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Development of software application for analysis and processing of dvbs2 receiver output stream i.e., raw BB Frames, GSE and TS in near real time.
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Development of software application for analysis and processing of dvbs2 receiver output stream i.e., raw BB Frames, GSE and TS in near real time.. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: 1. Classification identification of audio, video, data protocol such as MPE, ULE, SIP, RTP, FTP, SFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, SNMP, POP, SMTP, SSH etc. 2. Classification Identification of encryptionscrambling if present in stream through headers and SI tables 3. Extraction of VoIP calls, audio and video programs, file, email, webpage etc in separate files. 4. Decoding and playing selected audiovideo contents Preferred Language Python, Labview, CC, VHDLVerilog Expected Outcome AlgorithmSoftwareGUI Preferred Platform WindowsLinux
Domain Name Server DNS Filtering Service using Threat Intelligence feeds and AIML Techniques
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Domain Name Server DNS Filtering Service using Threat Intelligence feeds and AIML Techniques. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: DNS Filtering service helps block malicious domains and prevent malware from communicating with Commandandcontrol servers. It also aids in blocking phishing attacks, playing a crucial role in enhancing security and ensuring appropriate content access. The solution should provide a secure DNS resolver that blocks resolution of malicious domain names. It should be capable of detecting and filtering malicious domains using blacklists, threat intelligence feeds with support for STIXTAXII protocol, and leveraging ALML for identifying malicious domains generated using domain generation algorithms or any other techniques employed by botnets. The solution should also be able to detect attempts at DNS tunnelling employed by malwares. It should allow the resolution of nonmalicious domain names while blocking the resolution of malicious domains. Furthermore, the solution should support DNS over UDP, DNS over DTLS and DNS over HTTPS for DNS resolution. It should be scalable to handle a large volume of DNS queries and maintain an average DNS lookup time within 100 milliseconds. Additionally, the solution should support DNS caching for faster resolution. The solution should be capable of conducting both active analysis of DNS queries to filter malicious domains and passive analysis of DNS data provided in PCAP format or Zeek TSV format for the detection of malicious domains. It should also provide a web interface for monitoring statistics on malicious domains identified in DNS queries, as well as source IP addresses that generated those queries.
Quantum Secure Email Client Application
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Quantum Secure Email Client Application. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: Email communication is a fundamental part of modern business and personal interactions. However, conventional encryption mechanisms are susceptible to various threats, including eavesdropping, maninthemiddle attacks, and data breaches in the post quantum era. Quantum Key Distribution QKD offers an unprecedented level of security by distributing secure keys to two users over a quantum channel and these keys can be used for encryption to achieve unconditionalenhanced security. The objective is to develop an email client application like Microsoft Outlook can be named as QuMail which integrates Quantum Key Distribution QKD service with existing email protocols to enhance the security of email communication while maintaining compatibility with widely used email servers Gmail, yahoo mail etc. This application interfaces with KM Key Manager for getting the quantum keys using APIs illustrated below, with Email servers through standard protocols to utilize email service facility and with users through GUI for capturing various user inputs. Use case Scenario Users having quantum keys access through the KM need to exchange email with attachment over untrusted networks i.e. internet and existing email service providers Gmail, Yahoo mail etc. It is assumed that local key managers at both ends have already generated symmetrical quantum keys at their ends. The participants may start with a key bank of 100 keys, each of size 1Kb at KMs. Features Implemented solutions shall have good modularity to allow easy upgradation KM service and email service login feature Three level of security configuration a. Level 1 No Quantum security b. Level 2 Quantumaided AES use Quantum keys as seed for AES c. Level 3 Quantum Secure use One Time Pad d. Any other encryption may be given as option Challenges Develop a robust mechanism to seamlessly integrate QKD technology into existing email infrastructure. This includes using a secure key which is distributed using QKD, in existing email communication for encryption while maintaining interoperability. An approach to this problem can be Encryption at application layer can be introduced in email client which will use QKD key. Preferred OS Windows Note The participants can make further assumptions regarding the problem. The features listed here are baseline and do not limit the scope of application development.
Development of UT user terminal to UT Voice, Image, Video and Data Communication APP Android or iOS using Bluetooth 2.0 or above wireless interface and custom protocol
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Development of UT user terminal to UT Voice, Image, Video and Data Communication APP Android or iOS using Bluetooth 2.0 or above wireless interface and custom protocol. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: Twoway voice, video and data Communication between two UTs through BLE Bluetooth needs to be addressed using Custom Protocol with minimum signalling overheads. The APP should establish a BLE connection among peer UT as part of initialization and thereafter carry out fullduplex communication using a custom protocol format viz Header Payload. The size of header should not be more than 18th of Payload size and the delaylatency in voice or data communication should be less than 200ms. The header should contain a Unique word with advanced features so as to facilitate synchronization with minimal false detection probability. It is expected that the application uses a standard ITU vocoder and maintains a constant transfer rate between UTs. This is an essential feature for the end application. UI The UI should have options for voice, Image, Video or data transfer. It is also expected to have a builtin dialer, contact list wherein each UT is assigned a unique IDContact ID through which communication could be established. Note The custom protocol and sample data will be made available after proposal evaluation.
Development of Explainable AI XAI based model for prediction of heavy high impact rain events using satellite data
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Development of Explainable AI XAI based model for prediction of heavy high impact rain events using satellite data. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: Nowcasting of heavy precipitation rainfall events with an understanding of the most important predictors and also an idea as to why a certain model can fail. Desired Outcome The developed system shall provide the following 1. AI based model to predict particular rain episodes of greater impact using satellite data INSAT3D3DR . 2. An explainable module into the AI model XAI 3. The final output should be in terms of a web application, with associated accuracy of the models worked on and an explainable component of the outputs.
Development of NTRIP Network Transport of RTCM via internet protocol Caster, NTRIP Client and Server on web or mobile platform.
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Development of NTRIP Network Transport of RTCM via internet protocol Caster, NTRIP Client and Server on web or mobile platform.. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: Server development for RTK correction reception from NTRIP Server and Transmission to NTRIP client. Desired Outcome The developed system shall provide the following 1. Web or mobile application for transmitting corrections to NTRIP caster and receiving the correction from NTRIP caster 2. User interface for real time display with map support. 3. Time tagged Data logging.
Generation of Hazard map at 1m grid spacing 1m height resolution using 5m spatial resolution data for safely navigating a Lander to a safe landing site using Super resolution techniques.
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Generation of Hazard map at 1m grid spacing 1m height resolution using 5m spatial resolution data for safely navigating a Lander to a safe landing site using Super resolution techniques.. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: We have TMC images of nearly 80 area of the moon at 5m resolution while OHRC data at 25cm resolution have very limited coverage. Due to limited coverage of OHRC, there are constraints to land at any place on the moons surface. Hence, a problem has been defined to create hazard map using super resolution techniques from TMC 5m images considering the hazard definitions like Slope 10 degree, Crater Boulder depthheight 1m, Crater distribution, shadow etc. for safely navigating a Lander. This challenge includes the showcasing of lander navigation techniques for safe landing considering reference as TMC 5m datasets in near real time.
Change detection due to human activities.
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Change detection due to human activities.. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: Using satellite imagery, create an automated system for detecting change related only to human activities from satellite imagery. i.e. Develop AIML based model for change detection of only manmade objects like vehicles, buildings, roads, aircraft etc. from remote sensing images Data Sentinel2, LISS4
Identification of place names from a natural language sentence.
Space Technology
Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO
Title: Identification of place names from a natural language sentence.. Category: Space Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Indian Space Research Organisation ISRO. Description: Building a geospatial querying system based on natural language requires identifying geospatial entities by their names. The scope of this work involves automatically identifying names of places from a sentence. A universe of canonical names single way of spelling and correct spelling will be provided in the form of tables. For example, a Country, City and State table containing the possible universe of names. It should take into account spelling errors in the names and multiple ways of spelling and mentioning the same entity in the query and map it to a canonical name. For example Given an input Which of the following saw the highest average temperature in January, Maharashtra, Ahmedabad or entire NewZealand Here, first the system should use NLP to filter out words that are not names of places, then it must do a fuzzy match to find candidate canonical names in tables and report the output. Output Token Maharashtra, Canonical name Maharashtra, table State Token Ahmedabad, Canonical name ahmedabad, table City Token NewZealand, Canonical name new zealand, table Country Please note that the query need not be a question. It can also be an imperative sentence for example. Show me a graph of rainfall for Chennai for the month of October
Suggest an Albased solution to enable ease of grievance lodging and tracking for citizens across multiple departments
Smart Automation
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Title: Suggest an Albased solution to enable ease of grievance lodging and tracking for citizens across multiple departments. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Description: A robust grievance redressal mechanism is a crucial component of any administration. An efficient and effective procedure for addresstng grievances demonstrates an administrations accountability responsiveness, and userfriendliness. However, the ease of lodging a complaint or grievance by citizens is often lacking in many lndian cities. Given the large migratory population in tndian cities, consisting of individuals who may not be familiar with English, Hindi, or the local regional language, citizens face challenges in lodging their grievances. Moreover, the process of lodging a gflevance is not always straightforward. Some department websites are inaccessible, and locating the correct website for a specific department can be difficult. lntroducing an Albased chatbot that allows citizens to dictate their grievances in their local language and lodge them, would greatly assist citizens. This tool should be able to understand and process complaints effectively, assign them to the relevant department, and provide citizens with a unique complaint number. Realtime updates on the status of the complaint should be sent to citizens, enabling oneonone conversations throughout the grievance lifecycle. The primary objective of this solution should be to provide citizens with an easyto_use chatbot that facilitates efficient lodging and tracking of grievances. This would not only save citizens time in searching for the appropriate department or category but also enabl the administration to receive targeted grievances and enhance overall service delivery.
Smart and Effective realtime Management of street parking
Smart Automation
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Title: Smart and Effective realtime Management of street parking. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Description: ln lndia, the number of vehicles is constanfly on the rise, while the availability of parking space in cities has not kept pace with the increasing vehicle numbers, primarily due to the rapid groMh in population. Consequenfly, issues such as traffic congestion, narrowed streets due to onstreet parking, a mismatch between parking supply and demand, and illegal parking have become all too familiar in lndian cities. Parking space has become a scarce commodity, and instead of simply increasing the number of available parking spaces, it is crucial to employ effective technologybased solutions to optimize their utilization. Smart parking solutions, utilizing sensors and software, can provade realtime information on available parking spaces to both city officials and drivers. Furthermore, leveraging emerging technologies can help optimize parking prices. A low parking price may encourage more vehicles on the road, leading to increased air and noise pollution, whereas too high prices may generate less revenue and less efectuve resource usage.Apart from the loss of revenue for operators, there is economic downside to the business in vicinity, effect on government taxes, employment.At the same parking space area and costs also have a corelation to balance optimum usage and revenue. Therefore, setting the right price for parking based on demand and optimizing occupancy is the best approach. The primary objective of the solution should be to equip city administrators with an effective parking management tool that can predict, manage, and finance parking in cities. An app should be developed to allow citizens to conveniently reserve pce king spots and make payments based on dynamic pricing This not only saves citizens time spent searching the parking but also reduces environmental degradation resulting from congestion caused by parking and provides a sustainable source of revenue for the city administration. We need an innovative, simple and widely coveraged parking needs in the city and also become most compliant for Traffic and mobility needs.
Comprehensive lnspection and Analysis of Water Supply Distribution Lines
Clean Green Technology
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Title: Comprehensive lnspection and Analysis of Water Supply Distribution Lines. Category: Clean Green Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Description: Water resources across the globe are slowly on the depletion and its forecasted that the ZERO water day will not be far away if water resources ate not protected well. one the the crucial area that stilp lies in the human hands is to save the watet leakages and pay a strong water distrulibution network that improves effeicient use of water.The challenge is to conduct thorough inspections of water supply distribution lines, ranging from 100 to 200mm in diameter, in order to detect leakages, pilferage, damage, and other issues. The solution requires access to a cloud_based dashboard for data analytics, visualization, and report generation. The solution enhance service delivery, improve repair work efficiency, reduce water leakage, and streamline pipeline condition assessment. The solution should enable immediate action on contamination complaints, early detection of leaks, reduction in labor_intensive breakdown management, and facilitate GIS mapping of the pipelines. Overcoming deployment constraints involving live inspections, image analytics, and laser projections will ensure accurate and efficient assessment of the water supply distribution lines.
Effective management of construction and demolition CD waste
Clean Green Technology
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Title: Effective management of construction and demolition CD waste. Category: Clean Green Technology. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Description: The problem at hand revolves around the management of construction and demolition CD waste in urban areas. With rapid urbanization and infrastructure development, the volume of CD waste generated has reached alarming levels. The current practices for CD waste disposal often lead to environmental degradation, resource depletion, and public health hazards. Therefore, there is a pressing need for a comprehensive and sustainable approach to CD waste management that focuses on reducing waste generation, promoting recycling and reuse, and ensuring proper disposal methods. This will contribute to sustainable urban development by minimizing environmental impact, conserving resources, and creating a healthier living environment for communities. The problem solution should be addressed at the Hardware level and also forefronted using an intelligent monitoring system
Centralized Monitoring System for Street Light Fault Detection and Location Tracking
Smart Automation
Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs
Title: Centralized Monitoring System for Street Light Fault Detection and Location Tracking. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Description: Electricity is the critical need for progress of the livelihood.ln many Indian cities, the maintenance of street lights has become a challenging and inefficient process due to the lack of a centralized monitoring system. ldentifying faults, such as non functioning lights, current leakage and cable breakage, relies on citizen grievances, leading to delays, increased costs, and safety concerns. Linemen spend valuable time manually searching for faults, diagnosing issues, and fixing them, which can take several days to complete. The absence of precise fault location information further complicates the process. To overcome these obstacles, we seek an innovative solution that provides realtime fault detection, accurate identification of fault types, and precise location tracking of faulty street lights. This solution aims to empower linemen with efficient fault management capabilities, reducing their workload and ensuring timely maintenance. Moreover, it should enable the local authorities to proactively address faults, enhance service quality, and optimize street light maintenance processes in their respective cities..The prime aim of this problem statement is to develop a Automated Defect Detection and Prevention Assistance with Effective Governance for Cities in India
Real time Knowledge of ore body being mined out
Ministry of Mines
Title: Real time Knowledge of ore body being mined out. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Mines. Description: The orebody model, containing blockwise or locationwise ore quality details, is prepared in the mine planning software and this information can be documented for further use through maps or spreadsheets. But from the operatorâs perspective, the ore quality information for ensuring quality control during excavation is done purely through eye judgment and previous experiences. Solution Desired Through use of high precision GPS sensors, location including the elevation data of the shovelsloaders can be traced and by interlacing this information in the ore block model data, we can convey the information to the operator suitably so that quality control can be executed at the site itself.
Land profiling of Asset Creation process
Ministry of Rural Development
Title: Land profiling of Asset Creation process. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Rural Development. Description: There are various types of permissible works being taken up under the Mahatma Gandhi NREGS which are earthwork related works which requires excavationland cuttin land filling land levelling etc. As per the current practice of execution of the works under the scheme, there is a photograph taken of the worksite before initiating the work and the estimated quantity of the work to be executed in form of technical design estimate. During the stages of execution, the technical personengineer incharge of the site, maintains the work done on site in form of measurements in the measurement book and accordingly the payment of the labour material is generated. lt becomes difficult to ascertain the exact work done on ground during the auditinspections after the work completion. A land profile of the worksite in terms of contour levels or 3D modelling before initiating the work and after work completion can provide a necessary information to derive the actual work done through analysing the land profiles in 3 dimensions 3D1. The profiles can be generated in reference to a fixed benchmark level available on the worksite. ln this regard a technology driven solution for 3D Profiling may be provided.
Creation of dedicated real time Procurement Data Portalas well as Vendor Payment Data portalto capture all related data in respect of NEEPCO,S Procurements and Payments including Procurement from MSE Sector and procurement in GeM Portal
Ministry of Power
Title: Creation of dedicated real time Procurement Data Portalas well as Vendor Payment Data portalto capture all related data in respect of NEEPCO,S Procurements and Payments including Procurement from MSE Sector and procurement in GeM Portal. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Power. Description: This challenge involves developing a comprehensive online portal for North Eastern Electric Power Corporation NEEPCO to capture and manage all data related to their procurement processes and vendor payments. The portal must have the capability to record procurement activities, particularly those involving Micro and Small Enterprises MSE and purchases made through the Government eMarketplace GeM portal. The solution should enable efficient data entry, storage, retrieval, and analysis of procurement details, payment records, and vendor information. It should also ensure data security and compliance with relevant regulations. By addressing this challenge, the aim is to enhance transparency, streamline procurement operations, promote MSE participation, and facilitate effective financial management for NEEPCO.
Frequent dislodgement of belt conveyor along hilly terrain for various reasons
Transportation Logistics
Ministry of Mines
Title: Frequent dislodgement of belt conveyor along hilly terrain for various reasons. Category: Transportation Logistics. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Mines. Description: The 14.6 km long cable belt conveyor passing over complex hilly terrain suffers belt dislodgements due to various reasons resulting in the sudden loss of production. Solution Desired Capture reasons for belt dislodgements across its 14.6 KM length from past data and using suitable ML software, prediction of belt dislodgements should be done beforehand to take corrective and preventive actions.
Leveraging the power of deep learning to overcome the challenges of marine engineering and improve vessel operations
Smart Automation
Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways
Title: Leveraging the power of deep learning to overcome the challenges of marine engineering and improve vessel operations. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Ports, Shipping and Waterways. Description: Developing an artificial neural network for the marine industry presents significant challenges, including limited computing power, unreliable communication infrastructure, low availability of data and complex vessel systems. The goal of this problem is to design and develop an effective AI solution using deep neural networks that can optimize vessel performance, reduce operational costs, and improve safety in the context of merchant vessel operations. The solution must be able to demonstrate high accuracy, robustness, and scalability, while also addressing the unique challenges faced by the marine industry. Participants are encouraged to explore novel approaches to training and deployment, including techniques for data processing, feature extraction, and model optimization.
Aerial Location of Hazardous Atmosphere in Industries
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Title: Aerial Location of Hazardous Atmosphere in Industries. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs. Description: Fire Prevention is better than Firefighting. With an increase in Industrialization and globalisation, there has been a spate of fire accidents occurring in the past few years. Every fire incident in industries causes massive losses to the assets of the nation. There are various cases of fire which caused enormous loss of property and human life, like the IOCL Jaipur fire in 2009, NTPC Power Plant Explosion, Unchahar in 2017, and various others. As per the National Crime Records Bureau, over 60 people die every day in India due to fire. In IOCL 2009 fire itself, the industry suffered a loss of thousands of crores. To prevent such incidents and minimize such economic losses, all industries need to have a Fire Pre Plan which should be a part of the Emergency Response and Disaster Management Plan ERDMP, and the extent of a fire hazard which includes Flammability Area, Toxic Area and Threat zone calculation is instrumental in designing the Fire PrePlan for any industry using Areal Location of Hazardous Atmosphere.
Capacity building, performance assessment and motivation driven tool for faculty upgradation
Smart Education
Government of Jharkhand
Title: Capacity building, performance assessment and motivation driven tool for faculty upgradation. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Government of Jharkhand. Description: If teachers were given more freedom, as would likely happen if a blended learning model were introduced as mentioned above, innovation would rocket, and an education system overhaul isnt exactly necessary to accomplish that. After all, there are and will always be plenty of options open to teachers to introduce more creativity and innovation to their lessons. Some of the options include Learning Management System LMS, which allows teachers to create their own personalized, interactive courses from content provided by a range of publishers. Students can then access these courses on any device, while the app keeps a record of how they are progressing. If students are struggling. the course can quickly be altered. If students struggle with boredom, gamebased learning can be introduced with LMS. Although granting teachers access to tablets and smartboards may help boost their comfort with education technology, many teachers simply have not thought about how they can best utilize technology in their curriculum. Indeed, the way a history teacher utilizes laptops in the classroom may be very different than the way a math teacher utilizes a smartboard. Both likely require plenty of time for trial, error, and experimentation to bring their lesson plans up to date. A major challenge in the adoption of new tools is not providing teachers with the guidance they need to make education technology work for them in their specific classroom. To overcome the challenge, it is necessary to have ERP solution for the teachers with adequate credit mechanism which can used for appraisals and performancebased incentives to the teachers. Experts
Automatic Drug Dispenser
MedTech BioTech HealthTech
Ministry of AYUSH
Title: Automatic Drug Dispenser. Category: MedTech BioTech HealthTech. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of AYUSH. Description: The neverending queue in hospitals is a nuisance that patients have to go through. Along with the problems being faced by patients due to suffering from diseases, standing and waiting in long queues adds on as a challenge for them to face. This leads to inconvenience to patients at physical as well as mental level. Although in this direction, some steps have been taken by the hospital management system which makes it convenient for patients to consult with doctors by registering and taking an appointment prior to the visit to hospital. But, patients still face inconvenience at the mediciner Developing a QR Code drug ATM muy resolve the situation at hand, there Page 6 ents. A QR code in the prescription will be used to dish out the right drug from the ATM. The drug ATM should be able to dispense wide range of Ayush Medicines available in a hospitalpharmacy.
Blended Learning to overcome inadequate infrastructure
Smart Education
Government of Jharkhand
Title: Blended Learning to overcome inadequate infrastructure. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Government of Jharkhand. Description: Once the class size passes a certain point, the teachers are bound to fail because the demands on their time cannot be met. In essence, the root of this problem is not the number of children in a classroom but rather the inability for each child to receive adequate attention. Combining modern technology and 11 tuition, students could perform far beyond other students who were being taught in more conventional ways. By combining blended learning where facetoface teaching is combined with online learning with realtime data, we can get rapid feedback in classrooms and use that feedback to further enhance the quality of education. As an example, consider a classroom of 30 students. Ten students with similar abilities may work closely with the teacher, another ten may work through lectures and online tasks using computer terminals, and the final ten may work together on a group project. In the next lesson, students are rotated so they can learn in different ways throughout the course. This kind of approach enables the teacher to focus more closely on fewer children at once. The teacher can also tailor the learning approach for each student based on how well each one works for the individual. Meanwhile, the software on the computer is advanced enough to tailor the content to each student as well. By collecting realtime feedback on each childs results, the course contents can be adapted per student and make it as if they were receiving a oneonone tuition. This approach allows each student to have their own learning path thats customized to their needs. By doing this, teachers can easily see which students are falling behind and offer more individualized teaching to those students. If more schools were to adopt a similar approach, where some responsibilities could be handled by techaided learning methods, more of the teachers time could be freedup to give more attention where its needed the most, even in larger classroom sizes. Further the objective is to come up with ways and means to make meaningful digital applications that can use this information and generate knowledge, spread massive awareness, and support education delivery effectiveness of students into educational ecosystem and generate insights based on data it collected. The objective of this problem statement solution is also to come up with innovative solution which may use digital and physical medium together to make sure specially abled students who are slow learners are identified, their progress is monitored and right alarms and notifications are generated to assist keeping their education on track with elevated motivation. The solution may use technologies like Artificial intelligence, machine learning and internet of things and blockchain to ensure specially abled children are given right systems and interfaces to learn and grow. This solutions objective is to make sure learning becomes seamless and peaceful with right insights and aids for the children.
Development of Virtual Reality VR technology for Dhatuposhana Nyaya
MedTech BioTech HealthTech
Ministry of AYUSH
Title: Development of Virtual Reality VR technology for Dhatuposhana Nyaya. Category: MedTech BioTech HealthTech. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of AYUSH. Description: There are primerly three tissue nourishment theories known as Dhatuposhan Nyaya described by Acharyas. They are as follow 1. Ksheeradadhi Nyaya Theory of Transformation This is compared to the conversion of milk ksheera into curd dadhi in entirety. This complete transformation of one Dhatu to another is called Sarvatma Parinama total bio conversion. According to this theory, nutrients getting converted into tissues. 2.Kedarikulya Nyaya Theory of Transportation According to this theory, nourishment of the tissues can be compared to irrigation of fields by water from a canal. This explains supply of nutrients through circulatory system. 3.Khalckapota Nyaya Theory of Selection Like pigeons pecking the grains from a threshing floor and carrying it back to their nests depend on the direction and the time required for them to travel. The nutrition required by a dhatu tissue is selected from the essence part of food being circulated. To understand and apply these principlesprocess at tissue level scientifically Virtual Reality VR technology may be helpful.
Education ecosystem for specially abled student need provision and improvement to take care of compliance, governance and conduct.
Smart Education
Government of Jharkhand
Title: Education ecosystem for specially abled student need provision and improvement to take care of compliance, governance and conduct.. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Government of Jharkhand. Description: Children with disabilities in minor or major forms for any of the physical organs or mentally unstable children are considered to be speciallyabled ones and to help them absorb the natural flow of life, we need to consider and provide them with a supportive and growing environment where they are able to live and grow. In the educational ecosystem, the needs of such an environment need to be catered according to the category of ailments that exist in the students and provisions need to be made in order to make them feel special, and cared for and set the right mindset while they grow. There are very few educational institutes in India, that accept speciallyabled students in regular streams making them feel one among natural children. The first and foremost need is to comply with the Disability Act provisions in the Indian education ecosystem and have the right provisions such as physical infrastructure, digital interaction pathways and the right tooling to make this happen in a much larger portion of the Indian education industry. This problem statement hovers more around the lack of the right system and governance in the Indian Education industry and also has to deal with Disability students intake, progress and outgo after the education completion. The State Education Report for India 2019 Children with Disabilities by UNESCO states that 27 of disabled children between the age of 519 years dont have access to education. It also says that nearly 34th of 5 years old speciallyabled are left out of the education system, further revealing that this ratio varies genderwise and girls tend to show in high numbers when it comes to depriving education. As per WHO report, over 1 billion people in the world are specially abled contributing to 15 of the total population and WHODAS 2.0 accessibility standards define means of assessing the disability in an individual, which ponder on a lot of aspects such as, it has been felt that differentlyabled persons need special arrangements in the environment for their mobility and independent functioning. It is also a fact that many institutes have architectural barriers that disabled persons find difficult for their daytoday functioning. The colleges are expected to address accessibilityrelated issues as per the stipulations of the Persons with Disabilities Act 1995 and ensure that all existing structures as well as future construction projects in their campuses are made disabledfriendly. The institutes should create special facilities such as ramps, rails and special toilets, and make other necessary changes to suit the special needs of differentlyabled persons. The construction plans should clearly address the accessibility issues pertaining to disability. Guidelines on accessibility are laid out by the office of the Chief Commissioner of Disabilities. Consciously improving Education for speciallyabled children will need planned efforts with the help of technology and human power. This makes the problem statement quite challenging and critical to be addressed the special compliance and governance needs. This problem statement needs holistic solutions that may be hybrid in nature. The objective of this problem statement in one way could be the right implementation of the Disability Act and the provisioning of digital infrastructure and applications to address the needs and feedback mechanisms. Facilitate admission of differentlyabled persons in various courses, provide guidance and counselling to differentlyabled individuals, Create awareness about the needs of differentlyabled persons, and other general issues concerning their learning. Assist differentlyabled graduates to gain successful employment in the public as well as private sectors, designing special interaction gateways for such children and helping them feel natural while growing is important. Further, the objective is to come up with ways and means to make meaningful digital applications that can use this information and generate knowledge, spread massive awareness, and support the intake and management of speciallyabled children into the educational ecosystem. The objective of this problem statement solution is also to come up with innovative solutions which may use digital and physical mediums together to make sure disabled persons are able to access and operate these applications. The solution may use technologies like Artificial intelligence, machine learning and internet of things and blockchain to ensure speciallyabled children are given the right systems to get into the mainstream of education, sustain with growth aspects and be placed well after their education is completed. It is all about following laws and legal procedures to comply with the Disability Act and make sure the system is governed well for speciallyabled peoples needs in their complete education lifecycle.
Green options for milk packaging Low cost, environmentfriendly, and extended shelf life packaging for milk
Renewable Sustainable Energy
Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying
Title: Green options for milk packaging Low cost, environmentfriendly, and extended shelf life packaging for milk. Category: Renewable Sustainable Energy. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry and Dairying. Description: Currently, most of the liquid milk packaging pouch milk in India, uses plastic film. Disposal of the plastic packs has huge environmental concerns and we must seek out for more environmentfriendly alternatives. As a step towards reducing carbon footprint options like bioplastics, biodegradable plastics, organic fibres, or any other material, etc. may be explored. Such alternatives must be easy to use for the industry distribution chain, ensure food safety, safeguard against contaminationleechingmicrobial attack, cheap low cost and also help in improving shelf life of milk.
Develop a Proctored exam tool for shortlisting the candidates for the national and international level hackathons.
Smart Automation
Title: Develop a Proctored exam tool for shortlisting the candidates for the national and international level hackathons.. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MIC. Description: The problem at hand is to develop an efficient and reliable Proctored Exam Tool that automates the proctoring process and enables institutions, organizations, and testing agencies to administer secure and scalable remote examinations. The Proctored Exam Tool should aim to address the following challenges 1. Remote Monitoring The software should allow proctors to remotely observe the examtakers via webcam and screen sharing to ensure that no unauthorized assistance is provided during the exam. 2. Identity Verification Implement a robust identity verification mechanism to ensure that the examtaker is the intended praticipants, preventing impersonation and fraud. 3. Cheating Prevention Incorporate advanced monitoring features, such as realtime AIbased facial recognition, eye tracking, and suspicious behaviour detection, to identify and flag potential instances of cheating. 4. Secure Environment Ensure that the exam environment remains secure by disabling access to unauthorized resources like other applications, websites, or external devices during the examination. 5. Data Privacy The tool should adhere to stringent data privacy and security standards to protect sensitive information of both examtakers and organisers. 6. Userfriendly Interface Design an intuitive and userfriendly interface for both proctors and examtakers to facilitate easy navigation and seamless exam administration. 7. Scalability The software should be capable of handling a large number of concurrent examtakers without compromising on performance or security. 8. Compatibility Ensure compatibility with different operating systems, browsers, and devices to accommodate diverse user preferences and accessibility needs. 9. Integration The Proctored Exam Tool should be able to integrate with various application and assessment platforms commonly used in institutions, organizations, and testing agencies. 10. Reporting and Analytics Provide comprehensive exam reports and analytics to assist institutions in evaluating exam performance, identifying trends, and making datadriven decisions.
Student Innovation
Toys Games
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Toys Games. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Challenges your creative minds to conceptualize and develop unique toys and games.
Student Innovation
Toys Games
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Toys Games. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Challenges your creative minds to conceptualize and develop unique toys and games.
Student Innovation
Smart Automation
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Ideas focused on the intelligent use of resources for transforming and advancements of technology with combining the artificial intelligence to explore more various sources and get valuable insights.
Student Innovation
Fitness Sports
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Fitness Sports. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Ideas that can boost fitness activities and assist in keeping fit.
Student Innovation
Heritage Culture
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Heritage Culture. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Ideas that showcase the rich cultural heritage and traditions of India
Student Innovation
MedTech BioTech HealthTech
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: MedTech BioTech HealthTech. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Cuttingedge technology in these sectors continues to be in demand. Recent shifts in healthcare trends, growing populations also present an array of opportunities for innovation.
Student Innovation
Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Developing solutions, keeping in mind the need to enhance the primary sector of India Agriculture and to manage and process our agriculture produce
Student Innovation
Smart Vehicles
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Smart Vehicles. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Creating intelligent devices to improve the commutation sector
Student Innovation
Transportation Logistics
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Transportation Logistics. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Submit your ideas to address the growing pressures on the citys resources, transport networks, and logistic infrastructure
Student Innovation
Robotics and Drones
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Robotics and Drones. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: There is a need to design drones and robots that can solve some of the pressing challenges of India such as handling medical emergencies, search and rescue operations, etc.
Student Innovation
Clean Green Technology
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Clean Green Technology. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Solutions could be in the form of waste segregation, disposal, and improve sanitization system.
Student Innovation
Travel Tourism
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Travel Tourism. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: A solutionidea that can boost the current situation of the tourism industries including hotels, travel and others.
Student Innovation
Renewable Sustainable Energy
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Renewable Sustainable Energy. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Innovative ideas that help manage and generate renewable sustainable sources more efficiently.
Student Innovation
Blockchain Cybersecurity
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Provide ideas in a decentralized and distributed ledger technology used to store digital information that powers cryptocurrencies and NFTs and can radically change multiple sectors
Student Innovation
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Technology ideas in tertiary sectors like Hospitality, Financial Services, Entertainment and Retail.
Student Innovation
Smart Automation
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Ideas focused on the intelligent use of resources for transforming and advancements of technology with combining the artificial intelligence to explore more various sources and get valuable insights.
Student Innovation
Fitness Sports
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Fitness Sports. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Ideas that can boost fitness activities and assist in keeping fit.
Student Innovation
Heritage Culture
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Heritage Culture. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Ideas that showcase the rich cultural heritage and traditions of India
Student Innovation
MedTech BioTech HealthTech
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: MedTech BioTech HealthTech. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Cuttingedge technology in these sectors continues to be in demand. Recent shifts in healthcare trends, growing populations also present an array of opportunities for innovation.
Student Innovation
Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Developing solutions, keeping in mind the need to enhance the primary sector of India Agriculture and to manage and process our agriculture produce
Student Innovation
Smart Vehicles
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Smart Vehicles. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Creating intelligent devices to improve the commutation sector
Student Innovation
Transportation Logistics
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Transportation Logistics. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Submit your ideas to address the growing pressures on the citys resources, transport networks, and logistic infrastructure
Student Innovation
Robotics and Drones
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Robotics and Drones. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: There is a need to design drones and robots that can solve some of the pressing challenges of India such as handling medical emergencies, search and rescue operations, etc.
Student Innovation
Clean Green Technology
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Clean Green Technology. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Solutions could be in the form of waste segregation, disposal, and improve sanitization system.
Student Innovation
Travel Tourism
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Travel Tourism. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: A solutionidea that can boost the current situation of the tourism industries including hotels, travel and others.
Student Innovation
Renewable Sustainable Energy
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Renewable Sustainable Energy. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Innovative ideas that help manage and generate renewable sustainable sources more efficiently.
Student Innovation
Blockchain Cybersecurity
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Provide ideas in a decentralized and distributed ledger technology used to store digital information that powers cryptocurrencies and NFTs and can radically change multiple sectors
Student Innovation
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Technology ideas in tertiary sectors like Hospitality, Financial Services, Entertainment and Retail.
Student Innovation
Disaster Management
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Disaster Management includes ideas related to risk mitigation and Planning before,after or Duration of Disaster.
Student Innovation
Disaster Management
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Disaster Management includes ideas related to risk mitigation and Planning before,after or Duration of Disaster.
Student Innovation
Smart Education
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Smart Education, a Concept that Describes learning in digital enables learner to learn more effectively,efficently,flexibly and comfortably.
Student Innovation
Smart Education
AICTE, MICStudent Innovation
Title: Student Innovation. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: AICTE, MICStudent Innovation. Description: Smart Education, a Concept that Describes learning in digital enables learner to learn more effectively,efficently,flexibly and comfortably.
A unified portal for developing a model Curriculum for all the AICTE Approved Institutes
Title: A unified portal for developing a model Curriculum for all the AICTE Approved Institutes. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: The All India Council for Technical Education AICTE is responsible for formulating and maintaining the curriculum standards for technical education in India. A unified portal is required to collaborate with educational experts, curriculum designers to provide the functionality and designing a model curriculum for all the Institutes. The main functionality provide by portal are 1. User Registration and Authentication Allow users educators, curriculum developers, administrators to create accounts and authenticate their identity to access the portals features. 2. Dashboard and User Profiles Provide a personalized dashboard for each user, displaying relevant information and options based on their role and preferences. Users can manage their profiles, track progress, and access saved curriculum designs. 3. Curriculum Design Tools Offer intuitive tools and templates for curriculum design, including the ability to define course objectives, outline modules, specify learning outcomes, and create assessment methods. Users should be able to organize and structure curriculum content efficiently. 4. Resource Repository Maintain a repository of educational resources, such as textbooks, articles, videos, and interactive materials, categorized by subjects and topics. Users can search, access, and incorporate these resources into their curriculum designs. 5. Collaboration and Feedback Facilitate collaboration among users by allowing them to invite others to review and provide feedback on their curriculum designs. Incorporate features like commenting, version control, and document sharing to enhance collaboration and streamline the review process. 6. Analytics and Reporting Provide analytics and reporting features to track and analyze the effectiveness of curriculum designs. This can include metrics like student performance, course completion rates, and assessment outcomes. Generate reports and visualizations to aid decision making and improvement. 7. Notifications and Updates Notify users about important updates, changes in educational policies, or new resources available on the portal. Allow users to subscribe to relevant topics or receive notifications based on their preferences. 8. Scalability and Security Design the portal to handle a large user base and ensure data security. Implement appropriate security measures to protect user information, curriculum designs, and sensitive data.
Design and Developed a personalized online meeting system for AICTE
Blockchain Cybersecurity
Title: Design and Developed a personalized online meeting system for AICTE. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: In AICTE many online meetings are conducted to various stakeholders of AICTE such as Institutes, faculty members, HOD and in the Ministry also. Lot of confidential data has been shared through these online meeting. In order to increase security and to make a robust system a personalized online meeting portal is needed in AICTE. 1. Based on the requirements, design the architecture of the online meeting system. Determining the components, such as the server infrastructure, database, APIs, and user interfaces, that will be needed to develop the system. 2. Develop the backend infrastructure Build the backend infrastructure that will handle the core functionalities of the online meeting system. This typically includes user management, meeting scheduling, realtime communication, file sharing, and any custom features required in AICTE. 3. Implement video conferencing capabilities Integrate video conferencing functionality into the system. Web RealTime Communication technology to facilitate realtime video and audio communication between participants. 4. Create a userfriendly interface for participants to join meetings, manage settings, access recordings, and utilize additional features. 5. Implement robust security measures to protect the online meetings and user data. This includes encryption of data in transit and at rest, user authentication and access controls, secure storage of meeting recordings, and adherence to privacy regulations.
Establishing a Server log system for Egovernance with appropriate notification and content based classification of log AICTE
Title: Establishing a Server log system for Egovernance with appropriate notification and content based classification of log AICTE. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: A server log system, also known as a log management system, is a software tool that records and stores log messages generated by various components and applications running on a server. It provides a centralized location for collecting, analyzing, and managing logs to monitor and troubleshoot system issues and performance problems. Here are some basic Requirement of a server log system 1. Log Collection The system collects log data from various sources, including operating systems, applications, services, and network devices. It can gather logs from different servers and consolidate them into a central repository. 2. Log Storage Log entries are typically stored in a structured format, such as plain text files or a database. The system may also employ compression and archival mechanisms to optimize storage space and retain logs for an extended period. 3. Log Analysis and Search The log system enables searching, filtering, and querying log data based on specific criteria, such as time range, log level, source, or custom keywords. This functionality helps in identifying patterns, anomalies, or events of interest. 4. Alerting and Notifications The system can be configured to send notifications or alerts based on predefined rules or thresholds. For example, it can notify administrators when critical errors occur or securityrelated events are detected in the logs. 5. Log Visualization and Reporting The log systems provide visual representations of log data, such as charts, graphs, and dashboards. Visualizations will help in gaining insights, identifying trends, and generating reports for auditing, compliance, or performance analysis. 6. Log Retention and Compliance Server logs retained for a certain period to comply with regulatory requirements or internal policies. The log system should support flexible retention periods and secure storage to meet these obligations. 7. Integration and APIs A robust log system offers APIs and integrations with other tools and systems. This allows developers and administrators to automate log analysis, integrate with security information and event management SIEM systems, or build custom solutions on top of the log data. So the developed software should provide the following features to the enduser 8. Server Provisioning The system facilitates the deployment and provisioning of servers, including hardware configuration, operating system installation, and initial software setup. It may include tools for automated server deployment and configuration management. 9. Monitoring and Performance Management Server management systems monitor the health, performance, and resource utilization of servers. They collect and analyze data on CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, network traffic, and other metrics. Alerts and notifications are generated when predefined thresholds are exceeded. 10. Patch Management and Updates The system ensures that servers are kept up to date with security patches, bug fixes, and software updates. It automates the process of identifying, downloading, testing, and applying updates to minimize vulnerabilities and improve server stability. 11. Configuration Management Server management systems help administrators maintain consistent configurations across servers. They provide tools for managing and enforcing server configurations, including software installations, network settings, user accounts, and security policies. 12. Backup and Disaster Recovery The system facilitates regular backups of server data and configurations to protect against data loss and facilitate disaster recovery. It may include features for scheduling backups, managing backup storage, and performing recovery operations in case of system failures. 13. Logging and Auditing The system captures and stores logs generated by servers for troubleshooting, compliance, and auditing purposes. It provides tools for analyzing logs, searching for specific events, and generating reports on server activities. 14. Resource Allocation and Load Balancing Server management systems help optimize resource allocation and load balancing across servers. They can monitor server workloads, allocate resources based on demand, and distribute incoming network traffic efficiently.
Awareness and Preparedness Towards Disaster Management
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Title: Awareness and Preparedness Towards Disaster Management. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs. Description: Disasters can strike anytime, anywhere, and can have devastating effects on individuals, families, communities, and entire countries. Therefore, its crucial to have awareness and preparedness towards disaster management. The mock exercises. School Safety Programmes SSP, and Community Awareness programme CAP that will be conducted by various stakeholders such as NDRFSDRF, etc. These exercises are aimed at enhancing the preparedness and response capabilities of our community to deal with any emergency or disaster situation. The exercises are designed to simulate reallife scenarios and test the response capabilities of various agencies involved in disaster management. These exercises are crucial in identifying gaps in our preparedness and response capabilities and help in improving them To benefit from these programs, it is important to give a notification regarding mock exercises, SSP, and CAP conducted by various stakeholders such as NDRFSDRF, etc., to concern people so that they registered timely and became a beneficiary a part of the exercise. This will enable to concern to be prepared for any eventualities that may occur in the future. The system provides the contact number, links, and information regarding Disaster Management Authorities. Datasheet of various previous disasters, dos, and donts, it may include early warning of disaster.
Cybersecurity Portal for Effective Management of Servers and Firewalls
Blockchain Cybersecurity
Title: Cybersecurity Portal for Effective Management of Servers and Firewalls. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: The All India Council for Technical Education AICTE is responsible for managing and safeguarding critical infrastructure and data related to technical education institutions across India. To ensure robust cybersecurity measures, AICTE requires a centralized and comprehensive portal dedicated to managing servers, firewalls, load balancers, software licenses, user access, and other data center hardware components is commonly known as a Data Center Management Portal or Data Center Infrastructure Management DCIM Portal. However, the current infrastructure management practices face various challenges that hinder efficient and secure operations. The existing problem can be defined by the following factors Fragmented Infrastructure Management AICTEs infrastructure management practices may be fragmented, resulting in disparate systems and tools for managing servers, firewalls, load balancers, and other hardware components. This lack of centralized control leads to inefficiencies, inconsistencies, and potential security vulnerabilities. 1. Manual and TimeConsuming Processes The absence of an integrated portal leads to manual and timeconsuming processes for managing various infrastructure components. Activities such as provisioning, monitoring, patching, and license management are often performed manually, consuming significant human resources and increasing the risk of errors or oversights. 2. Limited Visibility and Control Without a dedicated portal, AICTE may face challenges in gaining comprehensive visibility into the status, performance, and security of servers, firewalls, load balancers, and other hardware components. This limitation hampers effective monitoring, maintenance, and proactive identification of potential security threats or vulnerabilities. 3. Compliance and License Management The absence of a centralized portal makes it difficult to track and manage software licenses and ensure compliance with licensing agreements. This may result in the misuse of licenses, unintentional noncompliance, or unnecessary expenses due to duplicate purchases or inadequate license usage tracking. 4. User Access Management AICTE needs an efficient mechanism to manage user access to various infrastructure components. This includes defining user roles and permissions, ensuring secure authentication and authorization mechanisms, and maintaining an auditable log of user activities. Without a dedicated portal, managing user access becomes challenging and increases the risk of unauthorized access or privilege abuse. Addressing these challenges and implementing an AICTE Cybersecurity Portal has these specific feature need to be developed 5. Server Management The portal allows administrators to manage servers, including provisioning, configuration, monitoring, and maintenance tasks. It provides an overview of server health, resource utilization, and performance metrics. 6. Firewall and Network Device Management The portal enables management and configuration of firewalls, switches, routers, and other network devices. It provides a central interface to set up and monitor network policies, security rules, and traffic management. 7. Load Balancer Management Load balancers play a critical role in distributing network traffic across multiple servers. The portal allows configuration, monitoring, and scaling of load balancers to ensure optimal performance, high availability, and efficient resource utilization. 8. Software License Management It provides a centralized repository to manage software licenses for various applications and operating systems. The portal helps track license usage, compliance, renewal dates, and license allocation to specific servers or users. 9. User Access and Identity Management The portal facilitates user access control, authentication, and authorization. Administrators can define user roles, permissions, and access levels for different components and resources within the data center environment. 10. Hardware Inventory and Asset Tracking The portal maintains an inventory of data center hardware components, including servers, switches, firewalls, load balancers, and more. It tracks hardware configurations, warranties, and maintenance schedules, helping with resource planning and optimizing hardware lifecycle management. 11. Monitoring and Alerting The portal offers realtime monitoring of hardware components, system performance, and environmental conditions e.g., temperature, humidity. It generates alerts and notifications for issues such as hardware failures, network disruptions, or abnormal resource consumption. 12. Reporting and Analytics The portal provides reporting and analytics capabilities to generate insights into data center operations, resource utilization, and performance metrics. It offers dashboards, charts, and customizable reports to aid in decisionmaking, capacity planning, and troubleshooting. 13. Integration and Automation The portal integrates with other management tools and systems within the data center, such as ticketing systems, configuration management databases CMDB, or IT service management ITSM platforms. It also supports automation capabilities through APIs, allowing for seamless integration with existing workflows and processes. 14. Security and Compliance The portal includes security features to ensure secure access, data protection, and compliance with industry standards and regulations. It may include features like rolebased access control RBAC, audit logs, and encryption of sensitive data. A welldesigned Data Center Management Portal helps streamline operations, improve efficiency, and enhance the overall management of data center infrastructure and resources. It centralizes critical functions and provides a holistic view of the data center environment, enabling administrators to efficiently manage and monitor hardware components, network devices, user access, and software licenses.
Integration of AI for Adaptive Learning for MCQ Selection in PARAKH
Smart Automation
Title: Integration of AI for Adaptive Learning for MCQ Selection in PARAKH. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: All India Council for Technical Education AICTE has implemented a largescale program to assess and improve the skills of engineering students in India in AICTE Approved Technical Institutions across the country. In respect of analysis, each of the online assessments including those testing academic skills and those testing higher order thinking skills is used for comparing student outcomes. More specifically, each of the Online assessments will be considered as unidimensional, reliable, and good at measuring a range of student ability. The vast majority of the items should also demonstrate psychometric characteristics of students. A Questions bank is already prepared and random selection of questions has been selected for the assessment. However, for the further development PARAKH teams needs a webbased adaptive multiplechoice question MCQ testing system that delivers MCQ assessments to users over the internet and adapts the questions based on the users performance and abilities. A Preassessment or initial knowledge assessment can be designed to gauge the users baseline knowledge an initial assessment may be conducted. This assessment can consist of a set of MCQs covering different topics or difficulty levels. Based on that result a final assessment can be prepared. The system employs an adaptive algorithm that analyzes the users responses, time spent on each question and level of difficulty and number of time questions has been asked in the past and also for performance data from the preassessment to determine their knowledge level and proficiency in specific areas. The algorithm uses this information to select subsequent questions that appropriately assessment to the students. Based on the adaptive algorithm, the system selects the next set of MCQs from a question bank. The questions chosen may vary in difficulty and content based on the students performance. For example, if the student answers a question correctly, the platform may present a more challenging question next, while an incorrect answer may result in an easier question. AI based question generation should be integrated in the portal so that no random question is picked from the database and overall performance will be low.
Integration of Multiple Databases of AICTE in order to fetch Coherent Information
Title: Integration of Multiple Databases of AICTE in order to fetch Coherent Information. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: The All India Council for Technical Education AICTE is responsible for overseeing and regulating technical education in India. As part of its functions, AICTE manages and maintains data related to various technical institutions across the country. This data includes information about colleges, courses, faculty, scholarships, approvals and other relevant schemes. One of the challenges faced by AICTE is the need to efficiently search and retrieve information from multiple databases. With a vast amount of data spread across numerous databases, it becomes crucial to have a robust and reliable search engine system in place. However, the current search mechanisms employed by AICTE encounter several limitations and inefficiencies, hampering the process of extracting relevant information. The existing problem arises due to the following factors 1. Fragmented Database Structure 2. Limited Search Capability 3. Slow Search Speed 4. Data Consistency and Accuracy Addressing these challenges and implementing an improved search system for multiple databases can provide AICTE with the following benefits Enhanced Search Accuracy and Relevance A robust search system with advanced search algorithms and indexing techniques can significantly improve the accuracy and relevance of search results, allowing AICTE to access the most relevant information efficiently. 1. Increased Search Speed and Efficiency By optimizing the search algorithms and leveraging efficient indexing methods, AICTE can achieve faster search speeds, reducing the time required to retrieve data from multiple databases and improving overall operational efficiency. 2. Improved Data Consistency and Quality Implementing mechanisms to ensure data consistency and accuracy across databases will enhance the reliability and integrity of search results. Regular data synchronization and quality checks can eliminate inconsistencies and provide users with reliable and uptodate information. 3. Scalability and FutureReadiness Designing the search system with scalability in mind will enable AICTE to accommodate the growth of data and seamlessly integrate new databases as the technical education landscape evolves. This futurereadiness will ensure that the search system remains efficient and effective in the long term. In conclusion, developing a comprehensive SEARCH engine system for multiple databases will address the limitations of the current search mechanisms employed by AICTE.
AI Based Designing of Assistive portal for Stakeholders in Approval Process
Title: AI Based Designing of Assistive portal for Stakeholders in Approval Process. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: AICTE. Description: The All India Council for Technical Education AICTE plays a crucial role in approving and regulating technical education institutions in India. The approval process ensures that institutions meet the required standards and guidelines set by AICTE, ensuring quality education and a standardized framework. However, the current approval process faces several challenges, which hinder its efficiency and effectiveness. 1. Complex Approval Process Structure 2. Difficulty in Understanding of Approval Process Handbook 3. Complex Documentation Requirements Conclusion Implementing a Comprehensive Portal for Simplified Understanding of AICTEs Approval Process Handbook and generate the final fee submission to all the stakeholders In conclusion, a viable solution to address the difficulties in understanding AICTEs Approval Process Handbook is to develop a dedicated portal that streamlines the approval process for technical institutions. This portal would allow institutes and stakeholders to input their specific course, infrastructural requirement and in return, provide the all the required documents, along with fee structure information. The fundamental objective of this portal is to parse the approval process handbook and convert its contents into a userfriendly format that facilitates easy comprehension and understanding of AICTEs requirements. By implementing such a portal, the following benefits can be achieved 1. Enhanced Clarity and Ease of Understanding The portal would transform the complex language and technical jargon of the Approval Process Handbook into simplified and easily understandable information. Institutes and stakeholders would have a clear understanding of the specific requirements and guidelines outlined by AICTE, facilitating efficient compliance. 2. Customized Guidance and Relevant Documentation The portal would dynamically generate the required documentation templates, and fee structures based on the specific course requirements inputted by the institute. This tailored approach ensures that the information provided is directly relevant to the institutes needs, streamlining the approval process. 3. Time and Resource Efficiency The portal would significantly reduce the time and effort required for institutes to interpret and navigate the Approval Process Handbook. By automating the parsing and presentation of information, the portal expedites the understanding of AICTEs requirements, saving valuable resources for both AICTE and the institutes. 4. Increased Accuracy and Compliance With a userfriendly portal providing comprehensive and clear instructions, institutes are more likely to adhere accurately to AICTEs guidelines. This would result in improved compliance and higherquality submissions, reducing the need for reworks and ensuring smoother and faster approval processes. 2 5. Continuous Updates and Realtime Assistance The AI based portal can be regularly updated to reflect any changes or amendments in the Approval Process Handbook. Additionally, it can provide realtime assistance and support, offering clarification on specific queries or concerns raised by institutes during the approval process. By developing a comprehensive portal that effectively parses and presents the Approval Process Handbook, AICTE can empower institutes and stakeholders to easily understand and comply with the requirements. This would foster transparency and assistance to the approval process, and ultimately contribute to the growth and development of the technical education sector in India.
Get Fit Faster with a HighTech Tracker Analyze Human Activity and GPS Data for Improved Results
Smart Automation
MathWorks India Private Limited
Title: Get Fit Faster with a HighTech Tracker Analyze Human Activity and GPS Data for Improved Results. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: MathWorks India Private Limited. Description: Description Background, Detailed Description, and Expected Solution Various fields require Human Action Recognition HAR to function optimally. For instance, the healthcare sector needs HAR to monitor the activities of patients, the elderly, or people with specific needs. By doing so, it can offer prompt services and make decisions in realtime according to the requirements. Similarly, the sports industry also utilizes HAR to track a players performance by monitoring their movements, identifying and comparing the actions performed, and conducting automatic statistical analysis. Consequently, it is essential to implement such workflows quickly and more efficiently based on specific domain requirements. An effective solution is to consider various sensor data from mobile phones, such as accelerometers and GPS, and analyze such shortduration time series data. The analysis may aim at estimating the activity, distance traveled, steps taken, calories burned, and altitude climbed, among others. The solution is expected in the form of AndroidiOS app that is developed using Simulink with the help of AndroidiOS support packages. References links below 1. Counting Steps by Capturing Acceleration Data from Your Mobile Device httpsin.mathworks.comhelpmatlabmobileugcountingstepsbycapturingaccelerationdata.html 2. Acquire GPS Data from Your Mobile Device and Plot Your Location and Speed on a Map httpsin.mathworks.comhelpmatlabmobileugacquiregpsdataandplotyourlocationandspeedonamap.html 3. Human Activity Recognition Simulink Model for Smartphone Deployment httpsin.mathworks.comhelpstatshumanactivityrecognitionsimulinkmodelfordeployment.html 4. High School Students Create Fitness Trackers for MATLAB STEM Challenge httpsblogs.mathworks.comstudentlounge20190605fitnesstrackersstemchallenge 5. Introduction to Machine Learning httpsin.mathworks.comvideosseriesintroductiontomachinelearning.html YouTube LinkVideo Link 3minute video explaining the problem statement Signal Processing and Machine Learning Techniques for Sensor Data Analytics
Speech to text transcription for Indian languages. The problem entails transcription in the native script and then translation to English. The languages of interest are Hindi, Indian English, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi.
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Speech to text transcription for Indian languages. The problem entails transcription in the native script and then translation to English. The languages of interest are Hindi, Indian English, Urdu, Bengali, Punjabi.. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: The problem entails transcription of audio files to the native script of the audio and then translation to English. The languages of interest are as mentioned below. A key element to be considered is that the solution would be required to be tuned for Indian accents. The languages of interest for the problem statement are shown below ÃÂÃâÅàHindi ÃÂÃâÅàIndian English ÃÂÃâÅàUrdu ÃÂÃâÅàBengali ÃÂÃâÅàPunjabi Datasets pertaining to theses languages will be provided by us, which will consist of two major chunks of data Training Set and a hidden test set. The participants will have only access to the Training set. They will develop their solutions based on the Training set. After the final solution submission by the participants, the final hackathon rankings will be decided by evaluation on the hidden test set. This is done to ensure that the participants solutions generalize better on newer data. The evaluation metric we want to use for this hackathon will be Word Error Rate WER. The WER will be computed between the actual translated text with the solution generated text. The lower the WER the better the model.
Efficient enumeration of URLs of active hidden servers over anonymous channel TOR
Blockchain Cybersecurity
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Efficient enumeration of URLs of active hidden servers over anonymous channel TOR. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: The Onion Routing TOR is an overlay anonymous network over internet, which not only anonymizes clients accessing the TOR network or internet but also facilitate hosting of servers anonymously. These servers have been reported to be hosting various hidden services involved in malicious activities. The goal of this problem statement is to develop Proof of Concept PoC to enumerate URLs .onion of active hidden servers hosted over TOR. Teams are supposed to examine the cryptographic security controls and survey existing vulnerabilities in underlying security architecture of TOR network to develop PoC for efficient enumeration of URLs of active hidden services hosted over TOR.
Create an intelligent system using AIML to detect phishing domains which imitate look and feel of genuine domains
Blockchain Cybersecurity
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Create an intelligent system using AIML to detect phishing domains which imitate look and feel of genuine domains. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Phishing attack is the most prevalent attack technique to compromise users worldwide. Phishing linkswebsites are shared through number of mediums like email, SMS etc. to target users. These domains are at times host user login page that imitates the genuine target websites. Login attempts on such pages can lead to compromise of user credentials and may also download malicious payload in user computers. The objective of the problem is to identify such phishing domains from the newly registered websites based on open source databases Example WHOIS Database. Such databases provide list of newly registered domains. The tool should be automated and harness power of AIML to identify phishing domains from genuine domains. It may use the following techniques a Backend code content similarity in web pages. b Web page image analysis i.e. analysis between genuine and phishing site web page images more the similarity better is the probability score of being a lookalike phishing site. The evaluation would be based on the toolÃÂÃâšÂÃâžÂs ability with regard to the following e Probability scores of phishing domains on how close they are to the genuine domain. f Ability to detect new phishing domains in reasonable time. g Ease of use and flexibility in output formats.
Investigation of vulnerabilities in implementation of crypto library used by OpenVPN for Internet Protocol Security IPsec, IPV6 deployment.
Blockchain Cybersecurity
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Investigation of vulnerabilities in implementation of crypto library used by OpenVPN for Internet Protocol Security IPsec, IPV6 deployment.. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Internet Protocol Security IPsec is a widely used network layer security control for protecting communications. It is a framework of open standards for ensuring secure communication over IP network. The goal of this problem statement is to identify unknown vulnerabilities in implementation of crypto libraries used by OpenVPN for Internet Protocol Security IPsec, IPV6 deployment. Teams may undertake static dynamic analysis of relevant code to discover any unknown software bug. Emphasis should be on finding unknown vulnerabilities in implementation of cipher suites crypto libraries used by OpenVPN for encryption and authentication in IPsec tunnel. Teams may also investigate and report vulnerable configuration and associated exploitation vector leading to compromise of data confidentiality, which have not been reported so far for IPSEC IPv6 deployment using OpenVPN.
Develop Ransomware Readiness Assessment tool.
Blockchain Cybersecurity
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Develop Ransomware Readiness Assessment tool.. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Ransomware is a type of malicious software designed to block access ICT devices by encryption of data until ransom is paid to attacker. It is of paramount importance to increase awareness regarding such attacks and assess readiness of the ICT infrastructure of any organisation to thwart these attacks or atleast recover at the earliest. The developer should design and deploy a methodology to evaluate posture and preparedness of an organization towards stopping mitigating threat from ransomware attack. The developed tool shall be evaluated based on following a Depth of the tool to assess readiness of organization to hinder stop mitigate ransomware attack. b Assessment of organization towards detection of early signs of ransomware. c Ease of use and awareness imparted by the tool. d Visualization and reporting of the maturity assessment of the organization.
Develop a AIML tool to detect whether a system firewall router network is compromised. The technique should not rely only on IoCs Indicators of Compromises detection.
Blockchain Cybersecurity
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Develop a AIML tool to detect whether a system firewall router network is compromised. The technique should not rely only on IoCs Indicators of Compromises detection.. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Early detection of a compromise of any compute device is critical for security of critical information infrastructure. While most of infections on ICT are detected using IoCs Indicators of Compromises, the objective of this problem is to explore techniques for detection of compromise on devices using AI ML models when the IoC of the compromise is not known. The developer should employ innovative models for nonIoCs based detection of compromise on devices. The evaluation of the solution will be based on the following a Innovation and ruggedness of the method of detection of compromise. b Utility of the method developed over various types of devices including system firewall router network. c Ease of deployment and method of reporting of detected compromise. d Ability to minimize false alarms of compromise.
Develop and deploy a Large Language Model LLM based tool for generating human like responses to natural language inputs for network not connected over internet
Smart Automation
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Develop and deploy a Large Language Model LLM based tool for generating human like responses to natural language inputs for network not connected over internet. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: LLMs have been released by various entities research organizations for academic and commercial use. These models can be used for generating human like responses on text based systems with serverclient model. The objective of the problem is to develop a tool for network not connected to internet with following basic functions a AIML based Text Summarization of given text. b Summarization of Science andamp Technology SandampT related documents. c Summarization of NEWS papers headlines and editorial pages for quick overview of specific topics. d Reformatting and grammar checks with contextual integrity. e Additional capabilities which the developer can incorporate based on features available in open source LLM models. The solutions shall be graded on the capabilities, ease of use, flexibility and scalability of deployment and number of compatible models.
Design, develop and implement a software bill of materials SBOM generation tool that can generate the complete SBOM of customdeveloped software including inhouse developments by organisations
Smart Automation
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Design, develop and implement a software bill of materials SBOM generation tool that can generate the complete SBOM of customdeveloped software including inhouse developments by organisations. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: SBOM stands for Software Bill of Material and lists out all the packages modules used from various repositories to make the final solution. This list is essential for identification of vulnerabilities that may impact the final solution. This is critical for supply chain vulnerability management of solutions deployed within the organisation. Thus the task for developers is to develop a software which automatically lists various libraries, dependencies and modules that have been used for making of a given application and generates underlying SBOM. There would be added focus on creating features which can red flag anomalies with an ability to lay out the context to the user. The evaluation shall be based on automation, granularity and accuracy of the SBOM generated. Example, if the developer can identify the version of the libraries used, it shall be graded higher. Ease of use and user experience are other important metrics of evaluation.
Design of RF UpDownconverter for signals using GNU Radio and SDRs.
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Design of RF UpDownconverter for signals using GNU Radio and SDRs.. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Satellite communication happens mainly in high frequency C, Ku band and this needs to be down converted to some Intermediate Frequency say L band which is uniformly accepted. Hence, there is a requirement to Design of RF UpDown converter for from CKu tofrom L band signals using GNU Radio and SDRs. The objective of the problem is to design and implement a tool mechanism for RF UpDown converter suitable for CKu tofrom L band signals. The developer may use open source signal for design of their tool. Evaluation shall be based on ability of tool to UpDown given signal.
Identification and Extraction of Forward Error Correction FEC schemes of unknown demodulated signals
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Identification and Extraction of Forward Error Correction FEC schemes of unknown demodulated signals. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: FEC is an error correction mechanism with certain trade off in Communication. This is a very critical parameter in order to extract output from a demodulated data. Identification and extraction of Forward Error Correction schemes of unknown satellite signals using MATLABPython is desired for further processing. The objective of the problem is to develop a tool mechanism for detection extraction of Forward Error Correction FEC schemes of unknown demodulated signals. The developer may use open source signal for design of their tool. Evaluation shall be based on correct detect extraction of FEC for given signal.
Developing a GUI based hardening script for Ubuntu operating system with flexibility to cater for organisational security policies
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Developing a GUI based hardening script for Ubuntu operating system with flexibility to cater for organisational security policies. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Hardening of an operating system involves implementation of security measure to make the system compliant with the security policies of the organization. The procedure for hardening should be intuitive to allow ease of use by personnel with minimal IT skills. The goal of this problem statement is to generate a script which is undertakes hardening of Ubuntu OS using an GUI based approach. During the hardening process, the user should have the flexibility to make settings based on the organisations IT security policy provision like blocking ssh, usb, ToR etc. The grading of tool will be based on hardening functions implemented, attention to user experience and flexibility to take user settings. Developer should remember that security is of utmost importance.
Deanonymisation for monitoring and tracking of illegal activities performed using cryptocurrency transaction technology
Blockchain Cybersecurity
National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO
Title: Deanonymisation for monitoring and tracking of illegal activities performed using cryptocurrency transaction technology. Category: Blockchain Cybersecurity. Subcategory: Software. Organization: National Technical Research Organisation,NTRO. Description: Whatever the darkest corner of diabolical human mind can conceive, DarkWeb can deliver with anonymity and impunity. Dark web markets and forums are filled with illicit activities such as counterfeit currency, fake documents, contraband drugs, ransomware attacks etc. In India, Darkweb crimes have proliferated in recent times especially in the arena of Cyber terrorism, drug trafficking, counterfeit documents, currency and sale of classified Government documents. Governments have also recently raised concern over digital currency and use of DarkWeb for drug trafficking. It is important that appropriate tools and techniques may be developed to monitor and track antinational activities carried out behind the shield of anonymity by using dark web and cryptocurrency technology.
Students to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to research and develop a design on Smart Glass Cleaning Robot, which can climb, clean, and carry liquid cleaners. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023softwareedition.pdf
Robotics and Drones
Title: Students to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to research and develop a design on Smart Glass Cleaning Robot, which can climb, clean, and carry liquid cleaners. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023softwareedition.pdf. Category: Robotics and Drones. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Autodesk. Description: Research and develop a design on Smart Glass Cleaning Robot, which can climb, clean, and carry liquid cleaners. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023softwareedition.pdf
Students to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to research and to generate NC code with machine details tool library for any industrial component. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023hardwareeditioncnc.pdf
Smart Automation
Title: Students to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to research and to generate NC code with machine details tool library for any industrial component. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023hardwareeditioncnc.pdf. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Autodesk. Description: Students are supposed to use Fusion 360 Software to generate NC code with machine details tool library for any industrial component. Students should possess technical skills in areas such as CADCAM software, Gcode programming, toolpath optimization, and machining fundamentals. Additionally, their project ideas should demonstrate a viable solution to a realworld problem, ensuring feasibility and practicality in implementation.. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023hardwareeditioncnc.pdf
Students to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to research and redesign a conventional automotive component commonly found in vehicles and utilize generative design to reimagine its design. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023hardwareeditionadditivemanufacturing.pdf
Smart Vehicles
Title: Students to use Autodesk Fusion 360 to research and redesign a conventional automotive component commonly found in vehicles and utilize generative design to reimagine its design. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023hardwareeditionadditivemanufacturing.pdf. Category: Smart Vehicles. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Autodesk. Description: Research and redesign a conventional automotive component commonly found in vehicles and utilize Fusion 360 software to reimagine its design. Students can use Fusion 360 Features such as generative design, Topology Optimization, Additive Build etc. The redesigned component should showcase innovation, enhanced functionality, and improved efficiency, all while being optimized for 3D printing. For additional information and detailed problem statement, please visit httpsdamassets.autodesk.netcontentdamautodeskwwwpdfssih2023hardwareeditionadditivemanufacturing.pdf
Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm
Bajaj Finserv Health Ltd.
Title: Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Bajaj Finserv Health Ltd.. Description: In our organization, we encounter a significant challenge when dealing with a large volume of medical invoices, prescriptions, and lab test reports received from numerous providers, including doctors, hospitals, and labs, as well as from customers. To streamline our processes and improve efficiency, we aim to develop a system capable of extracting and standardizing these documents at a provider level. Additionally, we need to identify claims across different providers that exhibit similar document templates. The primary issue we face stems from fraudulent customers who exploit identical digital or printed templates, with minor modifications such as changing the provider names, logos, colors, and text content positioning. By manipulating the customer details within these templates, they attempt to file reimbursement claims that are difficult to detect using standard document comparison checks. To tackle this problem, we require the development of a robust Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm. This algorithm will automate the process of template extraction and standardization, allowing us to identify similarities and patterns across various documents. By comparing the templates used in different claims, we can effectively identify instances of potential fraud, even when the textual content has been altered. The algorithm should be designed to handle a high volume of documents from diverse providers and customers. It should be capable of identifying commonalities in template structure, design elements, and formatting, while also accounting for variations resulting from legitimate differences between providers. Key objectives of the Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm 1. Template Extraction Develop a mechanism to extract and standardize templates from medical invoices, prescriptions, and lab test reports received from providers and customers. 2. Template Comparison Implement an algorithm to compare and identify similarities among different document templates, accounting for minor modifications and variations in content. 3. Fraud Detection Enhance the algorithm to flag instances of potentially fraudulent claims where similar templates are used, with modifications made to customer details while maintaining the overall structure and design. 4. Scalability and Efficiency Ensure the algorithm can handle a large volume of documents efficiently, considering the growing number of providers and customers we deal with. 5. Flexibility Design the algorithm to accommodate variations in template design and content across different providers, while maintaining the ability to detect fraudulent patterns The successful development and implementation of the Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm will significantly enhance our ability to detect fraudulent claims and improve the overall accuracy and efficiency of our document processing workflows. Theme Fraud Detection Document Templatization Evaluation Criteria The effectiveness of the Similar Document Template Matching Algorithm will be evaluated based on several key criteria. The primary criterion is the accuracy of detection, which measures the algorithms ability to identify similarities in document templates accurately and efficiently. The algorithm should be able to detect instances where fraudulent customers exploit identical templates with minor modifications, distinguishing between suspicious and fraudulent documents. To aid in the interpretation and communication of the algorithms findings, the detected output should be represented using colorcoded flags. Amber flags can be used to indicate suspicious documents that exhibit similarities in template structure or design elements, while red flags should be assigned to identify documents with high potential for fraud. This visual representation will assist investigators in prioritizing their efforts and taking appropriate actions. Input Data Set The team will have to generate their own dataset using publicly available datasets or archives. This approach ensures that the algorithm is exposed to a wide range of document templates from various providers and customers. The dataset should encompass different document types, such as medical invoices, prescriptions, and lab test reports, reflecting the realworld scenarios the algorithm will encounter during deployment. By using this selfgenerated dataset, the algorithm can be trained and evaluated under realistic conditions. This approach enables the algorithm to learn patterns and similarities that exist in actual documents, allowing it to accurately detect fraudulent claims and identify suspicious patterns across different providers and customers. Teams working on this problem statement are advised to create their own dataset to build and train their algorithms.
An application under which all rescue agencies are registered and which can display the location of other rescue relief agencies during natural man made calamities
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Title: An application under which all rescue agencies are registered and which can display the location of other rescue relief agencies during natural man made calamities. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs. Description: To build such an application. there is need to create a central database where all rescue agencies can register their information, including their location, contact details, and areas of expertise. This information could be entered manually by agency administrators, or automated using GPS or other location tracking technologies. Once the database is populated, the application would need to be designed to display this information in an easytouse interface It could include a map that shows the locations of all registered rescue agencies, along with filters that allow users to narrow down the results based on specific criteria, such as the type of disaster, the resources available, or the time since the last reported activity. In addition to displaying the locations of rescue agencies, the application could also include features for communication and collaboration. For example, agencies could send alerts or requests for assistance to each other directly through the application, or collaborate on shared resources such as medical equipment or transportation. Security and privacy would be major considerations in building such an application. It would be important to ensure that only authorized users have access to the database, and that sensitive information such as personal contact details is protected. Overall, building an application that allows rescue agencies to coordinate their efforts and provide aid more effectively could be a valuable tool for responding to natural or manmade disasters.
Robotics Device for Borewell Rescue Operation
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Title: Robotics Device for Borewell Rescue Operation. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs. Description: A robotics device for borewell rescue operation for NDRF can be a valuable tool to assist in the rescue of individuals who are trapped in a borewell. These devices can be equipped with cameras, sensors, and other tools that can be used to locate and extract individuals who are stuck in a borewell. In recent years, there have been several incidents in India where children and adults have fallen into open borewells, resulting in tragic outcomes. The rescue of individuals who are trapped in borewells is a complex and challenging operation that requires specialized equipment and expertise. NDRF is often called upon to assist in these rescue operations. A robotics device for borewell rescue operation can significantly enhance NDRFs capabilities in these situations. The device can be equipped with cameras and sensors that can provide realtime data on the location and condition of the individual trapped in the borewell. It can also be equipped with specialized tools that can be used to extract the individual safely The robotics device can be remotely controlled, which means that it can be operated from a safe distance. This feature can be particularly useful in situations where the borewell is unstable, and there is a risk of further collapse. The device can also be designed to be lightweight and compact. making it easy to transport to the rescue site. The deployment of such robotics device for borewell rescue operations can be a significant step in enhancing NDRFs capabilities in these complex and challenging situations. It can help to save lives and minimize damage during these emergencies.
Virtual RealityBased Training for CBRN Disaster Response
Disaster Management
Ministry of Home Affairs
Title: Virtual RealityBased Training for CBRN Disaster Response. Category: Disaster Management. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Home Affairs. Description: A virtual realitybased training for CBRN Chemical, Biological, Radiological, and Nuclear disaster response for NDRF is a training program that may uses virtual reality technology to simulate various CBRN emergency scenarios. It may designed to train NDRF personnel to respond effectively to such emergencies, as currently there is no system available to train them in this regard. Virtual realitybased training immerses trainees in realistic scenarios that simulate the effects of CBRN emergencies. The technology allows trainees to experience the situations as if they were real without exposing them to actual risks. Through the use of specialized software and equipment, trainees can interact with virtual objects, practice rescue techniques. and learn to handle hazardous materials and situations. This type of training can be particularly useful for NDRF rescuers who may face hazardous and highrisk situations during CBRN emergencies. It can help them to gain the necessary skills. knowledge, and confidence to manage such emergencies effectively, which can ultimately save lives and minimize damage. Overall, the development of a virtual realitybased training program for CBRN disaster response for NDRF may be a necessary step to improve the training and preparedness of NDRF personnel for CBRN emergencies.
Development of suitable Software and Hardware componentssensors for springshed mapping, monitoring and management.
Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development
Ministry of Rural Development
Title: Development of suitable Software and Hardware componentssensors for springshed mapping, monitoring and management.. Category: Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Rural Development. Description: Main objective is to develop suitable software and hardware components for a comprehensive GISbased mapping system to help visualize the springshed boundaries, water sources and other related data. Predictive model to forecast the water availability in the springshed for domestic and other use. Workable data management system to store and analyze data related to the springshed. A good decisionsupport system model to guide and help stakeholders make informed decisions related to springshed management. An automated alert system to inform stakeholders of changes in the springshed landscapes. Methodology Hardware 1. Highresolution airborne LiDAR systems This can be used to accurately measure the topography of springsheds, including surface elevations, contour lines and watershed boundaries.2. Water quality sensors These sensors measure various water quality parameters such as temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen, salinity, nutrients and other contaminants. 3. Stream flow gauges Which measure the volume of water flowing through a nalaÃÂÃâšÂÃâžÂs, streams or rivers. 4. Weather stations measure the parameters such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, precipitation and solar radiation. Software 1. GIS software GIS software can be used to map and analyze the topography of springsheds. 2. Hydrogeological modeling software This software can be used to simulate the dynamics of springsheds, such as the flow of water and sediment through the system. 3. Data management software Data management software can be used to store, organize and analyze the data collected from hardware sensors. 4. Decision support software Decision support software can be used to analyze the data collected from hardware sensors and generates recommendations for springshed management.
Number of persons benefitted from using the Water Harvesting Structures WHS created rejuvenated in the project areas under WDC 2.0 for economic activities like fisheries etc for alternate source of income generation.
Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development
Ministry of Rural Development
Title: Number of persons benefitted from using the Water Harvesting Structures WHS created rejuvenated in the project areas under WDC 2.0 for economic activities like fisheries etc for alternate source of income generation.. Category: Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Rural Development. Description: Creation Rejuvenation of WHSs are one of the major activities under WDCPMKSY. Besides being a source of protective irrigation in the rainfed areas, contributing towards improvement in soil moisture, increase in water table etc, the WHSs are also utilized for livelihood activities like fisheries, aquatic vegetable cultivation etc providing substantial incomes to the project community. Methodology Computing of Incomes generated by the families community directly involved in use of the WHSs for their income generation activities. Organization Department of land Resources Ministry of Rural Development Category Software Domain Bucket Livelihood Income generation
Developing an algotithim programme to measure increase in income of FPOs on account of project interventions under WDC 2.0.
Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development
Ministry of Rural Development
Title: Developing an algotithim programme to measure increase in income of FPOs on account of project interventions under WDC 2.0.. Category: Agriculture, FoodTech Rural Development. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Rural Development. Description: With the objective to help achieve higher economic growth for the project community and collectivization of farm operations, which can be realized through FPOs, the New Generation Watershed Guidelines envisage formation of FPOs right from the planning stage of the projects. The FPO shall be the member owned and member managed institution. Any household dependent directly or indirectly on the natural resources of watershed can join the FPO by paying prescribed share capital amount and membership fee as defined by the organization. Methodology Computing of Incomes generated through provision of demand based services, operation of Custom Hiring Centre CHC, marketing of local agricultural produce through alternate market channels etc.
Making career choices and AI based counselling accessible to every child at secondary level along with aptitude tests and detailed career paths.
Smart Education
Ministry of Education
Title: Making career choices and AI based counselling accessible to every child at secondary level along with aptitude tests and detailed career paths.. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Education. Description: The project team shall establish an interactive AI based model that will help students to to choose from careers. The model should handhold student in assessing his capabilities and subsequently help him in deciding a career path.
Mental health and wellbeing surveillance, assessment and tracking solution among children.
Smart Education
Ministry of Education
Title: Mental health and wellbeing surveillance, assessment and tracking solution among children.. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Education. Description: Develop a modelsoftware which will help students to assess mental health of students, build methods to find out and provide solution for the improvement
Identify slow learners for remedial teaching and capacity building for innovative methods.
Smart Education
Ministry of Education
Title: Identify slow learners for remedial teaching and capacity building for innovative methods.. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Education. Description: Developed based on available assessment data for students the slow learners and build inovative methods to help them cope up with the educational requirements
Online personalized learning remediationtutoring tool. Search for best teacher for specific topics.
Smart Education
Ministry of Education
Title: Online personalized learning remediationtutoring tool. Search for best teacher for specific topics.. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Education. Description: Develop a modelsoftware which will help students to select best teacherinformation about specific topic and help them in personalised learning
Lowest Cost Smart Board A Seamless Teaching Experience.
Smart Education
Ministry of Education
Title: Lowest Cost Smart Board A Seamless Teaching Experience.. Category: Smart Education. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Education. Description: Develop a smart board for students which will help students in effective interaction and teaching experience
Develop a solution to identifo discrepancies in Quality Monitoring Data on OMMAS and generate reports that highlight areas where corrective action is Required.
Smart Automation
Ministry of Rural Development
Title: Develop a solution to identifo discrepancies in Quality Monitoring Data on OMMAS and generate reports that highlight areas where corrective action is Required.. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Rural Development. Description: The task is to develop a solution that leverages the quality monitoring data available on OMMAS to identify discrepancies between various data sources, The data is collected through an Eform report and test datasheet filled by second and thirdtier quality monitors QMs and a quality control register QCR scanned copy uploaded by State Project lmplementation Units PlUl. 1. The QM report which has been digitalized and called an Efrom we currently get from OMMAS is filled in by Quality Monitors QMs. Ihe report contains data on all road layers and other pertinent information, such as geometry road furniture, drains, etc. The report includes values of important parameters from DPR, values recorded at the site by second and thirdtier quality monitors, YesNo answers, and values from QCR. 2. The test reportdatasheet contains values recorded at the site for every test. Test results need to be recorded in the QM report Eform for each test. This report is cunently uploaded by QMs as a scanned pdf. lt will be digitized in a few days, and we will receive the inspection data in digitized format only. 3. Qualfi Control Registers QCR are the record of the tests conducted at the site by the Contractor engineer and the authority engineer JE, AE and EE. eCn has two parts. eCR partr needs to be filled and maintained by the contractor, and part_ll needs io be filled bv the authority project imprementation unit pru. prUs currentry ,pu.J ecn, ., scanned pdf copies. The solution should be able to compare the data from these sources with the standard values for each test and analyse the three sources separately. The aim is to identifo discrepancies in the data and enable effective quality monitoring of the processes involved. The solution should be able to process large volumes of data and provide actionable insights that can be used to improve the quality of the processes being monitored. Probable Outputs 1. Develop a machine learning algorithmtool that can analyze the quality monitoring data on OMMAS and identifo discrepancies between the different sources of data. The algorithm can be trained on historical data to identif patterns and use thess patterns to predict discrepancies in realtime. The output of the algorithm can be used to generate reports that highlight areas where corrective action is required. 2. Build a dashboard that visualizes the quality monitoring data on OMMAS and enables users to compare the data from different sources. The dashboard can be customized to display data in various formaG, such as tables, charts, and graphs. The users can interact with the dashboard to drill down into specific data points and identifo discrepancies between the different sources of data. 3. Develop a data processing pipeline that automates the process of analyzing the quality monitorin8 data on OMMAS. The pipeline can be designed to intest data from different sources, such as the QM report Eform, test reports, and QCRs. The pipeline can thenprocess the data using various tools and techniques, such as data cleaning transformation, and analysis. The output of the pipeline can be used to generate reports that highlight areas where corrective action is required. 4. Use natural language processing NLP techniques to analyze the quality monitoring data on OMMAS and identifo discrepancies between the different sources of data. NLP techniques can be used to extract relevant information from the QM report Eform, test reports, and QCRs, and compare this information to identifo discrepancies. The output of the NLP analysis can be used to generate reports that highlight areas where corective action is required
ARVR based application which helps visualize the complete house virtually at an early stage, which can help in cost estimation, planning and completion of the house in time
Smart Automation
Ministry of Rural Development
Title: ARVR based application which helps visualize the complete house virtually at an early stage, which can help in cost estimation, planning and completion of the house in time. Category: Smart Automation. Subcategory: Software. Organization: Ministry of Rural Development. Description: ARVR technology based solution will help the beneficary to get a virtual miniature of the completed house at an early stage and will also give an estimate of the cost so that the beneficiary can do the necessary planning before starting the construction.
Call for Toilet technology
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Title: Call for Toilet technology. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Jal Shakti. Description: Swachh Bharat Mission Grameen promotes affordable, sustainable with low OandampM and environment friendly technologies. However, our country being vast with quite a variation in the geographical and biogeographical features the variation in water table, dryness and aridness or rains is observed annually. This is especially true for areas which receive high rains with low percolation in soil, rocky hills, fragile hillocks prone to landslides, arid and areas with poor connectivity and infrastructural setup.andquot Solutions invited for innovative toilet technologies from the participants for the following areas ÃâšÃ Hard rocky areas ÃâšÃ Fragile hill areas prone to land slides ÃâšÃ Flood prone and low lying moist areas ÃâšÃ River bed, wetlands and coastal areas ÃâšÃ High rainfall areas ÃâšÃ Containment of and onsite treatment of faecal sludge in septic tanks in such areas without the seepage to avoid ground water contamination ÃâšÃ Specific local solutions by any innovation Any solutions for the upgradation of single pit to the twin pit system are also welcome. It was expected that the technology should be costeffective, sustainable, reliable and durable, user friendly, weather proof, environmentalfriendly, and preferably uses locally available material locally implies the area to which the technology is built for.
Technological solutions for safe disposal of menstrual waste
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Title: Technological solutions for safe disposal of menstrual waste. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Jal Shakti. Description: With increase in education and awareness levels around Menstrual Health and Hygiene, more and more women and adolescent girls in the country are switching to safe sanitary options to manage their menstrual cycles. However, there is still no formal waste management system of sanitary waste. Often these are disposed off in fields, water bodies, flushed in toilets or dumped along with the regular solid waste. Solutions to manage and dispose of sanitary waste. The solutions should be ÃâšÃ Safe for the environment, and not cause any air, water or soil pollution ÃâšÃ Costeffective ÃâšÃ Scalable across villages and institutions such as schools, colleges, etc.
Technological solutions for Early decomposition of fecal matter
Ministry of Jal Shakti
Title: Technological solutions for Early decomposition of fecal matter. Category: Miscellaneous. Subcategory: Hardware. Organization: Ministry of Jal Shakti. Description: In large parts of rural India, onsite treatment is preferable over sewer system owing to the ease of implementation and cost effectiveness. Any solution which helps decompose faecal matter quickly will enable easy and safe emptying of the toilet pitseptic tank. This will reduce the turnaround time for reuse of the pitseptic tank and will lead to sustained use of the toilets. Solutions to expedite the process of decomposition of faecal material. It was expected that the technology should ÃâšÃ Decompose the faecal material in the shortest possible time ÃâšÃ Costeffective ÃâšÃ Scalable ÃâšÃ Easy to implement ÃâšÃ Safe treatment ÃâšÃ Manure ÃâšÃ Weather proof and environmentalfriendly

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