license: apache-2.0
pretty_name: transformers metrics
- github-stars
transformers metrics
This dataset contains metrics about the huggingface/transformers package.
Package dependents
This contains the data available in the used-by tab on GitHub.
Package & Repository star count
This section shows the package and repository star count, individually.
There are 65 packages that have more than 1000 stars.
There are 6 repositories that have more than 1000 stars.
The top 10 in each category are the following:
hankcs/HanLP: 26819
fastai/fastai: 22719
slundberg/shap: 17380
fastai/fastbook: 15952
jina-ai/jina: 15901
huggingface/datasets: 14033
microsoft/recommenders: 13969
borisdayma/dalle-mini: 12702
flairNLP/flair: 11992
allenai/allennlp: 11179
huggingface/diffusers: 4615
bentoml/BentoML: 3944
deepjavalibrary/djl: 2732
thuml/Transfer-Learning-Library: 1828
diffgram/diffgram: 1511
FedML-AI/FedML: 1385
alpa-projects/alpa: 912
bes-dev/stable_diffusion.openvino: 782
AUTOMATIC1111/stable-diffusion-webui: 699
clovaai/donut: 665
Package & Repository fork count
This section shows the package and repository fork count, individually.
There are 55 packages that have more than 200 forks.
There are 5 repositories that have more than 200 forks.
The top 10 in each category are the following:
hankcs/HanLP: 7341
fastai/fastai: 7289
fastai/fastbook: 5975
slundberg/shap: 2631
microsoft/recommenders: 2462
allenai/allennlp: 2211
jina-ai/clip-as-service: 1971
jina-ai/jina: 1960
flairNLP/flair: 1928
huggingface/datasets: 1823
deepjavalibrary/djl: 457
bentoml/BentoML: 449
FedML-AI/FedML: 414
thuml/Transfer-Learning-Library: 370
microsoft/responsible-ai-toolbox: 142