If there is no obligation to report knowledge of actual crime in this respect in Member States, we hope that the Commission will encourage the implementation of such legislation.
Somos favorables a la actuación que afirma la necesidad de una decisión marco que defienda la necesidad de una acción fuerte y concertada para luchar contra la explotación sexual de los niños y la pedopornografía; al experimentar esta última un desarrollo especial con Internet y las nuevas tecnologías.
However, we do not wish to encourage moral panic by encouraging citizens to report anyone without relevant suspicions.
Esta lucha debe llevarse a cabo en todos los sentidos, ya que las consecuencias para los niños son desastrosas y, desde este punto de vista, apoyamos el hecho de que la aprensión de material pedopornográfico constituya en sí misma un delito.
Finally, we turn to the proposal submitted by the Commission and the committee on age limits.
El principal problema es evitar que esta necesaria lucha contra la explotación sexual de los niños y la pedopornografía se utilice por los partidarios de una moral retrógrada y conduzca a excesos liberticidas, principalmente con respecto a algunos materiales de información sexual o a algunas ficciones.
In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a person is to be seen as a child until he or she has reached the age of 18.
Así, no se puede afirmar que cualquier representación de niños que contenga "comportamientos sexuales" sea reprensible.
Whatever the age of the child, vulnerability, the degree of abuse and the nature of abuse must be the guiding factors when setting penalties - irrespective of age.
Es la ambigüedad de una serie de enmiendas que tratan sobre las producciones virtuales.
Mr President, I have voted in favour of this report whereby the European Union sets about combating sexual exploitation of children and child pornography.
Posiblemente hay una preocupación justa, pero el riesgo de equivocación es real.
I should add that I associate with many older people as national secretary of the Italian Pensioners Party, and my mother is also one of them. She looks and moves as if she were much younger but she passed 65 some time ago.
Estamos, pues, a favor de una lucha sin concesiones contra la explotación sexual de los niños y la pedopornografía. Pero una serie de enmiendas presentan un riesgo real de utilización de esta justa lucha para fines reaccionarios.
Well, she told me she has lots of spare time and could accompany her grandchildren to school - and even her great-grandchildren, if she had any.
Por eso nos abstenemos.
Many older people have told me the same: they are willing to keep an eye on children wherever they go.
Los crímenes de Marc Dutroux cometidos en Bélgica y semejantes atrocidades acontecidas en otras partes del mundo llevan ya años pidiendo una respuesta.
I hope Mrs Karamanou and Parliament will propose facilitating the use of older people to take care of children in the next report.
La gente que considera más importante obtener placer personal o ganar dinero con el disfrute de otros que proteger a los niños constituye un peligro para la sociedad en su conjunto.
The Alleanza Nazionale group has voted for the Karamanou report because the European institutions are at last decisively committed to combating phenomena like child pornography and the sexual exploitation of children, which is worsening and spreading all the time, striking down the weakest and most defenceless citizens of the European Union: our children.
La sociedad debe protegerse frente a las personas que obligan a los niños a tratos sexuales y que, incluso, son capaces de asesinarlos cuando ya no están disponibles para ese objetivo.
This is the first perceptible step to remind the Member States of their responsibility to introduce more appropriate legislation to deal with the specific nature of this odious crime.
Puedo respaldar plenamente esa parte de las enmiendas del informe Karamanou.
The Alleanza Nazionale group has frequently denounced the urgent need to intervene and impose strict controls and prohibitions on the Internet, which represents one of the main channels of communication and distribution of both audio and video child pornography, making the service provider criminally responsible for the content of the services provided.
Lamentablemente, percibo un matiz victoriano decimonónico ante otras enmiendas y en el debate de las mismas.
Finally, we particularly appreciated the proposal to confiscate the proceeds of this sexual exploitation and devote them to victims and children' s rights NGOs.
Tengo la impresión de que algunos defensores de las medidas duras realmente también querrían prohibir el matrimonio entre homosexuales, el nudismo, las imágenes y los textos pornográficos, el sexo fuera del matrimonio y el Manneke Pis.
The European Union will then be playing a decisive role in resisting a phenomenon which knows no frontiers because it is often run by large criminal associations at international level.
Así mismo, pretenden criminalizar a los padres si alguien considera que sus hijos no han sido educados de forma suficientemente mojigata.
Entonces, ya se comete una infracción si das información sexual a tus hijos, si alguien puede verlos desnudos o si los hijos pueden ver desnudos a los padres.
(SV) The Swedish Moderate Party delegation in the PPE-DE Group considers that the articles on criminalisation in the report on combating the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography are vague in places, which makes it difficult to gain an overview of the criminal area.
Con ello no se coge a los irresponsables, a los que se aprovechan y a los criminales, sino que se elimina la nueva libertad adquirida de personas normales de buena voluntad.
We have voted in favour of the report as we assume that no constitutional change needs to be made.
No apoyaré esa parte de su lucha.
Our abstention on this report in no way signifies a lack of interest, nor does it mean that we are neutral in our attitude towards the problem of paedophiles, whom we firmly condemn.
. (IT) Desde hace más de siete años, Alianza Nacional, miembro del Grupo del Partido Popular Europeo - Demócratas Europeos, viene solicitando, con intervenciones en el Pleno, preguntas, propuestas de resolución, conferencias de prensa, mesas redondas y congresos, medidas para luchar contra el deleznable delito de la pedofilia y de la explotación sexual de los niños a través de la pornografía infantil.
It simply means that the text is inadequate on some points and ambiguous on others.
Hemos recurrido incluso a una petición popular para tratar de llamar la atención de la Comisión, de los Gobiernos y de las fuerzas políticas en aras de la defensa de los miles y miles de niños, víctimas del delito por partida doble: primero, por las violencias sufridas y, segundo, por la lentitud de los procesos y por la indiferencia de las instituciones.
, in writing.
Por fin el Consejo y el Parlamento promueven nuevas iniciativas que, sin embargo, no son determinantes si no se promueve en todo el mundo, y en especial en Occidente, una cultura respetuosa con los niños y una legislación dura y rápida contra sus verdugos.
(SV) Mr President, the GUE/NGL Group could not support Mrs Karamanou' s report on child pornography.
Un Occidente que permite la difusión de la pornografía infantil a través de Internet y que consiente la difusión de imágenes y de propaganda pedófila, relacionada con los negocios más turbios, no puede ser eficaz de cara a la protección de los menores.
We strongly condemn child pornography.
La Comisión debe hacerse cargo de esta inconcebible situación y negociar con los organismos internacionales y los Gobiernos para impedir el uso de Internet con fines ilícitos.
We consider this to be a very grave and very serious crime.
For this reason we consider that the proposals submitted by the Commission are better than the report submitted by the Committee on Citizens' Freedoms and Rights, Justice and Home Affairs.
(EN) Felicito a mi colega socialista, la Sra. Karamanou, por su informe sobre la lucha contra la explotación sexual de la infancia.
It is important that legislation define child pornography as distinctly as possible.
Europa tiene que introducir medidas más rigurosas para abordar este tema tan desagradable y para conseguir que los culpables sean sancionados de forma análoga en toda la Unión Europea.
Definitions must not be allowed to become so broad as to make police work and the work of authorities more difficult.
Todos hemos oído hablar de casos horribles y trágicos de pornografía infantil y de explotación infantil en toda Europa.
If a parent or guardian admits serious abuse of a child, their own child or someone else' s child, they must be treated as the criminals they are and not given special treatment in any way.
Tenemos que conseguir que esa historia no se repita.
If there is no obligation to report knowledge of actual crime in this respect in Member States, we hope that the Commission will encourage the implementation of such legislation.
Nuestros niños y niñas no tienen que sufrir nunca más aflicciones tan terribles y nosotros tenemos que hacer todo lo que podamos para lograrlo.
However, we do not wish to encourage moral panic by encouraging citizens to report anyone without relevant suspicions.
Debemos aumentar la cooperación entre Estados miembros de la Unión Europea mediante la institución de penas comunes para los culpables y de servicios policiales que desempeñen sus tareas en todos los Estados miembros.
Finally, we turn to the proposal submitted by the Commission and the committee on age limits.
Hay que imponer penas más fuertes a los que participan en la explotación sexual de niñas y niños y no hay que tolerar que los culpables escapen impunemente.
In accordance with the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, a person is to be seen as a child until he or she has reached the age of 18.
Hay que adoptar firmes medidas contra los que sean culpables de explotar a niños, así como contra los que han obtenido beneficios financieros o forman parte de una organización criminal.
Whatever the age of the child, vulnerability, the degree of abuse and the nature of abuse must be the guiding factors when setting penalties - irrespective of age.
Hay que considerar también como delincuentes criminales a los progenitores que han aceptado que un niño se dedique a la prostitución o a la pornografía.
. (PT) As the report acknowledges, important international agreements already exist to protect children, specifically the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child, the Protocol on the sale of children, child prostitution and child pornography and the European Council Convention on Cyber-Crime.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con la Sra. Karamanou en que hay que dar mejor protección y asistencia a las víctimas y a los testigos.
The European Union has the task of complementing and extending this work, bearing in mind the gravity of the situation that still exists in this field.
Es importante que haya indemnización financiera para la rehabilitación, pero no olvidemos que la inocencia perdida no se puede recuperar a ningún precio.
It is not enough, however, to establish legal frameworks.
Nuestros niños son nuestros ciudadanos más vulnerables y tenemos que hacer todo lo que podamos por protegerlos.
We must also adopt fundamental political measures, which address the causes.
Solamente quiero preguntar si sería posible tratar primero las explicaciones de voto por escrito.
The European Commission' s proposal offers very little analysis of the causes of the sexual exploitation of children and the consequences of such behaviour and back-pedals significantly on the measures that are proposed and an actual definition of child pornography.
Tengo entendido que hay que quedarse en la Sala cuando se realizan las explicaciones de voto por escrito.
During the debate on the proposal in the Committee on Women' s Rights, we tabled various amendments, thereby making a positive contribution to improving the initial positions.
¿O se han cambiado las reglas nuevamente?
Not all of our amendments were adopted, but the report makes a significant improvement on the Commission' s proposals in various ways. It falls short, however, of what we would like to see in this field, specifically with regard to the concept of child pornography and to the penalties that could be imposed for such activity.
Ahora, mi delegación se ha quedado aquí, ya que queremos presentar una explicación de voto por escrito.
We are in favour of this step, which confirms the need for a framework decision defending the need for strong and concerted action against the sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, the latter having developed greatly as a result of the Internet and new technologies.
No queremos irnos antes de que se registre.
This battle must be fought on all fronts, because the consequences for children are disastrous, and from this point of view we support the argument that the possession of child-pornography material in itself constitutes an offence.
Por eso sería más sencillo si tratásemos en primer lugar las explicaciones de voto por escrito.
The main problem is to avoid a situation in which this vital battle against the sexual exploitation of children and against child pornography is used by supporters of a reactionary morality, resulting in excesses tending to abolish freedoms, in particular in relation to certain material containing sexual information, or certain types of fiction.
Quiero que se me aclare una cosa: ¿Hay que estar presente o no en la Sala si se quiere registrar una explicación de voto por escrito?
Therefore one cannot state than any representation of children showing 'sexual behaviour' is reprehensible.
No estoy seguro de haberla entendido bien, señora Carlsson, pero la práctica desde hace muchos años es que a cualquiera que haya tomado parte en la votación le basta depositar la explicación de voto por escrito ante la Mesa o comunicar que la entregará en un plazo de dos horas, y no tiene que esperar a que la llamen.
What concerns us is the ambiguity of a certain number of amendments dealing with virtual products.
Si usted ha tomado parte en la votación y no quiere esperar y quiere hacer la explicación de voto por escrito, basta con que lo indique y antes de las tres de la tarde nos entregue su texto por escrito.
Perhaps this is a justifiable area for concern, but there is a real risk of going off the rails here.
¿Está claro?
We are therefore in favour of a no-holds-barred campaign against the sexual exploitation of children and against child pornography, but a certain number of amendments involve a very real risk that this just campaign will be used for reactionary purposes.
Gracias por su respuesta.
This is why we are abstaining from the vote.
Pensaba que se estaba obligado a permanecer en la Sala cuando se presentase una explicación de voto por escrito.
. (NL) The crimes of Marc Dutroux in Belgium and similar atrocities elsewhere have been waiting for a response for years.
Estupendo, ahora que sé como ahorraré tiempo.
People who put their personal pleasure, or earning money from the pleasure of others, before the protection of children are a danger to society as a whole.
Informe Klamt (A5-0183/2001)
Society must be protected against people who force children into sexual acts and who are even capable of killing those children if they can no longer be used for that purpose.
Señor Presidente, no sé por qué razón, pero quizás sea porque se avecina la hora de comer que encuentro la ocasión para describirle en mis explicaciones de voto las situaciones con que me encuentro cuando voy al restaurante.
I give my unqualified support to that part of the proposals in the Karamanou report.
Para explicar mi voto favorable a este texto sobre la lucha contra la trata de seres humanos, debo decir que en el año 2010 fui a un restaurante chino.
Unfortunately, in certain other proposals and in the debate in this connection, I have detected a nineteenth-century, Victorian undertone.
No se asombre, señor Presidente, pero a mi me puede ocurrir que el futuro se convierta en presente.
I get the impression that a number of people who advocate tough measures would, in fact, ideally ban same-sex marriages, nudist beaches, pornographic images and text, sex outside marriage and Manneken Pis.
Pues bien, en el año 2010 estuve en un restaurante chino y comí de maravilla.
I also get the feeling that they want to criminalise parents who, they believe, do not raise their children in a sufficiently prudish manner.
Comí tan bien que luego hice amistad con el propietario y le pregunté por su vida.
You are already committing an offence if you give your children sex education, if other people can see your children naked or if the children can see their parents naked.
Y él me dijo: "¿Pero usted fue diputado europeo?
That is not how you deal with the irresponsible, the profiteers and the criminals; instead you take away newly acquired freedom from ordinary well-meaning people.
Hizo bien en votar a favor del informe contra la trata de seres humanos, porque, mire, yo tenía que haber trabajado sin cotizar, sin sueldo, sin pensión, ya que entré ilegalmente aquí en Estrasburgo.
That part of their objectives will not receive my support.
En cambio, de esta forma, pude trabajar con un buen sueldo, tuve una pensión y ahora me dedico a este restaurante.
For over seven years, with speeches in the House, questions, motions for resolutions, press conferences, round tables and meetings, the Alleanza Nazionale in the European Parliament has been calling for action to combat the odious crime of paedophilia and the exploitation of minors through child pornography.
Por lo tanto, el mérito es del Parlamento Europeo y de su personal por haber votado a favor de este informe hace diez años".
We have even resorted to a people' s petition to try to speed up the involvement of the Commission, governments and political forces in the defence of the thousands and thousands of children who are double victims of crime: first because of the violence suffered; and then because of the length of proceedings and the indifference of institutions.
Y me dijo: "¡Gracias!"
The Council and Parliament are finally promoting new initiatives, but these will not have sufficient impact unless a culture of respect for children and strict and swift legislation against their enslavers are speedily developed throughout the world, and especially in the West.
La Comisión nos propone hoy reglamentaciones contra el tráfico de seres humanos y la explotación sexual que no podemos más que aprobar, señalando sin embargo que ambos ocultan una maniobra menos loable sobre las cuestiones de inmigración clandestina.
As long as the West allows child pornography and paedophile pictures and propaganda, with extremely shady connections, to be distributed over the Internet, it cannot effectively protect minors.
Efectivamente, la Comisión, con frecuencia acusada de utilizar los nuevos poderes de iniciativa que detenta por el Tratado de Amsterdam en un sentido demasiado favorable a la inmigración (propuestas sobre el reagrupamiento familiar y sobre la protección temporal principalmente), intenta enmendarse incluyendo en el tráfico de seres humanos el tráfico de personas con fines de explotación de su trabajo.
The Commission must take responsibility for dealing with this unspeakable situation and negotiate with international organisations and governments to block the use of the Internet for illicit purposes.
Pretende contribuir así a luchar contra la inmigración clandestina.
Pero en realidad se trata de una coartada.
I congratulate my Socialist colleague, Mrs Karamanou, on her report on combating the sexual exploitation of children.
Viendo el texto más de cerca, se puede percibir que el planteamiento elegido tiende más a vaciar las medidas represivas.
Europe must introduce stronger measures to tackle this disturbing subject and ensure that offenders are punished in a similar way across the European Union.
La infracción de "tráfico de seres humanos para explotar su trabajo", tal como figura descrita en el artículo 1, no exige el paso ilegal de una frontera, lo que constituye sin embargo el primer criterio de la inmigración clandestina.
We have all heard of awful and tragic cases of child pornography and child exploitation across Europe.
We must seek to ensure that history is not repeated.
Our children must never again suffer such terrible afflictions and we must do all we can to prevent this.
Cooperation should be increased between Member States in the European Union through common penalties for offenders and police services working together across the Member States.
Tougher penalties must be dealt out to those participating in the sexual exploitation of children and offenders must not be allowed to get away scot free.
Hard measures should be taken against those guilty of exploiting children, as well as those who gain financially or are members of a criminal organisation.
Parents who have agreed for a child to engage in prostitution or pornography should also be regarded as criminal offenders.
I fully agree with Mrs Karamanou that victims and witnesses should be given better protection and assistance.
Financial compensation for rehabilitation is important, but we should remember that you can never buy back innocence.
Our children are our most vulnerable citizens and we should make every effort possible to protect them.
I merely wish to ask whether the written explanations of vote should not be taken first.
As I understand it, one must be present in the chamber even when submitting a written explanation of vote.
Or have these rules been changed again?
My delegation has remained as we wish to submit a written explanation.
We would like this to be registered and then we would like to be able to leave.
It would therefore be easier if we took the written explanations first.
I would like some clarification: Does one need to remain in the chamber if one wishes to submit a written explanation and have it approved, or not?
I am not sure if I have understood you properly, Mrs Carlsson, but for many years the practice has been that anybody who has taken part in the vote simply has to give the written explanation of vote to the Bureau or indicate that they will deliver it within two hours, and do not have to wait to be called.
If you have taken part in the vote and do not wish to wait and wish to make a written explanation of vote, you simply have to say so and deliver your written text to us before 3.00 p.m.
Is that clear?
Thank you for your answer.
I was of the opinion that one had to remain also for written explanations of vote.
That is excellent, now I know and will be able to save time in the future.
Klamt report (A5-0183/2001)
Mr President, I do not know why, perhaps it is the fact that it is always close to lunchtime, but I always find myself starting my explanations of vote by saying I was in a restaurant.
To explain why I have voted for this report on combating trafficking in human beings, I have to tell you that I was in a Chinese restaurant in 2010.
It should not surprise you, Mr President, that with me the future can become the past.
Well, in 2010 I was in a Chinese restaurant and I had a very good meal.
It was so good that I got friendly with the owner and asked him about his life.
'So you were a Member of the European Parliament?' he said.
'You did well to vote for the report against trafficking in human beings! Because, you see, I would have had to work with no social security, no wages, no pension, because I would have come to Strasbourg the wrong way.
As it is, I have been able to earn a good salary. I also have a pension, and now I devote myself to this restaurant.
I owe that to the European Parliament and its Members who voted in favour of that report ten years ago.'
And he thanked me.