5 values
Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 2 will be of primary interest later in the article. x1.2 discusses the Semantic Web and the RDF semantic network data model. Finally, x1.3 provides an overview of and its relation to OWL. 1.1 General-Purpose Computing and the Virtual Machine A general-purpose computer is one that can support any known computation. The meaning of computability and what is required to compute was rst developed by Alan Turning in the late 1930s (Turing, 1937). Since then, and with the large leaps in the engineering of computing machines, most computers of today are general-purpose computing machines. The two primary components of a computing machine are the central processing unit (CPU) and the main memory (RAM). The purpose of the CPU is to perform calculations (i.e. execute algorithms on the CPU reads instructions and data from RAM, performs a calculation, and re- inserts its results back into RAM. Most CPUs maintain a relatively small set of they can execute (Hennessy & Patterson, 2002). Example instructions include add, sub,load ,store ,branch ,goto , etc. However, these primitive instructions can be composed to perform any computing task desired by the the smallest unit of information in a digital computer is the bit. A bit can either be a 0 or a 1. Bits are combined to form bytes (8-bits) and words (machine Most desktop machines of everyday use have a 32-bit word and are called 32-bit machines. 32-bits can be used to represent 232di erent hings. For example, an unsigned 32-bit integer can represent the numbers 0 to 4,294,967,295. While instructions, like data, are represented as a series of 0s and 1s, it is possible to represent the instructions in a more human readable form. The abstraction above binary machine language is called (Britton, 2003). For example, the following three assembly 2, 3 load 1, 2 add 1, 2, 3 store 3, 2 instruct the CPU to 1) read the word in the memory cell at memory address 2 in RAM and store it in CPU register 3, 2) read the word at memory address 1 and store it in register 2, 3) add the contents of register 1 and 2 and store the result in register 3, and nally 4) store the word in register 3 into memory address 2 of RAM. Modern day computer languages are written at a much higher level of abstraction than both machine and assembly language. For instance, the previous instructions could be represented by a single statement as z = y + x where register 1 holds the value of variable y, register 2 holds the value of variable xand memory address 3 holds the value of variable z. To the modern-day programmer, the low-level CPU instructions are hidden. It is the role of the language compiler to translate the human source code into the machine code of the CPU. Simply stated, a compiler is a computer program that written in one language to another language (Aho, Sethi, & Ullman, 1986). In practice, the compiler translates the human code to a list of CPU instructions that are stored in RAM and executed by the CPU in sequential order as pointed to by the CPU's program counter (PC). In some instances, the compiler will translate the human code to the native language of the CPU (the instruction set of the CPU). In other cases, the compiler will translate the human code to another language for a virtual machine to compute (Craig, 2005). Virtual machine language is called byte-code. A virtual machine is, for all practical purposes, a CPU represented in software, not hardware. on the complexity of the implementation, a virtual machine can either do a hard implementation (where an exact software replica of hardware is instantiated) or a soft implementation (where more of the hardware components are black-boxed in software).Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 3 The virtual machine computes its byte-code instructions by using the underlying hardware CPU's instruction set. Finally, to complete the computation stack, the CPU relies on the underlying physical laws of nature to compute its instructions. The laws of physics drive the CPU from state to state. The evolution of states and its e ects on the world is the most popular virtual machine is the Java virtual machine (JVM) (Lindholm & Yellin, 1999) of the Java programming language (Eckel, 2002). The JVM is a piece of software that runs on a physical machine. The JVM has its own instruction set much like a hardware CPU has its own instruction set. The JVM resides in RAM and requires the physical CPU to compute its evolution. Thus, the JVM translates its instructions to the instruction set of the native CPU. The benet of this model is that irrespective of the underlying hardware CPU, a JVM designed for that CPU architecture can read and process any Java software (i.e. any Java byte-code). The drawback, is that the computation is slower than when instructions are represented as instructions for the native CPU. 1.2 The Semantic Web and RDF The previous section described the most fundamental aspects of computing. This section presents one of the most abstract levels of computing: the Semantic Web. The primary goal of the Semantic Web e ort is to provide a standardized framework for (both physical and conceptual) and their relationships to one another Lieberman, & Wahlster, 2003). This framework is called the Resource (RDF) (Manola & Miller, 2004).1 RDF maintains two central tenets. The rst states that the lowest unit of the Universal Resource Identier (URI) (Berners-Lee, Fielding, Software, Masinter, & Systems, 2005) and the literal (i.e. strings, integers, oating point numbers, etc.).2A identies a resource. When two resources share the same URI, they are the same resource. However, note that when two resources do not share the same URI, this does not necessarily mean that they are not the same resource. In practice, URIs are namespaced to ensure that name con icts do not occur across di erent organizations (Bray, & Tobin, 2006). For example, the URI have a di erent meaning, or connotation, than they are from di erent namespaces.3 The second tenet of RDF states that URIs and literal values are connected to one another in sets of triples, denoting edges of a directed labeled graph. A triple is the smallest relational fact that can be asserted about the world (Sowa, 1999). For instance, the statement am, can be denoted ( I;am;I) in triple form. The rst element of the triple is called the subject and can be any URI. The second element is called the predicate, and it can also be any URI. Finally, the third element is called the object, and it can be any URI or literal. If Udenotes the set of all URIs and Ldenotes the set of all literals, then an RDF network denoted Gcan be dened has attracted commercial and scholarly interest, not only because of the Semantic Web vision, but because RDF provides a unique way of modeling data. This enthusiasm has sparked the development and distribution of various triple-store applications dedicated to the storage and manipulation of RDF networks (Lee, 2004). Some triple-stores can support computations on RDF networks that are on the order of 1010triples (Aasman, 2006). A triple-store is analagous to a relational database. However, instead of in relational tables, a triple-store represents its data as a semantic network. A triple- store provides an interface to an RDF network for the purpose of reading from and writing to the RDF network. The most implemented query language is the SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language (SPARQL) (Prud'hommeaux & Seaborne, 2004). SPARQL, loosely, is a hybrid of both SQL (a relational database language) and Prolog (a logic (Louden, 2003). As an example, the following SPARQL query returns all URIs that are both a type of . 1Note that RDF is a data model, not a syntax. RDF has many di erent syntaxes like RDF/XML (Manola & Miller, 2004), Notation 3 (N3) (Berners-Lee, 1998), the N-TRIPLE format (Beckett, 2001), and TRiX (Carroll & Stickler, 2004). 2There also exist blank or anonymous nodes. There will be no discussion of blank nodes in this article. 3For the sake of brevity, prexes are usually used instead of the full namespace. For is prexed as rdf: .Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 4 SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <rdf:type> . ?x <rdf:type> <> } The example SPARQL query will bind the variable ?xto all URIs that are the subject of the triples with a predicate of rdf:type and objects of and . For the example RDF network diagrammed in Figure 1, ?xwould bind to Marko . Thus, the query above would return Marko .4 Markordf:typerdf:type Figure 1: An example RDF network. The previous query can be represented in its more set theoretic sense ; ; )2Gg; where Xis the set of URIs that bind to ? xandGis the RDF network represented as an edge list. The above syntax's semantics is Xis the set of all elements ? xsuch that ? xis the head of the triple ending with rdf:type , and the head of the triple ending with rdf:type , , where both triples are in the triple listG. Only recently has there been a proposal to extend SPARQL to support writing and deleting triples to and from an RDF network. SPARQL/Update (Seaborne & Manjunath, 2007) can be used to add the fact that Marko is also an rdf:type ofHuman . INSERT { <Marko> <rdf:type> <Human> . } In a more set theoretic notation, this statement is equivalent to G=G[(Marko ;rdf:type ;Human ): The semantics of the previous statement is: Set the triple list Gto the current triple list Gunioned with the triple ( Marko ,rdf:type ,Human ). Finally, it is possible to remove a triple using SPARQL/Update. For instance, DELETE { <I> <am> <I> . } In set theoretic notation, this is equivalent the semantics areset the triple list Gto the current triple list Gminus the triple ( I, am,I). 4Many triple-store applications support reasoning about resources during a query (at run-time). For example, suppose that the triple ( Marko ,rdf:type , ) does not exist in the RDF network, but instead there exist the triples ( Marko ,rdf:type ) and ( ComputerEngineer ,owl:sameAs , ). With OWL reasoning, ? xwould still bind to Marko because ComputerEngineer and are the same according to OWL semantics. The RDF computing concepts presented in this article primarily focus on triple pattern matching and thus, beyond direct URI and literal name matching, no other semantics are used.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 5 1.3 Object-Oriented Programming and OWL OWL is an ontology modeling language represented completely in RDF. In OWL, it is possible to model abstract classes and their relationships to one another as well as to use these models and the semantics of OWL to reason about unspecied relationships. In OWL semantics, if Human is a class and there exists the triple (Marko, rdf:type, Human ), then Marko is considered an instance of Human . The URI Human is part of the ontology- level of the RDF network and the URI Marko is part of the instance-level (also called of the RDF network. In OWL, it is possible to state that all Human s can have another Human as a friend. This is possible by declaring an hasFriend that has an rdfs:domain ofHuman and an rdfs:range ofHuman . Furthermore, it is possible to restrict the cardinality of the hasFriend property and thus, state that a Human can have no more than one friend. This is diagrammed in Figure 2.5 [0..1] HumanhasFriend rdf:type Markoontology instance Triple Store Figure 2: An ontology and an instance is represented in an RDF network. A class specication in object-oriented programming is called an application program- ming interface (API) (Sebesta, 2005). OWL ontologies share some similarities to the object- oriented API. However, OWL ontologies also di er in many respects. OWL is a language that is primarily focused on a means by which to reason on RDF data. API is primarily focused on concretely dening classes and their to one another and is thus, more in line with the frames modeling OWL ontologies can contain instances (i.e. individuals), allow for do not support the unique name assumption, nor the closed world Delbru, Gerke, Haller, & Decker, 2007; Wang et al., 2007). Another aspect of OWL that di ers from object-oriented APIs is that include the concept of a method. The method is an algorithmic ehavior that forms the foundation of the evolutionary processes that drive the instances of these classes from state to state. One of the primary purposes of this article is to introduce an OWL ontology for modeling methods and their low-level machine instructions. While process information can be represented in Frame Logic (i.e. F-Logic) (Kifer, Lausen, & Wu., 1995), this article is primarily interested in modeling methods in much the same way that they are represented in modern day object-oriented languages such as Java and C++ and in terms of their and low-level Java and C++, a method is dened for a class and is used to manipulate the elds) of an instance of that class. For example, class Human { Human hasFriend; void makeFriend(Human h) { this.hasFriend = h; } } 5In this article, ontology diagrams will not explicitly represent the constructs rdfs:domain ,rdfs:range , nor the owl:Restriction anonymous URIs. These URIs are assumed to be apparent from the diagram. For example, the restriction shown as [0..1] in Figure 2 is represented by an owl:Restriction for the where the maxCardinality is 1 and Human is an rdfs:subClassOf of this owl:Restriction .Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 6 declares that there exists an abstract class called Human . A Human has one eld called hasFriend . The hasFriend eld refers to an object of type Human . Furthermore, accord- ing to the class declaration, a Human has a method called makeFriend . The takes a single argument that is of type Human and sets its hasFriend eld to the Human provided in the argument. The this keyword makes explicit that the hasFriend eld is the eld of the object for which the makeFriend method was invoked. In many object-oriented languages, an instance of Human is created with the newoper- ator. For instance, Human Marko = new Human(); creates a Human named (referenced as) Marko . The new operator is analogous to the rdf:type property. Thus, after this code is executed, a similar situation exists as that which is represented in Figure 2. However, the ontological model diagrammed in the top half of Figure 2 does not have the makeFriend method URI. The relationship programming and OWL is presented in Table OWL example class specication API ontology Human object property eld rdf:Property hasFriend object method method newoperator rdf:type property 1: The relationship between object-oriented programming, OWL, and the section example. It is no large conceptual leap to attach a method URI to a class. Currently, there is no strong incentive to provide a framework for representing methods in OWL. RDF was originally developed as a data modeling framework, not a programming environment per se. However, in a similar vein, the Web Ontology Language for Services (OWL-S) has been proposed as a web services model to support the discovery, execution, and tracking of the execution of Semantic Web services (Martin et al., 2004; Alesso & Smith, 2005). An OWL-S service exposes a service prole that describes what the service does, a service grounding that describes how to invoke the service, and a service model that describes how the service works. While OWL-S does provide the notion of object-oriented method invocation on the Semantic Web, OWL-S is more at the agent-oriented level and its intended use is for more client/server type problems. Another interesting and related idea is to use RDF as a medium for communication between various computing devices and thus, utilize the Semantic Web as an infrastructure for distributed computing (Fensel, 2004). Other object- oriented notions have been proposed within the context of RDF. For instance, SWCLOS (Koide & Kawamura, 2004) and ActiveRDF (Oren et al., 2007) utilize RDF as a medium for ensuring the long-term persistence of an object. Both frameworks allow their (CLOS and Ruby) to populate the elds of their objects for use in their Once their elds have been populated, the object's methods can be invoked in their respective programming The Contributions of this Article This article unies all of the concepts presented hitherto into a framework for computing on RDF networks. In this framework, the state of a computing virtual machine, the API, and the low-level instructions are all represented in RDF. Furthermore, unlike the paradigm, there is no stack of representation. The lowest level of computing and the highest level of computing are represented in the same substrate: URIs, literals, and triples. This article proposes the concept of OWL APIs, RDF triple-code, and RDF virtual machines (RVM). Human source code is compiled to create an OWL ontology that abstractly represents how instructions should be united to form objects and their methods are instantiated from an OWL API, RDF 6While OWL has many features that are useful for reasoning about RDF data, the primary purpose of OWLMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 7 triple-code is created. RDF triple-code is analogous to virtual machine byte-code, but instead of being represented as bits, bytes, and words, it is represented as URIs and triples. In other words, a piece of executable software is represented as a traversable RDF network. The RVM is a virtual machine whose state is represented in RDF. The RVM's stacks, program counter, frames, etc. are modeled as an RDF network. It is the role of the RVM to walk the traversable RDF triple-code and compute. In summary, software is written in human source code, compiled to an OWL API, instantiated to RDF triple-code, and processed by a computing machine whose state is represented in RDF. However, there is always a homunculus. There is always some external process that drives the evolution of the representational substrate. For the JVM, that homunculus is the hardware CPU. For the hardware CPU, the homunculus is the physical laws of nature. For the RVM, the homunculus is some host CPU whether that host CPU is another virtual machine like the JVM or a hardware CPU. Table 2 presents the di erent levels of abstraction in computing and how they are represented by the virtual machine, and proposed RDF computing paradigms. level machine paradigm virtual machine paradigm RDF code source code source code source code machine code native instructions byte-code units bits bits URIs and literals machine state hardware software RDF machine execution physics hardware software Table 2: The various levels of abstraction in current and proposed computing paradigms. 2 A High-Level there exists an RDF triple-store. Internal to that triple-store is an RDF network. That RDF network is composed of triples. A triple is a set of three URIs and/or liter- als. Those URIs can be used as a pointer to anything. This article presents a model of computation that is represented by URIs and literals and their interrelation to one an- other (triples). Thus, computation is represented as an RDF network. Figure 3 presents a high-level perspective on what will be discussed throughout the remainder of this article. What is diagrammed in Figure 3 is a very model of the components of computing. This model is in line with the common paradigm of computer science and engineering. However, less traditional realizations of this paradigm can remove the discrete levels of representation to support multi-level interactions between the various since all the components are represented in the same RDF substrate: as URIs, literals, and triples. Figure 3 shows 6 primary components. Two of these components are at the of the RDF network, two are at the instance level of the RDF network, and two are at the machine level external to the RDF network. While there are many benets that emerge from this computing model that are currently seen and as of yet unseen, aspects are enumerated below. 1. The total address space of the RVM is the space of all URIs and literals. In the RVM model of computing, the RVM state has no concept of the underlying hardware CPU's address space because instructions and data are represented in RDF. This idea is discussed inx3.1. 2. The Semantic Web is no longer an information gathering infrastructure, but a dis- tributed information processing infrastructure (the process can move to the data, the data doesn't have to move to the process). An RVM can be GETed from a web- server as an RDF/XML document or SELECTed from an RDF triple-store. RDF programs and RVM states are rst-class web-entities. The ramications of this is that an RVM can move between triple-store environments and can compute on local with respect to the concepts presented in this article is to utilize OWL for its ability to create highly restricted data models. These restricted models form the APIs and ensure that instance RDF triple-code can be by an RVM.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 Machine Machine ProcessPhysical 3: A high-level perspective of the Semantic Web computing sets without requiring moving the data to the processor. This idea is This model maintains the write once, run anywhere paradigm of the JVM. The RVM model ensures that human source code is compiled down to an intermediate language that is independent of the underlying hardware CPU executing the RVM process. 4. Languages built on a semantic network substrate can have unique constructs not found in other languages (e.g. inverse eld referencing, multi-instance elds, eld querying, etc.). While it is theoretically possible to add these constructs to other languages, they are not provided in the core of the languages as these languages do not have an underlying semantic network data model. These novel language constructs are discussed inx3.2. 5. Currently, there already exists an infrastructure to support the paradigm modeling languages, query languages, etc.) and thus, requires very by the community. The primary investment is the development of source- to-OWL API compilers, RVMs, and the standardization of RDF triple-code and protocols. 6. An RVM can be engineered at any level of complexity. It is possible to move the complexity to the software implementing the RVM process to ease machine and speed up computing time. This idea is discussed in x4.3. 7. In this model, language re ection exists at the API, software, and RVM level (every- thing is represented in RDF). This idea is discussed in x4.2. 2.1 The Ontological Level The ontological level of the RDF network diagrammed in Figure 3 is represented in OWL. This subsection will discuss the two primary ontological components: the API, and the RVM A. Rodriguez - 2007 9 2.1.1 The API OWL supports the specication of class interactions. However, class interactions are speci- ed in terms of property relationships, not method invocations. OWL has no formal way of specifying class behaviors (i.e. methods). However, in OWL, it is possible to dene method and instruction classes and formally specify restrictions that dictate how instructions should be interrelated within a method. The method and instruction ontology presented in this article makes RDF a programming framework and not just a data modeling framework. 2.1.2 The Machine Architecture The RDF machine architecture is modeled in OWL. The machine architecture ontology is an abstract description of an instance of a particular RVM. Depending on the level of abstraction required, di erent machine architectures can be implemented at varying levels of detail. 2.2 The Instance Level The instance level of an RDF network is constrained by the requirements specied in the ontological level of the RDF network. This subsection will present the two components of the instance layer of the diagram in Figure 3. 2.2.1 The Program An API abstractly denes a software application. When an API is instantiated, instance RDF triple-code is created. Triple-code represents the instructions used by an RVM The Virtual Machine An instance of the machine architecture is an RDF virtual machine (RVM). The purpose of the RVM is to represent its state (stacks, program counter, etc.) in the same RDF network as the triple-code instructions. However, the RDF-based RVM is not a rue computer. The RVM simply represents its state in RDF. The RVM requires a software the triple-store to compute its instructions. This requires the machine level The Machine Level The machine level is where the actual computation is executed. An RDF network is a data structure. RDF is not a processor in the common sense|it has no way of evolving itself. In order to process RDF data, some external process must read and write to the RDF network. The reading and writing of the RDF network evolves the RVM and the objects on which it is computing. This section discusses the machine level that is diagrammed in Figure 3. 2.3.1 The Virtual Machine Process The virtual machine process is represented in software on a particular host machine. The RVM processor must be compatible with both the triple-store interface (e.g. SPARQL/Up- date) and the underlying host machine. The RVM's host machine can be the physical machine (hardware CPU) or another virtual machine. For instance, if the RVM's machine process is implemented in the Java language, then the machine process runs in the JVM. This is diagrammed in Figure 3 by the ... component in between the virtual machine process and the physical machine. 2.3.2 The Physical Machine The physical machine is the actual hardware CPU. The RVM implementation translates the RDF triple-code to the host machine's instruction set. For example, if the RVM process is running on the Intel Core Duo, then it is the role of the RVM process to translate the RDF triple-code to that specied by the Intel Core Duo instruction set. Thus, portabilityMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 10 of this architectural model relies on a per host implementation of the RVM. Finally, to complete the computational stack, the laws of physics compute the hardware CPU. Much like the RDF representation of the RVM is a snap-shot representation of a computation, the hardware CPU is a silicon/electron snap-shot representation of a computation. 3 The Neno Language This section presents the specication of a programming language designed to take advan- tage of a pure RDF computing environment. This language is called Neno. Neno is a high-level object-oriented language that is written in a grammar similar to other object- oriented languages such as Java and C++. However, Neno provides some is not possible with other languages (i.e. not explicit in the constructs of other object- oriented languages). This functionality is not due to the sophistication of the Neno language, but instead, is due to the fact that it is written for an RDF substrate and thus, can take advantage of the exibility of RDF and its read/write interfaces. For this reason, Neno is in a class of languages that is coined semantic network programming languages. The Ripple programming language is another such semantic network programming 2007). Both Neno and Ripple are Turing complete and thus, can perform any classical (non-quantum) source code is written in human plain-text like the source code of many other high-level programming languages. Neno source code is compiled by a NenoFhat compiler. The NenoFhat compiler compiles Neno source code to a Fhat OWL API. The Fhat OWL API is analogous to the jar le of Java. A Fhat RVM aspects of the API into the instance layer of the RDF network. This of the API is executable RDF triple-code. A Fhat RVM processes the triple-code and thus, computes. The analogies between the Neno and Java components are presented in Table 3. artifact Neno Java source code AClass.neno nenofhat javac API AClass.owl machine fhat java program RDF network JVM memory Table 3: The mapping between Neno and Java components. The following examples will only namespace those entities that are not within the . Thus, the default namespace is as neno ). The Neno programming language is engineered to be in compliance with OWL and the XML Schema Denition (XSD) namespaces. OWL provides the concept of classes, inheritance, datatype and class properties, and property restrictions. However, Neno restricts its compiled Fhat OWL APIs to single-parent classes (i.e. is not supported) and holds the closed world assumption (i.e. only properties that are stated in the ontology can be computed on in a Neno object). This is similar to what is assumed in Java. XSD provides the specication for the literal data types (e.g. string, integer, oat, double, date, time, etc.). The XSD URI namespace prex is xsd. The lexicon that will be used to express the following concepts is drawn from object- oriented programming, not OWL. OWL parlance will only be used when completely describ- ing the ack-end of a particular aspect of the language. Table 4 states the OWL terms and object-oriented programming terms. 3.1 The Universally Unique Identier Address Space Throughout the remainder of this article, Universally Unique Identiers (UUIDs) will be continually used (Leach, 2005). The set of all UUIDs is a subset of the set of all URIs. A UUID is a 128-bit (16-byte) string that can be created in disparate environments with a near zero probability of ever being reproduced. To understand the number of UUIDs that are possible at 128-bits, it would require 1 trillion unique UUIDs to be created everyMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 11 OWL object-oriented Field subject of rdf:type Object Table 4: The mapping between the terms in OWL and object-oriented for 10 billion years to exhaust the space of all possible UUIDs.7A UUID can be represented as a 36 character hexadecimal string. For example, is a UUID. The hexadecimal representation will be used in all the However, for the sake of brevity, since 36 characters is too lengthy for the examples and diagrams, only the rst 8 characters will be used. Thus, will be represented as 6c3f8afe. Furthermore, UUIDs, when used as URIs are namespaced for diagrams and examples, is abbreviated as . When Neno source code is compiled to Fhat triple-code, a UUID is created for every instruction class and instruction instance is identied by a UUID. When a Fhat is instantiated, a UUID is created for all the rdfs:Resource s that compose the machine (i.e. stacks, frames, etc.). In typical programming environments, the and its computing machine are constrained by the size of RAM (and virtual mem- ory with most modern day operating systems). For a 32-bit machine, the maximum size of RAM is approximately 4 gigabytes. This means that there are only 232possible addresses and thus, words in RAM. However, for Neno, no such constraints exist. The space of all UUIDs is the address space of a Fhat RVM (more generally, the space of all URIs and literals is the address space). Fhat does not use RAM for storing its data and uses an RDF network. Thus, Fhat does not have any hard constraint on how much memory it llocates for its processing. 3.2 Class Declarations in Neno Source Code Neno source code has a grammar that is very similar to other object-oriented languages. For instance, suppose the following simple class written in the Java programming java.lang. *; import java.util. *; public class Human { private String hasName; private ArrayList<Human> Human (String n) { this.hasName = n; } public void makeFriend(Human h) { if(h != void setName(String n) { this.hasName = n; } } 7This fact was taken from Wikipedia at A. Rodriguez - 2007 12 TheHuman class has two elds named hasName andhasFriend . The eld hasName takes a value of String to be more specic) and hasFriend takes a value of Human . The Human class has one constructor and one method. A constructor is used to create an object and is a type of method. In Java, a constructor tells the JVM to allocate memory for the object on the heap (i.e. an object pool) and set the object's eld values according to the statements in the body of the constructor. The takes a String called nand creates a new Human instance called an object. TheHuman constructor sets that object's hasName eld to n. The Human method is . This method takes a Human with variable name has an argument. If the object referenced by his not the Human for which this method was invoked, then the object for which this method was called has hadded to its hasFriend eld. Note, that unlike the example in Figure 2, it is possible for a Human object to have multiple friends because of the use of the ArrayList<Human> .8 The Neno programming language is similar to Java. The following source code demon- strates how to declare nearly the same class in Neno.9 prefix owl: xsd: demo: demo:Human { xsd:string hasFriend[0.. n) { this.hasName = h) { if(h != =+ n) { this.hasName = n; } } While the Human class declaration in Java and in Neno are nearly identical, there are a few constructs that make the two languages di erent. For one, instead of importing pack- ages, in Neno, namespaces are declared and ontologies are imported.10To ease prexes are used (e.g. owl,xsd, and demo ). All constructors are denoted by the class name prexed by the ! symbol. Similarly, though not in the above example, all destructors are denoted by the class name prexed by the ~symbol. Notice that all datatype primitives (e.g. xsd:string ) are from the XSD namespace. The Fhat RVM is engineered specically for these datatypes. Perhaps the most unique aspect of the Neno language is the cardinality restriction specier in the eld declaration (e.g. [0..1] ). Be- cause Neno was designed for a semantic network substrate, there is nothing that prevents the same property (i.e. eld) to point to multiple di erent URIs. In order to demand that there exist no more than one eld, the [0..1] notation is used. Note that demo:Human is an rdfs:subClassOf owl:Thing as specied by the owl:Thing demo:Human Class inheritance is specied by the prex to the declaration of the class name. Note that in Neno, a class can only have a single parent even though OWL sup- ports note that all class properties have a on the class or datatype value. For example, in the above demo:Human class, the hasName property must have an xsd:string value and all hasFriend properties must have demo:Human values. 8Java generics as represented by the < > notation is supported by Java 1.5+. 9When there are no ambiguities in naming, the class declaration can be written without prexes. 10Note that languages such as Java and C++ do maintain the concept of package constraint does not apply to owl:Restriction s as Neno classes utilize owl:Restriction s to make explicit property restrictions. Thus, excluding owl:Restriction subclassing, a Neno object class can only be the subclass of a single class.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 13 In order to demonstrate the relationship between Neno source code and its compiled OWL API, the following simple class example is presented. The class prefix owl: xsd: demo: demo:Example { xsd:integer n) i=0; i < n; i++) { this.t = this.t + 1; } } } has the following OWL RDF/XML A PUSHVALUE INSTRUCTION --> <owl:Class THE PUSHED VALUE --> <owl:Class THE NEXT INSTRUCTION AFTER THE PUSHVALUE INSTRUCTION: AN ADD INSTRUCTION --> <owl:Class A. Rodriguez - 2007 most important idea to take away from the above Fhat OWL API subset is that the role of the compiler is to generate UUID-named instruction classes that are subclasses of particular Fhat instructions (e.g. PushValue ). These generated instruction classes s on them that ensure that instances of these classes are connected to one another in an unambiguous way (e.g. owl:Restriction s on their respective and that their operand values are made explicit (e.g. owl:Restriction s on their respective operand properties). This unambiguous instantiation is the RDF triple-code that is created when a Fhat RVM instantiates the API. For example, in the above Fhat OWL API snippet, any demo:2271ea72 instance must have one and only one hasValue property. The value of that property must be a demo:9792cc3c LocalDirect value with a hasURI property . The instance of demo:2271ea72 must also have a that is of rdf:type demo:a80ba54c , where demo:a80ba54c is An instance of this demo:a80ba54c Add instruction instructs the Fhat RVM to add itshasLeft operand and its hasRight operands together. This demo:a80ba54c Add also has a nextInst property value that must be an instance of demo:e3b8a797 . Though not shown, the demo:e3b8a797 is an rdfs:subClassOf Set . In this way, through s, the ow of triple-code can be generated in an unambiguous manner by the Fhat RVM. The remainder of this section will go over the more salient aspects of the Neno program- ming language. 3.2.1 Declaring promote the distributed nature of the Semantic Web by ensuring that there are no URI name con icts in the ontologies and instances of di erent organizations (Bray et al., 2006). The Java language has a similar construct called packaging. The in Java supports organizational namespacing. Neno supports the prexing of namespaces. For example, demo:Human resolves : 3.2.2 Datatypes Fhat is engineered to handle and provides specic support for any of its derived types (Biron & Malhotra, 2004). The XSD namespace maintains, amongst others: xsd:string ,xsd:double ,xsd:integer ,xsd:date , etc. Example + < - has low-level support for high-level datatype manipulations such as string concate- nation, data and time comparisons, date incrementing, etc. Exactly what operations are allowed with what datatypes will be discussed later when describing the Fhat The this Variable The this variable is used in many object-oriented languages to specify the eld to be accessed or the method to be invoked. All methods inherently have this as a variable they can use. The same construct exists in Neno with no variation in meaning.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 15 3.2.4 Field Neno is an object-oriented language, it is also a semantic network . Neno is more in line with the concepts of RDF than it is with those of Java and C++. One of the major distinguishing features of an object in Neno is that objects can have multi-instance elds. This means that a single eld (predicate) can have more than one value (object). For instance, in Java Human marko = new Human(Marko Antonio initially set the hasName eld of the Human object referenced by the variable name marko to Marko Rodriguez. The invocation of the setName method of marko will replace Marko Rodriguez with Marko Antonio Rodriguez. Thus, the eld hasName has a cardinality of 1. All elds in Java have a cardinality of 1 and are universally quantied for the specied class (though taxonomical subsumption is supported). In Neno, it is possible for a eld to have a cardinality greater than one. In Neno, when a class' elds are declared, the cardinality specier is used to denote how many properties of this type are allowed for an instance of this class. Thus, in the Neno code at the start of this that any Human object must have one and only one eld (property) called hasName and that hasName eld points to some xsd:string . Therefore, it is illegal for the Fhat RVM to add a new hasName property to the class marko . The original property must be removed before the new property can be added. The general grammar for eld restrictions in Neno is [# (..(# | *))], where #refers to some integer value. Neno does not adopt any of the OWL semantics regarding cardinality and semantically distinct resources. The owl:sameAs relationship between resources is not considered when determining the cardinality of a property and thus, only the explicit number of triples) of a particular type (predicate) are acknowledged by the NenoFhat compiler and Fhat RVM. 3.2.5 Handling Fields Neno provides the following eld and local variable operators: =+,=-,=/, and =. These operators are called set plus, set minus, set clear, and set, respectively. The def- inition of these operators is made apparent through examples that demonstrate their use. For instance, from the class declarations above, the Human class has the eld hasFriend . For the Java example, the hasFriend eld can have more than one Human value only indi- rectly through the use of the ArrayList<Human> class. In Neno, no needed because a eld can have a cardinality greater than 1. The cardinality specier [0.. *]states that there are no restrictions on the number of friends a Human can have. In order to add more friends to a Human object, the =+operator is used. If the Human instance has the URI and the provided Human argument has then the =+operator instructs Fhat to execute INSERT { <> <demo:hasFriend> .} on the triple-store. On the other hand, if the =operator was used, then Fhat would issue the following commands to the { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?x .} INSERT { <> <demo:hasFriend> .} For a multi-instance eld, the = is a very destructive operator. For a [0..1] as one would expect in any other object-oriented language. Furthermore, for a[0..1] or[1] eld, =+is not allowed as it will cause the insertion of more than one property of the same predicate. In order to control the removal of elds from a multi-instance eld, the can be used. For example, suppose the following method declaration in NenoMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 h) =- method will remove the Human object identied by the variable name h from the hasFriend elds. If the hvariable is a reference to the URI , then at the Fhat level, Fhat will execute the following command on the { <> <demo:hasFriend> <> .} Finally, assume that there is a rogue Human that wishes to have no friends at all. In order for this one man army to sever his ties, the = =operator is used. Assume the method declaration for a Human . makeEnemy() =/; } The above statement statement would have Fhat execute the following delete command on the { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?human } 3.2.6 Field Querying In many cases, a eld (i.e. property) will have many instances. In computer elds can be thought of as arrays. However, these rrays are not objects, but simply greater than one cardinality elds. In Java, arrays are objects and high-level array objects like the provide functions to search an array. In Neno, there are no methods that support such behaviors since elds are not objects. Instead, Neno provides language constructs that support eld querying. For example, suppose the following method boolean isFriend(Human unknown) =? unknown) { return true; } else { return false; } } In the above isFriend method, the provided Human argument referenced by the vari- able name unknown is checked against all the hasFriend elds. Again, the is not respected and thus, sameness is determined by exact URIs. The =?oper- ator is a conditional operator and thus, always returns either . At the Fhat level, if this references the UUID references , then the Fhat RVM executes the following query on the { <demo:hasFriend> <> . } Similarly, imagine the following method, boolean unknown) .hasName =? unknown.hasName) { return true; } else { return false; } }Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 17 Assuming the same UUID references for this andunknown from previous examples, the =?operation would have the Fhat execute the following query on the RDF network ASK { <demo:hasFriend> ?x . ?x <demo:hasName> ?y . <> <demo:hasName> ?y } Again, there is no reasoning involved in any of these triple-store operations; only aw triple and URI/literal matching is used. 3.2.7 Looping and and conditionals are nearly identical to the Java language. In Neno, there , and if/else constructs. For example, a for statement i = i++) { /*for block */ } awhile statement i < /*while block */ } and an if/else statement i < /*if block */ } { /*else block */} It is important to note that these statements need not have the literal type specier ) on every hardcoded literal. The literal type can be inferred from its context and thus, is automatically added by the compiler. For example, since iis an xsd:integer , it is assumed that 10 is also. 3.2.8 Field Looping In many cases it is desirable to loop through all the resources of a eld for the purposes of searching or for manipulating each resource. For instance, suppose the following { for(Human h : this.hasFriend) { h.hasName = i=0; i<this.hasFriend *; i++) { Human h = = above namelessFaces method demonstrates two types of eld looping by Neno. The rst is analogous to the Java 1.5 language specication. With the rst for loop, the variable his set to a single hasFriend ofthis . The second for loop uses the index ithat goes from index 0 to the size of the rray ( this.hasFriend *). The * notation in this context returns the number of hasFriend properties of the this object. In other words *returns the cardinality of the this.hasFriend eld. Finally, as eld values are not stored in a vector, but instead as an unordered set, the eld rrays in Neno are not guaranteed to be ordered. Thus, not be the same value later in the code. Ordering is dependent upon the triple- store's indexing algorithm and stability of a particular order is dependent upon how occurs in the triple-store. It is worth noting that higher-order classes can be created such as specialized rdf:Seq andrdf:List classes to provided ordered support for arrays.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 18 3.2.9 Type operator can be used to determine the class type of a URI. For instance, the following isType = typeof Human would return true if isrdf:type Human orrdf:type of some class that is an rdfs:subClassOf Human . isType = typeof returns true . Thus, RDFS subsumption semantics are respected and thus, Neno respects the subclassing semantics employed by modern languages. Simi- larly the typeOf? operator returns the type of the resource. For type = typeof? returns . 3.2.10 Inverse Field Referencing In object-oriented languages the dot operator is used to access a method or eld of an object. For instance, in this.hasName , on the left of the dot is the object and on the right of the dot is the eld. Whether the right hand side of the operator is a eld or method can be deduced by the compiler from its context. If this resolves to the URI , then the following Neno code Human h[0.. *] = instruct Fhat to execute the following query: SELECT ?h WHERE { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?h . } According to the previous query, everything that binds to ?hwill be set to the variable h. The above query says locate all Human hasFriend s ofthis object. However, Neno provides another concept not found in other object-oriented languages called the dot dot operator. The dot dot operator provides support for what is called inverse eld referencing (and inverse method invocation discussed next). Assume the following line in some method of some class, Human h[0.. *] = above statement says, locate all Human s that have this object as their hasFriend . At the Fhat level, Fhat executes the following query on the ?h WHERE { ?h <demo:hasFriend> <> .} Furthermore, if the statement is Human h[0..3] = would execute: SELECT ?h WHERE { ?h <demo:hasFriend> <> .} LIMIT 3Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 19 3.2.11 Inverse Method Invocation Like inverse eld referencing, inverse method invocation is supported by Neno. Inverse method invocation will invoke all the methods that meet a particular requirement. ensure that all objects that have this as their friend are no longer friends with this . 3.2.12 Variable Scoping Variable scoping in Neno is equivalent to Java. For example, in xsd:integer a = < { xsd:integer b = { xsd:integer c = true and false block of the ifstatement can read the variable a, but the true block can not read the cin the false block and the false block can not read the bin the true block. Also, methods are out of scope from one another. The only way methods communicate are through parameter passing, return values, and object Constructors and and destructors are used in object-oriented languages to create and destroy object, respectively. The concept of a constructor in Neno is similar to that of Java and C++. The concept of a destructor does not exist in Java, but does in C++. It is very important in Neno to provide the programmer an explicit way of performing object destruc- tion. Again, unlike Java, Neno is intended to be used on a persistent semantic Thus, when a Fhat stops executing or an object is no longer accessible by a Fhat, that object should not be automatically removed. In short, Fhat does not garbage collection (Louden, 2003). It is the role of the programmer to all unwanted objects from the RDF network. In order to create a new object, the constructor of a class is called using the newoperator. For example, Human marko = new generate a sub-network in the RDF network equivalent to Figure Fhat 4: A Fhat instance maintains a variable reference to an object.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 20 The algorithm by which Fhat creates the RDF sub-network will be discussed in the next section. For now, understand that in the variable environment of a Fhat instance there exists a variable named marko that points to the newly created Human ;rdf:type ;Humani). A destructor will instruct Fhat to destroy an object. A destructor is specied in the class declaration. For instance, suppose the following specication for demo:Human : Thing Human { string hasFriend[0.. n) { this.hasName = n; } ~Human() { this.hasName =/ } } In the above class declaration !Human(string n) is a constructor and ~Human() is a destructor. A destructor is called using the delete operator. For instance, delete marko; calls marko 's~Human() destructor. A class can only have at most one destructor and the destructor takes no arguments. The ~Human() destructor removes the reference to the object's name, removes all the references to the object's friends, and removes all hasFriend references to that object. Thus, if theHuman object has the URI , Fhat would execute the on the { <> <demo:hasName> ?name .} DELETE { <> <demo:hasFriend> ?human .} DELETE { ?human <demo:hasFriend> <> .} Behind the scenes, Fhat would also remove all the method references of , internal variable references to , and the rdf:type relationships that relate the object to the When an object is properly destroyed, only its instance is removed from the RDF network. The object's class specication still exists in the 3.2.14 General Query In many instances, Fhat will not have a reference to a particular object. Again, the environ- ment anticipated is one in which objects persist in the RDF network. Thus, when code is executed, it is necessary to locate the URI of a particular object for processing. In order to make this easy for the programmer, a query operator is dened called the etwork query operator and is denoted by the symbol <?. For x = Marko Antonio query = SELECT ?x WHERE { ?x <demo:hasName> < + x + > } LIMIT h[0..1] <? query; will query the RDF network for at most one Human named Marko Antonio Rodriguez. Note that three statements above could have been written as one. However, to concatenation and variable use, three were used.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 21 3.3 Starting a Program in Neno In Neno, there are no static methods. Thus, there does not exist something like the public static void main(String[] args) method in Java. Instead, Fhat is provided a class URI and a method for that class that takes no arguments. The class is by Fhat and the specied no-argument method is invoked. For example, if Fhat is pointed to the following Test class and main method, then the main method creates a Human , changes its name, then exits. When main exits, Fhat halts. owl:Thing demo:Test { main() { demo:Human h = new Human(Marko Antonio Typical Use Case This section describes how a developer would typically use the Neno/Fhat environment. The terminal commands below ensure that the NenoFhat compiler translates Neno source code to a Fhat OWL API, loads the Fhat OWL API into the triple-store, instantiates a Fhat RVM, and points the RVM to the demo:Test class with a main method. Note that the third command is broken into four lines for display purposes. Do not assume that there is a newline character at the end of the rst three lines of the third statement. > nenofhat Human.neno -o ntriple -t nenofhat Test.neno -o xml -t fhat -vmc main -t rst terminal command compiles the Human.neno source code into a Fhat OWL API represented in N-TRIPLE format and then inserts the Human.ntriple triples into the triple-store pointed to by the -t URL. The second terminal command compiles the Test.neno source code and generates a Fhat OWL API in RDF/XML called Test.xml . That RDF/XML le is then loaded into the triple-store. The nenofhat compiler can pro- duce any of the popular RDF syntaxes. While in most cases, one or another is chosen, two di erent syntaxes are shown to demonstrate what is possible with the compiler. Finally, a Fhat processor is initiated. The virtual machine process ( fhat ) is called with a pointer to an ontological model of the desired machine architecture. The machine architecture is instantiated. The instantiated Fhat then instantiates a Test object and calls its main method. The instantiated Test main method is executable RDF triple-code. In some instances, a Fhat RVM state may already exist in the triple-store. In such cases, the following command can be invoked to point the Fhat RVM process to the stored RVM state. In the example below, assume that is of rdf:type Fhat . > fhat -vmi -t the Fhat RVM state is located, fhat processes the current instruction pointed to . The following list outlines the ags for the nenofhat compiler, -o : output type (ntriple jn3jxml) -t : triple-store interface and the fhat RVM process, -vmi : virtual machine instance URI -vmc : virtual machine class URI -c : start class URI -cm : start class no-argument method -t : triple-store interface.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 22 4 The Fhat Virtual Machine is an RVM that was specically designed for RDF-based semantic network languages. Fhat is a semi-hard implementation of a computing machine. Table 5 presents an explana- tion of the various levels of virtual machine implementations. The concept of soft, semi-hard, and hard implementations are developed here and thus, are not part of the common lex- icon. In the JVM, all of the hardware components are represented in software and the state of the machine is not saved outside the current run-time environment. For VHSIC Hardware Description Language (VHDL) machines, the hardware components are modeled at the level of logic gates (AND, OR, XOR, NOT, etc.) (Coelho & Stanculescu, 1988). In Fhat, the hardware components are modeled in RDF (the state), but component execution is modeled in software (the type requirements example soft hardware methods Java Virtual Machine, r-Fhat semi-hard high-level components Fhat hard low-level components VHDL designs Table 5: Di erent VM implementation types, their requirements, and an example. There are many reasons why a semi-hard implementation was desired for Fhat and these reasons will be articulated in the sections discussing the various components of the However, while this section presents the semi-hard implementation, a of Fhat called reduced Fhat (r-Fhat) will be brie y discussed. In short, r-Fhat is faster than the Fhat virtual machine, but does not support run-time and machine-level re ection. In other words, r-Fhat does not support those functions that require an RDF representation of the machine state. Any high-level language can be written to take advantage of the Fhat architecture. While Neno and Fhat were developed in concert and thus, are strongly connected in their require- ments of one another, any language that compiles to Fhat RDF triple-code can use a Fhat RVM. This section will discuss the Fhat RVM before discussing the Fhat instruction set. Figure 5 presents the Fhat machine architecture. This machine architecture is represented in OWL and is co-located with other resources in the ontology layer of the RDF 5: The ontological model of the Fhat virtual machine. There are 8 primary components to the Fhat RVM. These are enumerated below for ease of reference. Each component will be discussed in more detail in the following A. Rodriguez - 2007 23 1.Fhat : the CPU that interprets instructions and uses its various components for pro- cessing those : suspends Fhat processing when false, and permits processing when : determines whether or not method triple-code is reused amongst ob- ject : a pointer to the current instruction being executed (i.e. a : anrdf:List that can be pushed and popped for entering and : an rdf:List that can be pushed and popped for arithmetic : aMethod unique environment for storing local : anrdf:List that provides a reference to the instruction that called a method and the frame of that method. While all of these components are represented in RDF, only Fhat has an external soft- ware component. The software implementation of Fhat is called the irtual machine process in Figure 3.12 4.0.1 Fhat Fhat is the primary component of the Fhat RVM. Fhat is the most complicated component in the entire Fhat architecture. The high-level Neno pseudo-code for the Fhat Fhat { execute() && != null) { Instruction i = if(i typeof Block) { ... } else if(i typeof If) { ... } else if(i typeof Expression) { ... } else if(i typeof Set) { ... } ... /*update programLocation */ } } } The above pseudo-code should be implemented in the language of the virtual machine process and thus, for the executing hardware CPU. It is worth noting that a Fhat virtual machine process can be written in Neno as demonstrated in the Neno code above. For example, assume a Neno implemented Fhat instance called Fhat1. In such cases, another Fhat, called Fhat2, is processing Fhat1. Fhat2 can be run on yet another Fhat, called Fhat3, or grounded into some other language that is translating code to the native machine language. This is possible because Neno/Fhat is Turing complete and thus, can run a simulation of itself. When a simulation of itself is run, a complete RDF virtual machine is created. In this simulation environment, both the state and process of the Fhat RVM are represented in RDF. The current version of Fhat supports most common uses of the and a few of these uses are summarized ,xsd:float ,xsd:double :Arithmetic ,xsd:dateTime :Add,Subtract :Compare . 12When the term Fhat is used, it is referring to the entire virtual machine, when the teletyped term Fhat is used, it is referring to the virtual machine process identied by the URI Fhat .Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 24 4.0.2 halt At any time, Fhat can be forced to halt by setting the halt property of Fhat can be simulated in this way. A Neno program can be engineered to run a master Fhat that has a reference to the halt property of all its slave Fhat s. By setting thehalt property, the Fhat master can control which Fhat slaves are able to process at any one time. In essence, the master Fhat serves as an operating system. 4.0.3 methodReuse When methodReuse is set to ,Fhat will instantiate new objects with unique instructions for each method. When methodReuse is set to , Fhat will reuse method triple-code amongst the same methods for the di erent objects. This will be discussed in more detail in x5.2. 4.0.4 is a pointer to the current instruction being executed by Fhat. Fhat executes one instruction at a time and thus, the programLocation must always point to a single instruction. The while loop of Fhat simply moves the programLocation from one instruction to the next. At each instruction, Fhat interprets what the instruction is (by itsrdf:type opcode) and uses its various components appropriately. When there are no more instructions (i.e. when there no longer exists a programLocation property), is important for variable setting. When a new variable is created in a block of code, it is necessary to associate that variable with that block. When the thread of execution exits the block, all variables created in that block are dereferenced (i.e. is a LIFO (i.e. last in, rst out) stack that supports any rdfs:Resource is used for local computations such as x = 1 + (2 *3). For ex- ample, when x = 1 + (2 *3)is executed by Fhat ,Fhat will 1. push the value 1 on the OperandStack 2. push the value 2 on the OperandStack 3. push the value 3 on the OperandStack 4. pop both 2 and 3 o the OperandStack , multiply the two operands, and push the value 6 on the OperandStack 5. pop both 1 and 6 the OperandStack , add the two operands, and push the value 7 on the OperandStack 6. set the current Frame FrameVariable x to the value 7 popped o the OperandStack . The Neno statement x = 1 + (2 *3)is actually multiple instructions when compiled to Fhat triple-code. The NenoFhat compiler would translate the statement to the in Figure 6. It is very important to represent such components as the OperandStack component in RDF and not simply in the memory of the host CPU. Suppose that a Fhat instance is to move to another physical machine or, by chance, lose its process ack-end. If any of these two scenarios were the case, the state of the machine is always saved in RDF and thus, would simply reeze to await another virtual machine process to continue its execution. was represented in software and thus, in RAM, then when the software halted, the OperandStack would be lost and the state of the machine would be its programLocation . With an RDF state, the RAM representation of the virtual machine process has a negligible e ect on the consistency of the machine.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 6: The triple-code representation of the statement x = 1 + (2 *3). 4.0.7 Frame Fhat is a frame-based processor. This means that each invoked method is provided a Frame , or local environment, for its variables (i.e. FrameVariable s). Due to how variables are scoped in object-oriented languages and because Neno does not support global variables, each method can only communicate with one another through parameter (i.e. method ar- guments) passing, return value passing, or object manipulations. When method Acalls method B, the parameters passed by method Aare stored in method B'sFrame accord- ing to the variable names in the method description. For example, assume the a) { return a + method Acalls method B, with the x = value 2 is placed into the Frame of method Bwith the associated variable a. Method B adds 1 to the value and pushes the value 3 on the OperandStack . Method Apops one value o the OperandStack and sets the local variable xto the value 3. The OperandStack is used for the placement of method return values. 4.0.8 is a LIFO stack that maintains pointers to the return location of a method and the method Frame . To support recursion, the ReturnStack maintains a pointer to the specic Frame that is being returned to. In order to explain how the ReturnStack is used, an example is provided. When method Acalls method B, the next instruction of method Afollowing the method invo- cation instruction is pushed onto the ReturnStack . When method Bhas completed its execution (e.g. a return is called), Fhat pops the instruction o the ReturnStack and sets its programLocation to that instruction. In this way, control is returned to method A to complete its execution. When return is called in method B, Fhat will delete (i.e. deallo- cate) all triples associated with the method BFrame . Ifreturn has a value (e.g. return 2), that value is pushed onto the OperandStack for method Ato use in its A. Rodriguez - 2007 26 4.1 Migrating Fhat Across Di erent Host CPUs An interesting aspect of Fhat is the ability to migrate a Fhat process across various host CPUs. A Fhat implementation has two primary components: an RDF state a software process. Because both the RDF triple-code and the complete state of a Fhat instance is represented in the RDF network, it does not matter which Fhat process is executing a particular Fhat state. The Fhat RDF state representation ensures that there are no global variables in the software process. The only variables created in the software process are local to the instruction being executed. Because there are no global variables in the software process, any software process can execute the Fhat RDF state without process communication. For example, one host CPU can be running the Fhat software process and halt. Another CPU can then start another Fhat software process that points to the URI of the originally halted Fhat RDF state and continue its execution. This concept is diagrammed in Figure 7 where n= 1 refers to instruction 7: Migrating a Fhat execution across multiple host CPUs. In principle, each CPU can execute one instruction and then halt. In this way, it is possible to migrate the Fhat RVM across di erent host CPU's. Thus, if a portion of the Semantic Web is needed for a particular computation, it may be best to have the supporting that RDF sub-network host the Fhat RVM. Once the Fhat RVM has completed computing that particular RDF sub-network, it can halt and another CPU can pick up the process on a yet another area of the Semantic Web that needs computing by the Fhat RVM. In this model of computing, data doesn't move to the process, the process moves to the data. This idea is diagrammed in Figure 8, where both triple-store servers have Fhat process 1Triple-Store 2 upload Fhat state and Fhatupload Fhat state and Fhatexecute Fhat Figure 8: Migrating a Fhat state across di erent Fhat Re ection A Fhat RVM and the triple-code that it is executing are in the same address space and thus, can reference one another. It is the UUID address space of Neno/Fhat that makes it a environment in that Neno is not only a completely re ective language, but also that it removes the representational stack found in most other programming A. Rodriguez - 2007 27 Language re ection means that the program can modify itself during its execution. Many scripting languages and even Java (through the package) support language re ection. However, not only does Neno/Fhat support language re ection, it also supports machine re ection. A Fhat can modify itself during its execution. There are no true boundaries between the various components of the computation. This idea is represented in Figure 9, where a Fhat RVM has its program counter ( programLocation ) pointing to a Push instruction. The Push instruction is instructing Fhat to push a reference to itself on its operand stack. With a reference to the Fhat instance in the Fhat operand stack, Fhat can manipulate its own components. Thus, the Fhat RVM is executing triple-code that is manipulating 9: A Fhat processor can process itself. 4.3 r-Fhat What has been presented thus far is a semi-hard implementation of Fhat. The explicitly encodes the state of a Fhat instance in RDF. While this has ben- ets such as fault tolerance due to virtual machine process failures, support for in the form of processor migration, and support for machine-based it requires a large read/write overhead. Each instruction requires the virtual machine process to explicitly update the virtual machine state. A faster Fhat virtual ma- chine can be engineered that does not explicitly encode the state of the machine in the RDF network. In such cases, the only read/write operations that occur are when an object is instantiated, destroyed, or a property manipulated. This faster Fhat is called reduced Fhat (r-Fhat). In r-Fhat, the operand stack, return stack, etc. are data structures in the implementing language. r-Fhat does not have an OWL machine architecture nor an RDF state. 5 The Fhat Instruction Set In order for Neno software to run on a Fhat machine instance, it must be compiled to a Fhat OWL API that is compliant with the Fhat instruction set (the Fhat OWL API owl:imports the Fhat instruction set ontology). A Fhat RVM uses the Fhat OWL API as a lueprint for constructing the instance-level representation of the RDF triple-code. It is the instance-level triple-code that the Fhat RVM walks when a program is executing. 5.1 The Method In Neno, the only process code that exists is that which is in a Method Block . Figure 10 denes the OWL ontology of a Method . AMethod has an that is of rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Seq and a return descriptor that is of type rdfs:Resource . The sequence of the Argument denotes the placement of the Method parameter in the method declaration. n, Human h) { ... } would set the object of the property to the URI xsd:integer and the to the Argument sn(rdf: 1) and h(rdf: 2).Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 28 Methodowl:ThinghasMethod[0..*]hasBlock[1]hasrdfs:Resourcerdf:Seq[0..1][0..1]Blockxsd:anyURIhasHumanCode[0..1] hasSymbolxsd:stringArgumentrdf:ContainerMembershipProperty[0..*]hasTyperdfs:Resource[1][1]ConstructorDestructor hasMethodNamexsd:string[1] Figure 10: The OWL Method property can be used, if desired, to point to the original human source code that describes that class and its methods. By using the hasHumanCode property, it is possible for in-network or run-time compiling of source code. In principle, a Neno compiler can be written in Neno and be executed by a Fhat RVM. The Neno compiler can compile the representation that results from resolving the URI that is the value of the xsd:anyURI . 5.1.1 A Block of Fhat has a single Block . ABlock is an rdfs:subClassOf Instruction and is composed of a sequence of Instruction s. The Instruction sequence is denoted by the nextInst property. The Instruction rdf:type is the opcode of the Instruction . The set of all Instruction s is the instruction set of the Fhat architecture. Figure 11 provides a collection of the super class Instruction s that can exist in a Block of code and their relationship to one of these super classes are itemized :Add,Divide ,Multiply ,Not,Subtract . Condition :Equals ,GreaterThan ,LessThan ,LessThanEqual . Setter :NetQuery ,Set,SetClear ,SetMinus ,SetPlus ,SetQuery . Invoke :Construct ,Destruct . TheValue class has a set of subclasses. These subclasses are itemized below. Direct :LocalDirect ,PopDirect . Variable :LocalVariable ,FieldVariable ,ObjectVariable . When a Fhat instance enters a Method it creates a new Frame . When a Variable is declared, that Variable is specied in the Frame and according to the current Block of theFhat instance as denoted by Fhat 'sblockTop property. A Block is used for When Fhat leaves a Block , it destroys all the FrameVariable s in the current Frame that have that Block as their fromBlock property (refer to Figure 5). a new Block is not exiting the old Block . Parent Block FrameVariable s can be accessed by child Block s. For instance, in the following Neno code s are unique in that they have a trueInst and a falseInst property. If the Condition is true, the next Instruction is the one pointed to by the trueInst property, else the next Instruction is one pointed to by the falseInst property.Marko A. Rodriguez - 2007 11: The OWL ontology for a Block ofInstruction s. xsd:integer x = > 2) { xsd:integer y = y = x; } the two y Variable s in the if and else Block s are two di erent FrameVariables since they are from di erent Blocks . Furthermore, note that both the if and else Block s can access the value of xsince they are in the child Block of the Block declaring the variable x. When Fhat leaves a Method (i.e. returns), its Frame and its FrameVariable s are destroyed through A Method Instance There are two ways in which a Method instance is handled by Fhat: global and local instance models. In the global instance model, when a new object is instantiated, its methods are also instantiated. However, if the instantiated Method already exists in the RDF network, the newly created object points its hasMethod property to a previously created Method of the same hasMethodName and UUID. Thus, only one instance of a Method exists for all the objects of the same class type. While it is possible to have a unique Method instance for each object, by supporting method reuse amongst objects, Fhat limits the growth (in terms of the number of triples) in the RDF network. Furthermore, this increases the speed of the Fhat RVM since it does not need to create a new Method from the Fhat OWL API of that Method . The global instance model is diagrammed in Figure 12. To ensure global property of the Fhat instance is set to (refer to Figure 5). In the local instance model, the methodReuse property of a Fhat instance is set . In such cases, a new Method instance is created with each new instance of an owl:Thing . The benet of this model is that method re ection can occur on a per-object basis. If an object is to manipulate its Method triple-code at run-time, it can do so without destroying the operation of its fellow owl:Thing s. The drawback of the localMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 12: Multiple object's of the same type will share the same Method model is triple-store loat and an increase in the time required to instantiate an object relative to the global instance model. The local instance model is diagrammed in Figure 13: Multiple object's of the same type each have a unique Method instance. 5.2.1 An Example Method Instance Suppose the following code, owl:Thing a) { if(a == { return { return A. Rodriguez - 2007 31 When this code is compiled, it compiles to a Fhat OWL API. When an instance of demo:Human is created, the Fhat RVM will start its journey at the URI demo:Human and move through the ontology creating instance UUID URIs for all the components of thedemo:Human class. This includes, amongst its hard-coded properties, its Method s, their Block s, and their Instruction s. When the demo:Human class is instantiated, an instance will appear in the RDF network as diagrammed in Figure 14: The RDF triple-code for the ) method. 6 Conclusion The primary drawback of the RVM is computing time because a virtual machine must not only read the RDF network to interpret the program instructions, it must also read/write to the RDF network to manipulate data (i.e. instance objects) in the RDF network. Moreover, the virtual machine must read and write to that sub-network of the RDF network that represents the virtual machine's state (e.g. program counter, operand stack, etc.). In doing so, many read/write operations occur in order for the virtual machine to compute. However, much of this issue can be resolved through the use of r-Fhat. Imagine a world where virtual machines are as easy to distribute as an HTML document (e.g. an RDF/XML encoding of the virtual machine sub-network). Given that a virtual- ized machine encodes its state in the RDF network, think about how RVMs can move between physical machines in mid-execution. There is complete hardware independence as no physical machine maintains a state representation. Physical machines compute the RVM by reading its program location, its operand stack, its heap, etc. and update those data structures. In such situations, a personal computer can be encoded in the RDF network and be accessed anywhere. Thus, the underlying physical machine is only a hardware shell for the more personal machine encoded in the RDF network. These ideas are analogousMarko A. Rodriguez - 2007 32 to those presented in (Satyanarayanan et al., 2007). In the RDF network, RVMs, APIs, and triple-code are rst-class web entities. What happens when archiving services such as the Internet Archive, search engine caches, and digital libraries archive such RDF programs and snap-shot states of the executing RVMs (Lorie, 2001; Nelson, McCown, Smith, & Klein, 2007)? In theory, the state of can be saved/archived and later retrieved to resume execution. The issues and novelties that archiving computations presents are many and are left to future work in this area. Much of the Semantic Web e ort is involved in the distribution of knowledge boundaries (Davies, Fensel, & Harmelen, 2003). This is perhaps the primary purpose of the ontology. In this respect, organizations of a similar domain should utilize shared ontologies in order to make their information useable between their respective orga- nizations. Procedural encodings support the distribution of not only the knowledge models, but also the algorithms that can be applied to compute on those models. In a data and code are easily exchanged between organizational boundaries Bollen, & Gershenson, 2007). Given that the RDF network is composed of triples and triples are composed of URIs and literals, the address space of any virtual machine in the RDF network is the set of all URIs and literals. Given that there are no bounds to the size of these resources, there are no realistic space limitations on the RVM. In other words, the amount of world-wide to support the Semantic Web is the actual memory constraints of this model. However, the success of this distributed computing paradigm relies on the consistent use of such standards as the Link Data specication (Berners-Lee, 2006). With in Linked Data models and the RVM model of computing, the Semantic Web can be made to behave like a general-purpose research was made possible by a generous grant from the Andrew W. Mellon Foun- dation. 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Marko A. Rodriguez
Marko A. Rodriguez
General-Purpose Computing on a Semantic Network Substrate
Emergent Web Intelligence: Advanced Semantic Technologies, Advanced Information and Knowledge Processing series, Springer-Verlag, pages 57-104, ISBN:978-1-84996-076-2, June 2010
cs.AI cs.PL
This article presents a model of general-purpose computing on a semantic network substrate. The concepts presented are applicable to any semantic network representation. However, due to the standards and technological infrastructure devoted to the Semantic Web effort, this article is presented from this point of view. In the proposed model of computing, the application programming interface, the run-time program, and the state of the computing virtual machine are all represented in the Resource Description Framework (RDF). The implementation of the concepts presented provides a practical computing paradigm that leverages the highly-distributed and standardized representational-layer of the Semantic Web.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Wed, 25 Apr 2007 15:37:52 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Thu, 4 Oct 2007 20:08:21 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Sun, 7 Oct 2007 21:44:01 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 6 Jun 2010 05:29:22 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Rodriguez", "Marko A.", "" ] ]
Introduction : It is well known that in full two-port VNA measurements the S- parameters for a two-port Device Under Test (DUT) are given in terms of their 4 measurements m BijB, i=1,2, j=1,2 by S B11B = {[(m B11B - D)/R][1 + (m B22B - D')M'/R']-L(m B21B - X)(m B12B - X')/(TT')}/H (1) S B21B = {[1 + (m B22B - D')(M'-L)/R'](m B21B - X)/T}/H (2) H = [1 + (m B11B - D)M/R][1 + (m B22B - D')M'/R'] - LL'(m B21B - X)(m B12B - X')/(TT') (3) S B22, BS B12B have expressions that result from (1)-(2) by substi tuting i,j with j,i and D, M, R, L, T, X with D', M', R', T' , L', X' and vice-versa [1]. These 12 quantities have been defined as system errors [2]. Stumper gave non-generalised expressions for the partial deviations of S-param eters due to calibration st andard uncertainties, in 2003 [3]. Furthermore, the developed total diffe rential errors for full one-port VNA measurements [4] are also not generalised in the two-port case. To the best of the authors' knowledge, there are no analytical expressions for to tal differential errors in full two-port VNA measurements. Theory : Since S-parameters are functions of 16 complex variables, their total differential errors were initially expressed as dS B11B = {T T'(1 - MS B11B)[R' + M'(m B22B - D')](dm B11B - dD) - RR'L(1 - L'S B11B)[(m B21B - X)(dm B12B - dX') + (m B12B - X')(dm B21B - dX)] + M'T T'[(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B](dm B22B - dD') - T T'S B11B(m B11B - D)[R' + M'(m B22B - D')]dM + T T'(m B22B - D')[(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B]dM' - (R'L(1 - L'S B11B)(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X) + T T'S B11B[R' + M'(m B22B - D')])dR - (RL(1 - L'S B11B)(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X) - T T'[(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B])dR' - RR'(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X)[(1 - L'S B11B)dL - LS B11BdL'] + [(m B11B - D)(1 - MS B11B) - RS B11B][R' + M'(m B22B - (4) dS B21B = {- MT T'S B21B[R' + M'(m B22B - D')](dm B11B - dD) + RR'LL'S B21B(m B21B - X)(dm B12B - dX') + R{T'[R' + (m B22B - D')(M' - L)] + R'LL'S B21B(m B12B - X')}(dm B21B - dX) + T'(R(m B21B - X)(M' - L) - M'TS B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)])(dm B22B - dD') - T T'S B21B(m B11B - D)[R' + M'(m B22B - D')]dM + T'(m B22B - D')(R(m B21B - X) - TS B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)])dM' + {(m B21B - X)(T'(m B22B - D')(M' - L)+R'[T' + LL'S B21B(m B12B - X')]) - T T'S B21B[R' + M'(m B22B - D')]}dR + (R(m B21B - X)[T' + LL'S B21B(m B12B - X')] - T T'S B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)])dR' + R(m B21B - X)[R'L'S B21B(m B12B - X') - T'(m B22B - D')]dL + RR'LS B21B(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X)dL' - T'S B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)][R' + M'(m B22B - D')]dT + (R(m B21B - X)[R' + (m B22B - D')(M' - L)] - TS B21B[R + M(m B11B - D)][R' + M'(m B22B - D')])dT'}/P (5) P = T T'[R' + M'(m B22B - D')][R + M(m B11B - D)] - RR'LL'(m B12B - X')(m B21B - X) (6) dS B22B and dS B12B resulted from (4), (5) with the m entioned substitutions. X, X' errors stand for crosstalk measurements. D, M, R (D', M', R') errors are uniquely determined in terms of 3 standard loads A, B, C (A', B' , C') and their 3 measurements a, b, c (a', b', c'), by full one-port VNA measurements, so the number of independent complex variables increases from 16 to 22. L, T (L', T') errors are accurately determined after the replacement of DUT with a direct thru (or approximately, if an adapter is used instead) in terms of new measurements t B11B, t B21B (t B22B, t B12B) and of previously found quantities. Their expressions were appropriately stated as L = [ (ab + ct B11B)C(B - A)]/E (7) T = (t B21B - X) [ (A - B)(a - b)]/(E [ cC(B - A)]) (8) E = (ab + ct B11B)(B - A) (9) where and produce two more terms, from the given one, by cyclic rotation of the letters a, b, c (a', b', c') or A, B, C (A', B', C'). In this way, each S-parameter has as total differential error dS, a sum of 22 differential terms: 16 due to measurement inaccuracies dm BijB, dX, dX', dt BijB, da, db, dc, da', db', dc' and 6 due to standard uncertainties given by their manufacturer dA , dB, dC, dA', dB', dC'. The expressions for dD, dM, dR (dD', dM', dR') are know n [4]. The expressions for the rest of differential errors were developed as dL = { (B - C)(b - t B11B)(c - t B11B) [(B - C)(b-a)(c-a)dA - (b - c)(B - A)(C - A)da] + [ (A - B)(a - b)] dt B11B}/E P2 P (10) dT = { (t B21B - X)(b - c)(B - C) [(t B11B - c)(b - a) P2 PB(A P2 P + C P2 P) + (b - t B11B)(c - a) P2 PC(A P2 P + B P2 P) - 2ABC(b - c)(t B11B(b + c - 2a) - bc+ a P2 P)] [(B - C)(b - a)(c - a)dA - (b - c)(B - A)(C - A)da]}/(E P2 P [ cC(B - A)] P2 P) + [ (A - B)(a - b)]{[(t B21B - X) a(B - C)/E]dt B11B + dt B21B - dX}/(E [ cC(B - A)]) (11) Each complex differential error defines a Differential Error Region (DER) on the complex plane with projections to coordinate axes the Di fferential Error Intervals (DEIs) [4]. Obviously, any quantity diffe rentiably dependent on the above variables has also a DER. For example, after another correction to the given S to Z-parameters relations [5], the Z-DERs are resulted from dZ B11B = 2Z B0B[(1 - S B22B) P2 PdS B11B + (1 - S B22B)S B21BdS B12B + (1 - S B22B)S B12BdS B21B + S B12BS B21BdS B22B] / [(1 - S B11B) (1 - S B22B) - S B12BS B21B] P2 P (12) dZ B21B = 2Z B0B[(1 - S B22B)S B21BdS B11B + S B21PB2 PdS B12B + (1 - S B11B)(1 - S B22B)dS B21B + (1 - S B11B)S B21BdS B22B] / [(1 - S B11B) (1 - S B22B) - S B12BS B21B] P2 P (13) while dZ B22B, dZ B12B result from (12), (13) by applicat ion of the mentioned substitutions. Results : Six calibration standards, in pairs of opposite sex, were used and their manufacturers' data were substituted in the developed expressions: A = - 1 = A', 0 <= d|A| = d|A'| <= 0.01, - 180deg <= dph BAB = dph BA'B <= -178deg or 178deg <= dph BAB = dph BA'B <= 180deg , B = 0 = B', |dB| = 0.029 = |dB'|, C = 1 = C', -0.01 <= d|C| = d|C'| <= 0 and -2deg <= dph BCB = dph BC'B <= +2deg. The inaccuracy of any VNA measurement was conservatively considered as a symmetric interval defined by just 1 uni t in the last place of the corresponding mantissa, both in modulus and argument. Consequently, eac h S-DER is a sum of 20 parallelograms and 2 circles, with a contour of 160 vertices at most [4]. To demonstrate the method, a typical T-network of common resistors with nominal DC values Z B1B=24.2 ohm, Z B2B=120 ohm for the horizontal arms and Z B12B=1.1 ohm for the vertical arm, were soldered on type-N base conne ctors of opposite sex and enclosed in an aluminium box, to form a two-port DU T. The VNA measur ement system was extended by two transmission lines of 3.66 m and 14 m, respectively, up to the DUT. The DUT was tested from 2 to 1289 MHz in 13 MHz steps. T he frequency 1003 MHz was selected to illustrate the proposed method for S-DERs shown in Fig. 1. To study the total differential error, dS was expres sed as dU + dI, where dU is due to the uncertainty of 6 standards and dI to th e inaccuracy of 16 measurements. The contribution of these, conservatively c onsidered measurement inaccuracies to the total differential error is as much significa nt as the uncertainties of standard loads are. For example, computations for S B12B over the whole measurement band show that max|dU| and max|dI| contribute ~ 35%-80% and ~25%-70% to max|dS B12B|, respectively. In addition, Fig. 1 shows how the projections of ea ch S-DER result its real and imaginary DEI. To display the vari ation of S-DER against frequency, a number of selected S-DER frames are show n in Fig. 2 as beads on a space-curved filament. It is wort h mentioning that S B11B-DER (S B22B-DER) was greater than it resulted from appropriately organised full one-port measurements, as it was expected. Finally, the computed Z-DEIs are shown in Fi g. 3, along with their LF Z-values. Therefore, the proposed method may be efficiently used to estimate uncertainties in any case where the process equations (1), (2) and (4), (5) can find application. References 1 BALLO, D.: 'Network Analyzer Basics' Hewlett-Packard Company, 1998, pp. 58 2 FITZPATRICK, J.: 'Error Models for S ystems Measurement', Microwave Journal, 21, May 1978, pp. 63-66 3 STUMPER, U.: 'Influence of TMSO calib ration standards uncertainties on VNA S- parameters measurements' , IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements, vol. 52, no. 2, April 2003, p. 311 - 315 4 YANNOPOULOU, N., ZIMOURTOPOULOS, P.: 'Total Differential Errors in One- Port Network Analyzer Measurements with Application to Antenna Impedance', (to be appear ed in Radioengineering Jour nal, vol. 16, no. 2, June 2007) 5 BEATTY, R. W., KERNS, D. M.: 'Relations hips between Different Kinds of Network Parameters, Not Assuming Reciprocity or E quality of the Wavegui de or Transmission Line Characteristic Impedances', Proceedings of the IEEE, Vol. 52, Issue 1, Jan. 1964, p. 84 Authors' affiliations: N.I. Yannopoulou, P.E. Zimourtopoulos (Antennas Research Group, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Democr itus University of Thrace, V.Sofias 12, Xanthi, 671 00, Greece) E-mail: UTH Figure captions: Fig. 1 Typical S-DERs at 1003 MHz. Fig. 2 S-DERs against frequency. Fig. 3 Z-DEIs against frequency. Figure1 Figure 2 Figure 3
Petros Zimourtopoulos E
N. I. Yannopoulou and P. E. Zimourtopoulos
Total Differential Errors in Two-Port Network Analyser Measurements
Rejected (no reason) for publication in IET Electronics Letters - No changes in the paper since [v1] Sun, 6 May 2007 10:34:28 GMT (257kb): [v5] = [v4] = [v3] = [v2] = [v1]
FunkTechnikPlus # Journal, Issue 1 - Year 1, 30 September 2013, v4, 23-30, otoiser ftp#j
physics.class-ph physics.ins-det
Since S-parameter measurements without uncertainty cannot claim any credibility, the uncertainties in full two-port Vector Network Analyser (VNA) measurements were estimated using total complex differentials (Total Differential Errors). To express precisely a comparison relation between complex differential errors, their differential error regions (DERs) were used. To demonstrate the method in the most accurate case of a direct zero-length thru, practical results are presented for commonly used Z-parameters of a simple, two-port, DC resistive T-network, which was built and tested against frequency with a VNA measurement system extended by two lengthy transmission lines.
[ { "version": "v1", "created": "Sun, 6 May 2007 10:34:28 GMT" }, { "version": "v2", "created": "Sat, 22 Sep 2007 08:01:05 GMT" }, { "version": "v3", "created": "Thu, 17 Mar 2011 17:38:20 GMT" }, { "version": "v4", "created": "Sun, 20 Mar 2011 08:51:25 GMT" }, { "version": "v5", "created": "Wed, 17 Oct 2012 09:07:41 GMT" } ]
[ [ "Yannopoulou", "N. I.", "" ], [ "Zimourtopoulos", "P. E.", "" ] ]
1. one of the classical mathematical tools with many applications. The cosines of the angles are related to canonical are wide ly used in statistics. Angles between finite popularthatthe angles between subspaces FandGare defined as on [0,p/2] ifq<. In the case q=, where both subspaces FandGare infinite only single-valued angles are defined, which in the case q<would correspond to the smallest (Dixmier[ 11]), smallest 13]),or largest(Krein et al. [ 29]), angles. We define angles from-to and between (infinite) dimen sional subspaces of a Hilbert space using the spectra of the productof The definition q<andresultsina definition is inspired by E.J. Hannan [ 16], where such an approach to canonical corre- lations of stochastic processes is suggested. Canonical co rrelationsfor stochastic es. functional analysis, the gap and the minimum gap are impor tant concepts used, e.g., in operator perturbation theory ([ 19]). The gap between infinite dimensional subspaces bounds the perturbation of a closed linear operator by measuring th e change in its graph. We show in Theorem ofthelargestan to determine if the sum of two subspaces is closed. The minimum gap is applied, e.g., in [22] to prove wellposedness of degenerate saddle point problem s. The minimum gap is precisely, see Theorem 2.15, the sine of the angle of Friedrichs, which, in its turn, as sh own in Theorem 2.14, is the infimum of the set of nonzero angles. The Dixmier angle is simply the smallest ofall ninnerproduct( the present paper, we replace 1 Dsubspaces spanned by the vectors fandg with (infinite dimensional) subspaces, and introduce the co ncept of principal angles from one subspace to another and between subspaces using the spectra l theory of selfadjoint operators. We investigate the basic properties of the angles, which are already known for finite dimen- sional subspaces, see [ 23], e.g., we establish connections between the angles corres ponding to subspaces and their orthogonal complements. We express cla ssical quantities: the gap and 5] and references there. In SS3, we introduce principal invariant subspaces and prove that they orthogonal projectors. We define point angles by analogy with the point operator spectrum and consider peculiar properties of the invariant subspace s corresponding to a point angle. In SS4, the is used to measure the change in the principal angle s, where one of the subspaces varies, extending some of our previous result s of [23,25] to infinite consider two applications of the angles: to bound the chan ge in Ritz values, where method is applied to di fferent infinite dimensional trial subspaces, in SS5; and to 2analyze and accelerate the convergenceof the classical alt ernating projectorsmethod (e.g., [ 10, Chapter IX]) in the context of a specific example--a domain dec omposition method (DDM) with an overlap, in SS6. In computer simulations the subspaces involved are eviden tly however, the assumption of the finite dimensio nality is sometimes irrelevant we consider the Rayleigh-Ritz method for a boundedselfadj oint operator Aon a the product of the orthoprojector PFontoFand the operator Ais called the set of Ritz values, corresponding to AandF. In the main result of SS5, we bound the change in the Ritz values, where one trial subspace Fis replaced with another subspace G, using the Hausdor ff distance between the sets of Ritz values, by the spread of the spectrum times the gap between the subspaces. The proofofthe generalcase is basedona spec ific case spannedby unit vectors the estimate spread of thespectrumof A, cf. [24]. If in addition forgis aneigenvectorof A, the same boundholds but with the sine our Hausdor ffdistance bound involves the gap that one of the trial subspaces is A-invariant. The material of SS5generalizes some infinite dimensional trial subspacesis used in the meth odof intermediate problemsfor de- termining two-sided bounds for eigenvalues, e.g., [ 36,37]. The results ofSS5may be useful in obtaining a prioriestimates of the accuracy of the method of intermediate prob lems, but this whereFandGare two given subspaces and PFandPGare the respectively. then the sequence of vectors multiplicative DDM, so that the alternating projectorsme thod describes the error propagation in theDDM,e.g.,[ [ 34,15],and[2]. projectors method are made, e.g., [ 9,2], and [39]. Here, we use a di fferent method, and suggest the ultimate, conjugate gradi ent based, acceleration of the idea of the acceleration is inspired by the following fac ts. On the one hand, every self- adjoint non-negative non-expansion A,0<=A<=Iin a Hilbert space Hcan be extended to of two PFPGrestricted to the subspace F=Hx{0}. Any poly- nomial iterative method that involves as a main step a multip lication of a vector by Acan thus be called an method. On the other h and, the the optimal polynomial method for computing the null spac e ofA,therefore the e give inSS6the corresponding convergence rate estimate in terms of the angles. We il- lustrate a possible accelerationfor the DDM with a small ove rlapforthe 1D diffusion equation. The convergenceof the classical alternating projectors me thod degrades when the overlap gets 3smaller, but the conjugate gradient method we describe conv erges to the exact solution in two iterations. Fora finite di 1Ddi ffusionequationa similarresult can befoundin[ Definitionand we define angles from one subspace to another and angles b etween subspaces, and investigate the properties of the (sets of) angles, such as t he relationship concerning angles be- tween the subspaces and their orthogonal complements. We ex press the gap and the Weintroduceprinc they are connected by an isometry that appears in the pol ar decomposition of the product of We define point ang lesand their multiplicities by pointangle. 2.1. a (real or complex)Hilbert space and let FandGbe propernontrivial subspaces. A subspace is defined as a closedlinear manifold. Let PFandPGbe the respectively. We denote by B(H) the Banach space of boundedlinear onHwith the inducednorm. We use the same notation the vector norm on H, associated with the innerproduct( *,*)onH, as well as forthe B(H). ForTB(H)we define|T|= T*T, T|Udenotesthe U. domain, range, null space, spectrum, and point spectrum , respectively,of the operator T. In this paper, we distinguish only between finite and infinite di mensions. If qis a finite number then we set by definition min {q,}=qand max{q,}=,and assume that<=holds. We useto highlightthat the sum of subspacesis orthogonalandfor t he correspondingsum of operators. We denotethe 14,6]),we (See[14]). thespaceH,if all foursubspaces M00,M01,M10, andM11are subspaces FHandGHare in genericposition within the space Hiffany of the H. Thefifthpart, M, intwo di Inthene xttheoremwe applythemto prove the operators B(H) suchthat e.g., [ 31,SS110, p. 286] or [ 19,SSVI.2.7, p. 334], we introduce the polar decomposition, T=U|T|, U:R(|T|)-R(T). Itis easy to check directly that N(|T|)=N(T), selfadjoint. Taking also intoaccountthat R(T)=(N(T*)),we have U: a general operator T B(H), the isometry Uis then typically extended to a partial isometry UB(H) by setting U=0 onN(T). For our special T=PGPF, we can do better and extend Uto a unitary operator WB(H). Indeed, we set W=Uon (N(T))to makeW an extension of U. To make Wunitary, we set W=VonN(T), be an isometry. The specific form of Vis of no importance, since it evidently does the existence of such V, it is sufficient (and, in fact, necessary) that beisomorphic. isomorphic. The subspaces in generic position within the space M, see [14], as well as their orthogonalin Mcomplements MFand MG. Accordingto [ 14, ProofofTheorem1, p. 382],anytwo subspacesin genericpos The operators Thesubspaces the isometric and mapsFone-to-one and onto G. OnF, just the same 2.2,inthiscase. anotherpartial isometry that maps Fone-to-oneand onto G, constructedin the same way asU. Setting W=U+V, we extend Ufrom the subspace Fto a unitary operator Won the whole space. The sum W=U+Vis the same as the unitary extension suggested in Kato [ second equality holds since the corresponding terms in square brackets are the same Fitactsthe same astheoperator U,so it U. IfTheorem product of two orth Our goal is to deve lopa theoryof angles AnglesFrom-To ofangles the operator TB(H) be a selfadjoint nonnegative contraction. Using an extens ion ofTto an orthogonal projector [ 31,SSA.2, p. 461], there exist subspaces unitarily equivalent to ( PFPG)|F, wherePFandPGare the corresponding inH2. This implies that the spectrum of the product of two orthogo nal projectors is as generala set as the spectrumof an n the set su of[0 Theangles : called pointangles. its multiplicity Multiplicity of angle thThp(F,G)is the minimum of multiplicities two vectors fandgin the plane, and their orthogonal counterparts fandgwe evi- dently have now describe F,G,F,andG.We first to another as they reveal the finer details and provi de a foundation for statements 1: Multiplicities of 0and p/2 angles for different pairs of for f(T)=I-Twe Next, using we concludethat lis an eigenvalueof ( The statement on nonzero angles follows from Corollary 2.3. The part concerning the that( Table 1 entriesare tion. Theorem 2.7andTable 2relatethesets ofanglesbetween Theorem2.7. Foranysubspaces FandGofHthe multiplicities of the point angles 0<th<p/ 2are the same, and equal to the multiplicities of point angles Multiplicities of 0 and p/2 angles between Theorem 2.6(7) twice: first for FandG, next forGandF, and then intersecting them gives (2). Interchanging GandGin (2) leads to (3). The statements on multiplicities easily follow from Theorem 2.6as the entries in Table 2are just the minima between pairs of 1. Remark 2.8. Theorem u>=0, 2.9. Theorem 2.10. We other words, the projec- tions P MF=MFand PMG=MGof the initial subspaces FandGonto their fifth part Mare in generic position within M, see [14], so the zero and right angles can not belong to the set of point angles Thp(PMF,PMG), but apart from 0andp/2the 2.11. Tables1and2give the absolute values of the multiplicities of 0andp/2. If we can easily find the answers from Tables 1and2by subtraction, assuming that we subtract finite numbers, and use identities such as Indeed,forthe that the multiplicity of p/2is the same but the provided that the terms that participate in the subtractio ns are finite. Some comparisons require both the dimension and the codimension of a subspace to be finite, requiring dimH<. 2.3. Angles The gap bounds the perturbation of a closed linear operator b y measuring the change in its graph, while the minimum gap between two subspaces determin es if the sum of the subspaces is closed. We connectthe gap and the minimumgap to the larges t and to the angles. E.g., for subspaces FandGin generic position, i.e., if M=H, we show that the gap and the minimum gap are the supremum and the infimum, co rrespondingly,of the sine oftheset ofanglesbetween used to measure the distance between subspaces. We now des cribe the gap in terms of us consider both norms in the definition of the gap separat ely. Using Theorem 2.6, we 2.13. Ifgap(F,G)<1or if the subspaces are in generic position then both andso in [8], whichisa . Theorem2.14. Intermsofthe angles,c definitionof c(F,G) withthe vectors uandvand using the standard equality of induced norms of an operat or and the the five-parts decomposition, the subspace M00from the domain of PFPGexcludes 1 from the point ,see Intermsofthe angles, have f Fandf/nelementG, so we can represent fin the form f=f1+f2, using equality get g2(F,G)=1- Theorem 2.14. Let us note that removing 0 from the set of angles in Theorems the result after takingtheinf, onlyif 0 is presentasan isolate d valuein the set of angles,e.g.,it The fferenceof and differences of a pair of orthogonal projectors often appear in ap plications. Here, we describe their spectra in terms of the angles between the r anges of the projectors, projectors. First, we connect the spectra of the product and of the di fference of two orth Lemma 2.16. ([30, Theorem 1], [ 28, Lemma 2.4]). For proper subspaces FandGwe Lemma 2.16, we now characterize the spectrum of the di fferences of two intermsoftheanglesbetweenthecorresponding 2.17. The multiplicity of the eigenvalue 1inS(PG-PF)is equal to dimM10, the multiplicity of the eigenvalue -1is equal to dimM01, and the multiplicity of the eigenvalue 0is equal todimM00+dimM11, definedinSS2.1. For the rest of thespectrum,we last statement follows from Lemma 2.16and Definition 2.4. To obtain the the multiplicity of eigenvalues 1, -1 and 0, it suffices to use the decomposition of these SS2.1. In some applications, e.g., in domain s,seeSS6, the distribution of Wedirectlyr eformulate[ 86], see also [33, p. 298],in P Fand the sum PF+PG, with the possible exception of the point 0, lies in the closed interval of the real this section, we basically follow Jujunashvili [ 18, Section 2.8] to introduce principal Given the principal invariant subspaces (see Definition 3.1below) of a pair of subspaces FandG, we construct the principal invariant subspaces for pairs We describe relations between orthogonal projectors onto pri ncipal invariant subspaces. We show that, in particular cases, principal subspaces and princip al vectors can be defined essentially as in the finite dimensional case, and we investigate their prop erties. Principal vectors, subspaces and principal invariant subspaces reveal the fine structure of the mutual position of a pair of subspaces in a Hilbert space. Except for Theorem 3.3, all other statements can be foundin [ invariant subspaces for a pair of subspaces gener alize the already known 35]. We principal roductoftheorth Definition 3.1. A pair of subspaces UFandVGis called a pair of principal for the subspaces FandG, if PFVUand PGUV.We call the strictly nondegenerate if 18,Section2.8,p. 3.2. LetUFandVGbe a pairof principal subspaces FandG, andUU,VVbe a pair of principal invariant subspaces for subspaces U andV. ThenU,Vform a pair of principal invariant subspaces for the subspac esF,G, 3.1resembles the notion of invariant subspaces. The next theor em 3.3. The a pair of principal invariant subspaces for the subspaces FandGif and only ifU F is an invariant subspace of the 0, us latter equality follows from 0 have PFv0UsinceUF, but our assumption PFVUassures that PFv0U, provethe converse,let PFPGUUandV=PGUV 0. V. If the subspace M10is trivial, the principal invariant subspace Vthat corresponds to Uis clearly unique. The corresponding statement for U, givenV, we get from Theorem rincipalusingthecorrespondingangles. Theorem3.4. The pairUFandVGofprincipalthe nondegenerateif andonly if bothoperators nondegenerateif andonly if each of the inverse s is bounded, equivalently in terms of the gap, prove the claim for the operator ( PFPG)|U,and the claim for the other operator fol- lows by symmetry. Definition nondegenerate principal . by Theorem 3.3,UFis an invariant subspace of the oper- ator (PFPG)|F, Since (PFPG)|Uis Hermitian, its null-space is trivial (as the orthogonal in Ucomplement to its range which is dense in U), i.e., the oper- ator (PFPG)|Uis one-to-one and thus invertible. For strictly nondegener ate principal , ( PFPG)|UU=U, so the operator ( PFPG)|Uby the open mapping theorem has ( PFPG)|Uis correctly defined. The operator ( PFPG)|Uis invertible by 0, therefore PFV=PFPGU=U.The other equality, Definition 3.1for nondegenerate principal invariant subspaces, is prove d similarly using the assumption that ( PGPF)|Gis invertible. If, in addition, each of the inverses is bound ed, are closed, we obtain is needed in Definition 3.1for strictly nondegenerate equivalent formulationsof conditionsof the theorem in terms of the anglesand the 2.12. Theorem if gap(F,G)<1, the unitary equivalence by ( 2.1) ofPFandPG. Now we state that the same Wmakes orthogonal projectors PUandPVunitarily equivalent for UFandVG, and we obtain orth Theorem 3.5. LetUFandVGbe a pair of strictly nondegenerate principal forthesubspaces FandG, andW 2.2. the orthoprojectors satisfy P proof of Theorem 3.5is straightforward and can be found in [ 18,SS2.8]. e.g.,belowis[ 18, a closed Borel set, and define P a pair of strictly we denote U=U(Th)), which we plug into the expression for the orthogonal proj ectorPVof Theorem 3.5. For a pair of principal UFandVG, using Theorems 3.3and3.4 we define the corresponding principal invariant subspaces i 3.7. LetUandVbe a pair of principal invariant subspacesfor subspaces UandVis a pair of strictly invariant sub spaces for invariantsub PUand invariantsub PUand PVare invariantsub PUand PVare statements follow directly from Theorems 3.3and3.4applied to the of subspaces. The closedness of UandVcan be alternatively derived from pair ofprincipal UFandVG, if the of one number, which belongs to (0 ,1] and which we denote by cos2(th), we can use Theorem 3.5to definea an 3.8. Nontrivial subspaces UFandVGdefine a pairof subspaces the angle theangle thif PFv=cos(th)u and PGu=cos(th)v. We excludeth=p/2 in Definition 3.8so that principal subspaces belong to the class of strictly. We and principal vectors that can be checked directl y (for details, see [ 18]). The first property characterizes principal subspaces as eigenspace s of the products of the 3.9. a pairof subspaces theangle the eigenvalue cos2(th). In such a All pairs of theangle th. Theorem 3.10. LetU(th),U(ph) F, andV(th),V(ph) Gbe the principal subspaces to the angles Then PU(th)and PV(ph)are can chooseV(th)such that for givenU(th)we can [ofTheorem 3.7]LetUandVbethesubspaces closedand * U,Vare the principal subspaces for subspaces FandG, corresponding to the angle p/2-th; * U,Vare the principal subspaces for subspaces FandG, correspondingto the angle p/2-th; * U,Varethesubspaces u and v form a pair of principal vectors for the subspaces FandG, corresponding to the angleth. Then with u and v describethe pairsof Bounding theChangesin Forthefi known,e.g., [ 23,24]. To measurethe distancebetween two boundedreal sets S1andS2we use the , e.g., [ 19], dist(S the distance from the point uto the set S. The H. Theorem4.1. S((PFPG)|F) and cos2(^Th(F,~G))= S((PFP~G)|F) by Definition 2.4. Both operators( By [ thefirst subspace, F, ischangedin em5.2,whichis A=PG. We conjecture that similar generalizations to the case of in finite dimensional subspaces can be made for bounds involving changes in the sines and cosines (without squares) of the Changesin the RitzValuesand we estimate how Ritz values of a selfadjoint operator ch ange with the change of a vector,and then we extendthis result to estimate the change of Ritz valueswith the changeof a (infinite subspace,using the gapbetwee n subspaces, results are natural extensions of the results of the pre vious section that bound the change in the squared cosines or sines of the angles, since in the par ticular case where the is an orthogonal projector its Ritz values are exac tly the squared cosines of the angles from the trial subspace of the Rayleigh-Ritz methodto the ra ngeof the In addition, we prove a spectrum error bound that characterize s the change in the Ritz values for an invariant subspace, and naturally involves the gap squar ed; see [27,1,26] for similar B(H) be a selfadjoint operator. Denote by the an operator Aat a vector f/nequal0. Inthe followinglemma, we estimate changesin the Rayleigh quotient with the change in a vector. This estimate has been previously proven only for real finite dimensional spaces [ 24]. Here, we give a new proof that works both for real 5.1. Let AB(H)be a selfadjoint operator on a Hilbert space Hand (5.1) Proof.We 20,21]. a two dimensional subspace (if fandgare linearly dependent then the Rayleigh quotients are the same and the assertion is trivial). Denote ~A=(PSA)|Sand two eigenvalues of ~Aby l1<=l2. In the nontrivial case l(f)/nequall(g), we then have the strong this proof, we extend the notation of the Rayleigh quotien t of an operator Aat a vector to explicitly include A. It is easy to see that l(f;A)=l(f;~A) and that the same holdsforvector g. Then,since the statement of the lemma would follow from the 2D estimate that we now have to prove. The latter estimate is clearly invarian t with respect to a shift and scaling of~A. Let us use the transformation then the estimate we need to cespan{h}S. and, the Rayleigh-Ritz method for a selfadjoint operator A B(H) on a trial subspace F the is called the set of Ritz values, corresponding to AandF. The next result of this section is an estimate of a change in the Ritz va lues, where one trial subspace, F, is replaced with another, G. For finite dimensional subspaces such a result is obtained i n [24], where the maximal distance between pairs of individually ordered Ritz values is used to measure the change in the Ritz values. Here, the trial subspa ces may be infinite dimensional, so the Ritz values may form rather general sets on the real int erval and we are limited to the use of the Hausdor ffdistance between the sets, which does not take 5.2. Let AB(H)be a selfadjoint operatorand FandGbe Then a bound for the Hausdor ffdistance between the Ritz values of A, with respect to the trial subspacesFandG, of. Consequently we can assume without loss of generality that g ap(F,G)<1. Then we 2.1). Operators( Operators( Fandusing[ We need to estimate |(f,Wf)|from below. From the polar decomposition PFPGPF. Finally, by assumption, gap( F,G)<1, thus Corollary 2.13gives S((PFA)|F) is a subset, namely S(A|F), of the spectrum of A.The change in the Ritz values, bounded in Theorem itzmethod. 5.3. Under the assumptions of Theorem 5.2let in additionFbe an A-invariant thespectrumof A . to the decomposition H=FF, We assume that F correspondsto the toppart ofthe spectrumof canbe treatedby teredbyreplacing an arbitrary real constant. Later in the proofwe need A|Fto be nonnegative. We AwithA-aI,so (5.3) As in the proof of Theorem 5.2, if gap(F,G)=1 then the assertion holds since the both spectra are subsets of [min Consequently we can assume without loss of generality that gap( F,G)<1. Then we by ( 2.1). (PGPFAPF)|Gare unitarily equivalent, since Wis an isometry on F, thus their spectra are the same. Now, instead of ( 5.2), we use the triangle inequality for the : dist(S(A|F),S((PGA)|G)) <=dist(S((A|F),S(/parenleftbigW*(PGPFAPF)|GW/parenrightbig|F)) +dist(S((PGPFAPF)|G)),S((PGA)|G)).(5.4) Theoperator/radicalbigPFPGPF|F=/radicalbig (PFPG)|Fisselfadjointanditssmallestpointofthespectrum is Definition 2.4, which is positive byTheorem 2.12with stitution. The spectrum of the product of two bounded operators, one of w hich is bijective, does not dependon the orderof the bothproductsa re similar to each other. One of the first term in the triangle inequality ( 5.4) for the is estimated using [ 5.4),we applyagain[ 19, Theorem4.10,p. Pluggingin ( gap(F,G)<1 implies see [ Corollary 2.13. conjecture that our assumption on the invariant subspace representing a specific part of the spectrum of Ais irrelevant, i.e., the statement of Theorem 5.3holds without it as well, cf. Argentatiet al.[ 1], 26]. 186. The method Every selfadjoint nonnegative non-expansion A,0<=A<=Iin a Hilbert space Hcan as (strictly speaking is unitarily equivalent to) a product of two orthogonal a subspace FHxH . involvesas a mainstep the classical alternating projectors method, it is assum ed that the projectors are (6.1) thenthesequenceofvectors typicalwhen e(i)representsan amultip 6.1)describesthe examplebelow . If the subspace M00=FGis nontrivial then the sequence the orthogonal projection eofe(0)ontoM00. The latter is called a ([ 34,15]) method in [ 2] of alternating projectors for determining the to e(0)inM00. We note that, despite the non-symmetric appearance of the e PFPGin(6.1),it e(i)F. nc eofiterations( Here,weuseadi First, wenoticethat thelimitvector eM00isa a conjugate gradient (CG) method can be used to ca lculate approximations to the solutionein the null-space. The standard CG algorithm for linear syst emsAx=bcan setg=1 residual iteration: p=r; can be applied directly to the Ae=0 withA=A*>=0 by setting b=0. We need equation ( 6.2). Finally, we note that CG acceleration can evidently be applied to the symmetrized alternating pro jectors method with more than iveoperator Estimate( of the spectrum of A, or, in terms of the angles, if and only if zero is an isolated p oint, or not present, in the set of angles ^Th(F,G), which is the same as the conditionfor thus falls into the same class of polynomial methods as do es the CG method. It is well known that the CG method providesthe smallest value of the en ergy (semi-) norm of the error, in our case wheree(k)F, which gives us an opportunity to call it the equation( (6.4) so we can take A=PF+PGin the CG method for equation ( 6.4) and thenS(A) is given by Theorem 2.18. Equation ( 6.4) appears in the so-called additive DDM method, e.g., [ 32]. A discussionof( 6.4)canbefoundin [ 18,SS7.1,p. 127]. Estimate ( 6.3) guarantees the finite convergence of the CG method if the spe ctrum of A consists of a finite number of points. At the same time, the con vergence of the can be slow in such a case, so that the CG acceleration i s particularly noticeable. In the remainder of the section, we present a simple domain deco mposition example for the the following one dimensional di ffusion with the solution uH1 0([0,1]), where H1 0([0,1]) is the usual Sobolev space of real- valued functions with the Lebesgue integrable squares of th e first generalized derivatives and with zero values at the end points of the interval [0 ,1]. We use the bilinear a scalar producton H1 0([0,1]). We considerDDM with an overlap,i.e., we split [0 ,1]=[0,a][b,1], with 0<b<a< 1 so We can be checked easily that the subspace Fconsists of functions, which are linear on the interval [0,a] and the subspace Gconsists of functions, which are linear on the interval [ b,1]. 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Andrew Knyazev
Andrew Knyazev, Abram Jujunashvili, and Merico Argentati
Angles Between Infinite Dimensional Subspaces with Applications to the Rayleigh-Ritz and Alternating Projectors Methods
22 pages. Accepted to Journal of Functional Analysis
Journal of Functional Analysis 259 (2010), pp. 1323-1345
math.NA math.FA
We define angles from-to and between infinite dimensional subspaces of a Hilbert space, inspired by the work of E. J. Hannan, 1961/1962 for general canonical correlations of stochastic processes. The spectral theory of selfadjoint operators is used to investigate the properties of the angles, e.g., to establish connections between the angles corresponding to orthogonal complements. The classical gaps and angles of Dixmier and Friedrichs are characterized in terms of the angles. We introduce principal invariant subspaces and prove that they are connected by an isometry that appears in the polar decomposition of the product of corresponding orthogonal projectors. Point angles are defined by analogy with the point operator spectrum. We bound the Hausdorff distance between the sets of the squared cosines of the angles corresponding to the original subspaces and their perturbations. We show that the squared cosines of the angles from one subspace to another can be interpreted as Ritz values in the Rayleigh-Ritz method, where the former subspace serves as a trial subspace and the orthogonal projector of the latter subspace serves as an operator in the Rayleigh-Ritz method. The Hausdorff distance between the Ritz values, corresponding to different trial subspaces, is shown to be bounded by a constant times the gap between the trial subspaces. We prove a similar eigenvalue perturbation bound that involves the gap squared. Finally, we consider the classical alternating projectors method and propose its ultimate acceleration, using the conjugate gradient approach. The corresponding convergence rate estimate is obtained in terms of the angles. We illustrate a possible acceleration for the domain decomposition method with a small overlap for the 1D diffusion equation.
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[ [ "Knyazev", "Andrew", "" ], [ "Jujunashvili", "Abram", "" ], [ "Argentati", "Merico", "" ] ]
2 tracker.) We assume the tracker is capable of measuring range and range rat e to an- other satellite in an unknown orbit (henceforward called the trackee.). We denote the time-varying position vectors of the tracker and trac kee r,respectively. The only force on the tracker and trackee is assume d to be that due to a large uniformly dense body. To simplify the following deriv a- tion, we choose our time unit to be the time taken for the tracker to travel one radian in its orbit, and our distance unit to be the radius of the tr acker's orbit. We may then write r|>0 for allt. In the following derivation, we will make use of the following 0 (2.1) d^R dt=^T (2.2) d^T dt=-^R (2.3) d/vector r dt=/vector v (2.4) 2d/vector v dt=-1 (/vector r*/vector r)3 2/vector r (2.5) where^Tis the velocity unit vector for the tracker. 3 Range Squared We define q(t) |/vector = 1-2/vector r(t)*/vector r(t) (3.1) q'(t) =-2(/vector r(t)*/vector v(t)+/vector v(t)*^R(t)) (3.2) q''(t) = 2/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector r(t) -4/vector v(t)*/vector =-6/vector r(t)*/vector v(t) (/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector r(t)*/vector v(t) (/vector r(t)*/vector a time t0. In the following we will consider what information about the trackee's orbit can be inferred from the values of the time deriv atives of 3qof orders zero through six at time t0./vector rwill mean /vector r(t0),/vector vwill mean /vector v(t0), rwill mean |/vector r(t0)|and so on. 3.1 Case r/negationslash= 1 Solving the system q(t0) =m0 q'(t0) =m1 q''(t0) =m2 q'''(t0) =m3(3.5) we get /vector r*^T -3/vector r*/vector v*^R-/vector r*/vector v*/vector v Using the condition q(4)(t0) =m4and the previous equations, we can deter- mine the possible values for /vector v*/vector vin terms of rand/vector r*/vector v: /vector v*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v) The condition q(5)(t0) =m5and the previous equations imply the equation in rand/vector r*/vector v: p1(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 r*/vector v) r*/vector v+a2(r)(/vector r*/vector r*/vector 7m3r17+ 3m3r15+ 15m3r14+ 96m2r9-3m2r6+ r*/vector v) The condition q(6)(t0) =m6and the previous equations imply the equation in rand/vector r*/vector v: p2(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 r*/vector v) r*/vector v+b2(r)(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector 228m4r19+ 405m1r15+ 765m2m3r14+ 30m3r9-2700m3r8+ 1620m3 0+ 34020m2 0r3+ Finding candidate values of rand/vector r*/vector v Solving the equations p1(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 and p2(r,/vector r*/vector v) = 0 simultaneously, we get a fairly short list of possible solution pairs ( r,/vector r*/vector v).Some of them can be discarded immediately: 1. Pairs for which ris not real; 2. Pairs for which Pairs for which /vector r*/vector vis not real. For each of the remaining ( r,/vector r*/vector v) pairs, we then perform the following: 1. Compute /vector v*/vector vusing an equation presented earlier, and discard the pair if this result is not positive; 2. Compute |/vector v|= /vector v*/vector v; 3. Discard the pair if the inequality |/vector r*/vector v|is not satisfied. We are then in a position to compute, for each remaining pair, its acco m- panying values of /vector r*^R,/vector r*^T,/vector v*^R, and/vector v*^T. 11All that now remains is to determine for each pair the possibilities for /vector r*^Hand/vector v*^H. For the simultaneous r*^H2+/vector r*^R2+/vector r*^T2=r2 /vector v*^H2+/vector v*^R2+/vector v*^T2=v2 /vector r*^H/vector v*^H+/vector r*^R/vector v*^R+/vector r*^T/vector v*^T=/vector r*/vector v(3.17) to have a solution, we must r*/vector v-/vector r*^R/vector v*^R-/vector r*^T /vector therefore discard pairs not satisfying this condition. 3.2 Case r= 1,/vector r*/vector v= 0,/vector the system 12q(t0) =m0 q'(t0) =m1 q''(t0) =m2 q'''(t0) =m3 q(4)(t0) =m3 r= 1 /vector r*/vector v= 0(3.19) we get /vector v*/vector Case r= 1,/vector r*/vector v/negationslash= 0,/vector the system 13q(t0) =m0 q'(t0) =m1 q''(t0) =m2 q'''(t0) =m3 q(4)(t0) =m3(3.21) we get two possible r*^R= r*/vector v*/vector r*^R= r*/vector v*/vector Operational Strategy We have identified three possible exhaustive and mutually exclusive ca 1; 172.r= 1,/vector r*/vector v= 0,/vector and 3.r= 1,/vector r*/vector v/negationslash= 0,/vector whenprocessing tha tissome- thing we aretrying to determine. Therefore three data processin g be conducted in parallel, treating the incoming data under the 1; r= 1,/vector r*/vector v= 0,/vector and r= 1,/vector r*/vector v/negationslash= 0,/vector orbital elements produced by the case actually in force will conv erge rapidly, while the other two procedures will fail to converge, since t hey are based on assumptions not in force. In practice, it will rarely (if ever ) happen thatris precisely equal to 1 ,so the second and third cases are very unlikely to be encountered. 5 Example Suppose we have data as follows at some time t0: 18m0= 2.73407 m1= simultaneously (seeAppendix thee r*/vector v-11r17/vector r*/vector r*/vector v-24r14/vector r*/vector v+180r13(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)3+49r11/vector r*/vector v-252r10(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ 134.273r9/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)2-22r8/vector r*/vector v-9r7(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r* /vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ 508.491r9+ r*/vector v)3= r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)4+ r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector v)2+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ 10800r15(/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ r*/vector r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)4+128400 .r10(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v-90r9(/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v+ r*/vector v)4+ r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector v)4+ 128505 .r5(/vector r*/vector v)3+ r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector r*/vector 27r26+ r*/vector v)4= 0 The real solutions with positive rare given by 20r /vector r */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 2 1.19671 1 .09521 3 0.869413 0 .8242 4 0.632199 -0.259071 5.1 Compute corresponding /vector v*/vector vvalues r /vector r */vector v /vector v */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 4 .76251 2 1.19671 1 .09521 1 .02249 3 0.869413 0 .8242 1 .47683 4 0.632199 -0.259071 1 .85481 5.2 Get rid of negative /vector v*/vector vvalues, if any r /vector r */vector v /vector v */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 4 .76251 2 1.19671 1 .09521 1 .02249 3 0.869413 0 .8242 1 .47683 4 0.632199 -0.259071 1 .85481 215.3 Get rid of pairs for which |/vector r*/vector v|> r /vector v*/vector v, if any r /vector r */vector v /vector v */vector v 1 1.68599 -2.12935 4 .76251 2 1.19671 1 .09521 1 .02249 3 0.869413 0 .8242 1 .47683 4 0.632199 -0.259071 1 .85481 5.4 Compute possible values of /vector r*^Hand/vector v*^H So far we have determined the following candidate solution data: r v /vector r *^R /vector r *^T /vector v *^R /vector v *^T x /vector r */vector v 1 1.68599 2 .18232 0 .554241 -5.6706 2 .08984 2 .76423 1 .78813 -2.12935 2 1.19671 1 .01118 -0.150981 0 .11657 -0.47277 0 .318484 -0.32438 1 .09521 3 0.869413 1 .21525 -0.489095 -0.148376 -0.478834 -0.108766 -0.411787 0 .8242 4 0.632199 1 .36192 -0.667196 2 .40054 -4.11102 -1.17276 -0.654373 -0.259071 We now determine the accompanying possible values of /vector r*^Hand/vector v*^H and the corresponding state vectors: /vector r*^R /vector r *^T /vector r *^H /vector v *^R /vector v *^T /vector v *^H 1-0.150981 0 0 .318484 0 .11657 1 .18141-0.47277 0 .318484 0 .835194 226 Concluding Remark In conclusion, we return to the claim in the Abstract: it is theoretic ally possible to narrow the possibilities for the tracker's state vector t o at worst a few, and at best only two. at worst a few has been established above. Regarding at best o nly two, it cannot be expected that the state vector will be uniquely de termined by a single measurement of qand its first six time derivatives, because from a state vector of the form /vector r=a^R+b^T+c^H, /vector present the same function qas orbitBproceeding from a state vector of the form /vector r=a^R+b^T-c^H, /vector v=d^R+e^T-f^H, and these orbits are distinct whenever c/negationslash= 0 and f/negationslash= 0,i.e. whenever the trackee and the tracker are not in the same orbital plane. If they are not coplanar , the orbit of the trackee will be narrowed down to two definite possibilities. 7 Appendix Using (2.1.2) and r*/vector v) = 0 (7.1) for/vector r*/vector vyields x1(r) then get three (7.7) A candidate solution rwill be a positive zero of one or more of these equa- tions. Recall the expression of the function p2given in (2 .1.3).Ifqi(r) = 0, then the corresponding candidate value of /vector r*/vector vwill R. Scott Erwin, Mario A. Santillo, Dennis S. Bernstein, Spacecra ft Trajectory Estimation Using a Sampled-Data Extended Kalman Filter with Decision andControl 200645thI EEE 24Conference on, pp. 3144-3149, 2006. 25
Kerry Soileau
Kerry M. Soileau
State Vector Determination By A Single Tracking Satellite
Using only a single tracking satellite capable of only range measurements to an orbiting object in an unknown Keplerian orbit, it is theoretically possible to calculate the orbit and a current state vector. In this paper we derive an algorithm that can perform this calculation.
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[ [ "Soileau", "Kerry M.", "" ] ]
Intuitively, we would want that if an adversary knows the hash value of one n-gram, it cannot deduce anything about the hash value of another n-gram. For example, with the family of constant functions, once we know one hash value, we know them all. The family Hispairwise independent if the hash value of n-gram x1is independent from the hash value of any other n-gram x2. That is, we have P(h(x1) =y^h(x2) =z) = P(h(x1) =y)P(h(x2) =z) =1=4Lfor all distinct n-grams x1,x2, and all hash values y,zwith x16=x2. Pairwise independence implies uniformity. We refer to a particular hash function h2Has uniform or a pairwise independent hash function when the family in question can be inferred from the the idea of pairwise independence can be generalized: a family of hash functions Hisk-wise independent if given distinct x1;:::; xkand given hselected uni- formly at random from H, then P(h(x1) =y1^^ h(xk) =yk) =1=2kL. Note that k-wise independence implies k1-wise independence and uniformity. (Fully) inde- pendent families are k-wise independent for arbitrarily large k. For applications, non- independent families may fare as well as fully independent families if the entropy of the data source is sufficiently high [16]. A hash function hisrecursive [17]--or rolling[18]--if there is a function Fcom- puting the hash value of the n-gram x2:::xn+1from the hash value of the preceding n-gram ( x1:::xn) and the values of x1andxn+1. That is, we have h(x2;:::; xn+1) =F(h(x1;:::; we could compute function Fin time O(L)and not, for example, in time O(Ln). The main contributions of this paper are: a proof that recursive hashing is no more than pairwise independent (SS 3); a proof that randomized Karp-Rabin can be uniform but never pairwise indepen- dent (SS 5); a proof that hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent (SS 7); a proof that hashing by cyclic polynomials is not even uniform (SS 9); a proof that hashing by cyclic polynomials is pairwise ignor- ingn1 consecutive bits (SS 10). We conclude with an experimental section where we show that hashing by cyclic poly- nomials is faster than hashing by irreducible polynomials. Table 1 summarizes the algorithms presented. 2. Trailing-zero randomized algorithms [14, 15] merely require that the number of trailing zeroes be independent. For example, to estimate the number of distinct n-grams in a large document without enumerating them, we merely have to compute maximal numbers of leading zeroes kamong hash values [19]. Na ively, we may estimate that if a hash value with kleading zeroes is found, we have 2kdistinct n-grams. SuchTable 1: A summary of the hashing function presented and their properties. For G ENERAL and C YCLIC , we require Ln. To make C YCLIC pairwise independent, we need to discard some bits--the resulting scheme is not formally recursive. Randomized Karp-Rabin is uniform under some conditions. name cost per n-gram independence memory 3-wise (SS 4) O(Ln) 3-wise Karp-Rabin (SS 5) uniform O(LjSj) GENERAL (SS 7) O(Ln) pairwise G ENERAL (SS 8) O(L) pairwise (SS 9) O(L+n) pairwise (SS 10) might be useful because the number of distinct n-grams grows large with n: Shakespeare's First Folio [20] has over 3 million distinct let zeros (x)return the number of trailing zeros (0,1,. . . , L) ofx, where zeros(0) =L. We say hisk-wise trailing-zero independent =2j1j2 jk, for ji=0;1;:::; L. Ifhisk-wise independent, it is k-wise trailing-zero independent. The converse is not true. If his ak-wise independent function, consider ghwhere gmakes zero all bits before the rightmost 1 (e.g., g(0101100 ) =0000100). Hash ghisk-wise but not even uniform (consider that P(g=0001) =8P(g=1000)). 3. Recursive hash functions are no more than pairwise independent Not only are recursive hash functions limited to pairwise independence: they can- not be 3-wise trailing-zero 1 There is no 3-wise trailing-zero independent hashing function that Consider the ( n+2)-gram anbb. Suppose his recursive and 3-wise trailing- zero independent, a) =0^ F(0;a;b) =0^ F(0;a;b) =0 =P h(a;:::; a) =0^ F(0;a;b) a;b))L =22Lby trailing-zero pairwise required by trailing-zero 3-wise we have a contradiction and no such hexists.4. A non-recursive 3-wise independent hash function A trivial way to generate an independent hash is to assign a random integer in [0;2L) to each new value x. Unfortunately, this requires as much processing and storage as a complete indexing of all values. However, in a multidimensional setting this approach can be put to good use. Sup- pose that we have tuples in K1K2 Knsuch thatjKijis small for all i. We can construct independent hash functions hi:Ki![0;2L)for all iand combine them. The hash function h(x1;x2;:::; xn) hn(xn)is then 3-wise in- dependent (is the exclusive or function, XOR). In time O(an i=1jKij), we can con- struct the hash function by generating an i=1jKijrandom numbers and storing them in a look-up table. With constant-time look-up, hashing an n-gram thus takes 1 is an application of this idea to 1 The (non-recursive) 3-wise independent family. Require: n L-bit hash functions h1;h1;:::; hnoverSfrom an independent hash family 1:s empty FIFO character cdo 3: append ctos 4: iflength( s)=nthen 5: yield yield statement returns the value, without terminating the algorithm. g 6: remove oldest character from s 7: end if 8:end for This new family is not 4-wise independent for n>1. Consider the n-grams ac,ad, bc,bd. The XOR of their four hash values is zero. However, the family is 3-wise 2 The family of hash functions h (x) the L-bit hash functions h 1;:::; hnare taken from an independent hash family, is 3-wise Consider any 3 distinct n-grams: Because the n-grams are distinct, at least one of two A For some i2f1;:::; ng, the three values distinct. Write For example, consider the three 1-grams: a,b,c. Case B (Up to a reordering of the three n-grams.) There are two values i;j2f1;:::; ng such that x(1) iis distinct from the two identical values x(2) i;x(3) i, and such that x(2) j is distinct from the two identical values x(1) i;x(3) i. Write For example, consider the three 2-grams: ad,bc,bd.Recall that the XOR operation is invertible: ab=cif and only if a=bc. We prove 3-wise independence for cases A and B. Case A. Write We have that the values independent, and they are independent from the values all values yi;y0 i. Hence, we have P h(x(1)) =z(1)^ h(x(2)) =z(2)^ h(x(3)) in this case, the hash values are 3-wise B. Write the values c1;c2;c3are mutually independent, and independent from the We have P h(x(1)) =z(1)^ h(x(2)) =z(2)^ h(x(3)) values not necessarily mutually independent.This concludes the proof. 5. Randomized Karp-Rabin is not independent One of the most common recursive hash functions is commonly associated with the Karp-Rabin string-matching algorithm [21]. Given an integer B, the hash value over the sequence of integers x1;x2;:::; A variation of the Karp-Rabin hash method is Hashing by Power-of-2 Integer Division [17], where h(x1;:::; xn) 2L. In particular, the hashcode method of the Java String class uses this approach, with L=32 and B=31 [22]. A widely used textbook [23, p. 157] recommends a similar Integer-Division hash function for strings with B=37. Since such Integer-Division hash functions are recursive, quickly computed, and widely used, it is interesting to seek a randomized version of them. Assume that h1 is a random hash function over symbols uniform in [0;2L), then define h(x1;:::; xn) = Bn1h1(x1) +Bn2h1(x2) ++h1(xn)mod 2Lfor some fixed integer B. We choose B=37 (calling the resulting randomized hash ID37; see Algorithm 2). Our each hash value in time O( M(L)), where M(L)is the cost of multiplying two L-bit integers. (We precompute the value Bnmod 2L.) In many practical cases, Lbits can fit into a single machine word and the cost of multiplication can be In general, M(L)is in [24]. Algorithm 2 The recursive ID37 family (Randomized anL-bit hash function h1overSfrom an independent hash family 1:B 37 2:s empty FIFO structure 3:x 0 (L-bit integer) 4:z 0 (L-bit character cdo 6: append ctos 7: x BxBnz+h1(c)mod 2L 8: iflength( s)=nthen 9: yield x 10: remove oldest character yfrom s 11: z h1(y) 12: end if 13:end for The randomized Integer-Division functions mapping n-grams to [0;2L)are not pair- wise independent. However, for some values of Bandn, they are 3 Randomized Integer-Division hashing is not uniform for n-grams, if n is even and B is odd. Otherwise, it is uniform for B even and any n, or B odd and n odd. However, there is no value of B for which it is pairwise independent when n 2. PROOF ForBodd, we see that P(h(a2k) =0)>2Lsince h(a2k) 2Land since (1+B)is even, we have P(h(a2k) =0)P(h1(x1) =2L1_h1(x1) =0) =1=2L1. Hence, for Bodd and neven, we do not have that Bandnare both odd. Consider any string x1;x2;:::; xn. We can find a character value xjwhich is repeated an odd number of times in the string. Let Ibe the set of indexes isuch that xi=xj. We have that the equation h(x1;x2;:::; xn) =y is equivalent to = y. We can rewrite it as (ai2IBni)h1(xj) There is a unique solution h1(xj)to this equation because (ai2IBni) is odd: the sum of an odd number of odd integers is an odd integer. Hence, we have uniformity when Bandnare odd. Consider Beven. Consider any string x1;x2;:::; xn. We are interested in the last character xn. It might be repeated several times in the string. Let Ibe the set of indexes i such that xi=xn. We have that h(x1;x2;:::; xn) =yis equivalent to We want to show that there is a unique solution h1(xn)to this equation. This follows because we have that (ai2IBni)is an odd number because Bis even and n2I. Hence, we have uniformity when Bis even. To show it is not pairwise independent, first suppose that Bis odd. For any string bof length n2, consider n-grams distinct a;b2S. Then P(h(w1) =h(w2)) = =0) +P(h1(a) h1(b) =2L1). Because h1is independent, P(h1(a)h1(b) =0) = c)P(h1(b) =c) Moreover, P(h1(a)h1(b) =2L1)>0. Thus, we have that P(h(w1) = h(w2))>1=2Lwhich contradicts pairwise inde- pendence. Second, if Bis even, a similar argument shows P(h(w3) =h(w4))> 1=2L, where =h(b;a)) = P(Bh1(a) +h1(a) 2L) =2L1)>1=2L. Hence, as long as we consider strings of length n>1 and an alphabet Scontaining at least two distinct characters, we can find two strings with a collision probability greater than 1 =2Lwhether Bis even or odd. A weaker condition than pairwise independence is 2-universality: a family is 2- universal if P(h(x1) As a consequence of this proof, is not even results also hold for any Integer-Division hash where the modulo is by an even number, not necessarily a power of 2. 6. Generating hash families from polynomials over Galois fields A practical form of hashing using the binary Galois field GF(2) is called by Polynomials and has been attributed to Kubina by Cohen [17]. GF(2) contains only two values (1 and 0) with the addition (and hence subtraction) defined by XOR, a+b=aband the multiplication by AND, ab=a^b. GF(2)[x]is the vector space of all polynomials with coefficients from GF(2). Any integer in binary form (e.g., c=1101) can thus be interpreted as an element of GF (2)[x](e.g., then GF (2)[x]=p(x)can be thought of as GF (2)[x]modulo p(x). As an example, if p(x) =x2, then GF (2)[x]=p(x)is the set of all linear 2: Some irreducible polynomials over GF (2)[x] degree polynomial 10 1 +x3+x10 15 1 +x+x15 20 1 +x3+x20 25 1 +x3+x25 30 1 +x+x4+x6+x30 For instance, x3+x2+x+1=x+1 mod x2since, in GF (2)[x],(x+1) +x2(x+1) = x3+x2+x+1. As a summary, we compute operations over GF p(x)is of de- gree L--as follows: the polynomial aL1 i=0qixiis represented as the L-bit integer or addition of two polynomials is the XOR of their L-bit of a polynomial aL i=0qixiby the monomial xis represented or as p(x) In other words, if the value of the last bit is 1, we merely apply a binary left shift, otherwise, we apply a binary left shift immediately followed by an XOR with the p(x). In either case, we get an L-bit integer. Hence, merely with the XOR operation, the binary left shift, and a way to evaluate the value of the last bit, we can compute all necessary operations over GF a hash function h1over characters taken from some independent h1hash values as polynomials in GF (2)[x]=p(x), and with the condition that degree (p(x))n, we define a hash function as h(a1;a2;;an) Itisrecursive over the sequence h1(ai). The combined hash can be computed by reusing previous hash an+1) =xh(a1;a2;:::; on the choice of the polynomial p(x)we get different hashing G ENERAL and C YCLIC , which are presented in the next two sections. 7. Recursive hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent We can choose p(x)to be an irreducible polynomial of degree Lin GF (2)[x]: an irreducible polynomial cannot be factored into nontrivial polynomials (see Table 2). The resulting hash is called G ENERAL (see Algorithm 3). The main benefit of setting p(x)to be an irreducible polynomial is that GF (2)[x]=p(x)is a field; in particular, it is impossible that p1(x)p2(x) =0 mod p(x)unless either p1(x) =0 or p2(x) =0. The field property allows us to prove that the hash function is pairwise 1 GENERAL is pairwise 3 The recursive G ENERAL family. Require: anL-bit hash function h1overSfrom an independent hash family; an irre- ducible polynomial pof degree Lin GF (2)[x] 1:s empty FIFO structure 2:x 0 (L-bit integer) 3:z 0 (L-bit character cdo 5: append ctos 6: x shift(x) 7: z shiftn(z) 8: x xzh1(c) 9: iflength( s)=nthen 10: yield x 11: remove oldest character yfrom s 12: z h1(y) 13: end if 14:end for 1:function shift 2:input L-bit integer x 3:shift xleft by 1 bit, storing result in an L+1-bit integer x0 4:ifleftmost bit of x0is 1then 5: x0 x0p 6:end if 7:fleftmost bit of x0is thus always 0g 8:return rightmost Lbits of x0 PROOF Ifp(x)is irreducible, then any non-zero an inverse, noted q1(x)since GF (2)[x]=p(x)is a field. Interpret hash values as polynomials we prove that G ENERAL is uniform. In fact, we show a stronger re- sult: P(q1(x)h1(a1) +q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) =y) =1=2Lfor any polyno- mials qiwhere at least one is different from zero. The result follows by induction on the number of non-zero polynomials: it is clearly true where there is a single non-zero polynomial qi(x), since qi(x)h1(ai) =y() it is true up to k1 non-zero polynomials and consider a case where we have knon-zero polynomials. Assume without loss of generality that q1(x)6=0, we have P(q1(x)h1(a1) +q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) =y) =P(h1(a1) qn(x)h1(an))) = ay0P(h1(a1) =y0) the induction argument. Hence the uni- formity result is shown. Consider two distinct sequences a1;a2;:::; anand a0 1;a0 2;:::; a0 n. Write Ha= h(a1;a2;:::; a0 n). We have that P(Ha=y^Ha0=y0) Hence, to prove pairwise independence, it suffices to show that P(Ha=yjHa0=y0) =1=2L.Suppose that ai=a0 jfor some i;j; if not, the result follows since by the of the hashing function h1, the values HaandHa0are independent. Write q(x) then Ha+q(x)Ha0is independent from ai= a0 j(and h1(ai) only hashed values label them h1(b1);:::; h1(bm). The result of the substitution can be qk(x)are polynomials in GF (2)[x]=p(x). All qk(x)are zero if and only if Ha+q(x)Ha0=0 for all values of h1(a1);:::; h1(a0 n)(but notice that the value h1(ai) =h1(a0 j)is irrelevant); in particular, it must be true when h1(ak) =1 and h1(a0 k) =1 for all k, hence (xn++x+1) =0)q(x) =1. Thus, all qk(x)are zero if and only if Ha=Ha0 for all values of h1(a1);:::; h1(a0 n)which only happens if the sequences aanda0are identical. Hence, not all qk(x)are zero. Write Hy0;a0= On the one hand, the condition Ha0=y0can be rewritten as h1(a0 j) =Hy0;a0. On the other hand, independent from h1(a0 j) = h1(ai). Because P(h1(a0 j) = Hy0;a0) of y0and then P(h1(a0 j) =P(h1(a0 j) =Hy0;a0)which implies that h1(a0 j) independent. Hence, we =y+q(x)y0) and by the earlier uniformity result, this last probability is equal to 1 =2L. This con- cludes the proof. 8. Trading memory for speed: RAM-Buffered G G ENERAL --as computed by Algorithm 3--requires O(nL)time per n-gram. Indeed, shifting a value ntimes in GF O(nL)time. How- ever, if we are willing to trade memory usage for speed, we can precompute these shifts. We call the resulting scheme RAM-Buffered G ENERAL . Lemma 2 Pick any p (x)in GF (2)[x]. The degree of p (x)is L. Represent elements polynomials of degree at most L 1. Given any h in GF (2)[x]=p(x). we can compute xnh in O(L) time given an O (L2n)-bit memory buffer. PROOF Write hasaL1 i=0qixi. Divide hinto two parts, so that h=h(1)+h(2). Then The first part, xnh(1)is a polynomial of degree at most L1 since the degree of h(1)is at most L1n. Hence, xnh(1)as an L-bit value is just which can be computed in time O(L). So, only the computation of xnh(2)is possibly more expensive than O(L)time, but h(2)has only nterms as a polynomial (since the first Lnterms are always zero). Hence, if we precompute xnh(2)for all 2npossible values of h(2), and store them in an array with O(L)time look-ups, we can compute xnhas an L-bit value nis large, this precomputation requires excessive space and Fortunately, we can trade back some speed for memory. Consider the proof of Lemma 2. Instead of precomputing the shifts of all 2npossible values of h(2)using an array of 2nentries, we can further divide h(2)intoKparts. For simplicity, assume that the integer Kdivides n. The Kparts h(2;1);:::; h(2;K)are made of the first n=Kbits, the next n=Kbits and so on. Because we can shift using Karrays of 2n=Kentries. To summarize, we have a time using We implemented the case K=2. 9. Recursive hashing by cyclic polynomials is not even uniform Choosing p(x) =xL+1 for Ln, for any polynomial q(x) =aL1 i=0qixi, we have xiq(x) we have that multiplication by xiis a bitwise rotation, a cyclic left shift--which can be computed in O(L)time. The resulting hash (see Algorithm 4) is called C YCLIC . It requires only O(L)time per hash value. Empirically , Cohen showed that C YCLIC is uniform [17]. In contrast, we show that it is not formally 4 The recursive C YCLIC family. Require: anL-bit hash function h1overSfrom an independent hash family 1:s empty FIFO structure 2:x 0 (L-bit integer) 3:z 0 (L-bit character cdo 5: append ctos 6: rotate xleft by 1 bit 7: rotate zleft by n bits 8: x xzh1(c) 9: iflength( s)=nthen 10: yield x 11: remove oldest character yfrom s 12: z h1(y) 13: end if 14:end for Lemma 3 CYCLIC is not uniform for n even and never 2-universal, and thus never pairwise 3: C YCLIC hash for various values of h1(a)(h(a;a) =xh1(a)+h1(a)mod h(a;a) h(a;a) h(a;a) (first two bits) (last two bits) (first and last bit) 000 000 00 00 00 100 110 11 10 10 010 011 01 11 01 110 101 10 01 11 001 101 10 01 11 101 011 01 11 01 011 110 11 10 10 111 000 00 00 00 PROOF Ifnis even, use the fact that xn1++x+1 is divisible by x+1 to write xn1++x+1= (x+1)r(x)for some polynomial r(x). Clearly, =0 mod xL+1 for any r(x)and so P(h(a1;a1;:::; a1) = 0) =0) =0)P(h1(a1) = 0_h1(a1) =1=2L1. Therefore, C YCLIC is not show C YCLIC is never pairwise independent, consider n=3 (for P(h(a1;a1;a2) =h(a1;a2;a1)) = P((x+1)(h1(a1) +h1(a2)) = 0)P(h1(a1) + h1(a2) =0_h1(a1) +h1(a2) =1=2L1, but 2-universal hash values are equal with probability 1 =2L. The result is shown. Of the four recursive hashing functions investigated by Cohen [17], G ENERAL and CYCLIC were superior both in terms of speed and uniformity, though C YCLIC had a small edge over G ENERAL . For nlarge, the benefits of these recursive hash to the 3-wise independent hash function presented earlier can be look-ups is much more expensive than a single look-up followed by C YCLIC is pairwise independent if you remove n1consecutive bits Because Cohen found empirically that C YCLIC had good uniformity [17], it is rea- sonable to expect C YCLIC to be almost uniform and maybe even almost pairwise in- dependent. To illustrate this intuition, consider Table 3 which shows that while h(a;a) is not uniform ( h(a;a) =001 is impossible), h(a;a)minus any bit is indeed We will prove that this result holds in general. The next lemma and the next theorem show that C YCLIC is quasi-pairwise inde- pendent in the sense that Ln+1 consecutive bits (e.g., the first or last Ln+1 bits) are pairwise independent. In other words, C YCLIC is pairwise independent if we are willing to sacrifice n1 bits. (We say that nbits are consecutive modulo L if the bits are located at indexes imod Lfornconsecutive values of isuch as i=k;k+1;:::; k+n1.) Lemma 4 If q (x)6=0) has degree n <L, thenthe equation q (x)w=ymod xL+1modulo the first n bits3has exactly 2nsolu- tions for all y; more generally, the equation q (x)w=ymod xL+1modulo any consecutive n bits (modulo L) has exactly 2nsolutions for all y. PROOF LetPbe the set of polynomials of degree at most Ln1. Take any p(x)2 P, then q(x)p(x)has degree at most Ln1+n=L1 and thus if q(x)6=0 and p(x)6=0, then q(x)p(x)6=0 mod xL+1. Hence, for any distinct p1;p22Pwe xL+1. To prove the first item, we begin by showing that there is always exactly one solution in P. Consider that there are 2Lnpolynomials p(x)inP, and that all values q(x)p(x)are distinct. Suppose there are p1;p22Psuch that xL+1 modulo the first nbits, then q(x)(p1p2)is a polynomial of degree at most n1 while p1p2is a polynomial of degree at most Ln1 and q(x)is a polynomial of degree n, thus p1p2=0. (If p1p26=0 then degree (q(x)(p1p2)mod xL+1)degree (q(x)) = n, a contradiction.) Hence, all p(x)inPare mapped to distinct values modulo the first nbits, and since there are 2Ln such distinct values, the result is shown. Any polynomial of degree L1 can be decomposed into the form z(x)is a polynomial of degree at most n1 and p(x)2P. By the for distinct +p2)must be distinct modulo the first nbits. In other words, the equation q(x)(xLnz(x) +p) =y modulo the first nbits has exactly one solution p2Pfor any z(x)and since there z(x)of degree at most n1, then q(x)w=y(modulo the first nbits) must have 2nsolutions. To prove the second item, choose jand use the first item to find any xL+1 modulo the first nbits. j. Then wxLjis a solution to q(x)w= ymod xL+1 modulo the bits in positions j;j+1;:::; j+n1 mod L. We have the following corollary to Lemma 4. Corollary 1 If w is chosen uniformly at random in GF (2)[x]=(xL+1), then P (q(x)w= ymod n1bits) =1=2Ln+1where the n1bits are consecutive (modulo L). Theorem 1 Consider the L-bit CYCLIC n-gram hash family. Pick any n 1consecu- tive bit locations, then remove these bits from all hash values. The resulting L n+1- bit hash family is pairwise We show P(q1(x)h1(a1) + q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) = ymod n1 bits ) =1=2Ln+1for any polynomials qiwhere at least one is different from zero. It is true when there is a single non-zero polynomial qi(x)by Corollary 1. Suppose it is true up to k1 non-zero polynomials and consider a case where we 3By equality modulo hsome specified set of bit positions i, we mean that the two quantities are with exceptions permitted only at the specified positions. For our polynomials, equality modulo the first nbit positions implies the difference of the two polynomials has degree at most n1.have knon-zero polynomials. Assume without loss of generality that q1(x)6=0, we have P(q1(x)h1(a1) +q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) = ymod n1 bits ) = P(q1(x)h1(a1) = yq2(x)h1(a2)  qn(x)h1(an)mod n1 bits ) = yy0mod n1 bits )P(q2(x)h1(a2) ++qn(x)h1(an) = y0mod n1 bits ) the induction argument, where the sum is over 2Ln+1values of y0. Hence the uniformity result is shown. Consider two distinct sequences a1;a2;:::; anand a0 1;a0 2;:::; a0 n. Write Ha= h(a1;a2;:::; a0 n). To prove pairwise independence, it suf- fices to show that P(Ha=ymod n1 bitsjHa0=y0mod n1 bits ) =1=2Ln+1. Sup- pose that ai=a0 jfor some i;j; if not, the result follows by the (full) independence of the hashing function h1. Using Lemma 4, find q(x)such that n1 bits, then Ha+q(x)Ha0mod n1 bits is independent from ai=a0 j(and h1(ai) =h1(a0 j)). The hashed values now relabelled as h1(b1);:::; h1(bm). Write n1 bits where qk(x) are polynomials in GF all qk(x)are zero). As in the proof of Lemma 1, we have that Ha0=y0mod n1 bits and bits are n1 bm) =1=2Ln+1 by Corollary 1 since Ha0=ycan be written as r(x)h1(a0 j) polynomials r(x);r1(x);:::; rm(x). Hence, we have P(Ha=ymod n1 bitsjHa0=y0mod n1 bits n1 bitsjHa0=y0mod n1 bits n1 bits =y+q(x)y0mod n1 bits ) and by the earlier uniformity result, this last probability is equal to 1 =2Ln+1. 11. Experimental of p(x), computing hash values has complexity W(L). For G ENERAL and C YCLIC , we require Ln. Hence, the computation of their hash values is in W(n). For moderate values of Landn, this analysis is pessimistic because CPUs can process 32- or 64-bit words in one operation. To assess their real-world performance, the various hashing algorithms5were writ- ten in C++. We compiled them with the GNU GCC 4.0.1 compiler on an Apple Mac- Book with two Intel Core 2 Duo processors (2.4 GHz) and 4 GiB of RAM. The -O3 compiler flag was used since it provided slightly better performance for all algorithms. All hash values are stored using 32-bit integers, irrespective of the number of bits used. 4We use the shorthand notation P(f(x;y) =cjx;y) =bto mean P(f(x;y) =cjx=z1;y=z2) =bfor all values of . 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14time Karp-RabinFigure 1: Wall-clock running time to hash all n-grams in the King James Bible All hashing functions generate 19-bit hash values, except for C YCLIC which gen- erates 19+ n-bit hash values. We had C YCLIC generate more bits to compensate for the fact that it is only pairwise independent after removal of n1 consecutive bits. For GENERAL , we used the polynomial p(x) =x19+x5+x2+x+1 [25]. For we used the ID37 family. The character hash-values are stored in an array for fast look-up. We report wall-clock time in Fig. 1 for hashing the n-grams of the King James Bible [20] which contains 4.3 million ASCII characters. C YCLIC is twice as fast as GENERAL . As expected, the running time of the non-recursive hash function (3-wise) grows linearly with n: for n=5, 3-wise is already seven times slower than C YCLIC . Speed-wise, Randomized Karp-Rabin (ID37) is the clear winner, being nearly twice as fast as C YCLIC . The performance of C YCLIC and ID37 is oblivious to nin this test. The RAM-Buffered G ENERAL timings are--as of n, but they are twice as large as the C YCLIC timings. We do not show the modified version of RAM-Buffered G ENERAL that uses two precomputed arrays instead of a single one. It was approximately 30% slower than ordinary RAM-Buffered G ENERAL , even up to n=25. However, its RAM usage was 3 orders of magnitude smaller: from 135 MB down to 25 kB. Overall, we cannot recommend RAM-Buffered G ENERAL or its mod- ification considering that (1) its memory usage grows as 2nand (2) it is slower than CYCLIC . 12. speed and pairwise independence, we recommend C YCLIC --after dis- carding n1 consecutive bits. If we require only uniformity, Randomized is twice as work is supported by NSERC grants 155967, 261437 and by FQRNT grant 112381. The authors are grateful to the anonymous reviewers for their significant J. D. Cohen, algorithm for full-text large-dictionary string matching using n-gram hashing, Information Processing and Management 34 (4) (1998) 443-464. [2] J. D. 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Daniel Lemire
Daniel Lemire and Owen Kaser
Recursive n-gram hashing is pairwise independent, at best
See software at https://github.com/lemire/rollinghashcpp
Computer Speech & Language 24(4): 698-710 (2010)
cs.DB cs.CL
Many applications use sequences of n consecutive symbols (n-grams). Hashing these n-grams can be a performance bottleneck. For more speed, recursive hash families compute hash values by updating previous values. We prove that recursive hash families cannot be more than pairwise independent. While hashing by irreducible polynomials is pairwise independent, our implementations either run in time O(n) or use an exponential amount of memory. As a more scalable alternative, we make hashing by cyclic polynomials pairwise independent by ignoring n-1 bits. Experimentally, we show that hashing by cyclic polynomials is is twice as fast as hashing by irreducible polynomials. We also show that randomized Karp-Rabin hash families are not pairwise independent.
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[ [ "Lemire", "Daniel", "" ], [ "Kaser", "Owen", "" ] ]
"maximal subgroups which give rise to irred ucible supercuspidal of GL n(F) were identified by Car(...TRUNCATED)
Amritanshu Prasad
Anne-Marie Aubert, Uri Onn, Amritanshu Prasad, Alexander Stasinski
On Cuspidal Representations of General Linear Groups over Discrete Valuation Rings
20 pages (revised)
Israel Journal of Mathematics, volume 175, page 391-420, 2010
math.RT math.NT
" We define a new notion of cuspidality for representations of $\\GL_n$ over a\nfinite quotient $\\(...TRUNCATED)
[{"version":"v1","created":"Fri, 1 Jun 2007 03:32:59 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 25 Dec 20(...TRUNCATED)
"u,vRhave parities p(u),p(v). We define the supercommutator of (1.3) and extend this operation to t(...TRUNCATED)
Yurii A. Neretin
Yuri Neretin
"Gauss--Berezin integral operators and spinors over supergroups\n $\\mathrm{OSp}(2p|2q)$, and Lagra(...TRUNCATED)
60pp, extended version, typos are corrected
math.RT math-ph math.MP
" We obtain explicit formulas for the spinor representation $\\rho$ of the real\northosymplectic su(...TRUNCATED)
[{"version":"v1","created":"Wed, 4 Jul 2007 10:41:32 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Tue, 8 Apr 200(...TRUNCATED)
[ [ "Neretin", "Yuri", "" ] ]
"Limit shapes and the largest part in the minimal difference pa rtitions 2 1. statistics [1, 2, 3, (...TRUNCATED)
Sanjib Sabhapandit
Alain Comtet, Satya N. Majumdar, Stephane Ouvry and Sanjib Sabhapandit
"Integer partitions and exclusion statistics: Limit shapes and the\n largest part of Young diagrams(...TRUNCATED)
12 pages, 4 figures (minor typo corrected)
J. Stat. Mech. (2007) P10001
cond-mat.stat-mech math-ph math.CO math.MP
" We compute the limit shapes of the Young diagrams of the minimal difference\n$p$ partitions and p(...TRUNCATED)
[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 16 Jul 2007 12:47:11 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 8 Oct 20(...TRUNCATED)
[["Comtet","Alain",""],["Majumdar","Satya N.",""],["Ouvry","Stephane",""],["Sabhapandit","Sanjib",""(...TRUNCATED)
" (2) and it does not matter which of the two forms is used. However, integrals of the two forms ove(...TRUNCATED)
Jerrold Franklin
Jerrold Franklin
The nature of electromagnetic energy
An Introduction has been added
" The nature of electromagnetic energy for general charge and current\ndistributions is analyzed. W(...TRUNCATED)
[{"version":"v1","created":"Mon, 23 Jul 2007 17:48:36 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Mon, 3 Sep 20(...TRUNCATED)
[ [ "Franklin", "Jerrold", "" ] ]
"A. the framework should be generalized to includ e both commutative (bosonic) (fermionic) variabl(...TRUNCATED)
Ashkbiz Danehkar PhD
A. Danehkar
On the Cohomological Derivation of Yang-Mills Theory in the Antifield Formalism
19 pages, few typos corrected, final version
JHEP Grav.Cosmol.3:368-387,2017
" We present a brief review of the cohomological solutions of self-coupling\ninteractions of the fi(...TRUNCATED)
[{"version":"v1","created":"Thu, 26 Jul 2007 23:17:11 GMT"},{"version":"v2","created":"Fri, 10 Aug 2(...TRUNCATED)
[ [ "Danehkar", "A.", "" ] ]

Dataset Card for ArXiv-CC0

Waifu to catch your attention.

Dataset Details

Dataset Description

ArXiv CC0 is a cleaned dataset of a raw scrape of arXiv using the latest metadata from January 2024. Filtering to a total amount of tokens of ~2.77B (llama-2-7b-chat-tokenizer) / ~2.43B (RWKV Tokenizer) from primarily English language.

  • Curated by: M8than
  • Funded by: Recursal.ai
  • Shared by: M8than
  • Language(s) (NLP): Primarily English
  • License: cc-by-sa-4.0

Dataset Sources

Processing and Filtering

The entries are filtered down to CC0 only, so these are all public domain. The PDF's have their text pulled from them (not via OCR, the text is embedded). The documents are then run through a filtering and text transformation process within our pipeline to produce readable outputs, filtering out excessive newlines or spaces and also converting to markdown.

How to run the scripts:

  • Download the metadata json file from kaggle
  • Run process_metadata_PDFs.py (after adjusting the variables at the top)
  • Run filter.py (after adjusting the variables at the top)

Data Splits

  • final
    • Contains chunked final jsonl files.

Recursal's Vision

To make AI accessible to everyone, regardless of language, or economical status

This is the collective goal of the RWKV Open Source foundation and Recursal AI, the commercial entity who backs it.

We believe that AI should not be controlled by a select few individual organization. And that it should be made accessible regardless if you are rich or poor, or a native speaker of english.

About RWKV

RWKV is an Open Source, non profit group, under the linux foundation. Focused on developing the RWKV AI architecture, in accordence to our vision.

The RWKV architecture scales efficiently and economically. As an RNN & Transformer hybrid, it is able to provide the performance similar to leading transformer models, while having the compute and energy efficiency of an RNN based architecture.

You can find out more about the project, and latest models, at the following

About Recursal AI

Recursal AI, is the commercial entity built to provide support for RWKV model development and users, while providing commercial services via its public cloud, or private-cloud / on-premise offerings.

As part of our vision. Our commitment, is to ensure open source development and access to the best foundational AI models and datasets.

The following dataset/models provided here, is part of that commitment.

You can find out more about recursal AI here

Dataset Curators

M8than. (If something is wrong, @m8than on discord.)

Licensing Information

This release contains only CC-Zero ArXiv content.

Recursal Waifus (The banner image) are licensed under CC-BY-SA. They do not represent the related websites in any official capacity unless otherwise or announced by the website. You may use them as a banner image. However, you must always link back to the dataset.

Citation Information

  title         = {arXiv-CC0-v0.5},
  author        = {M8than, recursal.ai},
  year          = {2024},
  howpublished  = {\url{https://huggingface.co/datasets/recursal/arXiv-CC0-v0.5}},
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