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photo: Sea Shepherd/Tim WattersSome 960 kilometers off the coast of Ecuador, the Galapagos Archipelago is famed throughout the world for its unique plant and animal species. Sea Shepherd has always considered the Galapagos one of the world's last untouched wildernesses. But even in this remote part of the world, human encroachment is taking a heavy toll on this fragile eco-system. Sea Shepherd considers Galapagos an ongoing campaign and possibly one of the most important in our history as well as for the survival of the human race. After all, if we can't protect something as unique as the Galapagos Islands, we are doomed as a species. In this short film, produced in 2011, we present to you the work that we have been carrying out in order to assist in the protection of the Galapagos Marine Reserve and the life within it. "Sea Shepherd Galapagos is using an array of tactics to combat illegal fishing and poaching inside the Galapagos National Park. Since 1999 when the National Park Service first invited us to help protect the Galapagos Marine Reserve, our presence has had a major impact. We have assisted in the apprehension of poachers; provided essential equipment to the local authorities to help them improve the results of their work; assisted in the prosecution of poachers and smugglers; started the first ever trained dog unit to detect illegal wildlife smugglers in Latin America and much more. Our work is a constant battle to adapt to the ever-changing poaching and smuggling operations inside the Galapagos Marine Reserve, always trying to stay one step ahead of the criminal elements that are trying to destroy this beautiful place. Galapagos is a true paradise, one of the last remaining on the planet and we continue to do everything we can to protect the endemic species. This short video is a summary of the work we have done over the last five years and continue to do today," said Captain Alex Cornelisson. Director Sea Shepherd Global. Director of Operations Sea Shepherd Galapagos.
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A Ponta da Praia é um bairro da cidade paulista de Santos, no Brasil. Tem como bairros vizinhos o Estuário (separados pela Avenida Affonso Penna) e a Aparecida (pelo Canal 6). A praia da Ponta da Praia é a menor da região. O bairro localiza-se no canais 6 e 7, e tem orla com vista tanto do mar, quanto dos navios que cruzam o canal. Na Avenida Almirante Saldanha da Gama situam-se alguns dos principais clubes da cidade: Internacional, Saldanha da Gama, Regatas Santista e Vasco da Gama, além do Museu de Pesca e o "Deck do Pescador", local frequentado por pescadores e, às vezes, por observadores dos transatlânticos que na alta temporada, época dos cruzeiros marítimos, passam pelo Porto de Santos. Um dos principais pontos turísticos da cidade fica localizado na Ponta da Praia: o Aquário Municipal. O Museu do Mar também é uma importante atração. É uma entidade única no Brasil, de iniciativa privada e sem finalidade lucrativa, tendo como principal objetivo o aperfeiçoamento cultural e intelectual da comunidade pelo estudo sistemático das ciências do mar. Seu acervo é conhecido no mundo inteiro por pesquisadores, institutos oceanográficos e demais instituições congêneres – com os quais mantém a entidade permanente intercâmbio científico -, sendo considerado pela comunidade especializada um dos mais completos e diversificados da América Latina. Na Praça Almirante Gago Coutinho (no fim da Avenida Saldanha da Gama e Avenida dos Portuários) encontra-se o Mercado de Peixes (ponto de referência quando o assunto são os pescados), além da estação de balsas que fazem a ligação ao Guarujá, dia e noite. Ver também Forte Augusto Jardins da orla de Santos Bairros de Santos Praias de Santos
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Unemployment will be over in five years, policy in offing: J&K LG Manoj Sinha By Press Desk on October 31, 2020 Srinagar, Oct 31: Jammu and Kashmir's Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha today said that an employment policy is being framed by the UT administration and in the next five years, unemployment will be over. Speaking to the reporters on the sidelines of a workshop on Youth Engagement and Outreach at SKICC here, the LG Sinha said that today big business houses of the country participated in the workshop and deliberated on what can be done to end the unemployment. "The basic aim of today's workshop was to give proper counselling to the youth. At the government level, we are working on an employment policy and in the next five years, unemployment will be over," the LG said. Director IIM Jammu B S Sahey while speaking at the workshop said that J&K government must encourage voluntary organizations to come forward and widen the ambit of Youth Outreach in J&K. Present on the occasion, Ashok Leyland proposed establishment of rural schools where school dropouts could be admitted to learn skills and trained to deliver in trades which are their areas of interest. A few participants of the workshop also stressed on creating a portal and call centres that are all inclusive providing career related material, awareness and opportunities regarding gaining skills, education and employment. Many participants advocated skill development programs on ground so that the talent among the youth of J&K could be identified and explored simultaneously—(KNO)
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Colleges and Schools> College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences> The Irish Studies Program is an interdisciplinary field of study, offering an undergraduate minor to students interested in studying Ireland along with the worldwide Irish Diaspora and the contemporary integration of Ireland within globalized systems of political economy, international relations, travel and communication. The Irish Studies Minor familiarizes students with a wide range of courses that explore Ireland and develop critical perspectives on its place in history and the contemporary world. Our faculty provides an interdisciplinary approach on a wide range of Irish topics from various fields of inquiry including History, Geography, Digital Media, Religious Studies, Political Science, Environmental Studies, and English. Several study abroad programs offer courses that fulfill requirements towards the minor as well. Students need to complete six program-approved courses to meet the requirements for the Irish Studies Minor. Mary McCain, PhD Director of Irish Studies Professional Lecturer in History, Catholic Studies and Religious Studies Eugene Beiriger, PhD Associate Professor of History James Fairhall, PhD Associate Professor of English State University of New York at Stony Brook Euan Hague, PhD Associate Professor and Chair of Geography Liam J. Heneghan, PhD Professor of Environmental Science University College Dublin (National University of Ireland) Thomas Mockaitis, PhD Professor of History Alex G. Papadopoulos, PhD Associate Professor of Geography Barbara M. Schaffer, MAT Washington University, St. Louis Rachel E. Scott, PhD Associate Professor of Anthropology Erik R. Tillman, PhD Associate Professor of Political Science African and Black Diaspora Studies Applied Diplomacy Art, Media, &​ Design Community Service Studies Critical Ethnic Studies Global Asian Studies History of Art and Architecture Interdisciplinary Self-​Designed Program Islamic World Studies Latin American and Latino Studies Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender Peace, Justice and Conflict Studies Public Policy Studies Refugee and Forced Migration Studies School of Public Service Writing, Rhetoric and Discourse
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Fond memories of my childhood. This is the view of our home, from Cos, the causeway which led from Doorus to Aughnish. The sight of the Martello Tower signalled us to hurry home and not be dallying as we searched for sceanna mhara and other fish and shells. In Autumn, the blackberries were blooming and our fingers and lips were tatooed with the stain of the ripe berries. The sloe bushes were always a delight. Those tart tasting berries were so delicious. In May we would listen to the song of the cuckoo bird, larks, nightingales and swans kept us company. This painting is in oil on canvas and brings to mind beautiful fond memories, as I look at it, I can smell my mother's delicious scones cooling on the windowsill, waiting for us.
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The Wandering Juan AKA Bojo Berida AKA Joshua Berida is a SEO writer by profession but he also dabbles in creative writing and freelance writing. He was born in raised in the PH in the 1980s. After years of sitting around at home and just going straight home after school and work, he decided to wander to unknown places in the Philippines and in other countries as well, with or without a companion. As a newbie traveler, he seeks to learn from his adventures and from the people he encounters. Yes, I just talked about myself in the third person. "To wander is not just to walk around aimlessly. There is certainty and uncertainty in the way he moves forward or steps into new ground." Interesting posts, we share the same passion,travel and adventure.
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In Dior's Pre-Fall 2015 collection, Raf Simons used various materials to create elegance with a futuristic edge. This week, I picked Look 17 to share with you all how to style this trend from the runway to my way. I loved the concept of second skin sequin turtle neck for layering. As you can see, turtlenecks are one of this season's biggest trend and can be easily worn. But with a sequin turtleneck paired with a sweater, shirt or coat will be this season's must have styling. On the runway, models are styled up in colorful platform boots, Princess Leia braids and center thick eye liners. On my way, I paired it with a pair do reflecting sunglasses and a pair of ankle boots to casual up the look. Styling Tips: Instead of wearing heels, a pair of edgy ankle boots will bring a hint of attitude to your futuristic elegance. The knitwear dress is heavy in texture and color, I recommend to keep accessories in a petite size to avoid looking too clumsy. The sequin turtleneck is already your jewelry for this look, I would focus on nail colors instead of jewelries.
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Plac Bohaterów Getta (od ok. 1880 Mały Rynek, 1917–1948 plac Zgody) – plac w Krakowie, w dzielnicy XIII, w Podgórzu. W latach 1941–1943 znajdował się w obrębie getta krakowskiego. Był miejscem koncentracji ludności żydowskiej przed transportem do obozów koncentracyjnych. Pod numerem 18. działała Apteka "Pod Orłem" Tadeusza Pankiewicza, jedynego nieżydowskiego mieszkańca getta. Historia Mały Rynek w Podgórzu Plac pod innymi nazwami funkcjonował w ramach miasta Podgórze. Zarys placu pojawił się w pierwszej połowie XIX wieku na planach katastralnych. Był to wówczas niezabudowany plac ograniczony przez drogi prowadzące do magazynów solnych (obecnie teren między ulicami: Lwowską, Targową i Piwną). Na placu znajdowała się ujeżdżalnia (Reitschule), wykorzystywana przez stacjonujących w pobliżu ułanów. Została prawdopodobnie zlikwidowana pod koniec lat 70. XIX wieku. Od lat 80. XIX wieku plac pełnił funkcję targowiska, na którym początkowo handlowano świniami, a później również bydłem. Wobec postępującej rozbudowy miasta, granice placu uległy regulacji. Zaczęto wznosić nowe budynki, dla których stosowano podwójną numerację – liczbę spisową, będącą numerem nieruchomości w Podgórzu, oraz liczbę orientacyjną, określającą numer budynku na samym placu. Już wówczas plac był zwany "Małym Rynkiem". W ówczesnym czasie na placu istniała przetwórnia cykorii (przy Małym Rynku 7, budynek obecnie nieistniejący), założona w 1880 przez Jakuba Kriegera. Działała do 1895. Prawdopodobnie w budynku o numerze 15 (obecnie nieistniejący) zlokalizowany był warsztat kołodziejski. Właścicielem tego budynku był majster stelmachowski Sobiesław Widerski. W 1891 Honorata Żachrowska otwarła pierwszy sklep na placu pod adresem Mały Rynek 18 (obecnie numer 17; sam budynek nie istnieje, został wyburzony w 2008). Kolejny sklep otworzył Majer Apfelbaum w 1896 pod numerem 7 (budynek obecnie nieistniejący). W późniejszym okresie w obrębie placu działały dwie szynkownie (Mały Rynek 9 – budynek obecnie nie istnieje, oraz Mały Rynek 10 – obecnie ten sam numer), masarnia (Mały Rynek 15 – budynek obecnie nie istnieje), warsztat mechaniczny i pralnia (Mały Rynek 13 – budynek obecnie nie istnieje). W listopadzie 1909 koncesje na prowadzenia apteki pod adresem Mały Rynek 20 (obecnie numer 18) uzyskał Józef Pankiewicz. Wobec szybko zwiększającej się liczby ludności w Podgórzu coraz więcej parcel było przeznaczanych na budowę domów mieszkalnych. Właściciel takiego domu był zobowiązany do urządzenia chodnika przed swoją posesją na całej jej długości. Musiał on mieć szerokość 1,5 metra (przy ulicy Salinarnej – 2 metry) i być zbudowany z "pieńków pruskich" (klocków z drzewa bukowego). Do 1908 zakończono urządzanie chodników wzdłuż całego placu. Ostatnim zbudowanym był odcinek od numeru 7 do ówczesnej ulicy Wąskiej (obecnie ulica Piwna). Stało się to dzięki udziałowi funduszy miejskich. W 1913 otwarto tzw. III Most (obecnie most Powstańców Śląskich), na nim w 1915 oficjalnie ogłoszono połączenie Podgórza z Krakowem. W 1917 została poprowadzona przez niego linia tramwajowa do Rynku Podgórskiego. Plac Zgody Wobec dublowania się nazw krakowskich i podgórskich podjęto decyzję o zmianie nazwy placu. 16 stycznia 1917 Rada Miasta Krakowa zatwierdziła zmianę nazw podgórskich według propozycji Towarzystwa Miłośników Historii i Zabytków Krakowa. Mały Rynek w Podgórzu otrzymał nazwę placu Zgody, nazwa ta odnosiła się prawdopodobnie do porozumienia o połączeniu miast. W kolejnych latach z panoramy placu zniknęła szynkownia pod numerem 10, a lokal pod numerem 9 zmienił nazwę na "Bar Zgoda". Powstał również nowy bar pod numerem 13. W budynku pod numerem 10 otwarto nową masarnię. Dworzec autobusowy "Karpaty" W 1930 decyzją Rady Miasta na terenie placu Zgody powstał dworzec obsługujący linie autobusowe łączące Kraków z miejscowościami podkarpackimi. W latach 1930–1931 wzniesiono budynek dworca projektu Adolfa Siódmaka. Połączeniami zawiadywał Polski Związek Turystyczny. Dworzec na placu Zgody był drugim dworcem autobusowym Krakowa, obok tego, który istniał na placu św. Ducha. Razem obsługiwały około miliona pasażerów rocznie. Ruch autobusowy ustał w 1939 w związku z zarekwirowaniem taboru przez wojsko. W tym miejscu istniała również pętla tramwajowa linii numer 3 łączącej Podgórze z Piaskami Wielkimi. Getto Getto krakowskie zostało utworzone 3 marca 1941 decyzją gubernatora dystryktu krakowskiego – Ottona Wächtera, a sam plac stał się jego centralnym punktem. Wszyscy nieżydowscy mieszkańcy zostali wysiedleni (z wyjątkiem Tadeusza Pankiewicza). W budynku dworca autobusowego mieścił się posterunek granatowej policji. Obok niego znajdował się mur getta, ze zwieńczeniem przypominającym macewy. W murze zlokalizowane było przejście dla pieszych, a także nieco dalej brama wjazdowa na ulicę Lwowską (brama IV). Od strony zjazdu z mostu znajdowała się tablica z napisem po niemiecku i polsku – Żydowska Dzielnica Mieszkaniowa. Pojazdy przejeżdżają bez zatrzymywania się. Wstęp, opuszczanie żydowskiej dzielnicy mieszkaniowej dla ludności żydowskiej, nieżydowskiej, dozwolony jedynie za przepustkami. Przez środek placu biegła ulica będąca przedłużeniem ulicy Targowej do bramy getta, dzieląc plac na dwa trójkąty. Obecnie przebieg tej ulicy jest wyszczególniony przez odpowiednie ułożenie kostki brukowej. Plac był głównym miejscem koncentracji ludności przed wysiedleniem. Ludzi gromadzono w zachodniej części placu; w centralnej części stały ciężarówki na które ładowano zagrabione mienie. Sformowane kolumny przechodziły następnie w kierunku ulicy Salinarnej (dzisiaj ulica Lwowska). Na placu odbyła się pierwsza selekcja w getcie krakowskim, dokonana 4 czerwca 1942. Rozstrzelano podczas niej co najmniej 111 osób. Również na placu miała miejsce ostatnia selekcja, dokonana już podczas likwidacji getta, 13 marca 1943. Zwłoki pomordowanych pochowano w zbiorowej mogile na terenie obozu Płaszów. Do połowy grudnia 1943 trwało sortowanie zagrabionego majątku. Opuszczone domy zostały zasiedlone z przydziału niemieckiego starosty miasta. Na rogu z ul. Targową mieściła się apteka Pod Orłem prowadzona przez Tadeusza Pankiewicza, jedynego aryjczyka, któremu Niemcy zezwoli na zamieszkanie na terenie getta. Przebudowa w 2005 i pomnik W 2005 plac został przebudowany, rozebrano i odbudowano od podstaw budynek dworca autobusowego. Po zakończeniu przebudowy na placu odsłonięto pomnik upamiętniający krakowskie getto i krakowskich Żydów składający się z 70 krzeseł. Inspiracją dla jego twórców, Piotra Lewickiego i Kazimierza Łataka, był opis z książki Tadeusza Pankiewicza Apteka w getcie krakowskim, w którym autor wspominał sprzęty wynoszone na plac podczas akcji opróżniania domów po ostatnich mieszkańcach getta. W 2006 upamiętnienie otrzymało wyróżnienie w kon­kur­sie European Prize for Urban Public Space (Europejskiej Nagrody dla Miejskiej Przestrzeni Publicznej), a w 2011 Gold Award (Złotą Nagrodę) w konkursie Urban Quality Award 2011. Zobacz też Mały Rynek w Krakowie Przypisy Bibliografia Bohaterów Getta Dzielnica XIII Podgórze
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
Have you ever spoken to a "consultant", ie, a business consultant? Their job is to enter a company, observe and talk to people while taking notes of their findings. Only after a few weeks would they offer suggestions. The goal is to improve the way the company does business and help them improve what they do. New Year's Resolutions, on the other hand, do not work that way. We all know the drill about New Year's resolutions; "This year I will ..." and it turns into a distant memory by February... (more on how to avoid that here). I would like to share with you a different approach... innovative? maybe! crazy? I think not. Let us take upon a monthly resolution. "This month I will..." thus, throughout the year, we would have "tasted" different options. We would see what works for us. The way I view it - We can take some small steps to see what we can sensibly add to our lives -making the daily grind more then just living; essentially being alive and adding a deeper dimension to our reality. While there are no services this week at Chabad, take a moment this shabbos and meditate about what YOU can do to ensure that every person in this community is touched to be a better person. Have a great shabbos and we will be thinking of you. I want to take a moment to thank those who have joined the year end campaign - Thank YOU. We couldn't do it without you! Sandy Hook just a few days ago - Friday Morning last week... so fresh in everyone's mind.... as my sister in law posted on facebook on sunday morning "It's going to be tough to send my children to school tomorrow morning!" Until this weekend I had never heard of Noah Pozner, or of his family. But Noah's father, Lenny, has a friend, and the friend had heard of us and called. There isn't much to say to a request like that. I knew why we had been called. It was not only because my husband is a compassionate and caring rabbi, who has brought comfort to so many hurting people. We were being asked to help because as bereaved parents ourselves, several times over, perhaps we had something more to offer—if only to be evidence that it is possible to breathe after the breath has literally been knocked out of you. With much trepidation, I traveled with my husband to the house where the Pozners were. I walked in with a prayer on my lips that whatever we say will bring comfort, and not, G‑d forbid, add to the unbearable burden these people were already carrying. We were brought to a quiet room, away from the hustle and bustle, to speak with Noah's family. I found myself listening to a brokenhearted mother describing her little boy, Noah, one of the first-graders at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, who was the youngest of the victims in the shootings last Friday. Those are, and should remain, private conversations, the kind of conversations that no one should have to have, ever. What I do want to share are some thoughts that came to me as the day wore on. Noah. The themes of the biblical story kept playing in my mind. Noah. Someone described in the Torah as a tzaddik, a righteous person, "complete." All of humanity are considered to be his descendants, bound in a covenant with G‑d, to partner with Him to create a world of peace and harmony, of justice, goodness and kindness. The almost universal symbols of peace, a dove and an olive branch, trace back to Noah and his story. Lenny's friend is not Jewish, but he is passionately committed to the Noahide Code, the covenant that the Torah teaches was entered into by G‑d and Noah after the Flood, a covenant that binds G‑d and Noah's descendants for all time. These universal commandments are the antecedent of any formal religion. The Noahide code is based not on clergy or houses of worship, but on the covenant between the Creator and humanity, the foundation for all human endeavor. Seven principles, seven commandments, that if they were implemented would bring about a virtual utopia of human existence. "Noah loved rainbows," his mother is telling someone. Rainbows! The sign of G‑d's promise never, ever to bring a flood on the whole world again. A symbol of healing, promise, and optimism. We have moved to the high school, where the president is going to meet with each of the families. Governor Malloy and his wife, Cathy, come into the room first. The governor speaks gently with each family member. He embraces my husband warmly, turning to the family—"This is my very good friend." They speak briefly about how we go forward after this overwhelming tragedy. The governor asks my husband to be in touch within the next 24–48 hours. The president enters with no fanfare or even an announcement, and without being told to do so, everyone rises. I am moved to tears watching him with these grief-stricken people. The power of this gesture is immense; he truly does convey the sense that the whole country is mourning alongside these anguished families. The way he bends down to speak with Noah's twin sister, the way he comforts the grandparents and gently joshes the teenage siblings, the way he makes a point of saying, as he did later, that "we will be with you," not just now, but for the long haul. The president met privately with every single family, and took time to speak at length with each bereaved parent. Noah's family did not stay for the vigil; we left the high school with them and the caring, close-knit circle of family and friends that surround them so tightly. On the way home, we listened to the president. I found his speech stirring, and even more than that, heartfelt. There was an authenticity in this speech that one does not often encounter in public life. In my opinion, the speech was simply magnificent. I hope that every classroom in our country will study those words and figure out how to translate them into real life. I hope that adults will hold those same conversations. Most of all, I feel that his words were a call to action to all of us, to access the best within us individually and as a country, to really, truly, once and for all do what has to be done so that our world is a place where things like this can never happen again. To take those words of "never happen again" out of the fairy tales and put them where they can make a difference. Late in the afternoon it hit me: We need a flood! Not, G‑d forbid, a destructive flood—we've had more than enough of that. What we need is a good flood—a flood of kindness, of caring, of compassion, of goodness, of warmth, of benevolence, of support, of reaching out. There are, thank G‑d, enough of us on this planet to make sure that not one human being ever feels lost. We need a flood of connections. Not just the trickles that come from time to time, but everywhere, all the time. We need to be at least as aware of the ecology of human behavior as we are of the ecology of the physical resources of the planet. It has to penetrate all aspects of our world—the worlds of business, the media, education, culture, science, the arts, medicine—we need a flood, a good flood. Every single one of us has to know that we can make a difference, and we need to put serious thought to how we can best do that. "Noah's Flood" could take on a whole new meaning. My husband made a suggestion to the president, that in the effort to draw good from the unfathomable evil that occurred we should offer a "moment of silence"at the beginning of each school day. This "moment of silence" will allow those children who want to pray the opportunity to do so; it will foster discussion between parents and children of the spiritual values they hold dear as a family. This suggestion was first made years ago by the Rebbe, who always held the clear vision of a world perfected by the partnership of G‑d and human beings. And here, Mr. President, if I may respectfully offer one change—no, make that one addition—to your words. Yes, G‑d has taken them home. But now it's time for the rest of us to make sure that G‑d's home is right here on earth; to make sure that we, all of us together, bring heaven down to earth. And Newtown will then forever be known as the place where light triumphed over darkness, the place where the healing of our aching world finally began for real. Ah what a time of year, Chanukah! The smell of Latkes, the cool crisp air, the light of the Menorah shining in the window! And for many - presents! Chanukah is what has become called a minor holiday. Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Passover and Shavout are the major ones with many Biblical obligations and prohibitions making it much like Shabbat. Chanukah and Purim are in a category of their own. We go to work and really but for the unique Mitzvot of the holiday it is very much the same as any other day. In more recent years as the world around us has become more colorful with lights on houses, displays in the lawns, and the endless sales all advertised with the greed, red and white we the Jewish people have embraced some of those gift giving traditions as well. I'm not the preachy type, but perhaps we should look at the special light of the Menorah and the contrast to the vast lights around us particularly during this season. We pride ourselves with the knowledge that our little light represents something far more powerful than all the wattage contained in the many bulbs around us. Well then, perhaps if we looked at the giving tradition of the holiday of Chanukah, we would see its power too. The giving tradition of Chanukah is giving Chanukah Gelt. Not the chocolate type, but real money. For many the tradition was to give gelt once during the Chanukah. The Chabad Rebbes would have a "latke uvent" (latke evening) on the fifth light of Chanukah where their families would gather, eat latkes, and share stories. The Rebbe would give gelt to the family on the evening. Our Rebbe encouraged that we should give Chanukah gelt every night of Chanukah, to all in our immediate sphere of influence, spouses, children and employees. Why the big deal with money? Chanukah means dedication. It represents the rededication of the Temple in Jerusalem that had been desecrated by the Greek Hellenist Armies. The Temple was an edifice made of stone, wood and gold all transformed into objects of holiness. In a similar vein our Jewish lives are about taking the material world around us and dedicating it to holiness. Money itself can often times be overlooked as a means to an end. As the means to purchasing the material which is then transformed into holiness. Chanukah gelt represents taking the actual vehicle and by using it in the act of a Mitzvah or fulfillment of a tradition the money itself becomes holy. Furthermore, we teach the children through this and dedicate them to our Jewish values and tradition. The Rebbe added an element to this. The Rebbe would give two coins, one for the child to give to charity and the other to do as he/she pleased. In this manner the child became owner over the money felt the pride in giving away their money to a worthwhile cause but also benefited from the money. So this Chanukah as we gather around the small but powerful light of our Menorah, let's reignite the tradition that is uniquely ours, the giving of Chanukah gelt! Chanukah is here! Can you believe how fast time flies when you are having fun? Among other themes, Chanukah is a time for gratitude. It is a time for us to give thanks to G-d for the miracle of Chanukah and the freedom that we are privileged to be able to celebrate our heritage. When it comes to giving thanks the question becomes how much are you willing to do to express that thanks. You join someone for dinner, you bring flowers. A good friends birthday you bring a gift. How far are you willing to go to show that thanks? Are you willing to make yourself uncomfortable? Are you willing to give up a good movie, a night out, a baseball game? How much are you willing to challenge yourself to show appreciation? In the story of Chanukah a small band of Maccabees challenged the mighty Greek Syrian Army and miraculously were victorious. Later in the story the Jews found a small flask of oil and although it didn't make sense they lit it with faith in G-d and indeed it burned for 8 days and nights. Do you see a pattern? The Jews broke through every rational comfort zone to do the right thing and G-d responded in kind. So, how far are you willing to go to show gratitude, to be a mentsch, to show appreciation? Are you willing to challenge your comfort zone? Your rational self? How far would you go? Have a good Shabbos - We look forward to seeing you over the weekend!Services? Party for Adults? Community Menorah Lighting?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
TinyScan Pro - The little app that scans everything* Scan documents receipts, photos, gorgeously designed for both phone , just about anything * Lightning fast tablet I. The weather app unlike any you' ve ever seen. Living 3D Earth presents a stunning 3D draw of our planet with weather forecasts and world clock for cities around the world. Download photoshake pro for android. Условные обозначения: ® - для полноценного функционирования программы необходимы права root. 3D Earth Pro - Weather Forecast, Radar & Alerts UK 1. Tiny Scan Pro: PDF Scanner 3.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: How to make compatibility in android app I'm beginner Android Developer. I have built simple android app which use flash from camera. I have built this app for API less then 23 and it was working, but then I change camera library to camera2 and rebuilt app. But my issue - my app is compatible just for about 5k devices. Old version is compatible for about 13K devices. I think I confused with permission or feature. Please give an advice what is wrong. Please see my manifest file below: <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.CAMERA" /> <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.FLASHLIGHT" /> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" /> <uses-feature android:name="" android:required="false" /> <uses-permission android:name=""/> <application...> And build.gradle android { compileSdkVersion 26 buildToolsVersion '25.0.3' defaultConfig { applicationId "com..." minSdkVersion 23 targetSdkVersion 26 versionCode 24 versionName "2.3" } } A: It is simply because the higher the targeted api the less compatible number of devices. If it is just the flashlight then I would keep using the old version, well at least that is what I have done with my flashlight app. Remember to ask permission for sdk 23 and higher. A: minsdkversion must be low. set around 21 to get more device compatible. it supports above lollipop devices if u use 21. A: you can use both the libraries and you can call the method by comparing the version. for your help this the way to achieve this. if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.LOLLIPOP){ // Do something for lollipop and above versions } else{ // do something for phones running an SDK before lollipop }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Schreiben Sie den ersten Kommentar zu "Design and Construction of Solar Operated Blender". This report outlines systematic design of a solar operated blender for use in three communities (Yorogo, Yipaala and Vea) in the Bolgatanga municipality of Ghana that has no electricity and presents the results of calculations of the design parameters as well as the final design of the solar operated blender. The base of the blender is the housing which contains the D.C motor as well as the switch. The individual components of the blender are assembled together and then connected to the solar panel. When the sun rays fall on the solar module it produces a direct current which causes the D.C motor to operate thereby turning the blade of the blender, for the blender to work. The hourly variations of the temperature in these communities is between 11.00 and 15.00 hours local time and this was considered as a good sun hours for the blender since the blender has the ability to grind about 5 grams of tomatoes and other ingredients reasonably and rapidly for almost 2 hours in a day. Also the materials used for the design are readily available in the local market and at a reasonable price,thereby making the design affordable for the people since most of them are low income earners. Joseph Apodi: I am a lecturer in the Department of Agricultural Engineering of BolgatangaPolytechnic, in the Upper East Region of Ghana. I hold Master of Technology Education(M.TECH.) in Mechanical Technology from the University of Education Winneba (UEW). Kommentar zu "Design and Construction of Solar Operated Blender"
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
My regular walking circuit includes, just before the dreaded 132 steps, a flat concrete bridge across a small creek that drains mainly stormwater from the hill behind. It's an uninspiring affair, usually clogged with pine needles and leaves and other vegetable detritus which is overlaid each high tide by junk from the inner harbour which includes a dispiriting amount of plastic. The creek opens onto our only beach, which scarcely deserves the word, since it's more mud than sand and is constantly being colonised by mangroves, which get hoiked out now and then by the Sea Scouts whose hut stands over the water. There are, um, prettier parts to my neighbourhood. But that may change, because this morning there was, head down and hard at work, an Asian man dressed in spotless white shorts and tshirt, busily raking debris out of the bed of the creek. He'd already worked along the scant stretch of sand at the edge of the beach, and made small piles of leaves, pinecones and other untidy things. I was delighted to see such public-spiritedness, even though I imagine he's probably just moved in nearby and is wanting to improve his outlook. I told him what a good job he was doing and that myself, I probably wouldn't have worn white to do such mucky work. He smiled cheerfully but clearly didn't understand much of what I'd said, so I waved and went on my way. Asian people and rakes: such a busy combination. And so effective! If you include brooms and besoms too, there's nothing they can't leave looking better than they found it.In China we saw them scratching away in parks, public monuments, streets and building sites where here we would break out something macho with a motor, or at the very least an electric plug. It's good to be reminded of what people can achieve with simple tools, if there are enough of them - or even one man, if he's persistent. I'll be trotting down that hill tomorrow, to see what he's accomplished.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
package rapture.common.model; import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals; import static org.junit.Assert.assertNotNull; import static; import org.junit.Test; import rapture.common.impl.jackson.JacksonUtil; import rapture.common.version.ApiVersion; public class LoginLoginDataTest { @Test public void testJackson() { String params = "{\"user\":\"rapture\",\"digest\":\"12345\",\"context\":\"afejop-34024-fefw-123-12ref23\"}"; LoginLoginData data = JacksonUtil.objectFromJson(params, LoginLoginData.class); assertNotNull(data); } @Test public void testJacksonClientApiVersion() { String params = "{\"user\":\"rapture\",\"digest\":\"12345\",\"context\":\"afejop-34024-fefw-123-12ref23\",\"clientApiVersion\": {\"major\": 1, \"minor\": 3, \"micro\": 2}}"; LoginLoginData data = JacksonUtil.objectFromJson(params, LoginLoginData.class); ApiVersion clientApiVersion = data.getClientApiVersion(); assertEquals(1, clientApiVersion.getMajor()); assertEquals(3, clientApiVersion.getMinor()); assertEquals(2, clientApiVersion.getMicro()); } @Test public void testJacksonExtraFieldFail() { String params = "{\"user\":\"rapture\",\"digest\":\"12345\",\"context\":\"afejop-34024-fefw-123-12ref23\", \"test\": 0}"; try { JacksonUtil.objectFromJson(params, LoginLoginData.class); fail("should have failed on extra field"); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
The UN Partition Plan denied the demographic facts in Palestine no more than it did the ownership of land. 85% of the area was state land. of the Jewish population, was tied definitively to the land they lived and worked on for generations. exceeded all Jewish pre-1948 landholdings. the state of Israel was established.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Description This 2012 GMC Canyon SLE1 is offered to you for sale by Vann York's High Point Nissan. This 4WD-equipped vehicle handles any condition on- or off-road with the sure footedness of a mountain goat. With unequaled traction and stability, you'll drive with confidence in any weather with this Pure Silver Metallic 2012 4WD GMC Canyon SLE1. There is no reason why you shouldn't buy this GMC Canyon SLE1. It is incomparable for the price and quality. The GMC Canyon SLE1 will provide you with everything you have always wanted in a car -- Quality, Reliability, and Character.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Censorship! Exhibitions IISG Exhibitions Persmuseum Search IISG / PM 1800-1900: Struggling against Censorship The 19th century was the century of the nation state. The once so proud Dutch Republic began it under the rule of a French king: Louis Napoleon, followed in 1813 by a prince of the House of Orange: King William I. The new monarchy was confronted with the demands of the liberal movement. Republican sentiments could also be heard, though not from the masses. The liberal breakthrough in 1848 led to a regularization of the freedom of the press. New political movements appeared on the horizon: Socialists demanded an honest share for the workers or even a classless society. A balancing act was required between the increasing power of the state and the liberal legislation on the freedom of expression, one of the most important buffers against censorship. Index librorum prohibitorum, 1877 Altmeyer, Introduction..., 1836 Bauer, Der Streit ..., 1844 Cabet, Le vrai Christianisme..., 1846 De tolk der vrijheid, 1840 De ontwaakte leeuw, 1845 Prent 'Vrij van Zegel', 1869 Uit het leven van Koning Gorilla, 1887 De Roode Duivel, 1893 Hagode shel pesakh, 1888 Makhzor im tefiloh..., 1903 Tefiloh zokhoh leyoim..., 1905 The mechanical printing press began to play a major role from around 1870 onwards. Material printed on cheap wood-based paper became much more affordable. Advances in technology, rapid population growth and legislation to ensure better schooling and literacy all helped to create a large reading public. In 1869 the abolition of the Dagbladzegel (a tax on daily newspapers), which had been regarded by many as censorship, allowed the newspaper to begin its development into a modern mass medium. The 19th century produced a colourful company of figures who tested the boundaries of the new freedoms. Anarchists, communists, sensation journalists, pornographers: they all made use of the mechanical printing press and vied for the attention of the general public. In particular, the rising socialist movement and Abraham Kuyper's Anti-Revolutionary Party made strategic use of the (printing) press to disseminate their ideas. Throughout Europe the governments began, in more moderate or extreme ways, to prosecute unwelcome groups. In the Netherlands this was through the courts, while in Germany for instance the Anti-Socialist Laws were the main instrument. This period of nationalism saw opponents targeting the symbols of the nation state such as 'the King' or 'the Army'. Religious confession was a major divisive element at the edges of Europe. In particular Jews in Eastern Europe were seriously threatened in their existence and freedom of expression. They resisted this trend by continuing to publish their own texts and works in semi-illegal organizations. - Last updated: 1 July 2016
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Bookmark BADBOY4MANX free chat page. BADBOY4MANX bio details: want just searching my boyfriend! BADBOY4MANX is 25 years old male webcam performer from gay webcams. BADBOY4MANX can be turned on by: give me u love! BADBOY4MANX Copyright © 2017. All Rights Reserved.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
'Sacromonte Chapel' is an inventive but simple religious sanctuary on the 101 hectare Sacromonte vineyard in Uruguay, designed by the Brazilian and Uruguayan architecture studio, Mapa. Part of the new Sacromonte Landscape Hotel and winery, the chapel is a modern take on the sacred space for prayer or quiet reflection. The open facade of the chapel allows it to coexist harmoniously with nature—letting in rain, hail or shine. The chapel finds its place perched among vineyards, lagoons, and hills, and can be seen from afar whilst boasting sweeping views from within. Two slanted walls made from a strong timber gesture towards each other without actually touching. Interrupting the symmetry of this triangular-shaped design is a black metal box—a shrine for the Virgin of La Carrodilla, who is long considered the protector and patron saint of winemakers. The chapel was prefabricated in Portugal and impressively assembled on site in a single day.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
So sorry the updates have been so few and far between . . . it's been a huge job getting this website up and running, and between loading new products onto it and tweaking some of the design aspects as well there has not been a lot of time to write here . . . but I've grabbed a moment today . . .
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Cannabis retail store licence awarded in government lottery to site of iconic Beach store Randall's Stationery The site of Randall's Stationery on Kingston Road is one of the locations to awarded a cannabis retail store licence in the latest provincial government lottery for the licences. Iconic Beach area store Randall's Stationery could end up as a cannabis retail store. September will mark the end of an era in the Beach as the store building has been sold and the family that has been running Randall's Stationery since 2003 will no longer be operating it. And to make the change in what has been an area institution since 1934 and a go-to for school supplies for generations of students even more profound, the store itself at 964 Kingston Rd. could end up as a cannabis retail outlet. The address is one of the listed winners for the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario's second lottery for retail cannabis store licences. The ownership of the licence is under the name of Najla Guthrie, according to the AGCO's website. Members of the Randall family have not actually owned the store since 2003, though it continued under that name given its long tradition in the community. Another cannabis retail licence winner in the second AGCO lottery was Jason Krulicki, at 2480-2490 Gerrard St. E., which is in the shopping plaza on the northeast corner of Victoria Park Avenue. That address was the source of much controversy when it was suggested as the Ontario Cannabis Store's first location in April of 2018. The provincially-run Ontario Cannabis Store plan for distribution of cannabis was introduced under the previous Liberal government of Kathleen Wynne. When the Doug Ford Conservatives were elected to power in June of 2018 they scrapped the Ontario Cannabis Store plans, and introduced a private retail system in which licences to sell cannabis would be awarded by lottery. Beach baseball player Jakob MacLeod set to start scholarship at Ave Maria University in Florida School supply donations for kids in need being accepted by Grant A.M.E Church on Gerrard Street East
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The Deer King UK Cinema Screening Details The good folks from Anime Limited have sent us the details of their latest cinematic outing. The Deer King is set to hit cinemas around the UK from Wednesday 27th July 2022. Based on the Japanese fantasy novels by award-winning writer Nahoko Uehashi, the original author of the celebrated Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit series. The movie is directed by Masashi Ando who has worked as Chief Animation Director on Princess Mononoke and Spirited Away, and also an animation director on Your Name. Along with Pompo the Cinephile in June, Princess Mononoke in the Barbican in August it looks like anime fans are set to enjoy a summer of cinema! Press release as follows: Bow before The Deer King - an epic fantasy from the animation director behind Princess Mononoke and Your Name! A pandemic wreaks havoc on a fantasy world in Masashi Ando's long-awaited directorial debut, in cinemas from 27th July 2022 London, UK, 6 June 2022 - With a proud reputation of raising the profile of the greatest auteurs in Japanese animation, Anime Limited are delighted to announce that they are bringing to the big screen the directorial debut of a man who has made his name doing the same. Masashi Ando worked as Chief Animation Director on landmark films from Studio Ghibli and Hayao Miyazaki's legendary Princess Mononoke to the modern day sensation Your Name, and now his fantasy epic The Deer King will carve its own legend in selected cinemas nationwide from 27th July 2022. A film that's been years in the making but is all the more resonant today, The Deer King is the story of an ancient people caught in the midst of a pandemic. When the dreaded Black Wolf Fever returns to ravage the land, old political scars draw new blood when two opposing nations have different plans for the man who could hold the secret to the cure: Van Gamsa, a former war hero and one of two sole survivors of a savage attack on the mine where he was enslaved. Van wants nothing more than to live a quiet life with his surrogate daughter Yuna, but when they become the targets of medical desperation, political fanaticism, and the mystery behind the pack of black wolves sweeping the land, Van will have to fight once more. The rich, resonant and enthralling world of The Deer King is brought to the big screen in this stunning adaptation of the Japanese fantasy novels by award-winning writer Nahoko Uehashi, the original author of the celebrated Moribito: Guardian of the Spirit series. An enthralling adventure for fans of fantasy and anime alike, The Deer King is a more than worthy addition to the man who helped shape not just Princess Mononoke, but the world of Japanese animation as a whole. In the years following a vicious war, the Empire of Zol now controls the land and citizens of rival Aquafa - except for Aquafa's Fire Horse Territory, where wild dogs that once carried the deadly Black Wolf Fever continue to roam free. When a pack of dogs race through a Zol-controlled mine, Van, an enslaved former soldier, and a young girl named Yuna are both bitten, but manage to escape as the sole survivors of the attack. Finally free, Van and Yuna seek out a simple, peaceful existence in the countryside. But as the deadly disease once again runs rampant, they find themselves at the crossroads of a struggle much larger than any one nation. The Deer King will be shown in selected cinemas nationwide from 27th July 2022 in Japanese with English subtitles, as well as an English-language dub from 28th July 2022. The film is rated 15. For more information and to book tickets, please visit Follow Anime Limited on Twitter | Facebook | Instagram | YouTube | About Masashi Ando Born in 1969, Masashi Ando was selected to be the Chief Animation Director of Hayao Miyazaki's fantasy epic Princess Mononoke at the tender age of 25, and served as the legendary auteur's right-hand-man on his Academy Award-winning Spirited Away. Since then, Masashi Ando has helped shape many of the greatest anime films in modern history, working as Chief Animation Director on such legendary films as Satoshi Kon's Paprika and Makoto Shinkai's Your Name, while also contributing key animation to Mamoru Oshii's Innocence: Ghost in the Shell 2, and Hideaki ANNO's Evangelion 3.0: You Can (Not) Advance. The Deer King marks his long-awaited directorial debut. About Anime Limited: Based out of Glasgow, Anime Limited is Europe's premiere distributor for Japanese animation, renowned for bespoke collector's editions of fan-favourite anime and soundtracks, connecting Western audiences with creators across languages and oceans, and helping to bring anime front and centre in cinemas. Anime Limited proudly produces releases from the biggest franchises in anime including Cowboy Bebop, Attack on Titan, NEON GENESIS EVANGELION, Mobile Suit Gundam, Tokyo Ghoul, Your Name, Weathering With You, Mirai, BELLE and JUJUTSU KAISEN. Source: The Deer King UK Cinema Website Jormungand Season 1 The Eccentric Family (1-13) - Complete Space Brothers (1-26) Streaming AKB0048 (1-13) Streaming Bodacious Space Pirates (1-13) Streaming Poyopoyo / Recorder and Ransel (1-13) Streaming
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
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Take a quiz and find the perfect one! Luxy is an online platform that offers members an opportunity to meet fellow individuals who have a luxurious lifestyle and are on high pay. These are members who have class and will not settle for less as they refer to themselves as the elite. So what happens on the site? What features does the site give? How can you make contact? Go ahead and read this Luxy review to find out more. How Many Languages Does Luxy Support? The site was developed in English and it's the only language offered for communication. Nonetheless, the site allows the members an opportunity to speak different languages as long as both the members conversing are familiar with it. Who Owns Luxy? The owner of this amazing site is Tim T, and he is also the CEO of Luxy Limited, which is the company that runs the operations of the site and manages all the activities taking place. So Where is Luxy Based Now? If you're interested in visiting the head offices of the site, then you have to go to the headquarters at the address; Rm 12 13th floor, Laurels Industrial Center, 32 Tai Yau Street, San Po Kong KL, Hong Kong. When was Luxy Founded? This site has been in existence since 2014, and since then, the luxy website has been diligently serving its members. Is Luxy Available Worldwide? The site is offered to members from all over the world as long as they meet the membership requirements. Nonetheless, most of the members are situated in large states and countries that are known to host the elite folks. How Old Should You Be to Register On Luxy? The minimum age requirement for one to join the site is 18 years old. As for the age distribution, most of the members are between the ages of 25 and 54 years old. The least members are in the 55+ age bracket. The majority of the female members are in the 35 – 44 years bracket, while most of the male members are in the 45 – 54 years bracket. Can I Use the App on My PC? There is a desktop version of the site, and it can be accessed on both Windows and MacBook PCs. The site's desktop version offers the users the ability to register for an account, create a profile, search for matches, make contact with members, pay for a subscription, and enjoy all the special features that the site has to offer. How Many Members Does Luxy Have Worldwide? According to the data given on the site, the exact number of the members on the site is 843,700. Most of them, 250,000 members, are from the United States, and they are the most active members on the site. The site records about 50,000 members active every week. The ratio of female members to male members is 3:2. Website Design & Usability Classy! That credit has to be given. The site can get as luxurious as it can as it incorporates the color of expensive materials: oil and gold carats. Isn't this simply amazing? The general design used in modern, but it also has a share of simplicity to it. There is a net alignment of sections as the layout does not disappoint at all. The website has clear instructions on how to use it, which makes it easier for users to find their way around the site. The fonts incorporated are also perfectly selected, which makes navigation simple altogether. Which Browsers Support Luxy? The class goes hand to hand with quality, and when selecting your browser, you have to make sure that you go for the best available ones on the market. This is to ensure that your general experience of the site is spot on. The browsers you will select should give you great speed, save on your space, as well as keep you away from hackers and malware. The best browsers on the market for this job include Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera. How Do I Use the Camera on Luxy? Because the site does offer a video chat known as Facing me, you can use the camera accordingly. There is a process for this (which will be mentioned on the special features) to ensure that you get to video call your match and enjoy personal interaction with them. The special features are the top consideration when it comes to attracting a member to the sites. There is a reason why members choose Luxy as their dating platform, and this is because of the uniqueness that it offers. So what is the deal here? Skip vouch – A member can skip the vouch procedure while signing up, which is only possible if you have the premium membership called Luxy BLACK. BLACK message – Another feature offered in the Luxy BLACK premium membership is this particular one that enables you to send messages to members with who you have not been matched. It works well for members who have admirers. Search by location – The searching features have a filter that will enable you to search for a match by their exact location, and it will favor you if you're a traveler since you can easily interact regardless of the places you go. Who viewed my profile – The site allows members the opportunity to see the fellow members who have viewed their profile so you can know which person is stalking you. Who likes me – Users on the site can know the members who have liked their profiles. This improves interaction since if you have access to BLACK message, you don't have to wait until you are matched for you to contact these members who show interest in you. Anonymous visitor – Still on knowing who has viewed your profile, you can activate this feature on the Luxy BLACK premium membership that will enable you to hide your profile and go through other profiles anonymously. Hide profile – There is a lot you can do on the Luxy BLACK premium membership, including hiding your profile such that only the members you have liked can see you when they search. Face me – This feature enables members to face time with fellow matches as soon as their salary is verified, which means the feature is free. To access the feature, you have to click on the video date button, which will direct them to give out their WhatsApp number that is indicated on the Instagram profiles. This will trigger access to the site, and since the interaction is done from other platforms, the Luxy website tightens its belt to ensure that the security of its users is preserved. Gifts – You can send a virtual gift to a user on the site. The gifts are a form of roses as a way to express your interest to a member. The site will require you to first get an account from either of the platforms that is offers, app, and website. After you are done with the verification and creation of your profile, you will go-ahead to start searching for a match. When you land on the profile that pleases you the most, you will move forward to make contact with them using the features that are offered. If you want to better your experience, you can get an upgrade to improve such. How Can I Message Someone? There are different features that the site offers for communication. These features enable members to interact and make good friends out of the members, and others even go ahead to becoming partners later on. The following features are available on the site; Direct messaging – This feature enables members to get to make contact by sending messages to their matches. This will require you to bring you're a-game in communication, which will ensure that you use your ice breakers and pick up lines to give a great first impression. Video chat – The site offers a video chat that is referred to as face me. This feature is for the members who have known each other for a while, and it is a way to further your communication with each other. This feature, however, comes from a third party, so be careful while using it. Chat room – Groups for open interactions. Is Sending Messages Free? Sending messages to other members on the site is available for free. You can send messages with no limitation to your matches. How Can You Start Messaging with Someone on Luxy? Making contact with a member will require you to first get the person who is most appealing to talk to. Ensure that the person is worth the hassle you will go through to make sure that you constantly maintain a healthy relationship and all the time you use to do that. This can be done by searching for your partner. This is simply done by indicating your filters, after which you will get matches that match those descriptions whom you will either accept or deny. You can decide to like a couple of the ones that seem appealing and access that list to see who stands out of all those profiles. That is the person you should communicate with using either of the communication features offered on the site. Why Can't I Access Luxy? The main reason why people find it hard to get to the site is by entering a wrong URL on their browsers that leads them to other sites. Another reason for those who already have an app is having a poor internet connection that denies them access to their profiles. However, the most common reason, according to the Luxy reviews, is having a browser that is not compatible with the site or a phone that cannot support the app. How Long are Luxy Bans? When a member violates the terms of use and the site's terms, they are given a ban. A ban has a different period of lasting depending on the ban imposed on you. A temporary ban is one that is issued when a member uses offensive language to another user, and they are commonly given after reports. They are also partial bans since you are denied access to specific features, and they last for a specific time. There are also permanent bans issued to members who use the site for scam or fraud purposes, and they are the total inaccessibility of the profile that lasts for an indefinite time. How Do I Reactivate My Banned Account? Reactivation of your bans requires different actions altogether. The temporary bans will require the member given to just be patient and wait for the period of the ban to end so that they can regain access. As for the permanent bans, the user will need to appeal to the support team for their case to be rechecked. This is usually done after clearance of the case from the authorities, and the proper certification will help them gain access to the site. Is there an Option to Delete Your Luxy Profile? There is a possibility of terminating your account on the Luxy website. This can either be as a result of not getting what you are looking for on the site or after getting the right match for you and you to want to further the relationship offline. The process of deleting a profile is usually easy, as all you need to do is go to your account settings. You will then follow the steps given for you to accomplish your goal. After so doing, you will get out the account deleted, which will also include the erasing of all your data and profile information. This procedure cannot be undone. What Happens If I Disable The "Show Me on Luxy" Option? This feature is offered to members who prefer to sign in to the site using their Facebook accounts. The procedure for this is simply done by logging into your Facebook account and navigating to the settings and specify the privacy settings. You will then move forward to change the audience of your linked account (which the Luxy account is one of them) to nobody so that your friends and followers on Facebook will not be able to see the details of your Luxy profile. Where Do I See My Matches? The matches on the site are usually as a result of the searching feature. The matching system is based on the filters that you have chosen for your match. The matches will appear as the search results where you can either accept or deny the suggestions depending on the appearance and extra features that you did not include. How Do I See Who Messaged Me on Luxy? There is a messages section in the profiles of the members. This section is usually subdivided depending on the kind of communication that you have had with the matches. The site offers direct messages as well as video calls, and they are sectioned differently. Is It Possible to See the Luxy Members Who I Liked? There is a feature on the site that allows users to see the members that they have liked. What is Luxy's Spy Mode? The spy mode in the site is referred to as anonymous visitor that allows the users to hide their profiles and go through other members'' profiles without being noticed. How Do I Edit My Username on Luxy? You cannot edit the username on your profile since this serves as your identity as well as your email address, gender, and age are all not changeable. Why am I Having a Hard Time Entering the Site? This can be a result of keying in the wrong credentials while signing in on the website. The solutions to this are saving your password on the browser or the app, recovering your email by choosing the 'forgot my password' option, and choosing to sign in with either your Google or Facebook account. What are the Different Options of Luxy Search? There are different options used to search to ensure that members get the best results in finding their match. These filters include age, gender, location, and information on the people's profiles. Sign up Process The sign-up process is simple and quick as well. The credentials that will be given to you include your gender and the gender of the partner you are looking for, username, date of birth, email address, and password, and it will be concluded by accepting the terms and conditions of use. After doing so, you will require to have a 50% and above rating from the users of the site. After uploading a maximum of 9 photos on your profile, the verification is done, which will undergo a vouching process that takes around a day to be completed. You can proceed to complete your profile, which will consist of personal details, activities, beliefs, the brands that you prefer, your body appearance, and what you stand for while you await the result of the pouching procedure. You will only get access to the site after your profile is approved. How Do I Verify My Email? The site does not have email verification; however, there is a vouching process that's done by the members of the site to approve whoever wants to join the site. What Happens If I Register Using My Facebook Account? Signing in on the site using your Facebook account will help you in different ways. These benefits include; Getting direct access to your profile Uploading images from your Facebook account Saving you the hassle of remembering passwords. How Do I Join Luxy? First, you should register for an account. There are several conditions for this, so you need to meet all of them and create your profile. Make sure that you fill in all the sections provided such that your matches will be more accurate. After all, that's done, you can start using the features offered on the site. Can I Use the Site without Signing Up? The site does not allow non-members to access any feature there – it is a luxurious site. Can they settle for less? Users Profile Quality The site members' profiles are of good quality since they are approved, and the info provided is true. The profiles are average in terms of the information that it gives about the member, which is enough for you to decide whether or not to make contact with them. The details are well arranged, and the presentation of the profiles is spot on. The site offers a mobile application that is available on Google Play and Apple Store. The app is free to install and offers all the features present in the desktop version. The general design is amazing, and it is convenient for members who are always up and down. Membership Price and Other Payment Method The site has premium subscriptions that members can enjoy, and the costs are: Luxy BLACK – $99.99 for a month, $239.97 for 3 months, and $353.94 for 6 months Luxy TUNE – $12.99 for a month Coins – $1.99 for 20 coins, $15.99 for 200 coins, $99.99 for 2000 coins, $199.99 for 5000 coins, and $599.99 for 20,000 coins. The payments are made via PayPal, and in some cases, promo codes can be given for reasonable discounts. Free Membership Features The features offered in the free membership include; Registering for an account Sending members a rose Going through profiles Uploading and viewing photos Using search feature Sending messages to only your matches. Is Luxy Free? The site is free and offers several features. Can You See If Someone Likes You on Luxy If You're a Free Member? No, you can't. Premium Membership Features Features on premium membership include: Sending a bouquet Sending messages to all members Seeing your likes and people who viewed your profile Using anonymous visitor and hiding profile. Does Luxy Offer Premium Membership? Yes, it does with additional features. How Do I Cancel My Luxy Membership? Cancellation can be done from your account settings. Is Luxy Membership Auto-Renewed? Can I Get a Refund for Unused Time? No refunds are given on purchases made. Is My "Support" to Luxy Automatically Renewed Every Month? The site doesn't mention issues of donations. I'm Not Satisfied with the Luxy. Can I Get My Money Back? How Will My Luxy Support Appear on My Credit Card Bill? Payments will read as the company name on your credit card bill. Can I Give Support to Other Luxy Members? No Luxy review mentions this. Can I Send Support for Just a Month? No information on this. Is Luxy Really Safe? The site is very secure. Are Luxy Forums and Threads Moderated? There are no forums on the site. How Can I Filter Who Can Message Me on Luxy? This can be done by hiding your profile to limit it to your likes only. What Security Features Does Luxy Have? Hiding profile Vouching process Blocking and reporting Encryption of chats. How Can I Block and Report a Suspected Scammer? This is done from a button on their profiles. What Will Happen to a Member Who Uses a Luxy Account to Solicit Money? The member will be banned from the site and face criminal charges. Which Information Shouldn't Be Posted on Your Luxy Account? Anything that violates the terms of use. Are Luxy Chats Encrypted? An algorithm does this job. Can Luxy Track You Down? Yes, if there is a criminal-connected reason for this. Can Luxy Be Traced by The Police? Definitely, if you are suspected to be guilty of some crime. Who Should I Contact If I Have Questions Regarding My Privacy on Luxy? The support team. Can I Delete the Information that I've Already Submitted to Luxy? Editing is allowed but limited. Are there Fake or Scam Members on Luxy? Almost null. Email: EliteSingles, MillionaireMatch, and AshleyMadison. Real Life Review It seemed to me like a nice good idea to set up Luxy profile. The design is fancy, and there are so many cool guys! Vouch process ensures higher quality matches and weeds out those unwilling to match the necessary criteria. Overall seems pretty clever – Anna, 26 Is Luxy the Best Dating Site/App? The site is among the best for the target group. Can I Un-Match a Luxy Member? This can simply be done by disliking a match suggestion. Is Luxy a Hook-Up App? The site focuses on rather serious relationships. For those living a luxurious life and want to meet partners who have the same kind of vibe, this is the site they should be. The site offers members many features, from communication to security, which is enough to make a great experience. Have you tried the Luxy website before? Lisa is presently working on her Master's in Developmental Psychology. She cares about her clients and teaches them to shift their focus from being negative to positive. Lisa knows that these people need another person with a deep understanding to talk to them, so they can be reminded that they can change their strategy in life ABDLMatch 321Chat AirG ArabLounge HookupDate Site Review Popular Dating Sites 2023 Gamer Dating Local Singles SexChat Room Hookup Dates is located at 532 N Main St, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. If you have any questions, please send us an email at Our website contains information about the extensive set of services and products. You can find true reviews and comparisons on the site based on our preferences and opinion. Our company doesn't sell anything, but it helps to make the right decision. This website provides information about various products and services. We don't share legal or professional advice or predictions; therefore, the information we provide doesn't need to be treated as such. Some of our materials may be sponsored. To get more detailed information, study Advertiser Disclosure.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Cambridge Savings Bank Enjoys Nearly a Decade of Increased Employee Productivity with Banc Intranets CTOO says intranet and board portal are user-friendly, convenient and made to address financial institutions' unique needs. JOHNSON CITY, Tenn., July 20, 2017 – Banc Intranets announced that Cambridge Savings Bank ($3.5 billion, Cambridge, Mass.) is entering its 10th year of increased employee productivity, leveraging its BancWorks intranet and DirectorsLink board portal to manage internal communications and access to information for employees and members of its committees and executive board. Banc Intranets is a provider of secure, web-based enterprise content management solutions for financial institutions. From the early- to mid-2000's, Cambridge Savings Bank's total assets increased by nearly $1 billion and its physical presence expanded in Massachusetts. By 2007, the bank's shared network, which was used to manage employee communication and access to internal documents, policies and procedures, could no longer effectively support its growing operations. Cambridge Savings Bank began searching for a uniform set of cost-effective, customizable technologies to address its needs and after an internal review, selected Banc Intranets' BancWorks employee intranet and DirectorsLink board portal. In addition, the bank noted that utilizing one vendor for both solutions allowed it to save on additional costs and simplify the implementation and maintenance processes. "Working with a company like Banc Intranets, who designs its products around the needs of the financial institutions it serves, means they are responsive and understanding of any issues or ideas that we bring to them. Their industry expertise and collaborative nature has been evident throughout every step of our relationship," said Mark Tracy, SVP and chief technology and operations officer of Cambridge Savings Bank. "Beyond that, both BancWorks and DirectorsLink have been integral in our efforts to simplify how leadership and employees share information, which allows them to focus on what matters most – serving our customers and community." "For more than 180 years, Cambridge Savings Bank has served as a foundation for its customers and their financial needs; that doesn't happen by accident. It's the result of understanding where opportunities for improvement exist and proactively addressing them," said Mark Anderson, founder and CEO of Banc Intranets. "We consider ourselves lucky to have played a small role in Cambridge Savings Bank's ongoing success, but all of the credit is owed to its effective leadership and the priority placed on setting new standards in operations and as a financial services provider." About Cambridge Savings Bank Cambridge Savings Bank is a full-service financial institution with approximately $3.5 billion in assets that is committed to improving the quality of life in the communities it serves. One of the oldest and largest community banks in Massachusetts, Cambridge Savings Bank offers a full line of individual and business banking services and has branches located in Cambridge, Arlington, Bedford, Belmont, Burlington, Concord, Lexington, Newton, and Watertown. About Banc Intranets Established in 2002, Banc Intranets, LLC is a leading provider of secure, web-based enterprise content management solutions for financial institutions. Its technology provides a single point of access across multiple devices for documents and information and centralizes employee onboarding and training, streamlining day-to-day operations for bank directors and senior managers. In addition to increasing efficiency and productivity, Banc Intranets' solutions are developed by financial industry professionals, providing comprehensive reporting that is critical to maintaining regulatory compliance. For more information, visit or follow the company on LinkedIn and Twitter.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
#include <aws/athena/model/EncryptionConfiguration.h> #include <aws/core/utils/json/JsonSerializer.h> #include <utility> using namespace Aws::Utils::Json; using namespace Aws::Utils; namespace Aws { namespace Athena { namespace Model { EncryptionConfiguration::EncryptionConfiguration() : m_encryptionOption(EncryptionOption::NOT_SET), m_encryptionOptionHasBeenSet(false), m_kmsKeyHasBeenSet(false) { } EncryptionConfiguration::EncryptionConfiguration(const JsonValue& jsonValue) : m_encryptionOption(EncryptionOption::NOT_SET), m_encryptionOptionHasBeenSet(false), m_kmsKeyHasBeenSet(false) { *this = jsonValue; } EncryptionConfiguration& EncryptionConfiguration::operator =(const JsonValue& jsonValue) { if(jsonValue.ValueExists("EncryptionOption")) { m_encryptionOption = EncryptionOptionMapper::GetEncryptionOptionForName(jsonValue.GetString("EncryptionOption")); m_encryptionOptionHasBeenSet = true; } if(jsonValue.ValueExists("KmsKey")) { m_kmsKey = jsonValue.GetString("KmsKey"); m_kmsKeyHasBeenSet = true; } return *this; } JsonValue EncryptionConfiguration::Jsonize() const { JsonValue payload; if(m_encryptionOptionHasBeenSet) { payload.WithString("EncryptionOption", EncryptionOptionMapper::GetNameForEncryptionOption(m_encryptionOption)); } if(m_kmsKeyHasBeenSet) { payload.WithString("KmsKey", m_kmsKey); } return payload; } } // namespace Model } // namespace Athena } // namespace Aws
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
Welcome to BRILL (British Immigrants Living in Luxembourg). We are a registered Luxembourgish ASBL (NGO). BRILL was created in July 2016 in response to the EU referendum vote in the UK. We are working to protect the rights of British citizens living, working, and studying in Luxembourg, as the UK leaves the EU. There are approximately 6,000 British citizens living in Luxembourg, contributing to all aspects of Luxembourgish life. BRILL has over 1,100 members (on a Facebook group and email list). Almost 80% of us are economically active, employed or self-employed. Our membership consists of UK EU officials, students, employees in the financial and legal sectors, NGOs, the creative industries, and a wide range of other occupations, as well as self-employed and retired people who call Luxembourg home. Nearly 50% of us are married to partners from other EU countries or beyond, and many of us have multinational families. For all British citizens living in Luxembourg who want to continue living, studying and working here, we aim to be a resource on how to apply for Luxembourg citizenship, how to register to vote (in Luxembourg and in the UK) and how to continue making Luxembourg our home after Brexit.
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Arts & Crafts Cottage nestled into the rear expansive gardens. Offers 2 bedrooms,1x queen, 1x double, lounge room, full kitchen & king size spa bathroom. Features exposed Oregon rafters, slate floors & cottage furniture. Including 1 car park onsite. The Buxton Manor is a stunning 1909 restored large Mansion built in the William Morris 'Arts & Craft' theme of decorative red brick with steep sloping roof lines. It houses our best collection of Australian antiques and memorabilia and features open log fires, polished spruce floors, decorative fireplaces, marbleized ceilings, rag rolled faux paint finishes, ornate ceiling roses, gilt mirrors and sumptuous antique beds. Buxton Manor features 4 separate very large apartments and 1 spa cottage, all of which offer private entrances, bathrooms, fully equipped kitchens, unique living areas and valuable rare furnishings. Buxton Manor is surrounded by half an acre of manicured, welcoming gardens with masses of old fashioned scented roses, cottage flowers and sweeping lawns. It has been heritage listed by the State government and completely restored, and features half an acre of manicured gardens with outdoor designer furniture, umbrella's and 2 wood fire BBQs. North Adelaide is the perfect base for your Adelaide stay. Just a short stroll from all of our properties is over 80 of Adelaide's best cafes and restaurants. Complimentary delivery of room service is also available from 'Beyond India Restaurant'! We also offer a complimentary shuttle bus service, with use of the World's first Solar Electric Bus, which loops into the city passing many of Adelaide's most popular tourist attractions! North Adelaide is blessed with the widest and best selection of restaurants and cafes in Adelaide. From the top award winning silver service eateries, 10 restored hotels, many ethnic restaurants and a proliferation of casual well designed cafes all featuring personalised service! Our staff are familiar with all of these options and their proprietors and are happy to help you with your selection!
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Position your investment portfolio for growth in the global economy. With HSBC you'll have access to first-hand market insights on what's happening around the world and the assistance of a dedicated HSBC Premier Relationship Manager who's connected to HSBC's worldwide network of on-the-ground experts. We will work with you to develop an investment strategy that meets your financial ambitions and grows your personal economy.
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Latest in NAACP Image Awards NAACP Image Awards Nominees: 'Harriet,' 'When They See Us', Netflix Lead Way The nominees for the 51st NAACP Image Awards were announced Thursday, the prelude to the two-hour live televised awards airing on BET on February 2 at 8 PM ET/PT. The Image Awards honors the accomplishments of people of color in the fields of TV, music, literature, and film and also recognizes individuals or groups… Jan 9, 2020 10:00 am BET To Air The 51st NAACP Image Awards EXCLUSIVE: The 51st NAACP Image Awards will air on BET Networks for the first time ever. The NAACP and BET Networks today announced an exclusive broadcast partnership for the two-hour telecast, which air live from Pasadena, CA on February 22 at 8/7c. The NAACP Image Awards honors the accomplishments of people of color… Beyoncé Nabs Entertainer Of The Year, 'Black Panther', 'Black-Ish' Among Top Winners At 50th NAACP Image Awards The NAACP Image Awards were held Saturday evening, with Black Panther, Black-ish and Beyoncé all garnering big wins. The ceremony took place at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood, with Black-ish actor Anthony Anderson hosting the live broadcast on TV One. Beyoncé was feted with the night's top honor, Entertainer of the… By Anita Bennett, Amanda N'Duka Mar 30, 2019 8:27 pm Anthony Anderson Returning To Host 50th NAACP Image Awards The NAACP Image Awards is sticking with what works: Anthony Anderson has been set to host the trophy show for a sixth consecutive year. Winners of the 50th annual Image Awards will be revealed March 30 at the Dolby Theatre in Hollywood. The two-hour show, which moves to late March after taking place in January or… NAACP Image Awards Nominees: 'Black Panther', 'Beale Street', Netflix, HBO Top List Disney/Marvel's billion-dollar blockbuster Black Panther led all nominees for the 50th NAACP Image Awards that were unveiled today. Winners celebrating the accomplishments of people of color in the fields of TV, music, literature and film will be unveiled March 30 at the Dolby Theatre in a ceremony that will air live… By Patrick Hipes NAACP Image Awards Sets First Live Broadcast From Dolby Via TV One The NAACP Image Awards will be televised live from the Dolby Theater for the first time. TV One will air the 50th annual event on March 30 from the Hollywood venue. Nominations for the 50th NAACP Image Awards will be announced in February. The live television announcement was made today by Leon W. Russell, the NAACP… NAACP Image Awards Complete Winners List: 'black-ish', 'Girls Trip', Ava DuVernay Among Honorees The 49th NAACP Image Awards handed out awards tonight at the Pasadena's Civic Auditorium. ABC's black-ish swept the comedy category in television while Power snagged Outstanding Drama. Breakout comedy Girls Trip won for Outstanding Motion Picture and Ava DuVernay took the top prize of Entertainer of the… By Dino-Ray Ramos, Amanda N'Duka NAACP Image Awards: Jordan Peele,Tiffany Haddish, Idris Elba Among Winners In Non-Televised Categories The winners of the 49th NAACP Image Awards in the non-televised categories were announced tonight during a gala dinner celebration at the Pasadena Conference Center. Winners of the evening included Jordan Peele's Get Out as well as Tiffany Haddish for her breakout role in Girls Trip and Idris Elba for his role the… NAACP Image Awards To Honor Danny Glover With President's Award Actor, producer and humanitarian Danny Glover will receive the NAACP President's Award at the 49th NAACP Image Awards on Monday, January 15, the organization announced today. "Danny Glover is a remarkable man whose accomplishments in Hollywood are matched by his philanthropic triumphs," said NAACP President and CEO… NAACP Image Awards Nominees: Netflix, OWN Lead In TV; Universal, Annapurna, Open Road Top Film Netflix and OWN lead the television selections, while Universal Pictures, Annapurna and Open Road Films are the leading motion picture contenders in the nominations the 49th NAACP Image Awards, set for January 15, 2018. In TV, Netflix has 23 nominations, while OWN has 17. Universal Pictures has 10 nominations, while… Nov 20, 2017 9:00 am Anthony Anderson To Return As Host Of 49th NAACP Image Awards Black-ish star and Emmy-nominated actor Anthony Anderson has been announced as the host of the 49th NAACP Image Awards. The awards show will air live January 15, 2018, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day on TV One. Anderson hosted the 47th and 48th NAACP Image Awards and won a trophy multiple times for his role on black-is… Public Vote Underway For Entertainer Of The Year At 49th NAACP Image Awards Writer/Director/Producer Ava DuVernay is among the six nominees for the 49th NAACP Image Awards Entertainer of the Year honors. General public voting is now underway at the Image Awards official web site at through November 17. DuVernay is joined by nominees actor Chadwick Boseman, singer Bruno… Oct 9, 2017 8:00 am
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Need any Saab/ Volvo parts? Free delivery to Carlisle event on May 17th 18th & 19th. Jeff: This is a great show with a large Volvo / Saab showing! We go every year. Anyone need something Saab / Volvo, or BMW related, even something not listed on our website, delivered to the Carlisle faIrgrounds? Well, we can do it for free, and even knock some cost off the price of the item. Come to Carlisle, meet the ePartsLand crew, and buy some parts you need! Find us hanging around the PAIR of Saab 99 Turbos! Erica: What Chief is trying to say here is that Carlisle is the best fun you can have in a field in Pennsylvania with, in or under all of your favorite import cars. If you're coming with a Saab, make sure you check in with the Central Penn Saab Club so your car is counted toward their goal of 300+ Saabs on the showfield in 2013. Pre-registration is closed at present, but drop them a line to let them know you're coming.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
E-Commerce Forum Karlsruhe XXL with special speaker lineup! On 9th November 2017 the E-Commerce agency Flagbit from Karlsruhe will host the 31st E-Commerce Forum Karlsruhe as a special edition. The #ecommka XXL will take place in the Kesselhaus Färberei in Karlsruhe and is going to present a lineup of high-class / top C-level speakers from the German-speaking e-commerce and marketing industry. The highlights on the #ecommka stage: Philipp Westermeyer (CEO Online Marketing Rockstars), Alain Veuve (CEO Accounto Technology… CALL FOR PAPERS – Present at the e-commerce berlin expo 2018! Secure your spot in the E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2018 agenda on February 15, 2018 at Station, Berlin and share your knowledge about e-commerce! Take part in the Call For Papers-Contest 2018 now and present in front of more than 4000 industry professionals and 100 exhibitors. The biggest pure e-commerce event in Berlin which gathered more than 3000 visitors and hosted over 85 industry leaders, such as DHL, Idealo, Otto Group,… The best things come in threes – E-Commerce Berlin Expo returning for its third edition on february 15, 2018! The team of E-Commerce Capitals is returning to Germany's capital to bring back the third edition of E-Commerce Berlin Expo, one of the hottest industry events of the year. Berlin, Europe's melting pot of tech, culture, and more, is hosting the event on February 15, 2018 at Station. The free-to-attend event, which drew over 3000 international visitors and hosted over 85 industry leaders, such as DHL, Idealo, Rakuten, PrestaShop, Meet… Founder's insights: OSCON takeaways After visiting OSCON and seeing how other companies were engaging in open-source, I decided to share some of the more interesting things I learned with the community around Shopsys Framework – our clients, partners, fans, employees, advisors, consultants and investors. ​ Overall, OSCON has probably been one of the best conferences I've ever attended, simply in terms of having access to developers. Where else can I find and talk with… All Events News Google Attribution for free is finally going to solve all marketers' problems. Or is it? At its Google Marketing Next event in mid May, Google announced that it is rolling out a free, still-in-beta version of Google Attribution in its Analytics platform. Finally, even mid-size businesses who cannot afford the Google Analytics 360 suite will have access to data-driven attribution models so that they can better evaluate the performance of their marketing mix. This is great news for companies that do most of their digital… Tech Open Air starts its largest edition to date Tech Open Air (TOA) enters its 7th and largest edition to date with four days, more than 200 speakers, 200 satellite events and 20.000 expected participants. The unique festival meets conference format has been an integral part of the international tech and startup scene for the past six years and unites the most diverse branches of technology, music, art and science. This year, the event will be extended by another… E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2017 – The international industry meeting The second edition of E-Commerce Berlin Expo took place on 2 February 2017. The event attracted the most important industry representatives from areas such as: Online Marketing, E-Shop Software, Hosting & Cloud Computing, Cross-Channel Technologies, E-Payment, Digital Marketing and Logistics. The building of the former Dresdner station – currently Station Berlin – hosted 80 exhibitors (including DHL, Idealo, Rakuten, PrestaShop, Meet Magento Association and Lengow) and 3,000 international visitors. Industry… E-commerce Berlin EXPO to take plane on 2nd February 2017! Less than a month left to the E-commerce Berlin Expo: on 2nd February, Station Berlin will be the venue for the second edition of the e-commerce trade fair that gathers the biggest e-commerce companies in one place. This year, the organizers expect 3,000 visitors and 90 exhibitors. These include the representatives of Deutsche Post, Rakuten Deutschland, Idealo, Semrush, Freshdesk, PrestaShop and Handlerbund eV. The visitors will also have the opportunity… Finch wins best Shopping Performance Award 2016 from Google Emea Finch won a major award from Google Premier Partners Awards this past week. Google created the The Premier Partners Awards to celebrate innovation and success in digital marketing. As one of Google's Premier Partners, Finch was able to participate. "We believe in our Premier Google Partners' ability to drive performance and results for their clients. We also know that it takes future thinking, innovation and perseverance to deliver time and… Karl Wehner from Alibaba Group and the topic of international expansion on the eastern markets at the e-commerce Berlin Expo The biggest names of e-commerce will meet in Berlin. The event will host Karl Wehner from Alibaba Group and a range of top representatives of the e-commerce companies worldwide. On February 2nd 2017, Berlin will become the hotspot of the global e-commerce. The E-commerce Berlin Expo fairs will gather industry-leading and most successful companies in one place. Among them, you will find Karl Wehner, Director Business Development at Alibaba Group… navigate_beforePrev 1 … 5 6
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
India has signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) with South Korea after negotiations here on October 14-15 to enhance bilateral air service cooperation between the two countries. Under the MoU, the capacity entitlement for both the countries have been increased from existing six services per week to 19 services per week. Also, the two additional points of call; Chennai and Bengaluru have been granted for South Korean carriers, Apart from Tokyo and Los Angeles, two additional beyond points of call Seattle and Vancouver, have been granted for Indian carriers.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
West Nile Virus: A Seasonal Epidemic in North America This summer North America is once again experiencing a "seasonal epidemic" of West Nile virus that is expected to last through the fall. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, the mosquito-borne virus has been reported in 42 US states as of August 11, 2015. Fortunately, most people who are infected with the virus show no symptoms; about 20 percent of people infected develop mild symptoms (e.g., headache, body aches, joint pains, vomiting, diarrhea or rash) after three to 14 days. Less than one percent of those infected become seriously ill (e.g., high fever, muscle weakness, neck stiffness, stupor, and potentially permanent or fatal neurological disease). There are no medications to treat West Nile virus, nor vaccines to prevent human infection1. Avoiding West Nile virus is primarily a matter of avoiding mosquito bites. West Nile Virus Activity by State – United States, 2015 (as of August 11, 2015) Map courtesy of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention West Nile Virus Transmission According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website, the West Nile virus cycles between mosquitoes and birds. Mosquitoes become infected with the virus by biting infected birds; they then pass the virus to humans and other mammals through mosquito bites. West Nile virus is believed to have been in the US since about 1999 when it was first detected in New York City, but human infections have been reported in many countries for over 50 years. According to the World Health Organization website, the virus is found in Africa, Europe, the Middle East and West Asia, in addition to North America. West Nile virus can kill some host birds when the virus concentrates in their blood. Sightings of multiple dead birds could be a sign that the virus is circulating in the vicinity. CDC notes reporting dead birds to county and state health departments may be helpful to West Nile virus monitoring activities. Additionally, some health departments monitor mosquitoes for the West Nile virus, which may be supplemented by monitoring sentinel chickens and dead birds. According to the CDC report, "West Nile Virus in the United States: Guidelines for Surveillance, Prevention, and Control," "Research and operational experience shows that increases in WNV [West Nile virus] infection rates in mosquito populations can provide an indicator of developing outbreak conditions several weeks in advance of increases in human infections." (The report is linked to this CDC website.) Reducing Your Risk of West Nile Virus is a Three Step Process First, know your inherent risk level. People over 50 years of age have a greater chance of developing serious symptoms of West Nile virus than those younger than 50. Second, know when to expect the "enemy." Many mosquitoes are most active from dusk to dawn; these are the hours during which special precautions may be warranted, including avoiding being outdoors. Third, take steps to avoid mosquitoes and their bites. When outdoors, use effective insect repellents; those containing DEET, picaridin, IR3535, and some oil of lemon eucalyptus and para-menthane-diol products may provide longer-lasting protection; follow label directions for use (For more information on insect repellents and their effectiveness, please see Wear long sleeves and long pants of tightly woven fabric; tuck pant legs into socks for extra protection Inspect and repair screens on windows and doors Remove standing water in flower pots, buckets, barrels, old tires, untreated kiddie pools and other containers that can serve as breeding grounds for mosquitoes Make sure backyard pools are appropriately chlorinated; mosquitoes will not breed in chlorinated water When you are outdoors, air movement around your body (from fans or natural breezes) disrupts mosquito flight and reduces your risk of being bitten. Your local health department may provide additional information about protecting against mosquito-borne diseases in your area. What to do if You Think You Have West Nile Virus According to CDC, mild symptoms of West Nile virus will improve on their own without medical intervention. Severe West Nile virus symptoms may require hospitalization. West Nile virus is not spread from casual human contact, such as touching or kissing. If you have severe symptoms and think you may be infected with the West Nile virus, seek medical attention immediately. For more information on West Nile virus, please see Click here to download this article Chris Wiant, M.P.H., Ph.D., is president and CEO of the Caring for Colorado Foundation. He is also chair of the Water Quality & Health Council. *WNV human disease cases or presumptive viremic ("viremic" is defined as the presence of a virus in the blood) blood donors. Presumptive viremic blood donors have a positive screening test, which has not necessarily been confirmed † WNV veterinary disease cases, or infections in mosquitoes, birds, or sentinel animals. 1According to the World Health Organization, vaccines are available for use in horses. MORE FROM DISINFECT FOR HEALTH Legionella Outbreak in the Bronx by Stephen A. Hubbs, PE Cooling towers on building roof tops are believed to be the breeding grounds of bacteria responsible for a summer outbreak of Legionnaires' Disease in New York City. The outbreak began on July 10. As of August 13, twelve deaths and 119 cases of illness have been attributed to the disease, which is caused by Legionella... Read More » Disinfesting Bed Bugs by Linda Golodner A resurgence in bed bug infestations since around 2000 is making travelers wary of hotel beds, and not just lumpy mattresses in budget hotels. Bed bugs travel the world secreted in luggage and clothing; they respect no boundaries, infesting everything from low-cost housing to five-star hotels. Bed Bug Life Stages In contrast to surfaces harboring... Read More »
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Home / Crypto & Blockchain / Crypto purchases that made history Crypto purchases that made history articles | Mar 22, 2021 | Crypto & Blockchain | 77 by Alex Vetrov Most people have learned about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies only recently and at first were wary of them, as if they were a pyramid scheme. But due to the rapid spread of information about blockchain... Most people have learned about Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies only recently and at first were wary of them, as if they were a pyramid scheme. But due to the rapid spread of information about blockchain technology, more and more people around the world know about it and it is gradually becoming a part of everyday life. However, this was not always the case: a few years ago, only a few were fascinated with this technology — as if it were a leisure sport for English aristocracy. But even then the foundation for what we have now was born. It is hard to believe, but the first purchase using Bitcoin took place back in 2010. We will talk about such historic transactions in this article. Two pizzas for 10 thousand Bitcoin The most famous acquisition of Bitcoin was the purchase of two pizzas by one American developer for 10 thousand Bitcoin. The cost of the leading cryptocurrency at that time did not even reach one cent, so the deal seemed quite reasonable. This event went down in history as Bitcoin Pizza Day, and this day is celebrated annually by cryptoinvestors around the world. Counting how many pizzas can be bought for 10 thousand Bitcoin has happened for the last 8 years. Selling a house for a huge amount of money just before the collapse of the rate If the hero of our previous story is probably kicking himself now, then in this case the opposite is true: in January of this year, one businessman sold his luxurious mansion of 900 square meters for almost 500 Bitcoin. At that rate, it was equal to $6 million. However, a week later it fell by 35%. Selling a house shortly before the peak of Bitcoin Another sale of property for crypto took place a year earlier: in 2017, when one miner from the Netherlands decided to sell his house and belongings for 85 Bitcoin. It happened shortly before the peak of Bitcoin, after which the cryptocurrency began to fall. The successful investor has become a successful business coach and investment consultant. According to rumors, he continues to invest part of his income in blockchain. Bitcoin Supercar Automobile enthusiasts are drawn to new technologies. So in 2013, an unknown buyer from Texas bought a Porsche Cayman S for 300 Bitcoin. And although the case caused a great stir, the identity of the rich man could not be established. Although many say that it is a young businessman who works in various industries. In the same year another similar case occurred, with the only difference being that a Tesla was purchased for 90 Bitcoin. Crypto Flights 2013 was a rich year in purchases using Bitcoin. One of the most notable was by Olivier Janssens, a multimillionaire who bought a flight from an English company. The amount of the transaction remains secret. Remarkably, as early as the next year the private jet rental service began to accept Bitcoin as a means of payment. Mt. Gox bankruptcy and large transfers 2011 turned out to be unusually difficult for the Mt.Gox exchange. Wanting to reassure its customers, the head of the company decided to demonstrate that everything was fine with the company and transferred 450 thousand Bitcoin from one address to another. At today's rate it is about $300 million. It's a pity that this measure did not save the exchange from collapse. And its founder even spent several months in prison. Alex Vetrov Journalist. Professor at MPGU Institute of Journalism, Communications and Media Education. Teaches television journalism course at the Institute of Television and Radio. TV and radio presenter at TV Centre, Business TV, Radio CITY-FM 87.9, Radio 'Mayak' and more. All posts by Alex Vetrov Life on Earth could have emerged from a lightning strike A dream job: The UK is searching for a Minecraft expert
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Michael began his career in finance as a quantitative analyst for a leading institutional broker in New York City, where he priced a wide range of over the counter derivatives. He was also responsible for the management of quantitative strategy and business development for North and South America. Michael joined Socha Financial Group, LLC in 2014. His principal responsibilities in the firm as a Chartered Financial Analyst® are investment research and portfolio management. Michael received his Bachelor of Science degree in Quantitative Finance and Economics from James Madison University (2006) and his Master's Degree in Finance with a specialization in Investment Management from the University of Illinois (2007). Michael has a passion for traveling, alpine and water skiing and continually learning about the financial markets.
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Q: How to apply map function on an Element I have an Element of EntityMultiLevelSelector when I call this tag I got an Array that displays on a dialog. But I need to apply search on this list but I can't console any array by using this tag. If someone knows how to apply array functionality on an array kindly help me out. Here is my code. import { Body2, Button, Dialog, Icon, ScrollView, TextInput, View } from '@bluebase/components'; import { Entity, EntityInfoQuery, EntityInfoQueryQuery } from '@mevris/client-graphql'; import React, { useCallback, useEffect, useState } from 'react'; import { TextStyle, ViewStyle } from 'react-native'; import { Theme, useStyles, useTheme } from '@bluebase/core'; import { EntityMultiLevelSelector } from '../../../imports'; import { IRuleCondition } from '../convertConditionToList'; import { MultiLevelSelectorItem } from '@blueeast/client-plugin-ui'; import { useLazyQuery } from '@apollo/client'; export const ConditionEntityMenu = (props: ConditionEntityMenuProps) => { return ( <View style={styles.root}> <Button variant="outlined" size="small" color={color} loading={loading} disabled={loading} onPress={openMenu} style={styles.button} > {data? ?? 'Select Entity'} <Icon name="menu-down" color={color} /> </Button> <Dialog visible={isMenuOpen} dismissable onDismiss={closeMenu}> <View style={styles.list}> <TextInput style={{ padding: 10 }} placeholder="Search Items"/> <ScrollView> <EntityMultiLevelSelector value={entityId} onChangeValue={onChangeValue as any} /> </ScrollView> </View> <View style={styles.footer}> <Body2 style={styles.hint}> {entity ? `Selected: ${}` : ''} </Body2> <Button title="Select" variant="outlined" disabled={!entity} onPress={onSelect} /> </View> </Dialog> </View> ); } Here is the output of my code
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Cavitation is a damaging phenomenon that occurs within and downstream of control valves under certain well-understood temperature, pressure and media velocity conditions. At its very worst, cavitation creates high noise levels along with vibration, pitting and erosion of valves and piping. The noise may be annoying or severe enough to be a health threat. However, the noise is only a symptom of the underlying problem — the process conditions. These conditions also may cause flashing, i.e., formation of vapor bubbles in the media; it doesn't always lead to cavitation and poses less-severe erosive effects.
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Ganglbaueria es un género de coleóptero de la familia Oedemeridae. Distribución geográfica Las especies de este género son: Ganglbaueria collaris Ganglbaueria turkestanica Ganglbaueria kermanica Ganglbaueria richteri Ganglbaueria vazquezi Ganglbaueria iranica Ganglbaueria persica Ganglbaueria turcomanica Referencias Ganglbaueria
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
he MasterKeys L is all about wrapping that classic Cooler Master mechanical feel in a sturdy, minimalist design. Steadfast essentials include on-the-fly macros and switchable layouts. To add that extra touch, we use PBT keycaps and Genuine German CHERRY MX switches. These combined create the sturdier weight and tactile spring that define our mechanical experience. For those who desire better quality, functionality, reliability and simplicity in their keyboard, look no further than the MasterKeys L. Cherry MX Switches - Guaranteed for 50 million keystrokes, Cherry MX switches give you the tactile preference you desire. Sleek, minimalistic design - Refined symmetry and a heavy-weight quality build help keep things clean and simple. 6-Key plus N-Key Rollover – Ensures every key press is registered, your keyboard will not let you down. More links for "MasterKeys L PBT Mechanical Gaming Keyboard Cherry MX Brown Switches"
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Photo courtesy University of Toronto. Click to see full article. Leonard Cohen's music and lyrics have been my life's soundtrack. Not the theme, just as background, mind you. I sang it out loud in an empty room while waiting in hospital after one of my father's aneurysms. It was playing on loop in my head after he died, sitting shiva in New York City. And it was a friend, a mentor even, as I wrote the first two novels (so far) of a series starring a religious homicide detective. "Who by fire," indeed.
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However, glide are not per privilege concerning offspring, plus the adults might enjoy considering that the expansive glide occurred.The product what label expansive fall clown is made for each adults. Naturally, individuals teens will enjoy this too. Ones expansive fall clown shows a fantastic rainbow arch over the bottom for the glide. Do this bring back individuals youth concerning a person? In the event that rainbow exclusively calls the memory right back, then the clown plus the colorful balls painted in the wall surface for the glide will make the experiencing stronger. Each clown try playing balls in the wall surface, in which he produces each balls in some places. Hiring expansive rentals is a great way to showcase that you will be prepared to greet on your families using kids. Parents like to just take their children to events furthermore personal gatherings whenever they have a chance to present his or her kids with other respected members of this culture. These appreciate which host that makes important arrangement to kids activity. If you should be about to host an event for your family members furthermore visitors next think about employing jumpers furthermore glide to tiny visitors. Once you had been kids, can you like glide? As soon as we fall, through the top, ones wind will help you to blow towards face, furthermore observing ones smiling face after your dad or even mum. It is an attractive memory within our lifestyle. Childhood is actually amazing. However it is zero long life time the actual situation. People develop nowadays, you won't stay easy for people to play ones expansive glide in areas, furthermore line up powering the children. Should You, you may find out on your parents face like whenever you had been a youngster, however what they show are surprised or even embarrassing. You will be needing at the very least a couple of towels in order to dry your very own Kayak precisely. Detach all of the removable accessories such as extra bags, chair and all sorts of other activities. Nowadays you need to begin cleansing that the outer area. Dry that the outer area entirely and get to the following procedures. It was difficult to treat kids with no model to expansive rentals will be the top toys hosts will get for these dirty visitors. Decide on the celebration gear at a number to add-ons to employ consumers for the event. All celebration leasing service does put on jumpers to glide during the celebration place for the visitors to take pleasure from. Making your wise range so that your visitors will enjoy on get-together as well as the kids own limitless pleasing to activities in the celebration. Like mentioned previously, all rubber toys are definitely benign as they haven't any sides as steel framework. [[ jumping castle water slide]] To Make Certain That the youngsters behave perfectly when acting in the jumper as glide, you are able to appoint your guard that will take care of those activities for the kids and steer clear of consumers at harming on their own. If you passionately like fishing when cruising at casual, secure furthermore secure shape, this is the best expansive pontoon motorboat for the you.This most useful expansive pontoon motorboat is made and,Special OarsMultiple breeze chambers, andInflatable flooring for maximum comfort, and all sorts of it is possible to ever really want at the best boat. On one other hand, within automobile, excellent inflatable kayak is retained plus in lower than ten minutes near the lake itself filled. Inside global waters, if you're lead, inflatables is element of ones luggage allocation. Such A Thing extra you don't have to cover. Hiring expansive rentals is a great way to showcase that you will be prepared to greet on your families using kids. Parents like to just take their children to events furthermore personal gatherings whenever they have a chance to present his or her kids with other respected members of this culture. These appreciate which host that makes important arrangement to kids activity. If you should be about to host an event for your family members furthermore visitors next think about employing jumpers furthermore glide to tiny visitors. Once you had been kids, can you like glide? As soon as we fall, through the top, ones wind will help you to blow towards face, furthermore observing ones smiling face after your dad or even mum. It is an attractive memory within our lifestyle. Childhood is actually amazing. However it is zero long life time the actual situation. People develop nowadays, you won't stay easy for people to play ones expansive glide in areas, furthermore line up powering the children. Should You, you may find out on your parents face like whenever you had been a youngster, however what they show are surprised or even embarrassing. Variables to consider whilst renting their inflatable fall hire as part of Stockport In latest matter that renting out of inflatable slides has recently converted into the standard training, there are convinced factors that ought to try to be retained as part of concern to prevent any kind of chancy circumstance. If you should be organizing record out of children party things for your childs birthday party then do not overlook to add inflatable rentals inside record. Inflatables are plastic toys being inflated alongside atmosphere or h2o for kids to play. These party accessories may be found in many shapes, sizes plus types. You will find jumpers, slides, jump homes plus jump plus fall combos. They have been the best options it is possible to organize to keep kids hectic. Numerous concerning inflatables is that they are protected for kids and you can let your children to play as part of all plastic toys with no apprehension.
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Greenbelt is located at the Hermosa Beach Pier. We strive to use only the best quality ingredients in our menu items. Our ingredients come fresh daily from local farmer's market produce. Come on over, try our wide selection of craft beer and wines and enjoy quality. Amaaaaazing!!! I NEVER post reviews, but this place makes me want to yell from the mountain tops!!!What a PERFECT addition to the Hermosa Beach strand. The food is crazy-good! You can tell they genuinely care about the ingredients they put in. The passion behind every detail in this place is felt from the moment you walk in. Come in and show your love for this local treasure!! I stumbled across The Greenbelt one night. Cool, hip place, give a local restaurant a try. I could not have been happier! I have since eaten there 5 times with various friends. The short rib plate, the tuna with black rice, the Smog City Hoptonic beer...all amazing. BUT...the pork and veal meatballs...forget about it! Off the charts! The homemade sauce is incredible. Finally, a healthy, fresh new place to eat on the Hermosa Beach Pier! These dishes are works of art. Chef Laurent really knows what he's doing.Talk about creative presentation. It's refreshing to see a restaurant that is SO concerned about being eco-friendly and minimizing harmful waste. The owners are so friendly and outgoing. Nothing but 5 STARS in my opinion. I can't wait to try all their dishes!
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Heritage and Culture Public Spaces and Lakes Rights and Entitlements Street Economy Urban Environment Urban Livestocks Bhuj Bole Chhe Select Language English | ગુજરાતી Migration is the barometer of changing socio-economic and political conditions at the national level and speaks of the levels of economic inequalities existing in the economy. With the share of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of agriculture falling down, a large number of people along with their families is shifting to urban areas in search of better employment opportunities. As in urban areas, different types of industries flourish that have the capacity to absorb workforce in large numbers. As per 64th National Sample Survey Office (NSSO) Report in 2007-08, internal migrants constitutes 28.5% of the population of the country and the construction industry was the dominant employer and a major destination employing about 41.6% of the rural migrants followed by Manufacturing Industry with 17% and Transportation with 16.8%. Migrants are mostly employed in the sectors of construction, domestic work, textile, brick-kilns, transportation, mines, and quarries (Deshingkar and Akter 2009). Internal migration (within a country) is an essential and inevitable component of the economic and social life of the country, given regional imbalances and labor shortages, safe migration should be promoted to maximize its benefits. However, in India, internal migration has been accorded very low priority by the government and policies of the Indian States have largely failed in providing any form of legal or social protection to this vulnerable group. In the absence of a coherent policy framework and strategy, migration imposes heavy costs on human development through poor labor arrangements and working conditions of migrants; denying basic entitlements such as access to decent shelter, fair priced food, subsidized healthcare facilities, and/or training and education and access to finance. Above all, they are unable to participate in the formal electoral system and are denied a fundamental citizenship right to vote. In fact, unorganized sector consists a large proportion of the migrant workforce. Their entry into the labor markets is marked with several endemic disadvantages. Devoid of critical skills, information, and bargaining power, migrant workers often get caught in exploitative labor arrangements that force them to work in low-end, low-value, hazardous work. Lack of identity and legal protection accentuates this problem. The hardships of migrant workers are especially magnified when state boundaries are crossed and the distance between the "source" and "destination" increases. There is a legislation known as Inter-State Migrant Workers Act, 1979 which aims to safeguard migrants. However, it is obsolete and is hardly enforced anywhere. A serious constraint in framing an effective policy is the lack of credible data on the incidence of seasonal migration. ADVERSE EFFECT Seasonal and temporary migration results in disruption of regular and continued schooling of children, adversely affecting their human capital formation and contributing to the inter-generational transmission of poverty. Children who accompany migrating parents end up working at the destinations to supplement family income and are often inducted as labor at worksites as early as the age of 6–7 years and are subjected to health and security risks. There is a close link between the economic growth of a city and increasing informal settlements in urban areas. On the one hand, cities do attract more migrants for livelihood opportunities, on the other hand, due to lack of an adequate housing and basic services for water and sanitation poor migrants live in informal settlements. Poor supply of low-income housing for migrants both ownership and rental in urban centers is a key issue. The prevalence of slum settlements with poor infrastructure results poor living condition has been one of the areas of concern over the years. Most of the demand is at present met by informal sectors. The question of housing for migrants cannot be delinked from the broader issues of housing for urban poor living in informal settlements. The National Urban Housing & Habitat Policy (NUHHP), 2007 of Government of India aims at promoting sustainable development of habitat in the country with a view to ensuring equitable supply of land, shelter, and services at affordable prices to the most vulnerable sections – urban homeless. As part of this policy framework, the scheme titled "Shelter for Urban Homeless" (SUH) under National Urban Livelihood Mission (NULM) provides support to cities through State Government to provide shelters equipped with essential services to the urban homeless. The shelter will also provide a single window system to register them, and link them with social and economic benefits. Bhuj is also home to thousands of families belong to different caste and communities living in temporary settlements without basic services. Urban Setu with support from Aajeevika Bureau and Hunnarshala in collaboration with Nagarpalika has started understanding issues of migrants in the city and to provide shelter and basic services and entitlements for these people. SHELTER AND SOCIAL SECURITY FOR MIGRANTS Since the economy of the country as a whole and the district of Kutch has improved after the 2001 earthquake, there has been a steady increase of migrants, particularly in the construction and industries sectors. The conditions in which they live and work are pathetic. MIGRATION: TRAVELERS OF BHUJ Owner Driven Housing Towards Decentralisation – Citizens' Participation in Urban Governance Desalsar lakefront development Accessing the entitlements of food and nutrition for the poor Linking citizens with social security schemes Streets as public space Conserving Biodiversity in Our Neighbourhoods Recycling Construction Waste Participatory Water Management in Bhuj Women's Empowerment and Safety Adolescent Girls Leadership Initiative Changing lives of poor women through Self Help Groups (SHGs) Creation of violence free, fearless society Enhancing the lives of the Female Sex Workers © 2020 HomesInTheCity. All Rights Reserved. Made with by Romin Interactive, India. Gujarati English
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HomeContentPast Issues92(1) Jan/Feb 1997 MEM INST OSWALDO CRUZ, RIO DE JANEIRO, 92(1) Jan/Feb 1997 PAGES: 37-38 DOI: Technical notes Occurrence of Biomphalaria tenagophila and Disappearance of Biomphalaria straminea in Paracambi, RJ, Brazil Cesar LPA Coelho da Silva +, Marisa S Soares, Magali GM Barreto Departamento de Biologia, Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Av. Brasil 4365, 21045-900 Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil Biomphalaria tenagophila Biomphalaria straminea competitive exclusion RESEARCH NOTE The transmission of Schistosoma mansoni in different localities at the municipality of Paracambi, State of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, appeared to implicate Biomphalaria straminea as the only intermediate host since the 70s, according to the records of the Fundação Nacional de Saúde (FNS). In March 1975, WL Paraense (1986 in Modernos conhecimentos sobre esquistossomose mansônica, Biblioteca da Academia Mineira de Medicina, 12 pp.) identified B. straminea in Paracambi, and the specimens were deposited in the Malacologic Collection of the Oswaldo Cruz Institute. However, following a more recent epidemiological study of schistosomiasis in Sabugo (MS Soares et al. 1995 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 90: 451458) initiated in January 1990, the exclusive presence of B. tenagophila, infected with S. mansoni, was reported. Consequently, the present study was undertaken to ascertain the distribution of potential snail hosts in the municipality. The study, started in 1990, paid special attention to sites where B. straminea had been previously reported by the FNS and also to sites where cases of schistosomiasis had been reported. The snail breeding sites studied were located in: Centro, Sabugo, Vila Nova, Cascata, Boqueirão, Bairro da Fábrica, Quilombo, BNH, Jardim Nova Era, Lages, Guarajuba, and Cabral, and in the rural locations of Saudoso, São José, and Mutirão. All the aquatic habitats in which the snail hosts might be present (rivers, streams, sewage ditches, domestic and collective water reservoirs, wells, dams and lakes) were examined at the studied locations. The number, size and localization of the collection sites were determined on the basis of habitats characteristics (size, depth, current, etc.) as well as the personnel available. The collections were made from monthly to 6-months intervals depending on the availability of resources (personnel, transportation, etc.) and of the presumed epidemiological importance of each habitat. The snails were collected using forceps, basins or sieves, depending on the type of breeding site. In the laboratory, the snails were placed in vessels containing water and a mineral substrate (clay + CaCO3), with photoperiod of 12hr light/12hr dark, and left there for 60 days, receiving fresh lettuce as food. During this period of time, tests of cercaria emission were performed by exposing the animals to artificial light at 5-day intervals to determine possible natural infection with S. mansoni. After this step, the snails were sacrificed, fixed in Railliet-Henry fluid modified for freshwater animals and dissected. Identification was based on taxonomic shell and internal morphology traits, with emphasis on the male and female reproductive systems (WL Paraense 1975 Arq Mus Nac RJ 55: 105-128). All the planorbids collected in Paracambi from January 1990 to December 1995 were from the species B. tenagophila and were recorded in 10 of the 15 neighborhoods surveyed. S. mansoni positive snails were detected at Sabugo along Sabuguinho river, which feeds four domestic water reservoirs. A total of 2,120 snails were collected of which 5 were infected with S. mansoni. Infected snails were also found in another tributary of the same river system at a location situated 1.5 km from the junction with the main river. The catchment here was densely populated and the river was heavily polluted with domestic sewage from a large number of temporary dwellings. Of the 172 snails collected at this site, 3 were infected. Although schistosomiasis was prevalent and B. tenagophila was abundant in this area, no S. mansoni-positive snails were detected. In Paracambi B. tenagophila occurs in varied habitats with lotic or lentic ecosystems. These include unpolluted clear or turbid streams or rivers, sewage ditches, rivers receiving untreated sewage, marshes, flood areas, irrigation canals for vegetable gardens, wells, two large dams that supply two textile industries, and domestic and public water reservoirs. The occurrence of snails in the study area was found to be intimately related to human activity, with the breeding sites being most frequently formed as a consequence of environmental changes such as supply canals, water reservoirs for consumption and leisure, wells, and sewage ditches. The snails were also found in the head-waters of two streams in Nova Era and Mutirão, similar to those described as primitive habitats (JR Freitas 1976 Ci Cultura 28: 212-217). Dams are particularly important in Paracambi as reservoirs for the maintenance of planorbid colonies due to their location in the hydrographic network upstream of other breeding sites. One species may appear in or disappear from a given habitat due to changes in a number of biotic or abiotic factors, such as climate, predation, competition and anthropogenic perturbations (JD Thomas 1995 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 90: 195-204). It has been often claimed that molluscs acting as intermediate hosts of S. mansoni are excluded from certain habitats as a result of competition by other molluscs. Thus, WL Paraense (1970 In AS Cunha, Esquistossomose mansoni, Sarvier & Univ. São Paulo, São Paulo) claimed that B. tenagophila, an autochthonous species in Manguinhos, RJ, Brazil, was excluded by B. glabrata, which was accidentally introduced in 1917. This author did not report any example of coexistence of B. straminea and B. tenagophila and suggested that competitive exclusion should be considered as one of the factors possibly influencing the distribution of these species. FS Barbosa et al. (1981 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 78: 361-363) showed competitive displacement of B. glabrata by B. straminea in two municipalities in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil. In studies conducted in Belo Horizonte and Lagoa Santa, State of Minas Gerais, JR Freitas and MBL Santos (1995 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 90: 261-269) observed interactions between two or more molluscan species in contrasting habitats, and interpreted the results as showing competitive exclusion in some locations and coexistence of the same two species in others for many years. Several investigators claim that B. straminea has a competitive advantage over B. glabrata. Thus, EH Michelson and L Dubois (1979 Rev Inst Med Trop São Paulo 21: 246-253) postulated that interspecific crowding reduces the fecundity of B. glabrata and benefits that of B. straminea, FS Barbosa et al. (1984 Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 79: 163-167) attributed the competitive superiority of B. straminea under seminatural conditions over B. glabrata to its greater capacity for dispersal and vagility. Although no reports are available about the replacement of B. straminea by B. tenagophila, it is possible that such a process had occurred in Paracambi. However caution is needed in attributing the disappearence of a molluscan species to interspecies competition by another. Other factors that must be considered include changes in water chemistry, predation and parasitism. It is possible that one species may be less resistant to toxins, including pesticides, as well as microparasites. Therefore, the hypothesis which is advanced in this paper must be confirmed by laboratory and field experiments. Acknowledgments: to Drs WL Paraense and to LR Correa for confirming the taxonomic identification and for a critical reading of the text. +Corresponding author. Fax: +55-21-290.1146 Received 9 May 1996
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Dr Alf is right but the Government is more interested in taking money from the stupid than it is in meeting the strategic challenge of gambling. The National Lottery is a case in point, whereby the UK lottery is the only one on the planet where the odds can be scaled back after the event and where Professor Thorpe a mathematician was instrumental in helping Camelot PLC structure the Lottery marketing plan to take into account that people born at certain times would not choose numbers based on the letters of their first name thus ensuring smaller overall payouts from the Lottery and more money for the Government. Monies from the "Good Causes" fund of the National Lottery and doubled ticket prices are plundered for use in the NHS and with bigger jackpots odds have been slashed making Lottery profits even bigger along with Treasury take. The philosophy extends to fixed odds betting terminals in bookmakers shops which are a licence to fleece the unwary and the gambling addicted. Slot machines in pubs with flashing lights and sounds are also encouraged along with gambling apps heavily advertised on ITV which allow the poorest to imagine that they are in Las Vegas instead of their squalid council flat. In short gambling is viewed not as a social evil but as a source of voluntary taxation.
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The 'transnational turn' in migration studies, beginning in the early 1990s, has been the subject of vigorous debate by migration scholars, with 'transnationalism' (and its family members – transnational, transmigrant, transnationality) becoming contested terms as theorists discuss and develop different strands of the literature. Over the last thirty years, Eric Dunning's claim that 'sport matters' has been widely accepted in social science scholarship. This development in scholarly debates fittingly reflects modern sport's global interconnections and social effects in the economic, cultural and political realms, which have established it as a powerful facilitator, provider and resource for an 'array of identities'. Everyday nationalism as a sub-field refocuses attention on the 'masses' and human agency within nationalism studies to consider the role and relevance of the everyday, and relevance of the lived experience of nationalism. No one is more categorical about the origin of nationalism than Elie Kedourie: 'Nationalism is a doctrine invented in Europe at the beginning of the nineteenth century. Cultural nationalism generally refers to ideas and practices that relate to the intended revival of a purported national community's culture. If political nationalism is focused on the achievement of political autonomy, cultural nationalism is focused on the cultivation of a nation.
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Lonely Planet�Best of Barcelona�is your passport to the most relevant, up-to-date advice on what to see and skip, and what hidden discoveries await you.Gaze in wonder at Gaudi?s Sagrada Familia, stroll along La Rambla and the ancient streets of the Barri Gotic, and take your pick of tapas joints, all with your trusted travel companion.Inside Lonely Planet?s�Best of Barcelona�Travel Guide:?�Zoom-in maps and images. ?�Inbuilt dictionary for quick referencing. ?�Full-colour maps and images throughout. ?�Cultural insights give you a richer, more rewarding travel experience ? cuisine, history, art, music, architecture, Catalan culture, politics. ?�Free, convenient pull-out Barcelona map (included in print version), plus over 35 colour maps.Coverage Includes:�Barri Gotic, La Rambla, La Ribera,�La Sagrada Familia & L?Eixample, Parc Guell, El Raval,�Barceloneta &�the Waterfront, and more.
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Guides add so much to a tour and often point out things that you wouldn't see just passing by. An English speaking guide although they may speak excellent English must still deal with the many accents of English as well as tourists that English is a second language. Be patient and speak slowly using common words and NO SLANG which is most common to us in the U.S. It is impolite to ask a tourist to repeat a question that is difficult to understand. The coastal major cities it is not much of a problem but once you go into the interior parts of China it can be a bit more difficult. English is being taught in all the schools these days so it is becoming less of a problem. Culture dictates that it is impolite to ask for something that is not possible. A guide normally either tries to avoid answering it or gives you an indefinite answer. That usually means NO. A Guide needs to give a positive response to questions so if what you ask is not possible, you will often get a vague answer. One couple wanted to visit Beijing University since it was on the way to the Summer Palace. It requires a permit to visit which must be obtained in advance. The guide not wanting to give a negative answer, said she would see if it is possible on the way back to the city. The guide knows that the time is too short so that she wouldn't have had to say No to them that it couldn't be done. This is Chinese Cultures differences from ours as one example. I have a book available called "Encountering the Chinese" A Modern Country; An Ancient Culture. It is required reading for college students who will be visiting China and need to know more about interacting with the Chinese. It is difficult to find so I have copies available at $24.95 post paid. If you would like a copy, please send a check made out to Interlake China Tours and send it to Interlake China Tours, P.O. Box 33652 Seattle, WA. 98133 along with your request.
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Q: How many possible combinations? 4 x 4 grid of tiles (with caveats) I'm designing a board game, the surface of which is made up of 16 tiles, in a grid of 4x4 with 10 unique designs. 6 pairs of these are twins. The user can rotate and also rearrange the tiles and make their own configurations. I got curious about the number of possible permutations. NOTE that 2 of the 16 tiles have a circle design and so have a single state (looks the same when rotated), and one pair has a design that has only 2 states (90 degrees and 180 degrees look exactly like 270 and 360 degrees respectively). All tiles can appear anywhere in the grid. Any chance an equation exists for this or any way to calculate the number of possible permutations? Thanks! A: How many ways can we place down $16$ unique square tiles onto this grid, ignoring rotations? There are $16! = 20,922,789,888,000$ ways to do this. If we account for repetition of the tiles, there are $6$ pairs of $2$, which can be freely swapped, so $16!$ over-counts by a factor of $2!^6 = 64$. So, still ignoring rotations, there are $$\frac{16!}{2!^6} = 326,918,592,000$$ possible placements into this grid. Now, taking into account rotations, $12$ of the tiles have no symmetry whatsoever, and can be rotated independently. Then, two more tiles have $180^\circ$ rotational symmetry. This will add in a factor of $4^{12}\cdot 2^2 = 67,108,864$, This gives us the final count of: $$\frac{16!}{2!^6} \cdot 4^{12}\cdot 2^2 = 16! \cdot 4^{10} = 21,939,135,329,599,488,000,$$ or just shy of $22$ quintillion possibilities.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Bilawal says, Entire Focus of PM Imran's Speech Should Have Been Kashmir Issue MIRPUR: Pakistan Peoples' Party (PPP) chairman Bilawal Bhutto Zardari on Wednesday while taking U-turn on his previous statement termed Prime Minister Imran Khan's speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) a good speech. Addressing a press conference in Mirpur on Wednesday after meeting the victims of earthquake, he said that the prime minister's speech at the United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) was a good, however, his entire focus should have been on the Kashmir issue. "The prime minister should have demanded democratic rights and right to self-determination for people of Occupied Kashmir," he said. The PPP chairman said that the compensation being given to the affected people was not enough demanding the federal government to increase the amount of money, adding that doctors and paramedical staff is required in the hospitals. Bilawal went on to say that people are facing problems and the government will have to go, adding that our stance on "Azadi March" is clear. "The PPP has been against the politics of sit-ins," Bilawal said and a meeting with Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam-Fazl (JUI-F) chief is expected soon. He said that becoming an ambassador of Kashmir doesn't mean a single tweet or just a speech and asked how many countries he has visited over Kashmi issue during the last 50 days. Tags: Bilawal BhuttoEntire Focus of PM Imran's Speech Should Have Been Kashmir Issue: Bilawal Malaysia to Supply Palm Byproducts to Pakistan Daily Horoscope For Thursday, 3rd October, 2019 Twin-screen Duo puts Microsoft back in smartphone game "People have judged me based on my appearance!" Ayesha Ali
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Six Nations analysis: Three key areas from England 15-9 Scotland Nick Bishop Casting an eye: England head coach Eddie Jones (photo by INPHO/Andrew Fosker) TAGS: AnalysisBilly Vunipola In late December 2015, England's new head coach Eddie Jones was appraising the backroom staff in Stuart Lancaster's World Cup group. As part of that process, as a consultant/analyst I was invited to preview England's first opponent in the upcoming 2016 Six Nations tournament. I ended up writing three separate pieces for Eddie Jones, including a short report identifying three areas of the game which were likely to be key against Scotland. Those areas were: Effective high kicking game versus Scotland's backfield Ball retention in the 13 channel Neutralising WP Nel at the scrum So how did those areas work out in the game? As it turned out (and it doesn't always turn out this way!), the research and analysis paid into these areas was decisive. England's high kicking strategy England kicked a massive 41 times in total, but the key sub-section of the kicking game was the decision to kick high and contestably in midfield, outside the England exit zone. I found that Wales especially had achieved a lot of success in their 2015 Six Nations game against Scotland by kicking on to the Scotland backfield when it contained their full back Stuart Hogg and No 10 Finn Russell. In fact Russell had been yellow-carded in that match for a poorly-timed challenge on Dan Biggar while defending the high ball, and he was the main target. England put up 9 high contestable kicks at Murrayfield from positions anywhere between the two 40m lines – six were launched from the Scottish side of halfway – and they achieved 5 positive results. They scored their second try in the sequence immediately after a high ball repossession over Russell, created another prime attacking position at midfield on the Scotland 22 after a Scotland error on the receipt, and three other Scottish handling mistakes led to England scrums. That represented an excellent return on England's investment so this area was a 'win'. In the ten previous Scotland games I examined in the course of my reports, I found that 50% of their tries had been scored from turnover. Moreover, 42% had been generated by Scotland's outside backs – number 13 Mark Bennett and their back three – mostly by interception. Bennett's interception try against Australia in the World Cup quarter-final could and should have won that match for the Scots. It was clearly very hazardous to make the second or third pass successfully against Scotland without falling into the defensive traps they set in the 13 channel and beyond it! Jones' solution was to keep the ball inside Scotland's pressure off the edge with a big majority of one-pass or pick and go plays, and no offloads: One-pass plays – 57 (59%) Pick & Go plays – 19 (20%) 2+ pass plays – 21 (21%) Offloads – 1 On the charge: Billy Vunipola (photo by INPHO/Andrew Fosker) England's attacking focus was very tight, with four out of every five carries being one-out or pick plays and no offloads to speak of. This not only made England's No 8 Billy Vunipola by far the game's key ball-carrier with 22 rumbles, it restricted Scotland to one interception, by Russell in the second half off a pass by England's replacement scrum-half Ben Youngs. Scotland didn't handle Vunipola well defensively at first receiver and they didn't create any turnovers off the second pass or beyond, so this area was another conclusive England win. The third key area was neutralising Scotland's South Africa-born tight-head Willem Nel at the scrum. Nel has had a huge impact on Scotland's scrum, with Scotland winning 14 scrum penalties (nearly all on their own feed) since his debut in the summer warm-up against Italy. With 11 of those penalties, they were called on the loose-head directly opposing Nel. Add in England's well-publicised problems at the World Cup against Australia and this could easily have become a platform off which Scotland could dominate the match. Scrum time (photo by INPHO/Cathal Noonan) In the event, with England either kicking the ball high or keeping it tight, Scotland made most of the errors in the game, which meant that England had 11 feeds to a mere one put-in for Scotland. This restricted Nel's range of domination (although he still won two penalties) and allowed England to hang on well in the scrum. England won two penalties as opposed to four for Scotland, which included two at the base of the set-piece in situations where England had lost control. Not a win for England, but manageable – a losing draw. This game proved the value of a sound knowledge of your opponent and showed how it can have a decisive influence on the outcome of a match. On the other hand, the result was no more than a solid 6 out of 10 for Eddie Jones' England. Scotland made twice the number of line-breaks, beat more defenders and made more offloads, and they were never more than one score away right to the end. Looking forward to the sterner challenges ahead, England did not quite get the balance right. They Kicked away too much ball Were probably too reluctant to make the second pass Depend too heavily on Bill Vunipola to carry at first receiver Still show signs of fragility at scrum-time
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Kentucky Coalition Takes Down AT&T Bill to Remove Consumer Phone Protections - Community Broadband Bits #44 Posted April 30, 2013 by christopher Episode #44 of our Community Broadband Bits podcast expands on our story exploring a major victory over bad AT&T-driven legislation in Kentucky. We welcome Mimi Pickering of Appalshop and Tom FitzGerald of the Kentucky Resources Council. We discuss why the AT&T-authored bill to gut consumer protections was bad for Kentucky and how a terrific coalition of public interest groups, unions, and others were able to protect the public interest. This was the second time they have defeated a similar bill, offering important lessons to those of us in different states that have not yet abandoned basic consumer protections for the telephone just because AT&T told our legislature they were unnecessary. Read the transcript from our discussion here. Thanks to Mount Carmel for the music, licensed using Creative Commons. Carroll County Public Network Changes Education, Saves School Funds Carroll County is a bedroom community, with a variety of economies all around it. Washington, D.C., Camp David, Baltimore, Harrisburg, Fort Detrick, and the Aberdeen Proving Ground are a few of the places surrounding Carroll County. There is very little major transportation infrastructure and no major waterways. Many of the county's 167,000 people commute daily to jobs outside of the bullseye. Gary Davis, Chief Information Officer at the Carroll County Public Schools (CCPS) and Chairman of the Carroll County Public Network (CCPN) started at the school district in 2002 and immediately recognized that the telecommunications arrangement was insufficient. Schools and other facilities were connected to the hub via 1.5 Mbps T1 connections and the whole wide-area-network was connected to the Internet via an expensive Frame Relay DS3 connection. The total cost ran as high as $600,000 per year. When CCPS approached Verizon about increasing bandwidth, Verizon's proposal was extremely cost-prohibitive. Verizon wanted a long-term commitment that resulted in more than 10 times their current costs. Basically, Verizon would own the network but capital costs would be funded by CCPS and maintained with ridiculously high recurring fees. The return on investment for Verizon was just too low owing the community demographics. At that time, Davis met Robert Wack of the Westminster City Council and the two compared notes. Davis' vision for Carroll County Public Schools and Wack's ideas for Westminster and Carroll County were very similar. Both involved a high-speed network and Westminster is currently involved in its own municipal network project (to be covered in an upcoming post). A 2003 feasibility study on telecommunications upgrades for the school and a second broader feasibility study for the entire county in 2005 resulted in a loose confederation between CCPS, Carroll County Government, Carroll Community College, and the Carroll County Public Library system. Davis is proud of the fact that the CCPN has broken through past silos. The public sector has worked together in Carroll County, preventing the rampant duplication of efforts that used to be the norm. In Georgia, Monroe Muni Network Created Jobs, Lowered Bills As we monitored Georgia's HB 282, a bill to limit the capacity of local governments to invest in Internet networks that spur economic development, we learned of many existing networks that have helped communities to thrive. Brian Thompson, Director of Electric and Telecommunications in Monroe took some time to tell us a little about their city network. Located in the north central section of Georgia, with a population of 13,000, the network now offers triple play services to residents and businesses. Its network started in the 1970s with a municipal cable tv network. Today, the network is a hybrid with fiber having been added as an expansion to its cable network. Monroe's investment in its fiber began as a way to improve connections for education. The Walton County School District could not find a private provider willing to collaborate on an affordable network between school facilities. The city took on the challenge and built a point-to-point network which the School District paid for in 10 years. In the mean time, the city expanded its network in other areas. Now, the Walton County Schools have gig service between facilities and to the Internet. The District pays only $500 per month for a service that would cost five times more from a private provider. Thompson also confirmed what we hear from other communities with publicly owned networks - prices for business and residential services are very competitive and service is superior. He notes that customers often express appreciation for local representatives, rather than dealing with a huge bureaucracy like those at Verizon or AT&T. New connections can be created in a matter of hours or days instead of weeks. Residential service for Internet access from MonroeAccess.Net includes affordable basic service (1 Mbps / 256 Kbps) for $21.95 per month. Two faster tiers include $34.95 (6 Mbps / 512 Kbps) and $44.95 (15 Mbps / 1 Mbps). Cable tv rates vary from $15.50 to $62.95 per month and residential phone service starts at $29.95 per month. Thompson notes that, when Monroe... Kentuckians Once Again Fighting to Keep Landlines Last year, we reported on the failed SB 135, which would have eliminated the "carrier of last resort" requirement in the state. The bill, sponsored by Republican Senator Paul Hornback would have let AT&T decide who could receive basic telephone service and would have limited consumer protections. Last year's bill did not become law, but a progeny, SB 88, has already passed in the Kentucky Senate and was received in the House on February 15th. (We'd like to report what committee will hear it first but the Kentucky Legislative web has not yet published that information.) Senator Hornback is again the chief author of the bill, crafted by AT&T and its ALEC pals. The Kentucky Resources Council (KRC) provides an analysis of SB 88 and a prognosis on how it would affect Kentuckians. KRC must be feeling deja vu, as are many organizations looking out for rural dwellers who depend on their landlines. These bills continue to be introduced year after year as large telecommunications companies spend millions of lobbying dollars, also year after year. WMMT, Mountain Community Radio in Whitesburg, Kentucky, recently reported on the legislation. Sylvia Ryerson spoke with Tom Fitzgerald from KRC, who discussed the analysis. From KRC's report on the legislation: At potential risk is the opportunity for existing and new customers, to obtain stand-along basic telephone services from the incumbent telephone utility, or "Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS)" as it is called. Those most adversely affected by this loss of access to basic, stand-alone, telephone service are those least able to obtain affordable and reliable alternatives – those who live in rural, lower density areas, and the poor in dense, urbanized areas who have no affordable alternative priced as low as POTS. Community Broadband Bits 28 - Bruce Kushnick Posted January 8, 2013 by christopher If you think the United States cannot afford to take a fiber optic cable to just about every home in the country, you might be surprised to find out that we have already paid for it. We just haven't received it. Our first podcast guest in 2013, Bruce Kushnick of the New Networks Institute, explains the $300 billion ripoff. Bruce and I discuss how the big telephone companies promised to build a fiber optic Internet in return for being allowed to increase their prices. This brings us to Kushnick's Law: "A regulated company will always renege on promises to provide public benefits tomorrow in exchange for regulatory and financial benefits today." The telephone companies raised their prices, but decided to give the proceeds out to shareholders rather than invest in the promised networks. We got higher prices and DSL rather than the fiber optic networks we were promised. Our regulators largely failed us, in part because the only people who pay attention to Public Utility Commissions are the industries regulated by them and the occasional underfunded consumer advocate. This is a very good introduction to why we all pay far too much for services that are too slow and insufficiently reliable. Listen to previous episodes here. You can download the Mp3 file of this episode directly from here. Ohio Legislation Threatens Rural Landline Phone Service Posted October 5, 2012 by lgonzalez Once again, consumers must fight to preserve their landline telephone service. This time, the Ohio General Assembly is pondering legislation that can end traditional service for up to 1 million Ohio residents. Our readers know about the efforts of ALEC and AT&T to drastically reduce their obligation to provide landlines across the country. Up to now, telephone companies were required to serve everyone, but those requirements are under attack, state by state. Bills have emerged in Mississippi, Kentucky, New Jersey and California. The very real fear is that Ohio's Senate Bill 271 (SB271) will increase telephone prices, reduce service quality, and cause many to lose access to reliable 911 service. Many of those who still depend on landlines, include senior citizens. From an article on the Public New Service: AARP Ohio State Director Bill Sundermeyer says, besides preserving social contact, land-line phones are needed to protect seniors' health and safety. For instance, some seniors use the phone line to transmit routine health information from equipment in their home to their doctor's office, he says. "They can make an evaluation of a person's heart and how's it working, of their lungs, etc. That information would be very difficult to transmit over a cell phone." (on a personal note, I can attest to this….my father routinely uses his landline telephone to send data to the clinic about his pacemaker to make sure it is functioning correctly) The Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel (OCC) also expresses concern with the bill because it would allow telephone companies to stop providing local service in places labeled as "fully competitive." In the SB271 Fact Sheet (read the PDF, which offers a map of the qualifying areas), the OCC explains the problem with this definition: To be considered "competitive... Rural Reality: Waiting One Month for Basic Telephone Service in New House Yesterday, we released our first podcast - a short discussion with Linda Kramer of the Sibley-Renville Fiber project in rural Minnesota. When I happened across their Facebook page this morning, I found this perfect example of why the project is necessary (and they gave us permission to reprint it): One of my friends moved from Fairfax to Gibbon two weeks ago. Her existing provider won't hook up service to her new home until June 29. This means nearly four weeks without basic telephone service for her family (and no phone at all while her husband has his work cell phone with him during business hours). Once she gets the service hooked up, she needs to address a billing problem, as the amount she's being billed by this company is not the same as what she was promised when she signed the contract. Excellent local customer service is one of the things many people are looking forward to with RS Fiber. Is this important to you? Most of us in urban areas really hate our cable providers because of the poor service they provide. But at least they are relatively timely in the terrible service they offer -- unlike in rural areas where telco technicians may be responsible for covering many hundreds of square miles. Hesitant though I am to promote anything Facebook-related, the people in Sibley have done a tremendous job of using Facebook to organize people and share stories about why their community-owned network is so important. If you are trying to organize a community for better broadband, take some notes. A Closer Look at FiberNet Monticello Monticello has been all over the muni broadband news lately, in the wake of a letter it sent to bondholders [pdf] alerting them that the City would no longer make up the difference between the revenues produced by the system and the debt payments. This came shortly after the company managing the network decided to step down. Over the next year, the reserve fund will make up the difference while the City and bondholders come to some sort of an agreement. The Star Tribune today published a good synopsis of the situation: City administrator Jeff O'Neill said that the city has no intention of abandoning FiberNet's 1,700 customers, including about 130 businesses. "This system isn't going anywhere," he said. "We're not going out of business." Despite the problems, he said the city has one of the fastest Internet systems in the country that has driven down prices and improved services by providing competition. The article also notes that prior to the City-owned network, the telephone company (TDS) provided very poor DSL service that was harming area businesses with slow and very unreliabile phone and broadband services. Without FiberNet Monticello, we don't know how many businesses would have been forced to relocate to be competitive in the digital economy. We decided to dig a little deeper to get a sense of what Monticello has received for its investment and difficulty. We previously examined the prices charged by Charter cable in town and found that households taking that deal were saving $1000/year. We also noted that Charter was almost certainly engaging in predatory pricing. After talking with other networks, we would guess that Charter is losing between $30 and $50 (conservatively) per subscriber per... State by State Campaign to Gut Consumer Telecom Protections In most states, telephone companies are required to serve everyone and when there are problems with the service, the state can mandate that the company fix them. But AT&T and ALEC are leading the charge to let these massive companies decide for themselves who should have access to a telephone, taking state regulators out of the loop. These big companies use several arguments we are well familiar with - that mobile wireless is already available (in many rural areas, it actually is not available) and there is plenty of competition. If only that were the case. I was thrilled to see David Cay Johnston cover this in a column on Reuters: AT&T and Verizon, the dominant telephone companies, want to end their 99-year-old universal service obligation known as "provider of last resort." They say universal landline service is a costly and unfair anachronism that is no longer justified because of a competitive market for voice services. The new rules AT&T and Verizon drafted would enhance profits by letting them serve only the customers they want. Their focus, and that of smaller phone companies that have the same universal service obligation, is on well-populated areas where people can afford profitable packages that combine telephone, Internet and cable television. What happens when the states hand over authority to these companies? David has an answer: AT&T and Verizon also want to end state authority to resolve customer complaints, saying the market will punish bad behavior. Tell that to Stefanie Brand. Brand is New Jersey's ratepayer advocate whose experience trying to get another kind of service - FiOS - demonstrates what happens when market forces are left to punish behavior, she said. Residents of her apartment building wanted to get wired for the fiber optic service (FiOS) in 2008. Residents said, "We want to see your plans before you start drilling holes, and Verizon said, 'We will drill where we want or else, so we're walking,' and they did," Brand told me. Verizon confirmed that because of the disagreement Brand's building is not wired. And there's nothing Brand can do about it. Verizon reminded me the state Board of Public Utilities no longer has authority to resolve complaints over FiOS. Better broadband is not just about... Rural Kentucky Telephone Access Threatened by Additional Legislation Posted March 13, 2012 by ejames The National Rural Assembly, an advocate for America's hinterland, continues to track harmful legislation moving through the Kentucky Legislature. The assembly's Rural Broadband Policy Group in February publicized Senate Bill 135which eliminates the "carrier of last resort" requirement that big telcos provide basic phone basic and 911 service in rural Kentucky (Feb. press release on SB135). The bill's sponsor Senator Paul Hornback attempted to distance the negative publicity of SB 135 by crafting a new Senate Bill 12 with similar language. SB 12 cleared a Senate panel today to the dismay of opponents. After June 30, 2013, AT&T and other electing "Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers" (ILECs) would no longer be required to provide basic landline telephone service to all persons in a service area, and rural Kentuckians would no longer be assured of access to reliable basic phone service, including 911-emergency service. This bill would be especially harmful for rural people, because they are more likely to be in areas phone companies would decide not to serve, if given the choice. If the Kentucky bill succeeds, we expect major telephone companies to try similar bills in other states. The Rural Broadband Policy Group thinks that both bills need to be killed. After June 30, 2013, AT&T and other electing "Incumbent Local Exchange Carriers" (ILECs) would no longer be required to provide basic landline telephone service to all persons in a service area, and rural Kentuckians would no longer be assured of access to reliable basic phone service, including 911-emergency service. This bill would be especially harmful for rural people, because they are more likely to be in areas phone companies would decide not to serve, if given the choice. If the Kentucky bill succeeds, we expect major telephone companies to try similar bills in other states. The Rural Broadband Policy Group thinks that both bills need to be killed. Possible repercussions: Customers left at the mercy of a utility and its affiliated companies to raise the price for basic service in an area where no other competitor exists. Possible "redlining" of poor and remote communities where providing service is... Local governments do not favor themselves on taxes or right of ways or otherwise compete unfairly with incumbent telecommunications and incumbent cable companies. To the contrary, private incumbents enjoy a wealth of state and federal subsidies, guaranteed rates of return, regulated rates for pole attachments, etc. In addition, local telephone companies enjoyed years of regulated monopoly status to build positions of dominance they continue to enjoy. To pretend that these local incumbents, with their subsidies and regulated access, need to "level the playing field" to protect a "free market" against local government systems flies in the face of reality.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Very good management I lov...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by McKenzie F. - Sep 06, 2017 |Recommended: YesVery good management I love staying at the blocks and I love that it is an affordable place that is bigger than more expensive places The location is great. response from property - Sep 19, 2017 Thank you for your feedback. We are happy to be of service! This has been a great place...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by Kyle P. - Sep 06, 2017 |Recommended: YesThis has been a great place to live. The people in charge are very helpful and very quick if an issue does occur. I know this will be a great year because I live at the block. response from property - Sep 19, 2017 Thank you for your feedback. We hope that you continue to enjoy your living experience with us. I have enjoyed living in my...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by Whitney W. - Sep 04, 2017 |Recommended: YesI have enjoyed living in my apartment I had a few problems in the beginning with things getting cleaned, but maintenance is doing their best to get everything done. response from property - Sep 19, 2017 Thank you for your review. We are happy to be of service! Good amount of space and ve...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by Phillonta B. - Sep 04, 2017 |Recommended: YesGood amount of space and very friendly staff. Minor setbacks sometimes only reason they lose a star. Pretty quiet neighborhood for the most part. response from property - Sep 15, 2017 Thank you for your review. We hope you continue to enjoy calling our community home. I absolutely love staying s...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by Sundai F. - Aug 31, 2017 |Recommended: YesI absolutely love staying staying at the block. The staff members are really nice, and they do whatever they can to help me. The only issue I could see is parking only because we are assigned 2 parks per apartment and other people don't really care where they let their friends park. So that will be an issue. I am loving my new home. Eb...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by Hotm*@*.Com - Aug 30, 2017 |Recommended: YesI am loving my new home. Ebony Boling has been so helpful, she is always there when needed with any concerns or maintenance reports. I am so excited for the rest of my stay here at The Block. response from property - Sep 15, 2017 Thank you for your review. We are happy to hear that we have met your expectations. Signing a lease at The Bloc...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by Bron*@*.Com - Aug 30, 2017 |Recommended: YesSigning a lease at The Block Townhomes has been the best decision I have ever made. Ebony was a huge help and answered all of my questions quickly. I would most certainly recommend this place to anyone at MSU. response from property - Sep 15, 2017 Thank you for your review. Please let us know if there is anything else we may do to add value to your experience with us. I love living here so far o...Review From Modern Messagesubmitted by John S. - Aug 30, 2017 |Recommended: YesI love living here so far only thing I don't like is resident not picking up after there pets. Other than that everyone is super friendly and really chill. response from property - Sep 14, 2017 Thank you for bringing this concern to our attention. Please let us know if any areas are in need of additional attention and we will have our maintenance team look into the issue further.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
One of the delights of preaching is the privilege to help people rightly understand the character or attributes of God. Preaching on the attributes of God is important because God has revealed Himself to us in the Scriptures and desires to be known according to the truth. Thus, to preach on God's attributes is to declare God as He is, which confronts the preacher's listeners with biblical truth to correct any misunderstandings about God and to equip them to love, know, worship, and serve Him more faithfully. One attribute of God that all people need to hear about in truth is the justice of God or what is more commonly known as the righteousness of God. Whether one is preaching a topical series on God's attributes or dealing with them as they appear throughout the preaching of a book, the following pointers provide some guidance on how to think through preaching on the important, moral attribute of God's justice. Preach God as the One who is the ultimate standard of righteousness. The justice of God, as stated above, is another way of speaking of God's righteousness. Scripture teaches that God Himself is the ultimate standard of what is right. Psalm 119:137 declares, "Righteous are You, O LORD." Importantly, then, people need to know that God defines what is right and what is wrong. In other words, something is right because God says it is right, and something is wrong because God says it is wrong. In a world plagued by moral confusion, people desperately need to be reminded that God stands as the final measure of righteousness, not personal experiences/feelings, not popular opinions, not political majorities, not worldly systems. The simplest and soundest way the preacher can point people to God as the ultimate standard of righteousness is by faithfully preaching text-driven sermons through whole books of the Bible, which will consistently expose his listeners to the uprightness of God and all that He reveals as being right. Preach God as the One who always acts in righteousness. Since God is the ultimate standard of righteousness, a logical and necessary deduction follows—God always does what is right. The psalmist explains, "The LORD is righteous in all His ways" (Ps 145:17). For God to be righteous in all His ways means that all His judgements, commands, plans, rule, words, thoughts, deeds, and dealings with man are never sinful or wrong. James teaches us that God cannot be tempted by evil and does not tempt anyone with evil (Jas 1:13). Likewise, the preacher of today should be mindful to encourage his people with the truth that God can never be accused of wrongdoing. Declaring the perfectly righteous ways of God is important because it teaches people that God is worthy of worship in every life situation and encourages them to be thankful, hopeful, trusting, and faithful to Him in all circumstances. Preach God as the One who credits to believer's Christ's righteousness. Scripture confronts man with the reality that only God is righteous. Concerning man, however, Scripture teaches that "there is none righteous, not even one" (Rom 3:10). Consequently, man's unrighteousness leaves him separated from God and deserving of eternal punishment for his sin (Rom 3:23; 6:23). Yet, the Scriptures reveal that God sent Jesus to bear the punishment for the sin of mankind. Peter says, "For Christ also died for sins once for all, the just for the unjust, so that He might bring us to God" (1 Pet 3:18). The good news of the gospel is that God, upon the conditions of repentance and faith in Jesus, will forgive anyone's sin, restore that person to a right relationship with Him, and credit to him/her Christ's righteousness (Rom 3:21-26; 2 Cor 5:21). Since God gloriously credits to repentant sinners Christ's righteousness, the faithful preacher will make sure to explain the gospel clearly in every sermon. He does this to point the lost to the hope of the gospel, so that they understand God's holiness, the problem of their sin, and the forgiveness available to them if they will repent and trust in Christ. He does this also to encourage the saved with the truth that despite our failures, God sees us as a righteous people based upon our relationship to Jesus Christ. The Christian's union with Christ means that what is true of Christ is true of him/her. Oh, how the preacher can help his people grow in their sanctification by reminding them of how God truly sees them, as forgiven sons and daughters who are righteous in Christ! Preach God as the One who commands us to do what is righteous. The righteous God who always does what is right commands His people to live righteously. Scripture describes those who are born of God as those who "practice righteousness" and do not "practice sin" (1 John 3:4-10) and as those who were formerly "slaves of sin" but are now "slaves of righteousness" (Rom 6:12-23). Knowing that God commands His people to live righteously, it is necessary for the preacher to ever be exhorting his listeners to do whatever it takes to put their sin to death and to pursue a life of purity and obedience to Christ (Col 3:5; 2 Tim 2:22). In calling his listeners to righteous living, there is a caution for the preacher. The preacher must remind his people that what God commands them to do He also enables them to do. He must be careful to communicate that a life of moral obedience does not stem from a mustering up of human strength or ability. To the contrary, the Holy Spirit of God who dwells within every believer empowers him/her to die to the flesh and to do what is holy and righteous and good (Rom 8:13). Truly, the responsibility of the preacher is to declare that in Christ we are freed not only from the penalty of sin and declared righteous, but we are also freed from the power of sin to live righteously. Donald Schmidt is the Senior Pastor of Lakeland Baptist Church in Lewisville, Texas.
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AGRO ALLIED PRODUCT About Jebstar Nigeria Limited We boost of experienced and qualified professionals that have been tested and always trusted. Our AIM is to provide services of the highest professional standard. We are sought to develop and apply new knowledge and innovate techniques whenever these may benefit the client on one hand and the industry at large Our OBJECTIVE provide the client the best quality, utilizing the best materials/resources with a commitment to deliver on time every time, safety and cost effectively with probative co-operation with the client, innovating, and progressing together. Jebstar Nigeria Limited is 100% owned Nigerian Company was incorporated in the year 1992 to carry on general business including oil and gas located at Alausa, Ikeja, Lagos. The Company has an authorized/fully paid share capital of N150,000.00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousands Naira only). The company is a fully indigenous company with focus on the downstream sector of the oil and Gas industry. The Company is one of the fleet managers of Nigeria National Petroleum Corporation {NNPC} for supply and delivery of petroleum product all over the country. Our scope of operations include marine services, trading, storage, marketing and distribution of petroleum products such as Aviation Turbine Kerosene (ATK)/jet A1, Petroleum Motor spirit (PMS), Automotive Gas Oil (AGO), Dual Purpose Kerosene (DPK) etc. MANAGEMENT PROFILE ENGINEER M.A. JEBUTU (CEO) Engr. M. A. Jebutu was the General Manager, Technical Services (rtd) with National Electric Power Authority (NEPA) and resigned after putting in thirty years of service. He started his educational carrier at Federal Polytechnic Bida where he obtained an Higher National Diploma (HND) in Power Engineering and later obtained his Master of Business Administration (MBA) in Technology Management Ogun State University, now Olabisi Onabanjo University, Ago Iwoye. He is a Member Nigeria Society of Engineers (MNSE), Member Nigeria Institute of Management (Chartered) MNIM, Member, Nigerian Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MNIEEE), Member Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (MIEEE), , Registered Chartered Electrical Power Engineer (Council for Regulation of Engineering in Nigeria(COREN) and Fellow Chartered Institute of Public Administration (FCAI). Mr. Olusoji Ayeni (Executive Director) Mr Olusoji Ayeni is a Business Administrator by training, he graduated from the University of Lagos with B. Sc. in Business Administration in 2005, and Obtained his Master of Business Administration in Personnel Management.He has over 8 years experience as an Administrator and He has an inimitable knack for identifying goods with high market potentials. He has also brought to bear on the company his values of honesty, integrity and hard work. He is a clear apostle of hands on management and exemplifies the management by being present approach to business management. He displays an adamantine sense of her personal convictions and values in all his engagements and drives the business based on those convictions. Mr Rotimi Oladele (General Manager, Finance) Rotimi Oladele is experienced in the area of finance covering both the company financial activities and regulatory issues. With over 16 years experience in managing finance activities. He is a qualified member of Institute of Chartered Accountant of Nigeria (ICAN), also possess a BSC and MSC in Accountancy.
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Laundry Room Organization Guys gives the best solutions for household and commercial Laundry Room Organization in Arizona. You will discover a highly knowledgeable group of experts that offer Laundry Room Organization in Arizona at an inexpensive cost. We appreciate all your goals and concerns, and we'll be ready to deliver the best and least expensive service in the market. Contact us today by dialing 888-348-2788. Why would you consider Laundry Room Organization Guys? You might want to consider Laundry Room Organization Guys simply because we have got the finest quality materials, reasonable prices, and specialized professional advice to give. If you contact us at 888-348-2788, we are going to address all of your questions regarding Laundry Room Organization in Arizona and give you a quote for the expense and timeline with the job. You're looking for a service which will work quickly, saves you money, and offers you expert products and services. When you'd like remarkable client care and proven success, you've found it through our team. We are the best business of Laundry Room Organization in Arizona. You won't confront the sloppy blunders and lower value materials which others are known for if you choose Laundry Room Organization Guys for all of your Laundry Room Organization expectations. Could Laundry Room Organization Guys finish your venture even while keeping in budget? We know the best way to save you money with Laundry Room Organization through finishing the task efficiently using a crew of highly skilled and knowledgeable contractors that know exactly what they are working on. We understand that misusing hours and resources is pricy, therefore we keep away from standard complications and finish the process with professionalism and efficiency. We all work quickly with a thorough approach which is guaranteed to save you both time and money, but your job will be of the very highest quality on completion. The money savings keep going even once we finish the plan since our top of the line work and materials is not going to call for repairs and replacing for several years. Get in touch with 888-348-2788 for details concerning just how long you can expect to benefit from our premium efforts and materials. For these and any other such services, please contact Laundry Room Organization Guys on 888-348-2788. We guarantee that you will be satisfied with our efforts on industrial and domestic Laundry Room Organization in Arizona. We provide educated help and advice and great services to each of our valued clients. Go ahead and ask any sort of concerns which you might have, and we will be able to respond to them. Our Laundry Room Organization experts are skilled and committed to guaranteeing your top satisfaction. We consistently show up promptly and finish each project promptly with top-quality work. You will not encounter more unforeseen costs, since we know just what we're working at, so we provide a detailed estimate before starting up the work on your own business or home. It is easy to have confidence in our business to do the job properly the first time and also to cost less money all through the work. Call now for your own complimentary quote and answers to your important questions. Laundry Room Organization around your Area!
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Each month I post a newsletter from Native Stock Pictures using Constant Contact. A bit of shameless self promotion. Besides featuring new photos from my image collection, April's newsletter gives a bit of information about Native Americans honoring Earth Day.
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Located in a great little town just outside of Charlotte. Where life is...easier! Great schools, easy access to I-85 and I-485 and a short to commute to Uptown Charlotte! Perfect for those who like the benefits of a small town, and yet want the excitement the big city! River Wind is located just minutes from Charlotte. You will be able to check into your temporary housing at 3:30pm on the day of your arrival. Please make sure that you bring your move in instructions to ensure a smooth check-in. We hope that you enjoy your stay! Check-out time is 12:00 p.m Please remember to remove all of your personal itmes as well as any trash from your apartment. You do have until midnight to vacate. Please leave all of your keys, access cards, and remotes on the kitchen counter with the exception of 1 door key. Please lock the door as you leave and place the door key in the envelope we have provided labeled with you name and apartment number. Take this key to the leasing office. If it is after hours, please drop inthe after hours drop pox. If you have any questions concerning you move out, please feel free to give us a call at 704-588-4668. We hope you have enjoyed your stay. Parking is open to all residents and guests. Please keep in mind that illegally parked vehicles will be subject to tow-away at the owner's expense.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
is located in southwestern St. Maarten, between Simpson Bay Lagoon, Mullet Bay Golf Course, and Maho. The only privately owned peninsula in St. Maarten, Pt. Pirouette is an exclusive gated community. Enjoy peace and quiet overlooking the largest lagoon in the Caribbean, while the classic green peaks and valleys of the St. Maarten landscape sprawl across the distance. At your backdoor, enjoy St. Maarten's only golf course, an 18-hole course designed by Joseph Lee in 1970, with both ocean and lagoon adjacent holes. Carts and clubs are available for rent on site for your convenience in this picturesque setting. To the south, St. Maarten's entertainment capital, Maho, leaves nothing to be desired. From shopping, to fine dining, bars, clubs, shows, cabaret and live piano, a spa, casino, pharmacy, grocery store, and more, its impossible to want more. However, if it is more that you desire, head west to Cupecoy for a taste of the Gourmet Village, where more than 8 restaurants await you surrounding the Atlantis Casino. Pt. Pirouette is also convenient to the beaches of Cupecoy and Maho, as well as the picturesque Mullet Bay Beach. Mullet Bay is an island favorite, still untainted by the presence of any resort. Offering a large stretching curve of white sand, with slow rolling curls of waves, and a classic backdrop of palm and seagrape trees, Mullet Bay is surely one of the prettiest beaches on St. Maarten. Situated conveniently between the trendy and bustling hotspots of Cupecoy and Maho, Mullet bay offers a natural reprise from all the cares of life. The water, always the most brilliant turquoise blue, ranges from calm, especially on the southern end of the beach, to decent surf, attracting both surfers and bathers alike. Mullet is known for its pristine clear water and immaculate white sand. At the south end of the beach, Rosie's Rib Shack offers fire grilled food, cold and frozen drinks, and beach chairs all day. On the weekends, there are often parties with live music and volleyball, while weekdays welcome in a more tranquil vibe. For those less inclined to the social scene, a walk over to the northern end of the beach changes the setting for a private, quiet experience. Climb to the top of the bluffs for some sun bathing or a fantastic sunset view.
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here you can learn everything about predators of both land and sea. This site contains information about great white sharks, cheetahs, mountain lions, and tigers. Keep in mind that more animals are on the way. This site also contains many pictures, information, and worthwhile links. If you are an animal lover please view this site, I promise you will love it. "This site is dedicated to these marvelous predators that inhabit air, water and land. This site also includes ways to preserve these creatures and to give people an understanding on why these creatures are so important to our environment" dedicated to providing you with information about these predators. Please enjoy! need to know more please be patient, More is on the way! "saving them is our greatest obstacle in life"
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It wasn't just walks that haunted, though. Despite its cost-efficiency and—there is no other phrase for it—amiable idiosyncrasy, the Metrodome haunts the stadia of Minnesota from the grave. Not the beloved, 125-decibel thunderdome that hosted the 1987 and 1991 World Series, but the sad, old embarrassment whose final humiliation was the Teflon roof's biblical rending in twain under the weight of a snowstorm on a live cable-TV feed during its final season. The stadia of Minnesota have been haunted by fabric. It's the inevitable elephant in the room when you talk about fabric and architecture in this state—an elephant draped in pillowy, white Metrodome Teflon into which baseballs disappear. Here he pauses, choosing his words carefully: "Another fabric that another building in Minnesota used to have." Teflon will haunt! Indeed, it won't be perceived the same way. Fabric is a versatile medium, capable of being deployed in any number of ways. It doesn't always have to billow. The signature design element of Allianz Field, in the final stages of taking shape at Snelling Avenue and I-94 in St. Paul, is its taut, shimmering crown of polytetrafluoroethylene (PFTE) screen. In daylight, it reflects the color of the sky above; at night, it glows when illuminated from within. It manages to look both elemental, acting as a link between earth and sky, and like some sleek, engineered surface from the not-so-distant future. Appropriately for its use in a venue for soccer—the most international of sports—the PFTE screen gives the design a look that's very much in conversation with stadia across the world. It's a look that isn't going for the sheer bulk and brutality of U.S. Bank Stadium, or the nostalgia of Fenway Park or Wrigley Field. A soccer stadium can be ethereal and cosmopolitan, using whatever materials might achieve those qualities. Go anywhere on earth, and you'll find stadia with no allergy to fabric as a viable material. From South Korea to Brazil, the last 20 years have produced soccer stadia with Teflon elements that create all types of forms, ranging from organic to artificial, suggesting anything from massed sails to membranes. Interestingly, the Allianz Field architects began with a concept, not a material. There was no sense of tracking Asian, South American, or European stadium trends, or echoing the design of a Busan Asiad Stadium or an Estádio Beira-Rio, to name two earlier buildings with noteworthy fabric elements. Instead, the earliest concepts for Allianz Field were meant to evoke and reflect the wide prairie sky and the movement of water on the surface of a lake or river. The architects wanted something expansive and elemental that would complement aspects of the surrounding area. In addition, they wanted something that motorists on I-94 would read as monumental but soccer fans coming from the light rail or A Line bus on the opposite side would experience as more human-scaled. How this would be achieved was not immediately clear. It was the fabric that made the initial concept possible. At the same time, it was strong enough to resist wind and create a microclimate within the stadium. It could also shield the neighborhood from some of the crowd noise and direct it onto the pitch. The PFTE is a weave made of fiberglass that's treated with an iridescent silver pigment and then laminated with polymer. It's manufactured in New England, sent to China for cutting and seaming into panels, then shipped back over in rolls that resemble giant beach noodles. Onsite, the panels are lifted like a drape and stretched over the curving steel tubes that encircle the structure; that's what's been happening, panel by panel, over the past few months. I take a bus down I-94 every day on my commute, and I've watched the fabric go up. High tech though it is, it reminds me of a very old technology. In college, I worked at an art-supply and framing store. One of my jobs was to stretch canvases. If you're a painter, you know this process well. You've got a wooden frame and a pile of canvas sitting in a corner—ideally neatly folded but usually not. Through a careful combination of brute strength and finesse, you start from the middle of each side of the frame and staple your way to the corners. Slowly, with expert folds in the corners and little tucks here and there, your flimsy, floppy rectangle with puckered edges morphs into a beautiful, sleek object. I thought of that task every day I passed the construction site—all that tightening and tautening transforming the structure from a loose, gray Christo installation into a smooth, streamlined halo. When I zipped by Allianz Field this morning, there wasn't a pucker in sight. In the gray winter sky, it seemed to hover slightly over the ground like a cloud—appropriate for a venue for a soccer team whose fan base is known as the Dark Clouds. Whatever haunting happens in Allianz Field when it opens in March will hopefully be the chants of thousands of United supporters echoing down on the pitch, reverberating off the stadium's perfectly tuned silver wrap.
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What Did Your Chanel Bag Just Say To Me? Gear up on five IoT news bites for Friday LED Chanel Chanel is already a coveted brand among fashionistas. But now, Chanel is pushing into the fashion tech space with a new LED handbag which debuted on the runway during Paris Fashion Week. On the runway the bags flashed the Chanel logo, but that's not to say the bags will be programmed that way permanently—or if they'll even go on sale to consumers at all. Clothing designers are playing with LEDs, such as Vixole, looking to embed the lights in their sneakers. One company even sells the pieces to make your own. But Chanel could be the first major brand to take this technology to the street. Samsung Recall..Again? Samsung could end up with another recall on its hands after a replacement for the 2.5 million Galaxy Note 7 previously recalled, caught fire on a Southwest flight this week. Bloomberg reports that now the Federal Aviation Administration is looking into the incident after a Galaxy Note 7, that had been powered down, started to smoke causing the plane to be evacuated. The fires in the first version of the phone stemmed from the smartphone's battery. Samsung recalled all of these, offering refunds or replacements. But if the replacements are causing similar issues, the South Korean-based firm may end up having to recall the phones. Again. Verizon Drones Verizon is launching a drone program meant to expand its wireless networks. Called Airborne LTE Operations, the drones could be used, for example, to help first responders and emergency personnel with communication needs, or view remote pipelines and high-voltage electrical lines with the drones that then relay that information and imagery. Oculus Add Ons Oculus debuted its upcoming $200 Touch controller which should be in consumer hands by December. The VR company, now owned by Facebook, held its developer conference today and also announced a $500 PC for the Rift—a dramatically lower price than earlier computers needed to power its VR headset. (Via VentureBeat) You Are The Remote New products are changing the way we interact with them—allowing us to control apps and software through the turn of a wrist or our voice. We roundup some of the latest launching now or in the next few months. What works with Philips Hue
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Service consists of us setting-up on your server bellow suggested CMS that will power your web site and enable you to take a charge of content management, whenever and wherever from you want, as well as to maintain and easily upgrade it on your own. Your professionally looking web site can be online as soon as you are ready to make that first important step forward, for you or your business. If you find yourself overwhelmed with the process of doing it yourself, or are too busy to do it, have no time to learn how to set-up the web site on your own, maybe our time is all you need. If you have any questions do not hesitate to contact us with detailed description of your needs. We can install the WordPress as a publishing platform or, read a short article on our web site to learn how to do it yourself. If you purchase a Professional Theme designed for WordPress web site from a theme designer mentioned and linked to in this article on our web site we will install that Theme for you. Articles linked to are from our series on Establishing an Online Presence – "when, what, where, how to do it yourself". * Additional expenses are associated with having a website. Those include or may include, a hosting service, domain name registration, SSL certificate, additional plugins or other third party services, etc.
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State Of The Union 2009: Obama's First Address To Congress Tuesday By Rachel Weiner Barack Obama struck a note of optimism Tuesday evening, declaring that America's best days are ahead even if, at this moment, the future looks bleak. But while our economy may be weakened and our confidence shaken; though we are living through difficult and uncertain times, tonight I want every American to know this: We will rebuild, we will recover, and the United States of America will emerge stronger than before. The weight of this crisis will not determine the destiny of this nation. The answers to our problems don't lie beyond our reach. They exist in our laboratories and universities; in our fields and our factories; in the imaginations of our entrepreneurs and the pride of the hardest-working people on Earth. Those qualities that have made America the greatest force of progress and prosperity in human history we still possess in ample measure. What is required now is for this country to pull together, confront boldly the challenges we face, and take responsibility for our future once more. The resilient tone stands in some contrast to the largely realist message that Obama struck during his inaugural address. In addition to providing Obama a forum to strike a commanding and assuring note with the American public, Tuesday night's address also represents a chance for the president to set the legislative agenda for the weeks ahead. The Republican response, as delivered by Gov. Bobby Jindal, will actually criticize Obama for pessimism - in what seems to be a direct contrast to what Obama actually plans to say. "A few weeks ago," reads an excerpt of Jindal's speech, "the President warned that our nation is facing a crisis that he said 'we may not be able to reverse.' Our troubles are real, to be sure. But don't let anyone tell you that we cannot recover - or that America's best days are behind her." The guest list for First Lady Michelle Obama's box: Mrs. Michelle Obama Leonard Abess Jr., CEO, City National Bank of Florida (Miami, FL) Ty'Sheoma Bethea, Student (Dillon, SC) Elizabeth Carballo, Student (Washington, DC) Richard G. DeCoatsworth, Police Officer (Philadelphia, PA) Earl Devaney, Chair, Recovery Act Transparency and Accountability Board Mayor Bob Dixson (Greensburg, KS) Governor Jim Douglas (Montpelier, VT) Mary Henley (Richmond, VA) SPC Jonathon N. James, US Army (Mountain View, AR) Valerie B. Jarrett, Senior Advisor and Assistant to the President for Intergovernmental Affairs and Public Liaison Blake Jones, Co-Founder and President, Namaste Solar (Boulder, CO) Shannon Kendall (Georgetown, TX) Victoria Kirby, Student (Washington, DC) Geneva Lawson, Safe-Deposit Custodian, City National Bank of Florida (Miami, FL) Lilly Ledbetter (Jacksonville, AL) General Alfonso E. Lenhardt, US Army (Washington, DC) Roxanna Garcia Marcus, Development Manager, Year Up (Washington, DC) Abbey Meacham, Firefighter (Forest, VA) Akrem Muzemil, Student (Washington, DC) Sergeant John E. Rice, USMC (Bethesda, MD) Juan Francisco Rodriguez, Student, Bell Multicultural High School (Washington, DC) Phil Schiliro, Assistant to the President for Legislative Affairs Alvaro Simmons, Chief Operating Officer, Mary's Center (Washington, DC) Governor Ted Strickland (Columbus, OH) The video will be live here: White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs previewed President Obama's address on "Good Morning America" Tuesday. Asked about Bill Clinton's advice to be more optimistic about the economy, Gibbs responded, "You'll hear the president tell Americans that ... better days are ahead." Watch: President Obama is delivering his first State of the Union-like address on Tuesday. McClatchy says there are three key questions facing the nation's leader: First, will he reach out to the Republicans who have felt free to scorn him, or match his popularity against theirs and try to slap them back? Second, how specific will he be about his plans for the coming days? Will he propose nationalizing troubled banks or lay the groundwork for such a dramatic action? Will he use his first proposed budget this week to advance a campaign to overhaul the nation's health-care system? Third, will he continue the warnings he's used so far to prod Congress to follow his lead on rescuing the economy, or will he employ a more upbeat voice and say help is on the way? AP adds some context on what Obama plans to discuss: The president is expected to show Americans how all the pieces fit together to make the economy sound again. There's the $787 billion just-signed stimulus bill, plus an even more expensive mix of rescues for the financial industry, auto companies and troubled mortgage holders. He will touch on other priorities he says fit into the bigger picture. Potentially eye-popping expensive plans to broaden health care coverage to eventually insure everyone. Moving the country toward greener energy sources. Expanding education opportunities. Overhauling financial industry regulation. And, he is all but certain to talk about the national debt and budget woes, stressing the need to get what he calls "exploding deficits" under control by controlling spending. His upcoming budget request will include his goal to slice the estimated $1.3 trillion annual deficit in half by the end of his first term. The speech is not formally called a State of the Union, AP reports, because Obama is not considered to have had enough time in the White House yet to deliver a full status report. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi formally invited President Obama to address Congress. The full letter: We greatly appreciate your support for the legislation we have sent you to guarantee fair pay for women and expanded health care for children, and for your leadership as we work to finalize an economic recovery bill, which we will send you shortly. This Congress and your Administration have truly hit the ground running, but our hard work has just begun. We would like to invite you to address a Joint Session of the Congress on Tuesday, February 24 to share your vision for addressing the many critical challenges our country faces at home and abroad. Thank you for considering this invitation to speak to the Congress and the nation. We look forward to your reply. NANCY PELOSI HARRY REID Speaker of the House Majority Leader of the Senate In Farewell Speech As President, Trump Says 'We Did What We Came Here To Do' Tiffany Trump's Interestingly Timed Engagement News Raises Eyebrows On Twitter Melania Trump Asks Twitter Users To Follow Her Old Account. They Say No Thanks. Senate Democrats Announce First Order Of Business For New Majority: Fixing Democracy Rachel Weiner State of the Union Politics Barack Obama Obamas State Of The Union
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This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. We tap Silvio Pietroluongo, senior vice president of charts and data development for Billboard, to walk us through how it's changed over its 60 year history. This year marks the 60th anniversary of the Billboard Hot 100 Chart. We tap Silvio Pietroluongo, senior vice president of charts and data development for Billboard, to take us back to the beginning of the chart and walk us through how it's changed over its 60 year history.
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Two days ago we posted an article to Download & Install MIUI Global Stable ROM On Xiaomi Mi 5 and now Xiaomi has released another firmware update for Xiaomi Mi5.Now MIUI Global stable ROM is available for Xiaomi Mi5. This is just an incremental update comes with some security patches, system stability, and some new features.The good news is that we got both fastboot and recovery files of the ROM.If you want to install the firmware update via recovery then download the recovery firmware and if you want to install the firmware OTA update via fastboot then download the fastboot one but remember, you need to unlock the bootloader first if you are using fastboot. will not be held responsible for any kind of damage occurred to your Xiaomi Mi 5 while following this tutorial.Do it at your own risk.
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The original proposal of the corridor routing is defined in the Regulation EU No 913/2010 as follows: Praha – Horní Lideč – Žilina – Košice – Čierna nad Tisou (Slovak-Ukrainian border). The routing has been modified by the decision of the RFC 9 Management Board as follows: Praha – Horní Lideč / Bohumín / Havířov / Žilina – Košice – Čierna nad Tisou (alternatively Maťovce) – Slovak-Ukrainian border. The current characteristics of CS corridor are shown at the map, there are also displayed the Terminals and Marshalling yards located along the corridor or at its vicinity where it is possible to assume the CS corridor utilization. pre-arranged paths (PaPs) of the Czech-Slovak Rail Freight Corridor (RFC 9) for the Timetable 2020 have been published today. The PaPs overview is available at the section Documents. All PaPs are also published in PCS system (powered by the association RailNetEurope) which is used for path request application. Thank you for your interest. If necessary, we are fully at your disposal. reserve capacity (RC) of the Czech-Slovak Rail Freight Corridor (RFC 9) for the Timetable 2019 have been published today. The RC overview is available at the section Documents. All RC is also published in PCS system (powered by the association RailNetEurope) which is used for path request application. Your opinions and experiences are very important for us – join the survey, please. For this year the Czech-Slovak Corridor has prepared a specific questionnaire which aims to identify and analyze a satisfaction level with services provided to improve the quality of the services for customers. If you are interested in participating in the survey, please fill in the questionnaire (link). If you have any questions, please contact the C-OSS office. Czech-Slovak RFC Corridor (RFC 9) together with all RFC corridors would like to inform you that for describing needs and wishes for preparation of pre-arranged paths for TT 2020 you can use attached form here until 01.08.2018. Please send your wishes for pre-arranged paths filled into this template to any C-OSS, for example to the address We would like to invite you to PCS training event. This training will take place on 28.2. and 1.3. in Budapest. All details including registration information can be found in invitation which is available in documents area. pre-arranged paths (PaPs) of the Czech-Slovak Rail Freight Corridor (RFC 9) for the Timetable 2019 have been published today. The PaPs overview is available at the section Documents. All PaPs are also published in PCS system (powered by the association RailNetEurope) which is used for path request application. Results of this year's users satisfaction survey are available in section Documents (download). If you have any questions, please contact the C-OSS office. Your opinions and experiences are very important for us – join the survey please. For this year the Czech-Slovak Corridor has prepared a specific questionnaire which aims to identify and analyse a satisfaction level with services provided to improve the quality of the services for customers. If you are interested in participating in the survey, please fill out the questionnaire (download) and send it back to us in accordance with the instructions given there. If you have any questions, please contact the C-OSS office. Your opinions and experiences are very important for us – join the survey please. All RFC corridors and the association of Infrastructure Managers Rail Net Europe (RNE) have prepared together a uniform questionnaire which aims to identify and analyse a satisfaction level with services provided to improve the quality of the services for customers. The survey will be carried out on behalf of all RFC corridors by the independent renowned agency specialized for market research Marketmind GmbH. If you are interested to participate in the survey and you will not receive an email with a link to the questionnaire on 13 September 2016 from Marketmind, please contact the office of C-OSS (link: Czech-Slovak RFC Corridor (RFC 9) together with Baltic-Adriatic Corridor (RFC 5) a Orient/Eat-Med Corridor (RFC 7) would like to inform you that for describing needs and wishes for preparation of pre-arranged paths for TT 2018 you can use attached form here until 22.08.2016. More information about the process of gathering of needs is available in this document. pre-arranged paths (PaPs) of the corridor RFC 9 for the Timetable 2017 have been published today. The PaPs overview is available at the section Documents. All PaPs are at the same time published in PCS system which is used for path request application. According to the fact that the PCS system provider postponed the launch of new PCS system version – PCS Next Generation, you can find the PaPs offer on PCS NG School system at the following link: The PaPs 2017 are uploaded in PCS School for information purpose only. It is planed that from January 26th 2016 the PaPs offer 2017 will be published in the adopted live PCS system where you will be able to send an international path request. For more information and for access information to PCS NG School system, please contact C-OSS office. At the same time the new version of Corridor Information Document (CID) has been published as well and it is available also in the same section Documents. According to the Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) No 913/2010 of 22 September 2010 the RFC 9 activity has been launched as of 10 November 2013 with the support of Správa železniční dopravní cesty, státní organizace (SŽDC), Železnice Slovenskej republiky (ŽSR) and the European Union. More information is available in the press release at the section For media (here). RFC 9 Information brochure prepared in cooperation with RNE is available for download (here).
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GUILT…5 little letters that pack a punch way above the space they take up on the page. 5 little letters that are a heavy cross to bear when you are a parent. For some reason, that burden seems to fall even more heavily on mothers. Every tiny thing we do comes loaded with worry, doubt and GUILT. The guilt I come across the most is formula-feeding guilt. I see it etched across women's faces on a daily basis. They are bearing the weight of the way they are feeding their babies. Worried about other people's judgement. Feeling the need to justify their choices. Except that word 'choice' annoys the heck out of me. 'Choice' makes it sound like these women freely opted to formula feed; that there was a level playing field with various equal options laid out for her to pick. Except making a 'choice' is never like that. Even choosing a brand of toothpaste is never completely free will. There may be very persuasive adverts for that particular brand. Or your dentist strongly recommends it. You may not know what the ingredients are, or may try to choose a brand with more, or less, flouride according to your knowledge and opinions about flouride, or according to whether you have flouride in your water. Your dentist may tell you that because you are using another kind of drug, you can't use a particular type of toothpaste, so your choice may be restricted. It may be that you just prefer a certain flavour and pick one to suit your taste. Infant feeding is likewise strewn with situations that may restrict us from exercising free will. What we do know is that more than 90% of women start off wanting to breastfeed their babies. Research also tells us that more than 80% of those women will later admit that they didn't breastfeed for as long as they wanted. So SOMETHING is taking away free choice from all these women. So it's a about time we stopped talking about CHOICE. It's a word that implies that the way these women feed their babies is somehow their responsibility. That somehow individidual mothers bear the blame and the guilt for not breastfeeding. There are still vast swathes of the country with no support groups, no breastfeeding counsellors, no International Board Certified Lactation Consultants, not even any peer supporters or well-informed friends. There are women who have no social support networks at all. Or who are too shy to reach out. Or who don't realise that there even ARE people who can help. So they struggle on alone and fix their issues as best they can, because they are good mums, doing their best. Sometimes some help is worse than none. People who think they know about breastfeeding but only know how it was for them. People whose job it is to support infant feeding but who haven't been given the training and up-to-date information they need to do their job well. People who are too busy to try to help mothers reach their goals with breastfeeding, so reach for the easy-fix of formula. And then there are those who see breastfeeding and are triggered into feeling guilt and sorrow for their own feeding story – and unconsciously need this mother do formula feed in order to feel validated in their own decisions. Mothers are often told they must wean – because their child is "too old", or because they are taking a certain medication, or because they are encountering a breastfeeding challenge. This advice is almost always wrong. Not just those ads you see on the TV, but the branding stalks us all day, every day and ramps up as soon as they know you're pregant. Even the Bounty bags the NHS give you will have formula company logos in them. The health professionals who care for us are given free lunches, free holidays and free study days by formula companies. Their professional publications are often full of scientific-looking adverts proclaiming the efficacy of their product. You will be offered free gifts and support from 'care-lines' and online forums; as they pretend to be giving dispassionate, non-judgemental support they are actually fueling the fires of distrust between formula feeding and breastfeeding mothers. Our leaders are merely human. They have their own personal baby-feeding stories, or they have believed the marketing hype and truly think that formula is equal to breastmilk. They may even believe it is a scientific advance on nature. They might even believe it is better to formula feed, so that women can go back to work and contribute to the economy. They may worry that having an opinion on this controversial subject may lose them votes. It may not seem a priority to spend money on infant feeding support when there are so many other things to spend ever-decreasing budgets on. Rare, but very real health issues, medical problems or social and emotional challenges that make breastfeeding very difficult indeed or even impossible. These are uncommon, but mustn't be forgotten in our zeal to change the world and make breastfeeding more accessible to more women. 6. Your habitat or social context. If you've never seen a woman in real life breastfeed, if you've grown up surrounded by attitudes that belittle breastfeeding or make it seem slutty or embarrassing or just, well…ikky, then why would you be blamed for feeding your baby the way your tribe feeds babies? No. Of course not. It is SOCIETY'S job to stand up and take responsibility for this public health issue. Breastfeeding is the one single most powerful way of evening out social inequalities. Breastfeeding saves millions of pounds and massive resources for the NHS. Yes, even here in the UK, breastfeeding saves lives. So it's time we stopped silencing mothers with platitudes and guilt and started helping new mothers to do what most of them actually want to do: nurse their babies. Today Unicef, the worldwife child health charity has launched a Call to Action for the UK. Yes Unicef – that charity which we are more used to seeing asking for money for starving kids in war torn developing countries. Why on earth are they focussing their attention on us, I hear you cry? Well, because they've looked at the evidence. They've looked at our stats. They've looked at our record of child health and child poverty and frankly, they're appalled. We have pretty much the worst breastfeeding stats in the whole world – yes, even worse than the USA, which has a 6 WEEK maternity leave, hardly any midwives and no postnatal home visiting at all. Sitting with women where they are and helping them get where they want to go, without judgement and without conditions. If you'd like to add your voice to the Call to Action, please sign here. Because together we are strong. There is more here about removing the barriers to breastfeeding.
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Water restrictions kick-in despite lowest water usage in decades by Sarah Gore | May 29, 2019 | News Water restrictions will come into effect on Friday, June 1, despite water consumption staying at an all time low. Dams across the Sydney region are losing about 0.5% volume each week, but current water demand is approximately 100 billion litres per year lower than it... Consumers not concerned about latest WhatsApp hack by Sarah Gore | May 15, 2019 | News, Tech & Research The latest hacking scandal involving Israel's NSO Group and popular app WhatsApp has sparked concern among human rights groups, but many of the app users seem unbothered by the revelations. According to the Financial Times, a loophole in the WhatsApp software... Inspired by the landscape & large Catholic family, Jones seeks ninth year in parliament by Sarah Gore | May 10, 2019 | Govt & Politics, News Stephen Jones is re-contesting his seat of Whitlam in the upcoming election – a seat he sits in with pride. "I am proud of the region where I grew up, the Illawarra— the place where I first acquired my interest in politics. The Illawarra is the place where I learned... Locals reject former Wallabies coach's call for assistant refs to play more involved role in game by Sarah Gore | May 8, 2019 | News, Sport A prominent rugby union personality has called for assistant referees to be on the field and more involved in offside decisions, but local rugby club members disagree. Former Wallabies coach Rod Macqueen said the defensive line falling offside is a common issue in the... History of Wollongong architecture showcased in homely exhibition by Sarah Gore | Mar 27, 2019 | Arts/Lifestyle/Culture [youtube] Artists old and young have come together in an exhibition that highlights Illawarra homes past and present. The exhibition at the Wollongong Art Gallery, aptly titled 'A Place to Call Home', is...
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Is there a word for both photography and videography? Is there a word to describe both photography and videography? For decades the two were similar but also very different, mainly each needed their own separate cameras. But now there are mostly just "cameras" that can capture both moving and still images. Often they are intertwined, with single cameras being able to capture both, with the lines blurring of videos inside of photos (Live Photos) and photos inside of videos (taking frames from 4K) what can we call this hybrid form of capturing. These words are more than just describing the act of creating the media: it's all encompassing. How do we describe the act of doing both at the same time? How do we describe things that are created, including GIFs, Boomerangs, Live Photos and other new combinations of the traditional formats? If there's a camera that best represents this new combined medium, it's the iPhone. I don't like the word content, it's too much of a buzzword. Capturing reminds me of Pokémon. Seeing is too broad. I like recording. But it has audio connotations. There must be a new "-ography" that can be used for both photo and videos. I'm going to be thinking about this more and more as I'm working on Pocket Camera — let me know your thoughts in the comment below and on Twitter. Pocket Camera oceanwp body div.wpforms-container-full .wpforms-form input.wpforms-field-medium,body div.wpforms-container-full .wpforms-form Wim Wenders on iPhones and "killing photography" Is taking photos on the iPhone actual "photography?" What then makes a photo a photograph and taking a picture and act of photography? I've always
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04/02/2019 Toronto Raptors Four takeaways from Toronto Raptors division-clinching win over Orlando Magic Led by 29 points from Danny Green, Raptors advanced to 55-23 on the season with a win over the Orlando Magic, clinching the Atlantic Division for the second straight year. By Gilbert McGregor @GMcGregor21 The Toronto Raptors have now won four straight games, advancing to 55-23 on the season with a 12-point win over the Orlando Magic Monday night. Led by Danny Green, six different Raptors scored in double figures and nine different players scored at least five points on the night. Toronto shot a red-hot 50 percent from the field and 51.4 percent from deep as good ball movement again yielded positive results - it assisted on 31 of its 42 made field goals on the night. Orlando, who falls to 38-40, was led by 21 points from Evan Fournier. All-Star Nikola Vucevic finished the night with a 13-point, 13-rebound double-double and Canadian Khem Birch chipped in 11 points off the bench. With four games remaining in the season, the Raptors look to continue to build momentum for a postseason run. With that in mind, here are four takeaways from the win… Danny Green His performance fueled Toronto tonight and is worthy of a takeaway of its own. Green scored a season-high 29 points while shooting 11-for-15 from the field and 7-for-10 from beyond the arc. In addition to his scoring outburst, Green pulled down five rebounds, blocked three shots and grabbed two steals, making his presence felt on both ends of the floor. Over the Raptors four-game win streak, Green is shooting lights out from beyond the arc - the 10-year veteran has knocked down 16 of his last 23 3-point attempts, a blistering 69.6 percent. His shooting paced the Raptors in the win, as the team knocked down 19, outscoring the Magic by 21 points from beyond the arc. Green's getting hot at the best possible time as his 3-point shooting could sway a playoff series. The End of the First Half Midway through in the second quarter, Toronto trailed 50-43 and it appeared that Orlando simply had the team's number this season. The Raptors responded by ramping up the intensity. By closing the quarter on a 19-2 run, Toronto entered the halftime break with a 60-52 lead and it didn't stop there, either. The extended run continued into the third quarter, where the Raptors would lead by as many as 24 points. In total, the Raptors outscored the Magic 52-25 from the midway point in the second quarter to the end of the third to head into the fourth quarter with a 20-point lead. The final score was closer than things actually were, but the tone was set by the run made as the first half came to a close. Ball Movement Brings Success Led by seven dimes from both point guards Kyle Lowry and Fred VanVleet, Toronto finished the night assisting on 31 of its 46 made field goals. It's the 20th time this season, the Raptors dished out over 30 assists. The team's record in those 20 games? 19-1. To take it a step further, Tronto is 35-8 when dishing out 25 or more assists. By now it's no secret that this offence is at its absolute best when the ball is swiftly moving and good shots are passed up for great looks. This is evidenced by the Raptors' high shooting percentages on the night. From the middle of the second quarter until the end of the game, Toronto assisted on 18 of its 26 made field goals, shooting 51 percent from the field, outscoring Orlando 78-59. This will be huge in the postseason. Atlantic Division Champs With the win, the Raptors clinched the Atlantic Division title for the second consecutive season and the sixth time in franchise history. Clinched the Atlantic. #WeTheNorth - Toronto Raptors (@Raptors) April 2, 2019 The team is establishing some dominance in the division, as it has won five of the last six division titles, with Boston winning in 2017. Along with the benchmark of winning 50 games, the perennial excellence within the division is crucial in developing the identity of a prestigious franchise. With the playoffs inching closer, this team can cross one goal off of its list with plenty of bigger goals to go. More from Nurse talks Raptors upcoming season without Kawhi Gilbert McGregor 3h ago Toronto Raptors Report: Lowry undergoes procedure on left thumb How will you remember Kawhi-DeMar trade? Staff How Pascal Siakam can become a superstar How did the Raptors do in free agency? Carlan Gay What Hollis-Jefferson brings to Raptors
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There was a shock at Indian Wells over the weekend with Canadian wild card Bianca Andreescu coming through to beat Angelique Kerber to win her first ever WTA title. That was some historic moment happening there and it will pique the interest of bettors ahead of this week's action in Miami. For this week's action in Florida, it is Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams who head the field as 7/1 joint-favourites* (betting odds taken from bet365 on March 18th, 2019 at 8:10 pm). This is the first time that the tournament will be hosted at its brand new venue the Hard Rock Stadium. Kerber and Andreescu to go back at it? Right off the bat for this Premier Mandatory tournament, there could be a rematch between Angelique Kerber and Bianca Andreescu in the third round. That would be something after their meeting in the showcase match at Indian Wells. Kerber is rocketing up the ranking and is at 9/1 outright to win in Miami* (betting odds taken from bet365 on March 18th, 2019 at 8:10 pm). That run at Indian Wells was Kerber's best effort of the season so far. It's tough to imagine that the unseeded Andreescu is going to find a way to power through back to back high ranking events like this. It is not too realistic. Those two are in the top quarter where 9th seed Aryna Sabalenka is. She lost to Kerber last week at Indian Wells. The winner of this quarter may have to face world number one Naomi Osaka in the quarters. Osaka couldn't make much headway in her Indian Wells title defence last week, going out at the fourth round to Naomi Osaka. That was just her second tournament since this year's Australian Open win. In the fourth round of Miami, Osaka could be going up against Caroline Wozniacki. Petra Kvitova has had a good season with three finals already behind her, the most recent a loss in Dubai to Belinda Bencic. Simona Halep suffered a shock defeat to teenager Marketa Vondrousova at Indian Wells last week and there's not a particularly easy path for the Romanian in Miami. She would have to deal with Venus Williams in her quarter (who was a quarterfinalist at Indian Wells) and the winner of that section may well have to deal with Serena Williams in the quarterfinals itself. Serena Williams has won eight Miami titles during her career. Williams came through a big second round match against Victoria Azarenka at Indian Wells, before retiring from her next match against Garbine Muguruza. A viral illness was the cause of her withdrawal. Williams is 7/1 to power her way to a ninth Miami title* (betting odds taken from bet365 on March 18th, 2019 at 8:10 pm). The reigning Miami Open champion is Sloane Stephens. It hasn't been a spectacular season from the American at all, going 5-5 in 2019. She comes in straight at the second round of Miami. In the same quarter as the reigning champion is last year's losing finalist Jelena Ostapenko and fifth seed Karolina Pliskova. The other interesting name in the mix in the section is Belinda Bencic who has beaten six top-ten players in recent action and is a 33/1 each way option this week* (betting odds taken from bet365 on March 18th, 2019 at 8:10 pm). This will be another great, wide open field and there could be some big early clashes going down as well. Simona Halep's path doesn't look particularly great for her, but it will be interesting to see how much Serena Williams has recovered from her illness which saw her pull out of Indian Wells. In the last two seasons, we have had slightly surprising winners of Johanna Konta and Sloane Stephens come through the pack. That suggests that perhaps it's worth looking beyond the front runners. Kerber has looked the most stable of the front runners but the long week in California won't have helped her. So it is Petra Kvitova who, after a slip at Indian Wells who could come back firing on a new surface in a new stadium. Her form has been excellent in general in 2019.
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RESEARCH FIRM LOOK-LOOK'S ONLINE SURVEYS HELP BUSINESSES PIN DOWN THE FAST-MOVING YOUTH MARKET. Youth culture's whirlwind nature spells a heady challenge for anyone whose business depends on reading the minds of the 14-to-30-year-old... Rose Apodaca, Lizzy Epstein RESEARCH FIRM LOOK-LOOK'S ONLINE SURVEYS HELP BUSINESSES PIN DOWN THE FAST-MOVING YOUTH MARKET. Youth culture's whirlwind nature spells a heady challenge for anyone whose business depends on reading the minds of the 14-to-30-year-old set. The traditionally relied-upon quarterly and monthly trend reports are often dated by the time they're published, leaving marketers scrambling for current information. DeeDee Gordon and Sharon Lee, founders of Hollywood-based Look-Look have turned to the Internet as a means of obtaining the fastest and most precise research and analysis on the youth market. The pair met at their former employer, Lambesis, where they created the popular trend tome the L-Report. Prior to that, Lee, 33, was involved in strategic planning and client services for advertising agencies; Gordon, 31, started in retail before branching into research, youth trends and product development. Although the two are mum about Look-Look's clients, they include major and even Fortune 500 firms from the entertainment, automotive, financial, fashion and beauty worlds. (At press time, subscription rates were being reworked and were therefore unavailable.) What companies look to Gordon and Lee for is the hard data they collect via their Web site, Some 10,000 respondents answer multi-subject questionnaires and surveys that can track specific brands, trends — even topical issues. Results are then organized into several categories: fashion, entertainment, technology, activities, eating and drinking, health and beauty, mood (how they feel about life) and spirituality. Subscribers may scroll through the massive archive of digital images snapped by Look-Look's international posse of trend hunters, and download charts and graphs that instantly provide analysis on a given topic to use in company presentations. And instead of taking months, as conventional, on-paper surveys do, Look-Look offers turnaround times of weeks or even days. As for the young contributors, they are rewarded with points that can be traded for cash or high tech treasures such as digital cameras. Gordon and Lee are quick to note their recruits take part in the surveys for more than just phat fortunes. "We'll meet a kid in a city and find they have a lot to say about what's going on," said Lee. Further setting Look-Look apart are their research procedures. "Methodology is crucial, especially the quantity and quality of the sample. We can take a sample of 300 or of thousands," boasted Lee. "That's up to Gallup standards." CROSS-POLLINATION Look for unusual, unexpected combinations. In fashion, young people continue to be inventive, daring and impulsive, going against the mass-market grain. Educated by magazines and the Internet, they call on many different trends and eras to create their own look, even adopting the fashion trade lexicon, as one Look-Look respondent did when she reported, "I'm really into thrift-store retro, and I really like the mix of Seventies clothes with an Eighties influence." Other signs of cross-pollination: Hip-hop artists making rock music (Rappers Mos Def's forming a rock band called Jack Johnson; The Roots performing Nirvana covers). Converging technology, such as the cell phone/mp3 player/camera. Hybrid spaces, such as art galleries combined with clothing stores (Such as Alife in NYC, Xtra Large and Kbond in L.A. and Colette in Paris). MOBILE LIFESTYLE A continuing key trend with young people who are living a life constantly on the go: their cell phones, beepers, gadgets and food and beverage products support a mobile lifestyle. Popular items are compact, portable, wearable, functional, durable and versatile. THE PROOF: Wearable technology, such as the watch/camera. Instant messaging, wireless communication, Ipod, cheaper PDAs. Lightweight, collapsible furniture. The Segway scooter. The ESL or Extended Shelf Life on products like soy milk makes for greater portability; the return of military style MREs (meals ready-to-eat). MULTIPLE IDENTITIES The availability and wide use of e-mail, chat, BlackBerry, cell phones and other related technologies have fostered a culture where young people cultivate multiple variations on their personalities. And there's plenty of role models for role-playing coming out of pop culture, fashion and beauty. Take Madonna and Britney Spears, whose careers are shaped by the various personas they cultivate through their hair, makeup and wardrobe choices. Teens use different screen names, such as "gothgirl" for browsing music sites and "heather123" for making online diary entries. The popularity of stores such as Hot Topic, which sell clothes to create specific, often extreme looks (goth, rocker, punk and so on). Young people with extremely varied interests — they listen to Britney Spears one moment, Marilyn Manson the next. ART FOR THE MASSES There's an increasing demand for, and supply of, art that is accessible and affordable. Artists and architects are increasingly targeting the masses. A prime example: Architect Michael Graves's tabletop designs for Target. Art is delivered in ways that kids can afford: figurines, T-shirts, posters. Designer architects are redesigning public schools. Collectibles are being created by graffiti and graphic artists like KAWS, Bathing Ape and Mark Gonzales. Japanese pop culture painters like Yoshitomo Nara designing T-shirts that are sold at Giant Robot ( in Los Angeles and Takashimaya in NYC. Artists like Shepard Fairey and Bathing Ape are redesigning cans for Pepsi and Mountain Dew in Japan. Galleries are showing everyday objects as art, such as retro, hand-held video games displayed in plastic. Art vending machines are seen in New York, Houston and Washington selling wood blocks painted by rising artists for $5. GLASS HALF FULL: The New Positivity Youth culture is embracing a new positivity, leaving irony, sarcasm and cynicism behind. Young people want to be optimistic and make a difference. They enjoy having heroes and readily volunteer their time and money. Acceptance and tolerance are in; social differences like race and sexual orientation are less important. The fast-growing popularity of Christian alt-rock bands, including Creed and POD. Reality TV shows with a potentially positive spin, such as WB's Popstars (a chronicle of the making of a pop band), HBO's Project Greenlight (showing an aspiring filmmaker at work) and the new NBC reality show based on the Seventies TV series "Fantasy Island." Hairstyle and makeup trends that are natural looking, not overly processed or overdone. HOMESPUN CREATIVITY The DIY trend continues to be strong because it's affordable, creative and personal. Young people make clothing, photos, digital films and custom CDs for themselves and as gifts. Advances in digital cameras and editing software make it easy and affordable to create new-media works. Craft hobbies, like knitting and crocheting, are catching on. The fashion industry is embracing handmade-looking, one-of-a-kind clothing and accessories. At home, young people are embellishing their own wardrobes with trims and funky add-ons. Young people are getting into the kitchen like never before: take Clare Crespo (, the quirky, 30ish Martha Stewart, and her new cookbook, to be published by Hyperion in 2002. Teens adding designs such as artistic details to clothing and accessories, studs, spray painting and crazy embroidering. The preponderance of teen bands, people burning and mixing their own CDs."2.X>
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Ben Arfa set for July 4th return | NUFC Blog. "I know we made noises that he might play in those last three games but realistically, I never gave him a chance. "I was trying to keep the boy's head up to be honest. I don't want him to see negative press so I said he might play in those three games. "But I thought I was doing the right thing for Hatem, so that he genuinely felt he had a chance because he was quite low about his training, his workrate and everything. I hope this is true as what little we've seen of Ben Arfa seems to show him as one of our rising stars, adding some much-needed creativity to our midfield. Its true that years ago this would have been a career ending injury. FFS both bones in the lower leg snapped. Its amazing he doesn't walk with a limp, let alone play football again. I'm glad Pardew didn't rush him back. But if he's not fit enough by july 4th then maybe we should start to worry. Fugging De Jong has a lot to answer for. Steve I think the reason he said what he did,is that AP can't stop trying to big himself up.He wants everybody to think what an astue bloke he is. "You lose Leon Best and you gain Hatem Ben Arfa – that's basically where we are. I don't think he'll be involved for a while, and Liverpool will possibly be his first inclusion in my thinking. If Alan Pardew is admitting that he told us things he knew were untrue, then how does he expect us to believe him when he makes further "noises" (as he puts it)? And when Alan Pardew says "we", who is "we" exactly? Pardew was the only person who came out in public to say that Ben Arfa might be making a return in the last few games of the season, possibly starting at Liverpool. Munich, It's rather an imporant point. If he misled the fans and one of his own players, how are the fans, and the players supposed to trust what he says on important issues? And is it good for the reputation of the club that the manager says things in public interviews when he is almost certain that they are false? Meh. Don't care about this.
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On 20 September, Mark Schneider, President of the International Crisis Group (ICG) used an op-ed piece in the Christian Science Monitor to argue for the UN's military presence in Haiti to be extended (the article can be found here). Schneider pays a perfunctory bit of lip service to the idea that MINUSTAH should do more to vet and train its troops against misconduct. But for nearly a decade, the mission has failed to adequately address these issues. "Sexual exploitation and abuse (SEA) occurs by MINUSTAH members who are determined to circumvent MINUSTAH's anti-SEA mechanisms," a former US Ambassador to Haiti concluded in a diplomatic cable.
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US Pauses Deportations to Haiti After Hurricane Matthew Given the devastation of Hurricane Matthew, the US Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has decided to pause its planned deportations of Haitians coming to the US-Mexico border. When Haitian migrants started arriving in large numbers to the San Ysidro crossing in San Diego, DHS had decided to resume non-criminal deportations to Haiti, which had been on hold since the 2010 earthquake. It is unclear how soon conditions in Haiti will improve, or how soon the deportations will be resumed. Part of the article is below. Click HERE for the full article. US policy on deporting Haitians on hold in wake of hurricane Peter Orsi, The Washington Post MEXICO CITY — Hurricane Matthew's destruction in Haiti has put on hold a new policy of deporting Haitians who are in the United States without permission but the government intends to return to it in the future, U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said Tuesday. Speaking in Mexico City where he held talks with Cabinet officials on border, migration and security issues, Johnson noted that some flights to Haiti have been suspended in the wake of the storm, which has killed hundreds of people. "We will have to deal with that situation, address it, be sympathetic to the plight of the people of Haiti as a result of the hurricane," he said. "But after that situation, after that condition has been addressed, we intend to resume the policy change that I brought about several weeks ago." The United States stopped deporting Haitians after the Caribbean country was hit by a devastating earthquake in 2010, freeing them on humanitarian parole instead. But on Sept. 21, Homeland Security began putting Haitians in detention facilities as a prelude to sending them home. Click HERE for the full article.
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{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Crash happened during install of the current iso, ie the iso in current on cdimages. Hi, I'm here from the dupe #739891. Attached are requested files. Thank you for taking the time to report this crash and helping to make Ubuntu better. This particular crash has already been reported and is a duplicate of bug #652916, so is being marked as such. Please look at the other bug report to see if there is any missing information that you can provide, or to see if there is a workaround for the bug. Additionally, any further discussion regarding the bug should occur in the other report. Please continue to report any other bugs you may find. I'm removing the duplicate, the traces in syslog are not the same. Would you need my latest syslog and partman from today? Please start the installer entirely afresh (i.e. reboot). Enter a live session ("Try Ubuntu"), start a terminal, and run 'ubiquity -d'. Let the installer run through until it fails. Before rebooting, I then need /var/log/syslog and /var/log/installer/debug from the failed installation - please attach them to this bug. Just an FYI: The debug log file produced from running 'ubiquity -d' will include the password you used in plain text so don't use a password you would normally use. Just make it 'test' or something. * Put build-dependencies in the right place. * Add python-apt to the build-depends for the test harness. * Run the tests on all architectures. * Don't feed jockey's output into debconf (LP: #739632). I was able to successfully install!! I also confirm that daily Natty Desktop i386 ISO dated 29. march, installation completed successfully.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Engage in printing of security and confidential documents such as travel documents, licenses and certificates (accounted c. 70% of the revenue). Circa 30% of the revenue is from oil palm production and processing. And small revenue contribution from property management and investment holding. Technological advancements might reduce the earnings visibility of the company in the long run (paper-based documents being replaced by mobile systems). Bank notes printing services, although, enjoys high barriers to entry, but the significant deterioration in operating efficiency makes the company less attractive. Large dependent on Malaysia government poses greater concentration risk as any unexpected event will be detrimental to the business. The property management division's assets were higher than that of printing and oil palm division but delivered the lowest profit (at a low single digit percentage) which significantly dragged down the ROE (see the report). The volatility of CPO prices also dragged down the profit generation and the division continues to consume higher cash in the form of capital expenditure (26% of sales in FY 2016), weakened its cash flow generation. Indeed, the free cash flow declined from RM 98m in FY 2011 to RM 46m in FY 2016. Despite the poor performance, the company is positively supported by net cash position (currently no debt). With cash of RM 183m in hand, which represents 34.7% of the market cap. RHB currently has a neutral outlook for plantation industry hence we believe there is a high probability that the oil palm segment will not contribute materially to the upcoming financial performance. 3) Weaker dividend coverage and significant deteriorated financial performance over time.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Gender - Any -FemaleMale Religion - Any -AnglicanBaptistBuddhistCatholicHinduHumanistIslamJewishMethodistOtherOther Protestant non-conformistPresbyterianQuakerSikhUnitarian Career - Any -Administration and DiplomacyAgricultureArchitectureArts and CraftsBusiness and FinanceClassics and LanguagesCrimeEccentricsEducationEngineering and TechnologyFolkloreGaelic and Norse LordsGentry and AristocracyGeography, Cartography and SurveyingHistory, Archaeology and AntiquarianismIndustryIrish AbroadIrish LanguageJournalism and BroadcastingLabour and Trades UnionsLandlordsLawLegendary figuresLibraries and MuseumsLiteratureManual WorkMedicineMilitaryMiscellaneousMusic and DancePhilanthropy and Community WorkPhilosophyPhotographyPolicePoliticsPrinting and PublishingReligionSaintsScholarshipScience and TechnologySocial SciencesSocial ServicesSportThe SeaTheatre, Film and TVTrade and RetailingTransport and CommunicationsTravel and Exploration Place of birth - Any -Ireland-Belfast-Co. Antrim-Co. Armagh-Co. Carlow-Co. Cavan-Co. Clare-Co. Cork-Co. Donegal-Co. Down-Co. Dublin-Co. Fermanagh-Co. Galway-Co. Kerry-Co. Kildare-Co. Kilkenny-Co. Laois-Co. Leitrim-Co. Limerick-Co. Londonderry-Co. Longford-Co. Louth-Co. Mayo-Co. Meath-Co. Monaghan-Co. Offaly-Co. Roscommon-Co. Sligo-Co. Tipperary-Co. Tyrone-Co. Waterford-Co. Westmeath-Co. Wexford-Co. WicklowTanzaniaAfghanistanAlgeriaAntarcticArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBahamasBarbadosBelgiumBohemiaBoliviaBulgariaBurundiCanadaCeylonChileChinaColombiaCroatiaCyprusCzech RepublicCzechoslovakiaDenmarkDominicaEcuadorEgyptEnglandEstoniaFranceGambiaGermanyGibraltarGreeceGuernseyGuyanaHollandHong KongHungaryIndiaIranIsle of ManIsraelItalyJamaicaJapanJerseyKenyaLithuaniaLuxembourgMalaysiaMaltaMauritiusMexicoMonacoMoroccoNetherlandsNew ZealandNigeriaNorwayPakistanPalestineParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalRussiaScotlandSerbiaSlovakiaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSudanSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTobagoTrinidadTurkeyUkraineUSAWalesZaireZambiaZimbabwe Place of death - Any -Ireland-Belfast-Co. Antrim-Co. Armagh-Co. Carlow-Co. Cavan-Co. Clare-Co. Cork-Co. Donegal-Co. Down-Co. Dublin-Co. Fermanagh-Co. Galway-Co. Kerry-Co. Kildare-Co. Kilkenny-Co. Laois-Co. Leitrim-Co. Limerick-Co. Londonderry-Co. Longford-Co. Louth-Co. Mayo-Co. Meath-Co. Monaghan-Co. Offaly-Co. Roscommon-Co. Sligo-Co. Tipperary-Co. Tyrone-Co. Waterford-Co. Westmeath-Co. Wexford-Co. WicklowTanzaniaAfghanistanAlgeriaAntarcticArgentinaAustraliaAustriaBahamasBarbadosBelgiumBohemiaBoliviaBulgariaBurundiCanadaCeylonChileChinaColombiaCroatiaCyprusCzech RepublicCzechoslovakiaDenmarkDominicaEcuadorEgyptEnglandEstoniaFranceGambiaGermanyGibraltarGreeceGuernseyGuyanaHollandHong KongHungaryIndiaIranIsle of ManIsraelItalyJamaicaJapanJerseyKenyaLithuaniaLuxembourgMalaysiaMaltaMauritiusMexicoMonacoMoroccoNetherlandsNew ZealandNigeriaNorwayPakistanPalestineParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalRussiaScotlandSerbiaSlovakiaSomaliaSouth AfricaSouth KoreaSpainSudanSwedenSwitzerlandThailandTobagoTrinidadTurkeyUkraineUSAWalesZaireZambiaZimbabwe Sort by Name AscName DescDate of birth AscDate of birth DescDate of death AscDate of death Desc Displaying 1 - 25 of 614 results on page 1 of 25 Abbadie, Jacques (James) Abbadie, Jacques (James) (1654?–1727), huguenot dean of Killaloe, preacher, and apologist of the Christian religion, was born in Nay in Béarn, France, third child of Pierre Abbadie and Violente Abbadie (née de Fortaner). He received his early education at the local protestant…... Adair, Archibald Adair, Archibald (d. 1647), Church of Ireland bishop, was fourth son of Ninian Adair and Helen or Elizabeth Adair (née Gordon) of Kinhilt, Wigtownshire, Scotland, and was thus connected to leading families in Scotland and Co. Antrim. He graduated MA…... Adam (Adams), William Augustus Adam (Adams), William Augustus (1865–1940), soldier, was born 27 May 1865 in Dublin, elder son among three children of the Rev. B. W. Adams, MRIA, author and rector of Santry, Co. Dublin, and his second wife Louisa Jane,…... Adams, Bernard Adams, Bernard (1566–1626), Church of Ireland bishop of Limerick, was born in Middlesex. He was educated at Trinity College, Oxford (BA 1586, MA 1590), and elected fellow. Appointed bishop of Limerick (1603…... Agar, Charles Agar, Charles (1735–1809), 1st earl of Normanton and Church of Ireland archbishop, was born 22 December 1735 at Gowran Castle, Co. Kilkenny, third son among four sons and a daughter of Henry Agar (1707–46), MP for Gowran, and his wife Anne (1707–65), daughter of Welbore Ellis (…... Alexander, Cecil Frances Alexander, Cecil Frances (1818–95), hymn-writer, known in her family as Fanny, was born in Eccles St., Dublin, second daughter (and third among seven children) of John Humphreys and Elizabeth Frances Humphreys (née Reed). Her mother's brother was Thomas Reed (1796–1883), a general…... Alexander, William Alexander, William (1824–1911), Church of Ireland bishop of Derry and Raphoe, and archbishop of Armagh, was born 13 April 1824 in Derry city, eldest of three sons and third child among eight children of Robert Alexander, rector of Termoneeny and subsequently prebendary of…... Anderson, Sir John D'Arcy Anderson, Sir John D'Arcy (1908–1988), army officer, was born 23 September 1908 in Ballyhosset, Downpatrick, Co. Down, the only child of Major Reginald D'Arcy Anderson of Ballyhosset, Downpatrick, and his wife, Norah, daughter of Colonel Thomas Gracey of Blackheath, London. He won…... Andrews, George Andrews, George (c.1575–1648), protestant bishop of Ferns and Leighlin, was born at Daventry, Northants., England, educated at Magdalen College, Oxford (BA 1592, MA 1599), and ordained (25…... Archdall, Mervyn Archdall, Mervyn (1723–91), clergyman and antiquary, was born 22 April 1723 in Dublin, elder son among two sons and three daughters of William Archdall, goldsmith, and his wife Henrietta, a widow who was daughter of Henry Gonne, curate of Finglas. William Archdall was Dublin assay…... Archer, Forster Archer, Forster (1758/9–1826), protestant clergyman and inspector of prisons, was born in Co. Cork, the son of Richard Archer, a merchant. He entered TCD, aged seventeen (1 July 1776), graduated BA…... Arlow, William James ('Bill') Arlow, William James ('Bill') (1926–2006), anglican cleric and peacemaker, was born in Banbridge, Co. Down, on 23 November 2006, son of William John Arlow, a printer on the local newspaper, and his wife Mary (née Wilson). One of his parents was the child of a protestant father and a…... Armstrong, Edward Allworthy Armstrong, Edward Allworthy (1900–78), clergyman, ornithologist, and scholar, was born 8 October 1900 in Belfast, son of Hamilton Armstrong and Mary Armstrong (née Allworthy), and grandson of Samuel Allworthy, a prominent Belfast physician. Armstrong was educated at…... Armstrong, John Ward Armstrong, John Ward (1915–87), Church of Ireland archbishop of Armagh, was born 30 September 1915 in Belfast, eldest of four sons of John Armstrong, an official of Belfast corporation, and Elizabeth Armstrong (née Ward). He was educated at Belfast Royal Academy and…... Ashe, St George Ashe, St George (1658–1718), scholar and Church of Ireland bishop, was born in Co. Roscommon, in 1658, the second of three sons of Thomas Ashe, a landowner of English extraction, and Jane White of Richerstown. He entered TCD in 1671,…... Ash, Thomas Ash, Thomas (1660?–p. 1735), diarist and defender of Derry, was born in Killylane, near Muff, Co. Donegal, before his family moved to Corrinerin, later known as Ashbrook, Co. Londonderry. One of twenty-four children of John Ash, he was the third son of John's second wife…... Atherton, John Atherton, John (1598–1640), churchman, was born in Somerset, England, son of John Atherton, rector of Bawdrip (nothing is known of his mother), and was educated at Lincoln College, Oxford, where he took his MA degree (1621). Although he showed…... Atkinson, Joseph Atkinson, Joseph (c.1743–1818), army officer, poet, and dramatist, was born in Dublin and served in the English army, reaching the rank of captain. He wrote a comedy and two comic operas, all of which were produced in Dublin. His first play, 'The mutual deception',…... Atthill, William Atthill, William (1774–1847), clergyman, was baptised 17 April 1774, only son and heir of Anthony Atthill and Sara Atthill (née Howlett) of Brandiston Hall, Norfolk, England; he had one sister. His father died when he was four, and he was brought up by an uncle, who sent him to…... Averell, Adam Averell, Adam (1754–1847), Primitive Wesleyan clergyman, was born 7 May 1754 at Mullan, Co. Tyrone, son of Adam Averell and Mary Averell (née Johnston). He spent some time in his childhood with his grandmother Johnston. His relation John Averell, bishop of Limerick, for whom his…... Aylmer, Matthew Aylmer, Matthew (c.1650–1720), 1st Baron Aylmer of Balrath , admiral, and commander-in-chief of the fleet, was second child and second son among three sons and one daughter of Christopher Aylmer (d. 1671), 1st baronet, of Balrath, Co. Meath, and his wife Margaret, third…... Babington (Bebington), Brutus (Brute, Bruce) Babington (Bebington), Brutus (Brute, Bruce) (c.1558–1611), bishop of Derry, was born in Cheshire, England, second of five sons of Richard Bebington of Nantwich, Cheshire, and Anne Bebington (née Starkey). He entered Christ's College, Cambridge (1572), and graduated…... Bagenal (Bagnal(l)), Sir Henry Bagenal (Bagnal(l)), Sir Henry (c.1556–1598), soldier, was born in England, eldest son of Sir Nicholas Bagenal (qv) and his wife Eleanor (née Griffith; d. 1573) of Penrhyn, north Wales. Henry apparently left…... Baillie (Bailie), James Kennedy Baillie (Bailie), James Kennedy (1793?–1864), classicist and protestant clergyman, was the son of the Rev. Nicholas Ward Kennedy, a schoolmaster, and grandson of James Kennedy, a medical man in Co. Down. He entered TCD aged fourteen (1807…... Baker, George Baker, George (c.1608–1665), clergyman, was born in St Patrick's parish, Dublin; his parents' names are not known. Educated at TCD, he graduated BA (1629) and …... (-) Anglican (614) Catholic (1000) Presbyterian (195) Other Protestant non-conformist (49) Methodist (25) Quaker (8) Baptist (7) Unitarian (7) Humanist (4) (-) Religion (437) (-) Military (180) Gentry and Aristocracy (240) Administration and Diplomacy (167) History, Archaeology and Antiquarianism (143) Philanthropy and Community Work (73) Journalism and Broadcasting (60) Music and Dance (55) Classics and Languages (45) Printing and Publishing (30) Theatre, Film and TV (28) Engineering and Technology (23) Travel and Exploration (20) Libraries and Museums (17) The Sea (11) Geography, Cartography and Surveying (6) Labour and Trades Unions (6) Eccentrics (3) Transport and Communications (2) Gaelic and Norse Lords (1) Manual Work (1)
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
package org.jetbrains.plugins.scala package lang package psi package impl package expr package xml import com.intellij.lang.ASTNode import com.intellij.psi._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.ScalaElementVisitor import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.base.patterns.{ScPattern, ScPatterns} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.api.expr.xml._ import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.result.{Failure, Success, TypeResult, TypingContext} import org.jetbrains.plugins.scala.lang.psi.types.{ScDesignatorType, ScType} import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer /** * @author Alexander Podkhalyuzin * Date: 21.04.2008 */ class ScXmlPatternImpl(node: ASTNode) extends ScalaPsiElementImpl (node) with ScXmlPattern { override def accept(visitor: PsiElementVisitor) { visitor match { case visitor: ScalaElementVisitor => super.accept(visitor) case _ => super.accept(visitor) } } override def subpatterns: Seq[ScPattern] = { val pattBuff: ArrayBuffer[ScPattern] = new ArrayBuffer[ScPattern] pattBuff ++= super.subpatterns val args = findChildrenByClassScala(classOf[ScPatterns]) for (arg <- args) { pattBuff ++= arg.patterns } pattBuff.toSeq } override def toString: String = "XmlPattern" override def getType(ctx: TypingContext): TypeResult[ScType] = { val clazz = ScalaPsiManager.instance(getProject).getCachedClass(getResolveScope, "scala.xml.Node").orNull if (clazz == null) return Failure("not found scala.xml.Node", Some(this)) Success(ScDesignatorType(clazz), Some(this)) } }
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'}
I build an Ms-access application. In a form i selet project information based on project-nr. In that form I want to select in a combox records that are based on the project selected in the form. I think somethink like [forms]![<formname>]![<fieldname>] but it doesn't work. what is the correct syntax to refer to a field in the form?
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Ascend Online Media Welcome to Ascend Online Media Limited. Ascend Online Media is an online media company, based in the United Kingdom. We use the power and reach of the Internet to deliver digital content and eCommerce to customers online. Ascend Online Media has many years of experience of creating, developing and managing websites and digital content. The company now has a growing portfolio of websites serving customers, both in the UK and across the world wide web. Ascend Online Media is primarily focused on the following online sectors:- Credit Broking in Financial Services in the United Kingdom Gas & Electricity Comparison in the United Kingdom Digital Content and Subscriptions Ascend Online Media Limited Ascend Online Media Limited. Registered Office: Blue Square House, 272 Bath Street, Glasgow, G2 4JR, UK. Ascend Online Media Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority with permission as a credit broker, firm reference number 737979. Copyright © 2019, All Rights Reserved We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience on our site. By continuing you agree to our use of cookies.OKPrivacy Policy
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
The identity theft epidemic is the result of excessive collection, retention, and sharing of personal information as well as mismanagement of personal data. As people continue to mismanage their identities, they become "identity obese" which further raises the risk of identity theft. Identity obesity may be similar to weight obesity in many ways, however, unlike overeating, identity obesity can be extremely difficult or impossible to reverse. Despite the dangers, consumers and companies handle personal information carelessly, without understanding the risks. Consider these startling statistics: more than 10 million people are affected by identity theft annually; the majority of victims don't detect identity theft until three months after fraud occurs; it takes some people years to discover that something has gone wrong, delaying the identity theft detection and resolution; stolen wallets and documents account for 43 percent of all identity theft cases, which shows that theft doesn't always involve technology; and in more than 50 percent of all identity theft cases, the victim knows or has done business with the criminal. Businesses will lose millions of dollars a year because of identity theft, and identity fraud will destroy families and individuals. But you can trim your identity fat with a proven program that allows you to understand risks, identify bad habits, and implement best practices with an Identity Diet.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Your girl is sure to make a bold statement in this exclusive, no-drama llama racerback tank top by Bella + Canvas! The flattering draped silhouette and vibrant color are on trend for the season! 65% polyester, 35% viscose jersey. Features include: a relaxed fit, merrowed bottom hem and shirred racerback. The model is 4' 10" and is wearing a size Large.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
What should I do to get rid of fungi and mushrooms that grow on trees? Fungi and mushrooms can be a sign that the tree is rotting or decaying, especially if the growth is around the base of the tree and the roots. The issue needs to be examined by a certified arborist.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Whether you view Pokémon Go as a passing fad or a harbinger of the forthcoming wave of augmented reality entertainment, one thing is for sure: Los Angeles seems to be fully embracing it. The Getty Center's endorsement of Pokémon Go play comes not just from posting screenshots on Facebook, but also via a sneaky addition to their FAQ page, where if you scroll to the bottom you'll a find a new and important section with guidelines for Pokémon Go trainers to follow. Can you play Pokémon GO at the Getty Center? Absolutely. There are even eleven PokéStops and five Gyms on site to take advantage of. Don't stop in narrow public walkways or stairways for an extended period. And yes, I'm well aware the preceding are pretty much in line with common sense, but then again you'd be surprised how uncommon common sense can be sometimes.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Linda Lewis Kitchens, (LLK) wanted a website that stayed in line with their new brand, also designed by us, that showcased more of their brand personality and set them apart from other industry leaders, as well as featuring their products more prominently and improving on user experience. The website needed to be responsive to allow for better usability across all devices for their audience, and also to benefit their SEO to attract more organic traffic to the site. Cornerstone's design team created a website that was more visually appealing and eye catching than their existing one, as well as having much better user navigation, flow, and structure. It incorporated the new logo, strapline, and character to create instant brand recognition and was also created to have key call to actions, including the products and homepage slider. We also developed the colour coding of each product range to ensure easier navigation and usability, as well as building on the theme developed for other literature, such as the new LLK product brochures. The website was very well received by the whole Linda Lewis team and truly represents everything their brand stands for. They all agree that it is better in its layout, better co-ordinated with their brand and target customer, and serves better purpose for them than their previous site. The new web design and development is sure to improve the SEO of their website and will therefore create more conversions and brand awareness in the future.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
How do I edit the font family for a text element? You can edit the font set throughout your page, or edit for a single element. 1. Click into the element you'd like to edit. 2. From the Layout tab that opens on the right, click the Font dropdown menu. 3. Select a font from your font set, so that it's in sync with the rest of your page's design. Need to update your page's font set? Check out how to edit your fonts here.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Q: Datatable with fixed header, horizontal and vertical scrolling I am looking for data-table html structure with fixed header, horizontal and vertical scrolling. I am working on a already developed datatable widget . I found this example where html structure is similar to what I have in my widget. I want to ask in the above example how header scrolls even though the scroll is on body of table .If it is being done by JavaScript still none of the header css properties change when we scroll it horizontally. A: Add this script to call your table id $(document).ready(function () { $('#tableid').DataTable({ "scrollX": true, "scrollY": 300, "paging": false, }); $('.dataTables_length').addClass('bs-select'); }); for more information: A: My experience is if you use the example above exactly as it is, ie the same table class, it should work but the moment you introduce other bootstrap classes, maybe you want to add data export to excel feature to the table, things get complicated. A 'one fits all' solution is hard to find, your solution depends on the additional classes/CSS.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'}
Yoshida, Hiroshi (1876 - 1950), "Sailing Boats - Morning (Dai-Oban Format)" Hiroshi Yoshida Sailing Boats - Morning (Dai-Oban Format) The Inland Sea Series Abe #40 21 -1/4 x 15 -1/2 " (Dai-Oban Format) Notes: Titled and signed in pencil by the artist. Jizuri seal in the upper left margin. Blocks carved by Maeda. Yoshida notes that 15 blocks were carved, and 24 impressions were used to complete the design. One from the series of six "Sailing Boats" prints that were first seen in America at the Toledo exhibition; serving to establish Yoshida in the Western market. The series of six prints depict sailing boats at various times of the day. They were the largest Japanese prints of their day, being dai-oban; nearly double the size of a standard oban-format print. THE MOST STRIKING DESIGN OF THE SIX SAILING BOAT PRINTS. Hiroshi Yoshida is known as a Western-style painter and printmaker. Born in Kurume, he lived and worked in Tokyo. He first painted landscapes in oil, but won early fame as a watercolorist. He developed an interest in printmaking in 1920 and self-printed all of his work except his first seven prints. His early printwork depicts views of Swiss and American landscapes. Fond of traveling, Yoshida was also an avid alpinist, with mountains and water figuring prominently in his works. A significant contributor to and organizer of important exhibitions at the Toledo Museum of Art, Yoshida's work was well represented, with 113 prints in the 1930 show and 66 prints in 1936. A romantic realist, Yoshida's style resembles that of an English 19th Century watercolorist applied to Japanese themes. Hiroshi Yoshida is noted for the subtle colors and naturalistic atmosphere. His works won numerous prizes in Japan and in the world, gaining strong Western influences during his travels. He later established the Japan Alpine Artist Association.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
Well, if you have credit/debit card, you do not need to worry. Here we will share some good information about how to buy Bitcoins with a debit card. You can purchase you debit card balance into Bitcoins using some of the websites URL. Those URLs are reliable and trustworthy enough. There are many ways on how to exchanges or using your money to get things you want. Since there are many possibilities on how the transaction's changes, there is also an easy way to purchase your money. Yes, you can use Bitcoins. We already know that it is one of the best ways to do the transaction in universe scale. You will also probably need to know how to use your money to transform into Bitcoins. Finally, click the "buy/sell" and enter a number of Bitcoins you want to buy. The final step is to fill the "Payment Page" information and follow the next steps. Then, in the payment method, choose Card / Debit Card before enter the currency and amount of Bitcoins you will buy. Then, close the window. Then, just fill up the information tables of your debit card. Those are the steps on how to buy Bitcoins with a debit card online. It is easy, isn't? it is very amazing to know the best place and ways in buying the Bitcoins. You can visits each exchange web page to know the specified ways and steps.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Re: Let's make an organism. Male and female come from different genome and have different structure? •Killing one makes one a sinner. •Killing hundreds makes one a hero. •Killing thousands makes one a king. •Killing millions makes one an emperor. Hmm. Interesting. Maybe a simple gamete swimmer for male and a two flagellocyte gamete swimmer for female? Just realised 2 and 3 is a prime number, so if you start with M1 splits into M2 and M3 it will just end there . How about we add another rule, you can make it split into other modes (dont need to make it in sequence), but you cant jump modes too far, and you need to use every modes you jumped to. I agree. This will be challenging. I'm up for the task though. Looks cool! I haven't gotten a chance to make mine yet.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Meanwhile lets just say that we are proud John Norton contributed a whooping 15 entries. When engagement is such a problem for our military in wartime how hard is it to build engagement in our civilian organizations? Based on these remarks, I'd say that GM chose the right person for the top job. Tough-mindedness beats IQ as an indicator of future success. It's true for kids and it's true for adults. We've found ways to produce Grit and the great results that follow gritty people around. Though Finch's pitches didn't reach the plate any faster than big league heaters do, All-Star sluggers such as Piazza and Bonds couldn't pick them up in time. Bonds had the television cameras turned off because he was so embarrassed by his performance. The whole discussion of employee engagement drives me nuts half the time. Free doughnuts and flex time isn't the answer. Being super-nice to your employees isn't the answer. Doughnuts and kindness may make employees satisfied, but that doesn't mean they're engaged. So your people are satisfied? I could almost say who cares. Jeff lists five growth traits for GE people that are needed for GE to grow organically. Everyone at GE is going to have at least one of these areas as a personal focus each year. On the other hand, there is great satisfaction in getting through tough work efficiently, or taking real advantage of time off. We're always looking for insights and tips on how to do our best work in the best way.
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'}
Odds and Evens ( also known as Trinity: Gambling for High Stakes) is an Italian comedy movie directed in 1978 by Sergio Corbucci and starring the comedy team of Terence Hill and Bud Spencer. In 1979 it was awarded with the Golden Screen Award along with Superman and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. Plot Johnny Firpo, a US Navy Lieutenant, is competing in many competitions in Miami, including American football and speedboat racing. Charlie instead is a truck driver making deliveries in various places and ultimately must carry a tank full of dolphins. The two characters meet when some miscreants sabotage Johnny's speedboat. He thinks that it was Charlie who was eating a plate of beans, but in the end, they discover that the real culprits are a gang of illegal bookmakers, led by a man known as Paraboulis 'The Greek', who are controlling and rigging every gambling competition in Florida. The Navy asks Johnny to infiltrate and dismantle the gang of bookmakers, giving him the tip to seek help of former gambler Charlie Firpo. Johnny eventually meets Charlie and proposes to work with him, but first Charlie disagrees because his acquaintance seems a clever, witty trickster and for his simple taste. In the end, however, the two combine to sabotage the gangsters' plots with gleeful fisticuffs in the ensuing melee. Amongst this backdrop, Charlie, in despair, finds out he is the illegitimate brother of Johnny during an escapade of his father—still alive unbeknownst to Charlie—who pretends to be blind in order to collect a pension. After Johnny was passed off as a runner with the horses and Charlie took part in a second meeting, the two brothers find out which houses the boss of the gang of bookmakers and Johnny will have to play with him and his henchmen in a poker game. Johnny wins but the boss does not intend to make it go away, so Charlie and Johnny greet the members of the band with a new and more powerful punch and brawl. Cast Terence Hill: Johnny Firpo Bud Spencer: Charlie Firpo Jerry Lester: Mike Firpo Luciano Catenacci: Paraboulis the Greek Marisa Laurito: Sister Susanna Salvatore Borgese: Ninfus Riccardo Pizzuti: Smilzo Claudio Ruffini: Bugsy Sergio Smacchi: Mancino Carlo Reali: Admiral Vincenzo Maggio: Tappo Woody Woodbury: Admiral O'Connor Reception The film was the second most popular Italian film of the 1978-79 season behind Amori miei. References External links 1978 films 1970s crime comedy films Italian crime comedy films Terence Hill and Bud Spencer Films directed by Sergio Corbucci Films scored by Guido & Maurizio De Angelis Films set in the United States Films about gambling 1978 comedy films 1970s Italian films
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'}
The LEGO Star Wars TIE Advanced Prototype is now available in Philippines. The cheapest LEGO Star Wars TIE Advanced Prototype price in Philippines is ₱ 11,000.00 from Lazada. LEGO Star Wars TIE Advanced Prototype price details are updated April 2019.
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HomeNewsFirst Uterus Transplant in U.S. Bolsters Pregnancy Hopes of Many First Uterus Transplant in U.S. Bolsters Pregnancy Hopes of Many 1st March 2016 News Surgeons at the Cleveland Clinic have performed the first uterus transplant in the United States, the clinic has announced. The recipient, 26, is not being identified to protect her privacy. A statement from the clinic said that she was in stable condition Thursday afternoon. The procedure's purpose is to enable women born without a uterus, or who had theirs removed, to become pregnant and give birth. The patient will have to wait a year before trying to become pregnant, letting her heal and giving doctors time to adjust the doses of medication she needs to prevent organ rejection. Then she will need in vitro fertilization to become pregnant. Before the transplant, the patient had eggs removed surgically, fertilized with her husband's sperm and frozen. The embryos will be transferred into her uterus. The transplant will be temporary: The uterus will be removed after the recipient has had one or two babies, so she can stop taking anti-rejection drugs. The Cleveland hospital's ethics panel has given it permission to perform the procedure 10 times, as an experiment. Officials will then decide whether to continue, and whether to offer the operation as a standard procedure. The clinic is still screening women who may be candidates for the operation. The leader of the surgical team is Dr. Andreas G. Tzakis, who has performed 4,000 to 5,000 transplants of kidneys, livers and other abdominal organs. To prepare for uterus transplants, he traveled to Sweden and worked with doctors at the University of Gothenburg, the only ones in the world to have performed the procedure successfully so far. Nine women have had the operation in Sweden, with the transplants taken from living donors. At least four recipients have had babies, who were born healthy though premature. About 50,000 women in the United States are thought to be candidates for transplanted uteruses. In an interview in October, Dr. Tzakis said that although women without a uterus could adopt children or hire surrogates to carry a pregnancy for them, many find those options unacceptable "for reasons that are personal, cultural or religious." At that time, a 26-year-old woman who was being screened as a potential candidate explained why she wanted a chance to become pregnant and give birth. "I crave that experience," she said. "I want the morning sickness, the backaches, the feet swelling. I want to feel the baby move. That is something I've wanted for as long as I can remember." Rise in Welsh Deaths Could be Cut by Shipman Reforms Glan Clwyd Death Inquest: Defibrillator on 'wrong level' Have Your Say on a New Support Role for Nursing 3rd March 2016 News Health Education England (HEE) has launched its consultation on a new support role for nursing. In December 2015, the Government announced a plan to create a new nursing Related Low Awareness of DVLA Safe Driving Guidelines Among Hospital Doctors 11th October 2015 News New research published today by JRSM Open concludes that medically disqualified patients may wrongly assume themselves fit to drive on discharge from hospital because of inadequate knowledge among doctors of DVLA guidelines relating to commonly […] Cancer Tumour Genetics Reveal Possible Treatment Revolution 4th March 2016 News Breakthrough could allow potent personalised treatments which prime patients' own immune systems to attack biological markers on tumours. A landmark discovery into the genetic makeup of tumours has the potential to open a new front […]
{'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'}
As we look ahead to Day 2, three top-ten players feature intriguing tests. Let's start with the women this time. Li Na vs. Anabel Medina Garrigues: Facing the 2011 Roland Garros champion is a classic clay counterpuncher of a mold rarely in use anymore. Medina Garrigues came closer than anyone to defeating Serena on clay this spring, just two or three key misses from knocking off the world No. 1 to reach the Madrid semifinals. Li started the clay season encouragingly with a final indoors in Stuttgart but won one total match in Madrid and Rome. She will look to pounce on her opponent's serve and take early control before any first-round nerves surface. Caroline Wozniacki vs. Laura Robson: When the draw appeared, many picked this match as the blue-chip upset of the first round. Wozniacki has not won a match on red clay this year, tumbling into a slump that even has her father, Piotr, planning to relinquish his stranglehold on the coaching role. (That should suffice to show how dire her situation is.) Clay should suit Robson less well than faster surfaces, and she hits far too many double faults, but an upset of Agnieszka Radwanska in Madrid reminded everyone of her lefty weapons and her belief against elite opponents. Mona Barthel vs. Angelique Kerber: The eighth seed drew the short straw in the form of the draw's highest-ranked unseeded player. Barthel has won two of the three previous meetings between these Germans, all on hard courts. Nevertheless, she has won only one match on red clay this year, over the hapless Bojana Jovanovski. Withdrawing from Rome with a shoulder injury, Kerber had looked creditable if not sensational this clay season with a quarterfinal in Madrid and semifinal in Stuttgart, where she extended Maria Sharapova deep into a third set. Simona Halep vs. Carla Suarez Navarro: Both women arrive in fine form for a rare WTA match between two clay specialists. Although Halep had not accomplished much this year until Rome, her semifinal appearance there included upsets of Svetlana Kuznetsova, Radwanska, Roberta Vinci, and Jelena Jankovic—easily the best run of 2013 by a qualifier. Suarez Navarro cracked the top 20 for the first time this year, aided in part by two clay finals. Her one-handed backhand is the only such stroke in that elite group and worth a trip to an outer court. Svetlana Kuznetsova vs. Ekaterina Makarova: An all-Russian contest always intrigues because of the elevated volume of angst that it usually produces. Kuznetsova owns a much stronger clay resume, including the 2009 title here, but she imploded against Halep in Rome and lost easily to Romina Oprandi in Portugal. Better on faster surfaces like grass, Makarova did upset Victoria Azarenka on the surface this spring. Both Russians reached the quarterfinals at the Australian Open, where Kuznetsova launched her surge back to relevance. Tomas Berdych vs. Gael Monfils: Here is the popcorn match of the day on the men's side, featuring a contrast in personalities between the dour Czech and the flamboyant Frenchman. Both men are former Roland Garros semifinalists, even though 100 ranking slots separated them until Monfils reached the Nice final last week. His athletic exuberance could fluster Berdych, as could the volatile French crowd. The fifth seed lost to a French journeyman in the first round here two years ago and to Gulbis in the first round of Wimbledon last year, so an opening flop would not astonish. But Berdych improved steadily throughout the clay season after a slow start, becoming the only player other than Nadal to reach the semifinals at both Madrid and Rome. Julien Benneteau vs. Ricardas Berankis: In singles, Benneteau is known for two things: never winning a final and being a persistent thorn in Roger Federer's side. He would stay on track to meet the Swiss star again in the third round if he gets past this small Lithuanian bundle of talent. Berankis had not won a clay match until this year, while Benneteau has won only one match since February. It was a quality win, though, over Nicolas Almagro. Carlos Berlocq vs. John Isner: This match has the potential to offer a fascinating contrast of styles between the grinding Argentine and the serve-forehand quick strikes of the American. Or it could descend into depths of ugliness that defy contemplation. Isner started the year in dismal form before finding his footing with a Houston title—and then dropping four of his next five matches. While Berlocq won a set from Nadal on South American clay, the fact that he tore his shirt in ecstasy when an opponent retired against him in February should give you a sense of how his season has gone. Albert Ramos vs. Jerzy Janowicz: Thinking that the explosive hitting of Poland's young star will overwhelm the Spanish journeyman? Maybe you should think again. Ramos defeated Janowicz in three sets at Barcelona this spring and should benefit from the cold, damp conditions. For all of the hubbub that he has generated at the Masters 1000 level, Janowicz has yet to leave his mark on a major. He can hit through the slowest of surfaces, though, and brings momentum from two top-ten wins in Rome. Steve Johnson vs. Albert Montanes: The UCLA star took Nicolas Almagro to five sets in the first round of the Australian Open, where Almagro nearly reached the semifinals. The opponent here is much less intimidating, although Montanes just won Nice last week, but the surface is much less comfortable. Johnson should have chances and make it interesting before getting ground down in the end. Tuesday in Total: Every Sony Open Match Previewed! One day after the women arranged their quarterfinal lineup, the men do the same in a day that features all of the fourth-round ATP matches in Miami as well as the first two women's quarterfinals. David Ferrer vs. Kei Nishikori: While their most recent meeting swung decisively in the veteran's favor, the Japanese star won two of the previous three. Among them was Nishikori's breakthrough victory at the 2008 US Open, a pulsating five-setter in which the similarities between the two men became apparent, such as their fitness and their high-percentage shot selection. Both can struggle to finish points at times, and both possess underrated weapons in crisp, streamlined two-handed backhands. Neither bombs huge serves, despite improvements in that area, so their solid returning could produce plenty of service breaks on this slow surface. The often-injured Nishikori recently won his third career championship in Memphis, while Ferrer already has claimed two titles this year. Serena Williams vs. Li Na: Muddling through her previous match, the top seed will need to raise her level significantly—or at least sooner—when the level of competition soars. Li has stayed torrid for longer than she usually does, following her Australian rampage with three straight-sets victories here that revealed minimal rust after her injury. Although she has won only one of their seven meetings, the six tiebreaks and three three-setters prove that she can trouble Serena with her pinpoint groundstrokes and penetrating first serve. The Chinese star has moved much more alertly and sustained a more even level in matches than her quarterfinal opponent, who has traced the opposite of her usual progression through tournaments. Instead of growing more intent with each round, Serena has looked increasingly disinterested, never a fault of which one could accuse Li. Andreas Seppi vs. Andy Murray: Having defeated two rising stars in Grigor Dimitrov and Bernard Tomic, Murray now faces someone on the opposite end of his career. Lacking real weapons to hurt the Scot, Seppi can neither outhit him nor outlast him from the baseline, and his tepid second serve should allow his opponent to showcase his stinging return. Murray lost his first meeting with Seppi on his home soil in Nottingham, but he has won all eight of their sets since then with one match on each of the four main surfaces (outdoor hard, indoor hard, clay, grass). In one caveat, he has not faced the Italian since the latter's surge that started a year ago and propelled him into the top 20. This year has proved less successful for Seppi, who has not in fact defeated anyone in the top eight during his renaissance. Jo-Wilfried Tsonga vs. Marin Cilic: A stark contrast to the preceding match, this clash of two heavy servers marks just the second hard-court meeting between them at an ATP tournament. Tsonga moved past Cilic routinely at Cincinnati two years ago, but that much faster court played to his strengths more than the slow court does here. Whereas he looks for chances to step inside the court and approach the net, Cilic remains tethered to the baseline and uses his steadier, symmetrical groundstrokes to stretch his opponents laterally. He has won all seven of his tiebreaks at ATP events this year, a testament to this calm, lanky Croat's poise when sets hang in the balance. Also stellar in that area recently, the more flammable Tsonga won a small title in February two weeks after Cilic did the same. Just three ranking spots separate them despite the Frenchman's clearly more impressive career resume. Agnieszka Radwanska vs. Kirsten Flipkens: The Miami tournament has produced plenty of surprises, few more notable than the quarterfinal appearance of this Belgian. Her mentor, Kim Clijsters, won this title twice with a more athletic, balanced game than what Flipkens needed to deploy in upsetting Petra Kvitova and backing up that statement with a victory over the raw Ajla Tomljanovic. This match would not seem unduly concerning for the defending champion, although she faces an opponent who can take time away from her, shorten points, and cut off angles at the net. Only once have they met, in Fed Cup three years ago, so both players may need time to adapt their distinctive styles to each other. Each woman has played a series of three-setters lately, suggesting ebbs and flows in their form. Having found the belief to win a set from Azarenka at Indian Wells, Flipkens needs to find it and keep it against the resilient Pole. Novak Djokovic vs. Tommy Haas: The German has troubled the Djoker occasionally, defeating him at Wimbledon in 2009 and extending him to a final set at the Rogers Cup just last year. In three previous meetings at Masters 1000 hard-court tournaments, though, the world #1 has prevailed every time. He looks far more focused and purposeful this week than he did at Indian Wells, mirroring the trajectory that he traced at the twin events in 2012. That said, neither of his first two opponents approached the talents of the 18th-ranked Haas, who has drawn additional motivation this week from the presence of his daughter, Valentina. Djokovic relishes the spectacle of playing under the lights, so an upset looks less probable than he might have if Miami had scheduled the match before Valentina's bedtime. The Serb's consistency should undo the mercurial Haas on these slow courts as he extends the veteran into too many long, physically grinding rallies. Albert Ramos vs. Jurgen Melzer: Not the fourth-round match that anyone anticipated in this section, it unfolds amid the wreckage left behind by Juan Martin Del Potro's early exit. As one might expect, it marks the first career meeting between these two lefties, for either of whom a Masters 1000 quarterfinal would mark a substantial accomplishment. After winning the Dallas challenger last week, Melzer carried his confidence through two comebacks from losing the first set here. Ramos also weathered peaks and valleys in his form through consecutive three-setters against Juan Monaco, the second-highest seed in the section outside Del Potro, and home hope James Blake. Melzer owns the more imposing weapons, so the Spaniard should find himself in a counterpunching role. But that role may be the easier to play on these courts with so much at stake. Richard Gasquet vs. Nicolas Almagro: For the second straight match, Gasquet faces a fellow practitioner of the one-handed backhand art. The florid sweep of Almagro's swing should contrast elegantly with the elongated but more explosive swat that Gasquet produces. Like Tsonga and Cilic, these Europeans stand almost adjacent in the rankings, but the similarity in their backhands is echoed by other parallels in their playing styles. Both can forget to put substance before style with their fondness for spectacular shot-making displays, and both have proven themselves vulnerable when the time arrives to finish matches. Whereas Almagro spent last month on South American clay, Gasquet remained on hard courts in Europe. That preparation might prove more meaningful in Miami, although he lost their only meeting on hard courts in 2011. Sam Querrey vs. Tomas Berdych: Flirting with disaster in each of his first two matches, Berdych lost the first set in both, rallied to win the second set in a tiebreak, and then established control early in the final set. He even saved two match points against Alejandro Falla yesterday, one with an audacious second-serve ace, and displayed some uncharacteristic patience in constructing the rallies that turned the momentum. Receiving a walkover from Milos Raonic, Querrey may have needed the respite after he too rallied from losing the first set to win the only match that he has played here. He defeated Berdych at the 2008 US Open, but the Czech has sezied command since then with three straight victories in the second half of last year. Once infamous for losses to anonymous opponents, the fourth seed has improved his consistency dramatically and rarely has lost to anyone outside the top eight over the last several months. The last American man standing will enjoy the support of the home crowd as he attempts to outslug Berdych in a match of staccato serve-forehand combinations. Gilles Simon vs. Janko Tipsarevic: The world No. 9 trails the overall head-to-head 6-2 in a rivalry that has developed only recently. Five of the matches have reached a final set, where Simon's superior fitness has reaped rewards, and the surface speed appears to have played a role. Tipsarevic's two victories came on two of the fastest courts where they have met, the blue clay of Madrid and the fall Tokyo tournament, while Simon won here two years ago. Almost comically dismal at Indian Wells, the Frenchman has sharpened his game considerably through the first two matches—but so has the Serb, who surprised some by defeating the recently more dangerous Kevin Anderson. This match should feature plenty of long rallies, but Tipsarevic will try to redirect his groundstrokes down both lines to keep Simon on his heels. As the third round begins in the men's draw, the women finish deciding who will reach the final sixteen at the Sony Open. Maria Sharapova vs. Elena Vesnina: The world #2 has won 14 straight matches against fellow Russians, but she lost her last meeting with Vesnina in the fall of 2010. An Indian Wells doubles champion, her opponent has compiled a quietly solid season in singles that has included her first career title and a second-week appearance at the Australian Open. Each Russian handled a rising young star in her opener with ease, Sharapova crushing Eugenie Bouchard and Vesnina dismissing Donna Vekic. The only Indian Wells finalist still in the Miami draw, the women's champion there may face her greatest challenge from the heat and humidity of a tournament that she never has won. Svetlana Kuznetsova vs. Ana Ivanovic: Sony Open organizers showed their knowledge of tennis when they chose this match for the evening marquee ahead of those featuring higher-ranked champions. While neither Kuznetsova nor Ivanovic has won a major in nearly four years, one should not miss this battle of fellow major champions with ferocious forehands. Kuznetsova possesses the superior athleticism and Ivanovic the superior serve, an advantage less compelling on a slow surface where she never has reached the quarterfinals. A champion here in 2006, the Russian aims to build on her miniature upset of countrywoman Makarova, but Ivanovic looked as brilliant as she has all year in an opener beset by rain and power failures. Nerves beset both women when they try to close out sets and matches, so no lead will be safe. Albert Ramos vs. James Blake: An unthinkable prospect when the tournament began, a quarterfinal appearance for James Blake now looms well within the range of plausibility. Much improved from recent form at Indian Wells, he continued to turn back the clock with a resounding victory over seeded Frenchman Julien Benneteau. Meanwhile, the upset of Juan Martin Del Potro in this section has left him no significant obstacle to overcome. The Spanish lefty across the net plays a steady game that will test Blake's consistency, but the American should relish the opportunity to showcase his flashy skills under the lights at this prestigious event. Alexandr Dolgopolov vs. Tommy Haas: Each man survived talented opponents in the previous round, Dolgopolov dominating 2008 champion Nikolay Davydenko and Haas weathering a three-setter against Igor Sijsling. The unpredictable quirks in the Ukrainian's game could fluster the veteran of the famously flammable temper, but the latter has produced more impressive results over the past several weeks. When they met in last year's Washington final, Dolgopolov rallied from losing the first set to outlast Haas. Kevin Anderson vs. Janko Tipsarevic: Profiting from his vast advantage in height, Anderson defeated the second-ranked Serb three years ago on North American hard courts. He started this year more promisingly than any year before, outside a February injury, and has won multiple matches at every tournament. In contrast, Tipsarevic had lost ten consecutive sets (some resoundingly) from the Australian Open through Indian Wells before snapping that skid against a qualifier here. Hampered by nagging injuries, he has suffered a sharp loss of confidence that could trouble him when he attempts to break the South African's intimidating serve. When the rallies unfold, however, Tipsarevic's superior movement and balance could reap rewards. Roberta Vinci vs. Carla Suarez Navarro: On the gritty, slow hard courts of Miami, these two clay specialists look to continue their encouraging results from last month. While Vinci reached the semifinals in Dubai, Suarez Navarro reached the Premier final in Acapulco. Gone early from the California desert to an unheralded opponent, the Italian narrowly avoided a similar disappointment in navigating past Christina McHale. She has lost all of her previous meetings, and all of her previous sets, to Suarez Navarro in a surprising head-to-head record considering their relative experience. Just six rankings spots separate these two women, so one can expect a tightly contested encounter of elegant one-handed backhands. Jelena Jankovic vs. Nadia Petrova: Among the most entertaining women's finals in recent Miami history was the three-setter that Jankovic contested against Serena Williams in 2008. The sluggish court speed showcased her counterpunching game at its best, a level from which it has long since receded. While she has won her last four meetings from Petrova, none of those has come since her precipitous plunge from the #1 ranking that started in 2009. The Russian's game has aged more effectively, allowing her to stay within range of the top ten even at the age of 30, and she enjoyed an unexpected renaissance with two titles last fall. Like Jankovic, her two-handed backhand down the line remains her signature shot, but she will look to set the tone with penetrating first serves and aggressive court positioning as well. Alize Cornet vs. Lauren Davis: The only singles match not on a televised court, this overlooked encounter pits a French former prodigy against an extraordinarily lucky loser. When Azarenka withdrew from the Sony Open, Lauren Davis filled her shoes with poise in an epic victory over countrywoman Madison Keys that climaxed with a third-set tiebreak. Having benefited from Azarenka's bye as well, Davis has progressed through more rounds in the main draw than she did in the qualifying draw. The last American woman left in this half, she faces a winnable match against Cornet, who also survived a tense clash with Laura Robson in which she remarkably never lost her serve through the last two sets. One of the strongest ATP 500 tournaments on the calendar, Dubai follows its Premier women's event by hosting six of the top ten men in the first significant outdoor hard-court tournament since the Australian Open. This tournament claims pride of place in our weekly preview, although events in Acapulco and Delray Beach also feature key storylines that relate to what we can expect at Indian Wells. Dubai: A three-time champion at this event, world #1 Djokovic did not bring his best tennis to the Persian Gulf last year in the wake of a draining Australian Open. The medium-paced hard court showcases his game splendidly, though, so he might bounce back in 2013 with a less exhausting Melbourne marathon behind him and a comfortable quarter ahead of him. Not since his first meeting with Troicki has he lost to his compatriot, and rarely in the current twelve-match winning streak has the other Serb seriously troubled him. That said, Djokovic did drop a set when they met here in 2010. Also unlikely to threaten him on a hard court is the seventh-seeded Seppi, while Lukas Rosol does lurk but so far remains a one-upset man. While three qualifiers form a soft center to the second quarter, its edges might feature some intrigue. Seeking to avoid a third straight first-round loss here, former semifinalist Baghdatis faces a tall task in Del Potro, but he has won their last two clashes. That battle of flat groundstrokes and inspired shot-making should offer some of the first round's best entertainment. Of lesser note is the encounter between the eighth-seeded Youzhny and rising Slovene Blaz Kavcic. How much does the aging Russian with the graceful one-handed backhand have left? Like the second half overall, the third quarter looks stronger than the two above it. Top-eight threats Tsonga and Berdych bookend it, the former of whom faces a stern test in compatriot Michael Llodra. Neither of those Frenchmen will relish the relatively slow courts here, nor will potential second-round opponent Tursunov. A smart wildcard choice after his astonishing charge to the Marseille weekend as a qualifier, he ranks among the draw's most notable dark horses. Two comfortable rounds await Berdych, who excelled in Marseille as well as Tsonga and Tursunov. Not known for his consistency, the Czech has maintained some of his steadiest tennis to date over the last several months, and he should fare better against Tsonga on an outdoor hard court than on the fast indoor court where he lost to him on Sunday. After the hubbub last year when the tournament declined to offer Malek Jaziri a wildcard, the organizers may have smirked a bit when, having received that privilege this year, the Tunisian has landed adjacent to Federer. More worthy of Swiss steel, surely, is the resurgent Tomic in a sequel to an Australian Open encounter closer than the score showed. Never a man to doubt his own chances, the brash Aussie will feel confident of toppling whoever emerges from the Tipsarevic-Davydenko opener. Although that match could present a battle of crisp two-handed backhands, both men have struggled this year and would enter a meeting with Tomic at a significant height disadvantage. Realistically, however, only one man will come out of this quarter. Acapulco: Of the four top-ten men not participating in Dubai, two lend their illustrious presence to the clay 500 tournament in Mexico. The end of the South American February swing, Acapulco usually offers an opportunity for top-seeded David Ferrer to bolster his rankings points. While the presence of Nadal at the base of the draw will complicate his quest, the man who displaced Rafa as the top-ranked Spaniard brings momentum from winning Buenos Aires and faces no significant clay threats in his quarter. Starting against left-handed compatriot Albert Ramos, Ferrer might face flaky Frenchman Benoit Paire in the quarterfinals, but another Spaniard in Pablo Andujar looms just as large. Outside Nadal, the top seed has enjoyed plenty of success against his countrymen. The last victim of Ferrer in Buenos Aires, Wawrinka faces a much more intriguing series of tests to secure a rematch in the semifinals. Opening against Fabio Fognini of the famous eyebrows and unpredictable temperament, he might encounter the returning Nalbandian afterwards. A finalist in the first tournament of his return, Sao Paulo, Nalbandian took a set from Ferrer at his home tournament last week before his stamina waned. The fifth-seeded Jurgen Melzer has struggled this year outside a run to the Zagreb final on an indoor hard court, so Colombian clay threat Santiago Giraldo might seem a plausible dark horse to reach the quarterfinals. Denied by Wawrinka in Buenos Aires, Almagro still looks to steady himself after that strange combination of breakthrough and breakdown that he endured in Melbourne. His draw looks comfortable in its early stages, featuring nobody more dangerous than the long-faded Tommy Robredo. In the quarterfinals, Almagro could meet one of three players who have recorded a strong result each during the South American clay season: Vina del Mar champion Zeballos, Sao Paulo semifinalist Simone Bolelli, or Vina del Mar semifinalist Carlos Berlocq. But Zeballos has not won a match since that stunning upset over Nadal, while Berlocq should struggle to match Almagro hold for hold despite winning a set from Nadal in Sao Paulo. The easiest pre-semifinal route of all would seem to belong to the man who needs it least, or is it most? Far from bulletproof in his two-week swing through Vina del Mar and Sao Paulo, Nadal managed to scrape out results that looked stronger on paper than on television. He cannot face anyone of note in his first two matches, however, and the week-long respite may have freshened his body and spirits. The heavy left-handed groundstrokes of sixth-seeded Thomaz Bellucci might pose a threat in view of the Zeballos result. All the same, the Brazilian has accomplished nothing during this month's clay tournaments so far and probably lacks the belief to threaten Nadal. Delray Beach: In his last tournament before Indian Wells, where he defends finals points, top-seeded John Isner desperately needs to halt a slide that has seen him lose 10 of his last 17 matches. Although a semifinal at San Jose hinted at a resurgence, he dropped a lackluster straight-setter in Memphis, where the indoor hard courts should have suited his massive serve just as well. Fortunate to receive a modest first-round opponent in Jesse Levine, Isner then could meet Memphis semifinalist Marinko Matosevic. The Aussie upset similarly powerful American giant Querrey last week and the talented Dolgopolov, so he brings much more momentum into this match than the top seed. Before he succumbed to injury, Kevin Anderson enjoyed an excellent January by reaching the Sydney final and the second week of the Australian Open, the first South African to do so in a decade. He could match Isner serve for serve, or more likely surpass him if his pre-injury form revives. Quite a contrast to Isner's week in Memphis was the breakthrough delivered by Jack Sock, who upset second-seeded Raonic in the most significant victory of his career. Sock received a reward in a wildcard here, although he may not fancy a second-round rematch with the man who finally stopped him last week, Feliciano Lopez. The American will have gained experience in facing a serve-volleyer in an opener against Aussie Matthew Ebden, which could stand him in good stead against Lopez. And a third straight could loom in the quarterfinals if Karlovic can solve former champion Nishikori. Suggesting otherwise is the recent form of both men, for Nishikori has produced generally solid results so far in a 2013 where Karlovic's age and nagging injuries finally may have caught up with him. A semifinalist in San Jose and gone early in Memphis, like Isner, third-seeded Sam Querrey inhabits a section filled with his compatriots. That quirk of fate seems auspicious for him in view of his preference for straightforward opponents who allow him baseline rhythm and lack impressive retturns. Surely able to overpower battered veterans Russell and Blake, he may need to raise his motivation a notch for the ever-impassioned Ryan Harrison. That youngster has accomplished even less than Querrey lately, though, and a recent illness may have dulled his energies. The other seed in this section, Xavier Malisse, retired last week in Memphis. Also withdrawing from Memphis was San Jose runner-up Tommy Haas, who holds the second seed here but faces an intimidating opener against Igor Sijsling. The Dutchman suddenly has burst into relevance after reaching the Australian Open doubles final, upsetting Tsonga at his home tournament in Rotterdam, and nearly toppling the top-seeded Cilic in Memphis. If Haas can weather Sijsling's impressive serve, he must slow the surge of Denis Istomin's second straight sold February. Ever an enigma and ever an entertainer, the fifth-seeded Dolgopolov rounds out this quarter and shares Tommy's predicament of a dangerous first-round opponent. As his 2011 victory over Nadal proved, Ivan Dodig can trouble anyone on the occasions when his high-risk game explodes rather than implodes. Like last week, the upcoming ATP slate features two European tournaments on indoor hard courts and a South American tournament on outdoor red clay. Only one of the Big Four participated in last week's action, but this week his archrival returns to the spotlight as well. Rotterdam: Back in action for the first time since those consecutive five-setters in Melbourne, Federer prepares for a title defense closer to home soil. He often has produced his crispest tennis on indoor hard courts late in his career, and he finds himself near familiar victim Youzhny. Tested by rising star Raonic last year, Federer could meet another rising star in Jerzy Janowicz at the quarterfinal stage. Massive servers trouble him more than they once did, although Janowicz has looked less intimidating in the early events of 2013 than he did while reaching the Paris Indoors final last fall. Of further interest in this section is the first-round clash between doubles partners Benneteau and Llodra, both of whom should shine on this surface. Continuing the French theme from Benneteau-Llodra, the second quarter lies in the shadow of two top-20 Frenchmen: the third-seeded Tsonga and the fifth-seeded Simon. No player of note would bar their routes to a quarterfinal, which their recently solid form suggests that they should reach. Both Frenchmen charted a course to the second week at the Australian Open, and Tsonga in particular excelled by extending Federer to a final set in their quarterfinal. His meeting with Simon should present a compelling contrast of styles, in which one would fancy the third seed's chances on a surface that favors aggression. Although both men enter the tournament unseeded, Tomic and Dimitrov offer the most notable storyline of the third quarter with the looming first-round clash between these two phenoms. Greatly celebrated for reaching the Brisbane final in January, the latter has not built upon that breakthrough but instead slipped back into the inconsistency that has slowed his progress. A hero on home soil again, Tomic recaptured much of the reputation that he lost with his 2012 antics by showing a more professional attitude to start 2013. Meanwhile, a strong week in Montpellier continued Gasquet's strong start to the season and leaves him the favorite to reach the semifinal here. The fourth seed could repeat the Montpellier final against compatriot Benoit Paire in the second round. Leaping from the lowest part of the draw is the first-round match between wildcard Gael Monfils and second seed Del Potro. While the former left Melbourne in mildly promising fashion, the latter fell well short of expectations in suffering a third-round exit to Jeremy Chardy. Del Potro can waste little time in recapturing his rhythm at a tournament where he finished runner-up to Federer last year, for Monfils' two finals at the Paris Indoors prove his ability to succeed on this surface. Less likely to shine is the sixth-seeded Seppi, a player who prefers slow courts and lacks the firepower of either projected quarterfinal opponent. San Jose: In the last edition of this tournament, long a mainstay of Bay Area sports, Milos Raonic attempts to complete a title three-peat on the scene of his first trophy. Among the faster indoor hard courts on the calendar, San Jose will showcase a serve nearly unanswerable at its best. In the last two years, opponents struggled even to earn a break point against Raonic. Fresh from his Davis Cup heroics, last year's top seed could repeat the 2012 final against Denis Istomin in the quarterfinals, or he might meet home hope Ryan Harrison in a rematch of a 2012 semifinal. Both of those men struggled to match Raonic hold for hold last year with their modest serves, and neither has taken a significant step forward since then. Someone who can match the Canadian hold for hold, the third-seeded Sam Querrey seeks to continue building on his recent upward trend in the rankings. Returning to relevance midway through last year, Querrey plays his best on American soil and mirrored Raonic's contributions last weekend by lifting Team USA past Brazil with two singles victories. He faces the possibility of consecutive matches against Australians, first the fading Lleyton Hewitt and then the surging Marinko Matosevic. Near his career-high ranking, the latter man will meet the teenage sensation Jack Sock, still in the process of refining his explosive serve and forehand. If North Americans dominate the top half of the San Jose draw, a more European flavor emerges from the third quarter. Following his best season since his prime in the mid-2000s, Tommy Haas lurks near the edge of the top 20 after starting 2012 outside the top 200. Injuries and recurrences of his volatile temper hampered him in January, but expect his forecourt skills to flourish on a court where he can shorten points. Female fans would enjoy a quarterfinal between Haas and Fernando Verdasco, two slots below him in the rankings. Unfortunately for them, former finalist Ivo Karlovic might topple the Spanish lefty in the second round, although he lost to him here two years ago. Can wildcard Steve Johnson, who took Almagro to a fifth set at the Australian Open, build on that momentum to upset Dr. Ivo? The only man in the ATP shorter than Karlovic, the second-seeded Isner needs to build momentum much more urgently than Johnson, for he defends finalist points at Indian Wells. Still the top-ranked American man by a small margin over Querrey, Isner withdrew from the Australian Open with a knee injury and looked unimpressive in Davis Cup last weekend. No player in his vicinity looks like a convincing dark horse, however, with the most notable resistance coming from Xavier Malisse. Otherwise, this section features a handful of promising-but-not-quite-there-yet figures like Vasek Pospisil and Evgeny Donskoy, the latter of whom defeated Youzhny in Melbourne. Sao Paulo: In a draw that greatly resembles Vina del Mar last week, Nadal again shares a half with Jeremy Chardy amid a collection of players from South America and southern Europe. Few Spaniards have shown the determination to challenge Rafa on his favored red clay, and Ruben Ramirez Hidalgo should prove no exception. One of the few Spanish journeymen to defeat him on any surface, Guillermo Garcia-Lopez could meet the man whom he defeated in Bangkok at the quarterfinal stage, although Vina del Mar semifinalist Carlos Berlocq seems more plausible. Yet another Spaniard, the eighth-seeded Albert Ramos, opens against Garcia-Lopez. Splitting his two Davis Cup rubbers in the United States, Thomaz Bellucci transitions back to his homeland and a friendlier surface for his traditional lefty game. The fifth-seeded Brazilian would meet Chardy in the quarterfinals with no legitimate threat between them. Fellow Brazilian Ricardo Mello, known better for his doubles success, received not only a wildcard but a winnable opening match as a reward for his victory over the Bryans in Davis Cup. Facing aging Federer-killer Volandri is Vina del Mar quarterfinalist Daniel Gimeno-Traver, who mustered some decent resistance to Rafa last week. World #15 Monaco looked nearly certain to meet Nadal in the Vina del Mar final until the unheralded Guillaume Rufin upset him, only to issue a walkover a round later. At least the Argentine enjoyed accompanying Nadal through the doubles draw, which gave him plenty of opportunities to refine his clay skills before this second opportunity. A former top-10 player, Spanish veteran Tommy Robredo could become Monaco's first opponent in a grinding match of counterpunchers who rarely miss. Cast from a similar mold is Robredo's compatriot Albert Montanes, situated near the seventh-seeded Pablo Andujar. The latter must start the tournament on a high note to escape Santiago Giraldo, a Colombian who has upset much more notable players on clay before. The key difference between the draws in Vina del Mar and Sao Paulo, Nicolas Almagro hopes to rebound from a memorable fortnight in Melbourne. While he reached an Australian Open quarterfinal, he may need time to forget his repeated inability to finish off Ferrer there and perhaps also to recover from a leg injury. Like Nadal, though, Almagro will find the clay accommodating to his ailing body, and he has won a set from Rafa on the surface before. Opening against surprise Vina del Mar champion Horacio Zeballos, he finds himself near the most dangerous unseeded player in the draw, David Nalbandian. The grouchy gaucho languishes in a semi-retirement from which he emerges just often enough to remain relevant, and a player lacking in fitness, confidence, or both would seem plausible prey. Nalbandian has tested Nadal severely before, even during his decline, but can he string together the solid efforts necessary to produce that tantalizing final? Check out the companion preview of the WTA Premier Five tournament in Doha, and return on Friday for the next entry in my column. Each Monday morning, I will break down ATP and WTA draws quarter by quarter with a prediction of who may meet in the final and perhaps the semifinals. Fans can look forward this week to three ATP 250 tournaments in Montpellier, Zagreb, and Vina del Mar. The most significant storyline concerns the highly anticipated return of Rafael Nadal in the last of those events, but the other two merit the attention of dedicated fans too. Montpellier: After a weekend satisfying but exhausting, Berdych travels from a Davis Cup tie in Switzerland to neighboring France and one of his most productive surfaces: an indoor hard court. Clearly the best player in his half and probably the best in the tournament, the top seed might face an intriguing quarterfinal test in Nikolay Davydenko, also proficient on this surface. A champion in Doha last month, the Russian owns a stunning 9-2 record against the Czech. But most of Davydenko's success comes from before 2010, the year when his decline and Berdych's breakthrough began. The greatest pre-semifinal obstacle for the top seed probably lies in his ability to recover from the longest match in Davis Cup history, which spanned a remarkable 422 minutes. As one would expect in a draw littered with Frenchmen (10 of the 24 direct entrants), the home crowd should find plenty of reasons to cheer. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the second quarter, where Gasquet could meet Monfils in the second round. Both men shone at the Australian Open by their standards, as did occasional upset threat Julien Benneteau. While all of these French stars have faltered on home soil at times, they also can point to notable achievements from Gael's two appearances in the Paris Masters final to Julien's upset of Federer at the same event. Like that doubles specialist, the third-seeded Gasquet will bring momentum from a commanding Davis Cup effort on French soil. Less impressive is the lower half of the draw, spearheaded in the third quarter by Gilles Simon. The fourth seed shares Gasquet's task of surmounting the compatriots scattered around him. A group that features Benoit Paire, Adrian Mannarino, and Paul-Henri Mathieu includes no challenger of a competitive will comparable to Simon. This Frenchman's first real test should come in the semifinals against the winner of a tantalizing all-Serbian quarterfinal. While the second-seeded Tipsarevic has produced much better tennis than Troicki lately, the former arrives from an injury and the latter from a fine Davis Cup performance in Belgium. In a small, fervently patriotic nation like Serbia, rivalries among compatriots can prove more tightly contested than their relative talents would suggest. Hoping to disrupt that projected clash, the aging Michael Llodra seeks to rekindle his former magic from the Paris Indoors with a net-rushing style that reaps rewards on these courts. If Tipsarevic does advance, he will need to reverse a poor history against Simon, not an easy task in view of his unimpressive recent form. Zagreb: Twice a titlist at his home tournament, top-ranked Croat Marin Cilic has started to knock on the door of the top ten again after an encouraging campaign in the second half of 2012. He holds the top seed in a draw that features several rising stars from the region, including Blaz Kavcic and Aljaz Bedene. The former reached the third round of a major for the first time at the Australian Open in the wake of a five-set, five-hour marathon, while the latter reached a semifinal in Chennai by defeating Wawrinka (more impressive in retrospect) and winning a set from Tipsarevic. If the winner can survive the mercurial Marcos Baghdatis, an exciting quarterfinal with Cilic would beckon. Among the most notable figures in the second quarter is seventh-seeded Grigor Dimitrov, assigned a difficult opening assignment against serving leviathan Ivo Karlovic. The young player popularly likened to Federer endured a January of extremes that lurched from his first career final in Brisbane to a first-round exit in straight sets at the Australian Open. Beyond Karlovic, another local threat in Ivan Dodig would unleash his first-strike power against the maturing Dimitrov, which should test his focus. The third-seeded Mikhail Youzhny, well past his prime, looks less intimidating in a quarterfinal that could showcase two elegant one-handed backhands. Another aging veteran in lefty Jurgen Melzer holds the fourth seed in a tournament near his native Austria, where he will attempt to raise his level from an unimpressive Davis Cup display in Kazakhstan. Explosive upset artist Lukas Rosol might test him in the quarterfinals should he survive another Lukas, the eighth-seeded Lacko. The latter Lukas nearly upset Tipsarevic at the Australian Open, so he may fancy his chances against the Czech Lukas or a Polish Lukasz (Kubot), better known in doubles but dangerous in singles with his pinpoint serves and returns. The bottom quarter may hold the least interest for local fans, since the only Croats received wildcards to compensate for their low rankings. But its two seeds, Martin Klizan and Andreas Seppi, enjoyed their best seasons to date in 2012. Seppi in particular has hinted at building upon that momentum in 2013 by reaching the second week in Melbourne, although this surface does not much suit his patient style. Vina del Mar: The toast of Chile when he arrived last week, Nadal celebrated his return to professional competition after a six-month absence by basking in a ceremonial welcome from the nation's president and noted tennis stars. Fans throughout the world, even those who never especially admired him, should welcome the return of a warrior whose presence injects much more intrigue into the ATP elite. While Nadal probably will not find his finest form immediately, he may not need to find it here to win a title on the clay that he relishes so deeply. Nobody in his quarter should muster the nerve to contemplate stopping the Spaniard, including compatriot Daniel Gimeno-Traver and home hope Nicolas Massu, a former Olympic gold medalist. The only clay tournament in a week otherwise spent on indoor hard courts, Vina del Mar has attracted a host of players from South America and the Mediterranean. Australian Open quarterfinalist Jeremy Chardy will seek to shift his momentum from hard courts to clay, a surface that could reward his asymmetrical baseline game but not his preference for shortening points in the forecourt. The third seed in Chile, this Frenchman might encounter veteran Spaniard and clay specialist Tommy Robredo in the quarterfinals. Or perhaps Chardy will meet Lorenzi, who once nearly upset Nadal in Rome. Often neglected among Spanish men, fourth-seeded Pablo Andujar occasionally drifts within range of an ardent fan's radar during the clay season. This week, he could collide with a compatriot ranked just six slots below him in Albert Ramos, who looked rather crisp at the Australian Open in a five-set loss to Baghdatis. South Americans Rogerio Dutra Silva, Leonardo Mayer, and Horacio Zeballos add some local interest without heightening the level of competition significantly. Like his fellow second seed Seppi in Zagreb, world #12 Juan Monaco produced a season far more productive last year than any before it. A veteran clay specialist, he notched his greatest success last year on hard courts, where he reached the Miami semifinal. But he regained his groove on his favorite surface while contributing to Argentina's Davis Cup victory over Germany this weekend, and he often has excelled during the February South American clay swing. Fellow Argentine Carlos Berlocq, known as the worst server in the top 100, should pose little threat in a weak section. Can Monaco test Nadal in the final, as he has Djokovic and Murray on clay? We will know better once the tournament unfolds. I will return on Friday morning to look at the first round of Fed Cup. Ahead on next Monday are previews of ATP events in Rotterdam, San Jose, and Sao Paulo, in addition to a more detailed preview of the WTA Premier Five tournament in Doha.
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25 Howard Zinn Books to Add to Your List US History Books Howard Zinn Books Howard Zinn is a historian, philosopher, and World War II veteran. He was also an author with more than two dozen books. He focused most of his writing on US history, war, and political events throughout history. His books are a great read for anyone looking to learn more about the civil rights movement, anti-war sentiment, and the history of the labor force in the US. 1. SNCC: The New Abolitionists In this book, Howard Zinn tells the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) story, from its beginnings in the early 1960s to its decline in the late 1970s. SNCC was one of the most important civil rights organizations of its time, and Zinn's account provides a fascinating glimpse into the inner workings of this influential group. In addition to chronicling SNCC's successes and failures, Zinn also offers a unique perspective on the role of activism in American society. If you're interested in learning more about this pivotal period in history or simply want to read an engaging nonfiction book. It will give you many insights into how and why SNCC was so important in the movement for equality. 2. Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal The Vietnam War is one of the most controversial wars in American history. Many people believe that the United States should have never gotten involved in the war, while others think we should have continued fighting until we won. In his book Vietnam: The Logic of Withdrawal, Howard Zinn takes a different perspective on the war. He argues that the United States should have withdrawn from Vietnam as soon as it was clear that we would not win. This argument is based on the idea that it is morally wrong for a country to get involved in a war if it does not win. It also includes a speech written by Zinn that was supposed to be part of President Johnson's ending the war. If it had been spoken, the history of this war would have been entirely different and much less deadly to all people. >> More books about the Vietnam War 3. Disobedience and Democracy: Nine Fallacies on Law and Order In this quick read, Howard Zinn argues that civil disobedience is a necessary tool for democracy. He identifies nine fallacies on law and order that can undermine democracy. Some of these include the belief that law and order are more important than individual rights, the idea that violence is an acceptable means of enforcing the law, and the belief that the government always acts in the best interest of its citizens. Zinn's essay is a timely reminder of how fragile democracy can be and why it's important to uphold our civic duty to disobey unjust laws. 4. The Politics of History When Zinn originally published this book, he made a bold statement about how history is written. He argued that the interests of those in power always shape the official accounts of history and that it is essential for ordinary people to have their voices heard. In this book, Zinn provides a different perspective on American history, telling the stories of ordinary people who traditional historians have overlooked. For Zinn, history is not simply a collection of facts and dates; it is a tool that can be used to promote social change and justice. This makes "The Politics of History" a critical read for anyone interested in understanding America's past and present. 5. Justice in Everyday Life: The Way It Really Works What does justice really mean? How do we achieve it in our everyday lives? These are the questions that acclaimed historian Howard Zinn tackles in his latest book, "Justice in Everyday Life." Drawing on examples from history and personal experience, Zinn offers a fascinating look at how justice works - or doesn't work - in society. Even though published long ago, this book is still entirely relevant in today's world. Examples include how the police often focus on the poor or people of color because of the inherent bias in our justice system. Whether you're looking for ways to make your community more just or simply want to understand the concept better, this book is a must-read. 6. A People's History of the United States: 1492 to Present Published: 1980 (with updates through to 2010) Without question, this is the book that made Howard Zinn the highly respected historian that he continued to be throughout his life. If you're looking for a comprehensive and eye-opening history of the United States, look no further than Howard Zinn's A People's History of the United States. Starting with the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1492 and continuing up to 2010, Zinn chronicled American history from the perspective of those who have traditionally been left out of textbooks - namely, women, minorities, and the poor. This approach provides a much more accurate and nuanced view of our country's past and is sure to spark discussion and debate about our present and into our future. If you are looking to find a history book that delves deep into the lesser-known and often ignored part of society, this will be a great primer. >> More about the American Revolution >> Great reads about social justice in the US 7. Declarations of Independence: Cross-Examining American Ideology Published: October 23rd, 1991 What does it mean to be an American? Throughout history, this question has been asked, and the answer is constantly evolving. In this book, Howard Zinn provides a unique perspective on what it means to be an American. Through cross-examination of important historical documents, Zinn reveals the overlooked voices of America's past. Whether you agree or disagree with his arguments, Zinn's book offers a fresh and thought-provoking perspective on American identity. By exploring the contradictions and complexities of American history, Zinn encourages readers to examine America's values and ideals critically. The questions of how slavery was accepted, native peoples were slaughtered to make way for Europeans, and more are explored in it. 8. A People's History of the United States: The Civil War to the Present Published: August 1st, 2003 The American people are a patriotic bunch. They love their country, and they are proud of its history. But what most Americans don't know is that their country's history is not all glory and victory. There is another side to the story, which is often left out of textbooks and watered down in classrooms. That side is the story of the people, the ordinary people who have made up America throughout its history. In his book, A People's History of the United States: The Civil War to the Present, Howard Zinn tells the story of America from the perspective of those people who have been forgotten or ignored by traditional histories. It is a powerful and moving account that paints a different picture of America than we are taught in school. NOTE: This is often used in school settings. Therefore, it has teaching material included, which will allow you to dig deeper into what it means to be a citizen of the U.S.A. >> More books about the Civil War 9. Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian Few people can attest to the power of hope quite like Howard Zinn. A noted historian and social activist, Zinn has dedicated his life to fighting for the underprivileged and oppressed. In this book, Failure to Quit: Reflections of an Optimistic Historian he discusses the importance of never giving up in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. Despite all the heartache and pain, we experience in life. Drawing on personal stories and examples from history, Zinn provides a powerful argument for perseverance in the face of adversity. He reminds us that "it is always better to be alive than dead, to be hopeful than despairing." This inspirational message will inspire readers to keep fighting no matter what challenges they face. 10. You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train: A Personal History of Our Times Published: September 1st, 1994 As an American historian, writer, and social activist, Howard Zinn's work has always been focused on the idea of creating a more equitable society. In You Can't Be Neutral on a Moving Train, Zinn expands on this idea by exploring how neutrality is not only impossible but also undesirable in the face of ongoing injustice. Drawing on examples from history and his personal experiences as a participant in social movements, Zinn argues that it is essential for individuals to take a stand and fight for what they believe in. He maintains that if we do not act, the status quo will continue to perpetuate inequality and oppression. This powerful and timely book will provoke thought and discussion among readers everywhere. 11. The Zinn Reader: Writings on Disobedience and Democracy This book is a compilation of the author's work starting in the 1950s and ending in the early 2000s before Zinn died. The book is divided into different categories so you can get a natural feel for his way of thinking and how words should be put into action. It includes essays, speeches, articles, interviews, and reviews covering topics such as war, history, civil disobedience, race relations, class struggle, democracy, education reform, and other pertinent issues of the past and present. The breadth of content covered in it makes it an essential read for anyone interested in learning about social justice issues from one of America's most influential thinkers. 12. Howard Zinn on War Most people don't know that Howard Zinn was a bombardier in World War II, so he saw a war in real life and didn't just make offhand comments. He also lived through some of the most tumultuous times in the history of the U.S.A. regarding equality, civil rights, and the fight against imperialism. While many people view war as a necessary evil, Howard Zinn takes a different perspective. The author presents a series of essays questioning American involvement in military conflicts throughout history. Zinn provides historical evidence to support his argument that war is ineffective and causes more harm than good. His points about war being useless and counterproductive and proven correct, and the choice is if we are to change and become better as a people and a country. This book is a must-read for anyone who wants to gain a deeper understanding of the implications of war. >> Books about World War II 13. Howard Zinn on History Howard Zinn once said, "There is not a flag large enough to cover the shame of killing innocent people." This quote highlights the importance of history - it can teach us about our past mistakes so that we can learn from them and avoid making them again in the future. Zinn provides a unique perspective on history that is often overlooked. Through his essays and speeches, Zinn paints a complete picture of history that includes the views of those who have been traditionally left out of the narrative. The book provides a unique perspective on history and its impact on the world. In it, Zinn reflects on different aspects of history, ranging from his personal experiences as a bombardier in World War II to the role of history in society. It is an excellent read for anyone interested in learning more about how history shapes our present day. 14. Three Strikes: Miners, Musicians, Salesgirls, and the Fighting Spirit of Labor's Last Century Published: September 3rd, 2001 This book is a bit different from the others as not only does Howard Zinn write an essay in it, but there are two other authors, Dana Frank and Robin D. G. Kelly. All three look at a different event through their own eyes, but all relate to the ordinary person's power to fight the people in power. Sometimes for better and sometimes for worse. Zinn explored the Ludlow Massacre of 1914 when 1,200 coal miners were striking, and the government called in the Colorado National Guard and private guards to break it. On April 20th, more than twenty people were killed, including women and children. This led to a federal investigation which worked toward helping build consensus for the eight-hour workday and child labor laws. Dan Frank writes about the "counter girls" sit-in at a Woolworth in Detroit, and Kelley writes about a strike of New York movie theater musicians. 15. Terrorism and War As we've seen so far, truth is almost always the first casualty when war or power is concerned. According to the Constitution and Bill of Rights, civil liberties and the freedom that we are supposed to have are quickly taken away. And because of this people die and countries can be ruined. This includes the U.S.A. and so many others that we have tried to occupy since the beginning of the immigrants from Europe. In this book, Zinn looks at how this happened here and how it has been fought by protestors who often give up their freedom, or their own lives, to help keep everyone else safe. When you look at how people who try to be whistleblowers on the illegal activities of our government or how people in power (and sometimes just the average citizen) overlook torture by our military, it makes this an even more critical read at the present time. 16. Artists in Times of War Published: September 2nd, 2003 In this short read, Zinn asks all of us, "What is an artist's role when their country is at war?" As we know, this is a question that has been asked throughout history and one that Howard Zinn attempts to answer here. Zinn looks at various examples of artists who lived during wartime, both in the United States and abroad, examining how they reacted to the conflict. Zinn believes that through painting, music, writing, or any other form of expression, that artists have the power to make a difference and also need to speak out. He argues that artists have a unique perspective on war and can play an essential role in helping society understand what is happening. Some of the people quoted in his essays include disparate artists such a Mark Twain, Thomas Paine, Emma Goldman, and Bob Dylan. 17. Passionate Declarations: Essays on War and Justice As an activist and historian, Howard Zinn's work has always been guided by a passion for justice. His essays on war and justice offer a unique perspective on some of the most critical issues of our time. Drawing on personal experiences and historical examples, Zinn provides thoughtful insights on topics such as imperialism, civil rights, and the role of dissent in society. He also delves into how using education can relieve many people thinking that war will solve problems. His points are incredibly relevant, especially in times like these, with our public education system under attack. This powerful collection of his essays is both timeless and relevant, providing readers with a unique look at critical issues from one of America's most influential voices. 18. The People Speak: American Voices, Some Famous, Some Little Known: Dramatic Readings Celebrating the Enduring Spirit of Dissent Published: March 2nd, 2004 In The People Speak: American Voices, Howard Zinn presents a collection of essays, letters, speeches, and other writings from everyday Americans throughout history. The voices range from famous historical figures like Frederick Douglass and Abraham Lincoln to lesser-known individuals such as a Native American woman speaking out against the displacement of her people and an immigrant describing his journey to America. This powerful compilation offers a unique glimpse into the thoughts and experiences of average Americans throughout history. Instead of just being a collection of essays by others, Zinn adds his own points and opinions on the essays and articles written by others in this book. The wonderful part of this book is that you may just recognize your voice being spoken here through the writings of someone else. >> Books by and about Frederick Douglass >> More books about Native Americans 19. A Power Governments Cannot Suppress Published: December 1st, 2006 We all have an innate desire for freedom. It is a fundamental human quality that cannot be suppressed, no matter how powerful the government is. This is definitively proven in this book as he highlights the many cases throughout history in which people have revolted against their rulers and won. These essays span the times starting with the Declaration of Independence up until today and our failures in giving the government too much power and our loss of liberties. These individuals refused to give up their freedom and fought until they finally achieved victory despite the odds. This is a testament to the power of the human spirit and its ability to overcome even the most significant obstacles. So, if you're feeling oppressed by your government, never give up hope – there is always a chance of success. History has shown us that freedom can never be suppressed for long. 20. Original Zinn: Conversations on History and Politics This book is also a good primer on Zinn's worldview if you want an excellent place to start. It is a collection of interviews of Howard Zinn by David Barsamian. This book is full of engaging conversations on various topics, all related to the world of politics and history. You'll learn about everything from the Vietnam War to the role of protest in society, making it perfect for anyone who wants to expand their knowledge on these essential subjects. Plus, with chapters that can be read independently, "Original Zinn" is ideal for busy readers who don't have time for a long reading commitment. So, if you're curious about what makes history tick, pick up a copy of this book today! 21. A People's History of American Empire A People's History of American Empire is a critical examination of the United States from the perspective of those who have been traditionally excluded from mainstream historical narratives. Zinn argues that official history is filled with omissions and distortions. He provides a more accurate account of events by drawing on testimony from ordinary people and documents such as letters, speeches, and court records. This book offers an illuminating look at America's past. It encourages readers to question conventional wisdom and think critically about history and its impact on our present-day world. NOTE: This is a graphic novel, so it is entertaining to be educated while being entertained by words and artistry. 22. The Bomb The Bomb is a short but graphic and powerful history of the atomic bomb. It is a must-read for anyone interested in learning about the development and use of this devastating weapon. It also looks at his own service as a Bombardier in WW II and the destruction of the city of Royan, France, by carpet bombing. Zinn provides a comprehensive overview of the politics and scientific progress that led to the atomic bomb's creation and offers insightful analysis on its impact on world events. Some of the interesting conclusions that he comes to are ones such as the reason we dropped the bombs on Japan was not to end the war, but to show Russia that we have the capability, and the willingness, to use them if they tried to attack us. The photos in it are brutal, and you will not forget them. Which, of course, is precisely what Zinn would want so you remember what happens to civilians during the war. It isn't pretty. >> More books about the atomic bomb and the Manhattan Project 23. The Historic Unfulfilled Promise One of the last books published before he died, Zinn takes dozens of articles that he had written for The Progressive over a three-decade period. They include articles about the type of country that the United States of America should strive to be. This includes how our citizens should react when our leaders talk about going to war and how the poor and people of color have been systematically beaten down by our imperialism at home and abroad. As always, he does not mince words, and even though considered a liberal or left-winger, he takes Obama's presidency to task and looks at the failures of our political system no matter who is leading it. It is a powerful look back through Zinn's incredible life and influence, not only in writing about history but in making it himself. 24. Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009 It's not often that one can get an inside glimpse into the mind of a progressive activist, philosopher, and historian like Howard Zinn. But his new book, Howard Zinn Speaks: Collected Speeches 1963-2009, provides just that. Spanning over 40 years, the book offers readers a unique opportunity to hear directly from one of America's most influential voices for change. The speeches collected in this volume offer valuable insights into the thoughts and beliefs of this renowned author and teacher. Zinn discusses topics such as war, history, democracy, and activism. Some of the specific subjects include the Vietnam War, the case of Sacco and Vanzetti, the civil rights movement of the 1960s, Shay's Rebellion, and others that you will not have read elsewhere. It is essential reading for anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of U.S. history and the ongoing fight for social justice. 25. Truth Has a Power of Its Own: Conversations about A People's History The last of the books on our list is a collection of interviews with the incredibly well-respected NPR reporter Ray Suarez. The subjects of these interviews are wide-ranging and informative. Some include the colonialism of the U.S.A. The destruction of the Native peoples. Others are how women and people of color were treated as second-class citizens in this country and the War on Terror that continues even past Howard Zinn's death in 2010. Because Suarez was such a fantastic newscaster, and Zinn trusted him so much, the questions are intense, and the answers are thorough and insightful. Zinn always does his best to explain and use facts and evidence to prove his points. As they move from topic to topic, the interaction between the two is lovely and elegant. It is a perfect way to say goodbye to this magnificent historian since you will feel as if you can hear him speak even though it is only through the written words.
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