(A) Pedigree of individual #1 shows that the variant p.Gly396Val (p.G396V) is de novo. (B) Amino acid sequence alignment of Kv1.1 subunits across several species and human Kv1.2 subunit demonstrates conservation of the Gly396 residue. (C) Nucleotide sequence with heterozygote substitution of G with T (c.1187G>T) in individual #1. (D) Pedigree of individual #2 demonstrates de novo status of the variant. (E) Nucleotide sequence with heterozygote substitution of G with C in individual #2 (c.1186G>C).
Mild coordination impairment was observed during development and she needed logopedic support to improve her speech skills. She had a learning disability and physical examination revealed mildly reduced fine motor skills. EEG repeatedly showed increased non-lateralized theta rhythms.
We document the manifestations of MLIV in multiple members of two Omani families. A novel mutation was detected in the two families at the splice acceptor site c.237+5G>A. An HRM assay for general population screening and future cascade screening in extended family members was established.
More than twenty causative mutations in MCOLN1have been described as underlying MLIV. The majority are deletion or splice site changes . The reported c.237+5G>A in Oman is a novel mutation in a unique population with a high rate of consanguineous marriages.
Blocking operation diagram under TEE. ①:Evaluate the VSD size under TEE and select the appropriate occluder.②:The guide wire passed through the ventricular septal defect through the trocar guided by ultrasound.③:Release the left ventricle occlusion umbrella and pull it close to the left ventricle④:There was no significant residual shunt in the TEE assessment
CT scan of the abdomen with contrast demonstrated an ill-defined complex lesion with a large central hypodense component of fluid attenuation and irregular thick enhancing wall in the AAW in midline in the epigastric region located a few centimeters above umbilicus (Figure 2). It was primarily centered along linea alba with anterior extension into the deep subcutaneous plane and bulging posteriorly. Adjoining AAW showed diffuse fat stranding or edema. The findings were suggestive of abscess formation.
There was no mortality or re-exploration for hemorrhage. None of the patients without distal revascularization developed limb ischemia or amputation. One patient out of three with saphenous vein bypass developed graft thrombosis without limb gangrene and claudication in postoperative follow up. Seroma developed in 3 (20%) patients following surgery which was managed conservatively.
Image diagnosis at the first visit. (a) Cystoscopic findings: A 50‐mm papillary tumor extended from the bladder neck to the left wall. (b) MRI findings: A bladder tumor with no positive indication of muscular invasion was found on the left wall of the bladder.
Pneumocephalus associated with VPS is a rare condition that can develop secondary to a combination of the shunt effect and an anatomical defect at the base of the skull. Excessively negative and persistent intracranial pressure (ICP) exerted by the shunt allows air to enter and fill the existing vacuum through the defect in the skull base .
Preoperative imaging workup of left intrahepatic bile duct calculi and hepatic atrophy A the upper abdominal enhanced CT showing hepatolithiasis with dilatation of right-sided intrahepatic bile ducts (white arrow). B Contrast-enhanced MRI further delineated the anatomy of atrophy of the left lateral lobe of the liver (black arrow)
A 3-month follow-up with clinical evaluation and relevant radiological investigations for 2 years is imperative for EAML. An abdominal ultrasound alternated with a CT scan seems a reasonable option to ensure a good yield of picking up any relapse. Biannual follow-up up to 5 years must be undertaken followed by annual follow-up as is the protocol for most tuberous sclerosis patients.
This case of lethal infection by C. hongkongensis highlights the importance of adapted preemptive antibiotic treatment in cases of severe sepsis. It also underlines the benefit of rapid molecular identification by sequencing (next-generation sequencing or conventional methods) as a complement to routine diagnosis methods such as MALDI-TOF or biochemical identification.
We successfully implemented in our institution a TBI treatment procedure based on a patient's specific full‐body CT image and volumetric treatment planning in a commercial treatment planning system (Varian Eclipse v13.6) commissioned for standard SSD treatments.
Further observation and management for all the patients were performed in the hospital. Broad-spectrum antibiotic prophylaxis was administered in the perioperative period. A post-interventional enhanced CT scan was performed to confirm the embolization area 2–3 weeks after the PSE.
An 84-year-old woman had right hip pain after fall down injury. (A) Pelvis anteroposterior radiograph shows intertrochanteric fracture with obvious osteoporosis. (B) Postoperative radiographic shows she received a HA and the greater trochanter fixed with proximal humeral locking plate. HA = hemiarthroplasty.
The prospective study setup including the radiation dose measurements for scattered radiation to potential eye lens. The dog was in dorsal recumbency with the head to the left supported by a foam cushion. Hind limbs were fixed with tape. The dosimeter was placed 44 cm from the dog simulating the location of the eyes of the restrainer.
Routine diagnosis was based on patient history and direct endoscopic nasal examination. CBCT scans of the paranasal sinuses were acquired during the recruitment phase to evaluate the status of the paranasal sinuses. The diagnosis of rhinosinusitis was based on the criteria of EPOS1.
Figures before and after bone grafting at the focus during the surgery (a). The focus was debrided through the oval cortical window on the anterior patella. Multiple partitions of the focus were removed and the cartilage surface of the patella was complete (b). Autologous bone was grafted at the focus and filled the latter well
The patient was placed in the dorsal elevated position at 15–30° and tilted 15° to the left to expose the omentum majus. The omentum majus was incised where the transverse colon was pre-resected. The hepatic flexure was dissociated to the right until reaching the white line of Toldt (the tissue was dissociated in or out of the gastro-omental vascular arch according to the location of the tumour: tissue was dissociated out of the arch without dissecting the No. 6 lymph nodes when the tumour was located at the ileocecum or ascending colon and in the arch close to the gastric wall; the No. 6 lymph nodes were dissected when the tumour was located at the hepatic flexure or transverse colon near the hepatic flexure) (Fig. 3).Fig. 3Dissociating the hepatic flexure to the right
The aorta and renal arteries were permeable with no atherosclerotic plaques. Both the renal vein and inferior vena cava were permeable. Transthoracic and transesophageal echocardiography showed neither intracardiac nor valvular prosthesis thrombus or endocarditis vegetation. The estimated left ventricular ejection fraction was 38% with elevated left ventricular filling pressure. The systolic pulmonary arterial pressure was approximately 46 mmHg.
We have reported a case of congenital teratoma arising from the hard palate in a newborn girl. This report aims to show that diagnosis and successful surgical treatment of such a rare case are possible in a low-resource environment. It therefore contributes to the existing literature on management of giant epignathus.
A 1-day-old female African newborn weighing 3500 g was referred for management of a large oral mass that protruded from the mouth and caused maxillary protrusion and flattening of the nose. The patient was having difficulty breathing (Fig. 1).Fig. 1One-day-old female baby with an oropharyngeal mass
Slit-lamp photo showed multifocal patches of iris atrophy temporally (blue arrows) and nasally (yellow arrow) at presentation (a). The areas of atrophy enlarged with increased pigment deposition at follow-up (b). These areas are readily visualized as diffuse transillumination defects with retroillumination (i.e. orange/red reflex off the retinal surface) which is visualized through the atrophic iris stroma and epithelium (c). A T2 FLAIR magnetic resonance image after the patient’s stroke showed lacunar infarcts within the right thalamus (d)
Follow up transthoracic echocardiogram at 5 days later of end-diastolic and end-systolic phase. Full recovery with normalized ejection fraction and no regional wall motion abnormality are observed. a Parasternal long axis view of end-diastolic (upper) and end-systolic phase (lower). b Apical four chamber view of end-diastolic (upper) and end-systolic phase (lower)
Additional file 1. Initial echocardiography exam: parasternal long axis view showing mid-ventricular and apical akinesia with basal hyperkinesia. Additional file 2. Initial echocardiography exam: apical four chamber view showing mid-ventricular and apical akinesia with basal hyperkinesia. Additional file 3. Follow up echocardiography exam: parasternal long axis view showing full recovery with no regional wall motion abnormality. Additional file 4. Follow up echocardiography exam: apical four chamber view showing full recovery with no regional wall motion abnormality.
An 18 year-old male professional French horn player born with bilateral amelia of the upper extremities was investigated. He is pushing the valves of his instrument with the toes of his dominant left foot. He started playing French horn at the age of six. He successfully managed all daily living activities with his feet and was capable of 8 toe writing on a special computer keyboard. He could dress and undress with his feet with the help of a small mechanical device. He held a regular highschool degree. He did not show any phantom pain or any other pain related to the different organization of his body and brain. No neurological or psychiatric disorder was present.
The previously isolated ileal segment is now detubularized along the antimesenteric border with a harmonic scalpel*. This allows for a reduction in operative time by reducing the bleeding. Stay sutures are placed at the proximal and distal ends of the ileal patch to prevent torsion of the mesentery.
The patient did not have any additional bleeding at the surgical site. There were no clinical signs of GI or retroperitoneal bleeds. The low haptoglobin level indicated intravascular hemorrhage. The positive DCT and the improvement in hemoglobin following cessation of ceftriaxone therapy supported our diagnosis.
Images reveal arachnoid granulation in a 51-year-old woman with headache. (A) MRV shows stenosis on RTS with left occlusion/ hypoplasia; (B) T1w black-blood image shows an oval arachnoid granulation that is isointense to brain parenchyma; (C) T1w black-blood contrast-enhanced image shows a an oval arachnoid granulation and an enhanced dural venous sinus wall; (D) T1w contrast-enhanced image shows a moth-eaten filling defect.
Images reveal intra-sinus brain herniation in 46-year-old woman with headache and blurred vision. (A) MRV shows occlusion/ hypoplasia on LTS with normal RTS; (B) T1w black-blood image shows a small herniation of cerebellum parenchyma with surrounding CSF into RTS that was isointense on T1w; (C) T1w black-blood contrast-enhanced image shows a hyperintense margins surrounding the brain herniation; (D) T1w enhanced image shows a focal filling defect.
Panel A: Intraoperative fluoroscopy demonstrating long forceps adjacent to the fractured posterior spline of original S-ROM prosthesis. Panel B: Intraoperative photograph demonstrating fractured remains of original S-ROM femoral prosthesis after the complete removal from the patient’s femur. Panel C: Full-length photograph of reverse curette used for fractured spline removal
Three pregnant women were treated with paromomycin in a study from India . The drug regimen was administered at 11 mg/kg/day (base) by deep gluteal intramuscular injection once daily for 21 consecutive days . All three babies were described as being healthy at birth.
Chest CT scans. (A) CT before immunotherapy. (B) CT revealed a partial response after four months of immunotherapy. (C) CT revealed disease progression after acquired resistance of immunotherapy. (D) CT revealed an abscopal effect after one month of local ablation.
3. During the internal evaluation of the manuscript we have noted in the Methods section that one patient experienced a subdural hematoma. Please provide further clarification regarding whether this was a direct result of the exercise intervention. Please provide details regarding any treatment which the participant received.
3. During the internal evaluation of the manuscript we have noted in the Methods section that one patient experienced a subdural hematoma. Please provide further clarification regarding whether this was a direct result of the exercise intervention. Please provide details regarding any treatment which the participant received.
The patient had a past medical history of obesity and asymptomatic bradycardia first reported several years prior to presentation. He recently had been diagnosed with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (EF) a few weeks prior at a neighboring hospital.
The patient's condition improved without signs of gastrointestinal bleeding. EGD was repeated showing a complete resolution of the black esophagus and some stricture at the lower part which is a complication of the necrosis. The patient was discharged in a good condition but remained on HD for the following two years.
Computed tomography (CT) of the abdomen was performed during the workup to determine the cause of the significant weight loss. The CT of the abdomen revealed a 6.4x6.9x9.8 cm enhanced arterial phase mass with contrast washout on the venous and delayed phase of the right adrenal gland with hepatic involvement at the posterior right lobe segments 6 and 7) (Figure 1).
Echocardiography revealed global hypokinesia with left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) 28% which suggested cardiomyopathy. Assessments of the functional status of the adrenal mass were performed. The 24-hr urine metanephrine and normetanephrine were significantly elevated (Table 1).
The resected tumor from the right adrenal gland measured 9x8x7 cm. Microscopic examination of the right adrenal mass showed nested tumor cells (zellballen) with a large and polygonal appearance. The tumor cells contained abundant fine granular red-purple cytoplasm with pleomorphism of the nuclei and prominent nucleoli (Figure 3).
All patients were followed clinically and radiographically at different intervals beginning at 3 months postoperatively with follow up radiological examination repeated every 3 months for the first 2 years and then every 4-6 months until the 5th year and then yearly depending on the status of the disease.
Several critical surgical instruments used in LHH were shown in Fig. 1. Patients should be placed in the supine position. Three surgeons including one primary surgeon and two assistants were needed. The primary surgeon stood on the left side of the patient. Carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum was set at 10–14 mmHg. LHH was routinely performed with a four-port method. The observation port was placed above the umbilicus (10 mm); the main operating port was put below the xiphoid process (12 mm) and on the right collarbone midline (12 mm); and the assistant port was put on the right axillary frontline (5 mm). Fig. 1Some critical surgical instruments used in laparoscopic hemihepatectomy (LHH). A Harmonic scalpel (HS). B Laparoscopic Peng’s multifunction operative dissector (LPMOD). C Liver parenchyma transection was started with HS. D Liver parenchyma is crushed and divided by LPMOD combined with HS and intrahepatic ducts and vessels were observed
The immediate postoperative period was uneventful and the infant was able to maintain normal oxygen saturation on room air. Repeat CXR displayed a flattened hemidiaphragm on the right side. After successful management the infant was discharged and was symptom‐free at his 3‐month follow‐up appointment. CXR was repeated and was unremarkable showing adequate inflation of bilateral lungs and flattened diaphragm.
Ages ranged from 4 to 18 years. Most of the patients were from 14 to 18 years except two patients aged 4 and 5 years. Seven patients were females and five patients were males with a female to male ratio of 1.4:1. PIOC was found in the mandible in seven cases and in the maxilla in five cases. There were nine cases in the right side and two cases in the left side. Swelling was observed in eleven patients. Four patients complained of pain. Intermittent bleeding accompanied two of four patients.
Pre-operative imaging. a Enhanced CT showing periosteal reaction at the buccal side. b MRI showing diffuse enhancement of soft tissue at the adjacent buccal area. c PET-CT showing a soft tissue lesion at the right premolar lesion. d Bone scintigraphy showing increased uptake in the right mandible
Clinical response and immune microenvironment dynamics for HCC patients during neoantigen vaccination and follow up. A Clinical event timeline and corresponding imaging of patient N22. Take the first dose of neoantigen vaccine as day 1. B Hematoxylin-eosin staining and Immunohistochemical staining of CD8 and granzyme B in primary tumor and recurrent tumor. C The mutation allele frequencies of treated neoantigen mutations in DNA level and RNA level between primary tumor and recurrent tumor. D The clonal structure dynamics between primary tumor and recurrent tumor. The asterisk indicated as neoantigen mutation. E Immunophenoscore diagrams between primary tumor and recurrent tumor. F TCR clone dynamics between primary tumor and recurrent tumor. VAF: variant allele frequency
Consequently we opted for a standard-release antipsychotic agent that could be administered subcutaneously. Previous exposure to a phenothiazine antipsychotic had caused severe muscle spasms. Thus subcutaneous levomepromazine was avoided and haloperidol had previously been ineffective. Subcutaneous olanzapine was thus chosen and trialed initially at a dose of 10 mg once a day. This dose was selected based upon manufacturer recommendations8 and supported by a systematic review of 10 studies that demonstrated that negligible further improvement in psychotic symptoms was conferred when doses surpassed 10 mg per day.9
Light micrographs of H & E stained kidney sections from canine kidneys with CKD are shown in Figures-2a-d. The histological structure of the renal cortex (Figures-2a-c) and medulla (Figure-2d) in CKD was revealed. Figure-2 shows the severe progressive degeneration and damage of the renal tubules and the glomeruli.
Comparison of curative effect of patients before and after treatment through image examination. (A) Patient 1 who was diagnosed as the Hodgkin lymphoma has achieved CR and sustained remission for 6 months after PD-1 inhibitor therapy. (B) Patient #5 was also achieved CR after 6 cycles of PD-1 inhibitor therapy and did not progressed by the data cutoff.
One patient from the COVID-19 sample group sustained bilateral NOF fractures which required both a cephalomedullary femoral nail and DHS fixation during one operative case and one general anesthetic. One patient from the pre-COVID-19 sample also sustained bilateral NOF fractures requiring two unipolar hip hemiarthroplasty procedures during the same operative case/anesthetic.
Diagnostic biopsies (1.0 x 1.0 x 0.3 cm) were performed under general anaesthesia that determined cellular uniform spindle cells infiltrating the nasal mucosa with focal ulceration in keeping with an SFT. Table 1 summarises our immunohistochemistry testing for tumour characterisation.
Sagittal view of the left (a) and right (b) VA of a female patient. a The left VA (red arrow) originates directly from the AOA and enters through the transverse foramen of C5 (white arrow). b The right VA took origin from the right subclavian artery (yellow arrow) and ascends through the transverse foramen of C4 vertebra (green arrow). The blue arrow shows single medial loop at the V1 segment (color figure online)
We present a case of a 34‐year‐old symptomatic male whose radiological imaging and histological examination revealed a rosette‐forming glioneuronal tumor of the fourth ventricle (RGNT). Two months following radical resection of the tumor the patient succumbed due to postoperative complications.
Case 5: a dilated IVC. b Hepatic vein Doppler with retrograde S wave. c Portal vein Doppler with 100% pulsatility. d PSAX view of the heart with D-shaped left-ventricle. e CW Doppler at the tricuspid valve showing tricuspid regurgitation. d Mobile clot seen in the left femoral vein
Previous cases of patellar tendon rupture in patients with OI have been managed successfully with both traditional and augmented repair techniques. Ogilvie-Harris and Khazim reported two cases of unilateral patellar tendon rupture in patients with OI type I treated with a standard repair using suture anchors. Abnormalities in type 1 collagen resulted in diminished tendon strength and subsequent rupture. Both patients experienced functional improvement: one patient had full ROM at six months and the other a full return to sports at two years .
All four psychiatrists who evaluated him (two board-certified in child and adolescent psychiatry) recommended emergent ECT. The team educated his mother (sole guardian) on risks and benefits of ECT treatment and alternative options; she gave consent. He could not assent due to intellectual disability and mental state.
(a) Cystoscopy revealing a papillary tumor at the patient’s first visit. (b) CECT revealing multiple bladder tumors at the patient’s first visit (arrowhead). (c) Cystoscopy at the TURBT after BCG revealing a nodular tumor. (d) CECT revealing the closed left pelvic lymph node metastasis 17 months after the patient's first visit (arrowhead). (e) CECT revealing para‐aortic lymph node metastasis (1.6 × 1.1 cm) 23 months after the first visit (arrowhead). (f) CECT revealing complete remission of para‐aortic lymph node metastasis (1.3 × 1.1 cm) 44 months after the first visit (arrowhead)
Bone marrow aspiration was performed on day 3. (A) NASD-CAE staining showed the lack of erythroid precursors (40 × 10) and the presence of granulocytes (black arrows) in a mature state. (B) CD42b staining showed the normal count of megakaryocytes (10 × 10).
Figure 320 years follow up records. A) Intraoral views 20 years after the end of treatment showing good stability of occlusion. B) Serial tomography reconstruction by CBCT 20 years after the treatment showing reshaping of condyles. C) MRI 20 years treatment closed and open mouth shows anterior disc displacement bilaterally.
20 years follow up records. A) Intraoral views 20 years after the end of treatment showing good stability of occlusion. B) Serial tomography reconstruction by CBCT 20 years after the treatment showing reshaping of condyles. C) MRI 20 years treatment closed and open mouth shows anterior disc displacement bilaterally.
CBCT does not show any phenomenon of condylar erosion but rather the maintenance of the shape and position reached at the end of the orthodontic-prosthetic rehabilitation. The intra-articular space remained physiological as well as the condyle-glenoid fossa relationship. MRI shows the reduction of disc dislocation during masticatory function although it remains slightly anteriorized (Fig. 3).
The patient axiographic tracings before treatment showed a serious deformation of the left condyle with anterior disk displacement without reduction. Post orthodontic treatment checks showed acondylar morphology improvement and the disappearance of the majority of TMD symptoms.
Post-operative findings. Post-operative picture of the excised part of the tumor showing 15 × 11 cm2 lobulated mass containing solid and cystic component with areas of necrosis and necrotic fluid with encapsulated well vascularized adhering to the surrounding structure extending deep up to ligamentum flavum but no encasing it (A). Post-operative picture of the posterior thorax showing the tumor base after wide en-block excision of the tumor (B).
De novo c.892C>T (p.Arg298Trp) missense change in NACC1. (A) Pedigree of the family. A heterozygous missense was detected in the proband but not the parents. (B) Sanger validation of the missense variant in the proband and parents. Arrow indicates the site of the variant.
Left atrial wall musculature was seen at the base of the cavity. We excised the native AV. A 24-mm aortic mechanical valve was implanted in the aortic position with continuous suture technique. The healed abscess cavity was directly obliterated by including it in the suture line and plicated along with the sewing ring of the prosthetic valve (Figure 8).
This case had a healed abscess detected incidentally and a similar case was reported once by Datt et al. where they detected on intraoperative TEE where two healed abscesses were noted. The first was at the NCC-LCC commissure and the other on top of the right coronary cusp. The patient had AV (25 mm mechanical valve) and ascending aorta (26 mm Dacron graft) replacement under standard CPB technique .
The left atrial musculature was seen on the floor of our abscess cavity. This shows that on the progression of the abscess it would have developed into a ruptured sinus of valsalva (RSOV) into the left atrium. RSOV rupturing into the left atrium is itself an extremely rare presentation.
The proband presented with a two-year history of bilateral progressive visual loss and was diagnosed with macular dystrophy at 18 years of age. She had an uncorrected visual acuity of 16/200 in her right eye and 20/200 in her left eye. Fundus photographs showed macular degeneration with discrete and large confluent macular drusen (Figure 2). She had normal mental and motor abilities and denied histories of seizures and myoclonus.
A brain CT scan was performed showing an intracerebral hemorrhage associated with intra ventricular hemorrhage (Fig. 2).Fig. 2Axial non contrast brain computed tomography demonstrating a large parietal hyperdense hemorrhage measuring 40 × 15mm surrounded by a small area of peri-lesional edema with compression of the homolateral lateral ventricle associated with an intra ventricular hemorrhage.Fig. 2
Axial non contrast brain computed tomography demonstrating a large parietal hyperdense hemorrhage measuring 40 × 15mm surrounded by a small area of peri-lesional edema with compression of the homolateral lateral ventricle associated with an intra ventricular hemorrhage.
Our two case reports show that chemotherapy can be administered during SARS-CoV-2 infection. Decision about systemic treatment in SARS-CoV-2-positive patients should be made by multidisciplinary team after consideration of all treatment options and risks of chemotherapy. The development of symptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection (COVID-19 disease) during chemotherapy has to be taken into account in pandemic era.
Histological and immunobiological images of liver biopsy specimen from a pulmonary neuroendocrine tumor G3. A Hematoxylin and eosin staining: solid tumor tissue infiltrating the liver. B Ki67 staining revealing a Ki67 index of 35%. C No abnormal expression of p53 showing only few tumor cells with weak staining. D Retained expression of nuclear retinoblastoma 1
She was diagnosed with OSA following polysomnography (PSG) in 2019. This was a split night study where the second half of the night involved PAP titration to find optimum pressure to control the OSA. The results from this diagnostic test were as follows (Table 1):
The download report indicated that the patient was developing treatment-emergent central apnea on top of her OSA. This was most likely due to the use of opioids. Pressure changes were done to decrease the inspiratory PAP pressures to avoid further aerophagia and reduce events of central apnea. Her settings were brought down to 15/11 cmH2O.
We present three cases of women with bipolar affective disorder who were treated in our specialized outpatient clinics at the University Hospital of Würzburg and Frankfurt. Those women were treated with long-acting lithium carbonate during pregnancy and breastfeeding and we collected the clinical data from mothers as well as babies during the first months after birth. The patients gave written consent for publishing their cases and/or were participating in the therapeutic drug monitoring breastmilk and gave informed written consent for this. The study protocol was approved by the ethics committee of the University Hospital of Frankfurt (votum no. 136/17).
Amyloidosis is a category of rare diseases that result from deposition of abnormally folded proteins into organs. Light chain amyloidosis (AL) and transthyretin amyloidosis (ATTR) are the most common forms in the United States. The diagnosis of AL amyloidosis involves establishing the presence of monoclonal protein. Cardiologists evaluating patients with concern for cardiac amyloidosis should be familiar with the concepts behind testing for monoclonal proteins. We use a case to illustrate our approach to screening for monoclonal gammopathies in patients with suspected amyloidosis and how identification of a monoclonal gammopathy changes our diagnostic approach for such patients.
A descending pyelography in a patient admitted for OA secondary to cervical cancer derived by bilateral percutaneous nephrostomy showing a clear stop in the passage of the contrast agent to the pelvic level making it impossible to raise the double-J stent.
Surgery should ideally be both curative and safe. This case study confirmed that the combination of three-dimensional localization and ICG fluorescence guidance was helpful in accurately localizing each nodule detected on preoperative imaging and safely resecting nearly 100 lung metastases. These techniques should be considered the first option for safer and more reliable resections of multiple lung metastases.
Slit-lamp and meibomian gland infrared photography. a A slit lamp showed meibomian gland obstruction and yellow discharge of the left upper eyelid. b Meibomian gland infrared photography showed partial meibomian gland loss of the left upper eyelid. c A slit lamp showed meibomian gland obstruction and yellow discharge from the right upper eyelid. d Meibomian gland infrared photography showed partial meibomian gland loss of the right upper eyelid
Additional file 4. Obstetric VSI Sweep of a Third Trimester Fetus. An example of a sagittal sweep from the maternal right anterior superior iliac spine to the maternal left anterior superior iliac spine with the inferior aspect of the ultrasound transducer at the maternal pubic symphysis. The sweep shows a singleton third-trimester fetus in breech presentation. Placenta is not visualized in the lower uterine segment or near the internal cervical os. The amniotic fluid volume is grossly normal.
The study was conducted with approval from the IRBs of the University of Michigan (UM) and the University of Iowa (UI). We identified a case of T cell VRL in a 63-year-old male who underwent therapeutic vitrectomy. Vitreous samples were genomically analyzed at the UM Kellogg Eye Center and Pathology Department. Clinicopathological information was obtained from the clinical archive.
This article describes the treatment of gummy smile in a patient with subnasal depression. The periodontal surgical intervention proposed consisted of performing a procedure to fill the subnasal depression with PMMA cement. This article describes a digital approach to plan the use of PMMA cement in lip repositioning.
CLN2 clinical rating scale (CLN2 CRS) in patient 1 (bullets) and patient 2 (boxes) during two years of treatment with cerliponase alfa. Closed bullets/boxes represent total sum score of all four domains and open bullets/boxes represent the sum score of the motor and language domain
Patients with optic neuritis typically present with acute unilateral loss of vision usually in association with impaired color vision. We describe a case of a young lady of 25 years of age who presented with acute onset of blurred vision in the upper visual field with no subjective changes either in visual acuity or color vision. Humphry’s visual field plot confirmed the presence of superior altitudinal scotoma in the affected eye. The local and systemic investigations suggested the idiopathic nature of acute optic neuritis. Our case therefore aims to illustrate an unusual scenario of subjective blurring in the superior visual field from altitudinal scotoma as a presenting feature of acute unilateral idiopathic optic neuritis.
Fig. 1a Head CT scan: venous sinus thrombosis at admission; b pelvic MRI scan: pelvic recurrence two and a half months post hysterectomy: recurrent tumour; c pelvic MRI scan: pelvic recurrence five months post hysterectomy; d lung CT scan: lung metastasis five months post hysterectomy
a Head CT scan: venous sinus thrombosis at admission; b pelvic MRI scan: pelvic recurrence two and a half months post hysterectomy: recurrent tumour; c pelvic MRI scan: pelvic recurrence five months post hysterectomy; d lung CT scan: lung metastasis five months post hysterectomy
None of our patients had:previous HL and/or tinnitus;previous ear pathology and/or otologic surgery;cerebello-pontine angle pathology or congenital ear malformations;use of ototoxic drugs ;head and/or neck trauma or barotrauma within the last 3 months.
A further OP/NP swab tested negative on 9 December. The same day she underwent a complete audiological assessment. PTA revealed moderate SNHL at 125-250-500 Hz (average 50 dB HL) and mid frequencies (35 dB HL at 1000 Hz). Acufenometry showed a continuous right-sided 750 Hz 5 dB SL tinnitus; the THI scored 42 (grade 3). She did not complain about vertigo or dizziness; the DHI scored 0.
Clinical approach to the determination of the axis orbital plane. The individual hinge axis and the right palpable infraorbital rim were indicated with metal markers on the patient’s skin before a cephalometric radiograph was obtained. Square and triangular markers were used to distinguish between left and right side
Pre- and postoperative images of a skeletal class III patient. As shown in in Figs. 3–7 the surgery plan was a two-jaw procedure with a maxillary asymmetric advancement and posterior impaction. The lower jaw was a symmetrically set up and back. Upper row: Preoperative occlusion. Second row: Planned occlusion in Meshmixer. Third row: Four weeks postoperative with removable splint and class III elastics. Lower row: Occlusal situation at the appointment for plate removal six month after surgery
A female patient presented with reduced vision following injury when she was 2 years old. Vision in the affected eye was counting fingers at 1 m. The cornea was conjunctivalised and vascularised with a superior scar and few SPKs centrally with a region of clear inferior cornea. IOP was assessed to be normal digitally and B-scan was normal. The corneal thickness in the right eye was 630 µm.
There were no adverse events noted. There was partial recurrence of LSCD. The vision improved substantially from counting fingers to 20/400 but was limited because of the stromal scar and recurrent LSCD. The donor eye was normal with no signs of deficiency.
This single-center retrospective chart review showed fewer cardiopulmonary complications and shorter lengths of stay with the minimally invasive approach compared to the standard open surgery for anterolateral spine exposures. The authors suggest that the use of this minimally invasive approach continues to be used and refined in the field of spine exposure.
Improving communication with the child care centre allowed Mother 2 to reduce the amount of expressed breastmilk she was providing and noted an improvement in her mental health once she was able to replace her lunchtime expressing session with a walk outdoors.
CT analysis of a young female Egyptian mummy. Panel a. shows an anterior frontal Volume Rendering (VR) view of the mummy’s head and trunk. Panel b. shows a postero-lateral VR view of the skull with visible enlarged type 2 EOP (arrows). Panel c. shows EOP measurement (1.87 cm3) which corresponds to the 85th percentile of 2019 values for young women with EOP enlargement.
“I was supposed to pick the patient from his home for medical review and the family members soaked all his clothes in water so that he fails to get what to wear while going to the medical centre. This was done with the intention of denying the patient medical attention so that he dies so fast to save themselves from financial burden. This act was annoying. I had to reschedule the Doctors’ appointment and decided to embark on educating family caregivers about the importance of letting their elderly family members age gracefully.” (28-yearold female formal caregiver with 4 years’ experience providing care).
Central nucleus stimulation in Subject 2 produced generally positive responses except at higher voltages. Right CeA stimulation in Subject 1 produced generally negative responses except at 2 V. The left CeA was not stimulated in Subject 1 due to preceding negative responses with left dorsal BLA stimulation.
Patient was started on azithromycin 500 mg daily and hydroxychloroquine 400 mg twice a day. Baseline electrocardiogram showed a QTc < 470 and remained normal for duration of treatment. Hydroxychloroquine was decreased to 200mg twice a day on day two as per protocol.
The patient was enrolled in a regular supportive peri-implant/periodontal therapy consisting of supra- and submucosal biofilm removal at the treated implants using titanium or carbon fibre curettes and ultrasonic devices and professional prophylaxis at residual teeth in association with oral hygiene reinforcement. Recall visits were scheduled every 3 months for the first year and twice a year thereafter.
(a) Skin punch biopsy from the right upper back plaque (H&E). (b) There is a diffuse superficial dermal infiltrate of epithelioid histiocytes without well-formed granulomas. Foamy cytoplasm was seen in only a portion of the histiocytes (H&E). (c) Fite-positive bacilli were observed within the inflammatory infiltrate (Fite stain).