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Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu – GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Média Nacional\nHome » Justica e Segurança » Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu\nSosiedade Sivil sira konsidera autor ka nain ba kazu kontentor sia (9) husi sidadaun Indonesia ho inisial MK, halai sai husi Timor-Leste (TL), iha loron lima liu ba, tanba frakeza husi sistema judisiariu TL.\n“Ha´u hanoin se ida ne´e akontese duni, dala ida tan kecolongan ida ba ita nia sistema justisa, intensaun ka la intensaun ita husik koak leet atu husik fatin ba ema ne´ebé mak iha prosesu investigasaun sei la´o hela, bele sai fasilmente husi prosesu ne´ebé mak sira hatan,“Diretor Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, ba GMN, Kuarta (07/03/18), iha nia servisu fatin Colmera Díli.\nNia hatutan, autor sira ne´e sai husi trritoriu Timor-Leste, tanba frakeza iha liña koordenasaun entre instituisaun relevante sira, tanba la konsege halo avaliasaun profunda ligasaun ho kazu ne´e.\n“Ita iha esperiensia barak ona hanesan kazu ne´e iha prosesu primeiru interogatoriu depois hein prosesu julgamentu ba kazu prinsipal maibe ema sira halai sai. Ita mós iha esperiensia iha kazu sira ne´ebé iha prosesu rekursu hela ema halai sai, ha´u hanoin Tribunal hamutuk ho Ministériu Públiku ténki avalia esperiensia sira ne´e,“dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.\nNia dehan, kuandu kazu sira ne´e iha natureza todan indikasaun material sira ligasaun ho droga ne´ebé mak tama ba krimi tranzitu nasional. Ne´e lolos kazu todan, kazu sira ne´e ligasaun entre grupu redi involve iha laran.\nTanba ne´e atu hola desizaun aplika medida koasaun sira ne´e ténki avalia medida koasan ida ne´ebé mak apropriadu prizaun preventiva.\n“Hanesan kazu sira ne´e tuir lolos tribunal aplika medida koasan prizaun preventiva, laós Termu Identidade Rejidensia, ita esperiensia dala barak ona ema halai sai fasil los, kuandu sai tiha ona ita laiha mekanismu buka tuir, ne´e mak durante ne´e ita esperiensia,“`dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.\nAlende ne´e Vise Diretor HAK, Sisto dos Santos, hateten, kuandu autor prinsipal husi kontentor sia ne´e mak halai sai husi Timor-Leste, ne´e dezastre ida.\nDejastre ne´e la´os foin mak akontese, maibe ne´e ba dala rua ka tolu ona, tanba iha indikasaun mai husi Ministériu Públiku katak, iha ema balun konsege fasilita kontentor ne´e mai iha Timor.\nNia hatutan, ema sira uluk komete kazu korrupsaun maibe sira halai sai husi nasaun ne´e, tanba ne´e dezafiu ba instituisaun judisiariu sira.\n“Entaun ami rekomenda, autor ne´e sai iha sa loron Departementu Imigrasaun hatene ida ne´e ka lae? ka nia sai ho ilegal, entaun importante ba ita atu investiga hodi haklean tan ita-nia informasaun balun, nune´e bele komesa komunika ona ba International Police, tanba ema sira ne´e la´os komete kazu iha Timor-Leste, maibe komete krimi ba nasaun sira ne´ebé la autoriza hahalok ida hanesan ne´e,“dehan Sisto dos Santos.\nIha parte seluk Adjuntu Diretor Fundasaun Mahein, João Almeida, hateten, se Tribunal aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia ba autor sira ténki identifika autor sira nia hela fatin, atu nune´e hafasil kontrola ba ema sira ne´e.\nNia hatutan, kazu sidadaun Indonesia halai ona husi Timor-Leste, la´os foin akontese, maibe akontese ona ba kazu eis Ministra Finansas, Emília Pires no kazu ema Portugues, Tiago-Guerra-ho-Chan-fong-fong nian.\n“Seluk fali ema sei laiha konfiansa ba ita-nia instituisaun seguransa no judisiariu nian, ezemplu investidor atu mai investe iha Timor-Leste, kuandu haree setor no seguransa hanesan ne’e. Hanesan suspeitu ba kazu ruma ses husi justisa ema sei la mai investe, tanba ita-nia setor seguransa no justisa la garante investidor atu investe iha ita nia rai,“João Almeida, argumenta.\nEntretantu suspeitu ka nain husi kontentor 9 ne´e, Unidade Polísia Maritima (UPM) kaer iha loron 23 fulan Janeiro tinan 2018, iha Portu Díli, wainhira sobu hela kontetor atu tula ba ro ai Berkat Selayang atu ba Indonesia.\nUPM prende kontentor 9 ne´e, tanba deskonfia aimoruk Paracetamol Caffeine Carisopodrol (PCC), hanesan material prima bele produs ba droga.\nTanba ne´e iha loron 27/01/18, Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal submete ba primeiru interogatori, iha Tribunal Distrital Díli, aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia (TIR) no Aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu Nain Tolu ne’ebe hatama kontentor 9 diskonfia ho materia Prima Droga.\nTribunal aplika medida koasaun TIR ho aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu nain tolu ho inisail H MK no JP tanba krime tolu ne’ebe Ministeriu Publikua akuza la priense kriteria\nKrime Tolu ne´e mak hanesan brankamentu kapital asosiasaun kriminozu no kombate trafiku droga.avi\nFamilia bo´ot Grupo Media Nasional, Jornal... | [
"Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional - Lori Timor ba Mundu - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca \" Autor kazu kontentor halai husi TL, Sosiedade Sivil konsidera frakeza husi sistema judisiariu Sosiedade Sivil sira konsidera autor ka nain ba kazu kontentor sia (9) husi sidadaun Indonesia ho inisial MK, halai sai husi Timor-Leste (TL), iha loron lima liu ba, tanba frakeza husi sistema judisiariu TL.",
"\"Ha'u hanoin se ida ne'e akontese duni, dala ida tan kecolongan ida ba ita nia sistema justisa, intensaun ka la intensaun ita husik koak leet atu husik fatin ba ema ne'ebe mak iha prosesu investigasaun sei la'o hela, bele sai fasilmente husi prosesu ne'ebe mak sira hatan,\"Diretor Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP), Luis de Oliveira Sampaio, ba GMN, Kuarta (07/03/18), iha nia servisu fatin Colmera Dili.",
"Nia hatutan, autor sira ne'e sai husi trritoriu Timor-Leste, tanba frakeza iha lina koordenasaun entre instituisaun relevante sira, tanba la konsege halo avaliasaun profunda ligasaun ho kazu ne'e.",
"\"Ita iha esperiensia barak ona hanesan kazu ne'e iha prosesu primeiru interogatoriu depois hein prosesu julgamentu ba kazu prinsipal maibe ema sira halai sai.",
"Ita mos iha esperiensia iha kazu sira ne'ebe iha prosesu rekursu hela ema halai sai, ha'u hanoin Tribunal hamutuk ho Ministeriu Publiku tenki avalia esperiensia sira ne'e,\"dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.",
"Nia dehan, kuandu kazu sira ne'e iha natureza todan indikasaun material sira ligasaun ho droga ne'ebe mak tama ba krimi tranzitu nasional.",
"Ne'e lolos kazu todan, kazu sira ne'e ligasaun entre grupu redi involve iha laran.",
"Tanba ne'e atu hola desizaun aplika medida koasaun sira ne'e tenki avalia medida koasan ida ne'ebe mak apropriadu prizaun preventiva.",
"\"Hanesan kazu sira ne'e tuir lolos tribunal aplika medida koasan prizaun preventiva, laos Termu Identidade Rejidensia, ita esperiensia dala barak ona ema halai sai fasil los, kuandu sai tiha ona ita laiha mekanismu buka tuir, ne'e mak durante ne'e ita esperiensia,\"'dehan Luis De Oliveira Sampaio.",
"Alende ne'e Vise Diretor HAK, Sisto dos Santos, hateten, kuandu autor prinsipal husi kontentor sia ne'e mak halai sai husi Timor-Leste, ne'e dezastre ida.",
"Dejastre ne'e la'os foin mak akontese, maibe ne'e ba dala rua ka tolu ona, tanba iha indikasaun mai husi Ministeriu Publiku katak, iha ema balun konsege fasilita kontentor ne'e mai iha Timor.",
"Nia hatutan, ema sira uluk komete kazu korrupsaun maibe sira halai sai husi nasaun ne'e, tanba ne'e dezafiu ba instituisaun judisiariu sira.",
"\"Entaun ami rekomenda, autor ne'e sai iha sa loron Departementu Imigrasaun hatene ida ne'e ka lae? ka nia sai ho ilegal, entaun importante ba ita atu investiga hodi haklean tan ita-nia informasaun balun, nune'e bele komesa komunika ona ba International Police, tanba ema sira ne'e la'os komete kazu iha Timor-Leste, maibe komete krimi ba nasaun sira ne'ebe la autoriza hahalok ida hanesan ne'e,\"dehan Sisto dos Santos.",
"Iha parte seluk Adjuntu Diretor Fundasaun Mahein, Joao Almeida, hateten, se Tribunal aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia ba autor sira tenki identifika autor sira nia hela fatin, atu nune'e hafasil kontrola ba ema sira ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, kazu sidadaun Indonesia halai ona husi Timor-Leste, la'os foin akontese, maibe akontese ona ba kazu eis Ministra Finansas, Emilia Pires no kazu ema Portugues, Tiago-Guerra-ho-Chan-fong-fong nian.",
"\"Seluk fali ema sei laiha konfiansa ba ita-nia instituisaun seguransa no judisiariu nian, ezemplu investidor atu mai investe iha Timor-Leste, kuandu haree setor no seguransa hanesan ne'e.",
"Hanesan suspeitu ba kazu ruma ses husi justisa ema sei la mai investe, tanba ita-nia setor seguransa no justisa la garante investidor atu investe iha ita nia rai,\"Joao Almeida, argumenta.",
"Entretantu suspeitu ka nain husi kontentor 9 ne'e, Unidade Polisia Maritima (UPM) kaer iha loron 23 fulan Janeiro tinan 2018, iha Portu Dili, wainhira sobu hela kontetor atu tula ba ro ai Berkat Selayang atu ba Indonesia.",
"UPM prende kontentor 9 ne'e, tanba deskonfia aimoruk Paracetamol Caffeine Carisopodrol (PCC), hanesan material prima bele produs ba droga.",
"Tanba ne'e iha loron 27/01/18, Servisu Investigasaun Kriminal submete ba primeiru interogatori, iha Tribunal Distrital Dili, aplika Termu Identidade Rezidensia (TIR) no Aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu Nain Tolu ne'ebe hatama kontentor 9 diskonfia ho materia Prima Droga.",
"Tribunal aplika medida koasaun TIR ho aprezentasaun periodika ba suspeitu nain tolu ho inisail H MK no JP tanba krime tolu ne'ebe Ministeriu Publikua akuza la priense kriteria Krime Tolu ne'e mak hanesan brankamentu kapital asosiasaun kriminozu no kombate trafiku droga.avi Familia bo'ot Grupo Media Nasional, Jornal..."
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"Author of contentor case leaves Timor-Leste, Civil Society considering weakness in the judicial system - GMN TV | Grupo Media Nacional Home \" Justica e Seguranca\" Autor de contedor caso deixa o TL. Sociedade Civil considera fraqueza do sistema judiciário The author or owner for nine (9) contendors cases by Indonesian citizen with initial MK left East Тимор last five days due to a flaw on their justice systems are considered as civil society members who believe that this is because there was no proper legal process and they have been forced out from east timors courthouse after being arrested during an investigation into criminal offences committed against Indonesia citizens under international law.\""
"\"I think that if this happens, it will be yet another failure of our justice system. Intentionally or not we have allowed the crackdown to make way for people who are under investigation and can easily escape from their prosecutions\", Judicial System Monitoring Program (JSMP) Director Luis de Oliveira Sampaio told GMN on Thursday 07/18 at his office in Colmera Dili"
"He added that the perpetrators left Timor-Leste because of a weak coordination between relevant institutions, which failed to carry out an in depth evaluation linked with this case."
"\"We have had many experiences like this case in the first interrogation process then waiting for trial proceeding on main cause but people run away."
"We also have experience in cases where there is an appeal process and people are still out, I think the Tribunal together with Public Prosecution must evaluate these experiencies\", said Luis De Oliveira Sampaio."
"He said, when these cases are of a serious nature there is no material indication that they have to do with drugs which enters into the national transit crime."
"It's a very serious case, these cases are linked between the red group involved in it."
"Therefore, in order to make a decision on the application of these coercive measures it is necessary that an appropriate preventive detention be evaluated."
"\"However, in these cases the courts usually apply preventive detention as a measure rather than Termo Identidade Residencia. We have experienced many times that people go away easily and when they leave we don't know how to find them again; this is what has happened during our time here\", said Luis De Oliveira Sampaia .\""
"In addition, HAK's Deputy Director Sisto dos Santos said that if the main author of this container was to leave Timor-Leste it would be a disaster."
"This disaster is not new, but it has happened twice or three times already because there are indications from the Public Prosecutor's Office that some people have managed to facilitate this container into Timor."
"He added that people who had previously committed corruption cases but fled the country are a challenge to judicial institutions."
"\"So we recommend, the author left in which day did Immigration Department know about this? or he went out illegally. So it is important for us to investigate and clean up some of our information so that you can start communicating with International Police because these people do not commit crimes on Timor-Leste but they committed a criminal act against countries who don't allow such an action\", said Sisto dos Santos.\""
"On the other hand, Deputy Director of Fundação Mahein Joao Almeida said that if courts apply Identity Residence Term to copyright holders they must identify their residence so as easier control over these people."
"He added that the case of Indonesian citizens leaving Timor-Leste is not new, but it has already happened to former Finance Minister Emilia Pires and Portuguese citizen Tiago Guerra ho Chan Fong."
"\"Therefore, people will not have confidence in our security and judicial institutions. For example investors to come investing into Timor-Leste when they see the sector of safety like this.\""
"If there is a suspect in some case and no justice, people will not come to invest because our security sector or the judiciary does NOT guarantee investors that they are going into this country,” Joao Almeida argues."
"The suspect or owner of the 9 containers was arrested by Maritime Police Unit (MPU) on January,23rd in Port Dili while demolishing a vessel to transport Berkat Selayang water for Indonesia."
"UPM seized the 9 containers on suspicion of Paracetamol Caffeine Carisopodrol (PCC), a raw material that could be used to produce drugs."
"Therefore, on January 27th of this year the Criminal Investigation Service submitted to first interrogation at Dili District Court and applied Termo Identidade Residencia (TIR) for three suspects who brought in nine container with suspicion containing drug raw materials."
"The court applied the TIR coercive measure with periodical presentation to three suspects, initial H MK and JP because of their offences which are not compliant against criteria.These Three Offences include money laundering criminal associations or combating drug trafficking...avi Familia bo'ot Grupo Media Nasional Jornal…"
] |
Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA JUSTISA Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema\nDILI, 17 jullu 2019 (TATOLI)-Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisípiu Liquiça, seidauk bele re-íntegra komunidade família uma kain 53 ba sira ida-idak nia horik fatin iha Loerema, tanba suspeitu prinsipál seidauk kaptura.\nKomandante Polisia Munisípiu Liquiça, Superintendente Asistente, Luis da Silva, esplika, família uma kain 53 sei trauma atu fila ba sira nia suku no aldeia, tanba too agora suspeitu prinsipál ida husi kazu krime omisídiu iha Suku Leorema PNTL seidauk kaptura no prosesu diálogu nahe biti boot mós seidauk realiza.\n“Ita sei halo diálogu envolve parte hotu-hotu inklui governu depois maka foin bele re-íntegra fila fali komunidade uma kain 53 ne’e fila ba Leorema,”informa Komandante Luis da Silva, ohin, ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.\nPNTL rasik kaptura ona suspeitu na’in 13, no arguido SP ne’ebé maka rekoñese halo krime omisídiu ba vítima sira tama ona prizaun preventiva iha Becora no sira seluk sei iha prosesu investigasaun.\n“Agora suspeitu ida ne’ebé maka halai ami deskonfia suspeitu prinsipál hotu, tanba envolve oho vítima ida, hamutuk ho arguido SP ne’ebé rekoñese halo krime omisídiu ba vítima sira,” hateten Komandante Luis.\nNia husu atu grupu ilegál sira ne’ebé subar suspeitu iha Liquiça, Ermera ka Dili no fatin seluk, atu entrega suspeitu ba PNTL hodi responsabiliza ba krime ne’ebé suspeitu komete.\nKomandu PNTL mós foin lalais ne’e simu informasaun husi grupu ilegál sira atu tenta sunu merkadu vila Liquiça, tanba ne’e parte PNTL halo nafatin seguransa makas.\n“Grupu (ilegál) balun atu asaltu tan merkadu Liquiça, tanba ne’e PNTL alerta um halo ona seguransa makas iha merkadu hodi kontrola sasán kro’at,” tenik Luis da Silva.\nKomandante PNTL Liquiça ne’e mós lamenta kazu Leorema nian ne’e envolve direita Xefe Suku ho inisiál ADS ne’ebé envolve iha grupu ilegál sira maka organiza halo asaltu oho vítima na’in rua, no hakanek ema na’in tolu inklui sunu uma no motór.\nAgora daudaun Xefe Suku Leorema ho inisiál ADS no suspeitu sira seluk sei detein hela iha Sela Komarka Liquiça hodi submete ba investigasaun kle’an.\nSituasaun seguransa iha Leorema kontinua alerta um no hetan seguransa makas husi parte Polisia Unidade Espesiál no Polisia Liquiça nian.\nKona-ba situasaun estudante na’in 13 kompostu Eskola Sekundária no Pre-Sekundária ne’ebé seidauk ba eskola iha Leorema, agora Edukasaun Munisipiu Liquiça provizóriu simu sira partisipa aula prosesu aprendizajen iha Liquiça hodi hein too situasaun hakmatek foin bele fila ba Leorema.\nPrevious articleTimor-Leste Poténsia Riku Petróleu no Gás\nNext articlePolítika SEAK Ba Tinan Tolu Harii Uma-Lulik 500 iha Territóriu Tomak | [
"Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTISA Familia Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema DILI, 17 jullu 2019 (TATOLI) -Komandu Polisia Nasional Timor-Leste (PNTL) Munisipiu Liquica, seidauk bele re-integra komunidade familia uma kain 53 ba sira ida-idak nia horik fatin iha Loerema, tanba suspeitu prinsipal seidauk kaptura.",
"Komandante Polisia Munisipiu Liquica, Superintendente Asistente, Luis da Silva, esplika, familia uma kain 53 sei trauma atu fila ba sira nia suku no aldeia, tanba too agora suspeitu prinsipal ida husi kazu krime omisidiu iha Suku Leorema PNTL seidauk kaptura no prosesu dialogu nahe biti boot mos seidauk realiza.",
"\"Ita sei halo dialogu envolve parte hotu-hotu inklui governu depois maka foin bele re-integra fila fali komunidade uma kain 53 ne'e fila ba Leorema,\"informa Komandante Luis da Silva, ohin, ba jornalista iha Komandu PNTL, Caicoli, Dili.",
"PNTL rasik kaptura ona suspeitu na'in 13, no arguido SP ne'ebe maka rekonese halo krime omisidiu ba vitima sira tama ona prizaun preventiva iha Becora no sira seluk sei iha prosesu investigasaun.",
"\"Agora suspeitu ida ne'ebe maka halai ami deskonfia suspeitu prinsipal hotu, tanba envolve oho vitima ida, hamutuk ho arguido SP ne'ebe rekonese halo krime omisidiu ba vitima sira,\" hateten Komandante Luis.",
"Nia husu atu grupu ilegal sira ne'ebe subar suspeitu iha Liquica, Ermera ka Dili no fatin seluk, atu entrega suspeitu ba PNTL hodi responsabiliza ba krime ne'ebe suspeitu komete.",
"Komandu PNTL mos foin lalais ne'e simu informasaun husi grupu ilegal sira atu tenta sunu merkadu vila Liquica, tanba ne'e parte PNTL halo nafatin seguransa makas.",
"\"Grupu (ilegal) balun atu asaltu tan merkadu Liquica, tanba ne'e PNTL alerta um halo ona seguransa makas iha merkadu hodi kontrola sasan kro'at,\" tenik Luis da Silva.",
"Komandante PNTL Liquica ne'e mos lamenta kazu Leorema nian ne'e envolve direita Xefe Suku ho inisial ADS ne'ebe envolve iha grupu ilegal sira maka organiza halo asaltu oho vitima na'in rua, no hakanek ema na'in tolu inklui sunu uma no motor.",
"Agora daudaun Xefe Suku Leorema ho inisial ADS no suspeitu sira seluk sei detein hela iha Sela Komarka Liquica hodi submete ba investigasaun kle'an.",
"Situasaun seguransa iha Leorema kontinua alerta um no hetan seguransa makas husi parte Polisia Unidade Espesial no Polisia Liquica nian.",
"Kona-ba situasaun estudante na'in 13 kompostu Eskola Sekundaria no Pre-Sekundaria ne'ebe seidauk ba eskola iha Leorema, agora Edukasaun Munisipiu Liquica provizoriu simu sira partisipa aula prosesu aprendizajen iha Liquica hodi hein too situasaun hakmatek foin bele fila ba Leorema.",
"Previous articleTimor-Leste Potensia Riku Petroleu no Gas Next articlePolitika SEAK Ba Tinan Tolu Harii Uma-Lulik 500 iha Territoriu Tomak"
] | [
"Família Uma Kain 53 Seidauk Fila Ba Leorema | Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA JUSTIÇA FAMÍLIA UMANITY FAMILIAS OF THE LIKEMA COMMUNITÉ HAVE NOT REINTEGRATED TO EACH OTHER’S HOUSE IN LOEREMÁ Dili, July.17th (AP) - The National Police of Liquica Municipality has not been able to reintegrate the family homeless community in Loerema because its main suspects haven't yet being captured by police forces and they are still waiting for their release from custody at a local prison or other place where it is safely held under law enforcement control"
"Liquica Municipal Police Commander, Assistant Superintendent Luis da Silva explained that the 53 families will be traumatized to return their villages and hamlets because so far one of a main suspect in homicide crime case at Leorema Village has not been caught by PNTL nor have dialogue processes with his family taken place."
"\"We will have a dialogue involving all parties, including the government. Only then can we re-integrate this community of 53 homes back to Leorema\", said Commander Luis da Silva today at PNTL Headquarters Caicoli (Dili)."
"The police itself has arrested 13 suspects, and the defendant SP who admitted to committing a crime of homicide against victim have been taken into pretrial detention in Becora while others are under investigation."
"\"Now one suspect who has been carried away, we have dismissed all the main accused because it involves killing a victim together with an SP defendant that admitted to committing homicide against his own Victim\", said Commander Luis."
"He called on the illegal groups that are shooting suspects in Liquica, Ermera or Dili and elsewhere to hand over them back into police custody so they can be held accountable for their crime."
"The PNTL command also recently received information from illegal groups to try and burn the market in Liquica, therefore they are continuing with tight security."
"\"Some (illegal) groups are trying to assault the Liquica market again, which is why PNTL has alerted and put in place a strong security system at this Market for controlling cro'at goods\", said Luis da Silva."
"The Liquica Police Commander also deplored the Leorema case involving rightly a village chief with initials ADS who was involved to illegal groups that organized an assault killing two victim, and attacking three people including burning house & motor."
"At the moment, Leorema's Chief of Village with initial ADS and other suspected person will be detained in Sela Komarka Liquica to undergo further investigation."
"The security situation in Leorema continues to be on alert and is being closely guarded by the Special Police Unit of Liquica."
"Regarding the situation of 13 students from Secondary and Pre-Secondary Schools who have not been to school in Leorema, now Liquica Municipality Education Provisionally accept them participate class learning processes at LIQUICHA waiting for a calm environment before they can return."
"Previous articleTimor-Leste’s Potential Oil and Gas Richness Next ArticleSEAK Policy For Three Year To Build More Than Five Thousand Home in Timor Territory"
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COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na’in-17 | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na’in-17\nDILI, 26 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI)—Ministériu Saúde relata, ohin, kazu detetadu foun ualu, rekuperadu ida no kazu ativu na’in-17.\n”Kazu detetadu foun ohin ualu, rekuperadu ida no ativu 17,” Diretora Jerál Prestasaun Saúde iha Ministériu Saúde, Odete da Silva Viegas , hateten liuhosi nota ne’ebé Agência TATOLI asesu kuarta ne’e.\nNune’e, hahú 21 marsu 2020 to’o 26 janeiru 2022 iha kumulativu kazu konfirmadu 19.879 no óbitu 122.\nHosi horisehik mai ohin, Laboratóriu Nasionál Saúde halo teste PCR 229, kompostu vijilánsia sentinela laiha, rastreiu ba kontaku 13, rastreiu aleatóriu 98, viájen internasionál 118, follow up iha kuarentena laiha.\nAlende ne’e, totál teste PCR ne’ebé halo iha 25 janeiru 2022 iha munisípiu-sira seluk, Rejiaun Administravu Espesiál Oé-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA) no Hospitál Nasionál Guido Valadares (HNGV) 87, hanesan Maubisse laiha , Maliana 14, Viqueque laiha, Suai 16, Baucau lima, Ermera laiha, RAEOA tolu, HNGV 49, Lautém laiha, Vera-Cruz laiha.\nPopulasaun elijível tinan 18 ba leten, ne’ebé simu ona vasina to’o iha loron 26 janeiru 2022, tuir sistema informasaun Saúde iha Ministériu Saúde, hanesan kumulativu 1ª doze iha Dili (87,8%) no kumulativu 2ª doze iha Dili (82,1%).\nEnkuantu, Sidadaun iha territóriu nasionál ne’ebé simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha Timor-Leste 84,0% no simu ona doze daruak 70,5%.\nIha loron 26 janeiru 2022, izolamentu Vera Cruz, Lahane, HNGV no fatin seluk iha territóriu laran tomak, halo tratamentu hospitalizadu ba kazu detetadu pozitivu la iha , moderadu la iha, no kaman la iha.\nNotísia Relevante: COVID-19: kazu pozitivu foun rua no ativu na’in-10\nCOVID-19: pozitivu ualu\nPrevious articleEskola DMCL Maliana simu de’it estudante na’in-450\nNext articleGrupu juventude mileniál apoia Horta kompete iha eleisaun prezidensiál | [
"COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na'in-17 | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE COVID-19: kazu pozitivu ualu no ativu na'in-17 DILI, 26 janeiru 2022 (TATOLI) - Ministeriu Saude relata, ohin, kazu detetadu foun ualu, rekuperadu ida no kazu ativu na'in-17.",
"\"Kazu detetadu foun ohin ualu, rekuperadu ida no ativu 17,\" Diretora Jeral Prestasaun Saude iha Ministeriu Saude, Odete da Silva Viegas , hateten liuhosi nota ne'ebe Agencia TATOLI asesu kuarta ne'e.",
"Nune'e, hahu 21 marsu 2020 to'o 26 janeiru 2022 iha kumulativu kazu konfirmadu 19.879 no obitu 122.",
"Hosi horisehik mai ohin, Laboratoriu Nasional Saude halo teste PCR 229, kompostu vijilansia sentinela laiha, rastreiu ba kontaku 13, rastreiu aleatoriu 98, viajen internasional 118, follow up iha kuarentena laiha.",
"Alende ne'e, total teste PCR ne'ebe halo iha 25 janeiru 2022 iha munisipiu-sira seluk, Rejiaun Administravu Espesial Oe-Cusse no Ambeno (RAEOA) no Hospital Nasional Guido Valadares (HNGV) 87, hanesan Maubisse laiha , Maliana 14, Viqueque laiha, Suai 16, Baucau lima, Ermera laiha, RAEOA tolu, HNGV 49, Lautem laiha, Vera-Cruz laiha.",
"Populasaun elijivel tinan 18 ba leten, ne'ebe simu ona vasina to'o iha loron 26 janeiru 2022, tuir sistema informasaun Saude iha Ministeriu Saude, hanesan kumulativu 1a doze iha Dili (87,8%) no kumulativu 2a doze iha Dili (82,1%).",
"Enkuantu, Sidadaun iha territoriu nasional ne'ebe simu ona vasina doze dahuluk iha Timor-Leste 84,0% no simu ona doze daruak 70,5%.",
"Iha loron 26 janeiru 2022, izolamentu Vera Cruz, Lahane, HNGV no fatin seluk iha territoriu laran tomak, halo tratamentu hospitalizadu ba kazu detetadu pozitivu la iha , moderadu la iha, no kaman la iha.",
"Notisia Relevante: COVID-19: kazu pozitivu foun rua no ativu na’in-10 COVID-19: pozitivu ualu Previous articleEskola DMCL Maliana simu de'it estudante na'in-450 Next articleGrupu juventude milenial apoia Horta kompete iha eleisaun prezidensial"
] | [
"COVID-19: eight new positive cases, one recovered and seventeen active | Tempotimor Timor News Agency VARANDA HEADLINE Coronavirus in East Тимор has increased to a total of ninety two. Dili/Dili (26 January) - The Ministry for Health reports today that there are now ten more confirmes case with the number rising by four as it reported on Monday after an additional sixth death from coronavirus among its staffers at hospital during last week' s lockdown period"
"\"Eight new cases were detected today, one recovers and there are 17 active in the country\", Odete da Silva Viegas said through a statement that Agência Tatoli access on Tuesday."
"Thus, from March 21st of this year to January the cumulative number is confirmed cases in Brazil are now at:"
"From yesterday to today, the National Health Laboratory has carried out 230 PCR tests; of which no sentinel vigilance test was conducted. Contact tracing results were obtained in a total number Of cases reported from international travel there have been:"
"In addition, the total PCR tests carried out on 25 January in other municipalities of Oe-Cusse and Ambeno (RAEOA) as well As National Guido Valadares Hospital(HNGV), is now: Maubisse -0; Maliana –14. Viqueque– no test results were reported from Suai hospital with a positive case for Covid/COVIDs resulting to death at Baucau national health center where there was also an active patient who had been contacted by another person infectious or suspect that could have transmitted HIV virus via sexual intercourse"
"The eligible population aged 18 and over, who have been vaccinated up to the date of Jan.26th (January), according health information system in Ministry Health is as cumulative first dose vaccination rate for Dili city(90%), second-dose immunization ratios are:"
"Meanwhile, 84.0% of the citizens in Timor-Leste have received their first dose and a second one has been administered to an average population rate for all national territories (71%)."
"On 26 January, the Vera Cruz isolation facilities in Lahane and at other locations throughout Brazil were treating hospitalized patients with no positive cases detected."
"Related News: COVID-19 in Mali, 2 new positive cases and ten active PreviousDMCL school only accepts students for the next year Next articleMillenial youth group support Horta to compete at Presidential election"
] |
By Tempo Timor December 27, 2020 908\nPadre Kapelaun Malurucomo suku Makadique Emanuel Raja 'Manu Kwuta' selebra misa Natal 25 Dezembru 2020, Uatulari Foto Tempo Timor\nPadre ko'alia lia hirak ne'e tanba, mezmu tama.ona loron boot, maibé kontinua mosu konflitu ne'ebé afeta husi hemu tua, fuma sigaru, inklui halimar facebook ho whatsapp.\n"Oinsa ita bele selebra Natal, se ita la hola parte no ativu, iha selebrasaun misa Natal nian, kalan ida ne'e ha'u konvida ita hotu-hotu, atu selebra Natal ho ativu, ho konsiénsia nakonu," dehan Padre Emanuel liuhusi nia omilia ba sarani sira bainhira prezide misa iha kalan Natal, horseik (25/12).\nBibi atan ne'e mós fó konvite ba sarani suku makadiki atu tau Jesus Kristu nu'udar sentru iha ida-idak nia moris, atu nune'e bele hametin liután sira-nia fiar no esperansa.\n"Nia hakarak tama iha ita-nia fuan, maibé ita taka hela ita-nia fuan, maske ita-nia laran hein hela nia. maibé ita halo finji la rona, tanba kolegas, tanba tua ho sigaru ka tanba ita halimar facebook no whatsapp demais," dehan Nia.\nPadre ne'e mós esplika liután, ko'alia kona-ba Natal ne'e la'ós atu hanoin kona-ba saida mak sarani presiza, maibé sarani sira presiza hasoru mak ida ne'ebé latan hela iha balada fatin.\nBibi atan ne'e mós husu ba ema hotu atu respeita malu no labele estraga ka hasai ema seluk nia vida. tanba nu'daru ema moris iha mundu ne'e iha diretu no dignidade hanesan.\n"Tan ne'e Maromak mai atu fó korajen ba ita hotu hodi luta kontra abortus, luta kontra odiu malu, oho malu, halakon ema Nia vida, no selu-seluk tan," katak Padre Emanuel.\nNia mós preokupa, tanba ema soe bebe oan sira iha ponte okos, iha ai-laran, fatin lixu, nune'e mós kazu rama ambon, tuda malu inklui oho malu ho sasan kroat.\nPadre ne'e afirma, selebrasaun loron Jesus nian bele lori sarani tomak atu proive funu no estraga malu, respeita moris ema ida-idak nian, tanba moris ne'e nu'udar doasaun gratuita husi Maromak, kee ita ema presiza kuidadu.\n"Nune'e ita hotu, mai ita han no simu kbiit husi Jesus iha balada sira nian han fatin, atu bele fo kbiit ba ita-nia maluk sira seluk," tenik nia.\nEntretantu, tuir observasaun nian iha terenu nota katak, sarani sira ne'ebé barak liu partisipa iha misa ba festa Natal nian mak ferik no katuas, labarik, kaben-na'in sira, maibé joven sira ladun partisipa.(*)\nLast modified on Sunday, 27 December 2020 14:20\n« Komunidade Ossu: Kumpre EE Signifika Husik Familia "Hamlaha" Dezenvolvimentu Bee Moos-Eletrisidade iha Uatulari Atinji 75% » | [
"By Tempo Timor December 27, 2020 908 Padre Kapelaun Malurucomo suku Makadique Emanuel Raja 'Manu Kwuta' selebra misa Natal 25 Dezembru 2020, Uatulari Foto Tempo Timor Padre ko'alia lia hirak ne'e tanba, mezmu tama.ona loron boot, maibe kontinua mosu konflitu ne'ebe afeta husi hemu tua, fuma sigaru, inklui halimar facebook ho whatsapp.",
"\"Oinsa ita bele selebra Natal, se ita la hola parte no ativu, iha selebrasaun misa Natal nian, kalan ida ne'e ha'u konvida ita hotu-hotu, atu selebra Natal ho ativu, ho konsiensia nakonu,\" dehan Padre Emanuel liuhusi nia omilia ba sarani sira bainhira prezide misa iha kalan Natal, horseik (25/12).",
"Bibi atan ne'e mos fo konvite ba sarani suku makadiki atu tau Jesus Kristu nu'udar sentru iha ida-idak nia moris, atu nune'e bele hametin liutan sira-nia fiar no esperansa.",
"\"Nia hakarak tama iha ita-nia fuan, maibe ita taka hela ita-nia fuan, maske ita-nia laran hein hela nia. maibe ita halo finji la rona, tanba kolegas, tanba tua ho sigaru ka tanba ita halimar facebook no whatsapp demais,\" dehan Nia.",
"Padre ne'e mos esplika liutan, ko'alia kona-ba Natal ne'e la'os atu hanoin kona-ba saida mak sarani presiza, maibe sarani sira presiza hasoru mak ida ne'ebe latan hela iha balada fatin.",
"Bibi atan ne'e mos husu ba ema hotu atu respeita malu no labele estraga ka hasai ema seluk nia vida. tanba nu'daru ema moris iha mundu ne'e iha diretu no dignidade hanesan.",
"\"Tan ne'e Maromak mai atu fo korajen ba ita hotu hodi luta kontra abortus, luta kontra odiu malu, oho malu, halakon ema Nia vida, no selu-seluk tan,\" katak Padre Emanuel.",
"Nia mos preokupa, tanba ema soe bebe oan sira iha ponte okos, iha ai-laran, fatin lixu, nune'e mos kazu rama ambon, tuda malu inklui oho malu ho sasan kroat.",
"Padre ne'e afirma, selebrasaun loron Jesus nian bele lori sarani tomak atu proive funu no estraga malu, respeita moris ema ida-idak nian, tanba moris ne'e nu'udar doasaun gratuita husi Maromak, kee ita ema presiza kuidadu.",
"\"Nune'e ita hotu, mai ita han no simu kbiit husi Jesus iha balada sira nian han fatin, atu bele fo kbiit ba ita-nia maluk sira seluk,\" tenik nia.",
"Entretantu, tuir observasaun nian iha terenu nota katak, sarani sira ne'ebe barak liu partisipa iha misa ba festa Natal nian mak ferik no katuas, labarik, kaben-na'in sira, maibe joven sira ladun partisipa. (*) Last modified on Sunday, 27 December 2020 14:20 \" Komunidade Ossu: Kumpre EE Signifika Husik Familia \"Hamlaha\" Dezenvolvimentu Bee Moos-Eletrisidade iha Uatulari Atinji 75% \""
] | [
"By Tempo Timor December 27,198 Father Chaplain Malurucomo suku Makadique Emanuel Raja 'Manu Kwuta' celebrates Christmas mass on Dec.30th in Uatulari Photo:Tempo Timor The priest said these words because even though it is a big day but there continue to be conflict which are affected by smoking cigarettes and facebook with whatsapp etc..."
"\"How can we celebrate Christmas, if not taking part and being active in the celebration of Mass? This evening I invite us all to participate with an open conscience.\" Father Emanuel said this during his homily when he presided over mass on December 25th."
"The Bishop also invited the Makadiki parishioners to put Jesus Christ as a centre in their lives, so that they can strengthen through it both faith and hope."
"\"He wants to come into our heart, but we keep closing it up even though he is waiting in the middle of us. But then you pretend that your not listening because colleagues are smoking cigarettes or just being too busy with facebook and whatsapp.\""
"The priest also explained that talking about Christmas is not to think of what the faithful need, but they must meet one who lives in a ballad place."
"He also urged all people to respect each other and not destroy or take the life of others. Because as we live in this world, everyone has equal rights & dignity..."
"\"That is why God has come to give us all courage in the struggle against abortion, fighting hatred of one another and killing each other."
"He is also concerned, because people are burning their babies on the bridges around town and in trees or garbage dumps. There have been cases of ram ambon (a kind Of firecracker), killing each other with croat stuff etc..."
"The priest affirms that the celebration of Jesus' Day can lead all believers to forbid war and destroy each other, respecting every person’S life because it is God‘ s free gift which we need care."
"\"Now, let us all come and eat from Jesus in our local dining halls so that we can give strength to others.\""
"Meanwhile, according to the observation of www.tempotimor!com on site it is noted that those who participate in mass for Christmas celebrations are mainly elders and children but young people do not take part (*) Last modified On Sunday 27 December -14:30 \" Community Ossu says compliance with EC means falling into family hunger Water-Water supply development reaches Uatulari at a rate as high As seventy five percent\""
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Vitíma dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI – Radio Comunidade Comoro\nVaranda / Notísia Vitíma dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI\n(Díli)-Health wealth internasional(HWI) foti inisiativa rasik apoiu aihan nesesidade bázika ba abitantes ne’ebe vitíma ba Inundasaun foin lalais ne’e hamutuk uma kain 30 iha suku Metiaut Postu administrativu Kristu-Rei munisipiu Díli.\nResponsavel Asaun karitativa grupo Health wealth internasional Eugenia guterres do Rego espresa, sentimentu solidadriedade ba maluk vitíma dezastre naturais ne’e, tanba nu’udar timor oan, tanba ne’e mak Health wealth internasional ho inisiativa hodi apoiu aihan bázika ba komunidade afetadu sira.\n“ami husi HWI no ami ho inisiativa rasik mak halo asaun karidade ida ne’e, hodi apoiu ba ita nia maluk sira ne’ebé mak foin lalais hasoru dezastre naturais, la signifika katak ami riku liu, maibe nu’udar timor oan ami ho fuan ho laran, atu ajuda ita nia maluk sira hotu ne’ebe hasoru situasaun ida ne’e , hodi bele hakman sira nia sofrementu.”Dehan Eugenia guterres ba jornalista iha fatin asaun karidade metiaut sábado 24-4/2021.\nFuan osan mean inan feton Eugenia guteres ho maluk feto sira halo asaun karidade ne’e tuir forsa no kbi’it ne’ebé iha, hodi tulun netik vitíma sira hodi hakman sira terus.\n“ami lori buat ne’ebé mak tuir ami nia forsa no kbi’it ne’ebé mak ami iha la barak maibe iha naton atu bele apoiu sira hodi hakman sira terus tanba ne’e mak ami husi HWI hola desizaun ne’e.“Dehan lider fuan osan mean ne’e.\nIha sorin seluk mos, familia vitíma dezastre naturais, Abita da Conceicão agradese tebes ba Health wealth internasional ne’ebé apoiu ona aihan bázika ba sira.\n“ami agradese tebes ba HWI nia apoiu ne’e, maske barak ka oituan ami simu.” Dehan komunidade afetadu Inundasaun ne’e.\nIha okajiaun hanesan, Delegadu aldeia Karumgulau suku Metiaut, Armando Correia, apresia tebes ho asaun karidade husi grupo HWI, tanba bele sustenta ona komunidade sira nesesidade lorloron.\n“ami nia bairu ne’e iha uma 13 mak hetan estragus ou grave tebes husi dezastre naturais foin lalais ne’e, tanba ne’e ami agradese tebes ba kolega sira husi HWI ne’ebé iha hanoin ida ne’ebé furak, ohin mai apoiu aihan ba ita nia komunidade sira hodi bele tahan netik sira nia nesesidade lorloron nian.”Lider lokal ne’e haktuir.\nDelegadu ne’e ho familia vitíma dezastre naturais uma kain 13 dadaun ne’e hela provijoriu iha kapela Metiaut , hodi hein deaijaun husi governu atu rekoperasaun ba hela fatin.\nHo nune’e etapa dahuluk Health wealth internasional(HWI) apoiu aihan nesesidade bázika hanesan fós ,mina , supermi inklui nesesidade sira ne’ebé uza ba loron-loron nian.\nHealth wealth internasional mós dehan, iha tempu tuir mai sei nafatin apoiu maluk sira ne’ebé hasoru dezastre naturais, tuir forsa no kbi’it ne’ebé sira iha.\nPrevious post Hahú aban sarani sira iha Arquídiosese Metropolitana Dili bele tuir misa\nNext post Inundasaun fulan abril, estraga Natar hektares 150 iha Atabae Kailaku | [
"Vitima dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI - Radio Comunidade Comoro Varanda / Notisia Vitima dezastre naturais Uma kain 30 iha Suku Metiaut Hetan apoiu aihan husi HWI (Dili) -Health wealth internasional (HWI) foti inisiativa rasik apoiu aihan nesesidade bazika ba abitantes ne'ebe vitima ba Inundasaun foin lalais ne'e hamutuk uma kain 30 iha suku Metiaut Postu administrativu Kristu-Rei munisipiu Dili.",
"Responsavel Asaun karitativa grupo Health wealth internasional Eugenia guterres do Rego espresa, sentimentu solidadriedade ba maluk vitima dezastre naturais ne'e, tanba nu'udar timor oan, tanba ne'e mak Health wealth internasional ho inisiativa hodi apoiu aihan bazika ba komunidade afetadu sira. \"ami husi HWI no ami ho inisiativa rasik mak halo asaun karidade ida ne'e, hodi apoiu ba ita nia maluk sira ne'ebe mak foin lalais hasoru dezastre naturais, la signifika katak ami riku liu, maibe nu'udar timor oan ami ho fuan ho laran, atu ajuda ita nia maluk sira hotu ne'ebe hasoru situasaun ida ne'e , hodi bele hakman sira nia sofrementu.\"Dehan Eugenia guterres ba jornalista iha fatin asaun karidade metiaut sabado 24-4/2021.",
"Fuan osan mean inan feton Eugenia guteres ho maluk feto sira halo asaun karidade ne'e tuir forsa no kbi'it ne'ebe iha, hodi tulun netik vitima sira hodi hakman sira terus. \"ami lori buat ne'ebe mak tuir ami nia forsa no kbi'it ne'ebe mak ami iha la barak maibe iha naton atu bele apoiu sira hodi hakman sira terus tanba ne'e mak ami husi HWI hola desizaun ne'e.\"Dehan lider fuan osan mean ne'e.",
"Iha sorin seluk mos, familia vitima dezastre naturais, Abita da Conceicao agradese tebes ba Health wealth internasional ne'ebe apoiu ona aihan bazika ba sira. \"ami agradese tebes ba HWI nia apoiu ne'e, maske barak ka oituan ami simu.\"",
"Dehan komunidade afetadu Inundasaun ne'e.",
"Iha okajiaun hanesan, Delegadu aldeia Karumgulau suku Metiaut, Armando Correia, apresia tebes ho asaun karidade husi grupo HWI, tanba bele sustenta ona komunidade sira nesesidade lorloron. \"ami nia bairu ne'e iha uma 13 mak hetan estragus ou grave tebes husi dezastre naturais foin lalais ne'e, tanba ne'e ami agradese tebes ba kolega sira husi HWI ne'ebe iha hanoin ida ne'ebe furak, ohin mai apoiu aihan ba ita nia komunidade sira hodi bele tahan netik sira nia nesesidade lorloron nian.\"Lider lokal ne'e haktuir.",
"Delegadu ne'e ho familia vitima dezastre naturais uma kain 13 dadaun ne'e hela provijoriu iha kapela Metiaut , hodi hein deaijaun husi governu atu rekoperasaun ba hela fatin.",
"Ho nune'e etapa dahuluk Health wealth internasional (HWI) apoiu aihan nesesidade bazika hanesan fos ,mina , supermi inklui nesesidade sira ne'ebe uza ba loron-loron nian.",
"Health wealth internasional mos dehan, iha tempu tuir mai sei nafatin apoiu maluk sira ne'ebe hasoru dezastre naturais, tuir forsa no kbi'it ne'ebe sira iha.",
"Previous post Hahu aban sarani sira iha Arquidiosese Metropolitana Dili bele tuir misa Next post Inundasaun fulan abril, estraga Natar hektares 150 iha Atabae Kailaku"
] | [
"Victims of natural disaster 30 household in Metiaut Village Get Food Support from HWI - Radio Comunidade Comoro Varanda / Notisia Vittima de desastres naturais Vitimas da catástrofe Natural em Dili recebem ajuda alimentar do Health Wealth International (HWI)-Health wellness international took its own initiatives to provide basic food supplies for the residentials who were victimized by recent flood."
"Health wealth international charity group responsible Eugenia Gutteres do Rego expresses a feeling of solidarity with the victims, because as Timorese people it is for this reason that we have taken on ourselves to support basic food supplies in affected communities. \"we from HWI and I made up my own mind when doing these charities actions so they can help those who were recently hit by natural disasters; not only are you richer than me but also like all other East-Timorese citizens your heart beats faster now.\"Dehan Eugénia told journalist at an event held Saturday (24 April) during their humanitarian action Metiaut"
"HWI's mother, Eugenia Guteres and other women made this charity action to the best of our ability in order for them helping those who suffered. \"We brought what we could with all that was available but there is a need from us as an organization so you can support these people.\" The leader said:"
"On the other hand, family members of natural disaster victims Abita da Conceicao thanked Health Wealth International for providing basic food to them. \"We are very grateful that HWI has provided this support no matter how much or little we have received.\""
"Dehan community affected by the flood."
"On the same occasion, Delegate of Karumgulau village Metiaut municipality Armando Correia appreciated very much with charity action by HWI group because it has supported communities' daily needs. \"Our neighborhood is in 13 houses that have been severely damages or badly from recent natural disasters therefore we are thankful to our colleagues who had a good idea and today came for food assistance so they can sustain their everyday necessity.\" The local leader said:"
"The delegate and the family of natural disaster victims 13 houses are currently living provisionally in Metiaut chapel, waiting for a deaijao from government to reconstruct their homes."
"Thus, the first stage of Health Wealth International (HWI) supported basic food such as flour . mines and supermi including everyday necessities for use in daily life"
"Health wealth international also said, in the coming time will continue to support people who faced natural disasters according their strength and capacity."
"Previous post Catholics in the Metropolitan Archdiocese of Dili can attend Mass tomorrow Next posta Flood damage 150 hectares at Kailaku Dam"
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Governu planeia konstrui portu navál Hera iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DEFEZA Governu planeia konstrui portu navál Hera iha tinan oin\nDILI, 31 maiu 2021 (TATOLI)-–Governu liuhosi Ministériu Defeza (MD) iha ona planu atu propoin orsamentu balun iha Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2022 atu halo konstrusaun portu iha Hera, munisípiu Dili, atu fasilita FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hosi Unidade Komponente Navál halo serbisu ho di’ak.\n“Ita sei hatama proposta hodi propoin orsamenentu iha tinan 2022 atubele hahú konstrusaun ba portu Navál Hera atu fasilita Unidade Komponente Navál,” Minsitru Defeza, Filomeno da Paixão de Jesus, hateten iha edifisiu Ministériu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Governu Sei Aprova Kriasaun Autoridade Marítima Nasionál\nTuir governante ne’e, daudaun ne’e, Governu Timor-Leste no Austrália halo hela diskusaun atu simu apoia ró rua ho medida metru 40 ba Timor-Leste.\nGovernu Austrália mós hakarak apoia konstrui portu ida iha Hera, nunee ró rua ne’ebé oferese ona bele atraka iha área ne’e no Timor-Leste mós hakarak konstrui portu ida fali, maibé sei propin iha orsamentu.\n“Kona-ba konstrusaun portu navál, ita bele implementa iha tinan oin, tanba orsamentu mak seidauk iha detallu, maibé sira (Austrália) iha kompromisu atu apoia halo portu foun,” nia akresenta.\nTuir kálkulu, presiza orsamentu millaun $20-resin ba konstrui portu naval Hera, maibé Governu nasaun rua sei aloka orsamentu pur faze to’o ratama.\nNune’e, Governu hahú kria Autoridade Marítima ne’ebé sei akumula hotu Unidade Komponente Navál hosi F-FDTL inklui Unidade Polísia Marítima no Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL) atu hamutuk asegura riku-soin iha tasi laran.\nPrevious articleKomisaun D rekomenda reforsa kapitaliza BNCTL fó kréditu\nNext articlePNTL preokupa ho ema moras mentál iha Dili | [
"Governu planeia konstrui portu naval Hera iha tinan oin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA Governu planeia konstrui portu naval Hera iha tinan oin DILI, 31 maiu 2021 (TATOLI) --Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Defeza (MD) iha ona planu atu propoin orsamentu balun iha Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2022 atu halo konstrusaun portu iha Hera, munisipiu Dili, atu fasilita FALINTIL-Forsa Defeza Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) hosi Unidade Komponente Naval halo serbisu ho di'ak.",
"\"Ita sei hatama proposta hodi propoin orsamenentu iha tinan 2022 atubele hahu konstrusaun ba portu Naval Hera atu fasilita Unidade Komponente Naval,\" Minsitru Defeza, Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus, hateten iha edifisiu Ministeriu Finansa, Aitarak-laran, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu Sei Aprova Kriasaun Autoridade Maritima Nasional Tuir governante ne'e, daudaun ne'e, Governu Timor-Leste no Australia halo hela diskusaun atu simu apoia ro rua ho medida metru 40 ba Timor-Leste.",
"Governu Australia mos hakarak apoia konstrui portu ida iha Hera, nunee ro rua ne'ebe oferese ona bele atraka iha area ne'e no Timor-Leste mos hakarak konstrui portu ida fali, maibe sei propin iha orsamentu.",
"\"Kona-ba konstrusaun portu naval, ita bele implementa iha tinan oin, tanba orsamentu mak seidauk iha detallu, maibe sira (Australia) iha kompromisu atu apoia halo portu foun,\" nia akresenta.",
"Tuir kalkulu, presiza orsamentu millaun $20-resin ba konstrui portu naval Hera, maibe Governu nasaun rua sei aloka orsamentu pur faze to'o ratama.",
"Nune'e, Governu hahu kria Autoridade Maritima ne'ebe sei akumula hotu Unidade Komponente Naval hosi F-FDTL inklui Unidade Polisia Maritima no Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL) atu hamutuk asegura riku-soin iha tasi laran.",
"Previous articleKomisaun D rekomenda reforsa kapitaliza BNCTL fo kreditu Next articlePNTL preokupa ho ema moras mental iha Dili"
] | [
"Government plans to build Hera naval port next year | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DEFEZA The government, through the Ministry of Defence (MD), has already planned on proposing some budget in its General State Budget for a construction project at Portu Naval do Estado da Bahia’s new terminal building."
"\"We will submit proposals to propose a budget in 2019 so that we can begin construction of the Hera Naval Port, which would be used as an area for naval component units (UCN),\" Defence Minister Filomeno da Paixao de Jesus said at his Ministry' s Finance building on Monday."
"Relevant News: Government Will Approve Creation of National Maritime Authority According to the governor, currently Timor-Leste and Australia are discussing about receiving support for two 40 metre boats."
"The Australian government also wants to support the construction of a port in Hera, so that two boats already offered can dock there and Timor-Leste would like build another one but will have its own budget."
"\"Regarding the construction of a naval port, we can implement it next year because there is no budget yet in detail but they (Australia) are committed to supporting building new harbours.\""
"According to estimates, it will take more than $20 million for the construction of Hera naval port but both countries' government shall allocate funds in phase until completion."
"Thus, the Government has begun to create a Maritime Authority which will combine all Naval Component Units of F-FDTL including Marine Police Unit and Timorese National police (PNTL) in order together secure resources at sea."
"Previous articleKomisi D rekomenda reforsa kapitaliza BNCTL fo kredit Next ArticlePNTL preokupa ho tawo sa sakit mental diha Dili"
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FORUM HAKSESUK: 500 ANOS – TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3)\n500 ANOS – TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3)\nKAPÍTULU 3.º - Frei Cristóvão Rangel, frei Rafael da Veiga, no Frei João das Chagas\n1 – Frei Cristóvão Rangel, O. P. (Ordo Praedicatorum)\nIha tinan 1633, amo lulik dominikanu frei Cristóvão Rangel, sai hosi Solor ba Timor. Nia haree katak iha rai seluk-seluk iha ona amo lulik, maibé, Timor nebé rai boot no iha populasaun wa’in tebes, la iha amo lulik. Ne’e duni nia sa’e ro ba tun iha Silawan, iha Timor ocidental, besik Mota ain no Batugadé.\nIha Silawan, nebé malae sira temi Silavão ou Silbão, frei Cristóvão hasoru nahas liurai, nia husu atu hanorin doutrina ba povu no dato sira; nia mos harii igreja ida iha knua laran. Liurai Silawan ne’e konverte no sarani ho naran Dom Cristóvão. Maibé, iha Silawan no Kowa, ema relijiaun islam barak. Sira la konkorda atu relijiaun katolika tama iha rai nebá. Loron ida sira tau veneno iha há-hán hodi fo ba padre Cristóvão. Ema rai na’in mak salva amo lulik hodi fó fali aimoruk kontra veneno. Amo lulik dominikanu ne’e wainhira haree katak nia isin tun ba beibeik, nia hola desizaun atu fila hikas ba Malaca, no ikus mai, liu ba Goa (India). Maibé, la kleur deit nia mate iha nebá. Nia mak amo lulik ba dala rua, nebé, ofisialemnte, tama Rai boot Timur (Timor).\nAtu troka padre Cristóvão, superior dominikanu iha Larantuka s haruka padre Bento Serrão, O. P., ba hela iha Silawan. Tam ba amo lulik ne’e hakark liu halo kontratu ho ai-kameli, liu ba tá no, governu haruka sai hosi Timor hodi fila ba Portugal.\n2 – Frei Rafael da Veiga, O.P.\nIha tinan 1636, padre Superior dominikanu iha Larantuka haruka amo lulik dominikanu naran Rafael da Veiga atu assiste sarnai sira iha ilha (pulau) Savu (Sabo). Iha fatin ne’e, rai manas, moras malaria maka’as, no ema feto sira buka hela de’it amo lulik. Frei Rafael, ema relijiozu ida ke diak no missionariu badinas, nia husik Savu, rai aat nakonu ho tentasaun no sala, nia liu ba rai boot Timor Ocidental. Nia ho labarik mane ida sa’e ro ba tun iha tasi ibun iha knua Batu Putih (Fatuk mutin). Ema rai na’in sira hakfodak haree amo lulik ne’e, tanba nia hatais batina metan, ho ho liman loos kaer kruz. Sira lori nia ba hasoru liurai iha Amabi nebé simu nia ho laran diak. Iha Amabi, nia mos hanorin doutrina hodi sarani ema. Ikus mai, frei Rafael loke eskola ba labarik sira no harii igreja ida. Nia mos liu ba reinu Amarasi, hanorin doutrina ba dato no povu kiik. Liurai Amarasi konverte, simu sakramentu batizmu. Nia naran mak Dom Agostinho. Tanba situasaun la dun diak (kurang há-hán, rai manas, etc.), amo lulik Rafael sai moras no ikus mai mate iha Amabi no hakoi iha Batu Putih. Liurai no povu la husik amo lulik seluk lorin isin mate ba Larantuka. Nia amo lulik nebé mate iha Timor ba dala uluk.\n3. Frei João das Chagas,O.P., missionariu ba dala uluk iha Kupang.\nIha tinan 1634-1635, to’o iha Cupão (Koepang, Kupang), amo lulik dominikanu Frei João das Chagas. To’o tiha Solor, padre superior frei Miguel Rangel haruka niba serbisu iha Ende (ilha). Nia rona katak iha Timor, ema barak converte atu sai kristaun. Nee duni, nia tun ba iha Cupão, rai nebé ema sira mesak jentiu no adora lulik (animistas). Loron ida, tan ba rai manas demais amo lulik husu be atu hemu. Ema Rai nai’n sira, la fo be, maibé, fo fali tua muitn kahur ho veneno. Tuir mai sira lori nia soe iha kuaak naruk ida. Liu tiha tina ida, dominikanus seluk hetan nia isin, no lori ba hakoi iha Larantuka. Atu troka fali padre João das Chagas, padre superior haruka amo lulik seluk ba Cupão, hanesan padre frei António de São Domingos ho padre António de São Jacinto.\nPorto, 22 de juñ de 2015\nPublicada por FORUM HAKSESUK à(s) 5:15 da manhã | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: 500 ANOS - TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3) 500 ANOS - TINAN ATUS LIMA Emar Timor Ho Malae Mutin Hasoru Malu (Kapitulu 3) KAPITULU 3.o - Frei Cristovao Rangel, frei Rafael da Veiga, no Frei Joao das Chagas 1 - Frei Cristovao Rangel, O. P.",
"(Ordo Praedicatorum) Iha tinan 1633, amo lulik dominikanu frei Cristovao Rangel, sai hosi Solor ba Timor.",
"Nia haree katak iha rai seluk-seluk iha ona amo lulik, maibe, Timor nebe rai boot no iha populasaun wa'in tebes, la iha amo lulik.",
"Ne'e duni nia sa'e ro ba tun iha Silawan, iha Timor ocidental, besik Mota ain no Batugade.",
"Iha Silawan, nebe malae sira temi Silavao ou Silbao, frei Cristovao hasoru nahas liurai, nia husu atu hanorin doutrina ba povu no dato sira; nia mos harii igreja ida iha knua laran.",
"Liurai Silawan ne'e konverte no sarani ho naran Dom Cristovao.",
"Maibe, iha Silawan no Kowa, ema relijiaun islam barak.",
"Sira la konkorda atu relijiaun katolika tama iha rai neba.",
"Loron ida sira tau veneno iha ha-han hodi fo ba padre Cristovao.",
"Ema rai na'in mak salva amo lulik hodi fo fali aimoruk kontra veneno.",
"Amo lulik dominikanu ne'e wainhira haree katak nia isin tun ba beibeik, nia hola desizaun atu fila hikas ba Malaca, no ikus mai, liu ba Goa (India).",
"Maibe, la kleur deit nia mate iha neba.",
"Nia mak amo lulik ba dala rua, nebe, ofisialemnte, tama Rai boot Timur (Timor).",
"Atu troka padre Cristovao, superior dominikanu iha Larantuka s haruka padre Bento Serrao, O. P., ba hela iha Silawan.",
"Tam ba amo lulik ne'e hakark liu halo kontratu ho ai-kameli, liu ba ta no, governu haruka sai hosi Timor hodi fila ba Portugal.",
"2 - Frei Rafael da Veiga, O.P. Iha tinan 1636, padre Superior dominikanu iha Larantuka haruka amo lulik dominikanu naran Rafael da Veiga atu assiste sarnai sira iha ilha (pulau) Savu (Sabo).",
"Iha fatin ne'e, rai manas, moras malaria maka'as, no ema feto sira buka hela de'it amo lulik.",
"Frei Rafael, ema relijiozu ida ke diak no missionariu badinas, nia husik Savu, rai aat nakonu ho tentasaun no sala, nia liu ba rai boot Timor Ocidental.",
"Nia ho labarik mane ida sa'e ro ba tun iha tasi ibun iha knua Batu Putih (Fatuk mutin).",
"Ema rai na'in sira hakfodak haree amo lulik ne'e, tanba nia hatais batina metan, ho ho liman loos kaer kruz.",
"Sira lori nia ba hasoru liurai iha Amabi nebe simu nia ho laran diak.",
"Iha Amabi, nia mos hanorin doutrina hodi sarani ema.",
"Ikus mai, frei Rafael loke eskola ba labarik sira no harii igreja ida.",
"Nia mos liu ba reinu Amarasi, hanorin doutrina ba dato no povu kiik.",
"Liurai Amarasi konverte, simu sakramentu batizmu.",
"Nia naran mak Dom Agostinho.",
"Tanba situasaun la dun diak (kurang ha-han, rai manas, etc.), amo lulik Rafael sai moras no ikus mai mate iha Amabi no hakoi iha Batu Putih.",
"Liurai no povu la husik amo lulik seluk lorin isin mate ba Larantuka.",
"Nia amo lulik nebe mate iha Timor ba dala uluk.",
"Frei Joao das Chagas,O.P., missionariu ba dala uluk iha Kupang.",
"Iha tinan 1634-1635, to'o iha Cupao (Koepang, Kupang), amo lulik dominikanu Frei Joao das Chagas.",
"To'o tiha Solor, padre superior frei Miguel Rangel haruka niba serbisu iha Ende (ilha).",
"Nia rona katak iha Timor, ema barak converte atu sai kristaun.",
"Nee duni, nia tun ba iha Cupao, rai nebe ema sira mesak jentiu no adora lulik (animistas).",
"Loron ida, tan ba rai manas demais amo lulik husu be atu hemu.",
"Ema Rai nai'n sira, la fo be, maibe, fo fali tua muitn kahur ho veneno.",
"Tuir mai sira lori nia soe iha kuaak naruk ida.",
"Liu tiha tina ida, dominikanus seluk hetan nia isin, no lori ba hakoi iha Larantuka.",
"Atu troka fali padre Joao das Chagas, padre superior haruka amo lulik seluk ba Cupao, hanesan padre frei Antonio de Sao Domingos ho padre Antonio de Sao Jacinto.",
"Porto, 22 de jun de 2015 Publicada por FORUM HAKSESUK a (s) 5:15 da manha"
] | [
"FORUM HAKSESUK: THE FOURTH ANNIVERSARY OF LIMA'S DEPARTMENT (Chapter III) The Fourth Anniversaries of Lima’s Department Chapter Three - Frei Cristovao Rangel, frei Rafael da Veiga and Friar João das Chagas Part One – Fray Cristóvãos Rangel O.P"
"(Ordo Praedicatorum) In 1632, the Dominican monk Friar Cristovao Rangel left Solor for Timor."
"He observed that in other countries there were already amo lulik, but Timor with its large land and very small population had no."
"So he took a boat to Silawan, in western Timor near Mota Ain and Batugade."
"In Silawan, which the Malays called Silavao or Silbao. Friar Cristovo confronted nahas king and asked him to teach doctrine for his people; he also built a church in their knua (village)."
"The priest of Silawan converted and took the name Dom Cristovao."
"However, in Silawan and Kowa there are many Muslims."
"They did not agree to allow the Catholic religion into heaven."
"One day, they put poison in the food to give Padre Cristovao."
"The man of the land saved him by giving medication against poison."
"When the Dominican monk saw that his health was deteriorating, he made a decision to return quickly back into Malacca and eventually through Goa (India)."
"However, he died there shortly afterwards."
"He was the second Portuguese ruler, who officially entered Great Timor."
"To replace Fr. Cristovao, the Dominican superior in Larantuka s sent Fra Bento Serrau to live at Silawan 1950-62"
"He was more interested in contracting with camels than ta, and the government sent him out of Timor to Portugal."
"2 - Fra Rafael da Veiga, O.P In the year of (1635), a Dominican priest Superior in Larantuka sent an old dominican monk named Raphael to assist sailors on Savu Island(Sabo)."
"In the area, hot waters and high levels of malaria prevailed. Women were all looking for a man to marry them in this place where they could not find anybody else than their own father or mother-in–law!"
"Friar Rafael, a good religious man and courageous missionary left Savu an evil land filled with temptation & sin for the great country of West Timor."
"She and a boy jumped on the boat to go down into sea in Batu Putih (Fatuk Mutin) knua."
"The landlords were glad to see this man, because he was wearing a white robe and carried the cross in his right hand."
"They took him to the king in Amabi, who welcomed his arrival with open arms."
"In Amabi, he also taught the doctrine of baptizing people."
"So, Friar Raphael opened a school for children and built one church."
"He also went to the kingdom of Amarasi, teaching doctrine on data and small people."
"Liurai Amarasi converted, received the sacrament of baptism."
"His name is Dom Agostinho, and he lives in São Paulo."
"Due to poor conditions (lack of food, hot weather etc.), grandfather Rafael fell ill and eventually died in Amabi while he was still living at Batu Putih"
"The king and the people did not let other lulik lorin body dead to Larantuka."
"His grandfather died in Timor for the first time."
"3. The application process"
"Friar Joao das Chagas, O.P; first missionary in Kupang (Indonesia)."
"In 1634-5, in Cupao (Koepang or Kupang), the Dominican monk Frei João das Chagas arrived."
"After arriving in Solor, the superior Friar Miguel Rangel sent him to work on Ende (island)."
"He heard that in Timor, many people converted to Christianity."
"So he went down to Cupao, a land where the people were only gentiles and worshipped demons (animists)."
"One day, when the rain was too heavy my father asked me to go home."
"The people of the land did not give them water, but instead gave their muitn kahur with poison."
"Then they carried him to be burned in a long quaak."
"After one night, another Dominican found his body and carried it to a hakoi in Larantuka."
"To replace Father Joao das Chagas, the superior sent other monks to Cupão: Fr. Antonio de Sao Domingo and Fray Antônio do São Jacinto (the latter is now a priest)."
"Porto, 21 de Junho do.06 Publicada por FORUM HACKSESUK a(s)"
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Dili- Forsa konjunta kompostu husi PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua asegura seguransa iha fronteira terrestre hodi prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal.\nKomandante UPF Superintendente João Sancho Pires informa UPF kontinua halo patrulla tanba fronteira nee area luan nune’e UPF la mesak maibe hamutuk ho membru F-FDTL no Komando Operasaun Espesial (COE- sigla portuges) ne’ebe destaka kontinua mantein hodi asegura seguransa, Nia hato’o asuntu ne’e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Tersa (01/12).\nKomandante ne’e haktuirtan membru sira la foti diretu lisensa annual hahu inplementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) to’o agora UPF servisu nafatin hodi halo patrulla no kontinua apoiu Komandu munisipiu Bobonaro, Covalima no Oe-Cussse oinsa prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal iha fronteira.\n“Iha fulan kotuk osan alimentasaun tarde nune’e Komandu buka desaraska hodi kordena ho Ministeriu balu hodi fo apoiu fos nune’e ami fahe ba Kompania tolu (3) Maliana, Suai no Oe-Cusse hodi hein osan alimentasaun sai no laiha problema maske orsamentu tarde la difikulta UPF atu halo servisu maske hahan laiha no hamlaha maibe servisu nafatin tanba UPF nia papel atu asegura seguransa iha terrenu,” Komandante UPF esplika.\nForsa konjunta kontinua halo operasaun no passa revista iha postu 30 ne’ebe maka iha no postu provizoriu 8 ne’ebe maka aumenta mos lao hela hodi koloka efetivu UPF hamutuk ho F-FDTL, no COE.\nDurante periode EE Forsa konjunta kaptura ema hamutuk 38 kompostu husi timor oan hamutuk 27 ne’ebe maioria estudante ne’ebe nia kitas mate no sira balu ne’ebe maka halo tranzasaun illegal hodi faan sasan iha mota laran nomos sidadaun Indonezia hamutuk 13, ni prosesu timor oan ita entrega ba karantina no sidadaun Indonezia deporta ba Indonezia.\nAlende ne’e kapturamos sasan lubuk ida hanesan Fugetes, sigaru Surya ball ida (1), ropa obralan, Fugetes, Beer DS, Minarai 1200 litru no Ro’o maibe ema nain rua((2) foti ro’o peskador palaka nian hodi halai fila ba Atapupu. Sasan no suspetu balu ne’ebe maka deskumfia iha hela Kuartel UPF hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun hodi ba Tribunal.\nAtu termina Komandante ne’e apela ba komunidade hirak ne’ebe hela besik lina fronteira atu kopera ho ami hodi prevene tanba iha Atambua mos afeta ona husi COVID-19 hamutuk ema nain 30 tanba ne’e maka husu ba komunidade sira ita kopera malu nune’e buat ruma ne’ebe illegal labele lao hodi prevene virus Corona labele hadaet. Media PNTL | [
"Dili- Forsa konjunta kompostu husi PNTL no F-FDTL kontinua asegura seguransa iha fronteira terrestre hodi prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal.",
"Komandante UPF Superintendente Joao Sancho Pires informa UPF kontinua halo patrulla tanba fronteira nee area luan nune'e UPF la mesak maibe hamutuk ho membru F-FDTL no Komando Operasaun Espesial (COE- sigla portuges) ne'ebe destaka kontinua mantein hodi asegura seguransa, Nia hato'o asuntu ne'e ba Jornalista sira iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL Kaikoli Dili, Tersa (01/12).",
"Komandante ne'e haktuirtan membru sira la foti diretu lisensa annual hahu inplementasaun Estadu Emerjensia (EE) to'o agora UPF servisu nafatin hodi halo patrulla no kontinua apoiu Komandu munisipiu Bobonaro, Covalima no Oe-Cussse oinsa prevene movimentu no tranzasaun illegal iha fronteira.",
"\"Iha fulan kotuk osan alimentasaun tarde nune'e Komandu buka desaraska hodi kordena ho Ministeriu balu hodi fo apoiu fos nune'e ami fahe ba Kompania tolu (3) Maliana, Suai no Oe-Cusse hodi hein osan alimentasaun sai no laiha problema maske orsamentu tarde la difikulta UPF atu halo servisu maske hahan laiha no hamlaha maibe servisu nafatin tanba UPF nia papel atu asegura seguransa iha terrenu,\" Komandante UPF esplika.",
"Forsa konjunta kontinua halo operasaun no passa revista iha postu 30 ne'ebe maka iha no postu provizoriu 8 ne'ebe maka aumenta mos lao hela hodi koloka efetivu UPF hamutuk ho F-FDTL, no COE.",
"Durante periode EE Forsa konjunta kaptura ema hamutuk 38 kompostu husi timor oan hamutuk 27 ne'ebe maioria estudante ne'ebe nia kitas mate no sira balu ne'ebe maka halo tranzasaun illegal hodi faan sasan iha mota laran nomos sidadaun Indonezia hamutuk 13, ni prosesu timor oan ita entrega ba karantina no sidadaun Indonezia deporta ba Indonezia.",
"Alende ne'e kapturamos sasan lubuk ida hanesan Fugetes, sigaru Surya ball ida (1), ropa obralan, Fugetes, Beer DS, Minarai 1200 litru no Ro'o maibe ema nain rua ((2) foti ro'o peskador palaka nian hodi halai fila ba Atapupu.",
"Sasan no suspetu balu ne'ebe maka deskumfia iha hela Kuartel UPF hodi submete ba prosesu investigasaun hodi ba Tribunal.",
"Atu termina Komandante ne'e apela ba komunidade hirak ne'ebe hela besik lina fronteira atu kopera ho ami hodi prevene tanba iha Atambua mos afeta ona husi COVID-19 hamutuk ema nain 30 tanba ne'e maka husu ba komunidade sira ita kopera malu nune'e buat ruma ne'ebe illegal labele lao hodi prevene virus Corona labele hadaet.",
"Media PNTL"
] | [
"Dili - A joint force composed of PNTL and F-FDTL continues to ensure security at the land border in an effort for preventing illegal movement or transaction."
"UPF Commander Superintendente Joao Sancho Pires informed that the police continue to patrol because border area is wide, so not only are they patrolling but together with members of F-FDTL and Special Operation command (COE - Portuguese acronym) who have been deployed there continuously maintaining security. He spoke about this issue for journalist at PNTL Kaikoli General Headquarters Dili on Tuesday 1st December"
"The commander said that the members did not take their annual license directly since implementation of State Emergency (EE) until now UPF still works to patrol and continue supporting Command municipalities Bobonaro, Covalima e Oe-Cussse in prevent movements or illegal transaction at border."
"\"Last month food money was late so the Command tried to coordinate with some Ministries for supporting us, and we divided ourselves into three (3) companies in Maliana. Suai & Oe-Cusse where there is no problem even though budgets are delayed it does not hinder UPF from doing its work despite lack of Food or hunger but still working because their role as a police force has been ensure security on site.\""
"The joint force continues operations and searches at the 30 existing posts, as well a temporary post of an increase in number to deploy UPF forces together with F-FDTL."
"During the EE period, Joint Forces captured a total of38 people including27 Timorese who were mostly students and some that had made illegal transaction to sell things on motorbike as wellas14 Indonesian citizens. In this process we handed over timorese for quarantine while deporting indonesian national into Indonesia"
"In addition, we captured a lot of things such as Fugetes (1), Surya ball cigars 2(3) and work clothes but two men ((4-5). took the fisherman' s boat to go back for Atapupu."
"Some items and suspects were kept at the UPF headquarters to be submitted for investigation in order that they could go before a court."
"To conclude, the Commander appealed to those communities that live near borderline cooperate with us in order for prevention because Atambua has also been affecting by COVID-19 a total of 30 people therefore we are asking our community cope together so nothing illegal can happen and prevent Corona virus not spread."
"Media PNTL"
] |
UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesór baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-juñu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesór baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-juñu\nUNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesór baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-juñu\nPrezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araújo. Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony\nDILI, 30 maiu 2022 (TATOLI)—Universidade Nasionál Timor-Lorosa’e (UNTL) no Instituto Nacional de Formacão de docentes e proffisionais da Educacão de Timor-Leste (INFORDEPE) planeia ona sei realiza graduasaun nível baxarelatu ba profesór ensinu báziku na’in-2.000, iha fulan-juñu bainhira laiha impedimentu.\nTuir Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araújo, graduasaun sei realiza iha zona neen hanesan Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Dili, Ermera no Oé-cusse.\n“Ha’u hetan ona informasaun hosi ha’u-nia Diretór Formasaun Akadémika katak informasaun kontinuasaun ba prosesu graduasaun nian, ohin loron sei iha hela gabinete Ministru Ensinu Superiór Siénsia no Kultura hodi hein hatuun despaixu atu publika iha Jornál Repúblika ona ba graduasaun estudante baxarelatu sira ne’e. Karik laiha impedimentu ruma graduasaun ne’e sei hala’o iha juñu tinan ne’e,” Prezidente INFORDEPE informa ba Agência Tatoli, iha ninia knaar fatin, Balide, segunda ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: MESSK seidauk simu proposta graduasaun hosi INFORDEPE\nManuel Gomes dehan graduasaun ne’e sei realiza tuir planu agrupamentu ne’ebé iha ona.\n“Signifika graduasaun sei hala’o iha zona neen maka hanesan hosi munisípiu Baucau sei akumula Viqueque no Lautém, Ainaro sei akumula Manufahi no Covalima, Dili sei akumula Manatuto, Aileu Liquiçá inklui Atauro, enkuantu Ermera, Bobonaro no Oé-cusse sei hala’o ninia graduasaun ketak tanba Ermera no Bobonaro númeru graduasaun boot liu, besik 400 resin,” nia akresenta.\nRejiaun Oé-cusse sei hein, bainhira MESSK hatuun ona despaixu graduasaun no publika ona iha Jornál Repúblika maka sira foin deside serimónia judisium no graduasaun, enkuantu munisípiu seluk realiza ona judisium.\nDurante ne’e INFORDEPE trava hela serimónia rua tanba de’it dezlokasaun ne’e, nune’e bainhira liuhosi fronteira terrestre sei komplikadu tanba tenke trata dokumentu lubuk ida.\n“Ita deside Oé-cusse hela ba ikus atu nune’e ita trata dokumentu ne’e dala-ida de’it, kuandu loos ona ita uza loron-rua ba serimónia judisium no graduasaun, nune’e mós graduasaun sei la’o tuir agrupamentu tanba graduasaun ne’e reitór mak tenke fó, entaun zona ida hotu tiha maka foin hakat fali ba zona seluk. Entaun buat-hotu UNTL mak sei hatene atu nune’e labele soke malu,” nia tenik.\nProfesór baxarelatu hamutuk na’in-2.000 hosi ensinu báziku ne’ebé INFORDEPE integra ba UNTL ne’e bazeia ba akordu kooperasaun, tanba antes ne’e sira finaliza ona estudu iha UNTL no agora hein de’it atu gradua, tanba ne’e parte rua presiza haree hamutuk asuntu ne’e molok deside loron graduasaun.\nPrevious articleÍndise Presu Konsumidór abril 2022 sa’e ba +1,2%\nNext articleJoven 25 selesionadu tama kampu treinamentu kompetisaun negósiu inovativu\nEdmundo monozuela June 26, 2022 at 10:47 am\nBondia ba sr/ex.minteiro EJD Hau hakarak hatene ou husu deit informasaun konaba graduado professor/a sira nebe Liu ona ba iha Judisium hotu ona,maibe too Agora Tama ona 2022 informasaun sei la fo sai ou data atu graduacao la iha, oinsa no Nusa Mak sai abandona hnsn ne | [
"UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesor baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-junu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesor baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-junu UNTL-INFORDEPE planeia realiza graduasaun profesor baxarelatu 2.000 iha fulan-junu Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araujo.",
"Imajen Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, 30 maiu 2022 (TATOLI) - Universidade Nasional Timor-Lorosa'e (UNTL) no Instituto Nacional de Formacao de docentes e proffisionais da Educacao de Timor-Leste (INFORDEPE) planeia ona sei realiza graduasaun nivel baxarelatu ba profesor ensinu baziku na'in-2.000, iha fulan-junu bainhira laiha impedimentu.",
"Tuir Prezidente INFORDEPE, Manuel Gomes de Araujo, graduasaun sei realiza iha zona neen hanesan Ainaro, Baucau, Bobonaro, Dili, Ermera no Oe-cusse.",
"\"Ha'u hetan ona informasaun hosi ha'u-nia Diretor Formasaun Akademika katak informasaun kontinuasaun ba prosesu graduasaun nian, ohin loron sei iha hela gabinete Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura hodi hein hatuun despaixu atu publika iha Jornal Republika ona ba graduasaun estudante baxarelatu sira ne'e.",
"Karik laiha impedimentu ruma graduasaun ne'e sei hala'o iha junu tinan ne'e,\" Prezidente INFORDEPE informa ba Agencia Tatoli, iha ninia knaar fatin, Balide, segunda ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: MESSK seidauk simu proposta graduasaun hosi INFORDEPE Manuel Gomes dehan graduasaun ne'e sei realiza tuir planu agrupamentu ne'ebe iha ona.",
"\"Signifika graduasaun sei hala'o iha zona neen maka hanesan hosi munisipiu Baucau sei akumula Viqueque no Lautem, Ainaro sei akumula Manufahi no Covalima, Dili sei akumula Manatuto, Aileu Liquica inklui Atauro, enkuantu Ermera, Bobonaro no Oe-cusse sei hala'o ninia graduasaun ketak tanba Ermera no Bobonaro numeru graduasaun boot liu, besik 400 resin,\" nia akresenta.",
"Rejiaun Oe-cusse sei hein, bainhira MESSK hatuun ona despaixu graduasaun no publika ona iha Jornal Republika maka sira foin deside serimonia judisium no graduasaun, enkuantu munisipiu seluk realiza ona judisium.",
"Durante ne'e INFORDEPE trava hela serimonia rua tanba de'it dezlokasaun ne'e, nune'e bainhira liuhosi fronteira terrestre sei komplikadu tanba tenke trata dokumentu lubuk ida.",
"\"Ita deside Oe-cusse hela ba ikus atu nune'e ita trata dokumentu ne'e dala-ida de'it, kuandu loos ona ita uza loron-rua ba serimonia judisium no graduasaun, nune'e mos graduasaun sei la'o tuir agrupamentu tanba graduasaun ne'e reitor mak tenke fo, entaun zona ida hotu tiha maka foin hakat fali ba zona seluk.",
"Entaun buat-hotu UNTL mak sei hatene atu nune'e labele soke malu,\" nia tenik.",
"Profesor baxarelatu hamutuk na'in-2.000 hosi ensinu baziku ne'ebe INFORDEPE integra ba UNTL ne'e bazeia ba akordu kooperasaun, tanba antes ne'e sira finaliza ona estudu iha UNTL no agora hein de'it atu gradua, tanba ne'e parte rua presiza haree hamutuk asuntu ne'e molok deside loron graduasaun.",
"Previous articleIndise Presu Konsumidor abril 2022 sa'e ba +1,2% Next articleJoven 25 selesionadu tama kampu treinamentu kompetisaun negosiu inovativu Edmundo monozuela June 26, 2022 at 10:47 am Bondia ba sr/ex.minteiro EJD Hau hakarak hatene ou husu deit informasaun konaba graduado professor/a sira nebe Liu ona ba iha Judisium hotu ona,maibe too Agora Tama ona 2022 informasaun sei la fo sai ou data atu graduacao la iha, oinsa no Nusa Mak sai abandona hnsn ne"
] | [
"UNTL-INFORDEPE plans to hold graduation ceremony for 2,016 undergraduate teachers in June | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór Leste HOME EDUCATION INVESTMENTS IN EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMMES - News and Media Services"
"Image Tatoli/Francisco Sony DILI, May 30th (TATOLI) - The National University of Timor-Leste and the Institute for Teachers’ Training in Education has planned to hold a junior level graduation ceremony on June if no impediment."
"According to INFORDEPE President Manuel Gomes de Araujo, graduation will take place in six zones such as Ainaro; Baucau and Bobonaro."
"\"I have received information from my Director of Academic Formation that the continuing details for graduating process, today will be in office Minister Higher Education Science and Culture waiting to receive dispaixu published on Jornal Republika already about these bachelors students' gradations."
"If there is no impediment, the graduation will take place in June this year\", INFORDEPE President informs Agência Tatoli from his office at Balide on Monday."
"Relevant news: MESSK has not received the graduation proposal from INFORDEPE Manuel Gomes says that this will be done according to an existing grouping plan."
"\"It means graduation will take place in nine zones as from the municipality of Baucau, Viqueque and Lautem are to be accommodated; Ainaro has been selected for Manufahi & Covalima. Dili is also being chosen with Manatuto Aileu Liquica including atauro while Ermera Bobonaro e Oe-cusse have their own special graduates because there were more students enrolled than any other district at that time (401),\" he added.\""
"The Oe-cusse region will wait until MESSK has received the graduation dispaixu and published it in Jornal Republika before deciding on a ceremonia judisium, whereas other municipalities have already carried out juridium."
"Meanwhile, INFORDEPE is holding two ceremonies just because of this displacement. Thus when crossing the land border will be complicated as it has to deal with many documents;"
"\"We decided that Oe-cusse remains to the end so we deal with this document only once, when it is right then two days will be used for ceremonia judisium and graduation. Graduations also follow a grouping because they are given by rector; after one zone all students move back into another area.\""
"So everything will be known by UNTL so that they can't interfere with each other,\" he said."
"A total of 2,017 elementary school teachers who were integrated into UNTL by INFORDEPE are based on a cooperation agreement because they have already completed their studies at the University and now just wait to graduate. Therefore both parties need together look over this matter before deciding upon an official date for grading in accordance with international standards (the UN)."
"Previous articleJoven 25 selecionado tama campo treinamento competição negócio inovador Edmundo monozuela June,16th of this year at +0.9% Next ArticleYoung people selected to take part in training camp competition innovative business Edmond Monozuela Junho de3rdof the month on -487 Comments Good morning Mr/ex-minister EJD I want only know or ask information about graduation professors who have passed into Judisium all already but until now it has been coming up and there is no date for their grading how did Nusa Mak leave hnsn?"
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INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór rihun 10-resin | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór rihun 10-resin\nINSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór rihun 10-resin\nDILI, 10 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)–Governu liuhosi Instituisaun Nasionál Seguransa Sosiál (INSS) finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballadór hamutuk rihun 10-resin ho montante rihun $7.\n“Ita-nia pagamentu 60% ba traballadór ne’e finaliza ona iha fulan setembru no selu ona ba traballadór hamutuk rihun 10-resin. Hosi osan miliaun $7 ne’e, $4,5 selu ba 60% no $2,5 selu ba 6%,” dehan Prezidente Autoridade INSS, Longuinhos Armando Leite ba Agência TATOLI, iha Parlamentu Nasionál, sesta ne’e.\nNia hatutan, maske pagamentu ramata ona maibé INSS simu reklamasaun haat ka lima maibé rezolve hotu ona. Daudaun ne’e, tuir nia, hein de’it bainhira iha kompañia balun mak justifika entaun INSS bele halo pagamentu maibé to’o agora laiha justifikasaun.\nEntretantu, nia informa, pagamentu ba idozu nian iha territóriu Timor-Leste kuaze hotu ona no daudaun ne’e INSS simu reklamasaun balun hosi suku no aldeia maibé seidauk hatene katak reklamasaun tanba mate ka halo hela servisu seluk.\n“Ita seidauk hatene objetivu hosi reklasamasaun hirak ne’e tanba ita seidauk halo pagamentu hotu. Bainhira tinan ne’e ramata ona mak foin hatene katak idozu hira mak mate ona,” nia esplika.\nNia haktuir, ema kuaze rihun 24 mak lahalo movimentu hahú hosi tinan 2019 nian mai to’o agora maibé seidauk hatene razaun hosi laiha movimentu ne’e.\n“Ita hapara no estende tanba ema laiha movimentu bainhira ita-nia ekipa hamutuk ho banku ba halo pagamentu iha suku. Tanba ne’e, ita labele dehan ema ne’e mate. Ho nune’e ha’u labele fó sai uluk katak ema hira mak mate ona,” nia dehan.\nNia hatete ema ne’ebé mak laiha movimentu ka halo reklamasaun hamutuk 778 no INSS mós halo ona pedidu ba Banku Nasionál Komérsiu Timor Leste (BNCTL) atu selu fila fali.\nPrevious articleProgresu kontrusaun projetu Baía Tibar atinje 25%\nNext articleFaze daruak, PNDS gasta tokon $2 ba programa fulan rua ikus | [
"INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador rihun 10-resin | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador rihun 10-resin INSS finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador rihun 10-resin DILI, 10 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Governu liuhosi Instituisaun Nasional Seguransa Sosial (INSS) finaliza ona pagamentu 60% ba traballador hamutuk rihun 10-resin ho montante rihun $7.",
"\"Ita-nia pagamentu 60% ba traballador ne'e finaliza ona iha fulan setembru no selu ona ba traballador hamutuk rihun 10-resin.",
"Hosi osan miliaun $7 ne'e, $4,5 selu ba 60% no $2,5 selu ba 6%,\" dehan Prezidente Autoridade INSS, Longuinhos Armando Leite ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Parlamentu Nasional, sesta ne'e.",
"Nia hatutan, maske pagamentu ramata ona maibe INSS simu reklamasaun haat ka lima maibe rezolve hotu ona.",
"Daudaun ne'e, tuir nia, hein de'it bainhira iha kompania balun mak justifika entaun INSS bele halo pagamentu maibe to'o agora laiha justifikasaun.",
"Entretantu, nia informa, pagamentu ba idozu nian iha territoriu Timor-Leste kuaze hotu ona no daudaun ne'e INSS simu reklamasaun balun hosi suku no aldeia maibe seidauk hatene katak reklamasaun tanba mate ka halo hela servisu seluk.",
"\"Ita seidauk hatene objetivu hosi reklasamasaun hirak ne'e tanba ita seidauk halo pagamentu hotu.",
"Bainhira tinan ne'e ramata ona mak foin hatene katak idozu hira mak mate ona,\" nia esplika.",
"Nia haktuir, ema kuaze rihun 24 mak lahalo movimentu hahu hosi tinan 2019 nian mai to'o agora maibe seidauk hatene razaun hosi laiha movimentu ne'e.",
"\"Ita hapara no estende tanba ema laiha movimentu bainhira ita-nia ekipa hamutuk ho banku ba halo pagamentu iha suku.",
"Tanba ne'e, ita labele dehan ema ne'e mate.",
"Ho nune'e ha'u labele fo sai uluk katak ema hira mak mate ona,\" nia dehan.",
"Nia hatete ema ne'ebe mak laiha movimentu ka halo reklamasaun hamutuk 778 no INSS mos halo ona pedidu ba Banku Nasional Komersiu Timor Leste (BNCTL) atu selu fila fali.",
"Previous articleProgresu kontrusaun projetu Baia Tibar atinje 25% Next articleFaze daruak, PNDS gasta tokon $2 ba programa fulan rua ikus"
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"INSS completes 60% payment to more than ten thousand workers | Tempotimor Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Insses has finalized the payout of over sixty percent for worker rihun one hundred and nineteen (19) in total with an amount $7."
"\"Our 60% payment to the workers has been completed in September and we have paid more than ten thousand employees."
"Of the $7 million, 60% will be paid out at a rate of US$4.5m and another USD218k for each other's contributions to INSS as well.\" President Longuinhos Armando Leite told Agência Anhanguera in Parliament on Saturday that he was paying an average annual premium amounting from about £39 per month upwards (around €-€)"
"He added that although the payments have been completed, INSS has received four or five claimes but all of them were resolvet."
"For the time being, according to him all that remains is for some companies' justification and then INSS can make payment but so far there has been no rationale."
"Meanwhile, he informed that payments to the elderly on Timor-Leste territory have almost been completed and at present INSS is receiving some claiming from communities but does not know whether it was because of death or doing other work."
"\"We do not know the purpose of these recalculations because we haven't made all payments."
"\"It's not until the end of this year that we will know how many elderly people have died,\" he explained."
"According to him, almost 24 thousand people have failed the movement since it began in January of this year but they still do not know why."
"\"We stopped and extended because there was no movement of people when our team together with the bank went to make payments in village."
"Therefore, we cannot say that the person is dead."
"So I can't give a prediction of how many people have died,\" he said."
"He said that there were a total of 780 people who had not moved or made claims and INSS has also requested the National Commercial Bank Timor-Leste (BNCTL) to repay them."
"Previous articleProgress in construction of Baia Tibar project reaches 25% Next artikelPhase two, PNDS spends $1.6 million on the last-two month program"
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PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedór Kombustivel\nPNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedór Kombustivel Featured\n02 Marsu 2018\nDILI: Polisia Nasionál Timor Leste (PNTL), oras ne’e hasoru problema ho kompañia lima (5) ne'ebé durante sai fornesesdór kombustivel ba instituisaun ne’e.\nKompañia hirak ne’e simu ona pagamentu husi instituisaun ne’e, maibé to’o agora la fornese kombustivel.\nProblema kombustivel ne’e impede servisu PNTL nian lubuk ida, inklui Unidade Polisia Marítima (UMP) hodi halo operasaun iha tasi laran.\nKomandante Jerál PNTL, Komisáriu Júlio da Costa Hornai hateten, instituisaun kompleta ona pagamentu ba kompañia sira ne’e, maibé realidade kombustivel seidauk iha.\n“Ami hasoru problema ho Kompañia Ruvic, Borala, Lafaek, Arjumer no Nagarajdo. Ami selu tiha ona sira no ami simu tiha ona kupon maibé to’o agora sira la supply mina” dehan nia, iha Kuartél Jerál PNTL, Kaikoli-Dili, horisehik.\nHo problema ne’e, instituisaun PNTL sei bolu kompañia hirak ne’e atu esplika difikuldade ne'ebé iha hodi labele halo fornesimentu kombustivel.\nPlanu Hari Estasaun Mina\nProblema kombustivel ne’ebé akontese sai nu’udar lisaun ba instituisaun PNTL nian. Ne’e duni, sira iha planu harii estasaun kombustivel rasik, nune’e bele diminui problema kona-ba mina.\nMaski nune’e, polítika ne’e foin maka proposta, bainhira Governu konkorda instituisaun PNTL prontu atu ezekuta planu ne’e.\n“Ami sei esforsa atu esplika vantajen no dezvantajen kona-ba atu harii estasaun kombustivel PNTL nian ba governu”, tenik Komisáriu Júlio.\nTanba buat simples ida mak instituisaun ne’e hanoin atu halo mak buka atu apoiu governu. Tanba planu sira ne’e sei liu husi proposta ida no sei haruka ba governu kuandu sira aseita instituisaun sei halo.\nMore in this category: « Hahán La Ijiene, AIFAESA Taka Restaurante 74 Para Karreta-Motór Iha Zebra Cross, Sei Multa »\n/PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedór Kombustivel | [
"PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustivel PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustivel Featured 02 Marsu 2018 DILI: Polisia Nasional Timor Leste (PNTL), oras ne'e hasoru problema ho kompania lima (5) ne'ebe durante sai fornesesdor kombustivel ba instituisaun ne'e.",
"Kompania hirak ne'e simu ona pagamentu husi instituisaun ne'e, maibe to'o agora la fornese kombustivel.",
"Problema kombustivel ne'e impede servisu PNTL nian lubuk ida, inklui Unidade Polisia Maritima (UMP) hodi halo operasaun iha tasi laran.",
"Komandante Jeral PNTL, Komisariu Julio da Costa Hornai hateten, instituisaun kompleta ona pagamentu ba kompania sira ne'e, maibe realidade kombustivel seidauk iha.",
"\"Ami hasoru problema ho Kompania Ruvic, Borala, Lafaek, Arjumer no Nagarajdo.",
"Ami selu tiha ona sira no ami simu tiha ona kupon maibe to'o agora sira la supply mina\" dehan nia, iha Kuartel Jeral PNTL, Kaikoli-Dili, horisehik.",
"Ho problema ne'e, instituisaun PNTL sei bolu kompania hirak ne'e atu esplika difikuldade ne'ebe iha hodi labele halo fornesimentu kombustivel.",
"Planu Hari Estasaun Mina Problema kombustivel ne'ebe akontese sai nu'udar lisaun ba instituisaun PNTL nian.",
"Ne'e duni, sira iha planu harii estasaun kombustivel rasik, nune'e bele diminui problema kona-ba mina.",
"Maski nune'e, politika ne'e foin maka proposta, bainhira Governu konkorda instituisaun PNTL prontu atu ezekuta planu ne'e.",
"\"Ami sei esforsa atu esplika vantajen no dezvantajen kona-ba atu harii estasaun kombustivel PNTL nian ba governu,\" tenik Komisariu Julio.",
"Tanba buat simples ida mak instituisaun ne'e hanoin atu halo mak buka atu apoiu governu.",
"Tanba planu sira ne'e sei liu husi proposta ida no sei haruka ba governu kuandu sira aseita instituisaun sei halo.",
"More in this category: \" Hahan La Ijiene, AIFAESA Taka Restaurante 74 Para Karreta-Motor Iha Zebra Cross, Sei Multa \" /PNTL Hasoru Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustivel"
] | [
"PNTL Has Problema ho Fornesedor Kombustibel Featured March,02nd of Março de18 DILI: The Timor-Leste National Police (PNTL), is now facing problems with five companies that have been providing fuel to the institution for some time."
"These companies have received payments from the institution, but so far they do not supply fuel."
"The fuel problem has impeded many of the PNTL's activities, including for Maritime Police Unit (UMP) to carry out operations at sea."
"PNTL General Commander, Commissioner Julio da Costa Hornai said that the institution has completed payments to these companies but fuel is not yet available."
"\"We have had problems with Kompania Ruvic, Borala and Lafaek. Arjumer is not Nagarajdo.\""
"We have paid them and we've received the coupons but until now they are not supplying fuel,\" he said at PNTL Headquarters in Kaikoli-Dili today."
"With this problem, the PNTL will call these companies to explain their difficulty in not supplying fuel."
"The fuel problem that has occurred is a lesson for the PNTL institution. Planu Hari Estasaun Mina"
"However, they have plans to build their own fuel station so that the problem with oil can be reduced."
"However, the policy will only be proposed once Government agrees that PNTL is ready to implement it."
"\"We will endeavour to explain the advantages and disavantage of building an PNTL fuel station for government,\" said Commissioner Julio."
"Because one simple thing that this institution is thinking about doing, it's to seek support from the government."
"Because these plans will go through a proposal and be sent to the government when they accept that institutions shall do."
"More in this category: \" Hahan La Ijiene, AIFAESA Taka Restaurante 74 Para Karreta-Motor Iha Zebra Cross; Sei Multa\" /PNTL Encounters Problem With Fuel Supplier"
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CFDB oferese espasu ba vítima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA HEADLINE CFDB oferese espasu ba vítima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris\nDon Bosco Comoro harii kuartu ba vítima dezastre iha resintu sentru ne’e. Imajen/Espesiál\nDILI, 16 outubru 2021 (TATOLI)—Vítima inundasaun, Maria de Jesus Ximenes, agradese ba Sentru Formasaun Don Bosco (CFDB, sigla portugés) tanba fó atendimentu di’ak ba sira no oferese espasu hodi kuda modo, nune’e bele sustenta moris loron-loron.\nInundasaun ne’ebé akontese iha loron 04 abríl, halo uma hamutuk 4.231 iha territóriu tomak mak hetan estragu totál, obrigadu vítima sira tenke hela provizóriu iha sentru akollimentu estabelesidu.\n“Ami kontente tebes tanba durante ami hela iha ne’e, ami susar hetan osan, maibé Don Bosco laran ruak bele oferese kintál oituan ba ami hodi kuda modo, hodi han no fa’an hodi sustenta moris, ita haree ba nesesidade uma-laran nian,” Maria de Jesus hateten ba Agência TATOLI, iha Don Bosco Comoro, sábadu ne’e.\nNotísia relevante: Lona sai mahon ba vítima inundasaun iha Manleuana hahú nakles\nVítima inundasaun ne’ebé daudaun hela iha Don Bosco Comoro hamutuk ema na’in-152, hosi uma-kain 35.\nKona-ba ba apoiu hahan, kada uma-kain iha sentru ne’e hetan foos saka ida hosi Governu.\n“Ita-nia Governu apoiu nafatin, maibé foos de’it, ami iha ne’e Amu sira iha Don Bosco mak kada semana apoiu modo sira ba ami, ne’ebé ba han hemu ami senti di’ak,” nia nia akresenta.\nHusu Governu foti desizaun ba opsaun hela fatin\nDurante fulan-neen nia laran ona vítima dezastre naturál hela iha sentru akollimentu sira, tanba ne’e sira husu Governu aselera foti desizaun hela fatin.\n“Governu antes ne’e mai no fó opsaun tolu ba ami hanesan fila bá munisípiu, hein Governu buka fatin própriu no opsaun seluk mak ami-nia fatin ne’ebé akontese inundasaun ne’e, Governu ba haree no posibilidade bele hadi’a, hodi ami bele fila ba hela, tanba ne’e ami hakarak Governu bele foti desizaun lalais ba opsaun tolu, tanba ami iha ne’e di’ak, maibé lona ne’e ami la tahan to’o tempu rai manas tebes no tauk akontese tan tan udan boot ruma,” nia akresenta.\nAleinde ne’e, Don Bosco harii kuartu provizóriu hamutuk 20 iha resintu sentru ne’e, ba vítima dezastre naturál, ne’ebé kada uma-kain ida hetan kuartu ida, enkuantu seluk kontinua iha lona hodi hein desizaun hosi Governu.\nNotísia relevante: Governu planeia tau vítima inundasaun iha alojamentu temporáriu\nEnkuantu kona-ba bee-moos, sanitária, saúde públika, abitante iha sentru ne’e konfesa katak laiha problema, tanba Don Bosco prepara hotu kondisaun ba vítima sira no ba parte saúde, pesoál saúde kada semana nafatin halo atendementu ba abitante sira.\nIha biban hanesan, Responsável Sentru akollimentu Don Bosco Comoro, Irmão, Adriano Maria de Jesus, hateten, parte sentru nafatin esforsu maibé husu mós Governu bele tau-matan no rezolve problema ne’ebé abitante sentru ne’e enfrenta.\nAleinde ne’e, vítima inundasaun uma-kain haat ne’ebé durante ne’e okupadu sala eskola rua iha Eskola UNAMET 04 setembru Balide, filafali ona ba sira-nia hela fatin, iha semana rua liubá.\n“Jerente eskola konsege konvense uma-kain haat hodi fila ba sira-nia hela fatin no ikus mai entrega sala rua ne’e ba fali eskola,” Diretór Eskola, Sergio Alfreo da Cruz, hateten.\nPrevious articleFilme “Konta Sai” sai “Best Film” iha Festival Filme Asia Pasífiku\nNext articleWFP konvida komunidade timor-oan harii reziliénsia ai-han ba mudansa klimátika | [
"CFDB oferese espasu ba vitima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE CFDB oferese espasu ba vitima inundasaun kuda modo sustenta moris Don Bosco Comoro harii kuartu ba vitima dezastre iha resintu sentru ne'e.",
"Imajen/Espesial DILI, 16 outubru 2021 (TATOLI) - Vitima inundasaun, Maria de Jesus Ximenes, agradese ba Sentru Formasaun Don Bosco (CFDB, sigla portuges) tanba fo atendimentu di'ak ba sira no oferese espasu hodi kuda modo, nune'e bele sustenta moris loron-loron.",
"Inundasaun ne'ebe akontese iha loron 04 abril, halo uma hamutuk 4.231 iha territoriu tomak mak hetan estragu total, obrigadu vitima sira tenke hela provizoriu iha sentru akollimentu estabelesidu.",
"\"Ami kontente tebes tanba durante ami hela iha ne'e, ami susar hetan osan, maibe Don Bosco laran ruak bele oferese kintal oituan ba ami hodi kuda modo, hodi han no fa'an hodi sustenta moris, ita haree ba nesesidade uma-laran nian,\" Maria de Jesus hateten ba Agencia TATOLI, iha Don Bosco Comoro, sabadu ne'e.",
"Notisia relevante: Lona sai mahon ba vitima inundasaun iha Manleuana hahu nakles Vitima inundasaun ne'ebe daudaun hela iha Don Bosco Comoro hamutuk ema na'in-152, hosi uma-kain 35.",
"Kona-ba ba apoiu hahan, kada uma-kain iha sentru ne'e hetan foos saka ida hosi Governu.",
"\"Ita-nia Governu apoiu nafatin, maibe foos de'it, ami iha ne'e Amu sira iha Don Bosco mak kada semana apoiu modo sira ba ami, ne'ebe ba han hemu ami senti di'ak,\" nia nia akresenta.",
"Husu Governu foti desizaun ba opsaun hela fatin Durante fulan-neen nia laran ona vitima dezastre natural hela iha sentru akollimentu sira, tanba ne'e sira husu Governu aselera foti desizaun hela fatin.",
"\"Governu antes ne'e mai no fo opsaun tolu ba ami hanesan fila ba munisipiu, hein Governu buka fatin propriu no opsaun seluk mak ami-nia fatin ne'ebe akontese inundasaun ne'e, Governu ba haree no posibilidade bele hadi'a, hodi ami bele fila ba hela, tanba ne'e ami hakarak Governu bele foti desizaun lalais ba opsaun tolu, tanba ami iha ne'e di'ak, maibe lona ne'e ami la tahan to'o tempu rai manas tebes no tauk akontese tan tan udan boot ruma,\" nia akresenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, Don Bosco harii kuartu provizoriu hamutuk 20 iha resintu sentru ne'e, ba vitima dezastre natural, ne'ebe kada uma-kain ida hetan kuartu ida, enkuantu seluk kontinua iha lona hodi hein desizaun hosi Governu.",
"Notisia relevante: Governu planeia tau vitima inundasaun iha alojamentu temporariu Enkuantu kona-ba bee-moos, sanitaria, saude publika, abitante iha sentru ne'e konfesa katak laiha problema, tanba Don Bosco prepara hotu kondisaun ba vitima sira no ba parte saude, pesoal saude kada semana nafatin halo atendementu ba abitante sira.",
"Iha biban hanesan, Responsavel Sentru akollimentu Don Bosco Comoro, Irmao, Adriano Maria de Jesus, hateten, parte sentru nafatin esforsu maibe husu mos Governu bele tau-matan no rezolve problema ne'ebe abitante sentru ne'e enfrenta.",
"Aleinde ne'e, vitima inundasaun uma-kain haat ne'ebe durante ne'e okupadu sala eskola rua iha Eskola UNAMET 04 setembru Balide, filafali ona ba sira-nia hela fatin, iha semana rua liuba.",
"\"Jerente eskola konsege konvense uma-kain haat hodi fila ba sira-nia hela fatin no ikus mai entrega sala rua ne'e ba fali eskola,\" Diretor Eskola, Sergio Alfreo da Cruz, hateten.",
"Previous articleFilme \"Konta Sai\" sai \"Best Film\" iha Festival Filme Asia Pasifiku Next articleWFP konvida komunidade timor-oan harii reziliensia ai-han ba mudansa klimatika"
] | [
"CFDB offers space for flood victims to grow livelihood | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA HEADLINE Don Bosco Comoro has built a quarter in the centre' s compound."
"Image/Special DILI, October 16th - Flood victim Maria de Jesus Ximenes thanked the Don Bosco Training Center (CFDB) for providing good care and space to grow crops so that she can sustain her daily life."
"The floods that occurred on April 4, totally destroyed a number of houses in the entire country (about10.5 million square meters), forcing people to live temporarilly at established refuge centres and resettlement centers around their homes as they were forced out by waterlogged roadways or flooded areas with heavy rainfall during this period"
"\"We are very happy because during our stay here, we struggled to get money but Don Bosco's empty heart can offer us a lot of land for growing crops and selling them so that they could sustain themselves. We look at the needs in their homeland\", Maria de Jesus told Agência TATOLI (Indonesian news agency) on Saturday afternoon when she was visiting with her family from don’t-bosco Comoro"
"Relevant news: Flood victims in Manleuana begin to get clothing The flood survivors who are currently living at Don Bosco Comoro include 152 people, from a total of about three dozen and thirty-five families."
"Regarding food assistance, each household in the centre receives a single meal from government."
"\"Our government is still supporting, but only food. We are here because the Fathers at Don Bosco provide us with clothes every week so that we can eat and feel good.\""
"Victims of the natural disaster have been living in shelter centres for nine months, so they are asking government to speed up decision on relocation."
"\"The government came earlier and gave us three options to go back into the municipality, wait for a proper place or another option is our own site where this flood occurred. The Government will look at it so that we can return there again; then if possible they may improve on what was done in advance of flooding.\" He added: “We want an immediate decision from Parliament regarding these two alternatives as well because everything here has been made up very nicely but with such heavy rainfall which could not be resisted until after some time.”"
"In addition, Don Bosco has built 20 temporary quarters in the center' s compound for natural disaster victim. Each household is given a room while others are still staying under canvases waiting to be decided by government authorities"
"Relevant news: Government plans to put flood victims in temporary accommodation As for water, sanitation and public health services the resident of this centre confesses that there is no problem because Don Bosco has prepared all conditions. For medical care staff continue their weekly visiting activities amongst local population as well"
"In the same vein, Head of Don Bosco Comoro Shelter Center Irmao Adriana Maria de Jesus said that center continues to strive but also asks government can take care and solve problems facing inhabitants."
"In addition, the flood victims of four homes that had occupied two school rooms at UNAMET School September-04 in Balide have been returning to their residences since a couple weeks."
"\"The school manager was able to convince the four families that they should return home and finally handed over these two rooms back,\" said School Director Sergio Alfreo da Cruz."
"Previous articleFilm \"Konta Sai\" wins Best Film at the Asia-Pacific film festival Next artikelWFP invite Timorese communities to build food resilience for climate change"
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Avó Xavi: “Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Sé Mak Loos No Sé Mak Sala?” | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA EDUKASAUN Avó Xavi: “Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Sé Mak Loos No Sé...\nAvó Xavi: “Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Sé Mak Loos No Sé Mak Sala?”\nDILI, 27 novembru 2019 (TATOLI)—“Sira julga ha’u ho julgamentu militár nian. Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha’u; Hei traidór, ko’alia ba! Ó haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti ó sai ministru”. Ha’u hatán ba sira, “Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita. Sé maka loron ikus sai loos no sala.”\nDiálogu ne’ebé foti husi julgamentu entre Alarico Fernandes ho Avó Xavi ne’ebé Avó Xavi haktuir iha leten ne’ebá ne’e, hanesan realidade polítika ida ne’ebé akontese entre membru Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) ne’ebé iha diferensa ideia kona-ba estratéjia ne’ebé adota iha Konferensia Lalini (Avó Xavi nia sasin iha iha audiénsia públika CAVR, 2003).\nEstratéjia funu ne’ebé militár Indonézia uza hodi harahun rezisténsia halo Avó Xavi muda nia pozisaun relasiona ho estratéjia ne’ebé adota iha Soibada katak povu tenke rende ba vila, husik militár de’it mak reziste iha ai-laran no povu luta iha vila.\nHo hanoin no polítika ida ne’e, Alarico Fernandes akuza Avó Xavi hanesan ema traidór ida tanba de’it Avó Xavi iha konviksaun maka’as ba estratéjia povu tenke rende no halo funu iha vila laran. Avó Xavi simu akuzasaun hirak ne’e, hodi hatán ho neon no fuan boot: “O futuro virá a verdade, quem tem razão e quem não tem”—“Futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, sé mak iha razaun no sé mak lae”.\nAtu hatene sé maka loos no sé mak sala, luta-na’in Francisco Xavier do Amaral la fó sala ba ema ida no la dehan nia maka loos to’o nia fila hikas ba Maromak nia uman. Iha ninia luta nia hahú, nu’udar timoroan, iha Portugés nia tempu, nia la gosta kedas malae-mutin hori nia sei labarik.\nRazaun ida de’it. Tanba de’it malae-mutin sira nia ukun, malae-mutin (Portugés) sira konsidera ita rai-na’in sai sira-nia atan iha ita-nia rain rasik no sira hanesan liurai boot (Maromak) ne’ebé ita tenke hahí no adora.\nTanba ne’e, uainhira Avó Xavi estuda Filozofia no Teolojia iha Semináriu Maior Macau (1955), uainhira halimar tenis, ninia kolega seminariu-maluk husi Portugal naran Jorge Silveiro Machado bolu nia “Oh, Seu Preto!”, nia kontra no hakilar maka’as. Nia la ta´uk, hodi kokotek hanesan manu-aman. “Imi Portugés ne’e, primitivu liu. Imi la halo buat ida iha Timór. Kuandu ema metan hanesan ami la iha, imi labele moris,” dehan Avó Xavi uainhira ha’u ho fotógrafu António Daciparu hala’o entrevista ho Avó Xavi iha ninia rezidénsia Lecidere, Sábadu (21/02/2004).\nHanesan manu-aman ne’ebé sempre kokorek iha tempu sa de’it, Avó Xavier la kolen atu kokorek. Nia kokorek hodi simu-hasoru bispu Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart tanba amu bispu Dom Jaimé hatete lia kro’at hasoru Avó Xavi, “Ó-nia hanoin brutál ba Portugal ne’e, pekadu mortal (sala boot ka grave)”.\nHo brani no hatudu hirus-matan hanesan manu-aman, Avó Xavi hatán, “Ha’u la kontra Portugal. Ha’u kontra estadu Portugal no ninia sistema ukun nian. Ha’u la kontra povu Portugal. Ha’u respeita tebes povu Portugal.”\nSó, Avó Xavi ninia luta atu kontra Portugal la to’o iha ne’e de’it. A luta continua! Hafoin ramata ninia estudu iha Semináriu Maior Macau (1963), nia hahú ninia profisaun sai hanesan mestre hodi hanorin dalen Portugés no dalen Latina iha Semináriu Dare, Dili. Tanba la iha vokasaun atu sai Nai Lulik, nia hala’o hikas nia moris nu’udar ema baibain.\nIha ne’e, ninia mehi luta atu liberta povu no rai Timor-Leste husi kolonialista hetok semo aas. Foufoun, nia harii eskola privadu ida iha Santa Cruz Dili (1966), atu simu timoroan sira ne’ebé akaba eskola iha Kuarta klase husi eskola Katólika sira iha Timor Leste nia laran hanesan Fuiloro, Maliana, Soibada, no Dili.\nUainhira revolusaun ai-funan nakfera iha fulan Maiu 1974 ne’ebé hakotu estadu Salazar (Portugal) ninia foti-aan no Movimentu Forsa Armada (FMA) Portugal hala’o polítika hamoos hahalok aat hodi fó liberdade ba Timor Portugés (ultramarinu) atu bele luta hodi hili sira-nia futuru [ukun aan rasik] no bele harii partidu polítika. Hakarak hamutuk nafatin ho Portugal ka hakarak hili hamriik mesak.\nPolitíka hakotu estadu Salazar ninia foti-aan ne’e mós nani-da’et to’o iha Dili-Timor Leste. Timoroan, intelektuál timoroan sira mós hadeer hodi realiza sira-nia mehi no hakarak ba ukun rasik-aan ne’e, bolu malu hamutuk hodi rame-rame harii partidu polítika. Partidu polítika ba dahuluk ne’ebé timoroan sira harii mak Partidu União Democrática Timorense (UDT) ne’ebé harii husi maun-alin ho naran tutun Carrascalão.\nIha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 1975, Ramos Horta no Mari Alkatiri obriga Avó Xavi atu harii Partidu ASDT (Assosiação Social Demokrática de Timor). Iha biban ne’ebá, José Ramos Horta hatete, “Se ita-boot la simu ideia ne’e no la asina, ha’u sei lees deklarasaun ida ne’e no ha’u sei sunu mohu. No, ita-boot labele mehi atu kaer kuda talin rasik ka ukun rasik-aan.”\nTanbasá? Razaun ida de’it. Tanba, Mari Alkatiri no Ramos Horta (mistu ka raan-kahór) iha tempu ne´ebá la autorizadu (tuir lei) atu harii partidu polítika ida. Tanba ne’e, Avó Xavi ne’ebé raan Timor nia raan loloos duni maka asina deklarasaun ne’e hodi bele harii Partidu ASDT no bele responsabiliza ba Governu Portugés. Iha loron ne’ebá, iha tuku ualu (8.00) kalan, sira deklara hodi harii Partidu ASDT iha Acait, Dili.\nTensaun polítika hetok sa’e maka’as. Iha Dili, iha fulan Agostu sai sasin-moris ba istória polítika ida-nian. Loron 10-11 fulan Agostu tinan 1975, tensaun konflitu polítika interna nakali nafurin sa’e maka´as hanesan ema nono-bee be nakali. Golpe no kontra golpe entre UDT no Fretilin hahú buras.\nEma ua’in ba ua’in, povu Timor-Leste sai mutun ba polítika ida ne’e no barak maka mate. Nasaun viziñu Indonézia mós hahú tau interrese atu mai invade Timor-Leste. Iha loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan 1975, militár Indonezia ne’ebé hetan apoiu husi Amérika hahú invade Timor-Leste. Ema ua’in ba ua’in hetan terus no mate tan.\nTanba ne’e, antes Indonézia invade Timor Leste, Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) obriga Avó Xavier unilateralmente proklama República Democratica Timor-Leste iha 28 Novembru 1975. Iha biban ne’ebá, Avó Xavier mak hetan biban hodi sani (lee) testu Proklamasaun no sai prezidente dahuluk ba Repúblika Demokrátika Timor-Leste. Nicolau Lobato sai Primeiru-Minsitru Timor-Leste no Rogerio Tiago Lobato sai Ministru Defeza Timor-Leste ba dahuluk. Ramos Horta asumi kargu nu’udar Ministru Negósiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no lori ukun ho sistema semi presidensiál hanesan ohin loron.\nSé maka hakerek no responsabiliza ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne’e? To´o oras ne’e ema ua’in kuriozu atu buka hatene maibé to’o ohin loron ema ua’in mós seidauk hatene loloos. Maibé, iha 11 Novembru 2013, Maun Boot Xanana Gusmão tuku nia hirus-matan hodi dehan, “Ha’u maka responsavel ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne’ebé Farncisco Xavier do Amaral lee sai iha 28 Novembru 1975 hodi proklama Timor-Leste sai nasaun RDTL ne’e.”\nUainhira Indonézia invade Timor-Leste no trajedia 7 Dezembru nakfera, nu’udar Prezidente da República Timor-Leste ba dahuluk, Avó Xavi só delega no fó karta kredensiál ba José Ramos Horta hodi ba hatutan luta no diplomasia polítika iha rai estranjeiru atu fó apoiu ba Timor-Leste nia luta ba ukun rasik-aan. Ema seluk eh sira seluk, Avó Xavi nunka temi naran no nunka fó responsabilidade atu ba halo diplomasia iha rai li´ur.\nIha ai-laran, tanba de’it foti desizaun atu lori fila povu mai vila laran, Avó Xavi ninia luta-maluk FRETILIN sira kaptura no kastigu Avó Xavi tanba sira trai Avó Xavi nu’udar ema traidór ida ne’ebé trai partidu no trai rai-lulik Timor-Leste. La’ós buat seluk ida. Tanba de’it diferensa ideia kona-ba ideolojia polítika no defende dutrina Fretilin nian ne’ebé tanba konsidera hahí komunista, la relevante ba Timor-Leste nia kultura, sira kaptura Avó Xavi no hatama ba kadeia laran.\nFukun polítika ida tan. Tanba de’it iha Kongresu Soibada no Lalini, Avó Xavi homan ideia ida atu lori [haruka] hikas povu kbiit la’ek sira ba vila laran (entrega-an ba Indonézia nia liman) no membru Falintil de’it maka luta iha ai-laran, lori Ministru Infromasaun, Alarico Fernandes, intrepreta sala hodi kesi-metin Avó Xavi nia liman hanesan na´uk-teen ida no sulan Avó Xavi iha kadeia laran hodi halo julgamentu.\nAvó Xavi kaer iha Tutuluro-Manufahi bainhira sei hala’o hela formasaun polítika, hodi halo julgamentu no hatama ba rai-ku´ak. Julgamentu ne’e hala’o iha tuku 22.00 kalan iha fatin ida naran Aikurus-Remexio-Aileu iha akampamentu Fretilin ninian. Durante julgamentu no torturasaun ne’ebé Alarico Fernandes halo ba nia, Avó Xavi nunka hatán akuzasaun ba nia. Avó Xavi hatán de’it ho liafuan badak, “O futuro virá a verdade, quem tem razão e quem não tem”—futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, sé mak iha razaun no sé mak lae.\n“Sira julga ha’u ho julgamentu militár nian. Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha’u; Hei traidór, ko’alia ba! Ó haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti ó sai ministru,” haktuir Avó Xavi. Avó Xavi hatán, “Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita. Sé maka loron ikus sai loos no sala. Liu tiha ida ne’e, ha’u la hatán ona sira-nia preguntas sira tuir mai.”\nIha kadeia tradisionál rai-kuak (metru rua) nia laran ne’ebé taka ho ai-donan boboot husi leten, sira husik hela ku´ak ki’ikoan ida hanesan ventilasaun ida ne’ebé uza hanesan media ida atu halo komunikasaun ba malu. Iha rai-ku´ak laran, sira la fó han no la fó hemu. Bainhira povu kbiit la’ek sira ne’ebé la’o husi fatin ne’e karik, liuhusi ku´ak ki´ik-oan ne’e mak povu sira ne’e soe hela batar-musan no ai-farina-baluk ida ba Avó Xavi hodi han no dada iis atu tahan moris.\nOnestu de’it, Avó Xavi nia oan na’in rua mós mate tanba Fretilin sira la fó han. Nune’e mós Avó Xavi nia feen-kaben, Fretilin sira hamolik nia fuuk no halo nia feen hanesan tiha sai atan ida hodi haruka kuru-bee ba membru Fretilin sira atu haris.\nIha funu ida-nia laran, Avó Xavi mós monu iha inimigu Indonézia nia liman laran iha 30 Agostu 1978. Avó Xave, membru militár Indónézia batallaun 744 kaptura iha Dilor, Lacluta, Viqueque ne’ebé lidera husi Herman Sedyono (Eis-Prezidente Munisípiu Baucau no Suai). Hafoin ne’e, liu interrogasaun oioin, militár sira lori Avó Xavi mai Dili no hela hamutuk ho Kolonel Dading Kalbuadi.\nIha Dili, Avó Xavier konsege haree [sai sasin moris] Saudozu Nicolau Lobato nia isin-mate iha aeroportu Dili (1978). La kle´ur de’it, bainhira Dading Kalbuadi hetan kargu foun sai Kepala Staf Logistik Kodam Udayana Bali iha Bali-Indonézia no Avó Xavi mós muda ba Bali-Indonézia.\nSorte aat karik! Iha Bali-Indonezia, Avó Xavi la hetan ona torturasaun (baku) no interrogasaun oioin. Iha ne’ebá, Avó Xavi sai Dading Kalbuadi nia atan. Atan, atan ida ne’ebé sai kuda-atan duni hodi hamatan, fó hariis, fó han no fó hemu ba Dading Kalbuadi nia kuda haki´ak sira be hamutuk kuda 34 ne’e (1978-1984).\n“Kada semana, Dading Kalbuadi fó ha’u-nia saláriu Rp. 1.000 ($10,00 cent) de’it,” Avó Xavi haktuir.\nIha tinan 1984, hamutuk ho Dading Kalbuadi, Avó Xavi muda tan ba Jakarta-Indónezia no hela iha diresaun Cijantung III, Jakarta Timur. Iha ne’ebá, Avó Xavi serbisu nu’udar jardineiru di’ak ida. Loron ba loron, Francisco Xavier Amaral be liurai Dom Cosme Rodriguês Pereira nia bei-oan, ne’ebé moris iha Turiscai-Same 3 Dezembru 1937 ne’e, durante tinan 22 iha Indonézia, ninia knaar mak rega ai-funan no hamoos jardin ho saláriu kada fulan ida $1.000 ($10 cent) de’it.\n“Fofoun militár Indonezia kaer haú iha Mota Dilor, Viqueque. Sira trata haú ho di’ak tanba militár sira hetan informasaun katak haú maka Prezidente Fretilin nian. Sira trata ha’u ho di’ak tanba sira iha interrese polítika. Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Indonézia, Mocthar Kusuma Atmadja (1978-1988) ko’alia ba haú katak ita-boot ba Asembleia Jerál ONU hodi deklara katak ita-boot kole ona tanba Fretilin kaer no kastigu no la konsidera ha’u hanesan ema maibé hanesan animál.\nHa’u dehan sira-nia lian-fuan ne’e monu iha ha’u-nia laran. Ha’u-nia laran dodok. Ha’u atu monu tiha ba sira. Maibé ikus mai ha’u la konsege depende sira-nia opsaun tanba ha’u dehan ba ministru ne’e katak ha’u-nia deklarasaun ba ONU dala ruma la vale tanba ha’u iha imi-nia liman no imi obriga ha’u,” Avó Xavi haktuir iha Audénsia públika CAVR (2003).\nAvó Xavi fila hikas mai iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999. Iha Timor-Leste, Avó Xavi lidera hikas Partidu ASDT no sai membru Asembleia Konstituante iha tinan 2001. Tempu ua’in la’o liu, iha tempu tuir mai, Governu Timor-Leste mós fó valorizasaun ba Avó Xavi sai Proklamadór no konsege hodi fó fiar ba Avó Xavi hodi lee hikas “Testu Proklamasaun 28 Novembru 1975” iha komemorasaun 28 de Novembru (sa tinan haluha ona).\nTEXTO DA PROKLAMAÇÃO DA INDEPENDÊNCIA\nEncarnado a aspiração suprema do povo de Timor Leste e para salvaguarda dos seus mais legitimos direitos e interesses como Nação soberana, o Comité Central da FRENTE REVOLUCIONÁRIA DE TIMOR LESTE INDEPENDENTE—FRETILIN—decreta e eu proclamo, unilateralmente, a Independencia de Timor Leste que passa a ser, a partir das 00:00 de hoje, a República Democrática de Timor-Leste, anti-colonialista e anti-imperialista.\nViva a República Democrática de Timor Leste!\nViva povo de Timor Leste Livre e Independente!\nTempu Ukun-Aan (2000)\nIha tinan 2000, Governu Tranzisaun UNTAET, Avó Xavi hamoris fila-fali Partidu ASDT no sai prezidente Partidu hodi kompete iha elisaun ba Asembleia Konstituante. Iha eleisaun ne’e, Partidu ASDT hetan kadeira neen (6) iha Asembleia Konstituante ne’ebé mak hala’o knaar hodi hakerek Konstituisaun RDTL nian.\nHusi Asembleia Konstituiante hafoin transfere hanesan Parlamentu Nasionál iha tinan 2002, Avó Xavi hala’o kna´ar hanesan Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál. Iha eleisaun prezidensiál 2002, Avó Xavi kandidata-aan kompete ho Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão atu sai prezidente. Iha eleisaun prezidensiál 2007, Avó Xavi mós kandidata-aan hodi kompete ho kandidatu seluk iha momentu ne’ebá. Iha legislatura daruak nian, Avó Xavi sai membru deputadu Parlamentu Nasionál ba tinan lejislatura 2007-2012 no mós hanesan Prezidente Partidu ASDT.\nIha eleisaun prezidensiál 2012-2017, Avó Xavi mó nafatin kandidata-aan ba prezidente maibé Avó Xavi la konsege akompaña prosesu kampaña no elisaun. To’o ikus, iha loron 6 fulan Marsu tinan 2012, Avó Xavi hakotu iis eh mate iha loron ne’ebé iha prosesu kampaña ba elisaun prezidensiál nia laran. Ho avo Xavier nia mate Governu rekoñese hanesan eroi nasionál no deside loron tolu (3) lutu nasionál ba saudozu Proklamadór Avó Xavi.\nTo´o hakotu nia iis, Avó Xavi nafatin hatudu ninia espiritu luta no domin ba rai lulik Timor Leste no povu maubere liuhusi ninia dedik-aan sai kandidatu prezidente ba périodu 2012-2017. Eroi boot, fuan boot! Eroi boot maka sai tebes “atan” no “liurai” ba Timor Leste. Avó Xavi nia luta la hatene kolen na fronteira laek.\nOhin, ha’u kandidata-aa, ohin ha’u sai prezidente, aban ha’u mate laiha problema. Importante povu ne’e moris di’ak. Tanba, ne’e maka ha’u-nia mehi dezde uluk ha’u sei kiik. Ne’eduni, ha’u la sente kolen hasoru difikuldade ruma, hodi serbi rai no povu ida ne’e,” dehan Proklamadór Francisco Xavier do Amaral ba jornalista sira, Kuarta (15/02/2012), hafoin Tribunál Rekursu legaliza tama ba kandidatura prezidente da republika périodu 2012-2017 (Timor Post, 16/02/2012).\nLuta no mehi hirak ne’e, ita hotu, timoroan hotu-hotu, luta-na’in ka la’ós luta-na’in, mai ita hotu foti xapeu be aaas no aas katak Avó Xavi ninia luta hanesan loloos reflesaun ida ne’ebé Taur Matan Ruak tatoli liu hosi ninia rede sosiál (Facebook) hodi dedika ba Avó Xavi nia mate;\nManu aman Timor kokorek. Hafanun ita atu hari’i nasaun ida ne’e. Iha ukun-aan, nia kokorek nafatin. Hafanun ita atu labele husik hela povu no rai doben ida ne’e monu ba rai. Ohin, nia husik hela ita. Avó Xavi sei iha ita hotu nia neon. Rai doben ida ne’e lakon manu-aman di’ak ida. Iha Maromak nia sorin kuana, manu-aman ne’e sei kokorek nafatin.\nAdeus Eroi Boot Avó Xavi be Fuan Boot! Requem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine. Hakmatek ho dame!\nNotísia relevante:Biografia Proklamadór Francisco Xavier do Amaral\nPrevious articleTL ho RI Sei Estabelese MoU Protesaun Sivíl\nNext articlePNTL La Autoriza UNIJMA Selebra Ketak Loron Proklamasaun Independénsia | [
"Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No Se Mak Sala?\" | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No Se...",
"Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No Se Mak Sala?\"",
"DILI, 27 novembru 2019 (TATOLI) - \"Sira julga ha'u ho julgamentu militar nian.",
"Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha'u; Hei traidor, ko'alia ba!",
"O haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti o sai ministru.\"",
"Ha'u hatan ba sira, \"Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita.",
"Se maka loron ikus sai loos no sala.\"",
"Dialogu ne'ebe foti husi julgamentu entre Alarico Fernandes ho Avo Xavi ne'ebe Avo Xavi haktuir iha leten ne'eba ne'e, hanesan realidade politika ida ne'ebe akontese entre membru Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) ne'ebe iha diferensa ideia kona-ba estratejia ne'ebe adota iha Konferensia Lalini (Avo Xavi nia sasin iha iha audiensia publika CAVR, 2003).",
"Estratejia funu ne'ebe militar Indonezia uza hodi harahun rezistensia halo Avo Xavi muda nia pozisaun relasiona ho estratejia ne'ebe adota iha Soibada katak povu tenke rende ba vila, husik militar de'it mak reziste iha ai-laran no povu luta iha vila.",
"Ho hanoin no politika ida ne'e, Alarico Fernandes akuza Avo Xavi hanesan ema traidor ida tanba de'it Avo Xavi iha konviksaun maka'as ba estratejia povu tenke rende no halo funu iha vila laran.",
"Avo Xavi simu akuzasaun hirak ne'e, hodi hatan ho neon no fuan boot: \"O futuro vira a verdade, quem tem razao e quem nao tem\" - \"Futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, se mak iha razaun no se mak lae.\"",
"Atu hatene se maka loos no se mak sala, luta-na'in Francisco Xavier do Amaral la fo sala ba ema ida no la dehan nia maka loos to'o nia fila hikas ba Maromak nia uman.",
"Iha ninia luta nia hahu, nu'udar timoroan, iha Portuges nia tempu, nia la gosta kedas malae-mutin hori nia sei labarik.",
"Razaun ida de'it.",
"Tanba de'it malae-mutin sira nia ukun, malae-mutin (Portuges) sira konsidera ita rai-na'in sai sira-nia atan iha ita-nia rain rasik no sira hanesan liurai boot (Maromak) ne'ebe ita tenke hahi no adora.",
"Tanba ne'e, uainhira Avo Xavi estuda Filozofia no Teolojia iha Seminariu Maior Macau (1955), uainhira halimar tenis, ninia kolega seminariu-maluk husi Portugal naran Jorge Silveiro Machado bolu nia \"Oh, Seu Preto!,\" nia kontra no hakilar maka'as.",
"Nia la ta'uk, hodi kokotek hanesan manu-aman.",
"\"Imi Portuges ne'e, primitivu liu.",
"Imi la halo buat ida iha Timor.",
"Kuandu ema metan hanesan ami la iha, imi labele moris,\" dehan Avo Xavi uainhira ha'u ho fotografu Antonio Daciparu hala'o entrevista ho Avo Xavi iha ninia rezidensia Lecidere, Sabadu (21/02/2004).",
"Hanesan manu-aman ne'ebe sempre kokorek iha tempu sa de'it, Avo Xavier la kolen atu kokorek.",
"Nia kokorek hodi simu-hasoru bispu Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart tanba amu bispu Dom Jaime hatete lia kro'at hasoru Avo Xavi, \"O-nia hanoin brutal ba Portugal ne'e, pekadu mortal (sala boot ka grave) .\"",
"Ho brani no hatudu hirus-matan hanesan manu-aman, Avo Xavi hatan, \"Ha'u la kontra Portugal.",
"Ha'u kontra estadu Portugal no ninia sistema ukun nian.",
"Ha'u la kontra povu Portugal.",
"Ha'u respeita tebes povu Portugal.\"",
"So, Avo Xavi ninia luta atu kontra Portugal la to'o iha ne'e de'it.",
"A luta continua!",
"Hafoin ramata ninia estudu iha Seminariu Maior Macau (1963), nia hahu ninia profisaun sai hanesan mestre hodi hanorin dalen Portuges no dalen Latina iha Seminariu Dare, Dili.",
"Tanba la iha vokasaun atu sai Nai Lulik, nia hala'o hikas nia moris nu'udar ema baibain.",
"Iha ne'e, ninia mehi luta atu liberta povu no rai Timor-Leste husi kolonialista hetok semo aas.",
"Foufoun, nia harii eskola privadu ida iha Santa Cruz Dili (1966), atu simu timoroan sira ne'ebe akaba eskola iha Kuarta klase husi eskola Katolika sira iha Timor Leste nia laran hanesan Fuiloro, Maliana, Soibada, no Dili.",
"Uainhira revolusaun ai-funan nakfera iha fulan Maiu 1974 ne'ebe hakotu estadu Salazar (Portugal) ninia foti-aan no Movimentu Forsa Armada (FMA) Portugal hala'o politika hamoos hahalok aat hodi fo liberdade ba Timor Portuges (ultramarinu) atu bele luta hodi hili sira-nia futuru [ukun aan rasik] no bele harii partidu politika.",
"Hakarak hamutuk nafatin ho Portugal ka hakarak hili hamriik mesak.",
"Politika hakotu estadu Salazar ninia foti-aan ne'e mos nani-da'et to'o iha Dili-Timor Leste.",
"Timoroan, intelektual timoroan sira mos hadeer hodi realiza sira-nia mehi no hakarak ba ukun rasik-aan ne'e, bolu malu hamutuk hodi rame-rame harii partidu politika.",
"Partidu politika ba dahuluk ne'ebe timoroan sira harii mak Partidu Uniao Democratica Timorense (UDT) ne'ebe harii husi maun-alin ho naran tutun Carrascalao.",
"Iha loron 20 fulan Maiu tinan 1975, Ramos Horta no Mari Alkatiri obriga Avo Xavi atu harii Partidu ASDT (Assosiacao Social Demokratica de Timor).",
"Iha biban ne'eba, Jose Ramos Horta hatete, \"Se ita-boot la simu ideia ne'e no la asina, ha'u sei lees deklarasaun ida ne'e no ha'u sei sunu mohu.",
"No, ita-boot labele mehi atu kaer kuda talin rasik ka ukun rasik-aan.\"",
"Razaun ida de'it.",
"Tanba, Mari Alkatiri no Ramos Horta (mistu ka raan-kahor) iha tempu ne'eba la autorizadu (tuir lei) atu harii partidu politika ida.",
"Tanba ne'e, Avo Xavi ne'ebe raan Timor nia raan loloos duni maka asina deklarasaun ne'e hodi bele harii Partidu ASDT no bele responsabiliza ba Governu Portuges.",
"Iha loron ne'eba, iha tuku ualu (8.00) kalan, sira deklara hodi harii Partidu ASDT iha Acait, Dili.",
"Tensaun politika hetok sa'e maka'as.",
"Iha Dili, iha fulan Agostu sai sasin-moris ba istoria politika ida-nian.",
"Loron 10-11 fulan Agostu tinan 1975, tensaun konflitu politika interna nakali nafurin sa'e maka'as hanesan ema nono-bee be nakali.",
"Golpe no kontra golpe entre UDT no Fretilin hahu buras.",
"Ema ua'in ba ua'in, povu Timor-Leste sai mutun ba politika ida ne'e no barak maka mate.",
"Nasaun vizinu Indonezia mos hahu tau interrese atu mai invade Timor-Leste.",
"Iha loron 7 fulan Dezembru tinan 1975, militar Indonezia ne'ebe hetan apoiu husi Amerika hahu invade Timor-Leste.",
"Ema ua'in ba ua'in hetan terus no mate tan.",
"Tanba ne'e, antes Indonezia invade Timor Leste, Comite Central Fretilin (CCF) obriga Avo Xavier unilateralmente proklama Republica Democratica Timor-Leste iha 28 Novembru 1975.",
"Iha biban ne'eba, Avo Xavier mak hetan biban hodi sani (lee) testu Proklamasaun no sai prezidente dahuluk ba Republika Demokratika Timor-Leste.",
"Nicolau Lobato sai Primeiru-Minsitru Timor-Leste no Rogerio Tiago Lobato sai Ministru Defeza Timor-Leste ba dahuluk.",
"Ramos Horta asumi kargu nu'udar Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru no Kooperasaun no lori ukun ho sistema semi presidensial hanesan ohin loron.",
"Se maka hakerek no responsabiliza ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne'e?",
"To'o oras ne'e ema ua'in kuriozu atu buka hatene maibe to'o ohin loron ema ua'in mos seidauk hatene loloos.",
"Maibe, iha 11 Novembru 2013, Maun Boot Xanana Gusmao tuku nia hirus-matan hodi dehan, \"Ha'u maka responsavel ba testu Proklamasaun RDTL ne'ebe Farncisco Xavier do Amaral lee sai iha 28 Novembru 1975 hodi proklama Timor-Leste sai nasaun RDTL ne'e.\"",
"Uainhira Indonezia invade Timor-Leste no trajedia 7 Dezembru nakfera, nu'udar Prezidente da Republica Timor-Leste ba dahuluk, Avo Xavi so delega no fo karta kredensial ba Jose Ramos Horta hodi ba hatutan luta no diplomasia politika iha rai estranjeiru atu fo apoiu ba Timor-Leste nia luta ba ukun rasik-aan.",
"Ema seluk eh sira seluk, Avo Xavi nunka temi naran no nunka fo responsabilidade atu ba halo diplomasia iha rai li'ur.",
"Iha ai-laran, tanba de'it foti desizaun atu lori fila povu mai vila laran, Avo Xavi ninia luta-maluk FRETILIN sira kaptura no kastigu Avo Xavi tanba sira trai Avo Xavi nu'udar ema traidor ida ne'ebe trai partidu no trai rai-lulik Timor-Leste.",
"La'os buat seluk ida.",
"Tanba de'it diferensa ideia kona-ba ideolojia politika no defende dutrina Fretilin nian ne'ebe tanba konsidera hahi komunista, la relevante ba Timor-Leste nia kultura, sira kaptura Avo Xavi no hatama ba kadeia laran.",
"Fukun politika ida tan.",
"Tanba de'it iha Kongresu Soibada no Lalini, Avo Xavi homan ideia ida atu lori [haruka] hikas povu kbiit la'ek sira ba vila laran (entrega-an ba Indonezia nia liman) no membru Falintil de'it maka luta iha ai-laran, lori Ministru Infromasaun, Alarico Fernandes, intrepreta sala hodi kesi-metin Avo Xavi nia liman hanesan na'uk-teen ida no sulan Avo Xavi iha kadeia laran hodi halo julgamentu.",
"Avo Xavi kaer iha Tutuluro-Manufahi bainhira sei hala'o hela formasaun politika, hodi halo julgamentu no hatama ba rai-ku'ak.",
"Julgamentu ne'e hala'o iha tuku 22.00 kalan iha fatin ida naran Aikurus-Remexio-Aileu iha akampamentu Fretilin ninian.",
"Durante julgamentu no torturasaun ne'ebe Alarico Fernandes halo ba nia, Avo Xavi nunka hatan akuzasaun ba nia.",
"Avo Xavi hatan de'it ho liafuan badak, \"O futuro vira a verdade, quem tem razao e quem nao tem\" - futuru mak sei hatudu lia loos, se mak iha razaun no se mak lae.",
"\"Sira julga ha'u ho julgamentu militar nian.",
"Alarico Fernandes hakilar ba ha'u; Hei traidor, ko'alia ba!",
"O haruka povu tuun husi ai-laran ba vila para Javanese sira foti o sai ministru,\" haktuir Avo Xavi.",
"Avo Xavi hatan, \"Tempu maka sei hatete sai ba ita.",
"Se maka loron ikus sai loos no sala.",
"Liu tiha ida ne'e, ha'u la hatan ona sira-nia preguntas sira tuir mai.\"",
"Iha kadeia tradisional rai-kuak (metru rua) nia laran ne'ebe taka ho ai-donan boboot husi leten, sira husik hela ku'ak ki'ikoan ida hanesan ventilasaun ida ne'ebe uza hanesan media ida atu halo komunikasaun ba malu.",
"Iha rai-ku'ak laran, sira la fo han no la fo hemu.",
"Bainhira povu kbiit la'ek sira ne'ebe la'o husi fatin ne'e karik, liuhusi ku'ak ki'ik-oan ne'e mak povu sira ne'e soe hela batar-musan no ai-farina-baluk ida ba Avo Xavi hodi han no dada iis atu tahan moris.",
"Onestu de'it, Avo Xavi nia oan na'in rua mos mate tanba Fretilin sira la fo han.",
"Nune'e mos Avo Xavi nia feen-kaben, Fretilin sira hamolik nia fuuk no halo nia feen hanesan tiha sai atan ida hodi haruka kuru-bee ba membru Fretilin sira atu haris.",
"Iha funu ida-nia laran, Avo Xavi mos monu iha inimigu Indonezia nia liman laran iha 30 Agostu 1978.",
"Avo Xave, membru militar Indonezia batallaun 744 kaptura iha Dilor, Lacluta, Viqueque ne'ebe lidera husi Herman Sedyono (Eis-Prezidente Munisipiu Baucau no Suai).",
"Hafoin ne'e, liu interrogasaun oioin, militar sira lori Avo Xavi mai Dili no hela hamutuk ho Kolonel Dading Kalbuadi.",
"Iha Dili, Avo Xavier konsege haree [sai sasin moris] Saudozu Nicolau Lobato nia isin-mate iha aeroportu Dili (1978).",
"La kle'ur de'it, bainhira Dading Kalbuadi hetan kargu foun sai Kepala Staf Logistik Kodam Udayana Bali iha Bali-Indonezia no Avo Xavi mos muda ba Bali-Indonezia.",
"Sorte aat karik!",
"Iha Bali-Indonezia, Avo Xavi la hetan ona torturasaun (baku) no interrogasaun oioin.",
"Iha ne'eba, Avo Xavi sai Dading Kalbuadi nia atan.",
"Atan, atan ida ne'ebe sai kuda-atan duni hodi hamatan, fo hariis, fo han no fo hemu ba Dading Kalbuadi nia kuda haki'ak sira be hamutuk kuda 34 ne'e (1978-1984).",
"\"Kada semana, Dading Kalbuadi fo ha'u-nia salariu Rp.",
"1.000 ($10,00 cent) de'it,\" Avo Xavi haktuir.",
"Iha tinan 1984, hamutuk ho Dading Kalbuadi, Avo Xavi muda tan ba Jakarta-Indonezia no hela iha diresaun Cijantung III, Jakarta Timur.",
"Iha ne'eba, Avo Xavi serbisu nu'udar jardineiru di'ak ida.",
"Loron ba loron, Francisco Xavier Amaral be liurai Dom Cosme Rodrigues Pereira nia bei-oan, ne'ebe moris iha Turiscai-Same 3 Dezembru 1937 ne'e, durante tinan 22 iha Indonezia, ninia knaar mak rega ai-funan no hamoos jardin ho salariu kada fulan ida $1.000 ($10 cent) de'it.",
"\"Fofoun militar Indonezia kaer hau iha Mota Dilor, Viqueque.",
"Sira trata hau ho di'ak tanba militar sira hetan informasaun katak hau maka Prezidente Fretilin nian.",
"Sira trata ha'u ho di'ak tanba sira iha interrese politika.",
"Ministru Negosiu Estranjeiru Indonezia, Mocthar Kusuma Atmadja (1978-1988) ko'alia ba hau katak ita-boot ba Asembleia Jeral ONU hodi deklara katak ita-boot kole ona tanba Fretilin kaer no kastigu no la konsidera ha'u hanesan ema maibe hanesan animal.",
"Ha'u dehan sira-nia lian-fuan ne'e monu iha ha'u-nia laran.",
"Ha'u-nia laran dodok.",
"Ha'u atu monu tiha ba sira.",
"Maibe ikus mai ha'u la konsege depende sira-nia opsaun tanba ha'u dehan ba ministru ne'e katak ha'u-nia deklarasaun ba ONU dala ruma la vale tanba ha'u iha imi-nia liman no imi obriga ha'u,\" Avo Xavi haktuir iha Audensia publika CAVR (2003).",
"Avo Xavi fila hikas mai iha Timor-Leste iha tinan 1999.",
"Iha Timor-Leste, Avo Xavi lidera hikas Partidu ASDT no sai membru Asembleia Konstituante iha tinan 2001.",
"Tempu ua'in la'o liu, iha tempu tuir mai, Governu Timor-Leste mos fo valorizasaun ba Avo Xavi sai Proklamador no konsege hodi fo fiar ba Avo Xavi hodi lee hikas \"Testu Proklamasaun 28 Novembru 1975\" iha komemorasaun 28 de Novembru (sa tinan haluha ona).",
"TEXTO DA PROKLAMACAO DA INDEPENDENCIA Encarnado a aspiracao suprema do povo de Timor Leste e para salvaguarda dos seus mais legitimos direitos e interesses como Nacao soberana, o Comite Central da FRENTE REVOLUCIONARIA DE TIMOR LESTE INDEPENDENTE - FRETILIN - decreta e eu proclamo, unilateralmente, a Independencia de Timor Leste que passa a ser, a partir das 00:00 de hoje, a Republica Democratica de Timor-Leste, anti-colonialista e anti-imperialista.",
"Viva a Republica Democratica de Timor Leste!",
"Viva povo de Timor Leste Livre e Independente!",
"Tempu Ukun-Aan (2000) Iha tinan 2000, Governu Tranzisaun UNTAET, Avo Xavi hamoris fila-fali Partidu ASDT no sai prezidente Partidu hodi kompete iha elisaun ba Asembleia Konstituante.",
"Iha eleisaun ne'e, Partidu ASDT hetan kadeira neen (6) iha Asembleia Konstituante ne'ebe mak hala'o knaar hodi hakerek Konstituisaun RDTL nian.",
"Husi Asembleia Konstituiante hafoin transfere hanesan Parlamentu Nasional iha tinan 2002, Avo Xavi hala'o kna'ar hanesan Vise-Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Iha eleisaun prezidensial 2002, Avo Xavi kandidata-aan kompete ho Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao atu sai prezidente.",
"Iha eleisaun prezidensial 2007, Avo Xavi mos kandidata-aan hodi kompete ho kandidatu seluk iha momentu ne'eba.",
"Iha legislatura daruak nian, Avo Xavi sai membru deputadu Parlamentu Nasional ba tinan lejislatura 2007-2012 no mos hanesan Prezidente Partidu ASDT.",
"Iha eleisaun prezidensial 2012-2017, Avo Xavi mo nafatin kandidata-aan ba prezidente maibe Avo Xavi la konsege akompana prosesu kampana no elisaun.",
"To'o ikus, iha loron 6 fulan Marsu tinan 2012, Avo Xavi hakotu iis eh mate iha loron ne'ebe iha prosesu kampana ba elisaun prezidensial nia laran.",
"Ho avo Xavier nia mate Governu rekonese hanesan eroi nasional no deside loron tolu (3) lutu nasional ba saudozu Proklamador Avo Xavi.",
"To'o hakotu nia iis, Avo Xavi nafatin hatudu ninia espiritu luta no domin ba rai lulik Timor Leste no povu maubere liuhusi ninia dedik-aan sai kandidatu prezidente ba periodu 2012-2017.",
"Eroi boot, fuan boot!",
"Eroi boot maka sai tebes \"atan\" no \"liurai\" ba Timor Leste.",
"Avo Xavi nia luta la hatene kolen na fronteira laek.",
"Ohin, ha'u kandidata-aa, ohin ha'u sai prezidente, aban ha'u mate laiha problema.",
"Importante povu ne'e moris di'ak.",
"Tanba, ne'e maka ha'u-nia mehi dezde uluk ha'u sei kiik.",
"Ne'eduni, ha'u la sente kolen hasoru difikuldade ruma, hodi serbi rai no povu ida ne'e,\" dehan Proklamador Francisco Xavier do Amaral ba jornalista sira, Kuarta (15/02/2012), hafoin Tribunal Rekursu legaliza tama ba kandidatura prezidente da republika periodu 2012-2017 (Timor Post, 16/02/2012).",
"Luta no mehi hirak ne'e, ita hotu, timoroan hotu-hotu, luta-na'in ka la'os luta-na'in, mai ita hotu foti xapeu be aaas no aas katak Avo Xavi ninia luta hanesan loloos reflesaun ida ne'ebe Taur Matan Ruak tatoli liu hosi ninia rede sosial (Facebook) hodi dedika ba Avo Xavi nia mate; Manu aman Timor kokorek.",
"Hafanun ita atu hari'i nasaun ida ne'e.",
"Iha ukun-aan, nia kokorek nafatin.",
"Hafanun ita atu labele husik hela povu no rai doben ida ne'e monu ba rai.",
"Ohin, nia husik hela ita.",
"Avo Xavi sei iha ita hotu nia neon.",
"Rai doben ida ne'e lakon manu-aman di'ak ida.",
"Iha Maromak nia sorin kuana, manu-aman ne'e sei kokorek nafatin.",
"Adeus Eroi Boot Avo Xavi be Fuan Boot!",
"Requem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine.",
"Hakmatek ho dame!",
"Notisia relevante:Biografia Proklamador Francisco Xavier do Amaral Previous articleTL ho RI Sei Estabelese MoU Protesaun Sivil Next articlePNTL La Autoriza UNIJMA Selebra Ketak Loron Proklamasaun Independensia"
] | [
"Avo Xavi: \"Tempu Sei Hatete Ba Ita, Se Mak Loos No se mak Sala?\" | TATOLI Agência noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA EDUKASAUN"
"Grandfather Xavi: \"Time Will Tell Us, If Mak Loos or Se Maka Sala?\""
"Dili, November 27th (TATOLI) - \"You are judging me with a military trial."
"Alarico Fernandes hasn't had any reason; Hei traidor, ko’alia ba!"
"He sent people down from the countryside to villages so that Javanese would choose him as a minister.\""
"I answered them, \"Time will tell us."
"If the day ends, it will be right and not wrong.\""
"The dialogue taken from the trial between Alarico Fernandes and Advocate Xavi, which is described below by Lawyer Xavi as a political reality that occurred among members of Fretilin Central Committee (CCF) who had different ideas about strategies adopted at lalini conference."
"The war strategy used by the Indonesian military to subdue resistance led Avo Xavi's position in relation with Soibada that people must surrender at village, let only soldiers resist on land and fight within town."
"With this idea and policy, Alarico Fernandes accused Avo Xavi of being a traitor because only the strong conviction that Ave. Xavi had for his strategy was to force people into surrender by fighting in their own villages; with such an opinion he would not allow any other political party or group from outside Portugal' s border territory (except Spain)"
"Xavi's grandfather accepted these accusations, and replied with neon in his eyes: \"O futuro vira a verdade. Quem tem razão e quem nao têm\" - The future will tell the truth if there is reason or not.\""
"To know who is right and wrong, the fighter Francisco Xavier do Amaral did not blame anyone or say he was correct until his return to God's presence."
"In his struggle he began, as a Tongan in Portuguese times. He disliked the malae-mutin right from childhood onwards and was not happy with it at all!"
"Razón ida de'it."
"It is only because of their angelic rule that the Angels (Portuguese) regard us as lord and servant in our own land, they are great king(Maromak), whom we should worship."
"Therefore, when Grandfather Xavi studied Philosophy and Theology at the Macau Major Seminary (1954), while playing tennis with his fellow seminarist from Portugal Jorge Silveiro Machado called him \"Oh Seu Preto!\" he protested by sneezing loudly."
"He did not bend, but stood like an animal."
"\"Imi Portuges ne'e, primitivo liu."
"You have done nothing in Timor."
"When people don't live like we do, you cannot survive\", said Xavi when I and photographer Antonio Daciparu interviewed him at his residence in Leccidere on Saturday (21/03) ."
"Like a bird that always sings when the time is right, Grandpa Xavier did not hesitate to play."
"He was surprised to meet Bishop Dom Jaime Garcia Goulart, because the bishop had said against Father Xavi: \"Your brutal thought of Portugal is a mortal sin.\""
"With a smile and showing his arms like an old man, Grandpa Xavi replied: \"I'm not against Portugal."
"I am against the Portuguese state and its system of government."
"Ha'u la kontra povu Portugal."
"I respect the people of Portugal.\""
"However, Avo Xavi's struggle against Portugal did not stop there."
"The fight continues!"
"After graduating from the Macau Major Seminary (1963), he began his profession as a teacher of Portuguese and Latin at Dare, Dili."
"Without a vocation to become the Lady of Light, she quickly pursued her life as an ordinary person."
"There, his determination to fight for the liberations of Timor-Leste's people and land from colonialist tyranny was high."
"Foufoun, founded a private school in Santa Cruz Dili (1965), to receive the Haitians who graduated from fourth grade of Catholic schools within East Timor such as Fuiloro and Maliana."
"When the May 1974 revolution brought an end to Salazar's (Portugal) secessionist state and Movimento Força Armada, Portugal pursued a policy of cleansing up its evil deeds in order for Portuguese Timorese [overseas] freedom so that they could fight their own future by establishing political parties."
"Do they want to remain united with Portugal or choose independence?"
"Salazar's de-state policy of selfishness also extended to Dili, East Timor."
"Timorese intellectuals also wanted to realize their desire for independence, called each other together and formed a political party."
"The first political party founded by the Timorese was Partido Uniao Democratice Timoreense (UDT) which had been formed in a brothers' group named tutun Carrascalão."
"On 20 May, Ramos Horta and Mari Alkatiri forced Avo Xavi to form the ASDT (Associacao Social Demokratica de Timor) Party."
"At the meeting, Jose Ramos Horta said: \"If you do not accept this idea and sign it I will read out my declaration."
"No, we can't be afraid to take our own horses and fight for independence.\""
"Razón ida de'it."
"Because, Mari Alkatiri and Ramos Horta (mixed or blood-red) at the time were not authorized by law to form a political party."
"Therefore, Avo Xavi whose blood is Timorese was the one to sign this declaration so that ASDT Party could be founded and accountable before Portuguese Government."
"On that day, at 8:05 p.m they declared the formation of ASDT Party in Acait (Dili)."
"Political tensions are rising in the country."
"In Dili, in August he became a witness to this political history."
"On August 10-25, the tensions of internal political conflict escalated like a baby in his breast."
"The coup and counter-coup between UDT in Fretilin has started to burst."
"One after another, the people of Timor-Leste have become victims to this policy and many are dying."
"Neighbouring nation Indonesia also began to show interest in invade East Timor."
"On 7 December, Indonesian troops with the support of United States forces invaded East Timor."
"A man suffered and died, one after the other."
"Therefore, before Indonesia invaded East Timor the Central Committee of Fretilin (CCF) forced Avo Xavier to unilaterally proclaim Republic Democratica de Timor-Leste on 28 November."
"At the ceremony, Avo Xavier was given a chance to read through (read) The Proclamation and became first President of Timor-Leste."
"Nicolau Lobato became Prime Minister of Timor-Leste and Rogerio Tiago Lobota was appointed as the first Defence minister."
"Ramos Horta assumed office as Minister of Foreign Affairs and Cooperation, ruling under the semi-presidential system that still exists today."
"Who wrote and is responsible for the text of this RDTL Proclamation?"
"Until now, many people have been curious to find out but until today no one knows exactly what happened."
"However, on November 10th of the same year Xanana Gusmao took his hirus-matan and said: \"I am responsible for this text Proclamation RDTL which Farncisco Xavier do Amaral read out in Nov.28nd to proclaim Timor Leste as a nation.\""
"When Indonesia invaded Timor-Leste and the tragedy of December, Xavi delegates his credentials as President to Jose Ramos Horta in order that he may continue with political diplomacy abroad for supporting East Тимор's struggle towards independence."
"Other people and others, Avo Xavi never mentioned his name or gave responsibility to do diplomacy abroad."
"On the ground, just because he had decided to bring his people back into towns and village. Avo Xavi' s fighter-malicious FRETILIN captured him for betraying them as a traitor who has betrothed party & country Timor Leste!"
"Nothing else."
"Just because of different ideas about political ideology and defending the doctrine that Fretilin considers to be communist, irrelevant for East Timorese culture they captured Uncle Xavi."
"No more politics, no longer."
"Because only in the Soibada and Lalini Congresses, Avo Xavi came up with an idea to bring [hark] back powerless people into town (surrendering themselves at Indonesia's hands) while Falintil members were fighting on land alone; this led Information Minister Alarico Fernandes interpreted it wrongly by holding Abo Xávis hand as one of his own teeth."
"Avo Xavi was arrested in Tutuluro-Manufahi while he had been holding a political training, to be tried and sent back home."
"The trial was held at 10 p.m in a place called Aikurus-Remexio - Aileu, within the Fretilin campgrounds and it took about two hours to be completed with all witnesses presenting their testimony before judgement on Thursday evening (23/9)."
"During the trial and torture that Alarico Fernandes inflicted on him, Xavi's attorney never answered any of his accusations."
"Grandpa Xavi only replied with the short words, \"The future will tell you who is right and whom not\" - it's up to us if we are correct or wrong."
"\"You are trying me with a military trial."
"Alarico Fernandes hasn't had any reason; Hei traidor, ko’alia ba!"
"He sent people down from the countryside to villages so that Javanese would choose him as a minister,\" says Xavi."
"Grandpa Xavi replied, \"Time will tell us."
"If the day ends well, it will be a good one."
"After that, I have not answered their subsequent questions.\""
"In the traditional prison, inside a two-metre thick layer of earth covered with trees from above they leave behind small wooden vents that are used as means for communication between them."
"In the desert they do not give food or drink."
"When the poor people walked from this place, through these small trees they were selling batar-musan and flour for Avo Xavi to eat or give iis so that he could survive."
"To be honest, the two sons of Avô Xavi also died because Fretilin didn't give them food."
"Similarly, when Avo Xavi's wife was arrested by the members of Fretilin they broke her throat and made his widow a servant to send kuru-bee for member party leaders."
"In the course of this war, Grandpa Xavi also fell into Indonesian enemy hands on August 30th."
"Avo Xave, a member of the Indonesian military battalion 743 captured in Dilor Lacluta Viqueque led by Herman Sedyono (Former President Municipalities Baucau and Suai)."
"After that, through various interrogations the military took Xavi to Dili and lived with Colonel Dading Kalbuadi."
"In Dili, Grandfather Xavier was able to witness the death of His Excellency Nicolau Lobato in 1978 at his hometown airport."
"Unfortunately, when Dading Kalbuadi was given a new post as Kepala Staf Logistik Kodam Udayana Bali in Indonesia-Bali and Aunt Xavi also moved to the same place."
"Sorte aat karik! - Sorry, I'm sorry."
"In Bali-Indonesia, Grandpa Xavi has not been subjected to torture (baku) and various interrogations."
"There, Uncle Xavi became Dading Kalbuadi's servant."
"Atan, a servant who became an actual crop grower to care for Dading Kalbuadi's crops of haki’ak (1978-64). He fed and fertilized the ground in which he grew his fruit trees."
"\"Every week, Dading Kalbuadi fo ha'u-nia salary Rp."
"1,025 ($9.86 cents) a day,” said Xavi't grandfather Xavier Rego de Souza (47)."
"In 1984, together with Dading Kalbuadi and Grandpa Xavi moved to Jakarta-Indonesia where they live in the direction of Cijantung III."
"There, Grandpa Xavi worked as a good gardener."
"Day by day, Francisco Xavier Amaral - the nephew of Dom Cosme Rodrigues Pereira who was born in Turiscai-Same on December 3rd.1927 – during his twenty two years working for Indonesia he worked watering plants and cleaning gardens with a salary per month only $50 ($4 cent)."
"\"The Indonesian military captured me in Mota Dilor, Viqueque."
"They treated me well because the military had information that I was President of Fretilin."
"They treated me well because they had a political interest."
"Indonesian Foreign Minister, Mocthar Kusuma Atmadja (1978-2034) told me that he would go to the UN General Assembly and declare his resignation because Fretilin had arrested him. He did not consider myself a human being but an animal; it was just as if I were living in my own world without God's grace.\""
"I said that their language fell on me."
"My heart is in pain. I'm so sorry for you!"
"I'm about to fall for them."
"But in the end I was not able to depend on their options because i told this minister that my statements at UN are sometimes invalid, as they have me under your control and you forced it upon them\", Lawyer Xavi recalled during Public Hearing CAVR (2013)."
"Xavi’s grandfather returned to East Timor in 1980, and his wife came back with him."
"In Timor-Leste, Avo Xavi eventually led the ASDT Party and became a member of Constituent Assembly in 2051."
"As time went by, the Government of Timor-Leste also valued Avo Xavi as a Proclamator and managed to trust him with reading out \"The Text Of The November 28th (1975) proclamation\" in commemoration on that day."
"Embodied the supreme aspiration of East Timorese people and to safeguard their most legitimate rights as a sovereign nation, The Central Committee Of THE REVOLUTIONARY FRONT OF INDEPENDENT TIMOR-LESTE - FRETILIN – decrees that I proclaim unilaterally independence from 12:05 AM today onwards. This will be an anticolonial Antiimperialist Democratic Republic (República Democrática), which is independent in its own right by itself without any foreign intervention or interference; it shall remain under international laws for all time until this day' s end.\""
"Long live the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste!"
"Long live the people of Free and Independent East Timor!"
"Independence Period (2017) In the year 365, during UNTAET’s transitional government in Timor-Leste. Avo Xavi refounded ASDT and became its president to run for election as a member of Constituent Assembly; however he was defeated by Afonso de Sousa who had been elected President after his death on October"
"In this election, ASDT Party won nine (6) seats in the Constituent Assembly which was responsible for drafting Timor-Leste Constitution."
"From the Constituent Assembly after its transfer to National Parliament in 2013, Mr. Xavi has held office as Vice-President of this body legislative and was elected President by a majority vote on his first term at that position (in July)."
"In the 2017 presidential election, Avo Xavi contested against Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to become President."
"In the 2013 presidential election, he ran against former President Barack Obama in a bid to win."
"In the second term, Avo Xavi became a member of Parliament for 2017-3 and also as President ASDT Party."
"In the 2017 presidential election, he ran for President but was unable to complete his campaign and electoral process."
"Finally, on March 6th of the same year Xavi's father died in a car accident during his presidential election campaign."
"With his death, the Government recognized him as a national hero and declares three (3) days of National Mourning for Proclamator Avo Xavi."
"Until his death, Avo Xavi continued to demonstrate the spirit of struggle and love for Timor-Leste's lulik land through its dedication as a presidential candidate in 2017."
"Hero boot, fuan Boot!"
"The great hero has become a very important \"anthropomorphic\" and 'reborn' to East Timor."
"Grandfather Xavi's struggle has no end on the border of Spain."
"Today, I am running for president; today i will be President. Tomorrow if u die it's okay with me!"
"It is important that the people live well."
"Because, that's been my desire since I was a child."
"Therefore, I do not feel sorry for any difficulty to serve this country and people\", Proclamador Francisco Xavier Do Amaral told journalists on Thursday (15/02) after the Court of Appeals legalized his candidacy as presidentially candidate in 3rd term."
"These struggles and aspirations, all of us Timorese people - fighter or not- fighters. Let' s take a high hat that Avo Xavi was truly the reflection which Taur Matan Ruak shared through his social network (Facebook) to dedicate on avo xavis death; Manu aman Timor kokorek!"
"If we want to build this country, then let's do it."
"When he is in power, it keeps on turning around."
"We must not let this precious people and land fall to the ground."
"Today, he is leaving us. He has left a lasting legacy in our hearts"
"Grandpa Xavi will be in all of our neons."
"This beautiful land has lost a good animal."
"In the presence of God, this animal will be still."
"Goodbye Hero Boot Avo Xavi be Fuan boot!"
"Requem Aeternam Dona Eis Domine. (Requiem for the Eternal Mother of God)"
"Damn it, ladies!"
"Relevant News:Biography of Proclamator Francisco Xavier do Amaral Previous articleTL and RI Will Establish Civil Protection MoU Next ArticlePNTL La Autoriza UNIJMA Selebrate Ketak Day Independence Declaration"
] |
OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setoriál hitu | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setoriál hitu\nOJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setoriál hitu\nDILI, 07 outubru 2020 (TATOLI)-Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) prioritiza medida setoriál hitu iha proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskál 2020.\nNotísia Relevante : Iha OJE 2020, CAC presiza $1,071,547\nProposta OJE CAC nian ne’ebé prevee $1,071,547 kobre ba item saláriu vensimentu $773,107, bens servisu $298,441, kapitál menór, kapital dezenvolvimentu no transferensia públika laiha.\nReprezentante povu iha Parlamentu Nasionál, ohin, aprova ona iha espesialidade OJE 2020 ba CAC montante $1,071,547 ho votu a-favor 44, kontra 0 no abstensaun 21.\n“Orsamentu ba Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun pasa,” deklara Prezidente Parlamentu Nasionál, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres, ohin, iha ámbitu diskusaun proposta Orsamentu Jerál Estadu (OJE) 2020 iha faze espesialidade iha plenária Parlamentu Nasionál.\nTuir dokumentu livru Planu Asaun Annual númeru (Livru 2) prioridade prinsipál medida setoriál iha 2020 CAC prioritiza area hitu, maka hanesan, dahuluk; promove asaun ho prevensaun, sensibilizasaun no investigasaun kriminál ba krime korrupsaun iha kualkér forma.\nDaruak, rekolla no analiza informasaun relativa ba kauza prevensaun korrupsaun. Datoluk, realiza asaun sensibilizasaun destina hodi limita prátika aktu korrupsaun. Dahaat, motiva ema adota prekausaun redús aktu situasaun ne’ebé fasilita koerénsia konduta krime. Dalima, akonsella kualkér instituisaun ka entidade públika kona-ba forma prevensaun kombate konduta korrupsaun. Daneen, promove asesu justisa, no ikus dahitu nian maka promove boa governasaun, jestaun institusionál, fortalese kapasidade rekursu umanu.\nKomisáriu CAC Sergio Hornai hateten, iha OJE 2020 sei haree mós hodi ezekuta ba programa prioridade liu-liu halo ajustamentu preparativus ba implementasaun lei Medida Preventiva Kombate Korrupsaun (MPCC-sigla portugés).\nPrevious articleKursu 18 iha UNITAL seidauk akredita husi ANAAA\nNext articleNova Zelándia kapasita Polísia Tránzitu buka solusaun ba engarrafamentu iha Dili | [
"OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setorial hitu | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setorial hitu OJE 2020 ba CAC pasa, prioritiza medida setorial hitu DILI, 07 outubru 2020 (TATOLI) -Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun (CAC) prioritiza medida setorial hitu iha proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) tinan fiskal 2020.",
"Notisia Relevante: Iha OJE 2020, CAC presiza $1,071,547 Proposta OJE CAC nian ne'ebe prevee $1,071,547 kobre ba item salariu vensimentu $773,107, bens servisu $298,441, kapital menor, kapital dezenvolvimentu no transferensia publika laiha.",
"Reprezentante povu iha Parlamentu Nasional, ohin, aprova ona iha espesialidade OJE 2020 ba CAC montante $1,071,547 ho votu a-favor 44, kontra 0 no abstensaun 21.",
"\"Orsamentu ba Komisaun Anti-Korrupsaun pasa,\" deklara Prezidente Parlamentu Nasional, Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres, ohin, iha ambitu diskusaun proposta Orsamentu Jeral Estadu (OJE) 2020 iha faze espesialidade iha plenaria Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Tuir dokumentu livru Planu Asaun Annual numeru (Livru 2) prioridade prinsipal medida setorial iha 2020 CAC prioritiza area hitu, maka hanesan, dahuluk; promove asaun ho prevensaun, sensibilizasaun no investigasaun kriminal ba krime korrupsaun iha kualker forma.",
"Daruak, rekolla no analiza informasaun relativa ba kauza prevensaun korrupsaun.",
"Datoluk, realiza asaun sensibilizasaun destina hodi limita pratika aktu korrupsaun.",
"Dahaat, motiva ema adota prekausaun redus aktu situasaun ne'ebe fasilita koerensia konduta krime.",
"Dalima, akonsella kualker instituisaun ka entidade publika kona-ba forma prevensaun kombate konduta korrupsaun.",
"Daneen, promove asesu justisa, no ikus dahitu nian maka promove boa governasaun, jestaun institusional, fortalese kapasidade rekursu umanu.",
"Komisariu CAC Sergio Hornai hateten, iha OJE 2020 sei haree mos hodi ezekuta ba programa prioridade liu-liu halo ajustamentu preparativus ba implementasaun lei Medida Preventiva Kombate Korrupsaun (MPCC-sigla portuges).",
"Previous articleKursu 18 iha UNITAL seidauk akredita husi ANAAA Next articleNova Zelandia kapasita Polisia Tranzitu buka solusaun ba engarrafamentu iha Dili"
] | [
"Budget 2019 for the Anti-Corruption Commission (CAC) passed, prioritizes seven sectoral measure | Timor Post Agência Noticiosa de Timór -Leste VARANDA DILI The National Committee on Corrupt Practice and Compliance approves budget proposal to address corruption in public administration Dili/Aileu –The national committee against corrupt practice is agreed that it will adopt a set of five specific areas as its main objectives during this fiscal year."
"Relevant News: In the 2019 Budget, CCA Needs $753.4 Million The proposed budget of CAC which provides for a total amount ($68-$) covering salary and income items (US dollars), good services expenses(USD dollar)."
"The people’s representatives in the National Parliament today approved at plenary session a budget for CAC amounting to $1,072.54 with vote of approval by an absolute majority (38 against none and no abstentions)."
"\"The budget for the Anti-Corruption Commission is passed,\" declared President of National Parliament Aniceto Longuinhos Guterres today during discussions on proposed General State Budget (GSB) 2019 in plenary session."
"According to the document book Annual Action Plan number (Book 2) main sector priority measures in autumn of this year, CCA has set seven areas as its top focuses: firstly; promoting action with prevention and criminal investigation for corruption offences."
"Second, collect and analyze information relating to the causes of corruption prevention."
"Thirdly, carry out awareness-raising actions aimed at reducing the practice of corrupt acts."
"Moreover, motivating people to adopt precautionary actions reduces situational acts that facilitate coherent criminal behaviour."
"In particular, it advises any public institution or entity on ways to prevent and combat corrupt behaviour."
"Daneen promotes access to justice, and its goal is the promotion of good governance; institutional management: strengthening human resource capacity."
"CAC Commissioner Sergio Hornai said that in the budget for Budget of State (BGS) will also look to implement priority programs especially make preparatory adjustments on implementation law Preventive Measures Against Corruptions."
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Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na’in 17 - GMN TV\nGMN TV Justica e Segurança Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na’in 17\nJulgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na’in 17\nMinistériu Públiku rejeita atu rona tan deklarasaun sasin na’in 17 husi sasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ninian.\nMinistériu Públiku aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz, ne’ebé hala’o iha Tribunal Distrital Oecusse, Segunda (26/7/2021). Maibé husi 30 ne’e, Ministériu Públiku rejeita atu rona deklarasaun sasin 17 husi sasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta, tanba duvida ho sasin sira-nia deklarasaun.\nTanba ne’e, Ministériu Públiku husu Tribunal Distrital Oecusse atu adia julgamentu kontinuasaun ne’e ba tempu seluk.\nSasin 17 ne’ebé aprezenta husi Ministériu Públiku ba kazu Topu Honiz ne’e, lamenta tebes ho desizaun Ministériu Públiku nian ne’e, tamba konsidera la respeita sira-nia direitu hodi fó deklarasaun iha Tribunal bazeia ba notifikasaun husi Ministériu Públiku.\n“Ohin loron ami mai Tribunal mai tuir notifikasaun ne’ebé mak fó ba ami. Ami kumpri nafatin regra, maibe ami mai to’o ne’e iha fatin julgamentu nian, ami rona katak naran ne’ebé Ministériu Públiku ne’ebé fó sai iha Tribunal dehan katak, husi Ministériu Públiku ba foti ami atu sai sasin ne’ebé agora husi Ministériu Públiku rasik mak kansela ida ne’e, dehan ami lalika deklara sai saida mak ami prontu ona atu deklara, keta buat ruma husi Ministériu Públiku tauk atu ami koalia sai sira-nia hahalok sira ne’ebé mak durante sira subar-subar hela iha kotuk ne’e, ne’e mak sira kansela ne’e. Tanba ami hot-hotu no ha’u rasik prontu atu koalia saida deit ha’u prontu atu koalia, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne’e ami mai sira la autoriza ami atu koalia saida deit iha Tribunal. Notifikasaun iha ne’e, ami sai testamuña, no testamuña ne’e mos Ministériu Públiku rasik mak fó, agora ami prontu ona atu sai testamuña, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne’e lakohi fó tempu ba ami atu deklara sai saida mak ami atu deklara sai ba sira atu rona. Ha’u-nia deskonfia ba sira (Ministériu Públiku) ne’e parese tauk, tauk ami koalia buat ida ne’ebé mak durante ne’e imi (Ministériu Públiku) subar hela ne’e, keta tauk. Tanba sira seluk fó deklarasaun hanesan testamuña, agora ami nian labele fali, ne’e tanba saida. Maibe ami prontu tau hatán”,Testamuña Ermelinda Elu, deklara sai iha Oecusse ba JNDiário.\nNune’e mos, testamuña Pascoela Eco, lamenta ho hahalok Ministériu Públiku nian ne’ebé la konsistente iha sira-nia servisu. Tanba sira hetan notifikasaun hanesan testamuña ba kazu Topu Honiz, maibe Ministériu Públiku la autoriza fali testamuña sira koalia sai ba públiku.\n“Ami-nia prezensa iha loron ohin nian tanba ami simu notifikasaun husi Ministériu Públiku nian, no ami kumpri notifikasaun ne’e. Maibe agora oras ida ne’e ami tama ona iha laran mak Ministériu Públiku nian la fó ami koalia, ne’e tanba saida? Ami hakarak hatene razaun saida esplika fó ami. Iha karta ne’e sira hatete katak, ami sai testamuña kona-ba kazu Topu Honiz nian. Notifikasaun ne’e iha dia 12 no adia ba 26 de jullu, tinan ne’e. Maibe ho loron ne’e ami mai iha ne’e, sira abandona tiha. Agora ohin loron ami mai ne’e sira bolu ami tama duni iha laran, maibe sira Ministériu Públiku la hatán”,dehan tan testamuña Pascoela Eco ho tristeza ba hahalok MP nian ne’e.\nSasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta husi Ministériu Públiku ba julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ne’e to’o iha Tribunal iha tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste, tanba hetan notifikasaun husi Ministériu Públiku.\nMinistériu Públiku (MP) aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun ba kazu Topu Honiz, ne’ebé deskonfia eis padre Richard Daschbach halo violasaun hasoru labarik sira, no sasin 30 ne’ebé aprezenta husi ministériu públiku ne’e, marka hotu prezensa iha julgamentu refere no mos eis padre Richard Daschbach.\nKazu Topu Honis ne’e, Ministériu Públiku akuza eis padre Richard Daschbach halo abuzu seksuál hasoru labarik minoridade iha Orfonatu Topu Honiz.\nAlende ne’e, marka mos prezensa husi líder karismátiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão. Líder nasionál Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão to’o iha Tribunal mais ou menus tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste. Hafoin to’o, Xanana tama kedas ba sala julgamentu, maibe iha minutu balun, Xanana sai fali tanba julgamentu ne’e taka ba públiku.\nHafoin rona esplikasaun husi parte Tribunal, Xanana sai hikas husi sala julgamentu no hasoru labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, inan aman sira no matebian Febriana nia aman ne’ebé marka mós prezensa iha julgamentu ne’e.\nInan-aman inklui labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, kontente tebes hodi halai ba hakoak Xanana Gusmão. Prosesu julgamentu ne’e hetan seguransa máximu husi parte Polísia Nasionál Timor Leste.Nes | [
"Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na'in 17 - GMN TV GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na'in 17 Julgamentu kazu Topu Honiz, MP rejeita atu rona deklarasaun husi sasin na'in 17 Ministeriu Publiku rejeita atu rona tan deklarasaun sasin na'in 17 husi sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ninian.",
"Ministeriu Publiku aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz, ne'ebe hala'o iha Tribunal Distrital Oecusse, Segunda (26/7/2021).",
"Maibe husi 30 ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku rejeita atu rona deklarasaun sasin 17 husi sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta, tanba duvida ho sasin sira-nia deklarasaun.",
"Tanba ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku husu Tribunal Distrital Oecusse atu adia julgamentu kontinuasaun ne'e ba tempu seluk.",
"Sasin 17 ne'ebe aprezenta husi Ministeriu Publiku ba kazu Topu Honiz ne'e, lamenta tebes ho desizaun Ministeriu Publiku nian ne'e, tamba konsidera la respeita sira-nia direitu hodi fo deklarasaun iha Tribunal bazeia ba notifikasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku.",
"\"Ohin loron ami mai Tribunal mai tuir notifikasaun ne'ebe mak fo ba ami.",
"Ami kumpri nafatin regra, maibe ami mai to'o ne'e iha fatin julgamentu nian, ami rona katak naran ne'ebe Ministeriu Publiku ne'ebe fo sai iha Tribunal dehan katak, husi Ministeriu Publiku ba foti ami atu sai sasin ne'ebe agora husi Ministeriu Publiku rasik mak kansela ida ne'e, dehan ami lalika deklara sai saida mak ami prontu ona atu deklara, keta buat ruma husi Ministeriu Publiku tauk atu ami koalia sai sira-nia hahalok sira ne'ebe mak durante sira subar-subar hela iha kotuk ne'e, ne'e mak sira kansela ne'e.",
"Tanba ami hot-hotu no ha'u rasik prontu atu koalia saida deit ha'u prontu atu koalia, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne'e ami mai sira la autoriza ami atu koalia saida deit iha Tribunal.",
"Notifikasaun iha ne'e, ami sai testamuna, no testamuna ne'e mos Ministeriu Publiku rasik mak fo, agora ami prontu ona atu sai testamuna, maibe tanba saida mak agora ne'e lakohi fo tempu ba ami atu deklara sai saida mak ami atu deklara sai ba sira atu rona.",
"Ha'u-nia deskonfia ba sira (Ministeriu Publiku) ne'e parese tauk, tauk ami koalia buat ida ne'ebe mak durante ne'e imi (Ministeriu Publiku) subar hela ne'e, keta tauk.",
"Tanba sira seluk fo deklarasaun hanesan testamuna, agora ami nian labele fali, ne'e tanba saida.",
"Maibe ami prontu tau hatan,\"Testamuna Ermelinda Elu, deklara sai iha Oecusse ba JNDiario.",
"Nune'e mos, testamuna Pascoela Eco, lamenta ho hahalok Ministeriu Publiku nian ne'ebe la konsistente iha sira-nia servisu.",
"Tanba sira hetan notifikasaun hanesan testamuna ba kazu Topu Honiz, maibe Ministeriu Publiku la autoriza fali testamuna sira koalia sai ba publiku.",
"\"Ami-nia prezensa iha loron ohin nian tanba ami simu notifikasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku nian, no ami kumpri notifikasaun ne'e.",
"Maibe agora oras ida ne'e ami tama ona iha laran mak Ministeriu Publiku nian la fo ami koalia, ne'e tanba saida?",
"Ami hakarak hatene razaun saida esplika fo ami.",
"Iha karta ne'e sira hatete katak, ami sai testamuna kona-ba kazu Topu Honiz nian.",
"Notifikasaun ne'e iha dia 12 no adia ba 26 de jullu, tinan ne'e.",
"Maibe ho loron ne'e ami mai iha ne'e, sira abandona tiha.",
"Agora ohin loron ami mai ne'e sira bolu ami tama duni iha laran, maibe sira Ministeriu Publiku la hatan,\"dehan tan testamuna Pascoela Eco ho tristeza ba hahalok MP nian ne'e.",
"Sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta husi Ministeriu Publiku ba julgamentu kontinuasaun kazu Topu Honiz ne'e to'o iha Tribunal iha tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste, tanba hetan notifikasaun husi Ministeriu Publiku.",
"Ministeriu Publiku (MP) aprezenta sasin 30 iha julgamentu kontinuasaun ba kazu Topu Honiz, ne'ebe deskonfia eis padre Richard Daschbach halo violasaun hasoru labarik sira, no sasin 30 ne'ebe aprezenta husi ministeriu publiku ne'e, marka hotu prezensa iha julgamentu refere no mos eis padre Richard Daschbach.",
"Kazu Topu Honis ne'e, Ministeriu Publiku akuza eis padre Richard Daschbach halo abuzu seksual hasoru labarik minoridade iha Orfonatu Topu Honiz.",
"Alende ne'e, marka mos prezensa husi lider karismatiku Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao.",
"Lider nasional Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao to'o iha Tribunal mais ou menus tuku 9 dader Oras Timor-Leste.",
"Hafoin to'o, Xanana tama kedas ba sala julgamentu, maibe iha minutu balun, Xanana sai fali tanba julgamentu ne'e taka ba publiku.",
"Hafoin rona esplikasaun husi parte Tribunal, Xanana sai hikas husi sala julgamentu no hasoru labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, inan aman sira no matebian Febriana nia aman ne'ebe marka mos prezensa iha julgamentu ne'e.",
"Inan-aman inklui labarik sira husi Orfonatu Topu Honiz, kontente tebes hodi halai ba hakoak Xanana Gusmao.",
"Prosesu julgamentu ne'e hetan seguransa maximu husi parte Polisia Nasional Timor Leste.Nes"
] | [
"Topu Honiz case trial, MP refuses to hear statements from 17 witnesses - GMN TV Justica e Seguranca Trial of the Case for top honez. The Public Prosecutor' s Office rejecting hearing further testimony by seventeen out Of Thirty Witnessed in a Continuation Court Hearsay on TOPU HONIZ THE PROSECUTOR REJECTS TO HEARD STATEMENT OF SEVENTENEW WITNESS IN TRIAL FOR THIS CONTINUATION CASE"
"The Public Prosecutor's Office presented 30 witnesses in the continuation trial of Topu Honiz case, which was held at Oecusse District Court on Monday (26/7)"
"However, of the 30 witnesses presented in this case by Prosecutor General's Office (PPO), seventeen were refused to be heard because they had doubts about their testimony."
"Therefore, the Public Prosecutor's Office requested Oecusse District Court to postpone this continuation trial until another time."
"The 17 defendants presented by the Public Prosecutor's Office in this Topu Honiz case, deeply regretted that decision of public prosekution because they considered it did not respect their right to make a statement before court based on notification from government."
"\"Today we came to the Court following a notification that was given us."
"We complied with the rules, but we came to this place of trial and heard that a name which was given by Public Prosecutor's Office in court said: \"The public prosekution took us as witnesses\" now it has been cancelling them. They say they will not declare what is already ready for declarations; if there are any things about their actions during these past days when all were going on upside-down - so then why did you cancel?"
"Because we all and I myself are ready to talk about anything, but why have they not authorized us in court?"
"Notification here, we are witnesses and this testimony is also the Public Prosecutor's Office itself gives us. Now that it has been given to ourselves by them now they do not give any time for me or my wife (to) declare what I am going into declaration before their hearing?"
"My mistrust of them (the Public Prosecutor's Office) seems to be too strong, but we are talking about something that you have been undermining for a long time."
"Because the others gave statements as witnesses, now our own can't go back. That is why it was so difficult for us to do that.\""
"But we are ready to answer,\" witness Ermelinda Elu declared in Oecusse for JNDiario."
"Similarly, witness Pascoela Eco lamented the inconsistent behaviour of public prosecutors in their work."
"Because they were notified as witnesses in the Topu Honiz case, but Public Prosecutor's Office did no longer authorize them to speak publicly."
"\"Our presence today is because we received a notification from the Public Prosecutor's Office, and complied with that."
"But now this hour we have entered the Public Prosecutor's Office and they do not let us talk, why?"
"We want to know what the reason is for us."
"In the letter they stated that we were witnesses to Topu Honiz's case."
"The notification was made on 12 July and postponed to the following year's June."
"But with the day we came here, they abandoned us."
"Now today we came and they called us in, but the Public Prosecutor's Office did not answer\", said witnesses Pascoela Eco with sadness at MP actions."
"The 30 cases submitted by the Public Prosecutor's Office for trial in Topu Honiz case arrived at court on Monday, October12th (9am EST), after being notified of this decision."
"The Public Prosecutor's Office (MP) presented 30 witnesses in the follow-up trial of Topu Honiz case, which suspected former priest Richard Daschbach to have raped children. And all these testimonies mark their presence at that court hearing and also presentation by ex Father Ricardo da Schbach;"
"In the Topu Honis case, public prosecution accuses former priest Richard Daschbach of sexually abusing minority children at Orphanage top honiz."
"In addition, it also marked the presence of charismatic leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao."
"National leader Kay Rala Xanana Gusmao arrived at the Court about 9 a.m, Timor-Leste Time (08:35 UTC)."
"Once there, Xanana immediately entered the courtroom but after a few minutes left because it was closed to public."
"After hearing the explanation from Tribunal, Xanana quickly left courtroom and met with children of Topu Honiz Orphanage as well a few parents including Febriana's father who also attended."
"Parents including children from the Topu Honiz Orphanage were delighted to go on their way home. Xanana Gusmao"
"The trial process was given maximum security by the National Police of Timor-Leste."
] |
MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normál | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor-Leste\nVARANDA DILI MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normál\nMUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normál\nMUTL ho AUTL halo konferénsia imprensa hodi husu MESSK reativa aula normal ba UNTL, kuarta (28/04). Imajen TATOLI/Egas Crstovão.\nDILI, 28 abríl 2021 (TATOLI) – Movimentu Universitáriu Timor-Leste (MUTL) ho Aliansa Universitáriu Timor-Leste (AUTL) ezije ba Governu liuhosi Ministériu Ensinu Superior Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK) atu re-ativa hikas aula normál iha instituisaun ensinu superiór públiku, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa’e (UNTL) tanba sistema implementasaun programa online ne’e la benefisia estudante-sira.\nPortavóz MUTL, Gama Lemorai, kuarta ne’e, hateten ba jornalista-sira katak MUTL la konkorda implementasaun eskola online ne’e tanba liña internet de’it to’o agora labele perkore to’o area remotas.\n“Ami rejeita Governu ninia apoiu hodi fó $10 bá kada estudante ho internet gigabyte ida tanba ita la’ós nasaun ida avansadu hanesan nasaun sira seluk, ita nia nasaun TL moris hela ho kondisaun rai-rahun, ita seidauk iha liña internet ida ne’ebé bele perkore to’o area rurál sira,” Gama Lemorai hateten iha kampus UNTL, Fakuldade Ekonomia, Liçeo, Dili.\nGama afirma katak sira-nia ejijénsia hakarak re-ativa hikas aula normál ne’e ho medida prevensaun sira. Nune’e husu ba MESSK atu dada hikas osan sira ne’ebé mak re-aloka hodi apoiu liña internet no injesaun propina bá estudante-sira ne’e bele utiliza fali hodi sosa ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 nian.\nBiban ne’e, portavós AUTL Francisca da Silva akresenta katak impregnasaun eskola online ne’e la benefisia estudante sira tanba estudante barak mak laiha telefone android atu asesu programa online ne’e.\nIha fatin hanesan estudante husi fakuldade Arte Edukasaun Umaniora (FAEH) Guilhermino Maria de Araújo dehan, karik ejijénsia aula normál ne’e mak realia duni sira husu parte Universidade bele monta ekipa kontrolu saúde hodi bele kumpre nafatin regra protokolu ne’ebé fó sai ona hosi Organizasaun Mundial Saúde (OMS) ho Ministériu Saúde (MS).\nHatán ba reklamasaun MUTL ho AUTL nian ne’e, Ministru Ensinu Superior Siénsia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos afirma katak, ema hotu iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun maibé tenke kumpre lei ne’ebé mak aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasionál.\nLonguinhos informa katak media ne’ebé mak hetan ona desizaun iha PN ne’e media ida refutavel. Governu propoin implementasaun liña internet ba IESPP sira-ne’e tanba kauza mundiál ho COVID-19.\n“Ita nia Governu haree kestaun ida ne’e maka foti desizaun hodi apoiu orsamentu millaun $2.1 hodi apoiu subsídiu internet ba estudante sira no estabelesimentu internet ba IESP sira karik presiza atu update inklui peskiza ruma bele nesesita sira,” Longuinhos dos Santos hateten.\nAliansa Universitáriu Timor-Leste\nMovimentu Universitáriu Timor-Leste\nPrevious articlePNTL-MEJD sensibiliza estudante iha Dili atu prevene COVID-19\nNext articleJaneiru-marsu kazu krime iha Dili 367 | [
"MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normal | TATOLI Agencia Noticiosa de Timor-Leste VARANDA DILI MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normal MUTL-AUTL ezije re-ativa aula normal MUTL ho AUTL halo konferensia imprensa hodi husu MESSK reativa aula normal ba UNTL, kuarta (28/04).",
"Imajen TATOLI/Egas Crstovao.",
"DILI, 28 abril 2021 (TATOLI) - Movimentu Universitariu Timor-Leste (MUTL) ho Aliansa Universitariu Timor-Leste (AUTL) ezije ba Governu liuhosi Ministeriu Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK) atu re-ativa hikas aula normal iha instituisaun ensinu superior publiku, Universidade Nasional Timor Lorosa'e (UNTL) tanba sistema implementasaun programa online ne'e la benefisia estudante-sira.",
"Portavoz MUTL, Gama Lemorai, kuarta ne'e, hateten ba jornalista-sira katak MUTL la konkorda implementasaun eskola online ne'e tanba lina internet de'it to'o agora labele perkore to'o area remotas.",
"\"Ami rejeita Governu ninia apoiu hodi fo $10 ba kada estudante ho internet gigabyte ida tanba ita la'os nasaun ida avansadu hanesan nasaun sira seluk, ita nia nasaun TL moris hela ho kondisaun rai-rahun, ita seidauk iha lina internet ida ne'ebe bele perkore to'o area rural sira,\" Gama Lemorai hateten iha kampus UNTL, Fakuldade Ekonomia, Liceo, Dili.",
"Gama afirma katak sira-nia ejijensia hakarak re-ativa hikas aula normal ne'e ho medida prevensaun sira.",
"Nune'e husu ba MESSK atu dada hikas osan sira ne'ebe mak re-aloka hodi apoiu lina internet no injesaun propina ba estudante-sira ne'e bele utiliza fali hodi sosa ekipamentu prevensaun COVID-19 nian.",
"Biban ne'e, portavos AUTL Francisca da Silva akresenta katak impregnasaun eskola online ne'e la benefisia estudante sira tanba estudante barak mak laiha telefone android atu asesu programa online ne'e.",
"Iha fatin hanesan estudante husi fakuldade Arte Edukasaun Umaniora (FAEH) Guilhermino Maria de Araujo dehan, karik ejijensia aula normal ne'e mak realia duni sira husu parte Universidade bele monta ekipa kontrolu saude hodi bele kumpre nafatin regra protokolu ne'ebe fo sai ona hosi Organizasaun Mundial Saude (OMS) ho Ministeriu Saude (MS).",
"Hatan ba reklamasaun MUTL ho AUTL nian ne'e, Ministru Ensinu Superior Siensia no Kultura (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos afirma katak, ema hotu iha direitu atu halo komunikasaun maibe tenke kumpre lei ne'ebe mak aprova ona iha Parlamentu Nasional.",
"Longuinhos informa katak media ne'ebe mak hetan ona desizaun iha PN ne'e media ida refutavel.",
"Governu propoin implementasaun lina internet ba IESPP sira-ne'e tanba kauza mundial ho COVID-19.",
"\"Ita nia Governu haree kestaun ida ne'e maka foti desizaun hodi apoiu orsamentu millaun $2.1 hodi apoiu subsidiu internet ba estudante sira no estabelesimentu internet ba IESP sira karik presiza atu update inklui peskiza ruma bele nesesita sira,\" Longuinhos dos Santos hateten.",
"Aliansa Universitariu Timor-Leste Movimentu Universitariu Timor-Leste Previous articlePNTL-MEJD sensibiliza estudante iha Dili atu prevene COVID-19 Next articleJaneiru-marsu kazu krime iha Dili 367"
] | [
"MUTL-AUTL demands reactivation of normal classroom | TATOLI Agência Noticiosa de Timor Leste VARANDA DILI Mutl and Autl hold a press conference to ask MESSK for the reinstatement, on Thursday (28/04)."
"Image: TATOLI/Egas Crstovao."
"DILI, April 28th - Timor-Leste University Movement (MUTL) and the Universities Alliance of East Тимор(AUTL), demand that Government through Ministry for Higher Education Science & Culture to reactivate normal classrooms at public higher education institution Universidade Nasional Timór Lorosa'e because online program implementation system does not benefit students."
"MUTL spokesperson Gama Lemorai told journalist on Tuesday that the party does not agree with online school implementation because only internet line so far cannot reach remote areas."
"\"We reject the government's support to give $10 per student with a gigabyte of internet because we are not an advanced country like other countries, our nation is living in poor conditions. We haven’t had one Internet line that can reach rural areas yet,” Gama Lemorai said at UNTL campus Faculty Of Economic Sciences Liceo Dili (Dili)."
"Gama stated that their demand was to re-activate the normal classrooms as soon As possible with preventive measure."
"Therefore, he asked the Ministry of Education and Science to speed up re-allocations for internet lines supporting students' tuition injection so that they can be used again in purchasing COVID 19 prevention equipment."
"In addition, AUTL spokeswoman Francisca da Silva added that the online school impregnation does not benefit students because many of them la have android phone to access this program."
"Guilhermino Maria de Araujo, a student from the Faculty of Arts and Humanities Education (FAEH), said that if normal classrooms are indeed required they would ask University to set up health control teams so it can follow all protocol rules issued by World Health Organization(WHO)and Ministry for Social Welfare."
"In response to the complaints from MUTL and AUTLE, Minister of Higher Education Science & Culture (MESSK), Longuinhos dos Santos affirmed that everyone has right for communication but must comply with law which have been passed in National Parliament."
"Longuinhos informs that the media which has been decided in PN is a refutable one."
"The government proposes to implement internet lines for these IESPP because of the global cause with COVID-19."
"\"Our Government considered this issue and took the decision to support a budget of $2.1 million for internet subsidy in student education, as well Internet establishment at IESPs if they need updating including some research that may require them\", Longuinhos dos Santos said"
"Previous articlePNTL-MEJD raises awareness of students in Dili to prevent COVID 19 Next ArticleJanuary – March crime cases at the police headquarters:367"
] |
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in Data Studio
The Tetun Dili "clean" split of the MADLAD-400 dataset, sentencized and translated to English using MADLAD-400 3b.
Each row has:
: the original text from MADLADsentences
: the text sentencized to Tetun, using Moses, which has Tetun non-breaking prefixes.sentences_eng
: thesentences
translated to English, using MADLAD-400-3b and cTranslate2
Total of 884k sentences over 40k rows.
- Downloads last month
- 81