1 value
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb_10", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "The three men advanced to the door. Just as they reached it there came from the interior a confusion of the most appalling sounds—the clash of weapons, steel against steel, sharp explosions as of firearms, shrieks of women, groans and the curses of men in combat!", "THE THREE MEN ADVANCED TO THE DOOR JUST AS THEY REACHED IT THERE CAME FROM THE INTERIOR A CONFUSION OF THE MOST APPALLING SOUNDS THE CLASH OF WEAPONS STEEL AGAINST STEEL SHARP EXPLOSIONS AS OF FIREARMS SHRIEKS OF WOMEN GROANS AND THE CURSES OF MEN IN COMBAT" ], "pre_texts": [ " out the same way he had come in. Twice more before I slept he came back into the room, acting precisely the same way, and departing as at first. In the intervals I heard him tramping all over the house, his footsteps distinctly audible in the pauses of the storm. When I woke in the morning he had already gone out.” Mr. Maren attempted some further questioning, but was unable longer to restrain the family’s tongues; the story of Deluse’s death and burial came out, greatly to the good minister’s astonishment. “The explanation of your adventure is very simple,” said Mr. Maren. “I don’t believe old Deluse walks in his sleep—not in his present one; but you evidently dream in yours.” And to this view of the matter Mr. Galbraith was compelled reluctantly to assent. Nevertheless, a late hour of the next night found these two gentlemen, accompanied by a son of the minister, in the road in front of the old Deluse house. There was a light inside; it appeared now at one window and now at another.", "OM AND WENT OUT THE SAME WAY HE HAD COME IN TWICE MORE BEFORE I SLEPT HE CAME BACK INTO THE ROOM ACTING PRECISELY THE SAME WAY AND DEPARTING AS AT FIRST IN THE INTERVALS I HEARD HIM TRAMPING ALL OVER THE HOUSE HIS FOOTSTEPS DISTINCTLY AUDIBLE IN THE PAUSES OF THE STORM WHEN I WOKE IN THE MORNING HE HAD ALREADY GONE OUT MISTER MERRIN ATTEMPTED SOME FURTHER QUESTIONING BUT WAS UNABLE LONGER TO RESTRAIN THE FAMILY'S TONGUES THE STORY OF DE LUCE'S DEATH AND BURIAL CAME OUT GREATLY TO THE GOOD MINISTER'S ASTONISHMENT THE EXPLANATION OF YOUR ADVENTURE IS VERY SIMPLE SAID MISTER MERRICK I DON'T BELIEVE OLD DE LUCE WALKS IN HIS SLEEP NOT IN HIS PRESENT ONE BUT YOU EVIDENTLY DREAM IN YOURS AND TO THIS VIEW OF THE MATTER MISTER GALLBRAITH WAS COMPELLED RELUCTANTLY TO ASCEND NEVERTHELESS A LATE HOUR OF THE NEXT NIGHT FOUND THESE TWO GENTLEMEN ACCOMPANIED BY A SON OF THE MINISTER IN THE ROAD IN FRONT OF THE OLD DE LUCE HOUSE THERE WAS A LIGHT INSIDE IT APPEARED NOW AT ONE WINDOW AND NOW AT ANOTHER" ], "begin_byte": 3912139, "end_byte": 3912402 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8892518, "duration": 555.782375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "He seemed to be searching for something, though his eyes were unmoved in their sockets. I wonder if he ever walks in his sleep. He took a circuit a part of the way round the room, and went out the same way he had come in. Twice more before I slept he came back into the room, acting precisely the same way, and departing as at first.", "HE SEEMED TO BE SEARCHING FOR SOMETHING THOUGH HIS EYES WERE UNMOVED IN THEIR SOCKETS I WONDER IF HE EVER WALKS IN HIS SLEEP HE TOOK A CIRCUIT A PART OF THE WAY AROUND THE ROOM AND WENT OUT THE SAME WAY HE HAD COME IN TWICE MORE BEFORE I SLEPT HE CAME BACK INTO THE ROOM ACTING PRECISELY THE SAME WAY AND DEPARTING AS AT FIRST" ], "pre_texts": [ "witted person checked by a gesture the exclamations that would naturally have followed, and tranquilly inquired: “How came you to go in there?” This is Mr. Maren’s version of Mr. Galbraith’s reply: “I saw a light moving about the house, and being nearly blinded by the sleet, and half frozen besides, drove in at the gate and put up my horse in the old rail stable, where it is now. I then rapped at the door, and getting no invitation went in without one. The room was dark, but having matches I found a candle and lit it. I tried to enter the adjoining room, but the door was fast, and although I heard the old man’s heavy footsteps in there he made no response to my calls. There was no fire on the hearth, so I made one and laying [_sic_] down before it with my overcoat under my head, prepared myself for sleep. Pretty soon the door that I had tried silently opened and the old man came in, carrying a candle. I spoke to him pleasantly, apologizing for my intrusion, but he took no notice of me.", " GALLBRAY'S ANSWER THIS READY WITTED PERSON CHECKED BY A GESTURE THE EXCLAMATIONS THAT WOULD NATURALLY HAVE FOLLOWED AND TRANQUILLY INQUIRED HOW CAME YOU TO GO IN THERE THIS IS MISTER MERRIN'S VERSION OF MISTER GALLBRAY'S REPLY I SAW A LIGHT MOVING ABOUT THE HOUSE AND BEING NEARLY BLINDED BY THE SLEET AND HALF FROZEN BESIDES DROVE IN AT THE GATE AND PUT UP MY HORSE IN THE OLD RAIL STABLE WHERE IT IS NOW I THEN RAPPED AT THE DOOR AND GETTING NO INVITATION WENT IN WITHOUT ONE THE ROOM WAS DARK BUT HAVING MATCHES I FOUND A CANDLE AND LIT IT I TRIED TO ENTER THE ADJOINING ROOM BUT THE DOOR WAS FAST AND ALTHOUGH I HEARD THE OLD MAN'S HEAVY FOOTSTEPS IN THERE HE MADE NO RESPONSE TO MY CALLS THERE WAS NO FIRE ON THE HEARTH SO I MADE ONE AND LYING DOWN BEFORE IT WITH MY OVERCOAT UNDER MY HEAD PREPARED MYSELF FOR SLEEP PRETTY SOON THE DOOR THAT I HAD TRIED SILENTLY OPENED AND THE OLD MAN CAME IN CARRYING A CANDLE I SPOKE TO HIM PLEASANTLY APOLOGIZING FOR MY INTRUSION BUT HE TOOK NO NOTICE OF ME" ], "begin_byte": 3910950, "end_byte": 3911283 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8892518, "duration": 555.782375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.479, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "He got no commendation, however, for this equitable distribution of his patronage; people were disposed to regard it as an ineffectual attempt to conceal his possession of so much money.", "HE GOT NO COMMENDATION HOWEVER FOR THIS EQUITABLE DISTRIBUTION OF HIS PATRONAGE PEOPLE WERE DISPOSED TO REGARD IT AS AN INEFFECTUAL ATTEMPT TO CONCEAL HIS POSSESSION OF SO MUCH MONEY" ], "pre_texts": [ " years there lived near the town of Gallipolis, Ohio, an old man named Herman Deluse. Very little was known of his history, for he would neither speak of it himself nor suffer others. It was a common belief among his neighbors that he had been a pirate—if upon any better evidence than his collection of boarding pikes, cutlasses, and ancient flintlock pistols, no one knew. He lived entirely alone in a small house of four rooms, falling rapidly into decay and never repaired further than was required by the weather. It stood on a slight elevation in the midst of a large, stony field overgrown with brambles, and cultivated in patches and only in the most primitive way. It was his only visible property, but could hardly have yielded him a living, simple and few as were his wants. He seemed always to have ready money, and paid cash for all his purchases at the village stores roundabout, seldom buying more than two or three times at the same place until after the lapse of a considerable time.", "LIBRAVOX DOT ORG FOR MANY YEARS THERE LIVED NEAR THE TOWN OF GYLIPPUS OHIO AN OLD MAN NAMED HERMAN DE LUCE VERY LITTLE WAS KNOWN OF HIS HISTORY FOR HE WOULD NEITHER SPEAK OF IT HIMSELF NOR SUFFER OTHERS IT WAS A COMMON BELIEF AMONG HIS NEIGHBORS THAT HE HAD BEEN A PIRATE IF UPON ANY BETTER EVIDENCE THAN HIS COLLECTION OF BOARDING PIKES CUTLASHES AND ANCIENT FLINT LOCK PISTOLS NO ONE KNEW HE LIVED ENTIRELY ALONE IN A SMALL HOUSE OF FOUR ROOMS FALLING RAPIDLY INTO DECAY AND NEVER REPAIRED FURTHER THAN WAS REQUIRED BY THE WEATHER IT STOOD ON A SLIGHT ELEVATION IN THE MIDST OF A LARGE STONY FIELD OVERGROWN WITH BRAMBLES AND CULTIVATED IN PATCHES AND ONLY IN THE MOST PRIMITIVE WAY IT WAS HIS ONLY VISIBLE PROPERTY BUT COULD HARDLY HAVE YIELDED HIM A LIVING SIMPLE AND FEW AS WERE HIS WONTS HE SEEMED ALWAYS TO HAVE READY MONEY AND PAID CASH FOR ALL HIS PURCHASES AT THE VILLAGE STORES ROUND ABOUT SELDOM BUYING MORE THAN TWO OR THREE TIMES AT THE SAME PLACE UNTIL THE LAPSE OF A CONSIDERABLE TIME" ], "begin_byte": 3907062, "end_byte": 3907248 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8892518, "duration": 555.782375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb_30", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.679, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "The expiring effort of the previous night's storm had been a light fall of snow; there were no footprints; the white surface was unbroken.", "THE EXPIRING EFFORT OF THE PREVIOUS NIGHT STORM HAD BEEN A LIGHT FALL OF SNOW THERE WERE NO FOOTPRINTS THE WHITE SURFACE WAS UNBROKEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "ses of men in combat! The investigators stood a moment, irresolute, frightened. Then Mr. Galbraith tried the door. It was fast. But the minister was a man of courage, a man, moreover, of Herculean strength. He retired a pace or two and rushed against the door, striking it with his right shoulder and bursting it from the frame with a loud crash. In a moment the three were inside. Darkness and silence! The only sound was the beating of their hearts. Mr. Maren had provided himself with matches and a candle. With some difficulty, begotten of his excitement, he made a light, and they proceeded to explore the place, passing from room to room. Everything was in orderly arrangement, as it had been left by the sheriff; nothing had been disturbed. A light coating of dust was everywhere. A back door was partly open, as if by neglect, and their first thought was that the authors of the awful revelry might have escaped. The door was opened, and the light of the candle shone through upon the ground.", " WOMEN GROANS AND THE CURSES OF MEN IN COMBAT THE INVESTIGATOR STOOD A MOMENT IRRESOLUTE FRIGHTENED THEN MISTER GOLBRACE TRIED THE DOOR IT WAS FAST BUT THE MINISTER WAS A MAN OF COURAGE A MAN MOREOVER OF HERCULEAN STRENGTH HE RETIRED A PACE OR TWO AND RUSHED AGAINST THE DOOR STRIKING IT WITH HIS RIGHT SHOULDER AND BURSTING IT FROM THE FRAME WITH A LOUD CRASH IN A MOMENT THE THREE WERE INSIDE DARKNESS AND SILENCE THE ONLY SOUND WAS THE BEATING OF THEIR HEARTS MISTER MERRIN HAD PROVIDED HIMSELF WITH MATCHES AND A CANDLE WITH SOME DIFFICULTY BEGOTTEN OF HIS EXCITEMENT HE MADE A LIGHT AND THEY PROCEEDED TO EXPLORE THE PLACE PASSING FROM ROOM TO ROOM EVERYTHING WAS AN ORDERLY ARRANGEMENT AS IT HAD BEEN LEFT BY THE SHERIFF NOTHING HAD BEEN DISTURBED A LIGHT COATING OF DUST WAS EVERYWHERE A BACK DOOR WAS PARTLY OPEN AS IF BY NEGLECT AND THEIR FIRST THOUGHT WAS THAT THE AUTHORS OF THE AWFUL REVELRY MIGHT HAVE ESCAPED THE DOOR WAS OPENED AND THE LIGHT OF THE CANDLE SHONE THROUGH UPON THE GROUND" ], "begin_byte": 3913382, "end_byte": 3913520 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8892518, "duration": 555.782375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.4, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "At about eight o'clock that morning the Rev. Henry Galbraith, a well known and highly esteemed Lutheran minister, arrived on foot at his house, a mile and a half from the Deluse place.", "AT ABOUT EIGHT O'CLOCK THAT MORNING THE REVEREND HENRY GALLBRAITH A WELL KNOWN AND HIGHLY ESTEEMED LUTHERAN MINISTER ARRIVED ON FOOT AT HIS HOUSE A MILE AND A HALF FROM THE DE LUCE PLACE" ], "pre_texts": [ "disorder or violence. According to them, death must have taken place about noonday, yet the body was found in bed. The verdict of the coroner’s jury was that he “came to his death by a visitation of God.” The body was buried and the public administrator took charge of the estate. A rigorous search disclosed nothing more than was already known about the dead man, and much patient excavation here and there about the premises by thoughtful and thrifty neighbors went unrewarded. The administrator locked up the house against the time when the property, real and personal, should be sold by law with a view to defraying, partly, the expenses of the sale. The night of November 20 was boisterous. A furious gale stormed across the country, scourging it with desolating drifts of sleet. Great trees were torn from the earth and hurled across the roads. So wild a night had never been known in all that region, but toward morning the storm had blown itself out of breath and day dawned bright and clear.", "INDICATION OF DISORDER OR VIOLENCE ACCORDING TO THEM DEATH MUST HAVE TAKEN PLACE ABOUT NOONDAY YET THE BODY WAS FOUND IN BED THE VERDICT OF THE CORONER'S JURY WAS THAT HE CAME TO HIS DEATH BY A VISITATION OF GOD THE BODY WAS BURIED AND THE PUBLIC ADMINISTRATOR TOOK CHARGE OF THE ESTATE A RIGOROUS SEARCH DISCLOSED NOTHING MORE THAN WAS ALREADY KNOWN ABOUT THE DEAD MAN AND MUCH PATIENT EXCAVATION HERE AND THERE ABOUT THE PREMISES BY THOUGHTFUL AND THRIFTY NEIGHBORS WENT UNREWARDED THE ADMINISTRATOR LOCKED UP THE HOUSE AGAINST THE TIME WHEN THE PROPERTY REAL AND PERSONAL SHOULD BE SOLD BY LAW WITH A VIEW TO DEFRAYING PARTLY THE EXPENSES OF THE SALE THE NIGHT OF NOVEMBER TWENTIETH WAS BOISTEROUS A FURIOUS GALE STORMED ACROSS THE COUNTRY SCOURGING IT WITH DESOLATING DRIFTS OF SLEEP GREAT TREES WERE TORN FROM THE EARTH AND HURLED ACROSS THE ROADS SO WILD A NIGHT HAD NEVER BEEN KNOWN IN ALL THAT REGION BUT TOWARD MORNING THE STORM HAD BLOWN ITSELF OUT OF BREATH AND DAY DAWNED BRIGHT AND CLEAR" ], "begin_byte": 3908813, "end_byte": 3908997 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_16_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8892518, "duration": 555.782375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_15", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "In many a talk with his cousin beneath the nearer stars of Flanders no word of it ever passed his lips.", "IN MANY A TALK WITH HIS COUSIN BENEATH THE NEARER STARS OF FLANDERS NO WORD OF IT EVER PASSED HIS LIPS" ], "pre_texts": [ "ne. ... And he shrieked aloud in his remorseful anguish: “May the gods forgive me, for I did not mean it! Oh, that I might undo ... that I might repay ...!” That his cries disturbed the weary occupants in more than one bed is certain, but he remembers chiefly that a nurse was quickly by his side, and that something she gave him soothed his violent pain and helped him into[153] deeper sleep again. There was, he noticed, anyhow, no longer the soft, clear, blazing light about his cousin’s bed. He saw only the faint glitter of the oil-lamps down the length of the great room. ... And some weeks later he went back to fight. The picture, however, never left his memory. It stayed with him as an actual reality that was neither delusion nor hallucination. He believed that he understood at last the meaning of the tie that had fettered him and puzzled him so long. The memory of those far-off days of shepherding beneath the stars of long ago remained vividly beside him. He kept his secret, however.", "AS DEEPER BLUER THAN THE VELVET OF THE NIGHT ALONE AND HE SHRIEKED ALOUD IN HIS REMORSEFUL ANGUISH MAY THE GODS FORGIVE ME FOR I DID NOT MEAN IT OH THAT I MIGHT UNDO THAT I MIGHT REPAY THAT HIS CRIES DISTURBED THE WEARY OCCUPANTS IN MORE THAN ONE BED IS CERTAIN BUT HE REMEMBERS CHIEFLY THAT A NURSE WAS QUICKLY BY HIS SIDE AND THAT SOMETHING SHE GAVE HIM SOOTHED HIS VIOLENT PAIN AND HELPED HIM INTO DEEPER SLEEP AGAIN THERE WAS HE NOTICED ANYHOW NO LONGER THE SOFT CLEAR BLAZING LIGHT ABOUT HIS COUSIN'S BED HE SAW ONLY THE FAINT GLITTER OF THE OIL LAMPS DOWN THE LENGTH OF THE GREAT ROOM AND SOME WEEKS LATER HE WENT BACK TO FIGHT THE PICTURE HOWEVER NEVER LEFT HIS MEMORY IT STAYED WITH HIM AS AN ACTUAL REALITY THAT WAS NEITHER DELUSION NOR HALLUCINATION HE BELIEVED THAT HE UNDERSTOOD AT LAST THE MEANING OF THE TIE THAT HAD FETTERED HIM AND PUZZLED HIM SO LONG THE MEMORY OF THOSE FAR OFF DAYS OF SHEPHERDING BENEATH THE STARS OF LONG AGO REMAINED VIVIDLY BESIDE HIM HE KEPT HIS SECRET HOWEVER" ], "begin_byte": 2758488, "end_byte": 2758591 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.96, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "He had already—somewhere, somehow—seen death descending upon his cousin from the air. Yet with a difference.", "HE HAD ALREADY SOMEWHERE SOMEHOW SEEN DEATH DESCENDING UPON HIS COUSIN FROM THE AIR YET WITH A DIFFERENCE" ], "pre_texts": [ "ed the other way. By stretching out his hand, Smith knew he could field it like a cricket ball. There was an interval of a second and a half, he judged. He hesitated—perhaps a quarter of a second—then he acted. He caught it. It was the obvious thing to do. He flung it back into the opposing trench. The rapidity of thought is hard to realise. In that second and a half Smith was aware of many things: He saved his cousin’s life unquestionably; unquestionably also Jones seized the opportunity that otherwise was his cousin’s. But it was neither of these reflections that filled Smith’s mind. The dominant impression was another. It flashed into actual words inside his excited brain:[149] “I must risk it. I owe it to him—and more besides!” He was, further, aware of another impulse than the obvious one. In the first fraction of a second it was overwhelmingly established. And it was this: that the entire episode was familiar to him. A subtle familiarity was present. All this had happened before.", "ON HIS COUSIN WHOSE HEAD WAS TURNED THE OTHER WAY BY STRETCHING OUT HIS HAND SMITH KNEW HE COULD FIELD IT LIKE A CRICKET BALL THERE WAS AN INTERVAL OF A SECOND AND A HALF HE JUDGED HE HESITATED PERHAPS A QUARTER OF A SECOND THEN HE ACTED HE CAUGHT IT IT WAS THE OBVIOUS THING TO DO HE FLUNG IT BACK INTO THE OPPOSING TRENCH THE RAPIDITY OF THOUGHT IS HARD TO REALIZE IN THAT SECOND AND A HALF SMITH WAS AWARE OF MANY THINGS HE SAVED HIS COUSIN'S LIFE UNQUESTIONABLY UNQUESTIONABLY ALSO JONES SEIZED THE OPPORTUNITY THAT OTHERWISE WAS HIS COUSIN'S BUT IT WAS NEITHER OF THESE REFLECTIONS THAT FILLED SMITH'S MIND THE DOMINANT IMPRESSION WAS ANOTHER IT FLASHED INTO ACTUAL WORDS INSIDE HIS EXCITED BRAIN I MUST RISK IT I OWE IT TO HIM AND MORE BESIDES HE WAS FURTHER AWARE OF ANOTHER IMPULSE THAN THE OBVIOUS ONE IN THE FIRST FRACTION OF A SECOND IT WAS OVERWHELMINGLY ESTABLISHED AND IT WAS THIS THAT THE ENTIRE EPISODE WAS FAMILIAR TO HIM A SUBTLE FAMILIARITY WAS PRESENT ALL THIS HAD HAPPENED BEFORE" ], "begin_byte": 2750310, "end_byte": 2750418 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_42", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "He hesitated. He was no murderer, yet he paused. He heard the roar, the ugly thud, the crash, the cry for help—too late ... and when, an instant afterwards, his steel plunged into the great beast's heart, the human heart and life he might have saved lay still for ever.", "HE HESITATED HE WAS NO MURDERER YET HE PAUSED HE HEARD THE ROAR THE UGLY THUD THE CRASH THE CRY FOR HELP TOO LATE AND WHEN AN INSTANT AFTERWARDS HIS STEEL PLUNGED INTO THE GREAT BEAST'S HEART THE HUMAN HEART AND LIFE HE MIGHT HAVE SAVED LAY STILL FOREVER" ], "pre_texts": [ "sion, unconfessed, concealed, burst into instant flame. That the[152] girl should become his brother’s wife sent the blood surging through his veins in fury. He felt his life and all that he desired go down in ashes. ... He watched his brother stride towards the water, the deer-skin cast across one naked shoulder—when another object caught his practised eye. In mid-air it passed suddenly, like a shining gleam; it seemed to hang a second; then it swept swiftly forward past his head—and downward. It had leaped with a blazing fury from the overhanging bank behind; he saw the blood still streaming from its wounded flank. It must land—he saw it with a secret, awful pleasure—full upon the striding figure, whose head was turned away! The swiftness of that leap, however, was not so swift but that he could easily have used his spear. Indeed, he gripped it strongly. His skill, his strength, his aim—he knew them well enough. But hate and love, fastening upon his heart, held all his muscles still.", "N INTO BITTER HATE HIS OWN FIERCE PASSION UNCONFESSED CONCEALED BURST INTO INSTANT FLAME THAT THE GIRL SHOULD BECOME HIS BROTHER'S WIFE SENT THE BLOOD SURGING THROUGH HIS VEINS IN FURY HE FELT HIS LIFE AND ALL THAT HE DESIRED GO DOWN IN ASHES HE WATCHED HIS BROTHER STRIDE TOWARDS THE WATER THE DEER SKIN CAST ACROSS ONE NAKED SHOULDER WHEN ANOTHER OBJECT CAUGHT HIS PRACTICED EYE IN MID AIR IT PASSED SUDDENLY LIKE A SHINING GLEAM IT SEEMED TO HANG A SECOND THEN IT SWEPT SWIFTLY FORWARD PAST HIS HEAD AND DOWNWARD IT HAD LEAPED WITH A BLAZING FURY FROM THE OVERHANGING BANK BEHIND HE SAW THE BLOOD STILL STREAMING FROM ITS WOUNDED FLANK IT MUST LAND HE SAW IT WITH A SECRET AWFUL PLEASURE FULL UPON THE STRIDING FIGURE WHOSE HEAD WAS TURNED AWAY THE SWIFTNESS OF THAT LEAP HOWEVER WAS NOT SO SWIFT BUT THAT HE COULD EASILY HAVE USED HIS SPEAR INDEED HE GRIPPED IT STRONGLY HIS SKILL HIS STRENGTH HIS AIM HE KNEW THEM WELL ENOUGH BUT HATE AND LOVE FASTENING UPON HIS HEART HELD ALL HIS MUSCLES STILL" ], "begin_byte": 2756833, "end_byte": 2757102 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_52", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 20.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "The nerves, over strained to numbness, lay very still. The physical system, battered and depleted, made no cry. The clamour of the flesh was hushed. He was aware, however, of an undeniable exaltation of the spirit in him, as he lay and gazed towards his cousin's bed.", "THE NERVES OVERSTRAINED TO NUMBNESS LAY VERY STILL THE PHYSICAL SYSTEM BATTERED AND DEPLETED MADE NO CRY THE CLAMOUR OF THE FLESH WAS HUSHED HE WAS AWARE HOWEVER OF AN UNDENIABLE EXALTATION OF THE SPIRIT IN HIM AS HE LAY AND GAZED TOWARDS HIS COUSIN'S BED" ], "pre_texts": [ "nviction, of obscurest origin, that it was right and absolutely just—full, honest repayment of a debt incurred. Some ancient balance of account was being settled; there was no “chance”; injustice and caprice played no role at all. ... And a deeper understanding of life’s ironies crept into him; for if everything was just, there was no room for whimpering. And the voice persisted above the sound of busy footsteps in the ward: “I owe it ... I’ll pay it gladly ...!” Through the pain and weakness the whisper died away. He was exhausted. There were periods of unconsciousness,[150] but there were periods of half-consciousness as well; then flashes of another kind of consciousness altogether, when, bathed in high, soft light, he was aware of things he could not quite account for. He saw. It was absolutely real. Only, the critical faculty was gone. He did not question what he saw, as he stared across at his cousin’s bed. He knew. Perhaps the beaten, worn-out body let something through at last.", "RACE OF BITTERNESS OR ENVY NOW ONLY THIS PROFOUND CONVICTION OF OBSCUREST ORIGIN THAT IT WAS RIGHT AN ABSOLUTELY JUST FULL HONEST REPAYMENT OF A DEBT INCURRED SOME ANCIENT BALANCE OF ACCOUNT WAS BEING SETTLED THERE WAS NO CHANCE INJUSTICE AND CAPRICE PLAYED NO ROLE AT ALL AND A DEEPER UNDERSTANDING OF LIFE'S IRONIES CREPT INTO HIM FOR IF EVERYTHING WAS JUST THERE WAS NO ROOM FOR WHIMPERING AND THE VOICE PERSISTED ABOVE THE SOUND OF BUSY FOOTSTEPS IN THE WARD I OWE IT I'LL PAY IT GLADLY THROUGH THE PAIN AND WEAKNESS THE WHISPER DIED AWAY HE WAS EXHAUSTED THERE WERE PERIODS OF UNCONSCIOUSNESS BUT THERE WERE PERIODS OF HALF CONSCIOUSNESS AS WELL THEN FLASHES OF ANOTHER KIND OF CONSCIOUSNESS ALTOGETHER WHEN BATHED IN HIGH SOFT LIGHT HE WAS AWARE OF THINGS HE COULD NOT QUITE ACCOUNT FOR HE SAW IT WAS ABSOLUTELY REAL ONLY THE CRITICAL FACULTY WAS GONE HE DID NOT QUESTION WHAT HE SAW AS HE STARED ACROSS AT HIS COUSIN'S BED HE KNEW PERHAPS THE BEATEN WORN OUT BODY LET SOMETHING THROUGH IT LAST" ], "begin_byte": 2752441, "end_byte": 2752708 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_67", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "Smith, on the other hand, was conscious of a depth and strength in the tie that certainly intrigued him; being of a thoughtful, introspective nature, he was keenly sensible of the strange competition in their lives, and sought in various ways for its explanation, though without success.", "SMITH ON THE OTHER HAND WAS CONSCIOUS OF A DEPTH AND STRENGTH IN THE TIE THAT CERTAINLY INTRIGUED HIM BEING OF A THOUGHTFUL INTROSPECTIVE NATURE WAS KEENLY SENSIBLE OF THE STRANGE COMPETITION IN THEIR LIVES AND SOUGHT IN VARIOUS WAYS FOR ITS EXPLANATION THOUGH WITHOUT SUCCESS" ], "pre_texts": [ ", their families were not intimate,[146] and there was no obvious reason why their paths should fall so persistently together. Yet their paths did so, crossing and recrossing in the way described. Sooner or later, in all his undertakings, Smith would note the shadow of Jones darkening the ground in front of him; and later, when called to the Bar in his chosen profession, he found most frequently that the learned counsel in opposition to him was the owner of this shadow, Jones. In another matter, too, they became rivals, for the same girl, oddly enough, attracted both, and though she accepted neither offer of marriage (during Smith’s lifetime!), the attitude between them was that of unwilling rivals. For they were friends as well. Jones, it appears, was hardly aware that any rivalry existed; he did not think of Smith as an opponent, and as an adversary, never. He did notice, however, the constantly recurring meetings, for more than once he commented on them with good-humoured amusement.", "SOCIAL INTERCOURSE THOUGH DISTANT COUSINS THEIR FAMILIES WERE NOT INTIMATE AND THERE WAS NO OBVIOUS REASON WHY THEIR PATHS SHOULD FALL SO PERSISTENTLY TOGETHER YET THEIR PATHS DID SO CROSSING AND RECROSSING IN THE WAY DESCRIBED SOONER OR LATER IN ALL HIS UNDERTAKINGS SMITH WOULD NOTE THE SHADOW OF JONES DARKENING THE GROUND IN FRONT OF HIM AND LATER WHEN CALLED TO THE BAR AND HIS CHOSEN PROFESSION HE FOUND MOST FREQUENTLY THAT THE LEARNED COUNSEL IN OPPOSITION TO HIM WAS THE OWNER OF THIS SHADOW JONES IN ANOTHER MATTER TOO THEY BECAME RIVALS FOR THE SAME GIRL ODDLY ENOUGH ATTRACTED BOTH AND THOUGH SHE ACCEPTED NEITHER OFFER OF MARRIAGE DURING SMITH'S LIFETIME THE ATTITUDE BETWEEN THEM WAS THAT OF UNWILLING RIVALS FOR THEY WERE FRIENDS AS WELL JONES IT APPEARS WAS HARDLY AWARE THAT ANY RIVAL EXISTED HE DID NOT THINK OF SMITH AS AN OPPONENT OR AS AN ADVERSARY NEVER HE DID NOTICE HOWEVER THE CONSTANTLY RECURRING MEETINGS FOR MORE THAN ONCE HE COMMENTED ON THEM WITH GOOD HUMOURED AMUSEMENT" ], "begin_byte": 2745130, "end_byte": 2745417 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_80", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 11.52, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "The companion, moreover, was his brother; they ever hunted together; there was a passionate link between them born of blood and of affection—they were twins.", "THE COMPANION MOREOVER WAS HIS BROTHER THEY EVER HUNTED TOGETHER THERE WAS A PASSIONATE LINK BETWEEN THEM BORN OF BLOOD AND OF AFFECTION THEY WERE TWINS" ], "pre_texts": [ "eps of nurses, orderlies, doctors. New cases were brought in, “old” cases were carried out; he ignored them; he saw only the light above his cousin’s bed grow stronger. He lay still and stared. It came neither from the ceiling nor the floor; it unfolded like a cloud of shining smoke. And the little lamp, the sheets, the figure framed between them—all these slid cleverly away and vanished utterly. He stood in another place that had lain behind all these appearances—a landscape with wooded hills, a foaming river, the sun just sinking below the forest, and dusk creeping from a gorge along the lonely banks. In the warm air there was a perfume of great flowers and heavy-scented trees; there were fire-flies, and the taste of spray from the tumbling river was on his lips. Across the water a large bird, flapped its heavy wings, as it moved[151] down-stream to find another fishing place. For he and his companion had disturbed it as they broke out of the thick foliage and reached the river-bank.", "HICK MATTING DEADENED THE FOOTSTEPS OF NURSES ORDERLIES DOCTORS NEW CASES WERE BROUGHT IN OLD CASES WERE CARRIED OUT HE IGNORED THEM HE SAW ONLY THE LIGHT ABOVE HIS COUSIN'S BED GROW STRONGER HE LAY STILL AND STARED IT CAME NEITHER FROM THE CEILING NOR THE FLOOR IT UNFOLDED LIKE A CLOUD OF SHINING SMOKE AND THE LITTLE LAMP THE SHEETS THE FIGURE FRAMED BETWEEN THEM ALL THESE SLID CLEVERLY AWAY AND VANISHED UTTERLY HE STOOD IN ANOTHER PLACE THAT HAD LAIN BEHIND ALL THESE APPEARANCES A LANDSCAPE WITH WOODED HILLS A FOAMING RIVER THE SUN JUST SINKING BELOW THE FOREST AND DUSK CREEPING FROM A GORGE ALONG THE LONELY BANKS IN THE WARM AIR THERE WAS A PERFUME OF GREAT FLOWERS AND HEAVY SCENTED TREES THERE WERE FIREFLIES AND THE TASTE OF SPRAY FROM THE TUMBLING RIVER WAS ON HIS LIPS ACROSS THE WATER A LARGE BIRD FLAPPED ITS HEAVY WINGS AS IT MOVED DOWN STREAM TO FIND ANOTHER FISHING PLACE FOR HE AND HIS COMPANION HAD DISTURBED IT AS THEY BROKE OUT OF THE THICK FOLIAGE AND REACHED THE RIVER BANK" ], "begin_byte": 2754150, "end_byte": 2754307 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
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[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_87", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "It showed itself in earliest days, at school, at Cambridge, in travel, even in house parties and the lighter social intercourse.", "IT SHOWED ITSELF IN EARLIER DAYS AT SCHOOL AT CAMBRIDGE IN TRAVEL EVEN IN HOUSE PARTIES AND THE LIGHTER SOCIAL INTERCOURSE" ], "pre_texts": [ " the universe at all, they can hardly be inactive at the present time. ... The case of two men, who may be called Jones and Smith, occurs to the mind in this connection. Whether a veil actually was lifted for a moment, or whether the tension of long and terrible months resulted in an exaltation of emotion, the experience claims significance. Smith, to whom the experience came, holds the firm belief that it was real. Jones, though it involved him too, remained unaware. It is a somewhat personal story, their peculiar relationship dating from early youth: a kind of unwilling antipathy was born between them, yet an antipathy that had no touch of hate or even of dislike. It was rather in the nature of an instinctive rivalry. Some tie operated that flung them ever into the same arena with strange persistence, and ever as opponents. An inevitable fate delighted to throw them together in a sense that made them rivals; small as well as large affairs betrayed this malicious tendency of the gods.", "F POWERS OF GOOD EXIST IN THE UNIVERSE AT ALL THEY CAN HARDLY BE INACTIVE AT THE PRESENT TIME THE CASE OF TWO MEN WHO MAY BE CALLED JONES AND SMITH OCCURS TO THE MIND IN THIS CONNECTION WHETHER A VEIL ACTUALLY WAS LIFTED FOR A MOMENT OR WHETHER THE TENSION OF LONG AND TERRIBLE MONTHS RESULTED IN AN EXULTATION OF EMOTION THE EXPERIENCE CLAIMS SIGNIFICANCE PSMITH TO WHOM THE EXPERIENCE CAME HOLDS THE FIRM BELIEF THAT IT WAS REAL JONES THOUGH IT INVOLVED HIM TOO REMAINED UNAWARE IT IS A SOMEWHAT PERSONAL STORY THEIR PECULIAR RELATIONSHIP DATING FROM EARLY YOUTH A KIND OF UNWILLING ANTIPATHY WAS BORNE BETWEEN THEM YET AN ANTIPATHY THAT HAD NO TOUCH OF HATE OR EVEN OF DISLIKE IT WAS RATHER IN THE NATURE OF AN INSTINCTIVE RIVALRY SOME TIE OPERATED THAT FLUNG THEM EVER INTO THE SAME ARENA WITH STRANGE PERSISTENCE AND EVER AS OPPONENTS AN INEVITABLE FATE DELIGHTED TO THROW THEM TOGETHER IN A SENSE THAT MADE THEM RIVALS SMALL AS WELL AS LARGE AFFAIRS BETRAYED THIS MALICIOUS TENDENCY OF THE GODS" ], "begin_byte": 2743978, "end_byte": 2744106 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_88", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.28, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "Tempted to bitterness sometimes, he did not yield to it, however; the relationship remained frank and pleasant; if anything, it deepened. [147] He remembered once, for instance, giving his cousin a chance introduction which yet led, a little later, to the third party offering certain evidence which lost him an important case—Jones, of course, winning it. The third party, too, angry at being dragged into the case, turned hostile to him, thwarting various subsequent projects.", "TEMPTED TO BITTERNESS SOMETIMES HE DID NOT YIELD TO IT HOWEVER THE RELATIONSHIP REMAINED FRANK AND PLEASANT IF ANYTHING IT DEEPENED HE REMEMBERED ONCE FOR INSTANCE GIVING HIS COUSIN A CHANCE INTRODUCTION WHICH YET LED A LITTLE LATER TO THE THIRD PARTY OFFERING CERTAIN EVIDENCE WHICH LOST HIM AN IMPORTANT CASE JONES OF COURSE WINNING IT THE THIRD PARTY TOO ANGERED AT BEING DRAGGED INTO THE CASE TURNED HOSTILE TO HIM THWARTING VARIOUS SUBSEQUENT PROJECTS" ], "pre_texts": [ "er, the constantly recurring meetings, for more than once he commented on them with good-humoured amusement. Smith, on the other hand, was conscious of a depth and strength in the tie that certainly intrigued him; being of a thoughtful, introspective nature, he was keenly sensible of the strange competition in their lives, and sought in various ways for its explanation, though without success. The desire to find out was very strong in him. And this was natural enough, owing to the singular fact that in all their battles he was the one to lose. Invariably Jones got the best of every conflict. Smith always paid; sometimes he paid with interest. Occasionally, too, he seemed forced to injure himself while contributing to his cousin’s success. It was very curious. He reflected much upon it; he wondered what the origin of their tie and rivalry might be, but especially why it was that he invariably lost, and why he was so often obliged to help his rival to the point even of his own detriment.", "RY NEVER HE DID NOTICE HOWEVER THE CONSTANTLY RECURRING MEETINGS FOR MORE THAN ONCE HE COMMENTED ON THEM WITH GOOD HUMOURED AMUSEMENT SMITH ON THE OTHER HAND WAS CONSCIOUS OF A DEPTH AND STRENGTH IN THE TIE THAT CERTAINLY INTRIGUED HIM BEING OF A THOUGHTFUL INTROSPECTIVE NATURE WAS KEENLY SENSIBLE OF THE STRANGE COMPETITION IN THEIR LIVES AND SOUGHT IN VARIOUS WAYS FOR ITS EXPLANATION THOUGH WITHOUT SUCCESS THE DESIRE TO FIND OUT WAS VERY STRONG IN HIM AND THIS WAS NATURAL ENOUGH OWING TO THE SINGULAR FACT THAT IN ALL THEIR BATTLES HE WAS THE ONE TO LOSE INVARIABLY JONES GOT THE BEST OF EVERY CONFLICT SMITH ALWAYS PAID SOMETIMES HE PAID WITH INTEREST OCCASIONALLY TOO HE SEEMED FORCED TO INJURE HIMSELF WHILE CONTRIBUTING TO HIS COUSIN'S SUCCESS IT WAS VERY CURIOUS HE REFLECTED MUCH UPON IT HE WONDERED WHAT THE ORIGIN OF THEIR TIE AND RIVALRY MIGHT BE BUT ESPECIALLY WHY IT WAS THAT HE INVARIABLY LOST AND WHY HE WAS SO OFTEN OBLIGED TO HELP HIS RIVAL TO THE POINT EVEN OF HIS OWN DETRIMENT" ], "begin_byte": 2746022, "end_byte": 2746500 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb_93", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.519, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "Across the water a large bird, flapped its heavy wings, as it moved[151] down stream to find another fishing place. For he and his companion had disturbed it as they broke out of the thick foliage and reached the river bank.", "ACROSS THE WATER A LARGE BIRD FLAPPED ITS HEAVY WINGS AS IT MOVED DOWN STREAM TO FIND ANOTHER FISHING PLACE FOR HE AND HIS COMPANION HAD DISTURBED IT AS THEY BROKE OUT OF THE THICK FOLIAGE AND REACHED THE RIVER BANK" ], "pre_texts": [ "was the eternal Self in him that remembered and understood—the soul. ... With that satisfaction which is born of full comprehension, he watched the light glow and spread about the little bed. Thick matting deadened the footsteps of nurses, orderlies, doctors. New cases were brought in, “old” cases were carried out; he ignored them; he saw only the light above his cousin’s bed grow stronger. He lay still and stared. It came neither from the ceiling nor the floor; it unfolded like a cloud of shining smoke. And the little lamp, the sheets, the figure framed between them—all these slid cleverly away and vanished utterly. He stood in another place that had lain behind all these appearances—a landscape with wooded hills, a foaming river, the sun just sinking below the forest, and dusk creeping from a gorge along the lonely banks. In the warm air there was a perfume of great flowers and heavy-scented trees; there were fire-flies, and the taste of spray from the tumbling river was on his lips.", "AY THAT GAVE UP THEIR DEAD IT WAS THE ETERNAL SELF IN HIM THAT REMEMBERED AND UNDERSTOOD THE SOUL WITH THAT SATISFACTION WHICH IS BORN OF FULL COMPREHENSION HE WATCHED THE LIGHT GLOW AND SPREAD ABOUT THE LITTLE BED THICK MATTING DEADENED THE FOOTSTEPS OF NURSES ORDERLIES DOCTORS NEW CASES WERE BROUGHT IN OLD CASES WERE CARRIED OUT HE IGNORED THEM HE SAW ONLY THE LIGHT ABOVE HIS COUSIN'S BED GROW STRONGER HE LAY STILL AND STARED IT CAME NEITHER FROM THE CEILING NOR THE FLOOR IT UNFOLDED LIKE A CLOUD OF SHINING SMOKE AND THE LITTLE LAMP THE SHEETS THE FIGURE FRAMED BETWEEN THEM ALL THESE SLID CLEVERLY AWAY AND VANISHED UTTERLY HE STOOD IN ANOTHER PLACE THAT HAD LAIN BEHIND ALL THESE APPEARANCES A LANDSCAPE WITH WOODED HILLS A FOAMING RIVER THE SUN JUST SINKING BELOW THE FOREST AND DUSK CREEPING FROM A GORGE ALONG THE LONELY BANKS IN THE WARM AIR THERE WAS A PERFUME OF GREAT FLOWERS AND HEAVY SCENTED TREES THERE WERE FIREFLIES AND THE TASTE OF SPRAY FROM THE TUMBLING RIVER WAS ON HIS LIPS" ], "begin_byte": 2753925, "end_byte": 2754149 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_17_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 18821138, "duration": 1176.321125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_26", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.639, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "This was the first time it happened to him. At the theatre, a week later, when the phenomenon was repeated, the stage he was watching fixedly at the moment went far away, as though he saw it from a long way off. The distance, so far as he could judge, was the same as before, about a mile.", "THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED TO HIM AT THE THEATER A WEEK LATER WHEN THE PHENOMENON WAS REPEATED THE STAGE HE WAS WATCHING FIXEDLY AT THE MOMENT WENT FAR AWAY AS THOUGH HE SAW IT FROM A LONG WAY OFF THE DISTANCE SO FAR AS HE COULD JUDGE WAS THE SAME AS BEFORE ABOUT A MILE" ], "pre_texts": [ "most precious possession as an artist, was of course affected. He was conscious of a little trembling in him, as he at once began trying his sight at various objects—his hands, the high ceiling, the trees dim in the twilight on the lawn outside. He opened a book and read half a dozen lines, at changing distances; finally he stared carefully at the second hand of his watch. “Right as a trivet!” he exclaimed aloud. He emitted a long sigh; he was immensely relieved. “Nothing wrong with my eyes.” He thought about the actual occurrence a great deal—he felt as puzzled as any other normal person must have felt. While he held the child actually in his arms, gripping her with both hands, he had seen her suddenly half a mile away. “Half a mile!” he repeated under his breath, “why it was even more, it was easily a mile.” It had been exactly as though he suddenly looked at her down the wrong end of a powerful telescope. It had really happened; he could not explain it; there was no more to be said.", "NE WRONG WITH HIS EYES SIGHT HIS MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION AS AN ARTIST WAS OF COURSE AFFECTED HE WAS CONSCIOUS OF A LITTLE TREMBLING IN HIM AS HE AT ONCE BEGAN TRYING HIS SIGHT AT VARIOUS OBJECTS HIS HANDS THE HIGH CEILING THE TREES DIM IN THE TWILIGHT ON THE LAWN OUTSIDE HE OPENED A BOOK AND READ HALF A DOZEN LINES AT CHANGING DISTANCES FINALLY HE STARED CAREFULLY AT THE SECOND HAND OF HIS WATCH RIGHT IS A TRIVET HE EXCLAIMED ALOUD HE EMITTED A LONG SIGH HE WAS IMMENSELY RELIEVED NOTHING WRONG WITH MY EYES HE THOUGHT ABOUT THE ACTUAL OCCURRENCE A GREAT DEAL HE FELT AS PUZZLED AS ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON MIGHT HAVE FELT WHILE HE HELD THE CHILD ACTUALLY IN HIS ARMS GRIPPING HER WITH BOTH HANDS HE HAD SEEN HER SUDDENLY HALF A MILE AWAY HALF A MILE HE REPEATED UNDER HIS BREATH WHY IT WAS EVEN MORE IT WAS EASILY A MILE IT HAD BEEN EXACTLY AS THOUGH HE SUDDENLY LOOKED AT HER DOWN THE WRONG END OF A POWERFUL TELESCOPE IT HAD REALLY HAPPENED HE COULD NOT EXPLAIN IT THERE WAS NO MORE TO BE SAID" ], "begin_byte": 5059018, "end_byte": 5059307 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_36", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.199, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "At length he cautiously opened his eyes. The fly was[233] of normal size once more. He hastily flicked it out of the window.", "AT LENGTH HE CAUTIOUSLY OPENED HIS EYES THE FLY WAS OF NORMAL SIZE ONCE MORE HE HASTILY FLICKED IT OUT OF THE WINDOW" ], "pre_texts": [ "ons now, the chief among them being an unwelcome one—that it was perhaps a brain specialist, rather than an oculist, he ought to consult. This particular notion hung unpleasantly about his mind, when, the day after the theatre visit, the thing recurred, but with a startling difference. While idly watching a blue-bottle fly that climbed the window-pane with remorseless industry, only to slip down again at the very instant when escape into the open air was within its reach, the fly grew abruptly into gigantic proportions, became blurred and indistinct as it did so, covered the entire pane with its furry, dark, ugly mass, and frightened him so that he stepped back with a cry and nearly lost his balance altogether. He collapsed into a chair. He listened with closed eyes. The metallic buzzing was audible, a small, exasperating sound, ordinarily unable to stir any emotion beyond a mild annoyance. Yet it was terrible; that so huge an insect should make so faint a sound seemed to him terrible.", "ONS FOR DELAY HE FOUND REASONS NOW THE CHIEF AMONG THEM BEING AN UNWELCOME ONE THAT IT WAS PERHAPS A BRAIN SPECIALIST RATHER THAN AN OCULIST HE OUGHT TO CONSULT THIS PARTICULAR NOTION HUNG UNPLEASANTLY ABOUT HIS MIND WHEN THE DAY AFTER THE THEATRE VISIT THE THING RECURRED BUT WITH A STARTLING DIFFERENCE WHILE IDLY WATCHING A BLUEBOTTLE FLY THAT CLIMBED THE WINDOWPANE WITH REMORSELESS INDUSTRY ONLY TO SLIP DOWN AGAIN AT THE VERY INSTANT WHEN ESCAPE INTO THE OPEN AIR WAS WITHIN ITS REACH THE FLY GREW ABRUPTLY INTO GIGANTIC PROPORTIONS BECAME BLURRED AND INDISTINCT AS IT DID SO COVERED THE ENTIRE PANE WITH ITS FURRY DARK UGLY MASS AND FRIGHTENED HIM SO THAT HE STEPPED BACK WITH A CRY AND NEARLY LOST HIS BALANCE ALTOGETHER HE COLLAPSED INTO A CHAIR HE LISTENED WITH CLOSED EYES THE METALLIC BUZZING WAS AUDIBLE A SMALL EXASPERATING SOUND ORDINARILY UNABLE TO STIR ANY EMOTION BEYOND A MILD ANNOYANCE YET IT WAS TERRIBLE THAT SO HUGE AN INSECT SHOULD MAKE SO FAINT A SOUND SEEMED TO HIM TERRIBLE" ], "begin_byte": 5061438, "end_byte": 5061562 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_53", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 5.799, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Uncle!\" she cried, yet her voice was loud as before, \"but what a funny face!", "UNCLE SHE CRIED YET HER VOICE WAS LOUD AS BEFORE BUT WHAT A FUNNY FACE" ], "pre_texts": [ "” “Disappop, then,” he replied, returning her kiss, “although I doubt....” He hesitated. He remembered the word was her father’s invention, descriptive of the way rabbits pop into their holes and disappear, and the way good children should leave the room the instant bed-time was announced. The father—his twin brother—seemed to enter the room and stand beside them. “Then give me another kiss, and disappop!” he said quickly. The child obeyed the first part of his injunction, but had not obeyed the second when the queer thing happened. She had not left his knee; he was still holding her at the full stretch of both arms; he was staring into her laughing eyes, when she suddenly went far away into an extraordinary distance. She retired. Minute, tiny, but still in perfect proportion and clear as before, she was withdrawn in space till she was small as a doll. He saw his own hands holding her, and they too were minute. Down this long corridor of space, as it were, he saw her diminutive figure.", "TO DISAPPOP INTO BED AT LEAST SOME MOTHER SAYS DISAPPOP THEN HE REPLIED RETURNING HER KISS ALTHOUGH I DOUBT HE HESITATED HE REMEMBERED THE WORD WAS HER FATHER'S INVENTION DESCRIPTIVE OF THE WAY RABBITS POP INTO THEIR HOLES AND DISAPPEAR AND THE WAY GOOD CHILDREN SHOULD LEAVE THE ROOM THE INSTANT BEDTIME WAS ANNOUNCED THE FATHER HIS TWIN BROTHER SEEMED TO ENTER THE ROOM AND STAND BESIDE THEM GIVE ME ANOTHER KISS AND DISAPPOP HE SAID QUICKLY THE CHILD OBEYED THE FIRST PART OF HIS INJUNCTION BUT HAD NOT OBEYED THE SECOND WHEN THE QUEER THING HAPPENED SHE HAD NOT LEFT HIS KNEE HE WAS STILL HOLDING HER AT THE FULL STRETCH OF BOTH ARMS HE WAS STARING INTO HER LAUGHING EYES WHEN SHE SUDDENLY WENT FAR AWAY INTO AN EXTRAORDINARY DISTANCE SHE RETIRED MINUTE TAY BUT STILL IN PERFECT PROPORTION AND CLEAR AS BEFORE SHE WAS WITHDRAWN IN SPACE TILL SHE WAS SMALL AS A DOLL HE SAW HIS OWN HANDS HOLDING HER AND THEY TOO WERE MINUTE DOWN THIS LONG CORRIDOR OF SPACE AS IT WERE HE SAW HER DIMINUTIVE FIGURE" ], "begin_byte": 5057241, "end_byte": 5057318 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_56", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.319, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"Right as a trivet!\" he exclaimed aloud. He emitted a long sigh; he was immensely relieved. \"Nothing wrong with my eyes.\" He thought about the actual occurrence a great deal—he felt as puzzled as any other normal person must have felt.", "RIGHT IS A TRIVET HE EXCLAIMED ALOUD HE EMITTED A LONG SIGH HE WAS IMMENSELY RELIEVED NOTHING WRONG WITH MY EYES HE THOUGHT ABOUT THE ACTUAL OCCURRENCE A GREAT DEAL HE FELT AS PUZZLED AS ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON MIGHT HAVE FELT" ], "pre_texts": [ " from the room, the door closing quietly behind her. He saw her cross the floor, a tiny figure. Then, just as she reached the[231] door, she became of normal size again, as if she crossed a line. He felt dizzy. The loud voice close to his ear issuing from a diminutive figure half a mile away had a distressing effect upon him. He knew a curious qualm as he sat there in the dark. He heard the wind walking round the house, trying the doors and windows. He was troubled by a memory he could not seize. Yet the emotion instantly resolved itself into one of personal anxiety: something had gone wrong with his eyes. Sight, his most precious possession as an artist, was of course affected. He was conscious of a little trembling in him, as he at once began trying his sight at various objects—his hands, the high ceiling, the trees dim in the twilight on the lawn outside. He opened a book and read half a dozen lines, at changing distances; finally he stared carefully at the second hand of his watch.", "D SHE WAS GONE FROM HIS KNEE IN FROM THE ROOM THE DOOR CLOSING QUIETLY BEHIND HER HE SAW HER CROSS THE FLOOR A TINY FIGURE THEN JUST AS SHE REACHED THE DOOR SHE BECAME OF NORMAL SIZE AGAIN AS IF SHE CROSSED A LINE HE FELT DIZZY THE LOUD VOICE CLOSE TO HIS EAR ISSUING FROM A DIMINUTIVE FIGURE HALF A MILE AWAY HAD A DISTRESSING EFFECT UPON HIM HE KNEW A CURIOUS QUAM AS HE SAT THERE IN THE DARK HE HEARD THE WIND WALKING AROUND THE HOUSE TRYING THE DOORS AND WINDOWS HE WAS TROUBLED BY A MEMORY HE COULD NOT SEIZE YET THE EMOTION INSTANTLY RESOLVED ITSELF INTO ONE OF PERSONAL ANXIETY SOMETHING HAD GONE WRONG WITH HIS EYES SIGHT HIS MOST PRECIOUS POSSESSION AS AN ARTIST WAS OF COURSE AFFECTED HE WAS CONSCIOUS OF A LITTLE TREMBLING IN HIM AS HE AT ONCE BEGAN TRYING HIS SIGHT AT VARIOUS OBJECTS HIS HANDS THE HIGH CEILING THE TREES DIM IN THE TWILIGHT ON THE LAWN OUTSIDE HE OPENED A BOOK AND READ HALF A DOZEN LINES AT CHANGING DISTANCES FINALLY HE STARED CAREFULLY AT THE SECOND HAND OF HIS WATCH" ], "begin_byte": 5058393, "end_byte": 5058628 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_59", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.68, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "He experienced again the distressing dizziness; he closed his eyes, covering them with his hand, then rubbing the eyeballs slightly; and when he looked up the next minute, the world was as it should be, as it had been, at any rate.", "HE EXPERIENCED AGAIN THE DISTRESSING DIZZINESS HE CLOSED HIS EYES COVERING THEM WITH HIS HAND THEN RUBBING THE EYEBALLS SLIGHTLY AND WHEN HE LOOKED UP THE NEXT MINUTE THE WORLD WAS AS IT SHOULD BE AS IT HAD BEEN AT ANY RATE" ], "pre_texts": [ "d the child actually in his arms, gripping her with both hands, he had seen her suddenly half a mile away. “Half a mile!” he repeated under his breath, “why it was even more, it was easily a mile.” It had been exactly as though he suddenly looked at her down the wrong end of a powerful telescope. It had really happened; he could not explain it; there was no more to be said. This was the first time it happened to him. At the theatre, a week later, when the phenomenon was repeated, the stage he was watching fixedly at the moment went far away, as though he saw it from a long way off. The distance, so far as he could judge, was the same as before, about a mile. It was an Eastern scene, realistically costumed and produced, that without an instant’s warning withdrew. The entire stage went with it, although he did[232] not actually see it go. He did not see movement, that is. It was suddenly remote, while yet the actors’ voices, the orchestra, the general hubbub retained their normal volume.", "MAL PERSON MIGHT HAVE FELT WHILE HE HELD THE CHILD ACTUALLY IN HIS ARMS GRIPPING HER WITH BOTH HANDS HE HAD SEEN HER SUDDENLY HALF A MILE AWAY HALF A MILE HE REPEATED UNDER HIS BREATH WHY IT WAS EVEN MORE IT WAS EASILY A MILE IT HAD BEEN EXACTLY AS THOUGH HE SUDDENLY LOOKED AT HER DOWN THE WRONG END OF A POWERFUL TELESCOPE IT HAD REALLY HAPPENED HE COULD NOT EXPLAIN IT THERE WAS NO MORE TO BE SAID THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED TO HIM AT THE THEATER A WEEK LATER WHEN THE PHENOMENON WAS REPEATED THE STAGE HE WAS WATCHING FIXEDLY AT THE MOMENT WENT FAR AWAY AS THOUGH HE SAW IT FROM A LONG WAY OFF THE DISTANCE SO FAR AS HE COULD JUDGE WAS THE SAME AS BEFORE ABOUT A MILE IT WAS AN EASTERN SCENE REALISTICALLY COSTUMED AND PRODUCED THAT WITHOUT AN INSTANT'S WARNING WITHDREW THE ENTIRE STAGE WENT WITH IT ALTHOUGH HE DID NOT ACTUALLY SEE IT GO HE DID NOT SEE A MOVEMENT THAT IS IT WAS SUDDENLY REMOTE WHILE YET THE ACTORS VOICES THE ORCHESTRA OF A GENERAL HUBBUB RETAINED THEIR NORMAL VOLUME" ], "begin_byte": 5059642, "end_byte": 5059873 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_63", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "It was an Eastern scene, realistically costumed and produced, that without an instant's warning withdrew.", "IT WAS AN EASTERN SCENE REALISTICALLY COSTUMED AND PRODUCED THAT WITHOUT AN INSTANT'S WARNING WITHDREW" ], "pre_texts": [ ", at changing distances; finally he stared carefully at the second hand of his watch. “Right as a trivet!” he exclaimed aloud. He emitted a long sigh; he was immensely relieved. “Nothing wrong with my eyes.” He thought about the actual occurrence a great deal—he felt as puzzled as any other normal person must have felt. While he held the child actually in his arms, gripping her with both hands, he had seen her suddenly half a mile away. “Half a mile!” he repeated under his breath, “why it was even more, it was easily a mile.” It had been exactly as though he suddenly looked at her down the wrong end of a powerful telescope. It had really happened; he could not explain it; there was no more to be said. This was the first time it happened to him. At the theatre, a week later, when the phenomenon was repeated, the stage he was watching fixedly at the moment went far away, as though he saw it from a long way off. The distance, so far as he could judge, was the same as before, about a mile.", "ED A BOOK AND READ HALF A DOZEN LINES AT CHANGING DISTANCES FINALLY HE STARED CAREFULLY AT THE SECOND HAND OF HIS WATCH RIGHT IS A TRIVET HE EXCLAIMED ALOUD HE EMITTED A LONG SIGH HE WAS IMMENSELY RELIEVED NOTHING WRONG WITH MY EYES HE THOUGHT ABOUT THE ACTUAL OCCURRENCE A GREAT DEAL HE FELT AS PUZZLED AS ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON MIGHT HAVE FELT WHILE HE HELD THE CHILD ACTUALLY IN HIS ARMS GRIPPING HER WITH BOTH HANDS HE HAD SEEN HER SUDDENLY HALF A MILE AWAY HALF A MILE HE REPEATED UNDER HIS BREATH WHY IT WAS EVEN MORE IT WAS EASILY A MILE IT HAD BEEN EXACTLY AS THOUGH HE SUDDENLY LOOKED AT HER DOWN THE WRONG END OF A POWERFUL TELESCOPE IT HAD REALLY HAPPENED HE COULD NOT EXPLAIN IT THERE WAS NO MORE TO BE SAID THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED TO HIM AT THE THEATER A WEEK LATER WHEN THE PHENOMENON WAS REPEATED THE STAGE HE WAS WATCHING FIXEDLY AT THE MOMENT WENT FAR AWAY AS THOUGH HE SAW IT FROM A LONG WAY OFF THE DISTANCE SO FAR AS HE COULD JUDGE WAS THE SAME AS BEFORE ABOUT A MILE" ], "begin_byte": 5059308, "end_byte": 5059413 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_69", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.559, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "He did not see movement, that is. It was suddenly remote, while yet the actors' voices, the orchestra, the general hubbub retained their normal volume.", "HE DID NOT SEE A MOVEMENT THAT IS IT WAS SUDDENLY REMOTE WHILE YET THE ACTORS VOICES THE ORCHESTRA OF A GENERAL HUBBUB RETAINED THEIR NORMAL VOLUME" ], "pre_texts": [ "hing wrong with my eyes.” He thought about the actual occurrence a great deal—he felt as puzzled as any other normal person must have felt. While he held the child actually in his arms, gripping her with both hands, he had seen her suddenly half a mile away. “Half a mile!” he repeated under his breath, “why it was even more, it was easily a mile.” It had been exactly as though he suddenly looked at her down the wrong end of a powerful telescope. It had really happened; he could not explain it; there was no more to be said. This was the first time it happened to him. At the theatre, a week later, when the phenomenon was repeated, the stage he was watching fixedly at the moment went far away, as though he saw it from a long way off. The distance, so far as he could judge, was the same as before, about a mile. It was an Eastern scene, realistically costumed and produced, that without an instant’s warning withdrew. The entire stage went with it, although he did[232] not actually see it go.", "NG SIGH HE WAS IMMENSELY RELIEVED NOTHING WRONG WITH MY EYES HE THOUGHT ABOUT THE ACTUAL OCCURRENCE A GREAT DEAL HE FELT AS PUZZLED AS ANY OTHER NORMAL PERSON MIGHT HAVE FELT WHILE HE HELD THE CHILD ACTUALLY IN HIS ARMS GRIPPING HER WITH BOTH HANDS HE HAD SEEN HER SUDDENLY HALF A MILE AWAY HALF A MILE HE REPEATED UNDER HIS BREATH WHY IT WAS EVEN MORE IT WAS EASILY A MILE IT HAD BEEN EXACTLY AS THOUGH HE SUDDENLY LOOKED AT HER DOWN THE WRONG END OF A POWERFUL TELESCOPE IT HAD REALLY HAPPENED HE COULD NOT EXPLAIN IT THERE WAS NO MORE TO BE SAID THIS WAS THE FIRST TIME IT HAPPENED TO HIM AT THE THEATER A WEEK LATER WHEN THE PHENOMENON WAS REPEATED THE STAGE HE WAS WATCHING FIXEDLY AT THE MOMENT WENT FAR AWAY AS THOUGH HE SAW IT FROM A LONG WAY OFF THE DISTANCE SO FAR AS HE COULD JUDGE WAS THE SAME AS BEFORE ABOUT A MILE IT WAS AN EASTERN SCENE REALISTICALLY COSTUMED AND PRODUCED THAT WITHOUT AN INSTANT'S WARNING WITHDREW THE ENTIRE STAGE WENT WITH IT ALTHOUGH HE DID NOT ACTUALLY SEE IT GO" ], "begin_byte": 5059490, "end_byte": 5059641 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb_74", "recording_id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 4.2, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "Photographs in magazines and newspapers explained the rest.", "PHOTOGRAPHS AND MAGAZINES AND NEWSPAPERS EXPLAINED THE REST" ], "pre_texts": [ "nd eyes but was manipulating their mechanism experimentally. With the conviction came also this: that, while not his brother, it was someone connected with his brother. Here, moreover, was an explanation of sorts, for if the supernatural existed—he had never troubled his head about it—he could accept this odd business as a manifestation, and leave it at that. He did so, and his mind was eased. This was his attitude: “The supernatural may exist. Why not? We cannot know. But we can watch.” His eyes and brain, at any rate, were proved in good condition. He watched. No change of focus, no magnifying or[235] diminishing, came again. For some weeks he noticed nothing unusual of any kind, except that his mind often filled now with Eastern pictures. Their sudden irruption caught his attention, but no more than that; they were sometimes blurred and sometimes vivid; he had never been in the East; he attributed them to his constant thinking of his brother, missing in Mesopotamia these six months.", "T IT WAS SOMEONE WHO DID NOT UNDERSTAND EYES BUT WAS MANIPULATING THEIR MECHANISM EXPERIMENTALLY WITH THE CONVICTION CAME ALSO THIS THAT WHILE NOT HIS BROTHER IT WAS SOMEONE CONNECTED WITH HIS BROTHER HERE MOREOVER WAS AN EXPLANATION OF SORTS FOR IF THE SUPERNATURAL EXISTED HE HAD NEVER TROUBLED HIS HEAD ABOUT IT HE COULD ACCEPT THIS ODD BUSINESS AS A MANIFESTATION AND LEAVE IT AT THAT HE DID SO AND HIS MIND WAS EASED THIS WAS HIS ATTITUDE THE SUPERNATURAL MAY EXIST WHY NOT WE CANNOT KNOW BUT WE CAN'T WATCH HIS EYES AND BRAIN AT ANY RATE WERE PROVED IN GOOD CONDITION HE WATCHED NO CHANGE OF FOCUS NO MAGNIFYING OR DIMINISHING CAME AGAIN FOR SOME WEEKS HE NOTICED NOTHING UNUSUAL OF ANY KIND EXCEPT THAT HIS MIND OFTEN FILLED NOW WITH EASTERN PICTURES THEIR SUDDEN IRRUPTION CAUGHT HIS ATTENTION BUT NO MORE THAN THAT THEY WERE SOMETIMES BLURRED AND SOMETIMES VIVID HE HAD NEVER BEEN IN THE EAST HE ATTRIBUTED THEM TO HIS CONSTANT THINKING OF HIS BROTHER MISSING IN MESOPOTAMIA THESE SIX MONTHS" ], "begin_byte": 5065777, "end_byte": 5065836 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/short_ghost_and_horror_collection_025_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/ghohor025_20_various_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 14522010, "duration": 907.625625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Ghost and Horror Collection 025/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb_20", "recording_id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 19.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "Loathing! No. I'll give it the right word—hatred. I simply couldn't help myself; I hated the man from the very first go off. A wave of repulsion swept over me as I followed him down the room a moment with my eyes, till he took his seat at a distant table and was out of sight.", "LOATHING NO I'LL GIVE IT THE RIGHT WORD HATRED I SIMPLY COULDN'T HELP MYSELF I HATED THE MAN FROM THE VERY FIRST GO OFF A WAVE OF REPULSION SWEPT OVER ME AS I FOLLOWED HIM DOWN THE ROOM A MOMENT WITH MY EYES TILL HE TOOK HIS SEAT AT A DISTANT TABLE AND WAS OUT OF SIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "ound and half starving in the mountains.” He smacked his lips as he mentioned it. “I was just starting on a beautifully cooked grouse,” he went on, “when a figure went by our table, and Jack looked up and nodded. The two exchanged a brief word of greeting and explanation, and the other man passed on. Evidently they knew each other just enough to make a word or two necessary, but enough. “‘Who’s that?’ I asked. “‘A new member, named Hazel,’ Jack told me. ‘A great shot.’ He knew him slightly, he explained; he had once been a client of his—Jack was a barrister, you remember—and had defended him in some financial case or other. Rather an unpleasant case, he added. Jack did not ‘care about’ the fellow, he told me, as he went on with his tender wing of grouse.” Ericssen paused to relight his pipe a moment. “Not care about him!” he continued. “It didn’t surprise me, for my own feeling, the instant I set eyes on[78] the fellow, was one of violent, instinctive dislike that amounted to loathing.", "ERY WINE WE HAD PLANNED MONTHS BEFORE WHEN WE WERE SNOWBOUND AND HALF STARVING IN THE MOUNTAINS HE SMACKED HIS LIPS AS HE MENTIONED IT I WAS JUST STARTING ON A BEAUTIFULLY COOKED GROUSE HE WENT ON WHEN A FIGURE WENT BY OUR TABLE AND JACK LOOKED UP AND NODDED THE TWO EXCHANGED A BRIEF WORD OF GREETING AND EXPLANATION AND THE OTHER MAN PASSED ON EVIDENTLY THEY KNEW EACH OTHER JUST ENOUGH TO MAKE A WORD OR TWO NECESSARY BUT ENOUGH WHO'S THAT I ASKED A NEW MEMBER NAMED HAZEL JACK TOLD ME A GREAT SHOT HE KNEW HIM SLIGHTLY HE EXPLAINED HE HAD ONCE BEEN A CLIENT OF HIS JACK WAS A BARRISTER YOU REMEMBER AND HAD DEFENDED HIM IN SOME FINANCIAL CASE OR OTHER RATHER AN UNPLEASANT CASE HE ADDED JACK DID NOT CARE ABOUT THE FELLOW HE TOLD ME AS HE WENT ON WITH HIS TENDER WING OF GROUSE ERICSSON PAUSED TO RELATE HIS PIPE A MOMENT NOT CARE ABOUT HIM HE CONTINUED IT DIDN'T SURPRISE ME FOR MY OWN FEELING THE INSTANT I SET EYES ON THE FELLOW WAS ONE OF VIOLENT INSTINCTIVE DISLIKE THAT AMOUNTED TO LOATHING" ], "begin_byte": 4778796, "end_byte": 4779072 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21838385, "duration": 1364.8990625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 059/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb_32", "recording_id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "From discussing the day's sport and the weather outlook, the conversation drifted to other, though still cognate, fields.", "FROM DISCUSSING THE DAY'S SPORT AND THE WEATHER OUTLOOK THE CONVERSATION DRIFTED TO OTHER THOUGH STILL COGNATE FIELDS" ], "pre_texts": [ " the big rocky bluff at the northern end; but no medicine could be made. The spirits, declared the chief medicine man, would not answer. They were offended. An investigation followed. It was discovered that a young brave had recently killed a wolf, a thing strictly forbidden, since the wolf was the totem animal of the tribe. To make matters worse, the name of the guilty man was Running Wolf. The offence being unpardonable, the man was cursed and driven from the tribe: “Go out. Wander alone among the woods, and if we see you we slay you. Your bones shall be scattered in the forest, and your spirit shall not enter the Happy Hunting Grounds till one of another race shall find and bury them.” “Which meant,” explained Morton laconically, his only comment on the story, “probably for ever.” [74] IV FIRST HATE They had been shooting all day; the weather had been perfect and the powder straight, so that when they assembled in the smoking-room after dinner they were well pleased with themselves.", " FIRST HATE BY ALGERNON BLACKWOOD THIS IS A LIBRAVOX RECORDING ALL LIBRAVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO VOLUNTEER PLEASE VISIT LIEBRAVOX DOT ORG THEY HAD BEEN SHOOTING ALL DAY THE WEATHER HAD BEEN PERFECT AND THE POWDERS STRAIGHT SO THAT WHEN THEY ASSEMBLED IN THE SMOKING ROOM AFTER DINNER THEY WERE WELL PLEASED WITH THEMSELVES" ], "begin_byte": 4771975, "end_byte": 4772096 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21838385, "duration": 1364.8990625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 059/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb_35", "recording_id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 16.76, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "Ericssen went on. \"It was not his character or qualities I hated,\" he said. \"I didn't even know them. That's the whole point. There's no reason you fellows should have disliked him. My hatred—our mutual hatred—was instinctive, as instinctive as first love.", "ERICSSON WENT ON IT WAS NOT HIS CHARACTER OR QUALITIES I HATED HE SAID I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THEM THAT'S THE WHOLE POINT THERE'S NO REASON YOU FELLOWS SHOULD HAVE DISLIKED HIM MY HATRED OUR MUTUAL HATRED WAS INSTINCTIVE AS INSTINCTIVE AS FIRST LOVE" ], "pre_texts": [ "nto one of his pale-blue cod-like eyes—out of condition, ugly as a toad, with a smug expression of intense self-satisfaction on his jowl that made me long to—— “I leave it to you to guess what I would have liked to do to him. But the instinctive loathing he inspired in me had another aspect, too. Jack had not introduced us during the momentary pause beside our table, but as I looked up I caught the fellow’s eye on mine—he was glaring at me instead of at Jack, to whom he was talking—with an expression of malignant dislike, as keen evidently as my own. That’s the other aspect I meant. He hated me as violently as I hated him. We were instinctive enemies, just as the rat and ferret are instinctive enemies. Each recognized a mortal foe. It was a case—I swear it—of whoever got first chance.” “Bad as that!” exclaimed Baynes. “I knew him by sight. He wasn’t pretty, I’ll admit.” “I knew him to nod to,” Lawson mentioned. “I never heard anything particular against him.” He shrugged his shoulders.", "FACED MAN WITH AN EYEGLASS GLUED INTO ONE OF HIS PALE BLUE COD LIKE EYES OUT OF CONDITION UGLY AS A TOAD WITH A SMUG EXPRESSION OF INTENSE SELF SATISFACTION ON HIS JOWL THAT MADE ME LONG TO I LEAVE IT TO YOU TO GUESS WHAT I WOULD HAVE LIKED TO DO TO HIM BUT THE INSTINCTIVE LOATHING HE INSPIRED IN ME HAD ANOTHER ASPECT TOO JACK HAD NOT INTRODUCED US DURING THE MOMENTARY PAUSE BESIDE OUR TABLE BUT AS I LOOKED UP I CAUGHT THE FELLOW'S EYE ON MINE HE WAS GLARING AT ME INSTEAD OF AT JACK TO WHOM HE WAS TALKING WITH AN EXPRESSION OF MALIGNANT DISLIKE AS KEEN EVIDENTLY AS MY OWN THAT'S THE OTHER ASPECT I MEANT HE HATED ME AS VIOLENTLY AS I HATED HIM WE WERE INSTINCTIVE ENEMIES JUST AS THE RAT AND FERRET ARE INSTINCTIVE ENEMIES EACH RECOGNIZED A MORTAL FOE IT WAS A CASE I SWEAR IT OF WHOEVER GOT FIRST CHANCE BAD AS THAT EXCLAIMED BAINES I KNEW HIM BY SIGHT HE WASN'T PRETTY I'LL ADMIT I KNEW HIM TO NOD TO WILSON MENTIONED I NEVER HEARD ANYTHING PARTICULARLY AGAINST HIM HE SHRUGGED HIS SHOULDERS" ], "begin_byte": 4780132, "end_byte": 4780388 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21838385, "duration": 1364.8990625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 059/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb_37", "recording_id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 8.599, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "I had the satisfaction, too, of knowing that he heard my words. I saw the swift expression of frustrated loathing in his eyes.", "I HAD THE SATISFACTION TOO OF KNOWING THAT HE HEARD MY WORDS I SAW THE SWIFT EXPRESSION OF FRUSTRATED LOATHING IN HIS EYES" ], "pre_texts": [ "turned, but turned away from me, offering his horrid back. The direction of the voice he misjudged. He pointed down stream, and the Siwash turned to look. Neither of them had seen me yet. There was a big log-jam below them. The roar of the water in their ears concealed my footsteps. I was, perhaps, twenty paces from them when Hazel, with a jerk of his whole body, abruptly turned clean round and faced me. We stared into each other’s eyes. “The amazement on his face changed instantly to hatred and resolve. He acted with incredible rapidity. I think the unexpected suddenness of his turn made me lose a precious second or two. Anyhow he was ahead of me. He flung his rifle to his shoulder. ‘You devil!’ I heard his voice. ‘I’ve got you at last!’ His rifle cracked, for he let drive the same instant. The hair stirred just above my ear. “He had missed! “Before he could draw back his bolt for another shot I had acted. “‘You’re not fit to live!’ I shouted, as my bullet[85] crashed into his temple.", "EL YOU BEAST SO THERE YOU ARE AT LAST HE TURNED BUT TURNED AWAY FROM ME OFFERING HIS HORRID BACK THE DIRECTION OF THE VOICE HE MISJUDGED HE POINTED DOWN STREAM AND THE SIGH WASH TURNED TO LOOK NEITHER OF THEM HAD SEEN ME YET THERE WAS A BIG LOG JAMB BELOW THEM THE ROAR OF THE WATER IN THEIR EARS CONCEALED MY FOOTSTEPS I WAS PERHAPS TWENTY PACES FROM THEM WHEN HAZEL WITH A JERK OF HIS WHOLE BODY ABRUPTLY TURNED CLEAN ROUND AND FACED ME WE STARED INTO EACH OTHER'S EYES THE AMAZEMENT ON HIS FACE CHANGED INSTANTLY TO HATRED AND RESOLVE HE ACTED WITH INCREDIBLE RAPIDITY I THINK THE UNEXPECTED SUDDENNESS OF HIS TURN MADE ME LOSE A PRECIOUS SECOND OR TWO ANYHOW HE WAS AHEAD OF ME HE FLUNG HIS RIFLE TO HIS SHOULDER YOU DEVIL I HEARD HIS VOICE I'VE GOT YOU AT LAST HIS RIFLE CRACKED FOR HE LET DRIVE THE SAME INSTANT THE HAIR STIRRED JUST ABOVE MY EAR HE HAD MISSED BEFORE HE COULD DRAW BACK HIS BOLT FOR ANOTHER SHOT I HAD ACTED YOU'RE NOT FIT TO LIVE I SHOUTED AS MY BULLET CRASHED INTO HIS TEMPLE" ], "begin_byte": 4791862, "end_byte": 4791988 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21838385, "duration": 1364.8990625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 059/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb_106", "recording_id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9571", "custom": { "texts": [ "\"We were then near the head waters of a little river that ran down into the Inlet; heavy rains had made the river rise; running downstream was a risky job, what with old log jams shifting and new ones forming; and, after many narrow escapes, we upset one afternoon and had the misfortune to lose a lot of our kit, amongst it most of our cartridges. We could only muster a few between[81] us. The guide had a dozen; I had two—just enough, we considered, to take us out all right.", "WE WERE THEN NEAR THE HEADWATERS OF A LITTLE RIVER THAT RAN DOWN INTO THE INLET HEAVY RAINS HAD MADE THE WATER RISE RUNNING DOWNSTREAM WAS A RISKY JOB WHAT WITH OLD LOG JAMS SHIFTING AND NEW ONES FORMING AND AFTER MANY NARROW ESCAPES WE UPSET ONE AFTERNOON AND THE MISFORTUNE TO LOSE A LOT OF OUR KIT AMONGST IT MOST OF OUR CARTRIDGES WE COULD ONLY MUSTER A FEW BETWEEN US THE GUIDE HAD A DOZEN I HAD TWO JUST ENOUGH WE CONSIDERED TO TAKE US OUT ALL RIGHT" ], "pre_texts": [ "e island. By luck I happened to pick up a good guide, who was in the town at the moment on business, and we started off together in one of the little Canadian Pacific Railway boats that ply along that coast. “Outfitting two days later at a small place the steamer stopped at, the guide said we needed another man to help pack our kit over portages, and so forth, but the only fellow available was a Siwash of whom he disapproved. My guide would not have him at any price; he was lazy, a drunkard, a liar, and even worse, for on one occasion he came back without the sportsman he had taken up country on a shooting trip, and his story was not convincing, to say the least. These disappearances are always awkward, of course, as you both know. We preferred, anyhow, to go without the Siwash, and off we started. “At first our luck was bad. I saw many wapiti, but no good heads; only after a fortnight’s hunting did I manage to get a decent head, though even that was not so good as I should have liked.", " WEST COAST OF THE ISLAND BY LUCK I HAPPENED TO PICK UP A GOOD GUIDE WHO WAS IN THE TOWN AT THE MOMENT ON BUSINESS AND WE STARTED OFF TOGETHER IN ONE OF THOSE LITTLE CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY BOATS THAT PLY ALONG THAT COAST OUT FITTING TWO DAYS LATER AT A SMALL PLACE THE STEAMER STOPPED AT THE GUIDE SAID WE NEEDED ANOTHER MAN TO HELP PACK OUR KIT OVER PORTAGES AND SO FORTH BUT THE ONLY FELLOW AVAILABLE WAS THE SIWASH OF WHOM HE DISAPPROVED MY GUIDE WOULD NOT HAVE HAD HIM AT ANY PRICE HE WAS LAZY A DRUNKARD A LIAR AND EVEN WORSE FOR ON ONE OCCASION HE CAME BACK WITHOUT THE SPORTSMEN HE HAD TAKEN UP COUNTRY ON A SHOOTING TRIP AND HIS STORY WAS NOT CONVINCING TO SAY THE LEAST THESE DISAPPEARANCES ARE ALWAYS AWKWARD OF COURSE AS YOU BOTH KNOW WE PREFERRED ANYHOW TO GO WITHOUT THE SIGWASH AND OFF WE STARTED AT FIRST OUR LUCK WAS BAD I SAW MANY WAPPITY BUT NO GOOD HEADS ONLY AFTER A FORTNIGHT'S HUNTING THAT I MANAGED TO GET A DECENT HEAD THOUGH EVEN THAT WAS NOT SO GOOD AS I SHOULD HAVE LIKED" ], "begin_byte": 4784042, "end_byte": 4784520 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9571/shortstoryvol059_1411_librivox_64kb_mp3/shortstory059_17_firsthate_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 21838385, "duration": 1364.8990625, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Short Story Collection Vol 059/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/poems_of_power_1504_librivox_64kb_mp3/poemsofpower_03_wilcox_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/9676/poems_of_power_1504_librivox_64kb_mp3/poemsofpower_03_wilcox_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.239, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "Youth proclaimed him as a hero; time, a statesman; love, a man; Death has crowned him as a martyr,—so from goal to goal he ran, Knowing all the sum of glory that a human life may span.", "YOUTH PROCLAIMED HIM AS A HERO TIME A STATESMAN LOVE A MAN DEATH HAS CROWNED HIM AS A MARTYR SO FROM GOLD TO GOLD HE RAN KNOWING ALL THE SUM OF GLORY THAT A HUMAN LIFE MAY SPAN" ], "pre_texts": [ "f sin, In this new era. We are drawing near Unatlassed boundaries of a larger sphere. With awe, I wait, till Science leads us on, Into the full effulgence of its dawn. DEATH HAS CROWNED HIM A MARTYR (Written on the day of President McKinley’s death) In the midst of sunny waters, lo! the mighty Ship of State Staggers, bruised and torn and wounded by a derelict of fate, One that drifted from its moorings in the anchorage of hate. On the deck our noble Pilot, in the glory of his prime, Lies in woe-impelling silence, dead before his hour or time, Victim of a mind self-centred in a Godless fool of crime. One of earth’s dissension-breeders, one of Hate’s unreasoning tools, In the annals of the ages, when the world’s hot anger cools, He who sought for Crime’s distinction shall be known as Chief of Fools. In the annals of the ages, he who had no thought of fame (Keeping on the path of duty, caring not for praise or blame), Close beside the deathless Lincoln, writ in light, will shine his name.", " DEATH HAS CROWNED HIM A MARTYR BY ELLA WHEELER WILCOX READ FOR LIEBERVOX DOT ORK BY WAKEMAN DECAY IN SPENSYLVANIA VIRGINIA WRITTEN ON THE DAY OF PRESIDENT MC KINLEY'S DEATH IN THE MIDST OF SUNNY WATERS LO THE MIGHTY SHIP OF STATE STAGGERS BRUISED AND TORN AND WOUNDED BY A DERELICT OF FATE ONE THAT DRIFTED FROM ITS MOORINGS IN THE ANCHORAGE OF HATE ON THE DOCK OUR NOBLE PILOT IN THE GLORY OF HIS PRIME LIES IN WOE IMPELLING SILENCE DEAD BEFORE HIS HOUR OR TIME VICTIM OF A MIND SELF CENTERED IN A GODLESS FOOL OF CRIME ONE OF EARTH'S DISSENSION BREEDERS ONE OF HATES UNREASONING TOOLS IN THE ANNALS OF THE AGES WHEN THE WORLD'S HOT ANGER COOLS HE WHO SOUGHT FOR CRIME'S DISTINCTION SHALL BE KNOWN AS CHIEF OF FOOLS IN THE ANNALS OF THE AGES HE WHO HAD NO THOUGHT OF FAME KEEPING ON THE PATH OF DUTY CARING NOT FOR PRAISE OR BLAME CLOSE BESIDE THE DEATHLESS LINCOLN WRIT IN LIGHT WILL SHINE HIS NAME" ], "begin_byte": 7926, "end_byte": 8110 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/poems_of_power_1504_librivox_64kb_mp3/poemsofpower_03_wilcox_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/poems_of_power_1504_librivox_64kb_mp3/poemsofpower_03_wilcox_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 2231084, "duration": 139.44275, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Poems of Power/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb_0", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 32, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "She passed on, resolute and sad, and the guns boomed on beyond Arras. A French interpreter, with the Sphinxes' heads on his collar, showed me a picture postcard with a photograph of the chancel as it was five years ago. It was the very chancel before which I was standing. To see that photograph astonished me, and to know that the camera that took it must have stood where I was standing, only a little lower down, under the great heap.", "SHE PASSED ON RESOLUTE AND SAD AND THE GUNS BOOMED ON BEYOND ARRAS A FRENCH INTERPRETER WITH THE SPHINX'S HEADS ON HIS COLLAR SHOWED ME A PICTURE POSTCARD WITH A PHOTOGRAPH OF THE CHANCEL AS IT WAS FIVE YEARS AGO IT WAS THE VERY CHANCEL BEFORE WHICH I WAS STANDING TO SEE THAT PHOTOGRAPH ASTONISHED ME AND TO KNOW THAT THE CAMERA THAT TOOK IT MUST HAVE STOOD WHERE I WAS STANDING ONLY A LITTLE LOWER DOWN UNDER THE GREAT HEAP" ], "pre_texts": [ "hole gaped in the ground outside; it was this that had opened the door. Just beyond the big heap, on the left of the chancel, stood something made of wood, which almost certainly had been the organ. As I looked at these things there passed through the desolate sanctuaries, and down an aisle past pillars pitted with shrapnel, a sad old woman, sad even for a woman of North-East France. She seemed to be looking after the mounds and stones that had once been the cathedral; perhaps she had once been the Bishop's servant, or the wife of one of the vergers; she only remained of all who had been there in other days, she and the pigeons and jackdaws. I spoke to her. All Arras, she said, was ruined. The great cathedral was ruined, her own family were ruined utterly, and she pointed to where the sad houses gazed from forlorn dead windows. Absolute ruin, she said; but there must be no armistice. No armistice. No. It was necessary that there should be no armistice at all. No armistice with Germans.", "Y BROKEN A GREAT ROUND HOLE GAPED IN THE GROUND OUTSIDE IT WAS THIS THAT HAD OPENED THE DOOR JUST BEYOND THE BIG HEAP ON THE LEFT OF THE CHANCEL STOOD SOMETHING MADE OF WOOD WHICH ALMOST CERTAINLY HAD BEEN THE ORGAN AS I LOOKED AT THESE THINGS THERE PASSED THROUGH THE DESOLATE SANCTUARIES AND DOWN AN AISLE PAST PILLARS PITTED WITH TRAPNEL A SAD OLD WOMAN SAD EVEN FOR A WOMAN OF NORTH EAST FRANCE SHE SEEMED TO BE LOOKING AFTER THE MOUNDS AND STONES THAT HAD ONCE BEEN THE CATHEDRAL PERHAPS SHE HAD ONCE BEEN THE BISHOP'S SERVANT OR THE WIFE OF ONE OF THE VERGERS SHE ONLY REMAINED OF ALL WHO HAD BEEN THERE IN OTHER DAYS SHE AND THE PIGEONS AND THE JACKDAWS I SPOKE TO HER ALL ARAS SHE SAID WAS RUINED THE GREAT CATHEDRAL WAS RUINED HER OWN FAMILY WERE RUINED UTTERLY AND SHE POINTED TO WHERE THE SAD HOUSES GAZED FROM FORLORN DEAD WINDOWS ABSOLUTE RUIN SHE SAID BUT THERE MUST BE NO ARMISTICE NO ARMISTICE NO IT WAS NECESSARY THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO ARMISTICE AT ALL NO ARMISTICE WITH THE GERMANS" ], "begin_byte": 5946, "end_byte": 6383 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8559990, "duration": 534.999375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb_15", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.16, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "Absolute ruin, she said; but there must be no armistice. No armistice. No. It was necessary that there should be no armistice at all. No armistice with Germans.", "ABSOLUTE RUIN SHE SAID BUT THERE MUST BE NO ARMISTICE NO ARMISTICE NO IT WAS NECESSARY THAT THERE SHOULD BE NO ARMISTICE AT ALL NO ARMISTICE WITH THE GERMANS" ], "pre_texts": [ "To my right two old saints in stone stood by the southern door. The door had been forced open long ago, and stood as it was opened, partly broken. A great round hole gaped in the ground outside; it was this that had opened the door. Just beyond the big heap, on the left of the chancel, stood something made of wood, which almost certainly had been the organ. As I looked at these things there passed through the desolate sanctuaries, and down an aisle past pillars pitted with shrapnel, a sad old woman, sad even for a woman of North-East France. She seemed to be looking after the mounds and stones that had once been the cathedral; perhaps she had once been the Bishop's servant, or the wife of one of the vergers; she only remained of all who had been there in other days, she and the pigeons and jackdaws. I spoke to her. All Arras, she said, was ruined. The great cathedral was ruined, her own family were ruined utterly, and she pointed to where the sad houses gazed from forlorn dead windows.", "TO MY LEFT ALL WAS RUIN TO MY RIGHT TWO OLD SAINTS IN STONE STOOD BY THE SOUTHERN DOOR THE DOOR HAD BEEN FORCED OPEN LONG AGO AND STOOD AS IT WAS OPENED PARTLY BROKEN A GREAT ROUND HOLE GAPED IN THE GROUND OUTSIDE IT WAS THIS THAT HAD OPENED THE DOOR JUST BEYOND THE BIG HEAP ON THE LEFT OF THE CHANCEL STOOD SOMETHING MADE OF WOOD WHICH ALMOST CERTAINLY HAD BEEN THE ORGAN AS I LOOKED AT THESE THINGS THERE PASSED THROUGH THE DESOLATE SANCTUARIES AND DOWN AN AISLE PAST PILLARS PITTED WITH TRAPNEL A SAD OLD WOMAN SAD EVEN FOR A WOMAN OF NORTH EAST FRANCE SHE SEEMED TO BE LOOKING AFTER THE MOUNDS AND STONES THAT HAD ONCE BEEN THE CATHEDRAL PERHAPS SHE HAD ONCE BEEN THE BISHOP'S SERVANT OR THE WIFE OF ONE OF THE VERGERS SHE ONLY REMAINED OF ALL WHO HAD BEEN THERE IN OTHER DAYS SHE AND THE PIGEONS AND THE JACKDAWS I SPOKE TO HER ALL ARAS SHE SAID WAS RUINED THE GREAT CATHEDRAL WAS RUINED HER OWN FAMILY WERE RUINED UTTERLY AND SHE POINTED TO WHERE THE SAD HOUSES GAZED FROM FORLORN DEAD WINDOWS" ], "begin_byte": 5785, "end_byte": 5945 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_02_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8559990, "duration": 534.999375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.92, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "Far off a vista of trees followed a cheerless road all dead as mourners suddenly stricken dead in some funereal procession.", "FAR OFF A VISTA OF TREES FOLLOWED A CHEERLESS ROAD ALL DEAD AS MOURNERS SUDDENLY STRICKEN DEAD IN SOME FUNEREAL PROCESSION" ], "pre_texts": [ "ll gone; still the world will not know half of the bitter wrongs of Arras. And spring will bring a new time and cover the trenches with green, and the pigeons will preen themselves on the shattered towers, and the lime-trees along the steps will grow taller and brighter, and happier men will sing in the streets untroubled by any War Lord; by then, perhaps, I may have told, to such as care to read, what such a war did in an ancient town, already romantic when romance was young, when war came suddenly without mercy, without pity, out of the north and east, on little houses, carved galleries, and gardens; churches, cathedrals and the jackdaws' nests. A Good War Nietsche said, \"You have heard that a good cause justifies any war, but I say unto you that a good war justifies any cause.\" A man was walking alone over a plain so desolate that, if you have never seen it, the mere word desolation could never convey to you the melancholy surroundings that mourned about this man on his lonely walk.", " PART THREE OF UNHAPPY FAR OFF THINGS THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN RECORDING BY TRAVICE WAKEMEN SPOSYLVANIA VIRGINIA A GOOD WAR NIETZSCHE SAID YOU HAVE HEARD THE GOOD CAUSE JUSTIFIES ANY WAR BUT I SAY UNTO YOU THAT A GOOD WAR JUSTIFIES ANY CAUSE A MAN WAS WALKING ALONE OVER A PLAIN SO DESOLATE THAT IF YOU HAD NEVER SEEN IT THE MERE WORD DESOLATION COULD NEVER CONVEY TO YOU THE MELANCHOLY SURROUNDINGS THAT MOURNED ABOUT THIS MAN ON HIS LONELY WALK" ], "begin_byte": 8733, "end_byte": 8856 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7821039, "duration": 488.8149375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb_18", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 7.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "The cold wind blew over the blasted heath and bits of broken iron flapped on and on.", "THE COLD WIND BLEW OVER THE BLASTED HEATH AND BITS OF BROKEN IRON FLAPPED ON AND ON" ], "pre_texts": [ "the cornstacks would once have begun to grow indistinct, and slowly turn grey in the greyness, and homesteads one by one would have lit their innumerable lights. But evening now came down on a dreary desolation: and a cold wind arose; and the traveller heard the mournful sound of iron flapping on broken things, and knew that this was the sound that would haunt the waste for ever. And evening settled down, a huge grey canvas waiting for sombre pictures; a setting for all the dark tales of the world, haunted forever a grizzly place was haunted ever, in any century, in any land; but not by mere ghosts from all those thousands of graves and half-buried bodies and sepulchral shell-holes; haunted by things huger and more disastrous than that; haunted by wailing ambitions, under the stars or moon, drifting across the rubbish that once was villages, which strews the lonely plain; the lost ambitions of two Emperors and a Sultan wailing from wind to wind and whimpering for dominion of the world.", " WAS THE TIME WHEN THE CORN STALKS WOULD ONCE HAVE BEGUN TO GROW INDISTINCT AND SLOWLY TURN GRAY IN THE GREYNESS AND HOMESTEADS ONE BY ONE WOULD HAVE LIT THEIR INNUMERABLE LIGHTS BUT EVENING NOW CAME DOWN ON A DREARY DESOLATION AND A COLD WIND AROSE AND THE TRAVELLER HEARD THE MOURNFUL SOUND OF IRON FLAPPING ON BROKEN THINGS AND KNEW THAT THIS WAS THE SOUND THAT WOULD HAUNT THE WASTE FOR EVER AND EVENING SETTLED DOWN A HUGE GREY CANVAS WAITING FOR SOMBRE PICTURES A SETTING FOR ALL THE DARK TALES OF THE WORLD HAUNTED FOR EVER A GRISLY PLACE WAS HAUNTED EVER IN ANY CENTURY IN ANY LAND BUT NOT BY MERE GHOSTS FROM ALL THOSE THOUSANDS OF GRAVES AND HALF BURIED BODIES AND SEPULCHROL SHELL HOLES HAUNTED BY THINGS HUGER AND MORE DISASTROUS THAN THAT HAUNTED BY WAILING AMBITIONS UNDER THE STARS OR MOON DRIFTING ACROSS THE RUBBISH THAT ONCE WAS VILLAGES WHICH STREWS THE LONELY PLAIN THE LOST AMBITIONS OF TWO EMPERORS AND A SULTAN WAILING FROM WIND TO WIND AND WHIMPERING FOR DOMINION OF THE WORLD" ], "begin_byte": 13372, "end_byte": 13456 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_03_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 7821039, "duration": 488.8149375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb_16", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "You, señor, with your son perhaps growing up, perhaps wearing already some sword that you wore once, you can turn back to your memories or look with hope to the future with equal ease. The man that I met in Croisilles had none of these things at all.", "YOU SENOR WITH YOUR SON PERHAPS GROWING UP PERHAPS WEARING ALREADY SOME SWORD THAT YOU WORE ONCE YOU CAN TURN BACK TO YOUR MEMORIES OR LOOK WITH HOPE TO THE FUTURE WITH EQUAL EASE THE MAN THAT I MET IN QUASIA HAD NONE OF THESE THINGS AT ALL" ], "pre_texts": [ "the village of Croisilles. I spoke of the rebuilding of his house no more, I spoke no more of the new Croisilles shining through future years; for these were not the things that he saw in the future, and these were not the hopes of the poor old man. He had one dark hope of the future, and no others. He hoped to see the Kaiser hung for the wrong he had done to Croisilles. It was for this hope he lived. Madame or señor of whatever far country, who may chance to see these words, blame not this old man for the fierce hope he cherished. It was the only hope he had. You, Madame, with your garden, your house, your church, the village where all know you, you may hope as a Christian should, there is wide room for hope in your future. You shall see the seasons move over your garden, you shall busy yourself with your home, and speak and share with your neighbours innumerable small joys, and find consolation and beauty, and at last rest, in and around the church whose spire you see from your home.", "K HAVE NO TEARS FOR WHAT WE SAW ACROSS THE VILLAGE OF QUASIA I SPOKE OF THE REBUILDING OF HIS HOUSE NO MORE I SPOKE NO MORE OF THE NEW QUAZIA SHINING THROUGH FUTURE YEARS FOR THESE WERE NOT THE THINGS THAT HE SAW IN THE FUTURE AND THESE WERE NOT THE HOPES OF THE POOR OLD MAN HE HAD ONE DARK HOPE OF THE FUTURE AND NO OTHERS HE HOPED TO SEE THE KAISER HUNG FOR THE WRONG HE HAD DONE TO WAZIR IT WAS FOR THIS HOPE HE LIVED MADAME OR SIGNOR OF WHATEVER FAR COUNTRY WHO MAY CHANCE TO SEE THESE WORDS BLAME NOT THIS OLD MAN FOR THE FIERCE HOPE HE CHERISHED IT WAS THE ONLY HOPE HE HAD YOU MADAME WITH YOUR GARDEN YOUR HOUSE YOUR CHURCH THE VILLAGE WHERE ALL KNOW YOU YOU MAY HOPE AS A CHRISTIAN SHOULD THERE IS WIDE ROOM FOR HOPE IN YOUR FUTURE YOU SHALL SEE THE SEASONS MOVE OVER YOUR GARDEN YOU SHALL BUSY YOURSELF WITH YOUR HOME AND SPEAK AND SHARE WITH YOUR NEIGHBOURS INNUMERABLE SMALL JOYS AND FIND CONSOLATION AND BEAUTY AND AT LAST REST IN AND AROUND THE CHURCH WHOSE SPIRE YOU SEE FROM YOUR HOME" ], "begin_byte": 19726, "end_byte": 19976 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8239926, "duration": 514.995375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.6, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "Madame or señor of whatever far country, who may chance to see these words, blame not this old man for the fierce hope he cherished. It was the only hope he had.", "MADAME OR SIGNOR OF WHATEVER FAR COUNTRY WHO MAY CHANCE TO SEE THESE WORDS BLAME NOT THIS OLD MAN FOR THE FIERCE HOPE HE CHERISHED IT WAS THE ONLY HOPE HE HAD" ], "pre_texts": [ "lt for a season amongst rats. \"Pendu\" he said. Yes, I agreed. It was all right. The old man almost smiled. I offered him a cigarette and we lit two from an apparatus of flint and steel and petrol that the old man had in his pocket. He showed me a photograph of himself and a passport to prove, I suppose, that he was not a spy. One could not recognize the likeness, for it must have been taken on some happier day, before he had seen his house of two storeys lying there by the road. But he was no spy, for there were tears in his eyes; and Prussians I think have no tears for what we saw across the village of Croisilles. I spoke of the rebuilding of his house no more, I spoke no more of the new Croisilles shining through future years; for these were not the things that he saw in the future, and these were not the hopes of the poor old man. He had one dark hope of the future, and no others. He hoped to see the Kaiser hung for the wrong he had done to Croisilles. It was for this hope he lived.", " THROUGH MANY SUNNY YEARS AND I HAD DWELT FOR A SEASON AMONGST RATS PON DIEU HE SAID YES I AGREED IT WAS ALL RIGHT THE OLD MAN ALMOST SMILED I OFFERED HIM A CIGARETTE AND WE LIT TO FROM AN APPARATUS OF FLINT AND STEEL AND PETREL THAT THE OLD MAN HAD IN HIS POCKET HE SHOWED ME A PHOTOGRAPH OF HIMSELF AND A PASSPORT TO PROVE I SUPPOSE THAT HE WAS NOT A SPY ONE COULD NOT RECOGNIZE THE LIKENESS FOR IT MUST HAVE BEEN TAKEN ON SOME HAPPIER DAY BEFORE HE HAD SEEN HIS HOUSE OF TWO STORIES LYING THERE BY THE ROAD BUT HE WAS NO SPY FOR THERE WERE TEARS IN HIS EYES IMPRESSIONS I THINK HAVE NO TEARS FOR WHAT WE SAW ACROSS THE VILLAGE OF QUASIA I SPOKE OF THE REBUILDING OF HIS HOUSE NO MORE I SPOKE NO MORE OF THE NEW QUAZIA SHINING THROUGH FUTURE YEARS FOR THESE WERE NOT THE THINGS THAT HE SAW IN THE FUTURE AND THESE WERE NOT THE HOPES OF THE POOR OLD MAN HE HAD ONE DARK HOPE OF THE FUTURE AND NO OTHERS HE HOPED TO SEE THE KAISER HUNG FOR THE WRONG HE HAD DONE TO WAZIR IT WAS FOR THIS HOPE HE LIVED" ], "begin_byte": 19130, "end_byte": 19291 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8239926, "duration": 514.995375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb_24", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 10.359, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "You, Madame, with your garden, your house, your church, the village where all know you, you may hope as a Christian should, there is wide room for hope in your future.", "YOU MADAME WITH YOUR GARDEN YOUR HOUSE YOUR CHURCH THE VILLAGE WHERE ALL KNOW YOU YOU MAY HOPE AS A CHRISTIAN SHOULD THERE IS WIDE ROOM FOR HOPE IN YOUR FUTURE" ], "pre_texts": [ "tus of flint and steel and petrol that the old man had in his pocket. He showed me a photograph of himself and a passport to prove, I suppose, that he was not a spy. One could not recognize the likeness, for it must have been taken on some happier day, before he had seen his house of two storeys lying there by the road. But he was no spy, for there were tears in his eyes; and Prussians I think have no tears for what we saw across the village of Croisilles. I spoke of the rebuilding of his house no more, I spoke no more of the new Croisilles shining through future years; for these were not the things that he saw in the future, and these were not the hopes of the poor old man. He had one dark hope of the future, and no others. He hoped to see the Kaiser hung for the wrong he had done to Croisilles. It was for this hope he lived. Madame or señor of whatever far country, who may chance to see these words, blame not this old man for the fierce hope he cherished. It was the only hope he had.", "GARETTE AND WE LIT TO FROM AN APPARATUS OF FLINT AND STEEL AND PETREL THAT THE OLD MAN HAD IN HIS POCKET HE SHOWED ME A PHOTOGRAPH OF HIMSELF AND A PASSPORT TO PROVE I SUPPOSE THAT HE WAS NOT A SPY ONE COULD NOT RECOGNIZE THE LIKENESS FOR IT MUST HAVE BEEN TAKEN ON SOME HAPPIER DAY BEFORE HE HAD SEEN HIS HOUSE OF TWO STORIES LYING THERE BY THE ROAD BUT HE WAS NO SPY FOR THERE WERE TEARS IN HIS EYES IMPRESSIONS I THINK HAVE NO TEARS FOR WHAT WE SAW ACROSS THE VILLAGE OF QUASIA I SPOKE OF THE REBUILDING OF HIS HOUSE NO MORE I SPOKE NO MORE OF THE NEW QUAZIA SHINING THROUGH FUTURE YEARS FOR THESE WERE NOT THE THINGS THAT HE SAW IN THE FUTURE AND THESE WERE NOT THE HOPES OF THE POOR OLD MAN HE HAD ONE DARK HOPE OF THE FUTURE AND NO OTHERS HE HOPED TO SEE THE KAISER HUNG FOR THE WRONG HE HAD DONE TO WAZIR IT WAS FOR THIS HOPE HE LIVED MADAME OR SIGNOR OF WHATEVER FAR COUNTRY WHO MAY CHANCE TO SEE THESE WORDS BLAME NOT THIS OLD MAN FOR THE FIERCE HOPE HE CHERISHED IT WAS THE ONLY HOPE HE HAD" ], "begin_byte": 19292, "end_byte": 19459 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_04_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8239926, "duration": 514.995375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 30.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "And, if in some far country one should hope, who has not seen Albert, out of compassion for these poor people of France, that where a staircase still remains there may be enough of a house to shelter those who called it home again, I will tell one thing more: there blew inside that house the same wind that blew outside, the wind that wandered free over miles of plains wandered unchecked through that house; there was no indoors or outdoors any more.", "AND IF IN SOME FAR COUNTRY ONE SHOULD HOPE WHO HAS NOT SEEN ALBERT OUT OF COMPASSION FOR THOSE POOR PEOPLE OF FRANCE THAT WHERE A STAIRCASE STILL REMAINS THERE MAY BE ENOUGH OF A HOUSE TO SHELTER THOSE WHO CALLED IT HOME AGAIN I WILL TELL ONE THING MORE THERE BLEW INSIDE THAT HOUSE THE SAME WIND THAT BLEW OUTSIDE THE WIND THAT WANDERED FREE OVER MILES OF PLAINS WANDERED UNCHECKED THROUGH THAT HOUSE THERE WERE NO INDOORS OR OUTDOORS ANY MORE" ], "pre_texts": [ " A man's waistcoat lay on the mud and part of a woman's stays: the waistcoat was black and was probably kept for Sundays. That was all that there was to see on the ground floor, no more flotsam than that had come down to these days from peace. A forlorn stairway tried still to wind upstairs. It went up out of a corner of the room. It seemed still to believe that there was an upper storey, still to feel that this was a house, there seemed a hope in the twists of that battered staircase that men would yet come again and seek sleep at evening by way of those broken steps; the hand-rail and the banisters streamed down from the top, a woman's dress lolled down from the upper room above those aimless steps, the laths of the ceiling gaped, the plaster was gone; of all the hopes men hope that can never be fulfilled, of all desires that ever come too late, most futile was the hope expressed by that stairway's posture that ever a family would come home there again or tread those steps once more.", "EMPLES IN AFRICA A MAN'S WAISTCOAT LAY ON THE MUD AND PART OF A WOMAN'S STAYS THE WAISTCOAT WAS BLACK AND WAS PROBABLY KEPT FOR SUNDAYS THAT WAS ALL THAT THERE WAS TO SEE ON THE GROUND FLOOR NO MORE FLOTSOME THAN THAT HAD COME DOWN TO THESE DAYS FROM PEACE A FORLORN STAIRWAY TRIED STILL TO WIND UPSTAIRS IT WENT UP OUT OF A CORNER OF THE ROOM IT SEEMED STILL TO BELIEVE THAT THERE WAS AN UPPER STORY STILL TO FIND THAT THIS WAS A HOUSE THERE SEEMED A HOPE IN THE TWISTS OF THAT BATTERED STAIRCASE THAT MEN WOULD YET COME AGAIN AND SEEK SLEEP AT EVENING BY WAY OF THOSE BROKEN STEPS THE HANDRAIL AND THE BANISTERS STREAMED DOWN FROM THE TOP A WOMAN'S DRESS LOLLED DOWN FROM THE UPPER ROOM ABOVE THOSE AIMLESS STEPS THE LATHES OF THE CEILING GAPED THE PLASTER WAS GONE OF ALL THE HOPES MEN HOPE THAT CAN NEVER BE FULFILLED OF ALL DESIRES THAT EVER COME TOO LATE MOST FUTILE WAS THE HOPE EXPRESSED BY THAT STAIRWAY'S POSTURE THAT EVER A FAMILY WOULD COME HOME THERE AGAIN OR TREAD THOSE STEPS ONCE MORE" ], "begin_byte": 24698, "end_byte": 25150 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6201586, "duration": 387.599125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 14.959, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "We stopped and stood by a house that was covered with plaster marked off to look like great stones, its pitiful pretence laid bare, the slates gone and the rooms gone, the plaster all pitted with shrapnel.", "WE STOPPED AND STOOD BY A HOUSE THAT WAS COVERED WITH PLASTER MARKED OFF TO LOOK LIKE GREAT STONES ITS PITIFUL PRETENCE LAID BARE THE SLATES GONE AND THE ROOMS GONE THE PLASTER ALL PITTED WITH SHRAPNEL" ], "pre_texts": [ "e trivial his odd hope appears to you compared with your own high hopes that come so easily to you amongst all your fields and houses, the more cruel a thing must it be to take it from him. I learned many things in Croisilles, and the last of them is this strange one the old man taught me. I turned and shook hands with him and said good-bye, for I wished to see again our old front line that we used to hold over the hill, now empty, silent at last. \"The Boche is defeated,\" I said. \"Vaincu, vaincu,\" he repeated. And I left him with something almost like happiness looking out of his tearful eyes. Bermondsey _versus_ Wurtemburg The trees grew thinner and thinner along the road, then ceased altogether, and suddenly we saw Albert in the wood of the ghosts of murdered trees, all grey and deserted. Descending into Albert past trees in their agony we came all at once on the houses. You did not see them far off as in other cities; we came on them all at once as you come on a corpse in the grass.", " PART FIVE OF UNHAPPY FAR OFF THINGS THIS IS A LIBERVOX RECORDING ALL LIBERVOX RECORDINGS ARE IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN RECORDING BY TRAVICE WAKEMEN SPONSYLVANIA VIRGINIA BURMONDSEY VERSUS VARTEMBERG THE TREES GREW THINNER AND THINNER ALONG THE ROAD THEN CEASED ALTOGETHER AND SUDDENLY WE SAW ALBERT IN THE WOOD OF THE GHOSTS OF MURDERED TREES ALL GREY AND DESERTED DESCENDING INTO ALBERT PAST TREES IN THEIR AGONY WE CAME ALL AT ONCE ON THE HOUSES YOU DID NOT SEE THEM FAR OFF AS IN OTHER CITIES WE CAME ON THEM ALL AT ONCE AS YOU COME ON A CORPSE IN THE GRASS" ], "begin_byte": 21187, "end_byte": 21392 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6201586, "duration": 387.599125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb_23", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 3.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "And; like Homer, their words were epic.", "AND LIKE HOMER THEIR WORDS ARE EPIC" ], "pre_texts": [ "e, that where a staircase still remains there may be enough of a house to shelter those who called it home again, I will tell one thing more: there blew inside that house the same wind that blew outside, the wind that wandered free over miles of plains wandered unchecked through that house; there was no indoors or outdoors any more. And on the wall of the room in which I stood, someone had proudly written his regiment's name, The 156th Wurtemburgers. It was written in chalk; and another man had come and had written two words before it and had recorded the name of his own regiment too. And the writing remains after these two men are gone, and the lonely house is silent but for the wind and the things that creak as it blows, the only message of this deserted house, is this mighty record, this rare line of history, ill-written: \"Lost by the 156th Wurtemburgers, retaken by the Bermondsey Butterflies.\" Two men wrote that sentence between them. And, as with Homer, no one knows who they were.", "RCASE STILL REMAINS THERE MAY BE ENOUGH OF A HOUSE TO SHELTER THOSE WHO CALLED IT HOME AGAIN I WILL TELL ONE THING MORE THERE BLEW INSIDE THAT HOUSE THE SAME WIND THAT BLEW OUTSIDE THE WIND THAT WANDERED FREE OVER MILES OF PLAINS WANDERED UNCHECKED THROUGH THAT HOUSE THERE WERE NO INDOORS OR OUTDOORS ANY MORE AND ON THE WALL OF THE ROOM IN WHICH I STOOD SOME ONE HAD PROUDLY WRITTEN HIS REGIMENT'S NAME THE ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIXTH VERTEMBURGER'S IT WAS WRITTEN IN CHALK AND ANOTHER MAN HAD COME AND HAD WRITTEN TWO WORDS BEFORE IT AND HAD RECORDED THE NAME OF HIS OWN REGIMENT TOO AND THE WRITING REMAINS AFTER THESE TWO MEN ARE GONE AND THE LONELY HOUSE IS SILENT BUT FOR THE WIND AND THE THINGS THAT CREAK AS IT BLOWS THE ONLY MESSAGE OF THIS DESERTED HOUSE IS THIS MIGHTY RECORD THIS RARE LINE OF HISTORY ILL WRITTEN LOST BY THE HUNDRED AND FIFTY SIXTH VERTEMBURGERS RE TAKEN BY THE BERMONDSEY BUTTERFLIES TWO MEN WROTE THAT SENTENCE BETWEEN THEM AND AS WITH HOMER NO ONE KNOWS WHO THEY WERE" ], "begin_byte": 25817, "end_byte": 25856 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_05_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6201586, "duration": 387.599125, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb_13", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 9.279, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "A pair of wheels moulders amongst weeds, and may be of peace or of war, it is too broken down for anyone to say.", "A PAIR OF WHEELS MOULDERS AMONGST WEEDS AND MAY BE OF PEACE OR OF WAR IT IS TOO BROKEN DOWN FOR ANY ONE TO SAY" ], "pre_texts": [ "the road through the village, and the old landmarks that the old people remembered, and countless treasured things, were all turned into rubbish. And these things that one did not contemplate, have happened for hundreds of miles, with such disaster vast plains and hills are covered, because of the German war. Deep wells, old cellars, battered trenches and dug-outs, lie in the rubbish and weeds under the intricate wreckage of peace and war. It will be a bad place years hence for wanderers lost at night. When the village went, trenches came; and, in the same storm that had crumbled the village, the trenches withered too; shells still thump on to the north, but peace and war alike have deserted the village. Grass has begun to return over torn earth on edges of trenches. Abundant wire rusts away by its twisted stakes of steel. Not a path of old, not a lane nor a doorway there, but is barred and cut off by wire; and the wire in its turn has been cut by shells and lies in ungathered swathes.", " PATHS AND THEN THE VILLAGE AND THE ROAD THROUGH THE VILLAGE AND THE OLD LANDMARKS THAT THE OLD PEOPLE REMEMBERED AND COUNTLESS TREASURED THINGS WERE ALL TURNED INTO RUBBISH AND THESE THINGS THAT ONE DID NOT CONTEMPLATE HAVE HAPPENED FOR HUNDREDS OF MILES WITH SUCH DISASTER VAST PLAINS AND HILLS ARE COVERED BECAUSE OF THE GERMAN WAR DEEP WELLS OLDELLARS BATTERED TRENCHES AND DUGOUTS LIE IN THE RUBBISH AND WEEDS UNDER THE INTRICATE WRECKAGE OF PEACE AND WAR IT WILL BE A BAD PLACE YEARS HENCE FOR WANDERS LOST AT NIGHT WHEN THE VILLAGE WENT TRENCHES CAME AND IN THE SAME STORM THAT HAD CRUMBLED THE VILLAGE THE TRENCHES WITHERED TOO SHELLS STILL THUMP ON TO THE NORTH BUT PEACE AND WAR ALIKE HAVE DESERTED THE VILLAGE GRASS HAS BEGUN TO RETURN OVER TORN EARTH ON EDGES OF TRENCHES ABUNDANT WIRE RUSTS AWAY BY ITS TWISTED STAKES OF STEEL NOT A PATH OF OLD NOT A LANE NOR A DOORWAY THERE BUT IS BARRED AND CUT OFF BY WIRE AND THE WIRE IN ITS TURN HAS BEEN CUT BY SHELLS AND LIES IN UNGATHERED SWATHS" ], "begin_byte": 28799, "end_byte": 28911 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8332063, "duration": 520.7539375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb_30", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 28.88, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "Thus our works should pass away; our worst fears contemplated no more than this. But here in a single day, perhaps in a moment with one discharge from a battery, all the little things that one family cared for, their house, their garden; and the garden paths, and then the village and the road through the village, and the old landmarks that the old people remembered, and countless treasured things, were all turned into rubbish.", "THUS OUR WORKS SHOULD PASS AWAY OUR WORST FEARS CONTEMPLATED NO MORE THAN THIS BUT HERE IN A SINGLE DAY PERHAPS IN A MOMENT WITH ONE DISCHARGE FROM A BATTERY ALL THE LITTLE THINGS THAT ONE FAMILY CARED FOR THEIR HOUSE THEIR GARDEN AND THE GARDEN PATHS AND THEN THE VILLAGE AND THE ROAD THROUGH THE VILLAGE AND THE OLD LANDMARKS THAT THE OLD PEOPLE REMEMBERED AND COUNTLESS TREASURED THINGS WERE ALL TURNED INTO RUBBISH" ], "pre_texts": [ "ap had been a house. All the living things were gone that had called this white heap Home: the father would be fighting, somewhere; the children would have fled, if there had been time; the dog would have gone with them, or perhaps, if there was not time, he served other masters; the cat would have made a lair for herself and stalked mice at night through the trenches. All the live things that we ever consider were gone; the creeper alone remained, the only mourner, clinging to fallen stones that had supported it once. And I knew by its presence here there had been a house. And by the texture or composition of the ruin all round I saw that a village had stood there. There are calamities one does not contemplate, when one thinks of time and change. Death, passing away, even ruin, are all the human lot; but one contemplates ruin as brought by kindly ages, coming slowly at last, with lichen and ivy and moss, its harsher aspects all hidden with green, coming with dignity and in due season.", "NMISTAKABLY THAT THE HEAP HAD BEEN A HOUSE AND THE LIVING THINGS WERE GONE THAT HAD CALLED THIS WHITE HEAP HOME THE FATHER WOULD BE FIGHTING SOMEWHERE THE CHILDREN WOULD HAVE FLED IF THERE HAD BEEN TIME THE DOG WOULD HAVE GONE WITH THEM OR PERHAPS IF THERE WAS NOT TIME HE SERVED OTHER MASTERS THE CAT WOULD HAVE MADE A LAIR FOR HERSELF AND STALKED MICE AT NIGHT THROUGH THE TRENCHES ALL THE LIVE THINGS THAT WE EVER CONSIDER WERE GONE THE CREEPER ALONE REMAINED THE ONLY MOURNER CLINGING TO FALLEN STONES THAT HAD SUPPORTED IT ONCE AND I KNEW BY ITS PRESENCE HERE THAT THERE HAD BEEN A HOUSE AND BY THE TEXTURE OR COMPOSITION OF THE RUIN ALL ROUND I SAW THAT A VILLAGE HAD STOOD THERE THERE ARE CALAMITIES ONE DOES NOT CONTEMPLATE WHEN ONE THINKS OF TIME AND CHANGE DEATH PASSING AWAY EVEN RUIN ARE ALL THE HUMAN LOT BUT ONE CONTEMPLATES RUIN AS BROUGHT BY KINDLY AGES COMING SLOWLY AT LAST WITH LICHEN AND IVY AND MOSS ITS HARSHER ASPECTS ALL HIDDEN WITH GREEN COMING WITH DIGNITY AND IN DUE SEASON" ], "begin_byte": 27513, "end_byte": 27943 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_06_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 8332063, "duration": 520.7539375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 17.039, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "Surely, indeed, there is a third side to war: for what had the doll done, that used to have a green pram, to deserve to share thus in the fall and punishment of an Emperor?", "SURELY INDEED THERE IS A THIRD SIDE TO WAR FOR WHAT HAD THE DOLL DONE THAT USED HAVE A GREEN PRAM TO DESERVE TO SHARE THUS IN THE FALL AND PUNISHMENT OF AN EMPEROR" ], "pre_texts": [ " it closer, as with a huge grey cloak, the lead of its roof having come down and covered it. Near the house of that petted doll (as I came to think of it) a road ran by on the other side of the railway. Great shells had dropped along it with terrible regularity. You could imagine Death striding down it with exact five-yard paces, on his own day, claiming his own. As I stood on the road something whispered behind me; and I saw, stirring round with the wind, in one of those footsteps of Death, a double page of a book open at Chapter II: and Chapter II was headed with the proverb, \"Un Malheur Ne Vient Jamais Seul;\" Misfortunes never come singly! And on that dreadful road, with shell-holes every five yards as far as the eye could see, and fiat beyond it the whole city in ruin. What harmless girl or old man had been reading that dreadful prophecy when the Germans came down upon Albert and involved it, and themselves, and that book, all except those two pages, in such multiplication of ruin?", "R SIDE IT WAS DRAPED WHEN WE SAW IT CLOSER AS WITH A HUGE GRAY CLOAK THE LEAD OF ITS ROOF HAVING COME DOWN AND COVERED IT NEAR THE HOUSE OF THAT PETTED DOLL AS I CAME TO THINK OF IT A ROAD RAN BY ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE RAILWAY GREAT SHELLS HAD DROPPED ALONG IT WITH TERRIBLE REGULARITY YOU COULD IMAGINE DEATH STRIDING DOWN IT WITH EXACT FIVE YARD PACES ON HIS OWN DAY CLAIMING HIS OWN AS I STOOD ON THE ROAD SOMETHING WHISPERED BEHIND ME AND I SAW STIRRING ROUND WITH THE WIND IN ONE OF THOSE FOOTSTEPS OF DEATH A DOUBLE PAGE OF A BOOK OPEN AT CHAPTER TWO AND CHAPTER TWO WAS HEADED WITH THE PROVERB UN MALE NAVIENNE GEMENSE R MISFORTUNES NEVER COME SINGLY AND ON THAT DREADFUL ROAD WITH SHELL HOLES EVERY FIVE YARDS AS FAR AS THE EYE COULD SEE AND FIAT BEYOND IT THE WHOLE CITY IN RUIN WHAT HARMLESS GIRL OR OLD MAN HAD BEEN READING THAT DREADFUL PROPHECY WHEN THE GERMANS CAME DOWN UPON ALBERT AND INVOLVED IT IN THEMSELVES AND THAT BOOK ALL EXCEPT THOSE TWO PAGES IN SUCH MULTIPLICATION OF RUIN" ], "begin_byte": 36793, "end_byte": 36965 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6132483, "duration": 383.2801875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb_27", "recording_id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 6.119, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9676", "custom": { "texts": [ "One blue columbine close by mourned alone for the garden.", "ONE BLUE COLUMBINE CLOSE BY MOURNED ALONE FOR THE GARDEN" ], "pre_texts": [ "the edge of the town; I think I was near the station; and small houses had stood there with little gardens; such as porters and other railway folk would have lived in. I sat down on the railway and looked at one of these houses, for it had clearly been a house. It was at the back of it that most remained, in what must have been a garden. A girder torn up like a pack of cards lay on the leg of a table amongst a brick wall by an apple-tree. Lower down in the heap was the frame-work of a large four-poster bed; through it all a vine came up quite green and still alive; and at the edge of the heap lay a doll's green pram. Small though the house had been there was evidence in that heap of some prosperity in more than one generation. For the four-poster bed had been a fine one, good work in sound old timber, before the bits in the girder had driven it into the wall; and the green pram must have been the dowry of no ordinary, doll, but one with the best yellow curls whose blue eyes could move.", "A RAILWAY BRIDGE AT THE EDGE OF THE TOWN I THINK I WAS NEAR THE STATION AND SMALL HOUSES THAT STOOD THERE WITH LITTLE GARDENS SUCH AS PORTERS AND OTHER RAILWAY FOLK WOULD HAVE LIVED IN I SAT DOWN ON THE RAILWAY AND LOOKED AT ONE OF THESE HOUSES FOR IT HAD CLEARLY BEEN A HOUSE IT WAS AT THE BACK OF IT THAT MOST REMAINED IN WHAT MUST HAVE BEEN A GARDEN A GIRDER TORN UP LIKE A PACK OF CARDS LAY ON THE LEG OF A TABLE AMONGST A BRICK WALL BY AN APPLE TREE LOWER DOWN IN THE HEAP WAS THE FRAMEWORK OF A LARGE FOUR POSTER BED THROUGH IT ALL A VINE CAME UP QUITE GREEN AND STILL ALIVE AND AT THE EDGE OF THE HEAP LAY A DOLL'S GREEN PRAM SMALL THOUGH THE HOUSE HAD BEEN THERE WAS EVIDENCE IN THAT HEAP OF SOME POSTERITY IN MORE THAN ONE GENERATION FOR THE FOUR POSTER BED HAD BEEN A FINE ONE GOOD WORK IN SOUND OLD TIMBER BEFORE THE BITS IN THE GIRDER HAD DRIVEN IT INTO THE WALL AND THE GREEN PRAM MUST HAVE BEEN THE DOWRY OF NO ORDINARY DULL BUT ONE WITH THE BEST YELLOW CURLS WHOSE BLUE EYES COULD MOVE" ], "begin_byte": 35096, "end_byte": 35153 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9676/unhappy_far-off_things_1701_librivox_64kb_mp3/unhappyfaroffthings_07_dunsany_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 6132483, "duration": 383.2801875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Unhappy FarOff Things/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 12.84, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9949", "custom": { "texts": [ "He seized her by the shoulder and tried to seize her by the throat, and twice Ethel had to break away and gallop off, Fitz Lee endeavoring in vain to catch the dog. Finally he succeeded, just as Mike had got Fidelity by the hock.", "HE SEIZED HER BY THE SHOULDER AND TRIED TO SEIZE HER BY THE THROAT AND TWICE ETHEL HAD TO BREAK AWAY AND GALLOP OFF FITZ LEE ENDEAVORING IN VAIN TO CATCH THE DOG FINALLY HE SUCCEEDED JUST AS MIKE HAD GOT FIDELITY BY THE HOCK" ], "pre_texts": [ "among the machinery. He is really a very nice little dog. White House, March 15, 1908. DEAREST ARCHIE: Quentin is now taking a great interest in baseball. Yesterday the Force School nine, on which he plays second base, played the P Street nine on the White House grounds where Quentin has marked out a diamond. The Force School nine was victorious by a score of 22 to 5. I told Quentin I was afraid the P Street boys must have felt badly and he answered, \"Oh, I guess not; you see I filled them up with lemonade afterward!\" Charlie Taft is on his nine. Did you hear of the dreadful time Ethel had with her new bull terrier, Mike? She was out riding with Fitz Lee, who was on Roswell, and Mike was following. They suppose that Fidelity must have accidentally kicked Mike. The first they knew the bulldog sprang at the little mare's throat. She fought pluckily, rearing and plunging, and shook him off, and then Ethel galloped away. As soon as she halted, Mike overtook her and attacked Fidelity again.", "THE MACHINERY HE IS REALLY A VERY NICE LITTLE DOG WHITE HOUSE MARCH FIFTEENTH NINETEEN O EIGHT DEAREST ARCHY QUINTON IS NOW TAKING A GREAT INTEREST IN BASEBALL YESTERDAY THE FOURTH SCHOOL NINE ON WHICH HE PLAYED SECOND BASS PLAYED THE PEA STREET NINE ON THE WHITE HOUSE GROUNDS WHERE QUINTON HAS MARKED OUT A DIAMOND THE FOURTH SCHOOL NINE WAS VICTORIOUS BY A SCORE OF TWENTY TWO TO FIVE I TOLD QUINTON I WAS AFRAID THE PEA STREET BOYS MUST HAVE FELT BADLY AND HE ANSWERED OH I GUESS NOT YOU SEE I FILLED THEM UP WITH LEMONADE AFTERWARD CHARLIE TAFT IS ON HIS NINE DID YOU HEAR OF THE DREADFUL TIME ETHEL HAD WITH HER NEW BULL TERRIER MIKE SHE WAS OUT RIDING WITH FITZ LEE WHO WAS ON ROSWELL AND MIKE WAS FOLLOWING THEY SUPPOSED THAT FIDELITY MUST HAVE ACCIDENTALLY KICKED MIKE THE FIRST THEY KNEW THE BULLDOG SPRANG AT THE LITTLE MARE'S THROAT SHE FOUGHT PLUCKILY REARING AND PLUNGING AND SHOOK HIM OFF AND THEN ETHEL GALLOPED AWAY AS SOON AS SHE HALTED MIKE OVERTOOK HER AND ATTACKED FIDELITY AGAIN" ], "begin_byte": 212625, "end_byte": 212854 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3639171, "duration": 227.4481875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Letters to His Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb_6", "recording_id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 18.439, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9949", "custom": { "texts": [ "I like to see Quentin practising baseball. It gives me hopes that one of my boys will not take after his father in this respect, and will prove able to play the national game! Ethel has a delightful new dog a white bull terrier not much more than a puppy as yet. She has named it Mike and it seems very affectionate.", "I LIKE TO SEE QUINTON PRACTISING BASEBALL IT GIVES ME HOPES THAT ONE OF MY BOYS WILL NOT TAKE AFTER HIS FATHER IN THIS RESPECT AND WILL PROVE ABLE TO PLAY THE NATIONAL GAME ETHEL HAS A DELIGHTFUL NEW DOG A WHITE BULL TERRIER NOT MUCH MORE THAN A PUPPY AS YET SHE HAS NAMED IT MIKE AND IT SEEMS VERY AFFECTIONATE" ], "pre_texts": [ "fended against War, and becoming a prey of the first despot who might choose to inflict those miseries and horrors--why then I really believe we should have got to the very best joke we could hope to have in our whole Complete Jest-Book for Posterity and might fold our arms and rest convinced that we had done enough for that discerning Patriarch's amusement.\" This ought to be read before all the tomfool peace societies and anti-imperialist societies of the present-day. QUENTIN AS A BALL-PLAYER White House, March 8, 1908. DEAREST ARCHIE: Yesterday morning Quentin brought down all his Force School baseball nine to practise on the White House grounds. It was great fun to see them, and Quentin made a run. It reminded me of when you used to come down with the Friend's School eleven. Moreover, I was reminded of the occasional rows in the eleven by an outburst in connection with the nine which resulted in their putting off of it a small boy who Quentin assured me was the \"meanest kid in town.", " SECTION FIFTY TWO OF LETTERS TO HIS CHILDREN BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT THIS LIBERY BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN READ BY BRIAN PROSCOE W DOT BRYAN PROSCOE DOT COME QUINTON IS A BALL PLAYER WHITE HOUSE MARCH EIGHTH NINETEEN O EIGHT DEAREST ARCHY YESTERDAY MORNING QUINTON BROUGHT DOWN ALL HIS FOURTH SCHOOL BASEBALL NINE TO PRACTISE ON THE WHITE HOUSE GROUNDS IT WAS GREAT FUN TO SEE THEM AND QUINTON MADE A RUN IT REMINDED ME OF WHEN YOU USED TO COME DOWN WITH THE FRIENDS SCHOOL ELEVEN MOREOVER I WAS REMINDED OF THE OCCASIONAL ROSE IN THE ELEVEN BY AN OUTBURST IN CONNECTION WITH THE NINE WHICH RESULTED IN THEIR PUTTING OFF AT A SMALL BOY WHO QUINTON ASSURED ME WAS THE MEANEST KID IN TOWN" ], "begin_byte": 211173, "end_byte": 211492 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_52_roosevelt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3639171, "duration": 227.4481875, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Letters to His Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb_1", "recording_id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.44, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9949", "custom": { "texts": [ "There some of the bees got out and were left behind (\"Poor homeless miserables,\" as Quentin remarked of them), and yesterday they at intervals added great zest to life in the classroom. The hive now reposes in the garden and Scamp surveys it for hours at a time with absorbed interest.", "THERE SOME OF THE BEES GOT OUT AND WERE LEFT BEHIND POOR HOMELESS MISERABLES AS QUINTON REMARKED OF THEM AND YESTERDAY THEY AT INTERVALS ADDED GREAT ZEST TO LIFE IN THE CLASSROOM THE HIVE NOW REPOSES IN THE GARDEN AND SCAMP SURVEYS IT FOR HOURS AT A TIME WITH ABSORBED INTEREST" ], "pre_texts": [ "too lovely for anything, and spring is here, or rather early summer, in full force. Mother's flower-gardens are now as beautiful as possible, and the iron railings of the fences south of them are covered with clematis and roses in bloom. The trees are in full foliage and the grass brilliant green, and my friends, the warblers, are trooping to the north in full force. QUENTIN AND A BEEHIVE White House, May 30, 1908. DEAREST ARCHIE: Quentin has met with many adventures this week; in spite of the fact that he has had a bad cough which has tended to interrupt the variety of his career. He has become greatly interested in bees, and the other day started down to get a beehive from somewhere, being accompanied by a mongrel looking small boy as to whose name I inquired. When repeated by Quentin it was obviously an Italian name. I asked who he was and Quentin responded: \"Oh, his father keeps a fruit-stand.\" However, they got their bees all right and Quentin took the hive up to a school exhibit.", "NDS ARE TOO LOVELY FOR ANYTHING AND SPRING IS HERE OR RATHER EARLY SUMMER IN FULL FORCE MOTHER'S FLOWER GARDENS ARE NOW AS BEAUTIFUL AS POSSIBLE AND THE IRON RAILINGS OF THE FENCES SOUTH OF THEM ARE COVERED WITH CLEMATIS AND ROSES AND BLOOM THE TREES ARE IN FULL FOLIAGE AND THE GRASS BRILLIANT GREEN AND MY FRIENDS THE WARBLERS ARE TROOPING TO THE NORTH IN FULL FORCE QUINTON AND A BEEHIVE WHITE HOUSE MAY THIRTIETH NINETEEN O EIGHT DEAREST ARCHY QUINTON HAS MET WITH MANY ADVENTURES THIS WEEK IN SPITE OF THE FACT THAT HE HAS HAD A BAD COUGH WHICH IS TENDED TO INTERRUPT THE VARIETY OF HIS CAREER HE HAS BECOME GREATLY INTERESTED IN BEES AND THE OTHER DAY STARTED DOWN TO GET A BEE HIVE FROM SOMEWHERE BEING ACCOMPANIED BY A MONGREL LOOKING SMALL BOY AS TO WHOSE NAME I INQUIRED WHEN REPEATED BY QUINTON IT WAS OBVIOUSLY AN ITALIAN NAME I ASKED WHO HE WAS AND QUINTON RESPONDED OH HIS FATHER KEEPS A FRUIT STAND HOWEVER THEY GOT THEIR BEES ALL RIGHT AND QUINTON TOOK THE HIVE UP TO A SCHOOL EXHIBIT" ], "begin_byte": 217055, "end_byte": 217340 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3653382, "duration": 228.336375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Letters to His Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb_3", "recording_id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 29.999, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9949", "custom": { "texts": [ "But one night they waked up John Burroughs and he spent a misguided hour hunting for the nest, and when he found it took it down and caught two of the young squirrels and put them in a basket. The next day under Mother's direction I took them out, getting my fingers somewhat bitten in the process, and loosed them in our room, where we had previously put back the nest. I do not think John Burroughs profited by his misconduct, because the squirrels were more active than ever that night both in his room and ours, the disturbance in their family affairs having evidently made them restless!", "BUT ONE NIGHT THEY WAKED UP JOHN BURROW'S AND HE SPENT A MISGUIDED HOUR HUNTING FOR THE NEST AND WHEN HE FOUND IT TOOK IT DOWN AND CAUGHT TWO OF THE YOUNG SQUIRRELS AND PUT THEM IN A BASKET THE NEXT DAY UNDER MOTHER'S DIRECTION I TOOK THEM OUT GETTING MY FINGERS SOMEWHAT BITTEN IN THE PROCESS AND LOOSED THEM IN OUR ROOM WHERE WE HAD PREVIOUSLY PUT BACK THE NEST I DO NOT THINK JOHN BURROWS PROFITED BY HIS MISCONDUCT BECAUSE THE SQUIRRELS WERE MORE ACTIVE THAN EVER THAT NIGHT BOTH IN HIS ROOM AND HOURS THE DISTURBANCE IN THEIR FAMILY AFFAIRS HAVING EVIDENTLY MADE THEM RESTLESS" ], "pre_texts": [ "leman's house; that Quentin could have no friend to see him, and the other three could not come inside the White House, until I felt that a sufficient time had elapsed to serve as punishment. They were four very sheepish small boys when I got through with them. JOHN BURROUGHS AND THE FLYING SQUIRRELS White House, May 10, 1908. DEAREST ARCHIE: Mother and I had great fun at Pine Knot. Mr. Burroughs, whom I call Oom John, was with us and we greatly enjoyed having him. But one night he fell into great disgrace! The flying squirrels that were there last Christmas had raised a brood, having built a large nest inside of the room in which you used to sleep and in which John Burroughs slept. Of course they held high carnival at night-time. Mother and I do not mind them at all, and indeed rather like to hear them scrambling about, and then as a sequel to a sudden frantic fight between two of them, hearing or seeing one little fellow come plump down to the floor and scuttle off again to the wall.", " SECTION FIFTY THREE OF LETTERS TO HIS CHILDREN BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT THIS LIVERY BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN READ BY BRYAN PROSCOE W DOT BRYAN PROSCOE DOT COME JOHN BURROWS AND THE FLYING SQUIRRELS WHITE HOUSE MAY TENTH NINETEEN O EIGHT DEAREST ARCHY MOTHER AND I HAD GREAT FUN AT PINE NOT MISTER BURROWS WHOM I CALL UM JOHN WAS WITH US AND WE GREATLY ENJOYED HAVING HIM BUT ONE NIGHT HE FELL INTO GREAT DISGRACE THE FLYING SQUIRRELS THAT WERE THERE LAST CHRISTMAS HAD RAISED A BROOD HAVING BUILT A LARGE NEST INSIDE OF THE ROOM IN WHICH YOU USED TO SLEEP AND IN WHICH JOHN BURROW SLEPT OF COURSE THEY HELD HIGH CARNIVAL AT NIGHT TIME MOTHER AND I DO NOT MIND THEM AT ALL AND INDEED RATHER LIKE TO HEAR THEM SCRAMBLING ABOUT AND THEN AS A SEQUEL TO A SUDDEN FRANTIC FIGHT BETWEEN TWO OF THEM HEARING OR SEEING ONE LITTLE FELLOW COME PLUMP DOWN TO THE FLOOR AND SCUTTLE OFF AGAIN TO THE WALL" ], "begin_byte": 215156, "end_byte": 215748 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3653382, "duration": 228.336375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Letters to His Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb_9", "recording_id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 13.36, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9949", "custom": { "texts": [ "Mother and I do not mind them at all, and indeed rather like to hear them scrambling about, and then as a sequel to a sudden frantic fight between two of them, hearing or seeing one little fellow come plump down to the floor and scuttle off again to the wall.", "MOTHER AND I DO NOT MIND THEM AT ALL AND INDEED RATHER LIKE TO HEAR THEM SCRAMBLING ABOUT AND THEN AS A SEQUEL TO A SUDDEN FRANTIC FIGHT BETWEEN TWO OF THEM HEARING OR SEEING ONE LITTLE FELLOW COME PLUMP DOWN TO THE FLOOR AND SCUTTLE OFF AGAIN TO THE WALL" ], "pre_texts": [ " Quentin out of bed and had him take them all off the portraits, and this morning required him to bring in the three other culprits before me. I explained to them that they had acted like boors; that it would have been a disgrace to have behaved so in any gentleman's house; that Quentin could have no friend to see him, and the other three could not come inside the White House, until I felt that a sufficient time had elapsed to serve as punishment. They were four very sheepish small boys when I got through with them. JOHN BURROUGHS AND THE FLYING SQUIRRELS White House, May 10, 1908. DEAREST ARCHIE: Mother and I had great fun at Pine Knot. Mr. Burroughs, whom I call Oom John, was with us and we greatly enjoyed having him. But one night he fell into great disgrace! The flying squirrels that were there last Christmas had raised a brood, having built a large nest inside of the room in which you used to sleep and in which John Burroughs slept. Of course they held high carnival at night-time.", " SECTION FIFTY THREE OF LETTERS TO HIS CHILDREN BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT THIS LIVERY BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN READ BY BRYAN PROSCOE W DOT BRYAN PROSCOE DOT COME JOHN BURROWS AND THE FLYING SQUIRRELS WHITE HOUSE MAY TENTH NINETEEN O EIGHT DEAREST ARCHY MOTHER AND I HAD GREAT FUN AT PINE NOT MISTER BURROWS WHOM I CALL UM JOHN WAS WITH US AND WE GREATLY ENJOYED HAVING HIM BUT ONE NIGHT HE FELL INTO GREAT DISGRACE THE FLYING SQUIRRELS THAT WERE THERE LAST CHRISTMAS HAD RAISED A BROOD HAVING BUILT A LARGE NEST INSIDE OF THE ROOM IN WHICH YOU USED TO SLEEP AND IN WHICH JOHN BURROW SLEPT OF COURSE THEY HELD HIGH CARNIVAL AT NIGHT TIME" ], "begin_byte": 214896, "end_byte": 215155 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3653382, "duration": 228.336375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Letters to His Children/text.txt" }
[ { "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb_17", "recording_id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "start": 0, "duration": 15.919, "channel": 0, "language": "English", "speaker": "9949", "custom": { "texts": [ "JOHN BURROUGHS AND THE FLYING SQUIRRELS White House, May 10, 1908. DEAREST ARCHIE: Mother and I had great fun at Pine Knot. Mr. Burroughs, whom I call Oom John, was with us and we greatly enjoyed having him. But one night he fell into great disgrace!", "JOHN BURROWS AND THE FLYING SQUIRRELS WHITE HOUSE MAY TENTH NINETEEN O EIGHT DEAREST ARCHY MOTHER AND I HAD GREAT FUN AT PINE NOT MISTER BURROWS WHOM I CALL UM JOHN WAS WITH US AND WE GREATLY ENJOYED HAVING HIM BUT ONE NIGHT HE FELL INTO GREAT DISGRACE" ], "pre_texts": [ "baseball. In each of the last two games he made a base hit and a run. I have just had to give him and three of his associates a dressing down--one of the three being Charlie Taft. Yesterday afternoon was rainy, and four of them played five hours inside the White House. They were very boisterous and were all the time on the verge of mischief, and finally they made spit-balls and deliberately put them on the portraits. I did not discover it until after dinner, and then pulled Quentin out of bed and had him take them all off the portraits, and this morning required him to bring in the three other culprits before me. I explained to them that they had acted like boors; that it would have been a disgrace to have behaved so in any gentleman's house; that Quentin could have no friend to see him, and the other three could not come inside the White House, until I felt that a sufficient time had elapsed to serve as punishment. They were four very sheepish small boys when I got through with them. ", " SECTION FIFTY THREE OF LETTERS TO HIS CHILDREN BY THEODORE ROOSEVELT THIS LIVERY BOX RECORDING IS IN THE PUBLIC DOMAIN READ BY BRYAN PROSCOE W DOT BRYAN PROSCOE DOT COME " ], "begin_byte": 214418, "end_byte": 214667 } } ]
{ "id": "large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb", "sources": [ { "type": "file", "channels": [ 0 ], "source": "download/librilight/large/9949/letterstohischildren_1510_librivox_64kb_mp3/letterstohischildren_53_roosevelt_64kb.flac" } ], "sampling_rate": 16000, "num_samples": 3653382, "duration": 228.336375, "channel_ids": [ 0 ] }
{ "text_path": "download/librilight_text/output_text_large_cleaned/Letters to His Children/text.txt" }