- machine-generated
- expert-generated
- found
- bg
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- en
- es
- et
- fi
- fr
- hu
- it
- lt
- lv
- mt
- nl
- pl
- pt
- ro
- sk
- sl
- sv
- cc-by-4-0
- bg
- cs
- da
- de
- el
- en
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- et
- fi
- fr
- hu
- it
- lt
- lv
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- pl
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- sk
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- sv
pretty_name: EMEA-V3
- 100K<n<1M
- extended
- translation
- translation
EMEA-V3 : European parallel translation corpus from the European Medicines Agency
Table of Contents
- Dataset Card for [Needs More Information]
Dataset Description
- Homepage:
- Repository:
- Paper: [Needs More Information]
- Leaderboard: [Needs More Information]
- Point of Contact:
Dataset Summary
is a parallel corpus for neural machine translation collected and aligned by Tiedemann, Jorg during the OPUS project.
Supported Tasks and Leaderboards
: The dataset can be used to train a model for translation.
In our case, the corpora consists of a pair of source and target sentences for all 22 different languages from the European Union (EU).
List of languages : Bulgarian (bg)
,Czech (cs)
,Danish (da)
,German (de)
,Greek (el)
,English (en)
,Spanish (es)
,Estonian (et)
,Finnish (fi)
,French (fr)
,Hungarian (hu)
,Italian (it)
,Lithuanian (lt)
,Latvian (lv)
,Maltese (mt)
,Dutch (nl)
,Polish (pl)
,Portuguese (pt)
,Romanian (ro)
,Slovak (sk)
,Slovenian (sl)
,Swedish (sv)
Load the dataset with HuggingFace
from datasets import load_dataset
dataset = load_dataset("qanastek/EMEA-V3")
Dataset Structure
Data Instances
bg-cs,EMEA/ H/ C/ 471,EMEA/ H/ C/ 471
bg-cs,Какво представлява Abilify?,Co je Abilify?
bg-cs,"Abilify е лекарство, съдържащо активното вещество арипипразол.","Abilify je léčivý přípravek, který obsahuje účinnou látku aripiprazol."
bg-cs,"Предлага се под формата на таблетки от 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg и 30 mg, като диспергиращи се таблетки (таблетки, които се разтварят в устата) от 10 mg, 15 mg и 30 mg, като перорален разтвор (1 mg/ ml) и като инжекционен разтвор (7, 5 mg/ ml).","Je dostupný ve formě tablet s obsahem 5 mg, 10 mg, 15 mg a 30 mg, ve formě tablet dispergovatelných v ústech (tablet, které se rozpustí v ústech) s obsahem 10 mg, 15 mg a 30 mg, jako perorální roztok (1 mg/ ml) nebo jako injekční roztok (7, 5 mg/ ml)."
bg-cs,За какво се използва Abilify?,Na co se přípravek Abilify používá?
Data Fields
lang : The pair of source and target language of type String
source_text : The source text of type String
target_text : The target text of type String
Data Splits
bg | cs | da | de | el | en | es | et | fi | fr | hu | it | lt | lv | mt | nl | pl | pt | ro | sk | sl | sv | |
bg | 0 | 342378 | 349675 | 348061 | 355696 | 333066 | 349936 | 336142 | 341732 | 358045 | 352763 | 351669 | 348679 | 342721 | 351097 | 353942 | 355005 | 347925 | 351099 | 345572 | 346954 | 342927 |
cs | 342378 | 0 | 354824 | 353397 | 364609 | 335716 | 356506 | 340309 | 349040 | 363614 | 358353 | 357578 | 353232 | 347807 | 334353 | 355192 | 358357 | 351244 | 330447 | 346835 | 348411 | 346894 |
da | 349675 | 354824 | 0 | 387202 | 397654 | 360186 | 387329 | 347391 | 379830 | 396294 | 367091 | 388495 | 360572 | 353801 | 342263 | 388250 | 368779 | 382576 | 340508 | 356890 | 357694 | 373510 |
de | 348061 | 353397 | 387202 | 0 | 390281 | 364005 | 386335 | 346166 | 378626 | 393468 | 366828 | 381396 | 360907 | 353151 | 340294 | 377770 | 367080 | 381365 | 337562 | 355805 | 358700 | 376925 |
el | 355696 | 364609 | 397654 | 390281 | 0 | 372824 | 393051 | 354874 | 384889 | 403248 | 373706 | 391389 | 368576 | 360047 | 348221 | 396284 | 372486 | 387170 | 342655 | 364959 | 363778 | 384569 |
en | 333066 | 335716 | 360186 | 364005 | 372824 | 0 | 366769 | 333667 | 357177 | 373152 | 349176 | 361089 | 339899 | 336306 | 324695 | 360418 | 348450 | 361393 | 321233 | 338649 | 338195 | 352587 |
es | 349936 | 356506 | 387329 | 386335 | 393051 | 366769 | 0 | 348454 | 378158 | 394253 | 368203 | 378076 | 360645 | 354126 | 340297 | 381188 | 367091 | 376443 | 337302 | 358745 | 357961 | 379462 |
et | 336142 | 340309 | 347391 | 346166 | 354874 | 333667 | 348454 | 0 | 341694 | 358012 | 352099 | 351747 | 345417 | 339042 | 337302 | 350911 | 354329 | 345856 | 325992 | 343950 | 342787 | 340761 |
fi | 341732 | 349040 | 379830 | 378626 | 384889 | 357177 | 378158 | 341694 | 0 | 387478 | 358869 | 379862 | 352968 | 346820 | 334275 | 379729 | 358760 | 374737 | 331135 | 348559 | 348680 | 368528 |
fr | 358045 | 363614 | 396294 | 393468 | 403248 | 373152 | 394253 | 358012 | 387478 | 0 | 373625 | 385869 | 368817 | 361137 | 347699 | 388607 | 372387 | 388658 | 344139 | 363249 | 366474 | 383274 |
hu | 352763 | 358353 | 367091 | 366828 | 373706 | 349176 | 368203 | 352099 | 358869 | 373625 | 0 | 367937 | 361015 | 354872 | 343831 | 368387 | 369040 | 361652 | 340410 | 357466 | 361157 | 356426 |
it | 351669 | 357578 | 388495 | 381396 | 391389 | 361089 | 378076 | 351747 | 379862 | 385869 | 367937 | 0 | 360783 | 356001 | 341552 | 384018 | 365159 | 378841 | 337354 | 357562 | 358969 | 377635 |
lt | 348679 | 353232 | 360572 | 360907 | 368576 | 339899 | 360645 | 345417 | 352968 | 368817 | 361015 | 360783 | 0 | 350576 | 337339 | 362096 | 361497 | 357070 | 335581 | 351639 | 350916 | 349636 |
lv | 342721 | 347807 | 353801 | 353151 | 360047 | 336306 | 354126 | 339042 | 346820 | 361137 | 354872 | 356001 | 350576 | 0 | 336157 | 355791 | 358607 | 349590 | 329581 | 348689 | 346862 | 345016 |
mt | 351097 | 334353 | 342263 | 340294 | 348221 | 324695 | 340297 | 337302 | 334275 | 347699 | 343831 | 341552 | 337339 | 336157 | 0 | 341111 | 344764 | 335553 | 338137 | 335930 | 334491 | 335353 |
nl | 353942 | 355192 | 388250 | 377770 | 396284 | 360418 | 381188 | 350911 | 379729 | 388607 | 368387 | 384018 | 362096 | 355791 | 341111 | 0 | 369694 | 383913 | 339047 | 359126 | 360054 | 379771 |
pl | 355005 | 358357 | 368779 | 367080 | 372486 | 348450 | 367091 | 354329 | 358760 | 372387 | 369040 | 365159 | 361497 | 358607 | 344764 | 369694 | 0 | 357426 | 335243 | 352527 | 355534 | 353214 |
pt | 347925 | 351244 | 382576 | 381365 | 387170 | 361393 | 376443 | 345856 | 374737 | 388658 | 361652 | 378841 | 357070 | 349590 | 335553 | 383913 | 357426 | 0 | 333365 | 354784 | 352673 | 373392 |
ro | 351099 | 330447 | 340508 | 337562 | 342655 | 321233 | 337302 | 325992 | 331135 | 344139 | 340410 | 337354 | 335581 | 329581 | 338137 | 339047 | 335243 | 333365 | 0 | 332373 | 330329 | 331268 |
sk | 345572 | 346835 | 356890 | 355805 | 364959 | 338649 | 358745 | 343950 | 348559 | 363249 | 357466 | 357562 | 351639 | 348689 | 335930 | 359126 | 352527 | 354784 | 332373 | 0 | 348396 | 346855 |
sl | 346954 | 348411 | 357694 | 358700 | 363778 | 338195 | 357961 | 342787 | 348680 | 366474 | 361157 | 358969 | 350916 | 346862 | 334491 | 360054 | 355534 | 352673 | 330329 | 348396 | 0 | 347727 |
sv | 342927 | 346894 | 373510 | 376925 | 384569 | 352587 | 379462 | 340761 | 368528 | 383274 | 356426 | 377635 | 349636 | 345016 | 335353 | 379771 | 353214 | 373392 | 331268 | 346855 | 347727 | 0 |
Dataset Creation
Curation Rationale
For details, check the corresponding pages.
Source Data
Who are the source language producers?
Every data of this corpora as been uploaded by Tiedemann, Jorg on Opus.
Personal and Sensitive Information
The corpora is free of personal or sensitive information.
Considerations for Using the Data
Other Known Limitations
The nature of the task introduce a variability in the quality of the target translations.
Additional Information
Dataset Curators
Hugging Face EMEA-V3: Labrak Yanis, Dufour Richard
OPUS : Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS: Tiedemann, Jorg.
Citation Information
Please cite the following paper when using this dataset.
title = Parallel Data, Tools and Interfaces in OPUS,
author = {
Tiedemann, Jorg
booktitle = "Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC'12)",
month = may,
year = 2012,
address = Istanbul, Turkey,
publisher = European Language Resources Association (ELRA),
url =,
pages = 2214--2218,
abstract = This paper presents the current status of OPUS, a growing language resource of parallel corpora and related tools. The focus in OPUS is to provide freely available data sets in various formats together with basic annotation to be useful for applications in computational linguistics, translation studies and cross-linguistic corpus studies. In this paper, we report about new data sets and their features, additional annotation tools and models provided from the website and essential interfaces and on-line services included in the project.,