(CNN) -- Oil has driven Angola's booming economy over the last decade, helping the resource-rich country emerge from the wreckage of a long, vicious war to become one Africa's major economic players. One of the biggest producers of black gold in the continent, the southwestern African country has seen its GDP surge by several hundred percent in recent years as the hangover from long conflicts turned into a hunger for profits. More than 90% of Angola's revenue comes from oil production, but despite its oil wealth, Angola remains largely impoverished. In Luanda, the vibrant capital of Angola, shiny new boardwalks, luxury properties and an influx of Portuguese expats are all signs of oil money in a city that was last year named as the world's most expensive for expats. But despite the numerous new developments and Luanda's shiny facade, inequality prevails . Read related: Is oil-rich Angola a development success? Next to the sleek skyscrapers and luxury apartments, ramshackle shantytowns and crowded slums spread for miles in every direction, housing millions of people living on less than $2 a day. In many cases, even basic necessities like water and electricity are lacking. Activists like Elias Isaac say the much-vaunted oil wealth bypasses ordinary people in the country, run by President Jose Eduardo dos Santos since 1979. "We don't see the money that is being generated from oil having direct impact on people's livelihoods," said Isaac, Angola program manager of the Open Society Initiative for Southern Africa. "Angola makes a lot of money out of oil, there is no doubt about this," he added. "Angola is one of the few countries that can really pay its national budget without any donor funding, which is great. But where this money goes, that's the biggest issue." Oil deals are shrouded by confidentiality agreements, making it almost impossible to gauge how much money goes into Sonangol, Angola's state oil company. In an exclusive interview with CNN, Sebastiao Gaspar Martins, Sonangol's executive manager, admitted that Angola is making "a huge amount" from its oil. He said Sonangol produces "1.75 million barrels a day, which of course, if we multiply at the end of the year we make billions." When asked about Sonangol's closed books and the flow of industry revenues, Martins was quick to suggest that the oil money is being used for Angola's rebuilding efforts. Read related: Angola's post-war generation . But advocacy group Human Rights Watch has contended that tens of billions of dollars of oil money has skipped Angola's central bank entirely and disappeared. The International Monetary Fund says Sonangol spends billions off the books. Isaac said oil revenues have created an enormous slush fund for the country's elite. And when asked whether the oil money is being stolen, Isaac replied: "To say that it's not being stolen would not be true to the situation, because if the oil money was not being stolen, we could have better social services in this country." He added: "Someone is taking it." Critics have also accused Sonangol -- which is both concession-granter and regulator of the industry -- of acting as a way to funnel part of the oil revenues to the political elite. Martins responded to the criticisms by saying that "most" of Sonangol's revenues "are used to the wealth of our country and our people." He added: "I would say all, depending on how you interpret it. Because what is our role? We have a production revenue, we put the production revenues on the hands of the minister of finance ... [it] goes through the hands of the government." The Angolan government denies corruption in the oil sector. And recently, it announced a $5 billion sovereign wealth fund in a bid to diversify its economy, a move welcomed by lenders for its transparency. The state-owned investment fund, known as the Fundo Soberano de Angola, will invest domestically and internationally, focusing on infrastructure development and the hospitality industry. At the same time, oil companies will soon be opening up new oil fields off Angola and the country hopes to become the largest producer of crude in Africa. But with a history of corruption and problems of transparency, the biggest challenge will be ensuring that the profits filter down to ordinary Angolans. Until then, many in the country say that only a tiny sliver of elites will truly benefit from Angola's oil.
Angola one of the biggest oil producers in Africa . Vast majority of Angola's money comes from oil but the country remains impoverished . Critics say oil wealth is bypassing ordinary people in the country . The Angolan government denies corruption in the oil sector.
Caracas, Venezuela (CNN)Shortages of basic products such as corn, milk and chicken have plagued Venezuela for years, creating long lines at supermarkets and pushing inflation well past the 60% mark just in the last year alone. More recently, shortages are affecting people in the South American country in a more personal way. Venezuelan consumers complain condoms and birth control pills are nowhere to be found. Shortages that first affected the dining table have now made their way into the bedroom. CNN visited eight pharmacies in Caracas, the Venezuelan capital. Four had no condoms at all and the other four had limited availability. A couple only carried only one domestic brand. Yuraima Bacher, a pharmacy manager, said her establishment doesn't get supplies with the frequency they once did. "Can you believe it? It's been two weeks [since the last shipment]. Things have been slow since early January, and it's been the same thing so far this month," Bacher said. Venezuelans are turning to Mercado Libre, or Free Market. It's a website similar to eBay where consumers buy and sell all kinds of products. One subscriber is selling a box of 36 condoms for 4,760 bolivars. That's a whopping $755 U.S. dollars at the official exchange rate. It's also 85% of the Venezuelan monthly minimum salary, currently at 5,602 bolivars. President Nicolas Maduro announced in June his government was building a condom factory to supply the domestic market. The factory was built, but pharmacy managers say quality has not been what their customers demand. Production levels are not meeting domestic demand either. Magdymar Leon, a coordinator at the Venezuelan Association for an Alternative Sexual Education, says public health experts worry the scarcity of contraception methods might have long-term consequences. "What are the implications? One is that the individual doesn't have the means to control a decision to have children or not. That right is lost. On the other hand, the ability to protect oneself from sexually transmitted diseases is also lost," Leon said. A 2012 World Bank study shows Venezuela has the fifth-highest teen pregnancy rate out of 21 Latin American countries. The HIV infection rate, at 0.6% of the general population, is also a serious concern for public health analysts, a risk than can only increase unless Venezuelan authorities take measures to address shortages of contraception methods. Reporter, once detained, now Venezuela's tourism poster child .
Consumers have struggled for years with shortages of basic food and supplies . CNN tries to find condoms in pharmacies and discovers few of them and outrageous prices .
Small earthquakes linked to energy drilling are shaking Oklahoma and southern Kansas daily and may be dramatically increasing the chance of bigger and dangerous quakes. This once stable region is now just as likely to see serious damaging and potentially harmful earthquakes as the highest risk places east of the Rockies. A major quake is still a low risk, about a 1 in 2,500 years' chance of happening, according to geophysicist William Ellsworth of the US Geological Survey. 'To some degree we've dodged a bullet in Oklahoma,' Ellsworth said after a presentation to the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Scroll down for video . Research says small earthquakes shaking Oklahoma and southern Kansas are dramatically increasing the chance of bigger, more dangerous quakes. Above, an Oklahoma man looks at damage from a 2011 quake . The number of earthquakes in Oklahoma has grown dramatically in the last several years, and the state saw 562 in 2014 . But, he added, 'This is not to say we expect a large earthquake tomorrow.' The change in risk puts Oklahoma on par with such areas as New Madrid, Missouri, where residents are warned that a devastating earthquake in 1811 could receive a dangerous aftershock. During Dr Ellsworth's 90-minute session on human-induced earthquakes, three quakes larger than 3.1 magnitude hit northern Oklahoma. Federal records show that since Jan. 1, Oklahoma has had nearly 200 quakes that people have felt. These quakes started to increase in 2008 and made dramatic jumps in frequency in June 2013 and again in February 2014, Dr Ellsworth said. The state saw three times as many quakes larger than 3,0 magnitude in 2014, according to Reveal News , the most perceptible tremors in the contiguous United States.Oklahoma saw 562 earthquakes to California's 180. 'Yeah, we are shaking all the time ... You put up with a few things falling off your walls, a few nights waking up with the shakes,' Medford Oklahoma City Manager Dea Mandevill told KCUR. She said that energy drilling had benefited her town economically and did not discuss the possibility of large, damaging quakes. The Midwestern states' earthquakes are mostly in areas with hydraulic fracturing, a process known as fracking. Maintenance workers inspect the damage to one of the spires on Benedictine Hall at St. Gregory's University in Shawnee, Okla., after two earthquakes hit the area in less than 24 hours. Many studies have linked the increase in small quakes to the process of injecting wastewater deep underground because it changes pressure and triggers dormant faults. Until now, those quakes were mostly thought of as nuisances and not really threats. But Dr Ellsworth's continuing study, which is not yet published, showed the mere increase In the number of tiny temblors raises the risk of earthquakes that scientists consider major hazards. That's generally above a magnitude 5 with older buildings and a magnitude 6 for modern ones, he said. 'The more small earthquakes we have it just simply increases the odds we're going to have a more damaging event,' Dr Ellsworth said. A 2011 earthquake in Prague, Oklahoma, was a 5.7 magnitude, causing some damage and hurting two people. Some scientists have linked ground pressure changes from hydraulic fracking (pictured) to the increased seismic activity (file photo, Britain) Some studies said that was a side effect of the drilling process, but other scientists are not convinced. Experts at the science session said Dr Ellsworth's finding of a higher risk for big quakes makes sense. 'We are worried about this, no question about it,' said Rex Buchanan, interim director of the Kansas Geological Survey. Not all states with fracking and wastewater injections are seeing increased quakes and not all those with increased quakes, such as Texas and Ohio, are at a higher risk for major quakes, Dr Ellsworth said. Arkansas and Ohio, for example, are also now seeing fewer man-made quakes, he said. Areas in the Bakken formation in North Dakota and Canada, where there has been heavy drilling, have also not seen the same increase. Much depends on geology and how the wastewater is injected, said Stanford University geophysics professor Mark Zoback. He said industry and regulators can be smarter about where they inject wastewater and where they do not, and can avoid many of these problems.
US Geological Survey says risk of major earthquake elevated after fracking . Surge in quakes thought to be linked to changes in ground pressure . Oklahoma had triple California's number of >3.0 magnitude quakes in 2014 . 2011 earthquake in Oklahoma, 5.7 magnitude, hurt two people .
By . Anna Edwards . PUBLISHED: . 22:04 EST, 18 November 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 03:39 EST, 19 November 2013 . It's a birthday that Doctor Who fans are undoubtedly thrilled to celebrate. The 50th anniversary episode of the famous sci-fi series will be aired this Saturday - and whereas most birthdays are marked with a card, this one has been immortalised by the covers of Radio Times. The Radio Times introduced the first ever episode on the week of Saturday 23 November and the next week it got its first cover on the magazine. William Hartnell was the first Time Lord, and was followed by Patrick Troughton in the Doctor's footsteps . Jon Pertwee was the third Doctor in the seventies, while Tom Baker took up the reins and made the part his own with his eccentric speech and costumes - and a tendency for long scarfs and jelly babies . Peter Davison took on the role in the eighties, while Sylvester McCoy made the Doctor a much more darker and more manipulative character . Five decades and 50 appearances later they have decided to celebrate Doctor Who's 50th anniversary with 12 different covers, featuring 12 incarnations of the Time Lord. However, whereas viewers across the country will welcome the new episode, some older members of the audience will remember that technically the show isn't 50, owing to the period when it was dropped from our screens. Doctor Who boss Steven Moffat has criticised BBC bosses for axing the sci-fi show in the 1980s. Michael Grade, then BBC1 controller, made the decision to 'rest' the series because it had become 'ghastly' and 'pathetic'. Paul McGann appeared in the sci-fi television film in 1966, while Colin Baker played both the Doctor and Commander Maxil . John Hurt starred as an unknown incarnation of the Doctor, while Christopher Eccleston played the Doctor in 2005 - and was the first actor to take the role despite being born after the series was created . David Tennant fulfilled his childhood dream by playing the Time Lord, while Matt Smith is the youngest person to play the Doctor . Executive producer Moffat told the Radio . Times: 'What can one say about 50 years of Doctor Who? Well, first of . all, one can be pedantic. 'Doctor Who hasn't been on for 50 . years - owing to the outright stupidity and unforgivable blindness of . the BBC (sorry guys, it needs to be said), there was a 16-year gap.' He added: 'That gap is important though. It confers something very special on this most special of all shows, immortality. 'Doctor the show that comes back. Axe it at your peril. Someone like me is going to call you a fool.' Lord Grade previously defended his decision to drop the show. The Time Lords (from left) William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, Christopher Eccleston, David Tennant and Matt Smith . 'My . argument with the producer was that the same audience watching Doctor . Who was watching Star Wars and ET. The show was ghastly. It was . pathetic. 'It just got more . and more violent; they resorted to the most horrific hangings. It was . just horrible to watch. It lost its way, ' he said. He . wrote in Steve Berry's book Behind The Sofa: Celebrity Memories of . Doctor Who: 'Now the production values are high, the scripts are witty, . it's full of invention. 'And . digital effects today enable you to do so much more. The only . connection it has with its previous life is the title and the premise, . but it's light years ahead.' BBC director-general Tony Hall told the magazine that 'it was the BBC who reinvented' the show 'with some the best acting and writing on television anywhere in the world.' Sophie, Countess of Wessex meets past and present Doctor Who actors (form left to right) Matt Smith, Tom Baker, Peter Davison and John Hurt during a reception to mark the 50th anniversary of the hit TV series at Buckingham Palace . Meanwhile, former Doctor Who star Tennant said that returning to the programme for the one-off appearance in The Day Of The Doctor felt like waking up out of a dream. 'The first day I arrived, the costume's hanging there like it used to every day. It feels like 'where have I been? Have I just woken out of a dream?'', he said. John Hurt, who has a starring role in the 50th anniversary episode, said that he was not a fan of the original series. 'I don't think I saw the first episode and I think it escaped me for quite a long time. It was a kiddies' programme, or it was assumed to be. It was known basically for the fact that all the scenery used to fall over,' he said. Today the Daleks invaded Buckingham Palace as stars of Doctor Who past and present attended a reception to mark the 50th anniversary of the show. Four Time Lords in total - Matt Smith, Tom Baker, Peter Davison and John Hurt - were in attendance at the event hosted by the Countess of Wessex, who herself has been fan of the show since she was a child. Props from the show, including two versions of the Tardis, a pair of Daleks and K-9 the robot dog, were set up in the Palace’s Bow Room.
The Radio Times introduced the first ever episode of the sci-fi series . Magazine celebrating Doctor Who's 50th anniversary with 12 different covers, featuring 12 incarnations of the Time Lord .
(CNN) -- It could prove to be a pivotal moment in the Italian Serie A title race -- Juventus escaped with a 1-1 draw at AC Milan on Saturday after Sulley Muntari's first-half goal was controversially disallowed despite clearly crossing the line. With champions and league leaders Milan leading 1-0 at the time, Juve keeper Gianluigi Buffon desperately clawed back the Ghana midfielder's header from a corner -- and the referee waved play on to the dismay of the home players and their fans. "That incident that certainly falsified the result. Either the line was drawn wrong and was a bit too big," Milan coach Massimiliano Allegri told reporters. "There is no need to see the replays. It was pretty obvious from all around the stadium." The visitors also had a goal disallowed in the second half as Alessandro Matri was deemed to be offside in a very marginal decision, but the substitute leveled in the 83rd minute with his 10th goal this season to maintain Juve's unbeaten record after 24 matches. Antonio Conte's team were reduced to 10 men five minutes later when Arturo Vidal was sent off for a cynical foul on Mark van Bommel, but held on to stay one point behind Milan with a game in hand. The Rossoneri had taken the lead after 14 minutes when Antonio Nocerino fired in a deflected shot against his former club, whose defender Leonardo Bonucci gave the ball away to Robinho with a careless pass. January loan signing Muntari thought he had added to midfielder Nocerino's eighth league goal this season, but the linesman did not flag for the goal despite replays showing the ball went well over the Juve line before Buffon intervened. Third-placed Udinese and Lazio both trail Juve by eight points, but can cut the deficit on Sunday with victories against Bologna and Fiorentina respectively. In Saturday's other match, mid-table Genoa snatched a 2-2 draw against Parma thanks to two late goals from striker Rodrigo Palacio. The Argentine striker followed up his saved penalty to pull one back in the 78th minute, then took his tally to 14 for this season deep into time added on. Parma led in the sixth minute through defender Massimo Gobbi, then striker Sergio Floccari made it 2-0 eight minutes after the break against his former team. In Spain, Levante moved up into the fourth and last Champions League qualification place after snatching a 2-1 win at European rivals Espanyol in Saturday's late match. Substitute Ruben Suarez smashed in a freekick off the defensive wall in the 89th minute to seal the points after it had looked like the Barcelona-based hosts had earned a draw thanks to a 75th-minute header from Nigeria striker Kala Uche, who came on as a substitute. It was Valencia-based Levante's first win in nine La Liga matches. Malaga had temporaily taken fourth after thrashing bottom club Real Zaragoza 5-1, but ended the day in fifth -- one point above Espanyol. Racing Santander and Sporting Gijon remained in the bottom three after sharing the points in a 1-1 draw, while Real Betis and Getafe had the same result in a mid-table clash. Spain's top three teams -- leaders Real Madrid, champions Barcelona and third-placed Valencia -- will play on Sunday.
Juventus remain the only unbeaten team in Italy after 1-1 draw at AC Milan on Saturday . Champions Milan led 1-0 before having a Sulley Muntari goal controversially disallowed . Result left 10-man Juve one point behind leaders Milan with a game in hand .
LOS ANGELES, California (CNN) -- A one-of-a-kind bicycle belonging to Lance Armstrong that was stolen Saturday, hours after the U.S. cycling legend rode it in a race, has been handed over to authorities, police said Wednesday. Lance Armstrong's bike was missing after he competed in the first day of the Amgen Tour of California. "A local resident came to the police headquarters and turned in a bicycle that he believed to be Lance Armstrong's," said Sgt. Norm Leong, a spokesman for the Sacramento Police Department. By checking the serial number, "we were able to confirm that the bike was, in fact, Lance Armstrong's bicycle," said Leong, who added that the bike appeared to be in good condition. The man who gave the bicycle to police did not want to be identified, said Leong, who refused to answer questions about how the man came across it. Leong said the man who turned in Armstrong's bicycle "is not a suspect at this time" and did not ask about a reward offered by Armstrong's team for its return, he said. The bike is one of three believed to have been stolen Saturday from a trailer used by Armstrong's team, Astana, while the trailer was parked behind a Sacramento hotel, Leong said. The bikes disappeared hours after the first stage of the nine-day Amgen Tour of California, in which Armstrong and the team are competing. The two other bicycles, which belong to members of Armstrong's team, still are missing. Police have information "that we're not putting out at this time" about a suspect or suspects, Leong said. Officials initially said four bikes were stolen, but one of them was discovered Tuesday to have been misplaced in a storage room in the hotel, Leong said. Armstrong's bicycle, painted a distinctive black and yellow, "would be hard to sell," Leong said. The bikes that disappeared were the first ones within reach of whoever opened the trailer, which held many more, Leong said. The California race is another step in Armstrong's comeback from a 2005 retirement. Armstrong, a cancer survivor and seven-time Tour de France champion, kicked off his return to professional racing last month at Australia's Tour Down Under. Armstrong announced the bike theft on his Twitter account Sunday morning and posted a photograph. "There is only one like it in the world therefore hard to pawn it off. Reward being offered," he wrote. The 750-mile Amgen Tour of California ends Sunday. Armstrong, 37, said he is aiming for another Tour de France victory this summer. He also has said he is not trying to win the Tour of California but is riding in support of teammate Levi Leipheimer, who has won the race twice and leads this year's event. Armstrong was in fourth place Wednesday. Armstrong's comeback is not his first. He stopped racing in 1996, when he was diagnosed with advanced testicular cancer that had spread to his lungs and brain. Doctors have him less than 50 percent chance of survival, but after treatment, he returned to cycling in 1998. He won the Tour de France -- cycling's premiere event -- every year from 1999 to 2005.
California police: Man turned bicycle in; he's not considered a suspect . Cycling legend's bike, two others disappeared from team trailer after race . Police: The other bikes -- belonging to Armstrong's teammates -- still are missing . Police: We have info "that we're not putting out" about a suspect or suspects .
A black fire captain is being disciplined after posting death threats about Hispanic teenagers who he believed had broken into his car. Captain Lary Batiste is under investigation after he posted the threats on his Facebook page. He is said to have addressed the post to 'All parents who have Hispanic male teenagers' this week after his car was broken into outside his home. Scroll down for video . Houston Fire Department's Captain Lary Batiste is under investigation after he posted racist death threats on his Facebook page, referring to the 'hands up, don't shoot' gesture which has recently sparked controversy . He wrote he ''will make them deceased if I find them' and added 'stupid crooks do stupid things and stupid parents who don't know where their kids are on a school night/morning must suffer the consequences of burying their child needlessly. 'That 'hands up, don't shoot' s*** won't work with me! 'I AM PISSED OFF TO THE HIGHEST OF PISSTIVITY!!!! [sic]' Capt. Batiste, a supervisor at Fire Station No. 82, was reassigned to administrative duty pending the outcome of an internal investigation, reported A protester, demanding justice for the deaths of Eric Garner, Michael Brown and Akai Gurley, holds a placard as she takes part in a march through New York yesterday . Houston Fire Department spokesman Ruy Lozano said the department hopes 'to get it [the investigation] done in as short as a couple of weeks.' It is not the first time racist allegations have emerged involving the department's firefighters. Kerry Williams was accused of putting an offensive post on Facebook about a recent drowning victim. He wrote he was looking for a 'drunk Mexican' while searching for a 47-year-old man who drowned in Lake Houston. He was relieved of duty with pay in June and transferred to an administrative position while the department investigated. A woman holds up her hands as police responded to protests with tear gas and rubber bullets in Ferguson's protests om August . Gabrielle Walker, five, protests the killing of teenager Michael Brown on August 17 in Ferguson, Missouri . Tear gas rains down on a woman kneeling in the street in Ferguson, Missouri, with her hands in the air after a demonstration on August 17 over the killing of Michael Brown . A series of attacks and deaths of unarmed black people at the hands of white police officers have stirred widespread race riots across America in recent months. The fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, in August, triggered violent clashes with police - which erupted again last month after a grand jury failed to indict Ferguson police officer Darren Wilson. Witness accounts said the 18-year-old had his hands up when Wilson shot him. The 'hands up, don't shoot' gesture was a reference to witness accounts of Ferguson officer Darren Wilson's fatal shooting of Michael Brown,on August 9. Following the grand jury proceedings, five St Louis Rams made the 'hands up, don't shoot' gesture at Missouri's Edward Jones Dome in solidarity with Ferguson protestors last month. U.S. House Member Hakeem Jeffries, a black congressman from Brooklyn, New York, made the gesture as he said he views some 'bad apple' police officers as a threat to his son . Five St Louis Rams players) put their hands up to show support for Michael Brown before a game against the Oakland Raiders at the Edward Jones Dome last month . Demonstrators protesting the killings of Michael Brown are confronted by police wearing riot gear on October 12 in St Louis, Missouri .
Lary Batiste is under investigation after he posted the threats on Facebook . Addressed to Hispanic parents, he said their sons would 'die needlessly' 'Hands up, don't shoot' is reference to witness accounts of fatal shooting of teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri . Controversial gesture has been used in protests across the country .
(CNN) -- Actress Zsa Zsa Gabor was rushed again to the hospital late Saturday, her family said. The ailing actress was taken from her home to UCLA Ronald Reagan Medical Center, her daughter Francesca Hilton said. She did not provide details. Gabor has suffered major health problems in the last year, including hip replacement surgery and a leg amputation. She has been unable to walk since a 2002 car accident. The Hungarian-born actress, the second of the three celebrated Gabor sisters, is famous for her many marriages and strong personality as well as her acting prowess. Her more prominent films include John Huston's Toulouse-Lautrec biopic, "Moulin Rouge," in 1952, "The Story of Three Loves" in 1953, "The Girl in the Kremlin" in 1957 and Orson Welles' 1958 cult classic, "Touch of Evil."
Gabor has suffered major health problems in the last year . Her daughter does not provide details about the hospitalization .
By . Richard Shears . PUBLISHED: . 18:35 EST, 18 August 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 18:38 EST, 18 August 2013 . Eight tribesmen from a remote part of Indonesia are feared drowned after a killer whale they harpooned pulled their boat down. Four of the 12 hunters on board the wooden boat managed to swim to the shore, but their companions went down with the flimsy vessel after the whale at first dragged the vessel along - before diving. Villagers said it was a mystery why the eight disappeared without trace because they were in an open boat when it was pulled under in the waters off the island of Lembata, in eastern Indonesia. One of few whaling villages: Lamalera village on the southern tip of Lembata, Indonesia . A major search by tribes people and marine police has failed to find any trace of the men, their boat or the whale, the Jakarta Globe reported today. Traditional whale hunters on Lembata usually hunt sperm whales, known locally as koteklema, but because they have become scare in recent years the villagers have turned their attention to orcas. ‘We’ve searched everywhere for the men,’ said Yoseph Daison, chief of the village of Lamalera. Hunters on Lembata usually hunt sperm whales, but because they have become scare in recent years villagers turned their attention to killer whales . ‘We hunt these whales only for food for . the village and it’s sad that we appear to have lost these people when . they were going about a necessary task.’ Lembata district chief Eliaser Sunur said he had asked the naval base in the regional capital, Kupang, to send ships to help in the search for the fishermen. Lamalera village, on the southern tip of Lembata, is one of only two traditional whaling communities on the island. Between them, they usually hunt about a dozen sperm whales a year. The incident has provoked varying views on social media, one writer comparing it to the fictional story of Captain Ahab who hunted the white whale, Moby Dick, in revenge for the boats it had sunk. But another writer emphasised that the hunters search for whales to provide just enough meat for their whole village and was a process filled with religious rites and taboos.
Four of 12 hunters swam to shore, but their companions went down . Search has failed to find any trace of the men, their boat or the whale . The incident compared to fictional story of the hunt for Moby Dick .
(CNN) -- Ingrid Betancourt has been reunited with her children for the first time in six years since her abduction by FARC rebels in Colombia. Ingrid Betancourt, center, with her daughter Melanie and son Lorenzo. Betancourt, 46, who was rescued Wednesday in a daring operation by the Colombian Army, met with her daughter, Melanie Delloye, and son, Lorenzo Delloye-Betancourt, on the steps of a plane that had just arrived from France at a Colombian airport. The three tearfully clung together, hugging and kissing each other fervently before disappearing inside the plane. "They look so different, but they look so much the same at the same time; they are so beautiful," Betancourt told reporters. "The last time I saw my children, Lorenzo was very small ... I could lift him up, he looked like my nephew who is right here," Betancourt said later, as she stood between her children, both now taller than she. There are "many dreams I want to share with them ... I have so many things that I want to say to them," she added. Her children, now adults, were accompanied on the plane by French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner. Betancourt, a dual French national who grew up in Paris, is a cause celebre across Europe, where scores of cities had adopted her since her abduction in February 2002. She will travel to Paris Thursday night, said Colombian Defense Minister Juan Manuel Santos. Her release dominated the pages and broadcasts of French newspapers, Web sites and television stations. French President Nicolas Sarkozy had made her rescue a priority and in a televised address after her release expressed his happiness and thanks to the Colombian government, while urging FARC members to "stop this absurd combat, this fight." "There were a lot of deceptions, but they always believed and they always had confidence," Sarkozy said. "There is always a small glimmer of hope and today the joy is huge. All of France is happy to welcome back Ingrid Betancourt." Watch Sarkozy thank the Colombian government » . Dominique Paille, a leading political figure in France, told the newspaper Le Monde her release was "extraordinary news" and a "grand day" for France, humanitarian works, and the government. Segolene Royal, Sarkozy's opponent in last year's presidential election, said it was a joyous moment, particularly for Betancourt's children. "They have never lost hope. They have always believed the liberation of their mother was possible," she told Le Monde. Watch Betancourt talk about her release » . The French newspaper Liberation hailed Betancourt as a "national symbol," saying her long imprisonment had become a tragic example of the effects of the war between FARC and the Colombian government. Le Figaro praised the "coup" of the Colombian Army's bluff in freeing Betancourt and the 14 other hostages, saying it was also a personal victory for Sarkozy. Read more about the rescue operation . French Justice Minister Rachida Dati told the newspaper the result was without precedent. Former French President Jacques Chirac told Le Figaro it was a "true relief" for all of Betancourt's family and those close to her.
NEW: Ingrid Betancourt reunited with her children for the first time in six years . French President Nicolas Sarkozy leads celebrations with TV address . Sarkozy calls on FARC to lay down their weapons and end "absurd combat" Betancourt to visit France after meeting with children in Colombia .
By . Martin Robinson . PUBLISHED: . 04:46 EST, 1 January 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 07:37 EST, 1 January 2013 . Angela Merkel has used her New Year's Eve speech to launch an open attack on the City of London as she attempts to win a third term as German Chancellor in 2013. In a move that will be grasped by British Eurosceptics, Mrs Merkel told Germany that she will repress Europe's biggest financial markets and fight to strengthen the EU's grip on banking. The Chancellor openly blames the financial collapse of the U.S. economy and light-touch regulation spearheaded by Britain for the Eurozone crisis. Stand-off: In a direct attack on the City of London, German Chancellor Angela Merkel said Europe's largest markets needed to be controlled further to protect the Eurozone . Battle: Mrs Merkel is aiming to win a third term as Chancellor and she believes that Britain and the U.S. are to blame for Europe's financial markets . Throttling financial centres like London would allow her to work towards her dream of a European superstate with almost complete banking and economic union across the continent. Speech: David Cameron will make a pledge this month to wrestle more powers back from Brussels . 'The crisis is a long way from being beaten,' Mrs Merkel said on German television last night. 'Internationally, more needs to be done in order to exercise control . over the financial markets. The world has not sufficiently learnt the . lessons of the devastating 2008 financial crisis. Never again can we . allow irresponsibility like back then to happen. In a social market . economy, the state is the guardian of order — and that is something . people should be able to count on.' Germany will have a general election in September and Mrs Merkel wants to win a third term in the Bundeskanzleramt - the German chancellery. Her relationship with David Cameron is fragile and the Prime Minister is preparing a keynote speech this month where he will demand that more powers are transferred from Brussels back to London. Financial services, based mainly in the City, make up 10 per cent of the UK economy and Mr Cameron will fight tooth and nail to protect it. But German has already signed up to a new banking transaction tax being touted by France, however, the UK can opt out. Even though Merkel's conservative party holds a commanding 10-point lead in opinion polls over the Social Democrats (SPD), the centre-left opposition SPD and their Greens allies have a chance of taking power because Merkel's coalition allies, the Free Democrats (FDP) have slumped badly and may not win seats. The U.S. ambassador to NATO has called on the UK and Europe to up its defence spending as it cannot rely on America any longer. Ivo Daalder says cash saved after 2014 when all NATO troops leave Afghanistan must be pumped back into military budgets. He said that the U.S. will be focussing its money elsewhere - particularly in Asia and China. 'If we don't start soon in investing in those capabilities then the gap between the US and the rest is going to grow. If we have problems, they will be even worse,' he said. The MoD in Britain is privately urging David Cameron to withdraw from Afghanistan early to save more money. But America says NATO members should put the cash into arms. But political analysts believe Merkel still has the most options to form a government after the vote. She could lead a right-left grand coalition with the SPD as she did from 2005 to 2009 or a coalition with the pro-environment Greens party. In what is viewed as a speech that will kick-start the election race, Merkel urged Germans to be more patient even though the euro zone crisis has already dragged on for three years. She drew a line linking German prosperity to a prosperous European Union. 'For our prosperity and our solidarity we need to strike the right balance,' Merkel said. 'The European sovereign debt crisis shows how important this balance is. 'The reforms that we've introduced are beginning to have an impact,' she said. 'Nevertheless we need to have further continued patience. The crisis is far from over.' But in face of slowing economic growth, Merkel also warned that conditions could be more difficult in 2013 than in 2012. 'I know that many people are naturally concerned going into the new year,' she said. 'And the economic environment will not in fact be easier but rather more difficult next year. But we shouldn't let that get us down; rather it should spur us on.'
German Chancellor demands more strict controls imposed on Europe's biggest financial markets . Mrs Merkel wants to be re-elected in September 2013 and Eurozone stability will help her win third term . 'Internationally, more needs to be done in order to exercise control . over the financial markets,' she said on German TV last night . David Cameron will give speech this month demanding more powers are grabbed back from Brussels .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 00:54 EST, 4 September 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 05:34 EST, 4 September 2013 . A family in Utah welcomed a baby boy into the world last month which means there are now sixth living generations within the same family. The Rasmussen family, who live in Utah County, now range in age from one month old to 95 years old. The latest addition, baby Krew Alexander Woodland was born on August 1. ‘It was very important to me after the birth of Krew, to have a six generation picture,’ said Krew's mother Haylee Woodland told the Daily Herald. ‘I feel so very blessed to have so many grandmas still living.’ Family portrait: Six generations of the same family pose for a photo - they range in age from one month old to 95 years old . Krew’s great, great, great, grandmother Ruth Rasmussen was born in January 1918. She and her husband Niels raised three children including daughter Vivian. Vivian Jensen Schramm was born in April 1936. After getting married she and her husband raised six children together. ‘I have wonderful memories of growing up, and I am so blessed to still have my mother, being that I am 77 years old,’ said Schramm. Jannette Jensen Boone, one of Schramm's daughters, had four boys of her own. Great, great, great, grandmother Ruth Rasmussen, left, is 95 and her eldest daughter Vivian Jensen Schramm, right, is 77 . Great grandmother Jannette Jensen Boone, left, and her eldest son Jared, right . New mom Haylee Ann Haveron Woodland, left, is the fifth generation and baby Krew, right, makes six . ‘A lot of people say, “I can’t believe you have a sixth generation, that’s pretty rare,’” great grandmother Jannette Boone told FOX 13 News. ‘That’s pretty exciting for us, because family means everything.’ Boone's oldest son, Jared, and his wife Natalie’s first child was a girl. Haylee Ann Haveron Woodland was born in May of 1994, making her the fifth generation. While six living generations is almost unheard of, the Guinness Book of World Records states that the most generations alive in a single family is seven.
A baby boy, Krew, was born last month meaning there are six generations of the Rasmussen family alive and living in Utah .
By . David Gardner . Emotional: Katherine Jackson said Paris was particular traumatised by her son's death in 2009 . Michael Jackson’s three children went to visit their father’s body ten times in the morgue following his death, the singer’s mother revealed in her first TV interview yesterday. The star’s daughter, Paris – who tried to commit suicide earlier this year – was particularly traumatised by the tragedy. ‘She was screaming and crying when Michael died saying ‘I want to go with you daddy, I don’t want to live without you,’ said Katherine Jackson. Speaking days after what would have been the King of Pop’s 55th birthday on August 29, the 83-year-old Jackson family matriarch added: ‘I was feeling so bad for her. 'Paris suffered a lot after his death. She had to have pictures of Michael all over her room. Every picture that was hanging on the wall had to be of Michael.’ Mrs Jackson, who has 26 grandchildren and 11 great grandchildren, said all three children struggled to come to terms with their father’s sudden death in June 2009. ‘Michael’s kids went back to the morgue where Michael was about ten times. When I was in the room, I couldn’t go there,' she said, adding that she asked her daughter LaToya what the children were doing at the funeral home. ‘She said the children are all kissing and hugging Michael. Even though he is dead they are still doing that,’ she explained. The grandmother said Paris is doing ‘much better’ after cutting her wrists and swallowing an overdose of pills in her failed suicide attempt. The emotional interview was screened on the news show ’60 Minutes’ in Australia last night. Mrs Jackson, who was appointed guardian for Prince Michael, 16, Paris, 15 and 11-year-old Blanket after their father died, is currently suing concert promoters AEG Live in a wrongful death civil suit in Los Angeles. Scroll down for video . Grieving: (L - R) Prince Jackson, Blanket Jackson and Paris Jackson after ceremony honoring their father in front of Grauman's Chinese Theatre in Los Angeles . The Jackson’s claim the entertainment giant was negligent in hiring Conrad Murray, the private doctor now serving four years behind bars for causing Jackson’s death by giving him an overdose of the anaesthetic drug propofol. Mrs Jackson said it was ‘the worst day of my life’ when her son died. ‘I’ve never had that feeling before and I never want to feel like that again,’ she said. Mrs Jackson defended her son over claims that he abused drugs and tried to surgically change his appearance . Despite her advancing years, she rejects claims that she’s too old to care for her son’s children adequately, but admits to doing some things differently. ‘I didn’t like Michael’s children wearing masks in public so after his passing I never put any on them,’ she said. She said the vultures began circling soon after Jackson’s overdose. ‘People have been so greedy and have been taking things that don’t belong to them, and stealing things. All that happens when someone dies, especially when people think they have a lot of money,’ she added. And she insisted she always believed in her son’s innocence in the face of claims that he molested young boys. ‘I know that Michael didn’t do it,’ she said. ‘I have no doubt. ‘I didn’t ask him but we talked about it all the time. We talked about a lot of things.’ She said it made her ‘angry’ that Jackson made a multi-million pound pay-off to the family of Jordan Chandler, one of his accusers. Mrs Jackson also defended Jackson over claims that he abused drugs and tried to surgically change his appearance. ‘Michael was in a lot of pain so he was taking a lot of painkillers. Michael’s life changed when he was seriously burned doing the Pepsi commercial. 'It burned him so badly that his hair wouldn’t grow back at the top of his head and he didn’t like that part of it. That’s why he started wearing wigs,’ sher added. ‘People might think that Michael would over-indulge in plastic surgery but they don’t know what went on before. Michael also had a disease so the colour of his skin was changing. ‘I don’t know why people said he had too much facial surgery. He got his nose done so that being in the centre of his face would change how he looked but I don’t think he got too much done.’ She reminisced about how the singer refined some of his famous dance moves when he was still a child. ‘When he was a baby he used to dance to the sound of a washing machine. He used to dance to the rhythm of our old rickety washing machine so he started doing those rickety moves and dancing to the sounds,’ she said. ‘There will always be questions hanging in the air that I would like the answer to but I probably won’t get them,’ she said of the circumstances surrounding her son’s death. Find more on 60 Minutes .
Michael Jackson's daughter Paris tried to commit suicide earlier this year . His mother Katherine gave the emotional interview days after what would have been the King of Pop's 55th birthday . The 83-year-old said all three children struggled to come to terms with their father's death .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 09:51 EST, 16 March 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 10:35 EST, 16 March 2014 . Truly sick: Sandy Nguyen, 28, is accused of falsely claiming her son had terminal cancer in order to con her Colorado community out of an estimated $25,000 . A Colorado woman is charged with the unimaginable crime of convincing her 6-year-old son, along with her entire community, that he had terminal cancer in order to scam thousands in charitable donations. Police announced Friday the arrest of Sandy Nguyen, 28, of Arapahoe County on charges she accepted $25,000 in donations using the appalling lie. There were even times the boy, and everyone else, believed he'd gone into remission and once when Nguyen allegedly said the 'he probably only had 8 more months with them.' 'We don't have any reason to believe . that anyone other than her knew the truth,' Arapahoe County Sheriff's . Captain Larry Etheridge told KMGH. 'The little boy believed he had . cancer. The rest of the family believed he had cancer.' September . 2012 is when police say Nguyen started falsely telling members of her . community that the boy had been diagnosed the previous April with 'an . aggressive, rare, stage 3 childhood bone cancer and Acute Myelogenous . Leukemia.' A 5K charity walk . was even held for the boy. A website for the event says the boy had . 'received 317 days of chemotherapy, 7 days of radiation, multiple blood . & platelet transfusions, monthly spinal taps, biopsies, and MRI's.' Sad: Police say the family even went to Disneyland on the donations. They believe only Nguyen knew the truth after she duped her family, the school and community and even the boy into thinking he had cancer . Astonishly, . the event's tickets were sold out and local businesses, in addition to . individuals, had contributed to a fund for the boy. The event's page notes that the boy was 'fighting cancer for the 3rd time.' It was the following June when Nguyen allegedly told people the boy had just months to live. Photos from Nguyen's Facebook page show a boy both with hair and at times with a bald head, as if he's endured chemotherapy. There are also photos of the family during a visit to Disneyland. The Facebook page was taken down after Nguyen's arrest. 'Over the last several months, Ms. Nguyen accepted at least $16,000.00 from that account, as well as a trip to Disneyland for herself and family, which was paid for by the donated funds,' officials told KMGH. Astonishing: The boy's elementary school and community even held a 5K charity walk in the boy's name. They created an account for the family and place $25,000 in it. Police have since reclaimed about $23,000 in cash from the family home . According to the school and sheriff's office and the boy's school, a total of $25,000 was raised and put into an account for the family. Rolling Hills Elementary School Principal Darla Thompson informed parents of the situation in a letter on Friday. She wrote: . 'We are deeply troubled by these allegations and saddened to learn that an adult may have taken advantage of an innocent child and our school community, . 'It is important for our community to continue to show support and compassion for this child, who is also a victim in this case. The child was wrongfully led to believe that he was ill, and he was not responsible for the parent’s alleged actions.' On Thursday, Arapahoe County Sheriff's investigators executed a search warrant at Nguyen's home, recovering about $23,000 in cash. Nguyen has since posted $10,000 bond and has been released from jail. var p = new anv_pl_def(); p.config = {}; p.config.width = 634; p.config.height = 357; p.loadVideoExpressV3('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|1000011|SPS'); .
Sandy Nguyen of Arapahoe County, Colorado allegedly conned her son's school and fellow parents since September 2012 . Police say she convinced the boy and even the rest of their family he had recurring bouts with leukemia . Authorities have recovered around $23,000 cash .
(CNN) -- It was billed as the battle of the heavyweights. In the red corner -- Radamel Falcao -- one of the most coveted strikers in world football and one of the most lethal finishers around. Only last week, Falcao hit five in his side's demolition of Deportivo to add to his already burgeoning reputation. In the blue corner -- Lionel Messi -- perhaps the greatest to have ever played the game. The man with 88 goals to his name in 2012. The magical and mesmerizing feet of Messi going up against the pace and predatory instincts of Falcao. It had all the ingredients of a classic. Between them they have run La Liga and European defenses ragged, scoring goals at will and leaving defenders trailing in their wake. Going into the clash, Messi had plundered 23 league goals to Falcao's 16. It was time for the two to go head-to-head. For Barcelona, victory over Atletico would place it nine points clear of its closest title rival and surely allow the Catalan club to wrestle the title away from defending champion Real Madrid. A win for Atletico would finally confirm that Diego Simeone's men could be taken seriously as a championship challenger. Magic Messi extends record streak . Atletico and Falcao -- the pretenders to Barcelona and Messi's crown. And pretenders they will remain. In the end, the chasm could scarcely have been greater as Simeone's men were put in their place without any sign of mercy from Tito Vilanova's side. Barca has now won 15 of its opening 16 league games, taking an astonishing 46 points from a possible 48. With Real Madrid only managing to draw with Espanyol earlier Sunday, Barca moved 13 points clear of its great rival. It was Messi who stole the show once again as the little magician emerged out of the shadows to crush Atletico. Two second-half strikes took his total to 90 for the calendar year and 25 league goals for the season as Barca came from behind to win 4-1. Messi map: How Argentine maestro conquered the world . And yet for the opening 30 minutes it appeared that the Messi's evening might have not been so enjoyable. Instead it was Falcao who took center stage, bullying Barcelona's defenders at every opportunity. It was the Colombia star who had the first opportunity of the contest, heading against the post after just nine minutes as Atletico signaled its intentions. Falcao then went close again after firing narrowly wide when well placed, while Messi seemed to vanish as Atletico took control of the contest. Barcelona was finally undone just after the half-hour mark when Falcao produced an exquisite finish to silence the majorityof those packed inside the Camp Nou. Messi fit to resume bid for goal record . After taking the ball in his stride, Falcao burst past Barcelona's central defenders before lifting the ball over the stranded Victor Valdes to net his 17th league goal of the season. It was no less than Atletico deserved, but that strike only served to awaken Barca from its slumber. No less than five minutes had elapsed before Barca drew level in spectacular style thanks to Adriano's stunning curling effort. The right-back turned onto his left-foot, before unleashing a wonderful rasping effort into the top corner to bring his side level. And with just seconds of the first half remaining, Busquets lashed home from close-range after Atletico had failed to clear. From dominating the game, Atletico had been rumbled in the blink of an eye. Messi makes case as world's greatest ever player . Worse was to follow as Messi began to find time and space as Atletico started to lose its way. Just 12 minutes of the second half had passed before the Argentine finally grabbed his trademark goal, firing home his 89th of the year with a neat curling effort. He reached 90 late on, taking advantage of a horrific defensive mistake to slot home his 25th league goal of the season. Incredibly, Messi has scored 58 out of Barcelona's 116 league goals in 2012. Mourinho: 'No story' in Real Madrid exit rumors . Meanwhile, the pressure continues to build on Real Madrid boss Jose Mourinho after he all but conceded defeat in the race for the title. Real fell further off the pace after being held to a 2-2 draw at home by lowly Espanyol and are 13 points off the lead. Espanyol had taken a shock lead through Sergio Garcia after 31 minutes before strikes from Cristiano Ronaldo and Fabio Coentrao put the home side in control. But with just two minutes remaining, Juan Albin popped up to steal a precious point for relegation-threatened Espanyol and leave Real reeling. "The league is now impossible," Mourinho told reporters. "It is the first time that I have been in a situation like this where my team are a long way off their objectives. "But I don't want to make a drama out of it, I will treat it as another stage of my life." Elsewhere in La Liga, Valencia was beaten 1-0 at home by Rayo Vallecano, while Levante claimed a 1-0 victory at Real Zaragoza.
Lionel Messi took his tally to 90 for the calendar year with two goals against Atletico Madrid . Messi's double and further goals from Adriano and Sergio Busquets gives Barca 4-1 win . Real Madrid held to a 2-2 draw by lowly Espanyol . Real boss Jose Mourinho: "The league is now impossible."
A toddler with Down syndrome is the adorable new star of Target's latest toy ad. Two-year-old Izzy Bradley wears a pink lace dress and leopard tights as she plays with a $49 activity cube in the heartwarming print ad for the retail giant. Izzy was chosen to model for Target after the company reached out to the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network in search of models. Scroll down for video . Model ready: Izzy Bradley, who has Down syndrome, plays with an activity cube for Target's new toy ad . Izzy's mom, Heather Bradley, heads the Stillwater, Minneapolis chapter of the DSDN and told CBS Minnesota that she is grateful that Target is raising awareness for the genetic condition. 'I think it really normalizes Down syndrome and helps people to see we're really just like any other family.' The proud mom noted that her daughter was a total pro during the shoot, which took place in September. 'She did really well,' Mrs Bradley said. 'She sat still while they did her hair and make-up. She pretty much cooperated the whole time.' Family fun: Heather Bradley, pictured with her three daughters, says Izzy 'loves her big sisters' and 'wants to be just like them' Holiday smiles: Izzy gleefully posed with her older sisters in front of a Christmas tree last December . The 39-year-old said Izzy is enjoying her newfound fame. 'Whenever she sees the ad, either on television or in print, she smiles, points to herself, and says, "Izzy!"' Mrs Bradley told Yahoo. 'Her photo is also on the wall of our local Target, so she likes that too.' She added, 'I want families who are new on a journey with a disabled child to see kids like Izzy and feel hopeful.' Natural fit: Ryan (far left), who has Down syndrome, was six years old when he starred in a 2012 Target clothing ad . Model behavior: Karrie Brown, a 17-year-old with Down syndrome, was hired for a 2013 Wet Seal campaign (far right) after her mother posted a Facebook picture (far left) of her posing in the teen brand's clothing . Over the past few years, Target and other mass market retailers have been featuring a diverse array of models, including those with disabilities. In a 2012, Target hired Ryan, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed model with Down syndrome, to appear in a clothing ad. The boy, who was six years old at the time, had posed for a Nordstrom campaign before booking the gig. The following year, Wet Seal asked 17-year-old Karrie Brown, who also has Down syndrome, to model for them after her mom started a Facebook campaign.
Target found Izzy Bradley, two, after reaching out to the Down Syndrome Diagnosis Network . Her mother, Heather Bradley, says Izzy 'cooperated the whole time' during the September shoot . Mrs Bradley wants families with disabled children to 'feel hopeful' when they see the ad .
Theatre producer Sir Cameron Mackintosh has been sued by a FedEx delivery man for $2.9million after he slipped on a wet floor. Mackintosh’s personal cleaner had mopped the floor outside of his Manhattan office. The producer of Cats, Phantom of the Opera and Les Miserables did not believe that the cleaning service provided by the building was good enough. Sir Cameron Mackintosh has paid out $2.9million after a FedEx delivery man slipped on a floor his cleaner had mopped . He had his cleaner Esme David tidy up the Broadway office twice a week and his apartment three times, reported the New York Daily News. The FedEx delivery man slipped on the floor at 9.30am on November 13 2008. He was taken to Bellevue Hospital where he was told he tore his rotator cuff muscles in his shoulder, ruptured tendons in his thighs and torn cartilage in his knee. The delivery man, who also had neck and back injuries, was disabled and told he could not work again. The FedEx delivery man was left disabled and forced to retire after 19 years on the job (Stock image) His lawyer, Scott Rynecki said: ‘For someone who produced elaborate Broadway shows, he didn’t do such a good job managing his personnel. ‘There are obvious dangers with mopping the floor at the same time people are arriving for work.’ Mackintosh, 54, was not there at the time of the accident, and was not questioned under oath. Staff at the office said that the arrangement was unusual, as Ms David only cleaned Mackintosh’s part. Mackintosh, who was knighted in 1996, has produced musicals in New york and London, including My fair Lady (pictured) Cameron Mackintosh at a party celebrating cats becoming the longest running musical in the world, with Sir Andrew Lloyd Webber . Office manager Jennifer O’Connor said: ‘It is my understanding that because we care about the look of our office and our high-profile clientele that (Esme David) was hired to come in and do supplemental cleaning . . . because what was done by the building was not sufficient.’ The settlement was negotiated last week after a jury was selected at Brooklyn Supreme Court. The claimant asked not to be identified as he lives in an area of high crime and was worried it would risk his safety.
A FedEx delivery man received $2.9million from Sir Cameron Mackintosh . He had slipped in Mackintosh's Manhattan office and was left disabled . Tore his rotator cuff, ruptured his quadriceps and tore meniscus in his knee . The theatre producer had his personal cleaner mop as 'the building's services were unsatisfactory'
Hundreds of Nigerian schoolgirls kidnapped two weeks again are being sold to as wives to Islamic militants for as little as £8 each, it has been claimed. The teenagers were abducted from their secondary school, in Chibok, in the middle of the night by armed men from Boko Haram and are believed to have smuggled across the borders to Cameroon and Chad Republic. Some of them have been forced to marry against their will and are being used as servants and sex slaves, according to a community elder. A protestor turns out for the mass demonstration to help bring home the hundreds of schoolgirls taken from their dormitories by extreme Islamists . Rescue our daughters: A cry from a pleading mother at a mass demonstration taking place across Nigeria today . Pogo Bitrus told The Times the captors were selling the girls aged 16-18 into servitude by forcing them to marry other members of the extremist group. 'If these captors are trying to achieve a political point, I think the best thing is for us to try to make sure that they don’t succeed,' he said. 'But from all indications they are succeeding, due to inaction of government it is helping these people in achieving their objectives.' He said that the girls had been ferried to Cameroon and Chad by canoe where prospective husbands were paying around 2,000 naira (£8) for a bride. The girls were kidnapped on April 14 by gunmen who raided the dormitories taking the girls while they slept. Initially officials said that about 85 girls had been taken. But it later emerged that as many as 234 were missing. So far, none of the schoolgirls have been rescued. About 40 managed to escape the grips of their heavily armed captors - believed to members of a Jihad Islamist group. Parents and other town residents have mounted a search in the Sambisa Forest, which borders Chibok town and is a known hideout for the militants. The troubled country has also seen demonstrators protest against the closure of schools in Abuja. Police turned out firing live bullets, water cannons and spraying tear gas. A man weeps as he joins parents of kidnapped school girls during a meeting with the Borno State governor in Chibok, Maiduguri, Borno State April 22. They had no weapons and eventually were forced to turn back. Security sources have said they are in 'hot pursuit' of the abductors, but so far they have not rescued any of the kidnap victims . The girls' families and their supporters have now organised mass demonstrations across Nigeria in an attempt to force President Goodluck Jonathan to take more drastic action. Boko Haram has been abducting girls and young women in attacks on schools, villages and towns, but the latest mass kidnapping is unprecedented. The extremists use the young women as porters, cooks and sex slaves, according to Nigerian officials. Boko Haram has a history of abducting women, and there has been an estimated 10,000 deaths caused by the group since it was formed in 2002. The group rejects western beliefs and its purpose is to establish a "pure" Islamic state ruled by sharia law. Attacks: A heavy military presence in the Borno region of Nigeria did not prevent the kidnapping (file photo) Attack: The militants struck in Chibok, in northwestern Nigeria, last month .
Mass rally will draw upward of one million people across Nigeria . Schoolgirls transported across borders and sold as wives for £8 . Girls aged 16-18 were seized from an dormitories in Chibok . Reports that they are being forced to marry against their will . So far none have been rescued, but some of the girls have escaped .
By . Sophie Jane Evans . PUBLISHED: . 14:27 EST, 17 February 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 14:34 EST, 17 February 2014 . Guilty: Paul Strickland, pictured arriving at Manchester magistrates' court today, bit his wife's face after discovering she had a new boyfriend . A top doctor who bit his wife's face when he discovered she had a new boyfriend has escaped jail after a judge praised his 'courage' for pleading guilty. NHS consultant psychiatrist Paul Strickland, 51, sank his teeth into Dr Judith Richardson’s cheek at his home in Didsbury, Manchester, after finding out she was dating a mutual friend. He bit her repeatedly for five seconds, before pushing her against a wall and bending her arm backward. Dr Richardson, also 51, a public health specialist, was left with a cheek injury and £500 worth of damage to her glasses following the attack. Strickland - who works for the NHS in Salford, Trafford and Bolton - admitted assault and criminal damage at Manchester magistrates' court last month. However, he escaped jail today after District Judge Paul Richardson praised his 'courage' for pleading guilty - instead, sentencing him to a six-month community order, costs of £85 and a £60 victim surcharge. The assault took place in January after Strickland, who is also an 'honorary' university lecturer, discovered Dr Richardson was in a relationship with another man, the court heard. He left seven voicemail messages on his estranged wife’s phone, before deciding to confront her at her new boyfriend's home. Strickland, who specialises in providing services for people with mental health, banged on the front door, but noone answered and he left the scene. Scene: The NHS consultant psychiatrist sank his teeth into Dr Judith Richardson's cheek at his home (pictured) on Clothorn Road in Didsbury, Manchester. He then pushed her against a wall, before breaking her glasses . Appearance: Strickland, 51,  pictured outside court last month,  pleaded guilty to assault and criminal damage . However, trouble erupted later that afternoon when Dr Richardson went to her the psychiatrist's home on Clothorn Road. David Graham, prosecuting, said: 'He . opened the door and immediately began an assault - pushing her onto a . wall and biting her cheek for five seconds before pushing her backwards . against the car. He took glasses off her face and snapped them causing . £500 damage. 'As a result she was left with a bite mark to her cheek. This could be seen as a high level assault of its type.' Brigid Baillie, defending, said . Strickland had been on anti-depressants for two years following the . breakdown of his 20-year marriage in 2010 and subsequent divorce in . 2012. Case: The psychiatrist escaped jail today after District Judge Paul Richardson praised his 'courage' for pleading guilty - instead, sentencing him to a six-month community order, £85 costs and a £60 victim surcharge . 'He came off them in November last year . and that was when things began to get on top of him,' she said. 'Things . built up and he didn’t deal with them. He was experiencing stress at . work. His mother has dementia and he has power of attorney. He would sometimes gets phone calls from the police about her going missing. 'He also felt his ex-wife had been gloating over the new relationship. At the time her new partner was a mutual friend.' She added: 'He feels . ashamed and very regretful it happened in the first place. There is . genuine remorse. He . is in a relationship and wants to move forward.' Street: Brigid Baillie, defending, said Strickland had been on anti-depressants following the breakdown of his marriage in 2010 and subsequent divorce in 2012. Above, Clothorn Road, where the attack took place . At an earlier hearing, the court was told the couple . had . been married for 20 years, but had split up acrimoniously due to Strickland's 'increasingly controlling and jealous' behaviour. He had reportedly assaulted his wife in 2009, but she had made no complaint at that time. Sentencing Strickland, Judge Richardson said: 'Much of the background is very sad but it is not unique. People go through stuff a good deal worse than you have suffered and it does not result in violence. 'You had the courage to plead guilty. With your background, it makes it more difficult to face up to what has happened. 'I’m hoping you will find value in this because you are in new territory with people who find themselves in circumstances such as this more than you.' Strickland now faces a . disciplinary investigation by the General Medical Council and has been . referred for psychiatric treatment over his behaviour.
Paul Strickland discovered wife Judith Richardson had a new boyfriend . Couple had separated in 2010 following breakdown of 20-year marriage . NHS consultant psychiatrist attacked estranged wife at home in Didsbury . Bit her cheek, before pushing her against wall and breaking her glasses . Admitted assault and criminal damage at Manchester magistrates' court . But escaped jail today after judge praised his 'courage' for pleading guilty . Strickland has been handed six-month community order and £85 costs .
A man charged with carjacking is seeking more than $1 million in a lawsuit against police officers who were caught on video beating him. The video, captured by a resident from inside her Grosse Pointe home, shows one male officer apparently punching Andrew Jackson Jr. while he is handcuffed, before another kicks him in the side. Jackson Jr., 51, is claiming for injuries as well as emotional distress during the arrest in Detroit on January 12. His lawsuit was moved to federal court Monday from Wayne County court. Violent: A police officer climbs on a carjacking suspect and punches him while another officer delivers blow to his side. The footage, pictured above, was captured by a woman in a nearby house . The footage shows cops brutally beating a handcuffed suspect in the street - before two officers gave each other a celebratory fist bump. At one point, Jackson, a suspect in an earlier carjacking, calls out for Jesus. 'What did you say?' asks one of the officers, who then kneels on the man back. 'Jesus? You're calling Jesus? Don't you dare. Don't you f***ing dare!' Scroll down for video . Job well done: Another officer, left, then arrives on the scene and fist bumps her fellow officer over the man . After the initial burst of violence, the man stays quiet on the ground and a female officer approaches and fist bumps one of the male officers. 'They're tapping each other, talking about a good job,' says the woman behind the camera, Emma Craig. She later shared the footage to her Facebook page. After the incident, Grosse Pointe Park police issued a statement saying that Jackson had allegedly pointed a gun at a mother and her two children, forcing them out of their car and stealing it. Police tracked the vehicle and took chase, before the suspect got out of the car and fled about a quarter of a mile on foot. Officers then caught up with him and tried to Tase him but it failed to work so they had to use force to take him into custody and remove his weapon, police said in a statement. In custody: The suspect, Andrew Jackson Jr., 51, allegedly stole a car at gunpoint on Monday . Jackson had absconded his parole from April 2014 when he missed a meeting with his parole officer and moved address, police said. Records show he was convicted in 2004 of conspiracy to commit armed robbery, assault with intent to rob while armed and fleeing a police officer, the Detroit News reported. In the footage, the officers can be heard discovering a gun on the man after the arrest. Ron Craig, whose mother shot the footage, told the Detroit News there was no justification for the violence used against Jackson. 'He was in handcuffs,' Craig said. 'You had him captured. He was no threat.' He added: 'It's not a race issue, it's a humanitarian issue.' Shortly after the incident, demonstrators from the Detroit Coalition Against Police Brutality gathered outside the Grosse Pointe Police station to call for prosecution of the officers involved. Coalition director Ron Scott said the group believed 'the officers' actions, once the suspect was handcuffed, were not justified'. Grosse Pointe Police Sergeant Jeff Longo briefly addressed the protesters to say that Chief David Hiller had no comment for them and that an investigation is under way. Hiller previously said officers' actions were appropriate considering the sequence of events. Demands: Ron Scott speaks at rally in front of the Grosse Pointe Park city offices as he and other protesters called for the prosecution of the two officers seen beating Jackson in the video . 'We're looking at it, and we believe the officers actions were proper,' he said. 'In effecting the arrest, they had to kick to get his arms free because he was going for his gun, which was in his waistband.' Michigan State Police investigated the incident after being contacted by Wayne County Prosecutor Kym Worthy, who said she would be 'actively monitoring' the investigation. The Wayne County Prosecutor's Office will now decide whether to file charges against the officers. Meanwhile, Jackson — an ex-convict who was released from prison in 2013 — returns to court on March 3 to see if he will face trial on the carjacking charge. He is accused of robbing a 55-year-old woman who was cleaning snow off of her car and threatening to shoot her grandchildren.
Footage shows two cops punching and kicking a man they were arresting . Another officer later arrives on the scene and fist bumps one of the cops . Prosecutor's Office will decide whether to file charges against the officers . Police said the suspect, Andrew Jackson Jr., had stolen a car at gunpoint earlier that day before fleeing from officers and had parole violations . The police chief said the actions were 'proper' to get a gun from Jackson .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . Scientists may have found a way to banish flu, after developing a drug that saw mice unaffected by lethal doses of the virus. The drug blocks a molecule called PGE2, and saw mice survive a dose of H1N1 – also known as swine flu - after administration. This could see development of a pill to beat flu in humans, an illness which kills thousands every year. Soon just a memory?: The new discovery means that science is one step closer to developing a pill against flu . It is hoped that the drug which blocked PGE2 in mice could also block the molecule in the human body. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that up to 49,000 people die from flu-related illnesses every year. In 2009 alone, up to 575,000 people died from swine flu (H1N1). Emerging strains continually threaten to spread to humans and cause even deadlier pandemics. The new finding published in the journal Immunity paves the way for an urgently needed therapy that is highly effective against flu and maybe other viral infections. ‘Drugs that specifically target PGE2 . pathways have already been developed and tested in animals, so our . results have excellent potential for clinical translation, not only for . the treatment of influenza, but other viral respiratory infections that . interact with similar host immune pathways,’ author of study Dr Maziar . Divangahi, of McGill University, Montreal, said. Mice genetically engineered to lack the . PGE2 (prostaglandin E2) molecule were more resistant to flu infections . than others and the vast majority survived after being injected with a . deadly dose of H1N1. Scientists in Montreal, Canada found that by blocking a molecule called PGE2, mice survived lethal doses of H1N1, also known as swine flu . Similarly, mice treated with a compound that blocks PGE2 showed enhanced antiviral immunity and produced better survival rates following infection with the lethal shot compared with untreated animals. In spite of the worldwide use of vaccination and other antiviral interventions, flu remains a persistent threat to human health. By inhibiting a molecule called COX (cyclooxygenase), ibuprofen and other NSAIDs (nonsteroidal anti inflammatory drugs) lower the production of the five prostanoids such as PGE2, immune molecules that contribute to pain and fever. Francois Coulombe, a PhD student in Dr Divangahi’s lab who led the study, said: 'But since these drugs inhibit all prostanoids, each may contribute differently towards the immunity against influenza virus. Understanding their individual role is crucial in developing a new therapy.'
Scientists found that blocking molecule builds resistance against flu . Mice which had PGE2 blocked were likely to survive deadly dose of H1N1 . If transferrable to humans, an anti-flu pill could be developed . Back to Mail Online home . Back to the page you came from .
KABUL, Afghanistan (CNN) -- NATO-led troops killed 12 insurgents in a firefight Friday in Afghanistan, and a civilian caught in the crossfire was apparently killed by militants, NATO's International Security Assistance Force said. U.S. Marines fire 120mm mortars on Taliban positions on April 3 in Now Zad in Helmand province, Afghanistan. The incident occurred south of Kabul in the eastern Afghan province of Logar, when Afghan security forces and ISAF troops were conducting an operation. It comes as NATO members meet in Europe to discuss the fight against the Taliban and al Qaeda in Afghanistan and Pakistan, and as human rights groups this week urged NATO and the U.S. military to avoid civilian casualties and develop a well-coordinated condolence payment system for civilians victimized in the war. Troops saw a large group of insurgents placing a roadside bomb. The militants retreated to a compound and attacked ISAF troops with small arms. Troops surrounded the compound and urged them to surrender peacefully after it was cordoned off. It also asked the people in the compound to release women and children but no civilians left. Troops assaulted the compound and 12 male insurgents were killed in gunfire. Troops found one woman who was killed in the crossfire by insurgent small arms fire, ISAF said. An investigation is being conducted by Afghan National Security Forces at the site. Initial indications show that the woman was killed by insurgent small arms fire. Eight AK47 rifles, two rocket propelled grenade launchers, several rocket canisters, 82mm mortars, and two heavy machine guns were found in the compound. "ANSF and ISAF are making significant progress against insurgent groups in Logar province who are involved in murdering civilians with IEDs," said Brig. Gen. Richard Blanchette, ISAF spokesman. "Today's firefight illustrates the difference between ISAF troops who risk their lives to protect civilians, and insurgents who deliberately and tragically place civilians at risk." Also, ISAF reported the death of a soldier from the NATO-led force Friday in eastern Afghanistan. The soldier died of wounds and another was injured after what was described as a "hostile incident." "On behalf of the men and women of the International Security Assistance Force, I offer our heartfelt condolences to the loved ones of the brave soldier killed, and our support to the soldier wounded in this incident," Blanchette said. "As we recognize their sacrifice in our battle against a vicious insurgency, we will continue supporting the Afghan National Security Forces so that the Afghan people reap the tangible benefits of peace in their day-to-day lives." Overnight in the southern Afghan province of Helmand, troops killed four militants in an operation targeting a mid-level Taliban commander responsible for attacks against Afghan civilians and coalition forces. The commander directed attacks in December in Musa Qala, including one that killed 12 Afghan civilians.
Afghan forces investigating death of woman caught in crossfire of gunbattle . NATO says 12 militants also died in the battle in Logar province . NATO said initial indications are the woman was killed by militants .
He sold his entire life – car, home, job and friends – on eBay, in search of the adventure of a lifetime. When Ian Usher's marriage broke up, he was determined to start afresh, travelling the world before settling down on his own Caribbean island. But five years after his life-changing decision, the 49-year-old is at it again- selling, in an online auction, his life in a tropical paradise. Scroll down for video tour of the island . A fresh start: After building his idyllic home on a beautiful island, the adventurous man is ready for another trip . For less than a price of a London home, you could be sitting on this jetty a world away from the average office job . For £160,000, ($250,000) less than half the price of the average London home, Mr Usher is offering his life on the private island, off the coast of Panama. The affordable opportunity is already listed on his website 'Caribbean Life 4 Sale'. Mr Usher, who is originally from Darlington, was devastated when wife Laura left him six years after they emigrated to Perth in Western Australia, . He made £192,000 from the sale of his three bedroom house in Perth, and all its contents, including a car, and a jet ski. Now Ian, who has re-married, plans to start a new life, after he quit his life in Perth to travel the world . Beats rainy England! The tropical setting could be yours for around £160,000 if you decide to follow in Ian's footsteps and jack in the day job . Ian Usher refused to let a devastating divorce get him down . With the proceeds he travelled the world, armed with nothing but a list of life-goals. For two years he lived life to the max, ticking off all but a handful of life experiences on a bucket list of 100. He met Richard Branson, acted in a Hollywood film and learned to fly a plane. He even found love, with a Canadian woman called Moe that he met on his travels, before buying and setting up home on the island near the border with Costa Rica. The complete Caribbean life comes with the wooden home he built from scratch, motor boats and dug out canoes for exploring the island. The house is solar-powered with rainwater collected on the roof and contains everything a prospective buyer would need in his new life. Exotic fruit grows on the island and fresh seafood arrives 'still flapping' by boat from other islands. Chicken roaming the mangroves provide free range eggs. The new owner will be able to take advantage of first class diving and snorkelling. Mr Usher says he has relished spending time there with his partner and her two children, but is now seeking a new challenge. He said: 'It's a beautiful place, but the traveller's itchy feet are starting to tickle again. 'I still have a long list of places I want to see, and I can't do that if I'm lounging in a hammock on the balcony sipping a margarita. The Caribbean island home that is offered for sale is in the province of Bocas del Toro, which is situated in the north west corner of Panama . Ian Usher is now trying to tempt people to follow in his footsteps and live the exotic life in Central America . Ian Usher's island is remote and peaceful, with a friendly community and the promise of reasonable restaurants . The country is the most southern in Central America . 'Heading to Panama to start a new life there was again a big step into the unknown. But life here has become easy and comfortable.' Life in the tropics although magical is not without its stresses, he emphasises. The island is fringed rather than picture postcard sandy beaches, he warns. Any new owner should be aware that thefts are common. And dreamy sunsets are disturbed by the presence of stinging tropical midge-like insects called chitras. But at least the buyer can expect a warm welcome from the community. Mr Usher wrote: 'For me, one of the most wonderful aspects of living down here is the mix of people that live here, or have come here to make a fresh start for themselves. The blend of local Panamanians, indigenous Indians and gringo ex-pats makes for a very intersting lifestyle and social circle. 'Through building here I have met many of the local Panamanian people, both in work situations, and socially, and have found them to be very open, friendly and fun-loving people. ' Once a buyer is found Mr Usher plans to buy a sailing boat and explore the Caribbean. The film rights to his incredible story have, unsurprisingly, already been snapped up by Disney. Property: the buyer will get a 2.2 acre Caribbean island home off the coast of Panama, in the tropical archipelago of Bocas del Toro.There is a two-bedroom house on the island with rainwater collection and solar power. There are also two wooden docks, a solid dock made from rocks, a large storage shed, two boads and a couple of kayukus (local style canoes) Peace and privacy: To reach the mainland or the capital of Panama, the owner can get a speedboat water-taxi or fly - so there'll be no busy motorway built outside their front door. Price: The money would not be enough to buy even an average-sized terraced house in London, so they would get more for their money. Food: Fresh fish at bargain prices along with cheap restaurants would make this place a dream for anyone who enjoys dining out or seafood . Economy: With an unemployment rate of 2.7 per cent, a mushrooming tourism industry and an economic boom, Panama is flourishing.
Five years after selling his old life off, Ian Usher wants to travel again . Since he sold his life on eBay, he travelled the world and found love . Exotic island comes with motor boats and hammocks .
By . Mark Duell . PUBLISHED: . 12:43 EST, 11 October 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 05:51 EST, 12 October 2012 . A ‘treasure trove’ of more than 100 extremely rare classic cars - including Porsches, Triumphs and a Ford Model T - will be sold off unless their mystery owner comes forward to claim them. The fleet of 105 rare British and American vehicles were abandoned at a mansion in Biddulph Park, Staffordshire, last July when the tenant was evicted for not paying the rent. It includes British classics such as the Jensen Interceptor, built in West Bromwich; a Humber Sceptre, made by the now-defunct Rootes Group; a Humber Super Snipe and two Triumph Stags. Scroll down for video . Rarities: The fleet of 105 rare British and American vehicles were abandoned at a mansion in Biddulph Park, Staffordshire, last July when the tenant was evicted for not paying the rent . There is also a Porsche 911, a Model T dating back almost a century, two Italian Lancia Fulvias, a German NSU sports car, Mini and Morris Minor pick-ups, a Cortina soft top, and an Escort RS 2000. Now businessman Mark Greaves, who owns the land, says unless the cars' owner stumps up the £108,990 bill for storing them, he will auction them all off to recoup his money. Mr Greaves, managing director at flooring firm Flowcrete in Sandbach, Cheshire, said: ‘We had a tenant in the property who was evicted for non-payment. ‘To start with there were about 140 cars, but I think he took the best of them with him. He was interested in vintage cars and became a bit of a collector, but he left the majority of them behind.’ Impressive: The fleet includes British classics such as the Jensen Interceptor, built in West Bromwich; a Humber Sceptre, made by the now-defunct Rootes Group; a Humber Super Snipe and two Triumph Stags . The Model T Ford was launched in Detroit in 1908. With a 10-gallon tank and optimum fuel consumption of 20 miles per gallon, it changed the car industry by popularising private cars for everyday use. Drivers used a level and a pedal to change gears, plus another pedal for reverse. There was no clutch and the throttle was found where motorists would see modern indicators. Mr Greaves is refurbishing the property to rent out again and is keen to remove the vehicles. Most of the cars have been kept indoors, with 68 put in storage and the other 37 left in a field outside. Motoring expert John Swift said: ‘This is a treasure trove of classic cars. If they are auctioned enthusiasts from around the country will be flocking to the sale. ‘To find a collection that includes such rarities as a couple of Triumph Stags, Mini and Morris Minor pick-ups, a Cortina soft top, and what might yet prove to be an Escort RS 2000 and so many others is just amazing. ‘Someone could be sitting on a fortune. It depends on the condition of the cars, but I can see this collectively bringing a six-figure amount. Wide range: There is also a Porsche 911, a Model T dating back almost a century, two Italian Lancia Fulvias, a German NSU sports car, Mini and Morris Minor pick-ups, a Cortina soft top, and an Escort RS 2000 . ‘This will be one of the biggest auctions of a single collection that this country has seen in a long time.’ 'I can see this bringing a six-figure amount. This will be one of the biggest auctions of a single collection that this country has seen in a long time' John Swift, motoring expert . In order to move the vehicles legally, Mr Greaves has been forced to put out a public notification to inform the owner of his plans to sell them unless they are claimed by December 19. He said: ‘I thought he had taken the vehicles of most value. I gave him lots of time to come and collect them. I sent emails and made phone calls but so far I have heard nothing back. ‘If they remain unclaimed we will look at auctioning them off as one group or selling them to a dealer.’
Fleet of 105 rare British and American vehicles abandoned at a mansion . Left last July in Staffordshire when tenant was evicted for not paying rent . Set includes Jensen Interceptor, Humber Sceptre and two Triumph Stags . Land owner says car owner must stump up £109,000 bill for storing them . Collection expected to fetch six-figure sum at auction, motoring expert says .
By . Anthony Bond . PUBLISHED: . 19:34 EST, 10 August 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:42 EST, 11 August 2013 . Hot lava from an erupting volcano killed six people who were sleeping in a beach village on a small Indonesian island. Mount Rokatenda in East Nusa Tenggara province erupted early yesterday morning with hot ash and smoke from the volcano spewing about a mile into the air. Nearly 3,000 people have been evacuated from the area on Palue island, according to the National Disaster Mitigation Agency. Scroll down for video . Horror: Hot lava from volcano Mount Rokatenda killed six people sleeping in a beach village on a small island in eastern Indonesia on Saturday. This is an image of the eruption . Those who died included three adults and two children. The age of the sixth person who was killed is still unclear. The bodies of the adults killed have been recovered from Ponge beach in Rokirole village, however,   the children's remains had not been found. Video footage on Indonesia's TVOne showed giant plumes of white and gray smoke and ash belching from the volcano into a sunny blue sky. Prior to Saturday's eruption, many residents had already been moved to safer areas. The volcano has been rumbling since last October. The disaster agency said the volcano spewed ash and smoke about 2 kilometers (1.2 miles) into the air. The eruption lasted about seven . minutes, said Frans Wangge, who heads the volcano's monitoring post. Disaster: The volcano killed three adults and two children. The age of the sixth person is unclear . Fierce: The volcano spewed ash and smoke about 1.2 miles into the air . He . said the hot lava burned trees around the beach and villages, and made . it difficult to reach the area where the victims were killed. Domi . Dange, a Catholic priest helping those who fled to the district town of . Maumere on nearby Flores island, said some residents, who had refused . to leave when the area was earlier cleared, were sleeping under tents . near the beach. However, details about the six people who were killed and where they were located at the time of the eruption remained unclear. Local authorities, including police and . army officials along with members of a search and rescue agency, were . heading to tiny Palue island to help with evacuations. Eruption: This NASA picture shows the volcano from above. It has been rumbling since last October . 'We will see the best steps to be taken, but clearly they have to be evacuated,' said Yoseph Ansar Rara, chief of Sikka District, which oversees the island. He said those already evacuated had agreed to be relocated to Flores island. Mount Rokatenda is one of about 129 active volcanoes in Indonesia, an archipelago of more than 17,000 islands that's home to some 240 million people. The country is prone to earthquakes and volcanic activity because it sits along the Pacific 'Ring of Fire,' a horseshoe-shaped series of fault lines.
Mount Rokatenda in East Nusa Tenggara province erupted yesterday . Hot ash and smoke from the volcano spewed about a mile into the air . Three adults and two children died - age of sixth person is still unclear . Nearly 3,000 people have been evacuated from the area on Palue island .
By . Martin Robinson . PUBLISHED: . 05:26 EST, 9 May 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 07:57 EST, 9 May 2013 . Case: 'Broken woman' Caroline Woollen stole nearly £160,00 from her employers to bankroll a series of expensive holidays for her boyfriend . A manager of a global offshore company who stole almost £160,000 from her employers spent nearly all the cash on taking her boyfriend on luxury holidays to stop him from leaving her. Caroline Woollen tricked her Danish employer, Nordic Offshore, into believing she had secured lucrative contracts for them with Shell and Siemens. Company bosses paid her £159,000 to hand . to workers to complete the contracts - but she instead spent the money . on a campervan, skiing holidays and a £10,000 luxury trip to Canada. Woollen, 33, has now been ordered to pay back just £10,000 - after the court heard that she had spent all of the cash. Hull Crown Court heard that her partner had left her after her deception was uncovered. Now, although Judge David Tremberg has ruled Woollen, 33, made £158,634 from her crimes, she has only been ordered to repay £9,240 because she has spent all the stolen money and has no other assets. The court has ordered she pays the money directly to Nordic Offshore as compensation within 28 days or face six months in prison under the Proceeds of Crime Act. Woollen, from Brough, East Yorks, pleaded guilty to fraud between April 2011 and May last year. She was charged with stealing £387,609.13 but pleaded guilty to stealing £159,000. Hull Crown Court heard Woollen, who had been drinking up to three bottles of wine a night, was a fantasist who led a 'Walter Mitty existence'. Her barrister, Anil Murray, said: 'She wanted to be loved by her partner. She wanted to please him. 'Once this offending was uncovered, her partner left her. 'She is a broken woman.' Deceptive: Woollen managed to convince her bosses at Nordic Offshore Marine - which specialises in providing offshore personnel - said she had secured lucrative deals to get them to authorise payments . The court heard Woollen even lied to her family about her accomplishments, claiming she was at drama school and college when both were untrue. Woollen had previously defrauded a different company in 2010 and had been convicted of writing a false invoice. Nordic Offshore, which supplies skilled personnel to the offshore industry, was unaware of her previous convictions when she secured a job with them after pretending she had excellent contacts with Siemens and Shell. Her first task was to apply to the UK Border Agency for a licence allowing the firm's employees to work in the UK, but she failed to make the approach. She lied to her employers, creating fictitious emails pretending she had. Hearing: Hull Crown Cour was told Woollen, who had been drinking up to three bottles of wine a night, was a fantasist who led a 'Walter Mitty existence' Woollen then said she had obtained contracts with major firms, requesting thousands of pounds, which she claimed she needed to pay contractors. Prosecutor Jharna Jobes said: 'She admitted all of this offending and said she was trying to impress her boyfriend and her family. 'She went on skiing holidays, funded a £10,000 holiday to Canada with her boyfriend and talked about all the parties she had attended using company money.' Woollen was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, suspended for two years, was ordered to attend an alcohol treatment course and carry out 300 hours of unpaid work. Judge Simon Jack told her: 'You are a victim of your own personality and your need to please those around you.'
Caroline Woollen told bosses she had contracts with Shell and Siemans . Took £158,634 for campervan and skiing holidays, and £10,000 trip to Canada . Accused of living 'Walter Mitty existence' and drank 3 bottles of wine a night . Boyfriend left after the fraud was uncovered, leaving her a 'broken woman' Court only orders her to pay back £9,240 as she has no more money .
By . Katie Nicholl . PUBLISHED: . 18:32 EST, 21 December 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 12:56 EST, 23 December 2013 . The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are known for doing things their own way – and their forthcoming tour to Australia and New Zealand looks set to follow that trend. William and Kate are planning to take Prince George with them when they head down under in April, but that will not be the only break with Royal tradition. The Mail on Sunday has been told that the couple plan to fly with their son, who will be nine months old, breaching protocol about direct heirs in line to the throne flying together. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will bring their baby George with them when they travel to Australia in April . While a spokesman said the couple will make a final decision ‘closer to the time,’ sources say the Duke and Duchess intend to fly as a family. The budget-conscious Cambridges are also keen to keep costs down. An aide told The Mail on Sunday: ‘It’s a long way to fly, and there’s a cost implication if they travel separately. 'There’s no suggestion of them taking separate flights.’ Previous generations of the Royal Family, including the Queen, carried out tours without their children who were left behind with governesses. The couple, pictured here in Singapore, will break with tradition to bring their son on the tour . The Cambridges will be overseas for almost a month. They will visit New Zealand  first for about ten days before spending a similar length of time in Australia. The Mail on Sunday has been told that despite reports that Kate’s mother Carole Middleton has been asked to join the Royal party as a nanny, she will not be on the trip.
Duke and Duchess of Cambridge will take son with them on official tour . The couple will also fly with the baby in break with royal tradition . Past generations left children at home with governesses when travelling . The Cambridges will visit New Zealand and Australia in April .
Roma centre back Leandro Castan is set to undergo brain surgery next month to a resolve a 'congenital vascular alteration in his brain'. The 28-year-old has not played since September, when he was substituted at half-time in his only appearance so far this season in a 1-0 victory over Empoli in Serie A after complaining of acute dizziness. Tests ran later confirmed a cavernoma - which is are clusters of abnormal blood vessels found in the brain. Italian paper Corriere dello Sport focuses on Roma defender Leandro Castan who is set to undergo brain surgery next month. The headline 'Tutti con Castan' translates as 'All with Castan' 'Inside the cavernoma, the tests revealed a small edema and, as a consequence, temporary swelling,' explained Roma, in a statement on Thursday. 'This was the cause of the symptoms reported by the player. Although the cavernoma does not represent a threat to the player's life – indeed, he is currently in peak physical condition – he is at risk of recurrences. 'Therefore, the medical staff, club and player have agreed that he will undergo neurosurgery at the beginning of December in order to definitively cure the problem. This will allow his to resume regular competitive sporting activity.' Italian paper La Gazzetta dello Sport focuses on the upcoming Milan derby between Inter and AC on Sunday. Featured on the cover is Fernando Torres (left) and Mateo Kovacic of Inter (right). Elsewhere in the Italian press, La Gazzetta dello Sport is building up to the Milan derby on Sunday between Inter and AC. Featured on their cover is AC Milan's Fernando Torres and Inter starlet Mateo Kovacic as the two sides prepare for their first meeting in Serie A this season. Both sides have had an underwhelming beginning to their campaign, with AC sitting in seventh in the league, and Inter two places behind them in ninth - with just four wins apiece so far. Spanish sports paper AS has led with Real Madrid midfielder Sami Khedira, who is set to return to their midfield following an injury to Luka Modric. 'La hora de Khedira' translates as 'The time of Khedira'. Meanwhile, Spanish newspaper AS has led with Real Madrid midfielder Sami Khedira, who is set to return to their midfield following an injury to Luka Modric. The headline 'La hora de Khedira', translates a as 'The time of Khedira'. The German midfielder has been heavily linked with a move away from the club in recent weeks, but is set to play a key role in the absence of Modric. Spanish paper Marca leads with a picture of Cristiano Ronaldo ahead of Real Madrid's clash with Eibar in La Liga this weekend. The headline 'Ojo con Eibar' translates as 'Eye on Eibar'. Marca has led with a picture of Real Madrid star Cristiano Ronaldo ahead of their trip to Eibar in La Liga. The headline 'Carlo alerta, Ojo con Eiber', translates as 'Carlo alert: Eye on Eibar', referring to boss Carlo Ancelotti warning his players ahead of their trip to the Spanish minnows.
Roma centre-back Leandro Castan to have surgery next month in order to resolve 'congenital vascular alteration in his brain' The 28-year-old has made just a single appearance so far this season . Italian paper La Gazzetta dello Sport builds up to Sunday's Milan derby . Sami Khedira set to return to the Real Madrid midfield this weeekend . Carlo Ancelotti warns his players ahead of trip to Eibar in La Liga .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . A man in an Afghan police uniform shot and killed an international service member in southern Afghanistan in yet another attack by apparent Afghan forces against their NATO allies. The international military alliance said in a statement the attack happened Sunday but does not give further details. The statement says NATO and Afghan officials are investigating. The latest attack came on the heels of two similar attacks, as pressure mounts on the Pentagon over the number of coalition troops killed by 'Afghan insiders.' Mourning: Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley Jr.'s father Greg, left, his mother Marina, third from left, and his two brothers watch as the Marine's casket is carried into St. Agnes Cathedral for his funeral yesterday . An emotional funeral was held on Saturday for the New York Marine killed by a member of the Afghan forces he was training. Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley Jr. was . barely 21 years old when he was killed in an attack by a policeman in . Afghanistan. His mother and father sobbed as he was laid to rest . following a service on Long Island. He was killed on August 10 when a member of the Afghan Security forces fired into the gym he was using and fled. And on Friday, the day before the . funeral took place, an Afghan police officer shot to death two U.S. servicemen during a training exercise in the western province of Farah. Lance Corporal Buckley's father told . the New York Post: 'This boy will never be forgotten. I have to stand . here and believe there’s a purpose for Greg. I have to, in my heart, . accept the idea that the Lord took my son for a reason.' Sacrifice: Greg Buckley Jr., was killed on August 10 when an Afghan Security forces member fired into the gym he was using . On Thursday, family members sobbed as his flag-draped coffin arrived in a heartbreaking military ritual. His mother cried out, 'My boy!' as an honor guard carried his remains into an Oceanside funeral home. Weeping residents held American flags. Some honored his father's request to 'salute my boy.' The Afghan police officer shot and killed Buckley and two other U.S. Marines after sharing a meal with them. It was one of a recent rash of attacks in which Afghan security forces or attackers wearing their uniforms turned their guns on the coalition troops . Defense Secretary Leon Panetta called Afghan President Hamid Karzai on Saturday to discuss the rising number of 'insider' attacks. Spokesman George Little said Panetta encouraged Karzai to work with U.S. commanders to ensure more rigorous vetting of Afghan recruits. Little said that Panetta and Karzai agreed that American and Afghan officials need to work together to address a problem that has intensified in recent days. As of Tuesday, August 14, at least 1,953 . members of the U.S. military had died in Afghanistan as a result of the . U.S.-led invasion of Afghanistan in late 2001, according to an . Associated Press count. The AP count is two less than the Defense Department's tally, last updated Monday at 10am EDT. At least 1,627 military service members . have died in Afghanistan as a result of hostile action, according to the . military's numbers. At risk: Soldiers on patrol in Afghanistan where there has been a recent rash of insider attacks . Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley Jr.'s father Greg, center follows his casket from St. Agnes Cathedral after his funeral . Outside of Afghanistan, the department reports at least 116 more members of the U.S. military died in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. Of those, 12 were the result of hostile action. The AP count of total OEF casualties outside of Afghanistan is one more than the department's tally. The Defense Department also counts three military civilian deaths. Since the start of U.S. military operations in Afghanistan, 17,095 U.S. service members have been wounded in hostile action, according to the Defense Department. Lance Cpl. Greg Buckley Jr.'s father Greg, center, is escorted from St. Agnes Cathedral .
Sunday's incident was third 'insider attack' in Afghanistan in a week .
An 11-year-old boy is chained up like a dog by his own family in a shocking example of how mental disorders are dealt with in rural China. He Zili has been pictured walking along the narrow lanes of his village shackled to his father, who did not want to be named, in the eastern coastal province of Zhejiang. The boy was also seen chained to a pillar at his home. Eleven-year-old He Zili stands outside his home as his father holds onto the chain locked around his ankle . He Zili runs along an alley outside his home, as his father (not pictured) pulls on the chain . Zili injured his head when he was one year old and started suffering from mental disorders. According to his family, they had no choice but to restrain him on chains as he had a tendency to attack those around him. Zili . is currently being looked after by his physically disabled grandfather . and his intellectually handicapped father after his mother died of . cancer. Statistics released . this year by China's National Center for Mental Health showed that as of . the year of 2009, 100 million Chinese suffered from mental health . problems with more than 160 million citizens afflicted with serious . mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and paranoid psychosis. Cruel: He Zili's grandfather holds onto the chains at their home in Zhejiang province, China . According to He Zili's family, they had no choice but to restrain him on chains as he had a tendency to attack those around him . The chain around the ankle of eleven-year-old He Zili is seen in his home . Such . figures indicate that one in every 13 Chinese in 2009 had a mental . health problem. Back in the 1950s, the reported ratio of Chinese adults . suffering from mental illness was just 2.7 per cent, or one in every 37 . Chinese citizens. Worldwide, . there are four psychiatrists and thirteen nurses for every 100,000 . people. In China, the ratio drops to 1.5 psychiatrists and 2.2 nurses . per 100,000. Zili injured his head when he was one-year-old and started suffering from mental disorders. Zili is currently being looked after by his paralyzed grandfather and his intellectually disabled father after his mother died of cancer . Chained: Eleven-year-old He Zili runs past a neighbour along an alley outside his home . Chained to a pillar: The case of Zili shows the problems China faces with how it deals with mental disorders . Eleven-year-old He Zili's grandfather, who did not want to be named, wipes away tears from his eyes .
He Zili pictured shackled to his father in eastern Zhejiang province . It started after Zili injured his head when he was a one-year-old .
(CNN) -- A Yemeni rights activist, whose arrest sparked an international outcry and domestic protests, was released from prison Monday and said there is a revolution taking place in her country. Authorities arrested Tawakkol Karman over the weekend, accusing her of organizing anti-government protests in Yemen's capital, Sanaa. They let her go after more than 5,000 protesters gathered in her support. She had initially refused to leave prison until officials also agreed to free other activists detained over the weekend, she said. Karman is a leader of the protest movement in Yemen that is calling for President Ali Abdullah Saleh to step down. "This revolution going on in Yemen was inspired by Tunisia's 'Jasmine Revolution' and we are now having a 'Jasmine Revolution' in Yemen," Karman told CNN soon after her release. "The huge amount of pressure coming from the people here will force President Saleh to leave office." Protests in Tunisia ended 23 years of President Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's rule. They have ignited unrest elsewhere in the region, including Algeria and Egypt. Karman, who heads the Women Journalists Without Chains organization in Yemen, said she was arrested Saturday night near her home. "The police asked me to get out of the car but I refused. I asked to see if they had a warrant for my arrest and if there were charges against me. I was removed from the car by force," she said. Karman was arrested under a warrant for leading unlicensed student protests in Sanaa last week, according to a statement from the interior ministry. Known as one of the most-prominent rights activists in Yemen, she has helped to organize several protests that have drawn hundreds of demonstrators. People in Yemen are upset because the parliament is considering loosening the rules on presidential term limits. That has sparked concerns among the opposition that Saleh might try to appoint himself president for life. Saleh has been in office for some 32 years and was last re-elected in 2006. Yemeni authorities ordered Karman's release after she spent more than 30 hours in jail. "My message is that we, the protesters who have been out there in the streets, are actually looking out for the welfare of our republic -- that we are making sure our leaders are accountable. They have taken our republic as a kingdom for themselves and we are holding our corrupt leaders accountable," she said. Journalist Hakim Almasmari contributed to this story.
NEW: Tawakkol Karman is calling for Yemen's president to step down . NEW: "We are now having a 'Jasmine Revolution' in Yemen," she says . NEW: Karman had initially refused to leave prison until other activists were also freed .
(CNN) -- The explosive found hidden in a package on a plane in the United Arab Emirates on Friday may have traveled on passenger planes to get there, airline officials said Sunday. The explosive, along with a similar device found in the United Kingdom, appear to have been designed to detonate on their own, without someone having to set them off, the top White House counterterrorism official told CNN. "It is my understanding that these devices did not need somebody to detonate them," said John Brennan, President Barack Obama's assistant for homeland security and counterterrorism. U.S. investigators believe al Qaeda bomb maker Ibrahim Hassan al-Asiri, 28, is linked to that package and another one found on a second airplane in Britain's East Midlands Airport on Friday, a federal official, who was briefed by authorities, told CNN Sunday. Both packages were addressed to synagogues in Chicago, Illinois. Al-Asiri, who is thought to be in Yemen, is a Saudi who was high on Saudi Arabia's list of most wanted published in February 2009. He is also believed to be the bomber who designed last year's failed Christmas Day underwear bomb. Separately, an engineering student arrested in Yemen was released Sunday, along with her mother, according to her father, Mohammed Al-Samawi. She was earlier identified as Hanan Al-Samawi, a fifth-year student at Sanaa University in the Yemeni capital, said Abdul-Rahman Barman, a human rights attorney and activist who said he was asked to represent her. A high-level source in the United Arab Emirates said Hanan Al-Samawi's name was found on the cargo manifest of the device found in Dubai. Also arrested was her mother, Amatilullah Mohammed. Barman had said the mother's arrest was illegal and said holding the two in an undisclosed location was "a criminal act." Authorities do not have any American suspects at this time, a U.S. official said. Two schools in Yemen were being looked at in connection with the plot and had been on the radar of U.S. officials before, the official said. The explosive device found in Dubai, United Arab Emirates, was contained in a Hewlett-Packard printer, and had a motherboard originating from a mobile phone, but did not have a SIM card in it, the high-level source told CNN. The device was professionally assembled, the source said. The motherboard was connected by a striker to the printer head and then to the cartridge, which was filled with explosives. Authorities have the serial number of the motherboard and the printer, and are searching to see where it was sold, how it was paid for and what information they can glean about the people who performed those transactions, according to the source. Authorities believe an explosive device found at the United Kingdom's East Midlands airport flew from Yemen to a Persian Gulf state, then to Cologne, Germany, the official said. The device was then transferred onto a UPS plane. Investigators are still attempting to retrace the route of the Dubai device, according to the high-level official. Some believe it went to Doha, Qatar, on Qatar Airways, where it spent the night before traveling to Dubai the following day. However, it does appear the devices did fly on commercial passenger planes, the high-level official said. Screening the devices would have been difficult, since printers normally contain computer parts and wires, according to Richard Quest, CNN's aviation correspondent. Qatar Airways, which said earlier Sunday that it had flown the device from Yemen to Dubai for FedEx, is no longer certain that is true, a senior airline source said. The airline is investigating the possibility that the explosives flew on another airline after finding inconsistencies in information it was given, the source said. An airline spokesman said earlier that two Qatar Airways passenger planes had carried the package. Emirates Airways, which also flies from Yemen to the United Arab Emirates, said as far as it is aware, it had not carried the package. The package was being sent by FedEx, which uses other airlines to get parcels out of Yemen because it does not fly there itself. The two devices found Friday look like they were put together by the same bomber who designed last year's failed Christmas Day underwear bomb, a U.S. government official told CNN. "The thinking is it's the same person or group of people that built the underwear bomb, because of the way it's put together," said the official, who had been briefed by multiple U.S. authorities and law enforcement sources. "But this one is about four times as powerful." American authorities are now endorsing British Prime Minister David Cameron's position that the explosives were designed to take down an airplane, the official said. However, a U.S. official said Sunday the United States has not drawn any conclusions on the intent of the bombs and whether they were intended to explode in flight, at the synagogues or somewhere else. American and British authorities think al Qaeda's branch in Yemen is linked to the plot. A key figure in the group is the American-born Yemeni militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki, whom U.S. authorities have linked to Fort Hood shooting suspect Maj. Nidal Hasan and the man accused in the Christmas Day bomb attempt. Brennan on Friday declined to name al-Awlaki specifically as a suspect. "Anybody who's associated with al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula is a subject of concern," he said. Yemen is investigating the shipping agency that sent the packages, its President Ali Abdullah Saleh said Saturday, based on information provided by the United States and United Kingdom, who in turn are getting tips from Saudi Arabia. The United Kingdom is sending a security team to help with Yemen's investigation, Saleh said. A specific explosive was found in both Friday's devices and in the foiled underwear bomb attempt in 2009, a source close to the investigation said. It's a highly explosive organic compound called PETN, which belongs to the same chemical family as nitroglycerin, the source said. Six grams of PETN are enough to blow a hole in the fuselage of an aircraft. PETN was allegedly one of the components of the bomb concealed by Umar Farouk AbdulMutallab, the Nigerian man accused of trying to set off a bomb hidden in his underwear aboard a Northwest Airlines flight as it approached Detroit, Michigan, on December 25. "The quantity of PETN in these [new] devices was about five times the volume used at Christmas" by AbdulMutallab, Col. Richard Kemp, the former chairman of the British government's Cobra Intelligence Group, told CNN affiliate ITN. Yemen's president said his country is cooperating with the U.S., the U.K., and Saudi Arabia. The U.S. Transportation Security Administration is sending six inspectors to Yemen to help improve cargo security, an official with the agency said Sunday. "Even before this incident, 100 percent of identified high-risk cargo on inbound passenger planes was being screened," TSA Administrator John S. Pistole said in a statement Sunday, noting that security procedures will evolve based on the latest intelligence information. Over the past several months, Yemen, which wants to be seen as a committed partner in the fight against terrorism, has launched several offensives against al Qaeda in its country, but has not captured al-Awlaki. "We acknowledge that we have a problem with terrorism, specifically the presence of al Qaeda, and we continue to pay a high price," Saleh said. The Yemeni government imposed new security measures at local airports, the SABA news agency said Sunday, including "unusual check methods on outgoing packages from Yemeni airports." Meanwhile, U.S. authorities were grateful for a tip from Yemen's oil-rich neighbor, Saudi Arabia, alerting them to the suspicious packages. Saudi officials provided tracking numbers of the two packages, enabling quick tracing to the United Kingdom and Dubai, a source told CNN. CNN's Bharati Naik, Caroline Paterson, Jeanne Meserve, Mohammed Jamjoom, Susan Candiotti and Carol Cratty contributed to this report.
NEW: The TSA administrator says security procedures will evolve based on latest intelligence . Yemeni student and her mother are released . Suspected al Qaeda bomber Hassan al-Asiri is connected to the plot, an official says . Investigators see him as a link between Friday's devices and the 2009 underwear bomb .
Inconsistent: Even the man the university is named after - the 19th-century Mormon church president Brigham Young - wore a thick chinstrap beard . Students at Brigham Young University have launched a bid to overturn a decades-old ban on students at the Mormon school having beards. Despite having a campus full of otherwise fashion-conscious young men, the only facial hair on display at the university in the city of Provo, Utah is the occasional neatly-trimmed moustache. The world famous university banned chin hair in the mid-1970s in an effort to distance its strait-laced student body from the more-often-than-not bearded and long haired activists staging anti-war protests at other centres of education in the United States. But now, with beards having gone from being the ultimate symbol of non-conformism to a ubiquitous fashion trend, students at Brigham Young are urging university officials to lift the ban so that they can join the likes of Ryan Gosling and Ben Affleck in rocking the facial fuzz. Shane Pitson, 23, is among the group of reluctantly clean-shaven students leading the campaign to have the Brigham Young beard ban overturned. 'We want the option and ability to express personality through facial hair,' he told the New York Times adding that being Mormons doesn't necessarily mean students aren't interested in fashion. He also pointed out the irony of naming the famously conservative university after the 19th-century Mormon church president Brigham Young, who himself wore a thick chinstrap beard. Mr Pitson's campaign began in September after he was forced to shave off the facial appendage he had grown over the summer and has since been enthusiastically taken up by his fellow students. He even launched a website calling for the return of the beard, going so far as to pen a tongue-in-cheek letter written in the beard's voice. 'I know you didn't appreciate me hanging out with "the wrong crowd" and protesting the Vietnam War and all but I was honestly so hurt when you banned my presence,' he lamented, pretending to be a beard. Brigham Young University was founded in 1875 and for its first 100 years beards were a common sight . Campaign: With the rise of student activism in the 1960s, Brigham Young University's president, Ernest L. Wilkinson led a campaign to keep the school free of 'grimy, sandalled, tight-fitted, ragged-Levi beatniks' Brigham Young University was founded in 1875 and for the first century of its existence beards were a regular sight - so much so that male students held an annual competition in which they declined to shave for three weeks, with prizes given out to those with the most impressive growths. However, with the rise of student activism in the 1960s, the school's president, Ernest L. Wilkinson led a campaign to keep the university free of 'grimy, sandalled, tight-fitted, ragged-Levi beatniks.' By the mid-1970s his ideals had been written into the school's rulebook - banning beards along with a host of other fashion items deemed too subversive for conservative campus life. The only people currently allowed to wear beards on campus are individuals who can prove that shaving could cause medical problems - such as haemophiliacs or those prone to serious infections. The ban itself does not bar students from walking around the campus, but university staff are instructed not to allow them to take advantage of the basic necessities of student life - such as withdrawing library books, using the gym or entering classrooms or exam halls.
Brigham Young University banned students wearing beards 40 years ago . Aimed to deter strait-laced pupils from growing student protest movement . Officials at the Mormon school have since refused to change beard ruling . Now students have launched a campaign to be allowed to grow facial hair .
By . Dan Bloom . and James Nye . Murdered: Prom queen Maren Sanchez was killed on the morning of the big dance last Friday . Huge crowds gathered to mourn a 15-year-old girl who was stabbed in the neck just hours before her junior prom. Maren Sanchez's jilted friend Chris Plaskon, also 16, will appear in court today charged as an adult - with police saying he may have murdered her because she turned him down as a date. Distraught classmates queued down the street to pay their last respects at a funeral home in Milford, Connecticut. It is said Maren will be buried in her gown with the rose her boyfriend gave her for prom night. Sherry Johnson, a health care worker at Bridgeport Hospital, told the New Haven Register: 'It could have been anyone’s daughter... It could have been my daughter.' Her daughter Katie, 15, added: 'There’s still a lot of support going on for her. I can’t really picture how horrific it was for [her classmates].' Therapy dogs were used outside the wake and the nation's reporters and broadcasters were given their own area, at a respectful distance from the mourners. One family friend said Maren 'looked beautiful in there'. The stabbing has sparked a national debate about school safety. Sanchez, a member of the National Honor Society who was active in school drama, was killed in a hallway at Jonathan Law High School last Friday on the morning of her prom. She had organised the dance herself and was set to be prom queen, her friends said. Grief: Mourners queued down the street yesterday in the small seaside community, which has been rocked by the stabbing. Maren's friend Chris Plaskon will appear in court today charged with murder as an adult . Crowds: People arrive for the wake yesterday at the Cody-White funeral home in Milford, Connecticut . Mourning: Grieving pupils wore shirts and ribbons in purple, her favorite color, and released purple balloons . She died of wounds to her torso and neck, and her boyfriend is still reeling from her death, his father told MailOnline. Jarrod Butts, 16, was due to take Maren to prom but instead attended a memorial for his girlfriend, holding her prom dress. Speaking briefly on his doorstep on Sunday, . Mr Butts said his son had been 'hit hard' and was spending time with friends as they try to cope . with the devastating loss together. According to a police affadavit, a witness saw Plaskon on top of the 16-year-old victim during the attack, and tried unsuccessfully to pull him away. Another saw him discard a bloody knife. Plaskon was inside the principal's office with bloody clothes when an officer arrived and asked what happened, the affadavit continued. 'I did it. Just arrest me,' Plaskon replied. He was arraigned earlier this week at a psychiatric facility, where he is undergoing medical examination. Paying their respects: Friends of the teenager arrive at the funeral home yesterday . Gathering: Therapy dogs were used outside the wake and the nation's media were given their own area . Queue: Mourners paid their respects inside the funeral home and said the girl 'looked beautiful in there' The small seaside community has been devastated by Maren's death. Earlier this week Connecticut Governor Dannel P Malloy joined tributes to Maren which saw friends releasing purple balloons and tying purple ribbons together, in honor of her favorite color. Plaskon's family said they joined the community in mourning the loss of life as they struggled to understand what led to the crime. 'Words can only fall short in conveying the depth and breadth of the raw sadness we are left with by this unimaginable tragedy,' the family said. 'We join with the entire Milford community to celebrate the life and mourn the loss of this most vibrant and exceptional young woman.' His family thanked relatives, friends and neighbors for reaching out to them in what they called their darkest hour. 'We pray for the wisdom to guide us as we desperately try to pull together the shattered pieces of our families,' the family said. Victim: Maren Sanchez, pictured with her boyfriend Jarrod Butts, was stabbed to death on Friday morning . Plans: Maren Sanchez, pictured in the dress she had planned to wear to prom, was excited about the dance which was due to attend with her new boyfriend . Detained: Chris Plaskon is being charged with murder as an adult over the stabbing of a girl at his school . Apartment: The alleged attacker lives in an apartment in this complex in Milford, Connecticut with his parents and three brothers . On Saturday Jarrod Butts posted a touching photograph of his girlfriend laughing on Twitter. He posted just three words, 'I miss you.' Police reportedly have Chris Plaskon, 16, in custody and friends have said that he knew Maren Sanchez since middle school . An emotional video uploaded to YouTube shows a sequence of photographs of Maren Sanchez set to music. 'My girlfriend,' reads the accompanying text. 'I will forever love and cherish her. R.I.P. 4/25/14.' Plaskon is a ‘cutter’ who had previously attempted suicide and has a history of depression, his classmates have told MailOnline. Friends say the suspect, who previously dated Maren in middle school, battled ADHD and other mental issues that led to sometimes bizarre behavior in the classroom. 'He just wasn't right. I know his cousin. He didn't act right,' 16-year-old Seamus O’Reilly said. 'He had depression.’ Tyler Curtin, 16, said he was very close to Plaskon when they played on the football team together as freshmen – though Plaskon’s behavior had changed recently and the two grew apart. Plakson had previously tried to take his own life, Curtin said, adding: ‘He was dealing with a lot of things.’ He also began acting out and seeking attention from his classmates. For Halloween last year he wore a full bodysuit under his clothes and ripped his pants off in the middle of class, Curtin said. Connected: Tyler Curtin (left, in the white shirt), Jarrod Butts (crouching in a green shirt) and Chris Plaskon (right, showing a thumbs up sign) were all on the same football team freshman year but have since grown apart . Heartbreaking: Maren's boyfriend Jarrod Butts holds up the dress that the teenager planned to wear to their junior prom as friends gathered in her honor on Friday at the beach . Different duty: Maren's junior prom date Jarrod Butts was seen bringing the dress she was so eager to wear to the beachside memorial service held Friday night (left) and he was wearing a matching vest (right) Emotional: Butts posted this message to his Twitter account on Friday . ‘He was always acting up and always looking for attention,’ he said. ‘Everybody thought it was funny at the time.’ Friends . said that by all indications, Plaskon had a good home life. He lives in . an apartment on Long Island Sound with his father, a contractor, and . his mother and three brothers. Classmates, even the ones who said . they once knew Plaskon well, said nothing in his behavior had ever . indicated he was capable of violence. ‘He was such a nice, sweet kid,’ Curtin said. On . Saturday, most of Sanchez’s classmates gathered in the gym at the high . school which administrators have into a makeshift crisis center. Grief . counselors were on hand to speak with students and teachers, many of . whom witnessed the attack or its aftermath first-hand. Heartbreaking: Maren was fatally stabbed on Friday morning by a boy who reportedly asked her to prom . Too soon: Maren had been looking forward to . going to the junior prom with her hockey star boyfriend, and another . boy- who she reportedly knew since middle school- asked her and she said . no . Excited: Maren's drama teacher said that she had left rehearsals early on Thursday in order to get a manicure ahead of the big prom on Friday night .
Maren Sanchez, 15, was stabbed in neck at school in Milford, Connecticut . It happened just hours before her junior prom was due to take place . Hundreds of mourners queued for wake almost a week after her death . Is is said she will be buried in prom gown with rose her boyfriend gave her . It's claimed friend Chris Plaskon, 16, attacked her then told police: 'I did it' Plaskon will appear in court today charged with murder as an adult .
By . John Hall . A homeless dog that was so hairy he looked like the Star Wars character Chewbacca has undergone a complete makeover in the hope of finding him a new owner. Chewy, a six-year-old Lhasa Apso, arrived at the Blue Cross dog centre in Southampton, Hampshire after his owners' circumstances changed and they were no longer able to look after him. However, thanks to his wildly overgrown coat, Chewy initially struggled to attract an adoptive family - so staff at the centre decided to give him a serious trim in order to make him look more appealing. Cute: Chewy's oddball appearance - including a wildly overgrown coat and prominent under bite which left him resembling the Star Wars character Chewbacca - saw him initially struggle to attract an adoptive family . Uncanny: Chewy was so-named because of his resemblance to Chewbacca - the Star Wars character portrayed by Peter Mayhew (seen here in the film alongside Harrison Ford as Han Solo, right) The makeover worked, and Chewy was adopted within days of having his overgrown coat cut. Laura Boyle, rehoming supervisor at Blue Cross, said: 'Little Chewy was such a hairball when he arrived - he was well overdue for a bit of a trim. 'We got rid of so much hair, he looks almost half the size and I'm sure he's feeling a lot cooler too,' she added. 'He's such a sweet little dog and proved impossible to resist now he's smartened up. We're not surprised he got snapped up by his lucky new owners,' Ms Boyle went on. Makeover: Chewy initially struggled to attract an adoptive family - so staff at the centre decided to give him a serious trim in order to make him look more appealing. He has since found a loving family to adopt him . Chewy is, of course, named after the hairy Star Wars character Chewbacca. Although a sensitive skin condition means he has to stick to a special diet, staff at Blue Cross say he is an otherwise happy and friendly dog who loves going for walks. Lhasa Apsos originate in Tibet and were once used in Buddhist monasteries to alert monks to intruders. As they were traditionally bred for colder climates, the dogs need their long coats groomed regularly in order to avoid looking to Chewy did when he arrived at the centre. Official advice says it is better to trim a Lhasa Apso's fur in summertime to avoid overheating.
Chewy, a six-year-old Lhasa Apso, was taken in by Blue Cross dog centre . He struggled to attract adoptive families due to his unkempt appearance . Overgrown coat and a prominent under bite made him look like Chewbacca . Staff at the centre - in Southampton - thought he needed a total makeover . With his freshly trimmed fur Chewy was quickly adopted by a loving family .
(CNN) -- A spokesman for Somalia's Islamic party, a militant group in the horn of African nation, has confirmed that the group has merged with the brutal and more hard-line group of Al Shabaab. The spokesman, Mohamed Osman Arus, told the local media in a news conference that his group has essentially been absorbed by Al Shabaab. "We, the Islamic party, have decided to join Al Shabaab both militarily and principally and the reason is, we want to combine our force and fight against the forces of the transitional government and those of the African union," said Arus. Arus said the group's leader, Sheikh Hassan Dahir Aweys, who is on U.N. terror watch list, is among those to have joined Al Shabaab and there will be no Islamic party structure any longer. Members from Al Shabaab are seen to be taking control of all positions previously held by the Islamic party both in and around Mogadishu, according to residents in the capital. Al Shabaab and Hiz bul Islam, as the Islamic party is locally known, have fought bitterly in some parts of southern Somalia. The two groups have struggled for control of the lucrative port city of Kismayo. In all the cycles of fighting, it was the Islamic party or Hiz bul Islam who lost, according to observers. Journalist Mohamed Amiin Adow contributed to this report .
Militant party says it is joining with Al Shabaab . The party, known locally as Hiz bul Islam, is being absorbed by harder-lined group . The party had been on the losing side in struggles with Al Shabaab .
(CNN) -- Rory McIlroy has defended his preparation for this week's British Open as he bids to win back-to-back majors without playing any competitive golf since his U.S. Open triumph at Congressional. The 22-year-old from Northern Ireland has drawn comparisons with Tiger Woods for the manner of his eight-shot triumph, but has not lifted a club in anger in the intervening three weeks. It has led his former Ryder Cup captain Colin Montgomerie to question the wisdom of the lack of match practice, but McIlroy was adamant Tuesday that his approach worked for him. "I mean, I've prepared the exact same way that I've prepared for the last few major championships, and I feel it's a process that works for me, " he told of the official British Open website. "Coming to the course the week before, getting a couple of practise rounds in, and then not really getting to the course until Tuesday afternoon. "That works for me. I used to do it to sort of keep under the radar. I'm not sure I'll be able to do that anymore. But it works for me. Caddying for the world number one . "It might not work for other people, but I feel as if it's the best way for me to approach a tournament. It seems to have worked the last few times, so I just need to keep doing that." McIlroy has also had to cope with being catapulted into celebrity ranks, with a high-profile appearance at the Wimbledon tennis championships plus a host of other media commitments. He admitted the reaction to his first major success had been something of a surprise. "I didn't realize how much of a fuss it would create or how much of a buzz," said McIlroy. "I've already sort of noticed over the past three weeks it has been a bit of a life-changing experience, and it's just something I'm going to have to deal with." McIlroy tees off at Royal St George's in the 140th edition of golf's oldest major at 9.09 local time with Ernie Els of South African and fellow young gun Rickie Fowler of the United States. He will be looking to match the spectacular 63 at last year's British Open at St Andrews which gave him the first round lead, but not the second round 80 which ended his chances of victory. Meanwhile, world number one Luke Donald bids for back-to-back victories of his own after claiming the Scottish Open at Castle Stewart at the weekend. Donald, who took over the mantle from fellow Englishman Lee Westwood, admitted he was in the form of his life. "This is probably the best I have ever played," he said as he reflected on a stellar 2011 which has seen him claim three victories and a clutch of top-10 finishes. It was kickstarted by his victory at the WGC World Match Play tournament in Arizona. "As soon as you get that one win, it kind of opened up the door, gave me a lot of confidence, and I've been playing very well since then," he added.
Rory McIlroy bidding to win second straight major at British Open . McIlroy has not played competitively since winning U.S. Open last month . Northern Irish star defends his preparation for Royal St George's . World number one Luke Donald says he is in the form of his life .
A partially blind dog has survived a fall from the balcony outside his owner's downtown Sacramento condominium by landing in a hot tub 15 stories below. The Sacramento Bee reported Wednesday that the 13-year-old Boston terrier, named Sammy, was dog-paddling in the hot tub when workers went to investigate the cause of a giant splash they heard this. His owner's mother watches Sam during the day and tells The Bee that at first she assumed the dog had taken the stairs down, but then realized he couldn't have gotten out of the condo without slipping through the balcony's railing. The fall occurred at the Bridgeway Towers apartment block, which is one of the tallest buildings in Sacramento. Christmas miracle: Sammy, a 13-year-old Boston terrier, should not have survived a big balcony fall, but manage to land in a small hot tub below . Long way town: The Bridgeway Towers apartment block is one of the tallest buildings in Sacramento . Splash: Sammy somehow managed to land in this tiny hot tub from 15 floors up . Lucky: The Boston terrier's owner admits there is now way his dog should have survived . 'All of a sudden, I knew,' Bette Plumb said. 'It hit me immediately: He fell.' The pet suffered five broken ribs and several fractures to his pelvis in Monday's fall and is recovering at an animal hospital. Sam's owner, Bill McCourt, says his dog enjoys catching sun on the balcony but will have to stay inside from now on. 'He shouldn't have survived,' McCourt told KCRA. Recovering: Sammy broke five ribs and fractured his pelvis in the fall, but is otherwise fine . Emotional: Owner Bill McCourt fights back tears as he explains what happened to Sammy from the balcony where he fell . On-the-mend: The 13-year-old dog is a member of the family, his owner says . 'To the east of the balcony is a pool and hot tub and the dog went directly into the hot tub. 'He hit the hot tub and started swimming to try to get out and swam about three times to the stairs and managed to pull himself out.' 'It's a Christmas miracle.' 'Whenever I tell someone what happened, they keep saying, ''The 15th floor? Are you sure it was the 15th floor?'' because no one can believe it. 'They’re completely amazed.'
Bridgeway Towers is one of the tallest buildings in Sacramento . Sammy, a 13-year-old Boston terrier, fell from a 15th floor apartment . Workers found him paddling in the tiny hot tub below after hearing a splash . He broke five ribs and fractured his pelvis but is fine . Owner believes it was a Christmas miracle .
Peering intently down the barrels of his 12-bore shotgun, Prince Edward steadies himself and takes aim… then, astonishingly, appears to shoot over the head of his young son. By any standards it is a startling image and evidence, it would seem, that Edward has broken one of the cardinal rules of gun safety. Instead of shooting with his son behind him, which good practice dictates, six-year-old James, Viscount Severn – wearing ear defenders – appears to be 10ft in front, and only a few feet to his father’s side. Prince Edward, right, takes aim while his son, James, Viscount Severn, left, stands some 10 feet in front and a few feet to his father's side . Six-year-old James, holds onto his black Labrador while his father Prince Edward, right, looks at the dog at the Queen's Sandringham Estate . Former Minister Norman Baker, who was responsible for gun laws during his time at the Home Office, said last night: ‘There are some basic principles that should be observed for safety reasons and they appear not to have been followed. I personally think it is not appropriate to have children that young at shoots anyway.’ Mike Yardley, a leading shooting instructor, said: ‘You should never have children in front of you because the problem with children is they run around. It’s not something I would allow. ‘Sometimes you have a dog forward of the shooter, but not people. They are always behind. But it’s very difficult for me to judge it without seeing the situation. ‘It’s bad practice to have people closely forward of the shooter’s line. But the individual shooter must always have the final decision as to what he considers to be safe.’ The incident happened while Edward, the Earl of Wessex, was aiming at a pheasant during a shoot on the Queen’s Sandringham estate in Norfolk yesterday morning. A witness said he swung his gun from left to right as the bird rose from a maize field. A countryside manager, who organises pheasant shoots in the south of England, insisted that bystanders, especially children or dogs, should always stand ‘ten to 15 metres behind the shooter, never in front’. He added: ‘The same applies if the children and dogs are used as pickers-up. They must stand behind until the shooter has shot. And most shoots I’ve come across do not even allow young children.’ Buckingham Palace insisted last night that the ‘perspective [of the pictures] is very misleading. At no time during the shoot was Viscount Severn directly in front of the Earl of Wessex. ‘As always during any sporting event on the estate, the highest safety standards were adhered to. Any suggestion that the Earl would risk his son’s welfare in any way is simply untrue.’ Prince Edward, right, stands alert looking for a target to his right, while his son James stands to his left and slightly ahead of his position . Buckingham Palace described the perspective of the photographs as 'very misleading' claiming at no time was Viscount Severn, right, 'directly in front of the Earl of Wessex' centre. 'Any suggestion the Earl would risk his son's welfare in any way is simply untrue,' claimed the Palace . Despite the criticism, Edward, 50, was supported in some quarters. The British Association for Shooting and Conservation described him as an experienced shot and said he was ‘taking every precaution’. A spokesman said: ‘The child is wearing ear defenders. Everyone who shoots puts safety first. Prince Edward would not have taken an unsafe shot. I believe the camera foreshortened the distance between the two. The child is not in front of the barrels.’ However, the association’s own website clearly states: ‘Always be aware of the direction in which the muzzle of your shotgun is pointing and never point it in an unsafe direction.’ Dressed in a camouflage jacket and matching hat, young James kept control of their black labrador during the shoot. At one stage he seemed to pull the dog back when it appeared to try to jump up at his father. Edward was also joined by his wife Sophie, Countess of Wessex, and his 11-year-old daughter, Lady Louise Windsor. All are believed to be staying with friends at Wood Farm on the 20,000-acre estate. An onlooker said: ‘James is not old enough to shoot himself, but it seems like he was having great fun.’ Six years ago Edward was seen reacting violently when two black labradors appeared to grab a dead pheasant during a shoot on the Queen’s estate. Photographs showed him rushing at the animals with his shotgun tucked under his arm and a 4ft stick raised in the air. He could then be seen bringing it down several times towards them, but it was not clear whether the prince actually hit either of the dogs. The RSPCA investigated the incident, but announced there would be no prosecution as there was ‘insufficient evidence’ to support the allegation that he mistreated the animals. The golden rule of shooting is captured in a poem called A Father’s Advice, in which shooting enthusiast Mark Hanbury Beaufoy writes: ‘If a sportsman true you’d be/Listen carefully to me/Never, never, let your gun/Pointed be at anyone.’
Prince Edward raised his 12-bore shotgun to his shoulder during the shoot on the Queen's Sandringham Estate . Prince Edward's son James, Viscount Severn, appeared to be standing slightly forward and to his father's side . Buckingham Palace insisted that at no stage was Viscount Severn placed in any danger during the shoot . Prince Edward, 50,  brought his six-year-old son, who held a black Labrador, on the shoot yesterday morning .
(CNN) -- Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov on Saturday called on South Sudan to punish those responsible for shooting down a U.N. helicopter and taking the lives of four Russian crew members. His words come a day after the South Sudanese armed forces admitted to shooting down the helicopter in eastern South Sudan. "We call on the government of South Sudan to carry out a full investigation of the incident, punish the guilty and take every measure to guarantee that this will never happen again," Lavrov said, in a statement on his website. The United Nations Mission in South Sudan said Friday four Russian crew members were killed but that there were no passengers on board the aircraft. The MI-8 helicopter went down near the settlement of Likuangole, in the state of Jonglei, in the country's east, the U.N. mission said. It is investigating the incident. The Sudan People's Liberation Army said it was an accident, according to spokesman Philip Aguer. He said the SPLA had contacted the U.N. mission after seeing the helicopter near an SPLA command post but had been told it had no aircraft in the area. The troops thought the aircraft looked to be the type that had dropped munitions to militias in the area, Aguer said. U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon condemned the shooting down of the helicopter, saying in a statement that it was clearly marked as being a U.N. aircraft. Ban extended condolences to the crew members and called on the government of South Sudan to bring whoever is responsible to justice. CNN's Zarifmo Aslamshoyeva contributed to this report.
Russia's foreign minister calls on South Sudan to punish those responsible . Four Russians died when South Sudanese forces shot down a U.N. helicopter . South Sudan's armed forces say the incident was an accident . U.N. chief Ban Ki-Moon has condemned the shooting down of the aircraft .
(CNN) -- Apple has updated its entire iMac line of products with Intel's latest quad-core processors, new graphics, next-gen Wi-Fi and faster PCIe flash storage. The 21.5-inch iMac now starts with a 2.7GHz, quad-core Intel Core i5 processor and new Iris Pro graphics. The 21.5-inch is also available with an i5 processor with up to 3.4GHz and Nvidia GeForce 700 series graphics. SEE ALSO: Apple iPhone 5S: A Great Phone Inches Toward Perfection . The 27-inch model comes with a 3.2GHz quad-core processor and Nvidia GeForce 700 graphics or a 3.4GHz CPU. Users can also purchase the 3.5GHz processor and Nvidia GeForce GTX 780M series graphics with up to 4GB of video memory. All iMacs now support the 802.11ac Wi-Fi standard and start with 8GB of memory and a 1TB hard drive. They can be upgraded to up to 32GB of memory and a hard drive with up to 3TB of storage. The cheapest 21.5-inch iMac costs $1,299, while the model with a 2.9GHz processor and Nvidia GeForce GT 750M graphics will set you back $1,499. The 27-inch iMac with a 3.2 GHz quad-core Intel Core i5 CPU and an Nvidia GeForce GTX 755M graphics card goes for $1,799; the version with a 3.4 GHz CPU costs $1,999. © 2013 All rights reserved.
Apple announces upgrades to its iMac line of desktop computers . New machines have better processors, new graphics, next-gen Wi-Fi and faster flash storage . New iMacs are available immediately .
Spy thriller writer Tom Clancy, whose best-selling books "The Hunt for Red October" and "Patriot Games" became blockbuster films, has died, his publisher said Wednesday. He was 66. Clancy's publisher, the Penguin Group, said the author died in Baltimore on Tuesday. The written statement did not indicate the cause of death. Clancy's 1984 novel "The Hunt for Red October" propelled him to fame, fortune and status as a favorite storyteller of the American military. Sean Connery and Alec Baldwin brought the Cold War drama to life in the big screen in 1990. I sent my first ever email to Tom Clancy . "Spending time with Tom prior to shooting was the best part of that whole experience for me," Baldwin said Wednesday. "Tom was smart, a great story teller and a real gentleman." Harrison Ford took the big screen role of CIA analyst Jack Ryan in "Patriot Games and "Clear and Present Danger." Ben Affleck was cast as Ryan for "The Sum of All Fears." The sometimes perilous business of spy thrillers . "I'm deeply saddened by Tom's passing," said Penguin executive David Shanks, who worked with Clancy on each of his novels, quoted in the company's statement. "He was a consummate author, creating the modern-day thriller, and was one of the most visionary storytellers of our time. I will miss him dearly and he will be missed by tens of millions of readers worldwide." "Command Authority," his last book, is due to be published by G.P. Putnam's Sons in December, the company said. Putnam is an imprint of the Penguin Group. "It was an honor to know Tom Clancy and to work on his fantastic books," said Ivan Held, president and publisher of G.P. Putnam's Sons. "He was ahead of the news curve and sometimes frighteningly prescient. To publish a Tom Clancy book was a thrill every time. He will be missed by everyone at Putnam and Berkley, and by his fans all over the world." Colin Powell remembers Tom Clancy . A Baltimore-born former insurance agent, Clancy was known for writing meticulous thrillers focusing on political intrigue and military tactics and technology. Seventeen of his 28 books appeared on the New York Times best-sellers list, according to his website. Many of them reached the No. 1 spot. His writings also provided the inspiration for the "Rainbow Six," "Ghost Recon" and "Splinter Cell," video game series. Share your memories . His writing gained him a loyal following within the armed forces in the United States and abroad, giving him inside access that frequently informed the plots of his books. But in a 2003 CNN interview, Clancy said he was always careful not to reveal classified information or sensitive details of how the elite troops he often wrote about operated. "I'll never decide for commercial reasons to put something in that endangers our national security. You just can't do that," he said in a 2003 CNN interview. "There was one thing, I discussed with a friend of mine in the Royal Navy. I told him a story I knew, and he said, 'Well, Tom, you may never repeat that, as long as you live.' And I haven't." People we lost in 2013 .
First on-screen "Jack Ryan" Alec Baldwin: Clancy was "a real gentleman" His 1984 novel "The Hunt for Red October" propelled him to fame, fortune and status . Clancy's publisher says the author died in Baltimore on Tuesday . "Command Authority," his last book, is due to be published in December .
By . Jamie Redknapp . It’s always important to have a deep squad, and David Moyes will be delighted to have Danny Welbeck in his. With Robin van Persie out, Wayne Rooney has taken on the bulk of responsibilities up front, but Welbeck is now playing an absolutely vital role. He was a super sub at Norwich, scoring after coming on at half-time, and he now has four goals in his last four league games for United. Matchwinner: Danny Welbeck netted the only goal of the game for Manchester United against Norwich . Under Sir Alex Ferguson, Welbeck was struggling to score. Now Moyes has him doing that. Earlier this month he told Welbeck to follow Rooney’s example and stay behind after training to work on his finishing. It’s amazing to hear a manager having to encourage his players to work harder; that should be par for the course. I always looked at senior players and followed their work ethic but, in fairness, it seems to be working. Since the start of December, Welbeck’s scored twice as many goals as he had during the rest of the season and his shooting accuracy has improved by 10 per cent. Hull's pass master . Tom Huddlestone has been one of the signings of the season. The price of £5.25m was good business for Hull, good for Tottenham and good for Tom. He’s playing football and he’s become a bit of a cult hero. He’s such a technical footballer, has two great feet and he strikes the ball so cleanly. He hit a fierce shot with his left foot to score against Fulham and then smashed a 35-yard free-kick against the bar with his right. He hit it just like Cristiano Ronaldo. I love that Steve Bruce has brought in good footballers and Hull aren’t afraid to attack. George Boyd and Robert Koren were both terrific on Saturday, and Huddlestone orchestrates it all, sitting deep in that quarterback position. He really makes the team play and is . one of the best passers in the league, he can put it on a sixpence from . 50 yards. He’s formed a good midfield partnership with Jake Livermore in . the middle, and it helps that they both know each other from their . Spurs days. There is a . chance that Livermore could be recalled by Tim Sherwood, who is a fan, . but Huddlestone is at Hull to stay, and what a great signing he has been . for Steve Bruce. Clinical: Welbeck scored his fourth goal in as many Premier League games at Carrow Road . In action: Tom Huddlestone (right) was in stunning form against Fulham on Saturday afternoon . Goal threat: Huddlestone had a trim after finally scoring for Hull City at the KC Stadium . Influential: Huddlestone dominated in midfield, as his heat map from the Fulham clash shows . Fourth is still no bad thing . I’d love to ask Brendan Rodgers if he would take fourth place now. I fancied my old side for a Champions League spot this season but never thought they would be title contenders. They’re by no means out of it because this is a crazy season but in the last four seasons they have finished, on average, 27.5 points behind the title winners. To make up that difference in one season is a huge ask. Down but not out: Luis Suarez was unable to find the back of the net against a resolute Chelsea side . They’ve not been close for a number of years so they’re not yet used to that winning consistency, but it will come. They have benefited from not being in Europe this season, but the Champions League needs Liverpool in it. More than just a bench-warmer . Another striker that’s showing the value of a big squad is Edin Dzeko. He will see himself as a first-team player but with the form of Sergio Aguero and Alvaro Negredo, his chances have been limited this season. He’s a great player to have on the bench — he has scored 13 goals in 43 substitute appearances — but he will want more. He’s big, strong in the air and talented, and most teams would love to have him. Imagine the damage Chelsea would do if he was leading the line. It shows City’s strength, and Dzeko will be important for them over the next few weeks with Aguero out injured. Crucial: Edin Dzeko stepped up to the plate for Manchester City in their tight win against Crystal Palace . Clinical: Dzeko's intelligent movement created a space for Jesus Navas to pick him out in the penalty area . Eden's magic . When he first arrived, I wondered whether Eden Hazard would be Jose Mourinho’s kind of player. He likes his wingers to work hard but I think he knows that, even if he doesn’t track back, Hazard is a match-winner. They almost fell out when Hazard skipped training but Jose managed him well and you forget he’s still only 22. Just like that: Eden Hazard celebrates his equaliser against Liverpool at Stamford Bridge . Cardiff chaos . I thought I’d seen everything in football until Saturday night. The sight of Vincent Tan booing after the final whistle was utterly bizarre and it would be almost comical if it wasn’t such a desperate situation for the Cardiff fans. It doesn’t matter if he was booing his own players or his own fans, it’s not the kind of behaviour you would expect from an owner, but then Vincent Tan is not your average owner. He has already changed the club’s colours from blue to red, helped fund Cardiff’s promotion to the Premier League and then sacked an incredibly popular manager in Malky Mackay. Opinionated: Vincent Tan was filmed booing at the final whistle after Cardiff's 2-2 draw against Sunderland . Cardiff fans have waited more than 50 years to get back in the top flight, but so far their season has been engulfed in farce. Fans can put up with a lot of things if they feel the owner is committed and puts his money in, but their current situation is ridiculous. They need to bring in a manager and are keen on Ole Gunnar Solskjaer, but will he want to work with Tan? There’s no doubt any manager would love to manage a club like Cardiff City, but with Tan in charge, they may not be quite so happy to take the risk. Mutch to admire . Amid all the madness at Cardiff, there was one bright light for them on Saturday: Jordon Mutch. He’s only 22, but the midfielder is a fluid mover and good on the ball. He’s got an extra yard of pace that sets you apart and he has a fantastic attitude. People might criticise some of Malky Mackay’s signings, but Mutch was a bargain at £2million from Birmingham and could develop into something special. Stunned: Jordon Mutch scored Cardiff's opening goal against Sunderland from range .
David Moyes must love having Danny Welbeck in his United squad . Edin Dzeko has key role to play at Etihad in Sergio Aguero's absence . Tom Huddlestone is a pass master at Hull City .
(CNN) -- The Texas Department of State Health Services on Thursday ordered the recall of all products ever shipped from the Peanut Corporation of America's plant in Plainview, Texas, after discovering dead rodents, rodent excrement and bird feathers in the plant. The plant produced oil-roasted and dry-roasted peanuts, peanut meal and granulated peanut. The order, which applies to products shipped since the plant opened nearly four years ago, came a day after the discovery of filth in a crawl space above a production area during a health services inspection, Texas Health Department Press Officer Doug McBride told CNN in a telephone interview. The plant's ventilation system pulled debris "from the infested crawl space into production areas of the plant resulting in the adulteration of exposed food products," a health department news release said. Officials at the plant, which opened in March 2005 and produced oil-roasted peanuts, dry-roasted peanuts, peanut meal and granulated peanut, voluntarily stopped operations Monday night. "Our understanding is that the bulk of their products go to other food manufacturers," McBride said. "We're not aware of any direct sales to consumers." The state has the authority to stop a company's operations and order a recall if it finds "a condition that poses an immediate and serious threat to human life or health," as was the case here, he said. Though tests are being carried out to determine if the products contain salmonella or other disease-causing organisms, the orders are not contingent on what is found, he said. The plant is barred from resuming operations without health services approval. The company's peanut butter and peanut paste products produced at its plant in Blakely, Georgia, have been linked to a nationwide outbreak of salmonella poisoning that has affected 600 people, killing nine. A call to the company's telephone number, which was working earlier this week, elicited a recording that said it was no longer in service.
Texas orders recall of products shipped from Peanut Corporation of America plant . Order applies to all products shipped since plant opened nearly four years ago . Order comes day after dead rodents, rodent excrement, bird feathers found in plant . Plant officials voluntarily stopped operations Monday night .
Los Angeles (CNN) -- The trial of Michael Jackson's doctor reached another emotional peak Wednesday as jurors heard a recording of Jackson, using slow and slurred speech, telling Dr. Conrad Murray, "I hurt, you know, I hurt." A photograph of Jackson lying dead on a hospital gurney was later projected onto a large screen in the courtroom, a vivid reminder to jurors of why they will listen to a least a month of testimony in Dr. Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial. While the court camera feed focused on the disturbing image for just five seconds -- the result of a earlier decision to minimize public exposure to such shocking images -- it was displayed on a large screen in front of the jury for about two minutes. Forensic computer expert Stephen Marx, who found the audio file on Murray's iPhone, said it was recorded on May 10, 2009, when Jackson was preparing for his "This Is It" concerts set for London two months later. Prosecutors, who played a clip of the stunning audio in their opening statement last week, let the jury hear the entire recording in Murray's involuntary manslaughter trial Wednesday. "Elvis didn't do it. Beatles didn't do it. We have to be phenomenal," Jackson said. "When people leave this show, when people leave my show, I want them to say, 'I've never seen nothing like this in my life. Go. Go. I've never seen nothing like this. Go. It's amazing. He's the greatest entertainer in the world.' I'm taking that money, a million children, children's hospital, the biggest in the world, Michael Jackson Children's Hospital. Going to have a movie theater, game room." In the portion never before heard in court, Jackson talked about his life and concern for children: . "Children are depressed. The -- in those hospitals, no game room, no movie theater. They're sick because they're depressed. Their mind is depressing them. I want to give them that. I care about them, them angels. God wants me to do it. God wants me to do it. I'm going to do it, Conrad." Another voice, which the prosecutor said was Murray's, is heard saying, "I know you would." "Don't have enough hope, no more hope," Jackson said. "That's the next generation that's going to save our planet, starting with -- we'll talk about it. United States, Europe, Prague, my babies. They walk around with no mother. They drop them off, they leave -- a psychological degradation of that. They reach out to me: 'Please take me with you.'" At the end, Jackson said he was "going to do that for them." "That will be remembered more than my performances. My performances will be up there helping my children and always be my dream. I love them. I love them because I didn't have a childhood. I had no childhood. I feel their pain. I feel their hurt. I can deal with it. 'Heal the World,' 'We Are the World,' 'Will You Be There,' 'The Lost Children.' These are the songs I've written because I hurt, you know, I hurt." His brother Jermaine Jackson wiped tears from his eyes as he listened in court. Deputy District Attorney David Walgren said in his opening statement that Jackson was "highly under the influences of unknown agents" when Murray recorded Jackson. Another recording found on Murray's phone and played in court Wednesday was a voice mail from Frank Dileo, who was Jackson's last manager. Dileo's message to Murray, left five days before Jackson's death, suggested that he "get a blood test" from Jackson because "we've got to see what he's doing." He referred to "an episode" Jackson had at a rehearsal the night before. "He's sick," Dileo said. Concert producer Kenny Ortega testified about Jackson's illness in the first day of the trial, which he wrote about in an e-mail sent about the same time Dileo was leaving his phone message. "He appeared quite weak and fatigued this evening," Ortega wrote. "He had a terrible case of the chills, was trembling, rambling and obsessing. Everything in me says he should be psychologically evaluated." Jurors should also soon hear the full recording of Murray's interview with Los Angeles police two days after Jackson's death. Murray's iPhone also contained e-mail attachments that appeared to be Jackson's medical records sent by Murray's office assistant to the doctor, who was gathering them for a British insurance agent who was arranging cancellation insurance for Jackson's London concerts. The insurers were concerned about news reports that Jackson was seen "at various times using a wheelchair" and that he suffered a back injury, lupus, emphysema and cancer, according to an e-mail from the agent to the doctor. Jackson refused to authorize the release of his medical records to the insurance company, Murray wrote back, but he added concerning the news reports of illnesses "let me say they're all fallacious to the best of my knowledge." One record shown in court, kept under the alias "Omar Arnold," indicated that in September 2008, Murray diagnosed Jackson with insomnia and anxiety. Files from the phone suggest Murray was dealing with the insurance agent's request around the same time he said he was struggling to help Jackson go to sleep with sedatives. The prosecution wants to show jurors that Murray was distracted by a long list of phone calls and e-mails, causing him to neglect Jackson, who stopped breathing and died. Los Angeles County Coroner's investigator Elissa Fleak testified Wednesday afternoon, showing jurors what she collected from Jackson's bedroom. Fleak identified a saline bag that was cut open and an empty 100 ml propofol bottle inside. The prosecution alleges Murray used it as a makeshift IV drip to administer propofol to Jackson. The defense contends Murray gave Jackson just 25 ml of the drug and used a syringe to push it in. Twelve bottles of the surgical anesthetic propofol were found in the bedroom during her first search the day Jackson died, including an empty vial found on the floor next to the bed, Fleak said. Seven bottles of medications were on a nightstand next to the bed, including one with lorazepam pills prescribed by Murray to Jackson. Murray's defense lawyers say Jackson caused his own death by swallowing eight lorazepam pills and orally ingesting propofol while Murray was out of the room. The coroner ruled that Jackson's death on June 25, 2009, was the result of "acute propofol intoxication" in combination with sedatives. Prosecutors argue that Murray, who was Jackson's personal doctor as he prepared for planned comeback concerts, is criminally responsible for the singer's death because of medical negligence and his reckless use of the propofol to help Jackson sleep. Earlier Wednesday, a medical supply sales representative testified that a Murray assistant "raised a red flag" by asking that she ship an infusion IV set to a California residence, not his clinic. Seacoast Medical rep Sally Hirschberg testified that she refused the request and instead sent the supplies, which were apparently recovered from Jackson's bedroom by investigators, to one of Murray's clinics. Murray trial: No fist fights here . Tuesday's testimony by the trio of Murray's girlfriends also delivered drama. Cocktail waitress Sade Anding, who dated Murray after they met at a Houston steakhouse where she worked, described a phone call from Murray that prosecutors suggest is evidence of when the doctor realized there was a problem with Jackson. Five or six minutes into the call, which began at 11:51 a.m. the day Jackson died, Anding realized that Murray was not listening to her. "I said 'Hello, hello, are you there?' " Anding testified. She said that when she pressed her cell phone against her ear, "I heard the mumbling of voices ... and I heard coughing, and nobody answered." Anding hung up the phone about three minutes later, she said. The interruption, which prosecutors said was probably when Murray noticed his patient was not breathing, would have come around 11:57 a.m., about 10 minutes before the time chef Kai Chase said Murray ran down the stairs to ask her to call for help. The prosecution says that one reason Murray is criminally responsible for Jackson's death is because phone calls and text messages to these women, other patients and employees at his clinics caused him to ignore his patient while administering dangerous drugs. Nicole Alvarez, 29, who has a 2-year-old son fathered by Murray, delivered animated testimony Tuesday that suggested she was starstruck by Michael Jackson, whom she met several times with Murray. "I was speechless when I met him," Alvarez testified. "I couldn't believe I was meeting Michael Jackson." Her testimony was important because it was her apartment where a Las Vegas pharmacy shipped 255 bottles of propofol -- totaling more than four gallons -- and 80 bottles of liquid sedatives that prosecutors say Murray ordered for Jackson. The prosecution also asked her about a phone call Murray placed to her from the ambulance while on the way to the hospital with Jackson. "I remember him telling me that he was on the way to the hospital in the ambulance with Mr. Jackson and for me not to be alarmed," Alvarez said. "He didn't want me to be worried, because he knew I would learn this through the news." On Monday, the emergency room doctor who declared Jackson dead testified that there was no way doctors could have revived the pop icon after he arrived at the hospital. If convicted of involuntary manslaughter, Murray could spend four years in a California prison and lose his medical license.
NEW: Photo of Michael Jackson's body on gurney shown to jury . Jurors hear full recording of Jackson with slow, slurred speech . Depressed children "reach out to me," Jackson tells Dr. Conrad Murray . "God wants me to do it, I'm going to do it, Conrad," Jackson says in recording .
If you have ever grimaced at your petrol bill and dreamed of a car that runs on fresh air, your prayers are about to be answered. French car giant PSA Peugeot  Citroen believes it can put an air-powered vehicle on the road by 2016. Its scientists say it will knock 45 per cent off fuel bills for an average motorist. And when driving in towns and cities costs could be slashed by as much as 80 per cent because the car will be running on air for four-fifths of the time. Saving the planet: The Hybrid Air technology could allow a car the size of a Citroën C3 or Peugeot 208 to emit as little as 69g/km of CO2 . Cutting costs: A look inside the 'air engine' which could cut 45 per cent off the petrol bill for the average driver . The system works by using a normal internal combustion engine, special hydraulics and an adapted gearbox along with compressed air cylinders that store and release energy. This enables it to run on petrol or air, or a combination of the two. Air power would be used solely for city use, automatically activated below 43mph and available for ‘60 to 80 per cent of the time in city driving’. By 2020, the cars could be achieving an average of 117 miles a gallon, the company predicts. The air compression system can re-use all the energy normally lost when slowing down and braking. The motor and a pump are in the engine bay, fed by a compressed air tank underneath the car, running parallel to the exhaust. The revolutionary new ‘Hybrid Air’ engine system – the first to combine petrol with compressed air – is a breakthrough for hybrid cars because expensive batteries will no longer be needed. Lift-off: The air power will be automatically activated below 43mph and can be used for up to 80 per cent of driving time in urban areas . Cars fitted with Hybrid Air will be about £1,000 cheaper to buy than current hybrid models. For more than two years, 100 elite scientists and engineers have been working on the air-powered car in top-secret conditions at Peugeot’s research and development centre at Velizy, just south of Paris. Hybrid Air is the centrepiece of Peugeot chief executive Philippe Varin’s efforts to restore the fortunes of the historic car maker. The revolutionary system will be able to be installed on any normal family car without altering its external shape or size or reducing the boot size, provided the spare wheel is not stored there. From the outside, an air-powered car will look identical to a conventional vehicle. A spokesman said: ‘We are not talking about weird and wacky machines. These are going to be in everyday cars.’ Peugeot, which unveiled its prototype yesterday, envisages introducing it in smaller models such as the 208 at first. Running on air: The Peugeot 208 is one model that may use the air engine technology in future . The company said that as well as being greener and cheaper to run, the air system created no extra dangers in a collision. Motorists never run the risk of running out of compressed air late at night on a deserted country road because the car will be fitted with a sophisticated artificial brain that ensures it replenishes itself automatically. The air compresses and decompresses of its own accord as the car speeds up and slows down. Spacious interior: Allows for full-sized passenger compartment without surrendering boot volume. Driving comfort and road handling: Hybrid Air promises to deliver nimble response with the boost effect as well as first-class road handling thanks to its automatic transmission. Worldwide potential: The technology is viable in all markets, making it possible for energy efficient cards in all types of climate and regardless of the state of the roads. Boot: No space for a spare tyre once the Hybrid Air motor is installed. As well as the revolutionary air car, . Peugeot also unveiled plans for new larger cars such as the Peugeot 508 and the . Citroen C5 that will save 20per cent on fuel bill through the use of new . materials such as lightweight steel and aluminuim composites. They will also deploy other innovations such as electric power steering instead of hydraulic and new tyres with reduced drag. These . will be introduced from this year. The first cars to feature them will . be the replacement for the Citroen C4 Picasso produced at the company’s . plant in Vigo  Spain and the replacement for the 308 built at Sochaux in . France. The audience gasped as the covers were . removed from the prototypes at a packed ceremony attended by French . politicians and business leaders. The innovations are crucial to chairman Philippe Varin’s efforts to revamp the ailing automaker that has suffered badly due to the crisis in southern european markets including Italy, Portugal and Spain that account for a large chunk of its sales. The economy in its home market of France has also been hard hit in the single currency crisis. It has lost its triple-A credit rating and socialist President Francois Hollande has earned international ridicule through his plans for a supertax on the wealthy. The Peugeot company was founded in 1810 and the family still has a controlling stake. Thierry Peugeot drafted in Varin - widely hailed in the UK for rescuing Corus, the former British Steel, from the brink of ruin - in 2009. Varin’s attempts to revive the marque have been hit by the euro meltdown and militant French unions. Worldwide sales for 2012 were down 8.8per cent to 2.82m. The company has been hindered in efforts to improve its performance by France’s rigid labour laws. It has also been plagued by violent industrial action at its Aulnay plant near Paris which is due to close next year with the loss of thousands of jobs. It is embroiled in controversy with rival European car makers over a French state guarantee given to its financing arm last year.
Peugeot Citroen invents technology for air car ready for the market by 2016 . 'Hybrid Air' engine system runs on petrol and air, instead of electricity . Company predicts 'Hybrid Air' to achieve 117 miles per gallon by 2020 .
By . Simon Tomlinson . PUBLISHED: . 10:29 EST, 2 January 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 10:43 EST, 2 January 2014 . Global retail giant Wal-Mart has recalled a donkey meat product from some Chinese stores after tests found it contained the DNA of other animals including fox. The world's largest retailer will reimburse customers who bought the 'Five Spice Donkey Meat' 50 yuan (around £5), a spokeswoman for the U.S. company said. The company said it would independently DNA test all of its 'high-risk' meats in China, a procedure which is not required by retailers under Chinese food laws, the spokeswoman said. An 'adulteration incident': Global retail giant Wal-Mart has recalled a donkey meat product from some Chinese stores after food standard authorities said it contained the DNA of fox and other animals (file pictures) Wal-Mart would also co-operate with food officials in the eastern province of Shandong with their probe into the 'adulteration incident', said a statement posted on Sina Weibo, a Chinese Twitter equivalent. The Shandong Food and Drug Administration had previously said the 'Five Spice Donkey Meat' product contained fox, but it is not clear what other animals were found. 'We are deeply sorry for this whole affair,' said Wal-Mart's China president and CEO Greg Foran according to the Weibo statement, posted Wednesday. It did not give an explanation for how . the contamination happened, but Foran added that the company would . increase its focus on 'supplier management'. Damage limitation: A Wal-Mart store in Shanghai. The company said it will reimburse customers who bought the 'Five Spice Donkey Meat' 50 yuan (£5) and would test all of its 'high-risk' meats in China . The Wal-Mart spokeswoman told the Wall Street Journal that the donkey meat is sold in only two stores in Jinan, the capital of Shandong. She said the firm may take legal action against its supplier. Donkey meat is not a Chinese staple meat dish, but is commonly consumed as a snack. China has seen several food safety scares in recent years, including one in which the industrial chemical melamine was added to milk formula in 2008, killing at least six babies and making 300,000 ill. Wal-Mart plans to open up to 110 new stores in China over the next two years, according to the company's website.
U.S. giant apologises and launches probe into the 'adulteration incident' Offers £5 refund to customers who bought the 'Five Spice Donkey Meat' Spokeswoman says product only sold in two stores in the city of Jinan .
The father of the child who was ripped from her murdered mother’s womb and then kidnapped has today broken his five-year his silence after the killer was convicted of the grisly crime that shocked a nation. Speaking exclusively to MailOnline, Roberto Rodriguez, 29, whose estranged partner, Darlene Haynes was eight months pregnant when she was horrifically murdered, revealed that he hasn't told the four-year-old about her mother and fears she might blame herself. Mr Rodriguez said: ‘My daughter doesn’t know what happened to her mother. She’s too young to understand right now. If I told her how she had been . born what would she think? Scroll down for video . Terrible truth: Rodriguez told MailOnline: 'My daughter doesn’t know what happened to her mother. She’s too young to understand right now. If I told her how she had been . born what would she think?' Killer: Julie Corey, 39, pictured today, was sentenced to life for the brutal murder of her friend Darlene, then 23, whose body was found on 27 July 2009 stashed in a small closet of the Worcester, Massachusetts home the friends had shared . ‘She might blame herself. She might think that it was her fault her mother died.’ Rodriguez, who was accused of assaulting Darlene in the weeks before the murder went on to defend himself after he was accused in court of taking part in the gruesome crime and was questioned twice by detectives. He said: ‘We’ve waited five years for this, five years for justice. I’ve . had my name dragged through the mud. 'I’ll always be known as some . scumbag but I don’t care now, I don’t care about my name I’m just happy . this is over and that the person who did this has got what they . deserve.' Julie Corey, 39, was convicted of the brutal murder of her friend Darlene, then 23, whose body was found on 27 July 2009 stashed in a small closet of the Worcester, Massachusetts home the friends had shared. She was sentenced to life in prison today while Haynes's father sat in court holding his daughter's ashes and her other daughter, now aged nine, read a heartbreaking statement to the court. Haynes had been beaten around the head and strangled with an electric cord from a lamp. Corey, who had herself miscarried three months earlier, then cut the unborn child from her friend’s womb. Grisly: Haynes (pictured with another of her children) was beaten around the head . and strangled with an electric cord. Corey, who had herself . miscarried 3 months earlier, then cut the fetus from her . friend’s womb . Quiz: Rodriguez was questioned by police and treated as a suspect at first in the case because of his troubled relationship with Darlene Haynes . Fred Haynes, father of Darlene, breaks down during the sentencing of Corey in Worcester, Mass., Superior Court today . District Attorney Joseph Early Jr described the case as ‘the most horrific case this office has ever seen in terms of facts.’ Haynes, he said, was ‘killed for her baby.’ Corey tried to pass the child off as her own, to her boyfriend Alex Dion, 31. The couple were found following a tip off two days after Haynes's body was found, 130 miles away in a homeless shelter in Plymouth, New Hampshire. Mr Rodriguez was granted full custody of the child who now lives with him and his wife Ana. He married Ana Cruz on 17 August 2009 having applied for the marriage license at Worcester City Hall on the very day that Haynes’s mutilated body was discovered after neighbors complained to their landlord about the smell. Haynes knew both Corey and Dion through her relationship with Rodriguez. In closing arguments defense attorney Louis Aloise offered a theory that Haynes was actually killed by Rodriguez who then removed the 4lb infant from her mother’s womb and gave her to Corey. Speaking of Rodriguez Mr Aloise alleged: ‘He had had it with Darlene Haynes.’ Mr Rodriguez was questioned twice by detectives investigating the case in 2009. Sick: Corey tried to pass the child off as her . own, to her boyfriend Alex Dion, 31 (all three pictured above). The couple were found following a . tip off two days after Haynes's body was found, 130 miles away . ‘I don’t owe it to nobody to try to clear my name in public. It doesn’t bother me what people think. ‘I . have a lovely family and I’m just trying to raise my daughter the best I . can. She’s affected by what happened – she is not the same as other . four-year-olds.’ Mr Rodriguez declined to elaborate on the extent of the physical legacy of his daughter’s violent birth. The prosecutor described that violence as an act of  ‘extreme atrocity and cruelty.’ As . far as shocked neighbors who had known both women were concerned there . had been no reason to suspect that Corey and Haynes were anything other . than two good friends sharing the excitement of the imminent births of . their children. Corey told friends she was expecting a daughter too and that she planned to call her Ailda. On . the day of the murder Corey told friends she was giving Haynes a ride . to a local store. She then called her boyfriend Dion and told him her . waters had broken and that she had gone into labor. The . next morning she presented the premature infant as her own. But the . umbilical cord raised the suspicion of several witnesses as it had . clearly not been cut by a doctor and was tied with a bow. When . the full horror of the crime emerged with the discovery of Haynes’s . body, police immediately focused on her estranged boyfriend, Mr . Rodriguez as a prime suspect. Suspicions: Corey presented the premature infant as her own they day after the birth. But the . umbilical cord raised the suspicion of several witnesses as it had . clearly not been cut by a doctor and was tied with a bow . The couple’s relationship had been marred by violence and difficulty. Hayne’s own family history was fractured and troubled. Her mother left her in the care of her grandmother, Joanne, when she was just six years old. Speaking to MailOnline this week Joanne admitted that she had never met Mr Rodriguez. She said that in latter years, the granddaughter she has raised as her own had ‘come and gone’ from their lives, sometimes disappearing for months on end. She said she had seen her great-grandchild – whom Haynes told friends she planned to name Sheila – only once when she was brought round by an official from the Department of Children and Families. In the weeks before her murder, Haynes had reported Mr Rodriguez to police for an assault. She told social worker Jessica Bader, who had had various dealings with Haynes, that Mr Rodriguez had thrown his heavily pregnant girlfriend into a glass table and ripped the phone from the wall to prevent her from calling for help. Death scene: The apartment building at 95 Southgate St in Worcester, MA where Darlene was killed. She shared it with Corey, who had suffered a miscarriage some months earlier . Caught: Corey is led away days after her friend's body was discovered on July 29, 2009 and her plot revealed . Mr Rodriguez said: ‘I know what some people think of me. But I don’t care anymore and I don’t have to defend myself. ‘The killer has got what they deserve this is justice. Some people need their 15 minutes of fame. I don’t need that. I don’t want it.’ ‘I want my family to be respected and for us to start a fresh chapter in our lives. I want this verdict to be the beginning of that. ‘My daughter didn’t ask for this but she’ll have to live with it. We will tell her in time. ‘But right now I’m done with this. I’m just done. We want to move on that people let us do that.’ Meanwhile, in an emotional hearing in court today, the judge read a statement from Haynes's nine-year-old daughter. It read: 'Julie, it was mean to kill my mother. I think it was very bad that you did that.'
Roberto Rodriguez, 29, has kept silent on horror death of Darlene Haynes for five years . Haynes was killed when her friend Julie Corey carved out her unborn daughter from her womb in July 2009 . Corey was convicted of the murder last week and was sentenced to life in prison today . Corey tried to pass off the 4lb premature baby as her own but was caught two days after the killing . Rodriguez said of his daughter, now five: 'If I told her how she had been . born what would she think?' Sheila's father also hit out at lingering claims that he had anything to do with the murder . He said: 'I’ll always be known as some . scumbag but I don’t care now. The person who did this has got what they . deserve'
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 10:17 EST, 18 April 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 22:34 EST, 18 April 2012 . A body found in brush near a Southern California lake was identified on Wednesday as a Marine's wife whose disappearance last week led to the arrest of a woman and the investigation of another Marine. Coroner's investigators determined the body discovered Tuesday was that of 22-year-old Brittany Dawn Killgore. The disclosure came a day after authorities arrested Jessica Lynn Lopez, 25, on suspicion of murder and continued to investigate Louis Ray Perez, the last person seen with Killgore, as a person of interest in the case. Scroll down for video . Tragic: The body of Brittany Killgore was discovered on Tuesday, four days after she was last seen with a marine who was later arrested on an unrelated charge . Suspect: Authorities believe that the victim knew Jessica Lynn Lopez, and the two were involved in some kind of sex slave ring . Authorities have not disclosed how the three know one another. Perez, 45, pleaded not guilty . on Wednesday to stealing a AR-15 rifle from Camp Pendleton. Investigators have given few . details about that case, and it was not known if they suspect the weapon . was tied to Killgore's death. Perez was being held on $500,000 . bond. His attorney Jeffrey Reichert said his client has no criminal . history, is married and has lived in San Diego County for 10 years. Lopez was scheduled to be arraigned Thursday. Suicide attempt: Jessica Lynn Lopez was found with numerous self-inflicted stab wounds on her body at this Ramada Inn near the San Diego Airport . Estranged: Brittany Killgore, right, filed for divorce from husband Cory, left, last week . Killgore went missing shortly after . filing for divorce from her husband, a 22-year-old Marine deployed to . Afghanistan. Her body was found in brush near Lake Skinner in Riverside . County about 25 miles northeast of her modest, two-story apartment in . Fallbrook, a San Diego County community known for its avocado orchards. Killgore lived a short walk from an . entrance to Camp Pendleton, and her complex - like others around it - is . full of Marines and their families who tend to be short-term residents . and often don't get to know each other well. Missing: Brittany Killgore lived in Fallbrook, California, not far from Camp Pendleton . Killgore's husband, Lance Corporal . Cory Killgore, was flying back to California after learning his wife was . missing. Sheriff's authorities say he is not a suspect. The couple from Missouri were married . in July 2010. Brittany Killgore filed for divorce April 10 and listed . 'irreconcilable differences' as the reason. She gave no details on the . paperwork. Her cellphone was found in the Gaslamp District of downtown San Diego. Darryl J Wrest of Rolla, Missouri, . confirmed Brittany Killgore is his daughter but said he was not . commenting on anything at this time. Killgore's other family members . also declined to comment. Fears: Cory, right, is returning from Afghanistan after hearing about the disappearance of his wife, left . Authorities investigating the homicide said a suicide note . of the prime suspect contained key details about the case, including . the location of a body. Authorities in California are now reportedly examining a possible link between Killgore, the suspect, and a seedy sex ring. ABC 10 reported that officers later responded to a Ramada Inn near the San Diego Airport, . where they found a woman with stab wounds all over her body in an . apparent suicide attempt. That woman, 27-year-old lopez, was arrested at the scene but hospitalised at UCSD Medical Center. She was discharged from the hospital on Wednesday, and charged with murder in Killgore's death. Serious: The Fallbrook scene where Louis Ray Perez is being questioned in connection with the disappearance . A neighbour, who declined to be identified, told ABC 10 that both Lopez and the victim took part in some kind of sex ring. She said: 'They're into the sex slave things... I try not to judge, but that's what they're into'. Cory Killgore was deployed to Afghanistan earlier this year as a vehicle operator. See below for video . video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player .
Brittany Killgore went missing on Friday night . 22-year-old's body was discovered on Tuesday . Suspect Jessica Lopez arrested after trying to kill herself in hotel room . Found with suicide note that reportedly contained key details about Killgore's disappearance . Police also eying another Marine in connection with her death . Killfore filed for divorce from husband Cory, who's currently deployed in Afghanistan, last week .
It lived about 100 million years ago, weighed four tons and likely was at the very top of its prehistoric food chain. Researchers from Chicago's Field Museum, the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences and North Carolina State University announced Friday the discovery of Siats meekerorum, a dinosaur that stretched more than 30 feet long, in eastern Utah. Given its size and other characteristics, they believe this creature ruled its ecosystem in the middle of the Cretaceous, a period known as the last in the so-called "Age of Dinosaurs." It's not known if Siats meekerorum existed alongside Tyrannosaurus rex; fossils found from the same patch of Utah's Cedar Mountain Formation shows it did share the land with tyrannosaurs. But relatively speaking, these tyrannosaurs were much smaller (and below the 7 or so tons of later T. Rexes) and definitely down on the predatory food chain. "At least 98 million years ago, we know that (tyrannosaurs) were small and somebody else was top dog in the neighborhood," said Peter Makovicky, The Field Museum's dinosaur curator. "(Siats meekerorum) is a large dinosaur," he adds. "And we have no evidence -- nor do the teams that worked in this area prior to us -- of anything bigger." Its size and appearance alone are reason enough to excite paleontologists. But there are a few other facts that make this find noteworthy, said Makovicky. One is that Siats meekerorum helps to fill in a roughly 30-million-year gap in the geologic record in North America, a period for which relatively little is known about dinosaurs on the continent. Another: Its closest carchardontosaurian (the family it hails from) kin hailed from elsewhere in the world, suggesting there was more movement and dispersion of dinosaurs at a time the continents had largely already drifted apart than had been thought. "Until 10 years ago, we thought this was a time period when North American dinosaurs were isolated," Makovicky said. "The evidence is growing that was not actually the case. Dinosaurs were quite good at spreading around the world." Name means 'cannibalistic monster' Desert heat of 110 degrees Fahrenheit -- so hot that Makovicky's dog burned his paws -- is bad enough. But for a paleontologist, working in this oven all summer without any big finds? That's definitely a lot worse. But with a few days in the 2008 field season, Lindsay Zanno from the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences spotting something she and her colleagues, including Makovicky, found curious. The group returned the next year, opening up a bigger area, but still had more work to do once the season ended. Finally, with the help of a jackhammer, they finished unearthing their discovery in 2010, according to Makovicky. He said, initially, these experts would have speculated the new creature was related to T. rex or Ankylosaurus, both of which roamed what is now North America. South Carolina team finds new hammerhead shark species . The more they dug, literally and figuratively, the paleontologists realized the species belonged to the carchardontosaurian family, with relatives like the giant Giganotosaurus, a carnivore that dates to the Late Cretaceous period and has been found in Argentina. The name for the new dinosaur, Siats meekerorum, refers to a cannibalistic monster in mythology of Utes, a Native American people who lived where it was found. "This dinosaur was a colossal predator second only to the great T. rex and perhaps Acrocanthosaurus in the North American fossil record," said Zanno, the lead author of the study in Nature Communications announcing the discovery, in a press release. New legless lizards found in California . And it hasn't been an isolated breakthrough. Makovicky notes that, since Siats meekerorum, their crews found two other dinosaur species nearby from the same period that likewise are related to others from different continents. Zanno expects more such fresh insights in the years to come. "Siats is just the tip of the iceberg," she said. "Our teams are unearthing a lost dinosaurian ecosystem right here in the badlands of North America." Rare 'Asian unicorn' caught on camera .
Paleontologists say they found a new dinosaur species, Siats meekerorum, in Utah . At more than 30 feet long and over 4 tons, it was a dominant carnivore predator . It predates T. rex, filling a hole in the geologic record from 100 million years ago . Its closet kin were in other continents, indicating dinosaurs spread widely .
(CNN) -- A Siberian Tiger mauled a man Monday morning after he and a friend scaled the fence of the Calgary Zoo and pressed up against the tiger cage, zoo officials said. Two-year-old Vitali is normally one of the more laid back tigers, zoo officials said Monday. "The information we have is that while his injuries appear not to be life-threatening. They are, however, quite serious," Graham Netwon, the zoo's director and chief financial officer, said at a news conference Monday. Officials said two men scaled the zoo's 8-foot perimeter fence, which also is covered in barbed wire, about 1 a.m. Monday morning. The two 27-year-old men, who were not identified, then headed toward the tiger cage, where they scaled a safety fence meant to keep the public away. The two men never entered the cage, but stood in between the safety fence and another fence meant to "keep the tigers in" when they startled a 2-year-old Siberan tiger named Vitali. Watch Vitali inside the zoo enclosure » . Vitali "has a fairly significant armament at his disposal: very sharp claws," said Dr. Sandie Black, the zoo's head veterinarian. Once the tiger was startled, he probably clawed one of the men, officials said. "My guess would be that the gentleman was hooked by a claw and the arm dragged in and then continued to be attacked from that point," Black said during the news conference. The second man then struggled to help his friend escape the tiger's grasp, officials said. The tiger was likely trying to protect itself, officials added. "He's perfectly fine. A tiger is a carnivore, so they're going to behave naturally, and that's his natural reaction," zoo curator Tim Sinclair-Smith said. "Vitali has certainly done nothing wrong here. It's his natural behavior," Sinclair-Smith said. Vitali will remain in the exhibit. The tiger had not previously attacked any people, Black said. "In the normal course of a day, Vitali is one our most laid-back cats, I would say," Black added. Calgary Police Department Acting Staff Sgt. Rick Halford said authorities were investigating the case and will decide whether to pursue charges against either man. Zoo officials and police said they had no idea what the motive was for breaking into the zoo, or nearing the tiger cage. "There's no indication that the two offenders were involved in anything other than just being silly, I suppose," Halford said.
Men scaled perimeter fence, safety fence in front of tiger cage, officials said . Man suffers serious injuries, but not life threatening, after attack . Officials believe man was hooked by tiger's claw after pressing up against cage . Curator: "Vitali has certainly done nothing wrong here. It's his natural behavior"
By . Laura Williamson . Follow @@laura_mail . Steve Way celebrated with his first pint of lager for three months after breaking a 35-year-old British record to finish 10th in the Commonwealth Games marathon. The bank worker from Bournemouth weighed 16-and-a-half stone seven years ago, but has given up his ‘couch potato lifestyle’ — smoking 20 days cigarettes a day, boozing and eating junk food — to shed nearly half his body weight and take his place among the elite. The 40-year-old’s time of 2hr 15min 16sec yesterday smashed Ron Hill’s 1979 best for over-40s. Way was the second British man home after Scotland’s Derek Hawkins, who finished ninth. Personal best: Steve Way completed a remarkable turnaround by finishing 10th in the marathon . Post-race recovery: Way used to weigh more than 16st and smoke 20 cigarettes a day before changing his lifestyle to become a marathon runner . Pleased: Steve Way tweeted shortly after the race describing it as the 'Best day ever' Going the distance: Steve Way will represent England in the marathon at the Commonwealth Games in Glasgow . ‘I need to go have a drink and I’m not talking about water,’ said Way. ‘I’m going to have a pint or few as I haven’t had one for three months. ‘I can’t go completely off the rails because I’ve got a 90-kilometre (55-mile) race in Sweden at the end of August. ‘I’m absolutely delighted. This is the best day ever. Running is normally second place to my wedding day but this one matches it. ‘My wife Sarah won’t mind because my goals were top 10, personal best, British record and I’ve managed all three so I’ve couldn’t have hoped for a better day. ‘I hope I’m an inspiration. There are quite a few people out there that say they are getting themselves off the couch, getting out the door and seeing whether there is a marathon runner hidden underneath that couch potato.’ Way’s England team-mates Nicholas Torry, 37, and Ben Moreau, 32, finished 13th and 14th respectively. Australia’s Michael Shelley, who never bothers to look at a marathon course before he runs it, won gold with a time of 2hr 11min 15sec. Shelley, 30, won silver in Delhi four years ago in only his second outing over 26.2miles and on Sunday became the second man after Steve Moneghetti, Australia’s chef de mission in Glasgow, to reach the podium in consecutive Commonwealth Games. Turnaround: Steve Way was overweight and unhealthy before he changed his life through running . Shelley took up running because his parents did not want him to play contact sports after he was born with a hole in his diaphragm. The Australian said: ‘To come back and win now I’ve got a bit more experience is indescribable. It was a dream. I can’t believe it.’ Stephen Chemlany finished 43secs behind Shelley. He won Kenya’s first medal of these Games, but there were two more shortly afterwards in the women’s marathon as Flomena Cheyech Daniel, 32, took gold and Caroline Kilel, 33, won silver. Scotland’s Susan Partridge was the first British runner home in sixth place, with England’s Louise Damen seventh and Amy Whitehead ninth. The third English runner, Alyson Dixon, retired with a calf injury. VIDEO Commonwealth Games: Day 4 review .
Way finished 10th for England in the marathon at Glasgow 2014 . He promised to celebrate with his first pint of lager in three months . Shortly after the race he tweeted with the hashtag #BestDayEver . He once weighed more than 16st and smoked 20 cigarettes a day . He changed his lifestyle and now runs 130 miles a week . The 40-year was the fourth man home at the London marathon .
'It is truly dreadful,' says etiquette expert Gill Harbord . By . Sadie Whitelocks . While you're busy in the kitchen slaving away over a hot stove do you ever wonder what your dinner party guests are doing in the room next door? Well according to new research they could be busy sifting through your worldly possessions in a bid to find something they were never meant to see. One in ten of those surveyed admitted to snooping through personal goods belonging to a friend while waiting for food to be served. A scene from the British TV show Come Dine With Me - a contest to see who can throw the best dinner party . Experts now believe that British etiquette is in danger of a becoming lost art as poking around uninvited wasn't the only offense committed. More than a quarter (28 per cent) said they regularly turned up at friend's house without a gift, 17 per . cent took to swearing in front of their host and 13 per cent lit . cigarettes, despite not smoking in their own homes. Just 15 per cent of men admit they offer . to wash the dishes when visiting a friend or family member, while over a . quarter of women (27 per cent) were more than happy to help out where they could. As a result of poor behaviour, seven per cent of hosts revealed that they had fallen out with friends. If you have been invited to a dinner party make sure you RSVP promptly (mentioning any dietary requirements you may have). If you can't make it you'll be giving the host plenty of time to find someone else. If you have to cancel, give as much notice as possible.Never arrive early to a dinner party. A few minutes after the time stated on the invitation is polite; if you are going to be more than 15 minutes late phone ahead and warn your host.It is polite to take a gift; chocolates, flowers, or a bottle of wine are all good choices. Take a couple of bottles if there are two of you. Always write a thank you note as soon as possible after the event; phone call is also fine for casual evenings. A reciprocal invitation should follow where appropriate. SOURCE: . Gill Harbord, etiquette expert and . Ladette to Ladies headmistress, said: 'The idea that guests set out to . go on a self-guided tour of their guest’s home is just awful behaviour. 'If guests want to see the house they should always ask their host first and never engage in an uninvited snoop. 'It is truly dreadful that a quarter . of British people have turned up to a dinner party without a gift and it . shows a clear lack of manners in today’s society. 'Guests should remember that they do . not need to spend a fortune but should always bring along a small token . to show appreciation to their host'. But guests are still making demands . of their hosts - almost a third (31 per cent) said they expect hosts to . hang up their coat when they arrive and three quarters (76 per cent) would find it rude if they were not asked if they wanted a drink or a . bite to eat. Jacky Brown, at Sheilas’ Wheels insurance which commissioned the survey, added: 'It is clear from the . research that old fashioned British etiquette is in danger of becoming . extinct. 'As a nation we are well known for . taking care of our castles so we would advise that hosts plan ahead and . make sure they put away expensive and fragile items to prevent any . accidental mishaps from happening.'
28 per cent . regularly turn up without a gift . 17 per . cent swear at the table . 'It is truly dreadful,' says etiquette expert Gill Harbord .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 18:02 EST, 29 November 2012 . | . UPDATED: . 05:05 EST, 30 November 2012 . An electrician who faced foreclosure on his home won $1million from the Powerball lottery because his ticket matched five of the six numbers. Larry Chandler, 34, claimed his winnings on Thursday after buying his ticket at a gas station in his hometown of Highland. He said that among his big plans is a dinner date with his girlfriend at Red Lobster. Taking home the check: Five of the six numbers of Larry Chandler's lottery ticket matched that of the Powerball so he took home $1million in the payout . 'It's amazing. I'm just ecstatic. You know, I've never won anything in my life. This is pretty big,' Mr Chandler said at the press conference in Indianapolis. Though the Powerball wasn't his first time playing the lottery, it was certainly his luckiest as he had never won more than $25 in the past. According to NBC News, his first priorities include taking care of his parents and setting up a college fund for his daughter, though there is no mention of whether or not he will try to buy back his house that he recently lost to foreclosure. One thing that won't change is his work schedule, as Mr Chandler said that he still plans to keep his job and will be back at it Monday morning. Big plans: Chandler said that he plans to keep his job as a union electrician but will start a college fund for his daughter and help his parents out . In the meantime, he is going to hire a tax advisor and financial planner to make sure that he does not fall victim to the perils of the newly-rich. Another success story is that of the Thompson family in Virginia, who have . two young children, are thrilled by being one of the other $1million . winners, since the money will allow Marvin to invest in his own business . while he continues to work as an independent truck driver. Three other midwestern winners turned in their winning tickets, though the luckiest winners from Wednesday night's draw were two unidentified winners- one in Missouri and one in Arizona- who split the jackpot by having all six of the numbers. Hesitant smiles: Amber and Marvin Johnson collected their winnings in Buchanan, Virginia . Security: Amber recently became a stay at home mom to their son Hayden, 6, and Haylee, 4 months, and Marvin will continue to work as an independent truck driver . The two winners could receive a . $293.7million share, which would be the largest jackpot prize ever . awarded in Missouri and the second largest Powerball jackpot awarded . nationally, Lottery officials said. They will share an estimated $385 . million after taxes if they opt to take the prize as a lump sum, or the . $587.5million can be paid out to them as annuities over three decades. The . winners have not yet been identified and an additional 8,924,123 . players won smaller prizes including Match 5 Winners like Mr Chandler and the Thompsons, who get $1million . prizes.
Larry Chandler, 34, had been living at his girlfriend's house because he had recently faced foreclosure . One of a number of people who had five numbers matching the Powerball draw, but they only get the jackpot if all six are the same . Big winners found in Missouri and Arizona .
MIAMI, Florida (CNN) -- You don't expect to hear an electric saw in church, but Kevin Cross uses the tool along with a frying pan, blender and toaster oven to help free people from debt. Kevin Cross holds the boards steady as a woman uses a reciprocating saw to cut up her credit cards. This money missionary helps people destroy those little plastic shovels, otherwise known as credit cards, that so many people have used to dig their way to financial ruin. "It's such an easy message. It really is," says Cross, an ex-con who credits religion for his conversion from thief to money coach. "That's why it doesn't take a rocket scientist, it doesn't take a CPA to do it. A first-year bookkeeper can figure out that you can't spend more than you make," he said. Earlier this month, Cross spoke to about 150 people at the Miami Vineyard Community Church where Kevin Fischer is the pastor. "You've got to plan your spending; you've got to give back a part to God. You've got to save for the future, and you've got to learn to be content," said Fischer. Fischer says the pressure of money and debt is enormous on people, especially more recently. "We should change the marriage vows from 'till death do us part' to 'debt do us part' because that's what's going on, and it's so true," he said. Cross is breathless. As he speaks to the crowd, he's a non-stop, doesn't-come-up-for-air, high-octane money missionary. He uses Christian principles, prayer, common sense, and a few good one-liners to get his message across. "I had a 401k, it went to a 201k, went to 101k, now it's just K," he said as the crowd laughs. "I'm thinking I got a thousand bucks left, and I can retire for about a week." Cross presides over a day-long sermon on how people can make their lives better by taking control of their spending. He says he tries to demonstrate the long-term effects of irresponsible borrowing. Simple stuff, he says, will make people more content and give them the cushion necessary to give back. His new book is "Building Your Financial Fortress in 52 Days." "I want to get people to have more margin, so instead of investing in stuff, and stuff that doesn't last, they can invest in people's lives," he said. The tools he uses to hammer home his message go beyond his overhead TV screens, charts and calculators. Cross invites his guests, who pay $25 a head to hear his message, to come up to the front of the room for what he calls the beginning of "freedom." On a table, sit a frying pan, a toaster oven, a blender and a wooden sawhorse and an electric saw. About six people cut up their credit cards and bake them in the toaster oven as if they were TV dinners. Others sliced and diced their Visa, MasterCard and Amex, before mixing the pieces with Spam in the blender. At one point, Cross called for some cooking oil as one lady stood over her credit card-saute with a spatula. Holding a plate full of the little pieces of credit card, Cross said, "This looks like a melted credit card, but this really represents freedom in these people's lives, because it's the first step." Cellie Mayol says she used to have 10 or 11 credit cards. She put on protective goggles, taped her cards to a two-by-four and shredded them with a reciprocating saw. "It just felt like the right thing to do to get me started on the right path," she said. "The Sawzall [reciprocating saw] was exhilarating. I love that feeling." Kevin Cross wasn't always this way. About 20 years ago, as a teen, he embezzled about $300,000 from the sheriff's office in Broward County, Florida. Yes, the sheriff's office. Cross was a bookkeeper and skimmed money from an account filled by payments from court judgments. He invested the stolen funds and profited about $50,000 before he was caught. He was charged with fraud and theft, and spent minimal time in jail. He paid half the money back. But, he says, that was another life ago. Cross says it took him four years to crawl out of his own hole; He was $100,000 in debt. "I could spend a thousand dollars a day," Cross told the crowd. "Although, I'd have to spend about two days recovering from that -- you know what I mean," he said. "I completely sabotaged my life, all in one year. I did more damage in one year than most people do in their whole life." One night, as a 20 year old, he says, he was parking cars at Miami's Hyatt Regency hotel. He was wearing black ladies garden shoes, because he couldn't afford the black sneakers that were part of his uniform. A Jaguar pulled up, and inside was one of Miami's most recognizable newsmen, anchorman Dwight Lauderdale. He took the car, turned on the radio, and heard a Christian financial expert say, "There is hope for the hopeless. All you have to do is give your heart and soul to the Lord." "And then, I thought, oh Lord, if you're there. I need you." "I wasn't going to find satisfaction in money. The only place I was going to find it was outside of that, and I found it, in turning my heart over to God." He became a CPA and spends one full day each week doing free financial counseling for needy people. He says he no longer gets high on money. He only helps people understand that they can manage their money in a way that can help themselves, their families and others. Juan and Beth Diaz were at the seminar. They said they ran up their credit cards and that their home, south of Miami, went into foreclosure last year. "America has been a very greedy, give-me-now country for so long, and I think it's a wake-up call for everybody that we can live differently," said Beth Diaz. Juan Diaz, her husband, says doing away with credit cards has helped them. The couple plans to be debt free in about 18 months. "They're telling you: 'Use me, you need me' -- and they own you. We've gotten to the point where we just don't need credit cards," he explained. "Everything we do, we plan, and if we don't have the money, we just don't buy it," he said.
Kevin Cross teaches churchgoers about the evil of credit cards . Cross was convicted of fraud and theft as a teenager . He turned to religion after hearing a radio message in a car while a valet . Saws and frying pans among the tools he uses to "free" clients .
(CNN) -- Authorities in northeast Texas were assessing damage Monday morning after a tornado destroyed homes, knocked train cars off their tracks and injured at least four people. Five homes in Rice, Texas, were destroyed as 125 mph winds whipped through a seven-mile swath of Navarro County Sunday evening, said Eric Meyers, the county's emergency management coordinator. Meyers rode out the tornado inside a vehicle and videotaped the twister as it tore the roof off a school about a block away. "We are in the tornado! We are in the tornado!" Meyers yells several times in the video. "The sheer power was just amazing," Meyers said in an interview Monday on CNN's "American Morning" program. The storm, which struck around 5:30 p.m. (6:30 p.m. ET), also turned over an 18-wheeler truck onto a passenger car, knocked 11 cars from a freight train off their tracks and caused extensive damage to Rice Elementary School, Navarro County Chief Deputy Mike Cox said. Video: 'People screamed, cried, and prayed' as tornado passed . Four people were taken to the hospital with minor injuries, he said. In addition to "significant damage" from the storm moving through Navarro County, witnesses also reported possible tornadoes in other parts of northeast Texas Sunday evening, the National Weather Service said. Callers reported four tornadoes in Lone Oak, Texas, Fire Chief Chris Moore said, but authorities had not yet confirmed whether a twister had touched down there. The storm destroyed one home, damaged three others and knocked down power lines there, Moore said. Authorities called off a youth football game as winds picked up speed and hail pelted the county, he said. Are you there? Share your stories, photos and videos . Sonia Butler hunkered down in the bathroom of her Rice home with her brother as the storm hit. "You could just hear the wind coming through the house and it felt like a big suction," she told CNN affiliate WFAA. "And then it sounded like a loud train, and it only lasted -- not very long, but after that, after we came out of the restroom, our house was just gone." Her husband, Raymond Butler, sought shelter in another part of the home as the storm hit. The room he stayed in remained untouched, but the storm demolished most of their home, ripping off the roof, shattering light bulbs and breaking their deceased daughter's track trophies. The storm also destroyed two trucks, a trailer, and a giant pecan tree on the property -- but it spared the grave of their daughter, who died last year. "I just got down on my knees and said, 'Lord be with us,' " Raymond Butler told WFAA. Joey Romero, 24, said he and his girlfriend rode out the storm in the freezer of a Sonic restaurant at a service station in Rice. They were driving from Dallas to Houston when it started to hail, he said. "We pulled over under some covering. Hail the size of golf balls started falling. Then, we saw hail the size of baseballs," he said. Someone screamed when they saw a funnel forming behind Sonic, he said. The wind roared and the station lost power. "The first few seconds it was all sort of surreal. I couldn't really believe it was happening. ... We all walked back in the freezer. It was cold in there and there wasn't light and people were starting to cry," he said. The hail shattered car windows, Romero said. The second-year medical student at University of Texas, Houston, said he helped treat injuries. A police officer told him a truck and a car had flipped over on the highway. After several hours, Romero was on the road back to Houston late Sunday. "Even now, we can see the storm off to the east of us. The sky is pitch black," he said. Later Sunday, a possible tornado swept through Baldwin County, Alabama, knocking down power lines and tree branches, destroying a mobile home and shifting another mobile home off its foundation, said Leigh Ann Ryals with the county's Emergency Operations Center. One person was injured, Ryals said, and crews planned to continue surveying damage Monday. CNN's Jacqui Jeras, Catherine E. Shoichet, Jessica Jordan, Rick Martin and Leslie Tripp contributed to this report.
NEW: "We are in a tornado," emergency official says on videotape of twister . "Significant damage" is reported in Navarro County, Texas . The county's emergency management coordinator says winds were about 125 mph . A witness says he saw a funnel form and rode out the storm in a restaurant freezer .
By . Daily Mail Reporter, Ap Reporter and Ryan Gorman . PUBLISHED: . 16:03 EST, 15 September 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:25 EST, 16 September 2013 . A North Carolina police officer fatally shot an unarmed man seeking help after a car accident has been charged with voluntary manslaughter. Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University(FAMU) football player Jonathan Ferrell, 24, crashed his car down an embankment about 2:30 a.m. and then knocked on the door of a nearby residence looking for help, officials said. The homeowner opened the door thinking it was her husband. She closed the door and called 911 when she didn't recognize Mr Ferrell, according to reports. 'Killer': Authorities say Officer Randall Kerrick shot an unarmed man who may have needed help after an auto accident . The woman told police that Mr Ferrell was 'banging on the door viciously,' according to the Charlotte Observer. Arriving officers found Mr Ferrell a short distance from the home, he matched a description given by the homeowner, police said in a statement. Officers approached Mr Ferrell to investigate the original call.The marooned man was shot with a Taser as he ran toward the officers, the statement said. When the Taser did not subdue Mr Ferrell, Officer Randall Kerrick drew his weapon and fired multiple shots at the unarmed former football player - he was soon pronounced dead at the scene, the statement continued. Victim: Jonathan Ferrell, 24, may have been seeking help when he was shot by police . After discovering the wrecked vehicles, authorities determined that Ferrell was potentially seeking help from the homeowner when she called 911, according to WSOC. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Chief Rodney Monroe said during a Saturday news conference that the accident was serious and Ferrell would have been forced to climb out of the back window of the vehicle, WSOC reported. He apparently walked to the nearest house and banged on the door. Officials do not think Ferrell made threats or tried to rob the woman, said Mr Monroe. 'I don't believe threats were made,' the chief noted. Mr Kerrick, 27, has turned himself in to face the charges, according to reports. Ferrell knocked on this door looking for help after being in a car crash, but the homeowner called 911 . 'He is pretty shook up,' Chief Monroe noted. 'He's devastated.' Mr Kerrick has been with Charlotte-Mecklenburg police since April 2011. Monroe said at a news conference that . Kerrick was in custody. Police say he was charged with voluntary . manslaughter after an investigation found that the shooting was . excessive. 'The investigation showed that the subsequent shooting of Mr. Ferrell was excessive,' police said, adding that 'Kerrick did not have a lawful right to discharge his weapon during this encounter.' Mr Ferrell has just recently moved to Charlotte after leaving FAMU, records showed. He played safety during the 2009 and 2010 season, according to interim athletic director Michael Smith. 'Our hearts and prayers go out to his family during their time of bereavement,' Mr Smith said. It is not clear what caused the crash, officials said, a separate investigation into the accident is still ongoing. Two other officers at the scene have been placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of a probe into the shooting, according to the station.
Jonathan Ferrell appears to have crashed . his car down an embankment about 2:30 a.m. and then knocked on the door . of a nearby residence looking for help shortly after . The homeowner opened the door thinking it . was her husband. When she realized it was 24-year-old Ferrell - a . stranger - she closed the door and called 911 . When police arrived, authorities claim Ferrell charged officers before one of them shot him several times .
A two-year-old boy in Florida was killed Wednesday after shooting himself with his father's gun. The victim has been identified as Kaleb Ahles of Eastlake. The incident occurred around 5pm as his parents were moving out of their house on Misty Hollow Lane. The child's father, Kevin Ahles, had a '.380 caliber handgun secured in his vehicle', deputies told WFLA. Shot dead: Kaleb Ahles of Eastlake was able to find his father's handgun, which had been put in the glove box of the car, on Wednesday and then shot himself in the chest . Tragic: Kaleb, pictured here in a family Facebook photo with his mother, Christina Nigro, died in hospital . Scene: The shooting occurred at the family's home at at 1094 Misty Hollow Lane in Eastlake . Investigation: Several witnesses told authorities Kaleb was by himself when the gun went off . The gun is said to have been in the glove box of the car. Somehow Kaleb has found the gun and started to play with it, police said. That's when he shot himself in the chest. Kaleb's mother, Christina Nigro, and his aunt started giving him CPR as the family waited for help. He was transported to Trinity Hospital but was pronounced dead some time later, according to WTSP. Parents: Kevin Ahles and Christina Nigro are mourning the death of their son, Kaleb . Happier times: Kaleb is seen here celebrating his birthday in a photo from Facebook . Scene: The shooting occurred at the family's home at at 1094 Misty Hollow Lane in Eastlake . The neighborhood where the incident occurred was said to be in high emotions on Wednesday night. Police are still investigating exactly what happened. They will speak with both of Kaleb's parents. The boy's aunt, Jennifer Nigro, posted to her Facebook Wednesday night: 'Kaleb aunt jenny loves you baby my heart is broken right now .i love you please god give me the straight(sic)' Heartbroken: The status put up by Kaleb's aunt, Jennifer Nigro, following the incident .
Tragedy occurred in Eastlake about 5pm Wednesday . Family were in the process of moving out of their home . Kaleb Ahles, 2, found a .380 caliber handgun and shot himself in the chest . Later died in hospital .
By . Sam Webb . A history expert was amazed to discover an undeveloped film inside a vintage camera bought by her boyfriend - and is now trying to track down the people in the photos. Michala Hulme, from Knutsford, Cheshire, received an AGFA box camera for her birthday and found an undeveloped film, which after processing revealed four photographs. The photos are of a group of relatives or friends at a train station, and are believed to have been taken in the 1930s or 40s. Snapshot in time: Michala Hulme received a vintage camera for her birthday and was amazed to discover undeveloped negatives showing a group of people inside . Miss Hulme's boyfriend bought the AGFA box camera at a Knutsford antiques shop . Intriguingly, it shows part of a sign behind the group with rail destinations including Bournemouth, Plymouth and Penzance. The camera was bought by Miss Hulme's boyfriend at a Knutsford antiques shop but originally came from an auction in Stockport, where the 31-year-old genealogist grew up. Now she is trying to find descendants of the people in the pictures. She said: 'I received the camera from my boyfriend for my birthday on Christmas Eve. It is a German-made camera from around 1939. I had the film developed straight away at a shop in Didsbury. She said: 'Being a genealogist I know how hard it is to get pictures of peoples' ancestors so I would love to be able to reunite these pictures with the family or persons they belong to' 'Eight pictures were developed but only four were clear. They seem to show someone either visiting relatives or someone going somewhere, and are all set at a train station. AGFA was the abbreviation for Aktien-Gesellschaft für Anilin-Fabrikation, given in 1873 to a company that had been founded in Berlin in 1867. It produced chemicals for photography. AGFA obtained the Rietzschel camera works in Munich from Bayer in 1925 and badged all its products with its distinct rhombus logo. In 1926 it introduced the first real Agfa camera, the Standard, belived to be the model owned by Miss Hulme. Source: Camerapedia . 'Being a genealogist I know how hard it is to get pictures of peoples' ancestors so I would love to be able to reunite these pictures with the family or persons they belong to. 'I know it is a long shot but it is worth a go.' Michala said that going on the way the people are dressed she would date the pictures to around the time of World War Two. 'This is all I know, it's a bit of a mystery really,' she added. Miss Hulme is an ancestry expert on BBC Radio Manchester and Radio Lancashire and has traced family trees for celebrities including comedian Justin Moorhouse and Hollywood actor Quinton Jackson. Do you have any information about the people in the picture? If so please e-mail .
Michala Hulme found the negatives in the camera, a gift from her boyfriend . Now she wants to find the relatives of the smiling people in the stills . She admits it's a 'long shot' but thinks the family would love to see them .
By . Aaron Sharp . PUBLISHED: . 08:29 EST, 5 November 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:30 EST, 5 November 2013 . The father of a firework factory boss started a fire which destroyed his son's warehouse and the stock inside after he tired to make sausages in the building. Hung Feng, 72, accidentally sparked the blaze after offering to look after the explosives so that his son, Ho Feng, 48, could go out for the evening. But his well meant gesture turned into a disaster when the elderly man, who used to be a firework maker himself, tried to cook up some sausages inside the building. Careless: Hung fen sparked the fire when he tried to cook Lap Cheong, a Chinese sausage, in the building . Fireman believe the flame from his stove set alight boxes which in turn sparked the fireworks and destroyed 200 square metres of building. Speaking after the fire was brought under control, the business owner said his father should have known better, but that he was glad no one was hurt. Ho said: 'When I left I know that my father told me he was going to cook some Lap Cheong (Chinese sausages) and as he was a firework maker as well it didn't occur to me that I would need to warn him. Calamity: Feng promised his son Ho Feng, 48, who owns the building, he would watch over it . Ho Feng added: 'It is a tragedy but at least my father escaped, he ran out just as the far started to take hold and was unhurt.' It took fire crews in Penggang village, . in Wuhan in Hubei province two hours to bring the blaze under control, . but not before the entire building had been destroyed by the explosions . and the intensity of the blaze. The blaze that destroyed tens of thousands of pounds worth of fireworks gave locals are spectacular two-hour long firework show. Unwise: Speaking about his dad, Ho Feng said: 'He was a firework maker as well, it didn't occur to me that I would need to warn him.'
Hung Feng, 72, was guarding warehouse when he decided to make a snack . He was watching the stock while his son who owns the business was out . The elderly man escaped unharmed but fire sparked a two-hour display .
San Francisco (CNN) -- Apple on Wednesday announced the latest version of the iPhone. The iPhone 5 looks similar to previous models but has a larger screen and is lighter and thinner than the iPhone 4S. The company says the larger screen will make it easier to check and send e-mails and to view Web pages with the phone in your hand. The phone also comes with a new, faster processor called the Apple A6, which connects to mobile carriers with a 4G LTE connection, making for speedier Internet browsing. "It just screams," said Apple marketing chief Phil Schiller, in introducing the device. The iPhone 5 starts at $200 with a two-year mobile contract and will be available on September 21 in the United States. Pre-orders for the device begin on Friday. The iPhone 5 is 18% thinner and 20% lighter than the current version, the iPhone 4S. It has a 4-inch screen, measured diagonally, compared to a 3.5-inch screen on previous versions of the phone. It is the same width as the iPhone 4S, but taller, and the iPhone 5 is made entirely of glass and aluminum. Those features are likely to be popular with consumers. Another, however, may cause some backlash. The new iPhone comes with a different-sized charging cord, meaning speakers and radios designed to work with the old iPhone cord won't function seamlessly with the new iPhone. The company did create an adapter, however, so that the old devices aren't useless. Apple calls this new cord "lightning," and says it is 80% smaller than the previous iPhone cord. During a press conference in San Francisco, Apple also announced an update to its mobile operating system, iOS 6, which accommodates the larger iPhone 5 screen. The new operating system adds another row of icons to the phone's home screen, includes a new, 3-D version of digital maps and has a feature called Passbook, which lets people pull up airline tickets or payment apps from the locked home screen. Apple also unveiled a new line of iPods, including an iPod nano with a 2.5-inch touchscreen. That device, which starts at $150, is able to pause live radio. And Apple updated its headphones, now called Earpods, with better audio quality and a new look. Read our live blog from the event here. For many tech fans, the fall Apple press event is the highlight of a season filled with gadget announcements and releases. Last week, Amazon unveiled its latest Kindle Fire tablets, and Nokia and Motorola announced new smartphones. HTC has an announcement scheduled for later in the month. The companies are rushing to get their products out in time for the holiday season, where they will battle it out for consumer dollars in an increasingly crowded mobile-device market. This is Apple's sixth iPhone model. Steve Jobs unveiled the first iPhone six years ago on a stage just one block away in the Moscone Center. Since then, the iPhone has taken off, selling about 244 million units around the world. According to research firm IDC, the iPhone and its iOS operating system make up 16.9% of the worldwide smartphone market, coming in behind all phones running the Android operating system, which account for 68.1% of the world's smartphones. The winning streak has carried over to Apple's stock price, which hit an all-time high of $683.29 a share last Friday. Some people weren't impressed with the new device, however. "Apple doesn't innovate anymore," one commenter wrote on CNN's live blog from the event. "They got where they are today by taking bold risks, but they are afraid to change anything that would affect their No. 1 product. Who could blame them?"
Apple unveiled a new iPhone Wednesday at an event in San Francisco . The iPhone 5 is taller, thinner and lighter than the previous version .
She spends her days sewing bat wings onto bearded dragons and transforming sheep into unicorns but taxidermist Jayne Brown, 45, from Southend-on-Sea says none of this is particularly unusual. A self-described 'rogue taxidermist', Ms Brown describes her profession as a form of upcycling and says she insists on sourcing the animals used in an ethical way. Now the glamorous forty-something is to appear on new Channel 4 documentary, All Creatures Great and Stuffed and says she hopes it will change peoples' preconceptions of the art. Scroll down for video . Glamorous: Jayne Brown, 45, poses with some of her restored pieces, including an antique tiger skin rug . 'I hope it makes people see taxidermy in a different light, she explains, 'because most people think of Norman Bates [the taxidermy-obsessed serial killer in Psycho] or old men in a . shed skinning squirrels. I'm hoping to dispel those preconceptions.' Ms Brown, who also works as an interior designer, first became interested in taxidermy while redecorating her attic in colonial style and happened upon a stuffed lion while browsing for furniture on eBay. 'I stumbled across this full mount lion,' she explains. 'It was faded due to being left in someone's porch and I had to restore him. 'I had to re-dye him so I ended up going to Boots and buying up all the Nearly Blonde touch-up hair dye which, oddly enough, turned out to be the right colour.' Pro: Jayne's passion for taxidermy began after she restored a moth-eaten stuffed lion named Aslan . Curios: Jayne specialises in rogue taxidermy and creates lots of weird and wonderful creatures . Not that she uses it anymore. Now a fully fledged taxidermist, Ms Brown prefers using acid dyes designed for professionals and specialises in what she describes as 'rogue taxidermy'. This, she explains, means creating weird and wonderful beast galore, including, most recently, a replica of the Vacanti Mouse - the so-called 'earmouse' created by scientist Charles Vacanti in 1997. Although the human ear was crafted from latex, the mouse itself was real. Not that Ms Brown, a self-confessed animal lover, had one killed to order. 'I'm extremely concerned with being . ethical,' she insists. 'The animals I use are natural deaths,  roadkill or mice and chicks that would otherwise be food for snakes. I certainly do not want anything . killed for taxidermy.' Her clients come from all over the world, with many declaring a passion for all things Gothic, while others want their dead pets preserved. More still want fantastical creations such as mythical creatures created by cobbling together bits of different animals. 'I recently did a dragon,' she reveals. 'It was made from a bearded . dragon [a large lizard] that had passed away and the wings came from a bat.' Other specialities include pendants that include real rat or mouse tails, smaller mammals such as foxes and occasionally, a pet. 'The most odd thing I've been . asked is when a man came to me with a living cat and asked me to turn it . into a pair of gloves,' she chuckles. 'Obviously the cat was still alive, and he had a second - the plan was to have one for one glove and the other for the other.' Unusual: In life, this unicorn was a white lamb but was transformed into a mythical beast after death by Jayne . Starting point: Jayne's colonial themed attic (pictured) kickstarted her enduring love affair with taxidermy . Gloves, however, are not where she sees the project going. 'I hope he . changes his mind about it,' she adds. 'In the end, we came to the conclusion that a hat might be . better because gloves get worn out.' Laughing, she adds: 'People think I'm strange but there . are people in the world who want their cats turned into gloves!' - All Creatures Great and Stuffed, tonight at 10pm on Channel 4 .
Jayne Brown, 45, is one of the UK's new wave of professional taxidermists . Does 'rogue taxidermy' and creates bizarre creatures such as dragons . Has been asked to create gloves from pet cats and rat tail pendants . Says all the animals she uses either died of old age or are roadkill .
New York (CNN) -- From the loudspeakers of New York police patrol cars and search vehicles, Avonte Oquendo's mother calls for him. She urges the 14-year-old autistic boy to walk toward the flashing blue and white lights of the emergency vehicles that have been combing the streets for him. The recording is part of the New York Police Department's stepped up search efforts to find Avonte, who was last seen on surveillance video running out of Center Boulevard School in Long Island City on the afternoon of October 4, Keith Brooks, director of operations for CityWide Disaster Services, said Thursday. "Avonte, this is your mother. You are safe. Walk toward the lights," the message repeats. The hope is the teen, who is unable to communicate verbally, will hear the sound of his mother's voice and approach the emergency vehicles. The reward for the safe return of Avonte grew this week to $77,500, as divers joined an ever growing number of police and rescue officers from several states who have been searching for him nonstop for more than a week. What is autism? Avonte's mother, Vanessa Fontaine, told CNN's "Piers Morgan Live" that she believes her son is still alive and that someone is probably holding him. "My message to my son is that I love him and we're going to find him. You'll come home to your family. And for anyone who has him, please be kind and to let him go," she said Thursday night. NYPD Commissioner Ray Kelly said he is not holding the school safety officer who was on duty when the teen ran out of the Queens high school responsible for the boy's disappearance. When Avonte approached the front door of his school the day he disappeared, the safety agent told him to go back upstairs, Kelly said at a news conference on Wednesday. Surveillance video then showed Avonte turning and going down another hallway, and exiting the building from a side door, he said. Surveillance video provided by the police department shows that no supervisor or monitor stopped the 14-year-old when he ran out. "Even though he's 14, it shouldn't matter. No one should be, you know, allowed to run around the hallways in school. And that security guard should have questioned him," Fontaine said. Growing up autistic . Police said Avonte was last seen wearing a gray striped shirt, black jeans and black sneakers. He is 5 feet, 3 inches tall and weighs 125 pounds. Missing-persons posters are being handed out, and the search has expanded to areas outside New York City, Kelly said. The teenager is fascinated by trains, his family has said. Searches of train stations, tracks and tunnels are being conducted at the start of every shift by the Metropolitan Transit Authority, Kelly said, adding that 50 NYPD officers and a task force of detectives are working the case. Transportation officials in New York suspended overnight track maintenance on the city's transit system this past weekend as workers combed the underground network. All 468 New York City subway stations have been searched, and aviation, harbor and canine officers are mobilized and deployed periodically, the NYPD said. David Perecman, the Oquendo family's attorney, said it took school officials at least 45 minutes to call police after Avonte left. "I don't understand how this happens to a special needs child unless there is something in there that failed the family," he told "Piers Morgan Live" on Thursday. Last week, Perecman said he was looking into how the child was able to leave school grounds unsupervised. "Right now, we have submitted a Freedom of Information Act request to the city and the various agencies involved, in order to obtain the information for us to know what occurred," he said. The New York City Department of Education issued a statement saying it is working closely with police. The school is not commenting. The Oquendo family filed a "notice of claim" on Wednesday, said Perecman, marking the first step of a lawsuit against the city of New York. He declined to give further information about the claim. Anyone with information about Avonte is asked to contact the NYPD's Crime Stoppers Hotline at 800-577-TIPS. The public can also submit tips at the Crime Stoppers website, or can text to 274637 (CRIMES), then enter TIP577. CNN's Julia Lull contributed to this report .
NEW: "My message to my son is that I love him and we're going to find him," mom says . NEW: Attorney says school officials took at least 45 minutes to call police after teen left . The message is being played from the speakers of police cars and other search vehicles . Avonte, 14, was last seen leaving his Long Island City school on October 4 .
(CNN) -- New Zealand is perceived as the least corrupt nation on earth, and Somalia and North Korea are seen as the most corrupt, a German watchdog organization said in a report released this week. The United States ranked 24th least corrupt on a "corruption perceptions index," the fifth-best in the Western Hemisphere. Canada ranked 10th, Barbados is 16th, the Bahamas is 21st and Chile is 22nd. Overall, the top spots are occupied mostly by European countries, with the exception of New Zealand, Singapore at No. 5 and Australia, which is tied for eighth with Switzerland. Other nations with top rankings are Denmark, Finland, Sweden, Norway and the Netherlands. In addition to Somalia and North Korea, which are tied for last at No. 182, the bottom of the list includes Myanmar, Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Sudan, Iraq, Haiti and Venezuela. The report was prepared by the independent, nonpartisan Transparency International organization, which says it drew its conclusions based "on different assessments and business opinion surveys carried out by independent and reputable institutions." The information used to compile the index includes "questions relating to the bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, embezzlement of public funds and questions that probe the strength and effectiveness of public-sector and anti-corruption efforts," Transparency International said. Perceptions are used, the organization said, because corruption is a hidden activity that is difficult to measure. "Over time," the organization said in its report, "perceptions have proved to be a reliable estimate of corruption." The rankings for other Western Hemisphere countries are: Uruguay (25), Puerto Rico (39), Costa Rica (50), Cuba (61), Brazil (73), Colombia, El Salvador and Peru (tied for 80), Panama (86), Argentina and Mexico (tied for 100), Bolivia (118), Ecuador and Guatemala (tied for 120), the Dominican Republic and Honduras (tied for 129), Nicaragua (134), Paraguay (154), Venezuela (172) and Haiti (175). The index uses a scale of 0-10 to measure perceived corruption, with zero representing highly corrupt and 10 being very clean. New Zealand, the highest-ranked nation, has a 9.5 score. Somalia and North Korea, the lowest-ranked, have 1.0. The United States scored 7.1, while Canada is 8.7 and Chile is 7.2. Haiti, the lowest-ranked nation in the Western Hemisphere, scored 1.8. Next-worst is Venezuela with 1.9. In Eastern Europe and Central Asia, Turkey is ranked highest at 61 with 4.2 on the scale, and Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan are lowest, tied for 177 with a 1.6 index value. In the European Union and Western Europe, Denmark and Finland are best, tied for second with a 9.4 index value. Bulgaria is lowest at No. 86 with a 3.3 on the corruption scale. In the Middle East and North Africa, Qatar is best at No. 22 and a 7.2 index value. Iraq is lowest, ranked No. 175 with a 1.8. In Sub-Saharan Africa, Botswana is ranked highest at No. 32 and a 6.1 index value. Transparency International, headquartered in Berlin, reports having 90 chapters worldwide. The organization says it works with partners in government, business and civil society to develop and implement effective measures to combat corruption. The complete report, released Thursday, can be seen at
Study looks at perceived corruption in countries . The United States ranks No. 24 on the least corrupt end of scale . Index is based partly on business opinion surveys .
Click here to find out more from our brilliant Match Zone service - including Paul Pogba's heat map . Ecuador went out of the World Cup with a display of heroic defiance which shook France, the new contenders for the crown, to their aristocratic roots. The unfancied South Americans blazed another thrilling episode into this magnificent World Cup even after Manchester United’s Antonio Valencia was sent off early in the second half. That decision by the Ivory Coast referee could not discourage Ecuador from going desperately close to overcoming a French team who have become many people’s latest fancy to return here to the Maracana for the final. A lot of hearts went out with Ecuador as their electric counter-attacks had Didier Deschamps’ men scrambling to keep them out. Tottenham goalkeeper Hugo Lloris was almost as busy in the French goal as the flying Alexander Dominguez at the other end. What had begun as a rather tame affair finished with an explosion of chances in both goalmouths. Goalless it finished. A bore it was not. As close as they came: Antoine Griezmann hits the bar as Ecuador scramble to clear their lines . Flying in: Antonio Valencia goes in hard, with the Ecuador captain's studs running down Lucas Digne's left leg . In agony: Lucas Digne lies injured after a nasty clash with Antonio Valencia . Anxious moments: France players surround the stricken Lucas Digne before Antonio Valencia sees red for a poor tackle . Marching orders: Antonio Valencia is sent off by referee Noumandiez Doue after raking his studs down Lucas Digne's left leg . Ecuador: Dominguez 8, Paredes 6.5, Guagua 7.5, Erazo 6, Ayovi 6, A Valencia 4.5, Minda 6, Noboa 5.5 (Caicedo 89), Montero 6 (Ibarra 63), Arroyo 7 (Achillier 82), E Valencia 8. Subs not used: Banguera, Mendez, Rojas, Jaime Ayovi, Bagui, Saritama, Martinez, Achilier, Gruezo, Bone. Booked: Errazo. Sent off: Antonio Valencia. Coach: Reinaldo Rueda 7 . France: Lloris 7.5, Sagna 5.5, Koscielny 6, Sakho 7 (Varane 60), Digne 7, Pogba 6.5, Schneiderlin 6, Matuidi 6 (Giroud 67), Griezmann 6 (Remy 79), Sissoko 5.5, Benzema 6. Subs not used: Ruffier, Debuchy, Evra, Cabaye, Cabella, Valbuena, Mavuba, Mangala, Landreau. Coach: Didier Deschamps 6.5 . Referee: Noumandiez Doue (Ivory Coast) 6. When the breathless end came, France were heading for a date with Nigeria, Ecuador for home. However, the concept of this French team as ready to surpass the likes of Brazil and Argentina was not given any added traction.Beneath all the thrills there a was a back story on which the French are building their aspirations. The . battle for Karim Benzema was being joined in earnest by Real Madrid and . Arsenal, even as France breathlessly awaited a further sign that this . man is riding a magic carpet similar to that on which Zinedine Zidane . bore them to World Cup glory. The French regard Le Mistral, the hot . southern wind which comes to them from the deserts of North Africa, as . being full of mystery and wonder.That superstition was heightened . when Zidane, born in Marseilles of Algerian parents, arose to spirit . them to their first world championship in Paris in 1998. Sixteen . years later Benzema, born in Lyon to parents from a deeply spiritual . corner of Algeria, is emerging as their exotic new talisman. To . support that belief, he went into this match against Ecuador’s hopefuls . only one behind the four-goal leaders in the race for the Golden Boot, . Neymar and Lionel Messi. Not that he looked like catching them on this . outing. Still the French see it as another positive omen that on the . very day they formally closed out qualification for the last 16 Zidane . has accepted his first managerial appointment, at the club which is . determined to keep Benzema. Less romantically, the recruitment of Benzema’s idol as coach of their second team is a piece of clever opportunism by Real. The . prospect of working in the same environment as Zidane, on a daily . basis, would make it all the more of a wrench for Benzema to up sticks . and move to north London. A persuasion perhaps as great as the hugely . enriching new contract with which Real are preparing to welcome him back . to Spain from this World Cup. It counters the attraction to Benzema of playing under Arsene Wenger, the iconic French manager at the Emirates. VIDEO France fans optimistic about knockout stage . Just wide: Paul Pogba went close with this late header . Flying lesson: Alex Ibarra takes a trip under pressure from Lucas Digne . Hands on: Karim Benzema gets to grips with Frickson Erazo . Holding on: Alexander Dominguez of Ecuador makes a save as France threaten to break the deadlock . Girls' night out: The significant others of Yohan Cabaye, Loic Remy, Mamadou Sakho, Bacary Sagna and Patrice Evra enjoy a night out at the Maracana . Arsenal . are hoping also that one of their moles in the French camp, Olivier . Giroud, can excite Benzema to the possibility of them partnering each . other in the Premier League the way they work together for France. Albeit . not from the off in this game, in which Benzema was nudged forward . positionally to orthodox centre-forward and Giroud rested. But these . players will not be able to resist comparing two contracts, Giroud’s . existing deal at Arsenal and the bonanza being offered for Benzema to . keep playing his club football in Spain. And it has to be doubtful if . Arsenal will be either willing or able to match such astronomic wages, . especially if Benzema pushes them yet higher with more goals in these . finals. Such has Benzema’s impact been on this shimmering tournament . already that the French have as good as forgotten the grief which . consumed their nation when Franck Ribery was taken from them by injury. Ribery, after all, had been described by Zidane as ‘the new jewel of French football’. But . this team came into this tournament sparkling without him, so . brilliantly in their first two games that they have begun daring to . dream of winning their second World Cup. Ecuador have brought a . little perspective to that notion. They entered the Maracana expecting . that if they were to join Les Bleus they would have to resist being . demolished the way the Swiss were by France in game two of this group. Switzerland, . despite that five-goal hammering, were in pole position to follow . France through as they took on a demoralised Honduras. Ecuador . gleaned hope that they might match the Swiss result from the practice . of Deschamps rotating his players from match to match. High riser: Karim Benzema shrugs off the attentions of Juan Carlos Paredes to go close in the first half . High boot: Bacary Sagna gets some studs on his torso during the Maracana encounter . Hard in: Blaise Matuidi skips a tackle from Christian Noboa . Touching distance: Lucas Digne manages to escape the attentions of Antonio Valencia . Holding on: Hugo Lloris collects a loose ball to deny Ecuador a goalscoring chance . Patrice Evra . also took a turn on the bench, while Southampton’s contribution to this . World Cup was expanded by Morgan Schneiderlein being given a first World . Cup game here in place of Yohan Cabaye in midfield. A pity club-mates Rickie Lambert, Adam Lallana and Luke Shaw were not still here to see it. Scheniderlin announced his arrival on this lofty stage with a feisty tussle with Antonio Valencia. Of . the Premier League contingent on view, Newcastle’s Moussa Sissoko . threatened in the early exchanges and Lloris came out smartly to smother . at the feet of Ecuador’s other Valencia. He was to be even busier . later. And while Antonio was not playing badly, Enner Valencia . continued to stretch the French defence, notably with a close-range . header which Lloris again did well to keep out. Clearing his lines: Laurent Koscielny removes the danger as Enner Valencia advances . Aerial battle: Ecuador's Jorge Guagua heads the ball to his teammates as France's Antoine Griezmann defends . A cause for concern: Enner Valencia left the field after suffering an injury in the first half . Marked man: Segundo Castillo keeps a close eye on dangerman Karim Benzema . Telescopic leg: Mamadou Sakho sticks out a limb to deny Enner Valencia . Ecuador kept pressing into the second half, even after Valencia’s 55th minute sending off. After . Dominguez brilliantly turned a close range effort from Stuart Broad . lookalike Antoine Griezmann against a post, the head bandaged Noboa went . clear on the counter, only to scoop his shot wide of Lloris. A . previously somewhat tepid game was now fully ignited – although the . French still marginally held the upper hand - this firefight  was not in . their script. Lloris had to pull out a huge save from substitute Ibarra to keep it goalless. In . the end it was France who were grateful for the final whistle, France . who celebrated, France who will field their best team from now. But it was Ecuador who the crowd rose to cheer.
France and Ecuador fought out an entertaining goalless draw at the Maracana . Antonio Valencia was sent off for a shocking challenge on Lucas Digne . But the sending off galvanised Ecuador, who impressed in the second half and forged several chances . France did not get out of second gear and will face Nigeria in the round of 16 after topping Group E .
Wigan and Huddersfield kick off the Super League play-offs on Thursday, just as they launched the regular season more than seven months earlier, and the Giants are confident of obtaining a similar result. Paul Anderson's men stunned the 2013 champions by pulling off a 24-8 victory at the DW Stadium in early February, just before the Warriors set off for Australia to play in the World Club Challenge. Wigan lost just once more at home in Super League as they went on to secure a second-place finish thanks to impressive back-to-back wins over Leeds and Warrington - but Huddersfield will have no fears about travelling to the DW Stadium, where they have won on seven of their last 10 visits. Wigan Warriors captain Sean O'Loughlin is determined to end his team's hoodoo over Huddersfield, with Giants' forward Brett Ferres is hoping his side can improve on a disappointing season last term . Warriors captain Sean O'Loughlin said: 'They've been a bogey team for us over the last couple of years. 'They play well against us and we know we'll have to play as well as we did in the last couple of games if we want to get a win. 'The last two games have both been like play-off games, where both sides wanted the result. They were both tough, physical games which are what the play-offs are going to be like.' Huddersfield, who topped the league in 2013 for the first time for 81 years, ended the regular season as the form team with six wins and a draw from their last seven matches, including a nailbiting triumph over leaders St Helens last Friday. It meant they finished level on points with Wigan, although with an inferior points difference. However, the Giants have a woeful record in play-off rugby, with nine defeats from 11 ties so far, including one to Wigan in the 2013 play-offs at the John Smith's Stadium. 'We were disappointed what we dished up last year but it's a new squad, it's a new season and we've been able to put a lot of things right that we maybe did wrong last year,' said Huddersfield's England forward Brett Ferres. 'We're looking forward to it. It's play-off time and everyone gets excited at this time of year. This is what we've played all year for and it's the time to shine. 'It's nice to have a bit of form and we've certainly some confidence from last week. It was a must-win game and we came through the first test. O'Loughlin knows his Wigan Warriors side are in for a stiff test against Huddersfield on Thursday night . 'We're battle hardened and I think we're ready for play-off football. 'I think it's the norm now at Huddersfield, we're expected to be in the play-offs. I think we've crept under the radar this year but we've knocked off some decent teams.' While Wigan are virtually at full-strength, Huddersfield are still without their inspirational captain Danny Brough, who has failed to recover from a groin injury sustained in the win over Hull a fortnight ago. However, Ferres, who shares the responsibility of captaincy with Luke Robinson in the absence of Brough, believes the win over Saints demonstrated that the Giants are no one-man team. 'We don't believe it in house but everyone keeps telling us we can't win a game without Danny Brough and that Huddersfield Giants are nothing without Danny Brough,' Ferres said. 'But I think the younger lads and people who have stepped up to play in the halves have certainly proved that we can play without Danny Brough and we can beat a very good side without Danny Brough.' Anderson has the services of full-back or stand-off Scott Grix, who missed the last match with a groin injury, but Ferres will have every confidence in teenager Jake Connor if he is asked to once more take on a playmaking role. Ferres said: 'He's been a very good player for a couple of seasons in the academy and he's gradually worked his way into the first team. 'He's had a couple of shots now and proved what a good player he is. He's one of the most talented and gifted lads you'll see playing. 'He's got an unbelievable skill set and now it's just about maturing and kicking on.'
The Giants are hopeful of pulling off another shock on Thursday night . Paul Anderson's men won 24-8 against the Wigan Warriors in February . Huddersfield have won on seven of their last 10 visits to Wigan .
(CNN) -- The first time I saw Oscar Pistorius run, I was captivated. Witnessing him caused me to jump up and down. My 10-year-old son, an amputee since the first week of his life, calmly commented, "Mom, he's just a man!" I suppose that should have curbed my enthusiasm. But to see a man in motion without the use of feet was simply magical. I saw him as a future superhero for my son, who is missing part of his right forearm and hand. Completely inspired, I felt as though I had witnessed the Messiah. I was so captivated that I started posting his likeness all over my Facebook page. In short, I was caught up in "Oscar-mania." Even my church pastor had preached about Pistorius. The "Blade Runner," he said, represented Christian values. He embodied things that I wish for my son's life. Seeing Pistorius at the Olympic and Paralympic Games was amazing and did something very special to raise awareness of athletes with physical differences. However, in the hysteria, I lost sight of one simple thing that my son had been able to see: Pistorius is just a man. He has the ability to make the mistakes of mortals. He is not a god; he is a person, and I got caught up in the passion. In full: Pistorius' affidavit to court . We don't know what really happened. I would like to believe that Reeva Steenkamp's death was a horrible accident. Oscar Pistorius may or may not be guilty. But, whatever happened, there is a lesson: Too often in life, we put people on pedestals. We set them up to fail. The reality is that, despite their seemingly superhuman performances, they are just people with their own sets of challenges. The truth is, I wanted my son to have a role model. The first part of his life was filled with questions for me. I wanted someone to tell me that he would be OK. After he was born, the first couple of times that I saw someone with a limb difference, I would race up to them and start a conversation. In the beginning, this approach brought me comfort. One morning at the gym, I spotted a man with a limb difference like my son's. At the time, my baby was only 6 months old. I ran up to him and said hello. The guy turned and looked at me. In a thick French-Canadian accent, he responded, "Hello, my dear!" Completely embarrassed, I thrust my baby into his range of vision and stumbled to say, "He, he, he is like you!" Suddenly, his seductive voice changed to a matter-of-fact tone. In an instant, he said the words I have never forgotten: "This is your issue. Your son will never really see himself as different unless you let him." He continued, "He is young and you control how he perceives himself. So just relax and enjoy him." I was mortified and completely perplexed. But on another level, I was grateful for his words. All of this made my husband laugh. As a man who lacks hair, he remarked, "Honey, I don't run up to every bald guy! You should not expect to have a connection with every person whose limb difference is like our son's. After all, they are just people." So there, again, was my life lesson. We want to be reminded that ordinary people are capable of extraordinary things. But, despite whatever heroic and inspiring feats we accomplish, we are all potentially capable of doing great harm. I am grateful for Pistorius' flash of greatness, and I am sad if he has fallen from it. Have you ever learned an important lesson from your children? Share on CNN iReport or in the comments below. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Cynthia Falardeau.
Cynthia Falardeau's son, 10, lost part of his right arm as a newborn . Falardeau saw runner Oscar Pistorius as a role model for her son . Her son cautioned her, "Mom, he's just a man" Have a personal essay to share with the world? Submit at CNN iReport .
Washington (CNN) -- A gun recovered from this month's shooting at the Pentagon was once in the possession of the Memphis Police Department, a law enforcement official told CNN. Memphis, Tennessee, police seized the Ruger 9 mm handgun during a traffic stop in 2005 and in 2008 traded it to a distributor in Georgia. It passed through a distributor in Pennsylvania and a dealer in Las Vegas, Nevada, before being sold at a gun show, after which the trail goes cold. Memphis Mayor A.C. Wharton, a Democrat, said he would review the Police Department's practice of selling or trading guns in police possession, in spite of the revenue it brings. "I just don't want our city having any role in getting a confiscated gun back on the streets," he told CNN affiliate WREG on Sunday. Authorities say John Patrick Bedell, 36, of California, armed with two 9 mm handguns, shot and wounded two security guards outside the Pentagon on March 4 before he was fatally shot. Bedell had repeatedly tangled with police and had been institutionalized at least three times for mental problems, according to California authorities. Some cities destroy weapons that come into their possession. A former New York Police Department official said the city sends as many as 20,000 guns a year to be smelted for scrap metal. But a bill signed on the same day as the Pentagon shooting bars Tennessee police from destroying contraband guns. It says they must either sell such weapons or use them unless a police official "certifies to the court the weapon is inoperable or unsafe." Police in Memphis also once possessed the gun used in January shootings at a Las Vegas, Nevada, courthouse, according to the law enforcement official. As reported first by the Associated Press, the shotgun used in that attack, which killed an officer Stanley Cooper, was confiscated in 1998 in Memphis and handed over to county officials. The Shelby County Sheriff's Office traded it to a gun store in Massachusetts several years ago, and it was shipped to a store in Arizona and eventually sold to someone at a gun show. Shelby County sheriff's spokesman Steve Shular said trading confiscated guns for upgraded weapons is an efficient way to get adequate equipment for officers protecting the public at a time when law enforcement is asked to make cutbacks in personnel and operating expenses. He added that now, Shelby County trades only used law enforcement weapons, not confiscated weapons. Wharton said the revenue from trade-ins is not worth it. "You ask the people in Vegas, and ask those officers at the Pentagon: Was it worth $100,000 for those guns to be used against them?" Gun rights advocate Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America said it doesn't matter whether a gun has passed through the hands of a police department if it is sold legally. "It's no different for a law enforcement agency to sell its guns than it is for a private dealer to sell its guns," Pratt said. "They're both going to be going into the private market." Memphis police spokeswoman Karen Rudolph said her department would have a hard time controlling what happens to weapons after they are traded. "It is an unfortunate coincidence, and not within the control of the Memphis Police Department, that the firearms used in both of these high-profile incidents were not properly and legally distributed after being legally obtained by federally licensed law enforcement weapons dealers," Rudolph said. The suspects in neither the Las Vegas attack nor the Pentagon case were eligible to buy a gun at a store. In the Las Vegas case, suspect Johnny Wicks would have been ineligible because of a prior felony conviction. Bedell, who had a history of mental illness, failed a background check when he tried to buy a gun in Sacramento, California, his family said. He received a letter from the California attorney general's office in January saying he could not buy a gun because of his history. Because both guns were sold at gun shows, where records and background checks are not required, authorities are uncertain how either weapon ultimately got into the hands of the suspects. While some cities are selling guns, cities including Miami, Florida; Boston, Massachusetts; and Oakland, California, have mounted efforts to buy guns from the public. A federal gun buyback initiative, begun under President Clinton, ended under President George W. Bush amid debate over its effectiveness. CNN's Carol Cratty and Brian Todd contributed to this report.
Official: Memphis, Tennessee, police seized gun during traffic stop in 2005 . Gun, traded to distributor in 2008, recovered at Pentagon shooting this month . Memphis mayor: I'll review Police Department's practice of selling or trading guns . Sheriff's spokesman: Trading for upgraded weapons is efficient way to get equipment .
(CNN) -- Uganda is one of the poorest countries on earth with an economy based on agriculture but there is one industry that's booming -- international child adoptions. Extreme poverty combined with one of the world's highest birth rates is creating a pressure cooker where many children are abandoned or put up for adoption. And there are also fears that as the adoption numbers grow more needs to be done to prevent children being exploited. Children -- sometimes orphans, sometimes just with parents unable to care for them -- find themselves taken into Uganda's child welfare system. For some this can mean foster care or a temporary home. For others it is the first step on a road that will lead to adoption and a new life. While traditional adoption hotspots are becoming less attractive -- Russia has banned Americans from adopting children, and it can take years to navigate China's adoption bureaucracy -- Uganda is seen as a quick and easy alternative for prospective parents. Opinion: Russia's adoption ban harms kids . In Uganda, the adoption process can take just a few months to complete. The country is not a signatory to the Hague Convention, a treaty which provides a blueprint for safe international adoptions. Many of the children adopted from Uganda are given a better shot at life overseas - certainly in material terms -- but the speed and ease of the process has many observers worried. Freda Luzinda worked at the U.S. Embassy in Kampala, Uganda, for two years processing adoption visas. She is now the Uganda national director of the A Child's Voice, an NGO promoting child rights and welfare. She says that many birth parents in Uganda don't fully understand what adoption actually means and that there is no word for 'adoption' in the local Luganda language. "I can say that about 60% of the birth parents that I spoke to didn't understand adoption," said Luzinda. Many birth parents do not understand that adoption is permanent. They believe they may get their children back later. These misconceptions are part of the problem, but not the only problem. The rise in Ugandan adoptions over the past few years has created a growing number of orphanages and adoption agencies to meet the demand. "When I first started processing visas at the embassy... there were probably between seven and 10 orphanages that were putting children up for adoption. And the numbers grew, and they grew, and they grew. By the time I finished, and this was two years later, we had a count, and we were dealing with about 100 orphanages." said Luzinda. The explosive growth of the adoption industry in Uganda has fueled fears that children are being exploited for profit and that the best interests of the child is not paramount. "Orphan creation does happen a lot in Uganda, and this is done by adoption facilitators who will go and scout the slums, find vulnerable families and talk them into giving up their children," said Luzinda. In the 12 years from 1999-2010 there were just 311 adoptions from Uganda to the U.S. In 2011 alone -- the last year for which State Department numbers are available -- 207 children were adopted to the U.S. from Uganda. Brothers Zach, age about 4 and Philip, about a year older, have found a loving family in the U.S. but their early life was typical of Uganda's estimated 2.4 million orphans. Both boys were found abandoned in different places in Kampala, both were left in conspicuous places and both were found by police officers. Now Zach and Philip have a new life in the U.S., both are in school and having loving new parents. In 2008, they were adopted by Lisa and Tague Harding of Minnesota through the Amani Baby Cottage, one of the respected, religiously-affiliated orphanages. "There is always a tragedy at the beginning of a story that makes adoption a necessary step," said Lisa. As their children grew up and left home, the Hardings saw an opportunity to provide a stable home for children who would otherwise grow up in poverty. Internet reveals secrets of 'closed' adoptions, report says . The Hardings became interested in international adoption after traveling to Uganda with a church group. "I love that in our faith, adoption is part of the story -- that Baby Moses was adopted and there was Samuel in the Bible that was adopted and baby Jesus. Joseph was not his birth father." said Lisa. Danyne Randolph Bharj, director of the Amani Baby Cottage, understands the fears concerning the exploitation of children, but says that given the options for Ugandan children, in many cases adoption is the best solution. "I don't think it's right to say the West is the way to save Uganda at all. I don't think that's the answer. But I think if there's people in the West that can give these children a family when no one else can, I do think it's more important," said Bharj. But James Kabogoza, assistant commissioner of Children's Affairs for the Ugandan Government, feels that Ugandan children should stay in Uganda. "It's not right what they are doing. I know for them they get something out of it, but it's also wrong to defraud parents and Ugandans of their children," he said. Kabogoza's fear is that by leaving Uganda, many of these orphans will lose sight of their cultural identity. He also believes that regardless of the circumstances, many of these children would be better off with their birth parents. "That is the biggest thing that ever happens to a child. If the child remains with the family, they are able to grow up with them,"said Kabogoza. He added: " know they feel what is done in America and what is proper in America is a better life. But you could provide that better life to the child here, within the family ... You can change the life of that child within the family here, if you support them." Zach and Philip' adopted father, Tague Harding, understands that his sons will lose some of their cultural heritage by growing up in the United States, but he also sees the advantages. "It's better that Ugandan orphans stay in Uganda as much as possible but perhaps by us bringing two boys home or other people bringing Ugandan children back internationally, we can raise awareness to say, there is a need." Lisa Desai, Sarah Gross, Yasmeen Qureshi of Three Strands Media produced "Adopting Africa" for CNN. The film was made possible with funding from The African Child Policy Forum.
International adoptions from Uganda are rising . The country is not a signatory to the treaty offering a blueprint for international adoptions . One rights worker says many vulnerable children are at risk . Others say international adoptions give the children a better life .
Scientists have carried out a post-mortem examination on a dead star that exploded in a nearby dwarf galaxy in an effort to better understand supernovas. They believe they have spotted a pulsar wind nebula appearing from the ashes of the dead stars, and also claim to have solved a mystery surrounding the unusual shape of its remains. The supernova, known as SN1987A, was first seen by observers in the southern hemisphere in 1987 at the edge of the Large Magellanic Cloud, 168,000 light-years from Earth. Scroll down for video . Scientists have carried out a post-mortem on a dead star that exploded in a nearby dwarf galaxy. Pictured is an outline of the and inner debris of the supernova's remains, as seen with the Hubble Space Telescope (green/blue contours), on top of Almaa observations of the remnant at 345 GHz (red/orange) More than 25 years after spotting the explosion, an Australian-led team has used radio telescopes in Australia and Chile to see inside the remains of a supernova. By combining observations from the two telescopes we've been able to distinguish radiation being emitted by the supernova's expanding shock wave,' said lead researcher Dr Giovanna Zanardo from the University of Western Australia. 'This is important because it means we're able to separate out the different types of emission we're seeing and look for signs of a new object which may have formed when the star's core collapsed. 'It's like doing a forensic investigation into the death of a star.' The observations with the Atca and Alma radio telescopes revealed signs of something never seen before, located at the centre of the dead star. 'It could be a pulsar wind nebula, driven by the spinning neutron star, or pulsar, which astronomers have been searching for since 1987,' said Dr Zanardo. 'It's amazing that only now, with large telescopes like Alma and the upgraded Atca, we can peek through the bulk of debris ejected when the star exploded and see what's hiding underneath.' More research published recently also attempts to shine a light on another long-standing mystery surrounding the supernova remnant. Since 1992 the radio emission from one side of the remnant has appeared 'brighter' than the other. In an effort to solve this puzzle, Dr Toby Potter, another researcher from UWA, has developed a detailed 3D simulation of the expanding supernova shockwave. A mosaic of images showing the latest observations of supernova remnant 1987A. The map on the bottom right of the mosaic is obtained by combining five images. This is used to investigate whether there is a pulsar wind nebula inside the remnant . Pictured are images showing different views of the supernova remnant. On the left is SNR1987A as seen by the Hubble Space Telescope in 2010. The middle panel shows SNR1987A as seen by the Australia Telescope Compact Array while the right image is a visualisation of the remnant showing the location of a pulsar . A supernova sends titanic shock waves rumbling through interstellar space. It leaves behind an ultra-dense neutron star in its wake, which spews out a blizzard of high-energy particles. SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. It occurred approximately 51.4 kiloparsecs from Earth, or around 168,000 light-years - close enough that it was visible to the naked eye. The light from the supernova reached Earth on February 23, 1987, with its brightness peaking in May of that year. In the two and a half decades since then the remnant of supernova 1987A has continued to be a focus for researchers the world over, providing a wealth of information about one of the universe’s most extreme events. 'By introducing asymmetry into the explosion and adjusting the gas properties of the surrounding environment, we were able to reproduce a number of observed features from the real supernova such as the persistent one-sidedness in the radio images', Dr Potter said. The time-evolving model shows that the eastern side of the expanding shock front expands more quickly than the other side, and generates more radio emission than its weaker counterpart. This effect becomes even more apparent as the shock collides into the equatorial ring, as observed in Hubble Space Telescope images of the supernova. 'Our simulation predicts that over time the faster shock will move beyond the ring first. When this happens, the lop-sidedness of radio asymmetry is expected to be reduced and may even swap sides,' Dr Potter said. 'The fact that the model matches the observations so well means that we now have a good handle on the physics of the expanding remnant. 'We are beginning to understand the composition of the environment surrounding the supernova - which is a big piece of the puzzle solved in terms of how the remnant of SN1987A formed.' SN 1987A was a supernova in the outskirts of the Tarantula Nebula in the Large Magellanic Cloud, a nearby dwarf galaxy. Pictured is an artist's impression showing components of Supernova Remnant 1987A .
Supernova, known as SN1987A, was first seen by astronomers in 1987 . Scientists believe they have found a new object emerging from its ashes . They say it could be a pulsar wind nebula, driven by the neutron star . Researchers also claim to have solved a mystery surrounding the unexpected shape of the star's remains .
A pensioner's living room was left resembling a demolition site after an out-of-control car smashed though the window as he watched TV inside. David Hailwood, 66, had been sat next to the window enjoying the Liverpool v Everton match with his housemate when he heard a car speeding across his garden in Llanbrynmair, Wales. The pair leapt from their seats a split-second before the black Vauxhall Corsa crashed through the wall of the home, shunting the sofa across the room. The living room of David Hailwood's stone cottage after a car smashed through while he was watching TV . He then ran outside and managed to help the driver out of the car, before bringing him indoors and waiting for an ambulance to arrive. David moved to the sleepy village of Llanbrynmair from Liverpool two-and-a-half years ago . He said: 'I was actually sat on the couch that was under the window that the car came through. David said the stone cottage had sustained quite a bit of damage and that he thought it would take 'quite a long time' to repair . 'It was halfway through the second half of the Liverpool-Everton match, and I was watching it with my friend Linda McConnell, who I rent the house with. 'When I heard the car coming I jumped up and turned round to pull Linda off the couch she was on. 'The car hit the house with a bang, we just jumped up. The couch was shoved across the room. 'I'm extremely lucky to be alive - I'm convinced my late grandmother has been keeping an eye on me. The living room was turned to rubble when the car crashed into it while David Hailwood was inside . David Hailwood had been watching Liverpool v Everton (left) when a car crashed through his living room (right) 'The young driver appeared to be walking wounded. He was in pain, but he was moving about. I was too gob-smacked to speak to him.' David said the stone-built cottage had sustained quite a bit of damage and that he thought it would take 'quite a long time' to repair. He added: 'Everybody has been around - fire crews, police and ambulance. We're talking quite a long time for the house to be back the way it was. 'We've had the builder out to get props to make it stable, and they will box the front of the house off. The landlord has been getting quotes for the repairs.' A spokesperson for Dyfed-Powys police added: 'The 26 year old man taken to Bronglais Hospital following a road traffic collision in Llanbrynmair on Monday January 28 was kept in for three days for observation but has since been released. 'Inquiries into the incident are continuing and police appeal for any witnesses to come forward and contact them on 101.'
David Hailwood had been watching Liverpool v Everton at home in Llandrynmair, Wales . Black Vauxhall Corsa smashed into the living room of the stone cottage . David and his guest were unhurt but the young driver needed hospital treatment . Says he is 'lucky to be alive' and attributes his escape to his late grandmother watching over him .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 19:51 EST, 14 January 2014 . | . UPDATED: . 03:35 EST, 15 January 2014 . His apparent infidelity has left a nation gobsmacked and now news of Francois Hollande's affair has spawned a video game parody, which is taking France by storm. Gamers take control of the lusty President as he sets off on his scooter from the Elysee Palace to visit sweetheart Julie Gayet at their nearby love nest. But many an obstacle stands in his way including paparazzi photographers, journalists, former partner Segolene Royal and a First Lady Valerie Trierweiler. Call of booty: News of French President Francois Hollande's affair has spawned a video game paraody . Players must use their computer mouse to weave a clear path through the melee racking up points for every obstacle passed. Despite its basic graphics and repetitive play the game has become an huge hit having been shared some 73,000 times in the past few days alone. Since early last year, Mr Hollande has been making visits to his love nest on the back of a moped, using a crash helmet as a disguise. Gamers take control of the lusty . President as he sets off on his scooter from the Elysee Palace to visit . sweetheart Julie Gayet at their nearby love nest . An armed bodyguard working for one of France’s elite police units was tasked with bringing morning croissants to the lovers following their trysts. Sébastien Valiela, the photographer who caught Mr Hollande sneaking in and out of the apartment, claimed yesterday the President’s 63-man security team would leave him alone overnight. Yesterday the French newspaper Le Parisien claimed Mr Hollande wanted to announce his separation from Miss Trierweiler – for whom he left the mother of his four children – but is scared to do so while she is in hospital. Play the game here.
Online game lampooning French President has been shared 73,000 times .
At 9:45 in the morning after his 40th birthday you might expect Biz Stone, best known for co-founding Twitter, to be a little bleary. After all, many millionaire tech execs flaunt their party lifestyle like a badge of honor. But on this Tuesday, in a quiet corner of an Austin hotel lounge, Stone is clear-eyed, animated and apparently hangover-free. For the first time in years he's back at the South by Southwest Interactive conference, where Twitter first and famously blew up in 2007. Stone's got a book coming out next month, "Things a Little Bird Told Me," which he describes as "packed with aspirational lessons that were learned through embarrassing mistakes." And he's recently launched his newest venture, a mobile tool called Jelly. Part social app, part visual search engine, Jelly lets users mine their social networks for answers to such questions as, "What kind of plant is this?" or "How do I hook up this TV?" Jelly is unusual in that instead of computer algorithms like Google's, it relies on human knowledge to help users find the answers they seek. And each question must be accompanied with an image, creating a sort of visual shorthand. Users can even draw over the images with their finger. Despite its lofty pedigree -- its investors include Bono and Al Gore -- Jelly has baffled some tech pundits who don't understand why people would use it when they can just poll their friends directly through Facebook or Twitter. But Stone, who also helped launch Blogger, remains optimistic that Jelly will catch on. The serial entrepreneur sat down with CNN at SXSW for a chat about Jelly, social networking and why seeing Twitter hashtags sometimes seems "surreal." Here's a condensed version of our conversation: . On bringing Twitter to SXSW: . "Twitter exploded here. It was a watershed moment for Twitter, and it was an eye-opening moment for me. So for the most part after that year I never came back, because I didn't want to jinx it. "When we came to SXSW in 2007 it was the first time we could really see Twitter being used in the wild. There was a concentration of people, and most of them were using it. And I saw that Twitter was far more powerful than I realized. "The one example that comes to mind is ... there was this guy in a pub. And he said (on Twitter), 'This place is too loud for us to talk. Let's go to this other place.' And he named it in his tweet. And in the eight minutes it took him to walk over there, it had filled to capacity and there was a line out the door. Twitter took a bunch of loose individuals, and suddenly they became one organism, like a flock of birds. "And I couldn't think of another technology that allowed human beings to flock in real time. We went back (to San Francisco), and a few days later we formed the company." On the idea behind Jelly: . "We've become the most connected humanity that's ever existed. We're now connected to anyone else on the planet within four degrees of separation because of social networks and mobile phones. It's an amazing era of connectedness. And yet not a lot of people stop to think, 'Why? What's the true promise of a connected society?' "I've been asking myself that question ever since I left Twitter. And it occurred to me the true promise of a connected society is people helping one other. Or at least it should be. "So Jelly is a search engine, as audacious as it sounds. Everyone figures we've got search all wrapped up. There's the Internet -- it's vast and growing, and we can search it in a fraction of second to find anything we want. But the Internet is only the Internet ... it's only a collection of documents. There's way more to life than the Internet. So Jelly is like a search engine for everything else. And the reason it works is that we're all connected. "People talk about artificial intelligence. Well, how about (human) intelligence? We have 7 billion people on this planet." On why Jelly requires images: . "We're carrying around 8-megapixel cameras (on our phones). In a world where 140 characters is considered a maximum length, a photo really is worth 1,000 words. For almost any question, a photo can deepen the context. Also, it allows you to type less: 'Should I buy a Tesla?' How about just, 'Should I buy this (with a picture of a Tesla)?" "A lot of people ask, 'Why not just ask my social network?' But what Jelly does is blend Twitter and Facebook together. Jelly gives you far more reach. Your friend's wife's lawyer is all of a sudden answering your question. On how people have been using Jelly: . "Whenever you build something, the creativity in humanity comes out. I love it when I'm seeing answers to questions where people are only drawing on the photo. They're not even using language. Somebody asked, 'How do you do a screenshot on a Mac?' and all the person (answering) did was circle the three keys you touch. It was wonderful. "I have this theory that if something isn't fun and goofy, then you won't use it on a regular basis. And then you won't think to use it when you need it. The same thing happened with Twitter." On the future of social networking: . "Social networking is still brand new. We're still figuring it out -- how much we should share, and how much we should self-edit. "But I think the bigger thing here is that it's growing so huge. You can now measure the number of people on planet Earth who use social networking ... (as a large percentage) of the planet. And that opens up intense possibilities of cooperation among humankind. "In the future, what do I think will happen? I think we'll be able to accomplish in one year what used to take 100 years. Because when people get together and coordinate, they can do amazing things. On his early days at SXSW: . "I used to come to South by Southwest in the early 2000s every year, and we'd put on a party for Blogger. It (SXSW) always falls on my birthday. So I used to pretend it was my birthday party, because we got Google money to throw around and give everyone free whiskey and beer. And we'd give out Blogger T-shirts, which of course had a B logo, like for Biz. And I'd say, 'Welcome to my birthday party! Free whiskey for everyone!' " On the success of Twitter, which he left in 2011: . "It's incredibly weird to see, everywhere I look, the little birdie that I drew. Or hashtags on my favorite TV shows. For me personally ... that's surreal. Most importantly, it means that people are finding value in the service. "And that's the most important thing you can do in this world before you die -- to build something of value."
Twitter co-founder Biz Stone has launched a new social search engine, Jelly . Stone also has a book coming out next month about harnessing creativity . Stone: "We've become the most connected humanity that's ever existed" Entrepreneur spoke to CNN at South by Southwest this week .
A mother has been accused of Tasering her teenage son because he talked back to her. Rhonda Gulsen, 54, was arrested last Friday and charged with third-degree felony child abuse, according to the Flagler County Sheriff's Office. The 15-year-old boy was allegedly left with two burn marks on his arm during the attack by his mother in Florida. Rhonda Gulsen, 54, was arrested last Friday, according to the Flagler County Sheriff's Office in Florida . Gulsen allegedly Tasered the boy in the upper left arm with a stun gun at around 4pm at his grandparents' house. The victim told police that he had asked his mother 'why are you looking at me like that', causing her to curse at him repeatedly, saying she would talk to him anyway she wanted and calling him a 'motherf*****'. The alleged attack took placed inside the grandparents' home during which an aunt began striking the boy in the head and body multiple times, according to a police report seen by Daily Mail Online. At the time the mother was 'egging on' the aunt and telling her to 'beat him'. The aunt has since flown back to New York, according to the sheriff's report. Moments later, the teenager was Tasered by his mother outside the home. The grandparents told police that they believe the mother is a danger to her son, often inflicts emotional trauma and has previously threatened to kill him. Gulsen was booked at the Flagler County jail on $2,500 bond before posting bail and being released. A sheriff's spokesman told Daily Mail Online that The Department of Children and Family was notified and arranged for the youth to be placed with the grandparents. A court date has not yet been scheduled.
Rhonda Gulsen, 54, was arrested last Friday and charged with third-degree felony child abuse in Florida . The 15-year-old boy was left with burns after being shocking during an attack where his mom allegedly encourage an aunt to beat him . Grandparents said they feared for the boy's life and he has been placed in their emergency care .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 17:52 EST, 17 January 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 08:20 EST, 18 January 2013 . A soldier mom surprised her daughter by turning up at her fifth grade class yesterday - more than a year after she was posted to Afghanistan. Veronica Velasquez decided to shock 10 year-old daughter Jamie Sanchez with her homecoming. Velasquez coordinated the surprise, caught on film, with her sister and her boyfriend, who have helped care for Velasquez's three children in her absence, and teachers at Vaughn Elementary School, Los Angeles. Scroll down for video . Emotional: 10-year-old Jamie Sanchez was surprised with a school visit from her mother yesterday - after a year of serving in Afghanistan. The pair were reunited at Vaughn Elementary School, Los Angeles . Tearful reunion: Jamie Sanchez and Veronica Velasquez had an emotional meeting at Vaughn Elementary School, Los Angeles. Velasquez surprised her daughter after more than a year in Afghanistan . Still in uniform, Velasquez smiles as she enters Jamie's classroom and before she can say anything she is greeted by a cry of shock and a huge bear-hug from her daughter who runs to the front of the class. A tearful Jamie told ABCNews: 'I missed everything about her - her voice, seeing her face - every day'. Velasquez will spend the next two weeks with her family in California before being sent to a base in New York for the remaining year and a half of her military service. 'That was the first thing that came . to my mind, was always my kids,' she told the broadcaster. 'Birthdays, . holidays, pretty much I missed everything for a whole year. It’s time . that I can’t really make up, but just spend more time with them.' Surprised: Jamie Sanchez, left, was caught out by her veteran mother, yesterday. Veronica Velasquez appeared unannounced at her daughter's school. Her sister's boyfriend, Victor Cruz, right, helped plot the surprise . On duty: Veronica Velasquez, pictured, had been on active service in Afghanistan for over a year. She is a mother of three and said she was looking forward to spending time with her children in California . The school’s executive director, Anita Zepeda, told that ABC that Sanchez was 'very proud of her mother' and brought in a photo of her on Veteran's Day. Velasquez's sister's boyfriend, Victor Sosa, said he helped plan the surprise to honor Velasquez's service. 'It’s indescribable. Being away from someone you love with all your heart. That’s why I wanted to do it so bad for, just seeing the sacrifice from her family,' the college student said.
Veronica Velasquez headed straight to her daughter's school on her return from the front line . 10-year-old Jamie Sanchez said she missed her mother 'every day' while she was based in Afghanistan for more than a year . Mother-of-three Velasquez is home for two weeks before being stationed for another year and a half in New York .
Detectives are reporting a massive rise in the number of reported child abuse linked to witchcraft, they said today. Scotland Yard has received 27 allegations of ritual child abuse this year alone - a dramatic increase on a decade ago, when just two such cases were reported to police in the whole of 2004. Examples of the faith-based abuse include a child being dunked in a bath to 'wash away evil spirits', children being raped, and a pastor swinging a child around banging its head to 'drive out the devil'. Now teachers, social workers and doctors are to be taught to spot the signs of the abuse in a drive to tackle the growing problem across Britain. Police say witchcraft-based child abuse is on the rise - this shows an alleged exorcism ceremony in a suburban street in south London last month . Last month police were called to a leisure centre in south London after residents reported a string of dawn 'child exorcisms' in which adults surrounded a toddler chanting 'Get the demon out'. A number of child killings have been linked to these beliefs, including the murder of Kristy Bamu, 15, who was tortured and drowned by his sister and her boyfriend in 2010; and the death of Victoria Climbie. The number of cases of ritualistic or faith-based abuse of children reported to Scotland Yard has increased year-on-year over the past decade.  But detectives believe the number of reports is just the tip of the iceberg, with many more such cases being kept secret among communities. Police and child protection experts have now created a training film for all front-line professionals who work with children to teach them how to recognise the signs that a child may be suffering, or likely to suffer harm from witchcraft. The DVD will be launched at a conference on the subject in London today, organised by the Met police and the Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service (CCPAS), before being distributed to those in the force area who work with children who may be affected. Detective Superintendent Terry Sharpe, head of the Met's Project Violet which tackles faith-based child abuse, said: 'Abuse linked to belief is a horrific crime which is condemned by people of all cultures, communities and faiths. 'Families or carers genuinely believe that the victim has been completely taken over by the devil or an evil spirit, which is often supported by someone who within the community has portrayed themselves as an authority on faith and belief.' This alleged exorcism ceremony, performed on the street in south London, did not involve children but police say child abuse linked to faith-based rituals is on the rise and professionals must learn to recognise the signs . 'But regardless of the beliefs of the abusers, child abuse is child abuse and it is important that professional are clear about the signs to look for.' At the event at City Hall, detectives will debate with teachers, social workers and healthcare professionals to discuss how to tackle what is now a growing problem in Britain. In 2004 just two such cases were reported to Scotland Yard.  By 2009 it had risen to seven, and by 2012 it had risen again to 19. Among this year's 27 reports of such abuse, cases included a child forced to drink unknown substances to 'rid them of evil spirits' and parents removing their children from school and taking them abroad to attend an 'exorcism' ceremony. One case has already resulted in an arrest for rape, and another in a charge of rape being brought. Previous cases dealt with by Scotland Yard include a child having chillies rubbed into its eyes to 'remove an evil spirit' and being cut with a knife for the same reason. Extreme cases have seen children killed as a result of these rituals. In 2000 Victoria Climbié, an eight year old originally from the Côte d'Ivoire who lived in Haringey, north London, was tortured and murdered by her guardians who believed she was possessed by an evil spirit. The belief, which was supported by their church leaders, led to her being beaten, burned with cigarettes, and forced to sleep in a bin liner in a bath before she was killed. Victoria Climbié, eight, and Kristy Bamu, 15, were murdered by relatives who thought they were possessed . Victoria's aunt and adoptive mother, Marie Therese Kouao, then 44, and her boyfriend Carl Manning, 28, were both sentenced to life imprisonment for Victoria's murder. In 2010, 15-year-old Kristy Bamu was tortured and beaten before he drowned in a bath at his sister's flat in east London after his sister and her boyfriend became convinced he was possessed by 'kindoki', or witchcraft, and was trying to harm or control another child in the family. Magalie Bamu, then 29, and her partner Eric Bikubi, 28, were jailed for life in 2012 after they were convicted of Kristy's murder. And in 2001, the torso of a young boy, named Adam by police, was found floating in the Thames.  It is believed he may have been the victim of a ritual sacrifice practised in parts of Africa. Simon Bass from the Churches' Child Protection Advisory Service said: 'We are not remotely surprised that the Metropolitan Police alone has already received 27 referrals of this type this year - or three a month. 'We are pleased that the Metropolitan Police has undertaken such great work in this area, but we are convinced that this form of abuse is hidden, and that the statutory agencies across the UK are facing similar situations.' Abuse survivor Kevani Kanda said: 'Mass migration has made this a pervasive problem worldwide, and it is not confined to cities or areas where there are large migrant communities. 'Belief-related abuse can result in significant physical and emotional harm, neglect, sexual abuse and even death.'
Metropolitan Police have 27 reports of witchcraft-based child abuse this year . In 2004, just two instances of faith-based abuse were reported to detectives . Cases include children being dunked in bath or beaten by church pastors . Relatives believe the children have been totally possessed by evil spirits . A new DVD shows teachers and youth workers how to spot signs of abuse . DVD debut today at London debate on growing problem of ritual child abuse . Met's Det Supt Terry Sharpe: 'Regardless of the beliefs, abuse is abuse' Victoria Climbié, eight, and Kristy Bamu, 15, both died after ritual abuse .
(CNN) -- Sweden is having a very good year... in America. Anticipation is building for the film version of journalist Stieg Larsson's immensely popular book "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo" (due in theaters in December), Stockholm-based streaming service Spotify just launched last month in the United States to acclaim from tech blogs, and branches of Swedish discount store H&M are opening in malls across America with their winning formula of designer duds at bargain basement prices (the first Texas outpost of the chain debuted last week in Dallas). But the way the Nordic nation is most influencing America this year is via several stellar singer/songwriters who are resonating with fans in a way not seen in the United States since acts like Ace of Base and Roxette ruled the airwaves and MTV. Today, the names to know are Robyn, Lykke Li and Swedish House Mafia, all of whom have suddenly moved beyond cult status and crept into the mainstream, selling out shows and popping up on some of the largest radio stations in America. The United States' embrace of Sweden this year has pleased one artist, Robyn, who has taken the proverbial long road to success over the past 15 years or so. "I have been touring this record since May 2010 to continue what I started with the last album," she said after an appearance on "The Tonight Show with Jay Leno" earlier this month. "I wanted to build my audience in the U.S. in an organic way. It seems to work, although it's very hard for me to say why. ... I hope it's because the music is good." For the humble performer, who is known for her quirky outfits and earnest delivery devoid of pop star artifice, being Swedish is paramount to her personality, and by extension, her music. "Because of where we are geographically, we probably see ourselves as outsiders," she explained when asked why Sweden seems to produce so many interesting artists who are winning fans across multiple genres of music at the moment. "We consume and are fascinated by Anglo-American culture, and I think that has made it possible for us to make music that makes sense in the big world as well," she added. Proof of Robyn's assertion could be found at Gothenburg's Way Out West festival earlier this month, where progressive bookers reportedly laid out more than $2 million to land names such as Prince and Kanye West to play alongside homegrown talents such as Säkert and Robyn as a cross-pollination experiment -- providing a heady mélange of influences that thrilled and will likely inspire young Swedes who are already avid fans of rappers such as West as well as more traditional songwriters. Just as Swedes are interested in uniquely American artists like Prince, so too are Americans becoming curious about quintessentially Swedish names such as Robyn. The singer topped many critics' Top 10 lists last year with her "Body Talk" series, which is still selling slowly, though steadily, this year as the passionate 32-year-old keeps converting new fans via video releases on YouTube and buzzed-about live shows. But it's not just Robyn cutting deep into the hearts of U.S. music fans. Lykke Li has seen surprising success abroad with a different sound that is proving no less appealing to many. The singer recently sold out shows at Los Angeles' Greek Theater and New York's Summerstage and has received airplay on influential rock station KROQ and elsewhere. Her new record, "Wounded Rhymes," has so far sold around 62,000 copies, per Nielsen SoundScan, and is tipped as one to top many critical Top 10 lists this year. In the indie rock world, where acts from Stockholm's ripe experimental pop scene have long been championed, names such as Peter, Bjorn & John, Little Radio and The Teddybears continue to excite adventurous music consumers. However, it's dance music where Sweden has truly left its mark recently, and 2011 is proving a banner year for Swedish DJs such as Avicii, Swedish House Mafia and Dada Life -- all of whom are connecting with young fans of house music who flock to festivals such as Las Vegas' massive Electric Daisy Carnival. The DJs spotlight sweeping, optimistic anthems that pulse with confidence and aspire outward with an escapist sound big enough to fill any void in a globally depressed economy. "It's so cold in Sweden and there's nothing much to do ... a lot of us dream of getting out," said Avicii, aka Tim Bergling, after a set in Europe where the 21-year-old played to a crowd of around 25,000 people. "We see the success of people like Swedish House Mafia and it's an inspiration." It's that success of Swedes abroad that seems to be the key to why Sweden outperforms its Scandinavian neighbors in the music industry. Despite a wealth of talent from countries such as Denmark, Finland and Norway, it's only Sweden that has numerous blogs such as New York's The Swede Beat and Chicago's Swedesplease obsessively tracking new music from the Nordic nation. Swedish influences are being felt in America in major U.S cities such as Los Angeles, which boasts bands aping the "Swedish sound." Southern California, in fact, has long been connected to Stockholm in music circles, and the cities are only getting closer. Swedish producers living and working in L.A., such as Max Martin (who has penned hits for artists such as Britney Spears and plans a permanent move to L.A. this fall with his family) and Red One (Lady Gaga), have helped craft a sound that has all but taken over urban and pop radio formats in the United States. When labels or managers need an uplifting hit, Swedes often get the call. So what's the secret that's made Sweden a virtual hit factory since the days of ABBA? The reasons are myriad, but Malmö-born, L.A.-based producer/songwriter Tobias Karlsson has a few ideas. "There's more focus on melody in Sweden," said the co-founder of music-licensing company Thunderhoney. "Sweden has a very strong folk music tradition spanning back 800 years at least which is almost all melody driven," continued the producer, who is fresh off work on a Carolina Liar record. Robyn echoed the sentiment. "Swedish folk music is so melancholic and melodious and I seem to find those qualities in Swedish modern music as well," she said. "A lot of countries don't have that melody tradition, but us Swedes are pretty crafty. ... We like to engineer and make sure everything is perfect," Karlsson said. For music lovers in America, that quixotic quest for melodic pop perfection has not gone unnoticed in 2011.
Swedish influences are being felt in America in major U.S cities such as Los Angeles . Swedish acts like Ace of Base and Roxette ruled the airwaves and MTV some time ago . Today, the names to know are Robyn, Lykke Li and Swedish House Mafia .
(CNN) -- Since President Obama seems to be a reflective soul, he must be reflecting on the irony of his latest predicament: as the man who came into office promising to change everything and who instead seems to have let much of what he promised to fix only get worse. First, the good news: Slowly but surely, the economy is coming back. And that's no small feat, given where it was in 2009. Then, everything else: The constitutional scholar, civil libertarian and antiwar activist can't seem to wake up each day without some basic challenge to his political ecology. The confirmed presence of chemical weapons in Syria now makes some sort of escalation there inevitable, just as the war in Afghanistan winds down. (More military support for the rebels? No-fly zone?) The newbie senator who railed against President George W. Bush's "warrantless wiretaps" is now defending his own version of government for-your-own-safety intrusion. ("No one is listening to your telephone calls.") He gives a speech defending drone strikes; he answers questions about the Justice Department's dragnet surveillance of media outlets in its leak investigations. He might be forgiven for asking himself James Stockdale's infamous vice presidential debate questions: Who am I? And what am I doing here? CNN poll: Obama numbers plunge into generation gap . Now all he has to do is answer them. The president has -- rightly -- called for a public debate about the proper balance between national security and privacy. But the debate can't happen without him. In fact, he needs to lead it. That's what presidents are supposed to do when the country is having a national conversation. It's part of the job description. In the National Security Agency controversy, we've heard from the leaker, the director of the NSA, the director of national intelligence, the members of the intelligence committees. We heard a bit from the president, who seems to be saying, in effect, that "I'm glad you guys are talking about this, because we are going to have to make some tough choices as a society." Here's what we know: The president entered office skeptical of the very programs he is now defending. But after vetting them and adding some additional protections, he now thinks they are important, even integral, to our self-defense. All of which makes sense to me personally. But it's hard to categorically decide something (especially when it affects you) without some more information. And if you're asking people to decide that Big Brother-ism in some form is OK -- and to trust that you are doing the right thing -- you've got to give them something to work with. Remember when Bush said "I hope the American people trust me"? It turned out they didn't. Obama bristles at suggestion he's shifted on snooping . In fact, the public's view of the Obama administration's handling of civil liberties is beginning to eerily resemble what the public thought about Bush: Forty-three percent in a new CNN/ORC poll say the administration has gone too far in restricting some civil liberties in order to fight terrorism. In 2006, 39% thought Bush had gone too far. That's the same Bush that then-Sen. Obama excoriated for the "warrantless wiretaps" in 2006. But the worst news for the president is that he seems, at least right now, to be losing the benefit-of-the-doubt factor he has enjoyed because people think he's an honest guy who tries to do the right thing. The latest CNN/ORC polling shows that while 49% of Americans consider the president to be "honest and trustworthy," that's down 9 points -- in one month. And his approval rating has fallen 8 points to just 45%. The unkindest drop, fueling the entire downward trend, comes from Obama's stalwarts, younger voters. A huge 17-point decline among the under-30 set has got to be some sort of wake-up call. Now, I know this president doesn't like some parts of his job. He doesn't much like schmoozing members of Congress, despite his recent share-a-meal plan with assorted Capitol Hill types. He doesn't like the LBJ-style strong-arming, either. He doesn't much like the messy lawmaking process in which personal relationships can often mean the difference between getting what you want and getting nothing at all. And he doesn't ever like to be pushed. Ever. No-drama Obama, remember? But he does like speeches. He likes writing them, redrafting them, pondering them. He likes giving them, too -- because he's good at it. So speak. The American people need some quality time here. An interview or two, sure. Declassify some information about thwarted terror attacks that can be shared without compromising intelligence. Let Americans in on the real secret they're puzzling: how this president has been affected by what he has seen from the Oval Office. Some may buy it; some may not. But letting us in on this secret is just part of the job. The opinions expressed in this commentary are solely those of Gloria Borger.
President Obama's numbers have taken a hit, according to a new poll . Gloria Borger says the president must wonder how he got into this predicament . Obama decided to largely back Bush's surveillance policies, she says . Borger: Obama should lead the debate over security rather than just listen to it .
Proposals for 'fracking' for shale gas at two sites in Lancashire should be refused, planning officers have recommended. Lancashire County Council has published reports with recommendations on planning applications from shale company Cuadrilla to develop two new sites to explore for shale gas by drilling, fracking and testing the flow of gas. The council's development control committee is due to make decisions next week on the planning applications for the two sites, at Preston New Road, near Little Plumpton, and Roseacre Wood, near Roseacre, both between Blackpool and Preston. Scroll down for video . Cuadrilla Resources wanted to develop one possible fracking location near Rosacre Wood, pictured . The company also lodged an application at a second site near Preston New Road, near Plumpton, pictured . Cuadrilla Resources wanted to use a drilling rig similar to this one in Blackpool to recover the gas . The report recommended that the application for the site at Preston New Road should be turned down because of concerns over noise impacts which would 'unnecessarily and unacceptably' affect neighbouring properties with noise pollution. At the Roseacre Wood site, the report said there would be an increase in traffic, particularly heavy goods vehicles, which would result in 'an unacceptable impact' on rural roads and reduce road safety. If the council's development control committee take the advice of their planning officers and turn down the applications, it will be seen as a major blow to efforts to get the UK's shale gas and oil industry off the ground. Caudrilla said today in a statement that it was 'very disappointed at the recommendation. 'After an extraordinarily lengthy period of consultation and review of around seven months we are surprised that, at this late point, the planning team at Lancashire County Council has raised objections about background noise for both sites. 'We believe, supported by independent experts Arup, that we have come forward with measures that would mitigate the noise of drilling and fracturing and the proposed noise levels are within the limits set out in government guidance.' Cuadrilla Resources wanted to explore two potential shale gas locations near Blackpool and Preston . The company said it had supplied extra information regarding traffic routes for the Roseacre Wood site, and believed it had addressed all the issues raised. 'In the end the councillors on the development control committee will have to weigh the relatively minor impacts which affect only a small number of households and for which we have proposed adequate proposals for mitigation against the wider local and national economic and energy security benefits. 'We will await the councillors' decisions on both these applications and we believe that all of the limited issues that have been raised can be resolved.' The Government is pushing for the development of a shale gas industry in the UK, claiming it would create jobs and growth, reduce energy prices and cut the country's reliance on gas imports. However, opponents have raised fears that the process causes earthquakes, can pollute water supplies, and could lead to inappropriate development in the countryside and damage house prices. Hydraulic fracturing - or fracking - involves pumping water, chemicals and sand at high pressure underground to fracture shale rock and release the gas trapped in it. Hundreds of protesters attended a six-day Reclaim The Power camp last August near the proposed Little Plumpton site to campaign against shale gas extraction in the region by fracking. The controversial technique has led to fears that water supplies could be contaminated by toxic  chemicals . Local authorities in West Sussex have also turned down applications from shale companies to explore for oil and gas in their areas. The Roseacre Wood site should be refused planning permission because of the traffic issue and noise pollution, the planning officers said. They recommended refusing the Preston New Road site on the noise issue alone. The report into the planning applications said shale gas exploration was in principle 'acceptable', and that the impacts on air quality, greenhouse gas emissions, landscape, water resources and seismic movements at the sites were low or could be lessened. But the proposed developments would lead to 'significant increase in night-time background noise levels'. 'Consequently it is likely that this would have significant adverse effects on the health and quality of life and lead to an unacceptable loss of residential amenity' to nearby residents, the report says of each site. For the Roseacre Wood application, the planning officers also raised concerns that it was in a 'very rural location' served by small country lanes, and it should be turned down on those grounds too. They said: 'An assessment concludes that the increase in traffic, particularly HGV movements, would be severe, there would be a material impact on existing road users, particularly vulnerable road users and overall highway safety of which the potential is considered severe. Environmental campaigners Greenpeace hailed the recommendation to turn down the applications. Greenpeace said that people in Lancashire were afraid of the risks caused by traffic, noise, water contamination and even the value of their homes if permission was granted for a similar site to this . Greenpeace energy campaigner Simon Clydesdale said: 'Many thousands of people in Lancashire are seriously worried about the potential risks of fracking - traffic, noise, water contamination, air pollution, the value of their homes, to name just a few. 'The concerns about noise and traffic brought up by the planners are a reminder that fracking could be a lot of pain for very little or no gain for communities in Lancashire. 'The council now faces a clear choice: They can listen to the planners, and the Lancashire residents that elected them - almost two-thirds of whom want a moratorium on fracking - or they can kowtow to the corporate and political interests keen to force through fracking at almost any cost. 'The whole country is looking to Lancashire to protect its communities from the unnecessary risks that fracking plays with our futures.' Lee Petts, spokesman for the North West Energy Task Force, a coalition of more than 500 businesses and academics, said: 'Natural gas from North West shale could be a massive opportunity for growth, investment, jobs and revenues in our region. 'Today's announcements are obviously disappointing, but we await the decision of the development control committee next week, and call on councillors to grasp this opportunity to create the jobs and investment that Lancashire badly needs.' Friends Of The Earth's North West campaigner Helen Rimmer said: 'We are delighted that the planning officers have recognised the serious effects that these developments would have on neighbouring residents and have recommended that Lancashire County Council refuses these applications. 'Councillors must now act on this and the tens of thousands of objections they have received and reject Cuadrilla's fracking applications next week. 'Only by doing so will they ensure that fracking is not allowed to cause further climate change while also putting communities and the local environment at risk.' Philip Mace, Partner at Clyde and Company's Oil and Gas Team said the decision in Lancashire could have long term implications to the viability of the industry. He said: 'This could be a potentially disastrous decision for the future of shale oil and gas development in the UK. 'With oil and gas prices having fallen dramatically, the E&P industry is unlikely to have the appetite or backing to face the long and expensive approval process that is being required to carry out fracking in the UK. 'One remaining glimmer of hope is the proposed underground access rights for shale oil and gas extraction included in the Infrastructure Bill, which is still going through Parliament. But even that is not a given. 'Despite the Government’s desire to make change happen, there are only 100-odd days to the election and the fracking related elements of the Infrastructure Bill have been fiercely debated and may well not make the statute books in the remaining time available.' A spokesperson for the Department of Energy and Climate Change said: 'This is a matter for the local planning authority to determine. 'The Government cannot comment on a live planning application. The Government continues to support the development of the shale industry in the UK.' A spokesman for United Kingdom Onshore Oil and Gas (UKOOG), who represent the industry said: 'It is disappointing that officials at Lancashire County Council have come to this recommendation. 'We need to review the detail of their advice before commenting further, but on first instance it appears that these are local planning matters specific to these sites rather than any issues that would have an obvious impact on other shale gas applications.'
Cuadrilla Resources wants to drill for gas between Preston and Blackpool . Protesters have lodged several planning objections to both proposals . Council officials have recommended the projects should be abandoned . Planners are due to give their final decision by the end of the week .
(CNN) -- You can't Google this. OK, maybe you can. But MC Hammer doesn't want you to. The venerable rapper, who helped usher hip-hop into the pop mainstream in the early '90s, has rolled out a search engine he hopes will outperform Google, Bing and other established tools. The project, called WireDoo, has been two years in the making, said Hammer (real name Stanley Burrell) Wednesday at the Web 2.0 summit in San Francisco. At the conference, he said what will make his search tool better than Google (or, too legit to quit, if you will) will be its "deep search" ability. "It's about relationships beyond just the keywords," he said, according to Mashable, a content partner. The rapper-turned-entrepreneur (after some late-90s difficulties) said a search would render not just direct results, but also information on possibly related topics. Its tagline is: "Search once and see what's related." Other details about the product were scarce. WireDoo, which Hammer said he has a team developing, is still in pre-beta. Its website is currently letting people sign up to test the search engine when a beta release is ready.
Say what? Rapper MC Hammer launches a new ... search engine . WireDoo will give search results, plus results for possibly related topics, Hammer says .
Pilots on a holiday jet were left stunned when a 'flying man' whizzed past their aircraft at 3,500 feet. The mystery man flew within 100 metres of the plane and left the pilots baffled as to how he was moving through the air, as neither could see a canopy suspending him. There was also no sign of him on the radar and further checks failed to reveal any paragliders, parachutists or balloonists in the area at the time. Scroll down for video . The man whizzed within 100 metres of the plane over Macclesfield and left pilots baffled (stock image) He appeared from nowhere as the Airbus 320 was coming in to land at Manchester Airport on Friday June 13 . He appeared from nowhere as the Airbus 320 passed Macclesfield while it was coming in to land at Manchester Airport and has been dubbed the 'Superman of Macclesfield'. The Airprox Board, which looks in to near misses, said: 'They first sighted the object a few hundred metres in the 11 o'clock position 200 to 300ft above. 'It passed down the left-hand side of the aircraft at 100 to 200m. 'The crew only saw it fleetingly, there was no time to take avoiding action and they based their assumptions on it being a person under a canopy. But neither can remember seeing a canopy.' The man has been dubbed 'Superman of Macclesfield' after he was spotted in the air over the Cheshire town . The official report in to the incident on Friday June 13 admitted it was 'unfortunate' and 'frustrating' there was 'no way of corroborating what they had reported'. It added that the flight crew 'couldn't be certain that it wasn't a person-shaped balloon.' Aviation expert Chris Yates said: 'It is a complete and utter mystery.'
Pilots of Airbus 320 left stunned when a 'flying man' passed their aircraft . The man flew within 100 metres of the plane as it made its descent into Manchester Airport . There was no sign of him on the radar and neither pilot could see a canopy suspending him . The official report in to the incident said it was 'frustrating' they could not corroborate what happened .
By . Jaymi Mccann . PUBLISHED: . 11:57 EST, 26 February 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 03:15 EST, 1 March 2013 . A former boyfriend of socialite and model Tamara Ecclestone was today jailed for four years after attempting to blackmail the heiress for £200,000. Derek Rose, 33, who dated the daughter of Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone in 2002, was involved in a plot in which it was claimed that he was approached to sell his story to a tabloid newspaper. Rose was included in an email mentioning the possibility of discussing 'a non-release fee' and signing a confidentiality contract. Derek Rose arrives at the Southwark Crown court today for sentencing after he was found guilty of trying to blackmail his former girlfriend Tamara Ecclestone . Tamara Ecclestone arrives at Southwark Crown Court last week for the trial of Derek Rose . An email was sent by media studies student Jakir Uddi, 20, to Ms Ecclestone’s . agent saying ‘one of the biggest tabloids’ had made a ‘life-changing . offer’ for a kiss-and-tell story when in reality, no newspaper had . approached him. The email said: ‘As you can imagine, since Miss Ecclestone’s show has . been aired, my client [Rose] has been inundated with offers from a lot of . today’s major tabloids, plus many television companies and radio. ‘Now they all seem to want to talk to my client about Tamara, and Tamara only. ‘I’ve asked my client not to talk to the press about Tamara for ten years, and have let her live her life. ‘On Monday this week we was approached (sic) by one of the biggest . tabloids with a life-changing offer of £200,000 to disclose all. ‘My client is a quiet family man, and doesn’t need the headache of this story coming out.’ Tamara Ecclestone (right) and Derek Rose (left) dated in 2002 and Rose threatened to sell intimate details about her to the press . Judge Andrew Goymer at Southwark Crown Court told Rose: 'This was an audacious attempt to obtain a large sum of money.' The court heard that he dated Ecclestone when she was 17, before changing his name by deed poll from Jonathan Ketterman. The email was sent on November 16, 2011, the day that Ms Ecclestone had starred in Billion Dollar Girl, a reality television programme exploring her life as a rich youngster. It said the newspaper had set a deadline of 1pm on November 18 for Rose to respond by. Tamara Ecclestone had just started her new show Billion Dollar Girl when she received the email . The trial heard that the email had “pernicious” implications and was sent to elicit money from Ms Ecclestone, 28. The judge said that 10 years ago, Rose, who sold his story to the Mail on Sunday in 2002, was in a relationship with Ms Ecclestone, which ended acrimoniously. 'You felt extremely hurt, and within a few days of writing a bitter message, you were selling your story to a tabloid newspaper, and that speaks volumes about your true character.' 'She came to your attention again in November 2011 when she was the subject of a television series. The email that you sent on 16th November in which you threatened to reveal personal details was not the product of a broken heart. 'All that was long in the past.' The judge added: 'It was nothing more than a cynical and greedy attempt to extract a large sum of money. 'No doubt you thought that £200,000, which is a large sum to most people, would be small change to somebody with the amount of money that she and her family are reputed to have. 'You also thought that for this reason they would readily part with it to buy your silence. She did not do this.' The judge said that the well-known, well-connected and well-off did not deserve special protection, but the reality was that they were more likely to fall victim to this type of offence. He said: 'Blackmail is always an unpleasant and vicious offence. It can properly be said to be one of the worst offences that does not involve physical injury because of the fear and insecurity that it produces.' Judge Goymer added that although Rose has ‘caring responsibilities’ for his 13-year-old son - a promising footballer- he still deserved a custodial sentence, . The jury failed to reach a verdict about media studies student Jakir Uddin who sent the email . Ms Ecclestone is famous for being the daughter of Bernie, the Formula 1 supremo . He said: ‘Although his mother is his . primary carer you have taken an active and positive part in his . upbringing and helping him to realise his ambitions. ‘He is of course entirely innocent of any involvement in this offence but your greed blinded you to the humiliation and misery that it would bring upon him. ‘There is a need to deter this type of offence which can be relatively easy to commit. ‘The least sentence I can pass on you is four years imprisonment.’ Representatives of Ms Ecclestone said that she  welcomed the sentence. Her family lawyer Charlotte Harris of the firm Mishcon de Reya said in a statement: 'Tamara Ecclestone is relieved that Judge Goymer has acknowledged, in his sentencing of Derek Rose, the serious nature of blackmail and the need to deter others from attempting to commit similar offences. 'Ms Ecclestone was content to waive her anonymity in giving evidence because she strongly believes that all people have a right to be protected from such cynical and vicious behaviour. The sentence of four years is welcomed.' Jakir Uddi stood trial alongside Rose but the jury failed to reach a verdict in his case and was discharged yesterday. He denied blackmail, claiming he was acting under orders from Rose, and is facing retrial.
Derek Rose threatened to sell a story about Ecclestone to the tabloids . He asked a friend to send her agent an email requesting £200,000 . He has been jailed for four years for the offence . The judge said it was a 'cynical and greedy' attempt to get money .
Vanished: Nida Ul-Naseer, 18, left her medication fro anaemia at home in Newport, South Wales, last week . The family of a missing teenage girl who is believed to have walked out following a row about university have made an emotional public appeal for information on TV. Nida Ul-Naseer, 18, went missing from her home in Newport, south Wales, on December 28 when she went to take the rubbish out. When she left, Nida did not have shoes, her mobile phone or a jacket and she needs medication to stop her becoming anaemic. A major police search operation to find her, which has gone on during the extreme weather, is continuing today. Her father Naseer Tahir, sister Naila Anwar and a brother appeared together in an interview on ITV's Daybreak programme this morning. The programme said they felt that earlier reports of a family argument involving Nida had been taken out of context. It also showed a printed sign pinned to the front door of their home in Newport which reads: 'Nida please come home. Don't worry. We are all missing you.' Her father said: 'We have some issues, but only in the family. The family are good. We want to see Nida here.' Naila Anwar described her sister as someone who is 'very close to us. She would always share everything with us. It is just out of character'. She said of her sister: 'She can't live without a phone. She just always talks to me on the phone.' She agreed there was no indication that her sister had in any way prepared to leave before vanishing. She had packed nothing. Pakistan-born Nida had been forced to sacrifice a place at the University of South Wales due to money problems . 'Everything is at home, her purse that she used, everything is at home, she's not even taken her coat. Nothing.' Nida is described as a quiet and very shy girl who is addicted to her mobile phone and afraid of the dark. It is not known what condition she suffers, as it is understood that the family have declined to elaborate. Her sister added: 'If you know anything about Nida, just tell us, just call the police. We just want to know that she's safe.' Friends . said the 18-year-old was 'disturbed and depressed' when she ran away . after a row with her parents over her wish to go to university. A major police search across marshlands is now under way as Nida remains missing for more than a week . Police have been scouring scrubland by a nearby river after the area was flooded in the storms. Nida’s parents have put a sign on the door of their home in Newport, South Wales, pleading with her to come home. The family, who were all born in Pakistan, are Ahmadiyya Muslims, an offshoot of Islam. Women . are usually allowed to go to university but are not allowed to marry . outside the community. Parents arrange marriages and men can take . multiple wives. Nida’s father, homeopath Naseer Tahir, 54, and mother Najma, 47, have refused to speak publicly about their daughter. However, . their eldest daughter Shamyla Naseer, 23, said: ‘They are really . depressed. It is a big loss for us. We are still looking.’ Nida, . a diligent student who finished school last summer, was looking forward . to starting a business and finance degree at the University of South . Wales but had to give up her place because of money problems. The family placed a sign on the door and issued public appeals to encourage Nida to come home . Gwent Police said: 'We believe she had a verbal disagreement within the home' Friends of the family said she fled after a furious argument with her parents on Saturday, December 28. ‘Her mother came to our house after to tell us,’ one said. ‘They . said she was in anger [sic] and she just left the house with nothing. No shoes on and no money. No medication, no jacket. She was supposed to . go to university but she couldn’t. They just said she couldn’t go.’ Another . close friend said: ‘She was disturbed about university admission and . finance problems. She couldn’t go so had to start a different course at a . college.’ The friend’s husband added: ‘She couldn’t go to uni and she was depressed and had arguments.’ Gwent Police assistant chief constable Paul Symes said: ‘We believe she had a verbal disagreement within the home which could have upset her and led to her leaving.’ Nida is 5ft 3in and slim with long dark hair. She is described as being of Asian-Pakistani appearance and was last seen in blue jeans and a black top.
Nida Ul-Naseer, 18, 'disturbed' when she fled South Wales home last week . Pakistan-born Nida also missing her medication for anaemia . Forced to give up university studies because of money problems . Father pleads with her not to worry saying her family is missing her .
(CNN) -- A Libyan military aircraft crashed Wednesday southwest of Benghazi after the crew refused to follow orders to bomb the city, Libya's Quryna newspaper reported. The pilot and co-pilot parachuted out of the craft, and the plane crashed in an uninhabited area, the paper said. The Russian-made Sukhoi-22 aircraft crashed west of the city of Ijdabiya, 160 km (100 miles) southwest of Benghazi, Quryna reported, citing military sources. When the protests began, Quryna reported regime propaganda. But it later switched, reporting on the protests and casualty figures. CNN could not immediately confirm reports for many areas in Libya. The Libyan government maintains tight control on communications and has not responded to repeated requests from CNN for access to the country.
Pilot and co-pilot eject before the crash, newspaper reports . The aircraft crashed 100 miles outside Benghazi, newspaper reports .
(CNN) -- They're among the rarest instruments in the world, but they'll be discarded come spring. They're so fragile even the players' breath risks nudging them out of tune. Turn up the temperature in the concert hall and you'd have, not a finely chiseled viola, flute or conga, but a glass of water. "And you'd be healthier for drinking it!" says Tim Linhart, ice-instrument maker extraordinaire to an orchestra playing a series of concerts throughout the winter in the remote Swedish town of Luleå, just beneath the Arctic Circle. Hearing is believing . Hearing really is believing when it comes to these evanescent instruments made -- bar the strings and other odd parts of metal or wood -- entirely from frozen water. Linhart has held ice concerts not only in Sweden over the past 15 years but also in far-flung locations from Beaver Creek, Colorado, to the Italian alps. His main problem, he says, in attracting a greater audience to the genre is people's incredulity that an ice instrument could make more than the most rudimentary sound. A recording of an ice violinist busking a solo classical piece outside Luleå's House of Culture in around -10 C is evidence to the contrary. The sound is sharp and ethereal, with a wide tonal range. Not only classical . But the ice repertoire doesn't include only refined, classical pieces. Along with the violins and a viola, cellos and a bass, there's an ice banjo in this year's lineup to accent country and bluegrass numbers. Six- and 12-string guitars suit rock 'n' roll, and an ice xylophone resting on bicycle inner tubes -- to aid its resonance -- works across the genres. As for the orchestra's gigantic spherical "bubble drums," Linhart tells CNN, "they really shake your skeleton." Doubtless they'll be deployed to funky effect in the -- inevitably, this being Sweden -- series of Abba-themed concerts among the 40 or so on the program this year. Winter pursuit . A stone sculptor in warmer months, the bearded Linhart, 53, makes all the instruments for the winter concerts in a six-week burst in his back garden. They're transported to a specially built igloo auditorium seating 170 people in a nature park outside Luleå, where the orchestra plays. Originally from New Mexico, Linhart was invited to this town of 80,000 residents in Swedish Lapland 10 years ago to take part in the building of one of the world's first ice hotels. He met his wife here. That's one reason he's stuck around, but no doubt it also helped that Luleå is one of the coldest towns in Sweden. Saving on its air con bills, Facebook is building its first server farm outside the United States in the town. Lovers of a cold climate . So, apart from loving a sub-zero climate, how else do ice instruments differ from the conventional kind? They're quicker to make, for a start, Linhart says. "I can do the carving on the front and back plate of a standup bass in two hours. "The chisel just glides through the ice. "My tools are similar to those of a regular instrument maker," he says. But when it comes to sealing one of his creations together, "the only glue I use is water." "If you want to glue a crack in an ice instrument, you just take a little straw, blow through it until the ice melts and then let it freeze again. "With wood, you can only carve. "With ice, you can also grow." Just add water! Another difference from conventional instrument making? Linhart wears dishwashing gloves while he's carving, something you wouldn't see many master violin makers doing. Icy materials . The sculptor works mainly with "white ice," a pearl-colored blend of water and snow that's especially flexible when frozen. Then there's clear ice: "Pure frozen water with no flaws, just molecule against molecule all the way through." But it's harder to find. Northern Sweden is a good place to look, but you have to dig 20 centimeters beneath a lake surface to find the bubble-free stuff. Instruments wrought from either material are both more beautiful and more fragile than traditional instruments, Linhard says. What other instrument, he asks, lets the light shine through? Their unique visual qualities are exploited in the performances, when non-warming LEDs, constantly shifting in color, are placed inside the instruments. "It's like a nightclub in heaven," Linhart says. Spring thaw . The instruments are exceedingly delicate. They melt in springtime and require constant maintenance before then. When played, the violins are suspended by strings from the ceiling to keep them from the musician's warm body. Just the breath from players and audience means every instrument has to be re-tuned slightly between each song. Such attention is worth it, says Linhart, for the exquisite sound these magical objects produce. "Ice instruments have a more detailed sound than wood, say, which absorbs the vibrations from the strings and dampens the sound," he says. "Ice is stiffer. It picks up all the vibrations. "That's why it makes your hair stand on end. "You might think the sound on a normal instrument is perfectly clear -- until you hear an ice instrument and go, 'Ah ha!' "The clarity is crystal." Flight plans . Up next on Linhard's icy agenda is an instrument dreamed up specifically for ice called the orgasmatron, after the machine in the Woody Allen film "Sleeper." It's like a cello, but one a player bows from inside, making his or her body part of the sound. Linhart doesn't intend his ice-crafting career to end with instruments. His dream project is an ultralight airplane made from ice. Luckily, temperatures tends to get colder the higher you fly. Ice Music continues in Luleå until April 6. You can view the concert program at Tickets booked at Pieces of ice: "Shining Child," played by Michael Mandrell . "Terra Aria," played by cellist Giovanni Solima.
Orchestra playing ice instruments stages winter concerts in Sweden . People surprised at how beautiful ice can sound, says instrument maker . Expat American Tim Linhart has organized ice concerts throughout world . Next on his drawing board: a plane made from ice .
By . Sarah Dean . and Candace Sutton . and Sarah Michael . Murdered Sydney student Jamie Gao was reportedly in 'secret talks with police' in the weeks before he was killed. The 20-year-old had allegedly been called to give evidence before the Australian Crime Commission, the country's peak intelligence-gathering agency. When asked why Mr Gao was recently questioned by ACC investigators at its Sydney headquarters, the commission said it had 'nothing to add', The Daily Telegraph claims. Scroll down for video . Murdered: Jamie Gao 'was in secret talks with police' before his death, according to the latest reports . Federal police have publicly denied claims that Mr Gao, who is thought to have been caught up in a Hong Kong-based Asian organised crime group, was acting as an informant when he delivered $3 million of methamphetamine to former detectives Roger Rogerson and Glen McNamara. Mr Gao had reportedly told his close friends about the hearing but the commission has denied these claims. On Saturday, it was revealed federal police were watching over murdered student Jamie Gao for a staggering three years before his death. Friends' claims that he was just a social and naturally smart pupil have been shattered by revelations that he has long been a suspected drug importer. Suggesting that he was far from simply a straight-A student at the University of Technology Sydney, federal officers have provided a 20-page document about his dealings to NSW authorities, who say Mr Gao had been a 'person of interest' since as far back as 2011. Police say that on the day of his murder Mr Gao was carrying the 3kg worth of methamphetamine. Watched: Federal police were reportedly monitoring Jamie Gao for three years before his death . 'He was not some lowly delivery boy,' one senior detective told The Daily Telegraph. 'No syndicate is going to trust some underling with 3kg of gear and you don't get trusted with that much for your first deal.' It is believed Mr Gao was caught up in organised crime group, at the same time as living an active social life and being loved-up with his new girlfriend. He still lived at home with his mother Catherin Sui Ying Gao and grandmother in a $1.5 million house in Hurstville. Police have alleged that before he was killed on Tuesday May 20, he got inside a car with  former detectives Glen McNamara and Roger Rogerson and was driven to a storage unit nearby. Police claim Mr Gao was killed for his bag's contents just before 2.30pm. CCTV footage showed Mr Gao last getting out of his car holding a large bag in Padstow. Friends of the murdered 20-year-old say 'his intention was not to be bad' and he was swayed by peer pressure . Earlier this week, MailOnline revealed details of an incident in January where Mr Gao abducted and bashed a teenager on behalf of a scorned friend in a terrifying 90-minute ordeal. Jaiwei Yu, 19, said he was kidnapped, taken to a park and bashed in the head and chest by Mr Gao and two accomplices. Mr Gao had been called in as an enforcer to 'get revenge' on 18-year-old Alex Li on behalf of a female friend, who had been dumped by the victim's flatmate, the intended target of the assault. But when Mr Gao arrived at the flat at Carlton in Sydney's south on January 9, Mr Li was not at home – so he abducted Mr Yu instead. Abducted:  The flat (left) at Carlton in Sydney's south that Jaiwei Yu (right) was kidnapped from by Jamie Gao . Detained after dark: It was to this park, Tindale Reserve, in southern Sydney where Jamie Gao and two teenage accomplices took 19-year-old Jiawei Yu after kidnapping and beating him and driving him around in his car on the night of Thursday January 9 as part of a revenge attempt gone wrong . 'It was because Alex and his girlfriend' broke up,' Mr Yu told MailOnline at his home in Sydney's southern suburbs. '[She] wanted revenge on Alex. She used Jamie to do it ... to come around and kidnap me.' During the terrifying 90-minute ordeal Mr Yu was driven around nearby suburbs, taken to Tindale Reserve, a local park, and bashed around the head and chest by Mr Gao, who he had never previously met. 'They drove around, through the park and they beat him up with fists in the head,' Mr Li said. Meanwhile Mr Li, the intended target, was staying at a house just one street away when Mr Gao arrived sometime after 10pm. Jamie Gao's girlfriend (pictured kissing him) is in shock over his death . 'They think I am with Jaiwei. We are friends,' Mr Li said. 'They thought I would be at his house. I'm not at home and they thought he might be here.' Police interviewed Mr Yu at his home in February and on March 22 charged Mr Gao with taking and detaining Mr Yu in company with intent to get advantage and occasioning actual bodily harm. Mr Gao was also charged with conspiring with the two teenagers to assault Alex Li and cause him actual bodily harm. The girl and the third friend, who were minors at the time, will face Sutherland Children's Court on July 1 on charges relating to the kidnap and assault. Meanwhile, a 19-year-old friend of Mr Gao's, who had lunch with him the day before he was murdered, told MailOnline his involvement in a drug deal seemed completely out of character, describing him as a 'nice guy' who was swayed by peer pressure. 'People say he's dealing drugs and he's bad. But his intention is not to be bad,' she said. 'He doesn't do anything on purpose to hurt anyone, I think he was just persuaded by his friends and by peer pressure.' 'He doesn't tell us about all the stuff he does,' she said. 'He does tell us about his private life, family and girlfriend but not about the illegal stuff.' Mr Gao (left) and his girlfriend (right) started dating at the beginning of the year . The day before his murder was reportedly as normal for Mr Gao as any other. He went to his morning university classes before stopping for lunch at a nearby cafe with a uni friend. At no stage, his friend told MailOnline, did he seem nervous or on edge. Nor did he mention his plans for the following day. Instead he spent his time gushing about his new girlfriend - a young woman he'd had a crush on for some time and had been dating for just 'a couple of months'. Pictures posted to Mr Gao's girlfriend's Facebook page show the couple hugging and kissing. Mr Gao's girlfriend told MailOnline she was struggling to cope with the news. She declined to comment in detail, saying it was a 'very hard time' for her. On Monday May 19, the UTS business student went to class in the morning and afternoon as normal. During a break between 11am and 1pm he lunched with a friend at Caffe Tiamo on Pitt St in Sydney's CBD. Mr Gao's girlfriend told the MailOnline it was a 'very hard time' for her . His female friend, who did not want to be named, said Mr Gao did not talk about his plans for the next day. 'He was fine, normal. we had lunch,' she said. 'He didn't tell me about the meeting.' Mr Gao's friend told MailOnline that, before the body was formally identified, his girlfriend was still hopeful he'd return, saying she 'still expects him to come back'. 'They've only officially been together a couple of months, but he liked her for a while,' she said. The friend described Mr Gao as social and naturally smart. 'He wasn't crazy about study, he wasn't the nerdy type that studies every day, he was more social,' she said. Mr Gao's body was found floating off Sydney's Shelly Beach, near Cronulla, wrapped in a blue tarp on Monday morning. The discovery triggered a nation-wide manhunt for Rogerson, which ended in his arrest in a blaze of publicity at his Sydney home. McNamara, a former police colleague of Rogerson's, was charged with Mr Gao's murder on Sunday night. A body found floating off Shelly Beach near Cronulla was formally identified as Mr Gao on Tuesday afternoon . Sorry we are not currently accepting comments on this article.
Jamie Gao reportedly told friends he had a meeting with the ACC . Federal police have provided NSW authorities with 20-page report on Gao . Gao was killed on May 20, allegedly murdered by former Sydney detectives Glen McNamara and Roger Rogerson .
By . Daily Mail Reporter . PUBLISHED: . 13:12 EST, 28 November 2013 . | . UPDATED: . 13:20 EST, 28 November 2013 . A restaurant has kicked out a customer who refused to take off his Google Glass. Nick Starr was at the Lost Lake Cafe in Seattle on November 21 and wearing the glasses, which allow users to take pictures and record audio or video, when he was asked to remove them. But he refused to take them off and was eventually asked to leave - sparking an online spat between Starr and the restaurant, and raising the debate about how invasive the gadget is. Complaining about the incident on his Facebook page, Starr explained that he and his boyfriend were at the cafe and looking at the menus when a manager approached them, KIRO reported. Scroll down for video . Dispute: Nick Starr left a Seattle restaurant after he was ordered to remove his Google Glass, pictured . 'She tells me that . the owner's other restaurant doesn't allow Google Glass and that I would . have to either put it away or leave,' he wrote. 'I... asked to see where it was policy for Glass to be disallowed at Lost . Lake. She said she couldn't provide any and when asked to speak with . management she stated she was the night manager.' Refusing to remove the glasses, Starr and his boyfriend left. He vented on his Facebook post, demanding an apology from the restaurant and calling for the woman's termination. He added that he thought it was bizarre that the restaurant asked customers to shares images on social networking sites of their experiences there, but banned the Glass. Scene: The manager at the Lost Lake Cafe asked him to remove the glasses in accordance with their policy . Anger: Restaurant owner David Meinert, pictured, said he thought the glasses were invasive . But the Lost Lake Cafe has refused to apologize, saying that they have other customers' interests in mind. They shot back at Starr with their own Facebook post, outlining its policy. 'We recently had to ask a rude . customer to leave because of their insistence on wearing and operating . Google Glasses inside the restaurant,' the statement said. 'We . kindly ask our customers to refrain from wearing and operating Google . Glasses inside Lost Lake. We also ask that you not videotape anyone . using any other sort of technology. 'If you do wear your Google Glasses . inside, or film or photograph people without their permission, you will . be asked to stop, or leave. And if we ask you to leave, for God's sake, . don't start yelling about your "rights". Just shut up and get out before . you make things worse.' Night out: Starr was out with his boyfriend, Brian (left), when they were approached by the manager . Fan: Starr said he wears the glasses everywhere and argued you can also take pictures with cell phones . Owner David Meinert, who banned Google Glass at another one of his restaurants earlier this year, said he felt uneasy about the device. 'I think they're invasive and they make people uncomfortable,' he told KOMO News. 'More than that they make me uncomfortable, and it's my place.' But Starr countered that he believes Google Glass is no more intrusive than cell phones with cameras that are also capable of taking images. 'I think privacy is vapor now,' Starr said. 'There are cameras everywhere. There are recording devices everywhere.' See below for video .
Nick Starr refused to take off the glasses when he was asked by the manager at a Seattle restaurant . Restaurant owner said the glasses, which take photos and videos, are invasive .
By . Ian Sparks . French president Francois Hollande has been dumped by his glamorous mistress Julie Gayet . French president Francois Hollande has been dumped by his glamorous mistress Julie Gayet, it has been claimed. The actress has allegedly told friends she was unable to cope with the media pressure of being the president’s girlfriend. Hollande, 59, split with former First Lady and partner of ten years Valerie Trierweiler after he was caught making late night visits to actress Ms Gayet in January. Revelations of the president’s cheating in glossy Closer magazine sent 49-year-old Ms Trierweiler into hospital for a week suffering from shock. But his love affair with Ms Gayet, 41, has now ‘unravelled’, France’s Gala magazine reported. It said that according a friend of Ms Gayet: 'As an actress she may be used to public attention, but with Mr Hollande it became too much for her.' The magazine also blamed the return to the cabinet of Segolene Royal - Hollande’s partner of 30 years and mother of his four children - for the break up. The former 2007 presidential candidate was appointed environment minister earlier this months after five years in the political wilderness. Meanwhile, a new book released last week has claimed Mr Hollande is ‘missing’ Ms Trierweiler and becoming attached to the former journalist once again. The book called ‘The President who Wanted to Live his Lives’, by journalist Elise Karlin, claims that the president remains ‘tender and considerate’ towards his ex-partner. It says Mr Hollande even bought Ms Trierweiler flowers when they met for a meal at one of their favourite restaurants in Paris last month. Hollande split with Valerie Trierweiler (left) after he was caught visiting actress Ms Gayet (right) in January . The book claims the president ‘hates solitude’ and has given the impression his feelings for her are ‘far from extinguished’. Friends have also been quoted as saying he is almost ‘harassing’ her with tender text messages. However, the book also alleges that Ms Trierweiler expects a public act of contrition on his part before any reconciliation. But it also hints the president may have the ulterior motive of trying to stop Ms Trierweiler from writing her own tell-all book about their break-up.
Julie Gayet allegedly told friends she was unable to cope with the pressure . Hollande split with former partner of ten years Valerie Trierweiler . Ms Trierweiler went into hospital for a week suffering from shock . Mr Hollande was caught making late night visits to Ms Gayet, 41 .
Disney really does make dreams come true, at least for one talented young performer who has become the first Australian to be a Disney Princess. After moving to New York City as a teenager to pursue her dream of becoming a Broadway star, Sheridan Mouawad said that being chosen to play Princess Jasmine' in ‘Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular’ at Disney’s California Adventure was the opportunity of a lifetime. 'I grew up watching Disney movies as a child and looking up to all the Disney princesses. Suddenly I was given the opportunity to be one, which is such an amazing feeling,' Sheridan told Daily Mail Australia. Australian performer Sheridan Mouawad has become the first Australian to land a role as a Disney Princess . 'As my background is Middle Eastern, having the opportunity to not only be a Disney Princess but to be Princess Jasmine is definitely a dream come true- my five-year-old self inside was jumping like crazy,' Sheridan said. It has been a long and exciting road for Sheridan, 22, who began ballet lessons at the age of three and landed her first professional performing contract with Universal Studios in Singapore at only 18, the start of a career which has seen her travel to dozens of international cities. Sheridan, from Merrylands in Sydney's western suburbs, said that while she 'loves attention' and being paid to play dress-ups, she also values the adrenaline she gets from performing in front of an audience. 'I love knowing that you left a piece of yourself with every person out there, and knowing you had a part in taking them on an emotional journey,' she said. While Sheridan's ultimate goal is to land a role performing on Broadway, she said that she has been cast in amazing roles which have taught her invaluable life lessons and how to adapt to different cultures. Sheridan, from Merrylands in Sydney's western suburbs, said that she 'loves attention' and being paid to play dress-ups as a full-time job . Sheridan said that being chosen to play Princess Jasmine' in ‘Aladdin – A Musical Spectacular’ at Disney’s California Adventure was the opportunity of a lifetime . 'I grew up watching Disney movies as a child and looking up to all the Disney princesses. Suddenly I was given the opportunity to be one, which is such an amazing feeling,' Sheridan . 'I was only 19 when I picked my whole life up again and moved to the Big Apple to live in a tiny dorm room with a budget to study at The American Music and Dramatic Academy,' Sheridan said. 'Leaving a job and going back to school would have been one of the hardest decisions I have made, but one of the most rewarding as well.' After landing a role with West Side Story, which saw her perform in Europe and on London's iconic West End Stage, Sheridan was offered a full-time role as Princess Jasmine, a moment which she calls one of the highlights of her life. 'It just honestly feels so special. Knowing that so many children all over the world idolise the Disney Princesses, you have the power to make those children’s dreams come true by meeting you,' Sheridan said. As the first Australian to be given a title role as a Disney Princess, Sheridan said it was exciting to meet the cast and be the exotic 'foreigner'. 'Meeting the cast and knowing I was foreign kept a fun buzz throughout the contract,' Sheridan said. 'Everyone was excited because they had never had an Australian on the cast before and I was proud to be the first and make a great impression.' Sheridan was offered a role as Princess Jasmine, a moment which she calls one of the highlights of her life . In her role as Princess Jasmine, Sheridan said that one of her favourite elements of performing in the musical was riding Aladdin's magic carpet and seeing all the children in the audience respond . 'When Jasmine comes down, children in the audience wave, and when Jasmine waves back and catches a little boy or girls eye, they begin to wave back passionately,' Sheridan said . One of the highlights of Sheridan's time with the musical was being a part of Disney's 'Make a Wish Foundation', which gives terminally ill children the opportunity ask Disney for a 'wish'. 'Children have requested to meet the cast of Aladdin, or take a photo with Jasmine and Aladdin,' she said. 'Knowing what these children are going through, having a hand in making their wish come true would truly have to be the most beautiful and heart-warming experiences I have ever encountered,' Sheridan said. 'Disney magic really does exist and it’s when you experience events like this.' In her role as Princess Jasmine, Sheridan said that one of her favourite elements of performing in the musical was riding Aladdin's magic carpet and seeing all the children in the audience respond. 'Disney actually is the happiest place on earth and has made one of my dreams come true,' said Sheridan . 'When Jasmine comes down, children in the audience wave, and when Jasmine waves back and catches a little boy or girls eye, they begin to wave back passionately,' Sheridan said. 'When I saw this, it made me completely emotional and it never got old. I know I was changing a little boy or girls life with one special moment,' she said. While Sheridan has now landed another iconic role in the hit Broadway show ‘Rock Of Ages’ in las Vegas, she said that her time as a Disney Princess was unforgettable. 'I couldn’t feel more proud and blessed for where my hard work and perseverance has gotten me,' Sheridan said. 'Disney actually is the happiest place on earth and has made one of my dreams come true.'
Sheridan Mouawad landed the role of Princess Jasmine in 'Aladdin- A Musical Spectacular' at Disney's California Adventure . She grew up watching Disney movies and looking up to the princesses . Sheridan said the role was the opportunity of a lifetime . She loves being paid to 'play dress-ups' and connect with the audience . As the first Australian, Sheridan was excited and honoured to be chosen . 'You have the power to make those children’s dreams come true by meeting you', Sheridan said .
LONDON, England (CNN) -- Mickey Rourke says there is only one person he blames for the spectacular implosion of his career the first time round -- himself. Mickey Rourke backstage at the Golden Globes holding his Best Actor award for his portrayal of Randy "The Ram" Robinson in "The Wrestler." "You lose your house, your wife, your career, your everything at one time," he says, "You've got to look in the mirror and go 'It's your fault.'" For a long time it looked like Rourke was destined for obscurity. But, amazingly, he has battled his way back to the top. It has taken him 15 years, but his critically-acclaimed role in Darren Aronofsky's latest film, "The Wrestler" might finally allow the actor to shake off the notoriety and grab on to the career that should have been his all along. Rourke's recent Golden Globe win for Best Actor seems to be just another chapter in the actor's strange roller coaster story. Despite early promise, Rourke gained such a terrible reputation for self-destructive behavior and on-set antics that, no one in Hollywood would touch him. He has also been beset by public mistakes and scandal: his ruined face, the arrests and alleged spousal abuse, a short stint as a boxer and some terrible career choices -- he turned down the role of prize-fighter Butch Coolidge in "Pulp Fiction" which was eventually played by Bruce Willis. Today, a relaxed, expansive Rourke is sitting in sweats in a private room at an exclusive London hotel that is thick with cigarette smoke. The Face, battered during his short boxing career and reconstructed with extensive plastic surgery, is, unexpectedly, less of a train wreck in the flesh, although his moustache does look distinctly stuck-on. His ever-present pet Chihuahua, Loki, is also there, slumbering quietly by Rourke's side in a tiny gray hooded top. (In his Golden Globes acceptance speech, he thanked his dogs saying, "Sometimes when a man is alone, that's all you've got is your dog.") Squashed on top of his scarecrow hair extensions is a beanie with the word "indestructible" embroidered across the front. It's not a bad description for the 52-year-old actor. Candid is another one -- especially about the bad times. "Seeing your entourage leaving with everything they can carry." he says, giving an example of a particularly bleak time, "And you're standing there in the dark with your thumb up your ass." It is the uncomfortable parallels between the ups and downs of Rourke's life and that of his character Randy "The Ram" Robinson -- a burnt-out fighter, once a crowd-puller, now scraping a living from second division fights in school gyms -- that give particular resonance to the role. "There was so much of the character ... living in shame, the character being a has-been, it was like it hit me in the face really hard," he tells CNN. He says he also knew director Aronofsky would "want his pound of flesh." "I knew he'd want me to revisit some very dark painful places." Things started to go wrong for Rourke in 1987, at the height of his fame after explicit blockbuster "9 1/2 Weeks." He says simply that he lost interest in acting and preferred riding motorcycles. But it was more than that. Alan Parker, who directed Rourke in 1987 film "Angel Heart" is quoted as calling him "a nightmare" and "very dangerous on set." Rourke puts this down to a problem with authority -- for him "there were no rules" -- and an innate mistrust of the political side of Hollywood. He says it could be to do with being abused by his father as a child. "You look at some other guy who's making movies and they're calling him a movie star or whatever and the guy can't, he can't carry your jockstrap. "Because of my temperament and my upbringing I took it real personal and short-circuited." Whatever it was, Rourke gave up acting and took up professional boxing for four years in the early 1990s and, it seems he was able to fully indulge his self-destructive streak. By the time doctors told him he must stop boxing, he was suffering from memory loss, poor balance and needed extensive plastic surgery to reconstruct his battered face. Of course, Rourke's scandals and problems wouldn't be half as interesting if it wasn't for his prodigious talent. He was one of the last actors to train with the legendary Lee Strasberg at the Actor's studio in New York with Al Pacino, Robert De Niro and Chris Walken and Harvey Keitel. Early roles had some comparing him to Marlon Brando and De Niro. He says he has spent the last 13 years going to therapy to deal with his issues -- not a natural place for an "old school guy." "For me it would be easier to talk to a priest than a therapist," he explains, "I was afraid that if I changed I wouldn't be a man." But, he says he persevered and straightened out "some issues from my childhood." He says he is now a changed man and is being welcomed back into the bosom of Hollywood: he is reprising his role as "Marv" in "Sin City 2," is lined up for a role in Sylvester Stallone's "The Expendables" and is in talks to play a villain in the upcoming blockbuster "Iron Man 2" -- his first major studio film since resurrecting his career. He's still a bit edgy, though. Even after all the years of therapy. He recently sparked up one of his beloved Marlboros during an interview and, then, of course, he called Sean Penn a "homophobe," as reported in the Los Angeles Times. Does he ever worry he might throw it all away again? "I'll never lose it all again," he says, "It was too much hard work to get it back and too lonely and too dark. "I've worked too hard for it. It would be too hard to take."
Mickey Rourke has spent 15 years battling his way back to the top . After a promising start, he threw away his career with self-destructive behavior . Rourke on losing everything: "You've got to look in the mirror and go 'It's your fault'" He has been in therapy for 13 years and says he was "afraid of change"
An American couple were violently ill throughout a 20-hour flight home after they caught a vomiting bug at one of Heston Blumenthal restaurants. David Jones, 39, and his wife Melissa, 38, spent £277.66 on the meal at Dinner, the two Michelin-starred venue in Hyde Park, London, where they ate delicacies such as calf tail and powdered duck breast to mark the end of their holiday. But 48 hours later, as they flew back to Denver, the couple were struck down by norovirus. Difficult journey: David Jones and his wife Melissa contracted norovirus after eating at Heston Blumenthal's London restaurant causing problems for them during their 20-hour flight to America . Ashley Palmer Watts Executive Head Chef of the Fat Duck Group and head Chef at Dinner with Heston Blumenthal in the kitchen, which has now been shut down thanks to the winter vomiting bug . Blumenthal closed the restaurant on . Saturday, after tests confirmed an outbreak of the bug. Norovirus forced . a similar closure of Blumenthal's other restaurant, The Fat Duck in . Bray, five years ago. Mr Jones, an IT Consultant told the Evening Standard he was violently ill 'on a reasonably frequent basis' during the flight to Denver. He . said: 'It was not good. At one point I had a chill, but no fever and my . wife said I looked extremely pale. It was not a lot of fun.' He . added: 'We were quite excited about going there. I had a group of . friends who had been there the week before and raved about it and that . added to my excitement. 'It's . never a good thing to go through that experience, especially at a . restaurant like that. I'll definitely be back to the UK, but maybe not . to Heston's." Blumenthal, . known as the 'culinary alchemist', apologised to customers at the . Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park Hotel when he closed the restaurant on . Saturday, after 24 diners and 21 members of staff were taken ill. The chef said: 'My goal has always been to pursue perfection in . the kitchen and to amaze our guests with taste sensations beyond their . imagination, rather than expose them to the risk of a really nasty . couple of days of heaving.' He added: 'I personally have the experience and knowledge about this winter bug and how to contain it immediately. Dinner's new menu, which has been described as 'medieval' with recipes dating back to the 14th century, with dishes like 'rice and flesh' and 'meat fruit' The interior of the Dinner restaurant at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in Hyde Park, London. The restaurant is the second of Blumenthal's to be shut down due to the outbreak of a virus, the first being his establishment 'Fat Duck' 'I . am very sorry for the inconvenience to those customers affected by the . cancellations. However, I will reopen the restaurant safe in the . knowledge that we have done everything we can do to continue to strive . to create the perfect environment and food for my guests to enjoy. I . will always err on the side of extreme caution.' The restaurant is expected to remain closed this week. Hailed . by food critics as ‘astonishing’ and ‘seriously good’, Dinner has been . rated by experts as one of the world’s finest restaurants. Mr . Blumenthal, who was criticised for reacting too slowly when his . flagship restaurant The Fat Duck in Bray, Berkshire, was hit by a worse . outbreak, said the temporary closure of Dinner might seem ‘rather . extreme and over cautious’. The chef, famous . for his experimental cooking, said the problem came to light two weeks . ago when a guest reported feeling unwell with symptoms consistent with . the norovirus winter vomiting bug. The restaurant, in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel in Knightsbridge, immediately called in Westminster Council environmental health officers and nine further reports of illness were recorded. Mr Blumenthal, whose restaurant caters for about 1,000 people a week and where a meal for two can cost £190, said the complaints peaked after a couple of days and tests made by Westminster officials came back negative. According to a food website, Westminster . food safety officers have confirmed there had been an outbreak of the . bug and were quoted as saying: ‘We have asked the restaurant to improve . some of its hygiene procedures – including telling staff to wash their . hands more often. The changes were made immediately.’ The location of Heston Blumenthal's restaurant Dinner by Heston Blumenthal. Blumenthal closed the restaurant himself when he heard about the outbreak of the virus that had made it's way into the kitchen . Blumenthal has been notorious for his strange and eclectic dishes, and his recent dining endeavour is no exception, with a menu featuring ancient recipes . In one of the largest known outbreak of the bug in a restaurant, more than 240 people were affected by norovirus at The Fat Duck. The restaurant, which has three Michelin stars and was voted the best restaurant in the world in 2005, was accused of waiting six weeks after the first suspected case before reporting it to the Health Protection Agency, though managers rejected any suggestion of wrongdoing. A spokesman for The Fat Duck said at the time that the outbreak had been caused by ‘oysters contaminated at source by norovirus.’ The establishment reopened after a ten-day investigation. Norovirus is the most common stomach bug in the UK. It is highly contagious and causes vomiting and diarrhoea. If an infected person does not wash their hands before handling food, they can pass the virus on. It can also be spread from contaminated surfaces and equipment.
David Jones, 39, and his wife Melissa, 38, spent £277.66 on the meal . Pair were 'violently sick on a 'regular basis' during the 20-hour flight home . The celebrity chef shut down the gourmet restaurant, Dinner, himself . The establishment, which opened in 2011, was fully booked for weeks . Blumenthal said his closure might be 'rather extreme and over cautious' Previous outbreaks of vomiting bug happened at his restaurant Fat Duck .
By . Jill Reilly . A couple held their tiny baby son for the first time as newlyweds just minutes after tying the knot in a horror themed wedding. Margaret, 28, and Ross Patterson, 31, said their vows and then rushed to visit eight-week-old baby Drake in a hospital's neo-natal intensive care unit. Drake had been born 14 weeks premature and needed round the clock medical care as medics feared he may not survive. Margaret, 28, and Ross Patterson, 31, held their tiny baby son for the first time as man and wife just minutes after tying the knot in a horror themed wedding . Drake had been born 14 weeks premature and needed round the clock medical care as medics feared he may not survive . 'After our ceremony Ross and I travelled to the hospital to see our son. The nurses had decorated the room with a Halloween theme,' said Mrs Patterson . The couple had already suffered the agony of two miscarriages and were delighted when Mrs Carrey fell pregnant again last year. The pair, from Wishaw, Lanarkshire, are both rock fans and love goth fashion and had set about planning their ghoulish themed wedding celebrations. Mrs Patterson said: 'Ross and I met online and a year later I proposed to him and we began planning our life together. When baby Drake was born early in August and kept in Wishaw General Hospital's neo-natal unit they thought their plans would have to scrapped . Drake, weighed just 1lb 5oz, when he was born prematurely at Wishaw General Hospital . Mrs Patterson said that when she was just over four months pregnant she was taken to hospital with back ache and the doctors told her the baby was on the way . 'I fell pregnant but had two miscarriages, we were beside ourselves with grief. 'In . time we got on with things and started planning our dream wedding but . then I found out I was pregnant again and we were ecstatic. 'I had to let my wedding dress fitter know I'd need extra room as I'd be nearly nine months pregnant. 'But . when I was just over four months pregnant I was taken to hospital with . back ache and the doctors told me the baby was on the way. 'I . just managed to tell Ross to call the dress fitting shop to tell them . not to let out my dress as I wouldn't have a bump at the wedding, but a . baby.' 'We organised funeral cars for our wedding cars. The coffin even came with a skeleton and fake blood in the back of the car,' said Mr Patterson . Mr Patterson, a car sprayer, said: 'We love Halloween and are known for our parties so we thought it would be a day to remember if we had our wedding that day' The couple's Halloween themed guests at their wedding . When baby Drake was born early in August and kept in Wishaw General Hospital's neo-natal unit they thought their plans would have to scrapped. However as Drake, who weighed just 1lb 5oz, showed signs of recovering in the unit, they pressed on with the spooky Halloween big day that featured fancy dress, a coffin and a hearse. But as soon as they were officially husband and wife the raced back to the neonatal unit to celebrate the event with their young son. Mrs Patterson added: 'He was so tiny and perfect and we knew Drake would need to be included in our day to make it special. Drake is now eight months old and made a full recovery after his spell in hospital . 'We did all our wedding pictures there and got the first hold of him as man and wife,' said Mrs Patterson . 'After our ceremony Ross and I travelled to the hospital to see our son. The nurses had decorated the room with a Halloween theme. 'We did all our wedding pictures there and got the first hold of him as man and wife.' Drake is now eight months old and made a full recovery after his spell in hospital. Mr Patterson, a car sprayer, said: 'We love Halloween and are known for our parties so we thought it would be a day to remember if we had our wedding that day. 'Most of our guests came dressed up and we organised funeral cars for our wedding cars. 'The coffin even came with a skeleton and fake blood in the back of the car. 'Everyone had such a good day and it was made all the better because we got to see Drake. 'He is eight months now and going strong.'
Margaret Patterson, 28, gave birth to Drake 14 weeks earlier than due date . She feared her goth wedding to Ross Patterson, 31, would be cancelled . But they married and then raced to the neo-natal intensive care unit . Took their wedding photos with their son Drake who was eight weeks old . Drake is now eight-months-old and has made a full recovery .
It might all have remained a dark secret, if a young man who was an alleged victim of sexual abuse hadn't written a letter to the Vatican. And then gotten a surprise phone call from Pope Francis, according to a Spanish digital newspaper. On Monday, Spanish police arrested three Catholic priests and a religion teacher on suspicion of abusing a minor, Spain's interior minister announced. A court statement from Granada confirmed the arrests of four people "for a case of sexual abuse," and said it would hear initial charges before a judge within three days. The investigation is under seal. The arrests came a day after the Archbishop of Granada and other clerics took the unusual step of prostrating themselves in the cathedral during Sunday Mass, "asking forgiveness for the sins of Church, for all of the scandals that have, or might have, occurred among us," the Granada Archdiocese website reported. The archbishop usually does that once a year, on Good Friday, but he lay on the floor of the cathedral Sunday due to the seriousness of the allegations, a Granada Archdiocese spokeswoman said. The archbishop earlier had removed an unspecified number of priests from their duties, pending an investigation, she said. The arrests of three priests in a single day over sexual abuse allegations is the biggest case of its kind in Spain, said a spokesman in Madrid for the Spanish church leadership, known as the Episcopal Conference. Since 1997, 10 priests have been convicted of sexual abuse, in individual cases, most recently in 2010, the spokesman said. But this latest case caught the attention of the Vatican and the Pope, thanks to a man, reportedly now 24, who wrote to the Vatican to say he was sexually abused when he was underage by church figures in Granada. The Spanish online journal Religion Digital published what it said was a conversation between Pope Francis and the alleged victim from August 10, with the Pope asking for forgiveness in the name of the church. The alleged victim was cited with a fictitious name, Daniel, Religion Digital reported, adding that 12 people, 10 of them priests, were under investigation. The Pope has called for "zero tolerance" of sexual abuse by clerics and has said Catholic bishops "will be held accountable" for failing to protect children from such abuse.
Police arrest Catholic priests and teacher in Granada, Spain, on suspicion of sex abuse . Spanish online journal: Pope phoned alleged victim, sought forgiveness for church . Arrests of three priests in a single day is biggest case of its kind in Spain, official says . Court in Granada set to hear initial charges within three days .
Cyprus Airways has reportedly flown its fleet of planes to a remote Welsh airfield in a bid to prevent them being seized over a row about paying back 65 million euros (£51million) in illegal state funding. The struggling airline flew its Airbus A320s to a 'secret storage location' in the UK after completing its last flights on Friday. But an online tracking website has shown the planes are at St Athan airfield on the outskirts of Cardiff. Cyprus Airways shut down services after a ruling that it repays state aid amounting to £51million . The move follows a European Commission ruling demanding the airline pay back the state aid it received. Aviation expert Julian Bray said: 'The aircraft if allowed to continue operation, possibly landing at commercial airports could be seized by court officers acting on behalf of creditors. That is why they have been flown to the UK.' EU Competition Commissioner Margrethe Vestager said Cyprus Airways had no chance of becoming viable without continued state subsidies, which means money paid out in 2012 and 2013 as part of a restructuring package would have to be recovered. The restructuring plan was 'based on unrealistic assumptions' the EU Commission claimed. The airline has reportedly hidden its fleet of Airbus A320s at an airfield in Wales . Under EU rules a company can only receive state assistance once every 10 years, and the airline had already been bailed out in 2007. 'The company has ceased being a viable entity... and cannot continue to operate,' Finance Minister Harris Georgiades told a news conference. He said the state would fully cover the cost of alternative flights for passengers who had already booked with the airline. Cyprus Airways is 93 per cent owned by the state and employs 550 people. It has a 10 per cent share of flights to the island, down from 30 per cent two years ago. Workers demonstrated against the ruling outside the Finance Ministry in Cyprus after the airline suspended its operations . St Athan airfield is owned by the Ministry of Defence and was once the UK's largest Royal Air Force station. In December, the RAF was due to hand over operational control of the airfield to private contractors Serco in a move towards converting St Athan into a civilian airfield by 2019. Situated less than three miles from Cardiff Airport it has a variety of hangar facilities and forms part of the St-Athan-Cardiff Enterprise Zone, offering an aerospace base for companies and airlines to use. Ryanair, which announced dozens of new routes within hours of the collapse of Hungary's Malev in 2012, said in a statement that it was temporarily cutting prices to the Mediterranean island to help stranded passengers. The airfield at St Athan, on the outskirts of Cardiff, is reportedly where the planes are being stored . But Ryanair has relatively little spare capacity due to expansion planned for the summer. Quickly covering the flights would also be complicated by the fact that about a third of Cyprus Airways' destinations are outside of the European Union and its routes are longer than Ryanair's average. The demise of the carrier is another blow to Cyprus, which was subjected to harsh bailout conditions in 2013 when it was saved from the brink of bankruptcy by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the EU. A small number of demonstrators gathered outside Cyprus Airways' Nicosia offices on Friday evening, but the reaction from staff was muted. 'It's pretty clear from the decision that the government didn't put a viable restructuring plan in place. Our union clearly says that was deliberate; you can turn any company around,' said Petros Souppouris, head of the carrier's pilots union. Both Ryanair and Greece's Aegean Airlines, have submitted applications to Cypriot authorities to create subsidiaries on the island.
Airline ceased operations after European Commission ruling . Carrier must now pay back £51million in state aid from 2012 and 2013 . Planes are reportedly hidden at St Athan airfield outside Cardiff .
Thousands of people have been evacuated from their homes in Munich as experts today tried to defuse a 550lb Allied bomb dropped on the city during WW2. The undetonated explosive was found beneath ground at the site of the former Schwabinger 7 nightclub, a hangout of the Rolling Stones in the 1970s. Bomb disposal teams fear its complex chemical fuse could trigger a repeat of the 2010 tragedy when three experts were killed in a blast in another German city. Scroll down for video . Deadly: Bomb disposal expert Diethard Posorski next to the 550lb bomb discovered in Munich . Close up: The bomb, which was dropped by either American and British planes in either 1944 or 1945 . Team leader Diethard Posorski said: 'That is a chemical delayed-action detonator. I am not defusing that - I’m not suicidal.' So, rather than defusing the bomb, experts plan to surround it with sand and carry out a controlled explosion as the site. 2.8million tons Weight of all U.S. and British bombs dropped on Germany (54% USAAF) 75,000 tons Weight of Luftwaffe bombs dropped on Britain . 543,000 Germans lost their lives in WWII air raids . 60,000 Britons killed by German bombs . 390,000 Sorties flown by RAF bombers . 2,500 unexploded bombs yet to be found in Munich, according to experts . 5% The proportion of bombs that failed to detonate . A large timber shell was today built around the bomb, which is believed to have been dropped in 1944 or 1945 by either British or American forces. The controlled explosion is likely to take place tomorrow morning. Only then will the 2,500 people living within a 1,000-yard radius of the site in the Schwabing area close to the city centre. A nearby subway station has also been closed as well as parts of Leopoldstrasse, one of Munich’s busiest streets. It is unknown whether American or British planes dropped the bomb, which was discovered as diggers tore a building down. Both countries used the same type of 550lb explosives and rust is understood to have obscured any identifying marks. During the war Royal Air Force and U.S. Army Air Force are estimated to have dropped around 50,000 bombs on Munich. City officials believe that 2,500 unexploded payloads – around 5 per cent of the total dropped - are still buried in the Bavarian capital. Precaution: The bomb, which cannopt be defused, is covered with sand bags ahead of a planned controlled blast . Cordon: A German police officer guards a section of Leopoldstrasse, which has been sealed off along with a a 1,000-yard radius area. A total of 2,500 people have been evacuated . And they pose a huge problem in all of Germany, where barely a week goes by without a new discovery. It is unusual, however, to find a bomb in such a densely populated areas as most undetonated explosives tend to be uncovered outside big urban zones. Allies dropped of 2.8million tons during WWII, massively eclipsing the 75,000  tons unleashed by the Luftwaffe on Britain. By the war’s end, the USAAF had dropped 1.5million tons of bombs on the country and the RAF 1.3million tons. British bombers alone flew a total of 390,000 sorties. Locked out: Evacutated people in an aid station in Munich, where they will have to stay until Wednesday . Round-up: German police officers evacuating apartment buildings after the bomb was found . Sealed off: Recovery vehicles parked on Leopoldstrasse, which has been blocked to traffic . As a result, few towns escaped extensive damage from air raids and, by 1945, 543,000 civilians had been killed by the allied assault, compared with 60,000 in Britain. The worst air raid occurred in Dresden when, over two days, at least 30,000 civilians were killed in attacks by the RAF and the USAAF. Last week a similar 550lb bomb was found in Nuremberg and experts fear that the dud payloads are becoming more dangerous due to ‘material fatigue’. Already 67 years have passed since Germany’s defeat and over time the safety elements in the trigger mechanisms are increasingly wearing away. It means that some bombs could explode before being discovered and others will be more difficult to defuse. In the most deadly incident in recent years, three bomb disposal experts were blown to bits in June 2010 as they attempted to defuse an American bomb in the northern university city of Göttingen. VIDEO: Spectacular! Bomb is detonated in Munich .
2,500 people living within 1,000 yards of the explosive ordered to evacuate . Unknown whether bomb is American or British as both forces used payload . Fears complex fuse may trigger repeat of 2010 blast that killed three experts . Unexploded bomb is one of 2,500 estimated to be buried in Munich . Unusual to find bomb in such an heavily populated area .
By . Gemma Mullin . The fire which ripped through part of Eastbourne Pier is now being treated as suspicious, police have said. New information today suggests the blaze on the 144-year-old structure on Wednesday ‘may have been started by someone, either deliberately or accidentally’. It comes after David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne visited the town to announce a £2million cash injection to help with the aftermath of the blaze. Scroll down for video . David Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne visited Eastbourne pier today after pledging to support town . The Prime Minister walks alongside the devastated wreckage along with George Osborne and members of the East Sussex Fire and Rescue who managed to save most of the structure . Outside the former entrance to the pier, David Cameron speaks with members of the fire service . Detective Inspector Mark O'Brien, of Sussex Police, said: ‘As a result of our investigation we have received information to suggest that the fire may have been started by someone, either deliberately or accidentally, and our investigation is now focusing on that line of enquiry. ‘A temporary scaffold platform has been erected adjacent to where the fire is thought to have broken out in order to enable scenes of crime officers and fire investigators safe access to the area.’ Police have called on people to submit pictures or video footage taken at the entrance or on the pier in the hours before it started. Superintendent Laurence Taylor said: ‘The area around and under the pier is still very hazardous and there is a security team deployed to stop people putting themselves in danger.’ The Prime Minister met with the crew from the Inshore Lifeboat Station as the wreckage stood behind him . David Cameron shaking hands with members of the fire and rescue service who saved most of the building . The Prime Minister visited the town today with George Osborne as he pledged to support the town. The pair met with members of the East Sussex Fire and Rescue Service and the crew from the Inshore Lifeboat Station. Mr Cameron said: ‘The Government is absolutely committed to supporting coastal towns, and through our long-term economic plan we are creating jobs and boosting tourism. ‘I know that the loss of one of Eastbourne’s most prominent and well-loved landmarks will have hit the town hard and I am determined to do all I can to help local businesses recover.’ The fire happened at the height of Eastbourne’s important summer tourist season. In the next fortnight, the resort hosts its biggest summer tourist event - the annual Airbourne Air Show - which draws tens of thousands of visitors. Mr Cameron and Chancellor George Osborne also announced an extra £3 million for the Government’s Coastal Communities Fund to encourage growth and create jobs in coastal towns. Mr Osborne said: ‘Eastbourne Pier is a much-loved local attraction and this fire is devastating news. I am therefore delighted to be able to provide financial support so we can minimise the effect on business and tourism. People walk along the beach to catch a glimpse of what remains of devastated Eastbourne Pier . The town is now set to receive a £2 million boost after a fire destroyed its Grade II listed pier this week . ‘We will work with Eastbourne as a matter of urgency to ensure that the funding is provided without delay so people can start enjoying the pier again.’ Coastal Communities Minister Penny Mordaunt named 10 coastal towns which will receive £8.5 million from the fund in the latest round of applications. The money will be used to boost tourism, regenerate historic sites and provide new flood defences, Downing Street said. But there is hopes that the fire-hit pier could reopen again as early as next year, as two-thirds of it was untouched by flames, according to Eastbourne MP Stephen Lloyd. The Liberal Democrat MP has said that following talks with East Sussex’s chief fire officer, the structure appeared ‘pretty sound’ and called on the community to rally round the pier’s stricken traders after fears that some had no insurance. Mr Lloyd said: ‘There is real damage but I’m confident that it can be repaired. Crowds gathered on Wednesday as the popular pier went up in flames and plumes of smoke billowed out . It took more than 80 firefighters to dampen down the tangled wreck of Eastbourne Pier after the blaze . Crews were still dousing flames the morning after a large section was destroyed and left a charred shell . ‘It’s still very much standing, and I’m very hopeful and confident that it will be reopening next year and be back in business.’ Helen Brook and Stuart Pearce, who were due to get married on the pier in three weeks’ time, have seen their dream dashed. The couple were to have wed on a section of the Victorian structure which escaped the flames. Ms Brook told ITV Meridian: ‘Once we heard that people were safe and had been evacuated, it then hit home what it meant for us. ‘Since yesterday, it has been a very emotional couple of days. We are just shell-shocked really.’ Holiday makers walk along the promenade with the pier stretching out to sea in the background . Passengers landing on Eastbourne Pier after a boat cruise in 1936. The paddle steamers took passengers to destinations including Folkestone, Sandown, Brighton, Hastings and even as far afield as Boulogne in France . East Sussex has been cursed by the devastation of some of its beloved piers in recent times. In 2003 the 148-year-old West Pier in Brighton was reduced to a mangled mass of metal by two major blazes within two months. In Hastings, the Grade II listed pier was almost destroyed in a fire in 2010 following years of neglect by its then-Panama-registered owner. Efforts are now well under way to restore Hastings Pier after more than £13 million was secured mainly though the Heritage Lottery Fund.
Fire tore through 144-year-old structure, which housed shops and cafes . David Cameron has pledged to support the town with the cash injection . He says he is determined to do all he can to help local businesses recover . PM and Chancellor also announce extra £3m for Costal Communities Fund . The fire happened at height of the town's important summer tourist season . Hopes the pier could re-open as early as next year, says Eastbourne MP .
Ryan Harriss, now 24, nearly died when he suffered a heart attack on a night out. He is pictured before he started using steroids . A gym fanatic suffered a near-fatal heart attack on a night out after becoming addicted to the effects of taking a cocktail of steroids. Ryan Harriss, from Harlow, Essex, collapsed on a night out with friends six months after first taking the performance-enhancing drugs. Once in hospital, doctors discovered the then 22-year-old's heart had swollen to the point it was much larger than normal, and his blood pressure had gone off the scale. They warned Mr Harriss he would die if he continued to place his heart under the strain of taking the drugs. There and then he vowed never to touch steroids again. Mr Harriss first began the drugs after seeing how well they had worked for friends he trained with at the gym. While he had been working hard, he wasn't seeing the same results as others. It was when friends told Mr Harriss that he would never achieve the results he wanted without the help of steroids, that he experimented for the first time. 'My metabolism is apparently really fast, so I shed weight really quickly and it makes it really hard to maintain muscle mass,' he said. 'There were guys around me who didn't seem to be trying as hard as me but were getting much better gains. 'I didn't even think about it. My next pay cheque that came in, I went to a friend of a friend and I ordered them in. 'For most of these guys, they suffered no problems at all.' After starting taking anabolic steroids, Mr Harriss admits he became addicted to how his body reacted. 'The difference was instant,' he told MailOnline. 'I started noticing the gains immediately. You are supposed to do steroids in courses, but I saw myself getting bigger and bigger. 'My arms toned up, my chest and back muscles were more defined and I went from a pretty average body to hench in a few weeks.' Determined to get bigger and bigger, he began to up the dosage. 'I started to do lots of different types of steroids - They call it stacking,' he told MailOnline. 'I didn't really stop or give my body any kind of a break. 'I'd started to get chest pains quite frequently, but I just ignored them and kept going to the gym. 'I didn't want to lose my new physique.' Six months after first starting to take the drugs, Mr Harriss was on a night out, having a few drinks when he collapsed. 'I became breathless,' he told MailOnline. 'I started getting really hot and was sweating. 'My chest went so tight and I got that feeling you hear about in my arm. It is hard to explain. 'I didn't know what was happening to start with, it was similar to a panic attack. 'But as my chest got tighter and tighter I realised what was happening to me. 'Everything went blurry and that's all I remember, I blacked out.' The then 22-year-old collapsed after six months of taking anabolic steroids to try and bulk up (pictured) Doctors warned Mr Harriss if he continued to take the performance enhancing drugs he would die. He told MailOnline he made the decision there and then never to touch the drugs again . When he woke up in a hospital bed, his girlfriend was holding his hand and crying. Mr Harriss spent five days in hospital while medics performed ECG tests and MRI scans on him. 'The doctors came in and informed me that I'd had a heart attack,' he recalled. 'They said my the rate my heart was beating, I was lucky to be alive. 'I'd collapsed in the bar and an ambulance had brought me straight to hospital, and I'd been unconscious since. 'It was horrifying,' he continued. 'I have never experienced anything like it in my life and pray I never do again.' Mr Harriss spent five days in hospital, with doctors warning if he didn't give up the steroids, he was likely to die. 'My heart was massive,' he told MailOnline. 'It had swollen so much it was much bigger than normal. 'And my blood pressure was through the roof.' It was while lying in his hospital bed that Mr Harriss made the decision - he vowed never to take the drugs again. 'What you see, the results from taking the drugs, it's addictive,' he admitted. 'It isn't very nice injecting them, you end up with a numb bum, but it is when you see in the mirror the results, and people start commenting on how big you look, that's what becomes addictive.' Despite this, Mr Harriss has stuck to his word, in the last two years not one steroid has been injected into his body. The Drug . Steroids are drugs that mimic natural hormones that regulate and control how the body works and develops. There are two main groups - anabolic steroids and corticosteroids. Anabolic steroids are the type widely misused. They are similar to the male hormone testosterone and can improve endurance and performance, as well as stimulate muscle growth. Some people are tempted to take anabolic steroids to build their muscle mass, while others use them to improve their performance. The Effects . Sports players and body builders have claimed the drugs help them: . But they have also been known to . The Risks . In the young, anabolic steroids can disrupt the way their body develops, stunting growth in some cases . For men, the drugs can cause problems with erections, promote the growth of breasts and cause a man to become sterile. They can also cause men to lose their hair and develop acne, while others have suffered shrunken testicles. In women, the drugs can promote more masculine features. Women have been known to develop facial hair, a deeper voice, lose hair on their heads, notice their breasts shrink. They may also suffer an enlarged clitoris, as well as acne, menstrual problems and changes in their sex drive. Steroids also raise blood pressure, increasing the risk of illnesses including death from liver failure, stroke and heart attack. Regular users have reported having trouble sleeping, becoming paranoid and experiencing dramatic mood swings. Meanwhile, injecting drugs comes with its own risks, damaging veins, causing ulcers and gangrene. And injecting increases the risk of spreading HIV and hepatitis C. The Law . Anabolic steroids are Class C drugs, which are sold by pharmacists but only with a doctor's prescription. It is legal to possess or import steroids as long as they are for personal use. Possession with intent to supply, including giving them to friends, is illegal and those found guilty face up to 14 years in prison. Source: Talk to Frank . 'I feel very lucky and unlucky in many ways,' he said. 'I am lucky to be alive, but, while I was stupid, this kind of reaction doesn't happen to everyone. 'I am so grateful I didn't die, it was the wake up call I needed.' Since his heart attack, Mr Harriss struggles to do proper work outs, fearing his heart can't cope. 'I miss being big,' he said. 'But I couldn't keep risking my life just for a few extra muscles. 'If I was to use them again, doctors warned me I wouldn't last a month, my heart just can't take them.' He told MailOnline he is sharing his experience to warn others of the dangers. 'A lot of people do steroids,' he said. 'I would advise never touching them, but you have to be realistic. 'There will be people out there who use them, and to them I would just say, don't abuse it. 'There are safer ways of taking them. 'Mine is a horror story, but it was a wake up call for me and should be for others considering using the drugs.'
Ryan Harriss was envious of the muscular bodies his gym friends had . The labourer started taking anabolic steroids when he was just 22 . Noticing the results immediately, he began to use more than the dosage . Seeing his arms, back and chest getting bigger was 'addictive', he says . Six months later, while on a night out, he suffered chest pain and collapsed . Doctors told him he'd had a heart attack and would die if he carried on .
West Ham midfielder Stewart Downing is still hopeful of an England recall, but the winger believes he will have to wait until current manager Roy Hodgson has departed for that to happen. Downing won the last of his 34 caps in a 1-0 win against Norway in May 2012, Hodgson's first game as England coach, and was also a non-playing part of Hodgson's Euro 2012 squad. But Downing told the London Evening Standard he does not expect the former Fulham manager to pick him again. Stewart Downing looks on for England against Norway in 2012, the last time he played for his country . Downing (right) has started this season brightly and scored in West Ham's 3-1 win against Crystal Palace . Roy Hodgson celebrates England's win over Switzerland earlier this month and has ignored Downing . He said: 'I'd never say my England career was over but, if I am realistic, I don't think I will get a chance while Roy Hodgson is in charge. 'The only thing I can do is keep playing well and if injuries happen, you never know, he might change his mind. 'If he doesn't pick me that's fair enough, it's his opinion. He did pick me for the Euros but didn't play me and after that I didn't get selected again. He hadn't really seen me but maybe I didn't fit into his systems or he wanted to go for younger players - I honestly don't know. 'I'm still only 30 and maybe if I don't get an opportunity under this England coach, it could still happen further down the line. It's not only me. I thought Mark Noble would have been in the last England squad. With respect to Fabian Delph, Mark has played consistently well in the Premier League for a number of years. 'James Tomkins is another one who would maybe be disappointed not to have been called up but, like Mark, he's young enough to get his chance one day, if he keeps playing well.' Hodgson picked youngsters like Aston Villa's Fabian Delph for the qualifier against Switzerland . Downing has begun this season brightly, scoring in a 3-1 win over Crystal Palace before the Hammers were beaten 3-1 at home by Southampton. Sam Allardyce's team take on Hull City at the KC Stadium on Monday, and Ecuador striker Enner Valencia, a £12million summer signing, is expected to make his first Premier League start, while Alex Song is set to make his debut following his loan move from Barcelona. Downing was pleased with West Ham's summer signings, but knows his side are in for a tough match against Hull. West Ham face Hull on Monday, with Tigers manager Steve Bruce keen on replacing Alan Pardew as Newcastle boss . He added: 'The transfer window was good for us. We have good competition in all places now whereas for large parts of last season the team was basically picking itself. 'The pleasing thing now, although it might be a headache for the manager, is picking the team. He has options in all positions now but I'm sure he would rather have it this way than having to play people out of position, as he was forced to do last season. 'The players, particularly the strikers who have come in, are different to what we've had in the past though and I believe that the team, as a result, has to change the way we play. 'Hull will be a tough game though. They've bought well and Steve Bruce is a good manager.'
Stewart Downing believes England boss Roy Hodgson will not pick him again . The West Ham midfielder played for Hodgson against Norway in May 2012 but has not won a cap since . Downing was part of the Euro 2012 squad but did not play a single minute . West Ham face Hull City at the KC Stadium on Monday night .
Bono and the rest of U2 have pulled out of a TV appearance after the frontman fell off his bike in Central Park on Sunday. The band canceled their weeklong 'residency' on NBC's Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon after the 'spill', in which Bono, 54, hurt his arm. In a statement on their website, Bono's bandmates - Adam Clayton, Larry Mullen and The Edge - wrote that the rocker hurt his arm when he took a tumble in the middle of New York City, and will need minor surgery. Cyclist: Bono fell off his bike in Central Park today and injured his arm. He is pictured above on a bike in France earlier this year . Touch of Vertigo? Bono came off his vehicle in Central Park ahead of a TV appearance with Jimmy Fallon . They wrote: 'It looks like we will have to do our Tonight Show residency another time - we're one man down. 'Bono has injured his arm in a cycling spill in Central Park and requires some surgery to repair it. 'We're sure he'll make a full recovery soon, so we'll be back! Much thanks to Jimmy Fallon and everyone at the show for their understanding.' It tops off an unfortunate week for the Irish singer, who was also inches from disaster in an air accident. Concern: Fellow band members Larry Mullen (left) Adam Clayton (second right) and The Edge (right) told fans they were cancelling the appearance after the accident involving their frontman (second from left) Other mishfortune: It comes days after Bono's private jet (pictured) lost a door in mid-air . While flying to an airport in Berlin, Germany, on Wednesday, the hatch fell off his $78million private Learjet and smashed into the ground near the city's Schoenefeld airport. Bono and his flying companions lost their luggage in the accident, but none of the seven people on board was hurt. Speaking to the Irish Daily Mail after the incident, a source said: 'He was extremely lucky, the plane could have gone down. About an hour into the journey they heard a big thud coming from the rear of the plane... They were at an altitude where anything could have happened and they are all feeling very lucky to be alive.’ Bono is a keen cyclist, and was photographed this summer heading out for a ride with his wife Alison Hewson near their French holiday home in Eze-sur-Mer, France. The couple were both wearing helmets on that occasion, but didn't have extra safety gear life elbow or knee pads. Bono head earphones in and was listening to music as he rode.
Singer tumbled in New York ahead of week-long slot with Jimmy Fallon . Remaining band members said he hurt his arm and would require surgery . Came days after a door fell off his private jet during flight to Berlin .
Manchester City are continuing to monitor Atletico Madrid coach Diego Simeone amid growing concern over their faltering season. The Barclays Premier League champions slipped seven points behind leaders Chelsea after Saturday’s 1-1 home draw with struggling Hull City. Manuel Pellegrini’s side are now in danger of finishing the season empty-handed after going out of both domestic cup competitions in the early rounds. Much will depend on how they fare in the Champions League having scraped through to the knockout stage. Diego Simeone is being monitored by Manchester City as their season continues to falter . Manuel Pellegrini's City side have not won in their last four and have fallen seven points behind Chelsea . Spanish league champions Atletico beat city rivals Real Madrid 4-0 in La Liga over the weekend . 7- After just nine years in management Simeone has already won seven major honours — including La Liga, the Copa del Rey and Europa League. 64.3- His win percentage in his three-and-a-half seasons as Atletico manager. 4- The number of times Simeone’s Atletico have beaten arch-rivals Real Madrid this season. They have also had two draws. On February 24 City face Barcelona for the second season in a row and another defeat for Pellegrini would raise serious questions over the Chilean’s future. Simeone led Atletico to the Spanish title last season as well as the Champions League final, where they lost to rivals Real. His stock rose even higher after Atletico inflicted a 4-0 defeat on Carlo Ancelotti’s European champions in Saturday’s Madrid derby. The 44-year-old Argentine is the likely target if City feel Pellegrini should go. Both Ancelotti and Bayern Munich’s Pep Guardiola are less likely to leave their clubs while Borussia Dortmund’s Jurgen Klopp is having a poor season. City’s immediate task is to improve their results, starting at Stoke tomorrow. Pablo Zabaleta, the champions’ Argentina full back, admits his side must win at the Britannia Stadium or risk losing touch with Chelsea. Pablo Zabaleta (left) believes that City could rediscover their form by playing away from the Etihad . City striker Sergio Aguero has found that his goalscoring touch has deserted him during recent matches . ‘We are under pressure. We have to win every game,’ said Zabaleta. ‘Chelsea won and Southampton won, United are close behind us, while Spurs are in a great moment. ‘Every game is like a final, and we have Champions League coming up in the next few weeks. If we want to be trying to retain the title, we need to win the games.’ Pellegrini’s team will not find it easy — Stoke won at the Etihad in August — and Zabaleta admitted: ‘They play in a physical way, and are very strong at home. ‘They have changed their style of play with Mark Hughes, but still have most of the players from a few years ago, and are a really good team. We have to be ready.’ Zabaleta admitted that playing away from the Etihad could help City rediscover their form. ‘It’s been very strange because this team have not been great at home, and that is something that has not happened before,’ he said. ‘We have always been strong at home, and this season if you look at the points we have lost at home, it is really hard to understand.’ Much could depend on whether Sergio Aguero rediscovers his scoring spark and Zabaleta said: ‘We need Sergio to come back to his goalscoring best like in November-December. City will try to end their winless streak when they play Stoke, who are managed by former boss Mark Hughes . ‘But after being injured for a long time for some players it is difficult to come back to their best. I am sure as soon as Sergio scores one goal then he will again be one of the best strikers in the league. ‘Also, defensively we are not doing great. We are conceding goals every game. Clean sheets are always important. There are defensive and offensive things we need to improve if we are to win something this season.’
Manchester City were held to a 1-1 at home by Hull on Saturday . They have now drifted seven points behind league leaders Chelsea . Diego Simeone's Atletico Madrid's won 4-0 against Real Madrid .