Q: How is the size of nested struct arrays decided? N.B: This is similar, but not quite the same as Effects of __attribute__((packed)) on nested array of structures? I am defining a struct type that contains several nested structs. One of the members is an array of packed structs which has me slightly confused on the order it should be nested in, vis-a-vis the norm of having the larger members first. if the member is an array of structs that are 8 bytes each, with length 4, is the member a total of 32 bytes that is treated as a singular entity for packing and alignment, making another single struct member of, say 18 bytes, actually smaller? e.g typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) settingsProfile { /* For packing and alignment, is this member 32 bytes or 4 'chunks'(?) of 8 bytes?*/ struct __attribute__((__packed__)) load { int32_t slewRate; int32_t current; } load[4]; /* 18 bytes, so if the above *isn't* 32 it should be below this */ struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ac { int32_t slewRate; int32_t voltage; int32_t iLimit; int32_t ovp; bool dcMode; }; struct __attribute__((__packed__)) xfmr { // 4 bytes int32_t ocp; } xfmr; uint16_t extOtp[2]; // 4 bytes } settingsProfile_t; Thanks! A: This struct is a type not a variable: ... /* 18 bytes, so if the above *isn't* 32 it should be below this */ struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ac { int32_t slewRate; int32_t voltage; int32_t iLimit; int32_t ovp; bool dcMode; }; ... so it's size will not be included in the sizeof(settingsProfile_t). You may looking for: typedef struct __attribute__((__packed__)) settingsProfile { uint16_t extOtp[2]; // 4 bytes struct __attribute__((__packed__)) xfmr { // 4 bytes int32_t ocp; } xfmr; // total 17 struct __attribute__((__packed__)) ac { int32_t slewRate; // 4 int32_t voltage; // 4 int32_t iLimit; // 4 int32_t ovp; // 4 bool dcMode; // 1 } foo; // << ***here*** // total 32 struct __attribute__((__packed__)) load { int32_t slewRate; // 4 int32_t current; // 4 } load[4]; } settingsProfile_t; In my compiler the total sizeof(settingsProfile_t). is 57, as the numbers explains.
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Q: How serious is this sfdx force:lightning:lint error on Array.from? This Lightning Component code appears to work: var tab = component.get("v.tab"); var fields = new Set(); tab.qualifiedFieldApiNames.forEach(function(item) { if (item) fields.add(item); }); tab.listQualifiedFieldApiNames.forEach(function(item) { if (item) fields.add(item); }); return Array.from(fields); but sfdx force:lightning:lint says: error ecma-intrinsics Invalid Intrinsic API Line:312:16 return Array.from(fields); What does "error" mean in this report? And if it is advisable to not use Array.from, what is the minimum alternate code to convert a set to an array? A: The Lightning linter complains about Array.from because this array method is part of ES6 but the linter validates against ES5 only. I would not recommend to use it because it is not supported by Internet Explorer. See this link for compatibility and polyfill: https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/from A: Use [].slice.call(fields) Taken from: https://github.com/addyosmani/es6-equivalents-in-es5 Note that this won't convert NodeList and similar array-like collections. A: Minimum alternate code could look like this: var tab = component.get("v.tab"); var fields = new Set(), fieldsArray = []; // placeholder array tab.qualifiedFieldApiNames.forEach(function(item) { if (item) fields.add(item); }); tab.listQualifiedFieldApiNames.forEach(function(item) { if (item) fields.add(item); }); // convert to array fields.forEach(function(item){ fieldsArray.push(item); }); return fieldsArray; As far as why the linter is complaining about the Array.from() function - that is unclear. It's definitely part of the ECMAScript spec [ Array.from() ] which is what that linter is documented to be checking against.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
3DHS » If any Jew had conisdered voting for Geo Jr #2 , this would squelch it for sure Author Topic: If any Jew had conisdered voting for Geo Jr #2 , this would squelch it for sure (Read 3829 times) "I still had a ham sandwich for lunch. And my mother made great pork chops." -- Virginia Sen.George Allen, explaining how news that his grandfather was Jewish is "just an interesting nuance to my background." http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RTD/MGArticle/RTD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1149190712778"> He MUST let his base know that in his heart he is still a bigot. Amianthus Bring on the flames... Re: If any Jew had conisdered voting for Geo Jr #2 , this would squelch it for s So, you make the bigoted assumption that Jews vote based on dietary restrictions? Do not anticipate trouble, or worry about what may never happen. Keep in the sunlight. (Benjamin Franklin) kimba1 Re: If any Jew had conisdered voting for Geo Jr #2 , this would squelch it for sure isn`t kerry jewish also? something to do with his grandparents. Quote from: kimba1 on September 22, 2006, 03:00:17 PM So, I guess using Knutty's logic, Jews wouldn't vote for him, either. Jews are not supposed to hunt game - something Kerry has been photographed doing. Quote from: Amianthus on September 22, 2006, 02:49:56 PM No- But I do think anyone would vote against some one who ridicules their dietary restrictions and is loath to admit he is one of them. Yes- both he and Madeline Albright found out that they were descended from Czech Jews (BTW I am Czech and possibly of Jewish extraction) and they and I are proud , not ashamed , of it like someone I could mention. Quote from: Mucho on September 22, 2006, 03:10:55 PM Guess you didn't read the article you linked to. He did neither. Actually , he did , but since your greed has blinded you, you cannot see it unless it bites you. Allen tells of his Jewish heritage He acknowledges he knew of his lineage when faulting a reporter for her question BY PETER HARDIN AND JEFF E. SCHAPIRO TIMES-DISPATCH STAFF WRITERS Excerpts from Allen's statements Progress on detainee bill seen U.S. Sen. George Allen, R-Va., yesterday acknowledged his Jewish ancestry, a day after angrily ducking a question about possible Jewish forebears in a debate with his Democratic challenger. Allen said in a written statement that his mother, Etty, confirmed he is part Jewish after he read an Aug. 25 article by the Jewish Daily Forward exploring his roots. The article followed the controversy over Allen's alleged racial remark to an Indian-American volunteer for Democrat Jim Webb. He said in an interview that he was aware of his heritage when asked about it during the nationally televised debate Monday with Webb sponsored by the Fairfax County Chamber of Commerce. Allen did not directly answer a panelist's question on his lineage but sternly criticized her for asking about religion. The announcement by Allen, a Presbyterian who in over 25 years in politics has nurtured the image of a rural Southern good old boy, is the latest surprise in a closely fought campaign that could decide continued Republican control of the Senate. Allen and campaign manager Dick Wadhams indicated that Allen's maternal grandfather, Felix Lumbroso, an Italian businessman jailed by the Nazis in North Africa, was Jewish. Allen said in the interview he does not know his maternal grandmother's religion. Because Judaism is traced through the mother, children born to Jewish women are considered Jews. Allen said his mother, who could not be reached for comment, was raised as a Christian -- as was he. "I embrace and take great pride in every aspect of my diverse heritage, including my Lumbroso family line's Jewish heritage, which I learned about from a recent magazine article and my mother confirmed," the Allen statement said. A GOP presidential prospect, Allen is the latest national political figure to discover a Jewish past. Others include two former Democratic presidential candidates, U.S. Sen. John F. Kerry of Massachusetts and retired Gen. Wesley Clark, and former Secretary of State Madeleine K. Albright. In the interview, Allen was asked why he did not acknowledge in the debate a Jewish tie that had been a source of speculation since his term as governor from 1994 to 1998. Allen said he was "absolutely not" running from his heritage but that he was offended by a question he believed linked his mother and religion with the word -- macaca -- he directed at Webb supporter S.R. Sidarth. Allen has apologized to Sidarth and said he didn't know the word's meaning. Allen said he faced "the question, the assertion, the offensive remarks that your mother taught you this slur, and that somehow it's because she has -- either she or her father was -- was Jewish." Allen's disclosure followed news accounts focusing on the question and Allen's forceful response to it as well as a wave of postings on the Internet by partisan bloggers. Allen stood by his claim that the question by Peggy Fox of WUSA-TV was inappropriate. "I don't like my mother getting dragged into it," said Allen. He said his grandfather's incarceration by the Germans had a profound effect on his mother; that because it was a painful memory, it was almost never discussed. "Some may find it odd that I have not probed deeply into the details of my family history, but it's a fact," Allen said in his statement. Speaking with The Times-Dispatch, Allen said the disclosure is "just an interesting nuance to my background." He added, "I still had a ham sandwich for lunch. And my mother made great pork chops." Political analysts were divided on the impact of the Allen disclosure. "To the extent that a person can break out of a mold that inhibits their ability to reach out to others, to broaden, shall we say, their coalition, that is usually good in politics," said Charles W. Dunn, dean of the Robertson School of Government at Regent University. Mark F. Rozell of George Mason University said the announcement was Allen's "macaca diversion." Rozell said, "He's been wanting to change the dialogue in this campaign. At one point, he's been defending himself against charges of being a bully. Now he can play the victim and say he's the one that's being bullied and being treated with prejudice." The Webb campaign, criticized during the primary for circulating handbills that supporters of opponent Harris Miller said seemed anti-Semitic, had little to say. "We've always tried to make this campaign about the issues," said spokeswoman Kristian Denny Todd. A leader of Richmond's Jewish community, Ric Arenstein, was disturbed by the timing of Allen's announcement. "This story has been rumored and raised with him repeatedly," said Arenstein, a former president of the Jewish Federation of Richmond who has ties to both political parties. "I guess it troubles me that he cares so little about his lineage that he waited until it was irrefutable." Contact Washington correspondent Peter Hardin at phardin@mediageneral.com or (202) 662-7669. Contact staff writer Jeff E. Schapiro at jschapiro@timesdispatch.com or (804) 649-6814. This story can be found at: http://www.timesdispatch.com/servlet/Satellite?pagename=RTD/MGArticle/RTD_BasicArticle&c=MGArticle&cid=1149190712778 Everything else in this article is surely a lie except the ham sand and porkchop bullshit. I read the article. None of the comments show that he was loath to admit having a Jewish ancestor, nor did he make fun of their dietary restrictions. So, I guess you're wrong. As usual. Would anyone like top hear about my Pict ancestors? Alas ,I know not how to prepare and wear woad. It is well known that Repubs are not the smartest pumpkins in the patch and the reason why is that they can't see things they don't want to even when shoved their face but can see things that aren't their ( like WMD's) when their snake oil selling masters tell them. ( One wouldn't want to lose one's sacred tax cuts , would one? ) Your oblivion proves it . Michael Tee <<Yes- both he and Madeline Albright found out that they were descended from Czech Jews>> "Found out," my ass. Hiding it for as long as they could get away with it (for obvious reasons of political ambition, not wanting to piss off any potential supporters who might also happen to be anti-Semites) is by far the likeliest scenario. Quote from: Michael Tee on September 23, 2006, 11:04:45 PM I would probably agree with you about Kerry. Marrying a multi-millionheiress is it's own reward. Mad Albright , however, does appear to be genuinely pleased about her Jewish ancestors. Mr Geo Allen Jr reacted like he was asked if he had stopped beating his wife when he was asked, however. I love how you can't even figure out how to quote properly. Lanya Quote from: Plane on September 22, 2006, 07:23:10 PM http://www.tylwythteg.com/pict1.html Well, I never knew this.... Says here they were "designs pricked into their skin...." ' This is usually interpreted in the light of Julius Caesar's comment "All the 'Britanni' paint themselves with woad which produces a bluish coloring.' Other, later, classical writers repeat this claim, often narrowing the application to inhabitants of the northern part of Britain and making reference to "puncturing" rather than "painting". The popular interpretation that developed might best be summed up by the early 7th century description by Isidore of Seville who says that the Picts take their name "from the fact that their bodies bear designs pricked into their skins by needles".' Planned Parenthood is America's most trusted provider of reproductive health care.
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<?php namespace Google\Service\Compute; class InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest extends \Google\Model { /** * @var string */ public $instanceTemplate; /** * @param string */ public function setInstanceTemplate($instanceTemplate) { $this->instanceTemplate = $instanceTemplate; } /** * @return string */ public function getInstanceTemplate() { return $this->instanceTemplate; } } // Adding a class alias for backwards compatibility with the previous class name. class_alias(InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest::class, 'Google_Service_Compute_InstanceGroupManagersSetInstanceTemplateRequest');
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
ODM Chairman John Mbadi reveals plan to revive NASA By Aly Abich For Citizen Digital Published on: July 03, 2021 05:22 (EAT) The Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) Party says it is initiating a formal plan with its National Super Alliance (NASA) partners to revive and strengthen the Alliance ahead of next year's General Election, to enable them win the presidential election. The party's National chairman John Mbadi says that ODM is currently initiating talks with other NASA principals and their allies whom they worked with in the 2017 elections to renew a strong united alliance that will move across the nation to lobby for votes so that they can form the next government. Mr. Mbadi says that ODM is still engaging the Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka despite his divergent opinion on the next elections, Moses Wetangula (FORD-K), Musalia Mudavadi (ANC). Speaking on Saturday at Ongalo Primary School in Gwasi North Ward within his Suba South constituency, Mbadi disclosed that ODM cannot go alone as a single party in the elections without looking for other partners with similar ideologies and manifesto to win the elections. The legislator revealed that they are also trying to reach out to KANU party chairman Gideon Moi and other interested parties to join the Alliance since they are aiming at forming an inclusive coalition with a national face. The Suba South MP, who is eyeing the Homa-Bay gubernatorial seat in 2022, also admitted that ODM and Jubilee parties are currently working on modalities of ensuring that they form a pre-election pact that will push them towards winning the 2022 presidential election. Meanwhile, Mbadi has refuted claims that the Orange Democratic Movement (ODM) has plans to form a coalition government with the Jubilee party.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
The war isn't going well. Wolfbane's forces are pressing the Commonwealth on multiple fronts, the Commonwealth's fragile political balance is on the verge of shattering and there's a high-placed spy somewhere within the Commonwealth elite. For Colonel Edward Stalker and his men, the stakes have never been so high. Defeat will mean the end of everything they have fought and died for since their exile from Earth.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Bennett is getting so big! He's still not talking but seems to understanding alot! Today, in jest, I asked him to get his diaper for me. I was pleasantly surprised when he proceeded into the next room and returned to me with several diapers in his head. Yesterday, I showed Bennett where we put our shoes when we take them off and he was very happy oblige my request to put his shoes in the basket. I could see such pride when I asked him if he wanted to turn the "on" and "off" button to his Vest chest therapy machine this afternoon. As Bennett begins to understand what we are doing and how we do things, we have started taking opportunities to teach him how to care for himself. One of the ways we have started helping him take ownership of his health needs is by allowing him to push his medicine through the syringe into his G-tube. I was able to grab a video of him doing it tonight. However, I have to mention the HUGE impact big brother Oliver has had on getting Bennett excited to help. Oliver is right smack dab in the middle of the child development stage of wanting to "help." So, he is often very anxious to do whatever it is that we need. Because of this, we shower him with praise telling him that he's our "Big Boy Helper" in hopes that he will live into his own identity (rather than just being the "not-sick-one"). You'll see in the video that Oliver is chomping at the bit to join in. (You'll also notice that he has quite the sense of humor as he talks about "poopy diapers" in an effort to crack himself up. Sorry! :)) But we love how Oliver brings such energy to something that we hope Bennett will eventually also enjoy - caring for his Cystic Fibrosis. There is a new push in the CF community to teach young children the correct names of their procedures and to be able to identify their medications and briefly explain what they do. The desire is to help the young child begin to own their disease and the treatment of their disease so that they will do so throughout their entire life. As we try to teach our boys how to be polite, loving, independent young men, we hope to also teach both of them to care for themselves and for each other. It is a delight to see Bennett learn how to administer his own medications (under our care) and to see Oliver want to facilitate him in that process. We hope this desire to care for each other and themselves will continue to grow with them.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
At Elite Pavers of Tampa Bay we use quality pavers from only the most trusted and valued local Paver manufacturers. Below is a list of the suppliers we use and a description about each one. Easy selection. Easy ordering. Easy delivery. That's the promise of the Tremron team. With the most extensive manufactured product line in the Southeast, we are a complete solution for your hardscape needs. In February 2007, Coloroc Materials proudly entered an alliance with Oldcastle Architectural Group, an international building materials and products federation. In 2009 our alliance took another step forward as Coloroc, Ruck Bros., Harwood Brick, PaverSystems and Anchor Block of FL formally joined together forming the OldcastleCoastal family of businesses. We are proud to be a member of Oldcastle, one of the most respected names in the architectural products industry. Coloroc Materials is a masonry materials supplier specializing in the distribution and sale of brick, natural stone, cultured stone®, stucco supplies, glass block and masonry related setting materials serving West Central Florida. In addition, Coloroc stocks a full line of masonry tools and equipment, including Curry, Rose and Marshalltown trowels and Stow mortar mixers. Stone-Mart is a privately owned and operated importer and distributor of premium quality exclusive natural stone collections. We import and distribute high quality travertine tile and marble tile in both interior and exterior applications. Our extensive interior product line consists of travertine flooring tiles in a multitude of finishes and sizes, with a complete line of complimentary mosaics, moldings, borders, and medallions. Our exterior product line of travertine pavers for patio, travertine pool copings, and travertine waterline pool tiles are available in numerous sizes and finishes to suit all of your hardscape needs. Our travertine will transform any swimming pool, decking, driveway, patio or lanai into a one of a kind signature build of natural elegance. Stone-Mart is a vertically integrated wholesaler with financial interest in multiple quarries and hands on control of the product selection process. With an on hand inventory of more than 3 million square feet, multiple distribution warehouse locations, and two state of the art showrooms located in Tampa, Florida, Stone-Mart offers factory direct pricing by eliminating broker and reseller fees consumers are subjected to in today's natural stone marketplace. While other flooring distributors may carry multiple building products; Stone-Mart is a natural stone specialist. Our sales team is knowledgeable in the production, transportation, delivery and installation of travertine tile and pavers and other natural stone design materials. At Stone-Mart we care about you, the customer, and we understand that you are seeking the best value for your purchase.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
require "time" require "uri" require "zlib" require 'openssl' require 'net/http' __LIB_DIR__ = File.expand_path(File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "..")) unless $LOAD_PATH.include?(__LIB_DIR__) $LOAD_PATH.unshift(__LIB_DIR__) end require "megam/scmmanager/version" require "megam/scmmanager/accounts" require "megam/scmmanager/dumpout" require "megam/scmmanager/errors" require "megam/scmmanager/repos" require "megam/core/scmm/scmmrepo" require "megam/core/scmm/scmmaccount" module Megam class Scmmanager HEADERS = { 'Accept' => 'application/json', 'Accept-Encoding' => 'gzip', 'User-Agent' => "megam-scmmanager/#{Megam::Scmmanager::VERSION}", 'X-Ruby-Version' => RUBY_VERSION, 'X-Ruby-Platform' => RUBY_PLATFORM } OPTIONS = { :headers => {}, :host => 'scm-manager.megam.co', :port => '8080', :nonblock => false, :scheme => 'http' } API_REST = "/scmmanager/api/rest" AUTH_PATH="/authentication/login" def text @text ||= Megam::Dumpout.new(STDOUT, STDERR, STDIN) end def last_response @last_response end # It is assumed that every API call will NOT use an API_KEY/email. def initialize(options={}) @options = OPTIONS.merge(options) end def request(params, &block) start = Time.now puts params text.msg "#{text.color("START", :cyan, :bold)}" username = params[:username] || ENV['MEGAM_SCMADMIN_USERNAME'] password = params[:password] || ENV['MEGAM_SCMADMIN_PASSWORD'] raise ArgumentError, "You must specify [:username, :password]" if username.nil? || password.nil? text.msg "#{text.color("Got username[#{username}] [*******]", :red, :bold)}" begin httpcon = connection httpcon.use_ssl = false httpcon.start do |http| request = Net::HTTP::Get.new(@options[:path]) request.basic_auth username, password @response = http.request(request) end end @response end private #Make a lazy connection. def connection @options[:path] =API_REST + @options[:path] @options[:headers] = HEADERS.merge({ 'X-Megam-Date' => Time.now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M") }).merge(@options[:headers]) text.info("HTTP Request Data:") text.msg("> HTTP #{@options[:scheme]}://#{@options[:host]}") @options.each do |key, value| text.msg("> #{key}: #{value}") end text.info("End HTTP Request Data.") http = Net::HTTP.new(@options[:host], @options[:port]) http end end end
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Home » TellMeWhy » How Were Computer Printers Created? Posted by Juniorsbook on Jul 9, 2016 in TellMeWhy | How Were Computer Printers Created? How Were Computer Printers Created? In computing, a printer is a peripheral which makes a persistent human readable representation of graphics or text on paper or similar physical media. The two most common printer mechanisms are black and white laser printers used for common documents, and color inkjet printers which can produce high quality photograph output. The world's first computer printer was a 19th-century mechanically driven apparatus invented by Charles Babbage for his difference engine. This system used a series of metal rods with characters printed on them and stuck a roll of paper against the rods to print the characters. The first commercial printers generally used mechanisms from electric typewriters and Teletype machines, which operated in a similar fashion. The demand for higher speed led to the development of new systems specifically for computer use. In 1938, Chester Carlson invented a dry printing process called electro photography commonly called a Xerox, the foundation technology for laser printers to come. The original Laser printer called EARS was developed at the Xerox Palo Alto Research center in California, USA, and completed by November, 1971. Xerox engineer, Gary Starkweather adapted Xerox copier technology, adding a laser beam to it to come up with the laser printer. In 1953, Remington-Rand developed the first high speed printer for use on the Univac computer. In 1992, Hewlett-Packard released the popular Laser Jet-4, the first 600 by 600 dots per inch resolution laser printer. Among the systems widely used through the 1980s were daisy wheel systems similar to typewriters, line printers that produced similar output but at much higher speed, and dot matrix systems that could mix text and graphics but produced relatively low-quality output. The plotter was used for those requiring high quality line art like blueprints. The introduction of the low-cost laser printer in 1984 with the first HP LaserJet, and the addition of PostScript in next year's Apple LaserWriter, set off a revolution in printing known as desktop publishing. Laser printers using PostScript mixed text and graphics, like dot-matrix printers, but at quality levels formerly available only from commercial typesetting systems. By 1990, most simple printing tasks like fliers and brochures were now created on personal computers and then laser printed; expensive offset printing systems were being dumped as scrap. The HP Deskjet of 1988 offered the same advantages as laser printer in terms of flexibility, but produced somewhat lower quality output (depending on the paper) from much less expensive mechanisms. Inkjet systems rapidly displaced dot matrix and daisy wheel printers from the market. By the 2000s high-quality printers of this sort had fallen under the $100 price point and became commonplace. The rapid update of internet email through the 1990s and into the 2000s has largely displaced the need for printing as a means of moving documents, and a wide variety of reliable storage systems means that a "physical backup" is of little benefit today. Even the desire for printed output for "offline reading" while on mass transit or aircraft has been displaced by e-book readers and tablet computers. Today, traditional printers are being used more for special purposes, like printing photographs or artwork, and are no longer a must-have peripheral. Starting around 2010, 3D printing became an area of intense interest, allowing the creation of physical objects with the same sort of effort as an early laser printer required to produce a brochure. These devices are in their earliest stages of development and have not yet become commonplace. Content for this question contributed by Celena Banks, resident of Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, USA What Are Shooting Stars? When Did the Accurate Mechanical Clocks Appear?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SxJ6rS7UC_s How We Raise Swimming Standards Globally Internationally promoting the highest standards of swimming teaching, water safety and survival techniques. This objective is the core of The International Federation of Swimming Teachers' Associations (IFSTA). Since 1976, it has driven our commitment to ensuring the highest quality qualifications and swimming lessons are provided across the world. Initially starting with just 10 member countries in 1976, we are delighted to have seen our membership grow globally with the support of 23 countries such as Australia, America, Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Singapore. Members Around The World Events By Our Members Recent News From IFSTA Τhe free international water safety program "Charlie the savior" is endorsed by ILS, IFSTA, RLSS Commonwealth, ACFC, GLSA, WOWSA, ISHOF and inspired by true events that took place on Baywatch. In 1997, young Charlie Hayes, asked his mother to see the set of the world's #1 TV series Baywatch. This… New Global Partnership With Autism Swim Following the success of STA's partnership with Autism Swim in 2019, this exclusive agreement has been extended for another 12 months in the UK. Further, IFSTA members across 19 countries* will also now have the opportunity to benefit from the renewed partnership with Autism Swim in 2020. Autism Swim is… World Drowning Statistics The IFSTA is the only international swimming and lifesaving body that represents the global interests of learn to swim associations. With 21 member countries, it provides a platform for likeminded swimming organisations to share international best practices and promote excellence in aquatic education and water safety. Each organisation shares a…
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home > Children's > Industry News Eric Carle Museum Celebrates Its First Decade The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, Mass., the only full-scale museum of its kind in the U.S., kicked off a year-long celebration of its 10th anniversary earlier this month with a weekend of events around the opening of the first major exhibition of work from its permanent collection, Iconic Images: Ten Years of Collecting, on display through February 24, 2013. In addition to a talk by museum co-founders Eric and Barbara Carle, the museum held a Book Signing Bash with artists featured in the show, including Nancy Ekholm Burkert, Barbara McClintock, Barry Moser, Jerry Pinkney, and Paul O. Zelinsky. Eric Carle, Tony DiTerlizzi, and comic book artist Peter Laird – co-creator of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – participated in a Doodles for Dollars fundraiser by signing and doodling in a book or on a piece of paper suitable for framing at $10 per doodle. And a bronze maquette, or scale model, of the Very Hungry Caterpillar by sculptor Nancy Schön, best known for her Make Way for Ducklings sculpture at the Boston Public Garden in Boston, Mass., was prominently displayed. Schön is selling custom maquettes for $10,000 apiece throughout the anniversary year, with all profits going to the museum. "Our heads are spinning that 10 years have passed so quickly," museum executive director Alexandra Kennedy told PW. "We feel like we've had a really exciting first 10 years, and it's an exciting time for children's books." Going forward, she would like to see the museum grow its presence both here and abroad. Last summer the museum mounted a large exhibition in South Korea. In March, the Carle will sponsor a study tour of the Early Childhood Centers of Pistoia, Italy, with museum educators, and in June it will hold a children's book festival in Amherst to celebrate both the museum and its community of artists. Later that month the museum will mount a retrospective of Mo Willems's work, Seriously Silly: A Decade of Art and Whimsy by Mo Willems. In a q&a during the kickoff celebration, Eric Carle said that his goal for the museum's next 10 years is "to continue to thrive and grow; to be a place where the art of the picture book will be enjoyed and studied by visitors." He added, "We hope the museum will continue to be a place of learning for visitors and educators, art teachers and students – a cultural and educational center and academic resource." PW KidsCast: A Conversation with Simmons University Representatives from Simmons University's Center for the Study of Children's Literature in Boston discuss the program and the joys of studying children's books from a literary and historical perspective. PW Children's Bookshelf Archive Read past issues of Bookshelf right in your browser. more... Sign up for our Children's Bookshelf newsletter!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Free Speech TV is a national, independent news network committed to advancing progressive social change. As the alternative to television networks owned by billionaires, governments and corporations, our network amplifies underrepresented voices and those working on the front lines of social, economic and environmental justice. Reaching over 40 million US television households, we bring our viewers an array of daily news programs, independent documentaries and special events coverage. OUR VISION: We envision a future in which countries work together to abolish war, protect universal human rights and freedoms, foster sustainable development, and solve related problems facing humanity that no country can solve alone. This vision requires the involvement of informed world citizens to create and maintain effective democratic global institutions that will supplant the law of force with the rule of law while respecting the diversity and autonomy of national and local communities.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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HOME >> POLICIES >> POLICY WATCH Govt policy moves from past week Updated: Oct 21,2017 4:38 PM english.gov.cn Third national land survey to be launched China will launch the third national land survey this year, according to a circular issued by the State Council on Oct 16. The survey, which will cover all the land in the country, will include cataloging the use of land resources, ownership, and natural and economic conditions. Permanent and basic farmland will be a focus of the survey, which will get underway in the fourth quarter of 2017 and the result should be made public in 2020. Details:>>Third national land survey to be launched Enhance supervision on engineering consultative business After removing the administrative approval process on qualification certification of engineering consultative units, the National Development and Reform Commission has released measures to strengthen supervision. Engineering consultative units are required to submit their information to the online review platform on national investment projects from the beginning of 2018. Also, supervision should be enhanced and results of random checks should be published timely. The NDRC called for building a self-disciplined credit rating system in the sector, improving management on engineers, building records, and improving industrial standards. New version of railway design specification The National Railway Administration has recently released industrial standards for railway design specification. The design specification, which will come into effect on Dec 20, 2017, overhauled the 2005 version, made clear the basic principles and major technique standards for railway design, and expanded the scope of its application. The specification could be used in designing standard gauge high-speed railway, interurban railway, and mixed passenger and freight railway. Related details are on the official website of the administration. Supervision and management measures on auction The measures on supervision and management of the auction industry were released by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, which will take effect on Nov 1, 2017. According to the document, enterprises engaged in auction are required to register and acquire the business license at local bureaus for industry and commerce, and to obtain a permit to carry out auction under approval of local governments. Also, the measures made clear the prohibited activities, such as false advertising, irregular bidding and forcing down prices. New measures to manage key laboratory The China Food and Drug Administration recently formulated the management measures on its key laboratory. The administration encouraged joint application for building the laboratory among food and drug inspection and testing institutions, universities and research institutions, as well as private institutions. Five-year cooperation experience and cooperative results are required when jointly applying for the lab, and the number of units should be no more than three. Besides, the measures made clear the limits of the areas, equipment and funds of the lab. China unveils results of first geoinformation survey
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
\section{Introduction}\label{sc:OSN_diagrams} Spin-foams are quantum histories of states of the gravitational field according to the Spin-Foam Models of quantum gravity. In the usual formulation, a spin-foam is a two-complex, whose faces are colored with representations of a given group (depending on a model, for example SU(2)) and edges are colored with invariants of the tensor products \cite{RR,Baezintro, perez, Rovellibook}, or equivalently with operators if one uses the Operator Spin-Foam framework \cite{Operator_SF}. The spin-foams encode the data necessary to calculate the transition amplitude between states of Loop Quantum Gravity \cite{Rovellibook, AshLewrev, Marev, Ashtekarbook, Thiemannbook, LQGdiscr} or more generally, the Rovelli boundary transition amplitude \cite{Rovellibook}. There are a few candidates for the spin-foam model of Quantum Gravity \cite{BC,EPRL,flipped,FK,HT,You,E}. Important for the compatibility with Loop Quantum Gravity is to admit sufficiently general class of the 2-complexes, such that all the (closed, either abstract or embedded in a 3-manifold) graphs are obtained as their boundaries \cite{SFLQG}. The optimal class of such 2-cell complexes was proposed in \cite{OSD}. They are naturally provided in terms of the diagrammatic formalism introduced therein and called operator spin-network diagrams (OSN diagrams). A similar diagramatic framework for triangulations was introduced before in \cite{FrankPhD}. An additional advantage of our formalism, is that the OSN diagrams do not require neither 3d nor 4d imagination, they are easy to use and to classify possible spin-foams. We utilize and even improve these technical advantages in the current work. The generalized (to a non-simplicial 2-cell complex) EPRL vertex has been recently applied to introduce Dipole Cosmology, a quantum cosmological model which opens a new theory that can be called Spin-Foam Cosmology \cite{SF_cosmology}. This application of spin foams in cosmology gave us the motivation to do the current research. We apply here the operator spin-network diagrams framework to find all spin-foams which contribute to the boundary amplitude of a fixed spin-network state in given order of the vertex expansion. The technical task one encounters when solving this problem is finding all the diagrams whose boundary is a given graph. We solve this problem in \sref{piany_o_ustalonym_brzegu} with the use of squid sets we introduce in \sref{oriented_squid_sets}. The solution we present in that section is not limited to the Dipole Cosmology model only. Actually, it applies to the general spin-foam case. In \sref{dipole_cosmology} we apply this general scheme to the model of Dipole Cosmology \cite{SF_cosmology}. We find all the OSN-diagrams whose boundary is the boundary graph of Dipole Cosmology and which have exactly one interaction graph. Those diagrams contribute to the boundary amplitude in the first order of vertex expansion. \subsection{Definition of OSN-diagrams}\label{def} In this subsection we recall the definition of OSN diagrams we introduced in \cite{OSD}. In the analogy to spin-foams, which are colored 2-complexes, OSN-diagrams are colored graph diagrams. We first recall the definition of graph diagrams and then we recall the definition of coloring which turns a graph diagram into an OSN-diagram. One may think of graph diagrams as a way of building 2-complexes from building blocks which are (suitable) neighborhoods of vertices of the corresponding foam \cite{RR,SFLQG}. Such a neighborhood is a 2-complexes obtained as an image of a homotopy of a graph. When glued together, they form a 2-complex. The way one glues them together is encoded in certain relations. Strictly speaking a graph diagram $(\T G,\T R)$ consists of a set ${\T G}$ of oriented, connected, closed graphs $\{\Gamma_1, ... ,\Gamma_N\}$ and a family $\T R$ of relations defined as follows (see \fref{1_osn_diagram}): \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{1_osn_diagram} \caption{An operator spin-network diagram. The dashed curves mark the node relation. The link relation (unmarked) relates each link at $n_I$, $I=1,2,3$ with the link at $n'_I$ colored by $\rho_K$ of a same $K$. Operators $P_{n_In'_I}$, $I=1,2,3$ mark the pairs of related nodes, whereas the operators $P_n$ and $P_{n'}$ mark the unrelated nodes $n$ and, respectively, $n'$. Each connected component $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$ of the green graph is colored by contractors $A_1$ and $A_2$, respectively.} \label{fig:1_osn_diagram} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item $\T R_{\rm node}$: a symmetric relation in the set of nodes of the graphs which we call the node relation, such that each node $n$ is either in relation with precisely one $n'\not=n$ or is unrelated (in the later case, it is called a boundary node). \item $\T R_{\rm link}$: a family of symmetric relations in the set of links of the graphs which we call collectively the link relation. If a node $n$ is in relation with a node $n'$, then we define a bijective map between incoming/outgoing links at $n$, with outgoing/incoming links at $n'$; no link is left free neither at the node $n$ nor at $n'$; two links identified with each other by the bijection are called to be in the relation $\T R^{(n,n')}_{\rm link}$ at the pair of nodes $n,n'$; a link which intersects $n$/$n'$ twice, emerges in the relation twice: once as an incoming and once as an outgoing link. \end{itemize} In order to be related, two nodes have to satisfy the consistency condition: the number of the incoming/outgoing links at each of them has to coincide with the number of the outgoing/incoming links at the other one (with possible closed links counted twice). Note that two graphs can be treated as one disconnected graph. Thus to reduce that ambiguity we assume that all the graphs defining the diagram are connected. An operator spin-network diagram $({\cal G}=\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, \T R, \rho, P, A)$ is defined by using a compact group $G$ and coloring a graph diagram $({\cal G},\T R)$ as follows (see \fref{1_osn_diagram}): \begin{itemize} \item The coloring $\rho$ assigns to each link $\ell$ of each graph $\Gamma_I$, $I=1,...,N$ an irreducible representation of the group $G$: \begin{equation} \ell\mapsto\rho_\ell. \end{equation} It is assumed that whenever two links $\ell$ and $\ell'$ are mapped to each other by the link relation $\T R_{\rm link}^{nn'}$ at some nodes $n$ and $n'$, then \begin{equation}\label{eq:RhoSaRowne} \rho_\ell= \rho_{\ell'}.\end{equation} \item The coloring $P$ assigns to each node $n$ an operator: \begin{equation}\label{eq:nodeoperator} n\mapsto P_n\in \mathcal{H}_{n}\otimes \mathcal{H}_{n}^*, \end{equation} where $\mathcal{H}_n$ is a Hilbert space defined at each node in the following way: \begin{equation}\label{eq:H.n} \mathcal{H}_n\ =\ \mathrm{Inv}\left(\bigotimes_i \mathcal{H}_{\rho_i}^* \otimes \bigotimes_j\mathcal{H}_{\rho_j}\right)\;\subset\;\left(\bigotimes_i \mathcal{H}_{\rho_i}^* \otimes \bigotimes_j\mathcal{H}_{\rho_j}\right) \end{equation} where $i$/$j$ labels the links incoming/outgoing at $n$. Whenever two nodes $n$ and $n'$ are related by $\T R_{\rm node}$, then (from \reef{RhoSaRowne} and \reef{H.n}) it follows that $\mathcal{H}_n=\mathcal{H}_{n'}^*$ and it is assumed about $P$ that \begin{equation}\label{eq:DualityOfPs} P_n=P_{n'}^*\end{equation} \item The coloring $A$ assigns to each graph $\Gamma_I$ a tensor, which we call contractor: \begin{equation}\label{eq:A.Gamma} \Gamma_I\mapsto A_\Gamma\in\ \left(\bigotimes_n {\cal H}_n\right)^* \end{equation} where $n$ runs through the nodes of $\Gamma_I$. \end{itemize} Each graph $\Gamma_I$ itself defines a contractor, in the sense that there is a natural contraction defined by the graph $\Gamma_I$ and by the natural trace operation in $\bigotimes_{\ell}{\cal H}_\ell\otimes{\cal H}_\ell^*$ which contains $\bigotimes_n {\cal H}_n$, where $n$~/~$\ell$ ranges the set of nodes/links of $\Gamma_I$. We denote this natural contractor by $A^{\rm Tr}_{\Gamma_I}$. However, that natural contraction is often preceded by some additional operations, like the EPRL embedding which gives rise to the EPRL operator spin-network diagrams. \section{Characterization and construction of the diagrams}\label{sc:oriented_squid_sets} We will introduce now a useful characterization of the diagrams. The characterization will allow to control the structure and the complexity of the diagrams in a clear way. Finally it will lead to algorithms for construction of diagrams. In this section we will introduce the first, simpler algorithm. It will be improved to produce diagrams of a given boundary, in the next section. \subsection{Squids} An important element of our characterization of graph diagrams is an {\it oriented squid set}. Given a graph (oriented and closed), its oriented squid set is obtained by removing from each link of the graph a point of its entry and shaking the whole thing so that the disconnected parts of each link {\it go apart} (\fref{2_01_g2oss}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_01_g2oss} \caption{A graph (on the LHS) and its oriented squid set (on the RHS) which consists of four 3-leg squids.} \label{fig:2_01_g2oss} \end{figure} Two different graphs may define a single squid set. Therefore, it makes sense to introduce and consider the notion of a squid set on its own. An {\it oriented squid} consist of $1$ point called {\it head}, $k^+$ legs beginning at the head, and $k^-$ legs ending at the head. In other words it may be considered as the topological space obtained by glueing $k^++k^{-}$ oriented intervals with the head in the suitable way (\fref{2_02_o_squid}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.32\textwidth]{2_02_o_squid}\label{fig:2_02_o_squid}} \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.42\textwidth]{2_03_oss} \label{fig:2_03_oss}} \caption{(a) The oriented squid of $k^-=2$ incoming, and $k^+=4$ outgoing legs. (b) An example of an oriented squid set.} \label{fig:2_squid} \end{figure} An {\it oriented squid set} ${\cal S}$ is a disjoint finite union of squids (\fref{2_03_oss}). A graph $\Gamma$ consists of a squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ and information about glueing the legs of the squids. Conversely, given a squid set ${\cal S}$, a graph may be obtained by glueing the end of each outgoing leg with the beginning of arbitrarily chosen incoming leg of either the same or a different squid. However this procedure neither is unique, nor there is a guarantee it can be completed. Therefore, a single squid set can be the squid set of either more then one graph, or of an exactly one graph, or of no graph at all (\fref{2_04_oss_amb}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.40\textwidth]{2_04_oss_amb_1} } \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.40\textwidth]{2_04_oss_amb_2} } \\ \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.40\textwidth]{2_04_oss_amb_3} } \caption{(a) An oriented squid set (LHS) and a unique oriented graph obtained by glueing the legs (RHS). (b) An oriented squid set whose legs can not be glued to give an oriented graph. (c) An oriented squid set (LHS), and three different oriented graphs (RHS) each of which can be obtained by glueing the legs in a suitable way.} \label{fig:2_04_oss_amb} \end{figure} A graph diagram $(\Gamma,{\cal R})$ can also be obtained from a squid set ${\cal S}_\Gamma$ by endowing it with additional structure. The part of the structure has been already described above, it allows to reconstruct the graph $\Gamma$. The second element of the structure, the node relation ${\cal R}^{\rm node}$, is given by indicating a set of pairs $\{\{\lambda_{1},\lambda'_{1}\}, ..., \{\lambda_{N},\lambda'_{N}\}\}$ of squids $\lambda_{i},\lambda'_{i}\in {\cal S}$, whose heads are in the node relation ${\cal R}^{\rm node}$. The last element of the graph diagram structure, a link relation, is defined for each pair $\{\lambda_{i},\lambda'_{i}\}$ as a bijection between the incoming/outgoing legs of the squid $\lambda_{i}$ with the outgoing/incoming legs of the squid $\lambda'_{i}$ (\fref{2_05_relations}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{2_05_relations} \caption{The construction of a graph diagram from a squid set: $(i)$ the solid curves are squid legs meeting at squid heads $(ii)$ the dashed curves connecting the ends of the squid legs define glueing the legs into a (set of connected) graph(s), $(iii)$ the dashed curves connecting the squid heads define a node relation, $(iv)$ the dotted curves define a link relation at each pair of related nodes.} \label{fig:2_05_relations} \end{figure} \subsection{The algorithm}\label{sc:algorithm1} This characterization of an arbitrary graph diagram leads to the following algorithm for construction of all the graph diagrams: \begin{enumerate} \item Squids: fix a squid set ${\cal S}$ (\fref{2_06_diagram_1_s}) \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_06_diagram_1_s} \caption{An oriented squid set $\T S$.} \label{fig:2_06_diagram_1_s} \end{figure} \item Node relation: choose $N$ pairs $\lambda_{i},\lambda'_i$, $i=1,...,N$ of consistent squids (the numbers of incoming/outgoing legs of unprimed squid in each pair coincides with the numbers of the outgoing/incoming legs in the primed squid); an element $\lambda\in{\cal S}$ can emerge only once in this set of pairs or not at all (\fref{2_07_diagram_2_n}). The relation ${\cal R}_{\rm node}$ is such that the heads of the chosen squids $\lambda_i$ and $\lambda'_i$, for $i=1,...,N$ are related to each other, and to nothing else. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_07_diagram_2_n} \caption{Three pairs of squids have been chosen to be related by a node relation.} \label{fig:2_07_diagram_2_n} \end{figure} \item Link relation: for each pair $\lambda_i,\lambda'_i$ of the squids, $i=1,...,N$, define a bijective map carrying the incoming/outgoing legs on one squid into the outgoing/incoming legs of the other squid. \item Glueing: glue the end of each outgoing leg with the beginning of exactly one incoming leg of either the same or a different squid (\fref{2_08_diagram_3_g}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{2_08_diagram_3_g} \caption{One of the graph diagrams that can be constructed from $\T S$ (the link relation is omitted).} \label{fig:2_08_diagram_3_g} \end{figure} \item Given the data $(i) - (iii)$ perform all possible options of the glueing $(iv)$ - see \fref{2_09_diagram_4}. \end{enumerate} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \begin{tabular}{>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{2_09_diagram_4_1} }& \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{2_09_diagram_4_2} }\tabularnewline \multicolumn{2}{>{\centering}p{\textwidth}}{\subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{2_09_diagram_4_3} }} \end{tabular} \caption{Three different graph diagrams obtained by different choices of link relation in \fref{2_08_diagram_3_g}. In total, there are eight different graph diagrams for this choice of a node relation and many more for arbitrary choice of a node relation. } \label{fig:2_09_diagram_4} \end{figure} A graph diagram ${\cal D}$ resulting from $(i)-(iv)$ consist of a graph $$\Gamma\ =\ \Gamma_1\cup...\cup\Gamma_N,$$ the disjoint union of connected graphs $\Gamma_I$, $I=1,..,N$ obtained by the glueing $(iv)$, a node relation given by $(ii)$ and a link relation provided by $(iii)$. We denote it shortly by ${\cal D}=(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R})$. It is turned into an operator spin-network diagram by coloring the links, the nodes and the connected components of $\Gamma$ according to Section \ref{def}. \subsection{Discussion} \subsubsection{Colorings} The colorings may be constrained by the geometry of the graph diagram and the relations. In order to control this constraint one may from the beginning fix the coloring of the boundary links (that is the legs of the squids whose heads are boundary nodes - the nodes which are unrelated by the node relation) by representations, and then allow only such glueings that agree with the coloring (i.e. two legs may be glued if and only if the are colored by the same representation). \subsubsection{Reorientation of the diagrams} Graphs used in the definition of OSN diagram are oriented, and the orientation is relevant for the node and link relations. However, the operators evaluated from the OSN diagram are invariant with respect to consistent changes of the orientation accompanied with the dualization of the representation colors. Suppose $(\{\Gamma_1',...,\Gamma_N'\}, {\cal R}',\rho',P',A')$ is an OSN-diagram obtained from a given OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R},\rho,P,A)$ by: flipping the orientation of some of the links $\ell_1,...\ell_k$, leaving the same node relations, and leaving the same link relations, setting \begin{equation}\rho'_{\ell_i^{-1}}\ =\ \rho^*_{\ell_i}, \ \ \ i=1,...,k,\end{equation} leaving \begin{equation}\rho'(\ell)=\rho(\ell)\end{equation} for each unflipped link $\ell$, and $P'=P$ as well as $A'=A$. Notice, that the transformation of the orientations and the labelling $\rho\mapsto\rho'$ preserves the Hilbert spaces ${\cal H}_n$, where $n$ ranges the set of the nodes of the diagram graph. That property makes the choice $P'=P$ and $A'=A$ possible. The OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1',...,\Gamma_N'\}, {\cal R}',\rho',P',A')$ can be considered as {\it reoriented} OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R},\rho,P,A)$. The reorientation of any OSN-diagram does not change the Hilbert spaces and the resulting operator. Notice however, that given an OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R},\rho,P,A)$, we are not free to reorient any link we want, say exactly one arbitrarily selected link, to obtain a reoriented OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1',...,\Gamma_N'\}, {\cal R}')$. The possible changes of the orientation have to be consistent with the node-link relations ${\cal R}$. For each of the flipped links $\ell_i$, a link which is in the link relation with $\ell_i$ at one of its nodes has to be flipped too, and so on. In \cite{OSD} we identified the chains of links related to each other with the equivalence classes of suitably defined face relation. We characterised the face relation classes in detail. It follows, that for each of the flipped links $\ell_i$, all the links, elements of its face relation equivalence class have to be flipped as well. This is the necessary and sufficient consistency condition for reorienting the links of a graph diagram in a way consistent with the node-link relations. \subsubsection{Advantages and a drawback} The characterization and construction presented above allows to control the complexity of the diagrams by the following measures: the number of internal edges, the number of disconnected components of the graphs, the complexity of each disconnected component. There is one drawback though. From the point of view of the physical application, the boundary part of the diagram (consisting of the squids whose heads are not in the node relation with any other head - they form the boundary graph) describes either the initial and final state or, more generally, the surface state. The remaining part of the diagram consists of the pairs of the related nodes (internal edges) and describes the interaction. The two pieces of this information are entangled in the presented characterization. The reason is, that the diagrams, obtained with the algorithm above from a given squid set endowed with the node and link relations (the data $(i)-(iii)$) by implementing all the possible glueings (step $(iv)$), in general have different boundary graphs (the graphs share a squid set, but have different graph structures). Therefore we do not control in that way the boundary of the diagram, that is the initial-final/boundary Hilbert space. We improve that characterization and the algorithm in the next section. \section{Operator spin-network diagrams with fixed boundary}\label{sc:piany_o_ustalonym_brzegu} In this section we improve the construction and the algorithm introduced in the previous section. The improved algorithm provides all the operator spin-network diagrams which have a same, {\it arbitrarily fixed boundary graph}. \subsection{The idea and the trick} In \cite{OSD} (see Sec.~6.2), for every graph $\Gamma$ we introduced the graph diagram corresponding to the {\it static spin-foam}, that is the spin-foam describing the trivial evolution of the graph. Let us denote this diagram by ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ and refer to it as the {\it static graph diagram of} $\Gamma$. The boundary of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ is the disjoint union $\Gamma\cup\bar{\Gamma}$ where $\bar{\Gamma}$ is a graph obtained by switching the orientation of each of the links of $\Gamma$ (\fref{2_10_trivial_diagram}). \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_0}} \hspace{0.03\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_1}} \hspace{0.03\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_2}} \hspace{0.03\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_3}} \caption{A static diagram. $(a)$ A given graph $\Gamma$ consisting of two connected components. $(b)$ The corresponding static graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ built of $\theta$ graphs and suitably defined node and link relations. $(c)$ The scheme of building a static foam from the diagram. $(d)$ The boundary graph $\partial {\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ of the resulting foam is the disjoint union of $\Gamma$ and $\overline\Gamma$.} \label{fig:2_10_trivial_diagram} \end{figure} Given a coloring of the links of the graph $\Gamma$ by representations, we endow the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ with the natural colorings (see \cite{OSD}, Sec.~6.2): $(i)$ the coloring $\rho$ of the links of the graphs in ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ is the one induced by the coloring of the links of $\Gamma$; $(ii)$ the operator coloring $P$ colors with the identity operators; $(iii)$ finally, all the contractor coloring $A$ assigns to each $n$-theta graph of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ the natural trace contractor $A^{\rm Tr}$. The result is the {\it static OSN-diagram}. The corresponding operator is the identity in the Hilbert space given by the coloring of the links of $\Gamma$. The technical definition of static diagram will be recalled in the next subsection. The diagrams we will construct with the improved algorithm introduced below, contain the boundary $\Gamma$ together with its static diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ as a subdiagram. Given $\Gamma$, our construction will provide all the diagrams of this type, that is all the diagrams, modulo the static sub-diagram. In terms of the spin-foam formalism, we will construct all the spin-foams bounded by an arbitrarily fixed graph $\Gamma$. In each of the spin-foams, the neighborhood of $\Gamma$ is homeomorphic to the cylinder $\Gamma\times$ $[0,1]$. \begin{figure}[bt!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.37\textwidth]{2_11_trivial_attached} \caption{The static diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ of \fref{2_10_trivial_diagram} glued to an interaction diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$. The result is a diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ (link relations are omitted).} \label{fig:2_11_trivial_att} \end{figure} The key trick behind our construction is the following observation: given a graph $\Gamma$ of the squid set ${\cal S}_\Gamma$, and an arbitrary graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ called {\it interaction diagram}, whose boundary graph $\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ has the {\it same squid set}: \begin{equation} {\cal S}_{\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}}\ =\ {\cal S}_{\Gamma} \end{equation} we can combine the diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ with the static diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ into the new graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\# {\cal D}_{\rm int}$ such that the graph $\Gamma$ becomes its boundary. We achieve that by defining the graph of ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\# {\cal D}_{\rm int}$ to be the disjoint union of the graph of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ with the graph of ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ and extending the node and link relations of the component diagrams such that each squid of the boundary ${\partial\cal D}_{\rm int}$ is related to the corresponding squid of $\bar{\Gamma}$ (a part of the boundary of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$) - see \fref{2_11_trivial_att}. The identification of the squid sets ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ and $\partial{\cal D}$ is defined modulo symmetries of ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ (exchanging identical squids). In the consequence, the graphs $\bar{\Gamma}$ and $\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ may admit more than one way of relating their squid. In the algorithm below, the identification (a bijection) between the squid sets will be given, and the freedom will be in the glueing of the legs. Below we implement this idea in detail, beginning with recalling the exact definition of the static diagrams. \subsection{Static diagrams} First, we recall the definition of the static diagram of a graph $\Gamma$. We use the squid set ${\cal S}_\Gamma$. For each squid $\lambda\in{\cal S}_\Gamma$ we introduce a theta-like graph $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ as follows (\fref{2_12_squid_to_theta}): \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_12_squid_to_theta} \caption{The procedure of creating a $\theta$-like graph from a squid $\lambda$.} \label{fig:2_12_squid_to_theta} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item $\bar{\lambda}$: we introduce a new squid $\bar{\lambda}$ obtained by flipping the orientation of each of the legs of $\lambda$. \item $\theta_\lambda$: glue each outgoing/incoming leg $\ell_{\lambda,i}$ of $\lambda$ with the corresponding incoming/outgoing leg ${\ell}_{\bar{\lambda},i}$ of $\bar{\lambda}$ to obtain a link ${\ell}_{\bar{\lambda},i}\circ \ell_{\lambda,i}$ / $\ell_{\lambda,i}\circ {\ell_{\bar{\lambda},i}}$ connecting the head $n_\lambda$ of the squid $\lambda$ with the head ${n}_{\bar{\lambda}}$ of the squid $\bar{\lambda}$; the result is a closed graph $\theta_\lambda$. \item $\tilde{\theta}_{\lambda}$: on each link $\bar{\ell}_{\lambda,i}\circ \ell_{\lambda,i}$ / $\ell_{\lambda,i}\circ \bar{\ell}_{\lambda,i}$ we introduce an extra node $n_{\lambda,i}$; the resulting graph is denoted $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ \end{itemize} The links of the graph $\tilde\theta_\lambda$ are just the legs $\ell_{\lambda,i}$, $\bar{\ell}_{\lambda,i}$, $i=1,2,...$ of the squids $\lambda$ and $\bar{\lambda}$ respectively. The result of this procedure is a family of the graphs $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$, one per each squid $\lambda\in {\cal S}_\Gamma$. The disjoint union $\coprod_\lambda \tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ is the graph of the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$. The node and the link relations in $\coprod_\lambda \tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ are induced by the the structure of the graph $\Gamma$ - see \fref{2_13_trivial}. \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_13_trivial_1}]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{2_13_trivial_1}} \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_13_trivial_2}]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{2_13_trivial_2}} \caption{ (a) A static diagram. (b) Its boundary graph.} \label{fig:2_13_trivial} \end{figure} To define the node relation, notice that the set of the nodes of the graph $\coprod_\lambda \tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ consists of the nodes of two types: \begin{itemize} \item The first type is the heads of the squids $\lambda\in{\cal S}_\Gamma$ (denoted by $n_\lambda$) and the heads of the conjugate squids $\bar{\lambda}$ (denoted by $n_{\bar{\lambda}},...$) - those nodes are left unrelated by the node relation, that is they become the boundary nodes. \item The ends of the legs of the squids $\lambda\in{\cal S}_\Gamma$ (glued with the legs of the conjugate squids $\bar{\lambda}$) denoted by $n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}$. Whenever $\ell_{\lambda,i}\circ\ell'_{\lambda',i'}$ is a link of $\Gamma$, then the nodes $n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}$ and $n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}$ are in the node relation. \end{itemize} The link relation is defined as follows: \begin{itemize} \item For every pair of the nodes $n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}$ and $n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}$ related above by the node relation, each node is two-valent. The link relation is defined to pair the links $\ell_{\lambda,i}$ and $\ell'_{\lambda',i'}$, as well as the links $\ell_{\bar{\lambda},i}$ and $\ell'_{\bar{\lambda}',i'}$ (see the previous item). \end{itemize} Given a static graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ the natural coloring consists of: irreducible representations freely assigned to the links, the operators $P_{n_\lambda}={\rm id}:{\cal H}_{n_\lambda}\rightarrow{\cal H}_{n_\lambda}$ for every head $n_\lambda$ and every squid $\lambda$, and $P_{n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}}$ equal to the natural isomorphisms ${\rm id}:{\cal H}_{n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}}\rightarrow{\cal H}_{n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}}$. Finally, the contractor assigned to each component graph $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ is the natural $A^{\rm Tr}_{\tilde{\theta}}$. \subsection{The improved algorithm}\label{sc:algorithm} We present now our algorithm for the construction of the operator spin-network diagrams whose unoriented boundary is an arbitrarily fixed unoriented graph $|\Gamma|$. \begin{enumerate} \item $\Gamma$: choose an orientation of each link of $|\Gamma|$, the result is an oriented graph $\Gamma$ (\fref{2_14_g2g}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{2_14_g2g} \caption{$|\Gamma|$ on the LHS and $\Gamma$ on the RHS.} \label{fig:2_14_g2g} \end{figure} \item ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$: to the squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ of the graph $\Gamma$ add $N$ pairs of squids $\lambda_1,\lambda'_1,...,\lambda_{N},\lambda'_{N}$, such that for each pair the number of incoming/outgoing legs of one squid equals the number of outgoing/incoming legs of the other one (\fref{2_15_squid_set_extendet}). Denote the resulting squid set ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$. Introduce a node relation by relating the head of $\lambda_i$ with the head of $\lambda'_i$, $i=1,...,N$. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_15_squid_set_1}]{\includegraphics[width=0.16\textwidth] {2_15_squid_set_extendet_1}} \hspace{0.2\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_15_squid_set_2}]{\includegraphics[width=0.16\textwidth] {2_15_squid_set_extendet_2}} \caption{(a) ${\cal S}_\Gamma$, and ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ in the case of $N=0$ (b) ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ obtained by adding N=2 pairs of squids paired by a node relation.} \label{fig:2_15_squid_set_extendet} \end{figure} \item ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$: To the squid set ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ with the chosen set of pairs of the squids $\lambda_1,\lambda'_1,...,\lambda_{N},\lambda'_{N}$ and the node relation apply the steps $(iii)$ and $(iv)$ of the algorithm of \sref{algorithm1}. Denote the resulting graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ (\fref{2_16_graph_diagram}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_16_graph_diagram_1}] {\includegraphics[width=0.16\textwidth]{2_16_graph_diagram_1}} \hspace{0.2\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_16_graph_diagram_2}] {\includegraphics[width=0.16\textwidth]{2_16_graph_diagram_2}} \caption{Step $(iii)$ of the improved algorithm: glueing of a graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ (one of several possible) from the squid set ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ presented at \fref{2_15_squid_set_1} and, respectively, \fref{2_15_squid_set_2}. The dotted lines mark the glueing the legs of the squids.} \label{fig:2_16_graph_diagram} \end{figure} \item ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$: Use the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ of the graph $\Gamma$ and construct the union of the diagrams as it was explained above (\fref{2_17_glue_trivial}). \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.17\textwidth]{2_17_glue_trivial_1}\label{fig:2_17_glue_trivial_1}} \hspace{0.2\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.17\textwidth]{2_17_glue_trivial_2}} \caption{Step $(iv)$ of the improved algorithm: the graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ of \fref{2_16_graph_diagram_1} and, respectively, \fref{2_16_graph_diagram_2} combined with the static diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ of the graph $\Gamma$ of \fref{2_14_g2g}, into the final graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$.} \label{fig:2_17_glue_trivial} \end{figure} \item Coloring: Define arbitrary coloring of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ which turns it into operator an spin-network diagram (\fref{2_18_coloring}). \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_18_coloring_1}]{\includegraphics[width=0.23\textwidth]{2_18_coloring_1}} \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_18_coloring_2}]{\includegraphics[width=0.23\textwidth]{2_18_coloring_2}} \caption{The graph diagram of \fref{2_17_glue_trivial_1} colored in two possible ways. The coloring of the boundary trivial diagram by operators and contractors is omitted for transparency of the figure (each pair of nodes in this part of diagram is colored by appropriate $\id_j$, each graph is colored by $A_\theta^{\Tr}$). The coloring of (a) represents diagram with trivial evolution on the vertical edges. The coloring of (b) represents diagram with EPRL norm calculated for each vertical edge.} \label{fig:2_18_coloring} \end{figure} \item Consider all possible: orientations of $|\Gamma|$, $N$-tuples of pairs of squids added to ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$, ways of connecting the legs of ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$, link relations for each $\lambda_i,\lambda'_i$, colorings in $(v)$. \end{enumerate} Notice, that it would be insufficient to fix one orientation of the boundary. A priori all the orientations have to be taken into account. On the other hand, in general, the algorithm will possibly give OSN-diagrams related by the reorientation (see the previous section). In specific cases, that redundancy should be reduced. The presented construction allows to control the level of complexity of resulting diagram by the level of complexity of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$. The complexity can be measured by the number of pairs of the nodes related by the node relation, that is the number of internal edges. The simplest case is zero internal edges, that is the squid set \begin{equation}{\cal S}_{\rm int}\ =\ {\cal S}_\Gamma\end{equation} In that case all the graph used to define graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ becomes the boundary graph $\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}$. A general example of the interaction graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ is given by a graph $\tilde{\Gamma}_{\rm int}$ and a node relation ${\cal R}_{\rm int}^{\rm node}$ consisting of exactly $N$ pairs of nodes. Increasing the number $N$ we increase the complexity of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\# {\cal D}_{\rm int}$. In the previous subsection we have recalled the structure of colorings that turn graph diagrams into operator spin-network diagrams. In the case of the graph diagrams constructed in this subsection, without lack of generality, it is sufficient to consider colorings of the diagrams ${\cal D}_\Gamma\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ provided by our algorithm, which reduced to the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ provides the static operator spin-network diagram defined above. A way to control the freedom in the colorings by representations is to fix a coloring of the links of the boundary graph $\Gamma$. In the next section we apply the algorithm to construct all the operator spin-network diagrams of the Rovelli-Vidotto dipole cosmology. \section{Diagrams with boundary given by dipole cosmology graph}\label{sc:dipole_cosmology} In this section we apply the algorithm presented above to a specific example of a boundary graph, namely the one given by the Dipole Cosmology model of Bianchi, Rovelli and Vidotto \cite{SF_cosmology}. The Dipole Cosmology model is an attempt to test the behaviour of the spin-foam transition amplitudes in the limit of the homogeneous and isotropic boundary states. The boundary state of this model is supported on so called \emph{dipole graph} (\fref{thetas}) which consists of two disjoint components, $4$-valent theta graphs representing the initial and, respectively, final geometry. The transition amplitude is calculated under several approximations. One of the approximations is the vertex expansion - i.e. at the first order one considers contribution of the spin-foams with four internal edges and one interaction vertex only. \subsection{The improved algorithm in the Dipole Cosmology case} We apply now the algorithm of the previous section to construct all the operator spin-network diagrams whose boundary is fixed (modulo an orientation) to be the graph $|\Gamma|$ which consists of two disjoint $4$-valent theta graphs $|\Gamma_{4\theta}|$ (\fref{thetas}), \begin{equation} |\Gamma| \ =\ |\Gamma_{4\theta}| \cup |\Gamma_{4\theta}|, \end{equation} and which correspond to 1-vertex spin-foams. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{3_theta} \caption{The dipole boundary graph $|\Gamma|=|\Gamma_{4\theta}| \cup |\Gamma_{4\theta}|$.} \label{fig:thetas} \end{figure} In terms of the improved algorithm of the previous section this assumption means that the the interaction diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ consists of one graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ whereas the node and link relations are trivial. That is its squid set equals the squid set of the boundary (the initial plus the final) graph. Specifically, for this Dipole Cosmology example and with the 1-vertex assumption the improved algorithm from \sref{algorithm} reads: \begin{enumerate} \item\label{orientacja} $\Gamma$: choose an orientation of each link of each of the two graphs $|\Gamma_{4\theta}|$ (\fref{thetas_oriented}). \begin{figure}[ht!] {\centering \begin{tabular}{>{\centering}p{0.3\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.3\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.3\textwidth}} \subfloat[$\;$\label{fig:thetas_oriented}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{3_thetas_oriented}} & \subfloat[$\;$\label{fig:thetas_squid_set}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{3_squid_set}} & \subfloat[$\;$\label{fig:interaction_graph}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{3_interaction_graph}} \end{tabular} } \caption{Construction of the graph diagram. (a) Step $(i)$ -- choose an orientation of each link. (b) Step $(ii)$ -- construct the squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$. (c) Step $(iii)$ -- construct an interaction graph ${\rm D}_{\rm int}=\Gamma_{\rm int}$; an example is depicted.} \label{fig:construction_1} \end{figure} \item ${\cal S}_{\rm int}={\cal S}_{\Gamma}$: for the interaction squid set take the squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ of the graph $\Gamma$; this means that in point $(ii)$ of the general algorithm presented in \sref{algorithm} we set $N=0$ -- in other words, we consider the first order of the vertex and edge expansion; the interaction squid set consists of four $4$-valent squids; two of them are oriented freely - their orientation determines the orientation of the remaining two squids and defines the orientation of $\Gamma$ (\fref{thetas_squid_set}). \item $\Gamma_{\rm int}$: glue each incoming/outgoing leg of each squid of ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ with an outgoing/incoming leg of another (or the same) squid of ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$. In the next subsection we construct and list all the possible (unoriented) interaction graphs (they are depicted later, on \fref{interaction_graphs}). $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ is obtained by assigning orientation to each link of one such graph (\fref{interaction_graph}). Together with the trivial node and link relations, $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ defines an interaction graph ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$. \item ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$: Use the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ of the graph $\Gamma$ (\fref{static_graph_diagram}) and construct the union of the diagrams as it was explained above (\fref{thetas_graph_diagram}). \begin{figure}[ht!] {\centering \begin{tabular}{>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:static_graph_diagram}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{3_static_diagram}} & \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:thetas_graph_diagram}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{3_graph_diagram}} \end{tabular} } \caption{Construction of the graph diagram. Step $(iv)$ -- the static graph diagram $\T D_\Gamma$ ((a) - the dotted lines denote the link relations) is attached to the diagram $\T D_{\rm int}$ (b), and the final diagram $\T D_\Gamma\#\T D_{\rm int}$ is obtained.} \label{fig:construction_2} \end{figure} \item Coloring: Define arbitrary coloring of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ which turns it into an operator spin-network diagram. \item Consider all the possible: orientations of the two independent squids of ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$, ways of connecting the legs of the four squids, all possible node relations between the nodes of the interaction graph and corresponding nodes of static diagram, all possible link relations between the links of the interaction graph and the corresponding links of the static diagram. \end{enumerate} \subsection{All the possible interaction graphs} In this subsection we construct all the possible interaction graphs $\Gamma_{\rm int}$. We obtain each interaction graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ by assigning an orientation to each link of an (unoriented) graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ defined by the following two properties: \begin{itemize} \item each graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ has exactly \textbf{4 nodes}, \item each node of $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ is precisely \textbf{four-valent}. \end{itemize} We find below all possible graphs $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$. We depicted the resulting graphs on \fref{interaction_graphs}. In order to obtain an interaction graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$, we assign to each link of a graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ an orientation consistent with the orientation of the boundary (and the squid set). Given a graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ and (oriented) boundary graph $\Gamma$, such a choice of compatible orientation may be impossible. For example, take graph 1 from \fref{interaction_graphs} as a graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$. It is not possible to choose an orientation of links of this graph compatible with orientation of the boundary graph from \fref{thetas_oriented}. This is because the boundary graph \fref{thetas_oriented} has a node with three outgoing and one incoming link and such a structure of a node is not possible for graph 1 from \fref{interaction_graphs} (since each link of this graph forms a loop, the number of incoming links and outgoing links needs to be equal at every node). Note, that there is a distinguished graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ -- the graph 20 from \fref{interaction_graphs} used in \cite{SF_cosmology}. This graph may be oriented in a way compatible with any boundary graph $\Gamma$. The natural question which arises is whether for every graph from \fref{interaction_graphs} there is a boundary graph such that orientation of $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ may be chosen to be compatible with this boundary graph. The answer is affirmative. It may be shown that orientation of links of each graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ may be chosen to be compatible with a boundary graph oriented such that at every node a number of incoming links equals to a number of outgoing links. We now present in details the construction of unoriented graphs possessing exactly 4 nodes, all of which are four-valent, i.e. all possible graphs $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$. It is well known that each unoriented graph may be encoded in adjacency matrix. It is a symmetric matrix $A\in {\rm Sym}(n)$ with the number of columns/rows $n$ equal to the number of the vertices of this graph. The entries $A_{ij}$ are equal to the numbers of links connecting node $i$ with node $j$, with a specification that links forming closed loops (corresponding to diagonal entries) are counted twice. An example of such matrix and the corresponding graph is given on \fref{adjacency_matrix}. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{3_adjacency_matrix} \caption{A graph and the corresponding adjacency matrix.} \label{fig:adjacency_matrix} \end{figure} However, given a graph there are many corresponding matrices, because for each permutation $\sigma\in {\rm S}_n$ the matrices \begin{equation} (\sigma \circ A)_{ij}:= A_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)} \end{equation} and $A_{ij}$ define the same graph. There is a natural bijective correspondence between graphs with $n$ vertices and orbits, elements of ${\rm Sym}(n)/S_n$. In our case graphs have four nodes. We are therefore interested in $4\times 4$ matrices. The condition that each node is 4-valent corresponds to an assumption that the sum of numbers in each row/column is equal 4: \begin{equation}\label{eq:czterowalencja} \forall_{i}\quad \sum_{j=1}^4 A_{ij}=4. \end{equation} The set of the possible interaction graphs $\mathcal{G}_{\rm int}$ is therefore characterised by the moduli space: \begin{equation} \left\{A\in {\rm Sym}(4): \forall_{i}\ \sum_{j=1}^4 A_{ij}=4\right\}/S_4. \end{equation} First we introduce a parametrisation of the space of symmetric matrices satisfying \reef{czterowalencja} and then we find the moduli space using Wolfram's Mathematica 8.0. To define our parametrisation in a transparent way, we introduce a triple $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ (see \fref{graphs_notation}): \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{3_graphs_notation} \caption{A graphical representation of $({\rm K}_4,d,m).$} \label{fig:graphs_notation} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item the complete graph ${\rm K}_4$ on four nodes -- the skeleton of a 4-simplex (we denote by ${\rm K}_4^{(0)}$ the set of its nodes and by ${\rm K}_4^{(1)}$ the set of its links); \item labeling of its nodes \begin{equation} d:{\rm K}_4^{(0)}\ni n\mapsto d_n\in\{0,2,4\} \end{equation} such that for all four nodes $n_1,\,n_2,\,n_3,\,n_4$ of the graph ${\rm K}_4$ the numbers $d_{n_1},\,d_{n_2},\,d_{n_3},\,d_{n_4}$ satisfy the generalized triangle inequalities: \begin{equation}\label{eq:triangle_inequality} \forall_i\ d_{n_i}\leq \sum_{i\not=j} d_{n_j}. \end{equation} \item labeling of its links \begin{equation} m:{\rm K}_4^{(1)}\ni\ell\mapsto m_\ell\in \{0,1,2,3,4\} \end{equation} such that \begin{equation}\label{eq:summing} \forall_{n\in {\rm K}_4^{(0)}}\ \sum_{\{\ell\in {\rm K}_4^{(1)}:\ell\cap n \not= \emptyset\}} m_\ell = d_n \end{equation} \end{itemize} The condition that $d_{n},\ n\in{\rm K}_4^{(0)}$ satisfy the generalized triangle inequalities \reef{triangle_inequality} ensures the existence of at least one labeling $m$\footnote{This well known fact is used for example in the representation theory of SU(2) to construct of the invariants of the tensor product $\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_1}}/{2}}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_2}}/{2}}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_3}}/{2}}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_4}}/{2}}$, where dim$\,\mathcal{H}_j=2j+1$, and $d_{n_1}+...+d_{n_4}\in 2\mathbb{N}$ by the construction.} To each triple $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ corresponds a (multi)graph $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$, defined in the following way (see also an example at \fref{graphs_correspondence}): \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{3_graphs_correspondence} \caption{An example of the correspondence between $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ and $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$. The numbering of the nodes is redundant here. However we add it to make the exposition clearer.} \label{fig:graphs_correspondence} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item it has the same set of nodes $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}^{(0)}={\rm K}_4^{(0)};$ \item for each pair $(n,n')$ of different nodes there are exactly $m_{\ell}$ links of $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$ connecting the nodes $n$ and $n'$, where $\ell$ is the link of $K_4$ connecting $n$ with $n'$ . \item at each node $n$ there are precisely $(4-d_{n})/2$ links each of which makes a loop connecting $n$ with itself (\fref{node_notation}); \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3_node_notation} \caption{Correspondence between node labelling $d$ in $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ and node structure in $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$.} \label{fig:node_notation} \end{figure} Alternatively one may read from $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ the corresponding adjacency matrix. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3_K4_adjacency} \caption{The adjacency matrix corresponding to $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$.} \label{fig:K4_adjacency} \end{figure} Simply choose some ordering of nodes (in our case it is a labelling of nodes with numbers $\{1,2,3,4\}$) and let $\ell_{ij}=\ell_{ji},\ i\not=j$ be the link in K${}_4$ connecting nodes $n_{i}$ and $n_{j}$. Now \begin{itemize} \item terms $4-d_{n_i}$ correspond to diagonal entries of the adjacency matrix,i.e. $A_{\underline{i}\underline{i}}:=4-d_{n_i}$, \item terms $m_{\ell_{ij}}$ correspond to off-diagonal entries, i.e. $A_{ij}:=m_{\ell_{ij}}$ for $i\not=j$. \end{itemize} This correspondence is depicted on \fref{K4_adjacency}. Note that, having known the numbers $d_n$, the total number of links going from nodes $n_1,\,n_2$ to nodes $n_3,\,n_4$ (we denote it by $k$) and the number $m_{\ell_{23}}$, we can reconstruct the remaining coloring of $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$. As a result those numbers give the parametrisation of adjacency matrix, we are using. Explicitly, we parametrize the solutions to equations \reef{czterowalencja} with \begin{itemize} \item four numbers $d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4 \in \{0,2,4\}$ satisfying triangle inequalities \reef{triangle_inequality}, \item a natural number $k\in \left[|d_1-d_2|, d_1+d_2\right]\cap\left[|d_3-d_4|,d_3+d_4\right]$, such that $k+d_1+d_2\in 2\mathbb{N}$, \item an even natural number $m\in \left[d_3-d_4+d_2-d_1,{\rm min}\{d_3-d_4+k,d_2-d_1+k\}\right]$. \end{itemize} The corresponding parametrisation is: \begin{equation} A=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} 4-d_{1}&\frac{d_1+d_2-k}{2}&\frac{d_2-d_1+k-m}{2}&\frac{d_4-d_3+d_1-d_2+m}{2}\\\frac{d_1+d_2-k}{2}&4-d_{2}&\frac{m}{2}&\frac{d_3-d_4+k-m}{2}\\\frac{d_2-d_1+k-m}{2}&\frac{m}{2}&4-d_{3}&\frac{d_3+d_4-k}{2}\\\frac{d_4-d_3+d_1-d_2+m}{2}&\frac{d_3-d_4+k-m}{2}&\frac{d_3+d_4-k}{2}&4-d_{4} \end{array}\right). \end{equation} We next find orbits of action of permutation group $S_4$ on the set of those solutions. To this end we used Mathematica 8.0. The resulting graphs are depicted on \fref{interaction_graphs}. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics{3_interaction_graphs_1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics{3_interaction_graphs_2} \caption{The list of all the possible interaction graphs in the first order of the vertex expansion (modulo orientations).} \label{fig:interaction_graphs} \end{figure} Note that one could further restrict the number of matrices considered by requiring that the sequence $(d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4)$ is monotonous and considering only orbits under action of $S_4/H$, where $H$ is the subgroup, which does not change the sequence $(d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4)$. This remark enables one to do the calculation without using computer. On the other hand, one could write a program which does not use the parametrisation we introduced -- e.g. one could generate matrices with entries taking values in the set $\{0,1,2,3,4\}$ (with even numbers on diagonal) and choose only those which satisfy equation \reef{czterowalencja} (a direct method). We have chosen the method we present here, because it gives better understanding of the structure of the graphs considered, it is less laborious than calculation by hand and the version we used is easier to implement than the direct method. It has the additional advantage that it is easily applicable to a more general case where the four nodes are not necessarily four-valent. When $d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4$ are becoming larger, this method becomes considerably faster than the direct method. \subsection{Possible graph diagrams and an interesting observation} As we explained in the previous subsection, there are exactly 20 interaction graphs. However, the number of the graph diagrams resulting from the procedure described above is different. In this subsection we discuss in more details the diversity of the resulting graph diagrams. Given an oriented interaction graph ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ and a static diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$, there may be more than one graph diagrams ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$. The ambiguity is in the choice of the node relation and the link relations. \begin{itemize} \item {\bf The ambiguity in node relation.} It exists if an oriented interaction graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ has two nodes, say $n_1$ and $n_2$, such that the number of the incoming/outgoing links at $n_1$ is equal to the number of the incoming/outgoing links at $n_2$. Then, for every node relation between the nodes of the interaction graph and the corresponding nodes of the static diagram, there is another, different node relation obtained by switching the nodes $n_1$ and $n_2$ -- see \fref{node_relations}. \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:node_relation_1}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_diagram_node_relation_1}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:node_relation_2}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_diagram_node_relation_2}} \caption{Two nonequivalent graph diagrams ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ obtained by different choices of a node relation (the dashed lines) between the nodes of the interaction graph and the nodes in the static diagram.} \label{fig:node_relations} \end{figure} \item {\bf The ambiguity in link relations.} Having settled down the node relation, there are still many possible link relations. The only condition, that each link relation needs to satisfy, is that incoming/outgoing link at each node in interaction graph is in relation with outgoing/incoming link at corresponding node in the static diagram (see \fref{link_relations}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:link_relations_1}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_graph_diagram}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:link_relations_2}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_diagram_link_relation_2}} \caption{Given an oriented interaction graph, a static diagram and a node relation one may choose different link relations between the links of the interaction graph and the corresponding links of the static diagram. Diagrams (a) and (b) are essentially different (the link relations are denoted by the dotted lines).} \label{fig:link_relations} \end{figure} \end{itemize} Furthermore, \textbf{some colorings of the boundary links may be incompatible with some interaction graphs} -- it may happen that the amplitude is zero for every coloring of a given interaction graph. In order to see how this limits the number of possible interaction graphs, consider the coloring of boundary graph depicted on \fref{3_thetas_colored} and OSN diagram on \fref{3_coloring} (node relations and the corresponding coloring with operators is omitted for clarity). It is straightforward to see that the amplitude is non-zero only if the representations $\rho_2$ and $\rho_3$ and, respectively, the representations $\rho_1$ and $\rho_5$ are equal ($\rho_2 = \rho_3$, $\rho_1 = \rho_5$). Importantly, note that, because there are links forming closed loops in the interaction graph, the amplitude is non-zero only if among representations $\rho_1,\,\rho_2,\,\rho_3,\,\rho_4$ or among representations $\rho_5,\,\rho_6,\,\rho_7,\,\rho_8$ there is a pair of equal representations. In addition, since the interaction graph is connected the amplitude is non-zero only if there is a pair of equal representations $\rho_i= \rho_j$, such that $i\in\{1,2,3,4\},\, j\in\{5,6,7,8\}$. Those two conditions do not depend on the choice of node and link relations but on the structure of interaction graph only. This example shows that there are colorings of boundary graph which are not compatible with the given interaction graph. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:3_thetas_colored}\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{3_thetas_colored}}\hspace{0.05\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:3_coloring}\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{3_coloring}} \caption{Compatibility of a coloring of the boundary graph with a given interaction graph -- an example. (a) A coloring of the links of a boundary graph. (b) A coloring of the links of a graph diagram. The link relations are denoted by dotted lines. The node relation and the corresponding coloring with operators are omitted for clarity of exposition. Note that the amplitude corresponding to OSN diagram from \fref{3_coloring} is non-zero only if $\rho_1$ is equal to $\rho_5$ and $\rho_2$ is equal to $\rho_3$.} \label{fig:coloring} \end{figure} A similar analysis may be performed for other interaction graphs. It leads to an interesting conclusion. There is a distinguished interaction graph, which is not limited by the coloring in the way described above -- it is the graph 20 from \fref{interaction_graphs} used in \cite{SF_cosmology}. The corresponding amplitude is non-zero even if all eight links of the boundary graph are labeled with pairwise different representations. In this generic case, all other interaction graphs give identically zero amplitude. We expect therefore that for a generic boundary state (which is a linear combination of spin-network states of all possible spins), the graph diagram with this interaction graph gives major contribution. This conclusion needs however further justification. \section{Summary, conclusions and outlook} We presented a general algorithm for finding all spin-foams with given boundary graph in given order of vertex expansion. We applied this algorithm to the spin-foam cosmology model \cite{SF_cosmology} and found all contributions in first order of vertex expansion which are compatible with generalization of EPRL vertex \cite{SFLQG}. We expect that for a generic state the vertex used in \cite{SF_cosmology} gives the main contribution to the transition amplitude. This scenario needs however more thorough calculations and we leave it for further research. The calculation we presented illustrates an application of OSN diagrams. The strength of this formalism lies in simplifying the classification of 2-complexes -- listing those with given properties (such as order of vertex expansion or structure of boundary graph). It also gives precise definition of the class of 2-complexes one should consider. \section{Introduction}\label{sc:OSN_diagrams} Spin-foams are quantum histories of states of the gravitational field according to the Spin-Foam Models of quantum gravity. In the usual formulation, a spin-foam is a two-complex, whose faces are colored with representations of a given group (depending on a model, for example SU(2)) and edges are colored with invariants of the tensor products \cite{RR,Baezintro, perez, Rovellibook}, or equivalently with operators if one uses the Operator Spin-Foam framework \cite{Operator_SF}. The spin-foams encode the data necessary to calculate the transition amplitude between states of Loop Quantum Gravity \cite{Rovellibook, AshLewrev, Marev, Ashtekarbook, Thiemannbook, LQGdiscr} or more generally, the Rovelli boundary transition amplitude \cite{Rovellibook}. There are a few candidates for the spin-foam model of Quantum Gravity \cite{BC,EPRL,flipped,FK,HT,You,E}. Important for the compatibility with Loop Quantum Gravity is to admit sufficiently general class of the 2-complexes, such that all the (closed, either abstract or embedded in a 3-manifold) graphs are obtained as their boundaries \cite{SFLQG}. The optimal class of such 2-cell complexes was proposed in \cite{OSD}. They are naturally provided in terms of the diagrammatic formalism introduced therein and called operator spin-network diagrams (OSN diagrams). A similar diagramatic framework for triangulations was introduced before in \cite{FrankPhD}. An additional advantage of our formalism, is that the OSN diagrams do not require neither 3d nor 4d imagination, they are easy to use and to classify possible spin-foams. We utilize and even improve these technical advantages in the current work. The generalized (to a non-simplicial 2-cell complex) EPRL vertex has been recently applied to introduce Dipole Cosmology, a quantum cosmological model which opens a new theory that can be called Spin-Foam Cosmology \cite{SF_cosmology}. This application of spin foams in cosmology gave us the motivation to do the current research. We apply here the operator spin-network diagrams framework to find all spin-foams which contribute to the boundary amplitude of a fixed spin-network state in given order of the vertex expansion. The technical task one encounters when solving this problem is finding all the diagrams whose boundary is a given graph. We solve this problem in \sref{piany_o_ustalonym_brzegu} with the use of squid sets we introduce in \sref{oriented_squid_sets}. The solution we present in that section is not limited to the Dipole Cosmology model only. Actually, it applies to the general spin-foam case. In \sref{dipole_cosmology} we apply this general scheme to the model of Dipole Cosmology \cite{SF_cosmology}. We find all the OSN-diagrams whose boundary is the boundary graph of Dipole Cosmology and which have exactly one interaction graph. Those diagrams contribute to the boundary amplitude in the first order of vertex expansion. \subsection{Definition of OSN-diagrams}\label{def} In this subsection we recall the definition of OSN diagrams we introduced in \cite{OSD}. In the analogy to spin-foams, which are colored 2-complexes, OSN-diagrams are colored graph diagrams. We first recall the definition of graph diagrams and then we recall the definition of coloring which turns a graph diagram into an OSN-diagram. One may think of graph diagrams as a way of building 2-complexes from building blocks which are (suitable) neighborhoods of vertices of the corresponding foam \cite{RR,SFLQG}. Such a neighborhood is a 2-complexes obtained as an image of a homotopy of a graph. When glued together, they form a 2-complex. The way one glues them together is encoded in certain relations. Strictly speaking a graph diagram $(\T G,\T R)$ consists of a set ${\T G}$ of oriented, connected, closed graphs $\{\Gamma_1, ... ,\Gamma_N\}$ and a family $\T R$ of relations defined as follows (see \fref{1_osn_diagram}): \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.6\textwidth]{1_osn_diagram} \caption{An operator spin-network diagram. The dashed curves mark the node relation. The link relation (unmarked) relates each link at $n_I$, $I=1,2,3$ with the link at $n'_I$ colored by $\rho_K$ of a same $K$. Operators $P_{n_In'_I}$, $I=1,2,3$ mark the pairs of related nodes, whereas the operators $P_n$ and $P_{n'}$ mark the unrelated nodes $n$ and, respectively, $n'$. Each connected component $\Gamma_1$ and $\Gamma_2$ of the green graph is colored by contractors $A_1$ and $A_2$, respectively.} \label{fig:1_osn_diagram} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item $\T R_{\rm node}$: a symmetric relation in the set of nodes of the graphs which we call the node relation, such that each node $n$ is either in relation with precisely one $n'\not=n$ or is unrelated (in the later case, it is called a boundary node). \item $\T R_{\rm link}$: a family of symmetric relations in the set of links of the graphs which we call collectively the link relation. If a node $n$ is in relation with a node $n'$, then we define a bijective map between incoming/outgoing links at $n$, with outgoing/incoming links at $n'$; no link is left free neither at the node $n$ nor at $n'$; two links identified with each other by the bijection are called to be in the relation $\T R^{(n,n')}_{\rm link}$ at the pair of nodes $n,n'$; a link which intersects $n$/$n'$ twice, emerges in the relation twice: once as an incoming and once as an outgoing link. \end{itemize} In order to be related, two nodes have to satisfy the consistency condition: the number of the incoming/outgoing links at each of them has to coincide with the number of the outgoing/incoming links at the other one (with possible closed links counted twice). Note that two graphs can be treated as one disconnected graph. Thus to reduce that ambiguity we assume that all the graphs defining the diagram are connected. An operator spin-network diagram $({\cal G}=\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, \T R, \rho, P, A)$ is defined by using a compact group $G$ and coloring a graph diagram $({\cal G},\T R)$ as follows (see \fref{1_osn_diagram}): \begin{itemize} \item The coloring $\rho$ assigns to each link $\ell$ of each graph $\Gamma_I$, $I=1,...,N$ an irreducible representation of the group $G$: \begin{equation} \ell\mapsto\rho_\ell. \end{equation} It is assumed that whenever two links $\ell$ and $\ell'$ are mapped to each other by the link relation $\T R_{\rm link}^{nn'}$ at some nodes $n$ and $n'$, then \begin{equation}\label{eq:RhoSaRowne} \rho_\ell= \rho_{\ell'}.\end{equation} \item The coloring $P$ assigns to each node $n$ an operator: \begin{equation}\label{eq:nodeoperator} n\mapsto P_n\in \mathcal{H}_{n}\otimes \mathcal{H}_{n}^*, \end{equation} where $\mathcal{H}_n$ is a Hilbert space defined at each node in the following way: \begin{equation}\label{eq:H.n} \mathcal{H}_n\ =\ \mathrm{Inv}\left(\bigotimes_i \mathcal{H}_{\rho_i}^* \otimes \bigotimes_j\mathcal{H}_{\rho_j}\right)\;\subset\;\left(\bigotimes_i \mathcal{H}_{\rho_i}^* \otimes \bigotimes_j\mathcal{H}_{\rho_j}\right) \end{equation} where $i$/$j$ labels the links incoming/outgoing at $n$. Whenever two nodes $n$ and $n'$ are related by $\T R_{\rm node}$, then (from \reef{RhoSaRowne} and \reef{H.n}) it follows that $\mathcal{H}_n=\mathcal{H}_{n'}^*$ and it is assumed about $P$ that \begin{equation}\label{eq:DualityOfPs} P_n=P_{n'}^*\end{equation} \item The coloring $A$ assigns to each graph $\Gamma_I$ a tensor, which we call contractor: \begin{equation}\label{eq:A.Gamma} \Gamma_I\mapsto A_\Gamma\in\ \left(\bigotimes_n {\cal H}_n\right)^* \end{equation} where $n$ runs through the nodes of $\Gamma_I$. \end{itemize} Each graph $\Gamma_I$ itself defines a contractor, in the sense that there is a natural contraction defined by the graph $\Gamma_I$ and by the natural trace operation in $\bigotimes_{\ell}{\cal H}_\ell\otimes{\cal H}_\ell^*$ which contains $\bigotimes_n {\cal H}_n$, where $n$~/~$\ell$ ranges the set of nodes/links of $\Gamma_I$. We denote this natural contractor by $A^{\rm Tr}_{\Gamma_I}$. However, that natural contraction is often preceded by some additional operations, like the EPRL embedding which gives rise to the EPRL operator spin-network diagrams. \section{Diagrams with boundary given by dipole cosmology graph}\label{sc:dipole_cosmology} In this section we apply the algorithm presented above to a specific example of a boundary graph, namely the one given by the Dipole Cosmology model of Bianchi, Rovelli and Vidotto \cite{SF_cosmology}. The Dipole Cosmology model is an attempt to test the behaviour of the spin-foam transition amplitudes in the limit of the homogeneous and isotropic boundary states. The boundary state of this model is supported on so called \emph{dipole graph} (\fref{thetas}) which consists of two disjoint components, $4$-valent theta graphs representing the initial and, respectively, final geometry. The transition amplitude is calculated under several approximations. One of the approximations is the vertex expansion - i.e. at the first order one considers contribution of the spin-foams with four internal edges and one interaction vertex only. \subsection{The improved algorithm in the Dipole Cosmology case} We apply now the algorithm of the previous section to construct all the operator spin-network diagrams whose boundary is fixed (modulo an orientation) to be the graph $|\Gamma|$ which consists of two disjoint $4$-valent theta graphs $|\Gamma_{4\theta}|$ (\fref{thetas}), \begin{equation} |\Gamma| \ =\ |\Gamma_{4\theta}| \cup |\Gamma_{4\theta}|, \end{equation} and which correspond to 1-vertex spin-foams. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.15\textwidth]{3_theta} \caption{The dipole boundary graph $|\Gamma|=|\Gamma_{4\theta}| \cup |\Gamma_{4\theta}|$.} \label{fig:thetas} \end{figure} In terms of the improved algorithm of the previous section this assumption means that the the interaction diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ consists of one graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ whereas the node and link relations are trivial. That is its squid set equals the squid set of the boundary (the initial plus the final) graph. Specifically, for this Dipole Cosmology example and with the 1-vertex assumption the improved algorithm from \sref{algorithm} reads: \begin{enumerate} \item\label{orientacja} $\Gamma$: choose an orientation of each link of each of the two graphs $|\Gamma_{4\theta}|$ (\fref{thetas_oriented}). \begin{figure}[ht!] {\centering \begin{tabular}{>{\centering}p{0.3\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.3\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.3\textwidth}} \subfloat[$\;$\label{fig:thetas_oriented}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{3_thetas_oriented}} & \subfloat[$\;$\label{fig:thetas_squid_set}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{3_squid_set}} & \subfloat[$\;$\label{fig:interaction_graph}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth]{3_interaction_graph}} \end{tabular} } \caption{Construction of the graph diagram. (a) Step $(i)$ -- choose an orientation of each link. (b) Step $(ii)$ -- construct the squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$. (c) Step $(iii)$ -- construct an interaction graph ${\rm D}_{\rm int}=\Gamma_{\rm int}$; an example is depicted.} \label{fig:construction_1} \end{figure} \item ${\cal S}_{\rm int}={\cal S}_{\Gamma}$: for the interaction squid set take the squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ of the graph $\Gamma$; this means that in point $(ii)$ of the general algorithm presented in \sref{algorithm} we set $N=0$ -- in other words, we consider the first order of the vertex and edge expansion; the interaction squid set consists of four $4$-valent squids; two of them are oriented freely - their orientation determines the orientation of the remaining two squids and defines the orientation of $\Gamma$ (\fref{thetas_squid_set}). \item $\Gamma_{\rm int}$: glue each incoming/outgoing leg of each squid of ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ with an outgoing/incoming leg of another (or the same) squid of ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$. In the next subsection we construct and list all the possible (unoriented) interaction graphs (they are depicted later, on \fref{interaction_graphs}). $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ is obtained by assigning orientation to each link of one such graph (\fref{interaction_graph}). Together with the trivial node and link relations, $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ defines an interaction graph ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$. \item ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$: Use the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ of the graph $\Gamma$ (\fref{static_graph_diagram}) and construct the union of the diagrams as it was explained above (\fref{thetas_graph_diagram}). \begin{figure}[ht!] {\centering \begin{tabular}{>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:static_graph_diagram}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{3_static_diagram}} & \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:thetas_graph_diagram}\includegraphics[width=0.4\textwidth]{3_graph_diagram}} \end{tabular} } \caption{Construction of the graph diagram. Step $(iv)$ -- the static graph diagram $\T D_\Gamma$ ((a) - the dotted lines denote the link relations) is attached to the diagram $\T D_{\rm int}$ (b), and the final diagram $\T D_\Gamma\#\T D_{\rm int}$ is obtained.} \label{fig:construction_2} \end{figure} \item Coloring: Define arbitrary coloring of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ which turns it into an operator spin-network diagram. \item Consider all the possible: orientations of the two independent squids of ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$, ways of connecting the legs of the four squids, all possible node relations between the nodes of the interaction graph and corresponding nodes of static diagram, all possible link relations between the links of the interaction graph and the corresponding links of the static diagram. \end{enumerate} \subsection{All the possible interaction graphs} In this subsection we construct all the possible interaction graphs $\Gamma_{\rm int}$. We obtain each interaction graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ by assigning an orientation to each link of an (unoriented) graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ defined by the following two properties: \begin{itemize} \item each graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ has exactly \textbf{4 nodes}, \item each node of $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ is precisely \textbf{four-valent}. \end{itemize} We find below all possible graphs $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$. We depicted the resulting graphs on \fref{interaction_graphs}. In order to obtain an interaction graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$, we assign to each link of a graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ an orientation consistent with the orientation of the boundary (and the squid set). Given a graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ and (oriented) boundary graph $\Gamma$, such a choice of compatible orientation may be impossible. For example, take graph 1 from \fref{interaction_graphs} as a graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$. It is not possible to choose an orientation of links of this graph compatible with orientation of the boundary graph from \fref{thetas_oriented}. This is because the boundary graph \fref{thetas_oriented} has a node with three outgoing and one incoming link and such a structure of a node is not possible for graph 1 from \fref{interaction_graphs} (since each link of this graph forms a loop, the number of incoming links and outgoing links needs to be equal at every node). Note, that there is a distinguished graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ -- the graph 20 from \fref{interaction_graphs} used in \cite{SF_cosmology}. This graph may be oriented in a way compatible with any boundary graph $\Gamma$. The natural question which arises is whether for every graph from \fref{interaction_graphs} there is a boundary graph such that orientation of $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ may be chosen to be compatible with this boundary graph. The answer is affirmative. It may be shown that orientation of links of each graph $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$ may be chosen to be compatible with a boundary graph oriented such that at every node a number of incoming links equals to a number of outgoing links. We now present in details the construction of unoriented graphs possessing exactly 4 nodes, all of which are four-valent, i.e. all possible graphs $|\Gamma_{\rm int}|$. It is well known that each unoriented graph may be encoded in adjacency matrix. It is a symmetric matrix $A\in {\rm Sym}(n)$ with the number of columns/rows $n$ equal to the number of the vertices of this graph. The entries $A_{ij}$ are equal to the numbers of links connecting node $i$ with node $j$, with a specification that links forming closed loops (corresponding to diagonal entries) are counted twice. An example of such matrix and the corresponding graph is given on \fref{adjacency_matrix}. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{3_adjacency_matrix} \caption{A graph and the corresponding adjacency matrix.} \label{fig:adjacency_matrix} \end{figure} However, given a graph there are many corresponding matrices, because for each permutation $\sigma\in {\rm S}_n$ the matrices \begin{equation} (\sigma \circ A)_{ij}:= A_{\sigma(i)\sigma(j)} \end{equation} and $A_{ij}$ define the same graph. There is a natural bijective correspondence between graphs with $n$ vertices and orbits, elements of ${\rm Sym}(n)/S_n$. In our case graphs have four nodes. We are therefore interested in $4\times 4$ matrices. The condition that each node is 4-valent corresponds to an assumption that the sum of numbers in each row/column is equal 4: \begin{equation}\label{eq:czterowalencja} \forall_{i}\quad \sum_{j=1}^4 A_{ij}=4. \end{equation} The set of the possible interaction graphs $\mathcal{G}_{\rm int}$ is therefore characterised by the moduli space: \begin{equation} \left\{A\in {\rm Sym}(4): \forall_{i}\ \sum_{j=1}^4 A_{ij}=4\right\}/S_4. \end{equation} First we introduce a parametrisation of the space of symmetric matrices satisfying \reef{czterowalencja} and then we find the moduli space using Wolfram's Mathematica 8.0. To define our parametrisation in a transparent way, we introduce a triple $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ (see \fref{graphs_notation}): \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.80\textwidth]{3_graphs_notation} \caption{A graphical representation of $({\rm K}_4,d,m).$} \label{fig:graphs_notation} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item the complete graph ${\rm K}_4$ on four nodes -- the skeleton of a 4-simplex (we denote by ${\rm K}_4^{(0)}$ the set of its nodes and by ${\rm K}_4^{(1)}$ the set of its links); \item labeling of its nodes \begin{equation} d:{\rm K}_4^{(0)}\ni n\mapsto d_n\in\{0,2,4\} \end{equation} such that for all four nodes $n_1,\,n_2,\,n_3,\,n_4$ of the graph ${\rm K}_4$ the numbers $d_{n_1},\,d_{n_2},\,d_{n_3},\,d_{n_4}$ satisfy the generalized triangle inequalities: \begin{equation}\label{eq:triangle_inequality} \forall_i\ d_{n_i}\leq \sum_{i\not=j} d_{n_j}. \end{equation} \item labeling of its links \begin{equation} m:{\rm K}_4^{(1)}\ni\ell\mapsto m_\ell\in \{0,1,2,3,4\} \end{equation} such that \begin{equation}\label{eq:summing} \forall_{n\in {\rm K}_4^{(0)}}\ \sum_{\{\ell\in {\rm K}_4^{(1)}:\ell\cap n \not= \emptyset\}} m_\ell = d_n \end{equation} \end{itemize} The condition that $d_{n},\ n\in{\rm K}_4^{(0)}$ satisfy the generalized triangle inequalities \reef{triangle_inequality} ensures the existence of at least one labeling $m$\footnote{This well known fact is used for example in the representation theory of SU(2) to construct of the invariants of the tensor product $\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_1}}/{2}}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_2}}/{2}}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_3}}/{2}}\otimes\mathcal{H}_{{d_{n_4}}/{2}}$, where dim$\,\mathcal{H}_j=2j+1$, and $d_{n_1}+...+d_{n_4}\in 2\mathbb{N}$ by the construction.} To each triple $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ corresponds a (multi)graph $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$, defined in the following way (see also an example at \fref{graphs_correspondence}): \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.95\textwidth]{3_graphs_correspondence} \caption{An example of the correspondence between $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ and $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$. The numbering of the nodes is redundant here. However we add it to make the exposition clearer.} \label{fig:graphs_correspondence} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item it has the same set of nodes $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}^{(0)}={\rm K}_4^{(0)};$ \item for each pair $(n,n')$ of different nodes there are exactly $m_{\ell}$ links of $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$ connecting the nodes $n$ and $n'$, where $\ell$ is the link of $K_4$ connecting $n$ with $n'$ . \item at each node $n$ there are precisely $(4-d_{n})/2$ links each of which makes a loop connecting $n$ with itself (\fref{node_notation}); \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3_node_notation} \caption{Correspondence between node labelling $d$ in $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ and node structure in $\Gamma_{({\rm K}_4,d,m)}$.} \label{fig:node_notation} \end{figure} Alternatively one may read from $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$ the corresponding adjacency matrix. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.9\textwidth]{3_K4_adjacency} \caption{The adjacency matrix corresponding to $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$.} \label{fig:K4_adjacency} \end{figure} Simply choose some ordering of nodes (in our case it is a labelling of nodes with numbers $\{1,2,3,4\}$) and let $\ell_{ij}=\ell_{ji},\ i\not=j$ be the link in K${}_4$ connecting nodes $n_{i}$ and $n_{j}$. Now \begin{itemize} \item terms $4-d_{n_i}$ correspond to diagonal entries of the adjacency matrix,i.e. $A_{\underline{i}\underline{i}}:=4-d_{n_i}$, \item terms $m_{\ell_{ij}}$ correspond to off-diagonal entries, i.e. $A_{ij}:=m_{\ell_{ij}}$ for $i\not=j$. \end{itemize} This correspondence is depicted on \fref{K4_adjacency}. Note that, having known the numbers $d_n$, the total number of links going from nodes $n_1,\,n_2$ to nodes $n_3,\,n_4$ (we denote it by $k$) and the number $m_{\ell_{23}}$, we can reconstruct the remaining coloring of $({\rm K}_4,d,m)$. As a result those numbers give the parametrisation of adjacency matrix, we are using. Explicitly, we parametrize the solutions to equations \reef{czterowalencja} with \begin{itemize} \item four numbers $d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4 \in \{0,2,4\}$ satisfying triangle inequalities \reef{triangle_inequality}, \item a natural number $k\in \left[|d_1-d_2|, d_1+d_2\right]\cap\left[|d_3-d_4|,d_3+d_4\right]$, such that $k+d_1+d_2\in 2\mathbb{N}$, \item an even natural number $m\in \left[d_3-d_4+d_2-d_1,{\rm min}\{d_3-d_4+k,d_2-d_1+k\}\right]$. \end{itemize} The corresponding parametrisation is: \begin{equation} A=\left(\begin{array}{cccc} 4-d_{1}&\frac{d_1+d_2-k}{2}&\frac{d_2-d_1+k-m}{2}&\frac{d_4-d_3+d_1-d_2+m}{2}\\\frac{d_1+d_2-k}{2}&4-d_{2}&\frac{m}{2}&\frac{d_3-d_4+k-m}{2}\\\frac{d_2-d_1+k-m}{2}&\frac{m}{2}&4-d_{3}&\frac{d_3+d_4-k}{2}\\\frac{d_4-d_3+d_1-d_2+m}{2}&\frac{d_3-d_4+k-m}{2}&\frac{d_3+d_4-k}{2}&4-d_{4} \end{array}\right). \end{equation} We next find orbits of action of permutation group $S_4$ on the set of those solutions. To this end we used Mathematica 8.0. The resulting graphs are depicted on \fref{interaction_graphs}. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics{3_interaction_graphs_1} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics{3_interaction_graphs_2} \caption{The list of all the possible interaction graphs in the first order of the vertex expansion (modulo orientations).} \label{fig:interaction_graphs} \end{figure} Note that one could further restrict the number of matrices considered by requiring that the sequence $(d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4)$ is monotonous and considering only orbits under action of $S_4/H$, where $H$ is the subgroup, which does not change the sequence $(d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4)$. This remark enables one to do the calculation without using computer. On the other hand, one could write a program which does not use the parametrisation we introduced -- e.g. one could generate matrices with entries taking values in the set $\{0,1,2,3,4\}$ (with even numbers on diagonal) and choose only those which satisfy equation \reef{czterowalencja} (a direct method). We have chosen the method we present here, because it gives better understanding of the structure of the graphs considered, it is less laborious than calculation by hand and the version we used is easier to implement than the direct method. It has the additional advantage that it is easily applicable to a more general case where the four nodes are not necessarily four-valent. When $d_1,\,d_2,\,d_3,\,d_4$ are becoming larger, this method becomes considerably faster than the direct method. \subsection{Possible graph diagrams and an interesting observation} As we explained in the previous subsection, there are exactly 20 interaction graphs. However, the number of the graph diagrams resulting from the procedure described above is different. In this subsection we discuss in more details the diversity of the resulting graph diagrams. Given an oriented interaction graph ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ and a static diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$, there may be more than one graph diagrams ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$. The ambiguity is in the choice of the node relation and the link relations. \begin{itemize} \item {\bf The ambiguity in node relation.} It exists if an oriented interaction graph $\Gamma_{\rm int}$ has two nodes, say $n_1$ and $n_2$, such that the number of the incoming/outgoing links at $n_1$ is equal to the number of the incoming/outgoing links at $n_2$. Then, for every node relation between the nodes of the interaction graph and the corresponding nodes of the static diagram, there is another, different node relation obtained by switching the nodes $n_1$ and $n_2$ -- see \fref{node_relations}. \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:node_relation_1}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_diagram_node_relation_1}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:node_relation_2}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_diagram_node_relation_2}} \caption{Two nonequivalent graph diagrams ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ obtained by different choices of a node relation (the dashed lines) between the nodes of the interaction graph and the nodes in the static diagram.} \label{fig:node_relations} \end{figure} \item {\bf The ambiguity in link relations.} Having settled down the node relation, there are still many possible link relations. The only condition, that each link relation needs to satisfy, is that incoming/outgoing link at each node in interaction graph is in relation with outgoing/incoming link at corresponding node in the static diagram (see \fref{link_relations}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:link_relations_1}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_graph_diagram}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:link_relations_2}\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{3_diagram_link_relation_2}} \caption{Given an oriented interaction graph, a static diagram and a node relation one may choose different link relations between the links of the interaction graph and the corresponding links of the static diagram. Diagrams (a) and (b) are essentially different (the link relations are denoted by the dotted lines).} \label{fig:link_relations} \end{figure} \end{itemize} Furthermore, \textbf{some colorings of the boundary links may be incompatible with some interaction graphs} -- it may happen that the amplitude is zero for every coloring of a given interaction graph. In order to see how this limits the number of possible interaction graphs, consider the coloring of boundary graph depicted on \fref{3_thetas_colored} and OSN diagram on \fref{3_coloring} (node relations and the corresponding coloring with operators is omitted for clarity). It is straightforward to see that the amplitude is non-zero only if the representations $\rho_2$ and $\rho_3$ and, respectively, the representations $\rho_1$ and $\rho_5$ are equal ($\rho_2 = \rho_3$, $\rho_1 = \rho_5$). Importantly, note that, because there are links forming closed loops in the interaction graph, the amplitude is non-zero only if among representations $\rho_1,\,\rho_2,\,\rho_3,\,\rho_4$ or among representations $\rho_5,\,\rho_6,\,\rho_7,\,\rho_8$ there is a pair of equal representations. In addition, since the interaction graph is connected the amplitude is non-zero only if there is a pair of equal representations $\rho_i= \rho_j$, such that $i\in\{1,2,3,4\},\, j\in\{5,6,7,8\}$. Those two conditions do not depend on the choice of node and link relations but on the structure of interaction graph only. This example shows that there are colorings of boundary graph which are not compatible with the given interaction graph. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:3_thetas_colored}\includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{3_thetas_colored}}\hspace{0.05\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\label{fig:3_coloring}\includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{3_coloring}} \caption{Compatibility of a coloring of the boundary graph with a given interaction graph -- an example. (a) A coloring of the links of a boundary graph. (b) A coloring of the links of a graph diagram. The link relations are denoted by dotted lines. The node relation and the corresponding coloring with operators are omitted for clarity of exposition. Note that the amplitude corresponding to OSN diagram from \fref{3_coloring} is non-zero only if $\rho_1$ is equal to $\rho_5$ and $\rho_2$ is equal to $\rho_3$.} \label{fig:coloring} \end{figure} A similar analysis may be performed for other interaction graphs. It leads to an interesting conclusion. There is a distinguished interaction graph, which is not limited by the coloring in the way described above -- it is the graph 20 from \fref{interaction_graphs} used in \cite{SF_cosmology}. The corresponding amplitude is non-zero even if all eight links of the boundary graph are labeled with pairwise different representations. In this generic case, all other interaction graphs give identically zero amplitude. We expect therefore that for a generic boundary state (which is a linear combination of spin-network states of all possible spins), the graph diagram with this interaction graph gives major contribution. This conclusion needs however further justification. \section{Characterization and construction of the diagrams}\label{sc:oriented_squid_sets} We will introduce now a useful characterization of the diagrams. The characterization will allow to control the structure and the complexity of the diagrams in a clear way. Finally it will lead to algorithms for construction of diagrams. In this section we will introduce the first, simpler algorithm. It will be improved to produce diagrams of a given boundary, in the next section. \subsection{Squids} An important element of our characterization of graph diagrams is an {\it oriented squid set}. Given a graph (oriented and closed), its oriented squid set is obtained by removing from each link of the graph a point of its entry and shaking the whole thing so that the disconnected parts of each link {\it go apart} (\fref{2_01_g2oss}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_01_g2oss} \caption{A graph (on the LHS) and its oriented squid set (on the RHS) which consists of four 3-leg squids.} \label{fig:2_01_g2oss} \end{figure} Two different graphs may define a single squid set. Therefore, it makes sense to introduce and consider the notion of a squid set on its own. An {\it oriented squid} consist of $1$ point called {\it head}, $k^+$ legs beginning at the head, and $k^-$ legs ending at the head. In other words it may be considered as the topological space obtained by glueing $k^++k^{-}$ oriented intervals with the head in the suitable way (\fref{2_02_o_squid}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.35\textwidth]{2_02_o_squid}\label{fig:2_02_o_squid}} \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.45\textwidth]{2_03_oss} \label{fig:2_03_oss}} \caption{(a) The oriented squid of $k^-=2$ incoming, and $k^+=4$ outgoing legs. (b) An example of an oriented squid set.} \label{fig:2_squid} \end{figure} An {\it oriented squid set} ${\cal S}$ is a disjoint finite union of squids (\fref{2_03_oss}). A graph $\Gamma$ consists of a squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ and information about glueing the legs of the squids. Conversely, given a squid set ${\cal S}$, a graph may be obtained by glueing the end of each outgoing leg with the beginning of arbitrarily chosen incoming leg of either the same or a different squid. However this procedure neither is unique, nor there is a guarantee it can be completed. Therefore, a single squid set can be the squid set of either more then one graph, or of an exactly one graph, or of no graph at all (\fref{2_04_oss_amb}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.40\textwidth]{2_04_oss_amb_1} } \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.40\textwidth]{2_04_oss_amb_2} } \\ \subfloat[$\;$ {\includegraphics[width=0.40\textwidth]{2_04_oss_amb_3} } \caption{(a) An oriented squid set (LHS) and a unique oriented graph obtained by glueing the legs (RHS). (b) An oriented squid set whose legs can not be glued to give an oriented graph. (c) An oriented squid set (LHS), and three different oriented graphs (RHS) each of which can be obtained by glueing the legs in a suitable way.} \label{fig:2_04_oss_amb} \end{figure} A graph diagram $(\Gamma,{\cal R})$ can also be obtained from a squid set ${\cal S}_\Gamma$ by endowing it with additional structure. The part of the structure has been already described above, it allows to reconstruct the graph $\Gamma$. The second element of the structure, the node relation ${\cal R}^{\rm node}$, is given by indicating a set of pairs $\{\{\lambda_{1},\lambda'_{1}\}, ..., \{\lambda_{N},\lambda'_{N}\}\}$ of squids $\lambda_{i},\lambda'_{i}\in {\cal S}$, whose heads are in the node relation ${\cal R}^{\rm node}$. The last element of the graph diagram structure, a link relation, is defined for each pair $\{\lambda_{i},\lambda'_{i}\}$ as a bijection between the incoming/outgoing legs of the squid $\lambda_{i}$ with the outgoing/incoming legs of the squid $\lambda'_{i}$ (\fref{2_05_relations}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{2_05_relations} \caption{The construction of a graph diagram from a squid set: $(i)$ the solid curves are squid legs meeting at squid heads $(ii)$ the dashed curves connecting the ends of the squid legs define glueing the legs into a (set of connected) graph(s), $(iii)$ the dashed curves connecting the squid heads define a node relation, $(iv)$ the dotted curves define a link relation at each pair of related nodes.} \label{fig:2_05_relations} \end{figure} \subsection{The algorithm}\label{sc:algorithm1} This characterization of an arbitrary graph diagram leads to the following algorithm for construction of all the graph diagrams: \begin{enumerate} \item Squids: fix a squid set ${\cal S}$ (\fref{2_06_diagram_1_s}) \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_06_diagram_1_s} \caption{An oriented squid set $\T S$.} \label{fig:2_06_diagram_1_s} \end{figure} \item Node relation: choose $N$ pairs $\lambda_{i},\lambda'_i$, $i=1,...,N$ of consistent squids (the numbers of incoming/outgoing legs of unprimed squid in each pair coincides with the numbers of the outgoing/incoming legs in the primed squid); an element $\lambda\in{\cal S}$ can emerge only once in this set of pairs or not at all (\fref{2_07_diagram_2_n}). The relation ${\cal R}_{\rm node}$ is such that the heads of the chosen squids $\lambda_i$ and $\lambda'_i$, for $i=1,...,N$ are related to each other, and to nothing else. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_07_diagram_2_n} \caption{Three pairs of squids have been chosen to be related by a node relation.} \label{fig:2_07_diagram_2_n} \end{figure} \item Link relation: for each pair $\lambda_i,\lambda'_i$ of the squids, $i=1,...,N$, define a bijective map carrying the incoming/outgoing legs on one squid into the outgoing/incoming legs of the other squid. \item Glueing: glue the end of each outgoing leg with the beginning of exactly one incoming leg of either the same or a different squid (\fref{2_08_diagram_3_g}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_08_diagram_3_g} \caption{One of the graph diagrams that can be constructed from $\T S$ (the link relation is omitted).} \label{fig:2_08_diagram_3_g} \end{figure} \item Given the data $(i) - (iii)$ perform all possible options of the glueing $(iv)$ - see \fref{2_09_diagram_4}. \end{enumerate} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \begin{tabular}{>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}>{\centering}p{0.5\textwidth}} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{2_09_diagram_4_1} }& \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{2_09_diagram_4_2} }\tabularnewline \multicolumn{2}{>{\centering}p{\textwidth}}{\subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.50\textwidth]{2_09_diagram_4_3} }} \end{tabular} \caption{Three different graph diagrams obtained by different choices of link relation in \fref{2_08_diagram_3_g}. In total, there are eight different graph diagrams for this choice of a node relation and many more for arbitrary choice of a node relation. } \label{fig:2_09_diagram_4} \end{figure} A graph diagram ${\cal D}$ resulting from $(i)-(iv)$ consist of a graph $$\Gamma\ =\ \Gamma_1\cup...\cup\Gamma_N,$$ the disjoint union of connected graphs $\Gamma_I$, $I=1,..,N$ obtained by the glueing $(iv)$, a node relation given by $(ii)$ and a link relation provided by $(iii)$. We denote it shortly by ${\cal D}=(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R})$. It is turned into an operator spin-network diagram by coloring the links, the nodes and the connected components of $\Gamma$ according to Section \ref{def}. \subsection{Discussion} \subsubsection{Colorings} The colorings may be constrained by the geometry of the graph diagram and the relations. In order to control this constraint one may from the beginning fix the coloring of the boundary links (that is the legs of the squids whose heads are boundary nodes - the nodes which are unrelated by the node relation) by representations, and then allow only such glueings that agree with the coloring (i.e. two legs may be glued if and only if the are colored by the same representation). \subsubsection{Reorientation of the diagrams} Graphs used in the definition of OSN diagram are oriented, and the orientation is relevant for the node and link relations. However, the operators evaluated from the OSN diagram are invariant with respect to consistent changes of the orientation accompanied with the dualization of the representation colors. Suppose $(\{\Gamma_1',...,\Gamma_N'\}, {\cal R}',\rho',P',A')$ is an OSN-diagram obtained from a given OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R},\rho,P,A)$ by: flipping the orientation of some of the links $\ell_1,...\ell_k$, leaving the same node relations, and leaving the same link relations, setting \begin{equation}\rho'_{\ell_i^{-1}}\ =\ \rho^*_{\ell_i}, \ \ \ i=1,...,k,\end{equation} leaving \begin{equation}\rho'(\ell)=\rho(\ell)\end{equation} for each unflipped link $\ell$, and $P'=P$ as well as $A'=A$. Notice, that the transformation of the orientations and the labelling $\rho\mapsto\rho'$ preserves the Hilbert spaces ${\cal H}_n$, where $n$ ranges the set of the nodes of the diagram graph. That property makes the choice $P'=P$ and $A'=A$ possible. The OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1',...,\Gamma_N'\}, {\cal R}',\rho',P',A')$ can be considered as {\it reoriented} OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R},\rho,P,A)$. The reorientation of any OSN-diagram does not change the Hilbert spaces and the resulting operator. Notice however, that given an OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1,...,\Gamma_N\}, {\cal R},\rho,P,A)$, we are not free to reorient any link we want, say exactly one arbitrarily selected link, to obtain a reoriented OSN-diagram $(\{\Gamma_1',...,\Gamma_N'\}, {\cal R}')$. The possible changes of the orientation have to be consistent with the node-link relations ${\cal R}$. For each of the flipped links $\ell_i$, a link which is in the link relation with $\ell_i$ at one of its nodes has to be flipped too, and so on. In \cite{OSD} we identified the chains of links related to each other with the equivalence classes of suitably defined face relation. We characterised the face relation classes in detail. It follows, that for each of the flipped links $\ell_i$, all the links, elements of its face relation equivalence class have to be flipped as well. This is the necessary and sufficient consistency condition for reorienting the links of a graph diagram in a way consistent with the node-link relations. \subsubsection{Advantages and a drawback} The characterization and construction presented above allows to control the complexity of the diagrams by the following measures: the number of internal edges, the number of disconnected components of the graphs, the complexity of each disconnected component. There is one drawback though. From the point of view of the physical application, the boundary part of the diagram (consisting of the squids whose heads are not in the node relation with any other head - they form the boundary graph) describes either the initial and final state or, more generally, the surface state. The remaining part of the diagram consists of the pairs of the related nodes (internal edges) and describes the interaction. The two pieces of this information are entangled in the presented characterization. The reason is, that the diagrams, obtained with the algorithm above from a given squid set endowed with the node and link relations (the data $(i)-(iii)$) by implementing all the possible glueings (step $(iv)$), in general have different boundary graphs (the graphs share a squid set, but have different graph structures). Therefore we do not control in that way the boundary of the diagram, that is the initial-final/boundary Hilbert space. We improve that characterization and the algorithm in the next section. \section{Operator spin-network diagrams with fixed boundary}\label{sc:piany_o_ustalonym_brzegu} In this section we improve the construction and the algorithm introduced in the previous section. The improved algorithm provides all the operator spin-network diagrams which have a same, {\it arbitrarily fixed boundary graph}. \subsection{The idea and the trick} In \cite{OSD} (see Sec.~6.2), for every graph $\Gamma$ we introduced the graph diagram corresponding to the {\it static spin-foam}, that is the spin-foam describing the trivial evolution of the graph. Let us denote this diagram by ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ and refer to it as the {\it static graph diagram of} $\Gamma$. The boundary of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ is the disjoint union $\Gamma\cup\bar{\Gamma}$ where $\bar{\Gamma}$ is a graph obtained by switching the orientation of each of the links of $\Gamma$ (\fref{2_10_trivial_diagram}). \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_0}} \hspace{0.03\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_1}} \hspace{0.03\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_2}} \hspace{0.03\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.22\textwidth]{2_10_trivial_diagram_3}} \caption{A static diagram. $(a)$ A given graph $\Gamma$ consisting of two connected components. $(b)$ The corresponding static graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ built of $\theta$ graphs and suitably defined node and link relations. $(c)$ The scheme of building a static foam from the diagram. $(d)$ The boundary graph $\partial {\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ of the resulting foam is the disjoint union of $\Gamma$ and $\overline\Gamma$.} \label{fig:2_10_trivial_diagram} \end{figure} Given a coloring of the links of the graph $\Gamma$ by representations, we endow the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ with the natural colorings (see \cite{OSD}, Sec.~6.2): $(i)$ the coloring $\rho$ of the links of the graphs in ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ is the one induced by the coloring of the links of $\Gamma$; $(ii)$ the operator coloring $P$ colors with the identity operators; $(iii)$ finally, all the contractor coloring $A$ assigns to each $n$-theta graph of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ the natural trace contractor $A^{\rm Tr}$. The result is the {\it static OSN-diagram}. The corresponding operator is the identity in the Hilbert space given by the coloring of the links of $\Gamma$. The technical definition of static diagram will be recalled in the next subsection. The diagrams we will construct with the improved algorithm introduced below, contain the boundary $\Gamma$ together with its static diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ as a subdiagram. Given $\Gamma$, our construction will provide all the diagrams of this type, that is all the diagrams, modulo the static sub-diagram. In terms of the spin-foam formalism, we will construct all the spin-foams bounded by an arbitrarily fixed graph $\Gamma$. In each of the spin-foams, the neighborhood of $\Gamma$ is homeomorphic to the cylinder $\Gamma\times$ $[0,1]$. \begin{figure}[bt!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.37\textwidth]{2_11_trivial_attached} \caption{The static diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ of \fref{2_10_trivial_diagram} glued to an interaction diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$. The result is a diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ (link relations are omitted).} \label{fig:2_11_trivial_att} \end{figure} The key trick behind our construction is the following observation: given a graph $\Gamma$ of the squid set ${\cal S}_\Gamma$, and an arbitrary graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ called {\it interaction diagram}, whose boundary graph $\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ has the {\it same squid set}: \begin{equation} {\cal S}_{\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}}\ =\ {\cal S}_{\Gamma} \end{equation} we can combine the diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ with the static diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ into the new graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\# {\cal D}_{\rm int}$ such that the graph $\Gamma$ becomes its boundary. We achieve that by defining the graph of ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\# {\cal D}_{\rm int}$ to be the disjoint union of the graph of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ with the graph of ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ and extending the node and link relations of the component diagrams such that each squid of the boundary ${\partial\cal D}_{\rm int}$ is related to the corresponding squid of $\bar{\Gamma}$ (a part of the boundary of ${\cal D}_\Gamma$) - see \fref{2_11_trivial_att}. The identification of the squid sets ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ and $\partial{\cal D}$ is defined modulo symmetries of ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ (exchanging identical squids). In the consequence, the graphs $\bar{\Gamma}$ and $\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ may admit more than one way of relating their squid. In the algorithm below, the identification (a bijection) between the squid sets will be given, and the freedom will be in the glueing of the legs. Below we implement this idea in detail, beginning with recalling the exact definition of the static diagrams. \subsection{Static diagrams} First, we recall the definition of the static diagram of a graph $\Gamma$. We use the squid set ${\cal S}_\Gamma$. For each squid $\lambda\in{\cal S}_\Gamma$ we introduce a theta-like graph $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ as follows (\fref{2_12_squid_to_theta}): \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.60\textwidth]{2_12_squid_to_theta} \caption{The procedure of creating a $\theta$-like graph from a squid $\lambda$.} \label{fig:2_12_squid_to_theta} \end{figure} \begin{itemize} \item $\bar{\lambda}$: we introduce a new squid $\bar{\lambda}$ obtained by flipping the orientation of each of the legs of $\lambda$. \item $\theta_\lambda$: glue each outgoing/incoming leg $\ell_{\lambda,i}$ of $\lambda$ with the corresponding incoming/outgoing leg ${\ell}_{\bar{\lambda},i}$ of $\bar{\lambda}$ to obtain a link ${\ell}_{\bar{\lambda},i}\circ \ell_{\lambda,i}$ / $\ell_{\lambda,i}\circ {\ell_{\bar{\lambda},i}}$ connecting the head $n_\lambda$ of the squid $\lambda$ with the head ${n}_{\bar{\lambda}}$ of the squid $\bar{\lambda}$; the result is a closed graph $\theta_\lambda$. \item $\tilde{\theta}_{\lambda}$: on each link $\bar{\ell}_{\lambda,i}\circ \ell_{\lambda,i}$ / $\ell_{\lambda,i}\circ \bar{\ell}_{\lambda,i}$ we introduce an extra node $n_{\lambda,i}$; the resulting graph is denoted $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ \end{itemize} The links of the graph $\tilde\theta_\lambda$ are just the legs $\ell_{\lambda,i}$, $\bar{\ell}_{\lambda,i}$, $i=1,2,...$ of the squids $\lambda$ and $\bar{\lambda}$ respectively. The result of this procedure is a family of the graphs $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$, one per each squid $\lambda\in {\cal S}_\Gamma$. The disjoint union $\coprod_\lambda \tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ is the graph of the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$. The node and the link relations in $\coprod_\lambda \tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ are induced by the the structure of the graph $\Gamma$ - see \fref{2_13_trivial}. \begin{figure}[hbt!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_13_trivial_1}]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{2_13_trivial_1}} \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_13_trivial_2}]{\includegraphics[width=0.3\textwidth]{2_13_trivial_2}} \caption{ (a) A static diagram. (b) Its boundary graph.} \label{fig:2_13_trivial} \end{figure} To define the node relation, notice that the set of the nodes of the graph $\coprod_\lambda \tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ consists of the nodes of two types: \begin{itemize} \item The first type is the heads of the squids $\lambda\in{\cal S}_\Gamma$ (denoted by $n_\lambda$) and the heads of the conjugate squids $\bar{\lambda}$ (denoted by $n_{\bar{\lambda}},...$) - those nodes are left unrelated by the node relation, that is they become the boundary nodes. \item The ends of the legs of the squids $\lambda\in{\cal S}_\Gamma$ (glued with the legs of the conjugate squids $\bar{\lambda}$) denoted by $n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}$. Whenever $\ell_{\lambda,i}\circ\ell'_{\lambda',i'}$ is a link of $\Gamma$, then the nodes $n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}$ and $n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}$ are in the node relation. \end{itemize} The link relation is defined as follows: \begin{itemize} \item For every pair of the nodes $n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}$ and $n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}$ related above by the node relation, each node is two-valent. The link relation is defined to pair the links $\ell_{\lambda,i}$ and $\ell'_{\lambda',i'}$, as well as the links $\ell_{\bar{\lambda},i}$ and $\ell'_{\bar{\lambda}',i'}$ (see the previous item). \end{itemize} Given a static graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ the natural coloring consists of: irreducible representations freely assigned to the links, the operators $P_{n_\lambda}={\rm id}:{\cal H}_{n_\lambda}\rightarrow{\cal H}_{n_\lambda}$ for every head $n_\lambda$ and every squid $\lambda$, and $P_{n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}}$ equal to the natural isomorphisms ${\rm id}:{\cal H}_{n_{\ell_{\lambda,i}}}\rightarrow{\cal H}_{n_{\ell'_{\lambda',i'}}}$. Finally, the contractor assigned to each component graph $\tilde{\theta}_\lambda$ is the natural $A^{\rm Tr}_{\tilde{\theta}}$. \subsection{The improved algorithm}\label{sc:algorithm} We present now our algorithm for the construction of the operator spin-network diagrams whose unoriented boundary is an arbitrarily fixed unoriented graph $|\Gamma|$. \begin{enumerate} \item $\Gamma$: choose an orientation of each link of $|\Gamma|$, the result is an oriented graph $\Gamma$ (\fref{2_14_g2g}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \includegraphics[width=0.5\textwidth]{2_14_g2g} \caption{$|\Gamma|$ on the LHS and $\Gamma$ on the RHS.} \label{fig:2_14_g2g} \end{figure} \item ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$: to the squid set ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$ of the graph $\Gamma$ add $N$ pairs of squids $\lambda_1,\lambda'_1,...,\lambda_{N},\lambda'_{N}$, such that for each pair the number of incoming/outgoing legs of one squid equals the number of outgoing/incoming legs of the other one (\fref{2_15_squid_set_extendet}). Denote the resulting squid set ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$. Introduce a node relation by relating the head of $\lambda_i$ with the head of $\lambda'_i$, $i=1,...,N$. \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_15_squid_set_1}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth] {2_15_squid_set_extendet_1}} \hspace{0.2\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_15_squid_set_2}]{\includegraphics[width=0.19\textwidth] {2_15_squid_set_extendet_2}} \caption{(a) ${\cal S}_\Gamma$, and ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ in the case of $N=0$ (b) ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ obtained by adding N=2 pairs of squids paired by a node relation.} \label{fig:2_15_squid_set_extendet} \end{figure} \item ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$: To the squid set ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ with the chosen set of pairs of the squids $\lambda_1,\lambda'_1,...,\lambda_{N},\lambda'_{N}$ and the node relation apply the steps $(iii)$ and $(iv)$ of the algorithm of \sref{algorithm1}. Denote the resulting graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ (\fref{2_16_graph_diagram}). \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_16_graph_diagram_1}] {\includegraphics[width=0.17\textwidth]{2_16_graph_diagram_1}} \hspace{0.2\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_16_graph_diagram_2}] {\includegraphics[width=0.17\textwidth]{2_16_graph_diagram_2}} \caption{Step $(iii)$ of the improved algorithm: glueing of a graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ (one of several possible) from the squid set ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$ presented at \fref{2_15_squid_set_1} and, respectively, \fref{2_15_squid_set_2}. The dotted lines mark the glueing the legs of the squids.} \label{fig:2_16_graph_diagram} \end{figure} \item ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$: Use the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ of the graph $\Gamma$ and construct the union of the diagrams as it was explained above (\fref{2_17_glue_trivial}). \begin{figure}[htb!] \centering \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.18\textwidth]{2_17_glue_trivial_1}\label{fig:2_17_glue_trivial_1}} \hspace{0.2\textwidth} \subfloat[$\;$]{\includegraphics[width=0.18\textwidth]{2_17_glue_trivial_2}} \caption{Step $(iv)$ of the improved algorithm: the graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ of \fref{2_16_graph_diagram_1} and, respectively, \fref{2_16_graph_diagram_2} combined with the static diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}$ of the graph $\Gamma$ of \fref{2_14_g2g}, into the final graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$.} \label{fig:2_17_glue_trivial} \end{figure} \item Coloring: Define arbitrary coloring of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ which turns it into operator an spin-network diagram (\fref{2_18_coloring}). \begin{figure}[h!] \centering \subfloat[\label{fig:2_18_coloring_1}]{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{2_18_coloring_1}} \hspace{0.1\textwidth} \subfloat[\label{fig:2_18_coloring_2}]{\includegraphics[width=0.25\textwidth]{2_18_coloring_2}} \caption{The graph diagram of \fref{2_17_glue_trivial_1} colored in two possible ways. The coloring of the boundary trivial diagram by operators and contractors is omitted for transparency of the figure (each pair of nodes in this part of diagram is colored by appropriate $\id_j$, each graph is colored by $A_\theta^{\Tr}$). The coloring of (a) represents diagram with trivial evolution on the vertical edges. The coloring of (b) represents diagram with EPRL norm calculated for each vertical edge.} \label{fig:2_18_coloring} \end{figure} \item Consider all possible: orientations of $|\Gamma|$, $N$-tuples of pairs of squids added to ${\cal S}_{\Gamma}$, ways of connecting the legs of ${\cal S}_{\rm int}$, link relations for each $\lambda_i,\lambda'_i$, colorings in $(v)$. \end{enumerate} Notice, that it would be insufficient to fix one orientation of the boundary. A priori all the orientations have to be taken into account. On the other hand, in general, the algorithm will possibly give OSN-diagrams related by the reorientation (see the previous section). In specific cases, that redundancy should be reduced. The presented construction allows to control the level of complexity of resulting diagram by the level of complexity of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$. The complexity can be measured by the number of pairs of the nodes related by the node relation, that is the number of internal edges. The simplest case is zero internal edges, that is the squid set \begin{equation}{\cal S}_{\rm int}\ =\ {\cal S}_\Gamma\end{equation} In that case all the graph used to define graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ becomes the boundary graph $\partial{\cal D}_{\rm int}$. A general example of the interaction graph diagram ${\cal D}_{\rm int}$ is given by a graph $\tilde{\Gamma}_{\rm int}$ and a node relation ${\cal R}_{\rm int}^{\rm node}$ consisting of exactly $N$ pairs of nodes. Increasing the number $N$ we increase the complexity of the diagram ${\cal D}_{\Gamma}\# {\cal D}_{\rm int}$. In the previous subsection we have recalled the structure of colorings that turn graph diagrams into operator spin-network diagrams. In the case of the graph diagrams constructed in this subsection, without lack of generality, it is sufficient to consider colorings of the diagrams ${\cal D}_\Gamma\#{\cal D}_{\rm int}$ provided by our algorithm, which reduced to the static graph diagram ${\cal D}_\Gamma$ provides the static operator spin-network diagram defined above. A way to control the freedom in the colorings by representations is to fix a coloring of the links of the boundary graph $\Gamma$. In the next section we apply the algorithm to construct all the operator spin-network diagrams of the Rovelli-Vidotto dipole cosmology. \section{Summary, conclusions and outlook} We presented a general algorithm for finding all spin-foams with given boundary graph in given order of vertex expansion. We applied this algorithm to the spin-foam cosmology model \cite{SF_cosmology} and found all contributions in first order of vertex expansion which are compatible with generalization of EPRL vertex \cite{SFLQG}. We expect that for a generic state the vertex used in \cite{SF_cosmology} gives the main contribution to the transition amplitude. This scenario needs however more thorough calculations and we leave it for further research. The calculation we presented illustrates an application of OSN diagrams. The strength of this formalism lies in simplifying the classification of 2-complexes -- listing those with given properties (such as order of vertex expansion or structure of boundary graph). It also gives precise definition of the class of 2-complexes one should consider. \section*{Acknowledgments} Marcin Kisielowski and Jacek Puchta acknowledges financial support from the project "International PhD Studies in Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory" of Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from the programme IE OP 2007-2013 within European Regional Development Fund. The work was also partially supported by the grants N N202 104838, and 182/N-QGG/2008/0 (PMN) of Polish Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wy\.zszego. All the authors benefited from the travel grant of the ESF network Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity. \section*{Acknowledgments} Marcin Kisielowski and Jacek Puchta acknowledges financial support from the project "International PhD Studies in Fundamental Problems of Quantum Gravity and Quantum Field Theory" of Foundation for Polish Science, cofinanced from the programme IE OP 2007-2013 within European Regional Development Fund. The work was also partially supported by the grants N N202 104838, and 182/N-QGG/2008/0 (PMN) of Polish Ministerstwo Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wy\.zszego. All the authors benefited from the travel grant of the ESF network Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaArXiv" }
Esther Barnea Originally from Afula, a city in the Northern District of Israel, Esther was a student of Sociology and Human Resources when Kabbalah literally came knocking on her door, in the form of a teacher from the Tel Aviv Centre. Immediately drawn to Kabbalah because of its mystery, Esther has spent the last 15 years since then committing her life to studying, teaching, and sharing Kabbalah as a means to create a world with no chaos. She has helped bring Light to thousands of people in locations around the US - from the West Coast to the East Coast, having worked as manager of the Miami Centre, marketing and event coordinator, and teacher. Additionally, Esther is a highly sought-after kabbalistic astrologer known for her down to earth style. People greatly enjoy her astrology classes and seminars. Esther currently lives in Miami, Florida with her two children. Esther's Upcoming Events & Classes Coffee and Consciousness Articles by Esther Astrology Forecast for the Month of Sagittarius 2022 Astrology Forecast for the Month of Virgo 2022 Astrology Forecast for the Month of Taurus 2022 Astrology Forecast for the Month of Aquarius 2022 Change Your Story Video Courses by Esther Astrological Secrets for the Kabbalistic Year to Come
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Savannah Commons Subdivision is located in Warrensburg, MO and is the only maintenance free living in Warrensburg, Mo. They are located a short drive from Whiteman AFB with easy access to and from Whiteman AFB. They have a community swimming pool and clubhouse for your use. You will find single family homes and town homes in Savanah Commons that are very well done with Granite counter tops and many other wonderful features. As of April 19 there are currently 2 homes on the market ranging from $145,000 to $160,000.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tartelette: Waiter, There Is Something In My Nutella Ravioli...! Waiter, There Is Something In My Nutella Ravioli...! Yes, I know…it may sound weird but they were utterly delicious! What prompted me to venture into the world of dumplings, ravioli and other dough wrapped around a filling was this month's installment of Waiter, There's Something In My…Dumpling, hosted by Johanna from The Passionate Cook. The directives were very generous with the definition of "dumpling" so it enabled your little Tartelette to go ahead and make one of her favorites: Toasted Hazelnut Ravioli. The sweet ravioli dough comes together very fast in a food processor and beside the rolling (very thin) part, it is a cinch to make. I thought about serving them with a dark chocolate ganache on the side, but after everybody had a couple of bites, the general consensus was that the Frangelico caramel sauce was quite enough. It is a multi step recipe but the dough needs to rest for a couple of hours and up to one day. You can make it, roll it out, fill and boil the ravioli later on and toast them right before serving. They are great with a scoop of vanilla ice cream and more caramel sauce drizzled on top! Put all the dry ingredients into a food processor and pulse until the nuts are finely ground. Add the eggs and ¼ cup milk and pulse until the dough comes together. If it does not seem smooth, slowly add the remaining milk, one tablespoon at a time, until soft and smooth but not sticky. If your dough seems to wet, you can add some flour, one tablespoon at a time until it becomes a little dryer. The dough is versatile enough to let you play around until you get it to the right consistency. Place it a bowl and cover with plastic wrap. Refrigerate for at least 2 hours, up to one day. When ready to use, roll it out very thin on a lightly floured surface. If you have a pasta machine, I'll let you decide the setting since I am not familiar with them, but it want the dough to be paper thin. Cut out rounds with a cookie 3 inch cookie cutter, fill with a heaping teaspoon of Nutella. With a pastry brush, lightly brush some water around the edges, place another round of dough on top, smooth out any air pocket and seal gently with your fingertips. Boil the ravioli like you would fresh savory ones, about 5 minutes, drain. At this point you can layer them in between sheets of parchment paper and refrigerate until you are ready to toast and plate them. Melt together 2 Tb. butter, 2 Tb brown sugar ad 2 Tb Frangelico until the sugar melts and the sauce becomes thick. Set aside. Melt some butter in a sauté pan (or coat with cooking spray) and toast the ravioli until golden brown. Plate them and drizzle some caramel sauce over and enjoy! Hi Helen, Thanks for visiting my blog and for your generosity in linking me. I really appreciate it. I am suprised that I missed your blog, it is LOVELY. How I wish you were my neighbour! I will come by often. Helene, I'm coming over right now, so make sure there is a huge plate for me LOL! You know what? I got my own pasta machine for my birthday and I have not had a chance to use it as yet. But I think for my first pasta recipe on that machine I will be trying this out. Oh will I be a hit with Soeren LOL! You are a darling and I will tell him the recipe is from his "auntie" Helene!! I wish you were my neighbor too! Une association étonnante mais c'est ce qui me plait!j'aimerais trop y goûter!! I will try this with (gasp) storebought gyoza wrappers. They're just a bit thicker than wonton skins and I always have some in my freezer. Franchement, ça vaut la peine de sauter dans un avion tout de suite! Helen! I'm drolling on my keyboard. Dessert pasta is always so interesting. They look so yummy. Cream Puff wants some! Cream Puff wants some!!! Alright, alright, you have finally convinced me to try Nutella. I have never had it. Yes, never had it. That lovely filling coming out of that ravioli is the final straw. I am getting some this weekend. ah... great minds thing alike! i also made chocolateνt filled dumplings, similar to nutella. to make ravioli with a sweet filling is certainly very innovative! and yummy, of course! I don't own a pasta machine but have been meaning to try my hand at ravioli. With Nutella to prompt me, this just might have to be the recipe to try! Oops, didn't mean to be anonymous! helen, your nutella ravioli made me drool.....Love everything with nutella. Oh, I have also linked your blog to mine, so that I will remember to check out your sweet creations everyday! Of all the food blogs and wonderful posts out there, this one has ripped me into a Nutella crazed frenzy! I love this idea so much! I was thinking about making fruit ravoli but this is much better! This looks delicious. I love little surprise combinations like this. oh my goodness tartlette what ever is that?!!!! yum yum YUM. i can't believe you made nutella dumplings you should be arrested! no i have to go investigate this blogging event. oy! The only sweet "dumplings" I've had were cinnamon and brown sugar Gnocchi. It was really, really yummy. Now here comes another sweet pasta to devour! Double yum! Could this be for dinner . . . I mean ravioli is for dinner right. Helene, you are a woman after my own heart. I adore Nutella, and I love this recipe. I remember having ravioli alla Nutella in a bakery near the Pantheon in Rome. They were actually cookies with a Nutella filling, but they were fantastic. As I recall, there was a little orange zest in the dough, and it was exceptionally good. I applaud your creativity. I have seen Giada de laurentiis prepare this on food tv. But she fried them. And ignorant me, I thot thats the only way to make 'em. Thank you for opening my eyes ;) Luv Nutella in any form. Now THAT sounds delicous! I absolutely LOVE Nutella and hazelnuts - but stuffed into a ravioli? Pure Heaven! Nice one! It's such a strange concept, but I bet they were great. Dear god woman I'll have to spend my summer rolling paper thin pasta dough for these if my little one finds out! Why does your food always have to be so covetable?! Holy smokes, I want those right now! WOW! Genius! The idea of them being soft but also a little crispy too - yes please! That doesn't sound weird at all, it sounds PERFECT to me. I've had choc ravioli with custard sauce at a bistro once and it was very chewy. Yours look fantastic, so I will definitely give it a try. Holy Moly--I've gained ten pounds just reading your blog. That could be dangerous... I haven't done much in the way of dessert pastas, though my fiance and I did have a fantastic pineapple ravioli at Lampreia last year. Now I'm inspired to do something dangerous. Cute! How do they taste cold? What a delightful unusual dessert! Looks yummy!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
It is like the current in a river, which pushes us if we flow with it, but opposes if we try to swim against it. So when we are with it, it works in our favor. When we go against it, it opposes us. In either case, it is His grace. There can be sleepiness if you go very deep into meditation. I used to have this problem, and I wrote to Master about it. He answered back that as activity is the life of the body, some sort of inaction is the life of the soul. Therefore, when we go deep into meditation, the life of the soul takes over.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
We've seen poker played in some bizarre places over the years - shark cages, carousels, roller coasters but never in the middle of a busy road. Until now. Drivers stuck in a massive Los Angeles traffic jam decided to break up the monotony by getting out a table and chips for an impromptu game of hold'em! According to the LA Times, the freerway was closed after police spotted a man on the ledge of an overpass. He was later detained by authorities. Image courtesy of Sarah Jung.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The famously known Kibonge lion which was among the re-known Uganda safari products lost its life in the year 2014 and efforts have since been going to find a right replacement for it. At last, the Lion Park in South Africa made a donation of a male lion as to fill the gap posed by the loss of Kibonge. The Uganda Wildlife Education Center in Entebbe which is one of the destinations visited by travelers on safaris in Uganda is very glad to receive a replacement for Kibonge though the move took longer than what was actually expected. The delay which was attributed to the tightening of conditions surrounding the exportation of endangered species by Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species. Thus, after the completion of the required process by the two parties i.e. Uganda and South Africa in February, the lion relocation gained momentum which has seen it make its way to Uganda strengthening attractions encountered on Uganda safaris and tours. The new male lion is called Letaba a Zulu word which literally means Happiness. The Letaba arrived in Uganda by flight with South African Airways a carrier which also brings with it travelers on safaris to Uganda. The Uganda Wildlife Education Center Executive Director James Musinguzi acknowledged the arrival of the lion noting that it is a positive step to boasting the lion numbers in the country. While the Public Relations Officer of Uganda Wildlife Authority noted that the arrival of the lion strengthens the efforts of conservation education.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Rag N Bone Man signed 10x8 photo of Rag N Bone Man, signed in yellow paint pen. Signed at the BBC Studios Salford on 21st February 2017. Rory Graham (born 29 January 1985), better known as Rag'n'Bone Man, is a British singer-songwriter from Uckfield, East Sussex, England. At 19, encouraged by his father, Graham sang at a blues jam in a local pub. Graham self-released a vocal EP called Blues Town. He got booked for acoustic gigs, including one supporting Joan Armatrading at Brighton Dome.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
San Diego County officially falls into most-restrictive COVID-19 tier Ciera Kelton, 34, and Hanna Sandbeck, 35, wear masks in one of the movie theaters at The Lot at Liberty Station on Sept. 2. Restaurants, places of worship, movie theaters must cease indoor operations by 12:01 a.m. Saturday By Paul Sisson, Lyndsay Winkley, Lauren J. Mapp San Diego Union-Tribune The day many have dreaded for months has now come to pass. San Diego County fell to the most-restrictive level of the state's COVID-19 reopening system Tuesday, Nov. 10, meaning that restaurants, houses of worship, movie theaters and other organizations must cease or significantly reduce their indoor operations by 12:01 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 14. In the state's latest tier report, the region received an adjusted case rate of 8.9 per 100,000 residents, once again over the limit of 7. Taken together with last week's score of 7.4, San Diego County has now gone two consecutive weeks with out-of-bounds numbers that force it to fall to the lowest of the four levels included in the coronavirus risk-ranking system San Diego County was not alone. It was among 11 counties statewide to fall a tier in the latest report as a fall surge in cases felt most strongly in the middle of the country begins to show itself in California. Sacramento and Stanislaus counties joined San Diego in its fall to purple Tuesday, Nov. 10. The pain will be felt most strongly in restaurants, movie theaters and houses of worship which, according to state rules, will be required to move back outdoors just as they did on July 13, one month after local public health officials allowed gyms, hotels, bars and other businesses to reopen. It was a move that, within two weeks, saw the number of daily infections surge past the 700 mark, leading to the current statewide strategy of forcing businesses and other organizations thought to be at the greatest risk of spreading infections to operate outdoors or not at all. As the region has teetered week after week on the brink of falling into the purple tier, many local business owners have said they will refuse to comply with the state's orders to move backwards. It remains to be seen how this apparent impasse will resolve itself. To date, local law enforcement agencies have been reluctant to cite those who break public health mandates, but Dr. Wilma Wooten, the county's public health officer, recently sent a letter to every jurisdiction in the area asking each to "step up enforcement efforts around egregious violators." The county health department is also sending 40,000 masks to local law enforcement departments for officers to hand out when they see someone with an uncovered face. The county's enforcement tip line, reminded Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, is (858) 694-2900 and is staffed by officials ready to take down complains about health orders. Those complaints can also be emailed to safereopeningcomplianceteam@sdcounty.ca.gov. Urging San Diegans to report each other clearly does not sit well with local leaders. "No one wants to be punitive, no one wants any business or any entity to be closed at all, but the simple reality is, we are now faced with an increase in spread and transmission that threatens our community," Fletcher said. Officials warned that turning this particular battleship will not be accomplished in a week. San Diego County will need two consecutive case rates under 7 to return to the red tier and, with the number of new cases arriving at the county health department daily for investigation now consistently over 400, no one, officials said, should expect a rapid reversal. "It's gonna take a while, so we are asking everyone to be patient," Wooten said. "I know that's a lot to ask, but we have to stay the course." Reaction to that plea was immediately mixed. Some organizations, such as Skyline Church in La Mesa, have no intention of adhering to the new restrictions. Other churches won't be affected at all, really. In a statement on its website, the church said it will continue to hold indoor, in-person services "for the purpose of good public health." The church went on to question why locations like strip clubs and casinos could remain open while churches and schools were being forced to close. "As a church, we will continue to exercise our rights given to us under the Constitution of the United States of America, therefore Skyline Church will remain open in order to help people," the statement read. "We are here to serve our community. We hope to see you Sunday." The Rock Church, which has five brick-and-mortar locations across the county, hasn't held indoor services since churches were first ordered to close, and only started hosting outdoor services about six weeks ago. "We're taking this (pandemic) seriously," said Travis Gibson, campus pastor at The Rock. "We want to show our congregation that we care about them physically, that we care about them spiritually -- and we want to make sure that we're doing everything we can to make sure all of those needs are met." Much of the church's congregation has chosen to watch services online, Gibson said. Between 50,000 and 75,000 people stream the Sunday service each weekend. But church leaders knew some were hungry for in-person options, so they put together an outdoor service plan that includes mask requirements, temperature checks and reminders to socially distance. About 900 to 1,000 people attend in-person services each Sunday. Sometimes the weather makes outdoor services a little uncomfortable or airplanes overhead muffle the sermon, but congregants didn't seem to mind, Gibson said. They come for the people. "We love our city and we love our church and we're going to do what we can to make sure people can worship safely outdoors," Gibson said. A majority of the county's skilled nursing homes had been allowed to resume indoor visitations in recent months. Now, with San Diego County shifted into the purple tier, those visits will be restricted only to specific patient groups. Indoor visitations will only be allowed for patients who are pediatric; in labor/delivery; living with physical, intellectual or developmental disabilities; those with cognitive impairments; and those nearing end-of-life. That means family caregivers like Chula Vista resident Norma Cazares will not be able to visit with their loved ones indoors. Cazares is the primary caregiver for her 86-year-old aunt, Alicia. She has visited her weekly since she was brought to an El Cajon nursing home in May after a COVID-19 diagnosis and hospital stay. (Cazeres asked that her aunt's last name and nursing home not be published for her privacy). Since her aunt was released from the hospital and placed in the nursing home, Cazares and her family have not been able to enter the facility at all. At first, visits were only through the window, and later they were able to visit with one another on the patio. She worries what conditions are like inside and would like to see inside to make sure Alicia is well cared for. "She does complain about the food, and unfortunately she's lost at least 20 pounds," Cazares said. "Of course one of the side effects of COVID-19 can be where they lose the ability to taste and smell." Cazares was hoping to arrange a small birthday visit for Alicia later this month — complete with taquitos, her aunt's favorite food — when she heard the news that San Diego County has shifted to the purple tier. "She's fully aware it's her birthday coming up, plus we've been talking about it trying to keep her spirits up," Cazares said. "She was excited about it, we were all excited about it, and now this." She has not yet heard back about the status of her weekly outdoor visits or the birthday celebration, and with San Diego County now in the purple tier, Cazares won't be able to visit indoors anytime soon. Falling to the purple tier prevents any K-12 schools not already reopened for in-person education from doing so until red tier status is regained. This creates a significant question, most particularly in North County's Vista Unified School District which sent entire campuses home for two weeks shortly after reopening when a handful of cases popped up, all associated with off-campus exposures. In an email, the California Department of Public Health confirmed that "if a school opened up as part of a district opening process while in (the) red (tier) but closed as part of the protocol for managing an outbreak, they are considered a district that has opened and therefore, after following that protocol, can resume in-person education." Saying that, nearly two weeks after sending entire campuses home, VUSD superintendent Matt Doyle said his office does not have "any evidence at this point of any school-based transmission." All cases, he said, have been traced back to exposures in homes. "We will be moving forward with our schools returning to in-person instruction as planned," Doyle said. To help detect new cases quickly, the district has partnered with Vista Community Clinic, announcing a new testing clinic Tuesday that will provide free coronavirus tests at the Linda Rhoades Recreation Center seven days per week from 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Overall, it appears that schools are not, in and of themselves, generating many cases. Dr. Eric McDonald, medical director of the county's epidemiology department, said Tuesday that he is aware of only one case believed to have become infected at a local K-12 school. — Paul Sisson, Lyndsay Winkley and Lauren J. Mapp are reporters for The San Diego Union-Tribune — San Diego Union-Tribune staff writers Lori Weisberg and Phillip Molnar contributed to this report. NewsLocal NewsHealth & ScienceCarmel Valley NewsSolana Beach Sun Paul Sisson Paul Sisson covers health care for The San Diego Union-Tribune. He is a member of the Association of Health Care Journalists. In his spare time, Paul enjoys photography, home brewing and following orders from his two young daughters. Anti-vax anger boils over into racism, hate at county supervisors meeting County reviews booster rules as third shots arrive for many San Diego County's campaign to fight medical falsehoods gains momentum UC San Diego Health announces data breach
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Atlantic City Casino Profits Rose by Almost 20% - August 23, 2017 By Oliver Young - The Atlantic City casino industry is doing great, as profits rise by almost one fifth. Atlantic City is one of the most popular casino destinations in the US, especially in Eastern US. The casinos situated in the Atlantic City area attract a lot of NJ locals, but also people from neighbouring states, especially New York, as well as tourists from all over the US, as well as international tourists. There was a proposal to establish land-based casinos on other locations in New Jersey, outside Atlantic City, but the citizens rejected the idea in 2015. Casinos contribute heavily to the state's economy, especially to the economy of Atlantic City, through tax revenues, but they also create a lot of jobs and influence the revenues of neighbouring businesses. Revenues Remain Stable New Jersey casinos record increased profits in the last few years, especially after the closure of few casinos in the area which resulted in increased profits in the remaining casinos. In the first months after the closure there were worries regarding the survival of the industry as a whole, but it turned out that the remaining casinos will do just fine. The latest figures show that the profit figures of the seven existing Atlantic City casinos keep on growing. The profit of all seven casinos calculated collectively grew by almost 20%. That's very interesting considering that the revenues have remained pretty stable. The profit figures have been released by the Division of Gaming Enforcement of NJ. According to the figures the total casino revenue in New Jersey for the first six months of 2017 was almost $1.7 billion, which is a 0.6% growth compared to the first half of 2016. The recorded profits for the first half of this year were $308.6 million which is a 19.1% growth compared to the first half of 2016. If we compare the first half of 2016 to the first half of 2015 we will notice the profit also grew by about 20%, or to be more precise by slightly less than 21%. Gaming Revenues Growth Last year we saw the closure of Trump Taj Mahal. The casino, formerly owned by the current US President, was closed in 2016 and was later acquired by Hard Rock International. The company plans to reopen it in the summer of 2018. The re-launched casino will feature a music theme. It is interesting to note that the only revenue that grew in 2017 was gaming revenue, by 2.4% and it reached $1.24 billion. Other revenues suffered decreases. Room revenue fell by 5%, despite the facts that the hotel rooms were more occupied this year. Food and drinks revenue also dropped by more than 4.5%, whereas entertainment revenue remained almost the same. MGM Resorts owned Borgata casino was the most successful casino in the first half of 2017, its profit rose by over 21% to almost $130 million. Percentage-wise, Tropicana recorded a profit growth of staggering 106%. The profit of this casino was over $35 million. The Chairman of the Casino Control Commission was pretty happy with the figures, adding that Atlantic City casinos are doing a good job which results in profits. The two online operators achieved mixed results, Resorts Digital recorded heavy profits, whereas the profit of CIENJ dropped by 16%. Back to Financial Home Top 5 Christmas Slot Titles of 2022 So Far Get Ready for Christmas With Santas Great Gifts by Pragmatic Play Explore a Fairy Forest in the Woodlanders Slot by Betsoft NetEnt Launches Superstars Slot With Crossover Characters Dive into the Depths with Release the Kraken 2 by Pragmatic Play Best Pragmatic Play Summer 2022 Slots Top 5 NetEnt Slots in 2022 So Far What Are Scattered Pays Slots and Examples Top 5 Pirate Slots in Summer 2022 United Kingdom(UK) MORE ONLINE GAMBLING Software Brands
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Generation Z & transparency in the workplace Despite the fact they will soom make up 40% of our workforce, Generation Z often remain forgotten by HR teams around the world. While so-called 'Millennials' make up a majority of the current workforce, many businesses in recent years have fallen into the trap of focussing wholly on Millennials – and forgetting that an entire generation has arrived since! While HR and recruiters were focussed on how to attract Millennials, they joined the workforce and are now propelling it forward. The following generation, Gen Z – who have garnered the moniker 'Generation K' from renowned economist Noreena Hertz – are the new Millennials of the workplace. Honesty, sustainability, equality Hertz has studied the upcoming generation, exploring their rigorous childhood experiences and how this impacts their expectations from employers. This generation has grown up surrounded by an influx of technology, globalisation, economic uncertainty and the reality of climate change. Whether it's protesting inequality or working towards zero food waste, Gen Z/'K' value honesty, sustainability and equality above all. All of these factors are crucial when recruiting from and building employee experiences for this generation, but none more important than the desire for transparency. In fact, this is more than a desire – it is a demand; an imperative. "Young employees just entering – or about to enter – the workforce are typically attracted to a company's social responsibility over its profitability. According to research by Professor Noreena Hertz, only 6% of 'Generation K' – those aged between 15 and 25 – trust big businesses. They are not looking to work for traditional large companies, but those driven by purpose, social conscience, and sustainability." – The Benefits of sustainability in business Take note from other industries This generation are calling for conscious consumerism, enabled through public transparency. In fact, it is so pivotal to their values that consumer corporations discovered while marketing to Gen Z-ers that their values are the main factor in making purchasing decisions: How the purchase affects a broader community e.g. manufacturing standards, employee pay and welfare How the purchase impacts the planet e.g. animal welfare, resource management and sustainability As a result of these findings, companies began to rebrand products, emphasising their ethical production, organic ingredients and sustainable resourcing. Put simply, they started to be honest on their labels – and, where needed, improve the ethics of their production. The success of this transparency can now be seen with global brands like Lush or Ben & Jerry's, who are now famous for their ethical values. These purchasing decisions carry through to choosing a workplace, too. In order to recruit and retain Gen Z employees, organisations must be honest on their employer branding. Be honest about data, and how it's being used Unlike Millennials, who remember the early internet age of online 'stranger danger', Gen Z have grown up with the proliferation of social media and the rise of Uber, Tinder and Deliveroo; getting in strangers' cars or giving out your address on an app has become normal. While Gen Z may be more willing to give up their personal information, they also have less tolerance for advertising and will be the first to hit 'unsubscribe'. They have grown up knowing just what can be hidden in 100 pages of Ts&Cs. This means it's more important than ever that employers are honest with their people about when, where and how their data is being used. Give your employees a culture to rally behind Making a public pledge to champion change has never been more important. Huge brands like Gillette and Always are being vocal about gender inequality, Converse are preaching LGBTQ+ rights and IKEA are sharing updates on their sustainability. Whether you're attracting employees or customers, Generation Z are looking for companies who share their values, and 81% say it's important for organisations to take a public stand on social and political issues. So, establish your mission statement, focus on how it reflects those values, and make it integral to everything you do as a business. But bear in mind, Gen Z will be the first to call you out on shallow words and hollow promises that don't ring true throughout the business. Ensure these values are present in every stage of recruitment and employment. Social responsibility, whatever form that takes for your business, cannot be something purely for packaging. Without fail, when we ask Benefex employees what they appreciate about working here, one of the most frequent comments is "the transparency". With consistent monthly updates, all employees (regardless of job role or length-of-service) are given open information about progression of the business, whether that's a customer update, product release, or event. What stands out most, especially for younger employees, is that – when necessary – we get told about our challenges too. Our updates share the entire picture, not just the shiny parts. This means everyone understands their role in the wider business and is aligned with strategy and priorities, which provides a greater sense of self-motivation and camaraderie. Own up to your mistakes (including unconscious bias) We've discussed sharing the full picture, good and bad, with your employees. We've discussed showing them you are championing their issues. But in order to truly prove your culture of transparency, you need to do both at once. Now, no company is perfect, especially when scrutinised under a lens of corporate social responsibility – whether it's unsustainable production practices or a widely homogeneous workforce, every organisation has its areas for improvement. This may seem counterintuitive for companies who aren't used to sharing the less polished side of business with employees, but as we've seen, Gen Z appreciate the honesty that comes with being truly candid. If you as a business are transparent about your flaws, and things you are striving to improve, your employees won't be angry; quite the opposite, they'll respect, trust and value you more for the honesty. What's more, they can then help to guide you on your journey of wider company self-improvement. The benefits of sustainability in business Social activism and making a public pledge to champion change has never been more important
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Oatmeal Cookies, they're good for you, really! So is chocolate, here I meld them together. This recipe takes another turn later on, this is the 'basic goodness' version the 'amazing added antioxidant version' will be posted at a later date. 9oz semisweet chocolate chips (or just use the whole 12oz bag). 1) In a medium bowl whisk (or sift) together the flour, salt, cinnamon, baking soda and baking powder. Set aside. 2) In the other bowl combine butter with both sugars and beat with mmixer until light and fluffy, scrape the sides of the bowl often to insure it is all well incorporated. (about 5 minutes total) Add milk, eggs, and vanilla and mix well. Add dry ingredient and beat until combined (do not over mix). Add the oatmeal & chocolate chips folding gently until well incorporated. Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and set in the refridgerator at least 3 hours or overnight. 4) Drop by tablespoonful (a little smaller than a golf ball) onto non-stick cookie sheet and bake for 11-13 minutes until lightly golden brown. Let cool for 5 minutes to set, then remove to cooling rack.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
As mentioned last week, this is the second of two follow-up posts that arose from the question about the ethical standards germane to artificial intelligence companies. Last week's applied to the ethics of algorithms, in all of their black box splendor. This week's post asks questions about which standards are applicable when a company operates in multiple countries. To start, this may be especially timely given a recent European Union decision to force Ireland to collect corporate taxes on Apple. More generally, this is symptomatic of a larger problem of tax inversion – companies obtaining legal addresses in a separate national jurisdiction in order to fall under a more favorable tax code. The general principle follows something like: Company B wants to minimize its burden of Standard C (e.g. taxes, labor standards, minimum wages). In order accomplish this object, Company B relocates from Country X to Country Y. Ultimately, through a combination of paperwork, a series of financial transactions, and many hours of brainpower dedicated to identifying circumvention techniques, voila, Company B has moved from Country X to Country Y and enjoys the less stringent standards enabled by such a move.Where does that leave us? So far, we have an example of tax inversion and an abstraction of international corporate strategy, neither of which directly leads to codes of ethics. The question, however, is whether a company might do something similar to minimize its ethical responsibility. For example, take the difference between the precautionary principle as it is enacted in Europe versus the a more hands-off approach that other countries adopt. If a company wants to adhere to less onerous standards, is it beyond the realm of possibility to imagine them pursuing alternative jurisdictions that allow for the bare minimum in terms of ethical responsibility? It certainly seems possible, if not plausible, to believe such action may occur. If true, then, should we consider a canon centered around holding companies – or more generally, moral agents – to the highest standard, rather than the lowest one available? For the tax example, this would mean paying the higher tax rate. For companies operating in a jurisdiction where the precautionary principles obtains along with a separate location with minimal safety regulations, this would entail adhering to the more protective precautionary principle. Is it time to institute these international contingencies in codes of ethics?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Wheat Update Soya Update Food Update International Food Directory Biscuits are a sellout during lockdown in Hyderabad DECCAN CHRONICLE. | T S S SIDDHARTH PublishedMay 3, 2020, 5:27 pm ISTUpdatedMay 3, 2020, 5:38 pm IST Even mom-and-pop stores say that there is a lot of demand for biscuits as they are easy to store and ready to eat Manufacturers say that there is a 30 per cent demand-supply gap as of now. Representational Image Hyderabad: Biscuits are fast selling out in the city with people mostly staying at home during the lockdown needing something to munch on. But biscuit manufacturers say they are hard-pressed to find labourers to work in the factories to increase production. Even mom-and-pop stores say that there is a lot of demand for biscuits as they are easy to store and ready to eat. "All the shelves that have biscuits and ready-to-eat foods are selling out faster. While we are stocked up on pulses, grains and rice, ready-to-eat foods are running out faster than usual," said Rajesh Gupta, who owns a shop near Neredmet. Manufacturers say that there is a 30 per cent demand-supply gap as of now. "The factory workers have all taken leave or are going back to their villages. We cannot resume with such meagre staff; we would require at least 50 per cent staff in attendance," the president of the Biscuits, Wafers and Confectionery Manufacturers' Association, Somasuresh Kumar told Deccan Chronicle. Customers who used to buy one or two packets at a time are now buying them by the dozen, he added. Moreover, biscuits have to be supplied to people who are in the quarantine zone, on the orders of the Hyderabad collector's office. "We have given away close to 1.7 lakh packets of biscuits to the GHMC. The collectors and MROs take away one lakh more packets," he added. AIBTM Assocom india Subscribe Weekly E-news FAOSTAT Nutritional Intake in India COURSES OFFERED BY BAKERY UPDATE Plot No. 30/25, Knowledge Park - III, Greater Noida - 201306, Uttar Pradesh (NCR Delhi)-India email@bakeryupdate.com Designed by Media Solutions
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Club de femmes is een Franse film van Jacques Deval die uitgebracht werd in 1936. Verhaal Le 'Club des femmes' in Parijs is een soort familiepension, bedoeld als een veilig tehuis enkel voor deftige alleenstaande jonge vrouwen. Deze fatsoenlijke instelling vormt het toneel voor een onophoudelijk komen en gaan waar allerlei levenslopen elkaar kruisen en ontmoeten. De amoureuze lotgevallen van een aantal kostgangsters brengen intriges en pogingen om de regels van het (te)huis te ontwijken met zich mee: de verliefde lesbienne, de danseres die haar vriend wil binnensmokkelen, de buitenlandse vrouw die in de prostitutie verzeilt geraakt, Claire, de aantrekkelijkste van alle huursters die een heus liefdesavontuur beleeft, ... Rolverdeling |- | Danielle Darrieux || Claire Derouve |- | Betty Stockfeld || Greta Krunner |- | Raymond Galle || Robert |- | Ève Francis || mevrouw Fargeton, de directrice van het pension |- | Valentine Tessier || dokter Gabrielle Aubry |- | Josette Day || Juliette Hermin |- | Junie Astor || Hélène |- | Kissa Kouprine || Lucile |- | Marion Delbo || Françoise |} Externe link Film uit 1936 Franse film Tragikomedie
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Russell Athletic Bowl:. Gildan New Mexico Bowl: New Mexico. Temple won the only previous meeting, 36-0 in 1930, in the first night game played at Temple Stadium. Clemson beat Ohio State 40-35 in the Orange Bowl Friday night. K Tyler Durbin had a chance to at least give the Buckeyes a little life in the first half but he missed a pair of 47-yard field goals. OSU thought it would regroup and finish a successful best gambling casinos year with a victory in Florida. ET, goldfish slot machine bonus forum espn/espn App) (Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans) It might be a matchup of 6-6 teams, but it's going to be one heck of a party on Bourbon Street and inside the Mercedes-Benz Superdome. Raycom Media Camellia Bowl: Appalachian State. Valero Alamo Bowl:. 31 for the College Football Playoff seattle poker rooms semifinals, but there are plenty of other compelling bowl games to watch between now and then. ET, espn/espn App) (Ladd-Peebles Stadium, Mobile, Alabama) How's this for a coaching matchup? Air Force Reserve Celebration Bowl: North Carolina Central. ET, espn/espn App) (Mercedes-Benz Superdome, New Orleans) Oklahoma coach Bob Stoops and hd tv video games his high-octane offense get another chance to take down an SEC opponent. OSU los t its. Then things kind of changed. Ohio State (11-2) came into the game averaging.7 points and 479.5 yards per game but Clemson (13-1) out-gained the Buckeyes 470-215 as it improved sverige casino online to 3-0 all-time against them. It was a classic that went down to the wire clemson stuns, ohio, state 40-35 in Orange Bowl - UPI and ended on a Braxton Miller interception. Jordan started all 13 games this season and became the first true freshman to start a season opener as an offensive lineman since Orlando Pace in 1994. We are engaged on the issue and committed to looking at options that support our full range of digital offerings to the EU market. By January 4, 2014 12:59. Robinson National Stadium, Nassau, Bahamas) At least you'll get to see two football teams that are going to cherish their opportunity to play in the postseason. The Mean Green knocked off the Black Knights 35-18 on Oct. 12 Clemson (11-2, 7-1) in the 2014 Discover Orange Bowl, 40-35. After winning one game in consecutive seasons in 20, the Tigers have won 20 games over the past two seasons. Watson did not play a mistake-free game, but he was pretty damn good after a rocky start (23-for-36 passing, 259 yards, touchdown, two interceptions with 57 yards and two touchdowns rushing). 5, penn State (Jan. Junior LB Raekwon McMillan finished with 15 tackles in what could be his final college game, depending on whether he declares for the NFL draft. Famous Idaho Potato Bowl: Idaho. ET, CBS Sports Network) (Camping World Stadium, Orlando, Florida) Talk about turnarounds: The pechanga casino temecula california Knights improved from 0-12 in 2015 to 6-6 this season under first-year coach Scott Frost; the Red Wolves started 0-4, then won seven of eight games luxor hotel check in to finish 7-5. The Ohio State Buckeyes are officially on a losing streak. ET, espn/espn App) (Alamodome, San Antonio, Texas) We probably won't see another 31-point second-half comeback, like last season's Oregon-TCU game, in which the Horned Frogs prevailed here. 2 position behind Alabama for much of the season before getting jumped by the Tigers after championship weekend. 4 Washington 24-7 in the Peach Bowl, the other semifinal. The Golden Hurricane averaged 41 points per game and scored 31 or more in every game but one, a 48-3 loss at Ohio State. College Football, playoff National Championship against Alabama for Jan. RL Carriers New Orleans Bowl: Southern Mississippi. It was the first time Ohio State was shut out in any game since losing 28-0 at Michigan las vegas outlet mall premium on Nov. 2 in the FBS with.1 points per game; the Tigers hd tv video games were 17th with.5. Penn State can continue to question the committee if it beats Southern Cal. Ohio State even held the. Military Bowl Presented by Northrop Grumman:. ET, espn/espn App) (Georgia Dome, Atlanta defending national champion Alabama is two victories away from completing the first 15-0 season in modern college football history. 2 Clemson and. Penn State can continue to question the committee if it beats Southern Cal in the Rose Bowl. The Crimson Tide must defeat the Pac-12 champion Huskies to advance to the CFP National Championship Game. It's the worst loss for Urban Meyer since he arrived at Ohio State, and a disappointing setback for a team that got the vote of confidence from the CFP Selection Committee as the best team in the Big Ten even though Penn State won the. ET, espn/espn App) (AT T Stadium, Arlington, Texas) The undefeated Broncos will row their boat to the Cotton Bowl, where they'll look to become only the sixth FBS team to finish a season with a 14-0 record. buffet at argosy casino Tajh Boyd threw for 371 yards and five touchdowns to lead the Clem son Tigers over the Ohio State las vegas outlet mall premium Buckeyes in the 2014 Orange Bowl. ET, espn/espn App) (Ford Field, Detroit) Hey, at least Rutgers isn't playing. Buffalo Wild Wings Citrus Bowl:. ET, espn/espn App) (Marlins Park, Miami) Tulsa's high-powered offense is fun to watch. Boca Raton Bowl: Memphis. Ohio State hd tv video games was deemed the second-best team in the country for a lot of October and November, but on the last day clemson stuns, ohio, state 40-35 in Orange Bowl - UPI in December, the Tigers stood taller than any team in the country outside of the Tide. Petersburg Bowl: Miami (Ohio). Barretts longest completion was for 21 yards to freshman Binjimen Victor in the first half. Clemson bullied Ohio State from start to finish on Saturday night, building a 17-0. We'll have to wait until Dec. ET, espn/espn App) (Nissan Stadium, Nashville, Tennessee) The Cornhuskers had problems scoring down the stretch. Theres always next year, guys. Nine of those completions went to RB Curtis Samuel, who managed just 43 yards. ET, espn/espn App) (EverBank Field, Jacksonville, Florida) The Yellow Jackets and Wildcats have a lot in common.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The restaurant is housed in the tastefully refurbished Old Priory Lodge in the vibrant suberb of Nether Edge. Whilst still retaining some of the buildings original features, re-claimed timbers and rustic artifacts, we aim to create a warm and relaxed atmosphere, for your to enjoy our hospitality. Our focus is traditional Italian cuisine with contemporary presentation at affordable prices, using only top quality local and Italian produce. Together with our friendly and attentive service, we strive to give you a dining experience to rememeber. We offer a full a la carte menu, daily specials, childrens portions, special offers, together with an extensive selection of Italian and New World Wines, and a full bar.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
This weekend we will be remembering the Nativity of John the Baptist, one of those who spoke truth to the powerful, righteousness to the lawless, and gave hope to the suffering many. Stocks finished weakly, roiled again by Trump's threat to impose a 20% tariff on all European automobile imports. Gold and silver finished slightly higher on a weaker US dollar. There will be an option expiration for precious metals on the Comex next Tuesday the 26th. A little over 250,000 ounces of gold showed up in Hong Kong to relieve the relatively short supply there. Physical gold is moving from West to East. The economic data releases next week may provide some input to the markets. I have included the calendar for next week below. Need little, want less, and love more. For those who abide in love abide in God, and God in them.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Recently, I visited a trail cam that has not been productive recently. I'd stuck with its location over the summer because it's been such a wildlife hot spot over the past decade. So, I slogged to it when I had to change its clock to standard time. The camera gave me a huge (literally) surprise! Lots and lots of deer, elk, and moose had been photographed by the trail cam. And where you see prey animals, you also see their predator (although I'm pretty sure that a mountain lion cannot kill a healthy adult moose). This massive male mountain lion was marking his territory by scraping backward his his hind paws while urinating. It turned out that the same mountain lion had visited the exact same spot on more than one occasion since I'd last checked this cam. He was adamantly asserting his ownership of this area. Very funnily, a bobcat arrived the following night and tried to mark over top of the lion's mark. I included that in the video at the end of the post. The run of mountain lion visits continues. It's my favorite aspect of early winter - it happens every year when our elk herd returns for the winter. I made a video of this tom cat marking his territory which you can watch here or at Youtube. He is so healthy looking. It's nice there is a good balance in the woods of predator and prey. The blinking light is a still photo trail cam that is off to the left in the field of view. There's so much activity in this clearing at this time of year that I have more than one cam there :) He sure does look big and healthy! They sure do take their marking seriously. He sure is a BIG BOY!!! Look at the size of his paws alone!!! Thanks for sharing - we love your videos. Loads of night time action. He is a big cat! Sometimes ya just gotta go! Cool! We saw an Alaska show on Netflix where wolves took down a moose. Wouldn't want to mess with that cat! There has been a series of documentaries on mountain lions on the National Geographic Channel. They are really good. They follow the most extensive study ever of mountain lions. They do use those huge awful collars but they seem to be doing something productive with the data, unlike our state agency who did the study here. Glad Bert's Vickie asked about the blinking light! I was wondering the same thing! I've never thought of Bobcats as tiny before, but compared to that Mountain Lion, he sure is! I agree that seeing the bobcat in exactly the same spot as the lion really showed how much bigger the lion is! Gosh, he's huge! The size of those paws is amazing! I guess that is a special spot and he wants evidence that it is his by catching it on your cam! I always love these videos of the animals being themselves. Especially the lions. Wow...I didn't realize just how big the Mountain Lion was until I saw the Bobcat in the same place. What a majestic big cat! Fantastic! I love seeing both cats looking sleek and healthy. Wow! What a gorgeous creature. His musculature is amazing! Sometimes we just need to visit your site,,,, and see the amazing world that you live in and share with us! Wow he was a big lad, good luck to him. Pleased the camera caught such wonderful wildlife. Wow, very cool. That "little" bobcat really gives you perspective on the size of the lion! Some of the best game cam footage I've seen!
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
K-Swiss is celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month the right way by putting their good foot forward with the launch of the "Dreamers" Pack. While conscious efforts rise with awareness, funding is obviously a huge part, too. Because of this, 50% of proceeds generated by K-Swiss from the "Dreamer" Pack will be donated to United We Dream to fund renewal fees for DACA recipients. The K-Swiss "DREAMER" Pack is live now at K-Swiss.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
The busy winter travel season is now firmly here. To avoid the many pitfalls of travel, here are a few pointers to ensure your trip is properly organized. Insurance. One should never travel without travel insurance, including out of country/province health insurance, trip cancellation and interruption insurance. Many credit cards offer some form of cover, but very few offer ALL coverage's. For rental cars, check whether your coverage at home covers you out of the country, if not, you can sometimes upgrade to this for as little as $30.00 per year. Your travel advisor can assist you with a car rental prior to departure. Use a travel advisor. These days people love to get online and research their trip, which is a great idea. At Wanderlust Travel, we encourage this and work with clients on gathering information to select the best choices and compare options etc. However when booking travel online people are committed often without knowing exactly what they have purchased. The internet is both good and bad. The 'good' refers to the on hand research capability, whilst the 'bad' includes making commitments that are binding and being drawn into travel deals that are big on promises, but small on delivery. My top destination for this winter get-away. In Canada we aspire to travel during Winter to escape the lousy weather. This all-inclusive resort is designed for people looking to totally relax in a beautiful setting right on the beach. When I inspected the resort, a feeling of total relaxation came over me unlike the hundreds of other properties I have visited. Error: Error validating access token: Session has expired on Tuesday, 05-Feb-19 09:06:30 PST. The current time is Thursday, 18-Apr-19 15:42:30 PDT.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Nonprofit organizations like yours provide invaluable benefits to the people you serve. You support the needs of our community and help people lead more satisfying lives. Gateway Bank is here to make your job easier. Your day is busy enough without taking time to visit our branch and open an account. We'll come to your office to answer all of your questions and get you started with a business loan, business checking account, or other services. Our relationship goes deeper than just a friendly greeting and handshake when you sign up. We'll advise you about all of your financial options. Plus, you'll always have one consistent contact helping you out—no frustrating call centers, ever. We keep paperwork to a minimum and assist your office manager in completing all documentation. We'll make all of the copies and sweat the details so you don't have to take time doing it yourself. We provide a 2% earnings credit on your account, which helps offset fees. Most banks only provide a 0.25% credit, and over the course of the year, you'll see that 1.75% difference add up. Give us a call at 480-358-1000 to go local with your business banking. Visit gcbaz.com to learn more.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Planning for Culture Days is well underway with the Culture Days Funding Assistance Grant now online; the deadline for applications is May 2, 2016. An exciting new Culture Days initiative will be announced soon that will invite proposals from municipalities, organizations, groups or individuals involved in Culture Days from all provinces and territories to lead Public Engagement Innovation Labs in their communities. This unique project will examine best practices on public engagement across Canada. If you want more information, there is a free online information session scheduled for Monday, May 16 at noon; stay tuned to the national Culture Days website for more details coming soon.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Pandemics: Science and History History Hits • 28m I was thrilled to be joined by the legendary Peter Frankopan, Professor of Global History at Oxford University and bestselling author of 'The Silk Roads: A New History of the World'. In this podcast we discussed the current crisis in a wider historical context, and Peter gave some fascinating insights. This podcast was the first of our live Zoom discussions between Dan, Peter and History Hit subscribers, who were invited to ask Peter questions at the end. Up Next in History Hits Race Science with Angela Saini Dan sat down with Angela Saini to talk about the history behind race and the history of interactions between civilisations. SAS Shadow Raiders In the winter of 1941 an alien-seeming object was spotted by an RAF reconnaissance pilot flying a lone unarmed Spitfire across the French coast. Balanced upon the cliffs near Le Havre was what appeared to be a giant convex dish, directed across the Channel at the war-torn British coastline. With ... Sex in Pandemics I invited Kate Lister to join me after the enormous popularity of her last appearance on the pod. But this time we talked about how our sexual habits are both dulled and invigorated in unprecedented times - wars, plagues, pandemics. We discussed licentious widows who let loose during plagues, the...
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Q: Can I open invisible forms in VB6 I want to perform some actions automatically, And the best way to make sure everything happens as it is done by hand, would be to open the existing form, do the changes in the form, and call the same function contained in one of the forms button. So I'm wondering if there is a way to do this without the user seeing anything?(seeing some windows flickering is ok) A: From Help Load Statement Loads a form or control into memory. Syntax Load object The object placeholder is the name of a Form object, MDIForm object, or control array element to load. Remarks You don't need to use the Load statement with forms unless you want to load a form without displaying it. Any reference to a form (except in a Set or If...TypeOf statement) automatically loads it if it's not already loaded. For example, the Show method loads a form before displaying it. Once the form is loaded, its properties and controls can be altered by the application, whether or not the form is actually visible. Under some circumstances, you may want to load all your forms during initialization and display them later as they're needed.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Quackery (traducido en algunas fuentes como curanderismo) es la promoción de prácticas médicas fraudulentas o ignorantes. Un quack es un «farsante fraudulento o ignorante que finge poseer conocimiento médico» o «una persona que finge, profesionalmente o públicamente, tener destrezas, conocimientos o cualificaciones que no posee; un charlatán». La palabra quack deriva de la palabra arcaica de origen neerlandés quacksalver (escrito «kwakzalver» en neerlandés contemporáneo), literalmente «vendedor ambulante de pomada». En la Edad Media la palabra quack significaba «gritar». Los quacksalvers vendían sus mercancías en el mercado pregonando a viva voz. "Fraude en salud" se utiliza a menudo como sinónimo para quackery, pero la característica más notable de esta última es su promoción más agresiva (quacks quack!, «los quacks hacen ¡quackǃ»). Pseudomedicina es un término para tratamientos de ineficacia demostrada, independientemente de si sus defensores realmente creen en su eficacia. Definición Stephen Barrett de Quackwatch define la práctica de este modo: Paul Offit ha propuesto cuatro maneras en que la medicina natural «deviene en quackery»: Desaconsejar terapias convencionales que son eficaces. Promover terapias potencialmente nocivas sin las advertencias adecuadas. Drenar las cuentas bancarias de los pacientes. Promover el pensamiento mágico. Crítica en la academia La comunidad de la medicina basada en hechos ha criticado la infiltración de la medicina alternativa a la medicina académica, educación y publicaciones, acusando a instituciones de «desviar tiempo, dinero y otros recursos de investigación de líneas investigativas más fértiles para perseguir una teoría que tiene ninguna base en biología». R.W. Donnell acuñó la frase «medicina quackadémica» para describir esta atención dada a la medicina alternativa por la academia. Refiriéndose al Informe Flexner, dijo que la educación médica «necesita una buena limpieza doméstica flexneriana». Por ejemplo, David Gorski criticó Brian M. Berman, fundador de la Centro de Medicina Integrativa de la Universidad de Maryland: «Había evidencia de que tanto la acupuntura real y la simulada eran más eficaces que ningún tratamiento y que la acupuntura puede ser un complemento útil a otras formas de terapia convencional para el dolor de espalda baja». También reprendió a los editores y pares revisores de la New England Journal of Medicine por permitir su publicación, ya que recomendó apasionadamente engañar deliberadamente a los pacientes para conseguir un efecto placebo sabido. Presencia y aceptación Se han propuesto muchas razones sobre por qué los pacientes aceptan el quackery a pesar de su carencia de eficacia: Ignorancia Quienes perpetúan el quackery puede hacerlo para sacar provecho de la ignorancia ajena sobre los tratamientos médicos convencionales versus tratamientos alternativos, o pueden ser ellos mismos ignorantes de sus propias afirmaciones. La medicina científica ha realizado muchos avances notables, por lo que las personas pueden tender a creer también declaraciones infundadas. Efecto placebo Las medicinas y tratamientos que se sabe no tienen ningún efecto farmacológico en una enfermedad todavía pueden afectar la percepción del paciente de su enfermedad y a su vez esta creencia a veces de hecho tiene un efecto terapéutico, causando la mejora del paciente. Esto no significa que no tenga un efecto biológicoː aunque podríamos describir que el efecto de placebo está «todo en la mente», ahora se sabe que hay un fundamento neurológico genuino de este fenómeno. Las personas informan alivio del dolor, un mayor bienestar, mejoría o incluso atenuación total de los síntomas. Para algunos, la presencia de un médico y la administración de medicina es curativa por sí mismos. Falacia de regresión Ciertas «enfermedades autolimitadas», como las verrugas y el resfriado común, casi siempre mejoran, en el último caso en un número de días bastante previsible. Un paciente puede asociar el uso de tratamientos alternativos con su recuperación, cuando esta era inevitable. Sesgo de confirmación Es la tendencia para buscar, interpretar o priorizar información en una manera que confirma las propias creencias o hipótesis. Es un tipo de sesgo cognitivo y un error sistemático de razonamiento inductivo. Recelo de la medicina convencional Muchas personas, por varias razones, desconfían de la medicina convencional o de las organizaciones reguladoras como el FDA o de las grandes farmacéuticas. Por ejemplo, «la medicina alternativa y complementaria puede representar una respuesta a la inhabilitación en ambientes médicos convencionales y el recelo resultante». Teorías de conspiración Los activistas antiquackers ("quackbusters" o cazadores de quacks) son acusados de participar de una enorme «conspiración» para suprimir las terapias «no convencionales» y/o «naturales», así como a quienes las promueven. Se dice que la conspiración está apoyada y financiada por la industria farmacéutica y el sistema de cuidado médico representado por la AMA, la FDA, la ADA, los CDC, la OMS, etc, con el propósito de preservar su poder y aumentando sus beneficios. En el caso de la quiropráctica, el caso para una conspiración fue apoyada por una decisión del tribunal en un litigio por antimonopolio, Wilk v. American Medical Association, dictaminó que la AMA había participado en una conspiración ilegal de restricción gremial «para contener y eliminar la profesión quiropráctica». Miedo a efectos adversos Una gran variedad de medicamentos puede tener efectos adversos desagradables, y muchas personas temen la cirugía y sus consecuencias, así que pueden optar por huir de estos tratamientos basados en la evidencia. Costo Hay algunas personas que sencillamente no pueden pagar un tratamiento científico y salen a buscar una alternativa más barata. Los practicantes alternativos a menudo pueden trabajar a un costo mucho más bajo. Esto es agravado por un acceso reducido al sistema de salud. Desesperación Los enfermos graves o terminales, o con estados intratables, pueden reaccionar saliendo a buscar tratamiento, desatendiendo la carencia de prueba científica de su eficacia e incluso la existencia de pruebas que el método alternativo es ineficaz o peligroso. La desesperación puede ser exacerbada por la carencia de cuidados paliativos (no curativos). Orgullo Una vez que una persona ha aprobado o defendido una cura, o ha invertido tiempo y dinero en ella, puede ser reacio a admitir su ineficacia y por lo tanto recomienda a otros la «cura» que no le ayudó (véase falacia del costo irrecuperable). Fraude Algunos practicantes, plenamente conscientes de la ineficacia de su medicina, pueden intencionadamente producir estudios científicos fraudulentos y resultados de ensayos médicos, engañando así a los potenciales consumidores de la efectividad del tratamiento médico. Véase también Medicina alternativa Charlatán Derecho del consumidor Producto milagro Homeopatía Anexo:Pseudociencias Ética médica Pseudociencia Aceite de serpiente Organizaciones reguladoras Comisión Federal de Comercio Administración de Alimentos y Medicamentos Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency Organizaciones antiquackery Quackwatch Referencias Enlaces externos Quackery at DMOZ Medline Plus – entry on Health Fraud How to Spot Health Fraud Article from the Food and Drug Administration 'Miracle' Health Claims: Add a Dose of Skepticism Article at the Federal Trade Comiision Museum of Questionable Medical Devices – Science Museum of Minnesota "Quackery." Handbook of Texas. Peyorativos Fraudes sanitarios Medicina alternativa Ignorancia Palabras y frases en inglés
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
GoldfieldsNews Local musicians' album captures Sounds of Goldfields Georgia Foulkes-TaylorKalgoorlie Miner Sun, 29 May 2016 11:00AM Camera IconLyndon Brownley works with Joel Quartermaine on the Brownley Gospel Singers' song. Credit: Kalgoorlie Miner Ahead of the massive WAM Sounds of the Goldfields launch last night, the locally made album has been lauded as the best Sounds of disc yet. Project co-ordinator and WAM regional producer Nigel Bird, who started the project with a small team, said the program sent out professional recording equipment and top-level producers to regional areas to record local songwriters and musicians. "Regional WA is laden with outstanding songwriters and musicians," he said. "Combining them with professional producers at the top of their game has brought seriously impressive results. "This is the eighth Sounds of project we've completed, and it's the strongest yet." Guest session producer Joel Quartermaine, who plays in internationally successful WA band Eskimo Joe, said the project was an amazing initiative. "This is really Nigel Bird's brainchild project," he said. "He put together this initiative and it can be a pretty amazing opportunity. "Nigel's the man behind it all, really generous guy and on so many levels it's a worthwhile project, not just for the finished product — the songs — but for what it gives to a community, and the passing on of knowledge." Quartermaine worked with local artists Tiahn Dillon and the Brownley Gospel Singers on producing their tracks for the album. Dillon's song, Mean Girl, is a strong, bassy pop epic featuring beautiful deep vocals that belie the 16-year-old's young age. ARIA Award-winning producer Quartermaine, whose recent producing credits include Meg Mac's newest releases, Little Birdy, and Timothy Nelson and the Infidels, said an intensive studio experience could really help young musicians open their eyes to working hard on their craft. "Seeing how much work goes into making a record and how much you can work on a song, at 16, having that experience gives her an idea of the reality of the situation," he said. "That's a really positive thing, so now next time, she'll go in with open eyes and will know what it takes to produce recorded music." Some local musicians on the album had never recorded their work before, and Quartermaine said that reminded him of how special it could be to hear your own work for the first time. "I remember the first time my band did a proper recording," he said. "It's something you never forget. "It's kind of the greatest moment of your life, hearing your song coming out of the speakers. "The reaction you get, and the looks on their faces when they see their song coming to fruition, it's very satisfying. "If you're working in the studio all the time with seasoned recording artists, you can almost forget how magic it is." Quartermaine said he was especially impressed with the Brownley Gospel Singers, a family of four who recorded the slow-moving, heartfelt track The Man of Calvary. "The BGS are such lovely people," he said. "For myself, it's an amazing experience. "I watched them standing around one mic singing their hearts out, in perfect harmony. "They have only recorded once before, and only sell their CDs at gigs, so maybe this song will get them played at the radio and bring opportunities for them that may not have been available before." Quartermaine said besides having recorded with local blues-rock outfit The China Blue Experiment, he had not come into contact with much music from Kalgoorlie-Boulder before. "There are some great songs and great talent there," he said. "And without a project like this, maybe people wouldn't have heard that talent." The WAM Sounds Of project aims to invest meaningfully into a region, leaving a footprint, and also working with local producers to upskill them and develop their work. In Kalgoorlie-Boulder, Tjuma Pulka Radio producer Libby Carmody was in the studio all day, every day, watching Quartermaine work alongside award-winning engineers Sean Lillico and Matt Gio. Quartermaine played a special acoustic set with Eskimo Joe in at the Goldfields Arts Centre last night for the launch of the Sounds of the Goldfields album. Kalgoorlie lot of land in waitingPremium
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9.pdf 59.19 MB 15242 the United Nations Charter. If it were not so tragic, it would be amusing, when one considers the answer he has given to the proposal to go to a 14-nation con- ference, as recommended by the Presi- dent of France. Mr. de Gaulle. What are we afraid of? No one is suggesting that while we are at that 14-nation Confer- ence we should abandon southeast Asia. No one is suggesting that while the Se- curity Council and, if necessary. the General Assembly consider the United Nations jurisdiction, we remove ourselves frcm southeast Asia, although I wish we would desist from our warmaking in southeast Asia and start a policy of peacekeeping. I would, as I have said so many times. while the matter is before a 14-nation Conference, as recommended by De Gaulle. or before the Security Council or before the General Assembly, call upon our alleged?and I underline the word "alleged"?SEATO allies to join us with a sufficient body of men to patrol the area, to keep the adversaries separate. and to stop the killing and warmaking until the procedures of the United Na- tions can be brought to work upon the threat to the peace of Asia and, poten- tially, the peace of the world. The position taken by Henry Cabot Lodge cannot be reconciled to any de- cree with the clear international obliga- tions of the United States under the United Nations Charter. I did not expect that the stature of the President of France for peacekeeping would rise above the stature of the Pres- ident of the United States; but at this bour, that is exactly what is happening. The President of France is becoming recognized in many areas of the world as more determined and dedicated to the cause of peace than the President of the United States, because the President of France is calling for negotiation. The President of -France is calling for the conference table. The President of France is calling for the application of ihe rule of law to the threat of peace in Asia The President of the United States is rattling the saber and telling the world that we are willing to risk war with Red China unless Asia accepts American policy in southeast Asia. I cannot understand why my Govern- ment cannot see, before it is too late. that that kind of warmaking policy on the part of the United States spells trouble. Let me make it clear. as I close, that there is no question that we are joined In our outlawry by South Vietnam, by North Vietnam, by the Pathet Lao Communists in Laos, and by Red China. Does that justify our outlawry? Does that justify the policy of expediency ap- plied to international affairs which best describes American policy tonight in Asia? Does the end-justifies-the-means principle square with American precepts of foreign policy? Since when do two wrongs make a right? Never before has that been our pol- icy. I pray again th.it my country will see the horrendous mistake it is making in Asia as a matter of policy, before it is too late. Approved For RialWiribS?NneLAA-RDP66BO ' _RECORD ? SENATE July 1 : D403R0 I close by saying, for the benent or CitiNgft91%ii-2)F ADDITIONAL those who do not like my speeches and for the benefit of such journalists as Mr. Freedman, "You had better check it with the American people." I am satisfied that millions of fellow Americans. as they begin to understand the issue at stake in southeast Asia, will support my position. I can now say, along with the Senator from Alaska, that my mail is running better than 100 to 1 in support of my position. My mail is coming in from coast to coast. as Senators will see some samples placed in the CONURESSIONAI. RECORD from time to time. I placed a large quantity in the RECORD today. It is coming from the leaders of many com- munities in this country. I wish to state to President Johnson that I am satisfied that the American people do not approve of America's war- making policy in Asia. and that the American people wish the President of the United States to join with the Presi- dent of France and other advocates of negotiation, that we go to the conference table and seek to apply the rule of law to the crisis which exists In Asia. I say most respectfully to my Presi- dent, whom I shall continue to support on most issues, that I oppose him on this issue only because I owe a greater trust to my country than I owe to him. Mr. President, I yield the floor, APPOINTMENTS BY THE PRESIDENT PRO TEMPORE The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mc- GOVERN in the chair). The Chair, on behalf of the President pro tempore, an- nounces the appointment as members on the part of the Senate of the National Commission on Food Marketing, created by Senate Joint Resolution 71. the fol- lowing Senators, namely, the Senator from Washington (Mr. Msceesoril. the Senator from Wyoming ( Mr. WOW. the Senator from Michigan iMr. }Wel. the Senator trom Kentucky (Mr. Moe- TON I, and the Senator from Nebraska ( Mr. HRUSKA I. COMMIT 1 tE MEETING DURING SENATE SESSION TOMORROW Mr. HART. ? Mr. President. the dis- tinguished Senator from Nebraska I Mr. HRUSKA1 is in the Chamber: and we have discussea the problem presented to the Subcommittee on Antitrust and Monop- oly of the Judiciary Committee in meet- ing tomorrow, in view ot the lime set for the beginning of the session of the Senate. We have cleared this with those in- volved, and I ask unanimous consent that the subcommittee be permitted to tv during the session of the Senate 1,011101TONV. The PRESIDING OFFIer?R. Is there objection? Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President, not only is there no objection, but I also con- cur in the request of the Senator from Michigan and wish to confirm that there has been clearance on this matter with the minority leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. ROUTINE BUSINESS By unanimous consent, the following additional routine business was trans- acted; MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE? ENROLLED 13rf SIGNED A message from the House of Repre- sentatives. by Mr. Bartlett. one of its reading clerks, announced that the Speaker had affixed his signature to the following enrolled bills, and they were signed by the Acting President pro tern- pore: S. a. An art to authorize the Housing and Home Finance Administrator to provide addi- tional assistance for the development of comprehensive and coordinated mass trans- portation systems. both public and private. In metropolitan and other urban areas, and for other purposes: and H.R. 10433. An act making appropriations for the Department of the Interior and re- lated agencies for the fiscal year ending June 30. 1965. and for other purposes. ADDITIONAL BILL INTRODUCED Mr. HART by unanimous consent. in- troduced a bill (S. 2972) for the relief of Dr. David J. Sencer, U.S. Public Health Service, which was read twice by its title and referred to the Committee on the Judiciary. ADJusTmEarr OF-RATES OF BASIC COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OF- FICERS AND EMPLOYEES IN THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT?AMEND- MENTS Mr. MORSE submitted two amend- ments (Nos. 1089 and 1090), intended to be proposed by him, to the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust, the rates of basic com- pensation of certain officers and em- ployees in the Federal Government, anc for other purposes, which were orderer to lie on the table and to be printed. Mr. LAUSCHE submitted an amend- ment (No. 1091) . Intended to be proposec by him, to House bill 11049, supra, whizl was ordered to lie on the table and t( be printed. Mr. ICEATING for himself and Mr JAvrrs) submitted an amendment iNo 1092), intended to be proposed by them jointly. to House bill 11049, supra, whicl was ordered to he on the table and to la, printed. Mr. ELLENDER submitted amend ment +No. 1093), intended to be pro posed by him, to House bill 11049, suprr which was ordered to lie on the table ant to be printed. AMENDMENT OF INTERNAL REV ENITE CODE OF 1954. TO IMPOS: A TAX ON ACQUISITIONS OF CM? TAIN FOREIGN SECURITIES- AMENDMENTS sagorosinurr NO. loos Mr. JAVITS submitted an amendmen In the nature of a substitute, intended t be proposed by him, to the bill (H..1 8000) to amend the Internal Review. Code of 1954 to impose a tax on acqu ppr oveCI r-or Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 July 23, /964 Approved F5 of the bill lends adequate protection to civilian employees and eliminates certain inequities in the hiring of retired mili- tary persons. The Civil Service Cominissipn advises that section 206 is unnecessir y,restric- tive and strongly endorses the elimina- tion of this provision. Senate amendment No. 2 is a technical conforming ?amendment required by the eliminatiqn pt4ealpti 205. It would re- number present Section 203 to section 205. Senate amenOnent No. 3 adds a new section 206. winch would place certain ceilings-. on the amount of combined mili- tary retired:pax and civilian compensa- tion to be1.,:by retired military personnel' employe in a Federal, civilian position. The section Would prescribe two ceil- ings: - , First. In cases where the military re- tiree is employed in a civilian office with compensation 'determined under the Classification Act 4,1949,, the combined military retired pay _and civilian pom- pensatipn could not e_xceeccilie:fop rate of ?Ad Of no, as soneneleP. Second, 1/1., eases Where the civilian co/ripe/1841On, is not, determined under the Class/Dealt:M., .ACt of 1949, the com- bined maximuM rate ?OP_Uld?. 110,k,eXceetl. the rate of compen_Sat19.n.reMYPPLIV? the head of the denartirient or agency, The peiling_31.Wler the. Areit /7.1-,/le meas- ured Iv; the top_rite-?f the 014ssification Act would apply to retired members of any Regular _component, but the ceiling Under the se-son4 rule,Woilel,aPply to any retired Member pt iy or the uniformed services, ? Mr. GROSS. , Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. HENDEIISON;, I ani-haPPY to yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr, GROSS ? he written _ _ 'in an attempt to eliminate the so-called buddy system still retained in the bill IS/I.r._,ZIENDg440.M. It itewtAy is. The gentleman well knows of my long interest_ in tbis?, I lave ,gene into this carefully. There have been no Changes in this section as passed by the House. Mr. GROSS. .?M ar,sT al?) con- cerned,:this is one of the most Important provisions-of-the biltandifit Terrtaim in it; I have no further questions concern- ing the conference report. Mr. ligNE*1:00, ' N, appreciate the gentleman's_ Interest., - . - Mr. BECKWOPTH. 1V4 Speaker will the gentleman yield? . Mr. HENDERSON,. 4i happy to yield to the distinguished gentleman from Texas. _ Mr. BECKWOldlt ttelieVe the so- called bUddY system should be elimi- nated. Just Aester aY. ,741-Ing man came toMy 6' e Whp,wPric,,s? torsi-ie. of the departments of the Gove,rnment. Ie told me that for scycrfa, weelp now a given agency' NIS been looking for a grade 13 Man. It Was not announced that the officials,of the department were looking for the man. As soon as they found him, they then announced that the position was open, and the an- ?alfingi2c909,5/11i8ItebR_DPAWNO3R000500050001-9 nouncement closes quickly. That means that, to all intents and purposes, most people who might be qualified for the position are denied the opportunity of even knowing about the vacancy. This is wrong. I also want to add this. I have intro- duced as of December 10, 1963, H.R. 9407 a bill that would if it should become law require reasonable notice on all examina- tions, where practical, and then genuine written examinations, where practical. I feel that this bill will be opposed, because selfish bureaucrats do not want that kind of thing. There are some people in our Government and outside our Government who believe the bill would be good legislation. The summer jobs program for students evidences some great injustices. We passed twice a bill here to bring about more fairness. There has been so much opposition to the legislation that the legislation has received little consideration in the other body. I say to you, though, that if we mean business when we say that we want effective and able Federal employees, we ought to go the full length in making it known that jobs are available and give true, worthwhile competitive examina- tions instead of what is known as com- plying with civil service standards, which are quite different to a true written competitive examination. Mr. HENDERSON. The gentleman from Texas is to be commended for his longtime interest in this field. He well knows the provisions of this bill are a vast improvement over what he have had. As the gentleman from Iowa indi- cated, the provisions of this bill will go a long way toward eliminating the buddy system, as we refer to it. In the employ- ment of retired former military person- nel, this is a vast step forward in the improvement of the civil service em- ployment procedures. ? Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude with the further explanation of the amendments of the Senate. The Civil Service Commission strongly objects to this amendment. It would cause inequities and incon- sistencies in the cases of those few re- tired members whose combined military retired pay and civilian compensation would be affected by these ceilings. A retired regular member employed in the Department of Defense in a GS-18 Classification Act scientific position would have a salary reduced by the total amount of his retired pay; however, if he were employed to do exactly the same kind of work by the same agency under Public Law 313 which authorizes com- pensation to be fixed outside the Classifi- cation Act, the reduction in his salary would be insignificant, if any, because he could be paid as much as the Secretary of Defense?up to $35,000 under the new salary bill as passed by the Senate, H.R. 11049. _ If the same individual were a Retired Reserve member, he would have no re- duction in salary in the GS-18 position, but he could be subject to a reduction if he were employed under Public Law 313. The provisions of section 206 would encourage all kinds of artificial,arrange- ments to avoid the adverse maximum of the limits on particular individuals and groups, as indicated above. Amendments Nos. 4 to 9 relate to em- ployment in the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol. They are designed to continue the present employment policy of pro- hibiting any employee of those offices from receiving salary for more than one civilian office if the aggregate amount of basic compensation from such offices exceeds the sum of $2,000 per annum. Amendment No. 8 provides that the limitation on dual compensation for more than one civilian office under sec- tion 301 of the bill shall not apply to per- sons employed under Public Law 87-82, relating to employees of the Architect of the Capitol in the Senate restaurants, or to employees employed under section 208 of Public Law 812 of the 76th Congress, relating to employees of the Architect of the Capitol in the House of Representa- tives restaurant. The present law referred to in amend- ment No. 9 (2 U.S. C. 66a) prohibits dual compensation if one of the positions is in the U.S. Senate; however, one person may be employed in more than one part- time position in the House of Representa- tives if the basic compensation does not exceed $2,000 per annum. Amendments Nos. 4 to 9 will retain the present dual employment rules, applica- ble to the employees of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Archi- tect of the Capitol. CALL OF THE HOUSE Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum is not present. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- lowing Members failed to answer to their names: Abbitt Alger Ashmore Avery Baring Bass Bennett, Mich. Blatnik Bolling Brock Buckley Celler Chelf Davis, Tenn. Diggs Dingell Eying Fine Flynt Gibbons Gill Gray [Roll No. 1881 Griffiths Hansen Harris Harvey, Mich. Healey Hebert Hoffman Holifleld Hull Jones, Ala. Kee Kilburn Kilgore Knox Laird Lankford Lipscomb Long, La, Martin, Mass, Miller, N.Y. Moore Moorhead Morrison Morton Pilcher Pool Powell Pucinski Purcell Quie Randall Roberts, Ala. Roybal Ryan, Mich. Senner Skubitz Thomas Thompson, La. Toll Wallhauser Wickersham Wilson, Bob The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 369 Members have answered to their names, 'a quorum. By unanimous consent, further pro- ceedings under the call were dispensed with. d For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 ? pprovecl For Release 2005105/48 : CIAARDP66B00403liq9,0500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE tlIMPR MESSAGE FR.,OM THE SENATE further message from the Senate ' by Mr. Arrington, one of its clerks, an- nounced:that the Senate had passed a joint resolution of the following title, In which the concurrence of the House Is requested: Si'. Hes. 184. Iola resolution for the coMmembra,tion of the, Honorable Herbert Hoover's $0tb, birthday, August 10, 1964. VMPLOYMENT OF CIVILIANS IN MORE THAN ONE POSITION AND CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT OF _RE- TIRE'? MEMBERS OF THE UNI- FORMED SERVICES ? The SPEAKER, The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from North Carolina Mfr. HanasszoNl. The motion was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laidqn4h table. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES LARY nEVOR/V1 ACT OF 1964 Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill 11049) to adjust the rates of bask Compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other pur- poses, with Senate amendments thereto, disagree to the Senate amendments, and agree to the conference asked by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ten- nessee? Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, re- serving the right to object, this is the Pay bill which was passed by this body and has now been passed by the other body. I hope the Members of the House real- ize that In the version of the other body there is a provision which takes a direct slap at the members of the Supreme Court of the United States. This version ' would limit the raise of Supreme Court members to $2,500 instead of $7,500. I Want to go on record as saying that no matter how anyone may feel about the actions of the Supreme Court in various Instances, this is highly inappropriate. It certainly would be a severe blow to our whole system of government. We should, if we so desire, have the courage to take action 011 the basis of whatever we inight want to do to review their decisions ,and take positive legislative - action to do so. Certainly it is picayune, small, and unseemly to act as the other body proposes. I hope that the cOnferees on our side, on the part of, the House, will insist that the compensation of justices of the Su- preme Court be at the level at which pasSed by the House. July 23 FOOD STAMP ACT OF 1964 Mr. COOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take, from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 10222) to strengthen the agricultural economy; to help to achieve a fuller and more effec- tive use of food abundances; to provide for improved levels of nutrition among economically needy households through a cooperative Federal-State program of food assistance to be operated through normal channels of trade; and for other purposes, with Senate amendments thereto, and concur in the Senate amendments. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate amend- ments, as follows: Page 2, line 5, strike out "economically needy" and insert: "low-income". Page 2, lines 13 and 14, strike out "in eco- omic need" and insert: "with low incomes". Page 2, line 20, strike out all after "(b)" clown to and including line 25 and insert: "The term 'food' means any food or food product for human consumption except al- coholic beverages, tobacco, those foods which are identified on the package as being im- ported, and meat and meat products which are imported." Page 4, after line 20, insert: "(b) In areas where a food stamp program is in effect, there shall be no distribution of federally owner foods to households under the authority of any other law except during emergency situations caused by a national or other disaster as determined by the Sec- retary.". Page 4, line 21, strike out "(b)" and insert ci Page 5, strike out lines 4 to 16, inchteive, and insert: "Sze. 5. (a) Participation in the food stamp program shall be limited to those households whose income is determined to be a substantial limiting factor in the at- tainment of a nutritionally adequate diet." "(b) In complying with the limitation on participation set forth in subsection (a) above, each State agency shall establish standards to determine the eligibility of ap- plicant households. Such standards shall Include maximum income limitations con- sistent with the income standards used by the State agency in administration of its federally aided public assistance programs. Such standards also shall place a limitation on the resources to be allowed eligible households. The standards of eligibility to be used by each State for the food stamp program shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary." Page 6, line 17, after "a" insert "low-cost". Page 11, line 8, after "required." insert "In approving the participation of the subdi- visions requested by each State in its plan of operation, the Secretary shall provide for an equitable and orderly expansion among the several States in accordance with their relative need and readiness to meet their requested effective dates of participation." Page 11, after line 19, insert: "(g) If the Secretary determines that there has been gross negligence or fraud on the part of the State agency in the certification of applicant households, the State shall upon request of the Secretary deposit into the The SPEAKER. Is there objection to separate account authorized by section 7 of the request of the gentleman from Ten- this Act, a sum equal to the amount by which , IleSSee? ns , the value of any coupons issued as a result , of such negligence or fraud exceeds the Mr. za, Mr, Speaker, I object. amount that was charged for such coupons - The SPEAKER. ,Objection is heart" under section 7(b) of this Act." Page 17, lines 11 and 12, strike out "not in excess of $25,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964;". Page 17, line 16, after "1967" insert "; and not In excess of such sum as may hereafter be authorized by Congress for any subse- quent fiscal year". Page 18, line 2, after "section." insert "If in any fiscal year the Secretary finds that the requirements of participating States will exceed the limitation set forth herein, the Secretary shall direct State agencies to reduce the amount of such coupons to be issued to participating households to the extent necessary to comply with the provisions of this subsection." Amend the title so as to read: "An act to strengthen the agricultural economy; to help to achieve a fuller and more effective use of food abundances; to provide for im- proved levels of nutrition among low-income households through a cooperative Federal- State program of food assistance to be oper- ated through normal channels of trade; and for other purposes." The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from North Carolina? Mr. HOEVEN. Mr: Speaker, reserv- ing the right to object, I assume the gentleman from North Carolina wi11- ad- vise the House as to the nature and the import of the Senate amendments. Mr. COOLEY. I might say to my friend that the only one that is of great Importance is what is known as the Mil- ler amendment dealing with imported meats. I had anticipated that some question would be propounded concern- ing that, and I would like to place this matter before the House now. The language in the bill clearly indi- cates that we do not intend for food stamps to be used to buy imported meat. We definitely do not want to do anything which would adversely affect the live- stock industry of this country. Not even by legislative history do we want to indicate that food stamps could not be used to buy meat products pro- duced domestically, but certainly we do not intend to require retailers to main- tain a private reporting service to warn them that they may be allowing custom- ers to use food stamps to buy imported beef which may be commingled with do- mestic meats in processed foods. I un- derstand that some foreign meats are used in processed foods. A recent report of the Tariff Commission indicates that a small amount of imported meat is sometimes used in frankfurters, bologna, luncheon meat, and canned products, but that on an average 80 percent of the meat used in these food articles is Ameri- can-produced meat. The definition "food" in this legisla- tion would require to the extent practi- cal that if the retailer knew he was offer- ing imported meat for sale, he could not sell such meat for food coupons. He could sell no food product that is labeled as imported on the package for food stamps. He could not, for example, sell any meat product that is identified as being imported when he bought it?such as carcass beef or frozen block beef?no matter whether he ground it for ham- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 House of Represent THURSDAY, JULY 23, 19k,\ The House met at 12 o'clock noon. Rev. William C. Howland, Jr., pastor, the First Christian Church, Long- view, Tex., offered the following prayer: Almighty God, grant this prayer may be more than mere fulfillment of ex- pected ritual. In spirit and truth enable us to acknowledge that Thou alone art Creator, Sustainer, and Lord of life. As Thou hast brought us to this moment by Thy providence, strengthen us with Thy power, making us glad with Thy presence. We beseech Thy blessing on those who serve here, and the people and the coun- try whom they seek to serve. Grant them ability equal to their opportunity, wisdom equal to their responsibility, and courage equal to their awesome task. Through their labors give birth to in- sights which employed, can lead to full realization of good will among all men and peace among all Nations. In Christ's name, we pray. Amen. THE JOURNAL The Journal of the proceedings of yes- terday was read and approved. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE A message from the Senate by Mr. Ar- rington, one of its clerks, announced that the Senate had passed without amend- ment bills of the .House of the following titles: H.R. 8313. An act to repeal the District of Columbia Credit Unions Act, to convert cred- it unions incorporated under the provisions of the act to Federal credit unions, and for other purposes; HM. 9833. An act granting a renewal of patent numbered D-162,975, relating to a medal of the American Legion; and H.R. 9834. An act granting a renewal of patent numbered D-161,955, relating to a plaque of the American Legion. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the amendment of the House to a bill of the Senate of the fol- lowing title: 5.944. An act to provide for the presenta- tion by the United States to the people of Mexico of a monument commemorating the independence of Mexico, and for other pur- poses. The message also announced that the Senate agrees to the report of the com- mittee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amend- ment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 10300) entitled "An act to authorize cer- tain construction at military installa- tions, and for other purposes." 16260 EMPLOYMENT OF CIVILIANS IN MORE THAN ONE POSITION AND CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT OF RE- TIRED MEMBERS OF THE UNI- FORMED SERVICES Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table the bill (H.R.'ALI) , to simplify, modernize, and consolidate the laws relating to the employment of ci- vilians in more than one position and the laws concerning the civilian employment of retired members of the uniformed services, and for other purposes, with amendments of the Senate thereto, and consider the Senate amendments. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate amend- ments, as follows: Page 12, strike out lines 6 to 21, inclusive. Page 12, line 22, strike out "206'' and in- sert "205". Page 12, after line 25, insert: "SEC. 206. Notwithstanding any other pro- vision of law, no retired member of any reg- ular component of the uniformed services who holds any civilian office the compensa- tion for which is determined in accordance with the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, shall receive salary for the per- formance of the duties of such civilian office at a rate which combined with the rate of retired or retirement pay received by him is in excess of the maximum rate authorized by such Classification Act of 1949, as amended; and no retired member of any of the uni- formed services who holds any civilian office the compensation for which is not deter- mined in accordance with the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, shall receive salary for the performance of the duties of such civilian office at a rate which combined with the rate of retired or retirement pay received by him is in excess of the rate of salary re- ceived by the head of the department or agency by which he is employed." Page 13, strike out all after line 17 over to and including line 2 on page 14 and insert: "(c) Unless otherwise authorized by law, no money appropriated by any Act shall be available for payment to any person of salary from more than one civilian office if the aggregate amount of the basic compensation from such offices exceeds the sum of $2,000 per annum, and if (1) one of such salaries is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives or (2) one of such offices is under the Office of the Architect of the Capitol." Page 14, after line 17, insert: "(5) compensation received by any person holding an office or position the compensa- tion for which is disbursed by the Secretary of the Senate or the Clerk of the House of Representatives or any office or position un- der the Architect of the Capitol:" Page 14, line 18, strike out "(5)" and in- sert "(8)". Page 14, line 21, strike out "(6)" and in- sert "(7)". Page 16, after line 20, insert: "(f) This title shall not be applicable to persons employed under the Joint resolution approved July 6, 1961 (75 Stat. 199; Public Law 87-82), or under section 208 of the First Supplemental Civil Functions Appropriation Act, 1941 (54 Stat. 1056; Public Law 812, '76th Congress)." Page 34, after line 3, insert: '(c) Nothing contained in this Act shall be construed to repeal or modify the provi- sions of the last paragraph under the head- ing 'Administrative Provisions' in the appro- priations for the Senate contained in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1957 (70 Stat. 360; 2 U.S.C. 66a)." The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from North Carolina? Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, reserving the right to object, I assume that the gentleman from North Carolina will take a few minutes, at least, to explain what transpired in conference. Mr. HENDERSON. I shall be glad to do so. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I withdraw my reservation. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from North Carolina? There was no objection. Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. Speaker, I of- fer a motion. The Clerk read as follows: Mr. HENDERSON moves to concur in Sen- ate amendments Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 and disagree to amendment No. 3. Mr. HENDERSON. Mr. Speaker, Sen- ate amendment No. 1 to HR. 7381 eliminates section 205 which would re- quire that before a retired member of any of the uniformed services may be ap- pointed to a civilian office in the com- petitive civil service of any agency in the executive branch there must be public notice that a vacancy exists and that an assembled examination, where prac- ticable open to all persons, is to be giv- en. The vacancy could be filled only from among those qualified persons who successfully complete such examination. The provision would require public notice, a waiting period, and open com- petitive examinations in order to fill any vacancy in the competitive civil service if a retired member of the Armed Forces is a candidate for the position. An agency could never positively determine whether a retired member would be interested in applying for such a position; con- sequently, the entire examining and ap- pointing procedures of the Civil Service Commission would have to be revised in order to comply with the requirements of this section. It is felt that section 204 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 16259 MASSACHUSETTS Paul H. Benoit, Southbridge, Mass., in place of J. H. LeClair, retired. MICHIGAN James B. Koyne, Bellaire, Mich., in place of S. F. Blake, retired. Richard K. Smarter, Lakeview, Mich., In place of M. C. Woodard. resigned. John 0. Boynton, Saint Ignace. Mich., in place of 0. C. Boynton, Jr., retired. MINNESOTA Lawrence J. Mahan. Brandon, Minn.. in place of W. H. 'loving. retired. Violet L. Howard, Lyle, Minn., In place of 0. J. Mortensen, declined. MISSOURI James G. Curry, Jr., Bucklin, Mo., in place of J. 0. Finney, deceased. Harold F. Taylor, Jonesburg. Mo., In place of C. J. Jones, retired. MONTANA Eugene Kennedy, Manhattan. Mont., in place of J. P. Waters, retired. Sarah M. Riley, West Yellowstone, Mont., in place of A. E. Hansen, retired. NEW JERSEY Jeanne L. Tamplin, Hewitt, N.J., in place of M. F. Sando, retired. No. 14l-).9 William L. Krieger, Maplewood, N.J., In place of 0. V. Mclia.ny, resigned, NEW YORX Robert K. Baker, Argyle. N.Y., in place of A. C. Hall, retired. Joseph F. CarrIga.n, East Rockaway, N.Y.. In place of F. B. Crowley, retired. Archie C. Ralmondi, Glasco, N.Y., in place of Charles Riccardi, deceased. Barbara A. Alkinburgh, Neiliston, N.Y., In place of J. W. Van Alstine. retired. OKLAHOMA Cora H. Gossmann. Arapaho. Okla., in place of E. E. Wiley. retired. Carl B. Grime45, Elmer. Okla., in place of Velma McKinzie, retired. rENN5YLVAIVIA Joseph J. Morris. Bryn Mawr, Pa.. In place of M. C. Barone, transferred. Raymond G. Mathews, Doylestown, Pa., in place of F. A. Fonash, retired. William H. Couch. Greenville. Pa., In place of J. W. Reznor. retired. Harvey A. Baddorf. Halifax, Pa., in place of R. R. Kinsinger. retired. Alice M. Bustin. Milan, Pa., in place of A. G. Flood, retired. Robert P. DeLotto, New Kensington, Pa., In place of A. G. Sullivan, retired. Irving E. Rath, Pillow, Pa., in place of C. M. Koppenhaver, r,sIgned. Charles W. Plunkett. Turtlepoint. Pa., hit place of G. L. Carlson, retired. SOUTH CAROLINA Edwin L. Plaits, Ridge Spring, S.C., in place of B. D. Boatwright, retired. Warren L. Walkup, Timmonsville, S.C., in place of S. F. Harper, retired. TENNESSEE William B. Milstead, Hornsby, Tenn., in place of H. B. Milstead, retired. James H. Miller, Surgoinsville, Tenn., in place of E. W. Marshall. retired. TEXAS Cloyce W. Floyd. Dawson, Tex., in place 0:! C. D. Barry, retired. Minna L. Squires, Eustace, Tex., in place of W. H. Wheeler, deceased. Eunice B. Dayton, London, Tex., In place of Jessie Robinson, retired. John M. Tidwell, Roanoke. Tex., in place of G. R. Jones, transferred. Bernard G. Scrogin, Wallis, Tex., in place of A. H. Brandt, deceased. VERMONT Mary J. Reagan, Moretown, Vt., in place of M. B. Ward, retired. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 July 23, 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE 16261 of the bill lends adequate protection to civilian employees and eliminates certain inequities in the hiring of retired mili- tary persons. The Civil Service Commission advises that section 205 is unnecessarily restric- tive and strongly endorses the elimina- tion of this provision. Senate amendment No. 2 is a technical conforming amendment required by the elimination of section 205. It would re- number present section 203 to section 205. Senate amendment No. 3 adds a new section 206 which would place certain ceilings on the amount of combined mili- tary retired pay and civilian compensa- tion to be received by retired military personnel employed in a Federal civilian position. The section would prescribe two ceil- ings: First. In cases where the military re- tiree is employed in a civilian office with compensation determined under the Classification Act of 1949, the combined military retired pay and civilian com- pensation could not exceed the top rate of the Classification Act of 1949. as amended. Second. In cases where the civilian compensation is not determined under the Classification Act of 1949, the com- bined maximum rate could not exceed the rate of compensation received by the head of the department or agency. The ceiling under the first rule meas- ured by the top rate of the Classification Act would apply to retired members of any Regular component, but the ceiling under the second rule would apply to any retired member of any of the uniformed services. Mr: GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. HENDERSON. I am happy to yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. Is the provision written in an attempt to eliminate the so-called buddy system still retained in the bill Mr. HENDERSON. It definitely is. The gentleman well knows of my long interest in this. I have gone into this carefully. There have been no changes in this section as passed by the House. Mr. GROSS. As far as I am con- cerned, this is one of the most important provisions of the bill and if it remains in it, I have no further questions concern- ing the conference report. Mr. HENDERSON. I appreciate the gentleman's interest. Mr. BECKWORTH. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. HENDERSON. I am happy to yield to the distinguished gentleman from Texas. Mr. BECKWORTH. I believe the so- called buddy system should be elimi- nated. Just yesterday a young man came to my office who works for one of the departments of the Government. He told me that for several weeks now a given agency has been looking for a grade 13 man. It was not announced that the officials of the department were looking for the man. As soon as they found him, they then announced that the position was open, and the an- nouncement closes quickly. That means that, to all intents and purposes, most people who might be qualified for the position are denied the opportunity of even knowing about the vacancy. This is wrong. I also want to add this. I have intro- duced as of December 10, 1963, H.R. 9407 a bill that would if it should become law require reasonable notice on all examina- tions, where practical, and then genuine written examinations, where practical. I feel that this bill will be opposed, because selfish bureaucrats do not want that kind of thing. There are some people in our Government and outside our Government who believe the bill would be good legislation. The summer jobs program for students evidences some great injustices. We passed twice a bill hem to bring about more fairness. There has been so much opposition to the legislation that the legislation has received little consideration in the other body. I say to you, though, that if we mean business when we say that we want effective and able Federal employees, we ought to go the full length in making it known that jobs are available and give true, worthwhile competitive examina- tions instead of what is known as com- plying with civil service standards, which are quite different to a true written competitive examination. Mr. HENDERSON. The gentleman from Texas is to be commended for his longtime interest in this field. He well knows the provisions of this bill are a vast improvement over what he have had. As the gentleman from Iowa indi- cated, the provisions of this bill will go a long way toward eliminating the buddy system, as we refer to it. In the employ- ment of retired former military person- nel, this is a vast step forward in the improvement of the civil service em- ployment procedures. Mr. Speaker, I would like to conclude with the further explanation of the amendments of the Senate. The Civil Service Commission strongly objects to this amendment. It would cause inequities and incon- sistencies in the cases of those few re- tired members whose combined military retired pay and civilian compensation would be affected by these ceilings. A retired regular member employed in the Department of Defense in a GS-18 Classification Act scientific position would have a salary reduced by the total amount of his retired pay; however, if he were employed to do exactly the same kind of work by the same agency under Public Law 313 which authorizes com- pensation to be fixed outside the Classifi- cation Act, the reduction in his salary would be insignificant, if any, because he could be paid as much as We Secretary of Defense?up to $35-.000 under the new salary bill as passed by the Senate, H.R. 11049. If the same individual were a Retired Reserve member, he would have no re- duction in salary in the GS-18 position, but he could be subject to a reduction If he were employed under Public Law 313. The provisions of section 206 would encourage all inds of artificial arrange- ments to avoid the adverse maximum of the limits on particular individuals and groups, as indicated above. Amendments Nos. 4 to 9 relate to em- ployment in the Senate. the House of Representatives, and the Architect of the Capitol. They are designed to continue the present employment policy of pro- hibiting any employee of those offices from receiving salary for more than one civilian office if the aggregate amount of basic compensation from such offices exceeds the sum of $2.000 per annum. Amendment No. 8 provides that the limitation on dual compensation for more than one civilian office under sec- tion 301 of the bill shall not apply to per- sons employed under Public Law 87-82, relating to employees of the Architect of the Capitol in the Senate restaurants, or to employees employed under section 208 of Public Law 812 of the 76th Congress, relating to employees of the Architect of the Capitol in the House of Representa- tives restaurant. The present !aw referred to in amend- ment No. 9 (2 U.S. C. 66a) prohibits dual compensation if one of the positions is in the U.S. Senate; however, one person may be employed in more than one part,- time position in the House of Representa- tives if the basic compensation does not exceed $2,000 per annum. Amendments Nos. 4 to 9 will retain the present dual employment rules, applica- ble to the employees of the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the Archi- i tect of the Capitol. CALL OF THE HOUSE Mr. SPRINGER. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum is not present. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- lowing Members failed to answer to their names: Abbitt Alger Ashmore Avery Harvey. Mich. Baring Healey Bass Hebert Bennett, Mich. Haffman Blatnlk H !field 'Roll No. 1881 Griffiths Morrison Hansen Morton Harris Plicher Pool Powell Pucinskl Purcell Quie Randall Roberts, Ala. Roybal Ryan, Mich. Senner Skubitz Thomas Thompson, La. Toll Wallhauser Wickersham Wilson, Bob Bolling Brock Buckley Celler Chelf Davis, Tenn. Digs Dingell EvIns Fine Flynt Gibbons Gill Gray Hull Jones, Ala. Kee Kilburn Kilgore Knox Laird Ltrikford L pscomb L mg. La. Martin. Mass. Miler, N.Y. Moore Moorhead The SPEAKER. On this rollcall 369 Members have answered to their names, a quorum. By unanimous consent, further pro- ceedings under the call were dispensed with. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 16262 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE FURTHER MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE A further message from the Senate by Mr. Arrington, one of its clerks, an- nounced that the Senate had passed a joint resolution of the following title, in which the concurrence of the House Is requested: S.J. Res. 184. Joint resolution for the commemoration of the Honorable Herbert Hoover's 90th birthday, August 10, 1964. EMPLOYMENT OF CIVILIANS IN MORE THAN ONE POSITION AND CIVILIAN EMPLOYMENT OF RE- TIRED MEMBERS OF THE TJNI- FORMED SERVICES The SPEAKER. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from North Carolina [Mr. HENDERSON]. The motion was agreed to. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and emploVees in the Federal Government, and for other pur- poses, with Senate amendments thereto, disagree to the Senate amendments, and agree to the conference asked by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ten- nessee? Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker, re- serving the right to object, this is the pay bill which was passed by this body and has now been passed by the other body. I hope the Members of the House real- ize that in the version of the other body there is a provision which takes a direct slap at the members of the Supreme Court of the United States. This version would limit the raise of Supreme Court members to $2,500 instead of $7,500. I want to go on record as saying that no matter how anyone may feel about the actions of the Supreme Court in various instances, this is highly inappropriate. It certainly would be a severe blow to our whole system of government. We should, if we so desire, have the courage to take action on the basis of whatever we might want to do to review their decisions and take positive legislative action to do so. Certainly it is picayune, small, and unseemly to act as the other body proposes. I hope that the conferees on our side, on the part of the House, will insist that the compensation of Justices of the Su- preme Court be at the level at which passed by the House. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ten- nessee? Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I object. The SPEAKER. Objection is heard. FOOD STAMP ACT OF 1964 Mr. COOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 10222) to strengthen the agricultural economy; to help to achieve a fuller and more effec- tive use of food abundances; to provide for improved levels of nutrition among economically needy households through a cooperative Federal-State program of food assistance to be operated through normal channels of trade; and for other purposes, with Senate amendments thereto, and concur in the Senate amendments. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate ,amend- ments, as follows: Page 2, line 5, strike out "economically needy" and insert: "low-income". Page 2, lines 13 and 14, strike out "in eco- nomic need" and insert: "with low incomes". Page 2, line 20, strike out all after "(b)" down to and including line 25 and insert: "The term 'food' means any food or food product for human consumption except al- coholic beverages, tobacco, those foods which are identified on the package as being im- ported, and meat and meat products which are imported." Page 4, after line 20, insert: "(b) In areas where a food stamp program Is in effect, there shall be no distribution of federally owner foods to households under the authority of any other law except during emergency situations caused by a national or other disaster as determined by the Sec- retary.". Page 4, line 21, strike out "(b)" and insert "(cr. Page 5, strike out lines 4 to 16, inclusive, and insert: "SEC. 5. (a) Participation in the food stamp program shall be limited to those households whose income is determined to be a substantial limiting factor in the at- tainment of a nutritionally adequate diet." "(b) In complying with the limitation on participation set forth in subsection (a) above, each State agency shall establish standards to determine the eligibility of ap- plicant households. Such standards shall include maximum income limitations con- sistent with the income standards used by the State agency in administration of its federally aided public assistance programs. Such standards also shall place a limitation on the resources to be allowed eligible households. The standards of eligibility to be used by each State for the food stamp program shall be subject to the approval of the Secretary." Page 6, line 17, after "a" insert "low-cost". Page 11, line 8, after "required." insert "In approving the participation of the subdi- visions requested by each State in its plan of operation, the Secretary shall provide for an equitable and orderly expansion among the several States in accordance with their relative need and readiness to meet their requested effective dates of participation." Page 11, after line 19, insert: "(g) If the Secretary determines that there has been gross negligence or fraud on the part of the State agency in the certification of applicant households, the State shall upon request of the Secretary deposit into the separate account authorized by section 7 of this Act, a sum equal to the amount by which the value of any coupons issued as a result of such negligence or fraud exceeds the amount that was charged for such coupons under section 7(b) of this Act." July 23 Page 17, lines 11 and 12, strike out "not in excess of $25,000,000 for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1964;". Page 17, line 16, after "1967" insert "; and not in excess of such sum as may hereafter be authorized by Congress for any subse- quent fiscal year". Page 18, line 2, after "section." insert "If in any fiscal year the Secretary finds that the requirements of participating States will exceed the limitation set forth herein, the Secretary shall direct State agencies to reduce the amount of such coupons to be issued to participating households to the extent necessary to comply with the provisions of this subsection." Amend the title so as to read: "An act to strengthen the agricultural economy; to help to achieve a fuller and more effective use of food abundances; to provide for im- proved levels of nutrition among low-income households through a cooperative Federal- State program of food assistance to be oper- ated through normal channels of trade; and for other purposes." The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from North Carolina? Mr. HOEVEN. Mr. Speaker, reserv- ing the right to object, I assume the gentleman from North Carolina will ad- vise the House as to the nature and the import of the Senate amendments. Mr. COOLEY. I might say to my friend that the only one that is of great importance is what is known as the Mil- ler amendment dealing with imported meats. I had anticipated that some question would be propounded concern- ing that, and I would like to place this matter before the House now. The language in the bill clearly indi- cates that we do not intend for food stamps to be used to buy imported meat. We definitely do not want to do anything which would adversely affect the live- stock industry of this country. Not even by legislative history do we want to indicate that food stamps could not be used to buy meat products pro- duced domestically, but certainly we do not intend to require retailers to main- tain a private reporting service to warn them that they may be allowing custom- ers to use food stamps to buy imported beef which may be commingled with do- mestic meats in processed foods. I un- derstand that some foreign meats are used in processed foods. A recent report of the Tariff Commission indicates that a small amount of imported meat is sometimes used in frankfurters, bologna, luncheon meat, and canned products, but that on an average 80 percent of the meat used in these food articles is Ameri- can-produced meat. The definition "food" in this legisla- tion would require to the extent practi- cal that if the retailer knew he was offer- ing imported meat for sale, he could not sell such meat for food coupons. He could sell no food product that is labeled as imported on the package for food stamps. He could not, for example, sell any meat product that is identified as being imported when he bought it?such as carcass beef or frozen block beef?no matter whether he ground it for ham- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE 16667 History will be kind to much of what has happened here. Needless to say, more has happened here to give the citizens of this country, yes even of the world, a more abundant and peaceful life. As one who has a deep and abiding in- terest in history and who reflects on It often, I recommend to the senators in our presence that their study of history never cease. There are important les- sons to be learned from history. Proper study of history can help us avoid the mistakes of the past. So I say to you of Girls Nation, watch carefully, study diligently, and absorb well what you witness here today. Main- tain your interest and perhaps someday you will take a scat down here on this floor as a Member of the U.S. House of Representatives. DONNA L. TUSSING, PRESIDENT OF GIRLS NATION (Mr. McINTIRE asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. McINTIRE. Mr. Speaker, I feel highly privileged and proud to advise this body that Donna L. Tussing of Brew- er, Maine, Second Congressional District of Maine, yesterday was elected presi- dent of the Girls Nation. Girls Nation is, as we know, a culmination of Girls State, and is the wonderful youth citi- zenship training program conducted an- nually by the American Legion auxiliary to give high school Juniors practical ex- perience in the processes of government. Donna was born in Island Falls. Maine, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Tinging, now of Eddington. Maine. She Is 17 years of age and is in the class of 1965 at the Brewer High School. She Is an active participant in comunity activi- ties, and in her school program she takes a leading part in debating and basket- ball. Donna is also a member of the national honor society. She is one of four children, having two brothers, James, 13, and Philip, 9 years of age. She also has a 16-year-old sis- ter, Susan. Donna's father is a long-time employee of the Soil Conservation Service in Maine, and presently he is employed in conservation work in Penobscot County. Donna Tussing has every reason to be eminently proud, for this is the first time that the presidential office of Girls Na- tion has come to a representative from Maine. All Maine is indeed proud and applauds Donna's attainment. The Maine congressional delegation extends hearty congratulations to Donna on her very fine achievement?it is in- deed a high honor to serve as the head of an organization with those high ideals that are the standard of Girls Nation. CALL OF THE HOUSE Mr. MARTIN of California. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER. The gentleman from California makes the point of order that a quorum is not present. Evidently, a quorum is not present. Mr. BOGGS. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- lowing Members failed to answer to their names: (Roll No. 1911 Alger Hawkins PRASERRO Avery Healey Pepper Baker Hebert Pilcher Baring Horton Powell Bass Jarman Sheppard Bennett. Mich Kee Slack Buckley Kilburn Steed Celler Kilgore Teague. Tex. Clausen, Lankford Thompson, La. Don If. Leainski Toll Davis, Tenn. Lloyd Van Pelt Duncan Long. Md. Walihauser Edmondson Morris Wickersham Evins Norbiad Williams Harris Os'..ertag Willis The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Sisic). On this rollcall 388 Members have answered to their names, a quorum. By unanimous consent, further pro- ceedings under the call were dispensed with. PRAYER AND BIBLE READING IN THE PUBLIC scHoom (Mr. BECKER asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. BECKER. Mr. Speaker, it is quite evident now to everyone that the chair- man of the Committee on the Judiciary does not intend and will not bring in a resolution to amend the Constitution to permit prayer and Bible reading in the public schools. I have this word from members of the Committee on the Judi- ciary. Therefore, Discharge Petition No. 3 is at the desk. We need less than 50 signatures now in order to bring this to the 218 required. There were Members on the floor here earlier complimenting the American Legion for the operation of Girls Nation and Boys Nation. While they are com- plimenting the American Legion these Members should sign the petition, be- cause the American Legion has at two national conventions endorsed prayer and Bible reading in the public schools, and every Member is aware of this. Our Lord states, "Suffer ye little chil- dren to come unto Me," but the Supreme Court says "not in public schools." But we have the opportunity here at this ses- sion to correct this. I think this, being the greatest issue in the country, it should be done now. THE LATE DR. THOMAS HENRY CARROLL II (Mr. McCORMACK asked and was given permission to address the House fo- 1 minute and to include an editorial from the Washington Evening Star.) Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker it is with a sense of personal sadness that I call to the attention of the House the un- timely death of Dr. Thomas Henry Car- roll II, the 13th president of the George Washington University of Washington. D.C. The death of this great educator brings 1.0 an end the astounding career of a man deeply devoted to educational ideals and to the aims of public service. His interest in Joining together a knowl- edge of public affairs, along with studies of business and government, has brought new and vital ideas to the George Wash- ington University. President Carroll, by his able administrative leadership and his high academic standards, leaves a legacy that long should Clallenge the Gerge Washington University which he served so brilliantly and so willingly. The entire educational community mourns the loss of Dr. Carroll. To his beloved wife and family I extend the deepest sympathy of both Mrs. McCor- mack and myself. Loss or A LEADER George Washington University, the local community and in a broad sense the cause of higher education share a grievous loss In the death of Thomas H. Carroll. Its untime- liness adds a poignant touch of tragedy. He was still a young man, at the outset of a new career. His ceaseless energy and a singularly InfecUous enthusiasm were only beginning to unfold to others and to en- list their determined support in realizing the visions he saw fcr the university's future. In the brief 3 years since his inauguration as George Washington University's 13th presi- dent he had completed the groundwork and the outline of foundations to support the sort of structure his own dedication to purpose made es ident to others as a prac- tical, necessary, and attainable objective. He had won the confidence of a faculty and student body which found in him a cham- pion of their Interests in his insistence on academic excellence and of a board of trus- tees to which his personality and aspirations were attracting added national representa- tion. He had won ready acceptance by the community as one who seemed destined for constructive leadership. He leaves for others the pursuit and achievement of high aims that will not be abandoned but which seemed more readily accessible under his inspirational, dyne/111c guidance. ADJUSTMENT OF RATE OR BASIC ( COMPENSATION OF CERTAIN OF- FICERS AND EMPLOYEES IN THE hDERAL GOVERNMENT Mr. O'NEILL from the Committee on Rules, reported the following privileged resolution (H. Res. 803, Rept. No. 1630) which was referred to the House Calen- dar and ordered to be printed: Resolved, That ?mmediately upon the adop- tion of this resolution the bill (HR. 11049) to adjust the rates of the basic compensa- tion of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes, with the Senate amendment thereto, be, and the same hereby :s taken from the Speaker's table, to the end that the Senate amend- ment be, and the same is hereby disagreed to, and that the conference requested by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses be, and the same Is hereby agreed to. THE POVERTY BILL Mr. YOUNG, from the Committee on Rules, reported the following privileged resolution (H. Res. 806, Rept. No. 1631) which was referred to the House Calen- dar and ordered to be printed: Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole Huse on the State of the Union for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 11377) to mobilize the human and financial resources of the Nation to combat poverty in Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66BOOVR000500050001-9 16668 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOU July 29 the United States. After general debate, which shall be confined to the bill and con- tinue not to exceed six hours, to be equally divided and controlled by the chairman and the ranking minority member of the Com- mittee on Education and Labor, the bill shall be read for amendment under the five-min- ute rule. At the conclusion of the consid- eration of the bill for amendment, the Com- mittee shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may have been adopted and the previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one motion to re- commit with or without instructions. After the passage of the bill MR, 11377, it shall be in order in the House to take from the Speaker's table the bill S. 2642 and to move to strike out all after the enacting clause of said Senate bill and to insert in lieu thereof the provisions contained in H.R. 11377 as passed by the House. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, a parliamentary inquiry. The SPEAKER. The gentleman will state it. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Does the rule carry a motion to recommit with instruc- tions? The SPEAKER. The answer of the Chair is that if the proposed rule is adopted such a motion will be in order. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. I thank the Chair. CORRECTION OF ROLLCALL Mr. ROGERS of Colorado. Mr. Speaker, on rollcall No. 189, page 16630 of the RECORD, I am recorded as being absent. I was present, and answered to my name, and I ask unanimous consent that the permanent RECoRD be corrected accordingly. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Colo- rado? There was no objection. AUTHORIZING TRANSPORTATION OF HOUSE TRAILERS AND MOBILE DWELLINGS OF MEMBERS OF UNI- FORMED SERVICES Mr. PHILBIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's desk the bill (H.R. 8954) to amend section 409 of title 37, United States Code, to authorize the transporta- tion of house trailers and mobile dwell- ings of members of the uniformed serv- ices within the continental United States, within Alaska, or between the continental United States and Alaska, and for other purposes, with a Senate amendment thereto and concur in the Senate amendment. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The Clerk read the Senate amend- ment, as follows: Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert: "That section 409 of title 37, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "'I 409. Travel and transportation allow- ances: trailers "Under regulations prescribed by the Sec- retaries concerned and in place of the trans- portation of baggage and household effects or payment of a dislocation allowance, a member, or in the case of his death his de- pendent, who would otherwise be entitled to transportation of baggage, and household goods under section 406 of this title, may transport a house trailer or mobile dwelling within the continental United States, within Alaska, or between the continental United States and Alaska, for use as a residence by one of the following means? " ' (1) transport the trailer or dwelling and receive a monetary allowance in place of transportation at a rate to be prescribed by the Secretaries concerned, but not more than 20 cents a mile; " '(2) deliver the trailer or dwelling to an agent of the United States for transpor- tation by the United States or by commer- cial means; or "'(3) transport the trailer or dwelling by commercial means and be reimbursed by the United States subject to such rates as may be prescribed by the Secretaries con- cerned. However, the cost of transportation un- der clause (2) or the reimbursement un- der clause (3) may not be more than the lesser of (A) the current average cost for the commercial transportation of a house trailer or mobile dwelling; (B) 51 cents a mile; or (C) the cost of transporting the baggage and household effects of the mem- ber or his dependent plus the dislocation allowance authorized in section 40'7 of this title. Any payment authorized by this sec- tion may be made in advance of the trans- portation concerned. For the purposes of this section, 'continental United States" means the forty-eight contiguous States and the District of Columbia.'" The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Massachusetts? There was no objection. Mr. PHILBIN. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent to take from the Speaker's table the bill H.R. 8954, with the Senate amendment thereto, and agree to the Senate amendment. The amendment by the Senate pro- vides a new ceiling on the maximum amount which may be paid for the com- mercial transportation of mobile homes owned by military personnel on perma- nent change of station. The Senate ceiling is established at 51 cents per mile as contrasted to the House ceiling which provided that re- imbursement was to be actual cost pro- vided that such cost did not exceed what it would otherwise cost to move the household effects of the member, plus the dislocation allowance to which he would be entitled. Under existing law, the maximum amount payable on a trailer move is 36 cents per mile. The bill as passed by the House would result in increased annual transporta- tion costs of approximately $1,246,000. The bill as passed by the Senate, which provides a lower ceiling on these costs, would result in increased annual transportation costs of approximately $1,075,000, a reduction of approximately $179,000 from the House bill. Although the bill as amended by the Senate is not as generous as the House- passed bill, I have been authorized by the Committee on Armed Services to request House approval of the Senate amendment on HR. 8954 since it does provide an assured and substantial in- crease in the trailer allowances for mili- tary mobile home owners from the pres- ent maximum of 36 cents to a new maxi- mum of 51 cents a mile. The Senate amendment was concurred in. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. SOCIAL SECURITY AMENDMENTS OF 1964 Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker, under the direction of the Committee on Rules, I call up the resolution (H. Res. 802) and ask for its immediate consideration. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: Resolved, That upon the adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 11865) to increase benefits under the Fed- eral Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability In- surance System, to provide child's insurance benefits beyond age 18 while in school, to provide widow's benefits at age 60 on a re- duced basis, to provide benefits for certain individuals not otherwise eligible at age 72, to improve the actuarial status of the Trust Funds, to extend coverage, and for other purposes, and all points of order against said bill are hereby waived. After general debate, which shall be confined to the bill, and shall continue not to exceed five hours, the bill shall be considered as having been read for amendment. No amendment shall be In order to said bill except amendments offered by direction of the Committee on Ways and Means, and said amendments shall be in order, any rule of the House to the contrary notwithstanding. Amendments offered by direction of the Committee on Ways and Means may be offered to any section of the bill at the conclusion of the general debate, but said amendments shall not be subject to amendment. At the conclusion of the consideration of the bill for amendment, the Committee shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may have been adopted, and the previous ques- tion shall be considered as ordered on the bill and amendments thereto to final passage without intervening motion except one mo- tion to recommit. Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may require, and at the conclusion of my remarks, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. BsowN]. (Mr. O'NEILL asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 802 provides for consideration of H.R. 11865, a bill to increase benefits under the Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system, to provide child's insurance benefits beyond age 18 while in school, to provide widow's bene- fits at age 60 on a reduced basis, to pro- vide benefits for certain individuals not otherwise eligible at age 72, to improve the actuarial statuq of the trust funds, to extend coverage, and for other pur- poses. The resolution provides a closed rule, waiving points of order, with 5 hours of general debate. The purpose of H.R. 11865 is to im- prove the benefit and coverage provi- sions and the financing structure of the Federal old-age, survivors, and disability insurance system. The last across-the-board adjustment in social security insurance benefits, and the last adjustment in the amount of annual earnings that is taxed and credit- Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE 16841 Passage, by a 72-to-15 vote Tuesday last by the other body confirmed this story. Now the pressure is on to kill the proposal in the House. As a matter of fact, I understand that Secretary of Agriculture Freeman was up here on the Hill last night conferring with the Demo- cratic leadership. I think the House ought to know what this visit was all about. The administration hopes to avoid the embarrassment of a veto, enabling Presi- dent Johnson to maintain the agreement giving New Zealand and Australia a big share of American beef markets, a big share of our beef imports. It seems logical to me that if the Sen- ate overwhelmingly voted for the limita- tion of foreign meat imports, by a 57- vote margin, then certainly the proposal should come before the House of Repre- sentatives for a vote. I, for one, will look with great interest to see what is going to happen in the next few days. IMPORT QUOTAS ON BEEF (Mr. ALBERT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute.) Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I have asked for this time because what the gentleman has just said is news to me. I want to advise the gentleman from Florida [Mr. GURNEY] that his statement about Mr. Freeman's conferring with the Democratic leadership is news to me. I did not know anything about such a meeting. THE LATE SENATOR CLAIR ENGLE (Mr. JOHNSON of California asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. JOHNSON of California. Mr. Speaker and Members of the House, it is with a heavy heart that I notify you of the death of your friend and mine, Senator CLAIR ENGLE, who passed away this morning at 3:10 in his home on New Jersey Avenue. Mr. Speaker, CLAIR was a very dear friend of mine. I succeeded him in the congressional district which he repre- sented at the time of his election to the U.S. Senate. Mr. Speaker, CLAIR ENGLE was an un- tiring worker for our district, the State of California and the Nation. I know- of no other person in our dis- trict of whom the people thought more and held in higher esteem. Mr. Speaker, CLAIR was elected by the votes of both Republicans and Demo- crats. He enjoyed a very distinguished career in this House. He had just com- pleted 6 years of service in the U.S. Sen- ate. Mr. Speaker, CLAIR ENGLE will be missed by all of us in California and I am sure by many of us here in the House of Representatives who were his very good friends as a result of his 16 years of service in the House of Representa- tives. Mr. Speaker, I extend my heartfelt sympathy to Mrs. Engle and their daughter Yvonne in this great loss. CALL OF THE HOUSE Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum is not present. Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- lowing Members failed to answer to their names: Alger Ashmore Avery Baring Barrett Bass Bennett, Mich. Bolling Brock Buckley Davis, Tenn. Dawson Diggs Duncan Evins Harris [Roll No. 1941 Harsha Healey Hebert Hull Johnson, Pa. Jones, Mo. Kee Kilburn Kirwan Lankford Lesinski Lloyd McIntire MacGregor Miller, N.Y. Norblad Passman Pepper Pilcher Powell Rains Ryan, Mich. Sheppard Slack Toll Tupper Van Pelt Vinson Wallhauser Willis Winstead The SPEAKER. On this rallcall 387 Members have answered to their names, a quorum. By unanimous consent, further pro- ceedings under the call were disp ed with. RELATING TO H.R. 1104 Mr. SISK. Mr. Speaker, by direction of the Committee on Rules, I call up House Resolution 803 and ask for its Immediate consideration. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: Resolved, That immediately upon the adoption of this resolution the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compen- sation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other pur- poses, with the Senate amendment thereto, be, and the same hereby is taken from the Speaker's table, to the end that the Senate amendment be, and the same is hereby dis- agreed to, and that the conference requested by the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses be, and the same is hereby agreed to. Mr. SISK. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. Baown] and pending that I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, House Resolution 803 simply provides for H.R. 11049 to go to conference. The situation regarding the pay bill dealing with the executve,,legis- lative, judicial, civil service, and postal employees was objected to at the time that a request was made to disagree to the Senate amendment and to ask for a eonfernce. As a result, it was referred to the Committee on Rules, and we here today present a resolution as the Clerk has read. Mr. Speaker, I would hope that we can expeditiously act upon this resolu- tion to permit the conferees on the part of the House to sit down with the con- ferees on the part of the other body to discuss the differences that exist be- tween the pay raise bills within the two Houses and then report back, at which time of course, the House will have an opportunity either to accept or to re- ject the action of the conferees. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. SISK. I will be glad to yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. I thought that accord- ing to some of the newspapers the mem- bers of the Democrat delegation from California were going to be opposed to this bill unless the Senate increased the salary of Members of Congress by $10,000. The Senate left the increase at $7,500. I fully anticipated that there would be strong objection to this bill from the Democrat Members of the House in view of the publicity I read in the newspapers. The gentleman says he wants to han- dle this matter expeditiously. Appar- ently there is not going to be any op- position from the California Democrats. Mr. SISK. Mr. Speaker, of course I am not here delegated to speak for the California delegation or for any part of the California delegation. But I will say this, speaking for the Member now on the floor, that at the time the original pay raise bill came out I was a strong supporter of the increases provided in the first bill. I happened to handle the rlle at the time that bill was before e House. I supported it very vigorous- ly at that time. The bill, as my good friend from Iowa knows, was defeated in spite of the fact that I voted for it. We have back here again another bill of somewhat different nature with lesser increases in some instances and more increases in others. But, having studied the art of compromise as I know my friend from Iowa sometimes finds him- self confronted with, I think now is the time to permit our conferees from the two bodies to sit down and see what we can work out. Then our positions, mine as well as the positions of other Mem- bers of the House, will be expressed at the time the conference report is brought back to the House. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will my friend from California yield? Mr. SISK. I am happy to yield to my good friend from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. The gentleman from Iowa seldom if ever gets compromised to the point of not objecting to a bill that he feels constrained to object to. Mr. SISK. I agree with the gentleman. I think the gentleman properly made an objection to this bill going to conference, giving us an opportunity here at least to talk about it and to discuss with our con- ferees what their attitude might be. I, for one, have no criticism at all of the objection which the gentleman made, rightfully, in line with the parliamen- tary procedure. Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of the resolution and reserve the balance of my time. (Mr. SISK asked and was given Per- mission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 16842 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 5 minutes. (Mr. BROWN of Ohio asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, this resolution simply provides that upon its adoption, there shall be taken from the Speaker's table the bill H.R. 11049, the so-called pay increase bill, disagree to the Senate amendments, and send the bill to conference. There will be only one vote, and that is on the adoption of the resolution. HR. 11049 itself was a controversial measure. It was approved by this House. A similar bill was defeated in March, as I recall. This bill was approved by the House, was sent to the other body, and amended over there. There are consid- erable differences between the House bill and the measure as it was amended by the Senate. As the bill cleared the House it, in my opinion, gave a little too much of a break, too much consideration, to those Government employees, officials, or ap- pointees in the higher brackets of in- come, and did not give sufficient consid- eration to those Government workers, postal workers, and classified employees of the Federal Government, in the lower brackets of income. Mr. Speaker, as I understand the amendments adopted in the other body, certain increases are now included in the bill as it came here for consideration of the Senate amendments so as to give, or it does give, greater consideration and greater pay increases, or a higher per- centage of pay increases?to the lower- paid employees and workers in the Fed- eral Government, and not quite so much of the so-called gravy to some of the higher paid officials of our Government, including, by the way, certain Federal Court officials who seemingly are more engaged these days in legislative work than in judicial work. Mr. Speaker, I hope when this bill goes to conference careful attention will be given to these differences and that when the bill comes back to the House from the conference committee, it will con- tain some of the amendments adopted in the other body just a little more fair to the lower income groups among our Federal employees than provided in the original House bill, and not quite so lib- eral an arrangement as the House bill provisions for increasing the pay of some of the higher paid appointees and offi- cials of the Federal Government who now seem to be doing pretty well here in Washington, none of whom are seem- ingly anxious to leave their present posi- tions because of any feeling their com- pensation is entirely too low. Mr. Speaker, I feel this resolution should be adopted so this matter can follow the usual procedure, or legislative course of going to conference, being con- sidered by the conference committee, and brought back to the House in the form of a conference committee report. The House itself can then pass upon any of the amendments, or any of the changes, that may be made in the bill by the conference committee itself. Mr. Speaker, I would like to take just a moment to point out that I understand both the House and the Senate bills con- tain an increase for Members of Con- gress of, not $10,000, as had been re- quested by some groups here in the House, but of $7,500 per annum. In view of the fact this provision is not in dispute?that item in the bill will not be subject to consideration by the con- ference committee. Mr. FULTON of Pennsylvania. Mr. Speaker. will the gentleman yield? The SPEAKER. The time of the gen- tleman from Ohio has expired. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself 1 additional minute in order to yield to the gentleman from Pennsylvania. Mr. FULTON of Pennsylvania. May I compliment the gentleman on his good statement. I would like to point out to the Mem- bers of the House, to those of us who are conservative Members of the House, that this bill calls for a cost-of-living increase and adjustment of pay rates on a fair and equitable basis. This bill should be sent to conference to work out the small differences between the Senate and the House versions of the This pay raise legislation will make for good, efficient, and economical Govern- ment service voluntarily given by em- ployees who feel that we in Congress are interested in their welfare and that of their families. Therefore, I would suggest to my friend the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. Gaossl that in order to be conservative we should all be constrained to vote for this rule and send the bill to conference. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I would like to remind the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. FULTON] and the other Members of the House that even at the best, as I understand this bill, it will cost about $550 million yearly. That will be the cost tag placed upon the measure, and the price which will have to be paid by the taxpayers of the United States once this bill becomes law. Now, Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. GROSS]. (Mr. GROSS asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, the gentle- man from Pennsylvania [Mr. FULTON] has a great deal more faith I think than anyone else in the House of Representa- tives as to the results of the conference on this bill. It is an event when a con- ference of the House and Senate cuts spending on almost any bill. Mr. Speaker, this resolution ought to be defeated. I am opposed to this pay increase bill, and if the gentleman from Pennsylvania is opposed he will vote against the resolution as will everyone else who is opposed to a pay increase. Why send it to conference? Let it be defeated here and now. However. I labor under no illusion as to what will likely happen here today because the rubberstamp is in operation, and it has been since the House back in March, by a 38-vote margin, defeated a pay increase bill in a direct confronta- tion on the issue. Then the legislation was resurrected and, as the gentleman from Ohio has well said, and despite July 30 minor amendments on the part of the other body, this bill authorizes the spending of more than a half-billion a year on salary increases. Members of the House are going to participate in a 331A -percent increase, no matter how thick or how thin you try to slice it, if you vote for this bill. Mr. SISK. Mr. Speaker, will the gen- tleman yield'? Mr. GROSS. I yield to the gentle- man from California. Mr. SISK. The gentleman mentionad that Membeis of the House will be vot- ing at least a 331/3-percent increase. I want to say it is my understanding if this bill passes in either form we will be voting to pay Members of Congress, the 89th Congress, who are here next January. The new rate of pay, I believe, will be something like $30.000 after Jan- uary 1. I do not know how many of us will be in the Congress next year, but I think it is well to bring that out. The original bill and the present bill pro- vide for the Members of the 89th Cor.- gress, the Members who serve in that Congress. Mr. GROSS. I am sure it will be good news to the Republican opponent of the gentleman from California to know that he does not expect to come back in Jan- uary. Mr. SISK. I might say it apparent- ly is true that my Republican opponent In California is an avid reader of the RECORD, but I did not infer I was not desirous personally to be back. We will have that little discussion out there, however, in the next few months. Mr. GROSS. There will be a good deal of discussion on this and related aspects in the gentleman's district, and in my own district. Mr. Speaker, once again I warn tha ; approval of this irresponsible pay legis- lation will stimulate another wage and price spiral across the country and feed the flames of inflation. In this connection I call attention to a statement made by President Johnsor. at Atlantic City last March at which time he said: We roust not choke off our needed and speedy economic expansion by a revival of the price-wage spiraling. Avoiding that spiral is the responsibility of business, and It is also the responsibility of labor, Since Lyndon Johnson is applying heavy pressure in support of this salary grab, I assume that any statement he may make at the Democrat National Convention in Atlantic City in August will be just as meaningless as the one I just read and which emanated from the same place, Atlantic City, last March. It is impossible for me to comprehend how a President of the United States can call on business and industry to hold the wage-price line and at the same time beat Members of Congress over the back to support a pay increase bill that will cost well above a half billion dollars a year. And it is impossible for me to com- prehend how Members of Congress can yield to this pressure and boost their own salaries 33 percent when they know that the money to pay their increases and others will have to be borrowed, thus adding to the already staggering debt and deficit. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 ???? .11111. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196.4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE Mr. Speaker, I again call attention to the fact that the Federal employees re- tirement fund is $34 billion in the red, and that this bill, increasing salaries, will only compound that deficit. Incidentally, I understand that con- ferees on this bill have already met even though they have not been so designated by the Speaker. So perhaps this is an exercise in futility here today. Perhaps the time devoted to this bill now and the time devoted to an official conference would have been better spent on the so-called poverty legislation that is to follow. This is quite a demonstration you are giving the people of this Nation today, promoting a salary-increase bill, and then coming to the floor, probably next week or at a very early date, with a war- on-poverty bill. I wonder what the pub- lic is going to think about a Congress that votes itself handsome pay increases and the same for Federal judges and Justices of the Supreme Court who pay nothing into the retirement fund and have lifetime jobs. Incidentally, where is the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court today who is scheduled to get an $8,000- a-year pay increase? He is off enjoying a vacation, in Europe while the report on the assassination of the late President Kennedy, which was supposed to have been made on June 1, we are now told may be made by the middle of Septem- ber. I am sure everyone is anxious to give the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, who is the chairman of an investigating committee, an $8,000-a-year increase so that he can enjoy a vacation when he is supposed to be here doing his work, Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I yield 3 minutes to the gentleman from Michigan [Mr. JOHANSEN]. (Mr. JOHANSEN asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, yes- terday a billion and a half dollars. To- day a half billion dollars. Next week an- other billion dollars?this time to end poverty. And so we go merrily and irresponsibly on our way to more permanently incurred obligations, to more deficit financing, to still higher national debt, to more inter- est charges on that debt, and to more borrowing to pay for the pyramiding cost of borrowing. This is not the occasion to discuss the details of the Federal pay bill. Suffice to say at this point that in ad- vancing this bill one step toward final enactment we are repeating today the offense we committed yesterday. Yesterday with respect to the social security amendments we undertook to offset the consequences of inflation by involving the social security program more deeply in the processes of inflation. Today it is proposed we do the same thing with respect to the compensation of Federal employees, and we compound the offense by including unconscionable sal- ary increases for Members of Congress and the Federal judiciary and for top officials of the executive branch. On the pretext of undertaking to off- set the effects of inflation in the area of Federal compensation, we are proposing to involve the Federal salary and wage system even more deeply in the processes of inflation. I urge the defeat of this resolution. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. CORBETT]. Mr. CORBETT. Mr. Speaker, the subject before us is a simple matter of whether or not we are going to allow the majority of the House and Senate to work its will on this bill. The House passed this bill 243 to 157; that is 61 percent to 39 percent. The Senate passed the bill by 58 to 21, which is 73 to 27 percent. We have been fooling around with this bill since it was first suggested in May of 1963. We ran into one obstruction after another, not the least of which was objection to even going to conference. All that they have succeeded in doing by this tactic :s to waste time. The mer- it, of the bill are not under consideration and cannot be in the time that is avail- able to us. I want to note in contrast that the military pay raise bill was introduced in the other body and passed by the com- mittee and passed by the other body and has been reported out by the committee here in less than 1 month. It is the sec- ond military pay raise in recent years. We will probably be voting on it soon. But the simple resolution before this body today is, I repeat, whether or not a majority of the House and of the Senate are to be allowed to be repre- sented in a conference committee meet- ing to work out the differences in a bill which has been agreed on and which has been budgeted for. Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of this resolution and urge that we get on with our business. The SPEAKER. The time of the gen- tleman has expired. Mr. SISK. Mr. Speaker, my good friend, the gentleman from Iowa, made some remarks regarding the position of the California delegation and of the par- ticular Member here discussing the mat- ter, and particularly with reference to who would receive these increases. As I understand, the gentleman from Iowa seeks reelection to the next Congress, as I am seeking reelection, and I am just a bit curious, assuming that this legislation passes, as to whether the gentleman pro- poses to accept his salary increase next year assuming that he is a Member of the 89th Congress. I will be glad to yield to the gentleman from Iowa [Mr. GROSS] for his answer. Mr. GROSS. In view of what the gen- tleman said a little while ago, and the fact that he apparently will have a cam- paign in his district, I was giving some slight consideration to turning over my share of the increase to his campaign. I doubt that I will do it, but I was giving it consideration. I think the gentleman is going to need help. Mr. SISK. Let me say to my good friend that I appreciate the generosity of that gesture and I hope he goes through with it. I am more than happy to re- ceive any campaign funds that are given in good ethics because I think we can do a good job out in California. I under- 16843 stand that recently my potential op- ponent out there inherited some help which I do not think he is too happy about, but anyway he is going to be on the ticket and running with the gentle- man's candidate for President. I think we will have an interesting campaign this fall. Of course, if the gentleman can make a contribution to my campaign, it is more than welcome. Mr. GROSS. If the gentleman will yield further, I am sure that after the Democrat convention there will be a lot of changing of minds on your side of the aisle about some of the spending that is going on because I am sure the Presi- dent is going to go over to Atlantic City and repeat what he said last March. I did not believe he meant it at that time, but he may mean it sometime?I do not know. I have a hard time keeping up with him on what he means. Mr. SISK. If the gentleman from Iowa will permit me to say so, you know I served for some 6 years as a Member of the Congress under the gentleman's President, President Eisenhower. I think President Eisenhower's position was not very clear and sometimes I did not know quite what his position was on certain issues. I did the best I could to follow him. I think my good friend will agree with me that it was not an easy time, so I think in the final analysis this thing will all work out and we will wait and see what happens in Atlantic City. Mr. GROSS. You are going to have a plank in your platform against inflation and spiraling of wages; are you not? Mr. SISK. Oh, I am sure about that. But the gentleman failed to answer my question, assuming that we are both back here as Members of the 89th Congress, whether he will accept his salary in- crease. Mr. GROSS. Will the gentleman let me cogitate on that for a little while, at least until we see what happens? Mr. SISK. We hope to be together to discuss this in early January. Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of the resolution and move the previous question. The previous question was ordered. The SPEAKER. The question is on the resolution. The question was taken; and the Speaker announced that the "ayes" ap- peared to have it. Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, I ob- ject to the vote on the ground that a quorum is not present and make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER. Evidently a quorum is not present. The Doorkeeper will close the doors, the Sergeant at Arms will notify absent Members, and the Clerk will call the roll. The question was taken; and there were?yeas 244, nays 131, not voting 56, as follows: [Roll No. 195] Addabbo Albert Anderson Andrews, N. Dak. Ashley Aspinall YEAS-244 Auchincloss Barrett _ Barry Bates Becker Beckworth Bell Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Blatnik Boggs Boland Bolton, Frances P. Bolton, Oliver P. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 16844 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE Bonner Bow Brooks Broomfield Brown, Calif. Brown, Ohio Broyhill, Va. Burke Burkhalter Burton. Calif. Byrne. Pa. Byrnes, Wis. Cahill Cameron Carey Casey Ceclerberg Geller Clausen. Don H. Cohelan Conte Cooley Corbett Corrnan Daddario Daniels Davis, Ga. Delaney Dent Denton Derouman Diggs Dingell Donohue Downing Dulski Dwyer Edmondson Edwards Elliott Ellsworth Fallon Farbstein Fascell Feighan Finnegan Fino Flood Flynt Fogarty Fraser Friedel Fulton, Pa. Fuqua Gallagher Garmatz Gary Glairno Gibbons Gilbert Gill Glenn Gonzalez Goodell Grabowski Gray Green. Oreg. Green, Pa. Griffiths Grover Gubser Hagan Ga. Hagen, Calif. Halpern Hanna Abbitt Abele Abernethy Adair Andrews, Ala. Ashbrook Ayres Baker Baldwin Battin Beermann Belcher Bennett, Fla. Berry Betts Bray Brock Bratzman Broyhill, N.C. Burleson Burton, Utah Chamberlain Chelf Chenoweth Clancy Clark Clawson, Del Hansen Harding Hardy Harrison Hawkins Hays Healey Henderson Herlong Hoffman Holland Horton Hosmer Ichord Joe'son Johnson, Calif. Johnson, Pa. Johnson, Wis. Karsten Kastenmeter Keith Kelly Kilgore King, Calif. King, N.Y. Kirwan Kluczynaki Kornegay Kunkel Laird Libonati LindsaY Lipscomb Long, La. Long, Md. McCulloch McDade McDowell McFall McLo,key McMillan Macdonald Madden Mahon Mail'lard Martin, Mass. Mathias Matsunaga Matthews Michel Miller. Calif. Milliken Minish Monagan Montoya Moore Moorhead Morgan Morris Morrison Morse Morton Moss Multer Murphy, Ill. Murphy, N.Y. Murray Nodal Nix O'Brien, N.Y. O'Hara. O'Hara, Mich. OKonskt Olsen, Mont. O'Neill Garners NAYS-1.31 Cleveland Collier Colmer Cramer Cunningham Curtin Curtis Dague Derwinskl Devine Dole Dorn Dowdy Everett Findley Fisher Ford Foreman Fountain Gathings Goodling Grant Griffin Gross Gurney Haley Hall Ostertag Patman Patton Peily Pepper Philbin Pike Pirnie Pool Powell Price PutMaki Purcell ReId, N.Y. Reuss Rhodes, Pa. Riehlman Rivers, Alaska Robison Rodin() Rogers, Colo. Rooney, N.Y. Rooney, Pa. Roosevelt Rosenthal Rostenkowski Roush Roy bal Ryan, N.Y. St Germain St. Onge Schwengel Scott Benner Sheppard Shipley Sibal Sickles Sisk Smith, Calif. Smith. IOWA Stafford Staggers Steed Stephens Stratton Sullivan Taleott Taylor Teague, Calif. Thomas Thompson, N.J. Thompson, Tex. Tollefson Trimble Tuten Udall Ullman Van Deeriln Vanik Waggonner Watson Watts Weltner Westland White Whitener Wickersham Widnall Wilson, Charles H. Wright Wydier Wyman Young Zablocki Harsh a Harvey, Ind. Harvey, Mich. Hechier Hoeven H3ran Huddleston Hutchinson Jarman Jensen Johansen Jonas Jones, Ala. Kyl Langen Latta Lennon McClory MacGregor Marsh Martin, Calif. Martin, Nebr. May Meader Mills Minahall Mosher Hatcher Rogers, Tex. Springer Nelsen Roudebush Stinson Perkins Rumsfeld Stubblefield Pickle St. George Taft Pillion Saylor Thomann, WIS, Poage Schadeberg Tuck Pot/ Schenck Utt GlOte Schneebell Weaver Quillen Schwelker Whalley Randall Secreat Wharton Reid, Ill. Selden Whitten Retie!. Short Williams Rhodes, Ariz. Shrivel' Wilson, Bob Rich Slier Wilson, Ind, Roberta, Ala. Skubitz Winstead Roberta, Tex. Smith, Va. Younger Rogers, Fla. Snyder NOT VOTING-56 Alger Arencis Ashmore Avery Baring Bass Bennett, Mich. Bolling linidemas Bromwell Bruce Buckley Davis, Tenn. Dawson Duncan Eying ForreAer Frelinghuysen Fulton, Tenn. Halleck Harris I lebert Holifield Hull Jennings Jones. Mo. Karth Kee Keogh Kilburn Knox Landrum Lankford Leggett Lesineki Lloyd McIntire Miller, N.Y. Norbiad Olson, Minn. Pe.ssman Pitcher Rains Rivers, S.C. Ryan, Mich. Sikes Slack Staebler Teague, Tex. Thompson, La. Toll Tupper Van Pelt Vinson Wallhauser Willis So the resolution was agreed to. The Clerk announced the following pairs: - Mr. Hebert with Mr. WallhaUser. Mr. Keogh with Mr. Tupper. Mr. Brademsui. with Mr. Frelinghuysen. Mr. Evins with Mr. Bruce. Mr. Hull with Mr. Norblad. Mr. Thompson of Louisiana with Mr. Mc- Intire. Mr. Willis with Mr. Knox. Mr. Harris t?Tith Mr. Miller of New York. Mr. Duncan with Mr. Bennett of Michigan. Mr. Slack with Mr. Van Pelt. Mr. Baring With Mr. BromWell. Mr. Sikes with Mr. Alger. Mr. Baas with Mr. Kilburn. Mr. Jennings with Mr. Avery. Mr. Holifield with Mrs. Kee, Mr. Karth with Mr. Buckley. Mr. Landrum with Mr. Lankford. Mr. Ryan of Michigan with Mr. Dawson. Mr. Toll with Mr. Lesinski. Mr. Fulton of Tennessee With Mr. Passman. Mr. Rivers of South Carolina with Mr. Staebier. Mr. Teague of Texas with Mr. Davis of Ten- nessee. Mr. Leggett with Mr. Vinson. Mr. Rains with Mr. Forrester. Mr. Ashmore with Mr. Filcher. Mr. RHODES of Arizona changed his vote from "yea" to "nay." The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. The doors were opened. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. The SPEAKER. The Chair appoints the following conferees: Messrs. MURRAY, MORRISON. and CORBETT. NATIONAL WILDERNESS PRESER- VATION SYSTEM Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Speaker, I move that the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union to consider the bill (H.R. 9070) to establish a National Wil- derness Preservation System for the permanent good of the whole people, and for other purposes; and pending that - July 30 motion, Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Members speaking in gen- eral debate may have the privilege ct including charts, tables, and other perti- nent matter with their statements. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Co:- orado? There was no objection. The motion was agreed to. IN THE COMMITTEE OF THE WHOLE Accordingly, the House resolved itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the cor.- sideration of HR. 9070, with Mr. GARY In the chair. The Clerk read the title of the bill. By unanimous consent, the first reat.- ing of the bill was dispensed with. Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Chairman, I yield myself 14 minutes. (Mr. ASPINALL asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. ASPINALL. Mr. Chairman, it is with a deep sense of satisfaction and with great pleasure that I advise the House that HR. 9070, the wilderness bill as amended by the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, is a core - promise measure that I feel can be sup- ported by everyone. In bringing the bill to the floor today I take this opportunity to acknowledge the cooperation of those who have mace it possible for this compromise to have been reached. I want the record to te clear that the Kennedy and Johnson administrations cooperated very closely with the chairman of your Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs nom speaking. President Kennedy was personally Ir - terested in the success of the movement for a compromise wilderness bill, which was assured just a few days before the tragedy of November 22, 1963. So many others contributed to the development of the compromise that I could not possibly name and thank them all. I would be remiss, however, if I did not mention the cooperative spirit of the ranking minority member of the Committee on Interior and Insular Af- fairs, the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. SAYLOR], long one of the leading advocates of wilderness preservation: the gentleman from Michigan [Mr. DIN- GELL 1, the gentleman from Nevada [Mr. BARING] who, as chairman of the Sut - committee on Public Lands, conducted the hearings on this legislation: and finally, those private citizens represent- ing organizations interested in the we of national forests and other federally own lands, ranging from those who desire preservation of large areas in the:r natural state through those who seek recreation in these areas and to thwe whose livelihood depends on the availa - bility of these public land areas. There is no statutory authority at the present time to set aside and retain arecs of federally owned lands in their natural state. However, since 1924 the Chief of the Forest Service and the Secretary of Agriculture have in one way or another set aside areas within the national forests for wilderness preservation. For the part several years we have had a national dis- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 ? CJA-RDP.66BAD403R000500050001-9 17267 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECUttu kil_PUJE cattlemen is for the House to pass iny resolution. This would limit meat im- ports in general to the average for the 5-year period ending on December al, 1963. It would assign strict quotas to beef-producing nations, setting an im- port ceiling 30 percent below last year's nonrestrictive quota. The cattle industry is today one of the most significant elements in the Amer- ican agricultural economy. For example, $1 of every $5 received from sales of agricultural products is derived from calves and cattle. Moreover, 80 percent of the U.S. corn crop and 70 percent of all harvested crops are consumed by American stock; and, of course, the beef industry indirectly affects the entire economy, froin the large implement man- ufacturers to small local businesses. The Senate passage of H.R. 1839 to restrict the importation of beef, veal, lamb, and mutton challenges the House of Representatives to respond in like manner to the problems facing Amer- ican stockmen. The establishment of import quotas will not, of course, completely solve the price dilemma which faces cattlemen. Yet imports add significantly to the low price problem; and the setting up of quotas would make a meaningful con- tribution to improving the outlook for the U.S. agricultural economy. A very few years ago, the beef imports con- stituted only from 2 percent to 4 percent of the total market. In 1963 the figure was over 11 percent. Such an increase must inevitably affect the domestic cattle raisers to a large degree. Further- more, this great rise in imports occurred at a critical time when there was an in- crease in domestic production, thus ag- gravating an already adverse situation. American stockmen are certainly pre- pared to accept and deal with the normal cyclical fluctuations in the do- mestic beef market, but a new element has complicated their problems. It must be remembered that prior to 1958 the U.S. beef and cattle markets were, in ef- fect, protected. The modification of the United Kingdom-Australian meat agree- ment in that year released a flood of Australian beef exports. The mainte- nance and increase of western European trade barriers has helped to concentrate this Australian increase on the already unstable beef market in the United States. American stockmen have suf- fered because of the actions of the United Kingdom in -encouraging its own cattle industry. In my own State of Montana, a recent study shows that our State lost nearly $4 million in 1963 alone because of imports of beef and veal. How long can we allow this situation to exist? It has been charged that congressional legislation of quotas would impair the position of the executive division of our Government in its negotiations in Geneva for a lowering of trade barriers. Yet this position is indeed open to question. While the United States provides fewer restrictions and higher prices than the other nations importing large quantities of meat, both Australia and New Zealand effectively prohibit importation of most meats. In view of this, it would seem that a firm, resolute stand by the Congress of the United States would strengthen the American trade position, since it would show U.S. desire to rectify unfair and unbalanced trade situations. Amer- ican negotiators in Geneva would be "able to reach more equitable agreements if they were able to bargain on the basis of a clear statement of concern for domestic industries by the elected Rep- resentatives of the American people. It has also been stated that establish- ment of beef import quotas would dam- age our relations with our allies, partic- ularly Australia and New Zealand. This charge also seems questionable. We must remember that Germany recently Increased tremendously their tariff on frozen chickens without damaging the United States-German alliance; and, as pointed out before, both Australia and New Zealand restrict importations of meats. The proposed American quota on beef is certainly a modest measure. Between allies a certain flexibility, a certain give and take is part of the nor- mal course of relations. This import bill certainly falls in this category. But one of the most important con- siderations which calls for passage of this bill lies in the prospects for the fu- ture of American stockmen. As the statements of cattle producers from all over the United States clearly indicate, the beef industry and related industries are deeply concerned over what seems to be a lack of interest and understanding by their elected Representatives. The future of cattle prices ,is uncertain and stockmen know it. A Department of Agriculture study indicates that domestic problems will continue for some time. Furthermore, the current lull in imports cannot be expected to continue indefin- itely. When the present beef shortage on the world market ceases, foreign meats may flood America in greater quantities than ever before. The volun- tary agreements thus far concluded do not really meet this situtation-by 1966 Ireland, Australia, and New Zealand will be able to ship more beef, into the United States than they did even in 1963. For all these reasons, I am urging the House to support my resolution, House Resolution 812. I have written the Com- mittee on Rules and requested early hearings and favorable consideration. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 Mr. MURRAY submitted the following conference report and statement on the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Govern- ment, and for other purposes: CONFERENCE REPORT (H. REPT. No. 1647) The committee of conference on the dis- agreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compen- sation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other pur- poses, having met, after full and free con- ference, have agreed to recommend and do recommend to their respective Houses as follows: That the House recede from its disagree- ment to the amendment of the Senate and agree to the same with an amendment as follows: In lieu of the matter proposed to be inserted by the Senate amendment insert the following: "That this Act may be cited as the 'Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964? "TITLE I-FEDERAL EMPLOYEES SALARY SYSTEMS "Short title "SEc. 101. This title may be cited as the 'Federal Employees Salary Act of 1964'. "Classification Act employees "SEC. 102. (a) Section 603(b) of the Clas- sification Act of 1949, as amended (76 Stat. 843; 5 U.S.C. 1113(b)), is amended to read as follows: "'(b) The compensation schedule for the General Schedule shall be as follows: Per annum rates and steps It I 1 2 a 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 GB-1 $3, 385 $3, SOO $3, 615 $3, 730 $3, 846 $3, 960 $4, 075 $4, 190 $4, 305 $4, 420 08-2 3, 680 3,805 3,030 4,055 4, 180 4,305 4, 430 4,555 4, 680 4,805 08-3 4,005 4, 140 4, 275 4, 410 4, 545 4,680 4, 815 4, 950 3,085 5, 220 08-4 4, 480 4,630 4,780 4,930-5,080 3,230 5,380 5,680 5,680 5,830 GB-S 5, 000 5, 165 5, 330 6, 49.5 5, 660 5, 826 5, 990 6, 155 6, 320 6, 485 08-6 5, 505 5,600 5,875 6,060 6,245 6, 430 6,615 6,800 6,985 7, 170 08-7 8,050 6,250 8,450 6,650 6,800 7, 050 7,260 7,450 7, 650 7,830 08-8 6, 630 6,850 7,070 7,200 7,510 7,730 7,050 8,170 8,300 8,610 08-0 7220 7,465 7,710 7,953 8,200 8,445 8,690 8,035 9,180 0,425 GB-j0 7, 900 8, 170 8, 440 8, 710 8,060 0,280 9,820 9,700 10,060 10, 330 08-11 8, 650 8, 945 9,240 9,635 9,830 10,125 15,420 10,715 11,010 11, 305 GS-12 10,250 10,605 10,060 11,315 11,670 12,025 12,380 15,735 13,000 13,445 08-13 12,078 12, 495 12, 915 13, 335 13, 755 14, 175 14, 695 15, 015 15, 435 15, 855 08-14 14, 170 14, 660 15, 150 16, 640 16, 130 16,620 17, 110 17, 600 18,090 18,580 GB-is 16,460 17, 030 1.7,800 18,170 18, 740 19, 310 19, 880 20,460 21,020 21, 590 08-16 18,035 10,590 20,245 20, 900 21, 555 22, 210 22, 865 33,320 24, 175 08-17 21,445 22,105 22,045 23,695 24,445 08-18 24,500 . ' "(b) Except as provided in subsection (d) of section 504 of the Federal Salary Re- form Act of 1962, the rates of basic compen- sation of officers and employees to whom the compensation schedule set forth in subsec- tion (a) of ibis section applies shall be ini- tially adjusted as of the effective date of this section, as follows; "(1) If the officer or employee is receiv- ing basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at one of the rates of a grade in the General Sched- ule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, he shall receive a rate of basic compensation at the corresponding rate in effect on and after such date, "(2) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at a rate be- tween two rates of a grade in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, he shall receive a rate of basic Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17268 Approved For Ree Z005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 LAINGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE August 3 compensation at the higher of the two cor- responding rates in effect on and after such date. "(3) If the officer or employee is receiv- ing basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at a rate in excess of the maximum rate for his grade, he shall receive (A) the maximum rate for his grade in the new schedule, or (B) his existing rate of basic compensation if such existing rate is higher. "(4) If the officer or employee. Immedi- ately prior to the effective date of this sec- tion, is receiving, pursuant to section 2(b) (4) of the Federal Employees Salary In- crease Act of 1955. an existing aggregate rate of compensation determined under section 208(b) of the Act of September I. 1954 (68 Stat. 1111), plus subsequent increases au- thorized by law, he shall receive an aggre- gate rate of compensation equal to the suns of his existing aggregate rate of compensa- tion, on the day preceding the effective date of this section, plus the amount of increase made by this section in the maximum rate of his grade, until (1) he leaves his position. or (it) he is entitled to receive aggregate compensation at a higher rate by reason of the operation of this Act or any other pro- vision of law; but, when such position be- comes vacant, the aggregate rate of com- pensation of any subsequent appointee thereto shall be fixed in accordance with applicable provisions of law. Subject to clauses (i) and (11) of the immediately pre- ceding sentence of this paragraph, the amount of the increase provided by this section shall be held and considered for the purpose of section 208(b) of the Act of Sep- tember 1, 1954, to constitute a part of the existing rate of compensation of the em- ployee. "(5) If the officer or employee is in a position in grade 16 or 17 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, to which he was promoted on or after the first day of his first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1964. and if he held such position, or another position in the same grade, on the effective date of this section, his rate of basic compensation shall be adjusted, as of such effective date. to that rate of basic compensation to which he would have been entitled if the compen- sation schedule in subsection (a) of this section had been in effect on the date of his promotion. "(6) If the officer or employees, at any time during the period beginning on the effective date of this section and ending on the date of enactment of this Act, was promoted from one grade under the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, to another such grade at a rate which Is above the minimum rate thereof, his rate of basic compensation shall be adjusted retroactively from the effective date of this section to the date on which he was so promoted, on the basis of the rate which he was receiving during the period from such effective date to the date of such promotion and, from the date of such promo- tion, on the basis of the rate for that step of the appropriate grade of the General Sched- ule contained in this section which corre- sponds numerically to the step of the grade of the General Schedule for such officer or employee which was in effect (without re- gard to this Act) at the time of such promo- tion. "SEC. 103. (a) Section 801 of the Classifica- tion Act of 1949 (5 U.S.C. 1131), relating to new appointments, is amended to read as follows: " 'SEC. 801. All new appointments shall be made at the minimum rate of the appropri- ate grade, except that in accordance with regulations prescribed by the Commission which provide for such considerations as the candidate's existing salary, unusually high or unique qualifications, or a special need of the Government for his services, the head of any department may, with the approval of the Commission in each specific case, appoint individuals to positions In grade 13 and above of the General Schedule at such rate or rates above the minimum rate of the appropriate grade as the Commis/310n may authorize for this purpose. The approval of the Commis- sion in each specific case shall not be re- quired with respect to appointments made by the Librarian of Congress.'. " ( b) Section 505(b) of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1105(b)), relating to the limitation on numbers of positions in grades 16, 17, and 18 of the Gen- eral Schedule of such Act, Is amended by Inserting '(i)' immediately following the words in addition to', and by inserting im- mediately following the words 'which may be placed in such grades' a comma and the fol- lowing: 'and (II) two hundred and forty examiner positions under section 11 of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 244; 5 U.S.C. 1010) which may be placed In grade 16 and nine such positions which may be placed in grade 17'. "(c) Section 604(d) (3) of the Federal Em- ployees Pay Act of 1945, as amended (5 U.S.C. 944(c) (3) ). Is amended to read as follows: " '(3) All rates shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent.'. "Postal field service employees "SEc. 104. Section 1. of title 39, United States Code, is amended by striking out the period at the end of such section and Ingest- ing in lieu thereof It semicolon and the fol- lowing: " ' "revenue unit" means that amount of revenue of a post office from mail and special service transactions which is equal to the average sum of postal rates and fees received by the Department during the fiscal year for 1,000 pieces of originating mail and special service transactions determined in accord- ance with section 2331 of this title.'. "Ser. 105. Section '102 of title 39, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: " '1 702. Classes of poet offices "'(a) Effective at the beginning of each fiscal year the Postmaster General shall di- vide post offices Into four classes on the basis of the revenue units of each office for the second preceding fiscal year. He shall place in the first class those post offices having 950 or more revenue units. He shall place in the second class those post offices having 190 or more revenue units, but fewer than 950 revenue units. He shall place in the third class those post offices having 36 or more revenue units, but fewer than 190 rev- enue units. He shall place in the fourth class those post offices having fewer than 36 revenue units. " '(b) The Postmaster General shall ex- clude from the revenue credited to a poet office for the purposes of this section money received at that office for? '(1) setting meters for patrons beyond the area served by the office unless author- ized by the Department; " '(2) stamps, stamped envelopes, and postal cards sold in large or unusual quan- tities to be used in mailing matter at other offices; and " (3) stamps. stamped envelopes, and postal cards sold for mailing matter diverted from other offices and mailing of matter so diverted without stamps affixed. " '(c) Whenever unusual conditions pre- vail at a post office of the fourth class, the Postmaster General may advance such office to the appropriate class based on his esti- mate of the number of revenue units which the office will have during the succeeding twelve months. Any office so advanced need not be relegated to a lower class before the end of the second fiscal year after the ad- vancement. At that time, the office shall be assigned to the appropriate class in accord- ance with subsections (a) and (b) of this section.' "SEc. 106. Section 704 of title 39, United States Code, is amended by deleting 'of the first, second, or third class' appearing there- in, and inserting in lieu thereof '(other than one for which the postmaster furnishes quar- ters, equipment, and fixtures on an allow- ance basis) '. "Sec. 107. Subsection (b) (1) of secton 2102 of title 39, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: " '(1) for post offices at which the post- master does not furnish quarters on an allowance basic'. "SEC. 108. t a) Section 3501 of title 39, United States Code, is amended by inserting a new subsection (c) following subsection (b) as follows: "'(c) The Postmaster General shall deter- mine and, effective at the beginning of the first pay period In each calendar year, shill adjust the rankings of all positions for whi:)11 the number of annual revenue unite of a post office or its class is a relevant factor of the ranking, using the revenue units of the preceding fiscal year and the class in which the office will be placed at the beginning of the next fiscal year. The Postmaster Genetal also may adjust rankings of such positioas at other times of the year based upon su a- stantial changes in service conditions.'. "(b) Chapter 45 of title 39, United States Code, is amended as follows: "(1) In subsection (c) of section 3513? "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST OFFICE CLERIC. RP-4 ) '; and "(B) Add the following new sentence :sr the end of paragraph (1): 'This office has fewer than 190 revenue units annually.'. "(2) In subsection (e) of section 3516? "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POS'.7- MASTER. ( RP-18 ) "(B) Delete 'third class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of approx.- mately $1,700' in the second sentence of pars- graph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'ap- proximately 40 revenue units annually'. "(3) /n subsection (b) of section 3517-- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'foss- MASTER. (KP-20) "(B) Delete 'third class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of approxi- mately $4.700' in the second sentence cf paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'ap- proximately 110 revenue units annually'. "(4) In subsection (b) of section 3518-- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST - MASTER. (RP-22) "(B) Delete 'third class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of approxi- mately $6,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 140 revenue units annually'. "(5) In subsection (b) of section 3519-- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'AS- SISTANT POSTMASTER. ( RP-24 ) '; and "(B) Delete 'annual receipts of approxi.' mately $63,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 1,490 revenue units an- nually'. "(6) In subsection (c) of section 3519? "(A) Change of catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. ( RP-25 ) ; "(B) Delete 'second class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (I); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of approxi- mately $16,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 380 revenue units annually'. "(7) Insubsection (b) of section 3520? "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. ( KP-27 .; "(B) Delete Sirst class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17269 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of approxi- mately $63,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 1,490 revenue units annually'. "(8) In subsection (b) of section 3521- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (Kr-29)'; "(B) Delete 'first class' appearing in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $129,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 3,060 revenue units annually'. "(9) In subsection (b) of section 3522- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (KP-31. '; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1) ; and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $314,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 7,450 revenue units annually'. "(10) In subsection (b) of section 3523- (A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (KP-33 ) '; "(B) Delete 'first class' appearing in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete the second sentence of para- graph (1) and insert in lieu thereof: 'This office has approximately 110 employees, ap- proximately 14,350 revenue units annually, 13 government-owned vehicle units, one classified station and 42 carrier routes within its jurisdiction?. "(11) In subsection (b) of section 8524- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'AS- SISTANT POSTMASTER. (KP-35>';and "(B) Delete 'annual receipts of $2,700,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 64,000 revenue units annually'. "(12) In subsection (c) of section 3524- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (KP-36)'; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $1,000,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 23,700 revenue units annually'. "(13) In subsection (a) of section 3525- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'AS- SISTANT POSTMASTER. (KP-37) ; and "(B) Delete 'annual receipts of $8,460,000' In the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 200,000 revenue units annually'. "(14) In subsection (b) of section 3525- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (KP-38) '; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $2,700,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 64,000 revenue units annually'. "(15) In subsection (a) of section 3526- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'AS SISTANT POSTMASTER. (Kr-3D>'; and "(B) Delete 'annual receipts of $16,900,- 000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 400,000 revenue units annually'. "(16) In subsection (b) of section 3526- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'posr- MASTER. (KP-40>'; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $4,470,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 106,000 revenue units annually'. "(17) In subsection (b) of section 3527- " (A) Change the catchline to read 'AssIST- ANT POSTMASTER. (KP-42 ) '; and "(B) Delete 'annual receipts of $48,000,- 000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 1,000,000 revenue units annually'. "(18) In subsection (c) of section 3527- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (KP-43) "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $8,460,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 200,000 revenue units annually'. "(19) In subsection (b) of section 3528- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'ASSIST- ANT POSTMASTER. (Kr-45)'; and "(B) Delete 'annual receipts of $140,000,- 000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 2,500,000 revenue units annually'. "(20) In subsection (c) of section 3528- "(A) Change the catchline to read 'POST- MASTER. (KP-48) '; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $16,900- 000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 400,000 revenue units annually'. "(21) In section 3529- "(21) Change the catchline immediately preceding paragraph (1) to read 'POST- MASTER. ( KP-47 ) ; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $48,000- 000' in the second sentence of paragraph ( 1 ) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 1,000,000 revenue units annually'. "(22) In section 3630- "(A) Change the catchline immediately preceding paragraph (1) to read 'POST- MASTER. ( KP-48 ) '; "(B) Delete 'first class' in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and "(C) Delete 'annual receipts of $140,- 000,000' in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof 'approximately 2,500,000 revenue units annually'. "SEc. 109. Section 3642(a) of title 39, United States Code, is amended to read as follows- " ' (a) There is established a basic com- pensation schedule for positions in the postal field service which shall be known as the Postal Field Service Schedule and for which the symbol shall be "PFS". Except as pro- vided in sections 3543 and 3644 of this title, basic compensation shall be paid to all em- ployees in accordance with such schedule. Postal field service schedule "Pies 10 11 12 13 14_ _ 15 16 l7_ 18 19 20 1 $3, 945 4, 270 4, 615 5, 0(10 5, 345 5, 735 6, 140 6, 650 7, 190 7,t30 8,650 0, 570 10, 575 11,665 12, 885 14, 240 15, 755 17, 450 19, 345 21, 445 2 $4,070 4, 410 4, 770 5, 165 6, 525 5, 926 6,345 6,870 7,430 8,005 8,945 9, 895 10, 940 12,065 13, 330 14, 735 16, 305 18,060 20, 020 22, 105 3 $4, 205 4,550 4, 025 5,330 5,705 6, 115 6, 550 7,090 7, 670 8,160 9, 240 10, 220 11, 305 12, 470 13, 775 15, 230 16,855 18, 670 20, 695 22, 945 Per annum rates and steps 4 $4,315 4, 690 5,080 5, 495 5,885 6,105 6, 755 7, 310 7, 910 8, 625 9, 535 10, 545 11, 670 12,875 14, 220 15, 725- 17, 405 19, 280 21, 370 23, 695 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 to No ....L.. cu. ? LIN -a to CO 00 G0 I CO 0 0 IA 0 00 01 CO c0 CO I . Ca 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 0 0 0 $4, 465 $4, 595 $4, 725 $4, 855 $5, 115 $5, 245 85, 375 4,830 4, 970 5, 110 1, 250 6, 530 5, 670 5, 810 5, 235 5, 390 5, 545 5, 700 6,010 6, 165 6, 320 6, 660 5,825 5, 990 6, 155 6, 485 6, 650 6,815 0,065 6, 245 6, 425 6,905 6, 965 7, 145 7,325 6, 495 6, 685 6, 875 7,065 7, 445 7,635 7,821 6, 960 7, 165 7, 370 7, 575 7, 985 8, 100 7, 530 7, 750 7, 970 8, 190 8, 630 8, 150 8,390 8, 630 8,870 9,350 8, 890 9, 155 9, 420 0,685 10, 215 9,830 10, 125 10, 420 10, 715 11,305 50,870 19,195 11,520 11,840 12,495 12,035 12,400 12, 765 13, 130 13,860 13, 280 13, 685 14,050 14, 495 15, 305 14, 665 15, 110 15, 555 16,000 16, 890 16, 220 16, 715 17, 210 17, 705 18, 695 17, 955 18, 605 19, 055 19, 605 20, 705 15,800 20,500 25,010 21,720 22, 940 22, 045 22, 720 23, 395 24, 070 24, 445 ' ? "SEC. 110. Section 3543(a) of title 39, United States Code, is amended to read as f ollows- " '(a) There is established a basic corn- pensation schedule which shall be known as the Rural Carrier Schedule and for which the symbol shall be "RCS". " ' Rural carrier schedule " Per annum rates and steps 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Carriers in rural de- livery service: Fixed compensation per annum Compensation per mile per annum for each mile up to 30 miles of route_ _ For each mile of route over 30 miles $2,240 82 25 $2,345 84 25 $2,450 86 25 $2,555 88 25 $2,660 90 25 $2,765 92 25 $2,870 94 25 $2,975 96 25 $3, 080 98 26 $3,185 100 25 $3,290 102 25 $3,395 10,1 25'. "SEc. 111. (a) Section 3644 of title 39, United States Code, is amended, to read as follows: "1 3544. Fourth Class Office Schedule "'(a) There is established a basic com- pensation schedule which shall be known as the Fourth Class Office Schedule and for which the symbol shall be "FOS", for post- masters in post offices of the fourth class which is based on the revenue units of the post office for the preceding fiscal year. Basic compensation shall be paid to post- masters in post offices of the fourth class in accordance with this schedule. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17270 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE 11 cvenue units 1 2 $3,894 2,800 2,1174 30 but has than _ 24 but lessi than 30_ 18 hut less than 24_ _ _ 769 _ 3,456 _ 2877 12 but leas than l4_ 2, 2,91 2.331 II lot less than 12 I 1,828 1,880 lass than 8 I 1 313 1,365 " 'Fourth-class office seheduk Per annual rata, and lapis 3 I 4 I 6 6 I i 7 8 9 I le 11 12 14.01e 34,144 $4,269 14.394 $4,519 14,1144 I $4,76U $4,804j $6,019 $6, 144 3, 711 3, 880 3.041 4, 084 4,175 4.215) 4,405i4,528 4.835 4,750 3.171 3,188 3.28.5 , 3.382 3,459 3,118 3,613 : 3.710 3,847 3.944 2,104 2,477 '2,650 2,152:3 i 2,698 2,789 2,842 I 2.915 2, 988 3,041 1,722 1,784 1,83e 1 1,81414 , 1,940 1.992 2,044 2,005 2, 148 2.200 1,3117 1,439 1, 481 1,523 I 1,511.5 1.007 1,6411 1,891 I 1,733 1,775 "'II)) The basic salary of postmasters in fourth-class post offices shall be readjusted for changes in revenue units at the start of the first pay period after January 1 of each year. When a post office is restored to a rev- enue unit category held by It prior to rele- gation to a lower revenue unit category, the postmaster's basic salary may be adjusted to the highest salary step held by him when the post office was in the higher revenue unit category. In all other cases. In adjusting a postmaster's basic salary under this section. the basic salary shall be fixed at the lowest step which is higher than the basic salary received by the postmaster at the end of the preceding fiscal year. If there is no such step the basic salary shall be fixed at the highest step for the adjusted revenue units of the office. Each increase in basic salary because of change in revenue units shall be deemed the equivalent of a step increase un- der section 3552 of this title and the waiting period, for purposes of advancement to the next step, shall begin on the date of ad- justment. " '(c) The basic salaries of postmasters at newly established offices of the fourth class shall be fixed at the lowest salary rate. Whenever unusual conditions prevail at any post office of the fourth class the Postmaster General may advance such office to the ap- propriate category based on his estimate of the number of revenue units which the of- fice will have during the succeeding twelve months. Any fourth-class office advanced to the appropriate category pursuant to this subsection shall not be reduced in category until the start of the first pay period after January 1 of the calendar year following the calendar year in which It was so advanced. at which time it shall be assigned to the category indicated by the revenue units for the preceding fiscal year. " '(d) Persons who perform the duties of postmaster at post offices of the fourth class where there is a vacancy or during the ab- sence of the postmaster on sick or annual leave, or leave without pay, shall be paid the same basic salary to which they would have been entitled If regularly appointed as postmaster. " '(e) The Postmaster General may allow to postmasters in fourth-class post offices ad- ditional compensation for separating serv- ices and for unusual conditions during a portion of the year, in lieu of an allowance for clerical services for this purpose. " '(f) At seasonal post offices of the fourth class, the Postmaster General may authorize the payment of the basic salary prorated over the pay periods the office is open for business during the fiscal year. " '(g) Where the revenue units of a post office of the third class for each of two con- secutive fiscal years are less than 36, or where in any fiscal year the revenue units are less than 33, the post office shall be relegated to the fourth class and the basic salary of the postmaster shall be fixed In the manner pro- vided in subsection (b) of this section. -(h) When required by the Postmaster General a postmaster at a fourth-class office shall, and any other postmaster in PFS level 5 when permitted by the Postmaster Gen- eral may, furnish quarters, fixtures, and equipment for an office on an allowance basis. The allowance for this purpose shall be an amount equal to 15 per centum of the Miele compensation for the postmaster at the office.' "Gal As of the effective date of this section, the Postmaster General shall place the posi- tion of each postmaster in a fourth-class office in the appropriate revenue units cate- gory of the Fourth-class Office Schedule (FOS) determined on the basis of revenue units for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1063. The Postmaster General shall assign each such postmaster to the lowest step of the appropriate revenue units category which will provide him compensation not less than 110 per centum of the compensa- tion to which he would otherwise be entitled under FOS II (as it existed immediately prior to the effective date of this section). If there Is no such step or category, the postmaster shall be paid compensation at the rate of 110 per centem of the compensation to which he would otherwise be entitled under FOS II las it existed immediately prior to the effective date of this section). a(c) If changes In the gross receipts cate- gory or changes in salary step would occur on the effective date of this section (with- out regard to the enactment of this section) . such changes shall be deemed to have oc- curred prior to any action taken under sub- section its) of this section. "Sec_ 112. (a) Subsection (a) of section 6007 of title 39, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: (a) The Postmaster General shall pay to persons, other than special delivery messengers at post offices of the first class, for making delivery of special delivery mall such fees as may be established by him not in excess of the special delivery fee.'. "(b) Section 2009 of title 39, United States Code. is amended by deleting 'at any price lees than eight cents per piece' and insert- ing in lieu thereof 'at any price less than the fees established pursuant to section 6007( a ) of this title.. "Sac. 113. Section 3560 of title 39, United States Code, Is amended- (I) by striking out 'gross receipts' in subsection ( a) (3) and inserting in lieu thereof 'revenue unit'; and '(2) by striking out 'gross receipts' in sub- section (f) (1) and inserting in lieu thereof 'revenue unit'. "sec. 114. (a) Section 3552(a) of title 39, United States Code, Ls aznended to read as follows : " 't a ( 1 ) Each employee subject to the Postal Field Service Schedule, each em- ployee subject to the Rural Carrier Schedule. and each employee subject to the Fourth Class Office Schedule who has not reached the highest step for his position shall be ad- vanced successively to the next higher step as follows: " '(A) to steps 2. 3. 4, 5, 6, and 7-at the beginning of the first pay period following the completion of fifty-two calendar weeks of satisfactory service; and " '(B) to steps 8 and above-at the be- ginning of the first pay period following the completion of one hundred and fifty-six cal- endar weeks of satisfactory service. A li,gud 3 " '(2) The receipt of an equivalent inereas, during any of the waiting periods specifie( in this subsection shall cause a new fu) waiting period to commence for furthe.7 ste: increases.' "(b) Section 3552 of title 39, United State Code, is further amended by adding the fol lowing new subsection at the end thereof " '(d) Notwithstanding the provisio as c subsections (a), (b), and (c) of this seetior the Postmaster General is authorized to ad vance any employee in PFS level 9 or beim who- " '( 1) was promoted to a higher level be tween July 9, 1960. and October 13, 1962 and " '121 is senior with respect to total posts service to an employee in his own post offic promoted to the same position since Octo ber 13, 1962, and is at a step in the level be low the step of the junior employee. Any increase under the provisions of thi subsection shall not constitute an equlvalen increase and credit earned prior to adjust ment under this subsection for advanceinen to the next step shall be retained.'. "Sac. 115. (a) Section 711 of title 3c. United States Code, Is repealed. "(b) The table of contents of chapter 7 o title 39. United States Code, is amended deleting " '711. Method of determining gross receipts. "Sac. 116. The basic compensation of eacl employee subject to the Postal Field Servic Schedule or the Rural Carrier Schedule im mediately prior to the effective date of thi section shall be determined as follows: "(1) Each employee shall be assigned t( the same numerical step for his pos:tioi which he had attained immediately prior 1, such effective date. If changes in lave o steps would otherwise occur on such effeutiv, date without regard to enactment of thi. Act, such changes shall be deemed to sale occurred prior to conversion. "(2) If the existing basic compensation is greater than the rate to which the employee is converted under paragraph (1) of this sec- tion, the employee shall be placed in the lowest step which exceeds his basic corn:len- sation. If the existing basic compensation exceeds the maximum step of his posiaion, his existing basic compensation shall be es- tablished as his basic compensation. "Employees in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration "Sac. 117. (a) Section 4103 of title 38, United States Code, relating to the appcint- ment and annual salaries of certain staff positions in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended to read as follows: " '; 4103. Office of the Chief Medical Direstor " .(a) The Office of the Chief Medical Di- rector shall consist of the following- -(1) The Chief Medical Director, who shall be the Chief of the Department of Medi- cine and Surgery and shall be directly re- sponsible to the Administrator for the opera- tions of the Department. He shall be a quali- fied doctor of medicine, appointed by the Ad- ministrator. " '(2) The Deputy Chief Medical Director, who shall be the principal assistant of the Chief Medical Director. Ile shall be a quali- fied doctor If medicine, appointed by the Administrator. "'(3) Not to exceed five Assistant Chief Medical Directors, who shall be appointed by the Administrator upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Director. One Assistant Chief Medical Director shall be a quail led doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine who shall be directly responsible to the Chief Medical Director for the operation of the Dental Service. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18_.? CIA-RDR6V0403R000500050001-9 17271 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOU " '(4) Such Medical Directors as may be appointed by the Administrator, upon the recommendation of the Chief Medical Direc- tor, to suit the needs of the Department. A Medical Director shall be either a qualified doctor of medicine or a qualified doctor of dental surgery or dental medicine. "'(5) A Director of Nursing Service, who shall be a qualified registered nurse, ap- pointed by the Administrator, and who shall be responsible to the Chief Medical Director for the operation of the Nursing Service. " (6) A Chief Pharmacist and a Chief Die- titian, appointed by the Administrator. " '(7) Such other personnel and employees as may be authorized by this chapter, " '(b) Except as provided in subsection (c), any appointment under this section shall be for a period of four years, with re- appointment permissible for successive like periods, except that persons so appointed or reappointed shall be subject to removal by the Administrator for cause. "'(c) The Administrator may designate a member of the Chaplain Service of the Vet- erans' Administration as Director, Chaplain Service, for a period of two years, subject to removal by the Administrator for cause. Redesignation under this subsection may be made for successive like periods. An individ- ual designated as Director, Chaplain Service, shall at the end of his period of service as Director revert to the position, grade, and status which he held immediately prior to being designated Director, Chaplain Service, and all service as Director, Chaplain Service, shall be creditable as service in the former position.'. "(b) The table of contents of chapter 73 of title 38, United States Code, is amended by striking out "'4103. Appointments and compensation.' and inserting in lieu thereof: "'4103. Office of the Chief Medical Direc- tor.'. "(c) Section 2 of the Act a July 31, 1894, as amended (5 U.S.C. 62), shall not apply to any individual appointed, before January 1, 1964, as Chief Medical Director under section 4103 of title 38, United States Code; but section 212 of the Act of June 30, 1932, as amended (5 U.S.C. 59a), shall apply, in accordance with its terms, to any such indi- vidual. "SEc. 118. Section 4107 of title 38, United States Code, relating to grades and pay scales for certain positions within the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, is amended to read as follows: "'1 4107. Grades and pay scales "'(a) The per annum full-pay scale or ranges for positions provided in section 4103 of this title, other than Chief Medical Di- rector and Deputy Chief Medical Director, shall be as follows: "'Section 4103 schedule "'Assistant Chief Medical Director, $24,500. "'Medical Director, $21,445 minimum to $21,445 maximum. "'Director of Nursing Service, $16,460 min- imum to $21,590 maximum. "'Director, Chaplain Service, $16,460 min- imum to $21,590 maximum. "'Chief Pharmacist, $16,460 minimum to $21,590 maximum. "'Chief Dietitian, $16,460 $21,590 maximum. "(b) (1) The grades and per annum full- pay ranges for positions provided in para- graph (1) of section 4104 of this title shall be as follows: "'Physician and dentist schedule "'Director grade, $18,935 minimum to $24,175 maximum. minimum to "'Executive grade, $17,655 minimum to $23,190 maximum. "'Chief grade, $18,460 minimum to $21,- 590 maximum. "'Senior grade, $14,170 minimum to $18,- 680 maximum. "'Intermediate grade, $12,075 minimum to $15,855 maximum. "'Full grade, $10,250 minimum to $13,445 maximum. "'Associate grade, $8,650 minimum to $11,- 305 maximum. "'Nurse schedule "'Assistant Director grade, $14,170 mini- mum to $18,580 maximum. "'Chief grade, $12,075 minimum to $15,855 maximum. "'Senior grade, $10,250 minimum to $13,- 445 maximum. "'Intermediate grade, $8,650 minimum to $11,305 maximum. "'Full grade, $7,220 minimum to $9,425 maximum. "'Associate grade, $6,315 minimum to $8,205 maximum. "'Junior grade, $5,505 minimum to $7,170 maximum, "'(2) No person may hold the director grade unless he is serving as a director of a hospital, dornicilary, center, or outpatient clinic (independent). No person may hold the executive grade unless he holds the posi- tion of chief of staff at a hospital, center, or outpatient clinic (independent), or the posi- tion of clinic director at an outpatient clinic, or comparable position.'. "Foreign service officers; staff officers and employees "SEC. 119. Section 412 of the Foreign Serv- ice Act of 1946, as amended (22 U.S.C. 867), is amended to read as follows: "'Foreign service officers "'SEC. 412. There shall be ten classes of Foreign Service officers, including the classes of career ambassador and of career minister. The per annum salary of a career ambassador shall be at the rate provided by law for level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule. The per annum salary of a career minister shall be at the rate provided by law for level V of such schedule. The per annum salaries of Foreign Service officers within each of the other classes shall be as follows: "'Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 Class 5 Class 6 Class 7 Class 8 $22, 650 18, 296 14, 860 12,075 9, 945 8, 295 7, 010 5,050 $23, 440 18, 930 15,375 12, 405 10, 290 8, 580 7,245 6,250 $24, 600 19, 565 15,890 12, 916 10, 635 8, 865 7,480 0,450 $20, 200 16, 406 13, 335 10, 980 9, 150 7,715 6, 650 $20, 836 16, 920 13, 755 11,325 9, 435 7, 950 0,850 $21, 470 07,435 14, 171 11, 670 9, 720 8, 185 7,050 $22, 105 17,950 14, 595 12, 015 10, 005 8, 420 7, 250'. "SEc. 120. Subsection (a) of section 415 of such Act (22 U.S.C. 870(a) ) is amended to read as follows: "'(a) There shall be ten classes of For- eign Service staff officers and employees, re- f erred to hereafter as staff officers and em- ployees. The per annum salaries of such staff officers and employees within each class shall be as follows: 'Class 1 $14,860 515,375 $16, 890 $16, 406 $16, 020 Class 2 12,075 12,491 12,915 13,315 13,71i Class 3 9,945 30, 290 10, 635 10, 980 11,325 Class 4 8,295 8,580 8,865 9,150 0,435 Class 5 7,480 7,735 7,900 8,245 8,500 Class 6 6,755 6,080 7,205 7,430 7, 651 Class 7 0,205 6, 410 6, 611 6,820 7, 025 Class 8 5,490 5, 676 5,860 6,045 6,230 1 Class 9 0,010 5,175 5,340 5,505 5,670 1 Class 10 4,480 4,630 4,780 4,930 5,080 1 $17, 436 14, 175 11,670 9,720 6,755 7,880 7,530 11,415 5,831 ,5, 230 $17,950 14, 595 12, 015 10, 005 9, 010 8,105 7,435 6,600 6, 000 5,380 $18, 465 1.5, 015 12,360 10,250 9,265 8,330 7,640 6, 785 6, 165 5,530 $18,980 15, 436 12, 705 10, 575 9,520 8,555 7,845 5,970 6,330 5, 680 $19, 495 15, 855 11,006 10,860 0,771 8,780 8,050 7, 156 6,491 5,830'. "SEc, 121. Foreign Service officers, Reserve officers, and Foreign Service staff officers and employees who are entitled to receive basic compensation immediately prior to the effec- tive date of this section at one of the rates provided by section 412 or 415 of the Foreign Service Act of 1916, shall receive basic com- pensation, on and after such effective date, at the rate of their class determined to be appropriate by the Secretary of State. "Agricultural stabilization and conservation county committee employees "SEc. 122. The rates of compensation of persons employed by the county committees established pursuant to section 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (16 U.S.C. 590h(b) ) shall be increased by amounts equal, as nearly as may be prac- ticable, to the increases provided by section 102 of this Act for corresponding rates of compensation in the appropriate schedule or scale of pay. "Miscellaneous provision "Sac. 123. Section 504 of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962 (76 Stat. 842; 5 U.S.C. 1173) is amended by adding at the end there- of the following new subsection: "'(d) The rate of basic compensation, es- tablished under this section, and received by any officer or employee immedately prior to the effective date of a statutory increase in the compensation schedules of the salary systems specified in subsec (a) shall be Initially adjusted on the Motive date of such new compensation schedules in accord- ance with conversion rules and regulations prescribed by the President or by such agency or agencies as he may designate.' "SEc. 124. Subsection (b) of the first sec- tion of the Act entitled 'An Act to provide retirement, clerical assistants, and free mail- ing privileges to former Presidents of the United States, and for other purposes', ap- proved August 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 838; 3 U.S.C. note fol. 102), is amended by striking out '$50,000' and inserting in lieu thereof '$65,000'. "Absorption of costs "SEc. 125. (a) The cost of not less than 10 per centum of the aggregate amount of the increases In compensation provided by this title for the fiscal year 1985 shall be ab- sorbed by the departments, agencies, estab- lishments, and corporations in the executive branch; and no amount beyond the addi- tional sum for such compensation increases proposed in the budget for the fiscal year 1965 is authorized to be appropriated by any provision of this Act. The total amount of such absorption shall be alloocated by the Bureau of the Budget among such depart- ments, agencies, establishments, and corpora- tions in such manner and to such extent as Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 Release...20,0MM', CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17972 Approved For wrquKtssioNAL RECORD ?HOUSE August 3 the Director of the Bureau of the Budget deems appropriate in the light of their es- sential functions. "Iets) Pursuant to the objective of this sec- tion. heads of the executive branch activities concerned are directed to review with metic- ulous care each vacancy resulting from voluntary resignation, retirement, or death and to determine whether the duties of the position can be reassigned to other employees or whether the position can be abolished without seriously affecting the execution of essential functions. "(c) Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this section shall be held or considered to require (1) the separation from the service of any individual by reduction in force or other personnel action or (2) the placing of arty individual in a leave-without-pay status. ''TITLE II-FEDERAL LEC/SLATIVE SALARIES "Sec. 201. This title may be cited as the 'Federal Legislative Salary Act of 1964. "Ste. 202. (a) Each officer or employee in or under the legislative branch of the Gov- ernment whose rate of compensation is in- creased by section 5 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946 shall be paid additional com- pensation in an amount equal to the greater of the following amounts, as applicable: "(1 ) an amount equal to 3 ta per centum of his ETOSS rate of compensation (basic com- pensation plus additional compensation au- thorized by law) in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this section plus 1 per centum of such gross rate for each whole multiple, or part of a multiple, of $500 basic compensation; or "(2) an amount equal to 5 per centtim of such ernes rate. "(b) The total annual compensation in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this section of each officer or employee of the House of Representa(ives. whore compen- sation is disbursed by the Clerk of the house of Representatives and is not increased by reason of any other provision of this title, shall be increased by an amount which is equal to the amount of she increase provided by subsection (a) of this section in that gross rate which is nearest in amount to the total annual compensation of such officer or employee. "(c) Each of the limitations on gross rate per thousand and gross rate per hour per person provided by applicable law on the effective date of this section with respect to the folding of speeches and pamphlets for the House or Representatives shall be in- Creased by 7 per centum. The amount of each increase under this subsection shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one- half cent and over ass whole cent. "(d) The additional compensation pro- vided by this section shall be considered a part of basic compensation for the purposes of the Civil Service Retirement Act (5 U.S.C. 2251 and the following). "(e) The basic compensation of each em- ployee In the office of a Senator is hereby adjusted, effective on the first day of the month following the date of enactment of this Act, to the lowest multiple of $60 which will provide a gross rate of compensation not less than the gross rate such employee was receiving immediately prior thereto, except that the foregoing provisions of this subsec- tion shall not apply in the case of any em- ployee if on or before the fifteenth day fol- lowing the date of enactment of this Act, the Senator by whom such employee Is employed notifies the disbursing office of the Senate in writing that he does not wish such provisions to apply to such employee. No employee whose basic compensation is adjusted under this subsection shall receive any additional compensation under subsection (a) for any period prior to the effective date of such ad- justment during which such employee was employed in the office of the Senator by whom he is employed on the first day of the month following the enactment of this Act. No additional compensation shall be paid to any person under subsection (a) for any period prior to the first day of the month following the date of enactment of this Act during which such person was employed In the office of a Senator (other than a Senator by whom he is employed on such day) un- less on or before the fifteenth day following the date of enactment of this Act such Sena- tor notifies the disbursing office of the Sen- ate in writing that he wishes such employee to receive such additional compensation for such period. In any case in which, at the expiration of the time within which a Sena- tor may give notice under this subsection, such Senator is deceased such notice shall be deemed to have been given. " f ) Notwithstanding the provision refer- red to in subsection (g), the rates of gross compensation of the Secretory for the Ma- jority of the Senate. the Secretary for the Minority of the Senate. the Official Reporters of Debates of the Senate, the Parliamen- t:Irian of the Senate, the Senior Counsel In the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate. and the Chief Clerk of the Senate are hereby increased by an amount which is equal to the amount of the increase which would be provided by subsection (a) of this section in that grass rate determined with- out regard to the provisions referred to in subsection ( g) of this section which is near- est in amowit to the total annual compensa- tion of such officer or employee. "(g) The paragraph imposing limitations on basic and gross compensation of officers and employees of the Senate appearing under the heading "SENATE" In the Legislative Ap- propriation Act, 1956. as amended (74 Stat. 304: Public Law 116 568), Is amended by striking out '$18,880' and inserting in lieu t h ereof '$22,945'. "(h) The limitation on gross rate per hour per person provided by applicable law on the effective date of this section with respect to the folding of speeches and pamphlets for the Senate is hereby increased by 7 per centum. The amount of such increase shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent. The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to employees whcee compen- sation is subject to such limitation. "( I) The gross rate of compensation of the Postinaeter of the Senate shall be $18.420, and the gross rate of compensation of the Asaistant Postmaster of the Senate shall be 814.570. The provisions of section 106 of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act. 1963, shall not hereafter apply to employees refer- red to In this subsection. "(j) Section 202(e) of the Legislative Re- orgstnization Act of 1946, as amended (2 U.S.C. 72a ( e) ) , is amended- 1) by striking out 18,880' where it first. appears in such subsection and' insert- ing in lieu thereof 'the highest amount which, together with additional compen- sation authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorised by the Classi- fication Act of 1949, as amended.'; and "(2) by striking out '$8.880' at the second place where it appears in such subsection and inserting In lieu thereof 'the highest amount which, together with additional com- pensation authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classi- fication Act of 1949, as amended'. "(k) (1) This subsection is enacted as an exercise of the rule making power of the House of Representatives with full recog- nition of the constitutional right of the House of Representatives to change the rule amended by this subsection at any time, in the same manner, and to the same extent as In the case of any other rule of the House of Representatives. "(2) Clause 28(c) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended? "(A) by striking out '$8,880' where it first appears In such clause and inserting .n lieu thereof 'the highest amount which, tcgether with additional compensation authorized by law, will riot exceed the maximum rate au- thorized by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended,'; and "(B) by striking mit '$8,880' at the 5 econd place where It appears in such clause and Inserting ia lieu thereof 'the highest amount Which, together with additional compensa- tion authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classifica- tion Act of 1949, as amended." "Sec. 20-3. (a) The compensation of the Comptroller General of the United :States shall be at the rate of $30,000 per annum. "(b) The compensation of the Assistant Comptroller General of the United States shall be at the rate of $28,500 per annum. "(c) The compensation of the General Counsel of the United States General Ac- counting Office, the Librarian of Congress, the Public Printer, and the Architect Cf the Capitol shell be at the rate of $27,00-) per annum. "(dl The compensation of the Deputy Li- brarian of Congress. the Deputy Public Printer, and the Assistant Architect o.! the Capitol shall be at the rate of $25,500 per annum. "(e) The compensation of the Second. As- sistant Architect of the Capitol shall he at the rate of e23.500 per annum. "(f) The compensation of the Chapla.n of the House cf Representatives shall be at the rate of $12,500 per annum. "g) The compensation of the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, and the Legislative Counsel of the Senate shall be at :..he rate of $27,500 per annum. "(h) The compensation of the Chaplain of the Senate shall be at the rate of $15,00C per annum. "Sec. 204. Section 601(a) of the Legisla- tive Reorganization Act of 1946, as amended (2 U.S.C. 31), Is amended to read as follews: " '(a) The compensation of Senators. Representatives in Congress, and the Resi- dent Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate of $30,000 per annum esch; and the compensation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall be at the rate of $43,000 per annum.' "Sec. 205. No officer or employee sub,)ect to section 202(a) or 202(b) of this title shall receive, by reason of any provision of this title, an increase in gross rate of compensa- tion (basic compensation plus additional compensation authorized by law), or in total annual compensation, which is in excess of the amount of the increase in basic com- pensation provided by the amendment made by section 102(a) of title I of this Act for positions In grade 18 of the General Schedole of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. "T/TLE III--TEDERAL EXECUTIVE SALARIES "Stec. 301. This title may be cited as the 'Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964'. "Sec. 302. There is hereby established Mr offices and positions tr.; which section 303 of this title applies a basic compensation sched- ule, to be known as the 'Federal Executive Salary Schedule', which shall be divided into five salary levels. "SEc. 303. ) a ) Level I of the Federal Exec's- tive Salary Scnedule shall apply to the fdl- lowing offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $35,000: "Ill Secretary of State. "(2) Secretary of the Treasury. "(3) Secretary of Defense. "(4) Attorney General. "(5) Postmaster General. "(6) Secretary of the Interior. "(7) Secretary of Agriculture. "(8) Secretary of Commerce. "(9) Secretary of Labor. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 .1964 Approved Feardeas.e 2005/05/18 ? CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 RESSIONAL REtORD ? HOUSE 17273 "(10) Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(b) Level II of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $30,000: "(1) Deputy Secretary of Defense. "(2) Under Secretary of State. "(3) Administrator, Agency for Interna- tional Development. "(4) Administrator of the National Aero- nautics and Space Administration. "(5) Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. "(6) Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. "(7) Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency. "(8) Chairman, Atomic Energy Commis- sion. "(9) Chairman, Council of Economic Ad- visers. "(10) Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "(11) Director of the Bureau of the Budget. "(12) Director of the Office of Science and Technology. "(13) Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. "(14) Director of the United States In- formation Agency. "(15) Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice, so long as the position is held by the present in- cumbent: Provided, That thereafter the posi- tion shall be placed in level III. "(16) Director of Central Intelligence. "(17) Secretary of the Air Force. "(18) Secretary of the Army. "(19) Secretary of the Navy. "(c) Level III of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $28,500: "(1) Deputy Attorney General. "(2) Solicitor General of the United States. "(3) Deputy Postmaster General. "(4) Under Secretary of Agriculture. "(5) Under Secretary of Commerce. "(6) Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation. "(7) Under Secretary of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare. "(8) Under Secretary of the Interior. "(9) Under Secretary of Labor. "(10) Under Secretary of State for Politi- cal Affairs or Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs. "(11) Under Secretary of the Treasury. "(12) Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs. "(13) Administrator of General Services. "(14) Administrator of the Small Business Administration. "(15) Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. "(16) Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Development. "(17) Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board. "(18) Chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission. "(19) Chairman, Federal Communications Commission. "(20) Chairman, Board of Directors, Fed- eral Deposit Insurance Corporation. "(21) Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. "(22) Chairman, Federal Power Commis- sion. "(23) Chairman, Federal Trade Commis- sion. "(24) Chairman, Interstate Commerce Commission. "(25) Chairman, National Labor Relations Board. "(26) Chairman, Securities and Exchange Commission. "(27) Chairman, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority. No. 149-18 "(28) Chairman, National Mediation Board. "(29) Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board. "(30) Chairman, Federal Maritime Com- mission. "(31) Comptroller of the Currency. "(32) Commissioner of Internal Revenue. "(33) Director of Defense Research and Engineering, Department of Defense. "(34) Deputy Administrator of the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(35) Deputy Director of the Bureau of the Budget. "(36) Deputy Director of Central Intelli- gence. "(37) Director of the Office of Emergency Planning. "(38) Director of the Peace Corps. "(39) Director of Selective Service, so long as the position is held by the present. incum- bent: Provided, That thereafter the position shall be placed in Level IV.. "(40) Chief Medical Director in the De- partment of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration. "(41) Director of the National Science Foundation. "(42) Deputy Administrator of the Hous- ing and Home Finance Agency. "(43) President of the Export-Import Bank of Washington. "(14) Members, Atomic Energy Commis- (.45) Members, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. "(46) Associate Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Jus- tice, so long is the position is held by the present incumbent: Provided, That there- after the position shall be placed in Level IV. "(d) Level IV of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $27,000: "(1) Administrator, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, Department of State. "(2) Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency. "(3) Deputy Administrator of General Services. "(4) Associate Administrator of the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(5) Assistant Administrators, Agency for International Development (6) . "(6) Regional Assistant Administrators, Agency for International Development (4). "(7) Under Secretary of the Air Force. "(8) Under Secretary of the Army. "(9) Under Secretary of the Navy. "(10) Deputy Under Secretaries of State (2) . "(11) Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture (3)? "(12) Assistant Secretaries of Commerce (4) . "(13) Assistant Secretaries of Defense (7). "(14) Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force (3) . "(15) Assistant Secretaries of the Army (3). "(16) Assistant Secretaries of the Navy (3) ? "(17) ucation "(18) (4). "(19) "(20) "(21) "(22) "(23) ury (4). "(24) Chairman of the United States Tar- iff Commission. "(25) Commissioner, Community Facili- ties Administration. "(26) Commissioner, Federal Housing Ad- ministration, Assistant Secretaries of Health. Ed- and Welfare (2). Assistant Secretaries of the Interior Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Attorneys General (9). Secretaries of Labor (4). Postmasters General (5), Secretaries of State (11). Secretaries of the Treas- "(27) Commissioner, Public Housing Ad- ministration. "(28) Commissioner, Urban Renewal Ad- ministration. "(29) Director of Civil Defense, Depart- ment of the Army. "(30) Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. "(31) Deputy Chief Medical Director in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration. "(32) Deputy Director of the Office of Emergency Planning. "(33) Deputy Director of the Office of Sci- ence and Technology. "(34) Deputy Director of the Peace Corps. "(35) Deputy Director_ of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. "(36) Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency. "(37) Assistant Directors of the Bureau of the Budget (3). "(38) General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture. "(39) General Counsel of the Department of Commerce. "(40) General Counsel of the Department of Defense. "(41) General Counsel of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(42) Solicitor of the Department of the Interior. "(43) Solicitor of the Department of Labor. "(44) General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board. "(45) General Coupsel of the Post Office Department. "(46) Counselor of the Department of State. "(47) Legal Adviser of the Department of State. "(48) General Counsel of the Department of the Treasury. "(49) First Vice President of the Export- Import Bank of Washington. "(50) General Manager of the Atomic En- ergy Commission. "(51) Governor of the Farm Credit Ad- ministration. "(52) Inspector General, Foreign Assist- ance. "(53) Deputy Inspector General, Foreign Assistance. "(54) Members, Civil Aeronautics Board. "(55) Members, Council of Economic Ad- visers. "(56) Members, Board of Directors of the Export-Import Bank of Washington. "(57) Members, Federal Communications Commission. "(58) Member, Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. "(59) Members, Federal Home Loan Bank Board. "(60) Members, Federal Power Commis- sion. "(61) Members, Federal Trade Commis- sion. "(62) Members, Interstate Commerce Commission. "(63) Members, National Labor Relations Board. "(64) Members, Securities and Exchange Commission. "(65) Members, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority. "(66) Members, United States Civil Serv- ice Commission. "(67) Members, Federal Maritime Com- mission. "(68) Members, National Mediation Board. "(69) Members, Railroad Retirement Board. "(e) Level V of the Federal Executive Sal- ary Schedule shall apply to the following officers and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $26,000: Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE August 3 "(I) Administrator, Agricultural Market- ing Service, Department of Agriculture. "(2) Administrator, Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture. "(3) Administrator, Agricultural Stabili- zation and Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture. "(4) Administrator. Farmers Home Ad- ministration. "(5) Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture "(6) Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture. "(7) Administrator, $oli Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture. "(8) Administrator, Bonneville Power Ad- ministration, Department of the Interior. "(9) Administrator of the National Capi- tal Transportation Agency. "(10) Administrator of the Saint Lawrence Seaway Development Corporation. "(11) Deputy Administrators of the Small Business Administration (4). "(12) Associate Administrator for Admin- istration, Federal Aviation Agency. "(13) Associate Administrator for De- velopment, Federal Aviation Agency. "(14) Associate Administrator for Pro- grams, Federal Aviation Agency. "(151 Associate Administrator for Ad- vanced Research and Technology. National Aeronautics and Space Administration "(16) Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications, National Aero- nautics and Space Administration. "(17) Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(18) Associate Deputy Administrator, Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(19) Deputy Associate Administrator. Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(20) Associate Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. "(21) Archivist of the United States. (22) Area Redevelopment Administra- tor, Department of Commerce "(23) Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration. "(24) Assistant Secretary of Health, Edu- cation. and Welfare for Administration. "(25) Assistant Secetary of the Interior for Administration. "(26) Assistant Attorney General for Ad- ministration, "(27) Assistant Secretary of Labor for Ad- ministration. "(28) Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Administration. "(29) Assistant General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission. "(30) Assistant and Science Adviser to the Secretary of the Interior. "(31) Chairman, Foreign Claims Settle- ment Commission of the United States. "(32) Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commis- sion, Department of Defense. "(33) Chairman of the Renegotiation Board. "(34) Chairman of the Subversive Activi- ties Control Board. "(35) Chief Counsel for the Internal Reve- nue Service, Department of the Treasury. "(36) Chief Forester of the Forest Service, Department of Agriculture. "(3'7) Chief Postal Inspector. Post Office Department. "(38) Chief, Weather Bureau, Department of Commerce. "(39) CommIssioner of Customs, Depart- of the Treasury. "(40) Commissioner, Federal Supply Serv- ice, General Services Administration. "(41) Commissioner of Education. Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(42) Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife. Department of the Interior. "(43) Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare. "(44) Commisaloner a Immigration and Naturalivation. Department of Justice. "(45) Counnissioner of Indian Affairs. De- partment of the Interior, "148) Chief Cotnrnissioner, Indian Claims Conunission. "1471 Associate Commissioners, Indian Claims Commiasion (2} . "(48) Commissioner of Patents, Depart- ment of Commerce. "(49) Commiasioner, Public Buildings Service, General Services Administration. "(50) Commissioner of Reclamation, De- partment of the Interior. "(51) Commissioner of Social Security, Department of Health. Education, and Wel- fare. "(52) Commissioner of Vocational Reha- bilitation. Department of Health. Education, and Welfare. "(53) Commissioner of Welfare. Depart- ment of Health. Education, and Welfare. "(54) Director, Advanced Research Proj- ects Agency, Department of Defense. "(55) Director of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agriculture. "(56) Director, Bureau of the Census, De- partment of Commerce. "(57) Director, Bureau of Mines, Depart- ment of the Interior. "(58) Director, Bureau of Prisons, Depart- me lit of Justice. "150) Director, Geological Survey. Depart- ment of the Interior. "(60) Director. Office of Research and Engineering. Post Office Department. "(61) Director, National Bureau of Stand- ards, Department of Commerce. 821 Director of Regulation, Atomic Energy Commission. "(63) Director of Science and Education. Department of Agriculture. "(64) Deputy Under Secretary for Mone- tary Affairs, Department of the Treasury. -(65) Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Department of the Treasury. "(68) Deputy Director, National Science Foundation. "(61) Deputy Director. Policy and Plans, United States Information Agency. "188) Deputy General Counsel. Depart- ment of Defense. "(891 Deputy General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission. "(70) Associate Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. "(711 Associate Director for Volunteers. Peace Corps "(7) Associate Director for Program De- velopment and Operations, Peace Corps. "173) Asalatants to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice (2). "(74) Assietant Directors, Office of Emer- gency Planning (3). "(75) Assistant Directors. United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (4). "(76) Federal Highway Administrator, De- partment of Commerce. "(77) Fiacal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. "(78) General Counsel of the Agency for International Development "(70) General Counsel of the Department of the Mr Force. "(80) General Counsel of the Department of the Army. "(81) General Counael of the Atomic Energy Commisaion. "(82) General Counsel of the Federal Aviation Agency. "(83) General Counsel of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. "(84) General Counsel of the Department of the Navy. "(85) General Counsel of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. "(88) General Counsel of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. "(87) Governor of the Canal Zone. "(88) Manpower Administrator, Depart- ment of Labor. "(89) Maritime Administrator, Depaat- ment of Commerce. "(90) Members, Foreign Claims Settle- ment Commission of the United States. "(91) Members, Renegotiation Board. "(92) Members, Subversive Activities Cen- trol Board. (931 Members, United States Tariff Com- mission. "(94) President of the Federal National Mortgage Association. "(95) Special Assistant to the Secretary (Health and Medical Affairs), Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. "(90) Deputy Directors of Defense Re- search and Engineering, Department of Defense (4). "(97) Asaistant Administrator of General Services. "(98) Director, United States Travel Serv- ice. Departmc-nt of Commerce. "(99) Executive Director of the United States Civil Service Commission. "(1) In addition to the offices and posi- tions listed in subsections (d) and (e ) of this section, the President is authorized to place from time to time offices and positions held by not to exceed thirty persons in leaels IV and V of the Federal Executive Sa..ary Schedule when he deems such action neees- sary to reflect changes in organization, man- agement responsibilities, or workload in any Federal department or agency. Any such action with respect to an office to which ap- pointment is made by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall be effective only at the time of a new appointment to such office. Each action taken under this subsection shall be pub- lished in the Federal Register, except when It is determined by the President that such publication would be contrary to the interest of the national security. No action shall be taken under this subsection with respect to an office or position the compensation for which is fixed at a specific rate by this section or by statute enacted subsequert to the date of enactment of this Act. "(g) In addition to the offices and posi- tions listed in subsections (d) and (e) of this section and the offices and positions placed by tae President in levels IV and V pursuant to subsection (f) of this section, the President is authorized to place, during the period which begins on the day imme- diately following the date of enactment of this Act and which terminates on the first day of the sixth month which begins fcalow- ing the date of enactment of this Act, in levele IV and V of the Federal Execative Salary Schedule offices and positions he'd by not to exceed thirty persons, the duties: and responsibilities of which he deems appro- priate for :such levels. No action shall be taken under this subsection with respect to an office or potation the compensation for which is fixed at a specific rate by .this sec- tion or by statute enacted subsequent to the date of enactment of this Act. "Sem 364 (a) Section 104 of title 3, United States Code (relating to the compeneation of the Vice President), is amended by .atrik- ing out 135,000 and inserting in lieu thereof 143,000. "(b) Section 105 of title 3, United Incites Code, is amended to read as follows: " '? 105. Compensation of secretaries and executive, administrative, and staff assistants to President ''The President is authorized to fix the compensation of the six administratiee as- sistants authorized to be appointed under section 106 of this title, of the Exemtive Secretary of the National Security Courcil, of the Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council, and of eight other secretaries or immediate staff assist- ants in the White House Office at rates of Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18_.? CIA-RDPMB00403R000500050001-9 17275 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HO u St basic compensation not to exceed that of level n of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule.'. "Conforming changes in existing law "Sso. 305. The following provisions of law are hereby repealed; "(1) The Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2201-2209), es- tablishing rates of basic compensation for heads of executive departments and other Federal officials. "(2) Section 3012(h) of title 10, United States Code, providing compensation of $22,- 000 a year for the Secretary of the Army. "(3) Section 3013(b) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the annual salaries of the Under Secretary and each Assistant Secretary of the Army at $20,000 a year. "(4) Section 5031(d) of title 10, United States Code, providing compensation of $22,- 000 a year for the Secretary of the Navy. "(5) Section 5033(c) of title 10, United States Code, providing the annual salary of $20,000 a year for the Under Secretary of the Navy. "(6) Section 306 of Public Law 87-651, ap- proved September 7, 1962 (76 Stat. 526; 10 U.S.C. 5034, note), providing compensation of $20,000 a year for Assistant Secretaries of the Navy. "(7) Section 8012(g) of title 10, United States Code, providing compensation of $22,000 a year for the Secretary of the Air Force. "(8) Section 8013(b) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the annual salaries of the Under Secretary and each Assistant Secre- tary of the Air Force at $20,000 a year. "(9) Section 137(c) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the compensation of the General Counsel of the Department of De? tense at the rate prescribed by law for as- sistant secretaries of executive departments. "(10) (A) The last sentence of section 22 a. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (68 Stat. 924; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2032(a)), relating to the annual salaries of the Chairman and members of such Com- mission, which reads: 'Each member, except the Chairman, shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,000 per annum; and the member designated as Chairman shall re- ceive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum.'. "(B) That part of the first sentence of section 27 a. of the Atomic Energy Mt of 1951 (68 Stat. 926; 42 U.S.C. 2037(a) ), re- lating to the salary of the Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee which reads: and who shall receive compensation at the rate prescribed for an Assistant Secretary of Defense'. "(11) That part of Reorganization Plan Numbered 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799 and 861; 75 Stat. 630; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note)- "(A) In section 2(b), relating to the an- nual salary of the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning, which reads: 'and shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for the heads of executive departments': "(B) In section 2(c), relating to the an- nual salary of the Deputy Director of such Office, which reads: 'shall receive compensa- tion at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for the under secretaries referred to in section 104 of the Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956 (5 U.S.C. 2203),'; and "(C) In section 2(d), relating to the an- nual salaries of three Assistant Directors of such Office, which reads: 'shall receive com- pensation at .the rate now or hereafter pre- scribed by law for assistant secretaries of executive departments,'. "(12) (A) That part of the second sen- tence of section 202(a) of the National Aero- nautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2472(a) ), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which i reads: and shall receive compensa- tion at the rate of $22,500 per annum'. "(B) That part of the first sentence of sec- tion 202(b) ? of such Act (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2472 (b) ), relating to the annual sal- ary of the Deputy Administrator of such Administration, which reads: ', shall receive compensation at the rate of $21,500 per an- num,' "(13) (A) That part of section 201(f) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 428; 42 U.S.C. 2471(f) ), relat- ing to the annual salary of a civilian execu- tive secretary in the National Aeronautics and Space Council, which reads: 'and shall receive compensation at the rate of $20,000 a year'. "(B) That part of section 204 of such Act (72 Stat. 431, 432; 42 U.S.C. 2474(a) (1), and (d) ), relating to the annual salary of the Chairman of the Civilian-Military Liaison Committee, as follows: "In subsection (a) (1), that part which reads: ', and shall receive compensation( in the manner provided in subsection (d) ) at the rate of $20,000 per annum'. "In the second sentence of subsection (d), that part which reads: 'fixed by subsection (a) (1)% "(14) (A) That part of the second sentence of section 2(a) of the Act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151b(a)) as amended, relating to the rank and salary of the Coun- selor and of the Legal Adviser of the De- partment of State, which reads: 'and shall receive the same salary as'. "(B) The last sentence of section 2(a) of the Act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151b (a) ) as amended, relating to the rate of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State, which reads: 'Unless otherwise provided for by law, the rate of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State shall be the same as that of Assistant Secretaries of State.'. "(C) That part of the second sentence of section 2(b) of the Act of May 26, 1949, as amended (73 Stat. 265; 5 U.S.C. 151b(b) ), re- lating to the annual salary of the Under Sec- retary of State for Political Affairs or for Economic Affairs, as designated by the Presi- dent, which reads: 'shall receive compensa- tion at the rate of $22,000 a year and'. "(15) The last sentence of 210(a) of title 38, United States Code, relating to the an- nual salary of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, Veterans' Administration, which reads: 'Ile shall receive a salary of $21,000 a year, payable monthly.'. "(16) (A) The last sentence of section 201 (a) (2) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 741; 49 U.S.C. 1321(a) (2) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Chairman and members of the Civil Aeronautics Board, which reads: 'Each member of the Board shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum, except that the member serving as Chairman shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,500 per annum.'. "(B) That part of the second sentence of section 301(a) of such Act (72 Stat. 744; 49 U.S.C. 1341(a) ), relating to the annual sal- ary of the Administrator of the Federal Avia- tion Agency, which reads: and who shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,600 per anuum'. "(C) That part of the second sentence of section 302(a) of such Act (72 Stat. 714; 49 U.S.C. 1342(a) ), relating to the annual sal- ary of the Deputy Administrator of such Agency, which reads: 'shall receive compen- sation at the rate of $20,500 per annum, and'. "(17) (A) The last sentence of section 22 of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2562), relating to the an- nual salary of the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, which reads: 'He shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum.'. "(B) The second sentence of section 23 of such Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2553), relat- ing to the annual salary of the Deputy Direc- tor of such Agency, which reads: 'He shall receive compensation at the rate of $21,500 per annum.'. "(C) The second sentence of section 21 of such Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2564), relat- ing to the annual salaries of the four Assist- ant Directors of such Agency, which reads: 'They shall receive compensation at the rate of $20,000 per annum.'. "(18) Section 3 of the Act of March 2, 1955 (69 Stat. 10; 5 U.S.C. 294, 293, 295a), relat- ing to the annual salaries of certain officials of the Department of Justice, which reads: " 'Sze. 3. (a) The compensation of the Deputy Attorney General shall be at the rate of $21,000 per annum. "'(b) The compensation of the Solicitor General shall be at the rate of $20,600 per annum. ''(c) The compensation of each Assistant Attorney General, other than the Adminis- trative Assistant Attorney General, shall be at the rate of $20,000 per annum'. "(19) (A) The last sentence of section 102(c) of Reorganization Plan Numbered 7 of 1961 (75 Stat. 840; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the annual salaries of the Chair- man and members of the Federal Maritime Commission, which reads: 'The Chairman of the Commission shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,600 per annum, and each of the other Commissioners shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum.'. "(B) That part of section 201 of such re- organization plan (75 Stat. 842; 5 U.S.C. 133z- 15, note), relating to the annual salary of the Maritime Administrator in the Department of Commerce, which reads: 'shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum,'. "(20) That part of the fourth sentence of section 4(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (74 Stat. 408 and 913; 15 U.S.C. 78d(a) ),relating to the annual salaries of the Chairman and Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which reads: 'shall 'receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 a year, except that the Chairman shall receive additional salary at the rate of $500 a year and'. "(21) Section 8 of the Food Additives Amendment of 1958 (72 Stat. 1789; 5 U.S.C. 2205, note), fixing the annual salary of the Commissioner of Food and Drugs at $20,000 per annum. "(22) That part of the first sentence of section 3 of the Area Redevelopment Act (75 Stat. 48; 42 U.S.C. 2502), relating to the annual salary of the Area Redevelopment Administrator in the Department of Com- merce, which reads: 'who shall receive com- pensation at a rate equal to that received by Assistant Secretaries of Commerce'. "(23) The last sentence of section 203(b) (1) of the National Security Act of 1947 ('72 Stat. 620; 5 71.S.C. 171c(b) (1) ), relating to the annual salary of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering in the Department of Defense, which reads: 'The compensation of the Director is that prescribed by law for the Secretaries of the military departments.'. "(24) In section 303(a) of title 23, United States Code, "(A) That part of the second sentence, relating to the annual salary of the Federal Highway Administrator in the Department of Commerce, which reads: 'shall receive basic compensation at the rate prescribed by law for Assistant Secretaries of executive departments and'; and "(B) The last sentence, relating to the an- nual salary of the Deputy Federal Highway Admint-trator in such department, which reads: 'The Deputy Federal Highway Admin- istrator shall receive basic compensation at a rate $1,000 less than the rate provided for the Federal Highway Administrator.'. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17276 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE "(25) The last proviso in the paragraph under the heading 'IraasnatATioar AND NAT- URALIZATION SERVICE' and under the subhead- ing 'SALARIES AND EXPENSES' in the Depart- rnent of Justice Appropriation Act, 1959 (72 Stat. 251; 5 U.S.C. 2206. note), relating to the annual salary of the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Serv- ice, which reads: ': Provided further, That, hereafter, the compensation of the Commis- sioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service shall be $20.000 per annum'. -(26) The second paragraph of section 3 of title 35, United States Code, relating to the annual salary of the Commissioner of Patents which reads: 'The annual rate of compensation of the Commissioner shall be $20,000.'. "(27) That part of section 4(a) of the Peace Corps Act (75 Stat. 612. 22 U.S.C. 2503(a)), relating to the annual salaries of the Director and of the Deputy Director of the Peace Corps, which reads: ', whose com- pensation shall be fixed by the President at a rate not in excess of $20,000 per annum,' and '. whose compensation shall be fixed by the President at a rate not In excess of *19,500 per annum'. "(28) (A) Section 308 of title 39. United States Code, fixing the annual rate of basic compensation of the position of Chief Postal Inspector in the Post Office Department at $19.000. "(B) That part of the table of contents of chapter 3 of title 39, United States Code, which reads as follows: "'308. Chief Postal Inspector:. "(29) That part of the first sentence of section 4 of the International Travel Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 130; 22 U.S.C. 2124), relating to the annual salary of the Director of the United States Travel Service in the Depart- ment of Commerce. which reads: 'who shall be compensated at the rate of $19,000 per annum:. "(30) Section 14(b) of the Federal Em- ployees Health Benefits Act of 1959 (73 Stat. 716; 5 U.S.C. 3013(b)). which fixes the com- pensation of the Executive Director of the United States Civil Service Commission at $19.000 per annum. "(31) That part of the first sentence of section 107(c) of the Renegotiation Act of 1951. as amended (73 Stat. 211; 50 U.S.C. App. 1217(c)), relating to the annual salary of the General Counsel of the Renegotiation Board, which reads: ', and shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $19.000 per annum'. "(32) (A) That part of the third sentence In section 201(a) of the National Capital Transportation Act of 1960 (74 Stat. 538; 40 U.S.C. 6131(a)), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the National Capital Transportation Agency, which rends: and who shall receive compensation at a rate equal to the maximum rate for grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. plus $500 per annum'. "(B) That part of the first sentence of section 201(b) of such Act (74 Stat. 538; 40 U.S.C. 661(b) ). relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Administrator of such Agency, which reads: ', and who shall receive com- pensation at a rate equal to the maximum rate for grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended'. "(33) The last sentence of section 624(d) (1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 ( '75 Stat. 447: 22 U.S.C. 2384(d) (Ii), as amended, fixing the compensation of certain officials in the Department of State, which reads: 'The Inspector General. Foreign Assistance, shall receive compensation at the rate of $20,000 annually; the Deputy Inspector General, Foreign Assistance, shall receive compensa- tion at the rate of $20,000 annually, and-each Assistant Inspector General, Foreign Assist- ance, shall receive compensation at the rate of $19.000 annually:. "(34) That part of section 202 of the Act of July 1, 1960 (74 Stat. 305; 5 U.S.C. 623g), relating to the annual salary of the Admin- istrative Assistant Secretary of Health. Edu- cation, and Welfare, which reads: ',and whose annual rate of basic compensation shall be $19,000'. "(35) That part of the Public Works Ap- propriation Act, 1963, under the heading 'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR' and un- der the caption `BUREAU or RECLAMATION' and the subheading 'atuarauaramrivis a/roar- stoats' (76 Stat. 1223; 43 U.S.C. 3735-1), re- lating to the annual salary of the present incumbent of the position of Commissioner of the Bureau of Reclamation, which reads: "'Alter September 30. 1962, the position of Commissioner of Reclamation shall have the annual rate of compensation as provided for positions listed in section 2205(a) of title 5, United States Code, so long as held by the present incumbent!. "(36) That part of the Public Works Ap- propriation Act, 1962. under the heading 'DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR' and under the Caption 'BONNEVILLE POWER AD- MINISTRATION' and the subheading 'CON- STRUCTION' (75 Stat. 728; 16 U.S.C. 832a-1), relating to the annual salary of the present Incumbent of the position of Administrator, Banneville Power Administration, which reads: " 'After Oc1.4.aser 1. 1961. the position of Administrator. Bonneville Power Adminis- tration. shall have the same annual rate of compensation as that provided for positions listed in section 2205( b) of title 5, United States Code, so long as held by the present incumbent:. "(37) Section 205 of the Public Works Ap- propriation Act. 1958 (71 Stat. 423; 5 U.S.C. 483-1 note. 2208 note), as amended, relating to the salary of the present incumbent of the position of Administrator of the South- western Power Administration In the Depart- ment of the Interior, and to the salary of the Administrative Assistant Secretary of such Department, which reads: " 'Sec. 205. After August 31, 1957. the salary of the Administrator of the South- western Power Administration shall be the same as the salary of the Administrator of the Bonneville Power Administration, so long as held by the present incumbent; and the salary of the Administrative Assistant Sec- retary of the Department shall be the same as the Solicitor of the Department of the Interior.'. "(38) The proviso in the first paragraph under the heading 'FEDERAL Btrarati or IN- vEsTtcerioN' and under the subheading 'SALARIES AND EXI.ENSES' in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act, 1964 (77 Stat. 782; Public Law 88-245), relating to the annual salary of the present incumbent of the position of Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, which reads: ?. provided. That the compensation of the Director of the Bureau shall be $22,000 per annum so long as the position is held by the present incumbent' and provisions to the same effect contained in other appro- priation Acts enacted prior to the effective date of this section relating to the annual salary of the present incumbent of the posi- tion of Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. "(39) That part of section 7801(b) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, relating to the annual salary of the Assistant General Counsel of the Treasury Department who shall be the Chief Counsel for the Internal Revenue Service, which reads: 'and shall receive basic compensation at tile annual rate of $19,000'. "(40) (A) Sections 3018. 6014, and 8018 of title 10, United States Code, relating to the compensation of the general counsels of the military departments. August 3 (Hi The respective tables of contents of chapters 303, 503, and 803 of title 1C, United States Code, are amended by striking out " '3018. Compensation of Genera. Coun- sel.'; " '5014. Compensation of Genera: Coun- sel.'; and " '8018. Compensation of General Coun- sel.'. "(41)(A) That part of section 2(a of Re- organization Plan Numbered 2 of 1962 176 Stat. 1253; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the compensation of the Director of the Office of Science and Technology, which reads: 'and shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum'. "(B) That part of section 2(b) of such re- organization plan (76 Stat. 1253; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the compensation of the Deputy Director of the Office of Science and Technology, which reads: 'anti receive compensation at the rate of 620,500 aer an- num'. '(C) That part of section 22(a) of such re- organization plan (76 Stat. 1255; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15. note), relating to the compensation of the Director of the National ;Science Foundation, which reads: 'shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $21,000 per Inn= and'. "(42) That part of section 624(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 447; 22 U.S.C. 2384(5)), relating to the ccmpen- Batton of twelve officers in the agency pri- marily responsible for administering part I of such Act, which reads: 'of whom-- '(1) one shall have the rank of an Under Secretary and shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized ay law for any Under Secretary of an executive de- partment; '"(2) oae shall have the rank of Deputy Under Secretary and shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authoriaed by law for any Deputy Under Secretary of an executive department; and "*(3) ten shall have the rank of Assistant Secretaries and shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by law for any Assistant Secretary of an execu- tive department:. "(43) That part of the first sentence of section 104(b) of the Immigration and Na- tionality Act 166 Stat. 174; 8 U.S.C. 1104.(b)), relating to the rank and compensation of the Administrator. Bureau of Securita and Consular Affairs, which reads: 'and compen- sation'. "(44) That part of section 3 of Reorgani- zation Plan Numbered 1 of 1953 (67 Stat. 631; 5 U.S.C. 623, note), relating to the Special Assistant to the Secretary (Health and Med- ical Affairs), Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, which reads: ', and shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter provided by law for assistant secre- taries of executive departments'. "Sze. 306. (a) (1) Section 508 of title 28, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: " '? 508. Salaries " 'Subject to subsection if) of section 3C3 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964, the Attorney General shall fix the annua sal- aries of United States attorneys, assistant United States attorneys, and attorneys ap- pointed under section 503 of this title at rates of compensation not in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.'. "(2) Subject to section 303(f) of this Act, each incumbent United States attorney and assistant United States attorney shall be paid compensation at a rate equal to that of attorneys of comparable responsibility and professional qualifications, as determined by the Attorney General, whose compensation Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196,4 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - HOUSE is prescribed in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. "(b) Section 411 of the Foreign Service Eict of 1946, as amended (70 Stat. 704; 22 J.S.C. 866), relating to the per annum ;alaries of chiefs of mission, is amended by striking out the second sentence of that sec- don and inserting in lieu thereof the follow- ng: 'The per annum salaries of chiefs of nission within each class shall be at the 'ate provided by law for the levels of the Tederal Executive Salary Schedule as follows: :lass 1, the rate for level II; class 2, the rate or level III; class 3, the rate for level IV; end class 4, the rate for level V.'. '(c) That part of section 201(f) of the gational Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 428; 42 U.S.C. 2471(f) ), fixing a Limit of $19,000 on the compensation of seven persons in the National Aeronautics and Space Council, is amended by striking out compensated at the rate of not more than 1119,000 a year,' and inserting in lieu thereof compensated at not to exceed the highest rate of grade 18 of the General. Schedule of :he Classification Act of 1949, as amended,'. "(d) Clause (A) of section 203(b) (2) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2473(b) (2) ), as emended, is amended to read as follows: (A) to the extent the Adminstrator deems such action necessary to the discharge of his responsibilities, he may appoint not more than four hundred and twenty-five of the scientific, engineering, and administrative personnel of the Administration without re- gard to such laws, and may fix the compensa- tion of such personnel not in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, and'. "(e) Section 6(f) of the Act of September 24, 1959 (73 Stat. 706; 5 U.S.C. 2376(f) ), relating to the maximum compensation pay- able to employees of the Advisory Commis- sion on Intergovernmental Relations, is amended by striking out 'at a rate in excess of $20,000 per annum' and by inserting in lieu thereof 'at a rate in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended'. '(f) The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, is further amended as follows: "(1) In the last sentence of section 24 a. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat, 612; 42 U.S.C. 2034 (a) ), relating to the annual salary of the General Manager of such Commission, (A) by inserting 'and' immediately before 'shall be removable by the Commission' and (B) by striking out that part which reads: ',and shall receive compensation at a rate de- termined by the Commission, but not in excess of 822,000 per annum'; "(2) In the last sentence of section 24 b. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2034 (b) ), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy General Manager of such Commission, (A) by insert- ing 'and' immediately before 'shall be re- movable by the General Manager' and (B) by striking out that part which reads: ', and shall receive compensation at a rate de- termined by the General Manager, but 'not in excess of $20,500 per annum'; "(3) In the last sentence of section 24 c. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2034(c) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Assistant General Managers (or their equivalents) of such Commission, (A) by inserting 'and' im- mediately before 'shall be removable by the General Manager' and (B) by striking out that part which reads: ', and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the General Manager, but not in excess of 820,- 000 per annum'; "(4) In the second sentence of section 25 a. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035 (a) ), relating to the annual salaries of di- rectors of program divisions of such Corn- mission, by striking out that part which reads: 'and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of $19,000 per annum'; "(5) In section 25 b. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035 (b) ), relating to the an- nual salary of the General Counsel of such Commission, by striking out that part which reads: 'and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of 819,500 per annum'; "(6) In the first sentence of section 25 c. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat, 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035(c) ), relating to the annual salary of the Director of the Inspection Division in such Commission, by striking out that part which reads: 'and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not In excess of $19,000 per annum'; "(7) In the last sentence of section 25 d. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2085(d)), relating to the annual salaries of certain executive management positions in such Commission, (A) by inserting 'and' immediately before 'shall be removable by the General Manager' and (B) by striking out that part which reads: ', and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the General Manager, but not in excess of 819,000 per annum'; and "(8) In the second sentence of section 28 (68 Stat. 926; 42 U.S.C. 2038), relating to the compensation of the active member of the Armed Forces serving as Director of the Di- vision of Military Application in such Com- mission, by striking out that part which reads 'and the compensation prescribed in section 25' and inserting in lieu thereof, 'and the compensation established for this posi- tion pursuant to section 303 or section 309 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964'. "(g) Section 2 of the Act of July 30, 1946, as amended (60 Stat. '712; 70 Stat. 740; 22 U.S.C. 287n), relating to the compensation of the United States representatives and al- ternates at sessions of the General Confer- ence of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, is amended by striking out 'Such representa- tives and alternates shall each be entitled to receive compensation at such rates, not to exceed 815,000 per annum, as the Presi- dent may determine,' and inserting in lieu thereof 'Such representatives and alternates shall each be entitled to receive compensa- tion at such rates provided for Foreign Serv- ice officers in the schedule contained in sec- tion 412 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, as the President may determine,'. "(h) The third sentence of section 2 of the Act of May 29, 1959 (73 Stat. 63; 50 U.S.C. 402, nate), is amended to read as follows: 'Except as provided in subsection (f) of sec- tion 303 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964, no officer or employee of the Na- tional Security Agency shall be paid basic compensation at a rate in excess of the high- est rate of basic compensation contained in such General Schedule.'. "(1) (1) Sections 2 and 3 of the Act of 17277 July 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 414; D.C. Code, secs. 1-204a and 1-204b), relating to the compen- sation of the Commissioners of the District of Columbia, are amended to read as fol- lows: "'Sze. 2. Except as otherwise provided by this section and section 3 of this Act- "'(-1) the compensation of the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia shall be at the rate of $26,500 each per annum; and "'(2) the Commissioner detailed from the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army shall receive an annual compensation which, when added to any compensation he receives as an officer of the United States Army, will equal the compensation authorized by para- graph (1) of this section. "'Sze. 3. Notwithstanding any other provi- sion of law- " '(1) the compensation of the President of the Board of Commissioners of the Dis- trict of Columbia shall be at the rate of 826,000 per annum; and "'(2) if the Commissioner detailed from the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army is chosen President of the Board of Commissioners, he shall receive, as President of the Board, an annual compensation which, when added to any compensation he receives as an officer of the United States Army, will equal the compensation authorized by para- graph (1) of this section.'. "(2) Section 11-702(d) of the District of Columbia Code (77 Stat. 484; Public Law 88- 211), relating to the rates of annual salary of the chief Judge and the associate Judges of the District of Columbia Court a Appeals, is amended- "(A) by striking out 119,000' and insert- ing in lieu thereof '$25,000'; and "(B) by striking out 118,500' and insert- ing in lieu thereof '$24,500'. "(3) Section 11-902(d) of the District of Columbia ;Code (77 Stat. 487; Public Law 88- 241) , relating to the rates of annual salary of the chief judge and the associate Judges of the District of Columbia Court of General Sessions, is amended- "(A) by striking out '818,000' and insert- ing in lieu thereof '$24,000'; and "(B) by striking out 117,500' and insert- ing in lieu thereof 123,500'. "(4) The first sentence of the second para- graph of section 2 of the District of Colum- bia Revenue Act of 1937, as amended (D.C. Code, sec. 47-2402), relating to the compen- sation of the person appointed to the Dis- trict of Columbia Tax Court, is amended by striking out '$17,500' and inserting in lieu thereof '823,500'. "(5) That part of the salary schedule in section 1 of the District of Columbia Teach- ers' Salary Act of 1955, as amended (76 Stat. 1229; D.C. Code, sec. 31-1501), relating to the compensation of the Superintendent of Schools, and Deputy Superintendent of Schools, of the District of Columbia, which reads: " 'Class 1: Superintendent of Schools ..1$19, 000 Class 2: Deputy Superintendent_ 16, 600 I is amended to read as follows: '"Class 1: Superintendent of Schools _j$26, 000 I Class 2: Deputy Superintendent__ j 22, 000 I "(6) That part of the salary schedule in section 101 of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 480), as amended (sec. 4-823, et seq., D.C. Code, 1961 edition), relating to the compen- sation of the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police, which reads: " Class 10 Fire Chief. Chief of Police.' is amended to read as follows: " Class 10 Fire Chief. Chief of Police.' 17, 000 I21,000 17, 21, 900 500 17, 800 22, 000 18, 200 22, 000 I 18, 600 19, I23, 000 I 23, 000 I 600 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17278 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE "(j) (1) The catchline of section 3012 of title 10, United States Code, is amended by striking out'; compensation' "(2) The table of contents of chapter 303 of such title 10 is =ended by striking out " '3012. Secretary of the Army: powers and duties; delegation by; compensa- tion.' and inserting in lieu thereof " '3012. Secretary of the Army: powers and duties; delegation by.'. "(3) The catchline of section 5031 of such title 10 is amended by striking out '; com- pensation'. "(4) The table of contents of chapter 505 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "'5031. Secretary of the Navy: responsibili- ties; compensation.' and inserting in lieu thereof "'5031. Secretary of the Navy: responsibili- ties... "(5) The catchline of section 5033 of such title 10 is amended by striking out '; com- pensation'. "(6) The table of contents of chapter 505 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "'5033. Under Secretary of the Navy: ap- pointment; duties; compensation.' and inserting in lieu thereof "'5033. Under Secretary of the Navy: ap- pointment; duties.'. "(7) The catchline of section 8012 of such title 10 is amended by striking out '; com- pensation'. "(8) The table of contents of chapter 803 of such title 10 is amended by striking out " '8012. Secretary of the Air Force: powers and duties; delegation by; com- pensation.' and inserting in lieu thereof "'8012. Secretary of the Aix Force: powers and duties; delegation by.'. "Changes in position titles "SEC. 307. Whenever reference is made in any law or reorganization plan to the-- "Administrative Assistant Attorney Gen- eral, "Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior, "Administrative Assistant Secretary of Agriculture, "Administrative Assistant Secretary of Labor, "Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, or "Administrative Aseistant Secretary of Health, Education. and Welfare, "such reference shall be held and considered to mean the "Assistant Attorney General for Adminis- tration, "Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Administration, "Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration, "Assistant Secretary of Labor for Adminis- tration, "Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Administration, or "Assistant Secretary of Health. Education, and Welfare for Administration, respectively. "Limitation on salaries fixed by administra- tive action "SEc. 308. Except as provided by this Act and notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the head of any executive depart- ment, independent establishment, or agency in the executive branch who is authorized to fix by administrative action the annual rate of basic compensation for any position, officer, or employee shall not fix such rate in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to impair the authorities provided in the Central Intelli- gence Agency Act of 1949, as amended (50 U.S.C. 403a and following), in section 3 of the Tenenssee Valley Authority Act of 1933 (16 U.S.C. 831b), in section 9 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1819), in section 11 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 2481. or in section 5240 of the Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 481. relating to the Comp- troller of the Currency). "Afisceilatterrus positions in the executive bra rich "Sec. 309. Each office or position in the executive branch specifically referred to in, or covered by, any conforming change in law made by section 305 of this Act, or any other office or position in the executive branch for which the annual salary is es- tablished pursuant to special provision of law enacted prior to the date of enactment of this Act, at a figure of $18.500 or above, which is not placed In a level of the Federal Execu- tive Salary Schedule pursuant to section 303 of this Act, shall be paid basic compensation at a rate which is equal to the salary rate of a grade and step of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. All actions taken under this section shall be reported to the United States Civil Service Commission and published in the Federal Register, except when it is determined by the President that such report and publica- tion would be contrary to the interest of national security. "Saving provisions "Sec. 310. (a) Except as provided by this Act, the changes in existing law made by tids Act shall not affect any office or posi- tion existing immediately prior to the effec- tive date of any such changes in existing law, the compensation attached to such office or position, and any incumbent thereof, his appointment thereto, and his entitlement to receive the compensation attached there- to, until appropriate action is taken in ac- cordance with this Act or other law. "(b) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, the rate of basic gross, or total an- nual compensation received by any officer or employee immediately prior to the effective elate of this section shall not be reduced by reason of enactment of this Act. %Tres tv ? FEDER AL JUDICIAL SALARIES "Sec. 401. This title may he cited as the 'Federal Judicial Salary Act of 1984'. "Sac. 402. (a) The rates of basic compen- sation of officers and employees in or under the judicial branch of the Government whose rates of compensation are fixed by or pur- suant to paragraph (2) of subdivision a of section 62 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 102(a) (2)), section 3650 of title 18, United States Code, the third sentence of section 603, sections 872 to 675. inclusive, or section 604(a) (5), of title 28, United States Code, Insofar as the latter-section applies to graded positions, are hereby increased by amounts reflecting the respective applicable increases provided by title I of this Act in correspond- ing rates of compensation for officers and employees subject to the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. The rates of basic compensation of officers and employees hold- ing ungraded positions and whose salaries are fixed pursuant to section 604(a) (5) may be increased by the amounts reflecting the respective applicable increases provided by title I of this Act in corresponding rates of compensation for officers and employees sub- ject to the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. "(b) The limitations provided by applica- ble law on the effective date of this section with respect to the aggregate salaries payable to secretaries and law clerks of circuit and district judges are hereby increased by amounts which reflect the respective appli- cable increases provided by title I of this A;Igust ; Act in corresponding rates of compensasio for officers and employees subject to ti Classification Act of 1949, as amended. "(c) Section 753(e) of title 28, Unit( States Code (relating to the compensa tic of court reporters for district courts). amended by striking out the existing sala limitation contained therein and inserting new limitation which reflects the respecti- applicable increases provided by title I of tla Act in corresponding rates of conmensatic for officers and employees subject to ti Classification Act of 1949, as amended. "(d) Section 40a of the Bankruptcy A (11 U.S.C. C8(a) ), as amended, relating the compensation of full-time and part-;in referees in bankruptcy, is amended by a;ril Mg out the existing compensation limitat ice contained therein and inserting new limit) tions of '$22,500' and 111.000', respective' "Sac. 403. (a) Section 5 of title 28, Unite States Code, relating to the salaries of ti Chief Justice of the United States and ) the Associate Justices of the Supreme Con of the United States, is amended by strikit out 1.35,500' and substituting therefor '$40 000', and by striking out '$35.000' and sill stituting therefor '$39,500'. 'Op) Section 44(d) of title 28, Unite States Code, relating to circuit judges, amended by striking out '825,500' and sui stituting therefor '$33,000'. "(c) Section 135 of title 28, United Stan Code, relating to district judges, is amends by striking out 122,500' and substitutir therefor 130,000', and by striking out $23 000' and substituting therefor 130,500'. "(d) Section 173 of title 28, United Etat) Code, relating to judges of the Court ( Claims, is amended by striking out 125,50 and substituting therefor '$33,000'. '(e) Section 213 of title 28, United State Code, relating to judges of the Court of Cu toms and Patent Appeals, is amended b striking out 125,500' and substituting there for 133,000'. '(f) Section 252 of title 28, United State Code, relating to judges of the Custom Court, is amended by striking out 122,50t, and substituting therefor 130,000'. "(g) The first paragraph of section 603 of title 28, United States Code, relating to the compensation of the Director and the Daputy Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts, is amended to read as follows: " 'The Director shall receive a salsry of $27,000 a year. The Deputy Director shall receive a salary of $26,000 a year.' " ( h) Subsection (b) of section 792 of title 28, United States Code, relating to the com- pensation of commissioners of the Court of Claims, is amended to read as follows: "(b) Each commissioner shall receive basic compensation at the rate of $2f,000 a year, and also all necessary traveling expenses and a per diem allowance as provided in the Travel Expense Act of 1949, as amanded. while traveling on official business ans. away from Washington, District of Columbia.' "(1) Section 7443(c) of the Internal Rev- enue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 879), as amended, relating to judges of the Tax Court of the United States, is further amended by striking out '$22,500' and substituting there- for '$30.000'. "(j) Section 867(a (1) of title 10, ?Jnited Staten Code, relating to judges of the Court of Military Appeals, is amended by s ;taking out '$25,500' and substituting therefor '$33,000'. "TITLE V- ?EFFECTIVE DATES "Sac 501. (a) Except to the extent provided in subsections (bi and (c) of this section, this Act and the increases in compensation made by this Act shall become effective on the first clay of the first pay period which be- gins on Cr after July 1, 1964. "(b) Section 204 of this Act, relating to increases in compensation for Members of Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17279 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE Congress, shall become effective at noon on January 3, 1965. "(c) Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act (but except as otherwise provided In subsection (b) of this section)? "(1) no rate of compensation which is squal to or in excess of $22,000 per annum shall be increased in any amount, by reason of section 202 of this Act, until the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1965; and "(2) no rate of compensation which is less than $22,000 per annum shall be increased to an amount per annum in excess of $22,000, by reason of section 202 or 203(g) of this Act, until the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1965. "(d) For the purpose of determining the amount of insurance for which an individual is eligible under the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1954, all changes in rates of compensation or salary which re- sult from the enactment of this Act shall be held and considered to be effective as of the date of such enactment. "SEC. 502. (a) Retroactive compensation or salary shall be paid by reason of this Act only in the case of an individual in the serv- ice of the United States (including service in the Armed Forces of the United States) or the municipal government of the District of Co- lumbia on the date of enactment of this Act, except that such retroactive compensation or salary shall be paid (1) to an officer or em- ployee who retired during the period begin- ning on the effective date prescribed by sec- tion 501(a) and ending on the date of enact- ment of this Act for services rendered during such period and (2) in accordance with the provisions of the Act of August 3, 1950 (Pub- lic Law 636, Eighty-first Congress), as amended (5 U.S.C. 61f-61k), for services rendered during the period beginning on the effective date prescribed by section 501(a) and ending on the date of enactment of this Act by an officer or employee who dies during such period. Such retroactive compensation' or salary shall not be considered as basic salary for the purpose of the Civil Service Re- tirement Act in the case of any such retired or deceased officer or employee. "(b) For the purposes of this section, serv- ice in the Armed Forces of the United States, in the case of an individual relieved from training and service in the Armed Forces of the United States or discharged from hos- pitalization following such training and serv- ice, shall include the period provided by law for the mandatory restoration of such indi- vidual to a position in or under the Federal Government or the municipal government of the District of Columbia," and the Senate agree to the same. Tom MURRAY, JAMES H. MORRISON, ROBERT J. CORBETT, Managers on the Part of the House. OLIN D. JOHNSTON, MIKE MONRONEY, FRANK CARLSON, Managers on the Part of the Senate. STATEMENT The managers on the part of the House at the conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 11049) entitled "An act to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Fed- eral Government, and for other purposes," submit the following statement in explana- tion of the effect of the action agreed upon by the conferees and recommended in the accompanying conference report. The Senate struck out all of the House bill after the enacting clause and inserted a sub- stitute text. The committee of conference recommends that the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Sen- ate with an amendment which is a substitute for both the House bill and the Senate amendment and that the Senate agree to the same. Except for technical and conforming changes, the differences between the House bill and the conference substitute are ex- plained below. COST OF SALARY INCREASES The budget expenditure for the fiscal year 1965 under the conference substitute is not expected to exceed $544 million, the Presi- dent's maximum budget figure for the 1965 fiscal year. The annual cost of the confer- ence substitute would be approximately $558 million on the basis of the current employ- ment figures. However, the Bureau of the Budget has advised that the fiscal year 1965 expenditure because of this legislation will be held to the budget figure of $544 million through attrition, unfilling of vacancies, and other actions to increase the amount of cost absorptibn required under section 125 of the conference substitute. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE TEXT OF THE HOUSE BILL AND THE CONFERENCE SUBSTITUTE Title I?Federal employees' salary systems Title I of both the House bill and the con- ference substitute provides salary rates rea- sonably comparable to those for substantially equal responsibilities in private enterprise for employees subject to (1) the Classifica- tion Act of 1949; (2) the 'postal field service compensation provisions of title 39, United States Code; (3) the salary schedules of the Foreign Service Act of 1946; (4) section 4107 of title 38, United States Code, relating to positions in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration; and (5) employees of the agricultural stabiliza- tion and conservation county committees. The coverage of title I of the House bill is identical to the coverage of title I of the conference substitute. The major differ- ences are discussed below. Middle salary grades The House bill guarantees a minimum 3- percent salary increase for postal employees and for employees in the lower grades of the Classification Act of 1949, but less than 3 percent for employees in the middle grades of such act?GS-9, GS-10, GS-11, and GB-12. Section 102(a) of the conference substitute guarantees a minimum 3-percent increase for the middle grades as well as for the lower grades by increasing the rates provided in the House bill by $10 for GS-9, $60 for GS- 10, $100 for GS-11, and $50 for GS-12. All other rates of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949 are identical in both the House bill and the conference substitute. Similar increases are provided under sec- tion 118 of the conference substitute for the middle grades of the salary schedules for employees in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration and under section 119 for the salary sched- ules of the Foreign Service Act of 1946. Initial appointments Section 103(a) of the House bill and 103(a) of the conference substitute both amended section 801 of the Classification Act of 1949 relating to new appointments, The conference substitute adds the require- ment to the House bill provisions that new appointments to positions in GS-13 and above at a rate above the minimum rate may be made only with the approval of the Civil Service Commission in each specific case. Such requirement will not apply to appoint- ments made by the Librarian of Congress. Professional engineering positions Subsection (b) of section 103 of the House bill excludes professional engineering posi- tions primarily concerned with research and development and professional positions in the physical and natural sciences and medi- cine which are placed in grades 16, 17, and 18 of the General Schedule of the Classifica- tion Act of 1949 from the provisions of sec- tion 507 and titles VII and VIII of such act. Section 507 relates to salary retention on reduction in grade. Title VII relates to step increases and title VIII relates to such mat- ters as the rate within the grade payable on initial appointment or promotion. The conference substitute does not include a comparable provision. Hearing examiners Section 103(c) of the House bill and sec- tion 103(b) of the conference substitute relate to additional positions exempted from the maximum limitation of 2,400 supergrade positions ?which the Civil Service Commis- sion may approve for 05-16, GS-17, and GS-18. The House bill added two new exemptions: (1) hearing examiner positions under sec- tion 11 of the Administrative Procedure Act (5 U.S.C. 1010); and (2) positions placed in the supergrades in accordance with section 309 of the House bill. In general, section 309 covers certain positions which were not placed in the Federal Executive Salary Schedule by this legislation. The conference substitute adds to the ex- emptions from the 2,400 supergrade post-, tions, 240 positions of hearing examiners for GS-16 and 9 positions of hearing examiners for 05-17. The House bill did not contain any numerical limitation on the number of hearing examiner positions to be placed in the supergrades. It is to be noted that the limitations on hearing examiner positions to be exempt from the total limitation of 2,400 does not prohibit the placing of more than 240 hearing examiner positions in grade 16 or more than 9 hearing examiner posi- tions in grade 17 should the Civil Service Commission approve additional hearing ex- aminer positions for the supergrades within the 2,400 numerical limitation. The second exemption contained in the House bill relating to section 309 is not in- cluded in the conference substitute, as sec- tion 309 of the conference substitute provides that employees occupying positions covered by section 309 will receive pay equivalent to a rate of the General Schedule of the Classi- fication Act of 1949 but does not contem- plate that the positions will be placed un- der the Classification Act of 1949 or placed In the supergrades as did the House version. Pay computation Section 103(d) of the House bill amends section 604(d) (3) of the Federal Employ- ees Pay Act of 1945 (5 U.S.C. 944(c) (3) ) to change the method of computing salary rates for all pay computation purposes affecting most employees of the Federal Government and of the municipal government of the Dis- trict of Columbia so that in the computa- tion of rates all remaining fractions of a cent shall be eliminated. The existing method of computing rates is to compute in full cents, counting any fraction of a cent as the next higher cent. Section 103(c) of the conference substitute requires rounding off to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as the next higher cent. This method of computation is the same method now provided under sec- tion 3541(f) of title 39, United States Code, for postal employees. Consequently, sec- tion 116(b) of the House bill amending sec- tion 3541(f) is not included in the confer- ence substitute. Ranking of positions in the postal service Section 108(a) of the House bill and sec- tion 108(a) of the conference substitute both amend section 3501 of title 39, United States Code, by adding a new subsection (c) relat- ing to the ranking of positions for which the number of annual revenue units of a post office or its class is a relevant factor of the ranking of positions. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17280 Approved For Reltaae_2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 LTRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE inigUd 3 Under the conference substitute the re- ranking of such positions will be as of the beginning of the first pay period in calendar year 1965, whereas the House bill would have required the first reranking of such poet- tions as of the beginning of the first pay period occurring on or after the date of en- actment of this bill. Fourth-class postmasters Section 111 of the House bill and section 111 of the conference substitute bath amend section 3544 of title 39, United States Code, relating to the compensation of postmasters at fourth-class post offices. The House bill proposes a measure which would accomplish pay reform for postmasters at fourth-class offices in line with reforms provided other_ Federal employees in the Fed- eral Salary Reform Act of 1962 (76 Stat. 841: Public Law 87-793, part LI). The reform would evaluate the positions of postmasters in fourth-class offices in PF5-5 and determine their pay for essentially part-time work on the basis of actual time required. The pro- posal would authorize the Postmaster Gen- eral to establish and determine the work re- quirements in these part-time offices and to fix the compensation of postmasters ac- cordingly. Where the actual compensation to be fixed by this method was less than that -due under FOS schedule IL compensation would have continued to be fixed under FOS schedule II as though such schedule con- tinued in effect. The House bill also made other changes respecting postmasters in fourth-class offices which recognized the part-time nature of their work. The I5-percent allowance for rent, light, fuel, and equipment was based on the rate for step 1 rather than on the actual compensation of the postmaster as at present where quarters are not furnished. The change would have given the Post Office Department the option to furnish quarters when this was desirable, necessary, or more economical and, at the same time, rationalize the allowance for postmasters furnishing quarters. Section 111(a) of the conference substi- tute does not contain the reform measures included in the House bill but provides a new salary schedule for postmasters at fourth-class poet offices. The schedule is based on the new revenue unit concept and provides increases ranging from 10 percent in the highest group for fourth-class offices to 15 percent in the lower fourth-class office levels. Postmasters at fourth-clam offices of the lowest two existing levels will receive increases substantially In excess of 15 percent of their present salary. This group Is among the lowest paid of Federal employees and has the greatest need for substantial salary in- cremes. The conference substitute also provides the necessary language to properly com- pensate postmasters at fourth-class offices under the revenue unit concept, to permit the Postmaster General to advance fourth- class offices to higher categories, to com- pensate persons serving in place of post- masters at fourth-class offices, to provide additional compensation to postmasters at fourth-class offices for unusual conditions, to provide for compensation to postmasters at seasonal fourth-class offices, to provide for the relegation of third-class offices to the fourth-class under certain conditions, and to provide for an allowance of 15 percent basic compensation for quarters, fixtures. and equipment. Section 111(b) of the conference sub- stitute provides a method of converting post- masters at fourth-class offices to the new schedule. Each postmaster will be placed In the lowest step for his revenue unit cate- gory which exceeds his existing compensa- tion by not less than 19 percent. If there is no such step, he will retain his existing compensation plus 10 percent. Because the increases incident to changing to the new schedule are not equivalent, increases, any credit toward the next step increase earned prior to the effective date of section 111 will be carried forward for purposes of determin- ing eligibility for the next step increase un- der the new schedule. Section 111(c) of the conference substi- tute provides that changes in gross receipts categories or steps which otherwise would have occurred on the effective date of sec- tion 111 shall be considered as occurring prior to conVerSlorx. Because of the change from adjusted gross postal receipts to revenue units for determin- ing class of office and category, some post offices, classified as fourth-class offices on July 1, 1964, will not fail within the revenue unit categories prescribed in the new sched- ule. In such cages, the offices will be con- tinued as fourth-class post offices until re- classified by operation of other sections of the bill. Postmasters in such offices will con- tinue to receive the 10-percent increase in basic compensation until the salaries are adjusted as otherwise -required. Postal field service annual step increases Section 114(a) of the conference substi- tute extends to all levels of the Postal Field Service Schedule annual step Increases up to step 7. Under present law, only employees in levels I through 6 receive annual. step in- creases up to step 7, and employees in level 7 or above receive annual step increases to steps 2, 3, and 4. and biennial step Increases to steps 5, 6, and 7. The House bill has no comparable pro- visions. Staff allowance for former residents Section 124 of the conference substitute increases the maximum amount available to former Presidents of the United States for compensation payable to their staff employ- ees from the present maximum of $50,000 to $65.000. The House bill has no comparable provi- sion. Trrts II Federal legislative salaries Title LI of the House bill and of the confer- ence substitute both provide increases in rates of compensation for dicers and em- ployees of the legislative branch. Legislative step salaries Subsections (e) through (h) of section 202 of the conference substitute contain the usual authority relating to Senate employ- ees in the following respects. Subsection (e) reserves to individual Senators the authority to determine whether Increases provided by the bill shall apply to members of their own staffs. Subsection (f) provides increases for employees of the Senate whose compensation has been fixed by law at gross rates. These increases will be comparable to the increases granted under section 202,a) of the confer- ence substitute. Subsection (g) increases the gross compensation limitation for Senate employees from $18,880 to $22945. Subsec- tion lb) increases the limitation on the gross rate per hour of employees in the Sen- ate folding room. Section 202(1) of the conference substi- tute increases the gross rate of compensation of the Postmaster of the Senate to $18.420 and the gross rate of the Assistant Postmas- ter of the Senate to $14,570. This subsection also excludes these two positions from the longevity provisions of section 106 of thi Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 196: (76 Stat. 694: Public Law 87-730). Section 203(g) provides a rate of conspen sation of $27,500 per annum for the Score tary of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arras o the Senate, and the Legislative Counsel o the Senate. Section 233(h) provides a rate of compen sation of 515,000 per annum for the Chaolaii of the Senste. The House bill contained no similar provi Mons relating to Senate employees. Officirs of the legislative branch. Section 203 of the House bill and seetioi 203 of the conference substitute both so tab lists annual rates of compensation for cer Lain officers of the legislative branch. A coon parison of toe annual rates of basic compen melon for these officers is set forth below: Poet .,on title ke,istant Com itroller General_ General Cour al of General Atrounting office T.ibrarian of I 't nc?ress Pul,lie I'rinter _ _ Arehitect of liu ( 'apitol__ _ Deput y Pubic I- rin tcr I )eput y Lihrar- a II of Congtessi Assi,tant An bitect of the Capitol... .. 2.1 .1ssi,tant Architect of the Capitol Hodge bill C onfe -ene subst tete $25,000 $15.51 28,000 :7,01 28,000 17,01 2,_8, 000 17,01 28.000 17,01 27 , OM 25,51 27, t100 25, It 27,000 25, 5C 20,0(8) 23,51 TTTLE no Federal Executive Salaries Title III of the House bill and title II of the confsrence substitute both provid for a Federa. Executive Salary Schedule ant make necessary conforming changes in exist ing law. The major differences are discusses below. Federal executive salary schedule The House bill establishes six salary level. for the Federal Executive Salary Schedule The conference substitute establishes five such levels. A comparison of the anrual rates of basic compensation of such levels In the House bill and in the conference sub- stitute is set f orth below: IInuse bill Conference subsiitt te Level I I 5.32, 500 Level II 30,0(30 Level III._ 29,83) Level IV 28,38) Level V. 27,9)0 Level VI _ 26,0(8) $35,000 30,000 28,500 27.000 26. 000 The House bill makes specific assignments of executive positions to level I. level II, level III, and positions held by members of certain boards and commissions to level IV. Also, the House bill authorizes the President to assign posstions to level IV, level V. and level VI. Sections 303 ( a) through 303 ie) of the con- ference substitute specify positions for all live levels prescribed by the conference st b- stitute. A comparison showing the different assign- ments by the conference substitute of cer- tain positions specifically assigned by the House bill is set forth below: Specific position assignments to diff in nt levels Il miss ConferethT Administrator. Federal Aviation Agency Secn butes of Air Force, Army, and Navy .stolicitor General of the rolled States Director of Selective Service (pment Ineunibent) Meniberi, Connell of Economic Advisers H. (Presidential authority) ; (('residential authority) IV. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 ? CIA-RDP6.6.B_Q.0403R000500050001-9 17281 19t4. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? Hou Presidential authority Section 303(1) of the conference substi- tute grants authority to the President to place offices and positions held by not to ex- ceed 30 persons in levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule when he deems such action necessary to reflect changes in organization, management re- sponsibilities, or workload. The subsection also requires that, in the case of an office to which appointment is made by the Presi- dent by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, the President may use such authority only at the time of the new ap- pointment. Action by the President under this subsection is required to be published in the Federal Register except when it is de- termined by the President that such publi- cation would be contrary to the interest of the national security. The authority will not apply to any office or position the com- pensation for which is fixed at a specific rate by section 303 of the conference substitute or by statute enacted subsequent to the date of enactment of this legislation. Section 303(g) authorizes the President to place in levels IV and V offices and positions, the duties and responsibilities of which he deems appropriate for such levels, held by not to exceed 30 persons. The authority un- der this subsection relates to positions which are in addition to positions listed in sub- sections (d) and (e) of section 303 and which are in addition to the positions acted upon pursuant to subsection (f) of section 303. The authority under this subsection shall not apply with respect to any office Or position the compensation for which is fixed at a specific rate by section 303 of the con- ference substitute or by statute enacted sub- sequent to the date of enactment of this act. Presidential staff Section 304(b) of the conference substi- tute adds the position of the Executive Sec- retary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council to the 15 positions for which the House bill authorizes the President, under section 105 of title 3, United States Code, to fix rates of basic compensation at a rate not to exceed the rate for level II of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule. Conforming changes in existing law Section 305 and section 306 of both the House bill and the conference substitute re- peal or amend provisions of existing law to bring existing law into conformity with the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964. The conference substitute omits one re- pealer contained in the House bill (sec. 305(41) ) relating to the annual salaries for not more than three positions of Deputy Governor, Farm Credit Administration. The conference substitute adds another repealer not contained in the House bill (sec. 305(41) ) relating to the rate of com- pensation for the Special Assistant to the Secretary (Health and Medical Affairs), De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare. Section 306 of the conference substitute omits an amending change of the House bill (sec. 306(h) ) relating to the compensation of the U.S. representatives and alternates at the sessions of the general council and at sessions of the executive committee of the International Refugee Organization. Staff of Advisory Commission on Intergov- ernmental Relations Section 306(e) of the House bill, relating to the maximum compensation payable to the staff of the Advisory Commission on In- tergovernmental Relations, increased the present maximum of $20,000 per annum to the rate for level VI of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule. Section 306(e) of the conference substitute increases such maximum to a rate not in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949. No. 149---19 Director, Division of Military Application, Atomic Energy Commission Section 306(1) (8) of the House bill, re- lating to the maximum aggregate compen- sation of the active member of the Armed Forces serving as Director of the Division of Military Application in the Atomic Energy Commission, increases such maximum to the "compensation for directors of other pro- gram divisions." It was contemplated that such compensation would be the rate for 03-18 unless the President were to assign such other program director positions to levels IV, V, or VI of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule as provided for under the House bill. Section 306(f) (8) of the conference sub- stitute increases such maximum to the "com- pensation established for this position pur- suant to section 303 or section 309 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964." The effect of the conference substitute is to limit the maximum aggregate compensation to the salaries of level IV or V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule if the President assigns the position to either of such levels; but if he does not, the maximum will not exceed the rate for G3-18. Officers of the District of Columbia Section 306(1) of the House bill and sec- tion 306(i) of the conference substitute both relate to the compensation of officials of the District of Columbia. The conference sub- stitute provides rates $1,000 less in certain cases than the rates provided in the House bill. A comparison of the rates for those officials for which the rates are different is set forth below: Position Salary rates House bill Conference substitute President, District of Columbia Board of Commissioners $27, 000 $26, 000 Other District of Columbia Commissioners 26, 600 25, 500 Chief judge, District of Columbia Court of Appeals 26, 000 26, 000 Other judges, District of Columbia Court of Appeals 25, 500 24, 500 Chief judge, District of Columbia court of general sessions 25, 000 24, 000 Other judges, District of Columbia court of general sessions 24, 500 23, 500 Judge, District of Columbia Tax Court 24, 500 23, 500 Limitations on salaries fixed by administra- tive action Section 308 of the House bill limits the salary-fixing authority of the heads of ex- ecutive departments and agencies by pro- viding that hereafter they may not fix rates In excess of the highest rate for grade GS- 18 of the General Schedule of the Classifica- tion Act of 1949, The House bill exempted from this limitation authorities contained in the Central Intelligence Agency Act of 1949 (50 U.S.C. 403a), the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 (16 U.S.C. 831b), sec- tion 9 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1819), and section 5240, Revised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 481, relating to the Comptroller of the Currency). Section 308 of the conference substitute adds one additional authority to the ex- emptions, which is section 11 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 248) . Miscellaneous executive positions Section 309 of the House bill requires the placement in the appropriate grade of the Classification Act of 1949 of any office or position in the executive branch not placed In a level of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule under section 303 of the House bill but which is affected by any change in exist- ing law under section 305 of the House bill. Section 309 of the conference substitute provides that each such office or position shall be compensated at a rate equal to the rate of a grade and step of the General Sched- ule of the Classification Act of 1949. In addition, the conference substitute applies this policy to other offices and positions in the executive branch for which the annual salary is established, at a figure of $18,500 or more, pursuant to a special provision of law enacted prior to the date of enactment of the conference substitute. The conference sub- stitute contains a further provision (not in the House bill) to the effect that all actions taken under section 309 of the conference substitute shall be reported to the U.S. Civil Service Commission and published in the Federal Register, except when the President determines that such report and publication would be contrary to the interest of national security. TITLE Iv Federal Judicial salaries Sectign 402(a) of the House bill provides increases in rates of compensation for cer- tain specified employees of the judicial branch of the Government. The increases will be in amounts corresponding to the in- creases under section 102 of the bill for Classification Act employees. Section 402(a) of the conference substi- tute has the same coverage as the House bill but includes an additional provision which has the effect of authorizing the Di- rector of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts to determine the amount of the in- creases for employees appointed pursuant to section 604(a) (5) of title 28, United States Code, who hold "ungraded positions." Graded positions are those under the judi- ciary salary plan approved by the Judicial Conference of the United States. The un- graded positions are clerks of court, Register of Wills of the District of Columbia, the pretrial examiners in the District of Colum- bia and in New York, and the assistant pre- trial examiner in the District of Columbia. Section 403 of the House bill and section 403 of the conference substitute both pro- vide increases in the compensation of Fed- eral judges, the Director and Deputy Direc- tor of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts and the Commissioners of the Court of Claims. The conference substitute changes the rates provided by the House bill for the Justices of the Supreme Court, the Director and Deputy Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, and for the Com- missioners of the Court of Claims as indi- cated below: Position House bill Conference substitute Chief Justice of the United States $43, 000 $40, 000 Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States 42, 500 39, 500 Director, Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts 28,000 27,000 DeputyDirector, Administrative Office of the -U.S. Courts 27,050 26, 000 Commissioners, Court of Claims 27,000 26,000 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17282 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE AuguN 3 Time v Salary relationships in Federal executive. Judicial, congressional, and career salaries (House bill) Title V of the House bill provided for the establishment and maintenance, on a per- manent basis, of salary relationships with respect to Federal executive. Judicial. con- gressional, and career salaries. This title, which consisted of section 501, contained, in section 501(a), a statement of policy with respect to the desirability of maintaining and continuing, on a permanent_ basis. the salary relationships established by the House bill among and between the salary rates of (a) the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949 and the Postal Field Service Schedule in title I of the House bill: (b) Members of Congress and the Speaker of the House of Representatives in title IT; (c) Fed- eral executives in title III; and (d) Federal Judges ill title IV. In order to implement this policy. section 501(b) provided, in effect, that, whenever in the future the salary rates of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949 shall have been increased by law, the salary rates of officers and positions in the cate- gories referred to above would be increased automatically in accordance with a formula designed to provide increases in such rates proportionate to the General Schedule salary rate increases. The Senate amendment did not contain comparable provisions. The conference substitute omits these pro- visions of title V of the House bill. TITLE VI Effective dates Title VI of the House bill and title V of the conference substitute both relate to the ef- fective dates for the various provisions of the bill. Section 601 (al of the House bill provides that, except as provided in subsections (b) and (c), the increases in compensation would become effective on the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after the date of enactment. Section 801(b) provided that increases for Members of Congress would become effective at. noon, January 3, 1985. Section 801(c) prohibits any rate of com- pensation from being increased to an amount per annum in excess of $22,000 until the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1965. Section 501(a) of the conference substitute provides as an effective date the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after July 1, 1964, except as provided in subsec- tions (b) and (ci of the section. Because the effective date of section 105, relating to the classification of post offices, is later than July 1. 1964, it will not disturb the classifica- tion of post offices made on July 1, 1964. The first general reclassification under the revi- sion made by this legislation will occur on July 1, 1985. Section 501 (13 ) of the conference substi- tute contains the same effective date. noon. January 3, 1965, for Members of Congress as contained in the House bill. Section 501(c) of the conference substi- tute provides that the rates for officers and employees of the House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate shall not be increased above $22,000 per annum until the first day of he first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1965. The limitation in the con- ference substitute applies only to certain rates in title IT of the bill and not to rates in other titles of the bill as did the House provision. Section 501(d) r)f the conference substi- tute provides that, for the purpose of deter- mining the amount of Insurance for which an officer or employee is eligible under the Federal Employees' Group Life Insurance Act of 1054 (5 U.S.C. 2091-2103), all changes in rates of compensation which result from the enactment of the conference substitute shall be held and construed to be effective as Of the date of enactment. Section 502 of the conference substitute provides that, except for employees who died or retired during the retroactive period, the payment of retroactive compensation Will be made only in the case of individuals in the service of the United States (including serv- ice in the Armed Forces of the United States) or of the Municipal government of the Dis- trict of Columbia on the date of enactment. Retroactive payment also would be made for services rendered during the retroactive pe- riod in the case of employees who retired or died during such period. The conference substitute also provides that such retroactive compensation shall not be considered as basic compensation for the purpose of the Civil Service Retirement Act in the case of any such retired or deceased officer or employee. The House bill contained no provision sim- ilar to section 502 of the conference substi- tute. Tom MURRAY. JAMES H. MORRISON. ROBERT J. CORBETT, Managers on the Part of the Boyar ANNOUNCEMENT OF ADDITIONAL PROGRAM t Mr. ALBERT asked and was given Permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. ALBERT. Mr. Speaker, I take this time to announce an addition to the pro- gram of the House. The Committee on House Administra- tion, tomorrow, will call up House Reso- lution 719 and House Resolution 800. LEAVE OF ABSENCE By unaniznous consent, leave of ab- sence was granted to: Mr. THOMPSON of Louisiana (at the re- quest of Mr. MORRISON/ , for an indefinite period, on account of illness. Mr. RoliF.RTS of Alabama (at the re- quest of Mr. JENNINGS), for today, to- morrow, and Wednesday, on account of illness. Mr. WAILHAUSER ( at the request of Mr. HALLECK , for an indefinite period, on account of illness. SPECIAL ORDERS GRANTED By unanimous consent, permission to address the House, following the legis- lative program and any special orders heretofore entered, was granted to: Mr. TiroMPsON of Texas, for 30 min- utes. today; to revise and extend his re- marks. and include extraneous matter. Mr. OLSEN of Montana, for 1 hour, today. Mr. LAIRD. for 15 minutes. tomorrow. August 4. Mr HALPERN at the request of Mr. SCHADEBERG I, for 10 minutes, today, and to revise and extend his remarks and in- chide extraneous matter. Mr. SCHWENGEL (at the request of Mr. SCHADEBERG) , for 30 minutes, today, and to revise and extend his remarks and in- clude extraneous matter. EXTENSION OF REMARKS By unanimous consent, permission to extend remarks in the Appendix of th e RECORD, or to revise and extend remarks, was granted to: Mr. HAYS and to include extraneot s matter. Mr. PAT'MAN in three instances and to Include extraneous matter. Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina ill two instances and to include extraneous matter. Mr. Gnoss. Mr. WYMAN asked and was given per- mission to address the House for 1 min- ute .rid to revise and extend his re- marks and to include extraneous matter and that his remarks follow the remarks of Mr. ALBERT. Mr. HALL after passing over H.R. 380C, Calendar No. 387 on the Consent Cal- endar. Mr. WHITENER asked and was given permission to extend his remarks in the body of the RECORD following action on the bill H.R. 1096, Mr. KASTENMEIER immediately pre?? ceding the vote on the military pay raise bill. Mr. DOLE to extend his remarks fol.. lowing those of Mr. ASPINALL on H.R. 3071. Mr. BETTS and to include extraneous matter. Mr. PHILBIN in eight instances. Mr. GILL (at the request of Mr. MAT- SUNAGA) to extend his remarks in the body of the RECORD immediately prior tc the passage of S. 1991. Mr. DORN and to include extraneous matter. (The following Members (at the re- quest of Mr. SCHADEBERG) and to include extraneous matter:) Mr. DERWINSKL Mr. WESTLAND. Mr. DEL CLAWSON. Mr. YOUNGER. Mr. MOORE in three instances. Mr. ROUDEBUSH. Mr. CHENOWETH. Mr. WYMAN in three instances. Mr. SCHWENGEL in two instances. Mr. TOLLEFSON in two instances. Mr. LINDSAY in five instances. Mr. HOSMER. Mr. BATES. (The following Members (at the re- nclude extraneous matter:) Mr. PEPPER. Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina in two instances. Mr. ROGERS of Florida in eight in- stances. Mr. GONZALEZ. Mr. PULToN of Tennessee. Mr. Powen.. Mr. BURKHALTER, Mr. RAINS itl two instances. Mr. RIVERS of Alaska. Mr. WHITENER in four instances. Mrs. HANSEN. Mr. MORRIS. Mr. MASON. quest of Mr. MATSUNAGA) and to i SENATE BILLS REFERRED Bills of the Senate of the following titles were taken from the Speaker's Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 /964 Approved For:mmaggoR 8R:E?:16kR-IV_P67113j):It4s0E3R000500050001-9 Mr. WYMAN. Mr. Speaker, I appre- ciate what the gentleman has said, but I would like to support a carefully writ- ten legislative standard. It seems to me that the standard here is altogether too general and leaves everything up to Mr. McNamara. There is no need for this looseness, particularly in view of the Sec- retary's manifest attitude toward public yards. Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield to me? Mr. MAHON. I yield to the gentle- man from Massachusetts. Mr. O'NEILL. Mr. Speaker. In my opinion this is the death knell of the Government-owned shipyards. I have the Boston Navy Shipyard in my district. I have seen it go down from 11.000 to about 8,000. Here is a shipyard that is Important. It is closest to the Atlantic Ocean and closest to Europe. An amendment of this type is indeed bad for the morale of the entire yard. I hope the House will vote no in favor of the Federal shipyards. Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. MAHON. I yield to the gentleman from Hawaii. Mr. MATSUNAGA. Mr. Speaker. I rise to associate myself with the remarks of the gentleman from New York (Mr. CELLER1, and the gentleman from South Carolina [Mr. RIVERS]. Mr. Speaker. I have always opposed the so-called 65135 formula here under dis- cussion, because it sets up an inflexible situation to the detriment of our Navy. The Senate amendment which we are now being asked to accept sets up an even more intolerable situation than that which was provided under the original House version. The Senate amendment provides that "at least 35 percentum" of the funds appropriated for the repair, al- teration and conversion of naval vessels shall be allocated to privately owned shipyards. This means that the private shipyards are guaranteed a minimum allocation of 35 percent of all repair, alteration and conversion jobs, while the naval shipyards are without any guar- antee. If we adopt the Senate amend- ment, we would be making it legally pos- sible for the Secretary of Defense to allo- cate 100 percent of all repair, alteration and conversion work to private shipyards. It appears that the private shipyard owners are no longer satisfied with 35 percent of the jobs, and its powerful lobby is flexing its muscles for a complete takeover. Concededly, private enterprise ought to be given its fair share of Gov- ernment contracts, and I am not opposed to private enterprise. But where our Navy is concerned, our primary consider- ation should be directed toward what is best for our own national defense and security. Our Navy should not be saddled with inflexibility of the Senate amend- ment. Repair, alteration, or conversion of its vessels should be allowed wherever it can be done most efficiently and expe- ditiously, for the Navy is undeniably an emergency arm of our Nation which must be kept in constant readiness, if it is to he kept at all. The incident only a few days ago in the Gulf of Tonkin in which the destroyer U.S.S. Maddox was the intended victim of an unannounced sneak attack illus- trates this truth with dramatic force. The attack on the Maddox should serve to remind us that warfare invariably starts without any warning. Those of us who were in Hawaii when Pearl Harbor was bombed have not forgotten this. Let us be reminded by the Maddox incident that if it had not been for the efficient, dedicated team of Federal workers at the Pearl Harbor Naval Shipyard, our Navy would never have made the amazing re- covery in the short time that it did. If our Navy is to be kept at all, it must be maintained at a level where it can meet any and all emergencies at any time. This it cannot do without a dependable, ever-ready crew of well trained, highly experienced repairmen at a readily ac- cessible shipyard. Maintenance of our naval shipyards, such as the one at Pearl Harbor, therefore, must be considered as part and parcel of our Navy. To detract from this proposition is to weaken our Navy and endanger our own national security. The Senate amendment tends to do this and should be defeated. (Mr. MATSUNAGA asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks.) Mr. OSTERTAG. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. MAHON. I yield to the gentleman from New York. Mr. OSTERTAG. Mr. Speaker, I would like to make the point that the language in this conference report differs in no substantial way from the language already adopted by the House of Repre- sentatives in the original House bill; is that correct? Mr. MAHON. The gentleman is cor- rect. Mr. Speaker, I ask for a vote. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The question is on the motion offered by the gentleman from Texas [Mr. MmioN] . The question was taken; and on a division (demanded by Mr. CELLER) there were?ayes 78, noes 84. Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I de- mand tellers. Tellers were ordered, and the Speaker appointed as tellers Mr. MAHON and Mr. RIVERS of South Carolina. The House again divided, and the tellers reported that there were?ayes 95, noes 101. Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The question was taken; and there were?yeas 186, nays 178, not voting 67, as follows: Roll No. 2011 YEAS-1813 Abele 13olton. Burke Abernethy Frances P. Burleson Anderson Bol ton, Burton, Utah Andrews, Ala. Olivor P. Byrnes, Wis, Andrews, Bonner Cahill N. flak. Bow Casey Arend/3 Bradernas Cederberg Ashbreark Bray Chamberlain Ayres Brock Chelf Baker Bromwell Chenoweth Becker Brooks Clancy Beermann Broomfield Cobelan Belcher Brotzman Collier Bell Brown, Ohio Colmer Bennett. Fla. Broyhill, N.C. Conte Berry Broyhill, Va. Corbett Betts Bruce Cramer Cunningham Denton Derwinskl Devine Dole Dowdy Duncan Dwyer Edmondson Fallon Faacell Feighan Findley Flynt Fogarty Ford Foreman Fountain Frellnghuysen Fulton, Pa. Fuqua Gary Claim? Gibbons Glenn Goodell Goodling Grabowski Green, Oreg. Griffin Griffiths Gross Gurney Hagen, Calif. Hall lialleek Hansen Harrison Haraha Harvey, Ind. "Lechler Hoeven Horan Hutchinson Jarman Jensen Abbitt Addabbo Ashmore Aspinall Auchincloss Baldwin Barrett Barry Bates Blatnik Boland Brown, Calif. Burkhalter Burton, Calif. Byrne, Pa. Cameron Carey Celier Clark Clausen, Don H. Clawson, Del Cleveland Cooley Carman Curtin Daddario Dague Daniels Davis, Oa. Dawson Delaney Dent Derounian Donohue Dorn Downing Dulski Edwards Elliott Everett Farhstein Fino Fisher Flood Fraser Gallagher Gathings Gilbert Gill Gonzalez Grant Gray Green, Pa. Grover Gubser Johansen Jon ELS Kastenmeier Keith Kilgore King. Calif. Kirtvan Knox Kornegay Kunkel Kyl Lair d Lan gen Lan a Lips comb Lon r. Md. McC tory McCulloch McLoskey MacGregor Mahon Manin, Calif. Martin, Nebr. Mataras Matthews May Mea.ler Michel Miller, Calif. Minshall Monagan Moore Mon Is Morton Moalier Natcher Nelsen 0?Konskl Ostertag Patnian Pelly Perkms Pickle Pillion Poago NAYS-178 Hagan. Ga. Haley Halpern Hanna Harding Hardy Harris Hawkins Hays Hencilrson Holifleld Horton Hosmer Hudd lesion Jennings Joelson Johnson, Calif. Robison Johnson, Pa. Rodin? Johnson, Wis. Rogers, Colo. Jones. Ala. Rooney, N.Y. Kartl, RooiaeY, Pa. Kelly Roosevelt Keogh Rosenthal 17313 Poff Quie Quillen Reid, Ill. Relfel Rhodes, Ariz. Rich Roberts, Tex. Rog,ers, Fla. Rogers, Tex. Roudebush Roush St Germain St. Onge Sehadeberg Short Sibal Sickles Sikes Slier Smith, Calif. Smith, Iowa Snyder Springer Stafford Steed Stinson Stubblefield Taft Talcott Teague, Calif. Teague, Tex. Thomas Thompson Tex. Thomson, Wis. Tuck Udall Unman Un Van Pelt Westland White Whitten Williams Wilson, Ind, Wright Olson, Minn. O'Neill Osmers Patten Pepper Philbin Pike Pitcher Pirnie Price Pueinski Reid, N.Y. Reuss Rhodes. Pa Rivers, Alaska Rivers, S.C. King, N.Y. Kluezynski Leggett Llbonati Lindsay Long, La. McDa?le McDowell McFall McIntire MchiElan Macdonald Madden Mal third Marsh Martin Mass. Matsunaga Mintsh Montoya Moorhead Mor4an Morrison Morse Moss Multe7 Murphy, Ill. Murphy, N.Y. Murray O'Brien, N.Y. O'Hara, Ill O'Hara, Mich Olsen, Mont, Rostenkowski Roybal Ryan, N.Y. St. George Saylor Schenck Schneebeli Schwelker Secre.st Selden Senn.r Sisk Slack Smith, Va. Staggers Stephens Stratton Sullivan Taylor Thompson, N.J. Tolleson Trimble Tupper Tuten Van Deerlin Yank Vinson Waggonner Watson Watts Weltner Whalley Wharton Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 ? CIA-RDP66BODSF000500050001-9 17316 CONGRESSIONAL itEC;ORD August 4 Whitener Wickersham Widnall Willis Wilson, Charles H. Winstead Wydler Wyman. Young Younger Zablocki NOT VOTING-6'7 Adair Garmatz Albert Harvey, Mich. Alger Healey Ashley Hebert Avery Herlong Baring Hoffman Bass Holland Battin Hull Beckworth Ichord Bennett, Mich. Jones, Mo, Boggs Karsten Bolling Kee Buckley Kilburn Curtis Landrum Davis, Tenn. Lankford Diggs Lennon Dingell Lesinski Ellsworth Lloyd Evins Miller, N.Y. Finnegan Nedzi Forrester Nix Friedel Norblad Fulton, Tenn. Passman Pool Powell Purcell Rains Randall Riehlman Roberts, Ala. Rumsfeld Ryan, Mich. Schwengel Scott Sheppard Shipley Shriver Skubitz Staebler Thompson, La. Toll Wallhauser Weaver Wilson, Bob So the motion was agreed to. The Clerk announced the following pairs: On this vote: Mr. Shipley for, with Mr. Hebert against. Mr. Garmatz for, with Mr. Toll against. Mr. Lankford for, with Mr. Nix against. Mr. Scott for, with Mr. Karsten against. Mr. Beckworth for, with Mr. Buckley against. Mr. Friedel for, with Mr. Powell against. Mr. Alger for, with Mr. Riehlman against. Mr. Adair for, with Mr. Weaver against. Mr. Ellsworth for, with Mr. Wallhauser against. Mr. Schwengel for, with Mrs. Kee against. Mr. Shriver for, with Mr. Healey against. Mr. Skubitz for, with Mr. Sheppard against. Mr. Battin for, with Mr. Finnegan against. Mr. Rumsfeld for, with Mr. Ashley against. Until further notice: Mr. Albert with Mr. Avery. Mr. Hull with Mr. Kilburn. Mr. Ichord with Mr. Bennett of Michigan. Mr. Evins with Mr. Bob Wilson. Mr. Roberts of Alabama with Mr. Norblad. Mr. Rains with Mr. Curtis. Mr. Thompson of Louisiana with Mr. Har- vey of Michigan. Mr. Randall with Mr. Dingell. Mr. Passman with Mr. Lesinski. Mx. Lennon with Mr. Baring. Mr. Holland with Mr. Diggs. Mr. Pool with Mr. Ryan of Michigan. Mr. Boggs with Mr. Bass. Mr. Forrester with Mr. Davis of Tennessee. Mr. Herlong with Mr. Staebler. Mr. Fulton of Tennessee with Mr. Necizi. Mr. Purcell with Mr. Landrum. Mr. COOLEY changed his vote from "yea" to "nay." Mr. AYRES changed his vote from "nay" to "yea." The result of the vote was announced as above recorded. A motion to reconsider was laid on the table. GENERAL LEAVE TO EXTEND Mr. MAHON. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that Members speak- ing on the conference report and the motion just agreed to be permitted to ex- tend their remarks thereon. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Texas? There was no objection. COMMITTEE ON RULES Mr. ELLIOTT. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that the Committee on Rules have until midnight tonight to file certain privileged resolutions. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ala- bama? There was no objection. TO AMEND THE TARIFF ACT OF 1930, FREE IMPORTATION OF WILD ANIMALS AND WILD BIRDS Mr. MILLS. Mr. Speaker, I ask unan- imous consent to take from the Speak- er's desk the bill (H.R. 1839) to amend the Tariff Act of 1930 to provide for the free importation of wild animals and wild birds which are intended for exhi- bition in the United States, with a Sen- ate amendment thereto, disagree to the Senate amendment, and agree to the conference asked by the Senate. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ar- kansas? Mr. MARTIN of Nebraska. Mr Speaker, I object. The SPEAKER. Objection is he GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACI' OF 1964 Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I call up the conference report on the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic com- pensation of certain officers and employ- ees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes, and ask unanimous con- sent that the statement of the managers on the part of the House be read in lieu of the report. The Clerk read the title of the bill. The SPEAKER. Is there objection to the request of the gentleman from Ten- nessee? There was no objection. The Clerk read the statement. (For conference report and statement, see proceedings of the House of August 3, 1964.) Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from Penn- sylvania [Mr. CORBETT], and pending that I yield myself such time as I may require. Mr. Speaker, HR. 11049, an act to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other pur- poses, passed the House on June 12, 1964, and was amended in the other body. The committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses rec- ommends that the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate with an amendment which is a substitute for both the House bill and the Senate amendment. The conference substitute fully effects the purposes of the House bill. These purposes are first, to comply partially with the mandate, laid down by the Con- gress in Public Law 87-793, that postal and other Federal career employees shall be paid salaries comparable to salaries paid workers in private enterprise for comparable levels of responsibility, skill, and performance, and second, to partially remedy the serious inadequacies in the Federal executive, congressional, and judicial salary structure. The confer- ence report is unanimous and is signed by all conferees on the part of the House and on the part of the Senate. I hope the conference report will be approved. The conference substitute grants postal and other career employees salary in- creases as provided in the House bill, but corrects an inequity with respect to the salaries of employees in the middle salary grades. It guarantees a minimum 3- percent increase for grades GS-9 through GS-12 of the Classification Act, whereas increases in these grades were as low as 1.6 percent in the House bill. A similar minimum will apply with respect to two salary increases for other categories of employees covered by the bill. The conference substitute also pro- vides a new salary scale for postmasters in fourth-class post offices granting in- creases for these postmasters which are more in line with increases for other em- ployees than provided by the House bill. These postmasters will receive increases ranging from 10 percent in the highest group of offices to 15 percent in the lower levels. The conference substitute extends to all levels of postal field service employees annual step increases through the first seven automatic salary steps, whereas under present law only those postal em- ployees in the lowest six salary levels receive such annual increases. The House bill would have continued the ex- isting automatic step increase provi- sions?that is, they would have been lim- ited to the first six salary levels. Other changes made by the confer- ence substitute in the House bill include, first, a requirement for Civil Service Commission approval of any proposed new appointment to a Classification Act position at higher than the initial sal- ary step; second, omission of the exemp- tion from certain limitations of the Clas- sification Act for supergrade positions concerned with research and develop- ment in the physical and natural sci- ences and medicine; third, the fixing of a maximum limitation of 249 hearing examiner positions at grades 16 and 17 which are exempt from the existing ag- gregate numerical limitation on all su- pergrade position; and fourth, the inclu- sion of a provision of the Senate amend- ment increasing the allowance to former Presidents for staff salaries by $15,000. The conference substitute contains the provisions of the House bill for ad- justment of salary rates of House officers and employees, and adds the provisions of the Senate amendment providing sal- ary adjustments for Senate officers and employees. The conference substitute provides a salary for the Assistant Comptroller General of the United States of $28,500, the same as the salary for executive salary level III in the Senate amendment and the conference substitute. The House bill provided a salary of $29,000 for such executive level III and for the Assistant Comptroller General. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONA1 RECORD ? HOUSE 17317 Similarly, the conference substitute provides salaries of $27,000?equal to the salary rate for executive level IV for the general counsel of the General Account- ing Office, the Librarian of Congress, the Public Printer, and the Architect of the Capitol. The House bill provided salaries of $28,000 equal to the executive salary level IV of the House bill, for these positions. The salaries of the Deputy Public Printer, the Deputy Librarian of Con- gress, and the Assistant Architect of the Capitol are fixed at $25,500 by the con- ference substitute, representing a com- promise between the House bill figure of $27,000 and the Senate amendment figure of $24,500. A related compromise places the salary of the Second Assistant Architect of the Capitol at $23,500 in the conference substitute, in lieu of the $26,000 in the House bill and the $22,500 in the Senate bill. The conference substitute adopts the five executive salary levels and the sal- aries for such levels provided in the Sen- ate amendment. The salary for Cabinet officers?executive level I?is $35,000, or $2,500 more than provided in the House bill. The salary for executive level II Is $30,000, as in both the House bill and .the Senate amendment. The salaries for executive levels III, IV, and V are $28,500, $27,000, and $26,000, respectively, compared to $29,000, $28,000, and $27,000 in the House bill. The conference substitute makes specific position assignments to all five executive levels, as in the Senate amend- ment, whereas the House bill made such specific assignments only for the highest three levels and authorized the Presi- dent to place such positions as he might deem proper in executive levels IV, V. and VI?with level VI of the House bill omitted from the conference substitute. Since the Senate amendment made a number of specific position assignments to executive levels IV and V but did not make such specific assignments for cer- tain other positions which have been recommended for executive levels, and in view of the "open-end" authorization in the House bill for the President to place positions in the executive levels IV and below, the conference substitute con- tains a compromise between the House bill and the Senate amendment provi- sions in this respect by authorizing the President to place positions held but not to exceed 60 persons in executive levels IV and V. The conference substitute also makes certain changes in the assignment of positions to executive levels II, III, and IV, for which differing specific assign- ments among such levels were made in the House bill and the Senate amend- ment. These few positions are listed on page 46 of the statement of managers. The conference substitute adopts the salary rates provided by the Senate amendment for officers and judges of the District of Columbia?which are $1,000 below the House bill salaries in each case?except that it contains the House bill salaries for the Superintendent and the Deputy Superintendent of Schools, the Fire Chief, and the Chief of Police. The conference substitute provides a salary of $40,000 for the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States and of $39,500 for the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court. This is $3,000 less than the salaries provided in the House bill, but $2,000 more than the salaries provided by the Senate amend- ment. The salaries of the Director of the Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts, the Deputy Director, and the Commissioners of the Court of Claims are fixed at $27,000, $26,000, and $26,000, respectively?or $1,000 below the House figures in each case. As in the case of the legislative officers mentioned earlier, these adjusted salary rates are keyed to appropriate executive salary rates in the conference substitute. The conference substitute does not in- clude title V contained in the House bill, which would have provided for automatic future adjustments of salary rates for Members of Congress and Federal exec- utives and judges in conformity with fu- ture increases in Classification Act salary rates. The conference substitute makes all salary increases provided therein effec- tive on the first day of the first pay period beginning on or after July 1, 1964, except that the salary adjustments for Members of Congress will take effect at noon on January 3, 1965. However, as is neces- sary and customary where retroactive salary increases are granted, for the purpose of fixing the amount of group life insurance the new salary rates are held to be effective as of date of enact- ment. Similarly, the retroactive salary increase will be paid generally only to employees on the rolls on the date of enactment, except that it will be paid to anyone who retired during the retro- active period for services actually ren- dered after the effective date and up to retirement date. The retroactive in- crease will not be considered basic salary for Retirement Act purposes in the case of such retirees. The effect of these special limitations with respect to the retroactive part of the salary increases will take place in every instance at a point of time between the effective date of July 1, 1964, as provided by the Senate amendment, and the effec- tive date of the first day of the first pay period beginning on or after date of en- actment as provided in the House bill. There can be no question of their pro- priety in the conference substitute as an adjustment between the provisions of the House bill and of the Senate amendment relating to the time the new salaries shall be effective. Mr. Speaker, I have summarized all of the differences of any considerable im- portance between the House bill and the conference substitute. I hope that the conference substitute will be approved. Mr. CORBETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Michi- gan [Mr. JOHANSEN] . (Mr. JOHANSEN asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise to urge defeat of the conference report on H.R. 11049. At the outset, I remind the House that once this year we had the gumption to defeat the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1964. On March 12, the/ House rejected the earlier version of this bill by a substan- tial 222-to-184 vote. We could do it again today. We ought to do it. I have just one observation to offer at this juncture. I offer it not only for such consideration as my colleagues are willing to give it here and now, but also for such consideration as the taxpayers of America may wish to give our action today when they go into the voting booths on November 3. I propose to speak briefly about inte- gration?not the kind of integration that has been the subject of national contro- versy for the past decade, but inte- grated inflation. I respectfully point out that what we are doing today represents one more step in the chain reaction procedure whereby we are tying the Federal salary and em- ployee benefit policies and, indeed, the entire Federal fiscal policy into the total inflationary process in this country. Wage and salary scales in private in- dustry are tied into the cost-of-living index?largely through the escalation clauses of collective bargaining con- tracts. Through adoption of the ill-advised comparability principle, we have tied the Federal wage and salary scales into the private industry wage and salary scale. Through the Udall amendment, it was proposed to tie in congressional salaries through a scheme of automatic increases with any increases made hereafter in the Federal salary scale. I recognize that this noxious provision has been de- leted in conference, but I predict that it will be back. Furthermore, we ought not to forget that the cost of Federal employee fringe benefits is likewise tied in automatically with the salary and wage increases. This fact, which receives little, if any, consideration when this House votes fur- ther salary and wage increases for Fed- eral employees, has become so significant that it occasioned a timely comment the other day by Mr. Joseph Young, who writes "The Federal Spotlight" column in the Washington Star. Mr. Young pointed out that the cost of Government employee fringe benefits has mounted to 23 percent of total payroll?and that is additional to the Federal payroll. Mr. Young further pointed out that this 23 percent added cost of fringe benefits amounts to some $3.5 billion in additional annual costs, over and above the $15 billion annual Federal payroll. And Mr. Young further pointed out, quite correctly, that "every time Govern- ment salaries are increased, the value of the employees' fringe benefits is raised with a resultant increase in cost to the Government." If we adopt this conference report to- day, we are repeating that process. My point is that the net result of this integrated inflation is a progressive loss of control by the Congress and the Amer- ican taxpayer over both the damaging processes of inflation and over the Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17318 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? HOUSE August 4 mounting costs of Federal Government. Let me observe in passing that there is one all-important difference between the economics of mass production in private industry and the economics of burgeon- ing Federal Government. In private industry, mass production can reduce unit costs. On the other hand, there is no equivalent or corre- sponding reduction in unit cost incident to the massive expansion of the bu- reaucracy. Last week / voted against the social security amendments on the grounds that it further ties the social security program into the inflationary cycle. An opponent back home said my vote "just doesn't make any sense." I suppose by the same standards of fiscal irresponsibility accepted by my op- ponent, "it just doesn't make any sense" to vote against this pay bill. I submit, Mr. Speaker, that the only thing that does make any sense is a des- peration effort to put the brake on fiscal policies which make control of inflation progressively difficult, if not impossible. We have the opportunity today to take a major step in this direction by reject- ing this conference report. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he may desire to the gentle- man from New Jersey [Mr. DANIELS). (Mr. DANIELS asked and was given permission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. DANIELS. Mr. Speaker, the amendment recommended in the confer- ence report on H.R. 11049 will accom- plish a complete overhaul of the sal- aries in the executive branch. Also it will help bring the salaries of other Federal Government personnel up to date. I would like to reiterate, if I may, a few of the most important aspects of this legislation. In 1962, Congress made the commit- ment to our classified and postal Federal employees, numbering approximately 2 million, that their wages would be com- parable to those in private enterprise. We did this so that they would not be penalized economically for their decision to serve the Federal Government The conference report before us today will determine whether Congress intends to abide by this commitment. Before the comparability principle was introduced, during the period from 1945 to 1960 a haphazard approach to Federal salaries resulted in seven in- creases which averaged 4.1 percent an- nual increases for classified employees and 4.9 percent annual increases for postal employees. The Members of Congress, the high appointive offices in the executive branch, and the Federal judiciary, col- lectively and individually, have an im- mense responsibility. The welfare and very survival of every American rests on the soundness of their decisions. In all other areas of American life, those who are held accountable for important and far-reaching decisions are paid salaries commensurate with their responsibil- ities. It seems only fair that this should also be the case in the Federal Govern- ment. Each member of the board of direc- tors of most major corporations in the United States are paid salaries upward of $40,000 per year. Yet the members of the board of directors of the Nation's largest business, the Congress, receive $22,500 per year. A sampling of 1,157 chins showed that the median salary for the highest officer was $91,000 per year, yet a Federal Cabinet officer who heads a concern larger than most of the firms In that study receives only $25,000 per year and will receive $35,000 under this proposal. Even officials of many of the larger States receive more than that. In these positions of great respon- sibility, it is fallacious to assume that economy will result from paying salaries less than could be obtained elsewhere. These are positions in which we must have qualified administrators and deci- sionmakers. Yet. many of the qualified people appointed to these jobs find that they simply cannot afford to keep them; consequently, they resign. It is false economy to maintain the compensation of the most important and critical Gov- ernment offices at such a level that only the rich can afford them. One of the objections raised earlier to this bill was that it is not economical?the biggest economy we can accomplish is to pay salaries commensurate with responsibili- ties and duties, so that highly qualified People can afford to hold them. The advantageous effects of this leg- islation will be great, not only with re- spect to the highest offices in all three branches of the Government, but in the lower grades and levels as well. The salary structure that we are about to adopt will respond better to the present- day needs of the Government than the system presently in effect, and It will facilitate the recruitment of a high caliber of personnel from top to bot- tom. Mr. Speaker, H.R. 11049 received ex- tensive consideration by the Post Office and Civil Service Committees of both the House and the Senate. The few changes made in the House bill by the conferees were, on the whole, quite fair, and re- sulted in several improvements. This bill is much needed and long overdue. I hope the Members of this great body will join with me in voting for it again today. Mr. CORBkart. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he may desire to the gen- tleman from Indiana Mr. Baayl. (Mr. BRAY asked and was given per- mission to revise and extend his re- marks.) Mr. BRAY. Mr. Speaker, I must again rise in protest to the passage of this un- necessary and unjustified pay increase for Members of Congress. I say unnecessary and unjustified for I sincerely believe it is a mistake to ap- prove this legislation at this time, re- gardless of the merit which some Mem- bers may feel the legislation contains. This legislation means that in the course of the last 10 years the Congress will have increased its salary by 140 per- cent?from $12,500 in 1954 to $30,000 in 1965. We are all thankful that the cost of living has not risen by proportionate leaps and bounds. Had the expenses of the average American increased to that extent within that period we would be undergoing severe economic problems. It is for this reason that I believe we should oppose the conference report for this further pay increase. One of our chief objectives should be to direct eco- nomic forces so as to avoid inflation. Inflation can destroy the value of the dollar, and is especially damaging to re- tired persons living on their savings, pensions, and social security payments. The ultimate effects of runaway infla- tion would be hard to foretell, but we know it could cause great damage to un- told millions of Americans. The House rejected this pay legisla- tion on March 12, but, at the insistence of President Johnson, it was revived. As for the necessity of increases to var- ious classes of Federal Government em- ployees. such increases should have been considered on their own, and not all tied together with huge raises for the Con- gress, the Cabinet, and the courts. I spoke against this congressional in- crease and voted against it when it was before the House in March and June, and I repeat my opposition at this time. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman from Cali- fornia (Mr. ROOSEVELT). Mr. ROOSEVELT. Mr. Speaker. I in- tend to vote for this conference report but I cannot help but comment that it seems unfortunate that the conferees did not see lit to restore the Supreme Court salary ratio to what it had been as passed In the House bill. The compromise be- tween the House and the Senate, it seems to me, leaves nobody satisfied. I hope that at some future date, and a date not too far distant, the salary positions of the Supreme Court Justices may achieve the parity which I believe they require in our form of government. The rest of the bill, Mr. Speaker, achieves two fundamental objectives: First, it brings the great body of gov- ernmental employees more in line with the pay scales of those in private employ- ment. Second, it makes it more possible for the Executive to attract effective ca- pable private citizens for important pub- lic service. The public Is well served by this legislation. Mr. CORBETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, this bill, which as I pointed out the other day, has been be- fore us since May of 1963, has been worked, reworked, debated, argued over, discussed by all the newspapers and com- mentators and eventually now we reached the point where the conferees met on this bill. We had an exceedingly fine meeting with the managers on the part of the Senate. We were able to com- promise differences. We were able to come out with language which we believe Is just as fair as the boundaries of the two bills would possibly permit. Having done this, we recognize that in every piece of salary legislation or any reclassification act, there are areas or in- dividuals that have not received an equi- table increase 'or equitable treatment. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196.4 Approved ForRelea_se.2_005/Q5/18.? CLA.RDP6680H03R000500050001-9 17319 CONGRESSION AL ithancll riu-u These things can only be corrected by later legislation. It is assumed on the basis of existing law that it is required that Federal em- ployees be kept at comparable salary levels with people in private industry and we will have an opportunity to correct any inequities that may become evident. It is also true with regard to a num- ber of individuals who are members of commissions arid boards and who are in the executive offices that we had no lati- tude within which to work and conse- quently we gave that power in the han- dling of some 60 positions to the Execu- tive. I believe, therefore, Mr. Speaker, that we now, with the House having voted by a clear majority for the revised bill, with the Senate having voted it by a clear majority, and with the conferees having agreed unanimously that this conference report can be upheld and that it can be voted for. I think that when we have done this, we will have taken a very long and very proper step toward creating the comparability that has become the guid- ing policy regarding Federal salaries. Mr. Speaker, I urge that the confer- ence report be voted up favorably. I ex- press the hope that since this is an ad- ministration bill strongly backed by the President that it will soon be enacted into law and that our employees will be- gin to receive the benefits of this very fine piece of legislation. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. CORBETT. I am happy to yield to the gentleman. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I rise hi opposition to the conference report. It Is completely beyond my comprehension how the Members of Congress, through another pay bill, can with any conscience, add another half-billion dollars to the huge debt and deficit of this country. Mr. Speaker, I am opposed to the bill, and to the conference report. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous consent that I may extend my remarks follow- ing the remarks of the gentleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. CORBETT]. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. AL- BERT) . Without objection, it is so or- dered. There was no objection. Mr. CORBETT. May I ask the gentle- man in return, if he opposed the military pay raise bill yesterday which is the sec- ond one brought in since October of 1963. Mr. GROSS. No; I did not oppose the military pay bill yesterday. I did not oppose the bill that was passed a few months ago. If the gentleman will permit me to make one other observation, the military has lagged behind the civilian payroll for a long time. I am sure the gentleman will agree to that. Mr. CORBETT. I certainly will agree to that and I will agree further that the gentleman from Iowa has made a very sincere and lengthy opposition to this bill. For those who agree with him, I believe the gentleman should be complimented on his efforts. I hope he will return the compliments to the committee and to No. 150-4 the majority of the House and Senate, who have worked just as hard and just as sincerely for passage. Mr. Speaker, I reserve the remainder of my time. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, the adop- tion of this conference report and en- actment of this legislation is apparently a foregone conclusion. That the bill will be signed by Presi- dent Johnson is also a foregone conclu- sion. Despite the fact that the same Lyndon Johnson has called on private in- dustry and labor to hold the line on prices and wages, he will now, and with the greatest of ease, sign this legislation giving lavish pay increases of 33 percent and more to members of Congress and others in the executive and judicial branches of Government. As I have repeatedly stated, this bill will add a minimum of $540 million to the debt and deficit of the Federal Gov- ernment and further fuel the fire of in- flation that is steadily eroding the value of the dollar. It is entirely fitting, in view of Lyndon Johnson's high pressure support for this bill, that on tomorrow the House will begin debate on the same Lyndon John- son's politically inspired war on poverty bill. The premium in Washington continues to be on extravagance in the operation of the Federal Government and on double talk. Mr. Speaker, I trust that the Members of the House will stand and be counted on the final vote today on the biggest single pay raise ever approved in the history of this country. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield such time as he may consume to the gen- tleman from California [Mr. Cortiveue]. Mr. CORMAN. Mr. Speaker, I sup- port the conference report, but I share the concern of my colleague the gentle- man from California [Mr. ROOSEVELT]. I believe it is a disservice to ourselves to treat the Supreme Court in this manner. We limit their salary increase to slightly more than half of our own, to express the disagreement of some Members with some of their decisions. I sincerely hope that the next Congress will right this wrong. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from New Jersey [Mr. JoeisoN]. Mr. JOELSON. Mr. Speaker, I wish to associate myself with the remarks of the gentlemen from California [Mr. ROOSEVELT and Mr. CORMAN]. When we engage in an act of vengeance because we do not agree with certain decisions of the Supreme Court we are setting a very, very dangerous precedent, because in effect we are saying to the members of the Court, "If you do not decide cases the way we believe, we will engage in re- prisals against you." I believe this is dangerous and could boomerang. I re- gret the action that was taken to accom- plish that end. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes to the gentleman from Arizona [Mr. UDALL]. Mrs. SULLIVAN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. UDALL. I yield to the gentle- woman from Missouri. Mrs. SULLIVAN. As chairman of the Subcommittee on the Panama Canal, I should like to ask the gentleman from Arizona a question. I am quite con- cerned about section 308, the limitation on salaries lxed by administrative ac- tion. Can the gentleman tell me whether the Panama Canal Company was inadvertently omitted from the ex- emption on limitation? Mr. UDALL. I believe my good friend has probably spotted the reason for the -provision to which she takes exception. I talked to the conferees. Apparently, the authority for the Panama Canal Com- pany to fix rates of compensation was not included in the exemptions listed in section 308. There is an exemption for the Central Intelligence Agency, the TVA, and certain other agencies. Since neither the bill passed by the House nor the bill passed by the Senate had any provision for the Panama Canal Company, there was nothing to compro- mise, and this oversight could not be cor- rected even though located and desig- nated. I say to my friend that there is nothing we can do at this late date. I believe the leaders on both sides of the aisle in our committee feel the Board of Directors of the Panama Canal Company should have this authority. If such legislation is sponsored, I, for one, will support it. Mrs. SULLIVAN. I hope so. There is nothing we can do in respect to this bill? Mr. UDALL. We were advised by legal counsel, by the Parliamentarian, that there was nothing to compromise. Neither the House nor the Senate had passed any provision of that kind. There was nothing on which an agreement could be worked out. The authority the gentlewoman desires should be provided. Most members of our committee, I be- lieve, are in agreement. I believe this is a subject for corrective legislation. Mrs. SULLIVAN. I thank the gentle- man for his explanation. I hope it will be done. Mr. KEOGH. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. 'UDALL. I yield to the gentleman, Mr. KEOGH. I wonder if the gentle- man would explain to the House for the RECORD how the oversight took place in connection with the treatment of the Executive Director of the Advisory Com- mission on Intergovernmental Relations, which I understand is a position which has not been accorded the same treat- ment given comparable positions. Mr. 'UDALL. The conferees dealt with literally dozens of these executive posi- tions. I am told by the staff that this was a matter of judgment and was a compromise. I hope we can get a further explanation for the distinguished gen- tleman. There were a number of agency heads and appointees who were not par- ticularly happy with the way they came out under this bill. Mr. KEOGH. I thank the gentleman. Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. 'UDALL. I yield to the gentleman from Louisiana. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17320 Approved For RetwORMINN3A:LCiterf93MBOCIM00500050001-9 - August 4 Mr. MORRISON. Mr. Speaker, I make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. NATCHER). The Chair wili count. [After counting.] One hundred-fifteen Members are present, not a quorum. Mr. OLSEN of Montana. Mr. Speaker, I move a call of the House. A call of the House was ordered. The Clerk called the roll, and the fol- lowing Members failed to answer to their names: Alger Ashley Auc.hincloss Avery Baring Bass Battin Beckworth Bennett, Mich. Bolling Buckley Celler Curtis Davis, Tenn. Diggs Dingell Evins Finnegan Fulton, Tenn. Gill Harvey, Mich. Healey Roll No. 2021 Hebert Herlong Hoffman Hull Ichord Jones, Mo. Karsten Kee Kilburn Lankford Leggett Lennon Lesinski Lloyd McCulloch Miller, N.Y. Moore Moss Redid Norblad Passman Powell Purcell Randall Roberts, Ala Rodin? Rogers, Colo Rumsfeld Ryan. Mich St Germain Schwengel Scott Sheppard Shipley Shriver Skubitz Thompson. La Ton Vinson Wallhauser Watson Weaver Widnall Wilson, Bob The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. NATCHER ) . On this rolleall 364 Members have answered to their names, a quorum. By unanimous consent, further pro- ceedings under the call were dispensed with. [Mr. UDALL addressed the House. His remarks will appear hereafter in the Appendix.] Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker. I have no further requests for time. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield me 1 minute? Mr. CORBETT. Mr. Speaker, I yield 1 minute to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I wonder if that Democrat leader to whom the gentleman referred is the same leader of those on the other side of the aisle who has called upon the private business fraternity to hold the line on wages and prices. Mr. UDALL. If the gentleman will yield, I hope that everyone will be in the mainstream. We can all be in the mainstream and stand together on this. Mr. GROSS. Does the gentleman mean the Lyndon Johnson mainstream that calls upon private industry to hold the line on wages and prices while sup- porting a lush salary grab for Members of Congress and others? Mr- UDALL. I was suggesting the Johnson-Goldwater mainstream on Fed- eral pay. Mr. GROSS. The gentleman does not need to bring Mr. GOLDWATER into this situation. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I move the previous question on the conference report. The previous question was ordered. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. NATCHER . The question is on the con- ference report. Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, on that I demand the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were refused. The question was taken; and the Speaker pro tempore announced that the "ayes" appeared to have it. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, I object to the vote on the ground that a quorum is not present and make the point of order that a quorum is not present. The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. WATCHER) . The Chair will count. [Af- ter counting.] Two hundred and sev- enty-seven Members are present, a quorum. So the bill was passed. A motion to reconsider was laid od the table. SECURITIES ACTS AMENDMENTS OF 1964 Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, by direc- tion of the Committee on Rules, I call up House Resolution 801, and ask for its Immediate consideration. The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: Resolved. That upon the adoption of this resolution, It shall be in order to move that, the House resolve itself into the Committee of the Whole House on the State of the Union for the consideration of the bill (H.R. 6793) to amend the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934. as amended, to extend disclosure re- quirements to the issuers of additional pub- licly traded securities, to provide for im- proved qualification and disciplinary pro- cedures for registered brokers and dealers, and for other purposes. After general de- bate, which shall be confined to the bill and shall continue not to exceed two hours, to be equally divided and controlled by the chairman and ranking minority member of the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce, the bill shall be read for amend- ment under the five-minute rule. It shall be in order to consider the substitute amend- ment recommended by the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce now In the bill, and such substitute for the purpose of amendment shall be considered under the five-minute rule as an original bill. At the conclusion of such consideration the Com- mittee shall rise and report the bill to the House with such amendments as may have been adopted, and any member may demand a separate vote in the House on any of the amendments adopted in the Committee of the Whole to the bill or committee substi- tute, The previous question shall be con- sidered as ordered on the bill and amend- ments thereto to final passage without inter- vening motion except one motion to recom- mit with or without instructions. After the passage of H.R. 6793, the Com- mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce shall be discharged from the further con- sideration of the bill. S. 1642; and it shall then be in order in the House to move to strike out all after the enacting clause of said Senate bill and Insert in lieu thereof the provisions contained in HR. 6703 as passed. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- tleman from New York [Mr. DELANEY is recognized for 1 hour. Mr. DELANEY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 30 minutes to the gentleman from Ohio [Mr. BROWN]; and pending that I yield myself such [line as I may consume. Mr. Speaker, this resolution provides for the consideration of H.R. 6793. This Is a bill to amend the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 as amended. In 1961 the Congress directed the Securities and Exchange Commission to make a study of conditions on the var- ious stock exchanges. After a 2-year study they came up with certain recom- mendations which are incorporated in this proposal. The purpose is to protect the investing public. There are two main features. One is to extend to investors in certain over-the-counter securities the same pro- tection now afforded to those in listed securities by providing that the issuers of certain securities now traded over the counter shall be subject to the same re- quirements that now apply to issuers of securities listed on the main exchanges. The entire bill has for its purpose she protection of those who invest in seeu- rities. I know of no opposition to the rule. It is an open rule and provides that it shall be in order, following the passage of this bill, to consider the Sen- ate bill, S. 1642, strike out all after the enacting clause and insert the provisions of the House-passed bill. Mr. Speaker, I urge the adoption of the rule. Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, I yield myself such time as I may con- sume. (Mr. BROWN of Ohio asked and was given permission to revise and extend his remarks., Mr. BROWN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, as the gentleman from New York [Mr. DELANEY] has explained, House Resolu- tion 801 makes in order the considera- tion of HR. 6793, a bill from the House Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce introduced for the purpose of amending the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1924, and for other purposes. The rule provides 2 hours of general debate, following which the amendment adopted by the Committee on Intes- state and Foreign Commerce shall be considered as an original bill which %%7:11 be open for debate and amendment un- der the 5-minute rule. As the gentleman from New Yolk [Mr. DELANEY] has explained, the bill would put into effect a number of changes and a number of new recom- mendations concerning the activities and the work of the Securities and Exchange Commission. It will amend the Secur. - tics Act to provide that the issuers of certain securities now tritded over the counter shall be subject to the same re- quirements that now apply to the issuers of securities listed on any stock ex- change of record; and also to strengthen the qualifications, standards, and dis- ciplinary controls of those engaged i:s the over-the-counter market business. I think this bill is long overdue. It is designed for the purpose of protecting investors who purchase various stocks and bonds, mostly stocks over the coun- ter, in the same way that they are now protected as to other issues purchased that are listed on the regular stock ex- changes that are so well known to moss of us. Certain classes of stocks are specifi- cally exempted from these requirements. As a whole the bill would strengthen the! regulation of the over-the-counter brok- ers and dealers, including qualifications standards and disciplinary controls, bs Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 17437 ified immediately by exempting Canada to offset the Canadian crisis which cost that country $225 million in 1 day. The Japanese market, which received one of the worst setbacks in its history has not been able to recover from it. One wit- ness who is an expert on business in Japan testified that the threatened tax inhibited Japan's growth during the past year. Prosperity in other countries raises the standard of living as well as prices. Such increases result in more imports from the United States and more com- petitive prices, and thus are favorable factors in our efforts to eliminate the deficit. There is a very close correlation between private investment abroad and our exports. This measure imposes rigidities on our capital markets and capital flow that will be of lasting and perhaps irreparable harm. . Our foreign trade position can only be weakened by these rigidities. It would be much more desirable and satis- factory to have flexibility in dealing with exports of capital if it is determined that some direct control is needed. The bill would make it prohibitive to make desirable portfolio changes thus leading to deterioration in the quality of American-owned foreign securities. The very minimum that should be pro- vided is that securities presently owned by Americans could be exchanged or switched for other foreign securities without being subject to the tax. This would have no effect on the balance of payments as far as an outflow of capital is concerned and if the changes resulted in more desirable securities in American portfolios, a favorable result would ac- crue to the United States. But this pro- posal was rejected by the Treasury. This bill represents an attempt to con- trol interest rates and credit through the U.S. Treasury rather than through the Fedeal Reserve Board, which has been given the responsibility and authority of regulating interest and credit. The Treasury is far more subject to political pressure than is the more independent Federal Reserve. This bill requires security firms, the very ones that are harmed by it, to shoul- der the additional burden of auditing all sales made since July of 1963 as pro- vided for in the retroactive bill. This must be done manually at great cost. The temporary nature of the measure does not seem to justify all of the com- plications and expenses that would re- sult from its enactment, even if it were successful in stemming the outflow of capital. Foreigners have expressed concern that if the United States is resigned to measures such as this, bringing our free market to an end, It marks only the beginning of further controls in the future. I am inclined to agree that if we once give up the freedom which we now have in our financial markets, it will never be returned, but that a gradual management from Government admin- istrative agencies will continue to en- croach upon the free market. It has been argued that if we do not pass this measure, foreigners will feel that the United States is not serious about doing away with the balance-of- payments deficit. I cannot agree with such sentiment. We cannot impress them with temporary stopgap measures. If we are to preserve the confidence in the dollar which is so necessary to avoid call upon our gold, we must show our determination to correct the causes of the payment imbalance. Even the Secretary of the Treasury was forced to admit that the long-term effect of this unwise legislation will be adverse to our balance-of-payments posi- tion. That is precisely why the tax im- posed by the bill was described by ad- ministration spokesmen as "temporary." In my opinion, any possible short-term benefits will be outweighed by both the short-term and by the longrun harm that the bill will cause. For all of these reasons, I shall vote against passage of the bill, as I voted against its adoption in the Finance Com- mittee, and hope that it will be defeated by the Senate. THIRTIETH ANNIVERSARY OF TELECOMMUNICATIONS REPORTS Mr. MAGNUSON. Madam President, Telecommunications Reports, which is frequently referred to as the bible of the nonbroadcast communications field, is celebrating its 30th aniversary on Au- gust 9. This weekly news publication, edited since the beginning by Roland C. Davies, was started a few months after the for- mation of the Federal Communica- tions Commission in 1934. It now is subscribed to by virtually every organization in the United States with an interest in common carrier com- munications, as well as companies or administrations in. every major nation of the world. On July 30, the FCC wrote to Mr. Davies, congratulating him on his 30 years of service as editor and publisher, and commending him for "reliable and complete coverage of the telecommuni- cations field." I ask unanimous consent to have the letter from FCC Chairman E. William Henry printed in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the letter- was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: FEDERAL CONIMIINICATIONS COMMISSION, Washington, D.C., July 30, 1964. Mr. ROLAND C. DAVIES, Editor-Publisher, Telecommunications Re- ports, National Press Building, Washing- ton, D.C. DEAR M. DAVIES: Telecommunications Re- ports reaches its 30th anniversary on Au- gust 9. This is an event which should not pass without a note of recognition from the Federal Communications Commission for the important contribution made by Tele- communications Reports in the dissemina- tion of news and information relating to the communications common carrier field and other nonbroadcast communications. In your weekly reporting of significant ac- tivities, developments, and issues relating to these fields, you have demonstrated con- sistent standards of accuracy and complete- ness. You have chronicled the actions taken by the Federal Communications Commission, State regulatory commissions, other Govern- ment agencies, the Congress, and the com- munications industry. By such reliable and complete coverage of the telecommunications field, your publica- tion has provided the Commission and its staff with a constant source of current in- formation which has greatly facilitated the performance of our regulatory responsibil- ities. As editor and publisher of Telecommunica- tions Reports during its entire lifetime, you deserve to take pride in the contributions you have made to this important field, and the Commission joins with me in extending sincere congratulations. It is with regret that we have heard of your recent illness and we wish to extend our very best wishes for your speedy recovery. Yours sincerely, E. WILLIAM HENRY, Chairman. Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. Davies has been ill recently, and we in this field, as well as the committees of Congress in the communications field, wish him a speedy recovery. We join in the con- gratulations to him by Chairman Henry of the Federal Communications Com- mission. Mr. BENNETT. Madam President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The PRESIDING OlvriCER. The clerk will cal: the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. JOHNSTON. Madam President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered GOVERNMENT EMPLOYES SALAIY REFORM ACT OF 1964?CONFER- ENCE REPORT Mr. JOHNSTON. Madam President, I submit a report of the committee of conference on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses on the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other pur- poses. I ask unanimous consent for the present consideration of the report. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The re- port will be read for the information of the Senate. The legislative clerk read the report. (For conference report, see House pro- ceedings of August 3, 1964, pp. 17267- 17279, CONGRESSIONAL RECORD.) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection to the present consideration of the report? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to consider the report. Mr. JOHNSTON. Madam President, I announce that the conference report was signed by all the conferees. I commend the conferees on the part of the Senate. This was the most friendly conference that I have ever attended. We had no trouble reaching a conclusion in con- nection with the conference report. I can safely say that the House yielded to the Senate in about 75 percent of the cases. That is true all the way through the conference report. Madam President, I am very pleased to report that the conferees readily reached agreement on a compromise bill not sub- stantially different from the Senate ver- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17438 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE August .4 sion. On many points at issue, the Sen- ate positions were accepted by the con- ferees as representing either more recent recommendations from the Bureau of the Budget or a general consolidation of thinking arising out of the debate on the floor of the Senate when the bill was passed. On other points, reasonable compromises between Senate and House versions were reached without major dis- agreement. The salary amounts set for executive positions by the Senate bill were sus- tained in conference, as was the estab- lishment of five levels of executive com- pensation with positions listed for each level. The compensation schedule for em- ployees under the Classification Act as it aiipeared in the Senate version, with Increases up to 3 percent for the four middle-management grades, was agreed upon. A compromise figure in the salaries prescribed for Supreme Court Justices was reached. The Senate schedule of compensation for postmasters of fourth-class post of- fices was adopted and the conferees ap- proved the Senate provision which ex- tends to all levels of the postal field service schedule annual step increases up to step 7. With regard to the maximum salary figure for employees of the Congress, the sense of the Senate as expressed in the debate on this measure was to the effect that each body should establish its own top figure. The conferees agreed to this, so that in the compromise bill separate figures establish these congressional maximums. Salary scales for certain officers of the legislative branch differed slightly in the original Senate and House versions. A compromise approximately splitting the difference was agreed to in the confer- ence substitute bill. The Senate decision to strike the Udall amendment, which provided that con- gressional pay increases would auto- matically go into effect in percentage amounts related to pay increases for the executive branch, was sustained. The conferees accepted the amend- ment of the Senate which struck out the Udall amendment. The Senate amendment making avail- able additional funds to provide pay in- creases for the staffs of former Presi- dents was also approved in the confer- ence bill. The position level and corresponding salary for some 14 executive positions differed somewhat in the House and Sen- ate versions. The relative importance of each of these positions was carefully considered in conference and reasonable compromises were agreed to. Since the enactment of the bill in the Senate. the Post Office and Civil Service Committee has received a number of recommendations for alterations and ad- ditions in the placement of certain ex- ecutive positions in the executive salary schedule. It was my view that these changes, some of them proposed by Mem- bers of the Senate, should be considered in conference and agreed upon. Since assuring some of my colleagues that such would be the case, I had been told that if these changes were considered and agreed to in conference, they would be subject in the House of Representatives to a point of order, thus providing a means by which final approval of this Important measure would have been delayed. Aware of this fact at the final confer- ence meeting, the conferees agreed not to subject the compromise bill to such a delay. In order to permit any needed changes in the executive salary schedule, the conferees agreed to insert language authorizing the President to place an ad- ditional 30 persons, for a total of 60, in levels IV and V of the executive salary schedules. In my view and I believe in the view of all six conferees, the conference bill is a good bill which goes a long way toward meeting the urgent salary needs of the Federal Government. Madam President, I move that the Senate agree to the conference report. Madam President, the distinguished senior Senator from Kansas [Mr. CARL- sort] called me and said that he expected to be in the Chamber in a few minutes, but that if he were not present, not to hold up action on the conference report, and that he would submit a statement fully approving the report. Mr. YARBOROUGH. Madam Presi- dent, will the Senator yield? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield to the Sena- tor from Texas. Mr. YARBOROUGH. I compliment the distinguished senior Senator from South Carolina for his able chairman- ship of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service and for the able manner in which he steered the trill through the committee and the Senate. Likewise. I compliment him for his service as chair- man of the Senate conferees in the joint conference between the Senate and the House. I also congratulate the con- ferees of both the Senate and the House upon the agreement they have reached. In its present form, the bill resolves the issues between the Senate and the House in the most appropriate way that could be done. Within a matter of hours the Federal employees pay bill of 1984 will be en- acted. I regret that it has taken so long to reach the end of the road with respect to this important measure. Our dedi- cated postal workers and Federal em- ployees had every right to expect its en- actment long ago. Nonetheless, they have been most patient and understand- ing of the problems that had to be over- come before the measure could be finally enacted into law. I appreciate their patience and understanding. First. I congratulate the conferees on the part of both the Senate and House on the agreement reached. The meas- ure in its present form resolves the is- sues involved in a most appropriate man- ner. The bill, when finally enacted, will remove many existing inequities and pro- vide a more nearly adequate basis of computation for the men and women who faithfully perform their assigned duties. There is one note of particular interest in the measure. There are some who would downgrade the power of the Press. I am not one of those who do this. Many months ago one of Washington's most. outstanding reporters dealing pri- marily with Federal employee matters pointed out how $10 million could be saved annually without imposing an in- equity on any employee. The writer to whom I refer 13 John Cramer, a likeable and very effective reporter for the Wash- ington Daily News. In a column addressed to the President of the United States, Mr. Cramer sug- gested that in eriting the pay bili, Con- gress should amend the current law so as to provide for the computation of rates of pay in full cents by rounding off the fractions to the nearest penny. This seemingly simple idea had not been pre- viously Proposed. According to the com- putations by the General Accounting Office and the Bureau of the Budget, the adoption of this proposal will result in a saving to the taxpayers of $10 million annually. I am happy to say that this proposal is embodied in the pay measure. I congratulate Mr. Cramer for bringing this proposal to the attention of Con- gress, and I commend Congress for adopting it. Mr. JOHNSTON. Madam President, I thank the distinguished Senator from Texas for his remarks concerning me. I thank every member of the Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv- ice for their hard work during the hear- ings and for the help they have given throughout the proceedings on this bill. I have never seen a group of Democrats and Republicans work together better than we have worked on this bill. I yield the floor. Mr. ALLUIT. Madam President, a parliamentary inquiry. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Colorado will state it. Mr. ALLOTT. Is it in order at this time to move to reject the conference re- port; and would such a motion take precedence over the motion that is be- fore the Senate? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the conference report. A majoritY vote is required to adopt the conference report. Mr. ALLoTT. Do I correctly under- stand that a motion to reject the confer- ence report is in order? The PRESIDING OFFICER. A vote against the motion to agree to the con- ference report would serve the same pur- pose. Mr. ALLOTT. Madam President, I wish to address myself to this subject for a few minutes. I hope Senators will bear with me. I do not intend to speak at great length, but I believe a few things ought to be said about the conference report. I am sure the conference was friend- ly, because one of the most significant things that the Senate did with respect to the pay bill was not attended to as- siduously by the conferees. That was the item concerning salaries of the members of the Supreme Court. When the bill came from the Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv- ice, it provided for a salary of $43,000 for Justices of the Supreme Court and Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD? SENATE a salary of $43,500 for the Chief Justice of the United States. By an amendment that was offered by the senior Senator from Colorado and agreed to by a vote' of 46 to 40, those amounts were reduced to $38,000 and $38,500, respectively. From the temper of the Senate that night and the remarks that took place at the time, I feel certain that an amendment not to increase the salaries of the Chief Justice and Associate Justices at all would have carried, and carried to the same extent. Since the time I offered that amend- ment, I have read a number of editorials and articles attributing all sorts of mo- tives and reasons for that action. I sup- pose that is what a person in public life should expect. We are all free to agree or disagree with the decisions of the Supreme Court. That has nothing to do with the situa- tion. Fifty percent of the litigants in every lawsuit are disappointed and will continue to be disappointed. I was care- ful at that time, and I am careful now, not to base anything I say on any of the decisions, wise or poor, divided or unanimous, that the Supreme Court has rendered in the past few years. I said that night, and I say now, that there is no justification for a $10,000 dif- ferential between the salaries of the members of the Supreme Court and Members of Congress. Members of the Supreme Court do not have to maintain two homes, sometimes three. They do not have to travel back to their constituencies 10, 12, or even 20 times a year. They do not have con- stituents to entertain in Washington. They are not burdened with a hundred other expenses that Members of the Sen- ate and House must bear constantly. Members of the Supreme Court do not stand for election every 2 years, as in the case of Members of the House, or every 6 years, as in the case of Members of the Senate. When one decides to stand for election to the Senate, he must burn all his bridges behind him, including his career. The voters of his State may, in their own wise discretion, terminate the relationship and chop it off in 1 short day. Then the defeated candidate must start his career all over again. Furthermore, when a Supreme Court Justice goes on the bench, he may re- main on the bench during good behavior. He may retire at full salary and receive his full salary for the remainder of his life. Members of Congress contribute 7.5 percent of their salary toward their re- tirement, which is more than many members of other branches of the Gov- ernment do. Our retirement is built up gradually over a long period of years, to make it significant. No. 150-19 A member of the Supreme Court can get this same benefit for his widow for 31/2 percent if he wishes to do so, but in order to get his own retirement, he does not have to put up 1 cent and he retires at full salary. There are other factors involved. One Senator, and he is in the Chamber at the present moment, recently wrote a book in which he called this body the sap- less branch. Madam President, I do not regard my- self as a sapless person, and I do not in- tend to associate myself with any actions which would indicate that I was. The individual members of the Su- preme Court do not bear any respon- sibility such as that which is borne by a Senator. There is no greater integrity required in the Supreme Court than is required. in the Senate?even though some Senators seem to love the picture of flagellating themselves before the public week after week and month after month. I shall not do so. I will not hold with anyone who does. There is another aspect of this issue, and that is the amount of work that is actually done. The Supreme Court has not been out of session for 2 or 3 weeks I believe it is? perhaps it is 4 weeks. They return in October. If the Senate is able to con- clude its work this summer, some time in August, each Member of the Senate knows what he will do. He will go home and he will work even harder during those 3 or 4 months?if that is possible?than he has worked so far this year. If a Senator is fortunate enough, he may be able to squeeze a couple of weeks' vaca- tion out of it. That is about all he will get. So, based on the amount of work re- quired, based upon the degree of integ- rity required, and based upon the ability required, there is no basis for any differ- entiation in salary between the Supreme Court and Members of Congress. Let us make that plain. I do not believe that it requires a greater degree of ability to sit on the bench, a greater degree of integrity, on a greater amount of work, than it takes to be a Member of the Senate?if a Member of the Senate is doing his work. I am very much disappointed that the chairman of the committee did not sit down hard and say, "We will not recede on this point," because we had a vote in the Senate. I believe that the chairman realized, as everyone else does, that if those figures had been set lower, out of an attitude of spite, they would have stuck in the Senate that evening. Madam President, I am sure no point will be particularly served in my trying to do anything against the conference report other than what I have done; but 17439 I invite the attention of the Senate once more to the factors which precipitated the offering of my original amendment. I believe that the importance and wis- dom of these factors are present in the Chamber today, Just as much as they were the night the Senate voted on my amendment. I hope that the Senate is through with its self-flagellation. I hope, for once, that it will again stand up?as it did by its vote that night?and say to the whole world, "We believe the Senate to be a coequal body, not only with the execu- tive branch, but also with the Supreme Court, which sits across the street from us." It is no valid argument to say, "They have always received more money than we have." It is never too late to correct inequi- ties or injustices. It would be my hope that when Sena- tors come up to this issue again, they will somehow be able?either in this way or in another way?to show the other coequal branches of the Government that the Senate is in fact an equal branch of the Government, that we regard our- selves as equal, that we believe in our own integrity, that we believe in our own abilities, and that we yield nothing in these respects to the other branches of the Government. ? So, Madam President, on this partic- ular matter, I shall vote against the conference report, regardless of what other Senators may do, because it is the only way I can express my feelings about the concession which has been made on this pay raise bill. Mr. MONRONEY. Madam President, I deeply regret that the efforts made by the committee to bring this bill to the floor of the Senate today are not satis- factory to my very dear friend, the Sena- tor from Colorado, whom I regard with great affection. In my opinion, the committee did the best it could in a matter on which it knew there was strong feeling on the part of the Senate. The chairman of the Senate commit- tee voted enthusiastically, I might say, for the amendment of the distinguished Senator from Colorado [Mr. ALLorx]. We endeavored to maintain the Senator's position. The Senator is well aware, however, that these things are always a matter of give and take. It is necessary to compromise. If the Senator would look at the fig- ures, they are not quite as he quoted them. The bill came to the Senate reported by the Senate committee at $43,000, not $43,500 as the Senator from Colorado has stated. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17440 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE August Mr. ALLOTT. Madam President, vvill the Senator from Oklahoma yield for a question? Mr. 3,10NRONEY. I yield. Mr. ALLOTT. Is not the figure $43,500 for the Chief Justice? Mr. MONRONEY. Forty-three thou- sand dollars. Mr. ALLOTT. For the Chief Justice. Mr. MONRONEY. Forty-two thou- sand five hundred dollars for the Asso- ciate Justices of the Supreme Court ac- cording to the figures we have from the committee. This was compromised by a reduction, let me say to the Senator from Colorado, of $3,000 below the House fig- ure. It came up to a figure of $40,000. The existing salary is $35,500. This was a reduction of $3,000 from the House figure and reduced the increase to a far smaller amount than that given to al- most any part of the legislative or ex- ecutive branches of Government. Pour thousand five hundred dollars for the justices of the Supreme Court, and a similar figure of $4,500 for the Chief Justice. If the figure had been cut much lower, we would run into a compression within the salary scale where we would be pay- ing judges of the circuit courts, judges of the Court of Claims, judges of the court of appeals, and judges of the Court of Military Appeals, $33,000. This would have approached too narrow a range for judges sitting on the highest court in the land. Certainly, I am sure the Senator from Colorado knows that the Supreme Court's degree of popularity is never the same; that it always goes up and down. We are not legislating in this pay raise bill because we approve of the decisions of the Supreme Court currently un- der discussion. Let me say that I do not agree with many things the Supreme Court does, and I am sure the Senator from Colorado feels the same way. But we are dealing with the highest court in the land. We are dealing with the highest Court in the greatest Nation in the world, on the judgment of nine men upon whom depends the final in- terpretation of our Constitution. I disagreed with President Roosevelt in his Court-packing plan. I would disagree with a plan which arbitrarily reduced the salaries of the Supreme Court?and I know of course that this is not the intention of the Senator from Colorado? because their decisions were not neces- sarily satisfactory to me, or to him. I would not do that. Neither would the Senator from Colorado. Certainly, many people across the Na- tion have the feeling that this is the reason their salaries were cut, because the raise in salary to Supreme Court Justices was so much less than that given to all other members of the executive branch, and to all other Members of Congress. Even now, let me say that while Sen- ators and Members of the House of Rep- resentatives are going to enjoy a $7,500 increase, the members of the Court will be enjoying only a $4,500 increase. So that the ratio between the two salaries, which has been historically different, is narrowing. Certainly I feel that we did the best we could. The matter is always open to compromise. It has been for a long pe- riod of time. I feel that the pay bill should pass. I feel that it represents the very best possible effort, to reach a solu- tion in which the House could concur and which the Members of the Senate, after not being able to prevail with the rate fixed by the Senate, felt would be acceptable to the Senate and to the House of Representatives. Mr. LAUSCHR. Madam President. at the very beginning I subscribe to the words spoken by the Senator from Colo- rado [Mr. Airorrl. In my public service, I have been a judge, a mayor, a Governor, and Sen- ator. The simplest job that I had was that of a judge. I did not have to worry about bringing witnesses to court I did not have to worry about searching the law. I knew that the lawyers would bring the evidence. I knew that they would bring the witnesses. I knew that they would supply me with briefs on the questions of law that were involved in the ease before me. All that I had to possess was the pretense of Intelligence. In my assignments as mayor. Governor, and Senator, I have been burdened with labor and worry far in excess of any- thing that I ever experienced as a judge. In the capacity which I now occupy, I have to make decisions that deal with the economy of every family in the Na- tion. I have to make decisions that deal with the security of the country. am now subject to libel and slander. When I was a judge, all that I said came from the cathedral on high. No one challenged me. As a judge in my State, I had to contribute a part of my salary to a retirement fund. As a Senator. I have to contribute 7.5 percent of my salary to a retirement fund. The Fed- eral judges do not have to contribute a single cent to the retirement fund. They can go on the inactive list, I believe, at the end of 10 years of service at the age of 60, and 15 years of service at the age of 55. They contribute not a single penny to the fund. For the rest of their lives, if they go on the inactive service list under the present law, the district court Judges receive $22,500 a year. The circuit court judges, I believe, receive $30,000 a year. I do not know what the Supreme Court judges receive, but it is in excess of what is received by a district or circuit court judge. The Senator from Colorado [Mr. Attorrl has stated that the position of the Senate with respect to heaviness of responsibility is equal to that of the courts. I say that it exceeds it by far. Those judges do not have to run. They do not have to spend money to keep their positions in an election. They have a lifetime position. Based upon my experience as a judge, with full recognition of the dignity of the position. I say that we have debased the significance of the position of a legislator and the significance of the position of an executive officer in favor of men who in the main have nothing but a facade. There are other Members of this body who became Fudges. I make the confes- sion that I never realized how my intelli- gence grew from the day that I was a lawyer to the next day when I was a judge. The moment I was called judge, I became a man who was infallible. Bat I was the same FRANK LAIISCHE, besA with the same weaknesses. So much for the judges and no more. I believe that one of the travesties and one of of the reasons for Congress to- day wanting to pass a special interest equalization law to fortify the weak- nesses of our gold reserves and our bal- ance of payments is the inordinate ex- penditure of public moneys. I am now asked to vote for the bill. I opposed it when it came before the Sen- ate several weeks ago. I did not feel that the Senators should be entitled o an increase of $10,000 from 1955, or increase in salary of from $12,500 o $22,500 a year. Now another increase is proposed, an increase of $7,500, a raise In salary from $22,500 to $30,000 a year. When I voted against this increase of pay for myself, I made the statemert, "How will I ever be able to deny any in- ordinate petitions for grants of taxpay- ers' money?" When I made that state- ment, I believed it. I wanted to keep myself in the position where I could say to petitioners, "I will not give to you that which I would not give to myself." I hold in my hand a letter which came from Zanesville, Ohio. I shall not iden- tify the writer of the letter, because I do not have his consent to do so. He has written urging that I support a measure which would give to eve::y World War I veteran a pension of $100 a month. If I should follow his advice, as a World War I veteran I would be given $100 a month. I am not entitled to it. I do not need it. But the b.11 which is pending before the Congress provides that every veteran of that war shall receive $100 a month. The citizen in Zanesville, Ohio, to whom I referred, has written: We ask you, Mr. Senator, do you really think this ill fair and Just for the forgotten soldier of 1917', I was one of them. Yes, the man enlisted in 1917 and re- ceived the $1 per day to fight and, if necessary, to die for the cause that he thought right. I cannot help chuckling, Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 17441 because I remember with what avidity I went to the cashier's window to get my 30 brandnew dollars. The writer said: I ask you, Mr. Senator, can you face the forgotten soldier, who is asking for a pen- sion of $100 per month for the twilight years of his life, which are not too many, as many are 68 to 75 years old, while you are asking for an increase of $7,500 a year to make $30,000 a year for you to stay in Washington, D.C.? That citizen from Zanesville did not know that I had voted against the meas- ure. But his argument is sound. The justice of his claim cannot be denied when he writes, in effect, "If you give yourself a 140-percent increase between 1955 and 1964, how can you deny me as a veteran a pension of $100 a month?" I can answer the letter. I shall do so gently. The writer obviously does not know that I voted against the bill. He obviously does not know that I said I would not take this increase in salary because I did not believe I was entitled to it. That was my position on the night that the bill was passed, and that is my position today. I wish to deal with another phase of the question. The administration is asking us today to pass an interest equal- ization tax bill so that the American dol- lar will not flow out of the United States into foreign countries. In effect, the bill states, "We are in distress. Our gold reserves are practically gone. If our short-term foreign creditors make de- mand for payment of our debts in gold, we cannot meet the obligation." I can understand why that plea is being made. What is sought to be done is probably better than nothing. I would not be telling the truth unless I said that the remedy which is before us is the weak and the easy way out. No political dan- ger of any kind whatsoever is involved. There are means of putting ourselves into a position in which the gold reserve problem would be remedied. It might require a bit of courage. We might be required to ask the public to indulge in a bit of economic austerity. But those re- quests of self-denial would be far less in weight and sacrifice than what might come within the next half decade unless we do something about it. What can we do about it? We could balance the budget, but hardly anyone fights to balance the budget. We are building into our governmental expenditures operations that will be with us until the sun dies. We are doing everything we can to give opiates to the economy. We are "beefing it up" through the following program: First. We are reducing taxes because It will stimulate the national product. Second. We have granted credits for capital investments because that will induce capital to invest. Third. We have liberalized the depre- ciation laws, which will stimulate the economy. Fourth. We have started to develop a public works program Of the character of 1933, in the form of supplemental public works. Fifth. We have been asked to adopt a program for the relief of people in the hills of Appalachia. That request has already brought about a request from Arkansas that we provide a similarly basic principle of aid for Arkansas and one for Minnesota. We have been asked to adopt a program to fight "poverty." That is a most appealing term, and one that is hard to argue against. We have been asked to maintain low interest rates, subsidize local govern- mental mass transportation systems, ex- pand area redevelopment and the com- munity facilities program. The measure before the Senate deals with the budget. It deals with placing ourselves in a competitive position with the manufacturers and the vendors of the world who are competing with us. The President recommended that sal- ary increases be limited to the increased productivity of labor. He asked labor leaders not to demand increased wages that would be in excess of the produc- tivity of the workers. That formula provided that the wage increase ought not to be in excess of increased produc- tivity, and in no event, in excess of 3.2 percent of the worker's salary. Those were beautiful words. The Na- tion applauded them. But what has been the execution of those words? We have granted salaries far in excess of what the President's recommendation was. Labor leaders everywhere are demanding wages in excess of what productivity justifies. While all this is happening, our position in world markets and the world economy is growing worse. It will continue to grow worse because we are weakening Our position to sell competi- tively goods in the world markets. I cannot approve of this measure be- cause it is wrong. When the bill was originally passed, I, on this Senate floor, publicly announced that I would not accept the increase. I wrote a letter to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue asking him whether I will have to pay a tax on the $30,000 salary even though I will want only $22,500. I am awaiting his reply. In conclusion, President Kennedy, the man who gave his life for our country said, "Do not ask what your country can do for you, but, rather, ask what you can do for your country." The Congress of the United States, which is made up of 435 Members, says to the country, "Give each Member as much as he can get. Let him have what the traffic will bear." How can a Member of Congress say to the soldier from Zanesville, "I will not vote for an increase for you, even though I believe you are entitled to it," when he is, extravagantly, sumptuously, and in- considerately draining the Treasury and asking for himself everything that the country can give and thinking nothing of what he can give to his country? Mr. MILLER. Madam President, will the Senator yield? Mr. LAUSCHE. I yield. Mr. MILLER. The distinguished Sen- ator is speaking his conscience, reflect- ing perhaps an attitude with respect to the Senate as a whole. In my nearly 4 years as a Member of the Senate it has been my personal observation that the extravagant and deficit spending to which this body has contributed has not been due to the votes of the Senator from Ohio. If anyone were entitled to a salary increase because of his vigilance in trying to keep trust with the people and the people's hard-earned money, I am sure the Senator from Ohio would be included in that group of Senators, which, unfortunately, is in the minority. Mr. LAUSCHE. I appreciate very much what the Senator from Iowa has said. In my experience as mayor and Gov- ernor, I learned that those who are in the administration of government will guide themselves by the conduct of the mayor or the conduct of the Governor. If the Governor is crooked, if the mayor is crooked, all under them will become crooked. That crookedness cannot be stopped from percolating down into the lowest ranks. With respect to the U.S. Congress, if it is extravangant, if it has no regard for balanced budgets and policies of fis- cal and monetary soundness, the philoso- phy trickles down through the entire cit- izenship, leading to destruction. Mr. MILLER. The same thing may be said also with respect to the Chief Executive of the country. Mr. CARLSON. Madam President, there are many problems in trying to write a pay bill that affects the three branches of the Federal Government and all those associated with it. As a member of the committee of conference that signed the conference report, I feel that we have brought to the Senate a very ex- cellent report, considering the great magnitude of these problems. I give one warning, and that is that when we pass the bill the cost of running the Post Office Department will be in- creased by several hundred million dol- lars. A deficit will probably begin to as- sume larger proportions. I think it will be incumbent on this Congress, as we begin to approach 1970, with 90 billion pieces of mail, and 1980, with probably 125 billion pieces of mail, to begin a study of modernization of the great post- al system of ours, or it will be incum- bent upon Congress to handle problems that will cause real difficulties. The present bill adds approximately $229 million to the postal deficit. The Postmaster General presently estimates the deficit to be $77 million. Thus the total deficit will exceed $300 million. When the deficit rises to this degree, con- siderations obviously turn to rate in- creases to make up the difference. When the pay-rate bill was passed in 1962, the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service of the Senate made this statement in the report which accom- panied the bill, H.R. 7927: The committee unanimously agrees that, , before another adjustment in postal rates takes place, the Congress should develop, through its appropriate committees, more exact data on mail classification, postal costs, and processes having to do with greater use of machines and mail handling. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 17442 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE The need for a refined cost ascertain- ment system is well recognized. Even the Post Office Department admits that its present cost ascertainment system has many deficiencies. Such a study of cost ascertainment should take place at the earliest possible time in the 89th Congress. On the subject of mechanization and modernization, a comparable study should take place. In response to a ques- tion regarding the major mechanization program, information was recently fur- nished by the Post Office Depart'Went to the Senate Subcommittee on Treasury- Post Office Appropriations which indi- cated that over an 8-year period. from 1957 to 1964, $125.098,000 had been ap- propriated for major mechanization but only $87,669.000 had been spent for that program. The difference of $371/2 million was spent by the Post Office Department for purposes other than that for which it was appropriated by the Congress. Thus, apparently, this is a program which does not lack funds so much as it lacks direction and planning. The type of study envisioned in the report of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service in 1962 is essential to provide that degree of direction and planning necessary to place the Post Of- flee Department in a position to effi- ciently handle a mail volume grown to staggering proportions. I ask unanimous consent to have in- cluded in the RECORD as a part of my re- marks an excerpt from the cost ascer- tainment report, 1963. an excerpt from a survey of postal rates, 1964, and cer- tain information from the Treasury and Post Office appropriation hill for 1965. There being no objection, the excerpts were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: EXCERPT PROM COST ASCERTAINMENT REPORT 1983 The system, a statistiml-accounting process, does not take into account factors, other than cost, which are generally to be considered in adjustment of postal rates and fees under the policies established by law In title 39, United States Code, section 2301-08, as amended. For example, the system does not attempt to evaluate such service differ- ences as (1) the value of priority or defer- ment given to any one class of mall or serv- ice, (2) relative values of the various services to the public, and (3) the relative Intrinsic values of the items handled. Such factors are not properly within the scope of a cost accounting system. EXCERPT FROM SURVEY OF POSTAL RATES 1964 The Department's time-tested cost ascer- tainment system apportions to each class of mail a fair share of operating costs based on sample observations of actual use of man- power, transportation space, facilities, and equipment In addition, each mail service is assigned a pro rata share of overhead costs, roughly In proportion to the more direct costs that the services engender. Thus, these cost allocations reflect measurements based on physical characteristics such as weight, size, length of haul, or number of aortings. But the system does not purport to measure the intangibles which make first Cl888, for example, a far more valuable service than third class. Major mechanization Fin thousands) Fbcal year 1964 I Program 1 $12, ca8 Obligations $11,134 lora 14. 500 2?4 196') 4 10.000 5,354 1951_ 35,147 10,567 191si 25.535 32, 583 1950_ _ 20,415 15,795 ItaSS_ 12.550 7.803 1957, 1,253 1,404 Total 1 125,065 87.541 l'rograin is the amount alloewled to he activity at the time the appr.priation act is tv.swol. It may be a different amount, from that originally re [nested in the estimate to the (4,016f6.4.1, to.C4114P the appropriation is loas than the amount requested or because of changed deuaayls of the various programs. It Is the amount I,to.en hi tin, middle eedutrin of tables In the following year'i budget .6.11,1111144941. Im 41 ed. The ,?riginal request to f`,..ncr,-.1 was $27,ene, which reprogramed as follows: Original request beductkm in total appropria- ti In by Congress from total roiliest _ '1 rangers to other appropria- t ma to cover pay increases . other approikriation transfers. Thousands $27 . 000 $7. MO 17. 373 3, 127 22.500 Devise,' 91466-491. - 4.500 The original request to Cong ss was $34,753, which was reprogranted as follows. Thousands 'trial request ., 534.753 Less: Reduction In total appropria- timi by Congress from kdal request. . . $12.000 'I 'antlers to other appropria- tions 5. OCO Reprogramed to? Federal buildings trn- I,roveinant 7,121 ehleles and other equip- ment 632 24,763 Ile V I19,1 program 10, as) The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the conference report. Mr. LAUSCHE. Madam President, I will not ask for a yea-and-nay vote. I have made my position clear on this mat- ter. The Senate spoke on it several weeks ago. I know my words will not change what has been done. Mr. 'THURMOND. Madam President. I want the RECORD to show that I am against the adoption of the conference report, on the pay-increase bill. Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, I shall vote "No" on the question of agreeing to the conference report on the pay-raise bill. I voted "Nay" on the rollcall vote on the bill when it was passed by the Sen- ate; and my reasoning remains the same: It is that I cannot justify voting for this bill?which eventually will cost nearly $1 billion a year?at a time when over 4 million people have no jobs at all, and their families have no regular Income, and when our budget has been unbal- anced for 4 straight years, and will show a large deficit this year and next. I sup- August 4 port the position so ably stated by the senior Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCH E I . The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the conference report, The report was agreed to. Mr. JOHNSON. Madam President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the conference I eport was agreed to. Mr. McNAMARA, Madam President, I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. PROJECTS APPROVED BY COMMIT- TEE ON PUBLIC WORKS Mr. MeNAMARA. Madam President, in order that the Members of the Senate and the House, particularly the Appr )- priations Committees, and other inter- ested parties. may be advised of projects approved by the Committee on Public Works, under the provisions of the Pub- lic Buildings Act of 1959, and the Water- shed Protection and Flood Prevention Act, I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD, information on this subject. The first is a revised prospectus for the proposed construction of 87 small public building projects; 74 prospectuses for new buildinga and acquisition of land, and 8 for extension and/or Colt- version of existing buildings; and 41 pro- spectuses for the repair, improvement, and alterations in existing buildings, ap- proved April 4, 1963. Approval of these buildings is based on prospectuses submitted to the commi tee by the Administrator of General Services, in compliance with the prc-- visions of Public Law 249, 86th Congress. The committee also held a public hear- ing at which representatives of GSA ap- peared, and discussed the public building program. Its operation, and the need for the recommended new buildings and a.- terations to existing buildings. In addition. the committee approved 1 project for proposed new construction on May 13, 1963; 2 projects on June 13, 1963; and 2 alteration projects on Au- gust 20, 1963. The second is a list of 35 prospectuas for new buildings; 1 previously approved on April 3, 1963, revised prospectus for change in location; and 28 alteratio projects, approved April 30, 1963. The third list is 3 revised prospectuses for proposed construction; 1 alteratio project; and 25 prospectuses for con- struction of small public buildings for use primarily by the Social Security Ad- ministration, Department of Health, Ed- ucation, and Welfare, throughout th United States, approved July 1, 1964. The small watershed protection proj- ects were approved under the provisions of Public Law 566, 83d Congress, as amended. There being no objection, the tabula ? tions were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX lands, managed for multiple use. Our econ- omy and our population will continue to grow and our standard of living will con- tinue to climb. All of our resources, there- fore, are going to feel the pressure of increas- ing public demand, our forest resources included. Your forest lands can play a multiple role in this future growth. We see here to- day one evidence of that role. The timber harvests from the forests of northern Maine will be the raw material for tills mill?as they are for your existing mills and will be for the new mills now building elsewhere in the State. This harvest provides jobs, pay- rolls, taxes, a vast bounty to your people. Almost 350 individual manufacturing enter- prises in your State are forest based. But these well-managed Industrial forests serve other public purposes as well. They are vast watersheds, collecting and storing rain and melting snow, protecting the soil from erosion and holding untold quantities of water for release in the springs that feed your rivers and lakes or in underground streams that can be tapped by man. Water is a precious resource. Another role of the managed forest is in providing shelter and food for wildlife. I hope the day never comes when we are too concerned with the material things of life to lose our wonder and concern for the mar- velous variety of animals, birds, and water life that populate our forested areas. Mune of these species find their most compatible habitat in forests managed for successive harvests of timber, where food and shelter are plentiful?forests protected from the great destroyer, fire. Finally, and of increasing importance these days, are the recreational opportunities of- fered by the forests, the wooded mountains. the lakes and rivers of your State. Again, these opportunities are many and varied. Hunting and fishing are a big business for you. Hundreds of boys and girls are at this moment enjoying the matchless experience of camping in your woodlands and on the shores of your lakes. All of our company lands in your State are open to the public except, of course, when fire conditions or logging operations would present undue hazards. In recent years, there has been pressure for the withdrawal from private ownership of very substantial areas in northern Maine along the Allagash Waterway. These lands would be federalized as some kind of national riverway. This proposal as stated would not only remove these acres from economic use but would effectively block off access to more than a million additional acres of productive forest land. International Paper Co. has opposed this suggestion. A federalized Allagash would limit the growth of your forest-based indus- tries. In this State, where the forest econ- omy forms such an important segment, it would have a drastic effect on your future economic growth. We feel that the people of Maine have ap- proached this matter in a logical, reasonable fashion. The appointment of an Allagash River Authority by the 1963 State legisla- ture, to study and report on what should be done with the scenic Allagash area. Is a sound approach to this question. Late in June the authority issued a preliminary re- port. They agree that the preservation of the unique character of the area is of primary importance. The industrial and private owners in the area clearly adhere to this view. After more than 100 years of con- tinuous timber production, the Allagash Waterway still provides one of the Nation's unique, unspoiled wilderness areas. This attests to the public-spirited policies under which these lands have been managed. It is in our interest and yours that this waterway he maintained in the present wild. free-flowing state. The authority is preparing its specific rec- ommendations for your next legislature. Protective stripe will likely be established along the waterway, either by purchase, gift, easement or zoning. Governor Reed, on this occasion I want to assure you again that International Paper is prepared to cooperate fully with the Aliagash River Authority in their objective of preserv- ing this unique scenic and recreational area. We want people of your State and others to continue to enjoy the hunting and fishing to be found there. We want youngsters to en- joy the white-water canoeing in Chase Rapids, as they do every summer. Whatever method your authority recommends to im- plement it plans, we will continue, as we have for years. to leave protective borders of timber along the waterway. Our logging roads will be open for public travel. Through our policies of multiple use we will continue the partnership between outdoors- men and timhermen that has characterized this State for years. You have our pledge of cooperation, Gov- ernor Reed. We mean it. Now, let me say again how very much we appreciate being able to greet so many of our friends and neighbors on this occasion. This is an auspicious start for the Androscog- gin mill. We are particularly pleased to be able to welcome Governor and Mrs. Reed, the mem- bers of Governor Reed's staff and so many of your leading State and local elected and appointed officials. You are going to be proud of what we are building here-and we are too. And now it is my privilege to introduce our honored speaker today. Governor Reed is a man who has made his mark in your State ever since his graduation from the University of Maine in 1942. After return- ing from distinguished service with the U.S. Naval Reserve during the war, he joined Walter M. Reed & Sons of Fort Fairfield, one of the State's leading growers and ship- pers of potatoes. As the years went on he became increasingly active in public affairs, first in the legislature in 1855. then in the State senate from 1957 to 1959, with a term as president of the senate. In 1959 he suc- ceeded to the high office of Governor?an office to which he was reelected in 1960 and again In 1962. His influence has been felt not only within Maine but throughout New England and increasingly at the national level, particularly in- his work with the na- tional Governors' conference. Ladies and gentlemen, It is an honor to present to you the Honorable John H. Reed, Governor of Maine. STATEMENT MADE By INTERNATIONAL PAPER CO. JAY, Matrix, August 3, 1964.?International Paper Co. today pledged full cooperation to the Allagash River Authority in Be objec- tive of preserving the Allagash area of north- er', Maine. The pledge was made by Lamar M. Fear- ing, president of International Paper to Gov. John H. Reed. as part of formal dedication ceremonies at tile site of the company's new $54 million Androscoggin pulp and paper mill in Jay, Maine. More than 3.500 attended the ceremonies Including Representative Ctarroae MCINTIRE and Representative STANLEY 'TUPPER. In addi- tion to formal remarks by both Mr. Fearing and Governor Reed, the program included guided tours of the construction area and numerous exhibits about the Industry. Governor Reed bailed the new project, crediting it with starting, "an economic chain reaction, the importance of which will be felt in Maine for generations to come." A4121 "This is truly a great day," the Governor said, "a day of tremendous importance to International Paper and its directors and also it is a great day in the economic life of a State which has, for many generations, properly regarded the pulp and paper indus- try as its most important single industrial enterprise." In his remarks, Mr. Fearing noted that the new mill will be the most modern, forward- looking mill in the country when it starts in late 1965. He credited its location in Maine to the wonderful cooperation extended to the company. "There was no question in our minds," Mr. Fearing said, "that the State of Maine offered a business climate that welcomes new ven- tures?new industrial undertakings. Our decision to come here was heavily influenced by this and tile mutual respect which we have enjoyed for so long." Mr. Fearing said that the new two-paper- machine mill will be built around a gigantic continuous digester?the newest develop- ment in the pulp and paper industry. Towering over 210 feet in the air, the digester will be able to manufacture 500 tons of high quality kraft pulp every day. "We expect the quality of this pulp to be so outstanding," Mr. Fearing said, "that we plan to shut down tile present sulphite pulp operations at our nearby Otis Mill and at our Hudson River Mill in Corinth, N.Y. The entire chemical pulp requirements for both mills, as well as for the two Androscoggin paper machines will be supplied from this one continuous digester." The Androscoggin Mill will manufacture lightweight bleached paper, primarily light- weight bond, carbonizing, gift wrap, and other similar grades. Referring to the discussions about the future status of the Allagash, Mr. Fearing said that International Paper opposes pres- sure for the withdrawal from private owner- ship of very substantial areas in northern Maine along the Allagash waterway. "A federalized Allagash would limit the growth of your forest-based industries," he said. "We feel that the people of Maine have approached this matter in a logical, reason- able fashion. The appointment of an Al- lagash River Authority by the 1963 legis- lature, to study and report on what should be done with the scenic Allagash area, is a sound approach to this question." Addressing himself directly to Governor Reed. Mr. Fearing then said, "I want to assure you again that International Paper Is prepared to cooperate fully with the Alia- gash River Authority in their objective of preserving this unique and scenic recrea- tional area. "Whatever method your authority recom- mends to implement its plans." he said, "we will continue as we have for years to leave protective borders of timber along the water- way. Our logging roads will be open for public travel. Through our policies of mul- tiple use, we will continue the partnership between outdoorsmen and timbermen that has characterized this State for many years." Concluding the formal program, Governor Reed and Mr. Fearing unveiled a large bronze plaque which will later be permanently set at the entrance to the mill. Attending the ceremonies were many em- ployees and interested people from neigh- boring towns as well as a large number of State officials, State legislators, town officials, and members of the clergy and professional world. International Paper officials in addition to Mr. Fearing included: George H. Rand, John L. Tower and Ralph W. Kittle, vice presi- dents; R. C. Masterman, general manager of the company's northern manufacturing division, and Lawrence J. Kugelman, director of woodlands. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 A4122 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - APPENDIX August 5 Photo of Maine Band Recalls Fourths of the Nineties EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. CLIFFORD G. McINTIRE OF MAINE IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, August 5, 1964 Mr. McINTIRE. Mr. Speaker, there appeared in the Washington Star of July 3, a very interesting article about a dis- tinguished former resident of Maine, Mr. Harold Seiders, 90 years old, who is now living here in Washington. I know others would like to read this refreshing story of this educator and mu- sician. The article follows: [From the Washington (D.C.) Star, July 3, 1964] No PARADE Now: PHOTO OF MAINE BAND RE- CALLS FOURTHS OF NINETIES (By John Sherwood) The photograph by the window is of a serious group of whiskered young men in gold-braided uniforms posing in front of a Victorian bandstand newly built by one Ulys- ses Wincapaw. The time is just before an annual Inde- pendence Day celebration in the little town of Union, Maine. The Union Cornet Band paraded all that day, gave an afternoon con- cert of Sousa marches, and, after the fire- works display that evening on the village common, officially ended things with a quiet "Good Night, Ladies." That big day in the life of a little town in the 1890's had' almost been forgotten by one of the uniformed men who played tenor horn in the band. But the other day the mail brought that photograph from the only other survivor of the band and everything came back again except the music, just in time for the Fourth. Harold Seiders, 90, will observe the Fourth of July sitting in a chair and looking out the third-floor front window of Mrs. Nelson's Nursing Home at 2021 Kalorama Road NW. There will be no parades within his sight, but the photograph is handy and there are copies of the Portland (Maine) Press Herald and Rockland (Maine) Courier Gazette within reach. The Union Cornet Band was but a brief interlude in the old man's long life, but It reminds him of swimming and fishing in Seven Tree Pond, and all the other fresh- water ponds of his youth-Crawford's Pond, White Oak Pond, Sennebec Pond, and "big Lake Sebago where the water is so clear you can almost drink it." Mr. Seiders' father had a vegetable farm overlooking Seven Tree Pond, and the view from the bedroom window of the young cor- net player was all green and blue at this time of the year. There was an electric ex- citement in the air when the Fourth ap- proached, and there were many plans to be made and never enough time in which to make them. ERA HAS PASSED Now that the era has passed, a simple thing such as an old photograph is worth a great deal to a man in a day when his time is without value. From 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. every day of the week for the last 4 years, Mr. Seiders has known the outside world only through his third-floor window and his Maine newspapers. What he sees from 2021 Kalorama road is "traffic on Connecticut Avenue. Police cars, fire engines, ambulances, and cars and more ears-one after another, always coming and going some place." And no Seven Tree Pond in sight. Now pensioned after working with the Portland (Maine) school system for 30 years, Mr. Seiders came to Washington in 1951 to be near his children after his wife died. A large clock knocks off the seconds with a loud, tiny sound in the bedroom he shares with another elderly man. His left elbow on the windowsill and his right foot propped on a pillow, the old bandsman smokes his pipe and rereads the letters from his few remaining friends in Maine. MISSES SPRING WATER He misses the fishing, he'll tell you, and playing with the Union Cornet Band on In- dependence Day was always the biggest event of the year. But more than anything, he misses "the drinking water up home. I used to fill up on that spring water first thing. It did taste good. Boy, I would love a little taste of that now." The routes that Saturday's bands will take are fixed by now. But a look into a third- floor window where a kindly old man waits for a parade that will never come again makes one wonder why celebrations couldn't be just a little more flexible. Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964 SPEECH OF HON. MORRIS K. UDALL OF ARIZONA IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Tuesday, August 4, 1964 The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Chair recognizes the gentleman from Arizona [Mr. UDALL]. Mr. UDALL. Mr. Speaker, I might state to our colleagues who have just come into the Chamber that we are in the process of considering a conference report on something that might be of Interest to them. It is called the Gov- ernment Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964. If you will bear with me for just a very few minutes, I think we may be able to write the final chapter on this important legislation. ? I have studied the conference report. I feel a little bit like the man who told about his mother-in-law driving -his brandnew uninsured Cadillac off a cliff. They asked him how he felt, and he said he had mixed emotions. I have mixed emotions about the con- ference report, but I am interested in legislation, not conversation. I urge the House to support the conference report and to see that this bill is enacted into law this week. ? There are some changes in the bill that I think are especially good. The important and able members of our con- gressional and committee staffs are prop- erly taken care of in this bill. I have been asked by many Members, "What is this going to do to the pay of my staff?" I suppose before the day is over many of you will be asked about that. Mr. Speaker, I ask unanimous con- sent to place in the RECORD at this point a table in which you can find the present pay of your staff people and go across the columns and find the pay they will receive after this bill is enacted. The SPEAKER pro tempore. out objection, it is so ordered. There was no objection. The table referred to is as follows: LEGISLATIVE SALARY INCREASES This is designed to provide percentage sal- ary adjustments for legislative employees comparable to those provided for employees under the Classification Act. The increases are provided in an amount equal to 31/2 per- cent of the employee's gross rate plus 1 per- cent of his gross rate for each whole mul- tiple, or part of a multiple of $500 basic compensation; or an amount equal to 5 per- cent of such gross rate, whici.ever is greater. With- Multiple Base .. Present gross Conference substitute Percent increase New gross 0 $5 $891 6.0 $935 0.1 60 1,020 5.0 1,071 500 2,057 5.0 2, 160 1 505 2,069 5.5 2,183 2 1,000 3,157 5.5 3,330 2 1,009 3, 166 6.5 3,372 2.4 1,200 3, 534 6.5 3,764 3 1, 500 4,652 6.5 4,318 3 1, 605 4,091 7.5 4,366 3. 6 1, 800 4, 655 7. 5 5,004 4 2,000 5,088 7. 5 5, 470 4 2,005 5,009 8. 5 5, 533 4. 8 2,400 6, 955 8. 5 6, 461 5 2, 500 6, 172 8. 5 6, 697 5 2,505 6, 183 9. 5 6, 770 t 3,000 3,060 7, 255 7, 266 9. 6 10. 5 7, 945 8, 029 7 3, 500 8,330 10. 5 9, 215 7 3, 505 8,350 11. 5 9,310 7. 2 3,600 8, 556 11. 5 9, 540 8 4,000 9,422 11. 5 10, 506 8 4,605 9,433 12. 5 30,613 9 4, 500 10, 506 12. 5 11,819 9 4, 505 10,517 13.5 11,037 0.6 4,800 11, 136 13. 5 12,640 10 6, 000 11, 550 13.5 13, 109 10 5,005 11, 500 14.5 13,237 11 5,100 12, 528 14. 5 14,345 11 5,105 12,538 15.5 14,481 12 0, 000 13, 409 15. 5 15, 556 12 6,005 13,478 16. 5 15, 702 13 6, 500 14, 409 16. 6 16, 780 13 8, 505 14, 418 17. 5 16,042 14 7,000 15, 349 17. 5 18, 035 14 7,005 15, 359 18. 5 18, 200 14.4 7,200 15, 725 18. 5 18,631 15 7, 500 16, 289 18. 5 19, 303 15 7,505 16, 299 19. 6 19, 477 10 8,000 17, 230 19. 6 20, 590 16 8,005 17, 239 20. 5 20, 773 17 8,500 18, 170 20. 5 21, 895 17 8,505 18, 179 21. 5 22, 088 17.7 8,880 18,884 21. 5 22, 945 18 9, 000 19, 110 21. 5 23, 219 18 9, 005 19, 120 22. 5 23, 422 18.9 9, 475 20,000 22. 5 24, 500 Another improvement in the bill is the increased raises for middle grades of GS-9, GS-10, and GS-11, the people who were almost overlooked in the House bill. I have heard since yesterday a number of rumors about this bill. I have heard some objections to the conference report. The rumors I have heard are unfounded. I think we ought to straighten these things out so the people understand what the bill does and does not do. I have been told all Federal judges will receive larger raises than the Mem- bers of Congress and that the old rela- tionship have been distorted. Under the conference report, all the Federal judges get exactly what they get in the House bill except the Supreme Court Judges get $2,500 less than in the House bill. So that instead of the judges being raised by the conference report, one set of judges is lowered and the other Federal judges remain the same as in the House bill. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX A4123 I was asked by someone if it were not true that sub-Cabinet people are being paid by the conference bill more than Members of Congress. This is also not true. Cabinet members were raised $2,500 from the House bill. The level II executives remain the same as in the House bill and the other three levels of executive pay were cut in con- ference rather than being increased. Mr. CELLER. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. UDALL. I yield to the gentle- man. Mr. CELLER. Naturally, being chair- man of the Committee on the Judiciary, I am interested in the salary of the Judges. Do I understand the gentleman to say that Judges of the Supreme Court have their salaries reduced by $2,500? If that is the case, may we know the reason why there has been such a reduc- tion? Mr. UDALL. I will say to the chair- man of the great Committee on the Ju- diciary that there is no reduction of the Supreme Court Judges' salaries. The Supreme Court Judges are actually get- ting an increase of $5,000. There is a $2,500 reduction from the figure in the House bill. Mr. CELLER. In substance what will Supreme Court Judges get now after the bill is passed and what was their salary before the bill is passed? Mr. UDALL. They are getting at the present time $35,000 with an additional amount for the Chief Justice. If this bill is passed, they will get $40,000. So they are getting a very substantial raise. Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. UDALL. I yield to the gentle- man. Mr. JOHANSEN. In other words, the point is that the increase has been re- duced? Mr. UDALL. Precisely, I thank the gentleman. Just a couple of more observations and then I shall conclude. I think the Senate made a great mis- take and I regret very much that the House saw fit to delete the amendment that we adopted which had such broad support from my good friends on the left and from my good friends on the right. We are almost back now in congres- sional, judicial and executive salaries to where the commission in President Ei- senhower's term said that we should have been in 1954 and 1955. We cut and whittled the increases for the executive, for judges and for Members of Congress down and we had adopted in the House a far-reaching proposal which would have moved the salaries along in the fu- ture through the operation of automatic and fair machinery. The Senate did not pass this provision. It was deleted in conference. I think it is a very great mistake. I think it is machinery that is needed. Just, for example, 10 years ago the Randall commission recommended that the salaries of Members of Congress and the executives in similar positions be about $27,000. In 1955 this was com- promised badly, and now we have cut this down and down in compromises in this bill to where we end up today barely above the level we were told by the bi- partisan commission we should have been 10 years ago. I think it is a serious mistake but, as I say, I am interested in legislation. We are late in the session, and therefore I am going to urge the adoption of this conference report. Mr. CELLER, Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. UDALL. I yield to the gentleman from New York. Mr. CELLER. Will the gentleman en- lighten us as to whether the members of the parole board will have their sala- ries increased by the passage of this bill? Mr. 'UDALL. I am advised by the staff that their salary is increased; yes. Mr. GROSS. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. UDALL. I yield to the gentleman from Iowa. Mr. GROSS. The gentleman men- tioned the Randall report of some time ago. There was a pay bill passed in 1962. The Randall report said, or RANDALL himself said, that this pay bill or rather the increase in pay would be taken care of through greater productivity. I have seen a lot of appropriation bills go through the mill since that time, and If any of this pay increase was taken care of through Mr. RANDALL'S increased pro- ductivity on the part of employees I have failed to find it, because every appropria- tion bill has carried money for increases as a result of the 1962 act. Mr. UDALL. I sharply disagree with the gentleman. Ten percent of the cost of this bill will be absorbed by the agen- cies, under a mandatory provision. We have heard dramatic testimony in our committee about efficiency and about savings in personnel. I do not attribute it all to a direct increase of, say, 5 per- cent in salary or anything of that kind, but there have been remarkable produc- tivity increases in the Federal Govern- ment. Mr. JOHANSEN. Mr. Speaker, will the gentleman yield? Mr. UDALL. I yield to the gentleman from Michigan. Mr. JOHANSEN. Of course, the state- ment by the gentleman from Missouri [Mr. RANDALL] did not involve the ab- sorption of cost through attrition. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The time of the gentleman from Arizona has expired. Mr. MURRAY. Mr. Speaker, I yield 5 minutes additional to the gentleman from Arizona [Mr. UDALL]. Mr. JOHANSEN. The gentleman from Missouri [Mr. RANDALL] said that the increased efficiency would be such that there would be no additional out-of- pocket expense to ,the taxpayers. Mr. UDALL. Let me conclude with two observations. I believe the House of Representatives can be proud. We did the work on this bill. We started it. The House had the courage to do this in an election year. It has never been done before, that I know of, in an election year. We did this because it was a good bill and because it was good for efficiency of the Federal Government and because it had to be done. This is the first time that Congress has taken the whole Federal salary system and, in one bill, attempted to make an orderly, rational, interrelated structure. If we pass this legislation this week we can be proud. Let me call attention to one more thing. President Johnson, the leader for those of us over here, has fought for this bill. He helped us to resurrect it after it was defeated. I should like to say something my friends on the other side of the aisle may not have noted. Recently your chosen leader, and presidential nominee, one of my friends from Arizona voted for this bill. We from Arizona try to vote the way we see things?and when this bill came before the Senate about 3 weeks ago he supported it. He is a man who has been in business and knows one can- not get top executives on shoe clerk salaries. I say to my friends over here, "Follow your leader." We will follow our leader. We will both be going in the same direction. Let us pass this bill. The Supreme Court's Unwise Decisions on Apportionment EXTENSION OF REMARKS OF HON. ROBERT_T. MeLOSKEY OF' ILLINOIS IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, August 5, 1964 Mr. McLOSKEY. Mr. Speaker, the most recent decisions of the Supreme Court regarding apportionment of State legislative bodies have rocked this coun- try. These decisions illustrate just how far the Court has strayed from any rea- sonable construction of its own rightful place among our political institutions. The recent and multiplying scourge of judgemade law which has set about to recklessly and antidemocratically reform a nation in the Court's image must be checked at once. The improper decisions of the Court in the apportionment cases demand, for the sake of our whole system of government, reversal. To accomplish this purpose, I have introduced legislation which would start the machinery for a constitutional amendment. The amendment would have the effect of overruling the Court's unwise decisions on apportionment and reestablishing some of the battered -States rights in this area. At this time, under unanimous consent, I would like to include in the RECORD, a copy of the statement which I submitted to the House Judiciary Committee in support of House Joint Resolution 1087: STATEMENVOF REPRESENTATIVE MCLOSKEY Mr. Chairman, the foundations of liberty are once again under attack by the Supreme Court. In the most recent decisions by that branch it has been declared that State legis- lative bodies, representing the people of the States, are no longer able to determine their Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9- A4124 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? APPENDIX A?, rpit 5 own apportionment systems. In these de- cisions a giant stride away from the system of guarded liberties, which the Constitution established, has been made. House Joint Resolution 1087, which would restore some of those liberties the Court has threatened. is the subject of my presentation here today. House Joint Resolution 1087 would call into operation the amending process of the Constitution in order to provide that a State legislature would have the constitutional prerogative of apportioning one house of Its State assembly on some basis other than population. The amending process has not been referred to very frequently with suc- cess in the history of this country?a dozen times in the past century and a half. An amendment to the Constitution is a grave action to be relied upon only with the utmost care and after arduous consideration. It is after such care and consideration that I have introduced House Joint Resolution 1087. The necessity of this proposal has been demanded by certain decisions of the U.S. Supreme Court which wantonly fly in the face of history and openly ignore the explicit statements of the U.S. Constitution. The Court. over the cogent and articulate warn- ings of Justices Harlan. Clark. and Stewart. has vindicated a special theory of political representation as the only one acceptable un- der the 14th amendment's equal protection clause. By newly established Court con- structed precedents, by typically nista)! Su- preme Court logic, by completely ignoring the history of our country, and by openly ignoring the clear words of the Constitu- tion, the Court has removed from the people the sovereign power to establish their own State representative assemblies on grounds which are not explicitly p-ohibited by the Federal Constitution. The recent rash of political decisions handed down by the Su- preme Court are clearly based on the per- sonal political prejudices of the Justices masquerading under such theories of judicial review as "activism- and "developing con- stitutionalism." The ways in which these pernicious theories of judicial review en- danger our system of government are many. First, the Court has done Immediate wrong to the States affected by their decision. By robbing the States of their sovereign power to apportion their own legislatures by politi- cal process, the Supreme Court has taken one of the most fundamental of legislative prerogatives; and by so doing, has effectively reduced State government to a hollow fa- cade. The Federal judiciary has taken to It- self the power to pass on the acceptability of State apportionment, and could presumably dictate the political climate of a State by gerrymandering from the bench. In wrong- ing the States by disallowing theories of representative government acceptable for centuries, the Court has also wronged the people of the affected States by denying them the right to decide their own criteria for legislative apportionment. And clearly. the Constitution does not deny the people these rights. As Justice Harlan pointed out in his dissent in Reynolds v. Sims. the only section of the Constitution dealing directly with State legislative apportionment recog- nizes and accepts the possibility of imposed inequities in the right to vote. Paragraph 2 of the 14th amendment which the majority of the Court flatly ignored spells out the remedy?and it is an optional remedy?for a reduction by a State in the size of its quali- fied electorate. The 15th amendment pro- hibits a State from denying a citizen the right to vote merely because of "race, color, or previous condition of servitude." The lath amendment adds to the list of reasons why the right to vote may not be abridged. a person's sex. The 24th amendment would add to the list, the payment of a special tax. Nowhere in the Constitution is the right to vote guaranteed against abridgment or par- tial abridgment on the basis of place of real- dence. The Supreme Court of the United States has no legitimate right to declare that such a_prohibition exists when, in fact, it clearly does not. If, when the 14th amend- ment and the constituent equal protection clause was ratified, geographic factors were supposed to have been eliminated from con- sideration In legislative apportionment, a statement to that effect surely would have been added to the prohibitions of the con- temporary 15th amendment. And if, by oversight, the people of the United States omitted It there, surely they would have included it in the later 19th amendment which also altered suffrage or in the most recent 24th amendment which once again affected the franchise. The undeniable fact of the matter is that the American people have never overwhelmingly held to the "one- man. one-vote" theory of representative gov- ernment; the fact that the Supreme Court thinks they should have, notwithstanding. One wrong, then, that the apportionment decisions accomplish is a deprivation of State's rights. The Court. in the abused name of personal rights, has denied the rights of the States and vindicated, above all else. Court's rights--the rights of the courts to make any of their own private prejudices and moral convictions the law of the land. Yet, if in trampling States rights the Court has gone beyond the wildest dreams of judi- cial activists and beyond any reasoned un- derstanding of the Constitution, the greatest wrong which the Court has inflicted is against the Constitution itself and the free government it established. The lingrent exercise of what Justice Har- lan has dubbed the "amending power" of he Supreme Court threatens, above all else, our separation of powers. Now, In the 20th century, when the need for the division of powers, both horizontal and vertical, Is most urgent. the Court is breaking down the walls. Now, when power and authority are easily and rapidly pyramided, when the advances in the study of molding masses into con- forn-inv are progressing steadily, an effec- tive system of power diffusion is paramount. We. who are aware of the truism that abso- lute power corrupts absolutely, cannot sit by and watch the Supreme Court destroy the checks for liberty which our Constitu- tion clearly set down. We must remember, too, that the checks and balances in our system do not always execute themselves, especially when one branch develops a crav- ing lust for control. The relationships of the branches to each other is constantly varying and In danger of reaching a state of imbalance. When such an imbalance is evi- dent., action is the responsibility of the branch whose powers are being usurped. The Court, time and again in the past 10 years. has assumed legislative powers and ha a ignored State authority, and so the Con- gress and the States must act. The Court's action presents a danger to the Constitution in still another way. The re- cent decisions which use the Constitution as a substitute for a legal code, and which are based on the theory that every supposed Ill which befalls the American people has a solution in the Constitution, is a serious danger to the Constitution. The Constitution does not go to great lengths to demand that Government achieve certain ends thought by judges to constitute justice. What a constitution in fact and in theory does is to establish a government, de- fine its powers and limits, and allow it to determine its own ends and its own defini- tions of justice. Judicial notions of social and political justice cannot be allowed to stand as the law of the land. If they were, the dynamics of our free society, devoted to republican principles and government by representative elections would inevitably give way to general abdication of responsibility which is so characteristic of government by lawsuit or dictate. I would also remind my fellow Representa- tives that capricious usurpation of power, whether in the name of the majority. tne minority, the rich, the poor, justice or a- justice, is tyranny. Our real liberties are protected by our unique system of checks and balances which sacrifices quick action and expediency for personal freedom. Oar system is and must remain more important than isolated and controversial policy re- forms, and the Supreme Court is threatening that system. Last, but not least, among those whom the Court has 'wronged in the apportionme decisions is the Supreme Court itself. As Justice Frankfurter was always quick to point out. the Court cannot continue to gallop through the political thicket wt:h reckless abandon and expect not to get its robes torn. Because the Court has no man- date from the people, because it has no power to lay or collect taxes, and because it has no armies, it Is dependent for its legitimacy and efficacy upon the good will of the peop:e. From newspapers and from my own ee- perience with the public. I can attest that this good will is wearing quite thin. This present Court is in danger of wrecking itself as an effective political institution. I recognize that an amendment to the U.S. Constitution must be something more than a means of scolding the Court. An amendment to the Constitution must be de- fensible on the grounds of what, in particn- lar, it seeks to accomplish. Above all else, the amendment envisioned In House Joint Resolution 1087 would seek merely to reestablish principles of represent- ative government older than the Nation itself. It has long been the practice of Americans to take into account factors other than popi- tattoo in the process of legislative appor- tionment. As a matter of historical fact. If State legislatures had been apportioned strictly on the basis of population at the time of the ratification of the Constitution, the Constitution might never have been ratified at all. In the late 18th century there were also inequities in State legisla- tive districts, but at the time, they favored the city populations and acted to the detri- ment of the western farmers in each of the States. The political complexion of what was then the West was antifederalists, if not anarchistic. Had the principle of "one man, one vote" been fully accepted under these circumstances, the Constitution might never have been ratified. A system of representa- tion which produced the Constitution of tne United States cannot be all bad. The statements of Chief Justice Warren that: "Legislators represent people, not trees or acres (;) ? ? [Li egislators are electnd by voters, not farina or cities or econorric interests ? ? ?" is alarming. If there seems to be one truism, above all others in Amer- ican politics it is that interest groups are an integral part of the political system. From Madison's "Federalist No. 10" to Beard's studies of American history to the work of the Nye committee, the realistic assumption in America has been that in- terest groups do play an active part in politics. What the Court has done is to turn their backs on the true conditions and tnerely Insure that the control of gover a- ment shifts from some groups to different groups. And I do not believe it is coinci- dence that the groups destined to rule -ay Court fiat are generally more sympathetic to the same causes of reform the Court has been serving. The function of geographical representa- tion has never been to represent trees or pastures, but it has been to insure a fair system of checks and balances in State gov- ernments among very real and differing ia- teresta. It is in this respect that the Court has deprived many minority interests of their checks -mon the actions of the n a- merical majority. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 /) The 6' Federal Diary 100,000 Face Loss Of Retroactive Pay Under New Raise By Jerry Kluttz A last-minute switch of sig- nals will prevent retroactive pay raises under the Morrison bill for thousands of Federal employes. Those by- passed are up- wards of 100,- 000 non-classi- fieds whose salaries are fixed by heads of their agen- cies. Senate- House confer- ees scrapped a proposal, sought by the White House and tentatively approved ear- lier by the conferees, to give agency heads power to make pay raises effective back to the first pay period in July. Conferees feared the provi- sion would set off a parlia- mentary hassle on the House floor that would have delayed Kluttz Chart showing new pay rates for Post Office em- ployes. Page C2. final congressional approval of the pay raise bill. Legisla- tive experts advised the con- ferees that the provision would be subject to attack as neither the original House nor Senate bill carried a similar section. A 1955 ruling by the Comp- troller General holds that agency heads have no author- ity to make salary increases for their employes effective retroactively. The White House sought to overcome this decision in order to give non- classifieds back-pay raises like classitietibra94gToy.dRApa groups flit 1.'ederial employes. As matters now stand higher salaries for non-classifieds will be effective at the beginnings of their first pay periods after the bill is signed into law, 'which could be today. L' Many here are among those who face the loss of retro- active pay. They are in the ? Central Intelligence Agency, National Security Agency, Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Agency, Atomic Energy Com- mission, the Government Printing Office and all jobs under what is known as Public Law 313. Also, local employes of the Army's National Guard, Se- , lective Service and Tennessee Valley Authority will. not get a ba pay as well as A scatter- ing of employes On Capitol Hill and in agencies such as Agriculture, Interior, Defense, etc. Members of Congress are aware of the injustice and the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee hopes to attach the authority as a rider to a non-controversial House- approved bill and get it enacted into law. Incidentally, FBI employes are under the Classification Act and are not non-classifieds, as I noted here the other day. They are exempt from Civil Service. Conferees also failed to continue the authority of the Panama Canal Co. to fix pay of its executives at rates higher than Grade 18 which is $24,500 in the Morrison bill. Another rider is being drafted to correct this problem.. Many Capitol Hill employes are both confused and un- happy over their pay boosts. Congress has so many differ- ent pay systems for its em- ployes that no general rules apply. Classified employes or those employes whose salaries fol- low rates in the Classification Act will get increases that av- erage only 4.3 per cent. Those paid through either the House Disbursing Office or the fi- nancial office of the Senate will get raises that average 10 per cent. Folding room em- ployes will get a I per cent raise. Higher salaries for employes In the offices a g enitors aren't automatic. Each Senator will have 15 days after the bill, e 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDIA38141M630068bC1050001-9 I 7) Ait,v- o. 196.4 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE for suggesting that there is some kind of special virtue about war, that man derives vigor from participation in war, whereas peace has a tendency to corrupt us with ease and somehow destroy the real muscle of a man; and that the only way we can really be men who can walk upright is to participate in combat with our fellow men. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent to have this editorial printed in the RECORD at this time, because I believe the editor does an excellent job of lay- ing that silly case to rest, reminding us again of the importance of what William James called, a good many years ago, the moral equivalent to war. I believe that we are still engaged in a search for the moral equivalent of war and that is, really, in my judgment, the hope and promise of most of the people who make up the Council for a Livable World. There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: WAR HAS NO VIRTUES (By Dwight Wm. Jensen) There is a man of limited prudence and judgment named Holmes Alexander who writes columns that are printed by the Idaho- Daily Statesman. A few weeks ago he did a piece on the vir- tues of war. He quotes a one-legged Medal of Honor winner who was headmaster when he went to school and who said war improves the breed. Any war which Holmes Alexander survives cannot be said to have improved the breed. Alexander refers to "bilious propaganda about the idiocies of war and the cloying virtues of everlasting peace." He speaks of "the brine and bilge of contemporary peace- mongering." He sneers at writers who write about ways to end all war, and he says it is "the nature of man" to make war, and that "it is not to be altered by any power less than our Maker." A better mind than Holmes Alexander's? and the 1960 census revealed that in Idaho alone there are nearly 700,000 better minds than Holmes Alexander's?Winston Church- ill, who has some experience with war, said, "War is little more than a catalog of mis- takes and misfortunes." So war can be eliminated only by our Maker? You recall the cliche "God helps those who help themselves." We remember also the late President Kennedy's words that, "On earth, God's work is ours." But Holmes Alexander would probably not care to quote Kennedy. The column we question appeared in the Statesman the day after that man's assassination and was a mocking sort of reflection upon Kennedy's search for peace. Alexander is one of those great patriots who does such things as criticize the Supreme Court for its decision about Bible reading in the public schools. If he had read the Bible, in the public schools or elsewhere, he would have come across some words by the Son of our Maker: "Blessed are the peacemakers." Mr. CHURCH. I commend the Sena- tor for the stand he has taken. I know him to be a man of great and good conscience?and of courage. I close by restating I do not believe that the United States?which budgets 80 percent of its national revenue to pro- grams related to warfare, past, present, or future, which spends more than half its annual operating budget to maintain No. 132 24 its Armed Forces, where a vast corporate complex has a vested interest in arma- ments, where hundreds of societies and veterans' groups constantly side with the military viewpoint?is a country which has much to fear from a small associa- tion of scientists, college professors, pro- fessional people, and ordinary parents who are alarmed about the fact that we have raised a stockpile of weapons of such nightmarish power, that, if ever detonated, would be the equivalent of ex- ploding a 20-ton bomb against the head of every inhabitant on this planet. These citizens, the target of attack this afternoon, are merely trying to do what they can to effect a disarmament program, with enforcement controls and mutual inspection procedures, which might, one day, make it possible for the human race to live free from fright, be- yond the shadow of a reckoning coming swift and final in the night. I cannot believe that theirs is a per- nicious influence, set upon the destruc- tion of the United States of America. I do not, of course, stand on the floor of the Senate this afternoon to underwrite everyhting that any of these advocates may have said or may propose, because I reserve the right to make my own judgment, Mr. McGOVERN. I reserve the same right, also. Mr. CHURCH. I know the SenatOr from South Dakota does. I believe that the position he takes is a sound and sen- sible position. I commend him for it. Once again he renders his country a fine service, as he always has before, from the moment he first became a Sen- ator of the United States. Mr. McGOVERN. I thank the Senator from Idaho for his invaluable contri- bution. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Dakota yield? Mr. McGOVERN. I am glad to yield to the Senator from Pennsylvania. . Mr. CLARK. I thank the Senator from South Dakota for yielding to me. First, I should like to commend him, as well as my dear friend the Senator from Idaho for the fine comments they have made in rebuttal to the quite ex- traordinary statements made by a num- ber of Senators earlier this afternoon. I endorse everything that the Senator from South Dakota and the Senator from Idaho have said. I wish I could have said it as eloquently and as con- vincingly. I should like to pay my respects, briefly, to Mr. Holmes Alexander, who I note has been in the gallery while this series of speeches has been made. I know him of old. His writings are syndicated, for reasons which have al- ways escaped me, in one of our great metropolitan Pennsylvania newspapers. I shall not deal in innuendo. I should like, rather, to deal in provable facts. As the Senator from South Dakota am- ply demonstrated from the record a few moments ago, Mr. Alexander is and has been for years a rightwing radical whose political philosophy, if adopted, would clearly take us back to the jungle and 15209 remove many, if not all, of the benefits of civilization. Those are rather strong words, said in part, perhaps, in lighter vein. But, nonetheless, I firmly believe that Mr. Alexander has for years represented a philosophy on education exemplified by the one room, little red schoolhouse which has a rather supreme contempt for intellectualism and for eggheads, which would like to revert, in short, to the happy days of the early 19th century, turning its back on everything that has happened in the world since that date. I am amazed that any Senator would take seriously these ridiculous and down- right silly charges of Mr. Alexander against the Council for a Livable World. I am proud to have received in the campaign of 1962, when I ran for re- election, rather significant contributions from members of the Council for a Liv- able World, who were encouraged to make contributions in my behalf by Mr. Leo Szilard, now unhappily dead, but one of the great scientists of the modern world and one of the inventors?as the Senator from South Dakota has said?of the atomic bomb, a man who devoted the declining years of his life, after he knew that he had incurable cancer, to the cause of peace and to the cause of a livable world. I often wonder why Mr. Alexander, who follows that rightwing line of his, does not attack the real advocates in this country of general and complete dis- armament under enforcible world law. Why does he not attack Christian Her- ter, who was Secretary of State, and the first American of prominent office to ad- vocate general and complete disarma- ment under enforcible world law? Why does he not attack our late be- loved President John F. Kennedy, who in three magnificent speeches, two of them in the United Nations, and the third at American University in the Dis- trict of Columbia, laid it on the line that the foreign policy of our country was to advance the same cause which the Coun- cil for a Livable World has been ad- vancing, and for advancing which it has come under attack by Mr. Alexander and his rightwing cohorts. Why does he not attack John McCloy? Why does he not attack Arthur Dean? Why does he not attack William Foster? Indeed, why does he not attack Presi- dent Lyndon Baines Johnson, who advo- cates the same principles of foreign pol- icy and disarmament which the Council for a Livable World is proud to espouse, to recommend, and to support? What disturbs me is the attitude in the Senate toward the cause of peace, a just and enduring peace, negotiated from strength. For I believe, to borrow the words of the late President Kennedy, "that we should never negotiate out of fear, but we should never fear to ne- gotiate." We saw some rather ugly things in the Senate during the debate on the test ban treaty last year. The belligerence in the Senate which was referred to by the Senator from Idaho, is the same spirit of belligerence which was attacked by President Dwight D. Eisenhower in the Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15210 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE last public address he made while still President of the United States. I do not like to see that spirit, of belligerence in the Senate. I do not like to see that archaic and obsolete attitude toward the problems of the modern world. I would hope, perhaps, that some mild change in that climate might be created by the ac- tion of the Senator from South Dakota and the Senator from Idaho. who have shown the courage to rise on the floor of the Senate and state their own supreme convictions and their strong support of the policies of three Presidents of the United States?Eisenhower. Kennedy, Johnson?in support of a just and a livable world. I thank my friend from South Dakota for yielding to me. Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President. I thank the Senator from Pennsylvania and the Senator from Idaho for their moving, eloquent, and informed state- ments here today. I was assured of my position before I took the floor this afternoon. But I am more assured of it after listening to the persuasive elo- quence of those two Senators who have done so much in the cause of peace. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I did not hear all of the discussion on the Republican side this afternoon, as I was in and out of the Chamber. But I did hear the names of certain Members on this side mentioned. I am afrold that the implications were such as to make it difficult for them in their personal and Political carers. I am quite sure that was not the in- tent. I wish to say publicly, as majority leader of the Senate, that insofar as I am concerned. I have no doubt about the patriotism, integrity, and the devotion of men like the Senator from South Da- kota I Mr. MCGOVERN1, the Senator from Idaho [Mr. CHURCH], and others. They have performed capably, well, and in the highest traditions of this body since they first became Members of the Senate. So as far as being for unilateral disarma- ment is concerned, as one Senator seemed to indicate. I do not know of a Senator on either side who is in favor of unilateral disarmament. The Senator from South Dakota has a distinguished war record as a bomber pilot in World War II. He is the holder of the Distinguished Flying Cross. The distinguished Senator from Idaho (Mr. CHURCH] served with distinction in the China-Burma-India area. I do not know of a Democratic or Republican Senator whose integrity, patriotism, or devotion to his country should be im- pugned in any way, even by implication. Mr. President, I suggest the absence of a quorum. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. ORDER OF BUSINESS Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President. if the Senator from South Carolina is will- ing. I would ask the Chair to make sure that the Chamber is kept fairly clear during this debate. The Senate will be in session until a relatively late hour this evening because of circumstances which are apparent to all. I thank the Senator from 4critth C r - lina for yielding. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY ItEFORIVI ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government. and for other purposes. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President. as chairman of the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee. I am proud to report to the Senate the committee's unanimous approval of H.R. 11049. with amendment. the Federal Employees Sal- ars, Act of 1964. This leeislation is a broad and all-in- clusive pay adjustment measure which, in my view, will rank among the most important actions of the Congress in re- cent, years to strengthen the Federal Government and increase its efficiency. I particularly emphasize that the com- mittee's report is a unanimous report. Members of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee oil both sides of the aisle, working harmoniously and with nonpartisan objectives, have together studied and discussed H.R. 11049 title by title. section by section, and, in some cases, line by line. The work of the members of the committee has been dili- gent, conscientious, and devoted. They have responded to word from the Presi- dent of the United States that this meas- ure is one of the most important in his legislative program for the 88th Con- gress, and their response, consisting of hard work in long daily meetings, has been made at a particular time in the history of the Senate when many other important demands were being made upon their time and energies. I con- gratulate the committee on the spirit in which the members have undertaken to improve HR. 11049 as passed by the House of Representatives, and as chair- man I thank them each individually for their intelligent and effective coopera- tion with the President and with me. This bill, as reported, is directed to- ward accomplishing four purposes which will remedy a number of Inequities and will establish pay relationships resulting in greater efficiency in the Federal civil- ian service and increased economy throughout all Government operations. The purposes of H.R. 11049 are: First. Ti) reaffirm the commitment of the Congress to the policy of adjusting the civilian career salary systems in ac- cordance with the principle of compara- bility. This policy, one of the most rea- sonable and far-reaching determinations ever made by the Congress in the field of Federal pay, was declared in the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962, which clearly states the sense of the Congress that? Federal salary rates shall be comparable with private enterprise salary rates for the me levels of work. Second. To establish a new, consistent, and rational salary structure for posi- 1 tions of the highest level in the Federal Government. Third. To provide for the first time a logical relationship between career sail,- ries under the civilian statutory pay sys- 'terns and the salaries of top positions in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches. Fourth. To adopt a salary structure which will respond to the present-thy needs of the Federal Government, to Use end that reemitment and retention of personnel of the very highest level-- from the bottom to the top?can be ac- complished. Perhaps the most widely discussed sec- tion of H.R. 11049 is its provision for an increase in the annual salaries of the Members of he Congress from $22.5C0 to $30.000 a year. Increases in congres- sional pay constitute a touchy and con- troversial pronlem always. Ignoring th:s problem will not make it go away. The committee, recognizing the con- stitutional injunction that the Senate and House must establish the rate of pay for its own Members, has tried to abide by its responsibility. It is our judgmer t that the compensation of Senator and Congressmen ought to be increased by $7,500 per annum. No one who serves in the Congress can be unaware that our duties and responsibilities have increased substantially since 1955, when congres- sional pay 'as raised from $15,000 a year. We ale all thoroughly familiar with the costs incurred in maintaining two homes and with the necessity fcr frequent trips to our home States, where we can listen to the views of those who sent us here. We all know that the days of midsummer adjournment are prob- ably gone forever, and that ours has be- come more than a full-time job. In my opinion, these facts of life must be squarely faced and reckoned with, not only for the benefit of present incum- bents, but also for those who follow vs in the Senate and the House. I say again that the congressional in- crease endorsed by the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee is intended for the office and not for the presert Member. It reflects not only the finan- cial realities of running and serving, but also the prestige, dignity, and status cf the Congress and its Members. I are confident that when H.R. 11049 comes to a vote, the Senate will face forthrightly its difficult responsibility for establish- ing equitable pay for its Members. This action to adjust Federal compen- sation up and down the line comes none to soon. The Salary Reform Act of 1962 provides that the President shall report annually to the Congress his recommen- dations?based upon studies conducted by the Bureau of Labor statistics?for any Federal salary adjustments he deems advisable. In accordance with the 1962 act, President Kennedy more than a year ago recommended comparability pay in- creases similar to those provided for ii H.R. 11049: and suggestions for execu- tive, legislative, and judicial pay have been before the Congress since the report last year of the President's advisory panel on Federal salary systems, the Randall report. The fact that Congress did not act in 1963 to adjust Federal compensation has Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964, Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE resulted in many unfortunate inequities and an alarming departure of Federal pay from the comparability pay line. The fact that the recommendations of the Randall report have not been inter- preted into Federal legislation until now has resulted, furthermore, in serious dif- ficulty for the President in obtaining and keeping the services of men of high cali- ber for the top-most executive positions in the Government. The President has told me on more than one occasion that this is true. The salary provisions for executive pay have been scaled down from the Randall recommendations, in recogni- tion of the fact that in the upper levels of the Federal service?both career and executive?the Government can never financially reward its top officials in such a way as to compete with private enterprise. In other words, while the committee endorses?and trusts that the Senate will continue to endorse?the principle of comparability in all ranks other than those at the top, we are aware that those who serve their country in positions of high rank in all three branches of the Government must be willing to accept far less than their counterparts in the private economy. This fact is recognized as part and parcel of our national life. Neverthe- less, it is my view that the sacrifice that many of our leaders in the legislative, executive, and judicial branches have been asked to make are too great. The Increases provided in this measure will go a long way toward rectifying a situa- tion which all recent Presidents, partic- ularly Presidents Kennedy and Johnson, have deplored and which they have time and again asked the Congress to correct. The report of the President's advisory panel is most pertinent on this subject. The panel makes these points: It is not uncommon in the history of our country to ask our citizens to give up a high income to accept a lesser one in a responsible Federal office. But the sacrifice ought to be of a kind which many capable men?not just a few?are financially prepared to make. Further- more, there are many able young men who have had no time to accumulate financial reserves. The country should not be denied the services of these men because of inadequate Federal pay scales. The Nation cannot afford to de- pend only upon rich men to run its affairs. One of the most reasonable and bene- ficial provisions of title III, the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964, is the es- tablishment of an orderly series of five levels of executive compensation. Over the years through the various executive pay acts and organic legislation estab- lishing new Federal agencies, some 19 different executive pay levels have sprung up within the Federal service. On occasion, the need for increased com- pensation has been reflected in the sal- aries paid the directors of newly created agencies, while similar top officials of older agencies have been overlooked. The prominence of some agencies as op- posed to the inconspicuousness of others has also sometimes resulted in unjusti- fiable executive salary differentials. This bill for the first time brings to- gether an orderly and rational system of five levels, in which positions of equal rank and responsibility receive equal compensation. This arrangement is the result of intensive study and close co- operation between the committees of the Senate and House on the one hand, and the Bureau of the Budget on the other, and the administrative agencies, also. As passed by the House, H.R. 1104b established six pay levels of executive compensation. The top three levels? levels 1, 2, and 3?are listed by position. The lower three levels?levels 4, 5, and 6?would be filled under the House bill through placement which the President would be authorized to make in accord- ance with standards spelled out in the act. The Senate committee, on the recom- mendation of the Budget Bureau, has eliminated level VI entirely. This level was composed of a limited number of executives who could be most appro- priately placed, it was felt, in level 5 or, for pay purposes, in the top grades of the general schedule. This arrangement also relieved the pay compression which existed between the executive salary schedule and the general schedule when there were six executive levels. The committee has further amended the House bill to provide for statutory listing of the positions in levels 4 and 5, as opposed to granting placerrient au- thority to the President. The committee noted, however, that the president ought to have additional authority with regard to the executive schedule, so that he may respond to changes in organization, management responsibilities, or work apportionment in the executive branch. Accordingly, the bill as reported gives authority to the President to add 20 ad- ditional positions within levels 4 and 5. Perhaps some of them would come from the regular classification list below, and some could be adjusted between level 4 and level 5. In general, the committee endorsed the rationale of the executive salary schedule established in the House bill. Certain changes, however, were made. The com- pensation of Cabinet members is in- creased from $32,500 to $35,000, this change taking into account the heavy responsibilities of Cabinet officers and the prestige which accompanies these high positions and the necessary spend- ing of money by Cabinet officials. The $30,000 salary for the deputies of Cabinet members has not been changed. These are the second highest Adminis- trators in the executive branch, in many cases the directors of the daily opera- tions of the Nation's departments and agencies. Accordingly, they should be adequately compensated, but at a rate reflecting the differences between their duties and those of Cabinet members. The committee's action in endorsing $30,000 a year for deputy department heads and the same salary for Members of the Congress follows the traditional pay alinement in which Cabinet mem- bers are the only group paid more than Members of Congress. The committee has reduced slightly the salaries for executives in levels 3, 4, 15211 and 5; from $29,000 to $28,500 for level 3; from $28,000 to $27,000 for level 4; and from $27,000 to $26,000 for level 5. These are the changes in the bill as reported from the House. It is my view that the Senate schedule more nearly reflects the responsibilities of the three lower levels and their rela- tionship to levels 2 and 1. The Randall panel makes clear the need for pay increases in judges, offi- cers, and employees of the judiciary. The committee accepted the salary scales for Federal judges enacted by the House, taking note of the fact that the increases are in the neighborhood of $7,500, the same amount of increase which was approved for Members of Congress. The committee changed the annual salary of the Director of the Ad- ministrative Office of the U.S. Courts from $28,000 to $27,000 and the salary of the Deputy Director from $27,000 to $26,000, in recognition of the fact that these salaries were alined with levels 4 and 5 of the executive salary schedule established at $27,000 and $26,000. Ad- ditionally, the committee reduced the salary of commissioners of the court of claims from $27,000 to $26,000. In its discussions of compensation for the judiciary, the committee took into account the constitutional provision that Federal judges are appointed for life and that their salaries are discontinued only in the event of death, resignation, or impeachment. Thus, when Federal judges become inactive?optionally after 15 years at age 65 or after 10 years at age 70?they may, in effect, retire on full salary. It was noted also that many judges, upon reaching retire- ment age, continue their duties on a part-time basis while drawing full compensation. H.R. 11019 provides pay increases for employees under the Classification Act ranging from approximately 3 percent in the lower grades, where comparabil- ity has been achieved, through 22.2 per- cent for grade 18, where the comparabil- ity pay line and the Classification Act pay line are still widely separated. It will be recalled that grades 16, 17, and 18, which will receive substantial pay increases under this bill, received no pay increases in January 1964 as did all other grades of the schedule. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question at this point? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. LAUSCHE. It has been said that a large increase will be allowed to the classes just mentioned by the Senator, grades 16, 17, and 18, and that is- be- cause the last time there was a pay raise these classified workers were not in- cluded. My question is whether the large increase which is now being granted is justified. What would have been the percentage increase if it had been granted when the last increase was made and the increase that these people would be entitled to now? In other words, does the large increase now exceed what the combined increase would be if it had been granted 3 years ago and again now. Mr. JOHNSTON. If you refer to grades 16, 17, and 18 the answer is "Yes." Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 15212 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE Mr. LAUSCHE. What is the percent- age of the pay raise for this classifica- tion? Mr. JOHNSTON. The highest would be approximately 22 percent for grade 18. However, percentage increases in the lower grades are much smaller. Mr. LAUSCHE, 22 percent. That 22 percent compares to what in the low classification? Mr. JOHNSTON. GS-1 gets 3.1 per- cent. This grade has had many in- creases in the years past, when the higher grades were not increased . Mr. LAUSCHE. Class 1 would require seven increases of 3 percent to bring it up to the 22 percent that would be granted to the highest. Is that correct? Mr. JOHNSTON. In that class the Government employs only 1,356 persons. Those are the charwomen, custodial laborers, and others in similar work categories. Their pay compares favor- ably with what they would get in private enterprise for similar work. That was all taken into consideration when the percentage increase was determined. Mr. LAUSCHE. When was the pay raise granted that did not include the high classified people? Mr. JOHNSTON. Grades 16, 17. and 18 received no increase in January of this year, when all other grades received an increase previously enacted. Mr. LAUSCHE. When did it happen prior to that time? Was that about 1962? Mr. JOHNSTON. October 1962. Mr. LAUSCHE. Were the high grades included in the 1962 pay raise? Mr. JOHNSTON. Yes. Mr. LAUSCHE. If the low grade re- ceived an increase of 3 or 4 percent in January of this year. how can we justify granting a 22-percent increase 5 or 6 months later to the high grade? I can- not follow that. Mr. JOHNSTON. Because it is the committee's view that these top officials under the Classification Act deserve an increase. The administration has ad- vocated it. The Bureau of the Budget has advocated it. That is what we are here for. Mr. LAUSCHE. Is it on the basis of comparability in private industry that this high 22 percent has been granted? Mr. JOHNSTON. That is correct. Even with the increase. grade 18 would be below comparability. The Bureau of the Budget, the Civil Service Commis- sion and the President of the United States have advocated attempting to at- tain comparability. The House has al- ready acted by a big majority. We are here trying to do what we think is right and just. That is what I am here to do. Mr. LAUSCHE. In addition to the increase of 22 percent, will the high classified employees in the course of time also become the beneficiaries of Increased retirement pay on the basis of the new schedule? Mr. JOHNSTON. They will, but that will be over a term of years. The retire- ment system provides that the 5 high- est years be taken into consideration. It is the average for the 5 highest years. A bill is pending in committee, on which some hearings have already been held. in connection with which the ad- ministration is advocating that certain changes be made in regard to the financ- ing of the retirement system, to provide that it will be fiscally sound. The Gov- ernment sill have to pay more into the fund for the reason that for over two- thirds of the years of the existence of the retirement fund the Government has not been paying its full share. Another rea- son is that many of the employees of the Government are ex-servicemen. and they did not have to contribute toward retire- ment for the years of military service, but they are credited toward retirement for those years of service with the armed services. The Civil Service Commission has asked that we amend existing law to reform the method of financing the re- tirement fund. The committee is work- ing on that bill Mr. LAUSCHE. To get back to the other point, the increase that would go to Members of Congress, from $22,500 to $30.000, would also provide a new re- muneration to the Members of Congress in the form of an increase in retirement pay at the end of each year. Is that cor- rect? Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator is cor- rect. Mr. LAUSCHE. We will go into that at a later time. Mr. JOHNSTON. Yes. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator yield for a ques- tion? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I have been working on an amendment that I hope will appeal to the Senator. It would provide, first, that a Member of Con- gress, in order to obtain his increase, must certify that he is of the opinion that his services are worth that much money; second, that he believes the in- crease is necessary in order to provide for the essential expenses of rendering the services that are essential to his con- stituents and for the living expenses for himself and his dependents. Does the Senator from South Caro- lina really think it is necessary to pro- vide a pay raise for persons who feel that they might not want it. such as those who do not have children in college and do not incur expenses which might Jus- tify an increase in pay? Mr. JOHNSTON. That is a good ques- tion. I do not want, to amend the bill along these lines; but I have thought at times that anyone who thinks he does not deserve the pay increase should be glad to give it back to the Government. The Government is there, waiting. That per- son could give back the amount of his increase. If he did not think he was worth it. he could give it back. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I am aware of the position of one Member of Con- gress, who says that after he pays his taxes, he donates to the church whatever he has left.. I do not see any particular point in giving a person a pay raise so that he can give more money to his church. In a way, that conflicts with the doctrine of the separation of church and state, if all we are doing is paying money by way of a pay raise to enable the re- cipient to Rive it to a church. July Mr. JOHNSTON. Members of th.. Senate and House will give back about 42 percent of the pay raise. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. In incom,?. taxes? Mr. JOHNSTON. In income taxes. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I would hope that we could work that out. If any Member of Congress really believes that his services are not worth the amount or the increase, he should not take it out 0.1 the Treasury; it ought to stay in the Treasury. The people ought to have an opportunity to elect some cutrate Rep- resentatives, if they wish. One could say in his platform. "I am not worth as much as another fellow. I am not worth that much salary"; and he could make his case on the basis that he is not worth. that much for his services. I hope the Senator from South Caro- lina will feel kindly toward my amend- ment. I do not feel that we should force on people money that they think is not necessary. That would be wasteful. With that qualification, I am willing to vote for the Senator's bill. Mr. JOHNSTON. I thank the Sen- ator. The substantial precentage increases for the upper grades are, in my opinion, warranted and deserved. The committee acted to rectify what it considered an inconsistency in the House-approved general schedule, with respect to the so-called middle grades. Grades 9, 10, 11, and 12 were reduced from the President's recommendations to rates which reflect salary increases of less than 3 percent of present salary rates. Taking into account the contri- bution to the Federal service which is made by this important middle-manage- ment group, the committee increased the compensation of these grades to a 3- percent level. Similar increases were given the middle grades in the Foreign Service and the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Adminis- tration. The bill has been amended to pro- vide for 1-year step increases through step 7 for all levels of the PFS schedule. Under the 1962 act, 1-year increases through step 7 were limited to the first six levels, with 2 years being required in steps 6 and 7 for levels 7 and above. This has resulted in pay inequities caused by the longer service periods re- quired?particularly in levels 7, 8, and 9?in steps 6 and 7 of the PFS schedule. The result has been rapidly diminishing salary differentials between level 7 on the one hand and levels 5 and 6 on the other, resulting from the fact that per- sonnel in the lower levels advance more rapidly through the steps of the schedule. The committee amendment will remedy these inequities and will ma- terially benefit important groups of personnel in the postal service?super- visors, postmasters, inspectors, and others?many of whom spend the greater part of their postal careers in levels 7, 8, or 9. The committee is in agreement with the Post Office Department that post- masters of fourth-class offices are, in general, being inadequately compen- sated under schedule II of the 1962 act. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 1964 _Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15213 The Department's proposal to substitute a new schedule based upon PFS-5 and the number of service hours required on the part of the postmaster was carefully studied. It was the committee's view, however, that this proposed schedule, providing increases averaging approxi- mately 27 percent, overcompensated for the deficiency. Accordingly, the act has been amended to provide for a new fourth-class office schedule, based upon six levels of revenue units. The per- centage increases vary in general within the range of 10 to 15 percent, with in- creases substantially higher than 15 per- cent for postmasters of fourth-class of- fices in the lower levels, where increases are most urgently needed. This modification of the Department's original proposal represents an equitable solution to the problem of marginal pay for fourth-class postmasters with low re- ceipts, and provides significant and de- served salary increases for all other post- masters of fourth-class offices. The House-passed schedule would cost ap- proximately $12.7 million, while that of the Senate schedule would cost approxi- mately $4.8 million. We took this up with the Post Office Department, too, and were informed that this would be agreeable to them. The last pay raise granted congres- sional employees was an across-the- board increase of 7 percent in 1962. They received no schedule 2 increase, which, Senators will recall, was the sec- ond increment of the 1962 pay increase, becoming effective for employees of the executive branch in January 1964. The committee has endorsed the pay- increase formula for congressional em- ployees as set forth in the House meas- ure. It provides for graduated raises ranging from 5 percent in the lower lev- els to 211/2 percent in the upper. It is my belief that this schedule recognizes the principle of comparability and satis- factorily alines the pay for our congres- sional employees with that of officials of their rank and responsibility in the ex- ecutive branch. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. ELLENDER. Do I correctly un- derstand that in the previous pay bill, the increase in salaries for congressional workers was? percent? Mr. JOHNSTON. It was 7 percent across the board. Mr. ELLENDER. That was in 1962, was it not? Mr. JOHNSTON. That is correct. Mr. ELLENDER. Under that pay bill, the top salary of an administrative as- sistant to a Senator could be fixed at $18,884. Mr. JOHNSTON. That was for one person in the office. Mr. ELLENDER. I understand that; but others would get similar raises. In the bill which the Senator now proposes to have enacted, the base pay of $8,880 and a gross rate of $18,884 would result in a 211/2 percent increase for administrative assistants and cause their salaries to go up $22,945. Mr. JOHNSTON. That is correct. Mr. ELLENDER. That is more than the salary Senators receive today. Mr. JOHNSTON. That is true. We propose to raise the salaries of Senators in the bill, by 33 percent. Mr. ELLENDER. How can they jus- tify raising the salary, let us say, of the Sergeant at Arms, who now receives $21,500, to $27,500, an increase of $6,000? How can that be justified? In addition, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, as I understand, is provided with the use of an automobile and a chauffeur. Mr. JOHNSTON. That is what the Appropriations Committee lets him have. Mr. ELLENDER. I understand that; but how can the committee justify that? How can the Senator from South Caro- lina go back home and tell his people that the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate has been raised in salary from $21,500 to $27,500, or an increase of $500 a month, and is provided with an automobile and a chauffeur to drive it? Mr. JOHNSTON. Regarding the chauffeur and the automobile, it must be remembered that there are some oc- casions when the Sergeant at Arms is required to go out and advise Senators that they are needed back in the Chamber. Mr. ELLENDER. There is a car pool across the street which can be used for that purpose. The salary of the Secretary of the Senate is to be raised from $21,500 to $27,500 or the same increase as the Ser- geant at Arms?$500 a month, or $6,000 per year. How can the committee justify such an increase when an increase of 7 percent has already been given in 1962 and this increases the amount to 27.9 percent? Mr. JOHNSTON. All this was based upon grounds of comparability. Mr. ELLENDER. Of what? Mr. JOHNSTON. Along lines com- parable to salaries paid on the outside. Remember that this is for the whole of the Federal Government. Go to New York and see what the chief of police up there is paid. Mr. ELLENDER. Does the Senator compare the Sergeant at Arms to the chief of police of New York City? Mr. JOHNSTON. This position must be compared to that of those performing jobs of a similar nature, yes. I do not limit it to New York, of course. Mr. ELLENDER. I notice that the salary of the Architect of the Capitol would be raised from $20,700 to $26,000, or 26.1 percent. Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator is cor- rect. Mr. ELLENDER. Only 2 years ago, we gave him an increase of 7 percent. I am wondering how the committee could present the Senate with a bill of this kind. District judges will be paid $30,- 000, an increase of 331/3 percent. Judg- ships are life .appointments which is a valuable consideration in itself. Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator will notice that we have reduced many sal- aries below those approved in the House measure. Mr. ELLENDER. Some of the what? Mr. JOHNSTON. Some of those sal- aries have been cut below approved by the House. Mr. ELLENDER. I am talking about the Senate carrying out its responsibility. I know what the House did. It did a bad job. But I did not expect the commit- tee to come before the Senate and try to duplicate what the House did?more or less, because that is just what the com- mittee did. Will the Senator from South Carolina tell us, assuming that every Senator will increase his force according to the tables laid out in this bill, how much it will cost a year; does the Senator know? Mr. JOHNSTON. In this particular bill, there will be a certain amount of money which can be spent; and the Sen- ator can spend as much of it as he wishes, in accordance with the provisions of the bill. Mr. ELLENDER. The Senator knows what happens, of course. Mr. JOHNSTON. That is what any Senator would be able to do in his office. Not a year has gone by that I have not turned back money in my own office. Mr. ELLENDER. The same applies to me. Mr. JOHNSTON. I believe that many Senators have done so. However, each Senator will be given a certain amount of money to operate his office. Mr. ELLENDER. Why give it? Why arrange the scale so high that a Sena- tor's administrative assistant will be constantly dissatisfied from here on out until he is paid the highest salary per- mitted under, the bill? Some Senators give the raises automatically and this creates dissatisfaction among the assist- ants of those who do not. Mr. JOHNSTON. Because many Sen- ators cannot get the people with the abilities they need for their offices from their own particular States without pay- ing them salaries such as will be found in this bill, and which are in relation to their abilities. That is the reason we put them in. Mr. ELLENDER. Does the Senator mean to say that it is hard to get an assistant to help in his office? Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator from Chicago and the Senator from New York and other places-- Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield? Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator does not have to pay it, unless he wishes to do so. I yield to the Senator from Illinois. Mr. DOUGLAS. It is true that the city of New York has the same name as the State of New York? Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator is correct. Mr. DOUGLAS. I am very proud to come from the city of Chicago but I also come from the great State of Illinois. Mr. JOHNSTON. Illinois. The Sena- tor is correct. Mr. DOUGLAS. I hope that "Illinois" will be substituted for "Chicago." Mr. JOHNSTON. Of course?Illinois. Mr. ELLENDER. When I first came to the Senate, as I recall, our little pages? and I love them all?were given $5 a day for the days they worked. In this bill, their pay will be raised to more than $5,000 a year. I hope they make that much money when they get out of college. I believe that we have gone to an ex- treme on this subject. I am hopeful Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R0005000500Q1-9 15214 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July 1 that a good look will be taken at this bill and that the Senate will make an attempt to trim it down. because I be- lieve it is absolutely wrong, particularly when we consider that we just lowered taxes and increased salaries in 1962. Here we are, preparing to slap on the backs of the American people an addi- tional burden which will cost in excess of half a billion dollars a year. Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator will notice in the bill that many of the salaries in the Senate version arc below those of the House. Mr. ELLENDER. That does not make it good for the Senate. Mr. JOHNSTON. But we must keep them somewhat in line. Does not the Senator agree with that? Mr. ELLENDER. Keep whom in line? Mr. JOHNSTON. Salaries in the two Houses. If we do not have similar pay scales many people now working in the Senate will wish to go over and work in the House. Mr. ELLENDER. I did not know there was that much competition. Mr. PASTORE. Mr. President. will the Senator from South Carolina yield? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. PASTORE. I address myself to the distinguished Senator, the chairman of the Post Office and Civil Service Com- mittee [Mr. JOHNSTONE As the chair- man of the Joint Committee on Atomic Energy, I notice that there have been two changes made in the Senate bill as against the House bill. Let me emphasize that it Is not so much the money involved as much as it is the principle that concerns me. The reason I bring it up now is that I am hopeful the Senator will give some thought to the colloquy we are going to engage in, so that when I bring up my amendment we can be in accord as to what is meant. I notice that the Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission has been placed in level 2. The other four mem- bers of the Commission have been placed in level 4. The House placed the chairman In level 2, but it placed the other members of the committee in level 3. The Senate committee dropped it down a further level. The point I wish to make, and I be- lieve it should be brought to the atten- tion of the committee. is the fact that in 1954 and again in I955?and I believe I shall be substantiated in this by my distinguished colleague from the State of Tennessee?there was a serious ques- tion which came UP in committee as to what authority. Derogative, and respon- sibility each of the five members should have. In considering the 1954 amend- ments to the Atomic Energy Act there was a proposal that the chairman be the principal officer of the Commission. After much debate that was not ac- cepted. The Joint Committee on Atomic Eller- f!:Y and the Conssress repudiated that philosophy. We wrote in the law specifically at. that time: Each member of the Commission, includ- ing the Chairman shall have equal respon- A:ditty and authority in all decisions and at- tions of the Commission and shall have one vote. Then in 1955 so there would be no un- certainty as to the intent, the Joint Com- mittee recommended and the Congress amended the law to read: Eitch member of the Commission, includ- ing the Chairman. shall have equal respon- sibility and authority in all decisions and actions of the committee, and shall have full access to all information relating to the per- formance of his duties or responsibilities, and shall have one vote. Mr. President (Mr. INOUYE in the chair), the point I wish to make is that this Commission spends more than $2.5 billion a year in keening up the nuclear and thermonuclear posture of the Na- tion. It is a very responsible Commis- sion. There are some who believe, pos- sibly, that if we had one administrator as against the commission setup, as it is in the Some Administration, perhaps it might work more effectively, but I do not believe we need to debate that ques- tions this afternoon. What I am intending to do and should hope that this would be amenable to the thinking of the distinguished Senator from South Carolina, is to bring it back to where the House had it. I do not say that all members of the Commission should be at level 2. I be- lieve that the Chairman should be at level 2, as the spokesman for the Com- mission but I would hope the Senator would revert back when I bring up my amendment to the bill. As it was re- ported by the House, other members of the Commission would be put in level 3 instead of level 4. I repeat, that it is not so much the matter of the money as it is the matter of the responsibility. If we are going to put the Chairman two grades above the other members of the Commission, we shall be downgrading the prestige and the responsibility of the other mem- bers. I do not believe that should be allowed because I believe that would do the whole program irreparable harm. Mr. JOHNSTON. I am glad to have these remarks from the Senator from Rhode Island, and shall be glad to look into them. Mr. PASTORE. That is the reason why I bring up the question now. I hope the Senator will take It up with his staff. There is another point I should like to make: and I hope he will consider this. too. I shall propose this amendment. And I hope that here again his thinking will be amenable to mine. Under the atomic energy law, we specify three Assistant General Managers. We say "no more than three." And the AEC under this statutory authority today has three As- sistant General Managers. But the Ian- allege of the bill, on page 127, line 5, is "Assistant General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission." That is in the singular. The only trouble is that we have three Assistant General Managers today at the equal salary level of $20,000. But the Senator provides for only one Assistant General Manager. What shall we do with the other two? We will have to downgrade them as well as others to the level of their division heads. We must treat these three General Managers alike. I hope the staff will look into that and make this correction as well. Mr. JOHNSTON. I shall be glad to look into that question. For the infor- mation of the Senator, we left it up to the Bureau of the Budget. The recom- mendation came from them. Mr. PASTORE. I do not know where they get their notions. The Joint Com- mittee on Atomic Energy watches this operation. It is not that we are trying to grab anythin 1 for anyone on the com- mittee. But it would throw the whole organization out of kilter. We have three Assistant General Managers op- erating on an equal footing. It is pro- posed to provide for only one. What shall we do with the other two? Bury them? ' The House made provision for it by leaving it to the Executive to fill an unspecified number of positions which the AEC understands would leave these three positions equal in level 5. In line 5. we could make "Manager" plural, and put "three" in parentheses. That would answer the question. I shall make those two amendments. I hope the staff will look into that. Mr. JOHNSTON. We shall be happy to look into it. We do not claim that the bill is perfect in every sense. But we did try to do as good a job as we could, working with the departments, and with the Bureau of the Budget, and with the staff of the House. Mr. PASTORE. Mr. President, if the Senator will yield. I make no criticism of the Senator. He and I have fought shoulder to shoulder on some of these measures. At one time. I had the honor of serving on the committee. I know how assiduously the Senator has worked, and how vigorous he is in his presentations to the committee. Mr. JOHNSTON. I appreciate that. I discovered when the Senator was on the committee that he was one of the most active members. He did an excel- lent job there. The committee amended the House bill by imposing a ceiling of $22,945 on the schedule for employees on Senators' staffs and Senate committees. The House version sets a limitation of $24,- 500 on employees of House committees. The House bill further provides that the effective date of all increases in excess of $22.000 would be withheld until the effective date of the increase for Members of the Senate and House, January 3, 1965. The Committee de- cided that since, increases in excess of $22.000, particularly in the Executive salary schedule, are of vital and im- mediate importance, it would be unwise to postpone the date of their disburse- ment. Accordingly, the bill is amended to provide that amounts of salary in ex- cess of $22,000 per annum shall be post- poned until January 3, 1965, only in the case of officers and employees of the Senate and House. When this measure was considered on the floor of the House, Representative UDALL introduced an amendment, which was adopted, to provide that congres- sional pay increases would automatically go into effect in percentage amounts re- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 _Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15215 lated to pay increases enacted for em- ployees and officers of the executive branch. I believe that this provision is a good try at solving a hard problem, but it is my view that it would not accomp- lish its apparent purpose. The commit- tee was in agreement that this provision should be deleted from the bill. If the proposed arrangement pre- vailed, the Congress would in effect be acting to raise its own salaries whenever it approved executive-branch pay in- creases, and those who criticize Congress whenever congressional pay is con- sidered could once again raise their hue and cry, and the problem would be at hand once more. I believe further that if congressional and executive pay were tied together by statute, the result might be a slowing down of consideration of warranted pay increases for employees of the executive branch. Mr. President, a question has been raised with respect to the economic ef- fects of this measure. I would remind those who express this concern that the comparability principle requires the Federal Government as an employer to follow the moves of the national econ- omy?certainly not to lead it. The es- tablished procedure is for review and adjustment to determine whether salary scales have lagged too far behind those of the private economy as a whole, and to bring them up to business levels, but not above business levels, if a substan- tial lag has developed. Productivity in the Federal service has been on the rise, just as it has in other sectors of the economy. For example, in the Division of Disbursement of the Treasury, production increased 13 per- cent from 1960 to 1962, but the man- power utilized was actually reduced by 11 percent. In the Department of In- surance of the Veterans' Administration, manpower was reduced by 22 percent between 1960 and 1962 as the result of a 23-percent increase in productivity. It is my understanding that these re- ductions in manpower were accomplished through attrition and that the execu- tive branch is continuously taking action to assure that productivity increases con- tinue to be the rule. It has been stated that the average weekly earnings of Federal employees are approximately $22 higher than those of employees of the States. This compari- son, however, fails to take into account the differences in the employment cate- gories involved. The functions of State governments differ markedly from those of the Federal Government. The Fed- eral payrall at the present time includes thousands of some of the most highly trained individuals in the country. No State has a space program, for example; no State has a department of defense. Therefore, in my view it is erroneous to attempt to find a meaningful relation- ship between such entirely different types of groups as Federal and State employees. Economy and efficiency in the Federal service are dependent upon the quality of Federal management, and the mainte- nance of high-quality management can be assured only by salary levels that will permit competent managers to remain in the service. A recent editorial in the New York Times expressed the situation in this way: Those who oppose waste and extravagance in Government spending argue that raising the level of Federal salaries would be, un- justified and inequitable. Yet the biggest single cause of waste, in Government or in private industry, is inefficient management. The Nation has been fortunate that so many skilled people have been willing to accept the financial penalties involved in Govern- ment service. But with the pay scales and fringe benefits available to high caliber per- sonnel in private industry constantly rising, the Government will find it increasingly diffi- cult to attract and keep executives with the talent and the training required for formu- lating and carrying out policy. Mr. President, I now call to the atten- tion of the Senate the cost of H.R. 11049, as reported. I regret to advise by col- leagues that there are typographical errors in the chart displayed on page 4 of the committee report, but I am happy to point out that the erroneous figures over- state rather than understate the cost of the bill. The total cost figure for this salary bill?verified by the Bureau of the Budget and the Civil Service Commis- sion?is $556,836,341. The major reason for the difference in this cost estimate is that the net cost of title I should read $536,036,341 rather than the $543 million figure shown in the table. These esti- mates include the cost of Government contributions to the various fringe bene- fit programs Federal employees enjoy. This is less than $13 million in excess of the amount included in the President's budget for fiscal year 1965. I have been advised that in line with the administra- tion's policy this additional cost will be absorbed by employment attrition and efficient management of Federal agen- cies. Mr. President, I have a letter from the Bureau of the Budget which I wish to read at this time: BUREAU OF THE BUDGET, Washington, D.C., June 29, 1964. Hon. OWN D. JOHNSTON, Chairman, Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, U.S. Senate, Washington, D.C. DEAR Ma. CHAIRMAN: As requested by you, the Bureau of the Budget has examined the cost estimates of HR. 11049, as reported to the Senate. When table 4 is corrected to take into account typographical errors in title I figures, the situation is substantially as follows: Disregarding minor adjustments which approximately cancel each other out, the aggregate costs of the Senate bill have been increased approximately $14 million over the President's maximum budget figures of 3544 million for the cost of pay legislation. The additional cost is attributable to the Senate committee's action in raising the middle grades of the Classification Act, Foreign Serv- ice, and Bureau of Medicine and Surgery schedules so that they will receive a 3-percent increase. The Bureau supports thit amend- ment in the interest of equity and closer com- parability between Government positions affected and the same level of work in private enterprise. We must point out, however, that the President's budget allowance was a maximum allowance. The fiscal year 1965 cost of the bill must be held within that figure. Ac- cordingly, it will be necessary through attri- tion, nonfilling of vacancies, and other ac- tions to increase the amount of absorption required of the agencies so as to cover the excess costs. Subject to the foregoing understanding, the costs of the Senate version of HR. 11049 are without objection. Sincerely, ELMER B. STAATS, Acting Director. Mr. President, I strongly believe that Americans everywhere will support the provisions of this measure as represnt- ing equity and fairplay. I urge the Senate's favorable consideration of H.R. 11049. Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, I wish to address myself very briefly to the pending bill. First, I commend the dis- tinguished chairman of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. JOHNSTON] on the manner in which he conducted long and thorough hearings on the proposed legislation. I also corn- mend the members of the staff for their valuable assistance in writing the pend- ing bill. H.R. 11049 as it passed the House was a bill of six titles. The very nature of the proposed legislation required thor- ough study. I saw with a great deal of pride and frankness that every member of the Post Office and Civil Service Committee gave long and sincere study to this legislation. They were determined that if a bill were to be reported, it should be reported after each member of the committee had a chance to study and discuss all titles of the bill. The Senate committee made some changes in the House bill. We believe they were changes which make for better legislation and eliminate certain inequi- ties. The Senate bill gives a small increase over the House bill in four middle grades in the general schedule. This change more nearly reaches comparability and will affect grades 9, 10, 11, and 12. Many of these employees are managers and engineers. The percentage of increase will run about 3 percent. I believe an inequity was removed from the postal field service by permitting an annual step increase through step 7 from level 7 up. Annual step increases were permitted in previous bills for the first six levels through step 7. These are only two changes which it seems to me are significant in that they help the employees in the middle or lower brackets. Some salaries were reduced in the executive pay schedule and a few were raised a little. It is very difficult in a bill like this to establish a schedule entirely equitable in all instances. Mr. President, I want to assure all my colleagues that a lot of study and effort was put forth to bring out a bill that was as nearly equitable as possible. It is now up to the Senate to cast its decision. I shall support the bill, H.R. 11049 as reported by the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee. Mr. President, one of our colleagues, a very valuable member of the Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R0005000500Q1-9 - -15216 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE ,1" Illy 1 ice, is unable to be present today. He has left with me a statement in which he strongly urges passage of the measure. I have reference to the senior Senator from Hawaii [Mr. FUNGI. I ask unani- mous consent that his statement be printed at this point in the RECORD. There being no objection, the state- ment was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: STATEMENT EY SENATOR FONG H.R. 11049, the measure presently before this body is one which I fully support. As a member of the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee, I know from first experi- ence the hard work and long hours the com- mittee spent to bring to the floor of the Senate as equitable a bill as was possible. I commend the committee chairman. Sen- ator Oust D. Joitsisron. and the minority leader on the committee, Senator FRANK CARLSON, for their effective leadership and patience in hammering out a bill acceptable to all members of the committee. It is only fair and equitable that the Congress pass the Federal Salary Act of 1964 at this time. In fact, it is overdue. In the Federal Pay Reform Act of 1952 the Congress wrote into law for the first time what is commonly referred to as the com- parability principle. This provision meant that Federal salaries should be comparable to those being paid for similar work in pri- vate industry. The Bureau of Labor Statistics was directed to make annual review of private industry salaries and report to the President its find- ings and comparison of Federal salaries 'with those prevailing in private industry. H.R. 11049 is the first step since the com- parability principle was written into law in which Congress is asked to keep faith with the provision it approved in 1962. The committee held extensive hearings over a period of approximately 8 months on Federal pay. Upon completion of the hear- ings the committee met in executive sessions for over 2 months in an effort to write a fair. equitable, and just salary act. H.R. 11049 covers the full scope of Federal salaries?from executive to clerks. It is a comprehensive measure which, while bring- ing most Federal salaries into comparability with those in private industry, also corrects certain inequities in the Federal pay struc- ture. The average salary increase for Federal em- ployees under the Classification Act is ap- proximately 4.2 percent and under the postal held schedule 5.6 percent. In the higher pay levels the committee ad- mits that comparability cannot be followed. or d in other levels the Federal pay scale con- tinues to lag 2 or 3 years behind private in- dustry pay. However, HR. 11049 is as equi- table a bill as can now be written. It is a good bill and will assist greatly in retaining highly trained and qualified personnel in the Federal service. strongly urge the passage of this measure. Mr. CHURCH. Mr. President. I have wanted to vote in favor of the pending bill to increase the pay of Federal em- ployees. I have consistently supported such measures in the past, and hope to do so agairf in the future. If it were possible to evaluate this bill on its own merits alone, without regard to-any other consideration, I would approve it and vote for it. But it is not possible, in my judgment, to separate this bill from other action that Congress has taken in this session. Just a few months ago, we enacted the largest income tax cut in history. This was done to combat unemployment, stimulate investment, and enhance the rate of our economic growth. The tax reduction, which had the effect of in- creasing everybody's take-home pay, was carefully designed to promote the growth of production and employment, so that Federal revenues, collected at a lower rate from an expanding economic base, might rise to balance the budget and eliminate further deficit spending. On the basis of the evidence already in, we have reason to believe that the ob- jective we sought, in enacting the tax cut, is achievable, providing we hold the line on Federal spending and avoid fur- ther cuts in tax revenue. We pledged ourselves to do both, when we cut the income tax a few short months ago. I believe we should keep that pledge today. Last week, I kept the pledge by voting against all reductions of Federal excise taxes, even though I know these taxes to be a nuisance and harassment to the small businesses of my State. I have asked the merchants of Idaho, who so stronely desire the repeal of these excise taxes, to wait until a balanced budget is in sight. This year the deficit may run to $9 billion: next year. if we hold the line, it should be much reduced. In these nrosperous times, we have to strive to restore a balanced budget, for we can- not continue indefinitely to sriand more money than we take in. I know that my stand against the re- peal of the excise taxes. at the present time, was not popular with the business- men of Idaho, and I fully appreciate that my vote against this bill will not be popular with Government employees, in- cluding the postal workers, who need the PRY raise most, and who have been my special friends. But I cannot, in good conscience, ap- ply one standard to some of the people I represent, while applying a different standard to others. With the Govern- ment operating so much in the red, this is not the proper time to vote, either for further reduction in revenue, or for further increases in pay. I hope that all those affected may understand that I take this position for the purpose of upholding fiscal respon- sibility. If we keep our pledge to hold the line, the day will soon come when Federal salaries can be adjusted, and Federal excise taxes can be repealed, without adding to the debt, or enlarging its burden upon future generations. Then is the time to do it. T intend, of course, to apply to myself, the same standard I am asking all the people I represent to accept for them- selves. Accordingly, I shall vote to strike the proposed congressional pay raise from the bill, and I shall vote against the bill itself. Mr. HRUSKA. Mr. President. it is with some reluctance that I shall vote against this pending bill. My firm be- lief in the principle of comparability be- tween salaries paid civil servants and those paid in private industry is evi- denced by my previous votes on Federal pay legislation. I would be pleased to vote now for salary increases for the lower and mid- dle brackets of the classified service and for postal workers. I cannot, however, support this legislation primarily because it contains large increases for the Mem- bers of the Congress and, secondarily, because of the unfairly generous treat- ment of the higher grades in the classi- fied service. It is true, Mi. President, that congres- sional salaries were last reviewed a dec- ade ago and perhaps a case can be made for some adjusiment. During the period from 1945 to 1960 there were seven across-the-board raises which averaegcl out annually 4.1 percent for classified arid 4.9 percent for postal employees. That is a total percentage raise of 61.5 percent for the classified employees and 73.5 percent for postal. Considering only the period since 1955 when the last c pngressional increase was made in Members' salaries, the percent- age raise for postal and classified ag- gregated 51 percent. But such reason- ing completely overlooks the fact that the people of this country, in the very week that the Congress has been forced to raise the legal limit of the national debt, deserve better than to have that Congress vote for ourselves a large sal- ary increase. They deserve leadership by example. This is the time for re- straint, not for new and greater expend- itures. The cost of this bill would exceed half a billion dollars. It tends to be infla- tionary. Both in the interests of econ- omy and in stemming the upward spiral of living costs, it should be rejected. This administration professes to be economy minded, yet we are continually confronted with new spending proposals, each of which contains the elements for expansion in future years. Instead of approving such measures, now is the time to reverse the trend. Yet the pressure by the administration for more and more such spending schemes continues un- abated. As the able Se nator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD) pointed out in his recent letter to President Johnson, despite claims by the administration that stringent personnel ceilings have bean imposed, the facts are the Federal payroll is running at the rate of $16 billion a veer, and going up; Fed- eral employment is still approximately 2.5 million. This is well above the 2,352,- 000 jobs existing when President Eisen- hower left office, after trimming 201,000 jobs from the payroll in his 8-year administration. The Johnson administration, despite its economy claims, continues to push for more and more employees. In his fiscal 1965 budget, the President asked for new positions in 13 out of 24 major agencies. The President must be willing to exer- cise restraint in his own requests both for spending and for new jobs. Then he will have earned the right to ask the people of America to reward those who make this Government operate. Justification for hieher salaries for the Congress. the too grades in the classified service, and for appointive positions is based on the art ument that it is difficult to attract and maintain competent men and women in high Government posts when industry and business pay much better salaries. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15217 Mr. President, the motivation for Gov- ernment service at these levels must be based on more than dollars and cents. A Cabinet officer undeniably is paid less than a business executive with compa- rable responsibilities. But, we could never expect to pay the Secretary of Labor, for example, what the giant un- ions pay their presidents, or to match the salary of the Secretary of Defense with the multi-hundred-thousand-dollar sal- ary of a huge manufacturing firm. It is reported that Gov. LeRoy Collins is leaving a $75,000 a year job as presi- dent of the National Association of Broadcasters to accept a Government post paying less than a third of that. These people come to Government posi- tions because they are motivated by a desire to serve, not because of the salary, The same is true of the Members of the Congress. It is unfortunate, Mr. President, that we are not allowed to consider a bill giv- ing increases to those Government work- ers who unquestionably deserve them. On balance, however, the bad in this bill outweighs the good; accordingly, I shall vote against it. Mr. BREWSTER. Mr. President, in my opinion, we have a solemn obliga- tion to act favorably on this very com- mendable and very necessary pay bill. When the Senate passed the Salary Reform Act of 1962, only ;three Members of this body voted against it. That measure committed Congress to the very sensible and reasonable proposition that Federal employees and postal employees should be relieved of the necessity of in- cessantly petitioning Congress to keep them abreast of the Nation's economic parade. The act, as it was passed, in- troduced into the Federal pay structure, for the first time, a scientific and dig- nified apparatus for adjusting Federal salaries whenever they fell significantly behind the accepted norm for similar jobs in private industry. The late President Kennedy, using the apparatus we had approved, told us, on April 29 of last year, that postal em- ployees' pay and Federal employees' pay had fallen considerably below accepted standards in private industry. We were morally committed to do something about that situation; but today, 14 months later, we are getting our first op- portunity to live up to our obligation. It was for this reason, Mr. President, that in committee I offered the amend- ment which was agreed to, and which will make this pay raise for the postal employees and the classified employees effective on July 1, 1964, instead of in the first pay period following the enactment of the legislation. The fine people who man our postal service and our classified service have waited long enough for their compara- bility pay raise. With each passing month, they have been slipping behind the economic parade. When we pass this bill today?and I feel confident that we shall?there will have to be a conference, and then consideration by both Houses of the agreement reached by the con- No. 132-25 ferees. All this adds up to more and more delay. In my opinion, it would be unconscionable for us to ask the Federal workers and the postal workers to take a further financial beating, just because in our legislative processes we have been somewhat dilatory. Mr. President, I doubt that there can be any serious argument against the pay raises which this bill provides for Federal employees in the upper echelons of the service. All responsible authorities, both those in government and those in pri- vate industry, agree that these positions must be more attractively compensated. The U.S. Government is the largest and the most important business opera- tion in the world. The government is filled with positions calling for great in- telligence, great judgment, great learn- ing, and great moral courage. The de- cisions such men must make, as all of us know, often affect millions upon mil- lions of human beings, both at home and abroad. Their decisions involve enor- mous sums of the taxpayers' money. They could conceivably involve the peace and security of the free world. We simply cannot continue to com- pensate such positions with a wage that would be considered, in private industry, inadequate for an office manager or an assistant to a very junior vice president. President Johnson has pointed out that we must prevent our Federal pay structure from becoming one that will repel the talented and will attract only the mediocre. We are perilously close to that point now. I think it is'a miracle that we have been able to attract and retain the high caliber of men and wom- en that we have today in the Govern- ment. But already the signs are becom- ing all too apparent that too many of the best and most talented people in the Government are finding the Federal service a luxury in which?in fairness to their families?they cannot continue to indulge. We are losing topflight people every day; and the only way we can stop this expensive exodus of talent is to make the positions more attractive than they are now. If our huge and complex Federal Gov- ernment is ever dominated by second- rate managers, we shall then be in se- rious danger of becoming a second-rate country. We must repair the flaws in the pres- ent pay structure, and we must plan boldly for the future. This bill does both. It is a good bill. Under the able lead- ership of our chairman, the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. JOHNSTON], our committee deliberated over its provisions in depth and at length. When we ap- proved it, we did so without a dissenting voice or vote. The bill deserves the same enthusiastic' support from the Senate as a whole; and I sincerely hope and trust that it will receive it. It is our moral duty to pass this bill; and it is a matter of enlightened self- interest to provide for a Federal pay structure that will attract and retain the best available talent in the land. FREE ENTRY OF CERTAIN MASS SPECTROMETERS The PRESIDING OloriCER laid be- fore the Senate a message from the House of Representatives announcing its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate to the bill '(H.R. 4364) to provide for the free entry of one mass spectrom- eter for the use of Oregon State Uni- versity and one mass spectrometer for the use of Wayne State University, and requesting a conference with the Senate on the disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon. Mr. BYRD of Virginia. I move that the Senate insist upon its amendment and agree to the request of the House for a conference, and that the Chair ap- point the conferees on the part of the Senate. The motion was agreed to; and the Presiding Officer appointed Mr. BYRD of Virginia, Mr. LONG of Louisiana, Mr. SMATHERS, Mr. WILLIAMS Of Delaware, and Mr. CURTIS conferees on the part of the Senate. MEAT IMPORTS Mr. BYRD of Virginia. Mr. President, I am pleased to announce that the Sen- ate Finance Committee has just ap- proved the Mansfield amendment, No. 465, to limit beet imports. The commit- tee approved this amendment with a modification offered by Senator CURTIS. Under the amendment adopted, imports of fresh, chilled, or frozen beef after 1964 will be limited to 674 million pounds an- nually. This is generally the average annual amount which was imported in the 5-year period,ending with December 31, 1963. Restrictions were also placed on importation of mutton, lamb, and cer- tain prepared meats, on a pound basis. The amendment provides for increases in the stated quotas whenever the aver- age price in the United States for that meat equals or exceeds 90 percent of the average parity price provided the semi- annual production of cattle in this coun- try exceeds 7,352 million pounds. The amendment was adopted to H.R. 1839, a House-passed bill relating to the importation of wild birds and wild animals. The bill will be reported to the Senate tomorrow. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SAL- ARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I shall call up my amendment. Before I do so, I point out that I am very anxious to obtain the yeas and nays on the amendment. I talked with the majority leader about it. At the present time it appears that there are not enough Sen- ators in the Chamber to order the yeas and nays. So I ask unanimous consent that there may be a quorum call with Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R0005000500.0-9 ? 15218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July the understanding that I shall not lose my right to the floor, for the purpose of bringing a sufficient number of Senators to the Chamber so that I may ask for the yeas and nays. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Wisconsin wish first to of- fer his amendment? Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President. I ask unanimous consent that my amend- ment be called up and that the reading of the amendment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and it is so ordered. Mr. PROXMIRE'S amendment I No. 1084) is as follows: Beginning with line 23 on page 108, strike out over through line 8 on page 115. Redesignate titles III and IV as II and III. respectively; redesignate sections 301 to 310 as 201 to 210. respectively; and redesignate sections 401 to 403 as 301 to 303. respectively. Beginning with line 4 on page 106. strike out over through line 2 on page 107 and In- sert in lieu thereof the following: "TITLE IV?EFFECTIVE DATE -Ssc. 401. This Act and the increases In compensation made by this Act shall become effective on July 1, 1904." Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President. I be- lieve there are enough Senators present to have the yeas and nays ordered. I ask for the yeas and nays on my amendments. Mr. MILLER.. Mr. President. a par- liamentary inquiry. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator will state it. Mr. MILLER. If the yeas and nays are ordered on the amendment of the Senator from Wisconsin, will it be open to amendment? The PRESIDING OFFICER. It will be open to amendment, but not modifica- tion. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, this amendment is simple. It would delete from the bill, title II, "Federal Legisla- tive Salaries." It would eliminate that part of the bill which provides pay in- creases in salaries for Members of the House and the Senate and employees of the House and the Senate. A congressional pay increase is un- justified. When I say "unjustified." I mean exactly that word. It has not been justified in the hearings or in the Ran- dall report. During the hearings there was a little discussion of congressional pay, but very little, indeed. I challenge any Senator to go through the hearings and find?the only one I could find was by the distin- guished minority leader, Senator DIRK- sEN?a statement in favor of a congres- sional pay increase. And even this elo- quent statement is an undocumented generalized approval. The Randall re- port confines its justification to execu- tive salaries. I think a strong case was made, and a persuasive case so far as I am concerned, for an increase in salaries of executive and judicial employees. The testimony is voluminous and the comparability criterion that was introduced Is most convincing. The fact is that this Gov- ernment cannot hire people to serve in responsible and onerous jobs of our Fed- eral Government if they are not paid on a basis comparable to what they can earn in private employment. Since there last was a substantial in- crease for members of the Cabinet and judicial officials, there has been a great increase in salaries all over the country. but particularly in the highest salaries. I feel very strongly that the need for a pay increase in those categories has been fully justified. It has been fully documented. It would be false economy If Congress should refuse to permit the Federal Government to pay sufficient salaries to enable the Government to hire some of the best administrators in the Nation to serve in responsible and im- portant positions, in which persons could exercise their judgment in securing effi- ciency and economy. But the same argument cannot be made for Members of the House and the Senate. This is a most difficult issue to debate, because we are all involved. It is difficult for us to argue against a pay increase for Members of the House and Senate. I cannot think of anything that would make one lose popularity among one's colleagues more than to argue against a pay raise for them. In fact. I am hav- ing trouble with my wife on this issue. I am sure that those who vote for my amendment will find they may have trouble with their wives, children, or other members of their family who dis- agree. So it is not easy to make this argument. But the fact is that a pay Increase is not necessary for Members of the House and Senate. A Member of the House or Senate now receives $22,500 a year. That pay Is three times as high as the income of the average American family. Only 1 family out of 50 in the Nation receives as much as $22.500 or more. When one is paid this handsomely in any line of work, really the only justifi- cation to pay more is that we must pay more if we are to get the people to do the job. That is the justification for the in- crease for Cabinet officers and judicial officers. But the same justification can- not be made for Members of the House and Senate. We all recognize the great expense in- volved in running as a candidate for the House or Senate. Why? Because there is great competition for the job. Candi- dates for the House and their supporters are willing to contribute, typically, $25.000 or $30,000, for a single campaign. In many States candidates for the Sen- ate will conduct campaigns that cost $250.000 or $300,000, and some Senate campaigns cost $1 million or more. On the basis of competence and effi- ciency, I should say that the services of virtually all Members of the Senate could be valued abstractly at $50,000 or $100,- 000, or even more. Most Members of this body could make more on the outside than we make here. We have chosen to serve in this body because we like it, be- cause the nonrnonetary rewards are far greater than the monetary rewards. There is no question of the satisfaction that comes from serving in the Senate, In being one's own boss. in not being an administrator appointed by somebode else, of being able to work in accordanca with one's own conscience, of, in effect, choosing mie'i own field, and devotin; time and attention to it and meeting the great challenges that face our country in being a top American policymaker. That Is the real compensation. Whether tha salary were increased to $30.000, or $50,000, or $1(0,000, the incentive to run as a candidate for the Senate or the House in my judgment, would not be sub. stantially increased. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield to the Sen ator from Ohio. Mr. LAUSCHE. I have a tabulation in my hand showing the pay increases that were granted generally to the Fed- eral employee.; beginning in 1955. If am incorrect in this statement, those who are experts in the matter may chal- lenge me. In 1955 a 7.5-percent pay raise wa:; granted to the general employees. In 1958 a 10-percent increase was granted. In 1960 a 7.7 percent increase was granted. In 1962 a 5.5-percent increase was granted, effective in 1962, with the pro-? vision for a 4.4-percent increase effective in 1964. These figures show that since 1955 the general employees have received, in the aggregate, pay raises amounting to 35.1 percent. I come now to the pay raises granted tc Members of Congress. In 1955 the pay was raised from $12,-. 500 to $22,500. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, wil:. the Senator yield? Mr. LAUSCHE. The salary was $12,- 500, with an allowance of $2,500 for ex- penses, but the salary was $12,500, ac- cording to the report submitted. Mr. MONRONEY. If the Senator wil: yield for a correction, the LegislativE Reorganization Act of 1946 establishe a $15,000 salary for Members of the Senate and House. At that time, in 1946, Members were enjoying a salary of $10,000 plus a $2,500 allowance When the Legislative Reorganizatior Act was passed a $15,000 salary super- seded the old salary, and that was the salary until the time it was raised tc $22,500 in 1955 Mr. LAUSCHE. That is, it was $12,- 500, with $2,500 for an allowance. What does the Senator from Oklahoma say it was then? Mr. MONRONEY. Then it was $15,- 000 salary, and the expense allowance ceased to exist. Mr. LAUSCHE. In 1955 the salary was $15,000. Then it was raised to $22,- 500. That is a 50-percent increase. It is now proposed to raise it from $22.500 to $30,000. That is a 33'-percent pay raise over 1955. If we take the $15,000 pay in 1955 and compare it with the $30,000 in 1964, the pay raise is 100 per- cent. How can we go back to the tax- payers and voters and say that we have granted, in the aggregate, a 35-percent pay raise to the general employees, but have granted to ourselves a 100-percent Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --- SENATE 15219 pay raise? I should like to ask the Sen- ator from Wisconsin how he can answer conscientiously anyone who challenges him on the basis that he gave a 100-per- cent pay raise in 9 years to himself and gave the little postal carrier and the janitor and the washwoman 35 per- cent in the aggregate? Mr. PROXMIRE. In general, I agree with the distinguished Senator from Ohio. But I do think that on the basis of the Randall report and on the basis of the hearings, it is possible to justify a substantial increase for members of the Cabinet and some of the other lead- ing administrators in our Government, on the comparability basis. It is a mat- ter of judgment, but I think the Randall people were efficient. I think they were honest. I think they were objective. I believe that when they said that if we wish to have the kind of people who are competent to do important admin- istrative and judicial work, it is neces- sary to pay them approximately, they were right. I accept that. Some of the increases are very sub- stantial. I reject the principle that it is not possible to increase the salary of a Cabinet officer, and the salary of the other people in the Federal Government with responsible jobs, without at the same time increasing the salaries of the Members of Congress by the same amount. The jobs are entirely different. There is no comparability. No member of a State legislature gets anything like the salary that we do. It is true that when we get into the area of administrative jobs, we find that in California and in Illinois and in Pennsylvania, for example, in some cases 90 or 100 people get more than $25,000 a year. They are administrators. Those States have found that the only way they can get competent people is to pay them an additional sum. For ourselves, I do not find any justi- fication for the proposed increase. Mr. LAUSCHE. I cannot find any justification for the disparity that exists between the aggregate pay raises that were granted in 10 years to the general employees, amounting to 35 percent, while we are granting to ourselves an Increase of 100 percent. We are in no different category so far as want and need are concerned. Mr. PROXMIRE. On the basis of want and need there is no question about it. I feel strongly, and I have felt very strongly for years, that the rank and file Federal employees deserve better pay. We can justify it on the basis of justice and need, and that it is necessary to do it in order to get people who fill com- parable jobs outside the Government. But the only way we can justify paying more than $20,000 a year is that a pay increase is necessary to pay that amount to attract qualified officials. The argu- ment can be made, on the basis of the Randall report, that it is necessary to pay the additional amount to get the people who are competent to handle the important sub-Cabinet and Cabinet jobs. That argument cannot be made with regard to Members of Congress. If I run for reelection this fall I will have a very strong opponent, and most Members of Congress will also. All of us are well aware of the fact that there is plenty of competition when it comes to these jobs we hold. Mr. LAUSCHE. If the Senator lost all of his staff members, does he think there would be others available in Wis- consin to work for him on the basis of the pay that he is now paying his staff members, without an increase? Mr. PROXMIRE. I believe so. Mr. LAUSCHE. I believe that is true in my case, too. I believe every Mem- ber of Congress has 10 applicants for every job he has available in his office. I should like to ask the Senator one more question. In addition to this pay raise of 100 percent in 10 years, I have before me a tabulation of what my retirement pay and the retirement pay of the Sen- ator from Wisconsin will be. He has served 6 years. At the end of 6 years it is $281.25 a month. With the increase in the salary from $22,500 to $30,000, the retirement pay would be $406.25. That is for that 6 years' service. At the end of 12 years, on the basis of $30,000, my re- tirement pay would be $30,000 times 21/2 Percent times 12 years, It would be $6,000 a year. The point I am trying to make is this: Is it not a fact that in addition to the increase in pay, we would eventually become the beneficiaries of a liberal increase in our retirement pay? Mr. PROXMIRE. There is no ques- tion about that. The Senator is correct. Mr. LAUSCHE. We would become the beneficiaries of a liberal increase in re- tirement pay without having to pay any- thing into the retirement fund to sup- port that increased pay. Mr. PROXMIRE. There would be some increase, but nothing in proportion to what we would get out. Mr. LAUSCHE. We would pay in nothing on the basis of past service. We would pay on the basis of future service. Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, if the Senator will yield, is it not a fact that we pay in about 71/2 percent? Mr. CARLSON. Yes. Mr. LAUSCHE. But only on the fu- ture salary. We do not pay it on the past salary. Mr. MORTON. The Senator has found a different way of doing it. Ap- parently he has a new way of doing it, because I have been paying into the fund for 18 years. Mr. LAUSCHE. Let us make this point clear. A person who goes to work for the Federal Government at $5,000 a year and pays in 21/2 percent on his $5,000, and finally works himself up to a $15,000 salary, has his retirement cal- culated on the $15,000, on which he did not, through his entire service, pay 21/2 percent, and not on the basis of the $5,000. Mr. MORTON. That does not apply alone to Members of Congress. That applies to the entire Federal pension plan. It is figured on the basis of the average of the top 5 years. Mr. LAUSCHE. That is why the Fed- eral pension fund is in the red in the sum of $39 billion. Mr. MORTON. If that is so, let us re- write the law. Mr. MONRONEY. It is not $39 bil- lion. Mr. LAUSCHE. It is underfunded in the sum of $39 billion, Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, I yield to the Senator from Kansas, for a clarification of this point. Mr. CARLSON. I do not want to get into an argument between the Senator from Ohio and the Senator from Wis- consin. However, readers of the RECORD should have the facts stated accurately. The Senator is really a little low in some of his figures. Since 1955 there have been six salary increases for Federal employees, includ- ing increases of 7.5 percent in 1955, 8.1 percent in 1956, 10 percent in 1958, 7.7 percent in 1960, 5.5 percent in 1962, and 4.1 percent that became effective on Jan- uary 1, 1964. That aggregates more than 51 percent. The distinguished Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAusenE] has mentioned congres- sional increases in salary. The salary in January 1955 was $22,500. There- fore, a salary of $30,000 would not be a 100-percent increase; it would be an in- crease of 33 percent. Mr. LAUSCHE. No; I stated that clearly. If it was $15,000 in 1955, and would become $30,000 in 1964- -Mr. CARLSON. It was $15,000 in 1946. Mr. MONRONEY. The salary of Members of Congress was changed in Mardi 1955. It is necessary to compare the salaries correctly by using the same base period; for example, the increase in 1955. It will be found that about the same amount of increase, about 35 per- cent, has been given to all Federal work- ers regularly throughout the 10-year period. Under the committee's proposal, Mem- bers of Congress would receive an in- crease of about 33 percent effective Jan- uary 1, 1965. Members of Congress did not receive an increase in 1956, 1957, 1958, 1959, or 1960. Their salaries were in- creased in 1955. So let us keep the figures straight. The percentage is ap- proximately concomitant between the starting figure in 1955 and the amounts by which Federal workers in the civil service have been raised during the in- tervening period and what is now pro- posed to be effective in 1965, a 33-percent increase. Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, will the Senator from Wisconsin yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield to the Sen- ator from Arkansas. Mr. McCLELLAN. Do I correctly understand that the Senator's amend- ment is designed to correct all the in- equities in the bill? Mr. PROXMIRE. I am sure there are many inequities in the bill at which the amendments of other Senators are aimed. My amendment is aimed at the title dealing with Federal legislative sal- aries, title II. Mr. McCLELLAN. Are we to assume that if the Senator's amendment were adopted, he would favor the bill? Mr. PROXMIRE. Yes. Mr. McCLELLAN. I do not under- stand the Senator's reasoning. Mr. PROXMIRE. I shall favor the bill whether my amendment is adopted or not. I hope the amendment will be Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 15220 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE adopted; but I shall vote for the bill anyway, because I think it is so badly needed to get and retain the kind of efficient people needed in the Federal Government. I am for the bill. Mr. McCLELLAN. I disagree with the Senator so far as he says it is necessary to raise salaries in order to get efficient Personnel for the Government. People are running over themselves wanting to get into the Government, just as they are running over themselves trying to be elected to Congress. I do not disagree with the Senator in the main; but if his amendment is adopted and the bill is passed, he will be voting a pay raise for his admiinstrative assistant to a limit that is higher than the Senator's own salary now. Mr. PROXMIRE. No; that is not cor- rect. I would delete all of title II, which affects administrative assistants and all ether Senate employees. Mr. McCLELLAN. I though the Sen- e tor said his amendment affected only Senators and Representatives. Mr. PROXMIRE. / was misunder- stood. The amendment affects not only Members of the Senate and House; it would not permit an increase in pay for congressional staff members and would not permit increases in pay for Mem- bers of the House and Senate. The Senator from Arkansas makes a good point. I think it is necessary to keep salaries in line. Mr. McCLELLAN. The salaries of members of the Senate staff, under the bill, would be higher than salaries Sen- ators now receive. Mr. PROXMIRE. But my amend- ment would prevent that. Mr. McCLELLAN. Would the Sena- tor's .amendment apply to all Members of Congress? Mr. PROXMERE. It applies to the salaries of Members of the Senate and House and to all other legislative sal- aries. All legislative salary increases are deleted by my amendment. Mr. McCLELLAN. Under the Sena- tor's amendment, would the members of the staff, from the lowest to the highest paid. receive no increase at all, whether in the House or the Senate? Mr. PROXMIRE. The answer is no. No increase. Of course, there is the pos- sibility that a Senator who now has ex- tra clerk hire available might increase lis staff members, but my amendment would not by itself provide an increase Pi salaries for employees of the legislative branch. Mr. McCLELLAN. Would the Sena- tor's amendment allow the $7.500 in- crease for Cabinet officers? Mr. PROXMIRE. Yes. Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President. will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield. Mr. PROUTY. As I understand. the Senator's amendment would preclude any increase in salaries for Members of the House and Senate. Mr. PROXMIRE. Members of the Senate and House and the staff. Mr. PROUTY. I am sympathetic to- card the Senator's position with respect to congressional salaries; but I believe i-onie justification can be made for a rea- sonable increase in staff salaries. So at the proper time I shall offer a substitute which would eliminate the provision for an increase in congressional salaries; and if that should be adopted. I shall offer a second amendment, which would per- mit an increase in staff salaries up to $22,000. In other words, the staff would not receive more than Members of Con- gress receive. Mr. MeCLELLAN. It would be $500 less. Mr. PROUTY. That would be up to the Senate to determine. Mr. PROXMIRE. / believe the com- mittee did its work carefully, as it has al- ways done in the past, to try to bring the salary payments, not only of the staff of other ernolos-ees of the Senate, in proper relationship to what Senators receive. So we either must, cut out the whole thing or, in effect, cut out nothing. Otherwise there will be a large number of employees of the Senate and of Senators who will receive, under the amendment the Sen- ator from Vermont proposes to offer, more than Senators receive. Mr. PROUTY. I wish to ask the Sen- ator another question. A Senator does not have to grant an increase to his staff members if he does not wish to do so, does he? Mr. PROXMIRE. No; but there are doorkeepers and others, who are not re- sponsible to any one Senator, who would be paid more than Senators are paid un- der the Prouty amendment. Mr. TALMADGE. Mr. President. will the Senator from Wisconsin yield. Mr. PROXMIRE I yield. Mr. TALMADGE. I compliment the distinguished Senator from Wisconsin for offering his amendment. I have been a Member of the Senate for a rela- tively short time-7'. , years. In that time. I have consistently supported and voted for legislation designed to update the pay scale and fringe benefits of our Federal workers to insure them a stand- ard of living equal to and commensurate with their counterparts in private in- dustry. Specifically, since 1957. Congress has passed three pay-increase bills which have increased the pay of Federal em- ployees by a total of 271. percent. These Included a 10-percent increase in 1958, a 7'l-percent Increase in 1960, and a 10- percent increase in 1962, a part of which took effect only on January 1 of this year. We are now informed that the pay of Federal workers is again lagging behind that of those in private life who are doing similar work and. therefore, are being called upon to further increase these salaries. In addition to classified and postal employees, the bill includes in- creases, some as high as 33 percent. for Members of Congress and leading mem- bers of the executive branch and the judiciary, including members of the Su- preme Court. My inquiry has verified the fact that the bill would increase the salaries of the pages sitting in front of us to $5,004 a year. I do not see how anyone can jus- tify that. The bill comes to us in revised form after a previous bill, which provided even larger increases for high officials in the July 1 executive branch and Members of Ccn- gress, was defeated in the House earlier this year. I support the principle of compare): il- ity between Government and indus;xy and of paying a salary which is sufficient to attract qualified people to serve the Federal Government. I believe that the bill, in providing a one-third increase :or Members of Congress, with similar in- creases for the executive and judicial branches, goes far beyond that point and, in fact, is completely unreasonable in this respect. I point out that in addition to cur salaries, the Government contributes percent toward our retirement benefits, which is a fringe benefit vested after only 5 years of service. The able Senator from Ohio [Mr. Lauscnsl, hi an earher colloquy with the Senator from Wiscon- sin, stated in detail how beneficial this is to all Members of Congress. If the sal- ary of $30,060 is retained in the bill as it came to the Senate, 7 a, percent of that, in addition, will be contributed by the taxpayers of the country toward our ie- tirement benefits, and it will be vested after only 5 years of service. Only last week, this body voted to in- crease the national debt ceiling to an all-time high of $324 billion. In the past 34 years, we have balanced the Federal budget only about six timas. It has been unbalanced 28 times. ? Al- though the exact figures will not be available for some time yet, I am in- formed that the fiscal year which ended at midnight last night, will probably show a defieit in excess of $8 billion, 800 million. It is estimated to be ap- proximately $6,600 million for this fiscal year. In the face of this kind of national financial picture, I cannot in good con- science vote for a bill which, amoag other things would increase my own sal- ary by one-third, and in its present form would cost the taxpayers over one-half billion dollars annually. I hope that the amendment which has been offered by the Senator from Wa- consin, to strike the exorbitant increases for Members of Congress and to briag into reasonable proportion the increaces for other Federal officials, will be adopted. In the event that it is. I shall be glad to support the bill. In the event that it is not approved, I cannot vote for it. I thank the Senator from Wis.comin for yielding to me. Mr. PROXMIRE. I thank the Sena- tor from Georgia very much. Before I yield to the Senator frcm Kansas [Mr Cattes0N1, let me say that, the point the Senator from Georpia makes about the effect of this propoc al on responsible fiscal policy is particularly important. Not only have we the prob- lem of the national debt, but only a few months ago we voted the biggest tax cut in the history of the Nation, a tax cut which cer tainly will deepen the deficit for this year. at least. There is no ques- tion about that. The tax cut not only benefited maay Americans, but it also benefited Members of Congress. It benefited Members of Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196.4 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15221 Congress far more handsomely than most Americans. My staff people have computed that a typical Member of Congress, if he has no outside income, received the benefit from the tax cut of increased take-home pay of $18 a week, or $900 a year, which is a far greater increase than the overwhelm- ing majority of the American people re- ceived from the tax cut. It will be remembered that when we voted for the tax cut, it was made ex- plicit that we would do everything we could to cut down Federal spending. How in the world can we honestly say we are working to keep Federal spending down if we vote ourselves a 331/3 increase in salary? There might be a time for this kind of increase later, but not this year, not in a year when we have already voted a heavy tax cut, when we have deliberately planned to unbalance the budget to the extent that we have. I am now glad to yield to the Senator from Kansas [Mr. CARLSON]. Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, I wish to participate in this debate, because the salaries of the very young men who serve us on both sides of the aisle have been mentioned. These boys receive $387.11 a month. They serve during the sessions of the Congress. They serve an entire year at their present salary-12 months. At $387.11 a month, the total for the year is $4,655.40. This bill would increase the salaries of these young men, following the pattern of other salaries, by $29 a month. It is true that it would total a little over $5,000?$5,004.60. The record should be made clear that these boys are serving by the month. If the session lasts 12 months, that is the salary they would get. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield to the Sena- tor from New York. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, I wish to express my support for the amend- ment of the Senator from Wisconsin. There should be no question in the minds of the American people and those of us in this body on the justification of the proposed pay raises for the postal work- ers and the classified employees. Whether based on merit, comparability, or cost-of-living increases, Federal em- ployees who are legally denied the oppor- tunity to use the bargaining techniques of their counterparts in private industry, deserve fair and thorough consideration at this bargaining table. We should be directing our attention to this question andAhis alone. Inclusion of the congressional pay raise in this bill is totally inappropriate. Any such increase for Congress involves entirely different considerations and should be voted up or down on its own merits. If there is no justification for an increase at this time, then it certainly should not ride through on the legislative coattails of merited increases. Entirely apart from the merits of whether we are entitled to more money or not, the fact is that there is virtually nothing in the hearings record dealing with the question of congressional, pay raises. Whether the figure of a 331/3-per- cent increase was picked out of thin air and whether it may be justified or not is unknown. Mr. PROXMIRE. The Senator is cor- rect. That is exactly what this congres- sional raise is?legislative coattail riding. Look at the hearings. There is virtu- ally no justification for a congressional increase. There is some justification for an increase in the executive and judicial departments. Many prominent organi- zations and persons have appeared and documented the case for executive and judicial pay increases. However, there is no justification for the increase for Members of Congress. It has been ar- gued that if we increase the salaries of the executive and the judicial branches, we should also increase the congres- sional. Why? Why? We increase the salaries of the execu- tive and the judiciary, therefore we have to do it if we are to get competent peo- ple to do the job in those two branches of our Government. That argument does not apply to Congress. Mr. KEATING. The Senator is cor- rect. Let me add one comment. I would prefer to have this amendment apply only to Members of Congress. I understand the problems to which the Senator's amendment is directed. But, in my judgment, the staff members as employees of Congress are deserving of increased compensation now. It would be preferable to adopt the substitute pro- posal of the Senator from Vermont, which is limited to Members of Congress. Mr. PROXMIRE. I thank the Sena- tor from New York. I am now glad to yield to the Senator from Illinois. Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I am strongly in favor of increasing the pay for postal and classified personnel, and also for the judiciary. But I shall sup- port the amendment of the Senator from Wisconsin to eliminate legislative salary increases. Nevertheless, I believe it should be realized that the actual take- home pay of a Senator or Representative is very much less than commonly be- lieved, after he meets the necessary po- litical expenses of his office. I do not be- lieve that any Senator who votes for an increase in pay should be singled out by the voters, or by anyone else, for con- demnation. Nevertheless, for a number of reasons, I am opposed to this increase for Members of Congress. I shall vote for the amendment of the Senator from Wisconsin. Mr. President, I am keenly aware of the difficulties of living on our present congressional salary after meeting the necessary costs of such items as: First, trips back home and travel inside the State, plus, second, the cost of radio and television reports, third, the entertain- ment in Washington of constituents; fourth, donations to charitable organiza- tions and causes which are expected, and, Indeed, almost demanded of public offi- cials; and, fifth, contributions to party funds and to the campaigns of other candidates. After these deductions- to- gether with income taxes and contribu- tions to the retirement fund are sub- tracted from the salary of $22,500, my actual take-home pay in nonelection years is almost never above $7,000 and in election years even less. All this is a strong argument for an increase in congressional salaries and I do not have the slightest criticism either expressed or implied for those of my col- leagues who so vote. But I cannot bring myself to do so for the following rea- sons: First. We in Congress have some op- portunity for legitimate outside earn- ings. It is true that the work in Con- gress is steadily increasing and is at times almost crushing. But there are still opportunities, on weekends, and when Congress is not in session, to earn additional modest amounts in law prac- tice, business, writing, and lecturing. Any danger of a consequent conflict of interest with one's duties as a Congress- man can largely, if not entirely, be averted by requiring full disclosure of outside income and ownership as Sen- ator MORSE and I advocated many years ago and as is now being urged by Sen- ators CASE, NEUBERGER, CLARK, and KEAT- ING. Second. We should remember that with all our 'financial difficulties we in Congress are still in a.very favored eco- nomic position. We should never forget that at least 40 million Americans, or slightly over 20 percent, are living in poverty and that 90 percent of American taxpayers have incomes under $10,000 a year. Probably less than 2 percent have an income of $30,000 for which we are now asked to vote. And yet we are supposed to represent the great bulk of the American people. The danger is that if we provide a salary of $30,000 for ourselves, then it will be easy for us to think as $30,000 a year men customarily do?and to forget what it feels like to live as do the overwhelming majority of our fellow Americans whose interests we should have at heart. Third. Finally, I resent esthetically being put in a position where I must vote on my own salary. No one with any personal dignity likes to exercise the power he possesses to vote himself an increase. I am willing to vote for an increase to others, and, indeed, I favor the other portions of the pay bill, but I would prefer that any increases in con- gressional salaries should come primar- ily from others, such as on the recom- mendation of an impartial committee. I know that in the present instance this is almost impossible to effect and that we are now compelled to decide on our own condition. In Addition to the rea- sons which I have stated, I would there- fore have a certain squeemishness in voting myself an increase, however justified this might be on other grounds. For these reasons I shall support the motion to eliminate congressional salary increases from the bill. But I wish to add that in my judgment there should be no condemnation of those Senators who do vote for the increase and against the amendment. For I know from ex- perience just how difficult the problem is for those without large private re- sources and that this is particularly hard for those with large families to support and educate. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, will the Senator from Wisconsin yield? Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 15222 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield to the Senator from South Carolina, chairman of the committee, who has been pa- tiently waiting for a long time. I apolo- gize to him. Mr. JOHNSTON. I should like to follow up what the Senator from Illi- nois has just stated. When we put the $7,000 on top of the present salary rate, we find that we would receive only 58 percent of the increase. The rest of it will be taken out for income taxes. Mr. DOUGLAS. I may seem to be arguing in part against myself, but, as I stated, if we deduct the expenses of trips back home, travel inside our States, the cost of radio and television reports, entertaining our Washington constit- uents, donations to charitable organi- zations, the cost of which is expected? indeed, is almost demanded of public officials?and legitimate and proper contributions to party funds, and to the campaigns of other candidates, there is not much left. I believe that this does make a strong case for an increase. Nevertheless, I am opposed to the in- crease. I am not given to self-flagella- tion, but I am opposed to the increase, the reasons for which I have explained. Mr. PROXMIRE. May I say to the Senator from Illinois that although he is supporting my amendment, he has made the strongest argument against it that has been made yet. Mr. DOUGLAS. There is much to be said for such an increase since this is a complicated question. Mr. PROXMIRE. It is, indeed, but this extraordinarily judicious and judi- cial cast of mind is typical of the senior Senator from Illinois. It is typical of his approach to all questions. In reply, however, our TV, newsletter, and other reporting to our constituents is strictly voluntary. Certainly it is vol- untary in the view of those against whom we run. This reporting is a fine thing in democracy. But it is construed by many as self-serving. Some Senators do not ever make a TV or newsletter report to their constituents. Mr. DOUGLAS. The Senator is per- haps the greatest traveler in the Senate. I do not know any Senator who is more energetic than he in getting back home to see his constituents. I shall not in- quire what his travel bill is, but it must be very large judging from my own travel bill which amounts to approximately $3,000 a year. I think all these items should be taken into consideration. But, nevertheless, since we can have legiti- mate outside occupations in which to increase our income we Senators are still in a very favorable economic condition in comparison with other citizens of the United States. It is humiliating to be forced to increase one's own salary. There is an esthetic objection which I have to that. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, about a half hour ago I was challenged rather vigorously as to the correctness of my statement with regard to when the pay raises were put into effect. Since that time. I have had copies of the acts brought to me. I submit that the acts will demonstrate without any question that the salaries of Congress- men in 1946-5'7 was $12,500. I have here Public Law 601 of the 79th Congress, chapter 753, 2d session. This law was passed as the Legislative Reorganiza- tion Act of 1946. That is the act which the Senator from Oklahoma said pro- vided for a salary of $22,500. Mr. MONRONEY. The Senator from Oklahoma said nothing of the kind. I stated it provided a salary of $15,000. Mr. LAUSCHE. All right. Let me read what, it states: Effective on the day on which the 80th Congress convenes, the compensation of Sen- ators. Representatives in Congress. Delegates from the Territories. and the Resident Corn- nils.sioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate of $12,500 per year. That is what I said. The language of the act definitely establishes the correct- ness of what I said. I further stated that it. was in 1955 that the salaries were raised from $12,500 to $22,500. I have here Public Law 9 of the 84th Congress, chapter 9, 1st session, House Resolution 3828. The act was approved by the President on March 2, 1955. This provides: The compensation of Senators. Represent- atives in Congress, Delegates from the Terri- tories, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate of $22,500 per annum. A half hour ago I stated that the sal- aries in 1946 were $12,500. They were raised in 1955 to $22,500. They are now intended to be raised to $30,000. These laws speak for themselves. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that they be printed in the RECORD at this point. There being no objection, the excerpts were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: SEC. 4. (it) Section 601(a) of the Legisla- tive Reorganization Act of 1946, as amend- ed, Is amended to read as follows: "(it) The compensation of Senators, Rep- resentatives in Congress, Delegates from the Territories, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate of $22,500 per annum each; and the compensa- tion of the Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives shall be at the rate of 635,000 per annum." (b) Section 601(b) of the Legislative Re- organization Act of 1946, as amended (rela- tive to expense allowances of Members of Congress), is hereby repealed. (cc Section 104 of title 3 of the United States Code (relating to the compensation of the Vice President) is amended by striking out "630,000" and substituting therefor "135,000". Sac. 5. The provisions of this Act shall take effect on March 1, 1055. TITLE. VI--COMPENSATION AND RETIREMENT PAT OF MEMBERS Or CONGRESS Compensation of Members of Congress Sac. 601. (a) Effective on the day on which the Eightieth Congress convenes, the com- pensation of Senators, Representatives in Congress. Delegates from the Territories, and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate of $13,500 per annum each; and the compensation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the Vice July President of the United States shall he at the rate of $20,000 per annum each. (b) Effective on the day on which the Eightieth Congress convenes there shall be paid to each Senator, Representative in Con- gress, Delegate from the Territories, Resi- dent Commissioner from Puerto Rico, an expense allowance of $2,500 per annum to assist in defraying expenses relating to, or resulting from the discharge of his official duties, for which no tax liability shall incui, or accounting be made; such sum to be paid in equal monthly installments. The sentence contained in the Legis- lative Branch Appropriation Act, 1946, which reads as follows: "There shall be paid to each Representative and Delegate, and to the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Ricc,, after January 2, 1945, an expense allowance of $2,500 per annum to assist In defrayin; expenses related to or resulting from the discharge of his official duties, to be paid in equal monthly installments.", is hereby re- pealed, effective on the day on which the Eightieth Congress convenes. id) The sentence contained in the Legis- lative Branch Appropriation Act, 1947, which reads as follows: "There shall be paid to each Senator after January 1, 1946, an expense allowance of $2,500 per annum to assist in defraying expenses related to or resulting from the discharge of his official duties, t3 be paid In equal monthly installments.", is hereby repealed. effective on the day on Which the Eightieth Congress convenes. Mr. LAUSCHE. I repeat that from $12,500 to $30,000 is a $17,500 increase since 1945, or 140 percent. If those who challenge me?and I sea them on the floor?can find any written law, and not their memory, I wish the:a would find it and show it to me. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, be- fore I yield further, in order that w might have some order in this debate, I would ask other Senators who ask me to yield, to make their statements brief, if they would, or wait until I yield the floor. Then, if they want to carry cal a debate, thty can carry it on them- selves. The way this debate is being conducted now, with this Senator farm- ing out the floor, is not an orderly way to proceed. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. Presiden would the. Senator consider a time limi- tation on a vote on the amendment? Mr. PROXMIRE. If the Senatcr from Ohio is willing. Mr. LAUSCHE. I object. Mr. MANSFIELD. We will be here late on this one amendment. Mr. LAUSCHE. No. I object becatue I found myself running out of time on every occasion when an important vote was up. Mr. PROXMIRE. If the Senator from Ohio would yield for a minute, I think the Senator from Montana only mer.- tioned a tinu limitation on my amenta ment. Is that correct? Mr. MANSFIELD. That is correct. As far as I am concerned, it does not make a bit of difference to me. I know what I shall do. The Senators can speak from now until doomsday. I shall still vote the same way. We shall stay late tonight. If the Senators do not want to get on to a vote on the amendment, it is no skin off my nose. Mr. PROXMIRE. I will accept ar y limitation that the majority leader wanas Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 'Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 /964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15223 to impose. Would the Senator from Ohio be amenable? Mr. LAUSCHE. I would be willing to talk about it. Mr. PROXMIRE. Would the major- ity leader propose a time limitation on this one amendment alone? Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I would like, on this one amendment, to propose that we vote on this amendment at 6 o'clock. Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, reserv- ing the right to object, I have a substi- tute to this amendment. I do not like to delay it. It will not take me very long. But I want to protect myself. Mr. MANSFIELD. Excuse me. Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield to the Sen- ator from Oklahoma. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, on page 217 of the Senate hearings on the Federal pay legislation, it is shown that the pay scale of 1946 was $15,000, the total compensation being $15,000. Ac- cording to footnote 5, this includes a $2,500 expense allowance which was tax free until 1953, when it was made taxable under the provision of the Revenue Act of October 20, 1951. This allowance was discontinued effec- tive March 1, 1955, by the same legisla- tion which increased the salary rate for Members of Congress to $22,500. So, the record is absolutely clear that the pay that Members received was a total of $15,000, $2,500 of which was tax free at that time. It was tax free at that time and it was changed by the Revenue Act of 1951 and made subject to the normal income tax. So we are talking about a salary of $15,000 up to 1955, at which time it was changed to $22,500. Mr. PROXMIRE., Mr. President, I yield to the Senator from West Virginia. Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, I rise briefly in order that the record may be corrected in connection with the statements made by my distinguished colleagues, from Wisconsin [Mr. Pitox- Aura] and New York [Mr. KEATING ] , to the effect that the hearings disclose no compelling arguments for increases for the Members of the Congress of the United States. I refer to May 18 of this year when the distinguished minority leader, the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN],ap- peared before our committee. Mr. PROXMIRE. If the Senator will permit an interruption, I should like to say that the Senator from Wisconsin specifically mentioned the junior Sena- tor from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN] and said that he did make an appearance on con- gressional salary increases. As usual, it was very effective and eloquent appear- ance. But I said that that was the only appearance in favor of the congressional increase that I could find. And that ap- pearance was not documented. So far as I can find, no organization appeared to document and support specifically the proposed congressional pay increase. Mr. RANDOLPH. The Randall Com- mission had done so. The Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN] referred to that study. I did not hear all of the Sen- ator's prepared speech of today. I only heard him say in his colloquy with the Senator from New York [Mr. KEATING] that there had been no argument ad- vanced during the hearings for a con- gressional pay increase. I heard that only a few moments ago. I repeat a very valid argument was made by the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRK5EN1 before our committee. President Lyndon Johnson has effectively and energetically advo- cated an increase for Members of Con- gress. Perhaps there are a few Senators who voted to decrease their salaries while they were Members of the Congress of the United States. In 1933 I served with the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN], as Members of the House. I voted to decrease our salaries , to $8,500 a year. So from time to time we have the oppor- tunity and the responsibility to act. We are charged by the Constitution of the United States with setting our salaries. It is a task we must meet by law. I find no fault with any Senator who disagrees with our committee in its bill. However, I remind the Senate that the Senator from Illinois advocated not the $7,500 increase included in the recom- mendation of the Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service and as con- tained in the measure. He recom- mended an increase to $10,000. I think that point should be included as a part of the RECORD. I emphasize that I have no disposition to argue with a colleague on this subject. It is a challenge that, very frankly, we should vote on. The Senator from Montana [Mr. MANSFIELD] has said, in essence, that in a few minutes or a few hours we will vote as we believe. I believe any Senator knows whether he or she will vote for or against an increase. Mr. PROXMIRE. The Senator is per- fectly right when he says that the com- mittee did exercise discretion in not go- ing as high not only as the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DIRKSEN] recommended but as high as the Randall Commission recommended. The President of the United States also recommended a $10,000 increase for Members of Congress. I am not saying that the committee was particularly ex- cessive, but I do say that neither in the hearings nor in the report of the Ran- dall Commission?and I have the report beginning on page 12 of the hearings? could I find any justification for the proposed congressional increase except, as the Senator from New York so well said, it was a free ride on the increase for the executive and the judicial branches. There was no specific justi- fication for the proposed congressional pay increase. Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, will the Senator yield further? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield. Mr. RANDOLPH. Is it not true that in the opinion of the Senator from Wis- consin each and every Senator knows exactly whether he or she will vote for or against the proposed congressional pay increase? Mr. PROXMIRE. Yes, indeed. That is why I was ready to vote on the ques- tion some time ago and why I was ready to agree to a request for a time limita- tion on the debate as proposed by the Senator from Montana [Mr. MANSFIELD ] . Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. I believe the proposed pay raise is justified, and I shall vote for it. I have in my hand my income tax return, which Senators are free to look at. The return has been checked by representatives of the Federal Govern- ment. I have been one of the guinea pigs. In my 1960 return I have itemized my deductions. The Government looked over the return. They disallowed about $100 or $200, I believe, by the time they got through examining the returns. On the return I have listed such ex- penses as my home office expenses; ad- ditional telephone and telegraph; public service broadcast, in connection with which I paid for the film, although the station ran it free of charge as a public service; publication clipping service, so that I could see what a low rating I have been getting from the newspapers in my State, and occasionally a compli- mentary remark; photographs sent out to someone who thought enough of me as to wish a picture that they could hang on the wall; petty cash for the office staff, and that sort of thing; en- tertaining constituents; dues to profes- sional organizations; unreimbursed of- fice expenses that I incurred. All of those expenses add up to $28,078. My salary was not exactly $22,500 because I received some addi- tional allowances, such as postage, on which I made a little money. Some al- lowance should be made for that. I grossed $24,000 and my expenses were $28,078. So the best I can make of it is that I was $4,000 in the red. Those figures demonstrate that I have not allowed anything to send my daugh- ter to college. No allowance has been made to operate my home in Louisiana. The figures did not allow for transpor- tation back and forth from home to of- fice and personal expenses. Nothing of that sort is included. What I have stated is what I can deduct because I had the expenses that go with being a U.S. Senator. Last year I made out better. I think I actually came out better by about $3,000. But I am the lowest paid man in my office. In other words, by the time the expenses are considered, the boy who runs errands betwen my office and the Senate Chamber is paid twice as much in terms of net income, as I am paid. Mr. President, I believe I should make a few dollars out of the job. It is most difficult for the Senator from Louisiana to explain to his wife why he is serving for a minus income. I am donating my services because I love the country and the job. Some Members of Congress are bache- lors and some have children who are away, supporting their own families, and are doing so adequately. Mr. President, I am having prepared an amendment which I shall offer, which will provide that before a Member of Congress receives the proposed pay raise, he will sign a statement, first, that he is Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 15224 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE of the opinion that his services justify his receiving the Proposed Pay raise. Second, that unless he receives the pay raise, he will not be able to meet his es- sential expenses of providing the services that he is trying to provide for his State, his constituents, and his Nation as a Sen- ator. If he really did not believe that, and if he could not subscribe to that statement, he would not receive the in- crease. For example, he may be like my friend on the House side, whose name I shall not mention, even though he makes no secret of his attitude. According to his own statement, he gives his entire salary to the church. After he pays his taxes, whatever he has left over he gives to the church. He is working for God and the country. If all we are doing is acting upon a proposed pay increase in order that Members of Congress may donate more to the church, I could not go along with the proposal because it would violate the principle of separation of church and state. [Laughter. We should not pass a pay raise bill which would merely put more money into a church's till. But if some Member of Congress has need of the increase in order to provide the service that is expected of him and that he would like to provide for his constitutents, then he should be able to state that he is worth that amount of money to the country for the services he is rendering and that the expenses he incurs actually justify his receiving the increase. I would not require that a man make money in his private en- deavors in order to carry the expenses of being a U.S. Senator. The salary should be adequate so that one could give up his law practice, if that were his sole source of income, in order to serve his country as a Senator. On that basis I expect to vote for the bill. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President. the Senator from Louisiana has said that in 1960 his expenses were $28,000. Obvi- ously the proposed $7,500 increase would not be nearly enough. On that basis it could be argued that if our salary were $40,000 it would not be sufficient. We are outgoing people. We love to entertain our constituents, to serve our constituents, and to report to our con- stituents. We would find ways of spend- ing that much and more. But this kind ef spending is voluntary. It is usually political. And it is frequently self- : crying. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. My amend- ment would make it possible for my friend from Wisconsin to be a cutrate renator. He could say. "If the people ep there don't want me, they can vote ir someone else, but I come cheaper." i Laughter.] Let us consider some Members who are not really worth the money paid. They ttend only about half the rollcalls. r.hey would not need to certify that I bey were worth the money. They could then do their job at a lower figure. They could say, "I have not done much. 3 have not been very constructive, but 1 iok at all the money you are saving with me in Congress. It will not cost you much to have me around." A man could be a cutrate Member of Congress under my amendment. [Laughter.] I hope there will be some. I am satis- fied that there are some Members of Congress who are not worth that money. On the other hand, the last two Presi- dents of the United States have been Members of the Senate. My guess is that as Senators they worked as dili- gently to discharge their duties to our country as they did when they were President. When President Lyndon B. Johnson was sitting in the seat now oc- cupied by the Senator from Montana [Mr. MANSFIE1.131, he tried to serve his country as weU RS he is now doing in the White House, although now he re- ceives in pay several times what he made then as a Senator. Mr. President, unless I miss my guess, though it is the same man, he is worth a great deal more money because it was the decision of the people to put him where he is. Some of these people are being very in- adequately paid, while other people are being paid too much. I am going to offer an amendment that will leave it to the conscience of Members of Con- gress as to whether they should get such pay or not. Mr. PROXMIRE. I shall be delighted to vote for the amendment of the Sen- ator from Louisiana. I am sure all 100 Senators will feel free to vote for It. When it becomes law we can cheerfully sign to the effect that our services justify our salaries, and that our services are essential to the Nation. I said before that I thought the serv- ices of Senators are worth $50,000 or S100.000, but we know that we do not have to increase the pay of Senators to persuade them to serve here. There is much competition, outstanding competi- tion?too strong competition?for this office. Therefore, there is no justification for paying a salary increase of a whopping one-third when a Congress- man already makes more than what 98 percent of the people of America receive. The Randall Commission made the case for the executive department. It did not make a case for Members of Cone ress. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President. will the Senator yield? Mr. PROXMIRE. I yield. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Per- haps the amendment of the Senator from Louisiana, instead of providing that a Member should certify as to what he thinks he is worth, should provide that the people back home should say how much they think he is worth. Mt. PROXMIRE. That would be a dangerous amendment. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I want to support the Senator from Wisconsin in his pending amendment. I think a pay raise for Members of Congress should be decided on its own merits, without being a coattail rider to this bill. Some employees of the Government will be getting less than a 1.6-percent in- crease. I do not know why we should hook on a 331/3-percent increase for Members of Congress as a rider to this July 1 bill. I think a pay raise for Members of Congress should be considered as a com- pletely separate bill. I would like to sup- port portions of the pending bill. There is nothing in the law which re- quires a Member of Congress to spend $8,000, $10,000 or $15,000 to advertise himself and to help get himself reelected If Members of Congress want to be re- elected they should pay for it out of their own pockets, the same as our opponents are required to do. I am in favor of the cost-of-living in- crease proposed in this bill for the postal workers and other civil service workers This amounts to a raise of from 2 to I percent. If the pay for Members of Congress is Increased by 33 percent it also has a mathematical effect of increasing the retirement benefits by 61 percent for each year for the next 5 years. Thie should certainly be taken into considera- tion when the retirement fund already Is insolvent. Certainly the proposal to raise salaries of Members of Congress should be dealt, with in a separate bill rather thar. hooked onto this bill as a coattail rider. In line with what the Senator from. Ohio has said, there seems to be an argue ment as to what the congressional sal- aries were in prior years. In 1916 congressional salaries were $10,000, be- ginning in 1947 the congressional salaries were $12,500 plus $2,500 expense allow-. ance, the lett( r item being tax free. In 1953 I introduced the amendment which made that $2,500 allowance taxa-. ble. This made the whole $15,000 salary taxable. In 1954 there was another increase or 50 percent. to 122.500. So, mathematically, Members of Con- gress had a 50-percent increase in dol- lar income in 1947 and another 50 per- cent increase in 1954, and the presen; proposal would be a 3313 percent on top of that, which means that if the bill is passed Members of Congress will be re - ceiving a 300 percent increase over and above what they were receiving in 1946. Congressional retirements are increased at an even larger percentage under these bills. I think these facts should be dealt with and pointed out when an attempt is be- ing made to hook an increase onto a pay bill which increases the pay of the aver- age Federal employees from 2 to 5 per- cent. This proposal should be separated and made on its own merits. If it can- not be supported on its own merits it should not pass. I shall support the amendment of tle2 Senator from Wisconsin which would strike from the bill all proposed increases for the legislative branch. If this is successful I will support the other provi- sions of the bill. But if they are kept tied together I shall not vote for the bit.. When Congress has balanced the budget but six times in the past 35 years I do not think we merit a raise of the proportions suggested here. Mr. PROXMIRE. I thank the Sen- ator from Delaware. He is correct when he says that this congressional salary increase is strictly a coattail rider. There is no question that if a congres- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 ? Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE sional pay raise were proposed by itself, it might face quite a different fate than what is now proposed. Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may suggest the absence of a quorum, without losing the floor. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll, and the following Senators answered to their names: [No. 457 Leg.] Hruska Monroney Inouye Morse Johnston Morton Jordan, Idaho Moss Keating Mundt Kuchel Nelson Lausche Prouty Long, La. Proxmire Mansfield Randolph McClellan Scott McGovern Sparkman McIntyre Thurmond McNamara Walters Williams, Del. Aiken Allott Beall Bennett Burdick Carlson Church Clark Cotton Douglas Fulbright Gore Hart Hickenlooper Mechem Holland Miller The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NEL- SON in the chair) . A quorum is not present. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I move that the Sergeant at Arms be di- rected to request the attendance of ab- sent Senators. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the motion of the Senator from Montana. The motion was agreed to. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Ser- geant at Arms will execute the order of the Senate. After a little delay Mr. ANDERSON, Mr. BARTLETT, Mr. BIBLE, Mr. BREWSTER, Mr. BYRD of Virginia, Mr. BYRD of West Vir- ginia, Mr. CANNON, Mr. CASE, Mr. COOPER, Mr. CURTIS, Mr. DIRKSEN, Mr. DODD, Mr. DOMINICK, Mr., EASTLAND, Mr. ELLENDER, Mr. GOLDWATER, Mr. GRUENING, Mr. HARTKE, Mr. HILL, Mr. HUMPHREY, Mr. JAVITS, Mr. JORDAN of North Carolina, Mr. LONG of Missouri, Mr. MAGNUSON, Mr. MCCARTHY, Mr. MCGEE, M. METCALF, Mr. MUSKIE, Mrs. NEUBERGER, Mr. PAS- TORE, Mr. ROBERTSON, Mr. RUSSELL, Mr. SIMPSON, Mrs. SMITH, Mr. STENNIS, Mr. SYMINGTON, Mr. TALMADGE, Mr. TOWER, Mr. WILLIAMS Of New Jersey, Mr. YOUNG of North Dakota, and Mr. YOUNG of Ohio entered the Chamber and answered to their names. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. ED- MONDSON] , the Senator from North Caro- lina [Mr. Email], the Senator from Washington [Mr. JACKSON], the Senator from Rhode.Island [Mr. PELL], the Sen- ator from Connecticut [Mr. Raticorf], the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATH- ERS], the Senator from Texas [Mr. YAR- BOROUGH], and the Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN] are absent on official busi- ness. I further announce that the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], the Sena- tor from Indiana [Mr. BAYH], the Sen- ator from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY] are absent because of illness. Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from Delaware [Mr. Bocas] is absent to attend the funeral of a relative. No. 132-26 The Senator from Hawaii [Mr. Form], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. PEARSON] and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] are necessarily ab- sent. The PRESIDING OFFICER. A quo- rum is present. Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, I send to the desk an amendment in the nature of a substitute and ask that it be read and given immediate consideration. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. The legislative clerk read as follows: In lieu of the language contained in the pending amendment, insert the following: "On page 114, strike out lines 17 to 24, inclusive. "Beginning with line 5 on page 166, strike out over through line 2 on page 167 and in- sert in lieu thereof the following: "'SEC. 501. This act and the increases in compensation by this Act shall become effec- tive on July 1, 1054.'" Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, on my amendment, I ask for the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. PROUTY. Mr. President, I wish to advise Senators that I intend to speak briefly. If they will remain in the Chamber, perhaps we can vote in the near future. The amendment would merely strike from the bill the provisions permitting increases in congressional salaries. There is much logic in some of the argu- ments to the effect that an increase in congressional salaries is needed. I re- member reading in the New York Times magazine several months ago an article by a Member of the other body who was serving his first term in Congress. Formerly he had been a professor in a university. He said, if I recall the ar- ticle correctly, that his university salary, which was about half the amount of his congressional salary, enabled him to get along much more comfortably and to save more at the end of the year than he could possibly have saved as a Member of Congress. There is much merit in that argument. Yet people throughout the country have a feeling that the salaries which we receive as Members of Congress are high enough to enable us to live luxuriously. They fail to realize and appreciate the tremendous burden of expenses which the average Member of Congress must assume in his campaigns, his entertain- ment of constituents, his travel, and in many other ways?expenses which no business or professional man is faced with. Despite these things, we cannot blink the fact that we knew what the office paid when we sought it. Nor can we deny that millions of other Americans are forced to live, day by day, on the tiniest fraction of our own incomes. The disabled worker, the unemployed family man, retired folks living on meager pensions?all of these know what it means to tighten their belts and to go without things they might like to have or which they actually need. At present, however, the Federal budget is far out of balance. It is likely to be out of balance for some time. Should we not in such circumstances 15225 establish some list of priorities, some catalogue of claims and rights, that ought to take precedence over our own? Let there be an increase in congres- sional pay, but let it come on that day when social security benefits, compensa- tion for the disabled, and aid to the un- employed are at adequate levels of decency. Let it come when our Federal financial house is in order and when we have taken care of first priorities first. Many Members of the Senate and House feel that they need and can justify a pay increase; but who among us would deny that there are others who need help much more than we do? The argument may be made that if my amendment in the nature of a substi- tute were adopted, it would make it pos- sible for members of the legislative staffs to receive greater compensation than is paid to Members of Congress. However, if my amendment in the nature of a substitute is approved, I shall offer a second amendment which would make it impossible to increase staff salaries beyond $22,000. Thus, staff would not be entitled to more compensation than is being paid to Members of Congress. That is all I wish to say. I am ready to vote at any time. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. PROUTY. I yield. Mr. PROXMIRE. Do I correctly un- derstand that the Senator's amendment in its present form would limit all staff Increases to the maximum of the salaries paid to Members of the Senate and House? Mr. PROUTY. No; the second amend- ment would do that. Mr. PROXMIRE. The first amend- ment, however, would bar an increase for Members of the Senate and House. In other words, their salaries would re- main at $22,500. It would permit the compensation of the Librarian of Con- gress, the Public Printer, and the Archi- tect of the Capitol to go to $26,000; it would permit the salary of the Deputy Librarian of Congress to go to. $24,500; and would permit the compensation of the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms of the Senate, arid the legisla- tive counsel of the Senate to go to $27,500? Mr. PROUTY. The Senator is cor- rect; but, as I have explained, I shall offer a second amendment, in case my amendment in the nature of a substi- tute is approved. Mr. PROXMIRE. If the amendment of the Senator from Vermont were re- jected, it would mean that the entire legislative title of the bill, title 2, could be eliminated, and no increases would be provided for members of the legisla- tive branch? Mr. PROUTY. No, indeed. Mr. PROXMIRE. If the amendment of the Senator from Vermont, which is a substitute for the amendment of the Senator from Wisconsin, does not pre- vail, the Senate will have before it the amendment of the Senator from Wis- consin, which simply deletes title 2 and Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP661300403R000500050601-9 15226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE eliminates legislative increases. Is that correct? Mr. PROUTY. That is correct. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President. I think we are putting the cart ahead of the horse with respect to the amendment. If we adopt the Prouty amendment in the nature of a substitute, and if we then defeat the second Prouty amendment, we shall be in a rather ludicrous situation. Furthermore. if we adopt the Prouty amendment in the nature of a substi- tute and then adopt the second Prouty amendment, or if we adopt the Prox- mire amendment, consider the situation that will confront us. On page 115 of the bill, provision is made for the salaries of Cabinet officers at $35000. On page 116, salaries of $39.000 are provided for such persons as the Admin- istrator of Veterans' Affairs. the Admin- istrator of the Housing and Home Fi- nance Agency, the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers, and the Director of the U.S. Information Agency. On page 117, salaries of $28,500 are provided for the Deputy Postmaster Gen- eral and, among others, the Deputy Ad- ministrator of Veterans' Affairs and the Director of the Peace Corps. Beginning on page 20, salaries of $27.000 are provided for the Deputy Ad- ministrator of General Services; six As- sistant Administrators of the Agency for International Development: four Re- gional Assistant Administrators of the Agency for International Development; the Deputy Director of the Peace Corps; Counselor of the Department of State; Legal Adviser of the Department of State: Governor of the Farm Credit Ad- ministration; Inspector General, Foreign Assistance; members of the Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Au- thority, and many others. I note that, beginning on page 124, salaries of $26,000 are provided for other types of Federal appointees, such as the Administrator of the Agricultural Sta- bilization and Conservation Service, De- partment of Agriculture; the Adminis- trator of the National Capital Trans- portation Agency; four Deputy Admin- istrators of the Small Business Admin- istration; Associate Deputy Administra- tor of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Deputy Associ- ate Administrator, National Aeronautics and Space Administration; Chief For- ester, Forest Service; Chief Postal In- spector; Chief, Weather Bureau. Depart- ment of Commerce; Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior; Chief Commissioner, In- dian Claims Commission; two Associate Commissioners. Indian Claims Commis- sion; and such other persons as Associate Director for Volunteers, Peace Corps; As- sociate Director for Program Develop- ment and Operations, Peace Corps. One would think there would be a few volunteers in the Peace Corps head- quarters. Another such position is that of Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. Hundreds of such people would be drawing salaries considerably higher than the salaries of Members of Congress. This is a very unfair, unwise, and stupid move. Do not think that we shall be fooling the folks by taking such a step. I doubt whether any votes would be gained by such a move as this. If Senators do not want to ride in on the coattails of the Post Office and Civil Service employees, the thing to do is not to provide salary increases for the judi- ciary and executive branch, including the hundreds of people to whom I have been referring, and for all Members of Congress. Then take up a separate bill. Let those stand on their own merits. I have not had the floor very long. Many Senator will please face it and not sug- gest a vote at this time because I am perfectly capable of going for a long time; but I am going to say something on this subject, because I believe there is much- The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. NELSON in the chair). The Senator will suspend. The Senate will be in order. The Senator may proceed. Mr. MILLFR, I thank the Chair. I believe there is a little bit of what we might call, very politely, window dressing in the Chamber, in discussing this bill. The Senator from Ohio pointed out a certain position for Members of Con- gress that has occurred in the past few years. I wish that the Senator from Ohio had given us a comparable list of Increases in salaries of the various of- ficials which I have read off, as well as the Federal judiciary. Let us treat everyone alike, instead of singling out Members of Congress. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator from Iowa yield? Mr. MILLER. I yield. Mr. LAUSCHE. Examination of the record will show that pay raises have gone on in extravagant fashion with all except the lower class of employees. The proportion of the increase may not be so great for commission members, board members, judges, and others, as it is for Senators. Mr. MILLER. In many cases, it will be found to be about the same. I believe that the RECORD should show this. Mr. LAUSCHE. I directed my re- marks to the amendment of the Senator from Wisconsin because it dealt only with the legislative branch, but I believe that my remarks are just as effective against the judiciary, board members, and others. I read in the newspaper the other day that an exhibitor of a foreign country at the New York World's Fair had to pay $150 to get a clogged sink loosened. ' If we keep passing this kind of pay raise, how will we ever stop the inordi- nate and extravagant demands that will come in from all over the country? If we begin to give ourselves this huge pay raise, will anyone dare to open his mouth against inflationary measures? We recommend 3.2 percent as a gen- eral pay increase, but we are going to give ourselves 331/3 percent over the $10,000 which we gave ourselves in 1955. I agree with what the Senator from Louisiana (Mr. LONG] said 2 hours ago: How can we do it? uly 1 This haste for a vote, this slicuting to vote, seems to me to be an irclicatien that we wish to drop the curtain as quickly as we can so that our voices wAl not go out to the country on what we are doing here. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President. w .11 the Senator from Iowa yield? Mr. MILLER.. I am happy to yield to the distinguished majority leader, the Senator from Montana I Mr. MANSFIELD 1. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I find it a little difficult to understand why we are so anxious to pick on ourselves all the time, and so loath to say anything about the executive branch downtown which will get the large raise that is contemplated in this bill. They have got cars and chauffeurs. How many Senators in the Chamber have cars ard chauffeurs? What kind of people are we? Do we have a position of importance, or do we not? Do we have to fight for a job, or are we appointed? There are too many Senators who are picking on Members of their own bo y, finding fault with ourselves. We are all for the "little guy." No one wishes to do anything to hurt him. But, now we have something directed agaiast us. We are getting too much. We kr ew what the salary would be when we ran for office. Of course we did. The responsibility for raising our ray, or as the Senator from West Virginia said, for lowering our pay, lies with us. We have to make that choice. We have to go back home and tell the people what we did or did not do. I wonder what kind of people we are. Mr. JAWTS. Mr. President, will the Senator from. Iowa yield? Mr. MILLER. I am glad to yielc to the Senator from New York. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, I rise only because of what the majority leader . has just said. I should like to sustain him. I shall vote against these amend- ments. I shall be happy to explain it to my People. With respect to an increase in salary, as a Senator, I have always spent more than I have received in salary. I p;:ob- ably always will, due to the requiremmts of this position. As a Senator from New York, with the manifold accompanying duties imposed, many of which, the Senator from Illi- nois [Mr. Donnas] has listed, I have in- curred substantial expenditures for re- search, living in Washington, and travel. Mr. President, our job as U.S. Senators, is to earn what we receive. We should make no apology for it. We are en- titled to a decent living. I have been on many hoards of corporations. I was a lawyer representing substantial busi- nesses long before I was a Senator or Representative. During those days, we would be delighted to pay $30.000 or $35,- 000 a year to a good branch manager of a bank, or to a vice president, or to the manager of a modern industrial plant provided that he did a good job. The majority leader is absolutely right, we should not be apologizing. We should be determined to stand up in a refreshing way, which the American Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15227 People will like, and respect. We should say "yes," we are going to pass this pay bill as it was reported by the Post Office and Civil Service Committee because on the scale of salaries paid modern busi- ness executives, we are worth it. I am 60 years old. I have been a suc- cessful lawyer. I have earned three times what I shall receive as a Senator at $30,000 a year. I need apologize to no one. There is no need for any other Member of this body to do likewise. What we should resolve is that we will do a good job, and that we will do the job which is fully worthy of the pay we shall receive. I am sure that the American people will be refreshed by the fact that we will face our responsibilities in that way. A Senator is entitled to a decent and a dignified living. It is impossible to earn a decent and a dignified living unless we do something about a pay adjustment in light of mod- ern conditions. One other point; we have a major role in the operation of the $100 billion business of the running of the Federal Government. Let no one forget that. We and the other body are the "board of directors" of that business. It is the greatest business mankind has ever con- jured up. It seems to me that we should be able to make ourselves worthy of this salary increase to the American people. We must not compare ourselves with those earning $4,000 to $5,000 a year, as the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. PROX- MIRE] and the Senator from Vermont [Mr. PROUTY] propose, and that we re- duce our pay to that level. Of course not. We demean ourselves in the eyes of the country. We need only compare ourselves with those of commensurate responsibility. I believe that $30,000 a year is a very fair salary?very fair. I am fully pre- pared to justify it to any fairminded jury of Americans in my State?or in any other State of the Union. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, will the Senator from Iowa yield? Mr. MILLER. I am glad to yield to the Senator from Illinois Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I be- lieve that the whole case is misstated in discussing congressional salaries. We are not appropriating money or authorizing it for EVERETT DIRKSEN or for BARRY GOLDWATER Or for JACK JAVITS or for WIN PROUTY. This authorizes the money that shall be paid for the office that we occupy. If the people back home do not believe we are worth it, it will not take them very long to haul us back from Wash- ington. It is about time for us to recognize the fact that this authorizes pay for an office which is set up under the Constitution of the United States. Tragically enough, this is one of the unsolved problems in the Constitution of the United States, because it provides that the remuneration of Senators and Representatives shall be ascertained by law. What is the lawmaking body? Con- gress is the lawmaking body. We have no choice. We have authority over the President's salary. We have au- thority to fix the salaries of judges, ex- cept that we cannot reduce them. We have authority over the salaries in Gov- ernment, and we have the vexing task of fixing our own salaries. It is about time for us to face the issue. What is the Senate going to look like, when the House of Representatives by a majority of 87 has put this pay raise for Representatives in the bill?and if I had It to do, it would be larger?believe me. But what is going to be the comparison? It will be said, "They have some guts In the House of Representatives, but the Senate would not stand up to it." I had something to do with this bill twice before. The Senator from Okla- homa [Mr. MONRONEY] Will remember that in 1946 in the formulation of the Reorganization Act, when he was vice chairman of the committee, a pay raise and a retirement system were provided. Did we receive any backlash? Certainly we did not. I offered a resolution in 1954 to set up the Segal Committee of 18 persons. They made their report. And then we had to discount their report. I am sorry I ever let it happen without making a protest. But timid people said, "Cut it $2,500." And I let them talk me into it, for which I am sorry. We have the same thing now. It is said, "If we cut it just a little, maybe you can take it." I did not find that the electorate took any excep- tion to it particularly. Then we raised it. Now, I suppose, judging from the remarks of my distinguished friend from Ohio, we are far ahead of the game. Will my friend from Iowa bear with me a few minutes? Mr. MILLER. I yield. Mr. DIRKSEN. We started in 1789, when Representatives and Senators re- ceived $6 a day when they attended a ses- sion. A farmer receives five times that much today. In 1815, 26 years later, an annual sal- ary of $1,500 was finally set. We had to wait 26 years to catch up. Think of it. We do not see workers doing that when collective bargaining is involved. In 1817, the rate was placed at $8 a day. In 1855-38 years later?there was a change in congressional salary. It then became the munificent sum of $3,000 a year. In 1865, the last year of the war, it was placed at $5,000. Six years later, it was set at $7,500. They never did catch up. Then, in 1874, what was done? The rate was reduced back to $5,000. In 1907-31 years later?the salary of Members of the House and Senate was raised. Then, it went back to $7,500. In 1925?they had to wait 18 years for the next pay raise. The salary was set at $10,000. So there have been only four increases since the Civil War?a period of 99 years. Just think of it. When we talk about reducing our salaries, or removing them from the bill, we demean our own bodies. I will not do it. If my people want to drag me back home, they can do so. I have defended these pay raises before. And I intend to do so again. The Senator from Ohio raised the question about how this proposal com- pared with the situation of employees in Government. I have a statement from the Budget Bureau. They took as a base the postal clerks, and, taking grade 4, carried through a comparison with con- gressional salaries from 1935 to 1964. That is a period of 29 years. And what was the aggregate? The employees received a total increase of 194 percent. The Representatives and Senators re- ceived a 170 percent increase. We never did catch up. And it is about time for us to catch up. If we want to put it on a base of pro- ductivity and take 3.2 percent as a pro- ductive level from 1955 to 1964, even on that basis, our pay ought to be $31,000. In 1935, when I was in the House, our pay was $10,000. How much income tax did we pay? $188. So, after taxes we had about $9,800 left. The purchasing power of the dollar then was 100 percent. So we can say that out of our salary in 1935 dollars, we had a purchasing power of $9,800. What was it in 1955? We went up to $22,500. Deductions for living expenses were $3,000. The net salary was $19,500. The income tax was?not $188?but $3,954. After taxes, what did we have left? $15,500. The purchasing power of the dollar had dropped to 51.3 percent. So, how much did we have left out of $22,500 in terms of 1935 dollars? We had $7,975 left?infinitely smaller by nearly.$2,000 than we had in 1935. In this bill, a salary of $30,000 is pro- posed. There would be deductions of $3,000 and a net salary of $27,000. The income tax will be?not $188?but $5,532. After taxes, what have we left out of $30,000? $21,468. The purchasing power of the dollar as of now is 44.4 percent. The purchasing power of our salary in 1935 dollars is $9,532. We are $400 behind what we re- ceived at $10,000 in 1935. If one questions the figures, call up the Deputy Director of the Budget, call up the Director of the Civil Service Com- mission. They will supply a copy of the figures. Any way we take it, this increase for Members of Congress ought to be larger than that which is provided for in the bill. I am not going to modify it. But I hope we shall not face this issue with a degree of timidity and let the ballot- box scare anyone. JOE EVINS, of Ten- nessee, made a count of every House Member who voted for the House in- crease in salary in 1955. Not a Member who voted for it who was defeated was at the polls. Is it not about time that we assert our own prestige and take our place in the sun of government? Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator yield? Mr. DIRKSEN. We do not hear the executive branch mentioned the oppo- nents take on their own branch. It will not pay off at all. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator yield? Mr. DIRKSEN. Let me tell Barkley's story and then I shall yield. It will be remembered that when Barkley went home, an old fellow told Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001 -9 15228 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July / him: "I voted for you. I am not going to vote for you again." He said, "Why not?" The fellow said, "I am not going to vote for a stupid guy who voted not to increase his salary when he was en- titled to it." Now I yield. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President. I have the floor. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. Mr. Presi- dent, I ask unanimous consent. that the Senator might yield to me for one brief statement. Mr. MILLER. I yield. Mr. LONG of Louisiana. The Senator from Illinois mentioned a comparison of the situation in 1964 with that existing back in 1935. The Senator did not men- tion that in 1935 Congress stayed In ses- sion for 5 months on an average in the year. The Members of Congress had 7 months in which to practice law. Two- thirds of the Members of the Senate were lawyers. My father made a lot more money as a lawyer than as a Sen- ator. As a matter of fact, as I remember it, my mother told him that he could not afford the job. He replied: "Con- gress is going to raise the pay." The first thing they did was to cut the pay when they got in. Mr. DIRKSEN. I remember that. I was on a couple of investigating com- mittees, and from one end of the year to the other, I was scarcely at home. This is a 12-month job, any way we take it. Go back home and see what happens. Constituents Will make a beaten path to the offices or to the homes of Senators, or wherever they can find them, because the world is full of business which is somehow localized and centralized In this body. Every amendment that has been of- fered?and there are 8 or 10 of them?ought to be voted down by the Senate, because they degrade this body. We ought to have short shrift of it and take some pride in the fact that we are attaching a paycheck to a job and not to the person who is in it. Let the peo- ple decide whether he has earned it or not. I am sorry. I thank my friend. Mr. MILLER. The Senator need not be sorry, because he has said as elo- quently as any Senator why we should vote against the pending amendment. I repeat that an we have to do is to look at the pages in the bill to which I refer- red and look at the hundreds of Federal employees who would be drawing more pay than a Member of the U.S. Senate if the Prouty amendment and the Prox- mire amendment are adopted. Mr. McGOVERN. Mr. President. af- ter careful thought, I have decided to vote against the congressional pay raise. I cannot in good conscience vote to in- crease my salary at a time when many of my constituents are financially pinched. So I will support the amend- ment to eliminate the Increase in con- gressional salaries from the bill. It is true that the cost of living in official Washington is very high. It is true that with five children to rear and educate, I have some financial anxieties with my present income. Each year, I must reach heavily into my salarY, to cover the cost of travel to and from my State. Each year. I must devote a part of my salary to postage, television films. radio tapes, and the entertainment of constituents, not covered by the office allowance. But I cannot bring myself to vote to raise my pay, when thousands of farm- ers, ranchers, cattle feeders, business- men. and working people are under as much or more financial pressure than I am. If the congressional pay raise is eliminated from the bill. I could then vote to raise the salary of other Federal workers and postal workers who are hard pressed to make ends meet. If the amendment to remove the congressional pay raise fails. however, I will vote against the entire Federal pay raise bill. So far as I am concerned, I would rather see Congress provide adequate al- lowances for the operation of our offices, including travel allowance. We would not be in need of a salary increase if we did not find it necessary to devote so much of our salary to traveling back and forth to our States and to financing such costs as telephone calls, telegrams, and other costs that may run to several thou- sand dollars a year. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment of the Senator from Vermont [Mr. PROUTY] In the nature of a substitute. On this question the yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. Erwin', the Senator from Washington [Mr. JACKSON], the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. PELL the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. Risic0FF1, the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATHERSI, the Sena- tor from Texas [Mr. Yariscatononl, the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. EDMOND- SON 1, and the Senator from Arizona [Mr. HAYDEN], are absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BAYH I, and the Sen- ator from Massachusetts [Mr. Kerr- rasoyl , are absent because of illness. On this vote, the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. Rtsicoesi is paired with the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATEERSI If present and voting, the Senator from Connecticut would vote "nay" and the Senator from Florida would vote "yea''. I further announce that, if present and voting. the Senator from Washing- ton [Mr. Jacxsow], and the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. PELL1, would each vote "nay." Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from Delaware [Mr. Boacsi is absent to attend the funeral of a relative. The Senator from Hawaii [Mr. the Senator from Kansas [Mr. PEARSON], and the Senator from Massachusetts (Mr. SALT0NSTALL1 are necessarily ab- sent. If present and voting, the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] would vote "nay." The result was announced?yeas 25, nays 60, as follows: Burdick Byrd, Va. Cannon Church Cooper Cotton Curtis Ellender Fulbright Aiken Allott Anderson Bartlett Beall Bennett Bible Brewster Byrd, W. V. Carlson Case Clark Dirksen Dodd Dominick Douglas Eastland Goldwater Gore Gruening Bayh Boggs Edmondson Engle Ervin [No. 458 Leg.] YEAS-25 Hartke Holland Hruska Keating LauscOe Mechem Morton Moss Mundt NAYS?GO Hart ILokenlooper Hill Humphrey Inouye Jay its Johnston Jordan, N.C. Jordan, Idaho Kuchel Long, Mo. Long, La. Magnuson Mansfield McCarthy McClellan McGee McGovern McIntyre McNamara Prouty Robertson Scott Simpson Symington Thurmond Williams, Del. Metcalf Miller Monroney Morse Muskie Nelson Neuberi.ier Pastore Proxmire Randolph Russell Smith Sparkman Stennis Talmadge Tower Walters Y.J. Young, N. Dak. Young, Ohio NOT VOTING-15 Fong Hayden Jackson Kmnedy Pearson Pell Ribicoff Saltonstall Smathers Yarborough So Mr. PROUTY'S amendment in the nature of a substitute was rejected. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment in the nature of a substitute was rejected. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I move to lay that motion on the tab:e. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I should like to have the attention of the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. PROXMIRE] and the attention of the Senator from South Carolina [Mr. JOHNSTON] , for a moment, because I need a little help and clarifica- tion. There are some aspects of this bill that disturb me very much, but, at the same time, I think most of the in- creases are justified. Am I correct that, so far as the aivil service workers are concerned, the in- crease for them is at a much lower per- centage?somewhere between 3 and 5 percent?as compared with the percant- age of increase for Cabinet officers, judges, and others in the GO-Cf fled higher pay brackets? Mr. JOHNSTON. That is true. 'Et is higher. Mr. MORSE. What is the difference? Mr. JOHNSTON. The increase is about 331/3 percent for Members of Con- gress and of the Cabinet. Does the Sen- ator want the figures all the way to grade 1? The increase for that low grade is 2 or 3 percent, because those employees have received more frequent Increases in the past. Mr. MORSE. They have been receiv- ing many increases, but the increases give those in the lower brackets an an- nual income of approximately how much? Mr. JOHNSTON. For the class.fied employees, the grades go all the ivy Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 ? ? Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15229 down to 1, and the increase there is very low. Mr. MORSE. Many of them are in the salary bracket of $8,000 or $9,000, as compared with $20,000 or $30,000 in the upper brackets. Is that correct? Mr. JOHNSTON. Yes. Mr. MORSE. We must act on pro- posed legislation as it comes off the cal- endar. Sometimes the order in which it is considered is not what we would pre- fer. It is too bad that the Senate does not have before it the legislative appro- priation bill ahead of the bill it is now considering. I have listened to some very interesting debate this afternoon about problems that confront Members of Con- gress in regard to salaries and costs and expenses of the job. The so-called political expenes of the job certainly should not be borne, directly or indirectly, by the taxpayers. We sought the job, and we should be ex- pected to pay the so-called direct and in- direct political expenses of the job. Yet some of the speeches this afternoon sur- prised me a little in that they seemed to imply that we ought to give some con- sideration to the fixing of salaries based on what we have to pay for so-called political expenses. However, there is a type of expense connected with the job that is based upon a formula which is applied that works many inequities within the Senate. I refer to the allowances that are granted for so-called office expenses, using as the determining factor the population of a State as compared with others, with not too much weight given to geographical distances, nor too much weight given to the actual difference in the business done as compared with other offices. I do not want to engage in any per- sonal discussion other than to say, for example, that some of us who come from States with relatively small populations are greatly limited in the expense allow- ance to our offices, but are put to much heavier expenses than are other Sena- tors, for a variety of reasons. I suppose such a matter is determined to a great extent by the discussion of Senators. I shall be brief when I make this state- ment, but for many years on the floor of the Senate I have said that I think the taxpayers are perfectly willing to pay for the legitimate expenses of a Senator's office in transacting Senate business. I have not kept records on this matter, except for the past 12 years. I plow back into my desk, and have for years, the equivalent of three hon- orarium speeches to pay the extra cost of transacting business in connection with long-distance telephone calls, tel- egrams, and airmail stamps, which run to $800 to $900 out of my own pocket. I mention it now only because I hope that when the Senate considers the leg- islative appropriation bill this year, the Appropriations Committee will take a long look at the formula. I have in- sisted for years that if more money were to be allowed for the expenses of a Sen- ate office, it should be on an accountable basis, and that accounting should be published for the benefit of the public. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, if the Senator will yield, I invite his atten- tion to the fact that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. MONRONEY] is present? He happens to be chairman of the sub- committee that handles the matter the Senator from Oregon is discussing. I merely wanted to call to the attention of the Senator from Oklahoma what the Senator from Oregon is discussing. Mr. MORSE. It is important that we take care of the actual official Senate expenses of our offices rather than put Senators in the position where they do the business but pay for it out of their own pockets. I do not think the tax- payers expect that. I wanted to make that point in this discussion. It does not have a direct bearing on the issue before us; it has an indirect one. I do not know why there is this reticence to allow an accounted expense allowance which actually covers the of- ficial cost of operating the office of a Senator in serving the people of a State and of the Nation. Mr. PROXMIRE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MORSE. I yield. Mr. PROXMIRE. I merely wish to say that I agree 100 percent with the Senator from Oregon. He is absolutely correct. In fact, I go further and say that a Senator from Hawaii or Alaska or Washington or Oregon has an enor- mous travel expense. The present al- lowance is for only three trips home. Under those circumstances it is very un- just. The way to handle the situation is not by way of a general salary increase but, as the Senator has implied, by per- mitting a Senator to be compensated for all the legitimate expenses of his office. I shall support such a proposal in any way, shape, or form with regard to tele- phone and telegraph expenses. I agree that the taxpayers would understand such a proposal. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, the Sen- ator is correct. There is some confusion between official duties and political in- terests. I recognize that fact. How- ever, following the course of action that I follow in the Senate, if I did not go home at least one weekend a month, I would not have any political boards left on my fences back home. One does not go home one weekend a month free of ex- pense. I see my good friend the Senator from Illinois [Mr. DOUGLAS] smiling. That is why, through his good offices or the good offices of the Senator's assistant in Chicago, I will stop off in Chicago and make a speech, which will cover the ex- penses, or perhaps make a speech in San Francisco or Seattle or somewhere else. Let us face the realities when we get to the legislative appropriation bill, and see to it that we take a good, long look at the problem. That leads me to my next point. We should make very clear that with respect to expenditures for telephone calls and telegrams and for air mail stamps, there should be a public accounting once a year. My next point is that in due course? not tonight?I shall offer an amendment to the bill. I have several amendments, but I shall offer one which will be the old 1946-as-revised-from-time-to-time Morse full public-disclosure bill. A Sen- ator came to me a few minutes ago and said: One of the things that I like about your public disclosure bill is that it does not limit itself to Members of Congress, but covers the judiciary and the Cabinet and other officials in the high income bracket. I shall press that amendment later. Those are factors we ought to consider in connection with the pending bill, rather than speed the bill through very quickly, as there is at present?and I say this most respectfully and noncriti- cally?pressure in the Senate. I am always unhappy when I cannot accommodate myself to certain pro- posals. Some amendments ought to be considered. I cannot accommodate my- self to proposals that have been made in the past hour for a unanimous-con- sent agreement to fix a time, to limit de- bate on amendments, and to limit debate on the bill. Mr. JOHNSTON. I thank the Senator from Oregon for bringing to the atten- tion of the Senate some of the matters we have considered in committee in recommending an increase in congres- sional salaries. If Senators will look at pages 116 and 117 of the bill, they will note that we brought the compensation of Members of the Senate and the House in line with those of Under Secretaries of the execu- tive departments. They have tradition- ally been in that bracket. So far as addi- tional expenses are concerned, we did not consider the expenses that the Under Secretaries have either. I do not believe that the Members of the Senate and of the House ought to be in a lower bracket than the Under Secretaries of the execu- tive departments. There are about 19 who have the same salaries as Members of the House and of the Senate. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, I send an amendment to the desk and ask that It be read. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. The Senator from Iowa proposes to strike lines 2, through 6 of the Proxmire amendment No. 1084 and insert in lieu thereof the following: "through line 3 on page 166"; on page 2, line 1, change "title IV" to read "title II". Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, if I may have the attention of the Members of the Senate, very briefly, all the amendment would do would be to transform the Proxmire amendment, which eliminates legislative salary increases into an amendment which would eliminate sal- ary increases for the legislative, judicial, and executive branches of the Govern- ment. It keeps intact the classified em- ployees' salary increases. It seems to me there ought to be a choice offered to the Senate. The choice the Proxmire amendment presently of- fers is really no choice at all. If we were to support the Proxmire amendment we would be singling ourselves and our staff members out for a discriminatory type program as against the executive and judicial sides of the Government. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 15230 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE If my amendment is adopted. the Proxmire amendment will be before us to vote on. and we can decide whether we wish to take care of only the classi- fied employees or whether we wish to take care of the employees of all branches of the Government. That is the choice we would have. Mr. MANSPIELD. In other words, everybody would be stricken out except the voters. Mr. MILLER. May I say to the ma- jority leader that I have no intention of doing anything like that with my amend- ment. Mr. MANSFIELD. That is what it amounts to. Mr. MILLER. To evaluate my amend- ment in that fashion is very much to oversimplify the problem. Mr. MANSFIELD. It takes in mil- lions and leaves out a few thousand. Mr. MILLER. That oversimplifies the point. The Proxmire amendment in its present form singles out the legislative branch. I do not think that is the choice we ought to be offering the Senate. It seems to me we ought to be given the choice of taking care of the classified employees and nobody else, or taking care of the classified employees and not singling out the legislative, judicial, and executive branch. Mr. MANSFIELD. I agree in that re- spect. If we are to do anything with re- spect to Congress, we had better do it to the other branches of the Government, too. Mr. MILLER. The majority leader now states my proposal exactly. I am happy that he gets the Point. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President. while the amendment can be excused on the ground that, if we are going to strike against Congress we should also strike at those employees in the executive and judicial branch of the Government who are supposed to use their brainpower to make plans in an atomic age for a future that we hope America can have. I think we would be killing the very thought be- hind the kind of bill President Kennedy and President Johnson, and most stu- dents of government, have urged us to pass. The crisis in the executive branch of this great Government in the atomic age, with a hundred billion dollar budget, with a burgeoning population, automa- tion, and all the various problems that are on our doorstep, must be solved by the best minds money can obtain. Surely; we would save some money. We weand save $20 million out of a cost of $556 minion, by taking this step. We would reduce the prospect of having the best people that can be found in the field to fill the jobs in the executive de- partment. Yes, we will appeal to a lower class of people to run for Congress. be- cause they will know it will not be pos- sible to manage and pay expenses and Put anything aside to educate their chil- dren. They will know there will be no opportunity to hold their heads up in re- spectability in carrying on the duties of office, as we are expected to carry them on by our constituents back home. Four million one hundred thousand dollars is the cost of congressional pay. That is 0.7 percent of the total cost. We will pay the legislative employees and other officers $9,600,000. In this great Government of ours, with more than 2 million employees trying to supply the services, including the military and other needs, only 536 Members of Congress plus 2 other officers are elected. That is the total elective complement of our great democracy: 435 Members of the House, 100 Members of the Senate, plus the Pres- ident and Vice President. The rest are all appointed. Is it worth anything to preserve, to attract, to try to bring into the elective system men of competence? Perhaps we do not need them; but I have never found that a good salary, a salary that would help a man to pay his expenses and live in respectability, denied quali- fied persons the opportunity to run for office. Why did the people support the Re- organization Act of 1046? It was be- cause they wanted Coziness to amount to something. They wanted to have competent persons working on our staffs, not retired mail carriers acting RS secretaries for the Committee on Bank- ing and Currency, or an inexperienced person from back home acting as the secretary or chief staff member of the most important committee of Congress, the Committee on Foreign Relations. No: they wanted good staffs, so they di- rected Congress to pay to the staffs of Members of Congress salaries equivalent to those paid in private business. That Is what we did. That is why Congress has been measuring up to its respon- sibility in trying to meet the challenge or the new problems of today. We have been able to have just as good members of the staffs working and assisting us to pass legislation as the executive offices downtown have in administering it. Let us not downgrade our staffs. The majority leader and the minority leader have described Congress as the people's branch of the Government. We will get what we pay for. Members of Congress must have decent salaries if they are to pay their own expenses in entertaining friends at lunch. In trying to maintain the Positions we are ex- pected to maintain as Senators, both here and at home, we must have a suit- able standard of living. We try to pro- vide for education, to maintain our libraries, to have the things we need. I think this Is worth bringing the pay of Members of Congress up to parity. Parity was not set for us by a committee or by Congress or by members of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv- ice of either House. /t was set after a careful study and as a result of executive leadership. It has been urged moon us by both President Kennedy and Presi- dent Johnson. We have tried to establish parity with the Federal judges. Our pay will come out even with theirs at $30,000. We will have parity with the under secretaries of the departments at $30,000. If Senators will look through the bill, they will see that we have tried to establish parity of service and qualifications. We provide a higher salary for Cabinet members; but historically Members of Congress have been linked with the pay July 1 of Federal judges, which have beeia less than that paid to the Cabinet. Let us not downgrade the branch of the Government in which we servr?., be- cause millions of people throughout the world would be willing to give their right arms to have a legislative body such as ours?staffed with personnel such a:; that which selves the Senate and the House. I hope the Senate will defeat the Miller amendment and the Proxmire amend- ment and will then move on to pars the pay bill, which has been so long in com- ing to us. Mr. MILLER. The Senator from Iowa would agree with much of what the Sen- ator from Oklahoma has said, but I can- not quite understand why he made the statement he has made against the Miller amendment. Mr. MONRONEY. I am agains; the Proxmire amendment. I would be forced to say that if we adopted the Proxmire amendmeat, we would be doing ourselves a disservice by downgrading ourselves far below the current going rate. We have praised the value of the staffs in th ex- ecutive department. I do not choose to vote for the amend- ment of the Senator from Iowa, because I am against the Proxmire amendment. I favor the bill as it has been reported. It is a good bill. It will serve the coun- try well. I think the civil service em- ployees are entitled to a pay increase. So are the executives and other officials who have not had a raise for 10 years, while the other employees have had a 30- or 35-percent increase. The schedule works out fairly. I shall have to oppose the amendment of the Senator from Iowa because I do not believe in cutting out the very heart of the bill. Mr. MII.T.FR. Why not support the Miller amendment to the Proxmire amendment and then vote against the Proxmire amendment as amended If the Senator does not do that, he wil not afford the Senate a decent choice on which to vote. If the Proxmire amend- ment carries, the Senator would be de- meaning the legislative branch as against the executive and judicial branches. If the Senator votes for the Miller amend- ment, he will not have to demean him- self in that way. Mr. MONRONEY. Then I would have voted for an amendment that would de- stroy at least a great portion of the bill, the portion that would attract efficent, effective executives. I shall not vote for this amendment. If I am to be against the Proxmire amendment, I must also be against the amendment of the Senator from Iowa. Mr. MITJ.ER. The Senator from Oklahoma would have plenty of op- portunity to vote against the principle he is talking about, once my amendment and the Proxmire amendment were adopted. I am trying to give the Sen- ate a reasonably fair choice as to whether it wants to provide a general salary increase for executive, legislative, and judicial officers, along with the clas- sified civil service, or wants to let those three groups stand by themselves in a separate bill. That is a fair choice. But under the Proxmire amendment, Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15231 unless it is modified by my amendment, the Senate will not have a fair choice. Mr. MONRONEY. I should say that the Senator's amendment, if adopted, would put on record many Senators as being against an excessive pay bill. Therefore, they would be asked to vote for the Proxmire amendment, because the funds for the brainpower we are hoping to attract to the legislative and executive branches would have been stricken from the bill. Mr. MILLER. I intend to vote for the Miller amendment as a modification of the Proxmire amendment. I think I could in clear conscience vote against the Proxmire amendment as modified. I think the Senator from Oklahoma could vote for my amendment to give the Senate an adequate choice, and then turn around and vote against the Prox- mire amendment, as modified. The PRESIDING aeviCER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment of the Senator from Iowa. Mr. FULBRIGHT. Mr. President, on this amendment, I ask for the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call te roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. ED- MONDSON], the Senator from North Caro- lina [Mr. ERvm] , the Senator from Ari- zona [Mr. HAYDEN], the Senator from Washington [Mr. JACKSON], the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. MCCARTHY], the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. FELL], the Senator from Connecticut [Mr. RnacoFF] , and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] are absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BAyn], the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY] are absent because of illness. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH], the Senator from Connect- icut [Mr. RIBICOFF], and the Senator from Washington [Mr. JACKSON] would each vote "nay." Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from Delaware [Mr. BoGas] is absent to attend the funeral of a relative. The Senator from Hawaii [Mr. FoNc], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. PEARSON], and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] are necessarily absent. If present and voting, the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] would vote "nay." The result was announced?yeas 21, nays 64, as follows: [No. 459 Leg.] YEAS-21 Bennett Byrd, Va. Cannon Church Cotton Curtis Dominick Ellender Jordan, Idaho Lausche McClellan Mechem Miller Mundt Robertson Simpson Smathers Talmadge Thurmond , Williams, Del. Young, Ohio Aiken Allott Anderson Bartlett Beall Bible Brewster Burdick Byrd, W. Va. Carlson Case Clark Cooper Dirksen Dodd Douglas Eastland Fulbright Goldwater Gore Gruening Hart Bayh Boggs Edmondson Engle Ervin NAYS-64 Hartke Hickenlooper Hill Holland Kruska Humphrey Inouye Javits Johnston Jordan, N.C. Keating Kuchel Long, Mo. Long, La. Magnuson Mansfield McGee McGovern McIntyre McNamara Metcalf Monroney NOT VOTING-15 Fong Hayden Jackson Kennedy McCarthy Morse Aiken Morton Anderson Moss Bartlett Muskie Beall Nelson Bennett Neuberger Bible Pastore Brewster Prouty Byrd, W. Va. Proxmire Carlson Randolph Case Russell Clark Scott Cooper Smith Dirksen Sparkman Dodd Stennis Eastland Symington Eulbright Tower Goldwater Walters Gruening Williams, N.J. ? Young, N. Dak. Bayh Boggs Edmondson Engle Pearson Ervin Pell Ribicoff Saltonstall Yarborough So Mr. MILLER'S amendment was re- jected. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment of the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. PROXMIRE]. On this question the yeas and nays have been ordered; and the Clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. ED- MONDSON], the Senator from North Caro- lina [Mr. Emig], the Senator from Ari- zona [Mr. HAYDEN], the Senator from Washington [Mr. JAcicsoN], the Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. PELL] , the Sen- ator from Connecticut [Mr. RIBICOFF], the Senator from Georgia [Mr. RUSSELL], and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YAR- BoRouGH] are absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BAYH], and the Sena- tor from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY] are absent because of illness. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from Rhode Is- land [Mr. FELL], the Senator from Con- necticut [Mr. RIBICOFF], the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH], and the Senator from Washington [Mr. JACKSON] would each vote "nay." Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator frbm Delaware [Mr. Boccs] is absent to attend the funeral of a relative. The Senator from Hawaii [Mr. FONG], the Senator from Kansas [Mr. PEARSON] , and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] are necessarily ab- sent. If present and voting, the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] would vote "nay." The result was announced?yeas 32, nays 53, as follows: [No. 160 Leg.] YEAS-32 Hartke Robertson Holland Simpson Hruska Smathers Keating Stennis Lausche Symington McGovern Talmadge Mechem Thurmond Moss Williams, Del. Mundt Young, N. Dale. Prouty Young, Ohio Proxmire Allott Burdick Byrd, Va. Cannon Church Cotton Curtis Dominick Douglas Ellender Gore NAYS-53 Hart Hickenlooper Hill Humphrey Inouye Javits Johnston Jordan, N.C. Jordan, Idaho Kuchel Long, Mo. Long, La. Magnuson Mansfield McCarthy McClellan McGee McIntyre NOT VOTING-15 McNamara Metcalf Miller Monroney Morse Morton Muskie Nelson Neuberger Pastore Randolph Scott Smith Sparkman Tower Walters Williams, N.J. Fong Hayden Jackson Kennedy Pearson Pell Ribicoff Russell Saltonstall Yarborough So Mr. PROXMIRE'S amendment was rejected. Mr. MAGNUSON. Mr. President, I announce that my colleague, the junior Senator from Washington [Mr. JACK- SON], is unavoidably detained on official business. But if he had been present he would have voted "nay" on the last amendment. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I call up my amendment. The cosponsors to the amendment are Mr. CURTIS, Mr. LAUSCHE, Mr. Thus- MOND, and Mr. BENNETT. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will state the amendment. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. The Senator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS] proposes amendment No. 1078, reading as fol- lows: At the appropriate place insert a new section as follows: Nothwithstanding any other provision of this bill the effective date of any Increase on any salary of $20,000 or over, shall be the first day of the first month after the close of a fiscal year with a balanced Fed- eral budget. ORDER FOR ADJOURNMENT TO TOMORROW AT 11 A.M. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that when the Senate completes its business today, it stand in adjournment until 11 o'clock to- morrow morning. The PRESIDING OFFICER, Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MANSFIELD. There will be no further votes tonight. COMMITTEE MEETING DURING SENATE SESSION TOMORROW On request by Mr. MANSFIELD, and by unanimous consent, the Committee on Armed Services was authorized to meet during the session of the Senate to- morrow. CONFERENCE ON ROLE OF FEDERAL GOVERNMENT IN THE WAR ON POVERTY Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, the so- called Economic Opportunity Act of 1964 or war on poverty legislation is before the Committee on Labor and Public Wel- fare. It will be considered next week by the full committee. I shall have some Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R0005000501301-9- 15232 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE amendments to the legislation at that time. In the meantime. I should like to call the attention of the Senate to the fact that at my instance, there -was a conference on the role of the Federal Government in the war on poverty, called at New York University on May 11, 1964. The conferees were headed by cochair- man Dr. Miguel A. de Capriles, dean of the School of Law of New York Univer- sity, and Dr. Alex Rosen, dean of the School of Social Work of New York Uni- versity. The conferees included some of the most distinguished men and women in the country, men and women from great foundations, governmental agen- cies, and universities interested in this particular field. Mr. President, my office has developed a digest from the stenographic transcript of the ideas and concepts which were developed there. I believe that this in- formation from so many experts is worthy of the consideration of every Senator both now and when we finally come to consider this very important measure. As it develops in a very inter- esting way the lines of an editorial in the New York Times of June 24, 1964, headed "War On Poverty," I ask unani- mous consent that in the body of the RECORD there may appear the digest of the conference to which I have referred. followed by the editorial from the New York Times of June 24. There being no objection, the digest and editorial were ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: DIGEST OE CONFERENCE ON THE HOLE OE THE FEDERAL GOVERNMENT ref THE WAR ON POV- ERTY, NEW YORK I..INHTERsiTy, MONDAY. MAY 11. 1964 CONFEREES Senator JACOB K. Javers and staff, Mr, Al- len Lesser. Cochairmen of the conference: Dr. Miguel A. deCapriles. dean, School of Law. New York University: Dr. Alex Rosen, dean, School of Social Work, New York University. Others: George Brager, Mobilization for Youth, New York City. Erse H. Poston, State division for youth. Anne M. Montero, city commission on human rights, Benjamin H. Lyndon. dean, School of So- cial Welfare, State University of New York, Buffalo, N.Y. James R. Dumpson, department of welfare. New York City. Clark Tibbitts, U.S. Department of Health, Education. and Welfare, Washington, D.C. John J. Hurley, Bureau of Family Services, U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Washington, D.C. Father Joseph P. Fitzpatrick, D.J., Ford- ham University, Bronx, N.Y. Henry H. Foster, Jr., professor, School of Law. New York University. Winslow Carlton, group health insurance, New York city. John P. Walsh, U.S. Department of Labor, Washington, D.C. Ben Zimmerman, mayor's commission for youth, Syracuse, N.Y. Peter Kasius, State department of social welfare. Willard Heckel, dean, Rutgers School of Law, New Brunswick, N.J. Felician Foitman. New York State School of International Labor Relations, Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y. Edward W. Foss, Department of Agricul- tural Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca. N.Y. Marjorie Buckholz, Graduate School of So- cial Work, New York University, New York City. Melvin Hermann, Mobilisation for Youth, New York City. Alexander Allen, Urban League of Greater New York. New York City. James E. McCarthy, Mobilization for Youth, New York City. John M. Martin, Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y. Edward Fettelberg, office of the president of the council, New York City. Elms L. Greenwood, National Council of Churches. New York City. Bernard Lander, professor, Hunter College, New York City. William F. Walsh, mayor, Syracuse, N.Y. The conference directed its attention to three major areas of the war on poverty? youth, unemployed workers, and the aged? and their relationship to the Economic Op- portunity Act of 1964. ?patting the discussion, Senator Javrrs hinds the points that the war on poverty should be regarded as a long-term war which requires bipartisan support, that it calls for a selective approach rarther than a one-shot omnibus attack, that it should be waged Jointly with State and local governments. and that it La more than a one-mart job and should be guided by a board of strategy with an executive director which would en- list the cooperation of civic and community leaders and organizations. He further em- phasized that the unemployed should not be lumped with the endemic poor, and that in any comprehensive program there should be provision for elose coordination with num- erous existing Federal program. Dr. Melvin Hermann, who heads the youth and work program of Mobilization for Youth, made a sharp distinction between youth un- employment and youth poverty, stressing that. they are different problems. Among the former there are those who are unemployable, those who are employable but have no jobs, and those who are underemployed because suitable jobs for their capabilities are not available. Reduction of the school dropout rate, though highly desirable, Is no panacea for youth unemployment. Dr. Hermann said, adding that graduation from high school is no guarantee of employability. Worth ex- ploring, however, Is the possibility of extend- ing school counseling and guidance services for youth beyond 18 or 19 and until they are placed in jobs. Related to employability is the health of youth and Dr. Hermann said that In I group of 100 youths under 21 in his program about $0 percent had serious medical problems. He emphatically ap- proved continued heavy involvement of local and State agencies in Federal program of vo- cational education, and raised a number of questions arising from training programs in which allowances are paid, which directly affect local welfare program considerations. Turning to title I. part A, of the Economic Opportunity Act, Dr. Hermann asked how we can recruit and train the personnel need- ed to man this and other projected programs its light of the present extreme shortage of professional personnel. He described as a -frightening notion" the prospect of turn- ing young recruits over to forest rangers for training and teaching. He also asked how we could insure that youth are selected and guided into appropriate programs; who would take the responsibility of directing youth who already had experienced long periods of failure, into programs where they could suc- ceed. Answering a question by Dean de Capriles on the problem of providing jobs, Dr. Her- mann warned that there was a danger of placing too much emphasis on motivation without assurance that lobs would be avail- July .1 able for the youths who were being encour- aged in this way. In the discussion tlut followed, Commissioner Dumpson added thf,t many youth were rejected for jobs because they were Negroes or Puerto Ricans, and Winslow Carlton said that the youth's ex- perience of failure was often reinforced ty the fact that his parents had the same ex- perience, thus making this a problem of tie whole community rather than of just one in- dividual. Peter Kasius of the New York State De- partment of Social Welfare, commented en the need to involve State and local agencies intimately with the Federal programs 30 that there could be continuity after the Federal authorization had ended. Senator Javers said that the consent of the State must be obtained in any relationship b?- tween the Federal Government and local go-7- ernments. Commissioner Dumpson cited the risks in this limitation and suggested th it where the State refuses to act, the Federal Government then be given authority to pro- ceed without its consent. The discussion then touched on possibili- ties of rehabiltating rejected draftees and holding the draft examination at 18 years of age rather 22 or older as at prese:it in order to clear up health and training problems. Professor Lander cited objectio as to using the draft or the Department of De- fense because it was not set up to become an education.il institution. Both George Brager, of the Mobilization for Youth, and Dean Rosen questioned whether industry would have jobs for these young.people after they had been trained. Professor Lander pointed out Hat in view of the development of automation., education now had the me- sponsibility of projecting its training pro- gram for jobs of tomorrow rather than those now available. In this connection in- dustry would have to cooperate and come up with some indication of its future needs. Dr. Hermann said schooling had to be made relevant?just to "upgrade the unemployed" was not enouth: and Mrs. Anne Montero, of the city commission on human rights, xi; g- gested a national census or inventory of un- filled jobs. Winslow Carlton, of Group Health Insur- ance, summarized the problem of poverty as it applies to the aged. He said there was practically nothing in the legislation for the older citizens, and cited the general /Iced in this group for more income, including an inerease in sccial security benefits and old- age assistance payments. An income survey in 1962 for those over 65 showed a median income for nonmarred persons of $1.130 per year, and $2.875 for married coupes. Families headed by a per- son of 65 or more made up one-third of all the families counted as poor on toe basis of the 1964 annual report of the Council of Economic Advisers. In the OAA program where the range of benefits was from $31 a month in Mississippi to $111 in New Ycrk, the problem was how to increase benefits in the poorer St des. Another prablem area defined by Mr. Carl- ton concerned workers between 50 and 65, and the diff.cultles they face when pl int closings and other factors lead to their un- employment. Not unrelated to the general problem is tie fact that many in this group have children under 18. The relevance of a Federal program of health care :nsurance for the aged in this problem was also stressed by Mr. Carlton, who touched on some of its economic con- sequences on retired persons. Dean Ben- jamin H. Lyndon suggested the possibilit:r of developing a single package of assistance in- corporating all current programs of aid to the aging. Senator Javrrs emphasized the essential role of the local community in assuring suc- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 15175 under certain circumstances, such as when an impending election is imminent and a State's election machinery is already in progress, equitable considerations might justify a court in withholding the granting of immediately effective relief in a legislative apportionment case, even though the existing apportionment scheme was found invalid. In awarding or withholding immediate relief, a court is entitled to and should consider the proximity of a forthcoming election and the mechanics and complexities of State election laws, and should act and rely upon general equitable principles. With respect to the timing of relief, a court can reasonably en- deavor to avoid a disruption of the election process which might result from requiring precipitate changes that could make unrea- sonably or embarrassing demands on a State in adjusting to the requirements of the court's decree." The Court expressly approved the approach of the court in Alabama, which it commend- ed for having correctly recognized that legis- lative reapportionment is primarily a matter for legislative consideration and determina- tion, and that judicial relief becomes appro- priate only when a legislature fails to reap- portion according to Federal constitutional requisites in a timely fashion after having had an adequate opportunity to do so. The Court especially commended "the proper ju- dicial restraint" shown by the Alabama court in not jumping in too quickly. In the New York case the Court simply left It to the lower court to determine "whether, because of the imminence of (the 1964) elec- tion and in order to give the New York Leg- islature an opportunity to fashion a consti- tutionally valid legislative apportionment plan, it would be desirable to permit the 1964 election of legislators to be conducted pursu- ant to the existing provisions, or whether, under the circumstances, the effectuation of appellants' right to a properly weighted voice in the election of State legislators should not be delayed beyond the 1964 elec- tion." As noted above, in the Colorado case the Court did treat the availability of initiative and referendum as a reason for which a court "might be justified in temporarily refraining from the issuance of injunctive relief in an apportionment case in order to allow for re- sort to an available political remedy." In the Colorado case, the actions had been originally filed in March and July of 1962. The three-judge court gave its opinion on August 10, 1962, holding that, in view of the immediate imminence of an election, no change would be reqnired at that time. At that same time two initiative proposals were pending to deal with apportionment. The Supreme Court held that "because of the im- minence of the November 1962 election and the fact that two initiated proposals relating to legislative apportionment would be voted on by the State's electorate at that election, the district court properly stayed its hand and permitted the 1962 election of legislators to be conducted pursuant to the existing statutory scheme." The Court thereupon remanded the matter for the district court to decide whether the constitutionally required system under its decision "can practicably be effectuated in 1964." Conclusion as to timing: Taking the opinions as a whole, we conclude first, that our legislature must be given a fair chance to deal with this problem; and second, that in view of the imminence of the 1964 elec- tion, that fair chance comes in 1965. Find- ing the proper solution will take the very best thought of which the legislature is capable, and it is too soon to know what that solution will be. M. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. We cannot possibly solve these problems prior to the 1964 election. The candidates are already in the field and we could not conceivably get a fair and sound constitu- tional amendment drafted and offered in time for this year. In light of all the cir- cumstances, we recommend against proposing a special session at this time but rather rec- ommend that we proceed affirmatively, as suggested in the two next paragraphs, as evidence of our complete good faith. For,. tunately, article 21, section 1, of our con- stitution permits us to amend our constitu- tion by special election; and if it appears necessary to have such we can do so. Grade 1 2 3 GS-1 $3, 386 $3, 500 $3, 615 GS-2 3, 680 3, 805 3, 930 OS-3 4,005 4, 140 4, 275 GS-4 4,480 4, 630 4, 780 GS-5 5,000 5, 166 5,330 05 -8 5,105 5, 690 3,871 GS-7 6,050 6, 250 6,430 08-8 6,630 6,850 7,070 (18-9 7, 220 7,463 7, 710 GS-10 7,900 8,170 8,440 GS-11 8, 650 8,945 9, 240 GS-12.. 10,250 10,605 10,080 GS-13 12,075 12,496 12, 916 GS-14 14,170 14,650 16,150 GS-15 36,460 17,030 17,600 08-16 18,936 19, 690 20,245 GS-17 21,445 22, 195 22,845 GS-18 24, 300 2.. The present work on congressional re- apportionment should be pressed to comple- tion at full speed. At the earliest possible date, this report should be published. 3. The president of the senate, the speaker of the house, and the Governor should meet immediately to establish a procedure to pre- pare recommendations for a proper adjust- ment to the decisions in the light of the history and needs a our own State and our own people. Tentatively, we recommend a special joint commission. We can best demonstrate that we do not need to have a three-judge court do our thinking for us by doing it for ourselves. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there further morning business? If not, morn- ing business is closed; and, without ob- jection, the Chair lays before the Senae the unfinished business. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (HR. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes, which had been reported from the Com- mittee on Post Office and Civil Service, with an amendment, to strike out all after the enacting clause and insert: That this Act may be cited as the "Gov- ernment Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964". TITLE I-FEDERAL EMPLOYEES SALARY SYSTEMS Short title SEC. 101. This title may be cited as the "Federal Employees Salary Act of 1964". Classification Act employees SEC. 102. (a) Section 603(b) of the Classi- fication Act of 1949, as amended (76 Stat. 843; 5 U.S.C. 1113(b)), is amended to read as follows: an election in 1966, "(b) The compensation schedule for the General Schedule shall be as follows: Per annum rates and steps 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 $3. 730 $3, 845 $3, 960 $4, 076 $4,180 $9, 305 $4, 420 4,055 4, 180 4, 305 4, 430 4,555 4, 680 4, 805 4,410 4,545 4,680 4,815 4,950 5,085 5, 220 4,030 5, OSO 5,230 3, 380 3, 530 5,680 5,810 5,495 6,660 5,825 5,900 6,133 6,320 6,485 6,050 6,245 6,430 6, 615 6,800 6,988 7, 170 6, 650 6,850 7,080 7,230 7,450 7, 660 7,850 7,200 7,310 7.730 7,950 8, 170 8,390 8, 610 7, 955 8,200 8,445 8,680 8,938 9,180 8,425 8,710 8,980 9,250 9, 520 9, 790 10,000 10,330 9, 535 9, 830 10, 125 10, 420 10, 715 11,010 13,305 11,315 11,670 12,025 12,380 12,735 13,090 13,445 13,335 13, 765 14, 175 14, 595 16,015 15, 435 15, 855 18,640 16,130 16,020 17,110 17,600 18,090 18,580 18,170 38,740 19,310 19,880 20,480 21,020 21,590 20,900 21,553 22, 210 22,805 23,520 24,175 23, 695 24,445 (b) Except as provided in subsection (d). of section 604 of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962, the rates of basic compensation of officers and employees to whom the com- pensation schedule set forth in subsection (a) of this section applies shall be initially adjusted as of the effective date of this sec- tion, as follows: (1) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at one ? of the rates of a grade .in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amend- ed, he shall receive a rate of basic compensa- tion at the corresponding rate in effect on and after such date. (2) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at a rate be- tween two rates of a grade in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, he shall receive a rate of basic com- pensation at the higher of the two cor- responding rates in effect on and after such date. (3) If the officer or employee is receiving basic compensation immediately prior to the effective date of this section at a rate in ex- cess of the maximum rate for his grade, he shall receive (A) the maximum rate for his grade in the new schedule, or (B) his existing rate of basic compensation if such existing rate is higher. (4) If the officer or employee, immediately prior to the effective date of this section, is receiving, pursuant to section 2(b) (4) of the Federal Employees Salary Increase Act of 1955, an existing aggregate rate of com- pensation determined under section 203(b) of the Act of September 1, 1954 (68 Stat. 1111), plus subsequent increases authorized by law, he shall receive an aggregate rate of compensation equal to the sum of his exist- ing aggregate rate of compensation, on the day preceding the effective date of this sec- tion, plus the amount of increase made by this section in the maximum rate of his grade, until (1) he leaves his position, or (ii) he is entitled to receive aggregate compensa- tion at a higher rate by reason of the oper- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15176 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE ation of this Act or any other provision of law; but, when such position becomes va- cant, the aggregate rate of compensation of any subsequent appointee thereto shall be fixed in accordance with applicable provisions of law. Subject to clauses (1) and (11) of the immediately preceding sentence of this paragraph, the amount of the increase pro- vided by this section shall be held and con- sidered for the purpose of section 208(b) of the Act of September 1, 1954, to con- stitute a part of the extorting rate of com- pensation of the employee. (5) If the officer or employee is In a po- sition in grade 16 or 17 of the Genera/ Sched- ule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, to which be was promoted on or after the first day of hie first pay period beginning on or after January 1, 1264, and if he holds such position, or another position in the same grade, on the effective ,clate of this section, his rate of basic compensation shall be adjusted, as of such effective date, to that rate of basic compensation to which tie would have been entitled if the com- pensation schedule in subsection (a) of this section had been in effect on the date of his promotion. Sec. 103. (a) Section 801 of the Classifica- tion Act of 1949 (5 U.S.C. 1181), relating to new appointments, Is amended to reed as follows: "Sec. 801. All new appointments shall be made at the minimum rate of the appropriate grade, except that in accordance with regula- tions prescribed by the Commission which provide for such considerations' as the candi- date's existing salary, unusually high or unique qualifications, or a special need of the Government for his services, the head of any department may. with the approval of the Commission in each specific case, ap- point individuals to positions in grade 13 and above of the General Schedule at such rate or rates above the minimum rate of the appropriate grade as the Commission may authorize for this purpose.". (b) Section 505(b) of the Classification Act of 1249, as amended (5 U.S.C. 1105(b)), relating to the limitation on numbers of positions in grades 18. 17, and 18 of the Gen- eral Schedule of such Act, is amended by in- serting "(I)" after the words "In addition to", and by striking out "which may be placed in such grades" and infesting In lieu thereof ", and positions placed under this Act pursuant to rection 209 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964. which may be placed in such grades, and (11) two hundred and forty examiner positions under section 11 of the Administrative Procedure Act (60 Stat. 244: 5 U.S.C. 1010) which may be placed in grade 16 and nine such positions which may be placed In grade 17". (c) Section 604(d) (3) of the Federal Esn- ployees Pay Act of 1945. as amended (5 U.S.C. 944(c) (3)), la amended to read as follows: "(3) All rates shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent.". Postal fled service employees SEC. 104. Section 1 of title 39, United States Code, Is amended by striking out the period at the end of such section and inserting in lieu thereof a semicolon and the following: " 'revenue unit' means that amount of rev- enue of a post office from mall and special service transactions which is equal to the average sum of postal rates and fees received by the Department during the fiscal year for 1,000 pieces of originating mall and special service transactions determined In accord- ance with [section 2831 of this title.". SEC. 105. Section 702 of title 32, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "I 702. Classes of post offices "(a) Effective at the beginning of each fiscal year the Postmaster General shall di- vide post offices Into four classes on the ban% of the revenue Units of each office for the second preceding fiscal year. He shall place in the first class those poet offices having 950 or more revenue Unita. He shall place in the second clam those post offices hav- ing 190 or more revenue unite, but fewer than 950 revenue units. He shall place In the third class those post offices having 36 or more revenue units, but fewer than 100 revenue units. He shall place in the fourth class those post offices having fewer than 38 revenue units. "(b) The Postmaster General shall exclude from the revenue credited to a post office for the purposes of this section money received at that office for? "(1) setting meters for patrons beyond the area served by the office unless authorized by the Department; " 2) stamps, stamped envelopes, and postal cards sold In large or unusual quan- tities to be used in mailing matter at other offices; and "(9) stamps, stamped envelopes, and postal cards sold for mailing matter diverted from other offices and mailing of matter so diverted without /damps affixed. "(c) Whenever unusual conditions pervall at a poet office of the fourth class, the Post- master General may advance such office to the appropriate class based on his estimate of the number of revenue units which the office will have during the succeeding twelve months. Any office so advanced need not be relegated to a lower class before the end of the second firmed year after the advance- ment. At that time, the office shall be as- signed to the appropriate class in accord- ance with subsections (a) and (b) of this, section." Sec. 108. Section '704 of title 39, United State Code, Is amended by deleting "of the first, second, or third claw" appearing there- in, and inserting in lieu thereof "(other than one for which the postmaster furnishes quarters, equipment, and fixtures on an allowance basis)". Sec. 107. Subsection (b) (1) of section 2102 of title 39, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "(1) for poet offices at which the post- master does not furnish quarters on an allowance basic". Sec. 108. (a) Section 3801 of title 30, United States Code, is amended by insert- ing a new subsection (c) following subsec- tion (b) as follows: "(c) The Postraaeter General shall deter- mine and, effective at the beginning of the first pay period in each calendar year, shall adjust the rankings of all positions for which the number of annual revenue units of a post office or its class Is a relevant factor of the ranking, using the revenue unite of the preceding fiscal year and the class in which the office will be placed at the begin- ning of the next decal year. The Postmaster General also may &One rankings of such positions at other times of the year based upon substantial changes in service condi- tions.". (b) Chapter 45 of title 39, United States Code, Is amended as follows: (1) In subsection (c) of section 3513? (A) Change the catchline to read "POST. OETICE CLERK (KP-4i": and (B) Add the following new sentence to the end of paragraph (I): 'Mils office has fewer than 190 revenue units annually.". (2) In subsection (e) of section 3516? (A) Change the catchline to read "POST- MASTER (KP-181": (B) Delete "third class" in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approxi- mately $1.700" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 40 revenue unite annually". (3) In subsection (b) of section 3517? I (A) Change the catchline to read "POST- MASTER. (Ks-so)"; July 1 (B) Delete "third class" in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approxi- mately $4,700" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 110 revenue units annually". (4) In subsection (b) of section 3518? (A) Change the catchline to read "Pour- MASTER. (KP.-22)"; (B) Delete "third class" in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approd- mately $8,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "ap- proximately 140 revenue units annually" (5) In subsection (b) of section 351G? (A) Change the catchline to read "fi 8- SISTANT POSTMASTER. (KP-24 ) "; and (B) Delete "annual receipts of approxi- mately 083,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (le and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 1,490 revenue units aa- nually". (13) In subtraction (c) of section 3519? (A) Change the catchline to read "soar- MASTER. (KP-245)"; (B) Delete "second class" in the first se.a- tence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approel- mately $16,060" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert In lieu thereof "approximately 380 revenue units annually". (7) In subsection (b) of section 3520? (A) Change the catchline to read "rose- MASTER. (KP-27 I "; (B) Delete -first class" in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of approxi- mately $83,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert in Lieu thereof "ap- proximately 1,490 revenue unite annually". (8) In subsection (b) of section 3521? (A) Change the catchline to read "Posy- MASTER. (KP-25) (B) Delete "first class" appearing in tee first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete 'annual receipts of $129,00C" In the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 3,0e0 revenue units annually". (9) In subsection (b) of section 3522? (A) Change the catchline to read "P061- MASTER. (KP-3 r) "; (B) Delete "first class' in the first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete 'annual receipts of $314.000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert in lieu thereof "approximately 7,450 revenue units annually". (10) In subsection (b) of section 3523-- (A) Change the catchline to read "POST. MASTER. (KII-3 3 ) "; (B) Delete "first class" appearing In ths first sentence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete the second sentence of para- graph (1) and insert In lieu thereof; "This office has approximately 110 employees, ap- proximately 14,350 revenue unite annually, IS government-owned vehicle units, one classified station and 42 carrier routes with- in its jurisdiction.". (11) In subsection (b) of section 3524? (A) Change the catchline to read "ASSIST- ANT POSTMASTER (KE'-35)"; and (B) Delete "annual receipts of $2,700,000" In the second sentence of paragraph (1) anc. Insert in lieu thereof "approximately 64,00e revenue units annually". (12) In subsection (c) of section 3524? (A) Change the catchline to read "Powe- ll-ASTER. (KP-35 ) "; (B) Delete "first class" in the first sentence of paragraph (II; and (C) Delete "annual receipts of $1,000,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert in lieu tlicereof "approximately 23,700 revenue units annually". (13) In subsection (a) of section 3525? (A) Change the catchline to read. "ASSLST- ANT POSTMASTER. (KP-37) "; and Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18.: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196.4 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 15177 (B) Delete "annual receipts of $8,460,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert in lieu thereof "approximately 200,000 revenue units annually". (14) In subsection (b) of section 35207-, (A) Change the catchline to read "POST- MASTER. (KP-OS)"; (B) Delete "first class" in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and (C) Delete "annual receipts of $2,700,000" In the second sentence of paragraph (1) and Insert in lieu thereof "approximately 64,000 revenue units annually". (15) In subsection (a) of section 3526- (A) Change the catchline to read "ASSIST. ANT POSTMASTER. (KP-39) "; and (B) Delete "annual receipts of $16,900,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 400,000 revenue units annually". (16) In subsection (b) of section 3526- (A) Change the catchline to read "posr- MASTER. (14P-40)"; (B) Delete "first class" in the first sen- tence of paragraph (1); and (0) Delete "annual receipts of $4,470,000" in the second sentence of paragraph (1) and insert in lieu thereof "approximately 106,000 revenue units annually". (17) In subsection (b) of section 3527- CO . - - - _ n, CO ,1,0 00 0 0 0 Co c, 0 cn cit crt 0 0 0 Class 2 18,295-18, 930 $20, 200 $20, 835 $21, 470 $22, 105 Class 3 . 14,860 15,375 16, 405 10,020 17, 435 17, 950 Class 4 12,075 12, 495 13, 335 13, 755 14, 175 14, 595 Class 5 9, 945 10, 290 10,080 11, 325 11,070 12,015 Class 8 8, 295 8, 580 9, 150 9, 435 9, 720 10,005 Class 7 7,010 7, 245 7, 715 7,950 8, 185 8,420 Class 8 6,050 6, 250 6-650 6, 850 7,050 7, 260", SEC. 120. Subsection (a) of section 416 of "(a) There shall be ten classes of Foreign The per annum salaries of such staff officers such Act (22 U.S.C. 070(a)) is amended to Service staff officers and employees, referred and employees within each class shall be as read as follows: to hereafter as staff officers and employees. follows: "Class 1 $14,860 $15,375 $15, 890 $16,405 $16, 920 817,435 $17,960 $18,485 $18,980 $19, 495 Class 2 12,075 12,405 12,915 13,335 13,705 14,175 14,595 15, 015 15,435 15, 856 Class 3 9,945 10, 290 10, 635 10,980 11,325 11,670 12, 015 12,360 12,705 13,050 Class 4 8,295 8, 580 8,865 9, 150 9,435 9,720 10,005 10, 290 10,575 10, 860 Class 5 7,480 7,735 7, 990 8,245 8, 500 8,755 9, 010 9,265 9, 520 9, 776 Class 6 6, 765 6,980 7, 205 7,430 7,655 7,880 8, 105 8,300 8,155 8, 780 Class 7 6, 205 6,410 6, 615 6, 820 7,021 7,236 7, 4,35 7,040 7,845 8, 050 Class 8 5, 400 6, 675 5,860 6,045 0,230 6,415 8,800 6, 785 6, 970 7, 155 Class 9 5,010 6, 175 0,340 6, 505 5, 670 5,835 6,000 6, 165 6, 330 6, 405 Class 10 4,480 4, 630 4, 780 4,930 5, 080 5,230 5,380 5, 530 5,680 5, 630". SEC. 121. Foreign Service officers, Reserve officers and Foreign Service staff officers and employees who are entitled to receive basic compensation immediately prior to the effec- tive date of this section at one of the rates provided by section 412 or 415 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, shall receive basic com- pensation, on and after such effective date, at the rate of their class determined to be appropriate by the Secretary of State. Agricultural stabilization and conservation county committee employees SEC. 122. The rates of compensation of per- sons employed by the county committees established pursuant to section 8(b) of the Soil Conservation and Domestic Allotment Act (16 U.S.C. 590h(b) ) shall be increased by amounts equal, as nearly as may be prac- ticable, to the increases provided by section 102 of this Act for corresponding rates of compensation in the appropriate schedule or scale of pay. Miscellaneous provisions SEC. 123. Section 504 of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962 ('76 Stat. 842; 5 U.S.C. 1173) is amended by adding at the end thereof the following new subsection: "(d) The rate of basic compensation, es- tablished under this section, and received by any officer or employee immediately prior to the effective date of a statutory increase in the compensation schedules of the salary systems specified in subsection (a) shall be initially adjusted on the effective date of such new compensation schedules in accord- ance with conversion rules and regulations prescribed by the President or by such agency or agencies as he may designate." SEC. 124. Subsection (b) of the first section of the Act entitled "An Act to provide retire- ment, clerical assistants, and free mailing privileges to former Presidents of the United States, and for other purposes", approved August 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 838; 3 U.S.C. note fol. 102), is amended by striking out "$50,- 000" and inserting in lieu thereof "665,000". Absorption of costs Sm. 125. (a) The cost of not less than 10 per centum of the aggregate amount of the increases in compensation provided by this title for the fiscal-year 1965 shall be absorbed by the departments, agencies, establishments, and corporations in the executive branch; and no amount beyond the additional sum for such compensation increases proposed in the budget for the fiscal year 1965 is author- ized to be appropriated by any provision of this Act. The total amount of such absorp- tion shall be allocated by the Bureau of the Budget among such departments, agencies, establishments, and corporations in such manner and to such extent as the Director of the Bureau of the Budget deems appro- priate in the light of their essential func- tions. (b) Pursuant to the objective of this sec- tion, heads of the executive branch activities concerned are directed to review with me- ticulous care each vacancy resulting from voluntary resignation, retirement, or death and to determine whether the duties of the position can be reassigned to other employees or whether the position can be abolished without seriously affecting the execution of essential functions. (c) Nothing contained in subsection (a) of this section shall be held or considered to require (1) the separation from the serv- ice of any individual by reduction in force or other personnel action or (2) the placing of any individual in a leave-without-pay status. TITLE II-FEDERAL LEGISLATIVE SALARIES SEC. 201. This title may be cited as the "Federal Legislative Salary Act of 1964". Sze. 202. (a) Each officer or employee in or under the legislative branch of the Gov- ernment whose rate of compensation is in- creased by section 5 of the Federal Employees Pay Act of 1946 shall be paid additional com- pensation in an amount equal to the greater of the following amounts, as applicable: (1) an amount equal to 31/2 per centum of his gross rate of compensation (basic com- pensation plus additional compensation au- thorized by law) in effect immediately prior to the effective date of this section plus 1 per centum of such gross rate for each whole multiple, or part of a multiple, of $500 basic compensation; or (2) an amount equal to 6 per centum of such gross rate. (b) The total annual compensation in ef- fect immediately prior to the effective date of this section of each officer or employee of the House of Representatives, whose compen- sation is disbursed by the Clerk of the House of Representatives and is not increased by reason of any other provision of this title, shall be increased by an amount which is equal to the amount of the increase provided by subsection (a) of this section in that gross rate which is nearest in amount to the total annual compensation of such officer or employee. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15180 Approved For Release-200/115/1.8_: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 4-omititssIoNAL RECORD ? SENATE (c) Each of the limitations on gross rate per thousand and gross rate per hour per person provided by applicable law on the ef- fective date of this section with respect to the folding of speeches and pamphlets for the House of Representatives shall be in- creased by 7 per centum. The amount of each increase under this subsection shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one- half cent and over ass whole cent. (d) The additional compensation provided by this section shall be considered a part of basic compensation for the purposes of the Civil Service Retirement Act (5 17.5.C. 2251 and the following) . (e) Section 202(e) of the Legislative Re- organization Act of 1846, as amended (2 U.S.C. 72a(e) ) is amended-- (1) by striking out "$8,880" where it first appears in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof "the highest amount which, to- gether with additional compensation author- ized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended."; and (2) by striking out "$8,880" at the second place where it appears in such subsection and inserting in lieu thereof "the highest amount which, together with additional compensa- tion authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classifica- tion Act of 1949, as amended". (f) (1) This subsection is enacted as an exercise of the rulemaking power of the House of Representatives with full recognition of the constitutional right of the House of Rep- resentatives to change the rule amended by this subsection at any time, in the same man- ner, and to the same extent as in the case of any other rule of the House of Representa- tives. (2) Clause 28(c) of Rule XI of the Rules of the House of Representatives is amended? (A) by striking out "$8,880" where It first appears in such clause and inserting in lieu thereof "the highest amount which, together with additional compensation authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate au- thorized by the Classification Act of 1949, as amended,"; and (B) by striking out "$8,8130" at the second place where it appears in such clause and in- serting in lieu thereof "the highest amount which, together with additional compensa- tion authorized by law, will not exceed the maximum rate authorized by the Classifica- tion Act of 1949, as amended." (g) The basic compensation a each em- ployee in the office of a Senator is hereby adjusted, effective on the effective date pre- scribed by section 501(a), to the lowest multiple of $60 which will provide a gross rate of compensation not less than the gross rate such employee was receiving immedi- ately prior thereto, except that the foregoing provisions of this subsection shall not apply in the case of any employee if on or before the fifteenth day following the date of en- actment of this Act, the Senator by whom such employee is employed notifies the dis- bursing office of the Senate In writing that he does not wish such provisions to apply to such employee. In any case in which, at the expiration of the time within which a Sena- tor may give notice under this subsection, such Senator is deceased such notice shall be deemed to have been given. (h) Notwithstanding the provision re- ferred to in subsection (I), the rates of gross compensation of the Secretary for the Ma- jority of the Senate, the Secretary for the Minority of the Senate, the Official Reporters of Debates of the Senate, the Parliamen- tarian of the Senate, the Senior Counsel In the Office of the Legislative Counsel of the Senate, and the Chief Clerk of the Senate are hereby increased by an amount which is equal to the amount of the increase which would be provided by subsection (a) of this section in that gross rate determined without regard to the provisions referred to in sub- section (1) of this seoaion which is nearest in amount to the total annual compensation of such officer or employee. (I) The paragraph imposing limitations on basic and gross compensation of officers and employees of the Senate appearing un- der the heading "sneers" in the Legislative Appropriation Act, 1956, as amended (74 Stat. 304; Public Law 86-568), is amended by striking out "$18,880" and inserting in lieu thereof "622,845". (j) The limitation on gross rate per hour per person pr.:Aided by applicable law on the effective date of this section with respect to the folding of speeches and pamphlets for the Senate is hereby increased by 7 per centum. The amount of such increase shall be computed to the nearest cent, counting one-half cent and over as a whole cent. The provisions of subsection (a) of this section shall not apply to employees whose com- pensation is subject to such limitation. ' (k) The gross rate of compensation of the Postmaster of the Senate shall be $18,420, and the gross rate of compensation of the Assistant Postmaster of the Senate shall be $14,570. The provisions of section 106 of the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1863, shall not hereafter apply to employees referred to in this subsection. Sac. 203. (a) The compensation of the Comptroller General of the United States shall be at the rate of $30.000 per annum. (b) The compensation of the Assistant Comptroller General of the United States shall be at the rate of $28.000 per annum. (c) The compensation of the General Counsel of the United States General Ac- counting Office. the Librarian of Congress, the Public Printer, and the Architect of the Capitol shall be at the rate of $26.000 per annum. (d) The compensation of the Deputy Librarian of Congress. the Deputy Public Printer, and the Assistant Architect of the Capitol shall be at the rate of $24.500 per annum. (eJ The compensation of the Second As- sistant Architect of the Capitol shall be at the rate of $22,500 per annum. (f) The compensation of the Chaplain of the House of Representatives shall be at the rate of $12,500 per annum. (g I The compensation of the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant at Arms of the Sen- ate, and the Legisaltive Counsel of the Sen- ate shall be at the rate of $27,500 per annum. (h) The compensation of the Chaplain of the Senate shall be at the rate of $15,000 per annum. Sec. 204. Section 601(a) of the Legislative Reorganization Act of 1946. as amended (2 U.S.C. 31), is amended to read as follows: "(a) The compensation of Senators. Rep- resentatives in Congress. and the Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico shall be at the rate of $30,000 per annum each; and the compensation of the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall be at the rate of $43,000 per annum." Sac. 205. No officer or employee subject to section 202(a) or 302(b) of this title shall receive, by reason of any provision of this title, an increase in gross rate of compensa- tion (basic compensation plus additional compensation authorized by taw), or in total annual compensation, which is in excess of the amount of the increase in basic compen- sation provided by the amendment made by section 102(a) of title I of this Act for posi- tions in grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. mar 111?TEDLIIAL EXECUTIVE SALARIES Sec. 301. This title may be cited as the "Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964". 8E0.301 There is hereby established for offices and positions to which section 303 of this title applies a baste compensation sched- ule, to be known as the "Federal Executive Salary Schedule", which shall be divided into live salary levels. July 1 Sec. 303. (a) Level I of the Federal Execu- tive Salary Schedule shall apply to the fol- lowing offices and positions, for which the ao- nual rate of basic compensation shall -ae $35,000: (1) Secretary of State. (2) Secretary of the Treasury. (3) Secretary of Defense. (4) Attorney General. (5) Postmaster General. (6) Secretary of the Interior. (7) Secretary of Agriculture. (8) Secretary of Commerce. (9) Secretary of Labor. (10) Secretary or Health, Education, and Welfare. (b) Level U of the Federal Executive Salm y Schedule shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be e30,000: (1) Deputy Secretary of Defense. (2) Under Secretary of State. (3) Administrator, Agency for Interna- tional Development. (4) Administrator of the National Aerc- nautics and Space Administration. (5) Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. (6) Administrator of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. (7) Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency. (8) Chairmar., Atomic Energy Commission. (9) Chairman, Council of Economic Ad- visers. (10) Chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. (11) Director of the Bureau of the Budget. (12) Director of the Office of Science and Technology. (13) Director of the United States Arne: Control and Disarmament Agency. (14) Director of the United States Informs, tion Agency. (15) Director of the Federal Bureau of In- vestigation. Department of Justice, so ions' as the position is held by the present incum- bent: Provided, That thereafter the position shall be placed in level III. (16) Director of Central Intelligence. (17) Secretary of the Air Force. (18) Secretary of the Army. (19) Secretary of the Navy. (c) Level III of the Federal Executive Sal- ary Schedule shall apply to the following of- fices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $28,500: (1) Deputy Attorney General, (2) Solicitor General of the United States. (3) Deputy Postmaster General. (4) Under Secretary of Agriculture. (5) Under Secretary of Commerce. (6) Under Secretary of Commerce for Transportation. (7) Under Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare. (8) Under Secretary of the Interior. (9) Under Secretary of Labor. (10) Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs or Under Secretary of State for Eco- nomic Affairs. (11) Under Secretary of the Treasury. (12) Under Secretary of the Treasury for Monetary Affairs. (13 Administrator of General Services. (14) Administrator of the Small Business Administration. (15) Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. (16) Deputy Administrator, Agency for International Development. (17) Chairman, Civil Aeronautics Board. (18) Chairman of the United States Civil Service Commission. (19) Chairman, Federal Communications Commission. (20 Chairman, Board of Directors, Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, (21) Chairman of the Federal Home Loan Bank Board. (22) Chairman, Federal Power Commis- sion. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 (23) Chairman, sion. (21) Chairman, Commission. (25) Chairman, Board. (26) Chairman, Exchange Commission. (27) Chairman, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority. (28) Comptroller of the Currency. (29) Commissioner of Internal Revenue. (30) Director of Defense Research and En- gineering, Department of Defense. (31) Deputy Administrator of the Nation- al Aeronautics and Space Administration. (32) Deputy Director of the Bureau of the Budget. (33) Deputy Director of Central Intelli- gence. (34) Director of the Office of Emergency Planning. (35) Director of the Peace Corps. . (36) Director of Selective Service, so long as the position is held by the present incum- bent: Provided. That thereafter the position shall be placed in Level IV. (37) Chief Medical Director in the Depart- metn of Medicine and Surgery of the Veter- ans' Administration. (38) Director of the National Science Foundation. (39) Deputy Administrator of the Hous- ing and Home Finance Agency. (40) President, Export-Import Bank of Washington. (d) Level IV of the Federal Executive Sal- ary Schedule shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $27,000: (1) Administrator, Bureau of Security and Consular Affairs, Department of State. (2) Deputy Administrator of the Federal Aviation Agency. (3) Deputy Administrator of General Services. (4) Associate Administrator of the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administra- tion. (5) Assistant Administrators, Agency for International Development (6). (6) Regional Assistant Administrators, Agency for International Development (4). (7) Under Secretary of the Department of the Air Force. (8) Under Secretary of the Department of the Army. (9) Under Secretary of the Department of the Navy. (10) Deputy Under Secretaries of State (2). (11) (3)? (12) Assistant Secretaries of Commerce (4). (13) Assistant Secretaries of Defense (7). (14) Assistant Secretaries of the Air Force (3) ? (15) Assistant Secretaries of the Army (3) ? (16) Assistant Secretaries of the Navy (3). (17) Assistant Secretaries of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare (2). (18) Assistant Secretaries of the Interior (4). (19) Assistant Attorneys General (8). (20) Assistant Secretaries of Labor (4). (21) Assistant Postmasters General (5). (22) Assistant Secretaries of State (11). (23) Assistant Secretaries of the Treasury (4). (24) Chairman of the Federal Maritime Commission. (25) Chairman of the National Mediation Board. (26) Chairman of the Railroad Retirement Board. (27) Chairman of the United States Tariff Commission. (28) Commissioner, Community Facilities Administration. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD SENATE 15181 Federal Trade Commis- Interstate National Labor Commerce Relations Securities and Assistant Secretaries of Agriculture (29) Commissioner, Federal Housing Ad- ministration. (30) Commissioner, Public Housing Ad- ministration. (81) Commissioner, Urban Renewal Ad- ministration. (32) Director of Civil Defense. (33) Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. (34) Deputy Chief Medical Director in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration. (35) Deputy Director, Office of Emergency Planning. (36) Deputy Director, Office of Science and Technology. (37) Deputy Director of the Peace Corps. (38) Deputy Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (39) Deputy Director of the United States Information Agency, (40) Associate Director of the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation, Department of Jus- tice. (41) Assistant Directors of the Bureau of the Budget (3). (42) General Counsel of the Department of Agriculture. (43) General Counsel of the Department of Commerce. (44) General Counsel of the Department of Defense. (45) General Counsel of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (46) Solicitor of the Department of the In- terior. (47) Solicitor of the Department of Labor. (48) General Counsel of the National Labor Relations Board. (49) General Counsel of the Post Office Department. (50) Counselor of the Department of State. (51) Legal Adviser of the Department of State. (52) General Counsel of the Department of the Treasury. (53) First Vice President, Export-Import Bank of Washington. (54) General Manager of the Atomic Energy Commission. (55) Governor of the Farm Credit Ad- ministration. (56) Inspector General, Foreign Assist- ance. (57) Members, Atomic Energy Commis- sion. (58) Members, Civil Aeronautics Board. (59) Members, Council of Economic Ad- visers. (60) Members, Export-Import Bank of Washington. (61) Members, Federal Communications Commission. (62) Members, Board of Directors of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation. (63) Members, Federal Home Loan Bank Board. (64) Members, Federal Power Commission. (65) Members, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System. ((36) Members, Federal Trade Commission. (67) Members, Interstate Commerce Com- mission. (68) Members, National Labor Relations Board. (69) Members, Securities and Exchange Commission. (70) Members, Board of Directors of the Tennessee Valley Authority. (71) Members, United States Civil Service Commission. (e) Level V of the Federal Executive Sal- ary Schedule shall apply to the following offices and positions, for which the annual rate of basic compensation shall be $26,000: (1) Administrator, Agricultural Marketing Service, Department of Agriculture. (2) Administrator, Agricultural Research Service, Department of Agriculture. (3) Administrator, Agricultural Stabiliza- tion and Conservation Service, Department of Agriculture. ie (4) Administrator, Farmers Home Admin- istration. (5) Administrator, Foreign Agricultural Service, Department of Agriculture. (6) Administrator, Rural Electrification Administration, Department of Agriculture. (7) Administrator, Soil Conservation Serv- ice, Department of Agriculture. (8) Administrator, Bonneville Power Ad- ministration, Department of the Interior. (9) Administrator of the 'National Cs pital Transportation Agency. (10) Administrator of the St. Lawr-nce Seaway Development Corporation. (11) Deputy Administrators of the 8, 'all Business Administration (four) . (12) Associate Administrator for Admin- istration, Federal Aviation Agency. (13) Associate Administrator for Develop- ment, Federal Aviation Agency. (14) Associate Administrator for Program, Federal Aviation Agency. (15) Associate Administrator for Advanced Research and Technology, National Aero- nautics and Space Administration. (16) Associate Administrator for Space Science and Applications, National Aeronau- tics and Space Administration. (17) Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, National Aeronautics and Space Administration. (18) Associate Deputy Administrator, Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. (19) Deputy Associate Administrator, Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. (20) Associate Deputy Administrator of Veterans' Affairs. (21) Archivist of the United States. (22) Area Redevelopment Administrator, Department of Commerce. (23) Assistant Secretary of Administra- tion, Department of Agriculture. (24) Assistant Secretary for Administra- tion, Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. (25) Assistant Secretary for Administra- tion, Department of the Interior. (26) Assistant Attorney General for Ad- ministration. (27) Assistant Secretary for Administra- tion, Department of Labor. (28) Assistant Secretary for Administra- tion, Department of the Treasury. (29) Assistant General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission. (30) Assistant and Scientific Adviser to the Secretary of the Interior. (31) Chairman of the Foreign Claims Set- tlement Commission. (32) Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee to the Atomic Energy Commis- sion, Department of Defense. (33) Chairman of the Renegotiation Board. (34) Chairman of the Subversive Activ- ities Control Board. (35) Chief Counsel for the Internal Reve- nue Service, Department of the Treasury. (36) Chief Forester, Forest Service, De- partment of Agriculture. (37) Chief Postal Inspector, Post Office Department. (38) Chief, Weather Bureau, Department of Commerce. (39) Commissioner of Customs, Depart- ment of the Treasury. (40) Commissioner, Federal Supply Serv- ice, General Services Administration. (41) Commissioner of Education, Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare. (42) Commissioner of Fish and Wildlife, Department of the Interior, (43) Commissioner of Food and Drugs, Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare. (44) Commissioner of Immigration and Naturalization, Department of Justice. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15182 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE (45) Commissioner of Indian Affairs, De- partment of the Interior. (46) Chief Commissioner, Indian Claims Commission (47) Associate Commissioners, Indian Claims Commission (2) (48) Commissioner of Patents, Depart- ment of Commerce. (49) Commissioner, Public Buildings Serv- ice, General Services Administration. (50) Commissioner of Reclamation, De- partment of the Interior. (51) Commissioner of Social Security, De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare. (52) Commissioner of Vocational Rehabili- tation, Department of Health. Education, and Welfare. (53) Commissioner of Welfare. Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare. (54) Director, Advanced Research Proj- ects Agency, Department of Defense. (55) Director of Agricultural Economics, Department of Agriculture. (56) Director. Bureau of the Genet's, De- partment of Commerce. (57) Director, Bureau of Mines, Depart- ment of the Interior. (58) Director, Bureau of Prisons, Depart- ment of Justice. (59) Director, Geological Survey, Depart- ment of the Interior. (60) Director, Office of Research and En- gineering. Post Office Department. (61) Director, National Bureau of Stand- ards, Department of Commerce. (62) Director of Regulation, Atomic Energy Commission. (63) Director of Science and Education. Department of Agriculture. (64) Deputy Under Secretary for Monetary Affairs, Department of the Treetuary. (65) Deputy Commissioner of Internal Revenue, Department of the Treasury. (66) Deputy Director, National Science Foundation. (67) Deputy Director, Policy and Plans, United States Information Agency. (68) Deputy General Counsel, Department of Defense. (69) Deputy General Manager, Atomic Energy Commission. (70) Associate Director, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. (71) Associate Director for Volunteers, Peace Corps. (72) Associate Director for Program De- velopment and Operations, Peace Corps. (73) Assistants to the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, Department of Justice (2). (74) Assistant Directors, Office of Emer- gency Planning (3). (75) Assistant Directors, United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency (4). (76) Federal Highway Administrator, De- partment of Commerce (77) Fiscal Assistant Secretary of the Treasury. (78) General Counsel of the Agency for International Development. (79) General Counsel of the Department of the Air Force. (80) General Counsel of the Department of the Army. (81) General Counsel of the Atomic Energy Commission. (82) 'General Counsel of the Federal Avia- tion Agency. (83) General Counsel of the Housing and Home Finance Agency. (84) General Counsel of the Department of the Navy. (85) General Counsel of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency. (86) Governor of the Canal Zone. (87) Manpower Administrator, Depart- ment of Labor. (88) Maritime Administrator, Department of Commerce. (89) Members, Foreign Claims Settlement Commission. (90) Members, Maritime Commission. (91) Members, National Mediation Board. (92) Members, Railroad Retirement Board. (93) Members, Renegotiation Board. (94) Members, Subversive Activities Con- trol Board. (95) Members. United States Tariff Com- mission. (96) President of the Federal National Mortgage Association. (97) Special Assistant to the Secretary for Health and Medical Affairs, Department of Health, Education. and Welfare. ) In addition to the offices and positions listed in eubeections (d) and (e) of this section, the President is authorized from time to time to place offices and positions held by not to exceed twenty persons In levels IV and V of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule when he deems such action necessary to reflect changes In organization, management responsibilities, or workload in any Federal department or agency. Any such action with respect to an office to which ap- pointment is made by the President by and with the advice and consent of the Senate shall be effective only at the time of a new appointment to such office. Each action taken under this subsection shall be pub- lished In the Federal Register, except when it is determined by the President that such publication would be contrary to the in- terest of the national security. No' action shall be taken under this subsection with respect to an office or position the compensa- tion for which is fixed at a specific rate by this title or by statute enacted subsequent to the date of enactment of this Act. Ser. 304. (a) Section 104 of title 3, United States Code (relating to the compensation of the Vice President), Is amended by strik- ing out "$35,000" and Inserting in lieu thereof "$43,000". (b) Section 105 of title 3. United States Code, Is amended to read as follows: "? 105. Compensation of secretaries and exe- cutive, administrative, and staff assistants to President "The President Is authorized to fix the compensation of the six administrative as- siatants authorized to be appointed under section 106 of this title, of the Executive Secretary of the National Security Council, of the Executive Secretary of the National Aeronautics and Space Council. and of eight other secretaries or Immediate staff assist- ants in the White House Office at rates of basic compensation not to exceed that of level II of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule.". Conforming changes in existing late Ser. 305 The following provisions of law are hereby repealed: (1) The Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2201-2209), establish- ing rates of basic compensation for heads of executive departments and other Federal officials. (2) Section 3012(h) of title 10, United States Code, providing compensation of $22,- 000 a year for the Secretary of the Army. (3) Section 8013(b) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the annual salaries of the Under Secretary and each Assistant Secretary of the Army at $20,000 a year. (4) Section 5031(d) of title 10, United States Code, providing compensation of $22,- 000 a year for the Secretary of the Navy. (5) Section 5033(c) of title 10, United States Code, providing the annual salary of $20,000 a year for the Under Secretary of the Navy. (6) Section 304 of Public Law 8'7-651, ap- proved September '7, 1962 (78 Stat. 526; 10 U.S.C. 5094, note), providing compensation of $20,000 a year for Assistant Secretaries of the Navy. (7) Section 8012(g) of title 10, United States Code, providing compensation of July 1 $22,000 a year for the Secretary of the Air Force. (8) Section 8013(b) of title 10, United States Code, fixing the annual salaries of the Under Secretary and each Assistant Secre- tary of the Mr Force at $20,000 a year. (9) Section 137(c) of title 10, United States Code. fixing the compensation of the General Counsel of the Department of De- fense at the rate prescribed by law for ambit- ant secretaries of executive departments. (10) (A) The last sentence of section 22 a. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amend- ed (68 Stat. 924; 71 Stat, 612; 42 U.S.C. 2C32 (a) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Chairman and members of such Commission, which reads: "Each member, except the Chairman, shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,000 per annum; and the mem- ber designated as Chairman shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 ler annum.". (B) That part of the first sentence of sec- tioon 27 a. of the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 (68 Stat. 926; 42 U.S.C. 2037(a)), relating to the salary of the Chairman of the Military Liaison Committee which reads: ", and w'ao shall receive compensation at the rate pre- scribed for an. Assistant Secretary of De- fense". (11) That part of Reorganization Plan Numbered 1 of 1958 (72 Stat. 1799 and 8(1; 75 Stat. 630; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note)? (A) In section 2(b),relating to the anneal salary of the Director of the Office of Emer- gency Planning, which reads: "and shall re- ceive compensation at the rate now or here- after prescribed by law for the heads of executive departments"; (B) In section 2(c), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Director of such Office, which reads: "shall receive compensation at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for the under secretaries referred to in sec- tion 104 of the Federal Executive Pay Act of 1956 (5 U.S.C. 2203),"; and (C) In section 2(d) relating to the annual salaries of three Assistant Directors of such Office, which reads: "shall receive compensa- tion at the rate now or hereafter prescribed by law for assistant secretaries of executive departments." (12) (A) That part of the second sentence of section 202(a) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2472(a)), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, which reads: and shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum". (B) That part of the first sentence of sec- tion 202(b) of such Act (72 Stat. 429; ,12 U.S.C. 2472(b) ), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Administrator of such Admin- istration, which reads: ", shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $21,500 per annum ". (13) (A) That part of section 201(1) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. (72 Stat. 428; 42 U.S.C. 2471(f)), relating to the annual salary of a civilian executive sec- retary in the National Aeronautics and Space Council, which reads: "and shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $20.000 a year". (B) That part of section 204 of such Act (72 Stat. 431, 432; 42 U.S.C. 2474(a) (1), and (d) ) , relating to the annual salary of the Chairman of the Civilian-Military Liaison Committee, as follows: In subsection (a) (1), that part which reads: ", and shall receive compensation (.n the manner provided in subsection (d) ) at the rate of $20,000 per annum". In the second sentence of subsection (d), that part which reads: "fixed by subsection (a) (1) ". (14) (A) That part of the second sentenee of section 2(a) of the Act of May 26, 1949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151b(a)) as amended, relating to the rank and salary of the Coun- selor and of the Legal Adviser of the Depart- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 15183 ment of State, which reads: "and shall re- ceive the same salary as". (B) The last sentence Of sectiOn, 2(a) of the Act of May 26, /949 (63 Stat. 111; 5 U.S.C. 151b(a) ) as amended, relating to the rate of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State, which reads: "Unless otherwise provided for by law, the rate of basic compensation of the Deputy Under Secretaries of State shall be the same as that of Assistant Secretaries of State.". (C) That part of the second sentence of section 2(b) of the Act of May 26, 1949, as amended (73 Stat. 265; 5 U.S.C. 151b(b) ), re- lating to the annual salary of the Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs or for Economic Affairs, as designated by the Presi- dent, which reads: "shall receive compensa- tion at the rate of $22,000 a year and". (15) The last sentence of section 210(a) of title 38, United States Code, relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of Veterans' Affairs, Veterans' Administration, which reads: "He shall receive a salary of $21,000 a year, payable monthly.". (16) (A) The last sentence of section 201(a) (2) of the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 741; 49 U.S.C. 1321(a) (2) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Chair- man and members of the Civil Aeronautics Board, which reads: "Each member of the Board shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum, except that the member serving as Chairman shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,500 per annum.". (B) That part of the second sentence of section 301(a) of such Act (72 Stat. 744; 49 U.S.C. 1341(a) ), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the Pederal Aviation Agency, which reads: ", and who shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum". (C) That part of the second sentence of section 302(a) of such Act (72 Stat. 744; 49 U.S.C. 1342(a) ), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Administrator of such Agency, which reads: "shall receive compen- sation at the rate of $20,500 per annum, and". (17) (A) The last sentence of section 22 of the Arms Control and Disarmament Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2562), relating to the annual salary of the Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, which reads: "He shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $22,500 per annum.". (B) The second sentence of section 23 of such Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2563), re- lating to the annual salary of the Deputy Director of such Agency, which reads: "He shall receive compensation at the rate of $21,500 per annum.". (C) The second sentence of section 24 of such Act (75 Stat. 632; 22 U.S.C. 2564), re- lating to the 'annual salaries of the four As- sistant Directors of such Agency, which reads: "They shall receive compensation at the rate of $20,000 per annum.". (18) Section 3 of the Act of March 2, 1955 (69 Stat. 10; 5 U.S.C. 294, 293, 295a), relating to the annual salaries of certain officials of the Department of Justice, which reads: "Sso. 3. (a) The compensation of the Dep- uty Attorney General shall be at the rate of $21,000 per annum. "(b) The compensation of the Solicitor General shall be at the rate of $20,500 per annum. "(c) The compensation of each Assistant Attorney General, other than the Admin- istrative Assistant Attorney General, shall be at the rate of $20,000 per annum.". (19) (A) The last sentence of section 102(c) of Reorganization Plan Numbered '7 of 1961 (75 Stat. 840; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), re- lating to the annual salaries of the Chair- man and members of the Federal Maritime Commission, which reads: "The Chairman of the Commission shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,500 per annum, and each of the other ComMissioners shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per annum.". (B) That part of section 201 of such re- organization plan (75 Stat. 842; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating t,o the annual salary of the Maritime Administrator in the De- partment of Commerce, which reads: "shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 per an- (20) That part of the fourth sentence of section 4(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended (74 Stat. 408 and 913; 15 U.S.C. 78d(a) ); relating to the annual sal- aries of the Chairman and Commissioners of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which reads: "shall receive a salary at the rate of $20,000 a year, except that the Chair- man shall receive additional salary at the rate of $500 a year and". (21) Section 8 of the Food Additives Amendments of 1958 (72 Stat. 1789; 5 2205, note), fixing the annual salary of the Commissioner of Food and Drugs at $20,000 per annum. (22) That part of the first sentence of sec- tion 3 of the Area Redevelopment Act (75 Stat. 48; 42 'U.S.C. 2502), relating to the an- nual salary of the Area Redevelopment Ad- ministrator in the Department of Com- merce, which reads: "who shall receive com- pensation at a rate equal to that received by Assistant Secretaries of Commerce". (23) The last sentence of section 203(b) (1) of the National' Security Act of 1947 (72 Stat. 520; 5 U.S.C. 171c(b) (1) ) relating to the annual salary of the Director of Defense Research and Engineering in the Department of Defense, which reads: "The compensation of the Director is that prescribed by law for the Seerctari,s of the military departme 'ts.". (24) In section 303(a) of title 23, United States Code, (A) That part of the second sentence, re- lating to the annual salary of the Federal Highway Administrator in the Department of Commerce, which reads: "shall receive basic -compensation at the rate prescribed by law for Assistant Secretaries of executive depart- ments and"; and (B) The last sentence, relating to the an- nual salary of the Deputy Federal Highway Administrator in such department, which reads: "The Deputy Federal Highway Ad- ministrator shall receive basic compensation at a rate $1,000 less than the rate provided for the Federal Highway Administrator.". (25) The last proviso in the paragraph under the herdingT "IMMIGRATION AND NA- TURALIZATION SERVICE" and under the sub- heading "SALARIES AND EXPENSES" in the De- partment of Justice Appropriation Act, 1959 (72 Stat. 251; 5 U.S.C. 2206, note), relating to the annual salary of the Commissioner of the Immigration and Naturalization Service, which reads: ": Provided further, That, here- after, the compensation of the Commissioner of the Immiffratio-, and Naturalization Serv- ice shall be $20,000 per annum". (26) The second paragraph of section 3 of title 35, United States Code, relating to the annual salary of the Commissioner of Pat- ents which reads: "The annual rate of com- pensation of the Commissioner shall be $20,000.". (27) That part of section 4(a)of the Peace Corps Act (75 Stat. 612; 22 U.S.C. 2503(a) ), relating to the annual salaries of the Direc- tor and of the Deputy Director of the Peace Corps, which reads: ", whose compensation shall be fixed by the President at a rate not in excess of $20,000 per annum," and ", whose compensation shall be fixed by the President at a rate not in excess of $19,500 per annum;'. (28) (A) Section 308 of title 39, United States Code, fixing the annual rate of basic compensation of, the position of Chief Postal Inspector in the Post Office Department at $19,000. (B) That part of the table of contents of chapter 3 of title 39, United States Code, which reads as follows: "308. Chief Postal Inspector.". (29) That part of the first sentence of sec- tion 4 of the International Travel Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 130; 22 U.S.C. 2124), relating to the annual salary of the Director of the United States Travel Service in the Depart- ment_ of Commerce, which reads: "who shall be compensated at the rate of $19,000 per annum,", (30) Section 14(b) of the Federal Em- ployees Health Benefits Act of 1959 (73 Stat. 716; 5 U.S.C. 5013(b)), which fixes the com- pensation of the Executive Director of the United States Civil Service Commission at $19,000 per annum. (31) That part of the first sentence of section 107(c) of the Renegotiation Act of 1951, as amended (73 Stat. 211; 50 U.S.C. App. 1217(c) ), relating to the annual salary of the General Counsel of the Renegotiation Board which reads:.", and shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $19,000 per annum". (32) (A) That part of ?the third sentence in section 201(a) of the National Capital Transportation Act of 1960 (74 Stat. 538; 10 U.S.C. 661(a) ), relating to the annual salary of the Administrator of the National Capital Transportation Agency, which reads: ", and who shall receive compensation at a rate equal to the maximum rate for grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, plus $500 per an- num". (B) That part of the first sentence of sec- tion 201(b) of such Act (74 Stat. 538; 40 U.S.C. 601(b)), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy Administrator of such Agency, which reads: ", and who shall receive com- pensation at a rate equal to the maximum rate for grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended". (33) The last sentence of section 624(d) (1) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 447; 22 U.S.C. 2384(d) (1)), as amended, fixing the compensation of certain officials in the Department of State, which reads: "The Inspector General, Foreign As- sistance, shall receive compensation at the rate of $20,000 annually; the Deputy In- spector. General, Foreign Assistance, shall receive compensation at the rate of $20,000 annually, and each Assistant Inspector Gen- eral, Foreign Assistance, shall receive com- pensation at the rate of $19,000 annually.". (34) That part of section 202 of the Act of July 1, 1960 (74 Stat. 305; 5 U.S.C. 623g), relating to the annual salary of the Admin- istrative Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, which reads: ", and whose annual rate of basic compensation shall be $19,000". (35) That part of the Public Works Ap- propriation Act, 1963, under the heading "DEPARTMENT OF THE IN fratIOR" and under the Caption "BUREAU OF RECLAMATION" and the subheading "ADMINISTRATIVE ram-I- /MONS" (76 Stat. 1223; 43 U.S.C. 373a-1), re- lating to the annual salary of the present in- cumbent of the position of Commission of the Bureau of Reclamation, which reads: "After September 30, 1962, the position of Commissioner of Reclamation shall have the annual rate of compensation as provided for positions listed in section 2205(a) of title 5, United States Code, so long as held by the present incumbent.". (36) That part of the Public Works Ap- propriation Act, 1962, under the heading "DE- PARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR" and under the Caption "BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRA- TION' and the subheading "CONSTRUCTION" ('75 Stat. 728; 16 U.S.C. 832a-1), relating to the annual salary of the present incumbent of the position of Administrator, Bonneville Power Administration, which reads: "After October 1, 1961, the position of Administrator, Bonneville Power Administra- tion, shall have the same annual rate' of compensation as that provided for positions Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15184 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE July 1 listed in section 2205(b) of title 5, United States Code, so long as held by the present incumbent.". (37) Section 205 of the Public Works Ap- propriation Act, 1958) (71 Stat. 423; 5 U.S.C. 483-1 note. 2206 note), as amended, relating to the salary of the present incumbent of the position of Administrator of the South- western Power Administration in the De- partment of the Interior. and to the salary of the Administrative Assistant Secretary of such Department, which reads: 'SEC. 205. After August 31, 1957, the salary of the Administrator of the Southwestern Power Administration shall be the same as the salary of the Administrator of the Bonne- ville Power Administration, so long as held by the present incumbent; and the salary of the Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Department shall be the mime as the Solici- tor of the Department of the Interior.". (38) The proviso In the first paragraph un- der the heading "FEDERAL BUREAU or Layman- csarow" and under the subheading "SALARIES and EXPENSES" in the Department of Justice Appropriation Act. 1964 (77 Stat. 782; Public Law 88-245). relating to the annual salary of the present incumbent of the position of Di- rector of the Federal Bureau of Investiga- tion, which reads: ": Provided, That the compensation of the Director of the Bureau shall be $22.000 per annum so long as the position is held by the present Incumbent" and provisions to the same effect contained in other appropriation Acts enacted prior to the effective date of this section relating to the annual salary of the present Incumbent of the position of Director of the Federal Bu- reau of Investigation. (39) That part of section 7801(b) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended, relating to the annual salary of the Assistant General Counsel of the Treasury Department Who shall be the Chief Counsel for the Inter- nal Revenue Service, which reads: "and shall receive basic compensation at the annual rate of $19,000". (40)(A) Sections 3018, 6014, and 8018 of title 18, United States Code, relating to the compensation of the general counsels of the military departments. (B) The respective tables of contents of chapters 303, 503, and 803 of title 10, United States Code, are amended by striking out "3018. Compensation of General Counsel."; "5014. Compensation of General Counsel"; and "8018. Compensation of General Counsel.". (41)(A) That part of section 2(a) of Re- organization Plan Numbered 2 of 1982 (76 Stat. 1253; 5 U.S.C. 119z-15. note), relating to the compensation of the Director of the Office of Science and Technology, which reads: "and shall receive compensation at the rate of $22,590 per annum". (B) That part of section 2(b) of auch re- organization plan (76 Stat. 1253; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the compensation of the Deputy Director of the Office of Sci- ence and Technology, which reads: "and re- ceive compensation at the rate of $20.500 per annum". (C) That part of section 22(a) of such re- organization plan (76 Stat. 1255; 5 U.S.C. 133z-15, note), relating to the compensation of the Director of the National Science Foun- dation, which reads: "shall receive cornpen- aation at the rate of $21,000 per annum and". (42) That part of section 624(a) of the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 (75 Stat. 447; 22 U.S.C. 2384(a) ).relating to the compensa- tion of twelve officers in the agency primarily responsible for administering part I of such Act, which reads: "of whom- "(1) one shall have the rank of an Under Secretary and shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by law for any Under Secretary of an Executive De- partment; "(2) one shall have the rank of Deputy Under Secretary and shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by law for any Deputy Under Secretary of an executive department; and "(3) ten shell have the rank of Assistant Secretaries and shall be compensated at a rate not to exceed the rate authorized by law for any Assistant Secretary of an executive department.". 1431 That part of the first sentence of sec- tion 164(b) of the Immigration and Nation- ality Act (66 Stat. 174; 8 U.S.C. 1104(b)), re- lating to the rank and compensation of the Administrator, Bureau of Security and Con- sular Affairs, which reads: "and compensa- tion". Sec. 306. (a) (1) Section 508 of title 28, United States Code, is amended to read as follows: "I 508. Salaries "Subject to subsection (f) of section 303 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1904, the Attorney General shall fix the annual salaries of United States attorneys, assist- ant United States attorneys, and attorneys appointed under section 603 of this title at rates of compensation not In excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Sched- ule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended.". (2) Subject to section 303(f) of this Act, each incumbent United States attorney and assistant United States attorney shall be paid compensation at a rate equal to that of attorneys of comparable responsibility and professional qualifications, as determined by the Attorney General, whose compensation is prescribed in the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1940, as amended. ( b) Section 411 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended (70 Stat. 704; 23 U.S.C. 866), relating to the per annum sal- aries of chiefs of mission, Is amended by striking out the second sentence of that section and inserting in lieu thereof the fol- lowing: "The per annum salaries of chiefs of mission within each class shall be at the rate provided by law for the levels of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule as follows: class 1, the rate for level II; class 2, the rate for level III; class 3, the rate for level IV; and class 4, the rate for level V.". (c) That part of section 201(f) of the Na- tional Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 438; 42 U.S.C. 2471(f)), fixing a limit of $19.000 on the compensation of seven persona in the National Aeronautics and Space Council, ID amended by striking out "compensated at the rate of not more than $19,000 a year," and Inserting in lieu thereof "compensated at not to exceed the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended,". (d) Clause (A) of section 203 (b) (2) of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 429; 42 U.S.C. 2473(b) (2) ), as amended, Ls amended to read as follows: "(A) to the extent the Administrator deems such action necessary to the discharge of hie re- sponsibilities, he may appoint not more than four hundred and twenty-five of the scien- tific, engineering, and administrative per- sonnel of the Administration without re- gard to such lawm, and may fix the compen- sation of such personnel not in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended, and". (e) Section 6(f) of the Act of September 24, 1959 ('73 Stat. 708; 5 U.S.C. 2376(f)), re- lating to the maximum compensation pay- able to employees of the Advisory Commis- sion on Intergovernmental Relation/3, is amended by striking out "at a rate in ex- cess of $20.000 per annum" and by inserting In lieu thereof "at a rate in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General (Rhea- ule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended". (1) The Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended, is further amended as follows: (1) In the last sentence of section 26 a. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2034(a) ) , relating to the annual salary of the General Manager of such Commission, (A) by insert- ing "and" immediately before "shall be re- movable by the Commission" and (B) by striking out that part which reads: ", and shall receive compensation at a rate deter- mined by the Commission, but not in ex- cess of $22,000 per annum"; (2) In the last sentence of section 24 b. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2034(b) ), relating to the annual salary of the Deputy General Manager of such Commission, (A) by insert- ing "and" immediately before "shall be re- movable by the General Manager" and ,B) by striking out that part which reads: ", and shall receive compensation at a rate deter- mined by the General Manager, but not in excess of $20,500 per annum"; (3) In the last sentence of section 24 C. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2034(c)), relating to the annual salaries of the Assistant General Managers (or their equivalents) of such Commission, (A) by inserting "and" immedi- ately before "shall be removable by the Gen- eral Manager" and (B) by striking out that part which reads: ", and shall receive cern- pensation at a rate determined by the Gen- eral Manager, but not in excess of $20,000 per annum"; (4) In the second sentence of section 25 a. (68 Stat. 925; 71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035 (a) ), relating to the annual salaries of di- rectors of program divisions of such Com- mission, by striking out that part which reads: "and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of $19,000 per annum"; (5) In section 25 b. (68 Stat. 925; 71 812; 42 U.S.C. 2035(b)), relating to the In- nual salary of the General Counsel of such Commission, by striking out that part which reads: "and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of $19,500 per annum"; (6) In the first sentence of section 25 C. (68 Stat. 925; '71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035(c) ) , relating to the annual salary of the Director of the Inspection Division in such Commis- sion, by striking out that part which reads: "and shall receive compensation at a rate determined by the Commission, but not in excess of 419.000 per annum"; (7) In the last sentence of section 25 d. (71 Stat. 612; 42 U.S.C. 2035(d)), relating to the annual salaries of certain executive manage- ment positions in such Commission, (A) by inserting "and" immediately before "shall be removable by the General Manager" and I B) by striking out that part which reads: ", and shall receive compensation at a rate deter- mined by the General Manager, but not in excess of $19,000 per annum"; and (8) In the second sentence of section 28 (68 Stat. 926; 42 U.S.C. 2038), relating to the compensation of the active member of the Armed Forces serving as Director of the D:vi- Mon of Military Application in such Ccm- mission, by stalking out that part which reads "and the compensation prescribed in section 25" and inserting in lieu thereof. "and the compensation established for this position pursuant to section 303 or section 309 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964". (g) Section 2 of the Act of July 30. 1e46, as amended (60 Stat. 712; 70 Stat. 740; 22 U.S.C. 287n), relating to the conapensation of the United States representatives and alter- nates at sessions of the General Confere.ace of the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, is amended by striking out "Such representatives and alter- nates shall each be entitled to receive cam- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196,4 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 15185 pensation at such rates, not to exceed $15,- 000. per annum, as the President may deter- mine," and inserting in lieu thereof "Such representatives and alternates shall each be entitled to receive compensation at such rates provided for Foreign Service officers in the schedule contained in section 412 of the Foreign Service Act of 1946, as amended, as the President may determine,". (h) The third sentence of section 2 of the Act of May 29, 1959 (73 Stat. 63; 50 U.S.C. 402, note), is amended to read as follows: "Ex- cept as provided in subsection (f) of section 303 of the Federal Executive Salary Act of 1964, no officer or employee of the National Security Agency shall be paid basic compen- sation at a rate in excess of the highest rate of basic compensation contained in such General Schedule.". (i) (1) Sections 2 and 3 of the Act of July 25, 1958 (72 Stat. 414; D.C. Code, secs. 1-204a and 1-204b), relating to the compensation of the Commissioners of the District of Colum- bia, are amended to read as follows: "Scc. 2. Except as otherwise provided by this section and section 3 of this Act- "(1) the compensation of the Commis- sioners of the District of Columbia shall be at the rate of $25,500 each per annum; and "(2) the Commissioner detailed from the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army shall receive an annual compensation which, when added to any compensation he receives as an officer of the United States Army, will equal the compensation authorized by para- graph (1) of this section. "SEC. 3. Notwithstanding any other pro- vision of law- "(1) the compensation of the President of the Board of Commissioners of the District of Columbia shall be at the rate of $26,000 per annum; and "(2) if the Commissioner detailed from the Corps of Engineers of the United States Army is chosen President of the Board of Commissioners, he shall receive, as President of the Board, an annual compensation which, when added to any compensation he re- ceives as an officer of the United States Army, will equal the compensation authorized by paragraph (1) of this section.". (2) Section 11-702(d) of the District of Columbia Code (77 Stat. 484; Public Law 88-241), relating to the rates of annual salary of the chief Judge and the associate Judges of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, is amended- (A) by striking out "$19,000" and insert- ing in lieu thereof "$25,000"; and (B) by striking out "$18,500" and insert- ing in lieu thereof "$24,500". (3) Section 11-902(d) of the District of Columbia Code (77 Stat. 487; Public Law 88-241), relating to the rates of annual salary of the chief Judge and the associate judges of the District of Columbia Court of Gen- eral Sessions, is amended- (A) by striking out "$18,000" and insert- ing in lieu therof "$24,000"; and "Class 10 Fire Chief. Chief of Police." is amended to read as follows: "Class 10 Fire Chief. Chief of Police." (j) (1) The catchline of section 3012 of title 10, 'United States Code, is amended by striking out "; compensation". (2) The table of contents of chapter 303 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "3012. Secretary of the Army: powers and duties; delegation by; compensa- tion." and inserting in lieu thereof "3012. Secretary of the Army: powers and duties; delegation by.". (3) The catchline of section 5031 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "; com- pensation". (4) The table of contents of chapter 505 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "5031. Secretary of the Navy: responsibili- ties; compensation." and inserting in lieu thereof "5031. Secretary of the Navy: responsibili- ties.". (5) The catchline of section 5033 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "; com- pensation". (6) The table of contents of chapter 505 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "5033. Under Secretary of the Navy: appoint- ment; duties; compensation." and inserting in lieu thereof "5033. Under Secretary of the Navy: appoint- ment; duties.". (7) The catchline of section 8012 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "; com- pensation". (8) The table of contents of chapter 803 of such title 10 is amended by striking out "8012. Secretary of the Air Force: powers duties; delegation by; compensa- tion." and inserting in lieu thereof "8012. Secretary of the Air Force: powers and duties; delegation by.". No. 132 21 17,000 17,400 1 17,800 18,200 (B) by striking out "$17,500" and insert- ing in lieu thereof "$23,500". (4) The first sentence of the second para- graph of section 2 of the District of Colum- bia Revenue Act of 1937, as amended (D.C. Code, sec. 47-2402), relating to the compen- sation of the person appointed to the Dis- trict of Columbia Tax Court, is amended by striking out 117,500" and inserting in lieu thereof $23,500". (5) That part of the salary schedule in section 1 of the District of Columbia Teach- ers' Salary Act of 1955, as amended (76 Stat. 1229; D.C. Code, sec. 31-1501), relating to the compensation of the Superintendent of Schools, and Deputy Superintendent of Schools, of the District of Columbia, which reads: "Class 1: Superintendent of Schools $19, 000 Class 2: Deputy Superintendent 16, 500" is amended to read as follows: "Class 1: Superintendent of Schools $25, 000 Class 2: Deputy Superintendent 21,000" (6) That part of the salary schedule in section 101 of the District of Columbia Police and Firemen's Salary Act of 1958 (72 Stat. 480), as amended (sec. 4-823, et seq., D.C. Code, 1961 edition), relating to the compen- sation of the Fire Chief and the Chief of Police, which reads: I 18,600 I 10,000 I 20,000 ! 20, 500 21,000 21, 500 I 22,000 22, 500 Changes in position titles SEC. 307. Whenever reference is made in any law or reorganization plan to the- Administrative Assistant Attorney Gen- eral, Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Administrative Assistant Secretary of Agri- culture, Administrative Assistant Secretary of Labor, Administrative Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, or Administrative Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare, such reference shall be held and considered to mean the- Assistant Attorney General for Admin- istration, Assistant Secretary of the Interior for Administration, Assistant Secretary of Agriculture for Administration, Assistant Secretary of Labor for Admin- istration, Assistant Secretary of the Treasury for Administration, or Assistant Secretary of Health, Education, and Welfare for Administration, respectively. Limitation on salaries fixed by administra- tive action SEC. 308. Except as provided by this Act and notwithstanding the provisions of any other law, the head of any executive depart- ment, independent establishment, or agency in the executive branch who is authorized to fix by administrative action the annual rate of basic compensation for any position, officer, or employee shall not fix such rate in excess of the highest rate of grade 18 of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. Nothing contained in this section shall be construed to impair the authorities provided in the Central Intelli- gence Agency Act of 1919, as amended (50 U.S.C. 403a and following), in section 3 of the Tennessee Valley Authority Act of 1933 (16 U.S.C. 831b), in section 9 of the Federal Deposit Insurance Act (12 U.S.C. 1819), in section 11 of the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 248), or in section 5240 of the Re- vised Statutes (12 U.S.C. 481, relating to the Comptroller of the Currency) . Positions placed under Classification Act of 1949 SEC. 309. Each office or position in the executive branch specifically referred to in, or covered by, any conforming change in law made by section 305 of this Act, or any other office or position in the executive branch for which the annual salary is established pursuant to special provision of law enacted prior to July 1, 1964, at a figure of $18,500 or above, which is not placed in a level of the Federal Executive Salary Schedule pursuant to section 303 of this Act, shall receive pay equivalent to a grade and step of the General Schedule of the Classification Act of 1949, as amended. All actions taken under this section shall be ' reported to the United States Civil Service Commission and pub- lished in the Federal Register, except when it is determined by the President that such report and publication would be contrary to the interest of national security. Saving provisions SEC. 310. (a) Except as provided by this Act, the changes in existing law made by this Act shall not affect any office or posi- tion existing immediately prior to the effec- tive date of any such changes in existing law, the compensation attached to such office or position, and any incumbent there- of, his appointment thereto, and his entitle- ment to receive the compensation attached thereto, until appropriate action is taken in accordance with this Act or other law. (b) Notwithstanding any provision of this Act, the rate of basic, gross, or total annual compensation received by any officer or em- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15186 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July 1 pioyee immediately prior to the effective date of this section shall not be reduced by reason of enactment of this Act. TITLE IV-FEDERAL JUDICIAL SALARIES SEC. 401. This title may be cited as the "Federal Judicial Salary Act of 1064". SEC. 402. 1a) The rates of basic compensa- tion of officers and employees in or under the judicial branch of the Government whose rates of compensation are fixed by or pursuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision a of section 62 of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 102(a) (2)), section 3656 of title 18, United States Code, the third sentence of section 603, sections 672 to 675. Inclusive, or section 1304(a) (5), of title 28, United States Code, insofar as the latter section applies to graded positions, are hereby increased by amounts reflecting the respective applicable Increases provided by title I of this Act In corresponding rates of compensation for of- ficers and employees subject to the Classifi- cation Act of 1949, as amended. The rates of basic compensation of officers and em- ployees holding ungraded positions and whose salaries are fixed pursuant to section 604(a) (5) may be increased by the amounts reflecting the respective applicable increases provided by title I of this Act In correspond- ing rates of compensation for officers and employees subject to the classification Act of 1949, as amended. (b) The limitations provided by applicable law on the effective date of this section with respect to the aggregate salaries payable to secretaries and law clerks of circuit and dis- trict judges are hereby increased by amounts which reflect the respective applicable In- creases provided by title I of this Act in corresponding rates of compensation for officers and employees subject to the Classi- fication Act of 1949, as amended. (c) Section 753(e) of title 28, United States Code (relating to the compensation of court reporters for district courts). Is amended by striking out the existing salary limitation contained therein and inserting a new limitation which reflects the respec- tive applicable increases provided by title I of this Act in corresponding rates of com- pensation for officers and employees subject to the Classification Act of 1949. as amended. (d) Section 40a of the Bankruptcy Act (11 U.S.C. 68(a) ), as amended, relating to the compensation of full-time and part-time referees in bankruptcy, is amended by strik- ing out the existing compensation limita- tions contained therein and inserting new limitations of "$22,51:4r. and "$11,000", respectively. SEC. 403. (a) Section 5 of title 28, United States Code, relating to the salaries of the Chief Justice of the United States and of the Associate Justices of the Supreme Court of the United States, is amended by striking out "1135.500" and substituting therefor "$43.000". and by striking out "$35,000" and substituting therefor "$42.500". (b) Section 44(d) of title 28, Uelted States Code, relating to circuit judges, is amended by striking out "$25,500" and substituting therefor "833,000". (c) Section 135 of title 28, United States Code, relating to district judges. Is amended by striking out "822500" and substituting therefor "$30.000", and by striking out "$23,- 000" and substituting therefor "$30,500". (d) Section 173 of title 28, United States Code relating to judges of the Court of Claims, is amended by striking out "$25.500" and substituting therefor "$33,000". ( el Section 213 of title 28, United States Code. relating to judges of the Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, is amended by striking out "$25,500" and substituting there- for "833,000". if) Section 252 of title 28, United States Code, relating to judges of the Customs Court, is amended by striking out "$22.500" and substituting therefor "1130.000". (g) The first paragraph of section 803 of title 28, United States Code, relating to the compensation of the Director and the Deputy Director of the Administrative Office of the United States Courts. la amended to read as follows: "The Director shall receive a salary of $27,000 a year. The Deputy Director shall receive a salary of $26.000 a year." (hi Subsection (b) of section 792 of title 28, United States Code, relating to the com- pensation of commissioners of the Court of Claims is amended to read as follows: "(b) Each commissioner shell receive basic compensation at the rate of $26,000 a year, and also all necessary traveling expenses and a per diem allowance as provided In the navel Expense Act of 1940, as amended, while traveling on official business and away from Washington. District of Columbia." (1) Section 7443(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (68A Stat. 879), as amended, relating to judges of the Tax Court of the United States, is further amended by strik- ing out "$22,500" and substituting therefor -$30.000". (I) Section 1367(a) (1) of title 10, United S?ntes Code, relating to judges of the Court of Military Appeals. le amended by striking out "125.500" and substituting therefor "S33,000". TITLE 4-EFFECTIVE DATES Sec. 501. (a) Except to the extent pro- vided in subsections (b) and (c) of this sec- tion, this Act and the increases in compen- sation made by this Act shall become effec- tive on July 1, 1964. bi Section 204 of this Act, relating to in- creases in compensation for Members of Con- gress, shall become effective at noon on Jan- uary 3. 1965. ic Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act (but except as otherwise pro- vided in subsection (b) of this section)? (1) no rate of compensation which is equal to or In excess of $22,000 per annum shall be Increased in any amount, by reason of section 202 of this Act, until the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1. 1965: and (21 no rate of compensation which is less than $22,000 per annum shall be increased to an amount per annum in excess of $22,000. by reason of section 202 or 203(g) of this Act, until the first day of the first pay period which begins on or after January 1, 1965. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under the precedents of the Senate, the com- mittee substitute for this bill is con- sidered as original text for the purpose of amendment, and is therefore subject to amendment in two degrees. Amend- ments to the House text or any amend- ment thereto has precedence over the committee substitute or any amendment to it. The vote on the substitute, whether amended or not, will not come until after all perfecting amendments, either to the original bill or the substitute itself have been disposed of. The committee amendment, when agreed to. is not subject to further amendment. OIL IMPORT PROGRAM Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the rule of ger- maneness be waived for the duration of my comments. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, It is so ordered. Mr. McGEE. Mr. President, last Thursday afternoon, nearly a week ago, the Secretary of the Interior announced the Government's decision on the level of oil imports under the mandatory oil Import program for the last half of 1964. This decision came after strong ap- peals from dozens of U.S. Senators and Members of the House of Representa- tives, 20 Governors, and strong grassr)ots support for a substantial reduction in the level of crude oil imports. What was the decision? Instead of a substantial reduction, the program announced increased oil im- ports into the United States for the last half of 1964 by more than 100,000 bar- rels per day over the same period of last year. This was done in spite of the De- partment's conclusion in its Thursday announcement that: The Department also announced the pre- liminary results of a review of the basic economic position ccnfronting the domestic producing industry. The tentative conclu- sions from the study indicate that there has been a gradual erasion in the crude price structure throughout the United States, and that despite moderate increases in crude pro- duction, domestic producers are being .fon- fronted with increasing difficulties. Mr. President, I find this action in- comprehensible in light of the seriously depressed conditions now prevailing in this vital domestic industry. Why did 16 Senators, including myself, and my colleague from Wyoming IMr. Simpsoril join in a strong bipartisan ap- peal to the President for a substantial reduction in oil imports? Why did dozens of other Senators and Members of the House address individual appeals to the President, the Secreiwy of the Interior, and the Secretary of De- fense, imploring them to greatly reduce the levels of oil imports into this coun- try? Why did 20 State Governors send a telegram to President Johnson declaring: Governors of several oil States request your assistance in the establishment of oil import quotas which comply with the congressional mandate aimed at insuring continued do- mestic exploration and the developmer.t of domestic supplies adequate to meet the needs of our national security. Why did the Independent Petrolaum Association of America, representing 10,- 000 oil and gas producers, joined by more than 30 State and local associations, pe- tition the President and the Secretary of the Interior for prompt relief from this evergrowing tide of foreign oil? Mr. President, I will tell you why. This Nation is facing a steady deteri- oration of one of the basic industries--an Industry which in my mind is the most important national security tool this Na- tion has. It is even more important, relatively speaking, to my own State of Wymr.ing, where it constitutes by far the largest segment of our State's economy. Wyo- ming ranks fifth among the oil-produc- ing States. We are witnessing the continual de- cline of an industry which in the past has been called upon to produce the petroleum so vital to successfully prose- cute wars, stand off and deter war threats, help other friendly nations in Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15282 - Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July 2 LEAD Consumption of lead in the United States has been increasing In recent years, with the available supply being exceeded by nearly 40,000 short tons in both 1962 and 1963. The total U.S. consumption of 1,154,300 short tons in 1963 was the highest since 1957 when consumption was 1,138,115 short tons. The stockpile objective for lead was re- duced by the Office of Emergency Planning from 286,000 short tons to zero on June 17, 1963. As a consequence the inventory of 1,378,453 short tons of lead in excess of esti- mated stockpile requirements. The com- mittee was informed that the developing lead shortage in the commercial market may become serious during 1964. Consequently the present circumstances seem more favor- able for an orderly disposal of lead surpluses than they have in recent years. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE The objective of this bill is similar to that of S. 2933, introduced by the junior Senator from West Virginia, [Mr. BYRD ] , and S. 2867, which was introduced by the senior Senator from West Virginia, [Mr. RANDOLPH] . FISCAL DATA The average acquisition cost of the lead in the national stockpile was $0.1445 per pound. Current market prices for lead, the highest in several years, are about $0.13 per pound. Mr. MONRONEY. Would the Sena- tor tell us how much lead and zinc is involved? Mr. SYMINGTON. There are 75,000 tons of zinc; and 50,000 tons of lead. Mr. MONRONEY. Can the Senator state whether the committee is satisfied it will have no adverse effect on the commodity? Mr. SYMINGTON. Let me say to the Senator from Oklahoma that those who are most eager to have the disposals ap- proved are the users of the materials. There is a critical shortage. Mr. MONRONEY. It would not ad- versely affect the current market, in the judgment of the Senator? Mr. SYMINGTON. In the opinion of the disposal experts of the General Serv- ices Administration, and in the judgment of the committee, it would not. Mr. MONRONEY. I thank the Sena- tor. I know of his great interest in this subject. His State is ap i ortant producer of the mat a'',1 GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (MR. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. LAUSCHE. I should like to know whether the pay increase would also ap- ply to retired judges who are drawing full pay for life. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, in- active judges drawing full pay are not specifically mentioned in this bill. But under the law that is already on the statute books, they would. Mr. LAUSCHE. That means that a judge who is retired would also get the benefit of this pay increase? Mr. JOHNSTON. That is true. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I sug- gest the absence of a quorum, and I ask unanimous consent that the time not be charged against the time on either side. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. The clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk proceeded to call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the order for the quorum call be rescinded. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, it is so ordered. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President? Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield briefly to me? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 1 minute to the Senator from Montana. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Montana is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. MANSFIELD. I understand that the next amendment will be one to be offered by the Senator from Oregon. I ask unanimous consent?and I hope this meets with the approval of the Sen- ate?that, from now on, there be a time limitation, on each amendment, of one- half an hour, with 15 minutes to be al- lotted to the proponents and 15 minutes to be allotted to the opponents, and with the time to be controlled, respectively, by the mover of the amendment and the Senator from South Carolina, respec- tively; and that 2 hours be available on the question of the passage of the bill, with the time to be controlled by the majority leader and the minority leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MANSFIELD. I thank the Sena- tor from South Carolina for yielding to me. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who yields time, and to whom? Do Senators who are in charge of the time on the Williams amendment yield back the re- maining time under their control? Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, how much time remains available to each side? The PRESIDING OFFICER, The Senator from Delaware has 4 minutes remaining; the Senator from South Carolina has 6 minutes remaining. The question is on agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Dela- ware [Mr. WILLIAM s] . Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does either side yield time to the Senator from Arkansas? Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, I wish to have only about 1 minute. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Who yields time to the Senator from Arkan- sas? Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, if I cannot get any time now, I shall offer an amendment of my own. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I shall try to get the time for the Senator from Arkansas. I have yielded almost all the time I have. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I do not know on which side the Senator in- tends to speak. I am willing to give him 1 minute of my time. I suggest that the Senator from Delaware yield him 1 min- ute. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, to re- solve the issue, I yield 1 minute on the bill to the Senator from Arkansas. Mr. McCLELLAN. I wish to make one statement. One of the reasons why I cannot support the bill is that the Gov- ernment is operating at a continuous deficit. Later I shall make a short statement on the bill, but that is one of the reasons why I cannot support the bill. - When the tax reduction bill was before the Senate, I offered an amendment which would link the reduction to a balanced budget. In a sense, my posi- tion now is comparable. The same prin- ciple is involved as was involved in the previous amendment. I commend those who have offered the amendment. I shall support it. I do not believe?and I will repeat the statement again in my remarks?that we have any moral right to raise our salaries and charge the cost to future genera- tions. We should not increase the deficit under which the Government is now operating. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield 2 minutes? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 2 minutes to the minority leader. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Illinois is recognized for 2 minutes. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I hope that the amendment will not prevail. Very simply, it provides that there shall be no salary increase in the case of those whose salary is now $20,000 or over, until the Federal budget is balanced. I sat through all the tax hearings held by the Senate Committee on Finance. Some of the best testimony we had was from none other than Arthur Burns, the economist and chairman of economic ad- visers in the Eisenhower administration. It was his opinion, contrary to that of some others, including the Secretary of the Treasury, that we could not see a balanced budget until 1972. That is 8 years from now. I should like to invite attention to what is involved. It touches an amount equal to one quarter of 1 percent of the money that is carried in the bill. That is the total sum. It is in the neighborhood of about $16 million. If there is any virtue in that kind of attitude on the bill, we ought to start reducing every appropria- tion by half if we are to make any prog- ress in that direction. In my judgment, at best the proposal is only a gesture; therefore I trust that the amendment will be rejected. FARM PARITY DOWN?NO TIME TO RAISE CONGRESSIONAL SALARIES Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I yield 2 minutes to the Sen- ator from South Dakota. Mr. MUNDT, Mr. President, I wonder if the minority leader would yield me an extra minute on the bill. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R0005000500t1-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE mediate consideration of the four measures referred to? There being no objection, the concur- rent resolution (H. Con. Res. 300) au- thorizing the disposal of approximately 98,000 long tons of pig tin from the na- tional stockpile was considered and agreed to. The excerpts from the report (No. 1166) presented by Mr. SYMINGTON are as follows: PURPOSE This resolution would grant congressional consent to the disposal of 98,000 long tons of pig tin now held in the national stockpile. TI N A notice of a proposed disposal of 98,000 short tons of pig tin was published in the Federal Register on March 27. 1964, 29 F.R. 3838, and the Congress was asked to approve the disposal. On July 26. 1963, the Director of the Office of Emergency Planning established a revised stockpile objective for tin at 200.000 long tons. As of May 15, 1964, the quantity of tin in inventory in excess of this objective, after sales commitments, was 123,541 long tons. Of this excess quantity 25,541 long tons remained to be sold from a disposal program of 50.000 long tons approved by House Concurrent Resolution 4'73. which was agreed to by the House on June 1, 1962, and by the Senate on June 21. 1962. Hence the quantity of tin in the national stockpile that is excess to requirements and that has not been previously approved for disposal Is ap- proximately 98,000 long tons. Consumption of tin within the United States declined from 83,000 long tons in 1929 to about 55.000 long tons in 1963. Consump- tion throughout the free world has shown a steady increase in the last 5 years?from 136.000 long tons in 1958 to 158,500 long tons In 1963. This free world consumption is esti- mated to increase to 175,000 long tons an- nually by 1968. Free world production of tin has increased over that of 5 years ago, but it has not kept pace with consumption. The output has increased from 121.124 long tons in 1968 to 146,700 long tons in 1963 and this Is expected to increase to 158.200 long tons by 1968. The estimate consequently is that there will be a deficit of about 20,000 long tons annually over the long term. The disposal plan for tin contemplates that the 25,541 long tons that are the remaining unsold balance under House Concurrent Resolution 473 of the 87th Congress will be merged with the 98,000 long tons that are the subject of this resolution. The total excess will be (Reposed of over a period of approximately 6 to 8 years. The General Services Administration has announced that It expects to dispose of approximately 20.000 long tons of tin during the first year of the program and that the disposal plan will be reviewed at least annually by the Adminis- trator of General Services in consultation with other Interested departments and agencies. LEGISLATIVE REFERENCE The objective of this resolution is similar to Senate Concurrent Resolution 77, intro- duced by the senior Senator from Missouri (Mr. SYMINGTON ] FISCAL DATA The average acquisition coat of the pig tin in the national stockpile was 41.0855 per pound. The average return to the Govern- ment from the disposal action authorized by House Concurrent Resolution 473 of the 87th Congress has been $1.26 per pound. The current market prices for pig tin are in the range of $1.50 to $1.56 per pound. The General Services Administration estimates that the price for pig tin will continue to remain favorable for this disposal action. DISPOSAL OF MOLYBDENUM FROM THE NATIONAL STOCKPME The bill (HR. 11235) to authorize the disposal, without regard to the prescribed 6-month waiting period, of approximate- ly 11 million pounds of molybdenum from the national stockpile was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The excerpts from the report (No. 1163) presented by Mr. SYMINGTON are, as follows: PURPOSE This bill would (I) grant congressional approval for the disposal of 11 million pounds of molybdenum now held in the national stockpile, and (2) waive the 6-month waiting period ordinarily required before disposals of strategic and critical materials may be made from the national stockpile. MOLIRDENU M Molybdenum is a basic industrial raw ma- terial used chiefly In the manufacture of al- loy. steels, and chemicals. An uninterrupted supply of this material Is essential to the economies of highly Industrialized nations. The United States is the largest producer and consumer of molybdenum In the world. U.S. production was 66 million pounds In 1963. The only other significant supplies of molybdenum available to the free world are In Chile, which now produces about 5 million pounds annually. U.S. consumption of molybdenum has in- creased from 24 million pounds In 1958 to 48 million pounds in 1963. Although produc- tion in the United States exceeds domestic consumption, the strong demand for molyb- denum by other industrialized countries of the free world has created pressure upon the supplies of the U.S. producers. The committee was Informed that U.S. producers of molybdenum are taking steps to meet increased demands from ample mo- lybdenum ore reserves but that because of the lag between consumer demand and pro- duction a balance between demand and sup- ply Is not immediately foreseeable and the present shortage may continue for some time. Thla gives the Government an oppor- tunity to dispose of some excess molybdenum and also to satisfy an urgent immediate need for the material in our domestic Industry. If this bill Is approved the General Serv- ices Administration plans an initial gales offering of 2 million pounds on a competi- tive basis. Subsequent ofierings would be made periodically, depending upon the eval- uation of previous sales and of existing market conditions. Disposals would be lim- ited to domestic consumption. The current stockpile objective for molyb- denum is 68 million pounds. The inventory in the national stockpile is slightly more than 79 million pounds. This bill would per- mit the disposal of all the molybdenum that Is surplus to stockpile objectives. FISCAL DATA The average acquisition coat of molyb- denum In the national stockpile was $1.06 per pound. Current market prices are ap- proxlmately $1.55 per pound. Disposals un- der House Concurrent Resolution 473 of the 87th Congress resulted in an average return to the Government of 11.448 per pound. BALE OF ZINC The bill (H.R. 11004) to authorize the sale, without regard to the 6-month period prescribed, of zinc proposed to be disposed of pursuant to the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock Piling Act, was considered, ordered to a third read- ing, read the third time, and passed. 15281 The excerpts from the report (No. 1165) presented by Mr. SYMINGTON are. as follows: PURPOSE This bill would (1) grant congressional approval for the disposal of approximately 75.000 short tons of zinc now held in the national stockpile. and (2) waive the 6- month waiting period ordinarily required before disposals of strategic and critical ma- terials may be made from the national stockpile. 7 INC Zinc that would be disposed of under this bill is excess to present mobilization requirements of the Government. The cur- rent stockpile objective for zinc is zero. The Inventory of zinc in the national stock- pile Is 1,580,643 short tons. Within the last 2 years U.S. consumption of zinc has reached near record levels- 1.013.831 short tons in 1962, and 1.081,354 short tons In 1963. The year of record con- sumption was 1953. when 1,119,812 short tons were used. The consumption of zinc in the United States is primarily by the automotive indus- try, which uses the material in dye castings and for galvanizing. Use of zinc in the production of automobiles is increasing and the present estimate is that zinc consump- tion in 1964 will surpass the record year of 1955. Domestic mine production of zinc ore is Insufficient to meet our requirements. As a result, the United States depends upon foreign sources of supply for almost one- half of the smelting ores needed here. The U.S. consumption of zinc has exceeded do- mestic production by about 100,000 short tons a year for the past 2 years. Consumers In the United States are experiencing diffi- culties in securing needed supplies. The excess zinc in the rational stockpile is more than adequate to satisfy consumer needs that the producing Industry is now unable to fulfill. This condition affords the Govern- ment an opportunity to dispose of surplus zinc from the stockpile without an unfavor- able impact upon the market and it also meets an important industrial need. LEGIBLAT EVE REFERENCE The objective of this bill is similar to that of El. 2768. which was introduced by the junior Senator from Ohio [Mr. YOUNG). FISCAL DATA The average acquisition cost of zinc in the national stockpile was 60.1449 per pound. Current market prices range from $0.1350 to $0.1475 per pound. The General Services Ad- ministration estimates that the price of zinc will continue to remain favorable during the period of the proposed disposal action. SALE OF LEAD The bill (H.R. 11257) to authorize the sale, without regard to the 6-month waiting period prescribed, of lead pro- posed to be disposed of pursuant to the Strategic and Critical Materials Stock- Piling Act was considered, ordered to a third reading, read the third time, and passed. The excerpts from the report ,No. 1164) presented by Mr. SYMINGTON are, as follows: PURPOSE This bill would (1) grant congressional ap- proval for the disposal of 50,000 tons of lead now held In the national stockpile, and (2) waive the 6-month waiting period ordinarily required before disposals of strategic and critical materials may be made from the na- tional stockpile. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196.4 Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield 1 minute on the bill to the Senator from South Dakota. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from South Dakota is recognized for 3 minutes. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, I shall support the Williams amendment. It seems to me that if nothing else can be said about the proposed pay raise bill, it can be recorded as the masterpiece of bad timing of the 20th century. A 33-percent increase in our salaries has been proposed at a time when we have recently increased, once again, the national debt limit, at a time when we have denied the people a reduction in excise taxes which the Senate voted and surrendered in conference and at a time when the whole agricultural economy of our country is in the doldrums. I do not believe that anyone could have con- ceived a worst time in which to propose this kind of bill to propose increasing congressional salaries. However, with the amendment offered by the Senator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS] it seems to me that we could in good conscience support the pro- posed legislation. First. The amendment would not delay for one single second increasing the sal- ary of anyone in the Federal Govern- ment who is receiving less than $20,000. I am strongly in favor of the legitimate pay increases suggested for these lower income Federal employees. Second. The proposal would afford an inducement to the policymakers of our country?who are the people in Congress and in the executive department who are getting over $20,000?to develop some economic programs which will stimulate our economy so that we can have a bal- anced budget. I see nothing in the record of expendi- tures on the part of the policymakers thus far that should give them a 33%- percent increase in salary, because they have consistently kept our country in the red. Surely the policymakers in the executive and legislative branches of Government deserve no bonus in the form of pay increases for a record of that kind. Mr. President, I point out what has happened to the agricultural economy as an example of our failures. This morning in my office I received the re- lease from the Department of Agricul- ture for June on agricultural prices. The release shows that parity for farmers in this country has dropped to 74 percent. That is the lowest since August 1939. It represents another full point drop from a month ago. The proposal comes at a time when those engaged in the beef industry in this country are going broke because of imports and poor prices, and at a time when farmers generally are receiving prices which are only 74 percent of par- ity. It seems to me highly logical and persuasive that we should defer the pro- posed increase in salaries for ourselves, for judges in retirement, and for policy- makers who are earning over $20,000 a year until such time as we have pro- duced programs?and we have enacted them?which will provide for a balanc- ing of the budget. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE This New Frontier idea of voting our- selves a 331/3-percent increase in salaries out of borrowed money does not add up as sound or right in anyone's arithmetic book. We ought to consider the Wil- liams proposal seriously and say to the policymakers, "All right. Your policies have failed. You have been consistently putting this country into the red, in this time of peace and prosperity. You have submerged the agricultural economy to 74 percent of parity. Come forth with something worthwhile. Come forward with some economies. Come up with some stimulus and incentive to indus- try, business, and agriculture so we can produce the money to balance the budget. Then will be the time to in- crease the salaries of those in the higher salary brackets who hold the responsi- bility for policymaking in our Govern- ment. Perhaps the inducement of a pay raise predicated on a better performance record will help get the sensible solutions our problems require." Our present Federal policies, Mr. President, are failing our American farmers and ranchers very seriously. This administration was elected on the promise of "parity prices for agricul- ture." Instead, import practices and Department of Agriculture policies forced through a Congress which this administration dominates by a 2-to-1 majority have put parity prices so low they are averaging from 8 to 10 percent lower than during the Eisen- hower Republican years. Look at the record. In June of 1960 under Eisen- hower, parity stood at 78 percent; and in June of 1961 was still 78 percent; in June of 1962 it remained at 78 percent with no progress toward the promised goal of 100 percent 'parity prices for farmers. By June of 1963 parity had dropped in fact to '77 percent and in June of this year?as of today?it has sagged to 74 percent. Policymakers paid over $20,000 or more per year surely deserve no pay increase for that type of record and neither do the Members of this Con- gress. I should add that during every other June of the Eisenhower administration parity ranged from 81 to 92 per- cent, so we have had a total drop from the first year of the Republican admin- istration parity level of 92 percent for farm prices in 1953 to 74 percent of par- ity today?a total drop during these past 11 years of 18 percent. As a Senator from a farm State I cannot in good con- science vote for a pay-increase bill rais- ing by some 33% percent the salaries of policymakers now receiving over $20,000 per year in the face of such a sorry rec- ord of performance. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield to me 1 minute on the bill to ask the Senator from South Da- kota a question? Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield 1 minute to the Senator from Ohio. The PRESIDING OFFICER,. The Senator from Ohio is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, re- tired Supreme Court Judges are receiv- ing $35,000 for life. They are inactive. 15283 We have also inactive judges of the cir- cuit courts of appeals and the district court of the United States. Does the Senator know that everyone of those in- active judges who are presently receiv- ing, respectively, $35,000 a year, $25,500, and $22,500 would have the benefit of the proposed increase? Mr. MUNDT. Yes, the Senator knows that. In addition the Senator from South Dakota knows something else. He knows that the judges' plush lifetime pension of full salaries is a noncontribn- tory pension to which the judges con- tribute not one single dime. It is paid for entirely by the taxpayers. I do not think that now is the time to reward them with an increase in retirement benefits paid for by borrowed money. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I yield 1 minute to the Sena- tor from Colorado. Mr. DOMINICK. Mr. President, as a cosponsor of the amendment, I wish to speak briefly on it. Yesterday many Senators who were supporting the bill referred to the U.S. Government as the largest corporation in the world. They said that, therefore, we ought to pay the executives com- mensurate salaries and bring them up to the levels proposed in the bill. ? I submit to the Senate that if we actually had a corporation with a board of directors which had consistently op- erated that corporation in the red for many years, and is now programing a period of continuing activity to run it in the red for the next 7 or 8 years, there would be short shrift for the members of the executive department who were operating that corporation. The amendment would provide an in- centive for those who are operating the so-called corporation?the Members of the House, the Senate, and the executive department downtown?to change the operation from one which is in the red to one which is in the black in order to try to get some kind of balanced budget. The PRESIDING ateriCER. The time of the Senator has expired. Who yields time? The question is on the amendment of the Senator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS]. The yeas and nays have been ordered? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I will take the 1 minute re- maining on my amendment. I call attention to the fact that only last week the Congress rejected the re- peal of retail excise taxes on the theory that we could not finance the deficit on borrowed money. How can we tell the people that we could not cut taxes be- cause we cannot finance the deficit on borrowed money but that we can in- crease our own salaries by 33 1/3 percent and do not mind doing it with borrowed money? We were told last week that $7 billion of the $9 billion request for an increase in the debt ceiling this year is to make up the loss in revenues resulting from the tax cut of last January. Here is another $500 or $600 million increase in salaries. I am proposing, under the amendment, to postpone the effective date of the in- crease of salaries in excess of $20,000 un- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15284 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE til we can demonstrate to the American people that we are worthy of it and can earn it. I ask unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD an editorial which appeared in the Washington Daily News of Tuesday, June 30, in which it was pointed out that the Senate of the United States cannot recover its prestige solely by Increasing the salaries of its Members. There being no objection, the editorial was ordered to be printed in the RECORD. al follows: PRESTIGV?DIGNITY 7?STATUS? Senator OLIN Jonarerrosr, Democrat, of South Carolina, and his colleagues of the Senate Poet Office and Civil Service Com- mittee have now formally recommended In a written report that all Senators and Repre- sentatives be paid an additional V.500 a year. Their bill, scheduled for Senate action this week, also provides pay increases for all other Federal employees, judges, congressional help, and postmasters. It follows the pattern of the one passed by the House and ups the lawmakers' pay from 822,800 to $30,000 a year. The Johnston report argues that the "In- creasing cost of serving in Washington" Is one reason for the pay increase, not men- tioning that no Congressman ever was hog- tied and made to take his job. He sought it of his own free will, and was glad enough to get it. But when the report says that "also in- volved (in the proposed pay increase) is the prestige, dignity, and status of the Congress and its Members," it is indulging In as ri- diculous a bit of sophistry as we've ever seen In a congressional report. Senators should know money won't buy prestige. If it's prestige they want, let them write a law (and obey It) to end con- gressional conflicts of interest and set up a rigid and honest congressional code of ethics. If it's dignity they want, more pay won't assure it, but an end of nepotism might. And If it's status they so greatly desire, they should know that raiding the Treasury in their own behalf won't achieve It. Let them seek status by putting an end to sponging on the Federal Treasury with lush Government-paid junkets disguised as fact- finding or Investigative trips, and let them pass an honest clean elections law to assure complete and instant disclosure of all cam- paign contributions and expenditures. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Delaware has expired. The Senator from South Carolina [Mr. Joitarsacisi] has 1 minute remaining. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I yield back my time, and I ask for a vote. The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time on the amendment has been yielded back. The yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Oklahoma [Mr. ED- MONDSON] is absent on official business. I announce that the Senator from In- diana [Mr. BAYR1, the Senator from California I Mr. ENGLE1, and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY] are absent because of illness. I further announce that the Senator from Florida [Mr. SM1THERSI and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] are necessarily absent. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATHERS] and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] Would each vote "nay." Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. COT- TON], the Senator from Hawaii [Mr. FOND], and the Senator from Massachu- setts [Mr. SavroNsrata I are necessarily absent. If present and voting, the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] would vote "nay." The result was announced? yeas 26, nays 65, as follows: (No 481 Leg.( Bennett Boggs Byrd, Va. Church Dominick Ellender Goldwater Ifruska Aiken Allott Anderson Bart lett Beall Bible Brewster Burdick Byrd. W. Va. Cannon Carlson Case Clark Cooper Dirksen Dodd Douglas Eastland Ervin Fulhright flora Gruelling Bayh Cotton Edmondson YEAS-28 Jorden. Idaho Lau,che McClellan McGovern Mechem Miller Mundt Pearson Proxmire NAYS-85 Hart Hartke Hayden Hickenlooper Rill Holland Hum phrey Inouye Jackson Jayne Joh nston Jordan, NC. Keating Kuchel Long, Mo. Long, La. Magnuson Mansfield McCarthy McGee McIntyre McN Amara Robertson Russell Simpson Talmadge Thurmond Tower Williams, Del, Young, Obit) Metcalf Monroney Morse Morton Moss liuskie Nelson Neuberger Pastore Pell Prouty Randolph Ribicoff Scott Smith Sparkman Stennis Symington Walters Williams, N.J. Young, N. Dak. NOT VOTING-9 Engle Fong Kennedy Saltonistall Smathers Yarborough So the amendment offered by Mr. Wrt- LIMAS of Delaware, for himself and other Senators, was rejected. EltECUTIVE SESSION Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I yield myself 2 minutes. I ask unanimous consent that the Sen- ate proceed to the consideration of ex- ecutive business. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? There being no objection, the Senate proceeded to the consideration of execu- tive business. By Mr. RUSSELL, from the Committee on Armed Services, reported the following nominations: Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, U.S. Army, for ap- pointment as Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff; Gen. Barksdale Hamlett, U.S. Army, to be placed on the retired list In the grade of general; Lt. Gen. Harold Keith Johnson, U.S. Army, for appointment as Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, In the grade of general; and Lt. Gen. Creighton Williams Abrams, Jr., Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army), to be assigned to a position of impor- tance and responsibility designated by the President-, In the grade of general while so serving. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate may July 2 consider the nominations of certain Army officers, whose nominations I have just reported. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nominations will be stated. IN THE U.S. ARMY The legislative clerk read the nomina- tion of Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, U.S. Army, for appointment as Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nomination is confirmed. The legislative clerk read the nomina- tion of Gen. Barksdale Hamlett, US. Army, to be placed on the retired list in the grade of general. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nomination is confirmed. The legislative clerk read the nomina- tion of Lt. Gen, Harold Keith Johnscn, U.S. Army, for appointment as Chief of Staff, U.S. Army, in the grade of gen- eral. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nomination is confirmed. ARMY OF THE UNITED STATES The legislative clerk read the nomina- tion of Lt. Gen. Creighton Williams Abrams, Jr., Army of the United States (colonel, U.S. Army), to be assigned to a position of importance and responsi- bility designated by the President, in the grade of general while so serving. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the nomination is confirmed. Mr. RUSSELL. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the President be immediately notified of the confirma- tion of the nominations. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, the President will be notified forthwith. LEGISLATIVE SESSION Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Senate re- sume the consideration of legislative business. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? There being no objection, the Senate resumed the consideration legislativ.a business. Ne' GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES ARY REFORM ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the considera- tion of the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of cer- tain officers and employees in the Fed- eral Government, and for other pur- poses. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I reserve the remainder of my time. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I call up my amendment No. 1087. The PRESIDING OVEICER. The amendment will be stated. The legislative clerk proceeded to state the amendment. Mr. MORSE. I ask unanimous con- sent that the reading of the amendment be dispensed with, and that it be printed in the RECORD at this point. I can Ex- plain it very quickly. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15285 The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The amendment, ordered to be printed in the RECORD, IS as follows: TITLE VI That each Member of the Senate and House of Representatives (including each Delegate and Resident Commissioner); each officer and employee of the United States who (1) receives a salary at a rate of $10,000 or more per annum or (2) holds a position of grade GS-15 or above, and each officer in the Armed Forces of the rank of colonel, or its equiva- lent, and above; and each member, chair- man, or other officer of the national commit- tee of a political party shall file annually with the Comptroller General a report con- taining a full and complete statement of? ( 1) the amount and resources of all in- come and gifts (of $100 or more in money or value, or in the case of multiple gifts from one person, aggregating $100 or more in money or value) received by him or any person on his behalf during the preceding calendar year; (2) the value of each asset held by or en- trusted to him or by or to him and any other person and the amount of each liability owed by him, or by him together with any other person as of the close of the preceding year; and (3) the amount and source of all contri- butions during the preceding calendar year to any person who received anything of value on his behalf or subject to his direction or control or who, with his acquiescence, makes payments for any liability or expense in- curred by him. SEC. 2. Each person required by the first section to file reports shall, in addition, file semiannually with the Comptroller General a report containing a full and complete statement of all dealings in securities or commodities by him, or by any person acting on his behalf or pursuant to his direction, during the preceding six-month period. Szo. 3. (a) Except as provided in subsec- tion (b), the reports required by the first section of this Act shall be filed not later than March 31 of each year; and the reports required by section 2 shall be filed not later than July 31 of each year for the six-month period ending June 30 of such year, and not later than January 31 of each year for the six-month period ending December 31 of the preceding year. (b) In the case of any person required to file reports under this Act whose service ter- minates prior to the date prescribed by sub- section (a) as the date for filing any report, such report shall be filed on the last day of such person's service, or on such later date, not more than three months after the termi- nation of such service, as the Comptroller General may prescribe. SEC. 4. The reports required by this Act shall be in such form and detail as the Comptroller General may prescribe. The Comptroller General may provide for the grouping of items of income, sources of in- come, assets, liabilities, and dealings in se- curities or commodities, when separate itemi- zation is not feasible or not necessary for an accurate disclosure of a person's income, net worth, or dealings in securities, and com- modities. SEC. 5. Any person who willfully fails to file a report required by this Act or who will- fully and knowingly files a false report shall be fined $2,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. SEC. 6. (a) As used in this Act? (1) the term "income" means gross in- come as defined in section 22(a) of the In- ternal Revenue Code. (2) The term "security" means security as defined in section. 2 of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended (U.S.C., title 15, sec. 77b). No. 133----8 (3) The term "commodity" means com- modity as defined in section 2 of the Com- modity Exchange Act, as amended (TI.S.C., title 7, sec. 2) . (4) the term "dealings in securities or commodities" means any exquisition, hold- ing, withholding, use, transfer, disposition, or other transaction involving any security or commodity. (5) The term "person" includes an indi- vidual, partnership, trust, estate, associa- tion, corporation, or society. (b) For the purposes of any report required by this Act, a person shall be considered to be a Member of the Senate or House of Rep- resentatives, an officer or employee of the United States and of the armed services as described in the first section of this Act, or a member, chairman, or other officer of the na- tional committee of a political party, if he served (with or without compensation) in any such position during the period to be covered by such report, not withstanding that his service may have terminated prior to December 31 of such calendar year. SEC. 7. The Comptroller General shall have authority to issue, reissue, and amend rules and regulations governing the publication of reports, or any part of them. He shall pre- scribe fees to cover the cost of reproduction. In formulating such rules and regulations, he shall seek to maximize the availability of reports for purposes of informing the pub- lic and agencies and officials of the Federal and local government, and to minimize use of such records for private purposes. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, this is the Morse full disclosure bill offered as an amendment to the pending bill. I first introduced it in 1946. For many years I could not even obtain a hearing on the bill. However, last year hearings were held on the bill, along with hearings on other disclosure bills which had been in- troduced from time to time in the inter- vening years, particularly in recent years. The essence of the bill covers these points: Anyone hi Federal employment receiv- ing $10,000 or more a year shall be re- quired to make a full disclosure once each year in accordance with regulations drawn and on forms supplied by the Comptroller General on the matters found at page 2 of the bill, starting at line 3: (1) the amount and resources of all in- come and gifts (of $100 or more in money or value, or in the case of multiple gifts from one person, aggregating $100 or more In money or value) received by him or any person on his behalf during the preceding calendar year; (2) the value of each asset held by or entrusted to him or by or to him and any other person and the amount of each liability owed by him, or by him together with any other person as of the close of the preceding year; and (3) the amount and source of all con- tributions during the preceding calendar year to any person who received anything of value on his behalf or subject to his direction or control or who, with his ac- quiescence, makes payments for any liability or expense incurred by him. The penalties are set out at the bottom of page 3 as follows: SEC. 5. Any person who willfully fails to file a report required by this Act or who will- fully and knowingly files a false report shall be fined $2,000 or imprisoned for not more than five years, or both. Mr. President, Senators know the po- sition I have taken on this matter. I have told the majority leader that I shall not consume much time on the amend- ment. He has agreed to my having a yea or nay vote on it. I ask for the yeas and nays. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. MORSE. Working for the Fed- eral Government or receiving one's live- lihood from the Federal Government is not a matter of right, but a matter of privilege and opportunity. The American people are entitled to know the sources of all income of offi- cials of the Government so that they can be the judges of what may be, if any, the relationship between the sources of Income and the course of action that Fed- eral employees may take in any partic- ular matter. I first introduced the bill in 1946 when I became disturbed by what was rec- ognized at that time, namely, certain Members of Congress taking advantage of their position, and taking advantage of certain privileged information that they had, to profit thereby financially. That danger always lurks, although I am proud to tell the American people that in my 20 years as a Member of the Senate I have served with an overwhelm- ing majority of honorable men and wom- en who are dedicated public servants and who are entitled to the trust of the American people. But I also know the importance of sur- veillance. I know the importance of hav- ing a procedure that will protect the hon- orable and the honest. The full-dis- closure bill, for which I have fought for so many years, involves a matter of right?the right of the American people to know. In essence, that is my case, I rest my case. I reserve whatever time I may have remaining, should I decide to yield any of it. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MORSE. I yield. Mr. MONRONEY. On page 2, line 3, the text of my copy reads "amount and resources." Mr. MORSE. It should be "sources." Mr. MONRONEY. Should it be "sources"? Mr. MORSE. "Sources." That is a typographical error. It should be "sources." Mr. MONRONEY. I am glad to have that correction, because that would in- clude the identification of all income, whether it be employment, private busi- ness, farming, speechmaking, or any- thing of that kind. Mr. MORSE. That is correct; it is all encompassing. The error in the amend- ment is a printer's error; it is not my error. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, will the Senator yield me 3 minutes? Mr. MORSE. I yield 3 minutes to the Senator from Pennsylvania. Mr. CLARK. It is true that the Sena- tor from Oregon was the first Member, especially in this body, to propose a con- flict-of-interest bill. There are a num- ber of us who have come to the Senate more recently who share in general, al- though not in particular, his views. Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050991-9 15286 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE The Senator from Michigan [Mr. Maul, the Senator from Oregon [Mrs. NEUBERGER], the Senator from New Jer- sey IMr. Casa], and I have had pending for some time before the Committee on Rules and Administration a somewhat similar bill. It is perhaps a matter of undue pride of authorship that we believe our bill is a little more artistically drawn. It has been revised a little more frequently in light of modern conditions and is perhaps a slightly better bill than that of the senior Senator from Oregon. Nevertheless, the provisions of the Sena- tor's bill adequately raise the important question of conflict of interest. I support it fully. I had intended to make a rather sub- stantial speech in support of my amend- ment, but I shall not do so because of the unanimous consent agreement which has curtailed our time. I ask the senior Senator from Oregon for the privilege of cosponsoring his amendment, and I shall vote for it. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President. I have always considered the Senator from Pennsylvania a cosponsor with me in spirit and intent. I am delighted to have his name added to the amendment. Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Mr. President, will the Senator from Oregon yield? Mr. MORSE. I yield 3 minutes to the Senator from Ohio; then I shall yield 1 minute to the Senator from Illinois. Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. Within a few weeks after I took my oath in this Cham- ber in 1959, I filed with the Secretary of the Senate a complete statement of my financial holdings at that time. Because I was a member of the Committee on Agriculture and Forestry, I sold certain sugar stocks that I owned; and because I was also a member of the Committee on Aeronautical and Space Sciences, sold some Pan American World Airways stock. which I suspected might conflict with my service on that committee. I made a complete disclosure of my fin- anoial holdings at that time, so that the citizens of Ohio, whose servant / am, could judge from my votes and my work as their Senator whether or not I was motivated by any selfish purpases in cast- ing any votes. I compliment the senior Senator from Oregon on the fact that he was a pioneer In proposing conflict-of-Interest legisla- tion. I am somewhat proud of the fact that I was the very first Senator to file a com- plete statement of assets and financial holdings. Earlier this year and on other occa- sions between January 1959, and the present time, I have filed similar reports with the Secretary of the Senate and have made them public. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Ohio has ex- pired. Mr. MORSE. I yield 3 additional min- utes to the Senator from Ohio. Mr. YOUNG of Ohio. This year I filed with the Secretary of the Senate, in ad- dition, certified copies of the income tax returns filed last year and the year before by Mrs. Young and me. Mr. President. the pending pay raise bill will cost taxpayers more than $584 million a year. Furthermore, as the Federal bureaucracy grows, the price tag for this increase will grow with it. I cannot in good conscience support the bill in its present form. At least four separate legislative proposals were arbitrarily lumped together in this bill providing a pay increase for: postal em- ployees, classified civil service employees, all other members of the executive branch of our Government; also the Federal judiciary; also employees on the staffs of Members of the Congress; and finally Members of Congress. I had hoped that a separate bill would be introduced for letter carriers, postal clerks, and in fact all postal employees who I feel are the most deserving of an increase in pay at this time. Legislative proposals to accomplish this should be debated and acted upon separate and apart from the pending bill. Such a legislative proposal, I believe, would pass overwhelmingly. I would like to vote for that part of this bill relating to letter carriers and other postal workers in the lower pay brackets. Frankly, I do not believe that a valid argument has been made for increasing the salaries of all civil service employees. There may be? and undoubtedly there are some?posi- tions for which competent people can- not be found because of the salaries offered. For those position I suggest that specific legislation be enacted to correct the problem. I do not see why American taxpayers should have to foot the bill for king-size salary increases for over a million civil service employees just to lure a comparatively few highly skilled people into Government service. It is my observation that most Govern- ment employees in Washington and else- where are and have been well paid in comparison with those doing the same work in private industry. Furthermore, those in the classified civil service have job security, sick leave and fringe and retirement benefits far superior to em- ployees in private industry. Mr. President, regarding the salary increase for Members of the Congress, it Is my view that we must set an example by holding the line on wage costs. The President has urged a maximum hold- the-line raise of 3.2 percent in wages and prices. This bill will give Representa- tives arid Senators a 331/3-percent In.- crease. Frankly, I do not believe that an increase of this magnitude is warranted at this time. I seriously doubt whether there would be any additional candidates for election to the Congress because of the proposed pay raise. No doubt the same men and women would be elected or returned to the Congress. The fact Is that very few men and women of high achievement in private life would refuse appointment or certain election to the Senate of the United States, or practi- cally certain election to the House of Representatives. Mr. President, I am glad to note that the Senate Post Office and Civil Service Committee deleted the so-called Udall amendment to the bill as passed by the House of Representatives. In my view it would be unconscionable to tie the salaries of Congressmen and top Federal officials to future pay increases for Fed- July 2 eral employees in general. I commend our colleagues on the committee for vot- ing unanimously to delete this provision from the proposed legislation. As for the staffs of Members of the Congress, and of committees of the Con- gress. I see no valid reason whatsoever for a salary increase at this time. Sena- tors and Representatives receive ample allowances to hire personnel. These are among the most sought after jobs in Washington. As a matter of fact, every summer we are besieged with requests from young people attending our finest colleges and universities who wish to work without salary for the experience of participating in governmental activ- ities. I am sure that many of my col- leagues at this time have interns, so- called, on their staffs who are not drawing pay. I say this merely to em- phasize the fact that congressional staff positions do not go begging because of present salary levels. Frankly, I have not heard any of my colleagues express the opinion that they are unable to obtain qualified personnel for their staffs because of present salary limitations. Nor have I heard the chair- men of various committees of the Con- gress complain that they are unable to staff their committees because of salary limitations. It should be remembered that employees on senatorial staffs do not have to maintain a residence in their home State as well as one in Washing- ton as Senators do. Frankly, I do not believe that the great majority of our assistants are overworked or underpaid. Many of them?for the most part those on committee staffs?seem to have plen- ty of time to line the walls of the cham- ber and watch proceedings out of curios- ity when business is being conducted and when Senators are working and voting on legislation of great public interest. Most receive liberal vacations, are not limited by civil service sick-leave require- ments, and at the same time are entitled to all civil service fringe benefits. I seri- ously question whether a pay increase is required for congresisonal staff em- ployees. Are any of them required to spend money campaigning for the well- paid positions they hold? Of course not. Whenever there is a vacancy on the Federal bench, many, sometimes hun- dreds, of competent lawyers seek the ap- pointment. There are at most but a few hundred lawyers in our Nation, who, if offered an appointment to the Fed- eral bench, would not accept. Very few lawyers would refuse appointment as U S. judge at $22.500 a year but would agree to accept were the salary to be increased to $30,000. I would like to know the name of one man in the Nation who would refuse appointment to the U.S. Supreme Court, the highest honor a law- yer may receive, solely because this po- sition pays $35,000 a year and not $42,500. There are Federal judges today in Ohio and in most other States who have reached retirement age and could have retired years ago. Evidently, they Co not feel that they are being underpaid as many continue to serve actively well beyond the retirement age of threescore and ten. Furthermore, it would be dead Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15287 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 1964 wrong to increase the salaries paid to those judges who have retired. This bill would do that. Mr. President, our Government can- not afford to depend upon men and wom- en born to great wealth or who have ac- quired great wealth to run its affairs. None of us wants that. On the other hand, the Federal Government cannot be absolutely competitive with private industry. Our Government's only source of in- come for paying salaries is the taxpayer who already is bearing a heavy burden. The purpose of Government is service whereas the purpose of industry is profit. If the goal is to try to match the pay scale of private industry, then we must accept the fact that the proposed bill is only the first installment. We should realize that the Federal Government should not match the salaries of private industry. We shall always have to rely to a marked degree on many citizens who desire to serve their Government as a public service. Mr. President, in my judgment this legislation proposes salary increases which are overly generous and in some instances outrageous. It appears to me that there should be separate legislative proposals for the different categories of Federal employees involved. Then the needs of each could be carefully studied and a pay raise considered on the merits of each. This is not the time to indulge in self - indulgence, to indiscriminately fatten the already well-larded Federal payroll. Our national economy simply cannot af- ford the luxury of this bill at this time. Therefore, after full and thorough con- sideration, I cannot, hi good conscience, vote for the pending bill. This bill to which I object proposes a raid on the Public Treasury. Long ago it was written: Enter ye the strait gate: for wide,is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat; because strait is the gate, and nar- row is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be who find it. The gate to the Public Treasury is wide, and broad is the way. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Ohio has ex- pired. Mr. MORSE. I have many times highly commended the Senator from Ohio. I commend him again for his leadership in the Senate in trying to bring an end to conflict-of-interest prob- lems. Mr. President, I now yield 1 minute to the Senator from Illinois. Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may be per- mitted to join the distinguished Senator from Oregon as a cosponsor of his amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. DOUGLAS. Thirteen years ago, when I was chairman of the Committee on Ethics in Government, this was the recommendation our committee made. I have tried to follow through with the recommendations of that committee by voluntarily submitting this year a de- tailed statement of my holdings and in- come from various sources. Mr. MORSE. I have always been greatly indebted to the Senator from Ill- inois for the help that he has given and for the leadership he has extended to the Senate on this issue. I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from New Jersey. Mr. CASE. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that I may join the Senator from Oregon as a cosponsor of his amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. MORSE. I am happy to have the Senator from New Jersey as a cosponsor. Mr. CASE. What the Senator from Pennsylvania [Mr. CLaaxl said is, of course, true. We have been less long in the Senate than the Senator from Ore- gon, but almost as long, in relation to our service, as sponsors of, almost in- dentical bills ourselves. My own inspiration comes largely from the work done by the Senator from Illinois [Mr. Doom..As] some years ago in connection with the committee which he headed, and which looked into the matter of making recommendations, the key of which was disclosure. It is clear from both old and modern history in this body that the Senate will not police itself, and there is no outside body adequate to do it. It is necessary to rely on the principle of disclosure. I think it is essential that we adopt it as quickly as possible. I am happy to join the Senator from Oregon in the offering of his amend- ment. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, will the Senator from Oregon yield 2 minutes? Mr. MORSE. I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from New York. Mr. KEATING. With the consent of the distinguished Senator from Oregon, I ask unanimous consent that I may be joined as a cosponsor of his amendment. I feel it is most important that we adopt conflict-of-interest legislation before voting any pay increase for oursalves. I fully support the amendment of the Senator from Oregon and if it should not succeed, I shall offer my amendment, No. 1092, thereafter, in an effort to at least deal at this time with the problem of outside income and investments for Members of Congress and their staffs. It is unfortunate that the congressional pay raise provisions have been tied to the proposed pay raises to our postal workers and classified employees. There is no question as to the merit of these increases for the employees in the postal and civil service. It would be completely false economy to keep their salaries at present levels. This Nation is most fortunate in having the highest caliber of employees in the classified service and the postal system. We can- not expect these talented and dedicated employees to remain in Government service at bargain basement wages. Pay raises to postal workers and classified employees will not, in my judg- ment, be inflationary. They are an in- vestment in Government efficiency and morale which will pay rich dividends in Improved public service. Congress has an obligation to live up to the promises of the Federal Salary Reform Act of 1962. We adopted what I consider to be an eminently fair and reasonable approach to the problem by providing that Federal salaries would be as comparable as possible with those paid in private industry for the same type of work. We are now on the threshold of the first test of this enlightened policy. It is incumbent upon us to prove our good faith to those who have worked for the Federal Government in reliance upon this promise. Postal workers and classi- fied employees have not reneged on their obligation to give an honest day's work for a day's pay. We in turn must not renege on our compensation promises of 1962 to give an honest day's pay in re- turn. Be it merit, comparability or cost of living increases, these Federal employees who are legally denied some of the means of redress enjoyed by their counterparts in private industry to secure wage in- creases, deserve fair treatment at this bargaining table. Despite other defects in the Government Employees Salary Reform Act of 1964, there can be no withdrawal from our obligation to ap- prove the reasonable salary increases to the postal and classified employees. I shall, therefore, support the bill. We have already enacted broad con- flict-of-interest legislation applicable to employees in the postal and civil service. What we want to do now is remove any suggestion of a double standard by apply- ing similar obligations to the legislative branch. I commend the Senator from Oregon fol. his efforts and am pleased to join with him. Mr. MORSE. I thank the Senator from New York. I appreciate his sup- port. Mr. President, I ask unanimous con- sent that the name of the Senator from Wisconsin [Mr. NELSON] be added as a cosponsor of the amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. Mr. AIKEN. Mr. President, I wish to ask a question of the Senator from Oregon. After the Comptroller General received the reports, what would be done with them? Would they be reported back to the Senate, or would they be made public? Mr. MORSE. They would be pub- lished as a public document. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Oregon has 2 minutes re- maining. Mr. MORSE. I reserve the remainder of my time. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, may I ask the Senator from Oregon a question? The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does someone yield time to the Senator from Iowa? Mr. MORSE. I shall be happy to answer the Senator's question. Mr. MILLER. I invite the Senator's attention to the limitations on dis- closure in his amendment. I am wondering whether the Senator's amendment really would get the job Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 15288 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE done. With respect to page 2, the first subsection, what about cases: an indi- vidual's spouse or his children, or his brothers or sisters, or his parents, or a trust over which he has control, of which he is the beneficiary? Mr. MORSE. I understand the prob- lem; we have discussed it many times. This is a good start. I am for going this far now. Mr. MILLER. I wonder if the Sena- tor would agree to expand the coverage. Mr. MORSE. Not at this time. We will do that next year. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Iowa has expired. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield? Mr. JOHNSTON. How much time does the Senator from Montana wish? Mr. MANSFIELD. Five minutes. Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 5 minutes to the Senator from Montana. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Montana is recognized for 5 minutes. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I rise in opposition to this amendment, not that I am not in accord with it, be- cause I am. The fact is, the distin- guished Senator from Oregon is the "granddaddy" of all these bills, although many others get credit for what he started about 18 years ago. It was his inspiration while I was a Member of the House which caused me to introduce similar legislation in that body. I be- lieve that I have introduced bills of that nature in the Senate as well. I believe I made a public statement that I have no outside interests; I am not engaged hi dealing in any properties. The only income I receive is on the basis of my service in this body. I point out to Senators that there is a resolution now on the calendar, Senate Resolution 337, reported by the Rules Committee, which may not go so far as some Senators wish, but I believe that I am correct in stating that there will be amendments to the resolution when it is reported to the floor. I assure Senators that Senate Resolu- tion 337 will come up in the Senate, and enough time can be taken to discuss the subject so that all facets of it can be explored. I do not believe that this is an appro- priate bill to which to attach this amend- ment. I believe more in the way of dis- cussion is needed, and will he forthcom- ing. I would hope, therefore, that on the basis of the promise made that the resolution will come up?and it was go- ing to come up, any way; it will be sub- ject to amendments?the proposal will not be accepted at this time. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, will the Senator from Montana yield for a ques- tion? Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield. Mr. CLARK. Does not the Senator agree that the really substantial differ- ence between the Morse amendment and Senate Resolution 337, which was start- ed as the result of the Bobby Baker in- vestigation, is that the Morse amend- ment deals not only with the Senate. but also with the House, the executive arm of the Government and the armed serv- ices, requiring reporting by the Comp- troller General. Therefore It is a comp- rehensive disclosure amendment; where- as, the Bobby Baker resolution?if I may call it that?to which my friend the Senator from Montana refers, Ls confined strictly to the operations of the Senate, and it would be difficult. indeed, by ap- propriate amendment, to expand and take care of the other body and the executive arm. Mr. MANSFIELD. Difficult, but not impossible; and what the Senator has said otherwise is correct. But, I would hope that the Senate would spend more time on this most im- portant subject. I repeat, the "grand- daddy" of all those who have introduced amendments of this kind is the senior Senator from Oregon [Mr. MORSE 1. Mr. CASE. Mr. President, will the Senator from Montana yield? Mr. MANSFIELD I yield. Mr. CASE. I wonder whether we could inquire at this time whether Sen- ate Resolution 337 is technically subject to amendment by the provision of the Morse amendment or similar legisla- tion. It is a Senate resolution as op- posed to a bill, which the Senator's amendment really is. Mr. MANSFIELD. I suggest, on my time, that the Senator make inquiry of the Chair on that point. Mr. CASE. May I inquire of the Par- liamentarian, through the courtesy of the majority leader, whether Senate Resolu- tion 337, when it comes to the floor, could be subject to amendment by of- fering it either as an amendment or a substitute to the provisions of the Morse amendment now pending? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Parliamentarian informs the Chair that legislative amendments would not be in order on the resolution. Mr. CASE. So, the Morse amendment would not be in order as an amendment to Senate Resolution 337? The PRESIDING OreICER. It would not. Mr. CASE. I thank the Chair. Mr. MANSFIELD. That was brought out by the Senator from Pennsylvania in his colloquy earlier. But, amend- ments would be in order? Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President. will the Senator from Montana yield at that point? Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield. Mr. MONRONEY. Is is not a fact that the report of the Rules Committee and the bill they have reported, being a mere resolution of the Senate, would not be subject to amendment involving the House. It would have to be changed to a Senate resolution in order to effec- tuate that, which would merely mean a reintroduction of any amendment that could offer an opportunity to both Houses to work their will on legislation specifically dealing with this most im- portant subject. Mr. MANSFIELD. The Senator is correct. There is a good deal of merit in this kind of resolution because of its eenesis. It applies primarily only be- cause of the incident which brought about the inquiry and, therefore, it may be a good place to start. July 2 Mr. HICKENLOOPER. Mr. Presi- dent, will the Senator from Montana yield to rue for 2 minutes? Mr. MANSFIELD. I yield. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. Mr. Presi- dent, this amendment, and similar amendments, to me, seem to be The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Montana has expired. Who yields time to the Sen- ator from Iowa? Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I am glad to yield 5 minutes to the Senator from Iowa. Mr. MANSFIELD. Will the Serator from South Carolina yield the time? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 3 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Iowa is recognized for 3 minutes. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I do not wish to take more than a couple of minuses. I am against this resolution. I am against all resolutions of this kind, be- cause it is pretended that they are sur- rounded by an atmosphere of alleged righteousness. I do not believe they are. I have seen many self-righteous dec- larations of affluence, or lack of afflu- ence, filed by persons involved in pub- lic life. With the exception of one or two, they are not detailed, they are not Informative, and they do not disclose the facts; yet, they fly under the banner of disclosure. I am completely disgusted with the claim that some of these things have net the test of disclosure, of affluence, of property rights. Mr. President, so far as I personally am concerned, I probably am about the least affluent Member of this body. 1 do not own one share of stock. I do not own any bonds, except a very few Government bonds which I have managed to "scratch out" once in a while. I have not been able to accumulate any property which amounts to anything in approximately 34 years of public life, except that my house is paid for, and perhaps I have a few dollars in the bank. Probably one of the reasons why I might be opposed to this amendment is that I am ashamed to tell the truth that in my lifetime I have not become more affluent than I have. I have not done a single thing to be ashamed of. If any Senators wish to come and look at :ny assets, they are welcome to come and look at them. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, will the Senator from Iowa yield? Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I yield. Mr. CLARK. The Senator refers to his disgust at some who have undertaken to reveal their assets on the floor of the Senate. Let me ask this question, as one who did: Did the Senator refer to me and to the others who did so, and is he remain- ing within the confines of rule XIX, sec- tion 2? Mr. HICKENLOOPER. I did not ex- press disgust with people. I expressed disgust with the form of the alleged dis- closure that occurred in a number of cases in public life. I said that I did not confine my re- marks to this body, or to any other body. There have been many occasions before Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 196.4 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD --- SENATE 15289 committees on which people have dis- closed assets in a manner which I believe does not meet the test of full disclosure. My remarks were made in general. Mr. CLARK.. I take it that the Sena- tor does not refer to any Senator; there- fore, I am happy to accept his apology. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. The Senator may interpret my remarks any way he wishes. I made my remarks generally about people in public life. I have not circumscribed it or limited it. Again I say that so far as I am. per- sonally concerned I probably could be charged with being a little ashamed of the fact that during my lifetime, which has largely been spent in public office, I have failed to accumulate any great amount of this world's goods. I will say, furthermore, that I have never inherited a dollar in my life, so whatever I do not have is because I do not have it based on my own efforts. In a way, this creates a special aura of demagoguery. I do not think Senators of the United State's, or any respectable citizens in .the country should be forced to engage in a full disclosure of all his private affairs, business or otherwise. The people of his State pass on those things. They are the ones that judge the propriety or lack of propriety in his election. If any Member is guilty of shortcomings, maladministration of his office, or anything else, this body had the right to kick him out. This body has the right to police itself now. We have gone through some hearings which I think failed to go into many things that should have been gone into. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. But I think this particular proposal and this series of proposals do not merit support. They are singling out special groups for spe- cial odium. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I yield 2 more minutes to the Senator from Iowa. Mr. HICKENLOOPER. They are singling out for special odium or special consideration a certain group of people who should deserve the consideration of the respect given them by the voters of their State when they were sent here. If they have done wrong, let them be punished in the orderly way. If they violate the responsibility, the honor, and the dignity of this great office, let the Senate act on those particular occasions. From my standpoint, I have no hesi- tancy in saying that any Senator who wants to come and look at what I have is welcome to do it. And I will apologize because of my lack of ability to estab- lish, create, and accumulate affluence during the period of my public life. I have nothing to conceal. But it is a matter of basic principle. I am not going to vote to have every businessman of this country disclose his assets, or all of his reports on income tax, either. We have had a policy along that line for a long time. I do not think it is good legislation. I think it is belittling legis- lation. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, a parlia- mentary inquiry. The 'PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator will state it. Mr. MILLER. Is the amendment of the Senator from Oregon open to amend- ment? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment of the Sentaor from Oregon Is open to amendment. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, I send to the desk an amendment to the amend- ment of the Senator from Oregon. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will state it for the information of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. Mr. MILLER proposes an amendment to the Morse amendment. On page 2, strike the semi- colon in line 8 and insert the following: ", by his spouse, children and their spouses, brothers and sisters, father and mother, and any trust or fiduciary ar- rangement under which any of said in- dividuals is a beneficiary or over which he or she exerts any control: Provided, That if said Member, officer, or employee is unable to file any information required hereby with respect to any of the indi- viduals or entities specified, other than his spouse and minor children, because of their refusal to provide such information, he shall file a statement, under oath, set- ting forth the name and relationship and the fact of such refusal." The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Iowa has 15 minutes. Mr. MILLER. I yield myself such time as I require. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Iowa is recognized. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, I suggest to the Senator from Oregon that while the amendment he proposes has the semblance of merit to it, it does not go far enough. I do not think that the gen- eral public will be fooled one little bit. We all know that if one wants to avoid or evade some of the Purposes that are set forth in the Senator's amendment, that this can readily be done through the vehicle of using one's spouse, one's children, father, mother, brother, or sis- ter, or a trust, or the establishment of a fiduciary arrangement. Let us do a job if we are going to do a job. I do not think we ought to say, "We will do it tomorrow, or next year." If we are going to do it, now is the time. I do not think we are going to raise the stature of the Senate or of Congress one bit by the adoption of an amendment which goes only as far as the amendment of the Senator from Oregon. But if we are willing to couple with it various in- dividuals who, as a matter of common knowledge, are tied in with people who want to cover up?then I think we can get a job done that will cause the general public to have confidence in the integrity of those we are trying to cover by this measure. If we do not do it, I think we are going to be attempting to fool them. And I do not think they are going to be fooled, either. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Oregon is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, it is not necessary to have the amendment of the Senator from Iowa in order to accom- plish the purpose sought by the Senator from Iowa. My amendment would re- quire disclosure of income tax returns of public officials and public employees that fall within the category stated. If we obtain that disclosure, that is all we need. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I Yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Ken- tucky. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Kentucky is recognized. Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, I agree that- the Senator from Oregon is the father of all resolutions requiring dis- closure. I remember that in 1947 he was advocating disclosure. Nonetheless, I shall vote against this amendment. I should like to give my reasons. I was a member of the Committee on Rules and Administration when we investigat- ed the Baker matter for months. At the end of our rather futile investigation, we took up the question of disclosure resolutions. One was voted out and is now on the calendar. Senator CLARK introduced a substitute which, in my opinion, is a more effective resolution that the one reported. I voted for the Clark resolution. Senator MANS- KELP has said that the committee reso- lution will come before the Senate. We shall have an opportunity to vote on it, the Clark resolution, the Case resolution, the Morse resolution, and others. There can be a thorough discussion. The reason I shall vote against the pending amendment is, with all due deference to my colleague, whom I ad- mire for his leadership in the disclosure field, is first, that it has no chance of acceptance by the House. We are trying to tell the House of Representatives what its rules should be. We know the conferees are not going to accept this. The resolution applies to every employee of the United States making over $10,000 annually. I think we should consider whether we want to make every such employee in the United States subject to this drastic procedure. Let us clean our own house and pro- vide a rule of disclosure for the Senate. I will vote for it. My disclosure would be about like Senator HICKEIVLOOPER'S. Let us act here, and do something that would apply to the Senate first, instead of trying to apply a rule to all empolyees in the United States. By voting, a Senator can say that he is in favor of disclosure. I will vote for a disclosure resolution when I have a chance to vote for one that would be meaningful. Mr. CANNON. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield to me 1 minute? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 1 minute to the Senator from Nevada. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Nevada Is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. CANNON. I concur in what the distinguished Senator from Kentucky [Mr. COOPER] has said. The Senate Committee on Rules and Administration has reported a resolution to the Senate, and the resolution will be considered. In Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 15290 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE general, with a few exceptions, I support the terms of the amendment. I have drafted and propose to introduce at a later date a bill directed toward the very end sought, with some minor changes, In the amendment proposed by the Sena- tor from Oregon. But there will be an opportunity to consider the resolution covering the Senate itself. If we were to enact an amendment of the type pro- posed, we would really sound the death knell for the pay bill at this particular time for many who are entitled to pay consideration. I thank the Senator for yielding. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President-- The PRESIDING OloriCER. The Senator from Iowa is recognised. Mr. MILLER. I do not wish to pro- long the discussion. I merely wish to re- peat that if we really wish to do a job in this connection, the Morse amendment would not do it. It would not go far enough. We know It does not go far enough, and the people will know that, it does not go far enough. Other cate- gories of individuals who have close per- sonal relationship with the Member of Congress, the officer, or the employee, must be covered. Make no mistake about it. We shall not raise the prestige of our body in the eyes of the American peo- ple by limiting the coverage as the Morse amendment would do. The Senator from Oregon has said that it is not necessary. We know It is necessary. There are ample instances In which people have covered up some of their financial transactions by using their spouses, their children, their par- ents, their brothers or sisters, or have entered into some fiduciary arrangement. All my amendment would do is to make sure that we do an adequate job of cover- age. If the Senate does not think that this is the time to deal with such a prob- lem as this?and personally, I do not be- lieve it is?Senators may vote against the Morse amendment, as amended by the pending amendment. But if Sena- tors think they are going to fool the American people by voting the amend- ment down, and then voting for the Morse amendment, I believe it will be a very unfortunate and unhappy experi- ence. Mr. MANSIerea,D. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield to me 1 minute? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 1 minute to the majority leader. The PRESIDING OteroiCER. The Senator from Montana is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. MANSIseKLD. To the best of my knowledge. no Member of this body Is trying to fool the American people_ I be- lieve that we are sent here to exercise our judgment in the best way we know how. If anyone has the idea that because we vote for or against a certain amendment or an amendment to an amendment that we are trying to fool the American peo- ple, I wish he would disabuse his mind of the idea, because that is a mark against the Senate as an institution and against Senators individually. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, will the Senator yield 2 minutes to me? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Oklahoma. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Oklahoma is recognized for 2 minutes. Mr. MONRONEY. I appreciate what the majority leader and the minority leader have said. The bill deals with the pay scales of approximately 1,732,000 Government employees. It has been be- fore the Congress last year and this year. It is up today for final passage. I believe that we should have disclo- sure. The work that has been done in the investigating committees by the Sen- ate Committee on Rules and Administra- tion and by others will produce and give us a genuine and proper disclosure bill when the time comes, and we shall have an opportunity to take up the question as we should in a full day, 2 days, or 3 days, if necessary, in an attempt to find proper means and methods to have a very tight disclosure system for the Senate, for the House, or for both. But I am now telling the Senate that, knowing the House conferees as we do. If the amendment is put in the bill as a Senate amendment which would include the House, we shall have very great trou- ble saving the bill, because the historic comity between the Houses of Congress permits each House to be the judge of its own rules. The proposal in effect would be a rule that the Senate would like to vote upon itself for disclosure of whatever income we may have. I think most of us are for it. I certainly am. I am only ashamed that it cannot be enough to seem important, But the House would resent it and probably break up the con- ference if we included it in a rule that we properly believe should be a part of the operations of the Senate. We are two individually distinct and independ- ent bodies. Throughout history one body has not tried to impose its opinions or morals on the other body. We have got into some very important fights, as Senators well know, over such subjects as the use of the frank. Each body claimed it had the right to determine the question for itself. It is for that reason, at this late hour, with 15 minutes on a side, that I say it Is a poor time to rush into proposed leg- islation of so great importance. U the subject is brought up in the right way as a bill, doing that one thing, it would undoubtedly receive the unanimous or nearly unanimous support of the Senate. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I should like to have 10 minutes. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I yield my remaining time to the Senator from Illinois. The PRESIDING OrseeCER, The Senator from South Carolina has 8 min- utes remaining. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I yield myself 2 minutes under the bill The PRESIDING OleteiCER, The Senator from Illinois is recognized for 10 minutes. Mr. DIRKSEN. It seems to me that we are living in an age of snoopers. We are now proposing to enlarge the field in this very body. I think it is time to come to grips with the problem and to assert our rights, because the fact that one is in public service certainly does not divest him of his rights as a citizen of the July 2 United States. If it is desired to tack up every income tax blank on every courthouse door in the country and put us all on a par, that is a different thing. But it is proposed to require every Mem- ber of this body file three reports a year. First, a report with respect to such things as resources and income woeld be filed with the Comptroller. Section 2 would require the filing, semiannually with the Comptroller, of a report con- taining a full and complete statement of all dealings in securities. If a Senator should buy one share of stock, he must make a return to the Comptroller of the United States. If he buys another share in the next 6 months, he must make another report. The amendment would make book- keepers out of Senators, and they would have scant time left to pursue their duties as Members of the U.S. Senate. My distinguished friend the Senator from Oregon [Mr. MORSE] began by say- ing that he was somehow impressed with the fact that the Members of this body were honorable. I agree with him. But the distinguished Senator from New Jersey [Mr. Cass] rose to mention the fact that although we were honorable Members, we had to be policed. Mr. President, I do not go in for such policing operations. If I cannot go back and justify my conduct with the people back home, where candidates for office are screened, I have no business being here in the first place. We would cover a large segment of the Government_ in- cluding every Representative, every Sen- ator, and every employee in this entire governmental establishment who re- ceives $10,000 or more. Everyone over the rating of GS-15 would be within the reporting requirement. Every Army of- ficer over the grade of colonel would be included, as well as all the generals. That is what the Morse amendment would do. The Senator from Oregon shakes his head affirmatively. Finally members of the national com- mittees would be included. How they got in I do not know. They are not of- ficials of the Government. The proposal has about it the old pro- hibition aura. How did it start? There is a large building over here that attests what finally happened. There a ere those who said, in the language of the Book: Wine is a mocker, strong drink a brawler. We heard, "Alcohol is a curse. It must be stopped. I am pure, holy, and unde- filed. No alcohol has ever seeped through my lips. But that is not enough. Somehow, I have to save others end make sure they are holy, purified, and righteous, too." Everybody becomes a crusader. That crusade mounted to proportions that finally put the 18th amendment into the Constitution of the United States. I is the one amendment that was con- trary to the spirit of that document. What does the Bill of Rights provide? It provides that Congress shall make no laws abridging freedoms, and so forth. But when we got to the 18th amendment, we said, not that the Congress shall not, but that the people shall not. They shall not manufacture. They shall not trars- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15291 port. They shall not import. They shall not drink. We added the implementa- tion of the Volstead Act. Then the snoopers went over the country. What an amazing thing. My friend from Iowa spoke a moment ago about the image of the Senate. I remember a very distinguished rabbi, whose name was Joshua Liebman. I re- member when he offered the invocation in the House of Representatives. He wrote a book called "Peace of Mind." Walking down LaSalle Street in Chicago one time, I saw the book in the window, and I picked up a copy. In the first chapter there was the challenging state- ment that "You cannot reconstruct so- ciety on the basis of unreconstructed in- dividuals." The image of the U.S. Senate will take care of itself. Just be sure that our own images are correct and that they are not under compulsion. What is an image worth if it is under compulsion of a law? No; the Senate image will be all right if we guard our individual con- duct. To pass something such as is here proposed is somewhat of a confession that there must be some dishonor here, although we start by saying that every Member of this body is honorable. For the life of me, I cannot under- stand the logic that goes with it. I am not going to vote to police another Mem- ber of this body. Every Senator is free to make a statement of his assets, liabili- ties, and income, and put it into the CON- GRESSIONAL RECORD. He can see that his income tax return is published in the RECORD, if he wants to do it. But why should one have to do it? Why does an- other person become my moral mentor because I refuse to do it under that kind of compulsion? Congress does not give the Internal Revenue Service the right to Publicize the return of anyone. Any in- dividual Member of Congress can pub- licize it, himself, and put it in the RECORD. But that is not enough for some. They say, "I am righteous, I am holy, I am undefiled, I am pure in spirit, I am honorable. But I must make my neigh- bor in the same image, and I must com- pel him to come up to the line." Look out, for when we start moving that way, we are going in a dangerous direction. Mr. President, there has been much snoopery in this country. God willing, it will never happen again. Why do we point the finger of scorn at countries behind the Iron Curtain? Because the people in those countries are afraid of the knock on the door at mid- night. Because they are afraid of wire- tapping. Because they are afraid of snooping. Because they are afraid of talking. Committee after committee of Con- gress has undertaken to run down espio- nage and spying in our own country. It is proposed now to get into the swim and spirit of that, and to say, "We have to put a mantle upon our fellow Members," as if it were not enough to have individual Members do it. Let any man stand in his place; if he wants to dolt, he is free to do it. There is nothing in the law to inhibit him. It is like the pay bill. I do not know of anything to inhibit a Senator from in- troducing a bill to give back a pay in- crease. All he has to do is authorize the Treasury to take it. Until it is done, It cannot go back to the Treasury. The Treasury does not have authority to take any money except what goes anony- mously into the conscience fund. This is the worst thing the Senate could do, and it would be a tortuous path from here on out. It certainly will not be consummated by my vote. The Miller amendment, the Morse amendment, the Keating amend- ment, the Clark amendment?all of them should be voted down by an overwhelm- ing vote. Let us show the country that, in our own image, we will do the honor- able thing. Then, if the image of this institution must be retrieved, it will be done, and not before. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield myself 1 addi- tional minute. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator take 2 minutes on the bill? The PRESIDING OFFICER. From whose side is the time to be taken? Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield myself 1 more minute. Mr. President, I end where I started, with the statement by that eloquent rabbi who died at the age of 84, when he said, "You do not reconstruct a society on the basis of unreconstructed individuals." That is where we start, and I am not worrying about the image of the Senate. Let each Member worry for himself, and not undertake to exercise the power of compulsion to have others report and re- port and report, in order to retrieve an Image, if one confesses that that image is tarnished. I make no such confession. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, I yield myself 1 more minute. ? I shall be proud to go back home and stand on any platform and let any one of the 101/2 million people, young or old, in the State of Illinois ask me, "Do you want now to tell us what you own, what your resources are?" I shall say, "I will tell you the day that every other taxpay- ing citizen in the country makes an equal disclosure. I am not a class B citizen." Mr. President, I yield back whatever time I have remaining. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield 3 minutes on the bill? Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Ohio. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, I can- not subscribe to either the Miller amend- ment or the Morse amendment. If I have to file an affidavit to prove that I am honest, then I am practically morally bankrupt. I have been in public life for 30 years. I am a lawyer. Ever since I left the bench I have not had a law office. I have nothing to hide. I have not had any $100 plate dinners for Inc. I refuse to receive contributions for my campaign from individuals who do business with government. ? I know within myself what the status of my conscience is. If this proposal is to be made, why not propose that everybody's income tax re- port should be available for examina- tion? I think this is a situation that cannot be justified. Why should I be presumed to be dishonest? Why will not my honesty be established until I file an affidavit? I wish to repeat that if I am in that condition, I should abandon public office and drop my head in shame. I have never filed an affidavit. I did make a disclosure of my assets when a newspaper columnist charged me, erroneously, about a matter. He subse- quently withdrew and retracted his charges. I cannot vote for the proposal, not be- cause I fear to disclose. I think I could disclose with much greater ease and propriety than many of those who are supporting the proposaL In my whole lifetime, except for that one attack made here in Washington 4 years ago, my integrity has never been challenged. My life is my affidavit. My life is my proof. The people know it. After 30 years of service, in 1962 the people of Ohio elected me by 700,000 votes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. LAUSCHE. That was the highest majority ever given a candidate. I did not have to file any affidavit to prove my honesty. Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Nebraska. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I oppose the Morse amendment and all similar amendments. They are not in the pub- lic interest. As to Senators, I doubt if there is any State in the Union in which voters cannot ascertain for themselves who is enqaged in the production of a supported crap, who is engaged in man- ufacturing, who has interests in bank- ing, and so on. The amendment affects a great many other people. It affects every member of the armed forces of the rank of colonel and above. It affects the fine men and women in Senators' offices, if they re- ceive more than $10,000 a year. What does it require them to do? It requires them to file a report twice a year. What must they show? They must show how much money they owe. That is what we would do to the people who work for us. The amendment in- cludes even the mothers of our armed services people who are fighting in Viet- nam. They would become criminals if they did not file a report twich a year, showing whether or not someone gave them as much as $100, or the amount of each liability owed by them. How ridiculous can we become? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator has expired. Mr. CURTIS. Whom does it cover? It covers the Armed Forces, and it covers the people who work in our offices. Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield 1 more minute to the Senator from Nebraska. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, I have had something to do with certain inves- tigations. It is my honest belief that the amendment would not do one thing to stop corruption. A small minority, Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15292 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE whether elected or appointed to office, are corrupt, follow secret and devious means, and make false reports, conceal- ing their assets. They use a third per- son to hold their assets. The amendment will not end or deter corruption. The amendment would be a blow at the good people who work for the Gov- ernment. It is harassment of the honest and conscientious. It is unfair and un- just. Mr. DIRKSEN. I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Utah, Mr. BENNETT. Mr. President, it seems to me that this amendment pro- poses an ex post facto law. The Con- stitution of the United States sets forth the conditions under which a man may be elected to the Senate. He must be 30 years of age, and on the day of his election he must reside in the State. The persons who have run for election to the Senate under those conditions were not required to make the kind of dis- closure that the amendment would re- quire. If the supporters of the disclo- sure idea would like to offer a constitu- tional amendment, setting forth the type of disclosure Senators must make If they are elected to the Senate, let the Senate, the House, and the States of the Union decide whether such disclosure is neces- sary. Then I believe we would be ap- proaching the problem properly. People who take jobs in the executive department know in advance whether they will be required either to disclose or divest, and that fact may influence their decision to take the job. My friend, the Senator from Oregon [Mr. Moan], is a great constitutional lawyer. I am surprised that he has not realized that the constitutional amend- ment processes are really the only sound basis on which to approach this kind of problem. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. BENNKIT. I yield. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, the Sena- tor from Utah could not be more wrong as a matter of constitutional law than the fallacious argument he has just made. Mr. BENNETT. I will leave it to my colleagues in the Senate to decide that question. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, how much time have I remaining. The PRESIDING OFFICER,. The Senator from Iowa has 9 minutes re- maining. Mr. MILLER. Mr. President, all that my amendment would do, so far as my friend from Illinois and my friend from Ohio are concerned, would be to put the Morse amendment into shape so that if perchance It were adopted we would not have to hang our heads and admit that we were not doing a job. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MILLER. With respect to my friend from Nebraska, all that my amendment would do would be to put into the Morse amendment the third parties to which he referred in his state- ment. Covering the mother of an officer and forgetting the third parties, so far as I am concerned, is a once-over-lightly. superficial approach. People would know it to be so. What I am trying to do with my amendment is to put the Morse amendment into shape so that 11 it should be adopted, the Senator from Illinois and the Senator from Ohio, who would vote against the amendment any- how, at least would realize that we had not done a superficial job. Mr. CURTIS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. Mil J,ER. I yield. Mr. CURTIS. If the Senator's amend- ment Is adopted and if the amendment of the Senator from Oregon is adopted, is it not true that the brothers and sis- ters and mothers and fathers of every colonel fighting in Vietnam will have to file a report or be guilty of being a crim- inal? Mr. MILLER. If my amendment were adopted I would hope that we would have some further amendments to the Morse amendment adopted. Mr. CURTIS. I am not asking the Senator about his hopes. Is that not what would happen if the two amend- ments were adopted? Mr. MILLER. And nothing more; yes. But that does not meet the actualities of the situation. Mr. CURTIS. I should like to ask the Senator about one further situation. Suppose a lady worked In this building and her gross Income, which means be- fore expenses and before deductions for dependents, was $10,000. The adoption of the Senator's amendment would re- quire a financial statement to be filed by her showing all gifts of $100 or more, and it would require a showing on her part of all of her debts, and a similar report of her brothers and sisters and her mother and her father. Is that correct? Mr. MILLER. No; that is not correct. The Senator has not read my amend- ment. It relates only to the first sub- paragraph on page 2. What the Senator is talking about is the second and, I be- lieve, the third paragraphs on page 2. Mr. CURTIS. The Senator's amend- ment applies to everyone covered by the bill. Mr. MILLER. It relates only to the first subsection on page 2. Mr. CURTIS. That would include the people involved, Mr. MTT,T,ER It does not include debts at all. It includes income and gifts. Mr. CURTIS. The Senator would re- quire brothers and sisters and mothers and fathers and everybody with a gross income of $10,000 to file the report. Is that correct? Mr. MILLER. It would require an official to file a statement. I should like to clear this up for the Senator from Nebraska by asking the clerk to read the proviso clause of my amendment, be- cause I wish him to understand that we are not being unreasonable. Will the clerk read beginning with the proviso? The legislative clerk read as follows: Provided, That if said Member, officer. or employee is unable to tile any information required hereby with respect to any of the July 2 Individuals or entities specified, other than his spouse and minor children, because of their refusal to provide such information, he shall file a statement, under oath set- ting forth the name and relationship and the fact of such refusal. Mr. MILLER. What is so unreason- able about that? Mr. CURTIS. It is very unreasonable. It does not deter dishonesty. It harasses the innocent. It does not touch the peo- ple who proceed in a devious and secret manner. That is where the corruption comes. Mr. MILLER. The Senator from Ne- braska and the Senator from Iowa us- ually see eye to eye on things of this type. A few minutes ago, he criticized the fail- ure to cover the very persons that my amendment covers, the very persona he thinks ought to be covered. Mr. CURTIS. No: the Senator places Impositions on relatives with respect to filing reports when there is no evidence whatever of dishonesty, even on the part of the principals. Mr. MILLER. I do not wish to labor the point. The Senator from Nebraska, the Senator from Ohio, the Senator from Illinois, and other Senators know that if one wants to be devious, the Morse amendment will not handle the situation at all. If my amendment were adopted, It would be possible to touch base with those people who are in such close and intimate relationship with those indi- viduals. This is the way to catch up with the deviousness. If Senators want to take the risk of having the Morse amendment adopted, an amendment, which, as I said, is su- perficial, and is an empty gesture, they can reject my amendment. They can still vote for my amendment and then vote against the Morse amendment, as amended. Mr. President, I move the adoption of my amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator yield back the remainder of his time? Mr. MILLER. I yield back the re- mainder of my time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment of the Senator from Iowa to tne amendment of the Senator from Oregon. The amendment to the amendment was rejected. The PRESIDING OlsaUCER. The question now recurs on the amendment of the Senator from Oregon. The Sena- tor from Oregon has 4 minutes remaining. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, after listening to this interesting argument, I merely say that those who would he covered are servants of the people. The people are entitled to know the facts about the subject covered by the amendment. I am more convinced than ever that it Is In the public interest to proceed as I propose. I yield back the rest of my time. The PRESIDING 0.EVICER. All time has been yielded back. The question is on agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Oregon. The yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 1964 ApOroved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15293 The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Minnesota [Mr. Mc- CARTnY] is absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BAYH], the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KEN- NEDY] are absent because of illness. I further announce that the Senator from Florida [Mr. SmATHERS] and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] are necessarily absent. On this vote, the Senator from Flor- ida [Mr. SMATHERS] is paired with the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH]. If present and voting, the Senator from Florida would vote "nay" and the Sen- ator from Texas would vote "yea." Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. COTTON], the Senator from Hawaii [Mr. Forro], and the Senator from Massa- chusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] are neces- sarily absent. If present and voting, the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] would vote "nay." The result was announced?yeas 25, nays 66, as follows: [No. 462 Leg.] Case Church Clark Douglas Gore Hart Hartke Jackson Javits Aiken Allott Anderson Bartlett Beall Bennett Bible Boggs Brewster Burdick Byrd, Va. Byrd, W. Va. Cannon Carlson Cooper Curtis Dirksen Dodd Dominick Eastland Edmondson Ellender Bayh Cotton Engle YEAS-25 Keating Kuchel Magnuson McGee McGovern Morse Moss Nelson Neuberger NAYS-66 Ervin Fulbright Goldwater Gruening Hayden Hickenlooper Hill Holland Hruska Humphrey Inouye Johnston Jordan, N.C. Jordan, Idaho Lausche Long, Mo. Long, La. Mansfield McClellan McIntyre McNerney% Mechem Pastore Proxmire Smith Symington Thurmond Williams, N.J. Young, Ohio Metcalf Miller Monroney Morton Mundt Muskie Pearson Pell Prouty Randolph Ribicoff Robertson Russell Scott Simpson Sparkman Stennis Talmadge Tower Walters Williams, Del. Young, N. Dak. NOT VOTING-9 Fong Saltonstall Kennedy Smathers McCarthy Yarborough So Mr. MORSE'S amendment was re- jected. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I call up my amendment No. 1089 and ask that it be stated. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Rim- COFF in the chair) . The amendment will be stated for the information of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. On page 157, in the table following line 21, strike out: Class 1: Superintendent of Schools $25, 000 Class 2: Deputy Superintendent 21,000 No. 133-7 and insert in lieu thereof: Class 1: Superintendent of Schools $26, 000 Class 2: Deputy Superintendent 22,000 Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I yield myself 2 minutes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- ator from Oregon is recognized for 2 minutes. Mr. MORSE. This amendment seeks to increase the salary of the Superin- tendent of Schools of the District of Columbia from $25,000 to $26,000, and for the Deputy Superintendent from $21,000 to $22,000. My amendment raises the salary of these two officials to the figure contained in the House-passed bill. I have this amendment and another one immediately following, which can be disposed of quickly on the basis of the understanding I have with the chairman of the committee. The Senator from South Carolina [Mr. JOHNSTON] tells me that it will go to conference, anyway. He desires the maximum flexibility in conference and he is not opposed to it, as I understand, but I do not seek to bind the committee in conference. He gives me the assurance that the committee will be in conference, and the amendment will receive very careful con- sideration of the Senate conferees; but I should like to have him make a brief statement on the floor of the Senate as to his position. Mr. JOHNSTON. This amendment will go to conference. The Senate figure is $1,000 lower than that of the House. The House gave $26,000 and the Senate gave $25,000, so that will go to confer- ence. Regarding the Deputy Superin- tendent of Education, the House figure Is $22,000 and the Senate figure is $21,000, so that item will also go to con- ference. I appreciate the Senator's taking this matter up at this time, to let us decide that Matter in conference. Mr. MORSE. On the basis of my con- versation with the Senator from South Carolina, I ask unanimous consent to withdraw the amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment of the Senator from Oregon is withdrawn. Mr. MORSE. I ask unanimous con- sent to insert in the RECORD a table showing the amount and rank of salaries currently paid to superintendents of schools, 1962-63. There being no objection, the table was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: AMOUNT AND RANK OP SALARIES CURRENTLY PAID TO SUPERINTENDENTS OP SCHOOLS, 1962-83 Cities over 500,000 in population 1. Chicago $48, 500 2. New York 37,500 3. Los Angeles 35, 000 4. Detroit 33, 000 5. Dallas 33, 000 6. San Francisco 31, 000 7. Pittsburgh 30, 000 8. San Diego 29, 400 9. Philadelphia 27, 500 10. Houston 27, 500 Cities over 500,000 in population?Continued 11. Milwaukee $27, 000 12. Baltimore 25, 000 13. St. Louis 25,000 14. Boston 25,000 15. San Antonio 25, 000 16. Seattle 24, 000 17. Buffalo 24,000 18. Cincinnati 24, 000 19, Cleveland 23, 000 20. New Orleans 21, 000 21. Washington 19,000 Suburban systems 1. Montgomery County $23, 000 2. Arlington County 21, 500 3. Prince Georges County 21, 000 4. Alexandria 20, 000 5. Fairfax County 20,000 6. Washington 19, 000 7. Falls Church 12, 100 Prepared by Department of General Re- search, Budget, and Legislation, Feb. 12, 1963. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I now call up my amendment No. 1090 and ask that it be stated. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. INOUYE in the chair) . The amendment will be stated for the information of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. On page 118, after line 25, insert the following? Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, I ask that the reading of the amendment be dispensed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without objection, it is so ordered. The amendment is as follows: On page 118, after line 25, insert the fol- lowing: "(26) Chairman, National Mediation Board. "(27) Chairman, Railroad Retirement Board." On page 119, renumber items (26) ;to (33) as (28) to (35), respectively. On page 119, between lines 12 and 13, in- sert the following: "(36) Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service." On page 119, renumber items (34) to (40) as (37) to (43), respectively. On page 121, strike out linea 12 and 13. On page 121, renumber items (27) to (32) as (25) to (30), respectively. On page 122, strike out lines 1 and 2. On pages 122, 123, and 124 renumber items (34) to (68), inclusive, as items (31) to (65), respectively. On page 124, between lines 11 and 12, in- sert the following: "(66) Members, National Mediation Board. "(67) Members, Railroad Retirement Board." On page 124, renumber items (69) to (71) as (68) to (70), respectively. On page 132, strike out lines 6 and 7. On page 132, renumber items (93) to (97) as (91) to (95), respectively. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, this amendment proposes to eliminate the unwarranted distinctions in grade level drawn by the bill between the agencies of the Federal Government immediately concerned with the administration of the national labor policy. These agencies have historically and traditionally been equal rank with equal compensation and under my amendment this parity of treatment would be maintained. Section 303(c) (25) of the bill recog- nizes that the Chairman of -the National Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15294 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July 2 Labor Relations Board performs a func- tion equal in significance to that per- formed by the chairmen of other com- missions, such as the Civil Aeronautics Board, Federal Communications Com- mission, Federal Power Commission, Federal Trade Commission, Interstate Commerce Commission, and the Security and Exchange Commission. The chair- men of these agencies are placed on a parity with the Deputy Attorney General and the Solicitor General of the United States and with the various Under Sec- retaries of the Departments. This is as it should be. These key officials in the executive branch of the Federal Government have been placed in level III of the Federal executive salary schedule and, if this bill is enacted, will receive basic com- pensation at $28,500 per year. However, section 303(d) (25) of the bill, for some purpose which is not al- together clear to me, downgrades the Chairman of the National Mediation Board to the next lower level of the Fed- eral executive salary schedule, carrying an annual rate of basic compensation at $27,000 per year, or $1,500 less than his counterpart on the National Labor Rela- tions Board. Section 303(d) (26) of the bill provides for the similar downgrading of the Chairman of the Railroad Retirement Board. I now turn to section 303(d) (33) of the bill and find that the Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service has been given the same treat- ment. He, too, is considered to be some- what inferior to the Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board and has been relegated to level 4 in the pay scale. I have no quarrel with the judgment of the committee in identifying the Na- tional Labor Relations Board as a grade A agency and rewarding its Chairman with the level 3 scale of compensation. Throughout most of my professional life, I have been intimately acquainted with the nature of the work of this Board, and I think that it is fair to say that I understand its function as well as any other Member of Congress. In my Judg- ment, the Labor Board plays a most significant role in the administration of the national labor policy and through- out the greater part of its 28-year history has played this role well. I may say that during the course of the past 3 or 4 years, it has played this role substan- tially better than in the period immedi- ately preceding that point of time. In- deed, many of us are well acquainted with Chairman of the Labor Board, Frank McCullough, from his years of de- voted and outstanding work in the Sen- ate, and I can say without reservations that Chairman McCullough's outstand- ing service on the Board entitles hen to every cent of the compensation proposed by this bill. However, it is not my inten- tion to personalize this aspect of the pay bill, nor should it be. Our concern is with the function and not with the in- cumbent performing that function. But the Chairman of the National La- bor Relations Board plays only one of a number of the roles performed by the executive branch in the administration of the national labor policy. Of no less importance is the role played by the Director of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service. Indeed, in one sense, the Director of the Mediation Service is positioned in the very center of the system through which the national labor policy is ad- ministered. I need not remind you that this policy for the past quarter century has been the encouragement, promotion, and preservation of a system of free and voluntary collective bargaining. We rec- ognized long ago that free collective bar- gaining was an indispensable element of an economic democracy. Reaffirmation and rededication to this policy becomes Increasingly important in this period of our history, faced as we are by unparal- leled tensions in the world about us. Free collective bargaining means, of course, the development of policies and procedures to insure that labor and man- agement remain free to arrive at volun- tary solutions of their problems. The development and Improvement of meth- ods to enable the parties to work out their differences and to arrive at volun- tary agreements which are compatible with the interests of the community as it whole without work stoppages is a nec- essary corollary to the basic national policy of promoting and encouraging free and voluntary collective bargaining. It is at this central point in the ad- ministration of the national labor policy that the Mediation Service plays Its role. It operates as the yeast, the catalyst, the peacemaker, the directional finder, the midwife?call It what you will?in as- sisting the parties in defining the precise points of their differences and in iden- tifying the common ground upon which reconciliation may be found. This is the process by which the parties are aided and encouraged to rely upon reasoning and persuasion in arriving at good faith resolutions of their disputes and, at times, in dissipating the fog of suspicion that may otherwise obscure the field markers outlining the area upon which agreement may be found. Of course, in the nature of things, the work of the Mediation Service must pro- ceed quietly, anonymously, and without publicity. But its contribution in the 17 years of its existence to the develop- ment of rational and effective labor- management relations policies, in pro- motinq and preserving free collective bargaining and in maintaining industrial peace has been invaluable. Let us examine its record. It receives 100.000 notices under section (8) (d) of the National Labor Relations Act each year covering all cases within the scope of the act in which it is proposed to modify collective bargaining agreements on contract termination or otherwise. Twenty thousand of these cases are assigned to Federal mediators. In 7,000 cases the mediator moves di- rectly into the dispute. The period of joint meetings may range from a single meeting to as many as 80 or more in the complex and difficult cases. On the aver- age, four meetings are required in each case. The principal objective of the Media- tion Service is to provide useful and meaningful service to the parties in as- sisting them to arrive at voluntary solu- tions to the disputes without work stop- pages. Thus, the maintenance of indus- trial peace is in a very real sense, the measure of the success of the Service. If we look at the record, we will find that during the past 4 or 5 years strikes ha-7e been at an alltime low, ranging from fourteen one-hundredths of 1 percent to seventeen one-hundredths of 1 percent if man-hours lost compared to total man- hours work. Most of us will agree, I am sure, that we do not want the Federal Government or the State government meddling or in- tervening into labor relations. We know that compulsory arbitration means the ends of free collective bargaining. We also know that the various forms of gov- ernmental regulations of labor relations short of arbitration inhibit and event- ually undermine the freedom of choice in this area which is so essential to the preservation of our system of govern- ment. The key factor in the prevention of in- roads and invasions by the Government Into this precious institution of free col- lective bra-El-tin-1.1g is the mediation func- tion. The Federal Mediation and Con- ciliation Sen ice performs this functicn extraordinarily well and I challenge any- one to deny that its contribution to the maintenance of the national labor policy is one iota less important than that of the National Labor Relations Board. If the Chai.inian of the National Labor Relations Board belongs in level III of the Federal executive salary schedule, so does the Direci.tir of the Federal Media,- tion and Conciliation Service. I should emphasize at this point in my remarks that these officers are now rated on the same scale of magnitude. When the Federal Mediation and Con- ciliation Service was created as a result of the incorpiration of my bill into the Taft-Hartley Act in 1947 the compensa - tion of the Director was fixed at precisely the same level as the compensation of the Chairman of the National Labor Rela- tions Board. Some yeani later on July 31, 19513, When these salaries were adjusted the two offices continued to be recognized as having equal magnitude. The Direc- tor's salary, like the Chairman's salary, was raised to 820,500. And so it is today. These men are treated in the same way under the Classification Act. There is not the slightest justification for making a distinction between the im- portance of these jobs at this time. Indeed, if anything, it is more im- portant than ever to underscore the es- sential nature of the work of the Medi- ation Service The administration has recognized this and has made efforts to raise the professional status of the Fed- eral Mediation staff in order to permit It to function more effectively. This pol- icy of the administration was cited witii approval by the President's Advisory Committee on Labor-Management Pol- icy in its report of a few years ago. My amendment would maintain the equal status which has traditionally and Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66B00403R000500050001-9 _Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE historically been accorded to these two offices. Each should be established with- in level III of the salary schedule as my amendment proposes. A third element in the execution of the national labor policy is the National Mediation Board which performs for the railroad and airline industries precisely the same function that the Federal Medi- ation and Conciliation Service performs for the rest of the economy. In examining the pay bill, I find that the chairman of the National Mediation Board has been downgraded in the same manner as has the Director of the Fed- eral Mediation Service. The remarks which I have made thus far, apply with equal force to the National Mediation Board. The National Mediation Board has the responsibility for the administration of the Railway Labor Act. This Board over a period of some, almost 30 years has maintained a unique record for the pres- ervatio nof the stability of labor man- agement relations in this field. In addi- tion the National Mediation Board has the responsibility, under the state stat- ute, for labor management relations among carriers by air and their em- ployees. In this relatively new field of burgeon- ing employment, now exceeding 500,000 employees, the Board's record over the past 25 years has been equally success- ful. The maintenance of the flow of commerce along these vital arteries re- quires the highest degree of responsibil- ity and application by the members of this Board. In addition its agents and employees are in constant touch with the leaders of labor and management in these fields on almost a daily basis to prevent a disruption in the flow of inter- state commerce. The National Medi- ation Board has the additional responsi- bility of administering the affairs and budget of the National Railroad Adjust- ment Board in Chicago. This latter agency faces the task of adjusting thou- sands of minor disputes during the course of each year. In all, the stability of the employment relationship of over a mil- lion and a quarter wage earners in the United States are affected by the opera- tions of the National Mediation Board. Thus, my amendment proposes to re- store the balance between these various functions which has been recognized for so long and which reflects the actual facts. The Chairman of the National Mediation Board, like the Chairman of the National Labor Relations Board and the Director of the Federal Mediation Service should be placed in level 3. Next, we come to the Railroad Retire- ment Board.' Here again, for some rea- son, the committee has downgraded the chairman of this Board to the level 4 category. He, too, has historically and traditionally been recognized as per- forming a function, equal in status and, worth to that of the other officials whom I have described above. The railroad retirement system pro- vides important protection to railroad employees, their dependents and sur- vivors. The railroad unemployment in- surance system provides nationwide un- employment and sickness protection for railroad employees. The Railroad Retirement Board em- ploys about 2,000 employees. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, the Rail- road Retirement Board paid more than $1,200 million in benefits to 1,200,000 beneficiaries under the two systems. The total amount paid out by the Board through fiscal 1963 is about $14 billion. The Railroad Retirement Board has an excellent record of performance in the administration of the two systems, and I feel very strongly that, considering the importance, responsibility and size of the systems the Board administers, the downgrading of this agency which the bill proposes is clearly unwarranted. The Congress has always regarded the railroad retirement and railroad unem- ployment insurance systems, and their administration, as of particular and pri- mary concern to the employees and em- ployers in the railroad industry and has always attached great weight to any rec- ommendation upon which representa- tives of the employers and employees have been in agreement. I ask for unanimous consent to have printed in the RECORD at this point of my remarks a joint letter signed by Earl Leighty, chairman of the Railway Labor Executives' Association and Gregory S. Prince, executive vice president and gen- eral counsel of the Association of Amer- ican Railroads addressed to the Honor- able Tom Murray, chairman of the House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, describing the work of both the Railroad Retirement Board and the Na- tional Mediation Board and urging that these agencies be maintained at their present levels of parity with the National Labor Relations Board in the Federal pay system. There being no objection, the letter was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: WASHINGTON, D.C., March 18, 1964. Hon. Tom MURRAY, Chairman, House Committee on Post Office and Civil Service, Washington, D.C. DEAR MR. CHAIRMAN: We, the Association of American Railroads and the Railway La- bor Executives' Association, are vitally in- terested in the administration of all statutes affecting our operations including our labor relations handled by the National Mediation Board and the railroad retirement system and the railroad unemployment insurance system handled by the Railroad Retirement Board. These latter two systems are financed by payroll taxes on the railroad industry and the costs of administration including salaries, are also paid from these payroll taxes. Both of these latter systems are ad- ministered by the Railroad Retirement Board, a tripartite agency, one member of which is selected upon the recommendation of the railroads, one upon the recommendation of labor organizations representing railroad em- ployees and the chairman without recom- mendation by either group. The National Mediation Board, by statute, is a bipartisan board, not more than two of the three mem- bers shall be of the same political party. We are concerned about the salary levels provided for the three members of the Rail- road Retirement Board and the threelnem- bers of the National Mediation Board, in H.R. 10444 and related bills which were filed on March 16, 1964. Section 302 of title III of these bills establishes a "Federal executive 15295 salary schedule" to be divided into six salary levels. Level In of this schedule, which is contained in section 303(c), includes the chairmen of a number of Federal agencies to which the Railroad Retirement Board and the National Mediation Board compare very favorably, either in importance, size, or re- sponsibility, but the Chairmen of the Rail- road Retirement Board and the National Mediation Board are not included. Further, while the language with respect to positions in level IV "such other offices and positions the duties and responsibilities of which [the President] deems appropriate for this level" would warrant placing the members of the Railroad Retirement Board and the National Mediation Board in this level, there is similar language with respect to positions in levels V and VI. In view of this we respectfully recommend amendments to these bills which *ould specifically include the Chairmen of the Railroad Retirement Board and the Na- tional Mediation Board in level III and the other members of the Board in level IV. The railroad retirement system which the Board administers is the nationwide retire- ment system for employees in the railroad industry. It provides important protection to railroad employees and their dependents and survivors. Employees receive annuities upon their retirement for age or disability. Annuities are paid to their spouses and other dependents and annuities or lump sums are paid to the survivors of railroad employees. The railroad unemployment insurance sys- tem which the Board administers provides nationwide unemployment insurance protec- tion for railroad employees in the form of un- employment, sickness, and maternity bene- fits. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1963, the Railroad Retirement Board paid more than $1,200 million in benefits to 1,200,000 beneficiaries under the two systems. The total amount paid out by the Board through fiscal 1963 is about $14 billion. The Board employs about 2,000 employees. Among the Government agencies included in section 303(c) of the bill is one with about the same number of employees and 11 with considerably less than this number. In at least 10 of the agencies included in section 303(c), the present salaries of the chairmen and other members of the agencies are $20- 500 and $20,000, respectively, the same as of the chairman and members of the Railroad Retirement Board. The Railroad Retirement Board has an ex- cellent record of performance in the admin- istration of the two systems, and we feel very strongly that, considering the importance, responsibility, and size of the systems the Board administers, the failure to include spe- cifically the chairman of the Railroad Re- tirement Board in section 303(c) is unwar- ranted. The same is true of the failure clearly to include the members of the Rail- road Retirement Board in level IV. The Congress has always regarded the rail- road retirement and railroad unemployment insurance systems, and their administration, as of particular and primary concern to the employers and employees in the railroad in- dustry and has always attached great weight to any recommendation upon which repre- sentatives of the employers and employees have been in agreement. We have an espe- cially notable record of having been in agree- ment virtually at all times for more than 25 years on matters pertaining to the ad- ministration of the two systems. The National Mediation Board has the re- sponsibility for the administration of the Railway Labor Act. This Board, over a pe- riod of some almost 30 years, has maintained a unique record for the preservation of the stability of labor management relations in this field. In addition, the National Media- tion Board has the responsibility, under the same statute, for labor management rela- tions among carriers by air and their em- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 15296 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE ployees. In this relatively new field of bur- geoning employment, now exceeding 500.000 employees, the Board's record over the past 25 years has been equally successful. The maintenance of the flow of commerce along these vital arteries requires the highest degree of responsibility and application by the members of this Board. In addition its agents and employees are In constant touch with the leaders of labor and management In these fields on almost a daily basin to prevent a disruption in the flow of interstate com- merce. The National Mediation Board has the additional responsibility of administer- ing the affairs and budget of the National Railroad Adjustment Board in Chicago. This latter agency faces the task of adjusting thousands of minor disputes during the course of each year. In all, the stability of the employment relationship of over a mil- lion and a quarter wage earners in the United States are affected by the operations of the National Mediation Board. As representatives of those who, in effect. pay the salaries of the three members of the Railroad Retirement Board and who are vitally concerned with the ability of the Na- tional Mediation Board to effectively admin- ister its program, we respectfully request that section 303 of the bill BR. 10444 be amended by inserting in subsection (c) after line 13 on page 42 the following: "(45) Chairman of the Railroad Retire- ment Board. "(46) Chairman of the National Mediation Board."; and by inserting in subsection (e) In line 2 on page 43 after the word "poet- tions" the following: "(including, but not limited to, members of the Railroad Retirement Board and mem- bers of the National Mediation Board)" We shaU appreciate it if you will see that our proposed amendments and the reasons therefor are made available to and given consideration by the committee. Sincerely yours, By GREGORY S. PRINCE. Executive Vice President and General Counsel, Association of American Railroads. By G. E. Larceny, Chairman, Railway Labor Executives' Association. Mr. MORSE. Mr. President, my amendment would remove this threat- ened inequality and would restore the Railroad Retirement Board to the high level in Government in which it belongs. Finally, I must point out that the re- ported bill discriminates against the members of the National Mediation Board and the Railroad Retirement Board in the same way in which it dis- criminates against their chairmen. In each case, the members have been down- graded to level 5 of the Federal execu- tive salary schedule whereas the mem- bers of the National Labor Relations Board have been placed in level 4. This is precisely the same kind of down- grading which the bill imposes on the chairmen of these agencies and consti- tutes, in my judgment, rank discrimina- tion against the members of these im- portant agencies. My amendment pro- poses to repair this injustice. In closing my remarks, I should like to point out that the House bill, recogniz- ing the realities of the role of these va- rious agencies in the Federal Govern- ment, accorded to each of them the same rank and dignity which they have always enjoyed. There is not a shred of evidence to justify that these agencies are no longer entitled to the class A status which they have so long merited. Each continues to perform in its own way the same sig- nificant and effective role in the admin- istration of the national labor Polley. The House bill, in recognition of these facts, continue to classify the agencies in the same way. The chairman of the Senate committee has assured me that this amendment will go to conference and will receive the very careful consideration of the Senate conferees. I understand that the chairman himself is not opposed to it, but I should like to have it go to con- ference without any binding commit- ment upon the Senate conferees. My respect for and confidence in the conferees of the Senate is such that I am perfectly willing to enter into that un- derstanding. if it can be implemented? and I ani sure it can be?under the able leadership of the Senator from South Carolina. though I should like to have him make a brief statement of his posi- tion. Mr. JOHNSTON. What the Senator has said is absolutely true. We have discussed this subject, and the amend- ment will go to conference. These amounts were left to the President, it will be recalled by members of the committee, to put them In whatever class the Pres- ident desired to put them into. That being si. it will be a matter for the conferees, Mr. MORSE. With that understand- ing, I ask unanimous consent to with- draw my amendment. The PRESIDING OFeaCER. The amendment of the Senator from Oregon Is withdrawn. Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 1 minute to the Senator from Rhode Island. Mr. PF.T.T, Mr. President, we have be- fore us a vitally important bill, HR. 11049, the Federal Employees Salary Act of 1964. It is important that those who work for the Federal Government receive compensation nearly the approximate equivalent of that received by their coun- terparts in responsibility in the business world. Recently, a number of top Govern- ment officials regretably, have had to leave their jobs because their salaries were not adequate to meet their personal needs. The loss of outstanding men and women and the inability to attract top- flight talent leave our Government in a serious predicament. The ability to run a government efficiently and well depends In large part on the caliber of those who fill responsible positions_ When we fail to retain or to bring such persons into the Federal service, all of us suffer the consequences?and particularly the tax- payers, who have every right to demand that their tax dollars be used in the most effective and efficient manner passible. Some have criticized Congress for raising the salaries of its Members. This I consider unjustified and unwarranted by the facts. While I personally am fortunate enough not to need this raise, the fact remains that a very large per- centage of Senators and Congressmen have as their sole source of income, their salaries. They are faced with high, but Inescapable, expenses, of which the pub- lic is often unaware?the need to main- July 2 tam n a residence in Washington and in the home State, travel and entertain- ment expenses, and certain office costs that exceed the allotments granted Members. To demand of Members of Congress?and rightfully so--the VerY highest standards, but then to deny them an adequate salary, strikes me as some- what hypocritical. The arguments I have advanced apply equally across the board, whether in reference to a postal clerk or a judge on the Supreme Court. Good men deserve good treatment, and one of the ir..di- cators is an adequate salary. I am particularly pleased that the Senate committee revised the scale of wages for those in the middle grades of the classified service. This is ex- tremely important, for it is in these grades that we bring in the bright young men and young women who eventuelly will occupy the top positions in Govern- ment. We cannot attract them if we are not walling to pay them adequate salaries. For instance, in my own State of Rhode Island, nearly 12,500 civilians are working for the Federal Government. They are productive, and do an excellent job. But, like everyone else, they are affected by rises in the cost of living, educational expenses, and the many other responsibilities that confront the average American family. Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I call up my amendment No. 1093 and ask that it be stated. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment of the Senator from Louisi- ana will be Etated for the information of the Senate. The legislative clerk read as follows: On page 100, beginning with the word "In" in line 4, strike out through line 14 and Insert in lieu thereof the following: "at the rats of 6 per centum of his gross compen- sation (basic compensation plus additional compensation authorized by law)." On page 109, beginning with the word "an" In line 20. strike out through line 23 and insert in Lieu thereof the following: "6 per centum." On page 112, beginning with the word "an" in line 17, strike out through Une 23 a:ad insert in lieu thereof the following: "6 per centum." On page 113, line 4, strike out "622,945" and insert in lieu thereof "620,000". On page 114, line 3, strike out "626,000" and insert in lieu thereof "$22,500". On page 114, line 6, strike out "624.500" and insert in lieu thereof "620,500". On page 114, line 8, strike out "822.500" and insert in Lieu thereof "$20,500". On page 114, line 13, strike out "$27,50)" and insert in lieu thereof "$22,500". Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, I ask for the yeas and nays on my amendment. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. a-TJ.ENDEFL. Mr. President, the purpose of this amendment is to reduce the amount to be.paid to the legislative employees of the Senate as provided in the bill and have it raised to 6 percent. As the Senator from South Carolir.a stated yesterday, in 1962 we had an across-the-board raise of salaries for legislative employees of 7 percent. Here we are 2 years later, arid under the provisions of this bill, the salaries of Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 A 1964 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 15297 Senate employees are? raised as much as $21,500, and he Would receive $22,500 un- 211/2 percent. . der this bill. I think it is ample. What I seek to do is to put a maximum The legislative counsel would receive of 6 percent on the salaries which, to- $22,500, an increase of 6 percent, from gether with the 7 percent that Congress $21,500. granted last year, will total a 13-percent The General Counsel of GAO now re- increase since 1962. Under the bill that ceives $20,000. My amendment would was enacted in 1962, with a base pay of provide for him $22,500. $8,880, an administrative assistant re- Now the administrative assistants of ceived $18,884. Under this bill, that same Senators would be increased from the base pay would increase to a pay of total that they can now receive of $18,- $22,945, a sum in excess of what Senators 880, to $20,000. Mr. President, I think are now receiving. And the same rate that is ample. practically goes on up to a base pay of, This 6-percent increase, together with say, $6,005, where an increase of 161/2 the 7-percent increase that we allowed percent, down to the 211/2 percent for the last year, is ample for those workers. highest pay for the administrative of- Mr. President, I wish to place in the ficer. =tEcoRD at this point two tables that in- The amendment covers the salaries of dicate how much the legislative em- the Secretary of the Senate, the Sergeant ployees are receiving now, and what they at Arms, the Architect of the Capitol, and will receive under this bill. his administrative assistant. There being no objection, the table Under the present law, the Sergeant was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, at Arms of the Senate receives $21,500. as follows: If this bill were enacted, that same offl- U.S. Senate-Effective Oct. 15, 1962 cial would receive $27,500-an increaseBasic Gross of $500 a month, or a percentage increase per annum per annum of 27.9 percent. $60 $1, 020. 72 In addition to that, the Sergeant at $120 1, 162. 11 Arms is furnished an automobile. He is $180 1,303.50 240 1,444.89 furnished a chauffeur. He will be bet- $ 1,586.28 ter off than a Senator, if the Senator re- $300 $360 1,727.67 ceives the increased amount that is now $420 1, 869. 06 provided for in the bill. If this bill were $480 2, 010. 44 enacted by the Senate, as presented by $640 2, 151. 84 the distinguished Senator ' from South $600 2,293.23 Carolina, the Sergeant at Arms would re- $660 2,434.61 ceive $27,500-only $2,500 less than a $720 2, 576. 01 2,717.39 Senator. gg 2,855.64 : On yesterday, my good friend corn- $900 2,968.75 pared the work of the Sergeant at Arms $960 3, 081. 86 to that of the police chief of the city of $1,020 3,194.98 New York. Of course, this is not a valid 61,080 3, 308. 08 comparison. The Sergeant at Arms is a $1,140 3,421.20 nice fellow, but this job is more or less $1,200 $1,260 3, 534. 31 political. And to increase his salary 3, 638.01 overnight by $500 a month cannot be $1,320 3,711.69 $1,380 3,845.37 justified by anyone. $1,440 4, 052. 75 3, 949.07 The same thing holds true for the Sec- $1,500 - tary of the Senate, who now receives $1,660 4, 167. 47 $21,500. The increase would raise his $1,620 4.285. 68 salary to $27,500, or an increase of 27.9 $1,680 4,403.88 4 $1,740 ,525.43 percent. $1,800 4, 655. 47 We furnish the Secretary of the Sen- $1,860 4,785.46 ate with an automobile and a chauffeur. $1,920 4,915.49 I would say that the Secretary of the $1,980 5, 045. 53 Senate is getting more money than a $2,040 5, 178.54 Senator would if the bill were passed as $2,100 5, 305. 58 presently written, $2,160 $2,220 5, 435. 56 5, 565.59 The Architect of the Capitol now re- $2,280 5, 695. 63 ceives $20,700. If this bill were passed, $2,340 5, 825.84 we would grant him an increase to $2,400 5,955.67 $26,000, or an increase of 26.1 percent. $2,460 6, 085.68 Mr. President, that is unconscionable. $2,620 6,215.70$2,580 6, 345. 74 An administrative assistant would be $2,640 6,475.75 raised from $18,880 to $22,945, or a raise$ 6,605.79 of $4,065, or 21.5 percent of what he is $22:707600 6,735.82 now receiving. $2,820 6,865.81 My amendment is very simple. What $2,880 6,995.86 it would do is give an across-the-board = 7,125.87 ? 7, 265. 90 increase, the same as we did in 1962. $3,060 7, 385. 93 That year, we gave an across-the-board $3,120 7,515.94 increase of 7 percent. My amendment $3,180 7,645.97 would give an additional 6 percent. The $3,240 7,775. 96 Secretary of the Senate is now receiving $3,300 '7, 906. 00 $21,500. Under this amendment, he $3,360 8, 036,03 would be increased to $22,500, the amount $3,420 8, 166.04 that the Senators now receive. $3,480 8, 296.07 $3,540 8, 428.08 . ? The Sergeant at Arms would receive $3,600 - 8, 556 11 the same increase. He now receives $3,660 8, 686. 14 U.S. Senate-Effective Oct. 15, 1962-Con, Basic Gross per annum per annum $3,720 $8, 816. 15 $3,780 8,946. 19 $3,840 9, 076. 20 $3,900 9, 206. 22 $3,960 9, 336. 25 $4,020 9,466. 27 $4,080 9, 596. 30 $4,140 9,726. 31 $4,200 9, 856. 33 $4,260 9, 986. 36 $4,320 10, 116. 37 - $4,380 10. 246. 39 $4,140 10. 376. 42 $4,600 10, 506. 43 $4,560 10, 636. 46 $1,620 10, '764. 52 $4,680 10, 883. 64 $4,740 11, 012. 73 $1,800 11, 136. 85 $4,860 11, 260.97 $4,920 11, 386. 08 $4,980 11, 509. 18 $5,040 11, 633. 30 $5,100 11, 757. 41 $5,160 11, 881. 53 $5,220 12, 002. 36 $5,280 12, 115. 18 $5,310 12, 228.01 $5,400 12, 340. 85 $5,460 12, 453.66 $5,520 12, 566. 49 $5,580 12, 679.33 $5,640 12, 792. 16 $5,700 12, 901. 99 $5,760 13, 017. 82 $5,820 13, 130. 55 $5,1380 13, 243. 46 $5,940 13, 356. 29 $6,000 13,469. 14 $6,060 13, 581. 97 $6,120 13, 694. 79 $6,180 13, 807.62 $6,240 13, 920.44 $6,300 14, 033. 28 $6,360 14, 146. 10 $6,420 14, 239.93 $6,480 14, 371. 76 $6,540 14,484. 59 $6,600 14, 597. 42 $6,660 14,710. 25 $6,720 14, 823. 08 $6,780 14, 935. 89 $6,840 15;048. 73 $6,900 15, 181.57 $6,960 15, 274.41 $7,020 15, 387. 22 $7,080 -15,500.05 $7,140 15, 612. 88 $7,200 15, 725.71 $7,260 15, 838. 54 $7,320 15, 951. 37 $7,380 16, 064. 19 $7,440 16, 177. 01 $7,500 16, 289. 86 $7,560 16, 402.68 $7,620 16, 515.51 $7,1380 16, 628. 34 $7,740 16, 741. 16 $7,800 16, 854, 00 $7,860 16, 966.84 $7,920 17, 079. 65 $7,980 17, 192. 48 $8,000 17, 230. 10 $8,040 17, 305. 31 $8,100 17, 418. 16 $8,160 17, 683.97 $8,220 17,643. 80 $8,280 17, 756. 63 $8,340 17, 869. 44 $8,400 17,982. 29 -$8,460 18, 095. 12 88,520 18, 207. 94 $8,580 18, 320. '77 $8,640 18, 436.60 $8,700 18, 546. 43 $8,760 18, 659. 26 $8,820 18,772. 09 $8,880 18, 880.00 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15298 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE LEG/SLAT/17R SALARY INCIJSABY-S This is designed to provide percentage salary adjustments for legislative employees comparable to those provided for employees under the Classification Act.. The increases are provided In an amount equal to 3% per- cent of the employee's gross rate plus 1 per- cent of his gross rate for each whole multiple, or part of a multiple of $500 basic compen- sation; or an amount equal to 6 percent of such gross rate. whichever Is greater. 51 ultlple 0.1 Bean 85 BOO Present gross 8891 1,020 2,067 Proposed amendment Percent increuse New groes 8.0 6.0 5.0 6935 1,071 2.160 545 2,069 5. 6 2, 183 1.000 3, 157 b. 5 3,100 9 1,005 3,166 8. 5 3, 372 2.4 3 1,200 1.600 3,684 4,062 6. 5 6.5 3. 764 4, 316 3 1,605 4.001 7. 5 4,3)15 3 6 1.800 4,688 7. 5 6.004 4 ? 000 6.083 7. 3 8.470 4 2, 00.5 5, 099 8. 8.038 4.34 2. 400 6.966 8.45 6,4131 2.000 6,172 8.6 6,697 2.005 8, 183 9. 5 6,770 3.000 7. 258 IL 5 7.948 Ii 3.005 7,286 10.8 c/9 7 8,600 8,389 10.6 it 215 7 3.605 &360 11.5 9, 310 7.2 8.500 8.558 11.5 9.040 34 4, 000 9.422 11_ 5 10. 506 4. 005 O. 483 12. 5 10.013 ft 4.500 10.606 12. 5 11.1319 9 4,505 10.017 13. 5 11.031 fi 4,1300 11.1345 13.5 12.640 10 8.000 11.550 13.5 13. 109 Ill 8.00,5 11.580 14.5 13,237 11 6, 500 12, 528 14. 5 14,345 11 6, 5115 12.538 13. 5 14.431 12 6, 000 13. 469 15. 5 15.836 1,1 6.1105 13. 478 16. 5 1,5.702 13 6,5411) 14.409 1)3.5 16, 788 13 6,005 14, 418 17. 18.042 14 7, 000 1-5. 349 17. 18.038 14 7,005 15.359 131. 5 18.200 14.4 7.316) 18.723 114 16.63.5 15 7,84)0 16. 289 18. 6 16,303 1.5. 7,605 16.1299 la 5 19,477 16 8,0(6) 17. U) 19. 5 20.800 16 8.005 17.239 SILO 20, 773 '7. 8.100 18. 170 24 5 21.893 17 8.606 18, 179 21. b 22.04% 17.7 8,880 12,804 21. 22.045 Mr. ELLENDER. Mr. President, as I said, it ranges from 5 percent for the employee getting $891 a year-and we have got very few of those now-to those receiving a 21.5-percent increase. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. ELLENDER. I yield. Mr. LAUSCHE. What is the present- day maximum pay allowable for admin- istrative assistants? Mr. ELLENDER. Eighteen thousand eight hundred and eighty dollars. Mr. LAUSCHE. What would the bill do as it now stands? Mr. ELLENDER. The bill as it now stands would provide $22,945. Mr. LAUSCHE. And what will the amendment of the Senator from Loui- siana provide? Mr. ELLENDER. $20,000. I say that we should use a little sanity on these wage hikes. I am very hopeful that the Senate will vote for my amendment. The PRESIDING OFFICER. With- out objection, the amendments will be considered en bloc. The question is on agreeing to the amendment of the Senator from Loui- siana. The yeas and nays have been ordered; and the clerk will call the roll. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, could I ask the Senator from Louisiana a question? The PRESIDING 01,FICER. The Senator from Montana is recognized. Mr. MANSFIELD. All the employees' salaries were not listed. Were they? Mr PI JPNDEJt.. In what? Mr. MANSFIELD In the Senate. Mr ELLENDER. It covers all of the legislative employees. Mr. MANSFIELD It covers all of the legislative employees, the Chaplain, and so forth? Mr Fr LENDER. Yes, even the little pages here. As I said yesterday, when I came to the Senate, the pages were getting $5 a day. This bill Increases it to $5,000 a year. I think this is uncon- scionable. We gave a cut this year on income taxes. And with all of that, we are pro- posing to raise these legislative em- ployees, as I said, from 5 to 21 q percent. That cannot be justified. Mr. President. The PRESIDING OloteiCalli. The Senator from South Carolina is recog- nized. Mr. JOUNSTON. Mr. President, the salaries referred to are in keeping with the salaries that have been requested by the administration for executive branch employees and approved by the House. If this amendment is agreed to, we will find that the House employees and offices will have substantial increases, and our officers and employees will not have any Increase but the 6 percent. It Is in the higher brackets that we are having trouble in securing the qualified men, both downtown and here. I do not think any Senator wishes to pay an executive branch employee more than our own employees in the Senate are paid for a position of equivalent rank and responsibility. The Senator has spoken of the Ser- geant at Arms. At the present time there Is only $1,000 difference between the salary of the Sergeant at Arms and the salary of a Senator. When the bill passes, there will be a difference of $2,500. So the proposal is in keeping with what we have done in the past. We have tried to regulate salaries so that Inconsistencies will not cause a great deal of trouble. I hope that the Senate will reject the amendment. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, I have been unable to ascertain whether the Comptroller General's rate would be reduced by the amendment of the dis- tinguished Senator. I know that the Counsel would be reduced. Mr. ELLENDER. Those included are the Secretary of the Senate, the Ser- geant at Arms, the Legislative Counsel, the General Counsel of GAO, the Libra- rian of Congress, the Public Printer, the Architect of the Capitol, the Deputy Librarian, the Deputy Public Printer, and the Assistant Architect of the Capi- tol. Mr. MONRONEY. The head of the GAO would not be included in the pro- posed reductions? Mr. ELLENDER.. No. Mr. MONRONEY. He is on that list of officers generally associated together. Mr. ELLENDER. What I sought to do was to include employees in the legisla- July 2 tive branch of the Government. As the Senator knows, the bill would increase the salaries of all employees who are members of the staffs of the milliors of subcommittees and special committees that we have. Mr. MONRONEY. Not necessarily. The Senator knows that only those em- ployees whose salaries were increased by their employer would receive the in- crease. Mr. FT 7 ENDER. Certainly, but the Senator knows what would happen. Mr. MONRONEY. The Senator from Oklahoma has never used anywhere near the maximum amount of salary allow- ance. I ant sure that the Senator from Louisiana las not. Mr. FI LENDER. I have nor. Mr. MONRONEY. I am sure that the Senator fnmn South Carolina has hot. The maximum is an amount which very few employees ever attain. If a Senator chooses to use his pay allowance in order to keep his administrative assistant at $22,945, which is the tiptop of the grade of those fine young people who serve and make a lifetime job of their service, then he has a right to do so. As early as 1946 the top staff men of the Senate commit- tees were so classified that they would be able to attract the same quality of men. We would prevent raids upon our staffs of our good men. Otherwise they would be 'attracted downtown at higher em- ployment wages. If we are going to pay more to those in the top level of civil service-those in grade 18 in the executive department downtown, who have less hard work to do than our own staff people-we should at least raise the salaries of our cwn staff people to $22.945 as well. The ratio has been well kept. We have tried to maintain the differences. There has been a difference of $1,000 between the salary of a Senator and the salary of the Sergeant at Arms and that of he Secretary of the Senate. Under the sill the difference would be $2,500. As to the Architect of the Capitol, neither of us might agree that he is an excellent architect, but the job-and that is what we are trying to classify- is a job that certainly demands a person of capability. It demands someone a ho would have that much earning capacity, In order to be able to supervise the myr- iad things that have to be done in tais gigantic Capitol plant, including all the buildings on Capitol Hill. Mr. FLLFNDER. Mr. President, will the Senator Yield? Mr. MONRONEY. I yield. Mr. ELLENDER. The Senator has tried to compare the salaries of the Sec- retary of the Senate and the Sergeant at Arms with the salary of a Senator. The Senator knows that in the last few years those two officers have received increases In pay whereas Senators have not. That Is why the salaries are so close together. Mr. MONRONEY. - I beg the Senator's pardon. We have not Increased the sal- aries of those employees. Mr. EILENDER. In 1962 there was a 7-percent across-the-board increase. Mr. MONRONEY. If my memory serves me correctly, the Sergeant at Arms did not- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964, Approved For Release 2005/05/18: CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15299 Mr. ELLENDER. All employees re- ceived an increase. Mr. MONRONEY. They did not get the full 7 percent. The limitation cut them off. Mr. ELLENDER. They did get an increase in 1962. Mr. MONRONEY. The Senator is more correct than I am, because they did receive an increase. But a differential exists. We would now make the differ- ential $2,500, which I believe is a proper differential between the salaries of those two officers and the salary of a Senator. Mr. ELLENDER. Does the Senator mean that a differential of $2,500 be- tween the salaries of the Sergeant at Arms and the Secretary of the Senate and a Senator is proper? Mr. MONRONEY. I believe the Sen- ator will find that that has generally been the range of the difference. Mr. ELLENDER. Is that the way the Senator evaluates it? Mr. MONRONEY. The difference be- tween the salaries of the Sergeant at Arms and a Senator? Mr. ELLENDER. Yes. The Secre- tary of the Senate has an automobile, and a chauffeur, and I believe this would amount to, if he is given the $27,500 which is provided in the bill more than a Senator's salary. Mr. MONRONEY. Ths Senator knows that the $2,500 differential is one that represents the difference between the two jobs. But those are the two prin- cipal officers of the Senate. We need efficient men in those offices. They spend a great deal of money running the housekeeping functions on our side of the Capitol. I believe the scale is proper and ought to be maintained. I ask that the amend- ment be rejected. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Does the Senator from Louisiana yield back the remainder of his time? Mr. ELT:PINDER. Mr. President, I yield back the remainder of my time. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I yield back the remainder of my time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The question is on agreeing to the amend- ment of the Senator from Louisiana. All time having expired, and the yeas and nays, having been ordered, the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Virginia [Mr. BYRD], the Senator from Ohio [Mr. YOUNG], and the Senator from Virginia [Mr. ROBERT- SON] are absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BAY11], and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY] are absence because of illness. I further announce that the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATHERS], and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] are necessarily absent. I further announce that, if present and voting, the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] would vote "nay." On this vote, the Senator from Ohio [Mr. YOUNG] is paired with the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATHERS] . If pres- ent and voting, the Senator from Ohio would vote "yea," and the Senator from Florida would vote "nay." Mr. KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. COTTON], the Senator from Hawaii [Mr. Form], the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. HausicAl, and the Senator from Massa- chusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL ] are neces- sarily absent. If present and voting, the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. HausgA] would vote "yea." The result was announced?yeas 25, nays 63, as follows: [No. 463 Leg.1 Aiken Allott Burdick Church Cooper Curtis Dominick =ender Goldwater Anderson Bartlett Beall Bennett Bible Boggs Brewster Byrd, W. Va. Cannon Carlson Case Clark Dirksen Dodd Douglas Eastland Edmondson Ervin Fulbright Gruening Hart YEAS-25 Gore Jordan, Idaho Lausche Mansfield McClellan McGovern Miller Morton Moss NAYS-63 Mundt Simpson Syrnington Talmadge Thurmond Williams, Del. Young, N. Dalt. Hartke Metcalf Hayden Monroney Hickenlooper Morse Hill Muskie Holland Nelson Humphrey Neuberger gnouye Pastore Jackson Pearson Javits Pell Johnston Prouty Jordan, N.C. Proxmire Keating Randolph Kuchel Ribicoff Long, Mo. Russell Long, La. Scott Magnuson Smith McCarthy Sparkman McGee Stennis McIntyre Tower McNamara Walters Mechem Williams, N.J. NOT VOTING-12 Bayh Fong Saltonstall Byrd, Va. Hruska Smathers Cotton Kennedy Yarborough Engle Robertson Young, Ohio So Mr. ELLENDER'S amendments (No. 1093) were rejected. GOOD GOVERNMENT NEEDS GOOD MEN: GOOD ming MUST BE PAID Mr. BARTLETT. Mr. President, the House of Representatives has passed, and the Senate Committee on Post Office and Civil Service has favorably reported, with amendments, the Government Employ- ees Salary Reform Act of 1964, H.R. 11049. I now urge Senate passage. Enactment of this bill would be a sig- nificant step towarupdating and mak- ing equitable the Federal pay scale. Present levels of payment represent poor economy in several respects. They do not give Government workers fair and reasonable pay. They make it increas- ingly difficult to recruit and retain top- flight men and women for Government service. They undercut Congress' de- clared principle that Government work- ers shall be paid wages comparable to those paid in analogous private positions. Their failure to provide adequate incen- tives or to attract a sufficient number of capable workers undermines our efforts to achieve efficiency and economy in Government. The pay adjustment bill would pro- vide salary increases for some 1,700,000 Government employees, including over 7,500 Federal workers located in Alaska. Over 1 million civil servants, includ- ing 6,822 In Alaska, are presently cov- ered by the Classification Act of 1949. The Alaska figure includes 1,323 Army employees, 1,158 with the Air Force, 1,105 with the Department of the Interior, and 1,434 with the FAA. The Classification Act also covers 692 Alaskans working with the Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, 334 with the Depart- ment of Agriculture, 268 with the De- partment of Commerce, 166 with the Navy, and 145 with the Department of the Treasury. Salary increases granted by the pro- posed bill to Classification Act employees would be effective at all GS levels. They would average 4.2 percent. Workers at the GS-4 to GS-5 levels would receive boosts of over 6 percent; GS-3 and GS-6 employees would be raised by more than 5 percent. GS-7 to GS-8 increases would average around 4 percent, while those in grades 9 through 12 would run approx- imately 3 percent. Another 600,000 of the Federal em- ployees covered by the present bill are now classified under the postal field serv- ice, rural carrier, and fourth-class office schedules. This involves 669 Alaskans, including 144 postmasters of fourth-class Post offices. Employees covered by the postal field service schedule would re- ceive an average salary increase of 5.6 Percent. The boost would be over 6 per- cent for employees at PFS levels 1 through 4, 5.2 percent at PFS-5, 4 per- cent at PFS-6, and approximately 3 per- cent at PFS levels 7 through 11. A new basis of computation would be used in determining the salaries of post- masters of fourth-class post offices. The formula for "revenue units," upon which salaries would be based, would consider the amount of mail handled and the service transactions carried out, as well as the gross receipts. This promises to establish a more realistic wage scale for those postmasters, long underpaid, in our small or seasonal offices. Other sections of the pay adjustment bill increase salaries in the Department of Medicine and Surgery of the Veterans' Administration, in the Foreign Service, and in county ASC offices. Increases are also provided for legislative employees and officers, Members of Congress, Fed- eral executives, District of Columbia ex- ecutives and officers, judicial employees, and Federal judges. The bill is thus a comprehensive one, attempting to remedy inequities at vari- ous wage levels. It acknowledges that top Federal officials cannot expect sal- aries absolutely commensurate with lu- crative private positions; but it still recognizes the need for appreciable in- creases, in light of the many responsibili- ties these officials must fulfill and the hardships to which present salary scales subject them. At the same time, the bill attempts to establish equitable rates down the line, and to set up meaningful ratios between the various grade levels. Thus, we are attempting not only to provide for much- needed increases, but also to establish wage levels that will encourage maxi- mum effort and will provide incentives for continuance and advancement in the Federal service. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15300 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July 2 It Is all too easy, Mr. President, to underestimate the services rendered by Federal employees working throughout the country?from the highest official levels to the smallest post offices in our Alaska villages. We also tend to under- estimate the salaries which these public servants deserve and need. These are the people who must administer the many Federal programs and services; they are the people on whom, in large measure, our domestic welfare and our security and leadership in the world arena are dependent. It is simply not fair for these employees to be underpaid, nor can the country afford it. It is false economy to pay inadequate wages to those upon whom Government efficiency depends. We must attract and hold our most capable citizens to public service. If we are to do so, we must give them adequate compensation and incentive. Mr. President, I urge the passage of H.R. 11049 as reported by the Senate committee. The PRESIDING OFFICER.. The bill Is open to further amendment. Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, I offer an amendment. The PRESIDING OlekiCER. The amendment offered by the Senator from Kentucky will be stated. The legislative clerk read the amend- ment as follows: At the end of line 2, page 107, add the following: "rixt.is "Any compensation, honorarium, or other payment received by any Member of Con- gress for any lecture, appearance, speech, or article written over and above the actual ex- penses involved shall be turned over to the Treasury of the United States." MESSAGE FROM ink, HOUSE A message from the House of Repre- sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House had agreed to the amendment of the Senate to the bill (H.R. 7152) to enforce the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public ac- commodations, to authorize the Attor- ney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Com- mission on Civil Rights, to Prevent dis- crimination in federally assisted pro- grams, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes. CIVIL RIGHTS?ENROLLED BILL SIGNED The message also announced that the Speaker had affixed his signature to the enrolled bill (HR. 7152) to enforce the constitutional right to vote, to confer jurisdiction upon the district courts of the United States to provide injunctive relief against discrimination in public accommodations, to authorize the Attor- ney General to institute suits to protect constitutional rights in public facilities and public education, to extend the Com- mission on Civil Rights, to prevent dis- crimination in federally assisted pro- grams, to establish a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for other purposes, and it was signed by the President pro tempore. Mr. JAVITS. Mr. President, will the Senator from Kentucky yield to me for one moment? Mr. MORTON. I yield. Mr. JAVI'TS. Mr. President, we have just heard the historic announcement to the Senate that the House has passed finally the civil rights bill, the most momentous piece of legislation, in my judgment, which has come out of the Senate since the declaration of war in World War II. I thank the Senator for the opportu- nity at least to call it markedly to the attention of the Senate. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MORTON. I yield. Mr. HUMPHREY. I merely wish the Itscoao today to note that the act which has just been passed by the House, to which the Speaker has affixed his signa- ture. the Civil Rights Act of 1964, is not only one of the most important PleCes of legislation of our time, but it has had amazing bipartisan support. The vote in the House was 289 to 126. I salute the Members of the House and commend Members of the Senate. I be- lieve we have performed a no. iub c service. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES REFORM ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (HR. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal G-wernment, and for other purposes. Mr. MeCLELLAN. Mr. President, I should like to inquire of the Senator from Kentucky if his amendment would apply to Members of the Senate while Congress was in recess. Mr. MORTON. Yes; it would apply. Mr. McCLELLAN. It would apply the year round? Mr. MORTON. It would apply the year round. We are on the payroll the year round. Mr. McCLFJ,LAN. In other words, we should devote all our time to the busi- ness here, and we could not devote any of our time to making public speeches. Is that what the Senator means? Mr. MORTON. I have no objection to making public speeches. , Mr. MeCLELLAN. But they should be made free of charge. Is that it? Mr. MORTON. Yes. Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MORTON. I yield. Mr. DOUGLAS. Would the Senator include in his amendment all income from legal fees and fees collected as di- rectors and also income from dividends? Would he provide that all such sums should be turned over to the Treasury of the United States? Mr. MORTON. If the Senator wishes to offer such an amendment in his own right, it might be considered. I do not see why a person must be destitute of all property to be able to serve in this body. My point is this. I made speeches in the 1930's, long before I became a Mere- her of Congress': I was never paid for those speeches. Now, merely because I happen to be a Member of the Sena-;e, people offer me r dollars to come and make a speech. This is only because I happen to be a U.S. Senator, on tae public payroll. When I did it in tae 1930's, I was not on the public payrcll. I therefore think that anything that is offered to me in this connection because I happen to be a U.S. Senator, while be- ing paid by the taxpayers of the United States, should be turned into the Treas- ury of the United States. I feel that I am an employee of the Government. Mr. DOUGLAS. Would the Senator Include legal fees? Does he believe they should be turned over to the Treasury? I know of various lawyers whose in- comes increased after they had become U.S. Senators. Mr. MORTON. I am not a lawyer, and I am therefore not qualified to re- spond to the Senator's question. When I was an officer of the U.S. Government, In the State Department, I was not per- mitted to accept any sort of honorarium. I was not even permitted to allow the associations that asked me to speak be- fore them to pay my expenses. Either I paid the expenses myself, or the Gov- ernment paid for them. Mr. DOUGLAS. Would the Senator amend his amendment so that all legal fees should go to the Treasury? Mr. MORTON. I should like to have the Senator offer his own amendment. Mr. DOUGLAS. The Senator wants to be fair. I am sure and make his amendment apply equally. Mr. MORTON. Yes. What is it that the Senator wants me to do? Mr. DOUGLAS. To include also legal and directors' fees in his amendment. Mr. MORTON. In other words, the Senator wants to "louse up" my amend- ment so that it cannot be adopted. Is that it? Mr. DOUGLAS. No. I am asking him whether he would be willing to include directors' fees and legal fees, and any amount received from private business, and also I think dividends from whis:ty stocks. Mr. McCLELLAN. And cigarettes. Mr. DOUGLAS. And from cigarette stocks, too. Mr. PASTORE. And from writing books. Mr. MORTON. I understand that the Senator wants to say that anything that any Member receives, aside from his st.1- ary as a Member of Congress, should be reported and turned in to the Treasury. Is that correct? Mr. DOUGLAS. If we follow the precedent of the Senator's amendment, that is what we should do. Mr. MORTON. In other words, he would have us turn over our dividends from whatever source they were re- ceived? Mr. DOUGLAS. Also especially from whisky and cigarette stocks, because those items, according to the doctors, are very injurious to the human race. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15301 Mr. MORTON. Cigarette stocks have been rather sick lately, I can tell the Senator. I cannot accept the amend- ment offered by the Senator from Illinois. I suggest that he offer it in his own time as a separate amendment. I yield to the Senator from New Jer- sey such time as he may desire to take. Mr. CASE. I believe there is a germ of rightness in this amendment. How- ever, logically the amendment should in- clude not only income from speeches and writings, but also earnings from any source. If a person is a director of a bank, undoubtedly it is because he is a Member of the Senate. I see no reason why a bank director's fees should not be turned over to the Treasury. I would not have the amendment apply to earn- ings from securities or property owned by the person. However, I believe any other kind of earnings ought to be in- cluded. I ask the Senator if he would accept this serious suggestion to amend his amendment accordingly. Mr. MORTON. The Senator means fees collected as a director of a bank. Mr. CASE. I mean any earned income as opposed to income from securities, for example. Any fees a lawyer may earn due to his being a Member of the Senate should be included. I do not believe that only one kind of earning should be in- cluded. ? Mr. MORTON. I cannot agree with the Senator. Suppose I decide to do some moonlighting by babysitting or raking leaves. Should those earnings be included? Mr. CASE. I cannot imagine anyone trusting the Senator from Kentucky with a daughter of impressionable age. Mr. MORTON. At 57 years of age, I can. Mr. CASE. Any earned income might well be due to the fact that one holds the position of Senator. Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, may I respectfully suggest that the amend- ment be withdrawn? Mr. MORTON. In an effort to be helpful to my colleagues, and to get this measure on the road, I will accede to the suggestion of my distinguished leader. But before I withdraw the amendment I should like to respond briefly to the remarks of the Senator from New Jersey. Mr. CASE. I withdraw my remarks. Mr. MORTON. I am a director of a bank. When I go to a directors' meet- ing I am paid $35. I do not get to more than two such directors' meetings a year, because of the long sessions the majority party has been holding in the Senate. I happen to be a director because my grandfather started a little bank, and this ultimately developed into the bank of which I am presently a director. When I attend a meeting as a director I am paid $35. I get to about two meet- ings a year. I think my responsibility is far greater than my compensation. If something happens to the bank be- cause I am not there, I can be sued for I do not know how much. Mr. PASTURE. It might be the very best excuse the Senator could have if he wished to resign from the directorship. No. 133-8 The amendment would give him that ex- cuse. Mr. MORTON. I have tried to resign. Every time I try the president comes to me and say, "Please don't resign." So I stay as a director. Mr. PASTORE. The Senator should accept the amendment of the Senator from New Jersey, because that would be the best reason he could have for re- signing. Mr. MORTON. Very well, I will re- sign from the bank, and I withdraw the amendment. The PRESIDING OrviCER. The amendment is withdrawn. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I call up my amendment No. 1079, and ask the clerk to report it as It has been modified. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be read. The legislative clerk read the modified amendment, as follows: At the end of the bill add a new section as follows: "SEC. . (a) Section 2(a) of the Act en- titled 'An Act to prohibit payment of an- nuities to officers and employees of the United States convicted of certain offenses, and for other purposes, approved Septem- ber 1, 1954, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2283(a) ) , is amended to read as follows: "'(a) There shall not be paid to any per- son who, on, or after September 26, 1961, has refused or refuses, or knowingly and willfully has failed or fails, to appear, testify, or produce any book, paper, record, or other document, relating to his service as an offi- cer or employee of the Government or Mem- bers of Congress in any proceeding before a congressional committee, for any period subsequent to September 26, 1961, or sub- sequent to the date of such failure or re- fusal of such person, whichever date is later, any annuity or retired pay on the basis of the service of such person (subject to the exceptions contained in sections 10 (2) and (3) of this Act) which is creditable toward such annuity or retired pay.' "(b) Notwithstanding the provisions of such section 2 (a), as amended no person shall be required, by reason of the amend- ment made by this section, to refund any annuity or retired pay paid to such person prior to the date of enactment of this Act." Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, the amendment as it has been modified merely provides that any public official or former public official who since September 1961 has been re- quested to appear before a congressional committee to answer questions in line with his official conduct, elected to take the fifth amendment rather than answer the questions would be allowed to receive a refund of all of his contributions to the retirement fund, plus interest, but he would not be eligible for retirement benefits. In 1954 Congress enacted a similar law. On September 26, 1961, the law was repealed, over my 'objection. Recently there was an instance in which a former public official took the fifth amendment rather than answer questions that were directed to him about his conduct as a public official. The amendment does not deal with the right of an individual to take the fifth amendment, but if one who is or has been a public official took the fifth amend- ment, rather than answer questions which were properly asked concerning his official duties, he would forfeit his right to any further contributions so far as the taxpayers were concerned. He would have the right to withdraw all of his own contributions, plus interest. There is no question about that. He would be entitled to them. But I do not believe that the portion of his retirement fund which would normally be paid by the Federal Government?by the tax- payers?should be allowed him. That should be forfeited. That is all that my amendment provides. Congress enacted such a law in 1954, `and it was in effect for 7 years. It was repealed in 1961. This amendment would reinstate the act as of the date of repeal. The amendment as originally printed referred, as did the act of 1954, to tak- ing the fifth amendment before courts. I have stricken that provision upon the suggestion of the Senator from Illinois. The amendment now deals only with employees or former employees of the Federal Government who take the fifth amendment, rather than testify before a congressional committee. I hope that the chairman of the com- mittee will accept the amendment. If he will not I ask for the yeas and nays on the amendment. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr, JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I wish to ask the Senator from Delaware a question. How broad is the amend- ment? Whom would it cover? What kind of cases? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. It would cover any employee or former employee of the Federal Government who was called before a congressional committee to answer questions concerning his of- ficial activities as a public servant if he took the filth amendment or had taken It since the repeal of the act in 1961. Mr. JOHNSTON. The fifth amend- ment, which many persons have invoked, Is a part of the Constitution. Would the Senator's amendment be in violation of a person's right under that amendment? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I did not hear the Senator's question. Mr. JOHNSTON. If an employee ap- peared before a committee and refused to answer some question because to do so might incriminate him?which he would have the right to do under the fifth amendment?would his annuity be taken away from him? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. If the question were directed to the person's conduct as a public official, yes. Why should it not? Mr. JOHNSTON. The Senator's amendment would penalize him and might possibly cause him to disclose some knowledge concerning national security. He might be asked to disclose informa- tion of that nature, and be penalized un- justly for not doing so. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. No. The amendment merely provides that if an employee of the U.S. Government wished to invoke the fifth amendment rather than answer proper questions asked him by a congressional committee concern- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15302 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE ing his conduct as a public official, he would merely forfeit any further right to the contributions so far as the tax- payers' part is concerned. Why should he not forfeit it? Mr. JOHNSTON. Would we not be taking away from him the annuity on which he had paid, and as to which the Government had entered into a contract with him, because he refused to answer a question and invoked the fifth amend- ment? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. That Is done in the armed services now. The Senator voted for that. Every Member of the Senate approved it. Under existing law if one has served in the armed services for 20 years and has established his full eligibility for a pension, and then reenlists, and in the course of his reenlistment is dishonor- ably discharged, an additional penalty is imposed on him. He loses all the re- tirement benefits for which he would have been eligible had he not reenlisted. That is the law. What is wrong with providing the same requirement with respect to civil employees of the Government? Anyone who is affected by the amendment can return the next day and say, "I am wil- ling to talk and answer the questions," and can reinstate himself. He would have complete control with respect to answering the questions. I am not suggesting that the amend- ment applies to questions about his out- side activities; but certainly an official of the U.S. Government should be re- quired to answer before a congressional committee questions that are asked of him In connection with his official activities. That is all I am proposing. If a penalty is to be suffered he will Im- pose it on himself. If he wishes to re- move it he can advise the committee the very next day that he is willing to answer. Mr. JOHNSTON. But a question of internal security might be involved in his refusal to answer. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. It could be a question of personal security as for as the law is concerned. So far as the armed services are concerned if a man goes off and gets drunk or cre- ates an incident on the outside, com- pletely nonrelated to the armed services, he may receive a dishonorable discharge and thus will forfeit his pension rights. Mr. McCLELLAN. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I yield. Mr. McCIRT.T.AN. Would the amend- ment apply to Members of Congress? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Yes. Mr. McCLELLAN. It would apply to Members of the Senate? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Yes; to any public official who refused to testify before a committee and took the fifth amendment on the ground that to re- spond to questions of the committee would incriminate him. Mr. MeCLELLAN. I merely thought that if such a provision were to be in- cluded in the bill, it should apply Co Members of Congress, as well as to mem- bers of the staff and other employees. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Oh, yes. It would apply to any officer or employee of the Government. This question was raised once before. Mr. President, to avoid any misunder- standing I ask unanimous consent that I may modify my amendment on page 2, after the word "Government" in line 1, to include "or Members of Congress." Then there will be no misunderstanding. I am sure they are already covered, but I ask unanimous consent that the words "Members of Congress" be inserted at that point because we want to be cer- tain they are covered. I thought they were covered, but I want to be certain. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears none, and the amendment is modified accordingly. Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. ERVIN. The amendment is clearly unconstitutional under the de- cision of the Supreme Court in the Slochower case. In that case, a profes- sor of the College of the City of New York was called before the House Com- mittee on Un-American Activities and interrogated concerning his official con- duct as a teacher. He took the fifth amendment. An ordinance of the city of New York provided that whenever an employee of the city of New York took the fifth amendment when he was being interrogated about his official conduct, he was automatically discharged. When that case was brought before the Supreme Court of the United States, the Court ruled that it was unconstitu- tional to penalize a man for exercising his constitutional right or constitutional privilege not to incriminate himself. That is exactly what the amendment offered by the able and distinguished Senator from Delaware would do. The amendment is a flagrant, brazen viola- tion of the Constitution, as interpreted by the Supreme Court. Mr. MUNDT. I invite the attention of the Senator from North Carolina to the fact that he is talking about a case in- volving a teacher in a college in New York appearing before a Government committee. That is not a relevant case to the argument, because we are talk- ing about the right of the Government to deal with its employees and to establish criteria and rules and regulations con- cerning employee benefits while working for Uncle Sam. It is about time that Congress did take some action to be sure that those who have important information that the country needs will get it, because our employees of the Government are not Permitted to lurk behind the fifth amend- ment and continue to enjoy all of the benefits that they would have if they were responsive to the needs of the country and gave Congress the infor- mation it requires. We enacted the legislation one time before. It was never ruled unconstitu- tional by any court. Congress, in a mo- ment of exuberance, or carelessness, or something, repealed it without adequate debate. I am glad that we have this issue be- fore us again and that we have a roll- July 2 call vote ordered on it. I believe that it is time Congress asserted itself, as to whether it has the right to establish criteria governing employment of those working for it, and if Congress has that right, it has every right in the world to establish whether they will get employ- ment benefits or retirement benefits. I support the amendment and I hope it will pass overwhelmingly on the rollcall vote. Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield me 30 seconds? Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent to yield to the Senator from North Carolina for 30 seconds. The PRESIDING 01010.11,-En. Witnout objection, the Senator from North Caro- lina is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. ERVIN. I would say to my good friend, the Senator from South Da:tota that I have been talking about a case on all fours with the amendmen-, of the Senator from Delaware [Mr. WIL- LIAMS]. I was talking about a case in which the Supreme Court held -hat whenever the Government undertakes to penalize a man for exercising rights conferred upon him by the Constitution, the action of the Government is un- constitutional. Mr. 'WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, I yield myself 30 seconds. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Delaware is recognized for 30 seconds. Mr. WILL-TAMS of Delaware. I con- cur in what the Senator from South Dakota has pointed out, that there is no comparison between these two cases. The case mentioned involves an em- ployee of the State of New York who was directed to come before a commit- tee of Congress. In this instance, these are employees of the U.S. Government, asked to come before a committee of the Congress. We are dealing here solely with Federal Gov- ernment operations and nothing else. As I stated before, we passed this legis- lation In 1954. It stayed on the statute books until 1961. It was not declared un- constitutional?it was repealed by Congress. Mr. KEATING. Mr. President, will the Senator from Delaware yield for a question? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I yield. Mr. KEATING. Is it not a fact that under the Senator's amendment, if such a person does take the fifth amendment, he can and does get back the amounts which he has paid in to date with what- ever interest is allowed? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. The Government pays a refund, yes. Mr. KEATING. That is the important distinction between this and the case referred to by the Senator from North Carolina. In that case the man was fired without a refund; in other words, he was penalized. In this case, he is not penalized. He gets back what he has paid in, with interest.. He simply does not thereafter reap fur- ther benefits from the taxpayers of the country. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. The Senator is correct. He can reinstate this on 24 hours' notice by offering to appear before the committee. We have been doing this for years with the armed serv- ices. It is the law today. Each member of the armed services has accumulated retirement benefits eligible after 20 years. If he then elects to reenlist for 1 year or 5 years and during the course of that reenlistment he is dishon- orably discharged or receives a discharge other than honorable he forfeits all of his privileges and retirement benefits. This is true even though he could have retired prior to a second enlistment and received such benefits. That is the law. There is nothing unusual in this proce- dure. It has never been declared uncon- stitutional. It was on the statute books for 7 years. Let us face it?this could be called the Bobby Baker amendment. Mr. ERVIN. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield me another 30 seconds? Mr. JOHNSTON. I am glad to yield 30 seconds to the Senator from North Carolina. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from North Carolina is recog- nized for 30 seconds. Mr. ERVIN. This amendment is not only unconstitutional on the grounds I have mentioned, in that it constitutes an attempt to penalize a man for the exercise of his rights under the Constitu- tion but it is also unconstitutional on another ground. The amendment is retroactive to September 1961 and pen- alizes a man for an act already com- mitted and therefore is in violation of the provisions of the Constitution which prohibits passage of ex post facto laws. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, will the Senator from Delaware yield briefly tome? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. I yield. Mr. THURMOND. Mr. President, I intend to vote for the amendment offered by the distinguished senior Senator from Delaware [Mr. WILLIAMS]. This amend- ment simply provides that any Govern- ment employee who claims the privilege against self-incrimination pursuant to the fifth amendment to the Constitution would thereafter be deprived of any retirement benefits due to him from a Government retirement plan. The amendment in no way prohibits a per- son from invoking the provisions of the fifth amendment. The provisions of the pending amend- ment differ from the situation which existed and led to the Supreme Court decision of Slochower against the Board of Higher Education of New York City, which was handed down in 1955. In that case, the individual who claimed the fifth amendment before a Senate com- mittee was automatically discharged from his job as professor at Brooklyn College, in New York. A contractual employment relationship existed be- tween the city of New York and the appellant Slochower, in that case. How- ever, Mr. President, there is no contrac- tual obligation on the part of Congress to provide retirement benefits. Such benefits are modified from time to time . Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE and may be withdrawn by Congress at will. Under these circumstances, it is clear that Congress may provide for denial of retirement benefits in individual cases upon such grounds as it may deter- mine valid. Under the provisions of the pending amendment, if an individual took refuge in the fifth amendment, he could still retain his position, but he would forfeit his retirement pay; and the amount he had already put in would be returned to him. It is argued that the retroactive feature of this amendment makes this proposal an ex post facto law. In the 1798 case of Calder against Bull, the Supreme Court of the United States held that the prohibition against ex post facto laws contained in the Constitution applied only to penal and criminal statutes. This amendment does not make it a crime to invoke the fifth amendment, and, therefore, does not violate the pro- hibition against ex post facto laws as contained in the Constitution. It is es- sential to the proper functioning of the Government that it be able to secure from its employees information concern- ing the performance of their official duties. Refusal by Government em- ployees to disclose pertinent facts and records concerning their official duties constitutes a serious disservice to the Government and the Nation. Employees who do refuse to make such disclosures should by no means be beneficiaries of rewards, over and above their salaries. They should be denied retirement bene- fits. I strongly support adoption of the Williams amendment. Mr. METCALF. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield tome? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield to the Sen- ator from Montana. Mr. METCALF. Is it the understand- ing of the Senator from Delaware that this amendment is prospective, or would it be retroactive and apply to a pension which has already been earned? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. The amendment is both. There is not a sin- gle Senator who does not know what the purpose of this amendment is. Let us vote on it accordingly. Mr. METCALF. Would it not be open to the legal objection that if it were retroactive and applied to pensions al- ready earned, would it not? Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. The amendment provides in this last para- graph that it would not require a refund of any annuities which have been col- lected prior to the enactment. It does stops the benefits prospectively, but it does not require retroactive pay- ment back into the Government if a man has retired prior thereto and has drawn in excess of the amount to which he would be entitled. Thus there is no retroactive payment. It does say that if he takes the fifth amendment that from that time on, from that day forward, he would not be elig- ible to any further benefits of the tax- payers' money. Congress passed such a bill once; it repealed it in 1961. This would reinstate it, and we all know what the purpose of it is. Let us vote on it. 15303 Mr. METCALF. This would only ap- ply to pensions previously earned after the amendment is adopted? Mn WILLIAMS of Delaware. It would apply to all pension privileges. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Delaware has expired. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, will the Senator from South Carolina yield to me? Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I yield to the Senator from Pennsylvania 3 minutes. It happens that he held hearings on this particular matter in 1961. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Pennsylvania is recognized for 3 minutes. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I hope very strongly that this amendment will be soundly defeated. It is an old chest- nut and goes back to the hysteria sur- rounding the attack on Government employees during the height of the Mc- Carthy scare some 10 Tears ago when Federal employees were quite literally in fear of their lives or of their jobs or of their pay. It was a time when the name Alger Hiss was bruited about this Cham- ber and everyone quivered with fear when that name was mentioned, because of the idea that if they did anything that might conceivably support Alger Hiss? who was, it is true, a traitor to his coun- try?they would be damned by guilt by association with the same unfortunate public reputation. On September 1, 1961, as chairman of the Retirement Subcommittee, it was my good fortune to report a bill dealing with H.R. 6141, proposing to forfeit civilian annuities and military retirement pay. We made a most comprehensive study of that particular bill and,we concluded that it was not in the natronal interest, that it was probably unconstitutional, that it violated the civil liberties of em- ployees of the United States and in the end, I am happy to say, the report of that committee was upheld by the Senate and the so-called Hiss bill was not passed. We are now dealing with the spiritual . successor of that particular piece of legis: lation. The fifth amendment is enshrined as a part of that Constitution. It is not a particularly popular amendment but it is an essential part of the civil liberties of American citizens, determined by our forefathers when they framed the Con- stitution to be essential to that freedom for which they had fought the war of the Revolution. This is an effort to whittle away at the sacred right given to all Americans to take their liberties, to speak their piece, and to assert the right against discrim- ination. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The time of the Senator from Pennsylvania has expired. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, I ask Unanimous consent that I may proceed for 1 additional minute. Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 1 additional minute to the Senator from Pennsyl- vania. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500650001,9 15304 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Pennsylvania is recognized for 1 additional minute. Mr. CLARK. If they so felt, the ques- tion as to whether they should forfeit their annuities or not would not be de- cided in advance of the fact.. This Is a matter that we should leave on an ad hoc basis as to the situation if it should arise at some time. I think this is fun- damentally an un-American amendment. I hope it will be defeated. Mr. CASE. Mr. President, will the Senator from Kansas yield me 2 minutes? Mr. CARLSON. I yield the Senator from New Jersey 2 minutes. The PRESIDING OteriCER, The Senator from New Jersey is recognized for 2 minutes. Mr. CASE. I think there is some question as to whether this may or may not be within the constitutional power so far as it relates to service heretofore rendered and rights already accrued. I do not really have any doubt but that this would not be separable, or that serv- ice hereafter rendered and rights for services hereafter rendered would be constitutional. The Senator from Pennsylvania said that it goes back to Alger Him. I sug- gest that it goes back to at least a. gen- eration before that. I remember as a young man in New York when Governor Roosevelt required that public employees who failed to waive immunity before grand juries in regard to their official acts would have to leave the public serv- ice. And Jimmy Walker was one of those. And this is how it happened. It is a direct precedent, I think, for the action which we seek to take here. I do not think it really has anything to do with punishing a person. I think this has to do with the Senate's proper efforts to police itself and its employees. I wish that the Committee on Rules and Administration had exhibited the kind of energy and diligence in the matter still before it?although It claims now to have finished?that the Senator from. Dela- ware [Mr. WILLIAMS] exhibited in re- gard to giving us the tools with which to do the job. Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, will the Senator yield me 2 minutes on the bill? Mr. CARLSON. I yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Pennsylvania. Mr. SCOTT. Mr. President, we have been looking backward. There is clear evidence of an effort to confuse the na- ture of the amendment by talking about Alger Hiss and times long past. I do not regard this amendment as particularly concerning Alger Hiss, or concerning this body. This 18 not what this amendment is directed at. Let us bring it out in the open. This amendment is not directed against those from whom we might seek to recover retroactively nearly as much as it is designed to cover a situation which will no doubt happen in the fu- ture?perhaps in the near future. This amendment, if adopted, would re- turn to Bobby Baker whatever invest- ment he has paid in, with the interest allowed by the Government on the re- fund. It would make it impossible for Bobby Baker to draw a pension in re- ward for the disservice which he has ren- dered to the Senate and to the people of the United States. If we want to go on record as saying that Bobby Baker is to be rewarded, that Bobby Baker is to be treated as if he had not defied the Senate, and a Senate com- mittee?one of their most trusted em- ployees?if we want to say, "Let us shovel out the Government money to Bobby Baker," we should join the friends of Bobby Baker. But I will not do it. I will support the Williams amendment for the reasons that I stated. MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE A message from the House of Repre- sentatives, by Mr. Hackney, one of its reading clerks, announced that the House had agreed to the following con- current resolutions. in which it re- quested the concurrence of the Senate: H. Con_Res. 321. Concurrent resolution es- tablishing that when the House adjourns on Thursday, July 2, 1964. it stand adjourned until 12 o'clock noon on Monday. July 20, 1984: W Con, Res. 322. Concurrent resolution au- thorizing the Speaker of the House of Repre- sentatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate to sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions until July 20, 1984; and H. Con Res. 323. Concurrent resolution re- questing the President to return the en- rolled bill (HR. 10053) to the House of Representatives, and for other purposes. HOUSE ADJOURNMENT FROM JULY 2 TO JULY 20. 1964?SENATE AD- JOURNMENT FROM JULY 10 to JULY 20, 1964 Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent that the Pending business be laid aside temporarily, for not to exceed 2 minutes, probably less. The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is there objection? The Chair hears no objec- tion. It is so ordered. Mr. MANSFIELD. I ask that the res- olution be read. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The concurrent resolution will be stated for the information of the Senate. The LEGLSLATFVE CLERK. House Con- current Resolution 321: Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring). That when the House adjourns on Thursday, July 2, 1964, Lt stand adjourned until 12 o'clock noon on Monday. July 20, 1984. Mr, MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I send to the desk an amendment which I ask to have stated. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment will be stated. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. At the end of the resolution, it is proposed to add the following resolving clause: Resolved further, That when the Senate adjourns on Friday, July 10, 1964, It stand adjourned until 12 o'clock meridan, July 20. 1984. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, is the resolution subject to amendment? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The res- olution is subject to amendment. Mr. MUNDT. I do not want to pro- long a controversy. But I have an July 2 amendment to suggest if the majority leader would be willing to accept it and make it a part of the resolution. I sug- gest adding the words, "also the U.S. Senate." Mr. MANSFIELD We are included, beginning an the 10th. Mr. MUNDT. The Senate is covered? Mr. MANSFIFt.) Yes. That is what I wanted to be sure of. The amendment was agreed to. The concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 321) , as amended, was agreed to. AUTHORITY TO SIGN ENROLLED Brt:t AND JOINT RESOLUTIONS DURING ADJOURNMENT Mr. MANSFIELD Mr. President, I send to the desk another resolution, to make sure that we are not caught short- handed this time. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will state the resolution for the in- formation of the Senate. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. House Con- current Resolution 322: Resolved by the House of Representatives (the Senate concurring), That notwithstand- ing any adjournment of the two Houses until July 20, 1984, the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tem- pore of the Senate be, and they are hereby, authorized to sign enrolled bills and joint resolutions duly passed by the two Howes and found truly enrolled. The PRESIDING 01.r ICER. Without objection, the concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 322) is agreed to. REQUEST TO PRESIDENT FOR RE- TURN OF ENROLLED BILL (H.R. 10053) TO THE HOUSE. Mr. MANSFIELD. Mr. President, I ask the Chair to lay before the Senate the next concurrent resolution coming over from the House. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The clerk will read the concurrent resolution. The LEGISLATIVE CLERK. House Con- current Resolution 323: The President of the United States is re- quested to return to the House of Repre- sentatives the enrolled bill (HR. 10053) to amend section 502 of the Merchant Marine Act. 1936, relating to construction differential subsidies. If and when said bill is returned by the President, the action of the Presiding Officers of the two Houses in signing the bill shall be deemed rescinded; and the Clerk of the House is authorized and di- rected, in the reenrollment of said bill, to make the following correction: Strike out all after the enacting clause and insert in lieu thereof the following: "That the proviso in the second sentence of subsection (b) of section 502 of the Merchant Marine Act. 1938, as amended (48 U.S.C. 1152 (b)), is amended by striking out 'June 30, 1984.' and inserting in lieu thereof 'June 30. 1985.'." The PRESIDING OFFICER. Is the:-e objection? Mr. HOLLAND. I object. It is im- portant and excellent legislation. There may be amendments. We do not have anything in the RECORD on it. Mr. MANSFIELD. I withdraw the resolution. We can go back on limited time and attend to that later. Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 AI*rove elease 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 ONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15305. GOVERNMENT EMPLOYEES SALARY REFORM ACT OF 1961 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (H.R. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. Mr. COOPER. Mr. President, my judgment is that Congress can place a condition upon employees. I believe if some people believe that this will not affect anyone retroactively, they will be disappointed. Mr. CARLSON. I yield 3 minutes to the Sentor from Delaware. Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware. Mr. President, Congress has already retro- actively taken away the retirement bene- fits of Alger Hiss. The senior Senator from Pennsylvania did not include a re- peal of that proposal in his bill. He exempted it from repeal in the bill in 1961. The provision of the 1954 act had taken away the retirement benefits of Alger Hiss retroactively. No man or court has ruled against it. We have done it once. We can do it again. The only reason that the law was re- pealed in 1961 was in my opinion for the sole purpose of making eligible for re- tirement benefits every crook and scoundrel who has been convicted in court for acceptance of bribes or em- bezzlement of Government funds under the exposures of the Internal Revenue scandals. That was the 1954 act, of which I was a cosponsor. It was designed to deny retirement benefits to all crooks and scoundrels who had been found to have accepted bribes in connection with their official activities or who were convicted of the embezzlement of Government funds. Those people were reinstated on Government retirement rolls by the 1961 legislation sponsored by the senior Sena- tor from Pennsylvania [Mr. CLARK]. My amendment here today would rein- state the provision of the 1954 act relat- ing to the fifth amendment. Senators know why it is being done; it is to prevent Bobby Baker from collecting a Govern- ment retirement pension of nearly $10,- 000 per year while taking the fifth amendment before a congressional com- mittee. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, will the Senator yield 2 minutes? Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, yield 2 minutes to the Senator from Oklahoma. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Chair recognizes the Senator from Okla- homa for 2 minutes. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, the purpose for repealing the act in 1961 was because the act covered every phase of Government. Dozens of cases of letter carriers that were caught in the arms of the law without having been guilty of any crime remotely connected with the faithful performance of their duties as Government employees came to the attention of the committee. The bill would not affect one man, as the Senator would have us do. It would provide for retroactive punishment. We would not only enact a law covering a case which had already occurred, but also we would bring into a state of fear, I believe, every one of our nearly 2 mil- lion Government employees. They would not be subject to normal prosecu- tion or penalties. They would be subject to a penalty assessed against them for failure to divulge everything they knew in response to a question asked by a congressional committee. The amend- ment does not even provide that the committee must be a regular committee. It could be an ad hoc committee. It could be a subcommittee. There are many such committees. But every Gov- ernment employee would be subject to the punishment of discharge from his position. If it were the decisien of the Senate to pass a bill which would effect the cessation of employment of such an em- ployee, I would be wholly in favor of Imposing such a penalty of the loss of one's job. I should be perfectly willing to see any law that applies to any one of the 190 million people in this Nation applied to Government employees. But I hardly think that taking away a re- tirement fund that a letter carrier or someone working in a Government de- partment has acquired through faithful performance is proper legislation. Such an employee has put his money up. He was not putting it in a savings bank; he was buying an insurance policy for his retirement, and that policy was signed by the Government of the United States at the time he bought it. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator's time has expired. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, will the Senator yield me 1 additional minute? Mr, JOHNSTON. I yield the Senator from Oklahoma 1 more minute. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Oklahoma is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. MONRONEY. It is now proposed to attach to a pay bill that involves a thousand different items, without 1 minute's hearings before any committee, an amendment of the nature of the one proposed. I do not believe our committee would be the proper committee to hear the testimony, but the Senator did not even appear before our committee to present his amendment. In less than 30 min- utes we are asked to pass on a question that does not involve a job status that an employee would have to forfeit. The amendment would compel him to sacri- fice the contract that he had and on which he had been paying. Of course, he would receive back his money with interest. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator's time has expired. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, will the Senator yield 1 additional minute? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield 1 more min- ute to the Senator from Oklahoma. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Oklahoma is recognized for 1 minute. Mr. MONRONEY. Whom would we punish? The full range of Federal law to put him in jail is available if the employee could be convicted before a jury of his peers. Full action can be taken on that question. But whom would we damage by the amendment? We would damage the wife or the chil- dren who would be the beneficiaries of the insurance policy that the employees had bought in good faith. I am not ready to vote for the amend- ment of the Senator from Delaware be- cause I do not believe it is in the Amer- ican tradition. I respect the statement of my friend the Senator from North Carolina [Mr. Eavm], who is a great lawyer, that the amendment would be unconstitutional. I believe the thing to do is to pass the bill, and permit the proper legislative committee to conduct hearings on the proposal. It should not be added, at this late hour, as a rider to the bill, for it would jeopardize the pension and retire- ment funds that have been created over the years. The PRESIDING OrrICER. All time has expired. Mr. CARLSON. Mr. President, I yield 1 minute to the Senator from South Dakota [Mr. MUNDT] on the bill. Mr. MUNDT. Mr. President, there is not a rural mail carrier who could be brought under the bill unless that rural mail carrier were called before a con- gressional committee and refused to dis- close before that committee some im- portant information he had vital to the hearing, in which case he should not be entitled to the benefits of the pension program. By the adoption of the Williams amendment, we can at least keep the bill from being labeled as a bill for the relief of Bobby Baker. That is what it adds up to. That is the instant case. We have taken care of his case. The ques- tion is, should we perpetuate the benefits of Government service for a man who has refused to come before a congres- sional committee or should we not? I believe we should not. At the same time, I think we should make clear to other faithless employees of the Federal Government that they will be expected to testify when they are called upon. I recommend adoption of the Williams amendment. The PRESIDING 0.to.toiCER. The question is on agreeing to the modified amendment of the Senator from Dela- ware [Mr. Wmainws]. On this ques- tion all time has expired, the yeas and nays have been ordered, and the clerk will call the roll. The legislative clerk called the roll. Mr. HUMPHREY. I announce that the Senator from Georgia [Mr. TAL- MADGE] is absent on official business. I also announce that the Senator from California [Mr. ENGLE], the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. KENNEDY], and the Senator from Indiana [Mr. BAYH] are absent because of illness. I further announce that the Senator from Florida [MT. SMATHERB] and the Senator from Texas [Mr. YARBOROUGH] are necessarily absent. I further announce that, if present and voting. the Senator from Texas [Mr. Yintsosoucu] and the Senator from Florida [Mr. SMATTIERS] NVOUld each vote "nay." Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP661300403R000500050001-9. 15306 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE Mr, KUCHEL. I announce that the Senator from New Hampshire [Mr. COT- row], the Senator from Hawaii [Mr. Forza], the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. Iiansical, and the Senator from Massa- chusetts [Mr. Sadiacaissaaa] are neces- sarily absent. If present and voting, the Senator from Nebraska [Mr. Hausaal and the Senator from Massachusetts [Mr. SALTONSTALL] would each vote "yea." The result was announced--yeas 38, nays 52, as follows: No. 464 Leg.) Aiken Allott Beall Bennett Boggs Byrd. Va. Carlson Case Church Cooper Curtis Dirksen Dominick Anderson Bartlett Bible Brewster Burdick Byrd. W. Va. Cannon Clark Dodd Edmondson Falencler Ervin Eulbright Gore Ciruening Hart Hartke Hayden Balla Cotton Engle Fong YEAS-38 Douglaa Eastland Goldwater Hickenlooper Javlts Jordan, Idaho Keating Kuchel Lausche McClellan Mechem Miller Morton NAYS-52 Hill Holland Humphrey Inouye Jackson Johnston Jordan, N.C. Long, Mo. Long, La. Magnuson Mansfield McCarthy McGee McGovern McIntyre McNamara Metcalf Monroney NOT VOTING-10 Mundt Pastore Pearson Prouty Scott Simpson Smith Thurmond Tower Williams, N.J. Williams, Del. Young, N. flak. Morse Moss Muskie Nelson Neuberger Pell Proxmire Randolph Ribicoff Robertson Russell Sparkman Stennis Symington Walters Young, Ohio Hruska Kennedy Baltonstall Eimathers Talmadge Yarborough So Mr. WILLIAMS of Delaware's amends inent, as modified, was rejected. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, I move to reconsider the vote by which the amendment was rejected. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, I move to lay that motion on the table. The motion to lay on the table was agreed to. LEGISLATIVE PROGRAM Mr. DIRKSEN. Mr. President, while the majority leader is In the Chamber, I should like to ask hint If he can clarify for the Members of the Senate what the schedule is likely to be starting with Monday, and whether there will be any yea and nay votes, or whether any major items will come up for consideration be- fore the recess on Friday, July 10. Mr. MANSFIELD Mr. President, the distinguished minority leader and I have discussed this matter, and we expect ap- propriation and other bills of worthwhile significance to come up next week. The Senate is not remaining in session until the 10th of July for the fun of it. We intend to conduct business of the Senate. We are very hopeful that there will be legislation available Monday which will be taken up, and very likely there will be some legislation which may cause a little controversy, and therefore raise the possibility of quorum calls and votes. Mr. KEATING. Mx. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MANSFIELD I yield. Mr. KEATING. Does the Senator from Montana include in that statement the possibility of votes on Mo ?a ? Mr. MANSFIELD Yes. GOVERNMENT EMPLOY REFORM ACT OF 1964 The Senate resumed the consideration of the bill (HR. 11049) to adjust the rates of basic compensation of certain officers and employees in the Federal Government, and for other purposes. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bill is open to further amendment. Mr. LAUSCHE. Mr. President, I call up my amendment No. 1091. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The amendment offered by the Senator from Ohio will be stated. The legislative clerk read the amend- ment iNo. 1091), as follows: At the end of the bill add the following new section: "Sze. 502. Section 1(e) of the Civil Service Retirement Act, as amended (5 U.S.C. 2251 (Cl) is amended to read as follows: " '(e) The term "average salary" shall mean the annual rate resulting from aver- aging over all periods of civilian service used In the computation of an annuity under this Act a Member's or an employee's rates of basic salary in effect during such periods, wl th elch rate weighted by the time it was in effect'." The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will be in order. Senators will take their seats or retire to the cloak- rooms. Mr LAUSCHE. Mr. President, during the discussion of the bill mention was made of the adverse impact which the Passage of the bill would have on the retirement fund for public employees. It is admitted that the impact would be in the sum of $1,250 million. The figure is completely separate and apart from the $550 million cost o/ the bill by way of increased salaries. When the Public Employees Retire- ment Mind was established, it was pred- icated upon an actuarial structure which was sound. The amount of the contributions made, respectively, by the Government and by the employees, was adequate to sustain the fund. However, since the establish- ment of the fund, it has been increasing- ly weakened by various things which have been done by Congress. I have be- fore me a report of the hearings before the Subcommittee on Retirement of the Committee on Post Office and Civil Serv- ice of the Senate. The hearing was con- ducted on August 14, 1963, and, I believe, on several days thereafter. At the hear- ing, Mr. Macy. of the Civil Service Com- mission, testified. He stated that as of the beginning of the fiscal year 1965? that would be the first of July of this year, yesterday?the obligations of the fund would be $49 billion, the money available would be $14 billion, and the unfounded liability would be $35 billion.. May we have order? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senate will be in order. July 2 Mr. LAUSCHE. For the benefit of those who are listening, I should :ike to have order. Mr. RUSSELL. Would the bill in- crease the contributions to the fur d? Mr. LAUSCHE. It would not, but it changes the base upon which the retire- ment pay is to be calculated. Mr. RUSSELL. In other words, it in- creases the amount to be paid out, but does not do anything to replenish the fund. Is that correct? Mr. LAUSCHE. Yes. The bill would increase the amount that would be paid out, but ;t would do nothing to fi:aance the increase in the obligation. Mr. RUSSELL. That is where the bil- lion and some odd dollars that the Sena- tor has referred to is involved. Mr. LAUSCHE. Yes. The adoption of the increased pay would impose an added obligation on the fund of $1,250 million. No increased contributions are provided with which to finance the increased obligations. Mr. Macy testified that there are sev- eral reasons why the fund has become actuarially unsound. He said: The second factor has been periodic liber- alizations which have been made by Con- gress withcUt payment to cover-past service liability. These liberalizations are of four different types: Annuity increases for those already retired, such as those enactet_ last year. Pay increases for active employment, such as those enacted last year. These pay Increases have a future liability impact upon the annuity rate and the annuity fund. It is thus clear, Mr. President, that as we increase the annuities, and as we in- crease the pay, and as we bring cther persons within the coverage, we increase the burden of the obligations that are put on the fund. The consequence of these liberaliza- tions, in part, and the failure of the Gov- ernment to pay its share on a pay-as- you-go basis, have created this shoes:Mg situation: $49 billion of obligations, $14 billion of money available to pay taose obligations, and $35 billion of unfunded liabilities. With the passage of the bill the obli- gations would be increased by $1,250 mil- lion, without any financing of the obli- gation, as indicated by the Senator from Georgia [Mr. RUSSELL ]. Senators might ask me what I propose to do. Wien the retirement fund was originally established, the actuarial cal- culation was sound. The formula for establishina the base was that we s.aall take the average salary of the employee through his whole career. Later that formula was changed, and the forrrula that was adopted provided that we wculd take the 5 years of the highest salary in fixing the base. With that formula of 5 highest years, any one of us, at the end of 5 years, would have our lifetime an- nuity established on the basis of 5 years at $30,000 without any regard of the for- mer years that we served either at $22,500 or at $12,500. I have made a calculation. Let us as- sume that I have served 12 years at $22,500 a year. My annuity pay woild be $6,750 a year or $562.50 a month. That is on 12 years of service with a sal- ary of $22,500. If we raise the salaries to $30,000. and I have served 12 years, 7 of which was at Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 ? Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -- SENATE 15307 $22,500 and 5 at $30,Q00, my retirement pay would be $9,000 a year, or $733 a month, that being $61 a month more. Under my formula, we would take the average pay received through the 12 years, 7 years at $22,500, and 5 years at $30,000, added together, and then estab- lishing what the average wage would be over the 12 years. Under my formula, the pension would be $7,187 a year. To recapitulate, under the existing formula, with a $22,500 a year salary, the Pension is $562.50 a month. Under the bill if it is passed, without my amend- ment, it would be $733 a month. If my amendment were adopted, it would be $718 a month. All I ask is that we should not count the 5 highest years, but the average of all the years of employment. My amendment applies not only to Senators, but also to every employee of the Government. To illustrate further, let us consider the civil service employee who has served 20 years?the first 10 years at $5,000, the next 5 years at $8,000, and the last 5 years at $15,000. His re- tirement pay under present law is cal- culated on the $15,000 a year salary, without regard for his service of 5 years at $5,000 and 5 years at $8,000. In addition, when he began at $5,000, he paid a premium on the basis of $5,000. In the next 5 years, at a salary of $8,000, the premium was based on the $8,000. In the last 5 years, when he was earn- ing $15,000, the premium was on the basis of $15,000. So it can readily be seen that the amount of the contribution made is not adequate to sustain the fund. I feel very keenly about this. I do so because I think it can be clearly demon- strated that the fund must go into bank- ruptcy eventually, unless Congress does something to remedy the wrong. I read further from Mr. Macy's statement: As I have already indicated, in 1965, the fund would be $14 billion; the unfunded liability, $35 billion. In 7 years the fund would be $17 billion; the unfunded liability, $41 billion. In 1975, the fund would be $16 billion. In other words, it would have fallen off in that period, and the unfunded liability would have grown to $49 billion from the present level of $35 billion. Mr. Macy goes on to state that by 1990 the fund would be broke. My ques- tion is: Can we tolerate that situation? We cannot. We should approach the problem on a realistic, sound economic basis. It is true that we would expect that the Government eventually would pay the $35 billion due now and probably the $49 billion that would be due at a later date; but if and when it does, those amounts will have to be paid out of the taxpayers' money. Mr. President, how much time have I remaining? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Ohio has 1 minute re- maining. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, the Senator's amendment would provide that a person who has been with the Govern- ment 25 or 30 years, who started at $1,500 a year, and who is now receiving $15,000, would have to go back and in- elude the years during whieh he was paid $1,500 and reach a general average of all the years. Is that correct? Mr. LAUSCHE. That is correct. Mr. JOHNSTON. Under the retire- ment system, it has always been the practice that when a person was em- ployed he had to sign for retirement benefits. When he did so, he knew how much he would have to pay into the fund, and he also knew how much the Government would pay in to match his contribution. He signed up in the sys- tem with the understanding that his retirement would be based on the aver- age of the 5 highest years' salary. That would be the basis of the computation of his retirement annuity. Is not that true? Mr. LAUSCHE. That is true; but the Senator's statement demonstrates the fallacy of the law as it is now written. The Senator admits that the retire- ment pay of the person who signed up when he was earning $1,500 a year and subsequently received $15,000 annually for his last 5 years would be predicated on the 5 years at $15,000, completely for- getting that for the previous years he was earning $1,500. Mr. JOHNSTON. With one proviso: Provided he had been drawing $15,000 annually for 5 years. Mr. LAUSCHE. That is correct; but I ask the Senator from South Carolina: What will become of the fund under the formula which he is urging? It is now growing constantly bigger. If the Sena- tor says it is not, then I shall read to him what Mr. Macy said about the sub- ject. Mr. JOHNSTON. Annually the fund has been growing. It now has approxi- mately $14.5 billion. Last year it was $13 billion. We were told years ago what would happen. The Civil Service Commission takes into consideration all employees and as- sumes that they will all remain with the Government for the full term. But all employees do not do that. At present, the turnover of Government employees is at the rate of 18 percent each year. When they leave the Government, what do they receive? They receive only the amount of money they contributed. The Federal contribution remains with the fund. Mr. LAUSCHE. Does the Senator from South Carolina claim that the fund, on the present basis of operation, will not be bankrupt, according to the words of Mr. Macy, in 1990? Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. Macy appeared before our committee. The committee has before it a bill to reform the financ- ing of the retirement system that it will report to the Senate. It will be found that when the Government contributes to the fund, the contribution begins to draw interest. The Government borrows from the $14.5 billion in the fund and pays 3 percent interest, the lowest it pays anywhere in America. Mr. LAUSCHE. I can only say that I am shocked and cannot believe that a sound argument can be made to justify the horrible condition that exists in the retirement fund. No words can refute the facts. No words can refute what every actuary will say about the present status of the fund. If 2 years from now we again increase salaries, we shall further weaken the fund, unless we adopt a formula to pro- vide for the base of annuities being es- tablished on the average salary received throughout the years. I know I have used up my time. I have nothing further to say on the sub- ject. I ask for the yeas and nays on my amendment. The yeas and nays were ordered. Mr. JOHNSTON. Mr. President, the only reason why the fund is not sound now is that the Government has failed to pay into it its proper share over the years. If 20, 25, or 30 years ago the Gov- ernment had made its obligated contri- butions, the fund would be in sounder condition today. Mr. CLARK. Mr. President, will the Senator yield for a question? Mr. JOHNSTON. I yield. Mr. CLARK. The question may be Irrelevant and immaterial; it may also be slightly unethical. But would not the result of the amendment of the Senator from Ohio be to reduce the pension of every Member of this body? Mr. LAUSCHE. No, it would not. It would not reduce the pension. It would allow the beneficiaries to receive the benefit of an increased pension without having in the past paid in a share of the premium adequate to sustain the fund. My proposal would be absolutely just. It would be based on the average salary over the whole career of a Senator or of an employee of the Senate. Mr. CLARK. I did not ask the Sena- tor from Ohio; I asked the Senator from South Carolina. Mr. JOHNSTON. There are Members of this body who have served 28 or 30 years, when Members' salaries were lower their annuities at retirement age would be reduced substantially by this amend- ment. They would have to do this down through the years in order to get the $12,000. Mr. LAUSCHE. I notice that the Sen- ator from Pennsylvania asked questions only of those who will answer according to his wishes, but that comment might not be agreed with. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mr. Mc- GOVERN in the chair). Does the Sena- tor from South Carolina yield back the remainder of his time? Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, I rise in opposition to the amendment. There have been three versions of the amendment. The first one that came in would have made Members of the Senate exclusive victims of a rather deep cut in their retirement benefits, leaving out the legislative employees and leaving out the Government workers. This amendment was tabled on the opening of debate on the bill. Today, we have a new amendment which applies to the system- wide governmental retirement system. Frankly, I know of no established retire- ment system by industry, or others, which does not relate retirement pay for years of service which the worker has accumulated under a retirement sys- tem to the salary at the time he retires. To do otherwise would be to bring Mem- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 15308 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE July 2 hers of the Senate back to the level of the $7,500 salary, for perhaps a fourth of their service, $10,000 for another fourth, and then perhaps up to $22,500. Today Members' salaries on which they pay 71/2 percent retirement benefits is $22,500, contrary to the impression left by my distinguished friend, the Sena- tor from Ohio, which I am sure he did not intend to create. We pay the 71/2 percent not on the $22.500, when the salary goes up, but on the $30,000. Those in the other grades would pay on their higher salaries. When we took this up in 1956, in order to be sure that we were not going to put in a lesser amount or too small an amount, we obtained an estimate from the Civil Service Commission as to the proper rate, and took the 5-year average. We were told we had to raise it from 6 to 71/2 percent?which we did. The distinguished Senator from Ohio will find that on November 1, 1956, in order to meet the 5-year average, we raised the assessments to 71/2 percent. By the same token, on Government employees, as their salaries have gone up, the percent has increased from the original rate of 21/2 percent per year which was in effect on August 1. 1920. to 31/2 percent which became effective on July 1, 1926, to 5 percent which became effective on July 1, 1942, to 6 percent which became effective on July 1, 1948, and to 61/2 percent which became effec- tive November 1, 1956. I have heard it explained time and time again, that the purpose is to let the employee pay half the retirement, in much the same established custom as social security, which was modeled after this program. The annual payment to the Commis- sion, as civil service retirement, has done better than that, because the employee has paid more than his half. Although there is a deficit in the systemwide re- serves on the entire civil service system, it is because the Government?in order to reach such political accommodations as "totaling" budgets in certain years? failed to put up, during those years. the portion that the Civil Service Commis- sion intended, planned, and had under program. Those funds should have been invested. So it has been the Govern- ment. and not the employees, that has been shortchanging the fund. The em- ployees have maintained their contribu- tions and have increased their contri- butions. To go back now and assent to pulling these men down to a 1920, a 1915, or a 1930 salary base, perhaps one-third of their employable time, and roll them back, rather than meet the salary which today?with inflation and the cost of living?the increase requires, would mean that 1.7 million civil service work- ers would go back, back, back, and would have their benefits greatly reduced. I am surprised that the Senator, who has always been a friend of the Govern- ment worker, would do this to all Fed- eral employees. If it was the original plan to do this to Senators and Repre- sentatives, we could perhaps stand it. It would be unfair?but we could stand it. But I do not believe it is the purpose to lower salaries back to the cost of living standard before World War II. which was low. But now, to roll them back and figure it in their base, means that the Government has not kept faith by putting its share of the money into the retirement fund. I believe that this is an unwise amendment which would cause a great deal of distress among Government em- ployees who have calculated for years on the basis of this high, 5-year average. Now the Senator from Ohio comes in and with one swoop. in 1 day, reverses what he had on the table. Mr. LAUSCHE. I am not reversing It at all. I have gone the full limit to be fair with all. I might answer the Senator from Okla- homa by saying that I am the friend of the worker because I wish this fund to be kept sound. Those who are opposing my proposal are urging a course of action which would bankrupt the fund and eventually- deprive every worker. Mr. MONRONEY. The Senator well knows, or should know, that every year the Appropriations Committee is putting back more of the money of the Federal contribution. Did the Senator from Ohio believe that the old base for the retirement sys- tem of Federal employees was going to be the employes contribution? Mr. LAUSCI-IE. Never. The initial objective was to have it equally big. Mr. MONRONEY. But the Govern- ment has not carried out its contract. Mr. LAUSCHE. It certainly has not paid into the fund. Mr. MONRONEY. That Is correct? that is why the fund is in the red. Mr. LAUSCHE. But today we are go- ing to put upon the Government a new obligation of $1,250 million, for which there has been no payment into the fund. Mr. MONRONEY. I do not believe that is going to freeze permanently all salaries in the system. I believe that there will always be a variation. When the worker increases his percentage to 71/2 percent, that is about as high PS any contributing employee can possibly go. Government workers are now Paying 61/2 percent. They are carrying their part of the load. If the congressional retire- ment to which the Senator has referred had been kept on a separate bookkeeping system, the Senator would find that since 1946 the fund collected more from the Members than was paid out. The annual contribution of Members Is $1,750,000. This does not include serv- ice credit, deposits, or voluntary contri- butions. Annuities paid out annually are $1,233,333. leaving an annual surplus on a cash basis of $916,000. This is the way our congressional re- tirement system has worked. We do not like to retire early. No Member likes to retire at the earliest possible date in the Senate. nor in the House. So. we find that, there are dozens of Members who serve long past the retirement-fund age, and continue to pay into the fund; and when they retire they draw back very much more than what they have been able to put in, without regard to the inierest rate. This amendment, I believe, would work great hardship on our Government em- ployees. It has not been carefully thought out. Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, will the Senator yield? Mr. MONRONEY. I yield to the dis- tinguished Senator from West Virginia. Mr. RANDOLPH. Mr. President, I rise in support of the position so effec- tively advocated by the Senator from Oklahoma in opposition to the amend- ment proposed by the Senator from Ohio [Mr. LAUSCHE]. The Federal employee is in no way re- sponsible for the financial difficulties of the civil service retirement and dis- ability fund. Indeed, it is the Federal Government which has created the defi- cit in this fund. The employee, since the act of orivin in 1920, has contributed between 21,, percent, in the beginning, to 61,c2 percent of his gross salary to the retirement fund. It has been the Gov- ernment which has failed again and again to contribute adequate funds. The Government made a promise and it has failed to live up to that promise. Do we therefore enalize the loyal Federal em- ployee for Congress failure in breach of contract? I believe not, and I feel that the Members of the Senate will oaer- whelmingly defeat the pending amendment. Mr. President, the Senator from Ohio speaks of Members of this Chamber who make $22,500 a year. I speak in belaalf of 378,000 loyal workers in the Post Of- fice Department who carry our mail and who earn a salary of slightly more than $5,000 a year. I might be willing to accept the SE na- tor 's suggestion if the only persons in- volved were the Senator from Ohio and myself. We have, however, promised the Federal employees, the overwhelm- ing majority of whom are in the lower grades of the Classification Act and the postal schedule, and it Is these people we would hurt. It is these citizens who have earned a retirement based on "high 5" average and multiplied by their years of service. I can never support a proposal to tell a clerk or stenographer or a letter car- rier that after 25 or 30 or 40 years of toil, we will not pay that employee what we promised more than 40 years ago that we would pay. Mr. MONRONEY. The argument of the Senato: from West Virginia is valid. His conviction in this matter is appreciated. Mr. MORTON. Mr. President I should like to address a question, through the Senator from Oklahoma, to the Senator from Ohio. Does this apply to those presently on the rolls? Mr. MONRONEY. I do not believe the amendment is clear. Mr. MORTON. To those presently on the retirement rolls. Mr. MONRONEY. The Senator has not provided for reducing those already on pension. It does not say. Mr. MORTON. The point I wish to make is that a lady retired from my office after 17 years. She is retired row, and her pension is set, based on her highest 5 years of service. I have an- Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 - Approved For Release 2005/05/18 : CIA-RDP66600403R000500050001-9 1964 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD ? SENATE 15309 other employee who expects to retire, perhaps 3 years from now. Will those two employees be treated differently? Mr. LAUSCHE. As to the one retired, her pay is fixed. It would not affect her at all. Mr. MORTON. The first one was the beneficiary of the 5 highest years. Mr. LAUSCHE. Yes?over 5 years. Mr. MORTON. She received re- tirement based on the highest 5 years. Should I treat someone differently from one who has worked for me and my predecessor, who has been on Capitol Hill since 1930, and give preferential treat- ment to someone who has worked for me, say, 15 years? The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time has now expired. Mr. LAUSCHE. Let the Chair put the question. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, I yield time on the bill to the Senator from Ohio. Mr. LAUSCHE, Let me read what Macy said: We find that in 7 years by 1972, the outgo in the form of benefit payments under the retirement act will exceed the income. From that date on, this unfavorable situation con- tinues to add to the fund balance so that in 25 years, by 1990, the retirement fund balance is zero. I realize, Mr. Chairman, that this appears to be many years ahead, but we feel as the responsible administrators of this fund that we must look that far ahead. We are going to continue on the way we are going, and run into this situa- tion. Or we are going to meet the prob- lem head on now. Mr. MORTON. Mr. President, if the Senator from Oklahoma will yield fur- ther, let me point out that provided Sen- ators stand up and appropriate what they are supposed to appropriate to this fund, that contingency will not come about. What disturbs me is that some- one who retired last year who worked for me or for some other Senator, or anyone on Capitol Hill, would be treated in one way under the amendment of the Senator, and persons who plan to retire in 2 or 3 or 4 years from now, or next year, will be treated in an entirely dif- ferent way. Mr. LAUSCHE. Unless we find a remedy, the employee of the Senator who retires after working for 30 years will be in trouble. This employee of the Senator who retires, if she lives for 30 years, will be in trouble. But I do not suppose she will live that long. Mr. MORTON. That is not because she worked for me. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, the Senator brought up a very important point. It would not be so effective as to Members of Congress. But, historically the Government employees off Capitol Hill have enjoyed the advantage of hav- ing the highest 5-year count for their retirement benefits. Suddenly, the Lausche amendment provides that peo- ple who retire subsequently will be sub- ject to a different retirement pay. Those who come along after the passage of this amendment would be cut back to the Senator's example. of the $5,000 a year No. 133-9 clerk and the $2,000 a year clerk for 5 years. That would affect the average. Perhaps the person would be receiving a salary of $10,000 or $15,000 a year when he retired, but he would be entitled to only a third of the pay in the last 5 years that can be credited to his retirement. I think it is a very cruel system to put into effect. It is very unwise. It is self- defeating. Mr. HUMPHREY. Mr. President, the retirement system at best does not pro- vide too large an annuity or pension to the pensioner. The pensioners on Gov- ernment pensions, today, have a very dif- ficult time, in many instances, meeting their expenses. It is very difficult for a person who is nearing $8,000, $7,000, $10,000, or $6,000 a year?a family per- son, even if a second person in the fam- ily works?to save up anything, except to possibly pay for a home to put Federal employees on two standards, one group whose retirement is based on the average of the last 5 years' earnings, and the other group on a different average would, I say most respectfully, not be proper. I have not had the experience that the Senator from Ohio has in this matter. But I served on the teachers' retirement fund in my city, the municipal em- ployees' retirement fund and the po- lice and firemen's retirement fund. The only answer is to appropriate the money that we are obliged to appropriate. What we did in most instances, and what Congress has done; namely, to take out a certain percentage of the worker's pay. Then Congress "ta;kes it on the lam" and does not put up the money. If we do that, of course, the problem will not be solved. The only way to solve it is to have Congress per- form its duty and provide its share of the funds. Mr. MONRONEY. Mr. President, I point out that the amount of raise that the workers will receive, with the 61/2 percent that they will be paying in addi- tion, will bring in something like $32 or $33 additional to the fund. It will stay In there for many years at 4 percent in- terest to help pay for this program. But the Government must put up its share, and be fair. To use the Government's failure as an excuse to tear down the amount that the workers will receive in 20 or 30 years, expecting and believing that they would receive it, I think, is a cruel system. Mr. LAUSCHE. May I have 2 min- utes? The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Senator from Ohio is recognized for 2 minutes. Mr. LAUSCHE. The Senator from Ohio has pointed out that many an- nuitants are not in a position to
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
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{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Nawazuddin Siddiqui may be in the top league of actors in the Indian film industry but the star continues to remain grounded and a complete emotional at heart. Today especially , the actor reached out to the doctors and specialists that treated his sister as she was diagnosed with breast cancer at the tender age of 18. On her 25th birthday , Nawazuddin posted an emotional message thanking everyone involved in helping his sister fight this battle – The star said , "My sister ws diagnosed of advanced stage #breastcancer @ 18 bt it ws her will power & courage dat made her stand agnst all d odds she turns 25 2day & still fighting M thankful 2 Dr.@koppiker & @Lalehbusheri13 fr motivating her & m rly grateful 2 @resulp Sir fr introducng me 2 dem". On the film front, Nawazuddin Siddiqui will next be seen in the film Manto followed by the Bal Thackeray biopic Thackeray.
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Brumfiel, Geoff, "Particle Physicist 'Falsely Accused', Claims Brother," Nature, online October 13, 2009. "French authorities placed Adlene Hicheur, a postdoc at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), under formal investigation for possible 'criminal association in relation to a terrorist undertaking', He has been held since 8 October, after a raid at his family's home in the town of Vienne, southeastern France." "According to press reports, anti-terrorism police apparently have evidence that the 32-year-old may have had e-mail correspondence with 'al-Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb' -the North African branch of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda –about potential targets for terrorist attacks within France." "Based on conversations with other family members, Halim believes that Adlene's arrest is probably connected to a land purchase in Algeria. Halim told Nature that just before the police raid, Adlene withdrew E13,000 (US$19,200) in cash with which to purchase land near the family's ancestral home of Setif in northeastern Algeria. He says that the police were initially asking about the money." "In a statement, CERN said that it 'does not carry out research in the fields of nuclear power or nuclear weaponry' and that it addressed 'fundamental questions about the nature of matter and the Universe'. The physicist who worked with Adlene adds that there is nothing from Adlene's high-energy physics training that could have been used in a terrorist attack. 'We don't have any material or anything you could use for bad things,' he says, 'except maybe a hammer.'" Law Enforcement, Academia, Nuclear, al-Qaeda, France, Algeria Cruickshank, Paul, "U.S. citizen believed to be writing for al Qaeda website, source says," CNN http://www.cnn.com/2010/US/07/18/al.qaeda.magazine/index.html?hpt=C2 Checked July 19, 2010. "A senior U.S. law enforcement official has told CNN that U.S. intelligence believes the principal author of the new online al Qaeda magazine is an American citizen who left for Yemen in October 2009." "The magazine — called "Inspire" — appeared last week. Running to nearly 70 pages online, it included articles on bomb-making and encrypting electronic messages, as well as an interview with fugitive Yemeni-American cleric Anwar al Awlaki." "The source has identified the driving force behind "Inspire" as 23-year-old Samir Khan, who previously lived in North Carolina and was involved in radical Islamist blogs, including one he ran called "Jihad Recollections." The source says Khan traveled to Yemen on a round-trip ticket but has not come back to the United States." "In a profile in 2007, the New York Times described him as 'a kind of Western relay station for the multimedia productions of violent Islamic groups.'" Information Policy, al-Qaeda Yaakov Lappin, "Leaked Documents Suggest Taliban Chemical Strike on U.S. Soldiers", 27 July 2010, Global Security Newswire. http://gsn.nti.org/gsn/nw_20100727_9487.php Last Checked 23 September 2010. "Terrorist organizations sought nuclear and other WMD materials as early as 1993, according to one time line by former CIA and Energy Department intelligence officer Rolf Mowatt-Larssen. Former al-Qaeda operative Abu Khabab al-Masri, now deceased, was assigned to militarize biological and chemical agents for use in terrorist attacks." "A separate military log report from two years ago described the arrest of a woman in Ghazni province. A search of her purse revealed multiple documents on constructing bombs and employing chemical weapons, along with quantities of unidentified chemicals, according to the field report. Wired reported that the woman is likely Aafia Siddiqui, who at one point was on the FBI's list of most wanted terrorist fugitives." "al-Qaeda was plotting to produce chemical warfare agents to be disseminated by rocket-propelled grenades, the London Guardian reported." "One document addresses a special operations forces effort to clear an area of multiple improvised explosive devices and battle insurgents on Feb. 14, 2009. After one bomb was detonated 'a yellow cloud was emitted and personnel began feeling nauseous,' according to the combined Joint Special Operations Task Force field log. Dust samples were gathered and the team went back to its base." "Another military field report stated that in June 2007 U.S. soldiers in eastern Afghanistan reported being tipped off to an extremist plot to contaminate the food supply of allied troops in the country by stealing coalition food trucks.'The plan is to inject the bottles or the packages of food with unidentified chemicals, or recreate the same type of packages with contaminated versions of the same product,' the report said." Chemical, Information Policy, al-Qaeda Shane, Scott, "Expert Panel Is Critical of F.B.I. Work in Investigating Anthrax Letters," February 15, 2011. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/02/16/us/16anthrax.html?ref=science last checked February 16, 2011. "A review of the Federal Bureau of Investigation's scientific work on the investigation of the anthrax letters of 2001 concludes that the bureau overstated the strength of genetic analysis linking the mailed anthrax to a supply kept by Bruce E. Ivins, the Army microbiologist whom the investigators blamed for the attacks." "The review, by a panel convened by the National Academy of Sciences, says the genetic analysis "did not definitively demonstrate" that the mailed anthrax spores were grown from a sample taken from Dr. Ivins's laboratory at Fort Detrick in Frederick, Md. It does add, however, that the evidence is "consistent with and supports an association" between Dr. Ivins's flask and the attack anthrax." "The F.B.I. 'has long maintained that while science played a significant role, it was the totality of the investigative process that determined the outcome of the anthrax case,' the statement said. It said Dr. Ivins 'was determined to be the perpetrator of the deadly mailings.'" "In an interview, three investigators who spent years on the case expressed frustration with the academy's findings but said the report raised no questions that change the conclusion about Dr. Ivins. The investigators, who were not authorized to speak on the record, said the academy report merely underscored the difference between pure science and the reality of gathering evidence in a criminal case." "Dr. Ivins's guilt has been adamantly denied by many of his colleagues at the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, where he was seen as an eccentric but popular character. The academy's report is likely to renew claims by the F.B.I.'s critics that the bureau merely took advantage of Dr. Ivins's suicide to close the case." "The academy report calls for another look at tests that indicated the possible presence of anthrax at a primitive lab used by Al Qaeda; the report does not give its location, but such a lab was found in Afghanistan after the American invasion. The anthrax investigators said an exhaustive review, including interviews with Qaeda operatives who used the facility, found no evidence that it was capable of producing the anthrax powder in the mailings." Anthrax, Law Enforcement, al-Qaeda, Afghanistan, Personnel Reliability Overbye, Dennis, "Physicist's Jailing Is Veiled in Mystery," NYT March 14, 2011, http://www.nytimes.com/2011/03/15/world/europe/15physicist.html Last checked March 24, 2011. "When Adlène Hicheur, a French-Algerian physicist working on antimatter at CERN's enormous particle collider outside Geneva, was arrested on Oct. 8, 2009, on suspicion of conspiring with an Algerian branch of Al Qaeda, fears of doomsday plots rippled through the tabloid press." "Last fall, the Swiss government closed its investigation of Dr. Hicheur, saying it had found no evidence of wrongdoing, but in France, Dr. Hicheur's detention was extended. Last month, it was extended again, by four months. Press officers for France's interior minister, Claude Guéant, did not respond to telephone and e-mail requests for comment on the case." "So, more than 500 days after his arrest, Dr. Hicheur, now 34, remains in preventive detention in a Paris prison without having been charged with any crime. Nor, say his lawyers and his family, has any evidence been produced that he did anything more than browse Islamic political Web sites. No trial has been scheduled." "After months of silence, Dr. Hicheur's family and colleagues have recently begun to speak out, urging his release. The issue, they say, is a simple matter of human rights. The long incarceration has turned Dr. Hicheur's life into a Kafka novel, they say, and is endangering his physical and mental health, as well as his career and his family." "Under French law, a person suspected of terrorist connections can be held in "provisional detention" for up to four years, depending on the nature of the alleged offense, without being charged or tried. Dr. Hicheur could be detained for up to two years, according to his lawyer, Dominique Beyreuther-Minkov." "Nearly 100 scientists, including Jack Steinberger of CERN, winner of a Nobel Prize in Physics, signed a letter to the French president, Nicolas Sarkozy, in December. They wrote, "It seems to us that there is no justification for the prolonged detention, of almost 14 months so far, of Dr. Adlène Hicheur, an internationally recognized scientist, held in much esteem by his colleagues." "The unusual thing about Dr. Hicheur's case, say his friends and supporters, is that it is happening to a scientist." "After obtaining his Ph.D. under Dr. Lees at the Annecy laboratory, for work done partly at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory at Stanford, Dr. Hicheur worked at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory in Britain and then joined the Laboratory for High Energy Physics at the École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne in Switzerland. There, he is part of a team that operates LHCb, one of the giant particle detectors on CERN's Large Hadron Collider." "Dr. Hicheur was arrested at his parents' apartment in Vienne just as he was about to travel to Sétif to meet with a contractor about building a house on land he had recently bought there, and for which he had transferred about $18,000 to Algeria, his brother said. He was also planning to meet with physicists at the University of Sétif as part of a long-range goal to establish research collaborations with physicists in Algeria." "According to news reports, Dr. Hicheur had been under surveillance for a year and had been in Internet contact with Al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, Al Qaeda's North African affiliate. Shortly after the arrest, a French police official told Le Monde that Dr. Hicheur had planned to attack a military base in Annecy that is home to an elite force that had recently left for Afghanistan. The French authorities have been silent ever since." Law Enforcement, al-Qaeda, France, Physics, Scientist, Law National Journal Group, "Trial Cyber Attack Suggests Widespread U.S. Vulnerabilities" 30 March 2011 Global Security Newswire http://gsn.nti.org/gsn/nw_20110329_6685.php Last Checked 30 March 30, 2011. "The water supplier's computer system had permitted outside access by staffers — a key vulnerability exploited by the specialists." "Al-Qaeda and other extremist organizations have yet to acquire means of carrying out computer-based assaults." "Governments including China and Russia could conduct such attacks, and independent entities might carry out electronic strikes on behalf of terrorists…" "Weak points identified by the group also exist at critical sites throughout the United States, according to U.S. government sources and independent analysts." '"If a sector of the country's power grid were taken down, it's not only going to be damaging to our economy, but people are going to die…"' "President Obama established a federal "czar" position to address computer-based vulnerabilities, but the post remained vacant for seven months and has little power, according to the Times." "The United States cannot compel companies to safeguard their computer systems, and the private sector has no strong cause to do so,…" '"The odds are we'll wait for a catastrophic event, and then overreact…"' Cybersecurity, Russia, China, al-Qaeda Matishak, Martin, "Experts Offer Measures to Save Lives After Nuclear Explosion" NTI. September 28, 2011. http://gsn.nti.org/gsn/nw_20110928_6699.php "The Rad Resilient City plan includes a seven-point checklist composed by an expert panel that communities can implement to better protect residents from radioactive fallout after an atomic blast." "It lays out actions cities and regions can take, starting with obtaining broad community support for nuclear incident preparedness; conducting an ongoing public education campaign on the effects of an atomic detonation and how people can protect themselves; having all building owners or operators assess the level of fallout protection given by different types of structures; and building local capacity to deliver public warnings following an incident. The plan also calls for establishing a rapid system for mapping and monitoring radioactive fallout; developing strategies and logistics for a large-scale, phased evacuation of a municipality; and then testing all the elements of the preparedness plan." ""The bottom line is the only way for us to be prepared is to know what to do in advance," Tammy Taylor" "Today there is enough fissile material in the world to fuel roughly 120,000 nuclear weapons, Tom Inglesby, chief executive officer and director of the Center for Biosecurity told the audience." Biosecurity, Nuclear, Public Health, al-Qaeda, Emergency Response, Pandemic, Biodetection Editors, "Clinton Warns of Bioweapon Threat from Gene Tech," 7 December 2011, CBSNEWS http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-501366_162-57338238/clinton-warns-of-bioweapon-threat-from-gene-tech/ Last Checked 7 December 2011. "New gene assembly technology that offers great benefits for scientific research could also be used by terrorists to create biological weapons, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton warned." "Experts have warned that the increasing ease with which bioweapons can be created might be used by terror groups to develop and spread new diseases that could mimic the effects of the fictional global epidemic portrayed in the Hollywood thriller 'Contagion.'" "The U.S. government has cited efforts by terrorist networks such as al-Qaeda to recruit scientists capable of making biological weapons as a national security concern." "'Less than a year ago, al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula made a call to arms for, and I quote, 'brothers with degrees in microbiology or chemistry … to develop a weapon of mass destruction,' she said." "'The emerging gene synthesis industry is making genetic material more widely available,' she said. 'This has many benefits for research, but it could also potentially be used to assemble the components of a deadly organism.'" "Gene synthesis allows genetic material — the building blocks of all organisms — to be artificially assembled in the lab, greatly speeding up the creation of artificial viruses and bacteria." "Washington has urged countries to be more transparent about their efforts to clamp down on the threat of bioweapons. But U.S. officials have also resisted calls for an international verification system — akin to that for nuclear weapons — saying it is too complicated to monitor every lab's activities." Biotechnology, Bioterrorism, al-Qaeda Shane, Scott, "Radical U.S. Muslims Little Threat, Study Says," http://www.nytimes.com/2012/02/08/us/radical-muslim-americans-pose-little-threat-study-says.html NYT, February 8, 2012, A10. "A feared wave of homegrown terrorism by radicalized Muslim Americans has not materialized, with plots and arrests dropping sharply over the two years since an unusual peak in 2009, according to a new study by a North Carolina research group." "The study, to be released on Wednesday, found that 20 Muslim Americans were charged in violent plots or attacks in 2011, down from 26 in 2010 and a spike of 47 in 2009." "Forty percent of those charged in 2011 were converts to Islam, Mr. Kurzman found, slightly higher than the 35 percent of those charged since the 2001 attacks. His new report is based on the continuation of research he conducted for a book he published last year, 'The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists.'" "The upsurge in domestic plots two years ago prompted some scholars of violent extremism to question the conventional wisdom that Muslims in the United States, with higher levels of education and income than the average American, were not susceptible to the message of Al Qaeda." "The string of cases fueled wide and often contentious discussion of the danger of radicalization among American Muslims, including Congressional hearings led by Representative Peter T. King, a Long Island Republican and chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security." "But the number of cases declined, returning to the rough average of about 20 Muslim Americans accused of extremist violence per year that has prevailed since the 2001 attacks, with 193 people in that category over the decade. By Mr. Kurzman's count, 462 other Muslim Americans have been charged since 2001 for nonviolent crimes in support of terrorism, including financing and making false statements." "'Fortunately, very few of these people are competent and very few get to the stage of preparing an attack without coming to the attention of the authorities,' Mr. Kurzman said." Terrorist/Offender, Law Enforcement, Homeland Security, al-Qaeda Farwell, James P. "Syria's WMD Threat" 5 April 2012, TheNationalInterest, http://nationalinterest.org/commentary/syrias-wmd-threat-6737, Last Checked 8 April 2012. "Buoyed by the loyalty of his Alawite community, Bashar al-Assad has acted ruthlessly to crush dissent in Syria. His brutality has outraged the international community, but that has not deterred Assad. And the worst may lie ahead." "Although fears of Iraq's chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRNE) capability were also questioned, the Syria situation is different. No one doubts that Syria possesses a modern chemical-weapons capability and thousands of rockets capable of downing passenger aircraft." "Syria's past behavior is disturbing. It is a non-nuclear-weapon state, party to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT), and it has a comprehensive nuclear-safeguards agreement with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA). Yet after Israel destroyed what was probably a plutonium-production reactor at al-Kibar in 2007, an IAEA investigation found Syria had breached its obligations under the NPT." "More recently, Lt. Abdulselam Abdulrezzak, who once worked in Syria's chemical-weapons department, made (unverified) claims that chemical weapons were employed in Bab Amr against protesters." "All this points to a shared international interest in containing Assad's CBRNE arsenal. Using these weapons against his own citizens would constitute a war crime. And the weapons falling into the hands of terrorist groups would enlarge the threat." "The nonpartisan Nuclear Threat Initiative assesses that Syria has one of the most sophisticated chemical-warfare capabilities in the world. It has mustard gas and sarin, possibly the VX nerve agent and Scud-B and Scud-D ballistic missiles capable of being fitted with chemical warheads. Some estimate it holds between one hundred and two hundred Scud missiles already loaded with a sarin agent and has several hundred tons of sarin agent and mustard gas stockpiled that could be used for aircraft bombs or artillery shells." "It is one of only eight nations that is not a member of the Chemical Weapons Convention outlawing the production, possession and use of chemical weapons. Its agents are weaponized and can be delivered. Although most believe that the arsenal is in working order, we should not presume that is true. It could possibly be in a significant state of deterioration, which would intensify the hazard and suggest it must be dealt with sooner rather than later." "Reports differ as to Syria's biological-warfare capability. German and Israeli sources believe it possesses bacillus anthracis (which causes anthrax), botulinum toxin and ricin. American sources believe the capability is "probable." In 1972, Syria signed the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention, but it has never ratified it." "The international community seems prepared to act. Russia, which values Syria as an arms customer and worries Assad's fall would reduce its influence in the Middle East, has taken pains to separate itself from Assad's possible use of WMDs, strongly denying that it has helped Syrian forces use chemical weapons against the opposition. Even while aiding Syrian efforts to crush the protests, Iran denies transferring chemical weapons to any third party." "The U.S. State Department has sent a diplomatic demarche to Iraq, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia warning against the possibilities that WMDs may cross their borders. In August, the Wall Street Journal revealed that the United States and its Mideast allies were intensifying surveillance of Syrian chemical and biological depots through satellites and other equipment. The United States has offered to help any post-Assad government secure Syria's stockpiles of chemical weapons and anti-aircraft missiles." "Potential loss of control over WMDs may pose a threat, considering the terror groups that would like to get their hands on them. Col. Riad al-As'ad, head of the opposition Free Syrian Army, says al-Qaeda is not operating in Syria. But al-Qaeda leader Ayman al-Zawahiri has reportedly ordered followers to infiltrate the Syrian opposition. Sunni radicals associated with the Islamic State of Iraq, an umbrella group that includes al-Qaeda, have urged fighters to go to Syria. And one should not doubt al-Qaeda's determination to acquire WMDs—Osama bin Laden once professed that acquiring chemical or nuclear weapons is "a religious duty." "WMDs could be smuggled into Turkey, Jordan, Lebanon, the West Bank or elsewhere. In the past, Hamas, Hezbollah and Palestinian Islamic Jihad have all attempted to acquire chemical or biological weapons. In a sign of precisely how destabilizing some view this threat, Israeli officials have warned that Syria transferring chemical weapons to Hezbollah would constitute a declaration of war." "The Friends of Syria, a coalition of over fifty nations that has met in Tunis to discuss forming an international peacekeeping force backed by U.S., EU and Gulf-nation airpower, should ratchet up pressure on Assad to step down. Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Kuwait and other Islamic nations have clamored for ousting Assad. That's a promising sign. Arab nations, not the West, should take the lead in dealing with Assad's brutality." "Securing Syria's CBRNE arsenal poses a uniquely serious challenge. NATO, Russia and China should join these Arab nations in demanding that Assad immediately secure his stockpile, then show he has done so." "President Obama has said the United States won't commit troops to a military intervention. But there are other options. Allied partners could mount coordinated special operations to secure or destroy Assad's arsenal." "Whether it is better to mount such an operation before or after Assad falls is a decision for military and political experts. But international leaders must think through the options and be prepared to act. All nations—but particularly those in the neighborhood—have a vital stake in containing these instruments of death and destruction. Now is the time for them to exert the leadership to ensure that happens." WMD, Bioterrorism, Nuclear, al-Qaeda, Military, Chemical, Syria, U.S. Foreign Policy Help support the information project and gain access to the newer half of each protected page by subscribing for 6 months at the rate of $5.00. 6 Month All Access
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Home / Planning Commission New direction in City of Blue Ridge design Community, News January 14, 2019 , by Natalie Kissel Blue Ridge, Ga. – Change and growth have become inevitable in the City of Blue Ridge. Cindy Trimble, a board member of both the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals, brought before the Blue Ridge City Council on Tuesday a small step in establishing direction, consistency, and beautification of our growing town. Trimble along with help from council member Nathan Fitts rolled out conceptual drawings for new way-finding signs in Blue Ridge. "It is critical that we have a plan for signage," Trimble stated due to growth, extra pedestrians, and extra traffic in the area. Proposed design for City of Blue Ridge archways that will direct visitors to downtown. The designs included newly structured street signs with stone bases, covered kiosks with maps of businesses downtown, and gateways to the city. Trimble noted that those traveling along Hwy. 515 often do not know where to turn to enter the downtown historic area. The gateways would be strategically placed in five areas to direct visitors to downtown. Trimble proposed placing the gateways on East First Street and Hwy. 515 near Bill Holt Chevrolet, Cook Street and Hwy. 515 near Burger King, West First Street and Hwy. 515 near McDonald's intersection, Windy Ridge Road and Hwy. 515, and lastly Orvin Lance Drive and Hwy. 515 near CVS. "Because these are city owned signs we cannot put them on the DOT right of way," Trimble said explaining that the signs would need to sit back on side streets away from Hwy. 515 itself. The gateways, designed as archways with mountain scenery and stone pedestals, would be back lit as to be visible at night and are designed to hold seasonal posters to display festivals and happenings in town. Suggestions came from council to perhaps look into painting the Windy Ridge Road overpass to go along with design and planning. This option would require grants and permits, as well as permission from the state, but Trimble noted that it has been done in other towns and would be worth looking into. Discussion also arose about the business directory or "you are here" map kiosks. These freestanding structures will be double sided and not only display downtown businesses, but also parking areas and trolley stops. "There is an opportunity for advertising on this and it is something that we haven't developed further," Trimble stated of the kiosks. Conceptual designs for most signage downtown including parking and business directory kiosks. Trimble presented the idea of digital maps as an option: "That way as businesses change it would be easier to change it." She also noted that it would give more opportunity for advertising and that the advertisements might be a way to supplement income to purchase the new signage. "The next step is to take some of these, if the council is comfortable with the design direction," Trimble explained the plan moving forward, "then what we will do is, we will have several of us get together and take a map of the city and we will go around and look at where we need some of these signs immediately." Mayor Donna Whitener questioned, "Is the goal to replace all the signage in town?" Trimble replied that it would just be key locations for the time being. She noted that certain areas of town might experience more street scaping such as Roberts Way and the City Park, and would not move forward in those areas until work is completed. Council chose to move forward with obtaining pricing for the new way-finding signs and this information will be presented in a later meeting. « Previous Article Fannin County Young Farmers Assoc. - Weed Control Methods Next Article » Fannin County Schools will seek SPLOST continuation Beautification Bill Holt Chevrolet Blue Ridge Burger King Cindy Trimble City Council Cook Street CVS Donna Whitener East First Street Fannin County Gateways Georgia Harold Herndon hwy 515 Kenneth Gaddis Mayor McDonald's Nathan Fitts Orvin Lance Drive Planning Commission Rhonda Haight Robbie Cornelius Street Signs Wayfinding Signs West First Street Windy Ridge Road Zoning Board of Appeals City boards restructuring draws criticism News May 11, 2018 , by Jason Beck BLUE RIDGE, Ga. – An ordinance to restructure the city's Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals was approved by the Blue Ridge City Council during its May 8 meeting Tuesday. Last month, a first reading of the ordinance was presented during the council meeting. As explained then by City Attorney James Balli, the ordinance would condense both the Zoning Board of Appeals and the city Planning Commission from seven members to five members each. Balli further explained each city council member would appoint one member to serve on each board and appointees would be allowed to serve on both boards, if the council member so desired. According to Balli, the ordinance would amend an already established city ordinance to be compliant with the City Charter and state law. After a second reading this month, the ordinance was approved unanimously. According to Balli, the council's appointments are Gene Holcombe to serve as Councilwoman Robbie Cornelius' appointment to both the Planning Commission and the Zoning Board of Appeals, Cindy Trimble to serve as Councilwoman Rhonda Haight's appointment on both boards, Mark Engledow and Angelina Powell to serve as Councilman Harold Herndon's appointments to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, respectively, Rick Skelton to serve as Councilman Nathan Fitts' appointment to both boards, and Thomas Kay and Michael Eaton to serve as Councilman Ken Gaddis' appointments to the Planning Commission and Zoning Board of Appeals, respectively. At the end of the meeting, Eaton, existing chairman of city Zoning Board of Appeals, spoke to the council concerning the changes to the two boards. "What I have a problem with is we've basically eliminated three positions on the Zoning Board of Appeals tonight for three different people who have put in a lot of time and effort for their part and were not contacted or told any of this was going to happen," Eaton stated. "John Soave, Ralph Garner, Brendan Doyle – when are their terms up?" Eaton asked. To this, Mayor Donna Whitener responded, "Their terms are up as of today." "I feel like we've all been left in the dark. This has been done very disrespectfully," Eaton added, saying he was only contacted by Gaddis who notified Eaton he would be the councilman's appointment. "I think it's been done very poorly." A second reading for an Illumination Ordinance amendment was also presented and approved at this month's meeting. The ordinance, according to its wording, makes it "unlawful for any person, organization of persons, or entity to willfully tamper with, illegally project light upon, mutilate or deface any City personal or real property, including, without limitation, trees, other plants, buildings, drive-in theaters screens, vehicles or other equipment for lighting, firefighting, police protection or water and sewer installation and maintenance." First-time violators of the ordinance now face a civil fine of at least $500 and subsequent violations are punishable by a civil fine of at least $500 and up to 90 days in jail. An amendment to change the rules of procedure at council meetings to allow for more public commentary on action items was approved unanimously by the council. As explained by Balli, the amendment will now allow five sections of public commentary at two minutes per person on a first come, first serve basis for any item requiring a vote from the council. Following the end of the public commentary, the council would then vote on the item. The amendment also allows for individuals to speak on any late additions to the agenda without having to request ahead of time to be on the agenda to speak themselves. Jeff Stewart, city zoning supervisor, presented bids and estimates for repairs to the roof at City Hall. The council unanimously approved and awarded two bids: one from GoCo for $6,650 for the demolition and removal of the bank drive-through and another from Trademark Coatings for $35,427.50 for the repair of the main roof of the building. According to Trademark's estimate and scope of work, the cost will include pressure washing and reuse of the existing shingles, which were deemed to still be in good condition, and application of a urethane foam base coat, which is designed to create a seamless roofing system. The city received $20,165.00 in insurance claims for damage sustained to city hall during a storm in the spring of 2017. The council unanimously approved an allotment of up to $10,000 for remodel of the city police department building on Church Street. In February, the council approved a previous amount up to $10,000 for needed repairs and renovation of the police department. Mayor Whitener explained after initial work to the building began, further problems and issues were also revealed, but she anticipated that the further work should cost under the additional $10,000. Police Chief Johnny Scearce stated further repairs and upgrades to the building, built in 1936, will include repairs to a corner of the roof, replacement of gutters and fascia boards, and upgrades to the lights and electrical wiring system. "One thing led into another," Chief Scearce said of the building renovation. Replacement of the slide deck at the city pool was discussed after the city received a quote from Miracle Recreation Equipment Company in the amount of $6,009.86 to replace the slide. Councilwoman Rhonda Haight questioned the decision to replace the slide considering the uncertain future of the city pool and potential liability issues with the slide. "Considering we don't really know the future of the pool, do we just take it down for right now or spend $6,000?" Haight said. "I would suggest just take the slide out, (because) first of all, (it is) a liability, and second, because we don't know (the pool's) future." Whitener stated parts to repair the pool thus far for the upcoming season have amounted to under $5,000, which was considerably less than originally anticipated. The mayor seemly advocated for the replacement of the slide stating the slide is heavily used by children at the pool and removal of the slide would require additional concrete work. "Well, I would have to agree with Rhonda," Councilman Nathan Fitts said. "To keep spending money with the unknown future of the pool, to me, doesn't make financial sense." After further discussion, the council approved for the slide to be taken down. In public commentary, Gene Holcombe spoke on behalf of the Blue Ridge Business Association and inquired of the city's progress with adding downtown public restrooms and parking space. Mayor Whitener told Holcombe Councilman Herndon had recently suggested the idea of building a small restroom unit near the large public parking lot off of Mountain Street as early as this summer using detainee labor and engineering assistance from Councilman Gaddis' All Choice Plumbing company. As for the parking situation, Whitener told Holcombe the parking study, which was approved in the council's April meeting, was still in the process of being completed. After an executive session, Councilwoman Haight made a motion to "resolve a claim involving 0.03 acres with Campbell Camp Investments LLC and to give the mayor authority to sign a quick claim for that property." After a second from Gaddis, the motion passed unanimously. The council approved three invoices from the city's water system engineering firm, Carter & Sloope: In the amount of $13,092.50 for various engineering services, Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) permitting for water line work on state Route 515 near BB&T bank and on state Route 60 in Mineral Bluff and plan reviews of the Fannin County Agriculture and Public Safety Complex buildings; In the amount of $11,639.10 for continued monitoring of metals and temperature at the city's wastewater treatment facility; and In the amount of $11,363.75 for providing preliminary cost estimates to GDOT for proposed utility relocation along state Route 5 as part of the forthcoming highway expansion. « Previous Article Today we had a duo for the STAR performance - Sally and Cindy Next Article » Fire in the Sky over Lake Blue Ridge Saturday, June 30 Angelina Powell Blue Ridge City Council Blue Ridge Mayor Donna Whitener Brendan Doyle Carter and Sloope Chief Johnny Scearce Cindy Trimble City Attorney James Balli City Hall Councilman Harold Herndon Councilman Ken Gaddis Councilman Nathan Fitts Councilwoman Rhonda Haight Councilwoman Robbie Cornelius Gene Holcombe GoCo Illumination Ordinance John Soave Michael Eaton Planning Commission Ralph Garner Rick Skelton Thomas Kay Zoning Board of Appeals Finances discussed, 'interim' tag removed from Chief Scearce at city council meeting News April 11, 2018 , by Jason Beck [Featured image: The Blue Ridge City Council welcomed Richie Walker, territory sales manager for Advanced Disposal, to its April meeting. Advanced Disposal will be donating two dumpsters to be used during Georgia Cities Week April 21 through 27 during which the city will be sponsoring a city-wide clean-up where residents are encouraged to dispose of yard trash at one of two dumpsters located at City Hall and the Farmer's Market. Seen here are, from left to right, front: Councilwoman Robbie Cornelius, Councilwoman Rhonda Haight, Walker, Mayor Donna Whitener; back: Councilman Nathan Fitts and Councilman Ken Gaddis.] BLUE RIDGE, Ga. – The Blue Ridge City Council addressed potential projects and city finances as well as removed the "interim" tag from Police Chief Johnny Scearce at their Tuesday, April 10, meeting. Alicia Stewart, city finance director, presented an extensive break-down of the city's finances along with current projects being undertaken by the city during a capital planning session. The purpose of the session, as explained by Mayor Donna Whitener, was to develop 12 to 18-month plan for the city. Stewart began by addressing the city water fund and announced the amounts of revenue versus the cost of current projects, such as the current Community Development Block Grant project match ($79,244.46), phase II of the East Main Street project ($372,243.41), and a payoff for a 2015 Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) loan ($108,000) among others. All told, the city has approximately $884,780.81 in cash available remaining in the water fund balance, according to Stewart. However, also in her presentation, Stewart presented the council with a list of prioritized water infrastructure needs anticipated for the city over the next five years. Among those needed projects are an over $2 million line relocation project for water lines required by the Georgia Department of Transportation (GDOT) for the forthcoming state Route 5 highway expansion, a $500,000 upgrade project to the Aska Road sewer substation and a projected $640,000 for phases III and IV of a meter replacement project. "Bottom line is we have $884,000 in spendable money, and we've got about $4 million in projects," Whitener said. "So the next time somebody says, 'Oh, we've got all these projects,' we don't have money … and these are projects that really can't stay on the back burner too much longer." As far as this year's Special Purpose Local Option Sales Tax (SPLOST) revenue, Whitener suggested two road projects: a turning lane for Blue Ridge Elementary School and a repaving project on West First Street. The mayor stated after those projects and factoring a negative balance of $46,707 from last year's SPLOST, about $50,000 will remain in SPLOST funds this year. Stewart also explained there is an amount of $320,523.09 in cash available from the general fund and close to $584,000 in reserves, which is $400,000 from the sale of the marina property and a $183,000 cd (certificate of deposit). "Those two together put us just right at the $600,000-ish that would be needed to meet our policy of holding 25 percent of our budget as reserve," Stewart explained. "So, if we dip into that, we're not reserving according to our policy." Whitener then announced a list of potential projects and the ensuing costs she told the council to consider, including approximately $100,000 for repairs to the city hall roof, $75,000 to $100,000 for stormwater run-off projects, up to $300,000 for a grant match for downtown bathrooms, $350,000 to $400,000 for major upgrades and renovations of the city pool, and undetermined amounts for potential renovations of the farmer's market, renovations of the deck at the depot and several street projects. "I need you all to be thinking about this before the next meeting because you are going to have to make some decisions," Whitener told the council. Later in the meeting, Councilwoman Rhonda Haight proposed the idea of hiring an independent contractor to conduct a comprehensive parking study for the city. Haight explained that she and Councilman Nathan Fitts had recently participated in several meetings in an effort to obtain grants for enhancing downtown parking and installing downtown public restrooms. "Everybody we've met with so far they've asked do we have a comprehensive parking study in place," Haight said, "and pretty much, for us to get any money, if we even can with grants or even a loan, we're going to have to have a comprehensive parking study." Haight also stated the city, last year, had received an estimate for a parking study that would cost $28,000 to $30,000. Concerning the requirement of the study to apply for grants, Fitts added, "We've been sitting down at a lot of these meetings and the requirements to even apply for grants and get grants is more comprehensive than I ever even realized, so we're going to have to have this regardless." After this, Haight made a motion to proceed with steps to conduct the study, which was followed by a second from Fitts with the provision for the city to receive estimates for the study. Initially, the vote was stalled when Fitts and Haight voted in favor of the study, but council members Robbie Cornelius, Ken Gaddis and Harold Herndon all delayed in voting. Cornelius and Gaddis both questioned the financing of the study. "One of reasons I asked Alicia (Stewart) to look at doing as much as she did on the (capital planning information) you got today is so you understood where the money is and where it will have to come from, so therefore, if you approve up to $30,000 for this study, remember that you're pushing something else (another project) down the road," Whitener told the council. Another vote was taken with Fitts and Haight again voting in favor, Cornelius and Gaddis voting against and Herndon abstaining. After consulting with City Attorney James Balli as to the nature of the vote, Mayor Whitener voted in favor of the parking study to break the tie, allowing for the city to proceed with the study as proposed. In other items, the council also unanimously voted to appoint Johnny Scearce as the Blue Ridge City Police chief without the attached tag of "interim". At the first city council meeting of the the new year and new administration Jan.9, the council voted unanimously to add the title of "interim" to Scearce's role as police chief until such time as another permanent police chief could be installed to replace Scearce. At this month's meeting, the decision to remove the "interim" tag was made without discussion or explanation as to the council's reasoning behind the move. First readings for two city ordinances were given at the meeting. The first ordinance, as explained by City Attorney James Balli, would condense both the Zoning Board of Appeals and the city Planning Commission from seven members to five members each. Balli further explained each city council member would appoint one member to serve on each board and appointees would be allowed to serve on both boards. According to Balli, the ordinance, if passed, would amend an already established city ordinance to be compliant with the City Charter and state law. The other ordinance, termed an Illumination Ordinance, would, according to the wording, make it "unlawful for any person, organization of persons, or entity to willfully tamper with, illegally project light upon, mutilate or deface any City personal or real property, including, without limitation, trees, other plants, buildings, drive-in theaters screens, vehicles or other equipment for lighting, firefighting, police protection or water and sewer installation and maintenance." First-time violators of the ordinance would face a civil fine of at least $500 and subsequent violations would be punishable by a civil fine of at least $500 and up to 90 days in jail. The council voted to increase water rates for wholesale users from $3.25 per 1,000 gallons to $4.25 per 1,000 gallons. Becky Harkins, city utilities director, explained that the cost to the city to produce and provide water to wholesale users has recently increased to $3.75 per 1,000 gallons. Harkins also added that, if approved, the rate increase would take effect in 90 days, beginning with the July billing cycle. After Mayor Whitener asked Anita Weaver, chairwoman of the Fannin County Water Authority (FCWA), about the fairness of the 90-day advance notice to the FCWA, Weaver stated the Authority, one of the wholesale users that would be affected by the increase, would prefer a six-month notice. As a compromise, the council approved the rate increase, which will take effect in 120 days as opposed to 90. In a follow-up discussion from the March 13 meeting, Councilman Gaddis stated that steps are being taken by the council in coordination with City Clerk Kelsey Ledford and City Attorney Balli to amend the city council's rules of procedures for meetings to allow for more public commentary on action items before a final vote is taken. Gaddis explained he would like to see speakers be given a chance to address the council in an open-mic forum. He also added he did not want to place a limit on the number of speakers allowed to speak. However, Haight suggested setting a time limit for speakers, and Fitts suggested only allowing one person from a given organization or group to speak on a particular action item. Balli stated drafts of the amended rules of procedures are being composed, and Gaddis said he would like for the issue to come to a vote at the May meeting. The future of the farmer's market property was again addressed by the council. Haight stated she had received some feedback from two different groups interested in using the farmer's market in some capacity. Gaddis said he personally had received no interest from anyone. "If we don't have anything by the next meeting, I would ask that we maybe could open this up for leasing options," Gaddis said. "Obviously, strict leasing options to preserve the farmer's market and everything about the history of the farmer's market." After a brief executive session, the council reconvened and approved two personnel decisions. The council approved Chief Scearce to hire Ricky Henry as an officer starting at a rate of $16 an hour. Also, the hiring of Mark Patterson as water treatment plant supervisor was approved at the rate of $21.50 an hour. « Previous Article Fannin County Sheriff's Office Arrest Report 04/02 to 04/08 Next Article » Josh McCall prepares to face Doug Collins in upcoming election Blue Ridge City Council Blue Ridge Mayor Donna Whitener Blue Ridge Police Department Chief Johnny Scearce City Attorney James Balli City Clerk Kelsey Ledford City Finance Director Alicia Stewart City Water and Utilities Director Becky Harkins Councilman Harold Herndon Councilman Ken Gaddis Councilman Nathan Fitts Councilwoman Rhonda Haight Councilwoman Robbie Cornelius Fannin County Water Authority (FCWA) Farmer's Market Planning Commission Zoning and Appeals Board
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Metadata is used, for example, in the compilation of the RFC Index. The Area Director responsible for processing the RFC erratum will review the RFC and document history recorded in various IETF archives such as the datatracker. Where the error is major, for example an error in the document track, the Area Director SHOULD reject the erratum, and initiate the publication of a replacement RFC. the Area Director MAY accept the erratum. The Area Director MAY consult with the IESG in making this determination. If the above minor error conditions are met, but the Area Director responsible for processing the metadata is of the view that the best interests of the community are served by holding the RFC erratum for document update, or rejecting the erratum and initiating the publication of a replacement RFC they MAY process the RFC erratum accordingly. Where there is doubt as to the intent of the IETF community or where the RFC has not been processed in accordance with the rules governing the proposed change to the RFC metadata, the RFC erratum MUST be rejected.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Tecumseh was a Native American leader of the Shawnee and a large tribal confederacy (known as Tecumseh's Confederacy). Tecumseh met with Indiana Governor William Henry Harrison to demand the rescission of land purchase treaties the US had forced on the Shawnee and other tribes. Harrison refused. In 1811, Tecumseh again met with Harrison at his home after being summoned following the murder of settlers on the frontier. Tecumseh told Harrison that the Shawnee and their Native American brothers wanted to remain at peace with the United States but these differences had to be resolved. — Tecumseh's Speech at Tuckaubatchee, 1811. Here is also, however, the text of quite a different-toned speech which Tecumseh allegedly delivered to a band of Osages on his way back home in 1811. It was reported by John Dunn Hunter, an Anglo-American whose parents had been killed by the Kickapoos, and who had been later raised among the Osages. " Brothers, we all belong to one family; we are all children of the Great Spirit; we walk in the same path; slake our thirst at the same spring; and now affairs of the greatest concern lead us to smoke the pipe around the same council fire! Brothers, we are friends; we must assist each other to bear our burdens. The blood of many of our fathers and brothers has run like water on the ground, to satisfy the avarice of the white men. We, ourselves, are threatened with a great evil; nothing will pacify them but the destruction of all the red men. Brothers, when the white men first set foot on our grounds, they were hungry; they had no place on which to spread their blankets, or to kindle their fires. They were feeble; they could do nothing for themselves. Our fathers commiserated their distress, and shared freely with them whatever the Great Spirit had given his red children. They gave them food when hungry, medicine when sick, spread skins for them to sleep on, and gave them grounds, that they might hunt and raise corn. Brothers, the white people are like poisonous serpents: when chilled, they are feeble and harmless; but invigorate them with warmth, and they sting their benefactors to death. The white people came among us feeble; and now that we have made them strong, they wish to kill us, or drive us back, as they would wolves and panthers. Brothers, the white men are not friends to the Indians: at first, they only asked for land sufficient for a wigwam; now, nothing will satisfy them but the whole of our hunting grounds, from the rising to the setting sun. Brothers, the white men want more than our hunting grounds; they wish to kill our old men, women, and little ones. Brothers, many winters ago there was no land; the sun did not rise and set; all was darkness. The Great Spirit made all things. He gave the white people a home beyond the great waters. He supplied these grounds with game, and gave them to his red children; and he gave them strength and courage to defend them. Brothers, my people wish for peace; the red men all wish for peace; but where the white people are, there is no peace for them, except it be on the bosom of our mother. Brothers, the white men despise and cheat the Indians; they abuse and insult them; they do not think the red men sufficiently good to live. The red men have borne many and great injuries; they ought to suffer them no longer. My people will not; they are determined on vengeance; they have taken up the tomahawk; they will make it fat with blood; they will drink the blood of the white people. Brothers, my people are brave and numerous; but the white people are too strong for them alone. I wish you to take up the tomahawk with them. If we all unite, we will cause the rivers to stain the great waters with their blood. Brothers, if you do not unite with us, they will first destroy us, and then you will fall an easy prey to them. They have destroyed many nations of red men, because they were not united, because they were not friends to each other. Brothers, the white people send runners amongst us; they wish to make us enemies, that they may sweep over and desolate our hunting grounds, like devastating winds, or rushing waters. Brothers, our Great Father over the great waters is angry with the white people, our enemies. He will send his brave warriors against them; he will send us rifles, and whatever else we want—he is our friend, and we are his children. Brothers, who are the white people that we should fear them? They cannot run fast, and are good marks to shoot at: they are only men; our fathers have killed many of them: we are not squaws, and we will stain the earth red with their blood. Brothers, the Great Spirit is angry with our enemies; he speaks in thunder, and the earth swallows up villages, and drinks up the Mississippi. The great waters will cover their lowlands; their corn cannot grow; and the Great Spirit will sweep those who escape to the hills from the earth with his terrible breath. Brothers, we must be united; we must smoke the same pipe; we must fight each other's battles; and, more than all, we must love the Great Spirit: he is for us; he will destroy our enemies, and make all his red children happy.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Mutable Float MoneyPerVolumeVector, a vector of values with a MoneyPerVolumeUnit. Construct a new Relative Immutable Float MoneyPerVolumeVector. Return an array of FloatMoneyPerVolume Scalars from this vector.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Experienced from my current SMART survey, we faced one issues as HH from one sample cluster doesn't have enough HH to met the sample size demanded for each cluster. The target population is IDP and we have use the update population data and HH list of March 2014 for survey planning and one IDP camps which also selected as sampled cluster have faced sudden population movement as to move this camps and merge with other IDP camps. It was happen during survey team training time and what we got information from camp leader was that all HH was moved to new camps. So, in this situation which will be the best option to follow in respecting SMART methodology. For me, I'd administered survey all 20 HH from this cluster. (1) Take a census sample (i.e. all HH) from this cluster and move on. This is what I have most frequently done. The PPS sample will be a bit off but it usually is in emergency situations. If you are concerned about this then SMART is probably not your best method. A method that weights after data-collection (rather than before as with PPS) might be better. (2) Drop this PSU and replace it with a contingency PSU. Remember to take (e.g.) 33 clusters and use 11, 22, and 33 only if needed. In situations with poor security I have gone as far as taking 60 instead of 30 clusters and sampling odd numbers with the nearest accessible even numbered cluster as the contingency cluster. (3) Do (1) above and then top up from the nearest potential PSU (e.g. a neighbouring village). (4) Special cases ... in your case if you have two camps of about 150 HH each that became two camps of 280 and 20 HH each then you might decide to move the cluster to the 280 HH camp or to split the cluster between the two camps so that you took (e.g.) 2 HH from the small camp and 19 from the large camp. I don't think it matters much which approach you use as long as you say what happened and what you did. If possible try to make some judgement as to what you did might effect the overall result. I would definitely recommend that you drop this cluster and use a RC (replacement cluster). SMART has some solutions for such case. You can combine a nearby village which was not select as cluster initially with the village with fewer households than required. The second option is that you can do the few households you are able to get in that village and move on with other clusters, the non respondent percent you added at the sample size calculation will take care of the shortcoming. Thanks for you all replies. In this survey we took 15% NRR in Sample size calculation. So, we made decision on taking 20 HH from that issue cluster and just watch the over all coverage of HH and children involved in survey, if not reached 10% of Cluster or not got 80% of children, we will go for RC clusters. Your decision is good Nicky. The issue is not so much that you will fail to meet your sample size and lose a little precision but that the representativeness of the sample is jeopardised. You included the original PSU in the sample by PPS (probably) because it had a large population. Now it has a small population (c. 20 HH ... equivalent to a small village). The best approach, As Blessing indicates, is probably to drop the original PSU and replace it with a contingency PSU. That should maintain the PPS nature of the sample. What if there were even fewer HHs, say 10 or fewer? Should a replacement cluster be used or visit a neighboring cluster or other options? Some of these were discussed by others in their responses. In general, I would not recommend having contingency clusters. When clusters are selected using PPS, they have probability of selection but if all of the clusters are not visited (i.e., the "contingency" clusters), this probability of selection is violated. My recommendation is that if it is thought that some clusters may be may not be accessible due to insecurity or other reasons, the total number of clusters should be increased - same in concept that when households are visited in a cluster, the number of households is increased to account for nonresponse. For example, if a 30 cluster survey is desired, but it seems likely that two clusters may not be accessible, then select 32 clusters. Every reasonable effort should be made to visit all 32 clusters - the teams should not stop once 30 clusters have been visited. It may be that the actual number of clusters assessed could be 32 (all accessible), 31 (one not accessible), 30 (two not accessible), or fewer. The important issue is that the results may be biased if clusters not accesible differ meaninfully in the survey indicators from those assessed. Less of an issue is that when fewer than the target number of clusters are visited, there may be a slight loss in precision. Most surveys (e.g., DHS and MICS) generally do not recommend replacement clusters for the same reason that most household-based surveys do not recommend replacement households - the potential for introducing more bias to the survey. While not being able to assess a cluster may introduce some bias, cluster replacement has the potential to introduce even more bias. If 30 clusters are to be assessed but one is not accessible, selecting a replacement cluster violates the selection probabilities and may even introduce more bias into the survey results than the loss of one cluster. Whatever approach is used, I agree with Mark that all procedures in the selection of clusters and households be described in detail so that the reader can make their own judgement on the quality of the methodology and potential affect on the interpretation of the results. The further the a survey drifts from acceptable survey methods, the greater the potential for biased estimates. Given the constraints of attempting to adhere to the statistical aspects while faced with less than desirable field conditions, there is no such thing as a "perfect" survey but we should strive for a reasonable attempt to attain high quality survey results. Based on the information provided I don't think it is necessary to replace the cluster with 20HHs with a replacement cluster (RC) as it can't meaningfully affect your final sample size as stated by Kevin above. I would definitely proceed with surveying the cluster with 20HHs as it is. After all the target is children 6-59 months old and the number of HHs/Cluster are calculated based on the proportion of under-5 years/6-59months old children per HH. Hence as in most cases with surveys on the ground that same proportion could be less or higher per HH. So the non-response in HHs will cancel out each other by this fact and your Survey will still maintain the basic principle of probability sampling, there by avoiding more bias being introduced due to this reason. However I prefer increasing the number of Clusters to be surveyed instead of the number of HHs (eg. instead of using 30 clusters of 20HHs it is better to use 42 clusters of 14HHs) as this will reduce the variability of responses in a clustered sample. Statistically speaking increasing the number of clusters enhances power more efficiently than does increasing the number of subjects within a cluster. On the other hand as most of these surveys are emergency nutrition surveys time and logistics as well as financial issues are best maintained within acceptable levels.(so using contingency/replacement clusters would save the much needed time allowing us to target on meeting only our representative sample size with minimal bias being introduced). So these decisions are usually best made at the ground level taking into account the geographic/spatial population distribution/arrangements of the survey area as well as the context, while maintaining its statistical soundness in sampling.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Q: Datagridview's Combobox to textbox I just want DatagridviewComboboxcell selected value to send it into a textbox i'm trying this for DatagridviewTextboxCell and it works but for DatagridviewComboboxcell doesnt work. textBox1.Text = "" + dataGridView1.SelectedRows[0].Cells[9].Value.ToString() + ""; A: Solved: int columnIndex = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.ColumnIndex; int rowIndex = dataGridView1.CurrentCell.RowIndex; DataGridViewComboBoxCell Column10 = dataGridView1[9, rowIndex] as DataGridViewComboBoxCell; String text = Column10.EditedFormattedValue.ToString(); textBox2.Text = text;
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaStackExchange" }
Scott Greene lives and works from his studio in Bernalillo, New Mexico. Scott Greene began his art education at the California College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland. Hit the jump and see Beautiful Paintings by Scott Greene. For more info on the Scott Greene, visit the website.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Headline, Industry News Kutcher to play Steve Jobs in film? Monday April 02nd 2012 Ashton Kutcher could be showing off his dramatic chops as he is rumoured to be playing Apple boss Steve Jobs in an upcoming biopic. The Two And A Half Men star – who looks slightly like the late inventor, who passed away last October – is apparently preparing himself for the lead role in Joshua Michael Stern's film, Jobs, reported Variety. Written by Matt Whiteley, the drama is expected to chronicle Jobs' life "from a wayward hippie to co-founder of Apple". Production is expected to get underway in May. This is the second movie about Jobs, following Sony's planned project which Aaron Sorkin was considering to write. Ashton, whose last big-screen outings were in romantic comedies New Year's Eve and No Strings Attached, is currently focusing on his role on the hit TV show, where he took over from Charlie Sheen. Source: The Press Association
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
Home Health & Beauty Weight-loss pill hailed as 'holy grail' in fight against obesity Weight-loss pill hailed as 'holy grail' in fight against obesity US study of 12,000 people shows drug lorcaserin does not increase risk of serious heart problems A weight-loss pill has been hailed as a potential "holy grail" in the fight against obesity after a major study showed it did not increase the risk of serious heart problems. Researchers say lorcaserin is the first weight-loss drug to be deemed safe for heart health with long-term use. Taken twice a day, the drug is an appetite suppressant which works by stimulating brain chemicals to induce a feeling of fullness. A US study saw 12,000 people who were either obese or overweight given the pills or a placebo – with those who took the drug shedding an average of 4kg (9lbs) in 40 months. Further analysis showed no big differences in tests for heart valve damage. Tam Fry, of Britain's National Obesity Forum, said the drug is potentially the "holy grail" of weight-loss medicine. "I think it is the thing everybody has been looking for," he said. "I think there will be several holy grails, but this is a holy grail and one which has been certainly at the back of the mind of a lot of specialists for a long time. "But all of the other things apply – lifestyle change has got to be root and branch part of this." Prof Jason Halford, an obesity expert at the University of Liverpool, told the Daily Telegraph newspaper that the drug's availability in the UK would depend on whether it is approved by National Health Service regulators. "We don't have any appetite suppressants available on the NHS. We have a massive great gap between lifestyle modification and surgery," he said. "At the moment you either get support and advice, or you get to surgery – there is nothing in between. This could be widely prescribed if it is approved by Nice (the National Institute of Health and Care Excellence) in the UK." The Food and Drug Administration, the US medicines watchdog, approved lorcaserin's use in some adults in 2012. The drug has been on sale there since 2013 under the name Belviq, where it costs $220- 290 (£155-225) a month. The study into its long-term effects was led by Dr Erin Bohula, a cardiovascular medicine expert at the Harvard-affiliated Brigham and Women's Hospital. "Patients and their doctors have been nervous about using drugs to treat obesity and for good reason. There's a history of these drugs having serious complications," she said. As well as affecting the heart, there are concerns weight-loss drugs can lead to mental health issues. The results of the study into lorcaserin were discussed at the European Society of Cardiology in Munich on Sunday and have been published by the New England Journal of Medicine. The researchers found after one year 39% of participants given lorcaserin had lost at least 5% of their starting weight, compared with 17% of those given placebo. Analysis also showed fewer people taking lorcaserin developed diabetes, 8.5% compared with 10.3% on placebo. Tests for heart valve damage were done on 3,270 participants, but no significant differences in rates were identified. Suicidal thoughts or behaviour were reported in 21 people taking lorcaserin compared with 11 people given placebo, however those taking the weight-loss drug had a history of depression. The researchers said: "Among overweight or obese patients with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease or multiple cardiovascular risk factors who were being treated with dietary and exercise interventions, those who received lorcaserin had better long-term rates of weight loss than those who received placebo at a median follow-up of 3.3 years. "The higher weight-loss rates were achieved without an accompanying increase in the risk of cardiovascular events." Previous articleUproar after research claims red meat poses no health risk Next articleMicrosoft launches managed meeting rooms as a service Eating in a 6-hour window and fasting for 18 hours might help you live longer Daily low-dose aspirin no longer recommended as heart attack preventative for older adults Was Luke Perry too young for a stroke? No, they can happen at any age Courts say anti-abortion 'heartbeat bills' are unconstitutional. So why do they keep coming? New year health kicks are great – but your environment is also vital | Dr Robert Wright Is modern life poisoning me? I took the tests to find out Why a corporate lawyer is sounding the alarm about these common chemicals | Carey Gillam
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This is a call to ALL of our distinguished men and women in the military and law enforcement....TIME TO CHOSE!!!! We, the people, your people, love you all and we ALL hope you love the freedom you are working so hard to protect enough to protect it from ALL enemies foreign AND domestic. Please educate yourselves and help to educate others who are not educated and get in the fight for the minds of American citizens. You are our strongest ally and we need you now more than ever in Americas history to stand up and be counted.
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<P> <A NAME="java.util"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> <A HREF="../../../java/util/package-summary.html">java.util</A> 中 <A HREF="../../../java/util/AbstractQueue.html" title="java.util 中的类">AbstractQueue</A> 的使用</FONT></TH> </TR> </TABLE> &nbsp; <P> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableSubHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><A HREF="../../../java/util/package-summary.html">java.util</A> 中 <A HREF="../../../java/util/AbstractQueue.html" title="java.util 中的类">AbstractQueue</A> 的子类</FONT></TH> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/PriorityQueue.html" title="java.util 中的类">PriorityQueue&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一个基于优先级堆的无界优先级<A HREF="../../../java/util/Queue.html" title="java.util 中的接口">队列</A>。</TD> </TR> </TABLE> &nbsp; <P> <A NAME="java.util.concurrent"><!-- --></A> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2"> <A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html">java.util.concurrent</A> 中 <A HREF="../../../java/util/AbstractQueue.html" title="java.util 中的类">AbstractQueue</A> 的使用</FONT></TH> </TR> </TABLE> &nbsp; <P> <TABLE BORDER="1" WIDTH="100%" CELLPADDING="3" CELLSPACING="0" SUMMARY=""> <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableSubHeadingColor"> <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/package-summary.html">java.util.concurrent</A> 中 <A HREF="../../../java/util/AbstractQueue.html" title="java.util 中的类">AbstractQueue</A> 的子类</FONT></TH> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/ArrayBlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">ArrayBlockingQueue&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一个由数组支持的有界<A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的接口">阻塞队列</A>。</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/ConcurrentLinkedQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">ConcurrentLinkedQueue&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一个基于链接节点的无界线程安全<A HREF="../../../java/util/Queue.html" title="java.util 中的接口">队列</A>。</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/DelayQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">DelayQueue&lt;E extends Delayed&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<tt>Delayed</tt> 元素的一个无界<A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的接口">阻塞队列</A>,只有在延迟期满时才能从中提取元素。</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingDeque.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">LinkedBlockingDeque&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一个基于已链接节点的、任选范围的<A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/BlockingDeque.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的接口">阻塞双端队列</A>。</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/LinkedBlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">LinkedBlockingQueue&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一个基于已链接节点的、范围任意的 <A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的接口">blocking queue</A>。</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/PriorityBlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">PriorityBlockingQueue&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一个无界<A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的接口">阻塞队列</A>,它使用与类 <A HREF="../../../java/util/PriorityQueue.html" title="java.util 中的类"><CODE>PriorityQueue</CODE></A> 相同的顺序规则,并且提供了阻塞获取操作。</TD> </TR> <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor"> <TD ALIGN="right" VALIGN="top" WIDTH="1%"><FONT SIZE="-1"> <CODE>&nbsp;class</CODE></FONT></TD> <TD><CODE><B><A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/SynchronousQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的类">SynchronousQueue&lt;E&gt;</A></B></CODE> <BR> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;一种<A HREF="../../../java/util/concurrent/BlockingQueue.html" title="java.util.concurrent 中的接口">阻塞队列</A>,其中每个插入操作必须等待另一个线程的对应移除操作 ,反之亦然。</TD> </TR> </TABLE> &nbsp; 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Q: Who participates in the Expert Group? The Expert Group comprises professionals from two separate areas of expertise: statisticians from official statistics organizations and disaster information experts from disaster management agencies. The experts work in the governments of a variety of countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The group also comprises a number of recognized international experts involved in statistics and/or disaster risk management. The resolution stressed "the importance of disaggregated data related to disasters in enabling a comprehensive assessment of the socioeconomic effects of disasters and strengthening evidence-based policy-making at all levels for disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation." Q: What is the value-added of a statistical framework for disaster-related statistics? A: The Expert Group is tasked with developing a framework and guidelines for production and dissemination of a basic range of disaster-related statistics. Disaster managers usually produce post-disaster reports on the occurrence and impacts for individual disaster events. Many disaster management agencies have developed databases, using use tools such as DesInventar for to capture information on damage, loss and other effects of disasters. Not all countries in Asia and the Pacific currently have national databases or repositories of statistical information on disasters that are well-functioning and regularly updated for use in achieving integrated disaster risk reduction as a part of broader sustainable development planning at national or local levels. Also, the information that is available is not always comparable over time and between countries or across different types of hazards. With the emergence of international demand for monitoring disaster-related indicators (for the Sendai Framework and Sustainable Development Goals monitoring), there is a growing and urgent need for improved quality, particularly international comparability, of disaster-related stastistics. A statistical framework, when accompanied by guidelines for statistics production and dissemination, will help official sources of statistics in govenments produce summary statistics, over time and that can meet the multiple demands for improved evidenced-based disaster risk reduction policies and progress monitoring for the internationally-agreed goals and targets. The framework can be used as a tool to bridge disaster and risk management information with the socio-economic statistics. The bridge between these two domains of statistical information is essential for producing indicators. Q: How does the Expert Group function? A: The Asia-Pacific Expert Group is developing the Disaster-Related Statistical Framework (DRSF) as a reference and guidance source to help official sources of statistics to produce data that towards a basic range of good quality for national policy development purposes and for producing indicators. The DRSF is under development by the Expert Group through a consultative process, in which documented advancements in technical recommendations are posted for comment and discussion on this website. The Expert Group also holds regular in-person meetings and occasional special workshops to discuss progress, develop concrete recommendations on key methodological questions and adopt priorities for further research. After agreeing on the basic infrastructure of a provisional draft for the DRSF, the Expert Group organized and reviewed pilot studies, based on currently available data from four of the participating countries. The pilot studies were used to to identify good practices and the key methodological questions that will require special attention or further research as the Expert Group works to finalize its recommendations. Q: How does development of a statistical framework relate to indicators and terminology? A: Indicators are also closely linked to statistics. Statistics are needed to produce indicators and the indicators of interest to policy-makers are usually a good reference for statisticians understand the demands to help design and prioritize their data collections so that the information will be used for assessing progress and designing new policies. Alththough the Asia-Pacific Expert Group was established before the adoption of the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction and the development of the global SDG indicators, the Expert Group aligned its work to these global indicators initiatives in order to maximize the utility and relevance of the official statistics and ensure there are no duplications or misalignments in recommendations for statistics or for indicators. The basic conepts in the Sendai Framework and relevant SDG target and indicators provide the foundation for the scope of the draft DRSF. hus, the Expert Group's work has dual benefits for the region by helping with improvement of statistics at the national level while also building capacities for ultimately meeting the broader demands for monitoring the new global indicators. Q: What are the benefits of working on the DRSF regionally? A: A key characteristic of most international statistics is that they are based on official statistics produced at the national level. Hence, good international statistics require good national statistics. International statistics are produced on the basis of reports from national statistical systems; these reported data are grouped or re-grouped, and adjusted according to the appropriate statistical standard. Official statistics from national sources are harmonized, internationally, via the development and adoption of official recommendations for statistics by the international statistical community, especially the United Nations Statistics Commission. Often, statistical methodological development, including advancements that were eventually adopted globale, is initiated at regional levels or at least by a selected group of member States and qualified experts. Asia and Pacific is in a natural position to take a leading role for methodological development on the topic of disaster-related statistics for many reasons. Asia and Pacific is exposed to the highest disaster risk of all other regions and also governments in this region have extensive and relatively advanced experienced with producing and disseminating disaster-related statistics for policy. The Resolution 70/2 created an early opportunity for the Expert Group, with support from UNESCAP as secretariat, to embrace this potential role of leadership via the development of the forthcoming Disaster-related Statistics Framework (DRSF). Do you have more questions about the Asia-Pacific Expert Group? If so, please send them to stat.unescap@un.org and we will post the answers on this web page.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
«Король приключений», иногда «Доктор Вай. Рукопись без слов» (, ) — гонконгский приключенческий боевик с Джетом Ли в главной роли. Сюжет Чау Сикит — писатель-романист, страдающий от творческого кризиса и семейных проблем — его жена Моника намерена развестись с ним за то, что он неудачник. Сикит находит убежище в своём вымышленном мире, где он археолог-авантюрист. В то же время молодой писатель А Син становится другом Сикита и старается изо всех сил помочь ему уладить семейные и вырваться из творческого кризиса. Когда усилия не дают желаемых результатов, А Син прибегает к помощи Ивонн, молодой коллеги, и вместе они начинают создавать приключения романа Сикита. В ролях Джет Ли — Вай Покси / Чау Сикит — Моника Чарли Ян — Ивонн Такэси Канэсиро — А Син — Хунхун Синсин — Редактор — г-н Чань Джонни Кон — г-н Ло Награды и номинации 16-я церемония награждения Hong Kong Film Awards (1997) — номинация в следующей категории: Лучшая хореография — Тони Чхин, Ма Юксин 33-я церемония награждения Golden Horse (1996) — награда в следующей категории: Лучшие визуальные спецэффекты — Энди Ма Примечания Ссылки Официальный трейлер на YouTube «Король приключений» на сайте Hong Kong Movie DataBase Фильмы-боевики Гонконга Приключенческие фильмы Гонконга Кинокомедии Гонконга Кинокомедии 1996 года Фильмы на кантонском языке Фильмы о боевых искусствах Фильмы Чэн Сяодуна
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaWikipedia" }
Fast Generation of RSA-Moduli with Almost Maximal Diversity Advances in Cryptology — EUROCRYPT '89, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer-Verlag, vol. 434, pp. 636–647, Apr 1989, Final version: [Maurer95a]. This paper describes a new method for generating primes together with a proof of their primality that is extremely efficient (for 100-digit primes the average running time is equal to the average time required for finding a "strong pseudoprime" of the same size that passes the Miller-Rabin test for only four bases), that yields primes that are nearly uniformly distributed over the set of all primes in a given interval, and that is easily modified to yield (with no additional computational effort) primes that are nearly uniformly distributed over the subset of these primes that satisfy certain security constraints for use in the RSA cryptosystem. This method is used to generate, for a given encryption exponent $e$, an RSA-modulus $m=pq$ that is nearly uniformly distributed over all secure RSA-moduli in a given interval $I$, i.e., over the set of all integers in $I$ that are (1) the product of exactly two primes $p$ and $q$ none of which is smaller than a given limit $L$, where (2) $(p-1,e)=(q-1,e)=1$ and (3) $p-1$ and $q-1$ each contain a prime factor greater than a given limit $L'$, and where (4) for all but a provably (given) small fraction of plaintexts in $Z_{m}^{*}$, the minimum number of iterated encryptions with exponent $e$ required to recover the plaintext, is provably greater than a given limit $M$. Our method exploits a well-known result due to Pocklington \cite{pock} that allows one to prove the primality of $p$ when only a partial factorization of $p-1$ is known. These prime factors of $p-1$ are generated by recursive application of the prime generating procedure. Although the discussion is centered on the RSA system, our method can of course be used in other cryptographic systems, such as the Diffie-Hellman public key distribution system, that require large primes satisfying certain security constraints. @inproceedings{Maurer89, author = {Ueli Maurer}, title = {Fast Generation of {RSA}-Moduli with Almost Maximal Diversity}, booktitle = {Advances in Cryptology --- EUROCRYPT~'89}, pages = {636--647}, volume = {434}, note = {Final version: \cite{Maurer95a}}, There are currently no associated files available.
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3D Not a Favorite among Gamers, Says Survey October 3, 2011, By Sanjeev Ramachandran Facebook Dating Might Be On Its Way; Being Tested 3D, given its current popularity in cinema and television, does seem to be the next logical step in gaming. If you think this is os, you may want to think again! Playr2 co-founder Simon Kilby thinks developers will have to be careful to tackle issues that the Nintendo 3DS seemed to raise with motion sickness and the like. Here is why: the games comparison and market place guru has conducted a survey which shows that 3D in gaming is not the favorite among masses. The survey was conducted among 1001 gamers who were asked about the future of 3D in gaming. A total of 51 percent of the gamers said they do not want 3D in their games. And, only 47 percent said they would like to see 3D in next gen gaming consoles. Two percent of the participants were not sure. Further, 44 percent of those who said they were against 3D consoles said they felt it was unnecessary, while 28 percent claimed to have played on the Nintendo 3DS and are unimpressed with the console. Meanwhile, 22 percent said they felt that 3D technology would impair the gaming experience, rather than improve it. But 3D is all over in the gaming world; that is in the title of Nintendo's new handheld. The Playstation 3 from Sony also has it, and the Xbox might have it as well. While the survey may not push the three biggies of the gaming industry to change their plans altogether, but it will be interesting to see what happens when the consoles are finally released. We agree. Do you? Posted in: Featured, Gaming OnePlus Set For Smart Television Business Foray LG V40 ThinQ Smartphone with Five Camera Sensors on October 3rd Samsung Likely to Bundle 5G Modem in Premium Version of S10 Plus « Author Menus with Windows DVD Maker Apple iPhone 5 on Multiple Carriers, a Big Worry for Competitors »
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TMT (technology, media, and telecommunication) companies #1 generation of economic profits over other industry sectors amounts to more than companies in aerospace and defense, automotive components, and food products combined. The profitability behind TMT is a result of advances in digital technology that provide access to new markets and stimulate corresponding growth, creating new leadership positions that capture extraordinary value. Within this industry is a distinctive pattern: a concentration of economic profit and turnover as well as a growing middle tier of value-creating companies. Questions among investors remain in the consistency behind digitally altered business models. Will old industries continue to be replaced by their technological counterparts such as Amazon (retail), Uber (transportation), and Airbnb (lodging)? Industry research reveals that companies within TMT experienced near hundredfold growth from 2000 to 2014, adding over $200 billion in value to the world economy. Unsurprisingly perhaps, the TMT captures benefits of scale more efficiently than other sectors; products such as smartphones and social media captured roughly 85% of the economic profit generated by TMT industries from 2010 to 2014. The top 5 percent of companies generated 60%. The network and indirect network effect have helped create concentration of economic profits within the industry. The direct network effect is a characteristic of TMT platforms to become more valuable with the use of various users, and the indirect network effect is the reliance of third parties on established networked products to create complementary services, further improving the viability of an established product. The latter effect helped spur the leading profit-growth in middle-tier companies (Netflix, WeChat etc.) – economic profits grew three times the amount of technology giants between 2000 and 2014 and tenfold overall. Replacement of physical platforms such as Blockbuster also helped this part of the industry experience growth. Within TMT lies one inherent instability; companies at the top are under constant threat by young companies with rapid growth. Less than half of the companies at the top quintile (measured by economic profit) in 2000 remained so in 2015. In other industries, on average, the industry leaders in the top quintile remained in the top quintile fifteen years later 60% of the time.
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Healthcare Startup Facilitator Advisory & Editorial boards InnoHEALTH Aritificial intelligence InnovatioCuris Magazine volumes Volume 6 – Year 2021 Lifestyle diseases: A threat to backward states By InnoHEALTH MagazineMay 2, 2018No Comments Home » Lifestyle diseases: A threat to backward states Lifestyle diseases like chronic respiratory and heart diseases are killing more people in India than communicable ailments like Tuberculosis (TB) or Diarrhea in every states, including most backward belts, says the India State-Level Disease Burden Initiative's Report. Among the leading non-communicable diseases, the largest disease burden or Disability-Adjusted Life Year (DALY) rate increase from the period of 1990 to 2016 was observed for diabetes at 80 per cent, and ischaemic heart disease at 34 per cent. In 2016, three of the five leading individual causes of disease burden in India were non-communicable, with ischaemic heart disease and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease as the top two causes and stroke as the fifth leading cause. The range of disease burden or DALY rate among the states in 2016 was nine-fold for ischaemic heart disease, four-fold for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and six-fold for stroke, and fourfold for diabetes across the country. The key metric used in the study is DALYs, which is the sum of the number of years of life lost due to premature death and a weighted measure of the years lived with disability due to a disease or injury. The use of DALYs to track disease burden is recommended by India's National Health Policy of 2017. While ischaemic heart disease and diabetes generally had higher DALY rates in states that are at a more advanced epidemiological transition stage toward non-communicable diseases, the DALY rates of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were generally higher in the Empowered Action Group (EAG) states that are at a relatively less advanced epidemiological transition stage. [vc_single_image image="3888″ img_size="500×300″ alignment="center" onclick="link_image"] The report shows that communicable diseases constitute almost two-thirds of the disease burden in India from a little over a third in 1990. Despite the transition, which is associated with development, malnutrition remains the single top risk for health loss. All states have thus made what's called the 'epidemiological transition' there remain wide variations in their disease profiles with some having made that transition as early as 1986, and others as recently as 2010. The first group to make the transition in 1986 included Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Goa, Himachal Pradesh and Punjab. The last group to do so, accounting for the highest number of people (588 million), made the transition almost a quarter of a century later, in 2010. This group included Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Jharkhand, Rajasthan and Odisha. India as a country made the transition in 2003. The Report's executive summary says with almost one-fifth of the world's population living in India, the health status and the drivers of health loss are expected to vary between different parts of the country and between the states. Accordingly, effective efforts to improve population health in each state require systematic knowledge of the local health status and trends. While state-level trends for some important health indicators have been available in India, a comprehensive assessment of the diseases causing the most premature deaths and disability in each state, the risk factors responsible for this burden, and their time trends have not been available in a single standardised framework. The Report finds that the Health status improving, but major inequalities between states Life expectancy at birth improved in India from 59.7 years in 1990 to 70.3 years in 2016 for females, and from 58.3 years to 66.9 years for males. There were, however, continuing inequalities between states, with a range of 66.8 years in Uttar Pradesh to 78.7 years in Kerala for females, and from 63.6 years in Assam to 73.8 years in Kerala for males in 2016. The per person disease burden measured as DALYs rate dropped by 36% from 1990 to 2016 in India, after adjusting for the changes in the population age structure during this period. But there was an almost two-fold difference in this disease burden rate between the states in 2016, with Assam, Uttar Pradesh, and Chhattisgarh having the highest rates, and Kerala and Goa the lowest rates. While the disease burden rate in India has improved since 1990, it was 72% higher per person than in Sri Lanka or China in 2016. The under-5 mortality rate has reduced substantially from 1990 in all states, but there was a four-fold difference in this rate between the highest in Assam and Uttar Pradesh as compared with the lowest in Kerala in 2016, highlighting the vast health inequalities between the states. Large differences between states in the changing disease profile of the total disease burden in India measured as DALYs, 61% was due to communicable, maternal, neonatal, and nutritional diseases (termed infectious and associated diseases in this summary for simplicity) in 1990, which dropped to 33% in 2016. There was a corresponding increase in the contribution of non-communicable diseases from 30% of the total disease burden in 1990 to 55% in 2016, and of injuries 18 %. Want to write for InnoHEALTH? send us your article at magazine@innovatiocuris.com Assamassociated diseasesBiharChhattisgarhChinaChronic obstructiveChronic respiratoryCommunication ailmentsDALYDiabetesDiarrheaDisability adjusted life yearEAGEmpowered action groupepidemiological transition stageGoaHealth indicatorHealth lossHealth statusHeart DiseaseHimachal PradeshIndiaIndia state level diseaseinfectious diseasesinjuryischaemic heart diseaseJharkhandKeralaLifestyle diseasesLocal health statusMadhya PradeshMalnutritionNeonatalNon-communicable diseaseNutitional diseasesOdishapremature deathPulmonary diseasePunjabRajasthanRisk factorsSri LankaStrokeTamil NaduTBTime trendstotal disease burdenTrendsTuberculosisUttar Pradesh Previous PostHealth of the Indian states Next PostHow to write a funding proposal? Author InnoHEALTH Magazine More posts by InnoHEALTH Magazine About InnoHEALTH Magazine InnoHEALTH Magazine is an RNI (Registrar of Newspapers for India) registered magazine initiated in July 2016 under the InnovatioCuris banner. This magazine focuses on healthcare innovations and has been termed one of its kind in India. The articles composed on the magazine are curated on this website. Aritificial intelligence 4 Cybersecurity 10 Digital Healthcare 7 Exclusive Interview 19 Expert Opinion 12 Featured startups 1 Guest Column 6 In Focus 2 Industry speaks 18 InnoBRIDGE 1 InnoHEALTH 69 InnoHEALTH Conference 22 InnovatioCuris 15 Latest innovations 3 Newscope 36 Persona 26 Providers 5 Telemedicine 5 Theme 30 universal-health-care-reality-or-myth 3 Women's Corner 11 Get instant updates through our RSS feed 2nd Conference and Workshop of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) in India Year 2020 for InnovatioCuris Covid 19: Pandemic Lessons for Future Signs & symptoms of cancer that need Attention Immediately Polypharmacy in the elderly – role of the family physician Healthcare trends September – November 2020 December 21, 2020 Year 2020 for InnovatioCuris December 23, 2020 Signs & symptoms of cancer that need Attention Immediately December 23, 2020 2nd Conference and Workshop of the Cancer Genome Atlas (TCGA) in India January 8, 2021 Polypharmacy in the elderly – role of the family physician December 23, 2020 Sector 34, Noida Uttar Pradesh – 201307 magazine@innovatiocuris.com AI (35) AIIMS (13) Artificial Intelligence (43) Ayushman bharat (12) Blood Pressure (12) Cancer (15) Data (11) Depression (15) Diabetes (36) Digital Health (15) DNA (11) Drugs (11) FDA (14) health (23) healthcare (81) Healthcare Delivery (16) Healthcare Innovation (20) Health Sector (11) Hospitals (12) IC (11) India (24) India Science Wire (11) innohealth (19) InnoHEALTH Magazine (43) innovatiocuris (50) innovation (48) Internet of Things (19) IoT (20) IT (12) Lifestyle (20) Machine Learning (20) Medical devices (16) Medicine (20) Mental Health (14) MRI (13) Non Communicable Diseases (12) Obesity (13) Public health (19) Startup (16) Technology (54) Telemedicine (13) Treatment (21) Tuberculosis (13) WHO (29) World Health Organization (15) © 2021 InnoHEALTH magazine.
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2004-05Regular SeasonRound 4 Climamio Bologna 103 November 24, 2004 CET: 20:40 Local time: 20:40 PALADOZZA Climamio tightened its hold over Group A by turning back Partizan Pivara MB 103-91 on Wednesday in Bologna to remain undefeated through a quarter of the Euroleague regular season. Led by an impressive performance from Milos Vujanic against his old team, Climamio raised its record to 4-0 and put Partizan in trouble with an 0-4 mark. After Partizan put up an early challenge, Vujanic hit his former teammates with 23 points and 4 assists. Ruben Douglas added 17 points, Erazem Lorbek 14 points, Gianluca Basile 13 and Matjaz Smodis 11 for the winners. Partizan was paced again by Dejan Milojevic, who posted 17 points and 13 rebounds, while point guard Vule Avdalovic finished with 18 points. Blake Stepp added 16 points, Milan Gurovic 11, Luka Bogdanovic and Kosta Perovic 10 each for the guests. Partizan started as it hoped to, with Avdalovic scoring first and then assisting Perovic for an easy layup. Basile answered with Climamio's first triple, but then Milojevic opened an 2-8 run for his team: Stepp nailed a triple, Perovic scored a difficult jumper and Partizan was ahead 5-12. Basile again, with a bucket-plus-foul, gave Clmiamio a breath before Perovic and Semih Erden pushed the lead to 8 points, 8-16 midway through the quarter. Basile answered again with 3 points, this time from beyond the arc, before Climamio coach Jasmin Repesa called in Smodis, who immediately hit from outside and inside for 5 points in a row and an 18-18 tie after 8 minutes. Partizan didn't flinch, but merely dropped 3 triples - the first by Avdalovic, and 2 more by Bogdanovic - before ending the quarter with a nice advantage, 21-27. After a Bogdanovic basket to open the second quarter, Belinelli and Vujanic spurred a 10-1 flurry by Climamio with their drives and triples. With his team up 31-28, Milos took over the match from there until halftime. He grabbed a rebound to serve Douglas an easy fastbreak, scored cutting the defense and then assisted Lorbek with a marvelous no-look pass that turned into 3 points. The Climamio run reached 17-1 and its lead climbed to 38-30 before Milan Gurovic and Uros Tripkovic revived Partizan with 2 triples that made the score 40-38. Climamio big man Erazem Lorbek, active under the offensive board, scored 3 points in a row now, but Stepp matched them with one shot. Gianmarco Pozzecco inspired two good possessions offset by free throws from Bogdanovic for a 47-45 scoreboard in minute 18. From there, Douglas hit foul shots and Vujanic a buzzer-beating triple to register Climamio's biggest lead yet, 56-47 at the half. Stepp nailed the first basket of the second half from downtown, but Climamio established a double-digit lead, 62-50, on a nice move by Douglas. Stepp soon bagged up his fourth triple in as many attempts, but Vujanic resurfaced with a a fastbreak and an assist as the lead hit 66-53 in minute 23. Lorbek kept scoring inside, as did Erden for Partizan, before Vujanic buried 4 straight free throws and Ruben Dougals drew Tripkovic's fifth foul. Milojevic's effort was laudable but Partizan didn't have anything from the others. As such, Climamio flew away with dunks by Stefano Mancinelli, Smodis and Belinelli. For good measure, Vujanic threw in another buzzer-beater, this one from 10 meters, to secure his team a 17-point advantage, 84-67, after 30 minutes. Avdalovic scored 5 points in a row to open the last quarter, but Lorbek hit from the middle and served Mancinelli for another dunk to show that Climamio wasn't ready to slip. Their team behind 88-72, Stepp drove to the rim to reach 16 points and Milojevic stole for a bucket-plus-free throw, to show that Partizan wasn't giving up, either. But Mancinelli answered with a three-pointer and Martin Rancik scored to mark the highest lead, 93-76. Gurovic's three-pointer plus Milojevic's basket cut the deficit to 12 later, but Douglas calmed any thoughts of a comebck with 2 triples and Belinelli clinched the 100-point figure, which came with Climamio's fourth victory attached. Marco Martelli, Bologna Referees: AMOROS, XAVIER; MARTIN, JOSE; LAINIOTIS, SOTIRIOS; TEOFILI, ALESSANDRO Climamio Bologna 21 35 28 19 Partizan 27 20 20 24 Climamio Bologna 21 56 84 103 Climamio Bologna 4 MCCASKILL, AMAL 1:15 1 1 1 -1 5 BASILE, GIANLUCA 26:15 13 2/4 2/7 3/3 2 2 4 3 2 2 2 13 6 MANCINELLI, STEFANO 18:15 7 2/2 1/2 2 2 1 1 3 7 8 SMODIS, MATJAZ 27:45 11 3/5 1/3 2/2 2 5 7 1 4 2 2 2 5 22 9 BELINELLI, MARCO 18:00 9 3/3 1/2 1 1 2 1 3 8 11 BAGARIC, DALIBOR 6:00 1 1 2 4 12 POZZECCO, GIANMARCO 12:00 3 1/2 1/2 2 5 1 4 1 -6 13 VUJANIC, MILOS 25:45 23 6/8 2/7 5/5 2 2 4 3 1 1 8 31 14 RANCIK, MARTIN 17:45 6 3/6 0/1 1 2 3 1 1 1 5 1 15 LORBEK, ERAZEM 19:15 14 6/6 0/1 2/3 4 1 5 1 1 1 3 2 19 18 CORTESE, RICCARDO DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 20 DOUGLAS, RUBEN 27:45 17 3/3 2/3 5/6 2 2 1 2 1 2 4 19 Totals 200:00 103 29/39 9/25 18/22 8 18 26 13 16 12 7 4 26 25 118 74.4% 36% 81.8% Head coach: REPESA, JASMIN 4 TRIPKOVIC, UROS 12:45 3 1/4 1 1 1 1 5 1 -3 5 BOGDANOVIC, LUKA 13:30 10 1/1 2/3 2/2 1 1 2 1 2 1 3 1 9 6 BOZIC, PETAR 1:15 1 1 7 PEROVIC, KOSTA 22:00 10 3/8 4/6 2 2 4 1 1 1 2 1 2 5 12 9 BOZOVIC, SLOBODAN 7:00 0/1 1 1 1 3 -5 11 MARKOVIC, MILOS DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 12 SAMARDZISKI, PREDRAG DNP - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 13 MILOJEVIC, DEJAN 36:30 19 7/13 5/7 5 8 13 3 4 7 2 4 9 27 14 AVDALOVIC, VULE 35:00 18 2/6 3/5 5/6 1 2 3 1 2 1 2 4 7 17 15 ERDEN, SEMIH 12:30 4 2/2 0/1 3 1 4 1 1 1 1 1 8 24 STEPP, BLAKE ROY 31:00 16 1/1 4/8 2/2 1 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 10 51 GUROVIC, MILAN 28:30 11 1/4 3/6 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 6 Team 1 1 2 2 1 -1 Totals 200:00 91 17/36 13/27 18/23 14 18 32 10 10 21 4 7 26 26 81 Head coach: VUJOSEVIC, DUSKO November 24 19:10 CET LIVE FINAL Zalgiris 102 Maccabi Elite 123
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11/30/2021 Peace Corps Semiannual Report to Congress for the Second Half of FY 2021 Semiannual Report Agency-Wide 11/23/2021 Peace Corps Final Report on the Peace Corps' Compliance with CARES Act Supplemental Funding Requirements Audit Agency-Wide 11/12/2021 Peace Corps Summary of Internal Control Issues Over the Peace Corps Financial Reporting FY 2021 Audit Agency-Wide 11/10/2021 Peace Corps Management Challenges FY 2021 Top Management Challenges Agency-Wide 11/08/2021 Peace Corps Audit of the Peace Corps' Compliance with the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act Audit Agency-Wide 10/29/2021 Peace Corps FY 2021 Review of the Peace Corps' Information Security Program Review Agency-Wide 10/07/2021 Peace Corps FY 2022 Annual Plan Other Agency-Wide 10/05/2021 Peace Corps FYs 2022-2024 Strategic Plan Other Agency-Wide 08/02/2021 Peace Corps Final Report on the Review of the Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Death of a Peace Corps/Ghana Volunteer Review GH
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Celtic Colours Vol. 9 - 2005 Compilation featuring Blazin' Fiddles, Le Vent du Nord, Kimberly Fraser, Fin Moore, Allie Bennett, Cathie Ryan, Jennifer Roland, Mahers Bars, Jeff MacDonald, Carl MacKenzie, Karen & Helene, The Cottars, Dave Gunning, Joe Derrane and The Boston Edge, Glenn Graham, The Brock McGuire Band, Mary Jane Lamond, Katheryn Tickell Band, Tracey Dares, Liz Doherty, Ryan J. MacNeil, David Francey, Dougie MacDonald, Andrew White, J.P. Cormier, Rona Lightfoot, Buddy MacMaster, Old Blind Dogs, Weldon Boudreau, Howie MacDonald Celtic Colours prices links to secure server / on-line store Two CD set $25.00 Or buy all 6 CDs at a special bundle price First CD 1. BLAZIN' FIDDLES MISS JOHNSTONE Miss Johnstone (traditional) Rannie MacLellan (Brenda Stubbart, SOCAN) Fred's Reel (traditional) Frank Gilruth (Peter Milne, arranged by: Blazin' Fiddles) Marc Clement: Guitar Allan Henderson: Fiddle Catriona Macdonald: Fiddle Iain Macfarlane: Fiddle Bruce MacGregor: Fiddle Aidan O'Rourke: Fiddle Andy Thorburn: Piano www.blazin-fiddles.co.uk From the album: MAGNIFICENT SEVEN Courtesy of: Blazin' Fiddles Produced by: Blazin' Fiddles Recorded at: Castlesound Studio Each member of Blazin' Fiddles draws the distinct flavor of music from their part of the highlands and island of Scotland. These musicians are some of the finest fiddlers ever to play a reel, backed by skilled accompaniment on piano and guitar. They have been performing as a group for seven years (hence, the name of their latest CD) and continue to recruit converts to fiddle music everywhere they play. The MISS JOHNSTONE cut wraps three traditional tunes around a composition from Cape Breton's Brenda Stubbert. 2. LE VENT DU NORD C'est une Jeune Mariée (traditional) Nicolas Boulerice: Hurdy Gurdy, vocals Benoit Bourque: Accordion, voice Olivier Demers: Fiddle, feet Simon Beaudry: Guitar, voice www.leventdunord.com From the album: LES AMANTS DU SAINT-LAURENT Courtesy of: Borealis Records www.borealisrecords.com Recorded by: André Marchand at Studio du Chemin 4 Le Vent du Nord was one of the most exiting stage groups to grace the Celtic Colours festival in 2004, and the Festival is fortunate to have them back for another year. This four-piece bundle of traditional music energy can be accurately described as eight musical instruments, four voices in harmony, two generations of musicians and a master of dance. This allows the group to make a distinctive musical impact that has drawn praise far and wide. Although Le Vent du Nord has only been together for a few years, it has already made an impact. Their first CD garnered them the 2004 JUNO award for "Roots and Traditional Album of the Year/Group," as well as a host of other nominations. LES AMANTS DU SAINT-LAURENT is their just released (and much awaited) second CD. Alice Boulerice, Nicolas' grandmother, owns and still sings a fabulous repertoire, with all kinds of songs. C'Est une Jeune Mariée is a double meaning song, of which many versions are known. 3. KIMBERLY FRASER The Rocky Shore (Paul Cranford, SOCAN) Kimberly Fraser: Fiddle Gordie Sampson: Mandolin Allie Bennett: Bass Stewart MacNeil: Wooden flute From the album: CELTIC & TRADITIONAL LULLABIES FROM OUR CAPE BRETON Courtesy of: Kimberly Fraser Produced by: Eileen T. Brennan Recorded by: Mike Shepherd and Fred Lavery at Lakewind Studios, Point Aconi, Cape Breton Sydney Mines native Kimberly Fraser has already made an impact on the world of Celtic music. Wonderfully adept as a fiddler, pianist, and stepdancer, she has toured Europe with Cherish The Ladies and British Columbia with Glenn Graham. In August 2005, she performed at Tønder Festival in Denmark with Patrick Gillis and Troy MacGillivray. During the 2000 Celtic Colours festival, Kimberly was presented with the annual "Tic Butler Memorial Award" for significant contribution to Cape Breton culture. Kimberly now enjoys teaching private fiddle, stepdancing, and piano lessons at home as well as at various workshops, including the prestigious Gaelic College of Celtic Arts and Crafts in St Ann's, Cape Breton, and the Ceilidh Trail School of Music in Inverness, Cape Breton. The Rocky Shore is a beautiful piece composed by Cape Breton musician Paul Cranford as a tribute to his home on Victoria County's North Shore area. Cape Breton piano player Mac Morin recorded the wave sounds heard at the beginning of this track. 4. FIN MOORE SOENAIDH'S TUNE SET Soenaidh's Tune (F. Morrison, MCPS & PRS) Cuir I Glun Air A'Bhodach Strathspey (traditional) Cuir I Glun Air A'Bhodach Reel (traditional) Pigtown Reel (traditional) O'Rourke's Reel (traditional) (Except where stated, all tunes are traditional/arranged F. Moore & S. Bradley/Published Grian Music.) Fin Moore: Border pipes Simon Bradley: Fiddle From the album: The Piper and the Maker Courtesy of: Greentrax Recordings Limited www.greentrax.com Produced by: Hamish Moore Recorded by: Peter Haig live at the Pitlochry Town Hall Like father, like son! This often-quoted adage is never truer than when directed towards Fin Moore. The son of noted piper, fiddler, composer, and pipe-maker Hamish Moore, Fin plays the Highland pipes, Border pipes, and Scottish Small Pipes and is now a partner with his father, continuing the business of pipe-making. He has also gained a great reputation as a teacher of pipes, having completed four summer seasons teaching at the Gaelic College in Cape Breton, various parts of Scotland, and other schools around the world. The SOENAIDH'S TUNE SET was taken from a CD recorded as a tribute to the work and music of Hamish Moore, as all the pipers on the recording play pipes that he has made. A similar CD will be recorded live at two concerts during Celtic Colours and will be released in 2006. 5. ALLIE BENNETT GLENTIES SET Gerry Comane's (traditional) Jes Kroman's (Jerry Holland, Fiddlestick Music, SOCAN) The Flooded Road to Glenties (Jimmy McHugh) Freddies's (John Morris Rankin, Ole Sound Music, SOCAN) Allie Bennett: Fiddle, guitar, bass Mac Morin: Piano Brian Talbot: Drums www.alliebennett.ca From the album: IT'S ABOUT TIME Courtesy of: Allie Bennett Produced by: Allie Bennett Recorded by: Mike Shepherd at Lakewind Studios, Point Aconi, Cape Breton Allie is one of the most recognized and hardest working musicians on Canada's east coast. He has performed studio work on over 100 recordings and toured extensively over the past 30 years with the likes of Rita MacNeil, The Rankin Family, the Barra MacNeils, John Allan Cameron, Mary Jane Lamond, Natalie MacMaster, and the late Stan Rogers. He has been the music director of many major productions and television broadcasts and is also in demand as a teacher of fiddle, guitar, and bass. After so many recording sessions with other musicians, Allie finally recorded his own CD. When told by Allie that this project was in the works, the general response among his fellow musicians was ". . . it's about time!" This group of reels comes from various sources, including two of the most gifted modern-day Cape Breton composers, Jerry Holland and John Morris Rankin. 6. CATHIE RYAN Be Like the Sea Lyrics by: Cathie Ryan Music by: Cathie Ryan & John Doyle, Wake the Neighbors Music, ASCAP Cathie Ryan: Vocals John Doyle: Guitars John McCusker: Cittern, fiddle, whistles Allan Kelly: Accordion James Mackintosh: Percussion Karine Palwart & Kris Drever: Backing vocals www.cathieryan.com From the album: THE FARTHEST WAVE Courtesy of: Shanachie Entertainment Corp. www.shanachie.com Produced by: John McCusker Recorded and mixed by: Andy Seward at Pure Records Studios, Yorkshire With one of the purest and most distinctive voices within the genre of Celtic music, Irish-American singer Cathie Ryan creates an introspective impression on the listener that stays with you long after the song is finished. Cathie, best known for her seven years as the lead vocalist for Cherish the Ladies, was born in Detroit and has established herself as one of Celtic music's most popular and enduring singer/songwriters. In 2003, she was included in the famous Irish music collection, A WOMEN'S HEART &endash; DECADE ON, which included other notable artists such as Dolly Parton and Emmylou Harris. She has performed on national and public television both in the United States and Europe. Her music takes her across the world (she will have finished a tour of Austria and Italy before coming to Cape Breton for her appearance at Celtic Colours), and her stage performances continue to build a following of fans. Be Like the Sea is a gently-paced and soothing ballad offering words of encouragement of how to recover from hard times and difficult situations: just "be like the sea." 7. JENNIFER ROLAND Lewis' Squak Jig (Jennifer Roland /SOCAN) The Gaelic College of Cape Breton Jig (Jennifer Roland /SOCAN) Thunderhead Jig (Grey Larsen (Sleepy Creek Music/BMI) Garrett's Jig (Jennifer Roland /SOCAN) Arranged by: Jennifer Roland, Ryan Mac Neil & Allie Bennett Jennifer Roland: Fiddle Ryan Mac Neil: Piano Allie Bennett: Acoustic guitar, bass www.jenniferroland.com From the album: FOR EACH NEW DAY Courtesy of: Jennifer Roland Recorded by: Mike Shepherd at Lake Wind Sound Studios It should be no real surprise that Cape Breton fiddler and dancer Jennifer Roland has risen to such wide recognition. Music surrounded Jennifer from the moment she was born. Her father played fiddle, and the family always enjoyed kitchen parties and ceilidhs. By the age of three, Jennifer was playing the piano by ear, at six she was taking dance lessons, and at age nine began studying the fiddle with Kyle MacNeil of the world-renowned Barra MacNeils. She has played all around Canada's Atlantic Provinces, across North America, and in Europe, wowing audiences with her enthusiastically performed jigs, reels, and strathspeys and the delicate touch of her slow airs. Jennifer is set to release her third CD which will kick off an extensive schedule of touring throughout the United States and Canada, as well as an anticipated tour in Australia in March 2006. This lively group of jigs also showcases Jennifer's abilities as a composer as it features three of her own tunes. 8. FRANK MAHER & THE MAHERS BAHERS I GOT A BONNET TRIMMED WITH BLUE I Got A Bonnet Trimmed With Blue (traditional) Maggie in the Woods (traditional) Frank Maher: Accordion Christina Smith: Fiddle Jean Hewson: Guitar Rick West: Bodhran www.mahersbahers.com From the album: MAHERVELOUS! Produced by: Bill Garrett & Jean Hewson Recorded by: Lee Tizzard at The Sound Solution, St. John's, Newfoundland For the past 20+ years, Frank Maher has maintained that he is in his "extremely late 40s." This statement alone gives a strong hint that the twinkle in his eyes comes from humor rather than contact lenses. Along with his sense of humor, Frank is a very talented accordion player in the Newfoundland tradition. Always known as a great soloist, his career really took off in the early 1980s when he became part of the Quidi Vidi Minstrels. From there, he moved on to become part of the legendary band Figgy Duff, travelling across North American and Europe with them at the height of their career. Frank has been recorded on over 35 albums and has received widespread recognition for his work, including the 2002 "Tradition Bearer Award" from the Celtic Roots Festival in Goderich, Ontario, and the 2003 St. John's Folk Arts Council "Lifetime Achievement Award." Frank learned these tunes years ago from recordings of The McNulty Family. 9. JEFF MACDONALD Tàladh na Beinne Guirme ("The Blue Mountain's Lullaby") Lyrics by: Goiridh Dòmhnallach (Jeff MacDonald) Music by: Jeff MacDonald & Brian Ó hEadhra Jeff MacDonald: Vocals Howie MacDonald: Fiddle Gordie Sampson: Guitar Ryan J. MacNeil: Bagpipes Courtesy of: Jeff MacDonald Jeff MacDonald hails from Kingsville, Inverness County, Cape Breton. A Gaelic singer, composer, storyteller, and educator, he has learned from some of Cape Breton's best Gaelic tradition-bearers. His extended family, the MacDonalds of Queensville (Sìol Dhùghaill), is widely known for their musicality (three of the family, all first cousins, are included on this compilation). Jeff has performed in Scotland, Ireland, and across Canada and is one of this year's Celtic Colours "Artists in Residence." Tàladh na Beinne Guirme ("The Blue Mountain's Lullaby") was composed by Jeff (as mentioned, from Cape Breton) and Brian Ó hEadhra (from Ireland) as a result of their meeting during the 2004 Celtic Colours festival. The CD, from which this track was recorded, is a unique project: a collection of forty-plus musicians who recorded twenty-three cuts in a variety of languages and styles, all with a lullaby theme. 10. CARL MACKENZIE TRIP TO NENAGH Trip to Nenagh Reel (Sean Ryan) Castle Bay Scrap Reel (Tracey Dares MacNeil) Lucy Campbell Reel (traditional) Carl MacKenzie: Fiddle Pat Chafe: Piano Lyndon MacKenzie: Guitar Nigel Waye: Bass From the album: IT'S A CORKER! Courtesy of: Carl MacKenzie Produced by: Mike Wadden and Carl MacKenzie Recorded by: Mike Wadden at Spectrum Recordings, Sydney Forks, Nova Scotia Carl MacKenzie is a regular performer at dances, concerts, and workshops across Cape Breton and has also performed throughout Canada, Ireland, Scotland, and the United States. A traditional fiddler from a large musical family from Washabuck, Victoria County, Cape Breton, Carl has influenced many younger musicians from Cape Breton and elsewhere through his playing and teaching, including his nieces and nephews in the Barra MacNeils and Slainte Mhath. He has composed more than fifty tunes, and his vast repertoire is expressive of the musical magic and soul that sets him apart from so many other musicians. 11. karen + helene Skøn Sired (Thomas Thaarup & J. A. P. Schulz, 1790) Helene Blum: Vocals Karen Mose: Vocals Harald Haugaard: Fiddle Morten Alfred Høirup: Guitar www.karenoghelene.dk From the album: SOLEN Courtesy of: Danish Folk Music Production Produced by: Harald Haugaard Recorded by: Torben Sminge Karen Mose and Helene Blum were both born on the island of Funen in Denmark and met in 2000 at the Carl Nielsen Academy of Music Odense, where they were the first students to specialize in vocals in the "Folk Music" course. They began collaborating early on, focusing on traditional Danish and Nordic songs. After a couple of years as a duo, they decided to extend the collaboration to some of the best musicians they knew and release a record of Danish songs. In April 2004, they released their first album, SOLEN ("The Sun"), which was nominated in five categories at this year's Danish Music Awards. This visit to Cape Breton is their first trip to Celtic Colours as a duo, although Helene performed with Haugaard & Høirup at last year's Festival. Skøn Sired (a song dating from approximately 1790) has become a signature piece for the duo. 12. THE COTTARS THE GUITAR JIGS The Mabou Jig (Donald Angus Beaton) Hare Slough Jig (Willy Sawrenko) The Advil Jig (Randy Foster) Jimmy MacKenzie: Guitar Ciaran MacGillivray: Keyboards Fiona MacGillivray: Tin Whistle Roseanne MacKenzie: Fiddle www.thecottars.com From the album: ON FIRE! Courtesy of: Sea-Cape Music Ltd.| www.miramusic.net/seacape Produced by: John McDermott (Executive Producer), Allister MacGillivray & Brigham Phillips (Producers) Recorded by: Mike Shepherd at Lakewind Sound, Point Aconi, Cape Breton In the space of only five years, The Cottars have become recognized as one of the major Cape Breton musical success stories, performing and gathering fans across North America, Europe, Asia, and beyond. The four young Celts (brother/sister pairs Ciaran and Fiona MacGillivray and Jimmy and Roseanne MacKenzie) have been playing traditional music since early childhood. Ranging in age from 15 to 17, each is a multi-instrumentalist, singer, and stepdancer. The Cottars' second album, ON FIRE!, released in 2004, earned the band a 2005 East Coast Music Award in the "Roots/Traditional Group Recording" category, a fitting follow-up to their 2003 ECMA win for "Best New Group" and their two MIANS awards in "Folk/Roots" and "Best Group" categories. The Cottars have performed for Wayne Gretzky, Senator Edward Kennedy, and at symphony halls and festivals from Newport to Tokyo. This group of tunes puts Jimmy MacKenzie in the lead role as The Cottars do a medley of Canadian jigs from Mabou (Cape Breton), Ottawa (Quebec), and Saskatoon (Saskatchewan). 13. DAVE GUNNING Broom O' The Cowdenknowes (traditional, arranged by Dave Gunning) Dave Gunning: Vocal, guitars Jamie Gatti: Bass Daniel Maillet: Dobro Ray Legere: Fiddle, mandolin Cindy Church: Harmony vocals Cathy Porter: Percussion www.davegunning.com From the album: TWO-BIT WORLD Courtesy of: Dave Gunning Produced by: Jamie Robinson Recorded by: Dave Gunning and Jamie Robinson at Riverfront Studios in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia Dave Gunning is a singer/songwriter on the verge of international recognition. He received the 2003 Music Industry of Nova Scotia ("MIANS") award for "Musician of the Year." After picking up the 2005 East Coast Music award "Folk Recording of the Year" for his fourth album, TWO-BIT WORLD, Gunning solidified his place in the East Coast music community and quickly became one of Canada's best up-and-coming singer/songwriters. A tireless troubadour and a favorite on the festival circuit, he has toured extensively, hitting such notable events as the Kerrville Folk Festival in Texas, The Stan Rogers Folk Festival in Nova Scotia, and the Tønder Folk Festival in Denmark. A charismatic performer, he is known for infusing his performances with his own brand of humorous tales and touching commentary on the everyday human experience, bringing a new vibrancy and life to his songs. Broom O' The Cowdenknowes is a traditional Scottish ballad made popular through the years by Cape Breton Celtic singer and guitarist John Allan Cameron. 14. JOE DERRANE and THE BOSTON EDGE THE CURRAGH RACES The Curragh Races (traditional) The Skylark (Jame Morrison) The Reconciliation Reels (traditional) Joe Derrane: Accordion Séamus Connolly: Fiddle John McGann: Guitar From the album: THE BOSTON EDGE Courtesy of: Mapleshade Records www.mapleshaderecords.com Produced by: Paul MacDonald Recorded by: Pierre Sprey at Mapleshade Studio, Baltimore, Maryland Some people call it the greatest comeback in the history of Irish traditional music: after a 35+ year hiatus, Joe Derrane was once again playing the button accordion in public. His return started in 1994 at the Irish Fold Festival at Wolftrax in Vienna, Virginia. Since then, Joe has ridden the wave of Irish traditional music's resurgence and has once again become one of the most sought after players. Joe's most recent musical project is called THE BOSTON EDGE where his talent is combined with ten-time All-Ireland solo fiddle champion Séamus Connolly and former National Mandolin Champion John McGann. This high energy set of reels opens THE BOSTON EDGE. All are traditional and will be familiar to followers of Celtic music. Combined, they give a great "lift" to the overall medley of tunes. 15. GLENN GRAHAM GETTIN' PIPEY Miss MacKenzie of Gairloch Strathspey (traditional) For the Gretzky of Cape Breton Social Dancing Strathspey (Glenn Graham) Colonel MacGregor (traditional) Wally Ellison's Reel (Danny Graham) Miss Charlotte Alston Stewart's Reel (traditional) Glenn Graham: Fiddles Joel Chiasson: Piano Patrick Gillis: Guitar www.glenngraham.ca From the album: DRIVE Courtesy of: Glenn Graham Produced by: Glenn Graham Recorded by: Glenn Graham at Bowbeat Studios, Judique, Cape Breton Fiddler Glenn Graham comes from a musical lineage of fiddlers, Gaelic singers, dancers, poets, and pianists, traced back to pre-emigration Scotland. His families, the Grahams of Judique and the renowned Beatons of Mabou, could put on a concert of their own (and have, on more then one occasion). Glenn is a proponent of the "Mabou Coal Mines" style of fiddle playing: hard-driving, highly ornamented and accented, and designed for dancing. Over the past ten years, he has performed and taught fiddle across North America as well as overseas. His Master of Arts degree thesis focused on the evolution of Cape Breton fiddle music and has garnered publishing interest. GETTING' PIPEY is a medley from Glenn's latest traditional recording and melds three traditional pipe tunes with a pair of locally composed fiddle tunes done in a pipe style (one written by Glenn and one composed by his father). This track is a great example of tunes that would be heard at house parties, sessions, and square-dances across Cape Breton. Second CD 16. BROCK MCGUIRE BAND THE MOUNTAIN ROAD The Mountain Road (Michael Gorman) The Ash Plant (traditional) Humours of Westport (traditional) Paul Brock: Button-key accordion, melodeon Manus McGuire: Fiddle Enda Scahill: Banjo, guitar Fergal Scahill: Fiddle, guitar Dennis Morrison and Denis Carey: Piano, keyboards www.brockmcguire.com From the album: BROCK MCGUIRE BAND Courtesy of: Ferndale Promotions Ltd. Produced by: Ferndale Promotions Ltd. Recorded by: Matt Purcell at Harmony Row Studios, Ennis, Co. Clare, Ireland Residing in County Clare, Paul Brock and Manus McGuire have been at the forefront of Irish music for many years. They performed together in Moving Cloud (a band they formed in 1989). Manus was also a founding member of Buttons & Bows, and both bands (ranked among Ireland's finest) have helped to introduce international audiences to the virtuosity of their playing. Add all that experience together and you know why the Brock McGuire Band was voted "Instrumental Group of the Year" for 2004 by LiveIreland.com and Irish American News. This group of reels (some of which go back to the late 1800s) highlights the playing of various members of the band, as the instruments seem to take turns working their way through the medley. 17. MARY JANE LAMOND BAL NA H-AIBHNE DEAS Bal na h-Aibhne Deas ("Ball at Southwest Margaree") (Malcolm Gillis, arranged by Mary Jane Lamond & Beolach) Sailor Don's Jig (Dougie MacDonald /SOCAN) Uisdean Friseal Strathspey (traditional) The Farmer's Daughter Reel (traditional) Mary Jane Lamond: Vocals Wendy MacIsaac: Fiddle Mairi Rankin: Fiddles Beolach: Backing vocals www.maryjanelamond.com From the album: STÒRAS Courtesy of: Turtlemusik Produced by: Phillip Strong Recorded by: Mike Shepherd at the Wreck Cove Hall Mary Jane Lamond is a sharer of songs, stories, and spirit. This practice has garnered Mary Jane numerous Juno and East Coast Music Award nominations, a MuchMusic Global Groove Award, critical acclaim, and a worldwide audience. She has appeared on stages across North America and beyond, with many of the top performers in the Celtic world and recorded with artists such as The Chieftains and Ashley MacIsaac. Mary Jane has made a point of collecting songs from many of Cape Breton's Gaelic tradition-bearers and passing them along to a waiting public. In addition to conveying these songs in a traditional manner, Mary Jane often adds her own interpretation and arrangements, opening the songs to a wider audience of less traditionally-experienced listeners. For Mary Jane, it truly is about the sharing of the Gaelic culture. Margaree bard Malcolm Gillis was noted for his wit, particularly when it came to events around him. Bal na h-Aibhne Deas tells about a party in Southwest Margaree that wasn't going very well until someone brought the fiddler. 18. THE KATHRYN TICKELL BAND April Frolic (Ron Purvis, arranged by Tickell, Tickell, Clapp, & Sutton) Kathryn Tickell: Northumbrian pipes, fiddle Peter Tickell: Fiddle, viola Joss Clapp: Guitar, acoustic bass guitar Julian Sutton: Melodeon www.kathryntickell.com From the album: AIR DANCING Courtesy of: Park Records www.parkrecords.com Produced by: Kathryn Tickell Recorded by: Stuart Hamilton at Castlesound Studios, Pencaitland Kathryn Tickell started on the Northumbrian smallpipes at the age of nine, and by the age of thirteen, had won all the traditional open smallpipes competitions. She also made quite a name for herself as a fiddle player. Her roots are in the North Tyne Valley of Northumberland, England, where many of her relatives have long been involved in traditional music. Over the past 20 years, she has produced a dozen recordings and appeared on countless TV productions. Kathryn has contributed to Sting albums and joined him live at Carnegie Hall in March 1997 for the Rainforest Foundation benefit concert. She is also a part-time lecturer for the new Folk and Traditional Music degree course at Newcastle University. Her music has allowed her er He to perform all over the world, delighting audiences and gathering fans wherever she goes. The opening cut from AIR DANCING shows the interesting diversity displayed by the band. 19. TRACEY DARES-MACNEIL The Hymn of St. Columba (traditional) Tracey Dares: Piano Courtesy of: Tracey Dares Over the past decade Tracey Dares-MacNeil has become one of the most sought-after pianists around. As an accomplished accompanist for fiddles, pipes or vocalist as well as being a wonderful soloist (not to mention, a great stepdancer), Tracey has toured with Natalie MacMaster, done stage productions with Howie's Celtic Brew and backed up countless musicians in recording sessions. She has spent a lot of time making a lot of musicians sound better. The Hymn of St. Columba is a beautiful traditional tune that that gets full treatment from Tracey and her delicate touch. 20. LIZ DOHERTY FRED'S FAVOURITE Fred's Favourite (Peter Mohan, IMRO) Frank Gilruth Reel (Peter Milne) Touching Cloth (James Kelly, Phaeton Records ) Liz Doherty: Fiddle Manus Lunny: Bouzouki, bodhran Gerry O'Connor: Banjo Eilidh Shaw: Fiddle www.lizdoherty.ie From the album: QUARE IMAGINATION Courtesy of: Busy Lizzy Records Produced by: Gerry O'Connor Recorded by: Billy Robinson at The Pines Hostel, Culdaff, Inishowen, Co. Donegal Donegal fiddler Liz Doherty has been described as ". . . a bundle of amazing musical energy!" Anyone who knows her (and she is well-known in Cape Breton, having lived and studied here for a number of years) would consider this quote a most apt description. A noted researcher and writer on Irish, Scottish, and Cape Breton fiddle styles, Liz is also considered a wonderful teacher, whether in the classroom or at a festival workshop. In 2001, she decided to resign from her full-time academic position as lecturer in traditional music in the Music Department of University College, Cork, Ireland, to pursue her playing career. She has performed at Celtic Colours before, both as a soloist and as part of the all-female Irish group The Bumblebees. This group of reels has a tune from the Scottish Tradition sandwiched between a pair of Irish compositions. 21. RYAN J. MACNEIL WISHY'S The Big Wish (Ryan J. MacNeil, SOCAN) Ramnee Ceilidh (Gordon Duncan, Grian Music) Little Donald In the Pigpen (traditional) Ryan J. MacNeil: Bagpipes, whistles Sheamus MacNeil: Fiddle Wendy MacIsaac: Piano www.macneilwoodwinds.com From the album: PIPER Courtesy of: Ryan J. MacNeil Produced by: Ryan J. MacNeil Recorded by: Mike Shepherd live at Lakewind Studios, Point Aconi, Cape Breton Ryan J. MacNeil is known as a powerful, yet graceful, player. He is accomplished on highland bagpipe, border pipes, and whistles and brings a unique personal flavor to the music he plays. Originally from Big Pond and now residing in Port Hood, Cape Breton, his electrifying upbeat playing is strongly rooted in Cape Breton's dance-oriented tradition and greatly adds to the music of one of Cape Breton's hottest Celtic bands, Beòlach. He has toured extensively with Beòlach and is much in demand as a solo artist as well. In the past several years, Ryan has become increasingly renowned as a talented composer. His tunes have been performed and recorded by many musicians, both locally and abroad. Ryan also manufactures his own line of whistles which are quickly becoming the choice instrument of musicians worldwide. This cut (from Ryan's first solo recording) showcases one of his own compositions followed by two other well-known and lively pipe tunes. 22. DAVID FRANCEY Ashtabula (David Francey, Laker Music, SOCAN) David Francey: Lead Vocals Kieran Kane: Bouzouki, percussion, backing vocals Kevin Welch: Guitar Fats Kaplin: Accordion www.davidfrancey.com From the album: THE WAKING HOUR Courtesy of: Jericho Beach Music www.festival.bc.ca/jerichobeach Produced by: David Francey Recorded by: Phillip Scoggins at Morine Studio, Nashville Tennesse David Francey is a storyteller who writes about what he knows best: the people he meets and what he sees around him. He is gifted with the ability to paint pictures with lyrics and music that stick in your mind and become part of your being. He has won two Juno Awards for his CDs and was nominated for another this year for his most recent CD. Additionally, artists as diverse as James Keelaghan and Raylene Rankin have recorded his songs. On stage, he has the ability to reach and hold an audience, due mainly to his sincerity and dry sense of humor. This visit to Celtic Colours is David Francey's second trip to the Festival. Originally from Scotland, he now makes his home in Quebec. Ashtabula is a small Ohio coal port on the south shore of Lake Erie. The song tells of David's impressions of a town that is "…faded red to grey." 23. DOUGIE MACDONALD AMELIE'S JIG Amelie's Jig (Dougie MacDonald /SOCAN) Allister Fraser's Reel (Dougie MacDonald /SOCAN) Kathleen VIII Reel (Dougie MacDonald /SOCAN) Dougie MacDonald: Fiddles Previously unreleased cut Courtesy of: Dougie MacDonald Produced by: Gordie Sampson Dougie MacDonald was born into a family with generations of fiddlers. He picked up the bow at an early age and was a recognized musician by age eleven. He continues to pursue his musical studies and performances, looking to greats such as Dan Hughie MacEachern, Winston "Scotty" Fitzgerald, and Jerry Holland for musical guidance and inspiration. Dougie has composed more than 150 tunes, recorded three albums, and performed throughout Canada, the United States, Scotland, and Ireland. He is also in great demand as a teacher. Dougie is one of three first cousins of the musical MacDonalds of Queensville to appear on this CD, along with Howie and Jeff. This cut is a lively but unusual combination for a Cape Breton fiddler, linking a jig with a pair of reels. 24. ANDREW WHITE Traces of Silver (Andrew White) Andrew White: Vocals, acoustic guitar Keith Ballentine: Keyboards www.andrewwhitemusic.com From the album: GUITARRA CELTICA Courtesy of: Linn Records www.linnrecords.com Produced by: Roger Marbeck Recorded at: Greenstone Studios, Kare Kare Beach, New Zealand Originally from Newcastle-upon-Tyne, in northeast England, Andrew White moved to New Zealand when he was a teenager, but now lives in Cape Breton. Wherever he calls home, he is quickly recognized as a top guitarist and singer/songwriter. His unique sound is difficult to describe: technically brilliant with amazing dexterity and inventiveness. Andrew White has toured internationally as a soloist and supported superstars such as Irish folk rock group Clannad, The Corrs, Michelle Shocked, The Indigo Girls, Taj Mahal, and many more. He also toured with Scots folk/MOR outfit Capercaillie and Brendan Power, the harmonica player of the Riverdance Orchestra. Traces of Silver is a gentle but haunting ballad. Andrew's soulful vocals highlight the pictures painted so skillfully in words. 25. J.P. CORMIER New Brick Road (Norman Blake, BMI) J.P. Cormier plays all instruments www.jp-cormier.com From the album: X8… A MANDOLIN COLLECTION Courtesy of: J.P. Cormier Produced by: J.P. Cormier Recorded by: J.P. Cormier at Cormier Sound Studios, Cap Lemoine, Nova Scotia J.P. Cormier is a musical force to be reckoned with. This award-winning singer/songwriter, multi-instrumentalist, and sideman has recorded eight albums, earning him a Juno nomination and multiple ECMA nominations and wins including, the 2005 East Coast Music Awards for "Instrumental Album of the Year" and "Bluegrass Album of the Year" for X8… A MANDOLIN COLLECTION. Adept with any style, he has played solo fiddle gigs at Cape Breton dances, performed with symphony orchestras, and spent ten years touring, recording, and appearing on television in the U.S. and Europe with music's biggest names including Marty Stuart, Waylon Jennings, and Earl Scruggs. A gifted songwriter and composer, J.P. was among the winners in the 2005 International Songwriting Competition (a prestigious competition that received 11,000 submissions from more than 70 countries), placing third in the instrumental category for his original guitar piece Rollo Boys Reel. X8: A MANDOLIN COLLECTION is primarily a collection of J. P.'s favorite bluegrass pieces. About New Brick Road, he says that, "Its simplicity is its beauty." 26. RONA LIGHTFOOT Mo Nighean Chruinn Donn air Bharraibh nan Tonn ("My Neat Brown Haired Girl") (traditional) Rona Lightfoot: Vocals Allan Henderson: Piano, fiddle Maighread Stewart: Backing vocals Annag MacInnes: Backing vocals From the album: EADARAINN Courtesy of: Macmeanmna www.gaelicmusic.com Produced by: Iain MacDonald Recorded by: Alan Harfield at Unity Studio in Auldearn Rona Lightfoot was such a crowd favorite at last year's Celtic Colours festival that she was invited back this year. Hailing from South Uist, she has been described as a ceilidh personified and a terrific raconteur with a great sense of humor and an infectious laugh. Musically, her major influences were her mother (a remarkable singer and tradition bearer) and her father (a renowned piper). With this background, it is no surprise that she is also a great piper and a hugely talented singer with a wonderful treasury of traditional Gaelic songs. Mo Nighean Chruinn Donn air Bharraibh nan Tonn is a "night-visiting" or "courting" song. 27. BUDDY MACMASTER Pauline Bissonnette Strahspey (John Campbell) A Taste of Gaelic Reel John MacDougall Reel Buddy MacMaster: Fiddle Dave MacIsaac: Guitar www.atlanticartists.com/buddy/judiqueflyer.html From the album: The Judique Flyer Courtesy of: Stephen MacDonald Productions Recorded by: Paul Mills at Lakewind Sound, Point Aconi, Cape Breton Buddy MacMaster is the undisputed "master" of Cape Breton fiddling. His reputation as a player has grown and grown since the 1940s when he started to establish himself as a fiddler while working for the Canadian National Railway ("CNR"). Over the years, Buddy's following has increased as he performed across North American and Europe. Even though he is now past 80, he keeps a schedule that most people half his age would find daunting as he performs at festivals and teaches at workshops in Scotland or California one week and plays for community dances in Cape Breton the next. Over the years, Buddy has received national and international acclaim and honors, including the "Order of Canada." He recorded his first album in 1989 after he retired from the CNR and has gone on to record four more albums. "The Judique Flyer" recording is a collection of "Buddy music" (as the locals would say), with tunes that he has often played at concerts and dances over the years. This album is unique in that a different person accompanies him on each cut. This track highlights the distinctive drive and pacing in Buddy's playing. 28. OLD BLIND DOGS THE BRETON AND GALICIAN SET A traditional tune from Brittany, followed by a traditional Carballesa from Galicia (arranged by Old Blind Dogs, Green Linnet Music, ASCAP) Jim Malcolm: Guitar Jonny Hardie: Fiddle Rory Campbell: Gaita (Galician pipes) Fraser Stone: Percussion Buzzby McMillan: Bass www.oldblinddogs.co.uk From the album: THE GAB O MEY Courtesy of: Green Linnet Records www.greenlinnet.com Produced by: Old Blind Dogs Recorded by: Niall Mathewson at The Mill Studio, Crathes, Banchory, Aberdeenshire While the name might conjure up an image of worn-out geezers, Old Blind Dogs is a quintet of vital young lads with a wonderful, infectious, Celtic musicality. Over the twenty years or so of their existence, they have evolved and grown into one of Scotland's favorite folk bands. There is a unique sound in this selection of traditional Scottish music (lots of jigs and reels), coupled with a rock-funk fusion feel that often pulses through many of their pieces. The band continues to tour extensively and was rewarded for their efforts with the "Band of the Year" award at the 2004 Scots Trad Music Awards in Queen's Hall in Edinburgh. Old Blind Dogs comes to Celtic Colours following a month-long tour of the U.S. THE BRETON AND GALICIAN SET is a wonderful example of the band's versatility and their ability to take music from other Celtic areas and make it their own. 29. WELDON BOUDREAU Le P'tit Willie (Weldon Boudreau, SOCAN) Weldon Boudreau: Vocals, guitar |Gary Gallant: Accordion Jean-Marc Boudreau: Backing vocals Georges Hebert: Guitar Jean-Paul (J.P.) Cormier: Banjo, fiddle Tom Roach: Percussion www.weldonboudreau.com From the album: L'ACADIEN DE L'ACADIE Courtesy of: Weldon Boudreau Produced by: Weldon Boudreau and George Hebert Recorded by: George Hebert at Studio Arts Halifax, Nova Scotia He could easily be one of Cape Breton's best-kept Acadian secrets. Isle Madame singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Weldon Boudreau has been a professional musician for years but in a more general capacity as one of the boys in the band. With the recent release of L'ACADIEN DE L'ACADIE, he steps into the limelight with twelve of his own compositions, backed by some of the best musicians around. Le P'tit Willie is a bouncy number that tells the story of a local Petit de Grat "legend." 30. HOWIE MACDONALD LAST SET OF THE NIGHT Sally Gardens (traditional) The Black Berry Blossom (traditional) Lord Seaforth (traditional) Floggin' Reel (traditional) Penicook Hornpipe (traditional) You & I (traditional) Sutherland's Reel (Howie MacDonald, SOCAN) Donegal (traditional) Steer The Gill (traditional) Mist on the Loch (traditional) Bonnie Kate (traditional) From the album: HOWIE, DAVE & MAC LIVE! WEST MABOU HALL Courtesy of: Howie MacDonald Produced by: Howie MacDonald Recorded by: Mike Wadden live at West Mabou Hall, West Mabou, Cape Breton Fiddler and piano player Howie MacDonald has been a performer as long as he can remember. With musical roots that go deep into rural Inverness County, Cape Breton, this path was almost inevitable. Whether at a family gathering or an international concert hall, Howie's job was always to entertain. Even while spending many years touring and recording with the Rankin Family, Howie still managed to release nine albums of his own. Over the past couple of years, Howie has expanded his talents and gained popularity as a comedian, appearing in the Cape Breton Summertime Revue, Nancy White's Joke Box, Howie's Celtic Brew, Island Mania, and other such productions. HOWIE, DAVE & MAC LIVE! WEST MABOU HALL is just what the title suggests, a live recording at a square-dance in West Mabou, Inverness County, Cape Breton. You get a true sense of the effect the music has on the audience and the dancers as Howie, Mac Morin, and Dave MacIsaac work through LAST SET OF THE NIGHT to close off the evening. Vol. 10 2 CD set Live at Celtic Colours - $25.00 compiled from recordings made on festival stages from 1997-2005 Other Recordings | Music Notation and abc samples
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11 Free MP3 Albums with a Twist [Sound Sunday] Tina Sieber April 8, 2012 08-04-2012 6 minutes Sound Sunday is a weekly feature promoting free album downloads. Every Sunday we invite you to explore various genres and artists from around the world. Each album in this edition has a special twist to it, a delicate story, a strange mix, a captivating sound, or a magic voice. Come explore the magic world of music with us. Please share your thoughts and post your feedback in the comments. Album submissions, suggestions, and genre requests via email [tina at makeuseof dot com] are most welcome! Kirby Lauryen – The Introduction Genre: r&b, soul, acoustic, jazz The Introduction by Kirby Lauryen From her ReverbNation artist bio: "She sits. With a pen in her right hand, and a left hand filled with emotion, desire, questions, and unsung poems. She seeks to empty herself, and in turn receive fulfillment from written pages of words that often times go unsaid. She is a woman who sings, a woman who writes, but most importantly she is a woman who feels; and those feelings, those unshakeable feelings, allow her to create the musical in which she lives. Kirby Lauren Dockery, a native of Memphis, TN began singing at the tender age of 2, and 19 later is embarking on her journey to the BIG STAGE." The Introduction is a free download from Bandcamp. Sanchez, the Devil & the Hierophant – Mnemosyne Genre: alternative, indie, experimental, electronic, pop, post rock, rock Mnemosyne by Sanchez, the Devil & the Hierophant From their Bandcamp profile: [Sanchez, the Devil & Hierophant] "Is a five piece experimental band originating from Utrecht, Holland. They draw from a diverse spectrum of genres, ranging from post-metal to hardcore to folk, the result of which is a sprawling and dynamic sound. Intertwining abrasive and churning riffs with long unwinding passages, they make for an immersive listening experience." Mnemosyne is a name your price download from Bandcamp. Glaciares – Arquitectura Del Frío Versiones y Remixes Genre: alternative, indie, rock, pop, post punk, post punk rock Arquitectura Del Frío Versiones y Remixes by Glaciares In their Facebook biography, the four piece band from Buenos Aires, Argentina writes: "We landed in a land unknown to man…" Arquitectura Del Frío Versiones y Remixes is a name your price download from Bandcamp. The Sexy Accident – Kinda Like Fireworks Genre: indie, electrical, pop Kinda Like Fireworks by The Sexy Accident From their Homepage: Kansas City's The Sexy Accident play "forceful, even fiery power-pop" "driven by catchy melodies and smart, real-life lyric writing." Songwriter Jesse Kates "sings with a devotion and sensitivity that's sometimes surprising." (The Big Takeover) Kinda Like Fireworks is a free download from Bandcamp. B.K. Ferris – No Lamb, No Trout Genre: experimental, psychedelic, jazz No Lamb, No Trout (FREE!) by B.K. Ferris If anyone's album has deserved to be in this edition of Sound Sunday, then it is B.K. Ferris' No Lamb, No Trout. Every song is a master-piece-mix of music and sounds from present and past times. Ferris is a member of The Van Allen Belt and Nonstop Everything. From Nonstop Everything profile on SoundCloud: "Employing a sonic who's-who of music over the last century, The Van Allen Belt created an unprecedented musical style that is catching among communities of music and art aficionados. Influenced by a variety of artists -ground-breaking and legendary as well as under-appreciated and long forgotten- The Van Allen Belt stitch their influences directly into their album sleeves." No Lamb, No Trout is a free download from Bandcamp. Kabaal (klankbaan) – B-sides (wat met 'n A begin) Genre: indie, acoustic, folk, rock B-sides (wat met 'n A begin) by Kabaal (klankbaan) From his Facebook page: "Kabaal (klankbaan) is Pretoria-based musician Floris Groenewald's solo (with a little help from his friends) music project. While mostly consisting of acoustic Afrikaans-language music, Kabaal (klankbaan) aims to ignore genre and language limitations." B-sides (wat met 'n A begin) is a free download from Bandcamp. Derrick Hart – Prodigal Songs Genre: indie, experimental, americana, folk, punk, avant-garde prodigal songs by Derrick Hart From the album page: "In 2002 Matt Beneventi & I started recording some of this material in Seattle, WA USA. I was addicted to drugs & alcohol for a long time, making very little progress as the next couple years went by. My songs were mostly pitiful junkie autobiographies about things like being up to my neck in hospital bills from nearly dying of drug overdoses a handful of times. When 2005 arrived there wasn't much left of my life at all. I was homeless, in my own personal hell of full-blown addiction. My mother convinced me to go to a long term rehab at Denver Rescue Mission in Denver, CO USA. There I stayed for the next year & a half, slowly recovering from the damage done as my spirit began to awake. I wrote songs about my redemption & recorded them on a 4 track well into 2006 right there in the institution. It's a dream of mine that this record will be able to pass along a message of hope & to let anyone out there who needs it know that you are not alone." Prodigal Songs is a name your price download from Bandcamp. Adam Sams – Welcome to the Motion Genre: acoustic, folk, rock, melodica Welcome to the Motion by Adam Sams From the album page: "When I was 9, I started playing guitar. I wanted to play it like the musicians who inspired me. When I was 14, I started writing lyrics and crafting melodies. I wanted to convey truth and meaning through my art. I wanted my music to be bigger than me. Almost 19 now, I finally feel that my messages are worth sharing. "Welcome to the Motion" is my first attempt at sharing my songs with the world. These songs convict me every time I sing them in a live setting. I hope they encourage you the way my favorite songs have encouraged me." Welcome to the Motion is a name your price download from Bandcamp. Mountain Tamer – The Glad Genre: experimental, funk, rock, psychedelic The Glad by Mountain Tamer From the album page: "Writing, recording, and producing has taken up just about a year of our lives so we naturally have poured our entire beings into this release. We want to give a huge thank you to all of our fans, who have supported us since the start." The Glad is a free download from Bandcamp. Keep Your Head Up – Stepping Down EP Genre: alternative, independent, hardcore Stepping Down EP by Keep Your Head Up From their record label: "Four years after the two song demo New Beginnings was released Keep Your Head Up has released new material. Stepping Down is the latest EP from the Diamond Bar Bears. It's a four song EP that clocks in at just under six minutes. As with every piece of work they've released, the line up is different than the last time they recorded. Samuel Starbust is back with the group, but now on the skins." Stepping Down EP is a free download from Bandcamp. Bear Brawler – Tales From The Putrid Swamp Genre: metal, doom, down-tempo, stoner Tales From The Putrid Swamp by Bear Brawler From their SoundCloud page: "Bear Brawler was formed in January 2010 in the swamp-town of Lisieux in the middle of the French Bayou. The three members of the band, Jez (Bass / Vocals), Martin (Drums), Beartrand (Guitar) shared their taste for low-end down-tempo metal and gave birth to a first demo entitled "Tales from the putrid swamp" in March 2011. Our creed: heavy riffs, fat sound and sepulchral voice ! The band is still writing new stuff, which we hope will come out soon. Stay doooomed!!!" Tales From The Putrid Swamp is a name your price download from Bandcamp. New to Sound Sunday? Past editions of Sound Sunday are available here. Feel free to get in touch with me [tina at makeuseof dot com] to share free material, suggestions, and feedback or simply add your comments below. Explore more about: Indie Music, Music Album, Sound Sunday. RIAA Finally Shuts Down Popular YouTube to MP3 Converter10 Strange, Dark & Creepy Animated Films & Cartoons [Stuff to Watch] Dr. Ambiguous The Bear Brawler EP is pretty cool. Thanks for including something from such an obscure genre as stoner/doom metal. Jesse Kates Tina - thanks for including Kinda Like Fireworks! - jesse o' The Sexy Accident :) Most welcome Jesse! Tina Sieber 833 articles Tina has been writing about consumer technology for over a decade. She holds a Doctorate in Natural Sciences, a Diplom from Germany, and an MSc from Sweden. Her analytical background has helped her excel as a technology journalist at MakeUseOf, where she's now managing keyword research and operations. 13 Royalty-Free Christmas Music Downloads 10 Awesome Amazon Prime Benefits You've Probably Overlooked Top 8 Sites to Listen to Free Christmas Music Online How to Manually Add Album Art to iTunes 11 Weird Windows Bugs and Easter Eggs You Have to See The 6 Best Sites to Download High-Quality CD Cover Art The 3 Best Music Recognition Apps to Find Songs by Their Tune The 7 Best Websites to Check Out New Music Releases
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Ireland is an incredibly popular location for so many tourists of all ages. The country is attractive due to its beautiful landscapes, great places to eat and of course, copious amounts of alcohol. Not to forget, Irish people are some of the nicest in the world, and whenever you visit their homeland, they're always sure to make you feel welcome. Anyone who's visited Ireland is sure to have these thoughts after their first trip visiting the Emerald Isle! It's a bit of a stereotype, but you're never far from a tasty portion of hot potatoes in Ireland. Potato soup, potato cake, potato bread and potato casserole – they'll find any way to introduce potatoes to any meal! St. Patrick's Day is famous the world over, and for most, it's an excuse to get incredibly intoxicated. In Ireland this celebration creates a festival feeling around the country, with parades moving around the local towns. Be prepared to see more four-leaf clovers and tricolour flags than ever before in your life. In the UK they have eight days a year which are classed as Bank Holidays which traditionally banks and other businesses closed on. Although most businesses now stay open, it means that everyone still gets extra time off work to party and rest! Before travelling to Ireland, you might have ideas of drinking in pubs and bars with live music playing. Well, you'll be pleasantly surprised to find out that most bars do have great musicians playing live for you to enjoy. Tourists visit Ireland to have a good night out, and the Irish love a wild one too. Fortunately, this means that the town or city you visit will always be busy with a great atmosphere, even on a Monday night! As always, you should be careful not to injure yourself after a drink or two. If you are unlucky and do have an accident, travel insurance will protect you against any medical bills. It's worth investigating cheaper travel insurance quotes from a renowned Irish insurance website like Theaa.ie, for example. We've already discussed that the Irish love potatoes, so it comes as no surprise that Chips Shops are famous all over the country. Perfect for soaking up alcohol or keeping you full when exploring! Most Irish people are situated in or near a City for work. This often means that public transport arrives frequently, so driving isn't anywhere near as popular as it is in other parts of the world. Almost everyone will agree that the Irish accent is lovely to listen. However, some people's accent can be so strong that it's difficult to understand at times. Everyone gets used to it though. Craic is a term often used by the Irish to mean 'dun'. If you're ever described as good craic, it means that you're a good laugh and you should feel honoured. Ireland isn't blessed with great weather due to the natural climate. When the sun does come out, it's mandatory to buy a drink and chill out in a beer garden somewhere. Ireland is a popular travelling destination due to its vibrant culture and laid-back atmosphere. With so many lovely towns and cities located across the country, every tourist should visit at least once in their life.
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jesus christie Nov. 24, 2010 Chris Christie Explains Why He Is Named That What kind of parents would give their son the name Chris Christie? Very sick parents, perhaps, who get some kind of sadistic pleasure out of their child's discomfort? Not so, the New Jersey governor explained during an appearance on Late Night With Jimmy Fallon last night. His parents actually didn't even realize that his name was Chris Christie until after they left the hospital. At that point, it was too late. His fate was sealed, and he would never amount to anything, except governor, and maybe president one day. jesus christie
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The Golden Age of Trucking Museum is a defunct trucking museum in Middlebury, Connecticut, United States. Founded in 1998 by Richard and Frances Guerrera, it was non-profit organization dedicated to trucking that focused on trucks of the 1950s. The museum was dedicated on September 23, 2002 and housed in a 32,000 square foot building. It featured a collection of historic and antique vehicles including the first registered car in Connecticut, a 1928 Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company dump truck. Among the trucks in the museum were Mack Trucks, GMC and Autocar Company trucks, including a 1963 Mack B61 motivated Guerrera to found the museum. The Golden Age of Trucking Museum also featured a collection of toy trucks, hats, state license plates and images relating to trucking. Throughout its entire operation, the museum ran a deficit and it closed after a 2009 fund raising campaign failed. The museum's final day of operation was on July 20, 2010. The economic impact of the museums closure was expected to be low, but according to Steven Frischling of the Boston Globe. the Golden Age of Trucking Museum made its mark on the auto world. History Founded in 1998 by Richard and Frances Guerrera, the Golden Age of Trucking Museum was a non-profit organization dedicated to trucking. The Guerreras owned and operated R.J. Guerrera, a liquid transportation trucking company. Originally, a collection of trucks were restored and stored in barns and garages throughout Connecticut. The Golden Age of Trucking Museum was opened to bring the collection under a single roof. After the property for the museum was purchased in July 1998, Richard Guerrera was diagnosed with cancer. In June 1999, he was transported to the site for an unofficial groundbreaking event. Richard Guerrera died a month later and the facility was completed in 2002. The museum was designed by Francis Guerrera's son-in-law, a general contractor. On September 23, 2002, the museum was formally opened with a ribbon-cutting ceremony in the complete 32,000 square foot building. The museum never was able to sustain itself through its visitors and it ran a deficit throughout its entire operation; the museums operating costs that were covered by Frances Guerrera. In 2009, a $100,000 funding raising campaign was undertaken, but it only resulted in a total of $20,000 being raised prior to July 2010. On July 6, 2010, the board of directors came to the conclusion to close the museum. The museum's final day was on July 20, 2010 and also featured a gathering of antique cars in a "Cruise Night" event. Collection The Golden Age of Trucking Museum featured a collection of historic trucks, cars and other items related to the trucking operation, with a special focus on trucking in the 1950s. Many of the historic vehicles on display were noted for their rarity or otherwise unique quality. These include the first registered car in Connecticut, a 1902 Merry Oldsmobile, and a 1928 Pierce-Arrow Motor Car Company five-to-seven ton dump truck, one of only 55 Pierce-Arrow trucks produced. The displays included a 1916 Mack Paddy Wagon, a 1929 Diamond T truck, a 1931 Ford Model AA Service Car, a 1936 Ford Roadster Deluxe and a Model T Ford Tank Truck. A 1953 Fageol moving van with original owner's banner was located near some surreys and carriages. Other early period vehicles on display included a 1912 Autocar two-cylinder transit bus, a 1914 Trumbull, a 1915 Barker, and a 1917 Republic Model 10 1-ton express and a 1920 3 ½ ton Model AC Mack. Trucks of the 1930s and 1940s included a 1937 Ford tow truck, a 1940 Dodge VK, a 1940 Mack FN, a 1941 Federal Model 25K and a 1942 Dodge WC-21. The 1950s' vehicles were represented by a 1952 Diamond T 950RSa, 1955 IH DFC405 and a 1955 GMC Model 860. Later vehicles included two Autocar Company trucks, a 1962 DC75T and a 1974 DC9364 10-wheel dump truck. The 1963 Mack B61 was of special importance to the founder Richard Guerrera who acquired the truck with the purchase of a local company, Oil Transport. Guerrera sold the truck and reacquired the same vehicle in 1985 to restore it. This Mack B61 was described as the "impetus" for the museum. Also on display was a 1996 Volvo prototype truck cab. Other items on display included "Bumpers", a dog sculpture made of Mack Truck bumpers and a collection of toy trucks, hats, state license plates and images relating to trucking. The museum also included an exhibit featuring kerosene lamps. According to Stephen Wood, the kerosene lamps might have come from the defunct Kerosene Lamp Museum. Also on display was Stephen Guman's Guinness World Record breaking Popsicle stick structure, made of 396,000 sticks. Impact Throughout its operation, the Golden Age of Trucking Museum was one of two trucking museums in Connecticut. Steven Frischling of the Boston Globe wrote, "It may seem strange that two trucking museums would be located in the same state, but [t]he Haul of Fame truck museum and [t]he Golden Age of Trucking Museum make their individual marks on the auto world." The economic impact of the museum's closure was not expected to be large according to John Cookson, co-chairman of Economic and Industrial Development Commission. Janet Serra, the director for the Western Connecticut Convention and Visitor's Bureau, said the effect of closure would not be immediate, but noted it could impact tourism and area hotels. See also List of museums in Connecticut References Museums established in 1998 Defunct museums in Connecticut Middlebury, Connecticut Museums disestablished in 2010
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August | 2012 | The Sorcerer Blog. The French poster, retitled Le Convoi De La Peur, or "Convoy Of Fear" according to Google Translate. I'd love to have that artwork hanging in my living room. Roy Scheider on making Sorcerer.
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A glittering tiny bow ties together two of the very best things in life, Love & Joy. The bow appears delicate, but it belies the strength of all the love that holds us together. Cast in substantial solid sterling silver from old fashioned twine then polished and strung on a sterling silver chain.
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Tyler Perry is one of the people in Hollywood who fascinates me the most. He has built an empire from the ground up, as we discussed last year in our interview for "Boo! A Madea Halloween." And he knows how to entertain! The Dark Tower – New Trailer!
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Most important skill for a rider? View Poll Results: Which of these is most important in riding? So what skill does everyone think is most important? The skill that's needed to ride safely and well? And why? #1: be proficient with a manual transmission. learning to ride a motorcycle is no time to also be learning to drive a stick shift. being able to sub-consciously coordinate throttle, clutch & gears allows you to devote your focus to the other aspects of riding. #2: learn to stop quickly, under control. getting going is just the fun part of the ride -- but learning to stop will save your life. those are not only on my list of most important motorcycling skills, i think they are also the most under-emphasized. there are a number of other generic driving skills, like watchfully predicting other driver behavior, but those are not exclusively motorcycle related. awareness. that's what will keep you alive on a motorcycle. maybe that goes with your judgement. but that's everything. being able to foresee that car coming into your lane or pulling out in front of you. it's knowing to slow down for a blind corner because there could be something there that you can't see. it's knowing what's going on with your motorcycle. your tires, your brakes, your carbs, etc. it's understanding what the road conditions are. it's knowing what part of the lane you should be in for what situation youre in. i'd say that awareness/judgement is way more important than any skill that's ever taught at a track day. Last edited by Conrice; 06-17-2012 at 08:19 PM. Problem is awareness and judgement are very difficult to teach or practice. What he said. Situational awareness is key. If you don't know of a hazard, you cannot avoid it, no matter how well you brake, swerve, and accelerate. OK then how to you teach or train situational awareness? You really can't. We all have varying amounts of natural situational awareness. And then we experience "oh chit!" moments that fine tune that awareness. Guess what I'm aiming for is a skill people can focus on. It's the one you DON'T see or you can't predict that will hurt you. well, many of them anyway.....WHY ? BECAUSE THEY AREN'T BIKE AWARE. Quick Reply: Most important skill for a rider?
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The National Museum of Denmark was founded in 1819 and its collection encompases natural history, world history, archaeology, and in particular, the history and culture of Denmark. The collection of objects from Greece, Italy, the Near East and Egypt is the largest in Denmark. Christiansen, Thomas and Kim Ryholt 2016. The Carlsberg papyri 13: Catalogue of Egyptian funerary papyri in Danish collections. CNI Publications 41. Copenhagen: Museum Tusculanum Press. Hansen, Anne Haslund 2008. Collection of classical and Near Eastern antiquities: Egyptians. Guides to the National Museum. Copenhagen: National Museum.
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Dryopteris fragrans (!!) My dissertation research is on the North American species of the genus Dryopteris, the wood ferns (I may have mentioned this once or twice before), and my goal for this past summer was to collect all fourteen or so of the species found on this continent. I succeeded, except for two: D. ludoviciana, which is restricted to the far southeast (mostly Florida, coastal Alabama and Arkansas), and D. fragrans, which occurs mostly in the far northern part of the continent, up both coasts of Canada, to Greenland in the east and Alaska in the west. My travels didn't take me far enough north or south to collect these species. Then, a few weeks ago, my advisor put me in touch with an employee of the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, who had collected D. fragrans in central Wisconsin (!) a decade ago. If you're at all familiar with the topography of Wisconsin, you know it's mostly flat. The state was almost entirely glaciated in the last ice age, and as the glaciers eventually retreated, they grated the sandstone bedrock down to a nice smooth plane. Except for in a few places... In the center of the state, for example, a gigantic lake was left behind, dammed by ice, which eventually broke. The entire lake drained in perhaps a matter of days, and the force of the water cut channels through the rock in an area now known as the Dells. Above is a picture of part of the Wisconsin River that runs through one such channel. The Dells are very unique in terms of plant life because they serve as conduits for cold air to flow from the northern part of the state down towards the south, and provide refugia for species that normally wouldn't be found in this part of the state because it's too warm/moist. Enter Dryopteris fragrans. Upon learning that it might still be possible to find this fern in this unique location, I borrowed a kayak from a friend and off we went up the river to the cliffs pictured at the top. Lo and behold, we found it after only a few minutes of scanning those rocks! It's relatively small, and pretty dense, as ferns go. This is a plant meant to endure cold. Its most striking feature is that it's sticky; it gets its specific epithet, fragrans, from the fact that it is literally fragrant. It smells sort of piney, almost like Christmas, and the source of the scent is hundreds of glandular trichomes, tiny modified hairs all over the lower surface of the fronds that produce a sticky liquid substance (about whose chemical composition I haven't a clue). In these last two pictures you can see the shiny sheen of the lower leaf surface, and even some individual trichomes; they look like tiny clear crystal balls emerging from the edges of the pinnae. Really cool! Posted by Emily at 9:38 AM Berry Go Round #9
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Strap, Click, Zip: TUMI Releases New Bags To Up Your Utilitarian Fit BY Kristoff Sison TUMI Alpha Bravo celebrates over a decade of utilitarian fashion with chest packs, slings, crossbodies, and other bags that don't give up easily—just like you Your next utilitarian fit now takes a more tactile and sustainable approach as the style-meets-function brand TUMI continues the evolution of their Alpha Bravo line. With a new collection of entirely new styles focused on modularity, sustainability, and durability, TUMI sends a strong energy of "go anywhere" and "do anything". Strap Up for Life In Forward Motion The new Alpha Bravo line takes military inspiration to the next level, with its signature rugged styling and unmatched durability taking cues from parachute fabric that is meant to survive the harshest of conditions. Many styles feature a main body made from recycled ballistic nylon, offering the same toughness that moves with the times. The lining of almost all styles is also made with recycled materials. Each style in Alpha Bravo also carries daisy chains and D-rings that allow them to easily be personalized with TUMI+ travel accessories. This modular ecosystem makes every bag open to customization based on what you need to conquer your non-stop path forward. In fact, you can also benefit from the convenience of the TUMI+ accessory ecosystem with other TUMI bags, thanks to G-hooks and carabiners. TUMI Crew, Assemble! As the sun dawns on a new season, TUMI calls on an international cast of multifaceted talents who embody the can't-stop-won't-stop drive of the Alpha Bravo collection. Through the lens of prominent docustyle videographers Autobahn and Andy Madeleine, the TUMI Crew has gathered in New York City and London to make the mission of Life In Forward Motion known to the world. Lando Norris, Formula 1 Driver and Gamer, puts the pedal to the metal with the Navigation Backpack, Mason Duffel, and the Classified Waist Pack. Lando has proved that age is just a number by being the youngest World Karting Champion at just 14, and being the youngest British Formula 1 Driver at 19. He's a five-time Formula 1 podium-finisher, has held lap records and a pole position, and is on track to being a World Champion soon. Son Heung-Min, Pro Footballer and Role Model, knocks one goal after another with the Logistics Backpack, the Navigation Backpack, and the Liaison Tote. No stranger to leading a pack, Son is currently team captain of the South Korean football team and an integral part of the Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Even as a six-time Best Footballer in Asia and multiple record-holder, Son still remains humble with a carefree attitude. Anthony Ramos, a Grammy-winning and Golden Globe and Emmy-nominated Actor, Performer and Musician, brings in a new beat with the seasonal Recruit Chest Pack, the Ally Backpack, and the Transport Pack. As a part of TIME 100's prestigious "Next" list, and a cover star of The Hollywood Reporter and TIME Magazine, this emerging leader proves he has the power to shape our future. Gracie Abrams, an acclaimed singer-songwriter, swoops in with the Platoon Sling, the Junior Crossbody, and the Search Backpack. Being one of seven breakout female musicians named by Vogue UK, Gracie never fails to communicate the strength of emotions in her heart-felt projects such as This Is What It Feels Like. The Alpha Bravo collection is your go-to for a non-stop life. For more about TUMI, visit their website.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
I had a few minutes to wait, so I took a quick walk around the nearby rye fields. It was a warm Saturday afternoon, with a perfect blue sky so I took few shots of the rye blowing gently in the breeze. Plus I think this picture seems fitting for the 1st of October.. An original angle and point of view - gives a nice backrop of the sky. Makes an impression in the mind.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
interface Comparer<T> { (a: T, b: T): number; } interface Equals<T> { (a: T, b: T): boolean; } interface Combine<T, U> { (a: T, b: U): U; } interface Transform<T, U> { (a: T): U; } interface Predicate<T> { (a: T): boolean; } interface Process<T> { (a: T): void; } interface Generator<T> { (): Iterator<T>; } interface FindResult<T> { value: T; index: number; } interface MismatchResult<T> { lhsValue: T; rhsValue: T; index: number; } interface MinmaxResult<T> { min: FindResult<T>; max: FindResult<T>; } interface Iter<T> extends Iterable<T> { map<U>(transform: Transform<T, U>): Iter<U>; filter(predicate: Predicate<T>): Iter<T>; take(numberOrPredicate: (number | Predicate<T>)): Iter<T>; skip(numberOrPredicate: (number | Predicate<T>)): Iter<T>; do(process: Process<T>): Iter<T>; buffer(size: number): Iter<T[]>; window(size: number): Iter<T[]>; flatten<U>(transform?: Transform<T, Iterable<U>>): Iter<U>; filterConsecutiveDuplicates(equals?: Equals<T>): Iter<T>; scan(combine: Combine<T, T>, seed?: T): Iter<T>; scan<U>(combine: Combine<T, U>, seed: U): Iter<U>; concat(...others: Iterable<T>[]): Iter<T>; concat(...others: Iterable<any>[]): Iter<any>; repeat(count?: number): Iter<T>; zip(...others: Iterable<T>[]): Iter<T[]>; zip(...others: Iterable<any>[]): Iter<any[]>; merge(other: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; setUnion(other: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; setIntersection(other: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; setSymmetricDifference(other: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; setDifference(other: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; interleave<U>(other: Iterable<U>): Iter<(T | U)>; forEach(process: Process<T>): void; count(): number; isEmpty(): boolean; first(): FindResult<T>; last(): FindResult<T>; at(index: number): FindResult<T>; find(predicate: Predicate<T>): FindResult<T>; every(predicate: Predicate<T>): boolean; some(predicate: Predicate<T>): boolean; min(comparer?: Comparer<T>): FindResult<T>; max(comparer?: Comparer<T>): FindResult<T>; minmax(comparer?: Comparer<T>): MinmaxResult<T>; fold(combine: Combine<T, T>, seed?: T): T; fold<U>(combine: Combine<T, U>, seed: U): U; toArray(): T[]; toObject(nameSelector: Transform<T, string>): { [name: string]: T }; toObject<U>(nameSelector: Transform<T, string>, valueSelector: Transform<T, U>): { [name: string]: U }; toMap<K>(keySelector: Transform<T, K>): Map<K, T>; toMap<K, V>(keySelector: Transform<T, K>, valueSelector: Transform<T, V>): Map<K, V>; toSet(): Set<T>; equal(other: Iterable<T>, equals?: Equals<T>): boolean; findMismatch(other: Iterable<T>, equals?: Equals<T>): MismatchResult<T>; } declare function iter<T>(fnOrObject: (Iterable<T> | Generator<T>)): Iter<T>; declare namespace iter { function values<T>(...items: T[]): Iter<T>; function range(start: number, end?: number): Iter<number>; function repeat<T>(value: T, count?: number): Iter<T>; function concat<T>(...iterables: Iterable<T>[]): Iter<T>; function concat(...iterables: Iterable<any>[]): Iter<any>; function zip<T>(...iterables: Iterable<T>[]): Iter<T[]>; function zip(...iterables: Iterable<any>[]): Iter<any[]>; function compare<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): number; function equal<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, equals?: Equals<T>): boolean; function findMismatch<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, equals?: Equals<T>): MismatchResult<T>; function merge<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; function setUnion<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; function setIntersection<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; function setSymmetricDifference<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; function setDifference<T>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<T>, comparer?: Comparer<T>): Iter<T>; function interleave<T, U>(lhs: Iterable<T>, rhs: Iterable<U>): Iter<(T | U)>; } export default iter;
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaGithub" }
Battle of Gallipoli Launch of the Gallipoli Campaign Gallipoli Land Invasion Begins Decision to Evacuate Gallipoli The Gallipoli Campaign of 1915-16, also known as the Battle of Gallipoli or the Dardanelles Campaign, was an unsuccessful attempt by the Allied Powers to control the sea route from Europe to Russia during World War I. The campaign began with a failed naval attack by British and French ships on the Dardanelles Straits in February-March 1915 and continued with a major land invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula on April 25, involving British and French troops as well as divisions of the Australian and New Zealand Army Corps (ANZAC). Lack of sufficient intelligence and knowledge of the terrain, along with a fierce Turkish resistance, hampered the success of the invasion. By mid-October, Allied forces had suffered heavy casualties and had made little headway from their initial landing sites. Evacuation began in December 1915, and was completed early the following January. With World War I stalled on the Western Front by 1915, the Allied Powers were debating going on the offensive in another region of the conflict, rather than continuing with attacks in Belgium and France. Early that year, Russia's Grand Duke Nicholas appealed to Britain for aid in confronting a Turkish invasion in the Caucasus. (The Ottoman Empire had entered World War I on the side of the Central Powers, Germany and Austria-Hungary, by November 1914.) In response, the Allies decided to launch a naval expedition to seize the Dardanelles Straits, a narrow passage connecting the Aegean Sea to the Sea of Marmara in northwestern Turkey. If successful, capture of the straits would allow the Allies to link up with the Russians in the Black Sea, where they could work together to knock Turkey out of the war. Did you know? In May 1915, Britain's First Sea Lord Admiral John Fisher resigned dramatically over the mishandling of the Gallipoli invasion by First Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill. His political capital damaged by the debacle, the future prime minister later resigned his own position and accepted a commission to command an infantry battalion in France. Spearheaded by the first lord of the British Admiralty, Winston Churchill (over the strong opposition of the First Sea Lord Admiral John Fisher, head of the British Navy), the naval attack on the Dardanelles began with a long-range bombardment by British and French battleships on February 19, 1915. Turkish forces abandoned their outer forts but met the approaching Allied minesweepers with heavy fire, stalling the advance. Under tremendous pressure to renew the attack, Admiral Sackville Carden, the British naval commander in the region, suffered a nervous collapse and was replaced by Vice-Admiral Sir John de Robeck. On March 18, 18 Allied battleships entered the straits; Turkish fire, including undetected mines, sank three of the ships and severely damaged three others. In the wake of the failed naval attack, preparations began for largescale troop landings on the Gallipoli Peninsula. British War Secretary Lord Kitchener appointed General Ian Hamilton as commander of British forces for the operation; under his command, troops from Australia, New Zealand and the French colonies assembled with British forces on the Greek island of Lemnos. Meanwhile, the Turks boosted their defenses under the command of the German general Liman von Sanders, who began positioning Ottoman troops along the shore where he expected the landings would take place. On April 25, 1915, the Allies launched their invasion of the Gallipoli Peninsula. Despite suffering heavy casualties, they managed to establish two beachheads: at Helles on the peninsula's southern tip, and at Gaba Tepe on the Aegean coast. (The latter site was later dubbed Anzac Cove, in honor of the Australian and New Zealand troops who fought so valiantly against determined Turkish defenders to establish the beachhead there.) After the initial landing, the Allies were able to make little progress from their initial landing sites, even as the Turks gathered more and more troops on the peninsula from both the Palestine and Caucasus fronts. In an attempt to break the stalemate, the Allies made another major troop landing on August 6 at Sulva Bay, combined with a northwards advance from Anzac Cove towards the heights at Sari Bair and a diversionary action at Helles. The surprise landings at Sulva Bay proceeded against little opposition, but Allied indecision and delay stalled their progress in all three locations, allowing Ottoman reinforcements to arrive and shore up their defenses. With Allied casualties in the Gallipoli Campaign mounting, Hamilton (with Churchill's support) petitioned Kitchener for 95,000 reinforcements; the war secretary offered barely a quarter of that number. In mid-October, Hamilton argued that a proposed evacuation of the peninsula would cost up to 50 percent casualties; British authorities subsequently recalled him and installed Sir Charles Monro in his place. By early November, Kitchener had visited the region himself and agreed with Monro's recommendation that the remaining 105,000 Allied troops should be evacuated. The British government authorized the evacuation to begin from Sulva Bay on December 7; the last troops left Helles on January 9, 1916. In all, some 480,000 Allied forces took part in the Gallipoli Campaign, at a cost of more than 250,000 casualties, including some 46,000 dead. On the Turkish side, the campaign also cost an estimated 250,000 casualties, with 65,000 killed. https://www.history.com/topics/world-war-i/battle-of-gallipoli-1 A&E Television Networks Original Published Date World War I Battles Battle of the Somme Allied Progress in the Battle of the Bulge Subscribe for fascinating stories connecting the past to the present. The Battle of the Somme, which took place from July to November 1916, began as an Allied offensive against German forces on the Western Front and turned into one of the most bitter and costly battles of World War I. British forces suffered more than 57,000 casualties—including ...read more Battle of Amiens The Battle of Amiens was an Allied victory that helped bring an end to World War I. Following the Second Battle of the Marne, the Allies launched an attack in August 1918 with a force of 75,000 men, more than 500 tanks and nearly 2,000 planes. The offensive achieved huge gains ...read more Battle of Verdun This World War I siege stemmed from German General Erich von Falkenhayn's edict to elicit major bloodshed from the French defense of the fortress complex around Verdun. German forces advanced quickly in February 1916, claiming Fort Douaumont and Fort Vaux after brutal ...read more Eleven Battles of Isonzo This indecisive three-year stretch of fighting in the Isonzo Valley came on the heels of Italy's entry to World War I. Seeking to create a corridor to Vienna, Italian General Luigi Cadorna ordered a series of attacks on the region's Austro-Hungarian fortifications beginning in ...read more Battle of Caporetto The 1917 Battle of Caporetto was a resounding victory for the Central Powers during World War I. After more than two years of indecisive fighting along the Isonzo River, the Austro-Hungarian command devoted more resources to strengthening the Italian front. Using new infiltration ...read more Battle of Cambrai The World War I Battle of Cambrai marked the first large-scale use of tanks for a military offensive. Led by General Julian Byng, a British force of nine infantry divisions, five cavalry divisions and three tanks brigades sprung a surprise attack near Cambrai, France, on November ...read more Battle of Jutland Involving some 250 ships and 100,000 men, this battle off Denmark's North Sea coast was the only major naval surface engagement of World War I. The battle began in the afternoon of May 31, 1916, with gunfire between the German and British scouting forces. When the main warships ...read more Battle of Vimy Ridge This World War I skirmish in 1917 marked the first time that the Allies' four Canadian divisions attacked together as the Canadian Corps. The corps launched their offensive at Vimy on Easter Sunday, and within three days had eradicated the German defenses. This swift victory was ...read more First Battle of Marne The World War I First Battle of the Marne featured the first use of radio intercepts and automotive transport of troops in wartime. After French commander in chief Joseph Joffre ordered an offensive in September 1914, General Michel-Joseph Maunoury's French Sixth Army opened a ...read more
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
In a game of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, your cards are divided between two decks. The first is the dynasty deck, which contains your characters and holdings, like those shown above. The second deck is your conflict deck, which has a mix of characters, attachments (including weapons, followers, equipment, and other conditions), and events. Between your two decks are four face-down province cards (as shown below), and protecting these provinces is essential to maintaining your strength and defeating your opponent. At the beginning of the game, a card from the top of your dynasty deck is placed on top of each of the four province cards between your decks, while the fifth province hosts your stronghold. As the round begins, the dynasty cards on your four central provinces are turned face-up, and during the dynasty phase, you and your opponent will take turns playing characters from your provinces. All characters have a cost, shown in the upper-left corner, that must be paid in fate—a currency that represents the karma and destiny that a clan has accrued. There is an additional cost, however, that must be considered. In Rokugani culture, a central philosophical concept is mono no aware. Literally translating to "the pathos of things," mono no aware is an understanding and bittersweet acceptance that everything in the world is impermanent and transient. In Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, this is played out through your characters and your fate. After playing a character from one of your provinces, you may choose to pay any number of additional fate, placing these fate tokens directly onto the character. For instance, you may choose to play the Matsu Berserker (Core Set, 69) from a province, paying one fate, as shown above. Considering your options, you decide that you will want this character in play for several rounds, so you place two more fate from your supply onto this character. At the end of this round, one of those fate tokens will be removed from the Matsu Berserker. If you had chosen to not place any additional fate on the Matsu Berserker, this character would have been discarded in this round's fate phase—the Matsu Berserker will have fulfilled their destiny at this point in the ongoing narrative of your game. During the fate phase at the end of the round, the Steadfast Samurai has no fate and is discarded. One fate is removed from the Matsu Berserker. By placing additional fate tokens on a character, you are, in essence, paying to keep that character in play for additional rounds. Choosing exactly how much fate to invest in a character is a key strategic decision! If you don't pay enough, you could find your best characters have fulfilled their destiny and departed just when you need them most. If you pay too much, however, you may have bound your clan's destiny to a single character—which could leave you vulnerable to attacks on multiple fronts. Compounding the decision is the fact that you'll need to save some fate if you're going to play conflict cards from your hand later in the round. The clans gain more fate at the beginning of each new round, but deciding how to use your fate is crucial to victory. After both players have passed on the chance to play additional characters in the dynasty phase, the game proceeds to the draw phase. Here, you and your opponent each have the chance to select how many cards you will draw from your conflict decks, which contains the tactics and maneuvers that you keep hidden in your hand—but you must be cautious, because the honor of your entire clan is at stake. Each player has an honor dial featuring numbers from one to five. The number that you select indicates how honorably you intend to act during the coming round, with a low number equating to a more honorable path and a high number equating to a less honorable path. The number that you select is also the number of cards that you will draw from your conflict deck. After both players have secretly chosen a number, you will each reveal your dial and draw the number of cards that you chose… but if you're relying on dishonorable tricks from your conflict deck, you'll pay with your clan's honor. For instance, if you reveal a dial with a five, and your opponent reveals a dial with a one, you must pay him four honor—the difference between the two bids. Then, you would draw five cards (your bid), he would draw one card (his bid), and the draw phase would be complete. When setting a number on your dial, you are essentially bidding honor against your opponent. A low bid allows you to preserve your honor or gain more honor from your opponent—and in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, maintaining your honor is of the utmost importance. Choosing a higher number, on the other hand, may sacrifice some honor, but it also fills your hand with conflict cards that could give you exactly what you need during a conflict! Betting against your opponent and guarding your honor leads to countless strategic moments during the game. Once both players have drawn cards, conflict begins in earnest, inviting players to initiate military and political confrontations. These confrontations could represent pitched battle, a physical fight, a trial, a debate, or a contest of courtly intrigues—but in any circumstance, your end goal is to break your opponent's provinces. Each player has the option to declare up to two conflicts during the conflict phase. Players alternate declaring conflicts, and each player can initiate one military conflict and one political conflict. You may even choose to pass your first conflict, waiting to see how your opponent acts, and then commit your full strength to your second conflict later. When you do choose to initiate a conflict, you face an array of strategic options and choices. You must choose which characters will participate in the conflict, while carefully ensuring you have enough characters left to defend against your opponent, because undefended provinces are easily broken and you'll lose honor for failing to defend your lands. You must also choose which enemy province to attack: at the start of the game, all province cards are face-down, hiding their true nature, but as your forces move into enemy lands, you'll discover what lies in wait, potentially undermining your plans with an unwanted surprise. Finally, you must determine the type and ring used for the conflict. Every conflict must be either military or political, which corresponds to the military and political skills of your characters—only the skill that matches your chosen conflict type is used for this conflict. Along with the type of conflict, you'll select one of the five rings: Air, Earth, Fire, Water, or Void. The ring that you use for the conflict determines the consequences if you are victorious as the attacker. Air —Take one honor from your opponent or gain two honor from the token pool. Earth — Draw one card from your conflict deck and discard one random card from your opponent's hand. Water — Choose a character and ready it or choose a character with no fate and bow it. Void — Choose a character and remove one fate from it. In the diagram above, the Dragon player initiates a military Fire conflict, sending two characters forward against an unrevealed province. Once the conflict has been initiated, your opponent declares defenders, and the conflict unfolds. During the conflict, you and your opponent will trade actions, triggering abilities and playing cards from your conflict hand to gain the advantage. You may play attachments, characters, and events from your conflict hand to increase your characters' skill, decrease the skill of your foes, bow enemy characters, send characters home to remove them from the fight, or trigger even more unusual effects. Eventually, however, both players will pass, and one of you will win the conflict. In addition, if your skill surpasses the defender's skill by a sufficient amount, you will break your opponent's province, bringing you one step closer to victory! Then, the victor claims the contested ring, all attacking and defending characters bow and return home, and the conflict is at an end. In the diagram above, the Crab player plays a Jade Tetsubo onto his Eager Scout, raising the character's military skill to three, which is higher than the Steadfast Samurai's military skill (one). A clan's stronghold is the seat of its power, providing your supply of fate, determining your starting honor, and offering a powerful ability that can be used throughout the game. Underneath your stronghold, you'll place a fifth province card at the beginning of the game, like the four province cards that you've placed between your dynasty deck and your conflict deck. Your opponent's stronghold will be the site of a dramatic final conflict, and whether that takes the form of a military siege or a measured political negotiation is up to you. Either way, if you can break your opponent's stronghold province (after breaking three of his other provinces), you immediately win the game. Still, conflict is not the only way that you can win a game of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game. As previously mentioned, the honor of your clan is crucial to maintaining your standing in the Emerald Empire. If you ever attain twenty-five honor during the game, you immediately win the game! Similarly, you can also shame and dishonor your opponent into nothingness. If a player ever loses all of his honor, he immediately loses the game. With three distinct paths to victory, you'll have careful choices to make, both when building your decks and playing the game! To the south of Rokugan lie the blighted Shadowlands, a dark realm under the sway of Fu Leng and the corrupted armies from the realm of Jigoku. The only safeguard between the Shadowlands and Rokugan is the mighty Kaiu Wall and its constructers and defenders, the Crab Clan. To those who look upon the Crab kindly, their strength is impressive and their determination honorable. But to those who do not—those who benefit from the protection of the Wall without knowing the sacrifices it requires—the Crab are impolite brutes, too pigheaded to comprehend the intricacies of court decorum. Regardless of how others might view them, the Crab cannot mire themselves in bickering and intrigue. They present their back to the court only so they may more fully face the true enemy in the Shadowlands beyond. As rugged, stoic, and tenacious defenders of the Empire, the Crab are at their best when they are defending against attacks and reacting to an opponent's aggression, weathering your opponent's best attacks, and retaliating when your foe is most vulnerable. As builders who excel at living off the land, holdings are important to the Crab to protect their provinces and power their characters. To the rest of the Empire, the Crane are a study in contrasts. They are both respected and hated for their achievements, both admired and envied for their elegance and grace. They are the makers of beauty and beauty itself, devotees of peace and civility who nonetheless wield lethal blades. From the Crane's impeccable garments, which set the standards for style in the Empire, to the sprawling beauty and wonder of their Fantastic Gardens, to their seemingly limitless talent for artistic accomplishments and political dominance in Rokugan's courts, the Crane don't simply define what it means to be a civilized Empire—they are the very civilized essence of Rokugan. The Crane are known throughout the Emerald Empire as a political powerhouse, with wise and honorable courtiers guiding the clan and protecting themselves from external threats. In the game, you must leverage this political might to devastate your opponents during conflicts, keeping your characters honored to increase their skill and controlling the board by pushing your opponent's characters away. "What is wisdom?" one asked. "What is not wisdom?" the other answered. The Dragon are a mysterious and individualistic clan. The use of attachments is one of this clan's greatest strengths, and it's wise to invest in a few powerful characters with plans to give them multiple attachments. The concept of balance is also important to this clan, and they are well suited for both military and political conflicts. You must take advantage of this flexibility and strike wherever you opponent leaves an opening. Sitting opposed to the Crane's political skills is the pure military might of the Lion Clan. Every samurai who lives in Rokugan measures courage, honor, and duty against the standard set by the Lion Clan. With the largest standing army in Rokugan, the Lion have earned their place as the Right Hand of the emperor. Above all, the Lion Clan lives, breathes, and dies for the Emperor and Rokugan. Should the interests of the Emperor and the welfare of the Empire diverge, toward what deadly paths or dishonorable fates would the Lion march? The Lion are a proud, aggressive, and violent clan that leverages its strong military skill to win conflicts. Lion decks frequently aim to swarm the play area with characters, strengthening their presence through numbers. However, Lion characters with political skill are harder to come by, so it's important to have some extra fate to keep your few courtiers and politicians in play. The Phoenix are the masters of magic in Rokugan, but they are also staunch pacifists with little interest in warfare. Wise players will use the clan's shugenja to trigger powerful effects against your opponent from the safety of your home area. The clan's mastery of the elemental rings will also help to deny your opponent the effects they aim to use against you while ensuring you can use the rings you need to win. This clan's distaste for violence can also be used as a calming influence upon your opponent, making overt aggression and military conflicts much less effective against you. With six terrible words, the Kami Bayushi set his followers in the newly founded Scorpion Clan on a dark and dangerous path. Enemies loomed beyond Rokugan's borders, but they also lurked within them. Bayushi swore to protect the Empire by any means necessary. Where the Code of Bushidō tied the Emperor's Left and Right Hands—the courtiers of the Crane and the mighty legions of the Lion—the Emperor's Underhand could still reach. To combat the liars, the thieves, and the traitors within the Great Clans, Bayushi's followers would have to lie, steal, and cheat in turn. The weapons of the Scorpion became blackmail and poison and sabotage. The Scorpion dirtied their hands so that others' could remain pure. While playing the Scorpion Clan, you'll want to make high honor bids in order to draw extra cards and surprise your opponents with potent tricks and traps. Yet you must always maintain your deepest loyalty, lest you lose all honor and the game. Dishonor is also a powerful tool when turned against your foes to keep their skill low and their hopes of beating you in conflict even lower. For 800 years, the Ki-Rin Clan journeyed beyond Rokugan's borders, in search of external threats to the Emerald Empire. In these foreign lands, the clan learned to adapt, to do whatever it took to survive. The clan eventually returned to Rokugan, rechristened as the Unicorn Clan, its members speaking foreign tongues, wielding strange weapons, and drawing upon the kami using sorcery known as meishōdō. The Unicorn's return was greeted as a barbarian invasion, carving a place in Rokugani society by breaking through the defenses mounted by the Crab and Lion clans. Reintegration has not been without difficulty, but there are lights in the darkness. An ancient treaty with the Crane was honored, providing the Unicorn a strong ally within the Empire. The Phoenix watch Unicorn magic with equal parts interest and concern. The Dragon perceive the wisdom of Shinjo's children, the Scorpion see the advantage in a pliable ally, and all Rokugan marvels at the speed and might of their magnificent steeds. Perhaps they are, finally, where they belong. The Unicorn are an aggressive, practical, and nomadic clan that has mastered the arts of mobility and warfare. You must use the clan's powerful cavalry characters to outmaneuver your opponent during conflicts, brining your characters into and out of conflict to keep your opponent on edge. The Unicorn are strongest when they are first to act, and much more comfortable attacking than defending, so be sure to play aggressively and get to your opponent before they get to you. The world of Rokugan is spread out before you—choose your clan and uphold your honor with Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game! What are the major changes from the Legend of the Five Rings collectible card game? As part of the transition for a collectible card game (CCG) to a Living Card Game (LCG), Legend of the Five Rings had to go through a significant transformation, and although there are many familiar elements within the game, the gameplay itself is very different. Because of this, Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game is incompatible with the CCG version of the game. Below, we'll highlight a few of the most important differences with the new version of the game. Provinces — Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game uses a very familiar game layout, with a dynasty deck (containing characters and holdings) on your left and a conflict deck (containing a limited number of characters that can be played from your hand, attachments, and events) on your right. Between these two decks are four provinces that hold cards from your dynasty deck, as in the CCG. However, each province is now represented by its own individual card. Province cards offer different strengths and abilities, and choosing your provinces is an important part of deckbuilding. Furthermore, when a province is broken, it does not disappear, preventing a "snowball effect" that weakens a player who starts losing provinces. Characters — Characters in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game take on a different form than the characters in the CCG. First, characters now feature different stats reflecting their military and political skill instead of the force and chi stats. These new skills are used in the revised conflict system that we discuss below. Characters no longer have honor requirements, and their personal honor is incorporated into their glory and the Honored / Dishonored status cards. Conflict — The conflict system for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game has been completely redesigned. There are now two different types of conflicts—military and political. The conflict type determines which skill your characters will use. In other words, during a military conflict, you will compare your characters' military skill against the military skill of your opponent's characters. During the conflict, you and your opponent will manipulate the skill of your characters by triggering abilities from cards in play and playing cards from your conflict hand. Like events, the attachments and characters in your conflict deck can be played directly into a conflict to affect the result of the ongoing struggle. Resources — The resource system for Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game has also been completely redesigned. The resources that you obtain are no longer based on holdings—instead, you will receive a set quantity of fate (the game's central currency) at the beginning of each round. The amount of fate you receive is decided by your stronghold. There are multiple ways to gain more fate over the course of the game, but these are built into the game mechanics, unrelated to holdings. In addition, you are now able to carryover excess fate into future rounds, rewarding you for choosing to save some of your fate in order to have more flexible options in the future. The Fate Phase — Unlike in the Legend of the Five Rings CCG, your characters no longer remain in play indefinitely (unless removed by a card effect). Instead, when you play a character from your province or your conflict hand, you may choose to place any number of additional fate tokens on it from your supply of fate. During the fate phase at the end of each round, one of these fate tokens will be removed, or, if the character has no fate tokens, the character will be discarded. (For more information on the fate phase, read the "Embrace Your Fate" section further up on this page. Honor — Honor plays a significant role in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, but fundamentally, honor effects are tied to conflicts. You will need to engage in conflicts if you're planning to advance your agenda, whether you're attempting to increase your own honor or dishonor your opponent. In addition, a character's status as honored or dishonored can have a significant impact on its military and political skill. An honored character adds its glory to its military and political skills, while a dishonored character subtracts its glory from its military and political skills. Dueling — Mechanics for dueling are present in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game, but it will function completely differently than in the collectible card game. What is happening with the Legend of the Five Rings storyline? While the Crane have been laid low, the Scorpion Clan has ascended to the height of glory. Bayushi Shoju is the trusted friend Emperor Hantei XXXVIII, while his impossibly beautiful wife, Kachiko, serves as the Emperor's Imperial Advisor. No word is whispered in the Imperial Capital that escapes the Scorpion Clan's ears, and no plot is hatched that evades the notice of its agents. From this starting point, the storyline of Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game begins! Look for the story to continue through fiction found in inserts in the Living Card Game, articles posted on our website, and at major tournaments.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
htt GROUP is a privately owned Company founded in 1988. htt Group is putting its main focus on the Semiconductor Industry. Additionally to that, htt works in the Photovoltaic & NanoTechnology, Medical Technology, Pharma Industry and Aerospace. HTT offers Sales, Service, Maintenance, Application, CE-EMC confirmity and its own manufactured Cantilever Probecards which are made in Germany in Dresden by our team of 18 specialists. Flagship is the WID120 Wafer ID Reader, a new designed RGB-Wafer ID Reader for OCR, Barcode, DataMatrix Codes designed and built by IOSS in Germany. production Equipment and for OEMs is easy. htt Wafer Reade Division offers also a product for Automated Wafer Alignment and Automated Wafer-ID-Reading, the mBWR200 Batch Wafer Reader. In its own Probe Card Division´htt provides made in Germany Cantilever Probecards, most of them custom made. HTT Equipment Division offers various capital Equipment products like Wafer Prober, Tester, Temperature Cycling Systems, Sorters and many more.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
I'm hoping you were able to participate in Restoration City's fast in some way this week. If you did, I hope God used it to ignite your hunger for Him and fuel a desire to see Him bear much fruit through us on Easter Sunday. I'm also praying this fast wasn't a one time experience but rather a catalyst for renewed pursuit of God's mission in our daily lives. Fasting shouldn't leave us spiritually depleted. It should clear the ground for fresh life to emerge. God found Israel's fasting wicked because it was an inauthentic attempt to manipulate God. They wanted to impress Him into blessing them more than they wanted to know Him. We can't fall into the same trap – we didn't do this fast to show God how awesome we are. In other words, genuine fasting fuels sustained action for the glory of God and the good of others. God isn't thrilled that we skipped a meal. He's thrilled when we get so close to Him that His heart for the world starts to beat in us. That's our challenge in the weeks ahead, Restoration City. Don't be impressed that we fasted. Be determined that others would see the greatness of the God we love. Maybe that means inviting someone to church on Sunday. Or connecting with one of our ServeDC ministries. Or getting to know a neighbor. Whatever it means for you, that's the part God finds most thrilling! ← Is Anyone Better Off?
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaC4" }
Temporal range: Middle Miocene – present, 15–0 Ma PreЄ Domestic cow Class: Mammalia Order: Artiodactyla Family: Bovidae Subfamily: Bovinae Tribe: Bovini Gray, 1821 Type species Bos taurus Genera and Subtribes †Alephis (Gromolard, 1980) †Eosyncerus (Vekua, 1972) †Jamous (Geraads et al., 2008) †Probison (Sahni & Khan, 1968) †Simatherium (Dietrich, 1941) †Udabnocerus (Burchak-Abramovich & Gabashvili, 1969) Pseudorygina (Hassanin & Douzery, 1999) Bubalina (Rütimeyer, 1865) Bovina (Gray, 1821) The tribe Bovini, or wild cattle are medium to massive bovines that are native to North America, Eurasia, and Africa. These include the enigmatic, antelope-like saola, the African and Asiatic buffalos, and a clade that consists of bison and the wild cattle of the genus Bos.[3][4] Not only are they the largest members of the subfamily Bovinae, they are the largest species of their family Bovidae. The largest species is either the gaur (Bos gaurus) and wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee), both weighing between 700 and 1,200 kilograms.[5][6][7][8] In addition to their massive size, they can be differentiated from other bovines and bovids with their short, thick legs and smooth horns presented in both sexes.[8] Bovins and humans have had a long and complex relationship. Five of seven species have been successfully domesticated, with one species (cattle) being the most successful member of their lineage. Domesticated shortly after the last Ice Age,[9] there are at least 1.4 billion cattle in the world.[10] Domestic bovins have been selectively bred for beef, dairy products, leather and serve as working animals. However many species of wild cattle are threatened by extinction due to habitat loss to make room for cattle farming as well as unregulated hunting.[1][8] Some are already extinct like the aurochs, two subspecies of European bison and perhaps the kouprey.[11] 2 Systematics 2.1 Placement within Bovinae 2.2 The fossil record 3 Natural history 3.1 General description 3.2 Distribution and ecology 3.3 Behavior and reproduction 3.4 Genetics and hybridization In 1821 British zoologist John Edward Gray described the family, subfamily and tribe Bovidae, Bovinae, and Bovini respectively.[12] The word "Bovini" is the combination of the Latin prefix bos (written as bov-, which is Late Latin from bovinus) and the suffix -ini refers to their ranking as a tribe. Systematics[edit] Placement within Bovinae[edit] Bovinae Boselaphini (four-horned antelope and nilgai) Tragelaphini (spiral-horned antelopes) Bovini (saola, buffalos, bison, and wild cattle) Phylogenetic relationships of the Bovinae (Bibi et al., 2013)[3] The wild cattle belong to the subfamily Bovinae, which also includes spiral-horned antelope of the tribe Tragelaphini and two aberrant species of Asian antelope, four-horned antelope and nilgai, which belong to the tribe Boselaphini. The relationship between the tribes varies in research concerning their phylogeny. Most molecular research supporting a Bovini and Tragelaphini subclade of Bovinae[13][3][8] There are also some morphological support for this, most notably both groups have horn cores with a pedicle (the attachment point to the skull).[14] The fossil record[edit] See also: Bubalina § The Fossil Record See also: Bovina (subtribe) § The Fossil Record The earliest known members of wild cattle have originated from Asia south of the Himalayas during the Late Miocene.[15][16] This is not only supported by the fossil record but also the fact that south Asia has the highest diversity of wild cattle on planet, as well as the fact the southeast Asian saola is the basal most of the living species.[15][16][17] At some point after the divergence of the three subtribes around 13.7 million years ago, bovins migrated into Africa from Asia where they have diversified into many species.[18][19] During the Pliocene epoch some bovins left Africa and entered Europe, where they have evolved into hardy, cold-adapted species.[17] During the Ice Age ancestors of the bison had colonized North America from Eurasia over the Bering Land Bridge in two waves, the first being 135,000 to 195,000 years ago and the second being 21,000 to 45,000 years ago.[20][21] Below is the list of fossil species that have been described so far listed in alphabetical order that currently do not fit in any of the existing subtribes: Tribe Bovini (Gray, 1821) Genus †Alephis (Gromolard, 1980) †Alephis lyrix (Gromolard, 1980) †Alephis tigneresi (Michaux et al., 1991) †Eosyncerus ivericus (Vekua, 1972) Genus †Jamous (Geraads et al., 2008) †Jamous kolleensis (Geraads et al., 2008) †Probison dehmi (Sahni & Khan, 1968) †Simatherium kohllarseni (Dietrich, 1941) †Simatherium shungurense (Geraads, 1995) †Udabnocerus georgicus (Burchak-Abramovich & Gabashvili, 1969) See also: Bubalina § Taxonomy See also: Bovina (subtribe) § Taxonomy Pseudorygina (saola) Bubalina (buffalos) Bovina (Bison and Bos) Phylogenetic relationships of the tribe Bovini (Hassanin et al., 2013)[4] Majority of phylogenetic work based on ribosomal DNA, chromosomal analysis, autosomal introns and mitochondrial DNA has recovered three distinctive subtribes of Bovini: Pseudorygina (represent solely by the saola), Bubalina (represented today by the genera Syncerus and Bubalus), and Bovina (represented today by the genera Bison and Bos).[22][23] According to the fossil record and the molecular work, Bubalina and Bovina have diverged from one and another from a common ancestor around 13.7 million years ago in the Late Miocene.[2][24][4][17] The number of taxa and their evolutionary relationships with each other has been debated, mainly as there is several evidence of ancient hybridization events that occurred among the various species of wild cattle, obstructing any evidence of their relationships.[25][26][24][27][4] Below is the taxonomy of extant genera that are classified as members of the tribe Bovini (more information regarding the species taxonomy is explained more in-depth in their respective subtribe articles):[27][4][17][8] Subtribe Pseudorygina (Hassanin & Douzery, 1999) Genus Pseudoryx (Dung et al., 1993) – Saolas Subtribe Bubalina (Rütimeyer, 1865) Genus Syncerus (Hodgson, 1847) – African buffalos Genus Bubalus (Hamilton-Smith, 1827) – Anoas and the wild water buffalos Subtribe Bovina (Gray, 1821) Genus Bison (Hamilton-Smith, 1827) – Bison (might be part of Bos instead[27][4]) Genus Bos (Linnaeus, 1758) – Taurine and Asiatic cattle Natural history[edit] General description[edit] A male gaur is among the largest species of their lineage. Wild cattle are usually massive bovids that are stout-bodied with thick, short legs.[28][1][29][8] Some species can reach impressive body-sizes such as wild water buffalo and gaur which can weigh between 700 and 1,200 kilograms. The latter species can reach a shoulder height at 2 meters.[29] There even some breeds of domestic cattle that can be even larger than both wild species, one of them being the Chianina which can the bulls can weigh from 1,200 to 1,500 kilograms and reach a similar height to the gaur.[30][31] There are, however, several species of buffalo that live on the various islands in Indonesia are dwarf species, such as the tamaraw and the anoa, that weigh between 200 and 300 kilograms.[29][8] Furthermore, not all species of bovin look like cattle, such as the saola which looks more like antelope (a fact that caused some confusion among bovid biologists[23]). What all bovins or wild cattle do have in common is both sexes have the presents of smooth horns, instead of annulated horns seen in most other bovids.[29][14][8] In bovinans the horns are round, while in bubalinans they are flattened.[28] Like the spiral-horned antelopes there is extreme sexual dimorphism in bovins, though it is emphasis on the body size and the size of the horns.[28][29][8] Males are significantly larger than the females, which most of their features are exaggerated with massive humps, large necks, and in some species the presence of a dewlap.[28][8] Males and females exhibit sexual monochromatism (with the exception of the banteng, where males are a dark chestnut while females are just chestnut), though the male coloration hues are darker than the females.[28] Coloration can be uniform or with some white markings, from black to brown.[28][8] Distribution and ecology[edit] American bison a species that lives on the open plains of North America. The wild species of bovins are found in North America, Eurasia and sub-Saharan Africa, though domesticated species or variants have a global cosmopolitan range with the help of humans.[28][29] With the exception of the open-plains dwelling American bison and the montane-dwelling wild yak, all species of wild cattle inhabit wooded or forested areas with some clearings.[28][29] The reason is because most species require a lot of roughage (often tall grass) in their diet and a lot of water to drink.[28][29] In addition they are less efficient eaters than smaller herbivores, as they cannot selectively forage on relatively short grass due their stiff, immobile upperlips.[28] They commonly wallow in mud and water in swamps, especially with water buffalo.[28][29] Forest-dwelling live in deciduous and tropical forests. With their large body-size, wild cattle have few natural predators aside from humans. Still they are often prey to crocodiles, big cats, spotted hyenas, dholes, and wolves.[29] It is often the young and the weak that are commonly selected by these predators. Behavior and reproduction[edit] Water buffalo ramming against each other using the weight of their heads and their horns. Wild cattle are very social animals, which they accumulate into large herds, with some individual sizes that can go into the hundreds.[28] Usually these herds consisted of females and their young, although in some species there are occasionally bachelor males among them.[28][29][8] Generally the larger and more experienced males tend to be solitary, though in the breeding season mixed-herds occur.[28][29][8] There is a strict hierarchy among males based on size dominance.[28] All species of bovin are polyandrous. During the rutting period males engage in ramming against each other in order to obtain the breeding rights for females as well as territory.[28] The gestation period occurs once the female has been inseminated from the male successfully. In most species it lasts approximately nine to ten months.[28][8] They only give birth to a single calf. Once the young are born, they won't wean until they are around six to 10 months depending on the species.[8] Females of most species sexually mature by four years while for males it is seven years.[28] Genetics and hybridization[edit] A beefalo and her calf. The chromosome number varies by species, and sometimes even by subspecies, which warrants further research for taxonomic purposes.[27] The ancestral Y chromosome was probably a small acrocentric, but evolved into several distinct characteristics.[32] The subtribe Bubalina have the acquisition of X-specific repetitive DNA sequence on their Y chromosomes; Bos has derivative metacentric Y chromosomes, and share the presence of shared derivative submetacentric X chromosomes with Bison.[32] Below is a listing of the diploid number 2n of selected species as follows:[32][33] Saola: 2n = 50 Forest buffalo: 2n = 54 Cape buffalo: 2n = 52 Lowland anoa: 2n = 48 Water buffalo: 2n = 48 Gaur: 2n = 58 Banteng: 2n = 60 Yak: 2n = 60 European bison: 2n = 60 American bison: 2n = 60 Cattle: 2n = 60 Bovin hybridization is most common in the subtribe Bovina, the most well known of these is the beefalo (a cross between cattle and American bison). Most of these hybrids are deliberate from humans wanting to improve the quality of various cattle breeds (in particular for beef production). All bovinan hybrids produce sterile males and fertile females following Haldane's rule. In addition for the agricultural purposes, bovin hybridization was used in the past to save several species such as the American bison in the past.[34] This has caused problems for wild cattle conservation as hybrids pollute the genetic diversity of genetically-pure animals.[34] Bovin hybridization was also a major factor behind the evolution of Bovini, as some species have evidence of ancient hybridization in their genome.[35] Bubalina ^ a b c Kingdon, J. (2015). The Kingdon Field Guide to African Mammals. Princeton University Press. ^ a b Hassanin, A.; Ropiquet, A. (2004). "Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Bovini (Bovidae, Bovinae) and the taxonomic status of the Kouprey, Bos sauveli Urbain 1937" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 33 (3): 896–907. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2004.08.009. PMID 15522811. [dead link] ^ a b c Bibi, F. (2013). "Phylogenetic relationships in the subfamily Bovinae (Mammalia: Artiodactyla) based on ribosomal DNA". BMC Evolutionary Biology. 13 (166): 166. doi:10.1186/1471-2148-13-166. PMC 3751017. PMID 23927069. ^ a b c d e f Hassanin, A.; An, J.; Ropiquet, A.; Nguyen, T. T.; Couloux, A. (2013). "Combining multiple autosomal introns for studying shallow phylogeny and taxonomy of Laurasiatherian mammals: Application to the tribe Bovini (Cetartiodactyla, Bovidae)" (PDF). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution. 63 (3): 766–775. doi:10.1016/j.ympev.2012.11.003. PMID 23159894. ^ Schaller, G. B., Simon, N. M. (1969). The endangered large mammals of Asia. In: Holloway, C. W. (ed.) IUCN Eleventh Technical Meeting. Papers and Proceedings, 25–28 November 1969, New Delhi, India. Volume II. 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IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2008. International Union for Conservation of Nature. Retrieved 29 March 2009. Database entry includes a brief justification of why this species is critically endangered. ^ Grubb, P. (2005). "Family Bovidae". In Wilson, D.E.; Reeder, D.M (eds.). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference (3rd ed.). Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 637–722. ISBN 978-0-8018-8221-0. OCLC 62265494. ^ Marcot, J. D. (2007). "Molecular Phylogeny of Terrestrial Aritiodactyls: Conflicts and Resolutions". In Prothero, D. R.; Foss, S. E. (eds.). The Evolution of Artiodactyls. The Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 4–18. ^ a b Solounias, N. (2007). "Family Bovidae". In Prothero, D.R.; Foss, S. E. (eds.). The Evolution of Artiodactyls. The Johns Hopkins University Press. pp. 278–291. ^ a b Bibi, F. (2007). "Origin, paleoecology, and paleobiogeography of early Bovini". Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 248 (1): 60–72. doi:10.1016/j.palaeo.2006.11.009. ^ a b Bibi, F. (2009). "The fossil record and evolution of Bovidae" (PDF). Palaeontologia Electronica. 12 (3): 1–11. ^ a b c d Hassanin, A. (2014). "Systematic and evolution of Bovini". In Melletti, D. R.; Burton, J. (eds.). Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour of Wild Cattle: Implications for Conservation. Cambridge University Press. pp. 7–20. ^ Bienvenido Martínez-Navarro, Juan Antonio Pérez-Claros, Maria Rita Palombo, Lorenzo Rook, and Paul Palmqvist: "The Olduvai buffalo Pelorovis and the origin of Bos". Quaternary Research Volume 68, Issue 2, September 2007, Pages 220–226. online ^ Haile-Selassie, Yohannes; Vrba, Elizabeth S.; Bibi, Faysal (2009). "Bovidae". In Haile-Selassie, Yohannes; WoldeGabriel, Giday (eds.). Ardipithecus Kadabba: Late Miocene Evidence from the Middle Awash, Ethiopia. University of California Press. p. 295. ISBN 978-0-520-25440-4. ^ An Alaska volcano and DNA reveal the timing of bison's arrival in North America, Alaska Dispatch News, Yereth Rosen, March 27, 2017. Retrieved 28 March 2017. ^ Fossil and genomic evidence constrains the timing of bison arrival in North America, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Duane Froese et al, December 20, 2017. Retrieved 28 March 2017. ^ Tanaka, K.; Solis, C. D.; Masangkay, J. S.; Maeda, K. L.; Kawamoto, Y.; Namikawa, T. (1996). "Phylogenetic relationship among all living species of the genus Bubalus based on DNA sequences of the cytochrome b gene". Biochemical Genetics. 34 (11): 443–452. doi:10.1007/bf00570125. ^ a b Hassanin, A.; Douzery, E. J. P. (1999). "Evolutionary affinities of the enigmatic saola (Pseudoryx nghetinhensis) in the context of the molecular phylogeny of Bovidae". Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences. 266 (1422): 893–900. doi:10.1098/rspb.1999.0720. PMC 1689916. PMID 10380679. ^ a b Maceachern, S.; McEwan, J.; Goddard, M. (2009). "Phylogenetic reconstruction and the identification of ancient polymorphism in the Bovini tribe (Bovidae, Bovinae)". BMC Genomics. 10 (1): 177. doi:10.1186/1471-2164-10-177. PMC 2694835. PMID 19393045. ^ Lenstra, J. A.; Bradley, D. G. (1999). "Systematics and phylogeny of cattle". The Genetics of Cattle: 1–14. ^ Wilson, W. E.; Reeder, D. M., eds. (2005). Mammal Species of the World: A Taxonomic and Geographic Reference. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ^ a b c d Groves, C.; Grubb, P. (2011). Ungulate Taxonomy. The Johns Hopkins University Press. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r Estes, R. D. (1991). The Behaviour Guide to African Mammals: Including Hoofed Mammals, Carnivores, Primates. Johannesburg: Russell Friedman Books CC. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Prothero, D. R. (2002). Horns, Tusks, and Flippers: The Evolution of Hoofed Mammals. Johns Hopkins University Press. ^ Chianina (in Italian). 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Extant Artiodactyla species Infraclass: Eutheria Superorder: Laurasiatheria Suborder Ruminantia Pronghorn (A. americana) Okapi (O. johnstoni) Northern giraffe (G. camelopardalis) Southern giraffe (G. giraffa) Reticulated giraffe (G. reticulata) Masai giraffe (G. tippelskirchi) Anhui musk deer (M. anhuiensis) Dwarf musk deer (M. berezovskii) Alpine musk deer (M. chrysogaster) Kashmir musk deer (M. cupreus) Black musk deer (M. fuscus) Himalayan musk deer (M. leucogaster) Siberian musk deer (M. moschiferus) Water chevrotain (H. aquaticus) Indian spotted chevrotain (M. indica) Yellow-striped chevrotain (M. kathygre) Sri Lankan spotted chevrotain (M. meminna) Java mouse-deer (T. javanicus) Lesser mouse-deer (T. kanchil) Greater mouse-deer (T. napu) Philippine mouse-deer (T. nigricans) Vietnam mouse-deer (T. versicolor) Williamson's mouse-deer (T. williamsoni) Large family listed below Family Cervidae Indian muntjac (M. muntjak) Reeves's muntjac (M. reevesi) Hairy-fronted muntjac (M. crinifrons) Fea's muntjac (M. feae) Bornean yellow muntjac (M. atherodes) Roosevelt's muntjac (M. rooseveltorum) Gongshan muntjac (M. gongshanensis) Giant muntjac (M. vuquangensis) Truong Son muntjac (M. truongsonensis) Leaf muntjac (M. putaoensis) Sumatran muntjac (M. montanus) Pu Hoat muntjac (M. puhoatensis) Tufted deer (E. cephalophus) Fallow deer (D. dama) Persian fallow deer (D. mesopotamica) Chital (A. axis) Barasingha (R. duvaucelii) Eld's deer (P. eldii) Père David's deer (E. davidianus) Hog deer (H. porcinus) Calamian deer (H. calamianensis) Bawean deer (H. kuhlii) Rusa deer (R. timorensis) Philippine sambar (R. mariannus) Philippine spotted deer (R. alfredi) Red deer (C. elaphus) Elk (C. canadensis) Thorold's deer (C. albirostris) Sika deer (C. nippon) Moose (A. alces) Water deer (H. inermis) European roe deer (C. capreolus) Siberian roe deer (C. pygargus) Reindeer (R. tarandus) Taruca (H. antisensis) South Andean deer (H. bisulcus) Red brocket (M. americana) Small red brocket (M. bororo) Merida brocket (M. bricenii) Dwarf brocket (M. chunyi) Gray brocket (M. gouazoubira) Pygmy brocket (M. nana) Amazonian brown brocket (M. nemorivaga) Yucatan brown brocket (M. pandora) Little red brocket (M. rufina) Central American red brocket (M. temama) Pampas deer (O. bezoarticus) Marsh deer (B. dichotomus) Northern pudú (P. mephistophiles) Southern pudú (P. pudu) White-tailed deer (O. virginianus) Mule deer (O. hemionus) Family Bovidae Abbott's duiker (C. spadix) Aders's duiker (C. adersi) Bay duiker (C. dorsalis) Black duiker (C. niger) Black-fronted duiker (C. nigrifrons) Brooke's duiker (C. brookei) Harvey's duiker (C. harveyi) Jentink's duiker (C. jentinki) Ogilby's duiker (C. ogilbyi) Peters' duiker (C. callipygus) Red-flanked duiker (C. rufilatus) Red forest duiker (C. natalensis) Ruwenzori duiker (C. rubidis) Weyns's duiker (C. weynsi) White-bellied duiker (C. leucogaster) White-legged duiker (C. crusalbum) Yellow-backed duiker (C. silvicultor) Zebra duiker (C. zebra) Philantomba Blue duiker (P. monticola) Maxwell's duiker (P. maxwellii) Walter's duiker (P. walteri) Common duiker (S. grimmia) Roan antelope (H. equinus) Sable antelope (H. niger) East African oryx (O. beisa) Scimitar oryx (O. dammah) Gemsbok (O. gazella) Arabian oryx (O. leucoryx) Addax (A. nasomaculatus) Upemba lechwe (K. anselli) Waterbuck (K. ellipsiprymnus) Kob (K. kob) Lechwe (K. leche) Nile lechwe (K. megaceros) Puku (K. vardonii) Southern reedbuck (R. arundinum) Mountain reedbuck (R. fulvorufula) Bohor reedbuck (R. redunca) Grey rhebok (P. capreolus) Hirola (B. hunteri) Topi (D. korrigum) Common tsessebe (D. lunatus) Bontebok (D. pygargus) Bangweulu tsessebe (D. superstes) Hartebeest (A. buselaphus) Red hartebeest (A. caama) Lichtenstein's hartebeest (A. lichtensteinii) Black wildebeest (C. gnou) Blue wildebeest (C. taurinus) Tibetan antelope (P. hodgsonii) Large subfamily listed below Family Bovidae (subfamily Caprinae) Barbary sheep (A. lervia) Takin (B. taxicolor) Wild goat (C. aegagrus) Domestic goat (C. aegagrus hircus) West Caucasian tur (C. caucasia) East Caucasian tur (C. cylindricornis) Markhor (C. falconeri) Alpine ibex (C. ibex) Nubian ibex (C. nubiana) Spanish ibex (C. pyrenaica) Siberian ibex (C. sibirica) Walia ibex (C. walie) Capricornis Japanese serow (C. crispus) Taiwan serow (C. swinhoei) Sumatran serow (C. sumatraensis) Mainland serow (C. milneedwardsii) Red serow (C. rubidusi) Himalayan serow (C. thar) Nilgiri tahr (H. hylocrius) Arabian tahr (H. jayakari) Himalayan tahr (H. jemlahicus) Red goral (N. baileyi) Long-tailed goral (N. caudatus) Himalayan goral (N. goral) Chinese goral (N. griseus) Mountain goat (O. americanus) Muskox (O. moschatus) Domestic sheep (O. aries) Bighorn sheep (O. canadensis) Dall sheep (O. dalli) Mouflon (O. musimon) Snow sheep (O. nivicola) Bharal (P. nayaur) Dwarf blue sheep (P. schaeferi) Pyrenean chamois (R. pyrenaica) Alpine chamois (R. rupicapra) Family Bovidae (subfamily Bovinae) Four-horned antelope (T. quadricornis) Nilgai (B. tragocamelus) Domestic water buffalo (B. bubalis) Wild water buffalo (B. arnee) Lowland anoa (B. depressicornis) Mountain anoa (B. quarlesi) Tamaraw (B. mindorensis) Banteng (B. javanicus) Gaur (B. gaurus) Gayal (B. frontalis) Domestic yak (B. grunniens) Wild yak (B. mutus) Cattle (B. taurus) Kouprey (B. sauveli) Kting voar (P. spiralis) African buffalo (S. caffer) American bison (B. bison) European bison (B. bonasus) Tragelaphini (including kudus) Nyala (T. angasii) Kéwel (T. scriptus) Cape bushbuck (T. sylvaticus) Mountain nyala (T. buxtoni) Lesser kudu (T. imberbis) Greater kudu (T. strepsiceros) Bongo (T. eurycerus) Common eland (T. oryx) Giant eland (T. derbianus) Family Bovidae (subfamily Antilopinae) Dibatag (A. clarkei) Springbok (A. marsupialis) Blackbuck (A. cervicapra) Eudorcas Mongalla gazelle (E. albonotata) Red-fronted gazelle (E. rufifrons) Thomson's gazelle (E. thomsonii) Heuglin's gazelle (E. tilonura) Mountain gazelle (G. gazella) Neumann's gazelle (G. erlangeri) Speke's gazelle (G. spekei) Dorcas gazelle (G. dorcas) Chinkara (G. bennettii) Cuvier's gazelle (G. cuvieri) Rhim gazelle (G. leptoceros) Goitered gazelle (G. subgutturosa) Gerenuk (L. walleri) Nanger Dama gazelle (N. dama) Grant's gazelle (N. granti) Soemmerring's gazelle (N. soemmerringii) Mongolian gazelle (P. gutturosa) Goa (P. picticaudata) Przewalski's gazelle (P. przewalskii) Saiga antelope (S. tatarica) Beira (D. megalotis) Günther's dik-dik (M. guentheri) Kirk's dik-dik (M. kirkii) Silver dik-dik (M. piacentinii) Salt's dik-dik (M. saltiana) Bates' pygmy antelope (N. batesi) Suni (N. moschatus) Royal antelope (N. pygmaeus) Klipspringer (O. oreotragus) Oribi (O. ourebi) Steenbok (R. campestris) Cape grysbok (R. melanotis) Sharpe's grysbok (R. sharpei) Suborder Suina Buru babirusa (B. babyrussa) North Sulawesi babirusa (B. celebensis) Togian babirusa (B. togeanensis) Giant forest hog (H. meinertzhageni) Desert warthog (P. aethiopicus) Common warthog (P. africanus) Pygmy hog (P. salvania) Bushpig (P. larvatus) Red river hog (P. porcus) (Pigs) Palawan bearded pig (S. ahoenobarbus) Bornean bearded pig (S. barbatus) Indochinese warty pig (S. bucculentus) Visayan warty pig (S. cebifrons) Celebes warty pig (S. celebensis) Flores warty pig (S. heureni) Oliver's warty pig (S. oliveri) Philippine warty pig (S. philippensis) Wild boar (S. scrofa) Timor warty pig (S. timoriensis) Javan warty pig (S. verrucosus) White-lipped peccary (T. pecari) Catagonus Chacoan peccary (C. wagneri) Collared peccary (P. tajacu) Giant peccary (P. maximus) Suborder Tylopoda Llama (L. glama) Vicuña (V. vicugna) Dromedary/Arabian camel (C. dromedarius) Domestic Bactrian camel (C. bactrianus) Wild Bactrian camel (C. ferus) Whippomorpha (unranked clade) Hippopotamus (H. amphibius) Pygmy hippopotamus (C. liberiensis) Taxon identifiers Wikidata: Q192205 EoL: 10636113 Retrieved from "https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Bovini&oldid=891550375" Bovines Taxa named by John Edward Gray Vertebrate tribes Articles with dead external links from February 2018 Articles with 'species' microformats
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
# EARLY BIRD BOOKS **FRESH EBOOK DEALS, DELIVERED DAILY** LOVE TO READ? LOVE GREAT SALES? GET FANTASTIC DEALS ON BESTSELLING EBOOKS DELIVERED TO YOUR INBOX EVERY DAY! # The Miracle of Dunkirk ### Walter Lord FOR EDDIE RESOR # Contents List of Maps Foreword 1 The Closing Trap 2 No. 17 Turns Up 3 "Operation Dynamo" 4 Buying Time 5 "Plenty Troops, Few Boats" 6 The Gap 7 Torpedoes in the Night 8 Assault from the Sky 9 The Little Ships 10 _"Bras-Dessus, Bras-Dessus!"_ 11 Holding the Perimeter 12 "I Have Never Prayed So Hard Before" 13 "BEF Evacuated" 14 The Last Night 15 Deliverance Written Source Material Acknowledgements List of Contributors Index Image Gallery # List of Maps The Channel Ports May 10 - 20, The German Drive to the Sea May 24, The Allied Pocket May 24 - 30, The Allied Escape Corridor May 27, The Perimeter The Three Routes Across the Channel Dunkirk Harbour # Foreword THERE SEEMED TO BE NO ESCAPE. On May 24, 1940, some 400,000 Allied troops lay pinned against the coast of Flanders near the French port of Dunkirk. Hitler's advancing tanks were only ten miles away. There was virtually nothing in between. Yet the trapped army was saved. By June 4—just eleven days later—over 338,000 men had been evacuated safely to England in one of the great rescues of all time. It was a crucial turning point in World War II. 'So long as the English tongue survives,' proclaimed the _New York Times,_ 'the word Dunkerque will be spoken with reverence.' Hyperbole, perhaps, but certainly the word—the event—has lived on. To the British, Dunkirk symbolizes a generosity of spirit, a willingness to sacrifice for the common good. To Americans, it has come to mean _Mrs. Miniver,_ little ships, _The Snow Goose,_ escape by sea. To the French, it suggests bitter defeat; to the Germans, opportunity forever lost. There's an element of truth in all these images, but they fail to go to the heart of the matter. It is customary to look on Dunkirk as a series of days. Actually, it should be regarded as a series of crises. Each crisis was solved, only to be replaced by another, with the pattern repeated again and again. It was the collective refusal of men to be discouraged by this relentless sequence that is important. Seen in this light, Dunkirk remains, above all, a stirring reminder of man's ability to rise to the occasion, to improvise, to overcome obstacles. It is, in short, a lasting monument to the unquenchable resilience of the human spirit. # 1 # The Closing Trap EVERY MAN HAD HIS own special moment when he first knew that something was wrong. For RAF Group Captain R.C.M. Collard, it was the evening of May 14, 1940, in the market town of Vervins in northeastern France. Five days had passed since "the balloon went up," as the British liked to refer to the sudden German assault in the west. The situation was obscure, and Collard had come down from British General Headquarters in Arras to confer with the staff of General André-Georges Corap, whose French Ninth Army was holding the River Meuse to the south. Such meetings were perfectly normal between the two Allies, but there was nothing normal about the scene tonight. Corap's headquarters had simply vanished. No sign of the General or his staff. Only two exhausted French officers were in the building, crouched over a hurricane lamp... waiting, they said, to be captured. Sapper E. N. Grimmer's moment of awareness came as the 216th Field Company, Royal Engineers, tramped across the French countryside, presumably toward the front. Then he noticed a bridge being prepared for demolition. "When you're advancing," he mused, "you don't blow bridges." Lance Corporal E. S. Wright had a ruder awakening: he had gone to Arras to collect his wireless unit's weekly mail. A motorcycle with sidecar whizzed past, and Wright did a classic double take. He suddenly realized the motorcycle was German. For Winston Churchill, the new British Prime Minister, the moment was 7:30 a.m., May 15, as he lay sleeping in his quarters at Admiralty House, London. The bedside phone rang; it was French Premier Paul Reynaud. "We have been defeated," Reynaud blurted in English. A nonplussed silence, as Churchill tried to collect himself. "We are beaten"; Reynaud went on, "we have lost the battle." "Surely it can't have happened so soon?" Churchill finally managed to say. "The front is broken near Sedan; they are pouring through in great numbers with tanks and armored cars." Churchill did his best to soothe the man—reminded him of the dark days in 1918 when all turned out well in the end—but Reynaud remained distraught. He ended as he had begun: "We are defeated; we have lost the battle." The crisis was so grave—and so little could be grasped over the phone—that on the 16th Churchill flew to Paris to see things for himself. At the Quai d'Orsay he found "utter dejection" on every face; in the garden elderly clerks were already burning the files. It seemed incredible. Since 1918 the French Army had been generally regarded as the finest in the world. With the rearmament of Germany under Adolf Hitler, there was obviously a new military power in Europe, but still, her leaders were untested and her weapons smacked of gimmickry. When the Third Reich swallowed one Central European country after another, this was attributed to bluff and bluster. When war finally did break out in 1939 and Poland fell in three weeks, this was written off as something that could happen to Poles—but not to the West. When Denmark and Norway went in April 1940, this seemed just an underhanded trick; it could be rectified later. Then after eight months of quiet—"the phony war"—on the 10th of May, Hitler suddenly struck at Holland, Belgium, and Luxembourg. Convinced that the attack was a replay of 1914, the Supreme Allied Commander, General Maurice Gamelin, rushed his northern armies—including the British Expeditionary Force—to the rescue. But Gamelin had miscalculated. It was not 1914 all over again. Instead of a great sweep through Flanders, the main German thrust was farther south, through the "impenetrable" Ardennes Forest. This was said to be poor tank country, and the French hadn't even bothered to extend the supposedly impenetrable Maginot Line to cover it. Another miscalculation. While General Colonel Fedor von Bock's Army Group B tied up the Allies in Belgium, General Colonel Gerd von Rundstedt's Army Group A came crashing through the Ardennes. Spearheaded by 1,806 tanks and supported by 325 Stuka dive bombers, Rundstedt's columns stormed across the River Meuse and now were knifing through the French countryside. General Corap's Ninth Army was the luckless force that took the brunt. Composed mainly of second-class troops, it quickly collapsed. Here and there die-hard units tried to make a stand, only to discover that their antitank guns were worthless. One junior officer ended up at the Le Mans railroad station, where he committed suicide after penning a postcard to Premier Reynaud: "I am killing myself, Mr. President, to let you know that all my men were brave, but one cannot send men to fight tanks with rifles." It was the same story with part of General Charles Huntziger's Second Army at Sedan, fifty miles farther south. As the German tanks approached, the men of the 71st Division turned their helmets around—a rallying sign of the Communists—and bolted for the rear. Three brigades of French tanks tried to stem the tide, but never had a chance. One brigade ran out of gas; another was caught de-training in a railroad yard; the third was sprinkled in small packets along the front, where it was gobbled up piecemeal. Now the panzers were in the clear—nothing to stop them. Shortly after 7:00 a.m., May 20, two divisions of General Heinz Guderian's crack XIX Corps began rolling west from Péronne. By 10:00 they were clanking through the town of Albert, where a party of untrained English Territorials tried to hold them with a barricade of cardboard boxes.... 11:00, they reached Hédauville, where they captured a British battery equipped with only training shells... noon, the 1st Panzer Division had Amiens, where Guderian took a moment to savor the towers of the lovely cathedral. The 2nd Panzer Division rolled on. By 4:00 p.m. they had Beauquesne, where they captured a depot containing the BEF's entire supply of maps. And finally, at 9:10, they reached Abbeville and then the sea. In one massive stroke they had come 40 miles in fourteen hours, cutting the Allied forces in two. The BEF, two French armies, and all the Belgians—nearly a million men—were now sealed in Flanders, pinned against the sea, ready for plucking. Deep in Belgium the British front-line troops had no way of knowing what had happened on their flank or to the rear. They only knew that they were successfully holding the Germans facing them on the River Dyle. On May 14 (the day Rundstedt routed Corap), Lance Bombardier Noel Watkin of the Royal Artillery heard rumors of a great Allied victory. That night he had nothing but good news for the diary he surreptitiously kept: > Enemy retreat 6 ½ miles. Very little doing till the evening. We fire on S.O.S. lines and prevent the Huns crossing the River Dyle. Many Germans are killed and taken prisoner. 27,000 Germans killed (official). Next day was different. As the French collapsed to the south, the Germans surged into the gap. Soon shells were unaccountably pouring into the British flank. That evening a bewildered Noel Watkin could only write: > What a day! We are due to retreat at 10:30 p.m., and as we do, we get heavy shellfire, and we thank God we are all safe.... Except for the shock I am o.k. Most of the BEF were equally mystified by the sudden change in fortune. Throughout the 16th and 17th, the troops began to pull back all along the line; more and more guns were shifted to face south and southwest. On the 18th, when the 2nd Essex was ordered to man the La Bassée Canal, facing _south,_ the battalion commander Major Wilson was incredulous—wasn't the enemy supposed to be to the east? "I can't understand it, sir," agreed Captain Long Price, just back from brigade headquarters, "but those are our orders." One man who could understand it very well was the architect of these stop-gap measures: General the Viscount Gort, Commander-in-Chief of the British Expeditionary Force. A big burly man of 53, Lord Gort was no strategist—he was happy to follow the French lead on such matters—but he had certain soldierly virtues that came in handy at a time like this. He was a great fighter—had won the Victoria Cross storming the Hindenburg Line in 1918—and he was completely unflappable. General Alphonse-Joseph Georges, his French superior, might be in tears by now, but never Gort. He methodically turned to the job of protecting his exposed flank and pulling his army back. His trained combat divisions were tied up fighting the Germans to the east. To meet the new threat to the south and the west, he improvised a series of scratch forces, composed of miscellaneous units borrowed from here and there. Gort appointed his intelligence chief, Major-General Noel Mason-MacFarlane, as the commander of one of these groups, appropriately called MACFORCE. Mason-MacFarlane was an able leader, but the main effect of his assignment was to raise havoc with the intelligence set-up at GHQ in Arras. That didn't seem to bother Gort; always the fighting man, he had little use for staff officers anyway. Meanwhile, using a timetable worked out by the French, on the evening of May 16 he began pulling his front-line troops back from the Dyle. The new line was to be the River Escaut,* 60 miles to the rear, the retreat to be carried out in three stages. Crack units like the 2nd Coldstream Guards carried out their orders meticulously—generations of tradition saw to that. For others, these instructions—so precise on paper—didn't necessarily work out in fact. Dispatch riders carrying the orders couldn't always find the right headquarters. Some regiments started late. Others lost their way in the dark. Others made the wrong turn. Others ran into hopeless traffic jams. Still others never got the orders at all. The 32nd Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, was hurrying toward the Dyle, unaware of any retreat, when word came to take position in a field some miles short of the river. Gunner R. Shattock was told to take one of the unit's trucks and get some rations. This he did, but by the time he got back, the whole regiment had vanished. After a night of worry, he set out for the main road, hoping to find at least a trace of somebody he knew. He was immediately swamped by a wave of running men. "Come on, get going," they shouted; "the Jerries have broken through, and it's every man for himself." They swarmed over the truck, piling on the roof, the hood, the fenders. Shattock headed west, flowing with the tide. At first he made good mileage, but gradually the drive became a nightmare. Stuka dive bombers poured out of a dazzling sun. They had let the British columns advance deep into Belgium without interference, but the trip back was different. With toy whistles attached to both planes and bombs (the Germans called them the "trumpets of Jericho"), they screeched down in an orgy of killing and terror. Pulling out of their dives, they flew along the roads at car-top height, strafing for good measure. The hot, still air filled with black smoke and the smell of burning rubber; the traffic slowed to a crawl. Weeping refugees swarmed among the dazed troops. Discarded hand-carts, bicycles, baby carriages, burnt-out family cars lay cluttered along the roadside. Finally the traffic stopped altogether. Shattock's passengers, seeing they could make better time on foot, abandoned him, and soon he sat alone in his stalled truck. He climbed onto the roof, but could see no way out. Traffic had piled up behind as well as ahead, and deep ditches on either side of the road ruled out any cross-country escape. He was simply glued in place on this blazing hot, smoky May afternoon. He had never felt so alone and helpless. Before, there had always been someone to give orders. Here, there was no one. Actually, he could not have been very far from his own regiment, which had disappeared so mysteriously the previous day. They had pulled out when a battery observer, sent up a telegraph pole, reported "a lot of soldiers with coal scuttles on their heads a couple of fields away." To Lance Bombardier H. E. Gentry, it was the chariot race in _Ben-Hur_ all over again. The regiment hooked up their guns... roared out of the meadow... and swung wildly onto the main road, heading back the way they had come. It was dark by the time they stopped briefly to fire off all their ammunition—at extreme range and at no particular target, it seemed. Then on again into the night. Gentry hadn't the remotest idea where they were going; it was just a case of follow the leader. Midnight, they stopped again. It was raining now, and the exhausted men huddled around a low-burning fire, munching stew and trading stories of the hell they had been through. Dawn, the rain stopped, and they were off again into another beautiful day. A German Fieseler Storch observation plane appeared, flying low, hovering over them, clearly unafraid of any interference. The men of the 32nd understood: they hadn't seen a sign of the RAF since the campaign began. From past experience, they also knew that rifles were useless. In exasperation Gentry blazed away anyhow, but he knew that the real time to worry was when the Storch _left._ When it finally did veer off, a dozen bombers appeared from the right. The 32nd came to a jolting stop at the edge of a village, and the shout went up, "Disperse—take cover!" Gentry ran into a farmyard, deep in mud and slime; he dived into a hayrick as the planes began unloading. Bedlam, capped by one particularly awesome _swoosh,_ and the ground shook like jelly. Then the silence of a cemetery. Gentry crept out. There, stuck in the slime a few feet away, was a huge unexploded bomb. It was about the size of a household refrigerator, shaped like a cigar, with its tail fins sticking up. A large pig slowly waddled across the barnyard and began licking it. On again. To Gentry, the 32nd seemed to be going around in circles. They always seemed to be lost, with no set idea where they were supposed to be or where they were going. Occasionally they would stop, fire off a few rounds (he never knew the target), and then, on their way again. His mind drifted back to last winter in Lille, where he and his friends would go to their favorite café and sing "Run Rabbit Run." Now, he ruefully thought, We are the rabbits and are we running! At the River Dendre the 32nd once again got ready to go into action. Traffic was particularly bad here—few crossings and everyone trying to get over. Gentry noticed a number of motorcycles with sidecars moving into a field on the left. The soldiers in the sidecars jumped out and began spraying the 32nd with machine guns. Jerry had arrived. The British gunners scrambled into action, firing over open sights, and for five minutes it was a rousing brawl. Finally they drove the motorcyclists off, but there was no time to celebrate: a squadron of German fighters swooped down from out of the sun and began strafing the road. As if this wasn't enough, word spread of a new peril. Enemy troops masquerading as refugees were said to be infiltrating the lines. From now on, the orders ran, all women were to be challenged by rifle. What next? wondered Lance Bombardier Gentry; Germans in drag! Fear of Fifth Columnists spread like an epidemic. Everyone had his favorite story of German paratroopers dressed as priests and nuns. The men of one Royal Signals maintenance unit told how two "monks" visited their quarters just before a heavy bombing attack. Others warned of enemy agents, disguised as Military Police, deliberately misdirecting convoys. There were countless tales of talented "farmers" who cut signs in corn and wheat fields pointing to choice targets. Usually the device was an arrow; sometimes a heart; and in one instance the III Corps fig leaf emblem. The Signals unit attached to II Corps headquarters had been warned that the Germans were dropping spies dressed as nuns, clergy, and students, so they were especially on their guard as they pulled off the main road for a little rest one dark night during the retreat. Dawn was just breaking when they were awakened by the sentry's shouts. He reported a figure trailing a parachute lurking among some trees. After two challenges got no response, the section sergeant ordered the sentry and Signalman E. A. Salisbury to open fire. The figure crumpled, and the two men ran up to see what they had hit. It turned out to be a civilian in a gray velvet suit, clutching not a parachute but an ordinary white blanket. He had died instantly and carried no identification. The sergeant muttered something about one less Boche in the world, and the unit was soon on the road again. It was only later that Salisbury learned the truth: an insane asylum at Louvain had just released all its inmates, and one of them was the man he had shot. The incident left Salisbury heartsick, and forty years later he still worried about it. There were, of course, cases of real Fifth Column activity. Both the 1st Coldstream and the 2nd Gloucesters, for instance, were harassed by sniper fire. But for the most part the "nuns" were really nuns, and the priests were genuine clerics whose odd behavior could be explained by pure fright. Usually the Military Police who misdirected traffic were equally genuine—just a little mixed up in their work. Yet who could know this at the time? Everyone was suspicious of everyone else, and Bombardier Arthur May found that life could be deadly dangerous for a straggler. He and two mates had been separated from their howitzer battery. They heard it had pulled back to the Belgian town of Tournai on the Escaut, and now they were trying to catch up with it. As they drove the company truck along various back roads, they were stopped and interrogated again and again by the British rear guard, all of whom seemed to have itchy trigger-fingers. Finally they did reach Tournai, but their troubles weren't over. A sergeant and two privates, bayonets fixed, made them destroy their truck. Then they were escorted across the last remaining bridge over the Escaut, put in the charge of three more tough-talking riflemen, and marched to a farmhouse on the edge of town. Here they were split up and put through still another interrogation. Cleared at last, the three men searched two more hours before they finally found their battery. Nobody wanted to tell them anything, and the few directions they pried loose were intentionally misleading. May found it hard to believe that all these unfriendly chaps were his own comrades-in-arms. But it was so; and more than that, these grim, suspicious rear-guard units were all that stood between the confused mass of retreating troops and the advancing Germans. Some, like the Coldstream and the Grenadiers, were Guards regiments of legendary discipline. Others, like the 5th Northamptons and the 2nd Hampshires, were less famous but no less professional. The standard routine was to dig in behind some canal or river, usually overnight, hold off the German advance during the day with artillery and machine guns, then pull back to the next canal or river and repeat the formula. They were as efficient as machines, but no machines could be so tired. Digging, fighting, falling back; day after day there was never time to sleep. The 1st East Surreys finally invented a way to doze a little on the march. By linking arms, two outside men could walk a man between them as he slept. From time to time they'd switch places with one another. When Lieutenant James M. Langley of the 2nd Coldstream was put in charge of the bridge across the Escaut at Pecq, the Company commander, Major Angus McCorquodale, ordered a sergeant to stand by and shoot Langley if he ever tried to sit or lie down. Langley's job was to blow the bridge when the Germans arrived, and McCorquodale explained to him, "The moment you sit or lie down, you will go to sleep, and _that_ you are not going to do." The enemy advance was often no more than ten or fifteen minutes away, but by May 23 most of the troops somehow got back to the French frontier, the starting point of their optimistic plunge into Belgium only two weeks earlier. The first emotion was relief, but close behind came shame. They all remembered the cheers, the flowers, the wine that had greeted them; now they dreaded the reproachful stares as they scrambled back through the rubble of each burned-out town. With the 1st East Surrey's return to France, 2nd Lieutenant R. C. Taylor was ordered to go to Lille to pick up some stores. Lille lay far to the rear of the battalion's position, and Taylor expected to find the assignment a peaceful change from the hell he had been through in Belgium. To his amazement, the farther back he drove, the heavier grew the sound of battle. It finally dawned on him that the Germans lay not only to the east of the BEF, but to the south and west as well. They were practically surrounded. The scratch forces that General Gort had thrown together to cover his exposed flank and rear were desperately hanging on. South of Arras, the inexperienced 23rd Division faced General Major Erwin Rommel's tanks without a single antitank gun. At Saint Pol a mobile bath unit struggled to hold off the 6th Panzer Division. At Steenbecque the 9th Royal Northumberland Fusiliers grimly bided their time. A scantily trained Territorial battalion, they had been building an airfield near Lille when "the balloon went up." Now they were part of an improvised defense unit called POLFORCE. They had no instructions, only knew that their commanding officer had vanished. At this point Captain Tufton Beamish, the only regular army officer in the battalion, assumed command. Somehow he rallied the men, dug them into good positions, placed his guns well, and managed to hold off the Germans for 48 important hours. Things were usually not that tidy. Private Bill Stratton, serving in a troop-carrying unit, felt he was aimlessly driving all over northeastern France. One evening the lorries were parked in a tree-lined field just outside the town of Saint-Omer. Suddenly some excited Frenchmen came pouring down the road shouting _"Les Boches! Les Boches!"_ A hastily dispatched patrol returned with the disquieting news that German tanks were approaching, about ten minutes away. The men stood to, armed only with a few Boyes antitank rifles. This weapon did little against tanks but had such a kick it was said to have dislocated the shoulder of the inventor. Orders were not to fire until the word was given. Anxious moments, then the unmistakable rumble of engines and treads. Louder and louder, until—unbelievably— _there they were,_ a column of tanks and motorized infantry clanking along the road right by the field where Stratton crouched. The trees apparently screened the lorries, for the tanks took no notice of them, and the British never attracted attention by opening fire. Finally they were gone; the rumbling died away; and the troop-carrier commander began studying his map, searching for some route back that might avoid another such heart-stopping experience. It was so easy to be cut off, lost—or forgotten. Sapper Joe Coles belonged to an engineering company that normally serviced concrete mixers but was now stuffed into MACFORCE east of Arras. They had no rations or water and were trying to milk some cows when Coles was posted off with a sergeant to repair a pumping station near the town of Orchies. By the following evening the two men had the pumps going again and decided to go into Orchies, since they still had no rations, nor even a blanket. The place turned out to be a ghost town—citizens, defending garrison, everybody had vanished. They did find a supply depot of the Navy, Army and Air Force Institute. British servicemen always regarded NAAFI as the ministering angel for all their needs, but even in his wildest dreams Coles never imagined anything like this. Here, too, all the staff was gone, but the shelves were packed with every conceivable delicacy. A stretcher was found and loaded with cigarettes, whisky, gin, and two deck chairs. Back at the pumping station, Coles and the sergeant mixed themselves a couple of generous drinks and settled down in the deck chairs for their best sleep in days. Next morning, still no orders; still no traffic on the roads. It was now clear that they had been left behind and forgotten. Later in the day they spotted four French soldiers wandering around the farm next door. The poilus had lost their unit too, and on the strength of this bond, Coles dipped into his NAAFI hoard and gave them a 50-pack of cigarettes. Overwhelmed, they reciprocated with a small cooked chicken. For Coles and the sergeant it was their first meal in days, and although they didn't know it yet, it would also be their last in France. At the moment they thought only about getting away from the pumping station. The disappearance of everybody could only mean they were in no-man's-land. By agreement, Coles went down to the main road and began waiting on the off-chance that some rear-guard vehicle might happen by. It was a long shot, but it paid off when a lone British Tommy on a motorcycle came boiling along. Coles flagged him down, and the Tommy promised to get help from a nearby engineering unit, also lost and forgotten. Within twenty minutes a truck swerved into the pumping station yard, scooped up Coles and his companion, and sped north toward relative safety and the hope, at least, of better communications. The communications breakdown was worst in the west—an inevitable result of slapping together those makeshift defense units—but the problem was acute everywhere. From the start of the war the French high command had rejected wireless. Anybody could pick signals out of the air, the argument ran. The telephone was secure. This meant stringing miles and miles of cable, and often depending on overloaded civilian circuits—but at least the Boches wouldn't be listening. Lord Gort cheerfully went along. Once again, the French were the masters of war; they had studied it all out, and if they said the telephone was best, the BEF would comply. Besides, the French had 90 divisions; he had only ten. Then May, and the test of battle itself. Some telephone lines were quickly chewed up by Rundstedt's tanks. Others were inadvertently cut by Allied units moving here and there. Other breaks occurred as various headquarters moved about. Gort's Command Post alone shifted seven times in ten days. The exhausted signalmen couldn't possibly string lines fast enough. After May 17 Gort no longer had any direct link with Belgian headquarters on his left, with French First Army on his right, or with his immediate superior General Georges to the rear. Nor were orders getting through to most of his own commanders down the line. At Arras his acting Operations Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel the Viscount Bridgeman, soon decided it was hopeless to rely on GHQ. Living on a diet of chocolate and whisky, he simply did what he thought was best. The only reliable way to communicate was by personal visit or by using dispatch riders on motorcycle. Driving through the countryside, the jaunty commander of 3rd Division, Major-General Bernard Montgomery, would jam a message on the end of his walking stick and hold it out the car window. Here it would be plucked off by his bodyguard, Sergeant Arthur Elkin, riding up on a motorcycle. Elkin would then scoot off to find the addressee. But it was a tricky business, driving along strange roads looking for units constantly on the move. Once he rode up to three soldiers sitting on a curb, hoping to get some directions. As he approached, one of the soldiers put on his helmet, and Elkin realized just in time that they were German. To Gort, the communications breakdown was one more item in a growing catalogue of complaints against the French. Gamelin was a forlorn cipher. General Georges seemed in a daze. General Gaston Billotte, commanding the French First Army Group, was meant to coordinate but didn't. Gort had received no written instructions from him since the campaign began. The French troops along the coast and to the south seemed totally demoralized. Their horse-drawn artillery and transport cluttered the roads, causing huge traffic jams and angry exchanges. More than one confrontation was settled at pistol-point. Perhaps because he had gone along with the French so loyally for so long, Gort was now doubly disillusioned. It's hard to say when the idea of evacuation dawned on him, but the moment may well have come around midnight, May 18. This was when General Billotte finally paid his first visit to Gort's Command Post, currently in Wahagnies, a small French town south of Lille. Normally a big, bluff, hearty man, Billotte seemed weary and deflated as he unfolded a map showing the latest French estimate of the situation. Nine panzer divisions had been identified sweeping west toward Amiens and Abbeville—with no French units blocking their way. Billotte talked about taking countermeasures, but it was easy to see that his heart was not in it, and he left his hosts convinced that French resistance was collapsing. Since the enemy now blocked any retreat to the west or south, it appeared that the only alternative was to head north for the English Channel. At 6:00 a.m., May 19, six of Gort's senior officers met to begin planning the retreat. It turned out that the Deputy Chief of Staff, Brigadier Sir Oliver Leese, had already been doing some thinking; he had roughed out a scheme for the entire BEF to form a hollow square and move en masse to Dunkirk, the nearest French port. But this assumed that the army was already surrounded, and it hadn't come to that. What was needed was a general pulling back, and as a first step GHQ at Arras closed down, with part of the staff going to Boulogne on the coast and the rest to Hazebrouck, 33 miles closer to the sea. For the moment the Command Post would remain at Wahagnies. At 11:30 the Chief of Staff, Lieutenant-General H. R. Pownall, telephoned the War Office in London and broke the news to the Director of Military Operations and Plans, Major-General R. H. Dewing. If the French could not stabilize the front south of the BEF, Pownall warned, Gort had decided to pull back toward Dunkirk. In London it was a serenely beautiful Sunday, and the elegant Secretary of State for War, Anthony Eden, was about to join Foreign Secretary Lord Halifax for a quiet lunch, when he received an urgent call to see General Sir Edmund Ironside, Chief of the Imperial General Staff. Ironside, a hulking, heavy-footed man (inevitably nicknamed "Tiny"), was appalled by Gort's proposed move to Dunkirk. It would be a trap, he declared. Ironside's consternation was evident when at 1:15 p.m. a new call came in from Pownall. Dewing, again on the London end of the line, suggested that Gort was too gloomy, that the French might not be as badly off as he feared. In any case, why not head for Boulogne or Calais, where air cover would be better, instead of Dunkirk? "It's a case of the hare and the tortoise," Pownall answered dryly, "and a very simple calculation will show that the hare would win the race." Dewing now put forward Ironside's pet solution: the BEF should turn around and fight its way south to the Somme. It was a theory that totally overlooked the fact that most of the British Army was locked in combat with the German forces to the east and couldn't possibly disengage, but Pownall didn't belabor the point. Instead he soothingly reassured Dewing—again and again—that the Dunkirk move was "merely a project in the mind of the C-in-C"... that it was just an idea mentioned only to keep London informed of Headquarters' thinking... that any decision depended on whether the French could restore their front. Since he was already on record as saying that the French were "melting away," London was understandably not mollified. Dewing took another tack: Did Pownall realize that evacuation through Dunkirk was impossible and that maintaining any force there was bound to be precarious? Yes, Pownall answered, he knew that, but heading south would be fatal. The conversation ended with Pownall feeling that Dewing was "singularly stupid and unhelpful," and with the War Office convinced that Gort was about to bottle himself up. Ironside urged that the War Cabinet be convened at once. Messages went out recalling Churchill and Chamberlain, who had each gone off for a quiet Sunday in the country, and at 4:30 p.m. the Cabinet assembled in what Churchill liked to call "the fish room" of the Admiralty—a chamber festooned with carved dolphins leaping playfully around. Churchill agreed with Ironside completely: the only hope was to drive south and rejoin the French on the Somme. The others present fell in line. They decided that Ironside should personally go to Gort—this very night—and hand him the War Cabinet's instructions. At 9:00 p.m. Ironside caught a special train at Victoria Station.... At 2:00 a.m. on the 20th he was in Boulogne... and at 6:00 he came barging into Gort's Command Post at Wahagnies. With the War Cabinet's order backing him up, he told Gort that his only chance was to turn the army around and head south for Amiens. If Gort agreed, he'd issue the necessary orders at once. But Gort didn't agree. For some moments, he silently pondered the matter, then explained that the BEF was too tightly locked in combat with the Germans to the east. It simply couldn't turn around and go the other way. If he tried, the enemy would immediately pounce on his rear and tear him to bits. Then, asked Ironside, would Gort at least spare his two reserve divisions for a push south which might link up with a French force pushing north? Gort thought this might be possible, but first they must coordinate the effort with General Billotte, the overall commander for the area. Taking Pownall in tow, Ironside now rushed down to French headquarters at Lens. He found Billotte with General Blanchard of the French First Army—both in a state of near collapse. Trembling and shouting at each other, neither had any plans at all. It was too much for the volcanic Ironside. Seizing Billotte by the buttons on his tunic, he literally tried to shake some spirit into the man. Ultimately it was agreed that some French light mechanized units would join Gort's two reserve divisions in an attack tomorrow south of Arras. They would then meet up with other French forces pushing north. A command change at the very highest level should help: the placid Gamelin had finally been replaced by General Maxime Weygand. He was 73, but said to be full of fire and spirit. Ironside now returned to London, convinced that once the two forces joined, the way would finally be opened for the BEF to turn around and head south—still his pet solution for everything. Gort remained unconvinced, but he was a good soldier and would try. At 2:00 p.m., May 21, a scratch force under Major-General H. E. Franklyn began moving south from Arras. If all went well, he should meet the French troops heading north in a couple of days at Cambrai. But all didn't go well. Most of the infantry that Franklyn had on paper were tied up elsewhere. Instead of two divisions he had only two battalions. His 76 tanks were worn out and began to break down. The French support on his left was a day late. The new French armies supposedly moving up from the Somme never materialized. The Germans were tougher than expected. By the end of the day Franklyn's attack had petered out. This was no surprise to General Gort. He had never had any faith in a drive south. Midafternoon, even before Franklyn ran into trouble, Gort was giving his corps commanders a gloomy picture of the overall situation. Franklyn's attack was brushed off as "a desperate remedy in an attempt to put heart in the French." Meanwhile, at another meeting of staff officers, Lieutenant-General Sir Douglas Brownrigg, Gort's Adjutant-General, ordered rear GHQ to move from Boulogne to Dunkirk; medical personnel, transport troops, construction battalions, and other "useless mouths" were to head there at once. Later, at still another meeting, a set of neat, precise instructions was issued for the evacuation of these troops: "As vehicles arrive at various evacuation ports, drivers and lorries must be kept, and local transport staffs will have to make arrangements for parking...." But neither Gort nor anyone from his staff attended the most important conference held this hectic afternoon. The new Supreme Commander General Weygand had flown up from Paris and was now at Ypres, explaining his plan to the commanders of the trapped armies, including Leopold III, King of the Belgians. But Gort couldn't be located. He had once again shifted his Command Post—this time to Prémesques, just west of Lille—and by the time he and Pownall arrived at Ypres, it was too late. Weygand had gone home. This meant that Gort had to learn about Weygand's plan secondhand from Billotte, which was unfortunate, since the British were to play a crucial role. The BEF was to spearhead still another drive south, linking up with a new French army group driving north. If the French and Belgians could take over part of his line, Gort agreed to contribute three divisions—but not before May 26. He agreed, but that didn't make him a true believer. Once back in Prémesques, Pownall immediately summoned the acting Operations Officer, Lieutenant-Colonel Bridgeman. The purpose, it turned out, was not to get Bridgeman working on the drive south. Rather, he was to draw up a plan for retiring north... for withdrawing the whole BEF to the coast for evacuation. Bridgeman worked on it all night. Starting with the premise that an evacuation could take place anywhere between Calais and Ostend, he had to find the stretch of coast that could most easily be reached and defended by the three corps that made up the BEF. Which had the best roads leading to it? Which had the best port facilities? Which offered the best chance for air cover? Which had the best terrain for defense? Were there canals that could be used to protect the flanks? Towns that could serve as strong-points? Dykes that could be opened to flood the land and stop those German tanks? Poring over his maps, he gradually decided that the best bet was the 27-mile stretch of coast between Dunkirk and the Belgian town of Ostend. By the morning of May 22 he had covered every detail he could think of. Each corps was allocated the routes it would use, the stretch of coast it would hold. This same morning Winston Churchill again flew to Paris, hoping to get a clearer picture of the military situation. Reynaud met him at the airport and whisked him to _Grand Quartier Général_ at Vincennes, where the oriental rugs and Moroccan sentries lent an air of unreality that reminded Churchill's military adviser, General Sir Hastings Ismay, of a scene from _Beau Geste._ Here the Prime Minister met for the first time Maxime Weygand. Like everyone else, Churchill was impressed by the new commander's energy and bounce (like an India rubber ball, Ismay decided). Best of all, his military thinking seemed to parallel Churchill's own. As he understood it, the Weygand Plan in its latest refinement called for eight divisions from the BEF and the French First Army, with the Belgian cavalry on the right, to strike southwest the very next day. This force would "join hands" with the new French army group driving north from Amiens. That evening Churchill wired Gort his enthusiastic approval. "The man's mad," was Pownall's reaction when the wire reached Gort's Command Post next morning, the 23rd. The military situation was worse than ever: in the west, Rundstedt's Army Group A was closing in on Boulogne, Calais, and Arras; to the east, Bock's Army Group B was pushing the lines back to the French frontier. Churchill, Ironside—all of them—clearly had no conception of the actual situation. Eight divisions couldn't possibly disengage... the French First Army was a shambles... the Belgian cavalry was nonexistent—or seemed so. Worse, Billotte had just been killed in a traffic accident, and he was the only man with firsthand knowledge of Weygand's plans. His successor, General Blanchard, seemed a hopeless pedant, lacking any drive or power of command. With all coordination gone, troops from three different countries couldn't conceivably be thrown into battle on a few hours' notice. London and Paris dreamed on. After the meeting with Churchill, Weygand issued a stirring "Operation Order No. 1." In it he called on the northern armies to keep the Germans from reaching the sea—ignoring the fact that they were already there. On May 24 he announced that a newly formed French Seventh Army was advancing north and had already retaken Péronne, Albert, and Amiens. It was all imaginary. Churchill too lived in a world of fantasy. On the 24th he fired a barrage of questions at General Ismay. Why couldn't the British troops isolated at Calais simply knife through the German lines and join Gort? Or why didn't Gort join _them?_ Why were British tanks no match for German guns, but British guns no match for German tanks? The Prime Minister remained sold on the Weygand Plan, and a wire from Eden urged Gort to cooperate. The General was doing his best. The attack south—his part of the Weygand Plan—was still on, although the BEF contribution had been cut from three to two divisions. The German pressure in the east left no other course. As an extra precaution, Colonel Bridgeman had also been told to bring his evacuation plan up to date, and the Colonel produced a "second edition" on the morning of the 24th. Finally, Gort asked London to send over the Vice-Chief of the Imperial General Staff, Lieutenant-General Sir John Dill. Until April, Dill had been Gort's I Corps Commander. He was more likely to understand. If he could see for himself how bad things were, he might take back a little sanity to London. "There is no blinking the seriousness of situation in Northern Area," Dill reported an hour and ten minutes after his arrival on the morning of May 25. His wire went on to describe the latest German advances. He assured London that the Allied drive south was still on, but added, "In above circumstances, attack referred to above cannot be important affair." At this point General Blanchard appeared. In a rare moment of optimism he said the French could contribute two or three divisions and 200 tanks to the drive. Dill returned to London in a hopeful mood—he had more faith than Gort in French figures. This was the last good news of the day. Starting around 7:00 a.m., reports began coming in from the east that the Belgian line was cracking just where it joined the British near Courtrai. If this happened, Bock's Army Group B would soon link up with Rundstedt's Army Group A to the west, and the BEF would be completely cut off from the sea. There were no Belgian reserves. If anyone were to stop the Germans, it would have to be the British. Yet they too were spread dangerously thin. When Lieutenant-General Alan Brooke, commanding the endangered sector, appealed to headquarters, the most that Gort could spare was a brigade. Not enough. The news grew worse. The usually reliable 12th Lancers reported that the enemy had punched through the Belgian line on the River Lys. A liaison officer from the 4th Division said that the Belgians on his front had stopped fighting completely; they were just sitting around in cafés. By 5:00 p.m. Gort had heard enough. He retired alone to his office in Prémesques to ponder the most important decision of his professional career. All he had left were the two divisions he had promised for the attack south tomorrow. If he sent them north to plug the gap in the Belgian line, he would be ignoring his orders; he would be reneging on his understanding with Blanchard; he would be junking not only the Weygand Plan but the thinking of Churchill, Ironside, and all the rest; he would be committing the BEF to a course that could only lead to the coast and a risky evacuation. On the other hand, if he sent these two divisions south as promised, he would be cut off from the coast and completely encircled. His only chance then would be a last-minute rescue by the French south of the Somme, and he had no faith in that. His decision: send the troops north. At 6:00 p.m. he canceled the attack south and issued new orders: one of the divisions would join Brooke immediately; the other would follow shortly. Considering Gort's utter lack of faith in the French, it was a decision that should have required perhaps less than the hour it took. The explanation lay in Gort's character. Obedience, duty, loyalty to the team were the mainsprings of his life. To go off on his own this way was an awesome venture. If anything were needed to steel his resolve, it came in the form of a leather wallet stuffed with papers and a small bootjack, which had been found in a German staff car shot up by a British patrol. Brooke brought the wallet with him when he arrived at the Command Post for a conference shortly after Gort made his big decision. While he and Gort conferred, the intelligence staff examined the documents in the wallet. These included plans for a major attack at Ypres—confirming the wisdom of Gort's decision to call off the drive south and shift the troops north. There was only one worry. Could the papers be a "plant"? No, Brooke decided, the bootjack meant they were genuine. Not even Hitler's brightest intelligence agents would have thought of that touch. Far more likely, the wallet belonged to some real staff officer whose boots were too tight. Gort's decision might not have been so difficult had he known that London was also going through some soul searching. Dill had returned, and his assessment finally convinced the War Office that Gort's plight was truly desperate. Reports from liaison officers indicated that the French along the Somme couldn't possibly help; the new armies were just beginning to assemble. Later that evening the three service ministers and their chiefs of staff met, and at 4:10 a.m., May 26, War Secretary Eden telegraphed Gort that he now faced a situation in which the safety of the BEF must come first. > In such conditions only course open to you may be to fight your way back to west where all beaches and ports east of Gravelines will be used for embarkation. Navy would provide fleet of ships and small boats and RAF would give full support.... Prime Minister is seeing M. Reynaud tomorrow afternoon when whole situation will be clarified, including attitude of French to the possible move. In meantime it is obvious that you should not discuss the possibility of the move with French or Belgians. Gort didn't need to be told. When he received Eden's telegram he had just returned from a morning meeting with General Blanchard. There he reviewed his decision to cancel the attack south; he won French approval for a joint withdrawal north; he worked out with Blanchard the lines of retreat, a timetable, a new defense line along the River Lys—but never said a word about evacuation. In fact, as Blanchard saw things, there would be no further retreat. The Lys would be a new defense line covering Dunkirk, giving the Allies a permanent foothold in Flanders. For Gort, Dunkirk was no foothold; it was a springboard for getting the BEF home. His views were confirmed by a new wire from Eden that arrived late in the afternoon. It declared that there was "no course open to you but to fall back upon the coast.... You are now authorized to operate towards the coast forthwith in conjunction with French and Belgian armies." So evacuation it was to be, but now a new question arose: _Could_ they evacuate? By May 26 the BEF and the French First Army were squeezed into a long, narrow corridor running inland from the sea—60 miles deep and only 15 to 25 miles wide. Most of the British were concentrated around Lille, 43 miles from Dunkirk; the French were still farther south. On the eastern side of the corridor the trapped Allied forces faced Bock's massive Army Group B; on the western side they faced the tanks and motorized divisions of Rundstedt's Army Group A. His panzers had reached Bourbourg, only ten miles west of Dunkirk. It seemed almost a mathematical certainty that the Germans would get there first. "Nothing but a miracle can save the BEF now," General Brooke noted in his diary as the pocket took shape on May 23. "We shall have lost practically all our trained soldiers by the next few days—unless a miracle appears to help us," General Ironside wrote on the 25th. "I must not conceal from you," Gort wired Anthony Eden on the 26th, "that a great part of the BEF and its equipment will inevitably be lost even in the best circumstances." Winston Churchill thought that only 20,000 or 30,000 men might be rescued. But the Prime Minister also had a streak of pugnacious optimism. In happier days he and Eden had once met at Cannes and won at roulette by playing No. 17. Now, as the War Cabinet met on one particularly grim occasion, he suddenly turned to Eden and observed, "About time No. 17 turned up, isn't it?" * This book uses the geographical names that were most common at the time. Today the River Escaut is generally known as the Scheldt; the town of La Panne has become De Panne. # 2 # No. 17 Turns Up THE MEN OF THE 1st and 2nd Panzer Divisions would have been the first to agree with the British estimates—only a miracle could save the BEF. They had reached Abbeville so quickly that the bewildered French civilians in the villages along the way thought that these blond, dusty warriors must be Dutch or English. So quickly that OKW, the German high command, hadn't planned what to do next—head south for the Seine and Paris, or north for the Allied armies trapped in Flanders. North was the decision. At 8:00 a.m., May 22, OKW flashed the code words, _"Abmarsch Nord."_ The tanks and motorized infantry of Gerd von Rundstedt's Army Group A were once again on the march. The 1st and 2nd Panzer Divisions, soon to be joined by the 10th, formed the left wing of the advance. Together, they made up General Heinz Guderian's XIX Corps, and their mission was in keeping with Guderian's reputation as Germany's greatest expert in tank warfare. They were to seize the Channel ports, sealing off any chance of Allied escape. The 2nd Panzer would head for Boulogne; the 10th for Calais; and the 1st for Dunkirk—farthest away but the busiest and most important of the three ports. On this first day they covered 40 miles. At 10:50 a.m. on the 23rd General Lieutenant Friedrich Kirchner's 1st Division tanks started out from the old fortified town of Desvres. Dunkirk lay 38 miles to the northeast. The way things were going, they should be there tomorrow, or the next day. By noon the tanks were in Rinxent—33 miles to go. At 1:15 they reached Guînes—only 25 more miles. Around 6:00 they rumbled into Les Attaques—now the distance was down to 20 miles. Here they had to cross the Calais–Saint-Omer canal, and anticipating that the Allies had blown the bridge, General Kirchner ordered up a company of engineers. They weren't needed. Someone had forgotten, and the bridge was still intact. The tanks rolled across... and on into the Flanders evening, now bearing east. At 8:00 p.m. Kirchner's advance units reached the Aa Canal—at its mouth, only twelve miles from Dunkirk. The Aa formed a crucial part of the "Canal Line" the British were trying to set up to guard their right flank, but few troops had yet arrived. Around midnight the 1st Panzer stormed across, establishing a bridgehead at Saint Pierre-Brouck. By the morning of the 24th three more bridgeheads were in hand, and one battle group had pushed on to the outskirts of Bourbourg—just ten miles from Dunkirk. Spirits were sky-high. Prisoners poured in, and the spoils of war piled up. An elated entry in the division's war diary observed, "It's easier to take prisoners and booty than to get rid of them!" Higher up there was less elation. The Panzer Group commander General Ewald von Kleist fretted about tank losses—there was no chance for maintenance, and he estimated that he was down to 50% of his strength. The Fourth Army commander General Colonel Guenther Hans von Kluge felt that the tanks were getting too far ahead of their supporting troops. Everybody was worried about the thin, exposed flanks; and the faster and further they marched, the more exposed they became. The British sortie from Arras had been repulsed, but it caused a scare. No one could understand why the Allies didn't keep attacking these flanks. To commanders brought up on World War I—where successes were measured in yards rather than scores of miles—it was incomprehensible. Adolf Hitler and Winston Churchill had very little in common, but in this respect they were as one. Neither appreciated the paralyzing effect of the new tactics developed by Guderian and his disciples. It was the same at army group and army levels. At 4:40 p.m. on the 23rd, as the 1st Panzer Division rolled unchecked toward Dunkirk, the Fourth Army commander General von Kluge phoned General von Rundstedt at Army Group A headquarters in Charleville. Kluge, an old-school artilleryman, voiced his fears that the tanks had gotten too far ahead; "the troops would welcome an opportunity to close up tomorrow." Rundstedt agreed, and the word was passed down the line. The panzers would halt on the 24th, but no one regarded the pause as more than a temporary measure—a chance to catch their breath. From a mobile headquarters train, hidden in a forest near the Franco-German border, General Field Marshal Hermann Göring also followed the dash of the panzers with mounting concern. But his worries had little to do with exposed flanks or mechanical breakdowns. Göring, an exceptionally vainglorious man, was Commander-in-Chief of the Luftwaffe, and he was worried that these dramatic tactics were robbing his air force of its proper share in the coming victory. On the afternoon of May 23 he was working at a big oak table that had been set up beside his train, when an aide arrived with the latest reports on the panzers' exploits. It looked as though Dunkirk and the whole coast might be taken in a couple of days. Slamming his fist on the table, Göring bellowed, "This is a wonderful opportunity for the Luftwaffe! I must speak to the Fuehrer at once. Get me a line!" A call was immediately put through to Hitler at his forest headquarters near the village of Münstereifel in northwestern Germany. Göring poured out his case: This was the moment to turn the Luftwaffe loose. If the Fuehrer would order the army to stand back and give him room, he guaranteed his planes would wipe out the enemy alone.... It would be a cheap victory, and the credit would go to the air arm, associated with the new Reich of National Socialism, rather than to the army generals and old-line Prussian aristocrats. "There goes Göring, shooting off his big mouth again," remarked General Major Alfred Jodl, Chief of Operations at OKW, who was one of several staff officers hovering around Hitler during the call. Actually, Göring knew his man very well. He struck all the right chords. And his arguments found Hitler in a most receptive mood. For days the Fuehrer had been growing ever more nervous about the safety of his armor. At OKW, Generals Keitel and Jodl had been warning him that Flanders was not good tank country, and there was always the haunting memory of 1914, when the French, apparently beaten, staged "the miracle of the Marne." The shadow of World War I hung over him in another way too: France was the real enemy; Paris the real target. The great French city had dangled just out of reach for four years last time—it must not happen again. Faced with the choice of using his tanks to throw nine shattered British divisions into the sea, or saving them for 65 fresh French divisions blocking the road to Paris and the south, who wouldn't go for Göring's easy way out? In this state of mind, Hitler flew down to Charleville the following morning, May 24, to consult with General von Rundstedt. It was a most satisfying meeting. The conservative Rundstedt explained he had stopped the panzers so the rest could catch up, and went on to suggest the next steps to take. The infantry should continue attacking east of Arras, but the panzers should hold fast on the Aa Canal Line. Here they could simply gather in the BEF as it was driven back by Army Group B, pushing from the other side of the pocket. It was a plan that fitted Hitler's own thinking exactly. He immediately approved, emphasizing that the tanks must be saved for future operations. In addition, he observed, any further narrowing of the pocket would only interfere with Göring's bombers—a consideration that would have amazed the Stuka pilots, who prided themselves on their precision bombing. At 12:41 p.m. new orders went out, backed by the Fuehrer's own authority. They not only confirmed Rundstedt's "halt order" of the previous day; they made it more explicit. The General had not specified any particular line to stop on, and some panzer commanders were already sneaking forward a few extra miles. Hitler corrected this oversight by spelling out exactly where the tanks were to hold: > the forces advancing to the northwest of Arras are not to go beyond the general line Lens–Béthune–Aire–St. Omer–Gravelines. On the west wing, all mobile units are to close up and let the enemy throw himself against the above-mentioned favorable defensive line. "We were utterly speechless," Heinz Guderian later declared, recalling the effect the halt order had on his tank commanders and crews. By now four panzer and two motorized infantry divisions had arrived at the Aa... six bridgeheads had been planted on the other side... the advanced patrols were meeting little opposition... just over the horizon lay Dunkirk. Colonel Wilhelm Ritter von Thoma, a staff officer attached to one of the most forward units, could even make out the massive square belfry of the Church of Saint Eloi. Why stop now? General Colonel Walther von Brauchitsch, Chief of OKH—the Army's high command—wondered about the same thing. He didn't even hear of the order till midafternoon. It seemed an incredible step, and even more incredible to take it without consulting the Army's top command. Summoned to Hitler's headquarters that evening, he was prepared to argue his case. He never had a chance. He got a chewing out instead. Hitler had learned that Brauchitsch had ordered the Fourth Army to be transferred from Army Group A to Army Group B, to put the final phase of the battle under one field command. The Fuehrer felt this was a mistake and was outraged that Brauchitsch had done it without consulting him first. Ranting at the unfortunate General, he canceled the transfer and reconfirmed the halt order. At 8:20 p.m. Brauchitsch returned to OKH angry and humiliated. His Chief of Staff General Franz Halder was in an even worse mood. For the first time in anybody's memory he was nearly an hour late for the OKH evening conference, and the intelligence officer Colonel Liss had never seen him in such a rage. He broke the news of the halt order, storming, "The General Staff is not guilty!" Nor was he ready to take it lying down. After the meeting, when he had cooled off a little, he recruited his operations officer Colonel von Greiffenberg, and the two of them tried to figure out some way to get around the order. They mustn't be too obvious, but the OKH—the normal source of all army orders—did at least give them a pipeline. Shortly after midnight they had their scheme ready: OKH issued new instructions supplementing the halt order and _permitting_ (but not ordering) Army Group A to advance beyond the Canal Line. Under the normal chain of command, Rundstedt would pass the order on to Fourth Army, which would pass it on to Guderian's XIX Corps, and "Fast Heinz" would get the hint. But the normal chain of command didn't function. The cautious Rundstedt didn't pass along the new orders, pointing out that Hitler had delegated to him the decision on how operations were to be conducted, and he still didn't think it was safe to lift the halt order. Besides, said Rundstedt, there wasn't time to alert the Luftwaffe to adjust its morning targets. Rundstedt was, of course, under OKH, and in the annals of the German Army it was unheard of for an army group commander to ignore an OKH order, but here both Halder's and Brauchitsch's hands were tied. Their only recourse was to run to Hitler, and everyone knew how _he_ felt. Nevertheless, on the morning of May 25 the two Generals went back to the Fuehrer for one more try. Prolonging the halt order, Brauchitsch argued, meant nothing less than risking certain victory. As the campaign had been planned, Army Group A was the hammer and B the anvil; now the hammer was being stopped in midair. Then Halder added his bit. Playing on the Fuehrer's sense of history, he showed how OKH's original plan would lead to "a little Cannae." Hitler would have none of it. The tanks must be saved for the future, and in the course of the discussion a new factor arose: he didn't want the climax of the campaign to be fought on Flemish soil. He hoped to encourage a separatist movement there, and too much destruction wrought by the German war machine might be bad politics. The best way to avoid this was for Army Group B to push the British back into France. As Brauchitsch and Halder sulked back to OKH empty-handed, others were trying to achieve the same goal by pulling strings. General von Kleist had initially favored the halt order, but no longer. During the morning of the 25th he called his good friend General Major Wolfram von Richthofen, commanding Fliegerkorps VIII, who called _his_ good friend General Major Hans Jeschonnek, Göring's Chief of Staff. Could he get Göring to ask Hitler to lift the halt order? Jeschonnek wasn't about to touch such a hot potato, and the effort fell through. During the day separate appeals were made by the Fourth Army commander, General von Kluge, by General Albert Kesselring of the 2nd Air Fleet, even by General von Bock, commanding Army Group B—all turned down cold. By the evening of the 25th there were doubts even at OKW, normally a faithful echo of the Fuehrer's voice. Colonel Lieutenant Bernard von Lossberg, a young staff officer, buttonholed General Jodl and reminded him of the old German military maxim, Never let up on a defeated enemy. Jodl mildly brushed aside the advice, explaining, "The war is won; all that is left is to finish it. It's not worth sacrificing a single tank, if we can do it more cheaply by using the Luftwaffe." Lossberg had no better luck with the Chief of OKW, General Keitel, whom he found outside headquarters, sitting on a grassy bank enjoying a cigar. Keitel said he found it easy to agree with the halt order. He knew Flanders from World War I days: the ground was marshy and tanks could easily get stuck. Let Göring do the job alone. By the 26th even Rundstedt had doubts about the order. The Luftwaffe hadn't lived up to Göring's promises, and Bock's Army Group B, advancing from the east, was bogged down. More behind-the-scenes telephone calls followed: Colonel Lieutenant von Tresckow, Army Group A operations staff, phoned his close friend Colonel Schmundt, Hitler's chief adjutant, and urged that something be done to get the tanks moving again. The first break came around noon. OKW phoned Halder that the Fuehrer would now allow the panzers and motorized infantry to move within artillery range of Dunkirk "in order to cut off, from the land side, the continuous flow of shipping (evacuations and arrivals)." Another order followed at 1:30, lifting the halt order completely. At OKH fresh objectives were set, new orders cut and transmitted by 3:30. Army Group A couldn't raise Fourth Army headquarters either by radio or telephone; so at 4:15 a special courier plane carried the good news to General von Kluge: Guderian's tanks could roll again. The panzer crews were alerted; fuel tanks topped off; ammunition loaded; and the columns reassembled. All this took sixteen more hours, and it wasn't until the predawn hours of May 27 that XIX Corps finally resumed its advance. For the Wehrmacht, three full days had been lost. For Churchill, the roulette player, No. 17 had at last come up—a lucky and totally unexpected windfall. Whether the British would be able to profit by this stroke of good fortune would largely depend on how General Gort used the time. Curiously, neither Gort nor any of his staff attached much significance to the halt order, although it was broadcast in clear and picked up by British eavesdroppers. General Pownall was briefly elated ("Can this be the turn of the tide?" he asked his diary), but he soon turned his mind to other things. There was much to worry about: Boulogne had probably fallen; Calais was cut off; the Belgians were crumbling; Weygand and London were still clamoring for a counterattack; the list was endless. The situation along the Canal Line was particularly desperate. By May 22 the reliable 6th Green Howards were helping the French hold Gravelines, but to the south there was practically nothing. Only 10,000 men covered a 50-mile front, and these were mostly the cooks, drivers, and company clerks who made up the various scratch units Gort had pulled together. There was one consolation. As the eastern wall of the corridor was pushed back by Bock's massed infantry, it became easier to shift troops to bolster the west. On the evening of the 23rd Gort began transferring three of his seven eastern divisions. When the 2nd Division moved on the night of May 24-25, the 2nd Dorsets were trucked westward for 25 miles to Festubert, a sleepy village near the La Bassée Canal. All was quiet as 2nd Lieutenant I.F.R. Ramsay's C Company settled into their billets. The old lady who lived next door even dropped by to see how the boys were getting along. It was rumored that the battalion had been withdrawn for a rest. To their left and right other 2nd Division units were digging in. They too found everything quiet, although the 1st Cameron Highlanders uneasily noted a concentration of enemy tanks and transport building up across the canal. To the north, the 44th and 48th Divisions also moved in; while the French 60th Division took over the area around the coast. Here and there additional corps and headquarter units, some spare artillerymen, a Belgian machine-gun company, a few French tanks fattened up the defense. Even so, there weren't enough troops to man the whole Canal Line. Gort hoped to minimize the shortage by concentrating his men in towns and villages just east of the canal. These strong-points—or "stops" as he called them—were to hold up the German tanks as long as possible. On the evening of May 25 the 2nd Gloucesters arrived in Cassel, conspicuous because it sat on the only hill for miles around. It was a good position, but 2nd Lieutenant Julian Fane still felt badly as he turned the local people out of their houses and began punching holes in the walls for his guns. Life began looking up again when a foraging party brought back a case of Moët & Chandon, ten bottles of brandy, and assorted liqueurs. By the afternoon of May 26—about the time Hitler finally lifted the halt order—tough, seasoned troops held all the key towns on the western side of the escape corridor. On the eastern side two fresh divisions, switched from the canceled counterattack south, joined the four already in place; while all the way south, the French First Army blocked the enemy advance at Lille. Within this long, narrow passageway the rest of the trapped forces—over 150,000 troops—swarmed north toward the coast. There were no longer separate retreats from the east and from the west. The two streams merged into one swirling, turbulent river of men. And all the while the Stukas continued their assault. "Stand up to them. Shoot at them with a Bren gun from the shoulder. Take them like a high pheasant...." The advice came from Brigadier Beckwith-Smith, a throwback to the glory days of the Empire. But even those who understood what he was talking about found it hard to grasp the analogy. The Stukas had an implacable ferocity all their own. No target seemed too small. Corporal Bob Hadnett, a dispatch rider with the 48th Division, was riding his motorcycle along an exposed stretch of road when a single Stuka spotted him. Machine guns blazing, it made two passes, but missed both times as Hadnett weaved wildly from side to side on the road. Still after him, the Stuka climbed, peeled off, and dived straight at him. Again it missed, and this time the pilot misjudged his dive. He tried to pull out too late and plunged into the road just ahead, exploding in a ball of fire. Hadnett turned off the road into a field, smoked a cigarette, and carried on. Most of the men showed less nonchalance. The drivers of the 2nd Ordnance Field Park felt compelled to run for cover when attacked, but their officer felt that only attracted attention. "The next time one of you bastards runs," he promised, "I will shoot him down." After that the men lay flat, but Lance Corporal Reginald Lockerby discovered a new kind of fear. As the machine-gun bullets whacked into the earth around him, he felt an almost irresistible urge to draw his legs up under his body. He was always sure they would be cut off. Numbed by the Stuka attacks, exhausted from lack of sleep, the men lost all sense of time and place. The days merged with one another. The towns ceased to have any identity of their own. Poperinge was remembered for its tangle of trolley wires; Armentières for the cats that howled all night. Carvin was the place where 60 convent girls, killed by a bomb, lay in neat rows in the moonlight. Tournai was the spot where the traveling circus got hit—a nightmare of wounded elephants and four plunging white horses dragging an unconscious girl rider. Few of the men knew where they were going. Private Bill Warner, headquarters clerk in the 60th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, lost his unit in the dark, and had absolutely no destination in mind. He just wandered along, following the crowd, doing what everybody else did. Private Bob Stephens, 2nd Searchlight Battalion, was one of seven men in a lorry that somehow got separated from the rest of the battalion. They simply drove along without the vaguest idea where they were heading. Trying to find which way to go, they would occasionally get out and examine tire tracks in the dust, like Indian fighters in the old West. Often the "brass" was almost as uninformed. Major Charles Richardson, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General, 4th Division, gradually became aware that they were moving toward the coast, but evacuation never occurred to him. He vaguely thought that a bridgehead might be established somewhere, letting the Allies keep a foothold on the Continent. There was no such thinking at General Gort's headquarters in Prémesques. When Colonel Bridgeman, the acting Operations Officer, reported for duty early on the morning of May 26, General Pownall told him that evacuation was definite. This was no surprise to Bridgeman. He had been developing his evacuation plan off and on for five days in the little operations office he shared with Colonel Philip Gregson-Ellis. The rest of his time he concentrated on shoring up the western wall of the corridor, while Gregson-Ellis took care of the east. In spare moments they would argue over who had the worst job: Gregson-Ellis, with the Belgians collapsing, or Bridgeman, with virtually no idea where his troops were or what they were good for. But today would be no office day. With communications so bad, Bridgeman decided to tour the western sector personally to get a better idea of what needed to be done. It was a long day, which included a visit to Bastion 32, the reinforced concrete bunker that served as French headquarters at Dunkirk. Here he met General Marie B. A. Fagalde, commanding the French troops along the Aa Canal. He had once been a military attaché in London and spoke good English. It was a promising start: the Allies could at least communicate. Near Bergues, a walled medieval town five miles south of Dunkirk, Bridgeman took a break for lunch. Climbing to the top of an artificial mound—the only rise in the area—he sat alone with his driver, munching his rations and contemplating the problem of defending this flat countryside. The south seemed the best tank country—fewer canals to cross—and he decided that the panzers would probably come that way. If so, Cassel was the main town that lay in their path. It was the place that _must_ be held, while the BEF scrambled up the corridor to Dunkirk. Bridgeman got back to Prémesques late that evening to learn he had a new job. He was now Operations Officer for Lieutenant-General Sir Ronald Adam, who had just been appointed to command the Dunkirk perimeter. So far both the perimeter and the troops holding it existed only on paper, but Bridgeman himself had drawn up the defense plans. Now he would have a chance to see how they worked. If practical, both Dunkirk and the area around it might be held long enough to get the BEF to the coast. After that, it would be the Navy's job to get them home. But did the Navy, or anyone in London, understand the size of the job? So far, Gort had little reason to feel that they did. The trumpet blasts from Churchill, the fruitless telephone talks with the War Office, Ironside's visit on the 20th, even Dill's visit on the 25th—none were very reassuring. Normally the most tactful of men, Dill actually left the impression that London felt the BEF wasn't trying hard enough. Now Gort had a message that indicated to him that the Navy was assigning only four destroyers to the evacuation. That afternoon—the 26th—he summoned RAF Group Captain Victor Goddard to the Command Post at Prémesques. Normally Goddard was Gort's Air Adviser, but there were no longer any air operations to advise him on. In fact, there was only one RAF plane left in northern France. It was an Ensign transport that had brought in a special consignment of antitank shells. As it approached, it had been shot down by trigger-happy British gunners but fortunately crash-landed in a potato field just where the ammunition was needed. Learning that the plane could be repaired, Gort asked Goddard to catch a ride in it to London that night and attend the meeting of the Chiefs of Staff the following morning as Gort's personal representative. The Navy must be told that somehow a much bigger effort was needed. It would be improper for Goddard to speak directly to anybody at the Admiralty, and useless to speak to Ironside alone, but to speak to Ironside in the presence of the Chief of Naval Staff, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley Pound, might accomplish something. "It must be done," stressed Gort, "in the presence of Dudley Pound. He _must_ be there. He certainly will be in the Chiefs-of-Staff daily meeting, and he _must_ be confronted with the task. You can't tell the Admiral what to do, but you _can_ tell Ironside what I want him to get the Admiral to do!" Goddard quickly packed his kit and at 11:30 p.m. arrived in a staff car at the potato field where the crippled plane had landed. With him were five other airmen—the last of the RAF staff attached to Gort's headquarters. They too were no longer needed. A brief search in the dark, and the plane was found. The crew were still working on it, but the pilot said he should be ready in an hour. The field was long enough—400 yards—all he needed were lights to guide him down the "runway." The RAF car's headlights would do nicely. At 1:00 a.m. they were off, roaring down the field, barely clearing the hedges, leaving behind the car, abandoned with motor running and lights still burning. It was a brand new Chevrolet, and Goddard mused about the wastefulness of war. By 3:00 they were over the Channel... 4:30, and they touched down briefly at Mansion... 7:00, and they were at Hendon, outside London. A staff car whisked Goddard into town, and it was about 8:10 when he arrived at Whitehall. Thanks to a combination of lucky meetings with old friends, some persuasive talk, and the aura that went with an officer "just back from the front," shortly after 9:00 Goddard was escorted down to the basement, ushered through a heavily guarded door marked CHIEFS OF STAFF ONLY, and into a large, rectangular, windowless room. There they all were, the war leaders of the British Empire, seated at a number of tables arranged to form a hollow square. Here and there papers lay scattered over the dark blue tablecloth. The only unexpected twist; Ironside wasn't there. He had just been replaced as Chief of the Imperial General Staff by General Dill. Admiral Pound was presiding, and he was discussing the limited number of destroyers that could be used at Dunkirk—the very point that had so upset Gort. Unfortunately Dill had already contributed whatever he had to say, and there was no chance to give him the message from Gort that Pound was meant to hear. For a relatively junior RAF officer to appeal directly to the Chief of Naval Staff was, as Goddard well knew, an unpardonable breach of protocol. Pound finished, asking, "Any more on that?" Only silence as Goddard watched his opportunity slip away, his mission turn into dismal failure. "Well, then," said Pound, "we'll go on to the next item." Suddenly Goddard heard his own voice speaking, directly to the Admiral of the Fleet: "I have been sent by Lord Gort to say that the provision made is not nearly enough...." Pound gave him a startled look; the room rustled; and all eyes swung to him. Across the table Sir Richard Peirse, the Vice-Chief of Air Staff, sat bolt upright, aghast. It was too late to stop now. Goddard went on and on, detailing the requirements of the hour, going far beyond anything Gort had told him to say. "You must send not only Channel packets, but pleasure steamers, coasters, fishing boats, lifeboats, yachts, motorboats, everything that can cross the Channel!" He was repeating himself now: "Everything that can cross the Channel must be sent... _everything_... even rowing boats!" At this point Peirse got up from his seat, slipped over, and whispered, "You are a bit overwrought. You must get up and leave here, now." Goddard knew that all too well. He rose, made a slight bow in Pound's direction, and managed to leave the room with a reasonable degree of composure. But he felt utterly ashamed of his outburst, coupled with dejection at his failure to win any kind of sympathy or response. Perhaps he would not have felt so badly had he known that at this very moment other men were acting along the lines he had proposed. They were men of the sea—Britain's element—but they were not Chiefs of Staff, or famous admirals, or even sailors on ships. They were working at desks all over southern England, and it was their unannounced, unpublicized intention to confound the gloomy predictions of the warriors and statesmen. # 3 # "Operation Dynamo" WHEN W. STANLEY BERRY reported to the London offices of Admiral Sir Lionel Preston on the morning of May 17, he didn't know quite what to expect. A 43-year-old government clerk, he had just been engaged as the Admiral's assistant secretary, and this was his first day on the job. Admiral Preston was Director of the Navy's Small Vessels Pool, a tiny blob on the organization chart that supplied and maintained harbor craft at various naval bases. Useful, but hardly glamorous. It was not, in fact, prestigious enough to be located in the Admiralty building itself, but rather in space leased in the adjoining Glen Mills bank block. Berry had no reason to suppose that he faced anything more than mundane office work. He was in for a surprise. Six sacks of mail were waiting to be opened and sorted. These were the first answers to a BBC broadcast May 14 calling on "all owners of self-propelled pleasure craft between 30 and 100 feet in length to send all particulars to the Admiralty within 14 days...." The call had been prompted not by events in Flanders but by the magnetic mine threat. To counter this, the country's boatyards were absorbed in turning out wooden minesweepers. Finding its normal sources dried up, the Small Vessels Pool was requisitioning private yachts and power boats to meet its own expanding needs. Stanley Berry dived into the job of processing the mountain of replies to the BBC announcement. He and the Admiral's Secretary, Paymaster Lieutenant-Commander Harry Garrett, sorted them out by both type of vessel and home port. Garrett, a Newfoundlander, found himself getting a crash education in British geography. This same day Winston Churchill for the first time began thinking of the possibility of evacuation. No one was more offensive-minded than Churchill—nobody prodded Gort harder—but every contingency had to be faced, and his visit to Paris on the 16th was a sobering experience. Now he asked Neville Chamberlain, former Prime Minister and currently Lord President of the Privy Council, to study "the problems which would arise if it were necessary to withdraw the BEF from France...." At a lower level, other men were taking more concrete measures. On May 19 General Riddell-Webster presided over a meeting at the War Office, taking up for the first time the possibility of evacuation. There was no feeling of urgency, and a representative from the Ministry of Shipping felt that there was plenty of time to round up any vessels that might be needed. Calais, Boulogne, and Dunkirk would all be used, the meeting decided. The basic plan had three phases: starting on the 20th, "useless mouths" would be shipped home at a rate of 2,000 a day; next, beginning on the 22nd, some 15,000 base personnel would leave; finally, there was just possibly "the hazardous evacuation of very large forces," but this was considered so unlikely that the conferees did not waste their time on it. The Admiralty put Vice-Admiral Bertram Ramsay in charge of the operation. He was Vice-Admiral, Dover—the man on the spot—the logical man in the logical place. He had 36 vessels, mostly cross-Channel ferries, to work with. Next day, the 20th, when Ramsay called a new meeting at Dover, events had changed everything. The panzers were pointing for the coast... the BEF was almost trapped... Gort himself was talking evacuation. "The hazardous evacuation of very large forces" no longer sat at the bottom of the agenda; now "the emergency evacuation across the Channel of very large forces" stood at the top. The situation was still worse when the same group met on the 21st, this time in London again. Another plan was hammered out; more neat, precise figures. Ten thousand men would be lifted every 24 hours from each of the three ports—still Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkirk. The ships would work the ports in pairs, no more than two ships at a time in any of the three harbors. To do the job, Ramsay was now allotted 30 cross-Channel ferries, twelve steam drifters, and six coastal cargo ships—a bit better than yesterday. By the following day, the 22nd, everything had changed again. Now the panzers were attacking Boulogne and Calais; only Dunkirk was left. There would be no more of these meticulous plans; no more general meetings of all concerned. Ramsay, an immensely practical man, realized that the battlefront was changing faster than meetings could be held. By now everybody knew what had to be done anyhow; the important thing was to be quick and flexible. Normal channels, standard operating procedures, and other forms of red tape were jettisoned. Improvisation became the order of the day; the telephone came into its own. Ramsay himself was at his best in this kind of environment. He was a superb organizer and liked to run his own show. This quality had nearly cost him his career in 1935 when, as Chief of Staff to Admiral Sir Roger Backhouse, commanding the Home Fleet, he felt the Admiral had not given him enough responsibility. Always outspoken, he asked to be relieved and ended up on the Retired List. He stayed on the shelf for three years, enjoying horses and a tweedy country life with his wife Mag and their three children. Then, with the sudden expansion of the Navy on the eve of World War II, he had been called back into service and put in charge at Dover. He knew the area well, had been skipper of a destroyer in the old Dover Patrol during the First War. At first the new job had not been too taxing—mainly antisubmarine sweeps, mine-laying, and trying to work out ways to counter the enemy's new magnetic mines. The German breakthrough changed all that—Dover was only twenty miles from the French coast, practically in the front lines. His staff was small but good. Ramsay did not suffer fools gladly—never was the cliché more applicable—and his officers were expected to show initiative. He was good at delegating responsibility, and they were good at accepting it. His Flag Lieutenant James Stopford, for instance, waged a monumental single-handed battle to get a direct telephone connection with Boulogne, Calais, and Dunkirk. It would cost £500 a year, the Admiralty complained, but Stopford persisted and finally got his way. Now, with the BEF pinned against the French coast, this phone line was a priceless asset. As Vice-Admiral, Dover, Ramsay lived and worked at Dover Castle, but his office these days was not part of the magnificent ramparts and keep that towered over the port. Rather it was _under_ the Castle, buried in the famous chalk cliffs just east of the town. During the Napoleonic wars French prisoners had cut a labyrinth of connecting casemates in the soft chalk as part of England's coastal defense. Now they were being used to meet the threat of a new, twentieth-century invasion. An inconspicuous entrance within the castle walls led down a long, steep ramp, which in turn joined a honeycomb of passages. Down one corridor leading toward the sea, a visitor came to a large gallery, then several offices separated by plywood, and finally to the Admiral's own office, with a balcony cut right into the face of the cliff. It was not the sort of office normally associated with a vice-admiral. The floor was concrete, partly covered by a thin strip of threadbare carpet. A couple of framed charts were all that decorated the whitewashed walls. A desk, a few chairs, a conference table, and a cot in one corner completed the furnishings. But the room did have one amenity. The balcony made it the only place in the whole complex that had any daylight, except for a small window in the women's "head." Here the WRENS, as the distaff members of the Royal Navy were nicknamed, could stand on the "thunder-box" and enjoy a view of the Channel every bit as good as the Admiral's. By far the biggest room was the large gallery that had to be passed going to and from Ramsay's office. Its main piece of furniture was a huge table covered with a green cloth. Here Ramsay's staff gathered to organize the evacuation. A hard-driving naval captain named Michael Denny was in charge, presiding over a compact collection of sixteen men and seven telephones. During World War I this cavelike room had housed an auxiliary lighting system for the castle, and it became generally known as the "Dynamo Room." By the same process of association, on May 22 the Admiralty designated the evacuation now being planned as "Operation Dynamo." The basic need was ships and men. It was clear that the 30 to 40 vessels originally allocated by the Admiralty wouldn't be nearly enough. A closer estimate would be everything that could float. By now Ramsay had practically a blank check to draw whatever he needed; so the staff in the Dynamo Room went to work on their phones—calls to the Ministry of Shipping to collect available vessels along the east and south coasts... calls to The Nore Command for more destroyers... calls to the Southern Railway for special trains... calls to the Admiralty for tugs... medical supplies... ammunition... rations... engine spare parts... grassline rope... diesel fuel... blank IT124 forms... and, above all, calls for men. It was a knock on the door at 4:00 a.m., May 23, that awakened Lieutenant T. G. Crick in his quarters at Chatham Naval Depot. A messenger brought instructions that Crick was to be ready for "an appointment at short notice"—nothing more. At 6:30, word came to report at once to the Barracks. On arrival Crick found that he was one of 30 officers required to go to Southampton and man some Dutch barges lying there. Why? They were to "run ammunition and stores to the BEF." These barges, it turned out, were broad, self-propelled craft of 200 to 500 tons, normally used to carry cargo on the network of canals and waterways that laced Holland. After the German invasion some 50 of them had escaped with their crews across the Channel and were now lying at Poole and in the Thames estuary. Captain John Fisher, the salty Director of Coastal and Short Sea Shipping at the Ministry of Shipping, knew about these _schuitjes,_ as the Dutch called them, in the normal course of his work. It occurred to him that with their shallow draught they would be ideal for working the beaches off Dunkirk. Forty of them were immediately requisitioned for "Dynamo." The striped flag of the Netherlands came down; the Royal Navy's white ensign went up. The Dutch crews marched off; British tars took their place. And with the change in flag and crew came a change in name. The British couldn't possibly master a tongue-twister like _schuitje;_ from now on these barges were invariably called "skoots." At the Ministry of Shipping the search for the right kind of tonnage went on. The burden of the work fell on Captain Fisher's shop and on W. G. Hynard's Sea Transport Department, which controlled all overseas shipping used by the military. In lining up additional ferries and personnel vessels, the problem wasn't so difficult. The Department knew all the passenger carriers, had used them in getting the BEF to France. But there weren't enough ferries in all the British Isles to do the job. What other vessels might be used? What ships had the right draught, the right capacity, the right speed? The Department alerted sea transport officers in every port from Harwich on the North Sea to Weymouth on the Channel: survey local shipping... list all suitable vessels up to 1,000 tons. Back at the Department's offices on Berkeley Square, staff members Basil Bellamy and H. C. Riggs worked around the clock, napping on a cot in the office, grabbing an occasional bite at "The Two Chairmen" pub around the corner. Life became an endless chain of telephone calls as they checked out the possibilities. Would the drifter _Fair Breeze_ do? How about the trawler _Dhoon?_ The coaster _Hythe?_ The eel boat _Johanna?_ The hopper dredge _Lady Southborough?_ At this moment acting Second Mate John Tarry of the _Lady Southborough_ had no idea that his ship was under such careful scrutiny. She looked like a vessel that was good for absolutely nothing except what she was doing—dredging the channel in Portsmouth harbor. There was no reason to suppose she would ever go to sea. She wasn't even painted wartime gray. Her rust-streaked funnel still sported the red and yellow stripes of the Tilbury Dredging Company. It was quite a jolt to Tarry when the company agent Anthony Summers came aboard one evening and called the nine-man crew together. There was trouble across the Channel, he explained, and the _Lady Southborough_ was needed. Who would volunteer to go? Nobody knew what to expect, but to a man they volunteered. All Portsmouth harbor was coming alive. Besides the _Lady Southborough,_ four other Tilbury dredges were alerted. The Hayling Island ferries, Pickford's fleet of small coasters, Navy patrol boats, the battleship _Nelson_ 's launch—all bustled with activity, loading fuel and supplies. Little ships would be especially important if it came to evacuation from the shore itself. The larger vessels couldn't get close enough to the gently shelving Flemish beaches. During the past week Ramsay's requirements for small boats had been widely (though quietly) circulated, yet at dawn on May 26 he still had only four Belgian passenger launches, several Contraband Control boats from Ramsgate, and a few Dover harbor craft. Early that morning Rear-Admiral Sir Tom Phillips, the Vice-Chief of Naval Staff, held a meeting at the Admiralty, trying to speed things up. Among those present was Admiral Preston of the Small Vessels Pool. The meeting had broken up and Preston was already back at the shop when the Admiral's assistant secretary, Stan Berry, reported for work that morning. It was Sunday; most of the staff were off. Berry was looking forward to a quiet day, but the duty officer, Lieutenant Berrie, offered an ominous greeting: "Thank God you've come. I wouldn't be in your shoes for a pension!" "Why?" asked Berry. "I don't know what's up, but the Old Man is here." Whatever it was, it must be serious. Peacetime customs die slowly, and admirals normally didn't come to the office on Sunday. Preston himself said nothing to clear up the mystery. He simply greeted Berry, asking where was the regular secretary, Commander Garrett? Berry explained that Garrett was off, but the arrangement was for him to call in every two hours. "Tell him to report immediately." And the Admiral ordered Berry to call in all the rest of the staff, too. This was no easy matter. For instance, Lieutenant-Commander Pickering, in charge of drifters and trawlers, was in Brighton. When Berry tried to phone him, word came back that he had gone to the cinema. Which cinema? Nobody knew. So Berry had him paged at every cinema in town until he was finally located. Messages were now flying all over England, breaking into the normal routine of ships and men. Surgeon-Lieutenant James Dow was having a very pleasant war on the minesweeper _Gossamer,_ based on the Tyne. The hours were easy, shore leave generous, the local girls all attractive. Suddenly on May 25 an Admiralty signal intruded: "Raise steam with all despatch. Proceed to Harwich. Do not wait for liberty men, who will rejoin at Harwich." The ship buzzed with rumors, but nobody really knew what was up. At Liverpool the destroyer _Somali_ had just docked after a battering in Norwegian waters. Sub-Lieutenant Peter Dickens was counting on a little break, but the _Somali_ had barely tied up when he was handed an Admiralty message: report to Chatham Barracks immediately. That meant going to the other end of England—why? Chatham itself was in turmoil—or as near to turmoil as a Royal Navy training base ever gets. Seaman G. F. Nixon was attending gunnery school when his battalion was ordered to fall in at 4:00 a.m. on the 26th. At 7:00 they left for Dover in busses, singing, "We'll Hang Out the Washing on the Siegfried Line." No one had a clue as to what was going on. Deep within the white cliffs of Dover the staff of the Dynamo Room worked on. "No bed for any of us last night and probably not for many nights. I'm so sleepy I can hardly keep my eyes open," Admiral Ramsay wrote his wife Mag on the 23rd. As he worked in his office, he would scribble a line or so between visitors, then stuff the letter into his desk drawer as some new crisis arose. Mag, in return, kept up a flow of gingerbread, asparagus from the garden, and tender words of support. "Days and nights are all one," he wrote her on the 25th, and indeed the men in the Dynamo Room had lost all track of time. The usual measuring rods were gone. Buried deep in their chalk cliff, they had no chance to know whether it was day or night. They had no regular meals—just an occasional sandwich or mug of tea taken on the run. There was no pace to their work; they were going flat out all the time. There was no variety; only a feeling of unending crisis that finally numbed the senses. The strange fleet of ferries, hoppers, dredges, barges, coasters, and skoots now converging on Dover raised a whole set of new problems. First, they would have to be moored somewhere. Sheerness, on the Thames estuary, gradually became the main collecting point where the smaller ships were sorted out and prepared for the sea. Ramsgate became the final assembly point, where fuel tanks would be topped off, supplies loaded, and convoys organized. Problems were solved, only to spawn new problems equally pressing. Mechanics had to be found who understood balky engines that defied the Navy's experience... coal had to be obtained for some of the ancient coasters... 1,000 charts were needed for skippers who rarely went to sea. Routes could be marked on them, but data on the beaches was vague at best. Responding to a call for help from the Dynamo Room, Colonel Sam Bassett—head of the Interservice Topographical Department—toured London's travel agencies, collecting brochures that might describe the French beaches in some detail. There had been nine months of war since the last holiday tripper made that sort of request; the clerks must have thought he was crazy. Arms were another problem. This peacetime fleet had to have some sort of protection, and the Lewis machine gun seemed the best bet. But there was no single depot that could supply all Ramsay's needs. They had to be scrounged from here and there—11 from London... 10 from Glasgow... 1 from Cardiff. . . 7 from Newcastle... 105 altogether. If the Dynamo Room was a scene of "organized chaos," as one staff officer later recalled, the majestic cliffs successfully hid the fact from the rest of the world. Dover never looked lovelier than it did this 26th of May. The guns could be heard rumbling across the Channel—Boulogne was gone; Calais was falling—but it all seemed very far away to the crews of the vessels riding peacefully at anchor in the Downs. On the minesweeper _Medway Queen,_ a converted paddle steamer lying just off the cliffs, Chief Cook Thomas R. Russell leaned against the rail, shooting the breeze with his assistant, a young man he knew only as "Sec." It was strange, they decided, that the whole flotilla was in port this morning—no one at all was out sweeping. Right after breakfast a launch had made the rounds, picked up the captain, first officer, and wireless man from every ship, and taken them to the flagship for some sort of palaver. Now a naval barge eased alongside the _Medway Queen_ and delivered case after case of food—far more than her 48 men could possibly eat. "Enough grub has been put aboard us," observed Sec, "to feed a ruddy army." The men trapped in Flanders knew little more than the crew of the _Medway Queen._ Later this day, the 26th, Major-General E. A. Osborne, commanding the 44th Division near Hazebrouck, would get a quiet briefing from Brigadier G. D. Watkins of III Corps headquarters, but those of less exalted rank had to depend on rumor. Reginald Newcomb, a chaplain with the 50th Division, had a crony in Intelligence who hinted darkly that the BEF would make for the coast and embark for home—"that is, if Jerry doesn't get there first." Rumor spread through the 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry that they were going back to the sea, where they would embark, land farther down the coast, and attack the Germans from the rear. Orders, when they finally came, were usually by word of mouth. In the varied units of the Royal Army Service Corps, especially, there was not much to go on, and many of the RASC officers simply vanished. The men of the 4th Division Ammunition Supply Company were merely told, "Every man for himself; make for Dunkirk, and good luck!" The No. 1 Troop Carrying Company was instructed to "get as near Dunkirk as you can, destroy vehicles, and every man for himself." And again, for the 573rd Field Squadron, Royal Engineers, the familiar words: "Every man for himself. Make for Dunkirk." Often the orders came almost without warning. It was shortly after dawn in a small Belgian village when Sergeant George Snelgar, attached to a transport company, was awakened by voices shouting, "Get on Parade!" He heard the sound of marching feet, and looking out the window of the café where he was billeted, he saw his unit marching off to the vehicle park. Catching up, he learned that the orders were to smash their cars and motorcycles and go to Dunkirk. They couldn't miss it: just head for that column of smoke. At midnight it was harder. Corporal Reginald Lockerby of the 2nd Ordnance Field Park was groping north in a truck when an officer stepped out in the road and waved him down. He was heading right for the German lines 500 yards away. When Lockerby asked for directions to Dunkirk, the officer pointed to a star hovering above the horizon and said, "Just follow that star." Others were guided by the gun flashes that lit up the night sky. By now they were on almost all sides. There was only one little gap to the north that remained black. That was Dunkirk. Major Peter Hill, a transport officer, was one of the few who had a map. Not army issue—for some reason all rear area maps had been called in at the start of the campaign. What he did have was a map put out by the _Daily Telegraph_ to help its readers follow the war. Private W. S. Walker of the 5th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery, could have better used an English-French dictionary. Coming to a signpost that pointed to "Dunkerque," he wondered whether that was the same place as Dunkirk. He need not have worried. Any road north would do, as long as it kept within the corridor held on the east by the Belgians and British; on the west by the French and the British; and at the foot—all the way south—by the French clinging grimly to Lille. All the roads were still packed with troops in every sort of order and disorder—ranging from Welsh Guardsmen marching smartly with rifles at the slope to stragglers like Private Leslie R. Page, an artillery officer's batman with the 44th Division. He had lost his unit when it scattered to dodge some strafing. Now he was plodding north alone, mixed with a crowd of soldiers and refugees. A big, open Belgian farm cart rumbled by. It was loaded with fleeing civilians, and there up front beside the driver, Page saw—of all people—his own father. "What's this, our Sunday school outing?" Page cracked as he climbed aboard for a brief family reunion. It turned out that the father, a warrant officer with the infantry, was just as lost as the son. Then the Luftwaffe struck again... the two were separated... and once more young Page wandered on alone. "Where are we going?" he asked someone and got the usual answer: "See that smoke in the sky? That's Dunkirk. Make for it!" There were women, too, in this great trek—not all of them ordinary refugees. A French liaison officer with the 2nd Ordnance Field Park brought along his mistress. Driver Gordon A. Taylor of the RASC tried to look after a young French girl he had found whimpering alone in the dark in a suburb of Lille. He managed to find a lorry, put her in it, and got her out of town. He felt quite the white knight and protector—until he lost her when the lorry got stuck in a traffic jam and they had to take to their feet. He never saw her again and would always wonder whether his "protection" did her more harm than good. Private Bill Hersey of the 1st East Surreys had better luck. He had married the daughter of a French café owner in Tourcoing, and Augusta Hersey proved a determined bride indeed. As the East Surreys retreated through Roncq, she suddenly appeared and begged Bill to take her along. With the connivance of his company commander, Captain Harry Smith, Augusta was packed off in the headquarters truck. Another war bride wasn't as lucky. When Jeanne Michez married Staff Sergeant Gordon Stanley in February 1940, she became the first French girl to wed a member of the BEF. Stanley was attached to GHQ Signals at Arras; Jeanne moved into his quarters; and until May they lived an almost peacetime domestic life. When "the balloon went up," he moved with Advanced GHQ into Belgium, and she went home to sit out the war at her mother's café in the nearby village of Servins. Jeanne Stanley knew very little of what was happening during the next two weeks, and she was astonished when suddenly one afternoon Gordon rolled up in a staff car with a machine gun mounted on the roof. The Germans were coming, he told her; they must leave right away. Jeanne flung a few things into a suitcase, plus two bottles of rum stuffed in by her mother. In an hour she was ready to go, dressed almost as if she was taking the afternoon train to Paris—blue dress, blue coat, matching blue broad-brimmed hat. Off they went, the two of them up front and a corporal named Trippe in back. The roads were one huge traffic jam, and it didn't help when Jeanne's broad-brimmed hat blew out the window. Gordon stopped, and as he walked back to pick it up, the first Stukas struck. They missed... the hat was rescued... the Stanleys drove on. They spent the first night in the car; other nights mostly in some ditch. Once they slept in the big barn of a Belgian farmer. He wouldn't give them permission, but Gordon shot off the barn-door lock, and they settled in anyway. Sleeping in the hay, diving into ditches to escape the Stukas, they got dirtier and dirtier. Once Jeanne managed to buy a bucket of water for ten francs, but most of the time there was no chance to wash. The broad-brimmed hat crumbled and vanished. Eventually they reached the little French town of Bailleul. Here they stopped at the comfortable house of an elderly woman, Mlle. Jonkerick. Unlike many of the people they met, she was all hospitality and took them in for the night. Next day they moved on, still hounded by the inevitable Stukas. Jeanne was now completely exhausted, her clothes in shreds. Gordon tried to put her in his battledress, complete with tin hat, but nothing fit. She finally told him that it was no use; she couldn't go on. He took her back to Mlle. Jonkerick, who proved as hospitable as ever: Jeanne was welcome to stay till the roads cleared and she could return safely to Servins. Now it was time to say good-bye. Gordon was a soldier; he had his duty; she understood that. Still, it was a hard moment, made just a little easier when he promised to come back and get her in two months. He would keep that promise, except for the part about two months. Actually it took him five years. Jeanne Stanley was not the only one near the breaking point. A young lieutenant trying to lead a unit of the 2nd Ordnance Field Park got lost so many times he finally burst into tears. Corporal Jack Kitchener of the RASC found himself in a horrendous traffic jam, which turned into a pushing and shoving match between British and Belgian drivers. When a BEF officer tried to break it up, someone pushed him, too. He pulled his revolver and fired, hitting Kitchener in the left leg. "You've shot _me,_ not the bloke who pushed you!" Kitchener exploded. Private Bill Bacchus was driver-batman for a chaplain attached to the 13th Field Ambulance, and their trip north turned into an odyssey of bitterness and recrimination. Bacchus considered the padre a drunken coward; the padre charged Bacchus with neglect of duty and "dumb insolence." Several times the padre drove off alone, leaving Bacchus to shift for himself. On two occasions Bacchus reached for his rifle, as if to use it on the padre. It seemed that even a man of God and his helper were not immune to the strain of defeat, the constant danger, the hunger and fatigue, the bombs, the chaos, the agony of this unending retreat. Private Bill Stone had felt it all. He was a Bren gunner with the 5th Royal Sussex and had been in continuous action for two days holding off Jerry on the eastern side of the escape corridor. Now his section was ordered to make one more stand, giving time for the rest of the battalion to withdraw and reorganize farther to the rear. They hung on for an hour, then pulled out in a truck kept for their getaway. It was dark now, and they decided to find some place where they could rest—they hadn't had any sleep for three nights. They pulled up at a building which turned out to be a monastery. A robed monk appeared from out of the night, beckoned them to follow him, and led them inside. It was another world. Monks padded quietly about in their robes and sandals. Flickering candles lit the stone passageways. All was tranquility, and the war seemed a thousand years away. The abbé indicated that it would be a pleasure to give food and rest to these new visitors, along with a party of Royal Engineers who had also discovered this heavenly oasis. They were all led into the cloisters and seated at a long refectory table. Each British soldier had a monk to wait on him and attend to his needs. They had food and wine that the monks had produced themselves, and after days of army biscuits and bully beef, the meal was like a royal banquet. There was only one hitch. The Engineers explained that they were going to blow every bridge in the area next morning. Stone and his mates would have to be on their way by 5:00 a.m. They didn't mind; the stone floor of the cloisters seemed like a feather bed after what they had been through. At dawn they were on their way. Driving over the bridges, they slowed to a crawl, lest they prematurely set off the demolition charges already laid. The men of the Royal Sussex were well clear of the area when the distant boom of explosives told them that their brief idyll was over and they were back in the war. Along with blowing up bridges, canal locks, power stations, and other facilities of possible use to the Germans, the BEF was now demolishing its own equipment. To a good artilleryman, it seemed almost sacrilegious to destroy the guns he had so lovingly fussed over for years. As they smashed the breechblocks and destroyed the dial sights, many were openly crying. Bombardier Arthur May of the 3rd Medium Regiment felt the agony even more deeply than the others. He had been posted to the same battery of howitzers his father had fought with in World War I, and this was a matter of infinite pride. Even the guns were the same, except that they now had rubber tires instead of the old steel rims. The battlefields were the same too. Armentières and Poperinge were familiar names long before this spring. In more ways than one, May felt he was following in Father's footsteps. But even in the darkest days of the First War things had never been so bad that the battery had to blow up its own guns. A gnawing conscience told him that somehow he had "let the old man down." There was little time for such sad reflections in the rush of self-destruction that now swept the BEF. In towns like Hondschoote and Oost Cappel on the road to Dunkirk, the paraphernalia of a whole army was going up in flames. Thousands of lorries, half-tracks, vans, heavy-duty trucks, motorcycles, Bren gun carriers, mobile kitchens, pick-ups, and staff cars were lined up in fields, drained of oil and water, with motors left running till they seized. Mountains of blankets, gas capes, shoes, wellingtons, and new uniforms of every kind lay burning in the fields. Passing one clothing dump about to be blown up, Lance Corporal W. J. Ingham of the Field Security Police raced in, ripped open a few bales, found his size in battledress, changed, and within a few minutes rejoined his unit—"the only well-dressed soldier in our mob." NAAFI stores—the source of the BEF's creature comforts—lay deserted, open for the taking. Bombardier May walked off with his valise crammed with 10,000 cigarettes. The chaplains, too, joined the orgy of destruction. Reginald Newcomb of the 50th Division kept busy smashing typewriters and mimeograph machines, while his clerk went to work on the company movie projector. Later, Newcomb burned two cases of army prayerbooks. It was Sunday, May 26, but there would be no Divine Service today. The smoke that towered over Dunkirk twenty miles to the north was no part of any BEF demolition scheme. Hermann Göring was trying to keep his promise that the Luftwaffe could win the battle alone. For nearly a week the Heinkels, Dorniers, and Stukas of General Kesselring's Luftflotte 2 had been pounding the town. At first the damage was spotty, but on May 25 a giant raid damaged the main harbor lock, knocked out all electric power, and left the port a wreck, with its forest of cranes leaning at crazy angles. Corporal P. G. Ackrell, a 42-year-old Ordnance Corps man, had been waiting to evacuate with other "useless mouths"; now his unit was hastily drafted to help unload an ammunition ship by hand. The derricks weren't working, and the regular stevedores had vanished. Toward noon Ackrell's mind began drifting to other matters. The enemy planes were gone for the moment, and he noticed some inviting warehouses nearby. He drifted over for a look-around and spied some large cardboard boxes that seemed especially enticing. He opened one up, but it didn't contain wristwatches or cameras or anything like that. It was full of marshmallows. Making the best of things, Ackrell took a carton of marshmallows back to the dock, where they proved an instant hit. Returning to the warehouses for more, he discovered a barrel of red wine. He filled his water bottle, then began to sample it. Once again he remembered his friends and took some wine back to them, too. They liked it enough to go back for more, and by the end of the day barely half the ammunition had been unloaded. Next day, the 26th, the men went back to work, and once again Ackrell's eye began to wander. This time he found a freight car full of underwear. Still exploring, in another car he located some shoes that were a perfect fit. Once again he shared his good fortune with his friends; once again the dock work stopped. That evening the ship put to sea with part of her cargo still unloaded. Discipline was gone. Dunkirk was a shambles, and clearly the port could not be used much longer. As the Luftwaffe roamed the skies unchecked, bombing at will, a small British naval party launched an experiment that somehow symbolized the futility of the whole air defense effort. Commander J. S. Dove had arrived on the 25th, ordered by the Admiralty to erect what was called "a lethal kite barrage" around the port area. The kites would be flown somewhat in the manner of barrage balloons and, it was hoped, would ensnare unwary German planes. To accomplish this purpose, Dove had on hand 200 "lethal kites" and a small staff of assistants. There was not enough wind to fly a kite on the morning of May 26, but early in the afternoon the breeze freshened, and Dove's crew managed to rig two kites from the top of the two biggest cranes in the harbor. One bobbed uselessly up and down, but the other rose majestically to 2,000 feet. No one ever knew what would happen if a Stuka flew into it, because jittery Tommies, ignorant of the experiment and leery of anything flying in the sky, brought it down with a fusillade of small arms fire. Commander Dove stayed on to help with the evacuation; his little team joined the ever-growing horde waiting for transportation home. The Luftwaffe continued its methodical destruction. On the morning of the 26th alone it dropped 4,000 bombs on the city, plastering the docks, the ships, the roads leading to the port, the disorganized thousands streaming toward it. "Where is the RAF?" The familiar cry went up again and again. In their exasperation one column turned on a hapless stray wearing air-force blue, who had fallen in with Corporal Lockerby's unit. He was no pilot—just a clerk from some disbanded headquarters—but that didn't help him. The enraged troops pushed and threatened him—the symbol of all their pent-up bitterness. The man seemed in such danger that Lockerby tried to find a spare army uniform for him to change to, but ironically the search was interrupted by yet another Stuka attack. By the time it was over, the man had vanished, perhaps looking for more congenial companions. Yet the RAF was there, although often out of sight and not yet very effective. For several days Fighter Command had been shifting its carefully hoarded squadrons of Hurricanes and Spitfires to airfields closer to the Channel, planning for a major effort to cover the evacuation. When 19 Squadron was moved from Horsham to Hornchurch on May 25, Flying Officer Michael D. Lyne was immediately struck by the totally different atmosphere. Horsham had been all practice—little trace of the war—but at Hornchurch the field was full of battle-damaged planes, and the mess buzzed with talk of combat and tactics. For a young pilot with only 100 hours in Spitfires, it was a sobering change. Early morning. May 26, Lyne was off on his first patrol over the beachhead. There was no special pep talk or briefing; the squadron just took off for France, as though they did it every day. They met some Stukas and Messerschmitt 109's near Calais, gave better than they took, but lost two of their own, including the squadron commander. That afternoon Lyne was back over Dunkirk on his second patrol of the day. Off Calais they again met a squadron of Me 109's, and Lyne himself came under fighter fire for the first time, without at first even realizing it. Mysterious little spirals of smoke whisked past his wings; then came the steady _thump-thump_ of an Me 109 cannon. It finally dawned on him that he, personally, was somebody's target. Lyne managed to dodge, but shortly afterward found himself in a duel with two Me 109's circling above him. Trying to maneuver, he stalled, then went into a spin as a bullet or shell fragment hit his knee. The radio conked out... the cockpit filled with glycol fumes and steam... his engine quit. His first thought was to crash-land in France and spend the rest of the war in some POW camp. On second thought he decided he didn't want that; instead he'd splash down in the Channel, hoping someone would pick him up. Then he decided against that too—"I didn't want to get wet"—and finally, his spirits returning, he decided he just might be able to nurse the plane back to the British coast. He made it—barely. Gliding in a few feet above the sea, he crash-landed on the shale beach at Deal in a cloud of flying rocks and pebbles. Bloody and oil-soaked, he staggered from the cockpit into a totally different world. It was Sunday, and Deal beach was filled with strolling couples—military men in their dress uniforms, girls in their frilliest spring creations—all enjoying a leisurely promenade under the warm May sun. Barging into this dainty scene, Lyne felt he was more than an interruption: he was an unwelcome intruder, thoughtlessly reminding the crowd that only twenty miles away there was a very different world indeed. He was right. The people of Deal and Dover—all England, for that matter—were still living a life of peace and tranquility. The government had not yet announced any emergency, and the distant rumble of the guns across the Channel was not enough to break the spell. It was a typical, peacetime weekend: a Dover town team defeated the officers of the Dover Detachment at bowls, 88 to 35... the local football club lost a match to Sittingbourne... roller skaters whirled about the rink at the Granville Gardens Pavilion... the weekly Variety show announced a new bill featuring those "comedy knockabouts" The Three Gomms. The mood was different at Whitehall. A chilling awareness gripped the government that Britain was now on the brink of an appalling disaster. Reynaud, in town for a conference with Churchill, was gloomy, too. He felt that Pétain would come out for a cease-fire if a large part of France were overrun. The time had come to act. At 6:57 p.m. this Sunday, May 26, the Admiralty signaled Dover: "Operation Dynamo is to commence." At this point Admiral Ramsay had 129 ferries, coasters, skoots, and small craft to do the job, but more were on the way and the staff in the Dynamo Room was clicking smoothly. Still, it was a monumental task. The Admiralty itself did not expect to lift more than 45,000 men in two days. After that, the evacuation would probably be terminated by enemy action. "I have on at the moment one of the most difficult and hazardous operations ever conceived," Ramsay wrote Mag late that night (actually 1:00 a.m. on the 27th), "and unless the _bon Dieu_ is very kind there are certain to be many tragedies attached to it. I hardly dare think about it, or what the day is going to bring...." Yet the biggest crisis at the moment lay beyond Ramsay's control. The crucial question was whether more than a smattering of men could get to Dunkirk at all. Hitler's "halt order" had been lifted; the German armor was rolling again; thousands of Allied soldiers were still deep in France and Belgium. Could the escape corridor be kept open long enough for these troops to scramble to the coast? What could be done to help the units holding the corridor? How to buy the time that was needed? # 4 # Buying Time TO WINSTON CHURCHILL, CALAIS was the key. The ancient French port, 24 miles west of Dunkirk, was besieged but still in British hands. The Prime Minister decided that it must be held to the last man. Taking it would chew up Rundstedt's troops, slow down his advance, and buy the time needed to get the BEF back to the coast. Still, it was not an easy decision. It meant deliberately sacrificing 3,000 highly trained troops at a time when Britain could ill afford to lose them. Rescuing any large part of the BEF was a long shot at best. Might not these men be better used on the home front in case of invasion? For Anthony Eden the decision was especially bitter. He had long served in the King's Royal Rifle Corps, one of the regiments at Calais. Ordering them to fight to the end meant condemning to death or captivity some of his best friends. It was a gloomy dinner at Admiralty House on the evening of May 25 when the step was finally taken. Churchill silently picked at his food, and on leaving the table, remarked to no one in particular, "I feel physically sick." At 11:30 a last telegram went off to Brigadier Claude Nicholson, commanding the Calais garrison: > Every hour you continue to exist is of greatest help to the BEF. Government has therefore decided you must continue to fight. Have greatest possible admiration for your splendid stand. For Brigadier Nicholson this was the latest in a bewildering series of messages that had tugged him this way and that. Until late April, his 30th Infantry Brigade had been slated for Norway. With the collapse of that campaign, Churchill decided it should be used to raid the German flanks along the French coast, the way his old Marine Brigade did in World War I. The 30th was a brigade that should give the Germans a lot of trouble. Two of its three battalions—the 2nd King's Royal Rifle Corps and the 1st Rifle Brigade—were crack regulars. The remaining battalion—the 1st Queen Victoria's Rifles—was a Territorial unit of weekend soldiers; but one of the best in England. All were mechanized. To beef them up still more, Churchill added the 3rd Royal Tank Regiment, already heading for Calais under separate orders. The tank squadrons and the Queen Victoria's Rifles left first, sailing from Dover for Calais at 11:00 a.m. on May 22. In the rush to get going, the QVR left all their vehicles behind. The 3rd Tank Regiment brought their tanks, but they were stowed in the bottom of the ship, and unloading them at Calais seemed to take forever. This work had scarcely begun when a disconcerting figure arrived on the scene. Lieutenant-General Brownrigg, Gort's Adjutant General, had been in Boulogne setting up a rear GHQ. Now he suddenly appeared in Calais, en route to England. Acting on his own authority as senior officer present, he ordered the tanks to head west for Boulogne and join the troops defending that port. It was just as well that the battalion was still unloading, since Boulogne was already cut off. Later that night Major Ken Bailey arrived from Gort's headquarters with entirely different orders for the tanks: they were to head south, not west, and join the BEF at Saint-Omer. Then from Brownrigg, now at Dover: they were to go to Boulogne, as previously ordered. Pulled this way and that, a squadron of the tanks finally set out for Saint-Omer at 1:30 p.m. on the 23rd, but were hurled back by a panzer column blocking the way. That afternoon Brigadier Nicholson reached Calais with the rest of the 30th Infantry Brigade. He too had orders from General Brownrigg to head west for Boulogne, but while his troops were still unloading, the War Office ordered him to head east for Dunkirk (the opposite direction) with 350,000 rations for Gort's army. During the night of May 23-24 the convoy set off, but soon ran into the inevitable panzers. In a slam-bang night action three of the escorting tanks broke through to Gort's lines, but the rest of the convoy was destroyed or thrown back to Calais. Clearly the town was cut off. Whatever Brownrigg or the others ordered, there would be no forays in any direction. Nicholson would have his hands full holding Calais itself. This he proposed to do, deploying his own three battalions, plus the 21 remaining tanks, plus some scattered units to form an "outer" and "inner" perimeter defending the port. Some 800 French troops also rallied around, manning the town's ancient Citadel and four old forts. Built in the seventeenth century by the great French military engineer Vauban, they were still amazingly strong. A few antique coastal defense guns, worked by French marines, completed the garrison. Nicholson's plan was to stand fast as long as possible. When enemy pressure became too great, he would gradually pull back toward the harbor. He would then be in position for a fast getaway, since a new message sent by the War Office at 2:48 a.m. on the 24th said that evacuation had been agreed on "in principle." By afternoon his orders had changed again. During the day Churchill had agreed to the appointment of French General Fagalde as overall commander of the defense of the Channel ports. Adhering to Weygand's idea that these ports should be held indefinitely as fortified bridgeheads on the Continent, Fagalde forbade any evacuation of Calais. Normally British commanders were given some loophole in such a situation, but not this time. At 11:23 p.m. on the 24th, the War Office sent Nicholson new instructions: > In spite of policy of evacuation given you this morning, fact that British forces in your area now under Fagalde who has ordered no repeat no evacuation, means that you must comply for sake of Allied solidarity. Your role is therefore to hold on, harbour being for present of no importance to BEF.... When Winston Churchill saw this message on the morning of May 25, he exploded in indignation. To him, the role of Calais was to tie up as many Germans as possible. The French said no evacuation, and that could well mean no escape. If so, "Allied solidarity" and calling Calais harbor "of no importance" were not the arguments to use to make troops fight to the end. Churchill now drafted the kind of message he felt was needed. It was full of ringing phrases, which Anthony Eden deftly edited into a strong personal appeal from himself to Nicholson. As a former member of the King's Royal Rifle Corps, Eden carried special weight: > Defence of Calais to the utmost is of highest importance to our country as symbolizing our continued cooperation with France. The eyes of the Empire are upon the defence of Calais, and H. M. Government are confident you and your gallant regiments will perform an exploit worthy of the British name. Nicholson understood without being told. At the very moment when Eden was sending his message—2:00 p.m. on the 25th—a Lieutenant Hoffmann of the 10th Panzer Division was being escorted under a flag of truce into the British lines by a French officer and a Belgian soldier. They guided Hoffmann to Nicholson's headquarters, now at the Citadel. The Lieutenant came to the point immediately: unconditional surrender, or Calais would be destroyed. Nicholson was equally quick in writing his reply: > 1. The answer is no, as it is the British Army's duty to fight as well as it is the German's. > > 2. The French captain and the Belgian soldier, having not been blindfolded, cannot be sent back. The Allied commander gives his word that they will be put under guard and will not be allowed to fight against the Germans. The weary garrison fought on. For three days they had battled the Wehrmacht's tanks and Stukas, gradually yielding inch by inch. Now they were holed up in Calais-Nord, the old part of town by the harbor. The noise of battle gradually faded—Germans have to sleep too—and the only sound was the incongruous trill of nightingales in the Jardin Richelieu. London's last message had wider distribution than anyone in Whitehall thought. It was picked up and read with the greatest interest by German radio intelligence—especially the ringing exhortation, "Every hour you continue to exist is of the greatest help to the BEF." It was the first convincing evidence that the British planned to evacuate. Until now there had been much speculation that the increased shipping activity in the Channel might be due to some Allied plan to make a surprise landing behind the German advance. Others felt that it meant preparations for a permanent Allied beachhead based at Dunkirk. But this new message seemed to rule all that out. The phrasing pointed to evacuation and nothing else. The message was interesting for another reason, too. The British obviously regarded holding Calais as more important than the Germans did. Army Group A had warned Guderian not to get involved in costly house-to-house fighting there. Guderian himself regarded the port as a distinctly secondary objective—of "less military than prestige importance." He had taken it from the 1st Panzer Division, leading his advance, and reassigned it to the 10th Panzers trailing behind because it had "only local importance and no influence upon general operations." And now this curious intercept. For some reason London was calling on Calais to fight to the end. Around noon on May 26 Colonel Blumentritt, Operations Officer at Army Group A, phoned 10th Panzer Division headquarters, where Guderian was conferring with the Division commander, General Lieutenant Ferdinand Schaal. Blumentritt reminded them that the Division must not be wasted on Calais. If the going got tough, Calais should be left to the Luftwaffe. Schaal felt that wouldn't be necessary. He said his attack was "promising" and asked to be kept in the fight. He expected to have Calais by nightfall. He had good reason for optimism. The day had begun with a devastating Stuka raid. Most of the British had never been through this ordeal before, and the screech of the planes was predictably terrifying. Private T. W. Sandford of the King's Royal Rifle Corps ran for a cellar, scooping up an equally frightened small dog. Sandford and his mates crouched in the dark, while the dog lay cowering in a corner. They patted it and fussed over it, until it finally wagged its tail, which somehow made them feel better. After the raid, they emerged into a street littered with bricks and broken glass. The bombing broke up many of the defending units, and Sandford never did find his own company again. At 10:50 a.m. the Germans broke into Calais-Nord and began systematically splitting up the defenders into pockets of resistance. Communications collapsed, and Brigadier Nicholson was soon isolated in the Citadel with his staff and a handful of French defenders. By 3:00 p.m. it was completely surrounded, and around 3:30 a detachment of Schaal's infantry broke through the south gate. That did it. With the enemy inside the walls, resistance vanished. Hands up, Brigadier Nicholson emerged from his command post to meet his captors. Down by the harbor a few isolated units fought on. Colour Sergeant Fred Walter of the Queen Victoria's Rifles found himself in a tunnel that ran through Bastion 1, a strong-point near the docks. Troops from other units were packed in here too, milling around, totally disorganized. An ever-growing number of wounded were also crowding into the place, part of which had been set aside as a first aid post. A cool-headed officer finally appeared and sorted the men out. Some he sent to a nearby fort; others, including Walter, he stationed on top of the tunnel with a French machine gun. They kept it firing as the Germans drew steadily closer, mopping up resistance. The Gare Maritime went; then the nearby fort. At last a British staff officer appeared and told Walter's group to cease fire: arrangements were being made to surrender. They refused to obey. Lieutenant-Colonel L. A. Ellison-McCartney, commanding the QVR, now appeared, and the men appealed to him. Did he know of any cease-fire order? Ellison-McCartney said no; in fact he understood that if they could hold out another half-hour, the Navy would come in and get them. He asked if the group wanted to give in, and received a rousing "NO!" Ellison-McCartney then left to find out who had given the cease-fire order... and why. He soon returned, and his news was all bad: they were the last group holding out; the Germans had them completely surrounded. Enemy guns enfiladed both ends of the tunnel, which was now choked with wounded, and these guns would immediately open fire if there was any further resistance. In addition, the Germans had all their artillery and tanks in position, and the Stukas stood ready to pay a return visit. The surrender terms had already been concluded by another officer, the Colonel added, and the only thing he could do was follow along. The men must lay down their arms. The group began breaking up their weapons, until a German officer suddenly appeared brandishing a pistol. He angrily told them to stop, and to march out of the bastion, hands up. In this way the surviving troops filed out, stumbling between two lines of German infantry, every other enemy soldier holding a machine pistol. To Fred Walter, it was the most humiliating experience he could imagine. He didn't even dare glance at his comrades, for fear he would see in their faces the same utter hopelessness he felt in all his heart and body. Yet there were British soldiers still free in Calais. Signalman Leslie W. Wright had arrived from Dover on May 21 for communications duty. By the 26th his wireless set was destroyed and he was fighting as an infantryman with the QVR. Midafternoon, he found himself on the eastern breakwater of the harbor. A Red Cross launch had tied up there, and Wright was helping load it with wounded. He and his mates saw the launch safely off, then started back along the breakwater toward the docks. But before they reached the jetty that led to the shore, the Germans captured that part of the harbor, marooning Wright's group on the breakwater. They settled down among the piles and supporting beams, where they hoped they would be less conspicuous. They forgot about the tide. It was rising, and soon the men would be forced into the open. Discouraged, the rest of the group headed for shore to surrender—but not Wright. He had heard the Germans didn't take prisoners; so he decided to hang on a little longer. If discovered, at least he would die a free man. Half an hour, and he changed his mind. He grew so lonely he decided he'd rather die with his friends. He too might as well give up. He worked his way among the piles toward the shore, where a large swastika flag now flew from the jetty. He had almost reached the first German outpost when a couple of British destroyers standing offshore began shelling the jetty. This put new hope into him. In a flash he again changed his mind. Turning around, he now clambered seaward, scrambling from pile to pile at irregular intervals in order to confuse the enemy. At one point, where mortar fire had cut a gap in the breakwater, he tumbled into the sea. Swimming across the gap, he climbed back among the piles and continued on. At the seaward end of the breakwater he was overjoyed to find a cluster of 46 British servicemen, hiding like himself among the piles and beams. Over their heads stood a small structure, normally used by port authorities, which served as an observation post. This had been taken over by a Royal Marines captain who was the senior rank present. The sun was going down now, and it turned bitterly cold. Wright, still wet from his tumble into the harbor, suffered dreadfully. His new companions pulled off his clothing and crowded around him, trying to keep him warm. One young subaltern literally hugged him, and their helmets came together with a fearsome clang that seemed certain to attract the attention of every German in Calais. But they were still undetected at nightfall, when Wright and most of the others climbed an iron ladder and joined the Royal Marines captain in the port authorities room. Clearly an enterprising man, he somehow made hot coffee for them all. Outside, a signalman with a lamp kept flashing an SOS, hoping some British ship would see it. Wright, warm at last but now hobbled by a badly bruised foot, dozed under a table. "They are coming!" was the cry that woke him up. It was around 2:00 a.m., and a small British vessel was entering the harbor. It failed to spot the men on the breakwater and tied up down by the jetty. A landing party went ashore but wasn't gone long. German machine guns opened up, and the shore party raced back to the boat. It slipped its lines and headed back to sea. As the vessel again drew near, the men on the breakwater whooped and yelled and frantically waved their light. Never mind if the Germans saw them; this was their last chance. The boat again passed them by... then at the last possible moment turned and eased alongside the breakwater. Wright and the others scrambled aboard. Next instant they were off, pounding into the open sea, as every gun in the harbor erupted behind them. Their craft was the naval yacht _Gulzar,_ commanded by Lieutenant C. V. Brammall. Not knowing that Calais had fallen, he had taken his boat into the port, hoping to pick up some wounded. He was too late for that, but not for the little group on the breakwater. As the _Gulzar_ chugged toward Dover, someone handed Wright a snack and some coffee. Safe at last, he decided it was the best meal he had ever had in his life. Lieutenant Brammall wasn't the only man that night who failed to realize Calais was gone. The top command in London were as much in the dark as ever. At 4:30 a.m. Winston Churchill telegraphed Gort suggesting—as he had so often done before—that "a column directed upon Calais while it is still holding out might have a good chance." Finally, at first light on the 27th, a force of 38 Lysanders flew over Calais on a drop mission. They lost three planes but managed to drop 224 gallons of water, 22,000 rounds of ammunition, and 864 grenades. Waiting below, the Germans were appropriately grateful. The British people were deeply moved by the stand at Calais. For 400 years they had felt a special tie to the place. Every schoolchild knew how Queen Mary—"Bloody Mary"—had lost the port in 1558 through monumental carelessness, and how she died "with the word Calais written on my heart." Now the city had been lost again, but this time in the noblest way for the noblest cause—to buy time for Gort's army. Yet that certainly wasn't the original goal. At various times Nicholson's force was to be used for raids on the enemy flanks... for relieving Boulogne... for defending Saint-Omer... for escorting rations to Dunkirk... for demonstrating "Allied solidarity." It was only in the last 36 hours that buying time became the guiding purpose. And how much time did it really buy? The best evidence suggests very little. The Germans used only one division at Calais, the 10th Panzer, and it could not have reached the Aa Canal Line before the "halt order" was issued. The advance did not resume until after Calais had been taken. The other panzer troops were idle throughout the siege. One panzer division, the 1st, did take a passing swipe at Calais, as it led the dash eastward on the 23rd. It hoped to take the port by surprise without a fight. Finding this was impossible it was told not to waste any more time, but to continue the advance east. Calais, never considered very important, could be cleaned up by the 10th Panzers, still trailing behind everyone else. Even after Calais had been taken, the 10th was not rushed forward to join the troops attacking Dunkirk. It was, in fact, sent the other way for the almost nominal task of guarding the coast from Calais to Audresselles. Another 24 hours would pass before Guderian decided that maybe he could use the Division's tanks at Dunkirk after all. Actually, OKH felt they already had enough troops to take the port. And this was certainly true at the time the "halt order" was issued. Six crack panzer divisions were poised on the Aa Canal Line, with the 1st and the 6th Divisions less than twelve miles from Dunkirk. This was easily enough to overwhelm the sprinkling of Allied defenders. All these panzer divisions were still in place when the halt order was lifted on May 26. In the interim the French 68th Division had moved into the Gravelines area, and Gort had set up his system of "stops" and strong-points. But most of the BEF were still deep in France and Belgium, reeling back toward the coast. To save them it was still necessary to buy time, but it would not be bought by the heroic defenders of Calais. That was all over. The job would have to be done by the troops holding the strong-points along the escape corridor. None of these towns and villages had the emotional pull of Calais; some were little more than dots on the map.... At Hazebrouck on the morning of May 27 a discomforting report reached the 229th Field Battery: the panzers had turned the British flank, and there was nothing between the battery and the German Army. High time to get out, but one gun was detached and wheeled into position at a road junction just south of town. A forlorn hope, it might briefly cover the exposed flank. Captain John Dodd, second in command of the battery, climbed to the top of a nearby farmhouse to scan the horizon for any sign of the enemy. A German tank stood half-hidden behind a hedge 200 yards away. Dodd rushed down the stairs to lay the gun, but Sergeant Jack Baker already had his crew of four giving a drill-hall performance. They got off two rounds before the German tank even replied. Then came an answering hale of machine-gun bullets. Two more tanks rumbled up, and all three blazed away at Baker's gun. Another British field piece joined in. It was under repair some yards off, but the battery sergeant major found several volunteers, including a cook and a motor mechanic. They swung the gun around and hammered away until they ran out of ammunition. Baker's gun carried on alone, giving as good as it got. Two of the crew fell; now there were only Baker and his layer left. Then the layer was hit, and there was only Baker. He continued firing, getting off six more shots on his own. Then he too ran out of ammunition. But the issue was already decided. The three tanks turned and lumbered away. Baker had won. Captain Dodd rushed up, to be greeted by the wounded layer. Excitedly shaking the Captain's hand, he cried, "We got the bugger, sir!" At Epinette, another Gort strong-point eight miles farther south, the determination was the same, but the weapon was different. Captain Jack Churchill had gone to war with three "toys"—his bagpipes, a sword, and a bow and arrow. On the 27th the bagpipes and sword were packed with his gear somewhere, but he had the bow and a few arrows with him as he and about 80 others, mostly 2nd Manchesters, prepared to defend the village. When the German advance came in sight, Churchill climbed into the loft of a granary and peered through a vertical opening normally used for hauling up sacks of grain. There, only 30 yards away, he saw five enemy soldiers sheltering behind the corner of a house. He quickly fetched up two British infantrymen and ordered them to open rapid fire, but not until he had loosed an arrow at the center man. He lifted his bow, took aim, and let fly. Hearing the twang, the riflemen blasted away. Churchill had a brief, satisfying glimpse of his arrow hitting home—right in the left side of the center man's chest. The rifles brought down three of the other Germans, but the fifth escaped by dodging around the corner of the house. For perhaps the last time in history, the English bow—the weapon that turned the tide at Crécy and Poitiers six hundred years earlier—had again been used in battle. Tradition was also in evidence at La Bassée, the southern anchor of Gort's Canal Line defense system. The 1st Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders, holding the town, were the last Scottish regiment to wear kilts in action. It was against regulations, but the Camerons wore them anyway, and in one case, at least, they served a practical purpose. The battalion adjutant, Major Peter Hunt, was hit in the leg, but the bullet's effect was diminished by a fold in his kilt. For two days the Camerons had been holding out, hurling back every German attempt to cross the canal. But it was a costly business. After one counterattack A Company had only six men left—nowhere near enough to hold the ground so dearly bought. Now, on the morning of May 27, the enemy again stormed across the canal, and La Bassée was soon engulfed in flames and smoke. "Next door" at Festubert the 2nd Dorsets heard a last faint radio signal: the Camerons were completely surrounded and wanted permission to destroy their wireless. The Dorsets sensed their turn was next. As the panzers approached, a strange cheerfulness—almost bravado—swept C Company headquarters. Someone wound up an ancient gramophone, and it ground out "Ramona" over and over again. For most people the tune might conjure up visions of moonlight and waterfalls, but 2nd Lieutenant Ivor Ramsay would always connect it with Festubert and those beetlelike tanks. Making clever use of the village buildings, the Dorsets managed to hold out till dark, when orders were to fight their way back to Estaires. They were now deep in enemy-held territory; using the roads was impossible. They would have to go cross-country—at night, without maps. All that the battalion commander Lieutenant-Colonel E. L. Stephenson had was a compass. At 10:30 p.m. they started out. Stephenson took the lead, followed by about 250 Dorsets and miscellaneous "odds and sods" who had lost their own units. It was a black, cloudy night, and the men soon had their first contact with the enemy when Stephenson ran head-on into a German infantry sergeant inspecting his own outposts. The Colonel pulled his revolver and killed the man with a single shot. Hearing the commotion, a nearby enemy sentry called, "Heinrich?"—but did nothing else. Relieved, the Dorsets stumbled on through the dark. Next, they came to a road running directly across their line of retreat, packed with enemy tanks and motor transport. A whole armored division was driving past. Stephenson's little troop lay down in the stubble and watched the show for over an hour—the German vehicles didn't even bother to turn off their lights. Finally, there was a break in the flow, and the Dorsets scooted across the road, plunging back into the underbrush just as the next echelon rolled into view. Guided by Colonel Stephenson's compass, the men struggled on across ploughed fields, over barbed-wire fences, through ditches waist-deep and stinking of sewage. At dawn they came to a canal too deep to wade. The swimmers formed a human chain to help the nonswimmers across. Somehow they managed it, then had to do it all over again when the canal looped back a quarter-mile further on. But Stephenson's compass never failed them. Just as he had calculated, at 5:00 a.m. on the 28th the Dorsets stumbled into Estaires, completing an eight-mile odyssey. French troops were defending the town and cheerfully shared their flasks of _vin rouge_ with the exhausted newcomers. There was not always such a happy ending. German troops surging across the La Bassée Canal caught the 2nd Royal Norfolks at Locon, wiping out most of the battalion. About 100 survivors fell back on a farm in the nearby village of Le Paradis. Trying to keep his men together, the acting CO Major Ryder sent Private Fred Tidey to make contact with some troops holding out on another farm across the road. Private Tidey accomplished his mission, then couldn't get back. The machine-gun fire was now too heavy for him to cross the road. Ryder and 98 of his men were soon surrounded in a cowshed by troops of the SS Totenkopf Division. The Germans set fire to the farm, ultimately forcing the Norfolks to surrender. They were immediately marched to a nearby barnyard, where a couple of machine guns mowed them down. The SS finished off those still alive with pistol and bayonet—except for Privates Bill O'Callaghan and Bert Pooley. Though fearfully wounded, they managed to survive by hiding beneath the bodies. Across the road Tidey had the good fortune to be taken prisoner by different troops, who were not SS but in the regular German Army. His war was over too, but at least he was alive. The road, it turned out, was the dividing line between the two different German units, and he still marvels at how this narrow strip of dirt and gravel almost certainly made all the difference between life and death. Le Paradis... Festubert... Hazebrouck—it was the fight put up at villages like these that bought the time so desperately needed to get the trapped troops up the 60-mile corridor to Dunkirk. The British 2nd Division, supported by some French tanks, took a merciless beating, but their sacrifice enabled two French divisions and untold numbers of the BEF to reach the coast. As the battered battalions swarmed up the corridor, the Luftwaffe continued to roam the skies unopposed. Besides bombs, thousands of leaflets fluttered down, urging the Tommies to give up. The addressees reacted in various ways. In the 58th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, most men treated the leaflets as a joke and a useful supply of toilet paper. Some men in the 250th Field Company, Royal Engineers, actually felt encouraged by a map that featured the Dunkirk beachhead. Until now, they hadn't realized there was still a route open to the sea so near at hand. A sergeant in the 6th Durham Light Infantry carefully read the strident wording several times, then observed to Captain John Austin: "They must be in a bad way, sir, to descend to that sort of thing." The jumbled masses were approaching Dunkirk now, coming in every way imaginable—members of the 1st East Surreys on borrowed bicycles... a farmboy in the 5th Royal Sussex riding a giant Belgian carthorse... a hatless brigadier tramping alone up the road from Bergues. Just outside Dunkirk, artilleryman Robert Lee saw one fellow sweep by on roller skates carrying an umbrella. Another chap was hustling along with a parrot in a cage. But far more typical was Gunner P. D. Allan. When his feet developed enormous blisters and he could no longer walk, two of his comrades acted as crutches, supporting him for the last five miles. At Dunkirk nobody was ready for this impending avalanche. Admiral Jean Abrial, the French naval officer in overall command of the coast, was tucked away in Bastion 32, planning the defense of the port. Like Weygand and Blanchard, he saw Dunkirk as the base for a permanent foothold on the Continent. General Adam, appointed by Gort to organize the evacuation, hadn't arrived yet. Adam was supposed to act under the orders of General Fagalde, the military commander under Abrial, provided Fagalde's orders "did not imperil the safety or welfare of the British troops"—an escape clause the size of Big Ben. Already there had been sharp disagreement over preparing various bridges for demolition. In a try for better coordination, the British and French commanders met in Cassel at 7:30 on the morning of May 27. The town, situated on its isolated hill nineteen miles south of Dunkirk, was one of Gort's most important strong-points, but as yet had not been attacked. Adam and Fagalde arrived early, and before the main meeting began, they worked out between themselves how they would defend the beachhead. They would try to hold the coast from Gravelines on the west to Nieuport on the east—a distance of about 30 miles. Inland, the perimeter would make maximum use of the canals that laced the area, running from Gravelines southeast to Bergues... then east to Furnes... and finally northeast to Nieuport. The French would be responsible for the area west of Dunkirk, the British for everything east. As the troops fell back into the perimeter, the French should keep to the west, the British to the east. Nowhere was there any provision for the Belgians, who were desperately fighting still farther east; it was decided their situation was too "obscure." The main meeting now began in the Hôtel du Sauvage dining room, where several tables had been stripped of their cloths and bunched together. It was a bare, stark setting relieved only by a bottle of Armagnac sitting in the center. Besides Fagalde, the French commanders included Admiral Abrial, General Blanchard, and General Koeltz from Weygand's headquarters. General Adam, representing Gort, had brought along Colonel Bridgeman and Lieutenant-General W. G. Lindsell, the BEF Quartermaster-General. It turned out that the principal business of the meeting was not defense arrangements but a ringing order of the day from General Weygand, relayed by General Koeltz. It called on the embattled forces to swing over to the offensive and retake Calais. The French generals agreed to try, but the British considered the appeal preposterous. Survival was a matter of hanging on, not advancing. To Bridgeman, Koeltz spoke such nonsense that he stopped taking notes. "Why aren't you writing?" Lindsell whispered. "There's nothing being said worth writing down," Bridgeman whispered back. And so it proved. Far from retaking Calais, General Fagalde's hard-pressed 68th Division had to pull back from the Gravelines end of the perimeter. Late on the 27th the French retired to a new line running from Mardyck to Spycker to Bergues. But at least the beachhead was now blocked out and the responsibilities for its defense clearly defined. As the poilus hunkered down in the western half of the perimeter, General Adam began organizing the eastern half. Under Bridgeman's plan it was divided into three sectors—one for each corps of the BEF. Specifically, III Corps would hold the Dunkirk end, next to the French; I Corps would be in the middle; and II Corps would defend the eastern end, which stretched across the frontier into Belgium. Two major canals—one running from Bergues to Furnes, the other from Furnes to Nieuport—would be the main defense line. For the most part, the line lay five or six miles back from the coast, which would protect the beaches at least from small arms fire. To command this defense line, Adam had the services of Brigadier the Honorable E. F. Lawson, a competent artilleryman. There was only one ingredient missing—soldiers. As of 8:00 a.m. on the 27th, when the Cassel meeting broke up, the British defense line existed only on paper. Lawson would have to man it with troops plucked from the horde tumbling into Dunkirk, taking pot luck from what turned up. Later he could replace these pick-up units, when the regular divisions holding open the corridor fell back on the coast; but for the moment improvisation was once again the order of the day. For immediate help he depended largely on artillerymen who had destroyed their guns during the retreat and could now serve as infantry. Several units manned the line between Bergues and Furnes, bolstered by a party of nineteen Grenadier Guards, who had somehow been separated from their battalion. Farther east, the 12th Searchlight Battery dug in at Furnes, and a survey company of Royal Engineers moved into Nieuport. While Lawson patched together his defense line, Colonel Bridgeman concentrated on getting the troops back to the coast. Basically his plan called for three main routes—III Corps would head for the beach at Malo-les-Bains, an eastern suburb of Dunkirk... I Corps for Bray-Dunes, six miles farther east... and II Corps for La Panne, four miles still farther east and across the Belgian frontier. All three towns were seaside resorts and provided an unlikely setting of bandstands, carousels, beach chairs, push-pedal cycles, and brightly painted cafés. Of the three, La Panne was the logical place to establish headquarters. It was where the telephone cable linking Belgium and England entered the Channel, and this meant direct contact with Dover and London not available anywhere else. Adam set up shop in the _Mairie,_ or town hall, and it was from here that Bridgeman did his best to direct the withdrawal. Naturally his plans meant issuing orders, and this in turn meant paper, and this in turn raised a brand new problem: there was no paper. GHQ's entire supply had gone up in flames, as the BEF destroyed its stores and equipment to keep them from falling into enemy hands. Major Arthur Dove, a staff officer under Bridgeman, finally managed to buy a pad of pink notepaper at a local stationery store. It was more suitable for _billets-doux,_ but it was the only thing available. In payment Dove needed all his diplomacy to persuade Madame the proprietress to accept French instead of Belgian francs. It's doubtful whether many of the addressees ever saw the Major's pink stationery. Dispatch riders did their best to deliver the orders, but communications were in a bigger shambles than ever. While the three corps did stick basically to their allotted sectors of the beachhead, many units remained unaware of any such arrangement, and thousands of stragglers went wherever whim—or an instinct for self-preservation—took them. They swarmed into Dunkirk and onto the beaches—lost, confused, and all too often leaderless. In many of the service and rear area units the officers had simply vanished, leaving the men to shift for themselves. Some took shelter in cellars in the town, huddling together as the bombs crashed down. Others threw away their arms and aimlessly wandered about the beach. Others played games and swam. Others got drunk. Others prayed and sang hymns. Others settled in deserted cafés on the esplanade and sipped drinks, almost like tourists. One man, with studied indifference, stripped to his shorts and sunbathed among the rocks, reading a paperback. And all the time the bombs rained down. The 2nd Anti-Aircraft Brigade was charged with protecting Dunkirk, and soon after arriving at La Panne, Colonel Bridgeman instructed the Brigade's liaison officer, Captain Sir Anthony Palmer, to keep his guns going to the last. Any spare gunners to join the infantry; any incapacitated men to go to the beach. Palmer relayed the order to Major-General Henry Martin, commanding all Gort's antiaircraft, but somewhere along the line the meaning got twisted. Martin understood that all antiaircraft gunners were to go to the beach. He never questioned the order, although it's hard to see why any force, as hard-pressed from the air as the BEF, would begin an evacuation by sending off its antiaircraft gunners. Instead, he merely reasoned that if the gunners were to leave, there would be no further use for their guns. Rather than have them fall into enemy hands, he ordered his heavy 3.7-inch pieces to be destroyed. Sometime after midnight, May 27-28, Martin appeared at Adam's headquarters to report that the job was done. With rather a sense of achievement, one observer felt, he saluted smartly and announced, "All the antiaircraft guns have been spiked." There was a long pause while a near-incredulous Adam absorbed this thunderbolt. Finally he looked up and merely said, "You... fool, go away." So the bombing continued, now opposed only by some light Bofors guns, and by the troops' Brens and rifles. In exasperation some men even cut the fuses of grenades and hurled them into the air hoping to catch some low-flying plane. More were like Lance Corporal Fred Batson of the RASC, who crawled into a discarded Tate & Lyle sugar box. Its thin wooden sides offered no real protection, but somehow he felt safer. Their big hope was the sea. The Royal Navy would come and get them. Gallipoli, Corunna, the Armada—for centuries, in a tight spot the British had always counted on their navy to save the day, and it had never disappointed them. But tonight, May 27, was different.... Private W.B.A. Gaze, driver with an ordnance repair unit, looked out to sea from Malo-les-Bains and saw nothing. No ships at all, except a shattered French destroyer beached a few yards out, her bow practically severed from the rest of the hull. After a bit, a single British destroyer hove into view... then three Thames barges, which moored 400 yards out... and finally fourteen drifters, each towing a couple of small boats. Not much for this mushrooming crowd on the beach. The prospect was even worse to the east. At La Panne Captain J. L. Moulton, a Royal Marines officer attached to GHQ, went down to the beach to see what was going on. Three sloops lay offshore, but there were no small boats to ferry anybody out. After quite a while a motor boat appeared, towing a whaler. As a Marine, Moulton knew something about boats and rushed to grab the gunwhale to keep the whaler from broaching to the surf. The skipper, sure that Moulton was trying to hijack the craft, fired a shot over his head. Somehow Moulton convinced the man of his good intentions, but the incident underscored the ragged inadequacy of the whole rescue effort at this point. More ships were needed, and many more small boats. Going to General Adam's headquarters, Moulton reported the shortage of vessels. Adam phoned London, hoping to stir some action at that end, and then approved a suggestion by Moulton that he go to Dover, armed with a map showing where the troops were concentrated, and speak directly with Admiral Ramsay. Moulton now went back to the beach, got a lift to one of the sloops lying offshore, and had the skipper take him across the Channel. Perhaps he could explain the true dimensions of the job. Without enough ships, all the time so dearly bought in Flanders would be wasted. # 5 # "Plenty Troops, Few Boats" IN HIS OFFICE JUST off the Dynamo Room Admiral Ramsay listened politely as Captain Moulton described the desperate situation at Dunkirk, and the need for a greater naval effort if many men were to be saved. Moulton had the sinking feeling that he wasn't getting his point across... that this was one of those cases where a mere Marine captain didn't carry much weight with a Vice-Admiral of the Royal Navy. His mission accomplished, Moulton returned to France, reported back to General Adam's headquarters, and went to work on the beaches. Meanwhile, there were still few ships, but this wasn't because Ramsay failed to appreciate the need. Relying mainly on personnel vessels—ferries, pleasure steamers, and the like—he had hoped to dispatch two every three and a half hours, but the schedule soon broke down. The first ship sent was _Mono's Isle,_ an Isle of Man packet. She left Dover at 9:00 p.m., May 26, and after an uneventful passage tied up at Dunkirk's Gare Maritime around midnight. Packed with 1,420 troops, she began her return journey at sunrise on the 27th. Second Lieutenant D. C. Snowdon of the 1st/7th Queen's Royal Regiment lay in exhausted sleep below decks, when he was suddenly awakened by what sounded like someone hammering on the hull. This turned out to be German artillery firing on the vessel. Because of shoals and minefields, the shortest route between Dunkirk and Dover (called Route Z) ran close to the shore for some miles west of Dunkirk. Passing ships offered a perfect target. Several shells crashed into _Mona's Isle,_ miraculously without exploding. Then a hit aft blew away the rudder. Luckily, she was twin-screw, and managed to keep course by using her propellers. Gradually she drew out of range, and the troops settled down again. Lieutenant Snowdon went back to sleep below decks; others remained topside, soaking in the bright morning sun. Then another rude awakening—this time by a sound like hail on the decks. Six Me 109's were machine-gunning the ship. All the way aft Petty Officer Leonard B. Kearley-Pope crouched alone at the stern gun, gamely firing back. Four bullets tore into his right arm, but he kept shooting, until the planes broke off. _Mona's Isle_ finally limped into Dover around noon on the 27th with 23 killed and 60 wounded. Almost as bad from Ramsay's point of view, the 40-mile trip had taken eleven and a half hours instead of the usual three. By this time other ships too were getting a taste of those German guns. Two small coasters, _Sequacity_ and _Yewdale,_ had started for Dunkirk about 4:00 a.m. on the 27th. As they approached the French coast, a shell crashed into _Sequacity_ 's starboard side at the waterline, continued through the ship and out the port side. Another smashed into the engine room, knocking out the pumps. Then two more hits, and _Sequacity_ began to sink. _Yewdale_ picked up the crew, and with shells splashing around her, headed back for England. By 10:00 a.m. four more ships had been forced to turn back. None got through, and Admiral Ramsay's schedule was in hopeless disarray. But he was a resourceful, resilient man; in the Dynamo Room the staff caught his spirit and set about revamping their plan. Clearly Route Z could no longer be used, at least in daylight. There were two alternatives, neither very attractive. Route X, further to the northeast, would avoid the German batteries, but it was full of dangerous shoals and heavily mined. For the moment, at least, it too was out. Finally there was Route Y. It lay still further to the northeast, running almost as far as Ostend, where it doubled back west toward England. It was easier to navigate, relatively free of mines, and safe from German guns; but it was much, much longer—87 miles, compared to 55 for Route X and 39 for Route Z. This meant the cross-Channel trip would be twice as long as planned; or, put another way, it would take twice as many ships to keep Ramsay's schedule. Still, it was the only hope, at least until Route X could be swept clear of mines. At 11:00 a.m. on the 27th the first convoy—two transports, two hospital ships, and two destroyers—left Dover and arrived off Dunkirk nearly six hours later. The extra effort was largely wasted, for at the moment Dunkirk was taking such a pounding from the Luftwaffe that the port was practically paralyzed. The _Royal Daffodil_ managed to pick up 900 men, but the rest of the convoy was warned to stay clear: too much danger of sinking and blocking the harbor. With that, the convoy turned and steamed back to Dover. During the evening four more transports and two hospital ships arrived by Route Y. The transport _Canterbury_ picked up 457 troops at the Gare Maritime, but then the Luftwaffe returned for a nighttime visit, and it again looked as though the harbor might be blocked. As _Canterbury_ pulled out, she received a signal from the shore to turn back any other vessels trying to enter. She relayed the message to several ships waiting outside, and they in turn relayed it to other ships. There was more than one inexperienced signalman at sea that night, and garbles were inevitable. By the time the warning was flashed by a passing ship to the skoot _Tilly,_ coming over by Route Y, it said, "Dunkirk has fallen and is in enemy hands. Keep clear." _Tilly_ was one of six skoots that had sailed together from the Dover Downs that afternoon. Her skipper, Lieutenant-Commander W.R.T. Clemments, had no idea why he was going to Dunkirk. His only clue was a pile of 450 lifejackets that had been dumped aboard just before sailing—rather many for a crew of eleven. Now here was a ship telling him to turn back from a trip he didn't understand anyhow. After consulting with the nearest skoot, he put about and returned to Dover for further orders. The other skoots hovered off Nieuport for a while. They too received signals from passing ships that Dunkirk had fallen. They too turned back. To cap off the day, two strings of lifeboats being towed over by a tug were run down and scattered. This chain of mishaps and misunderstandings explained why the men waiting on the beaches saw so few ships on May 27. Only 7,669 men were evacuated that day, most of them "useless mouths" evacuated by ships sent from Dover before Dynamo officially began. At this rate it would take 40 days to lift the BEF. As the bad news flowed in, Admiral Ramsay and his staff in the Dynamo Room struggled to get the show going again. Clearly more destroyers were needed—to escort the convoys, to fight off the Luftwaffe, to help lift the troops, to provide a protective screen for the longer Route Y. Ramsay fired off an urgent appeal to the Admiralty: take destroyers off other jobs; get them to Dunkirk.... HMS _Jaguar_ was on escort duty in the cold, foggy waters off Norway when orders came to return to England at once.... _Havant_ was lying at Greenock, tucked among the green hills of western Scotland.... _Harvester_ was a brand new destroyer training far to the south off the Dorset coast. One after another, all available destroyers were ordered to proceed to Dover "forthwith." _Saladin_ was a 1914 antique on escort duty off the Western Approaches when she got the word. The other escort vessels had similar orders, and all complied at once. The twelve to fourteen ships in the convoy were left to fend for themselves. These were dangerous waters, and Chief Signal Clerk J. W. Martin of the _Saladin_ wondered what the commodore of the convoy thought as he watched his protection steam away. On the destroyers few of the men knew what was up. On the _Saladin_ Martin, who saw much of the message traffic, caught a reference to "Dynamo," but that told him nothing. He just knew it must be important if they were leaving a convoy in this part of the Atlantic. Speculation increased as the destroyers reached Dover and were ordered to proceed immediately to "beaches east of Dunkirk." On the _Malcolm_ the navigation officer, Lieutenant David Mellis, supposed they were going to bring off some army unit that had been cut off. With luck they should finish the job in a few hours. The _Anthony_ passed a motor boat heading back to England with about twenty soldiers aboard. The officer of the watch shouted across the water, asking if there were many more to come. "Bloody thousands," somebody yelled back. It was still dark when the _Jaguar_ crept near the French coast in the early hours of May 28. As dawn broke, Stoker A. D. Saunders saw that the ship was edging toward a beautiful stretch of white sand, which appeared to have shrubs planted all over it. Then the shrubs began to move, forming lines pointed toward the sea, and Saunders realized they were men, thousands of soldiers waiting for help. The whole stretch of beach from Dunkirk to La Panne shelved so gradually that the destroyers couldn't get closer than a mile, even at high tide. Since no small craft were yet on the scene, the destroyers had to use their own boats to pick up the men. The boat crews weren't used to this sort of work, the soldiers even less so. Sometimes they piled into one side all at once, upsetting the craft. Other times too many crowded into a boat, grounding or swamping it. All too often they simply abandoned the boat once they reached the rescue ship. Motors were clogged with sand, propellers fouled by debris, oars lost. Operating off Malo-les-Bains in the early hours of May 28, _Sabre_ 's three boats picked up only 100 men in two hours. At La Panne, _Malcolm_ 's record was even worse—450 men in fifteen hours. "Plenty troops, few boats," the destroyer _Wakeful_ radioed Ramsay at 5:07 a.m. on the 28th, putting the problem as succinctly as possible. All through the day _Wakeful_ and the other destroyers sent a stream of messages to Dover urging more small boats. The Dynamo Room in turn needled London. The Small Vessels Pool was doing its best, but it took time to wade through the registration data sent in by owners. Then H. C. Riggs of the Ministry of Shipping thought of a short-cut. Why not go direct to the various boatyards along the Thames? With a war on, many of the owners had laid up their craft. At Tough Brothers boatyard in Teddington the proprietor, Douglas Tough, got an early-morning phone call from Admiral Sir Lionel Preston himself. The evacuation was still secret, but Preston took Tough into his confidence, explaining the nature of the problem and the kind of boats needed. The Admiral couldn't have come to a better man. The Tough family had been in business on the Thames for three generations. Douglas Tough had founded the present yard in 1922 and knew just about every boat on the river. He was willing to act for the Admiralty, commandeering any suitable craft. The first fourteen were already in the yard. Supervised by Chief Foreman Harry Day, workmen swiftly off-loaded cushions and china, ripped out the peacetime fittings, put the engines in working order, filled the fuel tanks. Tough himself went up and down the river, picking out additional boats that he thought could stand the wear and tear of the job ahead. Most owners were willing; some came along with their boats. A few objected, but he commandeered their vessels anyhow. Some never realized what was happening, until they later found their boats missing and reported the "theft" to the police. Meanwhile volunteer crews were also being assembled at Tough's, mostly amateurs from organizations like the Little Ships Club or a wartime creation called the River Emergency Service. These gentleman sailors would get the boats down the river to Southend, where the Navy would presumably take over. The Small Vessels Pool, of course, did not confine its efforts to Tough's. It tried practically every boatyard and yacht club from Cowes to Margate. Usually no explanation was given—just the distance the boats had to go. At William Osborne's yard in Littlehampton the cabin cruisers _Gwen Eagle_ and _Bengeo_ seemed to fill the bill; local hands were quickly rounded up by the harbor master, and off they went. Often the Small Vessels Pool dealt directly with the owners in its files. Technically every vessel was chartered, but the paperwork was usually done long afterwards. Despite a later legend of heroic sacrifice, some cases were difficult. Preston's assistant secretary Stanley Berry found himself dealing interminably with the executor of a deceased owner's estate, who wanted to know who was going to pay a charge of £3 for putting the boat in the water. But most were like the owner who asked whether he could retrieve some whisky left on board. When Berry replied it was too late for that, the man simply said he hoped the finder would have a good drink on him. By now the Dynamo Room was reaching far beyond the Small Vessels Pool. The Nore Command of the Royal Navy, based at Chatham, scoured the Thames estuary for shallow-draft barges. The Port of London authorities stripped the lifeboats off the _Volendam, Durbar Castle,_ and other ocean liners that happened to be in dock. The Royal National Lifeboat Institution sent everything it had along the east and south coasts. The Army offered eight landing craft (called ALC's), but some way had to be found to bring them from Southampton. Jimmy Keith, the Ministry of Shipping liaison man in the Dynamo Room, phoned Basil Bellamy at the Sea Transport Division in London. For once, the solution was easy. Bellamy flipped through his cards and found that the cargo liner _Clan MacAlister,_ already in Southampton, had exceptionally strong derrick posts. She began loading the ALC's on the morning of the 27th, and was on her way down the Solent by 6:30 p.m. On board was a special party of 45 seamen and two reserve officers. They would man the ALC's. Like the crews for the skoots, they were drawn from the Chatham Naval Barracks. Sometimes a ship was lucky and drew an experienced crew. More often it was like the skoot _Patria,_ which had a coxswain who couldn't steer and an engineer making his first acquaintance with marine diesels. In the Dynamo Room, Admiral Ramsay's staff worked on. There seemed a million things to do, and all had to be done at once: Clear Route X of mines.... Get more fighter cover from the RAF.... Find more Lewis guns.... Dispatch the antiaircraft cruiser _Calcutta_ to the scene.... Repair damaged vessels.... Replace worn-out crews.... Send over water for the beleaguered troops.... Prepare for the wounded.... Get the latest weather forecast.... Line up some 125 maintenance craft to service the little ships now gathering at Sheerness.... Put some men to work making ladders—fast. "Poor Morgan," Ramsay wrote Mag, describing the effect on his staff, "is terribly strained and badly needs a rest. 'Flags' looks like a ghost, and the Secretary has suddenly become old. All my staff are in fact completely worn out, yet I see no prospect of any let up...." For Ramsay himself there was one ray of light. Vice-Admiral Sir James Somerville had come down from London, volunteering to take over from time to time so that Ramsay could get a bit of rest. Somerville had an electric personality, and was worshiped by junior officers. He was not only a perfect stand-in but a good trouble-shooter as well. Shortly after his arrival on May 27 morale collapsed on the destroyer _Verity._ She had been badly shelled on a couple of trips across the Channel, her captain was seriously wounded, and the crew had reached the breaking point. One sailor even tried to commit suicide. When the acting skipper reported the situation to Dover Castle, Somerville went back with him and addressed the ship's company. Knowing that words can only accomplish so much, he also rested _Verity_ overnight. Next morning she was back on the job. To Somerville, to Ramsay—to the whole Dynamo Room contingent—the evacuation had become an obsession. So it seemed like a visit from another world when three high-ranking French naval officers turned up in Dover on the 27th to discuss, among other things, how to keep Dunkirk supplied. From General Weygand on down, the French still regarded the port as a permanent foothold on the Continent. Admiral Darlan, the suave naval Chief of Staff, was no exception, and his deputy, Captain Paul Auphan, had the task of organizing a supply fleet for the beachhead. Auphan decided that trawlers and fishing smacks were the best bet, and his men fanned out over Normandy and Brittany commandeering more than 200 vessels. Meanwhile, disturbing news reached Darlan. A liaison officer attached to Gort's headquarters reported that the British were considering evacuation—with or without the French. It was decided to send Auphan to Dover, where he would be joined by Rear-Admiral Marcel Leclerc from Dunkirk and by Vice-Admiral Jean Odend'hal, head of the French Naval Mission in London. A firsthand assessment might clarify the situation. Auphan and Odend'hal arrived first, and as they waited for Leclerc in the officers' mess, Odend'hal noticed a number of familiar British faces. They were strictly "desk types"—men he saw daily at the Admiralty—yet here they were in Dover wearing tin hats. Odend'hal asked what was up. "We're here for the evacuation," they replied. The two visitors were astonished. This was the first word to reach the French Navy that the British were not merely "considering" evacuation—they were already pulling out. Leclerc now arrived, and all three went to see Ramsay. He brought them up to date on Dynamo. Auphan began rearranging the plans for his fleet of fishing smacks and trawlers. Instead of supplying the beachhead, they would now be used to evacuate French troops. The two navies would work together, but it was understood that each country would look primarily after its own. Back in France next day, the 28th, Auphan rushed to French naval headquarters at Maintenon and broke the news to Darlan. The Admiral was so amazed he took the Captain to see General Weygand. He professed to be equally surprised, and Auphan found himself in the odd position of briefing the Supreme Allied Commander on what the British were doing. It's hard to understand why they all were so astounded. On the afternoon of May 26 Churchill told Reynaud that the British planned to evacuate, urging the French Premier to issue "corresponding orders." At 5:00 a.m. on the 27th Eden radioed the British liaison at Weygand's headquarters, asking where the French wanted the evacuated troops to be landed when they returned to that part of France still held by the Allies. At 7:30 a.m. the same day the French and British commanders meeting at Cassel discussed the "lay-out of the beaches" at Dunkirk—they could only have been talking about the evacuation. Informally, the French had been aware of Gort's thinking a good deal sooner. As early as May 23 a British liaison officer, Major O. A. Archdale, came unofficially to say good-bye to his opposite number, Major Joseph Fauvelle, at French First Army Group headquarters. Fauvelle gathered that evacuation was in the wind and told his boss, General Blanchard. He in turn sent Fauvelle to Paris to tell Weygand. The information was in the Supreme Commander's hands by 9:00 a.m., May 25. And yet, surprise and confusion on the 28th, when Captain Auphan reported that the British had begun to evacuate. Perhaps the best explanation lies in the almost complete breakdown of French communications. The troops trapped in Flanders were no longer in touch with Weygand's headquarters, except by wireless via the French Navy, and their headquarters at Maintenon was 70 miles from Paris. As a result, vital messages were delayed or missed altogether. The various commands operated in a vacuum; there was no agreement on policy or tactics even among themselves. Reynaud accepted evacuation. Weygand thought in terms of a big bridgehead including a recaptured Calais. Blanchard and Fagalde wrote off Calais, but still planned on a smaller bridgehead built around Dunkirk. General Prioux, commanding First Army, was bent on a gallant last stand down around Lille. In contrast, the British were now united in one goal—evacuation. As Odend'hal noted, even senior staff officers from the Admiralty were manning small boats and working the beaches—often on the shortest notice. One of these was Captain William G. Tennant, a lean, reserved navigation expert who normally was Chief Staff Officer to the First Sea Lord in London. He got his orders on May 26 at 6:00 p.m.; by 8:25 he was on the train heading for Dover. Tennant was to be Senior Naval Officer at Dunkirk, in charge of the shore end of the evacuation. As SNO he would supervise the distribution and loading of the rescue fleet. To back him up he had a naval shore party of eight officers and 160 men. After a brief stopover at Chatham Naval Barracks, he arrived in Dover at 9:00 a.m. on the 27th. Meanwhile buses were coming from Chatham, bringing the men assigned to the shore party. Most still had no idea what was up. One rumor spread that they were going to man some six-inch guns on the Dover cliffs. Seaman Carl Fletcher was delighted at the prospect: he then would be stationed near home. He soon learned better. On arrival at Dover the men were divided into parties of twenty, each commanded by one of Tennant's eight officers. Fletcher's group was under Commander Hector Richardson, who explained that they would shortly be going to Dunkirk. It was a bit "hot" there, he added, and they might like to fortify themselves at a pub across the way. To a man they complied, and Seaman Fletcher belted down an extra one for the trip over. The destroyer _Wolfhound_ would be taking them across, and shortly before departure her skipper, Lieutenant-Commander John McCoy, dropped by the wardroom to learn what his officers knew about conditions at Dunkirk. Sub-Lieutenant H. W. Stowell piped up that he had a friend on another destroyer who was there recently and had a whale of a time—champagne, dancing girls, a most hospitable port. At 1:45 p.m. _Wolfhound_ sailed, going by the long Route Y. At 2:45 the first Stukas struck, and it was hell the rest of the way. Miraculously, the ship dodged everything, and at 5:35 slipped into Dunkirk harbor. The whole coastline seemed ablaze, and a formation of 21 German planes rained bombs on the quay as _Wolfhound_ tied up. Commander McCoy dryly asked Sub-Lieutenant Stowell where the champagne and dancing girls were. The _Wolfhound_ was too inviting a target. Captain Tennant landed his shore party and dispersed them as soon as possible. Then he set off with several of his officers for Bastion 32, where Admiral Abrial had allotted space to the local British command. Normally it was a ten-minute walk, but not today. Tennant's party had to pick their way through streets littered with rubble and broken glass. Burned-out trucks and tangled trolley wires were everywhere. Black, oily smoke swirled about the men as they trudged along. Dead and wounded British soldiers sprawled among the debris; others, perfectly fit, prowled aimlessly about, or scrounged among the ruins. It was well after 6:00 p.m. by the time they reached Bastion 32, which turned out to be a concrete bunker protected by earth and heavy steel doors. Inside, a damp, dark corridor led through a candle-lit operations room to the cubbyhole that was assigned to the British Naval Liaison Officer, Commander Harold Henderson. Here Tennant met with Henderson, Brigadier R.H.R. Parminter from Gort's staff, and Colonel G.H.P. Whitfield, the Area Commandant. All three agreed that Dunkirk harbor couldn't be used for evacuation. The air attacks were too devastating. The beaches to the east were the only hope. Tennant asked how long he would have for the job. The answer was not encouraging: "24 to 36 hours." After that, the Germans would probably be in Dunkirk. With this gloomy assessment, at 7:58 p.m. he sent his first signal to Dover as Senior Naval Officer: > Please send every available craft East of Dunkirk immediately. Evacuation tomorrow night is problematical. At 8:05 he sent another message, elaborating slightly: > Port continually bombed all day and on fire. Embarkation possible only from beaches east of harbour.... Send all ships and passenger ships there. Am ordering _Wolfhound_ to anchor there, load and sail. In Dover, the Dynamo Room burst into action as the staff rushed to divert the rescue fleet from Dunkirk to the ten-mile stretch of sand east of the port.... > 9:01, _Maid of Orleans_ not to enter Dunkirk but anchor close inshore between Malo-les-Bains and Zuydcoote to embark troops from beach.... > > 9:27, _Grafton_ and Polish destroyer _Blyskawicz_ to close beach at La Panne at 0100/28 and embark all possible British troops in own boats. This is our last chance of saving them.... > > 9:42, _Gallant_ [plus five other destroyers and cruiser _Calcutta]_ to close beach one to three miles east of Dunkirk with utmost despatch and embark all possible British troops. This is our last chance of saving them. Within an hour the Dynamo Room managed to shift to the beaches all the vessels in service at the moment: a cruiser, 9 destroyers, 2 transports, 4 minesweepers, 4 skoots, and 17 drifters—37 ships altogether. In Dunkirk, Captain Tennant's naval party went to work rounding up the scattered troops and sending them to the nearest beach at Malo-les-Bains. Here they were divided by Commander Richardson into packets of 30 to 50 men. In most cases the soldiers were pathetically eager to obey anybody who seemed to know what he was doing. "Thank God we've got a Navy," remarked one soldier to Seaman Fletcher. Most of the troops were found crowded in the port's cellars, taking cover from the bombs. Second Lieutenant Arthur Rhodes managed to get his men into a basement liberally stocked with champagne and foie gras, which became their staple diet for some time. But this did not mean they were enjoying the good life. Some 60 men, two civilian women, and assorted stray dogs were packed in together. The atmosphere was heavy... made even heavier when one of the soldiers fed some foie gras to one of the dogs, and it promptly threw up. Some of the men took to the champagne, and drunken shouts soon mingled with the crash of bombs and falling masonry that came from above. From time to time Rhodes ventured outside trying to find a better cellar, but they all were crowded and he finally gave up. Toward evening he heard a cry for "officers." Going up, he learned that the Royal Navy had arrived. He was to take his men to the beaches; ships would try to lift them that night. Cellars couldn't hold all the men now pouring into Dunkirk. Some, looking desperately for cover, headed for the sturdy old French fortifications that lay between the harbor and the beaches east of town. Bastion 32 was here, with its small quota of British staff officers, but the French units holed up in the area were not inclined to admit any more visitors. Terrified and leaderless, one group of British stragglers wasn't about to turn back. They had no officers, but they did have rifles. During the evening of the 27th they approached Bastion 32, brandishing their guns and demanding to be let in. Two Royal Navy officers came out unarmed and parlayed with them. It was still touch and go when one of Tennant's shore parties arrived. The sailors quickly restored order, and this particular crisis was over. Seaman G. F. Nixon, attached to one of these naval parties, later recalled how quickly the troops responded to almost any show of firm authority. "It was amazing what a two-badge sailor with a fixed bayonet and a loud voice did to those lads." Captain Tennant, making his first inspection of the beaches as SNO, personally addressed several jittery groups. He urged them to keep calm and stay under cover as much as possible. He assured them that plenty of ships were coming, and that they would all get safely back to England. He was invariably successful, partly because the ordinary Tommy had such blind faith in the Royal Navy, but also because Tennant _looked_ like an officer. Owing to the modern fashion of dressing all soldiers alike, the army officers didn't stand out even when present, but there was no doubt about Tennant. In his well-cut navy blues, with its brass buttons and four gold stripes, he had authority written all over him. And in Tennant's case, there was an extra touch. During a snack at Bastion 32 his signal officer, Commander Michael Ellwood, cut the letters "S-N-O" from the silver foil of a cigarette pack, then glued them to the Captain's helmet with thick pea soup. Unfortunately no amount of discipline could change the basic arithmetic of Dunkirk. Far too few men were being lifted from the beaches. Tennant estimated he could do the job five or six times faster if he could use the docks. Yet one glance at Dunkirk's blazing waterfront proved that was out of the question. But he did notice a peculiar thing. Although the Luftwaffe was pounding the piers and quays, it completely ignored the two long breakwaters or moles that formed the entrance to Dunkirk's harbor. Like a pair of protective arms, these moles ran toward each other—one from the west and one from the east—with just enough room for a ship to pass in between. It was the eastern mole that attracted Tennant's special attention. Made of concrete piling topped by a wooden walkway, it ran some 1,400 yards out to sea. If ships could be brought alongside, it would speed up the evacuation enormously. The big drawback: the mole was never built to be used as a pier. Could it take the pounding it would get, as the swift tidal current—running as high as three knots—slammed ships against the flimsy wooden planking? There were posts here and there, but they were meant only for occasional harbor craft. Could large vessels tie up without yanking the posts loose? The walkway was just ten feet wide, barely room for four men walking abreast. Would this lead to impossible traffic jams? All these difficulties were aggravated by a fifteen-foot tidal drop. Transferring the troops at low or high water was bound to be a tricky and dangerous business. Still, it was the only hope. At 10:30 p.m. Tennant signaled _Wolfhound,_ now handling communications offshore, to send a personnel ship to the mole "to embark 1,000 men." The assignment went to _Queen of the Channel,_ formerly a crack steamer on the cross-Channel run. At the moment she was lifting troops from the beach at Malo-les-Bains, and like everyone else, her crew found it slow going. She quickly shifted to the mole and began loading up. She had no trouble, and the anxious naval party heaved a collective sigh of relief. By 4:15 a.m. some 950 men crammed the _Queen_ 's decks. Dawn was breaking, when a voice called out from the mole asking how many more she could take. "It's not a case of how many more," her skipper shouted back, "but whether we can get away with what we already have." He was right. Less than halfway across the Channel a single German plane dropped a stick of bombs just astern of the _Queen,_ breaking her back. Except for a few soldiers who jumped overboard, everyone behaved with amazing calm. Seaman George Bartlett even considered briefly whether he should go below for a new pair of shoes he had left in his locker. He wisely thought better of it, for the ship was now sinking fast. He and the rest stood quietly on the sloping decks, until a rescue ship, the _Dorrien Rose,_ nudged alongside and transferred them all. The _Queen of the Channel_ was lost, but the day was saved. The mole worked! The timbers did not collapse; the tide did not interfere; the troops did not panic. There was plenty of room for a steady procession of ships. The story might be different once the Germans caught on, but clouds of smoke hung low over the harbor. Visibility was at a minimum. "SNO requires all vessels alongside east pier," the destroyer _Wakeful_ radioed Ramsay from Dunkirk at 4:36 a.m. on the 28th. Once again the staff in the Dynamo Room swung into action. They had spent the early part of the night diverting the rescue fleet from the harbor to the beaches; now they went to work shifting it back again. On the beach at Malo-les-Bains Commander Richardson got the word too and began sending the troops back to Dunkirk in batches of 500. But even as the loading problem was being solved, a whole new crisis arose. Critical moments at Dunkirk had a way of alternating between the sea and the land, and this time, appropriately enough, the setting once again reverted to the battle-scarred fields of Flanders. At 4 a.m.—just as the _Queen of the Channel_ was proving that the mole would work—Leopold III, King of the Belgians, formally laid down his arms. The result left a twenty-mile gap in the eastern wall of the escape corridor. Unless it could be closed at once, the Germans would pour in, cut the French and British off from the sea, and put an abrupt end to the evacuation. # 6 # The Gap GENERAL GORT HEARD THE news by chance. Hoping to confer with General Blanchard about the evacuation, he had driven to Bastion 32 around 11 o'clock on the night of May 27. No sign of Blanchard, but General Koeltz from Weygand's headquarters was there, and casually asked whether Gort had heard that King Leopold was seeking an armistice. Gort was amazed. He felt sure that the Belgians weren't capable of prolonged resistance, but he didn't expect them to crumble so soon. "I now found myself suddenly faced with an open gap of 20 miles between Ypres and the sea through which enemy armoured forces might reach the beaches." General Weygand was even more astonished. He got the word during a conference at Vincennes, when somebody handed him a telegram from his liaison officer with the Belgians. "The news came like a thunderclap, as nothing had enabled me to foresee such a decision, no warning, not a hint of it." Even Winston Churchill, who had his own special man, Admiral Sir Roger Keyes, at Leopold's headquarters, seems to have been caught off-guard. "Suddenly," the Prime Minister told a hushed House of Commons a few days later, "without prior consultation, with the least possible notice, without the advice of his ministers, and upon his own personal act, he sent a plenipotentiary to the German command, surrendered his Army, and exposed our whole flank and means of retreat." The mystery is why they were so surprised. As early as May 25 Leopold had telegraphed King George VI that Belgian resistance was on the point of being crushed, "and so the assistance which we can give to the Allies will come to an end if our Army is surrounded." He added that he considered it his duty to remain with his people and not set up a government in exile. On the 26th and 27th both Gort and the War Office received from their Belgian liaison contacts seven separate messages warning that the end was near, unless the British could counterattack—which was clearly impossible. In addition, Admiral Keyes telephoned Churchill on the morning of May 27 that "he did not think that the Belgian army's resistance could be maintained much longer." Keyes then wired Gort that Leopold > fears a moment is rapidly approaching when he can no longer rely upon his troops to fight or be of any further use to the BEF. He wishes you to realize that he will be obliged to surrender before a debacle. Leopold, on the other hand, had been told nothing about Allied intentions. Although Gort felt that an active, fighting Belgian Army was "essential for our extraction," its leaders were never consulted, and not one ship was allocated for the use of Belgian troops. Finally, after a nudge from Eden, Churchill telegraphed Gort on the morning of May 27, "It is now necessary to tell the Belgians...." He then included a personal message for Admiral Keyes, spelling out the approach to take with Leopold: "Impart following to your friend. Presume he knows that British and French are fighting their way to coast...." Thus London explained away its failure to inform the King by simply "presuming" that he already knew. Churchill's message also urged Keyes to make sure that Leopold left the country and ended with a vague offer to include Belgian troops whenever the BEF returned to France. The message never reached Keyes, but it didn't matter By now Leopold had other ideas. Never an attractive personality—a haughty, aloof man who made his ministers stand in his presence—the King nevertheless had a strong sense of duty. On the mistaken assumption that he would continue to have influence under German occupation, he decided to surrender and remain with his people. At 5:00 p.m. on the 27th a trusted staff officer, Major-General Derousseau, set out with a white flag for the German lines. Any hopes he had for favorable terms were quickly dashed. The Fuehrer insisted on unconditional surrender. Leopold agreed, and at 4:00 a.m. on May 28 Belgium formally laid down her arms. Here and there a few fought on. After an exhausting day of retreat, Captain Georges Truffaut of the 16th Infantry Division was sleeping in the great hall of the chateau at Ruddervoorde when he woke up with a start at 4:30 a.m. The lights were on, and people were moving about. "The army has capitulated," somebody explained. "What?" "The liaison officer attached to Corps headquarters has just brought the order." "Then I'm deserting." Truffaut, a member of Parliament and one of the young leaders of the Walloon Socialist Party, was no man for blind obedience to military orders. He "borrowed" a staff car and was soon on his way to Dunkirk. Coming to a French outpost, he learned that staying in the war would be no easy matter. Enraged by the Belgian surrender, the officer in charge called him a traitor, a coward, and warned that the guard would start shooting if he came any closer. Turned back, Truffaut now tried another road farther south... and ran head-on into a German column. Racing north again, he reached the sea at Coxyde. Here he cautiously approached a British officer and carefully explained he was no traitor. Could he enter the lines? "I'm afraid it's impossible, sir. Sorry." On to Nieuport, which he found full of Belgian soldiers, some as frustrated as himself. Here Truffaut and a few others appropriated a fishing smack lying in the fairway. They had trouble with the engine, with the sail, and with a lone German plane that swooped down and buzzed them. It apparently decided they weren't worth the ammunition, for it flew off and they safely reached the open sea. It was now dark, and to attract attention they lit rags soaked in petrol. There were plenty of ships, but no one wanted to stop in these dangerous waters. Finally a British destroyer did pick them up, and once again Truffant faced a hostile reception. This time he managed to sell his case. In fact, the destroyer was on its way to Dunkirk and could use these sturdy Belgians with their boat. It had been a long, hard day, but Georges Truffant was at last back in the war. There were not many like him. Private W.C.P. Nye of the 4th Royal Sussex was on sentry duty at the Courtrai airfield when he saw a mass of men coming down the road away from the front. Hundreds of Belgian soldiers on bicycles swept by, shouting that the war was over. Tramping toward the coast from the River Lys, the men of the 2nd North Staffordshire passed swarms of disarmed Belgians standing by the roadside watching the retreat. Some looked ashamed, but many shouted insults and shook their fists at the weary Tommies. At Bulscamp a plump gendarme appeared at British headquarters, announced that Belgium had surrendered and he had been ordered to confiscate all British weapons. There is no record of the language used in reply. All over the countryside white bedsheets blossomed from windows and doorways. At Watou Lieutenant Ramsay of the 2nd Dorsets started to enter an empty house to get a bit of rest. A woman who lived nearby rushed up crying, _"Non, non, non!"_ _"C'est la guerre,"_ explained Ramsay, using the time-honored expression that had served so well in two world wars to explain any necessary inconvenience. _"C'est la guerre, oui, mais pas pour nous!"_ she retorted. To most Belgians it was now indeed somebody else's war, and they were relieved to be out of it. Many felt their country had become just a doormat, to be stamped on by larger, stronger neighbors in an apparently endless struggle for power. _"Les anglais, les allemands, toute la même chose,"_ as one weary peasant woman put it. Technically, the Belgian surrender suddenly created a huge gap at the northeastern end of the Allied escape corridor. Actually, the gap had been steadily growing as Belgian resistance crumbled, and for the past 48 hours Lieutenant-General Brooke, the II Corps commander defending the line, had been juggling his forces, trying to fill it. He worked miracles, but on the afternoon of May 27 (just when Leopold was tossing in his hand) there were still no Allied troops between the British 50th Division near Ypres and some French on the coast at Nieuport—a gap of over twenty miles. All Brooke had left was Major-General Montgomery's 3rd Division down by Roubaix near the bottom of the pocket. To do any good, it would have to pull out from its position near the right end of the line... move north for 25 miles across the rear of three other divisions... then slide back into place on the far left. The shift would be that most difficult of military maneuvers: a giant side-step by 13,000 men, made at night along back lanes and unfamiliar roads, often within 4,000 yards of the enemy. And it all had to be completed by daylight, when the moving column would make a prime target for the Luftwaffe. Montgomery wasn't in the least fazed by the assignment. Although virtually unknown to the public, he was probably the most discussed division commander in the BEF. Cocky, conceited, abrasive, theatrical, he had few friends but many admirers in the army. Whatever they thought of him, all agreed that he was technically a superb soldier and a master at training and inspiring troops. All winter his men had practiced this sort of night march. They had drilled and drilled, until every detail was down pat, every contingency foreseen. Now "Monty" was sure he could pull it off. Late afternoon, his machine gunners and armored cars went ahead as a light advance force. Then at last light the red-capped Military Police moved out to mark the way and keep the traffic properly spaced. Finally, after dark, the main body—2,000 vans, lorries, pick-ups, staff cars, and troop carriers. There were, of course, no regular lights. Every driver had to watch the rear axle of the vehicle in front of him. It was painted white, faintly illuminated by a small shielded lamp. Monty himself was riding in his regular Humber staff car, with his bodyguard Sergeant Elkin close by on his motorcycle. On their right the front, running parallel, was marked by the constant flicker of guns. On their left some British artillery kept up a lively fire from Mont Kemmel. Shells and tracers were passing overhead in both directions, forming a weird archway for the moving troops. Once a British battery, positioned by the roadside, let loose just as Monty was passing. It practically blew the Humber off the road, but the General didn't bat an eye. By daylight on the 28th the 3rd Division was moving into position. Thanks to Montgomery's giant side-step, British troops now held the eastern wall of the escape corridor as far north as Noordschote. For the rest of the way to the sea—some thirteen miles—he counted on the remaining Belgians, for they were still in the war, as far as he knew. Then, shortly after 7:30 a.m., he learned for the first time of Leopold's capitulation. "Here was a pretty pickle!" Montgomery later recalled in his memoirs. "Instead of having a Belgian Army on my left, I now had nothing...." He quickly slapped together a scratch force of machine gunners plus some British and French armored cars. These fanned out and held the line until more substantial help could be mustered. It was often touch and go. Lieutenant Mann of the 12th Lancers barely managed to blow the bridge at Dixmude before Bock's advance entered the town. Then, in the afternoon, more bad news. The Germans were at Nieuport, the eastern anchor of the perimeter. The Belgians were gone; Montgomery was stretched to the limit; there was no organized unit to defend the line from Wulpen to Nieuport and the sea. Once more, improvisation. Brigadier A. J. Clifton happened to be available. Brooke packed him off to Wulpen to organize the defense. On arriving, he took over a scratch force of 200 artillerymen, bolstered from time to time by "unemployed" fitters, surveyors, transport drivers, and headquarters clerks. The unit never had a name; the officers came from five different regiments. Most of the men had never seen their officers before, and the officers had never worked with Clifton. Somehow he welded them together and they marched off to the front in amazingly good spirits. Along the way, they met the disbanded Belgians trooping back. The Belgians were throwing away their weapons and shouting that the war was over. Taking advantage of the windfall, Clifton's men scooped up the discarded rifles and ammunition, and added them to their own meager arsenal. Positioned along the Furnes-Nieuport canal and the River Yser, they kept the enemy at bay for the next 30 hours. The hottest fighting swirled around the bridge at Nieuport. The Belgians had failed to blow it before the cease-fire, and the British sappers couldn't reach the demolition wires at the eastern end. Again and again the Germans tried to cross, but Clifton concentrated all his "heavy stuff" (four 18-pounders and some Bren guns) at this point and managed to fend them off. Once again the eastern wall held. The west held too. At Wormhout, a strong-point twelve miles south of Dunkirk, the British 144th Brigade held off Guderian's troops all May 27 and most of the 28th. Every man was used. At the local chateau that served as Brigade headquarters, Private Lou Carrier found himself teaching some cooks and clerks how to prime a Mills bomb—even though he had never seen one before in his life. Successfully completing this hazardous assignment, he was ordered to help man the chateau wall. As he made his way through the garden, he heard a terrible scream. Thinking some poor blighter had been hit, he spun around... and discovered that it came from a peacock perched in a tree. "That is one bird who will frighten no one else," Carrier said to himself as he raised his rifle to bring it down. Before he could fire, a young lieutenant knocked the rifle aside, saying that he should know better. Didn't he realize it was unlucky to shoot peacocks? The officer added that Carrier would be courtmartialed if he disobeyed and shot the bird. The next step was predictable. Carrier waited until the lieutenant moved out of sight, then took careful aim and fired. If shooting a peacock brought bad luck, he never noticed it. But a large dose of bad luck did come to some men defending Wormhout who had probably never harmed a peacock in their lives. After a hard fight most of the 2nd Royal Warwicks were broken up and forced to surrender around 6:00 p.m. on the 28th. Prodded by their captors, the SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler Regiment, about 80 men and one officer were herded into a small open-ended barn just outside the village. As they crowded in, the officer Captain J. F. Lynn-Allen protested that there wasn't enough room for the wounded. Speaking fluent English with a strong American accent, one of the SS guards snapped back, "Yellow Englishman, there will be plenty of room where you're all going to!" With that, he hurled a stick grenade into the barn, and the carnage was on. For fifteen minutes the guards blasted away with grenades, rifles, tommy guns, and pistols. As an extra touch two batches of prisoners were brought outside and executed by an impromptu firing squad. Amazingly, some fifteen men somehow survived amid the jumble of bodies. Eight miles farther south Cassel continued to hold. Perched on its hill, it had become—as Colonel Bridgeman foresaw—the "Gibraltar" of the western wall. For two days Kleist's tanks, artillery, and mortars battered the town... waves of Stukas pounded it... and still it stood. It was a minor miracle, for the principal defenders—the 5th Gloucesters—had little to fight with. Told to build a barricade, Lieutenant Fane could find only one farm wagon, one plough, a pony trap, and a water cart. When a tank broke into a nearby garden, he tried to stop it with a Boyes rifle—and watched his shots bounce off the armored plate. The town was surrounded, yet on the evening of May 28 the Gloucesters' quartermaster Captain R.E.D. Brasington managed to get some rations through. The defenders settled down to an odd meal of bully beef washed down by vintage wine. All the way south, at the bottom of the pocket, units of General Prioux's First Army still held Lille. In contrast to most of the French, they fought with passionate commitment, holding off six German divisions... meaning six fewer divisions to harass the BEF farther up the corridor. Most of the escaping troops were now well on their way. The time had come to abandon the strong-points farthest south, and pull the defending units back toward the coast as a sort of rear guard. On the morning of the 28th Corporal Bob Hadnett, in charge of dispatch riders at 48th Division headquarters, was ordered to get a message to the troops holding Hazebrouck, one of these southern strong-points. The defenders were to disengage and make for Dunkirk that night. Hadnett had already lost two messengers on missions to Hazebrouck; so this time he decided to go himself. The main roads were jammed with refugees and retiring troops, but he had been a motorcycle trials driver in peacetime and had no trouble riding cross-country. Bouncing over fields and along dirt lanes, he reached Hazebrouck and delivered his message at 143rd Brigade headquarters. After helping the staff work out an escape route north, he mounted his motorcycle and started back. This time he ran smack into a German column that was just moving into the area. No way to turn, he decided to ride right through. Bending low over the handlebars, accelerator pressed to the floorboards, he shot forward. The startled Germans scattered, but began firing at him as he roared by. He almost made it. Then suddenly everything went blank, and when he came to, he was lying in the grass with a shattered leg and hand. An enemy officer was standing over him, and a trooper was holding a bottle of brandy to his lips. "Tommy," the officer observed in English, "for you the war is over." As the British troops streamed up the corridor toward the coast, General Gort's headquarters moved north too. On May 27 the Command Post shifted from Prémesques to Houtkerque, just inside the French border and only fourteen miles from the sea. For the first time since the campaign began, headquarters was not on the London-Brussels telephone cable. It made little difference: Gort wasn't there much anyhow. He spent most of the 27th looking for General Blanchard, hoping to coordinate their joint withdrawal into the perimeter. He never did find him, and finally returned to Houtkerque weary and frustrated at dawn on the 28th. Then, around 11:00 a.m., Blanchard unexpectedly turned up on his own. There was much to discuss, and Gort began by reading a telegram received from Anthony Eden the previous day. It confirmed the decision to evacuate: "Want to make it quite clear that sole task now is to evacuate to England maximum of your force possible." Blanchard was horrified. To the amazement of Gort and Pownall, the French commander hadn't yet heard about the British decision to evacuate. He still understood that the strategy was to set up a beachhead based on Dunkirk which would give the Allies a permanent foothold on the Continent. Somehow Churchill's statement to Reynaud on May 26, Eden's message to the French high command on the 27th, the decisions reached at Cassel and Dover the same day, the information given Abrial and Weygand early on the 28th—all had passed him by. Once again, the explanation probably lay in the complete collapse of French communications. Now that Blanchard knew, Gort did his best to bring him into line. He must, Gort argued, order Prioux's French First Army to head for Dunkirk too. Like the BEF, they must be rescued to come back and fight again another day. With the Belgians out of the war, there was no longer any possibility of hanging on. It was a case of evacuation or surrender. Blanchard wavered briefly, but at the crucial moment a liaison officer arrived from Prioux, reporting that the First Army was too tired to move anywhere. That settled it. Blanchard decided to leave the army in the Lille area. Gort grew more exasperated than ever. Prioux's troops, he exclaimed, couldn't be so tired they were unable to lift a finger to save themselves. Once again, evacuation was their only chance. Blanchard remained adamant. It was all very well, he observed ruefully, for the British to talk evacuation. "No doubt the British Admiralty had arranged it for the BEF, but the French Marine would never be able to do it for French soldiers. It was, therefore, idle to try—the chance wasn't worth the effort involved." There was no shaking him. He ended by asking whether the British would continue to pull back to Dunkirk, even though they knew that the French would not be coming along. Pownall exploded with an emphatic _"OUI!"_ Down at French First Army headquarters at Steenwerck a somewhat similar conversation took place that afternoon between General Prioux himself and Major-General E. A. Osborne, commanding the British 44th Division. Osborne was planning the 44th's withdrawal from the River Lys and came over to coordinate his movements with the French, who were on his immediate left. To his surprise, he learned that Prioux didn't plan to withdraw at all. Osborne tried every argument he knew—including the principle of Allied solidarity—but he too got nowhere. Yet Prioux must have had second thoughts, for sometime later that afternoon he released General de la Laurencie's III Corps, telling them to make for the coast if they could. He himself decided to stay with the rest of his army and go down fighting. The idea of a gallant last stand—saving the honor of the flag, if nothing else—seemed to captivate them all. "He could only tell us the story of the honor of the _drapeaux,"_ Pownall noted in his diary after hearing it from Blanchard one more time. "I am counting on you to save everything that can be saved—and, above all, our honor!" Weygand telegraphed Abrial. "Blanchard's troops, if doomed, must disappear with honor," the General told Major Fauvelle. Weygand pictured an especially honorable role for the high command when the end finally came. Rather than retreat from Paris, the government should behave like the Senators of ancient Rome, who had awaited the barbarians sitting in their curule chairs. This sort of talk, though possibly consoling at the top level, did not inspire the poilus in the field. They had had enough of antiquated guns, horse-drawn transport, wretched communications, inadequate armor, invisible air support, and fumbling leaders. Vast numbers of French soldiers were sitting around in ditches, resting and smoking, when the 58th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, passed by on May 28. As one of them explained to a French-speaking Tommy, the enemy was everywhere and there was no hope of getting through; so they were just going to sit down and wait for the Boches to come. Yet there were always exceptions. A French tank company, separated from its regiment, joined the 1st Royal Irish Fusiliers at Gorre and proved to be a magnificent addition. The crews bristled with discarded British, French, and German weapons and were literally festooned with clanking bottles of wine. They fought with tremendous _élan,_ roaring with laughter and pausing to shake hands with one another after every good shot. When the Fusiliers were finally ordered to pull back, the tank company decided to stay and fight on. _"Bon chance!"_ they called after the departing Fusiliers, and then went back to work. General de la Laurencie was another exuberant Frenchman not about to fold his tent. Exasperated by the indecision and defeatism of his superiors, on two separate occasions he had already tried to get his III Corps transferred to Gort's command. Now, released by Prioux, he hurried toward Dunkirk with two divisions. The first of the fighting contingents were already entering the perimeter. The 2nd Grenadier Guards moved into Furnes, still marching with parade-ground precision. The steady, measured tread of their boots echoed through the medieval market square. Here and there a uniform was torn, a cap missing, a bandage added; but there was no mistaking that erect stance, that clean-shaven, expressionless look so familiar to anyone who had ever watched the changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace. Not far behind came the 1st/7th Middlesex. They were a Territorial unit far removed from the professionalism of the Guards, but raffishly engaging in their own way. They too had seen their share of rear-guard action. Now they continued through Furnes, finally halting at Oostduinkerke three miles to the east. Here they were a mile or so from Nieuport, the eastern anchor of the perimeter and the point most exposed by the Belgian surrender. Colonel Clifton's "odds and sods" were already in position, but spread very thin. The Middlesex battalion would beef up the line. Spreading their camouflage nets and digging slit trenches, the new arrivals settled down in the dunes and scrub. As yet there was no sign of the enemy, and it was wonderful to flake out at last and sleep undisturbed. The war of movement had ended, and until the Regimental Sergeant-Major, "Big Ike" Colton, caught up with them and devised some new torment, it was a chance to soak up oceans of missed sleep. Private Francis Ralph Farley only hoped that "Big Ike" didn't find them too soon. General Gort was also moving into the perimeter. At 6:00 p.m., May 28, GHQ opened up at La Panne, housed in a beachside villa at the western end of town. The place was well chosen. It had been the residence of King Albert during the dark days of the First War, and later served as a summer home for the old King during the twenties. As a result it had a large, reinforced cellar, ample wiring, and the London-Brussels telephone cable, which ran practically by the front door. Once again Gort was only a phone call away from Churchill, the War Office, and Ramsay at Dover. The Corps commanders also moved into the perimeter on the 28th: III Corps at Dunkirk, II Corps at La Panne, and I Corps in between at Bray-Dunes. Lieutenant-General Michael Barker, commanding I Corps, was by now utterly exhausted. An elderly veteran of the Boer War, he was no man to cope with a _blitzkrieg._ Reaching corps headquarters at the western end of the beach promenade, he retired to the cellar. From here he constantly called up to his assistant quartermaster, Major Bob Ransome, to come and tell him what was going on. Ransome found the scene on the beach appalling. A mob of officers and men from various service units milled around, firing haphazardly at German planes. Ransome tried to get the crowd into some sort of order but had no luck, even though he jammed his pistol into some very senior ribs. Finally he sent for Captain Tom Gimson, an assistant operations officer at III Corps headquarters. Gimson was an old Irish Guardsman, and his solution was to order the mob to fall in, as on parade. He then solemnly drilled them, running through all the usual commands. Surprisingly, the men complied, and order was soon restored. To Ransome the incident revealed not only what drill could accomplish but also the workings of that most austere of human mechanisms, a Guardsman's mind. Reports of the confusion at Bray-Dunes soon reached Captain Tennant, busy organizing the embarkations at Dunkirk. So far he had no naval shore parties operating that far up the beach. But the eastern mole and Malo-les-Bains were now under control, and clearly Bray was the next problem to tackle. There were said to be 5,000 troops there, most without officers or any leadership. Around 5:00 p.m. on the 28th Tennant met with Commander Hector Richardson and two of his other officers, Commanders Tom Kerr and Campbell Clouston. He explained that he wanted an officer to lead a party to Bray and embark the 5,000 men waiting there. At the moment all three commanders were available; so they decided to cut a deck of cards for the assignment—loser to get Bray-Dunes. Richardson lost, but said it was such a big job he really needed another officer to go with him. Kerr and Clouston then cut again. This time Kerr lost. Clouston, the "winner," took what all three considered the easiest assignment—pier master of the mole. Richardson and Kerr then set off for Bray with fifteen men in a lorry. It was only seven miles, but the roads were so clogged with traffic and pitted with craters that it took an hour to get there. Arriving around 9:00 p.m., the party headed down to the beach to start organizing the embarkation. It was dusk now, and in the fading light Seaman G. F. Nixon saw what he first thought were several breakwaters, extending from the sand out into the water. Then he realized that the "breakwaters" were actually columns of men, eight thick, leading from the shore right into the sea. The men in front were standing up to their waists, and even to their shoulders, in water. Five thousand troops? It was more like 25,000. Richardson immediately signaled the situation to Dover and the Admiralty via a destroyer hovering offshore. Once again, an urgent appeal for small boats and motor launches. Meanwhile they must "make do." Richardson set up headquarters in the back of the lorry. Some of his seamen began breaking up the troops into batches of 50; others rigged lifelines running down into the sea. The beach shelved so gradually that even small boats had a hard time getting in close. "What a terrible night that was," Kerr wrote his wife a few days later, "for we had got hold of the odds and ends of an army, not the fighting soldiers. There weren't many officers, and those that were, were useless, but by speech and promise of safety and the sight of our naval uniforms we got order out of the rabble." Those manning the boats were having an equally difficult time. The skoot _Hilda_ had arrived early in the afternoon, and because of her shallow draft, her skipper Lieutenant A. Gray managed to nurse her within wading distance of the shore. Troops swarmed out, surrounding the boat completely, trying to scramble up ladders tossed over the bow. But the ladders weren't firmly secured; the men were exhausted; and the tide was rising. They began falling back into the sea. It took superhuman efforts by the _Hilda_ 's, crew to haul them up and over the rail—a collection of inert, sopping bundles. By 7:00 p.m. Gray had 500 men aboard—not many, considering that 25,000 were waiting—but all he could carry. These he ferried to a destroyer lying farther out, then returned for another load. The tide was now ebbing, and the _Hilda_ soon sat on the sand in only two feet of water. Some 400 soldiers surged aboard, and he had another full load by the time the next tide refloated him around 1:30 a.m. Not far away the skoot _Doggersbank_ was doing similar work. Earlier her skipper Lieutenant Donald McBarnet had let go a kedge anchor, then ran himself aground. But he drew more than the _Hilda,_ and he still lay in six feet of water—too deep for wading. He lowered his boat and a raft to ferry men out to the ship. On reaching shore, both were immediately mobbed and swamped. Bailed out, they went to work, and by 8:00 p.m. McBarnet had about 450 aboard. Enough. He then used the kedge to pull himself off the beach. Once afloat, he too carried his load to a destroyer farther out, then returned for more. This became the pattern all along the beach—Bray, Malo-les-Bains, and La Panne as well. Dinghies, rowboats, and launches would load at water's edge and ferry the troops to small ships waiting offshore. These would then ferry the men to the growing fleet of destroyers, minesweepers, and packets lying still farther out. When filled, these would head for England—and one more bit of the army would be home. It was a practical, workable scheme, but it was also very slow. Each skoot, for instance, averaged only 100 men an hour. No wonder nerves were frayed. Most of the troops were not up front where they could see what was going on. They stood far back in line or waited in the dunes behind the beach. They couldn't imagine why it all took so long. In the blackness of the night they could see nothing, except the occasional silhouette of some boat caught in the glittering phosphorescence of the water. They could hear only the steady rhythm of the surf and every now and then the clank of oarlocks. They were tired, cold, and hungry. May nights are chilly along the coast of Flanders, and the men longed for the greatcoats they had thrown away during the hot, dusty retreat. Regular rations had vanished, and it was no longer possible to live off the land. When Corporal R. Kay, a GHQ signalman, found a seven-pound tin of peas near the beach, it was a major discovery. He and a few lucky mates ate them with their fingers, like expensive chocolates. At Malo-les-Bains Lieutenant-Colonel John D'Arcy was another who fretted over the seemingly endless delay. He had gathered his artillery regiment in a brickyard behind the dunes—splendid cover but no place to see what was going on. He finally ordered one of his officers, Lieutenant C. G. Payne, to take a signal lamp and "go down to the beach and call up the Navy." Payne had no idea how to go about this, but he did find a signal manual with a section headed, "Call to an Unknown Ship." Pointing his lamp to sea, he carefully followed the instructions, little expecting any results. To his amazement, an answer came flashing out of the night. Instructed to bring the unit to the beach, he hurried back to the Colonel in triumph. Around 1:30 a.m. on the 29th a stiff breeze sprang up, meaning much greater surf and even slower going. At Bray-Dunes Commander Richardson was making so little progress that he decided to suspend any further embarkations and began sending the troops back to Dunkirk. Maybe the mole would be faster. Indeed so. Over 24 hours had now passed since Captain Tennant began using the eastern mole or breakwater of Dunkirk harbor as an improvised pier, and the gamble was paying off. A steady stream of destroyers, minesweepers, ferries, and other steamers eased alongside, loaded troops, then backed off and headed for England. The flow of men was regulated by Commander Clouston, who had won the "easy" assignment—pier master of the mole—when he, Richardson, and Kerr cut cards to decide who would be stuck with Bray-Dunes. Clouston was a Canadian—big, tough, athletic, amusing. He was a fine ice hockey player, and when stationed at Portsmouth, typically he had organized the staff into a hockey team. He was a man bursting with energy, and in his new job he needed all of it. Word of the mole had gotten around, and now thousands of disorganized troops were flocking there, queuing up for a chance to embark. To Private Bill Warner, a headquarters clerk with the Royal Artillery, it was like the endless queue at the cinema when talkies first came in. To others it was more like London at rush hour or a rugby scrum. Planting himself at the foot of the mole, Clouston squarely faced the crowd. Megaphone in hand, he shouted instructions, matching the flow of men to the flow of ships. At first they were mostly destroyers. During the morning of May 28 no fewer than eleven loaded up, and Commander Brian Dean of the destroyer _Sabre_ showed how fast they could work. Earlier he had lifted 100 men off the beaches in two hours. His turn-around at Dover took only 58 minutes, and now he was back again, tying up at the mole at 11:00 a.m. This time he loaded 800 men, and headed back to Dover at 12:30 p.m.—a rate of 540 men an hour, compared to 50 men an hour at the beaches. And he wasn't through yet. Reaching Dover at 6:20 p.m., he refueled and was on his way back to the mole at 10:30—his third trip of the day. This time he stayed only 35 minutes, picking up another 500 troops. Dusk on the 28th, and the destroyers were joined by an assortment of other craft. The fleet minesweeper _Gossamer_ arrived at 9:45 p.m., departed half an hour later with 420 aboard. The sweeper _Ross_ loaded another 353 about the same time. The skoot _Tilly_ , leading a procession of six small motor vessels, tied up at 11:15; they took on hundreds more. The paddle steamer _Medway Queen_ arrived around midnight and picked up nearly 1,000. Her skipper Lieutenant A. T. Cook had warned Chief Cook Russell to expect "several hundred men who will no doubt feel somewhat peckish." The warning scarcely prepared Russell for the assault on his galley. These men weren't "peckish"—they were ravenous. All through the night of May 28-29 ships kept coming, while the men streamed out the long wooden walkway like an endless line of ants. For a while the ebb tide slowed the pace—it was hard for untrained soldiers to crawl down the makeshift ladders and gangplanks—but the flow never stopped. Tennant estimated that Clouston was getting men off at a rate of 2,000 an hour. At 10:45 p.m. he sent Dover his first optimistic situation report: > French general appreciation is that situation in port tomorrow will continue as for today. Provided aircraft fighters adequate, embarkation can proceed full speed.... The Dynamo Room began to hope that more than a handful might be saved. The total evacuated on May 28 reached 17,804—more than twice the figure for the 27th. They would have to do far better than that, but at least they were moving in the right direction. There was other good news too: the Admiralty had now released to Ramsay _all_ destroyers in home waters.... Route X had at last been cleared of mines, cutting the passage to Dunkirk from 87 to 55 miles.... The beachhead was holding despite the Belgian surrender.... The surf was subsiding; a threatening storm veered away.... Smoke from the blazing oil refinery hid the port from the Luftwaffe.... Casualties were mercifully low. Besides the _Queen of the Channel,_ the only serious loss of the day was the little paddle steamer _Brighton Belle._ A charming antique looking like something out of a toy store, she was thrashing her way home with 800 men plucked from the sea at La Panne. Sapper Eric Reader huddled in the boiler room drying off, when the ship hit a submerged wreck with a frightful jolt. "Never touched us," an old cockney stoker called out cheerfully, but the sea gurgled in and the _Brighton Belle_ began to sink. The troops tumbled on deck as the whistle tooted an SOS. Happily other ships were nearby and took everybody off—even the captain's dog. If casualties could be kept at this level, there were valid grounds for the Dynamo Room's optimism. On the whole the evacuation was proceeding smoothly, and the greatest crisis of the day—the gap created by the Belgian surrender—had been successfully met. For the troops still pouring up the escape corridor, there was additional reason to hope. On either side of the raised roadways, the fields were beginning to fill with water. The French were flooding the low-lying land south of the coast. Even German tanks would find the going difficult. But already a new crisis had arisen, shifting the focus back from the land to the sea. It had been brewing for several days without anybody paying much attention. Now, in the early hours of May 29, it suddenly burst, posing a fresh challenge to Admiral Ramsay and his resourceful staff. # 7 # Torpedoes in the Night WHAT COULD THE GERMAN Navy do to help prevent an evacuation? General Keitel asked Vice-Admiral Otto Schniewind, Chief of the Naval War Staff, in a phone conversation on May 26. Not much, Schniewind felt, and he formally spelled out the Navy's views in a letter to OKW on the 28th. Large ships were not suitable in the narrow, confining waters of the English Channel; the destroyers had been used up in Norway; U-boats were restricted by shallow water and the enemy's very effective antisubmarine measures. There remained the _Schnellboot,_ the small fast German motor torpedo boat. These "S-boats" were especially suited to narrow seas like the Channel, and new bases were now available in Holland, closer to the scene of action. The only problems were the possibility of bad weather and the short nights this time of year. Overall, the prospects seemed so bright that SKL—the naval war command—had already shifted two flotillas, totaling nine boats, from the German island of Borkum to the Dutch port of Den Helder, 90 miles closer to Dunkirk. From here Captain-Lieutenant Birnbacher's 1st Flotilla and Captain-Lieutenant Peterson's 2nd Flotilla began operating along the coast. They drew first blood on the night of May 22-23. The French destroyer _Jaguar,_ approaching Dunkirk, rashly radioed that she would be arriving at 12:20 a.m. German intelligence was listening in, and when _Jaguar_ turned up on schedule, an unexpected reception committee was waiting. _S 21_ and _S 23_ sank her with a couple of well-placed torpedoes, then slipped away unseen. On the Allied side nobody was sure what caused the loss. A submarine seemed most likely. The British were still unaware of the S-boats' nightly patrols as the destroyer _Wakeful_ lay off the beach at Bray-Dunes, loading troops on the evening of May 28. Her skipper Commander Ralph Lindsay Fisher was chiefly worried about an air attack. This might require some violent maneuvering; he packed the troops as low in the ship as possible to get maximum stability. They crowded into the engine room, the boiler room, the store rooms, every inch of empty space. At 11:00 p.m. _Wakeful_ weighed anchor with 640 men aboard—all she could carry—and headed for Dover via the long Route Y. It was a black night, but the phosphorescence was brilliant. Under such conditions bombers often spotted ships by their wake; as Commander Fisher headed northeast on the first leg of his trip, he kept his speed down to twelve knots to reduce this danger. Around 12:30 he spotted the winking light of Kwinte Whistle Buoy, where he would swing west for the final run to Dover. It was an important buoy; so important that it remained lit even in these dangerous times. It was also the most exposed point of the homeward journey—easy to reach for enemy planes, U-boats, or any other menace. Fisher began to zigzag and increased his speed to twenty knots. You couldn't get by Kwinte too soon. Not far away other vessels were also watching the winking light of Kwinte Whistle Buoy. The two German _Schnellboote_ flotillas were now alternating their nightly patrols, and tonight was the turn of Captain-Lieutenant Heinz Birnbacher's 1st Flotilla. On _S 30_ the skipper, Lieutenant Wilhelm Zimmermann, searched the night with his binoculars. There ought to be plenty of targets out by the buoy, but so far he saw nothing. Then suddenly, about 12:40, he spotted a shadow even darker than the night. "There, dead ahead!" He nudged the helmsman, standing right behind him. The shadows quickly took shape as a darkened ship rushing toward them. Zimmermann sized it up as a destroyer. A few brief orders, and _S 30_ turned toward the target, leading it slightly. On a _Schnellboot_ the torpedo was aimed by aiming the boat itself. The gap quickly narrowed between the two vessels as the S-boat crew tingled with excitement. Would they get close enough before they were seen? Another order from Zimmermann, and two torpedoes slapped into the sea. The crew began counting the seconds, waiting interminably.... On the bridge of the _Wakeful,_ Commander Fisher saw them coming—two parallel streaks, one slightly ahead of the other, racing toward his starboard side. They gleamed like silver ribbons in the phosphorescence. He ordered the helm hard-a-port, and as the ship began to swing, the first torpedo passed harmlessly across his bow. The second hit. It exploded with a roar and a blinding flash in the forward boiler room, breaking _Wakeful_ in half. She sank in fifteen seconds... the severed ends resting on the bottom, the bow and stern sticking out of the water in a grotesque V. The troops far below never had a chance. Trapped by the slanting decks, engulfed by the sea, they were all lost—except one man who happened to be topside sneaking a cigarette. A few hundred yards away Lieutenant Zimmermann watched with satisfaction as his torpedo finally hit. He had almost given up hope. He toyed with the idea of picking up survivors for questioning, then thought better of it. Occasional shadows and flashes of phosphorescence suggested that other ships were rushing to the scene—certainly alert and maybe even looking for him. Withdrawal seemed his best bet. The _S 30_ eased off into the night and resumed its prowl. Back at the wreck Commander Fisher floated clear of his ship, as did most of the gun crews. About 30 men ended up on the stern, some 60 feet out of the water. Fisher and the rest paddled about, hoping some friendly vessel would find them. In half an hour they got their wish. Two small drifters, _Nautilus_ and _Comfort,_ appeared out of the night. Normally engaged in minesweeping, they were now part of Admiral Ramsay's rescue fleet, bound for La Panne via Route Y. As they approached Kwinte Buoy, crew members heard voices crying "Help!" and saw heads bobbing in the sea. _Nautilus_ managed to pick up six men, _Comfort_ another sixteen, including Commander Fisher. Other rescue ships began to appear: the minesweeper _Gossamer,_ packed with troops from the eastern mole... next the sweeper _Lydd,_ also crowded... then the destroyer _Grafton,_ with a full load from Bray-Dunes. All lowered their boats and stood by. Few yet knew what happened—only that a ship had sunk—and there were a number of flares and flashing signal lights. Hidden by the night, a thousand yards away Lieutenant Michalowski, commanding the German submarine _U 62,_ watched the confusion of lights with interest. Like the _Schnellboot,_ he had been lying near Kwinte Buoy, waiting for some fat target to come along. These were indeed shallow waters for a U-boat—but not impossible. The _U 62_ glided toward the lights. Commander Fisher sensed the danger. Picked up by the _Comfort,_ he had taken over from her regular skipper. Now he moved here and there warning the other ships. Hailing _Gossamer,_ he shouted that he had been torpedoed and the enemy was probably still nearby. _Gossamer_ got going so fast she left her skiff behind. _Comfort_ picked up its crew, ordered _Nautilus_ to get going too, then moved over to warn _Grafton_ and _Lydd._ Easing alongside _Grafton_ 's starboard quarter, Fisher once again called out his warning. Too late. At that moment, 2:50 a.m., a torpedo crashed into _Grafton_ 's ward room, killing some 35 army officers picked up at Bray-Dunes. _Comfort,_ lying alongside, was hurled into the air by the blast, then dropped back into the sea like a toy boat. Momentarily swamped, she bobbed back to the surface, but all the crew on deck were washed overboard, including Commander Fisher. With no one at the helm, but her engines set at full speed, _Comfort_ now moved into a wide circle that took her off into the night. Fisher grabbed a rope's end and hung on for a brief, wild ride. But she was going too fast, and there was no one to pull him aboard. He finally let go. Just as well. _Comfort,_ still in her circle came back into view and was sighted by the nearby _Lydd._ Her skipper, Lieutenant-Commander Rodolph Haig, had been warned by a _Wakeful_ survivor that an enemy torpedo boat, rather than submarine, was probably to blame. Now this seemed confirmed by what he saw in the dark: a small vessel dashing about at high speed. _Lydd_ opened up with her starboard guns, raking the stranger's wheelhouse and producing a satisfying cloud of sparks. The torpedoed _Grafton_ joined in, and the stranger appeared disabled. Swimming in the sea again, Commander Fisher realized that _Lydd_ had mistaken _Comfort_ for the enemy; but there was nothing he could do. On _Comfort_ herself three survivors huddled below decks, equally helpless. Her engines had stopped now, probably knocked out by gunfire, and she wallowed clumsily in the Channel swell. Suddenly something big loomed out of the night, racing toward her. It was _Lydd_ again, coming to finish off the "enemy" by ramming. As her steel prow knifed into _Comfort_ 's wooden side, two figures burst out of the hatch and leapt for _Lydd_ 's bow. "Repel boarders!" The ancient rallying cry rose above her decks as members of the crew grabbed rifles and pistols and blazed away. They fortunately missed the two survivors of _Comfort_ who had climbed aboard, but a stray shot fatally wounded Able Seaman S. P. Sinclair, one of their own men. The mix-up was finally ironed out, and _Lydd_ set course for home. Meanwhile, confusion on the stricken _Grafton._ The torpedo hits (there was apparently a second) knocked out all her lights, and the 800 troops aboard blindly thrashed about. Among them was Captain Basil Bartlett of the Field Security Police, one of the last to board the ship at Bray-Dunes. There was no space left in the ward room, where the officers were assigned; he settled for a corner of the captain's cabin. Stunned by the explosion, he came to, groping for some way out. There seemed practically no chance of escape; still he was not overly worried. He remembered similar scenes in countless American war movies. "Gary Cooper always finds a way out," he consoled himself. He finally stumbled onto the open deck, and found the night alive with gunfire. _Grafton_ had joined _Lydd_ in pounding the luckless _Comfort,_ and probably other nearby ships were firing, too. Stray shots ripped into the _Grafton_ 's bridge, killing the skipper, Commander Charles Robinson. Gradually the firing died down, and a semblance of order returned. Word reached the sick bay to start sending the wounded up, and Private Sam Sugar, an RASC driver who had injured his hand, bolted for the ladder. He was stopped in his tracks by an orderly, who gave him a flashlight and told him to stay a bit. Someone was needed to hold the light while the orderly fixed a tourniquet on a sailor who had just lost both legs. Sugar had been on the verge of panic, but the sight of the orderly calmly going about his business at this desperate moment showed the power of example. He had to stay calm too; he just couldn't let this good man down. By the time Sugar reached deck, the ferry _Malines_ lay alongside taking off the troops. The _Grafton_ was listing now, slowly sinking, but the men kept in ranks, patiently waiting for their turn to transfer. Captain Bartlett was one of the last to cross over. Gary Cooper had found a way out. The destroyer _Ivanhoe_ finished off _Grafton_ with two well-placed shells, and at last there was time for postmortems. For Bartlett there was the lucky break of getting on board so late. Any earlier, and he would have died with the other officers in the ward room. For Sergeant S. S. Hawes, 1st Division Petrol Company, there was a more ironical twist. He had briefly left his unit at Bray-Dunes to help a wounded comrade. Understandable, but orders were to stick together. By the time he got back, the others had put out in a launch, heading for a destroyer lying offshore. It was the _Wakeful,_ and every man in the company was lost. For disobeying orders, Hawes was rewarded with his life. The luckiest man of all was the indestructible Commander Fisher. Washed off _Wakeful,_ he was one of the few picked up by _Comfort;_ washed off _Comfort,_ he was again picked up, this lime by the Norwegian freighter _Hird._ A battered old steamer out of Oslo, _Hird_ was engaged in the timber trade and was not even part of Admiral Ramsay's rescue fleet. She had made a routine stop at Dunkirk on May 13, and for the past two weeks had been taking her share of punishment as the Luftwaffe pounded the port. Now only one engine worked, and she could barely make six knots. But these were desperate times. As the panzers approached, _Hird_ was requisitioned by the French Navy to transfer some of the trapped poilus to Cherbourg, 180 miles to the southwest and presumably out of danger. They crowded aboard all through the evening of May 28, unofficially joined by some of the British soldiers pouring into Dunkirk. Sapper L. C. Lidster found the gangplank blocked by a queue of Frenchmen, so he grabbed a rope ladder hanging down. He and his mates scrambled aboard while the waiting poilus shouted in anger. In various ways other Tommies made it too—Private Sam Love of the 12th Field Ambulance... Corporal Alf Gill of the 44th Division... Staff Sergeant Reg Blackburn of the Military Police... maybe 1,000 men altogether. The _Hird_ finally crept out of the harbor about midnight, packed with 3,000 Allied troops and a handful of German prisoners. At six knots, her master Captain A. M. Frendjhem wasn't about to challenge the enemy batteries planted along the coast to the west, so he first steered east along Route Y. At Kwinte Whistle Buoy he would then swing west and make his run down the Channel, beyond the range of the German guns. It was while rounding Kwinte that he picked up Commander Fisher and several other swimmers—all probably survivors of the _Wakeful._ Exhausted, Fisher slumped against the after cargo hatch among a crowd of French colonial troops. He saw no British soldiers, nor did it occur to him that any might be aboard. Regaining his strength, he went to the bridge to urge that he be landed at Dover. Important charts might have floated clear when the _Wakeful_ sank, and Admiral Ramsay must be warned. Captain Frendjhem replied that his orders were to go straight to Cherbourg. Fisher didn't persist: he knew that the _Hird_ had to pass close to Dover breakwater anyhow; surely he could catch a ride into the harbor from some passing ship. And so it proved. As the _Hird_ approached the breakwater, Fisher hailed a passing naval trawler. It came alongside, and he jumped aboard. Meanwhile on the _Hird_ 's foredeck the British troops watched Dover draw near with mounting anticipation. It had been an exhausting trip—no food or water—made worse when one Tommy fell down an open hatch and lay groaning all night. Now at last life began perking up. The famous white cliffs never looked better. Then to everyone's surprise the _Hird_ turned out again and headed westward along the coast, past Folkestone... Eastbourne... Brighton. The men decided they must be going to Southampton and settled back to make the best of things. Sapper Lidster tried eating a tin of uncooked fish roe. It tasted awful, "but God! I was so hungry!" Then another surprise. The _Hird_ didn't go to Southampton after all. Instead, she veered off past the Isle of Wight and headed across the Channel toward France again. Howls of rage rose from the foredeck. Some men aimed rifles at the bridge, hoping to "persuade" Captain Frendjhem to change his mind. At the crucial moment an elderly British major named Hunt stood up in front of the Captain to protect him and try to calm the troops. He explained that the _Hird_ was under French control, that the senior French officer aboard had ordered her to Cherbourg, that the poilus were desperately needed there, and finally that he personally would see that every British soldier got back to England. It was an inspiring performance, coming from an officer who was not a trained combat leader, but rather a mild father figure in the 508th Petrol Company of the supply troops. The spell of mutiny was broken. The _Hird_ continued on to Cherbourg, where the British troops each received two slices of dry bread and jam, then marched off to a transit camp outside of town. Here they settled down in tents, until Major Hunt—true to his word—got them all back to England. Admiral Ramsay and the Dynamo Room staff were blissfully ignorant of the meandering _Hird,_ but they were very much aware of the disastrous events off Kwinte Whistle Buoy. With characteristic energy they dived into the business of countermeasures. At 8:06 a.m. on the 29th Ramsay radioed his entire armada: "Vessels carrying troops not to stop to pick up survivors from ships sunk but are to inform other near ships." Next he took two minesweepers off troop-carrying duties and ordered them to search the area around Kwinte for any lurking torpedo boats. This was a drastic but realistic move. He needed every possible ship for lifting the BEF, but what good did it do, unless he could get them safely home? There was still some suspicion that U-boats might be involved, so the Admiral also established an antisubmarine patrol in the waters west of Kwinte. In addition, antisubmarine trawlers patrolling off the Thames estuary were brought down to the critical area east of Margate and Ramsgate. A speedboat flotilla at Harwich was ordered to stand by as a striking force in case these various probes turned anything up. Most important of all, the middle Route X was finally cleared of mines and opened to traffic. During the morning three destroyers tried it out, pronounced it safe from the German shore batteries both east and west of Dunkirk. At 4:06 p.m. Ramsay ordered all ships to start using the new route exclusively in daylight hours. This not only shortened the trip from 87 to 55 miles, but shifted the traffic 26 miles farther west of Kwinte Buoy—meaning 26 miles farther away from the S-boats' favorite hunting ground. By midafternoon all possible countermeasures had been taken, and the Dynamo Room returned to what one staff officer called "its normal state of organized chaos." There were always fresh problems. New German batteries were shelling the mole from the southeast—could the RAF mount a quick strike? The Army's medical service had completely broken down on the beaches—could the Navy send over a team of good doctors? Refueling was becoming a major bottleneck. Peacetime Dover refueled commercial traffic at a leisurely pace of one ship at a time—how to cope with dozens of vessels, all clamoring for oil at once? The Admiralty reported twenty Thames barges, towed by five tugs, would be arriving at Ramsgate at 5:30 p.m.—could they be used on the beaches as an improvised pier? Tennant was consulted about the barges, and he turned the idea down. The beach shelved so gradually that twenty barges weren't enough to make a decent pier. Better to use them for ferrying troops out to the destroyers and coastal steamers waiting offshore. He still didn't have the small boats he really needed for this work, but the barges were better than nothing. Meanwhile the problems grew. Men were pouring onto the beach at a far faster rate than they could be lifted off. When Captain S. T. Moore led a mixed bag of 20 officers and 403 men into La Panne around 10:00 a.m. he hadn't the faintest idea what he was meant to do with them. Someone suggested he check II Corps headquarters; he left his charges in a hotel garden and trudged to the headquarters dugout about a mile up the beach. Inside, it was another world—three lieutenant-colonels, about six staff assistants, a battery of telephones, and papers being shuffled back and forth. He was given a ticket, neatly filled out, authorizing him to embark 20 officers and 403 men from "Beach A." Presumably it was to be handed to some collector at some gate to some particular beach. Then back to the beach the way it really was: no signposts, no ticket takers, just bewildered waiting. At La Panne, Bray-Dunes, and Malo-les-Bains, ever-growing lines of men curled over the sand and into the sea. The queues seemed almost stationary, and the troops whiled away the hours as best they could. The padre of the 85th Command Ammunition Depot moved among his flock, inviting them to join him in prayers and hymns. Some antiaircraft gunners at Bray-Dunes were calmly playing cards; they had run out of ammunition long ago. On the promenade east of the mole a group pedaled about on brightly-colored mini-bikes borrowed from some beachfront concession. Near Malo a soldier lay face down, clutching handfuls of sand and letting it run through his fingers, repeating over and over, "Please, God, have mercy..." Some discovered a stiff drink could help. Corporal Ackrell of the 85th Command Ammunition Depot asked a comrade for a drink from his water bottle. He discovered, not entirely to his sorrow, that it was filled with rum. A few swigs, and he passed out. Others like Private Jack Toomey didn't trust the drinking water and had depended on wine and champagne for a fortnight. This morning some _vin blanc_ finally caught up with him: "I was drunk as a lord." As the queues inched into the water, panic sometimes took over. With so many thousands waiting, it was hard to remain calm when some skiff, holding perhaps ten people, finally came within reach. Working the beach at La Panne, Lieutenant Ian Cox of the destroyer _Malcolm_ had to draw his revolver and threaten to shoot the next man who tried to rush the boats. Even so, one army officer went down on his knees, begging to be allowed off first. In another rush at La Panne a boat overturned, and seven men were drowned in four feet of water. Wading out could be hell. Artillery Captain R. C. Austin felt his britches balloon out and fill with water till they were "heavy as masonry." His sodden jacket and water-logged boots seemed to nail him down. The sea was up to his chin when a ship's lifeboat finally appeared, and Austin wondered how he could ever climb into it. He need not have worried. Strong arms reached out, grabbed him by the armpits and belt, and swung him over the gunwale. He heard someone in the boat shouting, "Come on, you bastards, wake up, blast you!" Occasionally the more resourceful soldiers devised their own transportation. Separated from his artillery unit, Gunner F. Felstead discovered that none of the queues seemed to want stragglers, so he and six mates decided to go it alone. Walking along the beach, they found a canvas collapsible drifting offshore. It had only one oar, but using their rifles as paddles, the little group put to sea. They were ultimately picked up by a naval cutter and transferred to the paddle steamer _Royal Eagle._ The minesweeper _Killarney_ rescued three other adventurers about this time. Heading across the Channel, she encountered a raft made of a door and several wooden planks. Aboard were a French officer, two Belgian soldiers, and six demijohns of wine. All were safely transferred. But it was Lieutenant E. L. Davies, skipper of the minesweeper _Oriole,_ who had the most practical idea for breaking the bottleneck of the beaches this day. _Oriole_ was an old River Clyde paddle steamer with a good, shallow draft. Taking advantage of this, Davies aimed her at the shore and drove her hard aground. For the rest of the day she served as a pier. The troops wading out scrambled aboard her bow and were picked up from her stern by a steady stream of boats from the larger vessels lying further out. Even so, many of the soldiers stumbled and sank while trying to reach the _Oriole._ Sub-Lieutenant Rutherford Crosby, son of a Glasgow bookseller, dived overboard again and again, pulling them out. He got a rest when the tide went out, leaving the _Oriole_ high and dry, but toward evening it flowed in again, ultimately refloating the ship. Her work done, she turned for Ramsgate with a final load of Tommies. Altogether on the 29th, some 2,500 men used her as a bridge to safety. In Dunkirk Captain Tennant had his own solution to the problem of the beaches. The eastern mole was proving such a success, he asked that the whole evacuation be concentrated there. Admiral Ramsay turned him down. The BEF was now pouring into the perimeter in such numbers the Admiral felt that both the mole _and_ the beaches were needed. Beyond that, he wanted to spread the risk. So far he had been lucky. Thanks to the smoke and a low cloud cover, the Luftwaffe had virtually ignored the mole. Ramsay wanted to keep it that way. A large concentration of shipping might draw unwelcome attention. As it was, a steady stream of vessels pulled in and out all morning. The formula was working: a ship would come alongside... the pier master Commander Clouston would send out enough troops to fill it... the ship would load up and be off again—sometimes in less than half an hour. Working with Clouston was Brigadier Reggie Parminter, formerly of Gort's staff and now army embarkation officer. Totally imperturbable, he disdained a helmet and jauntily sported a manacled in his left eye. All the time the queue of men waiting at the foot of the mole continued to grow. To keep it manageable, Parminter devised a "hat-check" system. The waiting men were divided into batches of 50; the leader of each batch was assigned a number; and when that number was called, it was time to go. "Embarkation is being carried out normally now," Captain Tennant radioed Dover at 1:30 p.m. on the 29th. And everything was indeed "normal"—except for the number of ships alongside the mole. There were more than usual. On the harbor side the destroyers _Grenade_ and _Jaguar,_ the transport _Canterbury,_ and a French destroyer were all loading troops. On the seaward side, the Channel packet _Fenella_ was also loading. Now at 11:30, just as Tennant was sending his message, six more ships arrived. Lieutenant Robin Bill was leading in a flotilla of small trawlers. Normally engaged in minesweeping, today they were bringing some badly needed ladders for the mole. They too tied up on the harbor side, between the two British destroyers and the _Canterbury._ Then a big paddle steamer, the _Crested Eagle,_ also arrived, tying up on the seaward side, just astern of the _Fenella._ Altogether, there were now twelve ships clustered around the end of the mole. At the same time the weather began to clear and the wind changed, sending the smoke inland instead of across the harbor. It was turning into a sparkling afternoon. All these details were unknown in the Dynamo Room, but the message traffic was certainly reassuring. Every possible precaution had been taken against those torpedo attacks in the night. There had been no serious ship loss since early morning, when _Mona's Isle_ had struck a mine. Fortunately, she was empty at the time. No fresh information was coming in from Dunkirk, but news from there was always late. By the end of the afternoon spirits were soaring. At 6:22 p.m. Major-General H. C. Lloyd, doing liaison work with Ramsay, telegraphed the War Office in London: > Naval shipping plan now approaching maximum efficiency. Subject to weather and reasonable immunity enemy action, expect lift about 16,000 Dunkirk, and 15,000 from beaches.... But even as the General wired his optimism, awesome events were unfolding at Dunkirk... staggering the rescue fleet, turning the mole into a shambles, and throwing Admiral Ramsay's whole evacuation plan into wild disarray. # 8 # Assault from the Sky TO CAPTAIN WOLFGANG FALCK, these would always be "the golden days." As a _Gruppe_ commander in Fighter Squadron 26, he flew an Me 110—a new two-engine fighter said to be even better than the fabled Me 109, but nobody really knew because there was so little opposition. So far the campaign had been a picnic: knocking down obsolete British Fairey Battle bombers... shooting French planes as they sat in neat rows on the ground... protecting the Stukas, the Heinkel 111's, the Dornier 17's from attacks that never came. The only problem was keeping up with the panzers. As the army advanced, so did the squadron, and it required superb organization to keep fuel, spare parts, and maintenance flowing. Usually the ground personnel would move forward during the night, leaving a skeleton crew to service the planes before taking off on their morning missions. These skeleton crews would then move on too. When the squadron completed its mission, it would land at the new base, where everything would be set up and waiting. Food and lodging were always the best. The squadron's administrative officer Major Fritz von Scheve was an old reservist who had a real nose for finding decent billets—and where a good wine cellar might be hidden. He usually selected some local chateau whose owner had fled, leaving everything behind. Falck forbade any looting—the place must be left as they found it—but there was no rule against enjoying life, and the pilots found themselves eating off Limoges china and sleeping in canopied beds. There was even time for nonsense. Near one captured airfield some member of the squadron found a number of French baby tanks, abandoned but full of petrol. Pilots tend to be good at tinkering, and they soon had the tanks manned and running. The men spent a glorious hour chasing and ramming one another—it was like a giant dodgem concession at some amusement park. May 27, and the German flyers got their first inkling that the golden days would not last forever. Now the target was Dunkirk itself, and as the Stukas and Heinkels went about their usual business, a new throaty roar filled the air. Modern British fighters—Hurricanes and Spitfires—came storming down upon them, breaking up the neat formations, sending occasional bombers spinning down out of control. These British squadrons had been considered too valuable to base in France, but the fighting was in range of England now, and that was different. Taking off from a dozen Kentish fields, they poured across the Channel. It's hard to say who was more surprised—the Tommies on the ground or the Germans in the air. The ordinary British soldier had almost given up hope of ever seeing the RAF again; then suddenly here it was, tearing into the enemy. For the Luftwaffe pilots, these new air battles were an educational experience. Captain Falck soon discovered that the Me 110 was not better than the Me 109—in fact, it wasn't as good. On one mission his plane was the only 110 of four to get back to base after tangling with the RAF. He landed, still quivering with fright, to find General Kesselring making an inspection. When they met again years later, the General still remembered Falck's shaky salute. Like many pilots, Falck was superstitious. On the side of his plane he had painted a large ladybug—the lucky symbol of his squadron in the Norwegian campaign. A big letter "G" also adorned the fuselage. G was the seventh letter of the alphabet and "7" was his lucky number. With the Spitfires around, he needed every talisman he could get. Even the Me 109's had met their match. The Spitfires could make sharper turns, hold a dive longer, and come out of it faster. They also had a way of appearing without warning—once so suddenly that Captain Adolf Galland, a veteran 109 pilot flying wing on his skipper, lost his usual cool. Momentarily shaken, he made a false turn, leaving the skipper a wide-open target. In anguish, Galland managed to shoot one of the Spitfires down, then returned to his base fearing the worst. But the skipper, a veteran World War I pilot named Max Ibel, turned out to be an indestructible old bird. Run to earth by the Spits, he managed to crash-land and "walked home." Happily for the Luftwaffe, there were never enough Spitfires and Hurricanes. The RAF's Fighter Command had to think ahead to the coming defense of Britain herself, and Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh Dowding refused to allocate to Dunkirk more than sixteen squadrons at any one time. Even stretched thin, these planes could not provide full-time cover, and the Luftwaffe took full advantage of those moments when the beaches were without fighter protection. When the score for the 27th was finally added up, there were conflicting claims on British and German losses, but on one point there was complete agreement: the port of Dunkirk was wrecked. May 28 promised to be an even more productive day for the Luftwaffe. The Belgian surrender, the crumbling French defenses, the capture of Calais—all released additional planes. But the weather turned sour; Fliegerkorps VIII, responsible for Dunkirk, remained on the ground. Its commanding officer General Major Wolfram von Richthofen (distant cousin of the famous Red Baron) had more than the weather to contend with. Hermann Göring was constantly on the phone. The General Field Marshal was now worried about his assurances to Hitler that the Luftwaffe could win the battle alone, and seemed to think that Richthofen could somehow chase away the clouds. May 29 dawned even worse. A steady drizzle and ceiling only 300 feet. Fliegerkorps VIII steeled itself for another barrage of calls from Göring. But around noon it began to clear up. At 2:00 p.m. Richthofen gave the long-delayed orders to attack. _Gruppe_ leaders were summoned and briefed. The main point: by agreement with Army Group B only the beaches and shipping would be attacked. No targets inland. There was now too much danger of hitting friendly troops. At 2:45 the planes began taking off from various fields: Major Oskar Dinort's Stukas from Beaulieu... Major Werner Kreipe's Dornier 17's from Rocrai... Captain Adolf Galland's Me 109's from Saint Pol... and so on. It was no ordinary raid. Fliegerkorps VIII had been specially reinforced: planes from four other _Fliegerkorps_... a wing of new Ju 88's from Holland... another all the way from Dusseldorf. Altogether some 400 aircraft headed for Dunkirk, led by 180 Stukas. By 3:00 p.m. they were there. So far no sign of the RAF. Circling so as to come in from the sea, Corporal Hans Mahnert, a gunner-radio operator flying with Stuka Wing No. 3, looked down on a remarkable sight. Ships were crowded together everywhere. It reminded him, oddly enough, of an old print he had once seen of the English fleet gathered at Trafalgar. Other more practiced eyes were also scanning the sea. They may have missed the eastern mole before, but not today. The smoke was blowing inland now, and there—directly below—was a sight no one could overlook. Clustered alongside the mole were a dozen ships. It was hard to imagine a better target.... Lieutenant Robin Bill could easily see the bombs falling. They looked about the size of 15-inch shells as they tumbled out of the diving Stukas. No more time for comparisons: he threw himself face-down on the mole, as the world exploded around him. One bomb landed squarely on the mole, twenty feet in front of him, hurling slabs of concrete into the air. A chunk sailed by his ears, killing a soldier further down the walkway. Shaken and covered with dust, Bill felt something oddly moist: it was a stray puppy licking his face. He glanced to his left, where his six trawlers were moored. They were still all right. But this was just the start. The planes seemed to attack in twos and threes, dropping a couple of bombs every time. There were occasional lulls, but the attack never really stopped. May 29, 2:45 p.m., the eastern mole (drawn at the time by Lieutenant Robin Bill) Lying at the very end of the mole, the destroyer _Jaguar_ managed to cast off. Packed with troops, she headed for home as the Stukas dived on her again and again. They scored no direct hits, but several near misses did fearful damage. Shrapnel riddled her port side, slashing open fuel tanks and steam lines. _Jaguar_ quickly lost headway and drifted toward the shore. Just in time the destroyer _Express_ raced over, towed her clear, and took off the troops. Listing seventeen degrees, _Jaguar_ ultimately crawled back to Dover empty—out of the evacuation for good. At the mole it was the destroyer _Grenade_ 's turn next. Standing by the forward capstan, Chief Stoker W. Brown watched a Stuka pass overhead, turn, and race in from the sea. It scored a near miss on the mole, spraying the _Grenade_ with shrapnel. Brown fell wounded, and just as the ship's medical officer finished patching him up, along came another Stuka. This time the aim was perfect. One bomb landed aft, another on the bridge, exploding in an oil tank below. A great sheet of flame shot up through the deck as Brown managed to clamber onto the mole. Seaman Bill Irwin was on the _Grenade_ just by chance. One of his mates had been wounded on the mole, and Irwin brought him aboard, looking for medical attention. As they waited in a small compartment on the upper deck, a sudden blast threw them off their feet. Somebody's tin hat—turned literally red-hot—rolled crazily around on its rim as Irwin dodged out of the way. He managed to get his friend back onto the mole, but had to leave behind a badly wounded petty officer lying in a bunk. Irwin promised to come back for him, but it was a promise he couldn't keep. Already Commander Clouston's men were loosening the ship's lines so that she wouldn't go down at her berth. Still blazing, _Grenade_ drifted into the harbor channel. But if she sank here, it could be even worse. She might block the harbor completely. Finally one of Lieutenant Bill's trawlers towed her out of the way. _Grenade_ burned on for several hours... then blew up, vanishing in a mushroom cloud of smoke. Able Seaman P. Cavanagh managed to scramble from the burning _Grenade_ onto the mole just before she cast off. Momentarily he was safe—but only momentarily. A German plane swooped down, machine-gunning the troops that crowded the walkway. A quick-thinking soldier pushed Cavanagh down, then lay on top of him. When the plane had gone, Cavanagh asked the soldier to get off his back, but there was no answer—he was dead. He had given his life to save a man he never even knew. Cavanagh now went on board the _Fenella,_ a large wooden steamer lying on the other side of the mole. "If this gets hit," someone observed, "it will go up like a box of matches." With that, a bomb landed alongside, splintering the ship's hull. Cavanagh hopped off, crossed the mole again, and decided to try one of Lieutenant Bill's trawlers. He picked the _Calvi,_ but before he could climb aboard a bomb landed on her, too. She went down at her berth with stately dignity, resting on the bottom completely upright. Her funnel and masts remained above water, her battle ensign still flying from the foremast. Cavanagh moved on to another of the trawlers—he never knew the name—and this time nobody dropped anything on him. Bombed out of three ships and machine-gunned once (all in 45 minutes), he sat down on the deck for a moment's rest. "Get off your arse and give us a hand," someone called, and he went wearily back to work. On the _Fenella,_ riddled by the near miss alongside the mole, Gunner Mowbray Chandler of the Royal Artillery sat below-decks sipping cocoa. He had been in Commander Clouston's queue since early morning; now that he was at last on board a ship, it was time to relax a little. Not even that near miss could interrupt his cocoa. Then someone looked out a porthole and noticed that the mole seemed to be rising. Since this was impossible, the ship must be settling. So it wasn't time to relax after all. Chandler and his mates hurried back to the mole, as _Fenella_ sank at her berth. Three ships gone—the mole strafed and damaged—it was all very unnerving. This long arm jutting out into the sea, once the goal of everyone, was no longer so popular. Some of the troops waiting at the seaward end wavered, then surged back toward the land. Commander Clouston was at the shore end talking to Lieutenant Bill, but his quick eye caught the movement. Taking Bill with him, he pulled his revolver and hurried out to meet the mob. "We have come to take you back to the U.K.," he said quietly but firmly. "I have six shots here, and I'm not a bad shot. The Lieutenant behind me is an even better one. So that makes twelve of you." A pause, and then he raised his voice: _"Now get down into those bloody ships!"_ That ended the incident. The men turned back again, most of them boarding the steamer _Crested Eagle,_ which lay just astern of the unlucky _Fenella._ A big wooden paddle-wheeler, the _Crested Eagle_ was a familiar sight to many of the troops. In happier days she had taken them on excursions up and down the Thames. Going aboard her was almost like going home. By 6:00 p.m. her decks were packed with 600 men, including a number of bedraggled survivors from the _Grenade_ and _Fenella._ Commander Clouston gave the signal to get going, and _Crested Eagle_ 's big paddle wheels began churning the sea. Swinging clear of the mole, her skipper Lieutenant-Commander B. R. Booth headed east along the coast, planning to go home via Route Y. It didn't take long for the Luftwaffe to find her. Standing by one of the paddle boxes, Chief Stoker Brown, safely off the _Grenade,_ once again heard the familiar screech of a Stuka's bomb. It landed with a crash in the main saloon, sending tables, chairs, and bodies flying. A deck below, Gunner Chandler, just off the _Fenella,_ was watching the engines when the explosion came. It blew him along the deck until he hit the end bulkhead. On the bridge Commander Booth noted that the paddles were still working, so he tried to hold his course. Maybe they could get out of this yet. No such luck. The whole after end of the vessel was burning, and the engineer Lieutenant Jones came on the bridge to report that he couldn't keep the paddles going much longer. Booth decided to beach the ship, and turned toward shore opposite the big sanitarium at Zuydcoote, just short of Bray-Dunes. On the beach the troops momentarily forgot their own troubles as they watched this blazing torch of a boat drive hard aground. "Get off, mate, while you can," a seaman advised Gunner Chandler as he stood uncertainly by the rail. Chandler decided it was good advice; he took off his shoes and jumped. There were other ships around, but none near, so he swam to the beach. It was easy; he had a life jacket and even managed to tow a nonswimmer along. Once ashore he discovered for the first time how badly burned he was. In the excitement he hadn't noticed that the skin was hanging in shreds from both his hands. He was bundled into an ambulance and taken to the Casino at Malo-les-Bains, currently serving as a collection point for the wounded. It's hard to imagine a fuller day, yet he ended up only a few hundred yards from where he had started in the morning. Except for the mole, the most inviting target this perilous afternoon was the 6,000-ton cargo liner _Clan MacAlister._ Loaded with eight assault landing craft and their crews, she had come over from Dover the previous night. Her skipper Captain R. W. Mackie felt that the prescribed route was unnecessarily dangerous, but when he complained to Captain Cassidie, in charge of the ALC's, Cassidie simply replied, "If you don't like to go, Captain, give me a course to steer, put the boats in the water, and I'll take them over myself." Mackie took this as a challenge to both his courage and his ability. On they went. By 9:00 a.m. on the 29th they were lying off Dunkirk Roads discharging the boats. Two were damaged in lowering, but the other six were safely launched and soon hard at work. _Clan MacAlister_ herself was told to wait around for further orders. She was still waiting when the Luftwaffe struck. At 3:45 p.m. the Stukas scored three direct hits and set fire to No. 5 hold. Nearby the destroyer _Malcolm_ dodged the same attack, and came alongside to help. Lieutenants Ian Cox and David Mellis leapt aboard the _Clan MacAlister_ and began playing the _Malcolm_ 's fire hose down the blazing hold. Everyone ignored the fact that the hold was full of 4-inch ammunition. If it went off, it would be certain death for both officers—and probably both ships. Luck was with the brave. The ammunition did not explode—but neither could Cox and Mellis put the fire out. They finally returned to the _Malcolm,_ and the destroyer cast off. With her went the _Clan MacAlister_ 's wounded and a number of troops who had ferried out to the big steamer on the mistaken assumption that size meant safety. Captain Mackie stuck with his ship, still hoping somehow to get her home. But the Stukas kept attacking, knocked out her steering, and finally Mackie called for help. The minesweeper _Pangbourne_ eased alongside and asked if he wanted to "abandon ship." The sensitive Mackie refused to swallow that phrase. "Well, 'temporarily abandon,'" the _Pangbourne_ 's captain tactfully suggested. That was all right, and Mackie crossed over. There was no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed. The _Clan MacAlister_ was just beginning to play her most useful role. She sank upright in the shallow water off the beach, and for the next several days the Luftwaffe would waste tons of bombs on her deserted hulk. The _Clan MacAlister_ was an especially tempting target, but no ship was safe this May 29th. As the minesweeper _Waverley_ headed for home with 600 troops around 4:00 p.m., twelve Heinkels plastered her with bombs. For half an hour _Waverley_ twisted and turned, dodging everything, but the Heinkels were insatiable. Finally a near miss tore off her rudder; then a direct hit blasted a six-foot hole in the bottom of the ship. The _Waverley_ sank by the stern with a loss of over 300 men. Now it was the _Gracie Fields_ 's turn. Formerly a much-beloved Isle of Wight ferry, she left La Panne in the evening with some 750 troops. Forty minutes later a bomb exploded in her boiler room, sending up a huge cloud of steam that enveloped the ship. It was impossible to stop the engines, and with her helm jammed, she began circling at six knots. The skoots _Jutland_ and _Twente_ rushed over—one on each side—and for a while the three vessels waltzed around and around together, while the troops were transferred. The minesweeper _Pangbourne,_ already loaded with survivors from the _Crested Eagle_ and riddled with holes herself, joined the rescue effort. She got a line on _Gracie Fields_ and began towing her home. They never got there. With her crew safely removed, "Gracie" finally went down during the night. The raid tapered off at dusk, and on the mole Commander Clouston surveyed a doleful scene. There was not a sound ship left. The _Fenella_ and _Calvi_ were sunk at their berths, and the rest of the vessels were gone—some to destruction, others to England with what troops they already had aboard. The bombing and the shelling were over, and the only sound was the barking of stray dogs. Abandoned by their fleeing owners, "half the canine population of France" (as one man put it) had joined the BEF. Some were smuggled on the transports, but many had to be left behind and now forlornly prowled the waterfront—a continuing and melancholy phenomenon of the evacuation. The mole itself was a sorry sight. Here and there it was pitted with holes and craters, not all of them made by bombs. At least two British ships rammed the walkway in their frantic maneuvers during the raid. Clouston went to work and soon had the gaps bridged with doors, hatch covers, and planking salvaged from the wrecked ships. In the midst of these labors, the passenger steamer _King Orry_ eased alongside. Her steering gear was gone and her hull badly holed by near misses. The last thing Clouston needed was another ship sunk at her berth; during the night her skipper took her out, hoping to beach her clear of the fairway. He didn't get very far. Outside the harbor, but still in deep water, _King Orry_ rolled over and sank. The naval yacht _Bystander_ appeared and began picking up survivors. Manning the ship's dinghy, Able Seaman J. H. Elton dived into the sea to help the exhausted swimmers. He alone saved 25 men, and he was not done yet. He was the ship's cook, and once back on board the _Bystander,_ he headed straight for his galley. Normally Elton had to feed a crew of seven, but tonight there were 97 aboard. Undaunted, he made meals for them all, then raided the ship's locker for dry clothes and blankets. Often the evacuated troops were too exhausted to help themselves, but not always. Gunner W. Jennings of the Royal Artillery proved a tower of strength while transferring soldiers from the crippled _Gracie Fields_ to the skoots alongside. Again and again he lifted men on his shoulders and carried them across, as if they were children. When the escort vessel _Bideford_ lost her stern off Bray-Dunes, Private George William Crowther, 6th Field Ambulance, gave up his chance to be rescued. He remained instead on the _Bideford,_ helping the ship's surgeon. He worked for 48 hours, almost without a break, while the _Bideford_ was slowly towed back to Dover. All through the afternoon of May 29 the Dynamo Room remained blissfully ignorant of these staggering events. As far as the staff knew, the evacuation was proceeding smoothly—"approaching maximum efficiency," as liaison officer General Lloyd telegraphed the War Office at 6:22 p.m. Three minutes later the roof fell in. The destroyer _Sabre_ had been sent over with some portable wireless sets and reinforcements for the naval shore parties. Arriving at the height of the air attack, she wired Dover at 6:25: > Continuous bombing for 1½hours. One destroyer sinking, one transport with troops on board damaged. No damage to pier. Impossible at present to embark more troops. Then, at 7:00 p.m. came a startling phone message. It was from Commander J. S. Dove, calling from La Panne on the direct line that linked Gort's headquarters with London and Dover. Dove had been helping out at Tennant's headquarters since the "lethal kite" fiasco, and was not part of the regular chain of command. He was calling on his own initiative, but it was not his status; it was what he said that seemed important. He reported that he had just come from Dunkirk, that the harbor was completely blocked, and that the whole evacuation must be carried out from the beaches. Why Dove made this call remains unclear. He had apparently commandeered a car, driven it to La Panne, and talked the military into letting him use the phone—all on his own. He had been in Dunkirk since May 24, and had previously shown great coolness under fire. Perhaps, as Ramsay's Chief of Staff later speculated, he was simply shell-shocked after five extremely hard days. In any event, the call caused a sensation in the Dynamo Room. Taken together with _Sabre_ 's signal ("Impossible at present to embark more troops"), it seemed to indicate that the harbor was indeed blocked and only the beaches could be used. First, Ramsay tried to make sure. At 8:57 he radioed Tennant, "Can you confirm harbor is blocked?" Tennant replied, "No," but the raid had left communications in a shambles, and the answer never got through. Not hearing from Tennant, he later tried the French commander, Admiral Abrial, but no answer there either. At 9:28 Ramsay didn't dare wait any longer. He radioed the minesweeper _Hebe,_ serving as a sort of command ship offshore: > Intercept all personnel ships approaching Dunkirk and instruct them not to close harbor but to remain off Eastern beach to collect troops from ships. Midnight, there was still no word from Dunkirk. Ramsay sent the destroyer _Vanquisher_ to investigate. At 5:51 a.m. on the 30th she flashed the good news, > "Entrance to Dunkirk harbor practicable. Obstructions exist towards outer side of eastern arm." This welcome information was immediately relayed to the rescue fleet, but a whole night had gone by. Only four trawlers and a yacht used the mole during those priceless hours of darkness, despite calm seas and minimum enemy interference. "A great opportunity was missed," commented Captain Tennant a few days later. "Probably 15,000 troops could have been embarked had the ships been forthcoming." But for Ramsay, the worst thing that happened on the evening of May 29 was not the false report from Dunkirk; it was a very real decision made in London. The day had seen heavy losses in shipping—particularly destroyers. The _Wakeful, Grafton,_ and _Grenade_ were gone; _Gallant, Greyhound, Intrepid, Jaguar, Montrose,_ and _Saladin_ damaged. The whole "G" class was now knocked out. To the Admiralty there was more than Dunkirk to think about: there were the convoys, the Mediterranean, the protection of Britain herself. At 8:00 p.m. Admiral Pound reluctantly decided to withdraw the eight modern destroyers Ramsay had left, leaving him with only fifteen older vessels, which in a pinch could be considered expendable. For Ramsay, it was a dreadful blow. The destroyers had come to be his most effective vessels. Withdrawing a third of them wrecked all his careful projections. Even if there were no further losses, he would now be able to maintain a flow of only one destroyer an hour to the coast—a pace that would lift only 17,000 troops every 24 hours. The Admiralty's decision couldn't have come at a worse time. Every ship was desperately needed. The fighting divisions—the men who had defended the escape corridor—were now themselves moving into the perimeter. In the little Belgian village of Westvleteren, 3rd Division packed up for the last time. Headquarters was in a local abbey, and before pulling out, General Montgomery sought out the Abbot, Father M. Rafael Hoedt. Could the Father hide a few personal possessions for him? The answer was yes; so the General handed over a box of personal papers and a lunch basket he particularly favored. These were then bricked up in the abbey wall, as Monty drove off promising that the army would be back and he'd pick everything up later. Only a general as cocky as Montgomery could make such a promise. Brigadier George William Sutton was more typical. He felt nothing but anguish and personal humiliation as he trudged toward Dunkirk, passing mile after mile of abandoned equipment. He was a career officer, and "if this was what it came to when the real thing came to a crisis, all the years of thought and time and trouble that we had given to learning and teaching soldiering had been wasted. I felt that I had been labouring under a delusion and that after all, this was not my trade." Despite the disaster, some units never lost their snap and cohesion. The Queen's Own Worcestershire Yeomanry marched into the perimeter with the men singing and a mouth organ playing "Tipperary." But others, like the 44th Division, seemed to dissolve. Officers and men tramped along individually and in small parties. Private Oliver Barnard, a signalman with the 44th, had absolutely no idea where he was heading. Eventually Brigadier J. E. Utterson Kelso came swinging by. Barnard fell in behind him with the comforting thought, "He's a brigadier, he must know where he's going." Parts of the French First Army north of Lille—finally released by General Prioux—were converging on Dunkirk, too. The plan was for the French to man the western end of the perimeter while the British manned the eastern end, but this caused all sorts of trouble where the poilus coming up the escape corridor had to cross over from east to west. It meant going at almost right angles to the generally north-south flow of the British. There were some unpleasant collisions. As the Worcestershire Yeomanry approached Bray-Dunes, they met the main body of the French 60th Division moving west on a road parallel to the shore. Part of the Worcesters wriggled by, but the rest had to get down into a rugger scrum and smash their way through. When a lorry fell into a crater, blocking the road north, Major David Warner of the Kent Yeomanry organized a working party to move it. French troops kept pushing the party aside, refusing to stop while the job was done. Finally, Warner drew his revolver and threatened to shoot the next man who didn't stop when ordered. The poilus paid no attention, until Warner actually did shoot one of them. Then they stopped, and the lorry was moved. There were clashes even among the brass. General Brooke ordered the French 2nd Light Mechanized Division, operating under him, to cover his eastern flank as II Corps made its final withdrawal on the night of May 29-30. General Bougrain, the French division's commander, announced that he had other orders from General Blanchard, and that he was going to comply with them. Brooke repeated his previous instructions, adding that if the French General disobeyed, he'd be shot, if Brooke ever caught him. Bougrain paid no attention to this either, but Brooke never caught him. All through this afternoon of tensions and traffic jams, the last of the fighting troops poured into the perimeter. Some went straight to the beaches, while others were assigned to the defenses, taking over from the cooks and clerks who had manned the line the past three days. As the 7th Guards Brigade moved into Furnes, cornerstone of the eastern end of the perimeter, the men spotted General Montgomery standing in the marketplace. In a rare lapse, the General had dropped his normally cocky stance and stood looking weary and forlorn. As the 7th swung by, they snapped to attention and gave Monty a splendid "eyes left." It was just the tonic he needed. He immediately straightened up and returned the honor with a magnificent salute. Farther west, the 2nd Coldstream Guards were moving into position along the Bergues-Furnes canal. Running parallel to the coast, about six miles inland, the canal was the main line of defense facing south. The Coldstream dug in along the north bank, making good use of several farm cottages that stood in their sector. The flat land across the canal should have offered an excellent field of fire, but the canal road on that side was littered with abandoned vehicles, and it was hard to see over them. At the moment this made no difference. There was no sign of the enemy anywhere. The Coldstreamers whiled away the afternoon casting a highly critical eye on the troops still pouring into the perimeter. Only two platoons of Welsh Guards won their approval. These marched crisply across the canal bridge in perfect formation. The rest were a shuffling rabble. The last of Lord Gort's strong-points were closing up shop. They had kept the corridor open; now it was time to come in themselves—if they could. At the little French village of Ledringhem, fifteen miles south of Dunkirk, the remnants of the 5th Gloucesters collected in an orchard shortly after midnight, May 29. The sails of a nearby windmill were burning brightly, and it seemed impossible that these exhausted men, surrounded for two days, could get away undetected. But the Germans were tired too, and there was no enemy reaction as Lieutenant-Colonel G.A.H. Buxton led the party north along a stream bed. They not only slipped through the German lines; they captured three prisoners along the way. At 6:30 a.m. they finally stumbled into Bambecque, once more in friendly country. The adjutant of the 8th Worcesters saw them coming: "They were dirty and weary and haggard, but unbeaten.... I ran towards Colonel Buxton, who was staggering along, obviously wounded. He croaked a greeting, and I saw the lumps of sleep in his bloodshot eyes. Our Commanding Officer came running out and told the 5th Gloucesters' second-in-command to rest the troops a minute. I took Colonel Buxton indoors, gave him a tumbler of stale wine, and eased him gently to the floor on to a blanket, assuring him again and again that his men were all right. In a few seconds he was asleep." The men holding the strong-point at Cassel, 19 miles south of Dunkirk, were also trying to get back to the sea. For three days they had held up the German advance while thousands of Allied troops swarmed up the escape corridor. Now they finally had orders to pull back themselves, but it was too late. The enemy had gradually seeped around the hill where the town stood. By the morning of May 29 it was cut off. Brigadier Somerset, commanding the garrison, decided to try anyhow. But not during the day. There were too many Germans. The only chance would be after dark. Orders went out to assemble at 9:30 p.m. At first all went well. The troops quietly slipped out of town, down the hill, and headed northeast over the fields. Somerset felt there was less chance of detection if they traveled cross-country. It really didn't matter. The Germans were everywhere. With Somerset in the lead, the 4th Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry were overwhelmed near Watou; the East Riding Yeomanry were virtually wiped out in a minefield; the 2nd Gloucesters were trapped in a thick woods called the Bois Saint Acaire. _"Kamerad! Kamerad!"_ shouted the German troopers swarming around the woods, trying to flush out the Gloucesters. Crouching in the brush, the Tommies lay low. A pause, and then a voice speaking good English over a loudspeaker: "Come out! Come out! Hitler is winning the war, you are beaten. Come out, or we will shell you out. Lay down your arms and come out running." Second Lieutenant Julian Fane of B Company wasn't about to buy that. He had heard of another British battalion that listened to such a broadcast, threw down its arms, and came out... only to be machine-gunned down. He told the men near him, and they decided to fight it out. Since the Germans had them targeted, the first step was to find a new position. Fane led his men in a wild dash to another wood 100 yards away. It did no good. The enemy quickly spotted them, and they spent the rest of the day huddling under a hale of artillery and mortar fire. Darkness at last, and the little group continued north. They moved in single file, keeping as silent as possible, making use of every bit of cover. But if they had any delusion that they were traveling unseen, it was dispelled when a red Very light suddenly soared into the night. Instantly machine guns, mortars, rifles, every kind of weapon opened up on them. They had been ambushed. Tracers criss-crossed the sky; a nearby haystack burst into flames, illuminating the group perfectly. Men were falling on all sides, and Fane himself was hit in the right arm and shoulder. He finally reached a ditch, where he was relatively safe as long as he kept an 18-inch profile. He gradually collected about a dozen other survivors. Together they crept off into the darkness, managing somehow to work their way around the German flank. He didn't know it, but his little band was all that remained of the 2nd Gloucesters. One British soldier outside the perimeter was still very much in the fight. Private Edgar G. A. Rabbets had been just another Tommy in the 5th Northamptonshires until the great retreat. Then a German thrust almost caught the battalion near Brussels. A fire-fight developed, and at one point Rabbets raised his rifle and took a potshot at an enemy soldier about 200 yards away. The man dropped in his tracks. "Can you do that again?" asked the company commander. Rabbets obligingly picked off another German. Then and there Ted Rabbets was designated a sniper, and henceforth he acted entirely on his own. He had no previous training for his new work, but did enjoy one unusual advantage: he had once known a poacher who taught him a few tricks. Now he could move so quietly he could "catch a rabbit by the ears," and he could make himself so small he could "hide behind a blade of grass." As a sniper, Rabbets soon developed a few trade secrets of his own: never snipe from tree tops—too easy to get trapped. Keep away from farmhouse attics—too easy to be spotted. Best vantage point—some hiding place where there's room to move around, like a grove of trees. Following these rules, Rabbets managed to survive alone most of the way across Belgium. He tried to keep in occasional touch with his battalion, but usually he was deep in German-held territory—once even behind their artillery. From time to time he matched wits with his German counterparts. One of them once fired at him from a hole in some rooftop, missed by six inches. Rabbets fired back and had the satisfaction of seeing the man plunge out of the hole. Another time, while prowling a village street late at night, Rabbets rounded a corner and literally ran into a German sniper. This time Ted fired first and didn't miss. Rabbets ultimately reached the coast near Nieuport and slowly worked his way west, dipping into the German lines on an occasional foray. On May 31 he finally rejoined the BEF at La Panne—still operating alone and perhaps the last fighting man to enter the perimeter. All the way south, five divisions of General Prioux's French First Army fought on at Lille. It was still early on the morning of May 29 when a French truck convoy, approaching the city from Armentières, met some armored vehicles moving onto the road. The poilus sent up a great cheer, thinking that at last some British tanks were coming to help them. Only when the strangers began confiscating their arms did the Frenchmen realize that they had run into the 7th Panzer Division. Cut off from the north, General Prioux surrendered during the afternoon at his headquarters in Steenwerck. He had gotten his wish: to remain with the bulk of his army rather than try to escape. Most of his troops holed up in Lille, continuing to tie down six enemy divisions. By now it didn't matter very much. With the escape corridor closed, Rundstedt's Army Group A and Bock's Army Group B at last joined forces, and the Germans had all the troops they needed for the final push on Dunkirk. But this May 29 saw an important change in the composition of the German forces. Once again the tanks were gone—pulled out this time on the urging of the panzer generals themselves. Guderian summed up the reasons in a report he submitted on the evening of the 28th after a personal tour of the front: the armored divisions were down to 50% of strength... time was needed to prepare for new operations... the marshy terrain was unsuitable for tanks... the Belgian surrender had released plenty of infantry—far more effective troops for this kind of country. Added to these very practical arguments was perhaps an intangible factor. Guderian and the other panzer commanders were simply not temperamentally suited to the static warfare that was developing. Theirs was a world of slashing thrusts, breakthroughs, long rolling advances. Once the battle had turned into a siege, they lost interest. By the evening of the 28th Guderian was already poring over his maps of the lower Seine. In any event, OKH agreed. At 10:00 a.m. on May 29 General Gustav von Wietersheim's motorized infantry took over from Guderian, and later in the day General Reinhardt's tanks were also pulled out. But this didn't mean that the battered Allied troops were home free. On the contrary, ten German divisions—mostly tough, experienced infantry—now pressed against the 35-mile Dunkirk perimeter. At the western end, the 37th Panzer Engineers hoisted a swastika flag over Fort Philippe around noon, and the port of Gravelines fell soon afterward. All the way east the 56th Division was marching on Furnes. About 3:30 p.m. Bicycle Squadron 25 reached the east gate of the old walled town. Here they ran into a French column trying to get into the perimeter. After a brief fire-fight, Captain Neugart of the 25th forced the Frenchmen to surrender. Then along came two French tanks, so unsuspecting that their turrets were open. Corporal Gruenvogel of the bicyclists jumped on one of them, pointed his pistol down through the open turret, and ordered the crew to surrender. They complied... as did the crew of the second tank, even without such urging. Captain Neugart now sent a captured French major along with two of his own men into Furnes to demand that the whole town surrender. But audacity has its limits, and this time he got only a scornful reply from the Allied troops now barricading the streets. On the beaches no one knew how long the troops manning the perimeter could keep the Germans out. At Bray-Dunes Commander Thomas Kerr half-expected to see them burst onto the sands any minute. He and Commander Richardson continued loading the troops into boats; but they arranged for a boat of their own to lie off Bray, ready to rescue the naval shore party, "just in case." This gave them some confidence, but talking quietly together that night, they agreed they'd probably end up in some German prison camp. Dover and London knew even less. At one point on the 28th the Admiralty actually told Tennant to report "every hour" the number of people to be embarked—orders that could only have come from someone who hadn't the remotest picture of the situation. Tennant patiently replied, "Am doing my best to keep you informed, but shall be unable to report for hours." But even at a distance one thing was clear: all too often the ships weren't where they were needed the most. Sometimes there were plenty of vessels at the mole, but no troops on hand. Other times there were troops but no ships. The same was true at the beaches. Someone was needed offshore to control the flow of shipping, the same way Captain Tennant was directing the flow of men between the mole and the beaches. Rear-Admiral Frederic Wake-Walker got the nod. Fifty-two years old, Wake-Walker was known as an exceptionally keen organizer, and a good seaman too. His last command had been the battleship _Revenge_ —a sure sign of talent, for the Royal Navy gave the battleships to only its most promising officers. At the moment, he held down a staff job at the Admiralty; he was readily available for temporary assignment. Returning to his office from lunch on Wednesday, May 29, Wake-Walker learned that he was wanted by Rear-Admiral Sir Tom Phillips, the Vice-Chief of Naval Staff. Phillips asked him if he would like to go to Dunkirk and "try and get some organization into the embarkation there." Wake-Walker said that he'd be "delighted," and the appointment was worked out. It was important that he should not seem to be superseding Tennant. The Captain would still be SNO on shore; Wake-Walker in charge of everything afloat. An hour later he was on his way by car to Dover. Arriving about 6:00 p.m., he went directly to Ramsay's casemate for a quick briefing. In the Dynamo Room he was shown a map, depicting the coast east of Dunkirk. The three beaches—Malo, Bray, and La Panne—had been optimistically numbered, with each beach in turn divided into three sections. The BEF would be coming down to these particular beaches, while certain others west of Malo were reserved for the French. This neat map, with its careful delineations, little prepared him for the chaos he found when he arrived off Bray on the destroyer _Esk_ at 4:00 the following morning, May 30. Transferring to the minesweeper _Hebe,_ Wake-Walker soon learned about the "real war" from Captain Eric Bush, who had been filling in until he got there. At dawn Wake-Walker could see for himself the dark masses of men on the beaches, the long lines that curled into the sea, the men standing waist-deep in the water... waiting and waiting. "The crux of the matter was boats, boat crews, and towage," the Admiral later recalled. At 6:30 a.m. he radioed Dover that small boats were urgently needed, and at 7:30 he asked for more ships, and again stressed the need for small boats. It was a familiar refrain, growing in volume these past few hours. At 12:10 a.m. Brigadier Oliver Leese of Gort's staff had telephoned the War Office, stressing that the perimeter could only be held for a limited time. Send as many boats as possible—quickly. At 4:00 the War Office called back with the welcome word that Admiral Ramsay was "going to get as much small craft as possible across as soon as he can." But nothing came. At 4:15 the destroyer _Vanquisher,_ lying off Malo, radioed, "More ships and boats urgently required off west beach." At 6:40 the destroyer _Vivacious_ echoed the plea: "Essential to have more ships and boats." By 12:45 p.m.Brigadier Leese was on the phone again, this time with General Dill, Chief of the Imperial General Staff. No ships yet, he complained. Off La Panne, Admiral Wake-Walker was getting desperate. He now sent Captain Bush back to Dover in the _Hebe,_ to explain in person the vital necessity of sending out boats and crews. By 3:00 p.m. Gort himself was trying. He first phoned Admiral Pound, then General Dill, pointing out that there were still no ships. Every hour counted, he stressed. Headquarters could at least complain to somebody. The troops waiting on the beaches didn't even have that satisfaction. After a restless night curled up in the sand, Captain John Dodd of the Royal Artillery looked out to sea in the first light of dawn and saw—nothing. "No ships in sight," he noted in his diary. "Something must have gone wrong." At Bray-Dunes Sapper Joe Coles felt "terrible disappointment" and resigned himself to a day of troubled sleep in the Dunes. At Malo Chaplain Kenneth Meiklejohn couldn't understand it. There had been no air attacks, yet no one seemed to have embarked all night. A dreadful thought crossed his mind: "Has the Navy given us up?" # 9 # The Little Ships LIEUTENANT IAN COX, FIRST Lieutenant of the destroyer _Malcolm,_ could hardly believe his eyes. There, coming over the horizon toward him, was a mass of dots that filled the sea. The _Malcolm_ was bringing her third load of troops back to Dover. The dots were all heading the other way—toward Dunkirk. It was Thursday evening, the 30th of May. As he watched, the dots materialized into vessels. Here and there were respectable steamers, like the Portsmouth-Isle of Wight car ferry, but mostly they were little ships of every conceivable type—fishing smacks... drifters... excursion boats... glittering white yachts... mud-spattered hoppers... open motor launches... tugs towing ship's lifeboats... Thames sailing barges with their distinctive brown sails... cabin cruisers, their bright work gleaming... dredges, trawlers, and rust-streaked scows... the Admiral Superintendent's barge from Portsmouth with its fancy tassels and rope-work. Cox felt a sudden surge of pride. Being here was no longer just a duty; it was an honor and a privilege. Turning to a somewhat startled chief boatswain's mate standing beside him, he burst into the Saint Crispin's Day passage from Shakespeare's _Henry V:_ > And Gentlemen in England, now abed > > Shall think themselves accurs'd they were not here. The efforts of the Small Vessels Pool and the Ministry of Shipping were at last paying off. The trickle of little ships that began in Tough's boatyard was turning into a deluge. There was still no public announcement of the evacuation, but England is a small place. In one way or another, the word reached those who were needed. It was a midnight phone call from the Admiralty that alerted Basil A. Smith, a London accountant and owner of the 24-foot cabin cruiser _Constant Nymph._ Would Smith confirm that his boat was ready for sea and could sail on four hours' notice? Early next morning, May 27, the summons came: take her down to Sheerness at once. Captain Lemon Webb was nursing the Ipswich spritsailing barge _Tollesbury_ up the Thames on an ordinary cargo run. Then a motorboat eased alongside, and a naval officer ordered him to a nearby jetty. There a tug took her in tow, and _Tollesbury_ was on her way to Sheerness, too. The crew of the Margate lifeboat _Lord Southborough_ were playing darts at their favorite pub when their turn came. A cryptic message said report to the boathouse at once. Within hours they were heading direct for Dunkirk—no stop at Sheerness for them. For Coxswain Edward D. Parker it was almost a family outing. His brother and nephew were in his crew; a son had already gone over with the Margate pilot boat; another son was one of Commander Clouston's men on the mole. The cockle boat fleet of Leigh-on-Sea lay peacefully at anchor on May 30 when the call came for them. Bearing imposing names like _Defender, Endeavour, Resolute,_ and _Renown,_ they sounded like dreadnoughts; actually they were only 40 feet long with a 2 ½-foot draft. Normally they were engaged in the humblest of tasks—gathering in the cockle shellfish found in the mud flats of the Thames estuary. The crew were all civilians, but every man volunteered. Seventeen-year-old Ken Horner was considered too young and left behind, but he wasn't about to buy that. He ran home, got his mother's permission, and bicycled off in pursuit of the fleet. He caught up with his boat at Southend. These vessels came with their crews, but that did not always happen. In the race against time, yachts were often commandeered before their owners could be located. Other weekend sailors just couldn't drop everything and sign up in the Navy for a month—the standard requirement. As the little ships converged on Sheerness and Ramsgate, the main staging points, Admiral Preston's Small Vessels Pool looked around for substitute crews. Shipwright A. W. Elliott was working in Johnson & Jago's boatyard at Leigh-on-Sea when a bobby pedaled up on a bicycle. He announced that volunteers were needed to get "some chaps" off the French coast. Elliott needed no urging. At Lowestoft on the east coast the Small Vessels Pool commandeered taxis to bring down a contingent of commercial fishermen. In London, Commander Garrett of the Pool spent three straight nights calling up various clubs... rounding up yachtsman members... packing them off in Admiralty cars to Sheerness and Ramsgate. It was during these hectic days that Sub-Lieutenant Moran Capiat arrived in London for a few days' leave. An actor and yachtsman in peacetime, he was currently serving on a naval trawler in the North Sea, but the ship was being refitted, and for the moment he was free. He was aware that Dunkirk was coming to a boil, but felt it was no concern of his. Going to the Royal Ocean Racing Club for breakfast, he was surprised to find nobody there. Even the steward was gone. He finally located the steward's wife, who explained that everyone had vanished after a call from the Admiralty a day or so ago. Mildly mystified, he settled down in a chair to relax alone. The phone rang, and he answered. It was the Admiralty. A voice said they wanted "still more hands" and asked who he was. Capiat identified himself, and the voice said, "You're just what we need." He was then told to go to Sheerness immediately. Still baffled, he caught a train at Waterloo Station within an hour. Five minutes' walk from the Royal Ocean Racing Club was the ship chandlers shop of Captain O. M. Watts on Albemarle Street. Downstairs the Captain cheerfully dispensed a hodgepodge of charts and nautical gear; upstairs he gave navigation lessons to young gentlemen who hoped for a commission in the Royal Navy Volunteer Reserve. They were mostly professional men: solicitors, brokers, actors, bankers from the City, and such. Few knew much about the sea; some had never been out of sight of land. John Fernald was a young American theatrical director attending the Captain's classes every Thursday evening. Usually the session was blackboard work, but not on Thursday, May 30. When he arrived with his friend David Homan, a scenery designer, Watts took them aside for a private chat. Quietly he explained there would be no regular class tonight; the Navy needed volunteers immediately for a "hazardous job." Neither Fernald nor Homan liked the prospect of moving from navigational theory to practice so abruptly, but they couldn't see any graceful way out; so they volunteered. Captain Watts told them to grab what gear they could and report immediately to the Port of London Authority down by the Tower. Fernald rushed back to his flat, picked up an old pea jacket, and hurried down to Tower Hill, as directed. Most of the others were already there. Some didn't even have time to change their clothes and were still wearing the cutaways and striped trousers of the City. Stockbroker Raphael de Sola, however, was resplendent in the jacket of the Royal London Yacht Club, blue trousers to match, a visored cap, and a greatcoat worthy of the First Sea Lord of the Admiralty. Along with Captain Watts's scholars, there were a number of more obviously waterfront types: lightermen, dock workers, deckhands, barge men. High and low together, they milled around the lobby of the Port Authority building, still not knowing what they were to do. Then a Royal Navy commander appeared and gave them a quick briefing. They were to man ship's lifeboats collected from vessels lying at the London docks. These would be towed down the river and across the Channel, where they would be used to help rescue the BEF. A bus now took the group to Tilbury, where the lifeboats were waiting. The rule was four men to a boat; twelve boats to a tow. Fernald and Homan managed to stick together, and soon after midnight they were on their way. In the quiet of the night, broken only by the water rushing by and the throb of the tug up ahead, Fernald wondered at the incredible change in his life that had snatched him from a humdrum existence in London and put him in an open boat racing through the dark. First stop was Sheerness. This bustling harbor on the Thames estuary had become the collecting point for all the little ships streaming down the river. Here they were sorted out and put into shape under the watchful eye of Commodore A. H. Taylor, a retired Rear-Admiral who could normally be found shuffling paper in the Economic Warfare Division of the Admiralty. Engines were the big problem. Many of the boats had been laid up for the winter and were hard to get running again. Others had idiosyncrasies apparently known only to their absent owners. The Thames excursion steamers had boilers that couldn't use salt water. It was a miracle that Captain T. E. Docksey and his engineers managed to get more than 100 boats in good enough shape to cross the Channel. Every ship also needed someone on board who could keep the engine running. By now there were plenty of weekend-sailor volunteers, but few of these bankers and shopkeepers really understood machinery. The Shipping Federation, an organization of operators, was asked to help and issued a call for volunteers. About 350 marine engineers responded. From Sheerness most of the little ships moved on to Ramsgate. Here fuel tanks were topped off, provisions loaded, and convoys made up. Many of the craft had no compass, and some of the skippers had never been out of sight of land. Lieutenant-Commander Raymond Grundage, the Routing Officer, issued more than 1,000 charts, 600 with routes lined off for neophyte navigators. Problems could be enormous—or exasperatingly minute. Robert Hilton, a physical education specialist, and Ted Shaw, a red-headed cinema manager, had teamed up to bring the motorboat _Ryegate II_ down the river. They expected to pick up supplies at Ramsgate, but all they received were two cans of water. Otherwise the boat was bare—not even a tumbler for the water. The naval supply depot at Ramsgate seemed unable to cope; they finally went to a pub, had a drink, and pocketed the glasses. Each little ship had its own tale of troubles, but at the start they all suffered from one common problem: none of them were armed. Lieutenant C. D. Richards carefully hoarded his stockpile of 105 Lewis machine guns, doling them out only to the tugs and escort vessels. Later the crews would scavenge the beaches, gathering a plentiful supply of discarded Bren guns; and sometimes a BEF gunner might even attach himself to a vessel, but at first they were defenseless. It was enough to make a member of the crew feel a bit uneasy. "Even a record of the 1812 Overture would be better than nothing," observed one skipper. It was 10:00 p.m., May 29, when the first convoy of little ships set out from Ramsgate on the long trip across the Channel. None of the eight launches in the group had any navigating instruments. Nevertheless, Lieutenant R. H. Irving, skipper of the escorting motorboat _Triton,_ was confident. Unlike most, he knew these waters well. Waiting outside Ramsgate breakwater, he shouted to the other ships to close up and follow him. Three of the boats developed engine trouble and had to turn back, but the others stuck to _Triton_ and arrived safely off La Panne at dawn. At 1:00 a.m. on the 30th another convoy left Ramsgate—this time, nineteen launches led by the Belgian ferry _Yser_ —and from then on the flow steadily increased. By late afternoon it was hard to tell where one convoy ended and the next began. All that night, and the 31st too, the little ships poured across the Channel. Frequently they passed ships like the _Malcolm_ heading back to England. Decks packed with troops, they were a sobering sight. For their part, the men on the returning vessels watched this armada of small craft with mounting excitement and pride. The very names seemed to say "England": _Swallow... Royal Thames... Moss Rose... Norwich Belle... Duchess of York... Blue Bird... Pride of Folkestone... Palmerston... Skylark... Nelson... Southend Britannia_... _Lady Hatg... New Prince of Wales._ Many of the names also had a personal quality, suggesting that this rescue effort was no mere naval operation; that it was really a family affair: _Grace Darling... Boy Bruce... Our Maggie... Our Lizzie... Girl Nancy... Handy Billie... Willie and Alice... Auntie Gus._ Traveling in company, usually shepherded by an armed tug or skoot, the little ships moved across a smooth, gray carpet of sea. The English Channel has a reputation for nastiness, but it had behaved for four days now, and the calm continued on May 30. Best of all, there was a heavy mist, giving the Luftwaffe no chance to follow up the devastating raids of the 29th. "Clouds so thick you can lean on them," noted a Luftwaffe war diarist, as the Stukas and Heinkels remained grounded. At Fliegerkorps VIII General Major von Richthofen couldn't believe it was that bad. At headquarters the sun was shining. He ordered Major Dinort, commanding the 2nd Stuka Squadron, to at least try an attack. Dinort took his planes up, but returned in ten minutes. Heavy fog over Dunkirk, he phoned headquarters. Exasperated, Richthofen countered that the day was certainly flyable where _he_ was. If _Herr General major_ didn't believe him, Dinort shot back, just call the weather service. But cloudy weather didn't guarantee a safe passage for the little ships. Plenty of things could still go wrong. The Channel was full of nervous and inexperienced sailors. "Periscope on the starboard bow," shouted the lookout of the 80-foot excursion steamer _New Prince of Wales._ It turned out to be the mast of a sunken ship, standing fifteen feet out of the water, complete with shrouds. Next, _New Prince of Wales_ was almost run down by a destroyer that mistook her for a German S-boat. The skipper, Sub-Lieutenant Peter Bennett, managed to flash a recognition signal just in time. A little later he ran alongside an anchored French cargo ship, hoping to get some directions. _"Où est l'armée britannique?"_ he called. The reply was a revolver shot. These were dangerous days for strangers asking questions. Uncorrected compasses were another source of trouble. It was easy to find the French coast, but the right spot was another matter. Sub-Lieutenant William Ronald Williams anchored his lighter a few hundred yards off an empty stretch of beach and had a boat row him ashore. Walking a quarter-mile inland in search of somebody in authority, he hailed a couple of soldiers he saw silhouetted against a distant blaze. _"Lieber Gott!"_ one of them cried, and they began shooting at him. Williams ducked behind a dune and shot back. Both Germans fell, but there were other voices now, and Williams raced back to the beach. In less than five minutes he had his lighter under weigh at her full six knots. One way or another, most of the little ships eventually reached the right part of the coast and went to work. Essentially they were ferries, carrying or towing troops from the beaches to the larger vessels lying further out. Sometimes it was easy—just a matter of towing some rowboat or inflated raft; other times it was difficult and dangerous—especially when they had to pluck men directly from the sea. "Well done, motorboat, wait for me," a voice hailed Lieutenant Irving, as he nursed _Triton_ alongside a destroyer with one more load. An officer wearing a lambskin coat leapt aboard. It was Commodore Gilbert Owen Stephenson, a 62-year-old retired vice-admiral, who had been recruited for the crisis and put in charge of all offshore operations at La Panne. Hatless and wet through, he seemed oblivious to his own discomfort as he told Irving to carry on. He added that he might later have "one or two other jobs" for _Triton_ to do. Stephenson then threw himself into the rescue work too. Nothing was beneath him. He steered, passed lines, helped haul the exhausted troops aboard. Through it all he kept up a line of cheerful chatter. "Come on, the Army!" he would cry; or, to some half-drowned soldier, "Where have I seen you before? You're so good-looking I'm sure I know you." Late in the afternoon Stephenson had _Triton_ take him to a certain spot off the beach. Instructing Irving not to move, he explained he was going ashore to look for Lord Gort. If he brought back the General, Irving was to take him straight to England. With that, Stephenson plunged over the side and waded ashore through the surf, often up to his neck in water. In an hour he was back, again wading through the surf, but there was no sign of Lord Gort. Stephenson offered no explanation, nor did Irving ask. They simply went back to their rescue work, the Commodore still hatless and soaked to the skin. Along with his words of cheer for the troops, he had plenty to say to Irving himself. Sometimes the lieutenant was a "good fellow"; other times, "a bloody fool." Irving didn't mind. He'd do anything for a senior officer like this. Off Bray-Dunes to the west, the _Constant Nymph_ was hard at work too. At first Basil Smith, her accountant-skipper, could find only French troops. These he ferried out to the skoot _Jutland,_ which was serving as a "mother ship." Then a British army officer swam out to say there was a whole division of the BEF waiting a little farther west. Smith shifted his boat slightly and began picking them up. It was never easy. On top of all the other problems, the Germans were now within artillery range, and began shelling the beach. East of La Panne an enemy observation balloon rode unmolested in the sky directing the fire. Smith was one of the few who didn't seem disturbed. As he later explained, he was deaf and had a lot to do. Off Malo-les-Bains the _Ryegate II_ was having less success. Coming over from Ramsgate, her engines broke down; then it turned out she drew too much water to get close to the beach; finally she fouled her propeller on some piece of wreckage. Disgusted, her skipper Sub-Lieutenant D. L. Satterfield tied up to the skoot _Horst_ and assigned his crew to a couple of ship's boats. Bob Hilton and Ted Shaw, the pair who had brought _Ryegate II_ down the Thames, manned the _Horst's_ own lifeboat. As they pulled toward the shore, they could hear the skoot's radio blaring away. It was incongruously tuned into the BBC's "Children's Hour." Coming through the surf, Hilton and Shaw were immediately mobbed and capsized. Gradually they learned the art of successful ferry-work. Basically, it consisted of getting close enough to pick up men, but not so close as to be swamped. For seventeen straight hours they rowed, side by side, carrying troops to the _Horst._ Hour after hour the little ships worked the beaches, returning to Ramsgate only when they could find no more fuel, or when the crews were too tired to carry on. Then they discovered that the trip home could be perilous too. The motor launch _Silver Queen_ had neither charts nor compass, but the crew felt they had a good idea where England was, and they headed that way. Halfway over they found a soldier's compass, and this increased their confidence. Finally they sighted land, and then a friendly-looking harbor. Approaching the breakwater, they were greeted by a blast of gunfire. Hopelessly twisted around, they had stumbled into Calais by mistake. Six batteries of German guns pounded away as _Silver Queen_ frantically reversed course. One round crashed into her stern; another landed on the starboard bow. The Belgian launch _Yser,_ traveling in company, was hit too. Someone on the _Yser_ fired a Very pistol in a desperate call for help. Amazingly, a friendly destroyer did catch the signal, hurried over, and provided covering fire while the two strays crept out of range. Somehow _Silver Queen_ limped back to Ramsgate, discharged a load of troops, and then quietly sank at her pier. For most of the little ships, the time of greatest danger was not going over or coming back; it was at the beach itself. Even when the troops behaved perfectly, the boats were in constant danger of capsizing. The sea was still smooth, but the wind was veering to the east and the surf began rising. The loading went more slowly than ever. At La Panne, Lieutenant Harold J. Dibbens of the Military Police had been puzzling over the loading problem ever since reaching the beach the previous afternoon. Unlike most of the BEF, Dibbens was thoroughly at home on the sea. He grew up on the Isle of Wight—always around boats—and even served a hitch in the Navy before settling into his career as a detective at Scotland Yard. When war came, his professional experience won him a direct commission in the Military Police, and until "the balloon went up" he spent most of his time fighting pilferage and chasing black marketeers. The great retreat ended all that, and now here he was, with the remnants of 102nd Provost Company, waiting on the beach like so many others. Watching the confusion at the water's edge—some boats overturning, others drifting away untended—Dibbens decided that the biggest need at the moment was a pier or jetty stretching out to sea. Then the boats could come alongside and be loaded far more efficiently. But where to find the materials for such a jetty? His eye fell on the mass of abandoned trucks and lorries that littered the beach. Now all he needed was a little manpower. "Want a sapper unit! Need a sapper unit!" Dibbens shouted, stalking through the dunes, where many of the troops were waiting. He was acting on his own initiative—had no authority at all—but it was a time when resourcefulness was what counted, and a colonel would listen to a corporal, if his idea was good enough. Captain E. H. Sykes of the 250th Field Company, Royal Engineers, stepped forward. What was wanted? Dibbens couldn't order the Captain to do anything, but he suggested a deal: his own men would provide a supply of lorries, if Sykes's men would use them to build a jetty out into the sea. As a "sweetener" the sappers could be the first group to use the completed jetty. Sykes agreed and detailed 2nd Lieutenant John S. W. Bennett's section to do the construction. These men threw themselves into the job with amazing enthusiasm, considering their mood until now. They had just completed a long march to the coast, and the last night had been hell. They had lost many of their officers somewhere in the dark, and most of the company just melted away. Normally 250 strong, they were down to 30 or 40 by the time they reached La Panne. Lieutenant Bennett was one of the few officers who stuck with them all the way. He did his best, but in peacetime he was on the Faculty of Fine Art at Cambridge, and what they wanted right now was a professional soldier. There was a lot of grumbling, until in exasperation he finally told them, "If you want me to lead you, I'll lead you; if you want me to leave you, I'll leave you." "Frankly, I don't give a damn what you do," someone called out from the ranks. But the art professor was a better leader than they realized. The men were soon working flat-out. They lined up the lorries side by side, leading into the sea. They loaded them with sandbags and shot out the tires to keep them in place. They scavenged timber from a lumberyard for staging. They ripped decking from stranded ships for a plank walkway. They even added the touch of a rope railing. When they began the tide was out, but now it came rolling in. Soon the men were up to their waists in the surf, lashing the lorries with cable. Sometimes they had to hold the jetty together by linking arms until a lashing could be made. Buffeted by the surf, they were soaked to the skin and covered with oil and grease. The men of 102nd Provost Company had been good scavengers—sometimes too good. At one point an irate brigadier stormed up to Dibbens. Somebody had stolen four lorries he had earmarked for use as ambulances. Dibbens expressed appropriate dismay, said he couldn't imagine who could have done a thing like that, and quietly replaced the missing lorries with four others stolen from somebody else. The "provost jetty," as it came to be called, was finished during the afternoon of May 30 and proved a huge success. All evening, and all the next day, a steady stream of men used it to board the growing fleet of small boats and launches engaged in ferry work. Ironically, Bennett's men were not among them. Corps headquarters decided that they had done such a splendid job, they now must maintain it. Down the drain went the promise that they would be the first "customers." Instead, they learned the hard way the old military maxim: never do a task too well, or you'll be stuck with it forever. Later there would be considerable speculation over who first thought of the jetty. Besides Lieutenant Dibbens, credit has been given to Commodore Stephenson, Commander Richardson, and General Alexander, among others. Curiously, all these claims may be valid. It seems to have been one of those ideas "whose time had come," for examination of Luftwaffe photographs shows that no fewer than ten different lorry jetties were slapped together on May 30–31 between Malo-les-Bains and La Panne. This in turn meant there were many builders besides the long-suffering 250th Field Company. One such unit was A Squadron of the 12th Lancers, who built a jetty about three miles west of La Panne. They were anything but experienced in this sort of work—they were an armored reconnaissance unit—but the perimeter was now fully manned, and all surplus fighting troops were being funneled to the beaches. With the regulars moving in, there was a striking improvement in discipline. At Bray-Dunes Commanders Kerr and Richardson had their first easy night. As Kerr explained a little unkindly, they were at last dealing with "real officers." The long shadow of tradition was now very much in evidence. When Colonel Lionel H. M. Westropp ordered the 8th King's Own Royal Regiment to head down the beach toward the mole, he first assembled his officers. He reminded them that they wore the badge of one of the oldest regiments of the line. "We therefore will represent the Regiment as we march down the beach this afternoon. We must not let it down, and we must set an example to the rabble on the beach." The battalion set off in perfect step, arms swinging in unison, rifles correctly slung, officers and NCO's properly spaced. The "rabble on the beach" were suitably impressed. Nineteen-year-old 2nd Lieutenant William Lawson of the Royal Artillery knew that appearances were important, but he felt he had a good excuse for looking a little scruffy. His artillery unit had been badly mauled on the Dyle, again at Arras, and had barely made it back to the perimeter—two rough weeks almost always on the run. Now at last he was at La Panne, and it was the Navy's turn to worry. Wandering down the beach, he suddenly spied a familiar face. It was his own father, Brigadier the Honorable E. F. Lawson, temporarily serving on General Adam's staff. Young Lawson had no idea his father was even in northern France. He rushed up and saluted. "What do you mean looking like that!" the old Brigadier thundered. "You're bringing dishonor to the family! Get a haircut and shave at once!" The son pointed out that at the moment he couldn't possibly comply. Lawson brushed this aside, announcing that his own batman, a family servant in prewar days, would do the job. And so he did—a haircut and shave right on the sands of Dunkirk. At the mole Commander Clouston had standards, too. Spotting one of the shore patrol with hair far longer than it could have grown in the last three or four days, he ordered the man to get it cut. "All the barbers are shut, sir," came the unruffled reply. Clouston still insisted. Finally, the sailor drew his bayonet and hacked off a lock. "What do you want me to do with it now," he asked, "put it in a locket?" Under the Commander's firm leadership, the mole continued to operate all day, May 30. A steady stream of destroyers, minesweepers, Channel steamers, and trawlers pulled alongside, loaded up, and were off again. For one two-hour stretch, Clouston had the troops trotting out the walkway on the double. He embarked over 24,000 during the afternoon and evening. Clouston's efforts got a big assist from a major policy reversal engineered in Dover. Early afternoon Admiral Ramsay phoned Admiral Pound in London, insisting that the modern destroyers be put back on the job. They were absolutely essential if he was to get everybody off in the time he had left. After a heated exchange, Pound finally relented. At 3:30 p.m. orders went out, sending the destroyers back to France. German batteries were now firing on Dunkirk harbor from Gravelines, but the mole lay just out of range. German planes made occasional hit-and-run attacks on the shipping, but Kesselring's great fleets of bombers remained grounded. In sharp contrast to yesterday's fear and confusion, today the mood was cheerfully relaxed. While the _Malcolm_ loaded some Cameron Highlanders, her navigator Lieutenant Mellis played his bagpipes on the foc'sle. As one party of Royal Dragoon Guards moved along the walkway, a big Royal Marine stood ladling out hot stew. One Dragoon officer had no cup, but he did produce a long-stemmed cocktail glass picked up somewhere. The Marine filled it with gravy, solemnly inquiring, "Can I put a cherry in it, sir?" But the greatest change was on the beaches. Discipline continued to improve; the columns of waiting men were quiet and orderly; the ever-growing stream of little ships methodically ferried the troops to the larger vessels lying offshore. As Captain Arthur Marshall's twelve-man internal security unit patiently waited their turn, a colonel bustled over. Apparently worried that the unit had nothing to do, he ordered the men to "tidy up the beach a bit." At first Marshall felt the colonel must be joking; but no, he was dead serious. The smaller the mess they left, he explained, the less likely the Germans would think that the BEF had left precipitously. The result would decrease the enemy's feeling of triumph, thereby helping the war effort. Finally convinced that the colonel meant what he said, Marshall's party glumly went to work—piling abandoned overcoats here, stowing empty crates there, neatly coiling stray lengths of rope. They kept at it as long as the colonel was in sight. Overall, May 30 proved a very good day. Thanks to better discipline, the lorry jetties, and above all, the surge of little ships, the number of men lifted from the beaches rose from 13,752 on the 29th to 29,512 on the 30th. A total of 53,823 men were evacuated on this gray, misty day—much the highest daily figure so far. Casualties were mercifully light. Thanks to the heavy overcast, the rescue fleet streamed across the Channel unchallenged by the Stukas and Heinkels. First loss of the day came when the French destroyer _Bourrasque,_ bound for Dover, struck a floating mine. Nearby ships saved all but 150 of her troops. Later, during the night of May 30–31, another French destroyer, _Siroco,_ was torpedoed by S-boats lurking off Kwinte Buoy. For a while her skipper, Gui de Toulouse-Lautrec (cousin of the painter), thought he might save his ship, but she let off a huge cloud of steam which attracted the attention of a passing German patrol bomber. A bomb crashed down on the vessel's stern, igniting her ready ammunition. A column of flame shot 200 feet into the sky, and _Siroco_ was gone. But most of the ships reached England safely, landing their ragged passengers in Dover and other southeast coast ports. Herded toward waiting trains, their ordeal was mirrored in their faces—unshaven, hollow-eyed, oil-streaked, infinitely weary. Many had lost their equipment; but some clutched odd, new possessions picked up along the way. A pair of wooden sabots dangled from Private Fred Louch's gas mask... a French poilu carried a live goose... Bombardier Arthur May still had 6,000 of his 10,000 cigarettes... 2nd Lieutenant R. C. Taylor's batman had somehow rescued the Lieutenant's portable gramophone. Along with the men, the inevitable dogs trooped ashore—170 in Dover alone. Everything about this motley crowd said "evacuation," but until now there had been a news blackout. With the men pouring home, this was no longer possible; so on the evening of the 30th London finally issued a communiqué announcing the withdrawal. It was, the _Times_ sniffed, "what so many people in this country have seen with their own eyes." Among the thousands of soldiers brought back, a select few had been carefully hand-picked. Whatever else happened, Lord Gort hoped to get enough good men home to form the nucleus of a new army that might some day return and even the score. General Pownall, Gort's Chief of Staff, left on the evening of May 29th, as did the Commander-in-Chief's personal aide, Lord Munster. Now, on the 30th, it was General Brooke's turn. After a lunch of _petit poussin_ and asparagus, miraculously conjured up by his aide, Captain Barney Charlesworth, he paid a final visit to his division commanders. It was not easy. Brooke was known as a brilliant but rather cold man; this afternoon he was all emotion. Saying good-bye to General Montgomery, who would take over the Corps, he broke into tears. Monty patted him on the back, said all the right things. Finally they shook hands, and Brooke trudged slowly away. One man absolutely determined not to leave was Lord Gort. The General's decision became known in London on the morning of May 30, when Lord Munster arrived from the beaches. Winston Churchill was taking a bath at the time, but he could do business anywhere, and he summoned Munster for a tub-side chat. It was in this unlikely setting that Munster described Gort's decision to stay to the end. He would never leave without specific orders. Churchill was appalled at the thought. Why give Hitler the propaganda coup of capturing and displaying the British Commander-in-Chief? After discussing the matter with Eden, Dill, and Pownall, he wrote out in his own hand an order that left Gort no choice: > If we can still communicate we shall send you an order to return to England with such officers as you may choose at the moment when we deem your command so reduced that it can be handed over to a corps commander. You should now nominate this commander. If communications are broken, you are to hand over and return as specified when your effective fighting force does not exceed the equivalent of three divisions. This is in accordance with correct military procedure, and no personal discretion is left you in the matter. Whoever Gort appointed was to fight on, "but when in his judgment no further organised evacuation is possible and no further proportionate damage can be inflicted on the enemy, he is authorised in consultation with the senior French commander to capitulate formally to avoid useless slaughter." These instructions reached Gort during the afternoon, and he read them aloud at a final GHQ, conference that assembled in his beachfront villa at 6:00 p.m. Besides General Barker, commanding I Corps, and Monty, now in charge of II Corps, the meeting included Brooke, who had not yet pushed off. The final plans for the evacuation were discussed: I Corps would be the last to go, and its commander, Barker, would take over from Gort as directed by London. As the meeting broke up, Montgomery lingered behind and asked to see Gort privately for a moment. Once they were alone, Monty unburdened himself. It would be a dreadful mistake, he said, to leave Barker in charge at the end. The man was no longer fit to command. The proper course was to send Barker home and appoint instead the 1st Division commander, Major-General Harold Alexander. He had just the calm, clear mind needed for this crisis. With luck, he might even get the rear guard back safely to England. Gort listened but didn't commit himself. Down on the beach General Brooke prepared to go. Usually a rather snappy dresser, he had discarded his new Huntsman breeches and Norwegian boots for a pair of old slacks and shoes. More practical, in case he had to go swimming. But he didn't have to swim at all. Instead he rode piggy-back out to a rowboat on the broad shoulders of the faithful Charlesworth. By 7:20 he was on his way to a waiting destroyer. Around 8:00 a new visitor turned up at GHQ. Admiral Wake-Walker had come to see Lord Gort. With the small craft starting to pour in, he wanted to work out better coordination with the army. During the past few days, all too often the available ships weren't where the troops were, and vice versa. Gort greeted him warmly. The Commander-in-Chief and his staff were about to have dinner; Wake-Walker must join them. They moved into a longish dining room with French windows opening on the sea. The conversation was mostly small talk, and as he sat there sharing the General's last bottle of champagne, Wake-Walker found it a remarkable experience. They were on the brink of the greatest military disaster in British history, yet here they sat, chatting idly and sipping champagne as though it were just another social evening at the seashore. Only one thing seemed out of the ordinary: his trousers were soaking wet from wading ashore. Gort was charm itself, cheerful and unperturbed. He assured the Admiral that just by being here he would have a great stabilizing effect. Wake-Walker found it hard to believe that the mere presence of a desk-bound sailor like himself could prove so inspirational. After a final dish of fruit salad, they got down to business. It soon became clear to Wake-Walker that Gort and his staff felt that their part of the job was done. They had gotten the BEF to the coast more or less intact; now it was up to the Royal Navy to get them home—and so far, the Navy hadn't tried very hard. Wake-Walker said any lack of success was not through want of trying. He stressed the difficulty of lifting large numbers of men off the beaches and urged that more troops be shifted down to Dunkirk, where they could use the mole. Brigadier Leese remained unconvinced. The Army had marched enough. The ships should go where the men were. It should be perfectly possible to take men off the beaches... except for the "ineptitude of the Navy." Wake-Walker bristled. He told Leese he had no business or justification to talk that way. The discussion turned to getting the rear guard off. No matter how the others were evacuated, this was going to be a tight squeak. The Germans were pressing Nieuport and Furnes hard, and it didn't seem possible to hold the eastern end of the perimeter beyond the night of May 31–June 1. It was hoped to get everybody else off during the day, then quickly pull the rear guard back to the beaches at midnight. Ramsay had promised to make a supreme effort and was sending a whole new armada of small craft to lie off the coast. With luck they would be where needed, and the rear guard would swarm aboard before the enemy could interfere. It was a very demanding timetable. Apart from the rearguard, estimated at 5,000, there were tens of thousands of other troops to come off beforehand. Wake-Walker's heart sank at the prospect. The thought of that last-minute rush for the boats in the dark, with the enemy in hot pursuit, was not a pleasant picture. By 10:00 p.m. they had talked themselves out. Wake-Walker headed back for the destroyer _Worcester,_ which he was using at the moment as a flagship. Going down to the beach, he found a large inflated rubber boat, and recruited eight soldiers to paddle him out. As Tennant and Leese watched from the shore, they started off, but the boat was too crowded and began to swamp. They all jumped out and waded back to the beach for a new try with fewer paddlers. "Another example of naval ineptitude," Wake-Walker dryly told Leese. Back at GHQ, the staff prepared a situation report for the War Office, which went off at 11:20 p.m. It reported that the six remaining divisions in the beachhead were being thinned out tonight, and the eastern end of the perimeter should be completely clear some time tomorrow night, May 31–June 1. Evacuation of the rest of the BEF was proceeding satisfactorily. The report didn't say, but at the present pace, the lift should be complete by the end of June 1. Thirty-nine minutes later, at 11:59, the Chief of the Imperial General Staff, General Dill, phoned from London. Gort assured him that the night was quiet... that all was going well on the beaches. Dill brushed this aside and got to the real purpose of his call. The Prime Minister wanted him to get off as many French as possible—not just a "fair" number, but an _equal_ number. Winston Churchill himself came on the phone and confirmed the order. It was an astonishing development. Instead of winding up the evacuation with a last-minute lift of a small rear guard on June 1, the whole French Army was now involved. Nobody—absolutely nobody—knew how many that meant, but it was clear that all the careful calculations and timetables worked out during the day were now meaningless. # 10 # "Bras-Dessus, Bras-Dessous!" "LET'S HELP THE FROGGIES, too," Bob Hilton suggested to Ted Shaw as they began their seventeen-hour stint, rowing troops from the beach to the ships lying off Malo-les-Bains. Shaw agreed, and from then on, they never worried whether a soldier was French or English. Both were on the same side. It seemed simple enough. Higher up, it wasn't that easy. When the evacuation began, the Admiralty simply assumed that British troops would be taken off in British ships, French troops in French ships. That was the way everything else had been done. Each of the Allies had conducted its own retreat to the coast, then manned its own part of the perimeter. In the same spirit the British had made their own decision to evacuate. Reynaud had been informed, and now it was up to the French to do the same. As for the French, at this point they weren't even thinking evacuation. On May 19, the day Weygand took over, Admiral Darlan told Supreme Headquarters that such a step could lead only to "disaster." Darlan preferred to hold on to the beachhead, turn it into a continuing threat to the German flank. It was with this thought in mind that Captain Auphan began rounding up hundreds of French trawlers. They were to supply the beachhead, not evacuate it. In Dunkirk Admiral Abrial faithfully reflected the same point of view. The French finally faced reality on May 27, when Auphan, Admiral Leclerc, and Admiral Odend'hal met with Ramsay at Dover Castle. They had come to discuss supplying Dunkirk, only to discover that the British were already leaving. Now the French would have to catch up. Auphan's trawlers could be used, but they weren't remotely enough. Few French warships were available; most were stationed in the Mediterranean by arrangement with the Royal Navy. An agreement was hastily hammered out between the French officers and Admiral Ramsay. Paragraph 5 declared that "all naval means for evacuation shall be shared between Dover and Dunkerque." This was admittedly vague, but to the French it seemed to promise at least some access to British shipping. They soon learned what "sharing" could mean. When Belgium surrendered on May 28, General Champon, head of the French mission to King Leopold, made his way to La Panne. With him came the mission staff, numbering 100 to 150 men. They were a hand-picked lot, and the Allied area commander General Georges ordered "immediate evacuation." Champon asked Lord Gort for space on some British ship. Gort fired off a telegram to the War Office asking confirmation from Brigadier Swayne, British liaison officer at French Supreme Headquarters. "Swayne should point out," Gort added helpfully, "every Frenchman embarked is a loss of one Englishman." Why this argument would be persuasive at French headquarters, Gort didn't say. But he did offer a final suggestion: "Why not send a French destroyer, using own boats?" The next day—Wednesday, the 29th—found Champon and his staff still stranded at La Panne. General Georges again urged Gort to act, and Brigadier Swayne followed up with a telephone call to General Pownall, Gort's Chief of Staff. Pownall reported that orders had been issued covering Champon and "some of his officers," then asked rather pointedly if this mission was meant to have top priority, "thus displacing an equal number of British troops?" No, said Swayne, he was certain that wasn't what Georges meant. The General just wanted to make sure that the Champon mission had equal status with the British. The problem dragged on. Thirty-six more hours would pass before Champon finally got off at 8:00 p.m., May 30. If it was that hard to make room for 100 hand-picked men, the prospects weren't bright for the thousands of ordinary poilus now pouring into the perimeter. From the south came remnants of the French First Army... from the east, the badly mauled 60th Division... from the west, the 68th Division retiring from Gravelines—all converging on the beaches at once. They were in for a long wait: on May 29 over 47,000 men were evacuated, but only 655 were French. Winston Churchill understood both the arithmetic and the political ramifications. On the 29th he addressed a memo to Anthony Eden and to Generals Dill and Ismay: > It is essential that the French should share in such evacuations from Dunkirk as may be possible. Nor must they be dependent only upon their own shipping resources. Arrangements must be concerted at once... so that no reproaches, or as few as possible, may arise. Meanwhile General Georges appealed again to Lord Gort. This time his message concerned not just the Champon mission, but all the troops now gathering on the beaches. As relayed over the telephone by the accommodating Brigadier Swayne, Georges urged that the evacuation be carried out by the British and the French "with mutual co-operation and support." "I am quite prepared to cooperate," Gort wired General Dill in London, "but support—by which is implied resources—is all on our side. Strongly urge that the French should take their full share in providing naval facilities." This of course ignored the fact that the French had very little in the way of "naval facilities," with their fleet down in the Mediterranean. Pointing out that he had already evacuated "small parties of French," Gort once again reminded London: "Every Frenchman embarked is at the cost of one Englishman." His instructions said that the safety of the BEF came first. In light of that, he asked, what _was_ the government's policy toward the French? General Dill wrestled with this for some hours, finally wired Gort a little lamely that the safety of the BEF still came first, but he should try to evacuate "a proportion" of French troops. In London that night, Churchill remained uneasy. Despite his directive, there was little evidence that the French were sharing in the evacuation. At 11:45 p.m. he shot off another telegram, this time for Reynaud, Weygand, and Georges: > We wish French troops to share in evacuation to fullest possible extent, and Admiralty have been instructed to aid French Marine as required. We do not know how many will be forced to capitulate, but we must share this loss together as best we can, and, above all, bear it without reproaches arising from inevitable confusion, stresses, and strains. At this moment Admiral Wake-Walker, crossing the Channel to take charge offshore, had a very different view of Admiralty policy. Before leaving, he had been briefed by Admiral Pound, the First Sea Lord. Pound had told him that the French were not thought to be pulling their weight; he was to "refuse them embarkation, if British troops were ready to embark." Next morning, May 30, Churchill summoned the three Service Ministers and the Chiefs of Staff to a meeting in the Admiralty War Room. An important guest was General Pownall, just back from La Panne. Once again the Prime Minister stressed the importance of getting off more French troops. Pownall spoke up, defending the present figures. As usual, he trotted out the familiar argument: so long as the French did not produce ships of their own, "every Frenchman embarked meant one more Englishman lost." Pownall felt that he had forced Churchill to face an "inconvenient truth," but the Prime Minister had been hearing this argument for two days now, and if he showed displeasure, it more likely stemmed from exasperation. More phone talks with Gort followed during the day. At 4:20 p.m. General Dill confirmed that Gort's first consideration was the safety of the BEF, but he must also do his best to send off a "fair proportion" of the French. At 8:10 p.m. the War Office again notified Brigadier Swayne that French troops were to share in the evacuation "to fullest possible extent." Then came Admiral Ramsay's figures for the total number rescued during the day: British 45,207; French 8,616. Clearly phrases such as "fair share," "fullest possible extent," and "fair proportion" could mean what anybody wanted them to mean—thousands of troops, or just one soldier. If the French were really to share the British ships, the orders would have to be far more precise. It was almost midnight, May 30, when Churchill finally faced the matter squarely. "British and French troops must now evacuate in approximately equal numbers," General Dill stressed in his telephone call to Gort, relaying the Prime Minister's new orders. Lest there be any misunderstanding, Dill repeated the instructions three different times in the conversation. When Churchill himself came on the wire, the Prime Minister emphasized that the whole future of the alliance was at stake. He was right. Paris was full of rumors and recriminations these days, mostly to the effect that the British were running home, leaving the French holding the bag. Hoping to clear up any misunderstandings, Churchill flew to Paris the following morning, May 31, for a meeting of the Allied Supreme War Council. Accompanied by General Dill and a few top aides, he was met at the airport by his personal representative to Reynaud, Major-General Sir Edward Spears, who had been bearing the brunt of the French complaints these past few days. At 2:00 p.m. the British and French leaders met at the Ministry of War on the rue Saint-Dominique. Joining the group for the first time was Marshal Pétain, an ancient gloomy figure in civilian clothes. General Weygand was there too, wearing a huge pair of riding boots that made him look, General Spears felt, like Puss in Boots. The French sat on one side of a large baize-covered table; the British on the other. Through the tall, open windows lay a garden basking in the sunshine. It was another of those glorious spring days—so many this year—that seemed to mock these grim statesmen and generals trying to ward off disaster. Churchill opened the meeting on a cheerful note. The evacuation, he reported, was going far better than anyone had dared hope. As of noon this day, 165,000 men had been lifted off. "But how many French?" Weygand asked sharply. The Prime Minister dodged a direct answer for the moment: "We are companions in misfortune. There is nothing to be gained from recrimination over our common miseries." But the question wouldn't go away. After a brief survey of the Norwegian campaign, the discussion came back to Dunkirk, and it turned out that of the 165,000 evacuated, only 15,000 were French. Churchill did his best to explain this awkward disparity: many of the British were rear area troops already stationed near Dunkirk... the French had farther to come... if just the fighting divisions were counted, the disparity wasn't so bad. Reynaud broke in. Whatever the reasons, the hard facts remained: of 220,000 British, 150,000 had been rescued: of 200,000 French, the number saved was only 15,000. He couldn't face public opinion at home with figures like these. Something had to be done to evacuate more French. Churchill agreed and explained the new "equal numbers" directive. He also stressed that three British divisions still at Dunkirk would stand by the French until the evacuation was complete. Darlan then drafted a telegram to Admiral Abrial in Bastion 32, describing the decisions taken by the Council. It mentioned that when the perimeter closed down, the British forces would embark first. Churchill leapt to this feet. _"Non!"_ he cried. _"Partage_ — _bras-dessus, bras-dessous!"_ His atrocious French accent was a legend, but this time there was no mistaking him. With dramatic gestures he vividly acted out an arm-in-arm departure. Nor did he stop there. Emotionally carried away, he announced that the remaining British troops would form the rear guard. "So few French have got out so far," he declared, "I will not accept further sacrifices by the French." This was a lot more than arm-in-arm, and to General Spears it was going too far. After more discussion, the final draft simply said that the British troops would act as rear guard "as long as possible." It also said that Abrial would be in overall command. It was just as well that Lord Gort did not know of the Prime Minister's outburst. It was difficult enough to swallow the policy of "equal numbers." At least it wasn't retroactive. London agreed that the rule only applied _from now on._ Still, it could be costly. The War Office had instructed him to hang on longer, so that as many French as possible could be evacuated. But how long? This morning, May 31, everything pointed to a heavy German attack on Furnes. If he hung on too long just to save more Frenchmen, he might lose the whole Guard's Brigade. He was still mulling over this problem when General Alexander—the calm, capable commander of the 1st Division—visited GHQ at 8:30 a.m. Gort glumly told him to thin out his division, since it looked as if he would have to surrender most of his men alongside the French. At least that was what the War Office's instructions seemed to mean. At 9:00 a.m. Anthony Eden came on the phone with an interpretation of these orders that must have greatly eased Gort's mind. As Eden explained to Brigadier Leese: > The instructions sent the previous night to hold on so as to enable the maximum number of Allied troops to be evacuated must be interpreted to mean that [Gort] should only do so as long as he was satisfied that he could continue to hold his position with the forces at his disposal, but he should not prejudice the safety of the remainder of his force by trying to hold his position beyond that time. In other words, hanging on for the sake of evacuating an equal number of Frenchmen was desirable—as long as it was safe. Enlightened, Gort now drove down to Dunkirk to meet with Admiral Abrial at 10:00 a.m. The Admiral was, as usual, in Bastion 32. Besides his staff of naval officers, he had with him General Fagalde, commander of the French military forces in the perimeter, and General de la Laurencie, who had just arrived with the only French troops to escape from the German trap at Lille. Gort's sessions with Abrial were often strained. Tucked away in Bastion 32, the man never seemed to know what was going on. Today, all was cordial. Gort relayed the "equal numbers" policy, stated that he had already promised to evacuate 5,000 of de la Laurencie's men. Abrial said that Weygand preferred to use the space for some mechanized cavalry units, and de la Laurencie made no objection. Gort also offered the French equal access to the eastern mole. If it seemed a little odd for the British to be offering the French free use of a French facility in a French port, Abrial was tactful enough to keep silent. Gort and Fagalde now exchanged full information on each other's positions along the perimeter—apparently the first time this had been done—and Gort announced that he had been ordered home. At this point General Blanchard turned up. Nominally the Army Group commander, these days he was virtually unemployed. Gort invited him and General de la Laurencie to accompany his own party to England. Both politely declined. As de la Laurencie put it: "My flag will remain planted on the Dunes, until the last of my men have embarked." There were farewell toasts. Everyone promised to meet in France soon again. Returning to La Panne, Gort summoned General Alexander to the seaside villa that served as GHQ. The Commander-in-Chief had reached a major decision: Alexander, not Barker, would take over after Gort's own departure for England. He never explained the switch. Perhaps he was impressed by Montgomery's fervent protest the previous evening, but the stolid Gort was not known to be easily influenced by the mercurial Monty. In any case the orders were ready and waiting when Alexander arrived around 12:30 p.m. Technically, he would relieve Barker as Commanding Officer of I Corps, consisting of three rather depleted divisions. His orders were to "assist our French Allies in the defence of Dunkirk." He would be serving under Abrial, as decided in Paris, but with an important escape clause added: "Should any order which he may issue to you be likely, in your opinion, to imperil the safety of your command, you should make an immediate appeal to His Majesty's Government." That was all, as Gort originally dictated the orders to Colonel Bridgeman, still acting as the General's Operations Officer. Yet there was an important omission. Gort had left out the War Office's instruction authorizing surrender "to avoid useless slaughter." Bridgeman felt it should be included, but didn't dare say so to his chief. Finally, he got a copy of London's original telegram, pointed to the passage in question, and asked whether he wanted it included, too. Gort said yes, and it was done. To the end they managed to avoid actually saying the dreaded word, "surrender." Technically, Gort's orders would not take effect until 6:00 p.m., when GHQ was scheduled to close down. As a practical matter, they became operational almost right away. After a quick lunch, Alexander drove back to his headquarters and turned his division over to one of his brigadiers. Then he drove down to Dunkirk, accompanied by his Chief of Staff Colonel William Morgan and the ubiquitous Captain Tennant. At 2:00 p.m. they entered the candle-lit gloom of Bastion 32 for Alexander's first meeting with Admiral Abrial and General Fagalde. It did not go well. Abrial planned to hold a reduced beachhead, running as far east as the Belgian border, with French troops on the right and a mixed French-British force under Alexander on the left. This force would act as a rear guard, holding the beachhead indefinitely while the rest of the Allied troops embarked. Then, presumably, the rear guard itself would scurry to safety at the last minute. Alexander felt it would never work. Protracted resistance was impossible. The troops were in no condition to fight indefinitely. The proposed perimeter was too near the harbor and the beaches. Enemy artillery fire at short range would soon stop the evacuation completely. Instead, he proposed to wind up the evacuation as fast as possible, with the last troops pulling back to the beach the following night, June 1–2. Abrial was unimpressed. If the British insisted on leaving anyhow, he added, "I am afraid the port will be closed." Alexander decided it was time to invoke the escape clause in his orders. He announced that he would have to refer the matter to London. Then he drove back to La Panne, relieved to find that the telephone line was still open. At 7:15 p.m. he managed to get through to Anthony Eden and quickly explained the problem. An hour later Eden called back with new and welcome instructions from the Cabinet: > You should withdraw your force as rapidly as possible on a 50-50 basis with the French Army, aiming at completion by night of 1st/2nd June. You should inform the French of this definite instruction. The phrase "on a 50-50 basis with the French Army," Eden explained, did not require Alexander to make up for any past discrepancies; it simply meant that equal numbers of French and British troops must be withdrawn from now on. Supported by the Cabinet, Alexander hurried back to Bastion 32. Meanwhile, Abrial, too, had gone to his superiors. Wiring Weygand, he protested that Alexander—who had been placed under him—was refusing to follow instructions to fight on. Instead, the British commander planned to embark on the night of June 1–2, whatever happened, "thus abandoning the defence of Dunkirk." Weygand could do little but buck the complaint to London. At 9:00 p.m. he radioed Dill, Chief of the Imperial General Staff, reminding him of the decisions reached by the Supreme War Council that very afternoon. Paragraph 4 had specifically put Abrial in charge. The Admiral was still waiting for some word from Weygand, when Alexander arrived back in Bastion 32 with the British Cabinet's instructions. He announced that he would hold his sector of the perimeter until 11:59 p.m. June 1—tomorrow night—then would withdraw to the beaches under cover of darkness. The French were welcome to come along and share the British shipping, but whatever they did, he was pulling out. Faced with no alternative, Abrial agreed. It was now after 11:00 p.m. Alexander had shifted his headquarters to the outskirts of Dunkirk, but the roads were strange and full of craters. It seemed safer to stay in Bastion 32 overnight, so he and Colonel Morgan curled up on the concrete floor—as hard and as cold as relations were getting to be between the two great Allies. Completely oblivious to all this high-level wrangling, an old soldier sat in his quarters at La Panne on the afternoon of May 31, snipping medal and campaign ribbons from a uniform blouse. General Gort was getting ready to go home. The evacuation was Alexander's headache now, and at the moment Gort's main concern was to see that no German soldier made a souvenir out of anything he had to leave behind. He was to go at 6:00 p.m. Two separate plans had been made for his embarkation, and it was typical of these trying days that neither group of planners knew of the other's existence. Under one of these plans—developed by the Navy liaison at GHQ—four motor torpedo boats would dash over from Dover to pluck Gort and his staff off the beach. The orders were very vague. The commander of the little flotilla only knew that he was to pick up "a party." When he arrived, he checked with Admiral Wake-Walker, in charge offshore, for further directions. Wake-Walker knew even less. No one had briefed him, and it never occurred to him that these motor torpedo boats had been sent to pick up the Commander-in-Chief. He thought that was _his_ responsibility. He assigned the MTB's to courier chores and continued his own planning. Gort would leave his villa shortly after 6:00, going to a designated spot on the beach two miles west of La Panne. Here he and his staff would be met by a launch and taken out to the destroyer _Keith_ lying offshore. The _Keith_ would then run the party back to Dover. Commodore Stephenson would be in direct charge, with Wake-Walker himself supervising. As planned, Gort's party left his villa at 6:00 p.m., but that was as far as they followed the script. For some reason the two staff cars carrying the group did not go to the designated rendezvous, but to a spot much closer to La Panne. This meant no small boats were waiting, and the departure from the beach became a very ragged affair. Ultimately Gort's staff wound up on the _Keith,_ he himself on the minesweeper _Hebe,_ and his batman, driver, and luggage all on the motor yacht _Thele._ Safely aboard the _Hebe,_ Gort went to the bridge to greet the skipper, Lieutenant-Commander J. S. Wemple. There was time for only the briefest exchange of niceties; then the sea, the sky, the ships all seemed to erupt with explosions. The weather had cleared, and the Luftwaffe was back—ten separate raids this evening. As the _Hebe's_ crew rushed to their gun stations, Gort learned how useless his role had at last become. He settled quietly in a corner of the bridge, raised his binoculars, and gazed absently around. "Won't you go below and take cover, sir?" suggested Captain Eric Bush, one of Ramsay's coordinators working with Tennant and Wake-Walker. "No, thank you, I'm quite happy where I am," the General replied politely. Finally the raid tapered off, and Gort—unruffled as ever—went below for a bite to eat. The _Hebe_ still did not head for England with her distinguished passenger. By now hundreds of ordinary soldiers were swarming aboard, delivered from the beaches by the ever-growing swarm of little ships. Wake-Walker decided to wait until she had a full load before sending her back. Dover and London grew restless, then frantic. Seven hours had passed since the Admiralty had dispatched the four MTB's to pick up Gort, and still there was no sign of him. Those boats could do 40 knots; they should have been back long ago. Worse, the latest radio traffic indicated that the MTB's hadn't even been used to get the General. What had happened to him anyhow? "Report immediately why MTB's sent for Commander-in-Chief were diverted to other duties," Admiral Phillips, the Vice-Chief of Naval Staff, radioed Wake-Walker at 11:36 p.m. "Take immediate action to embark Commander-in-Chief and report steps taken." On the _Keith,_ Wake-Walker sent one of the MTB's to the _Hebe_ to get Gort, but he was no longer there. He had taken a launch, hoping to reach the _Keith._ A half-hour passed, and still no sign of the launch. Now it was Wake-Walker's turn to agonize. The night was black; no lights showing. Had the launch missed the _Keith?_ Was Gort out there somewhere drifting in the dark? Wake-Walker had visions of the disgrace that would be his if he botched this job and lost the Commander-in-Chief of the BEF. It was after midnight, the opening minutes of June 1, when the launch finally loomed out of the dark. Gort climbed aboard the _Keith,_ reunited at last with his staff. But only briefly. He and Brigadier Leese quickly transferred to the speedboat _MA/SB 6_ and headed For Dover. At 6:20 a.m. they landed at the Admiralty Pier, where Gort gulped a cup of tea and caught the next train to London. Anthony Eden and members of the War Cabinet were on hand to greet him, but the little group passed almost unnoticed amid the crowds swirling around Victoria Station. By now bedraggled soldiers were tumbling off every train from the south coast into the waiting arms of friends and relatives. Gort seemed to be just one more of them. He was already a fading figure of the past. Far more important than the escape of a discredited chieftain was the rescue on May 31 of 53,140 more men who could help form the nucleus of a new British Army. Thousands of them used the lorry jetties that had been improvised at Bray-Dunes and La Panne. Despite the ingenuity of the builders, these were rickety affairs that heaved alarmingly in the surf and changing tides. Still, a steady stream of soldiers clambered out along the duck boards, dropping into the row-boats and launches that came alongside. "Well, my lucky lad, can you row?" a sailor greeted Private Percy Yorke of the 145th Field Ambulance, as he tumbled into a boat. "No? Well, now's your time to bloody well learn." Yorke learned by doing, and managed to reach the excursion steamer _Princess Elizabeth._ Major E. R. Nanney Wynn, 3rd Division Signals, reached the end of a jetty and peered down at a waiting motor whaler. Manning it, improbably, was a ship's steward immaculate in his short white jacket. It was almost like going Cunard. Other troops made use of the growing mountain of debris that littered the beaches. Private C. N. Bennett of the 5th Northamptonshires came across a discarded army boat made of canvas. It was designed to carry six men across a river; now ten men jumped into it and headed across the sea. Using their rifles as paddles, they hoped to get to England. It was just as well that a motor launch soon spotted them and look them to the destroyer _Ivanhoe._ Brigadier John G. Smyth, commanding the 127th Infantry Brigade, rallied nineteen men around a big ship's lifeboat stranded well up on the beach. A heavy, bulky thing, it required all their strength to shove it down to the water. Even then their troubles weren't over: it was a sixteen-oared boat, and not one of Smyth's recruits could row. They shoved on anyhow, with Smyth at the tiller and the men at the oars. After a few strokes the "crew" began falling over backwards; the oars were tangled up; and the boat was turning in crazy circles. As he later recalled, "We must have looked like an intoxicated centipede." There couldn't have been a worse time to give a lesson in basic rowing. The Luftwaffe chose this moment to stage one of its raids, and the Brigadier's instructions were punctuated by gunfire, exploding bombs, and geysers of water. The men tried again, this time with Smyth shouting out the stroke, "One-two, in-out!" The crew caught on, and the boat moved steadily toward a waiting destroyer. They even made a real race out of it, beating an overloaded motor launch carrying their division commander. Farther along the beach, Private Bill Stratton of the RASC helped haul an abandoned lifeboat to the water's edge, then watched a stampede of men jump in and take it over. Determined not to let all his hard work go for nothing, Stratton made a flying leap and landed on top of the crowd. Predictably, the boat soon swamped. Stratton was a good swimmer, but his greatcoat dragged him down. He was about to go under when a navy launch appeared. Someone pulled him over the side and flung him down on the bottom, "like a fish." Inevitably there were confrontations. Near Malo-les-Bains a column of wading men retrieved two small rowboats lying offshore. Suddenly a voice called, "Halt, or I fire!" It was a Scots colonel heading up an adjoining column, and he clearly felt his men had first call on the boats. Finally, a compromise was worked out allowing both columns to use them. Near La Panne, Yeoman Eric Goodbody set out in a whaler with eight naval signalmen from GHQ. As they shoved off, an officer on shore ordered him to bring back four soldiers who had also piled in. Goodbody refused—he was in charge of the whaler and everybody in her, he declared. The officer pulled a gun... Goodbody drew his... and for a moment the two stood face to face, aiming their pistols at each other. At this point the four soldiers quietly volunteered to go back, and another crisis was passed. At Bray-Dunes Sapper Joe Coles was aroused by a friend who had found a large rowboat swamped and stranded on the beach. They bailed it out, then were hurled aside by a mob of soldiers piling in. About to swamp again, it was emptied by a Military Policeman at pistol point. Order restored, Coles and his friend tried again. This time they shoved off safely and took a load of troops to a skoot, then headed back for another load. Dozens of men were swimming out to meet them, when they were hailed by an officer floating nearby on a raft. Brandishing his revolver, the officer ordered them to take him first. Coles felt the swimmers should have priority—the raft was in no trouble—but that pistol was very persuasive. The officer had his way. One reason for frayed nerves was the state of the sea. For the first time since the evacuation began, the wind was blowing onshore, building up a nasty surf throughout the morning of May 31. The loading went more slowly than ever, and at Bray-Dunes Commander Richardson finally decided that nothing more could be done. He ordered the troops on the beach to head for Dunkirk: then he, Commander Kerr, and the naval shore party salvaged a stranded whaler, rounded up some oars, and began pulling for England. They didn't realize how tired they were. Every stroke hurt. Soon they were barely moving, and they probably would have broached to and swamped; but the Margate lifeboat spotted them in time. It hurried over and picked them up. At 10:35 a.m. Admiral Wake-Walker radioed the situation to Ramsay at Dover. > Majority of pulling boats are broached to and have no crews: Conditions on beach very bad owing to freshening onshore wind. Only small numbers are being embarked even in daylight. Consider only hope of embarking any number is at Dunkirk.... By "Dunkirk" he of course meant the eastern mole. For Tennant and his aides, the mole was more and more the answer to everything. They were constantly trying to concentrate the boat traffic in that direction. Ramsay knew its importance too, but he also guessed that there were still thousands to be evacuated, and everything had to be used—including the beaches, even though the going was slow. At 11:05 a.m. Wake-Walker tried again. "Dunkirk our only real hope," he telegraphed Ramsay. "Can guns shelling pier from westward be bombed and silenced?" This was a new problem. Until May 31, the German guns had been a nuisance, but that was all. Their aim was haphazard; the shells usually fell short. Now, batteries had been planted this side of Gravelines; and the result was soon apparent. At 6:17 a.m. the minesweeper _Glen Gower_ lay alongside the mole, ready to receive her first troops of the day. As the skipper Commander M.A.O. Biddneph waited on the bridge, he suddenly heard a whistling noise... then a bang, quickly followed by several more bangs. A mass of black fragments leapt up on the foredeck, just where the gunnery officer, Sub-Lieutenant Williams, was standing. At first Biddneph thought it must be a stick of bombs, but there wasn't a plane in the sky. Then he realized it was a salvo of shells, one of them piercing the deck exactly between Williams's feet. Miraculously, the gunnery officer wasn't touched, but twelve men were killed or wounded in the explosion below. The mole itself continued to lead a charmed life. Since its discovery by the Luftwaffe on May 29 it had been bombed by Stukas, pounded by artillery, and battered by rescue ships coming alongside too heavily. Rammed by the minesweeper _King Orry,_ the seaward tip was now cut off completely. Yet for most of its length, it remained usable. Here and there gaps appeared, but they were bridged with boards, doors, and ships' gangplanks. The loading went on. Still, the dash to the waiting vessels was always unnerving. None felt it more than Private Alfred Baldwin of the Royal Artillery. He was carrying on his shoulders his friend Private Paddy Boydd, who had smashed a foot. Stumbling along the walkway, Baldwin came to a gaping hole, bridged by a single plank. Two sailors standing by said, "Take a run at it, mate," adding, "don't look down." Baldwin followed their advice, except that he did look down. Dark water swirled around the piles twenty feet below. Somehow he kept his balance, and another pair of sailors grabbed him at the far end, cheering him on: "Well done, keep going!" He struggled on, panting and stumbling, until he ran into two more sailors, who helped him maneuver Boydd up the gangplank to a waiting ship. She turned out to be the Channel packet _Maid of Orleans,_ the very same vessel that had brought him to France at the start of the war. Baldwin made his dash when the tide was high. At low tide the mole could be even more trying. Corporal Reginald Lockerby reached the destroyer _Venomous,_ only to find there was a fifteen-foot drop to the ship's deck. Several telegraph poles leaned against the side of the mole, and the troops were expected to slide down them to get aboard. Trouble was, neither ship nor poles had been made fast. Both were unpredictably swaying and heaving up and down. One slip meant falling into the sea and being crushed between boat and dock. "I can't do it, Ern," Lockerby gasped to his friend Private Ernest Heming. "Get down there, you silly sod, or I'll throw you down!" shouted Heming. "I'll hold the top of the pole for you." Somehow Lockerby mustered the strength and courage. He slid down the pole, then held it from the bottom as Heming followed. No French troops were yet using the mole, but starting May 31, the new policy of equal numbers was very much in evidence along the beaches. When the motor yacht _Marsayru_ arrived from Sheerness about 4:00 p.m., her first assignment was to help lift a large number of French waiting at Malo-les-Bains. The yacht's civilian skipper G. D. Olivier sent in his whaler, but it was stormed by about 50 poilus, and immediately capsized. He edged farther east, "where the French troops appeared to be a little calmer," and tried again. This time no problem, and over the next 48 hours he lifted more than 400 French soldiers. Nearby a small flotilla of Royal Navy minesweeping craft was doing its bit. The _Three Kings_ picked up 200 Frenchmen... the _Jackeve,_ 60... the _Rig,_ another 60. The same sort of thing was happening at Bray-Dunes and La Panne. How many French troops remained to be evacuated under this policy of equal numbers? Neither Paris nor Admiral Abrial in Bastion 32 seemed to have any idea. To the weary organizers of the rescue fleet in London and Dover, it didn't make much difference. They were already sending everything that could float.... In all her working years the 78-foot _Massey Shaw_ had never been to sea. She was a Thames fire boat—or "fire float," as Londoners preferred to say—and until now her longest voyage had been down the river to fight a blaze at Ridham. She had no compass, and her crew were professional firemen, not sailors. But the _Massey Shaw_ drew only 3.9 feet, and to the Admiralty this was irresistible. There was also a vague notion that she might come in handy fighting the fires sweeping Dunkirk harbor, an idea that conveys less about her effectiveness than it does about the innocence still prevailing in some quarters at the Admiralty. A call for volunteers went out on the afternoon of May 30. Thirteen men were picked, with Sub-Officer A. J. May in charge, and in two hours the _Massey Shaw_ was on her way. There had barely been time to buy a small marine compass. On the trip down the river, the crew busied themselves boarding up the cabin windows and dabbing gray paint on the various brass fittings and hose nozzles. The situation must be serious indeed: the _Massey Shaw's_ bright work had always been sacred. At Ramsgate she picked up water and a young Royal Navy sub-lieutenant with a chart. Then across the Channel with the additional help of a pocket tide table that somebody found. Arriving off Bray-Dunes late in the afternoon of May 31, the crew studied the beach with fascination. At first glance it looked like any bank holiday weekend—swarms of people moving about or sitting in little knots on the sand. But there was one big difference: instead of the bright colors of summer, everybody was dressed in khaki. And what first appeared to be "breakwaters" running down into the surf turned out to be columns of men, also dressed in khaki. The _Massey Shaw_ sent in a rowboat toward one of the columns. It was promptly swamped and sunk by the troops piling in. Then a stranded RAF speedboat was salvaged in the hope it might be used, but 50 men crowded aboard, putting it out of action too. Toward 11:00 p.m. still another boat was found. A line was now strung between the _Massey Shaw_ and the beach, and the new boat was pulled back and forth along this line, rather like a sea-going trolley car. The boat carried only six men at a time, but back and forth it went, ferrying load after load. Finally the _Massey Shaw_ could hold no more. There were now 30 men packed in the cabin, which had seemed crowded with six the night before. Dozens more sprawled on the deck; there didn't seem to be a square foot of empty space. It was dark when the _Massey Shaw_ finally weighed anchor and started back for Ramsgate. So far, she had led a charmed life. The Luftwaffe was constantly overhead, but not a plane had attacked. Now, as she got under weigh, her screws kicked up a phosphorescent wake that caught the attention of some sharp-eyed enemy pilot. He swooped down and dropped a single bomb. It was close, but a miss. The _Massey Shaw_ continued safely on her way, bringing home another 65 men. Like the _Massey Shaw,_ the Tilbury Dredging Company's steam hopper dredge _Lady Southborough_ had never been to sea. Plucked from rust-streaked obscurity in Portsmouth harbor, she checked in at Ramsgate, then set out for Dunkirk with three other Tilbury hoppers early on the morning of May 31. Arriving at 12:30 p.m., _Lady Southborough_ anchored off Malo-les-Bains, lowered her port lifeboat with three hands, and began lifting troops off the beach. As the _Lady Southborough_ hovered several hundred yards offshore, a German plane dropped a stick of four bombs. No hits, but they lifted the ship's lifeboat clear out of the water and whacked it down again, springing every plank. Nobody was hurt, but the boat was finished. Seeing that it was ebb tide, skipper Anthony Poole now drove _Lady Southborough_ head-first onto the beach, so that he could pick up the troops directly from the water. They swarmed out, and one Frenchman—who evidently had not heard of the new British policy of equal numbers—offered to pay acting Second Mate John Tarry to get aboard. Nearby, another Tilbury hopper dredge, _Foremost 101,_ lay at anchor. The usual signs of disorder were everywhere: boats swamped by the surf... others sinking under the weight of too many men... others drifting about without oars or oarsmen. Amid this chaos was a single note of serenity. A petty officer had found a small child's canoe in some boating pond ashore. Now he was ferrying soldiers one by one out to the waiting ships. As he threaded his way through the debris, none of the swimmers ever bothered him. By common consent he seemed to have a _laissez-passer_ to work in peace, without interference. Going home in the dark was the hardest part. As _Lady Southborough_ groped uncertainly through the night, a destroyer loomed up, flashing a signal. None of the dredge's crew could read Morse; so there was no answer. The destroyer flashed again; still no answer. Finally one of the soldiers on board said he was a signalman: could he help? Some more flashes, and the soldier announced that the destroyer had now demanded their identity three times; if they didn't answer at once, she would blow them out of the water. Watching the signalman flash back the ship's name, Second Mate Tarry cursed the day she had been christened _Lady Southborough._ Those sixteen letters seemed to take forever. But at last the destroyer was satisfied, and _Lady Southborough_ crawled on to Ramsgate. Meanwhile the cascade of little ships continued in all its variety—the stylish yacht _Quicksilver,_ which could make twenty knots... the cockle fleet from Leigh-on-Sea... the Chris Craft _Bonnie Heather,_ with its polished mahogany hull... the Dutch eel boat _Johanna,_ which came complete with three Dutch owners who couldn't speak a word of English... to name just a few. Countless other boats, which Admiral Ramsay called "free lances," were now heading out of south coast ports like Folkestone, Eastbourne, Newhaven, and Brighton. Most never bothered to check with Dover; no one would ever record their names. The French and Belgian fishing vessels requisitioned by Captain Auphan were beginning to turn up too, adding an international flavor to the rescue effort. Names like _Pierre et Marie, Reine des Flots,_ and _Ingénieur Cardin_ joined _Handy Billie, Girl Nancy,_ and at least nine _Skylarks._ The French mailboat _Côte d'Argent_ began using the east mole like any British steamer. Most of the French crews were from Brittany and as unfamiliar with these waters as the cockle boatmen from the Thames estuary, but there was the inevitable exception. Fernand Schneider, assistant engineer on the minesweeping trawler _St. Cyr,_ came from Dunkirk itself. Now he had the agony of watching his hometown crumble into ruins, but at the same time the comfort of visiting his own house from time to time. Knowing the area, Schneider also knew where food was to be had, and the _St. Cyr's_ skipper occasionally sent him on foraging expeditions to bolster the trawler's meager rations. He was on one of these forays on May 28 when he decided to check his house on the rue de la Toute Verte. It was still standing, and better yet, his father Augustin Schneider was there. Augustin had come in from the family refuge in the country, also to see how the house was faring. They embraced with special fervor, for the occasion was more than a family reunion, more than a celebration that the house was intact—it was Fernand's 21st birthday. The old man went down in the cellar and brought up a bottle of Vouvray. Then for an hour the two forgot about the war while they joyfully killed the bottle. Parting at last, father and son would not see each other again for five years. Fernand Schneider was the only sailor at Dunkirk who celebrated his birthday at home, but the rescue fleet was full of improbable characters. Lieutenant Lodo van Hamel was a dashing Dutch naval officer, always conspicuous because he flew the only Dutch flag in the whole armada. Lieutenant-Colonel Robin Hutchens was an old Grenadier Guardsman, mired in a dull liaison job at the Admiralty. An experienced weekend sailor, he headed for Dover on his day off; now he was in charge of the War Department launch _Swallow._ Captain R. P. Pim normally presided over Winston Churchill's map room; today he wallowed across the Channel commanding a Dutch skoot. Samuel Palmer served on the Plymouth City Patrol, but he was an old navy "stripey," and that was good enough. In charge of the seven-ton _Naiad Errant,_ a cranky motor yacht that was always breaking down, he split up the cabin door and told the soldiers on board to start paddling. Robert Harling was a typographical designer, but as a student in Captain Watts's navigation class, he had volunteered with the rest. Now he found himself one of four men assigned to a ship's lifeboat stripped from some liner at Tilbury docks. His companions turned out to be an advertising executive, a garage proprietor, and a solicitor. They had practically nothing in common—yet everything, joined as they were in an open boat on this strange adventure. The boat was one of twelve being towed across the Channel by the tug _Sun IV,_ skippered at the moment by the managing director of the tugboat company. The afternoon was beautiful, and the war seemed very far away. For a long time there was little to do but shoot the breeze. As they neared the French coast, marked by the pillar of black smoke over Dunkirk, the conversation fell off, and the mood in Harling's boat became tense. "There they are, the bastards!" someone suddenly called, pointing up at the sky. Harling looked, and soon made out more than 50 planes approaching with stately precision. They were perhaps 15,000 feet up, and at this distance everything seemed to happen in slow motion. Gradually the planes drew closer... then were directly overhead. Fascinated, he watched the bombs fall lazily toward the earth. Then suddenly they were rushing down at breakneck speed, crashing into the sea, just missing two nearby destroyers. Soon some RAF fighters appeared, tearing into the German formation. Harling was mildly surprised that the Hurricanes and Spitfires really did rout the enemy—just as the communiqués said. But that wasn't the end of it. In a last gesture of defiance, one of the German fighters swooped down, strafing the _Sun IV_ and her tow. Watching it come, Harling felt mesmerized—he couldn't even duck in time—then in a second it was over. The bullets ripped the empty sea; the plane zoomed up and out of sight. _Sun IV_ and her charges steamed on untouched. The sky was not the only source of danger. After a night of ferry work, the six cockle boats started back for Ramsgate at 3:00 a.m., June 1. Most had fared very well, but _Letitia_ had now broken down and was being towed by the drifter _Ben and Lucy._ Then _Renown'_ s engine went, and she latched onto _Letitia._ The three vessels limped along, with _Renown_ yawing wide at the end of the tow. It was about 3:30 when _Renown_ brushed a German mine, freshly laid by some bomber or S-Boat. There was a blinding flash, and every trace of _Renown_ and her crew of four vanished completely. The methodical German shelling continued taking its toll too—often with frightening suddenness. As the pleasure steamer _New Prince of Wales_ lay off Bray-Dunes on the 31st, Sub-Lieutenant Bennett left the bridge to help start a balky engine. He had just reached the deck when there was a shrieking, tearing sound, coming at him straight from above. There was a shattering explosion... a momentary glimpse of gray streamers of smoke laced with bits of shell... pain in his left foot, left thigh, and the left side of his face... and he found himself lying on deck. As he lost consciousness, he decided this must be the end. He had seen enough war movies showing men dying with blood running out of their mouths. That was the way they always went, and that was what was happening to him. He came to a few minutes later, happy to find he was still alive. But two of his men were killed, and the _New Prince of Wales_ was a write-off. The motor boat _Triton_ was nearby, and Lieutenant Irving eased her over to take off the survivors. By now Bennett was on his feet again and even feeling belligerent. His face was a bloody mess, but his mind was clear, and he took over as coxswain for Lieutenant Irving. They weren't all heroes. Off Bray-Dunes one Dutch skoot lay motionless for hours, doing little or nothing. The skipper was tipsy, and the second in command seemed less than enthusiastic. Troops rowed out to her anyhow, and finally she was reasonably full. At this point Corporal Harold Meredith of the RASC heard the skipper explain, "I'm supposed to take you out to the destroyers, which are lying farther offshore, but I've had a very rough day, and tonight I am Nelson. I've unfortunately put my telescope to my blind eye, and I cannot see any destroyers; so I'm taking you all the way home." One way or another, 68,014 Allied troops were evacuated this May 31. As usual, the most dramatic incidents occurred off the beaches, but the most effective work was again done on the east mole. The destroyer _Malcolm_ showed what one ship could do—1,000 men lifted at 2:15 a.m.... another 1,000 at 2:30 p.m.... still another 1,000 lifted in the early hours of June 1. Her efficiency made the job look easy, yet it was anything but that. Warrant Engineer Arthur George Scoggins nursed his machinery in a steam-filled engine room where the temperature hit 140° to 150°. For the first time British ships were carrying a really respectable number of Frenchmen—10,842 were rescued this day. Not enough to satisfy Premier Reynaud, but it was a start. And the difficulties were more than the critics in Paris could ever realize. Usually the poilus wanted to bring all their equipment. Many refused to be separated from their units. They seemed unable to comprehend that if too many people got into a small boat at once, it might capsize or run aground. The British crews were inclined to think that the French were just naturally landlubbers, in contrast to "our island race." The evidence suggests that much of the trouble stemmed from the language barrier. _"En avant mes héros! Courage mes enfants!"_ Sub-Lieutenant A. Carew Hunt summoned up his limited store of French, trying to tempt some hesitant soldiers to wade out to his boat. Minutes later he was waving his revolver at them to stop the rush. _"Débarquez!_ You bloody fools, get out! Get out! _Nous sommes ensables!"_ shouted one of Captain Watts's scholars as his boat grounded under the weight of too many Frenchmen. Nobody understood, and nobody moved. Finally a French NCO caught on, reworked the language, and the order was obeyed. Sub-Lieutenant Michael Solomon, who knew French well, never had any trouble during a brief stint as interpreter for Commander Clouston on the eastern mole. English officers shouting _"Allez!"_ got nowhere—that was insulting—but the right words, plus a little tact, could work wonders. So the loading went on, and one more crisis was passed. The equal numbers rule did not upset Ramsay's timetable after all. Thanks to Clouston's organizing ability, far more men were evacuating from the mole than anyone had dared hope. The surge of little ships across the Channel helped too. By now there were enough boats for everyone—both French and British. But already a new crisis was at hand. All day May 31, German shells had been falling on the beach and shipping at La Panne. Now, as dusk settled over the battered town, the bombardment grew worse than ever. It suggested that all was far from well along the eastern end of the perimeter. If it collapsed, Bock's seasoned troops could break into the beachhead and end the evacuation for good. # 11 # Holding the Perimeter GERMAN SHELLS SCREECHED OVERHEAD as Captain P. J. Jeffries of the 6th Durham Light Infantry leaned over and plucked a small flower in the garden of the chateau at Moeres, a Belgian village toward the eastern end of the perimeter. Jeffries didn't know what this flower was—sort of a cross between an azalea and a rhododendron—but he vowed to find out and plant some in his own garden... if he ever got home again. At the moment his chances didn't look too good. Jeffries was second in command of the 6th DLI, one of the units assigned to hold off the Germans while the rest of the BEF and the French escaped to England. For two days enemy pressure had been growing on the Durhams' section of the canal defense line, and now on the morning of May 31 German shells began landing uncomfortably close to battalion headquarters. The first actual penetration came not at Moeres, but still farther east near Nieuport, the coastal town that served as the perimeter's eastern anchor. Here at 5:00 a.m. German infantry crossed the canal in rubber boats and stormed the brickworks held by the 1st/6th East Surreys. By noon they were in danger of being outflanked. Their "sister" battalion, the 1st East Surreys, rushed to the rescue just in time. Together they managed to stop the enemy, but it took every man. At one point the two battalion commanders manned a Bren gun together. One colonel fired the gun, while the other acted as "No. 2," feeding it with ammunition. Next, an even closer squeak. While the Surreys were clinging to their brickyard, a new German attack hit the British 8th Brigade three miles to the west. At 12:20 p.m. a hysterical sapper stumbled into Furnes, the main town in the area, blurting that the front had been broken and the Germans were pouring across the canal unopposed. No time to lose. Reinforcements from the crack 2nd Grenadier Guards were rushed to the scene under a quick-thinking 2nd lieutenant named Jones. He found two battalions of the brigade about to retire without orders. If this happened, a gaping hole would open up in the perimeter, allowing the Germans to pour in behind the defenders. The few remaining officers were trying to rally their men, but nobody would listen. Jones took more drastic measures. He found it necessary to shoot some of the panic-stricken soldiers, and others were turned around at bayonet-point. He then reported back to headquarters that the brigade was once again stabilized but in desperate need of experienced officers and ammunition. Lieutenant J. Trotter of the 2nd Grenadier Guards was then sent to help him, along with 14,000 rounds of ammunition. By 3:00 p.m. the men were all back in position and morale was high—proving once again the importance of that elusive quality, leadership, in shaping the fortunes of war. During the afternoon the Germans shifted their efforts to the area southwest of Furnes, but with no better results. They managed to storm across the canal at Bulscamp, but soon bogged down on the other side. Flooded terrain and a spirited defense blocked any further advance. In such a predicament the standard remedy was to soften resistance with artillery, and shells were soon raining on the Durham Light Infantry's chateau at Moeres. Toward evening the DLI abandoned the place with few regrets. This country was meant to be an epicure's delight, but for three days they had lived on a diet of tinned pilchards in tomato sauce. Evening, and the target was Nieuport again. It's doubtful whether the exhausted East Surreys could have stood up to any serious attack. Fortunately, just as the German columns massed, help came from an unexpected direction. Eighteen RAF bombers, supported by six planes from the Fleet Air Arm, swept in from the sea, smashing and scattering the enemy force. The British troops forgot their weariness; leapt and waved and shouted with excitement. Until now they thought that only the Germans could pull off this sort of stunt. While the British brigades to the east desperately parried the German thrusts, the Allied troops to the west had a relatively quiet day. The line from Fort Mardyck to the ancient walled town of Bergues was a French responsibility; General Beaufrère's 68th Infantry Division lay waiting behind a patchwork of ditches. A mixed garrison of French and British held Bergues itself. Some long-range guns were shelling the place, but the medieval walls stood up to modern artillery amazingly well. It was the Bergues-Furnes Canal Line to the east of town that seemed most exposed. While the flat fields were bound to reveal an advancing enemy, they also gave away the defenders. There was no cover, except for an occasional tree or farmhouse. The 2nd Coldstream Guards eyed uneasily the 2,200 yards assigned to them. Lieutenant Jimmy Langley of No. 3 Company moved his platoon into a small brick cottage directly north of the canal. He was anything but a picture-book guardsman—he stood only five feet eight—but he was lively and immensely resourceful. He lost no time converting the cottage into a miniature Gibraltar. From scores of trucks and lorries abandoned along the canal bank, Langley's men brought back a vast haul of booty. The weapons alone were impressive—12 Bren guns, 3 Lewis machine guns, 1 Boyes antitank rifle, 30,000 rounds of ammunition, and 22 hand grenades. Considering there were only 37 men left in the company, this was fire power indeed. Nor was food neglected. Stacks of bully beef, canned vegetables, and tinned milk were piled in the kitchen. And since Langley was especially partial to marmalade and Wiltshire bacon, there was a liberal supply of these too. They might, he decided, be there a long time; so they should be prepared for the good life as well—he added two cases of wine and two crates of beer. During the afternoon the company commander, Major Angus McCorquodale, dropped by and made his contribution too: a bottle of whiskey and two bottles of sherry. McCorquodale was one of those throwbacks to a glorious earlier age in British military history. Gleaming with polished brass and leather, he scorned the new battle dress. "I don't mind dying for my country," he declared, "but I'm not going to die dressed like a third-rate chauffeur." He liked Langley's set-up so much he decided to make the cottage the Company's forward headquarters, and the two of them bedded down in a small back room for some rest. They were up before dawn, June 1, removing roof tiles and turning the attic into a machine-gun nest. Neither the roof nor the end walls were really strong enough, but it was too late to worry about that now. Langley settled down to wait for Jerry with a pair of binoculars and two buckets of cold water by his side. The buckets were for cooling the wine, or the beer, or the Bren gun barrels—whichever seemed to need it most. There was no night of quiet waiting at Furnes. Shells poured down on the old Flemish town, as they had all day. The 1st Grenadier Guards huddled under an avalanche of falling slate and masonry from the seventeenth-century buildings that ringed the marketplace. The churchyard of venerable Saint Walburge was so thick with shrapnel that walking on the grass was like tramping over a carpet of jagged glass. In the roomy cellar that served as battalion headquarters, Signalman George W. Jones hunched over a portable radio listening to the BBC evening news. It was the first voice he had heard from the outside world in three weeks. It assured him that two-thirds of the troops trapped at Dunkirk were now evacuated and safely back in England. Jones felt anything but assured. Here he was, stuck with the rear guard in a collapsing town miles from home, and now he heard that the best part of the army was safely back in England. It was a very lonely feeling. Lance Sergeant John Bridges, also of the 1st Grenadier Guards, was sure they would never get away. He had originally joined the regiment as a drummer boy, hoping to see the world, play a little football, and ultimately become a writer. But now the dream was buried in the rubble of Furnes. His company commander, Major Dickie Herbert, showed him how to dig a round foxhole, so he could shoot in any direction. That could only mean they were about to be surrounded. Then an unexpected reprieve. Toward evening Major Herbert returned from a brigade conference and immediately called a meeting of his own officers and NCO's. He lost no time getting to the point: his first words were, "We're going home." A map was produced, and a staff lieutenant lined off the route to the beaches. There were no histrionics, no exhortations. It was all so matter-of-fact that to Bridges it seemed rather like planning a family outing. At 10:00 p.m. the battalion began "thinning out"—first the headquarters personnel, the signalers, the quartermaster units; then the infantry companies, one by one; and finally certain hand-picked parties from No. 2 and No. 4 Companies, especially skilled in rear-guard work. Everything went very smoothly. After all, they had been doing it since Brussels. The premium was on silence. The enemy must not find out. The rear-guard parties wrapped sandbags around their boots to deaden the sound on the cobblestone streets. Still, there were heart-stopping moments as the columns, tramping single file, noisily scrambled over piles of rubble, bricks, broken glass, and tangled telephone wire. How could the Germans miss hearing them? Yet there was no sound of unusual activity in the sections of town now occupied by the enemy. Only the steady pounding of shells that had gone on for two days. By 2:30 a.m., June 1, the last Grenadier had pulled out. For Sergeant Bridges the march to La Panne was a three-mile nightmare. He especially hated mortar fire, and tonight every mortar in the German Army seemed concentrated on him. Most of the shells landed ahead of the column, which meant few casualties but gave the terrifying impression that the battalion was always marching straight into hell. At one point Bridges's rifle got caught in a tangle of telephone wire, and the more he tried to get it loose, the more he himself became enmeshed in the tangle. On the verge of panic, he was finally freed by his sergeant major, who also brought him to his senses with a good slap. Adding to the confusion, hundreds of abandoned cattle, sheep, pigs, and chickens were loose and running among the stumbling men. They reminded Bridges of the stories he had heard about wild animals fleeing before a great forest fire. All along the eastern end of the perimeter—the II Corps area—the battalions were thinning out and falling back on La Panne. As with the 1st Grenadier Guards, the process usually began about 10:00 p.m. and continued to around 2:30 a.m., when the last rear-guard parties retired. Probably the last unit of all to pull out was the carrier platoon of the 1st Coldstream, which hung around Furnes till 2:50 a.m., covering the withdrawal of the battalion's infantry. As always, silence was the rule—which could fool a friend as well as foe. Private F. R. Farley was on sentry duty that night in a lonely copse east of Furnes. He knew his battalion, the 1st/7th Middlesex, would be withdrawing, and he was to be called in when the time came. Hours passed, and nothing happened. From time to time he heard faint sounds: a car starting, a muffled word of command. Then complete silence. He listened—a sentry did not leave his post lightly—then decided to slip back, and see what was happening. Everyone had gone. The NCO had forgotten to call him in. Desperately he sprinted through the copse to the main road. He was just in time to leap onto the last truck of the last column of the battalion, as it started down the coastal road for La Panne. The convoy stopped on the edge of town; the men piled out; and the trucks were disabled in the usual way—a bullet in the radiator, the engine left running until it seized. Moving into La Panne, Farley joined a flood of troops converging on the place from every direction. The whole eastern end of the perimeter was being abandoned; all had instructions to make for La Panne. Beyond that, there seemed to be no orders. Some men slumped in doorways; others lay exhausted on the _pavé;_ others wandered aimlessly about, as officers and NCO's called out unit numbers and rallying cries, trying to keep their men together. The shelling had unaccountably stopped, and for the moment all was relatively quiet. As the men waited to be told what to do, a thousand cigarettes glowed in the darkness. Eventually there was a stirring, but instead of moving onto the beach, the troops were ordered back a couple of streets. They were now further from the sea, but much better dispersed. It was just as well, for at this moment a spotter plane droned overhead, dropping flares that brilliantly lit up the whole scene. Then came the thump of distant guns, followed by the shriek of falling shells. There was a shattering crash as the first salvo landed at the intersection near the beach. The hotels and shops in the area were mostly built in the "modern" style of the 30's, full of chrome and plate glass. Now the glass came cascading down, adding to the general din. "Into the shops! Off the streets!" The cry went up, and the troops needed no further urging. Rifle butts went to work on the doors and windows remaining, and the men swarmed in, just as a second salvo was landing. Farley and several others from the 1st/7th Middlesex broke into a large corner shop, and once inside were thankful to find stairs leading down to a basement. Here they crouched in comparative safety as the shelling swept methodically up and down the streets salvo after salvo, turning the town into a dust-choked ruin. Flames began to lick through upper windows as fires took hold. It was important not to go entirely underground. There was always the danger of missing some important order. The men took turns keeping watch at the door—very unpleasant duty with the town collapsing around them. Farley found the knack was to leap back to the stairs whenever a salvo seemed likely to be close. He got very good at it. After an hour and a half, Captain Johnson of Headquarters Company slipped in with the latest orders: listen for some whistle blasts as soon as there is a lull in the shelling... then clear out and run for the beach at the double... turn left at the bandstand and keep going for half a mile. That would be where the battalion would reassemble and embark. No one was to stop for anything. Casualties to be left where they fell. The medical orderlies would take care of these. The essential thing was to clear the streets without delay at the first feasible moment. Just before 2:45 a.m. Private Farley heard the whistle loud and clear. His group raced up the cellar steps and out into the street. Other units were pouring out of other buildings, too. Jumbled together, they all surged toward the beachfront. The flames from the burning buildings lit their way; the crash of bursting shells spurred them on. The "lull," it turned out, meant only a shift in targets. But the most unforgettable sound—a din that drowned out even the gunfire—was the steady crunch of thousands of boots on millions of fragments of broken glass. Soon they were by the bandstand... across the esplanade... onto the beach—and suddenly they were in a different world. Gone was the harsh, grating clatter; now there was only the squish of feet running on wet sand. The glare of the fire-lit streets gave way to the blackness of the dunes at night. The smoke and choking dust vanished, replaced by the clean, damp air of the seaside... the smell of salt and seaweed. Then the shelling shifted again, aimed this time right at the beach where the men were running. Private Farley of the Middlesex saw a flash, felt the blast, but (oddly enough) heard no "bang" as a close one landed just ahead. He was untouched, but the four men running with him all went down. Three lay motionless on the sand; the fourth, propped up on one hand, pleaded, "Help me, help me." Farley ran on. After all, those were the orders. But he knew in his heart that the real reason he didn't stop was self-preservation. The memory of that voice pleading for help would still haunt his conscience forty years later. Half a mile down the beach was the point where the Middlesex had been ordered to reassemble for embarkation. Private Parley had imagined what it would be like. He pictured a well-organized area where senior NCO's would stand at the head of gangway ladders taking name, rank, and serial number as the troops filed aboard the waiting ships. Actually, there was no embarkation staff, no waiting ships, no organization whatsoever. Nobody seemed to be in charge. The 2nd Royal Ulster Rifles had been told that reception camps would be waiting for them when they got to the beach, that a Division Control Staff would take over from there and guide them to the ships. They found no trace of either the camps or the Control Staff, and of course no sign of the ships. The 1st Grenadier Guards reached the beach intact, but with no further orders, the battalion soon broke up. Some men headed for Dunkirk; others joined the columns hopefully waiting at the water's edge; Sergeant Bridges led a small group of six or eight into the dunes to wait for dawn. Maybe daylight would show them what to do. But would they last that long? At one point Bridges heard an ominous rumble coming toward them. It sounded like the whole German Army, and he crouched in the sand, awaiting that final confrontation. It turned out to be only horses, abandoned by some French artillery unit, galloping aimlessly up and down the sand. But the next big noise might always be the enemy, and still there was no sign of any ships. To Lieutenant-Commander J. N. McClelland, the senior naval officer remaining at La Panne, the situation was turning into a hideous exercise in arithmetic. It was now 1:00 a.m.; the British couldn't expect to hold La Panne beyond dawn at 4:00. Some 6,000 troops were pouring onto the beach; they had lifted off only 150 since nightfall. At this rate, nearly the whole force would be lost. He conferred briefly with Major-General G. D. Johnson, the senior army officer on the beach at this point. Yes, McClelland assured the General, he had made a personal reconnaissance both above and below the position. No, there weren't any ships. Yes, they were meant to be there. No, he didn't think they would come now—something must have gone wrong. To McClelland the Royal Navy's absence was almost a matter of personal shame. He formally apologized to Johnson for the nonarrival of the boats. They decided that the only course left was to march the bulk of the troops down the beach toward Dunkirk and try to embark from there. Or perhaps they would run across some ships at Bray-Dunes along the way. A few men—mostly wounded and exhausted stragglers—were not fit to march. These would be left behind, and McClelland headed down to the lorry jetties to look after them, on the chance that some ships might still turn up. More German guns were ranged on the beach now, and McClelland was twice knocked down by shell bursts. One smashed his signal lamp; the second wounded his left ankle. As often happens, it didn't hurt much at first—just a numb feeling—and he hobbled on down the beach. At the embarkation point it was the same old story: no boats for over half an hour. McClelland now ordered the remaining troops to join the trek to Dunkirk. Even if they couldn't keep up with the main body, they must try. He himself rounded up all the stragglers he could find and sent them on their way. Then he limped off after the rest. About two miles toward Bray-Dunes he suddenly saw what he had been searching for all night—ships! Three vessels lay at anchor not far from the shore. A small party of soldiers stood at the water's edge firing shots, trying to attract attention. There was no response from the ships. They just sat there, dark and silent. McClelland looked farther down the beach. The night was filled with explosions, and in the flashes he could make out swarms of troops, but no trace of any other boat. These three anchored ships were the only chance. Somehow they must be told that the troops were moving steadily westward toward Dunkirk. Once these ships knew, they could alert the others, and the rescue fleet could finally assemble at the right place. He plunged into the sea and began swimming. He was dead tired; his ankle began acting up; but he kept on. As he thrashed alongside the nearest ship, somebody threw him a line and he was hauled aboard. She turned out to be HMS _Gossamer,_ one of Ramsay's hard-working minesweepers. Taken before the captain, Commander Richard Ross, McClelland managed to pant out his message: La Panne abandoned; all shipping should concentrate much farther west. Then he collapsed. For Commander Ross, it was the first piece of solid intelligence to come his way since leaving Dover at 6:00 p.m. The _Gossamer_ was one of the group of vessels earmarked for lifting the rear guard at the eastern end of the perimeter, amounting to some 4,000 men. The plan called for three big batches of ships' lifeboats to be towed by tugs across the Channel and stationed at three carefully designated points off La Panne. The rear guard would be instructed where to go, and at 1:30 a.m. the lifeboats would start ferrying the men to minesweepers waiting at each of the three points. Escorting destroyers would provide covering fire if the enemy tried to interfere. ("All tanks hostile," the orders reminded the destroyers.) The final directives were issued at 4:00 a.m., May 31, and the "special tows," as Ramsay called them, began leaving Ramsgate at 1:00 p.m. Every possible contingency had been covered—except the fortunes of war. German pressure on the perimeter was too great. The covering position could no longer be held by the 4,000-man rear guard. Under heavy enemy shelling the troops were pulling back sooner than expected, and farther west than planned. The special tows must be alerted to go to a different place at a different time. But Dover no longer had any direct communication with the special tows. Ramsay could only radio the accompanying minesweepers, hoping that the change in plans would be passed along to the tugs and their tows. He did this, but predictably his message never got through. The armada chugged on to the originally designated spots, but now, of course, there was no one there. With no further directions, they groped along the coast, hoping somehow to make contact. _Gossamer_ had, in fact, just stumbled on a sizable contingent when McClelland swam out, gasping his advice to look farther west. The alert radio interception unit at General Georg von Kuechler's Eighteenth Army headquarters knew more than the BEF about the special tows and where they could be found. At 7:55 p.m. on the 31st, Captain Essmann of Headquarters phoned XXVI and IX Corps command posts, giving the latest information along with some instructions on what should be done. Beginning at twilight, a heavy harassing fire was to be concentrated on the approach roads leading to the supposed embarkation points.... Armored reconnaissance patrols were to check whether the enemy had managed to evacuate.... If so, an immediate thrust was to be made to the coast. Not exactly an inspiring blueprint for an army closing in for the kill. A lackadaisical mood, in fact, seemed to permeate most German military thinking these past two days. To Colonel Rolf Wuthmann, Operations Officer of General von Kluge's Fourth Army at the western end of the perimeter, it was a cause for alarm. "There is an impression here that nothing is happening today, that no one is any longer interested in Dunkirk," he complained to General von Kleist's Chief of Staff on May 30. Quite true. All eyes were now on the south. _"Fall Rot"_ —Operation "Red"—the great campaign designed to knock France out of the war, would jump off from the Somme in just six days. Its immense scope and dazzling possibilities easily diverted attention from Dunkirk. Guderian and the other panzer generals—once so exasperated by Hitler's halt order—now wanted only to pull out their tanks, rest their men, prepare for the great new adventure. Rundstedt, commanding Army Group A, had already shifted his entire attention to the Somme. On the 31st Bock, commanding Army Group B, received a fat bundle of papers from OKH regrouping his forces too. At OKH, General Haider, the Chief of Staff, spent most of the day far behind the lines, checking communications, the flow of supplies, the status of Army Group C—all for the great new offensive. As for Dunkirk, it was hard to escape the feeling that it was really all over. Some ten German infantry divisions now pressed a few thousand disorganized Allied soldiers against the sea. Kluge's Chief of Staff Kurt Brennecke might scold, "We do not want to find these men, freshly equipped, in front of us again later," but no German command was more thoroughly preoccupied with the coming drive south than Brennecke's own Fourth Army. General Haider might complain, "Now we must stand by and watch countless thousands of the enemy get away to England right under our noses," but he didn't stand by and watch very much himself. He too was busy getting ready for the big new push. It always seemed that one more try would finish up Dunkirk, but no one was quite in the position to do it. With the closing of the trap, there were too many overlapping commands and too little coordination. Finally, in an effort to centralize responsibility, General von Kuechler's Eighteenth Army was put in complete charge. On May 31, at 2:00 a.m., all the various divisions along the entire 35-mile length of the perimeter passed under his control. It wasn't long before Kuechler was getting advice. The following evening General Mieth of OKH telephoned a few "personal suggestions" from the highest levels. General von Brauchitsch suggested the landing of troop units from the sea in the rear of the British forces... also, the withdrawal of German units from the Ganal Line so as to open up opportunities for the Luftwaffe without endangering friendly troops. And finally, an idea from Adolf Hitler himself: Kuechler might consider the possibility of using antiaircraft shells with time fuses to compensate for the reduced effectiveness of ordinary artillery fire on the beaches, where the sand tended to smother the explosions. Like many shakers and movers of the earth, the Fuehrer occasionally liked to tinker. For the moment, these intriguing ideas were put aside. Kuechler had already made his plan, and it called for nothing as offbeat as a landing behind the British forces, even if that were possible. Instead, he simply planned an attack by all his forces at once along the entire length of the perimeter on June 1. First, his artillery would soften the enemy up with harassing fire, starting immediately and continuing the whole night. The attacking troops would jump off at 11:00 a.m., June 1, closely supported by General Alfred Keller's Fliegerkorps IV. Everything was to be saved for the main blow. During the afternoon of the 31st, Eighteenth Army issued a special directive warning the troops not to engage in any unnecessary action that day. Rather, their time should be spent moving the artillery into position, gathering intelligence, conducting reconnaissance, and making other preparations for the "systematic attack" tomorrow. All very sound, but this inflexibility also suggests why so little use was made of the radio intercept about Ramsay's special tows. It clearly indicated that the British were abandoning the eastern end of the perimeter this very night—leaving themselves wide open in the process—yet the German plans were frozen, and nothing was done. If anybody at Eighteenth Army headquarters sensed a lost opportunity on the evening of May 31, there's no evidence of it. Preparations went steadily ahead for the unified attack tomorrow. The artillery pumped out shells at a rate the British Tommies would never forget, and the Luftwaffe joined in the softening-up process. Special emphasis had been placed on the Luftwaffe's role, and for the duration of the attack Eighteenth Army was virtually given control of its operations. General Kesselring's Air Fleet 2 was simply told to attack Dunkirk continuously until the Eighteenth told it to stop. Making use of his authority, around noon on the 31st Kuechler requested special strikes every fifteen minutes on the dunes west of Nieuport, where the British artillery was giving his 256th Infantry Division a hard time. Kesselring promised to follow through, but later reported that ground fog was keeping some of the planes from taking off. Bad weather was a familiar story. It had scrubbed almost all missions on the 30th, and curbed operations on the 31st. It was, then, good news indeed when June 1 turned out to be bright and clear. # 12 # "I Have Never Prayed So Hard Before" AS THE GROWL OF approaching planes grew louder, veteran Seaman Bill Barris carefully removed his false teeth and put them in his handkerchief pocket—always a sure sign to the men on the destroyer _Windsor_ that hard fighting lay ahead. It was 5:30 a.m., June 1, and the early morning mist was already burning off, promising a hot sunny day. In seconds the planes were in sight, Me 109's sweeping in low from the east. Gun muzzles twinkling, some strafed the eastern mole, where the _Windsor_ lay loading; others hit the beaches... the rescue fleet... even individual soldiers wading and swimming out to the ships. Normally the German fighters did little strafing. Their orders were to remain "upstairs," flying cover for the Stukas and Heinkels. Today's tactics suggested something special. Tucked away in the dunes west of La Panne, Sergeant John Bridges of the 1st Grenadier Guards safely weathered the storm. Around him clustered six to eight other Grenadier Guards, the little group he had formed when the battalion dissolved during the night. At that time nobody knew what to do, and it seemed best to wait till dawn. Now it was getting light, and the choice was no easier. Joining the trek to Dunkirk looked too dangerous. Bridges could see nothing but gun flashes and towering smoke in that direction. On the other hand, joining one of the columns waiting on the beach below looked futile. There were so few boats and so many men. In the end, Bridges opted for the beach; perhaps the group could find some shorter queue where the wait would be reasonable. A pistol shot ended that experiment. An officer accused the group of queue-jumping and fired a warning blast in the general direction of Bridges's feet. Undaunted, the Sergeant turned his mind to the possibility of getting off the beach without queueing up at all. Noticing an apparently empty lifeboat drifting about 100 yards offshore, he suggested they swim out and get it. Nobody could swim. He decided to go and bring it back himself. Stripping off his clothes, he swam out to the boat, only to find it was not empty after all. Two bedraggled figures in khaki were already in it, trying to unlash the oars. They were glad to have Bridges join them, but not his friends. They weren't about to return to shore for anybody. Bridges hopped out and swam back to the beach. But now the group had vanished, scattered by an air raid. Only Corporal Martin was left, faithfully guarding Bridges's gear. Looking to sea, they saw yet another lifeboat and decided to make for that. Martin, of course, couldn't swim, but Bridges—ever an optimist—felt that somehow he could push and pull the Corporal along. It would have been easier if Bridges had been traveling light. But he was dressed again, carrying his pack and gas cape, and there was much on his mind besides Corporal Martin. While in Furnes, their unit had been stationed in a cellar under a jewelry and fur shop. There was much talk about not leaving anything for the Germans to loot, and first thing Bridges knew, he had turned looter himself. Now his pack and gas cape were filled with wristwatches, bracelets, and a twelve-pelt silver fox cape. The two men waded into the sea, Bridges trying to help Martin and hang onto his riches at the same time. Somehow they reached the lifeboat, which turned out to be in the charge of a white-haired, fatherly-looking brigadier, still wearing all his ribbons and red trim. He was skillfully maneuvering the boat about, picking up strays here and there. Martin was hauled aboard, and Bridges prepared to follow. "You'll have to drop your kit, Sergeant," the brigadier sang out. Every inch of space was needed for people. With a lack of hesitation that surprised even himself, Bridges let it all go—bracelets, watches, jewelry, furs, and perhaps most important, the load on his conscience. Pulled aboard, he took an oar, and with the brigadier steering, they gradually approached a destroyer lying not far away. Planes began strafing, and the man rowing next to Bridges was hit. They crawled on, and were almost there when an officer on the ship called out to stay clear. She was stuck on a sandbar, running her screws full speed ahead to get free. The brigadier tried, but whether it was tide, current, suction, or plain inexperience, they were relentlessly drawn to the side of the ship. A rising swell caught Bridges's oar against the hull, and through some play of physics he could never hope to understand, he was catapulted upward, clear out of the boat. He caught hold of a grid, which served as a ship's ladder, and willing hands hauled him on board. Next instant the lifeboat plunged down again and was caught under the racing screws. The boat, the brigadier, Martin, and everyone else were chewed to bits. Bridges looked back in time to catch a brief, last glimpse of Martin's startled face as it disappeared beneath the sea. He sank to the deck, leaning against the bulkhead. The destroyer turned out to be the _Ivanhoe,_ and as Bridges began stripping off his wet clothes, a sailor brought him a blanket and a pack of cigarettes. He did not have much time to enjoy them. Once again the sound of aircraft engines warned of new danger from the skies. The German bombers had arrived. Luckily, the _Ivanhoe_ had at last wriggled free of the sandbar, and Commander P. H. Hadow was able to dodge the first attacks, delivered by level-bombing Heinkels. No such luck with the Stukas. At 7:41 a.m. two near misses bracketed the ship, and a third bomb crashed into the base of the forward funnel. Down in the boiler room Private J. B. Claridge, who had been plucked from the sea at La Panne, was drying out his uniform when the ship gave a violent shudder, the lights went out, and a shower of burning embers fell about him. He was standing near a ladder to the deck, and he raced up through a cloud of swirling steam. He and another man were the only two to get out alive. Sergeant Bridges watched from his resting place against the bulkhead. He was still stunned by his own ordeal, but he was alert enough to note that the _Ivanhoe's_ crew were beginning to take off their shoes. That could only mean they thought the ship was sinking. He needed no better proof. Slipping off his blanket, he went over the side, naked except for his helmet, which he always managed to keep. He swam slowly away from the ship, using a sort of combination breast-and-side stroke that he especially favored. He could keep it up forever—or at least until some ship appeared that looked like a better bet than the _Ivanhoe._ But the _Ivanhoe_ was not finished. The fires were contained; the foremost magazine flooded; and the damaged boilers sealed off. Then the destroyer _Havant_ and the minesweeper _Speedwell_ eased alongside and removed most of the troops. As _Speedwell_ pulled away, she picked up one more survivor swimming alone in the sea. It was Sergeant Bridges. On the _Ivanhoe_ the engineering officer Lieutenant Mahoney coaxed some steam out of his one remaining boiler, as the ship started back to England. Creeping along at seven knots, assisted by a tug, she made an ideal target and was twice attacked by the Heinkels. Each time, Commander Hadow waited until the first bombs fell, then lit smoke floats inside various hatches to simulate hits. The ruse worked: both times the planes flew off, apparently convinced that the destroyer was finished. On the _Havant,_ the troops transferred from the _Ivanhoe_ barely had time to settle down before the Stukas pounced again. Two bombs wrecked the engine room, and a third landed just ahead of the ship, exploding as she passed over it. The lights went out, and once again hundreds of soldiers thrashed about in the dark, trying to get topside. _Havant_ took a heavy list, compounding the confusion. But once again help lay close at hand. The minesweeper _Saltash_ came alongside, taking off some troops. Others transferred to a small pleasure steamer, the _Narcissa,_ which used to make holiday cruises around Margate. The crew of the _Havant_ stayed on for a while, but for her there was no clever escape. The hull was ruptured, the engine room blown to bits. At 10:15a.m. _Havant_ vanished into the sea. "A destroyer has blown up off Dunkirk," someone laconically observed on the bridge of the destroyer _Keith_ lying off Bray-Dunes. Admiral Wake-Walker looked and saw a ship enveloped in smoke just off Dunkirk harbor, six miles to the west. At the time he didn't know it was the _Ivanhoe_ —or that she would survive. He only knew that the German bombers were back on the job, and might be coming his way next. It would be hard to miss the concentration of ships working with the _Keith_ off Bray: the destroyer _Basilisk,_ minesweepers _Skipjack_ and _Salamander,_ tugs _St. Abbs_ and _Vincia,_ and the skoot _Hilda._ Sure enough, a compact formation of 30 to 40 Stukas appeared from the southwest. Every gun in the fleet opened up, and a curtain of fire seemed to break up the formation. But not for long. Shortly before 8:00 a.m. three Stukas came hurtling down, right at the _Keith._ The ship heeled wildly. In the wheelhouse everyone was crouching down, with the helmsman steering by the bottom spokes of the wheel. Teacups skidded across the deck. Then three loud explosions, the nearest just ten yards astern. It jammed the helm, and the _Keith_ began steering in circles. Captain Berthon switched to manual steering, and things were beginning to get back to normal, when three more planes dived. This time Wake-Walker saw the bombs released and watched them fall, right at the ship. It was an odd sensation waiting for the explosion and knowing that he could do nothing. Then the crash... the teeth-rattling jolt... a rush of smoke and steam boiling up somewhere aft. Surprisingly, he could see no sign of damage. It turned out that one of the bombs had gone right down the second funnel, bursting in the No. 2 boiler room far below. Power gone, plates sprung, _Keith_ listed sharply to port. Not far away, Lieutenant Christopher Dreyer watched the hit from his motor torpedo boat _MTB 102;_ he hurried over to help. Wake-Walker decided he was doing no good on the crippled _Keith,_ and quickly shifted to Dreyer's boat. It was the Admiral's eighth flagship in twenty-four hours. On the _Keith,_ now wallowing low in the water, Captain Berthon gave the order to abandon ship. Scores of men went over the side, including most of General Gort's staff. Colonel Bridgeman was sure of only one thing: he didn't want to swim back to La Panne. He splashed about, finally joined two sailors clinging to a piece of timber. Eventually they were picked up by the tug _Vincia_ and taken to Ramsgate. The Stukas were far from finished. About 8:20 they staged a third attack on the _Keith,_ hitting her again in the engine room, and this time they saved something for the other ships nearby. The minesweeper _Salamander_ escaped untouched, but her sistership _Skipjack_ was a different story. The leader of the German flight scored two hits; then a second Stuka came roaring down. On the range-finder platform Leading Seaman Murdo MacLeod trained his Lewis gun on the plane and kept firing even after it released its bombs. The Stuka never came out of its dive, plunging straight into the sea. But the damage was done—three more hits. _Skipjack_ lurched heavily to port, and the order came to abandon ship. It was none too soon. In two more minutes _Skipjack_ turned turtle, trapping most of the 250 to 300 troops aboard. She floated bottom-up for another twenty minutes, then finally sank. The _Keith_ lingered on, attended by a typically mixed assortment of small craft picking up survivors. After a fourth visit from the Stukas, the Admiralty tug _St. Abbs_ came alongside around 8:40 and took off Captain Berthon and the last of the crew. Before leaving, Berthon signaled _Salamander_ and _Basilisk_ to sink the ship, lest she fall into enemy hands. Both vessels replied that they were out of control and needed help themselves. Concentrating on his own ship, Berthon apparently didn't see the Stukas pounding the other two. _Basilisk_ especially was in a bad way. A French trawler took her in tow, but she grounded on a sandbar and had to be abandoned around noon. The destroyer _Whitehall_ picked up most of her crew, then finished her off with a couple of torpedoes. Meanwhile the Stukas staged still another attack on the abandoned _Keith_ —the fifth of the morning—and at 9:15 they finally sank her. The sea was now covered with fuel from sunken ships, and the surviving swimmers were a pathetic sight—coated black with oil, half-blind, choking and vomiting as they tried to stay afloat. The tug _St. Abbs_ poked about picking them up, twisting and turning, using every trick in the book to shake off the Stukas. Besides survivors from the sunken ships, she took aboard Major R.B.R. Colvin and a boatload of Grenadier Guards trying to row back to England. About 130 men jammed the tug's deck—some dreadfully wounded, others unhurt but sobbing with fright. An army doctor and chaplain passed among them, dispensing first aid and comfort. As the bombs continued to rain down, the padre told Major Colvin, "I have never prayed so hard before." Eventually the Stukas moved off, and _St. Abbs_ steamed briefly in peace. Then at 9:30 a single level-bomber passed overhead, dropping a stick of four delayed-action bombs right in the tug's path. They went off as she passed over them, tearing her bottom out. Knocked down by the blast, Major Colvin tried to get up, but one leg was useless. Then the ship heeled over, and everything came crashing down. He felt he was falling into a bottomless pit, pushed along by rushing water, surrounded by falling coal. Next thing he knew, he was swimming in the sea some 50 yards from a lot of wreckage. _St_. _Abbs_ was gone, sunk in just 30 seconds. There were only a few survivors. Most had originally been on the _Keith_ or _Skipjack;_ this was their second sinking of the morning. This time they found themselves struggling against a strong tide that carried them along the coast, almost due east. They would soon be in German-held waters, but there seemed nothing they could do about it. Suddenly they saw a chance. A wrecked steamer lay directly in the way. The more agile swimmers managed to get over to her. Passing under the stern, Major Colvin grabbed a gangway hanging in the water, and despite his bad leg, he pulled himself aboard. The wreck turned out to be the cargo liner _Clan MacAlister,_ bombed and abandoned on May 29. She now lay partially sunk and hard aground about two miles off La Panne. Some fifteen other survivors of _St. Abbs_ also reached the hulk. Climbing aboard, they found themselves in a setting worthy of the legendary _Mary Celeste._ In the deserted deckhouse everything was still in place. Some sailors helped Major Colvin into a bunk, found him a couple of blankets and a set of dry clothes. Midshipman H. B. Poustie of the _Keith_ did even better. Covered with oil, he wandered into the captain's cabin and found the perfect uniform for an eighteen-year-old midshipman: the captain's dress blues, resplendent with four gold rings around the sleeves. There was food too. Exploring the galley, someone came up with a light luncheon of canned pears and biscuits. To the tired and hungry survivors, it seemed like a feast. The big question was: What next? Clearly they couldn't stay here much longer. It was ebb tide, and the _Clan MacAlister_ now stood high out of the water on an even keel. From the air she looked undamaged, and the planes bombed her vigorously. Soon, the enemy artillery would be in La Panne, a stone's throw away. One of the ship's boats still hung in the davits, and Captain Berthon—late of the _Keith_ and senior officer present—ordered it loaded with provisions and lowered. With luck, they could row to England. They were just about to start when a Thames lighter hove into view. She looked like a far better bet, and the castaways attracted her attention with yells and pistol shots. The lighter transferred them to a cement carrier so lowly she had no name—just Sheerness Yard Craft No. 63. She was, however, staunch enough to get them home. On the beach west of La Panne, the 1st Suffolks had a grandstand view of the Stuka attack on the _Basilisk._ Still farther west, on a dune near Zuydcoote, the staff of the 3rd Grenadier Guards watched the _Keith's_ ordeal. All the way west, the sailors on the mole saw another swarm of Stukas sink the French destroyer _Foudroyant_ in less than a minute. Captain Tennant himself watched the assault on the _Ivanhoe_ and _Havant._ There was something distant and unreal about it all—especially the battles in the sky that erupted from time to time. Any number of separate vignettes were frozen in the men's minds, like snapshots in an album: the thunderclap of a fighter and bomber colliding... a plane's wing fluttering to earth... the flash of flame as a Heinkel caught fire... the power dive of an Me 109, right into the sea... parachutes floating down... tracers ripping into the parachutes. It was hard to believe that all this was actually happening, and not just the familiar scenes from some old war film. To Squadron Leader Brian Lane and the fighter pilots of No. 19 Squadron it was very real indeed. On June 1 their working day began at 3:15 a.m. at Hornchurch, a small field east of London. Still half-asleep, they gulped down tea and biscuits and hurried out onto the tarmac, where the Spitfires were already warming up. The roar of the engines rose and fell as the mechanics made final adjustments, and the exhaust flames still burned bright blue in the first light of the new day. Lane climbed aboard his plane, checked his radio and oxygen, made sure that the others were ready, and waved his hand over his head—the signal to take off. Once airborne, he listened for the double thump that meant his wheels were up, and cast a practiced eye over the various dials and gauges that made up his instrument panel. It looked as though he had been doing this all his life; actually he had been a civilian making electric light bulbs until a short time before the war. In fifteen minutes he was crossing the English coast, heading out over the North Sea. A glance at his mirror showed the other planes of the squadron, properly spaced behind him, and behind them were three more squadrons—48 Spitfires altogether—roaring eastward toward the sunrise and Dunkirk. Ten more minutes, and they were over the beaches, bearing left toward Nieuport, the eastern limit of the patrol. It was 5:00 a.m. now, light enough to see the crowds waiting on the sand, the variety of vessels lying offshore. From 5,000 feet it looked like Blackpool on a bank holiday. Suddenly the Spitfires no longer had the sky to themselves. Ahead and slightly to the right, flying toward Nieuport on a converging course, twelve twin-engine planes appeared. Lane flicked on his radio: "Twelve Me 110's straight ahead." The Germans saw them coming. On both sides the neatly spaced formations vanished, replaced by the general melee that so reminded the men on the ground of something concocted by Hollywood. Lane got on the tail of a Messerschmitt, watched it drift into his sights, and pressed the firing button that controlled his eight machine guns. Eight streams of tracer homed in on the 110. Its port engine stopped. Then, as it turned to get away, he got in another burst, this time knocking out the starboard engine. He hung around long enough to watch it crash. That job done, Lane searched for more targets, but could find nothing. His tanks only had enough petrol for 40 minutes over the beaches, and now he was getting low. Flying close to the water, he headed back across the Channel and home to Hornchurch. One by one the other members of the squadron came in too, until finally all were present and accounted for. As they excitedly swapped experiences on the tarmac, the squadron intelligence officer toted up the score—7 Me 110's claimed; also 3 Me 109's, which had apparently turned up at some point during the free-for-all. Slowly the pilots drifted into the mess. It was hard to believe, but it was still only 7:00 a.m. and they hadn't even had breakfast yet. It's worth noting that this aerial battle did not follow the standard script. Usually a very few British fighters took on a very great number of German planes, but this time the Spitfires actually outnumbered the Me 110's, four to one. This was no coincidence. It was part of a tactical gamble. Originally Fighter Command had tried to provide continuous cover over the beaches, but the few planes available were spread so thin, the result was virtually no protection at all. On May 27, for instance, 22 patrols were flown, .but the average strength was only eight planes. The Luftwaffe easily smothered this effort and devastated the port of Dunkirk. After that disaster the RAF flew fewer patrols, but those flown were much stronger. There was also extra emphasis on the hours when the beachhead seemed most vulnerable—dawn and dusk. Hence the 48-plane patrol led by Brian Lane, and he in turn was followed by another patrol of similar strength. But the total number of planes always remained the same—Air Marshal Dowding wouldn't give an inch on that, for he was already thinking ahead to the defense of Britain herself. As a result, there were inevitably certain periods when there was no protection at all, and on June 1 the first of these periods ran from 7:30 a.m. to 8:50 a.m.—that harrowing hour and twenty minutes when the _Keith_ and her consorts were lost. By 9:00 a new patrol was on the line, and the German attacks tapered off, but there were four more periods during the day when the RAF could provide no fighter cover, and the Luftwaffe cashed in on them all. Around 10:30 a.m. bombs crippled the big railway steamer _Prague_ and turned the picturesque river gunboat _Mosquito_ into a blazing wreck. Then it was the Channel packet _Scotia'_ s turn. As she slowly capsized, 2,000 French troops managed to climb the deck against the roll, ending up perched on her hull. The destroyer _Esk_ plucked most of them to safety. No such luck with the French destroyer _Foudroyant._ Hit during another gap in fighter protection, she turned over and sank in seconds. The carnage continued. During the afternoon a 500-pound bomb landed on the deck of the minesweeper _Brighton Queen,_ killing some 300 French and Algerian troops—about half the number aboard. Later the destroyer _Worcester_ and the minesweeper _Westward Ho_ were badly damaged but managed to get home. _Westward Ho_ had 900 French troops aboard, including a general and his staff. When she finally reached Margate, the general was so overjoyed, he decorated two members of the crew with the Croix de Guerre on the spot. Seventeen ships sunk or knocked out of action. That was the Luftwaffe's score this June 1. All day the human residue—the hollow-eyed survivors, the pale wounded on stretchers, the ragged bundles that turned out to be bodies—were landed on the quays of Dover, Ramsgate, and other southeast coast towns. The effect was predictable on the men whose ships happened to be in port. At Folkestone the crew of the railway steamer _Malines_ were especially shaken by the ordeal of the _Prague._ The two vessels belonged to the same line, and there was a close association between the crews. Some of the _Malines's_ men were already survivors of a ship sunk at Rotterdam, and _Malines_ herself had been heavily bombed there. After two hard trips to Dunkirk she was now at Folkestone waiting for coal, when nerves began to crack. The ship's doctor certified that three engineers, the wireless operator, the purser, a seaman, and several engine room hands were all unfit for duty. _Malines_ was ordered to Dunkirk again on the evening of June l, but with the crew on the edge of revolt, her captain refused to go. He was supported by the masters of two other steamers also at Folkestone, the Isle of Man packets _Ben-My-Chree_ and _Tynwald._ They too refused to go, and when the local naval commander sent a written inquiry asking whether _Ben-My-Chree_ would sail, her skipper simply wrote back, "I beg to state that after our experience in Dunkirk yesterday, my answer is 'No.'" Trouble had been brewing for some time, particularly among the larger packets and passenger steamers. They were still manned by their regular crews and managed by their peacetime operators. These men had no naval training whatsoever, nor much of that special _élan_ that the weekend sailors and other volunteers brought to the job. As early as May 28 the steamer _Canterbury_ refused to sail. She had been there twice, and that was enough. The Dynamo Room finally put a naval party aboard to stiffen the crew. This worked, and a hurried call was made to Chatham Barracks for 220 seamen and stokers. They would form a pool of disciplined hands, ready for duty on any ship where the crew seemed to be wavering- When the _St. Seiriol_ refused to sail on the 29th, an officer, armed guard, and seven stokers went on board at 10:00 a.m., and the ship left at 11:00. On the packet _Ngaroma_ the engineers were the problem. They were quickly replaced by two Royal Navy stokers, and an armed party of six hands was added for good measure. _Ngaroma_ went back to work. But these were individual cases. The dismaying thing about _Malines, Tynwald,_ and _Ben-My-Chree_ was that the three ships seemed to be acting in concert. A hurried call was sent to Dover for relief crews and armed guards, but it would be some hours before they arrived. All through the night of June 1–2 the three ships—each able to lift 1,000 to 2,000 men—lay idle. Other men were losing heart too. When the tug _Contest_ was commandeered at Ramsgate for a trip to Dunkirk, the crew deliberately ran her aground. Refloated, the engineer refused to put to sea, claiming his filters would be blocked by sand. Off Bray-Dunes, Admiral Wake-Walker signaled another tug to help a stranded minesweeper. The skipper paid no attention, wanted only to get away. Wake-Walker finally had to train a gun on him and send a navy sub-lieutenant to take charge. There was also trouble with the vessels of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution. The boat from Hythe flatly refused to go at all. The coxswain argued that he had been asked to run his boat onto the beach, and once aground he could never get off. He would not try at Dunkirk what he could not do at Hythe—apparently ignoring the fact that at Dunkirk the tide would do it for him. He managed to talk the Walmer and Dungeness boats out of going too. In disgust the Navy then took over the whole RNLI fleet, except the Ramsgate and Margate craft. They had already sailed for Dunkirk with their own crews. These lifeboat crews were no sniveling cowards. The coxswain of the Hythe boat had been risking his life in the service for 37 years, 20 of them in charge of the boat. He had won the Institution's silver medal for gallantry. Yet there was something different about Dunkirk—the continuing danger, the inability to control events, the reality of being under fire. Such factors could undermine the resolve of even the staunchest men. Nor was the Royal Navy immune. There was a tendency to feel that "it can't happen here," that naval training and discipline somehow insulated a man from the fear and uncertainty that beset civilian hearts. Yet this was not necessarily so. Morale on the destroyer _Verity,_ shaky since May 27, seemed to collapse after a trip to Dunkirk on the 30th. Twelve men broke out of the ship, with six still absent on the 31st. Those who returned simply explained they couldn't "stand it" any longer. _Verity_ was ordered to remain in Dover harbor. Acute fear could be like a disease—both physical and highly contagious. The minesweeper _Hebe_ was hit perhaps worst of all. She had been a sort of command ship off Bray-Dunes; few of the crew slept for five days. On the evening of May 31 the ship's sub-lieutenant collapsed, going into fits and convulsions. Next day, 27 members of the crew came down the same way. Finally, as _Hebe_ returned to Dover on the morning of June 1, the ship's surgeon collapsed too, mumbling that he could not face another trip to Dunkirk. Rest was the answer, but rest was a luxury they couldn't have. After especially grueling trips the _Malcolm_ and the _Windsor_ did get a day off, but usually the ships just kept going. The main hope for relief came from the steady stream of new vessels and fresh hands that kept pouring in. The Navy continued to comb its lists, searching for officers who could be borrowed from other duties. Commander Edward K. Le Mesurier was assigned to the aircraft carrier _Formidable,_ building at Belfast. Important, but he could be spared for a week. He arrived at Ramsgate at noon, June 1, and by 5:30 he was on his way to Dunkirk. He found he had exchanged carrier duty for command of a tug, a launch, and five rowboats. Sub-Lieutenant Michael Anthony Chodzko was a young reserve officer attending navigational school at Plymouth. Buried in his books, he didn't even know there was serious trouble until he was yanked out of class on May 31 and sent by train to Dover. Then, as the train ran along the chalk cliffs just before the station, he glanced out the car window and saw gunfire across the Channel. It was his first inkling of what lay ahead. Next morning, June 1, he was heading for Dunkirk with his first command—a small cabin cruiser called the _Aura._ David Divine wasn't in the Navy at all. He was a free-lance writer and amateur sailor who naturally gravitated to Dover at the end of May, because that's where the big story was. Like the other journalists in town, he would stand in the grass that crowned the white cliffs and focus his binoculars on the incredible procession of vessels pouring across the Channel. But unlike the others, the sea ran in his blood, and the more he watched, the more he wanted to be part of this show. It wasn't hard to join. Through his naval writing he had plenty of contacts at the Admiralty, and by May 31 he had the necessary papers that put him in the Navy for 30 days. He went to Ramsgate, looked over the mass of small craft now piling up in the harbor, and picked out for himself a small motor sailor called the _Little Ann._ With no formal assignment whatsoever, he jumped aboard and began getting her ready for sea. He was soon joined by a kindred soul—Divine never learned his name—and the two of them, with a couple of others, set out for Dunkirk early on June 1. Charles Herbert Lightoller was another man who liked to do things his own way. No stranger to danger, he had been Second Officer on the _Titanic,_ where his coolness helped save countless lives that famous night. Now he was 66, retired from the sea, raising chickens in Hertfordshire, but he still had that combination of courage and good humor that served him so well in 1912. And he still enjoyed life afloat. His 58-foot power cruiser _Sundowner_ had been carefully designed to his exact specifications, and he liked nothing better than an occasional jaunt up and down the Thames with a party of friends. Once he even had 21 people aboard. It was 5 p.m. on May 31 when Lightoller got a cryptic phone call from a friend at the Admiralty, requesting a meeting at 7:00 that evening. It turned out that the Navy needed _Sundowner_ at once. Could he get her from the yacht basin at Chiswick down to Ramsgate, where a Navy crew would take over and sail her to Dunkirk? Whoever had that idea, Lightoller bristled, had another guess coming. "If anybody is going to take her over, my eldest son and I will." They set out from Ramsgate at 10 on the morning of the 1st. Besides Lightoller and his son Roger, they also had aboard an eighteen-year-old Sea Scout, taken along as a deck hand. Halfway across they encountered three German fighters, but the destroyer _Worcester_ was near and drove them away. It was just as well, because _Sundowner_ was completely unarmed, not even a tin hat aboard. Midafternoon, they were off Dunkirk. It was ebb tide, and as he drew alongside the eastern mole, Lightoller realized that the drop was too great from the walkway to _Sundowner's_ deck. The troops would never be able to manage it. Instead, he berthed alongside a destroyer that was already loading, and his troops crossed over from her. He loaded _Sundowner_ from the bottom up, with Roger in charge below decks. No one ever tackled such an unglamorous assignment with more verve than Roger. To lower the center of gravity, he made the men lie down whenever possible. Then he filled every inch of space, even the bath and the "head." "How are you getting on?" Lightoller called below, as the tally passed 50. "Oh, plenty of room yet," Roger airily replied. At 75 he finally conceded he had enough. Lightoller now shifted his efforts to the open deck. Again, the troops were told to lie down and stay down, to keep the ship more stable. Even so, by the time 50 more were aboard, Lightoller could feel _Sundowner_ getting tender. He called it a day and started for home. The entire Luftwaffe seemed to be waiting for him. Bombing and strafing, the enemy planes made pass after pass. Fortunately _Sundowner_ could turn on a sixpence, and Lightoller had learned a few tricks from an expert. His youngest son, killed in the first days of the war, had been a bomber pilot and often talked about evasion tactics. The father now put his lost son's theories to work. The secret was to wait until the last instant, when the enemy plane was already committed, then hard rudder before the pilot could readjust. Squirming and dodging his way across the Channel, Lightoller managed to get _Sundowner_ back to England without a scratch. Gliding into Ramsgate at 10 that night, he tied up to a trawler lying next to the quay. The usual group of waterfront onlookers drifted over to watch. All assumed that the 50 men on deck would be _Sundowner's_ full load—an impressive achievement in itself. But troops continued to pour out of hatches and companionways until a grand total of 130 men were landed. Turning to Lightoller, an astonished bystander could only ask, "God's truth, mate! Where did you put them?" So the evacuation went on. Despite bombs and frayed nerves, 64,429 men were returned this June 1. They ranged from the peppery General Montgomery to Private Bill Hersey, who also managed to embark his French bride, Augusta, now thinly disguised in British battle dress. The number lifted off the beaches fell as the troops pulled back from La Panne, but a record 47,081 were rescued from Dunkirk itself. The eastern mole continued to survive the battering it took from bombs, shells, and inept shiphandling. At 3:40 p.m. the small minesweeper _Mare_ edged toward the mole, hoping to pick up one more load of British soldiers waiting on the long wooden walkway. Nothing unusual about that, but then something happened that was completely unprecedented. The captain of a British destroyer lying nearby ordered _Mare_ to proceed instead to the western mole and embark French and Belgian troops. For the first time a British ship was specifically diverted from British to Allied personnel. _Mare_ crossed the harbor and found a Portsmouth steam hopper and drifter already working the western mole. Three more minesweepers joined in, and between them the six ships lifted 1,200 poilus in little more than an hour. Such endeavors helped produce statistics that were far more significant than any single incident: on June 1 a total of 35,013 French were embarked, as against 29,416 British. At last Winston Churchill had some figures he could take to Paris without embarrassment. For the Royal Navy, _bras-dessus, bras-dessous_ had become an accomplished fact. All morning the top command at London, Dover, and Dunkirk watched the pounding of the rescue fleet with growing alarm. Around noon Admiral Drax of The Nore Command at Chatham called the Admiralty's attention to the mounting destroyer losses. The time had come, he suggested, to stop using them during daylight. Ramsay reluctantly agreed, and at 1:45 p.m. flashed the message, "All destroyers are to return to harbour forthwith." The _Malcolm_ was just starting out on one more trip across the Channel. No ship had better morale, but even Lieutenant Mellis's bagpipes were no longer enough to lift the men's spirits. The air was full of stories about sinking ships, and the general feeling was that _Malcolm_ would get it next. Then, as she cleared the breakwater, Ramsay's message arrived, ordering her back. Mellis felt he now knew how a reprieved prisoner feels. The _Worcester_ was just entering Dunkirk harbor, and her skipper, Commander Allison, decided it didn't make sense to return without picking up one more load at the mole. Packed with troops, she finally pulled out at 5:00 p.m. and immediately came under attack. Wave after wave of Stukas dived on her—three or four squadrons of about nine each—dropping more than 100 bombs. They pressed their attacks home, too, diving as low as 200 to 300 feet. Miraculously, there were no direct hits, but near misses sent giant columns of water over the ship, and bomb splinters riddled her thin steel plates. By the time the attacks tapered off, 46 men lay dead, 180 wounded. Watching _Worcester's_ ordeal from his command post at the foot of the mole, Captain Tennant decided this was enough. At 6:00 p.m. he radioed Ramsay: > Things are getting very hot for ships; over 100 bombers on ships here since 0530, many casualties. Have directed that no ships sail during daylight. Evacuation by transports therefore ceases at 0300.... If perimeter holds, will complete evacuation tomorrow, Sunday night, including most French.... But _could_ the perimeter hold another day? London had its doubts. "Every effort must be made to complete the evacuation tonight," General Dill had wired Weygand at 2:10 p.m. At 4 o'clock Winston Churchill warned Reynaud by telephone that the evacuation might be stretched out a day longer, but "by waiting too long, we run the risk of losing everything." As late as 8:00 p.m. Ramsay sent a ringing appeal to his whole rescue fleet, calling for "one last effort." At Dunkirk General Alexander originally felt the same way, but by now he wanted more time. He was determined to get the rest of the BEF home, yet on the morning of June 1 there were still 39,000 British troops in the perimeter, plus 100,000 French. Applying the equal numbers policy, that meant lifting at least 78,000 men in the next 24 hours—obviously impossible. At 8:00 a.m. he dropped by Bastion 32 with a new withdrawal plan, extending the evacuation through the night of June 2–3. Admiral Abrial gladly went along: the French had always had greater confidence than the British in holding the perimeter. Toward evening Captain Tennant agreed too. There was no alternative once he made the decision to end daylight operations. London still had its doubts, but in the end the chairborne warriors at the Admiralty and War Office had to face an unpleasant truth: they just didn't know enough to make the decision. At 6:41 General Dill wired Alexander: > We do not order any fixed moment for evacuation. You are to hold on as long as possible in order that the maximum number of French and British may be evacuated. Impossible from here to judge local situation. In close cooperation with Admiral Abrial you must act in this matter on your own judgment. So Alexander now had a green light. The evacuation would continue through the night of June 2–3, as he and Captain Tennant proposed. But success still depended on Tennant's precondition: " _if_ the perimeter holds." This was a very big "if" and the answer lay beyond the control of the leaders in London, Dover, or Dunkirk itself. # 13 # "BEF Evacuated" ON THE 2ND COLDSTREAM Guards' segment of the defense line along the Bergues-Furnes Canal, Lieutenant Jimmy Langley waited in the cottage he had so carefully fortified and stocked with provisions. He had no idea when the British planned to pull out—company officers weren't privy to such things—but his men were ready for a long siege. In the first light of the new day, June 1, Langley looked through the peephole he had made in the roof, but could see nothing. A thick mist hung over the canal and the flat meadows to the south. Sunrise. The mist burned off, and there—600 yards away on the other side of the canal—stood a working party of German troops. There were perhaps 100 of them, armed only with spades, and what their assignment was, Langley never knew. A blaze of gunfire from the cottage mowed them down—the last "easy" Germans he would meet that day. The firing steadily increased as the enemy troops joined in. At one point they wheeled up an antitank gun, and Langley watched with interest as they pointed it right at his cottage. A few seconds later an antitank shell came crashing through the roof, ricocheting wildly about the attic. The Coldstreamers tumbled down the stairs and out the front door as four more shells arrived. The enemy fire slackened off, and Langley's men reoccupied their fortress. The big danger lay to the right. At 11:00 a.m. General von Kuechler launched his "systematic attack," and around noon the enemy stormed across the canal just east of Bergues. The 1st East Lancashires were forced back and might have been overrun completely but for the prodigious valor of a company commander, Captain Ervine-Andrews. Gathering a handful of volunteers, he climbed to the thatched roof of a barn and held off the Germans with a Bren gun. Just to the left of the East Lanes were the 5th Borderers. Now across the canal in strength, the enemy smashed at them too. If they collapsed, the 2nd Coldstream, to their left, would be hit next. An officer from the Borderers hurried over to Major McCorquodale's command post to warn that his battalion was exhausted and about to withdraw. "I order you to stay put and fight it out," the Major answered. "You cannot do that. I have overriding orders from my colonel to withdraw when I think fit." McCorquodale saw no point in arguing: "You see that big poplar tree on the road with the white milestone beside it? The moment you or any of your men go back beyond that tree, we will shoot you." The officer again protested, but the Major had had enough. "Get back or I will shoot you now and send one of my officers to take command." The Borderer officer went off, and McCorquodale turned to Langley, standing nearby: "Get a rifle. Sights at 250. You will shoot to kill the moment he passes that tree. Are you clear?" McCorquodale picked up a rifle himself, and the two Coldstreamers sat waiting, guns trained on the tree. Soon the Borderer officer reappeared near the tree with two of his men. They paused, then the officer moved on past McCorquodale's deadline. Two rifles cracked at the same instant. The officer fell, and Langley never knew which one of them got him. Such measures weren't enough. The 5th Borderers fell back, leaving the Coldstream's flank wide open. Jimmy Langley's fortified cottage soon came under fire. The afternoon turned into a jumble of disconnected incidents: knocking out a German gun with the much-despised Boyes antitank rifle... washing down a delicious chicken stew with white wine... using the Bren guns in the attic to set three German lorries on fire, blocking the canal road for precious minutes. At one point an old lady appeared from nowhere, begging for shelter. Langley told her to go to hell; then, overcome by remorse, he put her in a back room where he thought she might be safe. Another time he went to the battalion command post to see how McCorquodale was getting along. The Major was lying beside his trench, apparently hit. "I am tired, so very tired," he told Langley. Then, "Get back to the cottage, and carry on." By now the Germans had occupied a house across the canal from Langley's place, and the firing grew more intense than ever. In the attic one of the Bren guns conked out, and Langley ordered the other downstairs. It would be more useful there, if the enemy tried to swim the canal and rush the cottage. Langley himself stayed in the attic, sniping with a rifle. Suddenly a crash... a shower of tiles and beams... a blast of heat that bowled Langley over. In the choking dust he heard a small voice say, "I've been hit"—then realized that the voice was his own. It didn't hurt yet, but his left arm was useless. A medical orderly appeared, slapped on a dressing, and began bandaging his head. So that had been hit too. He was gently carried down from the attic, put into a wheelbarrow, and trundled to the rear—one of the few Coldstreamers small enough to make an exit this way. By now it was dark, and the battle tapered off. Firmly established across the canal, Kuechler's infantry settled down for the night. Resumption of the "systematic attack" could wait until morning. The British began quietly pulling back to the sea. It was all very precise: each battalion took along its Bren guns and Boyes antitank rifles. The 2nd Hampshires marched by their commander, closed up in three's, rifles at the slope. Most positions were abandoned by 10:00 p.m. As the gunners of the 53rd Field Regiment marched cross-country toward Dunkirk, a sharp challenge broke the silence of the night, followed by a blaze of rifle fire. French troops, moving into defensive positions along the network of waterways that laced the area, had mistaken them for Germans. No one was hit; the mix-up was soon straightened out; and the British gunners continued on their way, but with new respect for their ally. These Frenchmen were all business. Part of the 32nd Infantry Division, they had escaped with their corps commander, the feisty General de la Laurencie, from the German trap at Lille. Together with the local garrison troops of the _Secteur Fortifié des Flandres,_ they were now taking over the center of the perimeter from the retiring BEF. At the same time, the French 12th Division, which had also escaped from Lille, was moving into the old fortifications that lined the Belgian frontier. Dug in here, they would cover the eastern flank of the new shortened defense line. Since General Beaufrère's 68th Division had always defended the west flank, the entire perimeter was now manned by the French. It was hard to believe that only yesterday, May 31, Winston Churchill had emotionally told the Allied Supreme War Council that the remaining British divisions would form the rear guard so that the French could escape. Since then there had been, bit by bit, a complete turn-around. Instead of the British acting as rear guard for the French, the French were now acting as rear guard for the British. Later the French would charge that the switch was yet another trick by "perfidious Albion." Actually, the British weren't all that pleased by the arrangement. They had little faith left in their ally. As the 5th Green Howards pulled back through the French guarding the new defense line along the Belgian border, Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. Bush collected his company officers and paid a courtesy call on the local French commander. The real purpose was not to cement Allied unity, but to see whether the French were up to the job. They turned out to be first-rate troops under a first-rate officer. These French had their first test on the afternoon of the 1st, as Kuechler's "systematic attack" cautiously approached from the east. General Janssen's 12th Division stopped the Germans cold. All the way west it was the same story. The Germans had some armor here—the only tanks that hadn't gone south—but General Beaufrère's artillery, firing over open sights, managed to hold the line. Covered by the French, the remaining British units converged on Dunkirk all through the night of June 1–2. As the 6th Durham Light Infantry trudged through the ruined suburb of Rosendaël, the steady crunch of the men's boots on broken glass reminded Captain John Austin of marching over hard ice crystals on a cold winter's day. It was a black, moonless night, but the way was lit by burning buildings and the flash of exploding shells. The German infantry might be taking the night off, but not their artillery. The DLI's hunched low, as against a storm, their steel helmets gleaming from the light of the flames. Admiral Ramsay's ships were already waiting for them. Lifting operations were to run from 9:00 p.m. to 3:00 a.m. but when the first destroyer reached the mole, few of the troops had arrived from the perimeter. Those who came down from Bray-Dunes were mostly huddled in the houses and hotels along the beach promenade, seeking cover from the rain of shells. Commander E. R. Condor couldn't see anybody at all when he brought the destroyer _Whitshed_ alongside the mole soon after dark. Just smoke, flames, and a few dogs sniffing around. Spotting a bicycle lying on the walkway, Condor mounted it and pedaled toward shore looking for somebody to rescue. Eventually he found some poilus, and then some Tommies near the base of the mole. He sent them all out, along with a few other troops who now began to appear. At 10:30 p.m. Major Allan Adair led out the 3rd Grenadier Guards, still carrying their Bren guns; they boarded the Channel steamer _Newhaven_... at 11:00 hundreds of French joined the crowd, and for a while the troops moved out four abreast—unconsciously symbolizing the troubled alliance... at 12:00 the gunners of the 99th Field Regiment marched out to the destroyer _Winchelsea._ Occasional shells prodded them along. "I've been hit," the man next to Sergeant E. C. Webb quietly remarked, dropping out of line. "Hand out the wounded"... "Lay out the dead"... "Wounded to the front"... "Watch the hole." The sailors of the shore party kept up a running stream of orders and directions as they guided the troops along. An effort was made to keep a lane open for the stretcher bearers, but there was no time for the dead. They were simply pushed off the mole onto the pilings below. It was after midnight when the 1st/6th East Surreys finally reached the mole. There was a long queue now, and the wait stretched into hours. The mole itself was so packed that the line barely moved, and the East Surreys were still inching forward when word came at 2:00 a.m. that the last two ships of the night were alongside—a big paddle steamer, and just ahead of her a destroyer. It was almost 3:00 by the time the East Surreys reached the paddle steamer. Deciding there was no time to lose, the battalion commander Colonel Armstrong quickly divided his men in two, sent the first half up ahead to the destroyer, and ordered the rear-guard half to go aboard the steamer. A few East Surreys were still waiting to embark, when the cry went up, "No more!" Armstrong emphatically pushed the last men down the gangway, then slid down himself as the vessel cast off. The 5th Green Howards were halfway down the mole at 3:00. They had spent most of the night coming down from Bray-Dunes. It was only six miles, but the sand, the darkness, their utter weariness all slowed them down, and they took nearly five hours to make the march. Now, mixed in with other British units and a great horde of French, they slowly moved along the walkway, with frequent stops that nobody could explain. It was during one of these halts when the word came down, "No more boats tonight. Clear the mole!" Bitterly disappointed, the Green Howards turned back, only to run headlong into other troops who hadn't gotten the word yet. For a while there was much pushing and shoving, and all movement came to a standstill. At this point a salvo of German shells landed squarely on the base of the mole, mowing down scores of men. If Commander Clouston had been on hand, things might have gone more smoothly, but he had returned to Dover for the night. He had served as pier master for five days and nights without a break—had sent off over 100,000 men—now he wanted to confer with Ramsay about the last, climactic stage of the evacuation, and perhaps get a good night's sleep. While the destroyers and Channel steamers lifted troops off the mole, Ramsay's plan called for the minesweepers and smaller paddle-wheelers to work the beach just to the east, going as far as Malo-les-Bains. Thousands of British and French soldiers stood in three or four queues curling into the sea as far as a man could wade. Gunner F. Noon of the 53rd Field Regiment waited for two full hours, while the water crept over his ankles... his knees... his waist... and up to his neck. Then, as the first trace of dawn streaked the eastern sky, somebody shouted, "No more! The ships will return tonight!" The 2nd Coldstream Guards was another unit to reach the harbor late. After their long stand on the canal, the men were bone-tired, but they still had their Brens. As they moved down the paved promenade at Malo-les-Bains, they marched in perfect step, arms swinging. Most of the waiting troops watched in awe and admiration, but not all. "I'll bet that's the bloody Guards," called a caustic voice in the dark. "Try marching on tiptoes!" One Coldstreamer who wasn't late was Lieutenant Jimmy Langley. Groggy from his wounds, he was vaguely aware of being trundled from the battlefield by wheelbarrow and loaded into an ambulance. The ride was one of those stop-and-go affairs that seem to take forever. He still felt no pain, but he was thirsty and dreadfully uncomfortable. Blood kept dripping onto his face from the man above him. At last the ambulance stopped, and Langley's stretcher was lifted out. "This way," somebody said. "The beach is 200 yards ahead of you." The stretcher party reached the water's edge. A ship's lifeboat lay waiting, rubbing gently against the sand. An officer in a naval greatcoat came over and asked Langley, "Can you get off your stretcher?" "No, I don't think so." "Well, I'm very sorry, we cannot take you. Your stretcher would occupy the places of four men. Orders are, only those who can stand or sit up." Langley said nothing. It was hard to be turned back after coming so close, but he understood. The stretcher bearers picked him up and carried him, still silent, back to the ambulance. About this time another Coldstreamer, Sergeant L.H.T. Court, joined one of the queues on the beach. Attached to 1st Guards Brigade HQ, he was carrying the brigade war diary, an imposing volume inscribed on a stack of Army Forms C 2118. As he slowly moved forward into the sea, Court found his mind absorbed by three things: his bride of less than a year; his brother, just killed in Belgium; and the mountain of Forms C 2118 he was trying to save. As the water reached his chest, he once again thought about his young wife. They had no children yet, and if he didn't return she'd have nothing to remember him by. This lugubrious thought was interrupted by his sudden discovery that some of the Forms C 2118 were floating away. A good headquarters man to the end, he put aside all else, and frantically splashed around retrieving his files. Eventually Court neared the front of the queue, where a naval launch was ferrying men to a larger vessel further out. Then, at 3:00 a.m. a voice called out from the launch that this was the last trip, but added that there would be another boat later on. Court continued waiting, but no other boat ever came. Some of the men turned back toward the shore, but Court and a few others waded over to a grounded fishing smack lying nearby. He was hauled aboard, still clutching the brigade war diary. The tide was coming in, and around 4:30 the boat began to move. By now some 90 to 100 men were aboard, most of them packed in the hold where the fish were normally put. A few knowledgeable hands hoisted the sails, and a course was set for England. But there was no wind, and nearly twelve hours later they were still only a mile and a half from Dunkirk. At this point a passing destroyer picked them up, including Court and the lovingly preserved papers. There were others, too, who weren't inclined to wait eighteen hours for the Royal Navy to come back the following night. Thirty-six men of the 1st Duke of Wellington's Regiment took over a sailing barge appropriately called the _Iron Duke._ Colonel L. C. Griffith-Williams salvaged another stranded barge, loaded it with artillerymen, and set off for Britain. He knew nothing about navigation, but he found a child's atlas and a toy compass aboard. That would be enough. When a patrol boat later intercepted them, they were heading for Germany. While the more adventuresome improvised ways to escape, most of the troops trudged back to the shore to wait out the eighteen hours. They passed the time in a variety of ways. It was now Sunday, June 2, and some men joined a chaplain celebrating Holy Communion on the beach at Malo-les-Bains. Ted Harvey, a fisherman stranded when his motor launch conked out, joined an impromptu soccer game. The 4th/7th Royal Dragoon Guards enjoyed motorcycle races in the sand and bet on which waterfront building would be hit by the next German shell. But the most important game was to stay alive. Most of the waiting troops crowded into any place that seemed to offer the faintest hope of shelter. One group settled down in the shattered hulk of the French destroyer _l'Adroit,_ lying just off Malo. Wrecked though she was, her twisted steel seemed to offer a measure of security. Others picked an old watchtower left over from Napoleon's time; its thick stone walls also seemed to promise safety. Others packed the cellars of nearby buildings. The remnants of the 53rd Field Regiment chose the Café des Fleurs—flimsy, but it was right on the _plage._ Headquarters of the 5th Green Howards was established at 22 rue Gambetta, a comfortable house about a block from the beach. Here the battalion also adopted a stray poilu, who made right for the kitchen. True to the great tradition of his country, he soon produced a superb stew of beef and wine. Promptly christened "Alphonse," he was made an honorary member of the battalion and from now on sported a British tin hat. The 5th Green Howards offered something very rare at Dunkirk: a sizable body of organized troops, complete with their own officers and accustomed to working together. Recalling the chaos at the mole when the loading stopped the previous dawn, the battalion commander Lieutenant-Colonel W. E. Bush decided the Green Howards had a useful role to play during the coming night, June 2–3. They would form a cordon to control the traffic and insure an orderly flow of men to the ships as they arrived. Four officers and 100 men should be enough to do the job. Those selected would, of course, be last off and might very well be left behind. The officers drew lots for the honor. Plans for the evening were moving ahead at Dover loo. Early in the morning Admiral Wake-Walker came over by MTB from Dunkirk. After a couple hours' rest, he attended a joint naval and military conference in the Dynamo Room. No one knew how many troops were left to be evacuated, but Wake-Walker gave an educated guess of 5,000 British and anywhere from 30,000 to 40,000 French. Fortunately there were plenty of ships on hand. The suspension of daylight evacuation made it possible to collect virtually the whole fleet at Dover and the other southeast ports. Ramsay planned to use this vast concentration for what he called a "massed descent" on Dunkirk harbor. All troops to leave from Dunkirk itself; no more lifting from the beaches. Embarkation to start at 9:00 p.m. and continue until 3:00 a.m. Staggered sailings to insure a steady flow of ships. Three or four vessels to be alongside the mole continuously. Slow vessels to start first; fast ones later, to keep the flow even. Captain Denny argued that the plan was too complicated—it would only result in confusion. It would be better simply to send everything over, and let the men on the spot work the details out. But most of the staff felt the scheme was worth trying. As finally worked out, the plan provided for enough large ships to lift 37,000 men, plus whatever number might be picked up by the small craft that continued to ply across the Channel. In addition, the French would be using their own ships to lift troops from the beach just east of the mole, and from the west pier in the outer harbor. That should finish the job, and at 10:52 a.m., June 2, Ramsay signaled his whole command: > The final evacuation is staged for tonight, and the Nation looks to the Navy to see this through. I want every ship to report as soon as possible whether she is fit and ready to meet the call which has been made on our courage and endurance. "Ready and anxious to carry out your order"... "Fit and ready"—the replies were bravely Nelsonian. But beneath the surface, most of the rescuers felt like Sub-Lieutenant Rutherford Crosby on the paddle-sweeper _Oriole._ His heart sank when he heard they were going back again. He thought the evacuation was all over. Ramsay had said as much yesterday, when he called for "one last effort." But, like Crosby, most of the others soon resigned themselves to facing another desperate night. "We were going," he later wrote, "and that was all there was to it." Not everyone agreed. The three passenger steamers at Folkestone— _Ben-My-Chree, Matines,_ and _Tynwald—_ continued to give trouble. Most of the day they were kept anchored in the harbor, but at 6:50 p.m. _Ben-My-Chree_ came alongside the jetty to be readied for the night's work. The crew lined the rails, demonstrating and shouting that they were going to leave the ship. When they tried to go ashore a couple of minutes later, they were turned back by an armed naval guard advancing up the gangplank with fixed bayonets. A relief crew quickly took over, and _Ben-My-Chree_ finally sailed at 7:05. Only the chief officer, three gunners, and the wireless operator remained from the original crew. Then it was _Tynwald's_ turn. Her crew didn't try to leave, but as she docked at 7:10 p.m., they hooted and shouted down at the naval sentries. At 7:30 she was still sitting at the pier. Meanwhile, nobody had paid any attention to the _Matines._ At 4:30 p.m. she quietly weighed anchor, and without any authorization whatsoever, stood off for Southampton. Her master later explained, "It seemed in the best interests of all concerned." There was, in fact, good reason for the civilian crews on these Channel steamers to be afraid. They were virtually unarmed and presented the biggest targets at Dunkirk. If any further proof were needed, it was supplied by a series of incidents that began at 10:30 on the morning of June 2. At this time the Dynamo Room received an urgent message from Captain Tennant in Dunkirk: > Wounded situation acute. Hospital ship should enter during the day. Geneva Convention will be honourably observed. It is felt that the enemy will refrain from attack. The plight of the wounded had been growing steadily worse for several days, aggravated by the decision to lift only fit men in the regular transports. Now Tennant was trying to ease the situation with this special appeal for hospital ships. He had, of course, no way of knowing whether the enemy would respect the Red Cross, but he sent the message in clear, hoping that the Germans would intercept it and order the Luftwaffe to lay off. The Dynamo Room swung into action right away, and at 1:30 p.m. the hospital ship _Worthing_ started across the Channel. Gleaming white and with standard Red Cross markings, it was impossible to mistake her for a regular transport. But that didn't help her today. Two-thirds of the way across, _Worthing_ was attacked by a dozen Ju 88's. No hits, but nine bombs fell close enough to damage the engine room and force her back to Dover. At 5:00 p.m. the hospital ship _Paris_ sailed. She got about as far as the _Worthing,_ when three planes tore into her. Again no hits, but near misses started leaks and burst the pipes in the engine room. As _Paris_ drifted out of control, Captain Biles swung out his boats and fired several distress rockets. These attracted fifteen more German planes. The Dynamo Room sent tugs to the rescue and continued preparing for the coming night's "massed descent." With so many vessels involved, it was essential to have the best men possible controlling traffic and directing the flow of ships and men. Fortunately the best was once again available. Commander Clouston, fresh from a night's rest, would once more be pier master on the mole. To help him, Captain Denny assigned an augmented naval berthing party of 30 men. Sub-Lieutenant Michael Solomon, whose fluent French had been a godsend to Clouston since the 31st, would again serve as interpreter and liaison officer. The Clouston party left Dover at 3:30 p.m. in two RAF crash boats: _No. 243,_ with the Commander himself in charge, and _No. 270,_ commanded by Sub-Lieutenant Roger Wake, an aggressive young Royal Navy regular. They were going well ahead of the other ships in order to get Dunkirk organized for the night's work. It was a calm, lazy afternoon, and as the two boats droned across an empty Channel, the war seemed far away. Then suddenly Lieutenant Wake heard "a roar, a rattle, and a bang." Startled, he looked up in time to see a Stuka diving on Clouston's boat about 200 yards ahead. It dropped a bomb— missed—then opened up with its machine guns. No time to see what happened next. Seven more Stukas were plunging on the two motor boats, machine guns blazing. Wake ordered his helm hard to port, and for the next ten minutes played a desperate dodging game, as the Stukas took turns bombing and strafing him. In an open cockpit all the way aft, Lieutenant de Vasseau Roux, a French liaison officer, crouched behind the Lewis machine gun, hammering away at the German planes. He never budged an inch—not even when a bullet took the sight off his gun six inches from his nose. One of the Stukas fell, and the others finally broke off. Now at last Wake had a moment to see how Clouston's boat had weathered the storm. Only the bow was visible, and the whole crew were in the water. Wake hurried over to pick up the survivors, but Clouston waved him off... told him to get on to Dunkirk, as ordered. Wake wanted at least to pick up Clouston as senior officer, but the Commander refused to leave his men. There was no choice; Wake turned again for Dunkirk. Clouston and his men continued swimming, clustered around the shattered bow of their boat. A French liaison officer clinging to the wreck reported an empty lifeboat floating in the sea a mile or so away. Sub-Lieutenant Solomon asked permission to swim over and try to bring it back for the survivors. Clouston not only approved; he decided to come along. This was their best chance of rescue, and Solomon alone might not be enough. Clouston was a splendid athlete, a good swimmer, and confident of his strength. Perhaps that was the trouble. He didn't realize how tired he was. After a short while, he was exhausted and had to swim back to the others clinging to the wreck. Hours passed, but Solomon never returned with the empty boat. As the men waited, they sang and discussed old times together, while Clouston tried to encourage them with white lies about the nearness of rescue. One by one they disappeared, victims of exposure, until finally Clouston too was gone, and only Aircraftsman Carmaham remained to be picked up alive by a passing destroyer. Meanwhile Sub-Lieutenant Solomon had indeed reached the empty boat. He too was exhausted, but after a long struggle managed to climb aboard. He did his best to row back to the wreck, but there was only one oar. After an hour he gave up: the boat was too large, the distance too far; and it was already dark. He drifted all night and was picked up just before dawn by the French fishing smack _Stella Maria._ Wined, rested, and wearing a dry French sailor's uniform, he was brought back to Dover and transferred to the French control ship _Savorgnan de Brazza._ His story sounded so far-fetched he was briefly held on suspicion of being a German spy. Nor did his fluent French help him any. _"Il prétend être anglais,"_ the French commander observed, _"mais moi je crois qu'il est allemand parce qu'il parle français trop bien."_ In short, he spoke French too well to be an Englishman. An hour and a half after Clouston's advance party left Dover on the afternoon of June 2, Ramsay's evacuation fleet began its "massed descent" on Dunkirk. As planned, the slowest ships led the way, leaving at 5 p.m. They were mostly small fishing boats—like the Belgian trawler _Cor Jésu,_ the French _Jeanne Antoine,_ and the brightly painted little _Ciel de France._ Next came six skoots... then the whole array of coasters, tugs, yachts, cabin cruisers, excursion steamers, and ferries that by now were such a familiar sight streaming across the Channel... then the big packets and mail steamers, the minesweepers and French torpedo boats... and finally, kicking up great bow waves as they knifed through the sea, the last eleven British destroyers of a collection that originally totaled 40. The Southern Railway's car ferry _Autocarrier_ was a new addition. Lumbering along, she attracted a lot of attention, for in 1940 a car ferry was still a novelty in the cross-Channel service. The Isle of Man steamer _Tynwald_ wasn't new, but in her own way she was conspicuous too. At Folkestone her crew had balked at making another trip. Now here she was, steaming along as though nothing had happened. It hadn't been easy. Learning of the trouble, Ramsay sent over Commander William Bushell, one of his best trouble-shooters. The Commander arrived to find _Tynwald_ tied up at the quay, her crew in rebellion. Dover's instructions were a masterpiece of practical psychology: Bushell was on no account to consider himself in command of the ship, but was to make whatever changes were necessary to get her to Dunkirk. The chief officer relieved the master... the second relieved the chief... a new second was found... other substitutes were rushed down from London by bus... naval and military gun crews were added. At 9:15 p.m. _Tynwald_ was on her way. More than ever the ships were manned by a crazy hodgepodge of whoever was available. The crew of the War Department launch _Marlborough_ consisted of four sub-lieutenants, four stokers, two RAF sergeants, and two solicitors from the Treasury who had come down on their day off. David Divine, the sea-going journalist, left the _Little Ann_ stranded on a sand bar, hitched a ride home, shopped around Ramsgate for another boat, found a spot on the 30-foot motor launch _White Wing._ "Where do you think you're going?" a very formal, professional-looking naval officer asked, as _White Wing_ prepared to shove off. "To Dunkirk," Divine replied. "No you're not," said the officer, as Divine wondered whether he had broken some regulation. After all, he was new at this sort of thing. But the explanation had nothing to do with Divine. _White Wing,_ of all unlikely vessels, had been selected as flagship for an admiral. Rear-Admiral A. H. Taylor, the Maintenance Officer at Sheerness Dockyard, had now serviced, manned and dispatched over 100 small craft for "Dynamo." He was a retired officer holding down a good desk job in London; he had every reason to go back feeling he had done his bit—so he went to Ramsgate and wangled his way across the Channel. There was a rumor that British troops were still at Malo-les-Bains, somewhat blocked off from the mole. Taylor quickly persuaded Ramsay that he should lead a separate group of skoots and slow motor boats over to Malo and get them. He picked _White Wing_ for himself; so it was that almost by accident David Divine became an "instant flag lieutenant" for a genuine admiral. At 9:30 p.m. Captain Tennant's chief assistant, Commander Guy Maund, positioned himself with a loudhailer at the seaward end of the eastern mole. As the ships began arriving, he became a sort of "traffic cop," ordering them here and there, wherever they were needed. Admiral Taylor's flotilla was directed to the beach at Malo, but there was nobody there. His ships then joined the general rescue effort centered on the mole. As Denny had predicted, it was impossible to draw up a detailed blueprint at Dover; Maund used his own judgment in guiding the flow of ships. The mole itself got first call. As the destroyers and Channel steamers loomed out of the dusk, Maund gave them their berthing assignments. A strong tide was setting west, and the ships had an especially difficult time coming alongside. Admiral Wake-Walker, hovering nearby in the speedboat _MA/SB 10,_ used her as a tug to nudge one of the destroyers against the pilings. At the base of the mole, Commander Renfrew Gotto and Brigadier Parminter, imperturbable as ever, regulated the flow of troops onto the walkway. The Green Howards, bayonets fixed, formed their cordon as planned, keeping the queues in order. There was plenty of light from the still-blazing city. Shortly after 9:00 the last of the BEF started down the mole. Lieutenant-Colonel H. S. Thuillier, commanding the one remaining antiaircraft detachment, spiked his seven guns and guided his men aboard the destroyer _Shikari._ The 2nd Coldstream Guards filed onto the destroyer _Sabre,_ still proudly carrying their Bren guns. With only a handful of men left, the Green Howards dissolved their cordon and joined the parade. The last unit to embark was probably the 1st King's Shropshire Light Infantry. These last detachments ignored the order to leave behind their casualties. On the _Sabre_ there were only fourteen stretcher cases, but over 50 wounded were carried aboard by their comrades. Commander Brian Dean, _Sabre's_ captain, never heard a complaint "and hardly ever a groan." In the midst of the crowd streaming onto the mole walked two officers, carrying a suitcase between them. One was a staff officer, worn and rumpled like everyone else. The other looked fresh, immaculate in service dress. Calm as ever, General Alexander was leaving with the final remnants of his command. By prearrangement the _MA/SB 10_ was waiting, and Admiral Wake-Walker welcomed the General aboard. They briefly checked the beaches to make sure all British units were off, then headed for the destroyer _Venomous,_ still picking up troops at the mole. Commander John McBeath of the _Venomous_ was standing on his bridge when a voice from the dark hailed him, asking if he could handle "some senior officers and staffs." McBeath told them to come aboard, starboard side aft. "We've got a couple of generals now—fellows called Alexander and Percival," Lieutenant Angus Mackenzie reported a few minutes later. He added that he had put them with a few aides in McBeath's cabin, "but I'm afraid one of the colonels has hopped into your bed with his spurs on." _Venomous_ pulled out about 10:00 p.m., packed with so many troops she almost rolled over. McBeath stopped, trimmed ship, then hurried on across the Channel. At 10:30 the destroyer _Winchelsea_ began loading. As the troops swarmed aboard, Commander Maund noticed they were no longer British—just French. To Maund that meant the job was over, and he arranged with _Winchelsea's_ captain to take him along on the trip back to Dover. Captain Tennant also felt the job was done. At 10:50 he loaded the last of his naval party onto the speedboat _MTB 102;_ then he too jumped aboard and headed for England. Just before leaving, he radioed Ramsay a final signal: "Operation completed. Returning to Dover." Boiled down by some gifted paraphraser to just the words, "BEF evacuated," Tennant's message would subsequently be hailed as a masterpiece of dramatic succinctness. Sub-Lieutenant Roger Wake was now the only British naval officer on the mole. With Tennant, Maund, and the other old hands gone—and with Clouston lost on the way over—Wake became pier master by inheritance, and it was not an enviable assignment. He was short-handed, and he was only a sub-lieutenant—not much rank to throw in a crisis. At the moment it didn't make much difference. The mole was virtually empty. The British troops had left, and there were no French. "Plenty of ships, cannot get troops," Wake-Walker radioed Dover at 1:15 a.m. In two hours it would be daylight, June 3, and all loading would have to stop. Time was flying, but half a dozen vessels lay idle alongside the deserted walkway. "Now, Sub, I want 700. Go and get them," Lieutenant E. L. Davies, captain of the paddle-sweeper _Oriole,_ told Sub-Lieutenant Rutherford Crosby, as they stood together on the mole wondering where everybody was. Crosby headed toward shore, ducking and waiting from time to time, whenever a shell sounded close. At last, near the base of the mole, he came to a mass of poilus. There was no embarkation officer in sight; so he summoned up his schoolboy French. _"Venez ici, tout le monde!"_ he called, gesturing them to follow him. The way back led past another ship berthed at the mole, and her crew did their best to entice Crosby's group into their own vessel, like carnival barkers at a country fair. The rule was "first loaded, first away," and nobody wanted to hang around Dunkirk any longer than necessary. Crosby made sure none of his charges strayed—let the other crews find their own Frenchmen. They were trying. Captain Nicholson, substitute skipper of the _Tynwald,_ walked toward the shore, shouting that his ship could take thousands. The _Albury_ too sent out ambassadors, hawking the advantages of the big minesweeper. She eventually rounded up about 200. But other ships could find no one. The car ferry _Autocarrier_ waited nearly an hour under heavy shelling... then was sent home, her cavernous interior still empty. It was the same with the destroyers _Express, Codrington,_ and _Malcolm._ Wake-Walker kept them on hand as long as he dared; but as dawn approached, and still no French, they went back empty too. Where were the French anyhow? To a limited extent it was the familiar story of the ships not being where the men were. As Walker made the rounds on _MA/SB 10,_ he could see plenty of soldiers at the Quai Félix Faure and the other quays and piers to the west, but very few ships. He tried to direct a couple of big transports over there, but that was a strange corner of the harbor for Ramsay's fleet. When the steamer _Rouen_ ran hard aground, the Admiral didn't dare risk any more. There were still the little ships, and Wake-Walker deployed them to help. The trawler _Yorkshire Lass_ penetrated deep into the inner harbor, as far as a vessel could go. Her skipper Sub-Lieutenant Chodzko had lost his ship the previous night, but that didn't make him any more cautious now. Smoke and flames were everywhere—buildings exploding, tracers streaking across the sky—as _Yorkshire Lass_ ran alongside a pier crowded with Frenchmen. Chodzko called on the troops to come, and about 100 leapt aboard... then three Tommies, somehow left behind... then, as _Yorkshire Lass_ threaded her way out again, a Royal Navy lieutenant-commander, apparently from one of the naval shore parties. A little further out, Commander H. R. Troup nudged the War Department's fast motor boat _Haig_ against another pier. Troup was one of Admiral Taylor's maintenance officers at Sheerness, but he too had wangled a ship for this big night. He picked up 40 poilus, ferried them to a transport waiting outside the harbor, then went back for another 39. By now every kind of craft was slipping in and out, plucking troops from the various docks and quays. Collisions and near collisions were the normal thing. As _Haig_ headed back out, a French tug rammed her. The hole was above the waterline; so Troup kept on. Two hundred yards, and _Haig_ was rammed again by another tug. As Troup transferred his soldiers to the minesweeper _Westward Ho,_ he was swamped when the minesweeper suddenly reversed engines to avoid still another collision. Troup now scrambled aboard _Westward Ho_ himself, leaving _Haig_ one more derelict in Dunkirk harbor. Forty men here, 100 there, helped clear the piers, but most of the French weren't in Dunkirk at all. They were still on the perimeter, holding back General von Kuechler's "systematic attack." To the east the 12th Division fought all day to keep the Germans out of Bray-Dunes. Toward evening General Janssen was killed by a bomb, but his men fought on. Southeast, flooding held the enemy at Ghyvelde. In the center, Colonel Menon's 137th Infantry Regiment clung to Teteghem. Southwest at Spycker, two enterprising naval lieutenants commanded three 155 mm. guns, blocking the road for hours. All the way west, the 68th Division continued to hold General von Hubicki's panzers. A French observer in the church tower at Mardyck had an uncanny knack of catching the slightest German movement. Corporal Hans Waitzbauer, radio operator of the 2nd Battery, 102nd Artillery Regiment, was exasperated. The battery had been promised Wiener schnitzel for lunch, but now here they were, pinned down by that sharp-eyed fellow in the church tower. Waitzbauer, a good Viennese, wasn't about to give up his Wiener schnitzel that easily. With Lieutenant Gertung's permission, he darted back, leaping from ditch to ditch, to the company kitchen. Then, with his pot of veal in both hands, a bottle of red wine in his trouser pocket, and half a loaf of white bread in each of his jacket pockets, he scurried back again. Shells and machine-gun bullets nipped at his heels all the way, but he made it safely and distributed his treasures to the battery. Lieutenant Gertung's only comment was, "You were lucky." With Kuechler's men pinned down in the east and west, the key to the advance was clearly Bergues, the old medieval town that anchored the center of the French line. If it could be taken, two good roads ran directly north to Dunkirk, just five miles to the north. But how to take it? The town was circled by thick walls and a moat designed by the great military engineer Vauban. For a defense conceived in the seventeenth century, it was amazingly effective in the 20th. A garrison of 1,000 troops was well dug in, and they were supported by strong artillery plus naval guns at Dunkirk. The RAF Bomber Command gave help from the air. Kuechler had been trying to take the place for two days, and it was still a stand-off. On the afternoon of June 2 it was decided to try a coordinated attack using Stukas and specially trained shock troops drawn from the 18th Regiment of Engineers. At 3:00 p.m. the Stukas attacked, concentrating on a section of the wall that seemed weaker than the rest. Nearby the engineers crouched with flame-throwers and assault ladders. At 3:15 the bombers let up, and the men stormed the wall, led by their commander Lieutenant Voigt. Dazed by the Stukas, the garrison surrendered almost immediately. Bergues taken, the Germans pressed on north toward Dunkirk, capturing Fort Vallières at dusk. They were now only three miles from the port, but at this point French General Fagalde scraped together every available man for a counterattack. It was a costly effort, but he managed to stop the German advance. Toward midnight the weary poilus began disengaging and working their way to the harbor, where they hoped the rescue fleet was still waiting. Kuechler did not press them. In keeping with his orders for the "systematic attack," he took no unnecessary risks, and the Germans did not usually fight at night anyhow. Besides, there was a feeling in the air that the campaign was really over. Outside captured Bergues, one unit of the 18th Division sat in the garden of a cottage "singing old folk-songs, soldier-songs, songs of love and home." General Haider spent a good part of the day distributing Iron Crosses to deserving staff officers. More than ever, all eyes were on the south. To the Luftwaffe, Dunkirk was now a finished story; it would be staging its first big raid on Paris tomorrow, June 3. Flying Officer B. J. Wicks, a Hurricane pilot shot down and working his way to the coast disguised as a Belgian peasant, noticed long columns of German troops—all heading south toward the Somme. It was about 2:30 a.m. on the 3rd when the first of the French defenders, relieved from the counterattack, began filing onto the mole. Most of the ships had now gone back to Dover, but a few were still there. Sub-Lieutenant Wake struggled to keep order. He might lack rank, but he did have an unusual piece of equipment— a hunting horn. It didn't do much good. The French seemed to know a thousand ways to slow down the embarkation. They tried to bring all their gear, their personal possessions, even their dogs. Many of them had inner tubes around their necks—improvised life preservers—and this bulky addition slowed them down even more. They invariably tried to crowd aboard the first boat they came to, rather than space themselves out over the full length of the mole. They insisted on keeping their units intact, never seemed to realize that they could be sorted out later in England. Right now the important thing was to get going before daylight. Wake and his handful of seamen did their best, but his schoolboy French never rose to the occasion. What he really needed was someone like Clouston's assistant Michael Solomon, who was fluent in the language and could deal with the French officers. Lacking that, neither shouts of _"Allez vite"_ nor blasts on the hunting horn could help. It was almost symbolic when some "damned Frenchman" (Wake's words) finally stepped on the horn and put it out of commission for good. As it grew light, Admiral Wake-Walker—still patrolling in _MA/SB 10_ —ordered all remaining ships to leave. The minesweeper _Speedwell_ cast off; in an hour alongside the mole she had taken aboard only 300 French soldiers. Sub-Lieutenant Wake caught a small French fishing smack, and transferred to a large Channel steamer outside the harbor. The skoot _Hilda_ lingered long enough for a final check of the beach at Malo—nobody there. At 3:10, as the last ships pulled out, three new vessels slipped in. These were block ships, to be sunk at the harbor entrance under the direction of Captain E. Dangerfield. The hope was, of course, to deny the Germans future use of the port. But nothing seemed to go right this frustrating night. When the block ships were scuttled, the current caught one of them and turned it parallel to the Channel, leaving plenty of room to enter and leave. "A most disheartening night," noted Admiral Wake-Walker on his return to Dover in the morning. He had hoped to lift over 37,000 men, actually got off only 24,000. At least 25,000 French—some said 40,000—were left behind. Wake-Walker tended to blame the French themselves for not providing their own berthing parties, but the British were the people used to running the mole. On May 31 Captain Tennant had, at Admiral Abrial's request, taken charge of both the British and French embarkation. It was asking a lot now to expect the French to take over on the spur of the moment. To General Weygand sitting in Paris, it was a familiar story. Once again "perfidious Albion" was walking out, leaving the French to shift for themselves. Even before the night's misadventures, he fired oft" a telegram to the French military attaché in London, urging that the evacuation continue another night to embark the 25,000 French troops who were holding off the Germans. "Emphasize that the solidarity of the two armies demands that the French rearguard be not sacrificed." Winston Churchill needed little convincing. He wired Weygand and Reynaud: > We are coming back for your men tonight. Please ensure that all facilities are used promptly. For three hours last night many ships waited idly at great risk and danger. In Dover at 10:09 on the morning of June 3, Admiral Ramsay signaled his command that their work was not over after all: > I hoped and believed that last night would see us through, but the French who were covering the retirement of the British rearguard had to repel a strong German attack and so were unable to send their troops to the pier in time to be embarked. We cannot leave our Allies in the lurch, and I call on all officers and men detailed for further evacuation tonight to let the world see that we never let down our Ally.... On the destroyer _Malcolm_ the morning had begun on a high note. She was just back from her seventh trip to Dunkirk, and was still in one piece. The last of the BEF had been evacuated, and everyone assumed that the operation was over. Breakfast in the ward room was a merry affair. Lieutenant Mellis fell on his bunk hoping to catch up on his sleep. He was so tired he didn't even take his clothes off. Several hours later he was awakened by the sound of men's feet on the deck overhead. He learned that the crew was assembling for an important announcement by Captain Halsey, who had just returned from Ramsay's headquarters. Halsey came quickly to the point: "The last of the BEF was able to come off because the French took over the perimeter last night. Now the French have asked us to take them off. We can't do anything else, can we?" No. But it was still a shock. For Mellis, it was the worst moment of the whole show. To enjoy that delicious feeling of relief and relaxation—and then to have it all snatched away—was almost more than he could stand. The ward room had planned a festive mess that evening, and decided to dress festively anyhow. When the _Malcolm_ sailed on her eighth trip to Dunkirk at 9:08 p.m., June 3, her officers were wearing their bow ties and monkey jackets. # 14 # The Last Night "IF YOU'VE NEVER SEEN any Germans, here they are." The announcement sounded strangely calm and detached to Edmond Perron, a minor Dunkirk official who had fled the blazing city with his family. The Perrons had found shelter on the farm of M. Wasel at Cappelle-la-Grande, a couple of miles to the south. As the fighting surged toward them, the Wasels and their guests retired to the stable for added protection. Now it was 3:00 p.m., June 3, and M. Wasel was peeking through the stable door and issuing bulletins on what he saw. M. Perron peered out, too. Men in green uniforms covered the plain to the south—running... lying down... getting up... crouching... always advancing. But they did not come to the Wasel farm. Reaching its edge, they veered to the left to get around a water-filled ditch, then continued north toward Dunkirk. General Lieutenant Christian Hansen's X Corps was closing in from the south. By 3:30 the 61st Division had passed the Wasel farm and occupied Cappelle itself. By evening the 18th Division, advancing from the southeast, had Fort Louis, an ancient landmark about a mile south of the port. Stukas helped reduce another little fort two miles to the east. The French were also crumbling farther east. Colonel Menon's 37th Infantry were finally overwhelmed at Teteghem. By this time his 1st Battalion was down to 50 men. One machine gunner was working two guns, feeding them with scraps of ammunition picked up on the ground. Held up the better part of two days, the battered victors joined the other German units now converging on the port. General Fagalde threw in everything he had left: the last of the 32nd Division... the coastal defense troops of the _Secteur Fortifié des Flandres..._ the remains of the 21st Division Training Centre... his own _Gardes Mobiles._ Somehow he stopped them, although machine-gun bullets were now clipping the trees of suburban Rosendaël. The end seemed very near to Sergeant Bill Knight of the Royal Engineers, who had somehow missed getting away with the last of the BEF. Now he was holed up in a cellar in Rosendaël with four other men from his unit. They had a truck, arms, plenty of food, but the German firing was so heavy that Knight felt they could never get to the harbor, even assuming the evacuation was still on. The little party was pretty much resigned to surrender when two Belgian civilians, who had also taken cover in the cellar, began talking about slipping through the lines to their farms near the village of Spycker. Listening to them, an idea suddenly occurred to Knight: they might be cut off from the harbor, but why not go the other way? Why not slip through the encircling German Army and rejoin the Allies on the Somme? A deal was quickly struck. Knight would give the Belgians transportation, if they would show him the little lanes and cow paths that might get them through the enemy lines unnoticed. Knight felt sure that the Germans were sticking to the main roads, and once through the cordon, it wouldn't be too hard to reach the Somme. They set off at dusk, June 3, bouncing along the back streets that led southwest out of town. All night they continued driving, guided by the Belgians and by a road map picked up at a garage they passed. Dawn on the 4th found them near Spycker. Here they dropped the two Belgians, and after a few final instructions continued heading southwest. They still used back roads, and when even these seemed dangerous, they lay low for a while in a field. Toward evening they had a lucky break. A German convoy appeared along the road, made up entirely of captured vehicles. They fell in behind, becoming the tail end of the convoy. They made 20 to 25 miles this way, with only one narrow escape. A German motorcycle was escorting the convoy, and at one point it dropped back to make sure that none of the trucks were missing. Feeling that it would be just as jarring to find one truck too many, Knight slowed down, dropping far enough behind the convoy to appear to be no part of it. When the motorcycle returned to its regular position up front, Knight closed up again. Wednesday, June 5, and the truck at last reached the Somme at Ailly. Here the British party had another break: a bridge still stood intact. It was not a highway bridge—just a cattle crossing—but it would do. Knight barreled across it into Allied lines. No one else at Dunkirk was that enterprising. One and all believed that June 3 would be the last night, and at Bastion 32 the mood was heavy with gloom. There was no more fresh water; the medics had run out of bandages; communications were failing. "Enemy is reaching the outskirts," ran Abrial's last message, sent at 3:25 p.m. "I am having the codes burned, except for the M Code." At 4:00 p.m. Admiral Ramsay's rescue fleet started out again. As before, the plan called for the big ships—the destroyers, the Channel steamers, the largest paddlers—to concentrate on the eastern mole. But this time the naval berthing party would be greatly strengthened. Commander Herbert James Buchanan would be in charge; four officers, fifty seamen, and several signalmen would be on hand. Four French officers were added to provide better communication. With luck, Ramsay hoped that 14,000 troops would be lifted off the mole between 10:30 p.m. and 2:30 a.m. The minesweepers, skoots, and smaller paddle steamers would concentrate on the west pier, a shorter jetty just across from the mole, where crowds of French soldiers had waited in vain the previous night. This smaller flotilla should be able to take off another 5,000 men. The little ships—there were still scores of launches, motorboats, and small craft about—would again probe deep into the harbor where the larger vessels couldn't go. They would ferry the troops they found to the gunboat _Locust,_ waiting just outside the port. The ever-growing fleet of French trawlers and fishing smacks would take care of the Quai Félix Faure, cover the outer mole all the way west, and make a final check of Malo beach. These French boats were late arrivals, but now seemed to be everywhere. All understood that this really would be the last night, and Ramsay tried to make sure of it with a strongly worded telegram to the Admiralty: > After nine days of operations of a nature unprecedented in naval warfare, which followed on two weeks of intense strain, commanding officers, officers, and ships' companies are at the end of their tether.... If, therefore, evacuation has to be continued after tonight, I would emphasize in the strongest possible manner that fresh forces should be used for these operations, and any consequent delay in their execution should be accepted. It was true, but hard to tell from the jaunty procession of vessels that once again streamed across the Channel. The destroyer _Whitshed_ pulled out, her harmonica band playing on the foredeck. The cabin cruiser _Mermaiden_ was manned by a sub-lieutenant, a stoker, an RAF gunner on leave, and a white-haired old gentleman who normally helped take care of Horatio Nelson's flagship _Victory_ in Portsmouth. The motor launch _Marlborough_ had lost her two solicitors—they only had the weekend off—but she boasted two equally dapper replacements: a retired colonel and an invalided army officer, said to be a crack shot with a Lewis gun. The destroyer _Malcolm_ looked especially dashing, with her officers dressed in their monkey jackets for the festive evening that never came off. The tug _Sun IV,_ towing fourteen launches, was still skippered by Mr. Alexander, president of the tugboat company. The _MTB 102,_ again carrying Admiral Wake-Walker, now sported a real admiral's flag—made from a red-striped dish cloth. Wake-Walker arrived off the eastern mole at 10:00 p.m. and was relieved to find that tonight plenty of French troops were waiting. But once again the wind and the tide were against him, and he couldn't get alongside. When the _Whitshed_ appeared at 10:20 with Commander Buchanan's berthing party, she had no better luck. The other ships too were unable to land, and a huge traffic jam built up at the entrance to the harbor. Nearly an hour passed before Wake-Walker managed to get some lines ashore, and the berthing party was able to move into action. By 11:00 loading operations were under way, but a whole hour had been lost. What had been planned for four hours would have to be done in three. Fortunately the Luftwaffe had turned its attention to Paris, and there was little shelling tonight. Many of the guns too had gone south, and Kuechler's advance was so close that his artillery were leery of hitting their own infantry. On the mole the British berthing party could hear machine-gun fire in the town itself. _"Vite, vite,"_ a sailor shouted as the poilus tumbled aboard the _Malcolm, "Vite,_ God damn it, _VITE!"_ Admiral Taylor's flotilla of small craft headed deeper into the harbor, to the Quai Félix Faure. The Admiral himself had gone ahead in the War Department's fast boat _Marlborough_ to organize the loading. He understood there would be thousands of French waiting, but when he arrived, he found the quay deserted. Finally 300 to 400 French marines turned up and announced there was nobody else. But they were enough, considering the size of Taylor's little ships. Most held fewer than 40 at a time. The _Mermaiden_ was so crowded the helmsman couldn't see to steer. Directions had to be shouted over a babble of French voices. As Taylor loaded the last of the marines, a German machine gun began chattering less than half a mile away. No more time to lose. Packing a final load into the _Marlborough,_ he shoved off around 2:00 a.m. on the 4th. Dodging one of the many small craft darting about the harbor, _Marlborough_ scraped over some fallen masonry and lost both her propellers and rudder. She was finally towed home by the large yacht _Gulzar,_ piloted by a Dominican monk. Mishaps multiplied. Nobody really knew the port, and the only light was from the flames consuming the waterfront. The Portsmouth Admiral's barge ran into a pile of rubble and was abandoned... .The trawler _Kingfisher_ was rammed by a French fishing boat... The minesweeper _Kellet_ ran aground against the western breakwater. A tug towed her off, but she was too badly damaged to be of further use. Wake-Walker sent her home empty—one of only two ships not used this last hectic night. The Admiral himself nipped about the harbor in _MTB 102,_ busily juggling his fleet. The Quai Félix Faure was cleared... the eastern mole was under control... but the short jetty just west of the mole was a problem. The whole French 32nd Infantry Division seemed to be converging on it. At 1:45 a.m. Wake-Walker guided over a large transport, then the packet _Royal Sovereign_ to help lift the crowd. On the jetty, Commander Troup landed from the War Department's boat _Swallow,_ took one look at the confusion, and appointed himself pier master. His chief problem was the usual one: the French troops refused to be separated from their units. Enlisting the help of a French staff officer, Captain le Comte de Chartier de Sadomy, Troup urged the poilus to forget their organization. In two hours they would all meet again in England. Take any boat. They seemed to understand: the big _Tynwald_ came alongside, loaded 4,000 men in half an hour. 2:00 a.m., June 4, two small French torpedo boats, _VTB 21_ and _VTB 26,_ rumbled out of the harbor. Admiral Abrial and General Fagalde were leaving with their staffs. Behind them the massive steel doors of Bastion 32 now lay open and unguarded. Inside there was only a clutter of smashed coding machines and burnt-out candles. 2:25, gunboat _Locust,_ stationed off the harbor mouth, received her last load of troops from Admiral Taylor's little ships. Her skipper, Lieutenant-Commander Costobadie, had done his duty, and it must have been a temptation to run for Dover. But he still had room; so he went instead to the eastern mole and topped off with another 100 men. Finally satisfied that _Locust_ could hold no more, he headed for home. 2:30, the last French ships, a convoy of trawlers commanded by Ensign Bottex, emerged from the innermost part of the harbor. Packed with troops fresh from the fighting, he too turned toward Dover. 2:40, "heartened by bagpipes playing us out," the destroyer _Malcolm_ slipped her lines at the eastern mole. Twenty minutes later the last destroyer of all, _Express,_ left with a full load, including Commander Buchanan's berthing party. 3:00, French troops still crowded the short jetty just west of the mole. Commander Troup had been loading transports all night, but the jetty continued to fill up with new arrivals. Now the last big transport had gone, and Troup was waiting for a motorboat assigned to pick up himself, General Lucas of the French 32nd Division, and the general's staff at 3:00. The minutes ticked by, but no sign of the. boat—not surprising on a night like this when a thousand things could go wrong. Troup was beginning to worry, when at 3:05 the War Department's boat _Pigeon_ happened by. She was miraculously empty, making a final swing through the harbor. Troup hailed her, and Sub-Lieutenant C. A. Gabbett-Mullhallen brought his craft alongside. A thousand French soldiers stood at attention four deep, as General Lucas prepared to leave. Clearly they would be left behind—no longer a chance of escape—yet not a man broke ranks. They remained motionless, the light from the flames playing off their steel helmets. Lucas and his staff walked to the edge of the pier, turned, clicked their heels, and gave the men a final salute. Then the officers turned again and made the long climb down the ladder to the waiting boat. Troup followed, and at 3:20 Sub-Lieutenant Gabbett-Mullhallen gunned his engines, quickly moving out of the harbor. As these last ships left Dunkirk, they met a strange procession creeping in. Destroyer _Shikari_ was in the lead. Following her were three ancient freighters, and flanking them were two speedboats, _MTB 107_ and _MA/SB 10._ Captain Dangerfield was once again trying to bottle up the harbor by sinking block ships across the entrance. As the little flotilla moved into position, they were buffeted by the bow waves of the last ships racing out. Lieutenant John Cameron, skipper of the _MTB 107,_ pondered the trick of fate that had brought him, "a settled barrister of 40," to be an actor in this awesome drama. Suddenly an explosion. Enemy planes had apparently mined the channel—a parting present from the Luftwaffe. The first did no damage, but a second exploded under the leading block ship _Gourko,_ sinking her almost instantly. As the two speedboats fished the survivors out of the water, the remaining block ships steamed on. But now there were only two of them, and the job would be that much harder. While the block ships edged deeper into the harbor, _Shikari_ paid a final visit to the eastern mole. It had been nearly empty when _Express_ left, but now it was beginning to fill up again. Some 400 French troops tumbled aboard, including General Barthélémy, commanding the Dunkirk garrison. At 3:20 _Shikari_ finally cast off—the last British warship to leave Dunkirk. But not the last British vessel. Occasional motorboats were still slipping out, as Captain Dangerfield's two block ships reached the designated spot. With helms hard over, they attempted to line up at right angles to the Channel, but once again the tide and current were too strong. As on the previous night, the attempt was largely a failure. Hovering nearby, _MA/SB 10_ picked up the crews. Dawn was now breaking, and Lieutenant Cameron decided to take _MTB 107_ in for one last look at the harbor. For nine days the port had been a bedlam of exploding bombs and shells, the thunder of artillery, the hammering of antiaircraft guns, the crash of falling masonry; now suddenly it was a graveyard—the wrecks of sunken ships... abandoned guns... empty ruins... silent masses of French troops waiting hopelessly on the pierheads and the eastern mole. There was nothing a single, small motorboat could do; sadly, Cameron turned for home. "The whole scene," he later recalled, "was filled with a sense of finality and death; the curtain was ringing down on a great tragedy." But there were still Englishmen in Dunkirk, some of them very much alive. Lieutenant Jimmy Langley, left behind because the wounded took up too much room in the boats, now lay on a stretcher at the 12th Casualty Clearing Station near the outskirts of town. The station—really a field hospital—occupied a huge Victorian house in the suburb of Rosendaël. Capped by an odd-looking cupola with a pointed red roof, the place was appropriately called the Chapeau Rouge. The wounded had long ago filled up all the rooms in the house, then overflowed into the halls and even the grand staircase. Now they were being put into tents in the surrounding gardens. A French field hospital also lay on the grounds, adding to the crowd of casualties. The total number varied from day to day, but on June 3 there were about 265 British wounded at Chapeau Rouge. Tending them were a number of medical officers and orderlies. They were there as the result of a curious but most fateful lottery. Even before the decision to leave behind the wounded, it had been clear that some would not be able to go. They were simply too badly hurt to be moved. To take care of them, orders had come down that one medical officer and 10 orderlies must be left behind for every 100 casualties. Since there were 200 to 300 wounded, this meant 3 officers and 30 orderlies would have to stay. How to choose? Colonel Pank, the Station's commanding officer, decided that the fairest course was to draw lots, and at 2:00 p.m. on June 1 the staff gathered for what was bound to be a very tense occasion. Two separate lotteries were held—one among the 17 medical officers, the other among the 120 orderlies. In each case all the names were put in a hat, and appropriately enough an English bowler was found in the cellar and used for this purpose. The rule was "first out, first to go"; the last names drawn would be those left behind. The Church of England chaplain drew for the enlisted men; the Catholic padre, Father Cockie O'Shea, drew for the officers. Major Philip Newman, Chief of Surgery, listened to the drawing in agonized silence as the names were read out. Ten... twelve... thirteen, and still his name remained in the hat. As it turned out, he had good reason to fear: he was number seventeen of seventeen. Later that afternoon a farewell service was held in the cupola. At the end Father O'Shea took Newman by the hand and gave him his crucifix. "This will see you home," the padre said. One of those who stayed took no part at all in the lottery. Private W.B.A. Gaze was strictly a volunteer. An auctioneer and appraiser in peacetime, Gaze had been a machine gunner with a motor maintenance unit until the great retreat. Separated from his outfit, he had taken over an ambulance abandoned by its regular driver and was now a fixture at 12th CCS. The other men might know more about medicine, but he had skills of his own that came in handy at a time like this. He was a born scrounger, could fix anything, and had even located a new well, when Chapeau Rouge was running out of water. Major Newman regarded him as an "honorary member" of the unit, and Gaze reciprocated—of course he wasn't going to leave. Most of the staff pulled out on the night of June 1. The 2nd was largely spent making futile trips to and from the docks, as false reports circulated that a hospital ship had arrived. That night a dispatch rider roared up with the news that walking wounded could be evacuated, if brought to the eastern mole. This last chance of escape was seized by many men who, under any normal definition, were stretcher cases. They rose from their cots and limped, hobbled, even crawled to the waiting trucks. One man used a pair of crutches made from a coal hammer and a garden rake. June 3 was a day of waiting. The French troops were falling back, and Newman's main job was to keep them from occupying the house and using it for a last stand. A large red cross, made from strips of cloth, had been laid out on the lawn; the Luftwaffe had so far respected it; and Newman wanted to keep things that way. The French commandant seemed to understand. He didn't occupy the house, but he did continue digging on the grounds. Occasional shells began falling on the garden. At dusk the French began pulling out, retiring still further into Dunkirk, and it was clear to everyone at Chapeau Rouge that the next visitors would be German. When, was anybody's guess, but the white German "victory rockets" were getting close. While the wounded lay quietly on their cots and stretchers, the staff gathered in the basement of the house for a last dinner. They ate the best food they could find, topped off by some excellent red wine from the Chapeau Rouge cellar. Someone produced a concertina, but no one had the heart to sing. Upstairs, Major Newman sought out a wounded German pilot named Helmut, who had been shot down and brought in several days earlier. It was clear to both that the roles of captor and captive were about to be reversed, but neither made much of it. What Newman did want was a crash course in German, to be used when the enemy arrived. Patiently Helmut taught him phrases like _Rotes Kreuz_ and _Nichts Schiessen_ —"Red Cross"... "Don't shoot." By midnight, June 3–4, the last French defenders had retired toward the docks, and there was nothing to do but keep waiting. As a sort of reception committee, Newman posted two enlisted men by the gate. An officer was stationed on the porch outside the front door. They had orders to call him as soon as the first Germans appeared. Then he laid out a clean uniform for the surrender and curled up on the stone floor of the kitchen for a few hours' sleep. On the front steps Jimmy Langley lay on a stretcher just outside the front door. It was so hot and sticky—and the flies were so bad—he had asked to be moved into the open. He too was waiting, and even as he waited, he began thinking about what might happen next. He was a Coldstream Guards officer, and in the last war, the Coldstream were not known for taking prisoners. Had that reputation carried over? If so, there seemed a good chance that the Germans would pay him back in kind. He finally had a couple of orderlies carry his stretcher to a spot near the gate and set it down there. If he was going to be killed, he might as well get it over with. # 15 # Deliverance "THE GERMANS ARE HERE!" a voice was shouting, as an unknown hand shook Major Newman awake at 6 o'clock on the morning of June 4. Dead tired, Newman had been deeply asleep, even though lying on the stone floor of the kitchen at Chapeau Rouge. He gradually pulled himself together and began putting on the clean uniform he had laid out for the surrender. Down near the gate Jimmy Langley lay on his stretcher watching a small party of German infantrymen enter the grounds. They might be about to kill him, but they looked as tired as the British. As they walked up the drive toward him, Langley decided his best chance lay in playing to the hilt the role of "wounded prisoner." Pointing to the Red Cross flag on the cupola, he gasped a request for water and a cigarette. The leader of the squad gave him both. Then Langley asked, a little tentatively, what would they like from him. _"Marmelade,"_ was the reply. For the first time Langley felt there was hope. No one about to kill him would be thinking primarily of marmalade. Troops were pouring into the grounds now—some dirty and unkempt, but most freshly washed and cleanly shaven, the way Supermen should look. They fanned out over the yard, checking the tents and stretchers to make sure no armed Allied soldiers were still lurking about. "For you the war is over," a trooper curtly told Guardsman Arthur Knowles, lying wounded on his stretcher. Satisfied that Chapeau Rouge met the standards of Geneva, the Germans relaxed and were soon mixing with their captives, swapping rations and sharing family pictures. Major Newman stood on the porch watching the scene, resplendent in his clean uniform but with no officer to take his surrender. In two hours these Germans pushed on, replaced by administrative personnel who were far less friendly. The curious bond that sometimes exists between enemies at the front is rarely felt in the rear. " _Wo ist das Meer?"_ a departing infantryman asked Jimmy Langley, still lying on his stretcher. Langley had no idea where the sea was, but pointed confidently where he thought it might be. This couldn't be "helping the enemy"—they'd find it anyhow. The French guns were completely silent now. As the Germans moved into town, white flags began sprouting everywhere. Sensing no opposition, Major Chrobek of the 18th Infantry Division piled his men into trucks and lurched through the debris-filled streets right to the waterfront. "Then our hearts leapt," exulted the division's normally staid Daily Intelligence Summary: "Here was the sea—the sea!" At 8:00 a.m. a detachment of German marines took over Bastion 32. There was, of course, nobody there except a handful of headquarters clerks left behind by the departing generals and admirals. Twenty minutes later a German colonel rolled up to Dunkirk's red brick _Hôtel de Ville_ in the center of town. Here he was met by General Beaufrère, commanding the 68th Infantry and senior French officer left in the city. Beaufrère had taken off his steel helmet and now sported a gold-leaf kept for the surrender ceremony. Sometime between 9:00 and 10:00 a.m. he met with General Lieutenant Friedrich-Carl Cranz, commanding the 18th Division, and formally handed over the city. By 9:30 German units reached the foot of the eastern mole, but here they faced a problem. French troops were packed so tightly on the mole, it was impossible to round them up quickly. As late as 10:00 o'clock, a French medical officer, Lieutenant Docteur Le Doze, escaped from the seaward end of the mole with 30 men in a ship's lifeboat. It's hard to say exactly when Dunkirk officially fell. The Army Group B war diary put the time at 9:00 a.m.... X Corps said 9:40... the 18th Army, 10:15. Perhaps the most appropriate time, symbolically anyhow, was the moment the swastika was hoisted on the eastern mole—10:20 a.m. Now it was a case of mopping up. While Beaufrère dickered with Cranz, small parties of his 68th Division tried to escape to the west, but they were soon run down and captured. General Alaurent led a group from the 32nd Division in an attempt to break out via Gravelines, but they were rounded up at Le Clipon, just outside Dunkirk. By 10:30 the last shots had been fired and the city was at peace. At Chapeau Rouge Major Newman could hear a golden oriole singing from the top of the oak tree close to the mansion. "This was his day." A handful of dazed civilians began emerging from the city's cellars. Staring at the blackened walls and piles of rubble, a gendarme—covered with ribbons from the First World War—cried like a child. On the rue Clemenceau a small fox terrier sat guarding the body of a French soldier. Somewhere in the ruins a portable radio, miraculously intact, was playing "The Merry Widow Waltz." Father Henri Lecointe, assistant curate of Saint Martin's parish, picked his way through the rubble to his church. The door was blown in, the windows gone, but it still stood. Entering, he was surprised to hear the organ playing a Bach chorale. Two German soldiers were trying it out—one at the console, the other in the loft, pumping the bellows. Foreign correspondents—never far behind when the Wehrmacht was victorious—poked among the ruins, interviewing survivors. The Assistant Chief of Police, André Noël, remarked that he was an Alsatian from Metz and had served in the German Army during the First War. "Now you can go back to your old regiment," dryly observed a lieutenant-colonel standing by. As Georg Schmidt, one of Joseph Goebbels's propaganda men, photographed the scene, his section chief drove up and reminded him that Goebbels expected pictures of British POW's—did Schmidt have any? Schmidt replied that the British were all gone. "Well," said his chief, "you're an official photographer. If you don't get any pictures of British POW's, then you _were_ an official photographer!" Schmidt needed no further encouragement. He hurried over to the POW compound, where he found 30,000 to 40,000 French, but still no British. He looked harder and was finally rewarded. Scattered here and there were two or three dozen Tommies. Schmidt put them up front and began taking his pictures. The day was saved. Most of the British were indeed gone, but they took an astonishingly large number of French troops with them. Over 26,000 jammed the decks of the last ships to leave Dunkirk. As the _Medway Queen_ groped through an early-morning fog toward Dover, an officer strummed a mandolin on the after deck, trying to cheer up the already homesick poilus. On the destroyer _Sabre_ Commander Brian Dean drew cheers by addressing his passengers in French. There was much banter comparing the accommodations on the crowded _Sabre_ with those on the luxury liner _Normandie._ Generally speaking, the passage back was uneventful—but not always. As the Belgian trawler _Maréchal Foch_ neared the English coast, the minesweeper _Leda_ loomed out of the fog and rammed her. The _"Foch"_ sank instantly, pitching 300 soldiers into the water. The French motorboat _VTB 25,_ carrying Admiral Abrial and other high-ranking officers, heard cries and rushed to the scene. But the fog knew no favorites: _VTB 25_ ran into a piece of wreckage and lost her propeller. Now she wallowed helplessly in the sea. Eventually the destroyer _Malcolm_ came up. Captain Halsey's smooth-working crew picked up 150 survivors and threw a line to _VTB 25._ Somewhat ignominiously, Admiral Abrial was finally towed into Dover around 6:00 a.m. About this time the fog lifted, but that didn't help a young French ensign named Tellier, commanding the auxiliary dredge _Emile Deschamps._ He was thoroughly lost, and when he asked directions from a passing ship, he couldn't understand the answer. He tried to follow the crowd, and was just off Margate when the _Emile Deschamps_ struck a magnetic mine and blew up. She sank in less than half a minute with most of the 500 men aboard. Lieutenant Hervé Cras managed to swim clear of the wreck. He was getting accustomed to this sort of thing, having also gone down on the destroyer _Jaguar_ the previous week. Now, as he tread water gasping for breath, he was hailed by a shipmate, Lieutenant Jacquelin de la Porte de Vaux: "Hello, Hello! Let's sing." With that, de la Port de Vaux burst into _"Le Chant du Depart"_ —"The Song of Departure"—a well-known French march. Cras was in no mood to join in, and gradually drifted away. Later, after both men were rescued, de la Porte de Vaux chided him for not singing in the water, "as all sailors with their hearts in the right place must do in such circumstances." Perhaps he was right. Certainly the men who manned the evacuation fleet needed every conceivable device to keep up their spirits. The _Emile Deschamps_ was the 243rd vessel lost, and many of the crews had now reached the breaking point. During the morning of the 4th, Admiral Abrial met with Ramsay in Dover Castle, and they agreed that the time had come to end "Dynamo." Abrial observed that the Germans were closing in; the French had now used up all their ammunition; and the 30,000 to 40,000 men left behind weren't combat units. He was wrong only on the last point: the troops standing forlornly on the pierheads of Dunkirk included some of France's best. Paris gave its formal approval at 11:00, and at 2:23 p.m. the British Admiralty officially announced the end of Operation Dynamo. Released at last from the strain and tension, Ramsay drove up to Sandwich and celebrated with a round of golf. He shot a 78—by far the best score in his life. The past several days had been so all-consuming that he never had time even to write "darling Mag," but she had kept the asparagus and gingerbread coming, and now on June 5 he once again took up his pen: "The relief is stupendous, and the results beyond belief." He tried to describe what had been achieved, but it sounded awkward and full of self-praise. He was really a man of action, not a man of letters. He quickly wrapped his effort up: "Tons of love, darling Mag, you are such a comfort to me." Along with relief went a deep feeling of vindication. Ramsay had never gotten over his years in eclipse; his break with Admiral Backhouse hurt too deeply. Now Dunkirk made up for everything, and the grateful letters that poured in seemed doubly sweet. He cherished them all, including one from his barber. But the most touching was a letter signed simply "Mrs. S. Woodcock," a British soldier's mother he had never met: > As a reader of the Daily Express and after reading in today's paper of your wonderful feat re Dunkirk, I feel I must send you a personal message to thank you. My son was one of the lucky ones to escape from there. I have not seen him, but he is somewhere in England, and that's good enough. My youngest boy John Woodcock died of wounds received in Norway on April 26; so you can guess how thankful I feel and grateful to you.... It was a nation already overflowing with gratitude and relief when Winston Churchill went to the House of Commons on the evening of June 4 to report on the evacuation. The benches were filled; the Public Gallery, the Peers Gallery, and the Distinguished Strangers Gallery all packed. The crowd welcomed him with a rousing cheer, then sat enthralled by that rarity—a speech devoted mainly to bad news but which, nevertheless, inspires men with hope and courage. He thrilled the House with his ringing peroration—"We shall fight on the beaches, we shall fight on the landing grounds, we shall fight in the fields and in the streets"—but what impressed astute observers the most was his frankness in facing unpleasant facts. The _News Chronicle_ praised the speech for its "uncompromising candour." Edward R. Murrow called it "a report remarkable for its honesty, inspiration, and gravity." This was as Churchill wanted it. The rescue of the Army must not lull the nation into a paralyzing euphoria. "We must be very careful," he warned, "not to assign to this deliverance the attributes of a victory. Wars are not won by evacuations." For the moment his warnings did little good. The returning troops were greeted—often to their own amazement—like conquering heroes. Captain John Dodd of the 58th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery, had expected sullen and angry faces, possibly hostile crowds, and a stigma that would stick for all time. Instead, he found nothing but joy and thankfulness, as if the BEF had been the victors, not the vanquished. When the troops tumbled ashore at Ramsgate, the women of the town swamped them with cups of cocoa, buried them in sandwiches. The manager of the Pavilion Theatre gave away all his cigarettes and chocolate. A director of the Olympia Ballroom bought up all the socks and underwear in town, and handed them out as needed. A grocery store at Broadstairs gave away its entire stock of tea, soup, biscuits, butter, and margarine. A wealthy Scotsman at St. Augustines bought every blanket in town, sending them all to Ramsgate and Margate. As fast as possible the returning troops were loaded into special trains and taken to assembly points scattered over England and Wales. Here the various units would be rested and reorganized. As the trains moved through the countryside, crowds gathered at the station platforms along the way, showering them with still more cigarettes and chocolate. Bedsheet banners hung from the windows of London's suburbs with messages like "HARD LUCK, BOYS" and "WELL DONE, BEF." Children stood at road crossings waving Union Jacks. Lady Ismay, wife of Churchill's military adviser, was changing trains at Oxford when one of these "Dunkirk Specials" pulled in. The people on the platform, until now bored and apathetic, saw the weary faces, the bandages, the torn uniforms, and suddenly realized who these new arrivals were. In a body the crowd rushed the station refreshment stand and showered the exhausted soldiers with food and drink. That night when General Ismay told her how well the evacuation was going, she replied, "Yes, I have seen the miracle with my own eyes." "Miracle"—that was the word. There seemed no other way to describe such an unexpected, inexplicable change in fortune. In his address to Parliament Winston Churchill called it a "miracle of deliverance." Writing a naval colleague, Admiral Sir William James of Portsmouth could only "thank God for that miracle at Dunkirk." Gort's Chief of Staff, General Pownall, noted in his diary, "The evacuation from Dunkirk was surely a miracle." Actually, there were several miracles. First, the weather. The English Channel is usually rough, rarely behaves for very long. Yet a calm sea was essential to the evacuation, and during the nine days of Dunkirk the Channel was a millpond. Old-timers still say they have never seen it so smooth. At one point a storm seemed to be heading for the coast, but veered up the Irish Channel. Northerly winds would have kicked up a disastrous surf, but the breeze was first from the southwest, later shifting to the east. On only one morning, May 31, did an on-shore breeze cause serious trouble. On June 5—the day after the evacuation was over—the wind moved to the north, and great breakers came rolling onto the empty beaches. Overhead, clouds, mist, and rain always seemed to come at the right moment. The Luftwaffe mounted three all-out assaults on Dunkirk—May 27, 29, and June 1. Each time the following day saw low ceilings that prevented any effective follow-up. It took the Germans three days to discover the part played by the eastern mole, mainly because the southwesterly breezes screened it with smoke. Another miracle was Adolf Hitler's order of May 24, halting his tanks just as they were closing in for the kill. That day Guderian's panzers had reached Bourbourg, only ten miles southwest of Dunkirk. Nothing stood between them and the port. The bulk of the BEF still lay near Lille, 43 miles to the south. By the time the tanks began rolling again in the predawn hours of May 27, the escape corridor had been established, the BEF was pouring into Dunkirk and Ramsay's rescue fleet was hard at work. Hitler's "halt order" seems so mysterious that it has even been suggested that he was deliberately trying to let the BEF escape. With her army still intact, the theory runs, Britain might feel she could more honorably sit down at the peace table. Anyone who was at Dunkirk will have a hard time believing that. If Hitler was secretly trying to let the British go home, he was slicing it awfully thin. He almost failed and caught them all. Nor did he confide this secret to the Luftwaffe, the artillery, or the S-Boats. All were doing their best to disrupt the evacuation; none were told to go easy. Finally, there were the ideas tossed off by Hitler himself, suggesting better ways to raise havoc on the beaches. The most convincing evidence indicates that Hitler was indeed trying to block the evacuation, but wasn't willing to risk his armor to do it. The British looked finished anyhow; Flanders was poor tank country; his lines were already stretched thin; the brief counterattack at Arras disturbed him; 50% of his tanks were said to be out of action; he needed that armor for the next phase of the campaign, the drive across the Somme and into the heart of France. It was understandable, especially for any German who had been through the First War. France was crucial, and Paris was the key. It had eluded them then; there must be no mistake this time. Far better to risk a miracle at Dunkirk than risk a second "Miracle of the Marne." The decision was all the easier when Hermann Göring announced that his Luftwaffe could handle Dunkirk alone. Hitler didn't buy this for very long—he lifted the "halt order" several days before it became clear that Göring couldn't deliver—but the General Field Marshal's boast certainly played a part. By May 27, when the tanks got going again, the great German drive had lost its momentum, and the panzer generals themselves were thinking of the south. Guderian, once-an impassioned advocate for using his armor at Dunkirk, now only had eyes for the Somme. Still another miracle was provided by the Luftwaffe itself. Perhaps Göring could never have stopped the evacuation, but he could have caused far more mischief. The German planes rarely strafed the crowded beaches; they never used fragmentation bombs; they never attacked tempting targets like Dover or Ramsgate. None of this was through lack of desire; it was through lack of doctrine. The Stuka pilots had been trained for ground support, not for interdiction. The fighters were expected to stay upstairs, covering the bombers, not to come down and mix it up. Whatever the reasons, these lapses allowed additional thousands of men to come home. "Had the BEF not returned to this country," General Brookelater wrote, "it is hard to see how the Army could have recovered from the blow." That was the practical significance of Dunkirk. Britain could replace the 2,472 lost guns, the 63,879 abandoned vehicles; but the 224,686 rescued troops were irreplaceable. In the summer of 1940 they were the only trained troops Britain had left. Later, they would be the nucleus of the great Allied armies that won back the Continent. The leaders—Brooke, Alexander, and Montgomery, to name only three—all cut their teeth at Dunkirk. But the significance of Dunkirk went far beyond such practical considerations. The rescue electrified the people of Britain, welded them together, gave them a sense of purpose that the war had previously lacked. Treaty obligations are all very well, but they don't inspire men to great deeds. "Home" does, and this is what Britain was fighting for now. The very sense of being alone was exhilarating. The story was told of the foreigner who asked whether his English friend was discouraged by the successive collapse of Poland, Denmark, Norway, the Lowlands, and now France. "Of course not," came the stout-hearted reply. "We're in the finals and we're playing at home." Some would later say that it was all clever propaganda that cranked up the country to this emotional peak. But it happened too quickly—too spontaneously—for that. This was a case where the people actually led the propagandists. The government's fears were the opposite—that Dunkirk might lead to overconfidence. It was Winston Churchill himself who stressed that the campaign had been "a colossal military disaster," and who warned that "wars are not won by evacuations." Ironically, Churchill was a prime mover in creating the very mood he sought to dispel. His eloquence, his defiance, his fighting stance were almost bewitching in their appeal. Like Abraham Lincoln in the American Civil War, he was perfectly cast. Another ingredient was the sense of national participation that Dunkirk aroused. Modern war is so impersonal, it's a rare moment when the ordinary citizen feels that he's making a direct contribution. At Dunkirk ordinary Englishmen really did go over in little boats and rescue soldiers. Ordinary housewives really did succor the exhausted troops reeling back. History is full of occasions when armies have rushed to the aid of an embattled people; here was a case where the people rushed to the aid of an embattled army. Above all, they pulled it off. When the evacuation began, Churchill thought 30,000 might be saved; Ramsay guessed 45,000. In the end, over 338,000 were landed in England, with another 4,000 lifted to Cherbourg and other French ports still in Allied hands. "Wars are not won by evacuations," but, for the first time, at least Adolf Hitler didn't have everything his own way. That in itself was cause for celebration. Curiously, the Germans felt like celebrating too. Years later, they would see it differently. Many would even regard Dunkirk as the turning point of the whole war: If the BEF had been captured, Britain would have been defeated.... If that had happened, Germany could have concentrated all her strength on Russia.... If that had happened, there would have been no Stalingrad.... and so on. But on June 4, 1940, none of these "ifs" were evident. Except, perhaps, for a few disgruntled tank commanders, the victory seemed complete. As the magazine _Der Adler_ put it: > For us Germans the word "Dunkirchen" will stand for all time for victory in the greatest battle of annihilation in history. But for the British and French who were there, it will remind them for the rest of their lives of a defeat that was heavier than any army had ever suffered before. As for the escape of "a few men" back to England, _Der Adler_ reassured its readers that this was no cause for alarm: "Every single one of these completely demoralized soldiers is a bacillus of disintegration...." The _Völkischer Beobachter_ told how women and children burst into hysterical tears as the battered troops staggered home. And they would never be back. Landing craft, "mulberries," fighter-bombers, sophisticated radar, the whole paraphernalia of the 1944 counterstroke hadn't even been invented. Viewed with 1940 eyes, it wasn't all that important to annihilate the BEF. It had been thrown into the sea, and that was enough. Only the French were bitter. Whether it was Weygand sniping at General Spears in Paris or the lowliest poilu giving upon the eastern mole, the overwhelming majority felt abandoned by the British. It did no good to point out that 123,095 French _were_ rescued by Ramsay's fleet, 102,570 in British ships. Goebbels joyfully fanned the flames. The crudest propaganda poured out of Berlin. In a little book called _Blende auf-Tiefangriff,_ correspondent Hans Henkel told how the fleeing British in one rowboat forced several Frenchmen at pistol-point to jump into the sea. The survivors now stood before Henkel, cursing the _"sales anglais."_ > Then I asked, "But why do you have an alliance with these _'sales anglais,'_ these dirty Englishmen?" > > "But we didn't do this! It was done by our wretched government, which then had the nerve to save them!" > > "You didn't have to keep that government!" > > "What could we do? We weren't asked at all." And one added, "It's the Jews who are to blame." > > "Well, fellows, what if we now fought the English together?" > > They laughed and said with great enthusiasm, "Yes, we'd join up immediately." In London the French naval attaché Admiral Odend'hal did his best to put the matter in perspective. He was a good Frenchman, but at the same time tried to give Paris the British point of view. For his pains, Admiral Darlan wrote back asking whether Odend'hal had "gone into the British camp." "I have not gone into the British camp," Odend'hal replied, "and I would be distressed if you believed it." To prove his loyalty he then reeled off some of his own run-ins with the British, adding: > But it is not with the English but with the Boches that we are at war. Whatever may have been the British faults, the events of Dunkirk must not leave us with bitterness.... His advice was ignored. Such matters of state made little difference to the men of the BEF these early days of June. They only knew that they were home, and even that was hard to believe. As the train carrying Captain John Dodd of the Royal Artillery steamed slowly through the Kentish countryside, he looked out the window at the passing woods and orchards. "Good gun position... good hideout for vehicles... good billets in that farm," he thought—then suddenly realized he was at last free from such worries. Signalman Percy Charles, wounded at Cassel, boarded a hospital train for Northfield. It traveled all night and at 7:00 the following morning Charles was awakened by brilliant greenish lights streaming through the window. He glanced around and noticed that the other men in the compartment were crying. Then he looked out the window, and the sight he saw was "what the poets have been writing about for so many centuries." It was the green English countryside. After the dirt, the blackened rubble, the charred ruins of northern France, the impact of all this fresh greenness was too much. The men simply broke down. General Brooke, too, felt the contrast. After landing at Dover, he checked in with Ramsay, then drove up to London in a staff car. It was a lovely sunny morning, and he thought of the horror he had just left: burning towns, dead cows, broken trees, the hammer of guns and bombs. "To have moved straight from that inferno into such a paradise within the spell of a few anguished hours made the contrast all the more wonderful." In London he conferred briefly with General Dill, then caught the train to Hartley Wintney and home. He was overwhelmingly sleepy now, and walked up and down the compartment in a desperate effort to stay awake. If he so much as closed his eyes, he was afraid he'd fall asleep and miss the station. His wife and children were waiting on the platform. They whisked him home for a nursery tea, and then to bed at last. He slept for 36 hours. How tired they all were. Major Richardson of the 4th Division staff had managed only sixteen hours of sleep in two weeks. During one stretch of the retreat he went for 62 hours straight without even a nap. Finally reaching the Division assembly point at Aldershot, he threw himself on a bed and slept for 30 hours. Captain Tufton Beamish, whose 9th Royal Northumberland Fusiliers saved the day at Steenbecque, topped them all with 39 hours. The rescuers were just as weary. Lieutenant Robin Bill, whose minesweepers were in constant demand, had five nights in bed in two weeks. Lieutenant Greville Worthington, in charge of unloading at Dover, stumbled groggily into the mess one morning. When bacon and eggs were put before him, he fell asleep with his beard in the plate. Commander Pelly, skipper of the destroyer _Windsor,_ discovered that his only chance for a rest was during turn-around time at Dover. Even then he never took a nap, fearing that he wouldn't have a clear head when he woke up. Instead, he simply sat on the bridge, nursing a whisky and soda. It must have worked, for he never went to sleep for ten days. No one was more tired than civilian volunteer Bob Hilton. He and his partner, cinema manager Ted Shaw, had spent seventeen hours straight rowing troops out to the skoots and small paddlers from the beach near the mole. Not even Hilton's training as a physical education instructor prepared him for a test like that, but somehow he managed it. Now the job was done, and they were back at Ramsgate. They could have used some rest, but they were ordered to help take the little ships back up the Thames to London. To make matters worse, they were assigned the _Ryegate II,_ the balky motor yacht they had sailed to Dunkirk and abandoned when her screws fouled. Wearily they set off, around the North Foreland... into the Thames estuary... and on up the river itself. The cheering really began after Blackfriars Bridge. Docklands and the City had been too busy to watch the passing of this grimy, oil-stained fleet. But as _Ryegate II_ passed the training ship _Discovery,_ moored alongside the Embankment, her Sea Scouts set up a mighty cheer. It grew ever louder as the yacht continued upstream. Chelsea... Hammersmith... Twickenham... every bridge was lined with shouting people. Hilton and Shaw ultimately delivered _Ryegate II_ to her boatyard and walked to the tube, where they parted company. After rowing together, side by side, for seventeen hours, it would be reasonable to suppose they remained lifelong friends. As a matter of fact, they never met again. Hilton took the tube home. As he entered the train, any idea he may have had that he would be greeted as a hero quickly vanished. He had a three-day growth of beard; his clothes were covered with oil; he reeked to high heaven. His fellow passengers quickly moved to the far end of the car. He reached the front door and discovered he had forgotten his keys. He rang the bell, the door opened, and his wife Pamela was standing there. She took one look at "this tramp" and threw her arms around him. He was a hero to someone, after all. # Written Source Materials "I AM SORRY I AM unable to get the details and events to dates," writes Sapper Joe Coles of the 223rd Field Park Company, Royal Engineers. "That was an impossibility even a few days after Dunkirk. This I can only put down to continual fatigue and the atmosphere of continual emergency, 24 hours a day." He isn't the only one with this problem. The days had a way of merging into one another for most of the participants, and the passage of more than 40 years doesn't make memories any sharper. Personal recollections are indispensable in recapturing the atmosphere and preserving many of the incidents that occurred, but overreliance on human memory can be dangerous too. For that reason, I spent even more time examining the written source materials on Dunkirk than in interviewing and corresponding with those who were there. The Public Record Office in London was the starting point. The basic Admiralty files dealing with the evacuation are ADM 199/786-796. These have been well mined, but fascinating nuggets still await the diligent digger. For instance, ADM 199/792 contains not only Admiral Wake-Walker's familiar 15-page account, but an earlier, far more detailed 41-page account that has lain practically untouched through the years—apparently because it is so faint and hard to read. A powerful magnifying glass pays handsome dividends. ADM 199/788-B and ADM 199/796-B, dealing with ships reluctant to sail, are still "off-limits" to researchers, but it is possible to work around this restriction and piece together the story from other documents. Additional Dunkirk material pops up elsewhere in the Admiralty files. ADM 199/360 contains day-by-day information on the weather. ADM 199/2205-2206 includes much of the radio traffic between Dover and Dunkirk, and between ships and the shore. ADM 116/4504 has the story of the bizarre "lethal kite barrage." The RAF role at Dunkirk can be traced through the Operational Record Books at the PRO, but most of these are too detailed for all but the most exacting scholars. AIR 20/523 does include a useful overview of the Fighter Command's contribution. The War Office records tend to mire the reader in the campaign, although occasionally some documents bear specifically on the evacuation. WO 197/119 has an excellent account of Brigadier Clifton's improvised defense at Nieuport; also a report by Colonel G.H.P. Whitfield, area commandant, depicting the chaos in Dunkirk itself until Captain Tennant arrived. In some ways the most valuable materials at the PRO are the War Cabinet Historical Section series, CAB 44/60-61 and CAB 44/67-69, not released until 1977. The telephone played an enormous role in the decisions involving Dunkirk, and these CAB files contain detailed accounts of many of the calls, along with the texts of pertinent letters and telegrams. The PRO is not the answer to everything. Probably the most useful single source of information on the evacuation is the three-volume annotated index of participating ships at the Ministry of Defense's Naval Historical Branch. Labeled "Alphabetical List of Vessels Taking Part, with Their Services," these volumes are occasionally updated as new information trickles in. They include valuable data on the French ships contributed by the French naval historian Hervé Cras. Another extremely useful source is an account of RAF operations prepared by historian Denis Richards for the Air Historical Branch. Entitled _RAF Narrative: The Campaign in France andthe Low Countries, September 1939–June 1940,_ this volume gives day-by-day coverage of the evacuation. Then there are the records so lovingly kept by most of the famous British regiments. These usually include battalion war diaries and often individual accounts. I paid most rewarding visits to the regimental headquarters of the Coldstream Guards, the Grenadier Guards, the Queen Victoria's Rifles, the Gloucestershires, and the Durham Light Infantry. The formal dispatches of Lord Gort and of Admiral Ramsay complete the official side of the Dunkirk story. Gort's dispatch appeared as a Supplement to the _London Gazette,_ October 17, 1941; Ramsay's account as a Supplement to the _Gazette_ of July 17, 1947. They are helpful in fixing dates and places, but neither could be called a distinguished piece of battle literature. There's no end to the unofficial material on Dunkirk. The Imperial War Museum is a cornucopia of unpublished diaries, journals, letters, memoirs, and tapes. I found the following especially valuable: Corporal P. G. Ackrell's account of early turmoil on the Dunkirk waterfront; W.B.A. Gaze's recollections of the 12th Casualty Clearing Station; Commander Thomas Kerr's letters to his wife on conditions at Malo and Bray-Dunes; Admiral Sir L. V. Morgan's reflections as Ramsay's Chief of Staff; Chaplain R. T. Newcomb's impressions as a padre caught up in the great retreat; Signalman L. W. Wright's manuscript, "Personal Experience in the Defence of Calais." Few of the shipping companies that provided vessels have saved their records (many were destroyed in the blitz), but the Tilbury Contracting Group has preserved accounts by three of its skippers. Tough's Boatyard has a useful file of papers and clippings describing its contribution. Numerous unpublished accounts have been made available to me by participants and their families. These include no fewer than fourteen diaries. Contemporary letters have been another important source, especially an almost-running commentary from Admiral Ramsay to his wife. The voluminous published material on Dunkirk began to appear even before the evacuation was over. The _Times_ and the other London papers are curiously bland, but not so the local press of the south and southeast coast. Their accounts make fresh, vivid reading even today. The cream of the crop: _The Evening Argus_ (Brighton), June 5; _Bournemouth Times and Directory,_ June 14; _The East Kent Times_ (Ramsgate), June 5; _The Kentish Gazette and Canterbury Press,_ June 8; _Folkestone, Hythe and District Herald,_ June 8; _Isle of Thanet Gazette_ (Margate), June 7; _Sheerness Times and Guardian,_ June 7. The Dover _Express_ is, of course, a "must" for the whole period. A number of eyewitness accounts also appeared in various periodicals at the time. Some good examples: _The Architectural Association Journal,_ September–November, 1940, "And So—We Went to Dunkirk" (Anonymous); _Blackwood's,_ August 1940, "Prelude to Dunkirk" by Ian Scott, and in November 1940, "Small Change from Dunkirk" by M.C.A. Henniker; _Fortnightly Review,_ July 1940, "Dunkirk" by E. H. Phillips; _King's Royal Rifle Corps Chronicle,_ 1940, an important letter by Sub-Lieutenant Roger Wake, RN, who served as acting pier master on the eastern mole, night of June 2–3. The magazine _Belgium_ —published in London during the war and frankly Allied propaganda—occasionally carried articles on Belgian participants at Dunkirk. Georges Truffant's piece in the issue of July 31, 1941, deserves special mention. Through the years newspapers have often marked the anniversary of Dunkirk with fresh material. The Scarborough _Evening News,_ for instance, commemorated the tenth anniversary with a splendid series by "A Green Howard," appearing April 24, 26, and May 1, 1950. Just about every paper in England must have marked the 40th anniversary. Especially striking was the series in the Manchester _Evening News,_ March 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 1980. Magazines and service journals are another continuing source of information. Hitler's role is analyzed in the _Army Quarterly,_ January 1955, "The Dunkirk Halt Order—a Further Reassessment" by Captain B. H. Liddell Hart; and again in the _Quarterly,_ April 1958, "Hitler and Dunkirk" by Captain Robert B. Asprey. The Belgian surrender is examined in _History Today,_ February 1980, "The Tragedy of Leopold III" by James Marshall-Cornwall. Alexander's takeover and the last days are recalled in the _Army Quarterly,_ April 1972, "With Alexander to Dunkirk" by General Sir William Morgan. But beware of General Morgan's contention that Admiral Abrial still didn't plan to evacuate as late as May 31. Alexander himself refutes this in his report. Particular ships get their due in a host of articles through the years: _Malcolm,_ in "Mostly from the Bridge" by Captain David B. N. Mellis, _Naval Review,_ October 1976; _Harvester,_ in "Dunkirk: The Baptism of a Destroyer" by Hugh Hodgkinson, _Blackwood's,_ June 1980; _Massey Shaw,_ in "New Bid to Save London Fireboat," _Lloyd's Log,_ October 1981; the sprit-sailing barges, in "The Little Ships of Ipswich" by J. O. Whitmore, _East Anglian Magazine,_ July 1950. The medical effects of continuing fear and exhaustion are intelligently discussed by James Dow in _Journal of the Royal Naval Medical Service,_ Spring 1978. No discussion of periodicals would be complete without some mention of the _Dunkirk Veterans Association Journal._ This little quarterly not only keeps the DVA members in touch, but serves as a clearinghouse for all sorts of questions and answers concerning the evacuation. It was through its columns, for instance, that the indefatigable Sam Love tracked down the story of the _Hird,_ the ship that returned to France before unloading at Dover. The books on Dunkirk could fill a warehouse. At least fifteen different titles are devoted entirely to the evacuation or the events leading up to it. From John Masefield's _Nine Days Wonder,_ 1941, to Nicholas Harman's _Dunkirk: The Necessary Myth,_ 1980, I have learned from them all. Two stand out especially: A. D. Divine's _Dunkirk,_ 1944, and Gregory Blaxland's _Destination Dunkirk,_ 1973. Mr. Divine was there himself with the little ships, while Mr. Blaxland has written the very model of a campaign history—clear, candid, and complete. Not limited to Dunkirk, but covering the campaign in detail, are two official histories: Captain S. W. Roskill, _The Navy at War, 1939-45,_ 1960; and Major L. F. Ellis, _The War in France and Flanders, 1939—1940,_ 1953. Ellis's maps should be the envy of every military historian. Published memoirs and diaries abound, written by both the known and the unknown. The leaders include: Clement R. Attlee, _As It Happened,_ 1954; Duff Cooper, _Old Men Forget,_ 1953; Hugh Dalton, _The Fateful Years,_ 1957; Anthony Eden, _The Reckoning,_ 1965; General Lord Ismay, _Memoirs,_ 1960; R. MacLeod,(ed.), _The Ironside Diaries,_ 1962; Field-Marshal the Viscount Montgomery, _Memoirs,_ 1958; Lieutenant-General Sir Henry Pownall, _Diaries,_ 1972; Major-General Sir Edward Spears, _Assignment to Catastrophe,_ 1954; Sir Arthur Bryant, _The Turn of the Tide,_ 1957, based on the diaries of Field Marshal Lord Alanbrooke. In a class by himself: Winston S. Churchill, _Their Finest Hour,_ 1949. Others are less famous but sometimes more revealing: Sir Basil Bartlett, _My First War,_ 1940; Eric Bush, _Bless Our Ship,_ 1958; Sir H. E. Franklyn, _The Story of One Green Howard in the Dunkirk Campaign,_ 1966; Gun Buster (pseud.), _Return via Dunkirk,_ 1940; Sir Leslie Hollis, _One Marine's Tale,_ 1956; J. M. Langley, _Fight Another Day,_ 1974; A.R.E. Rhodes, _Sword of Bone,_ 1942; General Sir John G. Smyth, _Before the Dawn,_ 1957; Colonel L.H.M. Westropp, _Memoirs,_ 1970. Useful biographies cover some of the leading figures. For Admiral Ramsay, see David Woodward, _Ramsay at War,_ 1957; and W. S. Chalmers, _Full Cycle,_ 1958. Lord Gort is gently handled by Sir John Colville in _Man of Valour,_ 1972. Lord Alanbrooke is examined by General Sir David Fraser in _Alanbrooke,_ 1982. Field Marshal Montgomery gets full-dress treatment from Nigel Hamilton in _Monty: The Making of a General,_ 1981. _John Rutherford Crosby_ by George Blake, 1946, is a touching, privately published tribute to a young, little-known sub-lieutenant (later a casualty) that somehow captures the glow of Dunkirk better than many more ambitious books. Then there are the unit and regimental histories. I have made use of 54 of these volumes, and have come to appreciate the loving care with which all have been prepared. I have relied especially on D. S. Daniell, _Cap of Honour_ (Gloucestershire Regiment), 1951; Patrick Forbes and Nigel Nicolson, _The Grenadier Guards in the War of 1939–1945,_ 1949; Jeremy L. Taylor, _Record of a Reconnaissance Regiment,_ section headed "The Fifth Glosters," by Anthony Scott, 1950. David Quilter, _No Dishonourable Name_ (2nd Coldstream Guards), 1947; David Russik, _The DLI at War,_ 1952; W. Whyte, _Roll of the Drum_ (King's Royal Rifle Corps), 1941; and Robin McNish, _Iron Division: The History of the 3rd Division,_ 1978. Other books are important for specific aspects of the story. The defense of Calais: Airey Neave, _The Flames of Calais,_ 1972. The role of the railways: Norman Crump, _By Rail to Victory,_ 1947, and B. Darwin, _War on the Line,_ 1946. Reaction along the southeast coast: Reginald Foster, _Dover Front,_ 1941. The air battles: Douglas Bader, _Fight for the Sky,_ 1973, Larry Forrester, _Fly for Your Life,_ 1956; B.J. Elian (pseud.), _Spitfire!_ 1942, and Denis Richards, _The Royal Air Force, 1939–1945,_ 1953. Many of these titles concern the rescue fleet. The little ships: Nicholas Drew (pseud.), _The Amateur Sailor,_ 1946; and A. A. Hoehling, _Epics of the Sea,_ 1977. Role of the Royal National Lifeboat Institution: Charles Vince, _Storm on the Waters,_ 1946. The MTB's and MA/SB's: Peter Scott, _The Battle of the Narrow Seas,_ 1945. The _Massey Shaw:_ H. S. Ingham, _Fire and Water,_ 1942. The _Medway Queen:_ The Paddle Steamer Preservation Society, _The Story of the Medway Queen,_ 1975. The _Clan MacAlister:_ G. Holman, _In Dangers Hour,_ 1948. For the French side of Dunkirk I found especially useful the official French Navy study, _Les Forces Maritime du Nord, 1939–1940,_ prepared by Dr. Hervé Cras. It is not generally available to the public, but I was given access to a set, and also to several important letters written by Admiral J. Odend'hal, head of the French Naval Mission in London, to his superiors in Paris. Published memoirs of the French leaders are not very satisfactory. Premier Reynaud's _In the Thick of the Fight,_ 1955, is heavy and self-serving. (He even calls it his "Testimony.") General Weygand's _Recalled to Service,_ 1952, comes from an obviously bitter man. Jacques Mordal's _Dunkerque,_ 1968, tries to combine a memoir with straight history. 'Jacques Mordal," incidentally, is a pseudonym used by the historian Hervé Cras. Edmond Perron's _Journal d'un Dunkerquois,_ 1977, depicts what it was like to be an ordinary citizen of Dunkirk trapped in the battle. Good general histories include Rear-Admiral Paul Auphan (with Jacques Mordal), _The French Navy in World War II,_ 1957; General André Beaufre, _1940: The Fall of France,_ 1967; Guy Chapman, _Why France Collapsed,_ 1968; and William L. Shirer, _The Collapse of the Third Republic,_ 1969. The German archival sources are amazingly complete. It's difficult to understand how, in the final _Götterdämmerung_ of the Third Reich, so much could have survived, but the very swiftness of the collapse enabled the Allied armies to seize vast quantities of records intact, to be examined and later returned to the owners. It's all now in the lovely city of Freiburg, meticulously filed in the Bundesarchiv/Militärarchiv, and the Dunkirk material can be easily located. I found most useful the war diaries and situation reports of Army Groups A and B; the Sixth and Eighteenth Armies; IX, X, XIV, and XIX Corps; 18th Infantry Division; 1st, 2nd, and 10th Panzer Divisions; Luftwaffe Air Fleet 2; Fliegerkorps VIII; First Naval War Command; the motor torpedo boat 550; and the submarine _U 62._ The Bundesarchiv also contains a number of unpublished firsthand accounts covering the Dunkirk campaign. File Z A3/50 includes recollections of Field-Marshal Kesselring and Luftwaffe Generals Hans Seidemann and Josef Schmidt. File RH37/6335 contains a vivid account by an unidentified soldier in XIX Corps, covering the whole period from the dash to the sea on May 20 to the fall of Bergues, June 2. File Z 305 is the published diary of Hans Waitzbauer, an observant young radio operator serving in the 102nd Artillery Regiment. The most important diary of all was that kept by General Franz Haider, Chief of the Army General Staff at the time of Dunkirk. It provides not only an hour-by-hour record of events but candid comments on the various personalities at OKH and OKW. The copy I used is an English translation on file at the Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte in Stuttgart. The contemporary published material faithfully follows the Nazi line, but the press does convey the feeling of euphoria that swept Germany that intoxicating May and June of 1940. Three good examples: _Der Adler,_ June 11 and 25; _Die Wehrmacht,_ June 19; and _Völkischer Beobachter,_ almost any day. The German books of the period are just as slanted, but occasionally something useful turns up. Fritz Otto Busch, _Unsere Schnellboote im Kanal_ (no date) gives a good picture of S Boat operations. Herbert W. Borchert, _Panzerkampf im Westen_ (1940) has interesting anecdotes on the thrust of the panzers. Heinz Guderian, _Mit den Panzern in Ost una West_ (1942) is really a compilation of eyewitness stories brought out under Guderian's name, but it does include a good piece on Calais by a Colonel Fischer, who was there. Hans Henkel, _Blende auf-Tiefangriff_ (1941) has a chapter on Dunkirk that gives a vivid picture of the utter desolation that greeted the entering German troops. The years since the war have seen an enormous output of German articles and books touching on Dunkirk. The propaganda is gone, often replaced by wishful thinking, second-guessing, and buck-passing. Some of these sources have English translations: Guenther Blumentritt, _Von Runstedt: The Soldier and the Man,_ 1952; Adolf Galland, _The First and the Last,_ 1954; Heinz Guderian, _Panzer Leader,_ 1952; Hans-Adolf Jacobsen, _Decisive Battles of World War II,_ 1965; Albert Kesselring, _Memoirs,_ 1953; Werner Kreipe, _The Fatal Decisions,_ 1956; Walter Warlimont, _Inside Hitler's Headquarters,_ 1964. Pertinent interviews can be found in B. H. Liddell Hart, _The German Generals Talk,_ 1948. Hitler's "halt order" is picked apart by all these authorities, as it is by other, less familiar writers who have not yet been translated into English: Wolf von Aaken, _Inferno im Westen,_ 1964; Peter Bor, _Gespräche mil Haider,_ 1950; Gert Buchheit, _Hitler der Feldherr; die Zerstörung einst Légende,_ 1958; Gerhard Engel, _Heeres-Adjutant bei Hitler, 1938–1943,_ 1974; Ulrich Liss, _Westfront 1939–1940,_ 1959. For general background I often turned to Len Deighton's _Blitzkrieg: From the Rise of Hitler to the Fall of Dunkirk,_ 1980; William L. Shirer's classic _The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich;_ Telford Taylor's _The March of Conquest,_ 1958; and John Toland's immensely readable _Adolf Hitler,_ 1978. All helped fill me in, and Taylor's appendices proved indispensable. # Acknowledgments "MY OWN FEELINGS ARE rather of disgust," writes a member of the 67th Field Regiment, Royal Artillery. "I saw officers throw their revolvers away... I saw soldiers shooting cowards as they fought to be first in a boat." "Their courage made our job easy," recalls a signalman with the Naval Shore Party, describing the same men on the same beaches, "and I was proud to have known them and to have been born of their generation." To a clerk in 11th Brigade Headquarters, the evacuation was "absolute chaos." To a man in III Corps Headquarters, it was a "debacle"... a "disgrace." But to a dispatch rider with the 4th Division, it was thrilling evidence "that the British were an invincible people." Could they all be talking about the same battle? As I pieced the story together, sometimes it seemed that the only thing the men of Dunkirk agreed upon was their desire to be helpful. Over 500 answered my "call to arms," and there seemed no limit to the time and trouble they were willing to take. Lieutenant-Colonel James M. Langley spent three days showing me around the perimeter, with special attention to the segment of the line held by the 2nd Coldstream Guards. Harold Robinson, Hon. General Secretary of the Dunkirk Veterans Association, arranged for me to join the DVA's annual pilgrimage in 1978. It was a splendid opportunity to get to know some of these men personally, listen to their recollections, and feel the ties that bind them together. I'm especially grateful for the time given me by the Reverend Leslie Aitken, Fred Batson, and Arthur Elkin. The DVA Headquarters in Leeds generously put me in touch with the organization's branches all over the world, and as a result I've received valuable assistance from such varied places as Cyprus, Zimbabwe, Malta, Libya, Italy, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand. The London Branch was particularly helpful, which calls for an extra word of thanks to Stan Allen, Ted Rabbets, and Bob Stephens. For making my cause so widely known, I'm indebted to Captain L. A. Jackson ("Jacko"), editor of the DVA's lively _Journal._ Everyone was helpful, but as the work progressed, I found myself leaning more and more on certain individuals, whom I came to regard as "my" experts in certain areas. These included the Viscount Bridgeman on events at GHQ; Captain Eric Bush on the Royal Navy; Air Vice-Marshal Michael Lyne on the RAF; Captain Stephen Roskill on the Dynamo Room; John Bridges on the Grenadier Guards; Sam Love on the _Hird;_ W. Stanley Berry on the Small Vessels Pool; and Basil Bellamy on the Ministry of Shipping. General Sir Peter Hunt gave me a crash course on British Regiments, and it's a lucky American indeed whose tutor on such an intricate matter is a former Chief of the Imperial General Staff. The participants not only poured out their recollections; they cheerfully rummaged through trunks and attics for long-forgotten papers that might throw further light on their experiences. Old diaries were dusted off by A. Baldwin, J. S. Dodd, F. R. Farley, A. R. Jabez-Smith, W. P. Knight, J. M. Langley, R. W. Lee, I.F.R. Ramsay, and N. Watkin. Others sent in detailed accounts originally written when memories were green—for instance, G. W. Jones, E. C. Webb, and R. M. Zakovitch. Fred Walter contributed a remarkable 31-page handwritten account of Calais, which gave a better picture of that controversial episode than anything else I've seen. Families gallantly pitched in where the participants themselves had passed on. Mrs. E. Barker sent in the diary of her father, Major J. W. Gibson; Roy L. Fletcher contributed a fascinating account by his father, Seaman C. L. Fletcher. Mrs. D. Forward extracted an interesting letter from her brother Syd Metcalf. Helpful widows included Mrs. Nancy Cotton and Mrs. C. Smales. Two cases deserve special mention. First, David F. Ramsay made available some personal correspondence of his distinguished father, Admiral Sir Bertram Ramsay, including a file of letters to Mrs. Ramsay that vividly depicts the blend of desperation and determination that permeated the Dynamo Room. Second, through the good offices of my friend Sharon Rutman, Mrs. Sylvia Sue Steell contributed a letter from her gallant uncle, Commander Charles Herbert Lightoller. It mirrors the spirit of the men who sailed the little ships, and shows that Commander Lightoller had lost none of the zeal that served him so well as Second Officer on the _Titanic._ Other firsthand accounts were collected and forwarded to me by various branches of the DVA, and for this good work I'm particularly grateful to E. C. Webb of the Glasgow Branch and A. Hordell of the Stoke-on-Trent Branch. A special word of thanks, too, for my friend Edward de Groot, who called my attention to Lieutenant Lodo van Hamel, the only skipper in Admiral Ramsay's rescue fleet to fly the Dutch flag. Further details on van Hamel's service were generously provided by Commander F. C. van Oosten, Royal Dutch Navy, Ret., Director of Naval History. In France I was lucky to have the all-out assistance of Hervé Cras, Assistant Director of the Musée de la Marine, who survived the destroyer _Jaguar_ and the minesweeper _Emile Deschamps,_ both lost at Dunkirk. Besides being a participant, Dr. Cras lent me important French records and arranged for two key interviews: one with Rear-Admiral Paul Auphan, who explained the thinking at Darlan's headquarters; and the other with Vice-Admiral Gui de Toulouse-Lautrec, who described the loss of his destroyer, _Siroco._ I only wish Hervé Cras were still alive to read these words of heartfelt gratitude. At a different level F. Summers (then Fernand Schneider) provided a fascinating glimpse of life on a French minesweeping trawler. Mr. Summers came from Dunkirk, and he enjoyed the unusual distinction of starting the war in the French Navy and ending it in the Royal Navy—all in all, a unique point of view. In Germany I concentrated on old aviators, since so much of Dunkirk revolved around the successes and failures of the Luftwaffe. I felt my questions were answered with candor, and I'm deeply grateful to Wolfgang Falck, Adolf Galland, and Hans Mahnert. Colonel Rudi Erlemann was only a small boy in 1940, but by the time I cornered him he was Air Attaché at the German Embassy in Washington, and full of insight on the Luftwaffe's performance. For other glimpses of the German side, I'm indebted to Willy Feigner, a signalman with the 56th Infantry Division; Vice-Admiral Friedrich Ruge, a wise old sailor full of thoughtful comment on the German Navy's performance; Georg Smidt Scheeder, photographer with Goebbels's propaganda company; and Albert Speer, who had at least one conversation with Hitler touching on Dunkirk. Speer felt, incidentally, that anyone who believed that Hitler wanted to "let the English escape" didn't understand the Fuehrer very well. The written material on Dunkirk is voluminous; fortunately an army of dedicated archivists and librarians stands ready to aid the probing scholar. At the Imperial War Museum in London, Dr. Noble Frankland's helpful staff made me feel like one of the family. Rose Coombs, Keeper of Special Collections, is a heroine to countless American researchers, and I'm no exception. David Brown, head of the Naval Historical Branch, gave me a warm welcome, and his assistant, Miss M. Thirkettle, made available her encyclopedic knowledge of what ships were and what were not at Dunkirk. Andrew Naylor, Librarian of the Royal United Services Institute, and Richard Brech of the Royal Air Force Museum both had many useful suggestions. The Secretaries of the various Regimental Headquarters scattered throughout Britain were invariably helpful. I'm especially grateful to Lieutenant-Colonel F.A.D. Betts of the Coldstream Guards; Major Oliver Lindsay of the Grenadier Guards; Lieutenant-Colonel R. E. Humphreys of the Durham Light Infantry; Lieutenant-Colonel H.L.T. Radice of the Gloucestershire Regiment; and Lieutenant-Colonel W.R.H. Charley of the Royal Irish Rangers. Miss E. M. Keen of the Queen Victoria's Rifles Association not only produced records but organized a session where I could meet and talk with several of the veterans of Calais. On the nautical side, the Association of Dunkirk. Little Ships was always helpful in identifying various vessels. This organization must be the most unusual yacht club in the world: the boat, rather than the owner, is elected to membership. Through the Association's efforts, 126 of the Dunkirk little ships have now been carefully preserved. The group's Archivist, John Knight, knows them all and generously shares his knowledge. A special word of thanks to Harry Moss, owner of _Braymar,_ who hosted me at the 1978 Fitting-Out Dinner. A visit to Tough's Boatyard paid great dividends in learning how these little ships were collected and manned. Mr. Robert O. Tough, present head of the family enterprise, took time off from a busy day to dig out the yard's files on the evacuation. I was unable to get to Tilbury, but that didn't deter Mr. C. E. Sedgwick, Group Secretary of the Tilbury Contracting Group. He generously struck off for me photocopies of the actual reports submitted by the masters of three of the company's dredges at Dunkirk. The German archivists matched their British counterparts in patience and helpfulness. Nothing seemed too much trouble, as they tirelessly pulled books and records for my perusal. Heartfelt thanks to the splendid staffs at the Bundesarchiv/Militärarchiv in Freiburg, at the Bibliothek für Zeitgeschichte in Stuttgart, and at the Institut für Zeitgeschichte in Munich. The Bundesarchiv in Koblenz is a treasure house of photographs, and I appreciate the effort here, too, in providing everything I needed. A writer can always use helpful leads, and fortunately there were any number of knowledgeable people on both sides of the Atlantic willing to point me in the right direction. In England this loyal band included Leo Cooper, David Curling, David Divine, Dick Hough, Peter Kemp, Ronald Lewin, Roger Machell, Martin Middlebrook, Denis Richards, Stephen Roskill, and Dan Solon. In America there were Dolph Hoehling, Tom Mahoney, Sam Meek, Drew Middleton, Roger Pineau, Ed Schaefer, Jack Seabrook, Bill Stump, and John Toland. Some, like Ronald Lewin and John Toland, took time out from their own books to help me—a sacrifice that perhaps only another writer can truly appreciate. One bit of unusual generosity deserves separate mention. In 1970 the late Robert Carse wrote _Dunkirk_ — _1940,_ an interesting book that made use of many firsthand accounts. Ten years later—to my grateful surprise—Mr. Carse's daughter Jean Mitchell and a family friend, Vice-Admiral Gordon McLintock, USN (Ret.), turned over to me Mr. Carse's notes and correspondence with various Dunkirk participants. Although in the end I did not include any of this material in my book, it served as valuable background and a useful cross-check on my own sources. I deeply appreciate the thoughtfulness of both Mrs. Mitchell and Admiral McLintock. There remain those who worked directly on the project over the long haul. Marielle Hoffman performed all sorts of heroics as my interpreter/translator in France. Karola Gillich did the same in Germany. I'm also indebted to my friend Roland Hauser, who scanned for me the German press coverage of Dunkirk in 1940 and took on several special research assignments. In England Caroline Larken excelled in lining up interviews, checking various points, and helping me screen the press. Alexander Peters did useful reconnaissance at the PRO. Susan Chadwick efficiently handled the traffic at Penguin as the accounts poured in. My editor there, Eleo Gordon, constantly performed services above and beyond the call of duty. In New York Scott Supplee came to town intending to write short-story fiction—and stayed to become the city's greatest authority on British regimental histories. Preston Brooks, whose father did research for me in 1960, carried on the family tradition. His fluent knowledge of French also came in handy at a critical time. Patricia Heestand not only carried out her share of research, but did yeoman work in compiling the List of Contributors and the Index. Colin Dawkins lent his shrewd eye to the selection and arrangement of illustrations. At Viking my editor, Alan Williams, was as patient and perceptive as ever. Finally, there are those who lived with the book on an almost daily basis. Dorothy Hefferline handled the voluminous correspondence and helped out on all sorts of dire emergencies. The long-suffering Florence Gallagher deserves a medal for completing her 34th year of deciphering my foolscap. But all these people—helpful as they were—would not have been enough without the cooperation of the participants listed on the following pages. They get no blame for my mistakes, but a full share of the credit for whatever new light is thrown on the events that unfolded at Dunkirk in the memorable spring of 1940. # List of Contributors THE MIRACLE OF DUNKIRK was largely the achievement of British soldiers, sailors, fliers, and civilians—all working together—so it is fitting that the same combination has made possible this book. All contributors are listed alphabetically, regardless of rank or title. Where supplied, retired rank and honors are indicated. Each name is followed by the participant's unit or service, to give some idea of vantage point; where appropriate, ship names are also included. In a few cases the participant is no longer living, and his account has been made available by some member of the family. These names are marked by an asterisk. Lt.-Col. G. S. Abbott, TD, JP—BEF, Royal Artillery, 57th Anti-Tank Regiment Douglas Ackerley—BEF, The King's Own Scottish Borderers E. Acklam—BEF, Royal Artillery, 63rd Medium Regiment L.J. Affleck—BEF, 2nd Division, Signals Lt.-Cdr. J. L. Aldridge, MBE—HMS _Express_ Andrew Alexander—BEF, GHQ Signals; HMS _Calcutta_ P. D. Allan—BEF, Royal Artillery; HMS _Vimy_ George Allen—BEF Stanley V. Allen—RN, HMS _Windsor_ H. G. Amphlett—BEF, 14th City of London Royal Fusiliers Michael Anthony—RNVR, _Aura, Yorkshire Lass_ G. W. Arnold—BEF, Royal Engineers, 573rd Field Squadron E.W. Arthur—RN, HMS _Calcutta_ Jean Gardiner Ashenhurst—nurse, Royal Victoria Hospital, Folkestone C.J. Atkinson—RN, HMS _Basilisk_ Thomas Atkinson—BEF, RASC, 159th Welsh Field Ambulance Mrs. M. Austin—Red Cross nurse, southern England William H. Bacchus—BEF, RAMC, 13th Field Ambulance Lt.-Col. L.J.W. Bailey—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Alfred Baldwin—BEF, Royal Artillery; _Maid of Orleans_ Brigadier D. W. Bannister—BEF, Royal Artillery, 56th Medium Regiment R. H. Barlow—BEF, RAOC, 11th Infantry Brigade; HMS _Sandown_ Oliver D. Barnard—BEF, 131st Brigade, Signals; _Dorrien Rose_ A. F. Barnes, MSM—BEF Douglas Barnes—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment; HMS _Javelin_ S. Barnes—RN, HMS _Widgeon_ A. F. Barnett—BEF R. Bartlett—personnel ships, detached duty from Royal Artillery, 64th Regiment, _Queen of the Channel_ D. F. Batson—BEF, RASC R. Batten—BEF, 48th Division, Royal Engineers F.A. Baxter—BEF, RAOC, No. 2 Ordnance Field Park; _Bullfinch_ H.J. Baxter, BEM—RN, HMS _Sandhurst_ Ernest E. Bayley—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals; HMS _Mosquito_ J. Bayliff—BEF, 2nd Division, RASC; HMS _Mosquito_ C. E. Beard—BEF, RASC; _Bullfinch_ J. Beardsley—BEF, Royal Engineers L. C. Beech—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals Basil E. Bellamy, CB—civilian, Ministry of Shipping R. Bellamy—BEF, Middlesex Regiment C. N. Bennett—BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment; HMS _Ivanhoe_ Lt.-Col. John S. W. Bennett—BEF, Royal Engineers, 250th Field Company Lt.-Cdr. the Rev. Peter H. E. Bennett—RN, _New Prince of Wales, Triton,_ HMS _Mosquito_ Myrette Bennington—WRNS, Naval HQ, Dover W. S. Berry—civilian, Admiralty, Small Vessels Pool Herbert V. Betts—Constable, Police War Reserve, Ramsgate Cdr. Robert Bill, DSO, FRICS, FRGS—RN, Naval HQ, Dover; HMS _Fyldea_ Tom Billson—BEF, RASC; _Royal Daffodil_ R. H. Blackburn—BEF, CMP; _Hird_ L. Blackman—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Light Anti-Aircraft Battery Robert Blamire—BEF, Infantry R.J. Blencowe—BEF, Royal Artillery G. Bollington—BEF, RASC, 3rd Division Capt. L.A.A. Border—BEF, RASC, 44th Division; _Prudential_ George Boston—BEF, 143rd Infantry Brigade Frank H. Bound—BEF, 2nd Cameronians D.Bourne—BEF, RASC; HMS _Beatrice_ Eric Bowman—BEF, 7th Green Howards Cdr. V.A.L. Bradyll-Johnson—RN, Eastern Arm, Dover breakwater E.P. Brett—BEF, Signals; HMS _Calcutta_ Maj. Anthony V. N. Bridge—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment Viscount Robert Clive Bridgeman, KBE, CB, DSO, MD, JP—BEF, GHQ acting Operations Officer; HMS _Keith, Vivian_ John Bridges—BEF, 1st Grenadier Guards; HMS _Ivanhoe,_ HMS _Speedwell_ Maj.-Gen. P.H.W. Brind—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment; HMS _Javelin_ W. Brown—RN, HMS _Grenade, Fenella,_ HMS _Crested Eagle_ D. A. Buckland—BEF, Royal Artillery, 54th Light Anti-Aircraft Regiment K. S. Burford—BEF, 1/7th Middlesex Regiment Frederick J. Burgin—BEF, Royal Engineers Lord Burnham, JP, DL—BEF, 2nd Division, Royal Artillery; HMS _Worcester_ G. H. Burt—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment Capt. Eric Bush—RN, Adm. Ramsay's staff, Dunkirk beaches; HMS _Hebe_ Charles K. Bushe, SJAB—BEF, Royal Artillery, 52nd Field Regiment R. G. Butcher—BEF, 1st Division George H. Butler—BEF, Royal Artillery, 2nd Field Regiment; HMS _Worcester_ Olive M. Butler—civilian, Basingstoke, return of troops Charles V. Butt—BEF, RASC Capt. J.S.S. Buxey—BEF, Royal Artillery, 139th Field Regiment; _Lady of Mann_ Maj. Donald F. Callander, MC—BEF, 1st Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders Lord Cameron, Kt, DSC, LLD, FRSE, HRSA, FRSGS, DI—RNVR, _MTB 107_ Lt.-Col. T.S.A. Campbell—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals Moran Capiat—RNVR, _Freshwater_ David H. Caple—BEF, RASC, 3rd Division, 23rd Ammunition Company Maj. B. G. Carew Hunt, MBE, TD—BEF, 1/5th Queen's Royal Regiment D. C. Carter—BEF, 2nd Division, 208th Field Company; _Fisher Boy_ Robert Carter—BEF, 48th Division, Signals P. Cavanagh—RN, HMS _Grenade_ P. C. Chambers—BEF, Royal Engineers Mowbray Chandler—BEF, Royal Artillery, 57th Field Regiment; _Fenella,_ HMS _Crested Eagle_ R. Chapman—BEF Percy H. Charles—BEF, 44th Division, Signals; _Canterbury_ J. Cheek—BEF, RASC, 44th Division; HMS _Sabre_ Lord Chelwood, MC, DL—BEF, 9th Royal Northumberland Fusiliers; HMS _Malcolm_ Col. J.M.T.F. Churchill, DSO, MC—BEF, 2nd Manchester Regiment; HMS _Leda_ J. B. Claridge—BEF, 4th Division, 12th Field Ambulance; HMS _Ivanhoe_ Charles Clark—BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment E.Clements—RN, HMS _Gossamer_ D.J. Coles—BEF, Royal Engineers, 223rd Field Park Company Col. J.J. Collins, MC, TD—BEF, GHQ, Signals Sir John Colville, CB, CVO—Assistant Private Secretary to Winston Churchill A. Cordery—BEF, RASC; HMS _Icarus_ W. F. Cordrey—BEF, 2nd Royal Warwick Regiment Henry J. Cornwell—BEF, Royal Engineers, 250th Field Company Walter Eric Cotton—BEF, Signals L.H.T. Court—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards David F. Cowie—BEF, 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry Lt.-Cdr. I.N.D. Cox, DSC—RN, HMS _Malcolm_ F.J. Crampton, RSM—BEF, II Corps, Signals, attached to 51st Heavy Regiment, RA George Crane—BEF, 12th Royal Lancers Joyce Crawford-Stuart—VAD Guildford, Surrey Maj. H. M. Croome—BEF, 5th Division, Field Security Thomas Henry Cullen—BEF, RAOC, 19th HQ, Field Workshops, attached to 1st Division Frank Curry—BEF, 1st East Lancashire Regiment R. G. Cutting—BEF, 44th Division, Signals Maj. F. H. Danielli—BEF, RASC, 3rd GHQ, Company George David Davies—RNR, _Jacinta, Thetis_ F.Davis—BEF, Royal Artillery, 4th Heavy Anti-Aircraft John Dawes—RN, Naval Shore Party; HMS _Wolfhound_ H. Delve—BEF, RASC, II Corps; _Westwood_ Raphael de Sola—civilian, ship's lifeboat Charles James Dewey—BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment C.C.H. Diaper—RN, HMS _Sandown_ Harold J. Dibbens—BEF, I Corps, 102nd Provost Company; HMS _Windsor_ Robert Francis Dickman—BEF, 4th Division, Signals; _Ben-My-Chree_ G.W. Dimond—BEF, Royal Artillery, Brigade Anti-Tank Company A. D. Divine—civilian, _Little Ann, White Wing_ K. Dobson—Infantry, Suffolk coast defense John S. Dodd, TD—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Field Regiment; HMS _Sabre_ A. H. Dodge—BEF, Royal Artillery, 13th Anti-Tank Regiment Harry Donohoe—BEF, 1st Division, Signals Maj.-Gen. Arthur J. H. Dove—GHQ; HMS _Wolfhound_ James Dow—Royal Naval Medical Service; HMS _Gossamer,_ HMS _Mosquito_ James F. Duffy—BEF, Royal Artillery, 52nd Heavy Regiment F.G. Dukes—BEF, Signals, Division HQ HMS _Shikari_ Reginald E. Dunstan—BEF, RAMC, 186th Field Ambulance Col. L. C. East, DSO, OBE—BEF, 1/5th Queen's Royal Regiment R. G. Eastwell—BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment; HMS _Niger_ G.Edkins—civilian, Surrey, return of troops R. Edwards—BEF, RASC, ambulance driver R. Eggerton—BEF; HMS _Esk_ A. L. Eldridge, RMPA, RMH—BEF, 3rd Grenadier Guards Arthur Elkin, MM—BEF, 3rd Division, Military Police, General Montgomery's bodyguard A. W. Elliott—civilian, _Warrior_ C. W. Elmer—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards Charles J. Emblin—RN, HMS _Basilisk_ Lt.-Col. H. M. Ervine-Andrews, VC—BEF, 1st East Lancashire Regiment Alwyne Evans—BEF, 5th Gloucestershire Regiment; hospital carrier _Paris_ Col. H. V. Ewbank—BEF, 50th Division, Signals; HMS _Sutton_ Cdr. R. G. Eyre—RN _MA/SB 10_ Julian Fane—BEF, 2nd Gloucestershire Regiment F. R. Farley—BEF, RAOC, 1/7thMiddlesex Regiment; HMS _Halcyon_ F. A. Faulkner—BEF, 1st Division, Signals H. W. Fawkes—BEF, RAOC, electrician Rosemary Keyes Fellowes—WRNS, Naval HQ, Dover F. Felstead—BEF, Signals; HMS _Royal Eagle_ John Fernald—civilian, ship's lifeboat Col. John H. Fielden—BEF, 5th Lancashire Fusiliers Maj. Geoffrey H. Fisher—BEF, RASC Rear-Adm. R. L. Fisher, CB, DSO, OBE, DSC—HMS _Wakeful, Comfort, Hird_ Carl Leonard Fletcher, DSM—RN, HMS _Wolfhound,_ HMS _Crested Eagle, Fenella,_ HMS _Whitehall_ B.G.W. Flight—BEF, RASC, No. 1 Troop Carrying Company E. H. Foard, MM—BEF, Royal Engineers, No. 2 Bridge Company, RASC Capt. R. D. Franks, CBE, DSO, DSC—RN, HMS _Scimitar_ K. G. Fraser—Merchant Navy, _Northern Prince,_ London docks Brig. A. F. Freeman, MC—BEF, Signals, HQ, II Corps W. C. Frost—BEF, RAMC, 11th Casualty Clearing Station Mrs. D. M. Fugeman—civilian, Wales, return of troops Ronald Wilfred Furneaux—BEF, 1/5th Queen's Royal Regiment H. E. Gentry—BEF, Royal Artillery, 32nd Field Regiment; HMS _Malcolm_ Lottie Germain—refugee; _Sutton_ *Maj. J. W. Gibson, MBE—BEF, 2nd East Yorkshire Regiment; HMS _Lord Howe_ Alfred P. Gill—BEF, RASC, 44th Division, 132nd Field Ambulance; _Hird_ Air Marshal Sir Victor Goddard, KCB, CBE, MA—RAF, Air Adviser to Lord Gort Eric V. Goodbody—RN, Yeoman of Signals, GHO; HMS _Westward Ho_ Mark Goodfellow—BEF, RASC, 55th West Lancashire Division Thomas A. Gore Browne—BEF, 1st Grenadier Guards Bessie Gornall—civilian, London, return of troops S. E. Gouge—BEF, RASC; HMS _Intrepid_ William Douglas Gough—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Medium Regiment Captain J. R. Gower, DSC—RN, HMS _Albury_ Air Vice-Marshal S. B. Grant, CB, DFC—RAF, 65 Squadron, Hornchurch Col. J.S.S. Gratton, OBE, DL—BEF, 2nd Hampshire Regiment D.K.G. Gray—BEF, RAMC, 12th Casualty Clearing Station A. H. Greenfield—BEF, Royal Artillery, Anti-Tank Regiment G. A. Griffin—BEF, RASC, driver E. N. Grimmer—BEF, Royal Engineers, 216th Field Company; HMS _Malcolm_ Bob Hadnett, MM—BEF, 48th Division, Signals, Dispatch Rider E. A. Haines—BEF, 1st Grenadier Guards; HMS _Speedwell_ David Halton—BEF, 1st Division, Signals V. Hambly—civilian, Ashford, Kent, return of troops M. M. Hammond—BEF, RAMC, 1st Field Ambulance Lt.-Col. C. L. Hanbury, MBE, TD, DL—BEF, Royal Artillery, 99th Field Regiment E. S. Hannant—BEF, Infantry, Machine-Gunner W. Harbord—BEF, RASC George Hare—BEF, I Corps, 102nd Provost Company; HMS _Windsor_ S. Harland—BEF, 2nd Welsh Guards R. A. Harper—BEF, RAF, Lysander spotter plane, attached to 56th Highland Medium Artillery; HMS _Grafton_ K.E.C. Harrington—BEF, 48th Division, RAMC, 143rd Field Ambulance E.Harris—BEF, Royal Engineers, 135th Excavator Company; HMS _Calcutta_ F.H. Harris—BEF, 4/7th Royal Dragoons Leslie F. Harris—BEF, RAMC, 7th Field Ambulance Tom Harris—BEF, Royal Engineers, I Corps, 13th Field Survey Company; hospital carrier _Paris_ Thomas Collingwood Harris—BEF, RAOC, No. 1 Recovery Section Ted Harvey—civilian, _Moss Rose,_ Cockle Boats, _Letitia_ Jeffrey Haward, MM—BEF, 3rd Division, Machine Gun Battalion Maj. S. S. Hawes—BEF, RASC, 1st Division; HMS _Grafton,_ HMS _Wakeful_ E. A. Hearl—BEF, RAMC, 132nd Field Ambulance Ernest A. Heming—BEF, RAOC, Field Rank Unit Oliver Henry—BEF, Infantry, Machine Gun Battalion Col. J. Henton Wright, OBE, TD, DL—BEF, Royal Artillery, 60th Field Regiment; _Royal Sovereign_ Sam H. Henwood—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals; HMS _Sandown_ Maj. John Heron, MC, TD—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment Thomas Hewson—BEF, RAOC, attached to Field Artillery Unit Col. Peter R. Hill, OBE, TD—BEF, RAOC, II Corps, 2nd Ordnance Field Park C.F.R. Hilton, DSC—civilian, _Ryegate II_ Michael Joseph Hodgkinson—BEF, RAOC, 14th Army Field Workshop William Holden—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals; HMS _Sandown_ Robert Walker Holding—BEF, Royal Sussex Regiment; HMS _Codrington_ F. Hollis—BEF, 7th Green Howards Brig. A. Eric Holt—BEF, 2nd Manchester Regiment C. G. Hook—BEF, RASC; _Tynwald_ Alan Hope—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Field Regiment R. Hope—BEF, 2nd Manchester Regiment Ronald Jeffrey Hopper—BEF, RASC, 50th Division Richard Hoskins—BEF, RASC, driver Brig. D.J.B. Houchin, DSO, MC—BEF, 5th Division H. Howard—BEF, RASC, 4th Division Jeffrey Howard, MM—BEF, 1/7th Middlesex Regiment Dennis S. Hudson—RN, signalman, HMS _Scimitar_ Mrs. Pat Hunt—civilian, Portland and Weymouth, return of troops Gen. Sir Peter Hunt, GCB, DSO, OBE—BEF, 1st Cameron Highlanders Major Frank V. Hurrell—BEF, RASC Freddie Hutch—RAF, 4th Army Cooperation Squadron; _Maid of Orleans_ L. S. Hutchinson—BEF, Royal Artillery, Medium Regiment W.J. Ingham—BEF, Field Security Police; HMS _Sabre_ A. R. Isitt—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards; HMS _Vimy_ Byron E.J. Iveson-Watt—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Anti-Aircraft Regiment; HMS _Worcester_ A. R. Jabez-Smith—BEF, 1st Queen Victoria's Rifles Albert John Jackson—Army sergeant attached to HMS _Golden Eagle_ Evelyn Jakes—civilian, return of troops Maj. H. N. Jarvis, TD—BEF, Royal Artillery, 53rd Medium Regiment Alec Jay—BEF, 1st Queen Victoria's Rifles E. Johnson—BEF, Royal Artillery Walton Ronald William Johnson—RN, HMS _Scimitar_ Gen. Sir Charles Jones, GCB, CBE, MC—BEF, 42nd Division, 127th Brigade George W. Jones—BEF, 1st Grenadier Guards Dr. Adrian Kanaar—BEF, RAMC, Field Ambulance; HMS _Calcutta_ R. Kay—BEF, GHQ, Signals Maj. E. E. Kennington—BEF, Royal Engineers, 203rd Field Park Company; HMS _Wolsey_ Professor W. E. Kershaw, CMG, VRD, MD, DSC-RNVR, HMS _Harvester_ A. P. Kerstin—BEF, RASC, 1st Division A. King—BEF, III Corps HQ; HMS _Impulsive_ Major H. P. King-Frettš—BEF, 2nd Dorsetshire Regiment John F. Kingshott—BEF, RAOC, First A.A. Brigade Workshop F. W. Kitchener—BEF, Royal Artillery Jack Kitchener—BEF, RASC; _Isle of Gurnsey_ William P. Knight—BEF, Royal Engineers, No. 1 General Base Depot Arthur Knowles—BEF, 2nd Grenadier Guards, 12th Casualty Clearing Station George A. Kyle—BEF, 1st Fife and Forfar Yeomanry; _Killarney_ A. E. Lambert—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Heavy Regiment Col. C. R. Lane—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals Lt.-Col. J. M. Langley—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards, 12th Casualty Clearing Station A. Lavis—BEF, Royal Artillery, Anti-Tank Regiment George Lawrence—BEF, Middlesex Regiment John Lawrence—BEF, 42nd Division, 126th Brigade W. G. Lawrence—BEF, Royal Artillery; HMS _Vivacious_ W. Lawson—RNVR, HMS _Codrington,_ LDG Signalman A. E. Lear—BEF, 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment; HMS _Codrington_ David Learmouth—BEF, RASC, Ammunition Company Robert Lee—BEF, Royal Artillery, 57th Field Regiment; HMS _Worcester_ Robert W. Lee—BEF, RASC, 44th Division; _Mersey Queen_ T.J. Lee—BEF, 3rd Division, Royal Artillery, 7th Field Regiment; _Isle of Thanet_ Ron Lenthal—civilian, Tough's Boatyard, Teddington A. E. Lewin—BEF, 2nd Middlesex Regiment W. C. Lewington—BEF, RASC, 2nd Corps Cyril Lewis—BEF, Royal Artillery, 139th Anti-Tank Brigade, attached to Northamptonshire Regiment G. E. Lille—RAF, 264th Fighter Squadron Thomas H. Lilley—BEF, Royal Engineers, 242nd Field Company Lt.-Col. S.J. Linden-Kelly, DSO—BEF, 2nd Lancashire Fusiliers; HMS _Shikari_ Maj. A. E. Lindley, RCT—BEF, 11th Infantry Brigade; _Pangbourne_ Margaret Loat—civilian, Warrington, Lancashire, return of troops Reginald Lockerby, TD, Dip. MA, Inst. M—BEF, RAOC, 2nd Ordnance Field Park; HMS _Venomous_ Frederick Louch—BEF, RAMC, 13th Ambulance Train S. V. Love—BEF, RAMC, 12th Field Ambulance; _Hird_ R.J. Lovejoy—BEF, RASC, 2nd Buffs G. E. Lucas—BEF, Royal Artillery, 2nd Anti-Aircraft Battery D. L. Lumley—BEF, 2nd Northamptonshire Regiment; Motor Torpedo Boat Air Vice-Marshal Michael D. Lyne, CB, AFC, MBIM, DL—RAF, 19th Fighter Squadron George M. McClorry, MM—RNR, Whale Island Ivan McGowan—BEF, 57th Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery; HMS _Express_ Capt. B.D.O. Maclntyre, DSC—RN, HMS _Excellent_ Capt. A. M. McKillop, DSC—RN, Block Ships, _Westcove_ W. McLean—BEF, 1st Queen's Own Cameron Highlanders; _St. Andrew_ A. A. McNair—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Division H. P. Mack—RN, HMS _Gossamer, Comfort_ Brig. P.E.S. Mansergh, OBE—BEF, 3rd Division, Signais A.N.T. Marjoram—RAF, 220th Bomber Squadron Frederick William Marlow—BEF, 44th Division, Signals; _Royal Daffodil_ Douglas J. W. Marr—BEF; HMS _Venomous_ R. W. Marsh—BEF, Royal Engineers, 698th General Construction Company Arthur Marshall—BEF, 2nd Corps, Internal Security Unit J. W. Martin—RN, HMS _Saladin_ A. J. Maskell—BEF, The Buffs R. T. Mason—BEF, Signals, attached to 2nd Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery Lt.-Cdr. W.J. Matthews—RN, Secretary to Commander of Minesweepers, Dover Arthur May—BEF, Royal Artillery, 3rd Medium Regiment H. T. May—BEF, 1st Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry Pip Megrath—civilian, village near Guildford, return of troops Kenneth W. Meiklejohn—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Field Regiment, and 65th Field Regiment, Chaplain; _Isle of Man_ Capt. D.B.N. Mellis, DSC—RN, HMS _Malcolm_ Harold Meredith—BEF, RASC, with Royal Engineers at Maginot Line *Syd Metcalfe—BEF, Signals N. F. Minter—BEF, RAMC, 4th Division, 12th Field Ambulance Wilfrid L. Miron—BEF, 9th Sherwood Foresters E. Montague—civilian, return of troops Philip Moore—BEF, RASC, 50th Division, 11th Troop Carrying Company Maj. S.T. Moore, TD—BEF, RASC, attached to 32nd Field Regiment; HMS _Oriole,_ HMS _Lord Collingwood_ R. W. Morford—Merchant Navy, captain of _Hythe_ T.J. Morgan—civilian, _Gallions Reach_ Maj.-Gen. James L. Moulton, CB, DSO, OBE—Royal Marines, Staff officer, GHQ, W. Murphy—civilian, Dover, return of troops R. A. Murray Scott, MD—BEF, RAMC, 1st Field Ambulance, 1st Guards Brigade Arthur Myers—BEF, RASC, Mobile Workshop F. Myers—BEF, Royal Artillery, attached to 2nd Grenadier Guards Lt.-Col. E. R. Nanney Wynn—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals; HMS _Sandown_ John W. Neeves—RN, HMS _Calcutta_ Eddie Newbould—BEF, 1st King's Own Scottish Borderers Philip Newman, MD—BEF, RAMC, 12th Casualty Clearing Station R. Nicholson—BEF, GDSM Company Runner G.F. Nixon—RN, naval shore party; _Lord Southborough_ F. Noon—BEF, Royal Artillery, 53rd Field Regiment, 126th Brigade; HMS _Whitshed_ W.C.P. Nye—BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment W. Oakes—BEF, 7th Cheshire Regiment W. H. Osborne, C. Eng., FRI, NA—civilian, William Osborne Ltd., boatyard, Littlehampton George Paddon—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment; HMS _Anthony_ Leslie R. Page—BEF, RAOC, 44th Division T. Page—BEF, RASC, II Corps Mary Palmer—civilian, Ramsgate, return of troops James V. Parker—RN, 2nd Chatham Naval Barracks, beaches; HMS _Grenade_ Maj. C. G. Payne—BEF, Royal Artillery, 69th Medium Regiment; _Tynwald_ Thomas F. Payne—BEF, 4th Royal Sussex Regiment; HMS _Medway Queen_ Grace Pearson—civilian, GPO, Bournemouth, return of troops L. A. Pell—BEF, Royal Engineers Rear-Adm. Pelly, CB, DSO—RN, HMS _Windsor_ N.J. Pemberton—BEF, 2nd Middlesex Regiment Brig. G.W.H. Peters—BEF, 2nd Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Regiment Pamela Phillimore—WRNS, naval headquarters, Dover Lt.-Col. John W. Place—BEF, 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment H. Playford—civilian, Naval Store House of H. M. Dockyard, Sheerness T. J. Port—RN, HMS _Anthony_ F.J. Potticary—BEF, 1st/5th Queen's Royal Regiment; _Royal Daffodil_ J. W. Poulton—BEF, Royal Artillery, 65th Heavy And-Aircraft Regiment Lt.-Cdr. H. B. Poustie, DSC—RN, HMS _Keith, St. Abbs_ Stan Priest—BEF, RAMC, III Corps; _Mona's Isle_ Kathleen M. Prince—civilian, Bournemouth, return of troops David W. Pugh, DSO, MD, FRCP—RNVR, HMS _Whitshed,_ HMS _Hebe_ M. F. Purdy—civilian, London, return of troops Edgar G. A. Rabbets—BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment Mrs. R. L. Raft—civilian, Ramsgate, return of troops Maj. I.F.R. Ramsay—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment R.R.C. Rankin—BEF, GHQ, Signals Maj.-Gen. R. St. G. T. Ransome, CB, CBE, MC—BEF, I Corps HQ. Col. M. A. Rea, OBE, MB—BEF, RAMC, Embarkation Medical Officer Eric Reader—BEF, Royal Engineers, 293rd Field Park Company, III Corps; HMS _Brighton Belle,_ HMS _Gracie Fields_ Edith A. Reed—ATS, BEF, GHQ, 2nd Echelon, Margate James Reeves—BEF, 2nd Essex Regiment A. G. Rennie—BEF, Royal Artillery, 140th Army Field Regiment; _Côte d'Argent_ Walter G. Richards—BEF, RASC, No. 2 L of C Railhead Company, based at Albert (Somme) Gen. Sir Charles Richardson, GCB, CBE, DSO—BEF, 4th Division, Deputy Assistant Quartermaster General D. G. Riddall—BEF, Royal Artillery, Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment C. A. Riley—BEF, Royal Engineers; HMS _Codrington_ H.J. Risbridger—BEF, RASC; HMS _Icarus_ George A. Robb—RN, _Isle of Thanet_ Kenneth Roberts—BEF, RAMC, 141st Field Ambulance; HMS _Worcester_ W. Roberts, MM—BEF, 1st East Lancashire Regiment Maj. R. C. Robinson—BEF, Royal Artillery, 85th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment H. Rogers—BEF, Royal Artillery, Signals Alfred Rose—BEF, Royal Artillery, 63rd Medium Regiment Capt. Stephen Roskill—RN, Dynamo Room, Dover Tom Roslyn—BEF P. H. Rowley—BEF, 4th Division, Signals R. L. Rylands—BEF, HQ, 12th Infantry Brigade F. C. Sage—BEF, RASC, I Corps, Petrol Company E. A. Salisbury—BEF, 4th Division, Signals Dr. Ian Samuel, OBE—BEF, RAMC, 6th Field Ambulance A. D. Saunders, BEM—RN, HMS _Jaguar_ Frank Saville—BEF, 2nd Cameronians Maj. Ronald G. H. Savory—RASC, Ramsgate, Dunkirk beaches; _Foremost 101_ W.J.U. Sayers—BEF, Royal Sussex Regiment; HMS _Wolsey_ E.A.G. Scott—BEF, Royal Engineers Guy Scoular, OBE, MBChB, DPH—BEF, RAMC, 2nd North Staffordshire Regiment; HMS _Codrington_ Maj. M.C.P. Scratchley—BEF, RAOC, 3rd Army Field Workshop Lt.-Col. W. H. Scriven—BEF, RAMC; HMS _Shikari_ Robert Seviour—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment Herbert G. Sexon—BEF, RAOC, 1st East Surrey Regiment R. Shattock—BEF, Royal Artillery, 32nd Field Regiment Reginald B. Short—BEF, Royal Artillery, 57th Field Regiment Leslie R. Sidwell—civilian, Cotswolds, return of troops A. E. Sleight—BEF, Royal Artillery, 60th Army Field Regiment; HMS _Salamander_ Maj. A. D. Slyfield, MSM—BEF, Royal Artillery, 20th Anti-Tank Regiment; _Hythe_ B. Smales—BEF, headquarters clerk, Signals Douglas H. Smith—BEF, 5th Northamptonshire Regiment Evan T. Smith—BEF, RASC; HMS _Jaguar_ Leslie M. Smith—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Field Regiment; _Beagle_ Capt. George G. H. Snelgar—BEF, RASC, motor transport company Col. D. C. Snowdon, TD—BEF, 1stQueen's Royal Regiment; _Mona 's Isle_ Mrs. Gwen Sorrill—Red Cross nurse, Birmingham, return of troops Christopher D. South—BEF, Hopkinson British Military Mission, Belgium; HMS _Worcester_ E.J. Spinks—BEF, Royal Artillery, gunner H. Spinks—BEF, 1st King's Own Scottish Borderers James Spirritt—BEF, RASC, 4th Division; HMS _Abel Tasman_ Kenneth Spraggs—BEF, Royal Artillery, 92nd Field Regiment Raie Springate—civilian, Ramsgate; _Fervant_ J. S. Stacey—RNR, HMS _Brighton Belle_ John W. Stacey—BEF, Signals, No. 1 HQ, Signals; HMS _Javelin_ A. Staines—RN, HMS _Hebe_ Wing Commander Robert Stanford-Tuck, DSO, DFC—RAF, 92nd Fighter Squadron Jeanne Michez Stanley—French civilian married to BEF S/Sgt. Gordon Stanley R.J. Stephens—BEF, Royal Artillery, 2nd Searchlight Regiment Charles Stewart—BEF, Royal Engineers, 209th Field Company Rowland Stimpson—civilian, Burgess Hill, return of troops G. S. Stone—RAF, Lysander spotter plane W. Stone—BEF, 5th Royal Sussex Regiment H.W. Stowell, DSC, VRD—RNVR, HMS _Wolfhound_ William Stratton—BEF, RASC, troop carrier; HMS _Harvester_ Samuel Sugar—BEF, RASC, 50th Division; HMS _Grafton_ F. Summers—French Navy, _St. Cyr;_ Dunkirk itself Mrs. E.J. Sumner—civilian, Kent, return of troops S. Sumner—BEF, Royal Fusiliers Lt.-Col. G. S. Sutcliff, OBE, TD—BEF, 46th Division, 139th Brigade; HMS _Windsor_ John Tandy—BEF, 1st Grenadier Guards John Tarry—Merchant Navy, _Lady Southborough_ Lt.-Cdr. Arthur C. Taylor, MM, Chevalier de l'Or—RNR, Calais Billy Taylor—BEF, Royal Artillery, Heavy Anti-Aircraft Gordon A. Taylor—BEF, RASC, 1st Division L. Taylor—civilian, Local Defence Volunteer Force, Isle of Sheppey Maj. R. C. Taylor—BEF, ist East Surrey Regiment, Signals; _St. Andrew_ James E. Taziker—BEF, Royal Artillery, 42nd Division Col. N.B.C. Teacher, MC—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Regiment Royal Horse Artillery A. H. Tebby—BEF, 1st King's Shropshire Light Infantry Dora Thorn—civilian, Margate, return of troops J. P. Theobald—BEF, Royal Artillery, 58th Medium Regiment Syd Thomas—BEF, I Corp, 102nd Provost Company S. V. Holmes Thompson—BEF, Royal Artillery, 3rd Searchlight Regiment; _Queen of the Channel_ D. Thorogood—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards W. H. Thorpe—RNR, HMS _Calvi_ H. S. Thuillier, DSO—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Anti-Aircraft Regiment; HMS _Shikari_ F. Tidey—BEF, 2nd Royal Norfolk Regiment S. V. Titchener—BEF, RASC Col. Robert P. Tong—BEF, Staff officer, GHQ C. W. Trowbridge—BEF, Royal Artillery, 1st Medium Regiment Joseph Tyldesley—BEF, RASC, attached to No. 2 Artillery Company GHQ, Derek Guy Vardy—BEF, Royal Artillery; HMS _Dundalk_ W. R. Voysey—BEF, 3rd Division, Signals Maj.-Gen. D.A.L. Wade—BEF, GHQ, Signals C. Wagstaff—BEF, Royal Artillery, searchlight detachment Dr. David M. Walker—BEF, RAMC, 102nd Casualty Clearing Station; _Prague_ George Walker—RN, HMS _Havant_ William S. Walker—BEF, Royal Artillery, 5th Medium Regiment Fred E. Walter—BEF, 1st Queen Victoria's Rifles Rupert Warburton—BEF, 48th Division, Provost Company Alwyn Ward—BEF, RAOC, 9th Army Field Workshop W.J. Warner—BEF, Royal Artillery, 60th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment Noel Watkin—BEF, Royal Artillery, 67th Field Regiment; _Prague_ J. T. Watson—BEF, RAMC, General Hospital No. 6 Maj. Alan G. Watts—BEF, 2nd Dorset Regiment Capt. O. M. Watts—civilian, London, recruiting for Little Ships E. C. Webb—BEF, Royal Artillery, 99th Field Regiment; HMS _Vrede,_ HMS _Winchelsea_ S. G. Webb—BEF, Royal Artillery, 52nd Anti-Tank Regiment Frank S. Westley—BEF, Signals F.G.A. Weston—BEF, RASC; _Maid of Orleans_ George White—BEF, 7th Green Howards Sir Meredith Whittaker—BEF, 5th Green Howards H. Whitton—BEF, 4th Division, Signals Miss G. E. Williams—nursing sister, hospital ship _St. David_ Maj. G. L. Williams—BEF, 3rd Division, 8th Field Ambulance S/Sgt. W. G. Williams—BEF, RASC, 44th Division Maj. Gordon D. Wilmot—BEF, 2nd Royal Scottish Fusiliers George T. Wilson—BEF, King's Own Royal Regiment S.J. Wilson—BEF, Royal Engineers Brigadier R. C. Windsor Clive—BEF, 2nd Coldstream Guards C. E. Wingfield—BEF, 3rd Division, Royal Engineers Mrs. F.A.M. Wood—Public Health Nurse, Bournemouth, return of troops C. Woodford—BEF, Infantry, The Buffs; HMS _Whitehall_ G. N. Woodhams, TD—BEF, Royal Artillery, Anti-Aircraft N. D. Woolland—BEF, Royal Engineers Frank Woolliscroft—BEF, RASC, 42nd Division E. S. Wright, MM—BEF, 42nd W/T Section, Signals Percy H. Yorke—BEF, RAMC, 149th Field Ambulance; HMS _Princess Elizabeth_ Robert M. Zakovitch—BEF, French interpreter, attached to 4th Brigade # Index A | B | C | D | E F | G | H | I | J K | L | M | N | O P | Q | R | S | T U | V | W | Y | Z Aa Canal, , , , , , _See also_ "Canal Line" Abbeville, , , Abrial, Admiral Jean, , , , , , 179-83, 229-30, , , , , Ackrell, Corporal P. C. , Adam, Lieutenant-General Sir Ronald. , , , Admiralty: "Dynamo" implemented, , , , ; French, relations with, , ; destroyers, use of, , 144-45, , ; Wake-Walker sent, ; daylight operations ended; 229-30; "Dynamo" ends, , _See also_ Little Ships; Small Vessels Pool Ailly, Alaurent, General. , Albert, , ALC (Army Landing Craft), , , _See also_ Little Ships Alexander, Major-General Harold; , , 180-83, 229-30, 246-47 Allan. Gunner P. D., Allison, Commander, Amiens, , , , _Anthony_ , Antiaircraft guns, 80-81 Antitank guns, , , Archdale, Major O. A., Armentieres, , , Arras, , , , , , , , , , ; counterattack at, 18-19, , Atrocities, by SS units, , 106-7 Audresselles, Auphan, Captain Paul. , , , , _Aura_ , Austin, Captain John, , Austin. Captain R. C., _Autocarrier_ , , Bacchus, Private Bill, Backhouse, Admiral Sir Roger, , Baker, Sergeant Jack, Baldwin, Private Alfred, Barker, Lieutenant-General Michael, , , Barnard, Private Oliver, Barris, Seaman Bill, Barthélémy, General, Bartlett, Captain Basil, 123-24 Bartlett, Seaman George, _Basilisk_ , 216-17, Bassett, Colonel Sam, Bastion 32 (French Headquarters, Dunkirk), , , , , 179-83, , , , Batson, Lance Corporal Fred, Beamish, Captain Tufton, , Beaufrère, General, , , , Beckwith-Smit, Brigadier, M B., Belgium: Allied advance into, , ; Allied withdrawal from, , , 8-12; participation in fighting, , , , , , , , ; surrender of, 100-104, , , Bellamy, Basil, , _Ben-My-Chree_ , , Bennett. Private C. N., Bennett, 2nd Lieutenant John S. W., Bennett, Sub-Lieutenant Peter, , Bergues, , , , , , , Bergues-Furnes Canal, , , 231-33 Berry, W. Stanley. , , , Berthon, Captain, 216-17, Biddneph, Commander M. A. O., _Bideford_ , Bill, Lieutenant Robin, , , 138-39, Billotte, General Gaston, , , , Birnbacher, Captain-Lieutenant Heinz, , Blackburn, Staff Sergeant Reg, Blanchard, General J. G. M., , , , , , , , , , , , , Block ships, 251-52, 260-61 Blumentritt, Colonel Guenther, Bock, General Colonel Fedor von, , , , , , , , , _Bonnie Heather_ , Booth, Lieutenant-Commander B. R., Border Regiment, 5th Battalion, Bougrain, General, Boulogne, , , , , , , 41-43, , , , Bourbourg, , , _Bourrasque_ , Boydd, Private Paddy, Boyes Anti-Tank Rifles, , , , Brammall. Lieutenant C. V., Brauchitsch, General Colonel Walther von, , , Brav-Dunes, , 112-15, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 207-8, , , , Brennecke, General Major Kurt, Bridgeman, Lieutenant-Colonel the Viscount, , , , , , , , , , , Bridges, Lance Sergeant John. 201-2, , 212-15 _Brighton Belle_ , _Brighton Queen_ , British Expeditionary Force (BEF), , , General Headquarters (GHQ): Arras. , , , , , ; Boulogne, , ; Hazebrouck, ; la Panne, , , , , 180-82, ; Dunkirk, , , Corps: I, , , , , ; II, , , , , , , , : III, , , , , Divisions: 1st, , ; 2nd, , , ; 3rd, , 104-5, , ; 4th, , , , ; 23rd, ; 44th, , , , , , ; 48th, , , ; 50th, , , , Brigades: 7th Guards, , ; 8th, ; 30th, , ; 127th, ; 143rd, ; 144th, , Corps of Military Police, II, , , ; 102nd Provost Company, 164-66, Royal Army Medical Corps (RAMC), Field Ambulance: 6th, ; 12th, ; 13th, ; 145th, ; RAMC. Casually Clearing Station: 12th, 261-66, Royal Army Ordnance Corps, ; 2nd Ordnance Field Park, , , , , Royal Army Service Corps (RASC). , , ;1st Division Petrol Company, ; 508th Petrol Company, ; 85th Command Ammunition Depot, ; No. I Troop Carrying Company, , Royal Artillery, : Anti-Aircraft, 2nd Brigade, ; Field Regiments: 32nd, 8-10; 53rd, , , ; 58th, , , ; 99th, ; 229th Field Battery, ; 60th Heavy Anti-Aircraft Regiment, ; Medium Regiments: 3rd, ; 5th, ; Searchlight Regiments: 2nd Battalion, ; 12th Battery, , Royal Corps of Signals (Signals), , Royal Engineers, Corps of, , , : 216th Field Company, ; 250th Field Company, , 165-66; 573rd Field Squadron, , _See also_ individual regiments Brooke, Lieutenant-General A. F., , , , , , 170-71, 273-74, Brown, Chief Stoker W., , Brownrigg, Lieutenant-General Sir Douglas, , , Buchanan, Commander Herbert James, , , Bush. Captain Eric, , Bush. Lieutenant-Colonel W. E., , Bushell, Commander William, Buxton. Lieutenant-Colonel G. A. H., _Bystander_ , Calais, , , , , 41-43, , , 60-70, , _Calcutta_ , , _Calvi_ , , Cameron. Lieutenant John, Cameron Highlanders, Queen's Own, ; 1st Battalion, , "Canal Line," , , , , , _See also_ Aa Canal; la Bassée Canal _Canterbury_ , , , , Capiat, Sub-Lieutenant Moran, Carew Hunt, Sub-Lieutenant A., Carmaham. Aircraftsman, Carrier, Private Lou, Carvin, Cassel, , , , , , , , Cassidie, Captain, Cavanagh, Able Seaman P., Chamberlain, Neville, , Champon, General, Chandler, Gunner Mowbrav, 138-40 Chapeau Rouge, 261-66, Charles, Signalman Percy, Chartier de Sadomy, Captain le Comte de, Chatham Naval Depot, , , , , Cherbourg, 125-26 Chodzko, Sub-Lieutenant Michael Anthony, , Churchill, Captain Jack. 70-72 Churchill, Winston: support of Weygand Plan, , 21-23, ; decision to evacuate Dunkirk, , , , , ; defense of Calais, 60-63, ; meetings with Reynaud, , , , , 178-79; Belgian surrender, 100-101; policy on evacuating French, , , 177-79, , , ; reports on evacuation, , , 270-72, _Clan MacAlister_ , , , , Claridge, Private J. B., Clemments, Lieutenant-Commander, W. R. T., Clifton, Brigadier, A. J., Clouston, Commander J. Campbell: at Dunkirk, 112-13; pier master at eastern mole, , , , , 137-39, , , 167-68, , ; loss of, 242-43 Cockle boats, , Coldstream Guards, , ; 1st Battalion, , ; 2nd Battalion, , , 146-47, 200-201, 231-33, 237-38, Coles. Sapper D.J., 13-14, , Collard, Group Captain R. C. M., Colton, Sergeant-Major "Big Ike," Colvin. Major R.B.R, _Comfort_ , 122-24 Command Post, shifts of, 15-18, , , , , Communications breakdown, 14-16, , , , , , Condor. Commander E. R., _Constant Nymph_ , , _Contest_ , Cook, Lieutenant A. T., Corap, General André-Georges, , , Costobadie, Lieutenant-Commander, Court, Sergeant L. H. T., 237-38 Courtrai. , Cox, Lieutenant Ian, , , Cranz, General Lieutenant Friedrich-Carl, , Cras, Lieutenant Hervé, _Crested Eagle_ , , , Crick, Lieutenant T. S., Crosby, Sub-Lieutenant John Rutherford, , , Crowther, Private George William, Dangerfield, Captain E., , Darlan, Admiral Francois, , , , , Davies, Lieutenant E. L., , Day, Chief Foreman Harry, Deal, , Dean, Commander Brian, , Demolitions, 53-55, , Dendre, River, Denny, Captain Michael, , , , Destroyers: collecting and organizing, , ; losses, 135-44; modern, withdrawn, 144-45, ; returned, , _See also_ ships' names Dewing, Major-General R. H., Dibbens, Lieutenant Harold J., 164-66 Dickens, Sub-Lieutenant Peter, Dill, Lieutenant-General Sir John, , , , , , , , 176-78, , , Dinort, Major Oskar, , Discipline problems, , 96-97, 112-13, 128-29, 138-39, , 166-69, 187-88, , , 232-34, 236-37 Dive bombing, 8-10, 34-35, , , , 135-40, 214-17, , , , _See also_ Stuka Divine, David, , Docksey, Captain T. E., Dodd, Captain John S., , , , _Doggersbank_ , Dornier 17 (German plane), , , , _See also_ Luftwaffe _Dorrien Rose_ , Dorsetshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, , 72-73, Dove, Major Arthur, Dove, Commander J. S., , Dover, , Dover Castle, 43-44 Dow, Surgeon-Lieutenant James, Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh, , Dreyer, Lieutenant Christopher, Duke of Wellington's Regiment, 1st Battalion, Dunkirk, , , 24-26; decision to evacuate from, ; destruction of port, , 251-52; last night, 244-49, 251-64; capture of, 266-67 Durham Light Infantry, 6th Battalion, , , , Dyle, River, 6-8, "Dynamo," Operation: activating, , ; collecting and manning ships, 44-46, , ; equipping and provisioning ships, 47-49; communications, 142-44, ; morale, , , 186-87, 222-25, , , ; numbers lifted, xi, 116-17, , 168-69, , , , , , , 274-76; decision to end, 239-40, _See also_ Admiralty; Chatham Naval Depot; Destroyers; Little Ships; Small Vessels Pool Dynamo Room, 43-44, , , , , , 89-90, 95-96, , , , East Lancashire Regiment, 1st Battalion, East Riding Yeomanry, East Surrey Regiment: 1st Battalion, , , , 198-200; 1st/6th Battalion, 198-200, 235-36 Eastern mole, 97-99, , 115-16, 130-31, 135-38, , , 188-90, , , 235-36, , 266-67, Eden, Anthony, , , , , 60-63, , , , , , , , 182-83, Elkin, Sergeant Arthur, , Elliott. A. W., Ellison-McCartney, Lieutenant-Colonel L. A., Elton, Seaman J. H, _Emile Deschamps_ , Epinette, 70-72 Ervine-Andrews, Captain H. M., Escaut, River, , , _Esk_ , , Essex Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Estaires, , _Express_ , , , , Fagalde, General Marie B. A., , , , , , , 180-82, , , Falck, Captain Wolfgang, 132-34 "Fall Rot," Operation, 209-11 Fane, 2nd Lieutenant Julian, , Farley, Private Francis Ralph. , 203-5 Fauvelle, Major Joseph, , Felstead, Gunner F., _Fenella,_ , , , , Fernald, John, , Festubert, , , , Field Security Police, , Fieseler Storch (German observation plane), Fife and Forfar Yeomanry, 1st Battalion, Fifth Columnists, 10-11 Fisher, Captain John, , Fisher, Commander Ralph Lindsay, 120-25 Fletcher, Seaman Carl, , Flooding, , , , Folkestone, , , , _Foremost 101_ , Fort Mardyck, Fort Philippe, _Foudroyant_ , , Franklyn, Major-General H. E., French Army: Somme line, , , , 255-56, defense of Calais, 62-65:withdrawal to Dunkirk, , 109-11;holding the perimeter, 109-11, 145-46; reluctance to evacuate, , , 90-92, 109-10; discipline of, ; rearguard, 182-83, 229-30, , 249-50, ; evacuation of, 173-83, 190-91, , , 247-48, , 258-60; surrender of, 266-67, Armies: First, , , , , , , , 107-11, , , ; Second, ; Seventh, ; Ninth, , , Corps: III, 110-11, Infantry Divisions: 12th, , ; 21st, ; 32nd, , , , , ; 60th, , , ; 68th, , , , , , , , ; 71st, ; 137th, , 2nd Light Mechanized Division, , _See also_ Weygand Plan French Navy: participation in evacuation, 90-92, , 125-26, , , , , , 259-60; casualties, , , Furnes, , , , , , , , , , , Furnes-Nicuport Canal, Gabbett-Mullhallen, Sub-Lieutenant C. A., Galland, Captain Adolf, , _Gallant_ , , Gamelin, General Maurice, , , Garrett, Paymaster lieutenant-Commander Harry, , , Gaze, Private W. B. A., , 262-63 Gentry, Lance Bombardier H. E., 9-10 George VI, Kin, Georges, General Alphonse-Joseph, , , , , , German Army, Army Groups: A, , , , , , , , , , , , , ; B, , , , , , , , , , , , , ; C. , Armies: Fourth, , , , , , , ; Eighteenth, 208-10, Corps: IX, ; X, , ; XIX, , , , ; XXVI, , Infantry Divisions: 18th, , , , , ; 56th, ; 61st, ; 256th, , Panzer Divisions: 1st. , , , , , ; 2nd, , ; 6th, , ; 7th, ; 10th, , , , , SS Totenkopf Division, , Regiments: 102nd Artillery Regiment, ; 18th Regiment of Engineers, ; 37th Panzer Engineers, ; SS Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler, , Bicycle Squadron , German Navy, Gill, Corporal Alf, Gimson, Captain Tom, _Glen Cower_ , Gloucestershire Regiment: 2nd Battalion, , , ; 5th Battalion. , 147-48 Goddard, Group Captain Victor, 37-39 Goebbels, Joseph. 267-68, Goodbody, Yeoman Eric, 187-88 Göring, Hermann, 28-33, , , Gorl, General the Viscount: early career, , ; advance into Belgium, 2-3, 6-8; withdrawal toward coast, , , 37-39, , , , , , , Weygand Plan, 18-24; decision to evacuate, , , 22-24, , , , , ; Belgian surrender, 100-6; policy on evacuating French, , 173-82; evacuated, , 170-73, 183-86 _Gossamer_ , , , , Gotto, Commander Renfrew, _Gracie Fields_ , , _Grafton_ , , 122-24, _Grand Quartier Général_ , Gravelines, , , , , , , , , Gray. Lieutenant A., , Green Howards: 5th Battalion, , , , ; 6th Battalion, Gregson-Ellis, Colonel Philip, _Grenade_ , , , , Grenadier Guards, , , ; 1st Battalion, 201-3, , ; 2nd Battalion, , ; 3rd Battalion, , _Greyhound_ , Griffith-Williams, Colonel L. C., Grimmer, Sapper F. M., Guderian, General Heinz, , , , 28-33, , , , 150-51, , , _Gulzer_ , , Hadnett, Corporal Bob, , , Hadow, Commander P. H., 214-15 _Haig._ Haig. Lieutenant-Commander Rodolph, Haider, General Franz, , , , , Halsey, Captain T. E., , Hall Order," 29-33, , , 272-73 Hamel, Lieutenant Lodo van, Hampshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Hansen, General Lieutenant Christian, Harling, Robert, 194-95 _Harvester_ , Harvey, Ted, Harwich, , _Havant_ , , 215-16, Hawes, Sergeant S. S., Hazebrouck, , , , , , _Hebe_ , , , 184-85, Heinkel III (German plane), , , , , , , , , , _See also_ Luftwaffe Heming, Private Ernest, Henkel, Hans, Herbert. Major Dickie, Hersey, Augusta. , Hersey, Private Bill. , _Hilda_ , , , , Hill, Major Peter, Hilton. Robert, , , , 278-79 _Hird_ , 124-26 Hitler, Adolf, , : and Belgian surrender, ; "Halt Order," 29-33, 272-73; his suggestion for preventing evacuation, Hoedt, Father M. Rafael, Homan, David, Hondschoote, Hornchurch, , Horner, Ken, _Hoist_ , Hospital Ships, 241-42 Houtkerque, Hubicki, General Major A. R von, Hunt, Major (RASC), Hunt, Major Peter, Huntziger, General Charles, Hurricane (British plane), , , , , , _See also_ RAF Hutchens, Lieutenant-Colonel Robin, Hythe, Ibel, Max, Ingham, Lance Corporal W. J., Interservice Topographical Department, _Iron Duke_ , Ironside, General Sir Edmund, , , , , , , , Irving. Lieutenant R. H., , , Irwin. Seaman Bill, Ismav, Major-General Sir Hastings, , , , Ismav, Lady, _Ivanhoe_ , , , , _Jaguar_ (British), , , , , _Jaguar_ (French), , James, Admiral Sir William, Janssen, General, , Jeffries, Captain P.J., Jennings, Gunner W., Jeschonnek, General Major Hans, Jodl, General Major Alfred, , Johnson, Major-General G. D., Johnson & Jago's Boatyard, Jones, 2nd Lieutenant, Jones, Signalman George W., Jonkerick, Mile., Ju 87 (German plane), _See_ Stuka Ju 88 (German plane), , , _See also_ Luftwaffe Kay, Corporal R., Kearley-Pope, Petty Officer Leonard B., Keitel, General Colonel Wilhelm, , , _Keith_ , 184-85, 216-19, Keith, Jimmy, Keller, General Alfred, Kerr, Commander Tom, , , , , , Kesselring, General Albert, , , Keyes, Admiral Sir Roger, 100-101 _King Orry_ , , King's Own Royal Regiment, 8th Battalion, King's Royal Rifle Corps, 2nd Battalion, , , , King's Shropshire Light Infantry, 1st Battalion, Kirchner, General Lieutenant Friedrich, Kitchener, Corporal Jack, Kleist. General Ewald von, , , Kluge, General Colonel Guenther Hans von, , , , , Knight, Sergeant Bill, 255-56 Knowles, Guardsman Arthur, Koeltz, General Louis M., , Kuechler, General Georg von, 208-11, 232-34, 249-50, Kwinte Whistle Buoy, 120-25, La Bassée Canal, , , , _Lady Southborough_ , , , 192-93 Lane, Squadron Leader Brian, Langley, Lieutenant James M., , 200-201, , , , , La Panne: evacuation operations: , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , 162-67, , , , , , 202-8, , , , ; Gort establishes headquarters, 79-80, 111-12; withdrawal from, , Laurencie, General Fourmel de la, , , , , Lawson, Brigadier the Honorable, E. F., , Lawson, 2nd Lieutenant William, Leclerc, Rear-Admiral Marcel, , Lecointe, Father Henri, Le Doze, Lieutenant Docteur, Ledringhem, Lee, Gunner Robert, Leese. Brigadier Sir Oliver, , , 172-73, , Leigh-on-Sea, , , Le Mesurier, Commander Edward K., Leopold III, , , 100-102, Le Paradis, "Lethal Kite Barrage," , _Letitia_ , Lidster, Sapper L. C., 125-26 Lightoller, Commander Charles Herbert, 225-27 Lille, , , , , , , , 107-11, , , , , , _See also_ French Army: First Lindsell, Lieutenant-General W. G., _Little Ann_ , 225-27, Littlehampton, Little Ships: collecting, equipping, and manning of, 44-49, 88-89, ; operations of, 155-64, 191-95, _See also_ Ministry of Shipping; Small Vessels Pool; Tough Brothers Boatyard Little Ships Club, Lockerby, Lance Corporal Reginald, , , , _Locust_ , , Long Price, Captain, Looting, , , , 213-14, _Lord Southborough_ , Lorry jetties, 164-66, , Lossberg, Colonel Lieutenant Bernard von, Louch, Private Fred, Love, Private Sam, Lucas, General, Luftwaffe: early superiority of, , , , , , , , 132-33; mission to prevent evacuation, , , , 212-22, , , ; raids on Calais. 64-66; raids on Dunkirk. , , , , , 133-42, , 221-22; RAF opposition to, 134-42, , 219-22; weather as a factor, , , , , , , , ; shifts south, , ; tactics, , , , 210-12, ; 2nd Air Fleet (Luftflotte), , , ; Fliegerkorps IV, ; Fliegerkorps VIII, , , , ; Fighter Squadron , ; 2nd Stuka Squadron, , _See also_ Göring; Stuka; and other German entries _Lydd_ , 122-24 Lyne, Flying Officer Michael D., 57-58 Lynn-Allen, Captain J F., Lys, River, , , , McBarnet, Lieutenant Donald, McBeath, Commander John, McClelland, Lieutenant-Commander J. N. N., 206-7 McCorquodale, Major Angus. , , 232-33 McCoy, Lieutenant-Commander John, MACFORCE, , Mackenzie, Lieutenant Angus, Mackie, Captain R. W., 140-41 MacLeod, Leading Seaman Murdo, Mahnert, Corporal Hans, _Maid of Orleans_ , , Maintenon (French Naval Headquarters), , _Malcolm_ , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , _Malines._ , 222-23, Malo-les-Bains. , , , 95-99, 112-15, , , , , , , , , , , 236-39, , Manchester Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Mann, Lieutenant, Mardyck, , _Mare_ , 227-28 _Maréchal Foch_ , Margate, , , , , _Marlborough_ , , , _Marsayru_ , Marshall, Captain Arthur, Martin, Major-General Henry, , Martin, Chief Signal Clerk J. W., _MA/SB 6_ (motor antisubmarine boat), _MA/SB 10_ , , , , 260-61 Mason-MacFarlane, Major-General Noel, _Massey Shaw_ , 191-92 Maund, Commander Guy, , May, Sub-Officer A. J., May, Bombardier Arthur, , , _Medway Queen_ , , , , Meiklejohn, Chaplain Kenneth W., Mellis. Lieutenant David, , , , , Menon, Colonel, , Meredith, Corporal Harold, _Mermaiden_ , , Messerschmidt (German plane): Me 109, , , 132-35, , ; Me 110, 132-35, , Meuse, River, , Michalowski, Lieutenant, Middlesex Regiment, 1st/7th Battalion, , 203-5 Military Polite. _See_ British Expeditionary Force: Corps of Military Police Ministry of Shipping, , , , , , Moeres, _Mona's Isle_ , , , Montgomery, Major-General Bernard, , 104-5, , , 170-71, , Moore. Captain S. T., Morale problems: Belgian, 102-3; British, , ; French, , _See also_ "Operation Dynamo": morale Morgan, Lieutenant-Colonel William, , _Mosquito_ , Motor Torpedo Boats, 184-85, ; _MTB 102_ , , , , ; _MTB 107_ , , Moulton, Captain J. L., 81-83 Munster, Lord, Münstereifel, _Naiad Errant_ , Nanney Wynn, Major F. R., _Nautilus_ , Naval shore parties, 92-94, 96-97 Navy, Army and Air Force Institute (NAAFI), , _Nelson_ , Newcomb, Chaplain Reginald, , _Newhaven_ , Newhaven, , Newman, Major Philip, , , , _New Prince of Wales_ , , , _Ngaroma,_ Nicholson, Brigadier Claude, 60-63 Nieuport. , , , , , , , , , , , , , Nixon, Seaman C. F., , , Noon, Gunner F., Nore Command, , , Northamptonshire Regiment, 5th Battalion, 149-50, North Staffordshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Nye, Private W.C.P., O'Callaghan, Private Bill, Odend'hal, Vice-Admiral Jean, , , , OKH (Oberkommando der Heer), , , , , OKW (Oberkommando der Wehrmacht), , , , Orchies, _Oriole_ , 129-30, , Osborne, Major-General E. A., , , Osborne, William, O'Shea, Father Cockle, 262-63 Ostend, , Oxfordshire and Buckinghamshire Light Infantry, 4th Battalion, Page, Private Leslie R., Palmer, Captain Sir Anthony, Palmer, Samuel, _Pangbourne_ , 140-41 Pank, Colonel, Panzers, , , , , , , , , , , , , _See also_ German Army; Tanks _Paris_ , Parker, Coxswain Edward D., Parminter, Brigadier RHR., , , Payne, Lieutenant C. G., Peirse, Sir Richard, Pelly, Commander P. D. H. R., Perimeter; planning, , 78-79; manning, , ; defending, 104-11, 145-51, , 172-73, , 197-211, 229-39, 249-51 Péronne, , Perron, Edmond, Potain, Marshal Henri, , Peterson. Captain-Lieutenant, Phillips, Rear-Admiral Sir Tom, , , _Pigeon_ , Pim, Captain R. P., POLFORCE, Pooley, Private Bert, Poperinge, , Porte de Vaux, Lieutenant Jacquelin de la, Portsmouth. , , , , , Pound, Admiral of the Fleet Sir Dudley, 37-39, , , Poustie, Midshipman H. B., Pownall, Lieutenant-General H. R., 16-18, 20-21, , , , , , , , Prémesques. , , , , , Preston, Admiral Sir Lionel, , , , _Princess Elizabeth,_ Prioux, General R. J. A., , 107-11, Quai Félix Faure. , , , _Queen of the Channel_ , , , Queen's Own Worcestershire Yeomanry, 145-46 Queen's Royal Regiment, 1st/7th Battalion, Queen Victoria's Rifles, 1st Battalion, , 65-66 Rabbets, Private Edgar G. A., 149-50 Ramsay, Vice-Admiral Bertram, ; early career, ; letters to wife Mag, , , , ; gathering ships, , , , ; relations with the French, ; dispatching ships, , , 143-44, 188-89, , , 252-53, ; obtaining destroyers, , , 228-29; S-Boat threat, , ; evacuating the French, 172-73, ; "Special Tows", 207-8; decision to end Dynamo, , 269-70 Ramsay, 2nd Lieutenant I.F.R., , , Ramsgate. , , , , , , , , 191-93, , 222-26, , , , Ransome, Major Bob, Reader, Sapper Eric, Refugees, civilian, , , Reinhardt, General Lieutenant Georg-Hans, _Renown_ , , _Resolute_ , Return of troops, 169-70, , , , 277-78 Reynaud, Paul, , , , , , , , , 177-79, , , Rhodes. 2nd Lieutenant Arthur, Richards, Lieutenant C.D., Richardson, Major Charles. , Richardson, Commander Hector. , , , , , , , , Richthofen, General Major Wolfram von, , , Rifle Brigade, 1st Battalion, Riggs, H. C., , River Emergency Service, Robinson, Commander Charles, Rommel, General Major Erwin, Rosendaël, , , Ross, Commander Richard, Roubaix, _Rouen_ , Routes across the Channel, 84-86, , , , , , , , Roux. Lieutenant de Vasseau, Royal Air Force (RAF), , , , , , , 46-58, , , , 133-35, , 219-22, ; 19th Fighter Squadron, , 220-21, _See also_ Dowding, Air Chief Marshal Sir Hugh _Royal Daffodil_ , Royal Dragoon Guards, ; 4th/7th Battalion, _Royal Eagle_ , Royal Irish Fusiliers, 1st Battalion, Royal Kent Yeomanry, Royal Lancers Regiment, 12th Battalion, , , Royal Marines. , , Royal National Lifeboat Institution, , Royal Norfolk Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Royal Northumberland Fusiliers Regiment, 9th Battalion, , Royal Ocean Racing Club, _Royal Sovereign,_ Royal Sussex Regiment, 4th Battalion, ; 5th Battalion, , Royal Tank Regiment, 3rd Battalion, Royal Ulster Rifles, 2nd Battalion, 205-6 Royal Warwickshire Regiment, 2nd Battalion, Rundstedt, General Colonel Gerd von, , , , , , , , , , , , , , Russell, Chief Cook Thomas R., , Ryder, Major, _Ryegate II,_ , , _Sabre_ , , , , , _St. Abbes_ , 216-19 Saint Eloi, Church of, Saint-Omer, , , , Saint Pierre-Brouck, Saint Pol, , _St. Seiriol,_ _Saladin_ , , _Salamander_ , 216-17 Salisbury, Signalman K. A., Sandford, Private TW., Saunders, Stoker A. D., _Savorgnan de Brazza,_ Schaal, General Lieutenant Ferdinand, , Scheve, Major Fritz von, Schmidt, Georg. 267-68 Schmundt, Colonel, Schneider, Augustin, Schneider, Fernand, Schnellboote (German speedboats), 119-21, , ; S 21, ; S 23, ; S 30, Schniewind, Vice-Admiral Otto, _Scotia._ _Secteur Fortifié des Flandres_ , , Sedan, , Seine, River, , _Sequacity_ , Servins, , Shattock, Gunner R., Shaw, Ted, , , , Sheerness, , , ; , , , _Shikari_ , , , Shipping Federation, the, _Silver Queen_ , , _Siroco_ , _Skipjack_ , 216-18 SKL (German Naval War Command), Skoots, 44-45, , _Skylark_ , , Small Vessels Pool, 40-41, , 88-89, 156-57 Smith, Basil A., , Smyth, Brigadier John O., 186-87 Snelgar, Sergeant George, Snowden, Second Lieutenant D.C., , Sola, Raphael de, Solent, Soloman, Sub-Lieutenant Michael, , 242-44, _Somali_ , Somerset, Brigadier, Somerville, Vice-Admiral Sir John, Somme, River, , , , , , , , Southampton, , , _Southend Britannia_ , Spears, Major-General Sir Edward, , "Special tows," , _Speedwell,_ , Spitfire (British plane), , 133-34, , , _See also_ RAF Spycker, , , Stanley, Staff Sergeant Gordon, , Stanley, Jeanne Michez, , Steenbecque, , Steenwerck, Stephens, Private Bob, Stephenson, Lieutenant-Colonel E. L., Stephenson, Commodore Gilbert Owen, , , Stone, Private Bill, Stopford, Lieutenant James, Stowell, Sub-Lieutenant H. W., Stratton. Private Bill. , Stuka (German plane), , , , , , , , , , , 64-66, , , 132-40, , , , , 214-17, , , , , , _See also_ Dive bombing; Luftwaffe Suffolk Regiment, 1st Battalion, Sugar, Private Sam, _Sun IV_ , , _Sundowner_ , 226-27 Sutton, Brigadier George William, _Swallow_ , , , Swayne, Brigadier J. C., , , Sykes, Captain E. H., Tanks: British, , , ; French, , , , ; German, , , , , , , , , , , , , , , _See also_ Panzers Tarry, acting Second Mate John, , Taylor, Commodore A. H., , , , , Taylor, Driver Gordon A., Taylor, 2nd Lieutenant R. C., , Tennant, Captain William C: sent to Dunkirk, 92-97; decision to use eastern mole, 97-99, ; shore parties, , , , 188-89, , , ; communications, , ; stops daylight evacuation, 229-30; returns to England, Teteghem, , Thames estuary, , , , , , Thames, River, , , Thoma, Colonel Wilhelm Ritter von, Thuiller, Lieutenant-Colonel H. S., Tidey, Private Fred, Tilbury, , Tilbury Dredging Company, , , _Tilly_ , , _Titanic_ , _Tollesbury_ , Toomey, Private Jack, Tough Brothers Boatyard, , Tough, Douglas, Toulouse-Lautrec, Commander Gui de, Tournai, , Tresckow, Lieutenant-Colonel von, Trippe, Corporal, _Triton_ , , , Trotter, Lieutenant J., Troup, Commander H. R., , Truffaut, Captain Georges. 102-3 _Twente,_ _Tynwald_ , , , , "Useless Mouths." , , , Utterson Kelso, Brigadier J. E, U-Boats, , , _U 62_ , _Vanquisher_ , , _Venomous_ , , 246-47 _Venty_ , , Vervins, Vincennes, , _Vinera_ , 216-17 _Vivacious,_ _VTB 25_ (French torpedo boat), , _VTB 26_ , Wahagnies, Waitzbauer, Corporal Hans, Wake, Sub-Lieutenant Roger. 242-43, , _Wakeful_ , , , 120-25, Wake-Walker, Rear-Admiral Frederic, 152-53, 171-73, , 184-85, , , , 239-40, , 251-52, 257-59 Walker, Private W. S., Walter, Colour Sergeant Fred, , War Office, , , , , , , , , , , , Warner, Private Bill, , Warner, Major David, Watkin, Lance Bombardier Noel, Watou, , Watts, Captain O. M., 157-58, , _Waverley,_ Weather, Webb, Sergeant E. C., Webb, Captain Lemon, Welsh Guards. , Wemple. Lieutenant-Commander J. S., Westropp, Colonel Lionel H. M., _Westward Ho_ , , Weygand, General Maxime, , , , , , , 90-92, , , , 177-79, , , , , 275-76 "Weygand Plan," 19-23 _Whitehall_ , _White Wing_ , Whitfield, Colonel G. H. P., _Whitshed_ , , Wietersheim, General Gustav von, Williams. Sub-Lieutenant William Ronald, , Wilson, Major, _Winchelsea_ , , _Windsor,_ , , _Wolfhound_ , , Woodcock, Mrs. S., _Worcester_ , , , , 228-29 Worcestershire Regiment, 8th Battalion, Wormhout, _Worthing_ , Worthington, Lieutenant Greville, Wounded, evacuation of, , 241-42, , "Wrens" (Women's Royal Naval Service), Wright, Lance Corporal E. S., 1-2 Wright, Signalman Leslie W., 66-08 Wuthmann, Colonel Rolf, _Yewdale_ , Yorke, Private Percy, _Yorkshire Lass_ , Ypres, , , , , _Yser_ , , Zimmermann, Lieutenant Wilhelm, 120-21 Zuydcoote, , , # Image Gallery Plunging down from the sky, a German Stuka dive-bombs an Allied tank, as Hitler strikes west in May 1940. Together with the armored panzer division, the Stuka symbolized a new kind of lightning war—the _Blitzkrieg_ —which the Allies were utterly unprepared to meet. German columns knifed through to the sea, trapping the British and French against the coast of Flanders. (Hergestellt im Bundesarchiv Bestand) On the receiving end of the German onslaught were the Allied commanders, British General the Viscount Gort (left) and French General Maurice Gamelin. Within days Gamelin was fired and Gort was reeling back toward the French port of Dunkirk. Below, a file of British troops straggles into Dunkirk, hoping to escape by sea. (Top: Wide World Photos. Bottom: Hergestellt im Bundesarchiv Bestand) Thousands of Allied soldiers soon crowded the beaches that stretched from Dunkirk to La Panne, a small Belgian resort ten miles to the east. Long lines of men curled out into the sea, patiently waiting to be picked up. ( _Times)_ As the troops waited, German planes continued to pound them. For protection they dug foxholes in the dunes. Casualties were surprisingly light, since the sand tended to smother the exploding bombs. (Imperial War Museum) Across the English Channel, a giant rescue operation was hastily organized under the command of Vice-Admiral Bertram H. Ramsay. Here Admiral Ramsay briefly relaxes on the balcony of his headquarters, carved out of the famous chalk cliffs of Dover. (Courtesy of Jane Evan-Thomas) Command center for the evacuation was the austere "Dynamo Room," buried deep in the Dover cliffs. Here Ramsay's staff, using a battery of telephones, assembled and deployed a rescue fleet that ultimately totaled 861 ships. This photo is believed to be the only picture ever taken of the room. (Courtesy of W. J. Matthews) Every kind of vessel was used for the evacuation, ranging from warships to small pleasure craft. Above, a "G" Class destroyer races toward Dunkirk "with a bone in her teeth." This entire class was eventually knocked out. Below, the yacht _Sundowner_ was luckier. She rescued 135 men and escaped without a scratch. Her owner-skipper, Commander C. H. Lightoller, had performed earlier heroics as Second Officer on the _Titanic._ (Top: Imperial War Museum. Bottom: courtesy of Patrick Stenson and Sharon Rutman) Dunkirk was easy to find. A huge pall of smoke from burning oil tanks hung over the shattered port. The smoke seemed to symbolize defeat and disaster, but had the happy side effect of concealing the harbor from German bombers. (Courtesy of W. J. Matthews) In contrast, La Panne, at the eastern end of the evacuation area, looked deceptively tranquil. Rescue ships can be seen here, picking up troops near the shore. Gort's headquarters was in one of the detached houses on the far right. (Courtesy of J. L. Aldridge) Picking up troops direct from the beach seemed to take forever—"loading ships by the spoonful" was the way one embarkation officer described it. Above, a trawler and a coaster take aboard men wading out from the shore. At right, British Tommies are up to their shoulders in water, approaching a rescue ship. (Top: Wide World Photos. Bottom: The Granger Collection) Captain William G. Tennant (left) was finally appointed by Admiral Ramsay to take charge at Dunkirk and speed up the evacuation. As Senior Naval Officer (SNO), Tennant discovered that the eastern mole of Dunkirk harbor was ideal for loading ships. Here a destroyer could lift 600 men in 20 minutes, while it took 12 hours along the beaches. For most of the next week the mole was packed with an endless line of troops (below) trudging out to the waiting ships. (Top: ILN Pic Lib. Bottom: _Times)_ Ingenuity triumphed on the beaches too. Abandoned lorries were strung together, to form improvised piers leading out into the water. Here one of these "lorry jetties" is visible in the background. (Courtesy of D.C.H. Shields) Soon an unbroken line of crowded ships could be seen carrying the men across the Channel to safety. (Culver Pictures) The Luftwaffe did not leave the rescue fleet alone. These two pictures show how suddenly disaster could strike. In the top photo an Allied ship has just blown up, while two others lie nearby still untouched. In the bottom photo, taken an instant later (note that the configuration of smoke is still the same), the two nearby ships have now disappeared, obliterated by the rain of bombs. Troops on the beach are futilely firing their rifles at the planes. (Top: Imperial War Museum. Bottom: Fox Photos Ltd.) The French destroyer _Bourrasque_ joins the growing list of Allied casualties. Packed with troops, she struck a German mine and went down with a loss of 150 lives. (Imperial War Museum) A fleet of French fishing trawlers was a late addition to Ramsay's armada. They concentrated on the inner harbor of Dunkirk, where hundreds of poilus swarmed aboard. (Wide World Photos) Bombs and mines were not the only perils faced by the rescue fleet. The _Schnellboote,_ fast German motor torpedo boats, prowled the seas at night, sinking and damaging Ramsay's ships. (Hergestellt im Bundesarchiv Bestand) German artillery added to the toll. Nothing was safe—neither the ships, the harbor, the mole, nor the men on the beaches. "Greetings to Tommy" is the message painted on this shell. (Hergestellt im Bundesarchiv Bestand) German troops finally broke into La Panne on June 1 and began moving down the beach toward Dunkirk itself. Below, the fall of Dunkirk, June 4, Weary but triumphant, German troops of the 18th Infantry Division stack their arms and rest. (Hergestellt im Bundesarchiv Bestand) The quarry was gone. In nine desperate days Ramsay's fleet brought back more than 338,000 Allied troops. Typical was this batch, disembarking from the minesweeper _Sandown._ Naval officer in the lower-left foreground is Lieutenant Wallis, the ship's First Lieutenant. (Courtesy of J. D. Nunn) Sometimes it seemed as if half the canine population of France had been evacuated too. Never was the Englishman's legendary fondness for dogs more ringingly affirmed. At least 170 dogs were landed in Dover alone. (Wide World Photos) Disheveled but happy, the Tommies were sent by train to assembly areas all over Britain for rest and reorganization. At every station a relieved populace showered them with cigarettes, cakes, candy, and affection. (Wide World Photos) At Dunkirk, the captured French rear guard heard no cheers. They would soon be marching off to POW camp, most for the duration of the war. (Hergestellt im Bundesarchiv Bestand) In another two weeks France was knocked out of the war. The new pro-German Vichy government lost no time charging that the British had run out, leaving the French holding the bag at Dunkirk. Actually, Ramsay's rescue fleet saved over 123,000 French soldiers, 102,570 in British ships. Despite the statistics, French bitterness continues, even today. (Musée des Deux Guerres Mondiales—B.D.I.C., Universités de Paris) All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. By payment of the required fees, you have been granted the non-exclusive, non-transferable right to access and read the text of this ebook onscreen. No part of this text may be reproduced, transmitted, downloaded, decompiled, reverse engineered, or stored in or introduced into any information storage and retrieval system, in any form or by any means, whether electronic or mechanical, now known or hereinafter invented, without the express written permission of the publisher. copyright © 1982 by Walter Lord, 1998 by Wordsworth Editions Limited Maps by Paul J. Pugliese Cover design by Andy Ross 978-1-4532-3850-9 This edition published in 2012 by Open Road Integrated Media 180 Varick Street New York, NY 10014 www.openroadmedia.com # **WALTER LORD** **FROM OPEN ROAD MEDIA** **Find a full list of our authors and** **titles atwww.openroadmedia.com** **FOLLOW US:**
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaBook" }
Berlinale: Programme : Programme Film file Kinderfilmfest / 14plus Feb 19, 2005 | Kees Scholten, Mijke de Jong [...] Feb 19, 2005Kees Scholten, Mijke de Jong Having received the Crystal Bear for Best Feature in the Kinderfilmfest: Actor Kees Scholten and director Mijke de Jong of the film Bluebird. Generation – Bluebird – Crystal Bear Feb 19, 2005 | Award Ceremony Bluebird [...] Feb 19, 2005Award Ceremony Bluebird The Children's Jury on stage with actress Elske Rotteveel (front left), actor Kees Scholten (front right) and director Mijke de Jong (center) of Bluebird, the winner of the Crystal Bear. ## ## Thirteen-year-old Merel is something of a perfect child: she does well at school, likes to take part in all kinds of extra-curricular activities and has a close and loving relationship to her younger disabled brother, Kasper. If there's anything at all that sets Merel apart from her classmates then it's perhaps the fact that she's not quite as grown-up as the others and does not belong to any one clique. It comes as all the more of a shock when she suddenly finds herself the target of some nasty bullying. The situation soon becomes unbearable and Merel tries to find a solution on her own. Moreover, just like many children, she hides her problem from her parents and teachers. Although everybody realises what she is going through and would like to help, they are powerless, because Merel invents ever more plausible reasons for her bruises or her demolished bicycle. Before long, Merel comes to the end of her tether; nothing in her life seems to fit together anymore and she is at a complete loss as to what to do. Life at home deteriorates, as does her schoolwork. It is time for Merel to make a decision that will help her break out of the vicious circle of humiliation. Mijke de Jong on her film: "I'm interested in the choices people make, in their principles, in what influences them, in the reasons that stop them from saying what they think. In other words, in the human soul and in the world which surrounds it." Netherlands 2004, 79 min Mijke de Jong Elske Rotteveel Kees Scholten Elsie de Brauw World Sales Egmond Film and Telvision Download details page
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
31st MEU USS America holds first training exercise with Japanese forces since arriving in Japan Still a relative newcomer to its homeport in Japan, the amphibious assault ship USS America joined up in the East China Sea with the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force for training exercises Monday,... 31st MEU completes MAGTF-level sequential islands-seizure rehearsal from amphibious shipping The 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit and Amphibious Squadron 11 (CPR-11) conducted a series of sequential operations rehearsing naval expeditionary combined-arms maneuver from Wasp Amphibious Ready Group ships to shore in the Philippine and East China Seas and in the vicinity of Okinawa, Japan, August 9-19, 2019. Marine Corps F-35B Lightning II completes simulated defensive combat air patrol with live AIM-9X missile Marine fighter pilots with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (Reinforced), 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, launched from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) to rehearse Combat Air Patrol missions with the F-35B Lightning II, carrying and employing a live AIM-9X Sidewinder, Pacific Ocean, August 7, 2019. Spiritual toughness: 31st MEU Chaplain provides daily workouts, wisdom aboard USS Wasp Red-faced Marines and Sailors guzzle water and dry their faces with towels in the muggy bowels of the ship – the first of her class, the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) – surrounded by light armored vehicles and humvees, trying to quickly catch their breath before the dreaded timer goes off once again. Marine F-35B Lightning II fighter aircraft complete GAU-22 cannon, ordnance hot reload exercise in Indo-Pacific Region F-35B Lightning II fighter aircraft with Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 265 (REIN), 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit, used the GAU-22 cannon against a simulated target and executed the first shipboard hot reload of ordnance in the Indo-Pacific region while underway in the Solomon Sea from the amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1), August 4. Wasp Amphibious Ready Group ends Talisman Sabre with port visits The forward-deployed amphibious assault ship USS Wasp (LHD 1) with the embarked 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), arrived in Brisbane for a scheduled port visit July 26 after completing Exercise Talisman Sabre 2019. U.S. Marines complete simulated combined amphibious assault, reconnaissance raid in Bowen, Australia U.S. Marines, Australian Soldiers, and Japan Ground Self-Defense Force Members conducted multi-national simulated amphibious mechanized and direct-action raids in Bowen, Australian as a part of Exercise Talisman Sabre 19, July 22 and 23. Commander's multi-tool: Law enforcement detachment provides versatility, realistic training to 31st MEU From reinforcing an embassy besieged by hostile rioters to subduing an aggressive detainee, it is critical to have non-lethal means of dealing with the contingencies that the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit could face while embarked on the USS Wasp (LHD 1) as part of Amphibious Squadron 11. USS Wasp and 31st MEU operations during Talisman Sabre The battle ensign flies aboard the USS Wasp (LHD 1), as ships of Expeditionary Strike Group 7 transit in formation through the Tasman Sea. Wasp, flagship of the Wasp Expeditionary Strike Group, with embarked 31st MEU, is currently participating in Talisman Sabre 2019 off the coast of Northern Australia. USS Green Bay, USS Ashland arrive in Brisbane, Australia The forward-deployed San Antonio-class amphibious transport dock USS Green Bay (LPD 20), Whidbey Island-class amphibious dock landing ship USS Ashland (LSD 48), and the embarked 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) arrived in Brisbane, Australia, for a scheduled port visit June, 18.
{ "redpajama_set_name": "RedPajamaCommonCrawl" }
We are delighted to hear that The Times recently featured an article on our chosen charity, Riders for Health, as part of their Christmas Charity Appeal. Many thanks to Richard George, from Westpoint Peripherals in the UK, who we met in Wells at our fund-raising stall, and who has already generously donated. To read the feature article, click here. To donate, and show your support for us at the same time, click here. The eagle-eyed among you will have noticed that we were a bit lax with updates from Namibia and Botswana, but that we've now rectified this situation with 3 new posts about our travels. You may also notice that we appear to have made rapid progress from Zambia. You would be right. Indeed, we have made it through to Egoli, the City of Gold, otherwise known to the rest of the world as Johannesburg, just in time to see Glyn's dad on his birthday and wish him a good one. There's another post yet to be written about the leg which brought us here, but for now we would just like everyone to know that we've made it to here and will probably now take a few days out before doing any more in the way of online communications. However, for those interested in contacting us, we will keep an eye on the site and emails, especially since we're waiting on messages from shipping companies regarding taking the bikes back to the UK. We do also now have an SA cellphone, and are contactable by that means if you email us for the number. Will revise and revamp this post soon. Until then, happy reading! Our flight over the Okavango delta was in the morning, so it was later than normal when we finally set off on our bikes. We were headed for Ghanzi, a town in the middle of the Kalahari. It would appear that someone tried to nick some kit off our bikes, but was thwarted, thank goodness, because we had to stop not long after Maun and adjust the fuel bottles that are on the back of one of Glyn's panniers. One had come loose, which they can't do of their own accord, and was dangling dangerously close to the ground. Bottle adjusted, Glyn rode off, with my gloves perched neatly on the back of his bike. To be fair, I should have left them on mine, but I was incredibly irritated that I couldn't get his attention and get him to stop – even when I was jumping around in the middle of the road, waving my arms like a mad thing. I quickly had to jump on my own and ride after him, watching for flying glove objects as I went. Gloves returned, we carried on, being careful to dodge not only the usual culprits (goats, cattle and donkeys) but also being even more wary than normal of anything which might puncture the tyres. We were about 20 miles away from Ghanzi, passing a tiny place which was not on the map but which the road sign said went by the name of 'Kuke'. Someone had forgotten to heard their cattle, and they were milling about in the road. I'm not sure why, but Glyn took exception to this state of affairs, more so than normal, and pulled a great big whopping zap sign at the locals who were standing around chatting. He said afterwards that he was just really fed up with their attitude, which I think is a fair point, since cattle are such a precious commodity and a sign of wealth as well. I'd just registered this act of irritation, and was braking to avoid the same herd myself, when my bike made an awful clunking noise. Then, when I came to accelerate away, there was no response. Glyn by now was tootling off into the distance. I tried again, but to no avail. I got off my bike, to have a look, dreading that it was the clutch seized up again – the same as it had done on that muddy road from Moyale. I was pretty soon surrounded by onlookers who I was very concerned would want my scalp for the way Glyn had just insulted them. However, I soon realised that they had probably not understood Glyn's insult, as they were far more interested in why I had stopped and offering their assistance, primarily in the form of crowding round to see what was going on. Glyn arrived shortly afterwards, asking what was wrong, and when I said I had no power he got off and had a look himself. Five minutes later, we had figured out the cause of my problem – the nut and washer which hold the sprocket connecting the chain to the drive shaft had rattled loose and eventually fallen off completely. Now, probably due to the force of my braking, the sprocket had become dislodged, and was totally disconnected from the power of the engine. An awful dread flooded through me as I wondered if we were going to be stuck here, in the middle of the Kalahari, with another major problem on our hands. However, thanks to Glyn's ingenuity, and despite my failure to find said nut and washer, we managed to fix the problem. While I took the local kids down the road with me to search for the nut, promising 20 pula to anyone who could find it for us, Glyn scratched his head and came up with an ingenious solution. Using nothing more than a jubilee clip, he reconnected the sprocket to the drive shaft sufficiently firmly for us to make it all the way to Kang, our stop for the night. After checking out the camping facilities at the Kang Ultra Stop, we decided to opt for one of their little wooden cabins rather than camping in the dust bowl that was their camp site. In the evening we had a wonderful time chatting to a group of three chaps who were on their way to Namibia for a week. They were very keen to hear all about our trip, having stopped us earlier at the petrol pump to ask us if we were really from the UK. We swapped stories, and they shared their delicious portuguese BBQ meat with us, so we didn't have to resort to the old faithful of tinned tuna and tomatoe which had been our plan. That night, 'berg pony' really kicked in. We had been planning on one more night's stop, but were both equally anxious to get 'home' to Johannesburg where we both have family and could obtain those scarce luxuries such as a hot showers, a stationary bed and internet access which we'd begun craving over the last few days. Also, we could collect a few spare parts for the bikes, including the nut and washer which we reckoned they'd have in stock, and do a full service on them both. After dinner, we perused the maps and decided that we would try, if we didn't see any reason to stop, to get through to Jo'burg the next day.
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