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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 Available online 8 July 2021 0268-4012/© 2021 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license ( http://creativecommons. org/licenses/by/4. 0/ ). Review Article Articial intelligence in inormation systems research: A systematic literature review and research agenda Christopher Collinsa,*, Denis Dennehya, Kieran Conboya, Patrick Mikaleb a NUI Galway, Upper Newcastle Road, Galway, Ireland b Norwegian University oScience and Technology, Høgskoleringen 1, 7491 Trondheim, Norway A R T I C L E I N F O Keywords: Articial intelligence AI Machine learning Systematic literature review Research agenda A B S T R A C T AI has received increased attentionrom the inormation systems (IS) research community in recent years. There is, however, a growing concern that research on AI could experience a lack ocumulative building oknowledge, which has overshadowed IS research previously. This study addresses this concern, by conducting a systematic literature review oAI research in IS between 2005 and 2020. The search strategy resulted in 1877 studies, o which 98 were identied as primary studies and a synthesise okey themes that are pertinent to this study is presented. In doing so, this study makes important contributions, namely (i) an identication othe current reported business value and contributions oAI, (ii) research and practical implications on the use oAI and (iii) opportunitiesoruture AI research in theorm oa research agenda. 1. Introduction AI has been claimed to oer transormational potential across sectors and industries, rangingrom supply chain management ( Chi, Huang,& George, 2020; Collins, Youngdahl, Jamison, Mobasher,&Gini, 1998; Nissen&Sengupta, 2006; Rodriguez-Aguilar, Martin, Noriega, Garcia,& Sierra, 1998 ) to medicine ( Ali, Shrestha, Soar,&Wamba, 2018; Cepo-lina&Muscolo, 2014; Mettler, Sprenger,&Winter, 2017; Wang, Savkin, Clout,&Nguyen, 2015 ) to automobiles ( Lugano, 2017 ). Studies have reported that AI provides opportunities to reinvent business models (Duan, Edwards,&Dwivedi, 2019 ), change theuture owork ( Schwartz et al., 2019 ), perormance improvements ( Wilson&Daugherty, 2018 ), and even enhance human capabilities ( Dwivedi, et al., 2021 ). The heightened interest in AI to transorm economies ( Majchrzak, Markus,&Wareham, 2016; Ransbotham, Fichman, Gopal,&Gupta, 2016; Watson, 2017 ) is refected in the scale oglobal spending, which the International Data Corporation (IDC) predicts that global spending on AI will reach nearly $98 billion in 2023, more than twice the $37. 5 billion that was spent in 2019. Yet, there is no consensus on what denes AI or what distinguishes itrom other digital technologies ( Bhatnagar et al., 2018; Monett&Lewis, 2018; Nilsson, 2009 ). There are aew reasons attributed to this upswing in AI interest in recent years ( von Krogh, 2018 ). The pastew decades have seentremendous advancements in some othe underlying AI methods such as current and convential neural networks, many owhich have been made open-source and thus available to everyone. AI requires extensive and sophisticated computation, so the decreasing cost in computer hardware and dedicated AI chip designs is making it much moreeasible and thus attractive to organisations. The expansion ocloud-based services related to AI has also made it much more attainableor organisations would otherwise be hesitant. Additionally, while research is still in the early stages, preliminary studies may be showing that the advent o COVID has also increased interest in AI, as people get used to the reduced human element in all levels osociety and the increased use o automation ( Coombs, 2020; Sipior, 2020 ). The aim othis research is to understand the various characteristics oAI studied within the context oIS. A systematic literature review is important as it can be used to provide a valuable baseline to aid in urther research eorts ( Kitchenham, Budgen,&Brereton, 2011; Petersen, Vakkalanka,&Kuzniarz, 2015 ). The aims othis systematic review are to: 1. identiy the reported business value and contributions oAI 2. examine the practical implications on the use oAI 3. identiy the opportunitiesoruture AI research in IS. * Corresponding author. E-mail addresses: C. Collins20@nuigalway. ie (C. Collins), denis. dennehy@nuigalway. ie (D. Dennehy), kieran. conboy@nuigalway. ie (K. Conboy), patrick. mikale@ntnu. no (P. Mikale). Contents lists available at Science Direct International Journal oInormation Management journal homepage: www. elsevier. com/locate/ijinfomgt https://doi. org/10. 1016/j. ijinomgt. 2021. 102383 Received 5 November 2020; Received in revisedorm 21 June 2021; Accepted 22 June 2021
Artificial intelligence in information systems research_ A systematic literature review and research agenda - 1-s2.0-S0268401221000761-main.pdf
International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 2The structure othe paper is asollows. First, an introduction to related work on AI in the ISeld is presented. Then the methodology o the systematic literature review is explained, and limitations othe study are acknowledged. Next, state-o-the-art oAI research is presented, includes the reported business value and contributions oAI, and anal-ysis on how AI is dened. Followed by a discussion, implications, and a research agendaor theuture. The paper ends with a conclusion and directionsoruture research. 2. Background and related work This section commences with an overview oextant inormation systems literature on AI. The lack oclarity concerning the concept and classication oAI are discussed. 2. 1. Evolution oAI defnition AI has a history much longer than is commonly understood, inelds rom science and philosophy ranging all the way back to ancient Greece (Dennehy, 2020 ), but its modern iteration owes much to Alan Turing (Turing, 1950 ) and conerence in Dartmouth College in 1956 ( Mc Cor-duck, 2004 ), where the term“Articial Intelligence” was ocially coined and dened by John Mc Carthy at the time as“the science and engineering omaking intelligent machines”. Russel and Norvig (2020) reerred to it as the“the birth oarticial intelligence. ” One othe initial paradigms oAI was that it revolved around high-level cognition. Not the ability to recognise concepts, perceive objects, or execute complex motor skills shared by most animals, but the potential to engage in multi-step reasoning, to understand the meaning onatural language, to design innovative arteacts, to generate novel plans that achieve goals, and even to reason about their own reasoning ( Langley, 2011 ). This general human like intelligence was reerred to as strong AI ( Kurzweil, 2005 ). For strong AI, the primary approach has centred on symbolic reasoning, that computers are not simply numeric calculators but rather general symbol manipulators. As noted by Newell and Simon (1976) in their physical symbol system hypothesis, intelligent behaviour appears to require the ability to interpret and manipulate symbolic structures. While this approach showed promise initially ( Newell&Simon, 1963 ), many branches oAI have retreatedrom this approach due its diculty and the lack oprogress coming in to the 21stcentury. It remains yet uncertain on when and istrong AI will be made a reality. The distinction between weak AI and strong AI is also concerned with rule adherence, i. e., the way machines interact with rules. Wole (1991) distinguishes rule-based decision making in which machines strictly respect the rules set by developersrom ruleollowing decision making which machinesollow rules that have not been strictly specied to them. Rule-based decision-making matches weak AI, while rule-ollowing decision making is an attempt that tends towards strong AI. An example orule-ollowing decision making is neural networks (NN), which allow algorithms to learnrom themselves. Strong AI would be machines making their own rules and thenollow them, which is not possible at the stage oright now ( Wole, 1991 ). AI has gone through many peaks and troughs since its early inception in the 1950s, usually reerred to as AI“summers and winters” ( Russel and Norvig, 2020 ). Since 2010, however, AI can be said to have once again entered a summer period, mainly due to considerable improve-ments in the computing power ocomputers and the access to massive amounts odata ( PWC, 2019 ). This resurgence in AI research is the result othree breakthroughs: (1) the introduction oa much more sophisti-cated class oalgorithms; (2) the arrival on the market olow-cost graphics processors capable operorming large amounts ocalcula-tions in aew milliseconds; and (3) the availability overy large, correctly annotated databases allowingor more sophisticated learning ointelligent systems ( Jain, Ross,&Prabhakar, 2004; Khashman, 2009; PWC, 2019 ). Despite the length otime theeld has existed, there is still nocommonly accepted denition ( Allen, 1998; Bhatnagar et al., 2018; Brachman, 2006; Hearst&Hirsh, 2000; Nilsson, 2009 ). This is not considered a problem yet, as many scientic concepts only get true denitions ater they have matured enough, rather than at their conception, and given the complexity and breadth oAI, it may not be easible to expect AI to have a set denition yet. Still, this doesn't mean that the topic should be ignored, especially with the recent advance-ments and advancements relating to theeld ( Le Cun, Bengio,&Hinton, 2015; Silver et al., 2016 ). However, without a clear denition othe term,“it is difcultor policymakers to assess what AI systems will be able to do in the nearuture, and how the feld may get there. There is no common ramework to determine which kinds oAI systems are even desirable” (Bhatnagar et al., 2018 ). A similar concern has been echoed by Monett and Lewis (2018), that“theories ointelligence and the goal oArtifcial Intelligence (A. I. ) have been the source omuch conusion both within the feld and among the general public”. In the years immediately preceding and ater the 1956 Dartmouth conerence where the term was coined, when the conceptor AI wasrst brewing in academic consciousness, many researchers (would later becomeamousor their contributions to AI)ormulated many theories and proposals thatocused on the commoneatures omind and (Mc Culloch&Pitts, 1943; Turing, 1950; von Neumann, 1958; Wiener, 1948 ). While these thought leaders were infuential, theeld oAI as we know it owes more to Mc Carthy, Minsky, Newell, and Simon. While this is partly due to their own attendance otheamous 1951 Dartmouth conerence, it is likely more since they went on to establish three leading research centres which shaped the stream othough regarding AIor years. Their own opinion on AI was asollows; “By 'general intelligent action' we wish to indicate the same scope o intelligence as we see in human action: that in any real situation behav-iour appropriate to the ends othe system and adaptive to the demands o the environment can occur, within some limits ospeed and complexity” (Newell&Simon, Computer science as empirical enquiry: Symbols and search, 1976). Intelligence usually means“the ability to solve hard problems” ( Min-sky, 1958 ). “AI is concerned with methods oachieving goals in situations in which the inormation available has a certain complex character. The methods that have to be used are related to the problem presented by the situation and are similar whether the problem solver is human, a Martian, or a computer program” ( Mc Carthy, 1988 ). With the variety oseparate opinions on what AI is, lacking agree-ment on a standard evaluation (i. e., criteria, benchmark tests, mile-stones) makes it extremely challengingor theeld to maintain healthy growth ( Hern´andez-Orallo, 2017 ). 2. 2. Previous systematic literature reviews oAI in IS research Despite the heightened interest in AI ( Watson, 2017 ), it is claimed that there is a noticeable absence otheoretically-grounded research on how organisations should develop their digital business strategies incorporating AI to create business ( Mikale, Bourab, Lekakosb,& Krogstiea, 2019 ). We investigate this claim and identiy gaps in AI research conducted by IS scholars. We acknowledgeour previous Sys-tematic Literature Reviews (SLRs) have been conducted ( Homann, Oesterle, Rust,&Urbach, 2019; Rzpeka&Berger, 2018 ;Borges, Laur-indo, Spínola, Gonçalves,&Mattos, 2021 ;Karger, 2020 ) but highlight limitations othese studies (see Table 1 ). The literature review conducted by Rzpeka and Berger (2018) cited 91 studies total as their primary studies, takenrom a combination o conerences and journals. However, it isocused on the context oin-dividual user interaction with AI systems in IS, while this study studies how it is being dened and gives value. The literature review conducted C. Collins et al.
Artificial intelligence in information systems research_ A systematic literature review and research agenda - 1-s2.0-S0268401221000761-main.pdf
International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 3by Homann et al. (2019) was primarily concerned with the eects oAI and ML in the context othe radiology value chain, and so had a time span refecting that,ocusing on 2012 to 2018. The review conducted by Borges et al. (2021) ocused more on specic AI interactions with organisational strategy and so misses some othe context in how it is being dened and how it creates value. The literature review conducted by Karger (2020) isocused narrowly on the relations between AI and blockchain and excludes everything else. This study includes all the relevant studies in ateen year period in a number ohigh quality journals and conerences, and includes studies that use AI in more oblique ways than these SLRs, such as studies that use machine learning approaches when researching theirocus. 2. 3. AI Functions The current diculty to settle on an agreed denition oAI has been discussed above, butor the purposes othis systematic literature re-view, weocus onunctions oAI as described by Dejoux and L ´eon (2018). The broad range o unctions is shown in Table 2 below. Already, studies are showing the potential opportunities oadopting AI in a wide range o elds, with manuacturing, digital marketing and healthcare generating considerable academic interest ( Juniper Research, 2018 ). For manuacturing,actories are likely to extensively use AI as product automation increases and industry uses more AI and cyber physical systems ( Wang&Wang, 2016 ). Healthcare researchers propose using AI systems linked to sensors placed on humans to monitor and record their health ( Rubik&Jabs, 2018 ). For digital marketing, Juniper Research (2018) predicts that demandorecasting using AI will more than treble between 2019 and 2023 and that chatbot interactions will reach 22 billion in the same yearrom current levels o2. 6 billion. However, these opportunities are only available ione can undertsand what AI is. 3. Research methodology This section outlines the systematic review process adoptedor this study. A Systematic Literature Review is dened as“means oidenti-ying, evaluating and interpreting all available research relevant to a particular research question, or topic area, or phenomenon ointerest” (Kitchenham, 2004 ). This systematic approach was chosenor its ability to oer reviews ohigh quality ( Dingsøyr&Dybå, 2008 ) and transparent and replicable review ( Leidner&Kayworth, 2006 ). Additionally, it is useulor studies with a clearlyormulated research question ( Petticrew &Roberts, 2006 ) and summarising large quantities oresearch studies (Fink, 2005 ). Thus, the SLR was chosenor theollowing reasons: (i) the study will generate large amounts oliterature; (ii) this study aims to answer a specic research question; (iii) we intend to systematically extract relevant AI reerencesrom the studies transparently; and (iv) the rigour and replicability it oers leads to an unbiased scientic study. Theoundation oour guide was takenrom the guideline developed by Okoli (2015). 3. 1. A systematic guide to literature review development Okoli (2015) propose a systematic review process that consists o8 steps, namely planning (2 steps), selection (2 steps), extraction (2 steps) and execution (2 steps) that are completed across 4 phases (see Fig. 1. ). Each otheseour phases and eight steps are discussed in detail in the remainder othe section. The objective othe systematic literature review is to answer the research questions shown in Table 3. RQ2 is a comprehensive research question. Five questions (RQ2. 1-RQ2. 5) are used to answer RQ2. RQ1Table 1 Comparison oprevious SLRs in IS. Comparison Element Purpose Years Included Number o primary studies Rzpeka and Berger (2018)Provides insight into individual user interaction with AI systems in IS. 1987-2017 91 Homann et al. (2019)Identies opportunities and challenges oML across the radiology value chain. 2012-2018 29 Borges et al. (2021)Studies the integration o AI and organisational strategy2009-2020 41 Karger (2020) Studies the interactions between Blockchain and AINot specied (primary studies rangedrom 2014 to 2020)32 This Study AI, as a subject and as a use in theeld oIS2005-2020 98 Table 2 AIunctions. Title ( Dejoux& L´eon, 2018, p. 188)Description ( Brynjolsson& Mc Aee, 2014 ;Jarrahi, 2018a, 2018b )Example ( Dejoux&L ´eon, 2018, p. 188) Expert Systems (ES)Designed to simulate the problem-solving behaviour o a human. DENDRAL: Expert system used or chemical analysis to predict molecular structure. Machine learning Automatically renes its methods and improve its results as it gets more data. Many othe more advanced recommendation systems i. e., Google, You Tube etc. Robotics Concerned with the generation ocomputer-controlled motions o physical objects in a wide variety osettings Service robots Natural Language Processing (NLP)Designed to understand and analyse language as used by humans. NLP is the baseor the AI-powered Speech Recognition. Intelligent agents i. e., Apples Siri, Amazons Alexa Machine vision The analysis oimages using algorithmic inspection. The computer vision used to help drive autonomous vehicles Speech recognition Can be understood as an approach that deals with the translation ospoken words into the text. Google Dictate uses speech recognition to convert spoken words into text Fig. 1. A systematic guide to literature review development ( Okoli, 2015 ). C. Collins et al.
Artificial intelligence in information systems research_ A systematic literature review and research agenda - 1-s2.0-S0268401221000761-main.pdf
International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 4and RQ3 were used to create rich dataor the synthesis and discussion stages. Additionally, this review also aims to contribute to conducting an IS SLR. Aurther contribution will be that oa study which conducts a SLR: (i) where the complexity and type oAI is incorporated into a search strategy; (ii) tond relevant AI studies; (iii) which are then systematically analysed. A literature review's quality is dependent on the rigor othe search process ( Vom Brocke et al., 2009 ). Thereore, the search strategy is best developed in concert with the research question. The goal is tond as many studies as possible capable oanswering the research question (Kitchenham&Charters, 2007 ). The starting point when searching literature is electronic sources and literature databases,ollowed by a keyword string search to locate the appropriate studies ( Levy&Ellis, 2006 ). A generally accepted approach to search string strategy is to base the search string on the research questions and include a list osynonyms, abbreviations, and alternative spellings ( Kitchenham&Charters, 2007 ). Due to the nature oArticial Intelligence and the variety odierent types, subtypes, and methods in use, in addition to the dierent ways it is reerred to by researchers, a thorough strategy was needed. The search string was usedollowing the Boolean practice. A simple“OR” operator was used between keywords. The use o“*” ater some word was implemented so the search would include multiple variations othe word. The use oquotation marks (“”) over some terms was to exclu-sively searchor that specic term. The selected databases are pertinent to this study as these return the most studies ( Dingsøyr&Dybå, 2008 ). For each othe three selected databases (AIS e Library, Scopus, ISI Web oScience), using the specied search string retrieves an initial list ostudies. One or many othese databases had been used by multiple researchers in the literature ( Agarwal, Kumar,&Goel, 2019; Busalim& Hussin, 2016; Gupta, Kar, Baabdullah,&Al-Khowaiter, 2018; Rekik, Kallel, Casillas,&Alimi, 2018 ) The records arerst imported into Endnoteor sorting and categorisation, and thenurther imported into Microsot Excel sheetormat. The basic input includes meta-data such as (i) title, (ii) author, (iii) year, (iv) publication type, and (v) abstract. The keyword strategy was applied to nine IS journals and the top two IS conerences. The search string used across the three databases retrieved 1877 studies (shown in Table 4 ). Once the literature searches in leading journals have commenced, the leading conerences oaeld shouldollow ( Webster&Watson, 2002 ). Due to the multidisciplinary nature oIS literature is heavily dispersed across dierent data sources ( Levy&Ellis, 2006 ). To ensure all relevant studies were retrieved, three databases were used, these being (i) AIS e Library; (ii) Scopus, and (iii) the ISI Web oScience. AIS e Library was used as othe databases used it was unique in being able to provide studiesrom the leading IS conerences. Scopuswas used as it claims to be largest databaseor abstracts and citations ( Ballew, 2009; Kitchen-ham&Charters, 2007 ). ISI Web oSciencewas used as it is the largest citation database which stores over 800 million reerences ( Manikandan&Amsaveni, 2016 ). These databases were used to retrieve studiesrom relevant IS journals, which were chosen as we beliethese nine journalsocus on the social-technological aspects oAI, which is the scope othis SLR. i. International Journal oInormation Management ii. Management Inormation Systems Quarterly iii. Journal othe Association oInormation Systems iv. Inormation Systems Journal v. Inormation Systems Research vi. Journal oInormation Technology vii. Journal oManagement Inormation Systems viii. Journal oStrategic Inormation Systems ix. European Journal oInormation Systems Conerence papersrom two othe leading IS conerences, namely, International Conerence on Inormation Systems(ICIS) and the European Conerence on Inormation Systems(ECIS) were also retrieved and ana-lysed. The number opapers retrievedrom each selected database is shown in Table 5. Screening othe retrieved studies was achieved byollowing the best practices proposed by Kitchenham (2004) and Dingsøyr and Dybå (2008). The study selection process used in this study is illustrated in Fig. 1. Two authors independently analysed the 1877 studies to remove (i) duplicate studies, (ii) non-English studies, (iii) non-IS studies, and (iv) non-peer reviewed scientic studies (books, book chapters, experi-ence reports). As searching through literature can result in many studies, using an inclusion and exclusion criteria can serve to eliminate unnec-essary studies ( Okoli, 2015 ). Studies were eligibleor inclusion in the systematic review ithey presented empirical data on AI or ML in IS, or oAI and ML being used in the IS literature, or ia non-empirical study shows clear evidence o academic rigour. The inclusion criteria applied was; The studies should be written in English. Table 3 Research questions. ID Research question RQ 1 How is AI being dened in theeld oIS? RQ 2 What is the current state oAI in IS? RQ 2. 1What number oIS academic studies on AI has been published between 2005 and 2020? RQ 2. 2What were the Publication channels used? RQ 2. 3What were the research methods and data collection techniques used? RQ 2. 4What kind ocontributions are provided by studies on AI in IS? RQ 2. 5What AIunctions are used by IS researchers? RQ 3 What is the business value oAI?Table 4 Search string. Source String Science Direct-IJIM AIS e Library Web oScience("AI" OR“articial intelligence” OR "machine learning" OR "neural networks" OR cognitive* OR automation* OR robot* OR augment*) SCOPUS TITLE-ABS-KEY ("AI" OR“articial intelligence” OR "machine learning" OR "neural networks" OR cognitive* OR automation* OR robot* OR augment*) AND SRCTITLE ("MIS Quarterly: Management Inormation Systems" OR "INFORMATION SYSTEMS RESEARCH" OR "JOURNAL OF MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS" OR "JOURNAL OF STRATEGIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS" OR "EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF INFORMATION SYSTEMS" OR "INFORMATION SYSTEMS JOURNAL" OR "JOURNAL OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY" OR "JOURNAL OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS") AND PUBYEAR=2020 Table 5 Selected databases and retrieved papers. Database Filter No. oretrieved studies AIS e Library Only conerence papers 468 Scopus Only conerence papers and journal articles399 ISI Web oScience Only conerence papers and journal articles210 International Journal o Inormation Management Only conerence papers and journal articles800C. Collins et al.
Artificial intelligence in information systems research_ A systematic literature review and research agenda - 1-s2.0-S0268401221000761-main.pdf
International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 5The studies should be published between 2005 and 2020. The studies directly answer one or more othe research questions o this study. The studies should clearly state itsocus on AI/ML or use AI/ML as a large part otheir methodology. For example, publications that explicitly use a machine learning approach as aundamental part o their methodology/research. Ithe studies have been published in more than one journal or con-erence, the most recent version ostudies is included. Opinion/perspective studies were included as we believe that ithey were published in the relevant journals than they could be used to gain insight into the state oAI in IS. The exclusion criteria applied was; Not written in English. Duplicate articles. Simulation studies. Editorials. Studies with noocus on AI. Non-peer-reviewed scientic publications (editorials books, book chapters, articles). Fig. 2 shows the study selection process. Ater the initial step o identiying a search string was complete, pilot steps were carried out on the databases used. This entailed rening the search stringor each database. However, the terms used to search the databases were used the same throughout. The lead author analysed the 1877 studies retrieved in the initial search. A second reviewer was invited to analyse these studies as well, to pre-emptively combat potential bias. The two reviewers had to agreeor a study to stay a primary study. Based on the removal o duplicates, non-scientic and non-English studies, 91 were removed, leaving 1786. These 1786 studies were then analysed based on title. The title gave a clear indication on whether they were outside theocus o the study, and thus excluded. Ia title did not clearly reveal application domain othe study it was includedor review in the subsequent steps, where title, keywords and abstract were examined. Based on title, ab-stract and keyword, the 1786 studies wereurther narrowed down to 187. There were still cases where the abstract was unclear, so thesestudies carried onto the next stage, where the contents otheull study were examined. An in-depth examination othe 187 remaining studies was undertook by the reviewers, which resulted in aurther 90 studies being excluded. This resulted in a total o98 primary studies used as the basis othis SLR. Thendings and analysis othese 98 primary studies is presented in the next section. 3. 2. Threats to validity and limitations ostudy There are always several common threats to validity concerning SLRs (Petersen, Vakkalanka,&Kuzniarz, 2015; Wohlin et al., 2012 ). This section considers those threats and outlines the strategies used to com-bat and mitigate them, as well as explores the limitations othis study. The validityramework by Wohlin et al. (2012) examines validity threats in terms o(i) construct validity, (ii) external validity, (iii) in-ternal validity, and (iv) conclusion validity. Construct validitystates that the author must attain the right measuresor the concept under study (Petersen, Vakkalanka,&Kuzniarz, 2015; Wohlin, et al., 2012 ). To minimise this threat, this SLRollowed a structured eight-step guideline required to conduct a scientically rigorous SLR, as seen in Fig. 1. Within those guidelines was the paper selection process (see Fig. 2. ) which documents the process o ltering studiesrom the original 1877 to the 98 primary studies. Tourther mitigate this threat, authors three andour were experienced in reviewing studies and acted as external reviewers to validate the research protocol. This, this threat has been signicantly neutralised. External validityisocused on the generalisability othe study. That is, the extent to which the study can be generalised to other areas outside othe context othis study ( Petersen et al., 2015; Wohlin et al., 2012 ). To know to what degree the results oa study can be generalised it is essential that the research process is described ( Petersen&Wohlin, 2009 ). As this systematic studyollowed the eight-step guideline laid out by (Okoli, 2015 ), it is attributed to mitigating the threats to validity. Internal validityrelates to causal relationships and ensuring that it is not a result oaactor that was not measured, or the researcher had no control over. As the aims othis study were not to establish a statistical causal relationship on AI in IS, other mitigations were used to combat it, such as regular meetings with all authors to explore any potential o bias. Conclusion validityrelates to bias othe researchers in the inter-pretation othat data. While this risk cannot be eliminated, several measures were taken to combat it; (i) three authors were involved in data extraction othe primary studies, (ii) aull 'audit trail' rom the initial 1877 studies to the identication o98 primary studies was provided, and (iii) conclusions drawnrom analysis othe 98 primary studies involved all authors. Although this paper concentrated on mitigating threats to validity using well-established strategies, we acknowledge that publication bias is a limitation othis study, as weocused on a select number oIS journals, meaning that other studiesrom IS conerences and non-IS outlets were excluded. 4. Findings and analysis This section presents the resultsrom the analysis othe 98 primary studies, based on the research questions listed previously. The results represent the state oAI research in IS and is based on theollowing (i) how AI is being dened, (ii) study by year, (iii) publication channel, (iv) research methods adopted, (v) type ocontribution, (vi) types oAI and (vii) the reported business value oAI. 4. 1. RQ1: how is AI being defned in the feld oIS? The aim othis research question is to identiy and analyse the dierent denitions oAI used in theeld oIS. It was noted in Section 2. 1 the diculties theeld oAI had with denitions, and this research Fig. 2. Study selection process. C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 6questions aims to look at how IS has handled those diculties. However, despite AI and Machine Learning being a large part othe primary studies, many did not provide a denition, or used denitions that were not cited (see Fig. 3 ). Othe 98 primary studies, 54 othem gave no clear denition othe AI relevant to the study. And othe 44 studies that did give a denition, 7 othem cited no reerenceor the denition given. The denitions o AI used in the primary studies varied in both term odenition and source cited. Disregarding the seven studies that dened AI without citing a source, Russel&Norvig's book Artifcial Intelligence: A Modern Approachwas the mostrequently cited sourceor dening AI, though the actual edition othe book varied, with each studies using the latest edition at the time. The denitions and cited sources othe primary studies can be seen in Table 6. 4. 2. RQ2: what is the current state oAI in IS? This aim othis research question is to examine the current state oAI in theeld oIS through a series osub-related research questions. 4. 2. 1. RQ 2. 1. What number oIS academic studies on AI has been published between 2005 and 2020? The aim othis research question is to identiy the number oaca-demic studies involving Articial Intelligence and Machine Learning in theeld oInormation Systems, specically those between the years 2005 and 2020 (see Fig. 4. ). Fig. 4. reveals that studies on AI remained relatively lowor most othis period, with a total o11 studies between the years 2005 and 2015. 2019 and 2020 show an immense surge in AI related studies in IS, signiying a much greater interest in theeld. Due to the inclusion and exclusion criteria othis study, there were no studies on AI in Inormation Systems in the years 2007, 2008, 2010, and 2012. 4. 2. 2. RQ 2. 2 What were the publication channels used? The aim othis research question is to identiy the main channels where AI studies are disseminated. Table 7 shows that 32 othe primary studies were published in journals and 65 were published in the top two IS conerences. The highest number ostudies were published in ICIS, a total o41 studies over the 15-year period. The journal with the most studies was IJIM with 14 studies, especially notable as the scopeor IJIM wasve years in comparison to the 15 years othe other journals. 4. 2. 3. RQ 2. 3 research methods and data collection techniques used The aim othis research question is to identiy the research methods and data collection techniques which were used to study AI and Machine Learning in the ISeld. Each study was either empirical, theoretical, conceptual, or experimental. Analysis was conducted to determine the Fig. 3. AI denition cited. Table 6 AI denitions in primary studies. Source Cited Defnition Primary studies source N/a P6, P21, P38, P39, P59, P61, P63 Bush (1945) A kind odeep learning machine that has the ability to create intelligent agents based on the concepts, positions and patterns oargument. P7 Mc Carthy (1958) Reerred to as“the science and engineering omaking intelligent machines” P68 Carbonell et al. (1983) ML is based on inductive learning and iner general conceptsrom example data, rangingrom simple memorising o acts that doesn't requires any inerence at all (rote learning) over learning perormed by instruction, by analogy, and by examples to learning by observation with increasing need oinerence P36 Trappl (1986) Articial intelligence (AI) was dened as: 1) making computers smart, 2) making models ohuman intelligence, and 3) building machines that simulate human intelligent behaviour P24 Russel and Norvig (1995)activities that we associate with human thinking, activities such as decision-making, problem solving, learning” P47 Jennings et al. (1998) A computer system, situated in some environment that is capable ofexible autonomous action in order to meet its design objectives. P12 Cross (2003) Dened as an Inormation Technology (IT) programs that perorm tasks on the user's behalindependently o direct control othe users themselves. P35 Russel and Norvig (2010)Articial intelligence (AI) enables the machine to exhibit human intelligence, including the ability to perceive, reason, learn, and interact, etc. P31, P44, P50 Min (2010) AI concerns understanding and learning the phenomena ohuman intelligence and to design computer systems that can imitate human behavioural patterns and create knowledge relevant to problem-solving P56 Austin et al. (2013) ML is an exploratory process where the accuracy and perormance o models vary, based on the characteristics ovariables and observations in a study P92 Deng and Yu (2014) The main idea odeep learning consists omultiple layers o eatures representations at increasing levels o abstraction P48 Le Cun et al. (2015) A set omultiple interconnected layers oneurons, inspired by the human brain, which can be trained to represent data at high levels o abstraction P53, P55 International Federation o Robotics (2016)Under the label service robots, these types odevices are designed to“[... ] operate semi-orully autonomously to perorm services useul to the well-being ohumans [... ]” P11 Goodellow et al. (2016)Deep learning is the state-o-the-art machine learning method that builds upon large-scale neural networks and unsupervised representation learning P19, P94 De Canio (2016) AI is the broad suite otechnologies that can match or surpass human P69, P97 (continued on next page)C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 7research methods and data collection techniques othe 98 primary studies. Othe 98 primary studies, eight adopted a mixed method approach, thirteen took theorm oa literature review,orty-our used a quantitative method and thirty-one used the qualitative method. The method and technique adoptedor each othe primary studies is listed in Table 8. A deeper analysis othe research methods was conducted to establish the data gathering techniques used in the primary studies. These are listed in Table 9. Many othe studies used multiple techniques to gather data in their studies, so some reerences in the table below are repeated. 22 studies used data mining and 21 reported the use oexperiments. 10 studies adopted observation techniques andour collected data through documentation. Surveys were incorporated by 8 primary publications to collect data, with interviews being adopted by 20. Literary analysis was used by 22 othe studies, and questionnaires incorporated by two. Four studies adoptedocus groups to collect data, with three using work-shops. Sample analysis was used by two studies. Theory-as-discourse, Machine Learning subset selection, causal mapping and prediction markets were all used by a single study each. Experiments were the most popular choiceor collecting data. This usually took theorm othe studies putting their relevant use oAI or Machine Learning into practise as an experiment and collecting data rom the result. As AI is still a broad and relatively nebulouseld in IS, perorming experiments can provide rich data on AI usage in a variety o complex, contextual environments. 4. 2. 4. RQ 2. 4. What kinds ocontributions are provided by studies on AI in IS? The aim othis research question is to identiy and categorise the contributions othe primary studies. These contributions (see Table 10 ), adaptedrom Shaw (2003) and Paternoster, Giardino, Unterkalm-steiner, Gorschek, and Abrahamsson (2014) include six types ocon-tributions, namely (i)ramework, method, technique, (ii) guidelines, (iii) lessons learned, (iv) model, (v) tool, and (vi) advice/implication. The contributions othe 98 primary studies and the data collection techniques that led to these contributions are listed in Table 11. This would provide signicant practical contributions, as well as widening the academic discourse on AI in IS. Analysis othe 98 primary studies also shows that contributions were largely made as 'lessons learned' (39 studies), 'methods' (26 studies), 'advice or implication' (15 studies), guidelines (6 studies), tools (5 studies) and models (6 studies). Table 11 highlights the needor research to contribute to the categories o(i) models and (ii) tools. Although several primary studies could potentially contribute to more than type one contribution type, the categorisation used in this systematic literature review is based on the primary contribution as stated by the authors oeach othe 98 primary studies. A visual repre-sentation othe contribution types othe primary studies is shown in Fig. 5. Fig. 5. shows that 'lessons learned' (40 studies) and 'methods' (26 studies) are the most popular contribution oAI studies in IS research. A limitation to these contributions is that they can oten be context spe-cic, especiallyor the methods contributions. This is compounded upon by AI encompassing such a broad array ouses and designs. This means there is less repetition ocontributions and lessons learned, and that cumulative building oknowledge in this context may take time to accumulate. For example, a study that proposes a newrameworkor improving the radiology supply chain may not be aligned with a study that examines how AI can improve drug innovation. Table 6(continued) Source Cited Defnition Primary studies source capabilities, particularly those involving cognition such as learning and problem solving Hengstler et al. (2016) Intelligent automation is reaching a level, where it is capable o perorming complex tasks that normally involve human experience and intuition P82 Russel and Norvig (2016)dened the term AI to describe systems that mimic cognitive unctions generally associated with human attributes such as learning, speech and problem solving. P58, P76, P77, P79 Günther et al. (2017) The term algorithmic intelligence reers to business analytics applications and to articial intelligence (AI) in domains such as robotics, machine vision, natural language processing, expert decision-making, and classication P10 Li et al. (2017) AI is the general conceptor computer systems able to perorm tasks that usually need natural human intelligence, whether rule-based or not, while ML is that subset oAI that is capable o“learningrom data and making predictions and/or decisions” without human dictated rules. P14 Kolbjørnsrud et al. (2017)Articial intelligence is dened as a subset oIT that can sense their environment, comprehend the collected inormation, learn, and derive actions based on interpreted inormation and their implemented objectives. P70 Nichols (2018) Robot can be dened as a programmable machine which is capable osensing and manipulating its surroundings while perorming complex tasks semi/ully autonomously P66 Plastino and Purdy (2018)Articial Intelligence is a specialorm oan IT resource with hybrideatures oan IT arteact and human capital P78 Sutton and Barto (2018)AI agents learn by themselves to achieve the optimal strategies by sequentially interacting with environments in a trial-and-error way only with the supervision orewards or punishments P81 von Krogh (2018) AI can broadly be described as a collection ocomputer-assisted systems able to perorm non-trivial tasks traditionally conned to humans P88 Rai et al. (2019) Articial Intelligence (A. I. ) is dened as the ability oa machine to perorm cognitiveunctions that we associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting with the environment, problem solving, decision-making, and even demonstrating creativity. P16, P87 Duan et al. (2019) Articial intelligence (AI), in which machines can“learnrom experience, adjust to new inputs, and perorm human-like tasks” P60 Berente et al. (2019) Dene AI as machines perorming the cognitiveunctions typically associated with humans, including perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting, etc P75 Longoni et al. (2019) We dene articial intelligence (AI) as algorithms that perorm perceptual, cognitive, and P84Table 6(continued) Source Cited Defnition Primary studies source conversationalunctions typical othe human mind C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 84. 2. 5. RQ 2. 5. What types oAI technologies are used by IS researchers? The aim othis research question is to categorise studies on AI based on the type oAI used in the primary study. It is possible to combine a variety othese types together into a single AI system. For example, IBM's Watson combines NLP, ML and machine vision techniques ( Jar-rahi, 2018a, 2018b ). However,or the purpose othis SLR, the study will be categorised solely based on the primary AI type othe study (see Fig. 6. ). Fig. 6 shows that ML is the most popularorm oAI used in the Fig. 4. Number ostudies by year. Table 7 Primary studies by journal and conerence. Channel Title Number o studies Primary studies Journal (n=9)MIS Quarterly Management Inormation Systems3 P3, P4, P12 Inormation Systems Research1 P1 Journal o Management Inormation Systems3 P2, P13, P94 European Journal o Inormation Systems2 P7, P11 Journal oStrategic Inormation Systems3 P10, P93, P97 Journal o Inormation Technology3 P6, P8, P95 Journal oThe Association o Inormation Systems3 P5, P9, P96 Inormation systems journal0 International Journal oInormation Management14 P56, P57, P58, P59, P60, P61, P62, P63, P64, P65, P66, 67, P68, P69, P98 Conerence (n=2)International Conerence o Inormation Systems41 P14, P16, P17, P18, P19, P21, P22, P23, P24, P26, P27, P30, P33, P38, P39, P40, P42, P43, P44, P46, P47, P49, P50, P51, P52, P54, P55, P80, P81, P82, P83, P84, P85, P86, P87, P88, P89, P90, P91, P92 European Journal o Inormation Systems24 P15, P20, P25, P28, P29, P31, P32, P34, P35, P36, P37, P41, P45, P53, P70, P71, P72, P73, P74, P75, P76, P77, P78, P79 Total 98 98Table 8 Research method and technique adopted. Method Technique Pr imary studies Total Quantitative Survey Descriptive Case Study Deep Learning P1, P3, P4, P9, P13, P16, P18, P19, P21, P23, P27, P29, P33, P34, P35, P38, P39, P40, P42, P46, P48, P51, P52, P53, P55, P57, P59, P62, P63, P64, P66, P70, P71, P81, P82, P84, P86, P87, P89, P90, P91, P94, P95, P9844 Qualitative Interview Case Study Design Science P2, P7, P8, P12, P14, P17, P20, P22, P26, P28, P32, P41, P43, P47, P49, P50, P56, P61, P67, P69, P73, P74, P75, P76, P77, P79, P80, P85, P88, P93, P9631 Literature Review Systematic Monographic P5, P6, P10, P15, P25, P36, P37, P44, P45, P60, P68, P83, P9713 Mixed Method Survey Focus group Q-Methodology P11, P30, P31, P54, P58, P72, P78, P928 Action Research Canonical Action Research P24 1 Table 9 Data collection techniques. Data collection technique Primary studies Data Mining (n=22) P1, P3, P13, P33, P40, P46, P48, P51, P52, P53, P59, P62, P66, P74, P78, P81, P85, P89, P92, P94, P95, P98 Experiment (n=21) P2, P4, P7, P12, P17, P19, P21, P23, P27, P29, P38, P39, P54, P55, P63, P64, P65, P71, P80, P84, P90 Observation (n=10) P7, P8, P11, P20, P30, P49, P50, P80, P81, P93 Causal Mapping(n=1) P9 Documentation(n=4) P7, P30, P42, P50 Survey(n=8) P11, P34, P43, P57, P70, P72, P86, P91 Interview(n=20) P11, P15, P22, P25, P26, P28, P30, P32, P41, P49,P50, P54, P56, P72, P76, P77, P79, P82, P88, P93 Sample Analysis(n=2) P16, P87 ML subset selection (n=1)P18 Lit Analysis(n=22) P5, P6, P10, P14, P22, P24, P25, P28, P36, P37, P44, P45, P60, P61, P67, P68, P69, P73, P75, P78, P83, P96, P97 Workshop(n=3) P22, P28, P47, P58, Focus Groups(n=4) P11, P22, P31, P47 Questionnaire(n=2) P32, P35 Prediction Markets (n=1)P39C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 9primary studies, with 69 studies categorised under it. There was less range between the other types, expert systems having 11, machine vision withve and NLP at 6. Robotics was the least common with 3 studies having it as the primaryocus. The studies corresponding to each category can be seen on Table 12. There were aew studies that couldn't be said to haveocused on any one category specically, instead looking at AI in the broader sense. These 14 studies that could not be sorted cleanly into theramework were simply categorised as“other”. 4. 2. 6. RQ3: What is the business value oAI? As noted by Davenport and Ronanki (2018), within IS, it may be more useul to look at AI through the lens oits business capabilities rather than its technologies. To that end. AI can be narrowed down to Table 10 Contribution type (adaptedrom Shaw (2003),Paternoster et al. (2014) ). Title Description Framework/Method/ Technique The contribution othe study is a particularramework, method, or technique used toacilitate the construction and management osotware and systems. Guidelines A list oadvice or recommendations based on synthesis o the obtained research results. Lessons Learned The set ooutcomes directly based on the research results obtainedrom the data analysis. Model The representation oan observed reality in concepts or related concepts ater a conceptualisation process. Tool A technology, program, or application that is developed in order to support dierent aspects oinormation Advice/Implication A discursive and generic recommendation based on opinion. Table 11 Contributions across studies. Contribution Primary papers Framework/ Method P1, P13, P18, P19, P20, P21, P22, P24, P28, P29, P37, P43, P46, P48, P53, P55, P63, P64, P73, P74, P75, P78, P85, P92, P94, Guidelines P4, P5, P8, P16, P35, P59 Lessons Learned P3, P11, P12, P14, P15, P17, P25, P26, P30, P31, P32, P33, P34, P36, P39, P42, P44, P45, P49, P50, P56, P57, P58, P66, P67, P68, P70, P71, P72, P77, P80, P82, P84, P86, P89, P90, P91, P93, P98 Models P23, P38, P40, P41, P62, P79, P97 Tool P2, P9, P27, P65, P76, P81, Advice/ Implication P6, P7, P10, P47, P51, P52, P54, P60, P61, P69, P83, P87, P88, P95, P96 Fig. 5. Contribution types oprimary studies. Fig. 6. Types oAI. Table 12 Primary publications mapped to AI type. AI type Primary studies Machine Learning(n=68) P1, P3, P4, P5, P9, P13, P14, P15, P17, P18, P19, P21, P22, P23, P27, P29, P33, P34, P36, P37, P38, P39, P40, P42, P45, P46, P47, P48, P49, P50, P51, P52, P53, P55, P56, P57, P62, P63, P64, P65, P67, P73, P74, P77, P78, P79, P80, P82, P83, P86, P87, P88, P90, P91, P92, P93, P94, P95 Machine Vision(n=5) P2, P20, P25, P30, P43 Natural Learning Process (NLP) (n=6)P7, P28, P32, P54, P84, P89 Expert Systems(n=11) P8, P12, P16, P24, P31, P35, P44, P81, P85, P96, P97 Robotics(n=3) P11, P66, P72 Other(n=14) P6, P10, P26, P41, P58, P59, P60, P61, P68, P69, P70, P71, P75, P76C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 10support three business needs: (i) Process Automation, automating business processes, (ii) Cognitive Insight, gaining insight through data analysis, and (iii) Cognitive Engagement, engaging with customers and employees ( Davenport&Ronanki, 2018 ). In this study, we map the 98 primary studies to these three business needs (see Table 13 ). We acknowledge that it is possible thator some othese studies using AI could result in more than a single value type; however, to avoid complexity, they were mapped to the most relevant category. Fig. 7. shows that the most common value typeor AI was process automation (47 studies),ollowed by cognitive insight (32 studies). Cognitive engagement was reported with the lowest number ostudies (17 studies). 5. Discussion This section summarises thendings othe SLR and highlights some areas that research to date hasocused and the keyndingsrom these studies. It is thenollowed by a discussion on the theoretical contribu-tions and implicationsor practice. The overall goal is to uncover themes that are relevantor research and practice and identiy areas which warranturther research. This section will discuss relevant insights we oundrom the literature, starting with the lack ocohesion around the denition oAI, the resurgence oAI interest and research in recent years, the specic contribution types oAI literature, and the dispro-portionateocus on machine learning and process automation. In this study we conducted a SLR that provides a comprehensive overview on AI in IS related studies. By using a systematic literature review, we identied, classied, and analysed 1877 studies on AI and ML in IS that were published between 2005 and 2020. Othese, 98 were identied as primary studies, ater a rigorousltering process. To un-derstand theundamentals oAI in IS we examined and studied the ar-ticles based on studies by year, publication channel, research methods used, and their contribution to IS contributions research. Prior to commencing this task however, we had to consider the problem that the denitions oarticial intelligence were largely varied and ambiguous. 5. 1. Lack ocohesive defnition oAI This study identied a lack ocohesion when dening AI, with as many as 28 denitions being used is the respective studies. While the background research elaborated in section 2 shows this is not uncom-mon when concerning AI, it raises a concern that there is a high risk that IS studies on AI could experience a lack ocumulative building o knowledge ( Fitzgerald&Adam, 2000 ). This resonates with the issue o 'ragmented adhocracy', which has previously overshadowed IS research ( Banville&Landry, 1989; Hirschheim, Klein,&Lyytinen,1996 ). The most common denitionor AI seen was derivedrom Russel& Norvig, though the specic edition varied,ollowed by Le Cun et al. (2015) and Rai et al. (2019) with two occurrences each. Looking at the denitions gatheredrom the primary studies, there seems to be a trend where AI is dened more in what itscapabilitiesare rather than strictly dening what itis. Russel and Norvig (2020) dened it as something that “enables the machine to exhibit human intelligence, including the ability to perceive, reason, learn, and interact, etc. ” or example, while Stone et al. (2016) reers to it as“a science and a set ocomputational technologies that are inspired by—but typically operate quite dierentlyrom—the ways people [... ] sense, learn, reason, and take action”. This means that the denitions oAI oten end up being quite similar, even ithey are taken rom a separate source. While dening AI is outside the scope othis study, the most robust denition oAI in the context oIS research is provided by Rai et al. (2019) who dene it as“the ability oa machine to perorm cognitiveunctions that we associate with human minds, such as perceiving, reasoning, learning, interacting with the environment, problem solving, decision-making, and even demonstrating creativity”. However, there may be issues with how IS research is approaching the dening oAI as there seems to be a believe that there is a true (i. e., real, natural) meaning o“intelligence” that AI research projects should abide by, at least among those that consider dening AI. Yet“intelli-gence” by its dictionary denition today wasormed long beore AI, and thereore strictly about human intelligence, where the various levels (conscious and subconscious) are unied, which is not the caseor computer intelligence. For human intelligence, structure, behaviour, capability, andunction are all relatively unied, whileor AI these aspects are commonly pursued in dierent ways towards dierent goals. For example, an AI created by mimicking thestructureoa human brain and one created byocusing on imitating humanbehaviourwould be end up being very dierent both in its method and its result. Additionally, human intelligence is developed under certain evolutionary and bio-logical restrictions, which are essentialor human, but not reallyor intelligence in general. Ater all,“Articial Intelligence” should not be taken to mean“Articial Human Intelligence”, since“Intelligence” should be a more general notion than“Human Intelligence”. Another major concern is the number ostudies concerning or using someorm oAI that do not dene it at all. Othe 98 primary studies, 54 didn't dene AI at all. These are primarily the studies that use AI as part othe methodology otheir study, oten in the case ousing some type o machine learning in pursuit othat studies objective. While it is not easible to ask every researcher, who uses a machine learning technique in their research to dedicate an entire section to AI, the lack osucient detail seen in many othe primary studies showcases a possible lack in the cumulative building oknowledge. A related concern is the 7 studies who dened AI by themselves, without sourcing any part it. This is something to be discouraged as much as possible, as it is important both or the individual researchers andor theeld as whole to have knowledge built upon clearly and accurately. Table 13 Reported value types oAI studies. Value type Description ( Davenport&Ronaki, 2018 )Primary studies Process automation (n=49)Automating business processes P1, P5, P6, P9, P10, P11, P12, P13, P14, P15, P16, P17, P18, P25, P26, P28, P29, P30, P31, P33, P34, P36, P39, P40, P41, P43, P45, P47, P50, P52, P55, P56, P60, P61, P62, P64, P68, P69, P70, P76, P77, P78, P82, P83, P86, P88, P90, P93, P97 Cognitive insight (n=32)Gaining insight through data analysis P3, P4, P8, P19, P20, P21, P22, P23, P24, P27, P37, P42, P48, P51, P53, P57, P58, P59, P63, P65, P73, P74, P75, P79, P80, P81, P87, P91, P92, P95, P96, P98 Cognitive engagement (n=17)Engaging with customers and employees P2, P7, P32, P35, P38, P44, P46, P49, P54, P66, P67, P71, P72, P84, P85, P89, P94Fig. 7. Number oprimary studies by value type. C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 115. 2. The resurgence oAI in recent years Ourndings show that while there was a lack ostudies in therst decade othe relevant time, there has been a resurgence in recent years. Over halothe primary studies were published in 2019 and 2020. Our ndings also show that ICIS published the highest number ostudies. ICIS published 41 studies to AI in Inormation Systems in comparison to the 24 studies published in ECIS. IJIM published 14 primary studies, making them the most published regarding AI in IS journals used in the systematic review. As previously shown in Fig. 4., there was a resurgence in interest in AI in 2017, beore it seemed to really expand in 2019 and 2020. It's already been noted that AI research tends to swing between its“winters” and“summers”, and it seems clear that we have headed into one oits summer periods in recent years. In 2016, the Economist declared in its June Special Report ( The Economist, 2016 ) that“Ater manyalse starts, articial intelligence has taken o. ” This wasollowed by reports released by high level policy makers such as the US and UK governments onuture directions and strategyor AI, noting its immense potential but also questions on accountability and use ( Government Oceor Sci-ence, 2016; U. S. National Science and Technology Council, 2016 ). This surge ointerest in the use oAI among businesses and policy makers naturally resulted in a matching surge in interest among re-searchers, who now have much more to study due to AIs ever increasing use. This resurgence in AI can be put down to aew reasons. One othe biggest is a convergence oadvances in machine learning and big data and graphics processing units (GPUs) which made supervised learning rom large datasets much more practical ( Morris, Schleno,&Sriniva-san, 2017 ). This surge in interest in AI seems to correlate with our own ndings, as researchers now have much more access to empirical evi-dence and AI in use with the advent othis“summer”. In the IS com-munity specically, the increasedeasibility obuilding empirical modelsrom experimental data and using these models to make pre-dictions (the goal opredictive analytics using big data) is likely another reasonor the resurgence ointerest. However, despite the abundance o research related to machine learning, most owhat weound in the literature was related to its technological use in specic domains, whether that domain be healthcare, manuacturing etc. There is a relative lack oresearch into societal or governmental implications o machine learning and its recent advancements. 5. 3. Contribution mismatch For identiying the contribution types that AI studies have made in IS in the past 15 years, the primary studies were categorised using a ramework adaptedrom Shaw (2003) and Paternoster et al. (2014). The most prominent contribution type among the 98 studies was categorised as“lessons learned” with 40 studies, closelyollowed by“methods” at 26 and to a lesser extent“advice or implication” at 15. While thesendings do show a steady gathering ocumulative knowledge in relating to AI in IS, it also showcases a lack ostudies in relation to (i) tools and (ii) models. This is somewhat surprising, as this means there seems to be little interest in IS in researching new and innovative tools relating to AI. Instead, the bulk othe research seems to beocused on using types oAI, primariliy machine learning, to create a particularramework, method, or technique and use that toacilitate the construction and management osotware and systems. It seems likely that the reasonor this lack o ocus on tools or methods is related in some ways to the reasonsor the AI resurgence itselnoted in section 5. 2. That is, the advancement otechnology making supervised learningrom datasets and machine learning much moreeasible means that researchers are nowocused on this neworay, and“tools” and“methods” are let to languish because it seems the resurgence doesn't lit up all aspects oAI equally. 5. 4. Focus on machine learning In terms ostudying the categories oAI used,ollowing therame-work provided by Dejoux and L ´eon (2018), machine learning wasound to be overwhelmingly prominent in the primary studies, with 69 othe 98alling under it. Expert systems were the second most studies type o AI with 11 studies categorised as using it. Robotics saw the least use among the primary studies, with 3 studies concerned with it as its main ocus. This machine learning dominance seems to be due to, at least in part, the wide variety ocontexts in which machine learning is useul in comparison to the other types. For example, many othe primary studies dierentiated themselves by using a“machine learning approach” (Meyer et al., 2014 ;Chatterjee, Saeedar, Toangchi,&Kolbe, 2018 ). In addition, therequent appearance omachine learning as the AI appli-cation used in this paper can be attributed to theact that it concerns a very broad spectrum opotential applications. Thereore, while the prominence omachine learning may be understandable, it is still a concern. It means there is a relative dearth in studies concerning the other categories under AI, especially robotics. Google Trends show that popularity othe search termor machine learning has surpassed the popularity oAI by almost twice as much ( Google Trends, 2020 ). Additionally, the advances in hardware such as GPUs that has made AI much moreeasible in recent years seems to disproportionallyavour machine learning, which means moreocusrom industry and research. For example, text mining relatively inexpensive and can result in a wealth oinormation idone correctly ( He, Zha,&Li, 2013 ) while there has been some research done on the critical successactors odata-mining that is lacking in other areas ( Bole, Popovic, Zabkar, Papa,& Jaklic, 2015 ). This means that some othe other types oAI have received less researchocus, though all othem can oer much both practically and academically. For researchers, this seems to have resulted in many more studies approaching research into their own domains using what is oten simply called“a machine learning approach” with P1 ( Meyers et al., 2014 ), P13 ( Yin, Langenheldt, Harlev, Mukkamala,&Vatrapu, 2019 ) and P18 ( Buettner et al., 2019 ) just being aew othe many examples. From our ownndings here, the papersocused on natural language processing (NLP) have chatbots and similar virtual assistants as a major ocus. However, they seemocused onrontacing interactions between these agents and customers, and less on actual employees working be-side these agents. As chatbots and virtual agents rapidly advance in complexity, there needs to be more research into not just the eects on customers interacting with them, but the human-agent interaction othe people workingbesideandwiththem as well. The studies weound that used expert systems (ES) seemed toavour using a hybrid knowledge base using a variety oAI systems, rather than the“classical” method ousing just one or more human experts ( Kunz, Stelzner,&Williams, 1989 ). However, it has been noted by other studies that this shit hasn't resulted in a greater impact than earlier systems, despite the advances in technology. This was noted by ( Wagner, 2017 ), who also theorised that the reasonor this lack oimpact is that the earlier developers were able to capitalise on the 'low hangingruit' that had bigger impactor organisations. 5. 5. Focus on process automation Regarding the business value oAI in the primary studies, the results aren't immensely surprising, and inact align with thendings o Davenport and Ronanki (2018). Just as with ( Davenport&Ronanki, 2018 ), process automation was the most reported business valueound because oAI use. This is likely due to process automation being both the least expensive and the easiest to implement othe three value types discussed here ( Davenport&Ronanki, 2018 ). Adopters oRPA have noted the automation can radically transorm back oces, delivering much lower costs while improving service quality, and decreasing de-livery times, as well asreeing up employeesrom tedious tasks so they C. Collins et al.
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International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 12canocus on more important, challenging, and varied work ( Lacity, Willcocks,&Andrew, 2015 ). For the primary studies, this oten took the orm othe authors using someorm oautomated ML data mining. Another example would be P36, a paper which studied the application o machine learning in decision support systems andound that the pri-mary value was in acquiring and rening the knowledge used as the basis othe decision, rather than it make decisions themselves, noted in the studyor being much more dicult ( Merkert, Mueller,&Hubl, 2015 ). Cognitive insight was the second most common type oderived business value among the primary studies and was described by Davenport and Ronanki (2018 ) as“analytics on steroids”. Organisations that used such applications oAInd their value in perorming and enhancing tasks only machines can do. Among the primary studies o this study, P55 would be a good standout othis, studying the use o deep learning to enhance customer targeting eectiveness ( Zhang& Luo, 2019 ). The paper asserted that given some pilot tests deep learning models would be superior in sales perormance compared to the more common industry practices otargeting customers by past purchase requency or spending amount. These activities involve data analysis at such speeds and at volumes that no human would be possible to process. Cognitive engagement applications oAI were the value attributed to the least number oprimary studies within our sample. This is likely partly due to the cognitive engagement dealing more with customers, and businesses being more conservative with customeracing technol-ogy ( Davenport&Ronanki, 2018 ). The idea ohavingrustrating con-versions with a chat-bot that just can't seem to understand what the user is saying still quite strong in the public consciousness, never mind the high-proleailures such as Taybot ( Badjatiya, Gupta, Gupta,&Varma, 2017 ). Ourndings provide an overview othe current state oresearch when it comes to AI use in the organisational setting, but also helps to draw some interesting pointsoruture research. One othe main ndings in our synthesis concerned the lack odenitions when it comes to AI in empirical studies. Since AI applications cover a breadth o dierent techniques, technologies, and set a dierent set ore-quirements on data, inrastructure and leveraging them in the organ-isational setting it is important thatuture research accuratelyrames the denition oAI that is used. Apartrom enabling a better comparison between empirical works, clearly articulating denitions can also allow or a better understanding othe assumptions and constraints that characterise the body owork. Adding to the above, the dierent applications oAI largely dictate the type obusiness value that can be expected. This is a point that is mentioned also in the article o Davenport and Ronanki (2018) but is largely overlook in empirical studies. Providing exact denitions on what type oAI application is studied is criticalor business value research. In addition, it is important that studies dene the exact use and application othe technology since this has an important bearing on how business value is realised. This point also relates heavily to the choice o theory used to support business value generation, as well as the context in which these technologies are deployed. Specically, on the use otheories in studying business value, much othe work that has been published to date remains untheoretical. This poses a major issue as the boundary conditions and context in which AI applications are studied are not grounded on established theoretical rameworks. It also makes the comparison betweenndings and the identication ocomplementarities much more dicult. Adding to the above, major themes that have been under-reached remain dicult to identiy with an absence otheoretically grounded work. For instance, there is limited work on the diusion and assimilation oAI application in organisationsollowing longitudinal studies. This creates a large gap in our understanding ohow AI applications are gradually assimilated in operations and how business value may evolve depending on the dierent stages omaturity. 5. 6. Implicationsor practice Ourndings, apartrom their research relevance also raise some important practical implications. Specically, our analysis documents the types oAI applications that are most pursued by organisations and thereore ohighest interest to researchers. The specic applications and technologies oAI that are mostly researched provide practitioners some indication about theuture deployments and common technologies in organisations. Theact that machine learning applications are the most researched technology within the AI domain provides some indication about whereuture investments should be directed, as well as the ex-pected type obusiness value that they can deliver. Having such insight can allow IT managers to start experimenting with such techniques within their organisations and making appropriate investments to gradually deploy such solutions in business areas where they could be o high value. In addition, the review ostudies points out to those that can enable practitioners to obtain important lessons learnedrom deployments o AI technologies, identiy ways in which methods have been applied and what common challenges emerge, as well as identiy those that present general advice and best practices. The broad and extensive literature on AI in organisational settings make it challengingor many practitioners to identiy empirical studies that are ovalue to them. With the synthesis o ndings and the presentation ostudies based on a thematic catego-risation, practitioners are more easily able to identiy those studies that contribute to the challenges they and their organisationsace when it comes to AI deployments. In section 2. 2, we noted other SLRs conducted in IS concerning articial intelligence. Rzpeka and Berger (2018) consolidated research streams within IS research that had previously been treated separated and aggregated insights regarding the interaction with dierent AI-enabled system types. Homann et al. (2019) ound that nearly every step in the radiology value chain could be improved with the use o machine learning. Borges et al. (2021) ound that the strategic use oAI had not been well explored yet and created a preliminary conceptual ramework to aid managers in exploring that. Karger (2020) was arst attempt to investigate how block chain and AI could combine. This study took a step backrom any specic industry domain to research how AI and machine learning was being dened and used in a broader level, uses aramework adaptedrom Shaw (2003) and Paternoster et al. (2014) to see the contributions to literaturerom AI studies in IS and creates a research agendaoruture research. 6. Future research agenda In theollowing section, we critically evaluate the literature related to our research questions and highlight potential gapsorurther study to identiy the opportunitiesoruture AI research and thusull the ourth andnal aim othis paper. We develop an agenda o uture research that buildrom the identied gaps. This research agenda is presented in Table 14 and was primarilyormatted to correspond to the ramework provided by Dejoux and L ´eon (2018) that has been used throughout this study, with the addition otwo key areas that warrant urther research. AI is seeing a small consolidation in how it is dened; as something that exhibits human intelligence, which can be seen in the denitions used by the papers in section 4. 1. But the subject and denition o human intelligence is something that is still heavily debated even now. It has been noted that AI technology has tended to“become a somewhat broad church where manyorms oautomation and limited intelligent ma-chines are labelled as AI” ( Dwivedi et al., 2021 ). There is a gap thereor researchers to give more clarity in dening AI, even ithat means redening it awayrom traditional human intelligence. Section 4. 2. 1 also points to a resurgence in interest in AI in recent years, though many othe studies here are heavilyocused on the technology and peror-mance aspect oAI. More research should be done on the societal and C. Collins et al.
Artificial intelligence in information systems research_ A systematic literature review and research agenda - 1-s2.0-S0268401221000761-main.pdf
International Journal of Information Management 60 (2021) 102383 13personal eects these recent advances will have on people, both in the workplace and their everyday lives. Researchers are increasingly using machine learning as a major component otheir methodology when researching various topics, but currently there is a gap where much othis research couldurther expand on how and why they are using machine learning the way they are. For expert systems, there seems to be a shit awayrom the "tradi-tional" style oES with just aew experts managing a system to a more hybrid knowledge base that uses a variety oAI systems ( Wagner, 2017 ). This increased complexity may also mean it will take more time and eort than usual to see a return on the time and resources invested. Research into theull aspects ohow service robots could potentially aect business and people is still lacking. Wider debate is needed into the interactive and psychological elements orobot-human interaction, especially in the long term, with some studies specically showing that the strategic use oAI technologiesor customer and employee engagement has not been well exploited yet ( Borges et al., 2021 ;Gursoy, Chi, Lu,&Nunkoo, 2019 ). A specic domain that is currently lacking in researchor robotics is technophobia; previous research has examined theear ocomputers and have not accountedor new and evolvingtechnologies such as robots ( Sinha, Singh, Gupta,&Singh, 2020 ). Research into extensive interactions between advanced chatbots and humans is still immature, so researchers should take advantage othe increase in NLP capability and the usage oits technologies to dourther research. Finally, machine vision doesn't seem to be taking advantage o some othe recent technological advances seen in the new studies in machine learning, so there's a gap thereor researchers to see iand how machine learning could be improved. Additionally, much oIS literature recognises that IS alone is ineective in generating value, so comple-mentary assets are key to realising valuerom IS ( Shea, Dow,&Chong, 2019 ). AI is one othese complementary assets with potentialor transormative value in IS ( Nishant, Kennedy,&Corbertt, 2020 ). There is potentialor AI in all itsorms. Despite the interest in AI in recent years, there remains gaps in knowledge. However, AI does tend to encompass a broad array oideas and practises, rangingrom the spe-cics othe technology used to even how it is dened. Manyorms o automation, machine learning and intelligent agents are thus labelled as AI. However, despite the great strides in AI noted in the, so called “strong” AI doesn't seem like it will be made a reality within theore-seeableuture ( Kurzweil, 2005 ). Theuture agenda oAI seems set on theurther advancement o“weak” AI where specic tasks and decisions are attributed to machines, especially as much othe current research is ocused on industry specic uses oAI i. e., AI in healthcare, AI in manuacturing etc. This leaves a gapor researchers to consider the use oAI in other domains, such as agriculture sustainability ( Nishant, Kennedy,&Corbertt, 2020 ) and the public sector ( Dennehy, 2020 ; Abubakar, Behravesh, Rezapouraghda,&Yildiz, 2019 ). From thendings and analysis othis SLR, it highlights a needor a more coherent working denition oAI among academia. To improve the coherence and eciency oresearch and communication, it is better to make our working denitions explicit. 7. Conclusion This systematic literature review study provides a structured un-derstanding othe state-o-the-art oAI research in IS. This was achieved by identiying 98 primary studies out o1877 related AI articles over a teen-year period (2005-2020) and analysed them with respect to (i) denitions oAI, (ii)requency opublication by year, (iii) publication channels, (iv) research method and data collection type, (v) contribution type, (vi) type oAI and (vii) business value. A clearnding emergingrom this systematic literature review is the need to (i) increase the number origorous academic studies on AI, especially regarding tools and models, (ii) be more detailed on the denition oAI used in studies, even when it is not theocus, and (iii) build on cumulative knowledge. Research on AI in IS is still largely unexplored. While there is a relatively sizable amount oliterature concerning AI in some way, a comprehensive review owhat is known about AI in IS is lacking. This is especially trueor the way AI is dened in IS, which is still disparate. This study examines the body oknowledge about AI in IS. This work has developed one othe veryew SLRs on AI in IS and has provided a structured analysis otrends and gaps in theeld. The study provides new insights to theeld oIS through the utilisation oconceptions oAI denition, mapping activities to AI, and value relating to AI. We identied gaps in knowledge in the context oAI research and IS, which provides a starting pointor IS researchers and IS practitioners to advance the socio-technical knowledge surrounding AI. Thus, we make a calloruture IS studies to examine AI, specically to how AI is dened in contemporary IS research. Acknowledgements This research wasunded through a scholarship awarded by the Business Inormation Systems discipline, J. E. Cairnes School oBusiness &Economics, NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland. Table 14 Future research agendaor AI. Title Research agenda description Future Research Questions AI denition Lack oconsensus around the denition oAIIs comparing AI to human intelligence the most eective way oadvancing AI research? How can arst principles approach be used to dene a more contemporary denition oAI? Resurgence o interest Overocus on the technology and perormance aspects oAIWhat are the societal and personal impacts othe recent advances in AI? What can researchers and regulators do to keep up with the speed othese advances? Machine learning Increase in use omachine learning as a methodology among researchers. How can a researcher measure the eectiveness o their machine learning approach? Expert systems (ES)Moverom“classical” ES to a more hybrid knowledge base. Is the change to a more hybrid knowledge base o expert systems more eective than the “classical” style? Iso, does the value added by this new style outweigh the resources and time spent on adapting to it? Robotics Eects oextended use o advanced service robots on people is still relatively undeveloped. What are the impacts othe use oservice robots on people, both those they are servicing and the people working alongside them? What are the long-term psychological impacts on the increased use oservice robots, both on an individ-ual and societal level? Natural Language Processing (NLP)Chatbots and intelligent agents have made great advancements in recent years, while the eects o these advancements still need to be studied. How can we quantiy the value omore advanced chatbots and intelligent agents? Machine vision Machine vision seems to be lagging in advances compared to strides made in other AIunctions. How can the recent advances in AI and hardwareurther improve the use omachine vision?C. Collins et al.
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