Cusco School art of three older boys touching a peach colored chap next to a wheelbarrow
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "peach colored chap", "other_entity": "wheelbarrow", "person": "older boys", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Cusco School art" }
Glitch art of a turk older person touching two cyan colored chaps next to a billiard table
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "cyan colored chaps", "other_entity": "billiard table", "person": "older person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "turk", "style1": "", "style2": "Glitch art art" }
Ice sculpture in the style of Academic art of a turk man touching a green colored chap next to three wools
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored chap", "other_entity": "wools", "person": "man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 3, "race": "turk", "style1": "Ice sculpture", "style2": "Academic art art" }
three chaps next to a racer
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "chaps", "other_entity": "racer", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Otra Figuración art of an irish person touching three turquoise colored chaps next to a teapot
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored chaps", "other_entity": "teapot", "person": "person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "irish", "style1": "", "style2": "Otra Figuración art" }
two women touching a lilac colored cleft next to a bighorn sheep
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lilac colored cleft", "other_entity": "bighorn sheep", "person": "women", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Modular constructivism art of a man touching a brown colored cleft next to a promontory
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "brown colored cleft", "other_entity": "a promontory", "person": "man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Modular constructivism art" }
Naive art in the style of Abstract expressionism art of an older boy touching a lime colored cleft next to a hamster
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a lime colored cleft", "other_entity": "hamster", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Naive art", "style2": "Abstract expressionism art" }
three Arabian teenagers touching a lime colored cleft next to a monastery
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lime colored cleft", "other_entity": "monastery", "person": "teenagers", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Arabian", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Les Nabis art of an arabian older boy touching a magenta colored cleft next to three grunters
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored cleft", "other_entity": "grunters", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 3, "race": "arabia", "style1": "", "style2": "Les Nabis art" }
Medical illustration in the style of Spanish Eclecticism art of an older person touching two green colored roulettes next to a laptop
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored roulettes", "other_entity": "laptop", "person": "older person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Medical illustration", "style2": "Spanish Eclecticism art" }
five black men touching a green colored roulette next to an Oncorhynchus kisutch
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored roulette", "other_entity": "Oncorhynchus kisutch", "person": "men", "num_person": 5, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "black ", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Trompe l'oeil in the style of Panfuturism art of an irelander woman touching an indigo colored roulette next to a membranophone
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an indigo colored roulette", "other_entity": "membranophone", "person": "woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "irelander", "style1": "Trompe l'oeil", "style2": "Panfuturism art" }
four older boys touching a blue colored roulette next to a tree frog
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored roulette", "other_entity": "tree frog", "person": "older boys", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a turquoise colored roulette
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a turquoise colored roulette", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four line roulettes
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "line roulettes", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Suprematism art of a Mestiza young woman touching a teal colored line roulette next to a warthog
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a teal colored line roulette", "other_entity": "warthog", "person": "young woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Mestiza", "style1": "", "style2": "Suprematism art" }
a line roulette next to a lip rouge
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a line roulette", "other_entity": "lip rouge", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a white man or person touching a black colored line roulette next to a Passerina cyanea
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "black colored line roulette", "other_entity": "Passerina cyanea", "person": "a person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "white man or ", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two line roulettes
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "line roulettes", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Constructivist International art of a person touching four green colored nodes next to a black-and-tan coonhound
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored nodes", "other_entity": "black-and-tan coonhound", "person": "person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Constructivist International art" }
two nodes next to a dowitcher
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "nodes", "other_entity": "dowitcher", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five nodes
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "nodes", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four orange colored nodes
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "orange colored nodes", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a node
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a node", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a lavender colored tree next to a water ouzel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lavender colored tree", "other_entity": "water ouzel", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Sumi-e in the style of Neogeo art of a Pacific Islander person touching two beige colored trees next to a timber wolf
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "beige colored trees", "other_entity": "timber wolf", "person": "person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Pacific Islander", "style1": "Sumi-e", "style2": "Neogeo art" }
Folk art in the style of Shin hangan art of an arabo older woman touching a green colored tree next to a wig
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored tree", "other_entity": "a wig", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "arabo", "style1": "Folk art", "style2": "Shin hanga art" }
Impressionist painting in the style of Progressive art of an older girl touching a violet colored tree next to a long-horned beetle
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a violet colored tree", "other_entity": "long-horned beetle", "person": "older girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Impressionist painting", "style2": "Progressive art" }
a tree
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a tree", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four tree diagrams
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tree diagrams", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a Brown Person older person touching a pink colored tree diagram next to a kangaroo bear
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pink colored tree diagram", "other_entity": "kangaroo bear", "person": "an older person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Brown Person", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Panoramic photo in the style of Les Automatistes art of an Aborigine young woman touching four cyan colored tree diagrams next to a hard disk
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "cyan colored tree diagrams", "other_entity": "hard disk", "person": "young woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Aborigine", "style1": "Panoramic photo", "style2": "Les Automatistes art" }
a silver colored tree diagram next to a bell cot
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "silver colored tree diagram", "other_entity": "bell cot", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five tree diagrams next to a Rocky Mountain bighorn
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tree diagrams", "other_entity": "Rocky Mountain bighorn", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
three stemmas
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "stemmas", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a beige colored stemma
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a beige colored stemma", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a peach colored stemma next to a syringe
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "peach colored stemma", "other_entity": "syringe", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Naive art of an older boy touching a blue colored stemma next to a library
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored stemma", "other_entity": "library", "person": "an older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Naive art art" }
The Group art of a french young man touching four black colored stemmas next to a Psittacus erithacus
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "black colored stemmas", "other_entity": "Psittacus erithacus", "person": "young man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "french", "style1": "", "style2": "The Group art" }
Expressionist painting in the style of Cloisonnism art of an americans older girl touching a brown colored brachium next to a comfort
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "brown colored brachium", "other_entity": "comfort", "person": "an older girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "americans", "style1": "Expressionist painting", "style2": "Cloisonnism art" }
Chinese brush painting in the style of Cusco School art of a frenchman woman touching a cyan colored brachium next to five barns
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "cyan colored brachium", "other_entity": "barns", "person": "woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 5, "race": "frenchman", "style1": "Chinese brush painting", "style2": "Cusco School art" }
a brachium
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a brachium", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a brachium next to a Loxodontan africana
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a brachium", "other_entity": "Loxodontan africana", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Life Cube Project art of five women touching a turquoise colored brachium next to a snowplow
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored brachium", "other_entity": "snowplow", "person": "women", "num_person": 5, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Life Cube Project art" }
Toyism art of an Indigenous People young person touching a turquoise colored fork next to five Ambystoma maculatum
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored fork", "other_entity": "Ambystoma maculatum", "person": "young person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 5, "race": "Indigenous People", "style1": "", "style2": "Toyism art" }
a brown colored fork
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a brown colored fork", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Metarealism art of an older woman touching a magenta colored fork next to a globefish
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored fork", "other_entity": "a globefish", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Metarealism art" }
Miniature model in the style of Internet aesthetic art of an irish young man touching a beige colored fork next to a spindle
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "beige colored fork", "other_entity": "spindle", "person": "a young man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "irish", "style1": "Miniature model", "style2": "Internet aesthetic art" }
a white colored fork
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a white colored fork", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Romanticism in the style of Institutional critique art of a young person touching a lavender colored crotch next to a two-piece
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lavender colored crotch", "other_entity": "a two-piece", "person": "young person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Romanticism", "style2": "Institutional critique art" }
Art Informel art of a latin young man touching four white colored crotchs next to a shoe store
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "white colored crotchs", "other_entity": "shoe store", "person": "young man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "latin", "style1": "", "style2": "Art Informel art" }
Architectural photography in the style of Modernism art of a Central-Southern African young woman touching a pink colored crotch next to five punching balls
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pink colored crotch", "other_entity": "punching balls", "person": "young woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 5, "race": "Central-Southern African", "style1": "Architectural photography", "style2": "Modernism art" }
Crystal Cubism art of three Indian older teenagers touching a lime colored crotch next to a rhinoceros beetle
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lime colored crotch", "other_entity": "rhinoceros beetle", "person": "older teenagers", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Indian", "style1": "", "style2": "Crystal Cubism art" }
four crotchs
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "crotchs", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Woodcut print in the style of Computer art of two older people touching an indigo colored block next to a Carphophis amoenus
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "indigo colored block", "other_entity": "Carphophis amoenus", "person": "older people", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Woodcut print", "style2": "Computer art art" }
Neo-primitivism art of a young person touching a cyan colored block next to two spiny anteaters
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "cyan colored block", "other_entity": "spiny anteaters", "person": "young person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 2, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Neo-primitivism art" }
Art in Defence of Humanism art of a man touching five turquoise colored blocks next to an Alligator mississipiensis
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored blocks", "other_entity": "Alligator mississipiensis", "person": "man", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Art in Defence of Humanism art" }
three young boys touching a violet colored block next to a lamp shade
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "violet colored block", "other_entity": "lamp shade", "person": "young boys", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five blocks
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blocks", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five violet colored cubes
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "violet colored cubes", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Folk art of an irish older woman touching three magenta colored cubes next to a Cardigan Welsh corgi
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored cubes", "other_entity": "Cardigan Welsh corgi", "person": "older woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "irish", "style1": "", "style2": "Folk art art" }
Pixel art in the style of Universal Constructivism art of a South American older boy touching a tan colored cube next to a chocolate sauce
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tan colored cube", "other_entity": "a chocolate sauce", "person": "older boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "South American", "style1": "Pixel art", "style2": "Universal Constructivism art" }
Mesoamerican art in the style of Art Brut art of an icelandic young teenager touching a turquoise colored cube next to a prairie grouse
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "turquoise colored cube", "other_entity": "prairie grouse", "person": "a young teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "icelandic", "style1": "Mesoamerican art", "style2": "Art Brut art" }
two negro girls touching a purple colored cube next to a tench
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "purple colored cube", "other_entity": "tench", "person": "girls", "num_person": 2, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "negro", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
an ovoid next to a mole
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an ovoid", "other_entity": "mole", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Quilling in the style of Flemish painting art of a white person young boy touching a lilac colored ovoid next to a wine bottle
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lilac colored ovoid", "other_entity": "a wine bottle", "person": "young boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "white person", "style1": "Quilling", "style2": "Flemish painting art" }
five ovoids
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "ovoids", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five beige colored ovoids
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "beige colored ovoids", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two ovoids next to a Pekinese
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "ovoids", "other_entity": "Pekinese", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Topiary in the style of Skeuomorph art of a teenager touching a purple colored tetrahedron next to an armadillo
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "purple colored tetrahedron", "other_entity": "armadillo", "person": "a teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Topiary", "style2": "Skeuomorph art" }
a purple colored tetrahedron next to a Pembroke Welsh corgi
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "purple colored tetrahedron", "other_entity": "Pembroke Welsh corgi", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
four boys touching a grey colored tetrahedron next to a hodometer
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "grey colored tetrahedron", "other_entity": "hodometer", "person": "boys", "num_person": 4, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Samikshavad art of a Jewish girl touching a green colored tetrahedron next to three palings
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored tetrahedron", "other_entity": "palings", "person": "girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 3, "race": "Jewish", "style1": "", "style2": "Samikshavad art" }
five tetrahedrons next to a tiger
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "tetrahedrons", "other_entity": "tiger", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two pentahedrons next to a safety pin
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pentahedrons", "other_entity": "safety pin", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
three girls touching a magenta colored pentahedron next to a zebra
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "magenta colored pentahedron", "other_entity": "zebra", "person": "girls", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Pastel drawing in the style of Gruppo dei Sei art of a Brown Person young woman touching a grey colored pentahedron next to a horizontal bar
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "grey colored pentahedron", "other_entity": "horizontal bar", "person": "a young woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Brown Person", "style1": "Pastel drawing", "style2": "Gruppo dei Sei art" }
a pentahedron
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a pentahedron", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five spanish young men touching a beige colored pentahedron next to a beigel
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "beige colored pentahedron", "other_entity": "beigel", "person": "young men", "num_person": 5, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "spanish", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Aerial photograph in the style of Neo-Fauvism art of an older person touching a purple colored hexahedron next to a remote control
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a purple colored hexahedron", "other_entity": "remote control", "person": "older person", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Aerial photograph", "style2": "Neo-Fauvism art" }
a yellow colored hexahedron next to a tripod
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "yellow colored hexahedron", "other_entity": "tripod", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two blue colored hexahedrons
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored hexahedrons", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five Asian Subcontinent older women touching a silver colored hexahedron next to a ram
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "silver colored hexahedron", "other_entity": "ram", "person": "older women", "num_person": 5, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Asian Subcontinent", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five hexahedrons next to a rose hip
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "hexahedrons", "other_entity": "rose hip", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
three peach colored regular polyhedrons
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "peach colored regular polyhedrons", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 3, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
five regular polyhedrons next to a tench
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "regular polyhedrons", "other_entity": "tench", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 5, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Live coding art of a teenager touching a maroon colored regular polyhedron next to a rotisserie
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a maroon colored regular polyhedron", "other_entity": "rotisserie", "person": "teenager", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "Live coding art" }
Pastel drawing in the style of Inconnu Independent Group art of a Hispanic woman touching a blue colored regular polyhedron next to a cat bear
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "blue colored regular polyhedron", "other_entity": "cat bear", "person": "a woman", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "Hispanic", "style1": "Pastel drawing", "style2": "Inconnu Independent Group art" }
a pink colored regular polyhedron next to a boxer
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "pink colored regular polyhedron", "other_entity": "boxer", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Food photography in the style of Rayonism art of a young girl touching a silver colored regular convex solid next to two penny banks
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "silver colored regular convex solid", "other_entity": "penny banks", "person": "young girl", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 2, "race": "", "style1": "Food photography", "style2": "Rayonism art" }
four teal colored regular convex solids
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "teal colored regular convex solids", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a regular convex solid
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a regular convex solid", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
an indigo colored regular convex solid
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "an indigo colored regular convex solid", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
two regular convex solids next to a triceratops
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "regular convex solids", "other_entity": "triceratops", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a regular convex polyhedron
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a regular convex polyhedron", "other_entity": "", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 0, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
a regular convex polyhedron next to an academic robe
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "a regular convex polyhedron", "other_entity": "academic robe", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Miniature model in the style of Temporary art of a young boy touching two lilac colored regular convex polyhedrons next to an Indian elephant
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "lilac colored regular convex polyhedrons", "other_entity": "Indian elephant", "person": "young boy", "num_person": 1, "num_entity": 2, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Miniature model", "style2": "Temporary art art" }
four regular convex polyhedrons next to a Pantheran uncia
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "regular convex polyhedrons", "other_entity": "Pantheran uncia", "person": "", "num_person": 0, "num_entity": 4, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "", "style2": "" }
Zoological illustration in the style of Pointillism art of three older boys touching a green colored regular convex polyhedron next to a bighorn
{ "source": "imagenet_variations", "entity": "green colored regular convex polyhedron", "other_entity": "bighorn", "person": "older boys", "num_person": 3, "num_entity": 1, "num_other_entity": 1, "race": "", "style1": "Zoological illustration", "style2": "Pointillism art" }