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YAML Metadata Error: "size_categories" must be a string
YAML Metadata Warning: The task_categories "sequence-modeling" is not in the official list: text-classification, token-classification, table-question-answering, question-answering, zero-shot-classification, translation, summarization, feature-extraction, text-generation, text2text-generation, fill-mask, sentence-similarity, text-to-speech, text-to-audio, automatic-speech-recognition, audio-to-audio, audio-classification, voice-activity-detection, depth-estimation, image-classification, object-detection, image-segmentation, text-to-image, image-to-text, image-to-image, image-to-video, unconditional-image-generation, video-classification, reinforcement-learning, robotics, tabular-classification, tabular-regression, tabular-to-text, table-to-text, multiple-choice, text-retrieval, time-series-forecasting, text-to-video, image-text-to-text, visual-question-answering, document-question-answering, zero-shot-image-classification, graph-ml, mask-generation, zero-shot-object-detection, text-to-3d, image-to-3d, image-feature-extraction, other

Dataset Card for "oscar"

Dataset Summary

OSCAR or Open Super-large Crawled Aggregated coRpus is a huge multilingual corpus obtained by language classification and filtering of the Common Crawl corpus using the ungoliant architecture. Data is distributed by language in both original and deduplicated form.

Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

OSCAR is mainly inteded to pretrain language models and word represantations.


All the data is distributed by language, both the original and the deduplicated versions of the data are available. 168 different languages are available. The table in subsection Data Splits Sample Size provides the language code for each subcorpus as well as the number of words (space separated tokens), lines and sizes for both the original and the deduplicated versions of OSCAR.


OSCAR 21.09 has known issues regarding specific languages. Note that other issues may (and could) be present in other languages.

If you encounter something that is unexpected, please file an issue here:

Language code Language Issues
tg Tajik Tajik issues
tr Turkish Turkish issues
vls West Flemish West Flemish issues
wuu Wu Chinese Wu Chinese issues
nap Neapolitan Neapolitan issues
so Somali Somali issues
frr Northern Frisian Northern Frisian issues
cbk Chavacano Chavacano issues
sco Scots Scots issues

Dataset Structure

We show detailed information for all the configurations of the dataset.

Data Instances

Click to expand the Data/size information for each language (deduplicated)


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 3287,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:BUOBNDDY3VZKNNUOY33PAWBXEVNDCDJK',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-09T04:21:33Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'afr,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:dece1e30-a099-411a-87fd-483791342d48>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:5a35e8b2-0fcb-4600-9d15-f5c6469ddf01>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 3,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'Stap 2: Tik jou ad in die teks boksie, jy sal sien dat die prys aan '
          'die regterkant van die boksie verander volgens di...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 4607,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:URQ53Z4I4KGPHICZYLW2ZOX7OWWCGZUA',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-03T16:09:20Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'deu,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:134499db-d54a-4c29-9517-350cacc3d29d>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:073aeb77-b4ed-47eb-b955-27031963acf4>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'D Wirtschaft bestoot vor allem us Handwärk, Bärgbau, Industrii und '
          'Turismus. 40 Kilometer vo dr Hauptstadt Nouméa äwä...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 9679,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:YADJOQVUOQHUKJ7BXCKKU4LRFKE3JPOA',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-09T04:16:32Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'amh,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:fa02fe22-c72e-42e8-9cb3-89da85a80941>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:ff89f862-5e6a-41aa-bc40-ef1d2f91d258>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 10,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': '(ፍኖተ ነፃነት) በኢትዮጵያ የአዉሮፓ ሕብረት ልኡካን ቡድን መሪ አምባሳደር ቻንታል ሔበሬሽ፣ በአዉሮፓ '
          'ሕብረት የአፍሪካ ቀንድ እና የሕንድ ዉቂያኖስ አካባቢ ዴስክ ኦፌሴር ቪክቶሪያ ጋርሲ...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 134014,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:OG2T3MJFSLSH33PVI7D3WPXVE6ZFLZ4Z',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-08T00:58:33Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'ara,fra',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:0ef1d002-86e7-49c1-ac8a-8ba933d190ee>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:5071f1f7-3350-406d-ad97-f292fe7a2ff0>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'ووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووووو...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 12677,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:NFDDUGANGSGSFXIQAXEGIVHGRLFCUW55',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-04T02:22:39Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'ara,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:3ea1e651-68f3-4dde-bfea-7a12e5331084>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:dcecf9ad-1797-44d0-b06a-010c424ba396>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 2,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'مطحنة الكرة في ماسبات - orioloingeu. مطاحن الفرينة في مطحنة الكرة '
          'مراكز بيع الة طحن التوابل بيع ألات لرحي اسعار بيع ا...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 9603,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:6O2LEGAWXAWYSRH2TQNYOWX47ZFWTKRC',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-09T03:51:17Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'ara',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:0578411b-367f-4d52-b85c-56b4bb64c0be>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:8777119c-434c-49a1-80a8-f2b23fa0e21c>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'مستعملة 4265 كسارات للبيع - كسارة الحجر. كسارات مستعمله للبيع فى '
          'مصر. للبيع كسارات فى مصرمطلوب كسارات حجر مستعملة للب...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 9280,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:DORQKORQ4TURDN35T75TW72IZ7IZIEFG',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-03T15:06:57Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'asm,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:fd6c3650-f91f-4f03-ae7a-bea654e043bb>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:48f057d6-f642-42d2-8de1-fec8e4fca4d4>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 8,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'যোৰহাট জিলাৰ এন আৰ চি উন্নিতকৰণৰ প্ৰথম পৰ্য্যায়ৰ বংশবৃক্ষ পৰীক্ষণৰ '
          'কাম কাইলৈৰ পৰা পৰীক্ষামূলকভাৱে আৰু ১৯ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰিৰ ...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 3752,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:BU44BHPYU2BOWH4TUAY7ZOEBFVQ6KD44',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-01T15:56:44Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'spa',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:2b3ca12f-6614-4662-a4e9-16e1ce13a8b0>',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 2,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'Esta ye la galería d’imáxenes de los participantes nel concursu, el '
          'xuráu y dellos miembros de la organización de la ...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 2012,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:EULKS66PQCWWVXHNRPSISI72G3GFJD7L',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-01T10:13:53Z',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'Дагъистаналъул жамгIият рахьдал мацIал цIуниялде ва '
          'церетIезариялде, тарих, гIадатал, маданият ва дагъистаналъул '


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 59868,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:LDASIZ5NDJU6NRCJW7XCCI4QRLFIZZQX',
                         'warc-date': '2021-02-26T04:13:32Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'aze',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 70,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'İQTİsadi TƏŞƏBBÜSLƏRƏ yardim iCTİMAİ BİRLİYİ Yerli səviyyədə içməli '
          'su təchizatı sisteminin idarə olunması\n'
          'Az1009, Az...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 5245,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:XWTKHZGKVJI6ZAIKSTOA4AOP5PCWI2SH',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-05T13:35:27Z',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'یازی Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike '
          'License;آلتیندا\u200cدیر آرتیق شرطلر آرتیریلا بیلر. آرتیق ایطلاعات '
          'اوچون ایشل...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 9444,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 3,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'линакис системисиниң көрүнмә йүзи барғансери ишлитишкә қулайлиқ '
          'болуп, кәң ишлитиливатқан болсиму, әмили хизмәттә йән...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 105623,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:L7EXHEWTVKPV7BWPZJFKHM2TZ3ZNKPWC',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 3,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': '                                                                                                      '
          '            ...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 3159,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:TEJML7M4S55254DZU43DXXORKPZMKGUL',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-09T05:47:09Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'bel,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:e22883c9-5622-4a0e-b259-b5265e6e345a>',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'Гэты тэкст даступны на ўмовах ліцэнзіі Creative Commons '
          'Attribution/Share-Alike 3.0; у асобных выпадках могуць ужывац...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 23651,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:QDAV5ZVRR2IGND4ANWTVOBPNO2POZUEQ',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-08T21:47:20Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'bul',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 37,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'От хилядите кубинци и другите граждани на страните от СИВ, '
          'командировани на строежа на АЕЦ-а, в Белене е останал само...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 9021,
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                         'warc-date': '2021-03-08T22:57:31Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'hin,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:62e18c96-cd2c-461b-93d9-900d95eec89e>',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'ई एगो छुपावल गइल श्रेणी बाटे। ई पन्ना सभ पर तबले ना लउकी जबले कि '
          'प्रयोगकर्ता के सेटिंग, छुपावल गइल श्रेणी देखावे खाति...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 36198,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:7QRYGJ3YDG7SBTFUVMMALFA6UWNDVLVY',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-05T07:10:58Z',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 8,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'নিজস্ব সংবাদদাতা: গাড়ি নয় যেন মানুষের খাঁচা। নেই কোন ভালো বসার '
          'আসন, যা আছে সেগুলো ভাঙ্গাচুরা, ময়লা ও ধুলাবালিতে ভর...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 5059,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:XHKOQL5IQBLCVBANFVH66ZZXJZHEEMYW',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-03T15:06:26Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'zho,bod',
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                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': '所有分类 藏学名家名著 国内名家名著 国外名家名著政治 社会 法律 政治 法律 社会 经济文学 艺术 旅游 艺术 文学 旅游宗教 历史 '
          '文化 宗教 历史 文化教育 童书 工具书 教辅 童书 工具书语言文字 语言研究 语言 文字期刊 社...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 8270,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:POHCGWDC32KW74IE26NTJ2UMNX7QRBDB',
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          "nùmer naturèl e anc 'l ùnic ch'al sìa pèra:\n"
          "Insèm a 'l..."}


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  'text': '* Masa berlaku normal poin 1 (satu) tahun dan masa berlaku bonus '
          'poin sampai dengan 31 Desember 2020.\n'
          'Diskon dari Ban...'}


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          'equivalanta a 0.4 mi², di qui 1.2 km² (0.4 mi²) esas l...'}


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          'gestafjölda í laugum okkar við 80 manns. Thank you ...'}


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          'Pisana, sarà ospite a Taranto, il prossimo 4 maggio,...'}


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  'text': 'Yèn sadurungé golèkan digawé kanggo awaké dhéwé, wiwit jaman iki '
          'dikomersialakaké. Fungsiné owah saka ritual lan mode...'}


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          'өзіне қарсы қозғалған қылмыстық іс бойынша өтіп жатқан...'}


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          'адамдарды милиция издеп баштады. Чүй облустук ИИБинин маа...'}


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          'pasauliui, ir iš to galima pasiekti didelės naudos...'}


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          'vairotāju regulēšanai, jo vairākums audzētāju savu nodar...'}


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          "amin'i Centro-Norte Baiano, Irecê.\n"
          'Ny velarantanin...'}


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          'дене отделенийыште шинчымашым налын.\n'
          'Тыгак шуко жап ...'}


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          '(среда, четврток и петок, 20:00ч.) во гимназијата „Нико...'}


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          'пеледшӹ кушкыш. Америкышты вӓшлиӓлтеш. Цилӓжӹ 15 й...'}


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          'anformaçon, podendo ser rializada por Radiaçon eile...'}


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          '[[Катеґорія:Фізіка]]. Катеґорія Фізіци буде пікатеґоріёв к...'}


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          'кергтә болҗана. Ус өгит, — эзнәсн сурна.\n'
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  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 10420,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:CZAVPSCGNW77WY2V2IJNK7R2CCUEMZFB',
                         'warc-date': '2021-02-24T21:10:52Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'yid,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:7aa9e375-726d-42bd-832a-deee6dce5e4a>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:53354991-7bca-4134-95ce-ce7edebf841b>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 10,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'עמעזאן איז יעצט ארויסגעקומען מיט א נייע סמארט ספיקער סיסטעם. '
          "ס'הייסט Echo. אין Echo דרייט זיך א ראבאטישקע זי הייסט אל..."}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 3627,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:UISXP36HUEMW2LBTMAR4CTISUYAVZZAD',
                         'warc-date': '2021-03-07T12:45:52Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'yor,eng',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:e67645e9-ee6c-4c88-9b27-a158dc7f83e9>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:07c8d83b-7840-4238-a3b4-edc3f98ecdd5>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 1,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': 'A dá sílè fún àwọn ènìyàn tí wọn fẹ́ràn láti mò nípa èdè Yorùbá, '
          'àṣà àti ìṣe ilẹ̀ kóòtù ojire. Kíkó àwọn ọmọ wa ni Èd...'}


  • Size of downloaded dataset files: None
  • Size of the generated dataset: None
  • Total amount of disk used: None

An example of 'train' looks as follows:

{ 'id': 0,
  'meta': { 'headers': { 'content-length': 108400,
                         'content-type': 'text/plain',
                         'warc-block-digest': 'sha1:PP6MQUJB3F4G63HKKGKO2QJG7SMRMTFJ',
                         'warc-date': '2021-02-28T09:41:11Z',
                         'warc-identified-content-language': 'zho',
                         'warc-record-id': '<urn:uuid:132aab53-daff-4bae-83d0-a0cdb4039d00>',
                         'warc-refers-to': '<urn:uuid:2f26c020-f1fc-4216-a616-4683e0b25b1e>',
                         'warc-target-uri': '',
                         'warc-type': 'conversion'},
            'nb_sentences': 7,
            'offset': 0},
  'text': '久久精品视频在线看15_久久人人97超碰_久久爱 '
          '人人澡超碰碰中文字幕,人人天天夜夜日日狠狠,久久人人97超碰,人人婷婷开心情五月,日日摸天天摸人人看,碰人人么免费视频,色综合天天综合网 '

Data Fields

  • id: a int64 feature.
  • meta: Metadata
  • meta.headers: WARC Headers
  • meta.headers.content-length: int64 Content length (in bytes) before cleaning
  • meta.headers.content-type: string MIME type
  • meta.headers.warc-block-digest:string Algorithm name and calculated value of a digest applied to the full block of the record
  • meta.headers.warc-date: string Crawl date (YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ)
  • meta.headers.warc-identified-content-language: string Comma-separated list of language identifications done by CommonCrawl (uses CLD3)
  • meta.headers.warc-record-id: string Record ID
  • meta.headers.warc-refers-to: string Record-ID of a single record for which the present record holds additional content
  • meta.headers.warc-target-uri: string URI from where the content has been fetched
  • meta.headers.warc-type: string Type of the WARC Record
  • meta.nb_sentences: int64 Number of sentences in the text
  • meta.offset: int64 line offset where the related text begins. Should be used with meta.nb_sentences when reading the source files rather than using iterators to get related data.
  • text: string content

See the WARC Format standard for more details.

Data Splits

Click to expand the number of samples per configuration


Language code language Size original words original size deduplicated words deduplicated
af Afrikaans 258MB 44,628,392 157MB 27,057,785
als Alemanic 7MB 1,212,699 5MB 871,664
am Amharic 405MB 30,991,914 241MB 18,326,043
an Aragonese 1MB 115,938 608KB 89,043
ar Arabic 69GB 6,494,332,191 35GB 3,365,025,866
arz Egyptian Arabic 48MB 4,998,963 21MB 2,341,904
ast Asturian 7MB 1,085,670 4MB 776,069
as Assamese 135MB 7,917,923 95MB 5,605,207
av Avaric 421KB 25,104 325KB 19,133
azb South Azerbaijani 47MB 3,595,569 29MB 2,243,562
az Azerbaijani 3GB 344,187,319 1GB 169,655,478
bar Bavarian 2KB 247 1KB 245
ba Bashkir 110MB 8,121,603 77MB 5,625,158
be Belarusian 2GB 168,911,341 1GB 98,212,442
bg Bulgarian 34GB 2,994,775,106 15GB 1,315,091,995
bh Bihari languages 579KB 46,436 120KB 9,181
bn Bangla 14GB 814,550,777 7GB 466,289,242
bo Tibetan 439MB 3,751,935 358MB 2,797,085
bpy Bishnupriya 11MB 558,819 4MB 280,825
br Breton 49MB 8,067,480 23MB 4,032,467
bs Bosnian 310KB 50,266 175KB 25,157
bxr Russia Buriat 22KB 1,625 18KB 1,335
ca Catalan 13GB 2,110,833,307 6GB 1,012,770,904
cbk Chavacano 168B 2 168B 2
ceb Cebuano 81MB 12,921,589 58MB 9,201,870
ce Chechen 29MB 2,283,093 20MB 1,638,963
ckb Central Kurdish 784MB 63,417,572 367MB 29,355,017
cs Czech 72GB 9,996,052,434 33GB 4,739,928,730
cv Chuvash 60MB 4,592,449 41MB 3,141,872
cy Welsh 307MB 50,606,998 180MB 30,198,860
da Danish 18GB 2,892,004,180 10GB 1,704,605,898
de German 433GB 58,716,727,164 184GB 25,446,071,671
diq Dimli (individual language) 294B 38 147B 19
dsb Lower Sorbian 31KB 4,115 14KB 1,873
dv Divehi 143MB 8,293,093 111MB 6,481,260
el Greek 72GB 6,024,414,850 30GB 2,539,719,195
eml Unknown language [eml] 22KB 4,360 20KB 3,876
en English 2936GB 488,723,815,522 1342GB 223,669,114,922
eo Esperanto 560MB 84,432,772 390MB 59,411,208
es Spanish 342GB 54,715,337,438 160GB 25,877,724,186
et Estonian 7GB 954,732,803 3GB 455,553,053
eu Basque 900MB 110,676,692 503MB 62,812,888
fa Persian 79GB 8,566,653,720 35GB 3,902,206,854
fi Finnish 35GB 4,074,911,658 20GB 2,357,264,196
frr Northern Frisian 7KB 1,702 5KB 1,267
fr French 340GB 52,839,365,242 161GB 25,245,127,073
fy Western Frisian 82MB 13,094,538 57MB 9,329,828
ga Irish 131MB 20,142,627 69MB 10,835,410
gd Scottish Gaelic 2MB 332,946 1MB 173,588
gl Galician 989MB 155,030,216 549MB 87,015,417
gn Guarani 32KB 3,828 25KB 3,056
gom Goan Konkani 3MB 177,357 2MB 148,801
gu Gujarati 1GB 124,652,589 950MB 63,150,641
gv Manx 1KB 264 907B 141
he Hebrew 29GB 2,829,132,925 11GB 1,156,588,919
hi Hindi 26GB 2,009,754,819 13GB 1,038,914,735
hr Croatian 361MB 51,654,735 169MB 24,583,270
hsb Upper Sorbian 2MB 305,176 1MB 207,715
ht Haitian Creole 2KB 592 1KB 351
hu Hungarian 60GB 7,415,936,687 29GB 3,765,883,306
hy Armenian 4GB 322,429,587 1GB 124,515,953
ia Interlingua 291KB 74,696 172KB 41,625
id Indonesian 40GB 5,767,715,387 22GB 3,126,926,138
ie Interlingue 7KB 1,432 2KB 424
ilo Iloko 1MB 275,029 857KB 140,579
io Ido 276KB 46,463 221KB 36,976
is Icelandic 2GB 290,997,158 1GB 176,018,529
it Italian 192GB 29,252,541,808 94GB 14,426,829,908
ja Japanese 208GB 5,357,000,179 96GB 1,319,938,248
jbo Lojban 929KB 179,684 731KB 140,749
jv Javanese 858KB 121,271 728KB 101,386
ka Georgian 6GB 304,329,117 2GB 116,422,468
kk Kazakh 3GB 236,767,203 1GB 126,886,720
km Khmer 1GB 28,188,612 860MB 13,408,408
kn Kannada 2GB 111,460,546 1GB 56,801,321
ko Korean 35GB 3,367,279,749 15GB 1,475,474,588
krc Karachay-Balkar 2MB 193,207 2MB 153,755
ku Kurdish 152MB 23,845,402 108MB 17,264,310
kv Komi 1MB 89,105 588KB 46,219
kw Cornish 119KB 20,775 72KB 12,687
ky Kyrgyz 485MB 33,401,287 334MB 23,102,129
la Latin 103MB 15,869,314 9MB 1,488,545
lb Luxembourgish 54MB 7,953,887 37MB 5,454,220
lez Lezghian 2MB 214,890 2MB 198,433
li Limburgish 76KB 12,105 54KB 8,472
lmo Lombard 1MB 203,002 1MB 182,533
lo Lao 287MB 6,928,229 163MB 3,620,360
lrc Northern Luri 183B 26 183B 26
lt Lithuanian 12GB 1,573,926,673 5GB 701,326,575
lv Latvian 6GB 799,923,431 2GB 352,753,044
mai Maithili 685KB 144,859 24KB 1,916
mg Malagasy 59MB 8,103,631 38MB 5,220,655
mhr Eastern Mari 15MB 1,170,650 10MB 784,071
min Minangkabau 8MB 451,591 1MB 74,882
mk Macedonian 3GB 261,571,966 1GB 134,544,934
ml Malayalam 4GB 182,898,691 2GB 87,615,430
mn Mongolian 1GB 143,244,180 912MB 71,138,550
mrj Western Mari 645KB 51,812 521KB 41,950
mr Marathi 3GB 173,001,078 1GB 99,858,901
ms Malay 146MB 20,433,250 60MB 8,301,250
mt Maltese 51MB 6,162,888 26MB 3,179,815
mwl Mirandese 3KB 419 2KB 302
my Burmese 2GB 54,624,239 1GB 35,969,724
myv Erzya 29KB 2,844 2KB 236
mzn Mazanderani 1MB 134,128 1MB 106,533
nah Nahuatl languages 34KB 3,664 21KB 2,363
nap Neapolitan 1KB 550 1KB 235
nds Low German 25MB 3,998,912 17MB 2,868,608
ne Nepali 3GB 207,891,824 2GB 142,087,100
new Newari 6MB 433,880 4MB 254,711
nl Dutch 97GB 15,248,924,083 47GB 7,584,055,321
nn Norwegian Nynorsk 123MB 20,629,675 66MB 11,095,804
no Norwegian Bokmål 9GB 1,492,984,384 4GB 776,354,517
oc Occitan 12MB 1,822,595 5MB 834,187
or Odia 538MB 30,838,706 357MB 20,357,839
os Ossetic 11MB 911,794 6MB 536,525
pam Pampanga 3KB 405 3KB 405
pa Punjabi 769MB 59,031,334 430MB 33,413,527
pl Polish 122GB 16,120,806,481 48GB 6,496,098,108
pms Piedmontese 4MB 804,600 3MB 644,017
pnb Western Panjabi 68MB 7,757,785 45MB 5,221,168
ps Pashto 404MB 49,643,597 286MB 35,345,424
pt Portuguese 159GB 24,770,395,312 71GB 11,190,148,216
qu Quechua 322KB 40,691 230KB 29,108
rm Romansh 3KB 512 3KB 429
ro Romanian 37GB 5,629,438,576 15GB 2,387,230,734
rue Rusyn 247B 14 247B 14
ru Russian 1201GB 89,568,364,811 542GB 41,194,052,384
sah Sakha 57MB 2,600,989 39MB 1,944,651
sa Sanskrit 72MB 3,288,786 43MB 1,998,089
scn Sicilian 4KB 712 3KB 516
sco Scots 1KB 523 1KB 282
sd Sindhi 75MB 8,937,427 50MB 6,064,102
sh Serbian (Latin) 13MB 2,164,175 9MB 1,461,045
si Sinhala 1GB 91,456,436 791MB 47,770,919
sk Slovak 14GB 2,002,088,524 6GB 865,456,498
sl Slovenian 4GB 610,843,131 1GB 288,222,997
so Somali 15KB 849 13KB 449
sq Albanian 3GB 493,861,192 1GB 257,278,518
sr Serbian 6GB 574,460,746 3GB 289,211,579
su Sundanese 397KB 54,420 274KB 37,082
sv Swedish 43GB 6,542,433,732 19GB 2,964,887,952
sw Swahili 11MB 1,853,022 7MB 1,279,350
ta Tamil 10GB 438,489,984 5GB 215,856,584
te Telugu 3GB 182,268,133 1GB 73,193,605
tg Tajik 985MB 79,016,232 321MB 26,069,632
th Thai 62GB 1,694,658,532 26GB 635,230,676
tk Turkmen 25MB 2,693,720 20MB 2,221,760
tl Filipino 699MB 115,471,760 383MB 62,473,283
tr Turkish 73GB 8,763,467,387 33GB 3,950,989,357
tt Tatar 947MB 68,793,924 424MB 31,485,000
tyv Tuvinian 9KB 638 7KB 542
ug Uyghur 187MB 12,786,741 123MB 8,410,269
uk Ukrainian 53GB 4,014,675,914 28GB 2,131,491,321
ur Urdu 2GB 354,937,986 1GB 234,111,239
uz Uzbek 56MB 6,237,371 28MB 3,327,595
vec Venetian 37KB 6,694 28KB 5,139
vi Vietnamese 87GB 14,523,772,784 42GB 7,011,404,625
vls West Flemish 134B 2 134B 2
vo Volapük 2MB 426,052 2MB 410,688
war Waray 4MB 750,162 4MB 702,336
wa Walloon 511KB 93,163 329KB 59,906
wuu Wu Chinese 145KB 9,130 69KB 3,031
xal Kalmyk 62KB 5,495 62KB 5,495
xmf Mingrelian 16MB 807,158 10MB 510,700
yi Yiddish 199MB 18,699,112 93MB 8,716,366
yo Yoruba 229KB 34,468 120KB 17,487
zh Chinese 500GB 10,118,381,906 266GB 3,898,987,727

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

OSCAR was constructed using Ungoliant, a new pipeline derived from goclassy, itself being derived from fastText's one.

OSCAR 21.09 follows the OSCAR Schema v1.1, which adds metadata to each entry while staying backwards-compatible with OSCAR.

The order of operations is similar as in the goclassy pipeline, with optimisations regarding IO and a finer granlularity regarding multithreading. Ungoliant is implemented in the Rust programming language, and uses rayon as its data parallelism strategy. Threading is done at shard, record and sentence level, making the whole generation process much more efficient.

Filtering is done at line-level, removing lines shorter than 100 UTF-8 codepoints. While invalid UTF-8 characters are detected, they are not removed, but rather replaced with the Replacement character.

After all files are proccesed the deduplicated versions are constructed and everything is then splitted in shards and compressed.

Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

Common Crawl is a non-profit foundation which produces and maintains an open repository of web crawled data that is both accessible and analysable. Common Crawl's complete web archive consists of petabytes of data collected over 8 years of web crawling. The repository contains raw web page HTML data (WARC files), metdata extracts (WAT files) and plain text extracts (WET files). The organisation's crawlers has always respected nofollow and robots.txt policies.

Each monthly Common Crawl snapshot is in itself a massive multilingual corpus, where every single file contains data coming from multiple web pages written in a large variety of languages and covering all possible types of topics.

To construct OSCAR the WET files of Common Crawl were used. These contain the extracted plain texts from the websites mostly converted to UTF-8, as well as headers containing the metatada of each crawled document. Each WET file comes compressed in gzip format and is stored on Amazon Web Services. In the case of OSCAR, the February 2021 snapshot was used. It is composed by 64 000 compressed text files containing documents and their headers.

Who are the source language producers?

The data comes from multiple web pages in a large variety of languages.


The dataset does not contain any additional annotations.

Annotation process


Who are the annotators?


Personal and Sensitive Information

Being constructed from Common Crawl, Personal and sensitive information might be present. This must be considered before training deep learning models with OSCAR, specially in the case of text-generation models.

Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

OSCAR is intended to bring more data to a wide variety of lanuages, the aim of the corpus is to make large amounts of data available to lower resource languages in order to facilitate the pre-training of state-of-the-art language modeling architectures.

Discussion of Biases

OSCAR is not properly filtered yet and this can be reflected on the models trained with it. Care is advised specially concerning biases of the resulting models.

Other Known Limitations

The fastText linear classifier is limed both in performance and the variety of languages it can recognize, so the quality of some OSCAR sub-corpora might be lower than expected, specially for the lowest-resource langiuages. Some audits have already been done by third parties.

Additional Information

Dataset Curators

The corpus was put together by Julien Abadji, Pedro Ortiz Suarez, Benoît Sagot, and Laurent Romary, during work done at Inria, particularly at the ALMAnaCH team.

Licensing Information

These data are released under this licensing scheme
We do not own any of the text from which these data has been extracted.
We license the actual packaging of these data under the Creative Commons CC0 license ("no rights reserved")
To the extent possible under law, Inria has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to OSCAR
This work is published from: France.

Should you consider that our data contains material that is owned by you and should therefore not be reproduced here, please:
* Clearly identify yourself, with detailed contact data such as an address, telephone number or email address at which you can be contacted.
* Clearly identify the copyrighted work claimed to be infringed.
* Clearly identify the material that is claimed to be infringing and information reasonably sufficient to allow us to locate the material.

We will comply to legitimate requests by removing the affected sources from the next release of the corpus.

Citation Information

  author    = {Julien Abadji and Pedro Javier Ortiz Su{\'a}rez and Laurent Romary and Beno{\^i}t Sagot},
  title     = {Ungoliant: An optimized pipeline for the generation of a very large-scale multilingual web corpus},
  series = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-9) 2021. Limerick, 12 July 2021 (Online-Event)},
  editor    = {Harald L{\"u}ngen and Marc Kupietz and Piotr Bański and Adrien Barbaresi and Simon Clematide and Ines Pisetta},
  publisher = {Leibniz-Institut f{\"u}r Deutsche Sprache},
  address   = {Mannheim},
  doi       = {10.14618/ids-pub-10468},
  url       = {},
  pages     = {1 -- 9},
  year      = {2021},
  abstract  = {Since the introduction of large language models in Natural Language Processing, large raw corpora have played a crucial role in Computational Linguistics. However, most of these large raw corpora are either available only for English or not available to the general public due to copyright issues. Nevertheless, there are some examples of freely available multilingual corpora for training Deep Learning NLP models, such as the OSCAR and Paracrawl corpora. However, they have quality issues, especially for low-resource languages. Moreover, recreating or updating these corpora is very complex. In this work, we try to reproduce and improve the goclassy pipeline used to create the OSCAR corpus. We propose a new pipeline that is faster, modular, parameterizable, and well documented. We use it to create a corpus similar to OSCAR but larger and based on recent data. Also, unlike OSCAR, the metadata information is at the document level. We release our pipeline under an open source license and publish the corpus under a research-only license.},
  language  = {en}

       author = {{Caswell}, Isaac and {Kreutzer}, Julia and {Wang}, Lisa and {Wahab}, Ahsan and {van Esch}, Daan and {Ulzii-Orshikh}, Nasanbayar and {Tapo}, Allahsera and {Subramani}, Nishant and {Sokolov}, Artem and {Sikasote}, Claytone and {Setyawan}, Monang and {Sarin}, Supheakmungkol and {Samb}, Sokhar and {Sagot}, Beno{\^\i}t and {Rivera}, Clara and {Rios}, Annette and {Papadimitriou}, Isabel and {Osei}, Salomey and {Ortiz Su{\'a}rez}, Pedro Javier and {Orife}, Iroro and {Ogueji}, Kelechi and {Niyongabo}, Rubungo Andre and {Nguyen}, Toan Q. and {M{\"u}ller}, Mathias and {M{\"u}ller}, Andr{\'e} and {Hassan Muhammad}, Shamsuddeen and {Muhammad}, Nanda and {Mnyakeni}, Ayanda and {Mirzakhalov}, Jamshidbek and {Matangira}, Tapiwanashe and {Leong}, Colin and {Lawson}, Nze and {Kudugunta}, Sneha and {Jernite}, Yacine and {Jenny}, Mathias and {Firat}, Orhan and {Dossou}, Bonaventure F.~P. and {Dlamini}, Sakhile and {de Silva}, Nisansa and {{\c{C}}abuk Ball{\i}}, Sakine and {Biderman}, Stella and {Battisti}, Alessia and {Baruwa}, Ahmed and {Bapna}, Ankur and {Baljekar}, Pallavi and {Abebe Azime}, Israel and {Awokoya}, Ayodele and {Ataman}, Duygu and {Ahia}, Orevaoghene and {Ahia}, Oghenefego and {Agrawal}, Sweta and {Adeyemi}, Mofetoluwa},
        title = "{Quality at a Glance: An Audit of Web-Crawled Multilingual Datasets}",
      journal = {arXiv e-prints},
     keywords = {Computer Science - Computation and Language, Computer Science - Artificial Intelligence},
         year = 2021,
        month = mar,
          eid = {arXiv:2103.12028},
        pages = {arXiv:2103.12028},
archivePrefix = {arXiv},
       eprint = {2103.12028},
 primaryClass = {cs.CL},
       adsurl = {},
      adsnote = {Provided by the SAO/NASA Astrophysics Data System}

    title = "A Monolingual Approach to Contextualized Word Embeddings for Mid-Resource Languages",
    author = "Ortiz Su{'a}rez, Pedro Javier  and
      Romary, Laurent  and
      Sagot, Benoit",
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = "",
    pages = "1703--1714",
    abstract = "We use the multilingual OSCAR corpus, extracted from Common Crawl via language classification, filtering and cleaning, to train monolingual contextualized word embeddings (ELMo) for five mid-resource languages. We then compare the performance of OSCAR-based and Wikipedia-based ELMo embeddings for these languages on the part-of-speech tagging and parsing tasks. We show that, despite the noise in the Common-Crawl-based OSCAR data, embeddings trained on OSCAR perform much better than monolingual embeddings trained on Wikipedia. They actually equal or improve the current state of the art in tagging and parsing for all five languages. In particular, they also improve over multilingual Wikipedia-based contextual embeddings (multilingual BERT), which almost always constitutes the previous state of the art, thereby showing that the benefit of a larger, more diverse corpus surpasses the cross-lingual benefit of multilingual embedding architectures.",

  author    = {Pedro Javier {Ortiz Su{'a}rez} and Benoit Sagot and Laurent Romary},
  title     = {Asynchronous pipelines for processing huge corpora on medium to low resource infrastructures},
  series = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora (CMLC-7) 2019. Cardiff, 22nd July 2019},
  editor    = {Piotr Bański and Adrien Barbaresi and Hanno Biber and Evelyn Breiteneder and Simon Clematide and Marc Kupietz and Harald L{"u}ngen and Caroline Iliadi},
  publisher = {Leibniz-Institut f{"u}r Deutsche Sprache},
  address   = {Mannheim},
  doi       = {10.14618/ids-pub-9021},
  url       = {},
  pages     = {9 -- 16},
  year      = {2019},
  abstract  = {Common Crawl is a considerably large, heterogeneous multilingual corpus comprised of crawled documents from the internet, surpassing 20TB of data and distributed as a set of more than 50 thousand plain text files where each contains many documents written in a wide variety of languages. Even though each document has a metadata block associated to it, this data lacks any information about the language in which each document is written, making it extremely difficult to use Common Crawl for monolingual applications. We propose a general, highly parallel, multithreaded pipeline to clean and classify Common Crawl by language; we specifically design it so that it runs efficiently on medium to low resource infrastructures where I/O speeds are the main constraint. We develop the pipeline so that it can be easily reapplied to any kind of heterogeneous corpus and so that it can be parameterised to a wide range of infrastructures. We also distribute a 6.3TB version of Common Crawl, filtered, classified by language, shuffled at line level in order to avoid copyright issues, and ready to be used for NLP applications.},
  language  = {en}


Thanks to @pjox, @Uinelj and @lhoestq for adding this dataset.

Downloads last month

Models trained or fine-tuned on oscar-corpus/OSCAR-2109

Space using oscar-corpus/OSCAR-2109 1