A small sample size carries the limitation of this case series. The sensory dermatomal coverage was also not checked as well as combined nerve blockade technique needs to be assessed for motor blockade more objectively. This is a case series; we suggest further randomised controlled studies in future for a better understanding and usefulness of combining these two regional blocks for patients undergoing hip surgery.
Recovery of hydroxychloroquine retinopathy in an eye with early retinopathy following drug cessation. Optical coherence tomography (right) images indicate a decrease in the length of photoreceptor defects (indicated by arrowheads). This partial recovery is also remarkable in fundus autofluorescence (left) in the parafovea (arrowhead). (Reprinted with permission from Ahn et al. Ophthalmology. 2021; 128:889-898).
Cycle 2 was administered two weeks later with a desensitization protocol. Desensitization involves administering the drug at increasing concentrations and infusion rates with set time intervals to allow those with an anaphylactic allergy to receive the medication safely (Table 1) . The patient tolerated the desensitization protocol for Cycle 2 and has since completed up to 5 cycles using desensitization without issue.
Parathyroid US was performed using a high-frequency linear transducer with the patient in a supine position and a hyperextended neck. Cross-sectional and longitudinal images of the neck and from the level of the carotid bifurcation to the superior mediastinum have been performed by an expert radiologist. Hypoechoic nodules of parathyroid location and echo structure different from that of a lymph node were considered positive on cervical ultrasound. The size and location of suspected parathyroid glands were also reported.
The cryotherapy procedure was completed successfully in all patients and required approximately 1 h of operating time. No serious intra‐operative complications occurred. All men were discharged as planned a few hours postoperatively. No bleeding or septic episodes were encountered.
Left ovarian venogram demonstrating left ovarian vein (LOV) dilatation with dilated pelvic and para uterine veins. The left ovarian vein was treated with 3% STS and coil embolization. The right ovarian vein (ROV) did not appear dilated and was treated with coil embolization
The revision surgery for reconstruction of keratinized mucosa around the implant with subsequent muscular reposition and free gingival graft was proposed as a therapeutic remedy for patients with discomfort or peri-implant soft-tissue-related pain due to impaction with the healing abutment. The decision to perform the procedure was established not sooner than 2 months in order to assess the biological capacity of the peri-implant soft tissue to adapt to the newly created conditions (Figure 3).
Features of scleroderma: (A) microscopic inspection revealed epidermal atrophy and thickened collagen bundles within the papillary and reticular dermis (hematoxylin and eosin ×200). Dermatological exam after the diagnosis of primary anorectal melanoma: (B) initial morphea lesion on patient’s trunk (before biopsy) and (C) localized lesion on patient’s cubital fossa.
A 74-year-old female was admitted to Anyang Tumor Hospital with a one month history of progressive dysphagia. Clinical T2N0M0 stage (2) squamous cell carcinoma was diagnosed by upper gastrointestinal endoscopic ultrasonography and computed tomography (CT). Physical examination and laboratory data didn’t reveal abnormal findings.
The case of a 62-year-old male patient seeking a better retention of his partial removable denture in the maxilla is presented. His medical history contained an atrial fibrillation and a cardiac arrhythmia. The routine medication was composed of rivaroxaban 20 mg daily. There were no allergies.
(A) The isolated/small groups of atypical neoplastic cells were present in the epidermis (×200). (B) The cells showed pale clear cytoplasm and large hyperchromatic nuclei (×400). (C) The hair follicle was involved by the tumor cells (×200). (D) Positive staining of EMA was displayed (×200). (E) Nuclear staining for CDX2 was shown (×100). (F) Positivity of CK20 was evident (×100). (G) Negative staining for GCDFP-15 was shown (×100). (H)The Ki67-labeling index reached 60% in the most concentrated spot (×200). EMA = epithelial membrane antigen.
A portion of the stomach was sent to the laboratory to determine any significant pathological findings. The surgical pathology report indicated the specimen measured 29.5 cm in length and was between 2.5 and 4.3 cm in diameter. The specimen was opened and revealed hemorrhagic material inside. The rugal folds were prominent. There were no exophytic lesions. Sections were placed in cassettes 1 and 2. The specimen showed Helicobacter pylori gastritis.
(A) Transverse sonogram of an intestinal dehiscence in a dog with termino-terminalis anastomosis obtained with a microconvex probe. Note the mild wall thickening with reduced layering associated with hyperechoic foci (white arrows) coherent with suture material. Hy-perechoic linear interface (withe arrows head) associated with a dirty acoustic shadowing crossing the intestinal wall to free-float in peritoneal cavity is also evident. (B) Transverse sono-gram of an intestinal dehiscence in a dog with termino-terminalis anastomosis and serosal patching (white asterisk) obtained with a linear probe. Note the moderate wall thickening with the prominence of muscular layer. Hyperechoic linear interface (withe arrows head) associated with dirty acoustic shadowing and reverberation crossing the intestinal wall at the level of suture site is also evident. The mesentery around the dehiscence is thickened and hyperechoic.
Transverse sonogram of an intestinal dehiscence in a dog with latero-lateralis anastomosis obtained with a microconvex probe. Note the hypoechoic wall thickening with absent wall layering. Irregular hyperechoic linear interface (white arrows head) associated with dirty acoustic shadowing crossing the intestinal wall and reaching a fluid pocket (white dotted line) is also evident. The mesentery around the intestinal loop appears thickened and hyperechoic.
Additional file 2: Table 1. Patient characteristics and response to CART1. -: no follow-up. ^: CSF detected by flow cytometry indicated that immature cells account for 88.63% of nucleated cells. &: CSF detected by flow cytometry showed white blood cell count 25/mm3 and immature cells account for 84% of nucleated cells. *: The biopsy revealed infiltration of leukemia cells in the testis.
The second patient presented at 6 months of age with Pneumocystis jiroveci pneumonia and mycobacterial infections with subsequent recurrent respiratory and gastrointestinal infections. He also had a left axillar adenitis. He was successfully transplanted at 15 months of age with cryopreserved umbilical cord stem cells from a healthy HLA-identical brother.
The radiographic image of the foot. AP right foot radiograph shows massive ossification centered along the third metatarsal from the toes to the hind foot. Some of the ossified areas have fused together (a). Axial CT of the patient shows ossification on the plantar aspect of the right foot extending between the second and third metatarsals with incorporation of the ossification in the third metatarsal (b). The tridimensional CT scan of the lower extremities reveled the range of the right foot calcifications (c)
GNAS mutations in patients with POH. This schematic represents the GNAS gene: Exons are indicated by boxes with number. Intronic sequences are indicated by solid lines between exons. The box with yellow shade indicates the mutation identified in this case report. Additional file 1: Table 1 did not show all mutations for detail clinical features were lacking. The number of times each variant are showed in the parentheses
Imaging studies were obtained as the patient’s bacteremia and leukocytosis persisted. A CT scan of the chest revealed a splenic mass and bilateral pleural effusions (Figure 1). A CT of the abdomen and pelvis revealed a 13.1 cm subcapsular fluid collection of the spleen with identifiable fluid levels that were new from prior imaging available at our facility two months prior (Figure 2). Interventional radiology was then consulted for fluid drainage. Bloody fluid was appreciated upon drainage and was sent for culture with L. rhamnosus identified.
Pedigree chart with age of the patient and family members in years. Maternal uncle was diagnosed with anaplastic thyroid cancer at the age of 44 years and died from metastatic disease at the age of 45 years. Patient was diagnosed with papillary thyroid carcinoma and B-ALL at the age of 12 years.
The skin and the subcutaneous fascia were reflected to expose the retinaculum and the bursa calcanei. The border of the SDF tendon was visualized through the retinaculum. The retinaculum and the bursa calcanei were incised parallel to the lateral border of the SDF tendon (case 2) or parallel to the medial border of the SDF tendon (cases 1 and 3) and continued proximally to allow separation of the tendon from the gastrocnemius tendon. The SDF tendon was retracted with a Hohmann retractor to expose the fibrocartilage covering the tuberosity and the calcaneal groove.
Approximately 90° of flexion of the stifle and the tarsal joint was performed to tension the gastrocnemius muscle’s mechanism and to provide visualization and protection of the calcaneus tendon insertion. A “trochlear chondroplasty” procedure was performed on the calcaneal grooves to accommodate the SDF tendon by the calcaneal chondroplastic-like technique.
MRI of the cervical spine showing extensive centromedullary T2 weighted image (WI) hypersignal (A) with normal T1 WI signal impairment between the C1–C7 metamers associated with mild swelling at the cervical spinal cord and leptomeningeal enhancement at the lumbosacral level and the cauda equine (B).
Fig. 5Serial Imaging of abdomen; A: CT abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 17.2 × 32.0 mm on July 2018 (Before treatment); B: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 8.2 × 22.2 mm on November 2018 (After 4 months of Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine); C: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 11.9 × 21.4 mm on July 2019 (After 6 months of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole); D: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 9.7 × 19.2 mm on January 2020 (After 12 months of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole); E: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 8.8 × 17.5 mm on July 2021(After 18 months of Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine); F: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 8.2 × 14.6 mm on May 2022 (After 28 months of Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine)
Serial Imaging of abdomen; A: CT abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 17.2 × 32.0 mm on July 2018 (Before treatment); B: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 8.2 × 22.2 mm on November 2018 (After 4 months of Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine); C: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 11.9 × 21.4 mm on July 2019 (After 6 months of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole); D: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 9.7 × 19.2 mm on January 2020 (After 12 months of trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole); E: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 8.8 × 17.5 mm on July 2021(After 18 months of Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine); F: MRI abdomen showed the size of the largest retroperitoneal lymph node was 8.2 × 14.6 mm on May 2022 (After 28 months of Doxycycline and Hydroxychloroquine)
Additional file 1: Supp Figure 1. MRI scans of two APP duplication carriers showing deep microbleeds (orange arrows). A: EXT_814 carrying a 5.7Mb duplication and B: EXT_1516 carrying a 0.95Mb duplication.Additional file 2: Supp Figure 2. MRI scans of three patients from the BES_262 family showing the large heterogeneity of cerebral imaging. A: MRI of 262-001; B: MRI of 262-003; C: MRI of 262-004.
A Corneal topography of the left eye twenty months after ICL implantation showing irregular corneal astigmatism with a nasal D steepening pattern. B Epithelial map of both eyes revealing a normal pattern in the right eye and a nasal focal area of epithelial hyperplasia that was coincident with the area of steepest curvature of the topography in the left eye
The case described in this paper demonstrates how corneal irregular astigmatism can be caused by epithelial hyperplasia and how it can be managed by epithelium removal only. It also highlights the importance of epithelial mapping for diagnosis and management decision-making in this and similar cases.
Selected neuroimaging views from the patient. Axial head computed tomography (CT) (A) demonstrates generalised expansion of the diploic spaces causing secondary narrowing of the optic canals which is fairly symmetrical (arrows). Coronal T1 weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) (B) and axial fat-suppressed T1 weighted MRI (C) show flattening and attenuation of the intracanalicular aspects of the optic nerves bilaterally (arrows)
This unusual presentation of severe unilateral vision loss associated with optic canal hyperostosis secondary to nutritional deficiencies highlights the value of multimodal functional and structural measures in complex nutritional optic neuropathies. Potential optic nerve compression should be considered in the aetiology of nutritional optic neuropathy.
(A) Preoperative T1 MRI with contrast showed the 1.8 cm intact brain metastasis with surrounding edema extending from precentral gyrus to the frontal subcortical white matter with mild mass effect. (B) A postoperative T1 MRI demonstrated postsurgical changes. This postoperative MRI was fused with a CT scan for treatment planning.
The patient was treated with cavity SRS one month after GTR to improve local control . A planning target volume (PTV) of 16.26 cm3 was contoured as the resection cavity plus a 2 mm isometric expansion . The PTV was treated to a prescribed dose of 27 Gy in three fractions to the 73% isodose line (IDL) (Figure 2). The single fraction equivalent dose with an assumed alpha/beta ratio of 10 (SFED10) was 18.19 Gy. The SRS plan achieved a conformity index (CI) of 1.14 and PTV coverage >95%.
The two new enhancing metastases were treated with an additional course of SRS to a prescribed dose of 24 Gy in one fraction each to the 74% IDL. These intact metastases were treated with a 0 mm margin for PTV. The two metastases were treated in a single SRS plan with a CI of 1.26 and 100% PTV coverage (Figure 4). The left parietal lesion PTV was 0.02 cm3; the left superior cerebellar lesion PTV was 0.04 cm3.
This is the first report of retained cardiac projectile missile reported from our country. The peculiarities of patients with retained bullet without symptoms and the controversies in the management remain. Individualized approach to such cases is warranted.
Aggravation of the symptoms could be seen during the follow up with a neck extension muscle strength of 3 on the MRC scale and more significant swallowing difficulties requiring adjustments in food intake. The skin lesions had been present in the year prior to the onset of muscle weakness but could also be detected continuously after.
The presentation of skin symptoms was variable depending on the immunosuppressive treatment. A significant improvement was seen after the start of intravenous immunoglobulin therapy with slight fluctuations depending on the weeks elapsed after the last treatment. The patient received IVIG every 5–6 weeks and slight worsening was seen 1–2 weeks before each treatment in the number of blisters.
A. Ultrasound image shows a thick-walled complex cystic mass at site of palpable lump in the right superior breast at initial presentation. The presence of a thick wall and thick septations are features that indicate BI-RADS 4 characterisation and a biopsy is indicated. B: Mammography identifies a well-defined low density rounded mass in the right upper inner breast. This is medial and is only partially seen on the CC view (arrow). High medial lesions are often difficult to be seen on mammography.
Total volume drained after chronic subdural hematoma (cSDH) evacuation in a prospective cohort of 10 patients. Time point 0 indicates arrival from the operating room to the neurosurgical observation unit (within 1 h after surgery). Termination of lines indicate drain removal. The observations show that most of the drainage occurred within the first five hours after surgery
Such an SDR practice enables the scholars to investigate the electro-neurophysiological characteristics of the ventral and dorsal nerve roots of L2 in a quantitative manner and enriches their understanding of the neurophysiological differences between spinal ventral and dorsal nerves. We present the following article/case in accordance with the STARD reporting checklist.
Kaya reported a case of 1900 gm delivered by caesarian section after a 35-week twin gestation with OEIS complex had sustained staged surgical intervention and was discharged at 29 days.6 Neel reported a 10 years old who had undergone multiple constructive surgeries for the OEIS complex.7 Hence staged surgery should be considered.
Prenatal ultrasonography and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. (A) Ultrasonography showing the presence of a continuous-space lesion measuring 4.4 cm × 3.2 cm with mixed echo in the liver. (B) CDFI detected punctuated blood flow in the mass and a short bar blood flow signal around the nodule. (C) T1-weighted axial MRI showing a well-defined lesion (arrow). (D) T2-weighted coronal MRI demonstrating hypointense in the hyperintense area (arrow). (E) Diffusion-weighted imaging revealing minimal diffusion restriction and partial diffusion restriction (red arrow). (F) T1-weighted axial MRI showing empty vessels around the mass (double arrows) and the inferior vena cava deformation next to the mass (long arrow).
“Present when a COVID 19 patient was talked out of an intubation by a physician she has previously indicated she wanted. It was questionable at the time if she had mental capacity to make that decision. That patient later died. Her family was unable to be there as she passed because of COVID restrictions so I held her hand while she passed.”
“Covid patient in distress for most of day. No medication or inhalers would improve condition. Both RT and I could do nothing. All the while management forcing me to move this patient to another floor to make room for a surgical patient. This was end of second wave. The day was so chaotic and busy… that woman was in distress and didn’t get the care she deserved or needed.”
Arthroscopic the medial patellofemoral ligament (MPFL) reconstruction procedure. a Tear of the MPFL and the capsule was viewed at the patellar attachment (11 o’clock position); b A superomedial capsular window above the synovia plication in the medial gutter was created from inside; c The adductor magnus tendon proximal to the MPFL was exposed through the capsular window; d The proximal insertion of the adductor magnus was separated by a right-angle clamp and a shuttle suture was threaded; e The implanted autograft was introduced under the suture guidance and fixed with a sling around the adductor magnus tendon; f The double-bundle autograft was located at the outer layer of the capsule and fastened to the medial facet of the patella. White arrow: adductor magnus; black arrow: capsure; * autograft; # MPFL
Imaging studies to diagnose intussusception include ultrasonography which can identify features specific to intussusception such as “target” or “doughnut” sign in the transverse view and “pseudo-kidney” sign in the longitudinal view; these findings were present in our case which led us to the diagnosis .
The deceased snail was removed from its shell for dissection. Figure 2A shows the internal organs of the snail (note the extremely enlarged kidney). Histopathology described metabolic kidney disorder with edema and deposition of spherocrystals (purines and purine bases) (Figure 3A).
The patient has given their consent for the case report to be published. Written informed consent was obtained from the patient for publication of this case report and any accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.
We had chosen to add sulfasalazine as a DMARD after 6 months. Oral glucocorticoids were used as a bridging agent for a limited period of time together with the start of sulfasalazine. By using this strategy we were able to significantly improve the clinical status of the four patients identified as partial responders at month 6.
We observed one febrile nonhemolytic transfusion reaction at the first plasmapheresis session of patient 3 (patient finally not-transplanted). Plasmapheresis was stopped immediately and the symptoms resolved within 12 hours. No other adverse events associated with plasmapheresis occurred in any of the patients.
A: Pedicled omentum is sutured to the subcutaneous fatty tissue with slowly absorbable interrupted sutures. B: Vacuum-assisted closure system C: Suction apparatus D: Perineal wound after 3 days of VAC® treatment at 100 mmHg. Note the contracted wound with healthy granulation tissue. F: Perineal wound after 10 days of VAC® treatment at 100 mmHg. Note the contracted wound with healthy granulation tissue.
A: Perineal wound after 3 days of VAC® continuous treatment at 125 mmHg. B: Perineal wound after 8 days of VAC® continuous treatment at 125 mmHg. Note the contracted wound with healthy granulation tissue C: Perineal wound after 12 days of VAC® continuous treatment at 125 mmHg. Note the contracted wound with healthy granulation tissue.
Adv 36 DNA in the adipose tissue of this patient documents that he was infected with this virus. The propensity of Adv 36 to increase visceral adipose tissue in experimentally infected animals suggests that the abnormal adipose tissue deposits within the abdomen and chest cavities and in the subcutaneous spaces of the chest and neck could be caused by Adv 36 infection. He was being treated with replacement corticosteroids but did not have signs of Cushing syndrome.
A 64-year-old Caucasian man was admitted to our hospital with a ten-year-history of a mild diffuse abdominal pain associated with anorexia. He reported no noticeable weight loss or other symptoms. His family history was unremarkable and he had no history of previous abdominal surgery.
A) Female Thelazia callipaeda isolated from patient 4. The posterior end is on the left and the anterior end is on the right (magnification × 200). Scale bar = 500 μm. B) T. callipaeda mature first-stage larvae in the distal uterus (magnification ×100). Scale bar = 30 μm.
The investigation of this Irish family with hypercalcemia led to the diagnosis of FHH and to the identification of a novel mutation in the CaSR gene. We believe that the molecular diagnosis of FHH through DNA sequencing or DHPLC of the CaSR gene is clinically useful in the differential diagnosis of hypercalcemia in elderly patients with multiple comorbidities.
A lady who has been diagnosed to have bipolar disorder has been taking prophylactic lithium for the past 2 years. She has had multiple relapses in the past due to drug discontinuation. She is now 3 months pregnant and has stopped Lithium since 10 days following positive pregnancy test. What do I do in this situation?
I have been treating a 34-year-old woman with schizophrenia who is on 15 mg of Olanzapine and is two months pregnant. She is mildly overweight but is clinically stable for the last one year on this dose. Is it alright for her to continue olanzapine? What precautions can we follow to minimize adverse effects?
A 25-year-old female presents with a history of recurrent depressive disorder and has been taking fluoxetine 20 mg/day. She has come with history of 2 months' amenorrhea with urine pregnancy test being positive. She has been reporting decreased sleep and feels anxious about being on medication and its effects on the infant. She wants to know whether she can stop medication. What would be the appropriate advice?
A 26-year-old woman is diagnosed to be suffering from moderate depression with somatic syndrome for the past 2 months. She is 8 months pregnant and is on sertraline 150 mg per day. The gynecologist asks for an opinion during the 35th week of pregnancy about the possible side effects to be monitored in the infant.
Coronal PD-weighted TSE MRI of a 68-year-old woman. Tibial medial MRI shows a full-thickness defect of the cartilage with denudation of the bone (black arrow). This finding is defined as a grade 4 disorder. Signal heterogeneities within the cartilage at the lateral tibia were documented as a grade 1 cartilage disease (white arrow).
Sagittal PD-weighted TSE MRI of a 41-year-old male. A defect of more than 50% of the cartilage thickness at the medial femoral condyle is visible (white arrow). This finding is defined as grade 3 disease. A grade 2 disorder as a superficial fibrillation or erosion composing less than 50% of the cartilage was noticed at the tibial medial plateau (black arrow).
The patient was diagnosed as having a TSHoma and a decision was made to attempt neurosurgical removal. He was commenced on antithyroid medication (carbimazole) in the interim. Attempts to wean down his carbimazole resulted in an escalation of his symptoms and he was therefore maintained on this until successful trans-sphenoidal excision of his pituitary macroadenoma had been performed.
Case demonstration of a 46-year-old right hand dominant male who sustained a fall from standing onto the right shoulder. Injury X-ray demonstrates an anterior shoulder dislocation (panel A) which was successfully reduced in the emergency department (panel B).
CT scans of the spine and the chest. The sagittal reconstruction of the native CT scan of the spine (A) confirms a compression fracture of the third thoracic vertebra with lytic destructions of posterior margins of both adjacent vertebral bodies (arrow). The axial reconstruction of the contrast enhanced CT scan of the chest (B) suggests a tumorous lesion of the ventral left upper lobe (large arrow) with accompanying mediastinal lymphadenopathy (small arrows).
Only 1 patient (8%) developed grade 3 acute toxicity (abdominal pain and bleeding from gastrojejunal anastomosis) during chemoradiation; this patient required hospitalization for 4 days and termination of radiation therapy before completion of the prescribed course. No other patient developed grade 3-4 acute toxicity or was hospitalized for acute toxicity. Only one patient developed grade 2 acute toxicity (duodenal ulceration and stricture); radiation therapy was stopped early in this patient to prevent progression of the ulcer. The remaining 11 patients completed their prescribed course of radiation therapy.
Esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) was performed and revealed small erosion (6 mm) in the distal esophagus (Figures 1(a) and 1(b)). The rest of the endoscopic examination was normal. Multiple esophageal biopsies were obtained and sent for histopathologic examination.
A 54-year-old man was admitted in the Thoracic and Vascular Surgery Department of our hospital with a 2 cm mass at the upper lobe of the left lung detected on Computed Tomography (CT) scan to undergo complete surgical resection. He had a past medical history of adrenocortical carcinoma (AC) treated surgically with right adrenalectomy and partial hepatectomy en block 2 years ago (Figure 1). He was a mild 3 pack year smoker and a moderate drinker (1/2 kgr wine/day).
Case 1. Right eye OCT revealed retinal thinning of the superior half of the macula as compared to inferior half. Also noteworthy is the preferential loss of inner retinal layers. Both these findings correspond to the level and territory of retinal vascular occlusion
Detection and validation of the chromosome 1q21.1 rearrangements in patient V5. A: Electropherograms showing MLPA peak patterns corresponding to familial analysis of case V5. B: Interphase and metaphase FISH images with 1q21.1 red BAC probes confirm the microduplication (RP11-293J20) and microdeletion (RP11-314N2). A Green probe generated from CTD-2180H16 BAC clone was used as a control probe from same chromosome (1p34.2).
This report of p.P23T CRYGD mutation underlying cerulean cataract in the Saudi population is the second time the association has been described and thus supports causation of the phenotype by the genotype. The finding of the variant in the patient’s brother with coralliform cataract is the third time the p.P23T CRYGD mutation has been associated with coralliform cataract and supports the concept of coralliform and cerulean cataract as forms of variable expressivity rather than distinct entities.
Roughly 70% of adrenal incidentalomas are non-functional. A small group of 5–7% of the functional ones (30%) may exist as pheochromocytomas . We review the literature because our case had no preoperative clinical or laboratory findings and was diagnosed postoperatively with a pathologic investigation.
B. Antrum biopsy section of uninfected antrum from Lima resident. Seen here is uninfected gastric mucosa with columnar epithelial cells (E) and supporting lamina propria (LP) extending down to the start of the muscularis mucosa. The lamina propria of this individual is populated primarily with mesenchymal cells and a few sparse lymphocytes. The stomach antrum contains tightly packed branching tubular glands that open up into irregularly shaped gastric pits (P). The mucus secreting cells of the deep glands play a role in protecting the intestinal mucosa. Note that these glands (G) extend the entirety of the gastric mucosa reaching to the muscularis mucosa at their deepest point. Glandular secretions are seen along the epithelial surface (X).
An epileptic onset within the first 6 months of age predicts a worse paretic and epileptic outcome (Figure 3): the patients were essentially term infants; neuroimaging revealed cortex injuries in most of them; at one year cut off they showed a highly severe epilepsy and CP clinical picture characterized by highly severe CP.
The second case report studies the effect of a manipulative cycle during a period of three months in association with a treatment involving night-time electric stimulations over a period of nine months on a patient with juvenile idiopathic scoliosis. The curvature progressed at a rate of 1.0 degree per month over the previous nine months. The patient's curvature was successfully stopped at 27 degrees and subsequently reversed to 17 degrees in the first three months of therapy.
End-systolic stop frame images and proximal flow-convergence region (A) at rest and during exercise in a patient with chronic inferior myocardial infarction and mitral regurgitation. See text for explanation and comment). From ref . Left: normal. Middle: LV dysfunction. Right: LV dysfunction and remodeling.
Assessment of EGFR gene amplification was performed by fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) testing of the tumor specimen using the EGFR-CEP (chromosome 7 centromere) dual color DNA probe (performed by Genzyme Genetics). This demonstrated that the EGFR gene was not amplified (Figure 4).
Prosthetic joint infections can occur anytime from 7 days to years after the intravesical treatment with BCG. Early presentation of infection could be due to hematogenous dissemination of M. bovis bladder instillation. This has been minimized by delaying treatment for at least 2 weeks after surgical resection of the bladder tumor and by avoiding traumatic catheterization of the bladder .
Results of faecal monitoring are reported in Table 4. In three dogs a second-line treatment was needed because of the persistence of positive results on fecal samples after 12 weeks from treatment beginning (dog 2 and 3) or because a reverse to positive results was registered during monitoring (dog 5). Fenbendazole 25 mg/kg/day for 21 days associated with Im/Mox was used as second-line treatment. In these three dogs a long term monitoring was performed.
Changes of liver stiffness values and CD19+ cell levels at baseline and at three months after the end of treatment in a singol patient. Liver stiffness values (17.6 kPa before treatment vs 13.3 at month 3 after treatment) (panel A) and CD19+ levels (110 × 106 L before treatment vs 0 × 106 L at month 3 after treatment) (panel B).
Pathological findings: the biopsy specimen of the para-aortic lymph node shows necrotizing lymphadenitis with epithelioid cell granulomas. (A) Magnification ×100. (B) Magnification ×400. Arrow shows multinucleated giant cells. (Hematoxylin and eosin stain staining).
Contrast-enhanced computed tomography findings. Abdominal computed tomography shows a low-attenuation mass (arrow) with enhancing rim in the right psoas muscle. A para-aortic lymph node (arrowhead) adjacent to the psoas muscle is enlarged. (A) Axial view; (B) sagittal view.
MR-angiography. Stanford A aortic dissection after surgical repair with graft of ascending aorta. Panel A shows a source image of breath-held 3D gradient recalled echo sequence after contrast injection. Multiplanar reformats in axial orientation (B) at the level of the pulmonary trunk (PT) show a normally perfused ascending aorta graft (aAo) and persistent dissection in descending aorta with true (*) and false (**) lumina. Double oblique reformat (C) shows narrowing at the origin of the left common carotid artery (arrow) and dissection membrane propagating into the left subclavian artery (arrowhead) with perfusion of both lumina.
The nerve conduction studies (NCSs) showed no sensory nerve action potential in radial and sural nerve; motor NCS in tibial and median nerve demonstrated slightly decreased conduction velocities with decreased amplitude of the compound muscle action potential (CMAP). The electromyelography (EMG) of the anterior tibial muscle did not reveal any spontaneous activity. The results pointed to an asymmetrical miscellaneous sensorimotor polyneuropathy with no evidence of a central motor pathways damage.
The final neurological examination showed an improvement in the motor function in all limbs—Medical Research Council Score (MRC) 4/5 for upper extremities and 3/5 for lower extremities. Furthermore the distal hypesthesia of all extremities persisted. The nerve conduction study verified the clinical finding—almost normal amplitudes and amelioration in velocities in motor tracts. The sensory nerve action potential in lower extremities was still absent.
2. The nurse practitioner reports her findings to the palliative care physician and to the family physician (in case the family physician was absent from the patient’s home during the teleconsultation). Further medical treatment and care are discussed with the family physician. This discussion is documented in an electronic patient file.
Median follow-up since enrolment was 78 months (range 18–96). Results are summarised in Table S1. All resistance mutations persisted in plasma HIV-RNA in patient A up to Month 36 (M36) except for mutation K103N and V118I in reverse transcriptase gene that reverted to wild-type. This patient was successfully treated with persistence of resistant mutations in PBMC-HIV-DNA up to the end of follow-up (M78).
Histopathological examination in patients' lesional skin reveals an inflammatory infiltrate in the upper dermis and at the dermo-epidermal junction dominated by neutrophils and eosinophils. These granulocytes form typical papillary microabscesses which then lead to blister formation in these areas (Fig. 14b).
Optic disc and optic disc vessels anomalies have been described in association with DS . Number of retinal vessels crossing the disc optic margin in the patients with DS is increased (40%) when compared to a normal population (6%) . Sherk et al. reported this condition was true whether or not the DS group had congenital heart defects . Parsa et al. reported supranumery optic vessels might indicate reduced systemic angiogenesis in DS . Our case had supranumery retinal vessels in the right eye and a funnel-shaped optic disc with a central glial tuft accordant to MGS.
The gentleman then represented eight months later with recurrence of the previously excised hand swelling but in addition noticed a new painless swelling on the dorsum of his right ankle. Both lesions were functionally asymptomatic and no other systemic symptoms were reported. He was previously well with no past history of other infections.
S. apiospermum in the immunocompetent host is most commonly the result of an inoculation injury. Disseminated infection may rarely follow after near drowning with presumed aspiration of a large inoculum of fungal spores. Localized or disseminated disease is well recognized in the immunocompromised host particularly opportunistic S. apiospermum in patients on immunosuppressive therapy after organ transplantation. Rogasi et al. reported a case of S. apiospermum infection in a renal transplant patient who suffered recurrence of a forearm lesion with subsequent dissemination to the knee and the Achilles tendon.
M. grisea has not been reported to cause disseminated infection and is seen in localised destructive subcutaneous or bone disease. Response to antifungal agents is poor in contrast to S. apiospermum as seen in this case where the foot lesion regressed with voriconazole. Surgery remains the mainstay of treatment for M. grisea.
The physical exam showed an important asymmetry at the expense of the right breast lower area and it was a blackish skin lesion measuring 2 cm in the lower-medial quadrant. The mass was firm and appears to be fixed to the skin. It measures 13 × 12 cm. No axillary lymphadenopathy was palpated. An ultrasound showed a diffuse and ill delimited hyperechogenic infiltration in the inferior portion of the right breast which is hypervascular on doppler sonography. Mammography showed a non specific and diffuse density area of about 12 cm. There was no microcalcification or distortion. The conclusion of radiologist was malign finding (BI-RADS4-5). A core needle biopsy (CNB) was performed and showed non atypical vascular lesion; this was interpreted as a benign capillary hemangioma. This discrepancy between radiological finding and histological results led to the necessity of a macro biopsy.
Ventura et al. recommended that the duration of day-stay general anesthesia for a patient should be between 40 minutes and 180 minutes . The duration of the dental surgery for our patient was 120 minutes and postoperation stay was two days. So the duration for the two-day stay general anesthesia was fully in compliance with the recommendation.
Demonstration of DNA mutations in genomic DNA fragments of LHX3 in German shepherd dwarfs. (A) Partial DNA sequence of exon 5 in dwarf F9 confirms heterozygosity of a trinucleotide insertion (underlined) observed in cDNA from the same dog. (B–D) The site of the insertion and intron 5 are amplified together by PCR with a 6-FAM labeled primer. (B) The normal German shepherd dog B4 displays a single fragment of 240 bp. (C) All dwarfs except F9 are homozygous for the 7 bp deletion in intron 5 as shown by a single fragment of 233 bp as for dwarf B3. (D) The dwarf F9 displays two alleles with either the deletion or the insertion of 3 bp.
One dog on study developed depigmentation and thinning of the footpads in all 4 limbs. This was associated with pain/hypersensitivity when walking. The toceranib was discontinued for 1 week at which time the AE resolved and drug was continued at a lower dose.
A 30-year old female patient was referred to our institution because of a large lung mass of the right upper lobe. The patient complained about increasing dyspnea for 2 months. Her initial physical examination was unremarkable and laboratory tests were all within normal limits. Spirometry revealed a mild restrictive pattern (TLC 88% soll) and reduced diffusion capacity (DLCO-SB 52% soll). CT thorax scan (Figure 1) revealed a huge tumor mass 13.2 × 13.7 × 11 cm in diameter of the right upper lobe of the lung with extensive pleural infiltration and infiltration of the mediastinum.
A 4-cm transverse subumbilical incision was taken to deliver the spleen in the first case. Spleen was delivered through a left subcostal incision in three patients who were converted to open surgery. Five- to eight-centimeter pfannensteil incisions were taken for delivery of spleen in the remaining 22 patients.
The main objective of port placements should be to tackle the splenic pedicle easily. The abdomen of our patient is usually smaller with more acute subcostal angle when compared to from west. We feel that the port placement be planned after examining the inflated abdomen and the splenic size. An enlarged spleen forces the surgeon to be away from the ‘left subcostal’ port placement to avoid instrument congestion as against that described in western literature.
Our case manifested a thickening of nuchal fold of the fetus. The maternal serum screening (AFP + free β-hCG + uE3) showed the risk of fetal DS was 1/110. The following analysis of cell-free DNA in maternal blood turned out to be positive for trisomy 21. FISH analysis of amniotic fluid demonstrated a duplication of 21q22 on the short arm of the chromosome 21. Array-based CGH analysis demonstrated a 11.74 Mb duplication on 21q22.12 → 22.3 (chr21: 36326031–48067924) and a 1.31 Mb duplication on 21q21.3(chr21: 26975925–28285899). These two regions encompass the genes associated with the phenotype and pathopysiology of Down syndrome.
The DNA research protocol was approved by Ethics Committee in Peking Union Medical College Hospital. Written informed consent was obtained from the patients parent/ guardian for publication of this case report and accompanying images. A copy of the written consent is available for review by the Editor-in-Chief of this journal.