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What happens next in this paragraph? How to tell if a girl likes you in school Watch to see if she pays attention to you when you speak. If a girl likes you, there's a good chance that she'll seem attentive and focused while you're talking in class, or if the two of you are in the same group conversation. Be nice and friendly, and also pay attention when she talks. Pick your answer from: [+] Be aware that this doesn't necessarily indicate a romantic interest. But, it's a good sign that a girl respects your opinion or likes talking with you, which can indicate that she does like you.; [+] This will make it more likely that she will like you later on. Figure out if she looks at you when you're talking to her.; [+] If she gives you her full attention while you talk, then she likes you. If she responds to you only after you tell her what your name is, she likes you.; [+] If she grabs your hand when you're talking and then pulls away, that is a good sign. It is probably a sign that she wants to be your friend.;
Be aware that this doesn't necessarily indicate a romantic interest. But, it's a good sign that a girl respects your opinion or likes talking with you, which can indicate that she does like you.
Write a sentence in English.
Alcoholes en Estados Unidos
I hope this is helpful to whoever decides to use it, and I hope it will inspire more people to start learning LaTeX as it can be a great skill to have. ++++++++++ One-sentence summary -- Now all you need to do to finish the resume is add in more sections (using the same steps show above), tweak your dimensions, and it never hurts to have a professional look at it to make sure you did a good job. Q: . Tie the yarn onto your crochet needle by making an adjustable slipknot near the tip. . Crochet two chain stitches from the loop on your hook. . Work two single crochets into the second chain from the hook, which also happens to be the first chain stitch your crocheted. Use a slip stitch to join the last single crochet with the first. You should make a round with six stitches total. Make one chain stitch from the loop on your hook to start a new round. Make two single crochets in each stitch from your previous round. Use a slip stitch to join the last and first stitches together. You should have a round with 12 stitches total. Make one chain stitch from the loop on your hook to start a new round. Single crochet into two stitches from the previous round, six times around. Join the final stitch with the first using a slip stitch. You should make a round with six stitches total. Weave the tail end into the stitches on the back of the button, using a darning needle if necessary. Use your hands to slightly flatten the button. As you stitch or weave in your tail end, weave it through the entire thickness to keep it secure. A: Make a slip knot Chain two Make six single crochets Chain one and work two single crochets in each stitch. Chain one and make six sets of two single crochets. Weave the tail in. Article: You may have been controlling, directing, or criticizing people for so long that you weren't even aware you were doing it. Understanding that this controlling nature is not helpful or healthy is a difficult, but important step. If you're controlling, you have become the problem. Are you unsure if you're controlling? Think about a situation with an outcome that wasn't what you wanted. If you immediately felt anxious, irritated, and began correcting the outcome, you may be controlling. Many controlling people offer unsolicited advice. Think about how often you give advice. Were you asked to give an opinion or did you just tell the person what to do? These can be specific or vague. Often times instability, fear, and anxiety cause people to micro-manage or attempt to control their surroundings. If you have a handle on what makes you anxious or afraid, your awareness can keep you from controlling others. Look at the issues on the list that are specifically your problems. Think about what's causing those problems and whether you have any control over them. If not, don't let them cause you anxiety. This will help you deal with your stress or anxiety, making you less likely to try managing others. You might try meditation, reading a good book, yoga, running, playing music, or painting. Regardless of what you choose, do something you enjoy that takes your mind off of worrying. If you always seem to nag the same people, stop yourself and think about what you like about them. After all, if they're friends or partners, there must have been something that you initially liked about them. Start seeing the good in these people and stop seeing the flaws. If you've been directing others for a while, you may not even realize that you come across as blunt or impolite. Remember your manners when asking for things! A simple "please" and "thank you" is a good start. Think about when you're asking or commanding someone. If you're in a bad mood at the time, don't let it affect how you're asking. Better yet, wait until you're in a better mood to ask for something. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about? Realize that controlling others is a problem. Make a list of the issues or problems you worry about. Learn to relax. Think positively about others. Consider how you ask for things or direct people. Problem: Article: Try doing calendar time right after breakfast or while your child is having their morning snack. Whenever you decide to do it, make calendar time part of your daily routine to help your child learn the concepts of the days of the week and time.Repetition is important for teaching your child new concepts. Having a routine will also be comforting to your child and help them know what to expect each day. Direct your child’s attention to holidays and other special days on the calendar, such as by using pictures and stickers. Then, point out what day of the week these special days fall on.For example, you could say, “Look! Your birthday is on a Wednesday, which is the middle of the week!” or “Halloween is on a Saturday, so we can celebrate all day long!” Summary: Devote 5 to 10 minutes to calendar time every day. Ask your child questions about important dates on the calendar. Article: Pick up a piece of fine-grit sandpaper from a home improvement store. Very lightly, rub the sandpaper all over the door. This should make the surface look dull and scratched, preparing it to hold paint. To remove stubborn debris, scrub the door with a damp rag. Wipe the door with a clean cloth when you’re finished to remove any moisture and debris. Spread a layer of painter’s tape over the wall. Press it down to ensure that it sticks in place. You may also want to move any furniture out of the area to avoid a painting mishap. Ventilate the area by opening nearby doors and windows. Wear gloves, a respirator, and protective goggles. You probably will not need to protect the floor, but if you want to be safe, spread a drop cloth or newspaper underneath the box. Get a can of primer at a paint supply store. Shake the can for a few seconds, then spray over the door. Work from side to side, moving the can slowly in order to coat the door in an even layer of primer. Before you buy primer, read the label and make sure it is compatible with metal surfaces. Most primer begins drying after about 30 minutes. To stay safe, wait a whole day for it to dry and settle. This ensures the paint sticks without cracking. over the door. First, choose a spray paint that is labeled for use on metal surfaces. Use a color of spray paint that matches with the rest of your wall. Shake the can for a minute, then spray the paint over the primed surface. Work slowly, spraying from side to side across the box. To get an even coat of paint, avoid rushing. After about 5 minutes, the first layer of spray paint will have settled. Go over the circuit breaker box again. Spray on a second light coating of paint using the same technique as before. You may need to repeat this step a couple of times before the paint looks nice and even. Once your circuit breaker box looks good, set the spray paint aside. The paint will soon begin drying, but to be safe, leave it alone for a whole day. After the paint dries, your circuit breaker box should blend in pretty well with the rest of the wall. For additional decoration, try making and arranging your own magnets. Question: What is a summary of what this article is about?
Sand the circuit breaker box door with 120-grit sandpaper. Tape around the circuit breaker box. Spray primer over the door. Wait 24 hours for the primer to dry. Paint Add another coat of paint to cover the box. Wait 24 hours for the paint to dry. Decorate the box with magnets or other supplies.
This is the content of an email: Since Mr. Bass didn't follow through on our social engagement, I thought I would do so. Is anyone interested in lunch? Is tomorrow too early for you all or should we shoot for next week? Mr. Hull and I are both available tomorrow. You guys let me know. We'll have to go dutch (no more expense report) or one of you UBS people with your big bonuses will have to pick it up! Let me know. What was the subject line for this email?
Answer the question about text: Needless to say we needed to wait for housekeeping to come and clean up the room , which by the time it was done it was very late and we had been up since 5 am . We did get a slight discount on the cost of the 1st night . One day we walked into our room to find a boys underwear sitting on our luggage , we did n't have any boys in our room and they were n't my sisters sons underwear . Anyway .... Why did the narrator not immediately go to sleep in their room ?
It was dirty .
Please answer this: who's the running back for tennessee titans? DeMarco Murray Please answer this: who is the chief minister of arunachal pradesh today? Pema Khandu Please answer this: who got the most clean sheets in the premier league 2016/17?
Thibaut Courtois
The grant also will help victims go through court proceedings after losing a job or being evicted because of an abuser's actions, Xanthopoulos said. "It's going to help the victims, but it's also going to help their children," he said. More than 270 domestic violence assaults in Madison County were reported last year, according to Tennessee Bureau of Investigation statistics. In Jackson, more than 730 domestic violence assaults were reported last year, according to records. "Domestic violence is certainly on the increase and we need to do something to curve that. I see this as helping that," Madison County Sheriff David Woolfork said of the grant. Domestic violence accounted for five of 12 murders in 2001 in Jackson, police have said. And the increase in calls prompted Jackson Police Chief Rick Staples in March to form a focus group to determine if police officers need to make changes in their response to domestic calls. Do you have any questions?
Who did Xanthnopoulos say the grant would help?
I figured that it's about time I let this one out. Pokémon fans are suffering in America these days. Why? Because we rely on Kids WB and 4Kids Entertainment to provide us with our beloved series and movies. As far as the series goes, they do a pretty good job in bringing the fun and magic of the Japanese versions to television. So what is their problem when it comes to the movies? Honestly now, I have seen all three Pokémon movies in Japanese and I will definitely be seeing the fourth one. They are excellent movies. They are all enjoyable and fun to watch. And, after seeing Pokémon 2000 in theaters, I can't help but wonder how these American producers read the Japanese scripts. The way it appears, it seems that they read and see something that says `Insert empty moral here' in big bold faced letters. It definitely appears that way as they used the same wonderful dubbing methods they used on MSB (extreme sarcasm there) and created this crap. *possible spoilers from here on* Well, I guess I should first talk about Pikachu's Rescue Adventure. My first gripe with this came with no narration. I guess they got enough bad comments on the Pokédex narration that plagued Pikachu's Vacation, and, instead of going with a caring, gentle woman's voice as appeared in Pikachu no Natsu Yasumi and Pikachu Tankentai, they just cut the narration all together. This wouldn't have been a problem, except for one thing. Did anyone really understand why the Exeggcute didn't let Togepi go until the end? Possibly the fans, but I'm sure not the parents. Then, there's the theme song. I couldn't help but roll my eyes at this one. The Japanese theme song was `Tankentai wo Tsukurou' and was sung by Japanese children. It was fun and enjoyable. This one: nauseating. Now, one of my favorite parts of the short was the dancing Kireihana. Nice music, fun to watch. That's changed with the Bellossom. The music sucked for one, but on top of that, they had all the Pokémon talk during the music, which turned out to be jumpy, annoying, and just unnecessary. Oh, and then there's the Poliwhirl who thinks he's a Poliwrath. You'd think that guys that work with these characters constantly would at least learn what they are. Basically, not much could save this little ill fated dub, which is very unfortunate considering its potential. But, I haven't touched on the worst of it yet. You'd think that the warning signs would've been apparent to me when I received my issue of Nintendo Power. For some unfathomable reason, I had been placing some faith in 4Kids and the WB. My thoughts were `well, they screwed up on the first movie, but the second is different as far as the theme goes, so they should do well.' That in mind, I just didn't pay attention to the warning signs I encountered in the theaters when the trailers said, `You will believe that one person can make all the difference.' With the way they said that at every turn, I was hoping that this would not turn into a moral fest like MSB did at the end of the English version. Then comes Nintendo Power, in which I see all my fears realized in the words `the main feature 'The Power of One.' At that point, I became a bit more uneasy. `The Power of One?!' Not a good sign. However, I still kept some of my false faith. Big mistake. Sitting in the theater, I was literally getting stomach cramps watching another movie which I loved in Japanese being turned into complete and utter junk. I hear comments that say it was better because the moral was more subtle. I can see a point in that since they didn't pander this thing, repeating it over and over like in MSB. However, it did more damage than anything else in this movie. First of all, the legend that was read throughout was changed a bit to read `the world turns to Ash.' Ah hah. So, Ash is the chosen one? Whatever. In the Japanese version, the inhabitants of Arshia needed a Pokémon trainer to carry out their traditional ceremony. This time, he's the chosen one. A greater way that this did damage was to Lugia. Lugia was one of the coolest characters in a Pokémon movie.... when the movie was ABOUT Lugia. In this one, Lugia is forced to take a back seat to Ash. In the scene where they're flying back to the main island, Lugia and Ash are discussing the conditions of Lugia's existence, not that Ash is going to make all the difference. Overall in this category, Ash wasn't really the `one person' that would make the difference, since he was helped by many along the way. A lot of the other stuff is kind of nit picking. Furura's flute song wasn't nearly as sweet and enjoyable as the Japanese one. Jirarudan's speech to them saying his collection `started with a Mew card?' Ugh. Even worse, Misty's outrage originally concerned the way Moltres and Zapdos were being held. `Why didn't you put them in Pokéballs when you caught them? This is like caging them to be displayed.' Much different from whining about him thinking Pokémon are things to be collected like stamps. If there were any real redeeming values in this, they came from Team Rocket. Some pretty funny lines. Not really to make me laugh out loud, but more to make me giggle and slightly ease the pains in my stomach. Well, that was officially the last American Pokémon movie I'm going to see. I've imported the third one and find it very enjoyable. I would rather not see another Japanese movie be ruined in the same fashion as the first two. I'll be importing the fourth one as well. Forget you, Kids WB and 4Kids. You have forsaken me for the last time. Choose your answer. How would you describe the sentiment of this review? Available choices: a. negative b. positive
What is the subject line for this email? Greg Original email that was sent to me, also was suppose to be sent to you, but it went to the wrong Greg Woulfe. So here it is. Also, date of filing is wrong. We want to file this Friday, the 21st. Let me know if you have any thoughts/changes. Thanks Subject Line:
Calpine petition
QUESTION: Trivia question: Which racquet sport game is played by two or four players in a four-walled court with a small, hollow rubber ball? **** ANS: squash QUESTION: Trivia question: Which is the most Northerly, and largest, island of the Phillipines, on which stands the capital, Manila ? **** ANS: luzon QUESTION: Trivia question: Which singer married director Blake Edwards? **** ANS: julie andrews QUESTION: Trivia question: Greta Garbo uttered her most famous line in ‘Grand Hotel’ (1932). What was it? **** ANS:
i want to be alone
Continue writing the following text. When deciding what foreign language to take at school, I picked French instead of Chinese because the Pick from: [I] Chinese language is harder to read.; [II] French language is harder to read.;
Sentence from a movie review: crossing-over Was the movie seen positively or negatively based on the preceding review?
Question: Summarize this: a chihuahua that went paragliding in australia strapped to its owner 's chest survived when the pair crashed into a tree shortly after taking off , police said saturday . Answer: paragliding chihuahua survives crash in australia Text: four political parties which have set up a coalition with president susilo bambang yudhoyono 's party on tuesday threatened to pull out their support after the president planned to pick up a technocrat as his vice presidential candidate . Summary: president susilo 's party allies threaten to withdraw support Generate a short summary: dhaka university was ordered shut for three days as authorities friday probed the killing of a student during clashes between rival factions , campus sources said . Answer: dhaka university shut for three days after student killed houston-area home sales took a sharp dive in july , after four straight months of gains fueled by a federal tax credit for homebuyers . Short summary: area home sales drop with end of tax credit IN: jordan 's king abdullah ii on tuesday ordered `` immediate measures '' to facilitate the transit of iraqis through the kingdom , the official petra news agency reported . summary: jordan 's king orders facilitating iraqi transit through the kingdom IN: hilary swank and demi moore starred for the united states at the opening of the third middle east film festival in the uae capital on thursday , while a host of arab performers shared the spotlight . summary:
hilary swank and demi moore at abu dhabi film festival
How is "The EU must continue to guarantee food security for its citizens and participate in supplying food to the entire world, whereby cooperation with the rest of the world, in particular, with developing countries, must be closer and more coherent in order to help them with the long-term sustainable development of agricultural sectors." said in Romanian? UE trebuie să garanteze în continuare securitatea alimentară a cetăţenilor săi şi să participe la furnizarea de alimente în întreaga lume; în acest sens, cooperarea cu celelalte ţări, în special cele în curs de dezvoltare, trebuie să fie mai apropiată şi mai coerentă, pentru a le ajuta la dezvoltarea durabilă pe termen lung a sectoarelor agricole. Q: Translate "I would like to say to the Council and the Member States that violence that comes from other cultures also requires a legal instrument." to Romanian? A: Țin să transmit Consiliului și statelor membre că violența provenită din alte culturi necesită și ea un instrument juridic. input question: Write a sentence not in English. output answer: În raportul său, şi Parlamentul a atras atenţia asupra situaţiei minorităţilor care trăiesc în Federaţia Rusă şi invită agenţiile guvernului rus să asigure supravieţuirea şi dezvoltarea durabilă a culturilor şi a limbilor popoarelor indigene care trăiesc în Federaţia Rusă. Q: Translate "However, the new powers will also mean new responsibilities." to Romanian? Yes: Cu toate acestea, noile competenţe vor însemna şi responsabilităţi noi. [Q]: Comisia de 12 membri, formată din doi reprezentanţi ai fiecărui partid din adunarea legislativă, a primit două luni pentru a verifica dacă tranzacţiile încheiate şi numirile efectuate au fost legale. Translate this to English? [A]: The 12-member body, comprising two representatives of each of the parties in the assembly, has been given two months to check whether the concluded deals and appointments were in line with the law. How is "(EL) Mr President, the recent huge, catastrophic earthquake in Chile, shortly after the disaster in Haiti, cost the lives of hundreds of people and caused massive damage to the structures of the country, especially in the area of Concepción." said in Romanian?
(EL) Domnule preşedinte, recentul cutremur catastrofic din Chile, produs la scurt timp după dezastrul din Haiti, a costat vieţile a sute de oameni şi a cauzat distrugeri masive construcţiilor din ţară, în special în zona oraşului Conceptión.
question: OPTIONS: - yes - no In the fall of 2014, among the six undergraduate schools, 40.6% of undergraduate students are enrolled in the Weinberg College of Arts and Sciences, 21.3% in the McCormick School of Engineering and Applied Science, 14.3% in the School of Communication, 11.7% in the Medill School of Journalism, 5.7% in the Bienen School of Music, and 6.4% in the School of Education and Social Policy. In the fall of 2014, which school did 5.7% of undergraduates enroll in? answer: yes question: OPTIONS: - yes - no The first person elected under the new constitution of 1825 was Simón Elías Gonzalez, who being in Sonora, was induced to remain there. For whom was the revolution named? answer: no question: OPTIONS: - yes - no Stanley Schachter formulated his theory on the earlier work of a Spanish physician, Gregorio Marañón, who injected patients with epinephrine and subsequently asked them how they felt. Who was a notable student of Stanley Schachter? answer: no question: OPTIONS: - yes - no In 1786 the British government included Norfolk Island as an auxiliary settlement, as proposed by John Call, in its plan for colonisation of New South Wales. In including Norfolk Island as an auxiliary settlement, what Australian state did the British government plan to colonise? answer:
Text: By. Will Stewart In Moscow. A glamorous Russian TV presenter with links to Vladimir Putin has told how she was forced to strip naked at Miami Airport after a security check wrongly indicated traces of explosives on her fingers. Ksenia Sobchak, 32, claimed that the alert came soon after she had a jojoba oil massage prior to boarding her flight. The ingredients of the massage oil triggered the security equipment, and she was told this happens two or three times a day at the airport, she said. Problem solved: TV host and political activist Ksenia Sobchak, pictured here in her Moscow apartment, was strip searched in a Miami airport because they believed she had traces of explosives on her. Close: Vladimir Putin, then-President of Russia, attended Ms Sobchak's (right) father's funeral in 2000 as he was a well-known mayor who helped transform Soviet-era Leningrad into democratic St. Petersburg. 'At the departure security check at Miami, explosives were detected on my fingers. It was the first time that I was searched naked,' tweeted the television anchor who is also sometimes called 'Russia's Paris Hilton'. After the strip search, she was allowed to proceed to her flight to Moscow. 'I had a jojoba oil massage - and there was glycerin, mixed with something else. This got their equipment activated. They said they get two or three cases like mine each day.' Sobchak, who has known Kremlin leader Putin since she was a child, said: 'It was a gruelling check.' She told her 783,000 Twitter followers: 'I was warned several times by a big black woman that she will be touching sensitive areas only in gloves and with the reverse side of the hand. Using her fame: While sometimes called Russia's Paris Hilton, Sobchak is also a well-known member of the country's opposition party and is considered to have 'protected' status because of Putins affection for her family. Strip searched: Sochak said that the so-called explosives were actually traces of massage oil. 'And if I saw this as a sexual action then I should let them know right away. I was lost for words. 'So the sensitive areas were checked with the back side of the hand only. 'Thank God there was no internal check. 'But this is what it means to have a jojoba oil massage right before departure.' She added: 'Alas my friends this time there won't be a proof shot.' Prominent: Ms Sobchak, seen right with her mother Lyudmila Narusova and current President Dmitry Medvedev at a ceremony marking the 10th anniversary of her father's death, has over 780,000 Twitter followers. Politically active: Sobchak (right) posted a photo of herself posing with two of the members of the controversial band Pussy Riot. Sobchak, whose late father Anatoly Sobchak gave Putin his break in politics, graduated from being a celebrity socialite and Moscow 'It girl' to a prominent television personality who has joined protests against Putin. Her father was mayor of St Petersburg and employed Putin - his former law student - when the strongman returned from his stint as a KGB spy in East Germany. Putin is said to have helped her father flee abroad when he was wanted on corruption charges. One Moscow newspaper claimed: 'Putin's reported affection for the Sobchak family is widely believed to give Ksenia Sobchak a protected status, which may also explain her boldness.' Highlights: Ksenia Sobchak, a Russian TV presenter-turned-political activist, was strip searched in Miami. The 'explosives' on her body turned out to be traces of massage oil. Her father was a well-known and beloved mayor of St Petersburg. Putin was a close friend of her father's but she has become critical of him in recent years and protested against alleged election fraud. in: By. Matt Chorley, Mailonline Political Editor. PUBLISHED:. 05:57 EST, 7 October 2012. |. UPDATED:. 05:58 EST, 7 October 2012. Home Secretary Theresa May revealed free movement between EU member states is under review. Border controls could be introduced to block European immigrants flocking to Britain, Theresa May revealed today. The Home Secretary unveiled the dramatic proposal which will be seen as a direct challenge to one of the central principles of the European Union. The freedom of movement directive, which allows 500million people to move freely between member states, is under now review as part of a study into Britain’s relationship with Brussels. Europe is likely to dominate much of the Tory party conference in Birmingham this week, with David Cameron vowing to block any ‘outrageous’ increases in the EU budget from 2014. Ms May expressed concern at an expanding EU and work restrictions on migrants from Romania and Bulgaria being lifted from next year. William Hague, the foreign secretary, is carrying out a strategic review of the UK’s relationship with the EU which Eurosceptics hope will lead to the renegotiation and repatriation of significant powers. Ms May revealed it would look at immigration controls. ‘We are looking at this whole area of the abuse of the freedom of movement. But we will go further on this, and the issue of free movement will be part of the review,’ she told the Sunday Times. ‘It will be looking at where the decision-making powers are between the EU and the UK, how they are operating and what the impact of those are. ‘That will then enable us to have a good evidence base on which to look at these issues. ‘I was very clear that we wanted to make sure the free movement of persons was in that because I think it is an important issue that we need to look at.’ Visas could be introduced for migrants from some countries while others will be able to come to Britain freely. However, it would mark a major challenge to the free movement of people which is one of the four ‘fundamental freedoms’ enshrined in the EU’s founding treaty in 1957. out:
Home Secretary Theresa May says a review of Britain's relationship with Europe will examine free movement between member states. Europe could dominate Conservative conference, with David Cameron promising to block EU budget rises.
Can you generate a question with a factual answer?
Most institutes of technology in Thailand were born out of what other type of institutions?
Choose from the possible answers, would the following sentence, by the strictest standards, be considered correct by a linguist? I shipped the package all the way around the world. (a). unacceptable (b). acceptable
Here is some data: Strada eatType pub; Strada food Italian; Strada customer rating average; Strada near Yippee Noodle Bar. Write a sentence that describes this data:
The Italian pub named Strada has an average customer rating. It is near Yippee Noodle Bar.
This is the sort of thing that only now thrills the film eggheads. After all, Feierstein's Flex Crush will have you know that Real Men don't watch anything by Truffaut. It might have been interesting if Truffaut had anything to -say- here. The camera-as-voyeur motif was nothing new. Have we all forgotten De Sica's "Bicycle Thief"? Or anything by Hitchcock? So all we get is the extended metaphor of the juvenile as Truffaut, who spends all his free time 'screwing up his eyes' at the movies, who wrecks schoolroom discipline, gets accused of plagiarism(the many petty thefts), and ultimately escapes societal confines to make 'his own movie'. Sorry...been there, done that too many times for this to matter. Choose your answer. What is the sentiment of this review? Possible answers: 1). negative. 2). positive.
Question: Read this and answer the question Professional wrestling shows can be considered a form of theatre in the round, with the ring, ringside area, and entryway comprising a thrust stage. However, there is a much more limited concept of a fourth wall than in most theatric performances. The audience is recognized and acknowledged by the performers as spectators to the sporting event being portrayed, and are encouraged to interact as such. This leads to a high level of audience participation; in fact, their reactions can dictate how the performance unfolds. Often, individual matches will be part of a longer storyline conflict between "babyfaces" (often shortened to just "faces") and "heels". "Faces" (the "good guys") are those whose actions are intended to encourage the audience to cheer, while "heels" (the "bad guys") act to draw the spectators' ire. What can the audience do during a show? Answer: their reactions can dictate how the performance unfolds. Question: Read this and answer the question The use of lossy compression is designed to greatly reduce the amount of data required to represent the audio recording and still sound like a faithful reproduction of the original uncompressed audio for most listeners. An MP3 file that is created using the setting of 128 kbit/s will result in a file that is about 1/11 the size of the CD file created from the original audio source (44,100 samples per second × 16 bits per sample × 2 channels = 1,411,200 bit/s; MP3 compressed at 128 kbit/s: 128,000 bit/s [1 k = 1,000, not 1024, because it is a bit rate]. Ratio: 1,411,200/128,000 = 11.025). An MP3 file can also be constructed at higher or lower bit rates, with higher or lower resulting quality. What is the main goal aside from reducing the amount of data required to store the audio? Answer: sound like a faithful reproduction Question: Read this and answer the question Electrolytic capacitors use an aluminum or tantalum plate with an oxide dielectric layer. The second electrode is a liquid electrolyte, connected to the circuit by another foil plate. Electrolytic capacitors offer very high capacitance but suffer from poor tolerances, high instability, gradual loss of capacitance especially when subjected to heat, and high leakage current. Poor quality capacitors may leak electrolyte, which is harmful to printed circuit boards. The conductivity of the electrolyte drops at low temperatures, which increases equivalent series resistance. While widely used for power-supply conditioning, poor high-frequency characteristics make them unsuitable for many applications. Electrolytic capacitors will self-degrade if unused for a period (around a year), and when full power is applied may short circuit, permanently damaging the capacitor and usually blowing a fuse or causing failure of rectifier diodes (for instance, in older equipment, arcing in rectifier tubes). They can be restored before use (and damage) by gradually applying the operating voltage, often done on antique vacuum tube equipment over a period of 30 minutes by using a variable transformer to supply AC power. Unfortunately, the use of this technique may be less satisfactory for some solid state equipment, which may be damaged by operation below its normal power range, requiring that the power supply first be isolated from the consuming circuits. Such remedies may not be applicable to modern high-frequency power supplies as these produce full output voltage even with reduced input. How can electrolytic capacitors be safely used after having been stored unused for a long time? Answer:
by gradually applying the operating voltage
[Translate Q]: Translate "The love of the motherland has turned into a confused sentiment, which weaves the officially written history with an also manufactured view of daily life." to Spanish. [A]: El amor a la Patria se ha convertido en un sentimiento confuso que mezcla la historia oficialmente rescrita con una visión también relaborada de la cotidianidad. [Translate Q]: Translate "The centre of Puerto de Alcudia with diverse shops, restaurants, bars and pubs is within 50 m whilst public transport connections are just 200 metres away from the hotel..." to Spanish. [A]: A solamente 50 metros podrá encontrar el centro de la localidad de Puerto de Alcudia, donde hay bares, restaurantes, tiendas, comercios... [Translate Q]: Translate "Dear brothers and sisters, I entrust each one of you present here with your relatives to the protection of St Charles, so that you too may advance the mission God entrusts to you at the service of your neighbour in accordance with your various offices." to Spanish. [A]:
Queridos hermanos y hermanas, os encomiendo a cada uno de vosotros y a vuestros familiares a la protección de san Carlos, para que también vosotros podáis cumplir la misión que Dios os confía al servicio del prójimo según vuestras diferentes tareas.
This is the shocking moment two arsonists broke into a restaurant and set off a massive explosion. The incident at Republica in the Melbourne suburb of St Kilda on Thursday morning was captured on the restaurant's security cameras. CCTV footage shows two people, dressed in hooded coveralls, breaking into the restaurant shortly before 4am and using jerry cans to spread fuel across the floor and furniture. Scroll down for video. CCTV footage shows two people, dressed in hooded coveralls (pictured), breaking into the Republica restaurant at St Kilda shortly before 4am on Thursday. One of the arsonists uses a lighter to start a fire as they run to leave the premises and the place is quickly engulfed in flames. Fire crews were called to the restaurant at about 4am and managed to contain the fire to the ground floor of the two-storey building. The fire is believed to have caused $500,000 worth of damage and has forced the owners to close in the lead up to Christmas. The fire is believed to have caused $500,000 worth of damage and has forced the owners to close in the lead up to Christmas. The pair used jerry cans to spread fuel across the floor, which caused a massive explosion when they used a lighter to start the blaze. Fire crews were called to the restaurant at about 4am and managed to contain the fire to the ground floor of the two-storey building. It's the second fire at the beachside St Kilda restaurant in a matter of weeks. The latest incident comes just four weeks after three people were spotted throwing molotov cocktails at the restaurant, starting a fire which caused about $50,000 damage. Last month, the restaurant's owners posted a photo to Facebook saying 'We're Back! Thank you for all your support and patience'. Detectives are now investigating whether the two fires are linked. It's the second fire at the beachside St Kilda restaurant in a matter of weeks, with the owners proudly posting a photo to Facebook saying 'We're Back! Thank you for all your support and patience' last month. What are the important parts of this article?
Republica in St Kilda was set on fire before 4am on Thursday morning. Two people were caught on CCTV cameras using jerry cans to spread fuel. Fire caused a massive explosion and an estimated damage bill of $500,000. It's the second time the restaurant has been subjected to an arson attack. Detectives are now investigating whether the two fires are linked.
Summarize this article: Although simple, this is a great way to change up your daily look. Slide the handle of a rat-tail comb back through your hair to create a deep side part. Tuck the thinner side of the part behind your ear. If your hair is too short to stay tucked behind your ear, use a hair clip instead. Brush your hair back to make your part go away. Next, slip a headband over your head, then pull it back behind your hairline until it is perpendicular to your ears. This works well with plastic, metal, or fabric/elastic headbands. Find a long, skinny, silk or chiffon scarf. Tuck it under your hair and place it on the back of your nape. Pull the ends of the scarf over the top of your head, then tie them into a tight knot. Upgrade your look by doing 1 of the following: Finish off with a double-knot if you only have a few inches/centimeters of scarf left. Tie the ends of the scarf into a bow if the scarf is long enough. Pull the knot towards the left or right side of your head, just above 1 eyebrow, for a chic look. Pull the knot towards the back of your head so that it rests under your nape. Leave the ends long. Squirt some hair gel, pomade, or mousse into your palm, then massage it between your hands for a few seconds. Use your hands and a comb (if needed) to manipulate your hair into all sorts of shapes and styles. Try any of the following: Comb your hair back or to the side for a sleek and chic look. Spike your hair up for an edgy look. Brush it back slightly to get a quiff. Gather the top section of your hair between your palms to create a dorsal fin. Use the handle of a rat-tail comb to create a center or deep-side part. Gather the left side of your hair into a pigtail at the left side of your hair and secure it with a small hair tie. Repeat the process for the right side. If your hair is not long enough to do a full ponytail, you could try a half-up ponytail instead. Gather all your hair at ear-level and up into a ponytail at the back of your hair and secure it with a hair tie. Upgrade your style by doing any of the following: Add a cute hair clip or barrette to cover the hair tie. Part your hair to the side before you start for a chic look. Leave loose strands as they are, or take a moment to curl or straighten them. If your hair is still too short, try using bobby pins to hold it back instead of a hair tie. Summary:
Change the way you part your hair. Pull your hair back with a headband. Wrap a chic scarf around your head like a headband. Style pixie-length hair with hair gel or mousse. Try a pair of pigtails for bob-length hair. Try a half-up ponytail if you can't do a full ponytail.
Here is a question about this article: The gates of the Temple of Jerusalem used Corinthian bronze made by depletion gilding. It was most prevalent in Alexandria, where alchemy is thought to have begun. In ancient India, copper was used in the holistic medical science Ayurveda for surgical instruments and other medical equipment. Ancient Egyptians (~2400 BC) used copper for sterilizing wounds and drinking water, and later on for headaches, burns, and itching. The Baghdad Battery, with copper cylinders soldered to lead, dates back to 248 BC to AD 226 and resembles a galvanic cell, leading people to believe this was the first battery; the claim has not been verified. What is the answer to this question: What metal was used to make surgical equipment in ancient India?
Briefly summarize this sentence: roma face widespread discrimination when they migrate throughout europe in search of a better life and governments are failing to address the problem , human rights experts said monday . Summary:
migrating roma face human rights hurdles
fact and question: rabbits eat plants Question: a typical rabbit diet includes What's the answer? answer: weeds fact and question: farming cause nutrients in the soil to decrease Question: crops need to be switched on a continual basis why? What's the answer? answer: more wanted vitamins fact and question: shale can be metamorphosed into slate by increased pressure Question: Amphibians undergo changes in structure of being in that What's the answer? answer: they begin as a different looking being fact and question: muscles pull bones to move the bones Question: Fibrous tissue contracts to What's the answer? answer:
stretch out an arm
Problem: Queen Sirikit makes a rare public declaration calling for an end to the religious unrest in Thailand's south. What is a good title for this? Title: Thai Queen's plea to end violence Problem: The latest version of the Rbot worm contains features that allow malicious hackers to easily turn on the webcam and microphone of infected Windows computers, effectively allowing them to spy on their victims, according to an anti-virus firm. What is a good title for this? Title: Webcam worm spies on victims Problem: Milwaukee Bucks guard Erick Strickland will miss at least two weeks after being placed on the injured list Thursday with a torn lateral meniscus in his right knee. What is a good title for this? Title: Bucks place Strickland on injured list Problem: US stock futures pointed to a higher market open on Wednesday, with oil dipping below \$49 a barrel and a batch of economic data on tap. What is a good title for this? Title:
Stocks Seen Higher as Oil Slips Below \$49
QUES: Continue writing. Christopher took a trip and went to visit Brett's home in Asia because +++++++++ ANS: Brett wanted to have a friend to visit. QUES: Continue writing. Benjamin stuck close to Donald at the party, since +++++++++ ANS: Donald knew all the people there. QUES: Continue writing. The man wanted to build a new home on the abandoned property but the +++++++++ ANS: home was too large. QUES: Continue writing. To keep it an elegant affair, the event organizers forbade hats but allowed scarfs, as the +++++++++ ANS:
scarfs were perceived as presentable.
Q: Valid English sentence (grammatically) or not: No one suspects that he is a fool. A: acceptable Q: Valid English sentence (grammatically) or not: I demand that the more John eats, the more he pays. A: acceptable Q: Valid English sentence (grammatically) or not: I sent a surprise present to John. A:
Johnny Kidd (born Frederick Albert Heath, 23 December 1935 – 7 October 1966) was an English singer and songwriter, best remembered as the lead vocalist for the rock and roll band Johnny Kidd & the Pirates. He was one of the few pre-Beatles British rockers to achieve worldwide fame, mainly for his 1960 hit, "Shakin' All Over". Can we infer the following? Kidd died from cancer. Choices: A). Yes. B). It's impossible to say. C). No. The answer is:
Summarize this article: They have said they want to honour "the most charismatic actor of his generation" whose "dazzling talent" means he belongs "in the pantheon of legendary actors". Clooney will be bestowed with the Honorary Cesar Award from the Academie des Arts et Techniques du Cinema later this month at the French equivalent of the Oscars. The Academie said it had chosen the Ocean's Eleven and Gravity star because of his "dazzling talent as an actor, director, scriptwriter and producer - and above all, his artistic and spiritual generosity". He "embodies Hollywood glamour", their effusive statement went on, adding: "His charm, humour, personality and engagement stand at the heart of our perpetual and eternal admiration." And they predicted that Clooney's name "will forever be inscribed in the pantheon of legendary actors". That should be enough to make sure he turns up to the Cesar Awards ceremony in Paris on 24 February. Others to have won the honorary Cesar in the past include Scarlett Johansson, Quentin Tarantino, Kate Winslet and Michael Douglas. Follow us on Facebook, on Twitter @BBCNewsEnts, or on Instagram at bbcnewsents. If you have a story suggestion email
In case George Clooney has not had enough gushing compliments during his career, the organisers of France's top film awards have some more for him.
Multi-choice problem: Based on the sentence "Cannot see picture to describe.", is the sentence "No picture to describe" a true sentence? Select from the following. * yes; * it is not possible to tell; * no;
a fear expressed by martin:"felco tools are very light and reliable. How would the previous sentence be correctly capitalized?
A fear expressed by Martin:"FELCO tools are very light and reliable.
Principiul flexisecurității nu se aplică în statele membre cu posibilități reduse de consolidare a sistemelor de protecție socială ca urmare a restricțiilor bugetare și dezechilibrelor macroeconomice precum în România și consider că reducerea segmentării pieței muncii trebuie să se realizeze prin asigurarea unei securități adecvate pentru lucrători, indiferent de tipul de contract. Which language is this?
Question: Sam Benjamin Harris (born April 9, 1967) is an American author, philosopher, neuroscientist, blogger, and podcast host. He is a critic of religion and proponent of the liberty to criticize religion. He is concerned with matters that touch on spirituality, morality, neuroscience, free will, and terrorism. He is described as one of the "Four Horsemen of atheism", with Richard Dawkins, Christopher Hitchens and Daniel Dennett. Harris considers Islam to be "especially belligerent and inimical to the norms of civil discourse," relative to other world religions. He asserts that the "dogmatic commitment to using violence to defend one's faith, both from within and without" to varying degrees, is a central Islamic doctrine that is found in few other religions to the same degree, and that "this difference has consequences in the real world." In 2006, after the Jyllands-Posten Muhammad cartoons controversy, Harris wrote, "The idea that Islam is a 'peaceful religion hijacked by extremists' is a dangerous fantasy--and it is now a particularly dangerous fantasy for Muslims to indulge. It is not at all clear how we should proceed in our dialogue with the Muslim world, but deluding ourselves with euphemisms is not the answer. It now appears to be a truism in foreign policy circles that real reform in the Muslim world cannot be imposed from the outside. But it is important to recognize why this is so--it is so because the Muslim world is utterly deranged by its religious tribalism. In confronting the religious literalism and ignorance of the Muslim world, we must appreciate how terrifyingly isolated Muslims have become in intellectual terms." He states that his criticism of the religion is aimed not at Muslims as people, but at the doctrine of Islam. Harris wrote a response to controversy over his criticism of Islam, which also aired on a debate hosted by The Huffington Post on whether critics of Islam are unfairly labeled as bigots: Is it really true that the sins for which I hold Islam accountable are "committed at least to an equal extent by many other groups, especially [my] own"? ... The freedom to poke fun at Mormonism is guaranteed [not by the First Amendment but] by the fact that Mormons do not dispatch assassins to silence their critics or summon murderous hordes in response to satire. ... Can any reader of this page imagine the staging of a similar play [to The Book of Mormon] about Islam in the United States, or anywhere else, in the year 2013? ... At this moment in history, there is only one religion that systematically stifles free expression with credible threats of violence. The truth is, we have already lost our First Amendment rights with respect to Islam--and because they brand any observation of this fact a symptom of Islamophobia, Muslim apologists like Greenwald are largely to blame. Harris has criticized common usage of the term "Islamophobia". "My criticism of Islam is a criticism of beliefs and their consequences," he wrote following a controversial clash with Ben Affleck in October 2014 on the show Real Time with Bill Maher, "but my fellow liberals reflexively view it as an expression of intolerance toward people." During an email exchange with Glenn Greenwald, a critic of the New Atheists, Harris argued that "Islamophobia is a term of propaganda designed to protect Islam from the forces of secularism by conflating all criticism of it with racism and xenophobia. And it is doing its job, because people like you have been taken in by it." Answer this question using a quote from the text above: What is his view on Islam? Answer: "The idea that Islam is a 'peaceful religion hijacked by extremists' is a dangerous fantasy--and it is now a particularly dangerous fantasy for Muslims to indulge. Question: The New York Public Library (NYPL) is a public library system in New York City. With nearly 53 million items and 92 locations, the New York Public Library is the second largest public library in the United States (behind the Library of Congress), and fourth largest in the world. It is a private, non-governmental, independently managed, nonprofit corporation operating with both private and public financing. The library has branches in the boroughs of Manhattan, The Bronx, and Staten Island, and affiliations with academic and professional libraries in the metropolitan area of New York State. The Library website provides access to the library's catalogs, online collections and subscription databases. It also has information about the library's free events, exhibitions, computer classes and English as a Second Language (ESL) classes. The two online catalogs, LEO (which searches the circulating collections) and CATNYP (which searches the research collections) allow users to search the library's holdings of books, journals and other materials. The LEO system allows cardholders to request books from any branch and have them delivered to any branch. The NYPL gives cardholders free access from home to thousands of current and historical magazines, newspapers, journals and reference books in subscription databases, including EBSCOhost, which contains full text of major magazines; full text of the New York Times (1995-present), Gale's Ready Reference Shelf which includes the Encyclopedia of Associations and periodical indexes, Books in Print; and Ulrich's Periodicals Directory. The New York Public Library also links to outside resources, such as the Bureau of Labor Statistics' Occupational Outlook Handbook, and the CIA's World Factbook. Databases are available for children, teenagers, and adults of all ages. The NYPL Digital Collections (formerly named Digital Gallery) is a database of over 700,000 images digitized from the library's collections. The Digital Collections was named one of Time Magazine's 50 Coolest Websites of 2005 and Best Research Site of 2006 by an international panel of museum professionals. The Photographers' Identities Catalog (PIC) is an experimental online service of the Photography Collection in the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building. Other databases available only from within the library include Nature, IEEE and Wiley science journals, Wall Street Journal archives, and Factiva. Overall, the digital holdings for the Library consist of more than a petabyte of data as of 2015. Answer this question using a quote from the text above: what else is interesting in the article? Answer:
The NYPL gives cardholders free access from home to thousands of current and historical magazines,
NSA released statement on Saturday. Comes after Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont sent a letter on January 3 asking about NSA's surveillance activities on members of Congress. Statement did not deny collecting communications from legislators of the US Congress to whom it says it is accountable. Write an article based on these highlights.
The National Security Agency has not denied spying on members of Congress after a senator demanded answers regarding its surveillance activities. The NSA released a statement on Saturday which did not deny collecting communications from legislators of the US Congress to whom it says it is accountable. Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont sent a letter on January 3 asking about NSA ‘gathering metadata on calls made from official or personal phones, content from websites visited or emails sent, or collecting any other data from a third party not made available to the general public in the regular course of business’. Spying on us? Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont sent a letter on January 3 asking about NSA's surveillance activities on members of Congress. The agency said in its statement that the NSA’s gathering of ‘signals intelligence data include procedures that protect the privacy of US persons. Such protections are built into and cut across the entire process. ‘Members of Congress have the same privacy protections as all US persons. NSA is fully committed to transparency with Congress. 'Our interaction with Congress has been extensive both before and since the media disclosures began last June,' said the statement. It added: ‘We are reviewing Senator Sanders’s letter now, and we will continue to work to ensure that all members of Congress, including Senator Sanders, have information about NSA’s mission, authorities, and programs to fully inform the discharge of their duties.’ The agency has been at the centre of political controversy since former contractor, Edward Snowden, released thousands of revealing documents on its activities to media outlets. Former contractor, Edward Snowden, released thousands of revealing surveillance documents, hurling the NSA into the center of political controversy. Soon after Sanders' letter was published, the director of national intelligence, James Clapper, announced that the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance (Fisa) Court, the body which exists to provide government oversight of NSA surveillance activities, had renewed the domestic phone records collection order for another 90 days, according to The Guardian. On Saturday, the New York Times published a letter from Robert Litt, in which the general counsel for the Office of National Intelligence denied allegations that Clapper lied to Congress in March, when questioned about NSA domestic surveillance. Under fire: A protester with the organization Code Pink holds up a placard as Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, right, arrives to testify before the House (Select) Intelligence Committee. Testimony: Robert Litt, the general counsel for the Office of National Intelligence, denied allegations that Clapper lied to Congress in March. Last month, two federal judges issued contradictory verdicts on whether such NSA surveillance was constitutional. Judge Richard Leon said it was not constitutional; Judge William Pauley said that it was, according to The Guardian. On Saturday Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) launched a class action lawsuit against the government over NSA spy programs. Paul claimed that several hundred thousand people have already signed up for the suit that he hopes will be reviewed by the U.S. Supreme Court – perhaps an inevitability after courts have issued differing District Court rulings on the constitutionality of the program.
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true (see options at the end): Mount Pierce is a mountain in the Presidential Range in the White Mountains of New Hampshire that is approximately 4,310 feet (1,314 m) high. Formerly called Mount Clinton for 19th-century governor DeWitt Clinton of New York, in 1913 it was renamed after President Franklin Pierce (1804–69), the only president born in New Hampshire, although the newer name is not universally accepted. Sentence: The mountain was renamed 106 years ago. Available options: i. Yes; ii. It's impossible to say; iii. No;
If the Department of Labor are overburdened . . . If we are not going to have legal services, why kid ourselves?, can we conclude that "The Department of Labor is swamped."? Choose your answer from: (A). yes; (B). it is not possible to tell; (C). no;
Problem: Which Briton won three Gold Olympic medals in the 2008 Summer Olympics? ====== A: chris hoy Problem: The state-owned corporation re-branded simply 'Indian' (2005-11) was a major operator in which sector? ====== A: airline Problem: Who founded the retailer 'Habitat'? ====== A: terence conran Problem: Which comedian swam the English Channel for charity in 2006? ====== A:
david walliams
Premise: "sort of like lawyers you know" Hypothesis: This is unlike any lawyer I've ever known. no Premise: "and uh we just had a ton of fun and i i look back now as i say the the two girls are both in college but when they're here and we're we're talking about and we're digging out the old pictures books and my twenty we took a lot of eight millimeter movies" Hypothesis: When the girls are home from school , we look at old photo books and movies. yes Premise: "As we explained in our June 22 letter, the Counsel failed to supply any evidence from the statutory language, legislative history, or case law to support the assertion that Congress intended the phrase existing law to exclude the Constitution, the highest law of the land." Hypothesis: The Counsel produced sufficient evidence to support the assertion.
QUES: Q: According to a recent study, how many men of the Dhulbahante clan married women from the Hawiye clan? A: So to extend ties of alliance, marriage is often to another ethnic Somali from a different clan. Does the answer answer the question? OPTIONS: - yes - no ANS: no Does "It was the deadliest earthquake to hit China since the 1976 Tangshan earthquake, which killed at least 240,000 people, and the strongest in the country since the 1950 Chayu earthquake, which registered at 8.5 on the Richter magnitude scale." contain the correct answer to "How many people were left homeless because of the earthquake?" OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no question: OPTIONS: - yes - no When an isolated system is given more degrees of freedom (i.e., given new available energy states that are the same as existing states), then total energy spreads over all available degrees equally without distinction between "new" and "old" degrees. What is the principle that is vitally important to understanding the behaviour of a quantity closely related to energy? answer: no [Q]: Sentence: Under consideration for future development is the construction of a platform over the New York City Subway's Concourse Yard adjacent to Lehman College. Question: How much would a Concourse Yard platform cost? OPTIONS: - yes - no ++++++++++ [A]: no Q: Does "Eusebian bishops objected to the admission of Athanasius and other deposed bishops to the Council, except as accused persons to answer the charges brought against them." provide a valid answer to "Was Athanasius permitted admission to the Council?"? OPTIONS: - yes - no A: no Q: Does "In Prussia, some officials considered a war against France both inevitable and necessary to arouse German nationalism in those states that would allow the unification of a great German empire." provide a valid answer to "What was the overarching Prussian motive in starting a war with France?"? OPTIONS: - yes - no A:
Q: 1: To follow with cultural conflicts and the strong disagreements related to the education of children.; 2: Spanish. A: Para seguir con los conflictos culturales y fuertes desacuerdos relacionados con la educación de los niños. Q: 1: Results of the amniocentesis are available in 14 days.; 2: Spanish. A: Los resultados de la amniocentesis están disponibles en 14 días. Q: 1: Having descended with the saints, who are to reign forever with Him on the earth made new Christ calls forth the wicked dead from their graves, while simultaneously, "a great voice out of heaven" is heard, "saying, Behold, the tabernacle of God is with men, and He; 2: Spanish. A: Habiendo descendido con los santos, quienes han de reinar para siempre con El en la tierra nueva, Cristo llama a los impíos muertos de sus sepulcros, mientras que simultáneamente "una gran voz del cielo" se oye "que decía: He aquí el tabernáculo de Q: 1: Between the two bourgeois candidates, Chirac and Le Pen, the working class has no choice.; 2: Spanish. A:
Entre los dos candidatos burgueses, Chirac y Le Pen, la clase obrera no tiene ninguna opción.
"Ar fi pur şi simplu iresponsabil din partea mea să permit scurgerea fondurilor publice către un partid care ar putea menţine o complicitate financiară cu criminalii de război inculpaţi, inclusiv cu fondatorul acestuia, Radovan Karadzic", a declarat Ashdown la Bania Luka, fiind citat de AP. Translate to English English:
"It would simply be irresponsible of me to allow a passage of public funds to a party that may continue to have financial complicity with indicted war criminals, including the founder, Radovan Karadzic," the AP quoted Ashdown as saying in Banja Luka.
What would be an example of an negative review?
I wanted to wash my car myself and my boyfriend said absolutely not take it to Danny's and get a VIP wash. What a mistake, I wasted my afternoon doing that rather than taking an hour to make it spotless myself. They did nothing no vacuum no windshield not even a wipe down, he literally threw a air freshmen on the seat and tried to send me off. So super pissed I drove back up and said this is terrible redo it. I just think it's unprofessional to do a crappy job to begin with, you have 100 people working right now this shouldn't be an issue. I will never come back here.
Write a sentence in English.
Despite the visual characteristics are more remarkable than its possible meanings".
Ask a question about Asphalt.
What is the natural gas condensate used to dilute bitumen?
Read the text and determine if the sentence is true: 2009, Year of Us is the third extended play (EP) by South Korean boy group Shinee. It consists of six tracks and it incorporates alternative rock and hip-hop music genres. The digital version of the album was released on October 19, 2009, with a physical release on October 22. The title track, "Ring Ding Dong" was released on October 14, 2009 through various music sites. Sentence: Shinee only released physical copies of Year of Us.
How is "This amendment would still imply some new obligations for Member States which have not yet been discussed in the Council." said in Finnish?
Sinäkin muodossa tämä tarkistus toisi jäsenvaltioille joitakin uusia velvollisuuksia, joista ei ole vielä keskusteltu neuvostossa.
Input: Read this: A period of division for the Liberals followed, with former Treasurer John Howard competing with former Foreign Minister Andrew Peacock for supremacy. The Australian economy was facing the early 1990s recession. Unemployment reached 11.4% in 1992. Under Dr John Hewson, in November 1991, the opposition launched the 650-page Fightback! policy document − a radical collection of "dry", economic liberal measures including the introduction of a Goods and Services Tax (GST), various changes to Medicare including the abolition of bulk billing for non-concession holders, the introduction of a nine-month limit on unemployment benefits, various changes to industrial relations including the abolition of awards, a $13 billion personal income tax cut directed at middle and upper income earners, $10 billion in government spending cuts, the abolition of state payroll taxes and the privatisation of a large number of government owned enterprises − representing the start of a very different future direction to the keynesian economic conservatism practiced by previous Liberal/National Coalition governments. The 15 percent GST was the centerpiece of the policy document. Through 1992, Labor Prime Minister Paul Keating mounted a campaign against the Fightback package, and particularly against the GST, which he described as an attack on the working class in that it shifted the tax burden from direct taxation of the wealthy to indirect taxation as a broad-based consumption tax. Pressure group activity and public opinion was relentless, which led Hewson to exempt food from the proposed GST − leading to questions surrounding the complexity of what food was and wasn't to be exempt from the GST. Hewson's difficulty in explaining this to the electorate was exemplified in the infamous birthday cake interview, considered by some as a turning point in the election campaign. Keating won a record fifth consecutive Labor term at the 1993 election. A number of the proposals were later adopted in to law in some form, to a small extent during the Keating Labor government, and to a larger extent during the Howard Liberal government (most famously the GST), while unemployment benefits and bulk billing were re-targeted for a time by the Abbott Liberal government. Question: What was the Australian unemployment rate in 1993? Output: unanswerable Input: Read this: Primarily starting in the mid-1960s, London became a centre for the worldwide youth culture, exemplified by the Swinging London subculture associated with the King's Road, Chelsea and Carnaby Street. The role of trendsetter was revived during the punk era. In 1965 London's political boundaries were expanded to take into account the growth of the urban area and a new Greater London Council was created. During The Troubles in Northern Ireland, London was subjected to bombing attacks by the Provisional IRA. Racial inequality was highlighted by the 1981 Brixton riot. Question: Why was the Greater London Council established? Output: the growth of the urban area Input: Read this: The Rule of Law is especially important as an influence on the economic development in developing and transitional countries. To date, the term “rule of law” has been used primarily in the English-speaking countries, and it is not yet fully clarified even with regard to such well-established democracies as, for instance, Sweden, Denmark, France, Germany, or Japan. A common language between lawyers of common law and civil law countries as well as between legal communities of developed and developing countries is critically important for research of links between the rule of law and real economy. Question: What language is spoken in most rule of law countries? Output: English Input: Read this: The shift in the Cubs' fortunes was characterized June 23 on the "NBC Saturday Game of the Week" contest against the St. Louis Cardinals. it has since been dubbed simply "The Sandberg Game." With the nation watching and Wrigley Field packed, Sandberg emerged as a superstar with not one, but two game-tying home runs against Cardinals closer Bruce Sutter. With his shots in the 9th and 10th innings Wrigley Field erupted and Sandberg set the stage for a comeback win that cemented the Cubs as the team to beat in the East. No one would catch them, except the Padres in the playoffs. Question: What contest shift the Cubs' Fortunes? Output:
NBC Saturday Game of the Week
Input: An archaeological party explore some caverns underground . Dr. Campbell and Dr. Hughes are the two leaders of the archaeological expedition , and get separated . While Dr. Hughes finds an alien corpse with a fossilized diamond , Dr. Campbell finds hieroglyphics at the cost of the party except for Hughes and himself . Two years later , Campbell and his assistant Holly are digging up the bones of Yonggary , a gargantuan dinosaur 50 times the size of a tyrannosaurus rex . Out of nowhere , people slowly are being killed around the site . While Holly is working Dr. Hughes , who has been legally dead for 2 years , goes to Holly and tells her to stop the dig . Dr. Campbell comes into the tent and sends Dr. Hughes off . Holly quits the expedition when another `` Accident '' occurs . In the town bar , Dr. Hughes finds Holly and takes her back to her Hotel room to tell her why he thinks the bones of the Dinosaur , Which he calls Yonggary , are going to bring the end of the world . After explaining , Holly and Hughes go to the site to stop Campbell but it is too late and Aliens resurrect Yonggary . After Yonggary's first appearance , the Army comes in and takes Holly and Campbell to an army base when Yonggary is dispatched by the aliens again . The army sends choppers after Yonggary , but he destroys them . Yonggary is then sent to the city and does some damage , where some jets attack him . Then Yonggary is transported to a power plant where he is attacked by rocket pack soldiers . During the fight , Hughes and Holly find out that the diamond on Yonggary's forehead is the device giving the aliens control of Yonggary . "What did the army send to attack Yonggary prior to the jets?" is "Rocket pack soldiers"? Output: no Input: First of America Bank Corp. said it completed its acquisition of Midwest Financial Group Inc. for about $250 million. First of America, which now has 45 banks and $12.5 billion in assets, announced an agreement to acquire the Peoria, Ill., bank holding company in January. Midwest Financial has $2.3 billion in assets and eight banks. The Midwest Financial subsidiary banks will continue to operate under their current names until early 1990, when each will adopt the First of America name. Kalamazoo, Mich.-based First of America said it will eliminate the 13 management positions of the former Midwest Financial parent company. First of America said some of the managers will take other jobs with First of America. But it said that severance payments to those executives not staying with the company will reduce First of America's operating results for 1989 by $3 million to $4 million, or 15 cents to 20 cents a share. "Why will The Midwest Financial Adopt a new name" is "They were eliminated"? Output: no Input: Alexander earned the epithet "The Great" due to his unparalleled success as a military commander. He never lost a battle, despite typically being outnumbered. This was due to use of terrain, phalanx and cavalry tactics, bold strategy, and the fierce loyalty of his troops. The Macedonian phalanx, armed with the sarissa, a spear 6 metres (20 ft) long, had been developed and perfected by Philip II through rigorous training, and Alexander used its speed and maneuverability to great effect against larger but more disparate Persian forces. Alexander also recognized the potential for disunity among his diverse army, which employed various languages and weapons. He overcame this by being personally involved in battle, in the manner of a Macedonian king. In his first battle in Asia, at Granicus, Alexander used only a small part of his forces, perhaps 13,000 infantry with 5,000 cavalry, against a much larger Persian force of 40,000. Alexander placed the phalanx at the center and cavalry and archers on the wings, so that his line matched the length of the Persian cavalry line, about 3 km (1.86 mi). By contrast, the Persian infantry was stationed behind its cavalry. This ensured that Alexander would not be outflanked, while his phalanx, armed with long pikes, had a considerable advantage over the Persian's scimitars and javelins. Macedonian losses were negligible compared to those of the Persians. At Issus in 333 BC, his first confrontation with Darius, he used the same deployment, and again the central phalanx pushed through. Alexander personally led the charge in the center, routing the opposing army. At the decisive encounter with Darius at Gaugamela, Darius equipped his chariots with scythes on the wheels to break up the phalanx and equipped his cavalry with pikes. Alexander arranged a double phalanx, with the center advancing at an angle, parting when the chariots bore down and then reforming. The advance was successful and broke Darius' center, causing the latter to flee once again. When faced with opponents who used unfamiliar fighting techniques, such as in Central Asia and India, Alexander adapted his forces to his opponents' style. Thus, in Bactria and Sogdiana, Alexander successfully used his javelin throwers and archers to prevent outflanking movements, while massing his cavalry at the center. "Why was Alexander considered a military leader of unparalleled success?" is "Being outnumbered"? Output:
There are five recognised candidates for EU membership that are not already EEA members: Albania (applied 2009), Macedonia (applied 2004), Montenegro (applied 2008, negotiating since June 2012), Serbia (applied 2009, negotiating since January 2014) and Turkey (applied 1987, negotiating since October 2005). Albania and Macedonia have not yet started negotiations to join, nor has the European Union set any negotiations start date. Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are considered potential candidates for membership. Bosnia and Herzegovina signed a Stabilisation and Association Agreement (SAA) with the EU and its member states, that went into effect in June 2015, which allowed the lodging of a membership application in February 2016, while Kosovo, whose independence is unrecognised by 5 EU member states, finalised negotiations on a SAA that went into effect in April 2016. Based on the above text, what's the best answer to this question: is serbia part of the european economic area?
How is "This form is available from CCRA Tax Services Offices and at the following Internet address:" said in French?
Il est possible d'obtenir un exemplaire de ce formulaire soit en communiquant avec un des bureaux des services fiscaux de l'ADRC ou en consultant Internet à l'adresse suivante :
QUESTION: Trivia question: Who chaired South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation Commission from 1995 – 1998? **** ANS: archbishop desmond tutu QUESTION: Trivia question: In US politics who replaced Spiro Agnew as Richard Nixon's vice-president in 1973? **** ANS: gerald ford QUESTION: Trivia question: Which river forms much of the border between England and Scotland? **** ANS: tweed QUESTION: Trivia question: Give a year in the life of Vasco de Gama. **** ANS:
1460 1524
Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Modern history: Russia experienced territorial growth through the 17th century, which was the age of Cossacks. Cossacks were warriors organized into military communities, resembling pirates and pioneers of the New World. In 1648, the peasants of Ukraine joined the Zaporozhian Cossacks in rebellion against Poland-Lithuania during the Khmelnytsky Uprising, because of the social and religious oppression they suffered under Polish rule. In 1654 the Ukrainian leader, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, offered to place Ukraine under the protection of the Russian Tsar, Aleksey I. Aleksey's acceptance of this offer led to another Russo-Polish War (1654–1667). Finally, Ukraine was split along the river Dnieper, leaving the western part (or Right-bank Ukraine) under Polish rule and eastern part (Left-bank Ukraine and Kiev) under Russian. Later, in 1670–71 the Don Cossacks led by Stenka Razin initiated a major uprising in the Volga region, but the Tsar's troops were successful in defeating the rebels. In the east, the rapid Russian exploration and colonisation of the huge territories of Siberia was led mostly by Cossacks hunting for valuable furs and ivory. Russian explorers pushed eastward primarily along the Siberian river routes, and by the mid-17th century there were Russian settlements in the Eastern Siberia, on the Chukchi Peninsula, along the Amur River, and on the Pacific coast. In 1648 the Bering Strait between Asia and North America was passed for the first time by Fedot Popov and Semyon Dezhnyov. Who are Cossacks? A: warriors organized into military communities Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Pharmaceutical industry: Often, large multinational corporations exhibit vertical integration, participating in a broad range of drug discovery and development, manufacturing and quality control, marketing, sales, and distribution. Smaller organizations, on the other hand, often focus on a specific aspect such as discovering drug candidates or developing formulations. Often, collaborative agreements between research organizations and large pharmaceutical companies are formed to explore the potential of new drug substances. More recently, multi-nationals are increasingly relying on contract research organizations to manage drug development. How do large corporations show vertical integration? A: participating in a broad range of drug discovery and development, manufacturing and quality control, marketing, sales, and distribution Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Royal Dutch Shell: On 20 May 2011, Royal Dutch Shell's final investment decision for the world's first floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility was finalized following the discovery of the remote offshore Prelude field—located off Australia's northwestern coast and estimated to contain about 3 trillion cubic feet of natural gas equivalent reserves—in 2007. FLNG technology is based on liquefied natural gas (LNG) developments that were pioneered in the mid-20th century and facilitates the exploitation of untapped natural gas reserves located in remote areas, often too small to extract any other way. The final investment decision for what was finalized by Royal Dutch Shell in May 2011? A: the world's first floating liquefied natural gas (FLNG) facility Problem: Please answer a question about the following article about Imperial College London: Imperial College London is a public research university located in London, United Kingdom. It was founded by Prince Albert who envisioned an area composed of the Natural History Museum, Science Museum, Victoria and Albert Museum, Royal Albert Hall and the Imperial Institute. The Imperial Institute was opened by his wife, Queen Victoria, who laid the first stone. In 1907, Imperial College London was formed by Royal Charter, and soon joined the University of London, with a focus on science and technology. The college has expanded its coursework to medicine through mergers with St Mary's Hospital. In 2004, Queen Elizabeth II opened the Imperial College Business School. Imperial became an independent university from the University of London during its one hundred year anniversary. Who opened the Imperial Institute in 1907? A:
Queen Victoria
Translate to Finnish: The strategic political goal remains striking the right balance between improving citizens’ security and promoting and defending people’s individual rights.
Strategisena poliittisena tavoitteena on edelleen saattaa oikeaan tasapainoon kansalaisten turvallisuuden lisääminen ja kansalaisten yksilöllisten oikeuksien parantaminen ja puolustaminen.
Question: @_JohnGalt_ KANYE!!! did you tell him he's got nothing on stevie and her twirls? OPTIONS: - negative - positive **** Answer: positive Question: @DoubleyDee NOOOOOOOOOO! Don't say that. I'll go sit with Rida then. :/ OPTIONS: - negative - positive **** Answer: negative Question: @xThislove HAHAHA! who isntttt? shit xD just shiiittt(: okay, my grandma suuure isnt, lmfao <3 OPTIONS: - negative - positive **** Answer:
Q: 1: But it is on the long, rich tannic finish that the wine displays its resilience and energy.; 2: Spanish. A: Sin embargo, es en el largo e intenso final tánico que el vino exhibe su resiliencia y energía. Q: 1: The fog that clouds glutted eyes will turn into the flame of a kindled heart. Thus, let us guard the fiery treasure.; 2: Spanish. A: La bruma que nubla los saciados ojos se convertirá en la llama del corazón encendido. En consecuencia, protejamos el tesoro ardiente. Q: 1: For example, in business even the difficult things sort themselves out, and you get more orders from customers.; 2: Spanish. A: Por ejemplo: en el campo comercial, incluso las cosas más difíciles se resuelven y se obtienen más pedidos de los clientes. Q: 1: Cemetery Mendoza is divided into Ancient, Old and New, the oldest part of the property being north.; 2: Spanish. A:
El Cementerio de Mendoza se divide en Antiguo, Viejo y Nuevo, la parte más antigua estando al norte del predio.
Question: Rome's military confederation with the other peoples of the Italian peninsula meant that half of Rome's army was provided by the Socii, such as the Etruscans, Umbrians, Apulians, Campanians, Samnites, Lucani, Bruttii, and the various southern Greek cities. Polybius states that Rome could draw on 770,000 men at the beginning of the Second Punic War, of which 700,000 were infantry and 70,000 met the requirements for cavalry. Rome's Italian allies would be organized in alae, or wings, roughly equal in manpower to the Roman legions, though with 900 cavalry instead of 300. Is there an answer to this question: How many calvary did Rome's Italian allies use? Answer: 900 cavalry Question: On the uneven bars, the gymnast performs a routine on two horizontal bars set at different heights. These bars are made of fiberglass covered in wood laminate, to prevent them from breaking. In the past, bars were made of wood, but the bars were prone to breaking, providing an incentive to switch to newer technologies. The width and height of the bars may be adjusted. In the past, the uneven parallel bars were closer together. They've been moved increasingly further apart, allowing gymnasts to perform swinging, circling, transitional, and release moves, that may pass over, under, and between the two bars. At the Elite level, movements must pass through the handstand. Gymnasts often mount the Uneven Bars using a springboard, or a small mat. Chalk and grips (a leather strip with holes for fingers to protect hands and improve performance) may be used while doing this event. The chalk helps take the moisture out of gymnast's hands to decrease friction and prevent rips (tears to the skin of the hands), dowel grips help gymnasts grip the bar. Is there an answer to this question: What purpose to hand wraps serve? Answer: unanswerable Question: Carpet-weaving is historically a major traditional profession for the majority of Armenian women, including many Armenian families. Prominent Karabakh carpet weavers there were men too. The oldest extant Armenian carpet from the region, referred to as Artsakh (see also Karabakh carpet) during the medieval era, is from the village of Banants (near Gandzak) and dates to the early 13th century. The first time that the Armenian word for carpet, gorg, was used in historical sources was in a 1242–1243 Armenian inscription on the wall of the Kaptavan Church in Artsakh. Is there an answer to this question: When was the first time the word for weaving was used? Answer: unanswerable Question: In 1578, Elizabeth I granted a patent to Humphrey Gilbert for discovery and overseas exploration. That year, Gilbert sailed for the West Indies with the intention of engaging in piracy and establishing a colony in North America, but the expedition was aborted before it had crossed the Atlantic. In 1583 he embarked on a second attempt, on this occasion to the island of Newfoundland whose harbour he formally claimed for England, although no settlers were left behind. Gilbert did not survive the return journey to England, and was succeeded by his half-brother, Walter Raleigh, who was granted his own patent by Elizabeth in 1584. Later that year, Raleigh founded the colony of Roanoke on the coast of present-day North Carolina, but lack of supplies caused the colony to fail. Is there an answer to this question: Who was Humphrey Gilbert's half-brother? Answer:
Walter Raleigh
Allowed me to see the good in someone that I had been so skeptical to see . I have sort of neglected my writing for a while . That 's because I thought things were changing . Based on the preceding passage, answer the following question Why did they stop writing for awhile ?
Their motivation was less
Notts want to re-sign Noble, 26, who spent two seasons at Meadow Lane before joining Forest Green in June 2016. Vince told BBC Radio Gloucestershire: "We may, because I don't think they're going to grasp the seriousness of the situation unless we do [complain]." The Magpies acted "professionally and diligently", insists owner Alan Hardy. Earlier on Friday, Vince claimed County had made "behind-the-scenes contact" with Noble, having had offers for the midfielder rejected. FA rules state that players cannot be approached by another club while under contract without the permission of their current club. Notts have said they made an offer of £100,000 for Noble, which they believed would match League Two rivals Rovers' asking price, but, in a strongly worded statement, Vince dismissed that claim. He said: "We have received a series of bids for Liam. The first we considered to be a joke. Their latest 'final' bid we received was not for £100,000, as their owner claimed in the press yesterday [Thursday]. "Equally, the claim made yesterday about us suggesting they could double that amount and still not get him is completely false. "We've been very clear from the outset that we did not want to sell Liam and the antics of Notts County since then have only firmed up that position. He is not for sale. "We want Notts County to stop what they are doing, including the behind-the-scenes contact with the player, which we consider to be a breach of FA rules. "Forest Green Rovers may be the newest and smallest member of the Football League family, but we know how to conduct ourselves and how to undertake a transfer negotiation the right way - quietly and respectfully, club to club." In response to Forest Green's statement, Hardy insisted his club's football operations director, Jason Turner, had acted properly. "I can confirm that a number of bids have been made by the club, and that the final bid was for a transfer fee of £100,000 payable immediately," he told the club website. "Why Dale Vince would deny this when it is fact baffles me. "Furthermore, Jason Turner, who has been handling this matter in the strictest of confidence, was told by James Mooney of Forest Green Rovers when the final bid was rejected that they would not sell him to us for double the price. "Dale Vince also claims they have been very clear from the outset that they did not want to sell Liam. "While this may be the case, they have also been very clear from the outset that an offer of £100,000 guaranteed would be acceptable. "It was only when this bid was lodged that they changed their minds. "I am more than comfortable that we have negotiated with Forest Green Rovers in a professional and diligent manner." Sum: Forest Green's owner Dale Vince says they may report Notts County to the Football Association regarding their pursuit of Rovers' captain Liam Noble. Tributes have been paid to a pioneer of the Scottish ski industry. Philip Rankin, who has died at his home in Ballachulish at the age of 99, led the construction of Scotland's first ski tow in Glen Coe in the 1950s. He and fellow engineers at the Clyde shipyard in Glasgow where he worked used scrap metal to build it. Mr Rankin's enthusiasm for skiing was encouraged by a doctor who treated him for injuries he suffered as a Spitfire pilot in World War Two. He was shot down by a German bomber and his fighter plane crashed into the North Sea in 1942. A Canadian doctor at Stoke Mandeville Hospital in Aylesbury, Buckinghamshire, encouraged Mr Rankin's enthusiasm for skiing, saying that the pursuit would aid his recovery from his wounds. But Mr Rankin, who died on Sunday, almost a month before his 100th birthday, took his interest in skiing beyond just doing it to establishing ski runs high up on the slopes of the mountain Meall a'Bhuiridh. Parts of the infrastructure he helped to construct 60 years ago remains in working order today, including what is believed to be the world's oldest single person ski lift. Andy Meldurm, owner of Glencoe Mountain snowsports centre, described Mr Rankin's achievements as "remarkable". He said: "Not only did Philip Rankin and the others build the first lift, they identified exactly the right places where there would be snow for skiing. "Scotland's snowsports industry has much to be grateful for for Philip's vision 60 years ago." Mr Meldrum, who took over the snowsports centre in Glen Coe more than seven years ago, first met Mr Rankin when the former fighter pilot was 94. "He came along for the launch of our new avalanche transceiver park. He was still a very active man and wanted to walk up the hill," said Mr Meldrum. "After that was regular visitor to the centre." Rankin's Return, a new ski run created in honour of Mr Rankin was opened this year at Glencoe Mountain. Snowsport Scotland, an organisation that promotes skiing and snowboarding, awarded a lifetime achievement award to Mr Rankin in November last year. It said: "It is with deep regret and profound sadness that we announce the passing away of a valued member of the snowsport community Philip Rankin at the age of 99. "Philip Rankin was a founding force of the mechanised uplift in Scotland and passed away in the comfort of his own home. "Philip was extremely grateful after receiving the Snowsport Scotland Lifetime award in November. "Our thoughts go out to all his friends and family at this sad time." Sum: All images are copyrighted. Ofsted's inspectors said there were 400 looked-after children and 209 with "care-leaver" status when the inspection was carried out in July. The report highlighted delays in the completion of health assessments and a shortage of nurses. Medway Council said it was making "significant progress" and improvements would continue. Ofsted inspectors said following a previous inspection in January, work in Medway had focused on ensuring all children were safe. The report said: "However, many changes have been recent and have not yet had the opportunity to impact, so deficits within services for looked-after children remain. "Inspectors saw no looked-after child at immediate risk of harm. "Overall, outcomes for children and young people looked after are poor in relation to their emotional health and wellbeing, their educational achievement and continued opportunities for education, employment and training." The inspectors rated the service's "capacity to improve" as adequate, saying the local authority was "actively addressing inadequacies". The report praised Medway's record in avoiding changes in children's placements, saying a "high number" remained for more than two years. Councillor Mike O'Brien, lead portfolio holder for children's services at the Conservative-run council, said: "We are making significant progress. "The council brought in a completely new top team when it realised that much work needed to be done to improve this area and we are pleased that Ofsted have recognised this." The council said it was recruiting more social workers, a new director of social services and a new service manager for children in care. Directory of children's services Barbara Peacock, who joined last September, said "There is a lot of work to do, and we are clear on that fact, but Ofsted acknowledges we are heading in the right direction. Councillor Adam Price, the Labour group's spokesman for children's services, said: "I'm deeply worried. "We're hearing that no child is under immediate risk, but it is worrying that there seems to be poor quality in terms of information on children when they come into care and also go out of care." He said the authority was having to go as far as Ireland to recruit social workers. Sum:
Medway's service for children in care has been rated as inadequate in a report by the education watchdog.
Article: Michael Skakel, whose aunt Ethel was the widow of Robert Kennedy, was found guilty in 2002 of killing his teenage neighbour with a golf club in 1975. But he was freed in 2013 after a judge found that his former lawyer had not represented him properly. Mr Skakel says he is innocent. The Connecticut Supreme Court voted four to three to reinstate the conviction. During the hearing prosecutor Susann Gill said Mr Skakel's previous lawyer Michael Sherman had done a competent job representing his client and said there was "substantial evidence" that he killed Martha Moxley. It was not immediately clear if Mr Skakel would be sent back to prison. His current lawyer, Hubert Santos, said he was reviewing the ruling and had no immediate comment. The battered body of Moxley, who lived near the Skakel family in wealthy Greenwich, Connecticut, was found on the lawn of her parents' house in 1975. She had been bludgeoned with a golf club - later traced to a set owned by Mr Skakel's mother - and stabbed in the neck with the shaft of the club. There were no witnesses or forensic evidence, but several people later testified that they had heard Mr Skakel confess to the crime. One witness previously quoted him as saying: "I'm going to get away with murder, because I'm a Kennedy." The Kennedys were one of the most prominent families in 20th Century US politics. Joseph Kennedy was US ambassador to Britain under President Franklin Roosevelt. His son John F Kennedy was president 1961-63, and his other sons Robert and Edward became senators. ++++++++++ Summarize: The murder conviction of a relative of the Kennedy family has been reinstated by the US state of Connecticut's supreme court after being overturned by a lower court. Problem: Give them to a teacher, a colleague, or a teenager perhaps, and you can show you have at least thought about them, without second-guessing their tastes. But last year thousands of consumers were left out of pocket, when HMV, Blockbuster, Comet and Jessops all went out of business after the Christmas period. Most vouchers were eventually honoured but only after a period of uncertainty. In the case of Jessops, now under new management, some people were offered replacement gifts, but customers with vouchers worth, in total, more than half a million pounds never saw their money back. The fact is, if you buy a gift card, there is no guarantee it will be honoured if the shop goes out of business. So can they be trusted? Not at the moment, argues Deborah Harvey, from Newport in south Wales. She and Louise McDaid run Safeguard All Savings, a website dedicated to protecting consumers' money. She believes passionately that gift cards and vouchers should be guaranteed if a retailer goes out of business. "If I give you £10, I expect to be able to spend £10; not to be told, 'Well actually, your voucher has expired, you can't use it. And by the way, we've just gone bust, so you definitely can't spend it,'" she says. She believes the best option would be for voucher money to be ring-fenced. In other words retailers would have to keep that money in a separate account for a specified period. Another issue is that voucher-holders are well down the list of creditors, should a retailer go out of business. They are currently on the fifth tier, alongside suppliers and the taxman. Only shareholders are less likely to get their money back. The body which represents the gift card business would like to see card holders moved up the priority list. For the moment, any administrator looking at the books of a retailer is obliged to pay the banks which have lent money to the business, the costs of the administration, and staff salaries, long before they look at gift card holders. "If a retailer goes in to administration, the decision to continue to accept gift cards and vouchers is down to the individual administrator," says Andrew Johnson, the director general of the UK Gift Card and Voucher Association. A recent study by a body representing insolvency specialists looked at other possible solutions. These included the idea of making retailers who offer gift cards buy a protection bond, a form of insurance which would pay out if a retailer went bust. They also considered the idea of extending the Consumer Credit Act. Currently anyone who buys vouchers worth more than £100 on a credit card is protected, in theory by both the credit card company and the retailer. Where a retailer has gone bust, that responsibility in practice rests with the credit card provider. The Act could, in theory, be extended to include smaller purchases. However, retailers could be severely affected by such liabilities. Many of them trade on notoriously thin margins as it is. Indeed some argue that shops might be even more likely to go bust, should they have to honour gift cards. "All of these options are quite difficult to administer, and they are also quite costly," says Andrew Tate of the Association of Business Recovery Professionals. "Taking cash flow out of a business in the current economic climate is difficult," he says. So what should consumers do if they are considering buying gift cards or vouchers this Christmas? First of all, they should watch their local high street carefully. Blockbuster, the video chain, has already announced its intention to call in the administrators, for the second time. "I'm really concerned that there's going to be something again this Christmas," says Deborah Harvey from Newport. "And it's going to be too late for anyone to do anything about it," she warns. The UK Gift Card and Voucher Association advises customers to think very carefully about where they buy vouchers from. It says as long as you trust the retailer, you should trust their vouchers. But the reverse must be equally true. If you wish to buy more than £100 of vouchers, make sure you buy them on a credit card. But otherwise there are still no guarantees that your money will be safe. What was that article about? A:
Vouchers, or gift cards, can be a great idea at Christmas.
Question: who played the town drunk on the andy griffith show? Answer: Harold John Smith Question: who did the first open heart surgery in the world? Answer: Axel Cappelen Question: where does the extra point get kicked from? Answer:
15-yard line
[Translate Q]: Translate "Hotel and restaurant in town." to Spanish. [A]: Hotel y restaurante en un pueblo. [Translate Q]: Translate "The apartments at Citadines Les Halles Paris come with a telephone and flat-screen TV. Each apartment has a private bathroom with bathtub and an equipped kitchen with a microwave, dishwasher and fridge." to Spanish. [A]: Los apartamentos del Citadines Les Halles París disponen de teléfono, TV de pantalla plana, baño privado con bañera y cocina equipada con microondas, lavavajillas y nevera. [Translate Q]: Translate "Hotels near Chelsea Farmers Market" to Spanish. [A]:
Hoteles cerca de Chelsea Harbour
Sentence: King County is the location of Auburn, Washington, United States. The capital of the United States is Washington DC and the largest city of Washington state is Seattle. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Auburn, Washington, isPartOf, Washington (state); Washington (state), largestCity, Seattle; United States, capital, Washington, D.C.; Washington (state), country, United States; Auburn, Washington, isPartOf, King County, Washington Sentence: The leader of Romania is known as the Prime Minister. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Romania, leaderTitle, Prime Minister of Romania input question: Sentence: Indonesian arem-arem, with ingredients such as compressed rice, banana leaf, vegetables and minced meat is a Javanese dish which can be served as a main course. Structured data: Arem-arem, country, Indonesia; Arem-arem, ingredient, Banana leaf; Arem-arem, region, Javanese cuisine; Arem-arem, course, "Main course"; Arem-arem, mainIngredient, "compressed rice cooked in banana leaf with vegetables or minced meat fillings" Sentence: Asam pedas is a food found in Malaysia where the capital is Kuala Lumpur. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Asam pedas, country, Malaysia; Malaysia, capital, Kuala Lumpur Sentence: The main ingredients of Bionico are chopped fruits, sour cream, condensed milk, granola, shredded coconut and raisins. The dish originates from the Jalisco region Of Mexico. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Bionico, country, Mexico; Bionico, mainIngredient, "Chopped Fruits, Sour Cream, Condensed Milk, Granola, Shredded Coconut, Raisins"; Bionico, region, Jalisco; Bionico, ingredient, Condensed milk Sentence: The Audi A1 is manufactured by Audi which has the e-tron division and has a subsidiary call the Quattro Gmbh. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A:
Audi A1, manufacturer, Audi; Audi, division, Audi e-tron; Audi, subsidiary, Quattro GmbH
QUESTION: answer this: who has been on sports illustrated cover the most?? ANS: Michael Jordan QUESTION: answer this: who wrote the script for the crucible movie adaptation (1996)?? ANS: Arthur Miller QUESTION: answer this: where does the story romeo and juliet take place?? ANS: Verona, Italy QUESTION: answer this: who plays general talbot on agents of shield?? ANS:
Marc: Hey, a very random question. What was the name of this database of Argentinian legal documents you told me 100 years ago John: INFOLEG John: I think it's still active though Marc: 😂 Marc: Thanks man John: xx What was that dialogue about, in two sentences or less?
The database of Argentinian legal documents that John told Marc about some time ago is called INFOLEG.
Dialogue: Yuval: Guys I think I have haemorrhoids Riki: Eew! Omer: Is it painful? Yuval: Not really. But I feel strange polyps when I touch my anus. Yuval: I thought only old people have haemorrhoids Omer: Maybe you should go to a doctor Riki: This is disgusting. You should keep it for yourself! What is a summary of this dialogue?
Yuval thinks he might have haemorrhoids.
Das Hotel bietet Unterkunft in 25 Doppel-und Dreibettzimmer und ein Einzelzimmer für behinderte Kunden und zwei Aufzüge. Which language is this?
Choose from options: Determine if the sentence is true based on the text below: the 10000 is a tax deduction on university The difference is that while my plan starts with new accountability and maintains local control, it doesn't stop there. Because I want to give new choices to parents. To send their kids to college with a $10,000 tax deduction for college tuition per child per year. Choose from: A). Yes B). It's impossible to say C). No
1. On 2 February , 2009 , the French striker has terminated his contract with Sochaux in agreement with the Brazilian team . 2. On 2 February 2009 , the French striker , in agreement with the Brazilian team , cancelled his contract with Sochaux . yes 1. The species were discovered in 2013 and were named and described by Samuel P. Iglésias and Lou Frotté in 2015 . 2. Species were named and described in 2013 and were discovered by Samuel P. Iglésias and Lou Frotté in 2015 . no 1. This makes Pyhä-Luosto Finland 's newest and oldest national park at the same time . 2. This makes Pyhä-Luosto Finland 's oldest but at the same time newest national park .
input ---- Exquisite renovated studio flat in the city center BarcelonaHome output ---- Exquisite renovated studio flat in the city center | Barcelona-Home Add punctuation: Thus the speed warning the values for the speed display GPSSettings AutoExitSetting KeepAwakeSettings Internet settings and voice output are calibrated here A: Thus, the speed warning, the values for the speed display, GPS-Settings, Auto-Exit-Setting , Keep-Awake-Settings, Internet settings and voice output are calibrated here. QUESTION: Fix punctuation: Upon Adams making this fateful and fatal decision God CLOSED OFF THE TREE OF LIFE Gen 32224 from the world sired by Adam for 6000 years ANS: Upon Adam’s making this fateful and fatal decision, God CLOSED OFF THE TREE OF LIFE ( Gen. 3:22-24 ) from the world sired by Adam, for 6,000 years. QUES: I use the next table of chords strings for this game correct the punctuation. CORRECTED: I use the next table of chords - strings for this game. Question: MicrosoftVisualCSTLCLRdll program freezing and system crashing Important system components such as MicrosoftVisualCDll and MicrosoftVsadll become abnormal -- Answer: Microsoft.VisualC.STLCLR.dll program freezing and system crashing: Important system components such as Microsoft.VisualC.Dll and Microsoft.Vsa.dll become abnormal. input: What is the perfect weight loss combination fixed:
What is the perfect weight loss combination?
In one sentence, describe what the following article is about: Some leases allow tenants to make more changes to space than others. Call your landlord and ask them what you're allowed to do in your rental. You may be able to change fixtures or knobs, paint the walls, or apply wallpaper. If your landlord doesn’t want you to make changes, you can try to convince them by explaining that you’re trying to raise the property value. You can also tell them that you’ll repaint the walls before you move out. if you’re allowed to. Get swatches from the paint store and hold them up against your walls to help you determine if the color is right for the decor that you want to achieve. Then, purchase the paint from a hardware or paint store. To paint your walls, lay drop cloths and apply a coat of primer with a brush to the wall. Then, use a roller or a brush and apply paint in long broad strokes down the wall until it's covered in paint. You may want to apply more than one coat depending on how dark you want the wall to be. You can also paint a single accent wall instead of painting them all. Once you decide on a color, make sure to send your landlord a swatch to get their approval before you start painting. Think of what kind of palette you want and go for a color that compliments the furniture and items that you already have in your apartment. Rooms that have a lot of natural light look better with lighter colors while darker rooms, like basements, look better with darker colored walls. Some special wallpapers have a temporary adhesive that allows you to move or remove wallpaper without damaging the wall. Popular brands include Chasing Paper, Graham & Brown, and Spoonflower. Look for temporary wallpaper that matches your existing decor and consider purchasing and applying it to your walls. To apply the wallpaper, peel off the back of the paper and smooth it out over your walls in sheets. Some temporary wallpapers may require mixing together a weak adhesive. If you don’t want to wallpaper all of your walls, you can frame rooms with wallpaper by only applying it to the edges of the wall. and art on the walls to add interest. Paintings, posters, and family photos are great ways to add something to bare walls. Choose art pieces or photos that flow with the rest of the room. Screw picture hooks into the wall and hang artwork or photographs. For instance, if you are using neutral colors, black and white photos might look good. If you have colorful rooms, you should have colorful photos or artwork. on the walls to highlight decor and create storage. Shelving attached to your walls will not only create storage space but could add to the decor. Put pieces of China or other decor items like figurines, art, baskets, or jars on top of the shelving to add a different look to a room. Purchase shelving or create it yourself and screw in brackets to securely attach it to the wall. around your home to make the space look larger. Hanging a mirror in a room not only makes it appear larger, it can also contribute to the room's decor. Look for mirrors that have fashionable or elaborate frames. You can hang mirrors in narrow hallways or staircases. You can also make a mirror a focal point by leaning it against a wall rather than hanging it.
Ask your landlord if you can paint or make other changes. Paint your walls Apply temporary wallpaper to your walls instead of painting. Hang pictures Install shelves Hang mirrors
Promoted Captain in October 1660 by the Frisian stadtholder William Frederick, Prince of Nassau-Dietz, Van Coehoorn first saw action in 1665 during the Second Anglo-Dutch War when he helped repulse an English-funded invasion by the Bishop of Munster. During the Franco-Dutch War of 1672-78, he was wounded at the unsuccessful defense of Maastricht in 1673, then fought at Grave and Seneffe in 1674. He was promoted Major by Henry Casimir II, Prince of Nassau-Dietz, took part in the battles of Cassel and Saint-Denis and ended the war as a Lieutenant-Colonel. Answer this question based on the article: How many battles did he fight in after the wars?
Problem: Apple and Eminem settle out of court The dispute was over money, and like most civil cases, this one was settled out of court. After five days of trial in a Detroit federal courthouse, Apple AAPL and Eminem’s publisher, Eight Mile Style, came to an agreement Thursday night that neither side wants to talk about, according to the Detroit Free Press. At issue were royalties on 93 songs that Apple has been selling on its iTunes music store under an agreement with Dr. Dre’s Aftermath Records, which controls the rapper’s sound recordings. As Eminem’s music publisher, Eight Mile Style had claimed copyright infringement. It was seeking to recover $2.58 million — its estimate of how much Apple has earned from sales of the music — as well as damages, which it set at $150,000 per infringement, or nearly $14 million. Eminem, whose real name is Marshall Mathers III, was not officially party to the suit and did not appear in court. The case dates back to July 2007, when Eight Mile Style sued Apple, alleging that digital rights to Mathers’ songs had been sold without its approval. The publisher had previously sued Apple for unauthorized use of his hit single “Lose Yourself” in an iTunes TV commercial. That dispute was also settled out of court. During the course of the trial Apple’s attorney revealed that Aftermath has been receiving 70 cents per download and Eight Mile Style 9.1 cents. Apple’s attorney said that the publisher had been cashing its checks, which over the years amounted to “a lot of money.” Write a one or two sentence summary. Summary: The dispute was over money, and like most civil cases, this one was settled out of court. After five days of trial in a Detroit federal courthouse, Apple and Eminem's publisher, Eight Mile Style, came to an agreement Thursday night that neither side wants to talk about, according to the Detroit Free Press. At issue… Problem: Freeman tearful before murder: inquest Darcey Freeman was thrown off Melbourne's West Gate Bridge in 2009. Arthur Freeman threw his four-year-old daughter Darcey to her death off Melbourne's West Gate Bridge shortly after crying to a friend that he had lost his children. As he drove over the bridge on what was supposed to be Darcey's first day of school, Freeman stopped his car, turned on the hazard lights and pulled her onto the rail before throwing her 58 metres into the Yarra River below. Her murder, on January 29, 2009, came the day after a court made final orders in a long-running custody battle between Freeman and his former wife Peta Barnes. More than six years later, the Victorian Coroner's Court is trying to determine whether the legal and child protection systems failed little Darcey. Ms Barnes had raised concerns about Freeman's behaviour during GP visits in the years leading up to Darcey's death, the inquest heard on Wednesday. Ms Barnes told one doctor she feared Freeman would harm her children, but her concerns were not reported to child protection authorities. It is only mandatory for a GP to report to child protection if they believe the child is in significant danger. Freeman had attended a number of GP appointments with his children who did not appear distressed or show signs of physical harm, the court heard. Ms Barnes took the stand briefly to praise authorities who dealt with the aftermath of the tragedy. "Their dedication, compassion and skill needs to be acknowledged and recognised," she said. Senior Sergeant Damian Jackson, who investigated Darcey's death, was an exemplary individual whose management of the horrendous case was sensitive, responsive and caring, she said. Snr Sgt Jackson told the inquest Freeman was driving erratically before he stopped on the bridge. There Freeman phoned a friend and spoke of having "lost his children" before throwing Darcey from the bridge. When Ms Barnes called Freeman from Darcey's school that morning to ask where she was, he said: "Say goodbye to your children". Freeman's two other children, who cannot be named, were still inside the car and one of them urged him to help Darcey after he threw her from the bridge. "He asked his father repeatedly to go back and get Darcey ... because she couldn't swim," Snr Sgt Jackson said. Freeman believed a family report compiled by a clinical psychologist had contributed to his diminished custody rights, Snr Sgt Jackson said. Freeman has been jailed for life with a 32-year minimum for Darcey's murder. State coroner Ian Gray will consider whether GPs have a thorough understanding of mandatory child abuse reporting requirements and whether there is co-operation between doctors and the Department of Human Services. He will also examine why lawyers are not subject to mandatory child abuse reporting and whether they are adequately trained. The inquest comes during the first week of public hearings in the Victorian government's Australian-first royal commission into family violence. Do you have any news photos or videos? Write a one or two sentence summary. Summary: An inquest over the death of a four-year-old girl thrown off Melbourne's West Gate Bridge is set to start on Wednesday. Problem: ‘American Sniper’ trial: ‘I shot them because they wouldn’t talk to me.’ STEPHENVILLE, Tex. — Eddie Ray Routh, who killed former Navy SEAL Chris Kyle and his friend two years ago, said later in his jail cell that he did so because they wouldn’t talk to him during a long ride to a rifle range, a witness testified Friday. Gene Cole, who served with the Erath County Sheriff’s Department at the time, testified Friday that Routh’s comments were made from a county jail cell in June 2013, about four months after Routh killed Kyle, who inspired the recent blockbuster movie “American Sniper,” and his friend Chad Littlefield. “I heard Mr. Routh say, ‘I shot them because they wouldn’t talk to me. I was just riding in the backseat of the truck, and nobody would talk to me. They were just taking me to the range, so I shot them. I feel bad about it, but they wouldn’t talk to me. I’m sure they’ve forgiven me,” Cole said. The comments are perhaps the most striking of the first three days in Routh’s trial. His lawyers do not dispute that he killed Kyle and Littlefield, but say he was struggling with schizophrenia and psychosis and should be found not guilty by reason of insanity. Kyle, often called the most deadly sniper in U.S. military history, and Littlefield were both shot multiple times and found dead at the Rough Creek Lodge and Resort, an 11,000-acre luxury hunting facility and vacation 90 miles southwest of Dallas. RELATED TRIAL COVERAGE ON CHECKPOINT: Texas Ranger recalls finding drugs in Eddie Ray Routh’s home At least two gunshot wounds suffered by Chris Kyle were fatal Jury shown videos of standoff, chase involving Eddie Ray Routh Police describe high-speed chase to capture Eddie Ray Routh Portrait emerges of Chad Littlefield, friend killed alongside Chris Kyle Taya Kyle, wife of slain Navy SEAL Chris Kyle, delivers tearful testimony ‘This dude is straight-up nuts’: Chris Kyle’s text message about Eddie Ray Routh Dan Lamothe covers national security for The Washington Post and anchors its military blog, Checkpoint. Write a one or two sentence summary. Summary:
'I feel bad about it, but they wouldn't talk to me. I'm sure they've forgiven me," Eddie Ray Routh said in a jail cell, according to a former sheriff's deputy.
Question: who is known as the world's first computer programmer? Answer: née Byron Question: what are the main industries in papua new guinea? Answer: minerals and energy extraction Question: who sang the original oh where oh where can my baby be? Answer:
Wayne Cochran
How does the sentence end? Cairo (CNN)Two Al Jazeera journalists who'd been imprisoned in Egypt for more than a year were granted bail Thursday, with a court telling them they can await retrial away from jail in a case that has outraged journalists and activists around the globe. An Egyptian court Thursday ordered journalists Mohamed Fahmy and Baher Mohamed freed ahead of their retrial on charges that they supported the banned Muslim Brotherhood. However, the men were still in custody Thursday night, and with government offices closed on Fridays for weekly prayers, their release might not come until Saturday. News of their pending release comes less than two weeks after Al Jazeera correspondent Peter Greste, a colleague who was convicted with them, was released and deported to his native Australia. At the same time, there is no guarantee that a retrial will be carried out in compliance with international standards or result in the full acquittal on all charges that OPTIONS: - Al Jazeera deserves. - Australia deserves. - Baher Mohamed deserves. - CNN deserves. - Cairo deserves. - Egypt deserves. - Egyptian deserves. - Mohamed Fahmy deserves. - Muslim Brotherhood deserves. - Peter Greste deserves.
Mohamed Fahmy deserves.
Breathing is the process of moving air into and out of the lungs. The process depends on a muscle called the diaphragm. This is a large, sheet-like muscle below the lungs. Inhaling, or breathing in, occurs when the diaphragm muscle tightens. This increases the size of the chest. This too decreases air pressure inside the lungs. This action allows air and gases to enter the lungs. Exhaling, or breathing out, occurs when the diaphragm muscle relaxes. This decreases the size of the chest. This increases air pressure inside the lungs. This action allows for air to leave the lungs. When you inhale, air enters the respiratory system through your nose and ends up in your lungs, where gas exchange with the blood takes place. What happens to the air along the way? In the nose, mucus and hairs trap any dust or other particles in the air. The air is also warmed and moistened. Next, air passes through a passageway that is connected to the windpipe. The air then finds its way to the lungs. In the chest, the windpipe splits so that air enters both the right and left lung. Question: "What happens to the size of your chest when you relax your diaphragm muscle?" Response: "Decreased" OPTIONS: - no - yes A: no Problem: Little is known of the earliest Stone Age inhabitants of Europe's southwestern extremity. The ancient Greeks called them the Cynetes (or Cunetes). Whatever their origins, their culture evolved under the pressure and influence of foreign forces. Among the many invading armies that settled here and contributed to nascent Portuguese culture were Phoenicians, who settled in the area around 1,000 b.c., followed by the Celts, Iberians, Greeks, and Carthaginians. But it was the Romans, who arrived late in the third century b.c., who most greatly influenced all of Iberia. They built towns, industries, roads, and bridges, developed agriculture, and bequeathed the Latin language, of which Portuguese is a direct descendant. The Romans named the southwestern province of the peninsula Lusitania, oddly enough for one of the Celtiberian tribes they defeated, and by the third century a.d. had introduced Christianity. By the beginning of the fourth century the Algarve had a bishop in place, based in Faro. But Rome had already fallen into decay, and soon hordes of northern tribesmen took over the empire. The Algarve fell to the Visigoths in the mid-fifth century. Under Moorish Rule In a.d. 711, the Moors brought powerful armies from North Africa and launched a devastating attack on the Iberian peninsula, conquering much of what would become Spain and Portugal. They imposed Islam and left an indelible influence on the countryside and the population of the Algarve. The Moorish legacy can still be seen in the form of wells and waterwheels, squat white houses, the dark complexions of the people, and in the very name given the region — taken from Al-Gharb, which means "country of the west" (when the Moors conquered the territory, it was the most westerly in the known world). The Moors governed their Iberian kingdoms from across the border in Seville, but the Algarve had its own regional capital and huge, invulnerable fortress. The capital was Chelb (or Xelb), and it was bigger and better defended than Lisbon. Today the town, known as Silves, is a provincial outpost whose only besiegers are busloads of tourists who climb the narrow streets up to the old Moorish ramparts. Question: "What was the Portuguese city of Silves was once known as?" Answer: "Phoenicians" OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Question: Chinese Influences: The Japanese were forced out of the Korean peninsula in the sixth century, but not before the Koreans had bequeathed to the Yamato court copies of the sacred images and scriptures of Chinese Buddhism. Just as Christianity introduced Mediterranean culture into northern Europe, so Buddhism brought Chinese culture into Japanese society. Throughout the seventh and eighth centuries numerous Japanese monks, scholars, and artists made the perilous trip west across the Sea of Japan to study Chinese religion, history, music, literature, and painting — later to be brought back for further development in Japan. An outstanding figure of this time was Prince Shotoku, who in 604 developed the "Seventeen-Article Constitution," outlining a code of human conduct and the ideals of state as a basic law for the nation. He also established relations with the Sui dynasty in China. Through him, the Japanese imperial court developed Chinese patterns of centralized government, with its formal bureaucracy of eight court ranks. The Chinese calendar was used to calculate the year of Japan's foundation by counting back the 1,260 years of the Chinese cosmological cycle. Thus, 660 b.c. is still the official date celebrated nationwide. At this early stage in its history Japan was already (for the most part) only nominally ruled by the emperor. De facto power was exercised by the militarily and economically strongest family. The Sogas had promoted Buddhism as an imperially sanctioned counterweight to the native Shinto religion, along with the new Chinese customs, to weaken the influence of their more conservative rivals. But they in turn were ousted in a.d. 645 by Nakatomi Kamatari, founder of the great Fujiwara clan, which was to rule Japanese affairs for hundreds of years and provide prominent advisers to the emperor even up to the 19th century. After reading the above, is "Fujiwara clan" the correct answer to the question "Who did Nakatomi Kamatari oust in a.d. 645?"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Answer: no Input: The first rule is parental. The primitive monarchy is in the home. A young baby cries. The trained nurse turns on the light, lifts the baby, hushes it, sings to it, rocks it, and stills its weeping by caresses and song. When next the baby is put down to sleep, more cries, more soothing and disturbance, and the setting of a tiny instinct which shall some day be will--the power of control. The grandmother arrives on the scene. When baby cries, she plants the little one firmly in its crib, turns down the light, pats and soothes the tiny restless hands that fight the air, watches, waits. From the crib come whimpers, angry cries, yells, sobs, baby snarls and sniffles that die away in a sleepy infant growl. Silence, sleep, repose, and the building of life and nerve and muscle in the quiet and the darkness. The baby has been put in harmony with the laws of nature--the invigoration of fresh air, sleep, stillness--and the little one wakens and grows like a fresh, sweet rose. The mother, looking on, learns of the ways of God with men. Does the response "Two" correctly answer the question "How many people come to comfort the baby?"? OPTIONS: - no - yes *** Output:
Input: Article: In the 16th century political and religious changes altered the attitude of historians towards John. Tudor historians were generally favourably inclined towards the king, focusing on John's opposition to the Papacy and his promotion of the special rights and prerogatives of a king. Revisionist histories written by John Foxe, William Tyndale and Robert Barnes portrayed John as an early Protestant hero, and John Foxe included the king in his Book of Martyrs. John Speed's Historie of Great Britaine in 1632 praised John's "great renown" as a king; he blamed the bias of medieval chroniclers for the king's poor reputation. Now answer this question: What praised John's "great renown" as a king? Output: John Speed's Historie of Great Britaine Input: Article: A major turning point in the development of DC machines took place in 1864, when Antonio Pacinotti described for the first time the ring armature with its symmetrically grouped coils closed upon themselves and connected to the bars of a commutator, the brushes of which delivered practically non-fluctuating current. The first commercially successful DC motors followed the invention by Zénobe Gramme who, in 1871, reinvented Pacinotti's design. In 1873, Gramme showed that his dynamo could be used as a motor, which he demonstrated to great effect at exhibitions in Vienna and Philadelphia by connecting two such DC motors at a distance of up to 2 km away from each other, one as a generator. (See also 1873 : l'expérience décisive [Decisive Workaround] .) Now answer this question: Besides a motor, what did Gramme use the other device for? Output: generator Input: Article: Most ingested uranium is excreted during digestion. Only 0.5% is absorbed when insoluble forms of uranium, such as its oxide, are ingested, whereas absorption of the more soluble uranyl ion can be up to 5%. However, soluble uranium compounds tend to quickly pass through the body, whereas insoluble uranium compounds, especially when inhaled by way of dust into the lungs, pose a more serious exposure hazard. After entering the bloodstream, the absorbed uranium tends to bioaccumulate and stay for many years in bone tissue because of uranium's affinity for phosphates. Uranium is not absorbed through the skin, and alpha particles released by uranium cannot penetrate the skin. Now answer this question: What does uranium have an affinity for? Output:
Solve 569*u = 562*u - 14 for u. Solve this problem.
Possible review types: Select from the following. [i] negative. [ii] positive.. Generate a [i] review for a place
Music atmosphere was cool I'll give them that. Definitely not a very friendly place though. I go in late to watch a friend of my play a show and felt like I could have been stabbed anytime. You feel like an outsider if you don't go every night. The staff wasn't very professional and let random customers step behind the bar to do what they wish. Random music being playing in the off room by a loud DJ with no one dancing or even in the bar with Harry Potter movies being played on all the TVs. What kind of place is this? If they didn't have decent live music, I wouldn't see any women feeling convertible in here.
Here is a goal: How do I make my laundry smell fresher? Which way makes more sense to accomplish this goal?
Put a laundry sheet into the dryer before you turn the clothes on.
sentence: I used metal for the chair and not wood because the OPTIONS: - wood was a more stable material. - metal was a more stable material. complete: metal was a more stable material. sentence: The wedding was held in the banquet hall instead of the ballroom because the OPTIONS: - banquet hall was better decorated. - ballroom was better decorated. complete: banquet hall was better decorated. sentence: Checking out a book at the library was easy for Amy but not for Tanya because OPTIONS: - Amy didn't have a library card. - Tanya didn't have a library card. complete:
Tanya didn't have a library card.
This is a test of commonsense. Complete the next sentence: How to increase mental strength Read everything. Recent studies show that people who enjoy reading novels are more easily able to empathize with others, a sign of a strong and well-rounded mind. If you want to work on increasing your mental strength, read a variety of things that you enjoy.
You don't have to jump straight into reading ulysses if you want to improve your mental strength, and in fact trying to read something too difficult might turn you off reading entirely. Instead, focus on reading things you enjoy.
Single/multi-select question: Is it possible to conclude that "A lady dressed in black is holding a violin." if "A lady holds an instrument in her hand."? Choose your answer from: [+] yes [+] it is not possible to tell [+] no...I think the answer is
Global Voices Advocacy's Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world. This week’s report begins in Colombia, where two pending court cases concerning defamation and an alleged copyright violation could send free expression in the country on a rapid, downward spiral. Advertisement In one case, biology graduate student Diego Gomez could face between four and eight years in prison for posting another academic’s research on the file sharing site Scribd. The 26-year-old is being prosecuted under a criminal law that was reformed in 2006, as the result of the free trade agreement between Colombia and the United States. Though it was intended to fulfill the trade agreement’s restrictive copyright standards, the law expanded criminal penalties for copyright infringement, increasing possible prison sentences and monetary fines. The Electronic Frontier Foundation’s Maira Sutton writes, “Gomez only wanted to share these articles to further his life mission to protect native wildlife and to allow others with a similar passion to access this research. He is only one of countless thousands who risk themselves every day to push against the prohibitive restraints of copyright.” Colombian digital rights NGO Fundacion Karisma is providing legal counsel for Gomez and supporting his case with the online campaign #CompartirNoEsDelito (#SharingIsNotACrime). Meanwhile, Colombia’s Supreme Court refused to hear the appeal of a man sentenced to 18 months’ jail time and a fine of roughly $5,100 for calling a former government official a “rat” ​​on the website of Cali-based newspaper El Pais. In a piece critical of the decision, Colombian national daily El Espectador gathered comments from lawyers who say the Supreme Court is confusing information with opinion. The decision sets a dangerous precedent for online commenters and social media users in Colombia. Free Expression: Is Tunisia’s digital rights renaissance coming to a close? A leaked draft of a proposed cybercrime bill in Tunisia includes vague and broad provisions that could undermine the progressive approach to Internet policy that the country has taken since 2011. Among the provisions are a six-month imprisonment and fine for anyone who uses “information and communications systems to spread content showing obscene acts and assaulting good morals” and five years’ imprisonment and a fine for “using an information system to process others’ personal data or to damage their reputation.” It would also grant sweeping surveillance powers to the Ministries of Interior and Defense. Advertisement Members of the French Administrative Law Committee voted in favor of an anti-terrorism bill that criminalizes “provoking acts of terrorism” and “advocating terrorism,” specifically targeting online activity. The law also obligates Internet service providers to block access to sites and provide user data at the behest of the administrative authority charged with the law’s enforcement. Ethiopian authorities have charged 10 bloggers and journalists with terrorism. All but one (who faces charges in absentia) have been detained in Addis Ababa since late April. The charge sheet points to the bloggers’ writings and attempts to use digital security tools as evidence of their wrongdoing. Supporters around the world will tweet on their behalf on Thursday, July 31, in preparation for the bloggers’ trial, which begins Aug. 4. Thuggery: “Terrified” by political threats, Chinese editors shutter news site Popular pro-democracy news site the House News shut its doors on July 26, reportedly under significant political pressure and the withdrawal of advertisers. In a letter to readers explaining the closure, co-founder Tony Tsoi explained that “a sense of White Terror lingers in the country” over the political struggle between Hong Kong and China. Copyright: Spain’s Google tax is back in business Spain’s lower house of Congress passed a controversial new law that places a tax on aggregation of hyperlinks, requiring news sites and aggregators to pay fees for including links with “meaningful explanations” in their text. Though the government clarified that the law will not apply to social networking sites, it remains unclear how it will be enforced. The bill now moves on to the Senate and is expected to be approved later this year. Advertisement A leaked document indicated the Australian government may soon crackdown on online piracy, in part by requiring Internet service providers to take active measures to discourage and reduce online copyright infringement. According to the Sydney Morning Herald, the document also cited unratified trade obligations with the United States to pursue its reforms under the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement. Access: Pacific island nations push for greater Internet infrastructure The Connect the Blue Continent campaign advocates for Pacific island governments to invest in Internet infrastructure, systems, and skills development. The geography of the Pacific region means communities tend to be small and distant, making them among the slowest in the world to adopt Internet technology, according to group founder Chris Sampson. Industry: Twitter bird obeys Russian bear Twitter removed access for Russian users to @b0ltai, the account of a hacker collective that leaked a number of internal Kremlin documents online. While the company refused to comment on why the account was removed, a report on Chilling Effects indicated that Russian authorities asked the company to block @b0ltai and produced a judicial order issued by a St. Petersburg court. ||||| My name is Diego Gomez and with 26 years old I have defined my great passion in life: the biodiversity conservation. Enjoying this passion, I have attained a BA in biology from the University of Quindío. Currently, I study a Masters in Conservation and Wildlife Management in Costa Rica, and I have worked in research and preservation projects on endangered Colombian amphibians with local, national and international NGOs. This journey is just beginning. Despite the support of many institutions, teachers and researchers, it has not been entirely easy. What I have achieved so far I attribute it to the merits of my volunteering work, and my persistence in desiring and achieving to do research from the province, far from the large academic centers in Bogota and all major cities of the country. Studying science (including biological sciences) from the province represents a higher level of difficulty, mainly because libraries and newspaper archives are small and they do not have the resources to pay the thousands of dollars for accessing specialized books and world’s major bibliographic databases; this circumstance limits the right to access to knowledge for students, researchers and professors who are in these regions. Not to mention that the museums or biological collections are quite scarce, to which is added that many university professors do not have a PhD as expected by their students. Despite these restrictions, I learned about amphibians in Colombia through self-study and advice given by some professors from other universities, because at that time the University of Quindío did not have any herpetologists (those who study amphibians and reptiles). To access natural history museums, I used to save as much as I could in order to make trips to Bogota, where museums and larger biological collections are located. With a lot of effort, I managed to overcome all these difficulties and eventually I acquired books –gifts from my family or professors–, and copies of scientific articles that the world’s most renowned amphibian researchers hold in their personal libraries. In addition, along with some classmates and professors, we began a study group on amphibians and reptiles at the university, dreaming that at some point it would become a research group. With the study group activated, the lack of funding for research did not stop us. In fact, we had a significant participation of young biology students. To prevent them from getting discouraged, I put all my effort to motivate them by sharing my experiences. First, through keynote presentations, I helped them to know basics concepts related to amphibians’ study and conservation to cope with the lack of books in the library. After the completion of my thesis and while working as a volunteer for one of the world’s most important conservation programs (Conservation Leadership Programme), as well as consulting for Wildlife Conservation Society, I began to advise some group member on their amphibian studies or researches. In addition, I connected some students with conservation projects that I used to carry out in the region voluntarily. Throughout this process, we realized that beyond the lack of specialized professors, museums and even funding of projects, one of the biggest obstacles we had was getting access to basic research information conducted in Colombia: for preserving, we have to know what to preserve and this is identified on previous research. Internet was one of our main partners in this passionate search and study process for conservation. This tool decreased the gap between our position as students and future researchers from a provincial university, and major universities and research centers in Bogota and other cities. Through Internet, we requested and accessed the information needed to present our research and conservation projects, to define preservation objects, to publish our findings and to contribute to all students or young researchers who faced the same problems. That gap persists despite that the elitism in these disciplines has been overcome in appearance. Internet, that increasingly useful tool in our lives that gives us access to knowledge, was the support for a few steps down the road for biodiversity conservation research. However, sharing knowledge on the Internet is jeopardizing the career I’m starting to build with great effort. With the spreading of Internet, sharing knowledge through the web quickly became a daily practice among academic circles. As usual among my colleagues, I shared with them documents and information considered relevant for our scientific interests. Assuming that I shared knowledge as an act of good faith, in gratitude for all the support I had received from other researchers in Colombia and other countries, and voluntarily for academic purposes and non-profit, I never imagined that this activity could be considered a crime. Sharing is not a crime. Surely for those who do not know what have happened to me, sharing still is something inherent to our social and community practices; it is not associated with a crime. In the academia in general, and in such specialized field as the one I work, the important thing is to make a correct citation, attributing researchers’ work by indicating their name and year of publication and, of course, not claiming the work of another researcher, but to recognize it and value it. Therefore, what we usually do is to reference the findings and make them available to those who need them. Three years ago, through a Facebook group in which I participated along with many others interested in the amphibian and reptile studies, I came across with a master’s thesis that was crucial to identify some amphibians I found in my field visits to some protected areas in the country. To access this information, it was necessary to travel to a library in Bogota. At that time, however, I thought it was something that could be of interested for other groups, so I shared it on the web. Although I was not the first or the only one (the document was in several sites already), for sharing knowledge –recognizing the authorship–, now the author advances a criminal case against me for “violation of economic rights and related rights.” I was told that this could result in jail sentence of 4 to 8 years. In a few months my life has changed. Now I’m learning about hearings, accusations, lawsuits and lawyers; I am very concerned and puzzled. Above all, I’m disconcerted that this activity I did for academic purposes may be considered a crime, turning me into a “criminal.” Today what the vast majority of the country’s researchers and conservationists are doing, despite being committed to spreading knowledge, is turning us into criminals. Today I am surprised that what is essential to the research and conservation (sharing knowledge) can be considered a crime. Today I am surprised that research and generated knowledge on natural history, taxonomy, systematics, ecology and other fields of biological sciences, which generally do not obey the market logic, is considered similar to software or an artistic work for commercial exploitation; a passion has been transformed into a market instrument. I can understand that for publishers, academic publications are market instruments, but I’m surprised that some biological sciences researchers also consider impertinent, especially illegal, that others disseminate their work without seeking profit. The work we shared on the Internet and the charge brought against me was the result of a graduate study course from the most renowned public university in Colombia. If I’m not mistaken, researchers are interested in disseminating those contributions we have made to science, and, with greater justification, when they have been generated from a public institution. I believe my case is not unique. However, I may end up in jail even if I’m convinced that “sharing is not a crime.” We are not criminals for sharing knowledge, for researching, for contributing with our efforts for the conservation of our biodiversity and the growth of science in Colombia. What do you think? ||||| In many parts of the developing world, students face barriers to access academic materials. Libraries are often inadequate, and schools and universities are often unable to pay dues for expensive, specialized databases. For these students, the Internet is a vital tool and resource to access materials that are otherwise unavailable to them. Yet despite the opportunities enabled by the Internet, there are still major risks to accessing and sharing academic resources online. A current situation in Colombia exemplifies this problem: a graduate student is facing four to eight years in prison for sharing an academic article on the Internet. He wasn't making a personal profit from sharing the article—he simply intended for other scientists like him to be able to access and cite this scientific research. Diego Gomez, 26, is a Master's student who has been researching biodiversity and working on the conservation of reptiles and amphibians for several years in the South American region. Throughout his young career, the biggest obstacle he faced was in accessing academic resources that existed on global research databases. As a student at a small university in Armenia, the availability of research papers was so limited that he often had to save money to make trips to Bogotá to access biological collections, articles, and databases only available to him at natural history museums and libraries at the capital city. Over time, he increasingly came to depend on the Internet. It enabled him to read relevant research, share documents, and communicate with others in his field. Despite the online resources that were available, there were still major barriers that prevented him from accessing the plethora of research that existed. So when he and others came across papers that were crucial to their work, they often shared it online for other researchers to access. Gomez says: The important thing is to make a correct citation, attributing researchers’ work by indicating their name and year of publication and, of course, not claiming the work of another researcher, but to recognize it and value it. Therefore, what we usually do is to reference the findings and make them available to those who need them. One day a couple of years ago, he came across a paper that was especially useful to his field work. He then later shared the research online on the site, Scribd. The author of the paper then filed a lawsuit over the “violation of [his] economic and related rights.” Under the allegations of this lawsuit, Gomez could be sent to prison for up to eight years and face crippling monetary fines. The Criminal Charges He is being sued under a criminal law that was reformed in 2006, following the conclusion of a free trade agreement between Colombia and the United States. The new law was meant to fulfill the trade agreement's restrictive copyright standards, and it expanded criminal penalties for copyright infringement, increasing possible prison sentences and monetary fines. Colombian digital rights organization, Fundación Karisma, is supporting Gomez in his case to fight against these excessive criminal charges. Carolina Botero, staff attorney at Fundación Karisma writes (translated from Spanish): The rationale is the potential damage that "piracy" in the industry generates. Without prejudice to the pending debate on the subject, it should be clear that the actions of users, non-profit activities, and sharing, are not crimes. […] In a society that has a disruptive technology like the Internet, the exercise of the rights to education, access to science and culture, and respect for freedom of expression must be respected. Colombia does not have flexible fair use system like in the United States. It has a closed list of exceptions and limitations to the rights of authors (derecho de autor). This list was issued more than 20 years ago and are narrowly tailored to some specific situations that are not at all applicable to the digital age. Therefore none of these will apply directly to his case even if it was done for educational purposes. Fortunately, Gomez still has a strong legal defense against these exorbitant penalties. Under Colombian criminal law, there are two main issues that the court will also need to consider. The first is mens rea, which weighs the malicious intent behind the action. Clearly, Gomez had no intention of violating copyright for personal gain. Which gets us to the second important legal consideration, called antijurídica: whether there was actual harm against the economic rights of the author. Initially the article was posted on Scribd and was available for download without a fee. But at some point afterwards, the website changed its terms of use to require unregistered users to pay five dollars to download documents. When Gomez realized this, he took down the article immediately. The author of the paper may have believed that Gomez was attempting to profit in light of Scribd's new fee system, but Gomez did not make anything off of the work nor did he intend to do so. There is a Supreme Court ruling that further weighs this legal consideration in his favor. In 2008, the highest Colombian court ruled that an infringing activity can only be criminal if there was intention to profit from the copyrighted work. The decision was partially based on international law—the Berne Convention, which carries an exceptions and limitations framework called the three-step test. This test is a way of determining whether a certain use is legal as long as it doesn't conflict with the “normal exploitation of the work and does not unreasonably prejudice the legitimate interests of the author.” Since Gomez was clearly not sharing academic articles for personal profit, there is firm ground to assert that his actions were not criminal. Botero of Fundación Karisma comments on this point: In 2011, Diego published on the Internet a thesis that was defended in 2006. The fact that a scholar author believes that after 5 years someone who spreads his scientific findings is harming his economic interests totally ignores the importance of science in development, in this case, in the conservation of the biodiversity in Colombia, the second most biologically diverse country in the world. This case exemplifies the real life harm of overreaching restrictions due to excessive laws that protect the “economic rights” of authors. Gomez only wanted to share these articles to further his life mission to protect native wildlife and to allow others with a similar passion to access this research. He is only one of countless thousands who risk themselves every day to push against the prohibitive restraints of copyright. We need major reform of our laws, both internationally and domestically, to ensure that people are not made criminals for promoting scientific progress and exercising their creative expression. In other words, for doing exactly what authors' rights laws are allegedly intended to do. ~ Additional Resources: Diego Gomez has written about his story (translated from Spanish) Fundación Karisma's website Compartir No Es Delito (Sharing is not a Crime) ||||| What is a one-paragraph summary of the above article?
– A grad student in Colombia who says he just wanted to help other researchers—and the endangered amphibians they study—could get up to eight years in prison for copyright infringement after sharing a research paper he found online. Diego Gomez, 26, posted the paper on a file-sharing site and is being prosecuted under tough copyright laws introduced as part of Colombia's 2006 free trade agreement with the US, Slate reports. Even though the author was credited and the work was already online, the other academic filed a complaint for "violation of economic rights and related rights," Gomez says in an open letter explaining his plight. "Today what the vast majority of the country's researchers and conservationists are doing, despite being committed to spreading knowledge, is turning us into criminals," writes Gomez, who says he was shocked to find that knowledge in "biological sciences, which generally do not obey the market logic, is considered similar to software or an artistic work for commercial exploitation." The case shows "the real-life harm of overreaching restrictions due to excessive laws that protect the 'economic rights' of authors," writes Maira Sutton at the Electronic Frontier Foundation. "Gomez only wanted to share these articles to further his life mission to protect native wildlife and to allow others with a similar passion to access this research. He is only one of countless thousands who risk themselves every day to push against the prohibitive restraints of copyright." (Copyright problems also got this bar owner into $21,000 worth of trouble.)
Based on the sentence "A man and a woman out for a stroll.", is the sentence "A man walks alone." a true sentence?
input question: Write a random tweet? A random tweet: i really don't wanna go to school tmrw but only 2 more weeks i cant wait for summer!!! IN: OPTIONS: - negative - positive Write a tweet that is positive. OUT: *sigh* Had a fun time talking to Kyra.. Q: negative (OPTIONS: - negative - positive) A: So tired, tired of waiting, tired of waiting for you... Q: Write a negative tweet. A: yo, can we get some sunshine.. its seriously been raining twenty one of the twenty five days of june.. insane. question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: @To_The_Moon I hope once vectors were set, you didn't then try and pilot the good ship TTm. Otherwise you might end up Lost in Space Q: Write a positive tweet. A:
@kimbigevil you can tell me again on monday when my actual birthday is.
Input: The explosion, while killing one of the Cossacks and seriously wounding the driver and people on the sidewalk, had only damaged the bulletproof carriage, a gift from Napoleon III of France. The emperor emerged shaken but unhurt. Rysakov was captured almost immediately. Police Chief Dvorzhitsky heard Rysakov shout out to someone else in the gathering crowd. The surrounding guards and the Cossacks urged the emperor to leave the area at once rather than being shown the site of the explosion. Nevertheless, a second young member of the Narodnaya Volya, Ignacy Hryniewiecki, standing by the canal fence, raised both arms and threw something at the emperor's feet. He was alleged to have shouted, "It is too early to thank God". Dvorzhitsky was later to write: "Who did Rysakov shout to?" is "Someone else in the gathering crowd"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output: yes Input: But I think it is certain that most of the early Christians understood these words of our Lord's ascension and coming again in glory. They believed that He was coming again in a very little while during their own life-time, in a few months or years, to make an end of the world and to judge the quick and the dead. And as they waited for His coming, one generation after another, and yet He did not come, a sadness fell upon them. Christ seemed to have left the world. The little while that He had promised to be away seemed to have become a very long while. Hundreds of years passed, and yet Christ did not come in glory. And, as I said, a sadness fell on all the Church. Surely, they said, this is the time of which Christ said we were to weep and lament till we saw Him again--this is the time of which He said that the bridegroom should be taken from us, and we should fast in those days. And they did fast, and weep, and lament; and their religion became a very sad and melancholy one--most sad in those who were most holy, and loved their Lord best, and longed most for His coming in glory. "What was the reaction Christians had?" is "Weeping and Lamenting"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output: yes Input: The series starts in Baghdad at an undetermined time . The Sultan Shahryar has gone mad after accidentally killing his wife during a failed coup d' tat , Which she had planned with Shahryar's brother Schahzenan . In his madness , Shahryar believes that all women now want to kill him , but the law states that the Sultan must be married again or the throne will be passed to his brother . Shahryar therefore orders Grand Vizier Ja'Far ( ( ( Jim Carter to bring him a harem girl to marry and then have executed the next day . In order to prevent this , the Grand Vizier's clever daughter , Scheherazade , decides to marry the Sultan herself . Scheherazade has a plan to prevent her execution and at the same time cure the Sultan of his madness . With the help of some tutoring from a bazaar storyteller , Scheherazade tells the Sultan a story every night , stopping at dawn with a cliffhanger and refusing to continue until dusk . Shahryar must therefore let Scheherazade live for another day in order to hear the rest of the story . Cunningly , Scheherazade has hidden a moral within every story , to bring the Sultan out of his madness . Meanwhile , Schahzenan hears about the Sultan's madness and that he is unable to execute Scheherazade . Perceiving this as weakness , Schahzenan leads his army to Baghdad in an attempt to take the throne by force . However , by the time Schahzenan's army reaches the city , Scheherazade's plan has worked . As a result of her stories , Shahryar has overcome his madness and has fallen in love with Scheherazade . "Why does the sultan want the harem girl executed?" is "Because she was reluctant to marry him"? OPTIONS: - no - yes Output:
Q: What's an example of a movie review? An example of a movie review is here: This program is really overrated. A detective like Danny Pino's hot-headed character would have been transferred to the "rubber gun squad" years ago. The whole squad is made up of sanctimonious egomaniacs who judge people whose actions go back decades by the standards of 2007. Every Vietnam veteran character they've ever had has turned out to be the killer, unless it was another Vietnam veteran. There has only been one black murderer, and he was put up to it by his white boss. The only Hispanic killer was a "race traitor" who killed another Hispanic to frame a Hispanic street kid for a crime that (naturally) two rich white kids committed. What a bunch of propaganda. Hey,screenwriters: minorities and poor people commit murder too. Only on this show are most murderers upper-class whites. What's more, the arrests of people in their 70s, 80s, and 90s for crimes they committed 50-60 years ago are a joke. No real-life DA will push for murder one because it means the state will be stuck with their humongous medical bills until they finally kick. The state would be doing their families and insurance companies a favor. The prosecutor will just plead them to involuntary manslaughter and they won't serve a day. The only really old criminals who go to prison are either organized crime figures or ex-Nazis, whose high-profile convictions boost DA's careers. Q: What's an example of a movie review? An example of a movie review is here: This is a excellent start to the film career of Mickey Rooney. His talents here shows that a long career is ahead for him. The car and truck chase is exciting for the 1937 era. This start of the Andy Hardy series is an American treasure in my book. Spring Byington performance is excellent as usual. Please Mr Rooney or owners of the film rights, take a chance and get this produced on DVD. I think it would be a winner. Q: What's an example of a movie review? An example of a movie review is here: I rented this movie for a few laughs. I had never seen the SNL skit, but with hits like Tommy Boy, and Waynes World, it couldn't have been that bad, could it? The answer: it was. This movie hardly was a means of relaxing after a hard day at work. I just kept waiting for a plotline and a funny part, but there wasn't any. The highlight was tiffany amber thieson, and thats just about it. Q: What's an example of a movie review? An example of a movie review is here:
Why did I go to see this film? Honestly, because Jim Carrey was in it and in the past he has made hilarious movies that have made me cry with laughter, so do you really blame me for expecting that again? Additionally, the premise, the funny trailer, his co-star Jennifer Aniston's involvement, and the fact it was a massive hit stateside encouraged me. However, as my "one line Summary" suggests, I was Disappointed. For various reasons; Reason 1: It wasn't funny. In a 2hour movie, I laughed for about 5-10minutes...all together, the rest of the time I sat thinking "I really should have got some ice-cream". I admit that maybe it is wrong to judge Jim Carrey on his previous films, but what does he really expect when he makes Gem's such as 'The Truman Show' , 'Liar Liar' , 'Me, Myself and Irene' , 'Dumb and Dumber' , 'The Mask', and the 'Ace Ventura' films then produces, in Bruce Nolan's own words, such a mediocre film? Reason 2: Jennifer Aniston's role was criminally underwritten. I mean hello! She's been around in the public eye for about ten years now, and in this film she gets about four lines to say. Wrong. Reason 3: One word - Cliché Reason 4: A casual deployment of specifically American References - Jimmy Hoffa, Walter Cronkite 'sweeps week' - is a clue to the film's specifically home-grown appeal. "A teenager says no to drugs and yes to an Education - that's a miracle! Want to see a miracle soon? Be the miracle!" God tells Bruce, a heavy handed sentiment that seems to have gone down a treat in the US, but might face tougher resistance in markets that retain an inkling for subtlety. Additionally, I still go to school, and that statement suggests me and all of my friend's are miracles...or maybe it just means we have brains? In this film there are enough funny Carrey moments to make you chuckle and prevent Bruce Almighty from being a total calamity, but you are advised to start revising your expectations downwards.
Add spaces: SomethingIdidn’tquitegetforalongtimeisPinterest.Ididn’treallygetwhatpeoplewantedtousethatkindofsitefor,whenyoucouldjustaswellgotoTumblrorevenjustgooglesomethingwhenyouneededaninspirationalphoto..
Something I didn’t quite get for a long time is Pinterest. I didn’t really get what people wanted to use that kind of site for, when you could just as well go to Tumblr or even just google something when you needed an inspirational photo..
Sentence: The Alvis Speed 25, with a straight 6 engine, was made by the Alvis Car and Engineering Company founded in Coventry. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Alvis Speed 25, manufacturer, Alvis Car and Engineering Company; Alvis Car and Engineering Company, foundationPlace, Coventry; Alvis Speed 25, engine, Straight-six engine input question: Sentence: The state of Karnataka has Telangana to the northeast and the Arabian Sea to the west. It is the location of the Acharya Institute of Technology which was granted Technical Campus status by the All India Council for Technical Education in Mumbai. Structured data: Acharya Institute of Technology, wasGivenTheTechnicalCampusStatusBy, All India Council for Technical Education; All India Council for Technical Education, location, Mumbai; Karnataka, hasToItsNortheast, Telangana; Karnataka, hasToItsWest, Arabian Sea; Acharya Institute of Technology, state, Karnataka Sentence: Former clubs of Akeem Adams include T&TEC Sports Club and Ferencvarosi TC. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: Akeem Adams, club, Ferencvárosi TC; Akeem Adams, club, T&TEC Sports Club Sentence: John van den Brom played for the Netherlands national football team. He now plays for RSC Anderlecht and is manager of AZ Alkmaar. What data can be extracted from this sentence? A: AZ Alkmaar, manager, John van den Brom; John van den Brom, club, R.S.C. Anderlecht; John van den Brom, club, Netherlands national football team Sentence: With a total area of 131.6 square kilometres, Anaheim, California, has the UTC offset of -8 and the area code, 657. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A: Anaheim, California, utcOffset, "-8"; Anaheim, California, areaCode, 657; Anaheim, California, areaTotal, 131.6 (square kilometres) Sentence: A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis is located in the country of Greece. Greece's leader is Nikos Voutsis and its capital is Athens. Greek is spoken in Greece. Question: What structured data could we extract from this sentence? A:
A.E Dimitra Efxeinoupolis, location, Greece; Greece, capital, Athens; Greece, leader, Nikos Voutsis; Greece, language, Greek language
question: Generate a tweet. negative answer: Umm I feel like I'm in a ghost town. RIP Potbellys . It's been fun. question: Generate a tweet. positive answer: @RhettVanScoter I'll be doing THAT in the AM! Crazy hail/wind storm here @4PM...nice to meet you, Rhett! Me ERIE INSURANCE, too! question: Generate a tweet. positive answer:
@Shaz4life hiyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa I know how cool is that?! x
From the Act of Union on 1 January 1801, until 6 December 1922, the island of Ireland was part of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. During the Great Famine, from 1845 to 1849, the island's population of over 8 million fell by 30%. One million Irish died of starvation and/or disease and another 1.5 million emigrated, mostly to the United States. This set the pattern of emigration for the century to come, resulting in a constant population decline up to the 1960s. How many people died or left Ireland during the Great Famine? A: 1.5 million emigrated Q: Coming off their win over the Cardinals, the Broncos flew to East Rutherford, New Jersey, for an AFC match against the New York Jets at MetLife Stadium. A 37-yard field goal by placekicker Brandon McManus gave the Broncos the lead on the game's opening possession. The Jets grabbed the lead on their second possession, with a 2-yard touchdown pass from quarterback Geno Smith to tight end Jace Amaro. The Broncos were forced to punt on their next four offensive possessions, but re-claimed the lead in the second quarter, with quarterback Peyton Manning throwing a pair of touchdown passes — a 1-yarder to wide receiver Demaryius Thomas, followed by a 22-yarder to tight end Julius Thomas just before halftime. The Broncos added to their lead on their first possession of the third quarter, with Manning connecting on another touchdown pass to Julius Thomas — from 4 yards out. However, the Jets later cut into the Broncos' lead, with a 30-yard field goal by placekicker Nick Folk, followed in the fourth quarter by a 2-yard touchdown pass from Smith to wide receiver Eric Decker, to narrow the Broncos' lead to 24-17 with eight minutes remaining in the game. Both teams went three-and-out on their next offensive possessions. The Broncos' offense got the football with 5:05 remaining in the game, and forced the Jets to burn all of their team timeouts just after the two-minute warning, but failed to convert on a critical third-down pass with 1:07 remaining in the game, forcing a punt. The Jets had one last possession deep in their own territory, however, on the third play, Smith was intercepted by Broncos' cornerback Aqib Talib, who ran 22 yards into the end zone for the game-clinching touchdown. How many is the difference in the number of yards of the field goal McManus made and the number of yards in the TD pass Amaro caught? A: 35 P: At the same time, 181,035 declared themselves Ukrainians, 111,726 Russians, 126,010 Gagauz people and 51,867 Bulgarians. The proportion of Ukrainians and Russians in the area controlled by Chisinau has fallen from 8,4% to 6,5% and 5,9% to 4,0% respectively between 2004 and 2014. Meanwhile, the percentage of Gagauz has risen slightly from 4,4% in 2004 to 4,5% in 2014. Answer this: How many years spanned from when Gagauz' population has risen since 2004? A: 10 Problem: As of the 2015 5-year ACS, the median income for a household in the county was $51,968, and the median income for a family was $61,809. Of full-time workers, males had a median income of $46,372 versus $39,690 for females. The per capita income for the county was $28,381. About 11.2% of families and 14.5% of the population were below the poverty line, including 19.9% of those under the age 18 and 12.6% of those aged 65 or over. Were there more people living in poverty uner the age of 18 or ages 65 and over? Answer: under the age 18 Q: In the team's first international game since the 1997 American Bowl, the Bears traveled to London to take on the Buccaneers. The Bears struck first when Matt Forte scored on a 32-yard touchdown. However, Tampa Bay would then strike back when Ronde Barber tackled Forte in his own end zone for a safety. Jay Cutler would then hit Roy Williams for a 25-yard touchdown, and Tampa Bay would then score on a Connor Barth field goal. In the third quarter, Marion Barber would score on a 12-yard run. In the fourth quarter, Tampa Bay would attempt to fight back and scored 2 touchdowns, but a Robbie Gould field goal and a D. J. Moore interception would then put the game away. Who scored first in the game, Matte Forte or Ronde Barber? A: Matt Forte At the 2012 census, 59.5% of jobs in the Paris Region were in market services (12.0% in wholesale and retail trade, 9.7% in professional, scientific, and technical services, 6.5% in information and communication, 6.5% in transportation and warehousing, 5.9% in finance and insurance, 5.8% in administrative and support services, 4.6% in accommodation and food services, and 8.5% in various other market services), 26.9% in non-market services (10.4% in human health and social work activities, 9.6% in public administration and defence, and 6.9% in education), 8.2% in manufacturing and utilities (6.6% in manufacturing and 1.5% in utilities), 5.2% in construction, and 0.2% in agriculture. Which industry were there more people working in the Paris Region in 2012, finance and insurance or transportation and warehousing? A:
transportation and warehousing
Write the following list of characters into a correctly formed sentence: Heretheword"my"isanexpressionfortheI,whichissomethingotherthanthebodyanditsorgans.
Here the word "my" is an expression for the I, which is something other than the body and its organs.
Which is this about? Mobile phone maker Nokia raised its third-quarter sales and earnings forecasts on Thursday on the back of strong market demand, reversing a recent spate of grim outlooks and sending its share price higher.
Background: Ryan Matthew Dunn (June 11, 1977 - June 20, 2011) was an American stunt performer, television personality, comedian, actor, writer, musician, and one of the stars of the MTV reality stunt show Jackass. Dunn rose to fame in the late 1990s as a member of the CKY Crew with his long-time friend, Bam Margera, for their extreme stunts and pranks recorded on camera, which led to the rise of Jackass. Dunn also hosted Homewrecker and Proving Ground, and appeared in the feature films Blonde Ambition and Street Dreams, as well as in Margera's films Haggard and Minghags. Dunn died in a car crash in 2011, on the 10th anniversary of Jackass. Context: Dunn took part in the characteristic stunts that made Jackass famous, and featured in all three released films, Jackass: The Movie, Jackass Number Two and Jackass 3D. In 2006, Dunn and Bam Margera participated in the Gumball 3000 road rally in Margera's Lamborghini Gallardo. He later went on a tour with Don Vito called "The Dunn and Vito Rock Tour" for which the DVD was released on March 20, 2007. Dunn and Margera again participated in the rally in 2008. Bam Margera stated during a December 2, 2008, radio interview with Big O and Dukes of 106.7 WJFK-FM, that he and Dunn would be going to Italy to film Where the F*%# Are My Ancestors. That same month, Dunn appeared on the episode "Smut" of Law & Order: Special Victims Unit in December 2008. He is also featured in a movie called Street Dreams which was released in spring 2009. He co-starred along with Rob Dyrdek and Paul Rodriguez Jr. Dunn was also featured on a show with fellow Jackass star Bam Margera about them traveling through Europe in a Viva la Bam-like show called Bam's World Domination for Spike. He appeared in Jackass 3D, which was released on October 15, 2010. Dunn co-hosted G4's Proving Ground along with Jessica Chobot, which made its premiere on June 14, 2011, six days before his death. However, according to a G4 spokesperson, the channel decided to postpone the airing of further episodes. The spokesperson added, "The show is off the schedule as of today until we discuss next steps." On June 27, G4 announced they would air the remaining episodes starting on July 19, 2011. At the time of his death, Dunn was working on the film Welcome to the Bates Motel. The film was later renamed The Bates Haunting and was released in 2013. Question: Did he make any television series? Answer: Dunn co-hosted G4's Proving Ground along with Jessica Chobot, Background: Steven Van Zandt (born November 22, 1950) is an American musician and actor, who frequently goes by the stage names Little Steven or Miami Steve. He is a member of Bruce Springsteen's E Street Band, in which he plays guitar and mandolin. He is also known for his roles on television dramas such as Silvio Dante on The Sopranos (1999-2007) and Frank Tagliano / Giovanni "Johnny" Henriksen on Lilyhammer (2012-2014). Van Zandt also has had his own solo band called Little Steven and The Disciples of Soul, active on and off since the 1980s. Context: Van Zandt became a songwriter and producer for fellow Jersey shore act Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes in 1974, penning their signature song "I Don't Want to Go Home", co-writing other songs for them with Springsteen, and producing their most-acclaimed record, Hearts of Stone. As such, Van Zandt became a key contributor to the Jersey Shore sound. He also produced two Gary U.S. Bonds' albums. Van Zandt then went on to share production credits on the classic Springsteen albums The River and Born in the U.S.A. The first Springsteen song he co-produced was "Hungry Heart." In 1989, Jackson Browne covered the 1983 Van Zandt composition "I Am A Patriot" on his World in Motion album. Van Zandt has produced a number of other records, including an uncredited effort on the Iron City Houserockers' Have A Good Time (But Get Out Alive). Less successful was his work on Lone Justice's second album Shelter, which was a career-ending flop for the Los Angeles cowpunk band. In 1989, Van Zandt wrote "While You Were Looking at Me" for Michael Monroe's album Not Fakin' It and co-wrote videohits "Dead, Jail or Rock'n Roll" and "Smoke Screen". He was an arranger and backing vocalist for a few songs on the album. In 1992, he produced Austin TX-based Arc Angels' debut album. In 1991 Van Zandt produced a successful album, Spirit of Love, for Nigerian superstar and raggae icon, Majek Fashek. In 1993, Van Zandt wrote and produced "All Alone on Christmas" for the soundtrack of the Chris Columbus film Home Alone 2: Lost in New York, which yielded singer Darlene Love her first hit since "A Fine, Fine Boy" from 1963, thirty-one years earlier. In 1994, Van Zandt produced the eponymous debut album of the punk rock band Demolition 23 which featured ex-Hanoi Rocks members Michael Monroe and Sami Yaffa. Van Zandt also co-wrote six songs for the album with Monroe and Jude Wilder. In 1995, Van Zandt aided Meat Loaf with the song "Amnesty Is Granted" off of his Welcome to the Neighborhood album. In 2004, he contributed the song "Baby Please Don't Go" to Nancy Sinatra's self-titled album. Question: What else did he produce? Answer:
In 1989, Van Zandt wrote "While You Were Looking at Me" for Michael Monroe's album Not Fakin' It and co-wrote videohits "Dead, Jail or Rock'n Roll" and "Smoke Screen".
Please capitalize where necessary: turnaround time (tat) is considered to be from date of receipt at the servicing fluke lab until the date of return shipment. A: Turnaround time (TAT) is considered to be from date of receipt at the servicing Fluke lab until the date of return shipment. Q: he reads from the letter to the hebrews and explains how we who are alive today also can attain the promises god has given for our lives. “the strength of faith is the same as the longing you have in your heart,” says smith, and urges the congregation to think about what they really want in their innermost heart. “if you have an earthly hope, the heavenly hope is quenched,” he says. A: He reads from the letter to the Hebrews and explains how we who are alive today also can attain the promises God has given for our lives. “The strength of faith is the same as the longing you have in your heart,” says Smith, and urges the congregation to think about what they really want in their innermost heart. “If you have an earthly hope, the heavenly hope is quenched,” he says. Q: the danish-jewish genealogical database refers or "links" to several other databases using small icons: A: The Danish-Jewish Genealogical Database refers or "links" to several other databases using small icons: Problem: a truly three dimensional original chrome blue object spins and gyrates across the screen. Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer: A truly three dimensional original chrome blue object spins and gyrates across the screen. Text: that app for android is also used to connect to various other withings products like weight scales, baby monitors, activity trackers and more. Correct capitalization: That app for Android is also used to connect to various other Withings products like weight scales, baby monitors, activity trackers and more. Problem: registration 15 october 2012 13:12 Can you repeat this sentence, but capitalize it? Answer:
Registration 15 October 2012 13:12
Choose the correct sentiment from candidates: pick from the following. A). negative; B). positive; TEXT:Following the brilliant "Goyôkiba" (aka. "Hanzo The Razor - Sword Of Justice", 1972) and its excellent (and even sleazier) sequel "Goyôkiba: Kamisori Hanzô jigoku zeme" (aka. "Razor 2: The Snare", 1973), this "Goyôkiba: Oni no Hanzô yawahada koban" aka. "Razor 3: Who's Got The Gold" is the third, and sadly final installment to the awesome saga about the incorruptible Samurai-constable Hanzo 'The Razor' Ittami (brilliantly played by the great Shintarô Katsu), who fights corruption with his fighting expertise as well as his enormous sexual powers. As a big fan of 70s exploitation cinema made in Nippon, "Sword Of Justice" became an instant favorite of mine, and I was therefore more than eager to find the sequels, and full of anticipation when I finally stumbled over them recently. While this third "Hanzo" film is just not quite as brilliant as its predecessors it is definitely another great piece of cult-cinema that no lover of Japanese exploitation cinema can afford to miss. "Who's Got The Gold" is a bit tamer than the two foregoing Hanzo films, but it is just as brilliantly comical and crudely humorous, and immediately starts out fabulously odd: The film begins, when Hanzo's two assistants see a female ghost when fishing. Having always wanted to sleep with a ghost, Hanzo insists that his assistants lead him to the site of the occurrence... If that is not a promising beginning for an awesome film experience, I don't know what is. Shintaro Katsu, one of my personal favorite actors, is once again brilliant in the role of Hanzo, a role that seems to have been written specifically for him. Katsu IS Hanzo, the obstinate and fearless constable, who hates corruption and deliberately insults his superiors, and whose unique interrogation techniques include raping female suspects. The interrogated women than immediately fall for him, due to his sexual powers and enormous penis, which he trains in a rather grotesque routine ritual. I will not give away more about the plot in "Who's Got The Gold", but I can assure that it is as cool as it sounds. The supporting performances are also very good, and, as in the predecessors, there are plenty of hilariously eccentric characters. This is sadly the last film in the awesomely sleazy 'Hanzo' series. If they had made 20 sequels more, I would have happily watched them all! The entire Hanzo series is brilliant, and while this third part is a bit inferior compared to its predecessors, it is definitely a must-see for all lovers of cult-cinema! Oh how I wish they had made more sequels!
sounds too simple, but if you haven’t realized this, and put it into action, it can have an amazing effect on your life. today. right now. Capitalize this past sentence correctly.
Sounds too simple, but if you haven’t realized this, and put it into action, it can have an amazing effect on your life. Today. Right now.
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