audioduration (s)
one seven one zero nine eight two three two six seven zero eight five four three eight six seven nine five
four two nine six three one seven four nine five six five one one three si four six zero
a large number of people everyone wakes up i jump out of bed its got two purple noses my favourite animal is an take off your coat there is a mouse
were li were eating icecream hes a champion youre in the bathroom
a noisy street its time to say goodbye i like red flowers i its three oclock its my favourite position animals are in the forest the shop has computer games
write the answers here the big glass of milk a qua a quarter to six
this was easy for us pam gives driving driving lessons on thursdays they all like long hot showers he ate four extra eggs for breakfast we welcome many studen
many students many new students each year pardon we welcome many new studnets each year few people live to be a hundred
orange juice tastes funny after toothpaste please shorten this skirt for joyce carl lives in a lie lively home
a lone star shone in the early evening sky
five two four seven five nine one oh one oh one zero one six two six
two zero ze er two seven two seven three six six zero four four eight four three four one eight
nine nine zero five eight three
birthday cake go over the bridge he comes from england i can hear voices i like casual wear the princess is beautiful
touch your foot black coffee with sugar the guards are jumping here is our lunch yeah pardon
here is our lunch
draw a blue pencil sharpener i brush my hair its got big ears my my bear is purple shes running there are six dogs two people
next to the toy shop sit on your chair it lives in europe
kid tree dog water cup car book get man girl sister day time noise town boat new there february
champion cham cham cham champion year pet telephone king
baby body finger summer animal drink jump beach table wrong drive fruit horse window station brother bath noise television sport
one seven one zero nine eight two three two six seven zero eight five four three eight six seven nine five
four two nine six three one three four nine five six five one one three four six zero
people everyone wakes up i jump out of bed it got it got two its got two purple noses my favourite
animal is the owl take off your you your you coat there is a mouse were get were eating icecream hes a champion youre in the bathroom
its time to say goodbye i like red flowers its three oclock its my favourite po huh
po ision animals are in the forest the shop has computer games write the answers here a big glass of milk a quarter to six
help celebrate your brothers success did s did sean catch that big goo goose without help
what is the by the ironing board the chair the taxi cab broke down and caused a traffic jam straw hates are are out of fashion
this year they all a enjoy ice cream sun sundaes
l laugh dance and sing if fortune smiles upon you just drop notes in a sug session in any suggestion suggestion box
a huge power cut rarely o occurs my ideal morn morning begins with hot coffee
five two four seven five nine one oh one one zero one six two six two zero two seven two seven
three six six zero four four eight four three four one eight nine nine o zero five eight three
birthday cake go over the bridge he comes from england i can hear voices i like casual wear the princess is beautiful touch your foot black coffee with sugar the guards are jumping
here here is our lunch
draw a bue blue pencil sharpener a brush my hair its got big ears my bear is purple shes running there are six dogs two people
next to the toy shop sit on your chair it lives in europe
kid tree dog water cup car book get man girl sister day time noise town boat new
there february champion year pet telephone king
baby body finger summer animal drink jump beach table wrong dive drive fruit horse window station brother bath
nose television sport
five two four seven five nine one zero one six two six two zero two seven two seven three six six zero four four eight four three
four one eight nine nine zero five eight three
one seven one zero nine eight two three two six seven zero eight five four three eight six seven nine five four two nine six three one
three four nine five six five one one three four six zero
a birthday cake go over the bridge he comes from england i can hear voices i like casual wear the princess is beautiful touch your foot black coffee with sugar the guards are jumping here is our lunch
draw a blue pencil sharpener i brush my hair its got big ears my bear is purple shes running there are six dogs two people next to the toy shop sit on your chair it lives in europe
a large number of people everyone wakes up i jump out of bed its got two purple noses my favourite animal is the owl take off you coat there is a mouse were eating ice cream hes a champion youre in the bathroom
a noisy street its time to say goodbye i like red flowers its three oclock its my favourite person animals are in the forest the shop has computer games write the answers here a big glass of milk a quarter to six
the thinker is a famous sculpture bobs gold bracelet was a graduation present she slipped and sprained her ankle on the steep slope rob sat by the pond and sketched the stray geese
may i order an apricot mousse after i have eaten dinner the high security prison was surrounded by barbed wire the cranberry bog gets very pretty in autumn steve collects rare and novel coins
its hard to tell an original from a for forgery the avalanche triggered a minor earthquake puree some fruit before preparing the skewered meat
the bonnet of the jeep was steaming in the hot sun children can consume many fruit tarts in one sitting who authorised the unlimited expense account reading in poor light gives you eyestrain project development was proceeding too slowly
bob found more claims at the rock pools edge trespassing is forbidden and subject to penalty military personnel are expected to ovey obey covered government orders
those answers will be straight forward if you think them through carefully first irish youngsters eat fresh kippers for
kid tree dog water cup car book get man girl sister day time noise
town boat new there february champion year pet telephone king baby body finger summer
animal drink jump beach table wrong drive fruit horse window station brother bath nose
television sport
one seven one zero nine eight six seven zero eight five four
three eight six seven nine five four two nine undefined six three one three four nine five six five one one
three four six zero
a large number of people everyone wakes up i jump ab out of bed its got two
purple noses my favourite animal is the owl take off you coat there there is a mouse we eating ice cream hes a champion
youre in the bathroom
noisy street its time to say goodbye i like red flowers its three oclock its ti my favourite
position animals are in the forest the shop is com pu has computer games write the answer here
big a big glass of milk a quarter to six
he will allow a rare lie michael coloured the bedroom wall with cran crayons its healthier to cook
without sugar he a huge power cut really rarely occurs just drop
notes in any suggestion box chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic romantic undefined romantic gift
good service should be reward by big tips a large household needs lots of
re pliance undefined pliances the best way to learn i is to solve extra problems combline
undefined all the ingredients in a large bowl
five two four seven five nine one zero one six two six two zero two seven two zero
three six six zero four four eight four three four one eight nine nine zero five eight three
a birthday cake go over the bridge he comes from england i can hear voices i um like cas
casual casual wear the princess is beautiful touch your foot black coffee with sugar the guards
are jumping here is our lunch
draw a blue s pencil sharpener um i brush my hair its a its got big ears my bear is purple
she undefined shes running theres are s six dogs there are six dogs two people next to the the s toy shop sit
in on your chair it lives in europe
kid tree dog water cup car book get man girl sister day ne time noise town boat new there february
champion year pet telephone king baby body finger summer animal drink jump beach
table wrong dive fruit oh drive fruit horse window station brother bath noise
television and sport nose television and sport
five two four seven five nine one zero one six two six two zero two seven two seven three six six zero four four eight four three four one eight nine nine zero five eight three
a birthday cake go over the bridge he comes from england i can hear voices i like casual wear the princess is beautiful touch your foot black coffee with sugar the guards are jumping here is our lunch
one seven one zero nine eight two three two six seven zero eight five four three eight six seven nine five four two nine six three one three four nine five six five one one three four six zero
draw a blue pencil sharpener i brush my hair its got big ears my bear is purple shes running there are six dogs two people next to the toy shop sit on your chair it lives in europe
a large number of people everyone wakes up i jump out of bed its got two purple noses my favourite animal is the owl take off your coat there is a mouse were eating ice cream he is a champion
youre in the bathroom hes a champion youre in the bathroom
a noisy street its time to say goodbye i like red flowers its three oclock its my favourite position animals are in the forest the shop has computer games write the answers here a big glass of milk a quarter to six
he will allow a rare lie michael coloured the bedroom wall with crayons its healthier to cook without sugar a huge power cut rarely occurs just drop notes in any suggestion box chocolate and roses never fail as a romantic gift
good service should be rewarded by big tips a large household needs lots of appliances the best way to learn is to solve extra problems combine all the ingredients in a large bowl
of course you can have another tunafish sandwich they all enjoy ice cream sundaes they remained lifelong friends and companions a doctor was in the ambulance with the patient do you have the yellow ointment ready if carol comes tomorrow arrange for her to have ing a meeting at two
a chosen few will become generals she always jokes about too much garlic in his food first add milk to the shredded spinach and grated cheese only the best players enjoy popularity
kid tree dog water cup car book get man girl sister day time noise town boat new there february
champion year pet telephone king baby body finger summer animal drink jump beach table wrong drive fruit horse window station

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