50 values
50 values
50 values
2 values
If THIS DOESNT CONCERN YOU IDK WHAT WILL VAERS ID # 936805-1. AGE 25. MALE Vaccinated 12/22/2020. Found unresponsive and subsequently expired at home on 1/11/2021. Moderna vaccine.
There is no evidence that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause brain hemorrhage.
Brain aneurysms and brain hemorrhage are a common side effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Covid-19 vaccines do not have any side effects of causing brain hemorrhage
India: post vaccination death #53 MUMBAI: A 65-year-old man died some time after he was given the first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine in a private hospital in Andheri in Mumbai on Tuesday, March 09. @Drvilasjagdale @kmrmanish20 @GujjuMafia https://t.co/6TBqNDOj8A
There is no evidence that the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause brain hemorrhage.
Brain aneurysms and brain hemorrhage are a common side effect of COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.
Covid-19 vaccines do not have any side effects of causing brain hemorrhage
@puch2115 @IowaStarseed EXACTLY!!! Bravo well said 👏 U actually had time to “Think”... I’ve known something was wrong for over a Decade now! From what I have researched THIS is what’s really going on behind the scenes. #Adrenochrome (google it) it’s Real. #COVID was/is a Cover. #Corona is only the Flu. https://t.co/Y6pHCMGqXR
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
COVID-19 crisis has become much much larger than than the Adrenochrome crisis. Are we still draining the Adrenochrome swamp? Or has the COVID got us all complaining about what we want? This is not a directive. It's a question. Is this is largest Cover Up in Human History yet?
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
I’m noticing she doesn’t have 4 eyebrows like Piglosi, they could be twins! Ha! 🤣😂🤣😂 My guess is she/he got the synthetic adrenochrome laced with the deadlier COVID 17. Acquired from the Wuhan Lab that makes it. Thanks to Trump’s war on Human Trafficking https://t.co/Q8YoKlMZ9G
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Covid will spread swiftly gavin if u keep flying them in from Mexico. Yes, we know, and we know about adrenochrome https://t.co/g71EfN8rm1
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@DoubleDiggur Shit Diggur now you have COVID and the government will start harvesting adrenochrome from you to hide the aliens and the fact the earth is flat
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Since COVFEFE is the chemical exposer of Iron and Ferretin indicating Adrenochrome addiction, the COVID 19 would be the name of a virus that identified every single adrenochrome addict throughout the World, and since the COVID19 broke out Wuhan where the adrenochrome is MADE 2+2=
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
SICK!! ..they're checking for adrenochrome...Tom Hanks Helping to Develop COVID-19 Treatment With Blood Donation, Jokes About Calling It 'Hank-ccine' https://t.co/L02B28RWzM via @@PopCulture
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Illuminati cards that have come true #DeepState #ThesePeopleAreEvil #Illuminati #Democratdeepstate #Adrenochrome #COVID #mondaythoughts #Anomymous #ALLLIVESMATER #STILL2GETHER #lockdownextension https://t.co/9bGj99W2sq
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@k9_bad @BlackFlagArmy10 The adrenochrome ran out, because POTUS shut down the supply ratlines from overseas. Now the elites are using contaminated synthetic adrenochrome from Chinese Wuhan lab, and it has Covid 17...a different strain that cannot spread airborne, but more lethal..
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Queens speech recorded 5th march?? The reporter said it was filmed on thursday... #coronavirus #QAnon #Adrenochrome https://t.co/aaU761QOaK
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
#DeepState #illuminati applies #genocide #holocaust to its political opponents in #Turkey through its well-fed #dictator @RTErdogan Morethan 200k political opponents are in jail under threat of #COVID @KatiPiri CHPAymYe EsastanBaşvur #Adrenochrome #ChildTrafficking #FrazzleDrip https://t.co/ZAVHIe9IES
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
They’re mad at #NickCannon for speaking the truth but won’t tell the American people that this Coronavirus is a cover up for them to arrest these Hollywood & politician pedophiles for molesting kids/babies & their need for #Adrenochrome
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
This is pretty outrageous. The Corona Coverup in Hawaii. https://t.co/arajNuhBn9 #qanon #thegreatawakening #filmyourhospital #thestorm #savethechildren #adrenochrome #babyq #darktolight #coronavirus
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
#Interesting ……. Why blood ? Shortage of #Adrenochrome ? When #HydroxychloroquineCures #ThesePeopleAreSick #Covid_19 #SaturdayMorning #TheStormIsHere #OpenAmericaNow https://t.co/SSsjXLQYTW
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Familiar with the word, ADRENOCHROME? Me neither! Well, not until COVID 19 imposed its lethal self into our lives triggering us to go into hiding. It's like that brutal monster in our childhood nightmares inducing panic & fear! Well, COVID 19 & ADRENOCHROME has strong connections
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Oh, and the celebrities who are ill simply caught Covid 19 from tainted batches of adrenochrome which was probably harvested in a pizza shop basement. Of course.
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Here's the KINDNESS of Trump. Proton light therapy #BraggPeak kills the #coronavirus for the #Adrenochrome user and keeps them alive. HCQ/Zpac #WORMWOOD kills BOTH. #TRUMP just gave them a WAY OUT! WILL THEY LET SONLIGHT* INTO THEIR HEART? *Repent Peace 🕊 #WWG1GWA #QAnon
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@SoCal_OK @Iceman34572 @amadovirgen @BigBertieT @dbongino Lady. Go learn some government before you reply again. All I said was it doesnt matter wheather our Gov has covid or not. Has nothing to do with how he runs the state. Look into adrenochrome. Wake up.
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Adrenochrome, Fetal Tissue, Vaccines, Abortion Clinics, Fetuses, Baby Brains, Organ Harvesting https://t.co/LvZ6ALJkIP #Adrenochrome #AdrenochromeWithdrawal #AdrenochromeHarvesting #adrenochromejunkies #Vaccines #PlannedParenthood #Abortion #AbortionClinic #COVID19 #Covid_19
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@TS_SCI_MAJIC12 How does one connect the Queen's good-bye speech and the Queen's reference to making the rainbow (also symbol for LGBTQ) drawn by children a symbol for COVID-19 to 3M? Adrenochrome? AND... what's up with this now? Twilight zone! https://t.co/iwbsXDuJjh
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
Look for the Adrenochrome/: U.S. Asking China for Access to Wuhan Lab to Determine Coronavirus Origins https://t.co/UjXkgP1tMZ
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@GetOnTRUMPTrain @JankyD @Samanthariches7 @toodeemo @theangiestanton Yes, the elites are washing down hcq with shots of adrenochrome. Qdiots believe in fairytales. There is no proof hcq works. Countries with malaria where lots of people take hcq are still devastated by COVID-19.
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@Time2WakeUp2 Sickening I say that is... Why the need to normalize gay sex in kids? It the nwo normal. Nwo wants to rape and get Adrenochrome as much as possible. Nwo wants to kill the future of this whole planet. Covid 19 should have proved that fact. Locked us down so they don't go to prison
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
GO TO 21:03! That's where Aziz talks about #DUMBFUCJ! Amazing! HE NAILED IT! HAHAHAHAHA YES! THIS IS IT! THIS IS #DUMBFUCJ! THIS IS OUR ENEMY! THANK YOU, AZIZ BROWN! @NomadicPrism #DrainTheSwamp #ObamaGate #Adrenochrome #coronavirus #GeorgeFloyd https://t.co/nDCbv6grcm https://t.co/XewzT67BRt
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@Brittdr138 @Inevitable_ET Most all have ingested the Adrenochrome tainted with Covid…..
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
It should be an interesting year. Just a reminder that the word "occult" means hidden while we are at it. #coronavirus #COVID19 #CERN #Adrenochrome #AdrenochromeWithdrawal https://t.co/OifNXWsU3Z
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
⏩IMPORTANT⏪ This is official white house #petition against Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for #Medical Malpractice & crimes Against Humanity #COVID19 #COVID #Adrenochrome #QAnon #Trump2020 #QAnons #patriots #BillGates #NoVaccineForMe #coronavirus https://t.co/cysPeIEPyC
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
hmmm and tested positive for covid.... tainted adrenochrome? frustrated to the point of assault? Who did you beat? Your wife?? Never allow him back into politics Canada!! https://t.co/Eq8PrtKbCn
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@biddolf @BigBrotherGOD1 @WayneDupreeShow Cov-fe-fe issue explained in the article. Adrenochrome junkies have excess Iron & Ferritin. Should they get Covid-19, the remedy (Hydroxichloroquine/Z-Pack) will kill them by creating a Cytokine Storm, a massive release of free radicals. Everyone else is safe with the remedy.
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
@b0k Hi, please find the unroll here: @ThePlqn: 1/ I'm back on my adrenochrome/COVID theory with PROOF! CDC literally just updated all its data going several… https://t.co/YvQ9I3XyXy See you soon. 🤖
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
#Wilson, #Hanks had different experiences with #pedophilia #pedogate #pedohollywood #adrenochrome & their #coronavirus symptoms #plandemic #distraction #arrest them all!.. https://t.co/8l9wABD4vd
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
"Perhaps the Adrenochrome is metaphorical in nature." is peak #QAnon Centrism. Refuse to accept that QAnon believe in crazy things and constantly pivot back to "We're just seeking out corruption." at all costs. https://t.co/AHpFWFZxrP
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
So, I made the mistake of going down this rabbit hole out of curiosity and the more I read, the more confused I become... But this adrenochrome mole children coronavirus deep state Jenna Jameson Qanon is some shit that makes me want to relive my acid days
There is no scientific proof that Covid-19 is caused by adrenochrome
Adrenochrome is a drug of the illuminati and reason behind the deaths occuring due to Covid-19
Covid-19 has no links with the drug adrenochrome
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018 via @nationalfile https://t.co/6pHDmrUJ9w
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
@RonPaul have you seen this World Bank website data yet? COVID-19 tests were distributed world wide in 2018. Archives show distribution beginning in 2017. https://t.co/Dabg8m2LNZ
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
Website created by World Bank and UN shows test kits for covid-19 exported to countries including U.S. in 2018 https://t.co/2vCSiXFW3M https://t.co/fBDip4A0Uv
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
The World Bank website has an active record for “COVID-19 Diagnostic Test Instruments and apparatus (902780) exports by country in 2018” even though the World Health Organization did not name Coronavirus “COVID-19” until February 2020 amid this year’s outbreak. https://t.co/FYOCsxF56d
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
@RealJamesWoods Probably the same way the World Bank was posting trade balances for COVID-19 Test Kits back in 2017&2018. The entire phenomena was/is a #PlandemicHoax.
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2017, 2018 | From the Trenches World Report https://t.co/Q2t7IlbiuW @libertyIAB @oohincensed @NeuroNerd78 @Reptoid_Hunter @Sukyspook @StarSparkle_UK @crazyjane125 @5Agenda21 @davidicke @garethicke 🙄
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
! COVID-19 TEST KIT GLOBAL IMPORTS IN 2018 ?! World Integrated Trade Solution WITS data World Bank Group https://t.co/JC9xfArrmC #COVID19 #COVIDー19 #Covid19Millionaires #vaccines #scamdemic #plandemic #exposebillgatesday 9/12/20 https://t.co/cAsU7OVrVK
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018 via @nationalfile https://t.co/XyvF6vbKOR
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
It appears this @WorldBank webpage first published on 22nd April 2020. Its URL clearly shows a 2018 export list. How & why would such a 'data cock up' be left that long publicly? #Covid19UK #covid19 #coronavirus #Britain #London https://t.co/1fUNCQDVjf https://t.co/8FW296Bn45
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
@plutoslovechild It is worse than that...they were selling Covid 19 test kits in 2018....as per the World Bank
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018 https://t.co/0QzlTtn1l7
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018 via @nationalfile https://t.co/GcaivIxP83
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2017, 2018. https://t.co/yHDTHPRhnZ
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2017, 2018 via @nationalfile https://t.co/PsXqAZrHnG
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018 https://t.co/YhWbIPdqGA
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
Dr. Anthony Fauci meeting w/ Bill Gates & partnering with the NIH, discussing a universal vaccine in 2018. Then, the Gates Foundation held "Event 201" in October 2019, with John Hopkins & The World Bank, simulating the scenario playing out today. #coronavirus #COVID19 #pandemic https://t.co/lEk3AUV1xv
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
#WorldBank shows in its site " #World #Integrated #Trade #Solution #WITS " the #COVID19 #Kit #test for years 2017 2018 2019. What kind of test is this #COVID-19 kit?? Help, collaboration, sharing at this #Researchgate #open #question >> https://t.co/MqxKhUMZ3M https://t.co/JcQvhBM31N
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
! COVID-19 TEST KIT GLOBAL IMPORTS IN 2018 ?! World Integrated Trade Solution WITS data World Bank Group https://t.co/JC9xfArrmC #COVID19 #COVIDー19 #Covid19Millionaires #vaccines #scamdemic #plandemic #exposebillgatesday 9/12/20 https://t.co/xP8NDDPmA0
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
WTF? ‘COVID-19 Diagnostic Test instruments’ appear on World Bank site for … 2018? (PLEASE SHARE – WE HAVE BEEN BANNED FROM TWITTER FOR A WEEK) https://t.co/UTQipuJ0PC If the 19 in covid-19 came about at the start of the outbreak in late 2019 then has time travel taken place?
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
@brajamusic Fact check: World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018 https://t.co/gJenNLkvcw
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
#Covid19 was a #FalseFlag according to #WorldBank Documents Listing Covid Program Ending March 2025, their website has records for COVID19 #DiagnosticTest Instruments & apparatus exports by country in 2018, 2 years before #WHO Identifies the #ChinaVirus https://t.co/sN8ZfRIUFg
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
@MichaelYeadon3 Doesn't this tie in with the data from the World Bank website before they cleaned it, that indicated they had what they were calling Covid 19 test kits from as early as 2017 on their website. The deeper we look the dirtier this all gets. It's lie after lie after lie.
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
https://t.co/ZsOYKOs6PD @RoninSamTripoli world bank paying for covid 19 testing kits all the way back in 2018? How does that work when it’s a 2019 virus.....?
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
According to the World Bank, several countries traded millions of COVID-19 tests… in 2018. What’s going on here? https://t.co/FpzleHCc1F https://t.co/Xt14ADA5nl
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
@BalutSmithy @JamesAn65726913 @LisaMarieBoothe Don't waste your time. This person retweeted a post saying that the World Bank was exporting Covid 19 test kits in 2018. Reality appears to be optional.
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
2018 COVID-19 test kits reported on World Bank site? Weird. https://t.co/IwoAH6Q23h
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2017, 2018 - Breaking News from #NewsWars!! - Share all links, give the 🖕 to the #globalists. https://t.co/3Rl9iUgvtZ
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
BOMBSHELL: The World Bank sold COVID-19 test kits to Greece and other countries in…2017. https://t.co/rT5xmwDkNs
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
COVID-19 test kit imports in 2018. World Integrated Trade Solution data World Bank Group https://t.co/JC9xfArrmC #COVID19 #COVIDー19 #Covid19Millionaires https://t.co/922iLk0hN4
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
Did you know the WORLD BANK in 2017 and 2018 has published on its website EXPORTS from the main countries of the world "KITS FOR TEST COVID-19, HOW IS IT POSSIBLE?
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank : More Than $10 Million In COVID-19 Diagnostic Equipment Sales In 2018 https://t.co/MaLx5IEGTg
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank Records COVID-19 Test Kits Exported In 2018 via @nationalfile https://t.co/ytXuJi8XhV Well, just what does this mean?
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
UK bought Covid 19 test kits in 2018 !!! ???? https://t.co/zLllz3bDq7
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017
All around the world government import exported covid19 #rtpcr testing kit in 2017-18 tons of and millions of dollars @WorldBank official website mentioned. @DrMadej https://t.co/L496pkO3LL
World Bank website does not show COVID-19 testing kits were purchased in 2017 and 2018
Covid-19 kits being sold by World Bank years before in 2017 is an evidence the pandemic was planned all along
World Bank website made no purchase of Covid-19 test kits in 2017