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YAML Metadata Error: "multilinguality" must be a string

Dataset Card for common_voice

Dataset Summary

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Supported Tasks and Leaderboards

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Dataset Structure

Data Instances

A typical data point comprises the path to the audio file, called path and its sentence. Additional fields include accent, age, client_id, up_votes down_votes, gender, locale and segment.

{ 'file_path': 'audio/_1OsFqkFI38_34.304_39.424.wav', 'script': 'Ik vind dat een dubieuze procedure.', 'audio': {'path': 'audio/_1OsFqkFI38_34.304_39.424.wav', 'array': array([-0.00048828, -0.00018311, -0.00137329, ..., 0.00079346, 0.00091553, 0.00085449], dtype=float32), 'sampling_rate': 16000}

Data Fields

file_path: The path to the audio file

audio: A dictionary containing the path to the downloaded audio file, the decoded audio array, and the sampling rate. Note that when accessing the audio column: dataset[0]["audio"] the audio file is automatically decoded and resampled to dataset.features["audio"].sampling_rate. Decoding and resampling of a large number of audio files might take a significant amount of time. Thus it is important to first query the sample index before the "audio" column, i.e. dataset[0]["audio"] should always be preferred over dataset["audio"][0].

script: The sentence the user was prompted to speak

Data Splits

The speech material has been subdivided into portions for train, test, validated.

The val, test, train are all data that has been reviewed, deemed of high quality and split into val, test and train.

Dataset Creation

Curation Rationale

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Source Data

Initial Data Collection and Normalization

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Who are the source language producers?

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Annotation process

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Who are the annotators?

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Personal and Sensitive Information

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Considerations for Using the Data

Social Impact of Dataset

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Discussion of Biases

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Other Known Limitations

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Additional Information

Dataset Curators

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Licensing Information

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Citation Information

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Thanks to @datlq for adding this dataset.

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