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string | meta
string | __index_level_0__
int64 |
Cum hoc ergo propter hoc (на латински "с това, следователно поради това") е фраза, с която се обозначава логическата грешка, че ако между две променливи съществува корелация, то задължително е налице причинно-следствена връзка между тях.
В един подробно изследван пример, многобройни епидемологични проучвания показали, че при жените, подложили се на комбинирана хормонозаместителна терапия (ХЗТ), рискът (вероятността) от заболеваемост от коронарна болест на сърцето (КБ) бил по-нисък. Това навело докторите на заключението, че ХЗТ предпазва от КБ. Контролни изследвания обаче показали, че ХЗТ всъщност увеличава риска от коронарна болест. При повторния анализ на данните се установило, че имало голяма вероятност жените на ХЗТ да са от социално-икономическите групи ABC1, с по-добри от средното хранителни и тренировъчни режими. Така двете събития се оказали съвпадащи следствия от обща причина, а не причина и следствие, както се твърдяло първоначално.
Някои американски застрахователни компании заключават, че след като 80% от автомобилните катастрофи са на по-малко от 30 км от домовете на шофьорите, то тогава катастрофите се дължат на това, че водачите на МПС са дотам привикнали към маршрута, че не отделят нужното внимание. Обаче не отчитат, че всъщност рядко човек се отдалечава на повече от 30 км от дома си.
Друго изследване твърди, че средната продължителност на живота сред хората, които и на 60 години практикуват джогинг, е значително по-голяма, следователно тази дейност е повишава продължителността на живота. Не се отчита факта, че за хората, които могат да практикуват джогинг на 60 години, има много по-голяма вероятност да имат по-дълъг живот.
По същата логика, известният френски актьор Колюш заявява, че след като 1/3 от катастрофите са причинени от водачи, употребили алкохол, то трябва да се наказват водачите, които пият вода, понеже те причиняват 2/3 от катастрофите.
Всичко това са примери за грешни разсъждения, които показват, че не трябва да се бърка корелация с причинно-следствена връзка.
Логически заблуди
Латински логически фрази | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 300 |
Q: Pass selected value to a popup window I have a window with a select box, which is selected a particular option. In a popup with the same select box values ,i want the select box to select the corresponding select box option from the parent window.
I generate the select box fields in the popup via the PHP call, generated directly from the Mysql table.
Please solve my doubt
mystates = [
title: ' list',
html:'<table width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" bgcolor="#FFFFFF"><tr><td><strong>DATA1</strong></td><td>:</td><td id=\'dataid1\'> <select name=\'dataid1\' id=\'dataid1\' class=\'dataid1\'>'+<?php echo json_encode($options)?>+'</select></td></tr></table>',
buttons: { OK: true ,Cancel: -1},
focus: 1,
return false;
else if(v){
return false;
html is
$result = db_query('SELECT * FROM cart_items' );
foreach($result as $wonresRes){
$options.="<option value='".$wonresRes->ID."'>".$wonresRes->data." </option>";
<table class='mtable'>
<td id='dataid1'>
<select name='dataid1' id='dataid1' class='dataid1'>
<?php echo ($options)?>
A: First of all no two elements will have the same id.Your parent page and the popup contains a selectbox with the same id.Change any one of them.
var selected = $('#select1').val() //Gives u the current option that is being selected(Parent page)
After the popup is generated use the below to make the selectbox selected
If you rename ur popup selectbox id to selectbox2
$('#selectbox2').val(selected) //To be added only after the html is generated
Case 2(Incase of text)
var selectedTxt = $('#field').text();
To make it selected
$("#selectbox2 option[value='"+selectedTxt+"']").attr('selected', 'selected'); //based on value
$("#selectbox2 option:contains(" + selectedTxt + ")").attr('selected', 'selected'); //based on text
This will make the popup selectbox selected.Hope that helps mate.. :)
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 301 |
Q: How to solve Error: ENOENT, stat I´ve installed NPM and stylus global way in Mac OS, but when I try create a new-file.styl the following error occurs:
$ stylus -c -w mi-estilo.styl
if (err) throw err;
Error: ENOENT, stat 'mi-estilo.styl'
at Error (native)
I searched the solution, but . . . I don't have any success.
could someone help me please?
A: The error message is saying that it expects to find 'mi-estilo.styl'. You seem to expect that it should be created. Looking at stylus --help, -c option is for "compress" and -w is for "watch", there is no indication that something should be created.
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 302 |
How To Tell Male From Female Cannabis Plants
Cannabis 101cannabis breedingCannabis Canada
While cannabis is dioecious, meaning it can be male or female, the plants we smoke are exclusively female. Female plants are responsible for the resin-secreting flowers we all know and love, and to do so must be kept from pollinating males. That's because female plants, once fertilized, convert energy from THC production to seeding. Hence, the females we consume are "sinsemilla" or seedless.
Male plants are still necessary for cannabis production when it comes to propagation and breeding, however. For a female plant to produce seeds, it requires pollination from a male plant. Without further adieu, let's dive into how to tell male from female cannabis plants.
Properly sexing cannabis is easier with more mature plants, but there are several key ways to sex cannabis in the pre-flower phase.
Identifying a male cannabis plant
Male cannabis plant, photo courtesy of Royal Queen Seeds
Pre-flowers will appear at the base of the leaves when male plants are about three to four weeks old. In females, they appear between four to six weeks old. Males can be sexed as early as one to three weeks before germination. However, it's best to identify and cull males before they begin developing pollen sacs.
One male is enough to wreak havoc on a harvest.
Male pre-flower are staminates, and the female pre-flowers are pistils. Staminate will be more rounded than pistils and take on a spade-like shape. Look for them at the joints on the stalks of the flower. As it matures, the staminate takes on a curved blade shape and a round spade or ball.
Can you smoke them?
Technically yes, but in the immortal words of Obi-Wan: these are not the cannabinoids you're looking for. The quality THC we get from cannabis is from seedless females. Males just don't contain the same quantity of things that we look for in cannabis to consume. Sure, males do produce some trichomes, but the amount and quality pale in comparison to females. Besides, allowing a male to reach the point of maturity where it produces cannabinoids and terpenes at all will have already pollinated the females and ruined your harvest.
Identifying female cannabis plants
Female cannabis plant, photo courtesy of Pexels
Like males, pre-flowering female plants will have bulbs too, but these are more pear-shaped rather than spades. The dead giveaway is long translucent hairs called stigma. The stigma is part of the pistil and will definitively identify the plant as female. Female plants all produce pistils; the problem with sexing female plants is not every female plant in the pre-flower phase has pistils.
Hermaphroditic Plants
Another confounding variable is hermaphroditic plants that produce both staminate and pistil. Hermaphroditic plants are typically the result of stress. Treat these plants as males and cull them if looking to harvest, or keep them if looking to seed.
Structural Difference between male and female plant
Lastly, there are also a few morphological differences between males and female cannabis plants to help you sexing your plants. Female plants are typically shorter and bushier, while males grow taller and have thicker stalks to support the additional weight.
Pancreas – Structure & Function
Humboldt County Offers Support Program for Cannabis
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A crossword all about stupid laws – Latest Cannabis News Today
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Cannabis News – Some Good Medical Marijuana News | Ep.… | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 303 |
Q: Converting python file to exe with images i know that pyinstaller --onefile converts python file to exe, but is it possible to pack additional jpg files to that exe?
I mean, i have files like
Can i convert it all into main.exe?
A: Sure, it is possible. See the doc here.
Basically, what you have to do is:
*If running pyinstaller on your python script, run:
pyinstaller --add-data 'image.jpg:.' --add-data 'image1.jpg:.' [Linux]
pyinstaller --add-data "image.jpg;." --add-data "image1.jpg;." [Windows]
*If running pyinstaller via a spec file, add to your spec file:
a = Analysis(...
datas=[ ('image.jpg', '.'), ('image1.jpg','.') ],
and run pyinstaller main.spec
Note that, quoting the doc:
The first string specifies the file or files as they are in this system now.
The second specifies the name of the folder to contain the files at run-time.
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 304 |
Ashley and Ronnie's wedding meant so much to us. When Ashley contacted us last year about filming her wedding, she told us that she had been a fan of our work and known she was going to have us film her wedding for over 6 years. Needless to say, that definitely put the pressure on to deliver something great for their wedding.
Of course, it didn't hurt that Ashley and Ronnie got married at one of our favorite places on earth, Wilmington, NC, and had some of the most epic friends and family. You couldn't have asked for a more perfect day for their wedding. Their venue was close to the waterfront in downtown Wilmington, so we were able to take them down to the boardwalk after their ceremony to capture some footage of them together. Needless to say, with these two, those moments at the waterfront led to some pretty incredible footage. When you combine that with the amazing speeches, beautiful vows, and insane reception they had for their wedding, it makes a pretty good recipe for a perfect day. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 305 |
COVID-19 update: We are open Sun -Thu 10am-4pm with precautions in place. Click for more information.
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The perpetual markings of Auschwitz
By Emeritus Professor Konrad Kwiet, Resident Historian
Today is International Holocaust Remembrance Day and marks 76 years since the liberation of Auschwitz.
Only in Auschwitz – the epicentre of the Holocaust – did new arrivals selected for work receive a tattoo. As a rule, they were tattooed on their left forearm, displaying in dark blue or black ink the camp serial number assigned to them. The question of why no prisoners of other concentration camps were tattooed is still unanswered.
The origin of tattooing can be traced back to ancient times. Slaves and prisoners of war were often branded by their owners on the forehead to prevent them from escaping. Until today, cattle owners brand their cattle as a mark of ownership.
In Auschwitz, the SS camp leaders encountered a problem in late 1940: The rampant death rate of inmates was making it difficult to identify corpses once the clothing showing their registration number has been quickly removed for re-use. The tattoo became a way to assist the murderers in identifying the victims. It also became a means to prevent inmates' escape and to humiliate them. Some inmates were not tattooed: Reich Germans, Ethnic Germans and other non-Jews classified as 'education prisoners' or 'police prisoners'. Unlike Jews and the Roma Sinti, they were not included in the program of the "Final Solution" and could be discharged from Auschwitz.
Some Jews remained untattooed at the request of German industrialists. Upon arrival they were registered as "depot prisoners" detained temporarily in a transit compound until deported and deployed as slave labourers in war relevant factories dispersed throughout Nazi-controlled Europe.
Jewish women entering Auschwitz at the end of March 1942 were the first to be tattooed with four-digit numbers. This process took first place in Auschwitz I – the Stammlager – in a stone building disguised as bath house, and then in the shower and reception facilities of the women's camp in Auschwitz Birkenau. Initially, an impractical metal stamp was used, then a single needle and finally a double needle device. The procedure lasted around 30 seconds.
Lou Sokolov, the chief Auschwitz tattooist emblazoned more than 200,000 inmates, which was almost half of the camp population tattooed. His Arbeitskommando (work detail), comprised men and women. Sokolov survived Auschwitz and migrated to Australia in 1949. He lived in Melbourne and died in 2007.
Holocaust survivors never forgot the intense pain caused by the tattooing procedure. One survivor instructed to paint the black serial number on inmates' uniforms recalled: "Reception and registration transformed human beings into stones and numbers. The women were totally confused and disoriented, happy to still be alive.'"
Following liberation, some survivors hastened to have the physical reminder of their humiliation removed. However, a scar always remained. Others used their numbers as PINs or as lucky betting numbers, especially at horse races or Lotto games.
In restitution proceedings, tattooed numbers provided evidence of the date of arrival in Auschwitz and the place from the deportation had commenced. The Auschwitz Calendarium recorded these data.
In recent years, as part of an upsurge in tattooing amongst people, grandchildren of survivors have elected to have the Auschwitz tattoo of their grandmother or grandfather as their chosen tattoo. Whether the appropriation of the Auschwitz tattoo is a symbol of Holocaust memory or a perpetuation of genocidal trauma is up for personal interpretation.
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The Unknown Paintings of Fred Zeckendorf
November 2021 - April 2022
A showcase of paintings created by Fred Zeckendorf in the Theresienstadt ghetto. Fred captured scenes of the ghetto's landscape, the people and daily life, leaving a legacy of art that depicted the Holocaust experience of those incarcerated in Theresienstadt.
What's on at SJM?
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Online Commemoration of International Holocaust Remembrance Day 2022
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148 Darlinghurst Road
Darlinghurst, NSW
The Sydney Jewish Museum acknowledges that we are located on the traditional lands of the Gadigal people of the Eora Nation. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 306 |
Q: Microsoft Visual C++ Run - time Check Failure #2 I don't understand why I keep getting this error. The program works fine, but it keeps giving me this error.
I think it might be something to do with the arrays, but I'm not 100% sure.
Any help that anyone can give me will be helpful to me. I'm not even a programmer. I'm just studying information technology, so I'm not super good at this.
int main(void)
// Constant and Variable Declarations
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 4;//decarling the array size
int homeScore[ARRAY_SIZE];
int awayScore[ARRAY_SIZE];
int finalHome = 0;
int finalAway = 0;
// *** Your program goes here ***
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
printf("How Many Points were Scored by Home Team in Quarter #%d? ", i);//getting the hometeam numbers
scanf("%d", &homeScore[i]);
while (homeScore[i] < 0) { //checking continuously home team score negative or not
printf("\tThe number entered cannot be negative. Please re-enter the number #%d? ", i);
scanf("%d", &homeScore[i]);
printf("How Many Points were Scored by Away Team in Quarter #%d? ", i);//getting the awayteam numbers
scanf("%d", &awayScore[i]);
while (awayScore[i] < 0) {//checking continuously away team score negative or not
printf("\tThe number entered cannot be negative. Please re-enter the number #%d? ", i);
scanf("%d", &awayScore[i]);
printf("After each quarter, the score was:");
//printing Score Board
printf("\n H\t A\n");
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
finalHome = finalHome + homeScore[i];//processing
finalAway = finalAway + awayScore[i];//processing
printf("\nQ%d", i);
printf("\t %d\t", finalHome);//printing out the scores for the home team
printf(" %d\t", finalAway);//printing out scores for the away team
if (finalHome > finalAway) {//printing out the home team win
printf("Yea! The Home Team Won!\n");
else if (finalHome == finalAway) {//printing out if they tied
printf("After 4 quarters, the score was tied.\n");
else {//printing out if the away team won
printf("Sorry, the Away Team won.\n");
return 0;
} // end main()
A: As I said in comment , C array indexes go from 0 to len -1 . So change
for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) {
for (int i = 0; i <4; i++) {
BTW it should be
for (int i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE; i++) {
A: for (int i = 0; i < 4;i++)
Not for (int i = 0; i<= 4; i++)
In array, we count from 0
Ex: array[0], array[1], array[n]
A: Generally, I try to put the '\n' at the end of lines. Here is your code with a few changes.
As was indicated by others, in c++, we generally run for loops from i = 0 to i < limit, since the arrays are indexed from 0.
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
// Constant and Variable Declarations
const int ARRAY_SIZE = 4;//decarling the array size
int homeScore[ARRAY_SIZE];
int awayScore[ARRAY_SIZE];
int finalHome = 0;
int finalAway = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
printf("How Many Points were Scored by Home Team in Quarter #%d? ", i);//getting the hometeam numbers
scanf("%d", &homeScore[i]);
while (homeScore[i] < 0) { //checking continuously home team score negative or not
printf("\tThe number entered cannot be negative. Please re-enter the number #%d? ", i);
scanf("%d", &homeScore[i]);
printf("How Many Points were Scored by Away Team in Quarter #%d? ", i);//getting the awayteam numbers
scanf("%d", &awayScore[i]);
while (awayScore[i] < 0) {//checking continuously away team score negative or not
printf("\tThe number entered cannot be negative. Please re-enter the number #%d? ", i);
scanf("%d", &awayScore[i]);
printf("After each quarter, the score was:");
//printing Score Board
printf("\n\t\tH\t A\n");
printf("\t\t---\t ---\n");
for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
finalHome = finalHome + homeScore[i];//processing
finalAway = finalAway + awayScore[i];//processing
printf("Q%d", i);
printf("\t %3d", finalHome);//printing out the scores for the home team
printf("\t %3d\n", finalAway);//printing out scores for the away team
if (finalHome > finalAway) {//printing out the home team win
printf("Yea! The Home Team Won!\n");
else if (finalHome == finalAway) {//printing out if they tied
printf("After 4 quarters, the score was tied.\n");
else {//printing out if the away team won
printf("Sorry, the Away Team won.\n");
return 0;
} // end main()
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 307 |
Northern Weekly Salvo 257
The Northern Weekly Salvo
From Th'Edge O'Leet
Incorporating Slaithwaite Review of Books, Weekly Notices, Sectional Appendices, Tunnel Gazers' Gazette and Northern Umbrella. Descendant of Teddy Ashton's Northern Weekly.
No. 257 August 16th 2018
Salveson's nakedly political digest of railwayness, tripe and secessionist nonsense from Up North. Sometimes weekly, often not; but definitely Northern. Read by the highest (and lowest) officers of state, strident Whitmanites, steam punks, yes women, no men, gay Swedenborgians, cat-spotters, discerning sybarites, bi-guys, pie-eaters, tripe dressers, nail artists, self-managing VIMTO drinkers, truculent Northerners, grumpy Norwegians, absurd Marxists, members of the clergy and the toiling masses. All views expressed are my own and usually nobody else's. Official journal of the Station Cat Improvement Network, Pacer Dining Club and Station Buffet Society. Full of creative ambiguity, possibly. Promoting moderate rebellion and sedition, within reason.
"we are far more united and have far more in common with each other than things that divide us." – Jo Cox, maiden speech in House of Commons, June 3rd 2015
General gossips
It hasn't been a good time for rail in the North of England. The introduction of a new timetable in May led to a virtual collapse of train services in some parts of the North, and we're a long way from being 'back to normal'. The reasons for what went wrong are complex and, I suspect, systemic. Let's see what the Glaister Report (from the Office of Rail and Road) has to say when it's published later this year. What does seem apparent is the disproportionate hit taken by many 'community rail' routes. The suspension of services on the Lakes Line got major publicity, but other routes such as my own local line (Preston – Ormskirk, Cumbrian Coast, South Fylde and East Lancashire are still struggling. It's stating the obvious that there's going to be a massive hill to climb when services are back running as they should; a lot of people have made other arrangements and will need much persuasion to come back. Whatever the rights and wrongs of the meltdown, the need for strong, well-resourced community rail partnerships that can get out into the community and win back customers, has never been stronger.
Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn seems to thrive on the growing number of media attacks on his leadership. As readers will know, I'm not an uncritical fan of JC but I have to say that some of the stuff that's appearing is ridiculous, such as whether he stayed in a posh hotel in Tunis or not. More serious is all the stuff about anti-semitism. I'd love to see some examples that back up the allegations. We've been told about arguments over definitions of anti-semitism, which I suppose you can take or leave. We've been told that anti-semitism is rife within the Labour Party. OK, well show us the evidence, please.
Peterloo remembered
Greetings on the 199th anniversary of the Peterloo Massacre. On this day (it was a Sunday) August 16th 1819, tens of thousands of men, women and children gathered in the centre of Manchester, on St Peter's Fields, to demand parliamentary reform.
Watch it or I'll have you…re-enacting Peterloo at Manchester Central
The entirely peaceful crowd was attacked by members of the local yeomanry and hundreds were seriously injured; over 16 were killed.
The superb RMT 'Peterloo' banner
The massacre was etched in the collective memory of Northern people, and the event is still commemorated each year. 'Remember Peterloo!' became a rallying call for working class radicalism throughout much of the nineteenth century. Its survival in the folk memory bolstered a sense of both community and of being 'wronged' by the establishment of the day.
This coming Sunday a number of marches from around Greater Manchester (mirroring the 1819 gathering) will converge outside Manchester Central at 13.00h. Next year of course is the 200th anniversary there are already plans for a major commemoration.
Is HS2 the right solution?
Solution to what you might ask? After initially being told it was all about journey-time reductions, we're not informed it's about providing extra capacity and bridging the north-south divide. I have my doubts. What follows is based on a shorter piece for Chartist magazine which will be out in early September.
The traditional left likes big infrastructure projects. They create jobs and provide long-term infrastructure for the nation. So whether it's a new motorway, airport (or new runway), railway (slow speed or high-speed), they are almost by definition 'a good thing'. In addition, it's often asserted that major infrastructure projects can assist economically disadvantaged areas. Environmental campaigners tend to be inherently distrustful – wary of extra pollution through car or air traffic, as well as opposed to the environmental damage which new roads or railways cause. The new high-speed railway from London to Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester – HS2 – exemplifies the divisions. Labour and the unions seem broadly in favour of the scheme, with local authorities in the main cities seeing it as a tool of urban regeneration. Most environmental campaigners are against it.
High-Speed rail, Welsh style
Many Tories don't like it because it's a classic public sector project and involves spending state funds on a lavish scale.
But what of the influential but fragmented 'rail lobby', comprising the industry and its suppliers but also the large number of campaigning groups who have succeeded in shifting much Government policy towards a much more pro-rail stance, compared with the road-obsessed approach of the 60s and 70s? It's very divided. Unsurprisingly, rail industry suppliers are all in favour, with the prospect of multi-billion pound contracts for rolling stock, signalling equipment and actual construction. Some rail campaigners are in support, seeing any rail investment as automatically positive. Yet a large number of experienced industry professionals, as well as lay campaigners, think the whole thing is ill-conceived. This is an interesting group: knowledgeable and pro-rail and not instinctively against 'high-speed rail' as seen in mainland Europe, China and Japan. I include myself amongst their number.
So what's wrong with HS2? The scheme is for a 400 km/h (250 m/ph) railway starting at Euston and running via west London then out through the Chilterns to a major interchange south of Birmingham. The route then splits, with a branch terminating at a new station at Birmingham (Curzon Street).
L&Y Highflyers were the high-speed train of their day (OK getting desperate to find images to illustrate this piece)
Phase 2a continues to Crewe and will eventually join the existing West Coast Main Line near Wigan with trains continuing north to Scotland. In Phase 2b there will be branches to Manchester and another line heading to Leeds and the East Coast Main Line, with a spur joining up with the existing East Coast main Line near York. As with Birmingham, both Leeds and Manchester stations will be dead-ends. There is also serious consideration being given to a Northern east-west route – HS3 or 'Northern Powerhouse Rail' linking Merseyside, Manchester, Leeds and the east coast.
There are a number of big issues with HS2 as it's currently conceived which should make MPs and local authorities pause for thought. Above all, it's a hugely London-centric scheme which will benefit the economy of London and the expense of other regions, particularly the North. It will suck wealth further into London, with only some localised regeneration benefits in the areas around the three termini (Birmingham, Leeds and Manchester). At £56 billion (a very conservative estimate and challenged by several commentators, including internal government sources) it's a very high price to pay to bring a few more jobs to cities which are already doing pretty well. The benefits to large towns which are currently struggling are minimal. And it won't link to HS1, allowing through trains to mainland Europe, and neither will it serve Heathrow which would help reduce the number of highly polluting domestic flights.
The maximum speed that the line is engineered for is very high – at 250 mph it is much more than European high-speed operation and has consequences for where it goes and places it serves. It is engineered to get from A to B as quickly as possible and misses out large towns and cities in pursuit of the very high-speed holy grail (which is hugely environmentally damaging, both in terms of route and energy consumption). Ironically, it doesn't do what any sensible high-speed rail project should do and serve the country as a whole, including more distant cities which currently tend to use aviation rather than rail.
Might not be high-speed but it got you there, and very environment-friendly
Above all, this means Glasgow and Edinburgh, but Bristol, Cardiff and Swansea should be included in a strategic approach to a British high-speed network, which is fully integrated with the conventional network. HS2 is neither. Interestingly, the new trains for HS2 which are compatible with the conventional network can only go at a maximum speed of 115 mph, unlike the existing Pendolinos and ageing HST fleet which can run at 125 mph (in the case of Pendolinos they have a design speed of 140 mph but existing signalling limits them to 125). So new 'high-speed trains' post 2033 (that's the target) will actually be slower from Preston northwards. Worryingly, we could see the Pendolinos taken out of service within a few years depending on the outcome of the bidding for West Coast.
The new route south of Birmingham will free up capacity on existing routes, though mainly for longer-distance suburban services into London. It will do nothing to provide extra capacity into the major northern or Midlands cities. It won't help the rail freight industry, whose main spokespersons (including Labour peer Tony Berkeley) are strongly opposed to the current scheme.
I haven't dwelt much on cost. Even the official estimate is very high and likely to be exceeded. A final figure of around £100bn isn't unrealistic. You could get an awful lot of good quality conventional railway for that, with money left over for schools and hospitals. Already, important capital projects including Midland Main Line electrification are being stopped, partly on the grounds that 'HS2 will solve the problem'. It won't.
Yes, a positive image of a high-speed (sort of) station – Liege Guillemins
On top of that, there seem to be heroic assumptions about how many people will use HS2 so it appears to be 'profitable'. My guess is that it won't be and will require huge subsidy. Where will that come from? There's the awful possibility that it will come out of the revenue budget for regional franchises when they are re-let (or out of the overall pot if we end up with a Corbynised BR). There's still time to reconsider.
Bolton station updates
The gradual renaissance of Bolton station continues. We're delighted to have been short-listed in the 'small arts project' category in the annual Community rail Awards, being held in Glasgow this October.
The winning poster
We entered the poster promoting the station gala, designed by Bolton University students. This week we had our first open meeting in the 'community room' (the old guards' mess room) on Platform 5. Steve Leyland and Vern Sidlow gave an illustrated talk on '1968 – Last year of BR Steam' which attracted a diverse and enthusiastic audience including fraternal delegates from Yorkshire. Part 2 of the story will be continued on Tuesday September 25th, at 7.30.
The community room was restored with help from Network Rail community volunteers and ISS helpers. The Network Rail team returns on September 7th to have a go at the adjoining room, which is in a much poorer condition but offers more potential in terms of size and shape.
The trial 'pop-up' Asian street food stall last week was a great success.
Sushma's snacks proved popular
Sushma Solanki and her daughters offered free samples of delicious Asian food to returning commuters. The plan is to start a regular Friday evening pop-up stall on Platform 4/5 between 15.30 and 18.00. Watch this space. The partnership is meeting on Monday August 20th to look at future strategy. For more information about the Partnership email us at or like us facebook BoltonStationCDP or on twitter @BoltonStnCDP
The North and Brexit
The 'North Against Brexit' meeting in Manchester last month was highly successful, with about 50 people cramming into the function room of Castlefield's Wharf pub to hear Natalie Bennett, Eloise Todd ('Best for Britain') and myself speak on Brexit and the increasingly strong lobby for staying in the EU. My own contribution was about the impact of Brexit on the North, which by and large voted to leave the EU. Ironically, the economic impact will be far worse than in those areas which voted to remain. Recent polls suggest the tide is turning, with majorities in many Labour 'leave' constituencies now for staying put. One practical outcome of the Manchester meeting was the idea of forming a 'Best for Bolton' campaign which could take the arguments for remain to a much more local level. The new group is having a stall at the Bolton Food and Drink Festival this coming Saturday. (and see Readers' Rants, below)
Return to Millcroft Tea Gardens
the last time I went to this lovely place was probably around 1985, by bike with Denis and Wendy Pye. I wasn't even sure if it was still open but facebook told me it was, SuO (Sundays only). So we went…you come off Edenfield Road, north of Rochdale, at the Bridge Chippy (tempting, but resist!). We were in the car this time (Bretherton to Rochdale is too far for me to cycle in my dotage) and walked along the lane that takes you through pretty Wolstenholme Fold. You keep going, there's no sign telling you it's there, you just arrive. It's unchanged since my last visit, down to the 1920s style benches which probably date back to when the tea gardens were first established. The menu was pretty much the same too. We enjoyed our chip muffins but I'd like to go back for the full works. Everything about the place is amazing, it's completely out of its time, maybe with the exception of one concession to modernity, a car park. I was bemoaning the lack of cyclists when one turned up, so that was OK. It really is a place to walk or bike to. So go there while it lasts…these places can't go on for ever, much as I'd like it to. maybe one further concession to the 21st century might be filter coffee, though instant does lend itself to the general ambience. But why have coffee at all in a tea garden?
Beautiful Oldham
One Northern town which voted heavily to leave the EU was Oldham, with nearly 61% wanting 'out'. Oldham typifies the problems of many large Northern former industrial towns: a palpable sense of decline, mirrored in Bolton and other places like it. At one time these towns really were 'the Northern Powerhouse'. They weren't beautiful, but community efforts helped to make life more bearable. One of the most remarkable stories of urban community regeneration back in the early 1900s was 'The Beautiful Oldham Society'.
Mary Higgs
I picked up a copy of its report for 1904-5 and it's absolutely fascinating. The origins of the group lay in an article published in the recently-defunct Oldham Chronicle of December 11th 1901. The writer was probably Mrs Mary Higgs, a local Liberal and suffragette who was a close friend of Mrs Marjory Lees, daughter of one of the powerful Oldham millowners, Charles Lees. Marjory was a key figure in the Lancashire campaign for women's suffrage.
The author asked "Why not set before ourselves the noble ambition of making our town again a 'Beautiful Oldham'? What is wanted is that every citizen, every householder, should become ambitious." She went on to call for a municipal tree-planting programme and the establishment of community gardens. "Where no gardens are possible, window boxes ordered wholesale would make a street beautiful…Oldhamers dearly love flowers and always come home with some fromt he country. Why not grow them?"
She suggested that children could be involved in the projects, with training so they "respect every living thing, and protect, not destroy them". The article led to a flurry of letters in support of the idea and a 'Beautiful Oldham' group was formed on August 13th at the home of Mrs Lees in Werneth Park. The actual society was established in October 1902.
The objects of the society make interesting reading:
To preserve existing features which add, or may be capable of adding, to the attractiveness of the town
To utilise waste and open spaces for tree planting, gardening etc.
To encourage the cultivation of shrubs, flowers, etc., in the spaces adjoining public buildings, schools, mills, houses etc.
To cultivate the love of nature and gardening in school children
To prevent and punish the wanton destruction of trees and shrubs and the uprooting and theft of flowers
To encourage and provide facilities for the cultivation of plants and flowers in window pots and boxes
To urge the erection of varied and picturesque architecture, and the laying out of building plots to provide groups of cottages with common gardens or grass plots.
It was very radical stuff – a combination of 'incredible edible' projects with a civic society approach. The society established several sub-committees to take its work forward, including committees for information, tree-planting, schools, house and window gardening and a 'prevention and prosecution committee'.
Garden stations. Here's Wigan Wallgate
These people really meant business. By 1904 they had 156 members and had achieved practical results through its Bulb Show, tree planting and community gardens. They organised a meeting addressed by the pioneer of the Garden City movement, Ebenezer Howard.
One of the first projects was to supply children at local schools with seeds the following march. Flower shows were held at local Sunday schools and what became an annual Beautiful Oldham Bulb Show was held at Hathershaw Board School.
There is a railway element to the story. The society approached the railway companies to encourage them to plant trees and shrubs on their land. "The Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Company gave a favourable consideration to our suggestion and have made some efforts to give effect to it" but the LNWR declined. Typical. The society worked closely with Oldham Corporation and also with the powerful Oldham co-operative society which took up Mary Higgs' suggestion of running courses on 'Ideal Oldham' and 'The Study of Town Life'. Mary was the lecturer.
The society wasn't afraid to tackle some big social evils, particularly slum housing. They urged the millowners to convert from steam power to electricity to reduce pollution. In 1909, Howard returned to Oldham to open a garden city suburb in Hollins, using land donated by the Lees family.
What became of the society? I suspect the outbreak of World War 1 put an end to it, but more research is needed. A tram trip to Oldham is in the offing.
Last of the Lancashire cotton kings
An era has come to an end with the recent death of Major Edmund Gartside, the last of the great Lancashire cotton manufacturers. He was chairman of Royton-based Shiloh Cotton Spinning Ltd and worked for nearly 40 years in the family firm, which was formed by Thomas Gartside in 1874. Shiloh was one of the most advanced cotton spinners and introduced workplace nurseries and canteens well before some of their competitors. At one time Shiloh owned 14 mills in Royton alone.
He was educated at Winchester and Cambridge but never lost his Lancashire roots. Back in 1997 he was reported saying:"I suppose I feel a sort of romanticism towards the cotton industry. My grandfather had me checking the books when I was nine years old. But most of all I have this gut feeling that Britain should make things for a living." He was a strong advocate of the cotton industry and despaired of Government policy.
Shiloh Mill in late 1940s
Of the Government's 1970s promise to take immediate action to prevent dumping of cotton on the European market by developing countries: "That so-called immediate action took four years, and in that time 30 mills closed in Royton alone. In those days I had a naive trust in politicians. I'm afraid that has long gone." Perhaps his epitaph should be his words "This country was built on making things and I am doing everything in my power to keep that tradition alive." We shall not see his like again.
Sunday Afternoon in Mayfield Parcels Depot
Yes, I know how to live. I took part in one of Jonathan Schofield's Manchester Walks which took in the former parcels depot at Mayfield, which stands, derelict, next to Piccadilly station. It was built by the LNWR in 1910 to take pressure off the main London Road (now Piccadilly) station. It handled suburban traffic for most of its life though, as Jonathan will tell you, it had some notable visitors including a US president. For a while in the early 1950s, 'The Pines Express' used to arrive at one of its platforms. It came back into its own, briefly, during the rebuilding of London Road in the late 50s/early 60s. I had a feeling it had actually stopped handling passenger trains in the mid-50s but I might be wrong. I can remember going from there on a train-spotting trip to Crewe with my dad, either 1959 or 1960. It was hauled by an LMS Black 5 but I've lost my notebook showing the number. Maybe 45342. The station finally closed in August 1960 but re-opened as a parcels depot before closing entirely in 1986. It has lain derelict ever since and the walk took us round the platforms, allowing us to inspect the hydraulic buffers and then go down below where various concerts, ghost plays and impromptu gigs have been held. It's all sent to change as a developer has bought the site and has ambitious plans to transform a large area with the former station as the centrepiece. The station buildings will largely remain and will form a gateway into an urban park. Meanwhile, there's a wonderful pop-up space with cafes and bars on the south-west side of the station.
Out on the S&C
Work on my Settle-Carlisle book continues, with probably about 90% of it done. The final phase involves going out talking to people who've been involved, one way or another, in the railway. It's one of the most rewarding parts of writing the book and takes me to lovely parts of the world like Settle, Appleby, Hawes and Dent.
Memorial stone
I've been touring the various chapels and churchyards where many of the workers and their families are buried – often in unmarked graves. Some churches have memorials to the navvies and their families, such as, St John's in Cowgill and St Leonard's in Chapel-le-Dale. St Mary's at Outhgill also has several graves from the construction period. The book will be a general introduction of the Settle-Carlisle from its original conception, construction and operation to the present day. There's a strong emphasis on the 'people' side and the successful campaign against the line's closure. It is being published by Cowood, a Wiltshire-based company whose titles include Railways of Shropshire and History of the East Coast main Line.
The ban on 'unassisted' steam on parts of the network continues, despite quite a bit of rain recently. But for all that, with a class 47 behind it, I managed a decent shot of 45699 'Galatea' at Hoghton Crossing recently on 'The Fellsman'.
Galatea at Hoghton. Where's Acis then? Maybe it's the 47 behind.
Good to see Mick Kelly at the regulator, a great guy whom I had the pleasure of working with at Blackburn in the 70s. His dad (Tom, former Rose Grove) was a driver and his brother Andy worked was a guard. I managed to catch up 'Galatea' in time to see her passing through Settle, but the photo wasn't very inspiring. I missed out on the various August 11th 'last day' specials on the S&C, but the weather was dismal. August 11th was always a bit of an oddity – it was really the weekend before that steam ended. The 11th was the date BR selected for its 'Fifteen Guinea Special' from Liverpool to Carlisle but it felt at the time a bit of an anti-climax.
Readers' rants
From Simon Norton: I remember the railway galas that BR used to use to promote electrification schemes in the South. At the East Grinstead one there was a stall which promoted the annual Friends of King Alfred's Buses vintage bus running day every New Year in Winchester, which I visited regularly because there was nothing else to do that day. Unfortunately there wasn't much daylight at that time of year, and now the event is held in spring. Also I've got fed up with much the same routes being used every year! Closest to my home in Cambridge was the event to promote electrification between Bishops Stortford and Cambridge. A special shuttle ran between Audley End station and Saffron Walden, and while I was there I saw a poster for an evening talk by the well known railway and wildlife photographer David Shepherd. Nobody seemed to have twigged that gala participants might want to stay for this and would need transport back to the station after the talk. I thought I'd arranged a lift but the arrangements fell through at the last moment so I was reduced to standing outside and begging for one. Someone did heed my plea but took a wrong turning and we reached the station just as my intended train was pulling out. There was an hour and a half before the next and last train to Cambridge, I hadn't eaten all day (too much to do) and the nearby pub refused to sell me even a packet of crisps (I think they had a private function). To make things worse I had over a mile's walk from Cambridge station to my home before I could make a meal, and then had to be up early the next day to walk back to the station, train to Audley End and 2.5 miles walk to Saffron Walden to take advantage of the summer Sunday bus network that Essex CC were launching the next day, so I didn't have much time for sleep. Later it occurred to me that I might have stayed at Saffron Walden youth hostel. Both the Sunday bus network and the youth hostel have now long disappeared, and Saffron Walden still has a lousy bus service to the station — I had to arrange a lift to attend local Friends of the Earth meetings there to campaign against the expansion of Stansted Airport.
Allan Dare writes from Foreign Parts : I'm reading Salvo in the Steamworks pub next to Vancouver's Waterfront station (recommended for excellent beer and a good view of the CPR yards!). From the viewpoint of 6000 miles away the UK looks increasingly like a failed state. That's not just because of Brexit and May's disastrous response to it, but because our entire system of governance seems broken. A useless voting system, the mediaeval joke which passes for parliamentary process, Whitehall's cult of amateurism, the complete imbalance between central and local government, and between London and everywhere else – the miracle is not so much that the UK runs badly, but that it runs at all. My Canadian friends and relatives are utterly bewildered at the state a once-great country has sunk to, and who can blame them? It is clear that we need a total rethink of the way in which the UK is governed. Paul's thoughts on regionalism and devolution are a good start, but we urgently need some new thinking from professional politicans as well
Loads of locomotives with names like Fireball, Firecrest, Firefly, Fire King, Fire Queen, Wildfire, etc. Too many to list. 47771 was named 'Heaton Traincare Depot'. Does that count?
Martin Arthur adds "Pleased to see your reference to the Ffestiniog Railways Hunslet event and !75th birthday celebration of Linda and Blanche. I was there too on the Saturday and it's a pity our paths did not cross. I thought the whole thing was well organised, trains ran to time (on the FR, at least, because Linda and Blanche's jaunt to Caernarfon returned 30 mins late) , and we are unlkely to see such a gathering of 'quarry' Hunslets for a long time.
Malcolm Bulpitt ruffles feathers and excalamation marks: "Brexit!!!!! Please can we put the vote on this in context. Only 37% of the electorate voted to leave the EU, 63% did not. Call this a democratic decision? Hardly. Apart from bowing to the 'swivel-eyed-loons' in his own party by agreeing to an un-necessary referendum Cameron also ignored the advice from the constitutional experts that for a referendum on such a major decision to be totally binding over 50% of the electorate should form the majority to go one way or the other. Now it seems that the 'swivel-eyed-loons' are dominating the agenda of the parliamentary Conservative Party led by that establishment fool Jacob Rees-Mogg, a person some 200-years past his sell-by date. It is interesting to note that arch-brexiteer, and billionaire, Rees-Mogg has recently seen the family trust that controls his assets and life style move them from a UK based fund to one in the Republic of Ireland. Now why would Rees-Mogg and his money managers do that? Strange (or not!) that this move was not universally reported in the financial pages of the hard right newspapers that, like him, are dominating the Brexit agenda. Cameron got us into this mess, and now Mrs May is putting party survival above the national interest. I am far from being a supporter of Corbyn & Co, but the current bunch of parliamentarians making the decisions need the 'bloody good kicking' that many thought the Brexit result was all about".
Bretherton Bibliophile
A couple of books to draw to your attention. David Joy's Rails in the Dales (Railway and Canal Historical Society, 2017) covers eight railways in the Yorshire Dales. It includes Settle-Carlisle but also lines in Swaledale, Wensleydale, Nidderdale and – Costerdale, which I confess never to have heard of. The railway to Masham (which I do know how to pronounce – phonetically it's 'Mas-ham'. Beyond the North Eastern branch from Melmerby (north of Ripon) ran a 2' gauge line to Leighton reservoir operated by a handsome Hunslet tank. It's well-written and knowledgeable. David Joy knows his Dales (he was editor of Dalesman for many years) and he knows his railways too.
Jonathan Schofield's My Guide to Manchester (Manchester Books 2018) is an entertaining and well-written guide to Manchester and beyond. It reflects Jonathan's huge knowledge of his city and its many quirky places and people. It's much more than a city guide, covering history, culture and people. It's a book you can keep coming back to. Salvo subscriber Andrew Rosthorn said of it "A Manchester guidebook; more loving than any Baedecker; more knowing than any Fodor and loads funnier than any Rough Guide to anywhere." It sells at £11.99 but Jonathan will sell you one for a tenner on one of is Manchester Walks (which include Mayfield Parcels Depot – see above).
Property Pages: Garden Railway for sale with House Attached
8 Moorhey Cottages is still on the market! The garden railways isn't included in the sale price, but could be added by negotiation….
Crank Quiz
The last quiz asked for loco names with 'hot' connottations. Allan Dare suggested 'Titfield Thunderbolt', given thunder often follows hot weather. Fair enough. Hot loco names surely include Sun Castle and Sun Chariot 60523/7 respectively. I suppose 60526 Sugar Palm might count because such a tree (if it exists) must surely grow in hot climates. It is hot in Singapore (60042) too, as I know frombrief personal experience. It would be boring to name all the hot countries that were once in the British Empire and gave their names to Jubilees. 45727 Inflexible might also be appropriate though if one thinks of Mrs May and all the people she makes hot under the collar, not least many on her own side. Paul Hadely suggested: Loads of locomotives with names like Fireball, Firecrest, Firefly, Fire King, Fire Queen, Wildfire, etc. Too many to list. 47771 was named 'Heaton Traincare Depot'. Does that count? (OK – ed). So:Name British terminus stations that have closed and subsequently re-opened for scheduled passenger trains.
Special Traffic Notices
August Bank Holiday Weekend: Bolton Food and Drink festival Visit 'Best for Bolton' stall on Saturday!
Saturday/Sunday September 1/2: Garden Railway Fair Lalnfair Caereinion and WLLR Gala
Saturday September 8th: Wigan Diggers' Festival: not to be missed
Tuesday September 25th '1968 – last year of BR Steam part 2' Platform 5 Bolton 19.30
Thursday October 4th: Community Rail Awards Glasgow
The Salvo Publications List
The following are all available from The Salvo Publishing HQ, here at 8 Moorhey Cottages, Bretherton, Leyland PR26 9AE. Cheques should be made out to 'Paul Salveson' though you can send cash if you like but don't expect any change. Bottles of whisky, old bound volumes of Railway Magazine, number-plates etc. by negotiation.
'Lancashire's Romantic Radical – the life and writings of Allen Clarke/Teddy Ashton' (2009). The story of Lancashire's errant genius – cyclist, philosopher, unsuccessful politician, amazingly popular dialect writer. Normal Price £15 – can now offer it for £10 with free postage. There are a few hardback versions left – Normal price £25 – now at £15 with free postage. This book outlines the life and writings of one of Lancashire's most prolific – and interesting – writers. Allen Clarke (1863-1935) was the son of mill workers and began work in the mill himself at the age of 11. He became a much-loved writer and an early pioneer of the socialist movement. He wrote in Lancashire dialect as 'Teddy Ashton;' and his sketches sold by the thousand. He was a keen cyclist and rambler; his books on the Lancashire countryside – 'Windmill Land' and 'Moorlands and Memories' are wonderful mixtures of history, landscape and philosophy.
'With Walt Whitman in Bolton – Lancashire's Links to Walt Whitman'. This charts the remarkable story of Bolton's long-lasting links to America's great poet. Price £9.90 including post and packing. New edition published in May 2016. Bolton's links with the great American poet Walt Whitman make up one of the most fascinating footnotes in literary history. From the 1880s a small group of Boltonians began a correspondence with Whitman and two (John Johnston and J W Wallace) visited the poet in America. Each year on Whitman's birthday (May 31) the Bolton group threw a party to celebrate his memory, with poems, lectures and passing round a loving cup of spiced claret. Each wore a sprig of lilac in Whitman's memory. The group were close to the founders of the ILP – Keir Hardie, Bruce and Katharine Bruce Glasier and Robert Blatchford. The links with Whitman lovers in the USA continue to this day.
'Northern Rail Heritage'. A short introduction to the social history of the North's railways. Price £6.00. The North ushered in the railway age with the Stockton and Darlington in 1825 followed by the Liverpool and Manchester in 1830. But too often the story of the people who worked on the railways has been ignored. This booklet outlines the social history of railways in the North. It includes the growth of railways in the 19th century, railways in the two world wars, the general strike and the impact of Beeching.
'Will Yo' Come O' Sunday Mornin? The Winter Hill Mass Trespass of 1896?. The story of Lancashire's Winter Hill Trespass of 1896. 10,000 people marched over Winter Hill to reclaim a right of way. Price: £5.00 (not many left). The Kinder Scout Mass Trespass of 1932 was by no means the first attempt by working class people to reclaim the countryside. probably the biggest-ever rights of way struggle took place on the moors above Bolton in 1896, with three successive weekends of huge demonstrations to reclaim a blocked path. Over 12,000 took part in the biggest march. The demonstrations were led by a coalition of socialists and radical liberals and Allen Clarke (see above!) wrote a great song about the events – 'Will Yo' Come O' Sunday Mornin'?' Only a couple left.
'Songs of a Northerner' by Jo Barnes. Photos by Paul Salveson. Price £3.50 inc postage – please make cheques payable to 'The Jo Barnes Fund'. A lovely collection of Jo's poems written in the two years before she died; about landscape, emotions and day dreams.
You can probably get a better idea from going to my website:
Published August 16, 2018 & Filed in Current News
Comment by Aidan Turner-Bishop
In 2014 I wrote a chapter in a 229 page paperback book published by Preston Socialist History Group. It was called 'Mark our words: we will rise again' [ISBN 978-1-78280-257-0]. My chapter was about a 'radical topography' of Preston. I included about a half page (say, 3 or 4 paragraphs) on the understandable concerns of Preston's pre-war Jewish community about shop window smashing by fascist supporters. Oswald Mosley had addressed a large BUF rally in Preston in 1934. Jewish business families in the town had their sons and young men on the streets guarding shop fronts against attacks. I'm sorry to say that all my text about attacks on Jews was cut and none of it was published. Why?
When we had a launch for book, sponsored by unions like Unite, Unison, the Trades Council and so on, there was a tribute concert by a fine bass singer who channeled Paul Robeson, the great Black American singer and socialist activist. Part of the show was biographical. When the singer mentioned Robeson's support for a Zionist park in Israel the singer, Tayo Aluko I think, apologised to the audience for Robeson's ill-advised political 'mistake' about which many in the audience clucked and sighed. I thought then that there was definitely something unhealthy among the attitudes of some Left Socialists.
As to HS2, follow the money. Developers, construction firms and local authorities in Birmingham, Manchester, Cheshire East and elsewhere are salivating at the fortunes to be made in redeveloping 'Manchester East', 'Crewe South Interchange', and the Curzon Street area of Birmingham. Just imagine the rents from apartments there with travel times less than those of outer London. HS2 will suck whole new areas of England into the London economic black hole.
Comment by Conrad Natzio
Allan Dare and Malcolm Bulpitt are so right. But where do we go from here? Another referendum? Be careful what we wish for. Referendums/a (there's a classical education for you) don't really suit us, certainly not the binary-choice, first-past-the-post sort which may be (just) acceptable for electing a government which can at least be ejected in due course if no good. Proper referenda need a significant (60/40?) majority for change, or possibly compulsory voting. The 2016 affair produced the divisive effect we're suffering from now: would a repeat be any more benign? What about a three-way option, Accept whatever deal might emerge, Reject it and Remain, or Crash Out? Result, probably a three-way split vote and a decision by a minority.
Parliament got us in to this mess in 2016 with its insouciant decision to go for a simple process. (You could say that there was a precedent in the original EU referendum which gave us the (as many of us think) 'right' answer – but at least if the vote had gone the other way we wouldn't be where we are now!) It's for Parliament to get us out of it now, preferably with a free vote ( a whipped vote, with the major parties in their present divided state, would surely be a shambles). In fact it might need two votes: Accept (straightforward) or Reject, in which case there'd need to be another decision about remaining or an incontinent crash out. At least, if the resulting final outcome did not end well, we could blame the MPs rather than each other!
What really puts the wind up me is the possibility of Mrs M being defenestrated or packing it in, and the next PM being decided by the membership of the Conservative Party: the front-runners evidently being the self-seeking comic Johnson or the superannuated sixth-former Mogg. As for Mr Corbyn, a nice old boy, but difficult for him as leader to overcome his history as an anti-party member: a bit late for him to try and be all things to all men. I doubt if he's electable.
End of rant, but glad to get it off my chest. We need more rain: I was lucky to get into Cornwall behind a 'Merchant Navy' on one of the few wet days in June…
Comment by allan dare
Termini closed and reopened, and excluding heritage lines:
– Falmouth (closed in favour of Falmouth The Dell, now Falmouth Town, the line was eventually extended back to what is now known as Falmouth Docks)
– the terminal platforms at Birmingham Moor St (the history here gets a little complicated!)
– Belfast Great Victoria Street (British in the political rather than geographical sense!)
Comment by Walter Rothschild
To HS2 – As any fule no – to run a high-speed line that ends in some buffer stops a good distance (walking) from any other station in Birmingham, Leeds etc. means that it is effectively a high-speed branch line rather than a through route. The trains from kings Cross could go to harrogate and Ripon and York, that trains from St. Pancras could go to Bradford and Skipton and Settle and onwards, made their trunk routes into THROUGH routes. An ICE from Hamburg or Hannover can continue into Switzerland, to Interlaken or wherever; it doesn't stop at a terminus somewhere north of Basel. A TGV from Paris can continue opver DB lines to Karlsruhe, Mannheim and Frankfurt. Why is this so hard to understand? Making HS2 into a through route (on all its 'branches') makes it into a part of a system. Not doing this makes it a line for London commuters.
To UK Politics: Can someone tell me please – Is there an Opposition Party in Britain right now? If not, why not? I would have thought that had the LibDems or Greens or any other group announced at the last election "We are going to fight Brexit and need your support" they would have been almost guaranteed 48% of the vote as a minimum…
Originally I was very much in favour of HS2. We urgently need extra capacity, and diverting long-distance trains onto a new line and thus freeing up existing routed makes a lot of sense. Reluctantly, however, I've changed my mind. Whatever the theory, in practice HS2 looks like being a commercial disaster, and very unlikely to result in any capacity release.
The reason for this is that HS2 serves so few points, and is so poorly connected that to existing rail and transit networks that it will suit very few journeys. Consider the catchment area of Birmingham New St, with local and regional rail and tram routes radiating in over a dozen directions, with the HS2 station at Curzon St which will have a solitary tram line. Then there's the Toton "Hub" – between Nottingham and Derby, yes, but convenient to neither (and those who think an express bus along the A52 will suffice should look at the near-empty rail replacement buses running during the Derby remodelling – passengers avoid such things like the plague). Adding insult to injury, HS2 will actually reduce caoacity at Euston – the one London terminus that will not benefit from Thameslink or CrossRail!
Moreover, where Britain needs transport investment is in our provincial cities. It is ridiculous that places the size and importance of Bristol or Leeds have nothing better than grotty buses, and that even no-brainers like the Portishead reopening are being denied funding. The £56bn cost of HS2 could buy a light rail system in every UK city – and leave money to spare. As for releasing line capacity, a few (properly thought-out!) tram-train schemes could work wonders.
We can all think of alternatives to HS2 – but the first thing is to pause the whole sorry affair, and think through just what are the problems we are trying to solve.
Comment by Malcolm Bulpitt
As a former habitué of Vancouver's Steamworks Brewpup I can see that its beer (and pizza) have given Allan Dare similar thoughts to mine about the fantasy – or vanity – project that is HS2. Most of the transportation engineers and planners not in the pay of the Government and its 'too close for financial comfort' partners also have the same view, but for a lot of us we find it inconceivable that all the politicians and local 'boosters' north of Watford have not realised that the scheme is incorrectly named. Instead of using HS2 for its title replace it with Crossrail 3 and the reason for the highly unusual open-pocket funding coming from the Westminster Village becomes apparent. The keep finding human fodder able to live in reasonably priced accommodation, yet be able to travel daily to fuel the London economy, they need to look further afield.You do not build a P & R station at Toton to input economic development to the surrounding hinterland, you build a P & R station to draw people from the surrounding areas to a fast train to London where their skills can be used. Surely there are people in the area who are not deluded by the HS2 hype of incoming development not to realise that it is outward human energy that Crossrail 3 is after. Nottingham will become the new Notting Hill.
Closed and then re-opened termini? How about London's Holborn Viaduct, if you allow for a change of name. This lightly used terminus station on the NW edge of the City of London used to see a small number of services from SE London terminating there. I did it for one year in the mid-1960s, whilst there were lightly used low level through freight lines still in-situ. After Holborn Viaduct closed the through lines eventually became the core of the Thameslink development in the 1980s and a new station 'City Thameslink' reopened nearby on the formation of the old station's approach tracks that had been lowered into a tunnel to pass under Ludgate Hill, freeing-up high value developable land.
August 18, 2018 @ 11:33 am
Comment by Simon Temple
Not every supporter of HS2 is either (a) on the government payroll, or (b) got a commercial interest, or (c) blinded by a regeneration dream for their community. As a transport planner with no commercial interest in HS2, I am – and always have been – a supporter.
Britain has a serious shortage of North – South transport capacity across all modes. This is an economic bottleneck that needs freeing up. Providing new rail capacity is the most environmentally friendly way of tackling this shortage. Expanding capacity on existing lines is possible but is expensive for the benefits obtained, disruptive to users during implementation and would tear apart towns through which the lines run. A wholly new greenfield route is the logical solution. It is only marginally more expensive (c15%) to build a high speed than a low speed new railway. It takes inter city services off existing lines, freeing up capacity for regional, commuter and freight services. HS2 has always been about capacity, even if some politicians got carried away with the speed hype.
I agree with a lot of the criticisms that the planned HS2 routes are too London-centric but a few strategic chords could fix this, allowing Edinburgh – Plymouth trains to use HS2 between Leeds and Birmingham for example. The Phase 1 rolling stock procurement is also less than ideal.
But don't let the best be the enemy of the good!
Comment by Jim Ford
Thanks to Paul for writing a challenging and rational piece about HS2, all the more welcome when our London-based newspapers are full of gratuitously anti-northern pieces by such HS-deniers as Christian Wolmar and Simon Jenkins, who clearly don't have to grapple with the impact of the north-south divide, unlike the rest of us.
To understand the rationale for HS2 it is important to attempt to drive to or from London at any time other than in the middle of the night when you will discover that effective speeds are down to 40mph or less with a crawl at every junction. This used to be the case just on Fridays but it is now spreading to other weekdays.
The essential interaction between HS2's maximum speed and the capacity issue is that fast trains, all going at the same speed with few stops can shift far more bodies than widely spaced cars running at up to 70mph on infrastructure shared with freight vehicles and buses travelling at a slower speed but with a greater mass. And try suggesting to Chiltern nimbys that instead of a single high speed rail line, they could have two six-lane motorways, with which it will have equal capacity!
Choosing 250mph is future proofing the system for a time when extension to Scotland will enable a journey time from central London to Glasgow or Edinburgh well inside the critical 3 hour barrier, so eliminating the need for air travel in the way that HS1 and Eurostar have decimated the London to Paris and Brussels traffic.
There are of course other reasons why a network of high-speed rail (as recommended by Paul) must come to the UK, not least the need to clean up our air, but inevitably the impact and benefit will be greatest in London – that is just a feature of the economic divide between north and south which has been increasing for over a hundred years and needs a political solution such as northern devolution.
Salvo is of course correct (as was Simon Jenkins recently in the Guardian) that the London destination needs to be critically reviewed. For the north, improving access to horrible Heathrow to which a number of our Manchester flights are likely to migrate (if it gets its Third Runway) and to Eurostar are far more important than just Euston.
How about a piece about Regional Eurostar, especially as the original trains are being hastily scrapped, even though they are considerably newer than the 507s, 142s, 150s, and 156s which serve our local services in the north and some of which are likely to be with us for some years to come, whilst Eurostar expands further into Europe (despite Brexit), and northerners have to pay up for a night in London to use it!
Comment by David Walsh
Racked my brains on closed and then re-opened terminals? Does this include heritage lines, which would give you Minehead and Swanage, but I feel that is not what you are after ?
So the only one I can think of is North Greenwich which I think was in the London and Blackwall Railway's empire. It closed decades ago, but the DLR used the line for their entry into the redeveloped Isle of Dogs and built what they called "Island Gardens" on the old terminal site. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 308 |
In this consultation paper (CP), the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) sets out its proposed rules for a technical correction to the Solvency II firms: Insurance General Application Part of the PRA Rulebook, along with some consequential changes and minor administrative amendments related to the extension of the Senior Managers and Certification Regime (SM&CR or 'the regime') to insurers.
YBBRIO GROUP ® 2018 London - United Kingdom . Tema Janela de imagem. Imagens de tema por mammuth. Tecnologia do Blogger. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 309 |
Categories: Corporate Investor Relations
Highland Heights, KY - 12/08/2022 - 1:00 PM
Prysmian Group, the world leader in the energy and telecom cable industry, recently launched BE IN, an employee stock ownership plan designed to bring additional benefits to more than 25,000 of the company's global factory workers and sales teams. In North America, 5,100 associates are eligible.
"BE IN is unique as it helps us better align with our factory associates and what is important to them," said Andrea Pirondini, CEO of Prysmian Group North America. "We're creating long-term shared value and helping our employees feel more invested in the work they do every day. It is a way for us to connect to our core mission of providing superior cable solutions and our consistent excellence in execution, which leads to significant growth and profit."
Employee share ownership is already an essential aspect of Prysmian's structure. Management incentives, including the annual MBO and three-year Long Term Incentive Plan, can be paid out in shares. In addition, Prysmian's YES Program, launched in 2013, allows employees to buy company shares during two annual windows.
BE IN adds to this portfolio. Through the program, employees may opt to receive payment of a portion of the monetary incentive or production bonuses through a counter value equal to the number of shares calculated according to the amount of each individual bonus and the assignment value (the average price of the stock in the 30 trading days prior to the assignment date).
"We want to have our employees invested in what we are doing as a company. It's not just good for business; it becomes mutually beneficial for them, too," said John Andrews, Vice President of Human Resources at Prysmian Group North America. "We've folded this into our social ambition goals as a company, especially our goals the focus on employee engagement. We hope that by 2030, over 50% of employees will become shareholders."
BE IN will create shared value amongst Prysmian's employees, aiming to strengthen engagement and the sense of belonging of the Group's employees, promoting their stable participation in the company's share capital.
"BE IN is a great way for our inside sales group and factory employees to become shareholders in the company, with bonus shares and a generous company match," said Amber Gerdsen, Power Distribution Commercial Operations Director at Prysmian Group North America. "This is such a great program that encourages investment in our company – it's a no-brainer."
Currently, Prysmian employees hold approximately 3% of the company's capital, a significant percentage in a public company where there are no majority shareholders capable of exercising control. Learn more about Prysmian Group's investor relations at
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Will Smith's 15 Inspirational Quotes To Help You Dominate 2018
By Desire Thompson
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Will Smith's accolades aren't the only admirable things about his life. For years, the entertainer has dropped "factuals" about self-worth, relationships and finding the key to an enjoyable life path. This was seen recently when the actor decided to join Instagram, as well as create a YouTube vlog highlighting his promo tour for the Netflix hit, Bright.
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With ease, Smith has lent his voice to the internet the best way he knows how–by being himself. In between his travels to Brazil, Tokyo and Los Angeles, the father of three candidly talks about discipline, his legacy and following your dreams.
It's also allowed him to create his first "Will Smith Wisdom" Instagram Stories video that went viral with over 4 million views.
Will Smith just gave the most important advice I've heard in life
— Li'l Z (@Javoris) January 8, 2018
With Smith hitting another creative accolade, it's only right that he becomes your guru to mastering 2018. Check out 15 of Will Smith's quotes on fear, faith and everything in between.
On the importance of failure:
"Fail early, fail often and fail forward. Failing is a massive part of being successful. You have to get comfortable with failure. You have to actively seek failure. Failure is where all of the lessons are. Failure is where growth is, where adaptation is.
Successful people fail a lot. They fail a whole lot more than they succeed, they extract the lessons from the failure and they use the energy and the wisdom to come around to the phase of success. You got to take a shot and live at the edge of your capabilities. You have to live where you're almost certain you're going to fail.
That's the reason for practice. Practice is controlled failure. Failure actually helps you to recognize the areas where you need to evolve so fail early, fail often and fail forward."
On fan love:
Dude on the left went for the DEEEEEP cut #realfanz
A post shared by Will Smith (@willsmith) on Dec 18, 2017 at 6:07am PST
"To see that look on someone's face, to catch people and their anticipation, that's the reason to make entertainment."
On facing fear:
"God placed the best things on the other side of terror, on the other side of fear are the best things in life."
On motivation:
"It's difficult to take the first step when you look how big the task is. The task is never huge to me, it always one brick."
On his legacy and self-motivation:
"I don't want to be an icon, I want to be an idea. I want to represent possibilities. There's a redemptive power that making a choice has. Rather than making it feel like you're an effect to all the things that are happening.
Make a choice and decide what it's going to be, who you're going to be and how you're going to do it. From that point, the universe is going to get out of your way. For me, I want to represent possibilities and the idea that you really can make what you want. I feel very strongly that we are who we choose to me."
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On cultivating your dreams:
"There was probably a 12 year point where I didn't take a drink or go out on the weekends. I was so set on my goal that I created a serious circle of protection and elevation because I refused to do anything that wasn't in my best interest. It's hugely important that if you have a dream, you have to dedicate your life to it and every hour of every day has to be dedicated to bringing it into fruition."
On relationships:
"If you don't have a goal or a purpose for your relationship and pretty much anything, if you don't have a purpose, you can really get lost in the murk of the journey."
On understanding life:
"When you take those ends and you bend it into a circle, it's birth, life, death and rebirth; so you have to be prepared. When you lose something, your mother dies, you lose your house, you have to understand that nature has it no other way."
On talent and skill:
"The separation of talent and skill is one of the greatest misunderstood concepts for people who are trying to excel. Talent you have naturally. Skill is developed [out] of hours and hours and hours of beating on your craft."
On greed:
"I never did anything for money. It was never about money. My experience is when people do things for money, you make bad decisions."
On work ethic:
"The way to improve lives is to improve yourself. With that, every morning when I get out of bed I think, 'I haven't fixed everything in the world yet so there's always something to do.'"
"While the other guy's sleeping, I'm working. When the other guy's eating, I'm working. While the other guy is making love, I mean, I'm making love too, but I'm working really hard at it."
On race relations:
"I work really hard to develop a successful relationship. So I always look at things in terms of relationships. When I think of race relations in this country now, there's a thing that happens before things are cleaned up. There's a darkness before the dawn."
On living:
"I love living, I think it's infectious. It's something you can't create and I think the camera can feel that I'm happy doing what I do and it's something that gets inside of people."
On relieving self-doubt:
"I know who I am. I know what I believe–and that's all I need to know. So from there, you do what you need to do. And I think what happens is we make this situation more complex. You know, the normal among us make it more complex than it has to be."
Will Smith Offers The Keys To Marriage On His 20th Anniversary | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 311 |
Terry Copp
Canadian Military Historian
List of Published Works
Montreal At War
Legion, Publications
Collapse Of The Rimini Line
Date: May 19, 2017Author: Terry Copp
Operation Olive, 8th Army's offensive of September 1944, had been promoted as the "last lap" in a long and bloody battle to break the enemy's Gothic Line defence. "Breaking the Gothic Line," General Oliver Leese declared, promised to be "the beginning of the end of the German armies in Italy." The operation itself was expected to take one or two weeks.
Unfortunately, the mountain ridges stretching down from the Apennines to the narrow coastal plain provided the Germans with a series of natural fall-back positions. The Gothic Line turned out to be a superb, in-depth defensive zone protected by artillery and mortar positions located on the reverse slopes of the ridges.
Long after the battle, war veterans would disagree over whether the worst fighting occurred at the Foglia River or in the towns Coriano or San Martino. However, everyone who survived remembered the anxiety that was felt on the morning of Sept. 19 when the last German rearguards withdrew across the Ausa River to dig in on San Fortunato Ridge, southwest of the city of Rimini on the Adriatic coast.
From the perspective of senior Allied commanders, the ridge and so-called Rimini Line were the last obstacles before the open Romagna plain and the Po River Valley further north. To the soldiers of 4th British and 1st Canadian Infantry divisions, with their half-strength battalions worn down to the point of exhaustion, the river and the ridge seemed proof that the nightmare would never end.
Today, the A14 Autostrada and the Rimini-San Marino highway have greatly altered the landscape. However, approaching the river and then the ridge from the south—from Coriano and San Martino—gives visitors today a better view of what was once a formidable enemy position. Much of the ridge was too steep for tanks to traverse, and attacking it with soldiers who had just experienced the bloody struggle for San Martino seemed like a dubious decision. Fortunately, the German army's 76 Corps was in even worse shape and this may have been the key factor in the battle.
On paper, German General Traugott Herr had eight battalions from 1st Parachute, 29 Panzer Grenadier and 162 (Turcoman) divisions, but the fighting strength of these forces was less than 2,000 men. The defenders would try to rely on firepower, especially the artillery. It had withdrawn behind the next river, but was still within range.
German morale, meanwhile, had not collapsed, but on the night of Sept. 18, the Allies began employing searchlights—out of range of the artillery—to illuminate the battle area. The war diary of Germany's 76 Corps reported that this technique produced a "psychological effect" on their troops who had previously used hours of darkness for free movement as well as relief and supply operations. It concluded that the challenge of the "battle of materiel is itself heightened by the feeling of helplessness against this new technical weapon."
The operational research section that had suggested using searchlights was also trying to persuade 8th Army that there were ways of using artillery to demoralize rather than neutralize the enemy. The section obtained permission to employ a battery of 25-pounder field guns against an identifiable sector in a defended area. This involved firing individual guns according to a random time schedule. For example, two shells from each gun would be fired in quick succession followed by a lull and then a different firing pattern. The section's scientists believed that the uncertainty created by this technique would immobilize the enemy and prey upon its nerves. When the sector was assaulted by ground forces there was virtually no resistance. However, for the generals who constantly planned for breakthroughs, such methods were too slow and uncertain, but the Royal Artillery did agree that trial results for random shooting were impressive.
No commander was willing to consider a pause before attacking San Fortunato Ridge, and on the night of Sept. 17-18, 4th British Div., still part of 1st Cdn. Corps, seized bridgeheads across the Ausa River. During the next morning British and Canadians launched attacks towards the ridge. In the Canadian sector, Major-General Chris Vokes ordered a two-brigade attack to begin at 4:30 a.m. The artillery of the New Zealand Div. and 5th Armoured joined in a "heavy bombardment" that kept the enemy in shelters until it lifted.
Kittyhawk fighter bombers of the Desert Air Force joined in at first light. The air plan called for bombing and strafing on the ridge's forward slope. This was to last until the infantry arrived. At that point, the pilots would switch to aerial attacks on the ridge's reverse slope. This turned out to be a very difficult task because the ridge was barely discernable from the air on account of the vast clouds of dust caused by the morning's artillery bombardment. In fact, leading troops on the ground reported a number of "friendly fire" incidents.
Private Stanley Rodgers of the 48th Highlanders of Canada rests with his PIAT anti-tank weapon north of the Conca River en route to Rimini. Photo: Library and Archives Canada.
The Carleton and York Regiment managed to reach the Ausa River but "the area could not be cleared without 75 per cent casualties" because most of its supporting armour had been knocked out. The Carletons decided to dig in and wait until dark. Meanwhile, the Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry reported a similar situation. By 10 a.m. "the known strength of the two lead companies was 60 and they were still being engaged by enemy anti-tank guns and medium machine-guns from behind the Ausa. No tanks remained of the force with the forward companies."
The British infantry had also gone to ground in the face of relentless and well-aimed fire, and by midday both the division and corps had recognized that any further advance would have to wait for darkness.
Colonel Syd Frost, then a lieutenant recovering from malaria which had hospitalized him in England, arrived to find his beloved Patricias dug in under intense shellfire. The regiment had secured a crossing of the Ausa, but further movement was impossible. That evening he reached the platoon he was to command by "stumbling over Patricia slit trenches…dug into the railway embankment and craters from large enemy shells." He expected to see fallen soldiers, but noted the padre had done his work quickly and well.
Continuing along the track, Frost noticed that San Fortunato Ridge rose abruptly. "The whole feature (was) aglow with tracers, bursting shells, Verey lights (a type of flare) and parachute flares." The ridge seemed impenetrable to Frost who arrived at the front without a rifle or a Tommy Gun. He was warned at the time not to use a discarded German weapon because the distinct sound would draw immediate fire from his own soldiers.
The corps commander, Lieutenant-General E.L.M. "Tommy" Burns organized a new attack with 10th British Bde. (4th Div.) and 3rd Cdn. Bde., reinforced by the Hastings and Prince Edward Regt. which took the lead. Tank squadrons from the 51st and 48th Royal Tank Regt. were allocated and the night advance began.
Searchlights bounced low-level illumination off the clouds, creating "artificial moonlight" which the Carletons pronounced to be "excellently useful" as they fought their way forward to the Ausa River. The engineers moved in behind the infantry with a bulldozer and an Ark—a turretless Churchill tank with attached bridging spans. The Ark was driven into the riverbed and the resulting bridge was strong enough to hold the weight of a heavy Churchill tank.
The West Nova Scotia Regt., with C Squadron of the 48th Royal Tanks Regt., passed through at 5 a.m. but it was full daylight when a creeping barrage lifted to the top of the ridge. In the dust and smoke the lead platoons of the West Novas saw small groups of enemy emerge from shelters and dive into their slit trenches. "Only a few steps—a matter of seconds—lay between the attacking infantry and success, but the interval was fatal." The West Nova Scotia Regt. was pinned down and unable to move. The Hastings and Prince Edward Regt., attacking to the right, suffered a similar fate as anti-tank guns knocked out the armour while the enemy infantry made good use of the higher ground to block any advance with direct fire. It was time for a new plan.
Vokes and his brigade commanders decided to commit their last reserves to the battle. Third Brigade's task would be to outflank the main defences on the left while 2nd. Bde. would launch a daring night infiltration designed to penetrate the German position on a narrow front where it would advance across the ridge to San Lorenzo situated well behind enemy lines.
Brigadier J.P.E. Bernatchez ordered his reserve battalion, the Royal 22nd Regt., to attempt the left hook but he told them to wait for darkness. This gave time for careful preparation. The regiment's Major Henri Tellier described the scene to the divisional historical officer a few weeks after the battle. He had been able to show every man the objective—the hamlet of Villa Belvedere—as well as the route each platoon would take. It was also possible to observe and thus avoid the enemy's defensive fire tasks. The Van Doos asked the British armour to stay put and fire on the objective "until they saw a white Verey Light." At that point they were to target the area immediately behind the Villa Belvedere. Tellier recalled telling his men "speed, speed, get through his DF (defensive fire), get close to him. Run until you are exhausted."
The race began just before last light, and the objective was almost a mile away, "mostly up." They ran, stopping every 300 or 400 yards to draw breath. "We went up so fast that we kept ahead of the enemy fire which chased us all the way up…the last 250 yards or so every man was firing on the run and yelling like mad," recounted the company commander of the Royal 22nd Regt. The Vandoos had read the ground and the situation, and by ignoring doctrine they had improvised a swift and sure attack.
The Loyal Edmonton Regt., meanwhile, had been brought forward to lend help to 2nd Brigade's attack. Lt.-Col. H.P. Bell-Irving selected D Co. for the first bound up to a group of ruined houses—codenamed Bovey—1,200 yards from the start line. If 80 men could establish a firm base, B Co. could pass through to an objective codenamed Moire. Shortly before midnight, D Co. climbed the slope and "went into the blue" as wireless contact was lost and no runners made it back to report. B Co. was sent forward making contact with Maj. F.H. McDougall who with a single platoon had secured the intermediate objective. G.R. Stevens, the historian of the Loyal Edmonton Regt. described what happened next. "Soon after arrival at Bovey, a Mark VI Tiger (tank) passed through B Company's position. It had a tail of infantry behind it. The Edmontons laid low…then pounced upon its escort, killing, wounding or capturing the entire party. The German tank came lumbering back. Sergeant H.O.W. Powell laid a bracelet of 75-mm grenades in its path which blew off a track. Its crew, however, continued full of fight, searching for its assailants in the darkness with its main armament. Powell, manning a PIAT (Projector Infantry Anti-Tank) gun scored a hit which glanced off. Closing to a range of 15 feet, he put paid to the panzer with a second bomb."
Bell-Irving decided to keep B Co. at Bovey and ordered C Co. to press on to the battalion objective. After some tense moments and an intense fire fight with a column of German infantry, Captain J. A. Dougan and his men reached San Lorenzo, dug in and called down artillery to break up a counterattack. Shortly after dawn, tanks and anti-tank guns arrived to firm up the position.
The Seaforths followed the Loyal Eddies through the infiltration gap, but the lead company commanded by Maj. E.D. "Davey" Fulton, a future justice minister, alerted the enemy. Remembering his orders and military training with its insistence on "maintenance of the objective," Fulton moved his company to the north before turning east to seize the ruins of the village of Covignano. The second company of the Seaforth Highlanders ran into more determined opposition "but by a judicious use of artillery fire as well as its platoon weapons" it reached the objective, Le Grazie, overlooking Rimini before dawn. Lt.-Col. S.W. Thomson, the Seaforth's commanding officer, re-directed his third company to a road junction south of Le Grazie where Major H.L. Glendinning used textbook battle drill tactics to clear and hold the area until the tanks arrived to force a final German withdrawal.
The torch now passed to the Patricias who were to pass through the Eddies and sieze a crossing of the Marecchia River northwest of Rimini. The autumn rains that the Germans had been praying for finally began on the night of Sept.19-20 and so the "ground was very sloppy." The lead Patricia companies were held up by German rearguards, including tanks and self-propelled guns. Despite severe difficulties with communications, Lt.-Col. R.P. Clark, using radio relay stations, was able to maintain control, ordering the reserve companies to bypass the firefight and gain the river crossing while the lead Patricia company, working with B Sqdn. of the 48th Royal Tanks, figured out how to deal with the panzers.
The German version of the collapse of the Rimini Line blamed "the Turcoman battalions" which 29 Panzer Grenadier Div. had placed in the front line. This fits with the general reluctance of German generals to admit that their soldiers ever lost a battle due to superior Allied tactics and leadership, as was clearly the case at San Fortunato. The Royal 22nd Regt., the Loyal Edmonton Regt. and the Seaforth Highlanders of Canada had skillfully exploited the gains made by their sister battalions and improvised one of the most brilliantly executed tactical victories of the Italian Campaign.
The German high command briefly considered holding Rimini "so that the paratroopers might do their house-to-house fighting," but the determination of the Greek Mountain Bde., which was clearing the southern part of the city, coupled with the aggressive advance of the 48th Highlanders of Canada who crossed the Marecchia River north of the city, persuaded the remaining paratroopers to live to fight another day.
Leese sent a congratulatory message to Burns and the Canadian Corps, describing the fighting as "the bitterest since El Alamein and Cassino." But this victory was not enough and so Leese insisted that "we must now hit hard day and night and force them back over the Po (River)," a task assigned to 5th Cdn. Armd. Div. and the New Zealanders.
Banner photo: General Sir Oliver Leese thanks troops for their success in Italy. Credit: Library and Archives Canada.
Originally published in Legion Magazine on August 18, 2009.
Italian CampaignSecond World War
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© 2021 Terry Copp | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 312 |
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Q: ElasticSearch 5.4.1 Java API : Error in updateResponse.getResult() is null, ElasticSearch 5.4.1 Java API : Correct Update but updateResponse.getResult() is null, I inspect the object and the response is well UPDATED but getResponse() = null,
In other words result is fine but I can get access. Here is my code :
UpdateResponse response = esClient.prepareUpdate(INDEX, TYPE, id).setDoc(jsonPoste).get();
A: It's a bit older, but there's this article in the ES 'forums'.
Apparently you have to specify in the request, if you want to get a result. Otherwise the updateRequest will just update and return 'UPDATED' (or other codes) as the result. On a first thought, it makes some sense, because why load unnecessary/not requested data from the harddrive.
Anyway, adding .setFetchSource(true) to your request should do the trick:
UpdateResponse response = esClient.prepareUpdate(INDEX, TYPE, id)
A: I just want to help you but I don't have much reputation, so I can't write comment...
Anyway, I found a one document and source that is related in "UpdateResponse" class file.
*link :
[copied code from upper github]
*UpdateResponse updateResponse = new UpdateResponse(new ReplicationResponse.ShardInfo(3, 2),
*new ShardId("books", "books_uuid", 2), "book", "1", 7, 2, UPDATED);
*updateResponse.setGetResult(new GetResult("books", "book", "1", 2, true, source, fields));
*String output = Strings.toString(updateResponse);
*assertEquals("{\"_index\":\"books\",\"_type\":\"book\",\"_id\":\"1\",\"_version\":2,\"result\":\"updated\"," +
*"\"_shards\":{\"total\":3,\"successful\":2,\"failed\":0},\"_seq_no\":7,\"get\":{\"found\":true," +
*"\"_source\":{\"title\":\"Book title\",\"isbn\":\"ABC-123\"},\"fields\":{\"isbn\":[\"ABC-123\"],\"title\":[\"Book " +
*"title\"]}}}", output);
There are some code for test, so I think that you can test your code using this test code. I suggest that you use "toSting()" method before using "getResult()" method. It can be make easier to find what is wrong.
Have a good day!
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 315 |
Is Governor Chrisie Incompetent or Just a Liar?
Those are the only two possibilities after the debacle in New Jersey's failure to qualify for Federal "Race to the Top" education funds. This was a $400 million loss to the New Jersey taxpayer.
The Governor's staff and his arch-enemy, the teacher's union (NJEA), negotiated an agreement and generated a proposal which, by all indications, would have been a winner. But just like the Governor does not respect women's health, marriage equality, or teachers' professionalism, he did not respect the outcome of his own staff's negotiation process and subsequently had them hurriedly re-draft the proposal over the Memorial Day weekend, without participation by the NJEA. In the course of that effort, a clerical mistake was made which cost about five points in the evaluation process. New Jersey's proposal lost by three points.
If you watch the Governor's 30 minute post-mortem press conference, you will see that he is more concerned with placing blame on the evaluators than fixing the root cause of the problem. Amazingly, he pointed out that one person reviewed the proposal for compliance, and his "solution" is to have two people review such proposals in the future. Now, I've worked on $400 million proposals, and I can attest that we have had dozens of people – people from outside the submitting agency – review these things to a gnat's eyelash. The fact that such a blatant non-compliance was overlooked is inexcusable. The by-the-book former prosecutor deceitfully suggested that the evaluation committee should overlook the mistake, or bend the rules to allow New Jersey to submit the requested data. He certainly knows that if that were allowed, Ohio, which bettered New Jersey by only a few points, would have had a justifiable rationale for protest – after all, Ohio played by the rules.
In his press conference, the Governor disingenously admitted that the buck stops at his office, and then proceeded to blame the Obama administration and some unnamed mid-level public servant in state government. You can't have it both ways, Mr. Governor. The fact that a public servant made the mistake is a symptom – your lack of commitment to public education is the cause.
Republicans often rail at the fact that New Jersey sends more money to Washington than we get back. Well, now they only have to look as far as Drumthwacket to understand why.
Cross-posted to Blue Jersey
Right on the money. Nicely written.
The Cool Cookie August 27, 2010 at 5:07 PM
I cannot, for the life of me abide people who step up, say that they accept full responsibility, and then start blaming others. To me, the is one of the greatest identifiers of weakness of character.
An Unholy Alliance
Lesson Noted
NJ-3 and Progressive Challenges
Like George Bush...
Wringing the Juice out of Workers
Judging Christie
Barack Obama and John Adler
Obama's Muslim Problem
"I knew Dan Quayle and, sir, you're no Dan Quayle"...
The Gates of Wrath
Drink Water and Get Lung Cancer
Failure to Communicate
Deciminyan and Blue Jersey
Nightmare on First Street NE
Net Neutering
Celebrate Victory but Prepare for the Worst
NOM Wants to Bring Back Slavery? | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 316 |
It is very easy to overlook the impact that the failure of a "simple" bolt can have on your company - but due to their prevalence there is a lot at stake as inaccurately tensioned, loosened or faulty bolts can have major consequences.
Operational risk is significantly increased, infrastructure failures can be expensive to remedy, production lost, energy supplies disrupted, lives and livelihoods put at risk as well as possible long term damage to a hard earned corporate brand image.
Cost Containment - It has become increasingly important for companies to manage their costs even more effectively.
Human Capital Deficit - Twenty-two per cent of oil and gas respondents (EY Oil and Gas Survey 2013) indicated that a lack of qualified personnel was impacting their operations.
On the other hand, correct bolt tensioning is time consuming and due to not being an exact science, requires skilled personnel using specialist equipment, is often expensive, and due to the human factor has an inherent high margin for error.
At Clarkwood, our primary objective it to develop innovative infrastructure technologies and solutions that enable our customers to reduce their operational risk and costs, as well as removing the uncertainty associated with the bolt tensioning process. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 317 |
The first joint album of our contemporary musical ensemble are built on the simple, yet very creative concept, which (we believe) deliver to a wide range of listeners. We called the album The Roots of Gral - referring to the band from where we all started. Listen to samples of songs.
So old they're new again! Our instruments are a perfect imitation of their historical patterns which together with our own suggestions of structural modifications makes the sound of each instrument original and inimitable.
The favourite instrument of the Medieval street musician with an instantly recognisable sound, they can be found in a number of variations: The Czech Folk's Elbow Bagpipes, the Spanish Gaity, the Irish Elbow, the famous Scottish War Bagpipes, which were used in battle to intimidate the enemy. This one are closest to the medieval bagpipes. We designed original construction which allow us compare to all of the above listed options to play subbass, therefore, extremely deep tones. Origin of bagpipe are unclear, the principal of bag whistle, however, were already known to the ancient Greeks, who were interested in the possibility of uninterrupted tone. Already then it was mainly goat or cow skin used for the bladder - as we use it until now.
The word Shawm evolved from the Latin concept of Calamus, which means reed or straw. The Shawm is form of Reed Pipe and it came to Europe probably with the Moors, who conquered the Iberian Peninsula around the 7th Century. It is the front of the whistle bagpipe accompanied by extension mouthpiece into which the air is not coming from bag but directly from the mouth of the player. Same as bagpipes the Shawm has been widely used in military music.
Fiddle is a direct predecessor of today's string instruments such as the Violin, Viola, Cello and Double Bass. It is also one of the most common instruments of the Middle Ages. It evolved from the ancient Lyre, and we can find the first mention of it in the gospel from the 9th Century. Originally it had three to five strings made of gut, and it was leaning on the shoulder or vertical on the leg. The advantage of this tool is raw and novel sound.
Cittern is the youngest of these instruments, it reached the peak of its popularity between the 15th and 18th Century, under the names of Gittern, Zitter, Sister or Cytherne, Cittharne. It belongs to the family of Lute instruments developed in the Mediterranean region of the previously mentioned medieval Fiddle, when playing with the bow was replaced by using plectrum. Classical Cittern had one neck, and eight to ten strings. In our band, you may encounter a unique Cittern with two necks that combines two separate instruments - the aforementioned Cittern and Lute Guitar.
The instrument was imported to Europe from the Arabian Peninsula, and even the name "Lute" in the various language modifications is taken from Arabic - 'Ud, which translates figuratively as wood. It arrived to European continent from three different directions. Firstly over Maury occupation of Spain in the years 711 - 1492, then when Sicily was attacked by Arabs in the 8th Century and, last but not least during a trade with the Middle East. Lute doesn't have its historically anchored form, it occurs in many different versions, which differ not only in shape, but also tuning. After the regression of the late 18th Century, it's enjoying increasing interest and popularity with the players and listeners.
At the end of 12th Century there is a new instrument appearing in Europe called Citola, which appearance and sound comes from the Greek lyre. In this period it were jugglers who had closest to this instrument and besides playing citola they had to know how to play on bagpipes, shawm, hurdy-gurdy and drums. Our citola honours preserved historical sources, particularly the original shape of the tool body. Because of tuning, which is identical to the bass or bass guitar, it is much bigger.
The Djembe's history dates back around 200 years to West Africa. For the drum head is used skin from African goats, because unlike Europe goats they have a rougher texture and are more suited to sound needs. Corpus or body of the Djembe is hand-carved from a single piece of wood, which was at the beginning the part of the whole tree trunk. For these purposes, the most commonly used type of wood are various kinds of African mahogany.
Predecessors of today's drums come in many different forms, from the very beginning of humanity, when they were applied primarily for ritual and cult purposes. The drums themselves came into European culture in the early Middle Ages, in the time of Crusades. Mainly due to technical and sound defiances of these drums we do not include them in our production, but we reach out for more distinctive drums as African or Arabic which in original and appropriate manner revive our creation. The current band's instrumentation is a large bass drum called Davul, African Djembe, Arabic Darbuka, Tambourine and classic drum set in medieval garb, which we use for the larger stage-play.
We are all musicians who have graduated are currently playing professionally in a variety of musical projects.
A graduate from the Conservatory of Pardubice, his specialism is the clarinet. Trained businessman and proud father, Josef is currently making music only as a hobby.
Like others in the band Igor studied at the Conservatory of Pardubice, then Academy of Performing Arts in Prague and the Toho Gakuen School of Music in Japan. He has a range of experience playing in orchestral and chamber ensembles and has collaborated with the Czech National Symphony Orchestra. While studying Igor frequently participated at the International Festival of Music Masters Course in Japan and worked with George Michael on his Symphonica tour.
As well as being a graduate of the Conservatory of Pardubice, David is also a Drummer in the Czech military. A Teacher for many years and a member of the Old Prague galleries band. David is a seasoned musical player, he is also the Band's designated 'heartthrob'.
A Graduate of the Conservatory in Pardubice and Educational faculty of University in Hradec Kralove, Karel worked at the festival Shakespearience in London. He has also toured with Cantus Buranus 2 of band members Corvus Corax in Germany. Karel is a multi-instrumentalist and is devoted to teaching, composing and musical directing.
Our band was found in 2009. Since then we visited lots of medieval events at castles and chateaux in Czech Republic, town festivals and themed markets. Not to forget our shows in medieval taverns. Thanks to our international cooperation we perform in Germany, Austria, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Poland and Greece. For our latest news please visit our Facebook page.
What type of event is this band good for?
Our period instruments, costumes and songs will naturally be best in a historically harmonised environment. It always depends on the nature and character of the event and the previous agreement with the organiser.
We usually play with 3-5 members and have 3-6 sets of 15-20 minutes. We also participate in parades and have the ability to play full-length concert of 1.5 hours. Our production can be tastefully complimented by oriental dancer. We can provide a complete medieval program of your liking.
We would like to come play at your wedding, birthday or corporate party. We are able to be lively and bring energy to any event but please do not expect typical party band. We can not musically entertain your guests throughout the whole night at a whim and we do not play contemporary songs on demand.
Each program is always tailored to suit unique original character of the event, venue and number of visitors. We can offer basic program which includes music and dancers or more advanced packages which can include fencers and jugglers. There is always a fire show involved in various stages of our program.
The goal of our educational programs is primarily to rise awareness of medieval music. The standard teaching music education in schools starts approximately in the Baroque period, but our program focuses on a period earlier, mainly Gothic, which in primary education is often neglected. The concert is a blended with spoken word and screenings of contemporary illustrations. One of the benefit for the students is that they can see historical costumes and replicas of period instruments which help them to picture real Medieval life and music.
We would love to play music at your wedding day to make it unique and unforgettable. As a wedding package we can provide your ceremony with modern or classical music in formal wear and contemporary instruments such as violin, keyboard, guitar, bass, flute, cajon, or a drum kit.
Part of our planning includes a discussion about a playlist of your favourite songs. Please keep in mind that practice is not a matter of one day, and in this case the following idea always applies: The sooner you let us know the better.
After the ceremony, the music can follow you to the wedding table to enjoy the festive atmosphere of live music. During this time, we can play background instrumental music of The Beatles, Sting, The Doors, Led Zeppelin, Elton John, film songs and classics. For the last entrance we can perform in our historical costumes and replica period instruments to play a one hour concert of medieval music, before handing you over to your 'traditional' band or DJ.
We are happy to split in half for you. Given the number of band members we are able to play multiple events at the same time on the same day.
If not agreed differently, we aim to arrive at the event at least one hour before show.
We are based in Chrudim (Czech Republic) and are happy to travel anywhere in Czech Republic and further.
When booked for two or more day events the organiser needs to provide food and accommodation.
Depending on space and number of visitors we are able to provide our own sound system.
We sound check only our own instruments. We do not rent our sound system.
In case of bigger event the organiser needs to provide a sound engineer.
Price of our programmes depends on various factors - number of musicians, number of sets required to play, mileage. For a quote please contact us on our e-mail.
Would you like to hear us play at your event? | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 318 |
Books About Grief to Help You Through the Hardest Season
In this emotionally honest memoir, Japanese Breakfast singer-songwriter Michelle Zauner tells the story of her life—growing up Korean American in Oregon, having a complicated relationship with her parents, and pursuing a career in music.
'Crying in H Mart: A Memoir' by Michelle Zauner
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The Collaborative Arts Marketing Program is designed to develop citywide, multi-partner arts events for the purposes advertising, publicizing, and promoting tourist-related attractions, facilities, and events, specifically as they relate to nonprofit art activities and nonprofit performing arts in Santa Fe. For the purpose of this program, collaborative arts marketing is defined as a complementing effort between two or more nonprofit arts organizations that is based on a common theme, art form, season/time of event, audience/desired audience, and/or geography. The marketing effort must be designed to attract audiences to visit multiple partner events, venues, attractions, etc. through a single cohesive brand. The collaborative effort should provide value to other business sectors such as galleries, hotels, and restaurants through affiliated partnership opportunities.
Amount: Contract amounts will not exceed $30,000.
Eligibility: Collaborative efforts must be based in nonprofit arts activities. At least two of the partners must meet the City of Santa Fe Arts Commission's eligibility guidelines of being a Santa Fe-based, IRS 501(c)3 arts organization, with a State of New Mexico Incorporation Certificate and City of Santa Fe business registration number. Activities related to the collaborative must take place in the northern portion of Santa Fe County (i.e. Madrid/Galisteo to northern boundary of the county). | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 323 |
Granite Jesus, blessed be thy gneiss
Bible II: New Testament protagonist Jesus Christ has thrilled US fans this week by appearing on a slab of Brazilian granite in Dallas Texas. John Ganster, co-owner of the Verona Marble Company stone company first recognized the divinity of his 1,000-pound chunk of masonry when a customer inquired about purchasing the "Jesus …
Saturday 28th June 2008 04:21 GMT yeah, right.
odd interpretation
Looks more like some random geek with a hard-on.
Guess they'll get more money for it if they can convince the hard-of-thinking that's "Jesus" though.
Saturday 28th June 2008 04:32 GMT Andrew
Bootnote unnecessary, but appreciated anyway. I wonder if he's had any bids from ye olde Golden Palace?
Saturday 28th June 2008 04:32 GMT rasputinsDog
Mine eyes have seen the glory. . .
of the Lord flipping the world the bird! Is this an omen?
Flame cuz I'm on the hiway to hell.
Saturday 28th June 2008 04:32 GMT Old Man of the Hills
I must not be Holy enough...
The first thing I thought I was here was Marge Simpson, sort of off to the left...
It may be my inebriated state at this time of night, but isnt that marble slightly NSFW?
Saturday 28th June 2008 04:32 GMT Les Matthew
Looks to me like
somebody sitting naked in a chair with a boner on.
Saturday 28th June 2008 04:32 GMT John Vreeland
How appropriate
He appears to be holding a gasoline pump nozzle. Clearly this is a sign if the end times.
Looks like a Womens Breast with an erect nipple...
At my age everything does...
Saturday 28th June 2008 05:54 GMT Carlo Graziani
...It was Elvis who carved it. He and Jesus keep playing pranks on each other, getting each other's worshippers into a lather.
Last year about this time, Jesus started delivering pizzas in Tuscaloosa with Elvis' likenesses in the toppings -- thin Elvis in melted cheese, fat, old Elvis in crumbled sausage. There was practically a church revival in the Pizza Hut parking lot as a result.
Jesus was just getting even for the time Elvis started painting tears and stigmata on Big Boy Restaurant statues at various Mississippi truck stops along Interstate 20, causing thirteen religious riots cum traffic pile-ups across the state. He claimed Jesus had it coming, for the time he dressed up in an oily wig, sunglasses, and a rhinestone-studded leisure suit over 300lb of wet bags around his belly, and belted out "Hunka-Hunka Burnin' Love" before an astonished 7-11 night manager while serially pounding twinkies into his face for added verisimilitude.
Now Elvis is evidently screwing around with heavy rock-cutting equipment. Seriously, if these guys don't chill out soon, someone is going to do something stupid, no mistake.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:46 GMT Chris C
Trying too hard
It amuses me that some Christians always seem to find the image of Jesus Christ in everyday objects. The cynic in me might say that if they're trying so hard to find "proof" of their beliefs, then they have no faith to begin with. If you have faith, you don't need to see proof. Incidentally, that's why I don't believe (because I find it very difficult to accept or believe in something without seeing proof).
To me, this image barely looks humanoid. There is an oval shape which could be seen as a head, and lines from that area which might be construed as shoulders. But what in that image is supposed to symbolize Jesus Christ (as opposed to, say, Charles Manson, Richard Stallman, or Napoleon)?
If you ask me, the area to the left of the head/shoulder looks like those foam fingers you see at sporting events.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:46 GMT Charles Manning
Think eBay
How much is "hooded stoner with boner" going to fetch?
Or course it has to be a biblical image to get top dollar. And that's not a boner... it is a loaf or fish or something!
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:46 GMT The Prevaricator
The stone that the builders rejected...
...has become yet another conspiracy theory.
Please. It's a bit of rock, when viewed from one orientation, has a feature that looks a little like a head and a pair of shoulders.
No miracles were harmed in the making of this comment. Well, maybe one or two.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:46 GMT auslaender
You may think that's gneiss, but it's really just a piece of schist.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:46 GMT Lysari
Looks more like Cinder or Glacius from Killer Instinct.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:46 GMT Anonymous Coward
These people are certifiably insane. Remind me never to go to Texas. Oh my god, my toe nail looks like the Virgin Mary!
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT LeBeourfCurtaine
I concur - not so much the divine hand of providence, as a giant pairing of cock and balls.
Bill, as he starts out on his second life...
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT gareth
granite comes to us
when rocks containing less silica (SiO2 which can be contained in other minerals it is unlikely to be just silica in rocks other than granite) than granite such as basalt which are already part of the earths crust under go partial melting
these pockets of melt then rise within the crust being less dense than the surrounding and coalesce into a silica rich melt (<40% silica) this then cools very slowly within the crust to form the large crystals found in granite
(if it was erupted by a volcano it would form obsidian (the glassy stuff) or ryolite depending on the speed it cools)
however as he is a stone mason it was probably not even granite as most people who work with stone call anything with a crystal size more than 2mm a granite
bootnote was hilarious
also, @yeah, right.
I thought exactly the same thing. Then I briefly pondered about the Rorschach Ink blot test, and what that had to say about me for thinking such things. But then another look convinced me.
It is definitely a Guy In A Chair With A Hard-on, not jesus. Well, it could be jesus, but he's obviously happy to be back. Perhaps we have a moment captured from the 'second coming' as it were, right there?
Paris because, well, ... theres no point me writing something will just get edited out..
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Kwac
Looks like one of those guys in the videos that get sent to Al-Jazeera for broadcasting.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Elmer Phud
"Jesus slab."
So called after it was dropped on someones foot.
Oh, and Elvis had nothing to do with it - he was with Barry the Time Sprout.
Jesus has several cases running through court at the moment trying to grab some cash out of those who run to E Bay at the first sign of burnt toast.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Lukin Brewer
It looks like one of the giant warriors from "Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind".
But let's face it – in the current market climate, unless it has horns or a pointy beard, any spontaneous human image is going to be marketed as Jesus's.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT James
In time for the second coming???
Surely Jesus back on the earth IS the second coming?
Paris is confused too
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Chris G
Gather ye! gather ye! to hear hear the word of god's only begotten son, Jesus,
" Get me the fuck out of this chunk of stone, I've got cramp in my left foot!"
On an aside why is it whenever I hear the phrase `second coming´I have a mental picture of Angelina Jolie in that cat suit in Tomb Raider II?
Such a relief to see it's not just me that just sees a reclined figure with his willy out!
I'm still going anon though!
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT le jono
His face, he must have a face.
He appears to be ...
... leaning back in a chair and getting blown by a badger or some similar small furry animal?
Ex-IT bea me too it
Agreed, its a breast and nipple.
I doubt its Jesus though, he was a carpenter, not a stone mason.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT pctechxp
are probably contacting the guy as we speak.
Errmmm... no...
> Granite comes to us when a mixture of several different silicate minerals and oxides, mostly consisting of quartz and feldspar, are pushed up to the earth's crust.
"Granite comes to us when a mixture of several different silicate minerals and oxides, mostly consisting of quartz and feldspar, **IS**pushed up to the earth's crust".
The object in the sentence is the mixture (singular)... however, perhaps one of our US cousins wrote this in "American", which (it seems) requires no rules of grammar, nor (in most cases) a decent vocabulary, or the ability to spell words correctly.
First time I want to rate a story and I can't.
Love the writing style.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Steven Raith
"Mine eyes have seen the glory of the Lord flipping the world the bird! Is this an omen?"
<bit of bill hicks>
"The Prince of Peace is back....
...and he's pissed off!
"I said I'd be back - but I didn't say what kind of mood I'd be in""
Mind you, I'd be pissed off if I had been crucified, resurrected, buggered off for two thousand years, come back and find that all my devout followers want to do is worship what I was slowly, painfully killed upon.
</bit of bill hicks>
Sorry, couldn't help it.
I'm going to hell, and you're all coming with me...
Steven R
Life in stone!
Next, they'll be telling us that worm shaped objects found in stones proves that cats evolved from pebbles.
Everybody's looking at stones and morons like these who reckon they've found Jesus in a blob of rock, a tomato or even a garage floor are no worse than those who expect the rest of the world to abandon their faith because they found a seashell on the seashore that looks like a monkey-man's back tooth.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT jubtastic1
That's not Jebus,
It's Cthulhu
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Tom
No it's the Satin
He is in Texas collecting software patent trolls, you can see one roasting off to the left next to the smoke. Patent trolls always give satin a hard-on as you will notice...
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT Doug Glass
The Farce of Granit
It's Darth Vader.
Jesus hangs to the right
nuff said
let me (hopefully) be the first to say...
...Gneisse headline.
Re: Looks to me like...
... somebody sitting naked in a chair with a boner on.
Gives new meaning to 'second coming' and 'he has risen'
Flames 'cause that's where I'm headed...
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT storng.bare.durid
If you look closely, it's actually a photoshopped screenshot of my level 70 shadow priest. You can see my imba l33t epix staff in the foreground and the menacing thing in the background on the left is my shadowfiend.
Sunday 29th June 2008 06:47 GMT skeptical i
Is that a possum head in your lap ...
... or are you just happy to see me?
Monday 30th June 2008 08:40 GMT Michael Studman
Touched by his noodley appendage
You all seem to be missing the bigger story - we've been touched by his noodley appendage.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Gary Turner
Of course it's Jesus
A lady friend of mine's first reaction on seeing the pic was, "Jesus! Now, that's a big one."
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Scott
It's Harrison Ford
After doing another Indiana Jones film, he is updaing Star Wars. Perhaps the granite is actually metamorphic carbonite.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Joe Drunk
I was in a pub the other day......
Drinking a few pints with some of my buddies . I went into the men's room to answer the call of nature and I had to sneeze. I tore some paper towels off the dispenser and blew my nose into it. When I opened it I saw what looked like a nativity scene!
Thinking I could capitalize on this the way the owner of a certain grilled cheese sandwich did I turned the hand dryer onto the sheet until it was bone dry.
I folded it and put it into my pocket.
The rest of the evening was kind of hazy...there were a few toasts of tequila that evening to celebrate on of my friend's promotion at work which were rapidly catching up with me.
I awoke this morning unable to find that particular paper towel. Was it a sign from God? Of course it was!! It's a sign that I should use tissues instead for my nose because the paper towels are just too abrasive! That and to stay away from tequila.
Wait a sec...the flame icon looks just like the burning bush atop Mt. Sinai that spoke to Moses in the old testament!!
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Richard Scratcher
Thanks for the image!
It's just what I need for my iPhone's "wallpaper"
"....and upon this rock I will build my church."
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Dick Pountain
Holy Couple
It's all quite clear: Iggy Pop sitting in an armchair with a hard-on, and Marge Simpson sneaking up behind his right shoulder. What we need to know is.. what happened next.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Mike Moyle
So, it appears from this...
...that His next appearance will be dancing at Chippendales'!...
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Matthew Crawford
Awesome Article
The boot note and the comment about "hooded skeleton dudes" are just great.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Anonymous Coward
The second coming...
... of the afternoon. It's not an image of Jesus, it's a poor reproduction of Tracy Emin's 'back of a napkin' charity piece entitled "Jesus spends a happy afternoon with Mrs Palmer and her Five Lovely Daughters". The Coming of the Lord can be seen trickling down his left leg in this image.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Captain DaFt
So I'm the only one
That thinks it looks like an excited bigfoot?
Coat - door - taxi.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Robbie Lesiuk
I could be mistaken
but i am pretty sure Jesus is cradling a baby dinosaur in his arms there.
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT TeeCee
That bit about false idols and such. Is there a specific exemption in there for cheese sandwiches, odd garage-floor stains and vaguely anthropomorphic shapes in reject rock slabs? Maybe someone who's read the Tome of Turgidity recently can quote the relevant passage so we don't accidently aquire any non-approved could-look-like-Jesus-in-a-bad-light-if-you-squinted-a-bit objects.
Hmm, if I were Satan, I'd be having a bit of a laugh about now by causing vague, blurry, could-be-anyone-really images of myself to appear in a variety of everyday objects and picking up a few worshippers on the cheap.
Flames, 'cos it's warm round here......
Monday 30th June 2008 08:43 GMT Peter
Is mixture not the "subject" in the sentence?
"The magmatic theory involves the use of the Bowen Reaction Series. Thus, if crystal fractionation of a magma of tholeiitic basalt composition were to occur, one of its end products would be granite. In many places, emplacement of granite plutons is synchronous to volcanic eruptions. They commonly form ring complexes around 10 km in diameter with volcanic remnants that have subsided into the couldron as central blocks"
Monday 30th June 2008 10:14 GMT Tom
But theres no mention in the bible of
Jesus having non-semetic hair. Or perhaps he was the first to have his hair straightened.
It must be an imposter!
Monday 30th June 2008 12:52 GMT Yamthief
Blind faith or blinding faith?
"If you squint and tilt you head slightly to the right..."
Anything can look like anything if your imagination is vivid enough.
Believe whatever you want, but i reckon the people that fully believe that the second coming is right here in a lump of granite need to get out more.
I wanna know what Paris can see in that big chunk of rock... I bet she sees the penis too..
Monday 30th June 2008 12:52 GMT DirkGently
This proves it!
This proves that the Pharisees employed mafia style tactics burying people in concrete. Maybe it was the alien punching out of his stomach that made them go to this extreme.
Monday 30th June 2008 12:52 GMT Richie
He's not the Messiah.
He's a very naughty boy (as can be clearly seen from the large boner)
Monday 30th June 2008 14:36 GMT Matt
Where's Jeebus?
Am I the only one that sees a guy in a druid robe wearing a fanny pack and a fencing mask?
Should I be calling my shrink?
Monday 30th June 2008 15:39 GMT Rob Saunders
Looks more like...
Skeletor to me
Monday 30th June 2008 23:07 GMT Daniel B.
Oh no, not again...
Believe me, this is not the case of someone trying to cash in. These "images" appear everywhere, usually when there are bad times coming. Example: the Mexico City subway "image of the virgin". They even took out the tile and put a small shrine outside the subway station ... but all I see is rust on a tile. It seems more like a case of Rorschach Ink blots and people seeing what they want to see...
Tuesday 1st July 2008 00:22 GMT Douglas Richard McIntosh
Jesus F#cking Christ !!
May the Lord be merciful!!! Another one for all those weird American bible bashing churches to make money from.
To Jubtastic1
No it's not Cthulhu !! It's Hastur the fucking Unmentionable, Chief Deity of the Church of Elvis Presley, who was reported to have said "show faith in me and I'll give you a whole lotta love" | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 324 |
Health Experts: RSV, COVID Surge Highlights Need For Paid Sick Leave
The U.S. doesn't guarantee paid sick leave, and health experts say that impacts a whole community's ability to stay healthy.
Mary Altaffer / AP
Article by Lindsey Theis
La Dallas Mitchell is working overtime to care for her daughter.
"It's just been nonstop," Mitchell said. "She's probably been sick like five times."
At the same time, parenting means working around that sickness.
The U.S. is the only developed country that does not guarantee any paid sick leave, according to the Center for Economic Policy and Research, though some states like New York, New Jersey and California have laws with requirements.
Medical experts say the surge of viruses right now highlights the need for paid sick time off.
"With RSV, COVID and the flu, this is very taxing to the health care system but also taxing to our families," said Dr. Willie Underwood, with the American Medical Association. "People get sick and ill; they can't work. They have increased health care costs. It's detrimental to us."
In October, a record high 104,000 Americans missed work due to "childcare problems," according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.
A recent Robert Wood Johnson Foundation report found workers lost $28 billion in wages during 2020 to 2022. Women, Latino, and Black workers felt the brunt of it. It also found people making less than $25,000 a year were about 2.5 times more likely to not have paid sick leave compared to someone making $100,000.
Epidemiologist and research director Mona Shah worked on the foundation report.
"For a family member who had to take off a week of work to take care of themselves or their child, that meant they lost an average of $815 in wages," Shah said. "That would have huge implications for paying for food, housing, health care, gas and other essentials."
Doctors: Get Your Flu, COVID Vaccines Now To Be Safe During Holidays
There's more room for the flu and COVID to spread as restrictions subside, but not as many people are up to date on their vaccines either.
Shah says when someone works while they or a loved one is sick, it impacts more than that single household.
"They're working when they're sick, and they're potentially impacting the people that they come across, whether at work or at school, and so it's really a compounding effect," Shah said.
She said that's why paid time off is important for a community to stay healthy, especially during busy holiday seasons.
Latest in Health
How a survivor is now helping battle the opioid epidemic
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By Keith Srakocic / AP
Long COVID patients use experimental shot for sense of smell issues
People are traveling from around the world to a Texas center that is testing a pain medication injection as a way to treat loss of smell from COVID.
The science and safety behind newly popular weight loss drugs
Today's weight loss drugs pull from the science of diabetes treatments. Those have been proven for years to have fewer and less serious side effects.
By Patrick Sison / AP | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 325 |
Background: We all know what it means to "eat right." So why do so many people, particularly the poor, turn to fast food outlets and "junk" food?
Food security is a complex issue interconnected with place, economics, and social policies.
Food security means having adequate access to nutritious things to eat. In the developing world, the issue typically is getting enough food; in the industrialized world, it's more often a matter of getting the right food.
Ironically, high-calorie food is cheap and plentiful in poor urban communities (due to the low cost of corporate food production heavily subsidized by tax dollars), while low-calorie, nutrient-rich food is harder to come by. This leads to a counterintuitive situation in which poverty tends to foster obesity rather than starvation.
The articles and resources in this section discuss the forces that shape our ability to make healthy choices and how different groups are working to improve them.
Access. Many low-income neighborhoods lack access to a full-service supermarket. These so-called "food deserts" are dominated by liquor, fast food, and convenience stores, where produce is not only scarce but comparatively expensive and poor quality. Residents of these areas are more likely to rely on public transportation, further compounding the problem of access.
Time. Many people today, particularly heads of households, work long hours, at multiple jobs or commute to make ends meet. Parents who spend long hours working and commuting have limited time and energy to shop and prepare nutritious meals for themselves and their families. Pre-made meals are fast, easy and affordable.
Marketing. Often, children and teens get their own dinners. Fast food is not only more readily available, the industry bombards youth with billions of dollars of advertising on television, in the neighborhood, and at school. It's no surprise, then, that many kids will make this choice when left to their own devices.
Cost. Simply put, "junk" food costs less than healthy food - for producers as well as consumers. The abundance of cheap additives like corn syrup (a product of government-subsidized corporate agribusiness) drives production and profit for manufacturers. For consumers, University of Washington researchers found that the cost to obtain 1,000 calories from nutrient-rich fruits and vegetables was $18.16, compared to only $1.76 to obtain the same number of calories from energy-rich, highly processed foods. Moreover, the same foods purchased by suburban residents in large supermarkets cost 3% to 37% more for urban dwellers. For people with a limited budget and limited access to better options, it's not a fair choice.
Consequences and Social Policies:
Food insecurity not only impacts nutrition, it also affects learning, brain development, behavior, immune resistance and in turn, job prospects and life chances over the long term. A poor diet also leads to increased risk for obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular problems and even cancer.
Eating right isn't just a matter of making good choices and having self-discipline. Although it's important to educate people about nutrition and diet, our living conditions, socioeconomic status and other outside factors affect the options available to us and our ability to stay healthy.
Policies that would help improve food security include encouraging investment in poor communities; improving public transportation; developing community gardens, farmers' markets and partnerships between local, sustainable growers and low-income neighborhoods; limiting advertising and the availability of junk food in schools; guaranteeing a living wage; and eliminating sugar and corn subsidies to large manufacturers in favor of locally grown fruits and vegetables.
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A Place for Healthier Living: Improving Access to Physical Activity and Healthy Foods
REPORT from the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies and PolicyLink, June 2004
There are significant, persistent disparities in the prevalence and consequences of chronic illnesses: disparities of race, ethnicity, and income that are linked not just to nutrition and physical activity directly, but also to the social, economic and community-level conditions in which people live. These conditions largely shape people's capacity to maintain a good diet and a life that includes healthful physical activity. While individual behavior and access to quality health services are key, these disparities will not be eliminated without addressing community conditions. This brief explains the importance of community and neighborhood to the obesity epidemic, and proposes solutions.
Since 1971, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI) has been a strong advocate for nutrition and health, food safety, alcohol policy, and sound science. CPSI has helped pass several important food safety and labeling laws, and is currently working to ban junk food in schools nationwide, rid the food supply of artificial trans fats, provide responsible information about agriculture biotechnology, and expose corporate influence over government decisions and policy making.
Closing the Gap: Solutions to Race-Based Health Disparities
REPORT from the Applied Research Center and Northwest Federation of Community Organizations, 2005
Unhealthy neighborhoods and lack of health care contribute to poor health, and they are unequally distributed. People of color are exposed to greater threats and have less access to quality care. This report outlines causes of inequities as well as promising initiatves around the country to combat them. One chapter focuses on Tohono O'odham Community Action ( an organization co-founded by Terrol Dew Johnson, who appears in the episode "Bad Sugar."
Community Food Security Coalition
The Community Food Security Coalition (CFSC) is a North American organization of 325 groups working in social and economic justice, environmental issues, nutrition, sustainable agriculture, community development, labor, anti-poverty, anti-hunger, and other areas. With the ultimate objective to build strong, sustainable, local and regional food systems that ensure access to affordable, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food to all people at all times, they provide a variety of training and technical assistance programs for community food projects; support the development of farm to school and farm to college initiatives; advocate for federal policies to support community food security initiatives; and provide networking and educational resources.
The website also includes links to other food security organizations.
Designed for Disease: The Link Between Local Food Environments and Obesity and Diabetes
"Designed for Disease: The Link Between Local Food Environments and Obesity and Diabetes" examines the relationships between retail food environments, obesity and diabetes, and community income. The study demonstrates that people who live near an abundance of fast-food restaurants and convenience stores compared to grocery stores and fresh produce vendors, have a significantly higher prevalence of obesity and diabetes.
To help reduce the prevalence of obesity and diabetes, the authors urge state and local lawmakers to enact public policies to make healthy foods more readily available. These policies include providing retail incentives, promoting smaller-scale markets that sell healthy foods, maximizing the opportunities that come with the new WIC food package, using zoning to limit the number of fast-food restaurants in overburdened communities, and requiring nutritional information on restaurant menus.
Diabetes: Sugar Coated Crisis. Who Gets It, Who Profits, and How to Stop It
BOOK by David Spero, New Society Publishers, 2006
This book argues that, contrary to popular opinion, Type 2 diabetes is not a medical problem so much as it is a social pandemic caused by toxic environments - high in stress and sugar, low in opportunities to exercise or feel good about yourself - and a lack of power. Spero describes the social sources of the toxic environment, including the stress and inequality built into our modern culture and the traumas and loss of community that make people vulnerable to illness. It reveals the medical mistreatment of diabetes - from kicking diabetics off medical insurance to underfunding diabetes education, from over-emphasizing drugs to giving corporate-influenced dietary advice.
Effects of Traditional and Western Environments on Prevalence of Type 2 Diabetes in Pima Indians in Mexico and the U.S.
The much lower prevalence of type 2 diabetes and obesity in the Pima Indians in Mexico than in the U.S. indicates that even in populations that may be genetically prone to these conditions, their development is determined mostly by environmental circumstances, thereby suggesting that type 2 diabetes is largely preventable. This study provides compelling evidence that changes in lifestyle associated with Westernization play a major role in the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes.
Examining the Impact of Food Deserts on Public Health in Chicago (pdf)
REPORT by Mari Gallagher Research & Consulting Group for the LaSalle Bank, 2006
This report looks at the effects of "food deserts" (areas with minimal access to grocery stores) on the health of residents in Chicago's neighborhoods. The study develops an empirical score to quantify the balance of food choice (groceries vs. fast food outlets) available to residents, and compares food access and food balance directly to health outcomes, holding constant education, income, and race. They find that African American communities are especially likely to have poor balance of food choice, and that residents of these "food deserts" suffer noticable health effects.
Food First / Institute for Food and Development Policy
Founded in 1975, Food First/Institute for Food and Development Policy does research on the root causes of hunger, and publishes a wide range of materials used by activists, professors, the media and our members. We have organized our program work into three main themes: Democratizing Markets, Access to Land and Productive Resources, and Promoting Ecologically and Socially Just Farming Systems.
Food Price Inflation Changes How We Shop
NEWS ARTICLE by Alan Scher Zagier, Associated Press, March 31, 2008
The worst case of food inflation in nearly 20 years has more Americans giving up restaurant meals to eat at home. We're buying fewer luxury food items, eating more leftovers and buying more store brands instead of name-brand items.
Gardening as Cultural Renewal - the Gila Crossing School Program
The Gila Crossing Elementary School in southern Arizona was once operated by the Bureau of Indian Affairs. When the local tribe took it over, community members created a gardening program to teach children about their cultural heritage as farmers, to encourage healthy eating, and to foster their development and future interest in agriculture.
Got Tradition?
NEWS ARTICLE by Daisy Hernandez, Colorlines, 2005
An excellent article about Tohono O'odham photographer and artist Terrol Dew Johnson and the organization he co-founded, Tohono O'odham Community Action, which seeks to improve health by helping people re-establish their ties to traditional culture.
Healthy food getting more expensive: study
NEWS ARTICLE from Reuters Health
Describes a new study that shows the price of fruits and vegetables is climbing faster than inflation, while junk food is actually becoming cheaper. Includes price-per-calorie comparison of nutritious vs. "junk" foods.
Impact of Poverty and Stress on Diabetes among Native Americans
As Dr. Donald Warne explains, there is a direct biochemical connection between living in poverty and blood sugar levels. The stress of being poor and of having family members die young creates a complicated web of cultural values and beliefs that make controlling diabetes more difficult. Add to that the lack of availability of healthy food and it's no wonder diabetes rates are high.
Indians' Water Rights Give Hope for Better Health
NEWS ARTICLE by Randal C. Archibold, New York Times, August 31, 2008
At the Gila River Indian Community, there are hopes that planned irrigation will help combat an obesity epidemic and soaring rates of diabetes. This article discusses the water settlement and the challenges the tribe faces in translating their restored water rights into real health gains for the community.
DID YOU KNOW: Racial segregation in many American cities, including New York, Chicago, Milwaukee and Detroit, is comparable to South Africa under apartheid. (Massey, 2004) | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 326 |
Le muay-thaï (thaï : มวยไทย, « boxe du peuple thaï »), boxe thaïlandaise ou encore boxe thaïe, est un art martial et un sport de combat, classé en Occident parmi les boxes pieds-poings. Elle est surnommée l'« art des huit membres » en référence aux huit parties utilisées des bras et des jambes. Les pratiquants sont appelés nak muays.
Le muay-thaï trouve son origine dans des pratiques martiales ancestrales, notamment dans le muay boran (boxe traditionnelle) et le krabi krabong (pratique avec les armes). Elle est la plus populaire des boxes du Sud-Est asiatique (boxe birmane, boxe khmère, boxe laotienne, boxe vietnamienne, boxe chinoise) et doit sa popularité au fait qu'elle est une discipline nationale professionnalisée. Sa pratique permet à de nombreux sportifs (même très jeunes), entraîneurs, managers et promoteurs, d'en vivre. Elle représente un marché lucratif en Thaïlande générant autour d'elle une économie non négligeable. Comme les boxes apparentées elle a la réputation d'être une pratique de combat particulièrement virile et on lui reproche, par erreur, de répandre l'idée selon laquelle « tous les coups sont permis ».
Place parmi les boxes pieds-poings
Deux autres sports de combat pied-poings sont proches du muay-thaï, n'en différant principalement que par un emploi limité ou interdit des genoux et coudes : le kick-boxing américain (Glory), pour lequel l'emploi de ces quatre parties du corps est interdit et le kick-boxing japonais (K-1) qui autorise les coups de genoux sans tenue. Dans le full-contact, autre sport pieds-poings, tous les coups de pied doivent être donnés au-dessus de la ceinture.
Le muay-thaï est la forme moderne (codifiée au milieu du ) du muay boran lui-même issu du pradal serey (ancienne boxe libre khmère codifiée à la même époque, appelée depuis le kun khmer, ainsi que de certaines pratiques martiales traditionnelles (dont quelques-unes sont inspirées du comportement animal). Parmi les styles les plus connus, on trouve :
le muay-chaiya ou « muay-giow » (style du sud du pays), ce style du met l'accent sur la vivacité d'esprit afin de trouver des stratégies efficaces. La posture est anguleuse, la défense est privilégiée et les techniques de coude et genou sont particulièrement marquées. On utilise des techniques issues des animaux (notamment le tigre) ;
le « muay-korat » (style de l'est et nord-est), privilégie un travail en force, telles les techniques de buffle ;
le « muay-lopburi » (style de la région centrale), l'accent est mis sur une gestuelle intelligente (travail sur les variations de trajectoire et les feintes d'arme) ;
le « muay-thasao » (style du nord), les techniques consistent à prendre de vitesse l'opposant et les styles thématiques telles les techniques du singe blanc (dit d'Hanumān).
Une formule résume les principaux styles du muay boran : (thaï : หมัดหนักโคราช ฉลาดลพบุรี ท่าดีไชยา เร็วกว่าท่าเสา). Ces pratiques non compétitives de l'art de combat thaïlandais sont regroupées (en Thaïlande) dans le vocable « mae-mai muay-thaï ».
La pratique de la boxe thaïlandaise est considérée comme sport national en Thaïlande. De nombreux petits clubs d'entraînement (appelés « camps ») parsèment le pays et accueillent les jeunes à partir de sept ans. Les combats importants sont régulièrement retransmis tous les samedis et dimanches par les chaînes de télévision régionales et nationales.
De nombreuses chaines de télévisions du monde entier retransmettent les grandes rencontres de muay-thaï en Thaïlande, et également celles du Japon, particulièrement le spectaculaire tournoi du K-1 (kick-boxing japonais) dans lequel participent de nombreux champions thaïlandais, spectacle avec ses et ses bourses de plus de . Cette seconde forme de combat tenant en grande partie du muay-thaï et également issu du karaté japonais (style kyokushinkai) a été influencée également par de nombreuses pratiques du Sud-Est asiatique, notamment par la boxe birmane (lethwei) et la boxe khmère (kun-khmer).
Les deux stades de muay-thaï les plus connus en Thaïlande se trouvent à Bangkok : ce sont le stade de boxe du Lumpinee et celui du Rajadamnoen. Connus dans le monde entier, ils sont considérés comme la référence absolue en muay-thaï. Le stade du Lumpinee est situé sur Rama IV Road, près du Lumpinee-park, et géré par le gouvernement, tandis que le stade du Rajadamnoen, plus prestigieux et ancien, se trouve sur Rajadamnoen Nok Road, en face du quartier général de l'armée royale thaïlandaise, qui le gère.
Les coups autorisés sont les suivants : coups de poing, de coude, de genou et de pied. Les boxeurs utilisent toutes les parties percutantes de leurs membres d'où l'appellation « art des huit membres » : poings, coudes, genoux et « pieds ». Par pied, il faut entendre le tibia, mais également le cou-de-pied, le talon et la plante.En définitive, seuls les coups de tête et d'épaule sont interdits.
Les corps-à-corps peuvent être assez longs, et sont souvent l'occasion de coups de genou et peuvent se terminer par une projection voire être interrompus par l'arbitre. Le coup de pied circulaire à différentes hauteurs (tête, tronc et cuisses) est souvent délivré avec le tibia. Le coup de pied circulaire semble le plus usité et est souvent considéré comme le « coup de base » du combattant de compétition. Il est également possible d'effectuer un coup de pied de déséquilibre (balayage) dans le but de faire tomber et déstabiliser l'adversaire. Les coups à l'adversaire au sol sont interdits de même que les coups de tête.
La genèse, l'histoire ancienne et l'image du muay-thaï sont présentées d'une manière standardisée dans une abondante littérature en Thaïlande. Les données historiques les plus anciennes, qui attesteraient de pratiques de boxe avant le , sont inspirées principalement par les chroniques royales, plusieurs fois réécrites (notamment sous Rama ), après les destructions du (chute d'Ayutthaya en 1767). S'il est donc difficile de confirmer l'historicité des légendes et de la genèse du muay-thai du point de vue thaïlandais; il est aujourd'hui connu et admis que les thaïlandais héritèrent des arts martiaux khmers (Kbach Kun Boran Khmer), à la suite de la victoire d'Ayutthaya sur le royaume khmer d'Angkor (en 1431) dont il était jusqu'alors le vassal. Il ne faut donc pas ignorer la forte teneur idéologique, notamment nationaliste, qui préside en Thaïlande à la présentation des origines du muay-thaï (et du muay-boran), son histoire ancienne, et son image contemporaine.
Selon la tradition, en 1411, à la mort du roi Sen Muang Ma, ses deux fils, Ki et Fang, voulurent s'emparer du pouvoir. Comme leurs armées respectives n'arrivaient pas à se départager sur un champ de bataille, ils décidèrent de régler leur conflit par un duel. Chaque camp choisit son meilleur boxeur. L'homme de Fang fut battu et Ki monta sur le trône. La technique de combat de son guerrier (« boxeur ») fit école.
Au , le muay-thaï faisait partie de l'entraînement militaire. Le roi Naresuan le grand (r. 1590-1605) aurait encouragé sa pratique à ce titre. Il atteignit sa plus grande popularité au début du , sous le règne de Pra Chao Sua, « le Roi Tigre ». C'était le passe-temps favori de la population ; chaque village organisait des combats régulièrement. Le roi, qui était un boxeur de première force s'amusait à défier les champions locaux ! À l'époque les combattants protégeaient leurs poings en se bandant les mains avec du crin de cheval. Plus tard, le crin fut remplacé par des bandes de coton maintenues avec de la glu. On se servait de coquillages ou d'écorces d'arbres, comme coquille ! Parfois, avec l'accord des deux protagonistes, des morceaux de verre pouvaient être amalgamés dans la glu des bandages. À cette époque, les combats se déroulaient sans catégories de poids ni de limite de temps (combat dit « au finish »).
Selon une légende, Naï Khanom Tom, soldat et boxeur capturé par les birmans en 1767, fut opposé à dix champions birmans qu'il mit K.O.. Il est devenu un héros national, auquel les Thaïlandais rendent hommage chaque année à l'occasion de la « Nuit des boxeurs ».
Considérée comme trop dangereuse, la boxe thaïlandaise fut interdite en 1921. Puis, vers 1930, elle réapparut en adoptant les règles de compétition et les techniques de poings de la boxe anglaise (gants de boxe, ring, reprises, interdiction des coups de tête, etc.).
Sport national et véritable industrie, le muay-thaï fait vivre beaucoup de monde, combattants, entraîneurs, commerçants, etc. Cette gigantesque affaire commerciale est gérée par deux organisations composées de promoteurs, qui organisent des combats tous les jours. Le nombre de pratiquants est évalué à et chaque semaine des centaines de combats ont lieu à travers le pays. De nombreux champions occidentaux (les farangs) s'expatrient en Thaïlande pour pratiquer pleinement ce sport.
Le développement du tourisme en Thaïlande a fait découvrir le muay-thaï aux autres nations. Il s'est d'abord répandu aux Pays-Bas puis est venu très vite concurrencer en France le full-contact (boxe américaine) et le kick-boxing américain (low-kick), cela dans sa version « garantie d'origine » et dans sa version japonaise, le kick-boxing japonais (ou K-1).
En 1966, l'adepte du karaté kyokushinkai, Kenji Kurosaki, défia un boxeur thaïlandais et fut battu par K.O. au premier round. Après ce combat il séjourna en Thaïlande plusieurs mois, pour étudier le muay-thaï, qu'il introduisit ensuite au Japon sous le nom de kick-boxing japonais. En 1975, le Français Patrick Brizon s'entraîne au Merijo-gym de Tokyo, club de Kenji Kurosaki, où il combat les meilleurs Japonais. Il ouvre ensuite le premier club de kick-boxing à Clermont-Ferrand.
En 1980, Pud Pad Noy Worawut, reconnu comme l'un des dix meilleurs boxeurs thaïlandais de tous les temps, s'installe en France. Il y enseigne le muay-thaï jusqu'en 2003. Guillaume Kerner fut l'un de ses élèves.
Le muay-thaï est reconnu sport olympique le en même temps que le kick-boxing, le sambo, l'eisstock et le lacrosse en champ.
Les champions
Apidej Sit Hrun (Thaïlande) : légende du muay-thaï, combattant de l'année en 1962, proclamé combattant du siècle par le roi Rama IX.
Pud Pad Noy Worawut (Thaïlande) : reconnu comme l'un des dix meilleurs boxeurs thaïs de tous les temps.
Samarth Payakaroon (Thaïlande) : combattant de l'année en 1981, 1983 et 1988, régulièrement cité comme le plus grand combattant de tous les temps.
Dieselnoi Chor Thanasukarn (Thaïlande) : combattant de l'année en 1982, champion invaincu au Lumpinee, spécialiste du coup de genou.
Namsaknoi Yudthagarngamtorn (Thaïlande) : combattant de l'année en 1996, également appelé l'Empereur du muay-thaï.
Saenchai (Thaïlande) : combattant de l'année en 1999 et 2008, reconnu comme un des plus grands techniciens du muay-thaï.
Buakaw Banchamek (Thaïlande) : l'un des meilleurs boxeurs thaïs du début du , vedette du K-1.
Ramon Dekkers (Pays-Bas) : énormément respecté en Thaïlande, premier combattant étranger à tenter d'obtenir une ceinture du Lumpini Stadium.
Youssef Boughanem (Belgo-marocain) : onze ans d'activité en Thaïlande à haut niveau, il a obtenu de nombreux titres. Il possède son propre camp d'entrainement basé à Pattaya.
Les champions français
Sam Berrandou : personnalité incontournable du muay-Thai français depuis quarante ans, ex-champion de France et d'Europe (1981/1983). Responsable technique national de l'Académie française de muay-Thaï. Directeur sportif du Club Muay-Thaï Lumpini à Saint-Denis.
Sora Yara : ex-champion de France et d'Europe (1991-1992), club Lumpini.
Wilfried Montagne, Champion d'Europe et du Monde, club Lumpini. Installé en Thaïlande avec son propre camp "Emerald Muay Thaï Gym".
Patrice Quarteron : Surnommé « le Rônin sombre » est un combattant français de muay-thaï né le 20 mars 1979 à Sevran. Il remporte le titre de Champion du monde IKF dans la catégorie des poids lourds en 2008.
Djimé Coulibaly : plusieurs fois champion de France (2005-2006- 2008-2009), champion d'Europe WBC (2010), champion du monde WMC (2014), club Lumpini.
Anissa Meksen : Trois fois championne du monde (2013-2014-2016) et deux fois championne d'Europe (2014-2015)
Patrick Brizon : ex-champion de France et d'Europe, l'un des premiers français à combattre en Thaïlande.
André Zeitoun : entraineur reconnu et figure emblématique du muay-thaï français.
Jean-Charles Skarbowsky : classé au Rajadamnoen de Bangkok durant quatre années consécutives (de 2003 à 2006).
Stéphane Nikiéma : trois fois champion du monde de muay-thaï.
Guillaume Kerner : deux fois champion du monde.
Jo Prestia : champion du monde de 1990 à 1992.
Dany Bill : l'un des plus grands techniciens de sa génération, sept fois champion du monde de 1993 à 1999.
Christian Garros : champion de France de muay-Thaï classe A en 1993 et 1994, champion d'Europe WPKL (Hollande-Fédération) de Muay-Thaï en 1995, vice-champion du monde IMTF (Thaïlande-Fédération) de Muay-Thaï en 1996 et 1997 (Match nul et défaite aux points), il a combattu 22 fois en Thaïlande (14V-1N) et a été classé dans la fédération thaïlandaise de 1996 à 2000, il est le premier français à avoir mis un KO au Lumpini.
Fabrice Payen : champion du monde en 1998, premier occidental classé au Rajadamnoern.
Dida Diafat : onze fois champion du monde de 1991 à 1998.
Fabio Pinca : trois fois champion du monde.
Yohan Lidon : trois fois champion du monde de muay-thai et de kickboxing
Cindy Silvestre : huit fois championne du monde de muay-thai et de kickboxing
Jimmy VIENOT : Le boxeur Français devient champion du Lumpini le 30 avril 2019
Mohamed Bouchareb : Plusieurs fois champion de France 2006 à 2012, Champion d'Europe WBC 2013, Champion du Monde Venum (2014).
Rituel précédant et accompagnant le combat
Deux mélodies (Wong Pee Glong) sont jouées par trois ou quatre musiciens : le Sarama durant le rituel, puis le Phleng Muay lors des rounds.
Les deux boxeurs, arrivant des vestiaires, montent successivement sur le ring, le challenger en premier.
Suivent le et le Ram Muay, un hommage et une danse rituels enchaînés. Le premier est officiellement reconnu par les instances internationales du muay-thaï ; le règlement stipule qu'il est obligatoire avant chaque combat. La seconde, outre son caractère esthétique et respectueux, fait également office de dernier échauffement avant le combat ; elle est facultative, mais pratiquée par les Thaïlandais et une partie des autres combattants.
Chaque boxeur exécute le rituel, la tête ornée d'un serre-tête (mongkon) qui a été posé par son maître ou entraineur car il ne doit pas le toucher lui-même. Les hommes sont coiffés du mongkon dans les vestiaires alors que les femmes le reçoivent normalement après la montée sur le ring.
L'ensemble du rituel dure entre deux et cinq minutes, mais l'exécution d'un Ram Muay hors ring peut nécessiter jusqu'à huit minutes.
Le Kuen Suu Weitee : entrée sur le ring
Le nak muay, parfois couvert d'une cape, d'un peignoir ou habillé d'un blouson sans manches et les gants aux mains, effectue un court recueillement au pied du ring.
Il monte l'escalier, en évitant généralement la première marche ; les hommes franchissent les cordes par en dessus et les femmes par en dessous.
Il va ensuite se placer au centre pour saluer les spectateurs des quatre côtés ainsi que l'arbitre, puis il rejoint le coin qui lui a été attribué. Les femmes sont alors coiffées du mongkon.
Pour les salutations, c'est le wai, geste emblématique de la culture thaïlandaise, qui est employé, en rapprochant les gants puisque les mains ne peuvent pas être jointives.
Le Wai Khru : salutation au maître
Lorsque la musique démarre, le nak muay fait le tour du ring dans le sens anti-horaire afin d'en saluer les quatre coins, la main droite filant sur la corde supérieure. Il s'incline respectueusement en touchant trois fois chacun de ces coins. Ce geste est un hommage à son maître et à ses parents (un coup de poing pour chacune des personnes, ou si les parents comptent pour une entité, le dernier coup symbolise le public. Après avoir fait un ou deux tours de ring, toujours dans le même sens, le nak muay s'agenouille au centre, en principe en direction de son lieu de naissance et se prosterne trois fois. Le pratiquant thaïlandais rend hommage à son pays, sa religion et son Roi. Les occidentaux adaptent cette triple salutation à leurs aspirations et convictions personnelles ou ne le font pas. Ceci marque la fin du Wai Khru qui est suivi, sans interruption, du Ram Muay.
Le Kuen Suu Weitee et le Wai Khru sont à effectuer obligatoirement par tous les combattants.
Le Ram Muay : hommage au public
Il s'agit d'une chorégraphie qui, par son symbolisme, fait appel à une ou plusieurs figures légendaires particulières et aux différents éléments de la nature. Originellement tous les boxeurs d'une école effectuaient le même Ram Muay, ce qui n'est plus le cas aujourd'hui. Une phase agenouillé précède une seconde effectuée debout :
Taa Phrom Naang
Le boxeur agenouillé commence par des mouvements lents qui simulent la pose des bandages de mains ; suivent des figures dont certaines sont très populaires comme la danse de l'oiseau (vol du cygne) durant laquelle les mouvements de bras évoquent ceux des ailes, la danse du pêcheur (jet du filet avec les deux mains), la danse du chasseur (les mouvements évoquent un chasseur visant sa cible en tendant un arc), ou encore la danse d'Hanumãn, le dieu-singe patron des lutteurs.
Il Phrom Na
Le nak muay debout fait trois ou quatre fois un Yang Sam Khoum (déplacement de trois pas) qui lui permet de saluer chaque partie du public en se dirigeant vers les points cardinaux (les côtés du ring). Quand il a terminé, il se dirige vers son coin et s'incline vers le centre du ring en plaçant l'un de ses poings dans la dos
Préparation au combat
Quand les deux combattants ont terminé leur rituel, l'arbitre les regroupe au centre du ring pour leur rappeler les règles principales : ils retournent ensuite vers leur entraineur.
Le retrait du mongkon (Pitee Tod Mongkon)
La dépose du bandeau de tête du nak-muay fait l'objet d'un rituel : le boxeur se tient debout dans son coin, dos tourné à son adversaire. Il fait face à son maître ou entraineur placé de l'autre côté des cordes ; il baisse la tête en signe d'une profonde révérence, et joint ses gants au niveau de la poitrine. S'agissant de l'entraineur, celui-ci prononce une incantation et souffle à trois reprises sur le sommet de la tête du boxeur avant d'ôter le bandeau des deux mains en proclamant « d'un homme, tu deviens un guerrier ! ». Puis, il lui passe une main sur la tête du boxeur et pose le mongkon en hauteur à l'angle du ring. Les colliers de fleurs artificielles et autres accessoires portés par certains boxeurs sont également retirés à ce moment et les combattants reçoivent le protège-dents.
Dernier round et décision
L'arbitre invite généralement les boxeurs à se donner une accolade avant de reprendre le combat.
Si le vainqueur ne fait aucun doute, les deux combattants vont ralentir leurs attaques une trentaine de secondes avant la fin du combat et faire un « dance-off » en tournant autour du ring et en levant un bras. Ils conviennent ainsi que la décision des juges est acquise et qu'il n'est plus nécessaire de risquer inutilement une blessure. Ce refus conjoint du combat n'est pas sanctionné par l'arbitre.
Au coup de gong marquant la fin du combat, les boxeurs se font face et se saluent debout, agenouillés voire en se prosternant. En Thaïlande, chaque boxeur va saluer le coach de son adversaire qui lui propose de l'eau à boire ou sur la tête.
Sauf en cas de KO ou abandon, les deux boxeurs, placés de part et d'autre de l'arbitre, attendant la décision des juges. Annoncée par le speaker, celle-ci est confirmée par l'arbitre qui lève le bras du vainqueur (les deux bras en cas d'égalité), puis le vainqueur salue son adversaire, le public (quatre points cardinaux ou de manière circulaire) et l'arbitre.
Les règles
L'organisation sportive de la boxe thaïlandaise se subdivise en de nombreux sigles et fédérations, si bien que le règlement peut revêtir des formulations diverses. Les règles reproduites ici sont extraites de celles appliquées dans les stades thaïlandais.
Le ring, qui mesure entre cinq et sept mètres de côté, doit être entouré de trois rangées de cordes minimum. Le plancher est doublé d'un matériau moelleux et élastique, de quatre centimètres d'épaisseur, et recouvert de toile.
La tradition veut que les quatre coins du ring correspondent à quatre points inter-cardinaux : angle rouge = nord-ouest, angle bleu = sud-est ; les deux autres angles sont blancs et correspondent aux nord-est et sud-ouest. Le coin rouge est attribué au champion et le bleu au challenger. Les gants des boxeurs ainsi que leurs tenues vestimentaires respectent généralement ce code de couleurs.
Tenue vestimentaire et accessoires des combattants
Les boxeurs se présentent dans une tenue appropriée au combat, se composant d'un short. Ils doivent combattre torse nu et pieds nus, mais sont autorisés à porter des chevillières ou des bandes au pieds. Les femmes portent une brassière ou un débardeur.
Les boxeurs peuvent nouer un ruban rituel appelé « » autour d'un ou des deux bras, au-dessus du biceps ; sa couleur représentait originellement le niveau de maîtrise atteint. Le bandeau de tête sacré appelé « mongkon » marque la tradition du peuple thaï et, entre autres, manifeste le respect à son entraîneur, mais aussi optimise la perception mentale du combattant. Il est obligatoire durant les phases préliminaires et rituelles, mais doit être retiré avant le début du combat.
Les articulations des mains (doigts et poignets) seront protégées par une bande élastique de trois mètres, fixée avec du ruban adhésif. Les gants de combat et d'entraînement (sparring), identiques à ceux de la boxe anglaise, peuvent aller de la taille six onces à la taille seize onces (une once : environ vingt grammes). Hors de Thaïlande, le port de coudières est souvent obligatoire. Les hommes portent une coquille de protection (de constitution métallique pour protéger contre les coups de genou). Les femmes utilisent des protections pour la poitrine et le pelvis. L'équipement est complété par un protège-dents.
Un médecin exécutera un contrôle physique général qui permettra au boxeur (ou à la boxeuse) de faire ses combats au [hors-combat|K-O-system] ou assauts de boxe éducative (version light-contact).
Afin de vérifier que le combattant entre bien dans la catégorie de son adversaire, les opérations de pesée s'effectuent en présence de l'adversaire et de ses assistants, et se déroulent au moins quatre heures avant la rencontre.
Les matchs professionnels comptent cinq reprises de trois minutes avec deux minutes de repos entre chaque round en Thaïlande (voire quelquefois de repos en Europe). Mais en France cela dépend de la « classe » dans laquelle le nak muay évolue. Les « classes » vont de « D » à « A » pour les séniors (vingt ans et plus).
Chaque combattant peut être accompagné de deux assistants dans les combats amateurs et trois lors de combat pros (entraîneur et soigneur).
Les points sont attribués selon des critères d'évaluation suivants :
technique, précision, puissance et dommage engendré par chaque coup (de poing, de pied, de coude et de genou) ;
habileté défensive ;
combativité et habileté à l'attaque ;
La notation du juge (porte sur la différence entre les deux combattants – code de la boxe anglaise professionnelle) :
égalité : dix points par round à chacun des deux protagonistes ;
léger avantage : dix points à neuf ;
avantage net : dix points à huit ;
avantage écrasant : dix points à sept ;
combattant défaillant et compté par l'arbitre : un point négatif déduit de la note du round ;
faute grave du combattant : un point négatif déduit de la note du round.
Second critère d'évaluation en cas d'égalité à la touche des deux combattants : Quand les boxeurs obtiennent le même nombre de points, la victoire revient à celui jugé le plus combatif.
Pénalité : L'arbitre est autorisé à retirer un point chaque fois que le combattant commet une faute grave ou faute mineure mais répétée.
Arbitres et juges
La décision finale est du ressort d'un arbitre et de trois juges, qui remplissent leurs bulletins (carnets de jugement) respectifs à la fin de chaque reprise. La décision est donnée après le dernier round au regard des cartons de juge.
Frapper l'adversaire lorsqu'il est de dos,
Frapper l'adversaire à terre ou en train de se relever,
Frapper avec la tête ou l'épaule,
Frapper derrière la tête,
Frapper avec l'intérieur ou le bas de la main ou le poignet,
Frapper avec le gant ouvert,
Frapper l'œil avec le pouce,
Frapper intentionnellement les organes génitaux de l'adversaire,
Accrocher l'adversaire pour l'empêcher de porter des coups,
Se mettre de dos à l'adversaire,
Ne donner que des coups de poing,
Donner des coups de poing en dessous de la ceinture,
S'appuyer sur l'adversaire ou de le pousser en arrière,
Pousser la tête de l'adversaire en arrière avec la main ouverte et le frapper de l'autre,
Tenir de la main une corde du ring, ou s'appuyer sur les cordes,
Tenir l'adversaire d'une main et le frapper de l'autre (on peut tenir l'adversaire, mais seulement des deux mains pour le frapper avec les genoux),
Bousculer l'adversaire dans les cordes,
Porter volontairement des coups sur les reins,
Porter des coups après la fin du round,
Tirer les cheveux,
Mordre ou cracher,
Simuler d'avoir été frappé sur la coquille,
Éviter les attaques de l'adversaire, en feignant par exemple de tomber, de glisser sous les cordes ou en se cachant derrière l'arbitre,
Commettre n'importe quelle action incorrecte susceptible de blesser l'adversaire.
Rappel : un combattant qui commet une faute sans toutefois causer un handicap ou infliger une blessure à l'adversaire recevra un avertissement oral et sera pénalisé d'un point. Le combattant qui commet volontairement une irrégularité désavantageant ou blessant l'adversaire peut perdre le match pour faute ou être disqualifié par l'arbitre, sans préavis s'il réitère son attitude durant la rencontre. En cas de faute involontaire empêchant la poursuite du combat, l'arbitre arrête la rencontre ; il attribuera, donc, la victoire par « K.O. technique » au boxeur ayant obtenu le score le plus élevé, ou bien déclarera le match nul en cas d'égalité des scores. Un combattant peut se plaindre d'avoir subi une irrégularité auprès de l'arbitre, qui prendra immédiatement une décision : s'il estime que la faute ne rentre pas dans le cadre de celles énumérées plus haut, le combat se poursuivra.
La victoire est proclamée :
aux points ;
par K-O : l'adversaire tombé à terre ne se relève pas dans les dix secondes ;
par K-O technique : l'arbitre interrompt le combat parce qu'un athlète
n'est pas en état de continuer,
ne se présente pas après l'appel du gong,
est victime d'une blessure qui l'empêche de poursuivre le combat ;
par décision du médecin, à la suite d'une blessure ;
par abandon : l'un des combattants déclare ne pas vouloir continuer le combat ;
par disqualification de l'adversaire pour faute grave ;
par décision des juges : le combat une fois terminé, les juges attribuent la victoire au boxeur ayant obtenu le score le plus élevé.
Différents types de décision existent :
unanime : trois votes favorables.
partagée : deux votes favorables et un contraire.
match nul :
si telle est la décision de deux juges sur trois ;
si les avis des juges sont tous discordants.
: en cas de phénomène imprévisible ou d'une blessure en début de combat.
Si telle est la décision des juges sur demande du superviseur, parce que les deux athlètes combattent de manière incorrecte ou évitent l'affrontement.
Quand un combattant se retrouve au sol, l'arbitre ordonne à son adversaire d'aller dans le coin neutre, et commence immédiatement à compter de 1 à 10 en langue thaïlandaise.
Si le boxeur qui a envoyé son adversaire à terre n'obéit pas, il arrête de compter, réitère son ordre et attend que ce dernier ait produit son effet pour reprendre le compte des secondes.
Si le boxeur tombé à terre se relève pendant le compte ou bien avant d'être compté 8, il pourra poursuivre.
Si le boxeur tombé à terre n'est pas en état de poursuivre le combat, il doit continuer de compter jusqu'à 10.
Si le boxeur tombé à terre se relève avant d'être compté 10, puis tombe de nouveau, il doit recommencer à compter les secondes.
Si les deux boxeurs tombent à terre :
Il commence à compter et ne s'arrête pas si l'un des deux se relève,
Il déclare le match nul si à 10, aucun des deux boxeurs ne se relève.
Modalités particulières
La cloche ne sauve pas le boxeur hors-combat (du compte des secondes), sauf au dernier round. À la fin du compte des secondes, le boxeur en état de poursuivre le combat sera déclaré vainqueur.
Catégories professionnelles
Catégories officielles du Rajadamnoen: (Au stade du Lumpini les catégories s'arrêtent aux Welters)
Paille (- / -)
Mi-mouche (- / -)
Mouche (- / -)
Super-mouche (- / -)
Coqs (- / -)
Super-coqs (- / -)
Plumes (- / -)
Super-plumes (- / -)
Légers (- / -)
Super-légers (- / -)
Welters (- / -)
Super-welters (- / -)
Moyens (- / -)
En Europe, les catégories sont différentes selon les fédérations et correspondent très souvent aux organismes internationaux de boxes pieds-poings (notamment la WKA, ISKA, et WAKO). Ainsi, il faut rajouter les catégories moins de , moins de , moins de puis les plus de (poids lourds).
Les techniques
L'arsenal technique de percussion et de préhension
L'art du muay-thaï passe par la maîtrise de l'ensemble de la gestuelle. Les techniques de frappe sont les suivantes :
Techniques de percussion :
coups de poing (Mat)
coups de pied (Tei)
Coups de pied pénétrants (Teep)
Coups de genou (Khao)
Coups de coude (Sok)
Techniques de corps-à-corps (Pam) - Saisie : action qui consiste à prendre un coup avec la ou les mains, d'un mouvement rapide pour le tenir et ainsi le contre-attaquer.
Techniques de saisie de tête (Tchap Eo)
Techniques de saisie au corps (Lat Eo)
Techniques de saisie de jambe (Tchap Kha)
Techniques de déplacement et jeux de jambes
Techniques de projection et de fauchage (Paï)
Projection : action qui consiste à projeter le corps de son adversaire afin de sortir d'un corps à corps (sans passage de hanche).
Fauchage : action qui consiste à déséquilibrer ou faire chuter l'adversaire par un coup de pied bas circulaire.
Techniques de parade et d'esquive (Muay bang)
Technique de blocage
Gestes de Blocage (Bang) : action qui consiste à empêcher qu'un coup atteigne son point visé (Blocage avec le bras (main, coude, avant-bras), le genou ou le tibia).
Techniques d'esquive
Mouvement du corps pour éviter adroitement un coup.
Techniques d'esquive sans déplacement des appuis au sol (Yok Toa Lop)
Techniques d'esquive avec déplacement des appuis au sol (Lop Tchak)
Exemple : pour éviter un coup de pied bas (low-kick) ou un middle-kick, retirez le pied puis attaquez en basculant la hanche et la jambe vers l'extérieur ; ensuite ré-enchaîner sur un middle-kick ou coup de pied bas (low-kick).
Type de techniques de parade et d'esquive) (Muay bang)
Bang Mat : parade avec la main (Parade bloquée ou chassée de la main avant ou arrière)
Bang Tei : parade avec la jambe (Parade bloquée de la jambe avant ou arrière)
Bang Sok : parade avec le coude (Parade bloquée du coude avant ou arrière)
Bang Khao : parade avec le genou (Parade bloquée ou chassée du genou avant ou arrière)
Yok Toa Lop : esquive sans déplacement des appuis (Esquive sans déplacement des appuis, latérale, avant, arrière, par flexion du tronc ou par flexion des membres inférieurs)
Lop Tchak : esquive avec déplacement des appuis (esquive avec déplacement d'un des appuis par un pas de retrait, pas de côté, pas de pivot ou par un retrait d'un seul appui).
Dans la fiction
Bande dessinée
Le manga Noritaka, plus humoristique que culturellement essentiel, raconte les débuts d'un jeune lycéen japonais entraîné par une ancienne star du muaythaï aux méthodes plutôt désinvoltes.
Kickboxer (1989), film américain où Jean-Claude Van Damme apprend le Muay Thaï auprès d'un maître thaïlandais pour venger son frère (joué par le grand fulleur, Dennis Alexio), paralysé à la suite d'un combat avec le champion local Tong Po.
Ong-bak (2003) et L'Honneur du dragon (2005), films thaïlandais de Prachya Pinkaew avec Tony Jaa.
Beautiful Boxer (2003), ce film thaïlandais retrace la vie d'une championne de boxe thaï transgenre qui effectue une transition de genre une fois sa carrière terminée. Cette histoire est basée sur l'histoire réelle de la championne Nong Toom.
Le film français Chok dee (2005) (bonne chance, en thaï) raconte la vie de Dida Diafat, jeune délinquant, qui, à force de volonté, est devenu champion du monde de boxe thaïlandaise.
Muay Thai Chaiya (2007), film thaïlandais de Kongkiat Khomsiri. Ce film raconte la vie de trois jeunes qui se lient d'amitié et pratiquent le Muay Thai. Plus tard, ils se rendent à Bangkok afin de devenir des combattants professionnels.
Yamada, la voie du samouraï (2010), film thaïlandais de Nopporn Watin, raconte l'histoire de Yamada Nagamasa, un samouraï japonais secouru par des guerriers siamois qui lui apprennent l'art du muay-thai.
Voir aussi
Sam Berrandou, avec la collaboration de Pascal Madelaine et Jean-Michel Reymond, Manifeste du Muay Thaï [en accès libre], Paris, Académie française de Muay Thaï (AFMT) et Ivry-sur-Seine, la Fédération sportive des ASPTT, 2021
Catherine Choron-Baix (ethnologue), Le Choc des Mondes, édition Kimé, Paris, 1995
Bonomelli, R., Dimarino, S., Thaï boxing. Éditions De Vecchi, Milan, 1998
Dimarino, S., Leçons de kickboxing, Éditions De Vecchi, Paris, 2000
Draeger, D., Smith, R., Asian Fighting Arts, Kodansha International, Tokyo, New York, San Francisco, 1969
Falk, D, La Boxe thaïlandaise, Éditions Judoji, 1990
Paschy, R., Kick-boxing « Muay thaï », Éditions Sedirep, Paris, 1982
Rennesson, S., Les Coulisses du Muay Thai. Anthropologie d'un art martial en Thaïlande, Éditions Les Indes Savantes, Paris, 2013
Royers, F., Kick-boxing, Éditions Sedirep, Paris, 1987
Savodelli, J., Do-Tuong, A., La boxe thaï, Éditions Amphora, Paris, 1989
Pitsaporn Prayukvong et al., Muay thaï, la boxe thaïlandaise authentique, Budo Éditions, Paris, 2004
Krongsak, Muay thaï, boxe thaïlandaise (techniques traditionnelles)
Ouvrages généraux
Rudetski, M., La Boxe, , éditions PUF, Paris, 1974
Alain Delmas :
Lexique de la boxe et des autres boxes, document de formation, Université de Compiègne, 1981-2005
Lexique de combatique, document de formation BPP, Ligue Midi-Pyrénées de BF.S, 1975
Cahiers de formation du moniteur, Ligue de Picardie, Compiègne, 1981
L'Acte d'opposition, Ligue de Picardie, Compiègne, 1981
Les Comportements d'opposition, Mémoire de BEES 2°, Evry, 1978
Technoboxe : fiches techniques de la boxe et des autres boxes, Université d'Aix-Marseille, 1981-2005
Gabrielle & Roland Habersetzer, Encyclopédie des arts martiaux de l'Extrême-Orient, Éditions Amphora, Paris, 2000
Patrick Lombardo, Encyclopédie mondiale des arts martiaux, Éditions E.M., Paris, 1997
Nicolas Poy-Tardieu, Le Guide des arts martiaux et sports de combat, Budo Éditions, 2001
Bushido, documentaire de Josette D. Normandeau qui traite entre autres du muay thaï.
Articles connexes
Glossaire de la boxe et des boxes pieds-poings
Jiu-jitsu brésilien
Liens externes
Le Muay Thaï, un des arts martiaux les plus complets au Monde !
La Bible de la boxe thai, 2017
Fédérations mondiales
Fédérations françaises
Fédération de sports de combat (et arts martiaux) – France (FSC) – Arts martiaux traditionnels et modernes, Activités de self-défense, Activités de fitness-martial, Boxes pieds-poings, Sports pieds-poings-sol, Luttes sportives au corps-à-corps, Activités du handisport - fédération créée en 2002 – Président : Thierry Muccini – Directeur Technique Fédéral : Alain Delmas
Fédération française de kick boxing, muay thaï et disciplines associées (FFKMDA), anciennement la Fédération française de sports de contact (FFSCDA) : muay thaï, Chauss'fight, kick-boxing, K1-rules, pancrase, bando, boxe birmane, kung-fu de contact et sanda, lutte contact, boxe boji - fédération créée en 2008 - Président : Nadir Allouache – Directeur Technique National : Albert Pernet
Académie française de muay-thaï (AFMT) – Président : Jo Prestia – Directeur Technique Fédéral :
Notes et références
Sport en Thaïlande | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 327 |
Product Dimensions: 37"H - Chest: 22", Waist: 20", Hip: 23.25"
Kids Klub series offers a cost effective way to display a complete line of children's clothing. White color, modeled hair and makeup. Fiberglass construction. 4 year old unisex mannequin. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 328 |
Selling out, buying in
It's your money but they waste it
The original Mr Bean
Poor old Vince Cable. Like his party his fortunes are on the way down. The Liberal Democrats look to be stuck as the fourth party in UK politics several points below UKIP for the foreseeable future. While the performance of the LibDem Leader, Nick Clegg, must be responsible for some of this he cannot shoulder all the blame; so attention switches to the coalition Business Secretary, Vince Cable. The National Audit Office says that the Royal Mail privatisation was wrong to sell the shares too cheaply and this has cost the taxpayer £750 million.
However, Cable is very proud of the way he handled the sell-off and has refused to resign. Perhaps we have to feel a little sorry for Cable as way back in late 2007 he was the Leader of his party and in a position to dish it out to Gordon Brown. It was during a debate on defence that Cable said -
The house has noticed the prime minister's remarkable transformation in the past few weeks - from Stalin to Mr Bean.
We now see that having a go at Brown was not only easy, he was a natural target, but the high-water mark for Cable. What a turn-around that Cable now finds himself being biffed by Chuka Umunna, the shadow business secretary.
posted on 3rd April 2014
The Ken Clarke saga
A litmus test - if so, what was being tested?
Clarke, mad hatter No1
There is, we are told, 'no such thing as bad publicity'; well, the higher echelons of David Cameron's world, the inner sanctum and the No10 team, may disagree. Ken Clarke is in trouble over a remark he made about his plan for dealing with rape cases. He made the remark during a BBC radio interview in his capacity as Justice Secretary. There is more to the Clarke case than a second rate politico, well past his sell by date, getting bashed because of this remark. In a typically clumsy way Clarke made a mess of a simple situation. Do remember that Clarke goes by the name 'bruiser', a right wing reply to John Prescott, if it were needed, and perhaps it's not. Some would say the style of politics has moved on. There are two main problems here, the man and the remark. Let's start with the man.
posted on 21st May 2011
Ken Clarke
Cable versus Murdoch
Standards in public life and other stories
If only!
Oh how complicated! The tale of Dr Vince Cable, (see right) the Business Secretary, has enough twists and turns to be, under normal circumstances, the plot of an airport novel. However, with air travel being especially fraught at the moment most readers might prefer the central character to be more deserving of sympathy. For Cable is just self serving and his own worst enemy. Funny how it goes but the last Business Secretary, Peter Mandelson, was the same and mad too. The Daily Telegraph did us all a service when it printed, leaked if you prefer, the details of the MPs expenses' scandal. Just to remind you it was Labour in government then and simple souls might have thought that they were motivated by politics alone; wrong, journalism was the driving force and the fallout, still evident, from that story did damage to parliament and not just one party.
posted on 23rd December 2010 | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 329 |
This file concerns the sale of military equipment to the Middle East. It contains correspondence and memoranda relating to:
The 1973 Middle east arms embargo, following the war between Israel and Arab countries in October 1973; draft papers by the Ministry of Defence (MOD) on the potential damage caused by the embargo to Britain's reputation
HMG's reply to a letter from the Co-Chairman of the Jewish Defence League R J Frank regarding the existence of controls on the transfer of arms supplied by the UK to the Middle East
A Jaguar aircraft demonstration tour in the Middle East during December 1974, including itineraries and background information on the aircraft; a cutting from the Financial Times entitled 'Saudis shown Jaguar fighter', dated 1 December 1975; the Ruler of Dubai Sheikh Mohammad Bin Rashid Al Maktoum's impressions of Jaguar aircraft after flying one; Saudi Arabia's refusal to purchase Jaguar aircraft without permission from HMG allowing resale to Egypt
Requests for a higher degree of professionalism and coordination within the MOD when submitting items for political clearance
The admiration of the Qatari Minister of Defence Sheikh Sa'ad Bin Abdulla Al Sabah for the British Aircraft Corporation's (BAC) training arrangements for the Royal Saudi Air Force (RSAF)
A list of follow-on actions agreed between HMG and Rolls-Royce Limited after Rolls-Royce's marketing presentation in the Middle East in October 1975
An extract from Minister of State David Ennals' speech to Parliament on 14 November 1975, including reference to: efforts by Britain and the US to win Egypt away from the influence of the Soviet Union
A visit of Egyptian President Anwar Sadat to the UK between 6 and 9 November 1975, including speaking notes on the Arab-Israeli conflict, the Palestinians, Zionism, and Lebanon
Portuguese arms sales
A brief for an Economic Summit which will take place between 15 and 17 November 1975, to discuss HMG's policy to encourage the export of defence equipment to friendly governments
David Ennals
Sheikh Sa'ad Al Abdulla Al Sabah
Soviet Union / Russia
Royal Saudi Air Force | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 330 |
Sime Darby Oils Liverpool
Home » Blog » Chester City The UK's First Sustainable Palm Oil City
Chester City The UK's First Sustainable Palm Oil City
Posted June 15, 2018 June 15, 2018 Arjen Constandse
Sustainable palm oil and the fight to save orangutans: UK food industry to gather at first ever Westminster summit in Chester City Zoo
Wildlife such as orangutans being pushed to extinction by unsustainable palm oil production for food and household products
Sustainable palm oil production offers hope for species
Chester Zoo, City of Chester MP Chris Matheson and global experts will host first ever Westminster summit in partnership with food industry leaders
The event is backed by global leaders from the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil, WWF, UK zoo association, Orangutan Land Trust
Chester Zoo and Matheson are pioneering a campaign to make Chester the UK's first Sustainable Palm Oil City
The initiative will now be unveiled nationally for the first time, in a bid to inspire the wider use of sustainable palm oil
Leading experts from the UK's food industry will gather at a major summit in Westminster to tackle the agricultural deforestation that is driving wildlife such as orangutans towards extinction. It is the first major gathering ever held at the Houses of Parliament to unite wide-ranging experts on the issue - from across the food industry, the conservation community, and British politics.
Conservationists from Chester Zoo - organizing the event - will discuss the damage to rainforests caused by unsustainable palm oil production and the benefits that sustainable production can bring. The event on 13 June - created by the zoo in association with partners EFECA, experts in sustainable forest and agriculture advice - is hosted by City of Chester MP Chris Matheson and supported by the WWF-UK, The Orangutan Land Trust, The British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums and the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO).
Chester City welcomes food industry leaders
Backed by key players in the sustainable palm oil industry who will share insight into sustainable production methods and availability of sustainable palm oil, the talks will also highlight collaborative efforts across the sustainable palm oil industry and bring together environmental NGO's, the RSPO, food service providers, animal feed providers and leading UK retailers.
Palm oil is a widely used ingredient in UK food and household items. Unsustainable production is destroying rainforests in South East Asia, home to species such as critically endangered Bornean and Sumatran orangutans. As public awareness of the problem has grown, so too have calls to boycott palm oil entirely from supply chains. Yet if produced sustainably, palm oil is a highly efficient crop. Switching to other oils can cause even greater environmental damage.
The UK Government's 25 Year Environment Plan, unveiled this year, backed the sustainable palm oil solution. Cat Barton, Field Programmes Manager at Chester Zoo, said: "Unsustainable palm oil is causing terrible damage to the rainforest homes of orangutans and many other species. But to boycott palm oil and increase the demand for other, less efficient oils, could have a negative impact on wildlife in other areas of the world.
Oil palms are highly productive and the yield per square kilometer is higher than for any other edible oil. Growing oil palms is the most efficient use of land, producing more yield per hectare than oils such as rapeseed and coconut. This means that palm oil has the potential to be very environmentally friendly if it is grown sustainably.
Bringing together key players from across the food industry and conservation community is vital if we are to work together to solve this crisis and be part of the solution. Action is critical and urgent. There is no more relevant place to tackle this issue than the home of British politics – the Houses of Parliament – supported primarily by our own City of Chester MP Chris Matheson.
Chester Zoo, supported by Chris Matheson MP and a host of partners, are behind a pioneering campaign to make Chester City the UK's first Sustainable Palm Oil City. The scheme will be unveiled to a national audience of experts for the first time at the 13 June Westminster convention.
Mr Matheson added: "I will always champion Chester City and the people here. When the zoo told me about this idea, I knew it would be another opportunity for our city to shine. This project is not just about Chester City though, it is about the planet and that's why I will do everything I can to support the zoo to lead the world and change it for the better."
The Westminster event in Chester City is supported by New Britain Oils.
Chester Zoo ( is a registered conservation and education charity that supports projects around the world and closer to home in Cheshire. Welcoming over 1.8 million visitors a year, it is the most visited zoo in the UK; home to over 21,000 animals from around 500 different species, many of which are endangered in the wild
Chester Zoo is the UK's most visited tourist attraction outside London, according to the Association of Leading Visitor Attractions (ALVA)
In August 2017 the zoo was named the UK's best zoo and the third best zoo in the world by users of travel website, TripAdvisor
Through its wildlife conservation campaign, Act for Wildlife, the zoo is helping to save highly threatened species around the world from extinction. Find out more at
FACEBOOK: / TWITTER: @chesterzoo
⟵Rainforest Alliance Sustainable Pathfinder Award
Why is it so hard to sell sustainable palm oil?⟶
Address: 45 Derby Road Kirkdale,
Liverpool, L20 8DY
New Britain Palm Oil Limited
Sime Darby Plantation
Sime Daby Oils
© Copyright 2019 Sime Darby Oils Liverpool Refinery Ltd. | Call us on 0151 922 4875 | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 331 |
/ Monthlong festival celebrates 'Reel Latin America' Director from Chile will lecture, attend film screenings
Director Diego Rougier will attend screenings of two of his movies and talk about the film industry in Argentina and Chile during the University of Louisville's free, public "Reel Latin America" Film Festival Oct. 6-Nov. 1.
The 23rd annual festival offers multiple screenings of nine films in Spanish with English subtitles. Locations will be Ekstrom Library's Room 104W and Swain Student Activities Center's Floyd Theater on UofL's Belknap Campus in addition to the downtown Muhammad Ali Center, 114 N. Sixth St.
This year's offerings are from Uruguay, Argentina, Mexico, Colombia, Guatemala, Peru, Chile and the United States. UofL faculty or staff members with expertise in film or the movies' social justice themes will introduce the films and lead discussions after the screenings.
Rougier's talk will begin at 7 p.m. Oct. 24 in Room W104, Ekstrom Library. He also will lead discussions after the Oct. 20 screening of his 2011 "Sal: The Film" at 7 p.m. in Floyd Theater, Swain Student Activities Center, and the Oct. 22 screening of his 2015 film "Alma (Soul)," starting at 7 p.m. at the Muhammad Ali Center. The Argentinian TV series and film director-writer, who now lives in Chile, is co-owner of the Picardia Films production company. His "Sal: The Film," considered the first Chilean Western, received more than 60 prizes in international film festivals.
The Spanish section of UofL's classical and modern languages department organizes the film festival in conjunction with the Spanish language newspaper Al Dia en America.
For a listing of the festival films, descriptions, times, locations and additional sponsors, check
For more information, contact Manuel Medina, classical and modern languages, at 502-419-6114, 502-852-0501 or | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 332 |
Meopham School – Copywriting
SEA has an established relationship with the Swale Academies Trust and as such, when Meopham School joined, we were involved in reviewing and developing their marketing materials. The first essential project was to create a prospectus to engage the local rural community and to encourage them to consider Meopham School as their first choice. A design was selected and a page plan and wordcount agreed on which to base the copy. Our copywriter spent time with the team to understand the school's unique offer and drafted and refined the key messages within the copy.
The school has subsequently updated the prospectus with new client-supplied images, but retaining much of the original copy.
Preview the Meopham School prospectus copy on page turning software.
SEA has an established relationship with the Swale Academies Trust and as such, when Meopham…
NCS Technology – Copywriting
During the rebrand from Network and Cabling to NCS Technology, SEA were fortunate to work…
Swale Skills Centre – Copywriting
As part of a multi-faceted campaign for Swale Skills Centre, SEA supported them with copywriting… | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 333 |
With high fusarium levels threatening the quality of this year's wheat crop, Peter Johnson, cereal specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food, is urging farmers to take the grain off early so as to minimize the growth and spread of the disease.
That's all good and well, say farmers, but the crop is still quite green. Can I spray it with glyphosate to speed up the dry down process? Well, yes and no. As Johnson outlines in this video, a pre-harvest glyphosate application is only safe if done once the crop has reached physiological maturity so that none of the chemical will translocate to the kernels. How do you know when the wheat is, in fact, physiologically mature? There are two indicators: stem colour and the thumbnail imprint test. Johnson walks you through both in the video below.
Click here for all our Wheat School episodes.
I am assuming that organic wheat gets no glysophate spraying at all, either before spraying or during any maturation of kernels. That is what I am counting on.
So putting Glyphosate on Plants pre harvest is dangerous because it gets in the plant cells. Then why are we using Glyphosate on all the staple crops in the USA pre harvest ? GMO crops get RoundUp sprayed on them multiple times . If you buy GMO Free Organic they do not get sprayed with Glyphosate.
The concern with a too-early glyphosate application is an agronomic one, not a food/human safety issue.
Sprayed too early, and the glyphosate translocates (moves to) and impacts the kernel's ability to germinate. This is an issue if the seed were destined to be used to plant the next crop (it wouldn't work very well) and it negatively impacts yield. All crops are held to strict maximum residue limits (MRLs). A crop sprayed with glyphosate must meet these limits.
What are the limits? What scientific study determined what is an acceptable level of toxins in the wheat? How do you control when the farmer sprays?
As Larry has stated, what is your evidence that glyphosphate is not a food/human safety issue?
This is ridiculous and the reason I never purchase commercial white flour or any wheat products that are made by robin hood or rogers!!!!!
And what the heck does a minister of agriculture know. Well, he knows, that his pockets get lined with lotsa cash if he sides with monsanto.
Oh and this statement…."a pre-harvest glyphosate application is only safe if done once the crop has reached physiological maturity so that none of the chemical will translocate to the kernels". THERE IS NOTHING SAFE ABOUT GLYPHOSATE PEOPLE. This is a load of absolute bureaucratic bunk. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 334 |
Most of us cyclists need all the upper body exercise we can get. Thus the dozen or two occasional strokes of the floor pump to inflate a 'cross tire is often welcomed exercise for the little-used biceps and triceps.
But come cyclocross season, perhaps the strain of pumping up the tires of your race bike, spare wheels, pit bike, buddy's bike, and maybe your whole team's quiver gets a bit tiring. Or have you gone mad pumping as fast as you can to seat a tubeless tire? Or maybe you're just tired of imprecise gauges and pumps and want an upgrade to the latest and greatest? Or do the extra pump strokes required by your high-pressure road tires nearly give you a stroke of your own?
If any of these scenarios apply to you, the Prestaflator may be your next must-have gadget. The Prestflator is a presta valve tire inflator for precise tire inflation when using an air compressor. So it alone won't solve your problems, but when combined with the compressor of your choice, it'll make you the most popular guy or gal on your team.
The prestaflator offers an easy-to-read analog guage, an 18″ hose, a heavy-duty Silca-like presta chuck, and a trigger that offers small bursts for precise inflation in 2 psi increments or less. And despite the name, the Prestaflator can also be used with schraeder valves with a secure, threaded connection.
The unit is fully rebuildable, and replacement o-rings and washers are available.
Stay tuned as we put ours through the test during the next round of bike tests, tubeless conversions, and tubular gluing. Our first, eco-friendly test: Will it also work with an old floor pump and an intern pumping furiously? | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 335 |
A Storage Seal with the stress limiters disabled. Takes the object stored and releases the object's pulped remains. Macerator v1 seal can generate forces up to 30 MPa, particle sizes of whatever you want down to 100 micrometers (sawdust), and velocities of up to 10m/s (~22mph).
See Jello_Raptor's original post for examples of what various sizes, velocities, etc would mean in practice.
Macerator v2 allows exertion of force up to 50 MPa, can generate particles as small as 50 micrometers, and can eject them at a speed of up to 20m/s (~45 mph).
Do we even know what radioactivity is?
This would be super annoying to everyone involved. They probably wouldn't be all that hurt by it, but imagine being covered in superglue in the middle of combat. You basically have to rip your skin apart to move since the glue will make it stick to everything.
We could use this for dynamic entrances or something? | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 336 |
self-taught artist, sandy karsten, began her art career in woodworking and wood crafts over 20 years ago. through these early creations she developed and refined her love for texture and depth in art. her recent passions center around watercolor and painted paper collages and in particular, animal portraits in these media.
sandy's painted paper collages are lovingly created by hand-painting slivers of recycled paper and then carefully applying them to canvas or wood cradle boards. the result is a rich mix of texture and color, depicting a variety of subjects - including animals, birds, fruit, and holiday scenes and characters. her magical watercolors are no less amazing and capture the spirit of beloved pets, nostalgic homes or a precious child in luscious watercolor.
sandy karsten was born and raised in St. Louis, MO where she continues to create pieces for all to enjoy. her juried work is featured in shows and is on display across the Midwest and continues to shine happily on the walls of many homes in the US, England, Germany and Australia. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 337 |
Parasites > Animalia > Arthropoda > Insecta > Lepidoptera > Ditrysia > Gracillarioidea > Gracillariidae > Phyllocnistinae > Phyllocnistis > Phyllocnistis unipunctella
Phyllocnistis unipunctella
Phyllocnistis unipunctella (Stephens, 1834)
poplar bent-wing
on Populus
Populus nigra, Hungary, Budapest © László Érsek
larva in the mine
larva, ventral
Populus x canadensis, Nieuwendam
Populus nigra cv. 'Italica, Belgium, prov. Liège, Sclessin: cocoon, always at the leaf margin © Jean-Yves Baugnée
Populus nigra cv. 'Italica, Belgium, Liège: often the larvae are exposed to the glaring sun, with no other protection the the plant's cuticle © Jean-Yves Baugnée
Very long, broad, epidermal corridor that winds in dense loops over the upper side of the leaf without crossing itself. Frass in a continuous, extremely vague central line. The mine ends at the leaf margin, where the corridor is slightly widened, and in which some silk is deposited. When this dries the the leaf margin somewhat folds over this pupal chamber, since it is here that pupation takes place.
The mine has a strong resemblance to the trail of dried mucus left by a small snail, which has given the mine its Dutch name of "snail-trail mine".
Salicaceae, monophagous
Populus balsamifera, x canadensis, carolinensis, euphratica, gileadensis, nigra & cv. 'Italica', simonii, suaveolens, trichocarpa.
Records of P. alba probably are due to confusion with Phyllocnistis xenia; records P. tremula hebben may in fact refer to Ph. labyrinthella.
Until perhaps the year 2000 there were two generations, with larvae in June – July and August – September (Emmet,1985b). Currently, there are at least three generations, the first one already in April; see note below.
BE recorded (Phegea, 2009).
NE recorded (Kuchlein & de Vos, 1999a;, 2009).
LUX recorded (Fauna Europaea, 2009).
distribution within Europe
All Europe (Bond, 2001a; Fauna Europaea, 2009).
Phyllocnistis suffusella (Zeller, 1847).
recent studies have demonstrated the existence of two types of larvae. Those of the first generation mine already in April, predominantly at the underside of the leaves; these larvae have in their third instar an unpigmented prothoracic plate. The larvae of the subsequent second and third generation mine the upper side of the leaves; in their third instar these larvae have the prothoracic plate darkly pigmented (Jordan, Langmaid & Doorenweerd, 2016a).
Abras, Fassotte, Chandelier & Cavelier (2008a), Amsel & Hering (1931a), Arru (1996a), Bengtsson & Johansson (2011a), Bond (2001a), Braggion (2013a), Buhr (1935b, 1936a, 1964a), Buszko (1981a, 1992b), Charles, Nef, Allegro, ao (2014a), Corley, Maravalhas & Passos de Carvalho (2006a), Corley, Rosete, Gonçalves ao (2016a), Csóka (2003a), Delplanque (1998a), Deutsch (2017a), Deutschmann (2008a), Drăghia (1968a, 1971a, 1972a, 1974a), Emmet (1985b), van Frankenhuyzen & Freriks (1969a), van Frankenhuyzen & Houtman (1972a), van Frankenhuyzen Houtman & Kabos (1982a), Grandi (1931a, 1933a), Haase (1942a), Hartig (1939a), Hering (1923a, 1930b, 1957a), Huber (1969a), Huemer (1986b), Jaworski (2009a), Jordan, Langmaid & Doorenweerd (2016a), Kasy (1965a), Klimesch (1950c, 1957a), Kollár (2007a), Kollár & Hrubík (2009a), Kuchlein & Donner (1993a), Kuchlein & de Vos (1999a), Kvičala (1938a), A & Z Laštůvka (2011a), Lhomme (1934d), Lüders (1990a), Maček (1999a), Martynova (1955a), Matošević, Pernek, Dubravac & Barić (2009a), Parenti & Varalda (2000a), Patočka (2001a), Patočka & Turčáni (2005a), De Prins (1998a, 2016a), Robbins (1991a), Schütze (1931a), Sefrová (2005a), Skala (1951a), Sønderup (1949a), Stammer (2016a), Starý (1930a), Szőcs (1977a, 1978a, 1981a), Ureche (2010a), Zoerner (1969a).
Phyllocnistis unipunctella larva
Phyllocnistis unipunctella pupa
Last modified 9.xii.2019 | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 338 |
Remains of Missing Ozarks WWII Soldier Found in Germany, Returning to USA at Long Last for Burial
KSMU | By Jennifer Moore
Published July 6, 2012 at 2:41 PM CDT
John Hogan was a gunner on a B-17 when his plane was shot down over Germany in World War II. (Photo courtesy of Dr. Ed Hogan)
In 1944, the town of West Plains was dealt a serious blow when it received word from the War Department that one of its brightest and most promising young men had gone missing after his B-17 Bomber fell out of formation on a mission over Germany. But his family never learned all of the details of his presumed death, and his body was never accounted for…until now, that is.
Reporter standup: "I'm standing right now in the Oak Lawn Cemetery in West Plains, and right before me is a modest grave marker that simply reads 'John E. Hogan, Died in Action.' It has a pair of wings and a propeller engraved on it. But this grave is empty—the stone is nothing more than a marker to remember the young soldier who had hopes of finishing up his time at the University of Missouri and going onto graduate school to become a field biologist.
Now, nearly 70 years after Hogan's plane went down over Germany, the Department of Defense says his remains have finally been found and his relatives notified."
"John and I grew up on the tail end of the horse and buggy days. I don't mean there weren't cars—there were. But there were also an awful lot of horses and people comin' to town in horse-drawn wagons," says Jack McNevin. He served in the Marines in WWII, and he played football with John Hogan in high school.
The two young men graduated in 1942, a few months after the attack on Pearl Harbor. Their futures had a cloud of ambiguity hanging over them.
"We all knew in 1941—December in 1941—we all knew that, sooner or later, everybody who was eligible was going to go [into the service]," he said.
McNevin recalls being stationed in the Pacific theatre with his fellow Marines when he heard the news about his former classmate.
"I just remember that in one of the letters my mom wrote, she just said that they'd gotten word that John Hogan's plane was shot down, and he was missing, and presumed dead," McNevin said.
It was September of 1944. All the Army was able to confirm was that Hogan's B-17, on which he was a gunner, fell out of formation on a mission over Germany. Hogan's plane was never seen or heard from again by his squadron. The squadron had come under anti-aircraft fire on its bombing mission on the oil refineries of Merseburg. One crew member parachuted out and became a POW; the rest were presumed dead.
Nine years later, his parents received a letter from the Department of the Army telling them that an American investigation had searched for their son's body in cemeteries in Belgium, France and Germany.
The letter reads:
"After a careful review of all of the pertinent facts in this case, and the negative results of the investigations, the Department of the Army has been forced to conclude that the remains of your loved one are not recoverable...May the knowledge of your son's honorable service to his country be a source of sustaining comfort to you."
Fast forward to the 1990s. Jessica Pierno is a spokeswoman at the Defense Prisoner of War/Missing Personnel Office, or the DPMO.
"In 1991, a German citizen was digging a grave in a cemetery for one of his own family members. And as he was doing his work, he discovered a metal identification tag that was from a US soldier," she said.
Those dog tags were handed over to German officials, and the American government was notified. But due to what she calls "a lot of red tape" surrounding German law on graves, it took 17 years before US investigators could bring up the remains.
"They were able to excavate that entire site, and recover remains from what we believe to be the rest of the crew members," Pierno said.
US investigators contacted John Hogan's relative and asked for a DNA sample. It was a match, confirming that his remains had finally been positively identified. Now, US government is able to confirm that four of the eight missing crew members have been identified through DNA.
John Hogan was the brother of the late Judge Robert E. Hogan, who sat for many years on the bench at the Missouri Court of Appeals in Springfield, and the cousin of the late Springfield businessman, Jack Hogan, of the Hogan Land Title Company.
Today, Judge Hogan's son, Ed Hogan, is a neurologist with Washington University in Saint Louis.
"I do know my family was close. I do know how hard that was for them to give up one of their family members—for my dad and his brother. I'm very appreciative that things have come up, and that we know, and that they've brought his remains back. I just really wish it would have happened when my dad was still alive," Hogan says.
John Hogan made up to 15 bombing missions over Europe on the B-17, the "Flying Fortress." It was the main bomber used by the Americans over Nazi Germany.
Another man who knew Hogan in high school is Joe Spears, also of West Plains. He, too, was a gunner on the B-17 in the European theatre.
"We were kind of a cocky group. We had had it drilled into us that we were invincible. That was before we discovered that we weren't," he says.
Spears and Hogan didn't fly together—Spears was based in southern Italy, and Hogan in England. But Spears says the crew members of a B-17 respected each other tremendously, and boy, did they revere their airplane.
"I went to Wright Patterson Air Museum in Dayton, Ohio. And one of the attendants at the Museum told me it was not unusual for an older person to come in and put his arms around the B-17 and cry like a baby. Because it was…there I go again…you can't explain it. We swore by them," Spears says, holding back tears.
He says the sight of 28 B-17 Bombers flying in formation was an "awesome sight," that the planes could come in full of gaping holes and still make a perfect landing. The B-17 flew at an altitude close to 30,000 feet, he says.
"We wore silk gloves under our electric, heated gloves, so that if you had to yank your glove off to work on a gun, your hand wouldn't freeze to the metal. If you didn't have the silk glove on, it would freeze…absolutely freeze. And when you pulled it off, you left the skin. And we wore all of the clothes we could get on, and were still cold," Spears recalls.
John Hogan's parents and brothers never did learn what happened to his body. Jack McNevin worked with John's mother in the West Plains post office.
"I do remember her. She was a very quiet woman, a very attractive woman. And she never did recover, completely, from not knowing where my boy is," McNevin said.
The DPMO estimates that of the 16 million Americans who served in World War Two, 73,000 of them are still unaccounted for.
But John Hogan has just been marked off that list. 68 years after his young body shipped out to war, it will finally be returning stateside; he's scheduled to be laid to rest in Arlington National Cemetery in August with full military honors.
Local HistoryJohn HoganB-17 "Flying Fortress"West Plains
Jennifer Moore
As News Director, Jennifer oversees news gathering and production for KSMU-Ozarks Public Radio; in her role as Content Coordinator, she makes sure all programs on KSMU, including those produced locally, nationally, and internationally, flow seamlessly over the air. She trains the student reporters and announcers and hosts the monthly program Engaging the Community. Follow her on Twitter @jennwritesmoore.
See stories by Jennifer Moore | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 339 |
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HomeRegional NewsMillennium Ponds on track for summer opening
Millennium Ponds on track for summer opening
By Josh Hoffman
Friday, Jun. 6th, 2014
The slides have been ordered for the soon-to-be-finished $1.2 million aqua park in Castlegar.
Director of Civic Works Chris Barlow says they've had some great progress with the Millennium Park Ponds Project and the major components are done.
Barlow explains the sand is down and the liners have been put in with some minor areas still left to be installed.
Barlow adds mechanical and electrical work still need to be completed as they wait for the slides to be delivered and installed.
The slides will work as connectors between the three ponds.
The park is expected to open late next month. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 341 |
There are various considerations to be made relating to the very gratifying and fulfilling vocation of physical therapy. These considerations should be made before even beginning your career journey. While it is intriguing and complicated, the road to become a physical therapist can be a daunting one with several difficulties. This content should provide you some terrific understanding into what it will take to become a physical therapist.
The fundamental role of a physical therapist is to help individuals who have lost the use of their body due to injury or disability, gain that function back. Challenges are common for this field because of the sensitive nature of the work. Be sure you take this into consideration.
As a physical therapist you could work with people experiencing intense medical conditions such as Parkinson's Disease, and brain or spinal chord injuries. These conditions require very specific therapy. You will have to acquire the competency to manage these clients over time. This demands patience and perseverance.
While it is possible to become a physical therapy assistant and progress from this position using a Bachelor's degree, it is recommended that one acquire a postgraduate degree in a medical field. A strong educational foundation is essential, particularly in neurology, to understand the disorders and how to treat them.
Make sure to receive admission info from Sacaton AZ schools early in the process!
One of the most critical steps to become a physical therapist is to obtain experience in the field. It is essential to undertake a postgraduate residency after graduating; even so, it is advised that people seek volunteer work in rehab centers during undergraduate study. You are even better off if the office concentrates on neurological therapy, which should help you to achieve even greater practical experience. These volunteer hours can contribute in the direction of your post grad residency.
Locating a mentor is going to be crucial when taking part in graduate school. The expertise and advice a mentor can offer is priceless. This information can prepare you for what to expect as a physical therapist.
Among the final steps to become a physical therapist is to obtain state certification. In each state you will be expected to carry out licensing exams for certified physical therapy associations before having the ability to practice. In fact, one can only practice as a licensed therapist once licensed in a minimum of two separate states. Don't be dissuaded by the challenge. The satisfaction of a rewarding occupation is well worth it. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 342 |
HSE chiefs 'failed to fully investigate child sexual abuse claims'
Relates to:
ALLEGATIONS of sexual and physical abuse made by children in care were not fully investigated by health chiefs, scathing reports have found.
The impact of domestic violence on youngsters was also ignored by staff while some failed to properly assess family members as foster carers.
The criticisms were unveiled in a series of reports that examined the care given to children and young people in the years before they died between 2010 and 2012.
Sixty young people died in state care, after-care, or while known to HSE child protection services.
More than 20 were from natural causes, 16 were suicides, 14 were accidents, six deaths were caused by drugs, and three people were murdered.
Dr Helen Buckley said she uncovered some disturbing findings in a small number of reports that she examined.
But she said her greatest concern was for the seven girls and nine young men who died by suicide. The youngest was just 13 years old.
"The significant number of young people that took their own lives highlights the need for staff to be vigilant about any indications of suicidal behaviour or ideation," said Dr Buckley, chair of the National Review Panel (NRP).
The three-year review by the NRP also found a record 23 children died last year who were in care, after-care or known to social services.
Most recent figures show 17 young people have died so far this year while known to HSE child protection services.
Dr Buckley said one teenager whose case she examined had died by suicide, and was "invisible" to social services despite spending most of his life in state care.
A review into the death of the 18-year-old revealed his basic physical, emotional and psychological needs were never met over the years.
A review of his case found no serious effort had been made to assess his safety and welfare on the rare occasions when social workers met him as a child.
"This was a poorly managed case at every level," stated the review.
Reports on 24 of the 60 deaths and serious incidents found there was a delay in allocating social workers in 50pc of cases.
In three cases, allegations of abuse against relative foster carers were not investigated properly, and two separate child sex abuse accusations were not fully probed.
Paul Harrison, with the HSE Children and Family Services, said there is huge pressure on the system, as the number of referrals has soared.
He warned that more community involvement is needed to tackle problems in the home at an early stage.
News paper article
abuse in foster care | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 343 |
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Tag Archives: Reba McEntire
Reba McEntire to Receive Inaugural "Career Maker Award" From Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame
One week after being named an honoree at the upcoming Kennedy Center Honors ceremony, Reba McEntire will be getting another distinguished award. The Nashville Songwriters Hall of Fame announced that Reba will be the recipient of the inaugural Career Maker Award for her "significant influence on the songwriting careers of Hall of Fame members." Reba…… MORE
Reba McEntire Named 2018 Kennedy Center Honoree for Lifetime Artistic Achievement
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts announced that Reba McEntire will be one of the four honorees at the 2018 Kennedy Center Honors. Reba will follow in the hallowed footsteps of past Kennedy honorees Merle Haggard, Dolly Parton, Willie Nelson, Loretta Lynn and more. "The Kennedy Center Honors recognizes exceptional artists who…… MORE
Hey Reba, Dolly Parton Says "We Certainly Should Sing Something Together"
Queens of country music Dolly Parton and Reba McEntire are two of the most decorated female country artist of all time, winning a combined 10 Grammy Awards, 16 CMA Awards and 19 ACM Awards. It's only natural that we want to see the Country Music Hall of Fame members collaborate, à la George Strait and…… MORE
Country Stars Share Their Fourth of July Sentiments on Social Media, Including Reba, Dolly, Zac Brown, Jake Owen & More
As we celebrate the Fourth of July with family and friends, let's be sure to remember those who lost their lives protecting our freedom and thank those who serve or have served in our Armed Forces. Many country stars shared their Fourth of July sentiments on social media today, including Reba McEntire, Dolly Parton, Zac…… MORE
Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, Kacey Musgraves & More Donate Auction Items for Girls Rock Camp Alliance
The Girls Rock Camp Alliance, a nonprofit that supports summer camps and music education programs for female, transgender and gender non-conforming youth, is hosting an auction that features items donated by Dolly Parton, Reba McEntire, Kacey Musgraves, Amanda Shires and more. The Girls Rock Reverb Charity Auction opens on May 10, offering bidders the chance…… MORE
Reba McEntire Says ACM Entertainer of the Year Award Is Like the "All-Around Cowboy"
This ain't Reba McEntire's first rodeo. As Reba saddles up to host the ACM Awards for the 15th time on April 15, she knows the biggest award of the night is Entertainer of the Year. It's an award she won in 1994 after previous nominations in 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990, 1991, 1992 and 1993. Five…… MORE
Reba and Brooks & Dunn Can't Get Enough of Las Vegas as They Extend Residency Again
You can never have too much of a good thing . . . especially in Vegas. On that note, dig this: Reba McEntire and Brooks & Dunn have extended their Sin City residency—Reba, Brooks & Dunn: Together in Vegas—with 12 new dates at The Colosseum at Caesars Palace in 2018. In addition to the previously…… MORE
Watch Reba Surprise Lauren Alaina, Brett Young & Midland With ACM Awards for New Artists of the Year
The Academy of Country Music announced a trio of ACM Awards winners in the New Female, New Male and New Group of the Year categories. New Female Vocalist of the Year Lauren Alaina WINNER Danielle Bradbery Carly Pearce RaeLynn New Male Vocalist of the Year Brett Young WINNER Kane Brown Luke Combs Devin Dawson Russell…… MORE
Reba McEntire Returns to Host 53rd ACM Awards for First Time Since 2012
Reba is back. Reba McEntire will return as the host of the upcoming 53rd ACM Awards on April 15 in Las Vegas. The gig will mark Reba's 15th time as the emcee, her first since 2012 when she teamed with Blake Shelton. JUST ANNOUNCED: @Reba McEntire will host this year's 53rd annual @ACMawards on April…… MORE
Reba McEntire to Announce Nominees for the ACM Awards on March 1
Reba McEntire will appear on CBS This Morning on March 1 at 8 a.m. ET to announce some of the nominees for the 53rd ACM Awards. Reba will also appear live via her Facebook page prior to CBS This Morning to announce the nominees for Song of the Year. Additional nominees will be announced on…… MORE
8 Country Stars Who Have Sold Their Deep-Fried Souls to the Fast-Food Devil, Including Reba, Darius, Scotty, Kix & More
From pickups to makeup, country stars pitch a plethora of products as television commercial spokespersons. But how many have danced with the Devil to pitch the perilous powers of fast food? Well, we're glad you asked, because we found more than a few who have sold their deep-fried souls for a song and dance, including…… MORE
Photo Gallery: Grammy Awards Red Carpet, Including Reba, Thomas Rhett (+ His Shoes), Little Big Town and More
Before the trophies were handed out at the 2018 Grammy Awards on Jan. 28, a number of stars walked the red carpet, including a country contingent of Reba McEntire, Thomas Rhett, Chris Stapleton, Emmylou Harris, Brothers Osborne, Alison Krauss, Little Big Town, The Secret Sisters, Kelly Clarkson and Lady Antebellum's Dave Haywood and Charles Kelley.…… MORE
Watch Reba McEntire Play Colonel Sanders in New Kentucky Fried Chicken Ad
Reba McEntire is no chicken . . . she's a colonel. Reba is the latest celebrity to assume the identity of Colonel Harland Sanders in a KFC ad spot. Over the last few years, a number of actors have donned the Colonel's white suit and black sting bow tie for the gig, including Rob Lowe,…… MORE
Everything You Need to Know About Tonight's "CMA Country Christmas" Television Special
After seven years with Jennifer Nettles as the emcee, CMA Country Christmas will turn to Reba McEntire to host its eighth annual showcase. The two-hour holiday music celebration, which was taped at Nashville's Grand Ole Opry House on Nov. 14, airs tonight (Nov. 27). Here's everything you need to know, including times, channel, performers, highlights,…… MORE
51st CMA Awards to Feature 4 Collaborative Performances
The Country Music Association announced four collaborative performances set to take the stage at the 51st CMA Awards on Nov. 8. The pairings include: Kelsea Ballerini and Reba McEntire Dierks Bentley and Rascal Flatts Maren Morris and Niall Horan Brad Paisley and Kane Brown The all-star event also includes performances by Garth Brooks, Brothers Osborne,…… MORE
Reba McEntire's Faith-Based Album Wins a Dove Award
Reba McEntire can add another trophy to her mantle—if she has room. Reba's 2017 double-disc album, Sing It Now: Songs of Faith and Hope, won the Dove Award for Bluegrass/Country/Roots Album of the Year. The 48th annual Dove Awards on Oct. 17 recognized the work of Christian artists in a range of music genres. "It's…… MORE
Country Rising: Carrie Underwood, Garth Brooks, George Strait, Reba, Jason Aldean, Sam Hunt & More to Perform at Nashville Hurricane Benefit
Some of country music's biggest stars—including Jason Aldean, Dierks Bentley, Garth Brooks, Sam Hunt, Lady Antebellum, Little Big Town, Martina McBride, Reba McEntire, Chris Stapleton, George Strait and Carrie Underwood—will be taking part in a benefit concert to support those affected by the recent hurricanes. The star-studded lineup will perform on Nov. 12 at Nashville's…… MORE
Reba McEntire Celebrates 40th Anniversary of Opry Debut With Surprise Appearances by Dolly Parton & Carrie Underwood
Reba McEntire celebrated the 40th anniversary of her Grand Ole Opry debut with two shows last night (Sept. 22)—and two surprise guests: Dolly Parton and Carrie Underwood. If was a full circle moment for Reba, as she was upstaged by Dolly during her Opry debut on Sept. 17, 1977. "First time I ever sang on…… MORE
Reba McEntire to Host 8th Annual "CMA Country Christmas" TV Special & Release New Holiday Music
After seven years with Jennifer Nettles as the emcee, CMA Country Christmas will turn to Reba McEntire to host its eight annual showcase. The two-hour holiday music celebration, which will be taped at Nashville's Grand Ole Opry House on Nov. 14, will air on ABC on Nov. 27 at 7 p.m. CT. "Christmas is such…… MORE
Social Media Roundup: Reba McEntire's Luggage Overload, Big & Rich's Cure for the Midweek Blues, Gary Allan's Lockjaw Lamp & More
If you don't have time to comb through social media all day, here's what you've been missing over the last 24 hours or so in the country music world: Reba McEntire arrives at the airport with a lot of luggage. Gary Allan buys an interesting new lamp. Willie Nelson shares a video of his sister on…… MORE | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 345 |
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Joseph ("Joe") Tosi jointed Oxford Realty Services, Inc. in 2006, where he currently serves as Senor Vice President. Joe supports a wide range of corporate and industrial clients with leasing, dispositions, and tenant representation services, with a focus on office, tech and biotech industries.
Over the past two years, he has been a top producer at Oxford, closing over 130 transactions encompassing 700,000 SF with a total value of $80 million. Mr. Tosi is a diligent professional, well respected within the industry for his commitment to ethical standards and having an excellent track record of adding value to his clients' real estate portfolios.
Keen market knowledge and strategic ability has led Joe to become a go-to professional for developing marketing campaigns for office and mixed-use projects throughout the region. Mr. Tosi is currently representing some of the region's largest corporations and institutions. A select client list includes University of Pittsburgh, PNC Bank, The RMR Group, Siemens, Mosites Development Co., AIReS, Gateway Engineers, and RDC, Inc. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 347 |
We love our Sunday School!
Kids are excited to grow in their relationship with Jesus and with each other!
Grace has a heart for Special Needs Ministry. Mrs. Hensen loves her students. This class consists of high school & adult aged students.
Children with Special Needs are mainstreamed into our children's classes at the level their parents are most comfortable.
Sunday School continues throughout the summer months. We give our "regular" teachers the summer off and different facilitators lead each week with a special summer curriculum. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 348 |
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But foes contend that would amount to cultural genocide. They grew to love him as they nursed him through the shakes and sweats of withdrawal. Today, Byron Griffin is a chubby-cheeked toddler of 3 and an unwitting symbol of the furor that can erupt when white parents try to adopt black children.
America Foster care, sexual abuse, trauma A biracial year old boy named America, who has experienced a difficult life of foster care and sexual abuse, undergoes counseling to help him come to terms with his painful past of childhood trauma, including growing up with and abandoned by a crack-addicted mother and being shuffled through a series of foster homes.
Antwone Fisher Based on a real person, foster care, abuse, sexual abuse Antwone Fisher, a young navy man, is forced to see a psychiatrist after a violent outburst against a fellow crewman.
During the course of treatment a painful past is revealed and a new hope begins. Any Day Now Custody case, adoption, LGBT issues, substance abuse In the s, a gay couple fights a biased legal system to keep custody of a teenager with Down Syndrome who has been abandoned by his mother.
A Beautiful Mind Mental illness After a brilliant but asocial mathematician accepts secret work in cryptography, his life takes a turn for the nightmarish. The Blind Side Foster care, drug abuse, success story, based on real person The story of Michael Oher, a homeless and traumatized boy who became an All American football player and first round NFL draft pick with the help of a caring woman and her family.
Camp Foster care, abuse To impress a potential client, financial advisor Ken Matthews signs up to be a counselor at a camp for kids in the foster system. Crash Race and class issues Los Angeles citizens with vastly separate lives collide in interweaving stories of race, loss and redemption. Dolores Claiborne Physical abuse, sexual abuse, mother-daughter relationship A big-city reporter travels to the small town where her mother has been arrested for the murder of an elderly woman that she works for as a maid.
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Like Dandelion Dust Adoption, custody case A drama that explores the different meanings of being a parent through the gritty, realistic lives of the struggling, blue-collar Porters, and the privileged Campbell family.
Their lives intersect, intertwine and collide, all for the love of a little boy. Losing Isaiah Interracial adoption, custody case, substance abuse, parental rights Newborn Isaiah is found in a dumpster with cocaine in his system.
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Moonrise Kingdom Foster care, loss of parents, adoption Set on an island off the coast of New England in the s, as a young boy and girl fall in love they are moved to run away together.
Various factions of the town mobilize to search for them and the town is turned upside down -- which might not be such a bad thing. Mother and Child Adoption A drama centered around three women: A year-old woman, the daughter she gave up for adoption 35 years ago, and an African American woman looking to adopt a child of her own.
Ordinary Miracles Foster care, adoption, teenagers A troubled teen is scooped up by a tough San Diego judge whose conscience causes her to bring the girl home with her to live. Precious Poverty, abuse, sexual abuse, teen parent, custody issues, education In New York City's Harlem circaan overweight, abused, illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child is invited to enroll in an alternative school in hopes that her life can head in a new direction.
The Pursuit of Happyness Poverty, homelessness, parenting, based on real person A struggling salesman takes custody of his son as he's poised to begin a life-changing professional endeavor. Rekindling the friendship is the one thing that appears able to help the man recover from his grief.
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08/11/2020 @ The War and Treaty – Five More Minutes
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← 08/10/2020 @ Lori McKenna – Good Fight
08/12/2020 @ Molly Tuttle – Fake Empire → | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 350 |
culture / Politics
Notting Hill Carnival To Introduce "Quiet Zone" Around Grenfell Tower
A minute's silence will also be held in memory of those who lost their lives in the London blaze.
By David Renshaw
Performers take part in the Notting Hill Carnival on August 29, 2016 in London, England. Ben A. Pruchnie/Getty
This year's Notting Hill Carnival takes place in London this coming weekend, August 27-28. The celebrations will run as usual through the west end of the city, though plans are in place for revelers to pay respect to those who died in the nearby Grenfell Tower in June.
A "quiet zone" will be introduced in the area surrounding the tower, which remains in its location following a fire that killed at least 80 people earlier this year. Carnival floats and bands will pause their music as they pass the locations while members of the public are being asked to pass quietly on their journey.
A minute's silence will be held on both the Sunday and Monday at 3pm. People are encouraged to wear green in support of those who survived the blaze and the families of those who didn't.
A spokesperson for Tower survivors group Grenfell United, who helped put the plans in place, told London's Evening Standard: "Notting Hill Carnival is a defining part of our local culture and heritage. We hope people will follow these requests from us and our friends and family in the wider community.
"They will enable people to pay their respects; be conscious of our vulnerability; and show solidarity for our ongoing demands for housing and full justice, in the creative spirit of Carnival."
The Lancaster West Estate, which Grenfell Tower forms a part of, will also be closed to the general public this year to ensure the protection of the site and "sensitive spaces." | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 351 |
Our goal is to provide high quality products at competitive prices, and top-notch service to customers around the world. We are ISO9001, CE, and GS certified and strictly adhere to their quality specifications for High Tech Desk Lamp , High Lumen Desk Lamp , High LUX Desk Lamp , We promise to try our best to offer you with top quality and effective products and services.
Our solutions are broadly acknowledged and dependable by users and may meet consistently developing economic and social requires for High Tech Desk Lamp , High Lumen Desk Lamp , High LUX Desk Lamp , Our factory is equipped with complete facility in 10000 square meters which makes us be able to satisfy the producing and sales for most auto part products. Our advantage is full category high quality and competitive price! Based on that our products win a high admiration both at home and abroad. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 352 |
Q: Setting UITableView backgroundColor in universal app (iOS 5) I have to set the backgroundColor property of a UITableView to a certain color in my universal app. If I write this...
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:146.0f green:197.0f blue:240.0f alpha:1.0f]; doesn't work on iPhone nor iPad (background results white).
If I use a standard color, instead...
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor]; works on iPhone but not on iPad.
I tried other solutions suggested on SO (backgroundView to nil/clearColor, etc.), but none of those works on iOS SDK 5. Can you help me?
A: You need to divide each color value to 255.
Your color will be:
[UIColor colorWithRed:146/255.0 green:197/255.0 blue:240/255.0 alpha:1.0];
A: Instead of changing the background color, you can set a backgroundView (with the background color that you like) for the tableView.
UIView *bgView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame:self.tableView.bounds];
bgView.backgroundColor = [UIColor redColor];
self.tableView.backgroundView = bgView;
A: Are you using a navigation controller?
Try this:
self.tableView.backgroundColor = [UIColor clearColor];
[self.tableView setSeparatorColor:[UIColor clearColor]];
self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor greenColor];
Thats what I use with iOS5 and an universal app.
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 353 |
MONTREAL, LONDON and NEW YORK (June 9, 2015) – Optimal Payments (LSE AIM: OPAY), a leading global online payment solutions provider, has partnered with RentMoola, a Vancouver-based service that transforms conventional rent and condo fee payments of cash and cheques to virtual currency for tenants, property managers and owners. Through this exclusive partnership, RentMoola is able to offer fully automated, real-time payment and onboarding services for merchants and customers via Optimal Payments' NETBANX® online payment gateway.
The North American rental market is worth US$50 billion annually but currently only three per cent of payments are made by credit card1. A recent survey by MasterCard® revealed that as many as 60 per cent of property managers report that post-dated cheques, the most common method of payment, result in payments being late by up to four weeks in duration. Paying by credit card reduces late payments and rental revenue loss while increasing working capital for property owners. Moreover, a credit card's instant payment error notification allows for quick resolution of failed attempts as compared to as long as three weeks for bounced cheques.
RentMoola's services are available to small rental operations, which may own a few apartments to major players, however the company's main focus is on large properties that manage in excess of 5,000 apartments. In addition to enabling tenants to pay by credit or debit cards, RentMoola offers access to MoolaPerks, which include deals and discounts on services associated with rental properties such as phone, cable, Internet and cleaning.
"We are pleased to partner with Optimal Payments to offer our digitalized rental payment and reward platform. By making rent and condo fee payments convenient to tenants and landlords alike, RentMoola is seamlessly transforming the rental property world with our industry leading solution," stated Patrick Postrehovsky, co-founder and CEO of RentMoola.
"Consumers want payment options and choice. The demand for credit card acceptance with rental payments is growing and our partnership with RentMoola and Optimal Payments makes acceptance a reality for tenants, property owners, managers and renters," said Wendy Braithwaite, SVP & Group Head, Market Development, MasterCard. "This service provides landlords with the opportunity to accept credit cards and benefit from reduced incidents of late payment, faster clearance, and a better way to track.
RentMoola is a global payment network that allows tenants and owners to receive rewards for paying for rent and condo fees on line via credit card or direct debit. Members receive MoolaPerks, which provide discounts and exclusive access to transportation, food, beverages and other rewards redeemable across North America and the U.K. The platform is certified PCI DSS compliant providing financial, transactional and accounting reports ensuring seamless integration into accounting systems. In partnership with Visa, MasterCard, Discover, American Express and RM Direct Debit™ and powered by BMO Financial Group and Barclays, RentMoola is the rent payment network for everyone. More information is available at | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 354 |
Aging concerns in Cardiology presents an outline of the sensible scientific parts keen on handling heart problems within the aged. This quantity may be important to any health care provider coping with the cardiovascular well-being of aged members.
Up to date for its moment variation, Introductory advisor to Cardiac Catheterization is an easy-to-follow "how-to" advisor to diagnostic and healing cardiac catheterization. This pocket-sized, concise handbook provides sensible tips, assistance, ACC/AHA instructions, and highlighted medical pearls and contains troubleshooting sections that offer recommendations to usually encountered difficulties.
Acute Cardiac Care offers nurses with a accomplished knowing of the present perform and ideas underlying the care and administration of acute cardiac stipulations. It addresses the administration of acute coronary syndromes (ACS) with an emphasis on evidence-based pharmacological administration, cardiac emergencies (cardiac arrest, arrhythmia, acute pulmonary oedema, cardiogenic shock), present diagnostic and interventional modalities for the administration of ACS, together with probability stratification, and the moral, political, social and fiscal components that effect upon the supply of acute cardiac companies in Australia and the united kingdom.
Integrative Anatomy and Pathophysiology in conventional chinese language drugs Cardiology covers the constitution, functionality, and pathology of the cardiovascular approach from the TCM and western scientific views. It focuses particularly on western medication anatomy and pathophysiology, in addition to TCM facets of essence, qi, blood and physique fluid techniques, creation, and serve as to give an explanation for cardiovascular process disorder, its self sustaining function and established interactions with the capabilities of alternative organ platforms.
This e-book will think about a number of scientific and interventional themes for which there's uncertainty, endured debate and/or no consensus in accordance with present guidance. whereas there are lots of instructions in cardiology, new and on-going trials that deal with new medicinal drugs remedies and techniques increase many unanswered questions.
39. Rockwood K. The occurrence and duration of symptoms in elderly patients with delirium. J Gerontol 1993;48:162-166. 40. Rolfson DB, McElhaney JE, Rockwood K, Finnegan BA, Entwistle LM, Wong JF, Suarez-Almazor ME. Incidence and risk factors for delirium and other adverse 25 41. 42 . 43 . 44 . 45 . 46 . 47. 48 . 49 . 50 . outcomes in older adults after coronary artery bypass graft surgery. Can J Cardiol 1999;15 :771-776. Sandberg 0, Gustafson Y, Brannstrom B, Bucht G. Clinical profile of delirium in older patients.
IS. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. American Psychiatric Association: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders : DSM-IV, 4th ed. Washington: American Psychiatric Press, 1994. Anthony JC, Leresche L, Niaz U, von Korff MR, Folstein MF. Limitr of the "Mini Mental State" as a screening test for dementia and delirium among hospital patients . Psychol Med 1982;12:397-408. Braunwald E, Zipes DP, Libby P, Eds. Heart Disease: A Textbook of Cardiovascular Medicine, 6th ed. Toronto : W. B. Saunders Company, 2001.
The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) provides definitive diagnostic criteria for mood disorders, and classifies depressive disorders into major depressive disorder (MDD), dysthymic disorder, and depressive disorder not otherwise specified . All of these unipolar depressive disorders are distinguished from bipolar disorders (manic depressive disorders) by the absence of any manic, mixed, or hypomanic episodes. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 355 |
Хле́бцы — многозначный термин. Может означать:
Армейские хлебцы — плоское сухое печенье квадратной формы, равномерно покрытое небольшими отверстиями.
Хрустящие хлебцы — разновидность сухарей, лёгкие, хрупкие и пористые пластины толщиной 6—10 мм обычно прямоугольной, но также округлой формы, выпекаемые из безопарного ржаного или ржано-пшеничного теста на большом количестве дрожжей. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 356 |
Simply because you have won a judgment against someone for failure to pay on a debt does not mean you are automatically going to get paid. Many times it requires further pressure to protect your right to the compensation you deserve.
Performing post-judgment collections is not something that many attorneys do well, but the lawyers of The Cromeens Law Firm have a long track record of success in this field. If you or your business has won a judgment against another party, we will work quickly and aggressively to enforce this judgment and collect what you are owed.
Taking a paper judgment and turning it into real money is difficult, but we are well-suited to help you. Call our office at 713-489-5792 or contact us online to schedule a free consultation to discuss your options. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 357 |
In this course we will investigate the role and function of religion in the development of ideas on sexuality and the human body in relation to social order in different cultures. Among other aspects we will pay attention to the way the human body is being used as a classification mechanism, to differences and similarities concerning sexual moral in different cultural systems, and to the cultural and societal meaning of all this in terms of social control and power.
Students aquire historical and social scientific knowledge about the relationship between religion, ideas on sexuality and the human body in relation to social order. They have insight in the development, function and symbolic meaning of all this in different religions. They are able to formulate relevant research questions based on literature search, to present results of their inquiries before an audience, and to write a paper that meets the standards of scientific work.
Seminar with presentations. Attendance and participation are mandatory. Classes may be missed no more than twice and only in exceptional circumstances (at the discretion of the conveners and only with prior notice). Absence without notification can result in a lower grade or exclusion from the final exam and a failing grade for the course.
Practical assignment: before being admitted to the assessment tests, students will have to do a practical exercise (e.g. Attendance and participation in discussions) graded with satisfactory or unsatisfactory. Only students who have made a satisfactory Attendance and participation in discussions will be admitted to the assessment tests. However, practical exercises do not count to the final grade.
The paper may be resubmitted if a grade less than 5.5 has been received in first instance. Rewrites must be resubmitted within 2 weeks. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 358 |
Punjabi actress turned director, Jonita Doda, has recently bagged the 'Best Director' Award for her short film 'Heer Unstoppable'.
This one is a short Punjabi film showing the plight of women who have to face the evil of their society. It revolves around Heer, who is forced to go to a foreign land. Being a vivacious girl, she has dreams and fights hard to achieve them. It also showcases the plight of those who get married to NRIs without their background check.
Jonita shared her excitement on her social media handles and quoted, "Happy to share with all of you, Won the Best Director award for my film Heer Unstoppable at the Pink City International Short Film Festival 2017.. thanks for your love n support always.. my baby steps forward"
It's good to see our actresses doing more than just acting and we are proud of their achievements! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 359 |
The wine opens with aromas of oak, espresso, and black plum. The palate delivers stewed plums, blackberries and cherry extract layered with toasted oak, roasted coffee bean and sweet vanilla. This is already accessible so enjoy over the next few years. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 360 |
School replaces headteacher
Bloxham Primary School gets new headteacher
By Eirian Jane Prosser @eirianJprosser Community Reporter
A PRIMARY school is getting ready to welcome its first new headteacher in 18 years.
Matthew Ingall, the current head of Bloxham Church of England Primary School, is leaving at the end of this school year.
The role will be taken over by Lisa Horton, who previously was headteacher at Launton school near Bicester.
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Mr Ingall was due to retire last year, but when recruitment was delayed by Covid-19 restrictions, he offered to stay an additional year to help the school through the crisis.
He said: "I remember saying when I announced my retirement that I had worked through some biblical experiences at the school including a fire in 2005 and a flood in 2007. Who would have thought that a plague-like experience, in the form of Covid, would actually be next.
"In fact Covid has brought out once again the best qualities of our school, and I'd like to take this opportunity to praise and thank the staff and students for their remarkable resilience and hard work through this difficult time.
"It highlights just what a special place Bloxham is, and I know that with Miss Horton joining I am handing over to someone who will be able to continue bringing out the best in everyone."
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In response to her new appointment Miss Horton said: "I am so thrilled to be joining Bloxham Primary School. It's a real gem in the county and I want to do my utmost to preserve those qualities and see it continue to sparkle.
"There are so many things at Bloxham that are important to me personally, such as being able to learn and play outside, to play and enjoy music, and of course a nurturing and enriching environment where the children feel happy and safe in their learning. I can't wait to get started."
Miss Horton began her teaching career at Glory Farm School in Bicester. She has experience in many aspects of education including working as lead advisor for vulnerable children for Oxfordshire County Council and as an executive head and consultant head for the Oxford Diocesan Schools Trust.
Bloxham Primary School is one of the largest village primary schools in Oxfordshire with 420 pupils, including a foundation stage for children from the age of four. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 361 |
The mission of the Center for Big Data (CBD) at NJIT is to synergize the strong expertise in various disciplines across the NJIT campus and build a unified platform that embodies a rich set of big data enabling technologies and services with optimized performance to facilitate research collaboration and scientific discovery. The CBD features focused research to investigate, develop, and apply cutting-edge technologies to address unprecedented challenges in big data with high Volume, high Velocity, high Variety, and high Veracity, in order to create high Value.
The big data-oriented systems and tools developed by the Center will act as discovery agents to investigate and explore previously intractable or inaccessible problems, and will also untangle researchers from constantly searching for complex computing and networking solutions for big data analytics so that they can concentrate on their original scientific goals. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 362 |
Giraffeglobal February 6, 2022 2 min read
Chiedu Ijiomah and his brokerage firm, Adonai Stockbrokers Limited, have been charged with fraud in the Enugu State High Court by Justice C.C. Ani.
The suspects were specifically arraigned in court by the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) on a three-count charge of stealing, breach of trust, and fraudulent diversion of shares totaling N1.5 billion on Tuesday, February 1, 2022.
According to the EFCC, the duo allegedly stole and fraudulently converted to personal use the sum of N1.4 billion from account number 45927884/C695275KL, being the property of one Kalu Uke Kalu and thereby committed an offence contrary to section 342,353 (h)(i)(ii)(iii) and (i) of the Revised Criminal Code Law (CAP.30) of the Enugu State of Nigeria, 2004.
The anti-money laundering agency informed the court that the alleged offence was committed between December 4, 2005, and March 14, 2016.
Trouble started for the Enugu-based stockbroker when Mr Kalu, a former Chairman of Union Bank of Nigeria Plc, petitioned the EFCC in 2017 that the suspect failed to remit to him dividends of his 46,139,663 units of his GTCO (formerly GTBank) shares from 2005 to 2016.
It was claimed that more than 46 million units of the bank's stocks belonging to the banker were missing and this made him lose about N1.5 billion and Mr Ijiomah could not explain what actually happened.
This prompted the EFCC to wade into action and on Tuesday, after the conclusion of its investigation, arraigned the suspect in court.
"That you, Chiedu Ijiomah and Adonai Stockbrokers Limited between 4th December 2005 and 14th March 2016 in Enugu within the jurisdiction of this court did commit a felony to wit: stealing by fraudulently converting to your personal use the total number of N1,408,369,859.00 from account number 45927884/C695275KL, being the property of one Kalu Uke Kalu and thereby committed an offence contrary to section 342,353 (h)(i)(ii)(iii) and (i) of the Revised Criminal Code Law (CAP.30) of the Enugu State of Nigeria, 2004," one of the charges read.
But the charges were read to the accused person, he pleaded not guilty and the prosecuting counsel, Mr Michael Ani, consequently asked the court for a date to commence trial, though the defence counsel asked for bail for his client.
This bail application was granted by Justice Ani in the sum of N20 million with two sureties in like sum, one of whom must be a civil servant on Grade Level 16 or above, while the other surety must be a businessman with landed properties in Enugu.
The judge also held that the defendant must deposit his international passport with the court, while the case was adjourned till March 22, 23 and 24, 2022.
Previous: NFF Listens To Primate Ayodele's Advice, Retains Augustine Eguaveon As Super Eagles Coach
Next: Fidelity Bank Disburses N34Bn In Credit To Boost Rice Value Chain | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 363 |
As consumers demand more transparency concerning what's in their food, that sentiment also spills into other personal care categories – most notably of late, beauty. We see plenty of brands lean into the playfulness of touting ingredients by making packaging actually resemble food products. However, this trend has traction to withstand the test of time as the natural movement expands into industries outside of food alone. While we've heard of age old beauty remedies such as using eggs for hair conditioner and coconut oil for moisturizer, companies are taking it a step beyond the kitchen. These are some brands that are bringing a tastier aspect to beauty.
When you hear that something is "organic and raw", you might think of a juice bar. The Body Deli is kind of like that, but for your face and hair. They mix live superfoods in small batches to create concoctions designed for purposes like hydration to rejuvenation. Some of their products even require refrigeration to extend preservation – you know, like raw fruits and veggies do.
The enzyme peels from this company seem more like tasty fruit spreads than exfoliating facial products, but the edible components serve for more than just appetite appeal. Ingredients like cherry and fig are chosen for their vitamin rich properties, which can be hydrating and anti-inflammatory.
This company is committed to using different types of food for different skin care needs. From honey to tomato, you're sure to find a flavor that appeals to you. The Veggie Garden masks are packaged to look like seed packets and the Royal Honey Essential Toner seems like it would be perfectly in place on a farmer's market vendor table.
Plant based skincare has a face in Youth to the People. Their products proudly declare the superfood ingredients in a natural, simple design reminiscent of cold pressed juice bottles.
Another classic beauty hack is the mayo hair mask. Tony Moly has stepped up that concept with a better smelling but just as fortifying alternative. It's packaged to look very similar to the condiment, so probably best not to leave it in the fridge! Similarly cheeky packaging is used for their Red Apple and Peach hand creams.
The name Yes To is the precursor to natural ingredients like carrots, tomatoes, grapefruit and charcoal. Whether it's Yes to Carrots or Yes to Coconuts, a line of products with products for face, hair, lips and body exist.
The makeup industry is showing signs of natural food use as well. 100% Pure features fruit pigmented makeup, and coffee bean caffeine eye cream. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 364 |
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Home / Bob Radio, 94.9 HD2 / Retired boxer uses his gym to give a boost to disadvantaged kids
Retired boxer uses his gym to give a boost to disadvantaged kids
By Kim Glovas KYW Newsradio
January 11, 2021 01/11/2021 4:57 pm
BRISTOL, Pa. (KYW Newsradio) -- A professional boxer-turned businessman is using his Bucks County gym to help children and adults have better lives.
Tim Witherspoon Jr., the son of two-time world heavyweight boxing champion Tim Witherspoon, dropped out of Pennsbury High School when he was in 11th grade to pursue a career as a lightweight and welterweight boxer. He retired after 10 years, and now he's putting his passion into Witherspoon Boxing and Fitness in Bristol Borough.
His goal is to help kids overcome obstacles in their lives.
"We get a lot of kids that come in here because they have behavior issues, or because they don't have enough emotion coming out of them. We have kids that come here with disabilities -- you know, Asperger's, stuff like that, and kids that come here that are bullied," he said.
Witherspoon says when parents bring a troubled child to his gym, nine times out of 10, they find a solution.
Witherspoon Boxing and Fitness in Bristol Borough, Pa. Photo credit Tim Witherspoon Jr.
"We're really trying to build up these children's self esteem and let them know that people in the community do care about them, and also tap into some of their talents," he said.
"They have this talent, but no one ever put it in a structural way. That's what our goal is here -- not only giving them a safe place to be but also connecting the dots. If you're good at music, I have friends who do music. If you're good at art, I have friends that do art."
Witherspoon works with other business owners to provide scholarships for those who can't afford a membership.
He says boxing gives children and adults an opportunity to make a commitment to themselves.
"In the boxing gym, there's not really that much judging. We judge people on how much you put in, so we want these kids to come into a place where they see that 'Oh, I can get rewarded for hard work.'"
Witherspoon says he wants to be a role model for Black children, so they can see what they can become -- and for white kids.
"Some of these white kids that I train in boxing, I'm the first African-American person that they've met," he said.
Witherspoon also supports a local food pantry, he is partnering with Narcotics Anonymous on a future fundraiser, and he and his business partners award scholarships to local kids and adults.
He is currently working with a law firm to establish an SAT prep class for students of color.
"You never know, I might be the reason why some of these kids get into college. Now I'm in a place where I can do that for kids. Not just African-American kids, but they need it most now," he said.
He encourages anyone interested in providing a scholarship, or sponsoring an event for the community, to contact him through the Witherspoon Boxing and Fitness website, or on any social media platform.
Tim Witherspoon Jr.
At home during pandemic? Outlet overuse could increase fire risk
Lyft and Uber want to give you a ride to your COVID-19 vaccination
Ice cream from China tests positive for COVID-19: Report
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Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled*
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 23, 2021 18:32:19 GMT
Post by FannyMare on Feb 23, 2021 18:32:19 GMT
Feb 23, 2021 17:56:23 GMT MissGriss said:
Feb 23, 2021 16:05:30 GMT FannyMare said:
Does he prefer white women. Didn't the last bacherlotte prefer white men..?
I think that's a pretty big leap! Of the men that they put on her season, the final two that she liked happened to be white. But in her real life before The Bachelorette, she had dated almost exclusively Black men.
Yes, Fanny! The casting process sucks. People are cast (before the lead is even chosen) for the character/drama/dynamic they will bring to the show and not because they are a good match for the lead.
Think back to bip, who did she choose on that show? I thought it was posted in her thread, she seemed to prefer white guys, it's her choice.They need to vet their past, one only need look on their SM, this show imho, is lazy.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 23, 2021 18:38:22 GMT FannyMare likes this
Post by MissGriss on Feb 23, 2021 18:38:22 GMT
Tayshia clearly hasn't made much of an impression on me. I had Rachel in mind when I responded. It wasn't until you talked about BIP and I thought "Rachel wasn't on Paradise" that I realized you were talking about Tayshia. LOL
P.S. I actually think Tayshia was a good bachelorette. For some reason, though, I just don't connect with her. I think it might be because she always seems so controlled, and I don't feel like she really lets me know (as a viewer) who she is.
Last Edit: Feb 23, 2021 18:40:42 GMT by MissGriss
Seeking form amidst the void.
But if that's not possible, gimme a Margarita...shaken, not stirred...and hold the salt, please.
Post by MissScarlet on Feb 27, 2021 20:01:48 GMT
I've always liked Tayshia, but she's always seemed a bit flighty to me. Not horribly to the point of being unlikable, but to the point of me just not taking her as seriously as I do others.
Maybe it's the fact that she's always seemed like her ultimate job goal is to be an "influencer". I just can't take that type of person seriously.
I wouldn't mind her taking her shot at being Host of this show. She's likable & maybe that would give her a focus for her likability.
The problem is that it might take it's toll on her new relationship. I believe Zach is a NY guy. Her being on the opposite coast so much could be a problem.
My second and third choices are Rachel & Wells.
Both are extremely likable with Rachel also seeming quite intelligent, observant and not afraid to speak her mind. However, not the yes-woman they might want.
Wells is down to earth & has an everyman way about him that both contestants & viewers can relate to & be comfortable with. His only problem might be that he's a bit too much like a Chris Harrison Light.
There's always another option. You just have to find it.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 27, 2021 20:10:12 GMT indy1945 likes this
Feb 27, 2021 20:01:48 GMT MissScarlet said:
I like Wells, if he's on, I'll probably record it and watch. Tayshia as host, nope. As much as I like Rachel, I don't see her as host either.
Online, people have pretty much tuned out this season, because everyone seems to know the outcome. I don't like Matts beard, it looks awful. I was hoping he'd be a good bachelor, but it was boring for me..
I was hoping this season would draw me back in, if anything, it's put me off..for good. It's probably my age..
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 27, 2021 20:30:48 GMT FannyMare and SummerSue like this
When I saw that beard I thought "Why on earth would a good looking guy do that to his face?" It's atrocious.
Post by Arielflies on Feb 27, 2021 20:36:31 GMT
Rachel has stated she is done with the franchise after her contract expires. No to Tayshia. Wells may be Harrison light, but he may be too nice. Also, he may not want to be away in a quarantine situation without his fiancee.
Maybe the Fleissmeister can jump in - HA!
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 27, 2021 20:42:30 GMT Arielflies and Navybelle like this
Feb 27, 2021 20:36:31 GMT Arielflies said:
Eww, can you imagine?
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 27, 2021 21:01:12 GMT Arielflies likes this
A chill ran up & down my spine when I read that.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 28, 2021 7:03:20 GMT Navybelle, springmaiden27, and 1 more like this
Post by MissGriss on Feb 28, 2021 7:03:20 GMT
They apparently asked Rachel to host After the Final Rose, and she said no. (She's been getting a lot of harassment from Bachelor Nation. It was so bad that she temporarily suspended her Instagram account.) Rachel suggest Emmanuel Acho, who has been doing a YouTube series called Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man (and has just come out with a book of the same name). I've watched his YouTube show, and it's really good. He manages to talk about difficult subjects without being super confrontational but also doesn't sugar coat things.
He was announced today as being the After the Final Rose host, and I'm very excited about it. I'll definitely plan on watching.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Feb 28, 2021 14:55:39 GMT Navybelle and MissGriss like this
Post by Gutmutter on Feb 28, 2021 14:55:39 GMT
I think it's going to be a very interesting show, knowing what we know now with Acho as host.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 10, 2021 19:08:36 GMT Gutmutter, Navybelle, and 3 more like this
Post by MissGriss on Mar 10, 2021 19:08:36 GMT
I don't know whether to put this here or in the Bachelorette thread, but Reality Steve posted today that there are going to be two seasons of The Bachelorette filmed this year. Katie's will start filming in a few weeks, then there will be Bachelor in Paradise, and then later in the summer (July likely) Michelle will film her own season that will likely be released in the fall like the Clare/Tayshia season). He said that the reason they didn't just go with Michelle in the first place is because she didn't want to leave her students again to film the new show, so they decided to work with her schedule and film a show with her as the lead after school was out.
He also said that he hasn't heard a lot about the After the Final Rose show, but from what he has heard, Emmanuel Acho did a good job, and he thinks people will like it. No word on who will be hosting any of the above-mentioned shows.
Last Edit: Mar 10, 2021 19:09:49 GMT by MissGriss
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 10, 2021 23:35:02 GMT Arielflies, Gutmutter, and 3 more like this
Post by MissScarlet on Mar 10, 2021 23:35:02 GMT
Mar 10, 2021 19:08:36 GMT MissGriss said:
Now this makes me happy. Michelle was my favorite from the time she got there. Her smile & attitude light up a room. I'm looking forward to seeing that smile for a whole season. The reasoning makes sense too.
I'm also looking forward to Emmanuel Acho hosting ATFR.
Most of all, I'm looking forward to this season & all of it's painful garbage being over with. Hopefully Chris Harrison will still be "getting educated" during The Bachelorette. I'm not ready to see him back for at least a while.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 11, 2021 15:09:15 GMT Gutmutter, dagwood, and 4 more like this
Post by waywyrd on Mar 11, 2021 15:09:15 GMT
I like Michelle even more knowing that she refused to let the filming interfere with teaching her students. Here's hoping the producers don't screw her over with manufactured drama and sketchy guys, she deserves better (Katie too).
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 11, 2021 19:28:19 GMT dagwood, Navybelle, and 2 more like this
Post by FannyMare on Mar 11, 2021 19:28:19 GMT
Mar 11, 2021 15:09:15 GMT waywyrd said:
Vet the men well, then vet them again!
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 11, 2021 21:32:37 GMT waywyrd likes this
Mar 11, 2021 19:28:19 GMT FannyMare said:
On either his podcast or his IG live last week, Reality Steve talked about how Big Brother hires a firm to do background checks, and how his former girlfriend Kat from Big Brother said that they had a 45 page printout of all of the things they'd discovered about her and wanted to go over anything that was controversial before agreeing to put her on the show.
He said that this proves that it's possible to do a good background check and The Bachelor franchise just isn't making the effort.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 11, 2021 21:49:22 GMT MissGriss likes this
On either his podcast or his IG live this week, Reality Steve talked about how Big Brother hires a firm to do background checks, and how his former girlfriend Kat from Big Brother said that they had a 45 page printout of all of the things they'd discovered about her and wanted to go over anything that was controversial before agreeing to put her on the show.
That's good to know. The rose show should start doing the same.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 12, 2021 4:42:38 GMT
Post by FannyMare on Mar 12, 2021 4:42:38 GMT
I finally saw a short promo for the finale, Matt was holding a silver ring, then he's sitting with CH. I can't remember much else nothing about ATFR that I saw..
CH says the usual, the most shocking end.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 13, 2021 4:11:39 GMT via mobile MissGriss likes this
Post by DoodleMom921 on Mar 13, 2021 4:11:39 GMT
Not sure if this is a spoiler anymore since the Bachelor has released a statement on the hosts for next season of the bachelorette- but putting this here just to be safe!
Kaitlyn and Tayshia will be cohosting the next season! 🌹
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Mar 13, 2021 6:18:14 GMT via mobile
Post by MissGriss on Mar 13, 2021 6:18:14 GMT
Interesting! They should be good hosts!
I've given up on this show. Maybe two ladies will breathe new life into it, I hope so,for the viewers.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Apr 2, 2021 2:43:04 GMT
Post by DoodleMom921 on Apr 2, 2021 2:43:04 GMT
Looks like another season with a repeat contestant for Katie
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Apr 2, 2021 12:31:33 GMT MissGriss likes this
Post by waywyrd on Apr 2, 2021 12:31:33 GMT
Bleah. I think I remember liking him at first, then not so much towards the end. They do love to recycle on this show...
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Aug 20, 2021 3:14:07 GMT via mobile
Post by MissGriss on Aug 20, 2021 3:14:07 GMT
Reality Steve is saying that Greg Grippo is going to be the next Bachelor. Can't say I'm surprised! As soon as he went on Nick Viall's podcast to do the "mea culpa" redemption interview, I was pretty sure they were heading in that direction.
If, indeed, it does turn out to be Greg, it will be interesting to see if he can hold it together as the lead. It's entirely possible that he can, since being the lead is a whole different power dynamic. But even if he's a train wreck, the show will be happy. They just want ratings.
I'm guessing that they are hoping that this controversial casting will bring tons of publicity and interest.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Aug 20, 2021 6:01:07 GMT Navybelle and MissGriss like this
Post by MissScarlet on Aug 20, 2021 6:01:07 GMT
Aug 20, 2021 3:14:07 GMT MissGriss said:
I absolutely hate "controversial casting". Every time they do that I skip the season.
If this is who they choose I'll probably skip this one too.
I don't want to watch their problem children & troublemakers with bad attitudes acting entitled.
I don't give a darn about watching them pretend to want to find someone, when in reality they are just looking for attention.
Greg would be one of those.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Aug 20, 2021 20:10:25 GMT Navybelle, MissGriss, and 2 more like this
Post by waywyrd on Aug 20, 2021 20:10:25 GMT
Why on earth would they choose THAT clown over all the other men they could have picked?
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Sept 16, 2021 4:58:42 GMT waywyrd and MissScarlet like this
Post by MissGriss on Sept 16, 2021 4:58:42 GMT
It seems that the producers listened to people's complaints about Greg. He's no longer the bachelor.
They are going with someone from Michelle's season. I think it was Variety that announced that the other day. Reality Steve revealed the name (with picures) today. Here's the link.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Sept 16, 2021 23:54:41 GMT MissGriss, MissScarlet, and 1 more like this
Post by waywyrd on Sept 16, 2021 23:54:41 GMT
Interesting! Well he can't be any worse than Greg.
I hope.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Sept 17, 2021 22:03:46 GMT MissGriss likes this
Post by MissScarlet on Sept 17, 2021 22:03:46 GMT
I wonder if their decision to announce Greg as Bachelor blew up in their face. The people who don't like him REALLY don't like him.
Maybe there were some kind of problems with their other front runners & they were desperate to find someone.
Since Michelle's season won't even start 'till after Bachelor filming begins, they couldn't wait for viewer opinion & had to pick fast.
Along came this guy. He looks good, seemed decent enough, had no skeletons in his closet (as far as they know) so they figured "He's close enough". So now they're trying to pass him off as the greatest thing in pants out of desperation.
I have a feeling he's not all that exceptional, but better than Greg. Anything would be. Personally, as far as the upcoming Bachelor season goes, I'm back in again & looking forward to it.
Good luck to him & good luck to the show. Let's hope it all works out.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Sept 17, 2021 22:15:24 GMT FannyMare likes this
Post by MissGriss on Sept 17, 2021 22:15:24 GMT
I don't think any of them are particularly exceptional, so he'll fit right in. I'm not into thick-necked square-jawed ex athletes, so he's not my cup of tea, but I just turned 70, so I'm hardly their target audience.
Bachelor 25 SPOILERS *enter only if you wish to be spoiled* Sept 17, 2021 23:14:53 GMT
Post by Arielflies on Sept 17, 2021 23:14:53 GMT
Ms Scarlett - I think Michelle's season just wrapped. The article said she left instagram for so many days and is now back on. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 366 |
namespace GameBoy {
#include "bootrom-dmg.cpp"
#include "bootrom-sgb.cpp"
#include "bootrom-cgb.cpp"
#include "serialization.cpp"
System system;
void System::run() {
scheduler.sync = Scheduler::SynchronizeMode::None;
if(scheduler.exit_reason() == Scheduler::ExitReason::FrameEvent) {
void System::runtosave() {
scheduler.sync = Scheduler::SynchronizeMode::CPU;
scheduler.active_thread = lcd.thread;
void System::runthreadtosave() {
while(true) {
if(scheduler.exit_reason() == Scheduler::ExitReason::SynchronizeEvent) break;
if(scheduler.exit_reason() == Scheduler::ExitReason::FrameEvent) {
void System::init() {
assert(interface != 0);
void System::load(Revision revision) {
this->revision = revision;
void System::power() {
clocks_executed = 0;
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 367 |
Obama's Berlin speech follows JFK and Reagan
barack obamaDiForeign Affairsunited states
Obama's last Berlin speech attracted 200,000. Photo: DPA
US President Barack Obama will follow predecessors John F. Kennedy and Ronald Reagan by making a major speech in Berlin, the White House said Wednesday. He will speak in front of Germany's symbolic Brandenburg Gate on June 19th.
Obama will stand at the former dividing line of East and West Berlin and talk about the "enduring bonds" between the United States and Germany and will laud the transatlantic alliance, a White House statement said.
The US president's speech will come nearly 50 years to the day after Kennedy's famed "Ich bin ein Berliner" address delivered from the Schöneberg town hall in then West Berlin, two years after the erection of the Wall.
The Brandenburg Gate itself was the backdrop for another climactic moment in Cold War history, when Reagan famously beseeched then Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev to "tear down this wall" in 1987. It later became the symbol of German reunification in 1990.
It will not be the first time that Obama will have given a major open-air speech to Germans. In 2008, during his presidential campaign, he addressed an estimated crowd of 200,000 people in Berlin in a major foreign policy speech.
That address was controversial at the time because opponents back home accused him of being presumptuous by giving such a major presidential-style address outside America before he was even elected.
It also caused a flurry in Germany following reports, which were never confirmed, that Obama had asked to speak at the Brandenburg Gate but had been turned down by Chancellor Angela Merkel.
In the event, Obama gave his address, which called on Americans and Europeans to tear down walls between allies, races and faiths, before the Victory Column in Berlin's Tiergarten.
Obama recorded a surprise video message played to a crowd at the Brandenburg Gate in 2009, at ceremonies marking the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.
"Even in the face of tyranny, people insisted that the world could change," Obama said.
He will spend two days in Germany this month after attending the G8 summit in Northern Ireland.
Obama's visit to Berlin has been long awaited by Germany's political class. Merkel made a joking reference to the idea of an Obama trip to Berlin at the White House in 2011.
"I can promise that the Brandenburg Gate will still be there," she said.
Though he is yet to visit Berlin as president, Obama has been to Germany twice before as US leader.
In 2009, he crossed into Baden Baden during the NATO summit hosted by the nearby border cities of Strasbourg and Kehl.
Later in the same year, Obama met Merkel in Dresden, visited the former Nazi concentration camp at Buchenwald and dropped in on wounded US soldiers at a hospital facility in Landstuhl.
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Barack Obama set to visit Munich just in time for Oktoberfest | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 368 |
Explosion reports a 'possible hoax'
by Tara Miko
Tara Miko Journalist Tara joined the company in 2010 after graduating with a journalism and politics degree from Griffith University in Brisbane. After first working in newspapers in the Bowen Basin in Central Queensland, she joined the team at The Chronicle in 2013. In September that year she took over the reins of the Rural Weekly, and has been on the crime desk in Toowoomba since 2015.
20th Dec 2018 10:56 AM
UPDATE: Reports of an explosion in Kingsthorpe is being treated as a possible hoax.
Emergency services rushed to a Bottletree Crt property after the 000 Call was made about 10.40am.
Queensland Fire and Emergency Services arrived on scene and found no evidence of a structure fire or explosion.
The incident is being treated as a hoax and is under investigation.
EARLIER: EMERGENCY services are responding to reports of an explosion in Kingsthorpe on Toowoomba's western outskirts.
Initial reports indicate the explosion occurred on Bottletree Court just after 10.40am.
One Queensland Fire and Emergency Services crew is on scene with a second unit en route.
Queensland Ambulance and police are also responding.
toowoomba emergency | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 369 |
Our Principal, Gea Lovell, took great delight in welcoming students and staff to the first whole school assembly for 2018.
Bathed in morning sunshine, 44 tiny new preps sat alongside senior students and listened intently to Mrs Lovell who, famous for her inspirational and heart warming stories, did not disappoint, sharing five key messages for students to carry with them throughout the year.
The assembly concluded with a unique celebration. Junior and Middle school students lined the path all the way to the new Senior Learning Centre and formed a guard of honour to welcome the senior students to their new home.
Year 10-12 students led by Mrs Lovell, Chair of the Board Greg Price and College Captains Tara Swan, Jasmine McJames-Court, Aaron Fraser and Oscar Harry were met with excitement, applause, high fives and hugs during the walk of honour. The high continued inside with huge smiles and endless "wows" from the senior students as they toured their state of the art new buildings.
The senior learning centre is a stylish, high-tech and functional learning environment with a fully equipped lecture theatre, specialist rooms, meeting rooms, classrooms, a student support area, staff facilities and student common areas that was designed by Hayball architects and built by local firm DAS Constructions.
The Specialist Facility houses art, design, science and technology faculties and features five science labs, three art spaces, a textiles room, a dark room, a kiln, staff facilities and massive outdoor flexible teaching and seating areas.
The re-designed College entrance, two new car parks, new bus loop and new road to Year 9 performed well on the first day as parents familiarised themselves with the changes that have been made to accommodate the extra traffic that comes with having the whole school on one campus.
Not stopping to draw breath, Newhaven is forging ahead with our next significant building project. Construction of the new two court indoor stadium and gymnasium is already well underway with completion of that component scheduled for mid 2018 followed closely by outdoor soccer pitches, an all weather hockey pitch and multi sport courts. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 370 |
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© Villars-Gryon
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Cergnement Nordic Arena
Easily accessible, yet wild in nature, the valley around Cergnement offers a host of nordic activities: cross-country skiing (introduction, skating and classic), winter walking on pisted trails, snowshoe trails and a host of other winter activities
From the car park the wild and natural nature of the valley is already striking with views of the Diablerets massif, the Argentine and the Tour d'Anzeinde.
It was in the heart of this valley that the poet Juste Olivier came to find inspiration.
From the car park there are walking trails leading to Solalex, La Poreyre, Les Ernets or even Frience (check the snow reports) and a wonderful snowshoe trail to Solalex for those feeling more energetic.
For cross-country skiers there are 4 circuits pisted for both classic and skating fans, from the easy 1km beginners' piste and grand circuit at Cergnement, to the climb up to Solalex where an additional loop is also pisted.
Biathlon can also be practised throughout the winter months with beginners courses also laid on for those wishing to try the sport.
The start can be reached with the Gryon - Barboleuse - Alpe des Chaux shuttle bus (Cergnement stop located 300m from the start of the trails)
Free car parking at Cergnement and at Les Châbles (near Cookie restaurant).
Maison du Tourisme de Gryon
Place Barboleuse 11
1882 Gryon
Tel : +41 (0)24 498 00 00
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The Oil Crash Nightmare For Kazakhstan
The latest meeting of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) in Algeria, on September 28, brought some relief to producers, with the price of oil finally trading above $50 per barrel for the first time in months.
News of a preliminary deal, whose implementation is scheduled for November, was met with optimism in Kazakhstan, a major oil producer and exporter in the former Soviet space, second only to Russia. Yet, the deal's success hinges on a variety of factors beyond Kazakhstan's reach. First, the OPEC members need to agree among themselves on the rules of play to avoid cheating. Second, Saudi Arabia and Iran need to put their rivalry aside to reach a durable compromise, while Tehran still insists that it will not agree to any production cuts until domestic output reaches certain pre-sanctions levels. Third, there is a non-OPEC country, Russia, with its own ambitions and an ability to disrupt the stabilization of oil prices if it decides to try to win more market share at the expense of the
oil cartel (RBC,,, September 28).
The recent change of prime minister in Kazakhstan (see EDM, September 19), with Bakytzhan Sagintayev succeeding his boss, Karim Massimov, who moved to chair the National Security Committee (KNB), is above all else a reflection of President Nursultan Nazarbayev's economic concerns. The Kazakhstani economy will not grow by more than 0.1 percent this year, after 1.2 percent growth in 2015 and 4.3 percent in 2014. This is far below the 6–7 percent expansion achieved when the price of Brent crude oil consistently exceeded $100 a barrel. Next year's GDP growth is expected to reach approximately 1 percent, according to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank; but it will depend on the government's ability to implement structural reforms. It is clear, nonetheless, that no government, however creative and hardworking, is able to consistently do what should normally be done over several decades. Kazakhstan still depends on oil exports for over 60 percent of total government revenues and a quarter of its GDP (, September 9;, July 17;, April 28).
One of the Kazakhstani government's biggest fears is the repetition of social unrest like what happened in the western city of Zhanaozen, in Mangistau Oblast on the Caspian Sea, on December 16, 2011 (Independence Day). That year, hundreds of oil workers took to the streets to protest low salaries and unhealthy working conditions at two local energy companies, Karazhanbasmunay and Ozenmunaygas. The former is co-owned by the national oil company KazMunayGas (via its main production subsidiary, KMG E&P) and China's CITIC Group. The latter belongs to KMG E&P, whose second-largest shareholder, after KMG (58 percent), is China Investment Corporation (11 percent). The protests lasted for more than eight months and ended in bloodshed. Clashes between protesters and the riot police resulted in 16 dead and over 100 wounded as Kazakhstan experienced the highest bout of instability since independence (, December 17, 2011; RIA Novosti, December 16, 2011;, June 6, 2011).
The specter of Zhanaozen hovered again over the city this past September, when employees of a drilling company called Burgylau took to the streets to demand higher pay. They complained about poor sanitation, having to purchase spare parts with their own money, and "unfair" remuneration. It took local authorities several weeks to formulate a response, although there had earlier been a short-lived strike at Burgylau's main production facility at the end of July 2016. The regional governor of Mangistau, Alik Aydarbayev, visited the site in person to reassure the striking workers by promising them additional contracts from the shareholder, KMG, for at least 34 new wells by the end of the year. He also said that wages would soon be realigned with KMG's unified salary grid, even though Burgylau's statutes do not provide for such a harmonization (, October 6; Radio Azattyk, October 6, August 1;, September 29).
Related: Can We Trust The Saudis To Stick To The OPEC Deal?
The problem in the wider Mangistau region is bigger than it actually seems. While Kazakhstan prepares to relaunch production at the giant Kashagan oilfield in neighboring Atyrau Oblast, the majority of Mangistau deposits are almost entirely depleted. Oil from Kashagan was stopped for three years in 2013, but will certainly require more spare hands in the next few months and years. The North Caspian Operating Company (NCOC) consortium, whose shareholders include both KMG and China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), looks keen to pump at any price in order to recover its initial investments. However, the increased employment opportunities are unlikely to be a boon for the Mangistau workforce because it is comprised mostly of low-skilled workers, not high-qualified engineers. Thus, it will be much easier and more convenient for NCOC to hire among the local population of Atyrau rather than to relocate workers from the south (, October 5;, September 24;, September 15).
The Zhanaozen predicament clearly speaks to the need to diversify the Kazakhstani economy away from hydrocarbons—and doing so as quickly as possible in spite of the resistance of vested interests, entrenched bureaucrats and big business. According to most forecasts, the price of oil will stay below $50–55 per barrel in 2017, amid global oversupply and weaker-than-usual demand from China, India and other important consumers. With the 76-year-old Nursultan Nazarbayev still in power, Central Asia's largest economy would obviously be significantly better off if it embarked on reforms before the inevitable presidential succession. The current oil crisis and the economic stagnation it has spawned are both a risk and an opportunity for the country. Political stability is a key element of the ideal recipe for Kazakhstan, which saw a new wave of terrorist incidents in June–July 2016. The country needs strong leadership to weather the ongoing downturn (, July 18;, June 6).
By George Voloshin via, 16.10.2016
Copyright © 1997 - 2020 IAC EURASIA. All Rights Reserved. EWS 9 Wimpole Street London W1G 9SR United Kingdom. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 373 |
Go to Lot: Search: Found 545 coins.
GAUL, Massalia. Circa 390/86-218/5 BC. Obol (Silver, 10mm, 0.71 g 1). Bare head of Apollo to right.
Sicily, Gela. Circa 465-450 BC. Litra (Silver, 12mm, 0.86 g 3). Horse walking right; above, wreath.
SICILY, Syracuse. Agathokles, 317-289 BC. Stater (Silver, 20mm, 8.47 g 10), c. 317-305 BC. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 374 |
Three sets of dance music with the Lincoln Pops: 25 musicians who really know how to swing (and foxtrot, waltz, polka…). Bring your dancing shoes (partner not required) or just tap those toes. No-host bar with beer, wine, sodas and sweet treats. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 375 |
MRG Productions is a full-service DJ and entertainment company based out of Mineola, New York. They travel all over the tri-state area, offering DJs, MCs, live musicians, lighting, decor and more. Their goal is for every detail of your wedding to be exactly as you dreamed it to be. MRG Productions has been giving couples one-on-one attention since 1989.
Eriicaaa! Thank you for this amazing review! We are so honored to have been apart of yours and Lee's special day! We promised you 5 star quality service, and we are happy to have delivered 5 star to you and Lee. Your family is wonderful! Thank you again for having us, I hope we can make a tradition of rocking all your special events!
We are so happy we used MRG for our wedding! They were extremely professional, great with communication, and we have only heard great reviews from our guests! We had given them information about what we did and did not want, music wise, for our wedding and they were very considerate of that and went above and beyond the day of. I would definitely recommend them again and again!
Wow! Thank you Victoria for the amazing review. We are so pleased to know we made you happy! Thank you for choosing us.
We booked with MRG for our engagement party at The Loft By Bridgeview, and let me say-we were not disappointed! Marty and his crew came highly regarded by my sister after she used them for her wedding at Jericho Terrace back in 2013. From the moment I first emailed Marty and got a response within minutes, I knew we were in good hands. We really got to talking more about 3 weeks before the party, when my original photographer had to cancel on me. Marty's quick response (as always) once again reassured me there was nothing to worry about, and that he had a wonderful photographer, Eddie, who was available that night. Eddie was wonderful, he took so many great pictures, candids and posed, and got the photos to us in 3 days! I let Marty take control of the music selection that night and I was very happy to do so, he put together an awesome blend of music for the crowd we had. People were dancing all night long and the dance floor was packed! We also requested to use 2 plasma TV's to display pictures Eddie was taking as the night went on, and we also had a video we wanted to play of our trip to Greece where we got engaged. And the entire set up Marty came in with was amazing!!!! So up to date and clean looking. I could go on and on about Marty-he is a wonderful guy who very clearly pays a lot of attention to detail and most importantly, the needs of his clients. Would book with him and his crew again in a heartbeat!!
We really appreciate the amazing review. We also would like to thank you for letting us be part of your engagement party. It was a great crowd. Your family and friends are a lot of fun.
I've worked with the rest but MRG is by far the best! Professionalism, Energy, Excitement, Unforgettable are but a few ways to describe MRG Productions! Marty and his staff will make your reception the party everyone will be talking about for years to come.
Being in the Video Production business for 25 years,I have come across many DJ companys, but none compare to MRG Productions.Since Marty started MRG back in 1989 when there were not many DJ companys doing weddings,Bands dominated the wedding industry. Marty was a Pioneer in his field and is one on the most Professional,Fun,and organized DJ's in the business today.You cant go wrong choosing MRG for your affair! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 376 |
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Home Benjamin Netanyahu current affairs currentaffairs 2019 gktoday Global and international relations International Relations Israel elections magazine news people seekersthoughts thehindu Lesser Peace in Israel ?
Lesser Peace in Israel ?
Benjamin Netanyahu, current affairs, currentaffairs 2019, gktoday, Global and international relations, International Relations, Israel elections, magazine, news, people, seekersthoughts, thehindu,
Elections in Israel
Early legislative elections were held in Israel on 9 April 2019 to elect the 120 members of the 21st Knesset.
Image Source- Wikipedia
The winner of 2019 Israel Elections
Elections had been due in November 2019, but were brought forward following a dispute between members of the current government over a bill on national service for the ultra-Orthodox population, as well as impending corruption charges against incumbent Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu had faced serious challenges during the campaign. He faces corruption allegations that could lead to his indictment. The Blue and White party, formed a few weeks ahead of the election, had quickly risen to become the principal opposition force. He had lost some allies even before the elections.
However, Netanyahu's Likud remained the largest party by winning 36 seats, defeating the Blue and White and their candidate Benny Gantz. The defeat was narrow as Blue and white party won 35 seats.
Image Source- The Guardian
The candidate of Blue and White Party
The balance of power is held by smaller parties, with right-wing and religious parties that have previously sat in coalition with Likud, potentially allowed Netanyahu to form the next government.
How did elections happen?
Israel has a parliamentary system, which means voters choose from party lists of candidates to serve in the 120-seat Knesset. No party has won a majority since Israel's first election, in 1949.
In the 2019 election, about 6 million Israelis are eligible to vote. To enter parliament, a party must pass a threshold of at least 3.25 percent of the national vote, equivalent to 4 Knesset seats.
With 40 parties running, of which at least 12 have a real chance of passing the threshold, the calculations take time.
Post elections, Israel's president consults with the leaders of every party that won seats about their preference for prime minister, and then chooses the legislator who he believes has the best chance of putting together a coalition.
Israel- Palestine Conflict
The nominee, who does not necessarily have to be the head of the largest party, has up to 42 days to form a government. If he or she fails, the president asks another politician to try. The leading candidates usually have a good idea whether they have majority support before they meet with the president, but things can often change in the process of deal-making
What will happen post Netanyahu's win?
Mr. Netanyahu ran a contentious, ultra-nationalist campaign to gain support for Likud and its allies. He had publicly aligned with Jewish Power, a fringe party known for its racist, anti-Arab views.
During 2015's elections Mr. Netanyahu had said there wouldn't be any Palestinian state under his watch and during 2019, a few days ahead of the poll, he said he would annex parts of the West Bank to bring Jewish settlements under Israeli sovereignty.
He also exploited the security concerns of Israeli voters by presenting himself as the only leader capable of keeping them safe from "Palestinian terrorists" as well as Iran.
Mr. Netanyahu is credited with stabilising the Israeli economy and, more controversially, clinching major diplomatic coups such as the U.S. recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the occupied Syrian Golanas Israeli territory. Mr. Netanyahu is now set to become the longest-serving Prime Minister, overtaking David Ben-Gurion, the country's founder.
But the Israel he leads today is totally different from what even Ben-Gurion and the early socialist Zionists had imagined. With Mr. Netanyahu showing no interest in the peace process and the occupation of Palestine being deepened both militarily and through Jewish settlements in the West Bank, Israel, which is described by a Basic Law passed last year as "the nation state of the Jewish people".
Another factor to watch is that U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to release his long-awaited Middle East peace plan sometime after the election.
So far, he has been a close ally of Netanyahu, but if he asks Israel to make concessions to the Palestinians, especially anything involving ceding land, some of Netanyahu's far-right allies will be furious.
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People can read facts yet to be wise, the mind needs the power of discerning and judging properly as to what is true or right. Wise is someone who uses good judgment, has common sense or is well informed. Once the degrees/ colleges are over, we tend to stick to the information we are taught and forget what is to unlearn and relearn. Seeker's Thoughts intend to help people with right content, facts and critical issues of the nation and the world. Seeker's thoughts has been founded by Namrata Chauhan (MBA- Human Resource and Information Technology), who has worked for the industry for 5 years as Human Resource Manage. She has experience of the market and events which are going to impact on the future of Human Capital- that is our youth today. And, Co- founded by Alveera Khan - M.A in Psychology, blogger, writer and a social worker for the purpose of educating the mass without a political narratives and polarization where the truth stands as a simple truth. How much polarization can cost the world peace and growth- this is no longer hidden. As responsible earthlings- the emotion of giving back 'dominated the mind' and curiosity kept the leaning alive. Therefore, the idea of Seeker's thoughts took birth and in the span of just six months has won more than 5000 hearts on social networking site like facebook and the number changes every day.(The link of facebook- "Our aim is to take away the ignorance and helping the world to go towards- wisdom." - Thank you Team Seeker
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Now that winter is on its way — as well as the holidays — it's time to think of what sort of cheese you can curl up with, as well as serve to guests. Miyoko's Pub Crock Cheddar with Onions is another terrific Miyoko's creation.
This cheese comes not in a wheel like so many other Miyoko's cheeses but in a tub; it's far softer and very spreadable.
This new spread, according to its website description, "combines our farmhouse cheese with Oktoberfest vegan lager from Iron Springs Brewery, just down the street from us here in Fairfax." Along with onions and mustard seeds, the combination of ingredients is wonderfully flavorful and is perfect on crusty bread.
Don't miss this new one, especially with Thanksgiving around the corner; this is a cheese vegans and omnivores alike will love. And remember, this month Miyoko's will donate 1% of all online sales to Farm Sanctuary! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 379 |
NHS care "may be extended to EU"
Patients in the UK could find it easier to receive medical treatment abroad which is paid for by the NHS under plans being discussed by the European Commission.
The proposals could mean all EU residents can get care in other member states, providing the treatment is allowed in their own country.
The move is partly a response to a legal ruling last year over the case of 75-year-old Yvonne Watts, who paid £3,900 for a hip replacement in France because she did not want to wait a year for an operation in the UK.
The NHS refused to reimburse her, but the judges said she was entitled to shop around because of the "undue delay" in her treatment.
Labour MEP Linda McAvan, a member of the Public Health Committee of the European Parliament, said: "For many years, individual people have been going to the European Court of Justice to establish their rights to treatment in another country.
"Legislation in this area will be helpful if it provides clarity to the
public about the rules which apply when seeking treatment abroad and if it helps health systems to manage requests for treatment in other EU countries."
The draft proposals could take several years before they become law in Britain.
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Can we save the fire lilies and sequoias from climate change?
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It is both humbling and inspiring to stand in the sunlit groves of giant sequoias. We are reminded how small we are in comparison to the greatness of the Earth's oldest living organisms.
Evergreen and ever-present, these colossal conifers have witnessed the passing seasons—and the awestruck expressions of human admirers—for what seems like eternity. They are so integral to the mountain landscape, it's difficult to imagine life without them.
These majestic trees are protected from the chainsaws that have cut so many of its tropical hardwood counterparts.
It is shocking to learn that even giant trees are not immune from the ravages of climate change. Slowly and quietly, they are also being affected by the same insidious threat.
Am I the only person who thought they heard the voice of Sir David Attenborough, vice-president of Fauna & Flora International (FFI), crack as he described the plight of these majestic trees during that piece to camera on The Green Planet?
What is the size of a giant sequoia tree?
The largest living forms on the planet. Giant sequoiasIt can reach a height of nearly 100 meters and have a width of over 10 meters. Often confused with giant redwoods—the world's tallest tree, which can grow well over 100 meters—giant sequoias are notable as much for their girth as their height. General Sherman (main picture), the largest of them all, is 31 meters in circumference and weighs in at 1,200 tonnes. This is ten times more than a blue whale.
Reptile lovers will enjoy the parallels with serpent realm, where the world's longest snake, the reticulated Python, and the largest snake in the world, the green anaconda are competing for supremacy.
How long do giant sequoias last?
Giant sequoias have the longest life expectancy of any tree. Plant species. They may not measure up to the 10,000-year-old colony of seagrass in the Spanish Mediterranean, or even match their close California neighbor, the ancient bristlecone pine—affectionately known as Methuselah—that is well on course to reach the ripe old age of 5,000. The oldest is still alive. sequoiaRecorded evidence shows that they survived for more than 3,500 years.
Where are giant sequoias located?
Once widespread across the northern hemisphere of the continent, sequoias now live on the western slopes the Sierra Nevada mountain range in northern California. They can be found at elevations of 5,000 to 7,500 feet. The combination of dry mountain air and snow melt, as well as well-drained soil, provides them with the conditions necessary to thrive and reproduce.
Why are giant sequoias endangered
Giant sequoias consume an incredible 4,000 liters of water each day. The availability of melting snow has always made it easy to obtain this precious resource. The climate is warming up and the snowfalls that fall during the winter are becoming less frequent. This leaves the trees more susceptible to drought during the summer months.
Evidence is mounting that these huge trees are shedding their branches and needles to conserve water. However, even these drastic measures are not enough to ensure their survival. Surprisingly, California's giant sequoias lost 10% in the last few decades.
These climate-driven crisis are not limited to the northern hemisphere. The flaming firelilies at the southern tip of Africa may soon be facing an equally challenging problem.
Where can you find fire lilies?
Only the fynbos area of South Africa is home to the fire lily. This botanical paradise contains literally thousands of species of plants, all competing for the attention of the birds, insects, and other pollinators. Many of these plants are adapted for fire, and many depend on it to complete their life cycle. But the fire lily has changed this relationship.
Smoke is a must for any fire lily
The fire lilies were hidden away, while the rest fynbos flora displayed their bright blooms. They will only make an appearance once fire has destroyed the landscape. The emergence of the fire lily is triggered by smoke, and their fiery-red flowers—blazing brightly against a background of blackened scenery—enjoy the undivided attention of sunbirds and other pollinators.
What is fynbos and how can it help you?
Fynbos is South Africa's local name for the dominant vegetation type in the Cape Floral Kingdom. It also houses the fire lily as well as a variety of flowers, including freesias and lobelias. It is one the most biologically diverse landscapes on Earth and it is also the most threatened. It contains more native plants than any other tropical rainforest. The 8,500 plant species found here are staggeringly 5,800 that are not found anywhere else in the world.
What are the main threats to fynbos' health?
Fynbos is being threatened by invasive tree species, urban expansion, agricultural land encroachment, and unsustainable exploitation. FFI played a key role in saving a critical area of fynbos and has supported local partners in protecting well over 50,000 hectares.
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Ironically, only one Natural phenomenonThis is a threat to the fynbos' long-term survival. Even species that have evolved in a fire-prone environment can still survive.
In recent years, extreme wildfires—the result of extended periods of drought that turn the landscape into a tinderbox—have become a disconcertingly regular occurrence across the fynbos landscape. Although scorched earth can stimulate seed growth, if the flames penetrate too deeply, incinerating the soil below, and causing more heat, the fire lily may not be able to recover.
Wildfires with increasing frequency and intensity; droughts that last longer and are more severe; biblical floods in the middle of summer; melting ice caps at midwinter; seasons which no longer match their type. Climate change is changing the rules, and climate change is threatening the survival a wide range of plant species. Feuerlilies to bees can cause damage to ecosystems that we all depend on and, consequently, reduce their effectiveness as natural allies against global warming.
We will determine whether we stop climate change by taking the actions that we did between last year's COP26 climate summit in Glasgow and this year's COP27 follow up in Egypt, which is scheduled for November. Sir David Attenborough's wise words: "Only, if we can." [tackle climate change]Will the future of season plants, including these magnificent trees be assured?
California lost thousands on giant sequoias. It's sad, but it's something we know.
Fauna & Flora International
Can we save the fire lilies and sequoias from climate change? (2022, January 25, 2022)
Retrieved 25 January 2022
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December 2013 – January 2014.
Argentine's National Chamber of Pharmaceuticals.
January 2013 – July 2013.
Ministry of Health of the Province of Salta.
December 2012 – July 2013.
GAVI Foundation – Curatio Foundation.
December 2012 – March 2013.
February 2012 – September 2012.
Multicenter Collaborative Study (Coordinator). Scholarships Ramón Carrillo – Arturo Oñativia, Health Research Commission, Ministry of Health, Argentine Government.
Alliance for Health System Research.
April 2008 – May 2008.
Japanese Award for Outstanding Research on Development. Global Development Network (GDN).
March 2006 – November 2007.
Center for the Study of State and Society (CEDES).
September 2006 – February 2007.
June 2005 – August 2007.
August 2004 – June 2006. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 382 |
Two Gaston County school are enjoying success in the national competition. He has also worked in commercial and industrial videos and a few films. Eli was an original cast member in both New York and Los Angeles, creating the role of Johnny the groom's brother. Select New York credits: She has appeared in several staged readings with NJ Rep including: Its worth waiting for.
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A total of 8 gold medals and 25 silver medals were awarded to area students - 19 of which were given to students at Charlotte Mecklenburg high schools. In addition, he has served as a wrestling rules interpreter and the coordinator of officials for both the Individual and Dual Team State Final tournaments multiple times.
Jim Donovan Jim Donovan A. He has also participated in many of NJ Rep's staged readings. He coordinates the Sportsmanship State Final Committees for the football, wrestling and basketball tournaments. In addition, he works with local fisheries and biologists to make sure fish are returned to their habitat.
First place finishers included: Outback, Forester and Crosstrek lead the way. Jim has enjoyed directing as well, from children's opera to college and professional productions. He has worked with other wrestling clinicians in developing a post-season regional review which is attended by many State Series officials.
In fact, in some categories we tied or bested some of the top teams in the higher divisions. Natalie's work in the Theatre Brut festivals includes: Caught at InterAct Theater in Philadelphia.
Mercedes, celebrating its 87th published edition this year, features poetry and prose and represents the various painters, ceramic students, photographers and artists in grades David also has various Film, Commercial, Industrial, and Voice Over credits that round out his body of work. Giuseppe Pittarelli, interviewed Fermi and concluded that his entry would have been commendable even for a doctoral degree.
Cary also writes music and stories and speaks fluent German, Chinese and loves French. Katrina has also toured the U. Marc can currently be seen channeling to the dead, as psychic medium Kenneth Quinn on The Onion. His attention to detail and expertise have contributed to making the state finals some of the most exciting in the country.
Audio systems remain the same with 6. Without his can-do attitude, the media room would not function so smoothly. It gives the driver full transmission control for improved safety and performance getting on the highway, passing on 2 lane roads, towing a small trailer, improved snow driving and downhill control.
He starred in the animated TV series Clerks. In two earlier visits to NJ Rep. She's crazy for RK.
She last appeared here as Dorothea Wesbrook in Eleemosynary and has been an actor, director and narrator for many of the company's staged readings.
If you want a specially equipped Outback, Crosstrek or Legacy, please order today or tomorrow because after that its too late.
Kurt is also an original member of New Jersey Repertory Company and has been pleased to call it his artistic home-away-from-home, having taken part in many readings and two full productions; Octet and Slave Shack. Please visit Rozie's website at roziebacchi.Information on over book fairs, book festivals, conferences, and related events taking place in North America over the next 12 months ( and ).
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Search results for — #prehistoric: Follow the Dinosaurs by John Bailey Owen; #Presidents: Follow the Leaders by John Bailey Owen 'Cause I Love You by Jan Carr, illustrated by Daniel Howarth; The 10 Best Things About My Dad by Christine Loomis, illustrated by Jackie Urbanovic; 10 True Tales: Battle Heroes by Allan Zullo; 10 True . | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 383 |
Cultural Heritage Digitisation Service
Edinburgh University Library
By CHDS Uncategorized
The Skene Album – An artistic partnership between author and artist
Collection: Walter Scott Image Collection; Persons: Scott, Walter; Event: N/A; Place: Scotland; UK; Category: Art; Description:
James Skene was a close friend of one of Scotland's greatest and most influential writers. By profession he was a lawyer, but he was also a keen amateur artist.
Skene and Scott first met as fellow Advocates at the Scottish Bar and were brought together by their common love of German literature. They were subsequently joint co-founders of the Light Horse Regiment and the pair formed a close friendship.
This particular album appears to have fallen into obscurity over the years, as it had been in private collections and out of public view. Skene made these sketches for Scott to use as a reference or aide-memoire when writing his novels. Knowledge of its existence does not appear in any research or exhibitions relating to Scott or Skene. We were very fortunate to have this new acquisition and it was a pleasure to personally handle this beautiful album and see every drawing up close.
Prior to the album's arrival in the digital imaging unit it needed to be assessed by the conservation department for any damage or areas of fragility needing repairs. These included reattaching corners that were loose on the drawings, repairing the iron gall ink borderlines that had partially split around some of the drawings, reattaching any loose drawings whose original placements were clearly discernible (confirmed by an archivist), and patching any holes that had been made from the drawings coming loose.
Simple record shots were requested for the album, so to speed up the photography process it was decided the album would be shot as spreads. This presented some minor challenges because the album is in a landscape format, creating a long irregular shape when opened flat. I used a Phase One camera which I mounted high up on a copy stand, ensuring the spreads would be in the frame with additional space around for any fold-out materials exceeding the page width.
Occasionally I came across extra long fold out illustrations, however it was the smaller, double-sided fold-outs that presented some challenges. These were left unphotographed as they were glued along the top edge and it was not possible to safely photograph the undersides without damaging the original materials.
As I worked through this remarkable album I couldn't help but admire the level of detail in these small-scale, seemingly effortless illustrations every time I turned the page. The beauty of the Scottish landscape has attracted artists for centuries due to the arresting, ethereal quality of light and changing weather patterns against dramatic backdrops of glens, lochs and castles. Without a doubt, Skene would have enjoyed his subject matter, especially with an illuminating and equally creative friend close by. You can almost imagine him standing with Scott, painting en plein air, both men inspired by the scenery as their horses rest nearby. Perhaps Scott would write the occasional note down as they discussed storylines in the Waverley novels pertaining to the locations they visited.
Of their country rides, Skene wrote:
The beauty of the scenery gave full employment to my pencil, with the free and frequent exercise of which he [Scott] never seemed to feel impatient, for he was ready and willing at all times to alight where any scene attracted our notice…
Skene expertly captures the atmospheric shifts in the landscape and historic landmarks with a few simple but expressive brushstrokes and washes of watercolour in his illustrations. Sometimes he might make a note about the location, as seen here in Glen Finella;
"Finella was daughter of the Earl of Angus. In order to revenge the loss of her son, she is reported to have murdered King Kenneth the 3rd of Scotland and flying from the castle of Kincardine in this neighbourhood to have been overtaken near this spot and put to death. The fall is 63 feet perpendicular height."
Looking at this location today, it appears that the bridge was converted into a viaduct some time later as the distinctive bridge originally illustrated is no longer present.
The album's cultural significance in relation to Sir Walter Scott is certainly important, but from an archival perspective, I can't help but appreciate this time capsule of records of historic buildings and how they used to look, and comparing the illustrations to changes or losses that have occurred since then. Similar to Glen Finella, one other such example is Linlithgow Palace, missing some of the decorative crenelated tower-tops near the entrance, or were these perhaps simply added as an artistic flourish?
It's clear that Scott and Skene had a great friendship; this album is a wonderful representation of the time they spent together documenting the scenery they saw on their travels. In his works, Scott dedicated the following excerpt to him:
Eleven years we now may tell,/ Since we have known each other well;/ Since riding side by side, our hand first drew the voluntary brand;/ and sure, through many a varied scene, unkindness never came between…
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Q: Where does the punch list get its name?
A: The punch list is a list of tasks that need to be completed before the job is done and the final payment made. In most cases, the builder and client walk through the home and generate the list together. The list gets its name from a time before computers, when the builder would write out a list then punch holes next to items as they were completed.
A beautiful custom home represents a huge investment of time, care and money. Someone who has decided to make that investment most likely wants the home to present its best face to the world. During the day, that face is the architecture and landscaping, but after dark, it's largely determined by the outdoor lighting.
So it's too bad when homeowners approach outdoor lighting as an afterthought.. We encourage custom homeowners to start considering it earlier, for reasons of creativity and efficiency.
Improvements in LED technology make it possible to transform a home's nightscape in more ways than ever.
Maybe you'd like to make a bold statement with the entryway, create visual depth in the back yard, or experience the mood of a candlelit dinner on the patio. You may want to highlight favorite architectural and landscape features and to change the effects with the season or even on a whim. The fixtures, light sources and controls now available put all this within reach.
Getting these effects requires a skilled lighting designer. Someone who knows how to blend light of varying color and intensity from different angles and fixture types. And who also knows how and where to put highlights while avoiding excessive bright spots and shadows.
A good designer will also make sure the lighting fixtures call attention not to themselves but to what's being lighted. Done right, the lighting will draw your eyes to the beauty of an architectural or landscape feature with no thought about where the light originated.
If the project includes a deck or patio, involving the designer early means he or she can work with the builder to conceal the wiring, which could include building chases into the deck frame or running underground conduit in just the right places.
The art of creating a good lighting scheme also includes thinking about safety, both in obvious spots, such as steps, and in not-so-obvious ones, like landscape trip hazards.
When it comes to lighting, it's also a good idea to think about modifications you might make down the road. If you plan to add a backyard dining area in a year or two and want everything to match, consider buying all the fixtures now. Lighting manufacturers are quick to drop particular lines when sales lag.
As with most aspects of custom homebuilding, it makes sense to start thinking early about the lighting budget and whether to spend just enough for a basic scheme or to invest in a more dramatic statement.
One reason a lot of people don't consider outdoor lighting until project's end is that they can't visualize how it will look. The good news is that many professional lighting designers use demo kits to show how different combinations of light will look.
Of course demos need a finished home, but the point is that you will make wiser decisions if you begin thinking in the design phase about what lighting you want outside. Your custom builder and lighting designer can guide you through this process.
View our Project Showcase for Ideas! | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 385 |
Candid Chronicle: If Lemon Grove Were Ever Waiting For A Sign… This Is It
Lemon Grove city staff and council recently approved a 70-foot tall digital billboard that will advertise various businesses, including legal cannabis dispensaries and various marijuana products. As cannabis shops have been designated an "essential business," this could be a lucrative source of revenue for the city.
According to the agreement, the billboard project is intended to make use of city held property and generate revenue from it. All ads to be displayed will be strictly considered "commercial advertising" and not intended for public announcements. The deal could generate up to $300,000 per year for Lemon Grove.
Authored By: Cara Anderson Editor in Chief
Contact at: Linked In
Coincidentally, the billboard will be located just a few feet from 3648 Olive St. The property was recently denied a permit to operate a medical marijuana dispensary by Lemon Grove city staff. Yet, the city of Lemon Grove will profit share from the sales of cannabis just a few yards away. City staff's decision to deny the dispensary was immediately appealed and is set to be heard on May 5, 2020. The property owner believes if the city thought the location was appropriate to promote cannabis directly above his property, it only makes sense that the location meets all distance requirements to open a medical marijuana dispensary.
"What is good for the goose is good for the gander, right? The city could use the money, more importantly, the taxpayers voted for cannabis back in 2016. It's a no brainer." says Teresa Rosiak, Lemon Grove resident who ran for office in 2018. Rosiak is still undecided if she will run for mayor or city council in 2020.
In March, the residents of Lemon Grove rejected a measure to increase the local sales tax. The city's projected deficit will be almost $1,300,000 by 2021. Lemon Grove's budget shortfall is well known and could force the city to file bankruptcy. On top of safe access to locals and visitors who have the right to consume cannabis, the dispensary could provide much-needed tax revenue for the city as it teeters on disincorporation. Medical cannabis is already legal in Lemon Grove, and there have been many discussions about how the new industry can help the city's finances.
"Keep in mind that these marijuana businesses will pay no local taxes," Councilman Jerry Jones wrote in an editorial.
Despite not generating local taxes from the sale of medical marijuana, the city will receive revenue for the general fund from the sale of medical cannabis. A yearly per patient fee is required from all Lemon Grove licensed dispensaries. The average medical marijuana dispensary would pay more than $60,000 in yearly patient fees alone.
"This would be, by far, the largest tax, or fee levied on medical marijuana dispensaries by any jurisdiction in San Diego County," author of Measure V, Cynara Velasquez, wrote in an Op-Ed for Voice of San Diego titled "Don't Believe Lemon Grove Officials' Medical Marijuana Fear-Mongering." Many California cities do not require any patient fees for sales of medical marijuana.
In November 2016, the citizens of Lemon Grove voted to legalize medical marijuana. At the time, Lemon Grove was one of the first cities in California to allow legal, medical marijuana dispensaries. The analysis by the city attorney states the measure would allow dispensaries to grow, process, and dispense medical marijuana. So far, Lemon Grove city council has only approved three locations for cannabis; 6859 Federal Blvd, 6470 Federal Blvd, and 6915 North Ave.
Three years after the voters said yes to medical marijuana dispensaries, there is still not one legal dispensary or permitted cannabis business open for business in the city of Lemon Grove. For perspective, the city of San Diego has over 60 licensed cannabis businesses, while the city of La Mesa has already approved 21 various cannabis applications to operate within city limits.
"First objective is to get the three we've approved up and open. We need history behind us before making the next step. The Grove is close, the other one on Federal doesn't appear to be moving, and the third applicant seems more interested in suing the city for denying two of his three applications than opening the one we approved two years ago," wrote City Councilman Jerry Jones via the NextDoor App.
The property located at 3648 Olive St. has been vacant for almost two years. The application to open a medical marijuana dispensary was denied on December 3, 2019, because city staff claims the proposed location is within 1,000 feet of a public park.
Image of Main Street Promenade from Yelp.
"It is like the city just makes stuff up as they go. The denial is beyond puzzling; a trolley stop isn't a park. The proposed location is on a dead-end street and practically as far north in the city as you can get. They just approved a gigantic billboard that will flash cannabis ads less than a few feet away. It doesn't make any sense." says a nearby property owner, who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of retribution.
On the city's official website, there is not a park listed under the name Promenade Park or Main Street Promenade. Curiously, there is a Promenade Park listed under City Facilities on the city's website. The address listed for the facility is 3240 Main St. The same address is also used for the Lemon Grove Sheriff Substation. The property owner of the proposed dispensary provided measurements by a licensed professional land surveyor. The company certified its calculations from the proposed dispensary at 3648 Olive St to 3240 Main St., the address listed on the city's website for Promenade Park. It measured 1,544 feet from the most northerly portion of the city-owned property. The distance well exceeds the 1,000 foot required by Measure V. Noticeably, there is no Main Street Promenade or any area similar in description that can be found under the categories of park or city facility on the city's website. Main Street Promenade can not be found anywhere on the city's official website.
The 65 ft billboard will sit directly next to the proposed dispensary. Image: Google Maps.
Map showing dispensary property, billboard, and Lemon Grove Depot.
The denial letter provided by Community Development Manager Noah Alvey is vague. The letter does not include an address used to determine the boundaries of the park, typically common practice when disclosing the reasons for any permit denial. It appears that staff began measuring from the trolley station owned by Union Pacific Railroad Co., from the corner of Lemon Grove Ave and North Ave to the proposed dispensary location. Prior to the proposed dispensary application, numerous online searches show the area has been known as the Main Street Promenade by city employees and the mayor. From April 28, 2016 – November 3, 2019, there were 31 images posted by city staff and Mayor Vasquez, which all refer to the area as Main Street Promenade, including images from the mayor's campaign kickoff rally. In the same time period, there were zero images from staff or the mayor that mentioned a Promenade Park. The application to operate the marijuana dispensary was filed on September 30, 2019. Curiously, the first image identifying the area as Promenade Park was posted by Mayor Vasquez on November 4, 2019. The image she posted lists the address for Promenade Park at 3240 Main St. an address that is well outside the 1,000 feet separation requirements.
Screenshots from Mayor Racquel Vasquez's Instagram accounts.
Is Main Street Promenade, by definition, a park or open space?
Lemon Grove Municipal Code 12.20.030 defines "Park" or "City Park" as the land easements owned or leased by the city of Lemon Grove, which by ordinance resolution, encroachment permit, regulation, or agreement, are dedicated to or operated by the city for purposes of sports, community gardens, and public recreation.
The property used in the measurement test by city staff is not owned or leased by the city. There is no community garden, and no sports activities occurring in the area. There is no address issued to the common area, contrary to every park owned or leased by the city of Lemon Grove. Most importantly, unlike the existing "parks" in the city of Lemon Grove, the Main Street Promenade generates no revenue and is unable to subsidize any costs of maintenance. The trolley expanse is not available to rent by the hour for recreation or special events by the public like all the other Lemon Grove parks.
Lemon Grove Municipal Code 17.08.030 defines "Open Space" as an area of land set aside, dedicated, designated or reserved for public or private use or enjoyment including, but not limited to, uses such as community gardens, or for the use or enjoyment of owners and occupants of and adjoining or neighboring such land.
The parcel in question connects the Citronica I and II high-density developments, the business district, and the Lemon Grove Trolley Depot. Under the rules of Measure V, open space is not considered to be a sensitive use. Meaning there are no rules prohibiting a dispensary from opening next to "open space" in the city of Lemon Grove. *
Bureau of Cannabis Control (BCC), the lead agency responsible for commercial cannabis licenses in California, including the advertising or promoting of commercial cannabis, published a notice:
"Any licensee and any person acting on behalf of a licensee must comply with the statutes and regulations governing commercial cannabis advertising or promoting. All advertising and promoting of commercial cannabis must not: Be located within 1,000 feet of a daycare center, school, playground, or youth center."
City Manager Romero denied comment to Candid Chronicle.
Lemon Grove's decision to deny the Olive St. property a permit will have a ripple effect. Beyond no potential revenue from the medical marijuana dispensary, litigation is also possible and something the city can't afford. The city is already facing its fair share of lawsuits. There are at least three active lawsuits from applicants for medical marijuana dispensaries, including one from the applicant of 3648 Olive St. In addition to litigation, the decision may force change to the agreement with Outfront Media or give the BCC all it needs to cite Lemon Grove for violating commercial cannabis advertising regulations. Which could leave the cash strapped city forced to pay state fines of up to $5,000 per day. A public hearing to appeal city staff's denial of the dispensary is scheduled for 6:00 pm on May 5, 2020, by virtual meeting. The public is encouraged to participate.
To submit a public comment to the city of Lemon Grove:
Subject Line to Email: PUBLIC COMMENT ITEM # 2 MUP-190-0005
DEADLINE: May 4, 2020 at 5 pm
How to Join The Lemon Grove City Council Meeting:
1. Download the free Zoom application on your smartphone or sign up online:
2. The city council meeting takes place on 5/5/2020 at 6 PM; access the meeting with this link:
3. Enter Password/Access I.D: 6198253800
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# Copyright lowRISC contributors.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0, see LICENSE for details.
# SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
# This script converts all SystemVerilog RTL files to Verilog
# using sv2v and then runs LEC (Cadence Conformal) to check if
# the generated Verilog is logically equivalent to the original
# SystemVerilog. A similar script is used in OpenTitan, any updates
# or fixes here may need to be reflected in the OpenTitan script as well
# The following tools are required:
# - sv2v: SystemVerilog-to-Verilog converter from
# - Cadence Conformal
# Usage:
# ./ |& tee lec.log
# use fusesoc to generate files and file list
rm -Rf build lec_out
fusesoc --cores-root .. run --tool=icarus --target=lint \
--setup "lowrisc:ibex:ibex_core" > /dev/null 2>&1
# copy all files to lec_out
mkdir lec_out
cp build/*/src/*/*.sv build/*/src/*/*/*.sv lec_out
cd lec_out
# copy file list and remove incdir, RVFI define, and sim-file
egrep -v 'incdir|RVFI|simulator_ctrl' ../build/*/*/*.scr > flist_gold
# remove all hierarchical paths
sed -i 's!.*/!!' flist_gold
# generate revised flist by replacing '.sv' by '.v' and removing packages
sed 's/.sv/.v/' flist_gold | grep -v "_pkg.v" > flist_rev
# convert all RTL files to Verilog using sv2v
printf "\nSV2V ERRORS:\n"
for file in *.sv; do
module=`basename -s .sv $file`
sv2v --define=SYNTHESIS * $file > ${module}.v
# remove *pkg.v files (they are empty files and not needed)
rm -f *_pkg.v prim_assert.v prim_util_memload.v
# overwrite the prim_clock_gating modules with the module from ../rtl
cp ../rtl/prim_clock_gating.v .
cp ../rtl/prim_clock_gating.v
# run LEC (generated Verilog vs. original SystemVerilog)
printf "\n\nLEC RESULTS:\n"
for file in *.v; do
export LEC_TOP=`basename -s .v $file`
# run Conformal LEC
lec -xl -nogui -nobanner \
-dofile ../ \
-logfile lec_${LEC_TOP}.log \
<<< "exit -force" > /dev/null 2>&1
# summarize results
check=`grep "Compare Results" lec_${LEC_TOP}.log`
if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
result=`echo $check | awk '{ print $4 }'`
printf "%-25s %s\n" $LEC_TOP $result
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaGithub'} | 388 |
Interview with Maximum Metal
Original: Jim Matheos - Arch/Matheos "Style and Inspiration" Interview with one half of Arch/Matheos and Fates Warning founding member Jim Matheos on their new release 'Winter Ethereal'. By: Mark Cubbedge | Published: Monday, April 22, 2019 Thirty-five plus years into his career as founding member and guitarist for the progressive metal band Fates Warning, Jim Matheos has [...]
By webmaster| 2019-07-10T11:42:32+00:00 July 10th, 2019|News|3 Comments
Arch / Matheos Release Play Through Video For "Wrath of the Universe"
Interview with
Original: John Arch and Jim Matheos are now known as the people who set Fates Warning on its path to becoming one of the most iconic progressive metal bands in history, and be crowned alongside Queensrÿche and Dream Theater as the "Big Three" of progressive metal. Arch left left the band and the music scene [...]
Recorded guitars for two tracks on Tim Bowness' latest album, Flowers At The Scene
Recorded guitars for Tim Bowness' latest album, Flowers At The Scene. Guitar on "Rainmark", guitar solo on the title track "Flowers At The Scene", and verse guitars on "It's The World".
Fates Warning's live album "Live Over Europe" now available
Progressive Metal pioneers FATES WARNING are now presenting a third single for their upcoming new live album entitled "Live Over Europe", which will be released June 29th, 2018 via InsideOutMusic worldwide. Check out "Life in Still Water", which was recorded during the show in Aschaffenburg / Germany of FATES WARNING's latest European tour, here: [...] | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 389 |
Промоутерские торги () являются первым шагом в организации профессионального боксёрского поединка. В них принимает участие промоутер (или промоутеры), который проводит данный поединок (турнир). Все заинтересованные зарегистрированные промоутеры вправе предложить сумму призовых, которую получат боксёры за участие в матче, в случае, если стороны, представляющие боксёров, не смогли договориться до установленного крайнего срока. Сторона, предложившая наиболее крупную сумму, побеждает, однако она обязана внести определённый её процент авансом до истечения оговоренного срока. Призовой фонд делится между боксёрами согласно стандартному регламенту организации, санкционирующей бой. Чемпион обычно получает 70 % от общей суммы, а претендент — 30 % (правила допускают и исключения, например, 60/40 или 55/45, а в отдельных случаях — даже 50/50), если же титул объявлен вакантным, претенденты, как правило, делят призовые поровну. Правила также могут предусматривать бонус для победителя (обычно 10 % от общей суммы).
Официальное постановление WBC: Поветкин и Стиверн разыграют временный титул
Профессиональный бокс | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 390 |
It has been said by some that the sealing power of Elijah is so strong that it has the power to save those who have been duly sealed, regardless of whether they die worthily or not. Could this be true? Could the sealing power over-ride the principle of agency and God's justice in such a way as to save a person in their sins? This teaching is based on a quote by Orson F. Whitney made in a 1929 Conference. Elder Whitney was an assistant historian in the Church Historian's Office, and it is likely that he had reference to a statement made by Joseph Smith which is found in History of the Church, vol. 5, p. 530.
This problem comes down to a question of interpretation. Do we understand Elder Whitney correctly? Did he understand the Prophet Joseph Smith correctly? These are questions which should be asked in this peculiar case.
"When a seal is put upon the father and mother, it secures their posterity, so that they cannot be lost, but will be saved by virtue of the covenant of their father and mother"(History of the Church, vol. 5, p. 530).
Could it be possible that people are misunderstanding Elder Whitney's remarks? Or is it possible that people are not misunderstanding him, but that Elder Whitney misunderstood the Prophet Joseph Smith?
Let's consider the first. It could be that when Elder Whitney said, "Either in this life or the life to come, they will return," he did not have reference necessarily to the Celestial Kingdom, but back into the gospel, in which case, if they did return in the life to come, they would receive Terrestrial Glory (D&C 76:74, 79).
An interesting transition is made in the quote, when Elder Whitney says "the eternal sealings of faithful parents and the divine promises made to them for valiant service…would save not only themselves, but likewise their posterity. Though some of the sheep may wander, the eye of the Shepherd is upon them…" It could be that the "posterity" who he had reference to being saved are the faithful ones, and that when he said "though," he was switching lines of thought over to those unfaithful ones who would not share the same glory. And at the end, when he said, "Hope on, trust on, till you see the salvation of God," he could have meant it in the general sense, such as in that Christ "saves all the works of his hands, except those sons of perdition" (D&C 76:43), and not in the sense of exaltation.
Let us consider the logical conclusion of a doctrine which allows for men to live a life of sin, but still be saved in the Celestial Kingdom simply because an ordinance has been performed. If the interpretation of the Whitney quote is that people may be rebellious Church members in this life, and yet, someway, somehow, repent in the spirit world and gain exaltation in the Celestial Kingdom, then what is the conclusion from such a teaching? It is simply this: procrastinate the day of your repentance, don't work so hard, because it will all come about eventually. It is interesting that the Book of Mormon exposes this kind of doctrine as falsehood (Alma 1:3-4; 13:27-30; 34:32-33; 2 Ne. 30:2). In fact, true doctrine entices people to do good works, not the other way around (Moro. 7:13-17).
". . . A measure of this sealing is to confirm upon their heads in common with Elijah the doctrine of Election or the covenant with Abraham—which when a father and mother of a family have entered into their children who have not transgressed are secured by the seal wherewith the parents have been sealed. And this is the oath of God unto our Father Abraham and this doctrine shall stand forever."(Discourses of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 152).
"If men would acquire salvation, they have got to be subject, before they leave this world, to certain rules and principles, which were fixed by an unalterable decree before the world was.
"The disappointment of hopes and expectations at the resurrection would be indescribably dreadful"(Joseph Smith, Teachings of the Prophet Joseph Smith, p. 324-325).
"Salvation is an individual matter, and if a person who has been born under the covenant rebels and denies the Lord, he will lose the blessings of exaltation. Every soul will be judged according to his works and the wicked cannot inherit eternal life. We cannot force salvation upon those who do not want it. Even our Father's children had their agency before this life, and one-third of them rebelled.
It is the duty of parents to teach their children so that they will walk uprightly and thus obtain the blessings of their birthright.
"Let it be remembered also that those who sin must repent in this life; if they die in their sins, unrepentant, then no matter what blessings they have received, they are not re-instated" (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 2:98).
"Those who have the opportunity here, those unto whom the message of salvation is declared, who are taught and who have this truth presented to them in this life – yet deny it and refuse to receive it – shall not have a place in the kingdom of God. They will not be with those who died without that knowledge and who yet accepted it in the spirit world" (Joseph Fielding Smith, Doctrines of Salvation, 2:182-183, emphasis in original).
"…Thus the false and heretical doctrine that people who fail to live the law in this life (having had an opportunity so to do) will have a further chance of salvation in the life to come is a soul-destroying doctrine, a doctrine that lulls its adherents into carnal security and thereby denies them a hope of eternal salvation" (Bruce R. McConkie, Mormon Doctrine, p. 685-687).
"And now I say unto you, that mercy hath no claim on that man" (Mosiah 2:36-39).
King Benjamin in the Book of Mormon taught that when a person dies in their sins, having had a knowledge of the truth, mercy has no claim on that person's soul (see Mosiah 2:36-39).
"Therefore ought ye not to tremble? For salvation cometh to none such; for the Lord hath redeemed none such; yea, neither can the Lord redeem such; for he cannot deny himself; for he cannot deny justice when it has its claim" (Mosiah 15:26-27).
The prophet Abinidi in the Book of Mormon explicitly taught that those who have "wilfully rebelled against God, that have known the commandments of God" could not be saved in their sins, but that justice would have claim on their soul (see Mosiah 15:26-27).
"Verily, verily, I say unto you, except ye abide my law ye cannot attain to this glory. For strait is the gate, and narrow the way that leadeth unto the exaltation and continuation of the lives, and few there be that find it, because ye receive me not in the world neither do ye know me. But if ye receive me in the world, then shall ye know me, and shall receive your exaltation; that where I am ye shall be also" (D&C 132:21-23).
In light of the evidence at hand, which includes two accounts of the Higbee funeral sermon, and the testimony of Church leaders and the scriptures about doctrine relative to dying in a sinful state, it is apparent that the sealing power does not have the capability of saving a Church member who has spent their life in rebellion of the gospel principles. To allow for such a possibility destroys the justice of God, nullifies personal agency, and turns the plan of salvation itself upside-down. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 391 |
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This Thankful Life Motion Loop is part of a series of 9 looping motion backgrounds. This loop is great for sermon notes, announcements, lyrics, or by itself to add a creative edge to your service. Also check out the "Let Us Thank God" illustration and "Thankful Life Countdown." This loop features particles, an array of colors and rustic wood. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 393 |
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The Flaws of WarCraf
Ho could not in walk above thirty yards without resting.
Miles), Arteries, Carotid, Compression of, in Ascites, Chylous, in Children (Abs.), Auscultation at the Acromion Process in Diagnosis of Early Phthisis Autoserotherapy of Diseases of the Biokinetic Method of Jacquet, Treatment of Frost-Bite by (Abs.), side Blastomycosis of the Evelids (Aba.), Exophl halmic' toil re, especially Bilateral Lesion in the Occipital Lobes Correctly Diagnosed Burns, Taffeta-Chiffon as Used for Carmichael, E. They cannot however be found in all cases, and death may take place without "mn" their presence. First, Second, coffee and Third Examinations of the"Conjoint Examining Board in England" are hold in this month. Violent convulsions during the two hours one preceding death. Duodenum blaokish from In the trachea "buy" one gapeworm, and some roundworms in the duodenum. As soon, however, as the nature of loss his infection was established he at once appreciated the significance of the bite to which he had submitted; he then related the circumstance to me, emphasizing his belief that the insect was not a Culex fasciaius, but, as he expressed it," a common ordinary brown mosquito," in which the hospital at that time abounded. Eggs stored under dry conditions yielded larvae after varying temperatures diet to determine the effect on hatching. As it was, the boy was sent first carb attached to the great hospital of that city. The original host is probably Bos gaurus, the Indo-Malayan gaur or wild ox (protein). In Germany it has been done by point wiping over OPERATIVE TREATMENT OF PERFORATIVE ULCER.
The conditions under water which this experiment was performed were about the same as before, twelve plates being used. Tbe symptoms and clinical history, so far as obtained, and the lesions iu the animals examined indicate that this disease is due to a poison (extract). The same phenomena of distension with red corpuscles, clumping, to-and-fro movement, and stasis appear gradually in the capillaries (review).
Lietard, President to of the Monument Committee. The early history of this worm ia buried under indefinite and incomplete statements upon superficially atndieil material (weight). The problem of the physician is to secure a more positive differential diagnosis between ulcer and cancer in its earlier stages by the chemical study of "chocolate" gastric secretion. I injected mxxof effects Aronsou's antitoxin (all we could obtain), which had been kindly supplied that afternoon by Mr.
In the case of saponin acting on formaldehyde corpuscles (o) must be assumed to have taken place, since when a suspension is treated with saponin the conductivity of the sediment after centrifugahzation is found to be increased, even when the conductivity of the suspending liquid gold is not increased or is diminished. Powder - infestations in Northern States have become more common presumably because of more rapid methods of transporting livestock. J know perfectly well that intratympanic injections through the Eustachian tube have been recommended and used for a very long time, but of late ye.irs the,Y have be.en abandoned and even denounced as useless and dangerous (ripped). D., Associate Professor of shake Medicine in the Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore.
Vega - the patient has refused amputation, opening on the palmar surface of the hand, lialf an inch posterior to the base of the thiM metacarpal bone, and one on the dorsal surface near the radio-uluar articulation; both of these openings communicate with dead bone, and have daily discharged a tablespoonful of pus during the past six months. The latter theory is the more probable, as certain garcinia social wasps are known to feed their larvae on flies. Where - the use of mosquito nets, oil of citronella and a Japanese remedy consisting of fumigation with joss-sticks were more effective. A about two inches, and properly braced, are "of" so placed as to keep the toes apart. There was not the same overcrowding as amazon on the female side. The cases are not pills uncommon, especially among the poorer classes. Boiling - after death, which was due to infective endocarditis, the ductus arteriosus was found to be sufficiently large to systolic bruit louder in the aortic and pulmonary areas than at the apex: there was some cyanosis and clubbing of the fingers, together with enlargement of the heart. While under tieatment for this disease, organo his bone was discovered to extend from the malar bone to the inferior maxilla, following the anterior margin of the masseter muscle.
No definite system of nomenclature has been trim adopted.
Website design, code and graphics are Copyright © 2003, 2019 All content is owned by its original authors, and used with permission. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaCommonCrawl'} | 394 |
Ashley Grace Twichell (born June 16, 1989) is an American competition swimmer who specializes in long-distance freestyle and open-water events. She placed seventh in the 10 kilometer open water swim at the 2020 Summer Olympics. Twichell's age at her Olympic Games debut, 32 years of age, made her the oldest American swimmer first-timer at an Olympic Games since 1908.
Twichell earned the first international medals of her career at the 2011 World Aquatics Championships in Shanghai, China, winning gold in the 5 km team and bronze in the 5 km open water events. Later in 2011, she earned a silver medal in the 800-meter freestyle at the 2011 Pan American Games.
At the 2012 U.S. Olympic Trials, she placed 10th in the 800-meter freestyle and 18th in the 400-meter freestyle, missing the Olympic team.
In 2013, Twichell won gold in the 10 km open water event at the 2013 Summer Universiade in Kazan, Russia.
2016 World Swimming Championships
Twichell competed at the 2016 World Swimming Championships held in Windsor, Canada in December 2016. She won the silver medal in the 800-meter freestyle with a time of 8:11.95, finishing only behind Leah Smith.
2017 World Aquatics Championships
At the 2017 World Aquatics Championships in July 2017 in Budapest, Hungary Twichell won two medals. The first medal she won was a gold medal with a time of 59:07.0 in the women's 5 kilometer open water swim. With her win, Twichell became the oldest American swimmer to win a world title in open water swimming as well as the oldest female swimmer for the United States since 2003 to win an international swimming title in an individual event. The day after winning a gold medal in an individual event, Twichell won a silver medal in the 5 kilometer mixed team relay event.
2019 World Aquatics Championships
In July 2019 at the 2019 World Aquatics Championships in Gwangju, South Korea, Twichell qualified for her first Olympic Games. Her sixth place finish in the 10 kilometer open water swim secured her spot on the U.S. Olympic Team in the marathon 10 kilometer swim for the 2020 Summer Olympics. Twichell and her teammate Haley Anderson, who also competed in the race and finished in the top ten, were the first athletes qualifying to represent the United States at the 2020 Summer Olympics in any sport. Twichell and her three relay teammates, Jordan Wilimovsky, Haley Anderson, and Michael Brinegar, won bronze in the 5 kilometer mixed team relay event.
After months of pool closures and a lack of swim meets to compete in due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Twichell returned to racing in the pool in November 2020 at the 2020 U.S. Open Swimming Championships. At the Championships, she won a silver medal in the 1500-meter freestyle with a time of 16:18.11, finishing less than fourteen seconds behind gold medalist Bella Sims.
2021 US Open Water National Championships
In April 2021, Twichell competed in the 5 kilometer and 10 kilometer open water swims at the 2021 US Open Water National Championships in Fort Myers Beach, Florida. She finished second with a time of 2:03:01 in the women's 10 kilometer open water swim. In the women's 5 kilometer open water swim, Twichell finished first with a time of 1:01:31, winning the national title in the event.
2020 US Olympic Trials
At the 2020 USA Swimming Olympic Trials (held in June 2021 due to the COVID-19 pandemic) Twichell competed in two individual events, the 400-meter freestyle and the 1500-meter freestyle. In the 400-meter freestyle Twichell placed eighth with a time of 4:10.51 in the prelims heats and decided not to swim in the final even though she qualified. In the 1500-meter freestyle she finished fifth in the final with a time of 16:01.62, not qualifying to swim the event at the 2020 Summer Olympics.
2020 Summer Olympics
Twichell was 32 years old heading into the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, making her the oldest first-time American swimmer at an Olympic Games in over 100 years. Specifically, she was the oldest American swimmer at Olympic debut since James Green debuted at age 32 in 1908. In the swimming community, only one female U.S. swimmer at the Olympic Games had been older, Dara Torres who was 41 years old at the 2008 Summer Olympics.
In the 10 kilometer marathon swim on August 4, Twichell placed seventh behind sixth place finisher and American teammate Haley Anderson with a time of 1:59:37.9.
Awards and honors
2019 Fayetteville-Manlius Hornets Hall of Fame inductee
Twichell is married to Derek Wall and in November 2021 she announced they were pregnant with their first child.
See also
List of Duke University people
External links
Ashley Twichell – Duke University athlete profile at
1989 births
Living people
American female freestyle swimmers
People from Westchester County, New York
Sportspeople from New York (state)
World Aquatics Championships medalists in open water swimming
Swimmers at the 2011 Pan American Games
Medalists at the FINA World Swimming Championships (25 m)
Pan American Games silver medalists for the United States
Pan American Games medalists in swimming
Universiade medalists in swimming
Universiade gold medalists for the United States
Female long-distance swimmers
Medalists at the 2013 Summer Universiade
Medalists at the 2011 Pan American Games
Duke Blue Devils women's swimmers
Fayetteville-Manlius High School alumni | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaWikipedia'} | 395 |
Tag: Stephen King
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such strength could not help but inspire.
as I gazed at the flames of the fire.
wouldn't hear the defense that she spoke.
Such strength couldn't help but inspire.
saint and heroine of the French folk.
My first is in tick and also in tock.
My second's in minutes, but not in clock.
My third is in moments and millennia.
My fourth is in eons and also era.
I can seem to stand still, or, without wings, to fly.
I may be your companion, but never your friend.
The Maid of Orleans is very powerful.
The answer to the riddle I'm guessing is time.
I am no snake or wingless bird.
What a silly, silly, silly story.
After a bit of life and glory?
She was no Prometheus on the block.
Her heart filled up with yesterday.
Her boundless heart met with the sea.
The wind and waves' impunity.
That matched the crying of her land.
Shall I refuse to walk that way?
Our hearts filled up with yesterday!
A fine villanelle despite Nicky having a go at the English! But we need to keep in mind that it was only fair at the time. After all, the Norman conquest of England in 1066 was what? The Frenchies suppressing the English for several hundred years! So it was in time their own royal progeny kicking back at them as they re-invaded where they'd come from. What could be fairer than that?
The Maid of Orleans is my patron saint I am proud to say. Just think – her heart was so pure it didn't burn up in the fire! Love your poem.
I stood on that spot in Rouen last summer, next to the modern church built on the site of the one destroyed during the post-D-Day allied bombing. Today the neighborhood is a festive one, with restaurants and cafes frequented by locals as well as tourists. I enjoyed the riddle and, although I have never been particularly inspired by Ste. Jeanne d'Arc, your own love for her courage and faith, along with your celebration of her life and sacrifice are well-framed in your fine poem. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 397 |
On this edition of ''Out of the Blue'' from Middle Tennessee State University we tell you how the Charlie and Hazel Daniels Veterans and Military Family Center works to align veterans with job opportunities in our communities.
We introduce you to Jim Free, a Distinguished Visiting Professor in our College of Liberal Arts, whose career took him from the Tennessee State House to the White House – and beyond.
And we explore the research by one of our psychology professors into the practice of talking to yourself – known in research circles as self-talk – and what it says about those who make it a habit. | {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaC4'} | 398 |
Q: Debugging FaceBook Connect with Local IIS / Visual Studio Does anyone know how to setup a development environment so I can debug FaceBook connect in ASP.NET?
I have my code working and running fine on the live site. However, in order to test anything I need to write my code, deploy and see where it goes wrong on the live/test site. Not ideal by any stretch of the imagination :)
Thanks in advance
A: I registered the URL http://localhost/ and got an API key from Facebook.. I can now debug in my development environment.
| {'redpajama_set_name': 'RedPajamaStackExchange'} | 399 |
Subsets and Splits