editable, "cannot prepare a non-editable req as editable"'Obtaining %s', req) with indent_log(): if require_hashes: raise InstallationError( 'The editable requirement %s cannot be installed when ' 'requiring hashes, because there is no single file to ' 'hash.' % req ) req.ensure_has_source_dir(self.src_dir) req.update_editable(not self._download_should_save) abstract_dist = make_abstract_dist(req) with self.req_tracker.track(req): abstract_dist.prep_for_dist(finder, self.build_isolation) if self._download_should_save: req.archive(self.download_dir) req.check_if_exists(use_user_site) return abstract_dist def prepare_installed_requirement(self, req, require_hashes, skip_reason): # type: (InstallRequirement, bool, Optional[str]) -> DistAbstraction """Prepare an already-installed requirement """ assert req.satisfied_by, "req should have been satisfied but isn't" assert skip_reason is not None, ( "did not get skip reason skipped but req.satisfied_by " "is set to %r" % (req.satisfied_by,) ) 'Requirement %s: %s (%s)', skip_reason, req, req.satisfied_by.version ) with indent_log(): if require_hashes: logger.debug( 'Since it is already installed, we are trusting this ' 'package without checking its hash. To ensure a ' 'completely repeatable environment, install into an ' 'empty virtualenv.' ) abstract_dist = Installed(req) return abstract_dist
"""Generate and work with PEP 425 Compatibility Tags.""" from __future__ import absolute_import import distutils.util import logging import platform import re import sys import sysconfig import warnings from collections import OrderedDict import pip._internal.utils.glibc from pip._internal.utils.compat import get_extension_suffixes from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Tuple, Callable, List, Optional, Union, Dict ) Pep425Tag = Tuple[str, str, str] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) _osx_arch_pat = re.compile(r'(.+)_(\d+)_(\d+)_(.+)') def get_config_var(var): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] try: return sysconfig.get_config_var(var) except IOError as e: # Issue #1074 warnings.warn("{}".format(e), RuntimeWarning) return None def get_abbr_impl(): # type: () -> str """Return abbreviated implementation name.""" if hasattr(sys, 'pypy_version_info'): pyimpl = 'pp' elif sys.platform.startswith('java'): pyimpl = 'jy' elif sys.platform == 'cli': pyimpl = 'ip' else: pyimpl = 'cp' return pyimpl def get_impl_ver(): # type: () -> str """Return implementation version.""" impl_ver = get_config_var("py_version_nodot") if not impl_ver or get_abbr_impl() == 'pp': impl_ver = ''.join(map(str, get_impl_version_info())) return impl_ver def get_impl_version_info(): # type: () -> Tuple[int, ...] """Return sys.version_info-like tuple for use in decrementing the minor version.""" if get_abbr_impl() == 'pp': # as per # attrs exist only on pypy return (sys.version_info[0], sys.pypy_version_info.major, # type: ignore sys.pypy_version_info.minor) # type: ignore else: return sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1] def get_impl_tag(): # type: () -> str """ Returns the Tag for this specific implementation. """ return "{}{}".format(get_abbr_impl(), get_impl_ver()) def get_flag(var, fallback, expected=True, warn=True): # type: (str, Callable[..., bool], Union[bool, int], bool) -> bool """Use a fallback method for determining SOABI flags if the needed config var is unset or unavailable.""" val = get_config_var(var) if val is None: if warn: logger.debug("Config variable '%s' is unset, Python ABI tag may " "be incorrect", var) return fallback() return val == expected def get_abi_tag(): # type: () -> Optional[str] """Return the ABI tag based on SOABI (if available) or emulate SOABI (CPython 2, PyPy).""" soabi = get_config_var('SOABI') impl = get_abbr_impl() if not soabi and impl in {'cp', 'pp'} and hasattr(sys, 'maxunicode'): d = '' m = '' u = '' if get_flag('Py_DEBUG', lambda: hasattr(sys, 'gettotalrefcount'), warn=(impl == 'cp')): d = 'd' if get_flag('WITH_PYMALLOC', lambda: impl == 'cp', warn=(impl == 'cp')): m = 'm' if get_flag('Py_UNICODE_SIZE', lambda: sys.maxunicode == 0x10ffff, expected=4, warn=(impl == 'cp' and sys.version_info < (3, 3))) \ and sys.version_info < (3, 3): u = 'u' abi = '%s%s%s%s%s' % (impl, get_impl_ver(), d, m, u) elif soabi and soabi.startswith('cpython-'): abi = 'cp' + soabi.split('-')[1] elif soabi: abi = soabi.replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_') else: abi = None return abi def _is_running_32bit(): # type: () -> bool return sys.maxsize == 2147483647 def get_platform(): # type: () -> str """Return our platform name 'win32', 'linux_x86_64'""" if sys.platform == 'darwin': # distutils.util.get_platform() returns the release based on the value # of MACOSX_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET on which Python was built, which may # be significantly older than the user's current machine. release, _, machine = platform.mac_ver() split_ver = release.split('.') if machine == "x86_64" and _is_running_32bit(): machine = "i386" elif machine == "ppc64" and _is_running_32bit(): machine = "ppc" return 'macosx_{}_{}_{}'.format(split_ver[0], split_ver[1], machine) # XXX remove distutils dependency result = distutils.util.get_platform().replace('.', '_').replace('-', '_') if result == "linux_x86_64" and _is_running_32bit(): # 32 bit Python program (running on a 64 bit Linux): pip should only # install and run 32 bit compiled extensions in that case. result = "linux_i686" return result def is_manylinux1_compatible(): # type: () -> bool # Only Linux, and only x86-64 / i686 if get_platform() not in {"linux_x86_64", "linux_i686"}: return False # Check for presence of _manylinux module try: import _manylinux return bool(_manylinux.manylinux1_compatible) except (ImportError, AttributeError): # Fall through to heuristic check below pass # Check glibc version. CentOS 5 uses glibc 2.5. return pip._internal.utils.glibc.have_compatible_glibc(2, 5) def is_manylinux2010_compatible(): # type: () -> bool # Only Linux, and only x86-64 / i686 if get_platform() not in {"linux_x86_64", "linux_i686"}: return False # Check for presence of _manylinux module try: import _manylinux return bool(_manylinux.manylinux2010_compatible) except (ImportError, AttributeError): # Fall through to heuristic check below pass # Check glibc version. CentOS 6 uses glibc 2.12. return pip._internal.utils.glibc.have_compatible_glibc(2, 12) def get_darwin_arches(major, minor, machine): # type: (int, int, str) -> List[str] """Return a list of supported arches (including group arches) for the given major, minor and machine architecture of an macOS machine. """ arches = [] def _supports_arch(major, minor, arch): # type: (int, int, str) -> bool # Looking at the application support for macOS versions in the chart # provided by it appears # our timeline looks roughly like: # # 10.0 - Introduces ppc support. # 10.4 - Introduces ppc64, i386, and x86_64 support, however the ppc64 # and x86_64 support is CLI only, and cannot be used for GUI # applications. # 10.5 - Extends ppc64 and x86_64 support to cover GUI applications. # 10.6 - Drops support for ppc64 # 10.7 - Drops support for ppc # # Given that we do not know if we're installing a CLI or a GUI # application, we must be conservative and assume it might be a GUI # application and behave as if ppc64 and x86_64 support did not occur # until 10.5. # # Note: The above information is taken from the "Application support" # column in the chart not the "Processor support" since I believe # that we care about what instruction sets an application can use # not which processors the OS supports. if arch == 'ppc': return (major, minor) <= (10, 5) if arch == 'ppc64': return (major, minor) == (10, 5) if arch == 'i386': return (major, minor) >= (10, 4) if arch == 'x86_64': return (major, minor) >= (10, 5) if arch in groups: for garch in groups[arch]: if _supports_arch(major, minor, garch): return True return False groups = OrderedDict([ ("fat", ("i386", "ppc")), ("intel", ("x86_64", "i386")), ("fat64", ("x86_64", "ppc64")), ("fat32", ("x86_64", "i386", "ppc")), ]) # type: Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]] if _supports_arch(major, minor, machine): arches.append(machine) for garch in groups: if machine in groups[garch] and _supports_arch(major, minor, garch): arches.append(garch) arches.append('universal') return arches def get_all_minor_versions_as_strings(version_info): # type: (Tuple[int, ...]) -> List[str] versions = [] major = version_info[:-1] # Support all previous minor Python versions. for minor in range(version_info[-1], -1, -1): versions.append(''.join(map(str, major + (minor,)))) return versions def get_supported( versions=None, # type: Optional[List[str]] noarch=False, # type: bool platform=None, # type: Optional[str] impl=None, # type: Optional[str] abi=None # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> List[Pep425Tag] """Return a list of supported tags for each version specified in `versions`. :param versions: a list of string versions, of the form ["33", "32"], or None. The first version will be assumed to support our ABI. :param platform: specify the exact platform you want valid tags for, or None. If None, use the local system platform. :param impl: specify the exact implementation you want valid tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter impl. :param abi: specify the exact abi you want valid tags for, or None. If None, use the local interpreter abi. """ supported = [] # Versions must be given with respect to the preference if versions is None: version_info = get_impl_version_info() versions = get_all_minor_versions_as_strings(version_info) impl = impl or get_abbr_impl() abis = [] # type: List[str] abi = abi or get_abi_tag() if abi: abis[0:0] = [abi] abi3s = set() for suffix in get_extension_suffixes(): if suffix.startswith('.abi'): abi3s.add(suffix.split('.', 2)[1]) abis.extend(sorted(list(abi3s))) abis.append('none') if not noarch: arch = platform or get_platform() arch_prefix, arch_sep, arch_suffix = arch.partition('_') if arch.startswith('macosx'): # support macosx-10.6-intel on macosx-10.9-x86_64 match = _osx_arch_pat.match(arch) if match: name, major, minor, actual_arch = match.groups() tpl = '{}_{}_%i_%s'.format(name, major) arches = [] for m in reversed(range(int(minor) + 1)): for a in get_darwin_arches(int(major), m, actual_arch): arches.append(tpl % (m, a)) else: # arch pattern didn't match (?!) arches = [arch] elif arch_prefix == 'manylinux2010': # manylinux1 wheels run on most manylinux2010 systems with the # exception of wheels depending on ncurses. PEP 571 states # manylinux1 wheels should be considered manylinux2010 wheels: # arches = [arch, 'manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix] elif platform is None: arches = [] if is_manylinux2010_compatible(): arches.append('manylinux2010' + arch_sep + arch_suffix) if is_manylinux1_compatible(): arches.append('manylinux1' + arch_sep + arch_suffix) arches.append(arch) else: arches = [arch] # Current version, current API (built specifically for our Python): for abi in abis: for arch in arches: supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), abi, arch)) # abi3 modules compatible with older version of Python for version in versions[1:]: # abi3 was introduced in Python 3.2 if version in {'31', '30'}: break for abi in abi3s: # empty set if not Python 3 for arch in arches: supported.append(("%s%s" % (impl, version), abi, arch)) # Has binaries, does not use the Python API: for arch in arches: supported.append(('py%s' % (versions[0][0]), 'none', arch)) # No abi / arch, but requires our implementation: supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0]), 'none', 'any')) # Tagged specifically as being cross-version compatible # (with just the major version specified) supported.append(('%s%s' % (impl, versions[0][0]), 'none', 'any')) # No abi / arch, generic Python for i, version in enumerate(versions): supported.append(('py%s' % (version,), 'none', 'any')) if i == 0: supported.append(('py%s' % (version[0]), 'none', 'any')) return supported implementation_tag = get_impl_tag()
from __future__ import absolute_import import io import os import sys from pip._vendor import pytoml, six from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Any, Tuple, Optional, List def _is_list_of_str(obj): # type: (Any) -> bool return ( isinstance(obj, list) and all(isinstance(item, six.string_types) for item in obj) ) def make_pyproject_path(setup_py_dir): # type: (str) -> str path = os.path.join(setup_py_dir, 'pyproject.toml') # Python2 __file__ should not be unicode if six.PY2 and isinstance(path, six.text_type): path = path.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return path def load_pyproject_toml( use_pep517, # type: Optional[bool] pyproject_toml, # type: str setup_py, # type: str req_name # type: str ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Tuple[List[str], str, List[str]]] """Load the pyproject.toml file. Parameters: use_pep517 - Has the user requested PEP 517 processing? None means the user hasn't explicitly specified. pyproject_toml - Location of the project's pyproject.toml file setup_py - Location of the project's file req_name - The name of the requirement we're processing (for error reporting) Returns: None if we should use the legacy code path, otherwise a tuple ( requirements from pyproject.toml, name of PEP 517 backend, requirements we should check are installed after setting up the build environment ) """ has_pyproject = os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml) has_setup = os.path.isfile(setup_py) if has_pyproject: with, encoding="utf-8") as f: pp_toml = pytoml.load(f) build_system = pp_toml.get("build-system") else: build_system = None # The following cases must use PEP 517 # We check for use_pep517 being non-None and falsey because that means # the user explicitly requested --no-use-pep517. The value 0 as # opposed to False can occur when the value is provided via an # environment variable or config file option (due to the quirk of # strtobool() returning an integer in pip's configuration code). if has_pyproject and not has_setup: if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517: raise InstallationError( "Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: " "project does not have a" ) use_pep517 = True elif build_system and "build-backend" in build_system: if use_pep517 is not None and not use_pep517: raise InstallationError( "Disabling PEP 517 processing is invalid: " "project specifies a build backend of {} " "in pyproject.toml".format( build_system["build-backend"] ) ) use_pep517 = True # If we haven't worked out whether to use PEP 517 yet, # and the user hasn't explicitly stated a preference, # we do so if the project has a pyproject.toml file. elif use_pep517 is None: use_pep517 = has_pyproject # At this point, we know whether we're going to use PEP 517. assert use_pep517 is not None # If we're using the legacy code path, there is nothing further # for us to do here. if not use_pep517: return None if build_system is None: # Either the user has a pyproject.toml with no build-system # section, or the user has no pyproject.toml, but has opted in # explicitly via --use-pep517. # In the absence of any explicit backend specification, we # assume the setuptools backend that most closely emulates the # traditional direct execution, and require wheel and # a version of setuptools that supports that backend. build_system = { "requires": ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"], "build-backend": "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__", } # If we're using PEP 517, we have build system information (either # from pyproject.toml, or defaulted by the code above). # Note that at this point, we do not know if the user has actually # specified a backend, though. assert build_system is not None # Ensure that the build-system section in pyproject.toml conforms # to PEP 518. error_template = ( "{package} has a pyproject.toml file that does not comply " "with PEP 518: {reason}" ) # Specifying the build-system table but not the requires key is invalid if "requires" not in build_system: raise InstallationError( error_template.format(package=req_name, reason=( "it has a 'build-system' table but not " "'build-system.requires' which is mandatory in the table" )) ) # Error out if requires is not a list of strings requires = build_system["requires"] if not _is_list_of_str(requires): raise InstallationError(error_template.format( package=req_name, reason="'build-system.requires' is not a list of strings.", )) backend = build_system.get("build-backend") check = [] # type: List[str] if backend is None: # If the user didn't specify a backend, we assume they want to use # the setuptools backend. But we can't be sure they have included # a version of setuptools which supplies the backend, or wheel # (which is needed by the backend) in their requirements. So we # make a note to check that those requirements are present once # we have set up the environment. # This is quite a lot of work to check for a very specific case. But # the problem is, that case is potentially quite common - projects that # adopted PEP 518 early for the ability to specify requirements to # execute, but never considered needing to mention the build # tools themselves. The original PEP 518 code had a similar check (but # implemented in a different way). backend = "setuptools.build_meta:__legacy__" check = ["setuptools>=40.8.0", "wheel"] return (requires, backend, check)
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from .req_install import InstallRequirement from .req_set import RequirementSet from .req_file import parse_requirements from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import List, Sequence __all__ = [ "RequirementSet", "InstallRequirement", "parse_requirements", "install_given_reqs", ] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def install_given_reqs( to_install, # type: List[InstallRequirement] install_options, # type: List[str] global_options=(), # type: Sequence[str] *args, **kwargs ): # type: (...) -> List[InstallRequirement] """ Install everything in the given list. (to be called after having downloaded and unpacked the packages) """ if to_install: 'Installing collected packages: %s', ', '.join([ for req in to_install]), ) with indent_log(): for requirement in to_install: if requirement.conflicts_with: 'Found existing installation: %s', requirement.conflicts_with, ) with indent_log(): uninstalled_pathset = requirement.uninstall( auto_confirm=True ) try: requirement.install( install_options, global_options, *args, **kwargs ) except Exception: should_rollback = ( requirement.conflicts_with and not requirement.install_succeeded ) # if install did not succeed, rollback previous uninstall if should_rollback: uninstalled_pathset.rollback() raise else: should_commit = ( requirement.conflicts_with and requirement.install_succeeded ) if should_commit: uninstalled_pathset.commit() requirement.remove_temporary_source() return to_install
"""Backing implementation for InstallRequirement's various constructors The idea here is that these formed a major chunk of InstallRequirement's size so, moving them and support code dedicated to them outside of that class helps creates for better understandability for the rest of the code. These are meant to be used elsewhere within pip to create instances of InstallRequirement. """ import logging import os import re from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import InvalidRequirement, Requirement from pip._vendor.packaging.specifiers import Specifier from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import RequirementParseError, parse_requirements from import ( is_archive_file, is_url, path_to_url, url_to_path, ) from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.models.index import PyPI, TestPyPI from import Link from pip._internal.pyproject import make_pyproject_path from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip._internal.utils.misc import is_installable_dir from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.vcs import vcs from pip._internal.wheel import Wheel if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Optional, Tuple, Set, Any, Union, Dict, ) from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache __all__ = [ "install_req_from_editable", "install_req_from_line", "parse_editable" ] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) operators = Specifier._operators.keys() def _strip_extras(path): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, Optional[str]] m = re.match(r'^(.+)(\[[^\]]+\])$', path) extras = None if m: path_no_extras = extras = else: path_no_extras = path return path_no_extras, extras def parse_editable(editable_req): # type: (str) -> Tuple[Optional[str], str, Optional[Set[str]]] """Parses an editable requirement into: - a requirement name - an URL - extras - editable options Accepted requirements: svn+http://blahblah@rev#egg=Foobar[baz]&subdirectory=version_subdir .[some_extra] """ url = editable_req # If a file path is specified with extras, strip off the extras. url_no_extras, extras = _strip_extras(url) if os.path.isdir(url_no_extras): if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(url_no_extras, '')): msg = ( 'File "" not found. Directory cannot be installed ' 'in editable mode: {}'.format(os.path.abspath(url_no_extras)) ) pyproject_path = make_pyproject_path(url_no_extras) if os.path.isfile(pyproject_path): msg += ( '\n(A "pyproject.toml" file was found, but editable ' 'mode currently requires a based build.)' ) raise InstallationError(msg) # Treating it as code that has already been checked out url_no_extras = path_to_url(url_no_extras) if url_no_extras.lower().startswith('file:'): package_name = Link(url_no_extras).egg_fragment if extras: return ( package_name, url_no_extras, Requirement("placeholder" + extras.lower()).extras, ) else: return package_name, url_no_extras, None for version_control in vcs: if url.lower().startswith('%s:' % version_control): url = '%s+%s' % (version_control, url) break if '+' not in url: raise InstallationError( '%s should either be a path to a local project or a VCS url ' 'beginning with svn+, git+, hg+, or bzr+' % editable_req ) vc_type = url.split('+', 1)[0].lower() if not vcs.get_backend(vc_type): error_message = 'For --editable=%s only ' % editable_req + \ ', '.join([ + '+URL' for backend in vcs.backends]) + \ ' is currently supported' raise InstallationError(error_message) package_name = Link(url).egg_fragment if not package_name: raise InstallationError( "Could not detect requirement name for '%s', please specify one " "with #egg=your_package_name" % editable_req ) return package_name, url, None def deduce_helpful_msg(req): # type: (str) -> str """Returns helpful msg in case requirements file does not exist, or cannot be parsed. :params req: Requirements file path """ msg = "" if os.path.exists(req): msg = " It does exist." # Try to parse and check if it is a requirements file. try: with open(req, 'r') as fp: # parse first line only next(parse_requirements( msg += " The argument you provided " + \ "(%s) appears to be a" % (req) + \ " requirements file. If that is the" + \ " case, use the '-r' flag to install" + \ " the packages specified within it." except RequirementParseError: logger.debug("Cannot parse '%s' as requirements \ file" % (req), exc_info=True) else: msg += " File '%s' does not exist." % (req) return msg # ---- The actual constructors follow ---- def install_req_from_editable( editable_req, # type: str comes_from=None, # type: Optional[str] use_pep517=None, # type: Optional[bool] isolated=False, # type: bool options=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] constraint=False # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement name, url, extras_override = parse_editable(editable_req) if url.startswith('file:'): source_dir = url_to_path(url) else: source_dir = None if name is not None: try: req = Requirement(name) except InvalidRequirement: raise InstallationError("Invalid requirement: '%s'" % name) else: req = None return InstallRequirement( req, comes_from, source_dir=source_dir, editable=True, link=Link(url), constraint=constraint, use_pep517=use_pep517, isolated=isolated, options=options if options else {}, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, extras=extras_override or (), ) def install_req_from_line( name, # type: str comes_from=None, # type: Optional[Union[str, InstallRequirement]] use_pep517=None, # type: Optional[bool] isolated=False, # type: bool options=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] constraint=False # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement """Creates an InstallRequirement from a name, which might be a requirement, directory containing '', filename, or URL. """ if is_url(name): marker_sep = '; ' else: marker_sep = ';' if marker_sep in name: name, markers_as_string = name.split(marker_sep, 1) markers_as_string = markers_as_string.strip() if not markers_as_string: markers = None else: markers = Marker(markers_as_string) else: markers = None name = name.strip() req_as_string = None path = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(name)) link = None extras_as_string = None if is_url(name): link = Link(name) else: p, extras_as_string = _strip_extras(path) looks_like_dir = os.path.isdir(p) and ( os.path.sep in name or (os.path.altsep is not None and os.path.altsep in name) or name.startswith('.') ) if looks_like_dir: if not is_installable_dir(p): raise InstallationError( "Directory %r is not installable. Neither '' " "nor 'pyproject.toml' found." % name ) link = Link(path_to_url(p)) elif is_archive_file(p): if not os.path.isfile(p): logger.warning( 'Requirement %r looks like a filename, but the ' 'file does not exist', name ) link = Link(path_to_url(p)) # it's a local file, dir, or url if link: # Handle relative file URLs if link.scheme == 'file' and'\.\./', link.url): link = Link( path_to_url(os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(link.path)))) # wheel file if link.is_wheel: wheel = Wheel(link.filename) # can raise InvalidWheelFilename req_as_string = "%s==%s" % (, wheel.version) else: # set the req to the egg fragment. when it's not there, this # will become an 'unnamed' requirement req_as_string = link.egg_fragment # a requirement specifier else: req_as_string = name if extras_as_string: extras = Requirement("placeholder" + extras_as_string.lower()).extras else: extras = () if req_as_string is not None: try: req = Requirement(req_as_string) except InvalidRequirement: if os.path.sep in req_as_string: add_msg = "It looks like a path." add_msg += deduce_helpful_msg(req_as_string) elif ('=' in req_as_string and not any(op in req_as_string for op in operators)): add_msg = "= is not a valid operator. Did you mean == ?" else: add_msg = "" raise InstallationError( "Invalid requirement: '%s'\n%s" % (req_as_string, add_msg) ) else: req = None return InstallRequirement( req, comes_from, link=link, markers=markers, use_pep517=use_pep517, isolated=isolated, options=options if options else {}, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, constraint=constraint, extras=extras, ) def install_req_from_req_string( req_string, # type: str comes_from=None, # type: Optional[InstallRequirement] isolated=False, # type: bool wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] use_pep517=None # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> InstallRequirement try: req = Requirement(req_string) except InvalidRequirement: raise InstallationError("Invalid requirement: '%s'" % req) domains_not_allowed = [ PyPI.file_storage_domain, TestPyPI.file_storage_domain, ] if req.url and in domains_not_allowed: # Explicitly disallow pypi packages that depend on external urls raise InstallationError( "Packages installed from PyPI cannot depend on packages " "which are not also hosted on PyPI.\n" "%s depends on %s " % (, req) ) return InstallRequirement( req, comes_from, isolated=isolated, wheel_cache=wheel_cache, use_pep517=use_pep517 )
""" Requirements file parsing """ from __future__ import absolute_import import optparse import os import re import shlex import sys from pip._vendor.six.moves import filterfalse from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from pip._internal.cli import cmdoptions from import get_file_content from pip._internal.exceptions import RequirementsFileParseError from pip._internal.req.constructors import ( install_req_from_editable, install_req_from_line, ) from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Iterator, Tuple, Optional, List, Callable, Text ) from pip._internal.req import InstallRequirement from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from import PipSession ReqFileLines = Iterator[Tuple[int, Text]] __all__ = ['parse_requirements'] SCHEME_RE = re.compile(r'^(http|https|file):', re.I) COMMENT_RE = re.compile(r'(^|\s)+#.*$') # Matches environment variable-style values in '${MY_VARIABLE_1}' with the # variable name consisting of only uppercase letters, digits or the '_' # (underscore). This follows the POSIX standard defined in IEEE Std 1003.1, # 2013 Edition. ENV_VAR_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<var>\$\{(?P<name>[A-Z0-9_]+)\})') SUPPORTED_OPTIONS = [ cmdoptions.constraints, cmdoptions.editable, cmdoptions.requirements, cmdoptions.no_index, cmdoptions.index_url, cmdoptions.find_links, cmdoptions.extra_index_url, cmdoptions.always_unzip, cmdoptions.no_binary, cmdoptions.only_binary, cmdoptions.pre, cmdoptions.trusted_host, cmdoptions.require_hashes, ] # type: List[Callable[..., optparse.Option]] # options to be passed to requirements SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ = [ cmdoptions.install_options, cmdoptions.global_options, cmdoptions.hash, ] # type: List[Callable[..., optparse.Option]] # the 'dest' string values SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST = [str(o().dest) for o in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ] def parse_requirements( filename, # type: str finder=None, # type: Optional[PackageFinder] comes_from=None, # type: Optional[str] options=None, # type: Optional[optparse.Values] session=None, # type: Optional[PipSession] constraint=False, # type: bool wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] use_pep517=None # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[InstallRequirement] """Parse a requirements file and yield InstallRequirement instances. :param filename: Path or url of requirements file. :param finder: Instance of pip.index.PackageFinder. :param comes_from: Origin description of requirements. :param options: cli options. :param session: Instance of :param constraint: If true, parsing a constraint file rather than requirements file. :param wheel_cache: Instance of pip.wheel.WheelCache :param use_pep517: Value of the --use-pep517 option. """ if session is None: raise TypeError( "parse_requirements() missing 1 required keyword argument: " "'session'" ) _, content = get_file_content( filename, comes_from=comes_from, session=session ) lines_enum = preprocess(content, options) for line_number, line in lines_enum: req_iter = process_line(line, filename, line_number, finder, comes_from, options, session, wheel_cache, use_pep517=use_pep517, constraint=constraint) for req in req_iter: yield req def preprocess(content, options): # type: (Text, Optional[optparse.Values]) -> ReqFileLines """Split, filter, and join lines, and return a line iterator :param content: the content of the requirements file :param options: cli options """ lines_enum = enumerate(content.splitlines(), start=1) # type: ReqFileLines lines_enum = join_lines(lines_enum) lines_enum = ignore_comments(lines_enum) lines_enum = skip_regex(lines_enum, options) lines_enum = expand_env_variables(lines_enum) return lines_enum def process_line( line, # type: Text filename, # type: str line_number, # type: int finder=None, # type: Optional[PackageFinder] comes_from=None, # type: Optional[str] options=None, # type: Optional[optparse.Values] session=None, # type: Optional[PipSession] wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] use_pep517=None, # type: Optional[bool] constraint=False # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> Iterator[InstallRequirement] """Process a single requirements line; This can result in creating/yielding requirements, or updating the finder. For lines that contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ, and they are scoped to the requirement. Other options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS may be present, but are ignored. For lines that do not contain requirements, the only options that have an effect are from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS. Options from SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ may be present, but are ignored. These lines may contain multiple options (although our docs imply only one is supported), and all our parsed and affect the finder. :param constraint: If True, parsing a constraints file. :param options: OptionParser options that we may update """ parser = build_parser(line) defaults = parser.get_default_values() defaults.index_url = None if finder: defaults.format_control = finder.format_control args_str, options_str = break_args_options(line) # Prior to 2.7.3, shlex cannot deal with unicode entries if sys.version_info < (2, 7, 3): # options_str = options_str.encode('utf8') # type: ignore # opts, _ = parser.parse_args( shlex.split(options_str), defaults) # type: ignore # preserve for the nested code path line_comes_from = '%s %s (line %s)' % ( '-c' if constraint else '-r', filename, line_number, ) # yield a line requirement if args_str: isolated = options.isolated_mode if options else False if options: cmdoptions.check_install_build_global(options, opts) # get the options that apply to requirements req_options = {} for dest in SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ_DEST: if dest in opts.__dict__ and opts.__dict__[dest]: req_options[dest] = opts.__dict__[dest] yield install_req_from_line( args_str, line_comes_from, constraint=constraint, use_pep517=use_pep517, isolated=isolated, options=req_options, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) # yield an editable requirement elif opts.editables: isolated = options.isolated_mode if options else False yield install_req_from_editable( opts.editables[0], comes_from=line_comes_from, use_pep517=use_pep517, constraint=constraint, isolated=isolated, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) # parse a nested requirements file elif opts.requirements or opts.constraints: if opts.requirements: req_path = opts.requirements[0] nested_constraint = False else: req_path = opts.constraints[0] nested_constraint = True # original file is over http if # do a url join so relative paths work req_path = urllib_parse.urljoin(filename, req_path) # original file and nested file are paths elif not # do a join so relative paths work req_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(filename), req_path) # TODO: Why not use `comes_from='-r {} (line {})'` here as well? parsed_reqs = parse_requirements( req_path, finder, comes_from, options, session, constraint=nested_constraint, wheel_cache=wheel_cache ) for req in parsed_reqs: yield req # percolate hash-checking option upward elif opts.require_hashes: options.require_hashes = opts.require_hashes # set finder options elif finder: if opts.index_url: finder.index_urls = [opts.index_url] if opts.no_index is True: finder.index_urls = [] if opts.extra_index_urls: finder.index_urls.extend(opts.extra_index_urls) if opts.find_links: # FIXME: it would be nice to keep track of the source # of the find_links: support a find-links local path # relative to a requirements file. value = opts.find_links[0] req_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(filename)) relative_to_reqs_file = os.path.join(req_dir, value) if os.path.exists(relative_to_reqs_file): value = relative_to_reqs_file finder.find_links.append(value) if opts.pre: finder.allow_all_prereleases = True if opts.trusted_hosts: finder.secure_origins.extend( ("*", host, "*") for host in opts.trusted_hosts) def break_args_options(line): # type: (Text) -> Tuple[str, Text] """Break up the line into an args and options string. We only want to shlex (and then optparse) the options, not the args. args can contain markers which are corrupted by shlex. """ tokens = line.split(' ') args = [] options = tokens[:] for token in tokens: if token.startswith('-') or token.startswith('--'): break else: args.append(token) options.pop(0) return ' '.join(args), ' '.join(options) # type: ignore def build_parser(line): # type: (Text) -> optparse.OptionParser """ Return a parser for parsing requirement lines """ parser = optparse.OptionParser(add_help_option=False) option_factories = SUPPORTED_OPTIONS + SUPPORTED_OPTIONS_REQ for option_factory in option_factories: option = option_factory() parser.add_option(option) # By default optparse sys.exits on parsing errors. We want to wrap # that in our own exception. def parser_exit(self, msg): # add offending line msg = 'Invalid requirement: %s\n%s' % (line, msg) raise RequirementsFileParseError(msg) # NOTE: mypy disallows assigning to a method # parser.exit = parser_exit # type: ignore return parser def join_lines(lines_enum): # type: (ReqFileLines) -> ReqFileLines """Joins a line ending in '\' with the previous line (except when following comments). The joined line takes on the index of the first line. """ primary_line_number = None new_line = [] # type: List[Text] for line_number, line in lines_enum: if not line.endswith('\\') or COMMENT_RE.match(line): if COMMENT_RE.match(line): # this ensures comments are always matched later line = ' ' + line if new_line: new_line.append(line) yield primary_line_number, ''.join(new_line) new_line = [] else: yield line_number, line else: if not new_line: primary_line_number = line_number new_line.append(line.strip('\\')) # last line contains \ if new_line: yield primary_line_number, ''.join(new_line) # TODO: handle space after '\'. def ignore_comments(lines_enum): # type: (ReqFileLines) -> ReqFileLines """ Strips comments and filter empty lines. """ for line_number, line in lines_enum: line = COMMENT_RE.sub('', line) line = line.strip() if line: yield line_number, line def skip_regex(lines_enum, options): # type: (ReqFileLines, Optional[optparse.Values]) -> ReqFileLines """ Skip lines that match '--skip-requirements-regex' pattern Note: the regex pattern is only built once """ skip_regex = options.skip_requirements_regex if options else None if skip_regex: pattern = re.compile(skip_regex) lines_enum = filterfalse(lambda e:[1]), lines_enum) return lines_enum def expand_env_variables(lines_enum): # type: (ReqFileLines) -> ReqFileLines """Replace all environment variables that can be retrieved via `os.getenv`. The only allowed format for environment variables defined in the requirement file is `${MY_VARIABLE_1}` to ensure two things: 1. Strings that contain a `$` aren't accidentally (partially) expanded. 2. Ensure consistency across platforms for requirement files. These points are the result of a discussion on the `github pull request #3514 <>`_. Valid characters in variable names follow the `POSIX standard <>`_ and are limited to uppercase letter, digits and the `_` (underscore). """ for line_number, line in lines_enum: for env_var, var_name in ENV_VAR_RE.findall(line): value = os.getenv(var_name) if not value: continue line = line.replace(env_var, value) yield line_number, line
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import os import shutil import sys import sysconfig import zipfile from distutils.util import change_root from pip._vendor import pkg_resources, six from pip._vendor.packaging.requirements import Requirement from pip._vendor.packaging.utils import canonicalize_name from pip._vendor.packaging.version import Version from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse as parse_version from pip._vendor.pep517.wrappers import Pep517HookCaller from pip._internal import wheel from pip._internal.build_env import NoOpBuildEnvironment from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.locations import ( PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME, running_under_virtualenv, ) from import Link from pip._internal.pyproject import load_pyproject_toml, make_pyproject_path from pip._internal.req.req_uninstall import UninstallPathSet from pip._internal.utils.compat import native_str from pip._internal.utils.hashes import Hashes from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( _make_build_dir, ask_path_exists, backup_dir, call_subprocess, display_path, dist_in_site_packages, dist_in_usersite, ensure_dir, get_installed_version, redact_password_from_url, rmtree, ) from pip._internal.utils.packaging import get_metadata from pip._internal.utils.setuptools_build import SETUPTOOLS_SHIM from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.utils.ui import open_spinner from pip._internal.vcs import vcs from pip._internal.wheel import move_wheel_files if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Optional, Iterable, List, Union, Any, Sequence, Dict ) from pip._internal.build_env import BuildEnvironment from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import Distribution from pip._vendor.packaging.specifiers import SpecifierSet from pip._vendor.packaging.markers import Marker logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class InstallRequirement(object): """ Represents something that may be installed later on, may have information about where to fetch the relevant requirement and also contains logic for installing the said requirement. """ def __init__( self, req, # type: Optional[Requirement] comes_from, # type: Optional[Union[str, InstallRequirement]] source_dir=None, # type: Optional[str] editable=False, # type: bool link=None, # type: Optional[Link] update=True, # type: bool markers=None, # type: Optional[Marker] use_pep517=None, # type: Optional[bool] isolated=False, # type: bool options=None, # type: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] wheel_cache=None, # type: Optional[WheelCache] constraint=False, # type: bool extras=() # type: Iterable[str] ): # type: (...) -> None assert req is None or isinstance(req, Requirement), req self.req = req self.comes_from = comes_from self.constraint = constraint if source_dir is not None: self.source_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(source_dir)) else: self.source_dir = None self.editable = editable self._wheel_cache = wheel_cache if link is None and req and req.url: # PEP 508 URL requirement link = Link(req.url) = self.original_link = link if extras: self.extras = extras elif req: self.extras = { pkg_resources.safe_extra(extra) for extra in req.extras } else: self.extras = set() if markers is None and req: markers = req.marker self.markers = markers self._egg_info_path = None # type: Optional[str] # This holds the pkg_resources.Distribution object if this requirement # is already available: self.satisfied_by = None # This hold the pkg_resources.Distribution object if this requirement # conflicts with another installed distribution: self.conflicts_with = None # Temporary build location self._temp_build_dir = TempDirectory(kind="req-build") # Used to store the global directory where the _temp_build_dir should # have been created. Cf _correct_build_location method. self._ideal_build_dir = None # type: Optional[str] # True if the editable should be updated: self.update = update # Set to True after successful installation self.install_succeeded = None # type: Optional[bool] # UninstallPathSet of uninstalled distribution (for possible rollback) self.uninstalled_pathset = None self.options = options if options else {} # Set to True after successful preparation of this requirement self.prepared = False self.is_direct = False self.isolated = isolated self.build_env = NoOpBuildEnvironment() # type: BuildEnvironment # For PEP 517, the directory where we request the project metadata # gets stored. We need this to pass to build_wheel, so the backend # can ensure that the wheel matches the metadata (see the PEP for # details). self.metadata_directory = None # type: Optional[str] # The static build requirements (from pyproject.toml) self.pyproject_requires = None # type: Optional[List[str]] # Build requirements that we will check are available self.requirements_to_check = [] # type: List[str] # The PEP 517 backend we should use to build the project self.pep517_backend = None # type: Optional[Pep517HookCaller] # Are we using PEP 517 for this requirement? # After pyproject.toml has been loaded, the only valid values are True # and False. Before loading, None is valid (meaning "use the default"). # Setting an explicit value before loading pyproject.toml is supported, # but after loading this flag should be treated as read only. self.use_pep517 = use_pep517 def __str__(self): if self.req: s = str(self.req) if s += ' from %s' % redact_password_from_url( elif s = redact_password_from_url( else: s = '<InstallRequirement>' if self.satisfied_by is not None: s += ' in %s' % display_path(self.satisfied_by.location) if self.comes_from: if isinstance(self.comes_from, six.string_types): comes_from = self.comes_from else: comes_from = self.comes_from.from_path() if comes_from: s += ' (from %s)' % comes_from return s def __repr__(self): return '<%s object: %s editable=%r>' % ( self.__class__.__name__, str(self), self.editable) def populate_link(self, finder, upgrade, require_hashes): # type: (PackageFinder, bool, bool) -> None """Ensure that if a link can be found for this, that it is found. Note that may still be None - if Upgrade is False and the requirement is already installed. If require_hashes is True, don't use the wheel cache, because cached wheels, always built locally, have different hashes than the files downloaded from the index server and thus throw false hash mismatches. Furthermore, cached wheels at present have undeterministic contents due to file modification times. """ if is None: = finder.find_requirement(self, upgrade) if self._wheel_cache is not None and not require_hashes: old_link = = self._wheel_cache.get(, if old_link != logger.debug('Using cached wheel link: %s', # Things that are valid for all kinds of requirements? @property def name(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] if self.req is None: return None return native_str(pkg_resources.safe_name( @property def specifier(self): # type: () -> SpecifierSet return self.req.specifier @property def is_pinned(self): # type: () -> bool """Return whether I am pinned to an exact version. For example, some-package==1.2 is pinned; some-package>1.2 is not. """ specifiers = self.specifier return (len(specifiers) == 1 and next(iter(specifiers)).operator in {'==', '==='}) @property def installed_version(self): return get_installed_version( def match_markers(self, extras_requested=None): # type: (Optional[Iterable[str]]) -> bool if not extras_requested: # Provide an extra to safely evaluate the markers # without matching any extra extras_requested = ('',) if self.markers is not None: return any( self.markers.evaluate({'extra': extra}) for extra in extras_requested) else: return True @property def has_hash_options(self): # type: () -> bool """Return whether any known-good hashes are specified as options. These activate --require-hashes mode; hashes specified as part of a URL do not. """ return bool(self.options.get('hashes', {})) def hashes(self, trust_internet=True): # type: (bool) -> Hashes """Return a hash-comparer that considers my option- and URL-based hashes to be known-good. Hashes in URLs--ones embedded in the requirements file, not ones downloaded from an index server--are almost peers with ones from flags. They satisfy --require-hashes (whether it was implicitly or explicitly activated) but do not activate it. md5 and sha224 are not allowed in flags, which should nudge people toward good algos. We always OR all hashes together, even ones from URLs. :param trust_internet: Whether to trust URL-based (#md5=...) hashes downloaded from the internet, as by populate_link() """ good_hashes = self.options.get('hashes', {}).copy() link = if trust_internet else self.original_link if link and link.hash: good_hashes.setdefault(link.hash_name, []).append(link.hash) return Hashes(good_hashes) def from_path(self): # type: () -> Optional[str] """Format a nice indicator to show where this "comes from" """ if self.req is None: return None s = str(self.req) if self.comes_from: if isinstance(self.comes_from, six.string_types): comes_from = self.comes_from else: comes_from = self.comes_from.from_path() if comes_from: s += '->' + comes_from return s def build_location(self, build_dir): # type: (str) -> Optional[str] assert build_dir is not None if self._temp_build_dir.path is not None: return self._temp_build_dir.path if self.req is None: # for requirement via a path to a directory: the name of the # package is not available yet so we create a temp directory # Once run_egg_info will have run, we'll be able # to fix it via _correct_build_location # Some systems have /tmp as a symlink which confuses custom # builds (such as numpy). Thus, we ensure that the real path # is returned. self._temp_build_dir.create() self._ideal_build_dir = build_dir return self._temp_build_dir.path if self.editable: name = else: name = # FIXME: Is there a better place to create the build_dir? (hg and bzr # need this) if not os.path.exists(build_dir): logger.debug('Creating directory %s', build_dir) _make_build_dir(build_dir) return os.path.join(build_dir, name) def _correct_build_location(self): # type: () -> None """Move self._temp_build_dir to self._ideal_build_dir/ For some requirements (e.g. a path to a directory), the name of the package is not available until we run egg_info, so the build_location will return a temporary directory and store the _ideal_build_dir. This is only called by self.run_egg_info to fix the temporary build directory. """ if self.source_dir is not None: return assert self.req is not None assert self._temp_build_dir.path assert (self._ideal_build_dir is not None and self._ideal_build_dir.path) # type: ignore old_location = self._temp_build_dir.path self._temp_build_dir.path = None new_location = self.build_location(self._ideal_build_dir) if os.path.exists(new_location): raise InstallationError( 'A package already exists in %s; please remove it to continue' % display_path(new_location)) logger.debug( 'Moving package %s from %s to new location %s', self, display_path(old_location), display_path(new_location), ) shutil.move(old_location, new_location) self._temp_build_dir.path = new_location self._ideal_build_dir = None self.source_dir = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(new_location)) self._egg_info_path = None # Correct the metadata directory, if it exists if self.metadata_directory: old_meta = self.metadata_directory rel = os.path.relpath(old_meta, start=old_location) new_meta = os.path.join(new_location, rel) new_meta = os.path.normpath(os.path.abspath(new_meta)) self.metadata_directory = new_meta def remove_temporary_source(self): # type: () -> None """Remove the source files from this requirement, if they are marked for deletion""" if self.source_dir and os.path.exists( os.path.join(self.source_dir, PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME)): logger.debug('Removing source in %s', self.source_dir) rmtree(self.source_dir) self.source_dir = None self._temp_build_dir.cleanup() self.build_env.cleanup() def check_if_exists(self, use_user_site): # type: (bool) -> bool """Find an installed distribution that satisfies or conflicts with this requirement, and set self.satisfied_by or self.conflicts_with appropriately. """ if self.req is None: return False try: # get_distribution() will resolve the entire list of requirements # anyway, and we've already determined that we need the requirement # in question, so strip the marker so that we don't try to # evaluate it. no_marker = Requirement(str(self.req)) no_marker.marker = None self.satisfied_by = pkg_resources.get_distribution(str(no_marker)) if self.editable and self.satisfied_by: self.conflicts_with = self.satisfied_by # when installing editables, nothing pre-existing should ever # satisfy self.satisfied_by = None return True except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: return False except pkg_resources.VersionConflict: existing_dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution( ) if use_user_site: if dist_in_usersite(existing_dist): self.conflicts_with = existing_dist elif (running_under_virtualenv() and dist_in_site_packages(existing_dist)): raise InstallationError( "Will not install to the user site because it will " "lack sys.path precedence to %s in %s" % (existing_dist.project_name, existing_dist.location) ) else: self.conflicts_with = existing_dist return True # Things valid for wheels @property def is_wheel(self): # type: () -> bool if not return False return def move_wheel_files( self, wheeldir, # type: str root=None, # type: Optional[str] home=None, # type: Optional[str] prefix=None, # type: Optional[str] warn_script_location=True, # type: bool use_user_site=False, # type: bool pycompile=True # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None move_wheel_files(, self.req, wheeldir, user=use_user_site, home=home, root=root, prefix=prefix, pycompile=pycompile, isolated=self.isolated, warn_script_location=warn_script_location, ) # Things valid for sdists @property def setup_py_dir(self): # type: () -> str return os.path.join( self.source_dir, and or '') @property def setup_py(self): # type: () -> str assert self.source_dir, "No source dir for %s" % self setup_py = os.path.join(self.setup_py_dir, '') # Python2 __file__ should not be unicode if six.PY2 and isinstance(setup_py, six.text_type): setup_py = setup_py.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()) return setup_py @property def pyproject_toml(self): # type: () -> str assert self.source_dir, "No source dir for %s" % self return make_pyproject_path(self.setup_py_dir) def load_pyproject_toml(self): # type: () -> None """Load the pyproject.toml file. After calling this routine, all of the attributes related to PEP 517 processing for this requirement have been set. In particular, the use_pep517 attribute can be used to determine whether we should follow the PEP 517 or legacy ( code path. """ pep517_data = load_pyproject_toml( self.use_pep517, self.pyproject_toml, self.setup_py, str(self) ) if pep517_data is None: self.use_pep517 = False else: self.use_pep517 = True requires, backend, check = pep517_data self.requirements_to_check = check self.pyproject_requires = requires self.pep517_backend = Pep517HookCaller(self.setup_py_dir, backend) # Use a custom function to call subprocesses self.spin_message = "" def runner(cmd, cwd=None, extra_environ=None): with open_spinner(self.spin_message) as spinner: call_subprocess( cmd, cwd=cwd, extra_environ=extra_environ, spinner=spinner ) self.spin_message = "" self.pep517_backend._subprocess_runner = runner def prepare_metadata(self): # type: () -> None """Ensure that project metadata is available. Under PEP 517, call the backend hook to prepare the metadata. Under legacy processing, call egg-info. """ assert self.source_dir with indent_log(): if self.use_pep517: self.prepare_pep517_metadata() else: self.run_egg_info() if not self.req: if isinstance(parse_version(self.metadata["Version"]), Version): op = "==" else: op = "===" self.req = Requirement( "".join([ self.metadata["Name"], op, self.metadata["Version"], ]) ) self._correct_build_location() else: metadata_name = canonicalize_name(self.metadata["Name"]) if canonicalize_name( != metadata_name: logger.warning( 'Generating metadata for package %s ' 'produced metadata for project name %s. Fix your ' '#egg=%s fragments.',, metadata_name, ) self.req = Requirement(metadata_name) def prepare_pep517_metadata(self): # type: () -> None assert self.pep517_backend is not None metadata_dir = os.path.join( self.setup_py_dir, 'pip-wheel-metadata' ) ensure_dir(metadata_dir) with self.build_env: # Note that Pep517HookCaller implements a fallback for # prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel, so we don't have to # consider the possibility that this hook doesn't exist. backend = self.pep517_backend self.spin_message = "Preparing wheel metadata" distinfo_dir = backend.prepare_metadata_for_build_wheel( metadata_dir ) self.metadata_directory = os.path.join(metadata_dir, distinfo_dir) def run_egg_info(self): # type: () -> None if logger.debug( 'Running (path:%s) egg_info for package %s', self.setup_py,, ) else: logger.debug( 'Running (path:%s) egg_info for package from %s', self.setup_py,, ) script = SETUPTOOLS_SHIM % self.setup_py base_cmd = [sys.executable, '-c', script] if self.isolated: base_cmd += ["--no-user-cfg"] egg_info_cmd = base_cmd + ['egg_info'] # We can't put the .egg-info files at the root, because then the # source code will be mistaken for an installed egg, causing # problems if self.editable: egg_base_option = [] # type: List[str] else: egg_info_dir = os.path.join(self.setup_py_dir, 'pip-egg-info') ensure_dir(egg_info_dir) egg_base_option = ['--egg-base', 'pip-egg-info'] with self.build_env: call_subprocess( egg_info_cmd + egg_base_option, cwd=self.setup_py_dir, command_desc='python egg_info') @property def egg_info_path(self): # type: () -> str if self._egg_info_path is None: if self.editable: base = self.source_dir else: base = os.path.join(self.setup_py_dir, 'pip-egg-info') filenames = os.listdir(base) if self.editable: filenames = [] for root, dirs, files in os.walk(base): for dir in vcs.dirnames: if dir in dirs: dirs.remove(dir) # Iterate over a copy of ``dirs``, since mutating # a list while iterating over it can cause trouble. # (See for dir in list(dirs): # Don't search in anything that looks like a virtualenv # environment if ( os.path.lexists( os.path.join(root, dir, 'bin', 'python') ) or os.path.exists( os.path.join( root, dir, 'Scripts', 'Python.exe' ) )): dirs.remove(dir) # Also don't search through tests elif dir == 'test' or dir == 'tests': dirs.remove(dir) filenames.extend([os.path.join(root, dir) for dir in dirs]) filenames = [f for f in filenames if f.endswith('.egg-info')] if not filenames: raise InstallationError( "Files/directories not found in %s" % base ) # if we have more than one match, we pick the toplevel one. This # can easily be the case if there is a dist folder which contains # an extracted tarball for testing purposes. if len(filenames) > 1: filenames.sort( key=lambda x: x.count(os.path.sep) + (os.path.altsep and x.count(os.path.altsep) or 0) ) self._egg_info_path = os.path.join(base, filenames[0]) return self._egg_info_path @property def metadata(self): if not hasattr(self, '_metadata'): self._metadata = get_metadata(self.get_dist()) return self._metadata def get_dist(self): # type: () -> Distribution """Return a pkg_resources.Distribution for this requirement""" if self.metadata_directory: base_dir, distinfo = os.path.split(self.metadata_directory) metadata = pkg_resources.PathMetadata( base_dir, self.metadata_directory ) dist_name = os.path.splitext(distinfo)[0] typ = pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution else: egg_info = self.egg_info_path.rstrip(os.path.sep) base_dir = os.path.dirname(egg_info) metadata = pkg_resources.PathMetadata(base_dir, egg_info) dist_name = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(egg_info))[0] # typ = pkg_resources.Distribution # type: ignore return typ( base_dir, project_name=dist_name, metadata=metadata, ) def assert_source_matches_version(self): # type: () -> None assert self.source_dir version = self.metadata['version'] if self.req.specifier and version not in self.req.specifier: logger.warning( 'Requested %s, but installing version %s', self, version, ) else: logger.debug( 'Source in %s has version %s, which satisfies requirement %s', display_path(self.source_dir), version, self, ) # For both source distributions and editables def ensure_has_source_dir(self, parent_dir): # type: (str) -> str """Ensure that a source_dir is set. This will create a temporary build dir if the name of the requirement isn't known yet. :param parent_dir: The ideal pip parent_dir for the source_dir. Generally src_dir for editables and build_dir for sdists. :return: self.source_dir """ if self.source_dir is None: self.source_dir = self.build_location(parent_dir) return self.source_dir # For editable installations def install_editable( self, install_options, # type: List[str] global_options=(), # type: Sequence[str] prefix=None # type: Optional[str] ): # type: (...) -> None'Running develop for %s', if self.isolated: global_options = list(global_options) + ["--no-user-cfg"] if prefix: prefix_param = ['--prefix={}'.format(prefix)] install_options = list(install_options) + prefix_param with indent_log(): # FIXME: should we do --install-headers here too? with self.build_env: call_subprocess( [ sys.executable, '-c', SETUPTOOLS_SHIM % self.setup_py ] + list(global_options) + ['develop', '--no-deps'] + list(install_options), cwd=self.setup_py_dir, ) self.install_succeeded = True def update_editable(self, obtain=True): # type: (bool) -> None if not logger.debug( "Cannot update repository at %s; repository location is " "unknown", self.source_dir, ) return assert self.editable assert self.source_dir if == 'file': # Static paths don't get updated return assert '+' in, "bad url: %r" % if not self.update: return vc_type, url ='+', 1) backend = vcs.get_backend(vc_type) if backend: vcs_backend = backend( if obtain: vcs_backend.obtain(self.source_dir) else: vcs_backend.export(self.source_dir) else: assert 0, ( 'Unexpected version control type (in %s): %s' % (, vc_type)) # Top-level Actions def uninstall(self, auto_confirm=False, verbose=False, use_user_site=False): # type: (bool, bool, bool) -> Optional[UninstallPathSet] """ Uninstall the distribution currently satisfying this requirement. Prompts before removing or modifying files unless ``auto_confirm`` is True. Refuses to delete or modify files outside of ``sys.prefix`` - thus uninstallation within a virtual environment can only modify that virtual environment, even if the virtualenv is linked to global site-packages. """ if not self.check_if_exists(use_user_site): logger.warning("Skipping %s as it is not installed.", return None dist = self.satisfied_by or self.conflicts_with uninstalled_pathset = UninstallPathSet.from_dist(dist) uninstalled_pathset.remove(auto_confirm, verbose) return uninstalled_pathset def _clean_zip_name(self, name, prefix): # only used by archive. assert name.startswith(prefix + os.path.sep), ( "name %r doesn't start with prefix %r" % (name, prefix) ) name = name[len(prefix) + 1:] name = name.replace(os.path.sep, '/') return name def _get_archive_name(self, path, parentdir, rootdir): # type: (str, str, str) -> str path = os.path.join(parentdir, path) name = self._clean_zip_name(path, rootdir) return + '/' + name # TODO: Investigate if this should be kept in InstallRequirement # Seems to be used only when VCS + downloads def archive(self, build_dir): # type: (str) -> None assert self.source_dir create_archive = True archive_name = '' % (, self.metadata["version"]) archive_path = os.path.join(build_dir, archive_name) if os.path.exists(archive_path): response = ask_path_exists( 'The file %s exists. (i)gnore, (w)ipe, (b)ackup, (a)bort ' % display_path(archive_path), ('i', 'w', 'b', 'a')) if response == 'i': create_archive = False elif response == 'w': logger.warning('Deleting %s', display_path(archive_path)) os.remove(archive_path) elif response == 'b': dest_file = backup_dir(archive_path) logger.warning( 'Backing up %s to %s', display_path(archive_path), display_path(dest_file), ) shutil.move(archive_path, dest_file) elif response == 'a': sys.exit(-1) if create_archive: zip = zipfile.ZipFile( archive_path, 'w', zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED, allowZip64=True ) dir = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(self.setup_py_dir)) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(dir): if 'pip-egg-info' in dirnames: dirnames.remove('pip-egg-info') for dirname in dirnames: dir_arcname = self._get_archive_name(dirname, parentdir=dirpath, rootdir=dir) zipdir = zipfile.ZipInfo(dir_arcname + '/') zipdir.external_attr = 0x1ED << 16 # 0o755 zip.writestr(zipdir, '') for filename in filenames: if filename == PIP_DELETE_MARKER_FILENAME: continue file_arcname = self._get_archive_name(filename, parentdir=dirpath, rootdir=dir) filename = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) zip.write(filename, file_arcname) zip.close()'Saved %s', display_path(archive_path)) def install( self, install_options, # type: List[str] global_options=None, # type: Optional[Sequence[str]] root=None, # type: Optional[str] home=None, # type: Optional[str] prefix=None, # type: Optional[str] warn_script_location=True, # type: bool use_user_site=False, # type: bool pycompile=True # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> None global_options = global_options if global_options is not None else [] if self.editable: self.install_editable( install_options, global_options, prefix=prefix, ) return if self.is_wheel: version = wheel.wheel_version(self.source_dir) wheel.check_compatibility(version, self.move_wheel_files( self.source_dir, root=root, prefix=prefix, home=home, warn_script_location=warn_script_location, use_user_site=use_user_site, pycompile=pycompile, ) self.install_succeeded = True return # Extend the list of global and install options passed on to # the call with the ones from the requirements file. # Options specified in requirements file override those # specified on the command line, since the last option given # to is the one that is used. global_options = list(global_options) + \ self.options.get('global_options', []) install_options = list(install_options) + \ self.options.get('install_options', []) if self.isolated: # global_options = global_options + ["--no-user-cfg"] # type: ignore with TempDirectory(kind="record") as temp_dir: record_filename = os.path.join(temp_dir.path, 'install-record.txt') install_args = self.get_install_args( global_options, record_filename, root, prefix, pycompile, ) msg = 'Running install for %s' % (,) with open_spinner(msg) as spinner: with indent_log(): with self.build_env: call_subprocess( install_args + install_options, cwd=self.setup_py_dir, spinner=spinner, ) if not os.path.exists(record_filename): logger.debug('Record file %s not found', record_filename) return self.install_succeeded = True def prepend_root(path): if root is None or not os.path.isabs(path): return path else: return change_root(root, path) with open(record_filename) as f: for line in f: directory = os.path.dirname(line) if directory.endswith('.egg-info'): egg_info_dir = prepend_root(directory) break else: logger.warning( 'Could not find .egg-info directory in install record' ' for %s', self, ) # FIXME: put the record somewhere # FIXME: should this be an error? return new_lines = [] with open(record_filename) as f: for line in f: filename = line.strip() if os.path.isdir(filename): filename += os.path.sep new_lines.append( os.path.relpath(prepend_root(filename), egg_info_dir) ) new_lines.sort() ensure_dir(egg_info_dir) inst_files_path = os.path.join(egg_info_dir, 'installed-files.txt') with open(inst_files_path, 'w') as f: f.write('\n'.join(new_lines) + '\n') def get_install_args( self, global_options, # type: Sequence[str] record_filename, # type: str root, # type: Optional[str] prefix, # type: Optional[str] pycompile # type: bool ): # type: (...) -> List[str] install_args = [sys.executable, "-u"] install_args.append('-c') install_args.append(SETUPTOOLS_SHIM % self.setup_py) install_args += list(global_options) + \ ['install', '--record', record_filename] install_args += ['--single-version-externally-managed'] if root is not None: install_args += ['--root', root] if prefix is not None: install_args += ['--prefix', prefix] if pycompile: install_args += ["--compile"] else: install_args += ["--no-compile"] if running_under_virtualenv(): py_ver_str = 'python' + sysconfig.get_python_version() install_args += ['--install-headers', os.path.join(sys.prefix, 'include', 'site', py_ver_str,] return install_args
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging from collections import OrderedDict from pip._internal.exceptions import InstallationError from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING from pip._internal.wheel import Wheel if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, List, Tuple, Dict, Iterable from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RequirementSet(object): def __init__(self, require_hashes=False, check_supported_wheels=True): # type: (bool, bool) -> None """Create a RequirementSet. """ self.requirements = OrderedDict() # type: Dict[str, InstallRequirement] # noqa: E501 self.require_hashes = require_hashes self.check_supported_wheels = check_supported_wheels # Mapping of alias: real_name self.requirement_aliases = {} # type: Dict[str, str] self.unnamed_requirements = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] self.successfully_downloaded = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] self.reqs_to_cleanup = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] def __str__(self): reqs = [req for req in self.requirements.values() if not req.comes_from] reqs.sort(key=lambda req: return ' '.join([str(req.req) for req in reqs]) def __repr__(self): reqs = [req for req in self.requirements.values()] reqs.sort(key=lambda req: reqs_str = ', '.join([str(req.req) for req in reqs]) return ('<%s object; %d requirement(s): %s>' % (self.__class__.__name__, len(reqs), reqs_str)) def add_requirement( self, install_req, # type: InstallRequirement parent_req_name=None, # type: Optional[str] extras_requested=None # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] ): # type: (...) -> Tuple[List[InstallRequirement], Optional[InstallRequirement]] # noqa: E501 """Add install_req as a requirement to install. :param parent_req_name: The name of the requirement that needed this added. The name is used because when multiple unnamed requirements resolve to the same name, we could otherwise end up with dependency links that point outside the Requirements set. parent_req must already be added. Note that None implies that this is a user supplied requirement, vs an inferred one. :param extras_requested: an iterable of extras used to evaluate the environment markers. :return: Additional requirements to scan. That is either [] if the requirement is not applicable, or [install_req] if the requirement is applicable and has just been added. """ name = # If the markers do not match, ignore this requirement. if not install_req.match_markers(extras_requested): "Ignoring %s: markers '%s' don't match your environment", name, install_req.markers, ) return [], None # If the wheel is not supported, raise an error. # Should check this after filtering out based on environment markers to # allow specifying different wheels based on the environment/OS, in a # single requirements file. if and wheel = Wheel( if self.check_supported_wheels and not wheel.supported(): raise InstallationError( "%s is not a supported wheel on this platform." % wheel.filename ) # This next bit is really a sanity check. assert install_req.is_direct == (parent_req_name is None), ( "a direct req shouldn't have a parent and also, " "a non direct req should have a parent" ) # Unnamed requirements are scanned again and the requirement won't be # added as a dependency until after scanning. if not name: # url or path requirement w/o an egg fragment self.unnamed_requirements.append(install_req) return [install_req], None try: existing_req = self.get_requirement(name) except KeyError: existing_req = None has_conflicting_requirement = ( parent_req_name is None and existing_req and not existing_req.constraint and existing_req.extras == install_req.extras and existing_req.req.specifier != install_req.req.specifier ) if has_conflicting_requirement: raise InstallationError( "Double requirement given: %s (already in %s, name=%r)" % (install_req, existing_req, name) ) # When no existing requirement exists, add the requirement as a # dependency and it will be scanned again after. if not existing_req: self.requirements[name] = install_req # FIXME: what about other normalizations? E.g., _ vs. -? if name.lower() != name: self.requirement_aliases[name.lower()] = name # We'd want to rescan this requirements later return [install_req], install_req # Assume there's no need to scan, and that we've already # encountered this for scanning. if install_req.constraint or not existing_req.constraint: return [], existing_req does_not_satisfy_constraint = ( and not ( and == ) ) if does_not_satisfy_constraint: self.reqs_to_cleanup.append(install_req) raise InstallationError( "Could not satisfy constraints for '%s': " "installation from path or url cannot be " "constrained to a version" % name, ) # If we're now installing a constraint, mark the existing # object for real installation. existing_req.constraint = False existing_req.extras = tuple(sorted( set(existing_req.extras) | set(install_req.extras) )) logger.debug( "Setting %s extras to: %s", existing_req, existing_req.extras, ) # Return the existing requirement for addition to the parent and # scanning again. return [existing_req], existing_req def has_requirement(self, project_name): # type: (str) -> bool name = project_name.lower() if (name in self.requirements and not self.requirements[name].constraint or name in self.requirement_aliases and not self.requirements[self.requirement_aliases[name]].constraint): return True return False def get_requirement(self, project_name): # type: (str) -> InstallRequirement for name in project_name, project_name.lower(): if name in self.requirements: return self.requirements[name] if name in self.requirement_aliases: return self.requirements[self.requirement_aliases[name]] raise KeyError("No project with the name %r" % project_name) def cleanup_files(self): # type: () -> None """Clean up files, remove builds.""" logger.debug('Cleaning up...') with indent_log(): for req in self.reqs_to_cleanup: req.remove_temporary_source()
from __future__ import absolute_import import contextlib import errno import hashlib import logging import os from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import TempDirectory from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Set, Iterator from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from import Link logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class RequirementTracker(object): def __init__(self): # type: () -> None self._root = os.environ.get('PIP_REQ_TRACKER') if self._root is None: self._temp_dir = TempDirectory(delete=False, kind='req-tracker') self._temp_dir.create() self._root = os.environ['PIP_REQ_TRACKER'] = self._temp_dir.path logger.debug('Created requirements tracker %r', self._root) else: self._temp_dir = None logger.debug('Re-using requirements tracker %r', self._root) self._entries = set() # type: Set[InstallRequirement] def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.cleanup() def _entry_path(self, link): # type: (Link) -> str hashed = hashlib.sha224(link.url_without_fragment.encode()).hexdigest() return os.path.join(self._root, hashed) def add(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> None link = info = str(req) entry_path = self._entry_path(link) try: with open(entry_path) as fp: # Error, these's already a build in progress. raise LookupError('%s is already being built: %s' % (link, except IOError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: raise assert req not in self._entries with open(entry_path, 'w') as fp: fp.write(info) self._entries.add(req) logger.debug('Added %s to build tracker %r', req, self._root) def remove(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> None link = self._entries.remove(req) os.unlink(self._entry_path(link)) logger.debug('Removed %s from build tracker %r', req, self._root) def cleanup(self): # type: () -> None for req in set(self._entries): self.remove(req) remove = self._temp_dir is not None if remove: self._temp_dir.cleanup() logger.debug('%s build tracker %r', 'Removed' if remove else 'Cleaned', self._root) @contextlib.contextmanager def track(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> Iterator[None] self.add(req) yield self.remove(req)
from __future__ import absolute_import import csv import functools import logging import os import sys import sysconfig from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._internal.exceptions import UninstallationError from pip._internal.locations import bin_py, bin_user from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS, cache_from_source, uses_pycache from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.misc import ( FakeFile, ask, dist_in_usersite, dist_is_local, egg_link_path, is_local, normalize_path, renames, rmtree, ) from pip._internal.utils.temp_dir import AdjacentTempDirectory, TempDirectory logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _script_names(dist, script_name, is_gui): """Create the fully qualified name of the files created by {console,gui}_scripts for the given ``dist``. Returns the list of file names """ if dist_in_usersite(dist): bin_dir = bin_user else: bin_dir = bin_py exe_name = os.path.join(bin_dir, script_name) paths_to_remove = [exe_name] if WINDOWS: paths_to_remove.append(exe_name + '.exe') paths_to_remove.append(exe_name + '.exe.manifest') if is_gui: paths_to_remove.append(exe_name + '-script.pyw') else: paths_to_remove.append(exe_name + '') return paths_to_remove def _unique(fn): @functools.wraps(fn) def unique(*args, **kw): seen = set() for item in fn(*args, **kw): if item not in seen: seen.add(item) yield item return unique @_unique def uninstallation_paths(dist): """ Yield all the uninstallation paths for dist based on[co] Yield paths to all the files in RECORD. For each .py file in RECORD, add the .pyc and .pyo in the same directory. UninstallPathSet.add() takes care of the __pycache__ .py[co]. """ r = csv.reader(FakeFile(dist.get_metadata_lines('RECORD'))) for row in r: path = os.path.join(dist.location, row[0]) yield path if path.endswith('.py'): dn, fn = os.path.split(path) base = fn[:-3] path = os.path.join(dn, base + '.pyc') yield path path = os.path.join(dn, base + '.pyo') yield path def compact(paths): """Compact a path set to contain the minimal number of paths necessary to contain all paths in the set. If /a/path/ and /a/path/to/a/file.txt are both in the set, leave only the shorter path.""" sep = os.path.sep short_paths = set() for path in sorted(paths, key=len): should_skip = any( path.startswith(shortpath.rstrip("*")) and path[len(shortpath.rstrip("*").rstrip(sep))] == sep for shortpath in short_paths ) if not should_skip: short_paths.add(path) return short_paths def compress_for_rename(paths): """Returns a set containing the paths that need to be renamed. This set may include directories when the original sequence of paths included every file on disk. """ case_map = dict((os.path.normcase(p), p) for p in paths) remaining = set(case_map) unchecked = sorted(set(os.path.split(p)[0] for p in case_map.values()), key=len) wildcards = set() def norm_join(*a): return os.path.normcase(os.path.join(*a)) for root in unchecked: if any(os.path.normcase(root).startswith(w) for w in wildcards): # This directory has already been handled. continue all_files = set() all_subdirs = set() for dirname, subdirs, files in os.walk(root): all_subdirs.update(norm_join(root, dirname, d) for d in subdirs) all_files.update(norm_join(root, dirname, f) for f in files) # If all the files we found are in our remaining set of files to # remove, then remove them from the latter set and add a wildcard # for the directory. if not (all_files - remaining): remaining.difference_update(all_files) wildcards.add(root + os.sep) return set(map(case_map.__getitem__, remaining)) | wildcards def compress_for_output_listing(paths): """Returns a tuple of 2 sets of which paths to display to user The first set contains paths that would be deleted. Files of a package are not added and the top-level directory of the package has a '*' added at the end - to signify that all it's contents are removed. The second set contains files that would have been skipped in the above folders. """ will_remove = list(paths) will_skip = set() # Determine folders and files folders = set() files = set() for path in will_remove: if path.endswith(".pyc"): continue if path.endswith("") or ".dist-info" in path: folders.add(os.path.dirname(path)) files.add(path) _normcased_files = set(map(os.path.normcase, files)) folders = compact(folders) # This walks the tree using os.walk to not miss extra folders # that might get added. for folder in folders: for dirpath, _, dirfiles in os.walk(folder): for fname in dirfiles: if fname.endswith(".pyc"): continue file_ = os.path.join(dirpath, fname) if (os.path.isfile(file_) and os.path.normcase(file_) not in _normcased_files): # We are skipping this file. Add it to the set. will_skip.add(file_) will_remove = files | { os.path.join(folder, "*") for folder in folders } return will_remove, will_skip class StashedUninstallPathSet(object): """A set of file rename operations to stash files while tentatively uninstalling them.""" def __init__(self): # Mapping from source file root to [Adjacent]TempDirectory # for files under that directory. self._save_dirs = {} # (old path, new path) tuples for each move that may need # to be undone. self._moves = [] def _get_directory_stash(self, path): """Stashes a directory. Directories are stashed adjacent to their original location if possible, or else moved/copied into the user's temp dir.""" try: save_dir = AdjacentTempDirectory(path) save_dir.create() except OSError: save_dir = TempDirectory(kind="uninstall") save_dir.create() self._save_dirs[os.path.normcase(path)] = save_dir return save_dir.path def _get_file_stash(self, path): """Stashes a file. If no root has been provided, one will be created for the directory in the user's temp directory.""" path = os.path.normcase(path) head, old_head = os.path.dirname(path), None save_dir = None while head != old_head: try: save_dir = self._save_dirs[head] break except KeyError: pass head, old_head = os.path.dirname(head), head else: # Did not find any suitable root head = os.path.dirname(path) save_dir = TempDirectory(kind='uninstall') save_dir.create() self._save_dirs[head] = save_dir relpath = os.path.relpath(path, head) if relpath and relpath != os.path.curdir: return os.path.join(save_dir.path, relpath) return save_dir.path def stash(self, path): """Stashes the directory or file and returns its new location. """ if os.path.isdir(path): new_path = self._get_directory_stash(path) else: new_path = self._get_file_stash(path) self._moves.append((path, new_path)) if os.path.isdir(path) and os.path.isdir(new_path): # If we're moving a directory, we need to # remove the destination first or else it will be # moved to inside the existing directory. # We just created new_path ourselves, so it will # be removable. os.rmdir(new_path) renames(path, new_path) return new_path def commit(self): """Commits the uninstall by removing stashed files.""" for _, save_dir in self._save_dirs.items(): save_dir.cleanup() self._moves = [] self._save_dirs = {} def rollback(self): """Undoes the uninstall by moving stashed files back.""" for p in self._moves:"Moving to %s\n from %s", *p) for new_path, path in self._moves: try: logger.debug('Replacing %s from %s', new_path, path) if os.path.isfile(new_path): os.unlink(new_path) elif os.path.isdir(new_path): rmtree(new_path) renames(path, new_path) except OSError as ex: logger.error("Failed to restore %s", new_path) logger.debug("Exception: %s", ex) self.commit() @property def can_rollback(self): return bool(self._moves) class UninstallPathSet(object): """A set of file paths to be removed in the uninstallation of a requirement.""" def __init__(self, dist): self.paths = set() self._refuse = set() self.pth = {} self.dist = dist self._moved_paths = StashedUninstallPathSet() def _permitted(self, path): """ Return True if the given path is one we are permitted to remove/modify, False otherwise. """ return is_local(path) def add(self, path): head, tail = os.path.split(path) # we normalize the head to resolve parent directory symlinks, but not # the tail, since we only want to uninstall symlinks, not their targets path = os.path.join(normalize_path(head), os.path.normcase(tail)) if not os.path.exists(path): return if self._permitted(path): self.paths.add(path) else: self._refuse.add(path) # __pycache__ files can show up after 'installed-files.txt' is created, # due to imports if os.path.splitext(path)[1] == '.py' and uses_pycache: self.add(cache_from_source(path)) def add_pth(self, pth_file, entry): pth_file = normalize_path(pth_file) if self._permitted(pth_file): if pth_file not in self.pth: self.pth[pth_file] = UninstallPthEntries(pth_file) self.pth[pth_file].add(entry) else: self._refuse.add(pth_file) def remove(self, auto_confirm=False, verbose=False): """Remove paths in ``self.paths`` with confirmation (unless ``auto_confirm`` is True).""" if not self.paths: "Can't uninstall '%s'. No files were found to uninstall.", self.dist.project_name, ) return dist_name_version = ( self.dist.project_name + "-" + self.dist.version )'Uninstalling %s:', dist_name_version) with indent_log(): if auto_confirm or self._allowed_to_proceed(verbose): moved = self._moved_paths for_rename = compress_for_rename(self.paths) for path in sorted(compact(for_rename)): moved.stash(path) logger.debug('Removing file or directory %s', path) for pth in self.pth.values(): pth.remove()'Successfully uninstalled %s', dist_name_version) def _allowed_to_proceed(self, verbose): """Display which files would be deleted and prompt for confirmation """ def _display(msg, paths): if not paths: return with indent_log(): for path in sorted(compact(paths)): if not verbose: will_remove, will_skip = compress_for_output_listing(self.paths) else: # In verbose mode, display all the files that are going to be # deleted. will_remove = list(self.paths) will_skip = set() _display('Would remove:', will_remove) _display('Would not remove (might be manually added):', will_skip) _display('Would not remove (outside of prefix):', self._refuse) if verbose: _display('Will actually move:', compress_for_rename(self.paths)) return ask('Proceed (y/n)? ', ('y', 'n')) == 'y' def rollback(self): """Rollback the changes previously made by remove().""" if not self._moved_paths.can_rollback: logger.error( "Can't roll back %s; was not uninstalled", self.dist.project_name, ) return False'Rolling back uninstall of %s', self.dist.project_name) self._moved_paths.rollback() for pth in self.pth.values(): pth.rollback() def commit(self): """Remove temporary save dir: rollback will no longer be possible.""" self._moved_paths.commit() @classmethod def from_dist(cls, dist): dist_path = normalize_path(dist.location) if not dist_is_local(dist): "Not uninstalling %s at %s, outside environment %s", dist.key, dist_path, sys.prefix, ) return cls(dist) if dist_path in {p for p in {sysconfig.get_path("stdlib"), sysconfig.get_path("platstdlib")} if p}: "Not uninstalling %s at %s, as it is in the standard library.", dist.key, dist_path, ) return cls(dist) paths_to_remove = cls(dist) develop_egg_link = egg_link_path(dist) develop_egg_link_egg_info = '{}.egg-info'.format( pkg_resources.to_filename(dist.project_name)) egg_info_exists = dist.egg_info and os.path.exists(dist.egg_info) # Special case for distutils installed package distutils_egg_info = getattr(dist._provider, 'path', None) # Uninstall cases order do matter as in the case of 2 installs of the # same package, pip needs to uninstall the currently detected version if (egg_info_exists and dist.egg_info.endswith('.egg-info') and not dist.egg_info.endswith(develop_egg_link_egg_info)): # if dist.egg_info.endswith(develop_egg_link_egg_info), we # are in fact in the develop_egg_link case paths_to_remove.add(dist.egg_info) if dist.has_metadata('installed-files.txt'): for installed_file in dist.get_metadata( 'installed-files.txt').splitlines(): path = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(dist.egg_info, installed_file) ) paths_to_remove.add(path) # FIXME: need a test for this elif block # occurs with --single-version-externally-managed/--record outside # of pip elif dist.has_metadata('top_level.txt'): if dist.has_metadata('namespace_packages.txt'): namespaces = dist.get_metadata('namespace_packages.txt') else: namespaces = [] for top_level_pkg in [ p for p in dist.get_metadata('top_level.txt').splitlines() if p and p not in namespaces]: path = os.path.join(dist.location, top_level_pkg) paths_to_remove.add(path) paths_to_remove.add(path + '.py') paths_to_remove.add(path + '.pyc') paths_to_remove.add(path + '.pyo') elif distutils_egg_info: raise UninstallationError( "Cannot uninstall {!r}. It is a distutils installed project " "and thus we cannot accurately determine which files belong " "to it which would lead to only a partial uninstall.".format( dist.project_name, ) ) elif dist.location.endswith('.egg'): # package installed by easy_install # We cannot match on dist.egg_name because it can slightly vary # i.e. setuptools-0.6c11-py2.6.egg vs setuptools-0.6rc11-py2.6.egg paths_to_remove.add(dist.location) easy_install_egg = os.path.split(dist.location)[1] easy_install_pth = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(dist.location), 'easy-install.pth') paths_to_remove.add_pth(easy_install_pth, './' + easy_install_egg) elif egg_info_exists and dist.egg_info.endswith('.dist-info'): for path in uninstallation_paths(dist): paths_to_remove.add(path) elif develop_egg_link: # develop egg with open(develop_egg_link, 'r') as fh: link_pointer = os.path.normcase(fh.readline().strip()) assert (link_pointer == dist.location), ( 'Egg-link %s does not match installed location of %s ' '(at %s)' % (link_pointer, dist.project_name, dist.location) ) paths_to_remove.add(develop_egg_link) easy_install_pth = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(develop_egg_link), 'easy-install.pth') paths_to_remove.add_pth(easy_install_pth, dist.location) else: logger.debug( 'Not sure how to uninstall: %s - Check: %s', dist, dist.location, ) # find distutils scripts= scripts if dist.has_metadata('scripts') and dist.metadata_isdir('scripts'): for script in dist.metadata_listdir('scripts'): if dist_in_usersite(dist): bin_dir = bin_user else: bin_dir = bin_py paths_to_remove.add(os.path.join(bin_dir, script)) if WINDOWS: paths_to_remove.add(os.path.join(bin_dir, script) + '.bat') # find console_scripts _scripts_to_remove = [] console_scripts = dist.get_entry_map(group='console_scripts') for name in console_scripts.keys(): _scripts_to_remove.extend(_script_names(dist, name, False)) # find gui_scripts gui_scripts = dist.get_entry_map(group='gui_scripts') for name in gui_scripts.keys(): _scripts_to_remove.extend(_script_names(dist, name, True)) for s in _scripts_to_remove: paths_to_remove.add(s) return paths_to_remove class UninstallPthEntries(object): def __init__(self, pth_file): if not os.path.isfile(pth_file): raise UninstallationError( "Cannot remove entries from nonexistent file %s" % pth_file ) self.file = pth_file self.entries = set() self._saved_lines = None def add(self, entry): entry = os.path.normcase(entry) # On Windows, os.path.normcase converts the entry to use # backslashes. This is correct for entries that describe absolute # paths outside of site-packages, but all the others use forward # slashes. if WINDOWS and not os.path.splitdrive(entry)[0]: entry = entry.replace('\\', '/') self.entries.add(entry) def remove(self): logger.debug('Removing pth entries from %s:', self.file) with open(self.file, 'rb') as fh: # windows uses '\r\n' with py3k, but uses '\n' with py2.x lines = fh.readlines() self._saved_lines = lines if any(b'\r\n' in line for line in lines): endline = '\r\n' else: endline = '\n' # handle missing trailing newline if lines and not lines[-1].endswith(endline.encode("utf-8")): lines[-1] = lines[-1] + endline.encode("utf-8") for entry in self.entries: try: logger.debug('Removing entry: %s', entry) lines.remove((entry + endline).encode("utf-8")) except ValueError: pass with open(self.file, 'wb') as fh: fh.writelines(lines) def rollback(self): if self._saved_lines is None: logger.error( 'Cannot roll back changes to %s, none were made', self.file ) return False logger.debug('Rolling %s back to previous state', self.file) with open(self.file, 'wb') as fh: fh.writelines(self._saved_lines) return True
"""Dependency Resolution The dependency resolution in pip is performed as follows: for top-level requirements: a. only one spec allowed per project, regardless of conflicts or not. otherwise a "double requirement" exception is raised b. they override sub-dependency requirements. for sub-dependencies a. "first found, wins" (where the order is breadth first) """ import logging from collections import defaultdict from itertools import chain from pip._internal.exceptions import ( BestVersionAlreadyInstalled, DistributionNotFound, HashError, HashErrors, UnsupportedPythonVersion, ) from pip._internal.req.constructors import install_req_from_req_string from pip._internal.utils.logging import indent_log from pip._internal.utils.misc import dist_in_usersite, ensure_dir from pip._internal.utils.packaging import check_dist_requires_python from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, DefaultDict, List, Set from import PipSession from pip._internal.req.req_install import InstallRequirement from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from pip._internal.req.req_set import RequirementSet from pip._internal.operations.prepare import ( DistAbstraction, RequirementPreparer ) from pip._internal.cache import WheelCache logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class Resolver(object): """Resolves which packages need to be installed/uninstalled to perform \ the requested operation without breaking the requirements of any package. """ _allowed_strategies = {"eager", "only-if-needed", "to-satisfy-only"} def __init__( self, preparer, # type: RequirementPreparer session, # type: PipSession finder, # type: PackageFinder wheel_cache, # type: Optional[WheelCache] use_user_site, # type: bool ignore_dependencies, # type: bool ignore_installed, # type: bool ignore_requires_python, # type: bool force_reinstall, # type: bool isolated, # type: bool upgrade_strategy, # type: str use_pep517=None # type: Optional[bool] ): # type: (...) -> None super(Resolver, self).__init__() assert upgrade_strategy in self._allowed_strategies self.preparer = preparer self.finder = finder self.session = session # NOTE: This would eventually be replaced with a cache that can give # information about both sdist and wheels transparently. self.wheel_cache = wheel_cache # This is set in resolve self.require_hashes = None # type: Optional[bool] self.upgrade_strategy = upgrade_strategy self.force_reinstall = force_reinstall self.isolated = isolated self.ignore_dependencies = ignore_dependencies self.ignore_installed = ignore_installed self.ignore_requires_python = ignore_requires_python self.use_user_site = use_user_site self.use_pep517 = use_pep517 self._discovered_dependencies = \ defaultdict(list) # type: DefaultDict[str, List] def resolve(self, requirement_set): # type: (RequirementSet) -> None """Resolve what operations need to be done As a side-effect of this method, the packages (and their dependencies) are downloaded, unpacked and prepared for installation. This preparation is done by ``pip.operations.prepare``. Once PyPI has static dependency metadata available, it would be possible to move the preparation to become a step separated from dependency resolution. """ # make the wheelhouse if self.preparer.wheel_download_dir: ensure_dir(self.preparer.wheel_download_dir) # If any top-level requirement has a hash specified, enter # hash-checking mode, which requires hashes from all. root_reqs = ( requirement_set.unnamed_requirements + list(requirement_set.requirements.values()) ) self.require_hashes = ( requirement_set.require_hashes or any(req.has_hash_options for req in root_reqs) ) # Display where finder is looking for packages locations = self.finder.get_formatted_locations() if locations: # Actually prepare the files, and collect any exceptions. Most hash # exceptions cannot be checked ahead of time, because # req.populate_link() needs to be called before we can make decisions # based on link type. discovered_reqs = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] hash_errors = HashErrors() for req in chain(root_reqs, discovered_reqs): try: discovered_reqs.extend( self._resolve_one(requirement_set, req) ) except HashError as exc: exc.req = req hash_errors.append(exc) if hash_errors: raise hash_errors def _is_upgrade_allowed(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> bool if self.upgrade_strategy == "to-satisfy-only": return False elif self.upgrade_strategy == "eager": return True else: assert self.upgrade_strategy == "only-if-needed" return req.is_direct def _set_req_to_reinstall(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> None """ Set a requirement to be installed. """ # Don't uninstall the conflict if doing a user install and the # conflict is not a user install. if not self.use_user_site or dist_in_usersite(req.satisfied_by): req.conflicts_with = req.satisfied_by req.satisfied_by = None # XXX: Stop passing requirement_set for options def _check_skip_installed(self, req_to_install): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> Optional[str] """Check if req_to_install should be skipped. This will check if the req is installed, and whether we should upgrade or reinstall it, taking into account all the relevant user options. After calling this req_to_install will only have satisfied_by set to None if the req_to_install is to be upgraded/reinstalled etc. Any other value will be a dist recording the current thing installed that satisfies the requirement. Note that for vcs urls and the like we can't assess skipping in this routine - we simply identify that we need to pull the thing down, then later on it is pulled down and introspected to assess upgrade/ reinstalls etc. :return: A text reason for why it was skipped, or None. """ if self.ignore_installed: return None req_to_install.check_if_exists(self.use_user_site) if not req_to_install.satisfied_by: return None if self.force_reinstall: self._set_req_to_reinstall(req_to_install) return None if not self._is_upgrade_allowed(req_to_install): if self.upgrade_strategy == "only-if-needed": return 'already satisfied, skipping upgrade' return 'already satisfied' # Check for the possibility of an upgrade. For link-based # requirements we have to pull the tree down and inspect to assess # the version #, so it's handled way down. if not try: self.finder.find_requirement(req_to_install, upgrade=True) except BestVersionAlreadyInstalled: # Then the best version is installed. return 'already up-to-date' except DistributionNotFound: # No distribution found, so we squash the error. It will # be raised later when we re-try later to do the install. # Why don't we just raise here? pass self._set_req_to_reinstall(req_to_install) return None def _get_abstract_dist_for(self, req): # type: (InstallRequirement) -> DistAbstraction """Takes a InstallRequirement and returns a single AbstractDist \ representing a prepared variant of the same. """ assert self.require_hashes is not None, ( "require_hashes should have been set in Resolver.resolve()" ) if req.editable: return self.preparer.prepare_editable_requirement( req, self.require_hashes, self.use_user_site, self.finder, ) # satisfied_by is only evaluated by calling _check_skip_installed, # so it must be None here. assert req.satisfied_by is None skip_reason = self._check_skip_installed(req) if req.satisfied_by: return self.preparer.prepare_installed_requirement( req, self.require_hashes, skip_reason ) upgrade_allowed = self._is_upgrade_allowed(req) abstract_dist = self.preparer.prepare_linked_requirement( req, self.session, self.finder, upgrade_allowed, self.require_hashes ) # NOTE # The following portion is for determining if a certain package is # going to be re-installed/upgraded or not and reporting to the user. # This should probably get cleaned up in a future refactor. # req.req is only avail after unpack for URL # pkgs repeat check_if_exists to uninstall-on-upgrade # (#14) if not self.ignore_installed: req.check_if_exists(self.use_user_site) if req.satisfied_by: should_modify = ( self.upgrade_strategy != "to-satisfy-only" or self.force_reinstall or self.ignore_installed or == 'file' ) if should_modify: self._set_req_to_reinstall(req) else: 'Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade):' ' %s', req, ) return abstract_dist def _resolve_one( self, requirement_set, # type: RequirementSet req_to_install # type: InstallRequirement ): # type: (...) -> List[InstallRequirement] """Prepare a single requirements file. :return: A list of additional InstallRequirements to also install. """ # Tell user what we are doing for this requirement: # obtain (editable), skipping, processing (local url), collecting # (remote url or package name) if req_to_install.constraint or req_to_install.prepared: return [] req_to_install.prepared = True # register tmp src for cleanup in case something goes wrong requirement_set.reqs_to_cleanup.append(req_to_install) abstract_dist = self._get_abstract_dist_for(req_to_install) # Parse and return dependencies dist = abstract_dist.dist() try: check_dist_requires_python(dist) except UnsupportedPythonVersion as err: if self.ignore_requires_python: logger.warning(err.args[0]) else: raise more_reqs = [] # type: List[InstallRequirement] def add_req(subreq, extras_requested): sub_install_req = install_req_from_req_string( str(subreq), req_to_install, isolated=self.isolated, wheel_cache=self.wheel_cache, use_pep517=self.use_pep517 ) parent_req_name = to_scan_again, add_to_parent = requirement_set.add_requirement( sub_install_req, parent_req_name=parent_req_name, extras_requested=extras_requested, ) if parent_req_name and add_to_parent: self._discovered_dependencies[parent_req_name].append( add_to_parent ) more_reqs.extend(to_scan_again) with indent_log(): # We add req_to_install before its dependencies, so that we # can refer to it when adding dependencies. if not requirement_set.has_requirement( # 'unnamed' requirements will get added here req_to_install.is_direct = True requirement_set.add_requirement( req_to_install, parent_req_name=None, ) if not self.ignore_dependencies: if req_to_install.extras: logger.debug( "Installing extra requirements: %r", ','.join(req_to_install.extras), ) missing_requested = sorted( set(req_to_install.extras) - set(dist.extras) ) for missing in missing_requested: logger.warning( '%s does not provide the extra \'%s\'', dist, missing ) available_requested = sorted( set(dist.extras) & set(req_to_install.extras) ) for subreq in dist.requires(available_requested): add_req(subreq, extras_requested=available_requested) if not req_to_install.editable and not req_to_install.satisfied_by: # XXX: --no-install leads this to report 'Successfully # downloaded' for only non-editable reqs, even though we took # action on them. requirement_set.successfully_downloaded.append(req_to_install) return more_reqs def get_installation_order(self, req_set): # type: (RequirementSet) -> List[InstallRequirement] """Create the installation order. The installation order is topological - requirements are installed before the requiring thing. We break cycles at an arbitrary point, and make no other guarantees. """ # The current implementation, which we may change at any point # installs the user specified things in the order given, except when # dependencies must come earlier to achieve topological order. order = [] ordered_reqs = set() # type: Set[InstallRequirement] def schedule(req): if req.satisfied_by or req in ordered_reqs: return if req.constraint: return ordered_reqs.add(req) for dep in self._discovered_dependencies[]: schedule(dep) order.append(req) for install_req in req_set.requirements.values(): schedule(install_req) return order
""" This code was taken from and modified to suit our purposes. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import os import sys from pip._vendor.six import PY2, text_type from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS, expanduser from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import List def user_cache_dir(appname): # type: (str) -> str r""" Return full path to the user-specific cache dir for this application. "appname" is the name of application. Typical user cache directories are: macOS: ~/Library/Caches/<AppName> Unix: ~/.cache/<AppName> (XDG default) Windows: C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\<AppName>\Cache On Windows the only suggestion in the MSDN docs is that local settings go in the `CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA` directory. This is identical to the non-roaming app data dir (the default returned by `user_data_dir`). Apps typically put cache data somewhere *under* the given dir here. Some examples: ...\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\<ProfileName>\Cache ...\Acme\SuperApp\Cache\1.0 OPINION: This function appends "Cache" to the `CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA` value. """ if WINDOWS: # Get the base path path = os.path.normpath(_get_win_folder("CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA")) # When using Python 2, return paths as bytes on Windows like we do on # other operating systems. See helper function docs for more details. if PY2 and isinstance(path, text_type): path = _win_path_to_bytes(path) # Add our app name and Cache directory to it path = os.path.join(path, appname, "Cache") elif sys.platform == "darwin": # Get the base path path = expanduser("~/Library/Caches") # Add our app name to it path = os.path.join(path, appname) else: # Get the base path path = os.getenv("XDG_CACHE_HOME", expanduser("~/.cache")) # Add our app name to it path = os.path.join(path, appname) return path def user_data_dir(appname, roaming=False): # type: (str, bool) -> str r""" Return full path to the user-specific data dir for this application. "appname" is the name of application. If None, just the system directory is returned. "roaming" (boolean, default False) can be set True to use the Windows roaming appdata directory. That means that for users on a Windows network setup for roaming profiles, this user data will be sync'd on login. See <> for a discussion of issues. Typical user data directories are: macOS: ~/Library/Application Support/<AppName> if it exists, else ~/.config/<AppName> Unix: ~/.local/share/<AppName> # or in $XDG_DATA_HOME, if defined Win XP (not roaming): C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\ ... ...Application Data\<AppName> Win XP (roaming): C:\Documents and Settings\<username>\Local ... ...Settings\Application Data\<AppName> Win 7 (not roaming): C:\\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\<AppName> Win 7 (roaming): C:\\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\<AppName> For Unix, we follow the XDG spec and support $XDG_DATA_HOME. That means, by default "~/.local/share/<AppName>". """ if WINDOWS: const = roaming and "CSIDL_APPDATA" or "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA" path = os.path.join(os.path.normpath(_get_win_folder(const)), appname) elif sys.platform == "darwin": path = os.path.join( expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/'), appname, ) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join( expanduser('~/Library/Application Support/'), appname, ) ) else os.path.join( expanduser('~/.config/'), appname, ) else: path = os.path.join( os.getenv('XDG_DATA_HOME', expanduser("~/.local/share")), appname, ) return path def user_config_dir(appname, roaming=True): # type: (str, bool) -> str """Return full path to the user-specific config dir for this application. "appname" is the name of application. If None, just the system directory is returned. "roaming" (boolean, default True) can be set False to not use the Windows roaming appdata directory. That means that for users on a Windows network setup for roaming profiles, this user data will be sync'd on login. See <> for a discussion of issues. Typical user data directories are: macOS: same as user_data_dir Unix: ~/.config/<AppName> Win *: same as user_data_dir For Unix, we follow the XDG spec and support $XDG_CONFIG_HOME. That means, by default "~/.config/<AppName>". """ if WINDOWS: path = user_data_dir(appname, roaming=roaming) elif sys.platform == "darwin": path = user_data_dir(appname) else: path = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_HOME', expanduser("~/.config")) path = os.path.join(path, appname) return path # for the discussion regarding site_config_dirs locations # see <> def site_config_dirs(appname): # type: (str) -> List[str] r"""Return a list of potential user-shared config dirs for this application. "appname" is the name of application. Typical user config directories are: macOS: /Library/Application Support/<AppName>/ Unix: /etc or $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS[i]/<AppName>/ for each value in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS Win XP: C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application ... ...Data\<AppName>\ Vista: (Fail! "C:\ProgramData" is a hidden *system* directory on Vista.) Win 7: Hidden, but writeable on Win 7: C:\ProgramData\<AppName>\ """ if WINDOWS: path = os.path.normpath(_get_win_folder("CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA")) pathlist = [os.path.join(path, appname)] elif sys.platform == 'darwin': pathlist = [os.path.join('/Library/Application Support', appname)] else: # try looking in $XDG_CONFIG_DIRS xdg_config_dirs = os.getenv('XDG_CONFIG_DIRS', '/etc/xdg') if xdg_config_dirs: pathlist = [ os.path.join(expanduser(x), appname) for x in xdg_config_dirs.split(os.pathsep) ] else: pathlist = [] # always look in /etc directly as well pathlist.append('/etc') return pathlist # -- Windows support functions -- def _get_win_folder_from_registry(csidl_name): # type: (str) -> str """ This is a fallback technique at best. I'm not sure if using the registry for this guarantees us the correct answer for all CSIDL_* names. """ import _winreg shell_folder_name = { "CSIDL_APPDATA": "AppData", "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA": "Common AppData", "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA": "Local AppData", }[csidl_name] key = _winreg.OpenKey( _winreg.HKEY_CURRENT_USER, r"Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders" ) directory, _type = _winreg.QueryValueEx(key, shell_folder_name) return directory def _get_win_folder_with_ctypes(csidl_name): # type: (str) -> str csidl_const = { "CSIDL_APPDATA": 26, "CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA": 35, "CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA": 28, }[csidl_name] buf = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) ctypes.windll.shell32.SHGetFolderPathW(None, csidl_const, None, 0, buf) # Downgrade to short path name if have highbit chars. See # <>. has_high_char = False for c in buf: if ord(c) > 255: has_high_char = True break if has_high_char: buf2 = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(1024) if ctypes.windll.kernel32.GetShortPathNameW(buf.value, buf2, 1024): buf = buf2 return buf.value if WINDOWS: try: import ctypes _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_with_ctypes except ImportError: _get_win_folder = _get_win_folder_from_registry def _win_path_to_bytes(path): """Encode Windows paths to bytes. Only used on Python 2. Motivation is to be consistent with other operating systems where paths are also returned as bytes. This avoids problems mixing bytes and Unicode elsewhere in the codebase. For more details and discussion see <>. If encoding using ASCII and MBCS fails, return the original Unicode path. """ for encoding in ('ASCII', 'MBCS'): try: return path.encode(encoding) except (UnicodeEncodeError, LookupError): pass return path
"""Stuff that differs in different Python versions and platform distributions.""" from __future__ import absolute_import, division import codecs import locale import logging import os import shutil import sys from pip._vendor.six import text_type from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Tuple, Text try: import ipaddress except ImportError: try: from pip._vendor import ipaddress # type: ignore except ImportError: import ipaddr as ipaddress # type: ignore ipaddress.ip_address = ipaddress.IPAddress # type: ignore ipaddress.ip_network = ipaddress.IPNetwork # type: ignore __all__ = [ "ipaddress", "uses_pycache", "console_to_str", "native_str", "get_path_uid", "stdlib_pkgs", "WINDOWS", "samefile", "get_terminal_size", "get_extension_suffixes", ] logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): uses_pycache = True from importlib.util import cache_from_source else: import imp try: cache_from_source = imp.cache_from_source # type: ignore except AttributeError: # does not use __pycache__ cache_from_source = None uses_pycache = cache_from_source is not None if sys.version_info >= (3, 5): backslashreplace_decode = "backslashreplace" else: # In version 3.4 and older, backslashreplace exists # but does not support use for decoding. # We implement our own replace handler for this # situation, so that we can consistently use # backslash replacement for all versions. def backslashreplace_decode_fn(err): raw_bytes = (err.object[i] for i in range(err.start, err.end)) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: # Python 2 gave us characters - convert to numeric bytes raw_bytes = (ord(b) for b in raw_bytes) return u"".join(u"\\x%x" % c for c in raw_bytes), err.end codecs.register_error( "backslashreplace_decode", backslashreplace_decode_fn, ) backslashreplace_decode = "backslashreplace_decode" def console_to_str(data): # type: (bytes) -> Text """Return a string, safe for output, of subprocess output. We assume the data is in the locale preferred encoding. If it won't decode properly, we warn the user but decode as best we can. We also ensure that the output can be safely written to standard output without encoding errors. """ # First, get the encoding we assume. This is the preferred # encoding for the locale, unless that is not found, or # it is ASCII, in which case assume UTF-8 encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding() if (not encoding) or codecs.lookup(encoding).name == "ascii": encoding = "utf-8" # Now try to decode the data - if we fail, warn the user and # decode with replacement. try: decoded_data = data.decode(encoding) except UnicodeDecodeError: logger.warning( "Subprocess output does not appear to be encoded as %s", encoding, ) decoded_data = data.decode(encoding, errors=backslashreplace_decode) # Make sure we can print the output, by encoding it to the output # encoding with replacement of unencodable characters, and then # decoding again. # We use stderr's encoding because it's less likely to be # redirected and if we don't find an encoding we skip this # step (on the assumption that output is wrapped by something # that won't fail). # The double getattr is to deal with the possibility that we're # being called in a situation where sys.__stderr__ doesn't exist, # or doesn't have an encoding attribute. Neither of these cases # should occur in normal pip use, but there's no harm in checking # in case people use pip in (unsupported) unusual situations. output_encoding = getattr(getattr(sys, "__stderr__", None), "encoding", None) if output_encoding: output_encoded = decoded_data.encode( output_encoding, errors="backslashreplace" ) decoded_data = output_encoded.decode(output_encoding) return decoded_data if sys.version_info >= (3,): def native_str(s, replace=False): # type: (str, bool) -> str if isinstance(s, bytes): return s.decode('utf-8', 'replace' if replace else 'strict') return s else: def native_str(s, replace=False): # type: (str, bool) -> str # Replace is ignored -- unicode to UTF-8 can't fail if isinstance(s, text_type): return s.encode('utf-8') return s def get_path_uid(path): # type: (str) -> int """ Return path's uid. Does not follow symlinks: Placed this function in compat due to differences on AIX and Jython, that should eventually go away. :raises OSError: When path is a symlink or can't be read. """ if hasattr(os, 'O_NOFOLLOW'): fd =, os.O_RDONLY | os.O_NOFOLLOW) file_uid = os.fstat(fd).st_uid os.close(fd) else: # AIX and Jython # WARNING: time of check vulnerability, but best we can do w/o NOFOLLOW if not os.path.islink(path): # older versions of Jython don't have `os.fstat` file_uid = os.stat(path).st_uid else: # raise OSError for parity with os.O_NOFOLLOW above raise OSError( "%s is a symlink; Will not return uid for symlinks" % path ) return file_uid if sys.version_info >= (3, 4): from importlib.machinery import EXTENSION_SUFFIXES def get_extension_suffixes(): return EXTENSION_SUFFIXES else: from imp import get_suffixes def get_extension_suffixes(): return [suffix[0] for suffix in get_suffixes()] def expanduser(path): # type: (str) -> str """ Expand ~ and ~user constructions. Includes a workaround for """ expanded = os.path.expanduser(path) if path.startswith('~/') and expanded.startswith('//'): expanded = expanded[1:] return expanded # packages in the stdlib that may have installation metadata, but should not be # considered 'installed'. this theoretically could be determined based on # dist.location (py27:`sysconfig.get_paths()['stdlib']`, # py26:sysconfig.get_config_vars('LIBDEST')), but fear platform variation may # make this ineffective, so hard-coding stdlib_pkgs = {"python", "wsgiref", "argparse"} # windows detection, covers cpython and ironpython WINDOWS = (sys.platform.startswith("win") or (sys.platform == 'cli' and == 'nt')) def samefile(file1, file2): # type: (str, str) -> bool """Provide an alternative for os.path.samefile on Windows/Python2""" if hasattr(os.path, 'samefile'): return os.path.samefile(file1, file2) else: path1 = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(file1)) path2 = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(file2)) return path1 == path2 if hasattr(shutil, 'get_terminal_size'): def get_terminal_size(): # type: () -> Tuple[int, int] """ Returns a tuple (x, y) representing the width(x) and the height(y) in characters of the terminal window. """ return tuple(shutil.get_terminal_size()) # type: ignore else: def get_terminal_size(): # type: () -> Tuple[int, int] """ Returns a tuple (x, y) representing the width(x) and the height(y) in characters of the terminal window. """ def ioctl_GWINSZ(fd): try: import fcntl import termios import struct cr = struct.unpack_from( 'hh', fcntl.ioctl(fd, termios.TIOCGWINSZ, '12345678') ) except Exception: return None if cr == (0, 0): return None return cr cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(0) or ioctl_GWINSZ(1) or ioctl_GWINSZ(2) if not cr: try: fd =, os.O_RDONLY) cr = ioctl_GWINSZ(fd) os.close(fd) except Exception: pass if not cr: cr = (os.environ.get('LINES', 25), os.environ.get('COLUMNS', 80)) return int(cr[1]), int(cr[0])
""" A module that implements tooling to enable easy warnings about deprecations. """ from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import warnings from pip._vendor.packaging.version import parse from pip import __version__ as current_version from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Any, Optional DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX = "DEPRECATION: " class PipDeprecationWarning(Warning): pass _original_showwarning = None # type: Any # Warnings <-> Logging Integration def _showwarning(message, category, filename, lineno, file=None, line=None): if file is not None: if _original_showwarning is not None: _original_showwarning( message, category, filename, lineno, file, line, ) elif issubclass(category, PipDeprecationWarning): # We use a specially named logger which will handle all of the # deprecation messages for pip. logger = logging.getLogger("pip._internal.deprecations") logger.warning(message) else: _original_showwarning( message, category, filename, lineno, file, line, ) def install_warning_logger(): # type: () -> None # Enable our Deprecation Warnings warnings.simplefilter("default", PipDeprecationWarning, append=True) global _original_showwarning if _original_showwarning is None: _original_showwarning = warnings.showwarning warnings.showwarning = _showwarning def deprecated(reason, replacement, gone_in, issue=None): # type: (str, Optional[str], Optional[str], Optional[int]) -> None """Helper to deprecate existing functionality. reason: Textual reason shown to the user about why this functionality has been deprecated. replacement: Textual suggestion shown to the user about what alternative functionality they can use. gone_in: The version of pip does this functionality should get removed in. Raises errors if pip's current version is greater than or equal to this. issue: Issue number on the tracker that would serve as a useful place for users to find related discussion and provide feedback. Always pass replacement, gone_in and issue as keyword arguments for clarity at the call site. """ # Construct a nice message. # This is purposely eagerly formatted as we want it to appear as if someone # typed this entire message out. message = DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX + reason if replacement is not None: message += " A possible replacement is {}.".format(replacement) if issue is not None: url = "" + str(issue) message += " You can find discussion regarding this at {}.".format(url) # Raise as an error if it has to be removed. if gone_in is not None and parse(current_version) >= parse(gone_in): raise PipDeprecationWarning(message) warnings.warn(message, category=PipDeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2)
import codecs import locale import re import sys from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import List, Tuple, Text BOMS = [ (codecs.BOM_UTF8, 'utf-8'), (codecs.BOM_UTF16, 'utf-16'), (codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE, 'utf-16-be'), (codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE, 'utf-16-le'), (codecs.BOM_UTF32, 'utf-32'), (codecs.BOM_UTF32_BE, 'utf-32-be'), (codecs.BOM_UTF32_LE, 'utf-32-le'), ] # type: List[Tuple[bytes, Text]] ENCODING_RE = re.compile(br'coding[:=]\s*([-\w.]+)') def auto_decode(data): # type: (bytes) -> Text """Check a bytes string for a BOM to correctly detect the encoding Fallback to locale.getpreferredencoding(False) like open() on Python3""" for bom, encoding in BOMS: if data.startswith(bom): return data[len(bom):].decode(encoding) # Lets check the first two lines as in PEP263 for line in data.split(b'\n')[:2]: if line[0:1] == b'#' and encoding =[0].decode('ascii') return data.decode(encoding) return data.decode( locale.getpreferredencoding(False) or sys.getdefaultencoding(), )
import os import os.path from pip._internal.utils.compat import get_path_uid def check_path_owner(path): # type: (str) -> bool # If we don't have a way to check the effective uid of this process, then # we'll just assume that we own the directory. if not hasattr(os, "geteuid"): return True previous = None while path != previous: if os.path.lexists(path): # Check if path is writable by current user. if os.geteuid() == 0: # Special handling for root user in order to handle properly # cases where users use sudo without -H flag. try: path_uid = get_path_uid(path) except OSError: return False return path_uid == 0 else: return os.access(path, os.W_OK) else: previous, path = path, os.path.dirname(path) return False # assume we don't own the path
from __future__ import absolute_import import ctypes import re import warnings from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional, Tuple def glibc_version_string(): # type: () -> Optional[str] "Returns glibc version string, or None if not using glibc." # ctypes.CDLL(None) internally calls dlopen(NULL), and as the dlopen # manpage says, "If filename is NULL, then the returned handle is for the # main program". This way we can let the linker do the work to figure out # which libc our process is actually using. process_namespace = ctypes.CDLL(None) try: gnu_get_libc_version = process_namespace.gnu_get_libc_version except AttributeError: # Symbol doesn't exist -> therefore, we are not linked to # glibc. return None # Call gnu_get_libc_version, which returns a string like "2.5" gnu_get_libc_version.restype = ctypes.c_char_p version_str = gnu_get_libc_version() # py2 / py3 compatibility: if not isinstance(version_str, str): version_str = version_str.decode("ascii") return version_str # Separated out from have_compatible_glibc for easier unit testing def check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor): # type: (str, int, int) -> bool # Parse string and check against requested version. # # We use a regexp instead of str.split because we want to discard any # random junk that might come after the minor version -- this might happen # in patched/forked versions of glibc (e.g. Linaro's version of glibc # uses version strings like "2.20-2014.11"). See gh-3588. m = re.match(r"(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)", version_str) if not m: warnings.warn("Expected glibc version with 2 components major.minor," " got: %s" % version_str, RuntimeWarning) return False return (int("major")) == required_major and int("minor")) >= minimum_minor) def have_compatible_glibc(required_major, minimum_minor): # type: (int, int) -> bool version_str = glibc_version_string() # type: Optional[str] if version_str is None: return False return check_glibc_version(version_str, required_major, minimum_minor) # platform.libc_ver regularly returns completely nonsensical glibc # versions. E.g. on my computer, platform says: # # ~$ python2.7 -c 'import platform; print(platform.libc_ver())' # ('glibc', '2.7') # ~$ python3.5 -c 'import platform; print(platform.libc_ver())' # ('glibc', '2.9') # # But the truth is: # # ~$ ldd --version # ldd (Debian GLIBC 2.22-11) 2.22 # # This is unfortunate, because it means that the linehaul data on libc # versions that was generated by pip 8.1.2 and earlier is useless and # misleading. Solution: instead of using platform, use our code that actually # works. def libc_ver(): # type: () -> Tuple[str, str] """Try to determine the glibc version Returns a tuple of strings (lib, version) which default to empty strings in case the lookup fails. """ glibc_version = glibc_version_string() if glibc_version is None: return ("", "") else: return ("glibc", glibc_version)
from __future__ import absolute_import import hashlib from pip._vendor.six import iteritems, iterkeys, itervalues from pip._internal.exceptions import ( HashMismatch, HashMissing, InstallationError, ) from pip._internal.utils.misc import read_chunks from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Dict, List, BinaryIO, NoReturn, Iterator ) from pip._vendor.six import PY3 if PY3: from hashlib import _Hash else: from hashlib import _hash as _Hash # The recommended hash algo of the moment. Change this whenever the state of # the art changes; it won't hurt backward compatibility. FAVORITE_HASH = 'sha256' # Names of hashlib algorithms allowed by the --hash option and ``pip hash`` # Currently, those are the ones at least as collision-resistant as sha256. STRONG_HASHES = ['sha256', 'sha384', 'sha512'] class Hashes(object): """A wrapper that builds multiple hashes at once and checks them against known-good values """ def __init__(self, hashes=None): # type: (Dict[str, List[str]]) -> None """ :param hashes: A dict of algorithm names pointing to lists of allowed hex digests """ self._allowed = {} if hashes is None else hashes def check_against_chunks(self, chunks): # type: (Iterator[bytes]) -> None """Check good hashes against ones built from iterable of chunks of data. Raise HashMismatch if none match. """ gots = {} for hash_name in iterkeys(self._allowed): try: gots[hash_name] = except (ValueError, TypeError): raise InstallationError('Unknown hash name: %s' % hash_name) for chunk in chunks: for hash in itervalues(gots): hash.update(chunk) for hash_name, got in iteritems(gots): if got.hexdigest() in self._allowed[hash_name]: return self._raise(gots) def _raise(self, gots): # type: (Dict[str, _Hash]) -> NoReturn raise HashMismatch(self._allowed, gots) def check_against_file(self, file): # type: (BinaryIO) -> None """Check good hashes against a file-like object Raise HashMismatch if none match. """ return self.check_against_chunks(read_chunks(file)) def check_against_path(self, path): # type: (str) -> None with open(path, 'rb') as file: return self.check_against_file(file) def __nonzero__(self): # type: () -> bool """Return whether I know any known-good hashes.""" return bool(self._allowed) def __bool__(self): # type: () -> bool return self.__nonzero__() class MissingHashes(Hashes): """A workalike for Hashes used when we're missing a hash for a requirement It computes the actual hash of the requirement and raises a HashMissing exception showing it to the user. """ def __init__(self): # type: () -> None """Don't offer the ``hashes`` kwarg.""" # Pass our favorite hash in to generate a "gotten hash". With the # empty list, it will never match, so an error will always raise. super(MissingHashes, self).__init__(hashes={FAVORITE_HASH: []}) def _raise(self, gots): # type: (Dict[str, _Hash]) -> NoReturn raise HashMissing(gots[FAVORITE_HASH].hexdigest())
from __future__ import absolute_import import contextlib import errno import logging import logging.handlers import os import sys from pip._vendor.six import PY2 from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS from pip._internal.utils.deprecation import DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir try: import threading except ImportError: import dummy_threading as threading # type: ignore try: from pip._vendor import colorama # Lots of different errors can come from this, including SystemError and # ImportError. except Exception: colorama = None _log_state = threading.local() _log_state.indentation = 0 class BrokenStdoutLoggingError(Exception): """ Raised if BrokenPipeError occurs for the stdout stream while logging. """ pass # BrokenPipeError does not exist in Python 2 and, in addition, manifests # differently in Windows and non-Windows. if WINDOWS: # In Windows, a broken pipe can show up as EINVAL rather than EPIPE: # # if PY2: def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc): """See the docstring for non-Windows Python 3 below.""" return (exc_class is IOError and exc.errno in (errno.EINVAL, errno.EPIPE)) else: # In Windows, a broken pipe IOError became OSError in Python 3. def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc): """See the docstring for non-Windows Python 3 below.""" return ((exc_class is BrokenPipeError) or # noqa: F821 (exc_class is OSError and exc.errno in (errno.EINVAL, errno.EPIPE))) elif PY2: def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc): """See the docstring for non-Windows Python 3 below.""" return (exc_class is IOError and exc.errno == errno.EPIPE) else: # Then we are in the non-Windows Python 3 case. def _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc): """ Return whether an exception is a broken pipe error. Args: exc_class: an exception class. exc: an exception instance. """ return (exc_class is BrokenPipeError) # noqa: F821 @contextlib.contextmanager def indent_log(num=2): """ A context manager which will cause the log output to be indented for any log messages emitted inside it. """ _log_state.indentation += num try: yield finally: _log_state.indentation -= num def get_indentation(): return getattr(_log_state, 'indentation', 0) class IndentingFormatter(logging.Formatter): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ A logging.Formatter that obeys the indent_log() context manager. :param add_timestamp: A bool indicating output lines should be prefixed with their record's timestamp. """ self.add_timestamp = kwargs.pop("add_timestamp", False) super(IndentingFormatter, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) def get_message_start(self, formatted, levelno): """ Return the start of the formatted log message (not counting the prefix to add to each line). """ if levelno < logging.WARNING: return '' if formatted.startswith(DEPRECATION_MSG_PREFIX): # Then the message already has a prefix. We don't want it to # look like "WARNING: DEPRECATION: ...." return '' if levelno < logging.ERROR: return 'WARNING: ' return 'ERROR: ' def format(self, record): """ Calls the standard formatter, but will indent all of the log messages by our current indentation level. """ formatted = super(IndentingFormatter, self).format(record) message_start = self.get_message_start(formatted, record.levelno) formatted = message_start + formatted prefix = '' if self.add_timestamp: prefix = self.formatTime(record, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S ") prefix += " " * get_indentation() formatted = "".join([ prefix + line for line in formatted.splitlines(True) ]) return formatted def _color_wrap(*colors): def wrapped(inp): return "".join(list(colors) + [inp, colorama.Style.RESET_ALL]) return wrapped class ColorizedStreamHandler(logging.StreamHandler): # Don't build up a list of colors if we don't have colorama if colorama: COLORS = [ # This needs to be in order from highest logging level to lowest. (logging.ERROR, _color_wrap(colorama.Fore.RED)), (logging.WARNING, _color_wrap(colorama.Fore.YELLOW)), ] else: COLORS = [] def __init__(self, stream=None, no_color=None): logging.StreamHandler.__init__(self, stream) self._no_color = no_color if WINDOWS and colorama: = colorama.AnsiToWin32( def _using_stdout(self): """ Return whether the handler is using sys.stdout. """ if WINDOWS and colorama: # Then is an AnsiToWin32 object. return is sys.stdout return is sys.stdout def should_color(self): # Don't colorize things if we do not have colorama or if told not to if not colorama or self._no_color: return False real_stream = ( if not isinstance(, colorama.AnsiToWin32) else ) # If the stream is a tty we should color it if hasattr(real_stream, "isatty") and real_stream.isatty(): return True # If we have an ANSI term we should color it if os.environ.get("TERM") == "ANSI": return True # If anything else we should not color it return False def format(self, record): msg = logging.StreamHandler.format(self, record) if self.should_color(): for level, color in self.COLORS: if record.levelno >= level: msg = color(msg) break return msg # The logging module says handleError() can be customized. def handleError(self, record): exc_class, exc = sys.exc_info()[:2] # If a broken pipe occurred while calling write() or flush() on the # stdout stream in logging's Handler.emit(), then raise our special # exception so we can handle it in main() instead of logging the # broken pipe error and continuing. if (exc_class and self._using_stdout() and _is_broken_pipe_error(exc_class, exc)): raise BrokenStdoutLoggingError() return super(ColorizedStreamHandler, self).handleError(record) class BetterRotatingFileHandler(logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler): def _open(self): ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(self.baseFilename)) return logging.handlers.RotatingFileHandler._open(self) class MaxLevelFilter(logging.Filter): def __init__(self, level): self.level = level def filter(self, record): return record.levelno < self.level def setup_logging(verbosity, no_color, user_log_file): """Configures and sets up all of the logging Returns the requested logging level, as its integer value. """ # Determine the level to be logging at. if verbosity >= 1: level = "DEBUG" elif verbosity == -1: level = "WARNING" elif verbosity == -2: level = "ERROR" elif verbosity <= -3: level = "CRITICAL" else: level = "INFO" level_number = getattr(logging, level) # The "root" logger should match the "console" level *unless* we also need # to log to a user log file. include_user_log = user_log_file is not None if include_user_log: additional_log_file = user_log_file root_level = "DEBUG" else: additional_log_file = "/dev/null" root_level = level # Disable any logging besides WARNING unless we have DEBUG level logging # enabled for vendored libraries. vendored_log_level = "WARNING" if level in ["INFO", "ERROR"] else "DEBUG" # Shorthands for clarity log_streams = { "stdout": "ext://sys.stdout", "stderr": "ext://sys.stderr", } handler_classes = { "stream": "pip._internal.utils.logging.ColorizedStreamHandler", "file": "pip._internal.utils.logging.BetterRotatingFileHandler", } logging.config.dictConfig({ "version": 1, "disable_existing_loggers": False, "filters": { "exclude_warnings": { "()": "pip._internal.utils.logging.MaxLevelFilter", "level": logging.WARNING, }, }, "formatters": { "indent": { "()": IndentingFormatter, "format": "%(message)s", }, "indent_with_timestamp": { "()": IndentingFormatter, "format": "%(message)s", "add_timestamp": True, }, }, "handlers": { "console": { "level": level, "class": handler_classes["stream"], "no_color": no_color, "stream": log_streams["stdout"], "filters": ["exclude_warnings"], "formatter": "indent", }, "console_errors": { "level": "WARNING", "class": handler_classes["stream"], "no_color": no_color, "stream": log_streams["stderr"], "formatter": "indent", }, "user_log": { "level": "DEBUG", "class": handler_classes["file"], "filename": additional_log_file, "delay": True, "formatter": "indent_with_timestamp", }, }, "root": { "level": root_level, "handlers": ["console", "console_errors"] + ( ["user_log"] if include_user_log else [] ), }, "loggers": { "pip._vendor": { "level": vendored_log_level } }, }) return level_number
from __future__ import absolute_import import contextlib import errno import io # we have a submodule named 'logging' which would shadow this if we used the # regular name: import logging as std_logging import os import posixpath import re import shutil import stat import subprocess import sys import tarfile import zipfile from collections import deque from pip._vendor import pkg_resources # NOTE: retrying is not annotated in typeshed as on 2017-07-17, which is # why we ignore the type on this import. from pip._vendor.retrying import retry # type: ignore from pip._vendor.six import PY2 from pip._vendor.six.moves import input, shlex_quote from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib import parse as urllib_parse from pip._vendor.six.moves.urllib.parse import unquote as urllib_unquote from pip._internal.exceptions import CommandError, InstallationError from pip._internal.locations import ( running_under_virtualenv, site_packages, user_site, virtualenv_no_global, write_delete_marker_file, ) from pip._internal.utils.compat import ( WINDOWS, console_to_str, expanduser, stdlib_pkgs, ) from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if PY2: from io import BytesIO as StringIO else: from io import StringIO if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import ( Optional, Tuple, Iterable, List, Match, Union, Any, Mapping, Text, AnyStr, Container ) from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import Distribution from import Link from pip._internal.utils.ui import SpinnerInterface __all__ = ['rmtree', 'display_path', 'backup_dir', 'ask', 'splitext', 'format_size', 'is_installable_dir', 'is_svn_page', 'file_contents', 'split_leading_dir', 'has_leading_dir', 'normalize_path', 'renames', 'get_prog', 'unzip_file', 'untar_file', 'unpack_file', 'call_subprocess', 'captured_stdout', 'ensure_dir', 'ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS', 'SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS', 'WHEEL_EXTENSION', 'get_installed_version', 'remove_auth_from_url'] logger = std_logging.getLogger(__name__) LOG_DIVIDER = '----------------------------------------' WHEEL_EXTENSION = '.whl' BZ2_EXTENSIONS = ('.tar.bz2', '.tbz') XZ_EXTENSIONS = ('.tar.xz', '.txz', '.tlz', '.tar.lz', '.tar.lzma') ZIP_EXTENSIONS = ('.zip', WHEEL_EXTENSION) TAR_EXTENSIONS = ('.tar.gz', '.tgz', '.tar') ARCHIVE_EXTENSIONS = ( ZIP_EXTENSIONS + BZ2_EXTENSIONS + TAR_EXTENSIONS + XZ_EXTENSIONS) SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS = ZIP_EXTENSIONS + TAR_EXTENSIONS try: import bz2 # noqa SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS += BZ2_EXTENSIONS except ImportError: logger.debug('bz2 module is not available') try: # Only for Python 3.3+ import lzma # noqa SUPPORTED_EXTENSIONS += XZ_EXTENSIONS except ImportError: logger.debug('lzma module is not available') def ensure_dir(path): # type: (AnyStr) -> None """os.path.makedirs without EEXIST.""" try: os.makedirs(path) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise def get_prog(): # type: () -> str try: prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) if prog in ('', '-c'): return "%s -m pip" % sys.executable else: return prog except (AttributeError, TypeError, IndexError): pass return 'pip' # Retry every half second for up to 3 seconds @retry(stop_max_delay=3000, wait_fixed=500) def rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=False): # type: (str, bool) -> None shutil.rmtree(dir, ignore_errors=ignore_errors, onerror=rmtree_errorhandler) def rmtree_errorhandler(func, path, exc_info): """On Windows, the files in .svn are read-only, so when rmtree() tries to remove them, an exception is thrown. We catch that here, remove the read-only attribute, and hopefully continue without problems.""" # if file type currently read only if os.stat(path).st_mode & stat.S_IREAD: # convert to read/write os.chmod(path, stat.S_IWRITE) # use the original function to repeat the operation func(path) return else: raise def display_path(path): # type: (Union[str, Text]) -> str """Gives the display value for a given path, making it relative to cwd if possible.""" path = os.path.normcase(os.path.abspath(path)) if sys.version_info[0] == 2: path = path.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding(), 'replace') path = path.encode(sys.getdefaultencoding(), 'replace') if path.startswith(os.getcwd() + os.path.sep): path = '.' + path[len(os.getcwd()):] return path def backup_dir(dir, ext='.bak'): # type: (str, str) -> str """Figure out the name of a directory to back up the given dir to (adding .bak, .bak2, etc)""" n = 1 extension = ext while os.path.exists(dir + extension): n += 1 extension = ext + str(n) return dir + extension def ask_path_exists(message, options): # type: (str, Iterable[str]) -> str for action in os.environ.get('PIP_EXISTS_ACTION', '').split(): if action in options: return action return ask(message, options) def ask(message, options): # type: (str, Iterable[str]) -> str """Ask the message interactively, with the given possible responses""" while 1: if os.environ.get('PIP_NO_INPUT'): raise Exception( 'No input was expected ($PIP_NO_INPUT set); question: %s' % message ) response = input(message) response = response.strip().lower() if response not in options: print( 'Your response (%r) was not one of the expected responses: ' '%s' % (response, ', '.join(options)) ) else: return response def format_size(bytes): # type: (float) -> str if bytes > 1000 * 1000: return '%.1fMB' % (bytes / 1000.0 / 1000) elif bytes > 10 * 1000: return '%ikB' % (bytes / 1000) elif bytes > 1000: return '%.1fkB' % (bytes / 1000.0) else: return '%ibytes' % bytes def is_installable_dir(path): # type: (str) -> bool """Is path is a directory containing or pyproject.toml? """ if not os.path.isdir(path): return False setup_py = os.path.join(path, '') if os.path.isfile(setup_py): return True pyproject_toml = os.path.join(path, 'pyproject.toml') if os.path.isfile(pyproject_toml): return True return False def is_svn_page(html): # type: (Union[str, Text]) -> Optional[Match[Union[str, Text]]] """ Returns true if the page appears to be the index page of an svn repository """ return ('<title>[^<]*Revision \d+:', html) and'Powered by (?:<a[^>]*?>)?Subversion', html, re.I)) def file_contents(filename): # type: (str) -> Text with open(filename, 'rb') as fp: return'utf-8') def read_chunks(file, size=io.DEFAULT_BUFFER_SIZE): """Yield pieces of data from a file-like object until EOF.""" while True: chunk = if not chunk: break yield chunk def split_leading_dir(path): # type: (Union[str, Text]) -> List[Union[str, Text]] path = path.lstrip('/').lstrip('\\') if '/' in path and (('\\' in path and path.find('/') < path.find('\\')) or '\\' not in path): return path.split('/', 1) elif '\\' in path: return path.split('\\', 1) else: return [path, ''] def has_leading_dir(paths): # type: (Iterable[Union[str, Text]]) -> bool """Returns true if all the paths have the same leading path name (i.e., everything is in one subdirectory in an archive)""" common_prefix = None for path in paths: prefix, rest = split_leading_dir(path) if not prefix: return False elif common_prefix is None: common_prefix = prefix elif prefix != common_prefix: return False return True def normalize_path(path, resolve_symlinks=True): # type: (str, bool) -> str """ Convert a path to its canonical, case-normalized, absolute version. """ path = expanduser(path) if resolve_symlinks: path = os.path.realpath(path) else: path = os.path.abspath(path) return os.path.normcase(path) def splitext(path): # type: (str) -> Tuple[str, str] """Like os.path.splitext, but take off .tar too""" base, ext = posixpath.splitext(path) if base.lower().endswith('.tar'): ext = base[-4:] + ext base = base[:-4] return base, ext def renames(old, new): # type: (str, str) -> None """Like os.renames(), but handles renaming across devices.""" # Implementation borrowed from os.renames(). head, tail = os.path.split(new) if head and tail and not os.path.exists(head): os.makedirs(head) shutil.move(old, new) head, tail = os.path.split(old) if head and tail: try: os.removedirs(head) except OSError: pass def is_local(path): # type: (str) -> bool """ Return True if path is within sys.prefix, if we're running in a virtualenv. If we're not in a virtualenv, all paths are considered "local." """ if not running_under_virtualenv(): return True return normalize_path(path).startswith(normalize_path(sys.prefix)) def dist_is_local(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> bool """ Return True if given Distribution object is installed locally (i.e. within current virtualenv). Always True if we're not in a virtualenv. """ return is_local(dist_location(dist)) def dist_in_usersite(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> bool """ Return True if given Distribution is installed in user site. """ norm_path = normalize_path(dist_location(dist)) return norm_path.startswith(normalize_path(user_site)) def dist_in_site_packages(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> bool """ Return True if given Distribution is installed in sysconfig.get_python_lib(). """ return normalize_path( dist_location(dist) ).startswith(normalize_path(site_packages)) def dist_is_editable(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> bool """ Return True if given Distribution is an editable install. """ for path_item in sys.path: egg_link = os.path.join(path_item, dist.project_name + '.egg-link') if os.path.isfile(egg_link): return True return False def get_installed_distributions(local_only=True, skip=stdlib_pkgs, include_editables=True, editables_only=False, user_only=False): # type: (bool, Container[str], bool, bool, bool) -> List[Distribution] """ Return a list of installed Distribution objects. If ``local_only`` is True (default), only return installations local to the current virtualenv, if in a virtualenv. ``skip`` argument is an iterable of lower-case project names to ignore; defaults to stdlib_pkgs If ``include_editables`` is False, don't report editables. If ``editables_only`` is True , only report editables. If ``user_only`` is True , only report installations in the user site directory. """ if local_only: local_test = dist_is_local else: def local_test(d): return True if include_editables: def editable_test(d): return True else: def editable_test(d): return not dist_is_editable(d) if editables_only: def editables_only_test(d): return dist_is_editable(d) else: def editables_only_test(d): return True if user_only: user_test = dist_in_usersite else: def user_test(d): return True # because of pkg_resources vendoring, mypy cannot find stub in typeshed return [d for d in pkg_resources.working_set # type: ignore if local_test(d) and d.key not in skip and editable_test(d) and editables_only_test(d) and user_test(d) ] def egg_link_path(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> Optional[str] """ Return the path for the .egg-link file if it exists, otherwise, None. There's 3 scenarios: 1) not in a virtualenv try to find in site.USER_SITE, then site_packages 2) in a no-global virtualenv try to find in site_packages 3) in a yes-global virtualenv try to find in site_packages, then site.USER_SITE (don't look in global location) For #1 and #3, there could be odd cases, where there's an egg-link in 2 locations. This method will just return the first one found. """ sites = [] if running_under_virtualenv(): if virtualenv_no_global(): sites.append(site_packages) else: sites.append(site_packages) if user_site: sites.append(user_site) else: if user_site: sites.append(user_site) sites.append(site_packages) for site in sites: egglink = os.path.join(site, dist.project_name) + '.egg-link' if os.path.isfile(egglink): return egglink return None def dist_location(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> str """ Get the site-packages location of this distribution. Generally this is dist.location, except in the case of develop-installed packages, where dist.location is the source code location, and we want to know where the egg-link file is. """ egg_link = egg_link_path(dist) if egg_link: return egg_link return dist.location def current_umask(): """Get the current umask which involves having to set it temporarily.""" mask = os.umask(0) os.umask(mask) return mask def unzip_file(filename, location, flatten=True): # type: (str, str, bool) -> None """ Unzip the file (with path `filename`) to the destination `location`. All files are written based on system defaults and umask (i.e. permissions are not preserved), except that regular file members with any execute permissions (user, group, or world) have "chmod +x" applied after being written. Note that for windows, any execute changes using os.chmod are no-ops per the python docs. """ ensure_dir(location) zipfp = open(filename, 'rb') try: zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfp, allowZip64=True) leading = has_leading_dir(zip.namelist()) and flatten for info in zip.infolist(): name = info.filename fn = name if leading: fn = split_leading_dir(name)[1] fn = os.path.join(location, fn) dir = os.path.dirname(fn) if fn.endswith('/') or fn.endswith('\\'): # A directory ensure_dir(fn) else: ensure_dir(dir) # Don't use read() to avoid allocating an arbitrarily large # chunk of memory for the file's content fp = try: with open(fn, 'wb') as destfp: shutil.copyfileobj(fp, destfp) finally: fp.close() mode = info.external_attr >> 16 # if mode and regular file and any execute permissions for # user/group/world? if mode and stat.S_ISREG(mode) and mode & 0o111: # make dest file have execute for user/group/world # (chmod +x) no-op on windows per python docs os.chmod(fn, (0o777 - current_umask() | 0o111)) finally: zipfp.close() def untar_file(filename, location): # type: (str, str) -> None """ Untar the file (with path `filename`) to the destination `location`. All files are written based on system defaults and umask (i.e. permissions are not preserved), except that regular file members with any execute permissions (user, group, or world) have "chmod +x" applied after being written. Note that for windows, any execute changes using os.chmod are no-ops per the python docs. """ ensure_dir(location) if filename.lower().endswith('.gz') or filename.lower().endswith('.tgz'): mode = 'r:gz' elif filename.lower().endswith(BZ2_EXTENSIONS): mode = 'r:bz2' elif filename.lower().endswith(XZ_EXTENSIONS): mode = 'r:xz' elif filename.lower().endswith('.tar'): mode = 'r' else: logger.warning( 'Cannot determine compression type for file %s', filename, ) mode = 'r:*' tar =, mode) try: leading = has_leading_dir([ for member in tar.getmembers() ]) for member in tar.getmembers(): fn = if leading: # fn = split_leading_dir(fn)[1] # type: ignore path = os.path.join(location, fn) if member.isdir(): ensure_dir(path) elif member.issym(): try: # tar._extract_member(member, path) # type: ignore except Exception as exc: # Some corrupt tar files seem to produce this # (specifically bad symlinks) logger.warning( 'In the tar file %s the member %s is invalid: %s', filename,, exc, ) continue else: try: fp = tar.extractfile(member) except (KeyError, AttributeError) as exc: # Some corrupt tar files seem to produce this # (specifically bad symlinks) logger.warning( 'In the tar file %s the member %s is invalid: %s', filename,, exc, ) continue ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(path)) with open(path, 'wb') as destfp: shutil.copyfileobj(fp, destfp) fp.close() # Update the timestamp (useful for cython compiled files) # tar.utime(member, path) # type: ignore # member have any execute permissions for user/group/world? if member.mode & 0o111: # make dest file have execute for user/group/world # no-op on windows per python docs os.chmod(path, (0o777 - current_umask() | 0o111)) finally: tar.close() def unpack_file( filename, # type: str location, # type: str content_type, # type: Optional[str] link # type: Optional[Link] ): # type: (...) -> None filename = os.path.realpath(filename) if (content_type == 'application/zip' or filename.lower().endswith(ZIP_EXTENSIONS) or zipfile.is_zipfile(filename)): unzip_file( filename, location, flatten=not filename.endswith('.whl') ) elif (content_type == 'application/x-gzip' or tarfile.is_tarfile(filename) or filename.lower().endswith( TAR_EXTENSIONS + BZ2_EXTENSIONS + XZ_EXTENSIONS)): untar_file(filename, location) elif (content_type and content_type.startswith('text/html') and is_svn_page(file_contents(filename))): # We don't really care about this from pip._internal.vcs.subversion import Subversion Subversion('svn+' + link.url).unpack(location) else: # FIXME: handle? # FIXME: magic signatures? logger.critical( 'Cannot unpack file %s (downloaded from %s, content-type: %s); ' 'cannot detect archive format', filename, location, content_type, ) raise InstallationError( 'Cannot determine archive format of %s' % location ) def format_command_args(args): # type: (List[str]) -> str """ Format command arguments for display. """ return ' '.join(shlex_quote(arg) for arg in args) def call_subprocess( cmd, # type: List[str] show_stdout=False, # type: bool cwd=None, # type: Optional[str] on_returncode='raise', # type: str extra_ok_returncodes=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[int]] command_desc=None, # type: Optional[str] extra_environ=None, # type: Optional[Mapping[str, Any]] unset_environ=None, # type: Optional[Iterable[str]] spinner=None # type: Optional[SpinnerInterface] ): # type: (...) -> Optional[Text] """ Args: extra_ok_returncodes: an iterable of integer return codes that are acceptable, in addition to 0. Defaults to None, which means []. unset_environ: an iterable of environment variable names to unset prior to calling subprocess.Popen(). """ if extra_ok_returncodes is None: extra_ok_returncodes = [] if unset_environ is None: unset_environ = [] # This function's handling of subprocess output is confusing and I # previously broke it terribly, so as penance I will write a long comment # explaining things. # # The obvious thing that affects output is the show_stdout= # kwarg. show_stdout=True means, let the subprocess write directly to our # stdout. It is almost never used # inside pip (and should not be used in new code without a very good # reason); as of 2016-02-22 it is only used in a few places inside the VCS # wrapper code. Ideally we should get rid of it entirely, because it # creates a lot of complexity here for a rarely used feature. # # Most places in pip use show_stdout=False. What this means is: # - We connect the child stdout to a pipe, which we read. # - By default, we hide the output but show a spinner -- unless the # subprocess exits with an error, in which case we show the output. # - If the --verbose option was passed (= loglevel is DEBUG), then we show # the output unconditionally. (But in this case we don't want to show # the output a second time if it turns out that there was an error.) # # stderr is always merged with stdout (even if show_stdout=True). if show_stdout: stdout = None else: stdout = subprocess.PIPE # Only use the spinner when we're capturing stdout and we have one. use_spinner = not show_stdout and spinner is not None if command_desc is None: command_desc = format_command_args(cmd) logger.debug("Running command %s", command_desc) env = os.environ.copy() if extra_environ: env.update(extra_environ) for name in unset_environ: env.pop(name, None) try: proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=stdout, cwd=cwd, env=env, ) proc.stdin.close() except Exception as exc: logger.critical( "Error %s while executing command %s", exc, command_desc, ) raise all_output = [] if stdout is not None: while True: line = console_to_str(proc.stdout.readline()) if not line: break line = line.rstrip() all_output.append(line + '\n') if logger.getEffectiveLevel() <= std_logging.DEBUG: # Show the line immediately logger.debug(line) else: # Update the spinner if use_spinner: spinner.spin() try: proc.wait() finally: if proc.stdout: proc.stdout.close() proc_had_error = ( proc.returncode and proc.returncode not in extra_ok_returncodes ) if use_spinner: if proc_had_error: spinner.finish("error") else: spinner.finish("done") if proc_had_error: if on_returncode == 'raise': if (logger.getEffectiveLevel() > std_logging.DEBUG and not show_stdout): 'Complete output from command %s:', command_desc, ) # The all_output value already ends in a newline.''.join(all_output) + LOG_DIVIDER) raise InstallationError( 'Command "%s" failed with error code %s in %s' % (command_desc, proc.returncode, cwd)) elif on_returncode == 'warn': logger.warning( 'Command "%s" had error code %s in %s', command_desc, proc.returncode, cwd, ) elif on_returncode == 'ignore': pass else: raise ValueError('Invalid value: on_returncode=%s' % repr(on_returncode)) if not show_stdout: return ''.join(all_output) return None def _make_build_dir(build_dir): os.makedirs(build_dir) write_delete_marker_file(build_dir) class FakeFile(object): """Wrap a list of lines in an object with readline() to make ConfigParser happy.""" def __init__(self, lines): self._gen = (l for l in lines) def readline(self): try: try: return next(self._gen) except NameError: return except StopIteration: return '' def __iter__(self): return self._gen class StreamWrapper(StringIO): @classmethod def from_stream(cls, orig_stream): cls.orig_stream = orig_stream return cls() # compileall.compile_dir() needs stdout.encoding to print to stdout @property def encoding(self): return self.orig_stream.encoding @contextlib.contextmanager def captured_output(stream_name): """Return a context manager used by captured_stdout/stdin/stderr that temporarily replaces the sys stream *stream_name* with a StringIO. Taken from Lib/support/ in the CPython repo. """ orig_stdout = getattr(sys, stream_name) setattr(sys, stream_name, StreamWrapper.from_stream(orig_stdout)) try: yield getattr(sys, stream_name) finally: setattr(sys, stream_name, orig_stdout) def captured_stdout(): """Capture the output of sys.stdout: with captured_stdout() as stdout: print('hello') self.assertEqual(stdout.getvalue(), 'hello\n') Taken from Lib/support/ in the CPython repo. """ return captured_output('stdout') def captured_stderr(): """ See captured_stdout(). """ return captured_output('stderr') class cached_property(object): """A property that is only computed once per instance and then replaces itself with an ordinary attribute. Deleting the attribute resets the property. Source: """ def __init__(self, func): self.__doc__ = getattr(func, '__doc__') self.func = func def __get__(self, obj, cls): if obj is None: # We're being accessed from the class itself, not from an object return self value = obj.__dict__[self.func.__name__] = self.func(obj) return value def get_installed_version(dist_name, working_set=None): """Get the installed version of dist_name avoiding pkg_resources cache""" # Create a requirement that we'll look for inside of setuptools. req = pkg_resources.Requirement.parse(dist_name) if working_set is None: # We want to avoid having this cached, so we need to construct a new # working set each time. working_set = pkg_resources.WorkingSet() # Get the installed distribution from our working set dist = working_set.find(req) # Check to see if we got an installed distribution or not, if we did # we want to return it's version. return dist.version if dist else None def consume(iterator): """Consume an iterable at C speed.""" deque(iterator, maxlen=0) # Simulates an enum def enum(*sequential, **named): enums = dict(zip(sequential, range(len(sequential))), **named) reverse = {value: key for key, value in enums.items()} enums['reverse_mapping'] = reverse return type('Enum', (), enums) def split_auth_from_netloc(netloc): """ Parse out and remove the auth information from a netloc. Returns: (netloc, (username, password)). """ if '@' not in netloc: return netloc, (None, None) # Split from the right because that's how urllib.parse.urlsplit() # behaves if more than one @ is present (which can be checked using # the password attribute of urlsplit()'s return value). auth, netloc = netloc.rsplit('@', 1) if ':' in auth: # Split from the left because that's how urllib.parse.urlsplit() # behaves if more than one : is present (which again can be checked # using the password attribute of the return value) user_pass = auth.split(':', 1) else: user_pass = auth, None user_pass = tuple( None if x is None else urllib_unquote(x) for x in user_pass ) return netloc, user_pass def redact_netloc(netloc): # type: (str) -> str """ Replace the password in a netloc with "****", if it exists. For example, "" returns "user:****". """ netloc, (user, password) = split_auth_from_netloc(netloc) if user is None: return netloc password = '' if password is None else ':****' return '{user}{password}@{netloc}'.format(user=urllib_parse.quote(user), password=password, netloc=netloc) def _transform_url(url, transform_netloc): purl = urllib_parse.urlsplit(url) netloc = transform_netloc(purl.netloc) # stripped url url_pieces = ( purl.scheme, netloc, purl.path, purl.query, purl.fragment ) surl = urllib_parse.urlunsplit(url_pieces) return surl def _get_netloc(netloc): return split_auth_from_netloc(netloc)[0] def remove_auth_from_url(url): # type: (str) -> str # Return a copy of url with 'username:password@' removed. # username/pass params are passed to subversion through flags # and are not recognized in the url. return _transform_url(url, _get_netloc) def redact_password_from_url(url): # type: (str) -> str """Replace the password in a given url with ****.""" return _transform_url(url, redact_netloc) def protect_pip_from_modification_on_windows(modifying_pip): """Protection of pip.exe from modification on Windows On Windows, any operation modifying pip should be run as: python -m pip ... """ pip_names = [ "pip.exe", "pip{}.exe".format(sys.version_info[0]), "pip{}.{}.exe".format(*sys.version_info[:2]) ] # See for more discussion should_show_use_python_msg = ( modifying_pip and WINDOWS and os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) in pip_names ) if should_show_use_python_msg: new_command = [ sys.executable, "-m", "pip" ] + sys.argv[1:] raise CommandError( 'To modify pip, please run the following command:\n{}' .format(" ".join(new_command)) )
"""Utilities for defining models """ import operator class KeyBasedCompareMixin(object): """Provides comparision capabilities that is based on a key """ def __init__(self, key, defining_class): self._compare_key = key self._defining_class = defining_class def __hash__(self): return hash(self._compare_key) def __lt__(self, other): return self._compare(other, operator.__lt__) def __le__(self, other): return self._compare(other, operator.__le__) def __gt__(self, other): return self._compare(other, operator.__gt__) def __ge__(self, other): return self._compare(other, operator.__ge__) def __eq__(self, other): return self._compare(other, operator.__eq__) def __ne__(self, other): return self._compare(other, operator.__ne__) def _compare(self, other, method): if not isinstance(other, self._defining_class): return NotImplemented return method(self._compare_key, other._compare_key)
from __future__ import absolute_import import datetime import json import logging import os.path import sys from pip._vendor import lockfile, pkg_resources from pip._vendor.packaging import version as packaging_version from pip._internal.index import PackageFinder from pip._internal.utils.compat import WINDOWS from pip._internal.utils.filesystem import check_path_owner from pip._internal.utils.misc import ensure_dir, get_installed_version from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: import optparse from typing import Any, Dict from import PipSession SELFCHECK_DATE_FMT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ" logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class SelfCheckState(object): def __init__(self, cache_dir): # type: (str) -> None self.state = {} # type: Dict[str, Any] self.statefile_path = None # Try to load the existing state if cache_dir: self.statefile_path = os.path.join(cache_dir, "selfcheck.json") try: with open(self.statefile_path) as statefile: self.state = json.load(statefile)[sys.prefix] except (IOError, ValueError, KeyError): # Explicitly suppressing exceptions, since we don't want to # error out if the cache file is invalid. pass def save(self, pypi_version, current_time): # type: (str, datetime.datetime) -> None # If we do not have a path to cache in, don't bother saving. if not self.statefile_path: return # Check to make sure that we own the directory if not check_path_owner(os.path.dirname(self.statefile_path)): return # Now that we've ensured the directory is owned by this user, we'll go # ahead and make sure that all our directories are created. ensure_dir(os.path.dirname(self.statefile_path)) # Attempt to write out our version check file with lockfile.LockFile(self.statefile_path): if os.path.exists(self.statefile_path): with open(self.statefile_path) as statefile: state = json.load(statefile) else: state = {} state[sys.prefix] = { "last_check": current_time.strftime(SELFCHECK_DATE_FMT), "pypi_version": pypi_version, } with open(self.statefile_path, "w") as statefile: json.dump(state, statefile, sort_keys=True, separators=(",", ":")) def was_installed_by_pip(pkg): # type: (str) -> bool """Checks whether pkg was installed by pip This is used not to display the upgrade message when pip is in fact installed by system package manager, such as dnf on Fedora. """ try: dist = pkg_resources.get_distribution(pkg) return (dist.has_metadata('INSTALLER') and 'pip' in dist.get_metadata_lines('INSTALLER')) except pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: return False def pip_version_check(session, options): # type: (PipSession, optparse.Values) -> None """Check for an update for pip. Limit the frequency of checks to once per week. State is stored either in the active virtualenv or in the user's USER_CACHE_DIR keyed off the prefix of the pip script path. """ installed_version = get_installed_version("pip") if not installed_version: return pip_version = packaging_version.parse(installed_version) pypi_version = None try: state = SelfCheckState(cache_dir=options.cache_dir) current_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() # Determine if we need to refresh the state if "last_check" in state.state and "pypi_version" in state.state: last_check = datetime.datetime.strptime( state.state["last_check"], SELFCHECK_DATE_FMT ) if (current_time - last_check).total_seconds() < 7 * 24 * 60 * 60: pypi_version = state.state["pypi_version"] # Refresh the version if we need to or just see if we need to warn if pypi_version is None: # Lets use PackageFinder to see what the latest pip version is finder = PackageFinder( find_links=options.find_links, index_urls=[options.index_url] + options.extra_index_urls, allow_all_prereleases=False, # Explicitly set to False trusted_hosts=options.trusted_hosts, session=session, ) all_candidates = finder.find_all_candidates("pip") if not all_candidates: return pypi_version = str( max(all_candidates, key=lambda c: c.version).version ) # save that we've performed a check, current_time) remote_version = packaging_version.parse(pypi_version) # Determine if our pypi_version is older if (pip_version < remote_version and pip_version.base_version != remote_version.base_version and was_installed_by_pip('pip')): # Advise "python -m pip" on Windows to avoid issues # with overwriting pip.exe. if WINDOWS: pip_cmd = "python -m pip" else: pip_cmd = "pip" logger.warning( "You are using pip version %s, however version %s is " "available.\nYou should consider upgrading via the " "'%s install --upgrade pip' command.", pip_version, pypi_version, pip_cmd ) except Exception: logger.debug( "There was an error checking the latest version of pip", exc_info=True, )
from __future__ import absolute_import import logging import sys from email.parser import FeedParser from pip._vendor import pkg_resources from pip._vendor.packaging import specifiers, version from pip._internal import exceptions from pip._internal.utils.misc import display_path from pip._internal.utils.typing import MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING if MYPY_CHECK_RUNNING: from typing import Optional from email.message import Message from pip._vendor.pkg_resources import Distribution logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) def check_requires_python(requires_python): # type: (Optional[str]) -> bool """ Check if the python version in use match the `requires_python` specifier. Returns `True` if the version of python in use matches the requirement. Returns `False` if the version of python in use does not matches the requirement. Raises an InvalidSpecifier if `requires_python` have an invalid format. """ if requires_python is None: # The package provides no information return True requires_python_specifier = specifiers.SpecifierSet(requires_python) # We only use major.minor.micro python_version = version.parse('.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3]))) return python_version in requires_python_specifier def get_metadata(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> Message if (isinstance(dist, pkg_resources.DistInfoDistribution) and dist.has_metadata('METADATA')): metadata = dist.get_metadata('METADATA') elif dist.has_metadata('PKG-INFO'): metadata = dist.get_metadata('PKG-INFO') else: logger.warning("No metadata found in %s", display_path(dist.location)) metadata = '' feed_parser = FeedParser() feed_parser.feed(metadata) return feed_parser.close() def check_dist_requires_python(dist): pkg_info_dict = get_metadata(dist) requires_python = pkg_info_dict.get('Requires-Python') try: if not check_requires_python(requires_python): raise exceptions.UnsupportedPythonVersion( "%s requires Python '%s' but the running Python is %s" % ( dist.project_name, requires_python, '.'.join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])),) ) except specifiers.InvalidSpecifier as e: logger.warning( "Package %s has an invalid Requires-Python entry %s - %s", dist.project_name, requires_python, e, ) return def get_installer(dist): # type: (Distribution) -> str if dist.has_metadata('INSTALLER'): for line in dist.get_metadata_lines('INSTALLER'): if line.strip(): return line.strip() return ''
# Shim to wrap invocation with setuptools SETUPTOOLS_SHIM = ( "import setuptools, tokenize;__file__=%r;" "f=getattr(tokenize, 'open', open)(__file__);" "'\\r\\n', '\\n');" "f.close();" "exec(compile(code, __file__, 'exec'))" )
from __future__ import absolute_import import errno import itertools import logging import os.path import tempfile from pip._internal.utils.misc import rmtree logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) class TempDirectory(object): """Helper class that owns and cleans up a temporary directory. This class can be used as a context manager or as an OO representation of a temporary directory. Attributes: path Location to the created temporary directory or None delete Whether the directory should be deleted when exiting (when used as a contextmanager) Methods: create() Creates a temporary directory and stores its path in the path attribute. cleanup() Deletes the temporary directory and sets path attribute to None When used as a context manager, a temporary directory is created on entering the context and, if the delete attribute is True, on exiting the context the created directory is deleted. """ def __init__(self, path=None, delete=None, kind="temp"): super(TempDirectory, self).__init__() if path is None and delete is None: # If we were not given an explicit directory, and we were not given # an explicit delete option, then we'll default to deleting. delete = True self.path = path self.delete = delete self.kind = kind def __repr__(self): return "<{} {!r}>".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.path) def __enter__(self): self.create() return self def __exit__(self, exc, value, tb): if self.delete: self.cleanup() def create(self): """Create a temporary directory and store its path in self.path """ if self.path is not None: logger.debug( "Skipped creation of temporary directory: {}".format(self.path) ) return # We realpath here because some systems have their default tmpdir # symlinked to another directory. This tends to confuse build # scripts, so we canonicalize the path by traversing potential # symlinks here. self.path = os.path.realpath( tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pip-{}-".format(self.kind)) ) logger.debug("Created temporary directory: {}".format(self.path)) def cleanup(self): """Remove the temporary directory created and reset state """ if self.path is not None and os.path.exists(self.path): rmtree(self.path) self.path = None class AdjacentTempDirectory(TempDirectory): """Helper class that creates a temporary directory adjacent to a real one. Attributes: original The original directory to create a temp directory for. path After calling create() or entering, contains the full path to the temporary directory. delete Whether the directory should be deleted when exiting (when used as a contextmanager) """ # The characters that may be used to name the temp directory # We always prepend a ~ and then rotate through these until # a usable name is found. # pkg_resources raises a different error for .dist-info folder # with leading '-' and invalid metadata LEADING_CHARS = "-~.=%0123456789" def __init__(self, original, delete=None): super(AdjacentTempDirectory, self).__init__(delete=delete) self.original = original.rstrip('/\\') @classmethod def _generate_names(cls, name): """Generates a series of temporary names. The algorithm replaces the leading characters in the name with ones that are valid filesystem characters, but are not valid package names (for both Python and pip definitions of package). """ for i in range(1, len(name)): for candidate in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( cls.LEADING_CHARS, i - 1): new_name = '~' + ''.join(candidate) + name[i:] if new_name != name: yield new_name # If we make it this far, we will have to make a longer name for i in range(len(cls.LEADING_CHARS)): for candidate in itertools.combinations_with_replacement( cls.LEADING_CHARS, i): new_name = '~' + ''.join(candidate) + name if new_name != name: yield new_name def create(self): root, name = os.path.split(self.original) for candidate in self._generate_names(name): path = os.path.join(root, candidate) try: os.mkdir(path) except OSError as ex: # Continue if the name exists already if ex.errno != errno.EEXIST: raise else: self.path = os.path.realpath(path) break if not self.path: # Final fallback on the default behavior. self.path = os.path.realpath( tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix="pip-{}-".format(self.kind)) ) logger.debug("Created temporary directory: {}".format(self.path))