# This is the CMakeCache file. # For build in directory: /Users/zhanggeng/CVCheck/app/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/universalRelease/x86 # It was generated by CMake: /Users/zhanggeng/android_tools/android_studio/android-sdk-macosx/cmake/3.6.3155560/bin/cmake # You can edit this file to change values found and used by cmake. # If you do not want to change any of the values, simply exit the editor. # If you do want to change a value, simply edit, save, and exit the editor. # The syntax for the file is as follows: # KEY:TYPE=VALUE # KEY is the name of a variable in the cache. # TYPE is a hint to GUIs for the type of VALUE, DO NOT EDIT TYPE!. # VALUE is the current value for the KEY. ######################## # EXTERNAL cache entries ######################## //No help, variable specified on the command line. ANDROID_ABI:UNINITIALIZED=x86 //No help, variable specified on the command line. ANDROID_NATIVE_API_LEVEL:UNINITIALIZED=14 //No help, variable specified on the command line. ANDROID_NDK:UNINITIALIZED=/Users/zhanggeng/android_tools/android_studio/android-sdk-macosx/ndk-bundle //No help, variable specified on the command line. ANDROID_TOOLCHAIN:UNINITIALIZED=clang //Path to a program. CMAKE_AR:FILEPATH=/Users/zhanggeng/android_tools/android_studio/android-sdk-macosx/ndk-bundle/toolchains/x86-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/i686-linux-android-ar //Choose the type of build, options are: None(CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS or // CMAKE_C_FLAGS used) Debug Release RelWithDebInfo MinSizeRel. CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING=Release //Flags used by the compiler during all build types. CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during debug builds. CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during release builds for minimum // size. CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL:STRING=-Os -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the compiler during release builds. CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during release builds with debug info. CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING=-O2 -g -DNDEBUG //Libraries linked by default with all C++ applications. CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD_LIBRARIES:STRING=-lm "/Users/zhanggeng/android_tools/android_studio/android-sdk-macosx/ndk-bundle/sources/cxx-stl/gnu-libstdc++/4.9/libs/x86/libgnustl_static.a" //Flags used by the compiler during all build types. CMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during debug builds. CMAKE_C_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during release builds for minimum // size. CMAKE_C_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL:STRING=-Os -DNDEBUG //Flags used by the compiler during release builds. CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the compiler during release builds with debug info. CMAKE_C_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING=-O2 -g -DNDEBUG //Libraries linked by default with all C applications. CMAKE_C_STANDARD_LIBRARIES:STRING=-lm //Flags used by the linker. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during debug builds. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release builds. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //Enable/Disable output of compile commands during generation. CMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS:BOOL=OFF //Install path prefix, prepended onto install directories. CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr/local //No help, variable specified on the command line. CMAKE_LIBRARY_OUTPUT_DIRECTORY:UNINITIALIZED=/Users/zhanggeng/CVCheck/app/build/intermediates/cmake/universal/release/obj/x86 //Path to a program. CMAKE_LINKER:FILEPATH=/Users/zhanggeng/android_tools/android_studio/android-sdk-macosx/ndk-bundle/toolchains/x86-4.9/prebuilt/darwin-x86_64/bin/i686-linux-android-ld //No help, variable specified on the command line. 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CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //If set, runtime paths are not added when installing shared libraries, // but are added when building. CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH:BOOL=NO //If set, runtime paths are not added when using shared libraries. CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL=NO //Flags used by the linker during the creation of static libraries. CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during debug builds. CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release minsize builds. CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during release builds. CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE:STRING= //Flags used by the linker during Release with Debug Info builds. CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO:STRING= //Path to a program. 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CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE:BOOL=FALSE //Value Computed by CMake Project_BINARY_DIR:STATIC=/Users/zhanggeng/CVCheck/app/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/universalRelease/x86 //Value Computed by CMake Project_SOURCE_DIR:STATIC=/Users/zhanggeng/CVCheck/app/src/main/cpp //Dependencies for the target native-lib_LIB_DEPENDS:STATIC=general;android;general;log; ######################## # INTERNAL cache entries ######################## //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_AR CMAKE_AR-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //This is the directory where this CMakeCache.txt was created CMAKE_CACHEFILE_DIR:INTERNAL=/Users/zhanggeng/CVCheck/app/.externalNativeBuild/cmake/universalRelease/x86 //Major version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache CMAKE_CACHE_MAJOR_VERSION:INTERNAL=3 //Minor version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache CMAKE_CACHE_MINOR_VERSION:INTERNAL=6 //Patch version of cmake used to create the current loaded cache CMAKE_CACHE_PATCH_VERSION:INTERNAL=0 //Path to CMake executable. 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CMAKE_ROOT:INTERNAL=/Users/zhanggeng/android_tools/android_studio/android-sdk-macosx/cmake/3.6.3155560/share/cmake-3.6 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO CMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH CMAKE_SKIP_INSTALL_RPATH-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_DEBUG-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_MINSIZEREL-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELEASE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO CMAKE_STATIC_LINKER_FLAGS_RELWITHDEBINFO-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_STRIP CMAKE_STRIP-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1 //uname command CMAKE_UNAME:INTERNAL=/usr/bin/uname //ADVANCED property for variable: CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE-ADVANCED:INTERNAL=1
{ "perplexity_score": 2665.3, "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Preventative Dentistry Save Your Smile With Preventative Care! Your teeth are under constant assault from plaque bacteria. Over time, the foods you eat can contribute to the growth of the bacteria in plaque, which releases acids that slowly eat away at your enamel. As your enamel continues to be weakened and thinned by plaque acids, cavities and tooth decay become more and more likely. Everyone gets plaque, and everyone suffers from some level of enamel decay, but did you know it’s easy to prevent and reverse the damage caused to your teeth? Your day-to-day brushing and flossing habits are important, but there are an amazing amount of small hard-to-reach spots in your teeth that are nearly impossible to keep clean! It’s those little spots that can be the first to show signs of decay, and that’s what preventative dentistry care from Eugene Family Dental aims to prevent! What Is Preventative Care? As opposed to coming to the dentist once you already have a problem, preventative care is a proactive approach to stopping decay and damage to your teeth before it starts. As part of your regular cleanings, we’ll also perform any preventative treatments that you need or want! Our preventative treatments are all aimed at preventing decay and revitalizing your enamel to ensure cavities are held at bay. We also incorporate elements of lifestyle coaching and education on proper care of your teeth and diet – preventative care doesn’t end when you leave our office! Dental sealants are quick and easy to apply to your teeth. Using a plastic composite, we fill in the deep grooves on the chewing surfaces of your back teeth. These hard-to-reach spots are some of the most common places for cavities to develop, and by sealing them we can prevent the growth of plaque! Sealants are fast, easy to apply, and incredibly effective. We can add sealants to your teeth in just a few minutes during a routine cleaning! Fluoride treatments in our office are delivered along with your regular cleanings. Fluoride helps your teeth to remineralize, meaning that it helps your enamel regrow and create an even protective layer on your teeth. We use standard fluoride gel as well as fluoride varnish, a thin coating that is brushed onto your teeth to provide continuous strengthening! Dental cleanings are one of the most important parts of maintaining a healthy mouth. While your home care can prevent excess plaque growth, those deep nooks and crannies of your mouth are almost unreachable at home! By seeing us every six months, you’ll be guaranteeing a healthy smile for years to come! Exams are a part of your regular dental cleanings and help us detect and diagnose problems early on. Regular examinations are key to preventing costly procedures down the road, and our advanced technology can make diagnoses incredibly fast and accurate! Fluoride toothpaste is a product we’re glad to offer – by using it at home you can give your teeth small boosts of enamel strengthening and protection that a regular toothpaste won’t provide. Nutritional counseling and oral hygiene instruction are incredibly helpful for all of our patients, especially those with families! By teaching you and your children all about home care and proper eating habits, you’ll be performing better maintenance on your teeth and treating them better! If you are interested in nutritional counseling or hygiene instructions, don’t hesitate to ask Dr. Ben! Mouthguards can protect your teeth from the damage caused by bruxism and sports. Plaque isn’t the only dangerous foe that your teeth have – trauma caused by excess forces from sports and repetitive tooth grinding can wear down and fracture your teeth, causing serious damage. A specially designed mouthguard can prevent that damage from ever occurring! Preventative care is a fundamental part of maintaining a healthy mouth, and we’re glad to provide all the education, dental appliances, and proactive treatments that we can! If you have any questions about the long-term health of your teeth, call us today at 541-484-1235! You can also reach us by filling out our online contact form. We look forward to giving you something to smile about for a long time to come! GET OUR FREE E-BOOK Get Rid of Your Headaches for Good! Fill out the form below for instant access.
{ "perplexity_score": 519.1, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
--- abstract: | The main focus of this work is to understand the dynamics of non regulated markets. The present model can describe the dynamics of any market where the pricing is based on supply and demand. It will be applied here, as an example, for the German stock market presented by the Deutscher Aktienindex (DAX), which is a measure for the market status. The duality of the present model consists of the superposition of the two components - the long and the short term behaviour of the market. The long term behaviour is characterised by a stable development which is following a trend for time periods of years or even decades. This long term growth (or decline) is based on on the development of fundamental market figures. The short term behaviour is described as a dynamical evaluation (trading) of the market by the participants. The trading process is described as an exchange between supply and demand. In the framework of this model there the trading is modelled by a system of nonlinear differential equations. The model also allows to explain the chaotic behaviour of the market as well as periods of growth or crashes.\ PCAS numbers: 01.75.+m, 05.40.+j, 02.50.Le\ Contribution to the technical seminar 22/12/98, DESY-IfH Zeuthen author: - | A. Schaale\ \ title: A dynamical model of non regulated markets --- The traditional approaches of pricing models (indices, stocks, currencies, gold, etc.) are related to combinations of economic figures like profit or cash-flow and their expected development. Indeed, these fundamental figures are related to the approximate price. However, it is well known that similar objects (companies, goods, ...) can be priced on the same market quiet different. One can observe quick changes in the pricing, which can’t be explained by any change of the underlying basic figures [@davidson]. The present model consists of two basic components: - (Long term trend) Scaling of the price (index) based on the long term development of basic figures [@mandelbrot1] - (Short term trend) Pricing by the exchange between buyers (optimists), sellers (pessimists) and neutral market members Studying, for example, the DAX $I$ for a time period of one decade one will recognise, that the basic trend $I_0(t)$ shows an exponential behaviour with deviations (fig. 1.). This trend can be presented as: $$I_0(t)=\hat{I}_0\,e^{\lambda t}, \;\; \mbox{with} \;\; \hat{I}_0, \lambda=const. \label{defi0}$$ The parameter $\hat{I}_0$ is the starting value: $\hat{I}_0(t)\equiv I_0(t=0)$. The growth rate $\lambda$ can variate on different markets. This parameter summarises all basic influences on the market, such as economic freedom, taxes, social-economic parameters, infrastructure and others. Comparing different markets one will find, that certain economics are growing (US, Europe) while others are declining over years (Japan [^1]). The value for the parameter $\hat{I}_0$ and $\lambda$ can be fitted from the historical market data using the least square method. The development $I_0(t)$ symbolises the average growth of the economy which is measured in various economic figures. The growth in (\[defi0\]) fulfils the Euler equation, describing the “natural” growth of unlimited systems: $$I_0'(t)-\lambda I_0(t)=0 \label{euler}$$ where $y'(t)\equiv \frac{d}{dt}y(t)$. The function (\[defi0\]) describes a real growth process. As far as there is no universal pricing model, the individual evaluations by the market participants differ and the price deviates from the fundamental average. These different evaluations which are changing in time lead to some kind of spontaneous oscillations. As far as each market has another scale it is useful to normalise the market index (price) to make different markets better comparable: $$I(t) \rightarrow i(t)=\frac{I(t)}{I_0(t)} \label{itrans}$$ The function (\[itrans\]) performs a normalisation which will project all indices of real markets to a unitarian index $i$ with a constant basic trend: $i_0(t) \equiv 1$ and $\lambda=0$. This way the development of markets can be compared in a single scheme. For further discussions it is necessary to define the market structure. A market is the totality of all market members participating in the trading process [@caldarelli]. The total amount of market members on normalised markets (\[itrans\]) is constant. The normalised DAX can be found in (fig. 2.). As already mentioned above, the subjective evaluations of the market status differ from each other [@davidson]. The market participants can be separated into three groups: optimists, pessimists and neutral market participants. Each group has a certain concentration which evolves in time $c_k(t)$. Based on the normalisation there is: $$c_o(t)+c_p(t)+c_n(t)=1, \label{marktnorm}$$ with $c_o(t)$, $c_p(t)$ and $c_n(t)$ as the corresponding concentrations [^2] The dynamics of the market is a result of the development of the $c_k(t)$ and the index $i(t)$. Each market group has certain features and react on market changes in a different way: - [**Optimists**]{} consider the market to be priced low. They want to buy. - [**Pessimists**]{} consider the market to be priced high. They want to sell. - [**Neutral market members**]{} consider the market to be priced fair. They are passive. The groups have different sizes. Comparing a typical daily trading volume with the total market capitalisation one will find that it is orders of magnitude smaller ($<1\%$). This leads to the following relation between the concentrations: $$c_o(t), c_p(t) << c_n(t). \label{relationen}$$ Using (\[marktnorm\]) the dimension of the problem reduces from 3 to 2 independent functions $c_p(t)$ and $c_p(t)$. The system dynamics can be written in the form of a system of differential equations: $$c_k'(t)= L_k\big(c_o(t),c_p(t),t\big),\;\; k=o,p \label{ct-system2}$$ Now it is necessary to describe in $L$ the structure of the market drivers, which determine the dynamics of trading: On non regulated markets there the price is determined by supply and demand. The ratio of the concentration of optimists and pessimists defines the price level [@farmer]. In general the functional relation between the concentrations of different market members and the index $i$ can be expressed in the following form: $$i(t)=f\Bigg(\frac{c_o(t)}{c_p(t)}\Bigg). \label{marktdruck}$$ At present it is not possible to derive the explicit form of $f$ from economic principles. The function $f$ expresses the [ *subjective*]{} evaluations of market participants. Here and in the following there will be made extensive use of Taylors theorem. Unknown functions will be expanded in Taylor series in order to parametrise them. As far as the higher order terms of each expansions will be neglected, it is possible to [*define*]{} the function $f$ in the following form: $$i(t)=f\Bigg(\frac{c_o(t)}{c_p(t)}\Bigg)\equiv \frac{c_o(t)}{c_p(t)} \label{ip}$$ In the equilibrium state there the equation (\[ip\]) gives sensible results: $$c_p(t)=c_o(t) \leftrightarrow i(t)=i_0(t)\equiv 1 \label{gleichgewicht}$$ After defining the basic conceptions there will be studied now the development of the concentrations $c_o(t)$ and $c_p(t)$. Their changes in time can be expressed by the following system of equations: $$\begin{aligned} c_o'(t) &=& F_o(\Delta i(t))+\xi_o U(t), \nonumber \\ c_p'(t) &=& F_p(\Delta i(t))-\xi_p U(t), \nonumber \\ \Delta i(t) &=& i(t)-1 \label{defcpprime} \end{aligned}$$ The system describes the exchange of concentrations as functions of the current index and as external influences. The functions $F_k(\Delta i(t)),\; k=o,p$ describe the subjective evaluations of the market members as a function of supply (pessimists) and demand (optimists). The function $U(t)$ represents an “external field”. It models effects that influence the market, but which are [*not*]{} related to the present value of the index $i(t)$. Typical external influences could be related to interest rates, taxes, political events or persons. The constants $\xi_k$ describe the difference in [*perception*]{} of external influences by the different market groups. The external influences lead to periods of continues optimism or depression, as they are observed on real markets. In general the functions $F_k$ in (\[defcpprime\]) are unknown. They will be expanded in Taylor series around the equilibrium state $i_0$: $$F_k(\Delta i(t))= \sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \alpha_{k,n} \cdot \big[\Delta i(t)\big]^n \label{taylor}$$ In the following the will be used the following approach: $$F_k(\Delta i(t))= \alpha_{k,1} \Delta i(t) + O([\Delta i(t)]^2). \label{fp2}$$ In case without external influences $U(t)=0$ it makes sense to assume that the system is symmetric concerning optimism and pessimism. Otherwise the system would follow a systematic trend, which has been already taken into account in (\[marktnorm\]). This leads to the relation $$F_p(\Delta i(t))=-F_o(\Delta i(t)) \equiv F(\Delta i(t))\; . \label{fop2}$$ On ideal markets the perception of external influences would be symmetric too. Real markets show deviations from this symmetry $\xi_o\neq \xi_p$. Performing a redefinition of $U(t) \rightarrow \xi_o U(t)$ one can substitute the the $\xi$ such as $\xi_o=1$ and $\frac{\xi_p}{\xi_o}=1+\varepsilon$, where $\varepsilon$ is an empirical parameter defining the asymmetry of perception of optimists and pessimists. Based on several reasonable assumptions, it has become possible to construct a nonlinear system of differential equations that reflects the market dynamics: $$\begin{aligned} && c'_o(t)-\alpha \Big[c_o(t) c_p^{-1}(t)-1\Big]-U(t)=0,\nonumber \\ && c'_p(t)+\alpha \Big[c_o(t) c_p^{-1}(t)-1\Big]+(1+\varepsilon)\, U(t)=0, \label{finalsystem} \end{aligned}$$ with the starting conditions: $$c_o(0)=c_{o0},\; c_p(0)=c_{p0}. \label{finalsystemstart}$$ and $\alpha \equiv \alpha_1$. The equations of system (\[finalsystem\]) describe the principal relation between the concentrations and the market index, where the exchange between the concentration levels can be performed in [*infinite small steps*]{} (continuum limit). That means that the ideal market would react on infinite small deviations from the equilibrium with infinite small trading reactions (exchange of fractions of stocks). This is not possible on real markets, which react with the exchange of [*finite sized trading units*]{}. This causes discontinuous changes of the index. Each new trading process is related to the former trading process which itself has caused a change of the index. One can realize this discontinuous trading behaviour by transforming the system of differential equations (\[finalsystem\]) into a system of logistic equations, where the trading process becomes described as a [*sequence of finite exchange transactions*]{} [@caldarelli; @busshaus]: $$\begin{aligned} c_o^{(n+1)} &=& c_o^{(n)}+ \Delta c_o^{(n)}, \nonumber \\ c_p^{(n+1)} &=& c_p^{(n)}+ \Delta c_p^{(n)}, \nonumber \\ \Delta c_o^{(n)} &=& \alpha \Big[c_o^{(n)} \Big(c_p^{(n)}\Big)^{-1}-1\Big] + U^{(n)},\nonumber \\ \Delta c_p^{(n)}&=& -\alpha \Big[c_o^{(n)} \Big(c_p^{(n)}\Big)^{-1}-1\Big]-(1+\varepsilon)\, U^{(n)}, \nonumber \\ U^{(n)}&\equiv& U(t_n), \nonumber \\ n&=&0,1,... \label{finalsystemlog} \end{aligned}$$ with the starting conditions $$c_o^{(0)}=c_o(0),\;\; c_p^{(0)}=c_p(0). \label{finalsystemstartlog}$$ Now there will be shown the results of the application of the model to real markets. At first there will be studied growth periods and crashes, which are observed regularly on all financial markets. Using historical data of the DAX one can find, that the growth periods are caused by an exponential growing external optimism $$U(t)=U_0\,\Big(e^{\beta(t-t_0)}-1\Big) \rightarrow U^{(n)}=U_0\Big(e^{\beta(t_n-t_0)}-1\Big)\; . \label{uexp}$$ As one can see in (fig. 3.) that an exponential growing external optimism leads to an exponential growing index $i(t)$. Starting from a certain deviation the system starts to generate oscillations and becomes instable. This fact may cause pessimism (or even panic) in a self reinforcing process [@bouchaud]. After some time this leads to a collapse of the market [@hogg]. Therefore crashes are not only the result of changes in the external influences $U$, but they are caused by the internal instability when the system is far from the equilibrium [@caldarelli; @johansen; @illinski]. Even if the external optimism would continue growing, the system would start to collapse starting from a critical deviation (DAX: critical deviation at $\pm 35\%$). An external potential of the type (\[uexp\]) is mathematically equivalent to a redefinition of the long term trend $I_0(t)$: $$I_0(t)=\hat{I_0} e^{\beta (t-t_0)} \rightarrow I^*_0(t)=\hat{I^*_0} e^{\beta^* (t-t_0)}, \;\;\; \beta^*>\beta \label{istar}$$ This “excited” state exists usually only a certain time period, until the system reaches the critical deviation. After the begin of the collapse the external optimism vanishes and the system returns to the equilibrium state. This behaviour can be found in the historical data of the DAX and other markets. Phases of continuous growth over several month are followed by phases of decline. All of these periods show an exponential behaviour. The market system is very sensitive concerning changes in the neutral component of the market $c_n$. Relatively small external influences on the neutral component become enhanced by a leverage effect on the index. This effect is caused by the different orders of magnitude of the concentrations (\[relationen\]): $$\Delta i(t) \sim \frac{c_n(t)}{c_{p,o}(t)} \, \Delta U(t), \;\;\; \frac{c_n(t)}{c_{p,o}(t)}\sim 100...1000 \label{faktor1}$$ Another essential feature of the dynamics of markets is the chaotic behaviour, for example in the daily changes of the index. The reason for the appearance of chaos is the feedback of the market to itself. The strength of response on deviations of the equilibrium is described by the model parameter $\alpha$. In (fig. 4) there are shown examples of the development of the market system (\[finalsystemlog\]) in dependence of $\alpha$. In (fig. 4a) there the response of the market is relatively small, so that the market compensates after several transactions. If $\alpha$ reaches a critical value (fig. 4b) the reaction on a deviation $\Delta i$ is that strong, that it creates a new deviation with the same size but opposite sign. As the result of this the system starts to oscillate. A further increase of $\alpha$ causes a permanent overcompensation of the market deviations. The system becomes chaotic (fig. 4c). The parameter $\alpha$ is proportional to the volatility of markets. It is worth to remark, that the market shows a typical feature of non linear problems - fractal patterns. The basic trend over years or decades has an exponential behaviour. The different fragments (medium term trends) have an exponential behaviour as well (but a different growth rate). In this work the model was applied on financial markets, but it can be generalised to all markets which are based on supply and demand. The model describes the long and the short term dynamics of markets within a single theoretical framework, using a few empirical parameters. The model can describe crashes as phase transitions, caused by it’s internal instability. Important features of real markets like chaotic behaviour and a fractal structure are described by a system of non linear differential equations. Using this model it is possible to determine basic parameters, which can describe the status of the market in both, the short and the long term trend. I would like to thank Gerhardt Bohm and Klaus Behrndt for their helpful support and discussion. ![DAX and long term trend $I_0 \;$ since Jan. 3. 1989](fig1noti.ps){width="150mm"} ![DAX and deviation from long term trend $\Delta i \;$ since Jan. 3. 1989](fig2noti.ps){width="150mm"} DAX with medium term trends Jan. 2 1998 - Feb. 4 1999 ![Model behavior of $\Delta i$ with external optimism $U_n=U_0 e^{\beta(t_n-t_0)}$](fig3noti.ps "fig:"){width="150mm"} ![Model behavior of $\Delta i_n$ for different parameters $\alpha$](fig4noti.ps){width="150mm"} [99]{} C.Davidson, “The New Science”, 1st International Conference on High Frequency Data in Finance, March 29-31, 1995, Zurich G.Caldarelli, M.Marsili and Y.-C. Zhang, “A Prototype Model of Stock Exchange”, cond-math/9709118, SISSA Ref 22/97/CM, 1997 B.Mandelbrot, Jour. of Business of the Chicago University, 39, p. 242, (1966); dt. 40, p. 393, (1967) A.Johansen and D.Sornette, “Critical Crashes”, Risk, v.12, No. 1, p.91, (1999) K.Illinski, “Critical Crashes?”, Preprint IPHYS-99-5, (1999) J.Agyris, G.Faust, M.Haase, “Die Erforschung des Chaos”, Vieweg, (1995) B.Mandelbrot, “Fractals and Scaling in Finance”, Springer, (1997) J.D.Farmer, “Market force, ecology and evolution”, Preprint adap-org/9812005, (1998) J.-P.Bouchaud and R.Cont, “A Langevin Approach to Stock Market Fluctuations and Crashes”, Preprint cond-mat/98012379, (1998) C.Busshaus and H.Rieger, “A Prognosis Oriented Microscopic Stock Market Model”, Preprint cond-mat/9903079, (1999) T.Hogg, B.A.Huberman and M.Youssefmir, “The Instability of Markets”, Preprint adap-org/9507002, (1995)\ T.Hogg, B.A.Huberman and M.Youssefmir, “Bubbles and Market Crashes”, Preprint adap-org/9409001, (1994) [^1]: A long term decline of national economies is often caused by massive regulations, reducing the economic freedom. [^2]: The concentration is the weighted average of individual market members with a similiar market view, but a different capitalization $$c_i(t)=\frac{1}{M(t)}\, \sum_{k=1}^{N_i}m_k(t)$$ where $i=o,p,n$ represents the corresponding market views of optimists, pessimists and neutral market members. $m$ is their individual capital and $M$ the summary market capitalization. $N_i$ is the total number of individual market members with the same market view.
{ "perplexity_score": 795.8, "pile_set_name": "ArXiv" }
To use this application you need to install and activate Adobe Flash Player Types of Evaluation Categorize as diagnostic, formative, or summative the variety of evaluation methods commonly used by foreign language teachers to evaluate their students. In some cases you could argue that a specific method could be classified as any one of the 3 types. In such cases, consider how the method would be most commonly used and place the method in the corresponding category.
{ "perplexity_score": 313.3, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Evaluating the acute contributions of dopaminergic replacement to gait with obstacles in Parkinson's disease. The influence of dopaminergic replacement (DR) on gait in people with Parkinson's disease (PD) is well documented. However, little is known about the acute effects of dopamine on more complex locomotor tasks that require visual guidance to avoid obstacles during gait. The authors investigated the influence of DR on locomotor behavior in a task where movement planning and control might be challenged by the height of the obstacle. The PD group included patients diagnosed with idiopathic PD (n = 12), as well as healthy controls (n = 12). Patients walked and stepped over obstacles of different heights before (OFF) and after (ON) levodopa intake. Spatial adjustments were not modulated by DR, but the step time to perform these anticipatory gait adjustments was longer only in PD-OFF (compared with healthy controls) when approaching the highest obstacle, but not PD-ON. During the crossing phase, trail limb toe clearance of PD patients was shorter than healthy controls only during the OFF state. ON-OFF comparisons were significantly different only for the time to reach the lead foot clearance over the highest obstacle. In summary, DR partially improved movement slowness but did not directly affect movement amplitude of lower limb regulation in this gait task.
{ "perplexity_score": 426.9, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Frozen in Time Description Patty and Eric Purple Christmas visiting his grandfather. But after accidentally breaks a clock in his studio, endlessly reliving Eve day. Together they must “repair time” and to help the family to enjoy Christmas. Server 1 Server 2 Server 3 Related Posts: Great Video Quality All movies are encoded at the highest quality posibble. DivX+ technology, Blu Ray 720p or 1080p and DVDRip. Get latest new movies Download the latest free movies with no charges and with no membership. You can get all type of movies like comedy, horror, thriller and action on Full DivX DVD format. Enter and get all the movies that you need. Watch Cinema Movies Online No waiting time, no ads, no popup, tv series and full length movies on demand.
{ "perplexity_score": 1179.4, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Prolog list search returns false if list is predefined I'm trying to write a prolog program to demonstrate how a cut can be used to increase efficiency. I'm using the following member declaration to search through a list. member(Element, [Element | _]). member(Element, [_ | List]) :- member(Element, List). The function seems to be working just fine ex: ?- member(1,[3,1,4]). true The issue that i'm running into is I need to be able to use member with a predeclared list. like so: someList([3,1,4]). ?- somelist(X). X = [3, 1, 4]. 3 ?- member(1,somelist). false. Even though somelist is defined as [3,1,4] which works in the first test, when called this returns false. I just need to know what I'm doing wrong that ?- member(1,somelist). is returning false. Any help would be greatly appreciated. A: someList is the name of a proposition that does not exist, not a list, so it'll always produce false/no. Prolog accepts queries and produces answers. What you seem to be asking for is the concept of variables in an imperative language, which doesn't exist here. You can, for example, ask Prolog for all of the lists that have 1 as their member with member(1, X), or for a particular list member(1, [3,1,4]), but you can't store a list and ask about it in this way. Prolog works with a Knowledge Base, and infers truthness through rules/predicates, facts and propositions that it knows. You need to ask it what you want to know.
{ "perplexity_score": 649.2, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Where are my flying... motorcycles? - Zak http://www.telegraph.co.uk/technology/news/9494328/Aerofex-hover-bike-brings-Star-Wars-transport-closer-to-reality.html ====== Zak I remember seeing <http://hover-bike.com/> last year, but this one seems to be closer to production-ready.
{ "perplexity_score": 307.6, "pile_set_name": "HackerNews" }
#FreakMode: Alex Savva's 12-Week Trainer, Nutrition Overview The number one downfall for anyone who isn't achieving their fitness goals is nutrition. It doesn't matter how hard you train in the gym. If your nutrition plan isn't on par with that, you're not going to get the best results. The number one downfall for anyone who isn't achieving their fitness goals is nutrition. It doesn't matter how hard you train in the gym. If your nutrition plan isn't on par with that, you're not going to get the best results. A lot of people respond to that truth by turning everything into a math problem, or choking down meal after meal of food they can't stand. Not me. I won't force myself to eat foods that just help me get ripped or shed pounds. I have to enjoy eating them, too. There are tons of foods out there you can work with to achieve your goal of fat loss or muscle gain. So there is no reason for you to just get stuck on the same boring dishes over and over again. The FreakMode nutrition plan has worked for me for 10 years. Not weeks—years. To make that work, I've had to keep everything simple and consistent. It's all based on four simple rules that anyone can follow. Rule 1 Eat Carbs and Protein After Training The most important time of day, nutritionally speaking, is post-workout. I want you to make the most of it. Of course, there are a few different philosophies about how to enhance muscle recovery for growth after training, I've long been a fan of using high-glycemic carbs alongside protein, and recent research supports that idea. For instance, a study done at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario demonstrated that carbs work to increase insulin response and replenish depleted glycogen stores in muscle and the liver.1 Meanwhile, the stimulated insulin response works to shuttle amino acids to damaged muscles for more efficient repair, consequently increasing muscle growth. The most important time of day, nutritionally speaking, is post-workout. I want you to make the most of it. Rule 2 Include Protein With Every Meal Protein intake supports fat-loss in a number of ways. One is what's known as the "thermic effect"—the increase in energy expenditure above the normal metabolic rate due to the cost of digesting food—of digesting protein, which is much greater than that of carbohydrates and fats. In several research studies, subjects who included more protein in their diets burned more fat and more calories throughout the day than subjects who included less protein in their diets.2,3 Having protein with every meal also helps with satiety, or feeling full and satisfied. This will allow for longer periods of time without feeling hungry. Studies show that protein intake actually causes the brain to receive lower levels of appetite-stimulating hormones, thus helping with craving control.4,5 Wondering how much to take? You can't go wrong with 30-40 grams for muscle gain, and 20-30 grams for fat loss. There are countless protein sources out there to choose from. Lean meats like chicken and steak, lean ground beef, and fish are ideal. So are eggs and yogurt. I start almost every day with eggs scrambled with veggies, for instance, and I finish almost every day with a bowl of Greek yogurt topped with some berries or nuts. Rule 3 Choose Fibrous Carbs Over Simple, Starchy Carbs Carbohydrates have gotten a bad rap because so many weight-loss programs these days promote ketogenic (carb-free or very low-carb) diets. But not all carbohydrates have a negative impact on body-fat composition. The reality is that fibrous carbohydrates are more useful when it comes to promoting fat loss than simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates. The science behind this principle is actually quite, well, simple. Fibrous carbohydrates do not cause a sudden spike in insulin levels, compared to simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates. As such, the body is able to utilize the energy from fibrous carbohydrates for much longer periods of time before they might become stored in the body as fat. The reality is that fibrous carbohydrates are more useful when it comes to promoting fat loss than simple sugars and starchy carbohydrates. Simple sugars and starchy carbs, on the other hand, cause immediate and often extreme boosts in insulin. If these carbs are not used quickly by engaging in physical activity, they are stored as fat. That's why I recommend eating them only after your intense workout, when that insulin spike can be put to good use, as I discussed in Rule 1. In FreakMode, you'll focus mostly on fibrous carbs, allowing the body to use them as energy throughout the day as needed and not having to worry about them turning into fat. Studies demonstrate that people who follow diets that include mainly fibrous carbohydrates tend to have higher energy levels and metabolic rates, and lower body-fat levels. Good sources of fibrous carbs include, among many other items, vegetables (especially green leafy ones), oats, and sweet potatoes or yams. Rule 4 Increase Your Essential Fatty-Acid Intake It is common to see "fat-free" advertised on many products, as though fat is some sort of enemy. In reality, fat—particularly omega 3, 6, and 9 essential fatty acids—is critical for muscle growth. Research shows that dietary fat is essential for optimal protein synthesis and testosterone production in the body, both of which have a major impact on body composition and performance. Omega-3 fatty acids also provide anti-inflammatory benefits, and there is much evidence to suggest they play a positive role in supporting heart health, among other major health benefits. Essential fatty acids, or EFAs, are also extremely important for supporting fat loss through a variety of pathways. One of the major ones involves the ability of EFAs to increase insulin sensitivity. In fact, they help to mimic the activity of some diabetic drugs and can reduce the amount of circulating glucose in the bloodstream. This helps to decrease the amount of glucose that ends up being stored as fat in the body. In addition to this, EFAs also help to normalize blood pressure and cholesterol levels. Both of these functions help with proper blood flow, thus facilitating the transfer of nutrients and oxygen to working muscles while training. You may think I'm just going to tell you to take some fish oil here, but honestly, that's just the icing on the cake. You need adequate EFAs in your diet, not just in your supplement stack. You can find them in abundance in nuts, fish and eggs, particularly omega-3-enhanced eggs. Get your fill! FreakMode The Plan During my early bodybuilding-competition days, I calculating my base caloric intake and macros in order to transform my body for the stage. Today, I don't count calories anymore, because I have learned my body and how to adjust my food intake in order to get the results I want. I eat quality foods, control my portions, and pay special attention to how my body looks, feels, and performs based on the foods I eat. But make no mistake: It took years of following the numbers to get to the point where I didn't need them anymore. And if you've been struggling to find a sustainable approach to nutrition, calorie and macronutrient numbers are your best guide. Enter your stats in the calculator below to get your starting daily calorie targets and your macronutrient breakdown for each phase of the FreakMode 12-week Fitness Trainer. Calorie Calculator Age Sex MaleFemale Height FeetMeters Weight PoundsKilograms Goal Build Muscle Lose Fat Activity Level Lightly active (moderate exercise but sedentary job) Moderately active (intense exercise but sedentary job) Very active (moderate exercise and active job) Extra active (intense exercise and active job) * Mifflin-St. Jeor Equation To see how this plays out, let's use me as an example. My weight in kilograms is 77, or 169 in pounds. My height in centimeters is 175. According to the standard Mifflin St. Jeor equation, my basal metabolic rate, or the amount of calories my body requires to keep functioning, is 1683. At my activity level, that equates to 2904 calories to maintain my weight. If I want to add muscle, I'll boost those calories by 500, to 3400. If I want to lose fat, I'll cut them by my calories by 20 percent. A Day in Your Nutritional Life Your calories and macros will no doubt look different than mine. So rather than digging deep into specific portion sizes, let's just talk about how to build your day nutritionally. This is what I follow, and what I recommend, for muscle gain. Muscle Gain Breakfast: Eggs and vegetables, oatmeal Late morning: Protein shake Lunch: Chicken with brown rice Afternoon: Protein shake Dinner: Steak and sweet-potato fries or salad Optional snack: Yogurt topped with nuts or berries The setup of a day on the fat-loss plan is a little different, however; you can time the meals however you want to: Fat Loss Meal 1: Eggs and vegetables, oatmeal Meal 2: Protein shake Meal 3: Chicken with brown rice Meal 4: Protein shake Meal 5: Steak and sweet potato fries or salad Why is the timing optional on the fat-loss plan? Because I'm also giving you the option of doing intermittent fasting. You'll do an 8-hour feed followed by a 16-hour fast, every day of the week Select a time of day that works best for you and your lifestyle to do your 16-hour fast. Then, when that's done, you're going to continue your 8-hour feed. Your calories and macros are the same on this plan as if you weren't fasting. All that changes is when you consume them. So a critical component of this intermittent fasting is how to time your workouts around it. The way to do that is to do your workouts in a fasted state and start your 8-hour feed with your post-workout shake. Your calories and macros are the same on this plan as if you weren't fasting. All that changes is when you consume them. On the fence about whether to fast? That's understandable. Here's my recommendation: Do Phase 1 with the intermittent fasting, and see how your body responds to it and how you feel on it. If you like it, continue with it. I've done it for stretches of 4-12 weeks. After 12 weeks, I recommend that you stop and go back to your normal eating schedule. Then you can come back and reintroduce it any time you like. I've included sample meal plans here showing what my day of eating would look for both muscle gain and fat loss. To make it even easier for you, I've created a page containing 12 of my favorite healthy recipes that I use in my daily nutrition plan. They can either kick-start your progress, or just add some variety into what you're already eating. There is also a grocery list on the main trainer page. Can I still eat out? Of course! I don't want you to spend all day at home crying in your chicken and broccoli. I don't buy that you can't go out with your friends and family to a nice restaurant, or just go out to a local pub and get a nice, solid, nutritious meal. There are always good options around you that fall within the nutrition guidelines of the plan. At almost any restaurant, you can get steak and salad, or something equivalent. Or maybe there's chicken breast and vegetables, veggie omelets, or sweet-potato fries. Maybe there are brown-rice options. Keep your eyes peeled for the options you have, rather than fixating on what you're not eating. Be real, and make this a lifestyle change. And if you don't see something at first glance, you still have options. There's no crime in asking a server if you can sub something out or change things up. They'll almost always do it for you. Why not ask and find out? Nutrition to sustain you for years, not just weeks You're going to be adjusting your caloric intake and your macros for each phase as your weight changes. So come back to the calorie counter on this page at the start of each phase and enter your information so you can get your new calorie target and macronutrient breakdown for that specific phase. Of course, your training changes every four weeks, too. It's just like you're coming to see me at my gym for a new workout routine and nutrition tune-up. As such, I want you to take and post progress pics every four weeks. Now it's time to hit the grocery store and get all the foods you need for the week so you're ready to go. Next, watch my supplement video so you know exactly what to take to enhance your results and achieve the best possible transformation over the next three months.
{ "perplexity_score": 413, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
For Against "The Flip is dead, long live the Sony Bloggie". Are the words probably uttered by the Sony pocket camcorder team when they heard the news earlier this year that Cisco had ditched the popular Flip camcorder. Trying to fill the space, Sony has slowly trotted out a number of different Bloggie models that are aimed at capturing the moment via a dedicated pocket camcorder normally as good as, if not slightly better than, your mobile phone. While that is a market that is constantly under pressure from phone cameras merely getting better, Sony hopes that you are more likely to opt for their Sony Bloggie 3D, a pocket camcorder that has two lenses on the back so you can record 3D video and capture 3D stills when you’re out and about, because it’s something that only a handful of phones currently offer. Completing Sony’s vision of a 3D world from creation to viewing, the Bloggie is one of the last pieces of the consumer puzzle – until Sony Ericsson launches a 3D phone. But can the Bloggie 3D recreate your 3D world? We’ve been testing it out to find out. Design The Bloggie 3D, or MHS-FS3 to give it its more boring name, looks like any of the pocket camcorders on the market. The front is adorned with a 2.4-inch glasses-free 3D screen, a trio of buttons and the usual d-pad for navigating around the menu system. There's also a big red button for recording. On the side you get a shutter button for still shots, a power on/off switch, and a pop out USB dongle that allows you to connect the camcorder directly to your computer without having to faff around looking for a cable. For those looking to just enjoy the content on their 3D TV there is also an HDMI out, for which you will need a cable. Finally there is a tripod thread, to get your shots rock steady, something very important for 3D video. Sadly, there's no way of plugging in an external microphone, but then you normally can’t with any of the other pocket camcorders on the market either. Around the back are two Sony f2.8-f4.1 autofocus lenses and an LED light for when it comes to filming in low light conditions. Inside and you get 8GB of storage space to store all your movies and photos. Shooting and watching 3D 3D video is saved as MP4 files which are the most widely used and readable files in the world of 3D at the moment. To record the third dimension, it’s simply a case of pressing the button. You can switch between 2D and 3D quickly, although not while filming. Filming in 3D does come with plenty of limitations. The zoom functionality is turned off, you can only shoot stills at 2 megapixel in a 16:9 aspect (the camera supports up to 5 megapixels in 2D) and film 3D footage at 1080/30p (Full HD). In fact you really only get the chance to turn that LED on, or set the timer to delay the start of the recording by either two or 10 seconds. In 3D filming you will get around 80 minutes worth of recording space and the battery does well to keep up with that. Of course the beauty of the Bloggie 3D is that not only can it record in 3D, but you can also watch the footage you’ve recorded back, in 3D, then and there, rather than having to hunt down a 3D television. The screen works like the LG Optimus 3D, the HTC EVO 3D, and the Nintendo 3DS. You have to align your eyes in the right position to see the 3D effect.The viewing angle is surprisingly very good though and means you can move the camcorder -or your head- around without losing the effect. This isn't the case with devices like the HTC EVO 3D. The screen isn’t fantastic in bright sunlight, especially if you are hoping to see the 3D effect, however it’s not a complete waste of time either. Shooting and watching 2D While Sony will have you believe that 3D is the future, it’s not the only option, or the only way. The Bloggie 3D can also do 2D recording as well. With 2D your capturing choices get a little wider. Aside from a 4x digital zoom and face detection (up to 8 faces), you get 5, 3, or .04-megapixel shooting modes for stills. For video you get more shooting resolutions as well. There’s 1080/30p, 720/60p, 720/30p, and 270/30p. Although 720/60p is a standard HD resolution -more common in the US than here, it also has uses for slow motion video, as you can post-produce video to 50% of the original speed. For users hoping for creative control, it's worth pointing out that there is no manual white balance or manual focus options. This really is a point and shoot camera, aimed at people who want to be able to easily shoot 3D. Recording times at the highest settings are 80 minutes for 1080/30p footage working their way up to 240 minutes for 720/30p footage. As for actual video quality, it is good. Colours are accurate, there is little noise and the results are pleasant rather than stunning. Movement is also crisp. Verdict To get the best results out of 3D filming you need to have a completely different shooting mind set, and that’s going to be one of the biggest barriers here in creating decent 3D video or decent 3D stills. Once you’ve worked that out, artistically, you can start to make the most of the Bloggie 3D and its capabilities. The good thing is that in all our recordings the Bloggie 3D didn’t get in the way. It’s small, easily pocket-able, and when it comes to recording, easy to fire up and get on with the task at hand without the need to worry about settings or manual control. Picture quality is what you would expect from a device like this. You aren’t going to be able to make the next Sundance hit, but at the same time it’s a decent pocket camcorder that gives you 1080p 2D and 3D recording. And chances are, it's better than your mobile phone. The main reason for getting the Bloggie 3D is of course the 3D. And when it comes to letting you produce that, the pocket camcorder works, and works well for the price. Whether it’s 2D or 3D the camera works in the same way. You can playback your footage on the small screen, or plug it into a computer or TV. Sony has showed that 3D filming or watching needn’t be hard or difficult and for 3D fans that can only be a good thing. Stuart has been a tech journalist since 1998 and written for a number of publications around the world. Regularly turning up on television, radio and in newspapers, Stuart has played with virtually every gadget available.
{ "perplexity_score": 308.7, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: .NET How to get Sql response to string? After inserting something into the DB I would like to get the server's response. For example "x rows effected" or other messages, and put them into a string variable. How do I implement this in code? C# or VB - doesn't matter to me. I couldn't find anything specific on this, but I am a n00b @ programming. Thank you kindly.Could you kindly provide an example for me? Here is my code: Private Function insertScr(ByVal byte2insert As Byte()) As Boolean Dim _con As SqlConnection Dim queryStmt As String Dim _cmd As SqlCommand Dim param As SqlParameter Try _con = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.DBconnStr) queryStmt = "update ErrorLog set screen = @Content where(ErrorLogID = 2)" _cmd = New SqlCommand(queryStmt, _con) param = _cmd.Parameters.Add("@Content", SqlDbType.VarBinary) param.Value = byte2insert _con.Open() _cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() _con.Close() Return True Catch ex As Exception Return False End Try End Function A: Assuming SQL Server, the SqlConnection object has an InfoMessage event that is raised for each of these sorts of messages (it also has a mode that can be enabled so that error messages are delivered via the same event, see FireInfoMessageEventOnUserErrors) You would access the text of these messages by extracting the Message property from the second argument passed to your event handler. Something like: ... _con = New SqlConnection(My.Settings.DBconnStr) AddHandler _con.InfoMessage,Sub(sender,e) MessageBox.Show(e.Message) End Sub queryStmt = "update ErrorLog set screen = @Content where(ErrorLogID = 2)" ...
{ "perplexity_score": 1915, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
// // Generated by class-dump 3.5 (64 bit). // // class-dump is Copyright (C) 1997-1998, 2000-2001, 2004-2013 by Steve Nygard. // #import "WXPBGeneratedMessage.h" @class NSData; @interface HWParamBuffer : WXPBGeneratedMessage { } + (void)initialize; // Remaining properties @property(nonatomic) unsigned int headerLen; // @dynamic headerLen; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSData *ppsbuf; // @dynamic ppsbuf; @property(retain, nonatomic) NSData *spsbuf; // @dynamic spsbuf; @end
{ "perplexity_score": 2351.1, "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Community Dietitians work in public health agencies, health and fitness clubs, and day care centres. They counsel people on food choices and direct programs in nutrition awareness and disease prevention. Consultant Dietitians are independent business people who work as nursing home consultants, book authors, and patient counsellors in medical centres and fitness programs. They also develop and evaluate food service systems and serve as independent advisors to the industry. About the Course: Clinical nutrition and dietetics study the relationship between health and nutrition. The course has gained recognition in recent years with growing awareness among the people in the country about their food habits and health. The lifestyle disorders also have led to a demand for professional nutritionists and dietician. Duration Highlights Students are inculcated with the skills specific to job roles offered in the industry Employability Recent years have seen in the country rising demand for professionals in clinical nutrition and dieticians in sectors such as hospitals, sports centres, airlines, office cafeterias, maternity centres, government health departments, schools and colleges. The various job roles are as follows: We Impart Quality Education We Inculcate Scientific Temper We Manifest Ethical Values We Develop Future Leaders About PIMS PIMS is focused on research and development of life sciences in general and Nutraceuticals, Food Processing and Biotechnology in particular. Thanks to the able governance and visionary leadership of the founders, the college is now ranked among the top twenty Bio-tech Schools in India. PIMS also gained approval from the Government of Karnataka to establish the prestigious Biotech Finishing school. Announcements Padmashree Institute of Management and Sciences (PIMS) under Padmashree Group of Institutions has a record of academic excellence since 2000 and is continuously working for its vision of imparting quality education and job-oriented skills to the students.
{ "perplexity_score": 352.9, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Transcription factor YY1 is a vaccinia virus late promoter activator. Vaccinia virus has a DNA genome, yet replicates in the cytoplasmic compartment of the cell. We previously described the identification of a cellular protein having high affinity for vaccinia virus late promoter DNA. Sequence substitutions in the vaccinia I1L promoter were used to define a 5-nucleotide block at the transcription initiation site as essential for interaction with the protein. Within this sequence is the recognition motif for the nuclear transcription factor YY1. This factor regulates a multitude of cellular promoters, as an activator of transcription, as a repressor, or as an initiator element-binding protein. Antibodies directed against YY1 were used to show that YY1 copurified with the vaccinia late promoter-binding protein and was present in late promoter-protein complexes in gel supershift assays. Bacterially expressed YY1 also bound specifically to late promoter DNA. A dinucleotide replacement within the YY1 recognition motif directly adjacent to the transcription start site severely reduced the affinity of YY1 for the I1L promoter in vitro and impaired I1L promoter-dependent transcription in vivo. The intracellular localization of YY1 was shown by immunofluorescence microscopy to shift from primarily nuclear to the cytoplasm after vaccinia infection. These results indicate that YY1 has a positive role in the regulation of vaccinia virus late gene transcription and suggest that poxviruses have adapted cellular initiator elements as a means of regulating viral gene expression. This is the first identifiable cellular protein implicated in poxvirus transcription.
{ "perplexity_score": 374.3, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: python numpy cast problem I'm trying to interpolate with the following code self.indeces = np.arange( tmp_idx[len(tmp_idx) -1] ) self.samples = np.interp(self.indeces, tmp_idx, tmp_s) where tmp_idx and tmp_s are numpy arrays. I get the following error: array cannot be safely cast to required type Do you know how to fix this? UPDATE: class myClass def myfunction(self, in_array, in_indeces = None): if(in_indeces is None): self.indeces = np.arange(len(in_array)) else: self.indeces = in_indeces # clean data tmp_s = np.array; tmp_idx = np.array; for i in range(len(in_indeces)): if( math.isnan(in_array[i]) == False and in_array[i] != float('Inf') ): tmp_s = np.append(tmp_s, in_array[i]) tmp_idx = np.append(tmp_idx, in_indeces[i]) self.indeces = np.arange( tmp_idx[len(tmp_idx) -1] ) self.samples = np.interp(self.indeces, tmp_idx, tmp_s) A: One of your possible issues is that when you have the following line: tmp_s = np.array; tmp_idx = np.array; You are setting tmp_s and tmp_idx to the built-in function np.array. Then when you append, you have have object type arrays, which np.interp has no idea how to deal with. I think you probably thought that you were creating empty arrays of zero length, but that isn't how numpy or python works. Try something like the following instead: class myClass def myfunction(self, in_array, in_indeces = None): if(in_indeces is None): self.indeces = np.arange(len(in_array)) # NOTE: Use in_array.size or in_array.shape[0], etc instead of len() else: self.indeces = in_indeces # clean data # set ii to the indices of in_array that are neither nan or inf ii = ~np.isnan(in_array) & ~np.isinf(in_array) # assuming in_indeces and in_array are the same shape tmp_s = in_array[ii] tmp_idx = in_indeces[ii] self.indeces = np.arange(tmp_idx.size) self.samples = np.interp(self.indeces, tmp_idx, tmp_s) No guarantees that this will work perfectly, since I don't know your inputs or desired outputs, but this should get you started. As a note, in numpy, you are generally discouraged from looping through array elements and operating on them one at a time, if there is a method that performs the desired operation on the entire array. Using built-in numpy methods are always much faster. Definitely look through the numpy docs to see what methods are available. You shouldn't treat numpy arrays the same way you would treat a regular python list.
{ "perplexity_score": 2320, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: Pagina se cuelga en Validacion del Login Pues yendo al grano, tengo un problema con una pagina que subi, el problema es que al iniciar sesion o "loguearse" y l hacer la validacion , la pagina se queda colgada en la validacion y no redirecciona la pagina, probe todo en local y funciona, solo que al subirla se cuelga ahi. agradeceria si me pudieran orientar como solucionarlo gracias. Lo unico que hice fue reemplazar,http://localhost:8082 por la pagina del host donde esta alojada la base de datos si esta conectada, ya que hice un echo en la validacion para ver que me arrojara algo y si, solo que como mencione en la validacion se cuelga Anexo codigo de la validacion introducir el código aquí <?php session_start(); ?> <?php include 'conexion.php'; $conexion = new mysqli($host_db, $user_db, $pass_db, $db_name); if ($conexion->connect_error) { die("La conexion falló: " . $conexion->connect_error); } $username = $_POST['username']; $password = $_POST['password']; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $tbl_name WHERE username = '$username'"; $result = $conexion->query($sql); if ($result->num_rows > 0) { } $row=mysqli_fetch_array($result); // if (password_verify($password, $row['password'])) { if ($password==$row['password']) { $_SESSION['loggedin'] = true; $_SESSION['username'] = $username; $_SESSION['id'] =$row['id']; $_SESSION['name'] =$row['name']; $_SESSION['start'] = time(); $_SESSION['expire'] = $_SESSION['start'] + (5 * 60); header('Location: http://localhost:8082/Andor%20Shop/productos.php');//redirecciona a la pagina del usuario } else { echo "Username o Password estan incorrectos."; echo "<br><a href='login.html'>Volver a Intentarlo</a>"; } mysqli_close($conexion); ?> Conexion <?php $host_db = "localhost"; $user_db = "id12893306_andorstore"; $pass_db = "123456"; $db_name = "id12893306_tienda"; $tbl_name = "clientes"; ?> A: estoy convencido que es por el header prueba poner un exit depues del header header("....."); exit; o prueba con un die header("....."); die(); por cierto esta linea de codigo no te estara dndo algun tipo de problema ??? if ($result->num_rows > 0) { } le estas indicando que si hay mas de un registro que haga algo pero no haces nada.....
{ "perplexity_score": 3558.8, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
We’ve been eager to see this car for days now! A low-res leak earlier in the week showed a huge amount of potential for this latest Citroen concept car — and luckily the full reveal confirms how cool this concept design is. Citroen, as we know, has little trouble creating absolutely stunning prototypes and concept cars. These are far different from the norm of concept cars lately in the US market. Heavy expectation management strategies mean that US show-goers rarely see pure dream cars, with manufacturers preferring the Honda, Ford and Infiniti route: a decorated version of the actual production model. A mid-size SUV with light hybrid and a turbocharged gasoline four-cylinder, the AirCross is more of a statement of intent than a lightly-upgraded production model. But as much as this exact car is not likely soon, the size of the car is a sure thing for a production Citroen with the next two years. The exterior design is actually fairly practical, and would slide right into the latest Citroen range of MPVs. Where this model is vastly different — for the better — is its leaned-back cabin design, long hood and overall masculinity. This is in stark contrast to the minivan look of many other Citroens these days. You can tell that the AirCross has been designed with European and Chinese buyer preferences in 50/50 balance. Yes, it is wide and premium in feel. But it is also fairly short and low, with parkable proportions no larger than the BMW X3. Citroen did not go as bonkers as usual in the inside of the concept, which is one of our pet peeves with French concepts. The cabins are usually a total joke with zero production feasibility. Yes, the AirCross has fantastic first-class airline seats with nap-ready neck supports. And yes, these are wrapped in a bizarre ethnic woven fabric on the backs. Side note: do you know how much first-class airliner seats cost these days? Boeing is having trouble getting on-time delivery from its French supplier for the 787 Dreamliner – being forced to park the planes til they arrive. The price for the 787 thrones is $280,000. Each. Per seat. There is a long-haul airliner feel to the central armrest and storage area, with a sliding cover to keep purses safe during rough takeoffs and landings…. But the packaging is obviously set in stone and ready for production: the low dashboard and sliding cinema-scope screens are a cool accent. These twin panels look like a 16×9 aspect ratio and overall size: much nicer than the 12.3-in TFT (12″x5″) panels that are becoming ubiquitous in the car business. The seating with emphasis on the second row and lack of third row also shows Chinese preferences top-of-mind. No mini seats in back for big families. In this way, the AirCross may actually inspire a long-wheelbase variant that is more practical but still cool. Think of this as the style-led brother, like the Nissan Murano. And a future AirCross XL would be the Pathfinder in that scenario. 22-inch wheels always help a concept feel cool and macho – so hopefully the AirCross does not become a total Pontiac Aztek in its transition to road rubber. We also expect the AWD hybrid componentry to fall by the wayside in favor of a FWD, mostly diesel engine mix for Europe and all gasoline setup for China. 2015 Citroen AirCross Concept Paris, 8 April 2015 NEW CITROËN AIRCROSS CONCEPT CAR: AN INVITATION TO TRAVEL, CITROËN STYLE SINGULAR PERSONALITY: CITROËN Aircross boasts unique presence among SUVs with its overall balance and flowing design, giving the protective and welcoming concept car a strong identity and a resolutely optimistic spirit. CONSUMMATE COMFORT FOR EXTRA ENERGY: The cabin brings occupants a new approach to car travel with a modern, bright, fresh and functional design generating physical and mental well-being. TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE FOR RELAXED MOBILITY: Dialogue and sharing are facilitated in a connected SUV with outstanding graphic interfaces and equipped with plug-in hybrid technology. As it celebrates its 50 millionth car sold since the creation of the Brand some 95 years ago, CITROËN is unveiling a surprising, creative and bold new concept car, one that confirms its ability to develop a positioning that is: INTERNATIONAL: CITROËN Aircross illustrates the Brand’s international ambitions, rolling out its positioning initiated with the C4 Cactus with a body style intended for sale around the world. DIFFERENT: CITROËN Aircross shakes up design cues while respecting SUV essentials. Drawing on the product and styling traits of the C4 Cactus, the body design and cabin ambience express a sense of modernity and a singular spirit. The new concept car shows CITROËN’s ability to assert its identity in all vehicle segments. The CITROËN Aircross concept car successfully builds on the achievements of the C4 Cactus with: A SINGULAR ATTITUDE: Blending power and positive energy, CITROËN Aircross is a protective and welcoming SUV. The resolutely optimistic vehicle casts off any sense of aggression in favor of: A singular, pure and optimistic personality, through the overall balance of the body styling, with a horizontal emphasis and underscored by flowing and organic forms punctuated by strong graphic components including “Alloy Bumps” and “Air Signs”. The global result is heightened by orange-red body paint symbolizing energy and serenity and innovative materials denoting robustness; A styling approach emphasizing functionality and aerodynamics. An INVITATION TO TRAVEL in a cabin bringing an immediate sense of consummate comfort and the generation of energy. Everything inside CITROËN Aircross was designed to foster physical and mental well-being. In addition to the physical comfort provided by the broad and generous seats, well-being is further heightened by warm materials and a blend of light and invigorating colors. The purely-drawn lines with their crosswise emphasis suggest space, while the ample geometric shapes structure the uncluttered interior, each one combining aesthetics with functionality. CITROËN Aircross posits a new take on the travel theme with specially designed storage compartments and the use of straps in a fresh and contemporary cabin inviting passengers to take to the road together and in their own style. TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE harnessed for practicality, with occupants able to choose between sharing and an individual experience. The concept car is equipped with two 12-inch HD screens, one of which is mobile and can be passed from one passenger to another. Each seat is equipped with speakers and microphones to encourage dialogue between passengers. Technological intelligence is also expressed in the choice of a plug-in hybrid drivetrain, combining efficiency and top-level performance. CITROËN Aircross features meaningful technologies for relaxed mobility and a new travelling experience. The CITROËN Aircross concept car will be unveiled at the Shanghai Motor Show, a symbolic choice of venue given the importance of the Chinese market for CITROËN, accounting as it does for 25% of total sales and standing as the Brand’s number-one market. CITROËN AIRCROSS, A SINGULAR PERSONALITY AMONG SUVs CITROËN’S TAKE ON THE SUV: INTENSE AND OPTIMISTIC The overall balance of the CITROËN Aircross concept car (4.58 m x 2.1 m x 1.73 m) conveys a sense of power and determination. CITROËN Aircross appeals with its flowing and organic forms, highlighting the controlled graphics and subtle square shapes. The body is like a flowing sheet set naturally on large wheels, shod with 275/42 R 22 tyres. These last, designed exclusively for CITROËN Aircross by Continental, feature large tread blocks and lengthwise sipes with a deep cut for excellent traction on the most demanding surfaces. The graphically-designed modular embellishers wrap around the wheel, affirming the all-terrain abilities of the CITROËN Aircross. The days of angular, road-inclined SUVs are over. With its parallel-to-the-road waistline, CITROËN Aircross conveys assurance without arrogance and eschews all forms of aggression, mapping out a new territory of expression in the highly codified world of the SUV. The smooth and harmonious front and rear bumpers fully convey CITROËN’s identity. The front end is home to the chevron design and the two-tiered light signature initiated on the C4 Picasso. At the rear, the 3D-effect lights have a high-tech and emphatically graphic look, each with an interrupted surround in its centre. These classic CITROËN design touches are rounded out by a floating roof and uninterrupted glass belt, bringing CITROËN Aircross a horizontally-informed body design. Resolutely optimistic, the CITROËN Aircross exudes a serene and positive energy. HARNESSING DESIGN FOR ENHANCED FUNCTIONALITY The body is punctuated by strong graphic components designed to enhance functionality. Protection with “Alloy Bumps” CITROËN has developed a fresh take on the C4 Cactus’s Airbumps® with the CITROËN Aircross, adapting them to SUV requirements. While the Airbumps® are designed to protect the body from everyday bumps and scrapes, the Alloy Bumps protect the vehicle from lateral impact with their visible padding. The Alloy Bumps are made up of a honeycombed structure in highly absorbent aluminium foam, a material heralding from motorsport and combining protection, lightness and style. The Alloy Bumps are an innovative and fitting solution for the SUV segment. Aerodynamics with “Air Signs” and “Air Curtains” The graphic components also highlight the search for enhanced aerodynamics on a body whose surfaces have already been worked to optimise air penetration. The Air Signs are chrome-finished signatures that underline the rear window while forming an air-flow tunnel. The Air Curtains are air intakes located at the front of the concept car. These two features are accompanied by front and rear wheel arch extractors and the highly tapered shapes of the wing mirrors. Together these components improve the overall aerodynamics of the CITROËN Aircross while enhancing its design. Highlighting row 2 with the Air Signs The Air Signs play a two-fold role, improving aerodynamics while highlighting the importance of row 2. With the CITROËN Aircross, particular importance has been placed on passengers and the interior. This is an SUV for sharing. STRONG AND POSITIVE BODY TRIM The CITROËN Aircross concept car features intense, saturated orange-red body paint, signifying optimism and open-mindedness. The colour elicits anything but indifference, and underscores the lines and shapes of the vehicle. And to ensure continuity between the exterior and the interior, the colour perfectly matches the cabin design of the CITROËN Aircross. The orange-red hue is punctuated by solid metal parts on the base of the wing mirrors, grille, Air Signs and towing hooks. These raw and authentic components lend an air of assurance and robustness to CITROËN Aircross, confirming its SUV nature. CITROËN AIRCROSS, CONSUMMATE COMFORT FOR EXTRA ENERGY The CITROËN AIRCROSS interior immediately denotes a sense of consummate comfort, transforming road travel into a moment of well-being for the body and mind. In this respect, CITROËN Aircross takes an all-new path, eschewing classic automotive cues for a modern cabin where occupants simply feel good. MENTAL WELL-BEING Making comfortable vehicles is a CITROËN mantra, one that assumes its full dimension on CITROËN Aircross through an interior architecture dominated by: Generous, open spaces creating a feeling of balance and serenity, while remaining highly functional, with ingenious storage compartments. Flowing forms contrast with technical components, as seen in the smooth and floating dashboard, punctuated at regular intervals by two side air vents and the screens – the only visible functions of the uncluttered interior of the CITROËN Aircross; a graphic approach informed by a crosswise emphasis that suggests space and comfort. The CITROËN Aircross is home to the sofa spirit initiated by the C4 Cactus but here reinterpreted in a more SUV style. Given the presence of the central console, the crosswise feel is created by graphic continuity between the doors, seats and central console, and by the thick white leather upholstery on the seats and central console. This horizontal take on cabin design further contributes to the feeling of complete comfort. Well-being is also generated visually by the bright and colourful interior, in harmony with the body colour. The atmosphere is refreshing and resolutely modern, with white leather contrasting with orange stitching and leather. This approach to colours and materials enhances the all-enveloping atmosphere inside CITROËN Aircross. PHYSICAL WELL-BEING Physical well-being is fostered by “king-size” seats. The seat backs are open and welcoming, inviting passengers to embark on a new kind of travel experience. The generous, wraparound headrests contribute to the overall feeling of comfort. The upper parts of the seats are finished in a mesh-like material that lends a warm and inviting feel. This reinterpretation, both highly technical and futuristic in its 3D treatment while echoing vintage materials, evokes pleasant travel memories for all passengers and constitutes a source of inspiration of CITROËN designers. TRAVEL AS A LEITMOTIF Taking up where the C4 Cactus left off, the CITROËN Aircross concept car also references the world of travel and luggage. The luggage-maker spirit is expressed in the design of the eminently practical storage compartments, including a reinterpretation of the central console. This classic SUV feature takes on a new dimension inside the CITROËN Aircross, as it frees up space for generous, functional and handsome compartments. Ingenious storage spaces are also to be found in the door panels and the upper part of the dashboard. The travel leitmotif is also expressed in the use of straps for the grab handles. Featuring on the door openings and on the console, they fit in perfectly with the SUV spirit and serve both a practical and design function. Inside the CITROËN Aircross, aestheticism is more than ever at the service of practicality. TECHNOLOGICAL INTELLIGENCE FOR RELAXED MOBILITY THE CHOICE BETWEEN SHARING AND INDIVIDUAL EXPERIENCE With the CITROËN Aircross concept car, technology is at the service of practicality. The highly present technological features benefit all occupants with: Innovative work on screens: strong graphic personality is a hallmark of CITROËN. In addition to a head-up display, CITROËN Aircross is home to two 12-inch panoramic HD screens bringing motorists an incredible and all-new graphic universe inspired by the worlds of fashion and furniture. The screens artfully display driving information and infotainment content with unrivalled graphic richness. In keeping with the cabin ambience, sparkling colours highlighted by a play on pixels lend warmth to the digital atmosphere on board CITROËN Aircross. The bold colours are worlds apart from conventional automotive cues; A mobile and motorised screen: set on a rail, one of the two screens can be conveyed from passenger to passenger with a simple movement of the hand, via a detector on the console. With this feature, passengers can access information on the travel route, watch films, select music and even choose an exhibition to be visited. Ultra-connected, passengers become as proactive in the journey as the driver. The two screens can also be merged to form one, controlled by the driver using touch pads on either side of the wheel; Sound spatialisation for peerless acoustic comfort: each of the four seats is equipped with speakers and a microphone to facilitate sharing and dialogue between passengers or, if so desired, to enjoy an individual experience. Using these “sound bubbles”, each passenger can choose who they want to speak to while respecting the rest and relaxation of their fellow travellers, making the journey a time for calm or communication – the choice is theirs! Interaction with the outside world: two webcams are located on either side of the CITROËN Aircross cabin in the door frames, for taking photos of road adventures and creating an album that can be shared on the social networks. Displayed directly on the in-car screens, the images recorded by the webcams can also be used to gather information on sites of local interest and information on how to get there using the navigation system. Travelling on board CITROËN Aircross is a fun experience, shared by all. COMBINING EFFICIENCY AND TOP-LEVEL PERFORMANCE CITROËN AIRCROSS is powered by plug-in hybrid petrol technology, with an electric motor located on the rear axle. This bold configuration is a perfect fit for CITROËN Aircross, optimising road behaviour and traction while ensuring remarkably low fuel consumption and emissions. The electric motor on the rear axle develops power of 95 bhp (70 kW) and torque of 200 Nm. The motor is fuelled by lithium-ion batteries that charge up in just three and a half hours via a 16A domestic socket. The electric motor is combined with a 1.6 THP petrol engine developing 218 bhp (160 kW) and torque of 275 Nm. With its plug-in hybrid system, CITROËN Aircross contributes to environmental respect. This is especially true in urban driving in ZEV mode (short for “zero-emission vehicle”), an all-electric mode with a range of 50 km, and on roads calling for successive accelerations and decelerations, where the hybrid technology limits fuel consumption by combining the two energy sources. On the motorway, the internal-combustion engine takes over, providing strong performance. No compromises have been made on driving pleasure and sensations. On the contrary, when the driver places strong pressure on the accelerator pedal and when torque is required immediately, a boost function combines the torque of the internal-combustion engine with that of the electric motor, delivering top-level performance (with some 313 bhp) but with no detriment to fuel consumption (1.7 l/100 km and 39 g/km of CO 2 ). CITROËN Aircross accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in just 4.5 seconds. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS Dimensions Length: 4.58 m Width: 2.10 m Height: 1.73 m Tom Burkart is the founder and managing editor of Car-Revs-Daily.com, an innovative and rapidly-expanding automotive news magazine. He holds a Journalism JBA degree from the University of Wisconsin – Madison. Tom currently resides in Charleston, South Carolina with his two amazing dogs, Drake and Tank. Mr. Burkart is available for all questions and concerns by email Tom(at)car-revs-daily.com. www.car-revs-daily.com
{ "perplexity_score": 540.6, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
No More Ping Pong Balls Or Live TV Drawings For Illinois Lottery CHICAGO (STMW) — There won’t be any more ping pong balls flying up tubes to pick daily winners in the Illinois Lottery, which goes to an all-digital format later this week. Starting Thursday, Pick 3, Pick 4, Lotto and Lucky Day Lotto will go to the all-digital format, and that means the daily drawings will no longer be aired live on WGN-TV, Illinois Lottery officials have announced. Instead, winners will posted at illinoislottery.com. “Today, the Illinois Lottery announces the transition to a new digital draw system,” B.R. Lane, acting director of the Illinois Lottery, said in a statement. WGN has aired drawings for more than 25 years, but Lane said, “…the new digital draw system will allow us to open an exciting new chapter in Illinois Lottery history, on behalf of our players.” The lottery cited a “commitment to the latest technology” along with “increased operating costs, aging drawing equipment, and growth in the number of games” as factors necessitating “a strategy to modernize the way drawings are conducted…” The new digital draw system uses a random number generator (RNG) to pick numbers, the lottery said. A similar system has long been used for raffle games; the My 3 and Hit or Miss games; and at retail terminals when players use the Quick Pick option instead of picking their own numbers. About half of all state lotteries nationwide use digital draw systems, according to the lottery. The system was designed, built, and is maintained by Smartplay International; and can only be changed by direction of the Department of the Lottery, Smartplay, and BMM Testlabs, an independent certification firm. The system remains in a secure room in Springfield with 24-hour surveillance and multiple layers of security, the lottery said. And it is not connected to the Internet, making it immune to hackers. “The Illinois Lottery has been a great partner with us over the years,” Greg Easterly, president and general manager of WGN-TV said in the statement. “They have decided to take their live lottery drawings in a different direction and we understand their changing business needs. We value and appreciate the long term relationship we have enjoyed.”
{ "perplexity_score": 406, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
1. Introduction {#sec1-molecules-23-00013} =============== *Vepris lecomteana* (Pierre) Cheek & T. Heller (Rutaceae), previously called *Oricia lecomteana* Pierre, is an evergreen shrub up to 15 to 20 m tall with alternate leaves and three foliolates rounded at the base. The species is widespread in dense and humid forests of Nigeria, Cameroon, Gabon, and Congo \[[@B1-molecules-23-00013]\]. Species of the genus *Vepris* are employed ethnomedicinally in the treatment of a diverse range of ailments, including pneumonia, lung diseases and kidney disorders, ocular diseases, cardiac pains, coughs, colds and influenza, headache, menorrhagia and infertility, as an aphrodisiac, diuretic, and antipyretic, astringent and fortifier, tonic for angina and rheumatism, and both orally and externally as a treatment for malaria \[[@B2-molecules-23-00013]\]. Several secondary metabolites, such as acridones, furoquinolines, quinolones, amides, azoles, coumarins, fatty acids, flavonoids, indoloquinazolines, limonoids, lignans, phenolic compounds, and terpenoids, have been reported from *Vepris* species \[[@B2-molecules-23-00013],[@B3-molecules-23-00013],[@B4-molecules-23-00013],[@B5-molecules-23-00013],[@B6-molecules-23-00013],[@B7-molecules-23-00013],[@B8-molecules-23-00013],[@B9-molecules-23-00013],[@B10-molecules-23-00013],[@B11-molecules-23-00013],[@B12-molecules-23-00013],[@B13-molecules-23-00013]\]. Some of these compounds exhibit potent anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant, antimalarial, and cytotoxic activity \[[@B8-molecules-23-00013],[@B9-molecules-23-00013],[@B10-molecules-23-00013],[@B11-molecules-23-00013],[@B12-molecules-23-00013],[@B13-molecules-23-00013],[@B14-molecules-23-00013]\]. This study represents the first report on phytochemical and pharmacological properties of *V. lecomteana*, which is used in traditional medicine against bacterial infections, and, thus, the potential of this work is as research aimed at discovering new and infective agents. 2. Results and Discussion {#sec2-molecules-23-00013} ========================= Leaves and stem of *Vepris lecomteana* were extracted separately with MeOH. The methanolic extracts were fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC). Successive purifications by column chromatography and preparative thin layer chromatographic (pTLC) afforded three new furoquinoline alkaloids (**1**--**3**), together with twelve known compounds. By comparison with previous data, the known compounds were identified as anhydroevoxine (**4**), evoxine (**5**), dictamnine (**6**), *N*-methylflindersine (**7**), evoxanthine (**8**), hesperidin, lupeol, *β*-sitosterol, stigmasterol, *β*-sitosterol-3-*O*-*β*-[d]{.smallcaps}-glucopyranoside, stearic acid, and myristyl alcohol \[[@B15-molecules-23-00013],[@B16-molecules-23-00013],[@B17-molecules-23-00013],[@B18-molecules-23-00013]\] ([Figure 1](#molecules-23-00013-f001){ref-type="fig"}). Compound **1** was isolated as white amorphous needles. The molecular formula C~22~H~25~NO~4~ was deduced from the HR-ESI-MS (\[M + Na\]^+^ at *m*/*z* 390.1730, calcd. 390.1783). The UV absorption bands at 229, 307, and 339 nm, and the IR spectrum (3180, 3030, 2974, 2929, 1616, 1574, and 1363 cm^−1^) indicated **1** to be a furoquinoline alkaloid \[[@B19-molecules-23-00013]\]. The ^13^C-NMR spectrum of the compound in combination with a Distortionless Enhancement by Polarisation Transfer (DEPT) spectrum exhibited a total of 22 carbon resonances, attributed to five methyl, two methylene, six methine, and nine quaternary carbons ([Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}). The ^1^H-NMR spectrum of **1** displayed a lower field methoxy group at *δ~H~* 4.35 of the 4-methoxyfuroquinoline alkaloid group \[[@B19-molecules-23-00013]\], with a pair of coupled doublet resonances at *δ~H~* 7.50 and 6.96 (each 1H, *J* = 2.8 Hz), characteristic of the H-2 and H-3 of furan ring protons and two coupled doublet protons resonance at *δ~H~* 7.13 and 7.90 (each 1H, *J* = 9.3 Hz), attributed to aromatic protons H-5 and H-6. In addition, the ^1^H-NMR spectrum contained signals corresponding to two olefinic protons at *δ~H~* 5.49 (m) and 5.67 (m), two oxymethylenes at *δ~H~* 4.75 (d, *J* = 7.1 Hz, H-1′) and 4.68 (d, *J* = 6.7 Hz, H-1″), and four methyls linked to vinylic carbons, each appearing as singlet at *δ~H~* 1.59; 1.66; 1.69; 1.71 attributable to two prenyloxy side chain substituents attached to the skeleton. The complete assignment of compound **1** was based on Correlation Spectroscopy (COSY), Heteronuclear Multiple Quantum Connectivity (HMQC), and Heteronuclear Multiple Bond Connectivity (HMBC) experiments. In the HMBC spectrum, correlations between H-5 (*δ~H~* 7.90), C-4 (*δ~C~* 157.1), C-8a (*δ~C~* 142.1), and C-7 (*δ~C~* 151.9); H-6 (*δ~H~* 7.13) and C-4a (*δ~C~* 114.9), C-8 (*δ~C~* 141.8), and C-7 (*δ~C~* 151.9), as well as between H-1′ (*δ~H~* 4.75) and C-7 (*δ~C~* 151.9), C-3′(*δ~C~* 137.4), C-4′(*δ~C~* 25.8), and C-5′ (*δ~C~* 18.0); H-1″ (*δ~H~* 4.68) and C-8 (*δ~C~* 141.8); C-3″ (*δ~C~* 137.6), C-4″(*δ~C~* 25.8) and C-5″ (*δ~C~* 18.3) indicated that the two prenyloxy substituents are attached to position C-7 and C-8. The orientation of the furan ring was precisely determined by 2D-NMR techniques HMBC and Nuclear Overhauser Effect Spectroscopy (NOESY). In the HMBC spectrum, furan proton H-2 (*δ~H~* 7.50) showed correlations with the carbon signals at C-9a (*δ~C~* 164.1) and C-3a (*δ~C~* 101.9), and the H-3 (*δ~H~* 6.96) furan proton showed correlations with the carbon signals at C-9a (*δ~C~* 164.1), C-4 (*δ~C~* 157.1), C-3a (*δ~C~* 101.9), and OCH~3~-4 (*δ~C~* 58.9). Furthermore, in the NOESY spectrum, the cross peaks observed between furan proton H-3 (*δ~H~* 6.96) and OCH~3~-4 (*δ~H~* 4.35), and between the OCH~3~-4 (*δ~H~* 4.35) and proton H-5 (*δ~H~* 7.90), clearly indicated that the furan ring is fused to the quinoline nucleus at the position \[2,3-*b*\]. From the above spectroscopic data, the structure of compound **1** was determined as 4-methoxy-7,8-*bis*(3-methylbut-2-enyloxy)furo\[2,3-*b*\]quinoline, and was named lecomtequinoline A. Compound **2** was obtained as white needles. The molecular composition was found to be C~22~H~25~NO~5~ by HR-ESI-MS (\[M\]^+^ at *m*/*z* 383.17280, calcd. 383.17327). This value was 16 mass units higher than that of compound **1**, suggesting the presence of one additional oxygen in compound **2**. The UV absorption bands (228, 252, 310 and 316 nm) and the IR spectrum (3118, 2969, 2860, 1674, 1576, 1360 and 1290 cm^−1^) indicated a 4-methoxyfuroquinoline alkaloid skeleton for compound **2** as well **\[[@B19-molecules-23-00013]\]**. The ^1^H-NMR, ^13^C-NMR, DEPT, COSY, HMQC and HMBC spectra showed the presence of the same aromatic spin systems as in compound **1** ([Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}). The ^1^H-NMR spectrum revealed the presence of one prenyloxy (*δ~H~* 5.67, 4.77, 1.67, and 1.61) substituent attached to C-8 and the 2,3-epoxyprenyloxy group at *δ~H~* 4.32 (dd, *J* = 11.3; 4.9 Hz, H-1′a), 4.21 (dd, *J* = 11.3; 5.6 Hz, H-1′b), 3.16 (dd, *J* = 5.6; 4.9 Hz, H-2′), 1.32 (d, *J* = 1.5 Hz, H-4′) and 1.28 (d, *J* = 1.3 Hz, H-5′). These values show that the double bond of the prenyloxy group was oxidized to give an epoxide. The ^13^C-NMR and DEPT spectra confirmed the presence of the 2,3-epoxyprenyloxy group at *δ~C~* 69.4, 61.6, 58.3, 24.6 and 18.9 ([Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}). The position of this group at C-7 was confirmed by correlations observed in the HMBC spectrum between H-1′ (*δ~H~* 4.32) and C-7 (*δ~C~* 151.6), C-3′ (*δ~C~* 58.3), C-4′ (*δ~C~* 24.6) and C-5′ (*δ~C~* 18.9). The orientation of the furan ring was precisely determined by 2D-NMR techniques HMBC and NOESY. In the HMBC spectrum, furan proton H-2 (*δ~H~* 7.51) showed correlations with the carbon signals at C-9a (*δ~C~* 164.2) and C-3a (*δ~C~* 102.2) and the H-3 (*δ~H~* 6.96) furan proton, showed correlations with the carbon signals at C-9a (*δ~C~* 164.2), C-4 (*δ~C~* 157.1), C-3a (*δ~C~* 102.2) and OCH~3~-4 (*δ~C~* 59.0). Furthermore, in the NOESY spectrum, the cross peaks observed between furan proton H-3 (*δ~H~* 6.96) and OCH~3~-4 (*δ~H~* 4.35), and between the OCH~3~-4 (*δ~H~* 4.35) and proton H-5 (*δ~H~* 7.91), clearly indicated that the furan ring is fused to the quinoline nucleus at the position \[2,3-*b*\]. The absolute configuration of **2** was determined on the basis of circular dichroism (CD) spectroscopic analysis. Thus, the CD spectrum of **2** showed a positive Cotton effect \[250 (Δε +4.82), 242 (Δε +0.70) nm\] in the same region as (*S*)-nkolbisine \[[@B20-molecules-23-00013]\], which indicates the absolute configuration at C-2′ to be *S*. From above spectroscopic studies, the structure of compound **2** was determined as (*S*)-(−)-7- \[(2,3-epoxy-3-methylbutyl)oxy\]-8-(3-methylbut-2-enyloxy)-4-methoxyfuro\[2,3-*b*\]quinoline and named lecomtequinoline B. Compound **3** was obtained as a white powder. The molecular composition was found to be C~17~H~17~NO~5~ by HR-ESI-MS (\[M\]^+^ at *m*/*z* 315.1087, calcd. 315.1106). This value was 68 mass units lower than that of compound **2**, suggesting the absence of the prenyl group (C~5~H~8~) in compound **3**. According to its UV spectrum (232, 255, 305, and 325 nm) and IR (3224, 3126, 2971, 1625, 1584, 1378, and 1240 cm^−1^) which showed the same characteristic values as in **2**, compound **3** belongs to the furoquinoline alkaloid group as well. The absence of the prenyl group was confirmed by the ^1^H and ^13^C-NMR spectra ([Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}). The ^1^H-NMR showed the presence of the 2,3-epoxyprenyloxy moiety at *δ~H~* 4.44 (dd, *J* = 11.1; 5.0 Hz, H-1′a), 4.04 (dd, *J* = 11.1; 6.0 Hz, H-1′b), 3.18 (dd, *J* = 6.0; 5.0 Hz, H-2′), 1.37 (d, *J* = 1.3 Hz, H-4′), and 1.36 (d, *J* = 1.3 Hz, H-5′), the free hydroxyl group at *δ~H~* 4.55 (brs), exchangeable with D~2~O. The ^13^C-NMR spectrum exhibited only 17 carbons compared to 22, as for compound **2**. In the HMBC spectrum, correlations observed between H-1′ (*δ~H~* 4.44) and C-7 (*δ~C~* 142.6), C-3′ (*δ~C~* 58.7), C-4′ (*δ~C~* 24.2), and C-5′ (*δ~C~* 23.5) indicate that the 2,3-epoxyprenyloxy substituent is attached to position C-7, and the free hydroxyl is present at C-8. The orientation of the furan ring was precisely determined by 2D-NMR techniques HMBC and NOESY. In the HMBC spectrum, furan proton H-2 (*δ~H~* 7.74) showed correlations with the carbon signals at C-9a (*δ~C~* 163.8) and C-3a (*δ~C~* 101.9), and the H-3 (*δ~H~* 7.26) furan proton showed correlations with the carbon signals at C-9a (*δ~C~* 163.8), C-4 (*δ~C~* 157.7), C-3a (*δ~C~* 101.9), and OCH~3~-4 (*δ~C~* 58.6). Furthermore, in the NOESY spectrum, the cross peaks observed between furan proton H-3 (*δ~H~* 7.26) and OCH~3~-4 (*δ~H~* 4.43), and between the OCH~3~-4 (*δ~H~* 4.43) and proton H-5 (*δ~H~* 7.65), clearly indicated that the furan ring is fused to the quinoline nucleus at the position \[2,3-*b*\]. Thus, the CD spectrum of **3** showed the same positive Cotton effect \[276 (Δε +4.92), 232 (Δε +0.90) nm\] in the same region as (*S*)-nkolbisine \[[@B20-molecules-23-00013]\], which indicates the *S*-configuration at C-2′. From above data, compound **3** was characterized as (*S*)-(−)-7-(2,3-epoxy-3-methylbutyloxy)-4-methoxyfuro\[2,3-*b*\]quinolin-8-ol, and named lecomte quinoline C. Since species of *Vepris* are used in traditional medicine for the treatment of bacterial infections related to forms of pneumonia, ocular diseases, cardiac pains, coughs, colds, angina, and fever \[[@B2-molecules-23-00013]\], antibacterial properties of leaves and stem crude extracts, fractions, and some of the isolated compounds, were investigated. The microdilution assay gave high activities for the methanolic extract of leaves and stem, with MIC values of 10.1--16.5 and 10.2--20.5 µg/mL, respectively. While fraction C of the leaf extract showed enhanced activity against *Micrococcus luteus* with MIC = 4.5 µg/mL, fraction C′ of the stem extract showed good activities, with MIC values against *Escherichia coli*, *Micrococcus luteus*, and *Staphylococcus warneri* of 10.5, 10.7, and 13.5 µg/mL, respectively. Lecomtequinoline A-C (**1**--**3**) and anhydroevoxine (**4**) isolated from the leaf extract, and evoxine (**5**) and dictamnine (**6**) from the stem extract, however, gave slightly lower activities, with MIC values ranging from 11.1 to 18.7 µg/mL, or were inactive ([Table 2](#molecules-23-00013-t002){ref-type="table"}). Previously, the water-soluble alkaloid fraction of *Vepris louisii* occurring in Western Africa had shown significant antibacterial activity, and delivered the dihydrofuroquinoline alkaloid veprisinium chlorid exhibiting broad and high activity against a number of clinical bacterial isolates \[[@B4-molecules-23-00013]\]. In the following, *Vepris lanceolata*, endemic to Mauritius, delivered from its hexane and methanol/chloroform fractions of the stem MICs of 32 and 16 mg/mL, respectively, against *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* as well as against *S. aureus*, which is around 1000-fold less active than MICs received against human pathogen strains reported here from *Vepris lecomteana*. In addition, the plant's methanol/chloroform fraction from leaves was not active against *Pseudomonas aeruginosa* at all, and displayed a very low MIC of 16 mg/mL against *Staphylococcus aureus* \[[@B21-molecules-23-00013]\]. Furthermore, flindersine isolated from the chloroform/methanol extract of the wood of *Vepris punctata*, occurring in the Madagascar rain forest, was later reported, as well, from the ethyl acetate extract of the leaves of another medicinal plant belonging to the Rutaceae family and tested against *Bacillus subtilis*, *Staphylococcus aureus*, *Staphylococcus epidermidis*, *Enterococcus faecalis*, *Pseudomonas aeruginosa*, and *Acinetobacter baumannii*, delivering low MICs of 31.25, 62.5, 62.5, 31.25, 250, and 125 µg/mL, respectively \[[@B22-molecules-23-00013],[@B23-molecules-23-00013]\]. Interestingly, antibacterial testing of an epoxidized prenylated cinnamaldehdye derivative from *Vepris glomerata,* East Africa*-*named glomeral, provided significant MICs of 2 µg/mL and 0.4 µg/mL against standard strains of *Staphylococcus aureus* and *Salmonella dysentrieae,* respectively, giving a rationale for the use of this plant in the treatment of bacterial infections \[[@B12-molecules-23-00013]\]. It should be noted that *Vepris* species are widely used in traditional African medicine against multiple diseases, including various bacterial infections, probably indicating a medically valuable metabolite spectrum still to be detected from this genus. 3. Materials and Methods {#sec3-molecules-23-00013} ======================== 3.1. General {#sec3dot1-molecules-23-00013} ------------ Optical rotation indices were determined in methanol on a JASCO DIP-3600 digital polarimeter (JASCO, Tokyo, Japan) using a 10 cm cell. CD spectra were measured on a JASCO J-810 spectropolarimeter (JASCO). IR spectra were determined on a JASCO Fourier transform IR-420 spectrometer (JASCO). Ultraviolet spectra were recorded on a Hitachi UV 3200 spectrophotometer in MeOH and infrared spectra on a JASCO 302-A spectrophotometer (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA). ESI-HR mass spectra were measured on Agilent Techn. 6220 TOF LCMS mass spectrometer (Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA) and EI-MS on a Finnigan MAT 95 spectrometer (70 ev) (Thermo Fischer Scientific, Darmstadt, Germany) with perfluorokerosene as reference substance for ESI-HR-MS. The ^1^H- and ^13^C-NMR spectra were recorded at 500 MHz and 125 MHz, respectively, on Bruker DRX 500 NMR spectrometers (Bruker Corporation, Brussels, Belgium) in CDCl~3~. Methyl, methylene, and methine carbons were distinguished by DEPT experiments. Homonuclear ^1^H connectivities were determined by using the COSY experiment. One-bond ^1^H-^13^C connectivities were determined with HMQC gradient pulse factor selection, and two- and three-bond ^1^H-^13^C connectivities by HMBC experiments. Chemical shifts are reported in *δ* (ppm) using Tetramethylsilane (TMS) (Sigma-Aldrich, Munich, Germany) as internal standard, while coupling constants (*J*) were measured in Hz. Column chromatography was carried out on silica gel 230--400 mesh, Merck, (Merck, Bielefeld, Germany) and silica gel 70--230 mesh (Merck). Thin layer chromatography (TLC) was performed on Merck precoated silica gel 60 F~254~ aluminum foil (Merck), and spots were detected using ceric sulfate spray reagent after heating. The degree of purity of the positive control compounds was ≥98%, while that of the isolated compound was \>95%. The molecular composition of the isolated compounds was identified by exact mass determinations. Gentamycin was purchased from Jinling Pharmaceutic (Group) Corp. All reagents used were of analytical grade. 3.2. Plant Material {#sec3dot2-molecules-23-00013} ------------------- Leaves and stem of the species *Vepris lecomteana* Pierre were collected in May 2016 close to the falls of Kampo (Kribi, South region of Cameroon) and identified by the botanist Nana Victor of the Herbier National du Cameroun, where voucher samples (Ref. 46574HNC) were deposited. 3.3. Extraction and Isolation {#sec3dot3-molecules-23-00013} ----------------------------- The air dried and powdered leaves (335.0 g) of *Vepris lecomteana* were extracted with methanol at room temperature for 72 h. After filtration and evaporation under reduced pressure at 40 °C, 24.8 g of dried crude extract were obtained and fractionated using vacuum liquid chromatography (VLC) with a mixture of petrol ether, ethyl acetate, and methanol vacuum liquid chromatography on the basis of TLC analysis, to afford fractions A (1.1 g) (20% of petrol ether in EtOAc), B (5.7 g) (50% of petrol ether in EtOAc), and C (8.5 g) (70% of petrol ether in EtOAc and 100% EtOAc). Fractions were subjected to column chromatography over silica gel 60 C (0.04--0.063 mm), and eluted with petrol ether followed by a mixture of petrol ether/EtOAc, using gradients of increasing polarity, and finally by EtOAc. Fraction A (1.1 g) was subjected to silica gel 60 C column chromatography eluted with petrol ether/EtOAc gradient to yield lupeol (17.5 mg) from combined fractions 1--6, and a mixture of *β*-sitosterol and stigmasterol (15.5 mg) together with myristyl alcohol (4.8 mg) from combined fractions 8--16. Fraction B was submitted to thin layer chromatography (TLC) for anisaldehyde/sulfuric acid spray reagent reaction, and not further followed up, due to lack of promising zones. Fraction C (5.7 g) was also chromatographed over silica gel column to yield lecomtequinoline A (**1**) (81.1 mg), lecomtequinoline B (**2**) (7.4 mg), and anhydroevoxine (**4**) (118.5 mg). The air-dried and powdered stem (2.3 kg) of the plant was likewise extracted with methanol at room temperature for 72 h. After filtration and evaporation under reduced pressure at 40 °C, 45.2 g of dried crude extract were obtained, and fractionated with a mixture of petrol ether, ethyl acetate, and methanol, using VLC on the basis of TLC analysis, to afford fractions D (10.5 g) (20% of petrol ether in EA) and E (27.6 g) (70% of petrol ether in EA and 100% EA). The fractions were subjected to column chromatography over silica gel 60 C (0.04--0.063 mm), and eluted with petrol ether followed by a mixture of petrol ether/EtOAc using gradients of increasing polarity, and finally, by EtOAc. During the extraction of the stem powder, a white solid precipitated. After filtration and recrystallization using a mixture of petrol ether/EtOAc (1/3), hesperidin (401.5 mg) was obtained. Fraction D (10.5 g) was also treated---using the same approach as applied for fraction A---to receive 62 subfractions of around 100 mL each, which were collected and combined on the basis of TLC analysis. Combined subfractions 1--21 yielded lecomtequinoline C (**3**) (6.7 mg), and combined subfractions 23--30 afforded evoxine (**5**) (228.6 mg). Subfractions 25--27, 32--35, 48--50 gave a precipitate to afford lupeol (398.5 mg), a mixture of *β*-sitosterol and stigmasterol (14.4 mg), and dictamnine (**6**) (13.7 mg). Subfractions 55--62 were combined and subjected to silica gel 60 H column chromatography with petrol ether/acetone 85:15, to yield *N*-methylflindersine (**7**) (5.1 mg). Fraction E (27.6 g) was chromatographed over silica gel 60 C on a column with a petrol ether/EtOAc and EtOAc/MeOH gradient. A total of 28 fractions of around 100 mL each were collected and combined on the basis of TLC as well. The combined fractions 1--18 were further chromatographed over a silica gel 60 H column with petrol ether/EtOAc, to yield white fibers identified as evoxathine (**8**) (74.0 mg) and a white powder identified as *β*-sitosterol-3-*O*-*β*-[d]{.smallcaps}-glucopyranoside (20.0 mg). 3.4. Lecomtequinoline A *(****1****)* {#sec3dot4-molecules-23-00013} ------------------------------------- White needles (CHCl~3~); m.p. 125--127 °C; *R~f~* = 0.44, silica gel 60 F~254~, hexanes/EtOAc (4/1); UV (MeOH) *λ*~max~ (log *ε*) 229 (3.20), 250 (4.40), 307 (4.19), 316 (4.14), 339 (4.10), 364 (4.14) nm; IR (KBr) *ν*~max~ 3180, 3030, 2974, 2929, 1616, 1574, 1363 cm^−1^; ^1^H and ^13^C-NMR data, see [Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}; HR-ESI-MS \[M + Na\]^+^ *m*/*z* 390.1730 (calcd.. for C~22~H~25~NO~4~Na, 390.1783). 3.5. Lecomtequinoline B *(****2****)* {#sec3dot5-molecules-23-00013} ------------------------------------- White needles (CHCl~3~); m.p. 116--118 °C; *R~f~* = 0.40, silica gel 60 F~254~, hexanes/EtOAc (4/1); $\left\lbrack \alpha \right\rbrack_{D}^{25}$ −45.7 (*c* 0.08, MeOH); CD \[MeOH, nm (Δ*ε*)\] 250 (+4.82), 242 (+0.70); UV (MeOH) *λ*~max~ (log ε) 228 (3.10), 252 (4.30), 310 (4.20), 316 (4.10), 340 (4.15), 365 (4.16) nm; IR (KBr) *ν*~max~ 3118, 2969, 2860, 1674, 1576, 1360, 1290 cm^−1^; ^1^H and ^13^C-NMR data, see [Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}; ESI-MS (%) *m*/*z* 383.3 (C~22~H~25~NO~5,~ 8), 346 (20), 315 (33), 231 (100), 230 (25), 159 (52), 129 (8); HR-ESI-MS \[M\]^+^ *m*/*z* 383.1728 (calcd.. for C~22~H~25~NO~5~, 383.1732). 3.6. Lecomtequinoline C *(****3****)* {#sec3dot6-molecules-23-00013} ------------------------------------- White needles (CHCl~3~); m.p. 274--276 °C; *R~f~* = 0.41, silica gel 60 F~254~, hexanes/EtOAc (2/3); $\left\lbrack \alpha \right\rbrack_{D}^{25}$ −25.5 (*c* 0.10, MeOH); CD \[MeOH, nm (Δ*ε*)\] 276 (Δ*ε* +4.92), 232 (Δ*ε* +0.90); UV (MeOH) *λ*~max~ (log ε) 232 (3.15), 255(4.23), 305 (4.15), 325 (4.45), 360 (4.50), 370 (4.30) nm; IR (KBr) *ν*~max~ 3224, 3126, 2971, 1625, 1584, 1378, 1240 cm^−1^; ^1^H and ^13^C-NMR data, see [Table 1](#molecules-23-00013-t001){ref-type="table"}; ESI-MS (%) *m*/*z* 315.3 (C~17~H~17~NO~5~, 15), 299 (98), 265 (54), 254 (50), 240 (100), 216 (14), 181 (84), 149 (45); HR-ESI-MS \[M\]^+^ *m/z* 315.1087, (calcd.. for C~17~H~17~NO~5~, 315.1106). 3.7. Antimicrobial Activities {#sec3dot7-molecules-23-00013} ----------------------------- The minimum inhibition concentrations (MICs) of test samples and the positive control drug gentamycin were measured by the microdilution broth susceptibility assay \[[@B24-molecules-23-00013]\] against the bacteria *Escherichia coli* (DSMZ 1058), *Bacillus subtilis* (DSMZ 704), *Pseudomonas agarici* (DSMZ 11810), *Micrococcus luteus* (DSMZ 1605), and *Staphylococcus warneri* (DSMZ 20036)*,* obtained from DSMZ, Germany. The inocula of bacterial strains were prepared from 12 h broth cultures, and suspensions were adjusted to 0.5 McFarland standard turbidity. The samples were dissolved in 10% DMSO and diluted twofold in sterile 96-well microtiter plates, in duplicate, using BHI broth. Standardized inocula of test strains were added, and after incubation at 37 °C for 24 h on a rotary shaker at 200 rpm, MICs were read as the lowest concentration with inhibition of the growth of the test organisms, compared to the positive control gentamycin and medium containing 10% DMSO as negative control. 4. Conclusions {#sec4-molecules-23-00013} ============== To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study on phytochemical and pharmacological properties of *Vepris lecomteana*. We report here, the isolation and structural elucidation of new furoquinoline alkaloids named lecomtequinoline A (**1**), B (**2**), and C (**3**), and their antibacterial activities, together with those of anhydroevoxine (**4**), evoxine (**5**), and dictamnine (**6**). The microdilution assay concerning antibacterial activity against *Escherichia coli*, *Bacillus subtilis*, *Pseudomonas agarici*, *Micrococcus luteus*, and *Staphylococcus warneri* resulted in MIC values displaying decreasing activities from crude extracts over fractions towards isolated compounds, suggesting synergistic effects of compounds, potentially involving **1**--**6**, as well as *N*-methylflindersine (**7**), evoxathine (**8**), lupeol, stigmasterol, *β*-sitosterol, *β*-sitosterol-3-*O*-*β*-[d]{.smallcaps}-glucopyranoside, and myristic alcohol. In accordance with other *Vepris* species, *Vepris lecomteana* might find applications in crude drug medicines, especially in Western African countries where the plant occurs endemically. Subject to determination of their in vivo toxicity profile, extracts of the leaves and stem might turn out to be valuable for treatment of bacterial infections caused by Gram-negative *Escherichia coli* responsible for certain forms of diarrhea; the Gram-positive *Bacillus subtilis* causing diarrhea, enteritis, and dermatosis*;* the Gram-positive *Micrococcus luteus* causing skin infections in immunosuppressed patients; as well as the Gram-positive *Staphylococcus warneri* suggested to be linked to spontaneous abortion, urinary tract infection, meningitis, and endocarditis. The authors wish to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, Germany for Research Group Linkage funding 2015/2018 between Norbert Sewald and Jean Duplex Wansi as well as the Open Access Publication Funds of Bielefeld University for the article processing charge. **Sample Availability:** Samples of all compounds (**1**--**3**) are available from the authors. The spectra of compounds (**1**--**3**) are available online. ###### Click here for additional data file. A.D.K.K., A.N.B. and A.T.T., collected the plant material, carried out the experimental work and drafted the manuscript. E.N.H. A.F.K.W. and J.D.W. assisted in the isolation and structural elucidation of isolated compound including interpretation of spectral data. N.S. and J.D.W. advised in the activity testing and involved in the overall design of the project. All authors read and approved the final manuscript. The authors declare no conflict of interest. ![Structures of some isolated compounds.](molecules-23-00013-g001){#molecules-23-00013-f001} molecules-23-00013-t001_Table 1 ###### ^1^H (500 MHz) and ^13^C (125 MHz) NMR assignments for (**1**--**3**) in CDCl~3.~ Attribution 1 2 3 ------------- --------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------- ------------------------------------------------------- ------- **2** 7.50 (d, *J* = 2.8) 143.0 7.51 (d, *J* = 2.8) 143.1 7.74 (d, *J* = 2.8) 142.8 **3** 6.96 (d, *J* = 2.8) 104.7 6.96 (d, *J* = 2.8) 104.6 7.26 (d, *J* = 2.8) 105.0 **3a** \- 101.9 \- 102.2 \- 101.9 **4** \- 157.1 \- 157.1 \- 157.7 **4a** \- 114.9 \- 115.5 \- 113.8 **5** 7.90 (d, *J* = 9.3) 117.5 7.91 (d, *J* = 9.3) 117.9 7.65 (d, *J* = 9.3) 114.3 **6** 7.13 (d, *J* = 9.3) 114.5 7.16 (d, *J* = 9.3) 114.9 7.00 (d, *J* = 9.3) 115.4 **7** \- 151.9 \- 151.6 142.8 **8** \- 141.8 \- 142.1 \- 135.5 **8a** \- 142.1 \- 142.1 \- 136.9 **9a** \- 164.1 \- 164.2 \- 163.8 1′ 4.75 (d, *J* = 7.1) 70.3 4.32 (dd, *J* = 11.3; 4.9) 4.21 (dd, *J* = 11.3; 5.6) 69.4 4.44 (dd, *J* = 11.1, 2.0) 4.04 (dd, *J* = 11.1, 9.3) 65.3 2′ 5.67 (dd, *J* = 7.1, 5.8) 121.3 3.16 (dd, *J* = 5.6; 4.9) 61.6 3.95 (dd, *J* = 9.3, 2.0) 61.8 3′ \- 137.4 \- 58.3 \- 58.7 4′ 1.66 (s) 25.8 1.32 (d, *J* = 1.5) 24.6 1.37 (d, *J* = 1.5) 25.5 5′ 1.59 (s) 18.0 1.28 (d, *J* = 1.5) 18.9 1.36 (d, *J* = 1.5) 23.5 1″ 4.68 (d, *J* = 6.7) 66.9 4.77 (d, *J* = 7.1) 70.5 \- \- 2″ 5.49 (dd, *J* = 8.2, 5.2) 120.3 5.67 (dd, *J* = 7.2, 5.8) 121.1 \- \- 3″ \- 137.6 \- 137.7 \- \- 4″ 1.71 (s) 25.8 1.67 (s) 25.8 \- \- 5″ 1.69 (s) 18.3 1.61 (s) 18.1 \- \- OH \- \- \- \- 4.55 (brs) \- CH~3~O 4.35 (s) 58.9 4.35 (s) 59.0 4.43 (s) 58.6 Assignments were based on HMQC, HMBC, and NOESY experiments. molecules-23-00013-t002_Table 2 ###### Minimum inhibition concentration (MIC, μg/mL) of leaf and stem extracts, fractions and compounds (**1**--**6**) from *Vepris lecomteana*. Specimen Microorganism -------------- --------------- ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Leaf Extract 13.2 10.1 10.5 12.4 16.5 Stem Extract 14.3 11.0 10.2 13.8 20.5 Fraction A 18.7 16.7 15.5 not active not active Fraction B 10.5 11.5 10.5 10.7 13.5 Fraction A′ 18.2 18.5 not active not active 19.2 Fraction B′ 10.5 12.0 10.8 10.9 15.5 Fraction C′ 11.7 11.2 10.1 4.5 10.4 **1** 18.7 11.1 16.2 12.0 not active **2** 16.2 not active 16.9 12.9 not active **3** 15.7 12.5 15.9 12.3 not active **4** not active 15.3 16.5 not active not active **5** not active not active 17.0 not active not active **6** not active 17.7 15.1 not active not active Gentamycin 1.0 1.9 1.0 0.2 1.0
{ "perplexity_score": 712.6, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Central" }
Rewind: The DewDroppers' Counterfeit Madison Thursday Feb 28, 2013 at 12:01 AMFeb 28, 2013 at 10:40 PM Counterfeit Madison generously shares her bountiful soul and whimsy with a vast swath of noisemakers including (but not limited to) instrumental whiz kids The Apes, orchestral folk balladeers Audrey & Orwell, indie-rock beatniks Trains Across the Sea, Tin Pan Alley post-punks Andrew Graham and Swarming Branch and early 20th century revivalist shredders The DewDroppers. The latter will release a new demo Saturday at Rumba Cafe; she also has a solo joint on the way. Chris DeVille, Columbus Alive Counterfeit Madison generously shares her bountiful soul and whimsy with a vast swath of noisemakers including (but not limited to) instrumental whiz kids The Apes, orchestral folk balladeers Audrey & Orwell, indie-rock beatniks Trains Across the Sea, Tin Pan Alley post-punks Andrew Graham and Swarming Branch and early 20th century revivalist shredders The DewDroppers. The latter will release a new demo Saturday at Rumba Cafe; she also has a solo joint on the way. Best show I ever played: The Trains Across the Sea Independents' Day show ruled my world. The weather was perfect, and Independents' Day is, like, my s---. I really love ComFest, but for my contrary introvertedness, sometimes it can get really overwhelming, so Independents' Day is like the right amount for me. Everything about that day was perfect. It was a really memorable experience with those boys. Another one was - oh my god, when Audrey & Orwell played the Wex. Woo! I basically felt like I was going to cry the entire time. It was so beautiful. Right after that I was in such a vulnerable place. Lost In the Trees played, and I was sitting right next to The DewDroppers' current bassist, Michael Kohn, and, like, holding his hand and crying the entire time. That was a really good show. And then three would be The DewDroppers' Sweetheart Dance at 400 West Rich. I come from a church background, from a charismatic church background, and if you look at some of those pictures, it looks like there was a Holy Ghost revival happening. Like, some of those pictures look like people have lost their minds. And I also lost my mind. Worst show I ever played: I won't talk about my worst experience of all-time because it would offend some people, but I'll talk about my second worst but won't use specifics because it would also offend some people. The Apes were supposed to play a show at a gallery, and we were told that it would be at a certain time, a certain amount of time, like at 8 for maybe, like, two hours. So we were prepared. We got there. It was double-booked, and the other half were two opera singers, one of which played the piano. So we decided to mash the shows together, and so it was double piano with, like, "Les Mis" songs. And I love "Les Mis," but it was terrible. And the gallery owner kept being, like, "Can we pick up the pace?" And it's like, no, we can't because you double-booked opera singers! Like, what are they going to do, go, "Wooo!" to the Apes? The Apes don't have words. So I was like, "We can't pick it up because you f---ed up, man!" And it was like that for two hours. I was just, like, I don't want to see anybody for a while. And then even more, I don't know if it was because of the absurdity of it all, but the people browsing the gallery virtually ignored us. They would stand in between both pianos and look at art like we weren't there. It was the epitome of absurdity. I've never felt so invisible. Best show I ever saw: Bam! I have them. One: The most punk-rock moment that I've ever seen: Joseph Anthony Camerlengo, Independents' Day. It was a great show. It was a wonderful show. But there was a moment where he was switching from his acoustic guitar to his electric. And you know, you're probably supposed to tell the sound guy that you're switching? It made this huge pop noise, and he pulled it out, and he held one hand up and flicked off the crowd, and he just went, like [assorted noises here]. Just, like, did that for about 30 seconds, and then put it into the electric guitar, slung it around and hit this chord, and it was perfect. I was just, like, "This is amazing!" That was during Nobody's Cat, which is my second favorite of his albums. Les Tres is my favorite. But it was really, really great. That's one. That's, like, local. The second, and favorite of all-time: I saw Tune-Yards at the Wex. And she was breathtaking. She said about 45 words the whole show. She said, "Thank you for having us." She said, "Where's the furthest someone has come?" And someone shouted out "Louisiana!" and she said "No way." Like, I literally could say all 45 words. But the rest of it was just incredible musicianship, unpretentiousness, a woman who's, like, mastered - or, she's not that old, so not mastered, but working on mastering her craft. I stood near the front for most of it, but it was so packed that I just worked my way to the back and jumped around and dance with my friend. I couldn't even stand still up front. And it was, like, it wasn't a to-do. Sometimes musicians get so to-do about things. It was just her and some drums and her and this ukulele, and she had a bassist, a bari player and something else. It was just the four of them, and they made all this f---ing noise. It was, yeah, the best musical experience I've ever had. And I've had a lot of them. I mean, it even tops Radiohead. I mean, Radiohead was cool, but I saw them from, like, 8,000 feet away. Worst show I ever saw: I haven't seen a bad local show for a very long time. I saw Death Cab for Cutie once, and all their s--- had been rained on, so we had to wait a while. But it wasn't terrible. The only one I can think of is watching the opera singers. That was so terrible!
{ "perplexity_score": 307.2, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Morgan Bible The Morgan Bible (mostly The Pierpont Morgan Library, New York, Ms M. 638), also called the Crusader Bible or Maciejowski Bible, is a medieval illuminated manuscript picture book Bible of 46 surviving folios. The book consists of miniature paintings of events from the Hebrew bible, set in the scenery and customs of thirteenth-century France, depicted from a Christian perspective. These are now surrounded by text in three scripts and five languages: Latin, Persian, Arabic, Judeo-Persian, and Hebrew. Forty-three folios are in the Pierpont Morgan Library, with two folios in the Bibliothèque nationale de France (MS nouv. acq. lat. 2294). A single folio is now in the J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles (MS 16). Two folios are thought to be missing from the original work. Description The work known as the Morgan Bible, Crusader Bible, or Maciejowski Bible is part of the Pierpont Morgan Library in, New York (Ms M. 638). It is a medieval picture Bible of 48 folios. The book consists of paintings of events from Hebrew scripture, given a setting in the customs and costumes of thirteenth-century France, and concentrating on stories of kings, especially David. Originally only a picture book, the images are now surrounded by text in three scripts and five languages: Latin, Persian, Arabic, Judeo-Persian, and Hebrew. Originally, the bible contained only miniatures, organized in a consistent visual rhythm from page to page. Within 100 years, the book acquired marginal inscriptions in Latin describing the scenes illustrated. Cardinal Bernard Maciejowski, Bishop of Kraków, had the book given as a gift to Abbas I (Shah of Persia) in 1608. Abbas ordered inscriptions in Persian to be added, mostly translating the Latin ones already there. Later, in the eighteenth century, inscriptions were added in Judeo-Persian. The Latin text allowed art historians to identify the subjects of the miniatures. Authorship The book has traditionally been thought to have been created in Paris in the mid-1240s for Louis IX of France. A suggestion by Allison Stones, developing indications by others such as François Avril, that it was instead illuminated in northern France, c. 1250, has not won general acceptance. Notes References Hourihane, Colum (ed.), Between the Picture and the Word, Princeton Index of Christian Art, Princeton, 2005 Cockerell, Sydney C. and John Plummer (1969), Old Testament miniatures: a medieval picture book with 283 paintings from Creation to the story of David (New York: G. Braziller) [contains reproductions of all paintings in the Morgan Bible.] Noel, William and Daniel Weiss, eds. (2002), The Book of Kings: Art, War, and the Morgan Library’s Medieval Picture Bible (Baltimore: Walters Art Museum). [catalog of recent exhibition] Jafari Mazhab, Mohsen: Ketab Moqaddse San Looyi dar Esfahan [Saint Louis`s Bible in Isfahan]" in Ketab Mah Tarikh va Joghrafia, no 13, Tehran: nov. 1998 [in Persian] External links "Maciejowski Bible". www.keesn.nl A Masterpiece of Sensuous Communication: The Morgan Bible of Louis IX Medieval Tymes: The Maciejowski Bible Morgan Library & Museum Online Exhibition Category:1240s books Category:Illuminated biblical manuscripts Category:Collection of the Morgan Library & Museum category:Illuminated manuscripts of the J. Paul Getty Museum
{ "perplexity_score": 305.4, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Once you buy our programs, we do not expect you to pay full price when we release an updated version of the same program. To be able to upgrade, you must have registered your program with us or be able to provide proof of purchase. In addition to discounts for upgrading the same program, we often offer discounts to all our customers when we release a new program. Prices There is no standard upgrade cost. Upgrades are priced based on the program improvements and which version the program owner has. Generally we charge no more than half the retail price of the full program, and sometimes less. Notifying Customers We notify customers of new offers by regular mail (snail mail). We will also post the information on this web site. If you are a customer and would like upgrade information, please email us. Free Upgrades Except for special situations, we offer free upgrades for customers who recently purchased the program being upgraded. Because of our 90-day return policy, the minimum grace period for free upgrades is 90 days. Competitive Upgrades If you own a competing program, you may quality for a rebate on the purchase of one of our programs. Click here for details.
{ "perplexity_score": 874.3, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
MINNEAPOLIS -- The Minnesota Vikings have set up their offense via the run all season, and they stuck to that plan Sunday even when there wasn't much room to be had on the ground. Adrian Peterson's 26 carries netted him just 60 yards, as the Vikings struggled to deal with the Chiefs' front on Sunday. But Minnesota held the ball for 33:07, and after the game Peterson found solace in the fact that the running game still had a significant role. "We knew that coming into the game -- we were playing with a physical group," Peterson said. "It was going to be a good challenge for us, and we just wanted to be out there and try to establish the run game. Those one-, two-, and three-yard gains help us keep some drives alive. Teddy [Bridgewater] played a good game today; he was able to come out with the victory, so I'll take it." Adrian Peterson's impact was limited in the Vikings' win over the Chiefs. Hannah Foslien/Getty Images Here is a breakdown of the offense in Sunday's game: Total offensive plays: 70 Receivers Stefon Diggs: 57 Mike Wallace: 54 Jarius Wright: 31 Adam Thielen: 10 Cordarrelle Patterson: 7 Notes: Diggs caught four passes of 15 yards or longer, according to ESPN Stats and Information, and gained 97 yards on those passes. It continued the pattern the Vikings established in Diggs' first game, when he caught three 15-plus passes for 71 yards against the Broncos. As the Vikings try to get their downfield passing game going, Diggs' ability to get open might help them establish it. Wright had the Vikings' longest reception of the year, catching a 24-yard pass from Bridgewater and running another 28 for a 52-yard gain in the first quarter. On several occasions, the Vikings had Thielen and Wright lined up almost like another tight end, set just off the line of scrimmage in an effort to get the Vikings' running game going. Running backs Adrian Peterson: 46 Matt Asiata: 20 Zach Line: 13 Jerick McKinnon: 4 Notes: Peterson averaged just 1.54 yards before contact per carry on Sunday; he's had 18 games in his career where it's been tougher for him to find running room, but in all but two of those, he surpassed the 0.77-yards-after-contact average he had against the Chiefs. He left with leg and hand bruises at different times, but said after the game he could have returned for the last drive. Asiata got a season-high 20 snaps, filling in for Peterson in addition to performing his normal role in pass protection on third down. He's gotten most of his work on third downs this year, and appears to have carved out a role with Peterson on the roster, more so than McKinnon has been able to do. Tight ends Kyle Rudolph: 56 Rhett Ellison: 39 MyCole Pruitt: 12 Notes: Rudolph had another tough day as a blocker; he wound up with T.J. Clemmings in his back on the Vikings' first offensive play, and couldn't keep Justin Houston off the backside of Peterson's second run of the game. Bridgewater's first interception was forced into coverage for Rudolph, but the tight end used his big frame to shield the ball from Eric Berry on his touchdown catch in the second quarter. Ellison could have caught Bridgewater's pass on 3rd-and-2 in the fourth quarter, but Bridgewater threw it too high to make it the easy completion it should have been. Pruitt again played mostly as a run blocker in the Vikings' three-tight end set. Quarterback Teddy Bridgewater: 70 Notes: Bridgewater was under pressure 39.4 percent of the time on Sunday, which was his highest rate of the season, according to ESPN Stats and Information. He's struggled under pressure all season, and had a QB rating of 2.5 or less when he was under pressure for the third consecutive game on Sunday. He hit only three of his 11 throws under pressure, for 41 yards with an interception. When Bridgewater had a clean pocket on Sunday, he had a QBR of 96.9 -- the best in the league. Offensive line: Matt Kalil: 70 Brandon Fusco: 70 Joe Berger: 70 Mike Harris: 70 T.J. Clemmings: 70 Austin Shepherd: 1 Notes: Coming off a tough day against the Broncos, Clemmings drew another difficult matchup against Houston. Clemmings held up fine in pass protection against the Pro Bowler, but he had a tough day in the running game, forcing Peterson to dance around him when he got pushed into the backfield on Peterson's one-yard loss near the goal line, and was also flagged for a false start in Chiefs territory. The Vikings' line in general had a tough day against a Chiefs front that was missing defensive tackle Dontari Poe; Harris got walked into the backfield on one of Kansas City's two sacks, and Berger and Fusco couldn't clear much room in the middle of the line, other than on Peterson's 23-yard run behind Fusco in the third quarter. Kalil might have been the Vikings' most consistent lineman on Sunday.
{ "perplexity_score": 412.3, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Bill would give pregnant women protection rights A bill proposed by Senator Mark Christensen of Imperial in the Judiciary Committee would ensure the rights of a pregnant woman to use force to protect herself. In Michigan, a woman carrying quadrouplets with kicked in the stomach by her boyfriend and stabbed him. The woman was convicted for manslaughter, but the decision was later appealed. “Michigan’s use of force law in the protection of others was not clear as to one’s right in the case of protecting an unborn child.” Christensen wants to make sure Nebraska’s law is clear. However, some members of the committee feel the bill is not needed as someone kicked in the stomach would already have rights under the state’s self defense law.
{ "perplexity_score": 267.6, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Diluting power of thick limbs of Henle. II. Bumetanide-sensitive 22Na+ influx in medullary vesicles. We evaluated the effects of osmotic gradients on 22Na+ influx in vesicles prepared from rat outer renal medulla. 22Na+ influx driven in a coflow mode by an inwardly directed 100 mM KCl gradient was measured at 20 and 60 s; 1 mM bumetanide inhibited approximately 30% of 22Na+ influx. The bumetanide-sensitive 22Na+ influx was reduced by approximately 65% when either K+ or Cl- was omitted from the aqueous phases. We found that an osmotic gradient for vesicle shrinkage, that is, 600 mM urea in the extravesicular medium, enhanced the bumetanide-sensitive 22Na+ influx twofold. Conversely, an osmotic gradient for vesicle swelling, that is, with vesicles but not extravesicular media loaded with 600 mM urea, produced a 50% suppression of bumetanide-sensitive 22Na+ influx. Moreover, 600 mM extravesicular urea, an osmotic gradient for vesicle shrinkage, also reduced uptake of the nonspecific marker [14C]mannitol. These effects of osmotic gradients were not due to alterations in ionic driving forces, since bumetanide-sensitive 22Na+ influx driven in a counterflow mode by loading the vesicles with 100 mM NaCl also was activated or suppressed by osmotic gradients for vesicle shrinkage or swelling, respectively. We conclude that osmotic gradients, and/or vesicle volume changes, modulate bumetanide-sensitive Na+:K+:2Cl- activity.
{ "perplexity_score": 532, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: How to display illegal characters on downloaded file name in Spring? My downloaded file name becomes Ça_r_lar_02_07_2019_12_09.xlsx, however, I want it Çağrılar_02_07_2019_12_09.xlsx. How Can I fix it? try (Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook()) { new XlsExporter().exportXls(workbook, grh); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("_dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm"); String name = grh.getReportName() + sdf.format(new Date()); response.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.getType()); response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"" + name + ".xlsx\""); workbook.write(response.getOutputStream()); response.getOutputStream().flush(); } A: Try UTF-8 encoding for your filename before sending the response try (Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook()) { new XlsExporter().exportXls(workbook, grh); SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("_dd_MM_yyyy_HH_mm"); String name = grh.getReportName() + sdf.format(new Date()); name = URLEncoder.encode(name,"UTF-8"); response.setContentType(MediaType.APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM.getType()); response.setHeader(HttpHeaders.CONTENT_DISPOSITION, "attachment; filename=\"" + name + ".xlsx\""); workbook.write(response.getOutputStream()); response.getOutputStream().flush(); }
{ "perplexity_score": 2821.5, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Ernest Hawkins (coach) Ernest Ray Hawkins (January 23, 1927 – January 28, 2018) was an American football coach, basketball coach, and athletic director. He served as head football coach at East Texas State University—now known as Texas A&M University–Commerce—from 1964 to 1985, compiling a 132–92–6 record. He is the winningest head coach in Texas A&M–Commerce Lions football history and led the program to the NAIA Football National Championship in 1972. Early life Hawkins was born and raised in the West Texas town of Lamesa, Texas and was a standout in football, basketball, and track and field at Lamesa High School. Texas Tech After graduating High School in 1944 he enrolled at Texas Tech University. After enrolling, Hawkins joined the military and did not participate in athletics due to World War II. When the war ended, Hawkins returned to school in Lubbock where wartime rules allowed him to compete. A multi-sport athlete, he was a standout on the Tech basketball and track teams, and was the quarterback for the Texas Tech football team from 1947 to 1949. In three seasons as the Red Raiders starting quarterback, he led the Red Raiders to three Border Conference championships and appearances in the Raisin Bowl and Sun Bowl, and was all-conference in the 1948 season. Hawkins graduated from Texas Tech in 1950 at the top of his graduating class. Paris Junior College Hawkins and his wife Margaret moved from West Texas to Northeast Texas after he was given the job of head football coach and head basketball coach at Paris Junior College (PJC ) in Paris, Texas. Hawkins compiled a 32–20–1 record as the head football coach and a 39–49 record in basketball. He was also named to the office of athletic director for PJC due to his success on the court and on the field and administrative abilities. While at PJC, Hawkins attended graduate school at East Texas State University (ETSU) in Commerce, Texas, 40 miles southwest of Paris where he graduated from ETSU with a master's degree in 1956. East Texas State In 1957 Hawkins was hired by Jules V. Sikes as assistant head football coach at East Texas State University (now Texas A&M-Commerce). Hawkins was part of an assistant staff that helped Sikes lead the Lions to six winning seasons, three Lone Star Conference championships, two LSC second-place finishes, and the Tangerine Bowl victories in 1957 and 1958. Hawkins worked with Sikes to make the Lion offense incredibly potent by mixing in Sikes' T formation power running with Hawkins's penchant for throwing the Football. The combination gave the Lions great success during that time, winning conference and bowl championships and sending numerous players to the National Football League. In the Spring of 1964, Sikes died suddenly, and Hawkins was named successor shortly thereafter. The first two seasons saw the Lions go 2–7 and 4–5, but in only his third year Hawkins and Lions won the 1966 Lone Star Conference championship, his first of four. The Lions repeated as conference champions in 1969 and finished second place in 1968. At the end of the 1971 season, Hawkins had notched a record of 40–37–1 with two conference titles, one second-place finish, and four winning seasons. 1972 season Heading into the 1972 season, the Lions were picked to finish fourth in the conference, and started out the season with 14–12 loss to rival Abilene Christian University, but then racked up six straight wins to climb into the national polls in the top 5, but then The Lions were upset by Sul Ross State University by a 15–14 score, dropping them out of the top five ranking. The Lions finished the season with wins over Angelo State and Tarleton State. When the final national rankings came out, the Lions were ranked fourth in the nation and invited to the NAIA National Playoffs. In the first round the Lions faced the top-ranked team in the nation, the University of Central Oklahoma Bronchos. The Lions shocked the nation and routed UCO 54–0 in the national semi-finalists, earning them a spot in the National Championship game against the second ranked Carson-Newman College Eagles. The Championship game was determined to be played in Commerce. On a bitterly cold December day in front of a packed Memorial Stadium, Hawkins's Lions defeated Carson-Newman 21–18 to claim the national title. Among the players on the team were future NFL players Will Cureton, Harvey Martin, Autry Beamon, Aundra Thompson, and Tim Collier. The Lions were named the National Team of the Year and Hawkins was named both Lone Star Conference Coach of the Year and National Coach of the Year. 1973–1985 After winning the National Championship, Hawkins continued to have success and made East Texas State a contender in the Lone Star Conference. He had six seasons of seven wins or more, and went back to the post season in 1974 against Bethune-Cookman in the Florida Central Classic Bowl, resulting in a 7–7 tie. Hawkins and the Lions made another serious run at a national title by winning a Division Championship and going to the NAIA National Semi-finals, bowing out to Elon College, the eventual national champion that year. The Lions won the conference championship for the final time under Hawkins tenure in 1983. Hawkins announced his retirement prior to the 1985 season, stating he would be stepping down at the end of the season. Hawkins ended his career with a third-place finish in the 1985 season. During the 1973–1985 time frame, Hawkins also coached future professionals Michael Trigg, Wade Wilson, Wes Smith, Kyle Mackey, and Alan Veingrad. As head coach Hawkins won 132 games with 4 conference championships, three second-place finishes, one division championship, and coached the Texas team for the 1965 Oil Bowl. Notable players coached Hawkins coached a notable amount of future professional football players during his time in Commerce. Harvey Martin-Dallas Cowboys, Super Bowl XII MVP, 4 Time All-Pro. Dwight White-Pittsburgh Steelers, All Pro, Steelers All-Time Team. Wade Wilson-All Pro QB for the Minnesota Vikings, New Orleans Saints, and Dallas Cowboys, Super Bowl Champion. Kyle Mackey-Starting Quarterback for the New York Jets and Miami Dolphins. Will Cureton-Starting Quarterback for the Cleveland Browns. Autry Beamon-Cornerback for the Minnesota Vikings. Tim Collier-Kansas City Chiefs Aundra Thompson-Green Bay Packers Sam Walton-New York Jets Wes Smith-Green Bay Packers Mike Trigg-Minnesota Vikings and also in the Arena Football League. James Thrower-Detroit Lions and Philadelphia Eagles Curtis Wester-Cleveland Browns, BC Lions (Canadian Football League). Alan Veingrad-Dallas Cowboys, Green Bay Packers, Super Bowl Champion. Rich Houston-New York Giants Personal Hawkins lived in Commerce, Texas, and was active with the football program at A&M-Commerce and also in the Commerce community. His wife Margaret died in 2012 after more than 62 years of marriage. He also had two daughters, Kathy and Lu Anne, and one son, Ray. Hawkins had a health scare in mid-2012 and was hospitalized while contracting West Nile virus, but he was treated and released a week later. Hawkins was often seen attending TAMUC football games and practices and enjoyed fishing, and was a long time member of the First Baptist Church of Commerce. The Field at Memorial Stadium in Commerce was named Ernest Hawkins Field at Memorial Stadium in 2017 in his honor. Hawkins died on January 28, 2018, in Greenville, Texas after a brief illness. Honors National Coach of the Year (1972) National Champion (1972) National Semifinalist (1980) 4 Time Lone Star Conference Coach of the Year (1966,1969,1972,1983) Texas Tech University Athletic Hall of Honor (1975) Texas A&M University Commerce Athletic Hall of Fame (1988) Lone Star Conference Athletic Hall of Fame (2004) Head coaching record College References External links Category:1927 births Category:2018 deaths Category:American football quarterbacks Category:American men's basketball players Category:Texas Tech Red Raiders football players Category:Texas Tech Red Raiders basketball players Category:Texas Tech Red Raiders men's track and field athletes Category:Texas A&M–Commerce Lions football coaches Category:Junior college men's basketball coaches in the United States Category:Junior college football coaches in the United States Category:Texas A&M University–Commerce alumni Category:People from Lamesa, Texas Category:Military personnel from Texas Category:Players of American football from Texas Category:Baptists from Texas
{ "perplexity_score": 142.9, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE—Roland Ebel of the Sustainable Food Systems Program at Montana State University conducted a research project to determine the extent to which an ancient Aztec agricultural technique could benefit 21st century horticultural needs. Specifically, Ebel examined the use of “chinampas” with the hope of discovering their modern utility. A chinampa is a raised field on a small artificial island on a freshwater lake (usually surrounded by canals and ditches), where vegetables can be produced year round. The irrigation needs of chinampas is low and the productivity extremely high. Chinampas provide fresh produce for a megacity such as Mexico City and are conceivable around many of today’s exploding urban areas. Ebel’s findings are illustrated in the article “Chinampas: An Urban Farming Model of the Aztecs and a Potential Solution for Modern Megalopolis”, found open access in the online journal HortTechnology. The chinampa system, commonly called floating gardens, is still practiced in certain suburban areas in Xochimilco, in the southern valley of Mexico City. These raised fields are constructed by digging the canals and mounding the displaced earth onto platforms. Similar historic raised field systems can be found in South America, Asia, Oceania, and parts of Africa. In a chinampa, the canal water rises through capillary action to the plant roots, which reduces irrigation demand. Additionally, a considerable portion of the soil fertility is generated in the canal floors. Complex rotations allow up to seven harvests in a year. Chinampas also provide ecosystem services, particularly greenhouse gas sequestration and biodiversity. In addition, the recreational benefits are tremendous: today, chinampas generate even more money from tourism than by horticultural production. Ebel discovered the chinampa to be one of the most intensive and prolific production systems ever developed, and it is highly sustainable. It can be kept in almost continuous cultivation, and the microclimate is favorable for many horticultural crops, including ornamentals, which play an increasingly important role in Xochimilco. Even small animals can be raised on chinampas. During the Aztec period (1325-1521), the development of chinampas is linked to high regional population density and the growth of sizable local urban communities. The raised field agriculture provided pre-Columbian farmers with better drainage, soil aeration, moisture retention during the dry season, and higher and longer-term soil fertility than in conventional outdoor production. “Today, many cities face very similar challenges as Mexico City did 700 years ag– a rapidly growing population, and less and less arable land available for food production. Highly intensive production systems with low resource demand are, therefore, a strategic goal of urban agriculture developers. Thus, while most strategists emphasize high-tech solutions such as complex vertical farms, I think it is worthwhile to learn from the achievements of our ancestors,” states Ebel. Nevertheless, despite versatile efforts to revitalize and reinterpret chinampas, the raised-field production system today is mostly limited to small-scale research and development projects. Ebel supports efforts for a revitalization of the chinampa system. “A restored use of chinampas would allow intensive production of fresh vegetables close to Mexico City, avoiding transport needs and avoiding negative consequences on produce quality and greenhouse gas emissions,” he states. Furthermore, chinampas could provide a series of desirable ecosystem services, including water filtration, regulation of water levels, microclimate regulation, increased biodiversity, and carbon capture and storage. Ebel adds, “Wherever you have freshwater lakes near a big city, chinampa-like systems are conceivable–and this applies for many parts of the world.” The benefits of creating chinampas are not limited to big cities, although the assistance it could provide urban farming would be difficult to overstate. This system could be adopted into smaller rural communities as well, especially in tropical wetlands. __________________________ __________________________ Article Source: AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR HORTICULTURAL SCIENCE news release The complete article is available on the ASHS HortTechnology electronic journal web site: https:/ / journals. ashs. org/ horttech/ view/ journals/ horttech/ aop/ article-10. 21273-HORTTECH04310-19. xml . __________________________ Advertisement
{ "perplexity_score": 239.3, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
A guide to promoting your business with a Facebook business page and the importance of growing your page with a sense of community. There aren’t many small businesses out there that can afford to drop a boat-load of money onto an all out marketing campaign. If you can, chances are you’re not a ‘small’ business any more. With all the methods available, from Google Adwords to sponsored tweets, it’s tempting to go mad with the advertising budget only to come back with very little. The reason you’re returning with so little is that the competition is vastly increased. Selling a specialist product in one town and to a given radius is one thing, but offering that to the entire UK is another ball-game altogether. Narrow Your Focus With A Facebook Business Page The trick is to narrow your focus when starting out and for a physical, trade based business the obvious choice is a Facebook business page. Facebook has by far the widest demographics of any of the social media platforms, with everybody from 16 year old goths, your Grandma and everyone in-between as regular, consistent users. By narrowing down the focus, the potential rewards are smaller at the start, yet more consistently measurable and more importantly something that every business owner can fit into their working day. In the future, when deciding to tackle another social network, your Facebook business page can provide an excellent jumpstart. Some of the plus points to this approach include: Higher rates of conversion A far more granular level of targeting A chance to build word of mouth Encouraging reviews via Facebook, Google Plus and local business directories. Get A Step Above The Competition Many, many small business owners need to update their knowledge base of local marketing techniques, particularly those who aren’t leveraging online techniques. In the medium sized town we live in, we can safely say that less than 40% of business’s have a website and of those few, only 20% are actively participating with their social media audience to any great degree. Leverage Promotions and Giveaways Your business has a Facebook page. That page has followers. Now, how do you go about building that following and growing exponentially? The simple answer is – promotions and giveaways. Promoting this across social platforms is a low-cost way to get MORE potential customers in. As an example, this is a small example of how we handle it at the salon I co-own: Once a month, we pick a random person from our ‘likes’ and offer them a free treatment. The full monty, from dry trims to colours and foils. This is how we leverage Facebook to bring in more users: We make a big Facebook business page post, announcing the winner and what they have won. We make sure to add that all anyone else has to do to be in with a chance is like our page We promote this page with granular demographic marketing – target women, living within a 10 miles radius of Louth, who aren’t already a member. Promote that post with £25. Bingo! 50 more likes (local, targeted likes) over the course of two days. To advertise in the back of the local paper costs THREE TIMES that much and lasts a week. When we get to 500 likes, start giving away 2 free treatments; that’s 2 more promotional posts each month. Obviously, there will be a point where multiple giveaways each month becomes detrimental, but by that point your business page has become a self-sustaining ecosystem without the hassles of direct email marketing. The same goes for FaceBook offers; this is a tool you can use to create special offer coupons and gives you a chance to build likes with ongoing special offers. If there’s one thing the general public likes, it’s a chance to save cash. How do I get Facebook likes right at the start? By promoting it! Those first 100 likes are always the most difficult to come by; but fear not, there are ways! Ensure social media is linked up to your website, even if it’s just an icon link to your page. If possible, use a call to action: ‘Like us on Facebook and win xxxx’ Inform your customers verbally Use other social media networks (if possible) to drive likes, for example Twitter. Use keywords within your business page to show more prominently within Facebook search Advertise it – use a page promotion (targeted within your demographics!) and a small budget. Make it a highlight on printed media, such as business cards Attach a link to your Facebook page in all your email signatures. Promote it within Facebook itself; groups are ideal. Most suburban areas have a group set up. Understanding The Difference Between Personal And Business A Facebook business page has to be attached to something; it can’t be in existence without a personal account to latch onto. Therefore, you will have a personal page running at the same time. I can’t stress how important it is to not get the two confused. Posting that amusing photo of erotically arranged vegetables on your personal account is always great for a laugh and to be encouraged, but please don’t make the mistake of accidentally posting it on your business page! It may get a laugh all the same, but it kind of takes the focus off of your skill set and may imply something about your love of cucumbers. Turning your Facebook business page into a community Now, you may want to give this one some thought – moderating hourly questions may well get on top of you. It’s best to steer important queries towards the telephone or email. Keep the tone of your comments fairly informal; uptight and straight-laced isn’t very inviting for a community audience. At the same time, keep your information succinct and to the point; don’t go rambling off with the words. Provide interesting articles to read – preferably your own content, but there’s no harm in interspersing it with other people’s as long as it’s not driving traffic to a competitor. Fresh content gives people a reason to come back. Draw up a weekly plan with a list of the goals you need to achieve and use your content tactically in order to drive folk that way. The important thing to remember about this approach is: great content gets shared. Mediocre muck goes in the toilet. You should also be very wary of overloading your audience with your Facebook business page, keep it to three or so posts a day at maximum. Never forget that everyone can click ‘hide’ and bury you forever. Use your new-found community to pose questions that you NEED to know in order to improve your business. Questions such as ‘what could we do to improve our McGubbin?’ may lead to surprising answers that you’d not get face to face.
{ "perplexity_score": 577.8, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Hepatic cirrhosis is the ninth most common cause of death in Japan (“Summary of Monthly Report of Vital Statistics: 2009,” Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare), and there are approximately 300,000 patients and approximately 3,500,000 potential hepatitis patients in Japan. This disease is an intractable disease in which hardening of the liver tissue occurs due to abnormal accumulation of extracellular matrix proteins. This disease includes a series of pathological conditions where the hardening of the liver (fibrosis of the liver) occurs during repetitions of hepatic impairment and regeneration, and apoptosis of the liver cells consequently occurs, leading to liver failure. A known major causative factor of the liver fibrosis is activation of the fibrogenic cytokine TGF-β (NPL 1). In hepatic cirrhosis, hepatic stellate cells present between the hepatic sinusoid and hepatic parenchymal cells are activated and start to excessively produce extracellular matrices including collagen. The excessive collagen production and the like are promoted by TGF-β. It has been shown in an animal model that hepatic cirrhosis can be prevented when the action of TGF-β is blocked by a gene therapy or the like (NPL 2). Moreover, hepatic cancer develops from cirrhotic liver at an incidence of 5 to 7 percent per year, leading to death. It is said that TGF-β also plays an important role as a causative factor of the hepatic cancer through induction of EMT (epithelial-mesenchymal transition) and reduction in immunity to cancer due to induction of regulatory T cells (NPL 3). On the other hand, 76% of the hepatic cirrhosis cases in Japan are caused by hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection. In Japan alone, two million people are estimated to be infected with HCV, and it is said that 200 million people are infected with HCV in the world. Hepatic cirrhosis develops 10 years to 30 years after infection with HCV, and further progresses to hepatic cancer. Hence, this becomes a great social problem. Under such circumstances, a combination therapy of PEGylated interferon with ribavirin is applied at present, and a virus removal effect is observed in 40 to 50% of patients. Moreover, protease activity inhibitors against serine protease NS3 necessary for maturation of virus particles have been developed, and are currently in Phase II to III clinical trials (NPLs 4 to 5). However, as the mechanism by which HCV causes liver fibrosis and/or hepatic cancer has not been elucidated, no drug has yet been developed which enables a radical treatment for such viral diseases.
{ "perplexity_score": 137.2, "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
1. Field of the Invention This invention broadly relates to a process for producing formaldehyde from a gas stream containing a mixture of hydrogen sulfide (G2S) and a carbon oxide, wherein the carbon oxide is selected from carbon monoxide (CO), carbon dioxide (CO2) and mixtures thereof. More particularly, this invention provides a method wherein a gas stream containing a carbon oxide and hydrogen sulfide is first passed in contact with a catalyst comprising a supported metal oxide of a metal selected from the group consisting of vanadium (V), niobium (Nb), molybdenum (Mo), chromium (Cr), rhenium (Re), tungsten (W), manganese (Mn), titanium (Ti), zirconium (Zr) and tantalum (Ta) and mixtures thereof to convert said carbon oxide and hydrogen sulfide to methyl mercaptans, (primarily methanethiol (CH3SH) and a small amount of dimethyl sulfide (CH3SCH3)), and the methyl mercaptans are then passed in contact with a catalyst comprising certain supported metal oxides or certain bulk metal oxides in the presence of an oxidizing agent and for a time sufficient to convert at least a portion of the methyl mercaptans to formaldehyde (CH2O) and sulfur dioxide (SO2). 2. Description of Related Art Ratcliffe et al., U.S. Pat. No. 4,570,020 describes a catalytic process for producing methanethiol (CH3SH) from a gaseous feed comprising a mixture of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen sulfide (H2S). Gases containing H2S are often considered an unwanted waste stream. According to the patent, the gaseous mixture is contacted, at a temperature of at least about 225xc2x0 C. with a catalyst comprising a metal oxide of a metal selected from the group consisting of vanadium (V), niobium (Nb), and tantalum (Ta) and mixtures thereof supported as an oxide layer on titania. The methanethiol is disclosed as being useful as an odorant or tracer for natural gas and as a raw material for making methionine, fungicides and jet fuel additives. The art has also identified methyl mercaptans, such as methanethiol (CH3SH) and dimethyl sulfide (CH3SCH3), as hazardous pollutants, and has suggested a variety of ways for their destruction. Noncatalytic gas phase oxidation of such reduced sulfur compounds has been shown to produce primarily sulfur oxide and carbon oxide products. A. Turk et al., Envir. Sci. Technol 23:1242-1245 (1989). Investigators have observed that oxidation in the presence of single crystal metal surfaces (Mo, Ni, Fe, Cu) results in the formation of methane and ethane, nonselective decomposition to atomic carbon, gaseous hydrogen and the deposition of atomic sulfur on the metal surface via a stoichiometric reaction (See Wiegand et al., Surface Science, 279(1992): 105-112). Oxidation of higher mercaptans, e.g., propanethiol on oxygen-covered single crystal metal surfaces (Rh), produced acetone via a stoichiometric reaction at low selectivity and accompanied by sulfur deposition on the metal surface (See Bol et al., J. Am. Chem. Soc., 117(1995): 5351-5258). The deposition of sulfur on the metal surface obviously precludes continuous operation. The art also has disclosed using catalysts comprising a two-dimensional metal oxide overlayer on titania and silica supports, e.g., vanadia on titania, for catalytically reducing NOx by ammonia to N2 and H2O in the presence of sulfur oxides. Bosch et al., Catal. Today 2:369 et seq. (1988). Thus, such catalysts are known to be resistant to poisoning by sulfur oxides. It also is known that such catalysts, as well as certain bulk metal oxides catalysts, can be used to oxidize methanol to formaldehyde selectively. Busca et al, J. Phys. Chem. 91:5263 et seq. (1987). Applicant recently made the discovery that a supported metal oxide catalyst can be used to oxidize methyl mercaptans, such as methanethiol (CH3SH) and dimethyl sulfide (CH3SCH3), selectively to formaldehyde in a continuous, heterogenous catalytic process without being poisoned by the reduced sulfur. On the basis of that discovery, applicant has envisioned the present process as a way of converting gaseous streams containing carbon oxide and hydrogen sulfide to formaldehyde.
{ "perplexity_score": 235, "pile_set_name": "USPTO Backgrounds" }
Q: wicked_pdf - display links in html.erb templates used to generate PDF but not in generated PDF Have progressed to get wicked_pdf generating PDF's in Rails 3.2.3. However I want to be able to have links on my pages rendered to screen as HTML from the .html.erb file, but when I review the PDF generated from this template I do not want to see these links. I had tried to follow what Ryan Bates did in is PDFKit Railscast 220, but its not working for me under Rails 3.2.3, on Ruby 1.9.3. Here is my an abridged section of the view code: <h2>Client Setup (Only when Patients module is not available)</h2> <p> The setup program installs your Clients module using default settings. After the installation, you can use this program to customize settings to meet your particular needs. </p> <p> <%= pdf_image_tag("clients/blank/.png", alt: "Client Setup (Only when Patients Module is not available) - not-populated") %> <table> <thead> <tr> <th>Form Item</th> <th>Description</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <td>Default Value Added Tax (Percent)</td> <td> The package offers a default Value Added Tax, expressed as a percentage of the invoice, to be added to the invoice. Numbers from 0 to 999.99 are allowed. </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> </p> <hr /> <form class="form-inline"> <a href="#to_top" class="btn btn-to_top btn-mini">Back to Top</a> <%= link_to "Genie Help Index", help_path, class: "btn btn-main-menu pdf_link" %> <p id="pdf_link"><%= link_to "Client Help Index", static_page_path("clients/index"), class: "btn btn-help" %></p> <%= link_to "Download PDF", static_page_path(:format => :pdf), class: "btn btn-pdf" %> <%= link_to image_tag("file_type_pdf.png", height: "24px", width: "24px" , alt: "Download page as PDF"), static_page_path(:format => :pdf) %> </form> <p><%= link_to "Client Help Index", static_page_path("clients/index") %></p> <p><%= link_to "Download as PDF", static_page_path(:format => "pdf"), class: "pdf_link" %></p> <p id="pdf_link"><%= link_to "Download as PDF", static_page_path(:format => :pdf) %></p> <% if request.try(:format).to_s == 'pdf' %> <%= link_to "Download this PDF", static_page_path(:format => "pdf") %> <% end %> #<% if params[:media] = 'all' %> # <%= link_to "Download me as a PDF", static_page_path(:format => "pdf") %> #<% end %> <div id="pdf-no"><%= link_to "Get me as a PDF file", static_page_path(:format => "pdf") %></div> Controller is: (show page is the name of the page to render) class StaticPages::GenieHelpController < ApplicationController def static_page respond_to do |format| format.html do render :template => show_page, :layout => 'application' end format.pdf do render :pdf => show_page, :layout => 'generic', :template => "#{show_page}.html.erb", :handlers => :erb, :disable_external_links => true, :print_media_type => true end end end end The layout file in views/layouts/generic.pdf.erb file is as below: <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <title><%= full_title(yield(:title)) %></title> <%= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "static_pages/genie_v23_help", :refer_only => true %> <!-- <%#= wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag "static_pages/pdf" %> --> <%= javascript_include_tag "application" %> <%= csrf_meta_tags %> </head> <body> <div class="container"> <%= yield %> <%= debug(params) if Rails.env.development? %> </div> </body> </html> The corresponding css file in old location public/stylesheets/static_pages/genie_help.css: @media print { body { background-color: LightGreen; } #container { width: auto; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 2px; } #pdf_link { display: none; } } .pdf_link { display: none; } #pdf-no { display:none; } When I render the html page the links at the bottom show up (as expected) when the format is html. What am I doing wrong on with this. I assume if it can be done via middleware of PDFKit then it is supported under wkhtmltopdf as both PDFKit and wicked_pdf are based on this. Thanks Mark A: It turned out to be that I solved this problem by mixing-and-matching the four methods in the wicked_helper.pdf file which is based on the lib helper file. The wicked_pdf_image_tag was changed to pdf_image_tag used in the pull request waiting commit from - mkoentopf Multi purpose wicked_pdf_helper "Hi there, I've added some code to the wicked_pdf_helper methods. Now they deliver the the full pa…" def wicked_pdf_image_tag(img, options={}) if request.try(:format).to_s == 'application/pdf' image_tag "file://#{Rails.root.join('public', 'images', img)}", options rescue nil else image_tag img.to_s, options rescue nil end end What I don't understand is under Rails 3.2 are we still using public directory because sprockets and assests get pre-compiled and placed in public? The solution I used earlier in the day was to add additional header/footer partials within the html layout, but not in the layout for pdf generation. Here is the helper file I was using: module WickedPdfHelper def wicked_pdf_stylesheet_link_tag(*sources) options = sources.extract_options! if request.try(:format).to_s == 'application/pdf' #css_dir = Rails.root.join('public','stylesheets') css_dir = Rails.root.join('app','assets', 'stylesheets') refer_only = options.delete(:refer_only) sources.collect { |source| source.sub!(/\.css$/o,'') if refer_only stylesheet_link_tag "file://#{Rails.root.join('public','stylesheets',source+'.css')}", options else "<style type='text/css'>#{File.read(css_dir.join(source+'.css'))}</style>" end }.join("\n").html_safe else sources.collect { |source| stylesheet_link_tag(source, options) }.join("\n").html_safe end end def pdf_image_tag(img, options={}) if request.try(:format).to_s == 'application/pdf' image_tag "file://#{Rails.root.join('app', 'assets', 'images', img)}", options rescue nil else image_tag img.to_s, options rescue nil end end def wicked_pdf_javascript_src_tag(jsfile, options={}) if request.try(:format).to_s == 'application/pdf' jsfile.sub!(/\.js$/o,'') javascript_src_tag "file://#{Rails.root.join('public','javascripts',jsfile + '.js')}", options else javascript_src_tag jsfile, options end end def wicked_pdf_javascript_include_tag(*sources) options = sources.extract_options! sources.collect{ |source| wicked_pdf_javascript_src_tag(source, options) }.join("\n").html_safe end end It would be good to understand more about how the asset pipeline is used. And how the @media is determined. Is it related to MIME types? If so why do we not need to/or are they not defined in wick_pdf? I have yet to utilise the page numbering and breaking, but now have an outstanding question that I'll put up separately.
{ "perplexity_score": 2550.3, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
While HP’s Spectre lineup is what HP would probably consider their top-tier brand, the ENVY series has quietly become a very potent competitor, with premium-grade materials, and even discrete graphics, while still coming in sometimes hundreds of dollars less than the Spectre models. For 2020, HP is ramping up the ENVY lineup, refreshing all of the models, but the company has put special focus on the 15.6-inch ENVY 15 for this year. ENVY 15 The creator market has become one of the new battlegrounds in the PC space, and for 2020 HP is clearly focusing the ENVY 15 on that market. The new ENVY 15 is the powerhouse in the ENVY lineup, with Intel’s H-Series processors coupled with NVIDIA graphics. Offering up to a Core i9 with 8 cores and sixteen threads, coupled with NVIDIA GPUs up to the RTX 2060 Max-Q gives the new ENVY 15 some serious performance for creative workflows like Lightroom, or video rendering. The ENVY 15 is also a member of the NVIDIA Studio program, meaning it offers the Studio drivers. You can pick up the ENVY 15 with up to 32 GB of RAM and 2 TB of PCIe storage in RAID if needed. One of the standout features on the new ENVY 15 is the 15.6-inch UHD OLED display, offering 100% P3 gamut coverage, and factory calibrated for a Delta E < 2. The OLED display is certified for VESA DisplayHDR 400 TrueBlack, thanks to the incredible contrast OLED provides, and the display is rated for up to 600 nits of brightness as well. Packing this much performance into a thin and light chassis is always going to push the cooling to the limits, and HP has outfitted it with a new vapor chamber cooling which they say offers 33% more processing power than traditional heatpipe designs, and HP offers DynamicPower to allocate TDP between the CPU and GPU to balance workloads. Creators also require connectivity, and HP provides two Thunderbolt 3 ports, as well as two USB 3 ports, HDMI, and a multi-format media reader. Wi-Fi 6 is available as well, and HP has a new QuickDrop app which allows you to directly transfer files from your iOS or Android smartphone directly to the laptop via Wi-Fi. HP rates the ENVY 15 at up to 16.5 hours of battery life, so despite the performance under the hood, the 4.74 lb laptop should be able to last all day on a charge when needed. The new ENVY 15 will be available in June starting at $1349.99. ENVY 13 HP’s ENVY 13 is one of the company’s gems, offering a thin and light Ultrabook built with premium materials for a very good price. For 2020 the refresh moves to Ice Lake processors up to the Core i7-1065G7, and optional NVIDIA MX330 graphics. The laptop offers an 88% screen-to-body ratio, optional UHD display, and up to 19.5 hours of battery life. It will be available in May starting at $999. ENVY x360 13 The convertible version of the ENVY 13 offers the same 88% screen-to-body ratio, but moves to AMD’s new 4000 series APU, with up to 17.5 hours of battery life. It will be available early May starting at $699.99. ENVY x360 15 The larger convertible offers a choice of 10th gen Intel Core coupled with NVIDIA MX330 graphics, or the AMD Ryzen 4000 APU. Buyers can also opt for the OLED UHD display, and this model is rated for up to 18.5 hours of battery life. Unlike the non-convertible ENVY 15, this model will be the 15-Watt range of CPUs. It will be available early Mat starting at $699.99.
{ "perplexity_score": 415.1, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
This week, the club delves into the first issues of Dark Ark, Angelic and Gasolina. Plus, an impossible questions: who is your favorite X-men.
{ "perplexity_score": 437.2, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Outlaw Star Gene Starwind and his partner Jim Hawking run a small business on the backwater planet of Centinel 3. But all that changes the day that Hilda hires them for a bodyguard job. Now, thrust into a mystery they don't fully understand, they're on the run from the cops, the pirates, an angry alien, and a mysterious assassin. But they've got one thing going in their favor - they have the galaxy's most advanced ship, the Outlaw Star. Gene Starwind dreams of life as an Outlaw, and fate smiles on him as he seems to suddenly wind up with a great job. But as things go awry, and he finds himself the new owner of the fastest, most technologically advanced space ship in the galaxy. Unfortunately, it's stolen and the owners want it b... Tags Description Gene Starwind and his partner Jim Hawking run a small business on the backwater planet of Centinel 3. But all that changes the day that Hilda hires them for a bodyguard job. Now, thrust into a mystery they don't fully understand, they're on the run from the cops, the pirates, an angry alien, and a mysterious assassin. But they've got one thing going in their favor - they have the galaxy's most advanced ship, the Outlaw Star. Gene Starwind dreams of life as an Outlaw, and fate smiles on him as he seems to suddenly wind up with a great job. But as things go awry, and he finds himself the new owner of the fastest, most technologically advanced space ship in the galaxy. Unfortunately, it's stolen and the owners want it back... Along with his partner Jim and the lovely Melfina, Gene must fight his way across the galaxy battling pirates, aliens, and assassins as he attempts to discover the secrets of the Outlaw Star. [Summary of Outlaw Star TV series, taken from ANN; there are significant differences between the anime and manga plots.]
{ "perplexity_score": 272.7, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Here's yet another reason to get your blood pressure under control: High blood pressure later in life may contribute to blood vessel blockages and tangles linked to Alzheimer's disease, new research suggests. Tracking nearly 1,300 older people until they died, scientists found markedly higher risks of one or more brain lesions among those with high systolic blood pressure readings. These lesions were dominated by so-called "infarcts" -- areas of dead tissue prompted by blood supply blockages that can trigger strokes. Get Breaking News Delivered to Your Inbox Normal blood pressure is defined as 120/80 mm/Hg or lower. The top number is known as systolic blood pressure (pressure in vessels during heartbeats), while the lower number is diastolic blood pressure (pressure between beats). Late last year, the American College of Cardiology and American Heart Association changed blood pressure recommendations, defining high blood pressure as 130/80 mm/Hg or higher. "We've known for many decades that higher blood pressure, especially younger in life, is related to strokes. But we know a lot less regarding cerebrovascular disease and wanted to examine the question of blood pressure later in life," said study author Dr. Zoe Arvanitakis. She's medical director of the Rush Memory Clinic in Chicago. "I think this information is of great value to researchers who study brain changes in aging," she added, "and certainly points to the need for a lot more research to be done." Arvanitakis and her team followed nearly 1,300 people until their death, which occurred at an average age of nearly 89. Two-thirds of the participants, who were mostly women, had a history of high blood pressure, and 87 percent took blood pressure medication. Using autopsy results after participants' deaths, the researchers learned that 48 percent had one or more brain infarct lesions. The risk of lesions was higher in those with higher average systolic blood pressure readings over the years. For example, for someone with an average systolic blood pressure of 147 mm/Hg compared to 134 mm/Hg, the odds of brain lesions increased 46 percent. A smaller but still notable increased risk of brain lesions was found in those with elevated diastolic blood pressure as well. Looking for signs of Alzheimer's disease in autopsied brains, the researchers also saw an association between higher systolic blood pressure in the years before death and higher amounts of tangles -- knots of brain cells signifying the presence of the condition. However, amyloid plaques, which also characterize an Alzheimer's-affected brain, weren't linked to blood pressure in the research. Arvanitakis said more studies are needed. Dr. Ajay Misra is chairman of neurosciences at NYU Winthrop Hospital in Mineola, N.Y. He described the study as "very important" and said it should prompt crucial dialogue about how to best manage blood pressure in older adults. "A lot of good information came out, but there are more questions than answers," said Misra, who wasn't involved in the new research. "This study was done to provoke that sort of questioning." Misra noted the study found that rapidly decreasing blood pressure in older adults actually increased stroke risks. A potential reason for that, he said, is that arteries become less elastic as we age, so slightly higher blood pressure is necessary to keep blood flowing adequately. "This acts as a reminder that you cannot just go and publish that one set of blood pressure guidelines is good for all," he added. "I think it will either be age-specific about how blood pressure should be maintained, or there should be some disease- or circumstance-specific guidelines." The study was published online July 11 in the journal Neurology.
{ "perplexity_score": 251.8, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Jean Sagal Jean Sagal (born October 9, 1961) is an American television actress and director. In the 1980s, she co-starred with her twin sister Liz Sagal in the television series Double Trouble that ran from 1984–85. She has since appeared on such shows as Picket Fences, Knots Landing, Quantum Leap and 21 Jump Street. She has directed episodes of Two and a Half Men, Mad TV, So Little Time and Just Shoot Me. Sagal and her twin sister also served for a time as the "Doublemint Twins" in the ad campaign by Doublemint gum. As a director She is the associate director for 2 Broke Girls (42 episodes), and Two and a Half Men (166 episodes). She has also been the director for 5 television shows. Wizards of Waverly Place (1 episode), Two and a Half Men (3 episodes), MADtv (3 episodes), So Little Time (9 episodes), and Just Shoot Me! (4 episodes). Sagal is part of a family of entertainment industry professionals. She is the daughter of director Boris Sagal and the stepdaughter of Marge Champion. Her siblings, older sister Katey Sagal, brother Joey Sagal and twin sister Liz Sagal, are all active in the industry. Partial filmography References External links Category:1961 births Category:Actresses from Los Angeles Category:American female dancers Category:Dancers from California Category:American film actresses Category:American people of Ukrainian-Jewish descent Category:American television actresses Category:American television directors Category:Women television directors Category:Identical twin actresses Category:Living people Category:Twin people from the United States Category:20th-century American actresses
{ "perplexity_score": 197.7, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
The latest addition to Samsung’s TV range is the Sero, a 43-inch TV that was designed with the millennial generation in mind and therefore pivots between horizontal and vertical orientations. It’s a much smarter idea than the phrase “vertical TV” would lead you to believe. Acknowledging that most mobile content is vertical, Samsung says the Sero is designed to encourage young people to project more of their smartphone stuff onto the TV by allowing it to go vertical. Throwing in 4.1-channel, 60W speakers along with an integrated navy stand and a minimalist rear design, Samsung seems to hope this TV will function as both a music streaming hub and a handsome piece of furniture. When it’s not used as a conventional TV or a phone enlarger, the Sero can also serve as a huge digital photo frame or a music visualizer, and Samsung’s Bixby voice assistant will be on hand, too. Samsung intends to put the Sero on sale for 1.89m KRW (around $1,600) in its home market of South Korea at the end of May. The Sero occupies a weird middle ground between a concept and a real product. Opening a pop-up store in Seoul today and showing off the Sero alongside its existing Serif and Frame TV lines, Samsung is adding to its so-called lifestyle TV lineup. It is putting a price and release date on the Sero. But the company also calls this new TV a concept, and its efforts will surely include close monitoring of consumer feedback to the entire premise. Will millennials warm to the expanded flexibility, or will they feel subtly attacked for the Sero exposing the intensity of their (okay, our) smartphone addiction?
{ "perplexity_score": 420.6, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Comparisons of potentials for L-lysine production among different Corynebacterium glutamicum strains. Corynebacterium glutamicum is an industrially important organism that is most widely used for the production of various amino acids. A defined L-lysine-producing mutant was generated by introduction of the lysC mutation (T311I) into each of six representative C. glutamicum strains. The resulting six isogenic mutants were compared for L-lysine production under traditional 30 degrees C conditions and industrially more advantageous 40 degrees C conditions. It was found that there were significant differences in yield and productivity, especially at 40 degrees C. These results indicate the diversity among C. glutamicum strains in fermentative characters, as well as the importance of selecting a strain with industrially best performance.
{ "perplexity_score": 365.6, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Developmental antecedents of late adolescence substance use patterns. This longitudinal study examined antecedents of substance use behavior among 176 (53% male) adolescents. Adolescents were classified as (a) abstainers (n = 19), (b) experimenters (n = 65), (c) at-risk youth (n = 63), and (d) abusers (n = 29) based on their reported substance use behavior at age 17.5. Parental behavior, peer competence, and problem behavior, measured from early childhood through age 16, were examined as predictors of substance use patterns. Multinomial logistic regression models revealed that early maternal hostility, externalizing behavior problems in first grade and at age 16, internalizing behavior in first grade and at age 16, and parental monitoring at age 16 significantly differentiated substance use groups. The study provides evidence that experiences occurring early in development, in addition to those that occur later in development, can play a pivotal role in setting the stage for late adolescent substance use behavior.
{ "perplexity_score": 401.9, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Wednesday, 12 December 2012 Movement in the Sky Well then, the International Skyrunning Federation (ISF) have just published their 2013 calendar. There’s a bunch of new stuff in there, including a bit of an overhaul of the series format. A lot of people have asked me what I reckon, so here goes.. Passing into 2013 the Skyrunner World Series (SWS) removes the "overall" WORLD SERIES category that we saw this year (mixing up the distances and formats) and breaks things up, distinguishing three distinct disciplines under three separate banners. There’s a vertical kilometre series, appropriately named VERTICAL, an ultra series, ULTRA, and a mid-distance series, called SKY. The SKY series is evidently aiming to stick to Skyrunning’s (initially Italian) roots, as the races err towards the original, classic, marathon-distance format of running up, along and back down mountains. In this series you’re pretty much guaranteed a view! The original Skyrunning concept was about ascending and descending mountainous terrain, at altitude. And that's what it would seem that the 2013 SKY series is aiming to create, but on an international level, rather than just within Italy (1.). That said, I can’t really speak from experience of what the 2013 series races will be like, having only previously competed in one of the five making up next year's calendar. And that’s a great motivation for me to return to this original format, which I’ve not fully completed since my 4th place back in 2007, the year which included my first big win in an absolute classic of Italian Skyrunning, the Sentiero 4 Luglio– I’d like to see that one back in the circuit again! Altitude, ropes, chains, rocks and good views. That’s my definition of Skyrunning!(1. I note here that the ISF have been integrating international races into their calendar for some time, going abroad is not new, but the core concept has always been Italian, due to the available terrain and instant following of the sport there) Next year then, 2013, I’m looking forward to returning to re-live the rocks, mud and ambience of Zegama which kicks things off in the spring. After that it's eastwards to Alps and the Mont Blanc Marathon - a French classic. From what people say it’s a very runnable course, but has magnificent views and again, atmosphere. I’ll be missing Pikes Peak for sure. It’s certainly a big race, with big history, but there’s no way you can nip over to the States and be competitive running up to 4300m without beforehand spending some serious time out there (or at least high up above sea level). The year my Dad came 2nd (1982) he’d spent six weeks in the Rockies getting used to the thin air. I’m not a teacher, so that’s not an option for me, unfortunately. Anyhow, I’ve heard it said that there’s a heck of a lot of switchbacks.... Returning to the SKY series, I know next to nothing about the final two new-entry events, the Matterhorn Ultraks and the Xtreme in Limone. The Matterhorn seems to have a profile of ups and downs on well-trodden footpaths, probably fairly similar to the Mt Blanc Marathon, but we’ll find out and confirm in August. Lastly, the SKY series final is on the edge of lake Garda. It’s in October, so understandably it keeps relatively low. 3000+m in the Alps in late autumn means snow and ski rather than rock and run. So, with this being a fairly short (23km) Sky race, climbing to just 1600m (albeit with a fair chunk of overall elevation gain, 2000m) runners will need to keep some speed in their legs to deal with a relatively short late-season burn out. I’m not going to talk much about the VERTICAL series. It speaks for itself. Five races in five countries, each of which go uphill for 1000m. You can then walk down or sometimes grab a cable car. If you're lucky you'll get a beer in a mountain-top restaurant at the top. It’s a bit of a random challenge really, but I like the concept. There’s no doubt that it’s one of the purest tests of fitness out there. 30 to 40 (or so...) minutes of burning your lungs and quads. Just watch out for the chap in front of you – he may inadvertently stick a pole in your eye. So, what do we think about the ULTRA series then? Well, there isn’t half a mix of stuff in there! This is new domain for the ISF, a format introduced last year and being expanded upon in 2013. They’re following the trend, hooking onto the global tendency in trail-type running towards longer and further, more kilometres, more hours, whilst trying not too loose their heritage, too much... Each of the first three races of the ULTRA series are mountainous European races. Whereas the final two are American-style. Now, before I go any further, you may disagree with what I say next, in which case what you could do is just put a “not” into my sentences every now and again, and that way we’ll all be singing from the same hymn sheet. The ULTRA series then, as I was saying, it has a right proper variety of stuff in it next year. If you’re used to shorter racing then you’ll view all these races as long, but upon closer inspection, we have a vast range of disciplines in the mix. Transvulcania - not too long, not too short, big climbs, some sections of semi-technical running, - this 83km race kind of sits in the middle. Next up, Andorra. Well then, this is one seriously long day out, right? 170km! From what I’ve heard it’s also pretty tough going underfoot. It’s going to have some brilliant scenery for sure, but at the same time it’s the sort of race that probably leaves you walking like a penguin for some time afterwards. Who will be on the start line in the Pyrenees in June I do wonder? Next up, the Ice Trail Tarentaise. It looks like a cracker, goes high - glaciers and proper big mountains. The ITT appeals to fans of mountaineering and is definitely erring towards the classic, Italian-style Skyrunning race. Then, well then it’s a return to Speedgoat. It’s less than a third the distance of Andorra and probably at least three times as runnable. Nine times as fast then, right? (Actually the ratio of winners’ times is closer to a multiple of six). I have absolutely nothing against this race personally, I’m sure it’s great, but I have to say I was surprised to see it back in the ISF’s line-up after last-year’s debacle of American vs Euro versions of the "right way" to go up and down hills and the general feedback of this being very much a trail-runner’s race, rather than a mountain-runner’s race. To finish up the ULTRA series, Sky ultra runners will then head to the final in Vail, Colorado. Now this is a new course, so we can’t rant on about UROC being a long, fast trail race as we don’t know exactly what’s in store with next year's route changes. However, although the profile's looking a bit more jagged, I’d hazard a guess that the format will remain very much traily rather than mountainy. So overall we start off with more classic Sky-style ultra races and finish up with traily ultra races. I guess if we look back at this year then we’re not that far off a repeat format. The 2012 series finished with the French classic les Templiers, which is basically the definition of trail running. It sits at the opposite end of the spectrum of off-road running to the origins of Skyrunning. Mountains and altitude aren't part of the vocab. Yes the Templiers has climb in it, but like Speedgoat and (probably)UROC, it’s more about a culmination of many small undulations than ascending mega mountains. The ISF have deviated from the roots of Skyrunning, but this is part of the sport evolving and trying to follow the general, global (French, American...) trends. I think one of the main problems the ISF probably has is that it's simply not possible to internationalise a format of racing which basically doesn't really exist outside of Italy. I'm not aware of any country other than Italy where we can race across such exposed, technical terrain. In Italy this format is abundant, elsewhere it's non-existent. To really globalise the original concept of Skyrunning you'd just have to create new courses in new countries. This year, 2012, I made the Sky Ultra series one of my season's objectives. After my participations in Transvulcania (2nd), Kima (4th) and les Templiers (3rd) I finally classed 2nd overall, behind Kilian Jornet. On paper I was chuffed with this result, but to be frankly honest, there really wasn't much competition at all amongst the elite runners. Each individual race mustered up competitive enough fields, but if we look at the final standings, only three men (and four women) completed enough races to properly classify for the overall. There's no hiding that there's some truth in the press statement released by the organisers of les Templiers last week, that they wouldn't be applying to partake in the 2013 series due to a lack of credibility in such an uncompetitive series. As I said, only three of the top runners completed the necessary number (3) of races this year, and it was those three (Kilian, Philipp Reiter and myself) that hence made up the final podium. Fabien Antolinos, who won the Templiers, only ran this one event, and yet he finished 9th overall in the series. Why is this then? I think there are two main reasons: Firstly ISF Sky ultra running is new to the scene and secondly, it's simply not easy to be physically fit enough to be repeatably competitive at ultra distance trail and mountain running right through the duration of the year. So, for the reasons above, and an eagerness to run a little faster over rough mountains, in highly competitive races, in 2013 I'll be mixing up my French trail and mountain running with another crack at the ISF SKY series. In terms of the ULTRA, whilst I'm slightly doubtful as to the mixing of such different races under one series and as to how many people this will appeal to and more so how many will actually complete the necessary number of races, I do hope that I'm proved wrong. I hope that the ULTRA series really kicks off into something big, that it will appeal to long-distance runners of all abilities all around the world, that it goes properly global. Real mountain running should be the authority in off-road running. It needs to hold its ground and not be tamed like football-field cross-country racing or the wmra's version of three-laps-of-the-park "mountain running". 1 comment: Some detailed and comprehensive comments from an experienced, elite runner, Andy. Many thanks and anyone involved should sit up and take note. As an outsider with no detailed knowledge of many of the races I could never claim to give any expert opinion. But as far as I can see, this new ISF calendar is a mess, with no coherence. I trust that the individual races will still attract the elite in reasonable depth, but I cant see much interest in the series. Hope im proved wrong.
{ "perplexity_score": 455.7, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Empyema thoracis: management outcome. Empyema thoracis results from postpneumonic effusion of bacterial origin or trauma. If untreated it may convert to fibro-purulent or an organising stage. This study was conducted at cardiothoracic unit of Ayub Teaching Hospital Abbottabad from Jan 2008 to Aug 2009. Patients with diagnosis of empyema thoracic were studied. Their clinical features and investigations were recorded on a proforma. Antibiotics alone, aspiration, chest intubation, rib resection or decortication were performed where required. Out of 71 patients, males were 58 (81.69%) and females were 13 (18.3%). Majority of the patients (24, 33.8%), were below 20 years of age. Most of the patients (59, 83.09%), were from the poor socioeconomic class. Forty-one (57.76%) patients were smokers, 12 (16.9%) were diabetic, and 39 (54.92%) were hypertensive. Cough was the most common complain (62, 87.32%). Forty (56.33%) had more than 50% involvement of hemi thorax. In 44 (61.97%) cases, cause was tuberculosis. Fifty-one (71.83%) patients were treated with tube thoracostomy and 13 (18.3%) required decortication. Empyema thoracis commonly affects males. Apart from clinical assessment, x-ray chest is an important and simple investigation to detect empyema thoracic. Mostly tube drainage cures the diseases but in case of failure other options are also available.
{ "perplexity_score": 508, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Peneios The Peneios was the main river of the Thessalian plain, flowing all the way from the Pindaros Mountains to enter the Aegean Sea by way of the Vale of Tempe. Peneios cutting a path between the Mount Olympos and Mt. Ossa. The most important neighbouring rivers were the Baphyras to the north, and the Anauros and Sperkheios to the south. Several of its tributories were also personified, such as the Enipeus, Titaressos, and Apidanos. Peneios is best known for his involvement in the completion of Herakles' fifth labor. Herakles altered the usual flow of the rivers of both Peneios and Alpheios which washed away the waste.
{ "perplexity_score": 309.4, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: single-particle wavepackets in QFT and position measurement Consider a scalar field $\phi$ described by the Klein-Gordon Lagrangian density $L = \frac{1}{2}\partial_\mu \phi^\ast\partial^\mu \phi - \frac{1}{2} m^2 \phi^\ast\phi$. As written in every graduate QM textbook, the corresponding conserved 4-current $j^\mu = \phi^\ast i \overset{\leftrightarrow}{\partial^\mu} \phi$ gives non-positive-definite $\rho=j^0$. If we are to interpret $\phi$ as a wave function of a relativistic particle, this is a big problem because we would want to interpret $\rho$ as a probability density to find the particle. The standard argument to save KG equation is that KG equation describes both particle and its antiparticle: $j^\mu$ is actually the charge current rather than the particle current, and negative value of $\rho$ just expresses the presence of antiparticle. However, it seems that this negative probability density problem appears in QFT as well. After quantization, we get a (free) quantum field theory describing charged spin 0 particles. We normalize one particle states $\left|k\right>=a_k^\dagger\left|0\right>$ relativistically: $$ \langle k\left|p\right>=(2\pi)^3 2E_k \delta^3(\vec{p}-\vec{k}), E_k=\sqrt{m^2+\vec{k}^2} $$ Antiparticle states $\left|\bar{k}\right>=b_k^\dagger \left|0\right>$ are similarly normalized. Consider a localized wave packet of one particle $\left| \psi \right>=\int{\frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3 2E_k} f(k) \left| k \right>}$, which is assumed to be normalized. The associated wave function is given by $$ \psi(x) = \langle 0|\phi(x)\left|\psi\right> = \int{\frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3 2E_k} f(k) e^{-ik\cdot x}} $$ $$ 1 = \langle\psi\left|\psi\right> = \int{\frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3 2E_k} |f(k)|^2 } = \int{d^3x \psi^\ast (x) i \overset{\leftrightarrow}{\partial^0} \psi (x)}$$. I want to get the probability distribution over space. The two possible choices are: 1) $\rho(x) = |\psi(x)|^2$ : this does not have desired Lorentz-covariant properties and is not compatible with the normalization condition above either. 2) $\rho(x) = \psi^\ast (x) i \overset{\leftrightarrow}{\partial^0} \psi(x)$ : In non-relativistic limit, This reduces to 1) apart from the normalization factor. However, in general, this might be negative at some point x, even if we have only a particle from the outset, excluding antiparticles. How should I interpret this result? Is it related to the fact that we cannot localize a particle with the length scale smaller than Compton wavelength ~ $1/m$ ? (Even so, I believe that, to reduce QFT into QM in some suitable limit, there should be something that reduces to the probability distribution over space when we average it over the length $1/m$ ... ) A: The following does not completely answer OP's question, rather, this is going to be a clarification of subtleties and difficulties on the issue. Notice that sometimes I am going to use the same notations as OP used, but not necessarily the exact same meanings and I will make them clear in the context. The usage of "wavefunction" It has two possible meanings when people refer to something as wavefunctions : (1). The collection of some functions $g(x)$ furnishes a positive-energy, unitary representation of the underlying symmetry group(in our case just the Poincare group). (2). In addition to (1) being satisfied, we should be able to interpret $|g(x)|^2$ as the probability distribution of finding the particle in $(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}+d\mathbf{x})$. It really has to be of the form $|g(x)|^2$ according to the standard axioms of quantum mechanics, provided you interpret $g(x)$ as an inner product $\langle x|g\rangle$ where $\langle x|$ is an eigen bra of the position operator. I will discuss what position operator means later. The 2nd meaning is of course much stronger and OP is searching for a wavefunction in this sense. However, the $\psi(x)$ written by OP is only a wavefunction in the 1st sense, because clearly $\langle 0|\phi(x)$ cannot be eigen bras of any Hermitian position operator, easily seen from the fact that they are not even mutually orthogonal, i.e. $\langle 0|\phi(x)\phi^\dagger(y)|0\rangle\neq0$ even when $x$ and $y$ are spacelike separated. As a consequence, $\int d^3\mathbf{x}|\psi(x)|^2\neq1$ as OP has already noted. Moreover, $|\psi(x)|^2$ is invariant under Lorentz transformation, but a density distribution should transform like the 0th component of a 4-vector in relativistic space-time, as OP has also noticed. The localized states and position operator(Newton-Wigner) In this section I will mostly rephrase(for conceptual clarity in sacrifice of technical clarity) what is written in this paper. What is a sensible definition of position operator of single-particle states? First we need to think about what the most spatially-localized states are, and then it would be natural to call these states $|\mathbf{x} \rangle$, then it is also natural to call the operator having these states as the eigenstates the position operator. It seems pretty reasonable and not too much to ask to require localized states to have the following properties: (a). The superposition of two localized states localized at the same position in space should again be a state localized at the same position. (b). Localized states transform correctly under spatial rotation, that is, $|\mathbf{x} \rangle \to |R\mathbf{x} \rangle$ under a rotation $R$. (c). Any spatial translation on a localized state generates another localized state that is orthogonal to the original, that is, $\langle\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{y}|\mathbf{x} \rangle=0$ if $\mathbf{y}\neq 0$. (d). Some technical regularity condition. It turns out these conditions are restrictive enough to uniquely define localized states $|\mathbf{x}\rangle$. It can be worked out that, borrowing OP's notations and normalization convention, if $|\psi\rangle=\int\frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3 2E_k} f(k) |k\rangle$, then(including time dependence) $$\langle x|\psi\rangle=\int\frac{d^3 k}{(2\pi)^3 \sqrt{2E_k}} f(k) e^{-ik\cdot x},$$ and this (unsurprisingly) gives $\int d^3\mathbf{x}|\langle x|\psi\rangle|^2=1$. However, this is not the full solution to OP's problem, because we can show that, although not as bad as transforming invariantly, $|\langle x|\psi\rangle|^2$ is not as good as transforming like a 0th component, either. The underlying reason is, as already realized by Newton and Wigner, that a boost on a localized state will generate a delocalized state, so the interpretation is really frame dependent. As I disclaimed, I do not know if there is a complete satisfactory solution, or if it is even possible, but I hope it helps to clarify the issue. Appendix: Some interesting properties of Newton-Wigner(NW) states and operator I decide to make it an appendix since I think this is not directly relevant yet very interesting(all the following are for scalar field, and NW also discusses spinor field in their paper): (1). A state localized at the origin, projected to the bras $\langle 0|\phi(x)$, has the form $$\langle 0|\phi(x)|\mathbf{x}=0\rangle=\left(\frac{m}{r}\right)^{\frac{5}{4}}H_{\frac{5}{4}}^{(1)}(imr),$$ where $r=(x_1^2+x_2^2+x_3^2)^{\frac{1}{2}}$ and $H_{5/4}^{(1)}$ is a Hankel function of the first kind. So it is not a delta function under such bras. (2)The NW position operator $q_i (i=1,2,3)$ acting on momentum space wavefunction(defined as $f(k)$ in OP's notation) is $$q_if(k)=-i\left(\frac{\partial}{\partial k_i}+\frac{k_i}{2E_k}\right)f(k),$$ and in nonrelativistic limit the second term approaches 0, giving the familiar expression of a position operator. We can also get, if $\Psi(x)=\langle 0|\phi(x)|\Psi\rangle$, then $$q_i\Psi(x)=x_i\Psi(x)+\frac{1}{8\pi}\int\frac{\exp(-m|\mathbf{x-y}|)}{|\mathbf{x-y}|}\frac{\partial \Psi(y)}{\partial y_i}d^3\mathbf{y},$$ and here the nonrelativistic limit is hidden in the unit of $m$, when converting back to SI units, the $m$ on the exponent is really the inverse of Compton wavelength, which can be taken as $\infty$ for low energy physics, so again the 2nd term vanishes. (3)$[q_i,p_j]=i\delta_{ij}$. A: One textbook explanation of this problem is to interpret the probability density as a charge density. However this explanation is meaningless in the case of a real Klein-Gordon field. There is an other solution in which one works with the following Hamiltonian for a spinless particle: $H(p, x) = + \sqrt{p^2+m^2}+ V(x)$ This Hamiltonian is positive definite by construction, but it is a fractional pseudo-differential operator. As a consequence, its "wave equation" (named the Salpeter equation) after quantization is nonlocal. (The parentheses are added because it is not a hyperbolic equation). However, its nonlocality is consistent with the relativistic causality (light-cone structure), therefore, it is a viable relativistic field equation for a spinless particle. This Hamiltonian allows a probabilistic interpretation of its "wave mechanics". Its probability amplitude returns to be of the form $\bar{\psi}\psi$ at the expense of nonlocal spatial components of the probability current. Please see the following article by Kowalski and Rembielinśki in which explicit constructions of the positive definite probability amplitudes in many particular cases. The space of solutions of the Salpeter equation is a Hilbert space, thus it can be second quantized to form a quantum free field, please see the following article by: J.R. Smith. The relativistic causality is also manifested in the second quantized version.
{ "perplexity_score": 721.3, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
More than twice as many helmeted motorcyclists in Genesee County crashes since repeal of law Ronald Weissend's motorcycle sits in the garage of his home in Flint. Weissend was the first fatality in Michigan after the motorcycle helmet law was repealed. Lauren Justice | MLive.com FLINT, MI – More than twice as many motorcyclists who crashed in Genesee County wore helmets than those who went without them since Michigan repealed its helmet law, an MLive-Flint Journal analysis of Michigan State Police records found. Statistics show 70 people involved in Genesee County crashes were wearing helmets since the mandate was lifted in April, while 31 riders weren't wearing helmets. Rodgers speaks from experience. He's been a cop for more than 20 years and also has been motorcycle rider for more than 12 years. He said an August crash involving two motorcycles and a vehicle that ran a red light on Flint's south side details his point that injuries are becoming more serious after the helmet law repeal. Neither motorcyclist was wearing a helmet and one of the rider's heads hit the side of the vehicle, Rodgers said. "The doctor told him that he was able to slow himself down enough and had he been wearing a helmet, he would've walked away," Rodgers said. Instead, police said the man had a skull fracture and a brain bleed. Genesee County's 30 percent of helmetless riders who crashed is slightly higher than statewide statistics that show 74 percent of all motorcycle crashes involved helmeted people, while 26 percent weren't wearing a helmet. Another statistic in Genesee County that is on par with the numbers across the state is the number of licensed motorcyclists involved in crashes. In the six months since the law was repealed, 52 percent of people involved in crashes had a motorcycle endorsement. The analysis of licensed riders was a part of the 101 crashes in the county and was identical to statewide figures. "Most accidents of riders are because of inexperience or they have not had the training," said Randy Wilson, regional coordinator for American Bikers Aiming Toward Education in Genesee and Shiawassee counties. "The problem is people say, 'Oh, I used to ride dirt bikes.' Being out on the road is totally different." Wilson said ABATE strives to get into driver's education courses in order to teach new drivers of four-wheel vehicles about motorcycles and how to be more aware of them. "The problem with the state of Michigan is driver's training instructors don't have to talk about motorcycle safety," he said.
{ "perplexity_score": 382.3, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
[Lanay Samuelson] PORTAGE PARK — In a flash, a thief swiped two packages containing decorations for an upcoming baby shower from a Portage Park porch. The incident occurred at 6:35 p.m. Saturday near Linder and Warwick avenues in Portage Park and was captured on a surveillance camera. The video shows a woman with her dark hair pulled back — and wearing a white sleeveless shirt with peach tank top, blue skirt and flip flops — run up to the porch and grab the packages that had been delivered several hours before. Lanay Samuelson said she and her husband moved to Portage Park 1½ years ago from Ukrainian Village, where packages seemed to be stolen from porches on a weekly basis. "When we moved we were excited about getting away from that," Samuelson said. But news of other package thefts from porches in the area — along with graffiti popping up near her home — made Samuelson wary, and she and her husband installed a surveillance system. The items in the package were worth about $50, and included a decoration for an upcoming baby shower, solar lights for their yard and a book, Samuelson said. A plant that obscured the woman's face in the video has been moved, Samuelson said. "It is not so much what was taken but that we have to worry about things being stolen from our front porch to begin with," Samuelson said. On his Facebook page, Ald. Gilbert Villegas urged residents in the area to be on alert. For more neighborhood news, listen to DNAinfo Radio here:
{ "perplexity_score": 477.4, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Teilen: Einzelne Silber-Nanopartikel in Echtzeit beobachtet Dr. Julia Weiler Dezernat Hochschulkommunikation Ruhr-Universität Bochum 30.07.2018 09:10 Chemikerinnen und Chemiker der Ruhr-Universität Bochum haben eine neue Methode entwickelt, um in Echtzeit die chemischen Reaktionen von einzelnen Silber-Nanopartikeln zu beobachten, die gerade einmal ein Tausendstel der Dicke eines menschlichen Haares messen. Die Partikel werden in der Medizin, in Nahrungsmitteln und Sportartikeln genutzt, weil sie antibakteriell und entzündungshemmend wirken. Wie sie in ökologischen und biologischen Systemen reagieren und abgebaut werden, ist bislang aber kaum verstanden. Das Team der Forschungsgruppe für Elektrochemie und Nanoskalige Materialien zeigte, dass sich die Nanopartikel unter bestimmten Bedingungen in schwerlösliches Silberchlorid umwandeln. Die Gruppe um Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik berichtet über die Ergebnisse im Journal of the American Chemical Society vom 11. Juli 2018. Messung in natürlicher Umgebung Selbst unter wohldefinierten Laborbedingungen haben aktuelle Forschungsarbeiten unterschiedliche, teils widersprüchliche Ergebnisse zur Reaktion von Silber-Nanopartikeln erbracht. „In jeder Nanopartikel-Charge variieren die individuellen Eigenschaften der Partikel wie Größe und Form“, sagt Kristina Tschulik, Mitglied im Exzellenzcluster Ruhr Explores Solvation. „Mit bisherigen Verfahren wurde meist eine Myriade von Partikeln gleichzeitig untersucht, sodass Auswirkungen dieser Variationen nicht erfasst werden konnten. Oder die Messungen fanden im Hochvakuum statt, nicht unter natürlichen Bedingungen in wässriger Lösung.“ Das Team um Kristina Tschulik entwickelte daher eine Methode, mit der sich einzelne Silberpartikel in natürlicher Umgebung untersuchen lassen. „Unser Ziel ist, die Reaktivität von einzelnen Partikeln erfassen zu können“, erklärt die Forscherin. Dafür braucht es eine Kombination aus elektrochemischen und spektroskopischen Methoden. Mit der optischen und hyperspektralen Dunkelfeldmikroskopie konnte die Gruppe einzelne Nanopartikel als farbige Bildpunkte sichtbar machen. Anhand der Farbänderung der Punkte, genauer gesagt anhand ihrer spektralen Information, konnten die Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler in Echtzeit verfolgen, was in einem elektrochemischen Experiment passiert. Abbau der Partikel verlangsamt Mit dem Versuch stellte das Team die Oxidation von Silber in Anwesenheit von Chlorid-Ionen nach, wie sie häufig in ökologischen und biologischen Systemen erfolgt. „Bislang ging man meist davon aus, dass sich die Silberpartikel in Form von Silberionen auflösen“, beschreibt Kristina Tschulik. Im Experiment bildete sich jedoch schwerlösliches Silberchlorid – selbst wenn nur wenige Chlorid-Ionen in der Lösung vorhanden waren. „Dadurch wird die Lebensdauer der Nanopartikel extrem verlängert und ihr Abbau unerwartet drastisch verlangsamt“, resümiert Tschulik. „Das ist gleichermaßen für Gewässer wie für Lebewesen wichtig, weil sich das Schwermetall Silber durch diesen Mechanismus lokal anreichern könnte, was für viele Organismen toxisch sein kann.“ Weiterentwicklung geplant Ihre Technik zur Analyse einzelner Nanopartikel will die Bochumer Gruppe nun weiterentwickeln, um die Alterungsmechanismen solcher Partikel besser zu verstehen. So wollen die Forscher künftig weitere Informationen zur Biokompatibilität der Silberteilchen und zur Lebensdauer und Alterung von katalytisch aktiven Nanopartikeln erlangen. Förderung Die Arbeiten wurden unterstützt im Rahmen des NRW-Rückkehrerprogramms sowie durch die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft im Rahmen des Exzellenzclusters Ruhr Explores Solvation (EXC 1069). Weitere Fotos zum Download unter: http://news.rub.de/presseinformationen/wissenschaft/2018-07-25-chemie-einzelne-s... Wissenschaftliche Ansprechpartner: Prof. Dr. Kristina Tschulik Lehrstuhl für Analytische Chemie II Fakultät für Chemie und Biochemie Ruhr-Universität Bochum Tel.: 0234 32 29433 E-Mail: nanoec@rub.de Originalpublikation: Kevin Wonner, Mathies V. Evers, Kristina Tschulik: Simultaneous opto- and spectro-electrochemistry: reactions of individual nanoparticles uncovered by dark-field microscopy, in: Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2018, DOI: 10.1021/jacs.8b02367 Merkmale dieser Pressemitteilung: Journalisten Chemie, Umwelt / Ökologie überregional Forschungsergebnisse, Wissenschaftliche Publikationen Deutsch
{ "perplexity_score": 1478.6, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Nonneoplastic hematopoietic myeloproliferative syndrome induced by dysregulated multi-CSF (IL-3) expression. Post 5-fluorouracil-treated murine marrow cells were infected with a retroviral vector (MPZen) bearing a multi-potential colony stimulating factor (Multi-CSF) cDNA insert and then transplanted into lethally irradiated syngeneic recipients to study the effects of autocrine production of Multi-CSF in normal hematopoietic cells. Extremely high levels (14,000 U/mL) of Multi-CSF were detected in the sera and in media conditioned by various hematopoietic tissues of the transplanted animals. While spleen, peritoneal, and peripheral blood cellularity increased approximately 10-fold, 10-fold, and 50-fold, respectively, bone marrow cellularity decreased twofold. Progenitor numbers were depressed twofold in the bone marrow but elevated more than 100-fold in the spleen and peritoneum. The majority (80%) of transplanted mice died within 5 weeks of transplantation and showed extensive neutrophilic infiltration of the spleen, lung, liver, and muscle, often with mast cell foci; a phenomenon also seen in the skin and intestine. Neither the infected cells from hematopoietic tissues of the primary mice, nor autonomous mast cell-lines that grew from these cells in liquid culture produced any overt disease when transplanted into normal or sublethally irradiated secondary recipients. In contrast, injection into mice of autonomous FDC-P1 cells transformed by the same retroviral construct led to tumor formation in vivo within 4 weeks. Thus, dysregulated Multi-CSF expression by normal hematopoietic cells produces a fatal but nonneoplastic myeloproliferative syndrome.
{ "perplexity_score": 363.1, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Niccolò di Bernardo dei Machiavelli Cierta mitología liberal describe el origen del sistema del copyright, o derechos de autor, como un especie de idílico acuerdo entre autores y sociedad para proveer de medios que permitan la generación de nuevas obras: a la sociedad se la priva de ciertas libertades (imperceptibles en alguna época, esenciales hoy y a los autores se les conceden ciertos privilegios (un monopolio temporal) como forma de —supuesto— incentivo a su nirvana creador. Al final, la sociedad se beneficiaría con una incesante avalancha de obras originales, y los autores prosperarán satisfechos en la bienaventuranza material de los royalties que les proporciona el mercado (y no las condicionales dádivas del mecenas). Una fábula con un final obscenamente feliz… pero todo aquel que haya profundizado en este mito, comprende rápidamente que sólo se trata de la reescritura apócrifa de acontecimientos mucho menos decorosos. La historia indica que la genealogía ideológica del copyright hunde sus raíces en doctrinas más afines a la inventiva de los Machiavelli que de los Rousseau: establecer un mecanismo eficiente que controle qué obras, qué información y qué ideas, le conviene al poder que circulen o no entre la población. El pacto originario emergió desde una convergencia de intereses algo más espurio que lo que describe la fábula: la obstinación de las monarquías en sostener su rol de inquisidor absoluto sobre las ideas que podían pensar sus súbditos, y la urgencia de los nuevos “entrepeneurs” de los medios de comunicación del siglo XVI, los impresores, por obtener lo que ahora describiríamos como “un marco jurídico estable y atractivo para la inversión”. La nobleza podía concederle a un impresor un privilegio que le otorgaba exclusividad sobre algún best seller del momento y consolidaba el negocio, y el impresor [debía integrarse a un sistema](http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stationers’_Company) donde los gobernantes se aseguraban la eficiencia de sus vetos: a las obras prohibidas no les quedaba otra opción que el mercado marginal del contrabando y la clandestinidad. En 1710 el estatuto de la Reina Ana vino a mitigar este estigma absolutista y bajo la presión de los liberales, le entregó “todo el poder a los autores”. Pero al igual que el slogan de 1917, que en los hechos le entregó todo el poder al politburo y no a los soviets, la ley revolucionaria de los derechos de los autores entregó en la práctica, todo el poder a los editores. Con una perspectiva más comercial que política, los editores se encargaron de que la producción cultural quedara sometida más a los caprichos del mercado, que a los nobles o los comisariados políticos o religiosos. Pero aquel rasgo primigenio del copyright como herramienta al servicio de la censura, persiste intacto luego de varios siglos… Las dos caras de una misma moneda A confesión de partes, relevo de pruebas, dice el refrán. “Deberíamos utilizar el sistema de censura empleado en China, como un ejemplo de cómo detener la piratería” quiso decir más o menos Bono de U2 hace unos años, en el New York Times. Le hicieron caso y como todos saben, la consecuencia fue una protesta mundial en contra de la censura, que dejó en evidencia los pies de barro del supuesto bastión de la libertad de expresión de Occidente. Bono no pudo exponer algo tan evindente con tan amena candidez: copyright y censura son las dos caras de una misma moneda. Hasta un documento de los Relatores de Libertad de Expresión de las Naciones Unidas dio cuenta de estas tensiones. En definitiva: los mecanismos para la censura son idóneos para garantizar las restricciones del copyright… y las restricciones del copyright son idóneas como mecanismo de censura. Viejos parentescos que todavía siguen vigentes. La semana pasada la TV Pública argentina decidió dar cátedra sobre el tema: cómo hacer que un video del discurso público de un funcionario público, transmitido por medios públicos, liberado en internet con una licencia permisiva para su uso público, y utilizado en el marco del la deliberación pública… también pueda ser sujeto de un pedido de “take-down” en un reclamo por propiedad intelectual. Cristina y los monopolios: el caso Monsanto Javier Smaldone publicó el 16 de junio un video de un discurso de Cristina celebrando frente a un grupo de empresarios en New York el desembarco en la provincia de Córdoba de la multinacional Monsanto, con la instalación de una planta de producción de semillas transgénicas en la localidad de Malvinas Argentinas. El evento era el “Council de las Américas en New York” (un grupo de empresarios a los que les interesa el país, y junto con el anuncio, además de la insistente exhibición del folleto promocional de Monsanto por parte de la Presidenta, hubo declaraciones explícitas en favor de seguir expandiendo la frontera del agronegocio, y respaldar el sistema de patentes sobre organismos biológicos y cultivo con semillas genéticamente modificadas (prohibidas en Francia, Alemania, Italia y varios países europeos, entre otras menciones relacionadas con la indudable vocación ecologista de la empresa fabricante del agrotóxico más popular de la argentina sojera: el glifosato. De igual forma que en ciclos televisivos como “Perdona Nuestros Pecados”, “Televisión Registrada”, o “678”, Javier tomó partes del discurso y los intercaló en contrapunto con fragmentos del reconocido documental “El mundo según Monsanto” de Marie Monique Robin, que denuncia las prácticas monopólicas de la multinacional, el peligro de los agrotóxicos y a href=”“http://www.pagina12.com.ar/diario/dialogos/21-122355-2009-03-30.html>perverso sistema de patentes sobre las semillas. El video llegó rápidamente a las 10.000 visitas. Al parecer el contexto en que eran difundidas las palabras de la presidenta preocuparon a algún funcionario, y la TV Pública, comenzó a enviar reclamos a Youtube, la plataforma que aloja el video. Notificación al usuario en Youtube, del reclamo de copyright por parte de la TV Pública. Para sumar colmos al contrasentido de que la TV Pública esté reclamando el copyright sobre declaraciones públicas de un funcionario público en un evento público que se emite por televisión pública, el video en cuestión además se halla liberado con una licencia Creative Commons Atribución-Compartir-Igual, en el sitio de la propia Presidencia de La Nación. Sitio de la Presidencia de la Nación con Licencia Creative Commons. La aplicación de dicha licencia se realiza con el fin de que el material liberado pueda ser reutilizado y reapropiado socialmente. Luego del golpe ocurrido en Paraguay, donde fue apartado del poder el presidente Lugo, Monsanto fue señalado por varios analistas, entre ellos Atilio Borón, como uno de los actores ocultos que conspiraron para que se produzca la destitución. Nuevos videos con nuevos contrapuntos terminaron siendo objetivos de nuevos intentos de take-down por parte de la TV Pública: el copyright como excusa, la censura como fin. Nunca digas, de este copyright no he de beber En 2009, en el contexto del enfrentamiento entre el Grupo Clarín y el gobierno, entonces era el multimedio quien utilizaba las leyes de copyright como herramienta de censura sobre videos en internet que incluían fragmentos de la programación de sus señales televisivas, y cuyo contexto de difusión resultaba inconveniente. Así fue que videos como el informe de Telenoche sobre Ibarra y su caminata con el periodista Malnatti, o el papelón del periodista de TN Guillermo Lobo analizando el accidente del vuelo de Spanair, o el video sobre Ernestina Herrera de Noble y su relación con la dictadura militar, entre muchos otros, recibieron sus correspondientes take-down en Youtube, y las cuentas de varios usuarios, en su mayoría blogueros simpatizantes de kirchnerismo, que salieron a enfrentar la ofensiva mediática contraria al gobierno durante el conflicto con el campo, fueron canceladas por Google debido a la reiteración de reclamos. Vale recordar, que en un doble estándar escandaloso, semejante al que aplica hoy la TV Pública, el mismo denunciante, Artear S.A., emitía exitosos ciclos televisivos basados exclusivamente en recortar y reutilizar fragmentos de otras señales sin permiso. En “La ley en manos privadas: justicia con distinta vara” Bea describe en detalle este aspecto del problema. En ese entonces la periodista Sandra Russo habló del tema en el programa (de la TV Pública) “678”, denunciando la gravedad del tema, y hasta se conformó un grupo de acción conocido como “Blogueros por la Libertad de expresión”, que realizó una presentación frente a la Comisión de Comunicaciones de Diputados para denunciar los casos de censura, obteniendo un proyecto de declaración de la Cámara. Los blogueros se ampararon en aquel momento, en una interpretación amplia del artículo 27 de la Ley 11723 de propiedad intelectual que exceptúa de las restricciones a la información periodística. La periodista Sandra Russo denunciaba en 2009 por la TV Pública, en el programa 678, los casos de censura en Yuotube, donde Clarin y otros medios, habían utilizado el copyright como recurso para pedir la baja del video. Sin embargo… nunca digas de este copyright nunca he de beber, ahora es la propia TV pública quien pide la baja de videos fundamentando el pedido en la propiedad de los derechos del material reproducido, pero sumando los agravantes mencionados sobre sus responsabilidades públicas. Pero conviene sumar otro detalle no menor: a diferencia de los medios privados, los medios públicos estan financiados colectivamente y los aspectos económicos no pueden ser usados tampoco como excusa. ¿La TV Pública, no es pública? Socializar los costos, privatizar los beneficios. Es la premisa por antonomasia que fundamenta el neoliberalismo. Una de las variantes de apropiación privada más notables dentro del campo de la propiedad intelectual, es aquella donde los costos de producción se socializan a través de la inversión directa del estado, de la entrega de subsidios o de la aplicación de exenciones impositivas, pero donde los beneficios son monopolizados por un privado al que no se le exige ningún mecanismo de contraprestación: se excluyen deliberadamente formas de reapropiación o reutilización pública de las obras financiadas por lo público, a través de la aplicación de un dispositivo legal represivo sobre el colectivo social, que limita artificialmente el uso de las obras producidas (el copyright). Es decir, aún dejando fuera del debate las implicancias relativas a libertad de expresión, desde el punto de vista económico no debe perderse de vista que se trata de material producido con recursos públicos, colectivamente. La posibilidad de acceso o reutilización de las obras financiadas de esta forma debería quedar garantizada. Las amenazas legales contra ciudadanos de a pie, no ayudan…
{ "perplexity_score": 1578.7, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Dawnpaw and frostpaw of windclan Author Message Always_second_best Kit Join date : 2015-01-15 Posts : 40 Reputation : 0 Subject: Dawnpaw and frostpaw of windclan Thu Jan 15, 2015 5:22 am the softest dawnBreaks the strongestOf all darkness,Bringing light No matter how darkThe night gets.~written by me" But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?It is the east, and Juliet is the sun.Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon,Who is already sick and pale with grief,That thou her maid art far more fair than she:Be not her maid, since she is envious;Her vestal livery is but sick and greenAnd none but fools do wear it; cast it off. Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven,Having some business, do entreat her eyesTo twinkle in their spheres till they return.What if her eyes were there, they in her head?The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars,As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven Would through the airy region stream so brightThat birds would sing and think it were not night.See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand!O, that I were a glove upon that hand,That I might touch that cheek!"~William shakespeare, Romeo and JulietAct 2, scene 2 personality: dawnpaw is shy and quiet, preferring nighttime to daylight, and hunting to fighting. He is calm and reasonable, and is always a neutral factor in arguments, backing up the loosing side. He is nervous around other cats, and hates any exposed areas, preferring dense forest, and high up places.History: dawnpaw and his sister, frostpaw were born to two warriors who have both since died, leaving them with only each other. Their history is short, due to the fact that they are only apprentices. Description: dawnpaw has very short, mousy-brown and white fur, with cream patches and blue/green eyes. Strengths: dawnpaw is the reasonable one- able to solve issues and calm cats down with words of reason. He can climb trees almost as well as walking, and is silent and swift moving in areas that even the most skilled cats can get caught up in.Flaws: dawnpaw freezes up when he is scared, and he is scared of a lot- confrontations, crowding, wide-open spaces, being alone, and many others. To be honest, he is a bit of an anxiety-cat the way he handles most situations.Theme song: is there anybody out there. Likes (relationship wise): females who are kind and helpful.Other: personality: frostpaw is distanced and distracted, quite oftenWandering off after a feather in the wind, or evenWalking across boundaries. She watches the stars and dreamsOf the possibilities. She has always wanted a destiny, always Wanted to be something special. She has also got a sad feelingInside her, knowing that she won't be special. She doesn'tReally think that she deserves it.History: frostpaw and her brother, dawnpaw were born to two warriors who have both since died, leaving them with only each other. Their history is short, due to the fact that they are only apprentices. Description: frostpaw has long white fur and dark green/brown eyes.Strengths: frostpaw is observant and highlySpiritual, always looking to starclan for advice. SheIs spaced out, which enables her to get the larger Picture, and see others needs.Flaws:Theme song:Likes (relationship wise):Other:
{ "perplexity_score": 995, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: How does the GDK android camera example work? So I'm a little confused about what is going on towards the end of this code (inside processPictureWhenReady()). Before this method is called (within onActivityResult()) we have the image file path... So a file has already been stored. We then have the file declaration pictureFile using the filepath of the image (picturePath). Can someone explain why we have to declare a file using the same file path despite the fact that the file already exists ? Please don't just refer me back to the Google developers website as I have not found this useful. private static final int TAKE_PICTURE_REQUEST = 1; private void takePicture() { Intent intent = new Intent(MediaStore.ACTION_IMAGE_CAPTURE); startActivityForResult(intent, TAKE_PICTURE_REQUEST); } @Override protected void onActivityResult(int requestCode, int resultCode, Intent data) { if (requestCode == TAKE_PICTURE_REQUEST && resultCode == RESULT_OK) { String thumbnailPath = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_THUMBNAIL_FILE_PATH); String picturePath = data.getStringExtra(Intents.EXTRA_PICTURE_FILE_PATH); processPictureWhenReady(picturePath); // TODO: Show the thumbnail to the user while the full picture is being // processed. } super.onActivityResult(requestCode, resultCode, data); } private void processPictureWhenReady(final String picturePath) { final File pictureFile = new File(picturePath); if (pictureFile.exists()) { // The picture is ready; process it. } else { // The file does not exist yet. Before starting the file observer, you // can update your UI to let the user know that the application is // waiting for the picture (for example, by displaying the thumbnail // image and a progress indicator). final File parentDirectory = pictureFile.getParentFile(); FileObserver observer = new FileObserver(parentDirectory.getPath(), FileObserver.CLOSE_WRITE | FileObserver.MOVED_TO) { // Protect against additional pending events after CLOSE_WRITE // or MOVED_TO is handled. private boolean isFileWritten; @Override public void onEvent(int event, String path) { if (!isFileWritten) { // For safety, make sure that the file that was created in // the directory is actually the one that we're expecting. File affectedFile = new File(parentDirectory, path); isFileWritten = affectedFile.equals(pictureFile); if (isFileWritten) { stopWatching(); // Now that the file is ready, recursively call // processPictureWhenReady again (on the UI thread). runOnUiThread(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { processPictureWhenReady(picturePath); } }); } } } }; observer.startWatching(); } } A: You are referring, I presume, to this line: final File pictureFile = new File(picturePath); What they have done is created an instance of a File object from the file path where that image is stored. This File object is what they need to do some processing on the image. The File object is an abstraction of the image file in memory, NOT the actual physical file. As I understand it, you seem to be mistaking the two.
{ "perplexity_score": 1774.5, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Like a mid-20th century funhouse gone mad, Ministry’s official video for the track ‘Victims of a Clown’ is a relentless hallucinogenic ride through images of creepy clowns roaming circuses where there are no exits, men parading in ghoulish gas masks, psychological messaging, physical reality bending and nightmarish suburbia. And then there’s DJ Swamp’s couture. ‘Victims of a Clown’ was produced and directed by Chris Roth and Steve Roth of The Other House Productions, the same team that created Ministry’s surreal and provocative ‘Twilight Zone’ video as well as ‘I’m Invisible’ for Jourgensen’s side project, Surgical Meth Machine. “For the ‘Victims of a Clown’ video, we strived for a drastic stylistic departure from ‘Twilight Zone,” said Chris Roth. “‘This video is a much more raw, down-and-dirty, crunchy graphic art film.” One of the stronger tracks from the album, this is less thrash industrial Ministry and more brooding and menacing. The grooving bass gives way to a sparse and raw vocal delivery and a big anthem of a chorus. Filmed in Los Angeles late last year, the entire video was shot exclusively with handheld cameras and the band was lit with extreme rapid flash lighting that limited the final palette of the video to only three colours – black, white and red. “The end result”, Steve Roth added, “is very powerful. Loaded with raw energy and power.” The video is an incredibly well polished final product. Grainy and distorted with a behind the scenes feel to it, quickly cut with stock footage and the occasional barrage of lyrics. Hopefully some of this imagery will be used on their upcoming UK tour with Chelsea Wolfe. Dates below:
{ "perplexity_score": 386.4, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Andrianjaka Razakatsitakatrandriana King Andrianjaka Razakatsitakatrandriana or Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana was the King of Imerina in the central Highlands of Madagascar from 1670–1675. He was born in Analamanga as Lamboritakatra, eldest son of King Andriantsimitoviaminandriandehibe. During his father's lifetime, Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana was granted Antananarivo and the land west of it, including Ambohidrabiby, Ambohimanga and regions in the north, as his fief. Although his younger brother, Andrianjakanavalondambo, demonstrated a stronger capacity for wise leadership, Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana was selected to succeed upon the death of their father in 1670. Andriantsimitoviaminandriandehibe took this decision on the basis of the tradition established by their Vazimba ancestors Rafohy and Rangita, who declared that the elder must rule before the younger. In 1675 Andriamampandry and the nobles of Imerina deposed him in favor of his younger brother. Reign Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana married twice during his life: first, Ravololontsimitovy of the Andriantsimitoviaminandriandehibe clan, and second, Rafoloarivo of the Andriamanjakatokana clan. He had four sons and six daughters. His younger brother, Andrianjakanavalondambo, lived in Alasora during Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana's reign. As king, Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana soon showed himself to be stubborn and lacking in common sense. Several years into his rule, popular dissatisfaction was widespread. A widely respected political adviser and elder of the noble class named Andriamampandry took it upon himself to examine both brothers and rally the people to support a change in leadership. Andriamampandry visited the king and requested something to eat, but Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana claimed not to have anything available to share on that day. Before leaving, Andriamampandry asked the king, "How many hearts do you have?", to which the king replied that he had only one heart. Andriamampandry then visited prince Andrianjakanavalondambo, who acknowledged that it should normally be the king's right to enjoy the honor of showing hospitality to Andriamampandry, but offered to share his meal with the elder nonetheless. Afterward, Andriamampandry asked the prince how many hearts he had, to which the prince replied that he had two. Three versions of the events that followed Andriamampandry's initial assessment of the two brothers were recorded in the mid-19th century Tantara ny Andriana eto Madagasikara, the first documenting of Merina oral history. In the first version, Andriamampandry rallied the public in a speech that retold his experience with the brothers and explained in figurative terms the selfishness of men with one heart and the generosity and empathy of men with two hearts. Andriamampandry then left the gathering and was halfway to the royal palace when he was stopped by a man named Andriamanalina who offered to express the people's concerns to the king. The two traveled to the palace and Andriamanalina requested an audience. When an attendant asked his reason for wishing to see the king, Andriamanalina responded with a lengthy condemnation and then departed. Afterward the king discussed Andriamanalina's diatribe with Andriamampandry, who explained that the people were dissatisfied with him and advised him to leave the palace. The king departed, and at the same time the prince left Alasora to travel to his brother's palace. The first version of the story relates that during the king's absence Andriamampandry burned down the village at Andohalo, just outside the palace walls. The king returned having been universally lambasted, to find Andohalo burned and his younger brother occupying the palace under a new name - Andriamasinavalona - given to him by Andriamampandry. Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana fled to the coastal Kingdom of Boina, where he enticed a number of Sakalava soldiers to fight with him to retake the palace. The soldiers had not expected such a long journey, however, and abandoned Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana before reaching the highlands. Defeated, Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana returned to the capital and offered his submission to his younger brother. Andriamasinavalona sent him to live out his days in the village of Ankadimbahoaka. The variations on this narrative are fundamentally similar. A second version recounts that the prince described himself as having "three hearts, two hearts, and one heart" (rather than just two hearts), and explains that Andriamampandry tricked the king into leaving the palace by instructing him to journey to a distant location to sacrifice a zebu to the ancestors. In the third version, a primary role is given to the sampy (royal idol) named Kelimalaza, to which the success of Andriamasinavalona's coup is attributed. Death Andrianjakatsitakatrandriana died in Ankadimbahoaka and was buried in Ambohimanatrika. The former site of the burned village at Andohalo was renamed Ambohimanoro ("Burned Hill") and the site was forbidden to all future sovereigns of Imerina. References Bibliography Category:Malagasy monarchs Category:17th-century monarchs in Africa Category:Year of death unknown Category:Year of birth unknown
{ "perplexity_score": 270, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Nowadays workout routine is part of many people’s life. That’s a good habit, no doubt. But is jogging always followed by dizziness? And why do some of us experience this negative effect more often than others? It’s not all about food that we consume. Calories exist in drinks as well. In the summertime we tend to consume more liquids to stay hydrated hence it’s extremely important to learn to control the amount of calories in your beverages.
{ "perplexity_score": 272.6, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
PCR-based strategy for construction of multi-site-saturation mutagenic expression library. There is an increasing demand for efficient and effective methods to engineer protein variants for industrial applications, structural biology and drug development. We describe a PCR-based strategy that produces multi-site-saturation mutagenic expression library using a circular plasmid carrying the wild-type gene. This restriction digestion- and ligation-independent method involves three steps: 1) synthesis of the degenerate oligonucleotide primers, 2) incorporation of the mutations through PCR, 3) transformation into the expression host. Our strategy is demonstrated through successful construction of an E. coli K12 malic enzyme expression library that contains members with simultaneous mutations on amino acid residues G311, D345 and G397. This method is in principle compatible with any circular vector that can be propagated with a dam(+)E. coli host to generate protein variant library with multiple changes, including mutation, short sequence deletion and insertion, or any mix of them.
{ "perplexity_score": 486.2, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Training and mentoring We can provide training and mentoring for your staff, so that you can rapidly take over various marketing tasks in-house. We can offer training in-house at your premises, or you are welcome to come to us. We regularly have students in our office, so we have developed a range of techniques for training staff quickly and effectively. Training could be in social media posting, writing case-studies, or sending regular newsletters to customers. Or we can train you in various highly technical areas, such as how to run a pay-per-click campaign, how to run an email marketing campaign, or how to use software packages such as Adobe InDesign or WordPress. What our clients say: Nicola is an outstanding marketing professional who provides a full suite of value for money marketing services through her team. She is a pleasure to work with as she is focused on the client and adding value. Marketing projects are well managed and deliver results! Jim Rathbone, Rathbone Results Ltd Looking for something? Use the form below to search the site: Still not finding what you're looking for? Drop us a note so we can take care of it!
{ "perplexity_score": 374.7, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: operator overloading outside of a class! when i was trying to seperate the declaration and implementation of a non-member overloaded operator, i got a LNK2001 error in VC2010, my code was like this: -foo.h- class A { public: A(float x); float x; }; A operator +(const A&, const A&); -foo.cpp- A::A(float x) { this->x = x; } A operator +(const A& lh, const A& rh) { return A(lh.x + rh.x); } so once i use the '+' operation, the error pumps out, but if i remove the declaration in the header file, there are no LNK2001 errors.. i cannot figure out why.. A: I suspect you have the definition in a different namespace than the declaration. ADL is finding the declaration (since it's in the same namespace as the class), and then you get an unresolved external error during link. e.g. -foo.h- namespace aspace { class A { public: A(float x); float x; }; A operator +(const A&, const A&); } -foo.cpp- #include "foo.h" using namespace aspace; A::A(float x) { this->x = x; } A operator +(const A& lh, const A& rh) { return A(lh.x + rh.x); } Will give the error you describe. The solution is to put the operator+ definition in the correct namespace: namespace aspace { A operator +(const A& lh, const A& rh) { return A(lh.x + rh.x); } }
{ "perplexity_score": 1811.1, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
10-622-ag Pan v. Holder BIA Hom, IJ A088 377 874 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE SECOND CIRCUIT SUMMARY ORDER RULINGS BY SUMMARY ORDER DO NOT HAVE PRECEDENTIAL EFFECT. CITATION TO A SUMMARY ORDER FILED ON OR AFTER JANUARY 1, 2007, IS PERMITTED AND IS GOVERNED BY FEDERAL RULE OF APPELLATE PROCEDURE 32.1 AND THIS COURT’S LOCAL RULE 32.1.1. WHEN CITING A SUMMARY ORDER IN A DOCUMENT FILED WITH THIS COURT, A PARTY MUST CITE EITHER THE FEDERAL APPENDIX OR AN ELECTRONIC DATABASE (WITH THE NOTATION “SUMMARY ORDER”). A PARTY CITING A SUMMARY ORDER MUST SERVE A COPY OF IT ON ANY PARTY NOT REPRESENTED BY COUNSEL. 1 At a stated term of the United States Court of Appeals 2 for the Second Circuit, held at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan 3 United States Courthouse, 500 Pearl Street, in the City of 4 New York, on the 16th day of March, two thousand eleven. 5 6 PRESENT: 7 ROSEMARY S. POOLER, 8 RICHARD C. WESLEY, 9 PETER W. HALL, 10 Circuit Judges. 11 ______________________________________ 12 13 QIAO YUN PAN, 14 Petitioner, 15 16 v. 10-622-ag 17 NAC 18 ERIC H. HOLDER, JR., 19 UNITED STATES ATTORNEY GENERAL, 20 Respondent. 21 ______________________________________ 22 23 FOR PETITIONER: James Costo, Law Office of James 24 Costo, Brooklyn, New York. 25 26 FOR RESPONDENT: Loretta E. Lynch, United States 27 Attorney; Varuni Nelson, Scott Dunn, 28 Margaret M. Kolbe, Assistant United 29 States Attorneys; Dione M. Enea, 30 Special Assistant United States 31 Attorney, Of Counsel; Eastern 32 District of New York, Brooklyn, New 33 York. 1 UPON DUE CONSIDERATION of this petition for review of a 2 Board of Immigration Appeals (“BIA”) decision, it is hereby 3 ORDERED, ADJUDGED, AND DECREED, that the petition for review 4 is DENIED in part and DISMISSED in part. 5 Qiao Yun Pan, a native and citizen of the People’s 6 Republic of China, seeks review of a January 26, 2010, order 7 of the BIA affirming the April 22, 2008, decision of 8 Immigration Judge (“IJ”) Sandy K. Hom, pretermitting her 9 application for asylum and denying her applications for 10 withholding of removal and relief under the Convention 11 Against Torture (“CAT”). In re Qiao Yun Pan, No. A088 377 12 874 (B.I.A. Jan. 26, 2010), aff’g No. A088 377 874 (Immig. 13 Ct. N.Y. City Apr. 22, 2008). We assume the parties’ 14 familiarity with the underlying facts and procedural history 15 in this case. 16 Under the circumstances of this case, we review the 17 decision of the IJ as supplemented by the BIA. See Yan Chen 18 v. Gonzales, 417 F.3d 268, 271 (2d Cir. 2005) The 19 applicable standards of review are well-established. See 20 8 U.S.C. § 1252(b)(4)(B); Yanqin Weng v. Holder, 562 F.3d 21 510, 513 (2d Cir. 2009). 22 2 1 I. Asylum 2 Title 8, Section 1158(a)(3) of the United States Code 3 provides that no court shall have jurisdiction to review the 4 agency’s finding that an asylum application was untimely 5 under 8 U.S.C. § 1158(a)(2)(B), or its finding of neither 6 changed nor extraordinary circumstances excusing the 7 untimeliness under 8 U.S.C. § 1158(a)(2)(D). While the 8 courts retain jurisdiction, under 8 U.S.C. § 1252(a)(2)(D), 9 to review constitutional claims and “questions of law,” Pan 10 has challenged only the agency’s factual determination that 11 she failed to demonstrate extraordinary circumstances. 12 Accordingly, we dismiss Pan’s petition for review to the 13 extent it challenges the agency’s pretermission of her 14 asylum application. See Xiao Ji Chen v. U.S. Dep’t of 15 Justice, 471 F.3d 315, 329-331 (2d Cir. 2006). 16 II. Withholding of Removal and CAT Relief 17 The agency reasonably determined that Pan did not 18 suffer past persecution based on her membership in an 19 underground Roman Catholic church in China given that the 20 only harm she suffered was loss of her job and instruction 21 to register with an authorized church. See Ivanishvili v. 22 U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 433 F.3d 332, 341 (2d Cir. 2006) 23 (stating that the harm must rise above “mere harassment”); 3 1 accord Guan Shan Liao v. U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 293 F.3d 61, 2 67 (2d Cir. 2002); Matter of T-Z-, 24 I.&.N. Dec. 163, 172- 3 73 (BIA 2007) (economic harm must be “severe,” such that it 4 would “constitute a threat to an individual’s life or 5 freedom”). The record also supports the BIA’s determination 6 that Pan failed to demonstrate an objective fear of future 7 persecution, as the evidence showed that although China has 8 engaged in discrimination and abuse against Christians, Pan 9 failed to establish that the restrictions were severe enough 10 to constitute a likelihood a persecution. See Siewe v. 11 Gonzales, 480 F.3d 160, 167 (2d Cir. 2007); Xiao Ji Chen v. 12 U.S. Dep’t of Justice, 471 F.3d 315, 342 (2d Cir. 2006). 13 Substantial evidence also supports the agency’s 14 determination that Pan failed to establish a clear 15 probability of future persecution based on the birth of her 16 two children. We have previously reviewed the BIA’s 17 consideration of the State Department reports and family 18 planning regulations submitted in this case and have found 19 no error in its conclusion that such evidence was 20 insufficient to establish an objectively reasonable fear of 21 persecution. See Jian Hui Shao v. Mukasey, 546 F.3d 138, 22 169-72 (2d Cir. 2008) (“[U]nattributed ‘reports’ of forced 23 sterilization that lack[] any specificity as to number or 24 circumstance . . . d[o] not, by themselves, persuasively 4 1 demonstrate a reasonable possibility that [an applicant] 2 would face such persecution.”). 3 Because Pan was unable to establish the objective 4 likelihood of persecution needed to make out a withholding 5 of removal claim based on either her religion or the births 6 of her two children, she was necessarily unable to establish 7 a likelihood of torture. See Paul v. Gonzales, 444 F.3d 8 148, 155-56 (2d Cir. 2006). To the extent Pan asserts that 9 she will be tortured as a “returning illegal emigrant,” she 10 has pointed to no specific evidence that similarly situated 11 individuals are tortured when returned to China. But see 12 Mu-Xing Wang v. Ashcroft, 320 F.3d 130, 143-44 (2d Cir. 13 2003) (holding that the relevant inquiry is whether someone 14 in the applicant’s particular circumstances would be 15 persecuted upon return to China because of an illegal 16 departure). 17 For the foregoing reasons, the petition for review is 18 DENIED in part and DISMISSED in part. As we have completed 19 our review, any stay of removal that the Court previously 20 granted in this petition is VACATED, and any pending motion 21 for a stay of removal in this petition is DISMISSED as moot. 22 23 24 5 1 Any pending request for oral argument in this petition is 2 DENIED in accordance with Federal Rule of Appellate 3 Procedure 34(a)(2), and Second Circuit Local Rule 34.1(b). 4 FOR THE COURT: 5 Catherine O’Hagan Wolfe, Clerk 6 6
{ "perplexity_score": 415.7, "pile_set_name": "FreeLaw" }
DEar people, I have been having trouble with my installation of MythTV and the Haupauge 350. When I installed MythTV from the deb sources at http://dijkstra.csh.rit.edu/~mdz/debian/dists/unstable/mythtv.old/ However this installation broke my X windows. When I enter "startx" I get a screen which is just greyish blank" Xorg.0.log mentions Fatal server error: no screens found I am running debian 2.6.8 with KDE (but cannot seem to deinstall this) and trying to fix this startx problem I also installed gnome.. no resolution... Any suggestions.... this setup is driving me crazy... p.s. anyone has a good HOWTO on mythtv with hauppauge 350 and debian ? Rob -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL: http://mythtv.org/pipermail/mythtv-users/attachments/20051230/48285852/attachment.htm
{ "perplexity_score": 760.5, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
At 8 a.m. on Tuesday, June 25, he sat in an office with Anna Wintour, the company’s artistic director, and a member of the human resources department, who proceeded to do just that. On Wednesday, June 26, he sued Advance, the parent company of Condé Nast, for breach of contract, and people at W went back to work. On Thursday, Advance countersued him. “IT HAPPENED VERY QUICKLY,” was all Ms. Moonves cared to say about her hiring as she stepped into a black Escalade bound for a Chelsea gallery, site of the spring Proenza Schouler show. She had on black pants from the Row, which is designed by two of her best friends, Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. On top she wore a leopardy, zebra-ish coat designed by Jack McCollough and Lazaro Hernandez of Proenza Schouler, who are also two of her “best friends.” “Proenza for the Proenza show,” Ms. Moonves said. When the car arrived at the gallery, Ms. Moonves walked into the fashion equivalent of a college reunion, chatting with the model Karen Elson, the British Vogue editor Edward Enninful and the photographer Theo Wenner (all of whom she has worked with). Ms. Moonves was seated in the front row next to W’s editor at large, Lynn Hirschberg, who books the magazine’s covers and is something of a legend in the business. Ms. Hirschberg started at Rolling Stone, after which she did long stints at Vanity Fair and The New York Times Magazine, where she wrote big stories about the business of Hollywood and wrangled celebrities for T: The New York Times Style Magazine. (Mr. Tonchi was the editor of T from 2004 to 2010.) She left The Times in 2010 to go to W with Mr. Tonchi, but she grew increasingly exasperated with his behavior during the sale. So when Mr. Tonchi walked into the Proenza show and took his seat across the room, Ms. Hirschberg floated the idea of going over to let him have it.
{ "perplexity_score": 240.9, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
/* * OMAP5 thermal driver. * * Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Texas Instruments Inc. * Contact: * Eduardo Valentin <eduardo.valentin@ti.com> * * This software is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public * License version 2, as published by the Free Software Foundation, and * may be copied, distributed, and modified under those terms. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * */ #include "ti-thermal.h" #include "ti-bandgap.h" #include "omap5xxx-bandgap.h" /* * OMAP5430 has three instances of thermal sensor for MPU, GPU & CORE, * need to describe the individual registers and bit fields. */ /* * OMAP5430 MPU thermal sensor register offset and bit-fields */ static struct temp_sensor_registers omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_registers = { .temp_sensor_ctrl = OMAP5430_TEMP_SENSOR_MPU_OFFSET, .bgap_tempsoff_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMPSOFF_MASK, .bgap_eocz_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_EOCZ_MASK, .bgap_dtemp_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_DTEMP_MASK, .bgap_mask_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .mask_hot_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_HOT_MPU_MASK, .mask_cold_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COLD_MPU_MASK, .mask_sidlemode_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_SIDLEMODE_MASK, .mask_counter_delay_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COUNTER_DELAY_MASK, .mask_freeze_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_FREEZE_MPU_MASK, .mask_clear_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_CLEAR_MPU_MASK, .mask_clear_accum_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_CLEAR_ACCUM_MPU_MASK, .bgap_counter = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .counter_mask = OMAP5430_COUNTER_MASK, .bgap_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_THRESHOLD_MPU_OFFSET, .threshold_thot_mask = OMAP5430_T_HOT_MASK, .threshold_tcold_mask = OMAP5430_T_COLD_MASK, .tshut_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_TSHUT_MPU_OFFSET, .tshut_hot_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_HOT_MASK, .tshut_cold_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_COLD_MASK, .bgap_status = OMAP5430_BGAP_STATUS_OFFSET, .status_clean_stop_mask = 0x0, .status_bgap_alert_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_ALERT_MASK, .status_hot_mask = OMAP5430_HOT_MPU_FLAG_MASK, .status_cold_mask = OMAP5430_COLD_MPU_FLAG_MASK, .bgap_cumul_dtemp = OMAP5430_BGAP_CUMUL_DTEMP_MPU_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_0 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_MPU_0_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_1 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_MPU_1_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_2 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_MPU_2_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_3 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_MPU_3_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_4 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_MPU_4_OFFSET, .bgap_efuse = OMAP5430_FUSE_OPP_BGAP_MPU, }; /* * OMAP5430 GPU thermal sensor register offset and bit-fields */ static struct temp_sensor_registers omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_registers = { .temp_sensor_ctrl = OMAP5430_TEMP_SENSOR_GPU_OFFSET, .bgap_tempsoff_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMPSOFF_MASK, .bgap_eocz_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_EOCZ_MASK, .bgap_dtemp_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_DTEMP_MASK, .bgap_mask_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .mask_hot_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_HOT_GPU_MASK, .mask_cold_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COLD_GPU_MASK, .mask_sidlemode_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_SIDLEMODE_MASK, .mask_counter_delay_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COUNTER_DELAY_MASK, .mask_freeze_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_FREEZE_GPU_MASK, .mask_clear_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_CLEAR_GPU_MASK, .mask_clear_accum_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_CLEAR_ACCUM_GPU_MASK, .bgap_counter = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .counter_mask = OMAP5430_COUNTER_MASK, .bgap_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_THRESHOLD_GPU_OFFSET, .threshold_thot_mask = OMAP5430_T_HOT_MASK, .threshold_tcold_mask = OMAP5430_T_COLD_MASK, .tshut_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_TSHUT_GPU_OFFSET, .tshut_hot_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_HOT_MASK, .tshut_cold_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_COLD_MASK, .bgap_status = OMAP5430_BGAP_STATUS_OFFSET, .status_clean_stop_mask = 0x0, .status_bgap_alert_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_ALERT_MASK, .status_hot_mask = OMAP5430_HOT_GPU_FLAG_MASK, .status_cold_mask = OMAP5430_COLD_GPU_FLAG_MASK, .bgap_cumul_dtemp = OMAP5430_BGAP_CUMUL_DTEMP_GPU_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_0 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_GPU_0_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_1 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_GPU_1_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_2 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_GPU_2_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_3 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_GPU_3_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_4 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_GPU_4_OFFSET, .bgap_efuse = OMAP5430_FUSE_OPP_BGAP_GPU, }; /* * OMAP5430 CORE thermal sensor register offset and bit-fields */ static struct temp_sensor_registers omap5430_core_temp_sensor_registers = { .temp_sensor_ctrl = OMAP5430_TEMP_SENSOR_CORE_OFFSET, .bgap_tempsoff_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMPSOFF_MASK, .bgap_eocz_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_EOCZ_MASK, .bgap_dtemp_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_TEMP_SENSOR_DTEMP_MASK, .bgap_mask_ctrl = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .mask_hot_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_HOT_CORE_MASK, .mask_cold_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COLD_CORE_MASK, .mask_sidlemode_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_SIDLEMODE_MASK, .mask_counter_delay_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_COUNTER_DELAY_MASK, .mask_freeze_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_FREEZE_CORE_MASK, .mask_clear_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_CLEAR_CORE_MASK, .mask_clear_accum_mask = OMAP5430_MASK_CLEAR_ACCUM_CORE_MASK, .bgap_counter = OMAP5430_BGAP_CTRL_OFFSET, .counter_mask = OMAP5430_COUNTER_MASK, .bgap_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_THRESHOLD_CORE_OFFSET, .threshold_thot_mask = OMAP5430_T_HOT_MASK, .threshold_tcold_mask = OMAP5430_T_COLD_MASK, .tshut_threshold = OMAP5430_BGAP_TSHUT_CORE_OFFSET, .tshut_hot_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_HOT_MASK, .tshut_cold_mask = OMAP5430_TSHUT_COLD_MASK, .bgap_status = OMAP5430_BGAP_STATUS_OFFSET, .status_clean_stop_mask = 0x0, .status_bgap_alert_mask = OMAP5430_BGAP_ALERT_MASK, .status_hot_mask = OMAP5430_HOT_CORE_FLAG_MASK, .status_cold_mask = OMAP5430_COLD_CORE_FLAG_MASK, .bgap_cumul_dtemp = OMAP5430_BGAP_CUMUL_DTEMP_CORE_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_0 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_CORE_0_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_1 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_CORE_1_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_2 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_CORE_2_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_3 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_CORE_3_OFFSET, .ctrl_dtemp_4 = OMAP5430_BGAP_DTEMP_CORE_4_OFFSET, .bgap_efuse = OMAP5430_FUSE_OPP_BGAP_CORE, }; /* Thresholds and limits for OMAP5430 MPU temperature sensor */ static struct temp_sensor_data omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_data = { .tshut_hot = OMAP5430_MPU_TSHUT_HOT, .tshut_cold = OMAP5430_MPU_TSHUT_COLD, .t_hot = OMAP5430_MPU_T_HOT, .t_cold = OMAP5430_MPU_T_COLD, .min_freq = OMAP5430_MPU_MIN_FREQ, .max_freq = OMAP5430_MPU_MAX_FREQ, .max_temp = OMAP5430_MPU_MAX_TEMP, .min_temp = OMAP5430_MPU_MIN_TEMP, .hyst_val = OMAP5430_MPU_HYST_VAL, .update_int1 = 1000, .update_int2 = 2000, }; /* Thresholds and limits for OMAP5430 GPU temperature sensor */ static struct temp_sensor_data omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_data = { .tshut_hot = OMAP5430_GPU_TSHUT_HOT, .tshut_cold = OMAP5430_GPU_TSHUT_COLD, .t_hot = OMAP5430_GPU_T_HOT, .t_cold = OMAP5430_GPU_T_COLD, .min_freq = OMAP5430_GPU_MIN_FREQ, .max_freq = OMAP5430_GPU_MAX_FREQ, .max_temp = OMAP5430_GPU_MAX_TEMP, .min_temp = OMAP5430_GPU_MIN_TEMP, .hyst_val = OMAP5430_GPU_HYST_VAL, .update_int1 = 1000, .update_int2 = 2000, }; /* Thresholds and limits for OMAP5430 CORE temperature sensor */ static struct temp_sensor_data omap5430_core_temp_sensor_data = { .tshut_hot = OMAP5430_CORE_TSHUT_HOT, .tshut_cold = OMAP5430_CORE_TSHUT_COLD, .t_hot = OMAP5430_CORE_T_HOT, .t_cold = OMAP5430_CORE_T_COLD, .min_freq = OMAP5430_CORE_MIN_FREQ, .max_freq = OMAP5430_CORE_MAX_FREQ, .max_temp = OMAP5430_CORE_MAX_TEMP, .min_temp = OMAP5430_CORE_MIN_TEMP, .hyst_val = OMAP5430_CORE_HYST_VAL, .update_int1 = 1000, .update_int2 = 2000, }; /* * OMAP54xx ES2.0 : Temperature values in milli degree celsius * ADC code values from 540 to 945 */ static int omap5430_adc_to_temp[ OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE - OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE + 1] = { /* Index 540 - 549 */ -40000, -40000, -40000, -40000, -39800, -39400, -39000, -38600, -38200, -37800, /* Index 550 - 559 */ -37400, -37000, -36600, -36200, -35800, -35300, -34700, -34200, -33800, -33400, /* Index 560 - 569 */ -33000, -32600, -32200, -31800, -31400, -31000, -30600, -30200, -29800, -29400, /* Index 570 - 579 */ -29000, -28600, -28200, -27700, -27100, -26600, -26200, -25800, -25400, -25000, /* Index 580 - 589 */ -24600, -24200, -23800, -23400, -23000, -22600, -22200, -21600, -21400, -21000, /* Index 590 - 599 */ -20500, -19900, -19400, -19000, -18600, -18200, -17800, -17400, -17000, -16600, /* Index 600 - 609 */ -16200, -15800, -15400, -15000, -14600, -14200, -13800, -13400, -13000, -12500, /* Index 610 - 619 */ -11900, -11400, -11000, -10600, -10200, -9800, -9400, -9000, -8600, -8200, /* Index 620 - 629 */ -7800, -7400, -7000, -6600, -6200, -5800, -5400, -5000, -4500, -3900, /* Index 630 - 639 */ -3400, -3000, -2600, -2200, -1800, -1400, -1000, -600, -200, 200, /* Index 640 - 649 */ 600, 1000, 1400, 1800, 2200, 2600, 3000, 3400, 3900, 4500, /* Index 650 - 659 */ 5000, 5400, 5800, 6200, 6600, 7000, 7400, 7800, 8200, 8600, /* Index 660 - 669 */ 9000, 9400, 9800, 10200, 10600, 11000, 11400, 11800, 12200, 12700, /* Index 670 - 679 */ 13300, 13800, 14200, 14600, 15000, 15400, 15800, 16200, 16600, 17000, /* Index 680 - 689 */ 17400, 17800, 18200, 18600, 19000, 19400, 19800, 20200, 20600, 21100, /* Index 690 - 699 */ 21400, 21900, 22500, 23000, 23400, 23800, 24200, 24600, 25000, 25400, /* Index 700 - 709 */ 25800, 26200, 26600, 27000, 27400, 27800, 28200, 28600, 29000, 29400, /* Index 710 - 719 */ 29800, 30200, 30600, 31000, 31400, 31900, 32500, 33000, 33400, 33800, /* Index 720 - 729 */ 34200, 34600, 35000, 35400, 35800, 36200, 36600, 37000, 37400, 37800, /* Index 730 - 739 */ 38200, 38600, 39000, 39400, 39800, 40200, 40600, 41000, 41400, 41800, /* Index 740 - 749 */ 42200, 42600, 43100, 43700, 44200, 44600, 45000, 45400, 45800, 46200, /* Index 750 - 759 */ 46600, 47000, 47400, 47800, 48200, 48600, 49000, 49400, 49800, 50200, /* Index 760 - 769 */ 50600, 51000, 51400, 51800, 52200, 52600, 53000, 53400, 53800, 54200, /* Index 770 - 779 */ 54600, 55000, 55400, 55900, 56500, 57000, 57400, 57800, 58200, 58600, /* Index 780 - 789 */ 59000, 59400, 59800, 60200, 60600, 61000, 61400, 61800, 62200, 62600, /* Index 790 - 799 */ 63000, 63400, 63800, 64200, 64600, 65000, 65400, 65800, 66200, 66600, /* Index 800 - 809 */ 67000, 67400, 67800, 68200, 68600, 69000, 69400, 69800, 70200, 70600, /* Index 810 - 819 */ 71000, 71500, 72100, 72600, 73000, 73400, 73800, 74200, 74600, 75000, /* Index 820 - 829 */ 75400, 75800, 76200, 76600, 77000, 77400, 77800, 78200, 78600, 79000, /* Index 830 - 839 */ 79400, 79800, 80200, 80600, 81000, 81400, 81800, 82200, 82600, 83000, /* Index 840 - 849 */ 83400, 83800, 84200, 84600, 85000, 85400, 85800, 86200, 86600, 87000, /* Index 850 - 859 */ 87400, 87800, 88200, 88600, 89000, 89400, 89800, 90200, 90600, 91000, /* Index 860 - 869 */ 91400, 91800, 92200, 92600, 93000, 93400, 93800, 94200, 94600, 95000, /* Index 870 - 879 */ 95400, 95800, 96200, 96600, 97000, 97500, 98100, 98600, 99000, 99400, /* Index 880 - 889 */ 99800, 100200, 100600, 101000, 101400, 101800, 102200, 102600, 103000, 103400, /* Index 890 - 899 */ 103800, 104200, 104600, 105000, 105400, 105800, 106200, 106600, 107000, 107400, /* Index 900 - 909 */ 107800, 108200, 108600, 109000, 109400, 109800, 110200, 110600, 111000, 111400, /* Index 910 - 919 */ 111800, 112200, 112600, 113000, 113400, 113800, 114200, 114600, 115000, 115400, /* Index 920 - 929 */ 115800, 116200, 116600, 117000, 117400, 117800, 118200, 118600, 119000, 119400, /* Index 930 - 939 */ 119800, 120200, 120600, 121000, 121400, 121800, 122400, 122600, 123000, 123400, /* Index 940 - 945 */ 123800, 1242000, 124600, 124900, 125000, 125000, }; /* OMAP54xx ES2.0 data */ const struct ti_bandgap_data omap5430_data = { .features = TI_BANDGAP_FEATURE_TSHUT_CONFIG | TI_BANDGAP_FEATURE_FREEZE_BIT | TI_BANDGAP_FEATURE_TALERT | TI_BANDGAP_FEATURE_COUNTER_DELAY | TI_BANDGAP_FEATURE_HISTORY_BUFFER | TI_BANDGAP_FEATURE_ERRATA_813, .fclock_name = "l3instr_ts_gclk_div", .div_ck_name = "l3instr_ts_gclk_div", .conv_table = omap5430_adc_to_temp, .adc_start_val = OMAP5430_ADC_START_VALUE, .adc_end_val = OMAP5430_ADC_END_VALUE, .expose_sensor = ti_thermal_expose_sensor, .remove_sensor = ti_thermal_remove_sensor, .report_temperature = ti_thermal_report_sensor_temperature, .sensors = { { .registers = &omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_registers, .ts_data = &omap5430_mpu_temp_sensor_data, .domain = "cpu", .register_cooling = ti_thermal_register_cpu_cooling, .unregister_cooling = ti_thermal_unregister_cpu_cooling, .slope_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_SLOPE_W_PCB_5430_CPU, .constant_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_CONST_W_PCB_5430_CPU, }, { .registers = &omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_registers, .ts_data = &omap5430_gpu_temp_sensor_data, .domain = "gpu", .slope_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_SLOPE_W_PCB_5430_GPU, .constant_pcb = OMAP_GRADIENT_CONST_W_PCB_5430_GPU, }, { .registers = &omap5430_core_temp_sensor_registers, .ts_data = &omap5430_core_temp_sensor_data, .domain = "core", }, }, .sensor_count = 3, };
{ "perplexity_score": 2585.7, "pile_set_name": "Github" }
CSX has begun experimenting with the use of distributed power in trains on the Water Level Route. Q004 and Q003 are the first to use these DPU locomotives, and usually run with one or two locomotives on the front and a single DPU placed midtrain near the rear. One of the first runs of this train with a DPU is pictured in Churchville, New York on a sunny fall morning at the end of October. Locomotives: CSX 803 ES44AC DPU
{ "perplexity_score": 386.1, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Golden Oldies For anyone who has ever borrowed pieces from their mother’s jewelry box, we have just the assortment of gems for you! Click through to discover a pair of art deco-esque earrings, a crystal broach and more—and you’ll be set to accent your look in antique fashion!
{ "perplexity_score": 583.6, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Read String Till Flag (C++) I'm trying to read a string until a ',' character is reached and store what's been read in a new string. e.g. "5,6" // Initialise variables. string coorPair, xCoor, yCoor // Ask to enter coordinates. cout << "Input coordinates: "; // Store coordinates. cin >> coorPair // Break coordinates into x and y variables and convert to integers. // ? I also need to store the y value in a separate variable. What is the best way to do this in C++? Also, is the best way to validate the input to convert to integers and test the values range? A: If you have only one comma seperator in string, you can just find where comma first occurs in input and substring input with found position. Try following: std::size_t pos = coorPair.find_first_of(","); //Find position of ',' xCoor = coorPair.substr(0, pos); //Substring x position string yCoor = coorPair.substr(pos + 1); //Substring y position string int xCoorInt = std::stoi(xCoor); //Convert x pos string to int int yCoorInt = std::stoi(yCoor); //Convert y pos string to int
{ "perplexity_score": 1595.6, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
News Round Two in High-Stakes California Health Care Vote Kaiser professional workers in the upstart NUHW marched in one of several short strikes against concessions. A much larger Kaiser group will vote in April whether to join them in NUHW. Photo: NUHW. In Antioch, California, Angela Glasper walks through the Kaiser Permanente medical center talking to fellow employees about an upcoming vote between two unions. For years she represented her worksite in negotiations and defended co-workers in grievance meetings. Now she hopes they will listen to her and vote for the National Union of Healthcare Workers. “This race is going to be won on truth and relationships,” Glasper said. Kaiser workers will vote whether to change unions in April, four years after their local, United Healthcare Workers West (UHW), was trusteed by their international, the Service Employees. Kaiser is the massive nonprofit health plan and chain of medical facilities that dominates California medicine, with 7 million enrollees. Forty-five thousand of its 100,000 employees belong to UHW. Glasper is a cashier in the optical department. Before the 2009 trusteeship, she was on the local’s executive board and a steward. She was active in resisting SEIU’s takeover and has worked hard to build support for NUHW, the new union formed by the leaders removed from office. The split occurred over approaches to organizing and contract standards. NUHW leaders say the SEIU international’s growth strategy was to offer concessions to health care employers in exchange for less resistance during organizing drives. The immediate cause of the rift was the international’s plan to break off 65,000 of UHW’s 150,000 members, those in nursing homes and homecare, and assign them to a statewide local with inferior contracts. SEIU argued that a unified long-term care local would have more power. Ironically, after the trusteeship, the split-off was never implemented. EARLIER MATCH-UP After the trusteeship, NUHW supporters gathered signatures of members who wanted to join the new union, arguing that it would maintain not only contract standards but also independence and democratic practices. A vote was held in September 2010. UHW won handily, 18,000 to 11,000. Many members were afraid to upset what had been a comfortable status quo, with the best contracts in California health care. But the National Labor Relations Board tossed the result. The key ruling was that Kaiser intentionally denied raises owed to a separate group of professional employees who’d opted for NUHW, to make an example of them and encourage the majority to stay with management’s preferred union, UHW. The board also found that UHW had falsely threatened members with loss of scheduled raises if they joined a different union. During the 2010 election, SEIU flooded the hospitals with get-out-the-vote staff, many of them flown in from elsewhere. As the incumbent union, those staffers had more time and access than NUHW organizers to talk to employees inside facilities. To make up for the imbalance, this time Glasper is doing more legwork, on her own time, to stay in touch with supporters. She calls it turning people from purple—SEIU’s color—to NUHW’s red. “I don’t say, ‘Well, this person is red, I don’t have to worry about them,’” she said. “I revisit these people weekly.” NUHW has added resources and staff for the second go-round, thanks to its recent affiliation with the California Nurses Association (CNA), which counts nurses in Northern California Kaiser facilities among its 80,000 members. The affiliation also means nurse leaders inside the facilities are building support for NUHW. Kaiser members have long been UHW’s backbone. Their dues have funded organizing new members into the union. They have fully paid health insurance and a pension, and until last year a fully funded retiree health plan. Winning the election is crucial for both unions. If UHW is defeated, it will lose a third of its members and give its remaining hospital workers reasons to leave. If NUHW wins, its membership will increase fivefold. LACK OF REPRESENTATION Many members at Kaiser see the fight as more than just a turf battle. “A lot of people are saying, ‘When are we voting?’” said Frances Foley, a cardiology echo technician near Los Angeles. Foley said members complain that their union reps “side with managers, they don’t follow the contract. Bottom line: I want to take my union back.” Members have had three years to see the differences play out in their worksites. Under trustee and then President Dave Regan, UHW has dramatically shifted its focus from local worksite issues to corporate-level relationships. “People are getting disciplined every day for things that, when I was a steward, you could pick up the phone and fix,” Glasper said. “Now you have members that are going to be suspended or fired, they are looking for representation, and there is nobody to be found.” “We have no union basically, that’s what it’s like,” said Carla Garcia, a receptionist. “Now all of a sudden they are showing up at campaign time.” Glasper, Garcia, and Foley were among hundreds of stewards who either resigned or were removed because of their support for NUHW. Labor Notes asked UHW to put us in touch with rank-and-file supporters but received no response. AN ATTRACTIVE STATUS QUO? UHW leaders’ central argument is that members should stick with the union that bargained their contract—a contradictory claim, since they are taking credit for decades of bargaining by the officers they removed. “They go around telling people, ‘If you vote for NUHW, you will lose your contract and benefits,’” said Garcia, “which is a lie.” Labor law protects workers who change unions by preserving the conditions in the existing contract until a new agreement is reached. The latest agreement, from May 2012, gave members a 3 percent raise each year for three years. But the union also agreed to cap retiree health benefits down the road. And it added a “partnership tax,” 9 cents for every hour worked, paid back to Kaiser to manage its elaborate partnership structure with the union—moving $6 million in costs over three years onto employees. UHW also agreed to team up with Kaiser on a “wellness” initiative. The program tracks such factors as body mass index, weight, and cholesterol, then enlists employees as workplace leaders in bringing these numbers down. NUHW leaders see such programs as invading workers’ privacy, shifting costs to workers, and unfairly penalizing people with chronic health problems. “We know their underlying intentions are eventually to make us pay for our benefits,” Garcia said. Diane Barton, a pharmacy tech in Santa Clara, was a UHW board member and was on the 2012 bargaining team. She complains that union officials negotiated behind closed doors. “They bring us in the very last day of bargaining, and they said, ‘This is what you are going to get.’ And we go home,” she said. “Dave Regan comes in and says the same thing the employer said: ‘You are lucky you have a job, there are people waiting outside,’” Barton said. “That’s what flipped me. You can’t have a union boss that says the same thing as the boss.” In the last four years, NUHW has recruited 10,000 members, including smaller groups of Kaiser employees—nurses and social workers—and non-Kaiser hospitals in Salinas, Santa Rosa, Tarzana, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. In those hospitals, members have fought hard against employers’ push for concessions. Many settlements were reached after long contract fights, multiple pickets, and strikes. Most recently NUHW settled with the California Pacific Medical Center in San Francisco, undoing many concessions UHW had agreed to. The union won back protections against subcontracting, and stronger job security. But Kaiser has resisted settling with its smaller units, despite several short strikes. CNA nurses joined NUHW members in sympathy strikes in 2012. UHW has tried to capitalize on Kaiser’s refusal to settle with NUHW. Its message is that all NUHW and CNA do is fight with employers, never winning contracts. RN PERSPECTIVE Deborah Burger, a CNA co-president, said her union wants to help members replace SEIU because leaders are letting Kaiser get away with subcontracting and cutting staff. “Patient care assistants are taking on more and more of a workload,” Burger said. “They [Kaiser] are not replacing people who are sick.” This in turn affects nurses’ work and patient care. “You have a patient waiting in the hallway and you can’t get the patient in because the housekeeper hasn’t cleaned the room,” she said, “and that’s because we are short-staffed.” Worse, despite the fact that it’s expanding, Kaiser recently announced layoffs of 1,000 employees. UHW points out that the contract’s job security language allows up to a year before Kaiser can eliminate any position, allowing time to place each employee in a new job. But NUHW supporters say Kaiser shouldn’t be laying anyone off, and accuse UHW of secretly agreeing to the cuts behind closed doors. CNA says the givebacks in last year’s UHW contract were unnecessary. “We got 5 percent raises. We wouldn’t agree to layoffs,” said Burger of CNA’s 2011 deal. “We were adamant we weren’t going to take takeaways because, even in the recession, Kaiser was making money”—$2.6 billion in net income last year. Regan further angered nurses when he campaigned, together with hospital lobbyists, to roll back state-mandated nurse-to-patient ratios that CNA had won in 1999. He claimed this would ease the state’s financial woes and prevent layoffs of UHW members. “It’s very clear that the ratios save patients’ lives,” said Oakland nurse Katy Roemer. “That was amazing. This is someone who is willing to go after another union’s hard-fought gains.” OUTLOOK Ballots will be mailed to workers’ homes April 5 and counted May 1. NUHW members say its staff and supporters are still being denied equal access to break rooms and public areas in Kaiser facilities, though nurses are helping on the inside. The union faces an uphill battle to get workers who enjoy good wages and benefits to vote against the status quo. But Barton hopes the last three years have given members the opportunity to see for themselves. NUHW may have lost the last election by 7,000 votes, she said, but “there are a lot of people—more than 7,000—that have had broken promises by SEIU.” Samantha Winslow was an organizer at UHW for five years, until the trusteeship. She then volunteered for NUHW. Alexandra Bradbury contributed to this article.
{ "perplexity_score": 388.9, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Busted By ParadigmPizza Watch 75 Favourites 3 Comments 688 Views " After going to all the effort of disguising itself, its neck was broken. Whatever is inside is probably unharmed, but it’s still feeling sad." IMAGE DETAILS Image size 600x600px 213.64 KB Show More Published : Dec 5, 2016
{ "perplexity_score": 684.3, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Distribution of choline acetyltransferase immunoreactivity in the telencephalon of the lizard Gekko gecko. The presumptive cholinergic elements in the telencephalon of the lizard Gekko gecko were demonstrated with the AB8 anti-choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) antibody. Somata positive for ChAT were observed in the striatum, nucleus accumbens, the dorsal ventricular ridge, nucleus olfactorius anterior, tuberculum olfactorium, diagonal band of Broca, septum, bed nucleus of the medial forebrain bundle and lateral preoptic area. Staining of the neuropil was most conspicuous in the striatum but also occurred in the medial cortex and nucleus septi impar. The results indicate that the distribution of ChAT-positive somata in the telencephalon in reptiles is comparable to that in mammals; however, the relation of cholinergic somata and ChAT-positive neuropil seen in the striatum of G. gecko is different from that in mammals.
{ "perplexity_score": 436.7, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
CA Spectrum vs. Zabbix As of February 2019, CA Spectrum is ranked 5th in Network Monitoring Software with 33 reviews vs Zabbix which is ranked 2nd in Network Monitoring Software with 20 reviews. The top reviewer of CA Spectrum writes "Great network discovery means we have high confidence in our inventory". The top reviewer of Zabbix writes "My extended experience with Zabbix or how to cook toasts". CA Spectrum is most compared with Nagios XI, SolarWinds NPM and CA Unified Infrastructure Management. Zabbix is most compared with Nagios XI, Icinga and Centreon. See our CA Spectrum vs. Zabbix report. We asked business professionals to review the solutions they use. Here are some excerpts of what they said: Pros The most important feature is that it permits us to receive alarms if there is an incident within the infrastructure. The feature I love the most is the reporting feature, the MBI (Monitoring Business Intelligence) which permits us to send advanced reports to our customers in PDF format or in Doc format. We also deploy Centreon Map which gives our customers intuitive views of their information system.We are alerted on service impacts and not when something is down. We have saved a lot of time on non-business-hours intervention.What I like most about Centreon is that it is very flexible and customizable, based on the user and/or business needs. Centreon is very flexible when it comes to monitoring parameters. We can use scripts found on the internet or scripts created by our infra/apps team. Also, the data visualization features are very simple and straightforward, yet very informative.I find the product's scalability to be one of the most valuable features since it allows us to add unlimited devices for monitoring and to set up additional polling servers without additional license cost or downtime in our monitoring.The product is available in ISO image format, ready for deployment. Centreon also has a comprehensive guide and documentation that are simple and easy to follow.What we like about it is that, whereas with Nagios, by design, if you have five or six data centers, you have to open five or six web pages to see what's going on, In Centreon, this is all included in one page, a single site, one dashboard. You don't have to jump from one specific dashboard to the other.I really like the filtering capabilities of it. You can easily tell what's critical next to what's okay, the state of the services. It's very easy to get the whole picture quickly.E-mail alert notifications are valuable. The Spectrum tool improved our network assurance levels for our business units.All networks (or network equipment) are monitored through CA Spectrum.It is easy to understand and determine when and/or where the network is failing.The monitoring just comes to us: "Oh, there's something wrong with that machine." It tells us. There are some 50,000 machines or so, all doing different things. And if they go down we hear about it.It helps our NetOps group actually handle alarms in a way that lets them see the bigger picture of those alarms, and how they might affect our services. It helps us communicate information about the network state better to services that might be impacted by a specific network condition.As the kind of enterprise that straddles the line between telco size and enterprise size, it scales for us, because we're not all the way at telco yet.​It covers a lot of different types of hardware. It can do a lot and saves us time.​It is very stable. We have not had any major issues in over 10 years. Working on OS level features helps us do real analyses to determine conditions.Zabbix can use old data to current data to set the threshold. We can use previous data to set the threshold.We use it to monitor and manage our servers.Every new asset placed in the environment can be automatically detected, predicting human failures.It can send messages to our ticketing system.It has good graphs of what is going on within the operating system.​We are able to do problem determination on runaway processes.Health and communication links availability. I would like to see a better UI, one which is more responsive.The most important issue is the capability to interconnect with other systems. It already exists for some of them. For example, the Stream Connector is something we use to populate data in another system. This kind of facility for connecting should exist for all products that it makes sense to have connected to a monitoring solution.Centreon needs to improve the granularity of the data as well as the graphical data. It would also be better to if there was improvement to the filtering/grouping system as well as the creation of views.The Home view could be improved by adding customization functions that allow users to change the size of the widgets for a more uniform layout.Centreon technical support is only available during Central European business hours. When it comes to critical business solutions, there should be a 24/7 hotline that customers can rely on.There are improvements that they need to make to their API. When we're using different systems and we want to disable monitoring for a specific server, we still can't do that through the API. That's something that's lacking.This solution lacks service monitoring in the cloud.It is necessary to improve service monitoring of database services in the free version. The CA Technologies sales team destroyed their relationship with our business units.It needs better integration with other CA products.OS monitoring needs to be better developed, as well as their services, e.g., cluster monitoring, URLs, etc.Make it easier to certify devices.If they could interact with the MIBs of vendors better, and have a lot more pre-loaded ones, that would be amazing for us right now.The Spectrum OneClick is a Java-based client, and that's aging. Really, before any new feature integration, I'd love to see a comprehensive rebuild of the UI.The upgrade process could be smoother. More of the steps around upgrading could be automated.A better integration with the UIM, as far as being able to do root cause analysis and that type of analytics. Adding a mapping subsystem would be helpful.I want Zabbix to improve the UX/UI. Zabbix doesn't use a JavaScript chart for images, and I want them to improve this.Correlation of events would be a wonderful addition.​I would like to better be able to monitor Oracle processes.​Look and feel.The dashboard and the graph section could be a little bit more professional.We had some scalability issues with a large number of nodes.It should be easy to modify the front end. The solution is very effective, despite the low price.Open-source solutions like this can be very cost effective for an organization looking for a product that they can quickly implement, as there is no initial cost and there are no license renewal fees. However, it is important to take into consideration some of the related costs that may come along as needed, such as training, support, and product enhancements.I think Centreon's pricing is fair, especially given the criticality of our system. They were cheaper than the other solutions. The licensing terms were pretty straightforward. I believe it was based on the number of hosts.The pricing is acceptable.They only sell four hour slots for support, so if you have just one question, then you need to pay for four hours. Or, you need to wait until you have enough questions to fill those four hours. They are not flexible in this.For more complex tasks, we use prepaid support days and ask Centreon to come onsite.Centreon is an open source product. Thus, there is no need for licensing.It's quite expensive when you use the Enterprise version, but if you compare it to other providers, it's more like a middle-of-the-line product. It's always good to have a price that is lower, but I would say the price is okay because we get very good support and if we have any other issues we can always contact them. There has never been a time when I didn't get help from them. The cost of some of these products are a little cost prohibitive, which is unfortunate. We have to find lower cost solutions for some of the things that we have to pull in. For the most part, CA has capabilities in pretty much everything that you would need. You just have to figure out where are you going to spend the most money for what you have to actually get done. You can do all these things but, which ones do you have to do? And that's hard to choose sometimes because you want to do them all.It’s a great tool, but an expensive one. Learn how to use it properly.It is very pricey. With the current trend of enterprises moving towards cheaper and more modern looking solutions like ManageEngine, SevOne, ServicePilot, and Paesller. It is free, which allows us to reduce costs.It is worth every cent to pay or even study to do your own installation.We’re using the free version, which covers all our current needs.There are no licenses.It's free software released under the GNU/GPL license.The product is an open source and free solution.It is a true open-source solution, so there are no licensing costs.It’s free of cost. The Centreon solution, based on a free to download Open Source Platform, monitors all critical IT Infrastructure and Applications with real-time dashboards, analytics and insightful alerts that prevent business-impacting downtimes. Since 2005, over 200,000 IT professionals from SMBs and Fortune 500 companies rely on Centreon to guarantee their organization operational performance. CA Spectrum can enable your organization to discover, optimize and improve its infrastructure and the business services running on top of it. By delivering large-enterprise scalability, robust features and superior root cause analysis, this solution can help your organization effectively manage its dynamic, complex IT infrastructure including physical, virtual and cloud environments as well as network virtualization. Zabbix is the ultimate enterprise-level software designed for real-time monitoring of millions of metrics collected from tens of thousands of servers, virtual machines and network devices. Zabbix is Open Source and comes at no cost. We monitor all Network Monitoring Software reviews to prevent fraudulent reviews and keep review quality high. We do not post reviews by company employees or direct competitors. We validate each review for authenticity via cross-reference with LinkedIn, and personal follow-up with the reviewer when necessary.
{ "perplexity_score": 386.3, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: Using different wordpress loop output depending on category I am trying to create a somewhat advanced wordpress loop for a new website. I would like to display all recent posts on the front page, but differently depending on chosen category. I am thinking something like this: Start Loop Check if category = category 1 If category = category 1: <-- Loop elements for said category (template tags etc.) --> Else, check if category = category 2 If category = category 2 <-- Loop elements for said category (template tags etc.) --> Else <-- Standard loop elements (template tags etc.) --> End loop Is this possible? Are there simpler ways to do this? I realize i could use multiple loops, but would like to keep the posts in chronological order. I tried using the following code, but this breaks when i put the template tags in the echo? <?php $category_name = 'Category 1'; if(in_category($category_name)) { echo ' <div class="post"> the_title(); the_excerpt(); <div> '; } ?> Any help much appreciated :) A: Try <?php $category_name = 'Category 1'; if(in_category($category_name)) { ?> <div class="post"> <?php the_title(); ?> <?php the_excerpt(); ?> <div> <?php } ?>
{ "perplexity_score": 1627.4, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
A new poll of likely Hispanic voters in the 2016 presidential election shows strong support for the two candidates seen as potential Democratic nominees: former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton Hillary Diane Rodham ClintonBarr criticizes DOJ in speech declaring all agency power 'is invested in the attorney general' Virginia Democrat blasts Trump's 'appalling' remark about COVID-19 deaths in 'blue states' The Hill's Campaign Report: Biden asks if public can trust vaccine from Trump ahead of Election Day | Oklahoma health officials raised red flags before Trump rally MORE and Vice President Biden. The survey, by Latino Decisions, also revealed Republican candidates continue to significantly trail among Hispanic voters, with even champions of immigration reform like Sen. Marco Rubio Marco Antonio RubioHillicon Valley: DOJ indicts Chinese, Malaysian hackers accused of targeting over 100 organizations | GOP senators raise concerns over Oracle-TikTok deal | QAnon awareness jumps in new poll Intelligence chief says Congress will get some in-person election security briefings Republican Senators raise concerns over Oracle-TikTok deal MORE (R-Fla.) and former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush significantly behind top Democrats. That deficit could again prove significant in 2016, when the pollsters estimate that the Hispanic vote will approach 12.5 million. In 2012, exit polls suggested 71 percent of Hispanic voters broke for President Obama. ADVERTISEMENT According to the survey, Clinton remains the most popular candidate among the Hispanic electorate, mirroring other recent national surveys. The former first lady is seen positively by 73 percent of likely Hispanic voters, while 17 percent have a negative view. That's enough for a substantial lead over Biden, who holds a 58-21 percent favorability rating. Rubio, meanwhile, carries a narrow 31-29 positive favorability rating. Some four in 10 probable Hispanic voters, though, say they don't know the Florida lawmaker, who has helped push for comprehensive immigration reform in the Senate. Jeb Bush — also a proponent of immigration reform — is underwater with his favorability ranking. While a third of Hispanic voters don't know him, 39 percent view him unfavorably and 27 percent view him favorably. Rep. Paul Ryan Paul Davis RyanAt indoor rally, Pence says election runs through Wisconsin Juan Williams: Breaking down the debates Peterson faces fight of his career in deep-red Minnesota district MORE (R-Wis.), the Republican vice presidential candidate in 2012, is viewed favorably by just two in 10 Hispanic voters. Half say they don't know the House Budget Committee chairman, and 31 percent view him unfavorably. The top performing Republican among Hispanic voters was New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who carries a 38-12 percent favorability rating. Half of voters though say they have no opinion of Christie. Despite being more popular, Christie trails Rubio when Hispanic voters were asked who they would vote for in a Republican primary, pulling just 14 percent to Rubio's 29 percent. Bush (13 percent), Ryan (11 percent), and Sen. Rand Paul Randal (Rand) Howard PaulGOP senator to quarantine after coronavirus exposure The Hill's Morning Report - Sponsored by National Industries for the Blind - Trump seeks to flip 'Rage' narrative; Dems block COVID-19 bill Overnight Health Care: Senate Democrats block GOP relief bill | Democrats reveal Medicaid chief's spending on high-paid consultants | Trump calls question about why he 'lied' about COVID-19 a 'disgrace' MORE (R-Ky.) at 9 percent round out the top 5. Rubio, unsurprisingly, would begin with a major deficit in a head-to-head matchup with Clinton. According to the poll, Clinton would win Hispanic voters 66-28 percent, with 6 percent remaining undecided. Biden fares nearly as well, holding a 60-28 percent advantage over Rubio with 12 percent undecided. The Democratic leads only increase in hypothetical head-to-head match-ups with possible Republican candidates Ryan or Bush. None of the Republican challengers are pulling the 38-42 percent of Hispanic voters a GOP candidate would likely need to win the presidency, according to many strategists. That deficit is expected to hold particular sway in swing states including Virginia, Florida, Colorado, Nevada and New Mexico. Outside of the presidential race, the poll found that Hispanic voters were increasingly shifting their focus to the battle over immigration reform. In the survey, 53 percent said immigration was the most important issue for the president and Congress to address, with just 28 percent choosing the economy and jobs. That figure marks a shift from November, when 58 percent said economic issues and 35 percent said immigration. Eight in 10 Hispanic voters reported closely following news about immigration, including 82 percent of those who have voted in the past for Republican candidates. The issue could be a huge boon for GOP candidates, if a compromise bill can find its way through the House. Hispanic voters who cast a ballot for President Obama in the past were 50 percent more likely to say they would consider voting for Rubio if immigration reform passed, as were 46 percent of independents. The survey also found that a Democratic candidate could benefit among Hispanics by adding San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro to the ticket, with 62 percent of voters saying his selection would make them more likely to back a Democratic ticket. Fellow Texan Sen. Ted Cruz Rafael (Ted) Edward CruzLoeffler calls for hearing in wake of Netflix's 'Cuties' Health care in the crosshairs with new Trump Supreme Court list 'Parks and Rec' cast members hosting special reunion to raise money for Wisconsin Democrats MORE (R), does not carry the same weight on the Republican side, with 49 percent saying his choice as vice presidential candidate would make them less likely to vote for a GOP ticket.
{ "perplexity_score": 665.8, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
It is a tradition for Mesta and all of the Chios Island. The festival takes place on 18th of March 2013, at the town square.
{ "perplexity_score": 95.1, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
If you are a werewolf and if you marry Adela then you have yourself a powerful wife there too. Well I was curious because I was wondering if she can come along on quests and use her werewolf ability with you when you turn. Sort of like a husband wife hunting trip! I was tricked into thinking there were more quests in a quest line, but it was just endless repeatable quests after I finished it :( wasted sooo much time! However, I did have my first encounter with a dragon inside a town/city! That was awesome. Love the game so far. Only played 2 hours last night and barely touched a damn thing in terms of progress. Some Giant spider messed me up trying to retrieve the claw thing for the shop owner in the first town. I decided to come back to it because I was tired and seeing double. Does anybody else level stack? I don't level up my dude when I can. That way I can level up in combat and get a free refill on health and mana. It helps in case I run into a dragon by myself after a clearing out a dungeon. I normally only have one level above me waiting. I also don't know any disadvantages either, besides not having the extra perk. Technically a person can probably just stay level 1 and beat down everybody with 100 of everything and no perks. I wanted to kill the Jarl of Whiterun's son because of his stupid "Oh another traveler to lick my fathers boots." I never tried in fear of the repercussions... Now I am glad I didn't I F5'd and gave a go at trying to kill the Battle-Born kid in Whiterun. Chased him everywhere...he takes no damage :(. Killed a ****-ton of guards trying to kill him (they can't take me down...I'm waaaay too strong). F9'd back to normal. Does anybody else level stack? I don't level up my dude when I can. That way I can level up in combat and get a free refill on health and mana. It helps in case I run into a dragon by myself after a clearing out a dungeon. I normally only have one level above me waiting. I also don't know any disadvantages either, besides not having the extra perk. Technically a person can probably just stay level 1 and beat down everybody with 100 of everything and no perks. Would suck though because some quests are level dependent(hangover). I did that by accident when I first started playing simply because I didn't know what was going on with the levelling system. I went from 1-6 when I finally figured it out. I rarely use my perks. I think I've used 6 perks and have a ton just waiting to be used. After playing for 30+ hours so far I have come to the conclusion that this may be my favorite game of all time. Then again, it's not that surprising because Oblivion may have very well been my favorite before Skyrim, and Skyrim improves on Oblivion in pretty much every way imaginable.
{ "perplexity_score": 481.3, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Q: GraphicsPath.AddPolygon not rendering properly Basically I have a form and am trying to "dim" areas of it to draw focus to a certain part of the form. To do this I'm using a Form with no border and 50% opacity, aligned with the actual form. The area I am trying to mask is the dark gray area, roughly, as pictured: To get the "U"-shaped form, I'm using a GraphicsPath with AddPolygon, calculating the points of each vertex: var p = new GraphicsPath(); var origin = new Point(Top, Left); var maxExtentPt = new Point(origin.X + Width, origin.Y + Height); Point[] points = { origin, new Point(origin.X + leftPanel.Width, origin.Y), new Point(origin.X + leftPanel.Width, maxExtentPt.Y - bottomPanel.Height), new Point(maxExtentPt.X - rightPanel.Width, maxExtentPt.Y- bottomPanel.Height), new Point(maxExtentPt.X - rightPanel.Width, origin.Y), new Point(maxExtentPt.X, origin.Y), maxExtentPt, new Point(origin.X, maxExtentPt.Y), origin }; p.AddPolygon(points); overlayForm.Region = new Region(p); overlayForm.Location = PointToScreen(Point.Empty); The three panels in the code are what I am masking, so I am using their dimensions to calculate the points. Instead of getting my expected result, the mask looks like this, with its size changing as I resize the main form (I recalculate the region on Move and Resize): Is there some limitation of GraphicsPath.AddPolygon that I'm not aware of? I double-checked (quadruple-checked, really) the results of my calculations, including taking the coordinates for each point and plugging them into Ipe to see if the shape was actually correct... It was. But not in my program! Edit: Here are the values of each point, when I hit a breakpoint at p.AddPolygon(points); I'm starting in the upper left-hand corner and going around clockwise: A: Looks like your points are wrong after all. Everything ought to be in the coordinates of the ClientRectangle, so Origin should not be new Point(Top, Left) which is the Location of the Form. It should be Point.Empty or (0,0). Or you could use the leftPanel.Location. And maxExtentPt = new Point(origin.X + Width, origin.Y + Height); should read: var maxExtentPt = new Point(origin.X + ClientSize.Width, origin.Y + ClientSize.Height); (The difference is the size of border+title..) Let me know if that works better!
{ "perplexity_score": 1666.9, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Thyrassia virescens Thyrassia virescens is a moth in the family Zygaenidae. It was described by George Hampson in 1892 from Sri Lanka. References Category:Moths described in 1892
{ "perplexity_score": 79, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Q: WCF Data Service compression for an Android client I use a WCF Data Services service that resides in a Windows Service program and get data with an Android phone using Odata4j. I get lots of data from it and I need to compress the data coming from the Data Service. I was thinking of GZip as a standard compressing algorythm and Android should have the necessary decoding methods. Is it possible? I couldn't find the compression settings for my data service let alone the Android side of the decompression. What is the best way to accomplish this? A: So here are my findings regarding to the compression problem. With a WCF Data Service in a Windows Service, you cannot create compression because you cannot modify the output as there is no HTTPContext - it is a property of the ASP context that can be found only in IIS (Express) You need an IIS for compressing the data - it is easy that way Much to my astonishment, the compressed data could be read by odata4j without any modification It is good to know that the decompressing of the incoming data takes notable time, comparable to the time gained by transferring less data See here for more information.
{ "perplexity_score": 665.8, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Dewalt DWX724 Compact Miter Saw Stand We want to pass on our savings to our customers, so we've lowered the price of this item. However, since our price is now below the manufacturer's suggested retail price, we are restricted by the manufacturer from showing the price right away. Was worried about it being "too" compact - nope, it's perfect. Used on Eagle Scout project sites with my DW717 (10" miter). Just unlatch the saw, shake off the sawdust, toss it in the car, good to go. Very manageable and sturdy. I can see where its big brother would be good for high volumes of long stock, but this is quite adept for a non-pro like me. Just right. This stand is really nice for moving around. If you're someone that moves your miter saw a lot or sets up and takes down everyday this is a great stand. Pros:It is very stable and sits at a good height. The extensions are very stable and can support a lot of weight well. It stores into a much smaller space and is half the weight of the more expensive wheeled stands Unless you don't have to lift your wheeled stand ever I'd take this over any wheeled stand I've seen at even double its price Cons:Complete lack of precision with its stops for making repeated cuts. The stop can wiggle more than ¼" making that feature useless. If you've used any of dewalts miter stands before you know what I mean. Its doesn't have a leveling foot. This isn't really a big deal to me but its a shame dewalt doesn't add it when it would be very easy. In summary:There are definantly nicer stands out there and its not my first choice for a miter saw stand but it's definitely my choice for a miter saw stand under $300. If you deal with 16'+ lengths of heavier material a lot I would definitely recommend dewalts larger version of this stand. For me I don't so I just add a roller stand for when I do. You can buy extra mounting brackets for this stand making it very easy to swap saws if you take a different one out depending on what kind of work you're doing. Surprisingly heavy. Good balance between portability and stability. Folds up nicely. Worse feature - the support arms sag as you extend them, so you constantly need the adjust the height whenever you change the arm position to keep the support level with the miter table. I have only used it twice so far and have learned what an essential part of a mitre saw it is. I have a small shop so my moveable tools have to be put away for the evening, this makes it very easy. It also makes it easy to setup in another location and eliminates the problem of making something to hold a longer board flush with the saw bed. The stand is amazing. Not only is pretty light, it is also very easy to use and fold. Takes up very small amount of space and ca convert any area into a work bench for your chop saw. Easy to store and transfer to job sites. I would totally recommend this to make you life a lot easier. This is a great alternative to the full size DW723. On many occasions I have not needed the fulle size of the DW723 and wanted a smaller version, this is it. I plan to keep both my larger version and this, but the average homeowner could get away with this alone. The size is easy to store and set upi is a breeze, plus regardless of the model, the saw brackets fit the DW723, DW724 and DW725, great move on dewalts part. my only con is that there is only a few dollar difference between this model and the DW723. I have been waiting for DeWalt to come out with a compact stand for many years now and am glad to finally own one. I use this indoors in my shop and outdoors on site. It is very sturdy and easily handles my DeWalt compound sliding mitre saw. [...] BEST ANSWER:It does come with Mounting Brackets!And we use it for Hitachi as well as Dewalt.Be prepared to only meet to mounting holes if using other than Dewalt brand saws.Works as intended.Alex DintsinAl-Din Service BEST ANSWER:It does come with Mounting Brackets!And we use it for Hitachi as well as Dewalt.Be prepared to only meet to mounting holes if using other than Dewalt brand saws.Works as intended.Alex DintsinAl-Din Service For a saw, yes, it includes brackets. They don’t fit all chop saws however. the manual has instructions on how to make a plywood template to get them to fit most non-dewalt saws (it fit my Makita out of the box). BEST ANSWER:Nope, they come with it as well as the stops. Does exactly the same thing as its larger and heavier brother except will not extend out quite as far. That said, each extension slides out almost 4’ each side.Steven Gardner BEST ANSWER:Nope, they come with it as well as the stops. Does exactly the same thing as its larger and heavier brother except will not extend out quite as far. That said, each extension slides out almost 4’ each side.Steven Gardner Nope, they come with it as well as the stops. Does exactly the same thing as its larger and heavier brother except will not extend out quite as far. That said, each extension slides out almost 4' each side Warranty Most DEWALT® Tools purchased on or after January 1, 2004 come with a warranty package that includes: Three-Year Limited Warranty. DEWALT will repair, without charge, any defects due to faulty materials or workmanship for three years from the date of purchase. This warranty does not cover part failure due to normal wear or tool abuse. For further detail of warranty coverage and warranty repair information, visit www.dewalt.com or call 1-800-4-DEWALT (1-800-433-9258). This warranty does not apply to accessories or damage caused where repairs have been made or attempted by others. This warranty gives you specific legal rights and you may have other rights which vary in certain states or provinces. One-Year Free Service Contract. DEWALT will maintain the tool and replace worn parts caused by normal use, for free, any time during the first year after purchase. 90-Day Money Back Guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with the performance of your DEWALT Power Tool, Laser, or Nailer for any reason, you can return it within 90 days from the date of purchase with a receipt for a full refund - no questions asked.
{ "perplexity_score": 543.7, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Like this: Related Post navigation 8 thoughts on “Dork Tower rules.” Angela Griffinsays: If this is random Friday, can I ask a random question? Are you going to do Teaser Tuesdays for the next Kate? You did them a couple of years ago and I loved getting up on a Tuesday, grabbing my coffee, and seeing what the next tidbit held.
{ "perplexity_score": 949.6, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Hoseyni, Yazd Hoseyni (, also Romanized as Ḩoseynī and Hoseini; also known as ’aşīrī, Husaini, and ’oseynī) is a village in Pishkuh Rural District, in the Central District of Taft County, Yazd Province, Iran. At the 2006 census, its population was 880, in 145 families. References Category:Populated places in Taft County
{ "perplexity_score": 32.4, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
The Arkansas Senate race has narrowed, according to a new poll which shows Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor leading Republican Tom Cotton by 2 points. The Suffolk/USA Today survey released Wednesday found Pryor leading 45 percent to 43 percent, within the poll’s margin of error. Seven percent were undecided. Remarkably, the one-fifth of Arkansas voters who name health care as their top priority support Pryor by a margin of 50 to 39 percent, the poll found. The statistic cuts against predictions that Obamacare would damage Democrats in the midterm elections. The result is welcome news for Pryor as Cotton has led in polls conducted over the last month by NBC/Marist, CNN, CBS/New York Times and the Democratic-affiliated Public Policy Polling. Cotton leads Pryor by 1.4 percentage points, according to the TPM PollTracker average.
{ "perplexity_score": 541.1, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Eosinophilic pustular folliculitis starting initially only with palmoplantar pustular lesions. Report of a case and review of the literature. We report a 23-year-old Japanese male with eosinophilic pustular folliculitis (EPF) that had started with palmoplantar rash. Only when follicular pustules appeared on the bilateral cheek 31 months later, we revised our initial diagnosis of pustulosis palmaris et plantaris (PPP) to EPF, and all the skin eruptions cleared mostly with indomethacin. A review of the Japanese literature for the past 20 years disclosed that in 207 cases of EPF so far reported, palmoplantar pustular lesion was noted in 38 (18%). Among them, in 16 cases (8%) the skin lesions started first from the palmoplantar region with the average period of 26 months until the appearance of other eruptions of EPF. None of them was diagnosed as EPF when skin lesions were localized only to the palmoplantar region. When we find pustules on the palmoplantar region, we should suspect the possibility of early lesions of EPF as well as PPP. Histopathologic demonstration of multilocular pustules located in the upper epidermis containing numerous eosinophils in the palmoplantar pustular lesions, together with the dramatic therapeutic response to indomethacin greatly favor the diagnosis of EPF.
{ "perplexity_score": 209.6, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
INTRODUCTION {#s1} ============ MM is characterized by clonal expansion of malignant plasma cells in the bone marrow leading to multiple bone lesions, anemia, renal injury and immunodeficiency \[[@R1]\]. MM represents 1% of all cancer diagnoses and comprises 2% of all cancer deaths. Autologous stem cell transplantation together with novel anti-MM agents such as thalidomide, lenalidomide (LEN), bortezomib (BTZ) and their analogues, has improved clinical outcomes. However, the development of drug resistance is universal and MM continues to be mostly an incurable disease \[[@R2]--[@R5]\]. Thus, the pursuit of newer alternative next generation therapeutic agents remains critically important. MTAs function by affecting microtubules assembly/disassembly and have been shown to induce apoptosis in a wide variety of cancer cells, demonstrating a potent antitumor activity. The anti-mitotic drugs in current clinical use, including taxanes, epothilones and vinca alkaloids are all MTAs. However, the use of these compounds is limited primarily due to intrinsic or acquired resistance, usually correlated with overexpression of P-glycoprotein (Pgp) \[[@R6]--[@R8]\]. Recently, a novel set of MTAs named furan metotica has been described \[[@R9]--[@R10]\]. This group comprises a new chemotype that bind to tubulin in a unique manner. They prevent the outer kinetochore Ndc80 complex and the microtubule plus-end tracking protein CLIP-170 from binding to the taxol-stabilized microtubules. Until now, five members of this family have been shown to act as microtubule depolymerizing agents. Their advantages compared to other MTAs include their simple chemical structure, potent antitumor activity and ability to overcome drug-resistance. This study evaluated the *in vitro* and *in vivo* anti-MM activity of STK405759, a novel member of the furan metotica family, and tested its potential as a MTA in preclinical models of human MM. RESULTS {#s2} ======= STK405759 reduces viability of MM cells {#s2_1} --------------------------------------- STK405759 significantly decreased survival of several human MM cell lines in a concentration- and time-dependent manner. Its cytotoxicity included MM cell lines resistant to anti-MM agents currently in use, such as RPMI-MR20 (mitoxantrone-resistant cells), RPMI-LR5 (melphalan (MEL)-resistant cells) and RPMI-DOX40 (doxorubicin (DOXO)-resistant cells) (Figure [1A-1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). The IC50 value after 48 h of treatment was less than 50 nM for each cell line tested. STK405759 also had selective cytotoxic activity on affinity-purified CD138+ MM cells from bone marrow samples of 2 MM patients. In contrast, peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) from the same patients and from healthy donors were not affected by the cytotoxic effect of STK405759. In particular, there was no decrease in viability of cultured B lymphocytes, T lymphocytes and NK cells after 48h of STK405759 exposure (Figure [1E-1F](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). Similarly, the viability of T and B cells stimulated with mitogens did not decrease after 7 days of exposure to STK405759 at 20, 40 and 60 nM (Figure [1G](#F1){ref-type="fig"}). ![STK405759 induces cytotoxicity in MM cells\ Viability of cultured cells treated with different concentrations of STK405759 was assessed by XTT assay in **A.** RPMI-S MM cells exposed to the drug during 24, 48 and 72 h, **B.** a panel of MM cell lines, **C.** freshly isolated bone marrow CD138^+^ myeloma cells and PBMCs from MM patients and **D.** PBMCs from healthy donors exposure to STK405759 for 48 h. PBMCs isolated from **E.** healthy donors (n=5) and **F.** MM patients (n=5) were cultured and treated with STK405759 0, 40 and 60 nM during 48 h. The cells were resuspended in cell staining buffer and incubated with the appropriate antibody (CD3 for T cells; CD20 for B cells and CD56 for NK cells). Cell viability was analyzed by flow cytometry after adding PI for dead cell exclusion evaluation. **G.** B and T lymphocytes from healthy donors (n=3) were isolated and cultured in the presence of mitogens and STK405759 for 7 days. Cell viability was analyzed by flow cytometry. Each treatment was performed in triplicate in three independent experiments (cell lines) and presented as mean ± SE. Values were normalized to the drug-free control. Results are presented as mean ± SE. \#p\<0.05.](oncotarget-07-62572-g001){#F1} STK405759 caused cell death of RPMI-S cells co-cultured with HS-5 BMSCs (Figure [2A-2B](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). In contrast to Dexamethasone (DEX) \[[@R11]--[@R13]\], neither IL-6 nor IGF1 prevented STK405759 induced apoptosis of MM cells (Figure [2C-2F](#F2){ref-type="fig"}). ![STK405759 overcomes the growth stimulatory effects of BMSCs, IL-6 and IGF1 on MM cells survival\ **A.** RPMI-S cells were stained with 5-(and 6)-carboxyfluorescein diacetate succinimidyl ester (CFSE), co-cultured with HS-5 and exposed to STK405759 (70 nM) for 48 h. The cells were counterstained with PI to distinguish live from nonviable cells using FACS analysis. **B.** The values of the fraction of nonviable MM cells cultured alone or with HS-5 stromal cells are presented as a function of STK405759 concentration. **C, E.** RPMI-S cells and **D, F.** OPM1 cells were cultured for 48 h at indicated STK405759concentrations in the presence of IL-6 (5 or 10 ng/ml) or IGF1 (10 or 30 ng/ml). Data presented are from three independent experiments and presented as mean ± SE. \#p\<0.05. Fa: fraction affected.](oncotarget-07-62572-g002){#F2} STK405759 inhibits tubulin polymerization *in vitro* and decreases the insoluble fraction of microtubules mass in MM cells {#s2_2} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given the similar chemical structure to that of STK405759 and the furan metotica MTAs family \[[@R9], [@R10]\], (Figure [3A](#F3){ref-type="fig"}), STK405759 was evaluated as a MTA. It inhibited the rate and extent of tubulin polymerization in a concentration-dependent manner in an *in vitro* cell-free system (Figure [3B](#F3){ref-type="fig"}) and in MM cells. We used Western blot to analyze the amounts of soluble and polymerized forms of tubulin in MM cells. STK405759 treatment of RPMI-S cells decreased their levels of polymerized tubulin respective to the free soluble tubulin fraction in a dose-dependent manner (Figure [3C](#F3){ref-type="fig"}) in as soon as 30 min and reached a maximum after 24 h of treatment (Figure [3D](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). This effect was reversible, since when RPMI-S cells were treated with STK405759, then washed and grown in medium without STK405759 for 24 h, the level of polymerized tubulin returned to that of untreated cells at the different time intervals tested (Figure [3D](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). As a control, treatment of MM cells with paclitaxel, an inhibitor of tubulin depolymerization, was associated with an increase in polymerized tubulin whereas treatment with nocodazole, a tubulin depolymerizing agent, was associated with a decrease in polymerized tubulin (Figure [3E](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). ![STK405759 exhibits a mechanism of action consistent with microtubules disruption\ **A.** Chemical structure of STK405759. **B.** The effect of STK405759 on microtubules polymerization was determined by a conventional turbidimetric assay. The assembly of bovine tubulin was monitored by an increase in absorbance at 340 nm. (C-F) The level of tubulin and actin in the polymerized (insoluble) and soluble protein fractions of MM cells were analyzed by immunoblotting in: **C.** RPMI-S cells treated with STK405759 20, 40 and 70 nM during the indicated times; **D.** RPMI-S cells treated with STK405759 70 nM during the indicated times. The cells were washed after 2, 6 and 24 h of treatment and the medium was replaced by fresh medium without STK405759 for additional 24 h; **E.** RPMI-S cells treated with STK405759 (70 nM), plaquitaxel (0.2 μg/ml) and nocodazole (100 nM) during 18 h and **F.** MM.1S, OPM1, OcyM5, RPMI-LR5, RPMI-MR20 and RPMI-DOX40 MM cells treated with STK405759 70 nM during 18 h. Blots are representative of two independent experiments. W: wash.](oncotarget-07-62572-g003){#F3} Most of the tubulin protein was found in insoluble fractions in the different MM cell lines tested, including those resistant to mitoxantrone, MEL and DOXO. STK405759 treatment decreased the amount of polymerized tubulin in all cells tested (Figure [3F](#F3){ref-type="fig"}). STK405759 also reduced the level of polymerized actin in RPMI-S, MM.1S and OPM1 cells after 18 h of treatment but had no effect on OcyM5 and MM cell lines resistant RPMI-LR5, RPMI-MR20 and RPMI-DOX40. STK405759 disrupts the morphology of mitotic spindles {#s2_3} ----------------------------------------------------- RPMI-S cells treated with 70 nM STK405759 for 12 h were fixed, stained for microtubules with anti-tubulin antibody and for chromatin with DAPI, and examined by confocal microscopy. There was no observable difference in the morphology of the microtubules during interphase between control and STK405759 treated cells. During mitosis, control RPMI-S cells presented a normal bipolar mitotic spindle with all chromosomes assembled in a compact central region between the two well separated spindle poles whereas STK405759 treated cells displayed abnormal chromosome and spindle microtubule organizations with the formation of multiple asters (Figure [4](#F4){ref-type="fig"}). ![STK405759 altered spindle formation during mitosis\ RPMI-S cells were treated with 70 nM STK405759 for 12 h. The samples were fixed and stained with Alexa Fluor 488--conjugated antibody against β-tubulin (green). Counterstaining with DAPI for nuclear location and integrity was conducted during the sealing of the slides with antifade. Slides were examined using an inverted confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM780 Inverted Confocal Microscope -- with multi-photon capabilities).](oncotarget-07-62572-g004){#F4} STK405759 leads to cell cycle arrest and induces apoptosis {#s2_4} ---------------------------------------------------------- To determine whether STK405759 interrupted mitosis, the DNA content of MM cells was analyzed by flow cytometry after STK405759 treatment at various intervals within a 24 h period. STK405759 increased the percentage of RPMI-S cells in G~2~/M phase (Figures [5A-5B](#F5){ref-type="fig"}) as early as 3 h, and reached a maximal peak between 6 and 12 h of treatment. After 24 h of exposure, most of RPMI-S cells were at sub G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle, indicative of cell death. ![STK405759 inhibits proliferation, induces apoptosis and decreases AKT and CREB protein levels in MM cells\ **A, B.** RPMI-S cells were treated with STK405759 (70 nM) for different time intervals. Cell-cycle analysis showed an accumulation of cells in G2/M phase followed by an increase in apoptosis (subG0/G1). **C.** Lysates from RPMI-S cells treated with STK405759 70 nM during different time intervals and immunoblotted using anti MPM-2 antibody. **D.** RPMI-S cells were treated with STK405759 and analyzed for induction of apoptosis by Annexin V/PI assay. **E-G.** Lysates from RPMI-S cells treated with STK405759 70 nM during different intervals and immunoblotted using anti caspase-3, -8, -9, PARP and actin antibodies. FL, and CF indicate the full length and cleaved form, respectively and anti-pAKT, AKT, p-CREB, CREB, mcl-1, MEK and actin antibodies. (F) XTT assay of STK405759 treated cells in the presence of the apoptotic inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK (100 μM) during 24h. Blots are representative of three independent experiments. \#p\<0.05.](oncotarget-07-62572-g005){#F5} To distinguish between distribution of G2 and M phases, cells were incubated with the MPM-2 antibody that detects proteins phosphorylated at the onset of mitosis \[[@R14]\]. Compared to control RPMI-S cells, STK405759 treated cells showed increased MPM-2 protein levels that reached a maximum at 15 h and then declined through 24 h of treatment (Figure [5C](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). As mitotically arrested cells frequently undergo apoptosis, it was considered of interest to examine whether this was the cytotoxic mechanism of STK405759. STK405759 increased apoptosis of MM cells in a time- and concentration-dependent manner (Figure [5D](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). The induction of apoptosis was supported by the cleavage of caspase-8 and poly (ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) in MM treated cells (Figure [5E](#F5){ref-type="fig"}) and by the decreased in myeloid cell leukemia-1 (mcl-1) protein level. Treatment with the apoptotic inhibitor Z-VAD-FMK prevented STK405759 induced cell death and the changes induced by STK405759 in the expression of the apoptotic related proteins mcl-1 and PARP (Figure [5F-5G](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). STK405759 reduced the expression of pAKT/AKT and pCREB/CREB in a time-dependent manner in MM treated cells without changing the level of MEK protein (Figure [5G](#F5){ref-type="fig"}). Sensitivity of MM cells to MTAs {#s2_5} ------------------------------- The morphology of cells treated with STK405759 and other MTAs was evaluated by optical microscopy (Figure [6A](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). Each of the MTAs tested, including vincristine, taxol, colchicine, nocodazole, podophyllotoxin and STK405759 elongated the cytoplasm on MM cell lines (RPMI-S, OPM2 and CAG cells), that was visible after 12-18 h of treatment and then disappeared (Figure [6A](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). ![MTA change the morphology and induce cytotoxicity in MM cells\ **A.** Morphologic changes of RPMI-S, OPM2 and CAG MM cells treated with 100 nM vincristine, taxol, colchicine, nocodazole, podophyllotoxin and STK405759 during 18 h. **B.** Viability of MTA treated cells was assessed by XTT assay in RPMI-S, OPM2 and CAG MM cells treated with different concentrations of vincristine, taxol, colchicine, nocodazole, and podophyllotoxin for 48 h. Each treatment was performed in triplicate in three independent experiments and presented as mean ± SE. Photomicrographs were examined using an Olympus IX-70 microscope and images were processed using Olympus DP controller imaging software. \#p\<0.05.](oncotarget-07-62572-g006){#F6} All MTAs tested killed 50% of MM cells at nanomolar range concentration emphasizing the high responsiveness of MM cells (Figure [6B](#F6){ref-type="fig"}). RPMI-DOX40 cells which overexpress Pgp, \[[@R15], [@R16]\] remained fully sensitive to STK4057579 (Figure [1B](#F1){ref-type="fig"}), as did nocodazole and podophyllotoxin (Figure [6B](#F6){ref-type="fig"}) but were resistant to vincristine, taxol and colchicine treatment. Therefore, compare to other MTAs, STK405759 cause similar morphologic changes and potent cytotoxic activity on MM cells but overcame some forms of resistance. STK405759 enhances cytotoxicity of conventional and novel anti-MM therapies {#s2_6} --------------------------------------------------------------------------- The response of RPMI-S and MM.1S cells to STK405759 treatment in combination with BTZ, LEN, DEX, MEL and DOXO was evaluated by XTT assay (Table [1](#T1){ref-type="table"}). The data obtained indicated that STK405759 triggered a synergistic effect when combined with LEN, DEX and BTZ (CI\<1). The co-treatment of STK405759 with MEL or DOXO had an antagonist cytotoxic effect (CI \>1) according to the Chou-Talalay method \[[@R17], [@R18]\]. ###### STK405759 combinatorial effect with standard anti-MM agents Combination Index ------------------- ------------- ------------------- ------------- **Bortezomib** 1 (nM) 0.62 ± 0.14 0.88 ± 0.02 5 (nM) 0.58 ± 0.02 0.78 ± 0.02 **Lenalidomide** 5 (μM) 0.62 ± 0.14 0.77 ± 0.09 25 (μM) 0.58 ± 0.02 0.74 ± 0.05 **Dexamethasone** 1 (nM) 0.76 ± 0.15 0.76 ± 0.06 5 (nM) 0.63 ± 0.09 0.84 ± 0.03 **Melphalan** 2.5 (μM) 1.5 ± 0.10 1.08 ± 0.09 5 (μM) 1.42 ± 0.06 1.14 ± 0.05 **Doxorubicin** 10 (nM) 1.30 ± 0.06 1.44 ± 0.01 30 (nM) 1.54 ± 0.08 1.63 ± 0.10 RPMI-S and MM.1S cells were cultured for 48 h with STK405759 (45 nM), in combination with DEX (1 and 5 nM), LEN (5 and 25 μM), BTZ (1 and 5 nM), MEL (2.5 and 5 μM) and DOXO (10 and 30 nM). CI value \<1, =1, \>1 indicates synergism, additive and antagonist effect, respectively. Each treatment was performed in triplicate in three independent experiments and presented as mean ± SE). STK405759: *in vivo* anti-myeloma efficacy {#s2_7} ------------------------------------------ STK405759 inhibited tumor growth (P\<0.0005, t-test, Figure [7A](#F7){ref-type="fig"}) and increased the overall survival of treated mice (P = 0.0001, log rank, Figure [7B](#F7){ref-type="fig"}) as compared to control mice. No significant changes in weight or other signs of potential toxicity were observed during STK405759 treatment (Figure [7C](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). Sections from tumors of treated mice showed increased apoptosis compared to controls confirming the previously discussed *in vitro* results (Figure [7D](#F7){ref-type="fig"}). ![Low-dose STK405759 decreases tumor growth and improves overall survival in a MM xenograft mouse model\ SCID mice were given subcutaneous inoculations with 7 x10^6^ RPMI-S cells. Treatment was started when tumors reached 40-70 mm^3^ (vehicle or 0.5 mg/kg STK405759 once a day for 5 days a week, ip). **A.** Tumor burden was measured every 2-3 days using a caliper. Tumor volume is presented as mean ± SE. **B.** Kaplan-Meier curve and log-rank analysis of overall survival of STK405759 as compared with control treated mice. **C.** Body weight was evaluated 3 times a week. **D.** Representative microscopic images of tumor sections from control and STK405759-treated mice stained with TUNEL are shown. The slides were examined using an Olympus BX-43 microscope, and images were processed using cellSens entry digital imaging software. (Original magnification x20, x40). \*p\<0.005; \# p\<0.001.](oncotarget-07-62572-g007){#F7} DISCUSSION {#s3} ========== The current study showed that STK405759 is a novel MTA that induced MM cytotoxicity *in vitro* and *in vivo*. STK405759 was active at low concentrations against a broad range of MM cell lines and patient-derived MM cells, regardless of their sensitivity to conventional and novel therapies. This compound was not toxic towards PBMCs, including activated B and T cells. STK405759 treatment overcame MM cells resistance mediated by the presence of BMSCs. STK405759 showed synergistic, cytotoxic activity in MM cells when combined with BTZ, LEN or DEX. In an *in vivo* xenograft mice model of MM, STK405759 induced a significant reduction in tumor burden and prolonged overall survival. Taken together, these results show that STK405759 has potent and selective cytotoxic activity in preclinical models of MM. STK405759 prevented tubulin polymerization in a cell-free system and in viable MM cells. MTAs have been suggested as potential MM drugs \[[@R19]--[@R26]\]. However, the use of plaquitaxel and docetaxel was shown to be ineffective in relapsing refractory MM \[[@R19], [@R21]\] and the effectiveness of thalidomide and vincristine was limited by toxicity and development of drug resistance \[[@R22], [@R28]\]. In MM, Pgp overexpression was associated with vincristine, DOXO, etoposide, glucocorticoid and carfilzomib resistance \[[@R16], [@R29]--[@R32]\]. We showed that RPMI-DOX40, the Pgp-positive multidrug resistant subline, remained fully sensitive to STK405759 cytotoxicity. In agreement with our results, other members of the furan metotica family have also been shown to evade Pgp activity in drug-resistant cancer cells \[[@R10]\]. Compare to flubendazole and nocodazole, MTAs that also overcame Pgp- drug resistance, STK405759 had the lowest IC50 value and required a lower dose to decrease tumor burden in mice \[[@R33], [@R34]\]. The disruption of microtubules dynamics caused by STK405759 treatment led to mitotic cell arrest as soon as 3 h after treatment and inactivation of AKT signaling (following 14 hours of treatment; data not shown). Cell death was triggered by activation of pro-apoptotic proteins (caspase-8 and PARP) and by decreased levels of the mcl-1 anti-apoptotic protein (following 24 hours of treatment). Constitutive activation of the AKT kinase is considered a key oncogenic signal in MM and is associated with poor patient prognosis and drug resistance \[[@R35], [@R36]\]. STK405759 induced significant inhibition of AKT activity and expression in MM cells. Localization of AKT to microtubules sustains its activity, while disruption of microtubules attenuates AKT signaling independently of its initial activation \[[@R37]\]. Thus, the decreased AKT signaling observed following STK405759 treatment might be a consequence of tubulin destabilization. Mcl-1 is over-expressed in cells from MM patients, acts as a survival protein, and correlates with relapse and short survival \[[@R38]--[@R40]\]. Accumulation of mcl-1 triggered by proteasome inhibition confers MM cell resistance to BTZ-induced lethality \[[@R41]\]. Thus, STK405759 treatment, may play a role as a single agent against myeloma cells that depend on decreased mcl-1 for survival, and in combination with other drugs where mcl-1 overexpression is the main mechanism of resistance. In summary, the advantages of STK405759 as a MTA include the simplicity of its chemical structure which may help prevent acute toxicity, its potent ability to overcome drug resistance and its ability to decrease AKT and mcl-1 expression. Taken together, the present study demonstrated that STK405759 is a novel MTA with promising anti-MM activity and provided a framework for its use, alone and in combination with current therapies. MATERIALS AND METHODS {#s4} ===================== Compounds {#s4_1} --------- STK405759 was synthesized and provided by Vitas-M Laboratory (Apeldoorn, Netherlands). MEL, DEX, DOXO, vincristine, colchicine, taxol, nocodazole and podophyllotoxin were purchased from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA). LEN and BTZ were provided by Selleckchem (Houston, TX, USA). Z-VAD--FMK was purchased from Apexbio Technology, Houston, TX, USA. Cell lines {#s4_2} ---------- Human MM cell lines RPMI 8226 (RPMI-S), MM.1S, U266 and the human BM stromal cell (BMSCs) line HS-5 were purchased from ATCC, Manassas, VA, USA. The RPMI sublines RPMI-MR20, RPMI-LR5 and RPMI-DOX40 and the CAG, OPM1 and OPM2 cell lines were kindly provided by Jana Jakubikova (Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Boston, MA, USA). MM cell lines were grown in RPMI-1640 medium and HS-5 in Dulbecco\'s modified Eagle medium (Gibco/BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA), both supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum and antibiotics (Biological Industries, Beit Haemek, Israel). Cell viability assay {#s4_3} -------------------- MM cell lines were plated at 1-2 x10^4^ cells per 96-well and treated with different concentrations of STK405759. For patient samples, bone marrow aspirates were collected after obtaining signed informed consent in accordance with regulations of Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel Aviv, Israel. Bone marrow and peripheral blood were processed by lymphoprep (Axis-Shield PoC, Oslo, Norway) to isolate mononuclear cells and myeloma cells were purified using CD138 microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). Cell viability was measured using XTT cell proliferation Kit (Biological Industries, Beit Haemek, Israel) according to manufacturer\'s instructions. Recombinant human interleukin 6 (IL-6) and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) (PeproTech, Rocky Hill, NJ, USA) were used in cultures of RPMI-S cells, as indicated. PBMCs subpopulations viability assay {#s4_4} ------------------------------------ Peripheral blood samples from 5 healthy donors and 5 MM patients were processed by lymphoprep to isolate PBMCs. The isolated cells were plated at 2×10^4^ cells per 96 well and exposed to different concentrations of STK405759 for 48h. The cells were resuspended in Cell Staining Buffer, incubated with CD3, CD20 and CD56 antibodies (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) and stained with PI to distinguish live from non-viable cells. Data were collected using FACS Calibur and analyzed with CellQuest software (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). B and T lymphocytes stimulation {#s4_5} ------------------------------- PBMC were isolated from heparinized venous blood by Ficoll gradient centrifugation. B cells were isolated with anti-CD19 microbeads (Miltenyi Biotec, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany). B and T cells were cultured (2.0 × 10 ^6^ cell/ml) with RPMI-1640 medium containing 10% fetal calf serum, L-glutamine, penicillin/streptomycin (Gibco/BRL, Gaithersburg, MD, USA), 1% HEPES buffer and β-mercaptoethanol (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Purified B lymphocytes cultures were stimulated with pokeweed mitogen (PWM, 10 μg/mL), PMA (12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol 13-acetate; 10 ng/mL) and calcium ionophore (1 μg/mL). T cells were stimulated with IL-2 (10 ng/ml, PeproTech, Rocky Hill, NJ, USA), PMA (10 ng/mL) and ionomycin (1 μg/mL; all Sigma-Aldrich, St Louis, MO, USA). The cells were treated with STK405759 20, 40 and 60 nM during 7 days. The medium and reagents were replenished every 48 h. Viability of the cells was quantitated by flow cytometry staining with fluorochrome-conjugated monoclonal antibodies (aCD20 for B cells and aCD3 for T cells) and PI. Co-culture experiments {#s4_6} ---------------------- RPMI-S cells, previously stained with CFSE (Thermo Fisher Scientific, Inc., Waltham, MA, USA), were added to wells seeded with HS-5 BMSCs and exposed to STK405759 treatment for 48 h. Then, the cells were collected and stained with PI. Data were collected using FACS Calibur and analyzed with CellQuest software (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). Cell-free tubulin polymerization assay {#s4_7} -------------------------------------- This assay was performed following manufacturer\'s instructions (Cytoskeleton, Denver, CO). The reaction was conducted in the presence of 15% glycerol and 3 mg/ml tubulin. Drugs were dissolved in DMSO and added to the reaction mixtures; the final concentration of DMSO was \<2%. Tubulin polymerization was monitored by measuring OD340 at 37°C in a Synergy 4 microplate reader (BioTek Instruments, Winooski, USA). Analysis of microtubules polymerization in MM treated cells {#s4_8} ----------------------------------------------------------- RPMI-S cells were exposed to STK405759 for varying intervals. Cells were lysed in microtubules stabilizing buffer (20 mM Tris--HCl, pH 6.8, 0.14M NaCl, 1 mM EGTA, 0.5% NP-40, 1 mM MgCl2, 0.4 μg/ml paclitaxel, protease inhibitor mixture (Complete; Roche Diagnostics), protease inhibitor cocktail 1 and 3 (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride) and centrifuged at 12,000 rpm for 10 min. The supernatants containing soluble tubulin and the pellets containing polymerized tubulin were collected and subjected to immunoblot analysis with anti-tubulin (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA) and anti-actin (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, CA, USA) antibodies. Immunofluorescence staining {#s4_9} --------------------------- RPMI-S cells were exposed to 70 nM STK405759 for 12 h and fixed in PBS containing 4% formaldehyde for 15 minutes, washed in PBS and permeabilized in 0.3% Triton X-100/PBS (10 minutes at 37°C and 10 minutes at 4°C). After blocking with 3% bovine serum albumin in PBS, the samples were incubated with Alexa Fluor 488--conjugated antibody against β-tubulin overnight at 4°C. While sealing the slides with antifade, they were counterstained with DAPI for nuclear location and integrity. Slides were examined using an inverted confocal microscope (Zeiss LSM780 Inverted Confocal Microscope). Cell cycle analysis {#s4_10} ------------------- RPMI-S cells were exposed to 70 nM STK405759 for varying intervals, permeabilized by 70% ethanol at −20°C overnight and incubated with 50 μg/ml PI (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) and 20 units/ml RNase-A (Roche Diagnostics, Mannheim, Germany). DNA content was analyzed by flow cytometry. Data were collected using FACS Calibur and analyzed with CellQuest software (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). Flow cytometry analysis of apoptosis {#s4_11} ------------------------------------ RPMI-S cells were treated with 40 and 70 nM STK405759 for 0, 24 and 48 h. For evaluation of apoptosis, cells were processed using an Annexin V/PI kit (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA) according to manufacturer\'s instructions. Data were collected using FACS Calibur and analyzed with CellQuest software (Becton Dickinson Biosciences, San Jose, CA, USA). Immunoblotting analysis {#s4_12} ----------------------- For immunoblotting analyses, MM cell lines were plated in RPMI 1640 medium with 10% FBS and antibiotics. STK405759 (70 nM) was added for various time intervals. Cells were lysed in RIPA lysis buffer containing 10 mM sodium pyrophosphate, 2 mM sodium orthovanadate, 5 mM sodium fluoride, 5 g/ml aprotinin, 5 g/ml leupeptin, and 1 mM phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). Proteins were separated by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes and immunoblotted with anti- caspase-3, caspase-8, caspase-9, PARP (Cell Signaling Technology, Beverly, MA, USA), mcl-1 phospho AKT (Ser473), AKT, MEK, gapdh and actin antibodies (Santa Cruz Biotechnology, CA, USA) and phospho Ser/Thr-Pro mitotic protein (MPM-2) antibody (Millipore). Immunoreactive bands were detected by Western Blot chemiluminescence reagents (Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc, Waltham, MA USA) and exposed on X-Ray film (Fujifilm Corporation, Tokyo, Japan). Xenograft murine model {#s4_13} ---------------------- Male CB-17/IcrHsd-Prkdc-scid mice (6-8 weeks old) were maintained in accordance with Institutional Animal Care Use Committee guidelines. Mice were housed in the Animal Research Facility of Chaim Sheba Medical Center and experiments were performed in accordance with approved protocols. During the experiment, the mice were gamma-irradiated (150 rads) using Cs137 γ-irradiator source and 24 h post-irradiation, injected subcutaneously with 7 x10^6^ RPMI-S cells suspended in PBS. Two weeks later, when tumors reached 40-70 mm^3^, mice were randomized into two groups (10 mice/group), and the following treatment protocol was implemented. Group 1: control (DMSO) administered intraperitoneally (ip) 5 days a week throughout the duration of experiment. Group 2: STK405759 (0.5 mg/kg (administered ip 5 days a week throughout the duration of experiment. Changes in body weight and tumor burden were evaluated every 2 to 3 days. Tumor volumes were measured by a caliper every other day and calculated using the following formula: length x width^2^ x 0.5. Mice were sacrificed in accordance with institutional guidelines when tumors reached 1.5 cm^3^ or if the mice appeared moribund, to prevent unnecessary morbidity to the mice. Tumors were immediately collected from the mice and analyzed by histochemistry. Histochemistry {#s4_14} -------------- The tumors were fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde for 24 h (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA), washed with PBS, dehydrated in increasing alcohol concentrations and embedded in paraffin blocks. Sections were deparaffinized and rehydrated, treated with proteinase K (20 μg/ml) for 15 min and washed in PBS. Endogenous peroxidase was blocked with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 15 min. Fragmented nuclear DNA associated with apoptosis in histological sections was labeled *in situ* with digoxigenin-deoxyuridine (dUTP), introduced by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase (TdT), using ApopTag® peroxidase *in situ* apoptosis detection kit according to manufacturer\'s instructions (Intergen, Oxford, England, UK). The reaction was terminated using the ApopTag® stop buffer followed by anti-digoxigenin-peroxidase application and the labeled nuclei were detected with ACE substrate as the chromogen (Sigma-Aldrich, St. Louis, MO, USA). The slides were examined using an Olympus BX-43 microscope, and images were processed using cellSens entry digital imaging software. Statistical analysis {#s4_15} -------------------- The differences in drug-treated vs. control cultures was determined using Student\'s t-test. Data are presented as mean ± standard error (SE). The IC50 value of each drug and the combinatorial index (CI) were calculated using CalcuSyn software \[[@R17], [@R18]\]. For *in vivo* experiments, survival was assessed using Kaplan-Meier curves and log-rank analysis. The authors would like to acknowledge advocate Harel Meir who kindly made a donation in support of this research. We are grateful for the skilled, technical assistance in histochemistry of Zohar Gavish at Gavish Research Services. The authors also thank Rachel Talmi for her support. **CONFLICTS OF INTEREST** The authors declare no conflicts of interest. **GRANT SUPPORT** This study was supported by Israel Science Foundation Research, Grant no. 2239/14, Israel Cancer Association, Grant no. 20161152, and Kamin Grant no.53788.
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/* * Copyright 2018-2020 ProfunKtor * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package dev.profunktor.redis4cats.algebra trait SetCommands[F[_], K, V] extends SetGetter[F, K, V] with SetSetter[F, K, V] with SetDeletion[F, K, V] { def sIsMember(key: K, value: V): F[Boolean] } trait SetGetter[F[_], K, V] { def sCard(key: K): F[Long] def sDiff(keys: K*): F[Set[V]] def sInter(keys: K*): F[Set[V]] def sMembers(key: K): F[Set[V]] def sRandMember(key: K): F[Option[V]] def sRandMember(key: K, count: Long): F[List[V]] def sUnion(keys: K*): F[Set[V]] def sUnionStore(destination: K, keys: K*): F[Unit] } trait SetSetter[F[_], K, V] { def sAdd(key: K, values: V*): F[Unit] def sDiffStore(destination: K, keys: K*): F[Unit] def sInterStore(destination: K, keys: K*): F[Unit] def sMove(source: K, destination: K, value: V): F[Unit] } trait SetDeletion[F[_], K, V] { def sPop(key: K): F[Option[V]] def sPop(key: K, count: Long): F[Set[V]] def sRem(key: K, values: V*): F[Unit] }
{ "perplexity_score": 1744.1, "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Q: how to detect WCF service shutdown or disconnect from client? I'm building a WCF service,after a client connects to this service,when the service disconnect, the client doesn't notice that, and it doesn't fire any action, i would like to close client form whenever the connection lost,so how would i detect WCF service disconnect or shutdown from client side. A: A simple approach is the client will call a simple method in service called IsAlive() just returns true as described in this thread. There is another way you could achieve this using the new Discovery/Announcement features that comes with WCF 4. Though I haven't tried but this feature helps you to make the service notify the client if it gets into offline/shutdown. Here is an example post. You can google "WCF announement service" and you'll get some good reference materials. A: You should probably just set up a timer that will continually ping the server, and if the fails, fire an event that the service is no longer available. This answer also has some good suggestions. WCF - have client check for service availability
{ "perplexity_score": 1031.9, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
A team of archaeologists from three universities, including scientists from the UO's Museum of Natural and Cultural History, is headed back to Fort Rock Cave, where in 1938 the UO's Luther Cressman found the world's oldest shoes. The goal, says Tom Connolly, project leader and director of the museum's archaeological research program, is to explore the cave with modern techniques that might provide detailed new information about very old artifacts. The excavation will focus on the chronology and dating of the site deposits, and the collection of new samples for analysis. The site is located in a small volcanic butte about one-half mile west of the Fort Rock volcanic crater in northern Lake County. The cave site is on lands managed by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department. The team, which could number a dozen at times, will be at the site from Aug. 31 to Sept. 4. “As important as the site is to the human story of North America, the archaeological work there was done more than half a century ago," Connolly said. "We still have important questions about the site that might be answered with recovery methods and analytical techniques that were not available to Cressman and his students." Cressman, who is considered the "Father of Oregon Archaeology," was at the UO from 1929 until his retirement in 1963. Under buried volcanic ash from the 7,600-year-old eruption of Mt. Mazama, which created Crater Lake, Cressman's team unearthed some 100 sagebrush sandals. Radiocarbon dating later found the sandals were some 10,000 years old. In 1966, Cressman returned to the site with graduate student Stephen Bedwell who uncovered a hearth in Pleistocene (Ice Age) gravels. Charcoal from the fire pit was radiocarbon dated to about 15,800 years before present, which makes it possibly the oldest hearth in Oregon. Applying modern technologies previously has led to confirmational dating of artifacts at Oregon's Paisley Caves, where Cressman also had discovered evidence of human habitation that he suspected dated to well over 10,000 years ago. When he died in 1994, his dating estimate had not been proven. That proof came after UO archaeologist Dennis Jenkins returned to Paisley Caves in 2002 as part of the museum's archaeological field school. In separate papers published in the journal Science in 2009 and 2012, Jenkins and team reported that they had successfully dated newly found artifacts, including dried human feces analyzed by leading international DNA experts, at 13,200 years old. Among the new artifacts were western-stem projectiles thought to be hunting tools of a pre-Clovis or a separate concurrent human culture. The team going to Fort Rock Cave includes scientists from the UO, the University of Nevada-Reno and Utah State University. Graduate students from Nevada-Reno and Oregon State University also will participate in the project. The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department will provide limited public access to the site in partnership with UO. If interested in visiting Fort Rock Cave during the excavation, contact OPRD staff at 541-923-7551, Extension 21, to make arrangements. Fort Rock Cave became part of the OPRD system in 2000 and is accessible only by guided tour. — By Jim Barlow, Public Affairs Communications
{ "perplexity_score": 230.4, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
“I hope they get here soon. I can hardly wait to see everyone!” There’s something about time together with friends and loved ones that satisfies us deep down. We wait in anticipation for visits or celebrations, yearning to see them. We’re thankful for opportunities to be with family and friends and for the support and encouragement of others. Time alone is important too. I value and look forward to my alone times because those moments turn me and stretch me toward our Creator. Struggles and challenges in life make me aware of my own neediness. Quiet times allow me to listen from the depths of my being. One of my favorite pieces of music is “The Yearning” by Craig Courtney. He expresses so well our struggles and our desire for a better future, for Emmanuel… God with us. “There is a yearning in hearts weighed down by ancient grief… hearts that in the darkness hide… a yearning for tomorrow.” We find joy in a “Lord who visited His own.” Job longed to see God. He said, “I will see God. I myself will see him with my own eyes, I, and not another. How my heart yearns within me!” Job had a lot to face and yet he still looked to God! Don’t we all want things to go well and to make it through any difficulties? We want full and meaningful lives. We yearn for God with us. May our yearning be satisfied as we approach God, thanking Him for His sacrifice and provision, and may we live in anticipation and fullness of life, guarded by His presence. “…98-99-100. Ready or not, here I come!” The excited words of the children’s game of “Hide and Seek” are familiar to all of us. I remember well my childhood days of playing outside in the summer twilight with my brothers and neighborhood friends. As we hid among the bushes, behind a shed, or a corner of the house, the one who was “it” would try to find and catch us, as we ran laughing about the yard. Life is marked by a series of “seeking.” We all have those times of anticipation, doubts, and questions. What will I do when I graduate from high school? … Where will I work? … What do I really believe and why? … How can I honor God as I search for the best path? … Who will I marry? … Where will I live? … What is that next step in life, as an individual or as part of a larger community? Like in those childhood days of “hide and seek,” sometimes the growing shadows and cooling air of twilight bring comfort and rest. Friendships and laughter encourage us, and faith is strengthened… At other times, we find ourselves darting about, straining to see through the darkness or to hear any indication of the presence of someone who cares. “Ready or not, here I come!” We may question life and wonder if there is a God. The writer of 1 Chronicles said, “If you seek him, he will be found by you…” That is such a comfort! But, sometimes I have just been too exhausted and overcome to seek Him. The psalmist turned this around when he asked God to “seek your servant!” Luke reminds us that God’s Son “came to seek and to save.” There God is, already with us and looking for us while we struggle with our own confusion or need. Not hiding, but patiently and lovingly waiting before us. I am so grateful for God, who seeks us and who encourages us to seek Him! I pray that He will grant each of us faith to trust Him more, knowing that He is with us even when we are struggling or unable to sense His presence. Thank you, God… for being that companion along the way, for next steps and new directions. Brrr!! The calendar says springtime, but cold rain, sleet, and snow have been falling! Some people find the cold season invigorating. For me, those first buds and sprouts are a promise that warmer days are coming and with that promise comes anticipation. Even as the earth stirs as from sleep, I too stir… contemplating the year ahead and the winter past. It reminds me of some verses from a seldom read passage in the Song of Solomon, which my father loved: For lo, the winter is past. The rain is over and gone. The flowers appear on the earth. The time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. I look forward to new opportunities and growth, windows open wide to greet fresh air, and summer gardens and lawns. Even the responsibilities of work, church, and family seem more enjoyable. It is easier to turn loose of the “stuff” that tends to pile up during cold, lonely, or difficult seasons. When faced with challenging times, my mom would often say, “this too shall pass” … and she was right! Even as winter passes into springtime, so life moves on. Mom’s reminder and optimism was much appreciated, not that all would always turn out as wished but that we can be assured that God would get us through. How my impatient or hurting self sometimes struggled to see that though. It is in more recent years that I have come to better experience the peace God provides for each day. Snow melts and sunshine warms! That’s why I love the springtime. Flowers appear. Singing comes. Life is renewed.
{ "perplexity_score": 504.6, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Maeva Sarrasin Maeva Sarrasin (born 10 June 1987) is a Swiss football forward currently playing in the Nationalliga A for Servette. She has been a member of the Swiss national team. As a junior international she played the 2006 U-19 European Championship. References Category:1987 births Category:Living people Category:Swiss women's footballers Category:Women's association football forwards
{ "perplexity_score": 75.7, "pile_set_name": "Wikipedia (en)" }
Remains of NJ man killed at Pearl Harbor are finally identified Kaitlyn Kanzler | NorthJersey Show Caption Hide Caption D-Day veterans speak of their experience 75 years later Two vets from Brick, NJ, who were at Normandy during the D-Day landing in World War II, look back at their experiences. Interview by Mike Kelly. There are few World War II veterans left in this world, and fewer still who might recall Francis Day. Even in his hometown of Millburn, memories of him have faded. He was a graduate of Washington School and Millburn High School and had five siblings. That much is known. But 78 years after he died in the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor, Francis Day's remains have been identified, part of a broader effort by the Navy to put names to the remains of crew members killed in the sinking of the USS Oklahoma and buried in a mass grave. Only 35 of the 429 men killed on the battleship were ever identified in the initial years after it was sunk by multiple torpedo hits during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, according to the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. Day was the chief water tender on the USS Oklahoma, where he tended the fires in the boiler room. He had served in the military since 1925. Never forgetting: Stark memories 70 years after Pearl Harbor Kelly: Motorists puzzle over a Pearl Harbor memorial at a NJ Turnpike rest stop During the Pearl Harbor attack, Day reportedly died a hero's death, helping 15 of his mates escape a flooded compartment through a submerged porthole. He was posthumously awarded the Navy and Marine Corps Medal. A small notice appeared in a December 1941 edition of The Item of Millburn and Short Hills announcing that Day had been reported missing. His father, William Day, was a township employee, it said, and Day, 37, had a brother and four sisters. After the attack, the Navy spent three years getting remains of the crew from the capsized ship and burying them in the Halawa and Nu'uanu cemeteries before they were moved to an identification lab in Hawaii in 1947. Just 35 soldiers were identified, and the rest of the remains were buried at the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific, often known as the Punchbowl. However, in 2015, the POW/MIA agency exhumed Day and the other unidentified USS Oklahoma crewmen from the Punchbowl to make another attempt to identify the men. "To identify Day's remains, scientists from DPAA used dental and anthropological analysis," DPAA said in a statement. "Additionally, scientists from the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System used mitochondrial DNA analysis." Since mitochondrial DNA passes from mother to children unaltered, it can be used to find an exact match with living relatives. It also is easier to work with when samples are very small. Day's sister made sure to pass on her brother's legacy onto her own children, who in turn passed it on to her children, said James Werner, Day's great-nephew. Werner said his family was heavily involved with getting his great-uncle identified, donating DNA samples and reaching out to the Navy. Now that he has been identified, Day will be reburied at the Punchbowl at an unknown time. A rosette will be placed next to his name to indicate he has been accounted for. Jake Dalton, a 93-year-old Millburn resident and World War II veteran, said he has seen many people get identified in the years since Pearl Harbor. He said so many men were listed as missing in action after Pearl Harbor; families never had closure or a body to bury. He hopes someone in town will recognize Day's name. Dalton also served in the Navy during World War II, in the South Pacific. Day's name is memorialized in a handwritten book at the Millburn Free Public Library along with the other 1,642 men and women who served in the Armed Forces during World War II. Day was one of the first three men from the town to be killed in the war, which lost a total of 44 young residents. "In our hearts and minds, his sacrifice has not been forgotten," Werner said. In June 1944, a Rudderow class destroyer escort ship was named after Day, sponsored by one of his sisters. The USS Day served through the rest of World War II before being decommissioned in 1946. The ship stayed in a reserve in San Diego until June 1968 and was struck from the Navy Vessel Register. The USS Day was sunk off of San Clemente Island, California in 1969. Day was just one of over 72,000 Americans unaccounted for after World War II. Kaitlyn Kanzler covers Essex County for NorthJersey.com. For unlimited access to the most important news from your local community, please subscribe or activate your digital account today. Email: kanzler@northjersey.com Twitter: @KaitlynKanzler8 This story was updated to include comments from a relative of Francis Day.
{ "perplexity_score": 245.6, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
Central and Peripheral Secondary Cell Death Processes after Transient Global Ischemia in Nonhuman Primate Cerebellum and Heart. Cerebral ischemia and its pathological sequelae are responsible for severe neurological deficits generally attributed to the neural death within the infarcted tissue and adjacent regions. Distal brain regions, and even peripheral organs, may be subject to more subtle consequences of the primary ischemic event which can initiate parallel disease processes and promote comorbid symptomology. In order to characterize the susceptibility of cerebellar brain regions and the heart to transient global ischemia (TGI) in nonhuman primates (NHP), brain and heart tissues were harvested 6 months post-TGI injury. Immunostaining analysis with unbiased stereology revealed significant cell death in lobule III and IX of the TGI cerebellum when compared to sham cerebellum, coinciding with an increase in inflammatory and apoptotic markers. Cardiac tissue analysis showed similar increases in inflammatory and apoptotic cells within TGI hearts. A progressive inflammatory response and cell death within the cerebellum and heart of chronic TGI NHPs indicate secondary injury processes manifesting both centrally and peripherally. This understanding of distal disease processes of cerebral ischemia underscores the importance of the chronic aberrant inflammatory response and emphasizes the needs for therapeutic options tailored to target these pathways. Here, we discuss the protocols for characterizing the histopathological effects of transient global ischemia in nonhuman primate cerebellum and heart, with an emphasis on the inflammatory and apoptotic cell death processes.
{ "perplexity_score": 380.2, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Reoperative minimal access aortic valve surgery: minimal mediastinal dissection and minimal injury risk. Minimizing surgical access in reoperative cardiac surgery allows limitation of dissection, trauma, and manipulation of patent bypass grafts. We report an 11-year experience with reoperative minimal access aortic valve surgery through an upper hemisternotomy. From July 1996 to June 2007 at our institution, 146 patients underwent reoperative minimal access aortic valve surgery, 109 of whom had undergone previous coronary artery bypass grafting and 93 of whom had a patent left internal thoracic artery graft. In patients with a patent left internal thoracic artery graft, the graft remained undissected. Myocardial protection was achieved with hypothermia, cold cardioplegia, and systemic hyperkalemia. Early and late outcomes were analyzed. Median age was 76 years, and 43 patients (29%) were 80 years or older. Nineteen patients(13%) underwent concomitant procedures, such as coronary artery bypass grafting, mitral valve repair, and ascending aortic replacement. Median cardiopulmonary bypass and aortic crossclamp times were 150 and 80 minutes, respectively. Four patients (2.8%) had conversion to full sternotomy. Operative mortality was 4.1% (6/146). The incidences of reoperation for bleeding and blood transfusion were 0.7% (1/146) and 83.6% (122/146), respectively. No patient had left internal thoracic artery or aortocoronary graft injury. Median stay was 8 days, and 56% (79/140) were discharged home. Five-year actuarial survival was 85%. An upper hemisternotomy approach for reoperative aortic valve surgery is safe and feasible. This approach minimizes tissue dissection and trauma, thereby reducing the risk of injury to patent grafts and mediastinal organs.
{ "perplexity_score": 546.4, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
The lower jaw of the 7.175 million year old Graecopithecus freybergi (El Graeco) from Pyrgos Vassilissis, Greece (today in metropolitan Athens). Credit: Wolfgang Gerber, University of Tübingen The common lineage of great apes and humans split several hundred thousand years earlier than hitherto assumed, according to an international research team headed by Professor Madelaine Böhme from the Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment at the University of Tübingen and Professor Nikolai Spassov from the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences. The researchers investigated two fossils of Graecopithecus freybergi with state-of-the-art methods and came to the conclusion that they belong to pre-humans. Their findings, published today in two papers in the journal PLOS ONE, further indicate that the split of the human lineage occurred in the Eastern Mediterranean and not - as customarily assumed - in Africa. Present-day chimpanzees are humans' nearest living relatives. Where the last chimp-human common ancestor lived is a central and highly debated issue in palaeoanthropology. Researchers have assumed up to now that the lineages diverged five to seven million years ago and that the first pre-humans developed in Africa. According to the 1994 theory of French palaeoanthropologist Yves Coppens, climate change in Eastern Africa could have played a crucial role. The two studies of the research team from Germany, Bulgaria, Greece, Canada, France and Australia now outline a new scenario for the beginning of human history. Dental roots give new evidence The team analyzed the two known specimens of the fossil hominid Graecopithecus freybergi: a lower jaw from Greece and an upper premolar from Bulgaria. Using computer tomography, they visualized the internal structures of the fossils and demonstrated that the roots of premolars are widely fused. "While great apes typically have two or three separate and diverging roots, the roots of Graecopithecus converge and are partially fused - a feature that is characteristic of modern humans, early humans and several pre-humans including Ardipithecus and Australopithecus", said Böhme. A 7.24 million year old upper premolar of Graecopithecus from Azmaka, Bulgaria. Credit: Wolfgang Gerber, University of Tübingen The lower jaw, nicknamed 'El Graeco' by the scientists, has additional dental root features, suggesting that the species Graecopithecus freybergi might belong to the pre-human lineage. "We were surprised by our results, as pre-humans were previously known only from sub-Saharan Africa," said Jochen Fuss, a Tübingen PhD student who conducted this part of the study. Furthermore, Graecopithecus is several hundred thousand years older than the oldest potential pre-human from Africa, the six to seven million year old Sahelanthropus from Chad. The research team dated the sedimentary sequence of the Graecopithecus fossil sites in Greece and Bulgaria with physical methods and got a nearly synchronous age for both fossils - 7.24 and 7.175 million years before present. "It is at the beginning of the Messinian, an age that ends with the complete desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea," Böhme said. Professor David Begun, a University of Toronto paleoanthropologist and co-author of this study, added, "This dating allows us to move the human-chimpanzee split into the Mediterranean area." Environmental changes as the driving force for divergence As with the out-of-East-Africa theory, the evolution of pre-humans may have been driven by dramatic environmental changes. The team led by Böhme demonstrated that the North African Sahara desert originated more than seven million years ago. The team concluded this based on geological analyses of the sediments in which the two fossils were found. Although geographically distant from the Sahara, the red-colored silts are very fine-grained and could be classified as desert dust. An analysis of uranium, thorium, and lead isotopes in individual dust particles yields an age between 0.6 and 3 billion years and infers an origin in Northern Africa. An electron microscope image of a dust particle rounded by eolian transport. It originated in the Sahara desert and was found in 7.2 million year old sediments in Greece. Credit: Ulf Linnemann, Senckenberg Center for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment, University of Tübingen Moreover, the dusty sediment has a high content of different salts. "These data document for the first time a spreading Sahara 7.2 million years ago, whose desert storms transported red, salty dusts to the north coast of the Mediterranean Sea in its then form," the Tübingen researchers said. This process is also observable today. However, the researchers' modelling shows that, with up to 250 grams per square meter and year, the amount of dust in the past considerably exceeds recent dust loadings in Southern Europe more than tenfold, comparable to the situation in the present-day Sahel zone in Africa. Fire, grass, and water stress The researchers further showed that, contemporary to the development of the Sahara in North Africa, a savannah biome formed in Europe. Using a combination of new methodologies, they studied microscopic fragments of charcoal and plant silicate particles, called phytoliths. Many of the phytoliths identified derive from grasses and particularly from those that use the metabolic pathway of C4-photosynthesis, which is common in today's tropical grasslands and savannahs. The global spread of C4-grasses began eight million years ago on the Indian subcontinent - their presence in Europe was previously unknown. "The phytolith record provides evidence of severe droughts, and the charcoal analysis indicates recurring vegetation fires," said Böhme. "In summary, we reconstruct a savannah, which fits with the giraffes, gazelles, antelopes, and rhinoceroses that were found together with Graecopithecus," Spassov added "The incipient formation of a desert in North Africa more than seven million years ago and the spread of savannahs in Southern Europe may have played a central role in the splitting of the human and chimpanzee lineages," said Böhme. She calls this hypothesis the North Side Story, recalling the thesis of Yves Coppens, known as East Side Story. The findings are described in two studies pubished in PLOS ONE titled "Potential hominin affinities of Graecopithecus from the late Miocene of Europe" and "Messinian age and savannah environment of the possible hominin Graecopithecus from Europe." Explore further The development of amphibians and reptiles through twelve million years of geological history More information: Potential hominin affinities of Graecopithecus from the Late Miocene of Europe, PLOS ONE (2017). Potential hominin affinities of Graecopithecus from the Late Miocene of Europe,(2017). journals.plos.org/plosone/arti … journal.pone.0177127 Messinian age and savannah environment of the possible hominin Graecopithecus from Europe, PLOS ONE (2017). journals.plos.org/plosone/arti … journal.pone.0177347 Journal information: PLoS ONE
{ "perplexity_score": 294.1, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
I think it’s safe to say, we’ve all been paranoid about the rapid advance of robotics technology and have entertained the idea of industrial robots taking away jobs. However, the big thing to be afraid of now may be robots-gone-rogue. IOActive, a security services firm, recently jumped on the internet soap-box to promote this concerning news in their new report, “Hacking Robots Before Skynet.” In a recent statement, IOActive discussed vulnerabilities graded as a “high or critical risk,” which could leave robots susceptible to cyberattack. Attackers could manipulate these vulnerabilities for the purpose of corporate espionage or even sabotage. “Attackers could employ the issues found to maliciously spy via the robot's microphone and camera, leak personal or business data and in extreme cases, cause serious physical harm or damage to people and property in the vicinity of a hacked robot,” IOActive’s statement read. The company’s researchers tested mobile apps, robot operating systems, firmware images and other software to identify flaws in robots from vendors including SoftBank Robotics, UBTECH Robotics, ROBOTIS, Universal Robots, Rethink Robotics and Asratec Corp. "In this research, we focused on home, business and industrial robots, in addition to robot control software used by several robot vendors,” said Lucas Apa, senior security consultant at IOActive. “Given the huge attack surface, we found nearly 50 cybersecurity vulnerabilities in our initial research alone, ranging from insecure communications and authentication issues, to weak cryptography, memory corruption and privacy problems, just to name a few," said IOActive. The listed companies were alerted of discovered vulnerabilities in accordance with responsible disclosure policies. Details of these vulnerabilities may be released to the public after the disclosure process, once the companies have had time to address the findings. The company’s paper is authored by Apa and IOActive’s CTO, Cesar Cerrudo. "Robots will soon be everywhere - from toys to personal assistants to manufacturing workers - the list is endless. Given this proliferation, focusing on cybersecurity is vital in ensuring these robots are safe and don't present serious cyber or physical threats to the people and organizations they're intended to serve,” Cerrudo said. The report offers details on these points, while also outlining basic security precautions that should be taken by robotics vendors, including implementing Secure Software Development Life Cycle (SSDLC), encryption, security audits and more. Cerrudo ends IOActive’s statement with a warning, saying: "We have already begun to see incidents involving malfunctioning robots doing serious damage to their surroundings, from simple property damage to loss of human life, and the situation will only worsen as the industry evolves and robot adoption continues to grow. Vendors need to start focusing more on security when speeding the latest innovative robot technologies to market, or the issue of malfunctioning robots will certainly be exacerbated when malicious actors begin exploiting common security vulnerabilities to add intent to malfunction." To learn more, visit the IOActive website. To download your own copy of the company’s report, click here.
{ "perplexity_score": 541.5, "pile_set_name": "OpenWebText2" }
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{ "perplexity_score": 4658.2, "pile_set_name": "Github" }
Toward healthy prisons: the TECH model and its applications. This paper aims to explore how the TECH Model (testing for and treating infectious diseases and vaccination; environmental modification to prevent disease transmission; chronic disease identification and treatment; and health maintenance and education) can be used for assessing and achieving healthy prisons. This paper explores the concepts of "health in prison" and "healthy prisons" in the context of recent research and guidance. The paper then considers the TECH Model as an approach to achieving healthy prisons. Under each of the four TECH Model domains are tasks to achieve a healthy prison. For prisons with poor or no resources, each domain contains steps that will improve prison health and move towards a healthy prison for both prisoners and staff. Implementation can thus be "low-TECH" or "high-TECH" depending on the setting and the available resources and the model is specifically designed to provide options for resource-poor as well as resource-rich correctional settings. The TECH Model is a first step in characterizing the components of a healthy prison and the processes to achieve this. This Model could be implemented in all levels of prisons internationally.
{ "perplexity_score": 284.1, "pile_set_name": "PubMed Abstracts" }
Q: Whole Disk Encryption and power failures I believe encryption softwares like TrueCrypt and VeraCrypt support whole disk encryption. Now lets say I open my computer give my decryption password and successfully boot and am using my computer. Lets say the power suddenly goes off, and the computer shuts off. What happens then ? Correct me if I am wrong, the contents on my hard disk are still in the decrypted format right ? Or lets say while encrypting the computer crashes due to a power failure or a hardware failure, what happens then ? A: No, the disk contents remain encrypted even while in use – the OS decrypts sectors in memory. (Just like in the 2nd question, you noted that encrypting the disk takes a long time. If the OS had to fully decrypt it on each boot, that would also take just as long – not to mention being useless.) Most full-disk-encryption software keeps track of the current encryption progress (inside the encrypted volume header). After a power outage, there shouldn't be data loss since TrueCrypt can just resume from that point – or at least no more than a few sectors at the boundary.
{ "perplexity_score": 548.8, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
We have been examining polymorphisms in genes involved in the leptin signaling pathway to identify gene variants impacting on body composition. We are currently intensively studying a variant MC3R that is associated with adiposity in children and which appears to have functional significance for MC3R signal transduction (1). Children who are homozygous for two rare polymorphisms (Thr6Lys and Val81Ile) have significantly greater fat mass and leptin compared with wild type or heterozygous children. Recent studies have confirmed greater adiposity in homozygous adults. Ongoing studies attempt to understand the mechanisms by which these sequence alterations impact body weight. We have initiated a study comparing energy balance during adaptation to a high-fat diet in humans with double-mutant and wild type MC3R. We have also successfully bred and studied novel knock-in mice expressing the human wild type MC3R(hWT/hWT) and human double-mutant MC3R(hDM/hDM). MC3R(hDM/hDM) have greater weight and fat mass, increased energy intake and feeding efficiency, but reduced fat-free mass compared with MC3R(hWT/hWT). MC3R(hDM/hDM) mice did not have increased adipose tissue inflammatory cell infiltration or greater expression of inflammatory markers despite their greater fat mass. Serum adiponectin was increased in MC3R(hDM/hDM) mice and MC3R(hDM/hDM) human subjects. MC3R(hDM/hDM) bone- and adipose tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) differentiated into adipocytes that accumulated more triglyceride than MC3R(hWT/hWT) MSCs. MC3R(hDM/hDM) impacted nutrient partitioning to generate increased adipose tissue that appeared metabolically healthy. These data confirmed the importance of MC3R signaling in human metabolism and suggested a previously-unrecognized role for the MC3R in adipose tissue development. Current studies are seeking to understand better the roles of MC3R in peripheral metabolism. We have previously found that leptin is an important predictor of weight gain in children and identified children with hyperleptinemia and leptin receptor mutations. We have also found hyperleptinemia out of proportion with body fat mass in children with psychological loss of control (LOC) over eating. Such data suggest the importance of leptin resistance as a factor stimulating weight gain and have led to recent explorations of other syndromes associated with obesity that may cause dysregulation of leptin signaling, including Bardet Biedl syndrome. Current studies are directed at understanding additional genetic, physiological, psychological, and metabolic factors that place children at-risk for undue weight gain (2-14). We have recently examined how obesity and thyroid hormone (4) are interrelated as well as how leptin impacts bone in children (2) Two recent initiatives target insulin resistance. One trial studied the role of depressive symptoms in childrens insulin resistance. A randomized clinical trial to study the effects on insulin resistance of preventing depression in obese adolescents with a family history of type 2 diabetes (14,15) found at one-year follow-up, among girls with moderate baseline depressive symptoms (N = 78), those given a cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) program for prevention of depression developed lower 2-hr insulin than those in a health education control group (Delta-16 vs. 16 muIU/mL, P < .05). Further studies are required to determine if adolescents with moderate depression show metabolic benefits after CBT. Another pilot study initiated in 2013 tested if short bouts of activity may improve glucose tolerance in children. In non-overweight children, we found that Interrupting sitting resulted in a 32% lower insulin Area Under the Curve (AUC; P < .001), 17% lower C-peptide AUC (P < .001), and 7% lower glucose AUC (P = .018) vs continuous sitting. We have recently found similar decreases in insulin and c-peptide response to glucose challenges in children with overweight and obesity. Interrupting sedentary time with brief moderate-intensity walking thus improved short-term metabolic function. A new trial beginning in 2017 will test if these acute improvements are sustained over 1 week. These studies may help lead to community studies examining if interrupting sedentary behavior is a promising prevention strategy for reducing cardiometabolic risk in children. Investigations concentrating on binge eating behaviors in children suggest that such behaviors are also associated with adiposity in children and predict future weight gain in children at-risk for overweight. The ability to consume large quantities of palatable foods, especially when coupled with decreased subsequent satiety, may play a role in the greater weight gain found in binge eating children. Two protocols have examined efficacy of interpersonal therapy (IPT) as a weight gain preventive strategy among children and adolescents who report binge eating behaviors (11-13). IPT was not superior to health education (HE) to prevent excess weight gain at 1- or 3-year follow-up the entire cohort (11,12). However, among girls with high self-reported baseline social-adjustment problems or anxiety, IPT, compared to HE, was associated with the steepest declines in BMIz (p < .001) and fat mass (p <= .03). Thus, in obesity-prone adolescent girls, IPT was associated with improvements in BMIz over 3 years among youth with high social-adjustment problems or trait anxiety. Future studies are planned to test the efficacy of IPT for obesity prevention among at-risk girls with social-adjustment problems and/or anxiety. We also have evaluated feasibility and acceptability of a preventive family-based interpersonal psychotherapy (FB-IPT) program (13). FB-IPT was compared to family-based health education (FB-HE) in 29 children, 8 to 13 years who had overweight/obesity and LOC-eating. At post-treatment, children in FB-IPT reported greater decreases in depression (95% CI -7.23, -2.01, Cohen's d = 1.23) and anxiety (95% CI -6.08, -0.70, Cohen's d = .79) and less odds of LOC-eating (95% CI -3.93, -0.03, Cohen's d = .38) than FB-HE. Family-based approaches that address interpersonal and emotional underpinnings of LOC-eating in preadolescents with overweight/obesity show preliminary promise, particularly for reducing internalizing symptoms. Whether observed psychological benefits translate into sustained prevention of disordered-eating or excess weight gain requires further study. A new study is underway to examine if retraining attentional biases away from palatable foods can help children avoid weight gain. Given the rapid increase in the prevalence of obesity, the development of treatments for obesity is urgently needed (16-18). In clinical protocols, we have studied pharmacotherapeutic approaches to the control of body weight (19-21). Metformin 1000 mg BID was studied in 100 severely overweight children (6-12y) who manifested hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance. We concluded that metformin, added to a monthly behavioral program, significantly improved weight loss, insulin resistance, and cholesterol over a 6-month interval in severely overweight, insulin-resistant children. We recently reported how the pharmacokinetics of metformin is affected by polymorphisms in genes controlling metformin metabolism (21). We also participated in a multi-site randomized-controlled trial of beloranib, a methionyl aminopeptidase 2 inhibitor, to treat the hyperphagia of patients with the Prader Willi Syndrome (19). We have recently initiated additional translational trials related to modulation of the leptin signaling pathway using a melanocortin agonist called setmelanotide. Finally, we have initiated studies to examine the hypothesis that administration of colchicine can decrease NLRP3-activated inflammation and improve obesity-related metabolic dysregulation (20).
{ "perplexity_score": 497.8, "pile_set_name": "NIH ExPorter" }
Q: No tabview component in Form Builder I am looking for a tabview component in Orbeon Form Builder, but couldn't find it. Instead I found the link that unit test the tabview their https://github.com/orbeon/orbeon-forms/blob/master/src/resources-packaged/xbl/orbeon/tabview/tabview-unittest.xhtml Is the tabview obsolete/deprecated or we may still use it through Form Builder? A: There was never a general-purpose tabview component proper available in Form Builder. There is the wizard view which might help you though. The fr:tabview component is in fact obsolete even if you write XForms by hand. There is a new fr:tabbable component, which is currently reserved for internal use by the Form Builder UI.
{ "perplexity_score": 1066.3, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Q: How to avoid security dialog when accessing AppointmentItem Body in Outlook 2003 custom addin I have created an Outlook 2003 addin in VSTO 2005. I am trying access appointment Item's body. When this statement runs, Outlook pops up a security dialog where it ask for whether to allow to access the information or not. How can we bypass this check or any additional setting we need to do so it will not appear? A: This is the inbuilt security feature. If we tries to access body of the Appointment, it will throw security dialog. It can't be avoided, until AddIn dll made trusted.
{ "perplexity_score": 906.9, "pile_set_name": "StackExchange" }
Could This Be The USB-C - Surface Connector? ...can't imagine why anyone would pay $700 for a non-upgradeable eGPU? I'm interested in eGPU's but only one where I can upgrade the card... I do understand that there are some compatibility issues with eGPU's depending on what you're hooking them up to, but if a fixed card somehow helps that problem then I suppose I'll have to wait until they come up with something better... ...can't imagine why anyone would pay $700 for a non-upgradeable eGPU? I'm interested in eGPU's but only one where I can upgrade the card... I do understand that there are some compatibility issues with eGPU's depending on what you're hooking them up to, but if a fixed card somehow helps that problem then I suppose I'll have to wait until they come up with something better... Click to expand... Well, yeah, you're paying an Apple tax for something like this and naturally Apple wants people to buy a completely new version rather than offer an upgradable one. An upgradable enclosure like the Razor Core X retails for $299 and the Radeon Pro 580 is currently another $311 at Amazon so the Apple eGPU price isn't completely out of line given the included docking ports and guarantee that it'll actually work well (with MacBook Pro 13 & 15, that is). But all that's beside the point I was after, which is that Apple doesn't seem to have a problem making TB3 work while Microsoft is still only able to make excuses. <<...all that's beside the point I was after, which is that Apple doesn't seem to have a problem making TB3 work while Microsoft is still only able to make excuses...>> ...No pun, but you're trying to compare apples and (sort of) oranges. Because Apple fully controls their hardware and software, they also fully control their interfaces (and they can choose what USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 functionalities they implement). They also approve the peripherals that you're allowed to plug in. Therefore, it's much easier for them to configure a USB-C / TB3 port for their products that works consistently the way they (not you) want it to. Microsoft's more open approach, on the other hand, creates many more potential opportunities for conflicts or problems to arise. Add to that that the other OEMs are free to implement, perhaps, other combinations of USB-C / TB3 functionality and those opportunities balloon. Meanwhile, Microsoft is trying to re-establish a track record for reliable operation and durability of their Surface line (and to mitigate the Consumer Reports fiasco). So they're 1) Trying to avoid any more operational problems, and 2) Waiting for USB-C preferred functionality to settle down a bit while 3) USB-C peripherals are only in small numbers and only just now starting to enter the mainstream in meaningful numbers. Panos said as much (I think on an AMA). I'm not totally happy with Microsoft's slow implementation of these features, but I also understand why Microsoft might want to drag its feet for a while longer. @Steve S — Even if I grant you all that, it still seems to me that they're falling too far behind. Kinda like how they took it "slow and sure" with Windows Phone and Cortana and... too many to name? Like Apple they totally have control over their Surface hardware, firmware, and software. Peripherals, you'd need to take your chances just as you would if you tried to plug in that Razor eGPU enclosure on a MacBook Pro. I imagine the peripheral manufacturers would include compatibility in the specs, as is usually the case with anything. <<...Like Apple they totally have control over their Surface hardware, firmware, and software...>> ...Their hardware, yes. Hardware by other OEMS, not as much. Especially firmware and drivers (the latter controlling interfaces, among other things). Windows is expected to work with everyone's hardware. (And I'm not saying that there aren't specs and standards, of course there are. But design errors and intentional shortcuts happen, and that when trouble starts to develop.) <<...I imagine the peripheral manufacturers would include compatibility in the specs...>> ...Potentially big differences between intention to be compatible and actual compatibility with so many OEM hardware and driver configurations. Can you install just any driver on your Surface? No, because drivers are frequently tailored to the particular hardware suite that they have to operate in. Which brings us to... Testing. Tablets and laptops are complex and can assume many operating states. Times that by multiple OEMs. Windows has to work in all those settings. Testing all the myriad combinations is daunting, at best, as well as time-consuming and expensive. A lot of what goes wrong in the world of electronics has its roots in inadequate testing. Many companies don't have the resources to do it right, so they do what they can and then release the product anyway. My point here is that Windows often gets the blame for something that that someone else did (or didn't test adequately for). Also, we're quick to criticize design decisions while not knowing what the details were or what trades were considered. So Microsoft is late to the market with USB-C / TB3. Panos says they have their reasons. And Panos has some other important things to do in the near term. I say let him do them. If USB-3 / TB3 is a driving need, there are other brands that offer it.
{ "perplexity_score": 411.3, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
Andrew Perez knows scoring is a little tougher on the college level at LaSalle, and with the Jersey Shore Boca in summer league play, but he still has found ways to get the ball into the back of the net. “It’s definitely a lot harder than high school, especially being a smaller player [at 5 feet, 6 inches] going against some big defenders,” said the former Brick Memorial star. “It’s all about strategy. I learned a lot.” And Perez put his college “education” to good use as he made the Atlantic 10 All-Rookie team and got a Rookie of the Week award. Scoring five goals and assisting on two others, Perez had the second highest number of points on the team. Perez was one of two players named to the Atlantic 10 All-Rookie team from LaSalle, which enjoyed its best season last fall at 10-8 since the 1997 season and made the conference playoffs for the first time since that season by finishing in sixth place, the final spot. LaSalle lost its conference tournament opener to Temple, 1-0. “The thing is, against bigger players, you can’t play balls in the air,” said Perez. “You have to play with better quickness and move it faster on the ground. It’s mind games.” LaSalle got some satisfaction against Temple in an abbreviated spring season when it scored a 3-1 victory. LaSalle also beat Army, 3-1, and St. Joseph’s, 2-0, in going 3-1-1 in the spring. But there was not much of a break after that for Perez, who has been one of the top scorers on Boca’s under-20 team, and scored two goals in a recent outing. “I’ve had a nose for the goal, which I was known for in high school,” said Perez, who sparked Brick Memorial to the NJSIAA Central Jersey championship two seasons ago. “It’s tough now, especially on those hot scorching days, but as long as I’m playing.” But things didn’t come easily for him at LaSalle, where he had to prove himself all over again and earn his minutes. “I didn’t go right in there and have a spot,” he said. “I had to work hard and get my turn by practicing well. And when I got in, I made things happen.” Perez got his chance in the second week of the season, scoring a goal in the first half and also getting an assist in his first start against St. Bonaventure, a 2-1 LaSalle victory. He remembers his first college goal well. “There was a cross from the 18, and my defender went for the header and it went over his head, so I ran onto it and volleyed it lefty into the corner,” said Perez. He scored goals against Richmond and George Washington to earn the Atlantic 10 Rookie of the Week award. His other two goals came in a 4-3 victory over Bucknell. Perez says he looks forward to the fall and practices that start in about a month, as the conference has expanded to 14 teams with the addition of St. Louis and the University of North Carolina-Charlotte. “At LaSalle, you keep on learning, and there’s an All-American on our team,” said Perez. “Defensively, we’ve gotten better, and as a striker, my defense has improved surprisingly. When you play better defense, you have a better chance to score.” And Perez has made the most of those opportunities. The Boca U-20 team holds an overall record of 6-6-2 for the summer, including seven exhibition games, and a Mid-Atlantic Summer Showcase league record of 3-4-0. Perez leads the way with five goals, and Justin McGrath, also of Brick and Seton Hall University, follows with three goals and an assist.
{ "perplexity_score": 236.1, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }
AMERICA has become the country of the warning label. California is the warning-label state. Since California voters in 1986 approved Proposition 65 -- which mandates warnings when people are exposed to known carcinogens or chemicals that cause birth defects -- to live in California is to be warned. Most office buildings and parking garages post Prop. 65 warnings. When you fill your gas tank, there's a warning. When you go to a department store or a restaurant, there are warnings. Ditto the grocery store, where there are warnings not just about lighter fluid, nail polish and the effects of alcohol, but for fruits and vegetables, nuts and fish. Now, if Attorney General Bill Lockyer has his way, you can expect warning labels for fast-food french fries and potato chips. If he succeeds, the Legislature might as well post a billboard at the border that says: Eating in California can be hazardous to your health. In these tight fiscal times, you'd think Lockyer could find a better use of taxpayer money than to spend it in a push to warn the public about something any high-school student knows. French fries are bad for you. But never passing a chance for a good press release, Lockyer filed a lawsuit against a number of fast-food chains and junk-food producers because their french fries and potato chips contain trace amounts of acrylamide -- a chemical also found in asparagus and olives, it is a natural byproduct of cooking certain starchy foods. While Lockyer is alarmed, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration isn't sure acrylamide is bad for you. In March, the FDA issued a press release that stated, "Acrylamide can cause cancer in laboratory animals at high doses, although it is not clear whether it causes cancer in humans at the much lower levels found in food." Ed Weil of the attorney general's office thinks the FDA is wrong. He cites U.S. Environmental Protection Agency limits on acceptable acrylamide, which is used to treat drinking water, as lifelong exposure can lead to "damage to the nervous system, paralysis; cancer." Weil notes that the Environmental Protection Agency limits acceptable acrylamide amounts to .5 micrograms per liter of water, while the government found 40 micrograms in the average serving of chips or fries. Weil hopes this action will prompt Big Junk Food to change how it cooks chips and fries. Weil agrees there are too many warning signs -- although he argued that grocery stores, for example, post warning signs mainly to stop nuisance lawsuits. Lockyer is pushing the acrylamide issue, Weil said, because it is the government's job to dispense information and let consumers decide if they care about a possible carcinogen. As he put it, acrylamide falls into "an in- between category. Depending on how you feel about it, you might want to eat it or you might not want to eat it." Problem is, there are too many in-betweens -- some 750 other chemicals, according to Weil -- on the Prop. 65 list, and some of those chemicals are ubiquitous or naturally occurring. As a result, consumers see so many warning signs, they can't take them seriously. Even Lockyer isn't that alarmed. In a press release announcing the suit, Lockyer said, "I am not telling people to stop eating potato chips or french fries." Now I ask you: If people shouldn't stop eating these foods, why post a warning? Michele Corash, a San Francisco attorney who represents five companies being sued by Lockyer, noted that there are so many warnings that "We are immunizing the public to signs." No lie. I've come down with a strong case of warning fatigue. I see the Prop. 65 signs not as valuable warnings -- but as nagging. What else would you call a warning against doing something you do every day, like eating or parking or shopping? And whatever I do, it must be wrong, because there's always a sign telling me that what I'm eating, drinking or buying is bad for me. If all of these things are so hazardous, why am I alive? The scary part is that there are times when consumers need to know there is a danger. As in: you shouldn't drink this because it is poisonous. But consumers don't notice such warnings. Corash noted that sometimes "we need a way to warn consumers when there's a real hazard. Now we can't any more. You have to say, 'We really mean it this time. This isn't like the other warnings. ' " If Lockyer wanted to perform a true public service, he'd devise a way to whittle down the long list of Prop. 65 baddies. Instead he's fattening up the list. Oddly, Lockyer is taking this stand as he begins his bid to become state treasurer in 2006. Some treasurer he'd make. With this lawsuit, I'm convinced of only one thing: That Lockyer knows how to waste money.
{ "perplexity_score": 274.7, "pile_set_name": "Pile-CC" }