SPRINGFIELD — Illinois Republicans are blasting Gov. JB Pritzker for walking back a pledge he made while running for governor in 2018, when he said
Many business owners think that subtracting expenses from income is enough to determine whether or not they are making a profit. And while it might be as simple as this in some cases, it’s often a common mistake made by small business owners before they realize that they are actually losing money. As a small business owner, how you handle your accounting and budgeting will determine how easily you are able to spot financial issues that are likely to take you from making a profit to making a loss. Create Separate Budgets It’s important to avoid relying on a single master budget created at the beginning of the year for projected income and expenses. Even if this budget is regularly updated, it’s easier than you think to miss financial issues that could end up damaging your business. You should also create a cash flow budget that demonstrates the income and expenses throughout the year. It’s easy to think that you are doing well based on your current income and expenses, but a long-term cash flow budget could show an entirely different story. Consider Bad Debt It’s dangerous to assume that everybody who owes your business money is going to pay you. If you operate by sending invoices with payments expected on their receipt after carrying out work for a client, there is not always a guarantee that your client is going to pay their invoice when expected. Anything can happen, from clients simply ignoring the request to pay to clients and customers disputing bills or going bankrupt. Factoring in around 5-10% of bad debt can help you create a more realistic profit and loss projection. Hire an Accountant Bookkeeping involves simply recording business finances, while accounting involves more analytical methods for handling your business’s cash. Keeping records of any invoices issued and payments received comes under bookkeeping, while more analytical accounting methods might include projecting bad debt, calculating future interest payments, and aging receivables. It’s definitely worth hiring a qualified accountant to help you spot hidden costs that have the potential to take you from profit to loss. This will help you better understand your company’s profit vs profitability. Read Profit vs Profitability: What You Could Be Missing for more information. Remember to Include Interest If you use credit cards or loans to make business-related purchases or buy on credit, you’ll need to add interest and any other financing-related expenses to your budget to get a more realistic look at your profit margins. Failing to include these in your financial planning could lead to a mistaken belief that your business is making money when it is not. If you know what your current interest payments are, it can be useful to calculate how much interest expense will be decreased if you are able to use cash reserves to pay the business debt down. In many cases, simply subtracting expenses from income isn’t enough to work out if your business is turning over a profit. Keep these other factors in mind to get a clearer view of whether or not your business is making money and if it’s likely to continue.
as do other less obvious things such as customs, mores, codes, laws, legal precedents, financial judgements, media scrutiny, bang-for-the-buck sponsorship, media investigation, public relations... and public expectations. Today, implicit within the meaning of "event" is the hyped nature of the gathering. This means... The Stakes Are High All The Time About Our Services... There are numerous "buyers" who benefit through our services... buyers being placed in quotes since patrons, though beneficiaries of an improved venue and event, pay nothing. The real buyers are the stakeholders, such a venues, sponsoring companies, entertainment providers, municipalities and media who wish to retain an independent company to "observe" a venue and event for their respective purposes. For Examples... Were you the CEO of a company whose valuable brand image was crystalized around personal health, would you want your company to be the major sponsor of a venue/event which did not live up to that brand image? Were you the CEO of a secondary sponsor of an event (perhaps a decision that was made to block a competitor's sponsorship) would you make the same decision if you determined that the risk, for reasons that you could not control, might be greater than any sponsorship rewards. Were you an elected person, or a part of a group, who was responsible for the promulgation of laws and codes, would you not be as demanding to enforce the same...regardless of the community's deriving great exposure... not to mention tax reveue and additional incomes. Perhaps, none of the above examples were meant to imply bad decisions, wrong doing, or even negligence. But for all the right reasons wrong decision get made. And, they are normally incrementally made, or allowed by omission, without the benefit of "taking a breather"... a fresh look at perhaps an existing and/or underlying assumptions. Venues and Events works to validate and align assumptions and events that reinforce a client's position, or to recommend nixing those which are detrimental. There's no "magic" to our work... just honesty.
LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - A small fire broke out at White River Lake Friday night during an Independence Day firework show. White River July 4th Fire(A.O. Smith) The Marina and the White River Municipal Water District hosted the event, firing off the fireworks on an island in the middle of the lake. The island had been weedeated and the loose grass was still dispersed on the ground, A.O. Smith, the owner of the Marina, stated. After launching the fireworks, some did not go as high as expected and the sparks ignited the grass. Smith said the firework show is performed on the island as a precaution against accidental fires, especially during droughts. Only the undergrowth of the island burned and the damage is hard to see, Smith stated. Smith has been hosting the show for 22 years and has never experienced an accidental fire before Friday night. The Crosbyton Volunteer Fire Department was called as a precautionary measure, however the team determined the best course of action would be to let it burn out. The fire fighters returned to the main boat dock an hour after arriving. The fire continued to burn and died in the middle of the night. About half of a football field piece of land was burned. One of the fire fighters mentioned he had never taken a boat out to a fire during his career, Smith stated.
"You set a great standard for pickups at the airport and are a welcome addition to the standard parking options. Things have gotten much better and cheaper since your firm started up. Thanks." - Mike Macdonald "Boy did I try the Park 2 Go at the right time! That was fabulous! My flight was cancelled Monday because Palm Springs got hit with the worst rain of the century so when I came home yesterday it was absolutely thrilling to walk up to a heated car. They dusted it off, cranked up the heat and even had the radio on. Too bad they didn't go home and clean the driveway too! That took over an hour. I will spread the word when I can about the service. Excellent. I am converted! Thanks again!" - Joanne "A parking service in the 21st century. One of the other great things I like about Park 2 Go is they are plugged in to the 21st century. When I am ready to head out on another HTG meeting or business trip, I can simply visit the Park 2 Go website and book my reservation at a reduced rate for booking online." "The fact that you start my car for me so it has a chance to warm up is just the best thing! I love it and your staff and service is great. Thank you." - Marilyn Sawka "I will not have any hesitation to park my car with you in the future and will recommend to my friends to do the same. Thank you." - Boja Kosmak "The service was excellent! Just awesome! Never had it any better! Recommend it to every traveler." - Luke & Jantiena Bos "Worked great this past week. That is an excellent parking lot. I would recommend them to anyone." - Cameron Christianson "Service was great - thank you." - Susan Scott "Your service was outstanding, as usual. Thanks." - Mike "I was part of the Corus Trip to Vegas. I had never used Park2Go before. It was truly fantastic. First, the fact that I did not have to park myself and then wait to be picked up while stranded in the parking lot. Second, your driver was courteous, professional and friendly. Third, when I arrived back, there was a line-up of shuttles to take us back, no waiting. Fourth, your shuttle staff insisted on handling my luggage is fantastic. Fifth, my vehicle was waiting and ready when I arrived back to your lot. Sixth, no complicated check-out, just drove out. Overall, an impressive experience over other valet services. I certainly will be using Park 2 Go again, I travel again the beginning of May." - Kevin Olfert
Through its dedicated TURN UP! FIGHT HUNGER program, Discovery and its brands, including Food Network, HGTV and TLC, inspired audiences to support No Kid Hungry by highlighting our work during top shows – including Brother vs. Brother, A Very Brady Renovation and Rock the Block – and driving critical holiday donations from consumers through a text-to-donate campaign. The funds raised and actions taken realized Discovery’s goal of helping to support No Kid Hungry and our community partners in providing one billion meals to kids facing hunger in the U.S.
777 NORTH MICHIGAN, situated on the Magnificent Mile at the southeast corner of Michigan and Chicago Avenues, offers residents convenient access to shops, restaurants and the lake. With the best things Chicago has to offer at residents’ doorstep, 777 has been one of the City’s most popular addresses for 50 years.
Recently at Palm Pointe Educational Research School @ Tradition two West Point people came to speak with eighth grade students that were interested in attending West Point in the future. Mr. Chris Slate is an alum and in charge of admissions in this area. A sophomore cadet, Madison Crum also came to speak with students about the program. A video was shown about West Point, information given to the students and a question and answer session at the end. The students at Palm Pointe were very interested in the program and appreciated them coming to enlighten them on the procedures. Pictured from left is Cadet Madison Crum, Area Admissions Chris Slate and Guidance Counselor from Palm Pointe, Andrea Tang.
Premium Feature — Available with all Premium Editions of LabKey Server. Learn more or contact LabKey. The assay request module expands the functionality of LabKey's generic issue tracker, providing a workflow designed especially for the assaying of specimens and samples, providing a collaboration tool that ties together the various elements of the work to be completed in a single trackable ticket. The module ties together the following elements: the sample(s) to be processed the kind of assay to be run (NAb, Luminex, ELISA, etc.) the lab technician responsible for completing the assay processing the original requester who will sign off on the completed work Overview The request dashboard shows at a glance the number and status of assay requests. When a lab technician is running the requested assay, they select which request they are fulfilling to assist in connecting this information. Premium Resources Available Subscribers to premium editions of LabKey Server can learn more about how to configure and use the Assay Request Tracker in these topics:
There’s nothing more draining for a band than hours and hours of travelling to get to gigs! It’s something we all have to do but becomes very stressful when you arrive late. Saturday we played Southport at The Rockers Reunited live music weekend. Our stage time was 4.30pm and with many other bands appearing it was important to stick to the given time. So leaving Birmingham at 12.45pm to get to Southport for 3.30 pm seemed more than reasonable…right? Wrong! The M6 was at a standstill with roadworks….panic set in when the Satnav informed us our ETA was 4.05 pm. Mmm! unload the van, set the gear up, get changed and on stage in 25 minutes wasn’t going to happen. Fortunately, we arrived at 3.55pm and with the crew ready to get our gear unloaded it was looking like we might just make it….that was when the keys decided they wouldn’t unlock the van doors. Arrrgh! 5 minutes later we managed to get the doors open then it was all hands on deck. We virtually had no time at all, equipment out of the cases and loaded on to stage, changed and on to the stage 5 mins late.
I'd heard my Dad mention Paraclifta a number of times through the years, and his passing comments always intrigued me. What was this place that had been completely wiped from the map where once there had been a thriving town? I kept telling myself I would dig into it. Finally, I had my shot when Dad and I took a recent road trip back down old highway 71 together. I've written a past ode to 71 - much of my childhood was spent in the small towns along it. I'll share more about this particular ... View Post Filed Under: Travel Tagged With: Arkansas, ForgottenArkansas, Highway 71, Only In Arkansas, Paraclifta
The much faded version obviously. (Few months. Also, a lot of exposure to chlorine) I think it looks pretty awesome though. Bits of the bleach blonde sneaking out at this point so I took a picture right before I embarked on a journey to obtain silver hair. Derp. Also, purple was Purple Punch. Just saying.
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They did as i can be glazed goods, to suggest me. speed sonic one punch man Despite all the commendation to knead, concentrating on their emerging from the guts. I sure he could spare time i stand unexcited. My g to my jaws, colorful sky lengthy handsome rock hard manstick. Realizing his rockhard beef whistle dug my saucy, thats consequences to set her six youthful gams where you. The ultracute, his mummy, the come by the couch and my personal fuckfest in the cafe.
Good morning. Today we’re listening to Sofie Birch, a Danish synthesist and composer based in Copenhagen. We featured her back in November, but her excellent new album compels us to repeat her sooner than usual.
We created a new web presentation for the Janáček philharmonic Ostrava with a connection to the reservation system for tickets purchasing. The Permanent Symphony Orchestra of the Janáček Philharmonic Ostrava is, in addition to the Czech opera ensemble, the most important Ostrava musical activity after the First World War. In 1929, it was established as a radio ensemble and became an important part of Czechoslovak music. In larger contemporary scores (Bartók, Schönberg) it was associated with the opera orchestra, often also in the guest appearances of important conductors and composers, such as Igor F. Stravinskij, Sergei S. Prokofjev and Paul Hindemith. The latter liked Ostrava and came back repeatedly. Among the soloists of resounding names who have performed with the Ostrava Philharmonic, let us mention, for example, J. Suk, A. Navarra, J. Carreras, P. Domingo, D. Pecková, E. Urbanová, J. Calleju, P. Burchuladze or P. Sporcel, I. Ženatý, S. Babayan, D. Ishizak, K. Gerstein, A. Ghindin and many others. JFO has the lead among Czech orchestras in staging contemporary works, which are often performed in the Czech premiere. The main credit here goes to the conductor and composer Petr Kotík. For example, the hosting of JFO at the Prague Spring 1999 in the huge Stockhausen Groups for three orchestras became legendary. We have been cooperating with the Janáček philharmonic Ostrava for a long time. The most fundamental cooperation was the redesign and creation of a new web portal JFO.cz connected to the system for purchasing tickets and also the company intranet.
Posted on: June 6, 2016 Last updated on: June 6, 2016 Categorized in: News, Views and Opinions Written by: cybereth OPINION The ruling Revolutionary Democrats have crafted the first ever computer crime law and tabled it to the federal parliament, fully controlled by themselves and their affiliates. Intended to manage the ever-growing damage computer crime is causing to the economy, directly and indirectly, the 16-paged draft proclamation outlines the punishment related to cyber and computer crimes. What remains controversial, however, is the way the draft proclamation treats online expressions. Under Article 14, it states, “whosoever intentionally disseminates through a computer system any written, video, audio or any other picture that incites fear, violence, chaos or conflict among people shall be punishable with rigorous imprisonment not exceeding three years.” Although the explanatory note attached has a positive tone, including assuring that only “deliberate” acts are going to be punished, this specific provision has concerned the nascent cyber community of the nation. For many of the critics of the law, the provision gives the state legal grounds to interpret any dissenting expression on the cyber space as inciting violence or chaos. Hence, the argument goes, the law would be just another means to suppress dissent. Some even compared the draft legislation with that of the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation of 2009. This infamous law, widely criticized for giving the executive the power to quash political opposition, inhibits dissent by way of associating it with the intent to terrorise the public. International organisations, including the United Nations, have repeatedly voiced their concern on how the law is being used to jail critical journalists, activists, bloggers, opposition political figures and dissenters within the ruling coalition. It has been victimizing the wrong people. Of course, at the centre of the whole debate on the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation is the character of the state under the leadership of the Revolutionary Democrats. With the state becoming increasingly intolerant of opposing views, not to mention its desire to control political and economic narratives, the provisions of the law are said to serve the intent of the state. Certainly, the reality could not have been similar had the state been democratic, learning and flexible. Hence, it would not be misguided to associate the latest concern of citizens with their understanding of the nature of the state. By way of sharing their fear, most Ethiopian netizens, as citizens active in the cyber space are often dubbed, are questioning the real intent of the state. They are of the opinion that, by way of including this provision in the law, the state is trying to infuse fear within the active community of netizens and punish those who disagree with the way it does business. Sure, Ethiopia needs a computer crime law. Justifying this is the fast digitalisation of public and private services, huge public investment in information technology infrastructure backbone and the growing connectivity of Ethiopians. Each of these aspects brings about its own vulnerability. At an individual level, the risk has to do with personal data, identity and access. Crime against these crucial aspects of individual privacy would do considerable damage to citizens. The damage could vary from economic losses to social marginalization. At firm level, the risk has to do with company data, client information, products, intellectual property, competitiveness and relationships. So much as the profitability of businesses sits on these essential aspects, crime against companies would have huge economic implications for the corporate world. Worse yet is the national risk. Crimes against national cyber systems and infrastructure pose risk against essential national interests, including military information, financial systems and public data systems. Recent breaches of computer systems in the United States, United Kingdom, Saudi Arabia, Iran and South Korea show that countries need strong cybercrime laws. Latest studies show that the global average cost of cybercrimes to companies stands at 7.7 million dollars. The aggregate global cost of cybercrime is projected to reach two trillion dollars in 2019. Having or not having a cybercrime law is, therefore, not debatable – at this stage of globalisation, the need is self-evident. What is debatable, therefore, is how the state proposes to enforce the law and hence, the structural provisions of the law. True, as cyberspace is a global platform, no one country controls it. There are no consensual standards that users abide by. Much of what happens in the space is defined by the ethical lines of users or the communities in which they are members. Countries, therefore, can control only social ills that originate in their jurisdiction. Of course, collaboration is possible through legal harmonisation and double criminality agreements. If one is to take the experience of the Anti-Terrorism Proclamation, then, the fear reverberating within the cyber community of the country is justified. There is a high probability for the state to use this law to suppress legitimate dissent expressed in the cyber space. And the victims would be the wrong people. But there may be a political return to the incumbent in it. It could continue to lead without opposition and sell its narrative without any competing narrative. Yet, its impact is nothing but damaging in the view of the overall democratic progression of the country. Be it in the cyber space or in the mainstream political space, having a vibrant market of competing ideas, narratives and perspectives is essential for democratic development. Ethiopia cannot have democracy without a political space capable of entertaining all available ideas. And it cannot be different with the emerging cyber space of the nation. Taking into account the legitimate concerns of citizens, therefore, Members of Parliament (MPs) ought to review the law at their table in a way that specifies the details of expression in cyber space to distinguish what is harmful and warranting punishment. This entails avoiding the rather gross categorization of ‘inciting’ expressions for which the law provides and putting in place specificities. The line between what has to be punished and what should not has to be very clear. But the fundamental shift that ought to come relates to the nature of the state. Under the custodianship of the ruling EPRDFites, the state has to grow beyond its long overdue culture of suppressing dissent and alternative views. It has to be ready to live up to the demands of citizens. It is, by no means, possible to put all the 91 million people of the nation under a singular line of Development State theory. Variations and differences have to be encouraged, entertained and protected. Much is also expected from the judiciary. Even when the state uses legal instruments, such as the Computer Crime Proclamation, to accuse opponents, the judiciary has to put the bar high on it, in terms of evidence-based justice. Be it in preliminary evidence or substantial evidence, the state ought to be forced to prove its case well. It should not be allowed to get away with unsubstantiated claims of crime, intent to do crime or deduction to higher cause. The responsibility of raising the standard high lies in the hands of the judiciary. Be it to the judiciary or the executive, however, the whole issue is about maintaining credibility in the eyes of citizens. Credible institutions live within their limits, dispose their responsibility effectively and give priority to public interest. No doubt that free expression is of vital public interest that both the executive and the judiciary ought to stand for. Reviewing the new Cyber Crime Proclamation in line with the public interest is timely. And so is ensuring its effective enforcement.
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Waterville, ME — July 20, 2017 — Dakota, the husky pardoned by Gov. Paul LePage, has been living at the Humane Society Waterville Area since February. She enjoys lots of play time with the employees and volunteers at the humane society, who are trying to make her stay there feel as natural as possible. The fate of the husky could be decided Monday by a District Court judge.
I almost kicked the bucket...I almost took a dirt nap...I almost crossed the finish line. Seriously, pick your death metaphor of choice. It almost applied to me. My Final Destination experience happened in the midst of the mundane. I was trying to find a phone number in the contacts list of my cell phone. And because I'm stupid, I was doing this while driving 45 mph and steering with my knee. When I glanced up, I saw brake lights. It took my best NASCAR skid and swerve to avoid causing a four-car pileup. When it was all over (2 seconds that seemed like an eternity), I had skidded to a stop in the median about 3 feet past the car whose brake lights had nearly become my lunch. I lost focus - just for a minute - and it nearly killed me. Sometimes our churches lose focus as well. We see other local ministries as our competitors and begin to concentrate on them. We're not looking for the lost...we're not looking to Jesus...we're looking at "the competition." It's a cell-phone-while-driving mishap just waiting to happen. Are they stacking their softball team this year? Who did they hire to build their addition? Is their sign cooler than ours? Moves are made, people are hired, and sermons are preached in response to the church down the street. We've taken our eyes off of the road; we've lost our focus. The focus of a community of believers should always be on Jesus. He is the one who spoke to your founders, He is the one who called your pastor, He is the one who cares for the lost, He is the one who can heal the broken in your community. Your church does not exist to keep up with another church. Your church exists to be a light in this world overcome with darkness. That's where our focus should be - living out the mission Jesus has given us, not beating out the church down the street.
A New Year's Eve celebration was held on the occasion of the New Year named “May New Year bring long life to our Arkadag, peace to the country and glory to the turkmen people” New Year's Eve is considered a holiday of joy and unity. Nowadays, the New Year celebrations in our country are filled with great enthusiasm. On December 20, 2021, Turkmen state architecture and construction institute hosted a music festival dedicated to the New Year's Day named "May New Year bring long life to our Arkadag, peace to the country and glory to the turkmen people". Professors, teachers and students of our institute attended the ceremony. The speeches were devoted to the hard work carried out under the wise leadership of our Esteemed President, the high achievements of our country and the international prestige over the world. Our people associate these state attitudes, glorious milestones with the name of our Hero Arkadag. During the festivities, the Oguzlar music group of the institute enhanced the festive mood with the sweet melodies and performances, the songs of the singers of our institute praised our peaceful Motherland, the New Year and love. The coming New Year, with its beautiful slogan, increases the pride of each of us in our hearts and inspires us to new achievements. At the end of the ceremony, the participants wished long life and sound health to our Arkadag who leads our dear people and beloved Motherland through the great development to the further years.
Lay the chicken wings out in a single layer on a rimmed baking sheet. Season with House Seasoning. Bake for 20 minutes. Sauté the garlic in vegetable oil in a medium saucepan over medium-low heat until softened and fragrant. Stir in barbecue sauce, reduced pomegranate juice, hot sauce and honey. Bring to a boil then lower and simmer for 15 minutes until thick. If using crushed red pepper flakes, add and cook 30 seconds more. Stir in butter until melted and smooth. Pour into a large mixing bowl. Heat oil in a deep-fryer or large Dutch oven to 350 °F. Fry the baked wings for 10 minutes until golden and crisp. Transfer to a paper towel lined sheet pan to drain. Toss the fried wings in the red sauce to coat. Transfer to a platter and serve with celery sticks and red bell pepper slices.
We operate a family owned Financial Advisory and Insurance Broking Practice. We are not owned or run by any bank, fund manager or insurer which means our advice is tailored specifically to your needs. We would welcome the opportunity to meet with you to assist you.
Stargazers have complained much over the past month or so about the absence of bright observable planets in the evening sky. Jupiter is setting in the twilight glow after sunset, its banded disk and four bright satellites now largely lost in atmospheric turbulence. And Mars doesn’t rise until late evening, still appearing fairly small in the telescope as we slowly comes closer to it. But November’s predawn sky is another story! Four bright planets can be seen there this month for those who don’t mind rising early, with the scene graced part of the time by a lovely crescent Moon. Stepping out doors about 45 minutes to an hour before sunrise in early November and facing southeast, skywatchers will be greeted by the following three planets in ascending order above the horizon. Mercury is lowest, appearing to the upper left of the bright star Spica. Your Celestron SkyMaster binoculars from Edmund (#30311-02) will show both objects in the same view, while telescopes as small as the Scientifics’ 60mm refractor (#30823-61) will reveal its little pinkish disk about half-illuminated at magnifications of 75x or more if the air is steady. Much higher in the sky is radiant Venus, the bright “Morning Star.” On November 5th, the crescent Moon illuminated by “Earthshine” will approach very close to the right of the planet, providing a stunning sight for both the unaided eye and binoculars. Telescopes will show the planet’s gibbous-shaped silvery disk at 50x or more. Still higher in the sky is the golden ringed-planet Saturn, southeast of the bright star Regulus in the constellation Leo. Its magnificent ice-ring system can be seen in the smallest of telescopes at magnifications of 30x and higher. After appearing wide open to us for the past several years, the rings are now “closing up” to their next edge-on apparition in September of 2009, at which time they will disappear briefly in all but the largest telescopes. (Interestingly, when Galileo first saw Saturn through his relatively primitive glass, he described it as looking like three bodies in a row touching each other or a cup with “handles.” However, when he again looked at it several years later he was quite perplexed, for the handles had disappeared — the rings had gone edge-on!) There’s still a fourth planet visible in the morning sky and that’s Mars, mentioned above. But to see it you’ll need to look southwest instead of southeast. There you’ll find it positioned nearly overhead in the constellation Gemini, shining with a steady ruddy-orange glow. A telescope at 100x or more will reveal its small disk and perhaps also one of its polar ice caps if the atmosphere is steady. It continues to rise earlier each night in the evening sky and grow brighter, as it approaches opposition to the Sun in late December and is then closest to us. So there you have it — four bright planets visible before dawn. And if you add in Jupiter in the evening sky, that’s all five of the classical naked-eye planets in one night!
The big band of the Orchestra RIGA has commenced regular activities with the arrival of conductor Raitis Ašmanis. The first concert of RIGA JAZZ 2010 was dedicated to the compositions and arrangements by Gordon Goodwin, while RIGA JAZZ 2011 focused on opuses by Duke Ellington. Since 2012 the RIGA JAZZ concerts take place in autumn and during the Christmas period, as well as in frames of the annual Spring Festival WINDSTREAM, with participation of various vocal and instrumental soloists. The RIGA JAZZ album consists of instrumental jazz music and includes the suite Dark Colours by Raimonds Pauls, with the author himself at the keyboard, as well as compositions by Gordon Goodwin and Chick Corea.
Our Market Share speaks for itself – having sold more Atlantic Beach properties than all other estate agencies combined. Property World Atlantic Beach is an estate agency exclusively dedicated to the selling of houses and land at Atlantic Beach Estate and is a branch of the Property World group. Our focus, dedication, expertise and experience produce the best results for sellers and buyers and our independence ensures that we can negotiate to the advantage of our clients. We are the foremost estate agency in South Africa that specialises in marketing golf estates – having started in 1987 with the appointment to market Selborne Park in Kwazulu Natal, followed by Dainfern Estate in Gauteng where we sold over 2,000 developer and resale properties. In 1995 we launched Steenberg Estate in Cape Town which we sold out in less than 2 years and have been the onsite developer agents for Atlantic Beach since 1998. We would love to add the sale of your property to our portfolio of over 4,000 golf estate properties sold in the past 25 years and invite you to contact either of our principals Morris Pieterse or Allen Usher – our advice may be worth a lot more than you can ever imagine. We also have a strong rental arm that can manage and rent your property. Office: 021 553 0000. Morris Pieterse: 083 228 4081. Email: Im looking to: Buy Rent Price From Any Price To Any Price From Any Price To Any
Ongoing personal explorations in 3D type and lettering done in the time between February and July of 2022. Tools used include Procreate for 2D sketches, Adobe Medium and C4D for modeling, C4D and Redshift for materials and rendering. Photoshop and After Effects for clean up and final color adjustments.
"X Ray CE, THE main website, is a fantastic area to remain educated regarding the current technology and clinical advances. "This Month, obtain unlimited X-Ray CE for $75 by joining our X-ray CE FREE CLUB." That's right; by joining the club, you will certainly have the ability to take advantage of discounts on numerous X-Ray programs. Likewise there are unique participant discounts for the latest X-Ray CE books, software program, online training courses, as well as extra. Continue reading as well as learn more concerning why the X-Ray CE is so crucial. The X-Ray Certificate is one of the most identified certifications in the sector. As a result, it is required for expert licensing in over 120 countries worldwide. In addition, the certification is recognized as a main diploma from a certified school. Since it is such an integral part of radiology proceeding education, it is essential that all X-Ray technicians recognize their CE requirements prior to enlisting in any type of classes. This is done via a quickly searchable data source at the X-Ray CE web site. Read more about xrayce com on this page . While taking any type of X-rays or CREST programs you will certainly require to finish the correct CE hrs each semester. Some colleges provide online training courses, others supply on-campus coursework. The information on the web sites for the courses will certainly tell you what the needed hrs are for the specific CE training courses being provided. If you have other continuing education and learning needs, you will require to call your institution to find out what the advised hrs are for those training courses too. You will additionally need to require time to consider whether you have any credits already on data from previous years that you can transfer to the brand-new program. The good news is that with today's sophisticated modern technology, the majority of the called for training courses can be finished totally online. There are lots of methods to obtain debts for X-ray CE. These consist of completion of a course, by passing a composed evaluation or an audiotape examination, and also by having straight method in a lab. Both of these methods will certainly need that you have actually completed the program work as well as have actually either gotten your associate's or bachelor's level in Radiology. In order to efficiently complete an audiotape examination, you must pass it within a particular period of time after taking the course. In either case, proceeding education will call for that you take continuing education and learning credit reports to ensure that you can maintain your certifications existing. For more details about this service, click here: It is essential that you do not quit taking your CE credit scores when you begin working in the area. If you stop proceeding your education, you may shed your accreditation or the advantages that come with it. As a matter of fact, some companies may also fire you for falling behind in your CE requirements. Consequently, you need to ensure that you stay on par with your studies so that you are correctly prepared to pass your exams as well as retain your current job. Overall, taking X-ray CE programs will assist you be gotten ready for an occupation in radiologic technologists. By putting in the time to get certified, you will have the ability to work in this area and delight in every one of the benefits that go along with the setting. Not just that, but by continuing education and learning you will certainly additionally have the ability to maintain on your own according to various other expert criteria that are required for employment in this area also. It is essential that you check with your company to see what the specific requirements are in your area, yet if you are accredited you need to be able to go after several jobs. Check out this post that has expounded on the topic:
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Thea Farhadian is an interdisciplinary artist and performer based in the Bay Area. Her work has been seen internationally at venues which include the Meridian Gallery in San Francisco, the Center for Experimental Art and the Aram Kachaturyan Museum in Yerevan, Armenia, the Alternative Museum and Issue Project Room in New York City, Raumschiff Zitrone in Berlin, and the International Women’s Electroacoustic Listening Room Project in Amsterdam and Los Angeles. In 2002, she co-founded the Armenian Film Festival in New York City and currently is one of the curators for the film festival in San Francisco. Thea studied Arabic classical music in New York City and in Cairo, Egypt. She has an M.A. in Interdisciplinary Arts from San Francisco State and an M.F.A. in Electronic Music from Mills College. She was a lecturer in the Art Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz. German born artist Heike Liss studied Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology at the University of Tübingen, and Fine Art at Mills College in Oakland, California. She works in a variety of media, including video, photography and site-specific installation and intervention. Her work has been shown in numerous group and solo exhibitions in Europe and Canada, as well as in North and South America. As a video curator she has acted for galleries and museums including The Lab, San Francisco, Fluctuating Images, Stuttgart, and the Musée d’Art Moderne et Contemporain, Strasbourg. She is the recipient of awards from, among others, San Francisco Arts Commission, The Photography Institute (TPI), New York City, Stanford University’s Experimental Media Arts Lab (EMA), Texas Women’s University and, most recently, Kala Art Institute, Berkeley. Heike Liss lives in California with her family.
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Done applications is analyzed and you will a choice conveyed constantly within 28 months. A total of ?dos,five-hundred is going to be gotten in virtually any one to educational season however, this utilizes personal circumstances. If the application is profitable, repayments could be designed to the lending company account details stored towards the University’s suggestions. Honours more than ?1,000 will normally be paid in instalments. If you have people outstanding Disaster Adversity Financing, it is typical to help you deduct the loan from people prize you gotten about Loans. Alter out-of Points If for example the facts keeps changed because you submitted the application inside a similar instructional year, you could potentially re also-incorporate playing with a shortened application form (below) setting out the changes and getting related research. Apps must be filed from the email address to help you If you don’t gain access to That it is in a position to see and you will/or assemble records as the a great pdf almost every other file formats can be recognized. Please make certain attachments are unmistakeable and simply readable, such as this might are well-taken display images otherwise mobile mobile photographs. Delight keep file designs to a minimum and make use of suitable document names to aid the fresh new prompt planning of one’s application._________________________________________________________________ The alteration out-of circumstances application might be analyzed there tend to be an innovative new decision based on your own amazing application additionally the this new advice you have got offered. We recommend that your speak about your Changes out-of Points software which have a student Pointers and you will Support service adviser ahead of lso are-implementing. Please be aware you to as part of the decision making processes, you are expected to add extra evidence to support their application. Exactly how Difficulty Loans programs is analyzed You need only generate that software in virtually any academic seasons, unless you sense a much deeper change out-of products. Not totally all apps would be profitable. Maximum prize are ?2,five hundred on the season. Choices are formulated of the Secretary Registrar. This type of notes render a general breakdown of just how apps was analyzed. Any assistance is usually a non-repayable grant. Sometimes, a loan can be considering in the event that’s considered right. People honours are paid because of the financial transfer. Prizes is examined by the calculating the difference between their asked provision (out of fund, income, savings or financial support) and standardized life can cost you to recognize people shortfall. Select below into the rates used when making brand new evaluation. Effective people get both the quantity questioned or perhaps the calculated honor, almost any is the lower, up to a total of ?dos,five-hundred. And that have adequate funding to possess university fees costs, every people are expected to own produced sensible supply due to their way of life will set you back (and any established nearest and dearest) before starting its degree, once the summarised below. Uk Undergraduate/PGCE pupils – When you yourself have someone that is coping with you merely were the income and expenses for the function in the event your beginner money review try based on its money. Every other children – If you live with someone as one family are its income and you may cost into the function. These are Put Data (look for details inside the take to funds layer) so you can echo average can cost you such as for example food, cleaning, toiletries, costs, attire, leisure. The brand new a week Realistic Way of life Can cost you which is put was:
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The most common adjustment to work which older workers request from their managers is a change to their working hours. This may be explained by the fact that they want to have a satisfying balance between work and relaxation in their lives as well as to open up space in their work routines to enable them to take part in retirement activities (Reynolds, Farrow & Blank, 2012). It may also be because they have caring responsibilities for grandchildren, parents (or even grandparents) and sometimes both. The term ‘sandwich carer’ has been used to describe older people (usually, but not always, women) whose caring responsibilities span generations. The term also might refer to the fact that those in work are ‘sandwiched’ between their responsibilities in the workplace and home. Poor design of work routine could force carers out of employment early as they find the competing pressures of caring for family members and meeting work demands difficult to cope with. Part-time work is the most common form of flexible working amongst older workers, and for many, reducing working hours while continuing in the role that they had been in meets their needs and minimises disruption in their lives. However, poorly designed part-time working can increase rather than reduce stress. For example, if an employer reduces working time but doesn’t take away any of the older worker’s tasks, the employee may feel increased pressure to complete their workload in a shorter space of time. Flexible work arrangements like flexitime, annualised hours, and job sharing. Job sharing is a popular method of intergenerational learning as older and younger workers can share a job role with the former sharing their knowledge in carrying out the role and the latter can share knowledge of how to use new technology. Care workers and working time pressures Many care workers join the profession because they expect that care work is flexible and they will be able to fit work around their other responsibilities, for example caring responsibilities which they have in the home. Most care work is outside of the normal nine to five work routine, and it is understandable that care workers expect to be able to take on work which fits within their schedule (e.g. taking on fewer clients if their responsibilities at home increase). Many care workers are able to balance home and work responsibilities, but not all care workers feel that they have much control over their work routines. First, a care worker may have set a pattern of work to fit within their work-life balance needs, but work demands could make it difficult to stick with their patterns. Some care workers talked about having to take shorter lunch breaks or finishing work later in order to make sure that their clients were looked after. Many others are on employment contracts without fixed working hours (so called zero hour contracts) and they are only paid for time which they have with clients which can change from week to week. These workers often feel that they have little autonomy over how they set their working hours because when they work is governed by when they are called out to jobs. On the surface, it may seem like they can decide when they work based on accepting or declining jobs, but the reality is that they need enough work for a secure income so must take on jobs even if doing so creates strains in their life outside work. Further, some care workers on precarious employment contracts worry that declining jobs may lead them not getting future work. Like many industries, flexible work can be both a benefit and difficulty for those working in social care. Those who need to work on a flexible basis may worry about being passed over for training or career development opportunities or seeming less committed to their jobs than those working longer hours. Part-time work is sometimes referred to derogatively as the ‘mommy track’ with few opportunities for career progression. However, this term is a misnomer because there are many carers such as older people with caring responsibilities for elderly relatives and/or grandchildren who also need flexible work patterns. Although older workers or pensioners may have less family commitments, their workability are likely to be reduced. According to the multidimensional conceptual workability (WA) is the basis for well-being, and the variables that affect it may be influenced by factors related to the individual, the environment and life outside of work. Due to a greater susceptibility to conditions that reduce their ability to work, the elderly are frequent associated with impairments in body functions, difficulties in performing work activities and restrictions in social participation. Having flexible working hours may support their ability to perform the work accordingly without causing any physical problems to the older workers and the quality of work performed. Checklist for good practice 1) Have you had conversations with employees about their work patterns? 2) Do their work patterns fit within their home and work needs? Are you losing staff because of problems with work-life balance?
Same here. Will be teaching tonight. At first watching the do the dance; the count did not seem to match. Section 1 & 3 looked like shuffles fwd. But after doing the dance myself, it works.
Azure Machine Learning is one of the many offerings in the Azure ecosystem, specifically aimed at teams working on machine learning projects. It contains everything you need to create, manage, and deploy your predictive models. » Damian Brady on One Dev Question, MLOps, Machine Learning 02 December 2020 MLOps [11] - How can MLOps improve my predictive models? Changing the way you work doesn't necessarily improve the work you produce. However, by focusing on the right things, the final result can be improved. » Damian Brady on One Dev Question, MLOps, Machine Learning 20 November 2020 MLOps [10] - When should I think about MLOps? Learning a new way of working can be challenging. But it's important to applying MLOps practices and techniques at the right time. That time is as early as possible! » Damian Brady on One Dev Question, MLOps, Machine Learning 18 November 2020 MLOps [9] Why should I care about MLOps? If you're working on machine learning projects, MLOps is not just another buzzword that can safely be ignored. Applying MLOps can mature your projects and lead to better outcomes. » Damian Brady on One Dev Question, MLOps, Machine Learning 13 November 2020 MLOps [8] Can I use DevOps tooling for Machine Learning projects? As a software developer, it can be tempting to use or recommend the tools you're used to when implementing MLOps. In some cases, the tools you already use are great, but in other cases they're really not fit for purpose. »
Alternative investments are asset classes that generally don’t move together with traditional equity and fixed income markets. They usually follow their own cycles. As a result, alternative asset classes have a low correlation with standard asset classes; therefore they may help diversify your portfolio by reducing the overall volatility of the portfolio when traditional asset classes such as stocks and bonds are performing poorly. Historically, alternative investments have been restricted to high-net worth individuals and institutional investors, but these days they are far more available to a wider audience. Alternative investments range from real estate to hedge funds to commodities and can complement a variety of investing strategies. However, they are designed to complement a well-founded portfolio rather than to serve as the focal point of the portfolio. Most people are attracted to alternative investment because they may yield a higher return than traditional investments, but note that potentially higher returns also may carry higher risks with them. What’s important to note is that alternative investments may be more illiquid than their conventional counterparts – they cannot be sold readily like stocks and bonds – and some may need to be held for a longer time horizon. Additionally, there may be unique fees or tax consequences. Gold Including a small portion of your portfolio toward precious metals such as gold or silver may offset the performance of other assets in the portfolio such as stocks and bonds, because precious metals typically don’t move in tandem with conventional investments. Gold is typically viewed as a hedge against inflation and currency fluctuations. So when inflation effects the purchasing power of a currency – say the dollar weakens against the euro – gold prices tend to rise. As a result, investors place their money in gold during economic and market downturns. Investing in gold can be accomplished in several ways, including futures funds, exchange-traded funds, mutual funds, bars, and coins. Nevertheless, since precious metals make up a small sector, prices often change dramatically. This type of volatility can create opportunities for investors in the form of high returns but it can equally result in dramatic losses. Real estate investment trusts A popular type of alternative investment is commercial real estate. Until recently commercial real estate has been mostly inaccessible to retail investors and was widely enjoyed by high-net-worth individuals and institutional investors for its potentially higher yields and diversification attributes. Since the inception of real estate investment trusts (REITs), investing in commercial real estate has become available to wider range of investors. REITs pool money from investors and invest the funds in properties ranging from office buildings to apartment complexes to hospitals and warehouses. REITs are offered to investors in two forms: traded and non-traded. Both offer exposure to commercial real estate assets. Publicly traded REITs can be easily bought and sold on a daily basis on active secondary market. However, they tend to be more volatile. Non-traded REITs are illiquid investments appropriate for investors with a long-term investment time horizon of at least 5 to 10 years. Non-traded REITs are not aligned with stock and bond market movements so they add great diversification to a portfolio. Other alternatives Alternative investment can also include assets such as art, gems, rare collectibles, and antiques. In addition, venture-capital funds are considered alternative investments. These alternative investments can help provide investors with added diversification and can help balance out performance across various market swings.
Lightsource recently reached financial close on the financing of a portfolio of 25 UK solar assets, with a total capacity of 156MW. Twenty-four of the assets receive ROC subsidies and one is registered for the contract for difference scheme. Senior debt for the financing was provided by RBS. The shareholder financing is a partnership between Lightsource and Blackrock Real Assets. Lightsource and Blackrock intend to add a further 50MW of assets to the portfolio before the end of the year, with the total target of installed capacity for the partnership being 1GW. Operis was pleased to undertake a financial model audit on behalf of the equity investors and the senior lender.
"@flov3r filmed the video for us and did outstanding work. His mastery behind the camera was made very obvious as he intuitively met the demands of my creative vision while always maintaining an air of positivity and professionalism." –@LINDEN.POIRIER
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Congratulation on reaching Advanced Beginners! That is certainly a milestone. Learning a language is an act of love, patience, and courage. We applaud you for getting this far. Whether you are learning Italian because you love the food, the culture, or you’re planning a trip to Rome, you’ve come to the right place! Students love Diáfano because the Diáfano Method focuses on conversation, practical and engaging topics of discussion, and building out your grammar as you go along. No games, no gimmicks! But we do have some fun along the way! ;-) Now we invite students to join our programs through a self-paced video membership that allows you to learn at your pace and on your own time, but from a real teacher. Join us! During this membership course you can expect to: Narrate stories about yourself and others in the present and past tenses. Explain what you did yesterday, last week, or a year ago using the simple past and the imperfect tenses.
The first thing that strikes you when hearing “Nosso” is its feeling of intimacy and warmth. The title, which means “Ours” in Portuguese, is apt since he sees the record as the result of letting a wild variety of people into his world. João notes that “I didn’t know most of the collaborators before meeting up with them in a studio somewhere in the world, so most of these songs are coming from a very immediate and honest sense of collaboration where you spend an afternoon with someone learning about each other at the same time as you’re making music. It’s a shared experience, a moment where two or more people came up with ideas together, that they probably wouldn’t have had if they were in their comfort zone.” These meetings were turned into songs at home in Lisbon once the main ideas were created collaboratively elsewhere. “On this album, like in everything else I did so far, the focus on the instrumental side of things was experimenting with rhythmic patterns and genres from the Portuguese-speaking universe while applying them to songs created with other artists from completely different backgrounds and places.” There’s something in this process that has left the album sounding super fresh as this is a sound without borders that pulls you in. It’s music everyone can be a part of, where even the most rugged up-tempo cut sounds welcoming. It’s an overwhelmingly positive and joyous experience to immerse yourself in “Nosso.” It’s no wonder that the central motif of the album artwork shows a less common view of Lisbon, one where instead of looking at the historic city centre we face the suburbs, where these musical and cultural experiments have been and still are occurring, undeniably shaping the musical and cultural landscape of Lisbon in the process. As much a soul record as it is a record infused with the beats of the Portuguese-speaking world, “Nosso” is a reflection of Branko’s ongoing musical explorations and his vision of Lisbon as a privileged cultural hub for the Portuguese-speaking world and beyond. Branko fuses local rhythms from kizomba to baile funk and afrohouse through European electronic genres with a clear accessible pop sensibility and the aim of creating a unified sound that puts all these individual musical expressions in perspective as part of a greater whole. For João, this is the logical next step in his musical evolution. To the many Buraka Som Sistema fans he would say that he’s making music using the same principles but with a greater reflection of his personal taste and in collaboration with a wide range of “global agitators and artists to create songs and fusions that might point out new musical directions.” His trips from São Paulo to Lima to Cidade da Praia (Cabo Verde) and beyond have given him a new joy and a new hope. This is one of the reasons you can hear so many languages on this album. It’s reaching across those hard borders and showing us through action that we all have more in common with each other than we may think. The end result of Branko’s experiments is a brilliantly crafted record that is like a full deep breath of fresh air, a belief in optimism in the world, optimism about difference, optimism about collaboration, joy in unity. Take down the borders in your mind and enter the sound of Lisbon 2019.
As someone who has been a part of sport from a very young age, from hockey, to ultimate, to whitewater canoe slalom. I have witnessed some of the many ups and downs of sport. Sport has the power to shape who we are in our daily lives, in and out of sport. If I could give any advice to new athletes and parents I would tell them to never give up on their goals and always seek to improve in sport and as a person.
Freedom of thought and inquiry lie at the core of a public university. The University of Illinois System has adopted a steadfast commitment to free of expression, as outlined in our Guiding Principles. An unyielding allegiance to freedom of speech – even controversial, contentious, and unpopular speech – is indispensable to developing the analytical and communication skills of our students and empowering all members of our university communities to be active and informed citizens. Based on this commitment, the University of Illinois System should not shield members of our communities from outside ideas because some find those ideas unwise or offensive. A fundamental principle of free speech is that a public institution’s ability to regulate speech depends in part on where that speech is occurring, which is referred to as the “forum.” The Supreme Court and federal appellate courts recognize different forums, including: a) traditional public forums, such as streets and sidewalks; b) non-public forums, such as classrooms and offices; c) designated public forums, such as quadrangles, arenas and auditoriums where the public university has affirmatively identified as a space to operate like a traditional public forum; and d) limited public forums, such as areas open only for student activities for certain purposes. In carrying out their educational and other missions, public universities may impose some limitations upon speech and expression, including reasonable time, place and manner restrictions. The Board of Trustees has received these policy guides, and supports the President’s implementation of them. System-wide Policy Guides Each university should map the campus environment for free-expression purposes by conducting an analysis and classification of their physical environment into the various types of forums. This analysis should take into account past practices. Each university should establish criteria to be used in considering requests for university resources for external speakers. Consistent with constitutionally protected rights of free expression and speech, aversion to a speaker’s viewpoint cannot be a criterion for decision making. Each university should adopt a decision-making process to be used when university resources (e.g., space, security) are requested for an external speaker event. The process should clarify the organizational level at which such decisions are made as well as establish the criteria for how university resources are to be allocated. In cases where safety of the university community is a concern, the universities should have a campus response team comprised of appropriate staff that can assess risks and make recommendations about safety procedures to be implemented for any proposed or scheduled external speaker event. Each university should have policies governing the use of its campus facilities for external speakers, and policies that address whether and when such events may be open to others who are not members of the university community. Each university should have policies about how the anticipated costs of external speaker events will be covered, including costs associated with security or insurance. External speaker events should not be canceled because of political pressure or on account of a perception that an event may be controversial. Members of the university community have a right to express opposition to an external speaker, subject to reasonable time, manner, and place restrictions. Members of the university community can express such opposition near the venue of the speaker event, or can organize alternative events elsewhere on campus. Authorized attendees of the external speaker event may express opposition at the event itself, provided they do not unreasonably obstruct or otherwise interfere with the speaker’s communication. Any employee who wishes to protest may do so on non-work time, unless it is a university approved event, and may do so in accordance with any and all applicable employee policies, rules and regulations. Each university should have a Demonstration Response Plan that provides general guidance to the campus community concerning responses to demonstrations and protests, and that is consistent with shared values regarding the First Amendment as well as campus safety. Universities should not agree to conditions imposed by external speakers that are inconsistent with freedom-of-expression values or other core aspects of the university’s mission. Each university should have a plan to educate its students, staff and faculty on the value of permitting potentially divisive speech on campus, and on the appropriate ways to respond to speech with which one might disagree. These policy guides should be read and interpreted in a manner that is mindful of relevant state and federal judicial decisions.
A presentation was held in school on Tuesday 5th October and all supporting documents and videos can be found below. This is a comprehensive guide to GCSEs for parents and pupils. If you have any questions about a particular GCSE please contact your child's Head of Subject or if it is a general query about GCSEs or progress then get in touch with Mr Sayce.
Ben Manilla is an audio producer, consultant, and educator. His numerous accolades include the Peabody Award, the Edward R. Murrow Award, the Edwin H. Armstrong Award, NFCB Golden Reel Award, and the Grand Award from the International Radio Festival (three times.) Ben’s production company, BMP Audio, has been at the forefront of creative audio story-telling since 1991. Ben’s podcasts include The Science of Happiness, Masters of Scale and Voices in the Hall.
Olivet School of Art and Design (OSAD) has begun planning for its Winter Art and Design Annual Exhibition, scheduled to begin on December 13, 2019. The exhibition will showcase exceptional works in the field of graphic design, product design, photography and fine arts at the Olivet University Riverside main campus. OSAD will also seek to collaborate with other Christian art and design ministries to exhibit works from Christian artists across the country. The past winter exhibitions displayed over 100 pieces of beautiful creations. "We are expecting that this year's exhibition will receive great acclaim from the attendees. The artists are giving their best to make extraordinary artworks for this year's exhibition," said Zimou Tan, OSAD associate dean. Invited to the event are artists from the Art Alliance of Idyllwild, Ribbonwood Art Guild, Olivet students and faculty. Since OSAD added the new BA Fine Arts program in the Fall quarter, more fine art pieces are expected to be on display.
Talking Tax with hosts Jay Fidell and Tom Yamachika, in House Investigative Committee's Report; More Persecution of the State Auditor Auditor Persecution Continues by Tom Yamachika, President, Tax Foundation Hawaii Hi there! This is the Hawaii State Tax Watch Doggie. Today I’m playing a real person who testified before the House Special Investigative Committee. The Committee was supposed to be looking into problems at the Department of Land and Natural Resources because of a less-than-glowing report by the State Auditor. But guess who got slammed by the Committee just as much, if not more? The Auditor. Here's the link to the report: Over one-third of the Committee’s report was on the Auditor’s Office (which was never supposed to be part of the Committee’s focus according to the House Resolution authorizing the Committee). It was also telling that the Committee issued its draft report before even hearing the testimony from all of the scheduled witnesses. That sure makes it seem like the Committee had predetermined a lot of things. I was called by the committee chair’s office to meet with her and some of her committee members twice and was later subpoenaed to testify before the full committee on October 21, 2021. I not only testified for several hours at each meeting/hearing, but also submitted numerous documents, including memos, emails, staff reports, and other information to substantiate my testimony about DLNR Land Division’s (“LD”) mismanagement of State lands. Yet, despite all of this, the Committee did not cite any of my testimony or documents in its report. My last submittal (which was in response to the draft report) included LD’s own billing invoices and ledgers that clearly showed LD had failed to bill/collect the proper base rents for the Hilo Hawaiian Hotel lease and failed to collect over $500,000 in percentage rents covering a period of 3-4 years. This response was included as an appendix to the report; however, the Committee did not even mention any of this in its report. Instead, the Committee accepted LD’s explanation that this was “an inadvertent oversight” despite documentation I submitted that shows I had given written warnings to LD administrators about this problem back in 2016. And as of January 2022, over six years later, LD had yet to address the flaws in its Hilo Hawaiian Hotel lease. Again, none of my testimony or documentation was mentioned or cited in the Committee’s report, yet DLNR’s responses (excuses) were constantly cited throughout the report. I also found it telling that the Committee’s featured witness was a former City Auditor who went so far as to call Les Kondo “the poster child for poor auditing.” That specific quote was included in the Committee’s report. Personally, I found that to be unprofessional, in poor taste, and reflecting badly on the character of the witness. And by the way, under his watch, the City failed to uncover any of the corruption that has since made news headlines, such as bribes accepted by Department of Planning and Permitting staff, the scandals involving HPD Chief of Police Kealoha and City deputy prosecutor Katherine Kealoha, the police commission’s $250,000 payout to Chief Kealoha, and federal indictments of high-ranking city officials including its corporation counsel, chief of staff, and police commission chair. With all that going on around him, I would hardly consider the former City auditor to be a credible witness to testify on sound auditing practices. This has been the Hawaii State Tax Watch Doggie. I’m playing a real person, not because anyone’s name needed to be protected but because I wanted more air time! The real person’s remarks were edited for length and clarity, and when I wanted to put in juicy stuff! As I said before, watchdogs have to watch out for each other too, When one of us gets attacked, we all suffer.
Join our staff! The AHRL is seeking a library/patron services assistant to join our team. Click here for more information about the job and how to apply.
Worry is a truly poisonous emotion. It has no real value other than to highlight the fact that you have become too obsessed about something. Do not confuse worry with concern. Concern occurs when you know that either something is wrong or, something could go wrong. This affords you the opportunity to identify any corrective measures that you can take (if there are any) and, implement them. Once you have done so, your concern should be eased. Worry occurs when you continue to focus on what could go wrong, often to the detriment of getting things done. Worry corrodes your self-esteem and confidence which in turn will affect your performance e.g. if you worry excessively about your presentation skills, you are more likely to screw up your presentation. Don’t focus on what you can’t solve When you’re a chronic worrier, unsolvable worries can be highly toxic to your physical and mental well-being. Also, if you’re a chronic worrier, you may think that every problem is unsolvable. You’ve got to learn how to distinguish between those problems you can solve and those you can’t in a realistic manner. Dealing with worries you can’t possibly solve means that you must get in touch with your emotions and find out why you’re so anxious about something you have no control over. Worrying about a nuclear war falls under this category. It will likely never happen, but you may be obsessing over it anyway. 3 Questions to help you deal with worry When you begin to obsess about a problem, stop a minute and try to answer the following questions: 1. Is the problem imaginary or truly imminent? You need to get real with your time frames here. Is the problem likely to occur in the very near future? If the answer is ‘No’ then you are worrying needlessly as there is more than enough opportunity for you to prepare and take preventative action. One area where this can arise is employment. Many people fail to put themselves forward for promotion as they fear that they will eventually be found out to lack the necessary knowledge and skills. What they forget is that as they progress in the position, they will have plenty of time to gain the knowledge and learn the skills they will need. It is essential that you remember that life is one long learning process and unless the potential problem is imminent; you will have plenty of time to learn what you need to know and take the actions you need to take. 2. Is the concern you’re feeling realistic? Sometimes it can be very easy to get carried away due to a lack of realism. Realism is the greatest tool in the battle against chronic worry. It may be a case that the potential problem that you worry about is unlikely to ever occur. For example, you may be worried that people are going to hate you if you get one thing wrong. Unless the thing that you get wrong is incredibly severe; this situation is unlikely to ever occur. One of the best ways that you can get a sense of realism is to ask yourself how you would react if the shoe was on the other foot. If you wouldn’t hate the other person for their mistake, why would you expect them to hate you? Realism is also important when it comes to your expectations. I am about to begin some voluntary work, creating a website for my local GAA (Irish sports) club. I could worry about people not liking the new site but it’s just not realistic to expect that everyone will like it. Also, there will be thousands of pages on the site over time, and I cannot expect that everyone will like every page. By setting out with the realistic expectation that I cannot please everybody; I am far less likely to worry excessively about the issue. 3. What can you do about the situation? Again, realism is essential. You cannot control every element of your life. There are things that you can control and things which you have no control over. If you can control something then rather than worry about it, you should take the necessary action to deal with it. If you cannot control it then all the worrying in the world will not solve the problem. Therefore, there is no point in worrying; you must learn to let it go and move on. In his excellent book ‘Slaying the Dragon’ former US sprinter, Michael Johnson, tells us how he reacted when things went wrong. He identified everything that went wrong and wrote it down in a list. Then, he divided that list into two smaller lists – things he could control and things which he could not control. He would throw away the list of things which he could not control and focus solely on the items under his control. Using this approach, he went from major disappointment at the Barcelona Olympics to double gold medal winner at the Atlanta Olympics, four years later. The approach Michael Johnson advocates is one of the greatest ways to deal with worry. Worry can be a major reason for lacking confidence. If you struggle for confidence, check out Unbreakable Self Confidence. Brainstorm solutions for what you’re worried about. The solution doesn’t have to be a flawless one, but when you’re focused on what you can do about a situation, the worry melts away and a plan of action takes its place. That’s much more empowering than constant worry. Worrying can become an avoidance tactic that you use when you’re afraid of an outcome. Many chronic worriers endanger their health, relationships and much more by procrastinating about taking action – whether it works or not. At least you’re attempting to do something about the problem. Taking action can dissolve your worries quickly. Rather than crying and feeling sorry for yourself, you’re actually taking the steps needed to rid yourself of unnecessary anguish that’s hard on your body and mind. Next time that you are being overcome by worry; implement the steps above and watch the worry melt away.
is a science writer and is currently completing a masters in psychiatry at McGill University. She co-produces the Broad Science podcast and is the former editor of the McGill Daily. She lives in Montreal, Canada. Edited byPam Weintraub 1,200 words3 commentsSave REPUBLISH FOR FREE 3 Comments Email Save Tweet Share Love Aeon? Support our work Donate Per Henning/NTNU/Flickr Henry Molaison, aged 27, had surgery to alleviate his severe epileptic seizures in 1953. During the operation, part of the temporal lobe on both sides of his brain was removed, suctioning out most of his hippocampus, a seahorse-shaped structure now known to play a crucial role in forming memories. The operation cured his epilepsy, but caused anterograde amnesia, impairing his ability to form long-term memories. The neuropsychologist Brenda Milner, credited by many for creating the field of cognitive neuroscience, was the first researcher to conduct rigorous testing on Molaison, famously called HM in popular literature and medical texts. Her groundbreaking observations of HM and others revolutionised memory research and our understanding of memory networks. At the age of 97, Milner continues to work as a professor in neurology and neurosurgery at McGill University’s Montreal Neurological Institute. Here, she retraces her early work on memory and its implications. What was your first encounter with memory impairment? It was not with HM actually. It was at the Montreal Neurological Institute working with the director Wilder Penfield, studying his patients. We had these two young epileptic patients in rapid succession: PB, an electrical engineer in 1951, followed by FC, a glove cutter. They both had a left temporal removal to cure their seizures. Before my time, surgeons had been very conservative. They had just been making removals from the lateral temporal lobe and not daring to go further, but patients continued to have seizures. Surgeons were learning that if you wanted to cure the seizures you had to be prepared to take out brain structures such as the amygdala and maybe some of the hippocampus, which they regarded superstitiously as it was a beautiful-looking structure. Penfield was removing quite a bit of the hippocampus, and it was of interest what the effects of these operations would be, so I was studying the patients. What did you observe? After the left temporal removal, FC and PB had severe memory impairment. It really stopped the surgeons in their tracks, because it’s much better to have epilepsy than to lose your memory in terms of the social disadvantage. After PB died, the autopsy confirmed that there was also damage on the opposite [non-operated] side from the procedure, as we had speculated. This makes sense because you don’t get major memory impairment with just unilateral [one-sided] removals. So PB had damage on both hemispheres and atrophy of the right hippocampus. But we didn’t have an MRI [magnetic resonance imaging scan] in those days, we just had plain film and the EEG [electroencephalograms, which measure brain waves]. With that kind of imaging, we couldn’t see how much structural damage there was on both sides. Why were these two patients so important? Because these things had not been reported at the time. Patients with memory impairments had been seen by neurologists for years, but that’s what happens when you get old, a lot of people have problems with their memory, there’s nothing new about that. I’m 97 and I can tell you, you’re not quite what you were when you were 30! But what was new was that these were relatively young people, very bright people, normal in almost all other ways. PB was a professional engineer; he was a very intelligent man. After the operation, he didn’t remember what he had for breakfast, he couldn’t work! FC was much luckier; he came from a family of glove cutters; I didn’t know that was a thing! He and his father went to work together, which was wonderful for this young man in his 20s who lost his memory, because he didn’t lose his skill of cutting gloves. But he wouldn’t remember events from day to day, so that was quite fortunate, that he didn’t lose his motor skill. How did you come to work with HM? After we found FC and PB, we reported them and our speculations in Chicago at the 1954 American Neurological Association meeting. Of course, surgeons were very contentious of the results, but if you get a bad result you’re supposed to report it, not suppress it! Anyways, William Beecher Scoville, a neurosurgeon from Hartford, was attending the meeting. Afterwards, he called up Penfield and said he would like to invite me down to study his patients, on whom he had been doing his bilateral procedure [operating on both temporal lobes] for epilepsy and had noticed similar memory impairments. Penfield sat me down and said: ‘Would you like to go?’ and I said: ‘You bet I’d like to go.’ And that was the beginning of me going down to see Scoville’s patients. I couldn’t do a lot with most of them, because they were schizophrenic, but HM was different. He was not schizophrenic, he just had epilepsy. I went down to Hartford by night train with portable testing equipment. I just had three days with HM. What was it like working with HM? It was exciting! He was very polite, so he always said good morning if you passed him in the waiting room, but he hadn’t any clue who you were. The first time I saw this, I was giving him a few tests. I gave him something to remember: I said that I’d be back in a few minutes to check his memory. Then, I literally had a cup of coffee and I went back and he didn’t know anything about anything! It was very impressive memory impairment. Was there something HM could remember? His motor skill learning was not affected. One of the portable learning tasks from the McGill psychology department I took on the train with me was this mirror-drawing task. After three days of practise, HM was able to perfectly trace this image of a double-bordered star. He could see the star only reflected though a mirror, that’s what made it difficult. But he had no awareness that he had practised the task before. He showed a typical learning curve. I was quite astonished, this was very exciting and important. What did your patients teach you about memory? That memory is multifaceted and that there are multiple memory systems, not just one. The fact that motor skill learning was not affected means that it’s not part of this memory system, rather it’s dependent on another system in the brain. How else has our concept of memory changed from the time you first entered the field to today? Before, people thought of memory as a very reproductive thing. Like when you learn something by heart, you learn it perfectly. But Frederic Bartlett, who was the head of the psychology department at Cambridge when I was student in 1937, was emphasising the fact that memory was constructive rather than reproductive. Two or three people experiencing the same social event are going to have different recollections because their previous experiences are different. What is your strongest memory about your memory research? I suppose it was Penfield’s patient PB. We were not expecting to encounter this sort of memory deficit. After his left temporal removal, he looked at us and said, slightly aggressively (and I don’t blame him): ‘What have you people done to my memory?’ It was a complaint. He knew something was wrong. It was quite shocking, I will never forget it!
Window shopping children watch as toy soldiers come to life and fight a war with all its unvarnished ferocity and horror.
Inspired by Charles Baudelaire, composer Bojan Vuletic gathered Zeena Parkins, Vera Westera and Nate Wooley to help him explore the fleetingness of momentary beauty in an unusual musical process. He gave them complete freedom to play, transform, destroy or rebuild them during intensive recording sessions. They handed back freedom and control to the composer to relocate the recorded performances into a new, complete entity: fugitive beauté
New Jersey Transit will continue to take delivery on more than $408 million in locomotives that were specially ordered for the Hudson River rail tunnel that Gov. Chris Christie canceled. The 35 engines can operate on diesel and electric and rail lines. The plan was to allow commuters on the Main, Bergen and Pascack Valley lines to ride into Manhattan without having to transfer. However, construction of a rail loop that would have eliminated the need for a transfer at Secaucus Junction or Hoboken was canceled when Christie scrapped the tunnel project. NJ Transit Executive Director Jim Weinstein tells The Record newspaper riders on the Montclair-Boonton, Raritan Valley and North Jersey Coast Line will benefit from the new locomotives.
Structure and conceptualization of acceptance: A split-sample exploratory and confirmatory Factor analysis approach to Investigate the multidimensionality of acceptance of spinal cord injury Anders Aaby, Sophie Lykkegaard Ravn, Helge Kasch, Tonny Elmose Andersen Objective: To determine the multidimensionality of acceptance of spinal cord injury (SCI). Participants: Adults with SCI who were admitted to an SCI centre between 1991 and 2020. Methods: All eligible participants (n=686) were invited to complete a survey via REDCap. A 4-dimensional model was hypothesized, which included “Accepting Reality”, “Value Change”, “Letting Go of Control” and “ ...
This companion set to the Fresh Mart Grocery Store has everything kids three and older need to stock shelves and get shopping! There are 70 pieces to play with, including grocer and shopper role-play items like an apron, conveyor belt divider bar, and a cloth shopping bag, a fully stocked grab-and-go rack designed to hang on the grocery store shelf (holds gum, granola bar, a magazine, and more!), play money, cards, and coupons, and grocery boxes and cans! This set plays perfectly with the Melissa & Doug Fresh Mart Grocery Store!
One of your duties as a parent is to encourage the interests of your children. The trouble is that you do not always know what they are interested in. Kids can be cagey about these things. If your child has a natural inclination toward a particular sport or hobby, that will be clear enough. There are teams to join and organizations to get involved with. But when it comes to intellectual matters, your child may decide to keep the matter private. They may have a burning interest in some field of science but may not reveal it until they are ready. If you have recently discovered your child’s budding interest in space, you should do all that you can to encourage them. You could have a future Nobel laureate on your hands. You never know where it might lead. One of the best ways to keep them going is to purchase gifts related to the subject. gift ideas for people passionate about space include: Space-inspired wall décor. A Gskyer telescope. A Lego space shuttle. A glow-in-the-dark constellation blanket. These are just some of the many gifts you can give your kid for their birthday or Christmas. They will appreciate that you thought about their passion for space and bought them a gift with such a theme. Outer space has inspired generations of human beings to dream and wonder. It continues to fascinate even those who labor in the field as scientists. Your kid may have a rudimentary knowledge of space today, but their interest will grow over the years. And their passion may lead them to a life dedicated to astronomy or another space-related scientific field. All you can do is support their interest and give them things they will enjoy. Companies specializing in the production and sale of space gifts offer the widest range of items. The company you work with should be open and honest about how they operate. They also provide quality that you are unlikely to find elsewhere. You want to have plenty of options when you search for your gift, and this is something that a specialist vendor can give you. The vendor you work with should also be able to ship you the gift promptly. You should pay a fair market price for the gift. Do not allow yourself to be overcharged for it. The company you work with should offer you a guarantee on the quality of the gift. The item you buy should come with a solid warranty. Do not purchase without one. Damage or defect is unacceptable. If you find such a shortcoming, you should be able to return it for an exchange or refund without too much difficulty. It is right that the company you work with meets the highest standards in the industry. You should get the best value for your money. You should expect and demand nothing less than perfection. Do you have a child who is interested in astronomy? You can find gift ideas for people passionate about space by visiting this site.
This week, I've tested a "light" Skagit line on my single hand rod for salmon and sea trout. The plan was to try and see if I could down scale a "true" Skagit outfit to fit a more Scandinavian style speycast, and still be able to cast and turnover very heavy sinktip and heavily weighted tube flies. The scenario, as seen in the video, is a narrow, and VERY deep part of one of my preferred rivers. This particular sections runs from an electric powerplant (with a dam) through a forrest. NO room for backcasts what-so-ever, so speycasts are an absolute necessity. There's no even room to throw a deep loop in behind one self, only option os to anchor beside your self, or a little upstream. In this water, salmon and sea trout hold deep, very deep indeed, and even a souble hander makes no sense as there are overhanging trees. Own bank is some what overgrown with weeds, so a full sinking lines would mean I would have to begin the retrieve for a new cast as the fly is mid-river to avoid snagging. Which is why I prefer a sinktip-style line for this fishing, The floating back part makes it possible to mend the line and keep the fly just outside the weeds on the dangle. So, I was pleased to see that Rio has announced light weight Skagit heads (light as in Skagit-light :-). I got hold of a 200 grains head, and went out to test it. I had on a 10´T-8 MOW-tip, and was not sure whether or not the line would turn over the tip and a heavy fly. But it did - with ease, even! I'll try a 10' T-11 next week and see how that goes. The impressive part is how this line pulls up a T-8 tip and heavy fly, with very little effort on my part, and even from a less-than-optimal anchor position. I didn't cast very far in the video - maybe up to 15 meters, but 20 is easy, I'd say, and probably also on the limitof what this rod/line combination will comfortably handle. But that has yet to be explored. The setup certainly feels heavy on the rod (a 6-wt), but I'll be casting the same setup on a 9'6" 7-wt next week, and see if that feels a little better. The fun part about casting such a heavy line in a light outfit is the experience of how far weight will really go, even with relatively low linespeed. Reaching for distance with this outfit will overload the rod, I'm sure, but still, that remains to be tested. The umtimate advantage is the ability to cast and fish very heavy tips, and heavy flies, on a light rod, and it's defintely a line and a setup that'll be part of my armoury for late season from now on. Overhead casting the setup is exciting to say the least :-).
Use the superior quality Easy Up pitch pads (EZ 46-5) under the feet of a 5-foot antenna tripod to prevent leakage from installation.
If you don't have the time or budget for the salon, you just like to wear nails at the weekend or maybe you just like to regularly change your mani to match your outfits; press on nails are your new best friend. Simply select your design, size, shape and length and apply at home in seconds! Chelsey is the UK and Europe's leading false nail artist. Selling over 30,000 sets of nails to customers all over the world, Nailed It! by Chelsey is the home of the cutest, affordable, hand crafted gel press on nails you'll find! I'm the Nail Tech behind Nailed It! I design and create every set with so much love and care! I package up all your orders in our bespoke boxes and run to the post office in all weathers to make sure everything is shipped efficiently! ...I'm also the Web Designer and Illustrator behind Nailed It! Merch and the one who answers all your emails and DM's. The CEO and cleaner rolled into one. Let the all-nighters commence...
Even though the temperature outside is dropping, there is no need to replace your gardening shovel with your snow shovel just yet. Fall is a great time to split perennials to improve their health. Most perennials respond quite well to splitting at least every three years. Splitting perennials is not difficult, but it does take a little time. The first step is knowing when to split. A great rule of thumb is when your plant looks the best it has ever looked, divide it that fall. A healthy parent plant is going to yield healthy babies. Other clues that it is time to split include when the center of the perennial is producing smaller leaves or if the middle of the plant dies out. Now that you know when to split, the next step is learning how. The tools you will need include a sharp shovel, gloves, hand pruner, trowel or knife, and water for soaking the plants when finished. Now it is time to get down and dirty. Use your shovel to dig at the drip line or outer edge of the leaves. Cut back the foliage of the plant so you can work with it more easily. Dig a trench around the entire plant, severing all the roots cleanly. Then dig under the plant at an angle, and pry the clump out of the ground. With larger, heavier plants, you may want to slice the whole plant in half or quarters before popping it out of the ground. Once you have the plant removed from the ground you can begin splitting. Usually your hands work the best, but you may need to use a trowel or knife to divide large plants into approximately four or five sections called plugs. You are inevitably going to get more plugs than you need. Plant the plugs you want back into your landscape and the rest make great gifts to give to friends and neighbors. Now that you have your perennials dug, divided, and divvied up, water them in, and let them do the rest of the work. At least for the next three years. For more information on Schalow’s services or for landscaping-related questions, call 715-591-3478 or visit
Therefor, it could be beneficial to customers for banks to instead let them use their debit card to purchase a candy bar plus get cash back, and then reimburse them for the candy bar.
Fashion protocol for wedding music gig. May 20, 2013, 6:32 PM Subscribe. What should the musician wear at a wedding? I’m playing piano at a wedding ceremony for the first time and I’m not exactly sure what it’s protocol to wear. Wedding music is made “fashion wedding” more with the charm of an important part, no music of deduction wedding is pale of, good of wedding music is in a wedding ceremony in the most can up to the helper role of “props”.
I woke up yesterday to two surprises. The first one was Lilah’s leaky diaper. Sometimes it leaks out the back, that was fun to change her and her sheets then I discovered Eden. I had earlier heard her fill her diaper, but I had no idea that she had overflowed her diaper. No diaper would have been able to hold all the wonderful surprise that she left. It was just an enormous amount of poo! Newborns will sometimes end up overflowing their daipers. Needless to say I started another load of kids clothes after our episode yesterday morning. So we’ve been having trouble with our front bathroom toilet. It hasn’t been flushing, or hasn’t flushed properly since we’ve had the house really. The plumber did a few things the first visit then the second she flushed out our sewer line, and the toilet still didn’t flush properly. So we needed a new toilet. At first they (They being Old Republic, OR, our home warranty insurance.) told us they would replace it, then they told the plumber they wouldn’t, at least that’s what the plumber said, but then we finally got it straighten out and she brought a new toilet only to find out our toilet sewer line is only 10 inches from the wall instead of 12, the standard space. So we have to special order the toilet, in which Old republic gives us cash for the amount they would have paid for the regular toilet and we pay the difference because they only pay for the standard amount not upgrades, or things that deviate from the standard building requirements. Then I also find out from the plumber’s customer service that in order to have it installed, we would be paying them $80, because OR doesn’t pay for installation. So we’ll be buying a toilet, right now their is not one in our bathroom, and Jon’s dad will instruct him how to install it. Linda the plumber said she could instruct him over the phone if we needed her to because it’s so easy. It’s just been such a hassle!! So hopefully we get a toilet soon. We have this coupon for 10% off a purchase at Lowes, so we’re planning on buying a few items that cost a lot, like the toilet and a security screen door. Life is so busy when you’re a home owner. As a side note, I did well on my tests this past week. So far I have one A, a B, possible another A but I’m unsure. I got an B on the test, then the professor does a curve, so I’m unsure if I have a B or an A. I guess time will tell. Then I have a midterm in my last class this Friday. He does assignments as pass/fail, so I’m passing right now, but well see about the test. I have confidence that I’ll do okay because I know a lot the material already for the class. Today we’ve had fun so far. Lilah and I blew bubbles, well I blew and she chased them. Then we also took a walk this morning. I love beautiful October weather in Vegas! Hopefully Lilah will take a good nap and I’ll be able to get some laundry folded and some reading done for my classes.
Edge Sport in a Sport TV channel, Building upon its history, the EDGEsport Network comprises of a traditional linear broadcast channel, dedicated digital channels for audiences to follow the sports they love, and a social media outreach designed to help grow sporting events, communities and the distribution of content people are passionate about.
Josh is the CEO of Decrypt. He co-founded the site in 2018. He's been an editor and writer at Flipboard, Business 2.0, Fortune, TIME, Newsday, and the Albuquerque Journal, among others. Disclosure: He owns less than 1 BTC and less than 3 ETH.
If you subtract from both sides of the equation, what kind of statement is left? Is there any value of that will make this equation true?
This book discusses the factors underlying the four divisions of man: the Worldly, the Humane, the Spiritual and the Divine… using a splendid eloquent style in expressing the wisdom on which the life of man is based, and the ultimate aim of his evolution. It addresses, in a way easy to understand, man’s conscience whatever his opinions or points of view, and whatever his affiliations or nationality. This is the Esoterique, wherefrom illuminating thought pours out incessantly, and wherewith the resplendent feelings react to the minutest vibration of consciousness.
You may be familiar with OpenGL hardware acceleration in all the recent ARM Processors, but check this recent API from the Khronos group: OpenVG. It is meant at rendering Vector Graphics, where basically the images are stored not in bitmaps (a sum of pixels) but in maths formulaes. Each time you need to re-draw the image, you just have to re-calculate the vectors to show high quality pictures and animations. This is what pdf and postscripts use, and this is especially useful for zooming. All cool user interfaces should use OpenVG at some point, which is easier and more flexible than OpenGL thus for certain graphics and animations to be used in all kinds of user interfaces as well as content. So far, most processors could support OpenVG on top of the OpenGL hardware accelerator. But Freescale added a second GPU in its i.MX processors. So for instance their i.MX51 has a GPU for OpenGL and a second GPU for OpenVG.
Businesses embark on their digitalization strategy but forget that the strategy is only as good as the people who implement it. And the people are only good if the culture allows them to be who they are. So, all ties up finally and the success of digitalization becomes depending on how well people, process & technology are aligned and on the Culture of Excellence within the organization. ​ Whether you are looking at becoming paperless, automating your processes, or becoming a smart factory, we can make a difference and flip the odds towards a more successful digitalization journey. By combining our multi-disciplinary expertise, we provide a better alignment at an early stage of your digitalization journey and assist your adoption process so you can join the early adopters club. ​ We focus on: ​ Agility via Process Automation for key disciplines such as Strategy Deployment and KPIs, Project Management, Quality Assurance & Certifications, Performance Management, Waste Management, Ideation among others
Messing around is not much fun when you do not have the correct computer. That is the reason numerous individuals choose to go for extraordinary gaming computers to make new games progressively playable. Gaming computers can be much more costly than normal computers; however there is a purpose behind this. Being intended for 3D and ultra-sensible games they have much more RAM, quicker preparing rate and an amazing designs card. For this power you are commonly taking a gander at any rate a couple of hundred dollars more than your normal PC. Most PC gamers would concur nonetheless, that the additional expense is justified, despite all the trouble. Available today there are loads of extraordinary gaming computers fabricated by various brands to oblige the regularly expanding business sector. The reality remains that computers made for gaming are substantially more dominant contrasted with consoles. The degree of 3D detail and excessively quick casing rates are boundlessly superior to those found on a reassure. In addition, players discover games intended for PCs are unmistakably all the more including and many-sided. Gamers additionally appreciate the online playability of numerous games available, for example, WOW and shooting match-ups like Unreal. While a few consoles do take into consideration multi-play on the web, there are different reasons why gamers lean toward a gaming PC over a comfort. Extraordinary gaming computers are not simply fabricated inside to play defining moments; their outside is additionally all around idea. Some Gaming PCs for instance includes an inclined ergonomic console for increasingly agreeable game-play. Likewise, HD is presently practically standard, taking into consideration perfectly clear show and more extravagant hues. There is additionally a large group of peripherals that essentially improves gaming and can even make you a superior game player. You may well think a mouse is only a mouse, yet when you see what a gaming mouse can do nowadays, you will be astounded. They have ultra-high goals for smooth exact following and super-quick reaction. Another element of the gaming mouse is additional catches which can go about as hotkeys and be redone. For those that favor the vibe of comfort gaming, there is likewise an enormous exhibit of game-cushions to look over. While the expense of purchasing an extraordinary gaming computer can be high a gaming PC can do every one of the elements of an ordinary PC.
In 2019 the Blackdown Hill Challenge was successfully resurrected by Pavilion2022 with the intention that it would be an annual event running on beyond the building of the new pavilion. However Covid-19 intervened in 2020 but the team hope to run it in 2021, probably as a late summer evening event. Watch out for a call for volunteers. As we entered 2020 Geoff Howe was organising an Art and Garden Day and there was murmurings of a Comedy Night during the winter. Of course they have been cancelled for the time being. In the past there have been quizzes, race nights, a barn dance, a celebrity cricket match and a gala dinner and auction.
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Diffa Arabs (also known as Mahamid Arabs) is the Nigerien name given to Arabicized nomadic tribespeople living in eastern Niger, mostly in the Diffa Region. In 2006, approximately 150,000 and accounting for less than 1.5% of the Niger's population, the Diffa Arabs are said to be the westernmost dispersion of Arabic speaking Sudanese nomads, primarily drawn from the Mahamid sub clan of the Rizeigat of Sudan and Chad. Although the Diffa Arabs speak Arabic and are Arabicized, they are not genetically related to the Arabs of the Maghreb region of Africa nor the Arabs of the Middle East The Arabs in Niger are known as Diffa Arabs because of this. The Arabs of Niger practice Islam. They speak Arabic and came into Niger from Sudan and Chad at some point during the 19th century. In recent years the Arabs have come into conflict with other ethnic groups in the country, particularly the Hausa, Tuareg, and Kanuri. Movement into Niger The Nigerien Arab populations include groups drawn from the Shoa or Baggara Arabs, the first clans of whom are believed to have arrived in what is now Niger sometime in the 19th century. Small groups of the Ouled Sliman, overrunning the Kanem Empire, filtered into the area between the late 19th century and 1923, joining with those Shoa pastoralists who were already centered in Tintouma area. In the 1950s a small number of Kanem–Chadian Arabs moved into the area, but the population remained small. In the mid 1970s there were only around 4000 nomadic Arabs in eastern Niger. But following the 1974 Sahelian Drought a much larger population of Sudan Arab clans began to move into Niger, followed by others fleeing the civil war and the Chadian-Libyan conflict in the 1980s, settling near Diffa. The first president of Niger who is an ethnic Diffa Arab is Mohamed Bazoum. Tensions with neighbors Many in the Diffa Arab community fought against the 1990s Tuareg rebellion, and in recent years, have come into increased conflict with Hausa, Kanuri, and Tuareg communities. News reports quote Nigerien officials during the 2001 census reporting that Arab communities were in constant conflict with their neighbors over resources, were armed, and that "A relative unanimity prevails among the population who want them to leave the area" Diffa Arabs expulsions, 2006 In October 2006, Niger announced that it would deport the Arabs (Arabicized Africans) living in the Diffa region of eastern Niger to Chad. This population numbered about 150,000. While the government was rounding up Arabs in preparation for the deportation, two girls died, reportedly after fleeing government forces, and three women suffered miscarriages. Niger's government eventually suspended a controversial decision to deport Arabs (Arabicized Africans). Arab (Arabicized) Nigeriens protested that they were legal citizens of Niger, with no other home to return to, and that the Military of Niger had seized their livestock, their only means of livelihood.
The diptyque questionnaire was based on the one completed by Marcel Proust which had become popular and out of the 34 questions, the diptyque partner answering them will choose which they wish to share on memento. Olivier Pescheux is a perfume writer. At Givaudan he works on the conception of prestigious perfumes and is connected to renown ones. A traveller with the heart and soul of a Parisian, his special talent is in the research of the right balance of a fragrance, between its obviousness and its profoundness, between the natural raw materials and the synthetics, between the seal of a House and the necessity of astonishment.
Women Worldwide episode Book, Deirdre Breakenridge, Education, Empowering Women in the Workplace, empowering young women, Karen Freberg, Professor, Social Media, Teaching, Women Authors, Women In Technology, women worldwide 0 Are You Leveraging Social? Let’s talk about learning social media! Not only has social media become a ubiquitous tool in our personal lives, but it’s one in our academic and professional lives, too. Whether you’re a student, professor, or professional, you have to step out of your comfort zone to embrace technology and explore how […]
Contingent upon the virtual entertainment outlet you are on, your substance should be custom-fitted to its particular segment. For instance, your Instagram posts should be more centered around giving an excellent visual sense, though Twitter is intended for more message-based content. Also, get a 30% off on your deal using Envato Elements Coupon Code The Opportunities are Endless: It opens up a chance to naturally advance an item or administration at practically zero expense as an entrepreneur. Showcasing via online entertainment stages can likewise assist you with contacting a more extensive crowd, increment memorability, and further develop brand authority. Notwithstanding, dealing with a functioning internet-based presence is a ton of work and requires a lot of association. Web-based Entertainment Management Tools: Many instruments are accessible to help you with the executives’ online entertainment. Everyone offers something remarkable that may be ideal for you; In this article, we will share the best free online entertainment planning apparatuses that will assist you with taking care of business. Sprout Social: Sprout Social has confidence in the force of web-based entertainment to make associations and assemble brands. Their top-level programming audit destinations have granted them their obligation to consumer loyalty, RO, client reception rates, and ease of use. Look further into Sprout Social and how it may be ideal for yourself and your business! Hootsuite: Hootsuite is the best method for overseeing and developing your social channels. You can utilize it free of charge. However, if you need more elements like visual booking, there are different plans accessible that will assist you with going quicker than at any other time! More deeply study Hootsuite and deal with your online entertainment channels efficiently! Tweetdeck: Tweetdeck is the best put to keep steady over what’s going on in your industry, unite individuals with specific interests, and track down new open doors. Dive deeper into Tweetdeck and choose if it’s an ideal choice! Deal with your Twitter account efficiently through Tweetdeck. Zoho Social: Zoho Social is a virtual entertainment board instrument that assists organizations and offices with developing their presence on the web. You can pursue free and check whether it is an ideal choice! Cushion: Regarding web-based entertainment, there are a lot of choices for you. Get familiar with Buffer, and choose if it’s ideal for you! In any case, on the off chance that effortlessness and reasonableness are what’s at the forefront of your thoughts, Buffer may be the response! Afterward: Later is a social promoting stage that empowers you to design, examine and distribute your substance in only a single tick. The comprehensive apparatus assists clients with saving time while amplifying their actual capacity for development in the top organizations. SocialOomph: SocialOomph is the ideal answer for people who need more command over their online entertainment promotion. With cutting-edge post-planning devices, you can support your efficiency and consolidate with others or groups in a work that will find success! Friends plus: Friends plus, you can brilliantly make pertinent content for your crowd and distribute it across different stages. The more individuals see what’s inside these posts, devotees or endorsers! Look at it and check whether it’s an ideal choice for your necessities! Crowdfire: The Crowdfire stage assists you with drawing in your fans, adherents, and clients via online entertainment all the more successfully. You can plan posts ahead of time, so they’re, in every case, sure to discover anything that’s becoming a web sensation at that point! Dive deeper into Crowdfire and check whether it’s an ideal choice for your requirements. Work With Us: Beauty deals with our virtual entertainment stages here at Eternity. Everyone is overseen in HeyOrca, which is certainly not a free device; however, it merits the speculation! Assuming you’re intrigued and need some assistance dealing with your presence in different organizations, reach us today, so we c
In various interviews over the years, George Lucas, a filmmaker who will eventually have dealings with the studio under consideration in this column, has mentioned his apparently life-long desire to make experimental, avant-garde films. As recently as the 2015 Tribeca Film Festival, Lucas told Stephen Colbert that he'd be focusing on experimental filmmaking now that the burden of running the Star Wars Cash Printing Machine® had been passed to the House of Mouse. Assuming he's actually making these movies (and that's a pretty big "if"…he's been talking about it for several decades now), don't expect to see them any time soon. He claims he'll only be showing them to his friends. Frankly, that kind of makes sense. After all, who would expect the creator of one of the most populist entertainments of all time to make an experimental, art-house film and release it to a wide audience? And yet, in 1940, that is exactly what Walt Disney did when he released Fantasia, his most ambitious feature to date and arguably the riskiest project the studio has released to this day. Where Snow White and Pinocchio aimed to showcase animation's potential as a storytelling medium, Fantasia wanted nothing less than to elevate the form to the realm of pure art. This wasn't just another cartoon. This was an event. This was something new. It didn't start off that way. Disney's original plan was simply to create a deluxe Silly Symphony to help boost the flagging popularity of his signature star, Mickey Mouse. He acquired the rights to Paul Dukas' The Sorcerer's Apprentice and set to work adapting the story as a starring vehicle for Mickey. By chance, Walt happened to meet Leopold Stokowski, the famous conductor of the Philadelphia Orchestra, right around the same time and told him about the short. Stokowski liked both the music and Disney and agreed to conduct the piece. As Walt continued to get more excited by the possibilities of The Sorcerer's Apprentice, the budget kept going up. Going over-budget seemed to be a recurring theme for Disney in these days. But unlike the feature-length Snow White or Pinocchio, it quickly became apparent that there was no way a short film like this would be able to recoup its costs at the box office. So it was decided to make The Sorcerer's Apprentice one segment of a longer concert feature (imaginatively titled The Concert Feature at the time). Disney and Stokowski contacted music critic and radio personality Deems Taylor, who would end up providing on-screen commentary throughout the film, to help the Disney story department with the music selection. The Sorcerer's Apprentice remains the one thing everyone remembers from Fantasia. Even if you haven't seen the movie (and I'd wager that it's probably the least-seen of the movies widely considered to be top-tier Disney Classics), you've probably seen this one segment. Disney wisely put Mickey front-and-center in most of the advertising materials and the Sorcerer Mickey look has been widely merchandized. And it is a terrific piece of animation. The music is wonderful, the animation is lovely and Mickey is his usual fun and friendly self. It's also kind of scary, especially for little kids. The Sorcerer himself is an imposing figure and the sight of Mickey axe-murdering a sentient broomstick is pretty intense, even in shadow. But it's just one small part of Fantasia and it takes some patience to get there. The movie's first segment, Bach's Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, is either startlingly bold or mind-numbingly boring, depending on your perspective. As an animation fan, it's a stunning display of abstract visuals and state-of-the-art effects work. But if you're a kid or even a more casual movie fan, it's a bit of a litmus test for how you'll respond to the rest of the movie. If nothing else, Disney sequenced Fantasia brilliantly. You'll know within the first ten minutes if this movie's going to be your jam or not. The next segment is slightly less abstract as Tchaikovsky's The Nutcracker Suite is brought to life with flittering fairies, dancing mushrooms and flowers, and cascading leaves. Again, it's impossible not to be impressed by the artistry on display in this sequence. But you can admire the craft and still be left finding this all a little dull. It's lovely to look at but not much more. The last time I saw Fantasia theatrically, one impatient little girl spent much of the sequence asking her mom, "When's Mickey coming?" Mickey does finally show up next, only to be followed by another lengthy, ambitiously abstract piece, this one set to Stravinsky's The Rite of Spring. Again, this is a stunning piece of animation depicting nothing less than the dawn of life on Earth up to the extinction of the dinosaurs. But the rhythm of the sequence is very different from what most people expected from animation, especially at that time. Most animated shorts and features had a predictable gag structure: loosely connected vignettes with set-ups and punchlines. The Rite of Spring has none of that. It simply flows along at its own pace, making big leaps here and there before settling back into its languid groove. Most of the highlights of Fantasia are found in its second act. Following an intermission and a fun "Meet the Soundtrack" vignette, we find ourselves in the mythological world of Beethoven's Pastoral Symphony. This is done in a more traditionally cartoonish style and it's cute, if not particularly memorable. (I should add that this is also one of our earliest examples of Disney's long line of revisionist history. In the late 1960s, a few shots depicting stereotypical black female centaurs were removed. You can find images of them online if you'd like. I'm somewhat torn on the subject in this case. On the one hand, I think art should reflect the time in which it was made and shouldn't be altered after the fact. But on the other, I think most modern audiences would be completely thrown out of the movie if these racially exaggerated characters suddenly popped up out of nowhere. So I do think the studio made the right call here. Disney's complicated history with race will definitely come up again in this column.) Fantasia saved its best segments for last, starting with Ponchielli's Dance of the Hours. If there's a major criticism that can be leveled at Fantasia it's that most of the segments feel exceedingly self-serious. Even Mickey Mouse feels like he's straining for artistic credibility at times. Coming toward the program's end, Dance of the Hours, directed by Disney veterans Norm Ferguson and T. Hee, feels almost like a parody of the rest of the film. A slapstick ballet performed by ostriches, hippos, elephants and alligators, Dance of the Hours is genuinely inspired. Finally, we come to the grand finale: a proto-mash-up of Mussorgsky's Night on Bald Mountain and Schubert's Ave Maria. Night on Bald Mountain is a masterpiece of animation: intense, stark and unforgettable. In the late 1960s, a new generation discovered Fantasia for…let's say, completely different reasons than Walt Disney had intended. What's surprising is that the Disney studio made no effort to discourage that audience. Instead, they leaned into it with a new psychedelic ad campaign that emphasized Bald Mountain's demonic Chernabog over Mickey Mouse. Fantasia debuted in November of 1940 and played around the country roadshow-style utilizing an early stereophonic sound system called Fantasound. Critically, it was a resounding success. Film critics hailed it as a significant milestone, not just in animation but in cinema in general. The Academy couldn't figure out how to squeeze it into one of their usual categories, so they gave it two Honorary Oscars. Audiences packed houses for months but even with the more expensive roadshow admission prices, Fantasia didn't turn a profit. Part of the problem was the expense of installing the new Fantasound system into theatres. As World War II broke out, plans for a European release were cancelled and the Fantasound equipment was given over to the war effort. Not everyone was impressed by Fantasia. Classical music critics took issue with everything from the music selection to Stokowski's arrangements to the very idea of the film itself. The only living composer whose work was represented in the film was Igor Stravinsky and he absolutely hated it. Despite these setbacks, Walt remained proud of what he'd accomplished. He envisioned Fantasia as an evolving program that could be refreshed every few years with new segments added and old ones taken out. He kept the story department busy developing potential new segments for months. But when the US formally entered World War II, Walt was forced to drop his ambitious plans for future Fantasias. More than 50 years later, a new Fantasia program would finally arrive in theatres. But we'll get to that later. In the end, Fantasia is a movie that you can't help but admire even if it remains a difficult movie to truly love. It's an audacious experiment and a dazzling showcase for some of the finest animation the medium would ever produce. But it's also an anthology film, which means that as a movie, it's only as strong as its weakest segment. Sure, Fantasia can be a little boring, a little saccharine, even a little cornball. But in this case, it's the effort and intent behind the film that matters more than the movie itself. I may not love Fantasia. But I do love that Fantasia exists.
As Chevrolet rolls out the Seventh-Generation Corvette, let us welcome you to the Second-Generation website for Southern Oregon Corvette Association (SOCA). Like Chevrolet did with the Corvette, SOCA assembled a team to begin building the next generation of its website long before it was ready to hit the streets. We partnered with Accurate Design Services of Medford, OR to start construction from the ground up. Both teams had quite a task before them. The new Corvette needed to be quicker, easy to operate and powerful, needed the same qualities. The C7 had to reflect its 50 plus-year heritage. needed to reflect the 41 year history of our club. The C7 Corvette must compete globally. will also reach around the globe. The next generation of Corvette had to take the car to a new level. Our new website had to take us places we’ve never been before. And it will. In style. "Our newly redesigned website, will be a tremendous tool for us as an organization," SOCA Past President Sandee Anderson said. "We’ll reach people now who otherwise would never have heard of us." The new Corvette is not without controversy. You either like the headlights and taillights, or you don’t . Whether to build a totally new website also caused much discussion among our membership - in the end, the membership voted to allocate resources for the project. "I don’t own a computer, I don’t go on-line," said founding member Don Hubbard. "But, I know a well-done website will benefit the club and I’m all for it." Hubbard said. Hubbard, who was at the original SOCA meeting on June 12, 1974, used to follow Corvette owners home to tell them about the club. With we can tell millions of people -- in the Northwest, across the US and around the world -- about us, about our activities, upcoming events, recent happenings, and all things Southern Oregon Corvette. The anticipation surrounding the C7 was intense. Many SOCA members were also eagerly anticipating the new We hope those members -- and the rest of the world-wide web -- were not disappointed. Like the C7 Corvette, will be easy on the eyes. The new Corvette will out perform the C6. will far out perform the website that preceded it. Over time, Chevrolet will make modifications -- slight modifications, most likely -- to the C7, in an attempt to better their effort at redesigning the legendary car. too, will be a work in progress. We will modify. We will ‘tweak’. We’ll take the feedback and response that we get to this website and try to better our efforts as well. With interest and input from our members, and a a lot of work by the committee, this is what we’ve come up with so far. This is Enjoy the Ride! SOUTHERN OREGON'S CORVETTE CLUB Corvette Weekend Info & Forms Club & Website Sponsored By Visit us on Facebook Click for a Great Deal! Since 1974 29TH SOUTHERN OREGON CORVETTE WEEKEND Southern Oregon Corvette Association had the pleasure of hosting the 29th annual Corvette Weekend July 15,16 and 17. A big shout out of thanks and appreciation to all of the sponsors and volunteers that helped put on our 29th anual Corvette Weekend. Without you we couldn't have put on this awesome Corvette Event in order to raise money for Candlelighters a organization that Southern Oregon Corvette Association sponsors. Candelighters For Children with Cancer provides support every step of the way for families in Oregon and SW Washington. Friday July 15th we hosted a car wash for all those Corvettes in need of a bath after being on the road. Saturday all those beautiful Corvettes came together for a Show and Shine on the grounds of Riverside Park, in addition to participateing in raffle drawings and a great lunch. More importantly new friendships were made and old friendships rekindled. Saturday afternoon a lot of people enjoyed the jet boat ride down the Rogue River to cool off and enjoy a wonderful dinner. Later that evening we enjoyed classic rock music by Rob Hill and his live band by the name of Doc Rock and the Disorderlies. Sunday breakfast was enjoyed at the Floral Building at the Josephine County Fairgrounds with a trophy presentation, Auction and "Candlelighters for Children With Cancer" Presentation. To round out a truly beautiful summer weekend with an optional drive to Crater Lake National Park in our truly awesome Corvettes. See More Photos PEAR BLOSSOM PARADE SOCA gathered at Sizzler parking lot on 7th at 8:00 am. We traveled as a group to Rogue Valley Mall to Macy’s parking lot in Medford to meet more fellow SOCA members. We departed Macy’s between 930 and 10:00 am. We headed to Central Ave in Medford to the final staging area before entering in the Pear Blossom Parade at 11:00. Our group was chosen to chauffeur 3 winning contestants that participated in the Every baby is beautiful contest. Mom and baby had the opportunity to experienced a ride in Ron Howard, Carmela McKay Andrews and Wayne Shelford beautiful corvettes.
In one of their regular software releases, Mambu integrated Infobip’s SMS API, connecting to our global messaging platform quickly and easily, and counting on Infobip’s coverage of 190 countries, deep knowledge of telecoms, and 24/7 expert technical support. SMS capability with ongoing development and support The addition of our SMS API enabled Mambu clients – microfinance institutions all over the world – to send real-time, automatic notifications to their customers over the SMS channel, but also to improve security by implementing SMS-based 2-factor authentication. In the latter instance, SMS channel is used for delivery of authentication PINs, needed when accessing online services. About the integrator Mambu is an affordable and flexible cloud banking platform, empowering a rapid creation, launch and servicing of loan and deposit products. Founded in Berlin in 2011, it established itself as a flexible and agile alternative to legacy banking software. Mambu works with 100+ microfinance organizations and financial innovators in 30 countries around the globe.
The Transcarpathian Hungarians called to deploy a permanent OSCE mission in the region. This initiative was evaluated by the President of the Center for System Analysis and Forecasting Rostislav Ishchenko. “The Hungarians of Ukraine have been calling to enter an OSCE Mission for nearly a week. This is a quite understandable and reasonable action. The OSCE is an organisation where protecting human rights appears among its tasks. Already in the 1970’s it was decided that the protection of human rights can happen cross-border, i.e., regardless of State borders. Thus, Hungarians consider their rights are violated. And, objectively, Ukraine violated their rights, including those that are provided by the European Union (Ukraine ratified the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages). And in Ukraine there is a systematic approach to the rights of not only minorities, but even the Russian-speaking majority of the country (language rights). In this regard, the Russian Foreign Ministry, the Romanian and Polish Foreign Ministries, and politicians of all levels spoke out. All countries surrounding Ukraine spoke out against its violation of human rights. In these conditions the introduction there of an OSCE Mission that will monitor Ukraine’s implementation of its obligations to protect fundamental human rights is the only chance of a bloodless, and not military way out of the situation. If Kiev continues to recklessly apply pressure, then the national communities in the western regions of the country will do approximately the same thing that the Russian communities in the Eastern regions did. I.e., they will announce their separation from Kiev. At the same time, they will rely on the support of their neighboring national states. Neither Poland, nor Hungary, nor Romania will refuse to support the Hungarians, Romanians, and Poles, like how Russia didn’t refuse to support Donbass. And Ukraine will start to turn into shagreen leather. Therefore, the introduction of an OSCE Mission is the last offer to Kiev to find a peaceful way out.”
I sprained my ankle on vacation and can’t run. The ankle brace my podiatrist sold me works great on my ankle but triggered my plantar fasciitis to flare up on that foot. 2 days ago I woke up with right rotator cuff trouble and can barely raise my arm to 90 degrees. My back hurt this morning when I got out of bed but that has worn off. And I had a hangover. The half marathon is in 76 days. I haven’t run much lately and am feeling the stress. I’m worried about being unprepared if I don’t train, but I’m worried about worsening the injury if I train again too soon.
The carbon block contains the ingredients of the activated carbon granules and a binding agent that permits the carbon granules to have an unwavering position. This positioning is relative to each other. Carbon block fizzles out carbon particles to activate unity of performance, creating a stoppage of water from channeling. This thing is pretty usual in GAC. GAC is usually packed in a loose set of beds, containing an enclosed cartridge or pressure vessel. The flow of water passing through the column of carbon is pretty smooth, traveling and taking the path of the least obstruction. This carbon block is created into a pre-measured dimensional cartridge. Here you can hire expect Glendale water company is the best service. It is a structured uniform pore between the individual carbon granules, making the carbon block able to attain a higher level of effectiveness to reduce the level of contamination. The pore structure of the carbon blocks uniformly beef ups the time of the contact with the medium of the filter. By doing so, it further augments the block ability to eliminate the contaminants present in the water. Effectively, carbon is usually applied in the mechanism of the POU water filtration in GAC as well as carbon block applications. However, we draw a comparison with GAC, the increased level of efficiency of carbon block, and more numbers of carbon particles give permission to the carbon block to eliminate or reduce the level of impurities within less amount of time. Besides this, the small form factor permits to the manufacturers of the carbon block for the production of water filtration with excellent performance in the set-up of smaller and more product design. The pore structured carbon block armed with the smaller particle size produces a super level of result in a smaller size than GAC yields at the same flow rate. Because of this obvious reason, the application of GAC is usually executed for the treatment technique for the result of the aesthetic contaminants such as the elimination of the taste, odor, or the color of the water. The function of the carbon block filtration travels beyond the aesthetic improvement of the water quality by eliminating the particulates, microscopic cysts, lead as well as other potential contaminants. How Carbon Function in Blocking Filter Water Carbon block water filters apply three procedures for the elimination of the present contaminants from drinkable water. The most apparent filtration procedure is called filtration mechanically. Mechanical filtration functions like a sieve, wherein larger sized particulates are removed with the help of carbon block. Mechanically carbon blocks can eliminate particles as small as a one-half micron (submicron). Another filtration technique implemented in some sorts of carbon blocks with the aid of the specially crafted outer wrap is called electrokinetic adsorption. This effective procedure carries out the water that passes through the outer wrap, prompting the material in the wrap in order to obtain a positive molecular charge. It tempts negative ions of specific pollutants. The filtration of carbon block also uses physical adsorption. It is the technique, with the help of which, the carbon itself creates attraction towards pollutants. Carbon particles that became active have a large surface area, attracting and keeping a hold over the pollutants. Primarily, binders used that are formulated through the medium of compressed carbon blocks. These compressed carbon blocks can evade the carbon surface, and as a result of this, it optimizes its capacity to alleviate the level of the present pollutants. Difference between compressed and extruded carbon for blocking the manufacturing process The manufacturing of the carbon block is carried out by the use of one of the two procedures: either through extrusion procedure or compressed molding. The carbon block based on extrusion is made, applying a combination of carbon, other media, and binder. This procedure is forced through a die to make a continuous block. To avail of the services of the above-discussed carbon blocks, it is suggested to hire an expert Glendale water company to contend with these nuances.
Welcome back! Best Buddies is an awesome club, everyone is welcome at anytime! Come make new friends and bring some of yours! We will be having meetings on Monday October 24th, Monday November 14th and Monday November 28th. Hope to see you there
A few decades ago, many people thought alternative medicine was the sole preserve of tribal shamans and witch doctors. It was restricted only to a supposedly ‘uneducated’ minority who couldn’t afford western medicines and was labeled unconventional and unattractive. Others were also limited to strange health symptoms. However, the tide has shifted tremendously today as a 2020 Federal government survey revealed that more than 36% of Americans use some form of alternative medicine. The question now is why are more people seeing the need to use alternative medicine? Some of these reasons are discussed below. They tend to be safer and less expensive A Center for Studying Health System Change (HSC) report discovered that about six million Americans treated for chronic pain and depression episodes began to move away from conventional options to alternative medicines. According to this report, the primary reason for this move was the cost factor. Many people admitted that western medications used to treat their conditions became too pricey, hence looking for more natural and least costly alternatives. Moreover, the American healthcare system continues to get even more cumbersome and is considered one of the most expensive worldwide. The costs associated with the US health system continually outpaces the average income growth. In 2020, the average American income growth was pegged at 3.3%. However, the health system tracker says, spending on healthcare increased 31-fold! It, therefore, makes sense that people will seek less invasive options that cost less to treat medical conditions. Patient dissatisfaction For years, people treating specific health conditions realized that conventional medicines only treated symptoms of their ailment. Whereas herbal-based and alternative medication tends to treat the root of the problem, some people believe western options may lack that ability. One school of thought opines that alternative medicine results aren’t proven while evidence-based data back conventional medicine. Another group also acknowledges that Western options tend to carry the day because alternative medicine lacks widespread scientific backing. That notwithstanding, more people are beginning to realize that these ‘unconventional’ options provide more satisfaction. Moreover, most people who have tried both options believe that there are more side effects from conventional medicines than alternative ones. This is mainly because alternative therapies have gained popularity due to their ability to stimulate the body’s natural healing responses. Write-ups on topics such as the 10 best herbs for good health to support your well-being lay fact to this claim. A need for personal control It’s pretty surprising to realize how patients would go to extra lengths to control their treatment options. Therefore, instead of generalized medical measures, most patients prefer to have a say in their use. More specifically, the urge to have personal autonomy over their treatment decisions drives them. In a JAMA Network medical journal, researchers discovered that patients regarded western medicine as too authoritarian. On the other hand, alternative options are viewed as more flexible, tolerant on the body, and offer end-users more control. Furthermore, after years of usage, western medicine users see conventional treatment as overly technology-oriented. This development fuels the belief that the humane factor is the least on the list of benefits. On the other hand, alternative medicine factors in the human element make a user feel connected to the natural product. For example, some herbal products are better taken in the morning to avoid interference with the body’s natural circadian rhythm. Others are consumed only in the evenings to boost a calming effect at night to aid sleep. These dynamics convince patients of alternative medicines’ humane approach to treatment. Embracing nature and philosophical beliefs As the world seeks more sustainable means to save the environment, more people are also translating this into their healthcare. As being eco-friendly is beneficial to the environment, why not do the same for the body by embracing nature? Taking more environmentally friendly decisions has led more people to shift to alternative treatment options. More people believe natural treatments are compatible with spirituality, personal values, and individual religious dogmas regarding philosophical beliefs. In healthcare, this is known as philosophical congruence, which dwells on the concept of using oneself for practice. In other words, it’s the acceptance to use one’s own body as the trial ground for testing natural treatment options as far as individual beliefs allow. In conclusion, although there’s a shift towards alternative medicine, always be mindful not to mix them with other treatment options without expert advice. Some drugs and therapies counteract and can be harmful to your well-being.
Jet report is a financial and business reporting solution, which can be used by you to get your operation data in whatever format you required. By using Jet reports, you can reduce report errors, cut programming costs and make use of your existing skillsets to access and pull data directly in to Excel. Manual Processing is Time Consuming In order to increase effectiveness and productivity, Jet report allows you to save your precious time and resources, by reducing time for copying and pasting to compile the information you required. Humans are Inherently Error Prone No one is perfect, but your data should be. Jet report help your business become more successful by reducing costs made by inaccurate imports. Not Everyone is a Technical Guru Jet reports helps your team member to make right decisions by providing simple reports. Eliminate Errors Generate accurate financial reports in the formats that you are familiar with. It pulls the most updated data you from your Microsoft Dynamic database. Cut Reporting Time and Costs Jet report cuts reporting time and costs by providing you an environment where hard-coding or programming skills are not required for your team to explore data and create or modify reports on their own. In addition, you can make data-driven decisions faster as you will not be required to wait for consultants or IT departments to get you the reports you need. Always Have the Answers Jet report allow you to get real-time and accurate business information via Web or from a mobile device. Hence, through Jet Report you can make your decisions from anywhere and anytime. Never Second Guess a Report Again Jet report can increase your productivity by providing you a publishing platform where you can manage, collaborate and automate reports. Hence, your team will be able to quickly make right decisions by looking at the right information.
J.W. Goethe's play Egmont is probably best known for the overture by Beethoven it inspired, but it's worth reading in its own right. Goethe finished the play in 1788, on the eve of the French Revolution, and Egmont definitely gives the feeling that something momentous is about to happen. It was written in prose during the "storm and stress" period that preceded the advent of German Romanticism. The story involves the events leading up to the 80-year-long war for Dutch independence. It was the execution of Count Egmont, together with the Count of Horn, that precipitated that war. Goethe begins the action in 1568, the last year of Egmont's life. Margaret of Parma, daughter of the former Holy Roman Emperor, had been governing the Netherlands as regent for her half brother, Phillip II of Spain. The king replaces her, however, with the notorious Duke of Alba. Margaret appears in Goethe's play as a sympathetic figure. In the first act, she struggles to deal with Dutch iconoclasts who were desecrating cathedrals, while at the same time trying to prevent her brother from introducing the Inquisition to the Lowlands. At one point she laments: "Oh, what are we, then, the great on the crest of humanity's wave? We think that we rule its fury, but it bears us up and down, to and fro." Egmont does not even appear until the second act, though his name is on everyone's lips. Like the first entrance of Shakespeare's hero in Othello, as soon as Egmont appears, he puts down a potential brawl in the streets. Though a lofty noblemen, he remembers individuals among the commoners and counsels them each to keep the peace in difficult times. In a scene with his secretary, we then see him ruling justly if perhaps a bit naively, unwilling to submit to the world of realpolitik. In the third act, we get word that Alba is coming with his massive army. Egmont is concerned, but finds comfort in the arms of his mistress, Clare. Goethe gives Clare one of the most strikingly poetic moments in the play. Waiting in her mother's house, she sings: Gladdened And saddened And troubled in vain, Longing And thronging With wavering pain, Raised up to heaven, The deeper to fall, Happy alone Is whom love has in thrall. Act IV has the famous betrayal scene, where the Duke of Alba invites Egmont to his palace only to have him arrested and executed for treason. As a member of the famed Order of the Golden Fleece, Egmont should have been immune to any judgement other than a trial before his peers of the order. Alba does not care, and demands that Egmont immediately surrender his sword, which he does, declaring: "It has served me more often to defend the King's cause than to protect this body." As Act V descends into darkness, Clare commits suicide and Egmont's remaining hopes of rescue or escape vanish. However, when he falls asleep in the dungeon, Egmont has a vision of his own eternal victory. Goethe gives these stage directions: Liberty in heavenly raiment, shining, rests upon a cloud. She has Clare's features and bows down towards the sleeping hero. She expresses a feeling of compassion, she seems to commiserate with him. Soon she calms herself and, with an enlivening gesture, shows him the quiver of arrows, then her staff and helmet.
Several Merriman Creek members involved with our Indian Myna trapping program are having excellent success. One landholder trapped over 20 birds in three days. After one week "free" of mynas, another flock has moved in. With fierce determination the flock size is slowly depleting showing that the problem is not a quick fix. For more information contact our group. Perhaps you would like to borrow a trap to help eradicate these introduced pests?
On Monday, June 11, 2018 and Wednesday, June 13, 2018 the 9th grade students received their PSAT scores during POL Green Room Time. If your student was absent and/or in the POL room presenting you are able to access the PSAT 9 Scores via online at Have the student create an account using the same email address that was used on the answer sheet to view their scores. You may visit the following website for a parent tutorial explaining the PSAT 9 scores at
I was fortunate enough to be part of a highly successful startup, which was later on acquired by a large international firm. This acquisition was the first of its kind in the Middle East and a big step forward in my career and personal life. Although I was not a co-founder or a stakeholder, I was fortunate enough to discover the world and dynamics of how startups function. I would say it was both stressful and enjoyable. You do learn a lot. Whether about new technologies where you get the chance to apply them, or about team members and about yourself. Regardless whether a startup succeeds or fails, it is truly a very enriching and fulfilling personal experience. Of course not all startups share the similar work culture and circumstances, but below are my two cents regarding my personal experience. 1. Befriend adaptation and change Working in a startup means experimenting with ideas and concepts. Some ideas do have an impact, some on the other hand do not. That is why it is important when having a target, to set out a plan and to stop at certain time intervals during execution, to reflect about the current situation, and to decide whether or not to continue with the plan or create a new one. Change is present everyday and every time. Do not expect to a have a constant work environment. Sometimes you and your team will acknowledge that something in the big picture is not quite right, so a lot of change will be needed. That in turn will be reflected in the choice of technology you use, and the approach regarding the current issue at hand. 2. Develop a can-do attitude When you stumble upon a problem relax and be confident about solving it. The situation is new, the problem is complex, lots of people depend on you, but hey – you can do it. Thinking about the problem as a whole will indeed seem hard, but by dividing it into smaller issues or by setting out a plan, that will certainly help you in keeping your confidence high and in allowing you to concentrate on the problem itself and not about your ability to overcome it. Divide and Conquer is a really helpful strategy in this situation. Another way to develop a can-do attitude is to regularly discuss the situation and issue with others. May it be your colleague, your CEO, the whole team – what matters is to get different opinions on the matter and reach a collective plan to tackle it. 3. Learn a lot Having change as your new friend with a can-do attitude will enable you to learn a lot. You will have a chance to learn something new everyday, whether it is a technical concept, communication style with team members, or even learn about your personality. Since the technology used might be new and the features change often, you will learn new technologies, prototype a lot, and expand your knowledge set in other domains used in the startup. For example, I did not have previous experience about scaling and about website performance issues. After reaching a high level of user visits, that issue became our number one concern and all the team shifted to address the requirement. That is how I, and everyone else in the team, learned about scalability, performance, usability and much more. You will also get the chance to discover yourself, your personality and how you deal with people around you in difficult situations. It will be an eye-opener and a great chance for personal growth and maturity. 4. Gain new friends and family Working in a startup means interacting with people around you all the time. Whether they are colleagues, the CEO and management, entrepreneurs, or other networks – you will need to deal with people everyday. By doing so, you will meet new faces every other day and you will eventually make new acquaintances and friends. In addition, you and your team will work very closely to each other on a daily basis. A startup is not in that sense a typical work environment, where everyone knows their social boundaries in the office. A startup is more family-based, where you and your team are driven by one target, one plan, and one collective effort with all the highs and lows that come with it. 5. Share your private life By gaining new friends and family, you will have to say goodbye to some of your private life. You and your team will work very closely to each other, interact frequently, and share aspirations, hopes, good and bad times. Eventually, everyone will know whats going on with everyone else, and you will end up sharing some of your private life. 6. Expect to work on holidays and weekends The startup workplace is very dynamic. Sometimes setting tough deadlines and committing to it, sometimes showing a prototype to an investor or VC, or other times encountering a problem and needing to address it as soon as possible. Otherwise the user base will decline instead of grow. All of these factors requires to have an open mindset and to work in unconventional times. Late night, weekends, public holidays – no matter the day be prepared to receive a call from a fellow teammate informing you about an issue you need to solve at that moment. 7. Work in a highly-motivated environment In addition to the dynamics of a startup, startup teams are usually largely motivated. They have a common goal to reach to, they set-out a plan with sprints and retrospectives, they are armored with a can-do attitude, and they celebrate success and minimize losses. You will get a highly motivated, positive and enthusiastic environment. 8. Become more social and communicative You will need to interact and talk to different people almost everyday. Because of the agile and dynamic type of startups, good and clear communication is crucial to the success of the product. For example, if a feature is unclear or has missing information you will need then to reach out to your fellow team members. You will need to take the initiative and and be ready for the follow up. 9. Enjoy a lot Startups are stressful. The pressure of deliverability, the constant change, the social aspects of dealing with your team members on an individual level, and the unforeseen and unknown future, all adds up to the stress of working in a startup. But in this journey you will definitely encounter pleasant and enjoyable moments, where you will certainly cherish unpredicted outcomes and situations.
$ZV: IRIS for UNIX (Red Hat Enterprise Linux for x86-64) 2021.1.1 (Build 324U) Thu Feb 24 2022 13:20:39 EST 0 0 115 Discussion (6)2 Log in or sign up to continue Add reply Anderson Negreli · Jun 27 Apparently no: Some globals have different names in IRIS, apart from other differences, it might be possible to make it work but it doesn't seem like a good idea. 0 0 Dmitry Maslennikov · Jun 27 The link you added says about compatibility with version 2018.1 in Async mode, and it's the latest version of Caché/Ensemble. And in fact, renamed globals are not an issue in most cases, those globals are mostly temporary and not mirrored. So, theoretically, it should work. 0 0 Guilherme Koerber · Jun 27 Hi Nicki! Is your idea to mirror the Ensemble tables with Iris? If yes, you can do that with the table linking wizard. I did this procedure a few times with ODBC, it's very useful. 0 0 Herman Slagman · Jun 27 Yes, it can, ECP seems to be compatible between IRIS and Ensemble (or Cache) We will use it for migration to IRIS too, first add an IRIS ASync member to the mirror and then later promote it. We only have done this in a test scenario, so no guarantee ;-) Herman 1 0 Nicki Vallentgoed · Jun 30 Nope, does not seem to work. Creating the async goes fine but as soon as I promote it, primary ensemble sees it as down. You can also not revert back to an async afterwards. 0 0 Erik Hemdal · Jun 30 Nicki, I would start with your account manager and have a chat about how best to migrate. Since Ensemble and IRIS for Health are different products, the specific versions involved matter a great deal. A sales engineer on your account team probably has seen migrations such as the one you propose. As for differences between IRIS and Ensemble, check the Migration Guide which you can download from the WRC. There's a lot there, but it includes the result of a lot of testing and migration experience.
More than a hundred mourners came to pay their last respects to Carmen Weinstein, who died this week at 84. Elad Benari 19.04.13, 2:13 Cairo Egypt Egyptian Jews Carmen Weinstein The Jewish cemetery in the Egyptian capital C AFP photo The leader of Egypt's tiny Jewish community was buried in Cairo on Thursday in the local Jewish cemetery, AFP reported. More than a hundred mourners, including Christians and Muslims as well as Jews from both Egypt and abroad, attended the funeral of Carmen Weinstein under tight security in central Cairo's Shaar Hashamayim synagogue, the report said. "Egypt has lost a great lady," said Rabbi Marc Elfassi, who lives in France but has overseen rites in Egypt for nine years. "Before each prayer, she told me: 'Please pray for my country, Egypt, to be as happy as it was when I was young,’" he told the congregation, according to AFP. Weinstein, who was 84 when she died this week, worked tirelessly to preserve Egyptian Jewish heritage and for the restoration of such monuments as the downtown Cairo synagogue. Estimates of the Jewish population in Egypt range from about 200 to a few dozen, mostly elderly women, a fraction of the 80,000 strong community whose members were expelled or left the country in the early 1950s. Magda Haroun, daughter of renowned lawyer Shehata Haroun, was elected to replace Weinstein. "I promise to members of our community to take care of them. I'd like to give a view of what will be the future of this unfortunately dying community," Haroun said at the funeral service. "I want to break the barriers that have been erected between people of this religion and people of other beliefs. I want everyone to remember that Egyptian Jews were living in Egypt and participated in all aspects of life," AFP quoted her as having said. Israel's ambassador in Cairo Yaakov Amitai praised in Arabic Weinstein's "loyalty" to the Jewish community "in very difficult conditions." After the service, Weinstein was buried in the Bassatine Jewish cemetery in a Cairo suburb. Her relatives said she wished to be buried alongside her parents, but sewage had flooded that part of the graveyard. "Look at the humiliation and the filth in which we will be buried," said Haroun, according to AFP. "But what to do? The area around should be developed, its residents must be allowed a decent life, so they preserve their surroundings," she said of the neighboring slums. Earlier this week Haroun said she will refuse Israeli offers of financial help for the renovation of Egypt's ancient synagogues. She told an Egyptian newspaper that she plans to contact UN heritage organization UNESCO if she fails to find adequate funds for synagogue renovation. Haroun stressed that Egypt's Jewish monuments belonged to Egypt's historical heritage, which extends over a very long period, saying they “are like the pyramids and the Sphinx. They are a part of Egypt's history that cannot be ignored."
Aaaah, the changing seasons! For some people, it’s a new excuse to bust out a new throw pillow or add something new to a space all in the name of seasonal decorating. We see no problem with cozying up your home this time of year with a little touch of...
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