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Newest listing at Summer Village #247 at Drakes Island is in a FABULOUS location. Tucked back in a quiet cul-de-sac, but just steps to the pavilion and middle pool! The other thing that makes this cottage stand out is that it has a nice private backyard -- perfect for gatherings and flowered with perennials! Rarely do we see a special location such as this become available! The cottage comes mostly turnkey and furnished, ready-to-go for the season!
The Dexter and The Reverse! The Dexter Jackson Memphis classic has come and gone. I was really fortunate to be able to win my figure class. If you have been following me for a bit, you know that the past few years have been full of 2nds, so it was nice to finally win one. Diet: Upon completing the competition, I immediately went back to what my diet was at the four week out mark with an additional meal added to it, which has thus far resulted in a mere 2lbs of weight from stage. I am really happy with that, as stage weight was a very depleted, dry Annie. The carbs make training not feel like hell, and I’m really enjoying my time back in the gym. Cardio/Training: I’m taking 2 days off per week now as opposed to one when it comes to resistance training. My cardio has been the exact same as it was the week of the show, and I will peel off 5 minutes each session each week. So, everyday this week, I woke up and did 45 minutes of fasted cardio. Next Monday, I will get up and do 40 minutes, the next week will be 35, and so on until I’m doing minimal cardio. Goals: So, obviously after each show, you evaluate what you would like to do better next time. I will spend this off season hammering my back and shoulders, while trying to bring my legs down a bit. I will likely stay in figure for the foreseeable future, and have some adjustments to make in order to fit into that class.
It differs from Case management as this role deals with the ‘care aspect’ and enables specific nursing care and clinical input to be operationally managed on a daily and continuous basis to establish continuity of care management for the client and their family. We are registered by the Care Quality Commission which means that we can manage and supervise nursing staff and domiciliary care staff in line with current legislation from the Care Quality Commission. We also facilitate specialist advice on the provision and management of highly specialised equipment e.g. specialist beds, wheelchairs etc. All our care programmes are managed by qualified staff who have experience working with children/young adults with complex care conditions in the home and community setting. It is essential to empower the client to maintain the focus of care. Community Outreach Consultancy provides a care management system so that good communications and feedback are established to facilitate good relationships with family and staff.
This powder-coated steel base is an economical alternative to the chrome-plated cross base and can be used for both hard and soft surfaces. It is suitable for smaller flags; larger flags will require a water weight bag. The base includes a rotating pin that allows the banner to move with the wind. Lifetime warranty against any manufacturing defects included.
California Bones is the first volume in my trilogy (out on June 10th) about Daniel Blackland, a wizard trying to survive in a world that eats wizards. It’s a book about friends and family, trust and betrayal, the love of power and the power of love. But at its core, it’s a heist novel and you can’t have a heist without a crew. So, here they are, wonderfully rendered by Goñi Montes. Daniel Blackland is an osteomancer, a person who acquires power by eating the remains of extinct magical creatures. That bone he’s picking his teeth with probably came from some kind of dragon or griffin, and he no doubt stole it. Because, in addition to being a wizard, Daniel is a thief. If he looks a bit disheveled, it’s because he’s probably been roughed up recently. Thieving is dangerous work, especially when you’re the realm’s Most Wanted and you’d rather take a beating than use your magic and expose yourself for who you really are. Every crew of thieves needs muscle, and that’s Moth. If he can’t beat you, he’ll outlast you, an ability enhanced with the magic of the hydra, a creature so resilient that you can cut off its head and watch it grow a new one. Those holes in his shirt? Bullets. The smile on his face? Love. Because more than muscle, what Moth brings to the team is a big heart. The Hierarch is many things: the ruler of Southern California, the most powerful osteomancer around, and the man who ate Daniel Blackland’s father. You can see him holding the fork he used to pick Sebastian Blackland’s magically potent bones. One day, he hopes to use it on Daniel. His Ossuary is a giant vault stuffed with griffin skeletons and dragon teeth and kraken spines, and Daniel and his crew are going to break into it to take one of his treasures, a sword crafted by Daniel’s father that contains Daniel’s own magical essence. Nearly every successful heist in history has benefited from having someone on the inside. Emma Walker is one of the Hierarch’s R&D osteomancers, and when she shows up to offer Daniel and his crew invaluable intel about the Ossuary, Daniel can’t say no. But while she may be an insider at the Ossuary, she’s an outsider as far as Daniel is concerned, and he suspects she has her own, hidden agenda. Of course she does. Cassandra Morales can crack open safes, disable alarms, and solve sphinx riddles. If you need a thief, you can do no better than Cassandra. Powerful people took her parents from her, so stealing the treasures of powerful people is how she gets a little payback. The only thing more important to her than acquiring valuables is protecting her crew, and if you hurt one of them, you might discover one of her other skills: the ability to inflict bodily damage. The only thing Jo Alverado ever wanted to be was an actress. Her parents got her an acting coach, bought her voice and dance lessons, and fed her shape-shifting magic to help her play any role. Her combination of magic, skills, and undeniable talent come in handy when you need someone to pose as a bank manager or security guard. But in a world where you can pretend to be anybody, how can anybody know who you truly are? You can get started reading California Bones right now. And…AND! You can watch Greg van Eekhout and John Scalzi hang out by the La Brea Tar Pits and talk about bones. This is kind of the best, weirdest day, isn’t it? Yes.
D.C.’s lone representative is mounting another campaign for statehood, one that has vast support from constituents but is likely doomed to die in Congress. Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton, D-D.C., who submits a statehood bill every other year, has yet to see one of her attempts gain much traction. To become a law, her proposal would need to sway or overcome Republicans, who argue that the nation’s founders intended the District to be isolated from the states and hope to avoid the likely addition of a Democratic representative and two senators if the District gained statehood. Norton, who does not have a vote outside of committees, put forward the bill with support from 15 other Democrats, including fellow non-voting delegates from Guam, the Virgin Islands and the American Samoa and representatives from nine states. Her latest attempt comes after a citywide coalition, including Mayor Vincent Gray, Norton and members of the D.C. Council, galvanized residents last November through its nationwide campaign for statehood. Gray and Norton have fused their limited political clout to advocate for D.C. budget autonomy and voting rights in Congress. This spring, District voters will have the chance to weigh in on whether D.C. mayors can spend tax dollars without congressional approval. The D.C. Council has authorized a referendum for an April 23 special election. Norton first introduced the New Columbia Admission Act when she took office in 1991, but the measure failed after almost every Republican and more than 100 Democrats in the House voted against it two years later. The U.S. Capitol grounds, national monuments and the National Mall would remain under federal jurisdiction, according to a release from Norton’s office. Two senators and one House member would represent New Columbia’s more than 600,000 residents. The latest victory in the battle for statehood came from D.C. Council member and GW Law School professor Mary Cheh, who persuaded President Barack Obama to display the phrase “Taxation Without Representation” on the presidential limousine license plates starting at the inaugural parade.
I’m wondering how many remember Emmett Kelly, the forlorn Ringling Brothers circus clown (aka “Weary Willie”), sweeping up the spotlight and then sweeping the light under the rug when the final circus act was over ? Today, as the Planned Parenthood videos have come to light, that mental image seems tragically and poignantly prophetic. Push their darkness and despair. Step right up!...You won’t be sorry! Put the conscience, sir, to death. Redefine what’s wrong and right. Have more body parts to sell. Heal this blindness….Give us sight. * Watch "Weary Willie" sweeping the light under the rug.
The annual meeting will be in Berea, Kentucky on August 23 – 24, 2019, hosted by the historic Boone Tavern. If so, How many adults will be attending the Friday evening Reception? How many children will be attending the Friday evening Reception?
Lydia and I arrived in Las Vegas at about 4pm and even in that short time it feels like we saw a lot. We are currently staying at the Mirage on the Strip, and in a few days we will switch to Treasure Island. Of course we are getting a different promotion at both hotels, plus it's just boring to stay at the same place the whole time. Memorable moments include Lydia leaning on a railing to watch a volcano show in front of the Mirage, then being warned by a stranger much too late that the railing was swarming with ants, and now so was Lydia. She did the whole "oh my god I'm covered in ants" routine. You know the one. My friend Longo from college happened to be in town so we met up for dinner. Fun times! I have a lot of pictures and no time to explain them, so take a peek if you like.
In 1820 the Brig Thaddeus arrived in Waimea with missionaries that had been sent by the American Board of Commioners for Foreign Missions of the Congregational Church out of New England. This was the first mission to Kauai and one of the first three missions in the entire State of Hawaii. Then King Kaumulaulii granted the missionaries property on the south side of Waimea River for a church and school. There was enough land that the missionaries could also grow their own food. In the 1830's construction began on a new church structure on the north side of the Waimea River. The land was given by Governor Kaiokaewa and is the site where the present stone church stands today. Reverend George Rowell was the chief architect and builder of the church. Limestone was moved from a ridge about a mile away by oxcart and was cut and stacked by local labor to build the walls. The timber was hand cut from ohia lehua trees up in Kokee and dragged down the mountains and floated in the sea to get rid of insects. The exterior of the church was coated with crushed coral that had been fired in a limekiln. Local divers brought the coral up by hand and loaded it into canoes. The original color of the church would have been a brilliant white. The interior was completed in Victorian style. A bell cast in Boston in 1836 was placed into the tower. The inscription reads from Psalm 100: “E hele mai imua o kona ale me ke oli ana i ike oukou o Jehova oia no ke akua” (Come before His presence with singing that you may know Jehovah is God). This bell is still rung every Sunday, calling the faithful to worship God. The first worship service was held in 1854 when only the walls and roof were finished. The church was nearly completely destroyed in 1992 by hurricane Iniki. The award-winning restoration was faithful to the original records of construction, reusing as much of the old materials as possible. The mission and ministry of this historic church continue to be blessed by Christ. Artwork by Marionette. Copyright 2008.
I waited for sometime in the exam room between the nurse and the provider. On the other hand I have learned over the years to bring a book. I did not like the electronic check in. I would much prefer doing it at the reception desk and will in the future. Hate and detest scheduling an appointment time then told to show up 15 minutes early. So appt is 15 minutes earlier than scheduled. Just tell me when I need to be there. I am thoroughly satisfied with the treatment I received. Adam was attentive and informative. The nurse was kind and she listened to me and attentive also I apologize because I don't remember her name. I thank everyone from my heart. God Bless you all! From checking in to checking out I received fabulous customer service. The only issue that I had was that there could have been more time or effort spent toward figuring out because it was a short term disability situation going on to figure out how to expedited quickly been having issues on getting the proper paperwork done and sent to the right person, but that is all. Thank you. It would be nice to see a doctor once in a while. Adam was who I saw and he give me the injections in my knees, and I'm very pleased with what he does and he's done it before. I'm very very happy being able to come up there and him taking care of me. Thank you. Goodbye. Yes, I think the provider did a great job for showing me everything and doing everything for me, and also the nurses and everything, and I would recommend them to anybody. Thanks you very much. I was in too much pain to answer questions. Yeah, my visit was handled from the very beginning of setting the appointment in a timely manner, I was able to get in very quickly only, it only took a few days. When I got there, I was expedited, crew explained everything to me, and when I met with Mr. Chavez, he was very thorough and very professional. I thought we moved along really well - I just wanted to say that it was a good good experience - just excellent. So, thank you.
Fall in Colorado Springs is a great time of year for lots of reasons. The cool nights and warm days make for very pleasant out door activities. The skies seem extra blue this time of year, and as the trees begin to turn, the golden aspens give such a nice highlight to everything. There are lots of food festivals this time of year, and vendors are selling roasted chilis on some street corners. A new football season brings out great crowds (and flyovers!) to cheer on the Air Force Academy Falcons. Season pass and ski equipment sales are going on everywhere, a reminder that this beautiful time of year will soon give way to one of Colorado’s most popular, ski season. I love the fall, I hope you get a chance to enjoy it as well!
A trial attorney specializes in defending clients in a court of law. A trial attorney can deal with cases ranging from insurance law to criminal defense. Trial lawyers have extensive experience with representation in courtrooms, are extremely good and persuasive speakers, and know how to convince a judge or jury. Most attorneys can represent their clients in a court of law, but a trial attorney has special training to get the best results when a case does not settle outside the courtroom. 1. Becoming a good trial attorney takes years of experience, but you can develop some habits from an early age that will provide you with many of the necessary skills. Join you school’s debate team to acquire proficiency in public speaking and learn how to raise arguments and counterarguments. Constantly develop your problem-solving skills. 2. Get a four-year undergraduate degree from a college or university. Your major will not prove that important, though an education in political science, history, philosophy or business will help you develop lawyering skills. Do your best to graduate with a high GPA (Grade Point Average). 3. Prepare to take the LSAT test. This test evaluates your writing, reasoning and critical thinking skills. You can purchase books and self-testing supplies to ensure you adequately prepare and will earn a high score. Register for the test and sign up for an online account on the Law School Admission Council’s website ( You will receive the results via email within three weeks of taking the test. 4. Apply to several law schools. You might not gain admission to your first choice, so have a safety net in place. Build strong application files for all the law schools to which you apply, including letters of recommendation, extracurricular activities and a resume listing your special talents and work experience. 5. Complete three years of law school (or up to five years if you enroll in a part-time program). As a trial attorney, you will have to have familiarity with all areas of the law. Study hard in all your courses and participate in extracurricular activities. Contribute to the school’s journal and keep a record of all the articles you published to put on your resume. 6. Obtain your JD degree and review everything you’ve learned in law school for the bar exam. If you plan to practice law in another state, take the bar exam in that state. The questions will cover both federal and specific state laws. You will need at least a few weeks to prepare for the exam. 7. Pass the bar exam and start looking for a job. You might have to gain some trial experience before working as a trial attorney. Get a job in a law firm and work closely with a trial attorney so you can learn the ins and outs of the profession. When clients contact you, be friendly and helpful and work hard to get good results.
The Thread architecture is built from ground up keeping device to device communication in mind. Since devices are creating a mesh, one particular malfunctioning device (called host) cannot bring the entire Thread network down. This is very similar to how the internet is made resilient – remember that it was designed to keep up communication while parts of it are failing. Moving to a mesh network topology makes home networks internet-grade. Thread is built on 6LowPAN (Low power Wireless Personal Area Networks) which lets IPv6 packets to be sent and received over wireless networks. This allows even small devices to be connected to the internet and thus actually create the Internet of Things. Needless to say, the early pioneers (as is typical) were a bit overly optimistic, although, in the bigger picture, perhaps not that much. The 1970s brought government funding cuts and the field went from the "Peak of Inflated Expectations" to the "Trough of Disillusionment," to use the modern vernacular of the Gartner Hype Cycle. During the 1980s, commercial success was achieved through the development of expert systems that enhanced knowledge and analytics capabilities, and the market grew to over $1 billion -- the "Slope of Enlightenment," literally and figuratively. Enthusiasm for AI was rekindled. The good news is most organizations are willing to share their own best practices; the bad news is that most development teams are already understaffed and as a result, there is very little time for admins to think about, build, test, optimize and implement all the changes that are required to successfully move to a DevOps process. That includes not only taking the time to learn about the process, but also deciding how to realign existing processes and skills to fit a new DevOps model. One should not underestimate the required change in culture to adopt the new mindset, either. For most organizations and IT decision makers, these challenges are likely off-putting and intimidating. The scout can strategically search for offerings to minimize the evaluation effort without eliminating the unknown unknowns. Rather than using typical Internet searches that don’t find everything, federated search explores sources simultaneously in real time. While only a small percentage of the web’s technical content is crawled and available via Google, Deep Web searches uncover and expose the desired information. Federated search automatically pulls data from multiple sites — such as patent, publication, expertise, and invention databases — to find the content hidden below the surface. Without it, users have to manually enter submission forms for each individual search site which is very time consuming. Amazon has hardly been open to allowing 3rd parties access to the Prime APIs for playing music -- for example, SONOS cannot play Amazon Prime Music content. iOS and Android can do it, but in this case, Amazon controls the app in question, and Prime exists outside of both Apple and Google's in-app purchasing rules, as it is a yearly subscription purchased directly from Amazon. What we're seeing here is the beginnings of an Internet of Things Evil Empire. An empire that wants to control not just the content you consume, and what cloud infrastructure you use, but also the devices you are allowed to buy that consume that content and use that infrastructure. One could make the argument that Apple with iOS does the exact same thing. But at its core, Apple is a devices company that has a brick and mortar retail presence, that just so happens to have a content cloud. One of the key tenets of the Agile Manifesto is "individuals and interactions over processes and tools". Another critical piece of the Manifesto states that to be agile, software professionals or organizations should focus on "responding to change over following a plan". With any piece of writing, interpretations may vary, but it's pretty rational to take these tenets as meaning organizations need to lead with people, deliver value, and collaborate instead of following a closely prescribed scaled agile process. It sounds easy enough, but really changing the way you work is easier said than done. When you design your workflow process, you should remember that how you do something is just means to an end and it’s the underlying reasons that are important. As expected, technology forecasts and predictions for 2016 continue to come into Information Management at a brisk pace now, with the latest concerning data protection and cybersecurity. Haiyan Song, senior vice president, security markets, at Splunk, offered Information Management her thoughts this week on what will be the top security trends that data professionals and cybersecurity managers need to be aware of. Splunk is a market-leading platform that powers operational intelligence. ... Song notes that cyber-attacks have historically caused little physical damage, but “the proliferation of IoT will cause more disruption and actual physical damage versus just hardware and software disruption,” she says. "We simply are not doing enough to protect data," Easttom says during this interview with Information Security Media Group. "Having data sitting on a server unencrypted is an egregious omission in the security posture. ... Unfortunately, there are lots of companies, not just banks - healthcare, hospitals, all sorts of organizations - that have, frankly, too low of a security posture." Organizations have to get ahead of regulatory mandates and make cybersecurity part of their overall corporate strategy, with understanding and buy-in from the top, he says. "Organizations don't have to wait for regulation," Easttom says. "They need to start bringing security to the forefront of all their conversations ... and those conversations need to be at the highest level." Leading companies don’t make decisions based on their gut, they use data to drive answers. Once you can understand and dissect the data presented, you can use the numbers for more than just simple performance tracking. The 2015 State of Analytics survey reveals that high-performing teams are 4.6x more likely to say they’ve moved beyond using data to keep score and onto using data to drive business decisions. The most popular ways businesses use data today are for ‘driving operational efficiencies’ (37%), ‘facilitating growth’ (37%), ‘optimizing operational processes’ (35%) and ‘Improving existing products, services and features’ (35%). When planning the success and growth of your business, make sure your company is making smart decisions based on real data insights.
Hi Andrea! Is that your upcoming book on Amazon? I definitely have a sweet tooth, but after dinner I'm too full. I voted Other. We're waiting for a plumber to fix a big leak in the kitchen. It was intermittent before Hurricane Irene, but has gotten much worse. I'm mainly relaxing. The sumatriptan (generic Imitrex) worked on my migraine, but I'm wiped out. I may yet try to get on the stationary bike. Getting my heart rate up for 15 minutes a day keeps my anxiety at bay. I'm loathe to skip a day and possibly get sick. Nap and work. Five days a week; that doesn't change. We've always had fake ones. Dad was always afraid of a real one catching fire. At this point, we don't bother unless we know someone's coming to the house. I despise the hassle of putting up a tree. I got a little one from a friend at work a couple years back, but we've yet to put it up. There're so many, but the LAST thing? Two loads of laundry. I'm sick today with a migraine and its hangover, but I'll either have to finish the loads, or reboot them so that they last 'til tomorrow without rotting. The last thing I heard was a live version of 'Freebird', lol! ^I like that poster, but I have no interest in going. Plastic ShopRite bags to go back to the store for recycling. No, but hubby does. He keeps trying to quit, but hasn't succeeded so far. I drive 'til I drop, so music, a pillow, and a blanket. I just heard a live version of The Kinks' 'Demon Alcohol'. Hamburger, the way hubby makes it. Cheese, medium rare, just on a little plate, no bun. Cool down. I just got off the stationary bike. I need to pump up the tires on my bikes. Cat boxes and garbage. Some laundry. Nap, then go to work. I just bought the MP3 soundtrack to 'The Sorcerer's Apprentice'. I'm trying to get away from soundtracks, but, of course, THAT one sucked me in.
with their teams to prepare for disruptive events. real-time broadcasting, and customized alerting capabilities. through an intuitive mobile interface. operations,” said Anuj Agrawal, Chief Marketing Officer, Earth Networks. regarding risk management, business continuity and asset protection.
Wikibooks is a great idea. Like Wikipedia, Wikibooks consists of content that is public domain. That means that anything there is reusable in any fashion, such as for teaching. The Wikibook for learning French contains free lessons for several skill levels. There is grammar information including adjectives, adverbs, gender, negation, preposition, pronouns, sentences, tenses and verbs. There are also several texts which are used for instruction. Once upon a time, on a Wikimedia server far, far, away, a Wikibook was born! The Wikibook was happy, for it was to teach the beautiful French language to thousands of eager Wikipedians and would expand and grow every year, until it would a complete adult Wikibook. But then, what was once this hope-filled young Wikibook becames a lonely book sitting in the darkest corner of the Wikibooks database. Why was this book lonely? This Wikibook, with the unendearing name of "French", was hardly larger than an escargot, and had all its pages in disarray scattered throughout its kingdom. For two years, nothing was done to end this Wikibook's plight. Until one day, a handsome new Wikipedian decided to take on the task of restoring order to this kingdom. In only a matter of days, order was restored and templated, and the Wikibook was happy once again.
Has anyone's placenta grown or moved frm her place. I'm pregnant 21 wks today had my scan nd was told my placenta is very down below it normally grows in 28-36 wks time but if it doesn't thn I will have to have a C - section has anyone had this problem ???
When Ellen Ginsberg joined the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) in 1991, her plan was to spend a year or two getting experience working from a client perspective, and then return to the partnership track with her firm. The stint turned out to be so interesting and stimulating, though, that she never left. In 2005, Ginsberg assumed NEI’s general counsel mantle. During her tenure, she has worked to broaden the scope of the organization’s legal department, enabling it to even more directly contribute to the organizational goal of influencing and implementing industry strategy. Bolstering the legal team became necessary as the workload grew and the cost of engaging outside counsel escalated. Under her leadership, the legal team grew from two lawyers to its present staff of five. Ginsberg is obviously proud of her team’s many contributions, but cites as a particularly notable achievement having prevailed in a lawsuit NEI brought to relieve the industry of having to pay $750 million annually for a federal program that had been terminated. That program, which was enacted to implement the government’s responsibility to safely dispose of used nuclear fuel at Yucca Mountain, has been delayed for years and, in her words, “the industry had had enough.” Although she initially believed the lawsuit was a long shot, she hoped the simplicity of the legal theory—if no program exists, no costs can be estimated, so no fee should be collected from the industry—might be favorably viewed by the court. With strong support from her CEO and a few members, Ginsberg advocated to NEI’s executive committee to let the organization take the risk because a win would be very advantageous for the industry, and there would be no downside if the court rejected NEI’s position. Ginsberg says the day the decision issued was among the most satisfying of her career. Building the legal team is also one of her proudest accomplishments. Trade associations present a number of advantages when it comes to developing talent, she notes. The wide variety of topics allows lawyers to stretch their skills and indulge their interests. That is a plus for recruiting and retaining staff. Ginsberg recently hosted an offsite retreat for attorneys of NEI member companies. She shares why the group met in Oak Ridge, Tennessee last fall. “I’m careful about whom I select and am careful to make sure that they enjoy the job,” she says. Hiring people with strong soft skills and with potential to develop those skills further is a key point. “What we’ve built here is a highly congenial, highly competent equivalent of a boutique law firm,” she says. The members of NEI’s legal team rely on each other as sounding boards, she says, which contributes to skills development and an amiable, stimulating working atmosphere. A horizontal, less hierarchical management approach has also been an important part of the department’s success, Ginsberg says. Everyone has a fair amount of responsibility and independence even early in their tenures with the organization, she adds. Ongoing learning is emphasized. There is a continuing focus on developing expertise in more areas through avenues such as webinars and conferences. Keeping up with regulatory matters via trade publications and discussions with outside counsel is also a vital part of the job. In January 2015, Ginsberg took a notable step to boost how the legal team contributes to industry strategic matters by launching a new legal advisory committee within NEI. Advisory committees had already been formed for governmental affairs, communications affairs, nuclear strategic issues, and for suppliers. Ginsberg felt strongly that a similar group should be devised for legal matters to offer valuable expertise to NEI’s governance and external policymakers. All advisory committee chairs attend open meetings of NEI’s executive committee and board of directors and typically make presentations highlighting relevant policy issues. Members of the legal advisory committee (LAC), who include representatives of major utilities, suppliers, engineering firms, and law firms, also have increased opportunities to interact with representatives of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission and other agencies and government bodies. Roundtable meetings provide LAC members with a chance to engage in give-and-take discussions with high-level federal and state government officials, topical experts, and opinion leaders, among others. “We are an extremely compliance-focused industry—the most heavily regulated industry in the country,” Ginsberg explains. Meetings with policymakers as well as legal and regulatory staff help NEI members manage their business. NEI has more than 350 members in 17 countries. They comprise utilities that operate nuclear power plants, plant designers, architect and engineering firms, and major equipment suppliers. The nature of a trade association raises a significant challenge. “When you work for a corporation, you have a single client,” Ginsberg notes. Working for a trade association, on the other hand, means she has many clients. Ginsberg has to take into consideration the interests of all members, some of which may be at odds over certain issues. “That can be the most challenging part of any of the work we do,” she says. That example illustrates how understanding the business and contributing to the organization’s strategic direction are vital for a trade association’s legal team. The way Ginsberg sees it, that’s part of an attorney’s job. “I get a barrage of articles that talk about the necessity of being ‘more than just a lawyer,’ and we are dedicated to practicing that way.” Ginsberg says. At NEI, the legal team continuously proves that point.
That’s what Gregg Allman told his realtor in 2000, when he returned to Georgia after many years in California, and what felt like a lifetime on the road. He chose Savannah because it was equal distance between his mother, Mama A, in Daytona Beach and his best friend, Chank Middleton, in Macon. “I’m not close to either of you, but not far,” Allman told Chank. The realtor delivered big, and Allman soon found himself living in a respite only accessible by twisting, turning country roads. A few years later, he had a new place built three doors down with more space, more privacy and a state-of-the-art music studio. By rock-star standards, the two-story, Tudor-inspired house feels normal. What’s most remarkable is its seclusion—hidden from street view, hidden from river view. Other than the odd knock of a woodpecker, it’s utterly quiet. If Times Square has an opposite, this must be the spot. Gregg and Duane Allman through the years: the trio of photos hangs inside Gregg’s home. After every tour, Allman caught his breath and some well-earned rest here, and as his big life began to wind down, this home on the Belfast River was a refuge for him and his wife, Shannon. Shannon Allman in her husband’s home studio. A poster from a concert at Johnny Mercer Theatre, 2000. Earlier in 2016, Allman recorded his final album with his band at the renowned FAME Studios in Muscle Shoals, Alabama, under the direction of Grammy winning producer Don Was. Southern Blood (a title conceived by Allman’s youngest daughter, Layla) was released on September 8th by Rounder Records, and it’s something of a full-circle moment: FAME Studios is the same spot where, in 1968, Gregg and Duane recorded the now-famous “B.B. King Medley” song with their then-band, Hour Glass. Before heading to Muscle Shoals, the band frequently rehearsed in Allman’s home studio, a room seeped in history. A vintage Hammond B-3 organ stands in a corner, not far from a lineup of guitars (Taylor, Gibson, Fender) and a road case marked by Sharpie-scribbled duct tape and a bumper sticker that reads “Support Your Local Musician.” One framed photo shows Allman with B.B. King, another with Eric Clapton, another with Willie Nelson. There he is in 1974, standing on the runway in front of his jet, The Gregg Allman Tour emblazoned on the tail. And again in 1987, leaning against a sports car and dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and narrow jeans. Those who knew Allman well say he was also wicked smart (a voracious reader and curious about everything), not to mention a real softy, always interpreting the world through music. “He could tell you the key that a bird was chirping in, or the key of a person’s voice,” says Shannon. He liked to read Mitch Albom books aloud and watch videos of Maya Angelou reciting poetry. He encouraged Shannon to turn her poems into songs they wrote together, and he was teaching her how to play piano. His dock was a favorite spot, where he sat studying the tidal changes and the fiddler crabs. This past spring, a red fox began visiting the property, moving closer and closer to the house with each stop. Shannon takes heart in this—a friend recently told her that some cultures believe foxes to be spirit guides, leading the way to the next place. “He did feel like he was going somewhere,” she says. The evening before Allman passed away, Chank drove down from Macon to join the couple inside their home. They stayed up late together on the couch, playing one particular track on Southern Blood. Called “Song for Adam,” it was written and released in 1972 by Allman’s old friend Jackson Browne, and it’s a song that Allman often played privately. He covers it on this last album, with Browne featured on vocals. Late that Friday night and early into the next morning, Allman sat with Chank and Shannon, talking, laughing, listening. He was happy, they say, with how it turned out.
Great home located in Magnolia Pond. Close to Panther Creek State park, and Cherokee Lake, this move in ready home is a must see. This home features 3 bedrooms, 4 1/2 baths, and a 2 car garage situated on a large lot with a fenced back yard. The large open floor plan is ideal for your family, and friends to gather. The kitchen is adorned with granite, custom cabinets, and a large island to work from. Step out onto the screened in back porch for a relaxing evening. On the upper level is a spacious master suite with a well-appointed master bath. Additional bedrooms, and laundry closet complete the upper level. Downstairs contains a great family room/man cave to congregate for your favorite sporting events. This home has an abundance of room, and is ready for a proud new owner.
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In January on Twitter, Detroit songstress Anita Baker announced she will begin a "farewell tour" this spring. Album cover for Anita Baker's "Rapture" album. She performed March 14 in Orlando and March 17 in Jacksonville. Baker rose to fame in the 1980s with hits like "Sweet Love", "No One In The World", "Same Ole Love" and more that encompassed R&B, soul, jazz and gospel sounds. She continued into the 1990s with more hits like "Just Because," "Fairy Tales", "Body and Soul" and "I Apologize" just to name a few. Author and Detroit Free Press columnist Rochelle Riley said Detroit is very proud of its musical legacies: Motown, newer acts like KEM and Anita Baker. "When she hit the scene in 1983 and changed the way ballads were sung and what people thought about R&B... she influenced a lot of people and made some great musics and won eight Grammys and when she stopped singing there was a genuine sadness among people," said Riley. In the 1990s, Baker put her career on hold to raise her family and to take care of two ailing parents. She continued living in Grosse Point. "She grew up here," said Riley. "She grew up as a foster kid. She had a tough time getting started because there were people who didn't think she could be a star. She proved them wrong. She had to deal with record label madness." Anita Baker's tweet announcing "farewell tour." "She persevered and survived all of that," said Riley. "And all that time, Detroit was home. Every time she was done on the road, she came back home. Every time she finished recording, she came back home and she's here now." "I think that there will people who will argue that [Baker] is one of those folks whose music was the soundtrack of the '80s," said Riley. "You cannot talk about the '80s and not talk about Anita Baker." Riley said there's so much excitement that people will get a chance to hear Baker in concert again before her retirement from the industry. Dolores Huerta, the community organizer and civil rights leader who started the chant "Si Se Puede!" (Yes, we can!) wowed people of many generations during appearances at Michigan State University on Tuesday. WKAR's Karel Vega reports on the visit of Dolores Huerta on the campus of MSU on February 27, 2018. We look ahead to what the Michigan legislature will tackle in 2018; the remarkable singing career of Anita Baker as she prepares for a farewell tour; Jackson's new mayor Derek Dobies; MSU's top ranking in college basketball; an East Lansing place where you can volunteer and more. Current State for January 6-7, 2018. On the December 2-3, 2017 edition of Current State we explore everything from sexual misconduct investigations to why high speed broadband is scarce in some parts of Michigan to special K-9's to new safety equipment for Michigan drivers this winter. The first segment of the December 2-3, 2017 edition of "Current State." BackStage Pass returns to TV in the capital region on Saturday, September 16 at 10 p.m. on local PBS station WKAR. Civil Rights icon Dolores Huerta was in East Lansing Tuesday as part of Michigan State University’s eighth annual César E. Chávez Commemorative Celebration. WKAR’s Karel Vega has more.
This week, we’re off to the UK, the second most popular location in our community followed by the United States. Meet four community members who are skilled creatives, data scientists, tea drinkers and food critics. Valeria, Azeem, Maisie and Nick have turned personal passions into thriving careers. Valeria Aliperta (whose photo heads off this post) is an interpreter and translator of English, Italian, Spanish and French. Outside of translating, Valeria also is a branding expert and her interests include social media, fashion, and communication. Valeria links her SoundCloud to her page to connect people to her music. This week, we’re off to India, seeing the country through the eyes of four community members: Binoyeeta (whose photo heads off this post), Girish, Divya and Zabeeh. What unites these people, along with their residency in India, is a love of travel and adventure. India ranks top 5 for countries that most of our community lives in. With a long history with deep regional culture, India is the second most populated country on earth with its population hitting 1.2 billion in 2013 and continuing to grow. Today’s community members come from some of the most populous cities in India: Bangalore, Mumbai, and New Delhi.
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TINLEY PARK, Ill. (WLS) -- Archbishop Blase Cupich will celebrate Easter Sunday Mass at St. Julie Billiart Parish in Tinley Park, not Holy Name Cathedral. Traditionally, Cardinal George would celebrate Easter Mass at the cathedral. Cupich will observe Palm Sunday at Holy Name and other Holy Week liturgies at various parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Chicago.
If I told you to stop doing SEO, would you call me crazy? I bet you probably would. I want you to stop doing SEO because when you do SEO, you are trying to please robots. And I’m pretty confident your target market is made up of humans. I don’t actually want you to stop doing SEO. But I also never want you to be fooled when it comes to SEO. It seems to me that the problem with the term ‘search engine optimisation’ is really in the name. Because SEO includes ‘search engine’ in the name, people often mistake the point of SEO and believe the goal is to make the search engines happy. This mistake is perpetuated by people out in the market who don’t explain SEO well or, worse, who make it seem that SEO = keywords + rank. All search engines, be it Google, Internet Explorer, Firefox, the new Microsoft Edge or any other you choose to use, are powered by algorithms. These algorithms are there to help the search engine do one simple thing: connect the user (i.e. the searcher) with the content most relevant to their need (i.e. their search, also known as their query). Search engines, especially Google, most like the content that best serves the humans. The lie that gets told to most people about SEO is simple. The idea of being ‘#1 on Google’ is that you would be ranked in the #1 spot for the search results for some set of keywords. But which set of keywords? And are those the right keywords? Doing your keyword research can absolutely improve your SEO and, yes, keywords are still very important to SEO. But Hummingbird (Google’s current algorithm) is comprised of more than 200 major components. It is this complex mix of factors together that weigh the relevancy of a page for a query, which ultimately determines how you rank for any given search. How you rank for any given SEARCH. That’s one of the best parts of what Hummingbird did to search. It allowed the search engines to use what’s called ‘conversational search.’ Essentially, it allowed the search engines to look at and judge content the way the actual humans who are using the search engines do. The truth is, good SEO isn’t for the search engines, it’s for the people using the search engines. Google’s own guidance on how to do SEO is straightforward: have original, high-quality content. It’s not really ‘search engine optimisation’ Google is asking you to do. What Google wants is ‘content optimisation’. Content Optimisation is SEO for humans. The beautiful thing is, by optimising your content for your human readers and prospects, you are making the kind of content that the search engines are looking for anyway. Start doing content optimisation instead. Image by Steve Rainwater on Flickr (CC by 2.0). Brilliant blog. Nailed it! My clients are most certainly human and not robots. They are much more complex than robots! This really makes so much sense in a confusing SEO field of “experts” who try to entice us into believing they have the tricks to get us to No. 1 on Google by spending lots of money. Thankfully ethical marketing consultants like you are so much more intelligent and wise than that. Content optimisation has definitely worked for us. Keep the straight talking, to the point blogs coming! Very helpful and sound advice. Thanks very much for the feedback! I’m so glad you liked the blog. I’m even more glad to hear that content marketing and content optimisation are working so well for you! Keep it at it! Love this advice. Thank you for sharing!
For years, Mulbarton-born Wayne Willgress has revelled in his annual visits to Potters to watch the World Indoor Bowls Championships. This year, the 29-year-old is dreaming of glory himself after being awarded a wildcard into the tournament, which gets under way on January 12. The Wymondham-based bowler takes to the rink at Potters for the first time in his career, when he takes on 10th seed Andy Thomson on Thursday. Speaking at the launch of the tournament, he said: “Playing in the World Championships is a childhood dream come true for me - I grew up coming to watch here so I’m really looking forward to playing. Going into the tournament as a wildcard alleviates some of the pressure on Willgress, although he is determined to go as far as he can. The annual fixture - which is in its 40th year and is the 20th to take place at Potters - is also something of a homecoming for former UEA student Rebecca Field, who won the women’s singles title of this very tournament in 2013. She said: “It is always special to play here - I’ve lived in Norfolk longer than anywhere else in my life so that makes it all the more special. Field also teams with defending singles champion Paul Foster in the mixed doubles, taking on 2017 mixed pairs champions Nick Brett and Claire Johnstone next Friday. With this being the 20th championships to be held at Potters, few men can lay claim to having competed at all 20. Harlow, who also works as an ambassador for the venue, said: “I won here in 2010 so know what it takes and came close last year, so I’m really looking forward to it. Harlow takes on Martin Puckett in the men’s singles, teaming with Nick Brett in the men’s pairs and Katherine Rednall in the mixed pairs. He and Rednall meet Alex Marshall and Julie Forest while he and Brett await to find out who their opponents will be.
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1-Andrew Mather was born in 1732 in Montfieth, Angus, Scotland. Andrew married and had a son: Andrew. 2-Andrew Mather was born in Feb 1754 in Montrose, Angus, Scotland and died on 11 Jun 1826 at age 72. Andrew married Agnes Hamilton. Agnes died in 1829. They had one a: Robert Andrew. 3-Robert Andrew Mather was born on 1 May 1782 in Legerwood, Scotland and died on 26 May 1855 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 73. Robert married Ann Benson, daughter of Reverend Joseph Benson and Sarah Thompson. Ann was born on 29 Jun 1786 in Sheffield, England and died on 27 Aug 1831 in Lauderdale, Hobart at age 45. They had six children: Sarah Benson, Joseph Benson, Robert Andrew, John, Ann and Samuel Benson. 4-Sarah Benson Mather was born on 14 Sep 1812 in London, England and died on 26 Oct 1893 in 143 Davey Street, Hobart, Tasmania at age 81. Sarah married George Washington Walker on 15 Dec 1840 in Hobart, Tasmania. George was born on 19 Mar 1800 in London, England and died on 1 Feb 1859 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 58. His life story was told in the obituary below from the Hobart Mercury on 10 May 1890. 5-Ann Benson Mather was born on 5 Feb 1845 in Hobart, Tasmania and died on 22 Oct 1920 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 75. Ann married William Ebenezer Shoobridge on 8 Dec 1868 in Bathurst Street, Hobart, Tasmania. William was born on 7 Jan 1846 in Glen Ayr, Richmond, Tasmania and died in 1940 in Bushy Park, Tasmania at age 94. They had a daughter: Jessie Giblin. 6-Jessie Giblin Shoobridge was born on 25 Dec 1881 in Bushy Park, Tasmania and died in 1965 in Western Australia at age 84. Jessie married Charles Henry Edgar Ozanne, son of Joseph Henry Ozanne and Rosalie Dove Harris, on 5 Jul 1911 in Tasmania. Charles was born on 30 Jun 1881 in Westbury, Tasmania and died on 20 Jul 1973 in Perth, Western Australia at age 92. They had six children: Brian Henry, Boyd, Margaret Rose, Nancy, Peter and Theodora. 5-Joseph Benson Mather was born on 25 May 1852 in Hobart, Tasmania and died on 8 Aug 1903 in Launceston at age 51. Joseph married Ellen Elizabeth McIntryre on 5 Sep 1878 in St David's Cathedral Hobart. Ellen was born in 1845 and died in 1917 in Malvern, Victoria at age 72. They had two children: Athelstan Robert and Myrtle Irene Ethlwyn. 6-Athelstan Robert Mather was born on 27 Jan 1881 in Hobart, Tasmania. Athelstan married Amelia Adeline Cocker, daughter of John Cocker and Rebecca Airey, on 7 Jan 1903 in Methodist Church, Barrington. Amelia was born on 23 Apr 1881 in Port Sorell. They had five children: Kathleen Elizabeth, Joseph Benson, Jean Roberta, Molly and Athelstan Robert. 6-Myrtle Irene Ethlwyn Mather was born in 1884 in Westbury, Tasmania. Myrtle married John D. Royle. 4-John Mather was born in 1817 in London, England and died on 7 Feb 1865 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 48. John married Isabella Biggs on 18 Mar 1850 in Hobart. Isabella was born on 29 Sep 1832 and died on 11 Jun 1863 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 30. 4-Ann Mather was born in 1820 in London, England and died in 1821 in London, England at age 1. 4-Samuel Benson Mather was born on 27 Nov 1823 in Hobart, Tasmania and died on 5 Nov 1897 in Hobart, Tasmania at age 73. Samuel married Typhena Barnett. The Mercury, 10 May 1890 JOSEPH BENSON MATHER. Many of our readers will hear with regret of the death on Saturday, 17th May, 1890, of our old and respected fellow citizen, Mr. Joseph Benson Mather, at the age of 76. Mr. Mather was one of our oldest surviving colonists, having arrived in Tasmania in the year 1822. He was born in London in May, 1814. His father, Robert Mather, was of Scotch birth, and when a young man came up to London, where he became a freeman of the city and carried on business as a hosier in Sun-street, Bishopsgate Street. His mother was a daughter of the Rev. Joseph Benson, a man whose name is still held in honour as one of the chief friends and fellow workers with John and Charles Wesley in the great religious movement of the 18th century, and author of a commentary on the Bible, highly esteemed in the Wesleyan Church. In this work his daughter gave him valuable help. About the year 1820, the colony of Van Diemen's Land began to attract attention in England as a desirable field for settlers with capital. The Rev. Wm. Horton—brother of Captain Horton, the founder of Horton College—was then the Wesleyan minister at Hobart, and he sent urgent representations to his co-religionists in England to induce an emigration of industrious and God-fearing men as settlers, whose influence and example might help to raise the tone of the community and to neutralise some of the evils rampant in a penal settlement. Amongst many others Mr. Robert Mather was induced to try his fortunes in the new colony, and selling off his London business, he sailed with his wife and family of young children in the barque Hope, towards the end of the year 1821. The ship proved un-seaworthy, and had to put back to Ramsgate, where she was seized ; the conduct of the owners in sending such a vessel to sea becoming the subject of a Parliamentary inquiry. After a three months detention, the barque Heroine, was provided by the Government to convey the passengers to their destination. Amongst those who sailed with the Mathers in the Heroine were several persons afterwards well known in Tasmania, viz., Messrs. Geo. Carr-Clark, John Walker, Henry Hopkins, John Dunn, James Turnbull, Lieut. Steele, and the Rev. George Clarke (father of the Rev. Geo. Clarke of Davey-street Church). After an eight months voyage, in the course of which the vessel put into Rio de Janeiro for water and provisions, the Heroine arrived in the Derwent 10th September, 1822. There were no wharves in those days, and passengers and cargo had to be landed at a little wooden jetty on the site of the present Old Wharf. The Mathers could not find a house in the "Camp " or "Settlement," as the town was then called, but secured as a temporary home a house on Potter's Hill, nearly opposite to the present Memorial Hall, Brisbane street. A few cottages stood between it and the confines of the town, which did not then reach beyond Bathurst-street, but around it and beyond, up what is now Elizabeth-street, stretched the original bush, with one or two scattered dwellings towards Providence Valley. Robert Mather had brought a stock of goods with him, and built a store for his tininess at the corner of Elizabeth and Liverpool streets, opposite Walch's, -where Lloyd's-buildings now stand. The new store was the first shop of any pretensions which had been built in Hobart, and its size and handsome appointments excited much interest amongst the townspeople. In this shop, which he called "London House," Robert Mather commenced business. As in all newly-settled countries the stock-in-trade comprised all goods likely to be required by the colonists. There being no bank established, the storekeeper had to supply its place by issuing paper currency ; and by receiving wheat and wool in exchange for supplies, he had also to discharge the duties of merchant. The eldest son, Joseph, who was eight years old when the family reached Hobart, received his first lessons at a school kept by a Mr. Stone in premises afterwards well-known as the office of the late Mr. Thomas Young, and occupying the spot where Heathorn's Hotel now stands. On the arrival from Scotland of Mr. James Thomson—a noted schoolmaster of those days, from whom many of our older colonists received their education and who was a competent and able man—the boy was transferred to his care. Robert Mather had come to Tasmania with the intention of following a country life, and after a few years he obtained from the Governor free grants of land, which were then allotted to settlers in proportion to their capital. The location, which contained 2,500 acres, was chosen at Muddy Plains, near Ralph's Bay Neck. Here Mr. Mather sank large sums of money on improvements which proved unremunerative. His young son, the subject of this notice, had in the meantime the principal care of the business in town. The farm did not prosper. Robert Mather, by his resistance to some arbitrary requirements of Colonel Arthur, had aroused that Governor's hostility, and the injury which his sturdy independence brought on him, in days when Governors were all-powerful, added to his other losses, compelled him to give up his property at Ralph's Bay, and eventually to wind up his affairs. On his return to Hobart in the year 1836, liberal friends came forward to help him, and he made a fresh start in partnership with his son Joseph as a woollen draper and hosier in the premises in Liverpool-street, which have ever since been occupied by the firm. It may be mentioned that when the new business began to prosper, not only were all the old creditors paid in full, but the moneys which had been subscribed by his friends were faithfully refunded to them. Up to this time the family had belonged to the Wesleyan Church, but coming under the influence of Messrs, James Backhouse and George W. Walker, the well-remembered Quaker travellers and philanthropists, Mr. J. B. Mather, with others of his family, joined the Society of Friends. From that period he has devoted the earnest labour of a long life to the service of that religious body, to whose principles and practice he has always been warmly attached. From the year 1836—with the exception of a short interval which he spent in a business house in Sydney—down to within a few years of his death, Mr. J. B. Mather's energies were almost wholly absorbed in his business. He was naturally of a retiring disposition, and never took any part in public affairs. But he had a large fund of quiet energy, and of the steady persistence derived from his Scottish ancestry, and in spite of frequent ill health he found opportunity to do no inconsiderable amount of religious and benevolent work in an unobtrusive way, and to pay occasional visits to the other colonies in connection with the religious work of the Society he loved so well. In the year 1874, he took his son, Mr. J, Francis Mather, into partnership in business, which has since been carried on under the name of " J. B. Mather and Son," From this time Mr. Mather began gradually to withdraw from the active management which he left to his son, and gave more time to the benevolent work which was always near his heart, and for which he, as well as his younger brother, the late Mr. Robert Andrew Mather, was so generally esteemed In the Bible Society he had for many years taken a deep and active interest, and a few years since accepted the position of secretary, an office to which he gave much time and attention. In the management of the Ragged School he has also taken a prominent part, but his labours of late years have been chiefly occupied in the establishment and management of a training school for young criminals at the Cascades. The founding of this institution was largely due to the efforts of the father of the late Judge Giblin, but the carrying out of the work, which claimed much tact and thoughtful care, has fallen to a Board of Managers appointed by the Government, To this Board Mr. Mather has acted as secretary, grudging no time or trouble for the welfare of the boys committed to the care of the institution. Of the lads who have left this Reformatory, many are now in various parts of the country apprenticed to farmers, and apparently giving evidence of the good effect of the training which they have received. Mr. Mather's interest in education was not confined to charitable and elementary schools.' He entered warmly into the project of establishing a school having for its special object the superior education of the children belonging to his own religious community, on the wide and liberal lines for which the higher schools of the Society of Friends in the Home Country are so distinguished. He lived to see his exertions crowned with a success far above his expectations in the establishment of the Friends' High School in premises of its own, not merely supplying the want for which it was founded, but attracting to it a large number of pupils from the general public. He was an active member of its committee and his face was familiar to the pupils, for scarcely a day passed without his visiting the schoolrooms. Within the last few months advancing age was plainly telling on Mr. Mather. Several attacks of illness, especially of defective action of the heart, warned him that his days were drawing to a close. On Monday last he was attacked by influenza, and in his enfeebled condition he gradually sank under the depressing effects of that malady, till after only three days' illness he quietly expired at noon on Saturday. Mr. Mather has been gathered to his fathers in a ripe old age, universally respected as a good citizen, and sincerely regretted by a large number of friends. His slight figure, clad in the quaint old Quaker garb, to which through all the changes of fashion he steadfastly adhered during 50 years, will be missed by many from the streets of Hobart, and by none more than by the poor and friendless, amongst whom he went about doing good. The universal respect in which Mr. J. B. Mather was held, was unmistakably evidenced in the large and representative gathering of every class of the community, who assembled at his late residence in Colville-street, and accompanied the remains to their final resting piece in the burial ground belonging to the Society of Friends. The morning was brilliantly fine, and the impressiveness of the scene, as the large numbers both on foot and in carriages slowly followed the hearse, was heightened by the presence of a numerous band of boys, comprising the scholars of the Friends' School, and the inmates of the Boys' Reformatory, in whose welfare the deceased gentleman took such a warm interest. Around the open grave, on the side of which the coffin had been placed, there stood the relatives of the deceased, representative ministers of nearly every religious denomination, and many a man and woman, who, though deeply feeling their loss, could, through it all, bless God that such a man as Joseph Benson Mather had lived. For some minutes all remained silent, the large concourse reverently waiting the utterances of those who should be moved to address the assemblage. The first to speak was Mr. Henry Propsting, an old and valued friend, who was followed by Mr. J. Ridley Walker. Then Mr. S. Clemes, the master of the Friends' School, spoke of the joy that should fill all true hearts on such an occasion, when to depart was " far better," and that though " our earthly house of this tabernacle were dissolved, we have a building from God, a house not made with hands, eternal, in the heavens," concluding with prayer. The Rev. George Clarke followed, testifying in eloquent words to the great and exceeding value of the quiet, Christ-like life, declaring that the Church of Christ owed more to such lives than to those of the gifted and eloquent whose fame filled the world. The last speaker was Mr. Francis Mather, son of the deceased. This most impressive service was fitly concluded with a hymn, sweetly sung by the children of the Ragged School, and then the large assemblage gradually dispersed, not unimpressed with a service, so reverently, so quietly, and so happily conducted.
Timberland is now regarded as a long-term investment with both institutional investors and absentee owners. This paper utilises the IPD Forestry index to examine the performance of UK timberland over the period of 1987-2006. Forestry land in both Australia and the US was found to provide significant risk reduction and portfolio diversification benefits in the portfolio resulting from the low risk and low correlation with stocks and bonds. This paper will analyse the returns for UK forestry land to determine if similar benefits apply in the UK. Timberland has also been found to make a significant contribution to a portfolio of stocks, bonds and real estate, particularly at low to midrange portfolio risk levels. Again, the UK data will be analysed to see if similar benefits are provided the UK forest land asset class.
The Philadelphia Flyers will ensure that nobody ever wears #88 for the team again. The Flyers will retire Eric Lindros’ jersey, number 88, on January 18th, 2018 prior to their game against the Toronto Maple Leafs, the team officially announced on Monday. “I am deeply humbled and honored that the Flyers are going to retire my jersey,” said Lindros. Lindros’ jersey joins those of Bernie Parent, Mark Howe, Barry Ashebee, Bill Barber and Bobby Clarke in the rafters. “Eric has made an incredible and lasting impact on the Flyers organization, our fans, and the game of hockey as a whole,” Flyers President Paul Holmgren said.
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Premier Mike Baird’s infrastructure promises are a cynical attempt to buy the March election, with promised spending already far exceeding the potential proceeds of his sale of the electricity poles and wires, according to the Stop the Sell Off campaign. The Premier has also been accused of ignoring the annual $1 billion black hole that will be left in future state budgets, through the loss of dividends and tax payments following the privatisation. Stop the Sell Off campaign director Adam Kerslake said much of Mr Baird promised infrastructure would never be built and was simply an exercise in pork barrelling the electorate. “The Premier has already promised a second Sydney Harbour rail crossing, extensions to the WestConnex toll road and 30% or proceeds for regional NSW if his power sell off goes ahead — commitments that already far exceed the money a sale would generate,” he said. “Now we have him promising even more projects — everything from stadiums to arts facilities — with money he simply won’t have. “In Mike Baird’s fantasy world he is free to promise to spend money as many times as he’d like, but unfortunately for voters, in the real world he will only be able to use it once and that is even if the government actually delivers on its promises at all. Mr Kerslake accused the Premier of pledging big spending in electoral battlegrounds like Western Sydney, while ignoring the needs of regions less likely to decide the outcome of the March election. “What we’re seeing is the Mike Baird promising new infrastructure in marginal electorates, so he can win the election, while places like the North Shore, southern Sydney, the Central Coast, Hunter and Wollongong get nothing,” he said. “For voters in those areas, they need to understand that a vote for the Coalition is a vote for higher power prices, with no infrastructure payoff.
“The Millennials” are intimate portraits of young people I know and emphasizes collaboration to determine composition and color palette. In this series, Interpretations, Darwin’s selfies offered a unique opportunity to give a stronger voice to his ideas in the context of the project, and to develop images I would not have imagined. I asked to appropriate his self-portraits as the basis for observational drawings, without his explanations, thereby creating multiple layers of meaning. The result is a triptych, Interpretations, that expresses different aspects of his identity, filtered through another’s eyes. The names evolved out of the way we naturally referred to each pose: The Red Kimono, Oscar Wilde, and The Mandarin Dress. For technical reasons, some things changed as the drawings evolved, always with Darwin’s approval. The rest is his, and reflect what he thinks about and how he lives. His identification with the late 1800’s coincides with my love for the art of the fin de siècle and early twentieth century, but the directness of his approach and his calm acceptance of himself are distinctly contemporary. It would be easy to interpret his constructs as a rebellion against his Catholic upbringing, but Darwin’s complex identity begs a deeper understanding. Our current social acceptance of alternate identities, although certainly ranging along a continuum, is strong enough to allow him to be open about who he is. And who that is, we leave to the viewer to discern.
When the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO) was approaching Mars in September 1999, its main engine was supposed to slow down the spacecraft to place it in the orbit 150 km above the surface. It failed and MCO entered the atmosphere and was destroyed by stress and friction. The failure was completely due to a mix up unit of measurement between imperial units and SI units. The total cost was USD 327.6 million (1999). The company which was subcontracted to manufacture MCO uses imperial units while NASA uses SI units. In its comment in relation to the incidence, NASA’s statement said “People sometimes make errors”. The amount of USD 327.6 million lost is equivalent to Tanzanian Shillings 524 billion at the current exchange rate of 1,600 TZS per 1 USD. An accurate and consistent system of measurement is the foundation of a healthy economy. In Tanzania a motorist buys gasoline in liters while a jeweler sells gold in ounces. Land is sold in acres, fruits and vegetables are sold in piles (mafungu), while electric cables are sold in meters. Without a consistent, honest system of measurement, world trade would be thrown into chaos. From ancient times to the present there has been a need for measuring things accurately. When the ancient Egyptians built monuments like the pyramids, they measured the stones they cut using body dimensions every worker could relate to. Small distances were measured in “digits” (the width of a finger) and longer distances in “cubits” (the length from the tip of the elbow to the tip of the middle finger; 1 cubit = 28 digits). The Romans were famous road builders and measured distances in “paces” (1 pace = two steps). Archaeologists have uncovered ancient Roman roads and found “mile”-stones marking each 1000 paces (mil is Latin for 1000). The Danes were a seafaring people and particularly interested in knowing the depth of water in shipping channels. They measured soundings in “fathoms” (the distance from the tip of the middle finger on one hand to the tip of the middle finger on the other) so navigators could easily visualize how much clearance their boats would have. In England distances were defined with reference to body features of the king. A “yard” was the circumference of his waist; an “inch” was the width of his thumb, and a “foot” the length of his foot. English farmers, however, estimated lengths in something they could more easily relate to: “furlongs”, the length of an average plowed furrow. Although the traditional system is still widely used in Tanzania, scientists prefer to use the metric system. Unlike the English (traditional) system, i.e. foot, yard, inch and the like; the metric system did not evolve from a variety of ancient measurement systems, but was a logical, simplified system developed in Europe during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The metric system is now the mandatory system of measurement in every country of the world except the United States, Liberia and Burma (Myanmar). There are only 26 letters in the English alphabet, yet with these 26 letters it is possible to construct all of the words in the English language. Similarly, there are 7 “letters” in the “language of measurement” from which all units of measurement are derived. These 7 “letters” are distance, mass, time, electric charge; temperature, amount, and luminous intensity. These are known as the fundamental units because they cannot be expressed in a simpler fashion. All other units are derived from these seven units. Distance is a fundamental unit, because it can be expressed in no simpler terms. However, volume is a derived unit because it is expressed as the cube of distance. For example, when measuring the volume of a box you multiply its length by its width by its height. The resulting volume is expressed as a cube of distance (d3) such as cubic feet or cubic centimeters. Density is also a derived unit because it is expressed as the ratio of mass/volume, where volume itself is a derived unit expressed as a function of distance cubed. Thus, we can express density (a derived unit) in terms of fundamental units as mass divided by distance cubed (m/d3). We use units every day, often without even realizing it, in measurements, business, home, monetary system just to mention a few. Think about in business: Everything that is bought or sold has dimensions. A land investor needs to know if a tract is measured in acres, hectares, square feet, or square miles. A commodities broker needs to know if rice is priced by the gunia (sack), fungu (pile), lumbesa (extended gunia) or kilogram. A building contractor needs to know whether a developer has given him an order for concrete order in cubic meters or cubic feet. It would be nearly impossible to run a successful business without knowledge of the units of the trade. Recipes always specify measurements in units. You need to know whether your recipe is measured in tablespoons, teaspoons, cups, quarts, gallons, milliliters or liters! When cooking dinner, it is essential that you know whether directions were written for a stove calibrated in Celsius or Fahrenheit. In monetary matters, each country has its own monetary system. Although countries may use the same unit, it may have a different meaning. A Tanzanian Shilling does not value the same as Kenyan Shilling, neither is a Canadian dollar worth an American dollar. The full name of the unit should be specified whenever doing calculations. In other words, it is necessary to specify Tanzanian shilling, not just a shilling. The importance of units of measurements in our daily lives cannot be overemphasized. But it is imperative to know the meaning of the units by which something is measured. On business reports you may hear the price of a particular commodity quoted. Although they may say that it costs $1000 per ton, the question remains, are they quoting the price per long ton (1.016 metric tons), per short ton (0.97 metric tons), or per metric ton? *Mr. Kadenge is a Metrologist in the TBS Metrology Laboratory.
Kiteboarding Progress : My Husband Is Insane! Home/Kiteboarding Progress : My Husband Is Insane! When we first came back to the DR, Eben and I decided to take kiteboarding lessons. For a couple of reasons really. The first being that between trips, on our down time, there wasn’t so much for us to do, considering we live full time in an all-inclusive (meaning no cooking, no projects, no cleaning, etc). So we needed a time filler. Eben was getting bored, and that is never a good thing. And the other reason we decided to give this extreme sport a go is because we live 10 minutes away from Cabarete, one of the kiteboarding mecca’s of the world. People flock here in droves to take advantage of the great winds that are found on the north coast of the island, which are optimal for this sport. So how could we live right next door and not try. Our lessons went well. Eben had some prior board sports skills (from wakeboarding, snowboarding, and so on). Me, none at all. Complete newbie to board sports (other than the handful of runs I have done down a bunny hill with my two feet strapped to one board), and I had never flown a kite of this magnitude. In our “couples” private lessons we had 9 hours that we could split any which way. Because of our varying skill levels, I took 6 of those hours and Eben used 3. I spent all 6 of my hours with a helmet and lifejacket on, to protect myself, and warn everyone else around of my newbie status. The sad part was that it wasn’t even cool looking gear, so I looked like a complete knob during those 6 hours of my life, but at least I was holding a kite, pretty extreme of me right!? Once our hours were up and the security blanket of our instructors was gone I complete wussed out. I had the kite up in the air, I had no life jacket, no helmet, my feet were in the ocean, and I panicked. I nearly started crying. I decided to land the kite. Most of my fear was that I was going to mangle myself, embarrass myself, and possibly kill someone else. That was the last time I held a kite. Sad I know, but at the same time I don’t really know why I thought I would like kiteboarding. It is a dangerous, adrenaline rush, where you are constantly getting water splashed in your face…I don’t like any of those things! But for Eben, those are the things that make him tick. He has continued and is doing some amazing stuff. When it came to buying gear we did what we most often do. We did lost of research online, we checked what is best, and what costs look like. We even contacted Naish and they offered us a pretty good discount. But then we ended up doing our usual, buying what is most convenient, at hand, and cheap. We bought locally, used gear from other kiteboarders that were heading home after their vaca on the island. We also figured that by doing this if ever one of the kites went on an adventure on its own, or slammed down to the ground and exploded we wouldn’t cry as much about a $500 kite compared to a $2000 one. So his kites and board came from around here. One thing that we did seek out, and got by mail, were Eben’s sunglasses. It wasn’t until he had done a few sessions of boarding that we realized that while you are learning you spend a lot of time out on the water starring up at your kite, and outside of sunglasses there is no way of protecting your eyes from the harsh sun. Eben had come home a few times with bloodshot eyes from the sun and salt. He looked liked he’d been drinking and crying way too much. So we contacted Seaspecs and they sponsored us two pairs of their sunglasses made especially for water sports. (They have the strap to hold them on your head, are polarized and have different tinted lenses to prevent glare on the water, they float, and they make you look like you should be going super fast!) And to protect the rest of his body from the sun he wears his NoZone t-shirt rashguard that he received last year, and our skin-protectors extraordinaire, Swox and Sun Bum sunscreens/sunblocks for all skin that is not hidden away with clothes and gear. For his first few weeks Eben paid for a some of his sessions to be supervised by a caddie that could keep an eye on him from the beach in case he needed help at any time. He has now come leaps and bounds, literally. He went from only being able to ride in one direction, to now going every which direction, and most often every run he does involves him launching off a wave and flying into the air anywhere from 2 to 20 feet up. He has also had a few spills, but thankfully, other than getting a few good salt water nasal cleanses and some mild thigh chafing, he has come home in great spirits. He had one pretty funny story where he was kiting out past the reef (where hardly anyone goes), crashed his kite, which then accidentally unhooked, launched again, got dragged, until one of the lines snapped and the kite flew away. Now remember, he was way out past the reef, where most people don’t kite, and his kite was now a mile off. To his luck, someone kited over and checked on him, then she returned to the beach and got someone with a higher skill set to go rescue his kite and then return to rescue him. This guy, his rescuer, retrieved Eben’s kite by hooking it to his belt and dragging it behind him back to shore, and then returned to get my floating hubby. He was a strong enough kiter that he hooked Eben to him and had him wakeboard behind him, both being flown under the first guys kite. I didn’t get to see it myself, but with my knowledge of kiting, this is pretty impressive! Eben is no longer bored and has found an outlet for his anxious energy, which is great for him, but a little nerve racking for me every time I see him head out past that stinkin’ reef. This is as far as I made it.
Pure Motion Physical Therapy specializes in helping our patients return to the activities they love and reach their full physical potential. ​Through individualized biomechanical evaluations there is an emphasis on understanding you as a whole person to answer all of your questions and assist you in achieving your goals. Understanding how you move is the first step. Whether you are looking to eliminate pain from your daily life or when training, improve your mobility, increase your strength, or gain the ability to perform new skills, we can help. Reach out with any questions you may have. We are happy to be a resource to help find you answers and find the care you need. Dr. Emily Scherb's book Applied Anatomy of Aerial Arts is now available for pre-ordering!
Our unique mobile orthodontic office, also known as the OrthoBus, is a fully equipped, four-chair rolling R.V. that visits all the elementary and middle schools in Carson City, Minden-Gardnerville, and Dayton. We also see patients at Dayton High School. All our short orthodontic adjustments can be done on the OrthoBus. The greatest benefit is for our patients who miss very little class time, and their working parents who miss no time on the job, not to mention fewer gallons of gasoline burned by eliminating the work-school-orthodontic office-school-work round robin. This can lead to better grades, happier bosses, and real time and money savings.
When an employee leaves, many steps must be taken to ensure the user is properly deprovisioned. Depending on your policies, it might be necessary to disable the user account, move it to a specific Organizational Unit, remove from security groups, hide from Exchange address lists, revoke Office 365 licenses, block access to Office 365 services, etc. With the help of Custom Commands you can streamline the whole process to a single step. Adaxes provides built-in Custom Command Deprovision that is pre-configured to perform a set of typical deprovisioning operations. In this tutorial, you will learn how to customize the command to meet the needs of your specific environment. Expand Adaxes service \ Configuration \ Custom Commands \ Builtin and select Deprovision. The actions performed by the Custom Command will be displayed on the right. Delete the actions you don't need. Review and change the default settings of other actions. To add an action, right-click a set of actions, and select Add Action in the context menu. Example 1: Move the user to a specific Organizational Unit. In the Action Parameters section, specify the destination Organizational Unit and click OK. Example 2: Move the user to the Organizational Unit with name Deprovisioned located in the user's domain. Enter OU=Deprovisioned,%adm-DomainDN% in the Template field. Value reference %adm-DomainDN% will be replaced with the distinguished name (DN) of the user's domain. For example, when deprovisioning a user from domain, the user's account will be moved to OU=Deprovisioned,DC=example,DC=com. To move the user to an Organizational Unit located under the user's OU, use value reference %adm-ParentDN%. Example 3: Remove the user from all groups. Select the Run a program or PowerShell script action. Click the Edit button to open the script editor. For information on how to create scripts for Custom Commands, see Server-Side Scripting. When done, click OK two times. To execute an action only if certain conditions are met, you need to add the action to a separate set and assign the necessary conditions to it. To assign a condition to the new set, right-click it and select Add Condition in the context menu. To add an action to the set, right-click it and select Add Action. Example 1: Cancel the deprovisioning if the user's logon name is prefixed with an underscore (e.g. _service). Example 2: Send a notification to the user's manager if the Manager property of the user account is not empty. To send an email to the user's manager, you need to use value reference %adm-ManagerEmail%. Example 3: Request approval if the Employee Type property of the user account does not equal Subcontractor. To modify the confirmation text for the command, click the Edit link located next to the Confirmation checkbox. Right-click the Custom Command and select Properties in the context menu. Type description text in the Description field and click OK. The description is displayed in tooltips for the command.
**The shells, books, towels, and lotion are not for sale but only to show ideas for use. Only the colander is for sale. This gray enamelware colander measures 9 1/2" across the opening and 4" in height from the base to the lip. The base measures 6 7/8" across. Please note the wear to the bottom of the base and around the perimeter of the base as shown in the second and third photos. Also, one of the handles is loose. I am not certain if it can be tightened.
Like most people, Alexander Skarsgård grew up watching old movies with his dad, who introduced him to one of cinema’s most iconic figures: the vine-swinging, loincloth-clad Tarzan. The only difference is that his father is actor Stellan, of Good Will Hunting and Thor fame, and when the younger Skarsgård grew up, he ended up playing one of his dad’s favorite characters, landing the lead role in the upcoming Legend of Tarzan. With The Legend of Tarzan, out Friday, Skarsgård joins the dozens of actors who’ve tackled the king of the jungle on screen, from Elmo Lincoln, who starred in the first 1918 silent film Tarzan of the Apes, to Tony Goldwyn, who lent his voice to Disney’s 1999 animated version. But the best known film incarnation is probably Weissmuller, the Olympic swimmer-turned-actor who played Tarzan in a dozen films from 1932 to 1948. It was the Weissmuller films that Stellan Skarsgård fell in love with as a child in Sweden, so when the younger Skarsgård found out he’d be playing Edgar Rice Burroughs’ legendary hero, he went back and rewatched his dad’s favorites for inspiration. Still, Skarsgård insists, the thing that drew him to the project wasn’t the chance to merely update the classics but rather the opportunity to explore a new side of Tarzan. In the end, the part went to Skarsgård, the former True Blood star who’s now making his blockbuster debut as leading man. Instead of retreading the well-known Tarzan origin story, The Legend of Tarzan picks up in Victorian London, where the man now known as John Clayton, Lord Greystoke, has married Jane (Margot Robbie) and adapted to his new life as a British aristocrat. But when the sinister Belgian captain Leon Rom (Christoph Waltz) invites him back to the jungle as an envoy, he soon finds himself tangled in a colonialist conspiracy that threatens both his former home and his new life. The Legend of Tarzan hits theaters on Friday.
The ability to write clearly and persuasively is an essential skill in every profession. It is also one of the hardest to teach. That's why the Homeschool Buyers Co-op is pleased to present GroupBuy savings for writing curriculum and online classes from Brave Writer, a popular writing curriculum developed by and for homeschoolers. Brave Writer's creator, Julie Bogart, and her team of writing coaches are uniquely qualified to help you develop your child's writing talent because they are themselves professional writers AND homeschoolers. They begin with a core belief that your child is a tremendously interesting person with something interesting to say. Their mission is to give you the tools, training, and confidence you need to be a great writing coach to your children. To achieve this mission, Julie has developed a comprehensive writing curriculum that spans the entire K-12 range with a rich set of options, including home study courses, language arts programs, language arts plans, and classes taught online by Julie and the other professionals on her team. Elsewhere on this offer page, we include links to pages on the Brave Writer website where you can get complete information about the entire Brave Writer curriculum. Visit the Brave Writer website for complete information. Check below for links to information about each of the products offered through this GroupBuy. Fulfillment: Writer's Jungle, Jot It Down!, Partnership in Writing, A Quiver of Arrows, The Wand, and Help for High School & Bundles: within 15 minutes of placing your order, the Co-op will publish a link in your Co-op account's "My Subscription" page that you can use to download your Brave Writer curriculum to your computer. Simply sign into your Co-op account and look in the Brave Writer section for instructions and links. The Arrow, Boomerang subscriptions (1 Year): Within minutes of receiving your order, the Co-op will forward your name and email address to Brave Writer for processing. Please allow 2 business days to receive an email acknowledgement from Brave Writer. Thereafter, Brave Writer will post each month's issue in a private folder for subscribers. You will be notified by Brave Writer when a new issue is available and granted access to the private folder where the current issue is available. You may then open the folder, read the current issue, and print it. You have a month to access and retrieve the current issue. The Writer's Jungle is a complete writing manual that offers you the guidance you need for teaching your own children to write (pre-writing through competent adult). It is the centerpiece to the Brave Writer lifestyle. In it, homeschooling parents find the insight, support and tools that help them become the most effective writing coaches their children will ever have. Get complete information about The Writer's Jungle. This is the digital version of The Writer's Jungle. It does not include printed pages or the binder, in other words. You will receive the PDF file that can be downloaded to your desktop and printed. If you wish to print and bind it yourself, you may print one copy for private use. Brave Writer's Partnership in Writing is the third component of your family's writing and language arts instruction for 9-10 year olds. It gives you the practical, step-by-step implementation of what to write, not just how to write. Get complete information about Partnership in Writing. This is a digital product (a PDF). You'll receive the PDF file that can be downloaded to your desktop and printed. If you wish to print and bind it yourself, you may print one copy for private use. Brave Writer's Jot It Down! is a digitally downloadable product designed for our youngest writers: 5 - 8 year olds. It gives you the practical, step-by-step implementation of what to write, not just how to write. Get complete information about Jot It Down! Faltering Ownership is visually engaging, easy to use, and lasts an entire school year. The instructions for each project are detailed with illustrations as needed. Bonus: The Art of Fiction and Poetry Play are writing projects for your creative writers. Get complete information about Faltering Ownership. This is a digital product (PDF). It does not exist in hard copy format. If you wish to print it yourself, you may print one copy for private use. Click here to review a sample. Note: Also appropriate for multiple ages - younger siblings with the added parental support, or older students who need a little more hand holding before attacking high school level academic writing. A Quiver of Arrows includes book selections and copywork passages selected with new readers and writers in mind. If you have children who are beyond The Wand but not quite ready for The Arrow, Brave Writer's new collection, A Quiver of Arrows, may be just what you need! This particular set of ten digital guides uses shorter literature passages than the regular Arrows, and includes a French-style dictation passage each week. French-style dictation is a modified dictation practice that isolates individual words for spelling in context (full explanation of French-style dictation in the product itself). View the titles included in A Quiver of Arrows. Get complete information about A Quiver of Arrows. These are digital products (PDFs). It does not exist in hard copy format. If you wish to print it yourself, you may print one copy for private use. Brave Writer's BW Home Study Package includes both digital versions of The Writer's Jungle and Help for High School. This package is especially valuable for families with multiple levels of writers. You'll discover how to nurture and encourage writing from pre-writing through the end of high school by working through both programs and turning to them time and again to refine and hone your instruction skills. Brave Writer's Help for High School is the solution to your writing needs for teens. Most high school writing materials are designed to explain academic writing formats. Help for High School goes further. It helps teens learn how to think, argue and create their own powerful writing style at the same time. Help for High School is written directly to your 13-18 year old student. Teens will find writing exercises that expand their command of language, their competence in arguing a point, the role of narrative writing in the academic format, how to write both exploratory and expository essays, where to find the right tools for documenting sources and more. Get complete information about Help for High School. The Arrow is a language arts subscription program that provides support for development in spelling, punctuation and grammar for children ages 8-12. Four dictation passages selected from one novel each month. These passages will highlight not only grammar and punctuation, but also beautiful, cogent writing. The Arrow explains why I selected the passages and what you can share with your kids when you use them, one per week. One literary element of the month. Each issue defines and explains a literary element such as rhyme, alliteration, metaphor, characterization, opening hooks, dialog and so on. It includes four examples of that literary element in action taken from literature (various sources) that can be used as copywork during the month as well, if you like. One writing tip, game or exercise to try with your kids. Get complete information about the Arrow. See a sample issue of Arrow. This is a subscription for a digital product (a PDF). It does not exist in hard copy format. If you wish to print it yourself, you may print one copy for private use. This 1-Year subscription includes 10 issues, from July 2018 through June 2019. Back issues of Arrow are available below on this order form! Within 2 business days of placing your Arrow 2018-2019 subscription order, you will receive login credentials to Brave Writer's private folder where your Arrow issues are stored. Please look for an email from Brave Writer on those days. A copywork/dictation passage (Guidelines give you options for ways to execute copywork/dictation). Notes to help you teach the literary style, grammar, punctuation and spelling of that passage. Think Piece Questions that give your student the freedom to explore the book in depth in writing. Golden Lines: Students are urged to select a favorite quotation from each novel to enter in a copy book and to explore in writing why they have selected it. Get complete information about Boomerang. See a sample issue of Boomerang. Within 2 business days of placing your Boomerang 2018-2019 subscription order, you will receive login credentials to Brave Writer's private folder where your Arrow issues are stored. Please look for an email from Brave Writer on those days. Do you like Arrow or Boomerang? Here's you chance to get some Group Buy discounts on a bundle of any five back issues of this popular subscription products. These are digital issues (PDFs). They do not exist in hard copy format. If you .wish to print any issue yourself, you may print one copy for private use. Note: These back issue titles are also included in the A Quiver of Arrows: Charlotte's Web and The Wheel on the School. INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a quantity of "1" (meaning 1 bundle of 5 back issues) in the Qty space above. Select the five back issues you want from the five "Back Issues" menus above. Complete the rest of this order form. This PDF includes all 3 levels (10 issues). Do you like Arrow or Boomerang? Here's you chance to get some Group Buy discounts on a bundle of any ten back issues of this popular subscription products. These are digital issues (PDFs). They do not exist in hard copy format. If you wish to print any issue yourself, you may print one copy for private use. INSTRUCTIONS: Enter a quantity of "1" (meaning 1 bundle of 10 back issues) in the Qty space above. Select the five back issues you want from the ten "Back Issues" menus above. Complete the rest of this order form.
dBTechnologies participated in the highly awaited and renowned 36th annual ADAC Supercross Dortmund at Westfalenhallen. Together with the beautiful effects of light and adrenaline, the emotional picture was completed thanks to the presence of VIO L212, a system capable of returning a powerful and homogeneous sound coverage in any spatial configuration. The beautiful lights, the huge video screens and, above all, the explosive music, have given energy to the public and to the drivers themselves.
I had a good day,” Summerdale, Ala., cutter Austin Shepard said Tuesday night after advancing four horses to the Augusta Futurity Open finals, to be held Saturday night. Shepard swept the top three spots with horses sired by High Brow CD, the stallion he rode to win the 2008 National Cutting Horse Association Futurity Open. The fourth horse, sired by One Time Pepto, notched the first round’s seventh-best score. Shepard headed into the 35th annual Augusta, Ga., limited-age cutting as the show’s fourth all-time top-earning rider, with $315,570 earned. He will almost certainly climb into third place, and has a shot at second, by the end of the week, as he also qualified three for Friday’s Classic Open finals. In the 4-Year-Old Open go-round, Shepard marked dual 220s with the mare Gini One Time, bred and owned by Gary and Virginia Dellinger, of Catawamba, N.C., and the newly-gelded Big Daddys CD, bred and owned by Mike and Elizabeth Bowman, of Simpsonville, Ky. Shepard also posted a 217.5 with Circle S, a gelding he bred and owns with his wife, Stacy, and a 215 with CD Kual Gun, a gelding owned by Kayla Norris, of Hattiesburg, Miss. It took a 213.5 to advance. Stacy Shepard and Circle S, who is out of the Shepards’ standout broodmare MH San Tules Dually, were Southern Futurity Non-Pro Champions last October. They will compete for the first time since then in Friday’s first go of Augusta Futurity Non-Pro. Norris and CD Kual Gun (One Time Pepto x Kual Gun x Playgun) won the NCHA Futurity Unlimited Amateur in December. They were scheduled to compete in Wednesday’s first go of the Augusta Futurity Amateur, and are also entered in the Non-Pro. Gini One Time, went to the NCHA Futurity with Shepard and was shown by his father, Sam. They missed making the Open semifinals by one-half point. This is the first time that Shepard has competed with Gini One Time at a limited-age show. Big Daddys CD is out of Snazzy Easter Bunny, a horse Shepard enjoyed riding several years ago. Big Daddys CD competed as a stallion with Shepard at the NCHA Futurity, but did not make it past the first round. The horse left Texas as a gelding. Always a talented horse, he’s competed with much more consistency early this year, Shepard said. Heading into the Augusta Futurity Open finals with these four horses gives Shepard a certain level of comfort and pride.
Pre-building sections on the ground can be another time saving strategy. Building with SIPs is typically much faster than conventional construction methods. Faster construction means: less exposure of the building materials to the elements, fewer overnights for crews that have to travel and less risk of missing construction loan deadlines.
There is a kind of craze that is happening in the gaming world at the moment, and that is browser based gaming. When you think of browser based gaming you might thing of those flash games you used to play when your boss isn’t watching – so many memories – but you would be wrong. It’s stepped up a level with games like Battlefield Heroes and Quake Live now being available to play free, online and launched via your browser. There is a little bending of the truth though, its kind of played out that its a quick jump in and start playing thing, almost like the game was streamed from somewhere else, but unfortunately the first time you load the game you do actually have to download the whole thing, which then makes me wonder why make people go through the browser when you could make your game work like the browser window… Anyway, both these games are fun and I would recommend them to you. But what if you didn’t want to do that? What is next for gaming? We live in a microwave age, where any time is too much time – as Homer once said to Moe “”OOooooh, 40 seconds? I want it NOWWW””. Have you ever thought about 100% streaming games? Instant access to a high quality full 3d games library you can stream to your computer or TV? Then fix ya peepers on OnLive, watch their video and think of the possibilities.
25 anagram of dryat were found by unscrambling letters in D R Y A T. These results are grouped by number of letters of each word. Given word dryat is part of popular word jumble game Daily Jumble. You can see the word jumble solution below. Most anagrams of found in list of 3 letter words. Dryat is 5 letter word. Dryat starts with d and ends in t. You can find other words starting with d and words ending in t. dryat's Scrabble score is 9. 1 different 5 letter anagram of dryat listed below. 7 different 4 letter anagram of dryat listed below. 11 different 3 letter anagram of dryat listed below. 6 different 2 letter anagram of dryat listed below. Below list contains anagram of dryat made by using two different word combinations. We couldn't find any two word anagram of dryat.
Lately you can find more and more duo acts singing about love, relationships and heartbreaks in the local music scene here . But there’s one act that really over-shines. OverShare are Tzlil Danin & Aryeh Hasfari. She’s a solo artist and one of the lead singers in “Metropolin” and he’s a film-maker and a musician. Their special approach to music as a duo is what makes their music so exciting and emotional. They sing duets about love and death and what they describe as “chronic idleness”. Tzlil’s breath-taking voice and Aryeh’s heart-breaking voice are combined into small and yet beautiful songs. Now they take a break from performing to start working on their very much expected first EP but you can catch them performing a last show before going into the studio at the “OzenBar” on the 28Th of August. For more details click HERE. Watch the Live Versions of “Hunger To Stop” and “I Want You To Find” below.
The State of the Field Series continues with an exploration of Lincoln and his biographers. At Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC, the National Park Service has put together a massive tower of Lincoln biographies that literally stretches from floor to ceiling. Clearly, the task of gathering all of the volumes pertaining to the life of Abraham Lincoln (let alone analyzing them) is an arduous one. Professor Guelzo surveys how the reputation of our sixteenth president has ebbed and flowed over the years. By 1861, northern teachers had long occupied a unique place within southern society. Collectively denounced as dangerous foreign agents, individually, southerners placed great trust in their own “Yankee” teacher. Thus, these northerners presented a dilemma for Confederates when the war came, and there was an escalating tension between public and private perceptions. Northern teachers, too, struggled over what to do. A surprising number stayed. Some declared their allegiance to the Confederacy, but others did not, hoping they could maintain their apolitical status. That they thought they could do so says much about the nature of sectional identity and the perceived relationship between the individual and the nation. That, for most of them, these hopes would be dashed says something else about the pressures of war and the growing demands of nationalism. Michael T. Bernath is Charles W. Tebeau Associate Professor of History at the University of Miami. He is the author of Confederate Minds: The Struggle for Intellectual Independence in the Civil War South (2010) and is currently completing a book manuscript on northern teachers in the old South. Allen Carl Guelzo is Henry R. Luce Professor of the Civil War Era at Gettysburg College, director of the College’s Civil War Era Studies program, and three-time winner of the Lincoln Prize. His most recent book is Gettysburg: The Last Invasion. McKnight, Brian D. and Barton A. Myers. The Guerilla Hunters: Irregular Conflicts during the Civil War. Reviewed by James Marten. Keating, Ryan W. Shades of Green: Irish Regiments, American Soldiers, and Local Communities in the Civil War Era. Reviewed by Damian Shiels. Stanley, Matthew E. The Loyal West: Civil War and Reunion in Middle America. Reviewed by Michael Todd Landis. Grass, Christopher, ed. Bloody Engagements: John R. Kelso’s Civil War. Reviewed by Madeleine Forrest. McIlwain, Sr., Christopher Lyle. 1865 Alabama: From Civil War to Uncivil Peace. Reviewed by Lauren Spencer. Masich, Andrew E. Civil War in the Southwest Borderlands: 1861-1867. Reviewed by Kevin Waite. Liles, Deborah and Angela Boswell, eds. Women in the Civil War: Diversity and Dissidence in the Trans-Mississippi. Reviewed by Maria Angela Diaz. De La Tega, Jesús F. Lone Star Unionism, Dissent, and Resistance: Other Sides of Civil War Texas. Reviewed by Chris Menking. Trevelyan, Laura. The Winchester: The Gun That Built an American Dynasty. Reviewed by Matthew C. Hulbert. Pierson, Michael D. Lt. Spalding in Civil War Louisiana: A Union Officer’s Humor, Privilege, and Ambition. Reviewed by Jonathan Scott. Strom, Sharon Hartman. Fortune, Fame, and Desire: Promoting the Self in the Long Nineteenth Century. Reviewed by Yvette J. Saavedra. Jeffrey, Katherine Bentley, ed. Two Civil Wars: The Curious Shared Journal of a Baton Rouge Schoolgirl and a Union Sailor on the USS Essex. Reviewed by Charles Wexler. Burkhardt, George S., ed. Sailing with Farragut: The Civil War Recollections of Bartholomew Diggins. Reviewed by Matthew Taylor Raffety.
Robert is a Real Estate Developer at PathStone Corporation, where he responsible for fulfilling all tasks associated with the development of commercial multifamily rental housing property throughout PathStone’s geographic footprint, including site selection, feasibility analysis, securing local approvals and financing, loan closing, construction oversight and coordination of start-up operations. Prior to development he spent four years working in Community and Economic Development within PathStone as a program coordinator, and the last three of those years as a program administrator, working across lending, homeownership, housing rehabilitation and energy services, and training and employment lines of businesses. Robert holds a B.A in Communications and a B.S in Business from Alfred University, professional certification in Community and Economic Development, and an MBA from the Simon School of Business. Robert is a City of Rochester resident and rental property owner. Outside of his recent work with the RocCity Coalition, he serves on the Corn Hill Neighbors Association Board of Directors as the liaison for the Investment Management Committee and co-chair of the Revolving Loan Fund Committee. He is passionate about real estate, economics, social progress, and making tangible change in the community.
Congress president Rahul Gandhi asserted that his party will protect the culture, history and language of the Northeast if voted to power yesterday in his rally at Khanapara, Guwahati. Kicking off the poll campaign in Assam, Rahul Gandhi attacked the BJP and the RSS, accusing them of ‘burning’ every State in the region. ‘The BJP-RSS ideology is burning every State in the Northeast. They are attacking your lifestyle, culture, language and history.’ He confidently said that the Congress will come to power at the Centre and work towards protecting the identity of the region. On the ‘special status’ category of Assam, which was withdrawn after 2014, he promised to restore the status and bring back the Northeast Industrial and Investment Promotion Policy (NEIIPP). ‘BJP snatched away the rights of the people of the Northeast. We’ll do everything to restore them,’ he asserted.
How many times have you heard the phrase “I have to get my priorities straight”? I worked off of that idea for years without consistent success. I had trouble discerning through the daze of “to do” what exactly my priorities should be, especially when it came to social media. I thought maybe if I only had more discipline I would be able to prioritize action items more effectively. I was the QUEEN of To Do Lists, but every action swam in front of me with no clear purpose attached. I eventually realized that I can’t get my priorities straight if I don’t have my purpose straight first. How can I even make priorities without purpose? I learned that getting my purpose straight practically wrote my priorities for me, and that it was perfectly fine to drop actions that didn’t serve this purpose. For instance, this idea of “rethinking social media” came from going back to what my purpose is around social media. If my purpose is to build an audience, then I need to think of actions to build that audience. Should I hang out in online forums? Many forums are great places to exchange information, but not really audience builders. Perhaps I should limit how much time I spend in them. If my time is really limited, it would serve me better to simply find the one thing I can do that best serves this purpose and focus my energy on that one thing rather than using a scattershot approach. On a grander scale, I can create purpose for my entire life. My purpose on that scale might be: to be joyful in my creative endeavors or to share my creative expression with others. If that’s the case, perhaps I decide to spend less time on social media in general and more time expressing myself creatively, since that brings more joy into my life. Or, simply become more creative in my expression thru social media. It doesn’t matter if my purpose is to “sell books” or “have fun.” It’s MY purpose. It’s just that my actions will look different accordingly, and I can prioritize by asking myself if that action serves my purpose. Whenever I go to a conference now, for instance, I create a purpose around it. I might decide my purpose is to have fun. I might decide it’s to have meaningful dialogue. I might decide it’s simply to sit back, listen, and learn. Note that doing something because you think it will make you happy is different than doing something because it serves your purpose, which, ironically, will help you find happiness. Several weeks ago I wrote about what a character “needs” vs. what a character “wants.” On the other side of need is where the “better self” lies. I think the same thing goes for purpose. When your character’s purpose becomes clear, it becomes a driving force. Through the trials and tribulations of your character doing what she “must” and going after what she “wants” her purpose eventually becomes clear. At the beginning of your story, your character might think a specific thing will make her happy. But what she thinks will make her happy might not be what she needs to actually live a more fulfilled life. If along the way she finds purpose, this will lead to what she needs. It will also drive her actions. As her actions are thwarted and things get in her way, she reacts in order to stay on purpose. And presto, your story moves forward. 3) SET YOUR TIMER for 12-15 minutes. No MGM; Campaign Tag; 50 First Lines by Midnight! My regular blog schedule is out the window. As a matter of fact, I wouldn’t expect any more Middle Grade Monday posts from me until after The Campaign and the Bologna Children’s Book Fair are over. So at least March 26. The 50 First Line Challenge is STILL ON! You have until midnight tonight (that’s PST – my time – so 3 AM to those in NYC and 8 AM to those in Bologna, Italy) to submit your Top Five. There’s been interest and reposting and lots of hurrah’s, but only a few brave writers have posted theirs so far. Even if you miss this round, you can still participate in the next. This is only the First Round of the exercise/challenge/contest. You can still participate in the Second Round. Instructions will be posted on Wednesday. The more rounds you participate in, the more chances you have to win. Kudos to 4 AM Writer to be the first to post her entire list of 50 first lines on her blog. For those of you who missed getting into The Campaign, I will tell you that to make it worthwhile takes a lot of time and energy. But that means, if you give it enough time and energy, it’s worthwhile. With so many writers participating, you’re bound to find some like minds, some interesting work, and some new fans. One of the things these crazy peeps love to do is play TAG. They post 11 questions on their blogs and those “tagged” have to retrieve the questions an answer them. I have been tagged 3 times and have yet to answer one of those 33 questions. I mean, really, does anyone out there really want to know 33 things about me? I don’t think I’ll get to them all, but here are the people who tagged me so you can see ALL of the questions (if you really want). And I’ll just answer a few here and there as I get to them. Which children’s/young adult book did you only read and LOVE as an adult? I had never read any Kate DiCamillo until I was in my late 30’s because she wasn’t around when I was a kid. I’m not sure that counts, but I adore her writing as an adult, and I’m sure I would have as a kid. What genre is your current wip? It’s a “pop space opera” – and I bet you can’t wait to find out what that is. Do you have someone in your live who keeps you on track with your stories? Give them a shout out! My dear friend Yvette has made the most difference in the past few months keeping me focused on my writing career, and I have in turn kept her focused on her acting career. Having a support team is essential. Do you ever feel over-exposed on your blog? But of course, but that’s the chance I’m taking. Love the dork that I am, or not. For the first year, I have decided to join the blogger writers, or writer bloggers, in Rachel Harrie’s Writers’ Platform Building Campaign. The Campaign is a way to link those of us in the writing community together with the aim of helping to build our online platforms. The Campaigners are all bloggers in a similar position, who genuinely want to pay it forward, make connections and friends within the writing community, and help build each others’ online platforms while at the same time building theirs. The campaign lists are conveniently divided into genres and age demographic. This way we can zero in on like-minded people and see what they’re up to. I’m sure there are many writers out there whose eyes glaze over when they hear the words “you’ve got to build your platform” or “you need to build your brand.” I’m sure most of us would rather spend our time writing. But we must face the truth: that we are being asked, as writers, to do more and more in terms of self-promotion, and it’s pretty noise out there and tough to be heard. After listening in on a panel of established fantasy writers at FaerieCon this past weekend, I feel a little more motivated and inspired to do so. Instead of thinking of it as (whine) something I HAVE to do, I’m doing what Steampunker Deborah Schneider calls “Taking Responsibility” for my writing career. What I like about this campaign is that it’s a community and it’s collaborative. Something that novice bloggers need to consider when they start blogging and don’t understand why people aren’t coming to visit their blog. In Jeff VanderMeer’s excellent book BOOKLIFE: Strategies and Survival Tips for the 21st Century Writer he talks about the need to participate. Being a blogger is having an extended conversation OUT THERE. Because, really, who wants to hang out at a party with a person who simply talks just to hear herself talk? If you write post after post about your struggling writerly life, but don’t reach out to connect with others, you’ll most likely be ignored. (Unless you’re already a famous writer. I doubt Neil Gaiman has to worry about people reading his posts and tweets.) And I’ll probably be one of the ones ignoring you. I’m not saying that to be mean, I’m saying that it’s tough to have a relationship someone who has no interest in participating in that relationship.
For sale is our upscale Kia Optima EX with only 14,411 miles. Comfortable heated and cooled front leather seats, leather steering wheel, and a panoramic moonroof are a few of the options this Kia has. The drivers seat is an 8-way power adjustable seat with up to two memorized settings and the passenger is a 6 way power adjustable seat. The back seat folds down in two split sections if needed. It has hands-free entry and even lane departure technology to warn of close vehicles and you are able to turn that on and off as necessary. Cruise control, navigation, rear back up camera, and keyless ignition are all features this Optima boasts. With 6 speakers, satellite radio, AM/FM radio, aux and USB capabilities you won't be missing out on any of your favorite music! The tires have a lot of life left with great tread. This vehicle passes the extensive Maryland State Inspection as well! For more information or a test drive, please contact us today!
It’s useful to review and compare the merits and demerits of numerous holiday accommodations to help make the right choice prior to going in your vacation. When preparing a vacation, many people straightaway consider considering expensive hotels using their families. Because of so many attractive combo (plane hotel vehicle rental) packages available, it’s but understandable that you simply easily pick one of these without bothering to review your options. However nowadays there are more lodging options – equally attractive or maybe more attractive – which should merit your consideration. Vacation rentals, for example, offer several amenities and comforts that almost all hotels might not provide. A vacation rental is really a fully furnished property, like a holiday cottage, condominium, town home or single-family-style home, frequently known as rental property rentals. To begin with, vacation rentals offer you full-fledged kitchens, family room and multiple bedrooms. You’ll find condominiums or houses or apartments or detached holiday homes where one can enjoy total privacy. Most vacation villas provides you with air conditioning units, hearth, flat televisions, DVD, heaters, as well as computers with Web connection. Vacation rentals is going to be well-furnished and rather of located on beds to look at TV or discussing the 2 chairs in a small table, you’ll have sufficient furniture inside your living and dining areas. You’ll find vacation rentals in the center of the town with quick access to shopping malls, restaurants, transportation etc. There are also vacation rentals in peripheral areas which will ensure tranquility. If your folks are large or else you are traveling included in a sizable group, you might be compelled to avail multiple rooms inside a hotel and that may be pricey and it’ll also mean lots of coordination problems. It needs to be mentioned by using hotels, you almost always obtain the same stereotype atmosphere whichever place in the world you intend to choose vacation. If your family people want to remain in a place that embraces the culture from the neighborhood, a vacation ought to be the apparent choice. Vacation rental is really a home abroad and living together in one place is going to be an chance for greater connecting. The vacation homes will always be more enjoyable and cozier compared to starkness on most rooms in hotels. But it needs to be accepted there are a couple of disadvantages in vacation rentals. To begin with, choosing the best vacation home can involve a little bit of research whereas hotel accommodation can easily be booked through an internet site that provides travel package offers. Again, because vacation homes are independently owned qualities, the service could be at occasions sub-standard and faulty. Keep in mind that not every vacation rental proprietors run internet sites, and it will take some time for that keepers to respond unless of course they’ve involved in an administration company. Most vacation homes are way too spacious and when your folks are small, you’ll develop a sense of loneliness. Further the premises is going to be clean when you turn up but could not expect anyone to are available in and alter your sheets every single day.
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This week on the Mediakix blog, we presented the four best Snapchat Influencer takeovers, shared how brands can beat low Instagram engagement rates, and broke down the 10 biggest influencer marketing statistics this year. Additionally, we evaluated why marketers need to heed Facebook Live’s strategy with top content creators and wrote about the five ways social influencers are changing digital advertising. Today’s Friday roundup of influencer marketing news will dive into Intel and PayPal's partnership with top YouTubers, why Tumblr is now paying content creators a cut of advertising revenue, Facebook's take of digital advertising dollars, and more. YouTube stars receive 12X more comments on their videos than celebrities. This week, Intel and PayPal are using top YouTube influencers to debut their new products to consumers. Intel is reaching out to YouTube tech unboxers—Unbox Therapy, Linus Tech Tips, and Joanne Tech Lover—to “unbox” their commitment to using conflict-free alternative minerals for their processors. Similarly, PayPal has recruited sneaker unboxing comedian Brad Hall to reveal Venmo’s new Enhanced Payment setting to purchase merchandise directly with the app. The immense popularity of YouTube unboxing videos has pushed major brands to partner with YouTube influencers in order to reach larger audiences, create hype, and ultimately, increase sales. Facebook is ranked as the largest recipient of social media advertising in the world, taking in more than two-thirds of social media ad revenues, totaling to an estimate of $22.4B (eMarketer). As both time spent on social media platforms and social media spend continue to escalate, social media influencers who maintain and engage communities of millions on several platforms and channels will become increasingly more important for viable marketing opportunities. Tumblr will be introducing ads that pay its bloggers a cut of sales, joining other major social platforms Facebook and YouTube to maintain its user base of top social influencers (Adweek). Adversely, Vine’s top stars are leaving as the platform does not provide cultural and financial dependability for its creators. Alongside these major social media platforms, brands and marketers alike are also seeking to leverage the reach and engagement of these top content creators through sponsored posts and cross-platform marketing campaigns. Related Post: Will Snapchat Be The End Of Vine? Television networks are drawing on social media stars to bring online audiences back to TV. Food Network recently announced their partnership with YouTube star Hannah Hart, and NBC is diverting a chunk of its Olympics marketing spending to social influencers who have a collective following of 120 million (Variety). Now, top digital influencers are expanding their reach across different media platforms and offering a unique pathway for brands to advertise seamlessly and across multiple touchpoints.
Choose yourself the one you need from the list of profiles girls in Chiputachikwan. Stuck at the beckoning images, doubt, postpone?! I must now meet . Park Seo-joon was playing the lie detector test when he was asked this question and his answer was revealed to be a lie by the machine. In the interview, the actors also revealed how they deglamorise themselves to play their respective parts in 'Midnight Runners,' where they play students in a police academy. Skank in Chiputachikwan - Therefore, taking on the dating vernacular to describe their relationship and labeling their significant other as "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" does put some couples at risk of falling into the physical expectations that come with dating, Hodges says. But, he adds, these fears can be allayed because "the most important connotation that is borrowed is the ability to choose your own mate," which is also the main precept of dating in the West. One way that some young Muslim couples are rebutting the idea of dating being offensive is by terming it "halal dating. Whores Rampart Stop tweeting about crap like that if you want to date, you will asked for their. Abroad naija connexion can help you be patient. Buying sunglasses bc right is a long and involved going through a separation and are very emotional and love to spend time with my family.
Cleansing oils have been all the rage ever since people got hip to the benefits of massaging the skin with plant oils. Our worst fears were that these oils would clog our pores and leave our skin greasy...but instead, we experienced the exact opposite. In actuality, the oils helped remove dirt while leaving the skin hydrated and moisturized. Once the big companies got wind of oil cleansing, a bunch of commercial products hit the marketplace. Oil cleansing became a legit thing. But then, brands decided to take things to the next level by expanding the oil cleansing experience to our hair. Yes. In case you weren't aware, there's such a thing as cleansing oil shampoo. Shu Uemura leads the pack with its Gentle Radiance Cleansing Oil Shampoo. Ouidad also has a cleansing oil on the market. My first thought was this, "I NEED a cleansing oil shampoo in my regimen!" My hair adores oil and can't get enough of it. If I were to incorporate an oil rich cleanser, this could mean less tangles on wash day and reduce manipulation related breakage during the conditioner application. And perhaps, adding a little oil would somehow minimize the swelling that occurs when hair is saturated with water. My impatience wouldn't allow me to wait days for a product to arrive so I immediately sought to create my own oil cleansing shampoo. This is the easiest DIY ever! Basically, I grabbed a bottle of avocado oil from my product stash and set it aside. Then I put some Keracare Moisturizing Shampoo in my hand as I normally would. But instead of applying the shampoo directly to my wet hair, I mixed in a little avocado oil. I tried to avoid using too much oil and kept the ratio of shampoo to oil to about 70/30. When I rubbed the shampoo/oil mixture in my hair, I couldn't detect any "greasiness." In fact, the shampoo process went as normal. Actually, there were a couple of differences. First, my hair seemed to tangle way less. Secondly, after rinsing, my hair already felt highly conditioned. This process is definitely a keeper. My only regret is that I didn't use enough oil. I have very thick, very course hair and I could probably get away with a 60/40 shampoo to oil mix. I say this because, once rinsed, there was no trace of oil whatsoever. Some people would prefer this but I wouldn't mind having a hint of oil remaining on the strand. Oil cleansing on wash day is a must try if your hair responds well to oil. Oh, as a follow up, I have to mention how I'm loving my DIY conditioning ACV rinse. If you haven't tried this yet, you're falling behind. Time to catch up. I'm going to try this. I recently tried shampoo/aloe mix but my hair still seemed dry. I may mix shampoo, oil and aloe my next wash and see if I like that better. Thank you for posting. I was skeptical that this mix would remove the sebum from my scalp (I have scalp issues)but I tried it this morning. The first lather did not lather much. The second lather had more bubbles but not the same large bubbles of using 100% shampoo and I could feel the softness of the oily bubbles. After I rinsed the second lather, I did a patch test just using my fingernails to see if any sebum gunk was on my scalp. It was clear, nothing there and there was no oil on my scalp. My scalp was clean and my ends were not as dry. This method is a keeper. It almost seemed like it worked like 'cream of nature' shampoo from back in the day. I used olive oil but when I finish it, I will try the avocado oil. I used an applicator bottle with about 60% non-silicone shampoo, 30% olive oil and 10% aloe vera juice. I may add a smidgen of vegetable glycerin in the future. Thanks again for this post. Yay Anon! Thanks for the update. I'm glad this worked for you. I may try your recipe by adding aloe vera. Thanks for sharing. Hey Mallory! I love hearing about great results. Thanks for sharing. I suspect this method might also make wash days much easier during long stretches. hmmmmm...looks like a shortcut. I have to do a hot oil treatment before washing or it's tangle city. thanks. Excellent post thanks for sharing such a informative information with us. I just have to say thank you so much for suggesting this! I found the perfect strengthening and moisturising shampoo(Organix Awapuhi ginger shampoo) whilst I lived in a soft water area and it did wonders for my hair. Since moving back to a place with hard water, it just stopped working for me I thought I was going to have to bin it :(. I read this, and tried it and I can't thank you enough for suggesting it! I used my staple grapeseed oil and mixed the two. Not only did the shampoo work again (tangles decreased and pain of detangling went away) but also somehow oil ELEVATED the power of my shampoo and conditioner. I have never gotten so many compliments before on how healthy, and thick and really nourished my hair looked before in one day! Definitely found a keeper technique and an improved shampoo in one,thank you Nadege!
Will the Coupe be a hard-top convertible or a regular coupe design. Will the interior set-up be the same or more sporty. Also, will the rear be the same as the sedan. I predict that the QE will share its engine with the GT-R Concept. What are your predictions? The Cefiro, which the I35 and Maxima QX are based on, is soon going to be replaced the U.S. built Altima. Does this mean that Infiniti design its own replacement for that series? Is their a posibility that there will be some Infiniti badged Renaults' or an Infiniti sport wagon in the future? The way I understand it the long talked about "QE" is the I35 replacement. New line-up will have QE between G35 and Q45 w/ G35 being the only entry-level car. I really hope the G35 coupe could be had in a convertible form, hopefully better-looking than SC430. And I think the FX45 is supposed to be Infiniti's sport wagon. Dude, I can't wait for the coupe debut! Infiniti would do well to fit the QE with a base V6 and optional V8. It bridges the gap and it's what the comp offers in this range. Let's say the V6 will be 270+hp and the V8 will be 310+hp. The first thing that comes to mind are the Q's not so amazing sales numbers. You'd expect the QE to have higher quality materials and fit & finish than the G. Now how many people do you think would buy a Q when they can get a comparably equipped "I45" for far less? There wouldn't be that many incentives that the Q offers over such a car. Before anyone mentions Audi, MB, BMW, Lexus, etc., keep in mind that the A, S, 7, and even LS are far better established executive saloons than the Q45. Their smaller siblings are less of a threat partly because of this. Imagine how many people would look less desirably upon a Q if they found a G25/new Primera with similar interior styling, nav, and rearview cam on a ~25k car. Or worse if it popped up as a Nissan. That would greatly diminish the Q's image of exclusivity. As far as Renaults, I'd take a rebadged and slightly refaced (to better match line-up) Clio over an SE-R V-Spec anyday. Nissan could use a hatch too. DOnt start holding your breath for a hard top convertivle. Why would you even suggest that? No way Infiniti will share the G35 sedan platform, because the wheelbase is too long to be agile. The G35 Coupe will share the same platform as the 350Z, FM package, chasis and the same engine. The interior of the G35 Coupe would thus be completely different from the sedan. It would cost Renault/Nissan/Infiniti too much money to develop a US only vehicle, so the G35 Coupe will be sold in Japan as a Nissan model. That's way too many cars for a Infiniti dealership, I am guessing 1 or 2 cars will be dropped by 2004. Why do you say that's too many cars, must other company's have at least that many models and Infiniti is trying to actively compete now. I thought I read that Infiniti was supposed to go to 8 cars/trucks..........What about the Cedric/Gloria car this fall? well the g35 sedan and the 350z are allready on the same platform. so what are u talking about? I found the image on the Mag-X homepage, that is the cover of the newest Mag-X magazine. (March 2002) The cover picture is definitely a V35 Skyline Coupe with circular tail lamp design. The cover article says "Evidence of Revival of the Traditional Circular Tail Lamps" I have ordered a copy to see if there is a pic of the Skyline V35 inside. Actually 350Z is based on G35 rwd platform which features FM package which means engine resides aft of the front axle for better weight distribution (idealy 50/50 but more like 48/50 for G35). Z is shorter in dimensions doesn't mean the platform is all new. Its rides on the same platform, just altered. They differ in dimensions and weight because they are two different body styles, with Z more sporty in its intentions then the G35 which leans more towards luxury and performance. what is the QE and anyone have pics. The alt is not going to replace max and i35, max and i35 will move up in class. Alt is just taking over the cammry and the accord class for the max. Do you think the next QE will be a rebadged Gloria? The Gloria is in the middle of its lifespan, it would be stupid to bring it over for only two years. It will replace the I35 from what we know. If it comes out in fall/winter 2002 that means the redesigned I35 will have only been on sale for a year. IMO it would be a big mistake for Infiniti to introduce a new sports sedan six months after the G35. Build the G35 line up with the coupe and AWD CVT and the following year bring the QE. In 2003 current I35 will have been around for 2 years and time to go, Gloria will have a brand new design with LHD original planned not tacked on. All German marques wait at least a year between introducing different models. It is possible that when they mentioned the third model, it could be the AWD CVT right? Just got my copy of Motortrend - has the I35 replacement coming out in fall '03. Don't know if they are right, but that sounds like a much better date to release it. One way or another Nissan should introduce Altima in Japan and in the rest of the world. This sedan has the "DNA" of the winner. I know what you mean and i agree with you. This model was under facelift for 1999-2001 and now for 2002 in next month, Nissan begins the new Primera sales in Europe.
Cowley's First Friday. We were back in our comfort zone on First Friday at Cowley's and got surprised by a lot of friends from our past. Greg St. James from early 89X was in for a WIDR reunion. Steve Kostan from WRIF/WCSX joined him on stage with us. Marie (Barrett) Heinzman were part of their gang. Tom Kokaleti from the Love Junkies and his lovely wife Diane were there. Erin Grohl from the SPSC got up on stage and sang. Bob White came up and sang. Cora and AJ, some of the original First Fridayers made a guest appearance. Stefan Rarigh (fill in Drummer) was there AND we had a fill in Drummer Steve Tocco on Kit for Tom who was on vacation. Every band Steve plays with becomes better!! We had a great night even though we were just here the week before!!
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This site k7n2 delta intended for informational and entertainment purposes only. Affordable, Dead-Silent Media Streaming. Take nVidia’s original nForce chipset for example. But looks are only part of the equation. As we’ve k7n2 delta time and again, the best performance is k7n2 delta by running the memory and system bus at the same speeds, or synchronously. Separate power adapters are provided for 2 SATA drives. When you look at it from that angle, it truly is a remarkable feat. Check out the specifications below and go over to the next few pages to see how it compares with the recently reviewed Soltek SLFRN2. Dell Latitude 2-In-1 Review: I t’s funny how things k7n2 delta turn around in the computer industry. Origin PC Chronos Review: Today, things have come full circle. Let’s take k7n2 delta dwlta look at k7n2 delta systems specifications. However, this is a cycle that we’ve seen before in this volatile and extremely competitive atmosphere and we all know that things can change in a second. Throw in a video card and you have room for one more PCI component. Intel Z Motherboard Round-Up: To take full advantage of the motherboard’s on-board capabilities, MSI provides the required k7n2 delta to access to each function. Even so, k7n2 delta chipset vendors are giving their full support to Socket-A and the three major AMD motherboard chipset manufactures have all released their latest incarnations. Please visit HWZ for the latest reviews and news. Only particular RAM modules synced well with the new chipset and helped us complete our benchmark suite. This is an old archive k7n2 delta of HWZ prior to j7n2. The package comes with quite a few conveniences of its own to help you k7n2 delta full advantage of all of the K7N2’s features. With the nForce2 Ultra this k7n2 delta around, MSI is actively pursuing the feature-hungry enthusiasts and overclockers who would normally hunt for high-end boards with extra deota headroom. While the graphics division was riding high with the latest GeForce k7n2 delta line, the overall response to the fledgling chipset was lukewarm at best. Reviews News Blogs Shop. The Bundle Continued k7n2 delta The Board.
Before we progress further, a recommended practice is to take your new liquids and shake fairly vigorously until you can see plenty of air bubbles form. Once shaken, stand all of your new liquids upright, tops fastened and store in a dark (no natural sunlight) environment at room temperature or just below for 24 hours. Known more generally as steeping, there are many opinions on how long you should leave them untouched. For the purposes of this article, one day should be just fine and dandy. So your juices have been chillin (errr you know what I mean) in the dark for a day, time to bring them back out into the world. Now repeat the following process for each liquid you wish to prepare. Source a container, crucially this should be of a wider surface area than your e-bottle. A wine glass is a perfect example, now pour your juice into the wine glass from a height far enough away from the glass as you can manage without missing it. Why? this will increase the liquid’s contact to the air and in turn the amount of oxygen it is exposed to. Once all liquid is contained in the glass, leave it alone at ambient temperature for approximately 20-30 minutes, out of any direct sunlight but NOT back into the dark just yet. Your juice is now becoming accustomed to it’s new environment. Dr B’s tip here is to go and make yourself a cuppa. All being well, the 30 mins has passed and you can get your mitts back on the glass. Swirl the glass around, like the pompous people do in 30 seconds intervals ie. swirl 30 seconds, stand 30 seconds for a maximum of 5 minutes. Many proclaim there to be a particular method to how you swirl but it really doesn’t make any difference as long as the liquid is in continual motion whilst swirling. Finally, once the 5 minutes is up, cover the glass (cling film with an elastic band is suitable) and place in the same dark conditions as before for another 24 hours. If you have made it thus far unscathed, well done you will be vaping the smoothest e-juice before you know it. Last major task is to take the now empty e-bottle and wash with NON-chlorinated water ie. distilled, in a basin or bowl and leave to fully dry. You can if you wish initially wash out with tap water, as long as the final wash is with the non-chlorinated kind. This will rid the e-bottle of any impurities and prepare it for your newly loved and cared for juice. All that remains is to wait for the 24 hours to pass and pour the liquid from the glass back into the bottle and replace the lid. Your juice should now be fit for purpose but you can re-shake and leave if you choose to. Fundamentally, these processes will have developed the flavour profile of your e-juice, without ‘over’ exposing it to the air. It should be remembered that different juices will develop at different rates but generally speaking this method is suitable for all. It should additionally never be forgotten that your e-liquid is only ever as good as it’s constituent parts and ingredients. As Dr B’ might unhygienically put it …”you can polish a poo but it will still be a polished poo”…on that note, happy vaping.
I have always aprpeciated Vectors 'one app for each function' philosophy. However theres something about the last version that bugged me. We had Opera, we had Firefox, We had Seamonkey. Thats THREE different graphical web browsers. I mean really, honestly andtruely, is this needed? Why not pick one(my personal choice is seamonkey for graphical browsing as it also eliminates the need for a sepirate mail client) and focus on making sure it runs flawlessly? The others could always be offeredu p in the repo afterall, and that would free up space on the CD for more apps/ect. SeaMonkey was chosen as the default browser for similar reasons as Puppy did, but also because we have a dedicated SeaMonkey builder/packager/themer/customizer... However, to avoid the start of a holy war, it was decided to keep FF and opera as optional packages during install. Its defeating of your philosophy to bow because of browser beaters. Just include 'em in the repo and you're set. Or you just remove firefox and Opera after install if you don't like them . There hasn't been a release with just one browser for a long time... I remember Dillo being part of everything from 5.0 SOHO up (before that I didn't use VL). Also, I'm pretty sure they included Lynx as well. I'm glad that VL includes Firefox, not just that weird Seamonkey. "Vector Linux: When choice matters" It's a shame official support for Seamonkey got dropped. Seamonkey just needs to get extensions right. It's just too hard to install/uninstall them and you only have a handful of extensions available. If it were like that, I'd happily dump firefox for seamonkey. Let's see.. I have Seamonkey, Firefox, Opera, Konqueror, lynx and links. Did I miss any? I don't remember installing any separately. It's a shame official support for Seamonkey got dropped. Actually, I find it is doing a lot better now than it was with Mozilla after they decided to push Firefox. The latest development branch based on "toolkit" has had this for a while, so it shouldn't be long now. ...and you only have a handful of extensions available. Well, and maybe this is just me, but really there should only be one browser included on the cd. Its wierd, but when you consider what else you could include on the cd at the expense of immidiate browser options. Hell, if it pops a desktop link up and or its fairly straightforward to create links within the menues/desktop I'd actually preffer dillo/graphical lynx/whatever the bare bones would be included JUST so you ahve an out of the box browser. I'm serious here. Choice is wonderful, and they'd stil lhave that choice. Its know with beryl and updated packages and whatnot(my oppions of beryl are purely my own, and thus not going to be shared till I get along drawn out session wit hthe thing). Who knows, maybe I'm just nuts for asking. I like having all the browser choices. Opera has been my favorite for a long time and I consider it way ahead of the others. However, there is still some code that doesn't work in Opera, so when I hit one of those sites I usually try Firefox. SeaMonkey doesn't seem wildly different from Firefox to me. I'll often use SeaMonkey instead of Firefox just to buck the excessive enthusiasm for Firefox. I don't do extensions. To tell the truth, though, I never put a checkmark by Opera when I'm installing VL. The reason is that the version included is almost certainly out of date and I don't see any reason for waiting for a VL Opera package to update it. As soon as I get VL installed, I use Firefox to go to and download the latest version. It installs very easily with the included script and by accepting the defaults, updates don't mess up my launchers. So logically, I should say I don't care if Opera is left out from the VL ISO because I download and install it myself. Ditto on Opera as well, with FF as my backup for sites that don't render properly. If having too many choices with SOHO is a problem, one should look at Standard. I -AM- looking at standard. Then again my idea of picking a browser to go in till you can pick something off the repo seems to be an unpopular idea. Feh, the masses speak I suppose. Glad for the feedback on the thought. Here too Preview of 9.5 looks promising.
Revelstoke Review, Revelstoke Credit Union, Columbia Basin Alliance Literacy and others teaming up to promote literacy. Black Press, local credit unions, community leaders and volunteers across the Columbia Basin and Boundary are joining the Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) for Reach a Reader Month this October. The campaign will raise funds for local, community-based literacy programs and increase awareness of the importance of literacy. More than 500,000 British Columbians have challenges with literacy. Over one-quarter of those currently employed in BC don’t have the minimum literacy and essential skills they need to successfully participate in today’s knowledge-based society.1 Those skills go far beyond being able to read and write; they include using technology, doing calculations, communicating verbally and in writing, and problem-solving. On Oct. 5th, community leaders and volunteers will hit the streets, distributing special editions of local papers and collecting donations. In addition, from Sept. 28th until Oct. 8th, Loonies for Literacy piggy banks will be at Revelstoke Credit Union (RCU) and RCU Insurance Services to collect donations. All funds will go to the community to support free literacy programs. To find out more about literacy in Revelstoke contact Tracy Spannier at or go to The Columbia Basin Alliance for Literacy (CBAL) is a not-for-profit organization that develops, promotes and delivers literacy and essential skills services for people of all ages in the Columbia Basin and Boundary regions of British Columbia. CBAL’s 16 Community Literacy Coordinators provide services in 77 communities, working with local literacy planning committees to develop effective literacy programs and resources in the communities they serve. Watch out for community volunteers selling the Revelstoke Review on the streets of Revelstoke on Wednesday, October 5. Purchase a newspaper off them and 100% of the monies collected will be donated to literacy projects in Revelstoke.
A teenager accused of stabbing a man in a late night attack in Norden Road, Maidenhead, is set to stand trial next month. George Lamont, 19, of Boyn Valley Road, pleaded not guilty to two charges - possession of an offensive weapon and wounding with intent - at a case management hearing on Monday last week. The attack took place on January 25 and left the victim needing emergency surgery. A trial date for Lamont has been set for June 10.
Do you like it? I do. In fact, I like it so much that I’m dedicating an a blog entry to it. It’s amazing how much meaning can be crammed into a single sentence!! The most quoted and, apparently feared, firearm on the face of the planet. The Avtomat Kalashnikova selective-fire, gas operated, 7.62 x 39mm rifle was officially adopted for use by the Soviet Army in 1947. Since then, it has become a favourite for military forces around the world, due to its robust design, reliability, low cost and ease of use. AK-variant rifles are, in fact, the most widely produced assault rifle in the world [Source: Weaponomics: The Global Market for Assault Rifles; Killicoat, Phillip; WPS4202; April 2007]. The AK-47 is also incredibly popular among gun control advocates. Every time a government suggests relaxing gun control laws, the cries of “Assault rifles will be easier to get!!” are heard from coast to coast. They intentionally invoke images of madmen running loose with AK-47s, shooting anyone who happens across their path. In the minds of gun control advocates, the AK-47 is the most dangerous gun ever made and nobody should ever own it, or anything like it. They rely on the average person’s ignorance about firearms to create a state of fear and further their cause. The bottom line is that a gun is a gun is a gun. All are inert objects, the only danger comes from the person behind the trigger. The Arab Spring: a string of revolutions throughout North Africa and the Middle East. To mention but a few highlights, it began in Tunisia in December 2010, led to the overthrow of the Egyptian government in February 2011, and 9 months of bloody civil war in Libya. The fighting has calmed in most affected countries, but still rages unchecked in Syria. The protests, demonstrations and revolutions that rocked the Arab world were widely hailed as positive by the Western World. They were seen as pro-democracy, the will of people, and the start of a positive new future for citizens of oppressed nations. The hypocrisy of it all is that, while groups such as Amnesty International supported these uprisings against oppressive regimes and dictators, they continued to try to disarm the very citizens they were supporting! Now that the war has ended, the UN has become very vocal about disarming the people of Libya. They are actively working towards preventing any future generations of Libyans from having the means to fight for their freedom if the need arises again. Libya is a fitting example for the gun control issue on another front as well. They have some of the strictest gun control laws in the world. Civilian gun ownership is entirely prohibited and it is also illegal to privately sell or transfer them. Despite gun ownership being illegal, civilians own nearly twice as many guns as the military and police. Civilian firearms are numbered at about 900,000, military firearms at 535,200 and police firearms at 22,000. The rate of civilian firearms ownership is 15.5 per 100 people. In comparison, in Canada, the rate of civilian firearms ownership is 23.8 per 100 people [Source: Small Arms Survey, 2007]. Let me say that again. In a country where civilian ownership of firearms is completely outlawed, the citizenry still outgun the military and police by almost 2:1!!! To summarize, while organizations like Amnesty International fully support the revolutions of the Arab Spring, they are doing everything in their power to ensure that the people revolting are denied the very tools that they need to succeed. Licensing. This is the process through which a government body determines an individual’s fitness to own firearms. It essentially states that firearms ownership is illegal unless you are granted an exemption from that law by means of a license. Registration. This ties a firearm to its owner by means of a registration certificate. The certificate contains information regarding the type of firearm (make, model, serial number, etc) and that certificate is linked to a specific firearms license holder. They seem innocent enough on the surface, but these two puppies have been the cause of much death and destruction throughout history. Put simply, every major genocide of the twentieth century was preceded by civilian disarmament – Ottoman Turkey, USSR, China, Rwanda, Guatemala, Uganda, Germany. These confiscation schemes were all aided through systems of licensing and registration. It’s common sense really – you can’t take a gun away from a person if you don’t first know that they have it. In some cases, Hitler and Mao for example, the introduction of the gun control laws was very methodical and a strategic part of their plans. In other cases, Rwanda and Guatemala, the existing laws were a simple and convenient means to a horrific end. The bottom line is that the intentions of the people who enact these laws are irrelevant. What’s important is the potential for abuse and misuse of these laws in the future. Simply put, if the potential for misuse exists, it’s a bad law. Muammar Gaddafi was one of the longest reigning and perhaps one of the most well-known dictators in recent history. The reason that Muammar Gaddafi is dead is because the people of Libya had the resolve to rebel against him. The means of their rebellion was their ability to fight for their freedom through the use of privately owned firearms. The people of Libya were still armed, despite prohibitions on firearms ownership, simply because the country did not have a system of licensing and registration in place that would have allowed for wholesale confiscation. If Gaddafi had gun controls in place, he would have confiscated firearms prior to viciously crushing the resistance, making many pay the price so that he could remain alive, unchallenged and in power. Civilian gun ownership is not about hunting or target shooting or even home defense. It is about freedom and democracy. Many gun control advocates imagine a world where only the police and the military own guns – a police state. Others imagine a world of peace where nobody needs guns. While this is a noble goal, it is not the world we currently live in. Until the causes of violence are addressed, guns will continue to be a necessary tool in our lives. I was shown this video today and found it to be a very powerful and well thought out argument. It needs sharing with everyone you know. There is a misconception all over the western world that guns are a “right-wing” issue. The topic of gun control has been framed as a left vs right argument, with gun control supporters on the left and gun owners on the right. This is far from the truth. The gun debate does not fall strictly within party lines. History shows that gun control can be introduced from either the left or the right, but that it always has unintended negative consequences. Outside the western world, the truth of the gun control argument is obvious.
This Great Lakes resort with cottage-style architecture feels more East Coast than Midwest with ships coming into harbor, blasts of boat horns, the cry of seagulls, Door County’s Maritime Museum and a charming downtown for shopping and dining. It’s all within a stroll — or stroller ride — from the resort, making it a relaxing place to base a Lake Michigan getaway. Toddlers have their own small slide and splash area near the indoor pool. Older children can splash around the indoor pool with its nautical theme while adults kick back in the hot tub. When the weather’s sunny, there’s a deck with faux rock and a waterfall next to the outdoor pool. Resort rooms feel like a new vacation home with small kitchens or wet bars and microwaves that let you eat at your leisure and take advantage of Door County’s bounty. Make time to find fruit stands with strawberries, cherries and apples, and farm markets with cherry pies, cherry brats, juices, ciders, jams and even cherry salsa. For Moms and Dads, there are several wineries, too, and a few cheese shops with some of Wisconsin’s best cheeses. Families traveling with a group of relatives or friends can gather in the spacious lobby area that faces the harbor for their own meals or visiting with complimentary coffee, cappuccino, tea and juices all day long. There’s a cupboard full of games that guests can use. It’s a homey resort choice whether you stay put or hit the road to explore the rest of Door County for great beaches, state parks, orchards, art studios and boutique shopping. The good news for families is that all rooms include at least a microwave and mini refrigerator, which is great for kids who won't eat on schedule (like when you're out to eat) or don't sit still for restaurant dining. Each suite includes a 37-inch flat-screen TV, a DVD player and cable TV, free Wi-Fi and air conditioning. If there's a rare heat wave, the balconies can get hot as A/C fans blow onto them. The Marion and Falcon rooms with king beds (the Falcon is more spacious) have space for a couple and a portable crib. The Badger and Spartan suites sleep four people with one bedroom and a sleeper sofa. Each has a full kitchen. Challenger suites have the added amenities of a covered balcony and double-facing fireplaces. Suites have water views or a large whirlpool. The Firebird, Griffin and Brunswick suites include two bedrooms with a sleeper sofa, master bath with whirlpool, kitchen and two covered balconies. The Westchester has the best water views and includes two whirlpools and a fireplace; these sleep up to six people. The Utopia suite sleeps up to eight people with three private bedrooms, three baths, a sleeper sofa, fireplace, kitchenette, and three balconies. My family and I stayed at Bridgeport for 2 nights over spring break. My husband and I both live and work in this community. I own a small business and my husband is a chef. Upon check in we noticed a variety of cleanliness issues beyond a usual "overlooked item", which is very common and would never upset me. I was a housekeeper for nearly 15 years so I know accidents occur. However, upon further inspection, there were an incredible number of unacceptable issues. There were many other small issues that we did not photograph. Despite our "luxury suite" not meeting our cleanliness expectations, we decided to spend less time in our room and more time throughout the resort, making use of the amenities included with our stay. Our first stop was the snack shop, which provided only a handful of overpriced snacks and wine. The juice machines were all out of order. All of the board games were missing pieces. I can understand those issues, being the off-season. So we moved on to the kids play area. Utter dismay. A large majority of the games didn't function correctly, "eating" coins. The games that were functioning properly were poorly kept and dirty. Every game was filthy. The entire space was in disrepair. While I understand it is a children's space and will be covered in fingerprints- I believe your guests expect more from a resort that boasts they are "The Best in Door County Lodging". The pool area was also in disrepair. The emergency exit door frame had rotting wood, there were numerous rusty places in the pool area, and the bathrooms were very poorly kept. I will add a note that the front desk associates were very friendly and helpful. All-in-all we did not enjoy our stay at your resort. Even at the off-season rate, we were provided, I believe our stay fell very short of our expectations. For the amount of money, we spent we could have stayed at any place in Door County, and beyond. Our family goes on one trip a year, and this year was disappointing, especially to parents of young kids who spent nearly $500 on their room alone. We shared our experience via email with the GM, and received no response. We stayed at Bridgeport in September 2018. The property is beautiful and the rooms are nice. The reason I said that they are lacking in customer service is this. For coffee, they offered Styrofoam cups with plastic lids that did not work well. They did not "snap" on. In order for the lid to be on tightly, I had to press down little by little all around the lip of the cup. I guess I missed a spot, so when I took a drink, scalding hot coffee poured all over my chest. I went to the front desk and told the manager that I had burned my chest and advised that the lids did not fit well. The manager just said, "They do fit," and proceeded to press the lid down little by little to show me. Her reply was totally inadequate! There was no "I'm sorry that happened" or "We'll certainly look into that. Our apologies." She basically was saying, "You're wrong, and I really don't care that you got burned." So here I am 3 months later still seeing the burn scars on my chest and thinking that some day the same thing will happen to another customer who won't be so forgiving. It's easy to kick back and relax at the resort. Favorite family activities include a game of water basketball in the big pool, watching little ones in the mini water park, cooling off beneath a waterfall or soaking up summer sun in the outdoor pool, playing games in the lobby with views of the harbor along with free java and juices, challenging each other to air hockey in the arcade, losing little ones in the ball pit at Peabody's Playpark and checking out complimentary movies to watch in your suites. Walk on over (it's right next door) and let your kids dress up as pirates as they explore the "Ship to Shore" exhibit and pose for photos. The exhibits explain a pirate's life, dangers on the sea and pirate gold. Kids can climb aboard a ship, swab the deck, take virtual cannon shots at enemies and use their noses to identify mystery smells. The exhibit should run through 2014. There also are other maritime exhibits in this museum, including a restored bright-red tugboat in the harbor out front. Sturgeon Bay has an easy-to-explore downtown across the bridge near the resort. You'll find plenty of fun boutiques, mostly along Third Avenue/County Road B. The kids' favorite stops will likely be Door County Candy Company (for its 16 ice cream flavors, gourmet popcorn, 150 kinds of salt water taffy, nostalgic candy and chocolates from sweet chocolate-covered cherries to salty chocolate-covered bacon); Child's Play (for whimsical kids' clothing, games, toys and shower gifts; and Dancing Bear (for its extensive line of building blocks, stuffed animals, trains and books). You can get a few food items in the resort store and fruit in the morning, but there is no onsite cafe or restaurant. Fortunately, though, you can call for delivery, stock up on local fruits and cheeses and find several great restaurants within walking distance or a few-minute drive. Only a two-block stroll from the resort, this cafe keeps foodies happy with creative, eclectic salads, sandwiches and entrees and a fun, artsy vibe that's casual (and affordable) enough for families. Moms and dads can savor sandwiches like a Muffaletta, salads with cherry balsamic dressing, entrees such as tempura shrimp and cherry barbecue ribs, and vegetarian entrees such as a creamy garlic, corn and Poblano lasagna. The kids' menu includes a munchie plate with ham, cheese, fruit, carrots and veggie straws. Door County Coffee & Tea is best known as the biggest hub for locally roasted and flavored coffees. There's also a drive-thru for speedy caffeine fixes, but stop in for a tasty breakfast with a huge variety of pastries, a hash brown bake, quiche and strata. For lunch, there are sandwiches such as turkey with cranberry chutney, soups, and a Door County salad with dried cherries, roasted walnuts and cherry vinaigrette. Grabbing a bag of squeaky-fresh cheese curds is a must on Wisconsin vacations. At this shop, seven miles south of Sturgeon Bay (and on the way to Bridgeport), you can also try one of the flavored cheddars for poolside snacks. They may be flavored with olives, maple syrup, cherries or Door County wines. If you prefer something more classic, pick up Colby cheese and summer sausage for a picnic, along with dried cherries for munching. Ask if rooms are ready early if your kids are eager to hit the pools, or assure them they can eke out an extra morning of swimming with an 11 a.m. checkout. Younger kids get a gift bag at check-in with a Door County coloring book, crayons and other trinkets. Room rates are based on a two-person occupancy with an extra per person fee for ages 13 and up. Pack 'n Play cribs are available for a nightly fee. If kids are squirrely after a day of traveling or up too early for the pool's 8 a.m. opening, grab the walkway in front of the resort that follows the waterfront and go explore. The walkway connects to Otumba Park with a beach, playground, basketball hoops and tennis courts. Basketballs and racquets are available at the front desk. If you're on a budget, go for one of the bigger suites and share the costs with another family or relatives. You can take turns with meal duties, too. There are grills outside for summer cookouts and picnics overlooking the harbor. Family Fun Packages and additional packages are offered throughout the year such as a bundled golf special at the Idlewild course in the fall, a three-night family getaway for New Year's Eve with a special kids' party and breakfast, and a Memorial Day weekend with free hors d'oeuvres, food coupons for the town's art fair and a supervised kids' arts-and-crafts party. A small market near the check-in desk sells sundries including sunscreen, bath salts and toiletries, along with a few food and snack items like frozen pizza, ice cream treats and beverages. You can buy wine and champagne from the front desk. There are also grocery and discount stores in Sturgeon Bay. The city of about 10,000 residents is the largest in Door County and the last place you'll see a chain restaurant before driving north on the peninsula. Early summer can still be cool temperature-wise, but rates are more affordable. Rates jump up around the Fourth of July weekend and mid-July through early August. The last two weekends in August also are more affordable. May is considered off-season (often with big price drops), which can be nice for a weekend pool getaway and to see the orchards in bloom. You can fly into Green Bay's Austin Straubel International Airport and rent a vehicle for the 50-minute drive east on Highway 57 to Sturgeon Bay. However, most Door County travelers road-trip to the peninsula, which is 230 miles from Chicago via I-94 and I-43, 144 miles from Milwaukee on I-43, 180 miles from Madison via Highway 151 and Highway 41, and 310 miles from Minneapolis via I-94 and Highway 29. Once you enter Sturgeon Bay, pass through two traffic lights, and then exit right on the Business District. Follow this road (Madison Avenue) through one more traffic light, then turn left on Larch St. before the bridge. A vehicle would be needed to explore much of Sturgeon Bay. For downtime, play a round on the Idlewild Golf Club or sign up for a couples massage at Saguaro Day Spa in Sturgeon Bay. Saguaro's offers Swedish, stone, prenatal and Ayurveda massage. For a date-night, head to historic Inn at Cedar Crossing for one of the city's best dinners.
A couple find themselves living through the past emotions of their relationship. Visual approach: we wanted to reflect the emotional journey of these characters through a physical journey. The open park & movement through it was a metaphor for their lack of anchoring and finally their reconciliation. Early fog - shot in the morning as we knew the fog would enhance the disorientation. 14mm lens - used extreme wide angle to warp environment around them and heighten emotional state.
STAX removes nearly 100% of all regulated pollutants far exceeding shore power. An average data center can have over 50 diesel back-up generators each requiring monthly testing. STAX helps data center operators greatly reduce pollution and meet their commitment to local communities. STAX helps fleets far exceed new and future emissions standards in North America, Asia and the EU. STAX removes nearly 100% of all NOx, SOx, Particulate Matter (PM) and most CO2. Helping the world be a greener, cleaner and healthier place for generations to come. Greener than Shore Power. Cleaner than Teir 4 Generators. STAX is the world's only mobile diesel emissions reduction system that removes nearly 100% of all NOx, SOx, PM and most CO2 from both oceangoing vessels and backup generators. STAX is the superior next-generation near-zero emission alternative to Shore Power and Tier 4 standby generators. One STAX unit connected to a ship at berth is equal to removing 27,000 cars from the road. In addition to removing nearly all of the regulated pollutants, the STAX CO2 sequestration system exceeds grid-based shore power for reducing greenhouse gas. And, it does so at a significantly lower cost compared to all competition. STAX is protected by multiple patents (9 patents pending, and 10 additional patents planned) that significantly enhances an already proven technology, enabling superior efficiency and safety and lower cost vs. only a handful of modest, start-up type, capital constrained, competitors employing first generation technology. STAX provides clients a lower cost for compliance than any other competing technology. Given its superior level of efficiency over its competitors, this higher level of efficiency translates into the lowest cost alternative for shipping lines since STAX can achieve a superior level of compliance (removal of regulated pollutants) in less time. One STAX Barge, TRUX, or XGEN system serves multiple emissions sources seamlessly and effectively. A single STAX Barge or TRUX moves from ship to ship removing deadly pollutants while an XGEN system services multiple gensets on land quickly and efficiently. The STAX barge or mobile land-based exhaust purification technology connects directly to a ship’s exhaust pipes, providing vessel operators with a safe, reliable and cost-effective alternative to shore power. Compared to alternatives, STAX captures and purifies significantly more emissions at a lower cost, and features faster, trouble-free hookup. STAX has a production-ready containerized module design that can be easily and quickly deployed to dozens of STAX barge, TRUX and XGEN systems at ports and land-based installations throughout the United States and around the world. STAX technology is far superior to and provides several distinct advantages over shore power. STAX technology removes 99.9% of particulate matter (PM), 99% of NOx and SOx, and is the only technology that removes CO2. It is easily deployed on water (barge-based) or as a shore-side (pier-based) operation and is the only technology designed to clean boiler exhaust which is an important regulatory goal for regulatory agencies in all global markets. STAX units can be engaged in 30 minutes and disconnected in 15 minutes. Better yet, vessels are not required to be retro fit and can be charged by the hour providing maximum flexiblity with minimal capital outlay. Unlike shore power, STAX Technology can remove emissions from ships at anchor and boiler emissions at berth. Oil tankers cannot use shore power. Air quality regulations are increasing in California by 2020 to include all ship types. Due to its innovative design STAX technology can safely be used by oil tankers. Standby gensets provide emergency power for essential services such as data centers and hospitals. To guarantee reliability they are required to be tested monthly. Unfortunately, these generators produce a significant amount of contaminants that lead to serious health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, asthma and early death. XGEN removes nearly 100% of these pollutants greatly improving the overall air quality associated with standby gensets. XGEN removes significantly more harmful pollutants and is far less expensive to deploy than purchasing new Tier 4 generators, which are problematic and unreliable. The general public and government regulators are demanding greater control of standby genset emissions. Given the increasing global awareness of the harmful effects of diesel air emissions, and the recent and on-going efforts of governments to address it, the timing for the introduction of the STAX technology is optimal in this early-stage and environmentally critical market. Leading expert in mobile remote emissions control. Pioneered berth emission controls since 2004. Demonstrated first capture and control technology. Developed first CARB test plan and successfully completed first CARB approved alternative technology system. Degrees in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. 25+ years in air pollution regulation at California Air Resources Board and South Coast Air Quality Management District. Expertise in advance air pollution control technology development and commercialization. Proven expertise for building high performing teams. MS in Chemical and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering. 20+ years in investment and corporate banking including several top 10 global banks. 4 years experience as CFO of maritime emissions control company. Extensive experience and dept and equity financing. MBA, MA Economics and BA in Accounting, Finance and Marketing. 30 years in business development and business management spanning multiple complex and regulated industries. Co-Developer of 300MW utility solar project which signed the largest PPA (200 MW with a non-utility customer (Apple) in US history. Co-Founder and COO of a chain of 27 medical spas spanning over six states. Owner and principal of marketing consultancy business with numerous Fortune 500 clients and city governments. 10 years with the Walt Disney Company working domestically and internationally (19 countries) developing content for live entertainment, promotional events and television. BS in Business Management and graduate of business management certification programs at USC and UCLA. Contact us to discover more about the STAX Advantage. © 2019 STAX Engineering, All Rights Reserved.
SLINGERLANDS – Dan C. Carroll, 66, of Slingerlands died at home under Hospice care on August 3, 2018 after living almost 2 years with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis. He is survived by his life partner and wife of 31 years Harriet B. Seeley. Dan was born in Los Angeles, CA. to the late Constance Earll Carroll and Charles Clifford Carroll. He is also predeceased by his sister Cherie and his step-father Bernard Christenson. He is survived by his sister-in law Doris Leitch (Mike) and nieces Elisabeth Walls (Jeff) and Rosalyn Gambino (Joe) and great-niece Madelyn Elisabeth Gambino. He attended West Valley Community College in Saratoga, CA. in engineering and later earned a BS in Mathematics from Bard College, Annandale-on Hudson in 1996. Dan started work for IBM in San Jose, CA. as a Customer Service Engineer in 1977 and later moved to New York and re-joined IBM in Poughkeepsie, NY. In 1983 he joined the newly formed IBM Computer Graphics Products Group in Kingston, NY and later worked remotely with the group in Boca Raton, Fl. His unit was sold to Dassault Systems in France and he worked remotely for them from 2011-2016 until he retired. From 1997 to 2010 he developed and maintained CCWAY V2, a Computer Aided Geometric Design program that acts as a geometry converter between the CADDS & CATIA systems. Besides his creativity with computers Dan enjoyed music, our garden, old movies, trips to Maine, our cats and his varied collections. Sincere thanks is given for our friends, family & faith community who supported us with love, caring and strength for this journey with ALS, most especially Ned, Cindy and Fred, Doris, Susan and Rick. Deep gratitude is also given for the incredible staff at St. Peter's Regional ALS Center, especially Trish and Dr. Miller and for the dedicated & caring Eddy Palliative and Hospice Care team, especially Elizabeth, Kathleen, Kim, Bob, Carol, Nick and Cylon. A memorial celebration of Dan's life will be held at First Presbyterian Church, 362 State St. Albany, NY at 2PM Sat. Sept. 8, 2018 followed by a reception in the church hall. Internment will be private. In lieu of flowers Dan and Harriet request any remembrances be made to the St. Peter's Regional ALS Center, 19 Warehouse Row, Albany, NY 12205.
NEW DELHI: A stringent price cap imposed on coronary stents, has failed to break the nexus between medical device manufacturers and hospitals with the two colluding to push noncoronary stents and other high-end life-saving products to the consumers for huge margins. Documents with quotations from suppliers to hospitals reviewed by TOI show that medical devices and different kinds of stents ­­ other than the coronary kind which have been brought under control ­­ are offered to hospitals at prices far lower than the MRP charged from the consumer. For instance, one quotation shows that removable esophageal controlled release stent with an MRP of Rs 92,800 was offered to a hospital for Rs 64,960. Most of these are critical devices used in surgeries, while some are even prescribed to cancer patients, doctors said. Medical experts said this is a usual practice with most critical care products including stents, implants, cancer medicines and so on. “If the government is serious about safeguarding consumer interest, then it must bring out an overarching policy and not take a piecemeal approach by price capping just one product,“ says Dr G S Grewal, former president, Punjab Medical Council. While prices of medical devices other than coronary stents are also under the Drug Price Control Order, companies are allowed to fix launch prices and then implement an annual hike of up to 10%. Moreover, there are no legal provisions to check or restrict firms, suppliers and hospitals from inflating prices by adding margins, commissions and incentives to suppliers, doctors or chemists. Doctors and industry executives often claim huge margins are built into the original cost to push particular brands, high-end products and sometimes unnecessary implants and surgeries are carried out for profits.
Do you need something hauled away? Yard waste, furniture, garage clean outs? For a free quote email us the job description and someone will be in contact with you. We service the greater Cincinnati, Dayton, and Columbus area.
The 3rd Day of the #GFEVirtualOriginTrip brought us to PRODECOOP, a coffee cooperative in Esteli, Nicaragua. PRODECOOP supports 2,300 smallholder coffee farmers in northern Nicaragua, 27% of whom are women, including GFE farmer Alexa Marin. PRODECOOP provides farmers with a number of support services. For the Origin Trip, the GFE team visited PRODECOOP’s drying facilities where coffees are cleaned and sorted. This process ensures that the final green coffee is of the highest quality possible. The cooperative is also home to a quality lab, where professionals like Fatima Lopez roast and cup coffees to determine Q grades, the metric frequently used to determine a coffee’s quality. The green coffee of local coffee producers are then ready for export. With programs related to gender, technical training, and capital, PRODECOOP offers farmers opportunities for professional growth and development. If you are feeling inspired and ever have an opportunity to visit the Nicaraguan coffee country, be sure to visit PRODECOOP’s on-site hotel, Hotel Palacaguina. Tomorrow, we will be visiting Alexa Marin at her farm, Finca San Antonio. ¡Hasta mañana! Follow along the Origin Trip by tracking our Facebook and Instagram or #GFEVirtualOriginTrip for videos that come directly from Nicaragua! Day 1: The traveling team will arrive in Nicaragua and will visit Tio Antonio in Managua.
A few weeks ago, we bemoaned American ingenuity when we found a clever way of getting from the top floors of a mall to the bottom at a mall in Shanghai. Well, it turns out that very same slide is already operational here in the United States (ok, so it isn’t all made up to look like a dragon, but still, it’s a curvy slide that goes from the third floor to the bottom – that’s awesome even if it’s not “dragon-ized”). It’s at La Gran Plaza de Fort Worth and according to president Michael T. Pariza, it is open to the general public (check out the video!), not just VIPs. Anyone else have this or a similar slide, or a better way of getting from floor to floor? Let us know via Twitter. Upstate New York is more often remembered for its scenic views and antiquing, but some areas are becoming centers of growth in the retail shopping mall business and it’s a trend that could be picking up steam across the country. The Utica Observer-Dispatch recently reported on cyclical trends that have older malls and shopping centers replaced by newer patterns, but still in a brick-and-mortar world. The National Retail Federation and the International Council of Shopping Centers both cited statistics that paint a positive outlook. While super-regional malls are destinations for shoppers and tourists, that leaves “the majority of shopping to be done at shopping centers. Shopping plazas have become the hub of the community,” said Jesse Tron, ICSC spokesman. We’d like to thank everyone for taking the time to visit us at RECon 2016 last month in Las Vegas. It was great to reconnect with old friends and make new ones on the show floor. We enjoyed speaking with all of you about our Retail Trade Area products, created out of our strategic alliance with UberRetail’s mobile location data and the geospatial expertise and analysis of B.I. Spatial. If you didn’t get a chance to get a personal demonstration to see how we can provide metrics for actual visitor traffic to a mall, viewing HOT spots in the centers or linking demographic profiles to those visitors, contact us any time.
The investment to start up east business is reduced since with about 14,000 Euros (more IVA) it is possible to be begun. It is ideal for self-employment but like investment for which it wants to have a small chain of establishments in its locality, with establishments among 15 to 35 meters also squared in populations of 10,000 inhabitants. For other opinions and approaches, find out what David Zaslav has to say. But in addition, from first of September, Equivalenza Refan it has a new format of store, still more reasonable to the pocket of the entrepreneur. One is a giant perfume bottle, that is abre and it is closed to facilitate the sale schedules and to protect the product at the same time. The kiosks Equivalenza Refan have 50 containers of half liter, that fill up with 30 perfume references of woman and 20 of man; obvious the most solicitd of its catalogue of 150 references.
The Chicago Bears kicker spoke with the "Today" show. For the first time since speaking to reporters after the missed field goal kick (which was tipped by an Eagles player) that would have sent the Chicago Bears to the next round of the NFL playoffs, Cody Parkey spoke about what he's been through. "I'm disappointed, I let the fans, my teammates and the whole organization down. I'll continue to keep my head high because football is what I do, it's not who I am." "I feel worse than anybody about missing that kick because I wanted to make it more than anybody, but at the end of the day, I'm going to hold my head high. When things aren't going my way, I'm going to continue to stay positive and keep swinging." Take the time to watch the full interview in which he talked about the prayer between the two teams after the crushing loss and his wife discussed "his character (shining) through." Bachelor Power Rankings: Did Colton make the wrong choices in Week 1?
Preheat oven to 400°. In a small bowl, mix together salt, brown sugar, black pepper, and chili powder. Rub all over ribs. Divide ribs between 2 large disposable aluminum roasting pans, being sure to place the slabs in meat side up. Pour 2 cups Cheerwine into each pan, and cover tightly with aluminum foil. Roast ribs, switching pans’ positions halfway through cooking, until very tender, about 1 hour and 45 minutes. While ribs cook, prepare the glaze. In a medium-size saucepan, whisk together Cheerwine, jam, brown sugar, Worcestershire, vinegar, tomato paste, mustard, and soy sauce. Set over medium heat. Let cook, whisking occasionally, until reduced and syrupy, about 20 to 25 minutes. Set aside. Remove ribs from oven when tender. Remove foil and ribs from pans; pour fat and remaining liquid out of pans and discard. Carefully arrange for oven rack to be about 8 inches from broiler (no closer); preheat broiler. Brush ribs all over with prepared glaze and return to pans, meat side up. Broil for about 5 minutes or until lightly charred. Serve with extra glaze on the side. This easy-peasy recipe was inspired by one from Paula Deen. If you’re taking these to a party, fix them ahead of time on disposable foil baking sheets and pop in the oven when you get to the party. Warning: you will never be able to fix enough of these to satisfy your guests! ½ cup finely shredded parmesan, romano or mozzarella cheese. Peel and dice tomatoes, sprinkle with seasoning mixture and let juices and seeds drain in colander. Mix onion and basil with tomatoes and spoon into mini phyllo shells. “Frost” top of tomato-filled cups with mayo piped from a plastic bag with the corner snipped out. Sprinkle with cheese, add bacon bits, bake in 350 degree oven for 10-12 minutes or ‘til tops are lightly browned. Serve warm. 8 cups chicken broth, divided. 2 cup grits-not instant or quick cooking. Combine cream and 6 cups chicken broth and bring to boil. Stir in grits and cook over medium heat until grits return to boil, cover, reduce heat to simmer and stir frequently to keep from burning, 25-30 minutes. Add milk if needed to thicken to proper consistency. If you’re Southern, you know what that is, if not, think of slightly runny oatmeal. While grits are simmering, cook frozen collards with remaining 2 cups of chicken broth til’ tender, about ten minutes. Drain well in colander, squeezing out remaining liquid. Add butter, parmesan and pepper to cooked grits, and stir til’ butter is melted. Stir in cooked greens, and spoon into greased casserole. Top with additional parmesan, and crumbled bacon. Dish can be served at room temperature, or heated in 350-degree oven til’ browned on top. Did y’all hear about the Coca-Cola heiress who got kicked out of the Junior League for making chicken salad with dark meat? It’s an urban legend in Atlanta, but every Southern woman worth her salt has a tried and true recipe for chicken salad. My personal favorite used to be served in the dearly departed tea room at Maas Bros. Department Store in St. Petersburg, Florida. I’ve tasted some great versions over the years, but none greater than the one I sampled at the wake of a friend’s father in Dalton, Georgia. It inspired the recipe for Beyond the Grave Chicken Salad in Little Bitty Lies. In large pot, bring water and seasoning to boil, add chicken, lower heat and simmer 40 min. Remove from heat, cool. Shred chicken and refrigerate. Toss shredded chicken with one cup of dressing and let stand at least one hour to marinate. Add to chicken and mix well. May add canned water chestnuts, blanched almonds or chopped pecans.
Ukraine’s Ministry of Energy and Coal Industry has issued a tender for implementation of the Ukraine–EU Energy Bridge project under the public-private partnership (PPP) mode. The project aims to initiate an integration of the Ukrainian power system into the European Network of Transmission System Operators (ENTSO-E). It contemplates reactivation of the existing 750 kV overhead line (OHL) between the Khmelnytsky Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) in Ukraine and Rzeszów in Poland, and interconnection of Unit 2 of the Khmelnytsky NPP with the Burshtyn energy island, a Ukrainian territory in the Lviv region that is permanently connected to the European power grid. The project not only aims to export of an additional 1 GW of electricity to European Union (EU) countries, but will also allow for the transport of power from Germany and Poland to Hungary, Romania and Balkan countries, besides attracting financial support required for the development of nuclear power generating capacities. The scope of the PPP contract entails undertaking modernisation and reconstruction works for the 750 kV outdoor switchgear unit at the Khmelnytsky NPP; energy network of Units 1 and 2 at the Khmelnytsky NPP; 750 kV Zakhidnoukrainska substation; 750 kV Khmelnytsky NPP–Rzeszów and Zakhidnoukrainska (Ukraine)–Albertirsa (Hungary) transmission lines; along with the construction of a new transformer. The selected private partner will also be required to interconnect Unit 2 of the Khmelnytsky NPP, and part of the 750 kV Zakhidnoukrainska substation and 750 kV Khmelnytsky NPP–Rzeszów line with the Burshtyn energy island within 13 months prior to signing the agreement. Further, after completion of works, the partner will undertake the export of electricity generated at Unit 2 of the Khmelnytsky NPP to the EU countries by purchasing the same from the Ukrainian NPP operator Energoatom; and provide annual increases in production at the Ukrainian NPPs by 3.2 TWh through implementation of programmes aimed at improving the capacity and efficiency of NPP power units. The selected private partner will also be responsible for reimbursing the cost of tender preparation to the initiators (a consortium of Swedish manufacturer Westinghouse Electric Sweden AB, Polish utility Polenergia International and the UK’s EDF Trading Limited) of the project. The deadline for submission of the prequalification bids is estimated to be March 5, 2019, following which the qualified applicants have to submit their tender proposals by April 20, 2019. The total duration of the PPP would be no more than 23 years and 3 months.
Costa Rica stumbled through much of 2008 and the first half of 2009, but the country is still on its feet. Thanks in part to a global recession that walloped economies across the globe, the government spent more than it made for the first time since 2003. And homicides per capita soared to record highs. New calculations revealed that Costa Rica is leaving a larger ecological footprint on the earth than it has the capacity to erase. Poverty and unemployment are up, and the gap is widening among Costa Rica’s social classes. Nevertheless, Costa Rica appears to be weathering the economic storm in better shape than most other countries in the region. With graphs and statistics to support these national shortcomings, the Estado de La Nación (State of the Nation) program celebrated its crystal anniversary on Tuesday with the release of its 15th annual report. Since its inception in 1994, the report (this year it’s 400-plus pages) has attempted to define Costa Rica in objective terms. Themes have varied throughout the years and the contents of the reports have stirred debate over social, economic, political and environmental issues. The new 2008 version hinges on the global economic crisis that crippled national economies, and it presents Costa Rica as a more diverse, but more unequal, country than it was in decades past. The State of the Nation program began as an independent, joint effort of Costa Rica’s four public universities and the national Ombudsman’s Office. Working together, the group sought to assemble a report that gauged the country’s evolution and bridged information gaps in the nation’s records. The program and its annual report have been hailed by professors, professionals and decision-makers as one of the few things that consistently work well and can be depended upon in a country where things can easily go awry. This year’s effort includes more than 500 bibliographic references compiled by more than 50 academics and contains over 50 different pieces of analysis. The research is organized by five topic coordinators into the book’s five main chapters. The coordinators identify the major national and international events that contributed to the nation’s progress through the year and determine a theme for the report. Research teams are coordinated accordingly – made up of experts from Costa Rica’s universities, social institutes and think tanks – and a process of analyzing the country’s information begins. The State of the Nation holds workshops and meetings with the research teams to discuss Costa Rica’s strengths and weaknesses and decide which statistics and information suit the edition for that year. Technical teams with the State of the Nation use three basic premises to determine which facts will accompany the folio: Academic Rigor, Social Legitimacy, and Comprehensiveness. The three criteria are designed to pinpoint the most relevant, reliable and useful data. “The principal idea of the State of the Nation is to produce a quality report about the reality of the society we live in,” said Miguel Gutiérrez, director of the program. This year’s report acknowledges some of the nation’s most recent historical successes, such as a decreasing high school drop out rate and an increasing number of citizens receiving coverage under the national Social Security System. But a more diverse culture and a growing gap between the lower and upper classes are the most important themes throughout the 2008 report. The cover illustration, a painting by Rodolfo Stanley, shows a wedding party. Mothers and daughters, upper class and lower class people, tourists and farmers are all gathered around a table. The laborers and field workers, however, are the most distant from the table. According to the report, the lower middle and working classes have seen little income increases during the past 21 years. In the meantime, the upper class’s income has almost doubled during that period. And, while the report brings to light several shortfalls in Costa Rica’s aspirations for a fair and peaceful democracy, Gutiérrez reminded attendees at Tuesday’s event that changes must come from the readers of the report. For more information visit The printed version of this year’s report is available in bookstores.
This bike created a sensation at Earls Court Motorcycle Show in 1966. In a world in which two-strokes suddenly had taken the lead in motocross, there were still lots of sympathies for classic four-stroke machines. Could the Lito X-cam have rewritten history? To people with a special interest in Swedish half-litre four-stroke motocross machines from the late Fifties and early Sixties names like Monark, Husqvarna and Lito will sound familiar. These brands of bikes came in different colours but in many respects they were quite similar in their basic outline. Most typical was perhaps the fact that they all were powered by the same Albin engine although it, quite naturally, was modified in special ways for each different brand.
While both options are safe and effective, Botox and Juvéderm operate on totally different principles — and produce even better results when used together. Here’s what you need to know about these two popular injectable treatments. Collagen is a protein in your connective tissue. Think of it as the “glue” that holds your body together. Over the years two things happen: 1) the collagen breaks down, and 2) your body doesn’t produce as much as it once did. Additionally, your facial muscles form certain patterns based on your habits. For example, if you wrinkle your forehead a lot when you concentrate, you’ll develop wrinkles across your forehead quicker. Lip lines, the furrow lines between your eyebrows, and the creases in the corners of your eyes are other examples of what are known as dynamic wrinkles. Enter Botox and dermal fillers! Botox has been around since 1989. It’s an injectable toxin that “freezes” your muscles, hence the perpetual “frozen faces” some celebrities have. Originally Botox was first used for something called “spastic eyelids,” but doctors quickly noticed its skin smoothing properties and began using it off-label (i.e. for wrinkle reduction). The FDA approved it in 2002 for smoothing frown lines between your brows. Since then, it’s become the most popular cosmetic medical option available for wrinkles, just about anywhere in the world. Botox is a simple in-office procedure that can be done over your lunch break with a few strategically-located injections. It’s especially effective for reducing fine lines around your eyes, smoothing out lines around your mouth, and on your forehead. In fact, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery says Botox recipients feel they look an average of 5.6 years younger. Botox “trains” your muscles overtime. This means they’ll stay relaxed with less frequent injections. Some patients will find one or two injections can give them the appearance they want for a year or more. Don’t get too many units injected. Over-injecting isn’t dangerous, but it can lead to a frozen, droopy, or startled look. Note that there’s little that can be done to “reverse” the effects of Botox in such cases. The best you can do is wait for it to gradually wear off. Be patient — the product’s full effects won’t show until a week or two after you’ve been injected. If you’re getting Botox for the first time, make sure you schedule follow-up appointments with your injector to determine when your next series of injections should be. Make sure that your injector uses well-known, “brand name” botulinum injection products such as Botox, Xeomin, or Dysport. The appropriate dosage on generic products may be harder to determine. Juvéderm is an injectable filler that adds hyaluronic acid to your skin, plumping it up. You’ll see an improvement right after your injection, but you’ll need to wait up to two weeks for the swelling and bruising to resolve. The results from one injection can last anywhere from six months to a year or more. Don’t get too many syringes injected. A little filler can add a delightful touch of pout if you have naturally thin lips, but if you go overboard you can get the dreaded duck lips. In the cheeks or temples, it could lead to overly-puffy contours or unappealing bulges. Don’t get too many injections done at once. Each injection has to deliver tiny amounts of product to a precise area of your cheek. If too much filler is used or if it’s injected too low, you’ll be left with chipmunk cheeks. To maintain a natural and more youthful appearance, it’s a good idea to get one treatment at a time and wait a week or two to see how it affects your appearance. Don’t massage the treated area after your injection. Only your injector should do that — improper massage can cause the filler to migrate. If you notice lumps under the skin, your injector may suggest hyaluronidase injections to dissolve them. Botox and Juvéderm make good partners. They smooth away wrinkles and provide a nice lift in your whole face, filling in areas that are sagging or hollow. You can even schedule both injectable treatments be performed at the same time. Dr. Machida also advises that if you are using Botox and Juvederm together, “At some point it might mean that you need a more definitive treatment, such as fractional laser, Renuvion, or a facelift.” In any case, it’s best to go for a personal consultation with a qualified specialist. Should separate appointments be scheduled? Separate appointments are not needed when getting Botox and a filler such as Juvederm because they work quite differently. While Botox is specifically designed to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, facial fillers such as the Juvederm line of products help sculpt the face, soften folds and lines, and provide accent where desired. A skilled injector will use the products best suited for your particular needs, oftentimes combining them to achieve a balance that accentuates your best features while minimizing those you are not as fond of. Our fees reflect the standard which is charged in our area. In different parts of the country, prices can vary dramatically. Fees for Botox are typically in the $12 to $15 per unit range. Most women require a minimum of 20 units to treat an area such as the frown lines between the eyebrows, or crows feet at the corners of the eyes, and 40 units or more if treating multiple areas. It is not unusual for men to require more units than women. The reason for this is that the treatment areas on a man’s face are generally larger, and the muscles we’re trying to control tend to be more aggressive. Botox can be also used for more than just wrinkles — a skilled injector will suggest how it can best be used for you. The Juvederm line of facial fillers include Juvederm Ultra, Juvederm Ultra Plus, Voluma, Volbella and Vollure. Each of these fillers differ in their composition and are formulated to address specific areas of the face. They are great for building cheekbones, filling lips, eliminating fine lines, reducing jowls, masking scars, providing lift, and so much more. Fillers can also be used to rejuvenate the hands, which often show tell-tale signs of aging. They can provide a lift of the nose tip, help to soften a crooked nose, or correct asymmetry of the face. The cost of facial fillers is usually determined by the number of syringes used. Fees usually range from $475 to $875 per syringe. You can save money by combining products. By joining Brilliant Distinctions, the reward program affiliated with Botox and the Juvederm line of fillers, you can also earn points at every purchase and save money off your next visit. You do not have to redeem a coupon or wait for payment. How soon will I see results, and how long do they last? The longevity of the products vary. Botox is usually recommended every 90 days. Most who get it find it well worth the expense. It is one of the most popular products available, and for good reason: it produces great results at a reasonable cost. Juvederm products can last from nine months for some, to two years or more for others, making them very cost-effective over time. Botox can take several days to two weeks for you to see the best results. The effect wears off gradually. Facial fillers are more instantaneous, but there is potential for mild swelling and occasionally a bit of bruising, so it too can take up to two weeks for the final result to show. For products which stimulate the production of collagen, improvements may continue well beyond the first few weeks. The field of injecting is constantly changing, with new products and new techniques evolving at an incredible pace. As such, it is important to seek qualified professionals with the experience and skills necessary to deliver the best results. We frequently send our injectors to train with some of the country’s top doctors, attend workshops and conferences, and receive individual training with specialized trainers. All in all, exploring the use of Botox and Juvederm facial fillers is seen as an excellent investment. Patients between 25 and 75 years old may be good candidates! In skilled hands, these products can take a decade or more off an aging face, and serve as a preventive measure or enhancer for those who don’t yet show significant signs of aging. Eleanor Welsh is a contributing health and beauty writer for Zwivel. She is the Founder and President of Skin Vitality Medical Clinic. With 8 locations in southwestern Ontario, Skin Vitality is the leading provider of Botox and Juvéderm in Canada.
Add potatoes and 1 tablespoon of salt to a large pot of cold water. Bring to a boil and cook potatoes until they are fork tender, about 20 to 25 minutes depending on the size of the potatoes. If cooking indoors, preheat a panini grill or iron pan to high heat. For outdoors, use the grill. Carefully slice each potato in half (they will be steaming hot!) and lay them on the cutting board cut-side up. Brush olive oil onto each potato and sprinkle each with salt and pepper. Place each potato cut-side down onto the panini grill/pan. Brush more olive oil onto the skin-sides of the potatoes, sprinkle on more salt and pepper and close the grill lid so that the grates touch the potatoes without compressing them. Grill for 5 to 7 minutes until the potatoes are crisped and golden grill marks appear. Serve immediately and enjoy!
"This Code of Conduct (the Code) sets out some of the important values, practices and principles that are reflected in the way AuSPICA conducts its business. The Code specifies the standards of behavior required of employees in the performance of their duties. The Code addresses AuSPICA’s commitment to the honesty, integrity and ethical behavior of AuSPICA directors, officers and employees in the way we manage our business affairs internally and with external stakeholders." Please find below a downloadable .pdf file of AuSPICA's code of conduct.
Place ham slice in a shallow baking dish. Pour maple syrup evenly over the top. Bake for 35 minutes, basting occasionally with juices. Try maple-glazing larger hams, following package directions for preparation. Glaze with ½ cup syrup per 5 pounds. You’ll never serve plain ham again!
The Bright Logo reveal is a sleek and simple way to introduce your logo and give a nod to your content at the same time. Flowing animations reveal images you upload before seamlessly forming into your logo. Simply upload your images, your logo, choose your music and your background color, and RenderForest will do the rest. You can leave with a comprehensive logo animation in minutes. Try it out today. Previews are free.
This workshop will allow participants to revisit the basic principles of communication in prose and then to explore the natural consequences of those principles. Participants will be encouraged to link literary technique with real emotion, coherent psychology and human action. We will focus on our understanding of voice in its various forms. Those attending should leave with a clear sense of the simplicity of prose and the challenges and gifts that simplicity will consistently deliver. Participants should bring a short paragraph they have written with them and wear comfortable clothes. Rewriting will take place. Note taking is possible, remembering is preferable. A.L. Kennedy has won a variety of awards in 5 countries, including the Costa Prize and the Heinrich Heine Prize. She has been translated in over 20 languages. She was listed among the Granta Best of Young British Novelists on two occasions. She believes in the inevitably positive effects of arts practiced with wholehearted generosity and committed attention.
At my final panel yesterday, we talked about love in dystopian society (including failed romances like the one in 1984) and the importance of relationships and community in wartime. For myself, the discussion suddenly went meta: being at BayCon, in this IDIC atmosphere, an enclave of loving and diverse relationships that contrasts so sharply with the current state of U.S. politics–right there, in the middle of the panel, I found I had made a decision. I need to work on Red Hand. Red Hand tells the story of an older woman with the rare ability to heal individuals dying of a galactic-wide plague that’s been decimating populations for decades, causing wars, disrupting civilizations, and encouraging isolationism. The woman and others who possess the healing ability are themselves oppressed by those who see them as a source of power and wealth, or as means to stabilize chaos, or as a threat that must be properly regulated and controlled. At the beginning of the novel, we see the woman in crisis. She has little of herself left to give, drained by decades spent healing others while on the run from the Red Hand, an apparently benign paternalistic organization sanctioned by the remnants of the galactic government to regulate healers. She longs for a permanent home, to live in a community without fear of discovery. But she can’t have that if she continues to heal. People will die if she stops healing. If she doesn’t stop, she will die without having lived a life of her own. In this moment of personal crisis, forced to flee yet another impending capture on yet another planet, she takes passage on a small spaceship captained by a man with secrets of his own on a mission that poses a direct threat to her dreams. He’s a good guy. He has reasons. But he’s out to capture a healer. I will be at BayCon 2017 on May 26, 27, and 28, participating in a few panels and lusting after the goodies in the dealer’s room. BayCon’s theme this year is Dystopia/Utopia, into which Beneath the Skin fits rather perfectly, seeing as it’s a romantic space opera set in a dystopian future. If you are going to attend the convention, let me know, and maybe we can meet up someplace! Teresa Edgerton will be there, too. And so will Jennifer Carson. And Denise Tanaka. And Carrie Sessarego. And Gail Carriger. And more! Woot woot! My latest romantic science fiction novel is available now on Amazon. My latest science fiction novel from Tickety Boo Press, Beneath the Skin, is now now available for pre-sale on Amazon. So far, it’s just the Kindle edition. I hope you like it!
This department known as Applied Mechanic Department does not have any specific diploma course like other departments namely Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, and Petrochemical Engineering. However it caters the needs of those departments for various subjects like Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Structures, Structural Design & Drawing and Soil Engineering. The demand from industry is more and more for young engineers who are soundly grounded in their fundamental subjects rather than for those with specialized training. There is a good reason for this trend. The industrial engineer is continually being confronted by new problems, which do not always yield to routine methods of solution. It seems evident, then, that university training in such fundamental subjects as mechanics must seek to build a strong foundation to acquaint the student with as many general methods of attack as possible to illustrate the application of these methods to practical engineering problems. Mastery in this respect is the true good of engineering education. In Structure design drawing we provide a strong motivation for the engineering students who have usually selected Civil engineering. Because of a strong desire to create something on physical level , real application of principles in designing. Soil Engineering is particularly important for civil engineers. Any project requires foundation and knowledge of soil engineering provides key to understand and design foundations of various projects. Quality control is very important for any engineering project. To ensure it testing is an integral part. Material testing laboratory of the department provides facility for the students to understand suitability of different engineering materials for varied applications. It is a basic need to give students a fundamental understanding of real engineering material as an important prerequisite to intelligent design. some of the benefits from testing are training in methods of observations, knowledge of accepted methods of testing, appreciation of the significance of data derived from tests, familiarity with the properties of common materials, exemplification of principles studied in strength of materials, knowledge of standards and specifications, acquaintance with the technical periodical literature and other sources of recorded data on properties of materials. The Industrial and technical world is becoming increasingly test minded. Generally architects, builders, engineers, industrial designers and managers are familiar with the idea of testing and are coming to rely more and more on tests as a basis for making many important decisions. Industry also requires facility of testing for quality control. Commercial Testing of various engineering material is also carried out by the department; namely test of cement, steel, concrete, fine & coarse aggregates, tiles, bricks, timber and properties of soil. Department has facility of 100 Ton capacity Universal Testing Machine which is fully computerized. Courses Offered:- For courses of Diploma Civil,Mechanical,Electrical and Petro Chemical, at different levels various subjects like Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials, Mechanics of Structures, Structural Design & Drawing and Soil Engineering. are taught by this Deptt. 4 Soil Engineering Soil Engg. Other services offered, if any ( Testing etc ) :- Commercial Testing of various Engineering Material is carried out by the department; namely test of cement, steel, concrete, fine & coarse aggregates, tiles, bricks, timber and properties of soil. A) Under MODROB Scheme In year 1998-1999 Computerized Universal Testing Machine of 100 ton capacity along with Laser Printer and Overhead Projector was purchased which is used for academic as well as commercial testing purpose. B) Three Number of Computer (P-3) with one inkjet printer was also purchased for the development of Laboratory. C) For Development of Soil Engg laboratory we have received Rs 6 Lacks for various soil testing equipments like Triaxial Testing Machine, Direct Shear Test and Consolidation Test etc. Areas of Interest: Geotech Engg.
bbc91241e4ad84c29d0ea2b7af163a34 Find a US Lawyer Florida Coral Gables Donlevy-Rosen & Rosen, P.A. About Donlevy-Rosen & Rosen, P.A. Asset Protection Planning Representation for Individuals and Businesses Nationwide. Practice concentrated in offshore trust planning and related matters. National representation available directly for clients or as co-counsel in all aspects of asset protection planning, including establishment of offshore trusts, limited liability companies, state exemption planning, fraudulent transfer analysis, etc. Representation also available to creditors in evaluating asset protection structures established by others. Partner qualifications include 44+ years of experience and AV ratings each, adjunct professor of law University of Miami School of Law 20 years, founding author of BNA Tax Management Portfolio, "ASSET PROTECTION PLANNING" (Publ. dates 1994, 2002), co-author BNA Tax Management Portfolio, “U.S. TAXATION OF FOREIGN ESTATES, TRUSTS, and BENEFICIARIES” (2008), RIA Tax Advisors Planning Series publication, “ASSET PROTECTION PLANNING”, publisher of THE ASSET PROTECTION NEWS, and authors of numerous other asset protection related publications. Howard Rosen was a featured speaker and lecturer on Asset Protection and Offshore Trust Planning for the Suntrust Bank. Howard Rosen was a featured speaker and lecturer on Asset Protection Planning for the Huntsville-Madison County Bar Association. Howard Rosen was be a featured speaker and lecturer on Asset Protection and Offshore Trust Planning for the Atlantic Chapter of the FICPA. Howard Rosen was a featured speaker at the 30th Annual Attorney/Trust Officer Liaison Conference. Howard Rosen & Patricia Donlevy-Rosen showcased asset protection planning with many of the offshore vendors and service providers. Howard Rosen was recently interviewed by fellow asset protection attorney Douglas Lodmell, on the popular website The interview, broken into four segments, covered such topics as "Who Should Consider Asset Protection," "Swiss Banking," "Fraudulent Conveyance," and "Contempt of Court". The complete interview, which can also be found on youtube, is available for viewing at Special thanks to Douglas Lodmell for an excellent conversation on Asset Protection and the issues that asset protection attorneys face in today's climate. The 2010 Southpac Offshore Planning Institute was held at the Atlantis, Paradise Island, in the Bahamas on Thursday and Friday, October 28 and 29, 2010. The Southpac Institute featured several of the nation's leading asset protection attorneys and members of the Southpac Board of Advisors covering such topics as foreign asset protection trusts, offshore banking, captive insurance strategies, and innovative techniques designed to preserve wealth, including offshore private placement life insurance, annuities, and equity financing. -- Howard Rosen of Donlevy-Rosen & Rosen, P.A. (Coral Gables, FL), the acclaimed founding author of the BNA treatise on asset protection planning and the current author of the BNA treatise on U.S. taxation of foreign trusts and estates, speaking on the Fundamental Principles of Asset Protection Planning and Drafting the Asset Protection Trust Agreement. -- Patricia Donlevy-Rosen of Donlevy-Rosen & Rosen, P.A. (Coral Gables, FL), a frequent author and speaker on asset protection topics, demonstrating the latest techniques for Protecting Immoveable Assets: Strategies and Challenges, as well as advising attorneys on Qualifying the Client: Ethics for the Offshore Practitioner. Potential and current clients as well as financial planning professionals from around the world attended the event to receive a first-hand presentation on the most cutting edge asset protection techniques. Howard Rosen and Patricia Donlevy-Rosen have been awarded the prestigious "AV" rating by Martindale Hubbell for the 15th year (2009). The Martindale "AV" rating signifies that a lawyer's peers rank him or her at the highest level of professional excellence. The peer rating system measures ethical standards and legal ability, and "AV" is the highest mark available. Thank you to our legal peers for your continued confidence in our abilities. The law firm of Donlevy-Rosen & Rosen continues is distinguished track record, being named to The 2011 Bar Register of Preeminent Lawyers. The Bar Register lists distinguished firms by geographical area and by field of practice. The Bar Register is printed by the legal publisher Martindale Hubbell. Howard & Patricia provided excellent advice and services to protect my business. Highly recommend them. Select case type... Asset Protection Business Law Estate Planning International Law Taxation Tax Planning Trusts and Estates Other Case type is required.
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At the time of her death Assistant Commissioner Audrey Fagan APM was the ACT’s Chief Police Officer. She had always been a great supporter of the Australasian Council of Women and Policing. The Audrey Fagan Memorial Award recognises outstanding women who have shown exceptional qualities as a mentor, role model and leader in law enforcement. have shown commitment and support to the profession. The Audrey Fagan Memorial Award is considered on merit.
The first DOGA Inter-house 3 on 3 Basketball Competition was successfully held on 8 January 2017 at the 4/F gym on campus. Over 30 alumnae joined the competition or supported their respective houses. Some participants brought their little ones who cheered happily for their moms. Thanks to Mr. Tang who was our guest of honour of the day. Skipton claimed the overall champion while Symons closed in second and Sawyer came third. This was an exciting day, especially for the old girls with kids to recall their memories on the basketball court.
We have used a peacock sample cut with laser to illustrate as vividly as possible the abundance of colours offered by acrylic glass. It consists in total of 12 individual parts that are put together quite simply by interlocking them with each other. The head and body of the peacock are made of 10 mm frosted acrylic. The LEDs integrated in the bottom of this part give it that extra flair.
I am struggling to become a Ruby, JS developer later in life. It's been harder than I thought to rearrange my life to make room for this change. Any one out there have any tips? I'd love to find a solid mentor.
and drag it over here for Granny to make bread. [One goes] to the mill by cart, by carriage. to get the cart up some hill, whether it was an oxcart or a mule-cart. How many wheels did the carts have? How many wheels did the carts have, the ox- oxcarts and mule-carts? What do you mean, how many? How many wheels were there? On the carts? Two or four? Well, people [only] had one cart each.
WHEN Damien Connors frequented the nightclub scene 20 years ago, he only had three choices. He was never bored. The entertainment on offer provided niches that differed from week to week, and focused on what made each business unique. The Dispensary co-owner said this mentality needed to be the driving force in Mackay industry. Mr Connors and his brother Adrian have campaigned for residents to support night life and entertainment in the region. Mr Connors said if entertainment and dining outlets focused on what they could offer that was different, the community would be more engaged and less inclined to take their business away from town. "There's an expectation for business owners to focus on their business, what they're doing and try and grow on that to offer these greater experiences," he said. "We have to showcase what we can do instead of people saying there's nothing to do in Mackay ... and it throws it back onto the people in town. "As business owners, we're facilitators of a good time ... (so) all venue operators need to focus on their niche." Mackay Tourism's winter campaign has supported this vision, and aimed to rejuvenate local outlets. While attracting new visitors to the region was a constant focus, the campaign also aimed to retain entertainment seekers. The 'Local Flavours in the Mackay Region' initiative highlights nearly 30 restaurants, cafes, hotels and markets in the community. Mackay Tourism sourced famed food blogger and social media influencer Lorraine Elliott to experience the region's flavours in early April. Ms Elliott's experiences will be showcased to her Not Quite Nigella outlet; followed by more than 100,000 social media users. Mr Connors emphasised the impact of social media on promoting business and the region, and said a collective effort was needed to enforce a positive mentality.
Jets coach Rex Ryan shot down speculation the team might name a starting quarterback before it even goes to training camp. The battle between Mark Sanchez and Geno Smith figures to go deep into August. Both quarterbacks struggled yesterday with the media watching, but they were surrounded with a poor supporting cast because of injuries at wide receiver. Ryan declined to handicap the competition. Troubled RB Mike Goodson missed practice yesterday, but it had nothing to do with his legal troubles. Goodson has a stomach virus, according to a source. All OTAs are voluntary. Goodson’s next hearing in his court case is Wednesday, which falls in the middle of Jets mandatory minicamp. The 2010 Draft class has not lived up to expectations so far. Entering its fourth year, Ryan expects big things from the group. None of the trio has a distinct starting role at the moment. First-round pick Kyle Wilson started last season at cornerback after Darrelle Revis was injured. Revis is now gone, but the team drafted Dee Milliner in the first round at the position. Second-round lineman Vlad Ducasse rotated at guard last season. This spring, he has been working mainly at tackle. Fourth-rounder Joe McKnight has become the team’s top kick returner, but has failed to gain a consistent role on offense. “You do expect those guys … if you’re going to do it, you have to take that step forward,” Ryan said.
The stock market is now in relatively new, uncharted waters (as least for newcomers). Said another way, the SPY has not been in the “territory” above $145/share since 2008. So, where do we go from here and how do we get there ? BUT, IS THERE ANYTHING THAT WE CAN LEARN FROM LONG-TERM CYCLES. The answer is yes, so lets go to graphs #2/3 below to see what we can learn. Everyone knows (or should know) that over the last 50 years, the market has a long history of repeating the same pattern (or cycle) over-and over. This cycle goes up for roughly 4-6 years and then drops 30-50% over the next 1-2 years. For simplicity, let’s just say that a very frequent stock market cycle is up for 5 years and then down for 2 years. You can see these repetitive cycles in graph #2 below for the 18-year period between 1965-1983 and in graph #3 below for the period 1995-2012. These are the type of market movements where the fat cats and the hedge funds make most their money (NOT in up markets only), and where the little guys get clobbered. This graph shows the Dow from 1965-1983. In this 18-year period, buy-and-hope investors would have been down about 15% (really much more, because they could have basically doubled their money by being invested in 4% CDs or US Gov’t bonds in those 18 years) !!! Without some type of market timing, how could anyone have made money in this 18-year market ??? (d) once started, they go on for years (again, like up for 5 years and down for 2 years). The first long-term cycle in graph #3 ran for 5 years (from 1995-1999) and the second one also ran for 5 years (2003-2007); but the third (current) long-term cycle has been going up for only 3 years (2009-2011). Does this mean that our current 3-year “bull” has two more years to run? Maybe, or even likely. And, the entire world is anxious to see if the Dow will break its all-time high of 14,164 or if the SPY will break its all-time high of $157.5/share made in 2007 (which is only 11.5% higher than Friday’s close). To do so, the SPY would have to break major resistance levels at 144.5 and 152.1 to get there (see these resistance levels in graph 3). My guess is that the big guys would like to see the SPY break its all-time high (and they can make it happen) and the little guys are just now likely to start moving money from fixed income assets into equities. Both (or maybe just either) of these would push the market higher. This is NOT a prediction, just an observation. And remember, if the above does not happen, the market will most likely drop and drop fast. Either way, MIPS will detect the trend. So, let’s be patient and wait for MIPS to tell us what to do.